A Convenient Truth Most Foul: Journalism

by Sarah Cloutier, London UK

A lot of people say they want the truth. They say they want honesty in their lives and straight talking. They say they admire people who are not afraid to hold back.

In my experience, on a daily basis, most people don’t walk the talk. They are only honest when it suits their needs. They find their own truths that pander to their requirements on that particular day.

What I see every day are people who are scared of real truth. In fact, they run from it because it rocks their safe little world. They don’t want to hear the truth about illness and disease, or the skyrocketing suicide rates, or slavery, or children being gang-raped by other children, or the increase in children who self-harm, or the huge increases in alcohol-related domestic violence – because it doesn’t affect them. Ignorance is bliss, right? They give to charity and wipe their hands of any responsibility of the part they play in the supposedly ‘blissful ignorance’.

Real, honest, heartfelt truth exposes the foul stench of our world; the world we have created, and most people don’t want to see that. They don’t want the rot uncovered because it exposes that they really, truly, deep down don’t want to be even remotely honest about their own life.

Our current existence is a myriad of lies, deception, illness, disease, corruption, manipulation and control… that is out of control. The anxiousness on the hundreds of faces I see in Central London every day is testament to the fact that we are not living a life with much truth at all.

The ‘journalists’ who lie about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine courses and presentations are scared witless of the Truth spoken, written, presented and lived by Serge. In fact, many hundreds of students of the Ageless Wisdom are living a life that exposes that there is another way to live that is the total opposite to the current existence the majority are surviving in today.

These ‘journalists’, egged on by more scared and hurt individuals, are perpetuating their own myth that somehow a couple of thousand people, who are seeking a truthful life, are easy targets to be attacked and criticised for self-gain. Really? Aren’t there other things to write about? We are force-fed rubbish innuendo and lies that perpetuate the stench. Enough!

Time to reveal everything. Show me it all. I want truth so I can make up my own mind about my life, my world and the inner light I know shines brightly – equally in me as it does in everyone. The truth is OK. It’s time we started to really see what is truly going on.

I know – and believe me I know – it’s uncomfortable and challenging to speak and write truth. There are many people in the modern era like Serge Benhayon who are standing up for truth: Lord Justice Leveson has been crystal clear on the role of the Media in our lives. Hundreds of people here are not willing to stay in the rot any longer. Time to expand on the deep knowledge of truths expressed in the past by Pythagoras, Galileo, Imhotep, Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill, to name a few. Time to be inspired, as they were, by the call from humanity to stand up and express truth.

I know – and believe me I know – that this list will expand beyond our wildest expectations and bring a new voice to Truth, with a capital ‘T’. Bring it on!

243 thoughts on “A Convenient Truth Most Foul: Journalism

  1. What you have said here smacks of how we have allowed Religion to dominate our very thoughts
    “What I see every day are people who are scared of real truth. In fact, they run from it because it rocks their safe little world. They don’t want to hear the truth about illness and disease, or the skyrocketing suicide rates, or slavery, or children being gang-raped by other children, or the increase in children who self-harm, or the huge increases in alcohol-related domestic violence – because it doesn’t affect them. Ignorance is bliss, right? They give to charity and wipe their hands of any responsibility of the part they play in the supposedly ‘blissful ignorance’.”
    How many people visit the priest for confession say a few hail Mary’s put some money in the box as they leave the church and all the sins are wiped away! If only life was so easy, it is not and we are now reaping the millions of lies that we have allowed ourselves to be influenced by.

  2. It needs to be called for what it is Sarah, ‘Our current existence is a myriad of lies, deception, illness, disease, corruption, manipulation and control… that is out of control. The anxiousness on the hundreds of faces I see in Central London every day is testament to the fact that we are not living a life with much truth at all.’

  3. This is very true in my experience too, ‘In my experience, on a daily basis, most people don’t walk the talk. They are only honest when it suits their needs. They find their own truths that pander to their requirements on that particular day.’

  4. Sarah we are being shown the rot in our lives every day and those who clamour to keep everything in its place are being exposed for perpetuating the rot. Evil is being exposed to the full light of day no longer can it hide in institutions, Nationalities, Religions etc., And it is because of the exposure that there is currently such a back lash towards those who live and speak the truth.

  5. It’s astonishing really when you consider the amount of lies in this world, we tend to think that because there isn’t a war with our country we are doing ok, but how do we reconcile the fact we live surrounded by lies, not just in our media and from our politicians (our supposed leaders), but in industry, business, community, and family also. There may not be a war, but what are we doing to ourselves and our world by allowing such lies?

  6. “T” me up to be Truth-full as Truth-full-ness as a Livingness or walking our talk can now be examined as many students holding what they walk as a lived wisdom so we can simply expose the lies.

  7. Truth is OK – it really is. I too was scared of it to the point where I would have never admitted that I was scared because I knew the lies I lived, subscribed to, and contributed to. There’s something in all of us, this relationship of ours with Truth, that does not have to be right and perfect and never will be, but unwavering and knowing that it is us in every cell of our body.

  8. “Real, honest, heartfelt truth exposes the foul stench of our world; the world we have created, and most people don’t want to see that”. That is the crux of the matter, that we know we have contributed to the mess in the world but want to imagine its nothing to do with us.

  9. There is truth and there is our convenient ‘truth’ and most prefer the later, but truth will always win out, eventually and we can choose to embrace it and what it offers or we can fight it with our convenient truth – the choice is very much ours, but the truth is that ultimately truth will be known and lived, how we get there is up to us.

  10. I had not wanted to see how much we had fed the media beast, how we had called for the media we now have, either by wanting to know more gossip, or by turning the other way when what was written was re-interpreted, mis-interpreted or simply made up.

    1. Could it be the age-old problem of supply and “demand”? Thus we need to understand where and what supplies Truth, then we can start to have an understanding of where our supply of knowledge is coming from and what energy supplies Truth, so we can then Demand the Truth!

  11. When it comes to the truth, I’m with you on this one Sarah – “Bring it on!” Bring it on so humanity – the majority of – can see how much of the truth they have denied, from the skyrocketing rates of illness and disease to the way they have been living. And when it comes to the truth of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, yes, it is definitely the time to bring the truth on as the potential to change peoples’ lives that is on offer from this man and this organisation is too way too valuable to allow it to be lied about any longer.

  12. Truth does not age or tire, this is true today as it was when it was written in 2012. Unfortunately for us all the lies continue to abound and so too the separation and ugliness exposed about how and what we choose to accept in life. This will change as we do.

    1. Very true Victoria, we don’t want to see how much we have contributed to the mess we are in in the world and find it much easier to blame, shame and distract. With anxiety rates as they are in the world, it is high time we started asking the questions that might actually elicit a truthful answer.

  13. Truth is a commodity sadly missing in our world and yet truth never goes away and it always comes out no matter how long we try and ignore or suppress it. The question for us is will we willingly seek the truth or does the truth come to seek us?

  14. I love your powerfull words of promise and freedom here Sarah. “Time to reveal everything. Show me it all. I want truth so I can make up my own mind about my life, my world and the inner light I know shines brightly – equally in me as it does in everyone.” Honestly, when I read this I squirmed in my seat. Not that I have not asked for this before, because I am sure I have, but gee whiz it is great to give this energy again (and again). Thank you

  15. It is not just standing up against the obvious ill of society but also the standing for a healthy way of living that is lost in society. Humanities illness and disease is sky rocketing yet no one is saying anything. No one is even truly pulling us to account and asking if there is another way to live that does not make us sick. Well not quite no one. There is Serge Benhayon and all those he has inspired who are standing up and questioning human life on a deeper level and asking us all if there is something we are arrogantly ignoring as a collective race.

  16. It is disturbing that the media make up and publish lies about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine when there are real issues in society we all need to be aware of. It’s incredibly irresponsible on so many different levels for journalists and the media to not publish the truth.

  17. The winds of truth lay all before them bare in what they truly are and show us what it is we’ve been allowing. The question for us all is how willing are we to see truth, do we embrace it or wait for it to come to us, for truth can never be denied, it always comes out.

  18. Precisely and widely shared, it is truth that starts breaking the ill momentum that we are in. It takes each one to become honest in all areas of our lives and take the comfort out by our own free will. Our willingness to be more, more truth.

  19. I wonder what the world would be like if journalists should under-take a test to gain a licence that ensures they commitment to the Truth. Perhaps then our news would inspire us out of this mess, rather than cement us further into it.

    1. I love and fully endorse such a suggestion Meg. It ought not be a need for any of us to take a test that measures our integrity and commitment to living with love and truth in dedication to the well-being and evolution of the whole.
      Yet – whilst we clearly still have so many people living a life of protection, comfort and separation, such a test would be useful, nay necessary, to ensure we have what can ‘inspire us out of this mess, rather than cement us further into it’.
      The Code of Ethics and Conduct used by the EPA (www.epa-international.com/code-of-ethics) is an outstanding example of a confirmation of the standard we could all be choosing to live in whatever line of work or life we are.

  20. The state of humanity does show very clearly where are truly at. The truth is that true change is only in our own hands and never can we blame someone else for it.

    1. Yes and the longer we do blame someone else the worse it will continue to get. We have got ourselves in this mess and we will need to stop digging the hole so we can get out of the mess.

  21. Serge Benhayon was the first person I’ve met that I didn’t feel one bit of pretense with or making something up or trying to sound good or wanting to impress… he has just always been the epitome of honesty, truth and love.

  22. Truth is not relative – in harmony expressions are all coming for the one standpoint – energetic truth.

  23. When truth is spoken, many people squirm and we have to be ok with whatever level of discomfort and even confrontation this brings. It is the not backing away that matters, not the focus on outcomes or being right.

  24. Very powerful indeed we are made of heavenly prototons and cells that are consistently , to their best ability, working in harmony.. So where are we and where is our responsibility living equaly from this quality and source? What happens if we do so? Would this arise us to a deeper form of truth ? Without the right or wrong? Would this not bring us closer to harmony and brotherhood? Connected to all else. Would this not put in place where life is about and let stand out that which it is not about (yet have made it about so): individuality. So we live the opposite aim globally, whilst it is for us to re-unite to the love we are all from – eventually all together.

  25. A great reminder that we are individually responsible for the whole of humanity, and just because something isn’t on our doorstep doesn’t mean that we are not responsible, or able to make a difference, as every step we take has the ability to change the world.

  26. I feel that more and more people are seeing through the way the media works and are saying no to it. There is a true opportunity for change here, because as more people choose not to buy into it, there will be less demand and our media will have to change accordingly. The media are powerful – but not more powerful than those who pay for their services. The choice lays with us, who put our hands in our pockets and fund such things. If we want more truth in our media expression, then we have to ‘vote with our feet – or our pounds and dollars’.

    1. Spot on Richard. I love what you have flagged.

      For too long have the majority of us waited for a handful of people who for whatever reason have decided to be in the limelight lead the way and we have been content to stand in the shadows and express our disgruntlement and leave it at that.

      But more and more I am waking up to the fact that it is up to every single one of us to build the quality of life we wish for in our own lives, and from that foundation naturally ignite a change in the world in which we are an indisputable part.

  27. I was going to write – ‘how amazing it would be to have a world leader who has this kind of understanding of life’ – but then I felt the truth is – ‘how amazing it would be if we all embraced this kind of understanding – and became those leaders ourselves – each and every one of us’. Thank you Sarah.

  28. I feel like I am ready to fly the truth flag after this article, you really remind us that the concealing and barstardistion of truth is age old and that standing up for truth is the only way of letting go of fear. The truth is only hard to hear when we are unwilling to listen and I think we have all experienced times when we don’t want to hear the truth through fear of feeling hurt. The ironic thing is that it hurts much more to live a lie.

    1. Yes it does, much more and it takes a smidgen of honesty to self-reflect enough to see how much kinder it would be on ourselves to live with honesty and change the patterns of the past that meant we chose everything other than truth.

  29. True. Beautiful. I like it because it is simple, honest and reaching the depth of truth that is actually our awareness of reality once we open up. A powerful sight has been captured in this blog.

  30. “because it doesn’t affect them.” The truth is that everything we do affects everyone else and everything everyone else does affects us so we have a collective responsibility to make more loving choices as a whole community as part of humanity.

    1. Absolutely Mary, we think we get away with telling white lies or even big lies, but we have no idea how big the repercussions are and how many people they effect.

  31. Brilliantly said Sarah. We as a society are generally not willing to look at the responsibility we hold in the way we live, or even to consider that the way we live is what is shaping our world. Sadly, you are spot on in saying the ‘we are not living a life with much truth at all’. We only need to look around with open eyes to see that the world is in turmoil, our state of health and well-being in worsening, there is more abuse in our lives and amongst each other, and our young people are struggling to cope living in our current climate. The absence of living with truth and love in our lives is taking its toll and it is high time that we started to consider what our role is in the way the world currently is, and consider the degree of truth and love we are standing for in our lives.

  32. Honesty, let alone absolute honesty and truth, can be extremely confronting, but if we don’t welcome them into our lives and do our best to be honest with ourselves at the very least, the rot that pervades the way we live will only be magnified and get more extreme degrading and inhumane.

  33. “Real, honest, heartfelt truth exposes the foul stench of our world; the world we have created, and most people don’t want to see that. ” absolutely, true people don’t want to see what they have created, as when they stop to see they have to take responsibility,

  34. When you don’t take the time to get the full story or the whole picture then you are left with a part and then that part can’t be the whole truth. A lot of people have long said that you can’t trust the mainstream media at this point and also saying things like “don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story”. More and more in my life I am also taking my time and make sure I’m listening and allowing my self to see the whole picture, this way leading what I also want to see in the world. This isn’t a perfect picture but a dedication to seeing the truth more and more.

  35. Truth goes hand in hand with absoluteness. Who wants to know that their comfortable parts of their life they they wish to hide from others are also there with them in their other parts of their life. Every choice we make defines the quality we will live and bring to another.

    1. Joshua, everything is connected, truth goes hand in hand with absoluteness. You cannot hide one part and think it will not effect the other. Everything flows into another so every choice is about truth.

  36. What you present is true Sarah – we have a very flexible relationship with truth on all sorts of levels and how that ‘flexible approach’ plays out in our lives is a great thing to explore. Actually, it requires a great deal of honesty first.

  37. We have to bring up that which is false in our lives – by seeing the comforts, and have the willingness to let go – let go of that which does not belong to truth – comforts as such.

  38. I am so pleased I found this again today. We can slip so easily back into the ‘it’s not in my backyard’ mentality and actually find ourselves feeding the problem by our own abdication of responsibility.

  39. The world is in a terrible state and those who remain silent contribute to the mess with their apathy and lack of truth, ‘Real, honest, heartfelt truth exposes the foul stench of our world; the world we have created, and most people don’t want to see that.’ Time to expose the rot and start being honest.

  40. So true what you share here Sarah, and yes the world, our existence, is a big mess at present, ‘Our current existence is a myriad of lies, deception, illness, disease, corruption, manipulation and control… that is out of control.’ Time for truth with everything.

  41. Life offers a choice: building our little nest and structure our lives pretty much around it and desire either to be left alone, to be compared to others, etc. or live a life and a way of movement that inspire others. The way we relate to truth in both scenarios is pretty different. In the first scenario, truth may not be ‘necessary’. Yet, in the second one, it is foundational.

  42. Sensational blog – bringing it to ya!
    “I want truth so I can make up my own mind about my life, my world and the inner light I know shines brightly – equally in me as it does in everyone.” There is something about hearing truth and actual fact. Why would you not want to know it and feel it again. There is no time like the present to expose the lies we live in and reclaim back who we are and how we need to live. “The truth is OK. It’s time we started to really see what is truly going on.”

  43. It is indeed time to be inspired by truth, so that we start to recognize it’s resonance, and are no longer led into deeper and deeper disconnection by dis-information

  44. Truth is the most delicious thing to feel in the body. It is empowering and very freeing, offering healing and greater perception of life. Yet truth also asks for more responsibility and this is the factor so many of us run from

  45. ‘Time to be inspired, as they were, by the call from humanity to stand up and express truth.’ Well-said and very true Sarah, humanity is ready to hear the truth even if some of the Media and individuals are doing everything to reduce and hide the truth.

  46. `gorgeous, it is our truth that brings us back forth, and by all means, we have the capacity to work from this truth together, and hence there is no worry or issue at play. This togetherness will truly save man forth. No lack of truth or delay serves. Only that what is opposite.

  47. The real truth is certainly challenging. But how will the way our world actually is and how people behave evolve unless this truth is spoken, shared and lived? Until we as individuals accept that every time we express in, for example, anger, that we are contributing to an energy that is being accessed by many to cause great harm, hurt, humiliation etc to another, then there is no call to being responsible for our own individual behavior. It is this call to responsibility that will bring great changes to how we as humans interact in our world and with each other.

    1. Very true Leigh. What is interesting to me though is that even though the truth has been uncomfortable to hear at times and yes confronting, after I hear it or are reminded my whole body knows it to be true and it can’t be denied. I feel more space within everytime an untruth is revealed.

  48. ‘Real, honest, heartfelt truth exposes the foul stench of our world; the world we have created’
    Yes indeed Sarah, bring on a change that is so desparately needed. Let us take individual and collective responsibility to change the culture of dumbing down and avoiding the truth, thus creating a truthful way of being and living in the world.

  49. When we can smell corruption we say we want the truth. I used to think truth was a kind of story that adds up right, makes sense of everything, something that I can hear, read or study – something that was separate from me. But truth inevitably exposes life that has not truth-fully lived, and calls for responsibility – for it to be again reignited as the very fabric of life we all share in our co-existence. There’s enormous joy to be had, and it needs every one of us all to be a part.

    1. Thank you Fumiyo for the expansion of what Truth is about: “But truth inevitably exposes life that has not truth-fully lived, and calls for responsibility”. It is not enough to just nod our agreement. The exposing is a prompt for us to reflect on and refine how we are actually living and contributing to the whole.

  50. Truth is innate within us all and we cannot escape it. We might be able to distract ourselves temporarily but the truth doesn’t go away – we will have to face it one day. How much more suffering do we need before we choose to see it for ourselves?

    1. Absolutely truth is within us all, there is no escaping, we can delay for a short period, but eventually the truth will come up.

  51. The world is indeed in an ugly state and those who remain silent only perpetuate the rot through their ignorance or apathy. The more the truth is exposed, the less people can hide from the responsibility we all possess to stand up and say enough. Thank God for those throughout time who speak out against what is not true and give us a chance to become change the path we are on for the good of all.

  52. ‘Real, honest, heartfelt truth exposes the foul stench of our world; the world we have created,’ and it is time we all collectively addressed this fact and stopped putting our heads in the sands about it.

  53. I often find when people express the truth – using the car analogy – it prompts me to see what is until then a blind spot. Just like when I am in the car this sudden revelation may be a surprise and feel uncomfortable, but it is really valuable and I appreciate it enormously. On the other hand I neither appreciate nor welcome the misleading information and lies pedaled by the media and other invested parties – that to me, is like having my car windscreen and wing mirrors deliberately smeared so that I am unable to see clearly. Bring on the truth and show the lies for what they are I say.

  54. Hearing Truth presented does indeed rock our comfortable little existence, but I for one would much rather feel and see Truth than continue in the rotten stench of my own comfort.

  55. My life certainly fitted the picture you are drawing here Sarah, just going with the convenient truth and keeping a blind eye on everything that was uncomfortable. It is only through Universal Medicine and the continuous inspiration by Serge Benhayon that I have found the willingness in me to take on the responsibility and face what is amiss in this world and take the action that is needed from my side.

  56. The denial of truth is the opening for evil to enter.
    Perfect blog on the actual willingness to live truth and doing it so, or only do so when it suits our needs. Very recognisable, yet something I can change today. It is time for more responsibility and taking action. Are we ready?

  57. Great blog and so much truth you share. It is time we all stood up and spoke our truth and not hide any fear or worry. Speaking our truth gives us our strength to expressing fully.

  58. Truth is only uncomfortable if it is not lived, for it reveals the lie that has been lived in its place.

  59. Thank you Sarah for an inspiring blog, I have found it difficult in the past to speak my truth preferring to remain in the comfort of not creating waves, I am at present needing to speak some uncomfortable truths to a friend and your blog has encouraged me to not hold back from expressing.

  60. Sarah thank you for your truthful blog. It is really time to expose the rot around our media and Journalism. To allow ourselves to feel the responsibility each of us have is very powerful as it can change the world or, at the least, journalism.

  61. While we are happy to lie to ourselves personally, we will not choose to see the mess we have created around us or in the world. I used to avoid those that spoke truth, might have been a friend, teacher, family member or stranger because ti was too confronting… but in the end my body always knew it was truth and after the initial reaction I would not deny it.

    1. Oh yes, our body does not deny truth. In fact I have come to relaise that the tension I get when I am in any situation, and the reaction I might have is not necessarily even about the surface picture of what is in front of me, but it is often showing me that so far I have been resisiting a deeper awareness of a truth that the situation is prompting a connection to!
      In that moment I can choose to blame what is in front of me and find reasons to justify my choice, or I can reflect on what truth and understanding is coming to the surface from deep within me.

  62. It is wonderful that there are so many comments from people who deeply care about having the Truth reflected even when it is showing the mess we are in as the starting point. We have a growing trend of legal people pushing for business by finding ways of blaming and suing others for incidents and people giving evidence in court need to swear that they will only tell the Truth. These two trends alone are quite telling about the relationship we actually have as a society with Truth, integrity, responsibility and trusting one another. Yet the comments here show a different trend and the more each of us commits to living these qualities, the sooner the tide will change.

  63. When a witness is sworn in before giving evidence in court they say “I swear by Almighty God (or the person may name a god recognised by his or her religion) that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” If only we all lived the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth each and every day.

  64. The thing is that people have forgotten what truth feels like, what it sounds like, it has become an unknown , with many ersatz offering around, but when one actually hears truth , it becomes possible to recognize its resonance.

    1. Chris thats a great point, I certainly was one of those people that was lost in lie to lie without truth in sight, I had completely forgotten what it felt like. Yet as hard as it can be to accept the truth, when we finally are presented by someone that lives truth we can all feel it.

  65. It’s true – the world as it is today and what we are living with is of our own creation. We can’t rely on someone else to fix it – we each have to take responsibility for the part we have and are playing in contributing to the problem.

  66. A strong blog Sarah and one that is needed now more than ever. Things are getting worse not better. The vendetta against Serge Benhayon continues and many of us stop ourselves from fulfilling our potential because of fear and doubt. We cannot indulge in such things if we truly want to live the change we want to see.

  67. It’s four years since you wrote this Sarah and unfortunately not a lot has changed, but in saying that there is a ground swell of truth speakers, like yourself, who are committed to changing the face of journalism as well as many other areas of the life that we accept as normal. And why do people run from truth – “they run from it because it rocks their safe little world” and they can’t comprehend what life would be like if they chose to be rocked? I for one know that having the world as I knew it rocked, lovingly so, by Serge Benhayon, was the biggest and best wakeup call I have ever had.

  68. Ready for some real truth – I think the whole world is screaming for help. So truth sounds like a good start if the whole world seems to be covered up in lies. And absolute curruption were media is an element, but surely there are so many more elements that contain lies and absolute curruption (where we did not wanted to know about). So it is our job to stop – see and discover the truth… most important to stand and take the courage to not walk away – even if it disturbs our comfortables ways. Let’s start today. I will.

  69. Yes bring it on. I would much rather have truth and make up my own mind than have some hideous reinterpretation with someone else’s agenda. It is completely my responsibility to call for truth and walk the talk to the best of my ability.

  70. Thank you Sarah for adding your voice loud and clear to a call for truth and integrity in our disharmonious world. Serge Benhayon is inspiring many to stand up for the whole truth of how we create our own woes and that there is another way to live, The Way of The Livingness.

  71. Truth whether in word, in physical expression or simply in the manner of living, shines light on all the aspects of our life that is lacking that quality and inspires responsibility to turn things round. This article is a great example of true journalism – one of the quality, love and deep care for humanity.

  72. It is always revealing to read an article written by a journalist about a subject you know well. The article looks as authoritative and impressive and convincing as any other journalist-written article but you suddenly notice that it is usually riddled with errors.

  73. “Real, honest, heartfelt truth exposes the foul stench of our world; the world we have created, and most people don’t want to see that. They don’t want the rot uncovered because it exposes that they really, truly, deep down don’t want to be even remotely honest about their own life.” So true Sarah and currently more and more dishonesty and corruption is being exposed. Yet we all have to look within and uncover where we are not being honest with ourselves; as you say; ‘the world we have created’. We can’t blame A.N.other for that.

  74. Thank you Sarah for your call for truth and in calling out how the veil of illusion we live under is not serving us and to defend it is ridiculous. The number of anxious faces you see on a day to day basis has only increased since the writing of your blog and your message is even more relevant.

  75. People do seem to prefer a life of comfort to one of full understanding that comes from truth. It’s a false economy because we all have to confront what we seek to avoid at some point, either collectively or individually. Truth can hurt and be raw but it is undeniable in its absoluteness and gives us the gift of clarity in making our next move, our very own next choice.

  76. People desperately need to hear truth being spoken and written, because we have forgotten that truth itself has a resonance that is unmistakable, and humanity needs to be able to recognise and feel this again.

  77. What I have found is that when action is taken, without a commitment to truth and unless we have at least been honest about what we observe around us and within ourself, we can not access the wisdom required. The changes become as if merely shuffling the furniture and we will create the same old mess again and again.

  78. ‘l want truth so I can make up my own mind about my life.’ I am totally with you here!! The way the media deliberately withhold and twist the truth denies so many millions of people the right to know what’s truly going on. At least if we are presented with the truth then we have a choice with what we do next.

    1. Great point felixshumacher8. This shows how people do not often even want to connect with the truth of the situation and how they are feeling, we as a global race must spend an enormous amount of time running from truth!

  79. Thank you for calling out the rot which lies beneath the sugar coating we conveniently place over the truth to make life more palatable. Without responsibility for truth we are living a lie, in denial of our relationship with the whole of life and existing in a self-made bubble that will inevitably burst, exposing the puss that has been inside all along.

    1. I love the graphic descriptions Cathy. “Sugar coating” and hiding “the pus” expresses well the actual awfulness of the level of responsibility we are choosing to live. It doesn’t matter how palatable we make it, if we are going against our true nature it will still make us sick.

  80. One day the media will begin to tell the truth but by then how many people’s lives will be ruined by the damaging lies they continue to print in order to improve their career and sell newspapers. Exposing the media and the corruption within it is a responsibility we all need to take on as a community, the time has come for us all to challenge their motives and to ask for the truth to be printed.

    1. Yes Anna, indeed the time has come. And many are now becoming aware that responsibility is not the domain of the few but of each of us equally and are challenging the lack of truth and integrity in media.

  81. It is crazy with a capital “C” and an exclamation mark that we are constantly creating our own lies that we get hurt back by. Creating our own perceptions, our own understandings and our own cushions of part-truths that feed the situations with have created by not empowering us with the Whole Truth. The fact is though that we ALL suffer because of this and it is to all our great detriment that this is the accepted norm

  82. For me I feel that the reason why we do not choose truth as a society is because of the responsibility that this brings. There are many who would happily look at truth if it did not reveal all that is not truth in them. Learning to know and live from truth involves taking responsibility for the ways of living that we have chosen which are not in accordance to this. This is not hard when we live from a foundation of loving and self-supporting choices but can be affronting to those who have yet to know this as the way to return to a truthful way of living and being.

  83. Truth can be very confronting but if we can manage to stay open and really notice what is going on in both the micro to the macro world, then so there is much possibility for change to occur. Instead, we humans are generally choosing to duck for cover if anything even remotely arises that seems likely to disturb our comfort zone. No wonder the media gets away with as much biased, sloppy journalism as it does! Thank fully there are some role models in the world who are prepared to stand up and dare to live honest lives – which leaves a wonderful footprint for others to observe and consider in terms of their own lives.

    1. ‘Purpose’ seems to be the clinching factor between whether I seek truth or not. When I have a purpose that requires me to grow and develop, then I welcome any guidance and support along the way and this includes feedback that I like and feedback that I do not particularly like, because knowing the facts about what is happening is absolutely vital. If I want to stay comfortable on the other hand, I do not appreciate those truths that let me know of the icky bits that need attention. So the question is what is our purpose? Is it to stay comfortable and foster the mentality “I’m alright Jack so forget about everyone else?” or is it to serve humanity with all that we are and make sure we all evolve together as the one brotherhood that in truth we are?

  84. it just highlights to me how much as a society we don’t choose truth as our leading way of life. We prefer to stay silent, contracted and follow what patterns have been already laid out for us, by the many avenues in which we call ‘life’ today. Over all, there has been societies in the past with a grand significance on living in cycles, living in brotherhood, and living with the connection to the divine. This isn’t lived today and we have another pattern at present that has been there throughout history, those who want it “their way”, ” the way that people follow and the seeming unawareness of existing. Universal Medicine is presenting a different way, one where feelings are honoured, people are cherished and purpose is lived, because it is from the divine we all come from.

  85. The media should reflect where we are at as a society, understandably we, as a society, do not want to know how awful things really are. But if we are ever to get real about our situation we need to address all the bad and the good and not sweep it under the carpet.

    1. Spot on Luke. Recently I read an article that was saying how the tabloids are deliberately avoiding going into any unpleasant and uncomfortable issues, firstly because the public don’t seem to not like such news and news bearer, and also because of a concern about being accused – like others have – of making money out of misfortune. Both of these points themselves are facts that are worth contemplating – they show the way we choose to live tends to be with our head in the sand and get outraged if someone dares to announce the truth. But how will we ever be able to bring around what is not working if we are not prepared to look at the actual facts long enough?

      1. YES and YES.
        Two phrases come to mind:
        1. Don’t shoot the messenger
        2. Freedom of the Press

        Two points that are very relevant in your above comment.

        1. as a society we shouldn’t have our heads in the sand and avoid the unpleasant truth. If this mentality didn’t exist maybe journalists would be more willing to step forward with hard hitting articles that go at the heart of the matter to really stimulate lasting change.

        2. Freedom of the press has given the right to print ANYTHING. Whether it be news worthy or not or even news to begin with. In some respects our news standards have become about drama, shock factor and feel good stories.

        There is more to journalism then this. Let’s live on the sharp side of the letter opener.

  86. Love it Sarah. Agree wholeheartedly with everything you have written. We cannot move forward as a race of people until we are fully honest about how humanity is living and how we are personally living. See the truth for what it is.

      1. So true Meg; and knowing not to feel it is too big a job, to know true change is possible by our expression. Not to leave it to others, because if we all felt like that, then nothing would change, but if we all expressed something, then we are all one huge voice and everything can change.

      2. That’s an amazing point, I know in the past I have definitely felt that just in myself was not the power to change anything, it was like a massive giving up. However the truth is that every word, every movement can change so much more than we realise.

      3. Yes Meg. I can remember as a child observing adults ‘complaining’ about how things are – it always struck me and stood out for me and left me feeling confused and deep down disappointed. Now I understand it – it is giving up – the moaning and complaining simply perpetuates the issue. If everyone took action or responsibility for what it was they were complaining about, things would change pretty quickly.

      4. Wow – I remember that feeling as a child too, the fact that many adults simply do not enjoy life and are very verbal about this fact! It was simply a lack of responsibility and a lack of commitment to truly change things and really bring their A-game to the situation.

      5. I have also noticed this trend of “many adults simply do not enjoy life and are very verbal about this fact” during my childhood and ever since! In fact whenever the innocent childlike part of me shares enthusiasm about anything a tsunami of deflating comments descend. I recall the shock of this when I was so excited about my first job and I see it every day in the office. This also is reflected in our media, those responsible for publishing the articles. As this post so clearly says, the first step out of the mess is to actually see and own up to the mess.

      6. I agree, the torrent of negativity starts so young, but continues well into our adult lives. I notice even now if I say I love work there are raised eyebrows. Yet I can’t help feeling the way we approach life is so vital for every aspect of our health and well-being.

  87. The thing about truth is, that it has a resonance… a quality, a tone, a recognisable voice signature so to speak… It’s just that people have forgotten what this feels like, so it really does behove those of us who choose to strip back the illusion within and without, and know ourselves so deeply that this resonance is there within us, to speak out, so that at least of those around us have a marker for what truth actually sounds like.

    1. I love what you have expressed cjames2012. A great reminder of the responsibility we all have when we can deeply feel the truth to express it with the love and inclusiveness that is its inherent nature. And to understand that it may take some time for everyone to remember and recognise truth’s resonance, for all of us to return to knowing the truth deep within us, and for humanity to reach a point where the seduction of ideals, beliefs and false promises hold us captive no more.

  88. I have noticed that how with every expression of truth, the normal-ness of living a life of Love, Integrity and Responsibility increases and acceptance of what is love-less diminishes. These blogs and comments are a true blessing to humanity.

  89. A great call to stand up for Truth and for taking it to another level. I agree it’s well overdue. Many people don’t want to hear truth simply because they don’t want to be forced out of their self-made, illusory comfort and protection – in whatever form they’ve created it. Because then who would they be without it? We have so much invested in our own status quo. Every man for himself. But we all share the same air, the same planet and everything does indeed affect everything on some level, so we can safely say that our collective ills, left to run amok, are impacting us through the society and culture we’re a part of, regardless of whether we like to acknowledge it or not. With truth comes the freedom to exert our free will – whether to choose differently, or the same.

  90. Sarah, you have really nailed truth and the lack of it in the world. It is time for all of us to stand up and be the truth that we know without holding back. As you say many have stood up for truth in the past and Serge Benhayon is doing this right now. Truth is not necessarily a concensus but something that each individual knows in their body and this is what we need to be sharing and living each day. No holding back!

  91. ‘I want truth so I can make up my own mind about my life, my world and the inner light I know shines brightly – equally in me as it does in everyone.’ Well said Sarah and thank you for your clarion call for Truth – it is much needed.

  92. One thing I’ve realised is the truth isn’t popular so if you speak first with an expectation you are going to be liked or not liked for what you express then you are a goner because ultimately you will have made an adjustment to truth being expressed clearly and directly. You need to understand what your target really is and not attack a single soul in the delivery whilst honouring and respecting a persons choices. Not an ounce of arrogance can be in the mix. There are very few people in this world that have been able to do this, some of whom are mentioned in this article, and they weren’t popular in their time. A call to wake humanity up from it’s slumber is very seldom well received (who in this world likes to be woken up when they are sound asleep?) but those that have done this have done this for all of humanity and never for themselves. Serge Benhayon is one such man and there are more to come!

  93. Thank you Serge Benhayon, for standing up for truth, your living truth has inspired many more of us to start speaking the truth. As all of stand up, the ripple affect will be felt by others. It is up to us all to no longer hide behind the lies and see the truth for what it is and share the truth with the rest of the world. Humanity has been sleeping and hiding behind lies for too long, it’s time to wake up and make a change.

    1. Well said Amita. Serge Benhayon is indeed a great example for the profound impact one person can have when they live a life of deepest love and integrity and consistently stand for the Truth they are actually living, delivering that Truth whilst holding everyone in absolute love and equality, without any judgment, agenda or expectations. Thousands can be inspired to also turn their lives around, live that level of love and integrity and express the truth that they too are living in the world.

  94. Thank you Sarah. Its so true that the majority just want to cower and hide from the truth with all forms of distraction, but why? This hurts so much and we end up living an empty life of existence. The truth can be hard to face because we arrogantly want to champion the life we have subscribed to and to admit their may be another way that is actually a true way of being for us all can be humbling to face but yes it is time, lets not prolong the agony any longer.

  95. This is phenomenal, i love how you just say it and not hold back on speaking about the truth. We are in this world, where we seem to be best in hiding and ignorance and denial, but not so good at speaking truth. No problem, as we can change that, it is that simple. We are born to speak the truth, we all love the truth in fact. It is time to get out of our comfortzone, no limits , just free the truth and wisdom- we all have inside.

  96. Could this be the one? Pythagoras, Galileo, Imhotep, Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill offered the world a different way to be and live in truth. Were we just not ready to accept who we all truly are at those past times? I feel in my heart that it is time to stand up, speak and live the truth that lies within us all. Let the revolution of truth begain.

    1. Absolutely Sarah and Steve. Real truth is not a convenient truth, which only suits you or another’s personal agenda. Let’s all face the fact that even honesty is not bringing the truth; life is about ‘brotherhood’ or ‘community’, which is a one unifying ‘Truth’! Viva the revolution!

  97. “Aren’t there other things to write about?” Well said, Sarah. These ‘journalists’ could be reporting the beautiful truth about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, rather than ugly lies and propaganda.

  98. When we live life with love, we are able to see the extent or depth to which love is not being lived. Living love therefore brings vision, and becomes a barometer of what we have in relation to what else it out there. And so, if we choose to not live love, speak up for truth, then it just becomes a convenient way to not respond to something – because we cannot see, and in blind ignorance abdicate from taking responsibility. Living love – is living responsibly.

  99. I love your power and authority you write with Sarah – very inspiring. Yes absolutely it is time to bring the truth on.

  100. Powerful words, Sarah. Thank you. “The world we have created” – indeed, we are responsible for what we have in our body, in our relationships, in our society, and ignoring it can only take us so far – it will inevitably bring us right back until we are ready to see it in full.

  101. I have seen many a time how people are inspired by those who say it like it is, and yet they do not live like that themselves. Why are we so afraid of living the truth? Why do we hold back? Who are we scared of offending and therefore what are our investments? These are pretty real questions to ask, but ones that journalists should be asking themselves every time they put pen to paper. I too want to see the whole truth, all of the time, so I can make my own choices. For me that is absolute support.

  102. The truth expose’s the apathy, security and comfort that I, and the majority of people live in, a life that says: If it doesn’t affect me directly then I don’t want to know. But is this really true, as we are all one family on this planet and deeply connected.

  103. I have observed that all of us are proud of and protective of our ‘Free Choice’. In that case all of us ought to be just as passionate about Truth – just as in this article. Because without Truth can’t have Free Choice. Truth offers us a clarity where we see both sides and we can actually make a choice, but lies and half-truths leave us with the impression that there is only that one view – they are a trap that leave us without a choice whilst thinking we do have one.

  104. Beautifully expressed Sarah and oh so true. The truth can hurt but that does not mean it should be avoided or hidden for truth is the foundation of all that we are and have in this world…and all that we can be. Awesome blog.

  105. It seems that telling the truth begins with ourselves and how we are with others. As you say Sarah most people, even though they crave honesty and truth are unable to walk it. I realised the importance of this for myself today and how when we begin this for ourselves, how it opens our relationships with others.

  106. This might have been written in 2012 but is still so equally relevant today in 2015 – hear hear! Lets hear the truth, see the truth, feel the truth rather than this sensationalistic rubbish that is force-fed to society. I stand with you Sarah, and many others, to say “enough”!

    1. I could not agree more, “Lets hear the truth, see the truth, feel the truth”, then when we do this we are open to the truth and so open to what it has to offer us rather than fighting the truth that is being presented to us.

  107. It is indeed time that we had more powerful honest conversations about the rot that is around us, as you say: “The anxiousness on the hundreds of faces I see in Central London every day is testament to the fact that we are not living a life with much truth at all.” We do not have to look very far or very hard to see the signs everywhere. The fact that journalists can overlook such travesty in human life and instead attack Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who are shining beacons for turning all of this round is astonishing, and sadly yet another sign of the rot we are in. Thank you Sarah Cloutier for your article reminding us that the first step is always acknowledging the Truth.

  108. Thank you Sarah for sharing what truth will always be. We are just the beginning of those that have enough of the lies presented in journalism that is no more than mutton presented as lamb.

  109. Thank you Sarah. “Show me it all. I want truth so I can make up my own mind about my life, my world and the inner light I know shines brightly – equally in me as it does in everyone. ” These lines resonate with me deeply. I feel it is time to take of the veil of the world and see what is truly going on, from there we will know how to change the situation. By covering up the ills and also the ways of how to feel amazing, we will not be able to truly change – even though change is needed very much.

  110. Truth is often not recognised immediately after it is spoken, for it gets drowned out by the reaction of those who are exposed by what is said. Often, it is not until we get time to look back – sometimes years or even a generation later – before we get to truly appreciate what was being delivered at the time.

  111. Awesome blog Sarah, I can feel your strength in this blog and your dedication to the truth being spoken which is so needed in this world. Every voice will count and there is no holding in what you know is true! Go Sarah!

  112. Powerhouse Sarah it is an absolute joy to read your truthful blog. I believe you Sarah that you know that it’s uncomfortable and challenging to tell, write and live the Truth because so do I. Therefore it is of each of us to show the world that it is worth it to choose the Truth in every second of our lives.

  113. Sarah, a most inspiring article to kick my day off with. As time passes, I am more able to see where I have elected comfort and my emotions rather than confront the truth. As this becomes clearer to me, I am able to identify the same in the world around me. It is time for change on a wide scale.

  114. Way to lay it out and tell it how it is girlfriend! I’m with you… bring it on indeed, the time is now.

  115. Sarah, you are speaking absolute truth here and I love it. People need to rock each others boat to change the world, no comfort zone in holding back what is truly going on!

    1. Spot on Steffihenn. The most profound and celebration worthy changes I have made in my life have been due to someone loving me enough to rock my boat. I am so very grateful for this level of love and deep honouring.

  116. Truth cuts straight to the heart Sarah as you have shown here. It is true what you say. People don’t really want the Truth because the level of responsibility required from there on is too high for many. Most have created their world for a reason and do not actually want anything (especially Truth) to start to change that.

  117. What a powerful blog Sarah exposing the lies that have been written about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. There are many people out there in the world thinking that they are doing OK, that life is fine just how it is (believe me I was one of them), whilst there is an increase in illness and disease, people are suffering not just physically but mentally, whilst there is ongoing war. So if we look at the big picture, as a society are we ‘really’ doing OK? What if we came to realise that what we think is OK isn’t enough, that there is more, so much more to life? This is what the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom share with us. That if we stop looking outside of ourselves for solutions, there is so much more and this can be accessed from deep inside of ourselves. Why has this been made into such a big story to sell newspapers? Really, when you think about it, what Universal Medicine presents is just common sense.

  118. “Our current existence is a myriad of lies, deception, illness, disease, corruption, manipulation and control… that is out of control. The anxiousness on the hundreds of faces I see in Central London every day is testament to the fact that we are not living a life with much truth at all.” So very true Sarah you are right the reporters and journalist who write the lies about Serge Benhayon are scared of the truth, truth exposes hurt and this is something that many will go out of the way to defend burying deeper and deeper into their own illusion.

  119. Awesome claim Sarah and totally up-to-date as, even though written 2 years ago, journalism is still fabricating the same lies. Regarding the lies nothing has changed, but if we look at the Truth we can see evolution and changes occurring, people care more for themselves and others, build more loving relationships and stand up for truth even though they are not affected directly, but the understanding of how we all impact on each other is growing and that will one day be the end of all those lies.

    1. What you say is great Rachel. This shows that despite of the false and irresponsible dissemination of information, individuals are ready for, calling for and choosing more love. It shows even more the responsibility which our media brothers and sisters hold and need to honour – to provide a supportive service to humanity through responsible, well-researched, truthful reporting.

  120. Thank you Sarah – what you wrote in this blog in 2012 is still so very relevant today! I agree with you that it is about living and speaking things as they are and not hiding or pretending that things are ok. We also need to trust in ourselves that we have the inner strength and the natural capacity to handle things as we allow ourselves to see them for how they really are – the more we give ourselves permission to feel and see how wrong things are in our world, the more we gain back the inner strength to speak up about it and begin to change the world, together.

  121. Yeah Sarah, so true, we don’t want to see the rot and not only that, we don’t want to see that we are all responsible for the state we are in as humanity today. It’s too easy to say: oh but this is not happening to me or in my garden, so I can just walk by. No, that’s not how it works. It is happening to us and in our garden and it is up to ALL of us as to what our next choices are.

  122. Thank you for writing and sharing this powerful piece Sarah. It is indeed time for us to take our heads out of the sand, and stand up for Truth.

  123. You are right Sarah, Most people do not want to see the extent of the rot we are in as a society and the bad behavior happening under our noses we ignore and thus condone. And when genuine world leaders bring truth and healing to humanity it is reported on with “rubbish innuendo and lies that perpetuate the stench. Enough!”

  124. Bring it on indeed Sarah. It’s high time we stop turning a blind eye to what is really going on in our world and start speaking up for truth — a truth we all deep down know.

  125. Thank you Sarah for bringing true truth to the table. I absolutely agree, we as a society do complain a lot about what others are doing and can be quick to judge, but when it comes to take a closer look at our own way of life we tend to turn a blind eye and prefer to stay in the comfort of a convenient truth. It is high time that we all stood up for truth, not only once or twice or when it conveniently suits us but for all time.

  126. Hi Sarah, it is true that most of us find it unpalatable to look the rot and stench in the face. What is interesting is that we are also very often confronted by our own glory, joy and divinity. There are many, many ways we avoid truth!

    1. Nicola, a great truth, that our own glory, joy and divinity can also be confronting…and, bring it on indeed Sarah, great truth in what you write.

    2. Nicola, it is so interesting how we can run from truth, even when it is divine.

    3. Yes most of us tend to avoid Truth like the plague. We do not like to be reminded of the rot we are choosing to live in and we do not like to be reminded of the glory, joy and divinity that is our true essence. All because we want to shirk the Responsibility that Truth always lovingly brings.

      1. I agree Golnaz many people irresponsibly avoid the Truth. Often because it hurts to see ourselves or others being less than love. However, nothing hurts more than avoiding the truth and true responsibility can actually be something very joyful and liberating.

  127. So true. People want a “so called” truth that doesn’t ask of them to take any responsibility such as the “truth” that wine is good for you. This is only one example of the millions of untruths being presented as truth. Thank you to Serge Benhayon for presenting the energetic truth which allows us to feel what is true in our bodies. This is the good news story that needs to be told.

    1. Yes we are being fed many untruths dressed up as truth because it is convenient for people who don’t want to change their habits. This is why Truth speakers like Serge Benhayon are so confronting for so many people but he and Truth will not be stopped and humanity will eventually listen.

  128. Thank you Sarah, very true, truth is hard for us if we don’t want to change anything, if we have a vested interested in things staying the same. But hello, we absolutely have to start being honest and changing, the trajectory for mental and physical health is struggling, it is breaking the medical system. This is the story for the press if they are interested…how our choices can change the trajectory for health in the world. A free resource just waiting to be tapped.

  129. We settle for comfort over truth and in settling we allow atrocities to go on unabated. We turn the other cheek, don’t rock the boat, play nice and keep quiet to maintain a status quo that we know deep in our hearts is not true. We ache to the core in our longing for love and truth which are one and the same, yet we fear both in case they expose that what we have is not so comfortable after all.
    Why fear the things that can actually set us free? Why indeed?

  130. Well and beautifully expressed Sarah. A powerful article saying how it is. Absolutely we need to call out the rot, call out the evil and all the horrific things that are going on in the world and not bury our heads in the sand.

    We need to wake up and not be afraid to do so.

  131. I am guilty of having lived in a blissful state of ignorance. It has been too much for me to be truthful about the state of the world. I knew it was there but I was happy to leave it “out there” instead of letting it in. I am finding this challenging, but I am aware that I can no longer live without being truthful.

  132. “Truth with a capital ‘T'”, I love that Sarah. In the two years that have passed since you wrote this we have seen a huge surge of Truth flood in, and claim a true way of living – there has been more truth spoken and shared in these blogs over these last two years than I know of in ANY other place.

  133. I love the way this article exposes the lies that everyone is living their lives in. We only need to stop feel and look at people’s faces as they are travelling to and from work every day, or even when they are at work to feel that people are not truly being themselves and living in an open, loving and joyful way, in all of their day. Instead people are looking forward to the weekends, or until work finishes to do something pelasurable for themselves, or to reward and treat themselves with food, caffeine, alcohol, drugs or entertainment because their every day lives are not enough. This is the story the media needs to be writing, instead of criticising the one business (Universal Medicine) and the one business man (Serge Benhayon) who live in a way that life is joy-full and loving with deep purpose in every moment, where weekends, end of work shifts and holidays are not what’s looked forward to to have a sense of happiness and purpose in life.

  134. Yes bring it on! Thank you for that revealing and inspiring blog Sarah. As you wrote “The anxiousness on the hundreds of faces I see in Central London every day is testament to the fact that we are not living a life with much truth at all.” I can relate deeply to that picture/reality and also to my own anxiousness I had in my body and in my face and trying to hide it to be conform with the masses, before I came to the Presentations of Serge Benhayon. The presentations by Universal Medicine have helped me to deeply understand what true honesty is and now healing and life(s)is changing for me!

  135. Yes to truth, to seeing all, to seeing the rot, and smelling the stench, and also to seeing the glory and the beauty.

  136. Awesome blog Sarah and a powerful call for humanity to stand up and actually take note of what is going on in the world around them. For too long now truth has been missing from our lives and when it was finally presented to us by Serge Benhayon, he was attacked and ridiculed for bringing what we need most. I agree when you say that ‘truth is ok’ and now is definitely the timed to be inspired.

  137. Love it Sarah, it needs to be said, punchy and to the point. So many of us, me included have run away from truth not wanting it to affect our comfortable lives, but what I have learnt, that when faced with truth our comfortable lives actually feel very uncomfortable and very exposing and not that great at all. Expressing truth is our only way forward and out of the mess we have created in this world. Journalists are at the forefront of bringing truth to humanity yet many choose to bring gossip and lies because sensationalism sells papers. I love your blog but this to me is the crux of why we don’t want to read and hear truth.
    “What I see every day are people who are scared of real truth. In fact, they run from it because it rocks their safe little world. They don’t want to hear the truth about illness and disease, or the skyrocketing suicide rates, or slavery, or children being gang-raped by other children, or the increase in children who self-harm, or the huge increases in alcohol-related domestic violence – because it doesn’t affect them.” Even if it were to affect them people are blind to it, choosing not to see what is right before their eyes. It is easier to close the door on truth than to speak up and express what is needs to be said.

    1. Very true Alison. I have for example avoided the Truth about the level of responsibility I can hold in my life pretty much all the way up to when I came across Universal Medicine. And when I was faced with the Truth of this, I found I did not want to go there, as I did not want my ‘comfortable life’ rocked.
      However, as I slowly have started to be more honest about situations and what I feel deep within me, I am finding that I am naturally coming to a Truth, that though at times uncomfortable, is showing me how much more uncomfortable the life I was protecting actually was. It is uncomfortable living in a lie; I always feel it in my body that something is not right, even if my head can pretend all is okay.
      It is time to be honest, see it as it is, and feel from there how to go forward.

  138. I am hearing a trickle of truth start to move the calcified hypocrisy and denial that can be found in society as individuals start to stand up and speak truth. For instance, the Catholic Church is being questioned on their level of integrity, and many people I know are saying that they are unhappy and making the realisation that working more, and harder, is not going to fix it. As Sarah points out, often people are directly resisting, and fighting to keep the truth down, and so many are still not wanting to fully see or feel what is happening… It is only when we choose to fully see and then feel the rot will we say “NO” to it, out loud, and for everyone’s benefit.

  139. Excellent post Sarah Cloutier and thank you once again for not holding back and saying it as it is. Having re-read this I can say that I walk the walk and talk the talk to the best of my ability everyday and I do not hold back from speaking my Truth. Yes it is challenging for some and very uncomfortable but the majority find it refreshing and the call is there from humanity saying we want Truth. How do I know that – because I can feel it. Being honest now and then is just not enough – its a start but there is so much more. Truth is now needed to move us through these modern times where we seem to be advancing in areas like technology but not in why we have sky rocketing suicide rates, modern day slavery, alcohol related domestic violence, illness and disease bankrupting our health systems and gang rapes to name a few.
    A man like Serge Benhayon comes and speaks utter unwavering Truth and gives us the answers and what do the media do – attack him by using lies that were not investigated or researched. How can this be journalism and why are they not accountable?
    An opportunity is being presented of what real Truth can and does bring. There are thousands like me and Sarah Cloutier standing up and saying ‘No’ to Abuse and ‘Yes’ to Truth. This blog site and other related sites are committed and dedicated to real Truth.

  140. There is so much truth in your words, Sarah – and so needed for humanity.
    When will we stop cushioning our own little world and start paying big? Truth is what is needed and it is so clear why – as you say here.
    It also shows me that truth can start with just one person – and grow from there. We don’t need superheroes to help the world, we just need honesty.
    So, here is to being the change we want to see.

  141. Great points Sarah, there is a lot of surviving and not a lot of prospering going on in the world. To attack Universal Medicine is to attack a simpler and more all encompassing way of living, a way that causes no harm to any other, and allows for a more prosperous way of life by virtue of the choices we can all choose to make.

  142. Sarah, you really ask the questions and very much expose us all in how we live, how we are and how many of us do not want to see the truth of the world as it will expose the truth of our own lives. And yet we need to, we have to, there really is no other way, so yes let’s all get more honest and allow the truth of who we are (truly), how we live and by extension how the world is to be seen for what it is. That’s the first step to actually changing it.

  143. Awesome and hard hitting Sarah, I love your style…straight to the point and no punches pulled. Bring it on!!

  144. Great inspiring call to arms to stand and fight back the rot that we have all allowed to creep in to every facet of our life’s. Its now time to be heard.

    1. Very true – a time to stand facing the rot that we have allowed, and the way Love & Truth deals with what opposes it is by the consistency of the Love and the Truth offered with no reservation – we are indeed called to stand up, holding this consistency for all to see, feel and remember.

  145. This is an awesome article. I can keep coming back to it again and again.
    I love the phrase “Time to reveal everything. Show me it all. I want truth so I can make up my own mind about my life, my world and the inner light I know shines brightly – equally in me as it does in everyone. ” By expressing Truth we offer the same to every other person.

  146. “The truth is OK”. True, we’re not going to drop dead from having actual true truth in our lives. It may be uncomfortable, sure, but shining the light on dark places is bound to show up some messes we haven’t looked at..

  147. I see more and more how we don’t want to know whats going on…we lie to ourselves ‘thinking’ we what to know but avoiding truth. I used to tell myself “I am a good person so I don’t need to change” and “I am too overwhelmed to deal with that”…

    …but what if, by opening to the truth we also open up to the more-LOVE which knows how to RESPOND (not react) to the horrors, in our ignorance, we have manifested and continue to perpetuate ?

    If I had to choose a purpose for life I would want it to be about learning to be more loving in all I do with myself and everyone and NOT about amassing wealth, getting “more done” or hiding deeper in my ‘comforts’ (which only postpone the inevitable)…I want to stand up for love, to stand up and be who I am.

  148. Yes, words are easy. I love Universal Medicine because it says all we really need to do to change the world is to live ourselves truly, and it gives us real things to do to support this practice.

  149. A powerful article, Sarah. You have raised so much that the media could cover here and which would begin to offer the truth of what is going on around us that we are choosing not to see. If the rot you mention is printed and covered more widely and honestly, we could all maybe ask the question: “What can we do?’ and start to put some action to those words and start to live honestly with love being our guide as this is the only way out of the mess humanity has walked itself into. Truth is the leader here and those that speak it should be listened to very closely.

    1. Indeed if the rot was covered more widely, if we were prompted to have conversations about it, we would start developing an understanding about our responsibility and the power of our choices. Articles such as this and everyone’s responses are a great start.

  150. Bring it on indeed! It is very clear and in our faces so to speak that every day that humanity is not right. I have been inspired by many who have shown that life does not have to be hard but simple, loving and true.

  151. Sarah – what you write has such clarity. I love your opening paragraphs and it is so true that yes we do often call for truth but are we willing to look at this in detail in our own lives?! Ouch!

  152. This is so true. People say they want everything to be out in the open but underneath they do not want to expose what is really going on in their own lives – so people put up with things and nothing gets exposed. Thank you Sarah for saying it as it is.

  153. Power-full writing. Strong ideas. The intention of standing up for love in the world is as crystal clear as Levenson’s report. Thank you Sarah for showing us how it is done.

  154. Sad, but true – the Truth which ought to be a part of our basic human right does not appear to get handed down from generation to generation or from a parliament, a boardroom, or an institution. Most journalists say they see themselves as messengers. However, many relay those ‘messages’ without understanding the true quality and the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that surround it.

    When twenty-six letters (in English language) are combined correctly with a key ingredient (The Truth) – this can create magic! What we print and what we do not print DO matter a lot. Same goes for what we say and what we do not say…

    1. Truth is indeed part of our basic human right, as is love and integrity and it would be a welcome time when society sees them as such. We are all far more intimately connected to one another and affected by each other’s choices – it is a time for far more accountability and responsibility since as you say what we do and do not do DOES matter.

  155. Thank you Sarah for all you have shared and reminded us of – there is so much room for accountability in our lives and I echo your call “bring it on”.

  156. Absolutely Sarah. The time has come for truth in a big way for humanity… however that may be.

  157. Fabulous Sarah – thank you for this truth of the way it is… It reminds me that it’s not the truth that hurts, but feeling that there are times I have hidden from it, and worse – contributed to the untruths by not living my truth. This inspires all who read this to stand up – be accountable for their life and like you say “bring it on”…

  158. Great article! Yes, bring the whole truth on – let’s stop making life only about ourselves, and make it about everybody (brotherhood). How amazing and joyful would that be…

  159. I love the way you cut straight through all the rubbish and get to the truth – I found this piece truly inspiring. We all need to accept responsibility for our part in what is not working on our planet. Thank you Sarah.

    1. I too loved the Real straight talking presented here. The Truth of our situation as a race of beings here on planet earth is of our own making, and that truth is uncomfortable.
      As you say sueteresa, we’re all responsible for the state of our race, whether in a local community or across the globe. Thank you Sarah for this inspiring post.

  160. Ahhh a breath of fresh air. THANK YOU.

    I know from experience we can move forward only when we see the mess we have created full on, let ourselves feel the impact and take responsibility to choose another way. It is sad that often we wait until a devastation wakes us up, a major disease, a major loss, a major disaster – only then we seem to be willing to take a look. Would it not be more sensible to not need that mighty prompt?

    It is time that we all remembered that we are, all of us, much much much better than this – to take an honest look at the truth reflected all around us, take responsibility for what we have directly created or indirectly allowed to be created, and knowing that we are far more than this, not wait for a devastation to wake us up, but simply CHOOSE to take responsibility for finding and expressing a more loving way.

    1. Yes it really is a wake up call Golnaz, and as you say we can only move on when we see the full mess, and that we are more than it. It really is time we stopped before a major devastation wakes us up and gives us no choice about it. We can choose to see and begin to take responsibility for how we are, how we express and be more loving with us and everyone in our lives.

  161. Well said! No more hiding, ignoring, cocooning. Only by seeing the total rot shall we all know absolute glory.

  162. Thanks Sarah, a poignant article. Abuse of power in profession is rife. Over the past few months there’s been steady press reports, TV programs and documentaries which broadcast the deep levels of corruption in – blue-chip companies and establishments with many of their (multi-millioned) senior chiefs being exposed on say tax avoidance issues (for 20 years+): employees of financial institutions who have knowingly (and by their bosses) been corrupting the markets such as LIBOR. Evasion also happens on the very personal level too where (some) people “intentionally make themselves homeless” with the view to then being re-housed by (UK) social services…

    Journalists have the power to report more of this abuse, even of their own profession, and as your article contains, if we in addition and as individuals could start with a level of honesty, and introspection within ourselves/our own personal lives first, and actually be open to be inspired from many of those (present and past), who are able to truly support towards living a way that is of truth, maybe then the world can truly change.

  163. Thank you Sarah – what you say is absolutely true. I stand up and applaud you for saying it so powerfully and so lovingly.

  164. Beautiful Sarah, you are amazing – and YES – bring it on. Let us all stand in and stand up for Truth. Our world is full of the most awful pain and suffering and WE, the human race ARE RESPONSIBLE for it. It’s time to step up to that responsibility and put Truth and human life FIRST rather than profit and self gain. Thank you for your clarity and love in speaking out.

  165. Sarah – you have expressed this with the commitment to the Truth you already have. No hype or rah rah – no fear or hiding – just plain and simple get to the point and say it how it is. I wonder how many of us will now look at our own lives, see where those pockets of ignorance are hiding, and be ready to follow your lead.

  166. A power-full call for TRUTH. Thank you, Sarah. Let’s open the windows and shine the light of TRUTH into the darkest of corners so humanity finally sees what is really going on in the world.

  167. How complicated we’ve become… and how deftly you offer us the way to unravel ourselves from the mess, Sarah. Hear, hear, “Show me it all” and “Bring it on!”. Awesome inspiration, thank you.

  168. Powerful stuff Sarah. And and the truth is it begins inside me and grows from there. Those of us choosing a life that is more loving and truly more understanding of our humanity and our responsibility are not exempt from your strongly articulated expression here.

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