How My Depression Disappeared

by Gabriele Conrad, Goonellabah, Australia

When I first saw Serge Benhayon in early 2004, it was a mixture of curiosity and my aching right shoulder that prompted me to break my resolve to never ever try anything again, be it mainstream medical or so-called alternative. I mainly came because my shoulder, even though much improved, was still aching and I only had a limited range of movement. I had a frozen shoulder, but I never called it that – I suppose I just did not want to own up to what I had actually done to myself through years of massage practice and hard work on the land.

That I had been suffering from depression since my early teenage years I only mentioned at the very end and in passing – I didn’t even know why it came out of my mouth. By then, I had been through nearly 40 years of severe bi-annual bouts of depression and didn’t even consider that it could be otherwise. I had suffered from, or should that be indulged in, suicidal ideations – not because I really wanted to die but because I did not want to live anymore. When I was not acutely depressed I was very serious, glum and mainly outright pessimistic – whilst trying really hard to be as normal as I possibly could and carry on with life regardless.

In my third year at uni I had decided I really needed help, had plucked up my courage and gone to see our family GP and told him how miserable and down I was all the time. All the poor man could say was that I was lucky to be alive and not to have lived through the war and all the hardship and deprivation his generation had had to endure – I couldn’t argue with that, but it wasn’t any help either.

I never chose to have medication, having observed clients and friends go on anti-depressants and the ensuing fog that seemed to come between them and the unrelenting blackness. In hindsight, I could have been kinder to myself with the help of anti-depressants, but I just knew and had observed that they alone were not the answer, albeit a very welcome and very needed break from the intensity and relentlessness of the black void.

My maternal grandmother had been ‘melancholic’ and it was said that she had died from a broken heart; not the kind you get from unrequited love, but from the aftermath of the Second World War in Germany and the suffering and hardship that ensued. A cousin of mine in Canada hanged himself in the garage at home at age 15. My father was found slumped in his chair a day after my mother had been admitted to hospital with the apparently sudden and unexplained onset of severe dementia. He had always told me that he was determined to not live through another war – ever. He was born in 1914, his father had not come back from the front, and he told me early on that he had the means to make sure he wouldn’t be alive should it ever happen again. More recently my brother, who was suffering from epilepsy, committed suicide aged 54; he hanged himself in the bathroom while his wife had gone out for a walk one Sunday afternoon.

So I had my first session with Serge – after some talking, he gave me a hands-on session on the treatment table. At one point he said, “… and that was your soul.”

How strange – I had definitely felt something, but ‘soul’ didn’t really mean anything to me.

I felt great and much lighter after my first session – and made an appointment to see Serge again in another four weeks. The next morning I woke up earlier than usual and had a lot more energy than I had had for a long time. I started taking care of some things in the house that I had not been able to attend to and that felt great. The increase in energy lasted about two and a half weeks, and ten days later it was time to see Serge again. I had about four sessions, each one making me feel somehow stronger and more energised.

Then I realised that miraculously, I had missed my second depressive period that year. Each bout would normally last two to three months. In my twenties there were times when it was so overwhelming I would hardly get out of bed except towards evening when a cloud seemed to have lifted off me. In later years I got used to just keeping going, no matter how awful I felt and how all consuming the bottomless void engulfing me was. I knew then that suicide wasn’t the answer, but living at the bottom of a black pit for about half of each year was truly awful – and I feared that it would become worse as I grew older. Already I had started having unexplained panic attacks in the middle of the night and waking up with thoughts of death and doom on a daily basis.

Since seeing Serge Benhayon for the first time in 2004, I have never had depression again. At first it seemed nearly unbelievable and I thought that maybe I had missed just one episode. After my initial surprise I paid closer attention to what was happening and how I was feeling. Around the times that I would normally get depressed each year I had a sensation of the threat of depression like a kind of shadow for about two years and then that also totally disappeared.

In the years following my first Esoteric Healing session with Serge I learnt a lot from attending the Esoteric Healing courses; about how I could look after myself better and make changes that had nothing to do with a modification of behaviour or better coping mechanisms, but all to do with taking responsibility for myself and my actions. I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis.

That nothing happens by chance is a concept I had always embraced as natural and self-evident, but the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine made this much clearer and provided the background, foundation and science to something I had somehow always known. In the past I had explored many different options through therapy and alternative medicine and nothing had ever truly worked – everything had only ever scratched the surface and temporarily rearranged the deck chairs on my personal Titanic. With the help of Serge’s sessions, other practitioners at the Universal Medicine clinic and the Esoteric Healing workshops, I started to truly heal from deep within to the point that I now actually forget that I had been so badly affected by depression for nearly forty years of my life.

275 thoughts on “How My Depression Disappeared

  1. Recently I remembered that I used to get a feeling of being suffocated on a regular basis, my throat would close up and even though I could breathe the restriction was there. Since having Sacred Esoteric Healing sessions I don’t get it at all, in fact I can’t remember the last time I had it.

  2. The support of the Sacred Esoteric Healing modalities is profound, I remember experiencing them for the first time and feeling a very different and beautiful quality of energy in my body compared to other energy healing modalities I had experienced. The other difference was also having issues and traumas truly resolve, not only were they cleared (and not buried deeper or covered up) but I began to build strength and love within myself, with each healing I was feeling stronger and clearer, and this was lasting. Each Sacred Esoteric Healing session was like establishing a new foundation within my body for me to build upon. It’s been amazing to truly heal, especially after decades in the new age and nothing actually working long term.

  3. I can so relate to not calling your frozen shoulder a frozen shoulder. I was talking to my colleague at work about an operation I am having soon and I felt a bit of manipulation in the way I was speaking, not wanting to say/hear certain words, and I also felt I was holding back my vulnerability as well. It seems like an avoidance but there lies deeper a greater sensitivity that awaits to be held.

    1. Interesting, this word ‘manipulation’ in this context but very apt indeed. I have found that we generally come with a desire to create a certain impression or achieve a particular outcome and modulate our voice and choose our words and phrases accordingly.

  4. How amazing are we when we can simply get some Sacred Esoteric Healing with hands on techniques and our whole life can be turned upside down in such a glorious way.

  5. When we connect to our Soul it offers us instant healing and our Soul is constantly trying to connect with us, so why would we be resisting?

    1. We seem to come to a point where we resist the hardest what we want most of all, reconnection and resurrection from the misery of old. We’d rather be identified by what is not than the glory we innately are. Crazy but very real and something like the last battleground, the last hooray of the spirit.

  6. It is so unfortunate that for many the norm is misery and depression. It is even more saddening to feel how most just accept that that is how life is and that coping mechanisms are the way to deal with it. Serge has introduced a way of living that actually raises that standards and quality of living to whole other level completely debasing any form of depression or misery that might have affected us in the past.

    1. How we live, our daily choices have a big impact on our well-being, ‘all to do with taking responsibility for myself and my actions. I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis.’

  7. Wow, thank you so much, there is so much we can learn from this blog because you share how we all have within us the capacity to feel this level of depression because of things that happen in the world, not just in our lives, and how there are a number of ways we can respond. To consider the gentle nurturing love we can bring to ourselves having such a profound effect is a medicine I always want to have in my medicine cabinet.

    1. We can respond or viscerally react to what happens which then determines whether we are the drivers of our life or become the victim of circumstances.

  8. The fact that you never experienced another bout of depression after you saw Serge Benhayon for a Sacred Esoteric Healing session is very profound. This ought to be studied.

    1. I agree Elizabeth, this is incredible. Depression is affecting more and more people and younger people are now being affected too. Healing the root cause of depression by addressing the physical and energetic aspect of this condition I feel is super important. Serge Benhayon is brilliant at understanding the physical and energetic root cause of many illness and disease, and I would not hesitate to see him for a healing session.

  9. Depression comes from the Latin deprimere “to press down”. The etymology of this word reveals the extent to which this state requires constant work on it. It requires a high degree of militancy and commitment.

    1. In utter truthfulness, ‘militancy’ is an apt description for the steely determination to hold on to depression, to hold on to what defines and delineates us.

  10. What the Esoteric Healing Modalities offer us is truly extraordinary. True healing that simply offers and asks the body to reconnect to its original and divine source, with no expectations or judgements.

    1. And no investment in the outcome and therefore no practitioner burnout as the responsibility remains firmly with the recipient of the offering – and that it is, an offering.

  11. Thanks for sharing your story Gabriele, reading through it again it is a profound miracle really to be free of such long term depression, and it also points to the value of the Esoteric Healing modalities. I personally had tried many forms of alternative healing and complementary therapies for decades before finding Universal Medicine, I was literally on the verge of giving up on healing my life at that time because nothing worked long term. From my first experience of Sacred Esoteric Healing at the Level 1 workshop I could feel something quite different in this modality, a true healing and clearing was happening, not a temporary fix, and each session offered me the opportunity to not just heal but go from strength to strength because I was returning also to the true essence of myself within. It’s also different in the sense that Sacred Esoteric Healing doesn’t approach people as broken or to be fixed, rather as amazing, divine, soulful beings that may need support to simply discard what blocks us living that amazingness.

  12. The Esoteric Healing courses offer so much to us in our own personal “toolset” of how to care and nurture ourselves. In this way they are workshops that last forever.

    1. These workshops don’y only last forever they are also a great investment with many returns and compounding interest boot.

  13. It shows that when we really let go of our ideals and believes anything can happen. Change can be immediate but it is always the question of us being willing to go there or not.

    1. So true, we can think we are letting go of an idea and belief but we then have to move it and build a consistency in that freedom of movement so we can feel the difference from our body not just our head.

      1. So true, we love to come up with the realisations but that is the easy part, to truly bring it into our lives is just as simple but can be challenging because we have to look at what is coming up for us around that.

      2. The head cannot feel and thus why movement from the whole body is the only thing that changes our life, what comes towards us and whether we react or respond to what it brings.

  14. This is just amazing, and what support, true support can do. What comes through here is that we have expressions such as ‘life is what you make it etc.’ but we lack the details in how we live this, so hearing ‘life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis.’ is so much more real and tangible and shows the impact of each and every choice we make.

  15. Self Cafe, Self Love,Self Responsibility, knowing that there can be another way, that we are all of energy, this has healed me beyond words and I have also experienced issues, moods, low self esteem, melting away.

  16. It is amazing what can happen when we allow ourselves to come out from under the layers and layers of stuff we have piled upon ourselves for years and meet our true selves. Connection to Soul.

    1. Without our Soul,we are mere flotsam and jetsam in the cesspool of existence.

  17. I have the same experience with New Age modalities: ‘everything had only ever scratched the surface and temporarily rearranged the deck chairs on my personal Titanic.’ Nothing really changed in my life until I met Serge Benhayon and started doing the courses from Universal Medicine and from then it only changed for the better on all levels.

  18. It is fascinating how easy we can slip into states of depression simply by our choices and then withdraw from life – we can create an existence where depression is really the only answer. Yet we can equally do the same but with regards to love and as you have shown when we do this without trying the depressive thoughts and actions simply are not a part of it anymore.

    1. Yes, withdrawing from life leaves us at the mercy of the world around us, whereas making ourselves part of the solution is an opportunity to bring ourselves firmly into the picture and our own medicine cabinet.

      1. Withdrawing from life equals victimhood, feeling sorry for oneself and paralysis in the face of what can seem insurmountable; but there is another way and that way is our true medicine.

      2. Very true Lucy and well said – we are essentially masters of our ow destiny and more we choose the love we are the more we carve out the life we love, deserve and have always craved.

  19. Not naming a condition we carry and identifying with it are two possible ways. They are different, yet, in neither case healing is a possibility if this is the relationship we have established with it.

    1. Identification with a label or diagnosis means that, notwithstanding the discomfort, seriousness of the symptoms or even level of pain, we get some mileage out of it, we are recognised and stand out.

  20. Beautiful to read your transformation, when we start to take responsibility for our choices and make more self-loving and supportive ones we realise that we hold a great power within ourselves.

    1. They say that you can lead a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink – not unless we make the choice to take responsibility for everything that comes through us, whether that be speech, actions or thoughts, intentions or motives, does the seemingly unsurpassable mountain of inertia and given-upness begin to move and then turns into a series of scalable mole hills.

  21. “Lighter” is a feeling I can relate to, it is like the grip and density that the pressure we feel on us, is without force, offered space and light is the word, more space, an expansion, walking taller. This is the power of Universal Medicine modalities, offer space and with that we expand, heal and clear what needs to clear. I Love them, they are awesome.

  22. What I found very curious in this blog Gabriele was when you shared about your ‘suicidal ideations’ – not because I really wanted to die but because I did not want to live anymore’. It was a very interesting choice of words and is definitely a concept we need to ponder on further to support our unacceptable present day rates of depression, anxiety and suicide statistics.

    1. This could possibly be true for many, i.e. that the wish to end it all is not so much a yes to dying but a no to a certain way of life. If we then learnt that everything is due to our choices, whole new perspectives open up and responsibility becomes a no-brainer.

      1. Wise words Gabriele. I too have had bouts of depression in my life, and can relate to what you say about saying no to a certain way of life. But this approach of learning that everything that happens to us is down to the choices we make in our everyday, could indeed be groundbreaking in relation to treating depression or any other associated ‘mental’ illness for that matter.

  23. When we truly know who we are all depression leaves for we realise that the thoughts that we have entertained for so long are not from us but rather are fed to us!

  24. Thank you Gabriele, your experience with healing your depression after sessions with Serge Benhayon is a testament to what’s in offer when we align back to soul. Equally so we are deeply healed when we live by the love of our soul and begin taking deeper care of ourselves. It’s truly an amazing experience to be connected to our soul and to live by it’s loving impulse. That Serge’s Universal Medicine Therapies and Gentle Breath Meditation also assist with this reconnection to soul is another true blessing for this world.

  25. “My life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis” – this is hugely important to remember. We are far more powerful than what we give ourselves credit for.

  26. The presence of natural energy and enthusiasm is something so precious that nothing can replace it. With the support of Serge Benhayon many people have discovered or even re-discovered this quality within themselves, and the days of exhaustion or even depression are gone.

  27. What a remarkable story Gabriele. It is almost unheard of (to me at least) that depression is something that can be truly healed, but is more likely to be ‘managed’ when it comes to conventional medicine. So to no longer suffer from it when it previously was such an over powering force in your life is something to be very deeply acknowledged and appreciated. What Serge Benhayon offers on every level is almost beyond words.

  28. Re-igniting into my life that we each are of value to society and again discovering that I have a purpose in my life have been instrumental in living without feeling constantly down and out. The depths of depression, I believe I have not ever experienced, but the feeling of living in the dumps was my normal. I could never have brought myself to the point in my life that I am at now without the wisdom that Serge Benhayon has reminded us all of.

  29. And that is proof you can heal depression. It is incredible how a change of energy can make such a big change in your life and how you feel about yourself.

  30. I had to smile when I read your comment about other therapies how they only temporarily rearranged the deck chairs on your personal Titanic. That’s a great way to put it and I have the same experience the moment we take (lovingly) responsibility for our life and the choices we made and make, things start to change without trying.

  31. I also was very depressed throughout my life before coming to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon in my 40’s. I was very depressed as a teenage and my mother made me attend regular sessions with the local doctor to keep check on me. When I look back I consider that it is understandable why one would be depressed trying to live up to our own and other’s expectations and never ever feeling good enough as a result. When I met Serge Benhayon I realised that my true purpose is to simply be myself and that this starts with being able to deeply connect and appreciate my own inner beauty.

    1. What a beautiful line Kathleen, thank you “When I met Serge Benhayon I realised that my true purpose is to simply be myself and that this starts with being able to deeply connect and appreciate my own inner beauty.”

  32. There is so much here to really appreciate and understand, especially as depression in our society is on the rise and affecting people younger and younger. I too experienced depression a lot growing up and felt how much it impacted on my life, relationships and how I viewed myself. But what you are sharing here is that we don’t have to be a victim, we can very much own our choices and bring joy into our life.

    1. As a victim of life and circumstances we don’t have the power to put in place the needed changes; at best we ricochet from one answer to the next, from a good idea to an okay solution. The true answers can’t come from a foundation of victimhood.

      1. Precisely Gabriele, and victimhood further cements our disconnection to Soul and further compresses us into denseness that will never serve anyone.

    2. I experienced most of all the giving up and really not knowing how to change my life. Yet the power we have to bring a change not only in our own life, but also in that of others is immense.

  33. This is a powerful sharing Gabrielle so thank you! When we connect with our soul we understand that which we have identified ourselves with is not it and that we are so much grander and all knowing beings with the opportunity to reflect truth and trust for others to live their full potential in harmony with the all.

  34. Depression is deeply debilitating, it feels like a black hole where there is no exit. Antidepressants cannot be relied upon solely but they offer great support in allowing us more space to feel and to make sense out of the chaos. But most importantly when depression is treated with conventional medical care, is to also work on a connection with ourselves (our soul), to begin to truly feel who we are and to never hold back expressing it.

  35. There is no doubt about it. What Serge Benhayon teaches actually works. How wonderful to find a way out of a lifetime of depression.

  36. Serge Benhayon has never said that what he offers is unique to him – we can all do it if we choose. Now, imagine a divine army of healers trained in the same vein and working hand-in-hand with the medical profession – now wouldn’t that turn our collective health and wellbeing and health care systems around.

    1. That would be an incredible turnaround and support the debt ridden ailing health and mental health arena out of sight.

  37. What a fabulous account of healing from a condition many consider to be permanent, and what a long legacy of family tragedy from which to have broken free. Congratulations Gabriele on the reconnection to your soul and the reclaiming of your life – this is a very inspiring read.

  38. This is a remarkable story of how easily depression can be healed when we connect with our soul.

  39. Amazing Gabriele! Wow, what a turnaround – from a debilitating depression to a new lease on life as the power expressive woman you are today.

  40. The power of love offers the opportunity to choose a loving way to live with yourself and others. A Ray of Divine light shining through the dark cloud of depression.

  41. It’s quite amazing – that when we do not focus on the ill behaviour but give attention to living lovingly, true miracles take place. In other words, when we fill ourselves with love by living in line with who we are then there is no emptiness to fill with the ill behaviours and choices.

    1. That is a great way of putting it. When there is no emptiness inside, there is no need to seek or pull in behaviours or entities.

  42. Gabriele; thank you for your incredible honesty in the sharing of how life was for you before you met Serge Benhayon. To come from a place where that overpowering wave of depression would, in effect, take you from your life for several months a year for so many years to the depression free woman you are now is so very inspirational. It is a wonderful example of the fact that it is possible to change the many deeply ingrained patterns that often affect our lives. Life doesn’t always have to be as it always has been and Esoteric Healing is, from my and your experience, the modality that will support this transition.

    1. I agree; Esoteric Healing is the only modality I have come across that truly supports the deep shifts that are needed to overcome depression.

  43. “I started to truly heal from deep within to the point that I now actually forget that I had been so badly affected by depression for nearly forty years of my life.” This is beautiful to hear, I can also relate to what you share about depression,I too suffered form depression twice a year until I met Serge, I haven’t experience any since my journey of healing too.

    1. Just goes to show the depth and power of Esoteric Healing and of the personal choices we make, once we know or can feel that there is a way out.

  44. Thanks Gabriele for sharing your story. Depression is a global illness and yet despite the numbers suffering from it, and the billions poured into research and drugs to fix it, the fixes are only ever temporary solutions. To truly heal anything, the answer is always within us – and that is where we need to remember to always look first. The modalities offered by Universal Medicine provide some amazing tools and support to help to do this, and as you’ve showed – depression need not plague someone for the rest of their life.

  45. What a turn around of your life Gabriele, having tried so many ‘things’ previously, all to no avail, and to now with Serge Benhayon’s support, forget what used to plague you, ‘With the help of Serge’s sessions, other practitioners at the Universal Medicine clinic and the Esoteric Healing workshops, I started to truly heal from deep within to the point that I now actually forget that I had been so badly affected by depression for nearly forty years of my life.’

  46. Absolutely Gabriele, ‘I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis.’

  47. This is a great story. To be healed so deep, to a point that you even forget that you had been affected by depression for such a long time. When what doesn’t belong to us gets removed, what does belong gets revealed and it is actually normal to be feeling amazing.

  48. Gabriele reading of how you healed the depression in your life is deeply inspiring to read, anyone battling similar conditions knows the intensity of depression and how this impacts on your life in many ways. To have the true care and support of Serge Benhayon and the esoteric healing modalities is a powerful combination that allows the space for the body to truly heal – thank you for sharing.

  49. Wow Gabriele, forty years is a long time with a condition and after a short time this was healed. I can relate. I was diagnosed with severe depression and was in and out of it for over 10 years. I was triggered by when I first started to smoke pot, and the addition of binge drinking alcohol and heavy metal music. Attending Universal Medicine I was lifted out of this diagnosis almost immediately. I then too had to deal with the why I became in that state which took my responsibility to heal. It is extraordinary but simple how the principles and the healing modalities supported me when nothing conventional in health did.

  50. This is an extraordinary story and shows how even with the expectation that depression is for life, can be shifted. Sacred esoteric healing does have profound effects on the body, restoring and deeply healing old patterns. Best of all it restores our connection to soul, the missing of which most of us suffer.

    1. Yes Fiona – our first and foremost suffering is the lack of connection to our soul, our true and divine self. From here, we can get caught in stories of hurt and victimised by the world and put layers on top of this initial step away from ourselves and God. Coming back to our body and connection can melt away all the other ‘issues’ we’ve created.

  51. Thank you Gabriele. Your story is deeply inspiring and shows that it is possible to turn around a lifetime of depression. When I reflect on my own life I can see how I was doing everything and anything to avoid feeling that pit of emptiness and deep despair – running around from activity to activity, losing myself in work, relationships, social activities to not feel what was underneath that – the anxiety and sadness at the world being the way it is, and the fear of emptiness of not feeling connected to it, or myself, at all. To come back from that, by starting to look after myself, being gentle in my every movement, has meant that I’ve started to re-connect to my body and know that I am more than my physical body. That the emptiness is only a choice not to feel the connection to something greater – a sense of stillness and solidity within, and through that, a connection to everything else.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate and am touched by the way you describe how looking,searching and running around to find some meaning in life played out then and how it is for you now. What we were looking for is not found outside of us, that’s the secret that is no secret in truth.

  52. This is enormous what you are sharing here and what a blessing to have your story out here as there are so many who live under the cloud of depression and think they have to live with it until they die. What Serge Benhayon presents is more than just a different way of life it is the answer to all the woes that we have created.

  53. An incredible story of healing Gabriele… the esoteric healing modalities are so powerful, I have never seen anything like them in my 30 years of experience in natural medicine. To alleviate such a chronic condition from the first session is unheard of in any other therapy to my knowledge, and yet I see the same thing happen over and over with the healing modalities taught through Universal Medicine.

    1. Yes, the Esoteric Therapies in their true and unadulterated form are the best and truest forms of healing available anywhere.

  54. Reading this brings to me a deep felt appreciation of just how powerful the choices we make in life are. One simple choice to attend a session with Serge Benhayon supported you to change your life exponentially. Nothing speaks louder than our ability to choose our next steps in life.

  55. Quite amazing – what you describe I would guess is the life for many yet no one seems to be able to show that there is another way. Serge is very special in that sense, he just is and things change. One could say miraculously but maybe it’s actually our natural way of being.

    1. I agree with the last statement – that this is actually our natural way of being; and one that we resist the most, as ludicrous as that sounds. And this is what is for me ‘special’ about Serge Benhayon, the fact that he is not special at all but shows us the way and the fact that our true nature is of divine origin.

      1. I know, that last thing I wrote where I said that it “maybe” our natural state I want to rephrase to say that it’s definitely our natural state. As is my own experience from when I was little.

  56. This is definitely a miracle, just one of many accounts I have heard of people, with the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine practitioners turning around a lifetime of debilitating patterns and conditions to live truly free of their previously dominating and all-pervading influence… no survivors here, but a return towards the truth of who they are.

    1. “No survivors here” … yes, surviving a condition feels more like limping along and making the best of it rather than living a full and vital life.

  57. I never knew this about you, I find this story to be a miracle, I can’t believe that so many people that have suffered from intense depression like you come out the other end completely healed after meeting Serge Benhayon and either having sessions of attending presentations, surely this is something that should be studied. What Universal Medicine presents is the possibility that life is medicine, all of this is done with a very pro mainstream medicine approach. When you think about it though, if humanity truly embraced these philosophies it would have a huge impact it would have on the biggest industry we currently have in the world beside weapons and fire arms, Pharmaceuticals! If we were all empowered to look at our choices and only use Pharmaceuticals as a support but not as a solution then the world would be a very different place.

  58. ‘Rearranged the chairs on my personal Titanic’ – I love that… it is such a great analogy for the modalities that only seem to make a difference on the surface, and only temporarily, but do not address or truly change the deep hurts that can consume us. Your story of healing and recovery through taking responsibility for your actions and choosing to make your life the way you wanted after meeting Serge, is truly remarkable.

  59. This is by any count an amazing story. Depression is like a wall you cannot go pass. It is like a condemnation to remain looking at the wall. Medicine does not have any answer regarding you and the wall. When an a amazing esoteric practitioner (in this case Serge) puts his hands on someone, the practitioner is always able to look beyond the wall and know deep inside that the person does not belong there. From that place the healing takes place. This is totally different from other healing modalities that make it about the wall and you.

    1. Great points, thank you –depression does indeed feel like a wall and a prison that one just gets used to for lack of true alternatives other than managing it as best as possible.This is, of course, until an esoteric practitioner comes along and addresses the person and the underlying causes rather than the wall, as you say.

  60. It’s funny (yet not really), that we humans seem to be the only species that struggle so much in life yet we are supposed to be very evolved and intelligent. I’m not saying that in a derogatory way but it is something we should consider, at least that is what I think. We live by many concepts that we think are true yet our quality of life does not reflect much truth. Going deeper within ourselves is the key here I think.

    1. Yes, great point – how intelligent are we really and what has this intelligence delivered? On a worldwide scale our merits include depression, obesity, wars, torture, paedophilia, diabetes and cancer, to name just a few. Have we been backing the wrong intelligence?

      1. Seems like it. But the hard part seems to be to admit that we are on the wrong track. It’s almost as if the intelligence that has delivered all the merits you mention is holding us in its grip and has no intention of letting go. In this case I guess we are the ones that has to let go of it and not the other way round.

      2. I agree with you, it is up to us to fess up, become honest and drop our pride. And what have we got to lose? Depression, obesity, wars, torture, paedophilia, diabetes and cancer, to name just a few – wouldn’t we want to get rid of those? And again, what have we got to lose?

  61. This is an incredible story Gabriele and hugely inspirational, showing just what depth of healing is possible when we have willingness to look at how we live on a daily basis.

  62. So beautiful to read about your healing of depression, a huge number of people live with depression on a daily basis making life a miserable journey. the miracles that come from Universal Medicine and Esoteric modalities are just amazing.

  63. Wow Gabriele what you share about healing your depression is a little miracle for me. I am working in this health area and I’ve never seen such a healing. Thank you so much for sharing your healing story as it helped me in my daily work – now I know that such a healing from a deep depression is possible.

  64. Gabriele I’m usually a skin-reader but I couldn’t take my eyes off your blog. So many people feel depressed but never actually address it, it’s a bit like feeling down has become an accepted normal but it’s so far away from the truth and the glory and the beauty that’s just beneath it. Your blog is ultimate proof Universal Medicine modalities work.

  65. Thank you Gabriele, I feel deeply touched by your sharing, this blog is deeply inspiring to all who read this, especially those that may be going through similar things.

  66. absolutely amazing! Depression and mental health conditions are deeply linked to issues we carry in our body – a study on this would do wonders for the world of mental health! Your case clearly demonstrates after having repeated esoteric healing sessions – addressing the root cause of your depression and changing the way you live , can aid in restoring one to their natural harmonious and vital state!

  67. “I never chose to have medication, having observed clients and friends go on anti-depressants and the ensuing fog that seemed to come between them and the unrelenting blackness” how accurate, I have worked briefly in the mental health Nursing sector and also observed this to be the case, clients who have been a part of the health service for years have not recovered and seem in just as much trouble as ever!

  68. Gabriele, in a world where depression is a global issue your story offers significant support to those wishing to be rid of the “black void” as you call it. Your story is validation of the effectiveness of Sacred Esoteric Healing and Universal Medicine Therapies, as well as self care and The Way of the Livingness in improving mental health and overall wellbeing.

  69. It takes a lot of energy to be depressed, exhaustion and depression can be a very deliberating cycle that feeds one another, thank you Gabriele for your honest blog and your courage to look and deal with the root cause.

  70. Thank you Gabriele for such an honest blog. Medication can be a great short term support for people suffering depression to get them back on their feet to be able to take responsibility to learn to love themselves deeply and let go of the hurts that are underlying the depression.

  71. An amazing and beautiful turn-around Gabriele. With the healing modalities presented by Serge Benhayon this can be a normal every day occurrence . My own experience with anxiety has shown this very thing.

  72. Thank you Gabriele for sharing your remarkable story of recovery from depression. The world needs to know there is another way through depression that does not involve being zonked out on medication for years. I also suffered from depression until, like your self, I met Serge Benhayon and the practitioners of Universal Medicine, with their love and support I was able let go of my hurts and take responsibility for myself and my healing by accepting that which I had created, and by choosing to see and feel differently, allowing me to build a foundation of love, totally releasing me from the depression that had dogged me for years.

  73. This is so inspirational Gabriele and just shows the power and healing of self-love. Imagine the burden we would release from the current health system if self-care and self-love became an integral part of medical treatment…

  74. Thank you Gabriele for sharing how with the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine you reconnected to your Soul and in taking responsibility for yourself and your actions that you have been able to make life what you make it by the way you live on a daily basis; a life lived with a foundation of true love with no black cloud of depression. Evolution back to the love we all innately are.

    1. Taking responsibility for myself and my actions is what it was all about for me and that has never changed; true and lasting change is not possible when we consider ourselves to be mere recipients of life.

  75. Beautiful to re-read your blog Gabriele and to be reminded of the power of taking responsibility, healing our hurts and connecting to our Soul the doorway to which is offered by Esoteric Healing. How glorious you must feel in your body now without the ills of depression.

    1. It is certainly a world of difference, between depression and the way I live today. I mainly forget that I ever had depression, that’s how far removed from my present reality it feels.

  76. This blog is truly a powerful example that shows humanity that there is another way to live that stops us becoming another statistic.

  77. Gabriele I appreciate your honest and open sharing of your battle with depression, their is no doubt of the effectiveness of the healing modalities and presentations of Universal Medicine combined with the taking of responsibility of our lives as you have displayed

    1. The connection back to Soul is indeed the pivotal point here. Without that connection life is very empty.

  78. Gabriele this sentence describes beautifully how Serge Benhayon brings wisdom that when heard triggers a remembering and inner knowing of truth within us too. ‘That nothing happens by chance is a concept I had always embraced as natural and self-evident, but the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine made this much clearer and provided the background, foundation and science to something I had somehow always known.’ Serge Benhayon however does not only remind us of our shared truth, he lives this truth and shares how others can live this way too.

    1. Yes, Serge Benhayon shows by reflection that others can live this responsibility as well and that it is a far greater and liberating way to live.

  79. You have had so much happen to you… This shows what inner strength is capable when we connect to Soul, nothing is too large for us. Just remember connect, connect and connect.

    1. Thank you but I would like to say that it doesn’t feel like anything has happened to me that I have not been the creator of. And that is what made the difference in the end – taking responsibility for the situation I found myself in and extricating myself bit by bit, one recognition, awareness and choice at a time.

    1. What just occurred to me is the fact that it does not just apply to depression but is even more far reaching because it concerns anyone who ever feels morose, downtrodden, despondent, maudlin and all the many other words we use to describe a state of being that is anything but the vitality and joy that we can live. It seems that we perceive as ‘normal’ that joy and vitality are not our daily ingredients – and that says a lot about where we are as a humanity.

  80. “In the years following my first Esoteric Healing session with Serge I learnt a lot from attending the Esoteric Healing courses; about how I could look after myself better and make changes that had nothing to do with a modification of behaviour or better coping mechanisms, but all to do with taking responsibility for myself and my actions. I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis.” I too learned this – taking responsibility and consistently committing – to me – on a daily basis. We can make a different choice in every moment – and thus a difference to our day.

    1. And making a choice in every moment which makes a difference to our day then leads to a total change of one’s life, one that was never deemed possible.

  81. I loved reading your blog again Gabriele, it is amazing how with four Esoteric Healing sessions you broke the cycle of depression you were before totally governed by.

    1. It is true and a great reminder for me of where I’ve come from – and easy to forget at times as I now live new ‘normal’ every day, year in year out.

  82. I feel your steady connection through your words here Gabriele, you are a miracle, 40 years of depression is a huge chunk of your life, the power of self-loving choices plain to see in your complete turn-around as described here. Thank goodness for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for presenting us with another way of being in this world.

  83. This is such an important read for everyone Gabrielle. There are few who would even consider that it was possible to heal a depressive illness after 40 years but this is an absolute testament to the fact that it can be done and not only that but that life can be lived joyfully when we take responsibility and heal our hurts.

  84. This is a remarkable account of the power of Sacred Esoteric Healing combined with your willingness to make some changes to how you were looking after yourself Gabrielle. The circumstances you describe Gabrielle in some cases would be treated with a combination of drugs and therapy and may be a lengthy process. While there is a valid place for these other kinds of treatments your personal case study presents a form of support that has so much promise it is worth further investigation and even research to gather data and the results in similar cases.

    1. Medication certainly has its place, especially when it goes hand in hand with addressing the root cause of a condition, as does Esoteric Healing.

  85. It reminds me of depression episode in my late twenties. I used to sleep up to fourteen hours a day in between full time job. When I felt I need a professional help I went to see a doctor. He asked me one question :” Are you married?” I replayed Yes. He said:” Get divorced.” And it was it, the end of the visit. Not much help though.
    For the next twenty or so years I had periods of depression sometimes up to three months (despite my divorce) especially in winter (not as bad as yours, Gabriele, nevertheless) and I remember during those times the same kind of thoughts coming to my mind-I don’t want to kill myself but I don’t want to live. Sometimes I wished that I have some incurable illness so it would be a good excuse to go.
    I had one session with Serge Benhayon seven years ago. At the end of the session after my long speech and hands on healing he asked me:”What did you feel?” My answer was: “Love”. For the first time in my life I knew what love feels like.
    Soon after I attended one day UniMed workshop in June and eight months later (early spring) went to the retreat. Only after retreat I noticed that I didn’t have any signs of depression that year. And all the following years it never came back, even though I had mild mood swings I could easily come out very quickly.
    I would call it “Usual Miracles”-all the things we are able to heal ourselves from with loving support from Serge and Universal Medicine practitioners.

    1. Such a similar experience in how your depression also disappeared as a result of what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine offer and the different choices we make.

  86. Gabriele, what you share is really touching me related to my personal story of depression (even, if I have never allowed me to name it like that) embedded in growing up in Germany and the fact, how you have changed it up to a point where you can say today it isn’t relevant any more. “And that was your soul…” Maybe depression is mainly not allowing oneself – for whatever reason – to stay connected with the soul…

  87. Gabriele what an extraordinary story to read. Your 40 years of depression truly healed with the support of Serge Benhayon and the Esoteric Modalities. The changes you made in your life are deeply inspiring and reminds us what is possible when we allow ourselves to live the love we naturally are. In my book this is a true miracle thank you for sharing.

  88. Gabriele, I love how matter of fact you are about such a massive transformation you have made, and sharing in this way reflects the depth of honesty you live, thank you.

    1. Your comment reminds me of how miserable I used to feel; it is so easy to forget, it’s nearly like another person’s life story. So thanks for the reminder and the confirmation.

  89. Gabrielle what you share is deeply moving and inspiring. Depression plagued people I know and I too have suffered bouts myself. Your story is powerful because it confirms the truly healing power of love, self love and proves that depression is not permanent and can be cleared, when we heal ourselves. The results of your case study should surely be published and shared with the world

    1. When we heal our hurts, everything is possible. One’s vitality goes through the roof and life can be lived joyfully – it is like getting rid of a couple of bags of wet cement on each shoulder, at least!

      1. I love the analogy you use, it says it all. And yes healing hurts makes everything possilble.

  90. Wow Gabrielle, what a powerful story you share here with us all. I am no expert in the statistics for depression but your sharing of how you healed/recovered from depression is a fantastic support for the many thousands of people who suffer from depression and who also have suicidal thoughts because of their long term depression. I can feel how important this article is and should be shared/published to a wider audience such as medical journals or magazines.

    1. I agree Jacqueline. There is so much here in Gabrielle’s blog that would deeply support anyone suffering from depression, showing that there is another way to approach this often debilitating condition. It is absolutley worthy of a place in any medical publication for both professionals and patients alike to have access to.

  91. Gabrielle I have just connected to your blog again , and I got even more from your sharing. I feel that we all need to share how we have dealt with depression and down times in our lives, so many would gain from your sharing and the need to be self nurturing and making loving choices in our lives. The wonderful help from Serge Benhayon and the Practitioners at Universal Medicine make all the difference to our healing process. Thank you Gabrielle.

  92. Thank you Gabriele for such a valuable blog. Depression is in plague proportions in the world today yet society looks to pharmacology and various natural or talking therapies as the best solutions available at the moment. Yet reading your blog Gabriele it is clear that there is more at play and people are not as helpless as it appears. Some may not choose to take the responsibility for themselves as you have but for others I believe it would be a relief to understand what is really going on. The more people hear the message that truly learning to take care of ourselves has huge impacts on our physical and mental health, the more choice they have.

    1. Agree with everything you’ve expressed here Helen… Depression in our society is becoming endemic, and high time we considered looking at what is underneath this instead of simply focusing on managing the symptoms.

    2. There is indeed more at play and it shows that to truly heal we have to dig a lot deeper.

  93. Amazing story. 40 years of one’s lifetime. I immediately calculate the years of all the other people around the globe who suffer from depression. So many years of depression and only a few hours of sessions to initiate the true healing.

  94. Gabriele I’m in awe that this depth of depression has simply lifted with the support of Esoteric Healing. Knowing you now and the joy that you bring it is hard to match the before and after story. Your evocative description of previous attempts to heal your melancholy as ‘everything had only ever scratched the surface and temporarily rearranged the deck chairs on my personal Titanic’ also aptly describes how I often felt before I ‘happened’ upon esoteric healing.

  95. Thank you Gabriele, I just had to stop, feel and appreciate the immense power of the Esoteric Healing Modalities, practised and taught by Serge Benhayon, delivered from Heaven to serve us all.

  96. thank you Gabriele, for you have shown us that even if you have gone through life chronically suffering from depression, something inside you was stronger than that and was able to find your way to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Your blog was also a beautiful stop to appreciate again the depth of healing Serge brings to us all.

    1. I agree, the depth and breadth of healing that Esoteric Healing offers is just incredible – never had I come across anything like it and I had tried a few alternatives!

  97. Gabriele, I feel very humbled by the gift of fragile tentative beauty your story conveys. Through all the sadness and tragedy a path was navigated to Serge Benhayon and the beginning of true healing, this was not random or chance this was the miraculous beauty of the cycle life. Thank you for your depth of sharing.

  98. Gabriele, this is pretty amazing – to have lived with depression for so long and then for it to switch off. When you write that ‘I really wanted to die but … I did not want to live anymore’ is something that I can relate to. This haunted me for such a long time as well. You have described the feeling here like it was my own story.

  99. I also spent most of my life chronically depressed, not deeply depressed, but lived in a dull grey, that permeated every part of my life, this lifted and has never returned since meeting and having sessions with Serge Benhayon. Connecting to my soul has opened a way of living that I never would have thought possible. Your sharing is incredibly inspiring, showing that once we are willing to take responsibility for our choices, the love is always there to support us through our healing, thank you Gabriel.

    1. I can relate to your dull grey, Rosemary and experienced depression several times with considering suicide once. I always had this desperate feeling of wanting to go ‘back’ of not belonging here, being out of place, feeling incredible lonely and not up for life. Since meeting Serge in 2008 I realized, what Gabrielle wrote: “my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis.” The grey veil has gone to not return, I know what I am here for and I love life.

  100. This is an incredible account of your life and the miracle that is you Gabriel. What an amazing media story this would be as there is much to learn from what you have shared. That we do not have to accept and live a life of depression, that there is another way to be and live in the world with true vitality and joy, no matter what circumstances have happened in one’s life. Thank you for being so open and baring all.

  101. You are a living miracle Gabriele – I am deeply impressed by your sharing – as I understand that depression is not easy to break the binds of and yet here you are almost forgetting that it was ever the case for you. You should be interviewed and studied for such a medical breakthrough.

  102. Gabriele Conrad, you show me with this blog that life is so much more when we choose to take responsibility for it instead of allowing our emotions and bi-annual moods to run our lives. The way to the reconnection with our soul, where we originally belong to, is so beautiful and opens up a way of living I could have never imagined before. I found that self-care and self-responsibility are two of the main ingredients for the restoration of my connection with my soul. I am very thankful to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for their continuous support in helping me and many other people equally in their returning.

  103. Wow that’s amazing Gabriele- “I now actually forget that I had been so badly affected by depression for nearly forty years of my life.” You are living testimony to everybody that we can change our ways and reverse illness and disease – by connecting deep within. With so many people suffering depression, and at all different levels, I know I too have suffered from mild-medium depression. It is very important to read about people’s turn arounds.

    1. On one hand it is a miracle for sure and on the other hand it is then about taking responsibility for my situation in life and making different choices, Had I not done the latter, I would have either relapsed or entered into a rhythm where I would have to go back for regular sessions, a fix so to speak, for the rest of my life.

  104. Gabriele, thank you for sharing as i have been able to relate to a lot of it. I was full of depression from a very early age, not really knowing that’s what it was called, it was like a heavy blanket over me, that i would carry around. I of course was very skilled in showing the world a different face, but internally and when alone, it was a different story. This carried with me throughout my twenties and early thirties, until i commenced building a true relationship with myself, with the help of esoteric practitioners and Universal Medicine. But I still had to go there, I still had to feel what needed to be felt and take responsibility, which I did so willingly and building on the lovingly more and more each and every day.

  105. Thank you Gabriele, an inspiring story. It highlights the incredible power of the Universal Medicine healing modalities and your choice to commit to healing yourself with self care, very powerful indeed.

    1. So true Matthew, Gabrielle’s turn around, coming out from decades of episodes of depression, is yet another testimony of the incredible power of the Universal Medicine healing modalities.

  106. “Nothing to do with a modification of behaviour or better coping mechanisms, but all to do with taking responsibility for myself and my actions. I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis” – How freeing is this! Amazing how your choice has allowed yourself to be let go of the pattern your family has held.

  107. What you share Gabriele, is a true miracle – amazing story, thank you for sharing with such honesty!

  108. This is such a profound life story. Thank you so much for sharing – without any drama or quest for sympathy. It is so touching to know that someone with such a long personal and family history of depression, can turn their life around so easily and permanently – rather than the usual ‘rearranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic’.

  109. Depression is all consuming, reading your story of complete turnaround is incredible, this is nothing short of a miracle. It is a joy to read that you have left behind such a severe case of depression and are now living free from this illness.

  110. Gabriele your years of ‘temporarily moving the deck chairs on your personal titanic’ had you simply marking time within the status quo and trapped within the bleakness of your depression. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicines modalities have clearly and without doubt supported you to now live a life that sounds like from what you have described would of been unfathomable to you in the past. This is a true testimonial to the quality of service that Universal Medicine and its workshops and modalities offers to all.

    1. Absolutely right, I couldn’t agree more. The workshops and presentations by Universal Medicine, the modalities and the service Serge Benhayon and the practitioners provide are second to none.

  111. These kind of stories never stop to amaze me Gabriele. Thank you for sharing.

  112. Completely remarkable and totally inspiring Gabriele to no longer suffer from such black depression, your line here so universally valid and true : “I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis”. Living a life with love opens up the pathways towards clarity, releases the shackles of grief and offers true freedom.

  113. My goodness! This is a miracle! Forty years of severe depression and in only one session you could start to leave it behind. You left a blackish live for one where colours paint your day. Beautiful!

  114. It is truly awesome when I read stories like this one. There are so many people living in a depressive state (may not be as ‘bad’ as Gabrielle) but nevertheless existing, putting up with what they think is the ‘norm’. Reading articles like this brings awareness on a subject that needs to be talked about, openly and lovingly. I thank you Gabrielle for sharing.

  115. Wow, Gabrielle, what an amazing turn around you have made in your life, beautiful to read your story.

  116. How confronting can it be when depression is a choice we make. Thank you Gabrielle for your expansive blog on this

  117. Amazing blog Gabrielle, to know that you suffered with such a deep depression for years is hard to believe knowing how you are today. What leapt out at me from your writing was the fact that you began to take responsibility for your life, you brought it back to your daily choices and recognised that there is indeed a reason for everything and in that, we always have a choice.

    1. It’s true Jade, taking responsibility for our own choices and lives is a vital ingredient to our healing process. Despite this fact it is a process that can be made both simpler and easier when we are blessed with the care, inspiration and encouragement of others when we need the support.

  118. Thanks Gabrielle for your honesty in sharing your amazing transformation. It also demonstrates the power we have to heal ourselves when we choose to reconnect to our innermost.

  119. Thank you Gabrielle. Knowing you as I do today it is hard to relate to the fact that you were once a person who was suicidal or depressed. You have such joy in your eyes.

  120. What Serge Benhayon somehow does is unearth gifts. Each one of us has something so amazing to offer the world yet we are shrouded by our personal issues and/or illnesses, such as in your story Gabriele with your depression. Each person I have met who has worked with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is also being “unearthed” so that their fullness can literally bless the world in some way. An amazing story from an equally amazing (and inspiring) woman!

  121. This is an extraordinary article Gabriele, I am amazed at the enormity of your transformation out of the unrelenting blackness that consumed you into the light you now live. Thank you for taking me on such a personal and miraculous journey, I am undeniably inspired.

  122. Hi Gabriele, This is certainly one for the record books to heal such deep and ingrained depression truly is a miracle. It does show us clearly this is possible and how we live every day has an impact on how we feel.

    1. Depression can be difficult to understand and therefore even more difficult to treat; this is where the esoteric modalities come into their own and truly support, if the willingness is there.

  123. This is amazing what you have shared Gabriele. Depression affects so many and what you have shared show others that it is possible to heal from depression. ‘make changes that had nothing to do with a modification of behaviour or better coping mechanisms, but all to do with taking responsibility for myself and my actions. I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis.’

  124. Depression is a choice which I can see clearly evident after reading your blog Gabriele. All we need to choose is a commitment to truly heal what is behind it and thanks to Serge Benhayon we have a foundation of what that truly means.

  125. This is an amazing story Gabriele. I am inspired by the straight forward way you describe how your life has changed since meeting Serge Benhayon and attending Universal Medicine presentations. I appreciate that your journey hasn’t been simple but none the less, the message you are presenting that we are not our issues and that there is a different way to live, is clear and powerful. Thank you

    1. Yes, great confirmation here – we are not our issues, no matter how harrowing or insurmountable they may seem; we are far more than that and it took Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine to reawaken that knowledge in me.

  126. “I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis”…what a simple yet so profound statement. This is something that the world talks about and sorta understands but yet has not been shown how to really live it nor truly understand the implications of when we don’t live it. I also knew this to be true but it was only through attending UM Presentations that I started to truly understand how important this is to truly start to learn and understand what it means that my life is what I make it and I am solely responsible for what happens. So much stuff just drops away when you do that. Like your depression. Incredibly inspiring story Gabriele.

    1. It actually seems so far behind that I tend to forget it was ever part of my life; it has a sense of unreality to it.

      1. What you are replying here is so remarkable too, as it shows that the “reality” of depression with all its consequences for living, disappears and melts in the light of the connection with the soul.

  127. Thank you Gabriele for sharing your personal Titanic experiences with us, as they are so recognisable, as depression is all around us, in lighter or more severe forms. I know also some periods in my life where I felt depressed and I can remember that it was debilitating so much that it took some tome to get rid of this mood that made me see life only from the dark side. I too have experienced none of these completely debilitating periods in my life anymore since I started to attend workshops and presentations by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Just by simply taking responsibility for my own life and by healing the old hurts I carried with me, I now have a life where I constantly feel the joy of sharing my life with my family, friends and everybody I meet.

  128. Thank you Gabriele for sharing your very personal journey through depression. I have suffered on and off with depression which seemed to be triggered the first time after the death of my father (my last parent). It has taken a long time for me to truly accept that I am responsible for how I deal with events in my life and how that affects my health, physical and mental. I have had some wonderful help from Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine Practitioners through these tough times, and my wonderful family and friends. I have been feeling great over the past few years and am learning to love and appreciate myself and see the beautiful woman within, thanks to Universal Medicine.

    1. Yes, we are indeed responsible for how we deal with what happens in life, but it takes somebody to point this out as the matter of fact that it is, without investment in an outcome, without personal gain, without any emotion whatsoever – as the unshakeable truth it is. And this person for me was Serge Benhayon and then later the Universal Medicine healing modalities that allowed me to heal the hurts I was carrying around like a noose around my neck.

      1. Gabriele, thankyou for sharing this account of your life with depression. It is indeed a remarkable story and one that should be shared with the medical profession. I too went through a very black period in my life, and shut everyone out as it felt like that was the only way I could cope. It was as you said earlier, very lonely and isolating, but like you, I came to realise with the absolute and amazing support of Serge Benhayon that I was in this position because of my own choices, and that I had to take responsibility for that. It was his huge and eternal love that he holds for everyone equally that gently pulled me out of my black hole, along with the support of the Universal medicine practitioners and the healing modalities. In this way I was able to dig deep and connect back to the beautiful woman that I have always been, but had totally lost touch with.

    2. Roslyn, for me Serge Benhayon brought understanding and confirmation that there were truths in how I was reading life, despite an absolute lack of validation. This is what the dark times for me were all about, squashing my knowingness, squashing my vitality, and in the end I found being with people just too hard. Serge with his love and clarity, is helping me find my voice to express all that I feel about life, and to remember once again, who I am.

  129. I felt such sadness and also great joy when reading your blog Gabriele.
    Sadness because I am reminded of my earlier lack of understanding and true support for one of my daughters who, from early adolescence, suffered bouts of depression.
    Joy now because I can truly appreciate the beautiful and gorgeous woman she is; also because I observe her feeling her divine inner beauty.
    Such joy also Gabriele to read and to feel your journey, wisdom and self responsibility.
    Thank you for your beautiful expression.

    1. What you write is very touching, and there I thought I was just relating a personal story and sharing the enormous support I have received from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It makes me realise that another big factor around depression is the isolation and loneliness; self-inflicted, I would argue, because I was actually pushing everybody away, preferring to keep them at arm’s length (at least) and feeling very very stuck. I could not for a moment imagine living like that now, and nor can your daughter by the sounds of it.

  130. Wow Gabriele, that’s pretty awesome. To have had the strength to know that ending your life was just not the answer in the face of everything you were dealing with amongst your family is extraordinary. It’s so inspiring to hear stories of those who have managed to find themselves again after having experienced such horrific circumstances. Thank you!

  131. This is amazing Gabriele, how you were able to allow the support and turn your life around and step out of the shadows of the past and your family history.

  132. It is lovely to read your inspiring journey. The healings with Serge for me felt like coming home and felt like a natural way to be that was unremarkable until I realised the profound changes that had happened to me since having them. I also have not had depression since having healing sessions with Serge and how wonderful that is.

  133. This is an amazing story and an amazing testimonial to not only Serge Benhayon but to what we are able to heal. And truly heal (no rearranging of the deck chairs!). I feel very inspired after reading this.

    1. This analogy of the deck chairs made me laugh nikkimckee…. It’s so true! The healing offered when we truly deal with our hurts and begin to take responsibility for our choices and self-care – (such as that I have been inspired and supported by, the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine) – is like having a whole new outdoor setting that doesn’t age or collect dust, and is far from simply rearranging the furniture and waiting for the dust to resettle.

  134. Gabriele this is a beautiful article. As someone who has also had episodes of depression in the past and a family with mental health history I can relate to what your are saying about how depression feels and how overwhelming it can be for those who experience it. I can also relate when you speak about your experiences with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and how this has impacted on your life and well-being – I too would have less insight into myself and the emotional nature of my mental health and wellness without Universal Medicine, and would be suffering far more on a daily basis without the tools and insights I have gained through workshops and sessions with Universal Medicine practitioners.

    Thank you (humbly) again for sharing this with us.

  135. Reading this blog comes at a poignant time, and I thank you deeply for your honesty here Gabriele. Someone close in my life is currently suffering from depression – perhaps not with the intensity you describe, yet this person most certainly experiences periods of time that are particularly hard.
    That you have not suffered from a bout of depression since first seeing Serge Benhayon for Esoteric Healing is a true miracle, that is deeply inspiring to read and feel. As is the commitment you undertook to truly ‘heal from within’.
    Knowing you now as such a dedicated, astute, strong and vibrant woman, I never would have guessed that you hard been so plagued for so many years of your life. What a living inspiration you are.

  136. What an amazing healing, change of life and inspiration. Thank you for sharing you own path and personal experience and showing what is possible through healing, taking responsability for self and own actions.

  137. Thank you for sharing Gabrielle, your story is very inspiring and highlights the power and healing that can occur when we take self-responsibility for our own actions and the way we live.

  138. Thank you Gabriele for sharing your story. Serge Benhayon’s Esoteric Healing Workshops are phenomenal. Unlike the many other modalities I have explored, the issues don’t come back, once they are dealt with by esoteric healing methods, true healing really happens. I have found that because of this I can build and move forward, unlike the temporary relief I used to get with the issue later reappearing again, using other methods. There is such an ease and naturalness to the esoteric healing. It’s quite miraculous what happened to your lifelong depression, however, based in my own experiences with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I am also not surprised!

  139. This is such an inspiring story Gabriele. Knowing the woman you are today it does seem completely unbelievable that you ever suffered from depression. An astonishing account of the power of connecting to our souls and the love we are.

  140. You mention self responsibility as one of the main ingredients to your healing – and I love that you credit Serge Benhayon with supporting you miraculously without giving your power away to him, remaining autonomous in your choices to heal the awful depression you describe. Thanks for sharing this blog – it is an amazing piece of evidence that I feel should be studied more broadly and willingly in relation to approaches to mental health treatment.

  141. I love your story Gabriele because it’s just so normal – there were no “heavenly choirs” or “the one single life changing moment” just wee epiphanies and understandings along your path – back to you.

  142. Gabriele this is a truly remarkable account of your healing journey. What a blessing you received to be able to experience life as who you truly are are. Thank you for sharing this x

  143. Thank you Gabriele for sharing your amazing healing, it is lovely to see how easy and natural it is to feel good when healing occurs and when we live in a way that allows it, and the fact that you almost forgot that you used to have depression, I can relate to.

  144. This was the line that struck me Gabriel “Early in my life I had tried to commit suicide a couple of times, not because I really wanted to die but because I did not want to live anymore.” I can relate to that feeling very precisely. For me it was one major episode per year that would last for months, with minor ups and downs in the “good” phase.
    It is a terrible thing to feel that you simply do not want to be here. Life becomes a drab grey that you drag yourself through – exhausting and demoralising. Like you, my sessions with Serge Benhayon, and the profound change in my treatment of myself has meant no more episodes of depression. I no longer live in the fear of that grey oppressive cloud.
    I live in full and for that I say thank you to Serge with all my heart.

  145. Awesome sharing, and a testament to the fact that it is entirely possible to break deep-rooted family patterns. You are living proof of the lasting benefits that taking responsibility for all our choices brings.

  146. We can’t always do everything ourselves, sometimes we need support to better cope with life. And Gabrielle, what amazing support you found. I am sure also that your commitment to heal yourself and make the changes to allow this, played a strong part in you not having a recurrence of the depression.

  147. A very powerful sharing Gabriele thank you so much. Everyone suffering with depression should know this, it is not about changing behavior, but connecting to what is within and taking responsibility for our choices.

  148. I had a very similar experience to that of Gabriele, in the sense of a deep depression since my teenage years. And, through my engagement with, and in healing sessions with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, as well as other Universal Medicine practitioners, I have completely let go of depression in my life. For me, this is a miracle. Everyone needs to hear about such experiences, because there are millions of people in the world still suffering from depression, and whom Universal Medicine can truly support to turn around their lives.

  149. Gabriele, you describe the symptoms of depression so vividly that it becomes so easy to relate to, I have never had severe depression but can imagine the despair that this causes and how badly it affects ones quality of life. Your blog would be an incredible read for everyone who has suffered in this way.

  150. A truly inspiring article expressing that there is light at the tunnel and that there it is an answer. As you say, “everything had only ever scratched the surface and temporarily rearranged the deck chairs on my personal Titanic.” but through what is presented Serge, Universal Medicine, the Esoteric Practitioners and the Esoteric healing modalities it is possible to truly heal.

  151. Thankyou so much Gabriele. What an inspiring story – your choice to receive the healing that Serge Benhayon offered and the miracle that then ensued, together with the choices you subsequently made to change your life. Amazing. One awesome woman.

  152. This is an inspiring post Gabriele, not least for those of us whose lives are effected either with a mental health illness or by having a family member or friend who is a sufferer. Statistics in the UK were around 1 in 4 people, my sense is that the stats are now dated and that they are much higher…

    1. Yes Jacky it is on the increase and is rising to critical levels in the U.K. It is such a hidden disease as patients look fine, but feel so awful on the inside. It is amazing to know there is a truly lasting way to tackle this illness and having personally been affected myself, I too can vouch for the fact that it can be turned around and I have Universal Medicine to thank for helping me do so.

  153. A very honest and inspiring blog Gabriele. Its amazing the power we have to turn things around for ourselves with the support of true healing from the Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I love where you write ‘I learnt and understood that my life is what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis.’

    1. I completely agree Debra – I love how you write “its amazing the power we have to turn things around for ourselves”, totally empowering as is this blog

  154. Deeply inspiring Gabriele. It is huge to feel the enormity of what you have shared. I agree your story should be told in workshops and conferences all around the world – That true healing and recovery is possible. That chronic depression is something that you learn to live with is a given in society and the medical profession. Your life today certainly proves otherwise.

  155. Thank you for your deeply honest personal sharing. It is truly remarkable and yet normal how reconnecting back to ourselves will lift the black clouds that hang over us.

  156. Gabriele, you need to be studied as that it a transformational change! From being at a point where you had such regular severe bouts of depression you considered them normal and a part of life to now not having them and forgetting about them is worth celebrating – Truly inspiring.

    1. Absolutely jamesnicholson27, in meeting the powerhouse of a woman Gabriele is today is an undeniable testimony to the life changing choices she has made, with the loving support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine healing modalities.

  157. Gabriele, I am slightly gobsmacked. I have only known you in the last year and the person you describe is far from the woman you are. It is hard to believe you lived your life so long in such an awful state of depression. This is really a remarkable story that should be on the front pages of newspapers across the world. So many people suffer depression and live with the fear of it returning, feeling helpless, and often with only pharmaceutical drugs being offered as a way out. You have found the true way out, it really is astounding yet so simple as you describe it so clearly – as a way and choice of living that with the support of Sacred Esoteric Healing is accessible to all.

  158. Gabriele, this is a beautiful story. It is so great that you are now free of that black cloud that shared most of your life with you. I have only had depression once for a few months and that was bad enough, so I can not imagine what you endured. It is a miracle how your contact with Universal Medicine has transformed your life.

  159. This story should be told at all mental health workshops, seminars, conferences etc. It should be shouted out so that others who suffer from depression have an opportunity to see that lives can change and depression can disappear. A remarkable story from a truly beautiful woman. Thank you Gabriele.

  160. Beautiful and inspiring story Gabriele.
    The figure that Jane mentions is shocking but I think it is even worse than what statistics says – there are so many people who do not seek medical help – I have come across a number of people who just live with it – it is a serious problem.
    Yet, isn’t it amazing how ‘tables can turn’ when we take a complete charge and responsibility for ourselves like you did Gabriele and your life becomes, as you put it: …what I make it by the way I live on a daily basis. Awesome.

    1. I agree, Dragana, that even though statistics are using big numbers in reality the numbers are much bigger. I was one of “not counted” for several years.I didn’t ever look for help, just slept fourteen hours a day, didn’t go out, didn’t talk to anyone for months. I didn’t use any drugs either. Just waited for it to go away. It did. Then it was back. After attending Universal Medicine events and listening to Serge Benhayon’s presentations I started making changes to my daily routine, starting from choosing what to eat in order to support my body, preparing myself for sleep, appreciating myself more and practicing conscious presence. Life is different now and I didn’t have depression for a long time.

  161. Thank you for sharing your experience with us all, it is very inspiring to know how far you have come through working on yourself with the support of Serge and UM, and today you are supporting so many others including me. Deeply appreciated.

  162. Gabriele it always amazes me how we continue the family patterns through each generation until it only takes one person from that family to explore and uncover a way forward – lovingly so… as you have lived through this and continue to inspire others on your way. Thank you.

  163. This is so inspiring for anyone who has felt depressed, which is probably everyone. Really beautifully and simply put. Thank you for sharing.

  164. Thank you Gabriele for sharing your story, it is a truly amazing insight into what we can heal in ourselves once we start to really “take responsability for our actions”, and not just “modify our behaviours”, (which seems to be the current mainstream prescription for depression sufferers). I could relate to much of your experience with depression, not as debilitating but certainly as depressing in the sense of the fog it cast over life. Thank you for such a rich piece of writing, and for bringing the fact that this work we do is about re-connecting with our soul, working with what is already deep within.

  165. What an amazing story I feel so happy for you. I have never met Serge, I just have some audio’s and I have had a couple of treatments at the London Clinic with Sarah. I used to sneeze and sneeze until I couldn’t move with all the energy that had gone into the sneezing fits. I gave up alcohol, dairy and gluten and I do the gentle breath meditation and try to keep focused on living more harmoniously and I too seem to have been cured of 30 years of sneezes. I long so much to meet the man who just from his words, is changing my life. Your story brought tears of joy to my eyes as it is another brick in a fortress of truth that comes from him. Thanks for sharing that story.X

  166. Wow Gabriele, I am shocked that depression was such a major factor in your life not that long ago, as you are a gorgeous woman who offers much inspiration to me and I am sure many others. It is truly amazing the healing we can do for ourselves when we have true support like that offered through UniMed and Serge.

  167. Hi Gabriele thank you sharing something I know many people experience and find hard to talk about. I could say that my depression was more of one that lived just under the surface and never really became the full blown debilitating depression. Like you to keep going was the answer so that I didn’t have to feel or acknowledge if I was depressed. As a society we don’t accept depression as an illness. I like how you describe that alternative treatments just scratched the surface and temporarily rearranged the deck chairs on your personal Titanic…

    1. Thank you Alison, for your honesty. I too picked up that there are patterns of depression in families. You’re right when you say ‘As a society we don’t accept depression as an illness’. This is true. I work with families and it’s as if there’s an elephant in the room, a refusal to name the illness that is so present. It’s not surprising that those with depression are reluctant to talk about how they’re feeling, and if they do are often misunderstood. or isolated. Also telling is your comment: ‘Like you to keep going was the answer so that I didn’t have to feel or acknowledge if I was depressed’ I can relate to this. Around 1995, and for months, I felt strange, drained of energy, a constant feeling of emptiness, not fully in my body… I drew an image of how I felt. It was of a figure, cocooned in furry red swirls of energy – this image helped me to eventually connect to the realisation I was in ‘the fog of depression’ – up to that point, I had not related depression to myself.

    2. Depression is not really treated like an illness and there is a lot of shame around having it, yet also this story shows how we can move out of it with the help of a deeply loving and caring practitioner, and that we can move beyond the despair and learn to appreciate life again. It was amazing to read Gabriele how you suddenly realised you had missed your usual bout of depression, an amazing transformation, it is brilliant you have shared for others to read and feel.

  168. This account of coming back to who you truly are Gabriele, shows just how amazing a deepening connection with one’s soul is. Thank you for sharing how awesome the changes for you have been since you had your first hands-on session with Serge Benhayon.

  169. Hi Gabriele,
    Thank you for sharing your story. It is so interesting to read these personal blogs. When we meet each other today, we meet the “healing/healed” person and have no idea of what they’ve been through earlier in life. It’s good to have the before and after perspective, eh.

    1. Very true Gayle, that is one reason why I love checking out the before and after photos on – the true beauty is in the ‘healing/healed’ person’s eyes

  170. Gabriele, the change in your life is nothing short of a miracle. A miracle inspired by love from Serge, Unimed practitioners and yourself. The ‘amazingness’ Universal Medicine brings to humanity is to be celebrated.

  171. What a beautiful and inspiring post Gabriele – the expression that comes to mind is ‘wow’! I cannot say I have suffered from depression (though at times have certainly felt depressed – and that has felt awful in itself, so I cannot imagine what it must be like to live with that as a constant feeling… nor what it is like to have those immediately close to me experience similar feelings), but your post has been truly and absolutely inspiring as to what is possible by connecting to the love within. Amazing… thank you so much for sharing, and deepening my appreciation and understanding of what ‘is’ possible when we connect to love.

  172. Gabriele, thank you for the honesty you have shared in your writing. In light of the millions of people suffering from depression in the world today, your experience is truly inspiring yet simple.

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