A Favourite Recipe for Simplicity

by Helen Simkins , Tourist Attraction Manager, North Coast NSW

My life, these days, is simple… and on the whole, full of joy. I look forward to each day (the weekdays too – not just the weekend). I enjoy my job. I love being with people – ALL people (yes, even the difficult ones)… and most of all I love being me.

I have found that simplicity is not a thing to be longed for, and not impossible to build in this modern world: it is something that I have learned to create for myself within the apparent mess of the world through reconnecting to a way of living that is totally natural (even though at first a little unfamiliar).

I have discovered that creating simplicity makes life truly successful. The Universal Medicine clinic and Serge Benhayon presented this to me as a possibility: I recognised the truth of it and have established it as a way of life, based on this principle that feels so great that I want to share it with you.

By removing many of the complications that I used to accept as a normal part of life there is now an ease to my daily living which brings joy and freedom. I don’t pretend that life is always easy – life and society are definitely filled with a constant activity and can come with the complication of much human drama, an indisputable fact…

BUT, and this is a huge but (one that is worthy of beginning a sentence with), I have discovered that I can create a space within me and around me that lessens or even removes the pressure of all that stuff (yes, TRUE).

The space that I create in this way is what is now filled with joy.

At first it was hard for me to believe it could be possible; well, actually that was hard to get my head around for quite a while and I must admit that the process of mastering this recipe isn’t always easy, but let me tell you it IS WORTH IT!

There are basic ingredients that make up the recipe of simplicity. They can seem quite hard to access – but keep at it because once you get hold of them you never, ever need to search for them again, I can assure you. Here are the essential ingredients and the method. Big note here – the quality of the ingredients is super important.


  1. COMMITMENT to love, and to your true self
  2. RESPONSIBILITY – the key ingredient – can’t create simplicity without this one
  3. HONESTY – essential, & by the way it is with yourself first, not with everyone else – that comes after you master it with you
  4. CHOICES  – basically everything begins with a choice, & be assured you are making choices with every breath that you take


  1. GENTLENESS  – like the way a baby breathes or holding a butterfly without damaging it; you get the picture
  2. LOVING DISCIPLINES – without ensuring the quality of the ingredients this can seem impossible, so experiment with what they truly are
  3. ESTABLISH A RHYTHM – a consistency of the above
  4. LET GO – of all that is no longer congruent with your life… believe me, you will know what that is if you use honesty
  5. Season the whole dish with your own personal touches and play-fullness
  6. In this recipe no perfection is required; if you slip-up just go back a step and begin again with love

Once you build this dish, enjoy letting the harmony flow and you may be surprised at how much it inspires others to do the same.

A favourite recipe… make it your own & share it!

231 thoughts on “A Favourite Recipe for Simplicity

  1. Helen I love this simplicity of this blog and how they seem ‘quite hard to access’, but the commitment and consistency seems to be the key. We are so used to dramas in our lives and then, we either get jack of it or something makes us stop, that we have no choice but to look within for support.

    We learn a new way to live, develop new rhythms, new foundations, new many things and then the penny drops. This is the WAY and the preferred way to be, then we can wake up and smell that life is not all it is made out to be, there is more…

  2. I like the simplicity of keeping things and life simple, I absolutely LOVE the ingredients. If we all apply these to our daily life, I ponder on how everyone will be around each other and what the world be like too.
    The one ingredient that stood out for me the most is ‘responsibility’, I have observed this seldom occurs. Many are quick to blame another but they seldom look at their part in the mess.

    I personally may not have perfected the ingredients however, I take more and more responsibility in how I am in my everyday life and committed to it. So there’s a start, the other two ingredients are not too far behind either.

    Life is presented in such a way, it’s how you are in it, that is the key to keeping it simple – do you react or do you respond to it?

    1. Life present us two options, complications or simplicity. Complications is that pretzel. Simplicity is that water that still flows past, over and/or around those big bolders, and in that, the current in exactly the same, in the stream of life.

    1. Lorraine the ingredients and method can be applied to all and it only requires us to make a start, and the rest will flow and follow.

  3. We work hard too to keep life complicated. Eventually, as we return to a simple way of life sourced from our Soul it all becomes easy and natural. There may be hard work in the return to the truth and ease of soulful living.

  4. I love this Helen, it’s a great foundation for life. Commitment to love and to honouring our true selves does bring simplicity, we only have to look at situations where we compromise on how we feel to see how complication then plays out.

  5. Helen I love the humour and spunk you have written this blog with, and as it is I love cooking so this makes for an amazing recipe that I will certainly use more frequently now! SIMPLY delicious!

  6. Helen this should be a quote that is framed and placed up on a wall: “I have discovered that creating simplicity makes life truly successful.” – A gorgeous reminder of how life can be simple and successful.

  7. Simplicity, and space, in our lives are most welcome, and even more beautiful when they are filled with joy as you share in this post Helen.

  8. A recipe for simplicity – I love how simple that is, and when something is presented so simple, it really exposes that complexity is merely a choice and we could actually turn anything into complexity just for the sake of avoiding simplicity, and we do.

  9. You shared with us so beautifully great wisdom of how we are in command of the quality of life we live and what we share with the world purely by the quality of energy or vibration we align to. Point one is the foundation of everything that follows thereafter. Our willingness to connect to love, to the light of our Soul, and being dedicated to honouring this connection is what governs that quality of our livingness, our experiences in life and the quality of truth we live ourselves and with others.

  10. “The quality of the ingredients is super important” as, too, is consistency in making the dish.

  11. Starting with gentle movements is a monumental step at the starting of our learning to be simple and then re-establishing sacred movement and true movement deepens our awareness, which then simplifies even more of life.

    1. Ha Greg, another stream of pearls amongst so many others here in the comments!

  12. Simple is sometimes used as a synonym of basic and basic is meant to be not sophisticated and of course, something that is not sophisticated tends not to be valued. This is all not true when it gets to simplicity and what it means to our lives.

  13. I’d add just one more ingredient, and that is how we serve this exquisite dish, sharing it with others and equally amplifying it in ourselves through our movements. That is how you get one fish to feed 5000 – through the ripples of its movements.

    1. Love this Simon it helped me understand the symbolism and the meaning behind Jesus feeding of the 5000 from 2 fish and 5 loaves

  14. Whenever something gets complicated I know, there is an energy at play, that just wants to keep me busy and blind to the actual truth. The moment I can renounce that energy, simplicity is right back. Just waiting, as it is our natural way of being.

  15. I like the hint that the ingredients should have a certain quality.When you don´t pay attention to the quality of every ingredient, the end product will never taste as good as it could be.

  16. Letting go is something I am more aware of at the moment and it’s so vital for creating space within my body and my life. Without that space I am hanging onto something and feeling a sense of agitation, instead of following the natural flow of accepting, letting go, and moving on

  17. This whole blog reminded me that life is very simple and uncomplicated, when we just keep letting go and keep focusing on staying gentle, responsible, loving and honest.
    Thanks Helen.

  18. Ill being is generously shared with others no questions asked. Yet, we tend not to be so generous with our wellbeing. That is why we have to be able to deeply appreciate those who generously share it with others.

    1. There is something very wonderful about the fact these ingredients cost nothing and are available to all – leveling the playing field and not allowing anyone a get out clause.

  19. ‘and most of all I love being me’.Gorgeous to read and feel, for you do not often hear people talk this way about themselves, because we are always in comparison and jealousy especially us women, and we always think the grass is greener on the other side…. I took a moment to read the first para again and realised that I too also love being me…. just to express this feels amazing!

  20. Simplicity is something we can create for ourselves if we hold that intention, we know what changes to make, bringing us back to living more naturally in our rhythms and in which the body greatly appreciates.

  21. ‘LET GO – of all that is no longer congruent with your life’. This is important to do. I am at the moment doing a stock take and a review on where I am and in particular, looking at my job and can feel it no longer supports me and my rhythm. I am at the moment making changes that feel more in line with my future.

  22. I have just found this blog to read for the first time and I am left feeling warm and smiling…. I love the ingredients and methods you described for simplicity – my own focus at the moment is on the first ingredient: Commitment to love and to my true self…the other ingredients I am already playing with…

  23. Too many of us spend our weekdays willing the weekends or days off to come – so any recipe that supports another to enjoy 7 days a week is something definitely worth sharing.

  24. Funny I was just sharing with someone today how simple and ordered my life is. Simplicity certainly rocks and is a solid foundation for daily miracles!

  25. I get a feeling how I might get stuck on collecting ingredients forever wondering whether I have got the right ones, how the dish would look like when it is complete, going backwards and forwards, not realizing that I would never find out until I start putting them together, that simplicity cannot come from complexity.

  26. Thank you Helen. Off to cook up some simplicity and expand the space for more joy in my life.

  27. Thank you Helen for your playful and simple sharing here. I love how you have tried and tested this recipe for yourself and hence you have lived what you are saying, very inspirational!

  28. Thanks Helen, life is definitely simple when we commit to love and loving ourselves.

  29. No doubt this recipe works…. what a great and simple summation of simplicity.

  30. Imagine how different the world would be if everyone awoke and actually looked forward to their day… Seems simple, yes, but the majority of humanity are just coasting, struggling, surviving and basically existing in function and not in the Joy that is on offer through working and being part of society.

  31. Love this recipe Helen. With a willingness to establish simplicity in our lives we discover true fulfillment is possible, guided by our connection to ourselves. We have to date, created a world of complication where we think we are defined by the world that surrounds us. However, in truth the world within is what will always truly define who we are. Thank you for reminding us of the power of simplicity and that we all have access to these essential ingredients for living a life of simplicity that truly fulfills.

  32. What a recipe to come across today, love it Helen! Simplicity allows us to stay true to ourselves, it is the antidote to mayhem and complication and eradicates exhaustion because it doesn’t drain you when you take a bite of this recipe!

  33. Thank you Helen. This is a recipe that I am going to post on my fridge as it is a winner and one I feel I will never tire from.

  34. “I have discovered that creating simplicity makes life truly successful.” So often we create complications that keep us away from the simplicity and stillness of being who we truly are.

  35. I think we are brought up with the idea that life has to be difficult and a struggle. When things are going smoothly we question it and sometimes create the complication we are used to, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Rather than trying to control and change others I too ‘have discovered that I can create a space within me and around me that lessens or even removes the pressure of all that stuff.’

  36. I love your recipe Helen and the fact that there is no perfection in it, just a commitment to live in a way that is more loving.

  37. I just had to read this blog again, I so love what you shared here Helen, and yes to this, ‘By removing many of the complications that I used to accept as a normal part of life there is now an ease to my daily living which brings joy and freedom.’

  38. Love this Helen, that is ‘the’ recipe for life. One that we should have on billboards and teach in schools. I wish that I had that stated to me in my formative years. Love it love it love it!!!

  39. A great recipe Helen, one I love to partake and share. Rereading your blog is a beautiful reminder to keep my livingness simple, thank you.

  40. I love coming back to this recipe and being reminded of the key ingredients that bring simplicity and joy into our lives every day.

  41. “I have discovered that creating simplicity makes life truly successful.” – Helen your way of writing and sharing this is in itself simplicity and simply inspiring! It is true that there is chaos and complications around us that abound, but it is also for us not to take this on board and to allow ourselves the space to not feel overwhelmed nor pressured by these things and THIS is what makes the difference! A wonderful reminder for me today – and always great to connect to what you have to share – thank you Helen!

  42. A recipe for life where a slip up is no drama and there is never and finished dish – just one that is constantly evolving into more and more yumminess.

  43. beautiful to read your recipe for a simple life a life full of love, and the point that stands our for me right now is that it doesn’t need to be perfect we can slip it is only our responsibility to get back up and enjoy our own connection to the brim, that we keep making the loving choice more consistently.

    1. I agree Benkt. This recipe is always in progress, always evolving, always developing and always able to be turned around by increasing the quality of the ingredients.

  44. This is the first time to read this super delightful blog, and I have loved to read your recipe Helen and all the key ingredients to living simply and humbly, deepening and allowing more love into our lives with simplicity and clarity and order, as these 3 come all in the same package.

  45. Oh my your recipe is so yummy, love it, and written by a lady who lives it; this recipe is the best I have ever read!

  46. Even though all ingredients are important, equally so, it was the commitment: “COMMITMENT – to love, and to be your true self” that stood out for me. We can want to live in a certain way but commitment is key to really getting it working.

  47. Your recipe sounds interesting Helen, it feels like establishing a sound relationship with ourselves, especially in focus to the quality we are with ourselves and appreciating ourselves no matter what, and from there we will be shown more of how life is true.

  48. I love this line ‘HONESTY – essential, & by the way it is with yourself first, not with everyone else – that comes after you master it with you’. I had a practitioner recently explain to me that many women can feel their sensitivity but when it comes to expressing it they don’t stay with how they truly feel and instead can go into the emotion of it and express from there. This was a light bulb moment for me as I didn’t think I was someone who was manipulative but when I heard it this way I realised I am rarely honest with myself about how I really feel.

  49. This is a favourite recipe of mine Helen. Simplicity is a dish of great delicacy and the more we allow ourselves to live it, the more we realise that while we may have become programmed along the way to live in chaos and confusion, our original template and thus our divine design is very, very simple. In order to arise out of this collective mess we are all buried in, we need only feel the love that we are and live it. Thankyou for reminding us of the essential ingredients of life.

  50. Amazing! Some of the greatest moments of my life have come from moving simplicity, and the gift was that I had pure joy, when there was no trying involved. Human life does have a lot of seeming complexity and drama but in essence when simplicity is lived I wonder how that could be an eternal quality.

  51. Such a depth of lived wisdom contained in such a light presentation 🙂 Thank-you Helen Simkins.
    Reading this today, I am particularly taken by your words: “LET GO – of all that is no longer congruent with your life…”
    If I am truly willing to do this, things do indeed become simple. The complication and hardship comes in when I cling onto that which I feel I ‘should’ do (out of some sense of ‘measuring up’ to externally-fed standards), and/or refuse to allow the simplicity and clarity be appreciated when I actually HAVE let go – and let go of so much, that the Joy within is burgeoning to be lived in full.

  52. The ingredient that stands out for me today is Choices bringing about a greater awareness that every choice I make is either made with presence or not and that every choice I make is either loving towards myself and others or it is not.

  53. A delight to read and to be reminded of the power of simplicity… and the ability to choose a quality that supports you to walk away from what gets in the way of living the joy that is possible.

  54. The thing I love about this ‘recipe’ is that there is no drama in it. If we slip up – and we all slip up occasionally – we just go back to love and ‘start cooking’ again. No need to beat ourselves up for making a mistake – just learn from it and begin again.

  55. Hi Helen I just love the beautiful simplicity of your recipe “Once you build this dish, enjoy letting the harmony flow and you may be surprised at how much it inspires others to do the same”.

  56. Helen love it, great recipe, simple steps and great reminder how we can playfully connect to ourselves with those beautiful steps.

  57. Helen love you lecker recipe – thank you for sharing it. I am sure there will be soon more trying it as it is the best invitation ever: “A favourite recipe… make it your own & share it!

  58. Thank you for this most delicious recipe Helen. I especially love the point you make about slipping up. The way we handle our slip ups is the most important part of all, as there is no end result or place we need to get to when making this dish. In fact I have found that my slip ups are a wonderful opportunity to find out exactly what I need to let go of.

  59. A recipe for living a simple and joyful life that can be not only cherished but used daily. . .I LOVE IT. Thank you Helen, I also love your playfulness.

  60. One of my favourite steps is “LET GO – of all that is no longer congruent with your life”. This is so freeing and life changing. An important point is that we can’t do this step without bringing the other ingredients, because if we are letting go of things in our life that we no longer feel fit then we need to replace them with something else. Ideally this is not distraction, numbing, checking out or keeping busy. We can remove what is not loving in our life and replace it with love, joy, steadiness, confidence, tenderness, honesty and anything else we choose to develop.

  61. I love this blog Helen. There is a realness in your writing- you are well aware of the chaos that the world can be in and the intensity that can be in life, but you choose to live life in a way that creates the space to not be caught up in it, but to really live in it. One of the ingredients that my eyes were particularly hovering over was honesty – and that it is something you do with yourself before being able to be it with others. Makes a lot of common sense, as does the whole of this blog. Thank you.

  62. What a great recipe for simplicity Helen; a lovely timely reminder to allow life to flow by following your recipe;
    “Once you build this dish, enjoy letting the harmony flow and you may be surprised at how much it inspires others to do the same”.

  63. I love your simple recipe Helen! It is not always easy to adhere to it but it is like cooking, the more often you do it and practice mixing the ingredients together, the easier it gets.

  64. I enjoyed tasting your recipe Helen. When we keep the ingredients of life simple and choose to let go of our created complications then it easier to be aware of when we are allowing an ingredient in that will spoil the dish.

  65. I love your recipe for simplicity Helen. Thankyou for sharing and how you say that “the quality of the ingredients is super important.”

  66. I just love re-reading this recipe. I agree – the world could be messy, but simplicity is a choice available to us.

  67. Helen thank you for sharing your recipe, it is definitely a recipe to share with everyone, as simplicity is so much easier to live with than complication.

  68. There is a beauty in simplicity that is gorgeous and spacious to feel. Thank you for the recipe Helen.

  69. The best recipe I have ever seen and one worth cooking everyday. Thank you Helen for joy-fully spelling out the simplicity, the space and the quality ingredients needed – I am feeling inspired to cook!

  70. Thank you for this recipe Helen – I will get some inspiration from this and add a few other things like appreciation 🙂

  71. Helen you are an inspiration and a woman who knows herself and knows what she is talking about. I am often inspired by you, I love your no-nonsense and straight forward approach to life so I’m taking notes from what you have shared.

    1. ‘no-nonsense and straight forward approach to life.’ that’s what I love about this blog, plus all that comon sense that is naturally there.

  72. And the outcome of the recipe is also fun! There is much fun to be had in commitment, honesty, responsibility and making choices. And when the ingredients are fun, the end result must be too.

  73. This is really beautiful sharing of the joy and space of simplicity I love it. It is so inspiring and I really understand what you mean and the space achieved with simplifying life in all the little things that really does make a difference and our choices in every moment.Thank you and all the comments confirm this lovingly also.

  74. Thanks for the basic recipe Helen. The thing about a good basic recipe is that the cook can always experiment with it – something different each day. Today when cooking it up, I gently stirred in a dash of acceptance (of other’s choices) and it was exactly what I needed for today.

    1. Yes exactly, Gayle. You have given me some inspiration for how I may configure this awesome recipe so that it is tailor made for my purposes. I have a feeling that what I need to stir in today is some ‘stillness’ along with some extra care with ‘choices’ and an extra dollop of ‘gentleness’ as I can already feel myself getting caught up in the momentum of what needs to be done in what I expect to be a busy day.

    2. Classic Gayle! And I threw in some surrender too today, and with that, discovered a kookaburra’s nest in my backyard tree 🙂 What sheer joy it is to hear them laugh and themselves be surrender to the world around them.

  75. Dear Helen,
    As I am a person that often gets lost in thoughts about problems and issues that have to be solved in the future, I deeply felt during reading your blog, that if I stay with your recipe, the issues will resolve themselves or not even emerge because I will be supported by the hierarchy then and live my true being much more.
    I missed expression in your recipe, perhaps we can add it 🙂

    with much love

  76. I like the way you have written this article Helen as just like a recipe it can be followed and referred back to ,it makes perfect sense to me.

  77. This recipe has all the ingredients for a deliciously yummy life Helen, definitely one to share from generation to generation so it can be truly savoured by all.

  78. This recipe sounds delicious! I have those ingredients… sometimes I don’t put them back where they belong, but then they are always there when I look for them.

  79. I love this Helen, so simple and playful and also doesn’t miss the point that we have the choice as to whether our lives are simple or not – it’s not a ready made meal we can pick up but something we have to make ourselves from scratch!

  80. What a beautiful recipe full of practical loving wisdom…. and simplicity. Thankyou for sharing Helen.

  81. Your blog made me smile. After many years of making it complicated I am now bringing simplicity to my life, I love the ease that comes with it and as you say, with it life is fun and enjoyable. Great to have the ingredients written out, a recipe for keeps. Thank you Helen.

  82. I love your playful recipe, Helen. Great reminder to keep things light and what supports with that. I have found simplicity at first to be very scary, like I had an attachment or identification with complications and working hard for things. That made me worth more. And now I melt in simplicity and love the simple flow of things.

    1. I so know what you mean Monika – “…I melt in simplicity and love the simple flow of things.” Polar opposite to walking and working in complication and excitement. Most of us see running around in a heightened state of anxiety as normal, however, deep within we all feel what simplicity offers us and everyone we are with.

  83. Thank you for an awesome blog, after leaving behind years of complication -your recipe for simplicity is a beautiful reminder!

  84. Helen, I love your recipe. Thanks for sharing it! There are a few ingredients you named that I have put away for some time, and I look forward to living these more consistently and enjoying more and more how simple life can be.

  85. I love simplicity and your clarity, Helen. The best thing about this recipe is we never get bored of it!

  86. What great recipe, I love it. This recipe is for sure on my menu today!

  87. Simplicity presented simply – how much clearer can it be? Thank you Helen.

  88. What a beautiful recipe Helen! This is about leaving behind a life of ill choices and to start living a life of simplicity, one in which we can breath our own breath. This recipe is for everyone to taste and enjoy.

  89. Definitely a recipe to “do” at more than just once. And as it is with recipes: the time it comes out of your hands without thinking about the ingredients, amounts, or order – it is a great joy to “cook” it*

  90. Beautiful Helen, a dish I serve every day, and every day this recipe becomes richer and more nutritious. Love your recipe for simplicity.

  91. Thank you Helen for such a beautiful and playful sharing, I love the recipe, brings a smile to my face, so simple and so true.

  92. Boy I have seen a few bastardised versions of this recipe in my time, but yes, as you have outlined is definitely a true recipe for love.

  93. What a gorgeous recipe for life, thank you for sharing in such a playful and beautiful way. I am inspired to refine this recipe for myself. Then share liberally amongst those I know!

  94. I love the playful way you have presented this. We all have access to the ingredients and once we start to get a taste for the wonderful quality of the simplicity created, we can’t help but come back for more and more. Thanks Helen

  95. Dear Helen,
    I have so enjoyed reading your recipe that presents the work in such a playful and fun way. Thank-you.

  96. An awesome recipe with no perfection….. ‘if you slip-up just go back a step and begin again with love’ – love it.

  97. So play-full, light and true Helen, thanks so much for you gorgeous sharing.

  98. Helen, your blog is simply a beautiful expression of truth and wisdom – thank you. This so completely expresses how I also feel about the presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – “I recognised the truth of it and have established it as a way of life, based on this principle that feels so great that I want to share it with you”. I am still in the process of mastering this recipe but am loving how every day I have the opportunity to play with the method again and again as I build a dish that tastes truly yummy to me.

  99. Ha ha Helen this is GREAT! Love this tasty recipe and so easy to make! And if you forget an ingredient it’s nice to know you can always go back without ruining the dish of love that is there is be fully consumed and enjoyed.

  100. Have you sent that to Women’s Weekly? Seriously….I think you should. Gorgeous sharing so light and playful with such a serious & well needed message. I loved so much of this but particularly the line about “By removing many of the complications that I used to accept as a normal part of life there is now an ease to my daily living which brings joy and freedom”….isn’t it amazing by following a new recipe how your life can seriously change and the dramas just not be there. Cool heh!

  101. Helen I simply love your recipe for simplicity. It was exactly what I needed to be inspired by this morning as I feel to go back to some steps after a slip-up 🙂

  102. I love simplicity! Yet I have often (and still do at times) resist how simple life can truly be.

  103. I love this recipe and how the quality of the ingredients are really important.This is definitely for building on, thank you. Simplicity is the key to removing the pressure.

  104. Great recipe and one that I’ll be baking a lot of! A very wonderfully expressed blog. Thanks for Sharing Helen

  105. A lovely and lighthearted recipe that has the perfectly measured ingredients and a simple method that ensures delightful results everytime.

  106. Love the recipe Helen, worthy of the Michelin Star restaurant of life. It brings out a very practical and gorgeous way to experience the world… and the choices I make in it. Your description of gentleness (“like the way a baby breathes or holding a butterfly”) was exquisite.. and reminded me of another blog on tenderness I read the other day and just how easy it can be to experiment with.

    1. I agree Francisco, and that the ingredients are so simple and at hand in our everyday makes this recipe all the more powerful.

  107. I love the ingredients – CHOICES stands out very clearly to me today. More and more I am realising (even though I have heard it many times, especially from Serge Benhayon) that each moment is a choice. In each moment I have the choice about how I express in whatever it is that I do. For me this brings greater responsibility in how I am, as I know that the quality that I choose is also there to be felt by all those around me.

    1. An important part of the method is to always allow for our evolution because we are forever evolving and therefore the ingredients may vary from moment to moment.

  108. This recipe for a live full of joy in simplicity is awesome and I can take it with me feeling, reading it in moments that I seem to have forgotten the ingredients or how to apply. Thank you so much Helen this recipe is priceless and we can use it in every season.

  109. Beautiful Helen, what a superbly simple and very inviting recipe. It is amazing what can come from such simple ingredients and can be felt with every word. The light touch of the chef’s hands, the garnish of playfull-ness all imbue this dish with a very inviting aroma. I am definitely going to try this at home!

  110. Hi Helen – what a gorgeous recipe and one that I will no doubt come back to, as I have already done. How can one resist such an offer – ‘I have discovered that I can create a space within me and around me that lessens or even removes the pressure of all that stuff’ and then to be able to fill the space with joy is irresistible.

  111. This is such a gorgeous sharing, so simple and practical, and I love the method ‘Season the whole dish with your own personal touches and play-fullness’, it really makes me imagine the joy of making something, and how I can bring this to every part of my life.

  112. Loved re-reading your blog Helen, a great reminder of how simple life can be when we bring together the simple yet profound 4 ingredients, Commitment, Responsibility, Honesty, and Choices into every moment. Something I am working on every day but great to read the simplicity and joy it can bring.

  113. I love this recipe. It covers so many profound points in such a light, playful and ‘simple’ way. A perfect example of simplicity in life.

  114. Thank you Helen for this beautiful reminder that the key to joy is simplicity and for the super practical recipe to support in making this a reality.

  115. So simple and showing the power of simplicity. Thanks again Helen – today i loved reading it out loud, feeling the quality and care imparted in each word – a true recipe for a loving life, and one I’m playing with in each and every moment.

  116. Absolutely gorgeous, Helen. I have been playing with this recipe, too and whilst there have been many slips and falls, I am beginning to see and accept how life can be kept simple. Thank you for writing this – I can feel your joy.

  117. This is beautiful, I love the recipe for simplicity and want to print it out and note it for reference too.Choosing to make life simple and clearing the complexities out the way is such a rewarding and joyful way to live.Thank you Helen for this lovely sharing.

  118. Thanks Helen – what a great recipe for life! Your blog in itself is very simple as is the recipe but very deep and there is much here to ponder on and digest!

  119. Thank you Helen. I plan to laminate this one and work with it until I really get it down.
    (The lamination will protect it from any messes I make on my way to getting it yummy!)

  120. Great recipe Helen and so true: if it is complicated there is something not ok. And we can consistently choose simplicity. Awesome all the energy that then becomes available for us.

  121. I love the simplicity of this and how life can be the same by using your recipe. Thank you Helen.

  122. I love this so much, Helen. And it is joyful to read it out as I know that the recipe actually works – for real. Life does not have to be any more complex than this.

  123. Simply lovely Helen. Your recipe for simplicity is easy to follow, but very expansive. The few ingredients you list really are all we need in order to live love every day. Thank you.

  124. A lovely step by step guide, on how to create a foundation of simplicity in our daily lives. This is definately one for, my receipes for life book. Thank you for sharing Helen.

  125. Cool blog! Commitment, Honesty, Responsibility and Choices are definitely part of a great recipe for life. I definitely agree the quality of the ingredients are key.

  126. Coming back to this recipe is a wonderful reminder of the ingredients and like Wendy has commented ”When you slip up (Get it wrong), you begin again, with love” This is one dish I am willing to keep making even if I have to read the recipe over and over again. From experiencing such a dish from my role models I can say it is inspiring to know that I have the capability to make it for myself.

  127. I was inspired by a friend to come on here and read this recipe Helen. They had it on their fridge and I loved it! It now resides on my fridge too 🙂

  128. When it all boils down, we are not actually making anything, just reconnecting to what is already made and waiting with infinite patience for us all to savour… again. Thank you Helen.

  129. Such versatile recipe Helen – it can be served as a starter, main course and dessert!!

  130. Hi Helen,
    I loved how you summed it up and gave us a simple recipe to guide us with lots of room for us to add our own personal flavours. Thank you

  131. Beautifully said, Helen. Done so simply. I, too, can attest to the value and joy of filling this recipe.

  132. I love it Helen and after perusing your ingredients and method I can see where some of my past recipes have flopped. This one needs to go onto the fridge door!

  133. LOVE this one, Helen. The thing is it also gets to taste better the more you use the recipe! YUM!

  134. I love this blog! It will be printed out and pinned up on my fridge under a Mona Lisa magnet.I feel the simplicity shining out of it – and the true enthusiasm of one who is living it. Thanks Helen.

  135. Hi Helen
    I love simplicity – it makes things so simple!
    I have been having sessions with Curtis Benhayon for the last few years and am immensely grateful for all the wisdom and teachings on simplicity that he has presented to me.
    Keeping things simple is one of the most life changing ingredients in any dish.
    Complication tastes yukky and is generally off and not something I would want to eat. The more simple it is the better it tastes and the better I feel.

    1. I agree Nicola, simple good ingredients taste better than complicated yukky ones any day. My mind often tempts me to add a bit of this and that, I’m learning to stick to the simple way.

  136. Helen, thank you for the most beautiful recipe for love and life with family, friends at work and at play for all of humanity. A recipe that has no boundaries or discrimination. Imagine if every child at school was taught that – WoW!!!

  137. I have been using a recipe very similar to that one, I always get great results when I stick to the core principles. It is so simple and fun to experiment with. I like how I get to add my own ingredients and flavours so I can customise it to my way and my expression.
    I love the analogy Helen.

  138. What an awesome, inspiring and simple way to create, build and develop simplicity in your life. Thank you.

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