True Love – I Found my Own Way

by Mary Adler

I first listened to a presentation by Serge Benhayon in June 2006. I attended with considerable reluctance as I thought “this just wasn’t me”. During the presentation I felt almost immediately that this was what I had unwittingly been searching for all my life. I was hearing the truth and it just made sense. I wrestled with the awareness that I had wasted so much of this life and made so many un-loving choices. I had always striven to please others, be a good daughter, wife, mother, friend, work colleague, member of the community, etc. So why the constant dissatisfaction with myself and my life? Surely, there was something more? What was life all for?

The continuing presentations by Serge Benhayon and others in Universal Medicine answered, and continue to answer, all my questions. Here was the truth that I felt I had always known. It awakened my connection to my inner love and truth. I am now working to deepen my connection to this awesome love. Gone are the dissatisfaction, the doubts and deep sadness that pervaded my existence.

Learning to listen to my body as to what foods nourish and support me, the daily rhythms of when to sleep, work and play, and to feel the effect of walking while maintaining a connection to myself are steadily increasing my feeling of well-being. It is very apparent that my family and those around me are increasingly aware of the changes in me. A medical check-up in September 2011 against a similar one two years previously showed an increased flexibility of the spine, increased lung capacity and an overall improvement in general health. A true marker, that at 62 I am making choices that benefit my whole body.

I have enjoyed regular sessions of Esoteric Chakra-puncture, Esoteric Massage and Esoteric Breast Massages. I always find these sessions wonderfully supportive and they help me feel what I am still holding in my body. Sometimes it is a wake-up call showing complacency or lack of commitment and that is great. At every session I can feel the unconditional love of the practitioner whose only intention is to support me as I work to clear anything that is holding me back from feeling my love.

When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away. This is not something that anyone can do for you. Each of us has to slowly and gently find our own way to make our connection to our inner-heart. Serge Benhayon presents his love for us to feel and allows us to choose for ourselves to reconnect to the love that is there in the inner heart of every man, woman and child on earth.

114 thoughts on “True Love – I Found my Own Way

  1. “Serge Benhayon presents his love for us to feel and allows us to choose for ourselves to reconnect to the love that is there in the inner heart of every man, woman and child on earth”. All I can say to this statement is Hallelujah, Hallelujah A-Men, A-Woman. AND any other celebratory, supporting, joy filled words in what this man has and will continue to offer for humanity! Not everyone will agree, but that is okay too.

    It’s only when we personally experience how our lives can change from this connection to love, that we realise that everything else was and is, untrue…

  2. These kind of ponderings or questions are the ones that ask for the truth – and yet we need to be ready for the answer in order to accept the truth and embrace it: “I had always striven to please others, be a good daughter, wife, mother, friend, work colleague, member of the community, etc. So why the constant dissatisfaction with myself and my life? Surely, there was something more? What was life all for?”

    1. Henrietta this is so true, are we ready for the answer? For many – no, for many others – yes. As deep within everyone, we know the answer, no one is superior to another. We are all equal.

  3. Mary , thank you for your sharing in this blog – it is truly amazing when we encounter the truth and know deep within that this is what we have been looking for and that everything else we have dabbled in in the past has simply been a distraction whilst we were looking for the real deal. And to know and value and appreciate the real deal is the key in it all – the deeper our value of this is, the less likely we are to walk away from the truth, but rather the more likely we are to embrace it and live it for others then to be inspired by should they choose it.

  4. Mary, I too love the feeling of each cell igniting with love – with the essence of who we are – and come alive fully … “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body.”

  5. Listening to and honouring our bodies seems like common sense, something you would imagine we all naturally do, and what a difference it makes to our well-being when we commit to this way of living.

  6. “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body.” This is such a healing experience, and then it can become the way we live each day – living connected to our love and stillness.

  7. I can relate to your experience Mary, as connecting to Universal Medicine teachings has been a way forward to myself, a constant confirmation of what I already know from within, which is something really empowering and supports me to be more of me every day.

  8. Feeling the steady connection with the body while we go about our day is just so delicious.

  9. Many can say to us that there is more to life, yet not many can say it without saying it and be solid and consistent enough to inspire us to go for the extra bits we have not given ourselves permission for before.

  10. I agree Mary, my first presentation with Serge Benhayon in 2006 too was bigger than I could have ever imagined and, it was something I had been unwittingly searching for. That word unwittingly is the perfect word. I was not on the surface looking but in the centre of me and if I was ever asked from the truth (centre) about the truth I am sure I would have given a truth-full answer, but I never was until I met Serge Benhayon. The setup of the world is so evil … I have been caught waiting for others when all along the truth is inside me.

  11. No-one can do this for us, this is something we have to do for ourselves. We have been told that someone is coming to save us through scriptures and this is so disempowering. I hadn’t clocked it till I considered how often we wait for someone to ‘show us the way’, ‘lead the way’, ‘teach us’, ‘explain to us’. There are many things we may need to learn on a practical level but in truth we have so many answers inside us that building a relationship with our body and our movements offers a connection to far more wisdom than we could find outside. As a result of this relationship with our own body, our barometer, we are more discerning and therefore are less likely to follow unquestioningly.

    1. Spot on Lucy – finding ourselves is indeed a very empowering experience, and is really the only way to do it for no one else can do it for us.

  12. “Each of us has to slowly and gently find our own way to make our connection to our inner-heart.” Yes, beautifully said, in our own time we will all find back to the love that we are.

  13. “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away.” This is lovely Mary I can feel the strength of how you have claimed yourself it feels super powerful and very inspirational.

  14. “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body.” This is something so important to know and practice, that within our inner stillness we find the wisdom to be and live life.

  15. Mary beautiful to read your commitment to love, and how that love is reflected in your body, a great marker to appreciate your loving choices.

  16. “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body.” Imagine how the world would look like today if more people would chose to live like this. Perhaps more people would chose to live less this “right or wrong” and let people more who they are and support them to feel their inner heart too.

  17. Before meeting Serge Benhayon, I was running with the belief that someone else could fix me or something else could make me better… now I know full well I am the only person that can make supportive, loving and lasting changes in my life and I am the one who can either choose to be aware or not.

    1. A belief we have all fallen for that we need to be fixed and that it only can occur by the hand of another. All the while we are already all that we are and only need to let go of all that we have accumulated to cope with the world so we can live from our true strength of the truth that lives within us.

    1. Yes, and then it does not serve anybody. So it does start with ourself first, always, as the love that we bring to ourself will be the loving way we are with others.

  18. The reality that your body has responded to your choices is worth giving great consideration to. For just what are we all capable of when we choose love and tender care?

  19. Mary the self loving and self caring way I live now as inspired by Serge Benhayon’s presentations has also had profound and positive effects on my health. I also attribute the regular sessions using Universal Medicine Therapies as part of my recovery, yet it is not to just fix something to function better, it’s to explore living the love I naturally am in essence, and the joy and purpose that naturally comes with living that love that makes life so rich. And, the body responds beautifully to this way of life – The Way of the Livingness.

  20. What you have shared Mary is so beautiful and something that I also have experienced. The more we choose to connect to our love within, the greater the sense we have of who we are, bringing to our lives a loving quality that represents us all, one that serves to forever show us if we are living who we are or not.

  21. “Each of us has to slowly and gently find our own way to make our connection to our inner-heart” – a journey well lit now by others before me, and with the most marvellous homecoming possible.

  22. “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away” . . . beautiful Mary. Once we connect to our essence we know that we have come back home . . . the search is over and the work begins . . . as we know that the distractions of the mind will take us out if we allow them to . . .so this needs constant observance on our behalf to bring us back.

    1. So beautifully said Kathleen – it is a constant work in progress, and one well worth it.

  23. Connecting to our inner heart is connecting back to the vast expanse of love we come from. There is no more searching. The challenge is to trust that it can be as simple as that in a world that has told you, and reflects back to you, otherwise from birth.

  24. Feeling deeply settled and knowing of ourselves as you describe Mary, should be everyone’s birthright – it should be how we all ought to be. Sadly, we are not as a result of a myriad of choices made that have blinded us from the truth. And to this end, to remove that veil of blindness from humanity’s eyes, Serge Benhayon works tirelessly every single day.

  25. Thank you Mary for reminding me to humbly appreciate the blessing of Serge Benhayon and his presentations of the Ageless Wisdom. It is up to each of us what we do with this knowledge, do we leave it as such, or make it a Livingness and connect to the Fire of Love!

  26. “At every session I can feel the unconditional love of the practitioner whose only intention is to support me as I work to clear anything that is holding me back from feeling my love.” It is incredible to feel this level of support and unconditional love in a Universal Medicine healing modality session…I have never experienced anything like it and when you are open to receiving this love and support, it is a gift straight from heaven.

  27. This is not something that anyone can do for you.’ Very true. No one can give you what you need. All they can do is present a roadmap for you to follow to be able to get there yourself – which is of course exactly what Serge Benhayon does in his presentations and courses. Which is exactly why Universal Medicine – as some people erroneously believe – is not a cult. It is up to each individual to choose the road offered for themselves. Only you can get to your own inner heart.

    1. Yes, but to acknowledge that no-one can do it for us turns all we have known, or considered to be the way, on its head and this is very challenging for some people. When that is the case, I say walk away, it is not for you right now. But those who purposefully derail another person’s return to their inner heart is an abuse of us all.

  28. When connected to our bodies natural rhythm we begin to unlock old and well used patterns and ways of being that no longer support our growing vitality. It’s amazing what shifts and changes when we are naturally ready to surrender to more support and love. Listening to the body is a constant shifting relationship that can either deepen and flourish or drift in and out of comfort or pockets of disregard which inevitably may lead to sickness or illness. Seeing the body as a constant companion is one sure fire way to bring a solid foundation of love and true support from all angles.

  29. The body responds to love very quickly as it is it’s natural and native language.

    1. It’s so true Rachael, we only have to experience trauma or abuse and feel it’s effects to see how out of place these things are.

  30. You don’t mess around Mary do you 🙂 …five short paragraphs and you impart so much wisdom about your experience of true love. This line was a standout for me – “this is not something that anyone can do for you”. You absolutely nailed why this work can produce such long-lasting changes, because it is something that an individual absolutely has to decide to do, for themselves (and humanity), and make it happen themselves. It is a loving disciplined commitment to re-connect on a moment to moment basis.

  31. To be inspired to choose for ourselves a way that is loving, and our true selves, to live in a natural and loving way with our bodies, that is what I’ve learned from Universal Medicine. And as you put it Mary, it’s something we all do and choose for ourselves, and it’s amazing to hear from those older making these choices and showing the rest of us that we can change anytime. Thank you for sharing.

  32. I Love your words Mary “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away”!

  33. I agree Mary that before I met Serge Benhayon I also had a constant nagging feeling that something was missing in my life despite it all looking good on the surface. When I met him I discovered that there was a love inside of me that had always been there, just waiting to be tapped into and he reminded me of how to re-connect to that loving place and how to start living that love in normal every day life. This has changed my life completely and immeasurably and now it is time for me to shine brightly and share this with others too.

    1. Well said andrewmooney26, once we feel that and live that it is a reflection for others to see that this level of love is naturally inside us and is safe to live. I still have to remind myself that not living love and a loving way is the ‘abnormal’ way of living, not the ‘normal’ way of living I have taken it to be for so long!!! Now that is crazy!

      1. Yes I understand that Lucy I find the same thing! I feel it is because the world has been set up or configured in such a way to make living less than the love we are the normal or the majority. So when we start to bring more love into our lives we can feel like we are standing out as abnormal or strange when in fact we are living our natural way. The feeling and settlement we feel in our bodies confirm this.

      2. This is a moment by moment challenge isn’t it?! Thank you for the reminder to maintain the dedication to this natural way, I truly believe it supports everyone because others get to see there is another normal.

      3. When we show that it’s just normal to treat ourselves with care, to respect and honour what we feel and to work and live with integrity then we take the ‘shine’ off the opposite and make it less appealing to choose.

  34. Beautifully written Mary, it is beautiful to feel how we can make a choice to question our life and take the necessary steps to get back to true health.

  35. I would love a dollar for every time this popped into my head years ago, “Surely, there was something more? What was life all for?” There would be periods where I thought I was on top of this question, it was never truly answer back then but there were periods where I didn’t hear it as loud and from that assumed I was on the right track. Since teaming up with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine those questions haven’t been heard from and not answered. Before Universal Medicine I had no idea how to answer them and they would at times come with despair or pleading and yet now know I have the tools or the awareness to answer what is being asked. Fact is that simply all I have done is continue to deepen an awareness to what I am truly feeling and from there all questions are answered and this continues to support many.

  36. So many years I wasted searching ‘out there’, for that something that was missing in my life. Thus It is very empowering when we find our own way through the jungle life can often be to find that love was there all along inside us in our inner heart, and then to express that love without holding back is like the bird that flies out of his cage because the door was always open.

  37. No one can take the truth of who we are away from us, that is something when embodied will always be with us, and when lived consistently and steadily, will deepen and continue to unfold. This is the process of returning to Love.

  38. “I wrestled with the awareness that I had wasted so much of this life and made so many un-loving choices” – I can very much relate to this looking back at my own life. Actually, this is a great point of reflection to keep coming back to – am I wasting any more of this life and making any more un-loving choices? Stumbling upon Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon is not be-all and end-all – it is only a beginning of true living.

  39. This is beautiful Mary, as we connect to our inner heart we start to feel the love we are, ‘When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away.’

  40. Absolutely Mary, in a nutshell, ‘I was hearing the truth and it just made sense.’

  41. ‘ I was hearing the truth and it just made sense.’ Well said and I totally agree Mary, meeting Serge Benhayon is life changing as his lived ways ignite us to also re-connect to our innermost and to begin our journey back home.

  42. “Sometimes it is a wake-up call showing complacency or lack of commitment and that is great. At every session I can feel the unconditional love of the practitioner whose only intention is to support me as I work to clear anything that is holding me back from feeling my love.” This is so true Mary so it makes no sense to judge ourselves for anything we may have chosen or done in the past. Every moment of awareness is an opportunity to deepen our connection with ourselves and live even more of all of who we truly are in the world. Exposing our deepest, darkest patterns, intentions etc. might be a little squirm-inducing, but this pales into insignificance at the magnificence that is just beneath the surface where it has been all along.

  43. Finding our way back to ourselves is a gentle and delicate process.. learning to feel what is true again, and what isn’t, can take a while if we’ve shut down our awareness and feelings, but that sense of knowing what is true, and who we are, is always there. It might be shrouded in dust and layers of protection, but it is there nonetheless.

  44. I grew up in the bad habit of being hard on myself – over critical. There is a way I must be behave – strict parenting you may call it or was is it just what we call parenting these days “this is how you behave”. I was told to be a certain way.. Thank God for Universal Medicine for presenting what love is and not telling me what to do. Gently guiding me to honour my feelings showing me that underneath this is my truth.

  45. “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away.” And with that there is no need for another to fill our needs as we are complete with ourself and can bring this completeness to everyone and every situation.

  46. Very profound article, how many people over sixty can say they have more flexibility than they did two years ago?
    What is offered here has much to offer all of us.

  47. The more we listen to our body and understand what we are feeling the more we are able to build our sense of wellbeing.

  48. “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away. This is not something that anyone can do for you. ”
    This is a great point you are making here Mary and it is the true success of Universal Medicine as what they teach is very real and can be experienced by everyone, it is not an ideal we need to believe in but something that is tangible, can be felt and registered in the body.

  49. I love that your commitment to seeking more out of life knowing what you were living was not true led you to Serge and a gentle unfolding journey of connecting to your inner heart, letting the love spread not only through your body but through your life… making each step thereafter a blessing for all.

  50. The love and truth can not be turned or switched off, we can only walk past it or actually walk our circles around it, but we can not truly deny it. I am blessed reading this blog , about how True Love is not about a person, but finding your true path to walk in love and truth (from our Soul).. . . Now this truly interests me, as I continue to embrace all the paths in life that I have been walking, cycle after cycle again, until now.. The truth in me has awakened, simply by coming back, and the person who had supported me till this very day is Serge Benhayon (and of course those now around me).

  51. If we only knew that every step we take in dissatisfaction could easily be walked with a feeling of being at home with ourselves. It can really be changed that easy but we need to really want to change and allow stillness yet again into our bodies. Usually we are into so much motion and keep it running with all the things that makes our physiology a little bit faster than it needs to be, and in this state there is no way for heaven to enter our bodies. I guess the momentum can feel a bit overwhelming sometimes but just those little stop moments are great starters to start listening to what the body has been trying to say for quite some time. The silent whispers from our soul.

  52. “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away.”I love what you have shared Mary so very clear simple and powerful , thank you.

  53. “Each of us has to slowly and gently find our own way to make our connection to our inner-heart.” I love this as it allows us to do what is on for us and gives no room to comparison.

  54. There are really not many 62 year olds who can tell that their health is increasing! That is amazing and needed to be appreciated – you are such a wonderful role model as you showed so clearly that it is possible to change even as we get older.

  55. Thankyou Mary, I enjoyed your blog, especially the line “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body.” A beautiful description of how it feels for me too.

  56. Mary,
    There is such a steadiness in what you have written that simply declares to the world that the health of our body begins with the choice to hold it with honour and to live with it, not drag it through life, but to live in connection with it and by its guidance.

  57. Mary, I loved this simple declaration of you claiming your own love for yourself without getting caught up in perfectionism. This in itself is a great and timely reflection for me to keep things simple as I live each day. Thank you!

  58. ‘When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away. ‘ – Beautifully expressed Mary and a lovely reminder for us all, thank you.

  59. I really enjoyed reading what you have written here Mary, the line that stood out for me being “Each of us has to slowly and gently find our own way to make our connection to our inner-heart. Serge Benhayon presents his love for us to feel and allows us to choose for ourselves to reconnect to the love that is there in the inner heart of every man, woman and child on earth.” how powerful is that!

  60. Thankyou Mary, I love what you have shared and agree, what Serge Benhayon says does make sense.

  61. It is lovely to hear the confirmation from your medical check up and how your general health improved as well as increased flexibility of the spine and increased lung capacity – amazing! But, I can tell that these outcomes are just a bi-product, from the way you write there is obviously pure joy in the way you feel and true love in your life.

  62. “This is me and no one can take it away” – it’s awesome to feel your commitment to live your life from the inner-most. Totally inspiring. Thank you, Mary.

  63. Thank you Mary, so true and an experience shared by many. Beautiful, gentle and Loving

  64. Mary, it is such a wonder, how Serge Benhayon can be seen as a role model for how to live love, and yet each of us is asked to take responsibility for his and her own way of expressing that. Hence everybody is unique whilst the same loving tender powerful quality is felt in all of us, if we allow so. You certainly do.

  65. Wonderful to read about the positive effects you have experienced since honouring what your body feels and taking responsibility for the choices you make.
    “When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within spread throughout my body.” Beautiful. Thank you Mary

  66. It is truly amazing that at 62 you are becoming healthier – definitely against the so called ‘normal’ trends. What you share about the changes you are making in your life are obviously having a positive effect on your health.

  67. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine not only have truthful answers to our questions. They also pose amazing questions as possibilities to consider that inspire a way of living that is much more loving and that resonates deeply with us as something very natural.

    1. So true emfeldman – the question which are asked calling me to expand my view and being. It is a blessing to have someone in my life who ask me and support me like(and in) that. A true friend and brother I call them who do so.

  68. Wow Mary you are indeed living proof – your medical check up results are profound and I just loved what you wrote about pausing and connecting to your stillness and feeling the love spread within your body knowing this is you. Just gorgeous.

  69. “Each of us has to slowly and gently find our own way to make our connection to our inner-heart”. Beautiful Mary and thank you for sharing.

  70. I read this blog and it was lovely to hear the positive effects that your choices to honour you, look after you and be you, have had on your health and wellbeing.
    Then I read it again, and again, because it is so easy to simply glance over it, rather than feel that this is a miracle! Someone turning back the clock, improving their health, and all with a few simple choices.
    We need more people sharing these experiences, so others can know that there is a way of living that supports our bodies, and does not just drain us and then leave us wrecked at the end of our lives.

  71. Thank you for sharing Mary, how you found your own way, through being open to listening to your own body and making some lifestyle changes. Very inspiring to read your blog.

  72. I love these few sentences…”When I pause, connect to my stillness and to my inner heart I feel the love from deep within me spread throughout my body. This is me and no one can take it away.” Just reading them I can feel myself sink further into me, and feel the yumminess. Only we can go there and only we can take ourselves away.

    1. I loved the line ‘this is me and no one can take it away’ too, there’s something incredibly solid and reassuring in knowing no-one can ever take that away from us.

  73. Lovely to feel your experiences Mary, thank you for sharing this with us. Yes true love is only found through, by and with oneself… and for that great love to then to be shared with another – is truly amazing. Here is to us all finding our own way!

  74. What touched me here Mary is the fact that so many of us have felt that something was missing and in meeting Serge Benhayon and choosing to be open to the true love he presents, we have found that our questions are answered with our very selves and that’s where we feel and know it. Thanks Mary.

  75. Thank you Mary. Lovely writing. Very inspiring to feel how gentle and loving you are with yourself.

  76. Thank you Mary for the simple inspiring way you have shared how feeling your own love and living that has shown in the physical markers of your body. That our bodies will always show us the way to live with more of our natural vitality – if we listen to it.

  77. I am grateful that I am able to share my unfolding path with the grace and tenderness that you describe so thank you.

  78. Over the last 12 years I have spent lot of time looking after my mother and that meant ‘hanging around’ our local hospital, array of different consultant specialists as well as her GP, way more than I would ever wish to. Her serious illnesses started round about the age you are now and she is at a stage where her cancer is terminal. It is therefore so refreshing for me to read that there are sixty+ people like yourself Mary who have not given up and who make sensible, practical, self-loving choices to gently walk towards the end of their lives in full health. And to see you in the kitchen at the Sound Healing Centre volunteering long hours and keeping your lovely smile even when temperatures were high and so much work to do – Joy, it was. 🙂

  79. Thank you Mary for in your simple yet eloquent expression you have said it all. A beautiful and inspirational read.

  80. Mary this is beautiful to read, I can feel how gentle, loving and allowing you are with yourself, thank you for sharing this with us.

  81. Mary I loved reading about your story, highlighting that no matter at what age we are when we find Universal Medicine and its teachings we can re-connect to ourselves and improve our quality of life. You are living the teachings of Universal Medicine to have such significant health and wellbeing changes take place in your body, now that is inspiring.

  82. Thank you for sharing Mary. I loved the part ‘This is ME and no one can take it away.” I feel the same and this is very empowering. With Love, Priscila

    1. Yes, I too was touched by everything you shared and in particular – “This is ME and no one can take it away”.

    1. Thank you Mary and Anne, I agree, simplicity is one of the keys to our “inner-heart” and with the connection to our “inner-heart” the simplicity is “profound.”

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