About face

by Marshall Chang

I would actually like to speak up to give a perspective of a husband who nearly lost his wife to Universal Medicine (UniMed). The story starts about five years ago. My wife and I have a beautiful healthy baby, we are paying off our home mortgage, we both are young professionals in our careers, and our life seems perfect viewed from the outside.

One day my wife started receiving Esoteric Breast Massages (EBMs) from a woman practitioner (there are no male Esoteric Breast Massage practitioners despite what the media has portrayed). This was a little shocking to me but I thought hey, we just moved to the Byron area, so it’s just part of the course. After a while my wife also starting attending workshops and talks by some guy named Serge Benhayon. She would come home and be really excited and tell me that ‘Serge said this and Serge said that’, and of course I started wondering who is this Serge guy that my wife is so impressed with?

As time went on, she started changing her diet and changing some of her habits, all because of what she had heard at the Universal Medicine events. None of this really challenged me directly so I just ignored it. But as time went on she starting talking to me about our relationship and how she wanted to change things in our relationship. Now it got personal. I had to see for myself how this Serge guy was brainwashing my wife. So I went to one of the talks and heard words like ‘entities’, ‘energy’, ‘esoteric’, ‘self-love’, ‘healing’, etc. My first reaction was wow, my wife is in a Byron Bay cult and it’s only a matter of time until she shaves her head and changes her name to Mookti or something.

Our relationship and marriage was on the rocks and it seemed like every time we spoke to each other it got really emotional and I was left feeling drained and hopeless. So I agreed to see a relationship counsellor with my wife. She suggested we see a UniMed relationship counsellor and at first I thought “no way, the counsellor will just take the side of my wife”. My wife insisted, so I agreed to give it one chance only, and if I even got a sniff of the counsellor taking my wife’s side we would find a different person.

What I experienced with the counsellor was very surprising. She was very real, didn’t use any wishy-washy, new age terminology, and didn’t take sides. In fact it felt like she was actually being a bit tougher on my wife! Of course I agreed to go back, and again the counsellor was professional, personable and straight to the point. She gave us some invaluable tools to help us communicate truthfully with each other when discussions got a bit heated and emotional. The counsellor presented ideas about relationships that I completely agreed with and helped my wife and I begin repairing our relationship. These ideas came from Universal Medicine and not only did I agree with them, but they helped my relationship with my wife! From there, things just got better and more weird …

About face’ is the military term for turning your direction of march 180 degrees. It took me another year or so after this to swallow my pride and preconceived ideas and ‘about face’ to where I was at before. I actually voluntarily went to another UniMed workshop without my wife’s prompting!

I have three science-related degrees and work as an environmental manager and planner, so you could say that I have a very rational and scientific mind. What I have come to realise is that most of society interprets science as ‘it isn’t true unless it is scientifically tested, peer reviewed, and published in a prestigious journal’. However, what I have come to realise is that science actually says ‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’. Science is like one of our senses, like our sense of smell. Our sense of smell can prove that odours exist but there are many things it cannot even detect much less prove. There are a vast number of things that are real and do exist, but science cannot prove or even detect them. This does not mean that I take everything on face value – on the contrary, I test their validity in my life and find what works and what doesn’t work. Things that don’t work for me I put in a ‘test again later’ bin and things that work I apply in my life. Things that I feel are just plain false, I ditch entirely.

I have been attending Universal Medicine events, talks, etc for about two years now and so far I have not come across a single false statement in what Serge Benhayon has presented. Much of what he presents goes quite against what society currently advocates which makes him unpopular with a lot of people. Initially I misinterpreted some of the things he said as being egotistical or just plain crazy, but as time went on, I incorporated bits and pieces of what he presented into my life and found that it helped me and my relationships in more ways than I can express.

There are still many things that Serge Benhayon presents that I cannot say are true at this point and statements that sound crazy, but not a single statement have I ever proved to be false or even inconsistent with what I have come to know as truth. As time goes by, more and more of the ideas that I had put in the ‘crazy bin’ have now been incorporated in my life. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that you were labelled crazy for believing the world was round instead of flat.

Serge presents with a consistency, dedication and realness (if that is a word) in a way that I have never experienced from any other person before. His entire family also exhibits these qualities and there is not a single inconsistency or lack of integrity in his or his family’s very public life. He never, not even once, has given advice or told people what to do. He simply relates what his truth is and what works in his life. It is up to you to take it or leave it or interpret it as you will.

So in short, I absolutely understand the perspective of the media and naysayers in making preconceived, uneducated and biased statements about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, because I was standing on that side of the fence two years ago. So I admit it, yes I accused my wife of being in a cult, yes I accused Serge of all sorts of nasty things, yes I labelled and prejudged people in an ignorant and biased way. What I realise now is that all of these things came from my investment in needing my wife to act in a certain way towards me. When she realised that these things were false, she stopped doing them and I blamed Serge. Things like not having sex with me or even sleeping in the same bed with me when I had ‘only’ one beer were very hard for me to fathom. Being an Australian male, I found it quite threatening when I was denied sex and beer. I felt very angry and threatened and needed someone to blame, namely Serge.

I have changed in the last two years to become and express more of who I truly am. Many of these things include how I choose to hang out with my friends and family. For instance, I don’t drink alcohol anymore. Besides trying to escape my life, why would I want to do something that takes me away from myself? I had friends that were kind of drinking buddies, and that’s what we did together. When I stopped drinking, this made our friendship a bit awkward. A lot of these things can push buttons for them and of course, they blame Serge. But that’s OK – after all, I did it too. Some of my friends have stopped contacting me but most of my friends I still hang out with in a much more real way. Instead of relying on drinking to be our means of relating, we are able to relate on so many more levels.

I can also say that over the last two years my relationship with my wife has turned into something that I never knew could exist between the two of us. We are so much more supportive, loving, caring and our relationship has so much more laughter as well. Sure, we have our rough spots still, but even during these times we are able to communicate with each other in such a more supportive, understanding and feeling way instead of blaming and being nasty to each other.

Two years ago, my definition of giving affection to my son would have been a pat on the back or a handshake. This was the example I had because this is how my father related and still relates to me. My relationship with my son has just blossomed into something beautiful now. I am so much more tender, caring and warm towards him than ever before and I have Serge and UniMed to thank for it.

As for all of the accusations against UniMed and Serge, it seems like enough has been said about how all of the negative publicity were the lies and misinterpretations of a few individuals. I don’t feel the need to defend Serge or UniMed – I just want people to know about my experience with UniMed, and to know that I can relate to a lot of the people who have issues with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, especially with couples where one person attends UniMed events and the other does not.

I suppose that the best way to summarise and relate everything I have said is: be open to any possibility no matter how crazy it might seem. If they feel right, try these possibilities in your life, even if they make others uncomfortable or society says it’s strange. And above all, listen more to your heart than your head – you might be surprised at what a difference it makes in your life and to those around you.

249 thoughts on “About face

  1. It’s really great to read the perspective from someone who was in reaction to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, and also acknowledge your openness to do an ‘about face’ to consider that there was more to see and understand. We are so imprisoned by our reactions and judgements, it really is a blinkered way of being. Thank you Marshall.

  2. I loved reading about how your life was in the early days of your wife attending talks by Serge Benhayon through the ‘change’ to whereby now you willingly choose to attend the talks and presentations.

  3. “Science actually says ‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’. Science is like one of our senses, like our sense of smell. Our sense of smell can prove that odours exist but there are many things it cannot even detect much less prove” – I like this very much. Why stay small and confined and limited when there’s an invitation to be open and grander than we can prove?

  4. What you did Marshall, is what I understand as a choice made from love. Nothing in your mind would have given a chance to what you were seeing from the perspective you had at that point, but an inner feeling of exploring it along with the love to your wife took you directly to the truth. In the end, love is simple and it simplifies the complexities of our mind, when we allow it to embrace us with its allknowingness.

  5. We have to be true to ourselves, we cannot continue to follow like sheep without questioning because it is making us ill and at what point are we going to take a step back and bring some honesty to the fact that we have a choice to follow blindly or be true to ourselves?

  6. I love the way you bring in what true science and a scientific approach [‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’], is here Marshall, and how you applied that to your interactions with Universal Medicine. And to hear your very real experience of your journey with this is a real honour, and very inspiring, thank you.

  7. The thing that stands out with Universal Medicine is that never has it been presented that anyone has to blindly follow something or just believe something or have faith or hope in something because Serge or someone said so or it sounds good. All along Serge has presented the tools and techniques to raise the level of my energetic awareness so that I have been able to feel and discern energy more clearly which for me has become very tangible and real, no different to my other 5 senses. So there is no wishful thinking here or blind hope but a real scientific approach of testing and trialling and observation.

  8. I agree that it makes complete sense to take a truly scientific approach to life which means staying open to all possibilities, not just the ones that are physically proven yet, and also means not acting on blind hope and wishful thinking, but testing and trying everything out to see if it is true or not by unbiased observation of life.

  9. I reckon it takes a very strong and brave man to admit that he has decided to change.

  10. “And above all, listen more to your heart than your head – you might be surprised at what a difference it makes in your life and to those around you.” Something we cannot be reminded of often enough.

  11. I love how Marshal has described what I feel is him being a true scientist- running little experiments on his body and life by trying different concepts as suggested by Serge Benhayon, but also being skeptical in the true sense by not just relying on some faith or belief system to sway his viewpoint or understanding and actually seeing how these new experiment effect his life in a positive or negative way and then letting go of the behaviours that no longer serve him. Science has to be able to let go of old beliefs and ways of doing things that are shown to no longer be relevant or even true and stop acting like the Universe is static, but acknowledge that it is ever expanding in more than a physical way.

  12. Beautiful to read how your relationship with your son has changed, it is really important as children to feel loved and hugged, by letting go of your own protection you show that there is a strength as a man to being openly tender and loving.

  13. I sometimes wonder whether we first make up our mind and then make up our reasons….

  14. Yes, this work is very practical and we can get carried away in the beginning, noticing what is possible and getting impatient. A great blog.

  15. Being true to myself no doubt can make others feel uncomfortable but when made from love with not an ounce of self-doubt it can truly inspire in more ways than one and in ways that sometimes surprise me. The key for me is consistency in the connection to my inner heart and not to allow myself to drop no matter who they are that appear in my day to support my evolution.

  16. I love the realness of what is shared here and the message for us all ‘be open to any possibility no matter how crazy it might seem’ … be your own science experiment and see what works for you and your body.

  17. Scientific, peer-reviewed journals publish articles that are assumed to represent truth. But at the same time, any publication is subject to scrutiny because it is assumed from the start that it may not be true. And, it is true that scientifically testing something, peer reviewing and publishing it in a prestigious journal does not necessarily means that is true or that the truth revealed is the whole truth of the matter but just the tip of the iceberg.

  18. Are we willing to try something different if it feels right to us, no matter how uncomfortable for other people around us. How can we explore truth, or what it is to live right, if we are not willing to?

  19. Love this Marshall – it mirrors my own experience with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. A healthy level of doubt but with an openness and lack of judgement that allows new ways of living when I’m ready for it. Over time its transformed my life and, like you, more and more of the gold is incorporated into my way of living and then shared with others.

    1. We are challenged when we are pulled out of our level of comfort. If no-one rocks the boat then we can pretend it isn’t taking on water, even though is it slowly sinking!

  20. Wow Marshall, thank you for sharing your experience and journey with such openness and honesty. You have shown us what it looks like to embrace responsibility and love instead of staying in blame, and this is deeply inspiring.

  21. We can spend our days accepting that what we do is considered normal in our society – or we can start to question if indeed there is another way. And yes that about face may cause an upheaval of sorts for both yourself and the people around you but, in what direction and same old status quo were you going in if you had not woken up to yourself.

  22. What I feel, hear and honour deeply is the humbleness present that allowed this change to happen, if one was to ‘dig their heals in’ none of the love, tenderness and grace that this article absolutely oozes of could have come to fruition.

  23. The fact that not that long ago it would have been heresy to proclaim that the earth is round and not a flat disc is a good reminder that what is deemed to be true might just be a convenient truth (in this case the earth being at the centre of the universe and the church the centre of the earth).

  24. A real life perspective and you could say the same about anything. We seem to live in a world that currently jumps to conclusions before we have an experience of something ourselves, I know at times I still do it. What I am careful now with is when I am speaking or listening to someone that I am not taking the conversation away with me and pushing it at someone else. With the media currently setup like it is we seemed to be getting fed the sensationalised stories all the time, almost at a point where their frequency makes it seem like it’s a ‘normal’ thing to do. My advice to myself is don’t jump to something until you see it or hear it for yourself. Stories are a part of life and when there is people involved I like to find out the real facts for myself in place of just pushing sensationalism around.

  25. This is beautiful Marshall, thank you. I know for myself there were many times when I may not have fully understood something but stayed open to try to see how it worked. It helped to make it playful rather than a rule or serious. Often found they worked and supported me to expand way beyond what was previously normal, habitual and in essence harming

  26. Marshall I love this blog and the realness with which you share your story. And you offer a great example of how we can approach things to stay open and try them for ourselves and see; to let go of our pre-conceived ideas and who knows where it may go … a beautifully scientific approach and what true science is.

    1. So true Monica, this is an awesome example of…’a beautifully scientific approach and what true science is.’ This approach to science to me feels open, inquisitive and playful and very different to what I thought science was about when I was at school.

  27. Thank you for sharing your personal experience Marshall. I agree that we need to experience something ourselves before we dismiss it , we don’t know what priceless gem we may find there . Congratulations for your perseverance and the inspiration that you are.

  28. Awesome Marshall. Thank you for a refreshingly honest piece of writing that comes directly from your experience. It’s humbling to read how you navigated the possibilities that were being presented to you.

  29. Thanks Marshall, loved this blog and hearing about your experiences. What Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present is sometimes challenging to hear – it goes against everything we’re taught to believe is true as we’re growing up – but as you share, what is presented is only ever food for thought – something to consider, never an imposition, and always one’s own choice. I know many people whose lives and health have improved as a result of the inspiration on offer.

  30. Thank you Marshall for sharing your experience. The head will always lead us astray if it is not inline with our heart but the heart knows what it feels, one cannot argue with the heart as the heart will never change . . . it feels what it feels . . . . only the mind can overrule the heart.

  31. ‘Listen to your heart more than your head’ – well said! For me, the testament of what works and what doesn’t work is well illustrated by the changes in your relationships. Making relationships about love and connection if far more fulfilling and true than the shallow ‘pat on the back’ that has sadly become far more normal.

    1. One thing my mother got right was “listen to your heart” – it took me decades to get it right and she herself got it wrong but eventually the outcome was worth the quest.

  32. “Most of society interprets science as ‘it isn’t true unless it is scientifically tested, peer reviewed, and published in a prestigious journal’. What I have re-discovered since attending Universal Medicine is that nothing is true unless it is true for everyone. It cannot be dissected or reduced, as truth is all encompassing and interconnected. The greatest barometer or piece of scientific equipment I have for truth is my body. It responds instantly to truth or not truth. It is a joy to feel empowered again to use my body to know what is true, rather than wait for a machine to be invented.

    1. ‘The greatest barometer or piece of scientific equipment I have for truth is my body.’ How common it is to overlook and take for granted this wonderful instrument that is our body. It is magnificent, a constant friend, companion a forever feedback machine on how we’re in relationship with it. To place more value on material possessions like homes and cars costs us true health and wellbeing.

  33. Awesome Marshal. Thank you for sharing your experience, as I can imagine this would support many people that perhaps were curious about Universal Medicine and what people who aren’t immediately attracted to it might feel about it.

  34. That’s quite an about-face Marshall, and as you say, it was not without relinquishing your pride at having taken the stance against Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. To think what would have happened had you not been prepared to be open, however small that window was at the time. It would have been a tragic loss of the potential of your relationship (in divorce!) that is clearly so much richer today for the choices you both made then.

    1. Agreed, is it not worth making every effort to understand each other before deciding the relationship is not right? It doesn’t mean every relationship is right but I don’t think I have been in any relationship where I have not learnt about a pattern of my behaviour that was not honouring of myself or my then partner after which there is the choice to remain or leave. Each time with a greater understanding of each other.

  35. A very interesting and much revealing blog this is… Describing the many things were comments and even false allegations have been made about by indeed a few individuals who took their personal pain into reaction and made their fury into lies and spreading them in the public. which is very nasty. There is no love in that. Not for oneself and not for another. And so from this perspective it is very important to read the full blog and understand where those thoughts and accusations might come from and that seemingly some painful matters can lay on the surface for that person individually, which has nothing to do with another person, in this case Serge Benhayon… Who is a deep person with absolute Soul who cares about humanity and shows a true way – without any delay.

  36. Wow Marshall. Really in awe of what you have expressed here. You followed your body and your heart to the truth and then you acted on it. The joy of connecting to the truth and living it is evident in your amazing relationships. Those that deny the truth and spew lies and false accusations are creating a miserable life for themselves.

  37. I have never heard of the military definition of “About Face” but being Chinese, about face is all about not losing our pride, so we would keep the status quo of things and not change because we do not want to admit that we are wrong. Losing face is considered the worst that can happen, a blow to our confidence. So even when we know that something is not working, to keep face we would hold onto our wrongs. So, what is really so powerful about Face? Face is the superficial level, the physical part of being human. Holding onto face, is a resistance towards knowing that we are multi-dimensional.

  38. This is blog offers us a beautiful understanding of exactly how and why people can react to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine when someone introduces it to their relationship or family. With your scientific approach you were, ultimately, open-minded enough to go and investigate the matter for yourself. Sadly, there will be many who are not and will be far more comfortable enjoying blaming someone else for their relationship difficulties or breakdown.

  39. ‘Being an Australian male, I found it quite threatening when I was denied sex and beer.’ I love this Marshall. Not only is it very honest and raises a smile, it actually admits to and captures an ethos that is utterly abusive – that it’s more than normal to expect sex from your wife/girlfriend/partner, and under any conditions including under the influence of alcohol. Congratulations to your wife for staking new ground in your relationship, and to you for eventually understanding and embracing what was really at play.

  40. I appreciate how honest you are in this sharing Marshall, and listening to our heart instead of our head makes perfect sense.

  41. This article shows the power of the inspiration of seeing how another makes choices in life rather than the imposition of being ‘told’ what to do.

  42. What Marshall shares here is there for us all to gain understanding of how hurt and old patterns can actually hold ourselves and those that ‘poke’ those hurts to ransom. It takes a huge trust to be able to see past our personal hurts, something that many simply cannot do. Having this understanding supports and holds another until they are ready to begin to tentatively accept that what they are holding on to is actually a past that is no longer present.

  43. It is beautiful to feel the reality that you portray. The feeling of having your wife taken by a ‘cult’. But in the end seeing that love is the answer, knowing that taking things away triggered a reaction of protection of your comforts.

  44. With so many of humanity steadfastly holding onto ideals and beliefs, and no way being open to anything remotely different, it is so refreshing to read how you allowed yourself to feel the truth of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, followed by your “about face” and from there the beautiful developing of your relationship. So often our stubbornness will cement in us into a position that we refuse to budge from, but in the process we are possibly missing out on an opportunity to change our lives, in so many wonderful ways.

  45. Marshall, I have just re-read this blog and have to say that though you wrote it several years ago, there is still so much of it that still stands true today. It is like you wrote it in an ageless way – in the parts that you talked about science, and about how you felt your way though things, and how in the end you listened to your heart and not your head etc etc …
    There are many ways in which each person in a couple contributes either to a stagnancy or to a growth, and in being together it is always a learning, an opportunity for growth and evolution. I cannot thank Serge Benhayon, ourselves and the stars above enough for where our relationship stands today. We look back and recall with immense appreciation for how we were willing to work on ourselves and embrace change though it felt difficult at times, and we thought that was it, but then we allowed more to unfold to be where we are today, amazingly so, and yet, this is not it. There is so much more to unfold into, and it is a joy to tread this path with you each and every day as we deepen our understanding of life, love and our true purpose here.

    1. Thank you for sharing your love and your relationship with us all Henrietta and Marshall. Your story and love continues to inspire us all more each day.

  46. A very honest sharing Marshal and one that will continue to be informative for years to come! For someone who has questions about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine there couldn’t be a better place to read the truth than right here! Thank you for sharing your experiences !

  47. Marshal the quality and recall of this blog is just so awesome. When one person comes home from an event or some workshops and starts questioning things and can be very challenging and threatening! if we are willing to truly look and see what is true and what is not than an approach from the heart and not the head is indeed needed as you have summed up so beautifully.

  48. Thank you Marshall for sharing with such honesty. It is beautiful that Marshall’s wife stayed true to herself throughout by not turning away from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Sometimes we can allow ourselves to be led by our loved ones placing them before our own feelings but in most cases this doesn’t last. When we find truth as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine there is no turning away as we know in our inner hearts it is the way.

  49. To have understanding for another when the choices they are making for themselves is not so loving is indeed absolute love. Sometimes this may not be easy and I find myself in reaction but is it worth it, the stress and harm I do to myself? Allowing another to make their own choices with no attachment or investment whatsoever is the way forward for me but it always comes down to the loving choices I am making for myself as to whether and how much I react or not.

  50. I love the practical and logical way you look at things and not let yourself out of the equation, in other words how you are willing to look at where you stand in the whole and the honesty you approach it with. This is very inspiring as it is encouraging to live life with honesty and openness.

    1. This practicality and simplicity is quite rare and wonderful to behold.

  51. I love the honesty of this article. It really can be quite challenging when coming face to face with a way we live that is energetically harmful to ourselves and others. But for those who face it and honestly asses life, the results are way more beautiful than continuing on with the old way. “If they feel right try these possibilities in your life even if it makes others feel uncomfortable or society says it’s strange.”

  52. “Two years ago, my definition of giving affection to my son would have been a pat on the back or a handshake.” ….
    “I am so much more tender, caring and warm towards him than ever before and I have Serge and UniMed to thank for it.” That is so very touching and what the world is missing. A successful world is a loving world.

  53. It’s an ill-ness in this world that we have labelling, judgment, preconceived perceptions, gossip and images of how things are to be and, that we allow this to be our truth. Marshall presents about our own science in our body. Our own device of determining if it is true or not. A test-case to perform and feel what works and what does not. Food is a great example of this to feel in your body after each time you eat. Serge presents only after what he has tested also – he continually reads what is next in his evolution. So this is more than just science he is applying to life – a spherical approach through philosophy, science and religion. Thank you Marshall and thank you Serge Benhayon.

  54. Marshall, I just love, how after all the challenges that arose when your wife began to attend Universal Medicine events that you were still prepared to open your scientific mind to the possibility that there may just be something being offered for you to take a long look at. It is hard when one in a relationship begins to change, whether it is a marriage or simply a friendship. The one who is observing the changes in the other will more often than not be very challenged as they are probably feeling the foundation of the relationship being rocked quite severely so then begin to blame the other instead of standing back and feeling exactly what is going on. To be able to be prepared to listen and discuss, and not to react and blow things out of proportion, will offer the potential to learn from each other and then to expand the relationship together

  55. So many times just in my everyday experiences in life I am inspired to do an ‘about face’ and let go of a belief I had created about something that was incorrect, or an expectation or judgment I was trying to force on myself and/or others that I thought was true but isn’t. Fortunately, humble pie served with truth is not actually that tasteless.

  56. I am sure there are many stories similar to yours where someone has been challenged through feeling they should address aspects of their life due to the new choices their partner is making after attending a Universal Medicine presentation/practitioner, so it is gorgeous you shared yours like you have. I love that with the love and commitment you had in your relationship you remained open so that you could feel the truth rather than just react to the change.

  57. “And above all, listen more to your heart than your head – you might be surprised at what a difference it makes in your life and to those around you.” This sums it all up, really Marshall! Great to read your journey with Universal Medicine and how it did deepen and blossom the relationship with your amazing wife and friends. I had a smile when I read about the counsellor who was unexpectedly ‘actually being a bit tougher on your wife’ and I honor deeply your openness to experience instead of closing down. What a joy for the world this is….to listen to our hearts.

  58. Thank you Marshall, I particularly like your concluding paragraph. If we remain open and let our heart guide us we have a great chance to steer through life more clearly and freely.

  59. Remaining open and not reacting and automatically closing off is something I’m learning (especially when I’m feeling challenged), and being willing to simply see a new way. This has been really supportive because my old ways of seeing myself and the world felt absolute, yet they actually were kind of imprisoning. No one can truly force us to think, feel or act a certain way, it’s always our choice.

  60. What Serge delivers – absolute truth – can indeed push people’s buttons. But only if you’re unwilling to consider the truth of your own irresponsibility.

  61. Your account of Serge Benhayon stands as true today Marshall as it was over three years ago when this was written. Serge Benhayon’s consistent love, wisdom and dedication are unrelenting and growing despite vicious and false accusations being made against his name during this time. Most people would run for the hills if they came under this kind of attack whether the attack was true or false, to stand so steadily in the face of this goes to show the power of true love. By this, Serge Benhayon shows it is possible to stay standing in the face of evil and that it need not be a fight.

    1. I agree Deanne and I can only put this down to the fact that what he lives is so simple, so logical and so unimposing that to not live it because of what someone else says would be to deny what is true, it would be a poison. I find Serge Benhayon’s consistency inspirational.

  62. It seems all to convenient that we have reduced truth to what we can prove rather than what “…..science actually says ‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’.” How is this re-interpretation of science any different to the politicians, kings and priests that changed the religious laws to suit their greedy and power hungry agenda not so long ago?

  63. Wow Marshall what an honest and powerful blog. What you’ve shared is very inspiring and beautifully expressed. It is an awesome blog to read and I can feel it is written from your heart and an openness, simply brilliant.

  64. Listening to the ‘So-and-so said this’ and ‘So-and-so said that’ can be very off-putting because it is all second-hand and usually reinterpreted. Attending presentations by Serge Benhayon and experiencing Universal Medicine for yourself allows you to feel what it means for you and to make a choice of whether it makes sense. In the early days of being a student of Universal Medicine I found the presentations challenged many of my deeply ingrained ideals and beliefs but when I stopped to feel what was presented it all made sense and making the choice to give it a try has brought joy and light into my life and my relationships with everyone.

    1. Yes Mary what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presents does make absolute sense and even when my body is saying ‘yes’ but I can also feel resistance it is only a matter of time before the resistance leaves as I surrender and let go of that which is not true, and what’s more the beauty in experimenting and ‘trying it out’ making changes in my life never ends.

  65. This is a really great article Marshall, a brilliant account of your experience of Universal Medicine, and what you have come to know as truth. The Benhayon family are very consistent in the way they live, a truly inspiring family and way of life we can all choose to live.

  66. A perfect testimonial antidote to those hate-campaign bandwagoners who have an axe to grind about the way life has turned out and have chosen to point the finger at Serge Benhayon instead of reflecting on where they might just have had a role to play in the outcome themselves.

    1. As you say, if we take responsibility for ourselves we become very powerful.

  67. Summed up for me Marshall in the line “listen more to your heart than your head”…what I have experienced is that partial truth can come from and be felt by the head, but only full universal truth can be felt from, and by the heart.

    1. Beautifully said Angela, I agree and I also have experienced the same. I have found when I follow my head, I start to question so many things, I get confused and become easily influenced but when I follow my heart I can feel the truth in its absoluteness.

  68. ‘This does not mean that I take everything on face value – on the contrary, I test their validity in my life and find what works and what doesn’t work. Things that don’t work for me I put in a ‘test again later’ bin and things that work I apply in my life. Things that I feel are just plain false, I ditch entirely.’ I love the practical application in this Marshall. It feels beautifull organised and without reaction, instead allowing space for observation and understanding.

  69. I realise how my head is often so busy and I have often given it the final say and the results have not always been great, however the more and more that I practise listening to my body and to my heart, the more I learn about me and the results are sometimes well beyond what I could possibly imagine.
    It is not always easy though, as at times I am so caught up in my head that I don’t even realise that that is where I am operating from. I am caught in the doing, the rush, the push and the drive and forget the simple fact that I am not with me in my body first and foremost. Can you relate?
    Its a work in progress and when I stop and realise, and take just a few seconds to stop and feel, I often feel the raciness and I don’t want to feel it. But when I allow myself to feel it, instead of running away again, like a hamster on a wheel… then it is beautiful as it only takes a few minutes for my body to calm down, for the raciness to leave and for me to get out of the hamster wheel. The crazy thing is, I make the choice to get in the wheel in the first place, by letting myself be run by my mind.

    1. I can definitely relate Rosie, its crazy when I truly observe whats happening, its me making the choice to go running. There is so much to learn, which I feel is the beauty of living aware of energy and all that is going on.

    2. Yes Rosie, I can very much relate to the raciness, the busyness that I can go into to not feel and what I have noticed recently is that I can clock it but still I choose the raciness until it gets to the point I say ‘no more’ and I put a stop to it. It is then reflecting on what took me into the raciness. What I am becoming aware of is those clear moments where I make a choice to go one way or the other and if I choose to distract myself and go into my head it is a downward spiral if I do not catch the momentum.

  70. I found this blog through a facebook link and man am I glad that I did. Marshal, what can I say besides that you are an all round legend!
    Your style is so unpretentious and honest it’s like having fresh air wash over you after being stuck inside for weeks. I was in a similar situation as you and your wife but was not treated with the respect you have shown – I was regarded as “brain washed ”.
    Thank you for reminding me of the choices we all have and proving that Universal Medicine is not something that you get pushed into but rather a choice to look more deeply at yourself.

  71. Wow beautifully expressed Marshall. I have also experienced a period of not liking the work that Serge Benhayon presents the moment I went ‘about face’ is still very clear to me. It felt like an allowing myself to let go of my arrogance and actually express that what I felt about the work is that it is very true and something I would like to incorporate into my life too, which I did and I have had no doubt ever since.

  72. No one should be pushed to do anything. It doesn’t matter if the push is towards a lie or the truth both are wrong.

    Everyone has the right to come to their conclusion whenever they wish.

    We can deeply love another without sharing the same views.

  73. Marshall you have said it as it is for a lot of couples when first encountering Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. Its a time of true self reflection and honesty and some choose not to go there. It’s a testament to you Marshall that you could trust your heart in spite of your reference to your learned mind being the judge.

  74. I enjoyed reading this Marshall. Thank you. There is a real earthiness and simplicity to the way you write. .. It sounds like like your heart is much more open to others since coming across Universal Medicine. Its great to appreciate how this has impacted your relationship with your wife and son.

    1. It is so gorgeous to read how Marshall’s openness and willingness to embrace truth have lead him to build a loving, supportive and appreciative relationship with his family.

  75. Marshall, your sharing is so open, honest and all encompassing. I feel no judgement of anyone, those who agree or disagree with Universal Medicine, just a presentation of your experience and journey with it. And what struck me is if we approached life like this, just presenting what we feel and see with anything rather than defending an ideal or a line it would be so much more open – it provides a room for all of us to discuss and evolve. Thank you – reading this today allowed me to appreciate all sides and that is a gorgeous gift.

  76. Great sharing Marshall. I like how you share with us your personal experiences with Unimed and Serge Benhayon and especially your personal growth. We can grow endlessly, once we drop our pride and our attitude – I know it better.

  77. I really enjoyed reading your story Marshall, thank you. It makes good sense. And very useful insight for many to read, especially those with reservations or criticisms.

    Serge Benhayon doesn’t hold back what he sees and this can be a very uncomfortable reflection. I have found that the more I let go of and heal my hurts, the more I can feel the truth of what he presents.

  78. This is a story that many people would relate to Marshall, and thank you for being so honest and humble. It is great how you are able to admit that your reactions to Serge and Universal Medicine ‘came from my investment in needing my wife to act in a certain way towards me’ This shows how so much of what we see is filtered through our ideals and beliefs and can be misinterpreted as a truth for us.

  79. Wow, Marshall what an amazing piece of writing. Your openness and honesty is a great example of how integrity and responsibility can be lived. I love the understanding you bring towards everybody reacting to Universal Medicine and how lovingly you hold them offering them to just listen to their hearts. Very beautiful.

  80. Thank you for your candid sharing of your story. In many ways it’s not an easy and comfortable ride to face the truth and I guess that’s why so many aggressively resist it. But choosing love is the most powerful and healing choice one can make, which you did – just beautiful.

  81. I felt a wonderment when you said that science is like one of our senses – I felt a spark ignite and a keenness to return to being in life like I used to be many moons ago – as in … interested, curious, amazed, exploring, wondering about, working things out, finding out about things, learning, even more curious and more exploratory, etc, etc. Thank you for reminding me of my natural (scientific) self! To which I give permission to honour this and allow me to be like this again 🙂

    1. Yes I loved that also Marian, it lit a spark in me to understand and hear that, and that for science ‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’ – that opens out science in a whole other way. Thanks Marshall for showing me what science is and can truly be.

  82. I was nodding all the way through reading your experience Marshall but from the wife’s side and also very aware of how my husband may have felt with some of my demands early on. I look back now and see just how much of my ‘self’ I had in wanting to fix things in our relationship and how none of it came from Serge said or Universal Medicine but from me not wanting to see my side. Thank goodness like you, my husband came to a Universal Medicine event after I had been attending for 3 years and met Serge and listened to all that was presented. I remember him turning to me, and saying everything he said was true and so simple…. minus the flavour of my stuff I would add onto it. Now 5 years on, my relationship with myself has changed dramatically and so too our relationship together, by knowing ourselves more from a foundation of love instead of right and wrong.

  83. Marshall, thank you for your openness and honesty in sharing your experiences which I feel has wide relevance to many readers at one level or another. The fact that Serge Benhayon asks everyone to sift and sort information and to decide for themselves is very much valued by many students. People are then asked to take responsibility for their own choices. Not everyone likes this, but ultimately those who do continue to attend Universal Medicine workshops etc, have a much richer experience and the changes that they bring to their lives has a beautifully profound and lasting impact.

  84. What a real and gorgeous testimonial, Chang. I love how you share about your initial reservations and how you only experimented with what felt true for you at that time. You allowed yourself to make different choices according to your rhythm and this makes your writing very valuable.

  85. It is a beautiful tribute to your commitment to yourselves and to each other to read this Marshall. It is also beautiful to feel how you allow others to be.

  86. Marshall, I have just re-read your blog from almost 3 years ago – and I found myself in tears feeling much appreciation for the amazing man that you are! There are so many facets that you have explored in this blog and so much honesty and truth that you have brought to the table in this blog – no different to our relationship together, where you constantly bring your openness and your willingness to try things out, your honesty in whether something works or does not work, and above all your warmth and tenderness. I still find myself melting when I watch you with our son, how tender you are with him and how blessed we are to have you in our lives. Thank you for all that you have expressed, are expressing and will express yet in time to come – you are grand indeed.

    1. This is a beautiful and deeply loving comment Henrietta, I can feel the love and appreciation you have for each other and it is most gorgeous to read. Thank you for sharing this with us.

      1. Thank you Chan for saying this – I have found it to be an amazing experience to learn to express my love and appreciation towards another. Firstly when we express our love and appreciation of another it opens up appreciation and love for ourselves; secondly it confirms the other and they seem to light up more strongly so; and thirdly, when you express this for others to hear and see, it inspires others in a similar way! What a cascade of lovely events that I would never have foreseen to have happen! It is such a beautiful thing to open up and share from the heart – so getting comments like yours Chan, adds to the domino effect of lighting each other up – your comment confirms me, Chan and it becomes this endless loving spiral of supporting each other in a world that often does not want to play such a game! So we are game changers!

      2. You are absolutely gorgeous Henrietta! I love your comment, extremely wise and inspiring. It is so true and you’ve reminded me to continuously express my appreciation to myself and to others. This domino effects is simply magical, I am feeling it and loving every bit of this endless spiral of love and appreciation.

    2. That is true, staying practical and simple when our partner is very enthusiastic and freely choosing to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is a great skill.

  87. I really enjoyed your real and fair comments about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. The fact that they were your initial feelings that were quite negative shows the reality of your experience. That you were willing to at least give the counselling a chance and were able to “about face” is full credit to you and your wisdom.

  88. Marshall, there is something about your blog that speaks to everyone on one level or another – to husbands, to wives, to intellectuals and anyone who is seeking something more in life. Your blog leads us back to the truth that being connected to ourselves is the way to live a full and loving life.

  89. Thankyou Marshall. I love the truth and honesty that you have shared in your blog and in particular your words ‘listen more to your heart than your head – you might be surprised at what a difference it makes in your life and to those around you’ are just pure gold.

  90. Thank you Marshall, your perspective offers something fresh in that you speak in such an honest way about your experience with Universal Medicine. I could so clearly connect to how hard it must be for those who have family members connected to Universal Medicine but who do not themselves attend. What you presented was that you felt into everything from your heart (feeling what felt true for you) and I feel that this is such a practical and honest way of being. It was real and practical and just made sense to me. This way of living reflects what Serge Benhayon presents as you feel for yourself and what feels true you apply and live. Simple really.

  91. Thank you for sharing your story in such a refreshingly honest and very real way – it’s great to hear of the process that you went through and how being open to possibility has led to a more open and loving way of being with yourself and your family.

  92. You could say its’ actually more important to question Serge Benhayon and what he presents and not to take any of it at face value, but to try for yourself, that way it is something practical that you know works for you and in your life and it becomes more real for you. It means you can speak about it in the way you have here, and not just a ‘Serge’ says this way.

    1. Laura, what you say is exactly the message I get from Serge Benhyon’s presentations – it’s what you observe and feel is truth for yourself, not what anyone else including Serge, says. As Marshall has discovered by living that way naturally, he has found that what Serge says is true. Pretty simple, really!

  93. Wow, what a beautiful sharing. I especially love your analogy of science being like our sense of smell – just because we can’t prove something (yet) it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. I love your logical and down-to-earth way of looking at what Serge Benhayon presents – trying and incorporating what feels right to you into your life, and putting other things in the ‘try later’ or ‘try again later’ box, rather than ridiculing new ideas.

    1. Carmin this is an important point: “…trying and incorporating what feels right to you into your life, and putting other things in the ‘try later’ or ‘try again later’ box, rather than ridiculing new ideas.” This is just good science. It’s amazing how many scientists don’t even do ‘good science’ when it comes to considering other ways of viewing and testing reality!

      1. Thank you Marshal, Laura and Dianne, yes this makes life so real and true, “when we feel for ourself” we do not need any explanations all we have to do is look at our life before and after, Serge Benhayon. A commitment to life and a loved Livingness supports all of us in the most practical and loving ways, no perfection just to the best of our ability!

    2. I also loved the ‘try later’ or ‘try again later’ boxes that Marshall shared! Imagine if more people tried this? My feeling is there would be a lot less criticism, judgement and fighting in the world.

  94. Marshall, what I love about your sharing is that you really have taken to listening to your own heart – which then allowed yourself to question and not be convinced blindly. Such a beautiful unfolding.

    1. Yes Marshall, It’s lovely how you were able to break free of copying your father’s parenting role and start to connect more tenderly with your son, and just as Serge Benhayon has inspired many men to accept their tenderness, if fathers like you treat their sons more gently the boys will not feel the need to act tough and engage in rough games and competitive sport and this will affect other boys that they mix with, and so the ripple effect will continue on.

    2. Yes, making a clear choice even when we start out being in reaction is one of the best life skills that I know.

  95. Thank you Marschall for this beautiful account of your development with Universal Medicine. It brought tears to my eyes when I read about how tender you are with your son today and how different your relationships have become. What an amazing example about the different choices that Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon offer, which give us the opportunity to lead truly amazing lives.

  96. Thank you Marshall for writing this awesome blog for all to read, in sharing your ‘about face’ experience in such a grounded honest way makes it very relatable, very powerful.

  97. Thanks for being so honest Marshall. I can see how you would feel that way if your wife started to change. What this shows is that you love her so deeply that you gave her an opportunity to show you what she was seeing, what she was getting out of those courses and talks, why she was ready to change her unhealthy lifestyle behaviours. You allowed her to grow and have grown alongside her, now growing together. Hearing you say your relationship is beyond anything you could have imagined is just beautiful. Absolutely.

  98. Gorgeous blog Marshall, your down to earth honesty is exquisite and your closing ‘advice’ at the end of your blog for anyone who has issues with Serge Benhayon is priceless. Listen with your heart and not your head and you might just discover you’re being presented with gold.

  99. Wow thank you Marshall for sharing your experiences here. The way you were prepared to give it a go even after a rocky start speaks volumes for the possibilities. You have so much to share with others through your understanding of living from your heart and not your head.

  100. An awesome blog Marshall, full of incredible honesty and insight as to how this “about face” came about in your life. I get a sense that you took what you knew best, the scientific approach, as you observed what was happening for your wife, and then when you began to participate in Universal Medicine events, and you allowed yourself the awareness that: “everything is a possibility unless it is proven false”. What you have learned from this “about face” is definitely worthy of a scientific investigation!

  101. Thanks Marshall for sharing a very honest and personal story , and your “about face ”
    turn around making your life and relationship a more enjoyable and loving place to be. Rather than becoming another divorce statistic with a broken family.

  102. Thanks for your blog Marshall. It was inspiring to read the changes that have occurred in your own life over the last couple of years. “..listen more to your heart than your head – you might be surprised at what a difference it makes in your life and to those around you.”
    Great piece of advice.

  103. It can be hard to stay open to new ideas when there are so many different versions of the path to contentment and vitality in life and so often we are disappointed with another dead end. So it is healthy to be skeptical and test everything out to see if it works. I have applied this model also to everything Serge Benhayon has presented and it has yet to fail me. So maybe this is not another dead end but the real deal?

  104. Marshall I really love the way you write and share your story, I noticed myself laughing out loud in places and then deeply touched by your honesty and realness of what you presented to us. Very simple and matter of fact and so full of truth.

    Your truth, from your experiences. Thank you for sharing.

  105. I love how you describe Marshall, “over the last two years my relationship with my wife has turned into something that I never knew could exist between the two of us” – I know this too from my relationship with my partner as well as with friends and family. I never ever could thought or did imagine how life could be, as I live now – after 10 years being inspired by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. And as you said, It is nothing we can think out – the magic of how a relationship can be must be experienced and lived. And therefore we need an openness and the willingness to give evolution a chance. So glad I made it this way!

  106. I love the honesty of your writing, Marshall, and it inspires me to do the same and express the truth. Thank you.

  107. Hi Marshall, I really enjoyed reading your blog, I loved your honesty and celebrated your openness as your started to attend Universal Medicine by your own choice. Serge Benhayon‘s work can certainly bring up a lot of reaction, yet society as a whole needs to consider new ideas and view life in new ways. Ultimately, whether we choose these news ways is irrelevant, that’s up to us, but it’s important not to shut people down for being different or innovative. I really enjoyed reading your “dance” with the new and especially your new found warmth with your son. A delightful read, thankyou.

  108. I am listening to my heart more and more these days and it’s the best decision I have ever made.

  109. What a great “about face’ Marshall. I loved how you wrote that your counselling sessions were so real and that there is no perfection in your relationship but a willingness and openness to work on it. A great support. Thank you.

  110. Thank you Marshall for sharing your journey around Universal medicine.
    When we are completely invested in a way of life and being, it takes great courage and conviction to admit that things are not truly working.
    It then becomes a matter of letting go of ones pride, stubborn-ness and attachment to the old invested way of living and embrace the discomfort and challenges of a new direction in life.

  111. This is a lovely honest account of your journey over the past 2 years, and very interesting what has changed for you so far in your life with your wife. I wonder what the next 2 years will bring?

  112. A great blog Marshall. Thank-you for sharing the realness of your life before, to how much more alive and true it is now, all because you chose to go with your heart. How lovely your life feels now.

  113. Whoa Marshal, thank you for sharing… It was an awesome blog to read. I really loved your honesty and hearing all about what it was like for you with the changes that were coming about. Loved it

  114. It’s always very touching to witness somebody change 180°s – towards love. Somehow around Serge Benhayon there is a lot of flipping around 180°s towards love. And the same thing happens around the ones around Serge. And it’s just starting. What a dance!

  115. A great account Marshall, for both sides. Regardless of your gender, if you’re experiencing some growing pains in a relationship for similar reasons, I bet this will explain a few things.

  116. Great blog Marshall refreshingly real, honest and to the point. Your writing brought a smile to my face and you are right, listening to the heart over the head makes all the difference in the world. It changes everything.

  117. Thank you Marshall, your words are so refreshing and honest – I loved reading your blog.

  118. Listening to my heart more than my head for me means that I say things that previously I wouldn’t have dreamed of expressing. Now it is almost as if I don’t have a choice – it is simply way too uncomfortable not to.

  119. Marshall, I love the way you have written this great blog. You have presented so truthfully how you originally felt about your wife changing her lifestyle so much and (in your eyes) putting pressure on you to change your behaviours. I can understand your early reaction, when you had not experienced for yourself the presentations that Serge makes, except for that first one where you heard for the first time some of the terminology that appeared so far-fetched to you at that point.

    How great that you were willing to attend the counselling sessions with a true practitioner of that art, who treated you both as equal to each other as well as to her. Obviously, her understanding of your reactions would have helped you to gradually accept things she was presenting. It is wonderful that you were willing to have a go and make the effort to work through your issues with your wife, and put into practice some of the suggestions she made, with the outcome that you describe. “I can also say that over the last two years my relationship with my wife has turned into something that I never knew could exist between the two of us. We are so much more supportive, loving, caring and our relationship has so much more laughter as well.”

    It is beautiful that you made the great ‘about face’ that you have described in your blog and were willing to test out some of Serge Benhayon’s presentations for yourself. That of course is all Serge has ever asked, that we feel for ourselves the truth of things that he says to us. We are constantly being reminded not to just believe things because he has said them.

  120. I enjoyed reading your journey and the insights and revelations you found along the way. Great wisdom to be open to possibilities and try them out in our life, and like you have shared to implement them in our life if they feel true, ditch them if they don’t and visit them later if uncertain. Very wise. How else can we learn and grow.

  121. It’s hard to put in words how much I loved reading your blog. I enjoyed it immensely. You wrote with such a realness (yep I am locking that word in!) and I could feel you talking straight from your body and sharing exactly how it had been for you – no spin on it all. “As time goes by, more and more of the ideas that I had put in the ‘crazy bin’ have now been incorporated in my life” – gosh I related to that. I too – when I first came across Universal Medicine and actually still do sometimes – thought some things presented seem quite outlandish – but I have discovered that through staying open to the possibility that it might be true and then working it out for myself that it is, I have been open to the true grandness that life really is. Thank you for an outstanding blog from an outstanding man.

  122. Thank you for being so honest and taking full responsibility for your feelings when they were bruised and hurt a few years ago. Thank you also for suspending all judgement until you had tried a few things on for size. You moving to a new place allows all those around you to view the world in all its glory from a new aspect.

  123. What your blog reminded me of Marshall was an old iced tea advert were the slogan was ‘don’t knock it until you’ve tried it’ of course the saying is older than the advert but it followed on with once trying this tea you’d be more open to other (often more socially considered stranger) behaviours. This has also been my experience when taking thing’s out of the ‘crazy bin’ that I have placed in there after being introduced to Universal Medicine in that it opens up my life to a much healthier way of living, even if it may appear strange in a world that sadly is living unhealthily – socially, psychologically, mentally, physically, economically and many other aspects. What Serge Benhayon presents does rock the boat of everyone and still every day rocks my boat that has been proudly built on ‘I can survive, I have gotten this far already without changing. I don’t need to change.’ (which completely ignores the quality of life). But boat rocking is a very needed practice in the world these days, one of which I would not want to entirely cease from my life from now forward having experienced the benefits from and to my life, relationships, mental and physical health and I am starting to develop a sense of what well-being actually means. All from entertaining the possibilities and ‘what if?’s that Serge Presents.

    1. Yes, well-being can mean higher levels of energy and fun than I thought possible or realistic.

  124. Marshall through your experience you have an understanding of why some people looking from the outside might see Universal Medicine as a cult. Some people through reaction will focus on something they think is weird, and write the rest off as a cult. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I am not so forgiving of the media for making preconceived, uneducated and biased statements about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. The people in the media have a responsibility to the public to investigate and report the truth in un-unbiased way that leaves people free to make up their own minds.

    1. Absolutely Bernard too often the media fall short of the responsibility their position affords them. Thanks also to Marshall for the honest sharing about making ignorant and biased judgements; it is worth being reminded of how we are all capable of this and how a little awareness and self-reflection can help us to pull our heads in. Awareness and self-reflection strike me as important if not essential qualities for journalists so that they can determine when they may be imposing their personal prejudicial slant on their work and be guided by the integrity the profession ought to be based on. After all, it is integrity that makes a journalist truly successful.

  125. Wow Marshall thank you for listening to your heart and not your head and for sharing this awesome ‘about face’ story with us all. Inspiring ✨

  126. Hi Marshall, a really honest assessment of how things were for you. I was another who at the time had a wife that was attending Universal Medicine events before him. After my initial reluctance I came along to ‘see’ what was going on, to see it all first hand so I could make my own opinion or choice. That was 6 years ago and I haven’t looked back. Serge Benhayon makes sense of what is a crazy world that lacks sense at times. By trying things that I felt were right for me at the time the changes to my life were and are unrecognisable and this continues. Most of all is my relationship with my family and people in general. Universal Medicine have supported me to be the man I have always dreamed of. I love working and I love meeting people and all that comes with them. My family relationships especially with my children are simply breath taking. There is more to life than what meets the eye and Universal Medicine can support this. Thank you Marshall.

  127. Marshall, I loved your very honest account of sharing how you were feeling and how you were reacting when your wife started making changes to the way you both related. I am sure so many couples wil be able to relate and at the same time offers much support to see that when blaming another it is mostly because one has resistance to change and growth and not wanting to take any responsibility. It was very inspiring to read that you had the willingness to go to a Unimed presentation to find out for yourself rather than to stay stuck in the ‘blaming mode’.

  128. Hi Marshall, I completely agree with and can confirm ‘listen more to your heart than your head – you might be surprised at what a difference it makes in your life and to those around you.’ Great advice for all.

  129. What a great journey back to yourself. I can related to your trial and see if it works for me… I have yet to find anything that Serge Benhayon, his family or anyone associated Universal medicine that has been presented to be untrue. But as Serge always tells everyone, to feel if what is presented is truth.

  130. I enjoyed reading this Marshall, your candid article presents us with a 360degree view here – I love that!

  131. It is gorgeous the way that you have been so honest here about your relationships with both your family and with Serge Benhayon. But I especially loved reading about how you have made the steps to change within yourself, and become more of the man that you are.

  132. Hi Marshall, I like your approach to life: “Things that don’t work for me I put in a ‘test again later’ bin and things that work I apply in my life. Things that I feel are just plain false, I ditch entirely.”

  133. That is it – ‘listening with your heart’ the key distinction when deciphering ‘fact from fiction’. Thank you Marshall for bringing this to light.

  134. What a wonderful blog Marshall, I love how simply you present your story of Universal medicine and how your perspective changed as you opened up to the possibilities in front of you. Your description of science is also so clear, science is always open to everything unless proven to be false, it is not the other way around. It feels Universal Medicine is often condemned from a science perspective when this is not how real science would evaluate it.

    1. I agree Stephen, “It feels Universal Medicine is often condemned from a science perspective when this is not how real science would evaluate it”. The way science has been streamlined means that many things accepted today will be thrown out the window tomorrow and conversely many unproven things will be held as truths for all in the future. But why wait for the future truths when we can have them all now?

  135. Great blog, Marshall. Thank you for your honesty and your willingness to share how your life and your relationship with your wife was for you before, during and after the initial reactions to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  136. Marshall your blog is very refreshing and honest. We are not taught to live by our sixth sense but this sense discerns truth from lies and you have felt this from your inner heart and not your head.

  137. Marshall, what you share makes so much sense, listen, be open, try things out for yourself and allow yourself to be surprised – that’s a fantastic template for life, no pressure or rules, just constantly enquiring and seeing what does and does not work, and above all not buying into the accepted paradigms if they do not feel true to you. Your approach and how you describe it is true science.

  138. I simply love rereading this Marshall, it is exactly what I have done and found to be true suspend disbelief try it out and if it works keep doing it if it doesn’t stop. It is obvious why so many people want to put Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine into a box labelled ‘cult’ it means they don’t have to look at what they do or the choices they make. Thats fine like you say as it would never influence my choices but what upsets me is knowing that new people who are looking for truth may be put off going to any event due to all the false media stories. That’s a terrible thing to have happened.

  139. A very honest account Marshall, thanks for sharing being someone who has been on the ‘other side of the fence’ and who has done an ‘about face’. Truth of the matter is that there have been many of us who have come to Universal Medicine being skeptical (including me) of what the Ageless Wisdom Teachings offer. However, as Serge Benhayon always encourages, it is for us not to take anything he presents at face value but to trial it for ourselves. I took on board and tried and tested what was offered. It was through my own personal experience and the changes that I felt in my body and my life that I could no longer deny what was being offered was changing my life. I no longer did things because I was presented that I might find them useful, but because I could feel how making different self-loving choices felt in my body and these are now my own living truth, not because “Serge says” but because I know them to be my own truth.

  140. What an very honest blog and thank you very much for writing this so that the truth about Universal Medicine is known. I love the title – about Face and it is very very inspiring that you have stayed open to another way and put that to the test. A true scientist.

  141. It was great to read your perspective Marshall, and to realise how challenging it can be for partners who haven’t heard Serge Benhayon presenting. It has also been challenging for those of us who were attending, as to be challenged to look deeply into how we are living and where we are at with our health is not comfortable. It is amazing how our lives and relationships change when we choose love as our foundation for everything we do and say and think, without among for perfection!

  142. I love what you’ve shared here Marshall. Whilst I myself wasn’t too much of a skeptic when I first came to the truths presented by Serge Benhayon, hearing the stories of very rational and scientifically minded people like yourself (with 3 science-related degrees) actually further deepened and concreted my resolve in what I felt about the Esoteric and the Way Of The Livingness as the rock-solid platform for life that it is!

  143. I enjoyed reading your story, Marshall. Your experience with Universal Medicine has been extraordinary. From being wary of it all… to investigating it for yourself… to feeling the truth of what is being presented… therefore choosing to make more self-loving choices in your life. And it really is just a choice to study with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. It is not a requirement. What you have shared here is so powerful in so many ways. Thank you.

  144. Marshall I like your take on science here – that everything is a possibility until proven false. In much of science today it is more of a case of if it has not been proven in a scientific study then it does not exist! But as you say how can we say this when there is so much about life, nature and the universe that we do not understand or comprehend? Most of the great scientists in history maintained an open enquiring mind like yours and as a result made some amazing discoveries like you have also done.

  145. I loved this article Marshall – it is such a blessing to hear the perspective of the partner of someone associated with Universal Medicine and how your relationship with your wife and Universal Medicine has developed due to your openness and of course your awesome scientific use of the ‘test again later’ and ‘crazy bin’. Love it.

  146. I really enjoyed your blog – it reflects the same realness you were met with by the counsellor and Serge Benhayon himself. So many of us are living a lie and although we know this deep down we are not willing to admit it – but here you are two years later having made some profound 180 degree shifts in your life and are laughing more as result. We can all deeply appreciate the lives we live now with thanks to UniMed – I can relate to what you have shared here and the simplicity of your expression is very refreshing.

  147. Marshall – what a brilliantly honest piece of writing. Thank you for sharing what I too have felt as I have seen my family change their lives after being inspired by Universal Medicine. But as you say – there is not one single thing from Serge that is untrue.
    So I remain open – something I never was before.

  148. It’s great to hear the prospective of some one who’s partner was not involved with Universal Medicine. It gives such a greater understanding for what’s going on for relationships and even if just family or friends as well

  149. Beautiful story Marshall, it is a great testimony of the resistance one has for what Serge Benhayon presents. It is a very honest and beautiful article, thank you.

  150. A testament to the fact that one can “say” all they like, but the best way to present true truth is to actually live it.

  151. Awesome Marshall, I so appreciate what you have written here. It takes guts to write about this sort of thing – and sadly also to follow our hearts at times. Thank you for writing so simply and matter of factly about your experience as I am sure many can relate – including myself.

  152. Marshall, this is such a great blog. I love your honesty, your “realness” and the humour you bring to a potentially serious situation, as in:
    “Being an Australian male, I found it quite threatening when I was denied sex and beer. I felt very angry and threatened and needed someone to blame, namely Serge.”
    This is so true and so how it is and has been, for many of us.
    Your exploration of why and how you reacted, and how you came to turn “about face” is illuminating – you are a true scientist!

  153. This blog was sent to me by a friend recently. I enjoyed the re-aquaintance with your relationships Marshall, to your wife, Universal Medicine and to yourself.
    There is something very important you left out in describing the term “about face”. To do this takes courage, deep honesty and the hardest thing of all ….the willingness to say “I got it wrong”.
    You put love ahead of your pride and I find that extraordinary. This is something to really deeply appreciate about yourself, and in fact celebrate.
    It was no doubt love for your beautiful wife that was the initiating factor. What I love to read is how that has developed into love for yourself. And your gorgeous son is benefitting too.
    You are living proof that we do not need to limit ourselves to:
    what we know, and
    what we think, and
    what everyone else thinks.
    There is a vastly deeper mystery in life to dive into…of course it is only a mystery to our little minds and never to our vast knowing hearts.
    I must sign this one off with love and with appreciation,

  154. What a really honest account. You say ‘It wasn’t that long ago that you were labelled crazy for believing the world was round instead of flat.’ could this be a possible similar situation? Absolutely. ‘There are still many things that Serge Benhayon presents that I cannot say are true at this point and statements that sound crazy, but not a single statement have I ever proved to be false or even inconsistent with what I have come to know as truth.’ I have found this myself; sometimes finding myself squirm feeling ‘oh God is he really saying that’. Serge doesn’t hold back, for anyone, and is not afraid to say how it really truly is. What would make me squirm was partly the fact I ignored what I felt to be true and the biggie …. not taken responsibility for how I have lived or been with others. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have reflected to me a way to live that is committed to life, consistent and responsible, not one other person I have met in my life has shown me this. It is invaluable. We have so much to learn here, Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine tirelessly present so much. Absolute gems of wisdom .. it is just our choice to take that responsibility and put it in place, and when we currently take a look at what is happening and going on in the world can really see the mess we have made.

  155. Marshall, it’s great to hear of your ‘about face’, coming from another science head like myself who also started off skeptical. But like you, I have found that I have never been able to cry ‘false’ to anything Serge Benhayon has said in 13 years of listening to him. Everything he’s said has either proven itself true to me, or is still in that ‘yet to be tested’ basket (a rather small basket now). However, I observe Serge and his amazing family, and the amazing changes in myself, and the results of his teachings speak for themselves. Anyone who wants evidence, look at those results!

    1. ‘…..but not a single statement have I ever proved to be false or even inconsistent with what I have come to know as truth.’ I have had the exact same experience with everything Serge Benhayon says Dianne and Marshall, when I put it to the test in my life it always works. What I especially love though, is knowing that you both put what you hear up against science and find it is compatible with science – as the truth can only be.

  156. Thank you for sharing your raw and very real experience Marshall! I can totally relate to what you describe adjusting your life to things that at first feel like from a different galaxy. When I read “things just got better and more weird …” I laughed.

  157. Thank you Marshall for a very inspiring and honest blog “About Face” about your experience with Universal Medicine.

  158. Marshall, I love your blog, so honest, down to earth and real. Thank you. I love your description of science ‘‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’, and how we can use that in our approach to life and how you have done in your experiments with what works and doesn’t, and each step taken was one trialled by you with an open mind and not at the dictate of another – what an awesome way to live.

  159. I enjoyed reading your blog Marshall, thank you for sharing the story of your journey to Universal Medicine.

  160. This was an absolute pleasure to read Marshall – thank you for your honesty and sharing how things developed for you. Just lovely to hear about how you were open to your own skepticism and willing to explore this, and be persuaded by how you felt, allowing you to take the next step, and the next.

  161. Thank you Marshall, for the honesty with which you share the turnaround of your willingness to be open to what Universal Medicine presents and how ‘my investment in needing my wife to act in a certain way towards me’ originally led to you blaming Serge for the loving changes she chose to make in her life. It is inspiring to read how your journey has evolved and I love your comments about science and the way it has been twisted to fit preconceived beliefs and how you test the validity of things that are presented with an admirable openness.

  162. Awesome post. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Very much of it felt very familiar to me. I will share it with my husband… 😉

  163. That was brilliant Marshall I loved how,you put things and shared what plenty of partners have gone through, I can’t thank you enough, with love felicity

  164. Hi Marshal, although I have always attended Unimed Courses and events since before meeting my husband, this has been awesome to share with him, he’s considering coming to an Esoteric Medicine after reading your post…. Thank you for the simplicity…..

  165. Amazing personal experience Marshall and one that presents so refreshingly and clearly on all familiar points and held perceptions concerning your own first hand introduction to Serge and UniMed that are also shared or felt by others too.

    Thank you and, as has been mentioned in the above comments – would be a great story for the press to run with….

  166. Marshall,

    What a great account of the ‘other side’. I really enjoyed reading your article.

  167. Another awesome piece from a husband. The only shame is that this won’t make the papers but hey ho we know the truth and you told it so well, thanks.

  168. Thanks Marshall, I guess I never went into a reaction when my long term partner began to go to Unimed lectures and workshops. I already felt life was not fulfilling, despite being comfortable. So I greatly respect the huge ‘turn around’ you have chosen, because it is so much easier to not deal with the hurt, as a male, and just blame and bury the truth.

  169. Marshall what you have expressed captures so much of what we have all experienced through Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I too intially found much of what Serge spoke about odd, wired and very challenging. However what I never doubted is how I felt inside when I chose to connect to me and it is that feeling that kept me curious and questioning with a willingness to be open and jsut test what was being said for myself.
    I deeply appreciate you sharing that you can now be affectionate and loving with your son in a way that is natural for you rather than conditioned by your upbringing and role models of what fatherly love was for you. I too have a son a similar age to your and when he was younger got caught up in oh hie s a boy we have to play “rough” with him beacuse that’s what boys like…… I did it once and the look of horror and upset on his face was the signal to me that this particluar boy does not like to be “rough” and from then on I have nutrured his caring sensitivity and see him developing a innate tnederness that blows me away. Enjoy your new reationship with yourself, your son and your wife.

  170. Dear Marshall, I enjoyed reading your story immensely.

    Yes, it seems easy and perhaps very natural for any man and woman to get overly enthusiastic when we experience changes in ourselves for the better, to want to share those with others especially those close to us. Sometimes that can feel imposing. It is therefore wise, just as you do, to continuously keep reminding ourselves that the only reason we experience changes is because we make those choices with certain openness to change, not because someone else said so. In honouring that we can with greater ease, coupled with love, respect choices of others.

    In the case of media, I agree that it is not and should not be about defending but instead it is about sharing our real life stories and amazing experiences. However, where media differs from your every day punter, so to speak, is that they have a certain legal and moral obligations to how they present, weather they believe in a story or not. Those must be honoured and it is for that reason that they do need to hear a bunch of intelligent (and not brainwashed followers) people who are committed to making self loving choices which only benefit humanity.

    And where in God’s name did ‘Mookti’ come from 😉 Funny that is…

  171. Thank you Marshall, I really enjoyed reading this and I must say with some smiles too as having come to UniMed presentations a couple of years before my husband I can relate to your story. This openness of partners, while they feel for themselves what is true to them, is lovely to see.

  172. Thank you for the honesty, and simplicity. The way you have described science is so beautiful and so clear. We have lost the truth of what science is. Your words have allowed people to catch a scent of the true essence of science….it is open and willing to see and understand what is truly there, not cast out upon life and impose how it wants it to be.

    1. Yes, the way the blog describes that ‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’ flips the current methodology totally on its head. For me Science suddenly opens up again, and becomes free to explore the unknown and perhaps even the divine.

      1. The paragraph about science in this blog is pure gold and my favourite part, especially that line ‘However, what I have come to realise is that science actually says ‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’. I could read so much more about this. Some say religion gets humanity into trouble, and in the name of religion atrocities occur, but if we continue down the path of evidence based “truth” whereby for anything to be true it must be proven, then in the name of science the harm and atrocity to humanity could be far more insidious, and lead some to believe we are progressing when in fact we are becoming more intellectual and divorced from the wisdom we all hold in our bodies.

      2. I agree Deanne, there is something quite scary about the way scientists will hold to a paradigm because it is proven…. arguing for their cause while another more broad minded scientist is busy proving that the opposite is true! This is what got Gallileo into trouble, as well as Copernicus, Columbus…..

  173. Thank you for your honesty in sharing your story Marshall, and the inspiration to be open and willing to connect to what is true and embrace this in our lives.

  174. Marshall, your article helps us understand how an open mind and heart can find truth in something that initially appeared threatening and implausible. Thank you.

  175. Marshall, this is truly powerful. Your “openness to possibility”, and your willingness to feel your own “investments” in how you wanted your wife to be, are qualities to be deeply honoured.

    We live in a world where so much seems ‘out of control’ – or may I say, ‘out of our own control’ – that we can hold so fast to our patterned ways of living, and our expectations of the roles others play in our lives. We can need things/people to fit into our picture of how we need it all to be.. so ‘everything’s alright’, so there are at least parts of our life where it feels ‘under control’, and (apparently) ‘safe’.. When these things are challenged, at times, “all Hell can break lose” – because we so need things to remain ‘as they are’ – we’ve used & invested so heavily in them being our ‘fixed star to guide us by’ in life. We may know deep within that it’s not ‘it’, but it’s safe living from that place.. Our investments in it all surely do NOT want the status quo to be disturbed..

    The thing is, as Serge Benhayon asks, what if some of our ‘fixed stars’ have not been founded on love? What if they’re not really working?? I am awed by the courage and absolute love of humanity, in such a man that asks these questions, for can we imagine the sheer volume of ‘flack’ he cops for it! The No.1 instant response to a UM student/attendee making a loving change that asks someone close to consider another way, is to “blame Serge”. And I know Serge well expects/knows this!

    Your honesty is giving voice to this, Marshall, lays a framework for so many.. Your own courage to ask the same questions as Serge asks, is to be equally respected. What an amazing scientific mind and heart can share something as profound as your statement: “science actually says ‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’ “! And, apply this to one’s living.

    ‘Tis joy to be with you on the journey, brother, in embracing and discovering that we do indeed have a true guiding ‘fixed star’ that will never steer us astray – our own inner-heart, the love of our soul.

    1. This is such a beautiful comment Victoria. I love your analogy of connecting to ‘fixed stars’, especially your conclusion of having the soul as ‘a true guiding fixed star’. I concur with your view of Marshall’s application of ‘everything is a possibility unless proven false’. This is true science without limitation, judgment or prejudice. Thank you both.

      1. It’s such a simple analogy, isn’t it Paul… And we have the fact that there is indeed a fixed star that is true – the love of the soul, our connection and knowing of the divine, or however we choose to call it. Once we know this truth, this purity, it can be our guide through everything we may face. In effect, we become our own teachers in full – and what a tremendous journey it is to become true to this star in full, once more…

      1. Thank-you ladies… deeply inspired by Marshall’s amazing blog.
        Re-visiting this blog today has been particularly poignant in my heart, as it was less than 2 months after writing the comment above, that indeed “all Hell did break loose” in regards to the reaction of a close family member to me, namely for the very reason I’ve shared above, and Marshall has also so eloquently laid out here. That being that the way I was no longer fitted another’s picture of “how they needed it all to be” so that their life felt controlled (controllable even), and safe.
        Unwittingly, I triggered quite some reaction in another, by virtue of making choices that just honoured me and intended no disrespect nor outward triggering of anyone else or their deepest issues.
        Amazing, isn’t it… just how powerfully we can resist love and truth, even when it’s right under our noses. We’ve all done this. And what an amazing and deeply profound experience to understand and accept all the more deeply, just how we each must come to our own selves, and let go of those hurts we may most fiercely protect and defend, fully of our own volition, in our own way and timing. It is hugely freeing to allow this process, and as Serge Benhayon has so often reminded many of us, truly be ‘the observer’ of life.

  176. Thank you for sharing your experience Marshall. No doubt there will be others who can relate to it where a partner has come across Unimed first and it will perhaps assist them in understanding what’s happening if their partner is making changes in their lifestyle habits and reassure them that its not crazy stuff – just looking after oneself. I enjoyed your article very much.

  177. A well expressed account from a partners perspective who was not attending UniMed himself at the same time as his wife.
    Thank you for sharing your experience which can so easily be understood and related to by others and your inspiration in moving on from the strong views you once held.

  178. I was deeply touched reading your beautifully written words and revelations. I feel inspired by the courage and honesty of both you and your wife. Also I found your scientific observations very interesting in particular ‘everything is a possibility unless it is proven false’.

    1. Sometimes I think science has totally forgotten itself. When new and challenging things come to light it’s science’s job to openly investigate it to see whether or not it is true and certainly not shoot it down because it doesn’t agree with established theory… how else can science discover more and deeper truths about life..

      1. This is true Dean. Science does seem to have forgotten itself. And this keeps us in the same mindset that led mankind to stubbornly hold on to the belief that the world was flat for so much longer than was necessary.

      2. I totally agree Golnaz. Science today is not really science but more of a private club that tends to serve itself and is far too often closed to everyday common sense.
        What’s more evidence based science has turned ‘anecdotal’ into a dirty word and turned a blind eye to the greatest form of wisdom of all – the wisdom that lives inside each and every person. Even in commenting about it here I sense the opposition to it.

    2. What a great way to put it Nicola. Reading your comment leaves me feeling open to that fact that anything is possible. Sometimes we have to park all of our disbeliefs and doubting thoughts, in order to encounter something new.

    3. Yes, something can be exceedingly unlikely in the beginning but it can still be true. It is unlikely to be true but it is not certain to be untrue.

  179. As another male, whose wife dragged him ‘kicking and screaming’ only to realise I was fighting myself all along, I related strongly to your story, your understanding of those that would prefer to attack rather than explore and the magic that lives ever present in our choices. Thanks for giving voice to this Marshall.

    1. I bet I’m with many others in saying we’re glad you did not ‘kick and scream’ to the point of not coming along to the presentations by Serge Benhayon. If only the attackers could make the choice for themselves to give it a proper go, and break through into the magic in their own lives too!

    2. I just love your honesty JL as we live in a world today in which people all too often can hide their issues behind what is considered normal.

    3. I was lucky – I went a week later than my wife for the first time and neither of us became enthusiastic. It was very simple and natural and things quietly changed.

  180. Love it Marshall, I really enjoyed reading your article, thank you soooo much for sharing all you have.

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