The Power of Love

 by Rowena Parkes

The Truth about Universal Medicine is that it is a vehicle through which Serge Benhayon can present certain principles of the way we can live on this Earth with love and with honour, for ourselves and for others. It is entirely up to the people who come to the Universal Medicine presentations as to whether and how they incorporate this information into their lives.

I met Serge Benhayon 12 years ago, and have been attending his presentations for many years. I have seen with my own eyes how people have benefitted from choices they have made to change the way they live. The principles that Serge presents are not anything other than pure common sense when it comes right down to it.

The media ‘beat up’ that has been happening has been instigated by people who cannot, and will not, look honestly at themselves and their own lives. They are cowardly, and are hiding behind the ‘victim’ and ‘poor me’ syndrome: if they only took an honest look at themselves they would see that their situation is purely of their own making. Our situations are always of our own making.

For myself, I was not well when I first met Serge. Gradually, over the years I have changed the way I live and I can honestly say that now, at the age of 80, I feel more healthy, more joyful and more alive than I did for the whole of my life before; this is not an exaggeration. I have had a very good life, a very successful and happy life; I know that many people would say that I had no reason to feel anything other than happy with my life, and that is true. However, since I have accepted totally that I am responsible for how I am, how my body is, and how my life is, that there is nothing out there to blame if things go wrong – I am joyful in my life! Previously, when things went wrong, if I dropped something, or broke something etc, I would feel a sense of shock and look at what I had been doing and think I wasn’t being ‘good’ enough. Now, I realise that these happenings are simply there to show us that we are not perfect – that no-one is – and that we just need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with it.

This applies now to the media attacks on Universal Medicine: we need to look at these attacks as simply showing us that we must pull ourselves up that notch more so that we can deal with this without emotion, see it for what it is (which is an attack from people who cannot cope with the pain of who they are, and have to blame someone or something else for that pain) and simply be more loving, more sure of who we all are – as true examples of what life on Earth should be.

I know that we can all be as strong as this, and that we can become an unstoppable force for good on this Earth. As pointed out by one of our members: there is so much evil in this world that none of us can give up now. The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power.

With true love,


145 thoughts on “The Power of Love

  1. What you have shared here Rowena is that everywhere in life we meet people who will make it about others and make themselves as victims, and this often how life is lived and accepted. It is sad when people are targeted and the media can present whatever it wants and people believe it, a sad state of affairs of how we rely on information. Yet we are just as accountable for placing demands as it will be delivered.

    When we change our lives around, often the backlash is going to be criticisms from people who haven’t been able to make these changes upon themselves, another sad state of affairs.

    In the meantime we continue, offering reflections, support and love, as nothing beats this, how a person reacts or responds is not or in our control. In other words we have to let people be and it is their choice at the end of the day. Our responsibility is to not get caught in it all.

  2. Whenever something true is presented that allows people to make a difference and change the way they live, this will be attacked and criticized – and instead of shying away and shutting down from this reaction imagine if we all used it as confirmation that we are on the right track with what is needed in our reflections of truth to others?

    1. Henrietta, I love this, reactions are a confirmation that we are on the right track, we just need to depersonalise it and understand that not everyone is ready to be presented with such absoluteness, a choice for them to make at a later date, if they so wish…

  3. Evil can only be stopped by the power of us all stepping into and living the love that we are in essence and more.

  4. Many of us have personally benefitted from being exposed to the teachings as presented by Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine, but that is not clearly where it ends. It will have reverberation, and for us to remain being who we are and keep moving in the way that is true to who we are, is something we are all learning together in amongst everything and everyone surrounding us. The extent of what we are communicating through our movements is beyond our imagination.

  5. When the truth is disseminated by our reflection then those who have sensed the Truth will also find Love and all its blessings as you have shared Rowena.

  6. Such wise words Rownea. “The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power”. So often many of us sit back when observing something that does not feel right, wanting to do something about it, but not knowing where to begin, and in the end doing nothing while hoping someone else will ‘fix it’. But I have come to know that sitting back and doing nothing only feeds the evil, in whatever form it takes, but that by taking one step in and with love has the power to begin to dismantle it. It is all a matter of choice, and trust, that one person can make a difference when their purpose is fuelled by love.

  7. ‘we just need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with it.’ … a great reminder that no matter what is happening out there in the world we are responsible for how we are with it, we can choose how to be always, now more than ever love is required in this world.

  8. Thank you Rowena, I have enjoyed reading through your words again today, in particular “The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power.” More than anything people need the support to reconnect back to the love they innately are and begin living from this inner source, when we are absent to ourselves or disconnected from this love we are empty vessels for energies to take up that space, energies that are loveless and cause harm to ourselves and others.

  9. Love the advice here, as it reminds me of the advice I get from someone else very dear to me…. when the ships are down and things are looking a bit gnarly…. turn the volume up on love.

  10. The attacks on Universal Medicine are much more than what it appears to be. It is an attack on everybody’s potential well-being by those who do not want to go there and prefer than the rest keep them company.

    1. These attacks may be focussed on a small group of people, but in truth they affect every single other person in the world, simply by bringing their focus to the lies so then they are diverted from the truth that Universal Medicine is offering the world.

  11. ‘Our situations are always of our own making.’ We often want to blame people for certain situations in our life, yet at the end of the day they arise through our own choices, and every choice we make has a consequence, which ultimately makes us responsible.

  12. To be 80+ years old and have the willingness and openness to re-evaluate your life and bring more love into it is nothing short of remarkable. We often see our elders being so set in their ways and sometimes even having that Gen Y factor of feeling entitled to being stubborn simply because they have lived X amount of years. It’s so wonderful to read that change can happen at any age and it’s never ever too late.

  13. Blame and judgment are full of emotion – so I love how you have shared Rowena that the best way for us to deal with emotion when it is directed at us is to respond without emotion.

  14. I so agree with what you say about being not perfect. So many of us have been conditioned to fear mistakes, that the mistakes are wrong and we are wrong to be making mistakes. It has a very crippling affect. Love is beholding and it asks nothing of us.

  15. We can have the blinkers on in life not wanting to see the evil that is being promulgated everywhere. Separation, strife, disharmony, bitterness, wars, cyber bullying, human trafficking, lifestyle diseases aplenty, an epidemic of anxiety to name but a few of the admonitions on man. Universal Medicine has been asking the tough and confronting questions since day one – to question what we have in life from the vantage point of what life should be.

  16. ‘Our situations are always of our own making’…a wise gem revealing we are the creators of our own misery, pain, or joy. Perhaps many are not ready for this level of self-responsibility however the truth of this will be known by all one day.

  17. Thankyou Rowena, the idea of perfection and getting everything “right” creates both an unnecessary pressure on ourselves and others, and takes our focus away from the quality we choose to do things in.

  18. ” be more loving, more sure of who we all are – as true examples of what life on Earth should be.” When we know a deeper, truer way of living we have a responsibility to live this way.

  19. When you come to really know what true love is, you also come to know what is not love. With this any form of abuse or lovelessness, be it subtle of obvious, by ourselves or from others is no longer acceptable or tolerable in our lives. As such the will to stand strong in the face of lovelessness is simply the will to love, as has been the heart of the presentations of Serge Benhayon from day one and continues to this day, through which I have been inspired, and continue to be, to claim a greater degree of love for myself and the way I live.

  20. Absolutely Rowena this is an attack from people who cannot cope with the pain of not being who they truly are, and have to blame someone or scorn those who are willing to take responsibility to correct their living-ness so that they can connect to who they are and begin to live from this knowing and understanding.

  21. Thank you Rowena, love touches hearts, thats why we are unstoppable, and that by any form of lovelessness we should increase of love and shine beyond. That is how we truly expose and clear evil (for good).

    1. We all recognise Love… some embrace it and it calls them to be more. Others find it painful to see, reminding them of the absence in their lives, of past hurts and react to try and stop the reflection. The problem is Love is an absolute and cannot be extinguished.

  22. “Our situations are always of our own making.” This was for me too the turning point in my life when I stopped blaming everyone and everything else for my woes in life and took responsibility for it myself. Initially there was quite a lot of self-judgement and self-loathing about some of the pretty awful choices I’d made, but over time I have dropped this and am now so much more understanding of myself (and as a consequence, of others too), and now when I find myself in a bit of a pickle, I can be compassionate with myself while taking responsibility and taking the next step with Love.

  23. Absolutely Rowena, ‘there is so much evil in this world that none of us can give up now. The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power.’ Yes to living the love, power and glory we naturally are.

  24. At the very least do we not all deserve this, ‘Serge Benhayon can present certain principles of the way we can live on this Earth with love and with honour, for ourselves and for others.’

  25. “there is so much evil in this world that none of us can give up now. The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth.” We have a responsibility to be in our power – accept we have this love already within and not blame another if they are not meeting us in this or being that too.

  26. We often think we are powerless and feel what is the point of standing up and speaking out what difference can I make? It is very powerful when we speak up, our voice does count and the ripple effect this has on others around us is far reaching, as you so beautifully share Rowena this is the power of love.

  27. Humanity has such an issue with taking responsibility for our life circumstances, health and body. We are ready to blame doctors, parents, partners, children, climate, environment, technology and pretty much everything else except our choices.

  28. “we can live on this Earth with love and with honour, for ourselves and for others”, that this is possible is in itself a gift for all of us, having lived on a planet that has been ravaged with war and disharmony for centuries.

  29. When it comes to being attacked or criticised we are used to going into defence, but in truth our true power lies in our own inner connection and living the truth that we deep down know.

  30. Four and a half years on this is still so still relevant and true. The attacks go on yet the actions and voices of Students of Universal Medicine get stronger and clearer and the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are increasingly important to be disseminated.

  31. Blaming someone or something for one’s pain does distract one from feeling it but it does not resolve it. To resolve one’s pain one has to accept the responsibility of one’s part in it and that is painful but essential. Many people do not like to her this so they attack the messenger rather than the message.

  32. However, horrible the attacks upon Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all those associated with them have been a result which has occurred is that it has have provoked hundreds to speak out and stand up for truth. This has brought the realisation for many, many people that to stay silent to evil is to condone it.

  33. “For myself, I was not well when I first met Serge. Gradually, over the years I have changed the way I live and I can honestly say that now, at the age of 80, I feel more healthy, more joyful and more alive than I did for the whole of my life before; this is not an exaggeration.” Wow – what a testament to the power of taking responsibility for ones choices. Thank you Rowena.

  34. Learning from our imperfections without perfection is something we all need to learn to appreciate.

  35. Stories like Rowena’s abound in the courtyard of Universal Medicine.Yet, these stories are not the ones we hear everyday. We just do not come across many Rowenas in our daily life. Yet, when we do, we clock it and say Oh My God, this person feels amazing!! How in the world, the way of living that lead to that (if the end result is fantastic, the means to get there has to be also fantastic and great for the body) can be under attack?

  36. It is gorgeous that since you have chosen to take responsibility for your choices, your body and your life, you have found joy at your age. What an inspiration to know that it is never too late to live the life and the love that you now are, without letting anything get in your way…. Evil cannot hold a candle to you.

  37. Rowena I love your blog as it is so noticeable that you wrote this powerful blog without any emotions. This I like very much as it showed to me very clear how our emotions are there for imposing things on each other. Without emotions I felt not imposed and that means there is no tension in my body or much better my body stayed still and calm – what a wonderful experience.

  38. Rowena I loved reading your blog again today, ‘The principles that Serge presents are not anything other than pure common sense when it comes right down to it.’ This is so true, yet the media try to make it something completely different , if they were to take a deep honest look at themselves, maybe they would see that what Serge offers is an opportunity to connect deeply within ourselves and connect to the wisdom we all have within.

  39. “Our situations are always of our own making.” We have a choice; we can choose the power of love to bring an ever deepening love to ourselves and to the world. It is the loving choice we all have to take responsibility for.

  40. Your reading of this situation is spot on Rowena, and now over 3 years on from this, the wisdom you shared “…simply be more loving, more sure of who we all are – as true examples of what life on Earth should be.” has very much rang true and many many have lived this and definitely stepped up.

  41. An inspiring read that holds much truth and wisdom. A real call to be all of who we are. ‘…at the age of 80, I feel more healthy, more joyful and more alive than I did for the whole of my life before; this is not an exaggeration’. Indeed not. It is a testament to what kind of life experience is available to us when we choose to be responsible for our choices.

  42. “As pointed out by one of our members: there is so much evil in this world that none of us can give up now. The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power.” As relevant today – if not more so – than when you wrote this Rowena. The power of love – yes.

  43. Beautiful wisdom you share with us Rowena, I especially love this line it is gold – ‘ The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power.’

  44. Rowena,
    Only one who knows love can hold another who may not be choosing it for themselves, showing us all that by denying ourselves connection to this love is what causes all the pain and hurt we have in the world.

  45. To be able to say “with true love” one must have found true love. These 3 words alone are testimonial enough for the grandness that Serge Benhayon brings and that you have said yes to, Rowena.

  46. Taking responsibility for our own lives and choices is key to our own wellbeing. Thank you Rowena. What you have shared is very clear and direct, just what love is.

  47. I love the strength and wisdom of this piece Rowena; instead of cowering we must show them the love of who we are and how we live.

  48. Gee I love this paragraph Rowena, that those who are criticizing Universal Medicine and the people who voluntarily listen to them are “people who cannot, and will not, look honestly at themselves and their own lives. They are cowardly, and are hiding behind the ‘victim’ and ‘poor me’ syndrome: if they only took an honest look at themselves they would see that their situation is purely of their own making. Our situations are always of our own making. …”
    I have found this to be true in my own life; If there is someone around who highlights the fact that choices one might make are harmful and that person doesn’t want to stop that behaviour, then it kind of makes sense to me that they are likely to be aggressive to me and critical of my choices. Instead of being inspired, there is jealousy which is a real shame.

    1. Could it be that jealously can only be made real when the person allowing it to drive them is not willing to feel the beauty and power that they too hold with in?

  49. Rowena, I like how you said that when attacks come our way we can just be more loving rather than respond with emotion and be more sure of who we are. We are all equal and precious despite our behaviours and hurts.

  50. Powerful reading Rowena and full of love for your fellow humanity. “Our situations are always of our own making.” Great call and one I’m deepening my understanding of and I’m finding that when I am in understanding of the situation and can let go of the ill hold that what is there waiting for me is more of my own love.

  51. ‘Now, I realise that these happenings are simply there to show us that we are not perfect – that no-one is – and that we just need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with it.’ I can feel this is quite true, it doesn’t allow us to indulge in what has happened or feel sorry for ourselves. This reminds me of a well known Confucius quote – “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

    1. Michelle, a reminder that needs to be shared widely with everyone in our lives, for fall we do. Yet in every fall there is opportunity for great learning, if we choose to open to this and hence each fall can actually become a rise.

  52. The stillness and full-filment in my body is immense, when I don’t go into shock, when something happens or breaks or injures etc. Lately when I cut myself, I went into shock and I could feel how draining this experience was. Two options, one is love, the other isn’t.

  53. Whether it is in our homes or in the world at large, when we are met with attack love is the best remedy. Love does not mean letting the attack in and saying no to abuse is paramount. For me, the love is in reading the situation and then having an understanding of why the person may be attacking. Mostly it is based on hurt and when I have an understanding I am then able to see past the attack and offer love.

  54. Love the lightness in which you expressed here 🙂 it feels so strong. Thank You Rowena this is truly inspiring. with love Nadine

  55. Your opening paragraph details very well the purpose of Universal Medicine and our own choices as to whether ‘take note’ of the principles shared to be able to live with love and honour. Those who seek to detract from this are seeking to play small and act like playground bullies. This needs to be stopped for it is unacceptable.

  56. Rowena that was a inspiring call to stand for the truth. It’s what people are willing not to see that makes them turn against Universal Medicine.

  57. Rowena, your elder wisdom here has highlighted the bigger picture. We all know well the pain of reality when faced with our own irresponsibility and in blaming others we just make it worse. Now that much has been cleared we can clearly see the pain behind someone being destructive. We are an unstoppable force for good on this Earth by living and speaking truthfully we are dismantling the Illusion humanity has been stuck in.

    1. I like what you have shared here Bernard, “we are an unstoppable force for good on this earth by living and speaking truthfully we are dismantling the illusion humanity has been stuck in.” Once an illusion has been exposed, there is then a clear choice for all that can be made. To either become deeply numb and blindly continue to support the illusion. Or to see and feel clearly that there is another way to be in our lives, and to gracefully begin to live this.

      1. Yes Leigh, there is no going back or pretending once an illusion has been exposed for what it is… maybe that is why many hang on for dear life and need to bring down others who have seen through illusions and put the effort into living more loving lives, so that they can continue to stay in the denial of what they are choosing.

  58. Rowena, you’ve revealed what’s really going on behind the handful of people rallying against true love. It is not Serge Benhayon they loathe but the pain of not living who they truly are. I completely agree with what you’ve said in ‘..if they only took an honest look at themselves they would see that their situation is purely of their own making.’

  59. The power of your love for humanity is truly felt Rowena and your call for responsibility is heard loud and clear. A beautiful opportunity to deepen in my understanding of life.

  60. This is pure gold Rowena, you are a mother of all kinds. Speaking on behalf of the truth that resides in all of humanity. Like you share: lets turn it up even more, and be more sure of who we all are. To me this is the power of love.

  61. Thank you Rowena for your call to be ‘ true examples of what life on Earth should be’. The common sense shared by Serge Benhayon gives everyone the opportunity to access this and those who fight it because of their unwillingness to take responsibility for the quality of their lives allow us to reflect on where we can be more loving in our lives.

  62. A beautifully simple, clear and powerful blog Rowena. ‘The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power.’ I agree 100% and choose to also live that love on earth.

  63. ” The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power.” – Beautifully expressed Rowena and I totally agree with what you share.

  64. When I consider the changes I have witnessed in so many Universal Medicine students over the last few years, the power of what we can all do when we make a choice to be more loving is unlimited. It’s not magic, yet it is magical, it starts with simple practical everyday choices to be more caring and considerate in the way we are with ourselves first… and that is what starts to make a real difference to life and people, and it’s very easy for anyone to do when ever they feel like it…

    1. Well said Laura and great blog Rowena. The power of love is second to none it can quite literally change everything. No matter how far we have strayed from it it is always there welcoming us back with loving arms and no judgement, regret or remorse – simply a loving embrace.

    2. Love is not magic but it is magical and magical things happen when we meet life with love instead of reacting to it.

    3. There is amazing power and change possible when we take responsibility for our choices… and I agree Laura “it’s not magic, yet it is magical…” and it is not exclusive to any one group, gender, race, profession, or age – taking responsibility for our choices is available to us all…

  65. Wise words Rowena, and you have summed up the media attack on Universal Medicine so well.

  66. well said Rowena. What Universal Medicine presents is a true way which we can all connect to and improve the quality of our life, equally which improves the lives around us. This movement of truth will be what brings groundbreaking change to the world and not with one ounce of force, it will happen because it will naturally inspire because of its pure divine power. Those who resist and react for now, are resisting themselves and it would do us good as humanity to take a look at the bigger picture and see that things are NOT working.

  67. ‘Our situations are always of our own making’….hard medicine to swallow sometimes, but nonetheless the truth. Great blog Rowena.

    1. Yes Suse, true, all our situations we find ourselves in are of our own making. It’s so freeing, asking us to take full responsibility for our choices, and to recognise the reflections coming our way constantly, without any need for reaction.

    2. It works both ways too Suse. When we make new choices that truly support ourselves, what happens as a result is also of our own making. Even when we see our own gorgeousness reflected back to us through others, that can be challenging too.

  68. It’s a great reminder of how we are each responsible fully for our own experience, so blame has no place in our lives. Reaction can lead us to ask everyone around us to change so we can cope and manage the reaction, but it’s we ourselves that need to take responsibility for the reaction and leave everyone else to their own thing.

  69. Reading this blog nearly 3 years on, I feel that the student body has heard your call Rowena – the step up to meet this abuse by being more love is evident in many of the people that I see who are studying and living the Way of the Livingness. It’s an inspiration, and a much needed antidote to the abuse that is so prevalent in the world.

  70. Usually, the 68-80 age bracket is one of decay. Here we have a person who has given a go to a way to live on Earth with honour and love as taught by Serge Benhayon and affirms to be more healthy, more joyful and more alive than she did for the whole of her life before. Is someone listening? Here is a story to be documented.

  71. Yes Rowena, let us unite and show another way of living in this world by expressing truly. Together we can offer enough love to drown the attacks perpetuated on Universal Medicine.

  72. So true Rowena. We must all step up and show the true ‘power of love’.

  73. Powerful Rowena it was a great joy to read you clear message to the world – so let us all be role models to show the world what is possible.

    1. And what a force – uniting together having claimed the love within. Let us all be that power indeed.

  74. What a beautiful and inspiring expression of truth Rowena, it is indeed time to be more loving and claim all of ourselves in life.

  75. Your understanding of people and events is truly beautiful to read and your words light a fire within calling us to be more and express all of who we are. What a blessing to be inspired by this.

  76. This is great Rowena, thank you. I fully agree with “The media ‘beat up’ that has been happening has been instigated by people who cannot, and will not, look honestly at themselves and their own lives”. We are united as one to bring through the power of Love!

  77. Thank you Rowena for a powerful piece. I think you are right about those cowardly acts from people in the media who would rather make up lies designed to bring down Universal Medicine than look at their own lives.
    You are an unstoppable force for good on this earth and who can resist your appeal to join you.

  78. It is so true that with the ever increasing attacks toward Universal Medicine, we need to continue to bring love and understanding to who these attacks are coming from rather than falling into an emotional trap, as there is no healing that. I personally find this to be a huge challenge and appreciate being reminded through talking with people and reading these amazing blogs. The strength of someone who chooses true self love is beyond.

  79. A common factor of all the Students of Universal Medicine is that they are prepared to “look honestly at themselves and their own lives” unlike those who are attacking Serge Benhayon, as you so say Rowena, are not willing to do.

    1. Yes, the media attacks seem to be focussed on trying to pull down anything that is being built by others, with no thought for their actions, who they are hurting in the process, or discernment about what is actually being presented. Their success is measured by the carcasses they can parade on TV.

  80. Powerful article Rowena thank you. Serge Benhayon is a true reflection and inspiration to live love. What he presents does make sense and many many people have transformed their lives from this wisdom.

  81. This wise piece of writing is as relevant today as when written and would be great on the fridge as the simple reminder it is “…we must pull ourselves up that notch more so that we can deal with this without emotion, see it for what it is…and simply be more loving, more sure of who we all are – as true examples of what life on Earth should be.” Thank you Rowena.

  82. So true and beautifully expressed, Rowena. These attacks are but reflections “that we must pull ourselves up that notch more so that we can deal with this without emotion” and by doing so we become the unstoppable force of love that we are.

    1. How easily the emotions can be to get stuck in. The pull of emotions and drama are so tempting but really they do not serve us in any way other than distraction.

  83. ‘The principles that Serge presents are not anything other than pure common sense’, I can only agree they are pure common sense and they make so much sense. Thank you Rowena.

  84. I like how matter of fact you make what Serge Benhayon speaks about Rowena – as you say it comes down to pure common sense. The question Serge then goes on to address is also why we don’t apply common sense to every day choices that impact our health, relationships and work life? to name a few of the big ones. Thank you also for the call to not give up – too much evil there is.

  85. Rowena you speak with true wisdom and no nonsense, we are here to be love, lets get on with it.

  86. I can feel your wisdom in your words Rowena Parkes and what an inspiration you are at your age, talking the way you do. I love what you say, that we need to ‘see it for what it is’ when you refer to these attacks, from those who are not willing to look at their choices but to blame others which is coming from their deep buried hurts.
    Serge Benhayon is a true example of how we can all live on this earth and deserves to be honoured for what he brings to humanity, not persecuted with lies that are utterly abusive.

  87. “I know that we can all be as strong as this, and that we can become an unstoppable force for good on this Earth. As pointed out by one of our members: there is so much evil in this world that none of us can give up now. The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power.” What a great call, and one that is definitely being expressed by Universal Medicine students throughout.

  88. Hear, hear Rowena….I love your reference to a broken object to remind ourselves that we are only human after all …… To pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start all over again – I am already singing this tune to myself! Thank you for the simple reminder that the power of Love conquers all.

  89. Very inspiring blog Rowena, maybe you should run for President of the World! And you are right, we just need to pick ourselves up and get on with it. The attacks on Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and the Students of Universal Medicine are absolutely unfounded and it is time to stand up and express that this abuse is no longer tolerated.

  90. As you say Rowena, I can say exactly the same (except for a slight age difference), ” Gradually, over the years I have changed the way I live and I can honestly say that now, at the age of” 63, “I feel more healthy, more joyful and more alive than I did for the whole of my life before; this is not an exaggeration.” As you also go on to say this is all down to me taking responsibility for what happens to me as a result of my choices rather than because anybody or anything, and this change has come about from the presentations by Serge Benhayon. Thank you for sharing this so clearly.

  91. Awesomely written Rowena.
    Celebrating your joy in life, and the power of the love of which you speak.
    “Let us all be that power.” Absolutely.

  92. Thank you Rowena. It was beautiful to read your post. For some reason, it reminded me of watching the movie about Gandhi when I was little. I would always remember the last words Gandhi uttered (in the movie) before he died: ‘Love always wins’.

  93. Thank you Rowena, I too have felt as you wrote, that we must be doing something wrong when things go pear shape and am just starting to get the inkling that it is not about that, that it is more about as you say I am not perfect, but I can choose love.

  94. Agreed, and I especially love your last sentence “The evil can only be stopped by the power of love on Earth. Let us all be that power”… Indeed let us not give up by giving in to the evil that is around by utilizing that seat of power (love) that is within us all. Thank you greatly Rowena.

  95. Taking the line of least resistance – hence why so many find it way easier to blame others than as you say Rowena, to “see that their situation is purely of their own making.”

    1. Thank you Draganabrown, I agree, when we are resisting love and ‘taking the line of least resistance’, then we have little or no “responsibility” for our lot and people call this life. What Rowena is presenting and I concur is a life that is lived where responsibility is seen for the truth that it is then we start to evolve.

  96. I absolutely agree Rowena! I feel it ‘is’ time for us all to step up and show humanity that there is ‘another’ way to be, and to reflect the true power of true love…

  97. Thank you Rowena for these clear and beautiful words. They very gracefully deliver the simplicity of the esoteric work presented by Serge Benhayon.
    I can feel the ease through the way you express – no hardship, no struggle just matter of fact simplicity, getting on with life and enjoying it!
    And yes, I can relate when you say that you had a good life but never felt as joyful and alive as you do today with 80. I am just half your age but can definitely say that I have never felt as vital, as joyful and as beautiful as I feel today and the amazing thing is I know if I keep making these self loving choices it keeps getting more amazing every day.
    In the world today we believe that our peak is when we are young and from then on we decline with age. But here we are a bunch of totally normal people that actually managed to reverse this process – one should think that the world would be eager to find out how it is done!

    1. What you describe here judithandras, is a miracle. They seem to be few and far between in the modern age (except of course the miracle of technology although I’m not convinced that technology without the wisdom of how to use it is really a miracle!). We need more of this, to inspire us….

  98. Thank you Rowena, that was expressed with such simplicity, clarity and beauty – I felt really connected to what you you said.

  99. Thanks Rowena for your message of truth. You are so right in saying that we are not perfect and I can see how we/I need to ‘dust off’ what has been going on with the media and just ‘get on with it’ and be the love that we are. Love, Sue 🙂

  100. Rowena, Thanks so much for your call for the consistency of love to be lived, for absoluteness to be honoured, while allowing for the inevitable human imperfection. As you point out, we can use this media attack to come back to ourselves even more deeply and surely – observe and don’t absorb.
    I always love it when someone uses the word ‘common sense’ about Universal Medicine. When you take those two words and look more closely at them at them ‘common’ means that we all hold this sense in common, i.e. everyone without exception has it within them; and ‘sense’ which means something that you use a ‘sense’ for, not something you ‘think’. We can all use that sense of feeling to know all that we need to know about the truth of any situation. Thanks again Rowena.

  101. Thank you Rowena for simply stating the truth of it. I have come to realise the choice is always ours as to how we respond … and there is a responsibility to all in that choice.

  102. Thank you Rowena. As you say none of us are perfect, but in any moment we can be perfect in expression.
    What you wrote felt powerful in love, perfect in expression and was a joy to read.

  103. Yes I too have had to learn, accept and now embrace – that it comes down to our own choices. Each choice we make creates the next moment and the next… and thus taking responsibility for my choices creates a self-responsible life.

  104. Rowena, I totally agree, it is about understanding were we are at is a direct result of our choices, and if we make a choice that does not work for us this does not mean we are bad but simply to reflect on why we made such a choice and to “dust ourselves off and get on with it” as you say, and the ability to do this lays in the power of Love.

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