Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon: Love and Integrity Underpin It All

As a registered nurse and long-time therapist in many fields of Complementary Medicine, and as a practitioner who works with the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Esoteric Practitioners Association (EPA)* established by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, I can truly say that all the allegations that Universal Medicine is a cult and Serge Benhayon is a ‘cult leader’ or a ‘guru’, are not true.

Universal Medicine is a fully accredited and insured organisation, and is recognised and acknowledged in many medical and other areas. Furthermore, after working for 37 years all over the world, I can say that I have never come across an institution with such truth and loving integrity.

The level of professional care and love I have received from Universal Medicine and their excellent esoteric modalities – be it via their seminars or healing sessions – have changed my life in a way that goes far beyond anything I have ever experienced.

These experiences have inspired me in every way; in the way I live my life, and how I work in my own clinic.

As a well-known and respected therapist who is interested in understanding the root cause of illness and disease, I feel so fortunate in this life to have as travelling companions beside me Universal Medicine, the Universal Medicine team and Serge Benhayon – someone who is fully committed to humanity, life, God and a loving, healthy lifestyle.

I’m very much pro conventional medicine, as are Serge and Universal Medicine, but with the current statistics showing such a rise in illness and disease, are we not all talking of the need to change our lifestyles and our eating habits? Are we not also seeing that many of us continuously live with loveless and self-destructive behaviours?

Universal Medicine gives us a brilliant approach to the field of complementary medicine. It is an approach from which so many people, all over the world, have already benefited, including myself and my clients.

For more than ten years Serge has been a consistent loving presence and support in my life – as a practitioner, friend, teacher and fellow traveller.

I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.

Thank you Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine team for enriching my private and work life in a way which no words can describe, and for showing me and my clients and many others a way that is truly loving and caring.

by Susanne Kaiser

* The EPA (Esoteric Practitioners Association) is the internal accreditation arm of Universal Medicine. It was instigated by Universal Medicine to monitor and accredit the modalities that were founded by Universal Medicine. 

162 thoughts on “Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon: Love and Integrity Underpin It All

  1. The Esoteric work as presented by Universal Medicine has changed my life as well the lives of those around me regardless of them being involved with UM or not.

  2. Like you Susanne I have found that
    “The level of professional care and love I have received from Universal Medicine and their excellent esoteric modalities – be it via their seminars or healing sessions – have changed my life in a way that goes far beyond anything I have ever experienced.”
    The seminars and workshops are asking everyone to fully engage with life to become aware of the restrictions we have willingly placed on ourselves. It will take humanity quite sometime to come to grips and admit that we have been lied to for centuries and that we have actually allowed this to happen. We live life in one dimension and so miss out on the greater truth. We vibrate at such a dense frequency that we have manifested what we call the human body. If we were to vibrate at the higher levels frequency that we actually come from then we would not be in the human body as it could not contain such an expansion. For now it is for some science fiction, but the time is coming when we will understand just how much we have been lied to in regards our relationship with multidimensionality.

  3. Yes, it is the consistent reflection that allows our bodies to trust again. This is a world that has lost value in the word truth and the levels of anxiety are testament to that. Truth comes from movements not words.

  4. What I have noticed is that, regardless of the ‘mud slinging’ he lives with the same integrity and that, for me, is a marker of someone who knows their truth and lives it regardless of what is thrown to distract him.

  5. I too have only experienced professionalism from the Esoteric Practitioners I have been to, there is an integrity in the way the practitioners are taught to live what they share. I have trained in many therapies and earlier in life worked as a practitioner of many of those modalities but was never taught the level of integrity that was called for to practice the esoteric therapies.

  6. “Are we not also seeing that many of us continuously live with loveless and self-destructive behaviours?” Very good question Susanne it invites us to look at our own way of living – perhaps more of us can be open to see that we are responsible for our health and wellbeing and not our genes.

  7. Its not just our bodies that are unwell, our families and communities are too with the lack of decency and respect, lack of care, and the presence of behaviours that do not belong to the harmony we could be living together.

  8. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have brought much needed love and integrity to our world, and continue to bring this despite the abhorrent lies that abound, ‘Thank you Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine team for enriching my private and work life in a way which no words can describe, and for showing me and my clients and many others a way that is truly loving and caring.’

  9. The love and integrity that Serge Benhayon lives and brings through everything he does is something we are not used to seeing or experiencing, and it can be hard to believe that is true or humanly possible, and in the past I found myself feeling undeserving of that, but what he represents far surpasses anything that would try undermining our own truth of who we are and allows space for us to unfold and evolve as and when we are ready, it is incredible love.

  10. We are all aware of the importance of life style changes due to our ill-health but talk and solutions like diets and the gym are not it. I have found that it is the way I feel about and treat myself that is most pivotal and things change naturally as this increases.

  11. To know that we are in control of the quality of our own lives changes everything, we can no longer blame and point to others instead we have to take responsibility for our choices and that changes everything.

  12. I found true integrity as a consumer of complementary medicine services when I found Universal Medicine. Prior to coming to Universal Medicine I had experienced sexual harassment within a session, and upon investigation I could see that the members of the associations for that therapy knew about the harassment but did nothing about it. I’ve also experienced rudeness with complementary medicine therapists and a lack of hygiene in clinic rooms. The level of love and care, professional and ethical standards, their cleanliness and adherence to (if not beyond) regulations are all part of why I keep returning to Universal Medicine – their standards of excellence in care and integrity are amazing to experience.

  13. There is nothing like the integrity I have felt, not even close, in all my relationships than the love and respect I have received from Serge Benhayon.

    1. The love, respect, honouring and integrity that Serge Benhayon brings to all people is way beyond what most people can even fathom.

  14. I have always felt the love and integrity of Universal Medicine from the courses, Serge Benhayon’s books, and the practitioners of Universal Medicine, there is always a standard that is higher than I have experienced anywhere else, and a support that is deeper than I have found in any other organisation.

  15. “I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.”
    Universal Medicine has encouraged me to find my own truth, to uncover the layers I had used to fit in with life, to discover that those layers were not who I truly was, and now I am freer of what is not me and more connected to the true me.

  16. Like it or not, Universal Medicine is in the business of setting standards that bring us all to a place of truth and of helping whoever desires to align to it by means of his/her livingness.

    1. Yes and we can stand in the same light with our torches shining bright or walk away. No matter what the choice is for now, re-turning to our Soul is inevitable.

  17. A superb title that brings to a point what Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon are about. It is the love and integrity that is so sorely missing in this world and Serge Benhayon shows us what great changes can occur and how truly healing it is when we make love and learning to live by our truth a loving principle in our life.

  18. There must be something really worth to be experienced, when someone spends their time to attack it with lies and without any reasons

  19. It seems simple, change our eating patterns, sleep patterns, entertainment patterns, emotional out bursts etc and enjoy a more steady supportive lifestyle. Yet many don’t choose this. The question that has to be asked and addressed individually, as it will be different for us all is, Why?
    Serge Benhayon has provided a marker for us all, that it is worth addressing the things that cause us to either abuse our selves, or allow another to abuse us, as through doing so we again connect with, understand and appreciate the body we live in. It is then much easier to honour its true supportive natural cycles and needs.

  20. Universal Medicine practitioners walk their talk and talk their walk to the absolute best of their ability, and I am yet to come across this level of integrity anywhere else. I know many, many people, who would not be living life as fully or with as much joy and commitment had it not been for the support and inspiration of Universal Medicine to show that there is a different way to live life, and that life can be very simple when we choose to live it as lovingly and truthfully as we can, deal with our stuff and commit to living it, in full.

  21. The words “cult leader” and “guru” get bandied around, but it really doesn’t take much scratching of the surface to see the integrity of Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon or in fact anything Serge is involved with.

  22. In any visit to a practitioner who is part of the Esoteric Practitioner’s Association, there is confidence you will be fully supported, seen and heard by someone who cares enough about themselves to be able to care for you.

  23. I agree. I have never read anything like the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Esoteric Practitioners Association. It is a code of ethics and conduct for practitioners, but for me, that document simply outlines how we can each live regardless of what we do for living, and it is only an invitation to the beginning of something much much more grander. Love with which it is written is just beyond this world. Whenever I read it, I am back with the Purpose.

  24. I spent many years searching for what felt like ‘the missing link’. I tried many modalities, workshops and courses. Since starting to attend Universal Medicine events nearly seven years ago, my search has ended because they pointed me in the right direction, to find what only appeared to be missing but was in truth already present…the connection back to myself, my true self, in my innermost heart.

  25. Because of Serge Benhayon I’ve connected to what I’m here to do, what life is truly about, and how to live life in a way that is not chaotic, complicated and run on nervous energy. I only knew life to be that way and I thought that was living and the only way to get through life… and I was miserable. Universal Medicine + Conventional Medicine to me makes complete sense and is the support we all crave.

  26. The standard and integrity that Universal Medicine offers in terms of complementary medicine is outstanding and unparalleled anywhere in my experience.

  27. I also have been down many paths in search for the truth, and since by association with Universal Medicine this has not changed as I continue to want to know the truth. But what has changed is my relationship with truth and knowing what truth feels like, through developing a loving relationship with my body and being. It is this relationship with truth that now what guides me, with far greater awareness of what supports me to live more and more in a way that honors my health, well-being and a truly loving and connected way of life.

  28. “Universal Medicine gives us a brilliant approach to the field of complementary medicine. It is an approach from which so many people, all over the world, have already benefited, including myself and my clients.” . . . I am also one of the people who have benefited from Universal Medicine’s brilliant approach. This approach is so successful because it requires us to take responsibility for our own health and for our own lifestyle choices. This is the common sense that is missing in a world that wants to either tip toe around the route cause of our problems as the rates of illness and disease soar or settle for a quick fix which simply buries the problem deeper only to resurface down the track.

  29. As a health practitioner I have been a member of governing associations since my initial graduation nearly 30 years ago. Never once have I been asked to abide by a standard of living that exemplifies the level of love, care and integrity I would wish to come across with to my clients by any other organisation. The EPA and it’s Code of Conduct is unparalleled as far as I can tell, and it has certainly raised my awareness of the importance of such a Code when putting oneself forward as a practitioner of any kind.

  30. Thank you Suzanne. The fact that so many health professionals like yourself are willing to publicly support the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine speaks volumes about the incredible integrity Universal Medicine operates with.

  31. I too stopped searching after coming across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, to have finally found something with complete integrity, transparency, truth and love is what was missing from my life.

  32. Beautifully expressed Susanne. The Code of Ethics of the EPA is without a doubt the code with the highest standards of professionalism of any in the world and is applicable to not just health practitioners but for everyone whether in ordinary life or for a profession – quite remarkable.

    1. Indeed jstewart51, being a practitioner with the EPA myself and knowing the Code of Ethics I know what I am getting when I visit a practitioner of any modality… and that is highest standards, responsibility and the utmost care.

  33. Like you Susanne I also went down many paths searching for truth, it wasn’t till I met Serge Benhayon that I knew my search was over because of the impeccable integrity, absolute commitment to truth and service, and deep love for humanity that Serge naturally lives everyday I was inspired to re-connect to my innermost and to begin to live the true me again.

  34. What Serge Benhayon presents is so simple, he lives it, he reflects it to others, he does not impose, you then have a choice. I know I was inspired by the simplicity of self care, the logic of self love and the ripple effect it had on those in my life. It was only when I saw how I could live and the effect it had on others that I appreciated the harm I did before. It was an ouch but is what will forever stop me returning to my old way of living.

  35. Reading this has allowed me a moment to ponder on the affect Serge Benhayon has and continues to make in our world. From the love, dedication and humbleness of one man we have now healing modalities and an organization (the EPA) that hold an integrity I have never before experienced in my own exploration of healing modalities and accredited bodies. Does this not show each of us what we are capable of if we but choose to live steadily our love and humbly follow its path and make that our life.

  36. I agree Susanne, I went down many paths searching for something meaningful and sustaining and didn’t find it till I came across Serge Benhayon 15 years ago. I didn’t even realise till about 12 months later that l’d stopped ‘searching’, that somewhere in my body I felt deeply and utterly settled and at home. I had been looking for that feeling my whole life I realised, where before I felt an insatiable unrest. So many things promised to be the ‘answer’ to that unrest, but none were (and I tried many!). 15 years later I still have a deep settlement within me that allows for the most divine stillness to be my most normal state of being. A very beautiful way to live… and not one I would swap for ANYTHING on this planet.

  37. For me too there is a big difference between Universal Medicine and other organisations I have been involved with. The level of integrity, and especially energetic integrity, goes far beyond what I have encountered in the past.

  38. ‘I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.”

    It is hard to explain how a philosophy ends up being a way of life that then unfolds to a deep understanding of what true Religion is. Yet, you manage to explain it beautifully, simply and profoundly.

  39. The heading says it all “Love and Integrity Underpin It All”. I have never experienced, and truthfully, not many organisations will match the love and integrity of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  40. “I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.” Pure gold Susanne. This sums up my experience with Universal Medicine perfectly. It is such a breath of air to come across people that do not have an agenda.

    1. I agree Leonne. Truth never needs to be proven or imposed, as it is instantly known by the heart. We only need to be open to receive and share it.

  41. “The level of professional care and love I have received from Universal Medicine and their excellent esoteric modalities – be it via their seminars or healing sessions – have changed my life in a way that goes far beyond anything I have ever experienced.”

    I have had nothing but incredible experiences with Universal Medicine too but when I have been through tough times I have wanted to pull away from all the truth that is offered by this incredible team so it certainly has not always been smooth sailing but for me pulling away from truth is always short lived. It reminds me of when I use to party really hard, I never wanted to go to my Mums house because I would feel what a bad state I was in but in truth when I got there, I was home and I was relived to be able to stop.

    1. I remember this too Sarah, I thought as a child and young adult that I wanted to keep a lie going and didn’t want to get caught or found out, but in truth the relief of actually being called out was exactly what I was really looking for and what the waywardness needed to stop.

    2. Dealing with all your stuff is definitely not plain sailing because it asks you to be consistently truthful about what you can feel and the choices you’ve made – and often these things can be uncomfortable to feel. But it is also an amazing process, letting go of all the layers that aren’t me, and living and speaking more of my truth.

      1. Yes, I wouldn’t have it any other way, as challenging as it is facing all your choices: to me, what is even harder is running, as your choices aways catch up with you and living in constant tension of the more we all know ourselves to be is very uncomfortable.

  42. If what is described as complementary therapies are not in full support of conventional medicine, or if they in any way compete with conventional medicine, then they should be considered alternative therapies and not complementary at all. For the record I have always experienced Universal Medicine therapies to be fully complementary to any conventional medical treatment I have required.

  43. Susanne, very beautifully shared, I too love what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present, it’s very real, practical and the level of integrity is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I am an EPA member and reading it’s Code of Ethics moved me deeply, I cried as I could feel the level of love and care I was being asked to be with myself and all others, no diktats just an invitation and I choose to be a member, and can feel how it supports all of my life. This is the way we can all live and many are now learning and exploring how this works in their lives, and it’s ripples are being felt far and wide.

    1. Integrity is what I have learned and clearly observed by the Benhayon family. How there is a new standard we can live, one that is one unifying and loving for all.

  44. Hear, hear Susanne – I have experienced nothing but the most impeccable integrity with Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the Esoteric Practitioners Association and its Code of Ethics – absolutely leading the way globally.

  45. The code and ethics of the Esoteric Practitioners Association are second to none. I have been a member of various organizations and none espoused the integrity, love and care for its members and clients that the EPA does. The EPA code provides a platform and template for all organisations who want to act responsibly for their members.

  46. Universal Medicine ‘opened my vision to be able to live a healthy loving life’. The same for me too Suzanne. No imposing, no judgement, just acceptance, integrity and love, Serge Benhayon treats everyone with equalness, something unheard of in society today.

  47. With so much of humanity living with loveless and self-destructive behaviours and suffering as a result, every field in the care, health and welfare of people should be asking what is going on and why and not just addressing how to manage the symptoms and end results of such choices… This is where Universal Medicine truly excels in asking us to consider what has for too long been ignored…. the self-responsibility required for our own health.

  48. In years to come, people will be seeking out practitioners (complementary and traditional) that belong to the Esoteric Practitioners Association for the simple reason of the principles of energetic integrity and esoteric responsibility in which practitioners not only work from but live their whole lives from. These principles provide a foundation for living a life where caring and nurturing of self is of equal importance as that of caring for another. In fact they go hand in hand.

  49. Sometimes you hear the saying that ‘the truth is out there’ and I interpret this in my way as there is a truth that is not going anywhere but there when we choose to see it, feel it and align to it, and maybe the correct term is surrender to it.

  50. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon do not stand alone in what they present, there are many people that have greatly benefitted from their services and are willing to back this work with everything that they have to offer and I am one of them. To have such a back up speaks for itself and for the integrity and love that this man, Serge Benhayon, and all the other members of Universal Medicine stand for.

  51. “The level of professional care and love I have received from Universal Medicine and their excellent esoteric modalities – be it via their seminars or healing sessions – have changed my life in a way that goes far beyond anything I have ever experienced. These experiences have inspired me in every way; in the way I live my life, and how I work in my own clinic.” I would have to thoroughly agree to the above statement to the point that I have been so impressed by the courses and modalities offered that I have undertaken to learn several of the modalities on offer because I have found them to be greatly beneficial.

  52. If we like it or not: the world is asking us to change. Be it Western Medicine or our way of living all over the planet – we are ‘not successful’. It may look like that we are developing because we have more technology and fly to the stars, but… in fact we are did not come that far. Illness is rising or have become replaced by ‘new’ ones. And the greatest illness we are all suffering under not even considered: disharmony. We are in disharmony with ourselves and in our relationships. If we would be in balance we would bring a rhythm to life that is healing. Universal Medicine offers true healing, to bring a change into life. This can be very confronting, specially if we have invested hard into the current way of living. But hey, every confrontation is to learn out of it, is it not? We are here to evolve.

  53. Thank you Suzanne for sharing the impact that the presentations and sessions from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have had on you and many others. It is now 4 years down the track since you wrote this blog and Universal Medicine is going stronger than ever and inspiring more and more people to make changes in their life that will in turn inspire others that life does not need to be a struggle as there is another way.

  54. Thank you Suzanne I loved what you shared about how Serge and Universal Medicine has changed your life. I too and so many others whose lives have been changed for the better can agree with what you have shared.

  55. I love what you have shared about your experience with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and I only can agree. My feeling is the best way to find out if our experiences are true is to have a look by oneself.

  56. This simple yet powerful blog to me is a testimony that will go down in history. Thank you for sharing your appreciation for the EPA and all Universal Medicines has to offer, it sounds like you are continuing to extend the same love and quality you feel in Serge Benhayon to all your client base, family and friends, just beautiful to hear, as it is these changes that can change the world we live in.

  57. Susanne, thankyou for this powerful declaration of the truth, I stand by your words from my own experiences also. Universal Medicine offers the highest level of professional integrity I have come across, and this is in all workshops, events, presentations and clinic sessions. Universal Medicine has had such a profoundly positive impact on every level of my health and wellbeing, including relationships and work. The accusations that Universal Medicine is anything less than an incredible and professional organisation are completely false.

  58. “I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.”
    As did I and no other path took me to myself, the thing that was missing in my life. Yet I did not know this until I felt for myself that my life was governed and driven by everyone else’s needs and not from the heart of my being. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine Practitioners have shown me the way to live from my heart and to support those around me, with more love, honour and dedication than ever before in my life.

  59. Serge Benhayon is the first person that I have met that lives true love in full with no holding back one bit. It is his foundation to the core and beyond and this is what makes his way of living so inspiring for many including myself

  60. ‘Universal Medicine gives us a brilliant approach to the field of complementary medicine. It is an approach from which so many people, all over the world, have already benefited, including myself and my clients.’ Universal Medicine has shown me how those that practice complementary medicine based on the teachings of Universal Medicine have the highest integrity not only while treating a client but through their everyday way of living.

  61. Susanne what you share here about Serge Benhayon is very true, he has inspired me to find myself, connect deeply within, and at the same time left all the choices up to me. A very loving and honourable man.

  62. It’s so rare to hear of any organisation operating with ‘truth and integrity’ these days or even in the past. Isn’t there always some angle or other? Which is why Universal Medicine must appear baffling to some. But once you have experienced that absolute care and consistency of quality, you quickly appreciate what is missing in the world and more importantly, in yourself. I personally favour the fact that Universal Medicine does not impose its ideas on anyone and leaves people entirely free to make their own minds up about what feels true or not.

    1. So true Cathy. I find it revealing of society today that for most the understanding that in our world today there is a lack of truth and integrity in many organisations would rarely be in peoples awareness because we have so ill accepted the current state of society to be the “norm”

  63. Serge Benhayon has inspired me to appreciate that there is so much more to me than I ever imagined and that I do not have to ‘do’ anything but just be the love that I am. Serge’s love for humanity and deep connection to the Ageless Wisdom of the Universe is shared with all who choose to listen and in listening the truth of the Ageless Wisdom is revealed to you as well.

  64. This is a beautiful testament to the man that Serge Benhayon is Susanne. A man of integrity and truly the most loving and supportive person I have ever met, this I can say after having been a part of Universal Medicine Student body for over 8 years!

  65. “I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.” Me too Suzanne – I had spent over twenty years searching for energetic integrity with love – without any imposition. At one point I was despairing of ever finding what I was looking for and then I was introduced to Universal Medicine. The integrity of its practitioners is a world first for any complementary therapy – via the EPA. Unimed and Serge are the real deal.

  66. Universal Medicine is the MOST professional organisation that I have come across. There is care, love and integrity of the highest order and it is the way that the business is conducted as well as the sterling healing modalities and the way the practitioners live their lives that allow their clients to heal on such a deep level.

  67. I agree with all you shared here Susanne, Serge Benhayon offers true love and support to everyone equally. Serge Benhayon is the ‘real deal’ who inspires thousands to re-connect to their inner hearts and to live a life of truth and love.

  68. Thank you for sharing Susanne “I feel so fortunate in this life to have as travelling companions beside me Universal Medicine, the Universal Medicine team and Serge Benhayon – someone who is fully committed to humanity, life, God and a loving, healthy lifestyle.” I couldn’t agree more!

  69. Written by a very wise woman of the world. The sterling lines for me were: ‘I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free and didn’t interfere or impose on me.’ This is what makes Universal Medicine so successful. It is the lack of imposition or force. People are just left to be who they are and where they are, BUT they are continually treated with the utmost care, love and respect.

  70. Susanne, what you have shared is so true in my own experience of Universal Medicine .and the lovely caring Practitioners. I have not experienced the level of care , and ethics that Serge Benhayon and others have given me in any other healing establishment, and in the past I have visited many. With thanks for your sharing.

  71. “I’m very much pro conventional medicine, as are Serge and Universal Medicine, but with the current statistics showing such a rise in illness and disease, are we not all talking of the need to change our lifestyles and our eating habits? Are we not also seeing that many of us continuously live with loveless and self-destructive behaviours?” Yes Susanne, conventional medicine can only do so much and unfortunately we continue to think that it will always be there to repair the damage our irresponsibility wreaks on our bodies and yet there may come a time when we exhaust the medical system with our demands. Serge and Universal Medicine are here giving humanity a much needed wake up call and it seems to be one that we are slow to respond to.

  72. Susan I love your comment ‘I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.’ Before Universal Medicine I had spent many, many years exploring different modalities and approaches to health and healing, thousands of dollars on courses, books, CD’s etc, but from the first workshop with Universal Medicine I knew I had found an approach that gave me true understanding of what life (and disease) is, and from that understanding was able to make informed choices. As such my life is constantly changing in an amazing and beautiful way.

    1. Well said Anne, “from the first workshop with Universal Medicine I knew I had found an approach that gave me true understanding of what life (and disease) is, and from that understanding was able to make informed choices.” Absolutely true. I was not on a path of searching for truth, but I did not hold a true understanding of life and this in itself is already a disease. Not to know who we are, where we come from and what our purpose is is a modern day plague that can only be healed by assuming full responsibility for ourselves and re-connecting back to our divine origins.

  73. I can also confirm and share the level of care and love I have received from Universal Medicine and their excellent esoteric modalities, through workshops, presentations and healing sessions have changed my life so much in such a beautiful way , which I wave never experienced before. There Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Esoteric Practitioners Association (EPA) has no comparisons, it is solidly, full of truth, love and integrity. Being a practitioner myself of many different modalities, i have never seen anything like this before.

  74. Yes, if anyone requires confirmation of just how integral Universal Medicine is they just need to read the Esoteric Practitioners’ Association’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, that really says it all. It is the foundation of an incredible health care business.

  75. “I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.” This is a great account of what an supportive company Universal Medicine is in all that it does. There is so much more to life, and Universal Medicine opened some big opportunities for me to go deeper and feel who I truly am.

  76. Serge Benhayon was the first person I have encountered in this life to present that our home and work life are not two separate situations. He has simply pointed out the fact that they follow one after the other. It’s not like a TV show where we just cut to the next scene and suddenly we are at home/work yet it can seem that way if we choose to not acknowledge that what we do in one moment follows us into the next. What I have also experienced is that there is actually a vitality and a joy that can be felt and experienced when we take the time to pay attention to the fact that our moment now affects the next and our day affects the next. Rather than living by random events that just come at me there is a greater sense of understanding that I caused my events and situations and because I caused them I know how to repeat or not repeat them. That feeling of being helpless at sea or at the mercy of outside forces is lessened as I experience more and more that I am the master of the quality of my own life and that my life affects other lives. Has this not been seen in the life of one man what happens to the lives of others?

    1. Leigh, you make some great points here in your comment – I agree, it is great to understand that we are who we are 24/7 and not a different person at work or at home, and it has been an eye opener to understand that events are never random but a result of choices that WE have made. It takes living to a whole new level of responsibility.

      1. That’s the key word isn’t it Carmel – RESPONSIBILITY. We have a responsibility to be who we are and be responsible for our actions and not blame that on life or anyone else. Something I am humbling accepting each day.

  77. Thank you Susanne – you are absolutely spot on. Universal Medicine practitioners and Serge Benhayon never tell anyone what to do. Suggestions may be made, if one asks and if any suggestions are made it it always from the practitioneirs lived/living experience and not something airy fairy or something they’ve heard about from someone else.

  78. “Universal Medicine is a fully accredited and insured organisation”. Based on that, and the fact that the Esoteric Practitioners Association exists, it doesn’t make sense for Universal Medicine to be a cult… There’s too much interaction with the outside world and responsibility. Great blog Susanne.

  79. I completely concur. It’s utter madness to attack an unimposing, integrity-brimming approach to living in true wellness in an era where our lifestyles, eating habits, self-destructive behaviours and general lovelessness are key contributors to our mushrooming rates of illness and disease. There is now too much lived evidence manifesting the benefits of Universal Medicine for such allegations to hold any credibility. Indeed by comparison, it renders them the mere tabloid tittilations they truly are.

    1. Absolutely Luke and that is what Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and the whole student body are – leading, living examples of the future. Universal Medicine modalities are the first modalities ever that are offering a true change for true wellbeing and that is what the world needs.

  80. Goes to prove that anything based on true love is what we have been searching for.

  81. Well said Susanne. My association with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon has also enriched my life beyond measure. I spent years searching for what I felt was missing in my life, explored countless complementary modalities and psychological approaches, but nothing quite worked. Attending my first workshop with Serge was like coming home, I’d found the key that fitted the lock, and a whole new way of being opened.

  82. Thank you Susanne. Great sharing – very straight to the point and sums up Universal Medicine beautifully.
    Universal Medicine is definitely an organisation that is founded on taking very deep care of oneself and all others. Universal Medicine has shown me a level of care that is enabling a lot of healing. Difficulties in my life that I had only hoped I could overcome, like being very shy, reserved and withdrawn, I feel more able to handle and pull myself out of, rather than it being an automatic response.

    The difference with Universal Medicine is that people are offered techniques that support the whole body to heal. Never before had I been introduced to the fact that our bodies need healing. Very often we can think it’s just our minds, or our thoughts or our behaviours, or that area that is causing pain – but the esoteric healing modalities offered by Universal Medicine take into account the whole body and that the whole body has to be functioning well with all parts flowing harmoniously, for the human being to be truly well.

    1. Beautiful comment Shevon. What Serge and Universal Medicine offer us all is profound, life changing and we know it all inside ourselves. The importance he places on taking care of our bodies has openend my eyes and my awareness to a whole new level of responsibility and allowed me to make different choices.

  83. I have found that since attending Universal Medicine presentations, hearing Serge Benhayon speak and attending sessions with esoteric practitioners, my whole approach has changed not only to my own personal life, but also to how I undertake my professional life. To say that my life has improved is an understatement and from feedback from clients, I know that they also are benefiting from my current understanding and reflections of self love and service to humanity.

    1. My approach to my professional life has changed immensely too, I now approach it with so much more commitment and with a greater understanding of the responsibility I have every moment of the day, both to myself and everyone around me.

  84. Thank you Susanne for sharing your insight through your medical background , I too in my experience with Universal Medicine have nothing but gratitude for their integrity and willingness to provide loving support and not holding back the truth of what needs to be delivered for us to understand the choice we have to be all of who we are or to live less than that and what that creates.

  85. I too feel enormously grateful for being associated with Universal Medicine and Serge Behayon. Whilst what is presented can certainly be challenging at times, ultimately what is learnt, or rather, re-learnt is pure gold.

  86. The fact that so many people are sharing the same stories about the integrity of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon exposes what the media do – they write slanted stories designed to sell papers and appeal to people’s fear, they do not write the truth. For all the salacious media stories, there are 100’s of stories just like yours Susanne. Thankyou for sharing the truth.

  87. I absolutely agree with what you shared Susanne, as your experience with Universal Medicine and the immense level of integrity, responsibility and care and love that they teach and also live to the highest level I have ever come across. The attacks upon Universal Medicine simply show how that level of integrity and responsibility is very challenging for us as a irresponsible humanity.

  88. Thank you Susanne – your blog so beautifully encapsulates all that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine offer us to support a way of life that is holistic.

  89. Suzanne, I love how you wrote “Universal Medicine left me free”, this seems to be a major point that many people over look. Instead choosing to believe we are not free and controlled by a cult leader. I couldn’t agree with you more Suzanne with what you have written about Universal Medicine in your blog. Thanks Suzanne.

  90. Thank you Suzanne for setting the record straight, I too have found the teachings of Universal Medicine to be truly supportive and unlike any other spiritual pursuit I have tried.

  91. Absolutely Susanne. When I started having esoteric healing sessions 6 years ago with a Universal Medicine Practitioner it was this love and deep care that I was met with and still am 6 years later. The level of care, dedication and love of their work, themselves and people that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine practitioners exercise is world-class.

  92. Susanne your testimony to the support of Universal Medicine is backed up by the authority you hold as a nursing practitioner. I have found Universal Medicine to be invaluable in the understanding of my health and wellbeing, which complements and adds depth to conventional medicine.

  93. Powerful, beautiful and loving testimony of the amazing impact Univsal medicine and Serge Benhayon have had on you. I could deeply feel the power and truth of your words, inspiring.

  94. Well said Susanne. I also am very pro conventional medicine but feel that our society as whole does not appreciate their true health and has an arrogance that if anything seriously does goes wrong, then conventional medicine will fix their problem regardless of how they have cared for themselves and the lifestyle choices they have made. The burden of responsibility is then placed on the health care system and not on the patient themselves and certainly not on prevention. This is the complete opposite of how it truly is as we are all responsible for our own human body and being, and responsible for our own lives. Conventional Medicine is there to support us when we are ill not to save us from how we have been living. Thus the most sensible thing to do is to live in a way where we are aware how our lifestyle choices affects our long term health and are totally responsible for these choices and how to correct them. As Serge Benhayon shares ‘how you live is true medicine’. As a society we need to accept this as fact and live in a responsible and true way that honours and appreciates our body and being and our true health. How different would our projected disease and illness statistics be if we all had this level of integrity and responsibility.

  95. Yes I agree Susanne, we are so very fortunate to have Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and all its modalities and practitioners and codes of conduct, standing alongside conventional medicine and truly supporting it in the best way possible.

  96. Thank you Susanne, I agree with all you have said about Serge Benhayon. The presentations by Serge Benhayon have laid such an amazing foundation so humanity understands the role they play in their own healing. For society to truly understand where the roots of medicine come from and are returning to, we firstly have to understand our part in illness and disease.

    1. I agree Grey and Marika, could it be that we prefer not to take responsibility for our part in illness and disease so it is far easier to look the other way than address what is truly going on?

  97. I do very much agree with what you wrote hear Susanne, Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine do have the most love for society and act with an enormous integrity. And I am grateful to have this support in my life.

  98. Hear, hear Susanne – I can totally agree with you on the absolute quality and integrity of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and, teamed with their dedication and love for all of humanity, this is a combination that comes straight from heaven.

  99. It just makes so much sense to take responsibility for our own health and wellbeing, it’s not rocket science, and of course will have an impact on our quality of life, and those around us. Universal Medicine is not presenting anything new, crazy or dangerous, but it is offering a huge amount of support and inspiration to actually live that responsibility in our day to day life.

  100. Universal Medicine modalities have provided me with an opportunity to really feel what is going on in my life and my body, so that I can take responsibility for my choices and make changes. Universal Medicine had also helped me re-embrace Conventional Medicine after many years of not having anything to do with doctors or pharmaceuticals. I have since experienced how Conventional Medicine, complemented by Universal Medicine modalities, together with my own self-care and responsibility, are a necessary combination for true health and healing.

  101. I have also found all work done by the Universal Medicine business very professional and their work has integrity written all over it! ha not literally but it definitely comes across. The Esoteric Practitioners Association is a great organisation to support others to also work and perform at a very high standard, which I think, workplaces really needs within the world.

  102. The Esoteric Practitioners Association is just one of the many initiatives and projects that Serge Benhayon has founded. There is no other professional association that has integrity to the level that has been set by the EPA. The EPA requires it’s practicing members to live lovingly in their personal lives, it is not just focused on how one is at work, but how they live as well. After all you can not go out and be reckless with yourself on the weekend and then come to work on Monday and think that what you did on the weekend is not going to effect you any longer which in turn effects your workplace.

  103. Thank you Susanne. I have a very similar working background to yourself and whole heartedly agree with what you are saying. What I especially love in my case is how I have become pro-medicine, not because of what anyone has said to me, but because I have chosen to feel the absolute dedication and commitment that my colleagues (especially medical colleagues) have towards their patients. This has been a real joy to feel as I have not always allowed myself to notice this, often going into blame because something has not worked out the way that I wanted it to. Whereas now I have such a gorgeous relationship with them, that I would have never in a million years thought possible. Universal Medicine has also been a true blessing in my life.

    1. Thank you Susanne and Jennifer, I agree. The presentations of Serge Benhayon has brought a total respect and integrity to the students of the Livingness, so there is a greater understanding of how Universal Medicine is complementary to Conventional Medicine.

  104. I too have walked many paths in search of truth – well in truth, in search of something to fix the part of me that never felt quite right in this world. I stumbled upon Serge who stopped me in my tracks, and I knew from the first time I met him that I wanted to be able to do what he did, though at that time I did not know what that was. Susanne he definitely deserves the title of being ‘the healers healer’, a man who truly stands up for and lives Truth, which is why we are so inspired to do the same.

  105. I loved what you wrote about having searched for truth down many paths and how Universal Medicine left you free and unimposed upon, opening you up to choosing to live a healthy and loving life. I have read and heard of many similar experiences of people deeply appreciative to Universal Medicine for inspiring this in their life too and grateful to Serge for his consistently loving presence as he walks along the path beside you.

  106. Suzanne, I too have gone down many paths but it was not until I stumbled across Universal Medicine that I felt what was being presented was the truth. I could not grasp everything, in fact I hardly grasped anything in that first presentation but it didn’t matter because I could not deny what I felt and that was the truth.

  107. One of the things I first noticed too was the feeling of freedom (real one) when I was in Universal Medicine events. An amazing feeling of being completely un-imposed that made me realise how imposed I felt normally without realising so. This was big for me.

    1. I agree, I have the same experience. It takes a true moment of being set free of all imposition to get to know the extend of stuff we are loaded with without necessarily being aware of. Actually it is layers upon layers of ideals and beliefs that are so ingrained and insidiously normal that it is quite a process to expose and let go of them. All that is only possible when having the experience, awareness and understanding of what it means to just be, just be, just be. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon offer such opportunity as it is the very base of all work they present.

  108. Having lived my life and relationships not being connected to me, and now having experienced what my life and relationships can be connected to me – how could I ever consider choosing the former? There is nothing more real than this. Thank you Universal Medicine for Presenting the Fact that there is another way – for reminding me that I am already all I need to be and to live that.

  109. Reading through these blogs and specially yours today, Susanne, makes me aware of how many people actually benefit from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It must be many many 1000s by now.

    1. If we only stop to see how many people are benefitting, it’s definitely in the 1000s plus. Just one man has made such an impact, just imagine when we all connect to this same energy!

  110. Wonderful Susanne, thank you so much for your clear statement. I feel sad that people don’t like to find out for themselves about what is really going on with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, so that they can make up their own minds.

  111. Susanne thank you for this article. I too have….
    ‘……gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me.’
    From the inspiration of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I have become more responsible in my life and in turn this has brought me more joy and vitality then I have ever had before. 🙂

  112. Thank you Susanne, I so much agree with what you have lovingly expressed , as I can say the same about my own life since becoming a student of the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  113. Susanne, your words are echoed by so many around the world. After 18 years of exploring a myriad of healing modalities I too had never come across anyone or anything with such truth and loving integrity as Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine.

  114. Suzanne, it is indeed gorgeous to have the support and love of Serge Benhayon as you walk through life, and I love your sharing of how it’s supported you and everyone in your life. It just shows how one person presenting truth can have such an impact, we all can.

  115. Thank you for sharing Susanne, as you and others have said on this thread words are not enough to express how much I appreciate what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has offered me. By empowering me with tools to be able to reconnect to myself and actually take a deeper responsibility for my choices and actions I am now no longer a victim of life or incidents, I am far less judgemental towards myself and others and do not simply blame people and the world for what is happening to me, as I used to do, I now see my part in it.

  116. Susanne without a doubt you say it as it is. The love and integrity is at the very heart of everything felt from Serge Benhayon. For those in the world that have not experienced that before it can be a surprise, I know it was for me, but it’s most certainly a welcome one. I grew up thinking I had to be someone and I would aim to do that, to achieve that – at all costs – what I have learnt is integrity and love are key in everything we do.

  117. I agree Susanne, my experience of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon has been one of absolute integrity and love for all, consistently so. The presentations are practical and simple and very much take it or leave it no strings attached. And I love how well it works alongside conventional medicine.

  118. I totally agree with what Susanne has shared here. I too have tried many avenues in my search for truth, but it was only when I came across Universal Medicine, that my searching finally ended.

  119. I am also a health Practitioner and this blog is spot on, not only has Universal Medicine supported me to change my life, but all my customers are feeling the benefits too. Thank you Susanne for sharing the truth.

  120. I totally concur with this blog. I am also a health practitioner who has been inspired and supported by Universal Medicine to bring a deeper level of commitment, integrity and responsibility to my life and my work and therefore my clients. I have hundreds of testimonials from my clients which demonstrate that they really appreciate and are asking for the quality of healthcare that the Esoteric Practitioners Association and Universal Medicine are pioneering.

  121. Thank you Susanne, having worked in the complementary health profession for over 20 years, this has also been my experience.
    Also, words are not enough to express how deep my appreciation and love are for Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and his family. Their true love for everyone is incredible to feel and witness.

  122. Thank you Susanne and I completely agree ‘I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.’ As I have chosen to take responsibility for my own health and wellbeing my quality of life has improved dramatically and I have so much more to offer anyone I come into contact with.

  123. Thank you Susanne. I support everything you say. Serge Benhayon has been leading the way in raising awareness that it is the way we live that affects our health and well being. The newspapers are now full of items saying that lifestyle choices have an enormous impact on our likelihood of suffering from many illnesses and diseases or taking care of ourselves and staying healthy. This is the message that Serge has been presenting all along. My health and how I feel have improved a great deal since taking responsibility for my own well being and listening to my body as to what is or is not good for me.

  124. Thanks Susanne for once again reiterating how the love and integrity that is presented by Serge Benhayon has been such a support. That has been my experience too – always and unequivocally.

  125. Beautifully put Susanne, it is such a joy to know and be inspired by Universal Medicine and it’s practitioners. It has enabled me to change my life to a way that is more loving and tender towards myself and as a result others, this is the path of the many others that I’ve wandered on, that I choose to stay on.

  126. Yes agreed and thanks Susanne, Serge’s presentations, healings and courses have completely enriched my life also in so many areas, and never before have I felt this amazing as you also write.
    Yes, no words can describe the absolute deep joy and love felt to be with Serge, his family and Universal Medicine.

  127. Susanne, I can only agree with your post, and particularly your comment “I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.” as this has been my experience also. Thank you for sharing.

  128. I loved reading this, I agree that words are not enough in relation to how deep the appreciation and love are for Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and his family.

  129. Thanks that’s well said Susanne, I’ve worked in the complimentary health industry most of my life and that encapsulates my experience also with Universal Medicine.

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