Humanity’s Current Course needs to Change

by Neil Gamble

In the past four years I have come upon the teachings of Serge Benhayon and attended his retreats and workshops. I have read his substantial philosophical works and listened to his podcasts. Over that time I have adopted Serge’s suggestion to track my own feelings and have, as a result, made changes to my lifestyle that initially seemed alien and contrary to common practice but that have gradually made such sense and had a significant and positive impact on my life.

His teachings have had a profoundly positive effect on pretty well everything that I do – my work, my friendships and my relationships with my family. In my experience I can also say that these changes brought about by Serge’s teachings are brick building processes towards a much happier and healthier life in general; a never ending process of increased awareness and improved wellbeing.

I am now retired from executive roles; I have been CEO of internationally publicly listed companies for most of the past twenty years. I have been a registered member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ACA) up to my retirement from that institution this year. My role as CEO was primarily one of leadership of large teams of people.

I now look back at the corporate world with a much clearer understanding and see so many businesses driven by executives that, without the benefit of these teachings, have little understanding of well being for themselves and their related communities. There is corporate irresponsibility on a massive scale. Serge Benhayon’s teachings would profoundly change the thinking and behaviour of the corporate world that would lead to much more responsive and responsible business models.

I have come to understand that you are what you eat, you are what you think/ say and you are whatever energies you choose to let in. It is clear the energies of the business world are largely based on the wrong philosophies.

Leading the dysfunctional list of corporates is the food and beverage industry which plays a major part in conning humanity to eat and drink rubbish; hence the enormous increase in modern lifestyle illnesses.

In general the directors and officers of industry have a lot to be accounted for, often involving insidious behaviour as they reach out for profits at the expense of the well being of staff, customers, communities and themselves. There is little in business’s key performance indicators that promote healthy lifestyle choices.

It comes down to a new education system. We should train ourselves to experiment with lifestyle choices, to listen to the messages from the body and thereby to make the much needed changes. It should not be an education so heavily weighted on knowledge and sciences but rather one that also teaches people to really choose how they want to live. It is not what we do that matters – it is who we really are.

The world has been deceived by the “glamour and illusion” that needlessly drives people to strive for self recognition. Our mostly irresponsible media help to embed these inappropriate behaviours.

Serge Benhayon’s teachings expose and then answer these big questions posed here and many more. His highest level of ethics and exemplary living are certainly worth considering.

I recommend Serge Benhayon’s books and I am certain that the reader will ask, as I do “How did these works come into being? Is it possible for one man, with so many other non book writing teaching tasks, to produce these substantial works in so few years? How was this possible? Perhaps there is more at work here than men usually considers? Perhaps there is a bigger than conventional philosophical view.”

There are more books to follow the six currently published works.

I believe that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices. It is worth it.

191 thoughts on “Humanity’s Current Course needs to Change

  1. I totally agree with you Neil when you say
    ‘There is little in business’s key performance indicators that promote healthy lifestyle choices.’

    The big corporations mouth ‘caring’ platitudes but all they care about is profit at the expense of their work force. I have discovered for myself that you can say the most caring well meaning words but if it doesn’t come with a livingness to back it up the words are empty and empty words can be felt by everyone. Whether they want to actually registrar the impact of those empty words are another matter, most people don’t because it is to painful to feel that someone or their work place colleagues don’t really care so we ignore the pain. We are very sensitive human – beings and it hurts to feel such insensitivity so we put up walls of self protection as we live in a very insensitive and brutal world which is having such a negative impact that we are again choosing to ignore. How much worse it has to get before we cannot ignore what’s truly going on is anyone’s guess

  2. “I have come to understand that you are what you eat, you are what you think/ say and you are whatever energies you choose to let in.” This is a great line Neil because it takes responsibility and care for ourselves (and therefore others) to a new level beyond just food and exercise to the quality that we speak in, and what we allow to come through us as thoughts.

  3. How good is any living, how rich and advanced it might be, if we are not truly content with ourself and settled in our bodies.

  4. I agree – Serge Benhayon’s books are out of this world and not only it seems like an impossible feat considering how much he does aside book writing, but the wisdom offered in these books are not new and we can all recognise them even if that may not be what we are currently living, clearly indicating Serge is not the ‘owner’ of the information – it reawakens the relationship we have long forgone.

  5. The whole world would benefit from adopting the Universal Medicine teachings for sure but as always theres never a want or need from Universal Medicine for people to ‘get it’. There is always a respectful approach to the fact that everyone has free will and this respect is inviting and refreshing rather than the forceful approach of demanding or expecting another to ‘get it’.

  6. Business is the world of profits, but what do we choose to profit from? What are the insights we take on and the ways to carry our business? Who benefits from our way of conducting our businesses? Is well-being a foundation we stand on? Is well-being a foundation of our business? Do our products bring benefits to everybody? Are our insights and inspirations the best we can aspire to? Universal Medicine offers amazing insights and inspirations business could profit from to the benefit of everybody.

    1. We really need to redefine the word “profit” and how and where we apply it so that it’s truly for the benefit of everyone equally.

  7. Goodness there is so much in this blog that shakes the ground we walk on! Your observation about the vested businesses in the food industry is a great example of profits before people and shows the colluding that happens to ensure we stay in the mess we are in because we then need the pharmaceutical companies to support us! If you take a step back and see how the industries all interrelate and how many of them put profits over people it is no wonder we are where we are and we will remain there until such time as we say we cannot play the game any longer. I do not see that in the near future.

  8. Everything that Serge shares is so common sense I’ve wondered to myself how I didn’t come to these conclusions myself. And, it’s all easily applicable to each person, in their own way based on their own body and what feels true for them.

  9. ‘It is not what we do that matters – it is who we really are.’ Being focused in who we really are instead of the result, brings another quality to our life and consequently to all what we do.

  10. Yes to re-educating ourselves. We have made everything about the outcome, the gain, the personal recognition that we have lost any connection to how we truly feel and how we truly are and thus to that what truly matters, to live in deep respect and honour to ourselves and everybody else.

  11. The books written by Serge Benhayon have definitely opened me up to ask many questions, and each time I read a paragraph or phrase I get to understand so much more, these books need to be in every library so humanity has a chance to stumble across them, and when they do their lives will be changed forever.

  12. You wrote this 6 years ago, Serge Benhayon has been presenting since 1999, before Serge throughout history the great teachers have also presented the Ageless Wisdom and we all carry this knowing in our inner hearts and yet still so few live it. I wonder how many more years and how much more suffering it will take before humanity is ready to live the love and truth we all are at essence rather than the opposite!

    1. Yes, 6 years ago and nothing has change, either in the world or in what Serge presents! Serge is the most consistent man I have even known, he just keeps deepening our understanding of the same simple truth.

  13. What you and Serge Behanyon write makes so very much sense it is really quite shocking that the common living reality is so very different to the simple truths that are on offer and are in fact who we all truly are.

  14. “There is corporate irresponsibility on a massive scale” here here. We place profits over people and the outcome is a mental and physical health crisis we are struggling to understand and support. Responsibility is not a rude or dangerous word, in fact I am not entirely sure how anyone gets to run a business without understanding the social responsibility that goes with that privilege.

  15. “It comes down to a new education system. We should train ourselves to experiment with lifestyle choices, to listen to the messages from the body and thereby to make the much needed changes.” Absolutely through feeling and listening to our body, we are able to use it as a marker and our choices can all be felt and experimenting with our choices allows us to truly feel what supports us and what does not.

  16. I was listening to one of The Way of The Livingness audios today as presented by Serge Benhayon and guest speakers and he mentions that the future of man kind is in men living their natural tenderness and woman living their natural delicacy. Imagine that despite the glamours of a materially advanced future it comes back to the utter simplicity of who we all truly are. The answers have been there all along few have taken the time to listen to their wisdom.

    1. What’s the point of technological and material advancements when we feel terrible on the inside by not being who we truly are? We can see the realities of this in current society with high rates of abuse, self abuse, suicide, illness and disease, and general malaise.

  17. If it is the experience of many who have tried out things that were alien to our existences and we all can feel the huge difference they make, what is this telling us regarding the healthiness of what does not seem alien to us?

  18. “I have come to understand that you are what you eat, you are what you think/ say and you are whatever energies you choose to let in.” Yes, something that will change your life forever when understood, adhered to and applied.

  19. “We should train ourselves to experiment with lifestyle choices, to listen to the messages from the body and thereby to make the much needed changes.” That is a wonderful idea Neil – nobody would lose if they give it a try as so many other possibilities did not work in the long run.

    1. I very much agree, why not try it when there is nothing to lose and, I would add, in fact, much to gain.

  20. When we put profits before people, we all lose, no matter the financial gain for some. Humanity has much to gain as a whole by putting people first in the sense that we make business about connecting with each other instead of competing against each other. From there the true wealth will flow.

    1. Yes we have made the word ‘wealth’ mean money and yet it’s not only this by definition. The more we keep living something the more the focus becomes on ‘it’ being that one thing. In other words we control our perception of things directly from the way we are and live anything for long enough and then ‘it’ is all that we see there is. We can use ‘people before profits’ but if we don’t live this in our world then we will see before our eyes another reality created and this is how it’s always been in this world. What is happening before us is a direct result of the way we are and have lived. If we don’t like what we are seeing or what is happening, then the answer would be to simply live another way. This articles brings forward to us this ‘other way’.

    2. This is so true, but when will business admit this, ‘When we put profits before people, we all lose, no matter the financial gain for some. Humanity has much to gain as a whole by putting people first in the sense that we make business about connecting with each other’.

  21. Great blog, Neil. It is surprising the irresponsible manner in which many industries conduct business. In the industry I am working in at the moment, I am beginning to feel a muffled cry for change. I am in the fortunate position of working for a small company in a niche market where we work with corporate companies globally. My MD is very open, and is a trailblazer for change. He has been very supportive, and a bit curious even, in what I am bringing to the company. I am so appreciative for this opportunity, and the way that establishing strong, supportive and collaborative relationships with these corporate customers is an integral part of my job. Change is coming.

  22. I absolutely concur Neil, what is offered by Universal Medicine is a different way and as a world we badly need it. If you look around you see everything being about function, getting things done, but not about the quality of how it is done or indeed how if affects those doing the doing or even receiving that doing. There is so much more to life than we currently allow, and looking beyond our current limits is long overdue.

  23. It only takes one person to show a different way as Serge Benyhayon has done and now so many are choosing and living healthier life styles because we are all equal in the power of choice – and my choice has been to listen to my body and to be true to myself, and in doing so my life has become so much simpler.

  24. It’s interesting, we don’t look enough at life and go, wow, how things are today, it’s a mess, it’s not working something has to change, instead we keep driving home the same systems and same way of educating instead of bringing an entirely fresh perspective. If someone does do this, they are often ridiculed yet it is ridiculous to continue to do and become more entrenched in the very things that have led to this mess in the first place.

    1. Yes and I am sure some great people who have been given credit for bringing about true change have said that through history. The same energy and thinking that created the problem cannot fix the problem!!!

  25. I agree Neil that one of the simplest changes that we could bring to all industries as Serge has presented is to put people first and true care of our bodies before profits.

    1. I agree and the approach isn’t even “people first”, it’s all dedicated to people. It’s not that you give it over to others but more see it all in how it truly cares and supports people and then each person that interacts with you is held as the most important point at that moment as all that comes next comes complete or not from that point.

  26. One of the things I am starting to appreciate about change is that as you say Neil it is brick by brick. It’s like we get the revelation and strength to initiate a change and then we build each brick upon those new foundations until it becomes impenetrable to our old ways.

    1. Love how you elaborate on and sum up Neil’s brick by brick analogy, Suse. ‘…then we build each brick upon those new foundations until it becomes impenetrable to our old ways.’ Super empowering.

  27. Humanity’s current course needs to change – absolutely. I agree, and I don’t know if there’s anyone in the world who would actually disagree. But what many of us don’t realise, or choose not to see, is that to change the world we need to change ourselves.

  28. I have had a business for a number of years and it was run before I met Serge Benhayon and obviously after. I have learnt a lot from being in the retail industry, one few sole operators now venture into. How I have been able to support myself with the support of Serge Benhayon has knocked on into now my businesses. Many don’t last like I have been able to, let alone expand like I have been able to and now many are copying the business we do. It’s not that that is the focus but the key has been that I am the business, not that I carry it on my shoulders but whatever is going on for me, how I am, my thoughts, how I live are all alive within the business. It’s been and continues to be a great relationship between myself and the business, always using it as a reflection for what is going on with me. Prior to Serge Benhayon I was shown that business was just something you did and now I know it’s much much more then that, it’s always living and always expanding and while the doors may close at the end of the day the way I am and then the way this impacts the business never sleeps.

    1. Exactly, Ray Karam. ‘..whatever is going on for me, how I am, my thoughts, how I live are all alive within the business.’ All of the way we live is alive in the business in whatever form that business takes. We have the choice on a moment to moment basis to allow that ‘alive’ to be truly alive, shining and serving, or not.

      1. We currently have a way of being that divides our life up into parts, this is work, here is home, this is my family, these are my friends etc and we tend to then live this way. We have an attitude to work and others to the rest, the many faces we take to the world. This is exhausting in itself in you having to ‘be’ this way or that and then almost results in you resenting facing that part in the end. What has been introduced and as we are saying is one life, that all is all and so no face for this and face for that it’s all one face. The approach or dedication held is that whatever and however you are in one part affects and flows on into the other. I guess it’s like just opening a business for a few hours each day at different times in the day that changes every week, it’s hard to remember and gets everyone else confused. Open 24 hours, 7 days and people trust that and what’s more there is no need for you to concern what you are doing next, you know exactly where you are standing.

  29. How crazy it is that what we currently view as ‘normal’ is so far from what is actually our true way of being, to the point that when we are presented with the truth it seems foreign, way out, extreme, radical and far-fetched. Have we rambled that far away from sensing, knowing and feeling truth, from living who we are, and understanding our purpose for all being here together that it is unrecognisable to us when we come across it? If not truth, what is the quality of energy that we are being led by, and does this confirm who we are and support us to live in our true power? As you have pointed out Neil the climate we have created is not working, does not support our health and well-being, us living in a more harmonious way or working together as a humanity. Yet over the past few years I have witnessed how a group of people’s lives have transformed, my own included, through applying The Ageless Wisdom Teachings as presented by Serge Benhayon. What is inspiring is these changes are not only enduring, but tremendously improving the quality of life, that is visibly lived with greater connection, truth, love, vitality and a dedication to Brotherhood.

  30. Neil it is so true that many if not most businesses are more about profit than the wellbeing of their staff and customers. It all seems back to front when you consider that your staff are your primary asset and your business will not thrive without customers.

  31. This is a strong statement Neil . . . “I believe that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices.” . . . The way humanity is going it won’t be long before we will all be brought to our knees and then, and perhaps only then, will we, as a people, be ready to begin to take responsibility for what we have created . . . the war that is going on within our own bodies and a world that reflects this state of being.

  32. Neil, what you and Serge Benhayon present makes so much sense it is just weird that we as a collective don’t listen. For example surely anyone can see that our education is not giving young people life skills. What is the point of knowing that the Battle of Hastings (as I learned at school) was in 1066 if you don’t know how to look after yourself and are unemployable as so many are?

    1. It will be interesting and for many absolutely devastating to see just how far gone we have to go before we listen to the answers that are so freely and lovingly available to us all? How many bankrupt countries, wrecked bodies and wars inside and outside the home will it take?

      1. Yes, sadly the honesty only comes when it gets so bad we have no choice but to start again. Until that point we try to fix things and make it look right without actually getting to the nuts and bolts of it all.

  33. Thank you for sharing your experience Neil. Serge Benhayon most definitely is a voice of reason is a very chaotic world. If someone reads even a page of one of Serge’s books and lives inspired by the wisdom that is shared they would completely turn their life around. If Directors of corporations considered the true consequences that their actions had on themselves (let alone all the people that are harmed by their decisions) the business world would become unrecognisable in the best possible way.

  34. I used to think choosing to take better care of myself, eating well and so forth was strictly personal matter and would not have been able to see it any other way – but really, the same principle can be equally applied to communities large and small as well for there to be true change. We may see various kinds of problems in various scales in the world but they all point to the same thing – either we choose love, or not.

  35. To take responsibility for the way I choose to live makes absolute sense to me even though I forget sometimes! Yet this has not always been the case as I blamed anyone and everyone for everything before I came across Universal Medicine. Attending Universal Medicine confirmed that getting recognised for what I did left me feeling empty yet connecting to myself through my inner heart was a different ball game inspiring me to connect to a stillness and feeling content within my own body. The journey of discarding that which is not me to live who I truly am (love) is a journey I have chosen, a journey that doesn’t happen overnight but a journey I am truly grateful for without it there would be no purpose to my life.

  36. I echo this Neil, ‘I believe that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices.’ The world is a mess and what we are presently doing is not working, what Universal Medicine offers I believe is the answer.

  37. “I believe that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices. It is worth it.” I completely agree with you Neil, 100%. What a different, loving and supportive society we would have.

  38. Humanity – and that means all of us – are offered inspiration by the presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom to bring integrity, responsibility and true love back to the world in the way we live.

  39. Well said Neil and I agree the way humanity is living is just barely ticking the boxes, many have given-up on what it is to live a life with true love, vitality and joy. That’s why Serge Benhayon’s teachings are so powerful and key to thousands of people choosing to live a different way that allows for true change in all areas of your life.

  40. At the moment we can clearly look at the business world in general and see it is for the most part self-serving at the expense of the wellbeing of staff. The teachings of Universal Medicine aside for a moment, it is simply plain common sense to put the wellbeing of the people who make the ‘machine’ run smoothly as first and foremost on the agenda, instead of what seems to be so often the case that they, we, are seen as disposable and therefore not worth taking care of. The way this will change is by bringing the level of care that is missing to ourselves, to put ourselves first and foremost, to not accept abuse and to live with love and integrity. We should not underestimate the power our reflection has if we choose to live this way.

  41. Neil, you certainly are a man who has a authoritative voice on the matters you talk about. I agree, I am the same in the industry I work in. The way I work is much simpler and it is about working together for the benefit of all and not just a minority. This change has been due to my reawakened awareness through the teachings of Serge Benhayon.

  42. When the management of any business or the corporate world places ‘profits at the expense of the wellbeing of staff, customers, communities and themselves’ it erodes the integrity of all that they do.

  43. The term responsibility should not be reduced to meaning paying the bills, or what happens when you become an adult. Responsibility is us choosing energy, it’s every choice we make and how we choose to express, like you’ve said Neil, ‘…you are whatever energies you choose to let in.’

  44. When we make it our focus to make money, gain reputation and build prestige we make our life about ourselves and it will be in separation to what is needed by people. Only when we focus our business endeavours on what is needed for humanity will we be truly successful on a world scale and create a business model that will work for all people on this planet and not just in the favour and to the benefit of a few.

  45. The business world would benefit so much from putting people before profits. Industries may change, but as a human race we would be more loving, caring and honest.

  46. The highest level of ethics and exemplary living are most definitely worth considering, as are the countless lives transformed by those who have been inspired to live by them. The media can choose to report whatever irresponsibility they wish but each person still remains as living proof of the power of what Universal Medicine presents.

  47. Neil with your past experience and your high level of awareness of what is going on in the corporate world you would be the perfect man to bring this awareness back to them.

  48. The current course has changed already. Every little choice counts and everyone who does make this choice, to take responsibility again and start to life a life of integrity makes a difference.

  49. I agree Neil we need to listen to the messages from the body in order to make the much needed changes to our lives. Our bodies are our ‘go to’ authority on everything. When we listen to our bodies we bring a consistency and balance to our lives; a responsibility that is reflected in everything we do.

  50. Thank you Neil for sharing your experience in the corporate world, it is today rife with greed and corruption, I thought that one time where being a respectable company meant that people came first, and that a certain profit margin was deemed acceptable it seems that the greed is not just with the higher ups in the company but also from the shareholders who have bought into this greed. What a different world we would see if people were put first before profits.

  51. One of the most valuable things I have ever learnt from Serge Benhayon and the esoteric teachings is to not value any part of our lives as either greater or lesser than another part, for they are all equal parts of a grand whole, equally grand in themselves if we bring all who we are into all that we do.

    1. Yay . . . I love this comment Liane. What you have delivered here gives no room for anything other than the Truth to enter. You have in a single sentence shut the door on evil. Well done! What an inspiration!

    2. I agree and it’s value is that we already knew it and for a long time walked past this very fact and created other ways of being around it leaving it appearing more difficult to see. Now walking back to this very fact of how naturally we are is very freeing and less exhausting. Serge Benhayon makes sense of the parts we have created which then allows you to see clearly and settle back to “all equal parts of a grand whole” again.

      1. It is simply the path of ‘the part’ learning to not live a-part from the whole it is a part of 🙂

  52. The teachings of Universal Medicine are not owned by anyone but rather speak the wisdom of the ages we all hold deep within our hearts. This is why everything Serge Benhayon presents just makes so much sense because it strikes a knowing cord inside us all. As such we can either choose to ignore, react or respond to such a sound. Personally for me it is the same as Neil. These teachings have formed the basis of how I now live my life. Once I was a like a helium balloon in a storm, lost without a tether in a world I felt extremely overwhelmed by. But these teachings have become the bricks and mortar of how I now live. Solid, steady and able to weather any storm without exploding in the process!

    1. I really appreciate this Liane and feel the same. There is a solidness to how I now feel and this is thanks to the practical teachings of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the Ageless Wisdom. We have an opportunity to consider another way that is more loving and encourages connection and brotherhood, not separation and individuality.

  53. Thank you Neil for this powerful blog. You wrote: “We should train ourselves to experiment with lifestyle choices, to listen to the messages from the body and thereby to make the much needed changes.” That would be great as this would let us also take back the responsibility for ourselves.

  54. ‘I have come to understand that you are what you eat, you are what you think/ say and you are whatever energies you choose to let in.’ This is powerful Neil, once I realised this myself, my life also started to change. It revealed to me my responsibility for all my choices and how they impact my life as well as others is undeniable. So many things started to make sense to me when I started to view the world with more clarity, understanding and love.

  55. “Perhaps there is a bigger than conventional philosophical view.” A very good question to ask to open up to that there is more to life than we allow us to see and a good start to a greater understanding is to bring our hearts to everything we do and make it about people and not outcome as Serge Benhayon and his business Universal Medicine role model so consistently.

  56. A great read Neil and who would not agree? Corporates based on a drive for profit only feel to me like they’ve reduced themselves to something very basic, especially if the profit is at the expense of people. We need to return to feeling a sense of aspiring to something greater, expand our view, and contribute to making this world the truly amazing place it could be. For me also the work of Serge Benhayon is revolutionary in its approach and has the potential to transform the world on every level.

  57. And we are all responsible for that change…. one by one, step by step, and a lovely reminder that for every one person who chooses responsibility, and reconnects back to their bodies, everyone they meet gets this reflection. One person can have a great impact on so many others as Serge Benhayon has shown us all consistently and lovingly so.

  58. I agree Neil there is a lot of irresponsibility in the world and we see this reflected in the corporate world. Businesses should be first and foremost about people, how to serve people and what is best for their health and well-being. This would only be possible when they make all people aware of their own responsibility in this and that they are not just puppets of the industry that is around. Like because chocolate is being sold and promoted you do not have to buy and eat it when you know it is not good for you. It is yes about the leaders of the companies not taking responsibility to make there business one that truly serves all, like not selling chocolate as it is not healthy for us, but it is equally up to all of us to take this responsibility for ourselves and not eat the chocolate for instance even if it is there.

  59. ‘There is corporate irresponsibility on a massive scale.’ Absolutely, Neil. Whichever way you cut it, our understanding of the word ‘responsibility’ and how this is played out in ourselves as individuals and collectively in corporates, is so watered down and denatured from its true requirement, that we can kid ourselves we’re being responsible when in fact we’re just playing the game, following the crowd, going with the flow or alternatively trying to be different, pushing the envelope, boldly going. These approaches might look to be working well, but the responsibility for humanity is sadly on vacation and that’s the worst form of short-sightedness to entertain.

  60. This is a philosophy well worth investing in as more and more of us feel the emptiness that striving for recognition brings.

  61. Hear hear on corporate irresponsibility, Neil. ‘There is little in business’s key performance indicators that promote healthy lifestyle choices.’ I’d take this further and say there is nothing substantial or of real integrity in most businesses’ KPIs that truly reflect a valuing of the human being beyond the commoditised aspect. Enter ‘Resilience Training’ – a form of support given so that corporations can continue to make unrealistic, exacting demands on their workforce having given them the so-called tools they should use to keep their exhaustion levels out of the office. There is much lip service and window dressing in KPIs but little that truly addresses the toxic soup of corporate culture or that truly unleashes the untapped potential of each and every employee.

  62. “I can also say that these changes brought about by Serge’s teachings are brick building processes towards a much happier and healthier life in general; a never ending process of increased awareness and improved wellbeing.” I agree Neil. The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom by Serge Benhayon are the medicine that humanity is desperately in need of, in business, home life and communities everywhere on Earth.

  63. Thank you Neil, for saying it so simply and as you see and have experienced I know that it is actually frowned upon if you take the time to look after yourself in the corporate world, or you care to care about people or do things differently. But the ease and JOY that comes with being able to live your life as you see fit, in a way that benefits everyone, is in fact very very freeing. The teachings and presentations from Universal Medicine certainly supports people to do that.

  64. Really well written piece Neil, absolutely loved it. Its great to hear your insight into the corporate world and how people who live with love for themselves, can then in turn love other people and make that the philosophy in all business models rather than “profit before people’, which is the dominating trend of everywhere today.

  65. “We should train ourselves to experiment with lifestyle choices, to listen to the messages from the body and thereby to make the much needed changes. It should not be an education so heavily weighted on knowledge and sciences but rather one that also teaches people to really choose how they want to live. It is not what we do that matters – it is who we really are.” So much gold here Neil. This article should have a wider outreach.

  66. Thank you for this article Neil. “I have come to understand that you are what you eat, you are what you think/ say and you are whatever energies you choose to let in.” I totally agree with your words here and how awesome it will be when all of humanity knows it too. Thank goodness for Serge Benhayon and all that he presents in offering people a different way, a choice to be the love they are.

  67. Almost everyone would agree that the world needs to change when we look at the immense suffering that so many endure, I am sure as you are Neil that if the teachings of Serge Benhayon were known more generally they would be widely adopted because they simply make profound sense. This will happen and it will change the world into a more and more loving place.

  68. How did we get where we are at indeed. Recently an esoteric practitioner told me that despite the turmoil and catastrophes the world is currently experiencing there is more love in the world than at any time before. Through the teachings of Serge Benhayon the student body is expanding and reflecting love all around. I can feel a time when there will be so many people living the life that was always theirs to live that the world as we know it will be unrecognisable.

  69. The current model of business will have to be turned on it’s head. The business model will have to no longer see the success as the margin of it’s profits but the ability to be in harmony and provide a purposeful product that truly serves.

  70. How right on you are Neil Gamble: humanity must change it’s ways. I met an air traffic controller from Heathrow today and we were talking about how busy it is and how they manage to handle so many aircraft. I then asked if most people drink coffee to get by and his response was to laugh and say absolutely; everyone drinks coffee, including me he said, he’s a coffee an hour guy, along with a cigarette each break to cope. While he knew mentally this wasn’t a sustainable way of living, he accepted it as normal and par for the course, also accepting that he’ll probably be burnt out by 40 years of age. The business of air traffic control is driven by efficiency, but at what expense? There is no understanding by the executives of what is health and wellbeing, just a constant nod to keep trying to get the most out of people before they break. And I don’t see air traffic control as being all that different to most other industries.

  71. “Serge Benhayon’s teachings expose and then answer these big questions posed here and many more.” So true Neil, the books and teachings don’t hold back and answer far more questions than we could attempt to consider, let alone pose. Humanity in its entirety would greatly benefit from the depth of absolute truth and wisdom they offer. Good question, how does he do it? The answer is there for all to know and choose to do the same.

  72. Neil, you don’t mince words and you don’t have to as you know what you are talking about here – you have done business with if not worked with many large corporation and are well aware from the inside, as many people are aware from the outside, that success is measured by the profit margin not the health and well-being of its staff and customers. For quite a few years I offered a health and well-being service to many large companies and organisations, it was interesting how the majority of staff were interested to look after their health but this was almost always initiated by the staff and almost never attended or organised by the CEO’s and higher management – if these initiatives were supported from the top down it is setting up a working culture that starts with the message ‘you’ (the staff) and your health are important. It would seem that absenteeism and presenteeism due to poor physical and mental health will need to further deteriorate before the common sense approach of people before profit will prevail.

  73. Thank you Neil for sharing these insightful words, humanity would definitely benefit from all that Serge Benhayon has openly offered and by the way has never owned but refers his teaching to be an ancient wisdom that is passed on by messengers of a livingness that comes from our connection to divine being we are and expressed through our body.And yes how has this man produced so much inspiring wisdom and the answer is in what he teaches and lives.

  74. This is awesome to read Neil, I have worked for a large corporation for over 25 years now and they would certainly benefit from reading Serge Benhayon’s philosophies and applying the principles into their own lives. How companies would transform if everyone became more responsible and made choices based on love and true care – there would be less people absent from work and more engaged and working harmoniously together.

  75. I agree Neil, I think the corporate world could do with some of Serge Benhayons teachings and presentations

  76. Both my husband and myself work for big corporations and I couldn’t agree more with your comments Neil about the way such conglomerates are anything but being based on love and harmony. What a difference it would make if all concerned understood and lived by the philosophies of Universal Medicine before worrying about anything else.

  77. I agree Neil – you make a much needed point here about mass corporations operating in the wrong way. I work for these sorts of companies – and it is very clear what the underlying objectives are – competition, a good reputation, higher sales and higher profit margins. It always comes down to this – no matter what angle is taken.
    What about people? what about health? what about care? Working in these sorts of companies and offering my input into how things can change (even if it is as small as being more honest to the consumer in how we talk to them) feels like a small step to a much needed journey. Universal Medicine should be a company manual.

  78. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the corporate world started changing it’s drive from the profit bottom line to one that embraced the philosophical view of being a responsible servant of humanity with an important role to play. They would still surely be economically viable. Imagine a food industry whose vision was to nourish people.

  79. I agree Neil, humanity’s current course does have to change and Serge Benhayon has the answers we need to make that happen and there is a large group of people that has recognized that and will make that happen to the benefit of all of humanity.

  80. Thank you Neil for discussing the level of disregard that exits on the corporate front. Each company is a machine capable of great things when it is off track it is capable of devastation.

  81. So true Neil, the world has lost focus on what is truly important and instead is running blindly down a path of self-destruction and misery. The blindness however is self-chosen and is more a refusal to see. Thanks to Serge Benhayon, one man who was prepared to see and to speak up, people are being offered the opportunity to choose differently (if they so choose) and those who do find it works in ways they could never have imagined. I have not had to believe a single thing – as it proves itself to be true.

  82. So appreciate what you have written here Neil, one man speaking out as you have in the business sector does make a difference, and there are more who are beginning to speak out in other fields as well now. This is simply because one man – Serge Benhayon – did not hold back from speaking out about what is essentially the common sense, of which humanity has lost possession.

  83. Imagine if our KPI’s were Harmony, Truth, Love and Joy … might not be too many bonuses paid at the management level to begin with if this were the case, but once adopted the bonuses and benefits would be magnified throughout the entire company and beyond.
    Hear hear to Universal Medicine’s teachings and practices being worth incorporating – and ultimately will be, if only once all other avenues have been exhausted.

  84. Here, here Neil, I completely and fully endorse that, “humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices. It is worth it”. Knowing from my own personal experience and the many, many people I have witnessed whose lives have been turn around so profoundly the path of humanity would also be so enhanced.

  85. This blog should be sent to all companies worldwide, starting with the food and beverage industries. Thank you Neil, for bringing the truth. And yes, it is worth it. The teaching of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon are very much worth it.

  86. “I believe that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices” – I stand with you on this Neil.

  87. Neil, what you have shared is so true. Glamour and illusion drive so many organisations who just pay lip service to staff well- being. Serge’s teachings are now being lived by so many of us who work in these large organisations that I can feel a slight change in the tide! I know the team I lead is different to many teams and people around us feel that and although their reactions are varied many want to be part of it. Because of what the Benhayon family are bringing through now I feel that this is only the beginning and it feels amazing to be part of it!.

  88. “Leading the dysfunctional list of corporates is the food and beverage industry which plays a major part in conning humanity to eat and drink rubbish; hence the enormous increase in modern lifestyle illnesses.” This is an absolutely huge statement, one that if considered by all, could lead people to a greater awareness of what we are consuming and why, which would ultimately benefit our health. My health has improved vastly since I took of the yoke of conventional eating and through discernment, mostly eat what I need, not what I want.

    1. Eating what I need instead of eating what I want has also made a huge difference for me. By this an other changes that Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have inspired in me my life has massively changed and now is become more joyful and relaxed each and every day.

  89. A beautiful call to humanity Neil to seriously consider the irresponsibility that currently plagues our world — from the corruption that rules businesses to the corruption that lands on our dinner plate. The teachings of Universal Medicine are all encompassing and any business and individual would benefit hugely from these teachings. It is possible for the world we live in to be harmonious and successful at all levels. I have seen this become the reality for so many who have adopted these teachings as a way of life.

  90. Neil it’s great that you have bought attention to the corporate world but as you say it is the entire world that has been conned into thinking that life is about getting ourselves, our family, our team, our state, our country ahead of others. So much of our thinking is concentrated on the game of getting more for ourselves or our chosen people. We will eventually all return to the life that we have left where our every thought, movement and intention is centred around lifting up everyone else with no thought at all for ourselves, other than the fact that we are all part of the larger whole.

  91. Thank you Neil, this is a very interesting blog. It is sad that we put Profit over people in this World but with more people connecting to the work of Serge Benhayon things can only get better and the ripple effect will be wide. People are learning that we need to self nurture and then we can nurture others.

  92. When I had some financial advice earlier this year, the first piece of advice that preceded all else was in regards to my own health. Financial success is very poor if you are unwell. This type of thinking is not what I have seen in the corporate world but has such a basis of common sense.

    1. So true Nikki, it seems common sense is something most feel they have, but after reading and listening to Serge Benhayon one realises that perhaps they have it but chose not to live it.

  93. Absolutely Neil:
    ‘I believe that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices. It is worth it.’
    Life is about relationships and about love. This is not what the corporate world hold as an important value. Sometimes they state in their ‘philosophy’ something like ‘people first’, but it is empty words without the choices that are part of such a statement.

  94. Absolutely Neil- these philosophical books by Serge Benhayon give us great understanding and perspective on life. The fact that one man has been able to write these texts with everything else. He does needs to be studied.

  95. Thank you Neil for calling to account the businesses that purely exist to make a profit at the expense of people’s wellbeing. When seen for what this is, these businesses and the people that drive them, are basically selling illness and disease. If we put it like that, it is much harder to fool ourselves into thinking that there is any true service in these types of organisations.

    1. Correct Vicky and bound to this terrible notion that that’s ‘just business’. It is not. Business can be profitable and truly successful without corruption being a key ingredient of the way it steers it’s affairs and gets its sales. When business is truly about service everyone benefits.

      1. Spot on Katerina – everyone benefits when business becomes about serves the needs of others and not simply your own bank balance. In fact I find the more I am there for people, and the less invested I am in them buying a product, sales naturally increase because people can feel the love and care I take with them. After all would you rather be served by a pushy salesman who wants a quick buck or by someone who cares about you and what will suit you best?!

      2. Hear hear Katerina. Its time for a culture change in business, to consider the fact that a true business is there to serve the people, and reverse the increasing trend of people being used by business for their own profit, with little regard to the effects on the population of this planet.

    2. Well said Vicky – businesses that are selling illness and disease in the guise of pleasurable experiences – we must see them for what they are, and discern what we consume.

  96. I agree Neil there is so much that needs to change. One of the first things I learnt from Serge Benhayon was energetic integrity and its relation to everything we do. What are our motives/intentions? Is it harmful to another and the energetic effect or record of everything we do? It was definitely a game changer for me to learn this and start to live my life with more energetic integrity than ever before. Imagine if everyone in the world learnt this or if it was taught at school. The world we see now, full of corruption, greed, lies and horrific wars would cease to be. This I feel is our destiny to evolve back to love, harmony and eventual peace.

  97. I agree Neil that initially this way of living does feel a little strange but what I’ve come to realise through experience is how well the body responds to being treated lovingly and what most people view as normal is far from – staying up late, consuming food and drink that doesn’t agree with them, over or under exercising etc., etc. Our bodies were never designed to be used and abused in the way that we do. But we seem to have the belief that whatever we do to it can be fixed by the medical system and we are now finding this not to be true. Many people are now learning through the teachings of Serge Benhayon that it is how we choose to live that determines our wellbeing. True education is definitely key.

    1. Yes Deborah, true education is a major key along with self responsibility. These two factors would change the world dramatically.

  98. Thank you Neil for your sharing and personal experience with Universal Medicine. What a different world it would be if the education system, corporate companies, mums and dads, and humanity took and applied the simple teachings that are presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. As you have described Neil, my life too has changed for the better by applying the principles of living that are offered by Universal Medicine. The principles are as the name suggests – medicine for all!

  99. A true summary. “Serge’s teachings are brick building processes towards a much happier and healthier life in general; a never ending process of increased awareness and improved wellbeing.” I can relate to this description; it has been and continues to be my experience. And once a commitment is made to ‘build these bricks’, they support one another and build a solid foundation from which to live – it is an awesome experience.

  100. Thank you Neil, there is so much emphasis nowadays on what we do and not in who we really are especially in the corporate sector where the only way to get ahead is at the expense of the body so most people end up doing ok financially and materially but often their relationship with themselves and others are not great and their bodies show deteriorating health.
    As you mentioned, it comes down to a new education system where people can learn skills in a way that truly honours and supports their wellbeing and relationships with others so there would be increased productivity and more harmonious environments to work in.

  101. I love what you said here – ” I have come to understand that you are what you eat, you are what you think/say and you are whatever energies you choose to let in”… true.

  102. Thank you for sharing. Universal medicine teaching and practices should be incorporated into everything we do…wow imagine how the world would change.

  103. Thank you Neil I totally agree with you. “The world has been deceived by the “glamour and illusion” that needlessly drives people to strive for self recognition. Our mostly irresponsible media help to embed these inappropriate behaviours.”
    It probably would not be a stretch to say that most of us have been fooled to some extent,or played the game you speak of in our own lives, and what you propose is the missing link, we need to re-connect to ourselves and humanity and live in respect to the equality we hold. If the principles of Universal Medicine were incorporated in the corporate world this would filter down throughout the whole of the company and onward. We all have a responsibility here. It is not what we do but who we are as people that truly matters.

  104. The foundation of energy our society live in colours every system, including the corporate world. I like your “no holds barred” approach to spelling out the truth. We accept things as they are floating along in an illusion that nothing can be done, yet speaking up and having an awareness of our group responsibilities and accountability would make a huge difference. We can definitely do this on a personal level, but also to the corporate world and to governments. If we don’t speak up about what we know is wrong, who will?

  105. Yes, what is interesting is that the large food and beverage industry provide excessive amounts of unhealthy and detrimental items available to the world. It is sadly not about people, nor promoting true health, it is about profits, and it is the people who are now asking for healthy foods, battling these industries to try to break free of the sugar, gluten and dairy tease and control. But at the root cause and problem, I agree: Universal Medicine principles are required, for the world to adopt and live.

  106. Neil what you have shared here is truly groundbreaking for the way people work and are supported at work. As a manager who is about to complete mid year performance development assessments, I can feel how important it is to incorporate how the team are supporting themselves in life that then naturally supports how they are working.

  107. You are so right Neil, humanities course needs to change. I love the proposal that education should include experimenting and discerning for ourselves what works and what doesn’t work in our own wellness. We choose how we want to live. Serge Benhayon has inspired me to question so much of what I have taken as normal and through experimenting and discerning for myself I have now found, and continue to develop, a much more caring and loving way to be in my day to day.

  108. Right with you Neil, well said. For one man to offer as much as Serge Benhayon has and continues to this day, and for the fact it is as a direct result of his living way, it can not but (at the very least), arouse the attention of those ready to see that change is desperately needed in the current course of humanity.

  109. Wow Neil that’s an amazing article and so clearly expressed. It is so true what You are writing here, it’s about who we are and what we bring to the world, and the doing is just the reflection and can always be refined. Companies need brotherhood and true qualities again. I totally agree. I also feel there is (at least for me and what I also observe) a huge lack of selfworth and misconception about different jobs. As we are, every job we do is equal and therefore really important and needs to be appreciated. If we would talk less about our problems that roll in emotions and focus more on that we are all in the same boat then appreciate each others unique qualities and stregths instead of focusing on what we lack..that would already be a graet turnaround. Perfectionism is really an illness and so harming. I chose to heal this in my life so that eventually others can also, if they chose so. I chose to commit to the way of the livingness in my own rhythm and speaking with my true voice again. It’s a process to return and I chose to be as gently as I can with myself. The more I can do so the deeper is my understanding. I love people and I love to work together for a grander purpose.

  110. Thank you Neil. I agree the education system of today is still take the archaic stance of ‘I will tell you what is fact and you will take it on as truth without question’, effectively disempowering us and making us slaves of the capitalist society. Universal Medicine has brought a much needed stop and a refreshing change in my life. Listening to my body and how I feel is now the first port of call and this simple act has made so much difference. There truly is another way based on love and simple common sense.

  111. I love your practical and no nonsense approach Neil. As a person with extensive corporate and media experience, it is heartening to know that you are not blind to the truth of what is going on in society today and the much needed true philosophical approach to life that would turn things around for humanity.

  112. Nothing airy or fairy here. Thank you Neil Gamble for your straight up and honest experiences with the work of Serge Benhayon. Many have benefitted and I know many more will.

  113. ‘I believe that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices.’ I am definitely with you here, the teachings and practices of Universal Medicine bring back what is truly important.

  114. awesome Article Neil. There is great power in your writing and when you speak, you speak for humanity.

  115. Also agree! Thanks Neil, for your insiders perspective, not that it isn’t very plain and clear for the rest of us not inside a corproate bubble to see what’s happening. We’ve just given our power away to those that tell us they have power and know more…probably time to call their bluff.

  116. Neil, I totally agree with you. It is without doubt that ‘Humanities current course needs to change’ for its present momentum seems to be only speeding up and becoming more and more destructive and sad as evidenced by the escalating rates of disease and illness, and rates of violence, misery and disharmony that is affecting us all. It is all of societies responsibility to clear these patterns and to bring this change from a place of integrity, honesty and absolute commitment.

  117. Neil a great post that highlights for me not only the fact of the state of business and the world and the very real need for the presentations of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the Ageless Wisdom to be incorporated into the fabric of everyday life but that the very process of doing that is not through dictation and dogma but instead through a support and allowing for each person to develop their connection to this truth for themselves. I can feel absolutely the need for a new way of business to be in all business and one that is based on these teachings – because if they are we will then have true business.

    1. Thank you Neil and David, I agree humanity is definitely ready for equality throughout society. Serge Benhayon’s presentations inspire a way of life that brings change to all expressions including the corporate world. The current model of the survival of the fittest leaves no room for a one unified truth.

  118. A powerful and true statement ‘that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices.’

    1. I so agree with you pernillahorne…..true change that can support all of humanity.

  119. ‘It comes down to a new education system. If we could train ourselves to experiment with lifestyle choices, to listen to the messages from the body and thereby to make the much needed changes. It should not be an education so heavily weighted on knowledge and sciences but rather one that also teaches people to really choose how they want to live. It is not what we do that matters – it is who we really are.’
    People choosing how they live based on who they are not what they do? Imagine that.
    Thank you Neil. 🙂

  120. It is so true, Neil, there isn’t one area of life that could not be improved by the teachings of Serge Benhayon. You may have to come out of retirement and show big business how it can be done in truth and with making it about people first.

    1. That would be so cool Carmin….to show big business how it can be done…. making it about the people first.

    2. An example in the big business world of this would be fantastic. But it can be taken to a personal level too. How often do people put their own finances before their health? In small business, how often is this the case. Start small and with our own selves and from there that light can begin to spread. If a loving foundation was built of this within each individual, the abuses spoken of would not be tolerated in big business.

  121. Thank you for your heartfelt testimony and deep appreciation, written in the authority and power that the work of Universal Medicine deserves.

  122. Thank you Neil for sharing with us the extent to which many of those that impact our lives from the business world, have separated from themselves. It is ‘cunning’ how that separation is supported by ‘good’ food, drink, lifestyle perks and holding ‘High-powered’ positions in society. One day this will be very different – we are the beginning of that change. The Teachings of Universal Medicine are a living and breathing template which will continue to grow.

  123. Neil your testimony is a true indictment of the corporate world. How amazing would it be for you to write a book reflecting upon your experience from today’s perspective.

    1. So true emfeldman, it is vital for us to constantly reflect on our experiences and learn from them so every step we take is empowered by the truth, acceptance and clarity of the last one is one thing – but to share that wisdom in a book with others is worth far more than gold.

  124. Thank you Neil for speaking from the corporate world, embracing the teachings of Serge Benhayon and seeing what is needed in that world to make a real change

  125. “It is not what we do that matters – it is who we really are.” That insight alone is for an CEO like coming from an other planet. Yes it is time to re-introduce it into the corporate world like you do so well with writing this amazing blog Neil.

  126. Many areas of the food and beverage industry are shocking in their lack of regard for people’s health and wellbeing. We as consumers play a part in this, with the level of responsibility that we are willing to take for our own health and what we call for or accept from these producers. Universal Medicine is a shining model of a business that runs successfully whilst truly supporting everyone, and there is much that can be learnt from this.

  127. Neil this is such a fresh take on the way the world is – and how things could change enormously to benefit from the teachings made available through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  128. A brilliant exposition, thank you. We can walk into any supermarket and pay attention to what is on the shelves, notice everyday how many of us are overweight (especially so, our younger generation) and look to current health statistics for a true sense of the much, much ‘bigger picture’ being ignored for decades. As Neil here says…’Leading the dysfunctional list of corporates is the food and beverage industry which plays a major part in conning humanity to eat and drink rubbish; hence the enormous increase in modern lifestyle illnesses’… I am in absolutely agreement, in that, with incorporating the teachings of Universal Medicine, as presented by Serge Benhayon, humanity will benefit, immeasurably so.

  129. You are someone who has been there, in the Boardroom, leading these firms, so when you say ‘There is corporate irresponsibility on a massive scale’ it should make us sit up and listen. Serge Benhayon’s teachings would be of such benefit, not only personally to these executives but also to the corporations that they run. And I have no doubt that over time these teachings will filter through as the body of people that have been inspired grows and spreads into every walk of life.

  130. Yes, the world needs to change including the areas you mention, Neil. I agree humanity would benefit immensely by adopting and putting into practice the teachings of Universal Medicine as presented by Serge Benhayon. We as students of this way of living are agents of change.

  131. I agree Neil that the corporate world would hugely benefit from taking the teachings of Serge Benhayon into account when making business decisions so that it became about people and what is best for humanity rather than about systems which are usually to the detriment of staff and customers. I love how you sum it up by stating that ‘It is not what we do that matters – it is who we really are’ and the more we all individually take responsibility for this the more this will change. Thank you for speaking up.

  132. Serge Benhayon’s teachings have helped me to take a different view of how I am at work so that instead of being emotional over decisions I have no control over, I am much more accepting of how life is, at the same time having the confidence to speak up if I feel something is not right. As a result I am far more calm and a lot less exhausted.

  133. Like the church and other major institutions worldwide, the corporate world needs to have a light shone on its darkest corners to expose the deliberate deceit and lack of regard for humanity. I agree entirely, that the teachings of Serge Benhayon could help usher through the much needed changes, to bring business back to being about people not $$$.

    1. Yes Janet, and if business is not about dollars but all about people, then no one has to worry about the dollars, the people will come. Just look at Universal Medicine courses and clinic – they never advertise, yet are fully booked year in year out.

    2. Yes Janet so true and it should be about what quality we bring to our work and less about profit making first. Let the light shine forth for all.

    3. It is possible to make money and care for people at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive which seems to be the approach by a lot of the business world.

  134. You write: “Serge Benhayon’s teachings would profoundly change the thinking and behaviour of the corporate world that would lead to much more responsive and responsible business models.” and I could not agree more. The question is when will the corporate world pull up their sleeves, so to speak, and start to embrace Unimed teachings and admit/accept that as it is now it is not working – not for all – because ultimately it has to work for everyone equally, for ‘no man is an island’.

  135. Thank-you so much, Neil. The word ‘irresponsibility’ hardly seems to do justice to the sheer scale of the irresponsibility – basically, the lack of true care for humanity – that you describe exists as ‘par for the course’ in the corporate world. I would truly appreciate hearing a lot, lot more about these subjects, alongside with the beauty of personal stories such as yours that show us just where true change can all begin, i.e. with self-responsibility, and the opportunities we do have to form truly loving relationships in our lives. Voices such as yours are very much needed for the tide to indeed turn.

  136. Agreed Neil, humanity’s current course (including the corporate world) does need to change. Coming from many years spent in the recruitment industry, the only Key Performance Indicator (KPI) regarding employees ‘success’ (and thus the keeping of their job) that is looked at by companies is sales and revenue and in relation to cost base. If this is not being achieved, the favoured HR tool of a ‘performance improvement plan’ (PIP’s) is put in place for the employee. If there is an issue with revenues, then OK things do need to be addressed, but instead of driving the employee to achieve set targets under usually heavy handed micro-management that allows not for expansion (the proposed hoped-for outcome) but more a contraction in behaviours through increased pressures that have a knock-on negative effect on the performance and well-being of not just the individual – but also the rest of the team/colleagues, invariably leaving the employee feeling disgruntled and damaged as a result who then leaves the business.
    Instead, why not have an open and honest conversation about performance – and in relation to how life is being lived/lifestyle choices and how that may be affecting their ability and thus revenues for the business. More so such manager meetings with staff would feature regularly so that such issues don’t then ‘suddenly appear’ and can be dealt with there and then. This is where true change within the workplace can be affected as opposed to a quick-fix and exit route currently favoured which the next employer then inherits, and so the cycle continues and no-body is really better off, and the problem remains.

    1. Great comment Zofia… I can see the Accountant’s role here (speaking as one) that success gets measured by the very limited and narrow set of performance (usually £), and not what actually generates the success businesses crave – which is the people ( employees, customers, suppliers). While stakeholder analysis was supposed to address this, the problem is that it is mere lip service, and really delivering profits continues to be the primary driver, quite often at the expense of those people.

    2. Keep talking Zofia, this is music to my ears, I would love ” performance plans” to be based on how much love I am giving myself and therefore all others. What a change that would be!
      Not that I would,be perfect, but I would love to be called into the office to see why my self love has dropped….

  137. Thank you for your wider view and for your observations of the corporate world. It would indeed support a huge change in the well-being of humanity if corporates were to include a performance indicator that promoted (truly/as you describe) healthy lifestyle choices.

  138. Thank you for taking the wider view and also for highlighting your observations of the corporate world – it would indeed support a huge change in humanity’s quality of life if corporates were to include a key performance indicator that related to the promotion of (truly/as you describe) healthy lifestyle choices!

  139. Thanks you. It’s refreshing to see a ‘captain of industry’ championing integrity within the corporate sector. The responsibility for change within the corporate arena lies squarely with those who have influence. In other words, each and every person who is involved with the organisation in any way.

  140. It is great to hear from one with experience in the corporate world, one who is grounded and very practical yet can see there is more than meets the eye to our world and can describe this understanding of the world so we can all have the opportunity stop and review what needs to change in our lives.

  141. Thank you. You speak from experience and offer a very concrete and informed view of the practices and structures that are clearly not working in the world – and present a clear and accessible account of the possibility and need that exists for humanity to ‘change it’s course’.
    How long will we go on like this? More people like yourself need to stand up and say “the way we are living is unacceptable” and through a sincere openness, explore another way of living which supports our true nature, which is one of love, connection and responsibility.
    Universal Medicine provides this possibility and the practical tools to live it. I am grateful that someone like yourself made the choice to ’change your course’ and as a result you inspire greater change for people and the world through the love that you are.

  142. Thanks – I enjoyed your post and sharing what you know, given all your experience in the business world. The same goes for medicine – and how the teaching of medicine and understanding of illness and disease could be beneficially transformed by adopting and putting into practice the teachings of Universal Medicine as presented by Serge. So yes indeed, humanity’s course needs to change and it is up to all of us to BE the change!

    1. I so agree with you Eunice, I was just researching the private healthcare system in the US where if someone is not covered it makes it very difficult for them to get true care. I stopped for a moment and thought wow — this is where we have truly come to with our health. It is a commodity to be sold. Today’s world has lost the true meaning of the word healthcare. To unravel this mess we’re in though is not as simple as pumping money into a healthcare system that’s grossly over stretched worldwide with the rates of illnesses and disease sky-rocketing. We need to as a humanity really look at what’s taking place at all levels. The teachings of Universal Medicine can and do absolutely show the way.

  143. Are we off course as a race of beings? The level of crime, violence, corruption, illness and disease suggests that we are and what you present Neil does indeed show that it need NOT be this way.

  144. Yes if more CEOs were prepared to consider the total impact of their companies products we would have much less rubbish produced as a result. Being responsible for everything we do is a key concept for humanity to get.

    1. I agree with your comment flickchris about CEOs taking responsibility for the products they produce and everything they do, which equals less rubbish and more quality. That would be a great start to changing business ethics.

    2. I so agree with this too, it comes back to the quality in which we live and therefore effects all that we do. There is much to be learnt from the teachings of universal medicine.

  145. “I believe that humanity’s current course needs to be changed to incorporate the Universal Medicine teachings and practices. It is worth it.” – I couldn’t agree more.

  146. Thank you, you have encapsulated much that I have seen in and felt about businesses in the UK – the constant focus on increasing profits and cutting costs means that there are never enough staff to do the jobs that are necessary to provide the expected level of customer service and so the staff that ARE there feel stressed, go sick and/or leave, which exacerbates the situation even more. We need more CEOs to take notice of what is TRULY going on. Carmel Reid BEng DMS Cert Ed MCMI (UK).

    1. I totally agree Carmel, the focus and importance for most businesses is on the outcome, generally meaning profit, and not about people, whether it be clients or employees. I feel that companies will become much more ‘successful’ by being completely honest and transparent in the way they work. As a manager of a small business over the last 6 years, I have watched the business expand hugely without me having to try, by addressing whatever is needed at the time, always focussing on understanding clients, evolving the business naturally depending on what is needed, and making the product and the way we work as supportive and gorgeous as possible. It is a little surprising how we have gone from strength to strength when the current market is struggling.

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