David Millikan: Wow!!…What a cracking start to my first ever Universal Medicine presentation!

by Craig Robinson, Director of Ozskills Careers College, Geelong, Victoria, Australia

I want to thank Universal Medicine for the weekend’s adventure that I experienced in Lennox Head (12th October 2012).

After much thought, I decided to attend some Universal Medicine workshops with my girlfriend to gain insight into her world; it is such a unique part of her life that I would like to learn more about it for myself. We went first to the Friday night discussion where I was warmly greeted and asked to fill in the required forms and pay the prescribed fees ($5 only) …No different to any of the other seminars I’ve attended over my life.

Serge Benhayon, the presenter, came on stage and announced that he had been having a discussion over the past month with a prominent Uniting Church Minister (a self-proclaimed cult expert), as it had become apparent that some sources were painting Serge in the light of a cult leader. The banter was easygoing between them, with the Minister being introduced as David Millikan; it was stated that they had had quite detailed discussions relating to Millikan’s belief that Serge’s group was not a cult.

In an instant this bloke’s attitude changed: as soon as he had the group’s attention he went into a massive speech, specifically claiming that the student body was brainwashed and they had no idea. He rattled off heaps of gibberish about supposedly related stuff: quite simply he was the rudest Minister I had ever heard, not allowing anyone who could understand him to answer his quite bizarre questions.

Wow!! …What a cracking start to my first night as a newbie to the Universal Medicine presentations. I had very little idea what to expect, but I presumed that the weekend at a minimum would allow me an insight into my lady’s way of life. To be honest, I was startled at the aggression that was shown towards the audience by Millikan. It was obvious that these guys were being set up, this was a media stunt: on cue there were all these people running around with cameras and Millikan was delivering a prepared speech, a monologue. The way I saw it, this guy was awesome – a master of deception. Serge appeared to be totally caught off-guard; he stood there stunned and took a while to shake off the ‘sucker punch’. I had to give the first round to Millikan, he had created the perfect surprise: obviously he had abused the friendship that his new friend had honoured him with, and used all his guile to get a story… As it turned out he was in the pay of a well-known television station, and simply put, he wanted to create a sensational story.

I wasn’t surprised; I had a very similar experience with the ABC and other major media outlets a couple of months ago and recognised it for what it unfortunately was… A plan executed with commando-like precision, people in the background filming with complete disregard for all present… What can I say? …I was truly intrigued – what had this young lass got me into?

Here is what she got me into: a weekend of exceptional discussion on life, love and understanding of myself, and the provision of some tools that I had learnt many years ago, but because of my expectations of life, I had forgotten how to remember to love myself first. I was shown some very simple techniques and how to use them, and I got to meet some wonderful people who showed me nothing but genuine human kindness.

I would say it was like going to mass on Sunday, only this time I understood what the bloke on the stage was talking about, and more importantly, I felt that it made sense.

So instead of just attending a presentation, Friday’s events intrigued me enough to attend all that Universal Medicine offered over the entire weekend.

I even did the workshop on Relationships with my girlfriend and learned a ton about myself!

Serge Benhayon at no time claimed he was anything but a person with life experience, there to offer that experience, and that he had no formal qualification. I’ve been in the training industry for 25 years, and you would be hard pressed to find a better public speaker or presenter: simply astounding, thank you.

I, for one, will be returning for another weekend of personal discovery.

Just a short note in addition; at no time was I accosted to purchase anything, nor were there any sales pitches towards Universal Medicine’s beliefs or products. This was certainly refreshing, as I have attended many seminars where the main purpose is revenue generation and conversion.

Thanks again for a wonderful time. Cheers.

130 thoughts on “David Millikan: Wow!!…What a cracking start to my first ever Universal Medicine presentation!

  1. The truth of Universal Medicine will be in it lineage, those who walk the steps they know to be truth. These can not and will no be destroyed, because once you know truth in your body, it lights up your Soul and yes we can chose to ignore it or stall it but it is there and will return. Serge Benhayon speaks truth and simple sense. Any lies about him being inappropriate say more about the media, people with misguided agendas than the actual reality of attending his workshops. he is a man of decency and honour.

  2. I so remember how Serge responded because I always observe how Serge behaves in all situations. Serge is inspiring how he responds. He is the most intelligent man I know — intelligent in regard to he knows the constructs of life and is an inspiration in relationships. I observed how Serge felt with his trust betrayed. I am touched how Serge places relationships before anything else.

  3. Craig thank you for sharing your experience with everyone I was particularly stuck by these words
    “Here is what she got me into: a weekend of exceptional discussion on life, love and understanding of myself, and the provision of some tools that I had learnt many years ago, but because of my expectations of life, I had forgotten how to remember to love myself first. I was shown some very simple techniques and how to use them, and I got to meet some wonderful people who showed me nothing but genuine human kindness.”
    I don’t feel I’m in a so called ‘cult’ I see Serge Benhayon twice a year when I attend the presentations and workshops these have supported me to grow and understand my self and others which have then supported me in my everyday life with family, friends and work colleagues. I’m very much ‘out’ there in society. I so enjoy discussing life, health, religion, science and universality and have learnt more from these presentations and workshops than anything that I was taught at school.

  4. Appointed church minister, self-proclaimed cult expert, and skilled in deception and bullying. The truth of a person is not necessarily what appears in his/her business card

  5. I was not there that night but from all accounts it had a big impact on the crowd. It sounded like David Millikan fancied himself as some kind of saviour, hoping to break the spell that he claimed Serge Benhayon has cast over people. In my experience Serge Benhayon has been the complete opposite of a cult leader. I have never felt so free to be me, to make my choices and know that I am responsible for the outcome.

  6. Powerful showing us that truth is the remaining call, and can’t be blown of course, as it is , even when it is being attacked. Untarnished. This is how I feel about God, Universal Medicine, Us. In essence we remain true. So the more we come back to our essence, the more we will find that we are everything that is true. No deception there possible. Therefore when in deception, we are not in connection to our inner heart.

  7. It’s quite eye-opening to see the extent that people will go to to create and sell a sensational story, spinning lies about people with no care for the truth…

  8. What is so beautifully highlighted here is the fact that the truth, regardless of how hard we try to corrupt it, will always prevail through our lived experiences and reflection. The Way of The Livingness is all about living the truth of who we are, as such to those who are open to exploring who we are in essence, to live with greater love in our lives, will feel the truth of all that is presented and on offer.

  9. What Millikan may believe regarding Universal Medicine being a cult is totally irrelevant given that the truth is that it is not. Not only it is not, it is a truly high point in the associational world and the world cannot thank it enough for that.

  10. Thank you Craig for sharing your experience that night when David Millikan accosted the presentation with his outrageous behaviour. It was great you were able to see through the lies and continued and enjoyed the presentations given by Serge that weekend.

  11. Beautiful to read how you were not put off by the outrageous remarks David Millikan made during your first experience of Universal Medicine, it was lovely to read that his attempt of journalistic sensationalism was so transparent that you could see Millikan for the game he was playing.

  12. It’s rather shocking to read that you weren’t surprised at the abhorrent behaviour by David Millikan and his crew because you already had an experience similar to that. Since when has it become so common for the media to abuse the public in order to get a story they want? Just because it happens often enough must not normalize any kind of abuse.

  13. When you say that you were not accosted to buy anything I would like to add that every participant that evening was also offered a refund of their $5 – someone actually came around and went from seat to seat. Some people said yes and some said no – no difference, no judgment, no sweat.

  14. The level of deception that David Millikan went to is a testament, I say, to the lack of integrity that his church or himself live by.

  15. How gorgeous is it – to hear the appreciation being expressed for that which Serge has consistently brought. And that even when attack is done, and one meets for the first time that man and community that is being attacked, they see through all the lies – clearly shows us that truth is much stronger than any form of attack can maintain.

  16. Great you have put pen to paper so to speak and have given such an honest account of what sounds like a completely planned and abusive attack on Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and Universal Medicine students. Simply appalling and shocking. All you have said I know is to be true with regards to Serge Benhayon. I have been attending Universal Medicine events held and presented by Serge Benhayon for over 10 years now and with all my heart I can say I feel absolutely blessed to know him and to have attended so many events over so many years. Serge is a truly genuine, deeply caring, deeply respectful person and that is just the baseline of who he is and what he lives each day, Serge actually brings and is so much more than just this.

  17. Corruption and deception was displayed by this Minister Millikan on the evening you discuss in this blog, I wonder if he has forgotten how to remember to love himself, like he clearly has people?

  18. None of David’s Millikan’s behavior on that evening reflects a genuine care and concern for a group of potentially brainwashed vulnerable people. The truth is Universal Medicine students are far from that.
    His behavior was predatory and self serving.

  19. Refreshing to read Craig Robinson. There is certainly a distinct difference in the presentation of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine than the force of David Millikan’s agenda driven outcry. Serge holds you in love knowing you are that before any emotion.
    I was compassionate towards Serge when I felt him respond to being betrayed by David. He said we had built a relationship that was not what he was showing on stage. If Serge was aware David was going to do that he would of not allowed it. That is not what Universal Medicine presentations are about, and that is exactly why I attend.

  20. I agree Craig – David Millikan is a Master of deception who abused his power with all who were present that evening. It was great you were able to see so clearly through this manipulated attempt by the Media to create a sensationalist story based on pure lies.

  21. It says so much for Serge Benhayon that given that he was clearly taken advantage of and lied to by David Millikan as to his intention of talking at the presentation that night, it has in no way affected the way he is in relationship with everyone. It hasn’t affected the trust that he has with people and his love of people and clearly has not carried that hurt from that evening. This is huge and something that we can learn an enormous amount from.

  22. How refreshing to read an account of an event that was obviously orchestrated for drama and sensationalism that is matter of fact and confirms exactly how I have experienced Serge’s presentations.

  23. It was great to read an account of what was going to be another amazing evening with Serge Benhayon from the pen of someone who had never attended a Universal Medicine event before, and who instead experienced an event that was hi-jacked by a supposed ‘man of God’ in most shocking way, simply for publicity and sensationalism. If anything was ever going to turn you away from attending another presentation this would have been it, but how wonderful Craig, that you were able to see right through the charade and to feel the truth that you were being presented.

  24. Corruption fuelled by desire for power, attention and money – how often do we let this occur and not speak up – and when are we going to say enough.

    1. Beautiful said Annie. Profound truth when realized that we have this huge power and strength that we need to set forward by our every day steps. To stand and speak and breathe what we know our truth to be in this world and what we bring to it.

  25. Thank you Craig for bringing your account fresh from the eyes of a first-timer. – witnessing the behaviour of Millikan and those paid by Channel 7 to infiltrate by deception all to create a completely false portrayal of a man an organisation and group of innocent people who choose to attend the talks. The media need to take a serious look at the responsibility they hold in accordance with the power and influence they have – to report truly and sensitively in awareness of their position – rather than sensationalised distortions and outright lies.

  26. I am always blown away by Serge Benhayon’s wisdom he delivers on stage. He does not prepare, nor does he memorise – that would be impossible. Serge is a true inspiration. He does not claim to know more than any other; all I have to do is to connect to my soul and all the wisdom is there waiting to be expressed. Thank you Craig for sharing the wisdom presented here.

  27. I like your un biased opinion Craig and the fact that it comes from one on there first exposure to Universal Medicine carries a lot of weight.

  28. Thanks Craig for your refreshing report and yes Serge’s offer of friendship to David Millikan was abused that night. The amazing thing is that Serge has not changed his behaviour since then just because he was taken advantage of, he still offers the same to everyone he meets and it is their gain or loss to take it or not.

  29. It is a crime that people who were, or could be impulsed to go, could be turned off due to either believing the lies spread or from just wanting to avoid media attack or attention. I love that you did not let the antics of a few deter you from what was being offered and got to truly experience and gain what you did over the weekend.

  30. Craig while reading your honest experience with your first contact with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I felt fascinated as even with this “special” start you could feel the deepness and richness of what Serge was presenting. More is not needed as what this man Milikan did is something what will be forgotten soon but what Serge presented stayed for ever – that is for me true quality.

  31. Great to have a newbie’s perspective not only on the impact of the underhand manipulations of Millikan and crew, but also to get your immediate views on the events, the integrity behind them and the refreshingly true, lived experience from the main presenter. I too was surprised, relieved and delighted there was zero sales pitch tempting you to buy, buy, buy. But this is a complete reflection of the true purpose of Universal Medicine – to bring an understanding of health, wellbeing and vitality to the many. Not to fill the coffers of the few.

  32. Beautiful post Craig – thankyou for sharing your first experience of attending a Unimed event, “a weekend of exceptional discussion on life, love and understanding of myself, and the provision of some tools that I had learnt many years ago, but because of my expectations of life, I had forgotten how to remember to love myself first. I was shown some very simple techniques and how to use them, and I got to meet some wonderful people who showed me nothing but genuine human kindness.” What is there not to like? No coercion, just presentations that, if we make different choices, our lives will change – and so will those around us.

  33. Wow what an intense first experience of Universal Medicine for you Craig. The beautiful thing is that you were able to see right through this devious attack by David Millikan and feel the truth and wisdom Serge Benhayon presents and lives by was worth listening to and learning from.

  34. That’s the pitfall for the many seekers of love out there, seeking something shiny with huge wings and a supernatural gift of some sort… A person that you want to admire, be close to, see or touch… Meeting Serge Benhayon is so different. After his presentations I feel so ‘loved up’ that I don’t need to be close to him. Totally unimposing.

  35. Thank you for sharing your account of your first attendance at a Universal Medicine presentation Craig. It’s great that you saw through the charade of David Millikan and continued with your planned attendance at the weekend’s events. It was a weekend to remember but for the best reason here in your words “…because of my expectations of life, I had forgotten how to remember to love myself first.”

  36. I love what you have written it is very refreshing to read. And such an apt and simple description of what the Universal Medicine courses and events bring. Thank you Craig. ‘I would say it was like going to mass on Sunday, only this time I understood what the bloke on the stage was talking about, and more importantly, I felt that it made sense.’

  37. “Serge Benhayon at no time claimed he was anything but a person with life experience, there to offer that experience, and that he had no formal qualification. I’ve been in the training industry for 25 years, and you would be hard pressed to find a better public speaker or presenter: simply astounding, thank you.”
    I agree with you Craig. Serge Benhayon is an exceptional speaker and presenter and really, if you look at his loving approach to life and to people, and then that of David Milliken – there is absolutely no contest.
    What happened to David Milliken after that episode I wonder?
    The response he got was certainly not one he would have expected, as many of those infringed upon by his behaviour have stood up and continue to say no to such abhorrence in any way shape or form. You could say he woke people up, but at what expense to himself and to the Uniting Church?

  38. What a great and powerful decision you took, Craig! You chose to observe the situation and not get absorbed by it. It certainly takes maturity and to live a down to earth life to take this choice. Many of us are in protection. To observe like you did, Craig, is the true version of protection, it keeps you free and safe wherever you go.

  39. This is exactly what it’s like ! “I would say it was like going to mass on Sunday, only this time I understood what the bloke on the stage was talking about, and more importantly, I felt that it made sense.’ And it actually teaches you valuable things !

  40. It’s great to read your account of the evening Craig…that you could see the antics of David Millikan for exactly what they were. When faced with the choice of the bullying and deception of this man and the openness and love of Serge Benhayon….well, it’s pretty easy.

  41. Your honesty expressed here Craig is wonderful. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  42. A great insight into the weekend and what actually happened. An ambush and lack of any regard for people. My first experience of Universal Medicine was the same, when Serge spoke, it was like, finally so much of what I felt about life finally made sense.

  43. Beautifully related Craig, a vivid account of that evening which I also attended. It is hard to comprehend such blatant orchestrated deception by a so-called Minister of the church, all for some self-recognition and payout from a sensationalist tv program.

  44. Rather than taking the first face experience of the Friday night it’s pretty cool to read how you still chose to feel what was presented by Serge over the weekend.

  45. It is a testament to the strength of Serge Benhayon and all those present that the David Millikan circus sideshow did not distract or detract from your experience. And it did not prevent you from discovering more about yourself.

  46. This is great to read Craig. What stands our for me is that you deeply enjoyed the presentations on life and a loving way of living even though it being disturbed by the media saying Universal Medicine is a cult. It just makes the attack sound ridiculous!

  47. What a great account of your first experience with Universal Medicine. With what had happened with David Millikan it might be enough to turn someone away completely. It says a lot about you and your discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak to be able to come back for the next couple of days and enjoy all that Serge Benhayon and other attendees had to offer.

  48. Really wonderful to read this Craig – how open to life you are. What is telling is that the abuse that you witnessed is practiced time and time again – these media stunts are now well versed ‘filming tactics’ which only serves to sensationalise and capitalise on often stunned victims. Universal Medicine is about truth whereas nothing presented by Millikan and Co on that Friday night had a true action or word in it.

  49. This is a beautiful story, and just as this was my first experience (without David Milikan) the teachings of Serge Benhayon inspired me to look at how I am living and that there is change possible when I choose to love myself first.

  50. So great you were open to attend and could feel the truth of what was being presented and took the opportunity to learn more about you!

  51. Awesome to hear your experience Craig, especially with the bizarre occurrence from David Millikan, which I guess just highlights how different Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is from what is going on and generally accepted in the world today.

  52. Thank you Craig for your unbiased perspective on that evening’s events and how you recognised it for the stunt it was partly because of your previous personal experience ‘A plan executed with commando-like precision, people in the background filming with complete disregard for all present’. Great that it intrigued you enough to attend the whole weekend and learn more about yourself.

  53. Thankyou Craig, I loved the honesty in all that you have shared in your blog. I was too in attendance that evening and feel you have totally captured the scenario and how it unfolded with its full level of unnecessary deception and sensationalism. Lovely to see that you could see through all that and the pearls of wisdom Serge Benhayon’s presentations offer.

  54. awesomely written Craig and so great to hear the story of this night from the perspective of it being your very first time!
    The points your sharing are great and I totally believe every word you say.

  55. Thank you Craig for so honestly sharing your experience of that night, which didn’t deter your at all, but brought you back for more of the love that Serge’s lived experience reflected to you.

  56. Craig thank you for your honest account of what unfolded with David Millikan and the Universal Medicine community. I appreciate how you were able to see that it was a complete set-up and stayed open to what Serge Benhayon was presenting.

  57. I could not help but smile at this quote, because I feel the same way – ‘I would say it was like going to mass on Sunday, only this time I understood what the bloke on the stage was talking about, and more importantly, I felt that it made sense.’

  58. Thank you Craig, it was really interesting to hear your perspective on this evening as it is one that sticks quite clearly in my memory too! It felt very bizarre and intrusive to me at the time, and still to this day does. The experience has definitely opened my awareness further to what the media industry is capable of and the level of deception that can be called upon to get a story – with very clear disregard for the people involved!

  59. How refreshing to read the truth, if only you were the Rupert Murdoch of our times Craig, the media would not be rife with deceptive tactics. It’s interesting that an ordained Minister acted in an aggressive, self promoting, and deceptive manner, but you felt a true “Mass” with Universal Medicine’s presentations.

    1. Well said Melinda, it is really refreshing to read this. It is obvious David Millikan was not there for the service of others, only for selfish gain. But in truth he did not gain a thing, only lost an opportunity to experience an amazing presentation by Serge Benhayon and to report the truth of Universal Medicine and what it stands for.

  60. I was there on the day and David Millikan’s deception and betrayal were indeed gross and hurtful; it is great to have an account from somebody who had never attended a Universal Medicine presentation before and who witnessed this ambush first hand.

  61. What an honour to read a newcomer’s experience and perception on events. Kudos to you for choosing to stay rather than running for the hills as many in your position would after enduring such a shocking ambush. Funny that even after all of Millikan’s effort, he only succeeded in delaying what was there to be delivered, so it’s great that you got to experience Serge Benhayon in all his glory that weekend regardless of Millikan’s attempt to incapacitate.

  62. I love your honest straightforward way of detailing your experience Craig, it shows a lovely openness and willingness to experience Universal medicine for yourself and not be frightened off by what can only be described as a bizarre stunt. Awesome to feel that no matter what, the truth will always shine through.

  63. “Guile” is the perfect word for Millikan’s approach.
    Pretty sleazy stuff…one could even call it “grooming” behaviour: winning over your ‘target’ with pleasantries, a pretence of friendship and feigning genuine interest, and all of it was about fulfilling self interest and serving a concealed agenda.
    Pretty disgraceful behaviour for a minister of the Uniting Church to breach the trust of Serge Benhayon, and all of it for a two bit media stunt and a chapter in a book. Zero respect and regard for people. There were children in that room. There were people in all sorts of states, some perhaps not prepared for Millikan’s aggression and the absolute pathetic indecency of hidden cameras.
    His behaviour was grotesque and manipulative.

    1. So true Rachel. What Serge presents is only about love. David Millikan did not, I wasn’t there but heard many accounts of the event. It seems like what David Milikan was presenting was anything but love. How could he call himself a minister? Of what ? There is no love in what he presented. I’m glad people could see it for what it was.

      1. How shocking and disgraceful for a minister who is supposed to be a representative of God in the community to have behaved like this- definitely not Love.

  64. Craig, thank you for sharing your experience as a newcomer. It is very important to feel welcome and not pressured into anything. It is great to hear that you saw the ambush and hijack for what it was, and that it did not stop you from having a great weekend of exceptional discussion on life, love and understanding of yourself.

  65. I loved reading your account of the first Universal Medicine presentation you attended, thank you Craig. It was amazing to feel your depth of clarity into what was actually going on when the press invaded.

  66. When I first attended a Universal Medicine presentation i found that to be true as well. I could just sit and listen, consider what was being said. I found that a lot of it made sense to me and it was things that I had always thought about. I didn’t know that Universal Medicine was attacked to that extent before I ever attended.

    1. Thank you Craig and Harry. I agree “I didn’t know that Universal Medicine was attacked to that extent before I ever attended.” The very first time I attended – I felt this is it. And I Chose to attend events that I felt to attend. And it has been an amazing journey.

  67. Thank you for sharing your experience so openly and honestly, Craig. Awesome that you were able to see and feel what was really going on.

  68. Craig, It’s inspiring to feel that although it may have been quite confronting to be presented with this at your first Universal Medicine event, you were easily able to discern the difference in what was being offered by Serge, Universal Medicine and the students and on the other hand the assault by David Millikan and crew. This one might have been the obvious but we are always capable of knowing truth when we feel and see it.

  69. I do remember the shock that travelled around the world after the David Millikan incident. I notice two things: (a) the people who were committed to Truth kept being committed to Truth and didn’t waiver; and (b) the disturbance this man has caused for humanity is still on-going, with seemingly endless ripple-effects.

  70. Great perspective and totally unbiased from someone who had never had anything to do with Universal Medicine or Serge Benhayon until that night. As you said it was so easy to see it for the stunt it was, to attempt to create a sensationalised story for a media outlet he was on the payroll of. Another person who doesn’t let truth get in the way of a good story. The most disturbing part of this though is that David Millikan is a Uniting Church minister who had no regard for the people he was lambasting and attempting to belittle. What happened to love, compassion and care for people David?

  71. Craig I love your apt description of the media team’s ‘commando like precision’ tactics to generate the story they had already scripted. I was not present that night, but witnessed the after effects in those that were at the presentation the next day. It certainly brought home to me the absolute lack of integrity of certain ‘news’ media; what are we as a community allowing that such stunts have a paying audience?

  72. Brilliantly encapsulated Craig. It was indeed a shocking media stunt orchestrated by David Millikan, quite a ‘show’. The thing was, the hidden camera women in the audience were also so aggressive – holding small handheld cameras in people’s faces, refusing to leave, all no doubt part of the tactics used to incite what would look like ‘reaction’ and ‘cover up’ on film.
    Absolutely shameful and horrendous behaviour. Many were in shock, and there were also children present. An ‘event’ I will most certainly never ever forget.

  73. I was there that night along with some friends (who were also totally unfamiliar with Universal Medicine), we sat unknowingly right next to some of the people with the hidden cameras. When we fist sat down we said hello and were greeted with a stony silence which was in itself unusual. Then when Mr Millikan began haranguing us they pulled out hand held cameras and pointed them right at us, presumably to capture our reactions. It was a disgraceful display of lack of decency on the part of Channel 7, the camera crew and David Millikan himself and served to remind all of our group of the real nature of the media machine.

  74. Thanks for encapsulating the event. My friend told me about it at the time and I am pleased to reacquaint myself with how the two worlds differ so dramatically. The beautiful thing is that you walked away making up your own mind about what was presented to you and how you could benefit from the teachings in your life.

  75. When we are connected to the truth the opposite of it is easily recognised as such and that is what you show to me in your story Craig. What Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are presenting is based on the love we all come from and carry within. At times this is very confronting to me when I realise that I have not lived that in my life and I can feel the hurt it has left me with. At the other end I can always feel the truth and love underneath that assisting me in allowing myself this hurt to be felt instead of to bury this hurt by building a protection around this in my body, shutting myself off from the love I equally carry in me.

  76. It is shocking the way that some people in the media industry think they can abuse others just to make a sensational story and meet their pay packet, regardless of the falsity of it. Thanks Craig for exposing David Millikan’s self-serving, loveless antics.

  77. How amusing that for your very first introduction you could see on stage the stark contrast of how Serge Benhayon presents and how someone with an agenda and desire to convert behaves. During the past 8 years Serge Benhayon has been an immense inspiration and role model in learning to be open, honouring and accepting of people regardless of what they represent; holding no judgments, demands or expectations; simply reflecting love, truth and inspiration for others to accept or not as they choose. I have met no one quite like him in the consistency and depth with which he maintains these qualities, and he is forever by example inspiring everyone to go deeper themselves.

  78. Wow, I can feel your openness and that’s beautiful. Thank you for this sharing, Craig.

  79. Great blog, Craig and wonderful that you were able to see through the media ploy to create a drama – fictional drama.

  80. What an awesome inauguration for you, Craig! Being a newbie has given you a unique insight into the events of that evening and though I wasn’t there, I feel I was. I appreciate your candour and unbiased view of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine being anything but a cult, something which completely correlates with my experiences.

  81. In my experience, anyone who rattles through an argument without giving the other side the opportunity to discuss or question, does not have true confidence in what they are saying. If a minister or anyone else came to raise concerns with reason and logical argument that would seem quite acceptable. After all, no-one has to share the beliefs of another and I know for a fact that no-one associated with Universal medicine has argued that they should.

  82. Thanks, Craig for sharing your ‘baptism of Fire’. Even after all the commotion that evening, it’s awesome to hear that the lies and deceit of David Millikan didn’t deter you from continuing with the weekends workshops. The fact that you learnt a ‘ton’ about yourself is because you were willing to keep an open mind, which really, is all that is asked.

  83. Brilliant account of your weekend and first Universal Medicine presentation. Serge Benhayon is a wonderful natural public speaker, I have felt his integrity, wisdom and love for all when he speaks. He is an inspiration.

  84. Thank You Craig Robinson for taking the time to write your account which holds weight by the very fact it was your first ever presentation with Serge Benhayon.
    To say on line that in your 25 years experience in the training industry you would be hard pressed to find a public speaker or presenter like Serge Benhayon speaks volumes and cannot be ignored. Why is it that you and other professionals who are totally un-biased are saying this about Serge? Why is the media not interested in your stories?

    Who stands to really benefit if we give Serge Benhayon the platform to speak the unwavering Truth that he brings to any of his public speaking?
    Is it possible that we are uncomfortable with the Truth? Is it possible that to have raw, real Truth presented means we have to look at our choices and become responsible? and Are we as individuals ready to be accountable for all of our choices?
    These are questions for all of us and what better way than the media to bring this out there to the mass.

  85. Hi Craig, I really enjoyed your account of your first event and to your credit, it did not put you off. It is despicable that a minister should conduct himself in such a manner and use such under handed methods to gain Serge’s trust, only to turn about face.

  86. “Like going to mass on Sunday only this time I understood what the bloke on the stage was talking about, and it made sense”. this made me smile, Serge Benhayon certainly does present simple truth and I would agree, you would be hard pressed to find a better public speaker. A more harm-less organisation than Universal Medicine you would be hard pressed to find.

  87. Your intro to Unimed indeed went with the bang and the boom!
    Great that your eyes were able to see through all that palaver.

  88. Wow, I enjoyed reading this, the honesty and directness how it was for you… and I was touched… thanks.

  89. Wow! What an evening for you to have first entered a Universal Medicine Presentation. I completely love the way you write – your honesty, your openness, your powers of observation, and the way you can simply feel the truth – enough for you to come for the whole weekend and not ‘run for the hills’ as Zofia said you well could have done. I hope I meet you at a presentation one day.

  90. Thanks Craig, a fresh pair of eyes confirming the same consistent story… no mess, no fuss, no pressure… just a choice.

  91. Brilliant, thank you. Serge Benhayon’s presentations skills are outstanding and as we all know some people are naturals at what they do, whether it be teaching, managing an organisation or nursing. Serge is a natural, natural at presenting and/or educating people about wellbeing and health.

  92. Thank you Craig for sharing your fresh and very clear experience of what Unimed has presented to you and so many others out there.

  93. Thank you Craig
    These blogs are so amazing, to feel you and your experience all the way across to a little village in Eastern Canada it just goes to show that distance doesn’t change what we all feel about how we heal or harm humanity as a whole.
    It is awesome to hear your expession as a person experiencing for the first time, your presence, at a Universal Medicine presentation.
    What a way to have ones eyes opened wide in regards to the deceit of Millikan and truth of Serge Benhayon You truly got to feel all that in one weekend.
    What all of us come to know and respect and feel about Serge and his presentations is that he is a human being like all of us yet he expresses with such love and intergity that we come to recognize it within ourselves.
    I feel because of the awesome way your girlfriend is living her life reflected something in you to check Universal Medicine out for yourself.
    What an amazing time to check it out.
    “I, for one, will be returning for another weekend of personal discovery” love this.
    This is why I go to Universal Medicine’s presentations as well Craig because the more I discover about me the more I realize how deep and amazing we all are.

  94. Ps glad to hear you will be returning after such an interesting introduction, you were open minded enough to see what was really happening and who was the real trickster.

  95. ! a great illustration into those events from someone never having attended UniMed events before that night! In light of the Millikan masquerade, Craig you are one who could have so easily run for the hills, but with your willingness to see in all its ugliness the deception and gross ill at play from Millikan chose instead to remain open to seeing and feeling true truth by then experiencing UniMed courses and hence drawing your own conclusions. Surely in this case Millikan’s example failed and merely exposed in full the falseness of the defamatory claims made against Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Thank you for writing your words here Craig.

  96. Awesome Craig, I am glad you got to experience so much of yourself over the weekend, what you wrote is so lovely and refreshing, thanks Craig.

  97. Hi Craig.
    I must say I very much enjoyed your account of the evening, and especially from the perspective of someone who has not attended any Uni Med events. Its really great to hear that what Unimed presents is really just simple and open and inclusive, even to a “newbie” as you call it! – with out ever forcing or imposing anything on any one. Thanks for taking the time to share it.

    1. Couldn’t have said it better myself, Simon. Craig’s perspective is awesome to say the least, and as a newbie he was able to see through all of what David Millikan was carrying on about – and decided to stay for the rest of the weekend.

  98. Hi Craig,
    What a wonderful article. It made me simultaneously break out in a sweat and have a good laugh.
    Thank you!

  99. Craig, you have described what I see as the difference between an open and a closed mind. There are those with open minds who can either accept what Universal Medicine presents or decide that it’s not for them.
    Then there are those with closed minds who cannot accept what Unimed offers and rather than walk away and ‘live and let live’, make it their business to denigrate and hurt others because of a conflict of beliefs.
    I appreciate your open minded post!

    1. Yes, some people with closed minds are challenged by what does not fit in with their belief system and may feel the need to attack something ‘different’. In this they may not only hold themselves back from understanding something new, but can stop others from growing and developing in their awareness too.

  100. How cool to read a complete newcomer’s account of that weekend and know you weren’t put off coming back after David Millikan’s rant. He may have won Round 1 by subterfuge and bullying, however in my eyes Round 2 went to Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all those present, as we got to be part of a weekend of exceptional discussion on life and love and had the opportunity to develop better understanding of ourselves and others.

  101. Craig, wow.. Your absolute openness and honesty is a joy to read. How awesome that you learned a “ton” about yourself and had a great time. I also agree wholeheartedly with your description of David Millikan’s “fiasco” – abominable behaviour, and completely “off” with the accusations he hurled of “cult”. Ridiculous!

  102. Hi Craig… thank YOU for writing a blog. It was fantastic to hear from someone who is new to the UniMed presentations. I am trying to accept everyone just as they are – but I can’t help wishing more people were as open minded as you!

  103. Thanks Craig, lovely to see the events through your “eyes”… and hear about your experiences that weekend…

  104. Wow Craig what an introduction to Universal Medicine presentations! Good on you for going back over the weekend given the ruckus created by Reverend Millikan and his media circus.

  105. Hi Craig, what a start to Universal Medicine. David Millikan’s theory has back fired. Instead of trying to frighten you away it showed you there must be something here, That a man could go to such lengths to to try to dis-prove Serge, that he had to lie his way in and ambush a presentation exposes what he is really about… a journalist paid to lie to get a story hiding behind the cloak of a Church Minister.

  106. What an awesome straight forward expression of what you experienced on your weekend. Thank you for sharing such an honest story.

    1. I agree with Zoe, Craig – an honest account all the more enlivened by your own previous experience. Loved that you stuck around.

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