Creating a Life to Come Back to

by Nicole Serafin, Age 40, Tintenbar, NSW

I had never really bothered to stop and ponder on what it was that I was here for, nor how it was that I should treat and relate to the body which I had chosen to arrive here in. I was born, I lived, I partied, often way harder than what my body could really cope with and so the roundabout went.

My uncle used to have a saying, and excuse some of the language…“you eat, you shit and you die”. The older that I got the more this became a reality.

Or was this the reality?

In one way, yes it was, but it felt like a false sense of reality: a reality that if I chose to live in such a way of pure existence and nothing else – then yes, that was life… A life where I got up and went on automatic pilot, going through the process of the day but never really bothering to stop and consider why we did what we did, and if what we were doing was actually right for us, or anyone else.

I began to ponder on the fact that maybe, just maybe, there was more to life and that I was here for a purpose; that there had to be more.

As I considered the possibility of coming back again after I had died to do it all again, it began to feel quite real. “Oh, my god”, I would think to myself, “I don’t want to come back and do this all over again… I could not possibly do it again!” Yet if I felt like this, then what was the quality of my life? And if my life was so amazing, why wouldn’t I want to come back and do it all over again?

With this thought I began to look at life and the way I was living. I began to ask myself some questions…

  • You know that feeling of what we call Deja Vu, the feeling that you have been somewhere before, met that person before, or done that before…? Could it be that this feeling is true, because you have?
  • Could it be that there is a bigger picture, a plan that if you so dare to ponder, greater than we have ever imagined?
  • Could it be that we are able to make more of an impact on the world and the society in which we live, if only we dare to stop and consider that there may be more – that we may be more… even if it is only for a second, and allow ourselves to feel all of these things that we so often feel – but choose to push aside and ignore? To allow ourselves to begin to choose those inner feelings and to choose to live a life filled with honesty, truth and love?

When I came across and began to attend Universal Medicine presentations, and courses and sessions with Serge Benhayon, all that I had been feeling not only about life but also myself, began to make even more sense. Everything that I heard and felt was just confirming what I had already been feeling: the fact that there was more to life, that I was here for a purpose, and that there was a bigger picture and that it was not just all about me.

I began to look at how I was living, to make changes in my life, in order that ‘when’ and ‘if’ I did come back, there would be a foundation that I had created that I would want to come back to. And not one that left me thinking, “Oh, no, not again…”.

I now have an opportunity to live in a way that at the end of the day I am not exhausted, and that I actually look forward to getting up in the mornings, without dreading what lies ahead for the day. To enjoy living the simplicity of my life rather than living in the overwhelm of the life that goes on around me.

I have to thank Serge Benhayon, his family and Universal Medicine for being the inspiration for all that I am and all that I have. I now have a life that I look forward to coming back to – a life that I can continue to build and work on in a way that is supportive of everyone and everything.

348 thoughts on “Creating a Life to Come Back to

  1. I have just allowed myself to stop to feel this
    ‘Could it be that we are able to make more of an impact on the world and the society in which we live, if only we dare to stop and consider that there may be more – that we may be more… even if it is only for a second, and allow ourselves to feel all of these things that we so often feel – but choose to push aside and ignore? To allow ourselves to begin to choose those inner feelings and to choose to live a life filled with honesty, truth and love?’
    Do we push aside and ignore our feelings because the enormity of what we feel is so overwhelming that we have all contributed to a way of living that doesn’t work no matter how hard we ‘try’ to fix it. It wasn’t until Serge Benhayon came along and started to offer a different way of life that it was possible to start to see the gaping flaws in our current way of life. If we live in a perfect world why is humanity so sick?

  2. “ My uncle used to have a saying, and excuse some of the language…“you eat, you shit and you die”.” I have heard that saying in my much younger years and I felt that same – “This can’t be it?” I’ve always felt there has to be more, that the physicality alone (and the poor state of the world) was not it, that there had to be a greater purpose, a plan, and that there was an energy behind everything. That knowing and sense became very real for me, and with a deeper understanding of the details of our collective human purpose when I too connected to the presentations by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine Nicole, and it has supported me to change every part of my life (and still changing) to reflect life with my Soul.

    1. In the industry I work in many men who have experienced war first hand have this saying because they have been brutalised by the experience of war. Can you imagine these men that at their core being are very sensitive, but are trained in such away that squashes and denies their sensitivity so that they can survive in the field of combat. When the war is over the emotional trauma is still within their bodies so is it any wonder they have such a hardened view as they have seen such deprivation of human life.

  3. Thank you Nicole, life has so many unanswered question that have-had a Light shone on them through the presentations by Serge Benhayon and one day these amazing revelations will become our normal understandings.

  4. Over and over again, endless cycles being offered to us so that each and every missed opportunity comes back again till such time that we have indeed embraced each one of them and learned what was needed to be learned, deepened what was needed to be deepened. This cycle may be an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a life….What may feel like a curse at times, is actually one of the greatest blessings that we could all possibly be afforded.

    1. Henrietta I am discovering that there are so many cycles within cycles that life is not linear at all, which is how we have been educated to believe. Just as there are cycles within cycles there are lies within lies, that we have all fallen for and accepted as truths. but when we first recognise a lie and start to pick at the corners then the lie unravels and we get to see the truth. Serge Benhayon uses the Ageless Wisdom teachings to cut through the lies to reveal the truth that we are lied to and have accepted the lies on so many levels that we are stuck in a collective swamp of our own making and the only way out is to deconstruct the lies we have all accepted as the truth.

  5. That feeling of Dejà vu is so common – a feeling of having been to the same place before, a feeling of having experienced something the same way before, a feeling of having met someone before and known someone so well even though it is the first time you have met them in this life…There are too many situations like this for me and hence it is near impossible to deny that we have been there before with that person in another way in another life…and that we keep coming back.

  6. Imagine if we all made our one life about every life and hence the One Life – Nicole I love what you have shared here regarding what we can all do to live foundationally: “a life that I can continue to build and work on in a way that is supportive of everyone and everything.

  7. Purpose is really the key, that we can connect to something much bigger than ourselves alone, and in every moment we can contribute back to the greatness we are a part of and do so for everyone, nature, and the universe.

    1. I agree Melinda, Knowing that there is something much bigger than ourselves, much grander is something that I can feel at last. Everything that Serge Benhayon has been exposing is at last making sense to me and many others. We are pulling the wool from our eyes as the saying goes to discover a greater, grander life than we ever could have imagined.

      1. Mary I have been more recently noticing how truly awful it feels when I am lost in self and consumed with my own small world, I don’t mean the necessities of self care and nurturing and day to day living, but it shuts off the expansion of knowing we are all part of a greater plan and not separated, and that our every move in the ocean of energy we live in can count towards greater love, or abuse. Purpose is very expanding, and the ‘self’ is like a small, compressed spec! Purpose is in no way selfless, as we each are a very equal part of the whole we can represent by committing to living the love that is our Soul.

  8. When you part-i hard as the saying used to go ‘party hard and leave a good looking corpse’ or as you have shared about dying Nicole, when we part-i we leave ourselves and commit to a life that also literally dehydrates us so we then also poop less and therefore prune ourselves into an early grave. Yet when we celebrate life every day we hydrate with water, eat, poop, make love, live in joy and are a part of a true way of living as is presented in The Way of The Livingness life become a celebration every day.

  9. When I was a teen I remember clearly dreading the next 50, 60 years ahead of me on my then current trajectory. It was crushingly depressing. Now I really look forward to the years and lives ahead. Because if I do carry on with everything I do appreciate being in my life now then it’s gonna be amazing.

    1. Absolutely Leigh being in my 60s is great and I look forward to passing-over to come back and start a new relationship with so many True Family who are a living testament to a True way of living. True family being, My Equal Brothers, who have God as their Father, and the Stars as their Mother, and all of humanity as a part of that Family, for is this not True Love.

      1. What you are referring to Gregbarnes888is that there is a grander way of life to live which the majority of us are not living, but that doesn’t mean it is not there to live. What you have shared with us all is very confirming.
        “True family being, My Equal Brothers, who have God as their Father, and the Stars as their Mother, and all of humanity as a part of that Family, for is this not True Love.”

  10. Am I living a life that I want to come back to? Did I wake up this morning looking forward to the day ahead? If not, why not? Rather than hoping that I would never have to come back again, or be the victim of circumstances, it is far more sensible to live for if and when I do come back. Nothing is ever left behind.

  11. This is a great conversation that we all need to look deeply into as you have shared Nicole, when we start to understand the responsibility that we have each life why would we not want to pass-over as clear as possible so when we reincarnate we can evolve. And then we would not be so judge-mental or emotional of others as we would understand that they have their journey according to the way they were in previous lives.

    1. Is it possible that what you are sharing gregbarnes888 is that we can live lifetimes disconnected from who we truly are and that it can take many life times or one life time to get back on track of knowing that as you have said in a previous comment
      “God as their Father, and the Stars as their Mother, and all of humanity as a part of that Family, for is this not True Love”.

    1. Avoiding the universal truths of karma and reincarnation is a bit like a permission slip for irresponsibility.

  12. We are robbing ourselves not feeling, allowing or knowing there is more to life than what we are currently living, including reincarnation. There is so much more to our being and we are connected to far more than we think we are.

    1. Yes, for many people the reality is, ‘I had never really bothered to stop and ponder on what it was that I was here for, nor how it was that I should treat and relate to the body which I had chosen to arrive here in.’

  13. Knowing the greater purpose to life and the fact that we come back again and again brings a whole other perspective, one that is asking for much more awareness and thus responsibility. It is for this reason that many hold on to the false belief that we only have one life.

    1. Carolien is it not that we are born into a life that has been pre set up for us to believe there is only one life? That we have to actually see past the lies that have been spread before us, the smoke and mirrors that support us to live the lie. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon continues to expose the lies we have been born into and constantly fed. Serge Benhayon continues to show us that there is a way out of the deceit we have all fallen for. In the future he will be known as the greatest Prophet that has graced this plane of life. He leaves no stone unturned in showing humanity the tricks and evil ways the spirit dominates over our bodies as it tries to escape from the truth that it separated from the soul to pursue its own version of creation and uses the physical body as its puppet.

  14. Asking the question if we would come back and do it over again is a great marker for how great our life truly is. I would definitely want to come back to what I am living now knowing that it will only be more because that is the way I live.

  15. It makes sense to sort it all out now so it is a beautiful life ahead. It is so easy to give up and withdraw. It might be comfortable for a day but the next day is worse. It then takes more energy that hurts in the end to sustain this withdrawal and giving up. However, trust me, when you know there is more and go for it what constellates is just unimaginable and worth every moment of giving it your all.

  16. I have a deeper experience of life within me then just of this life, I have no doubt that I have lived more. You see a baby born and they are not born empty and it is not just genetics that give them their personality. You can feel the ageless quality within them and as they grow you can see the past lives experiences show themselves. I feel we are here to learn, and I see karma and how we find ourselves in the plan of life, deeply interesting and revelationary.

    1. Samantha I feel that you are expressing that there is a science to and of life that we are in deep disregard of, which is why we are stuck in the swamp of creation until we come to the understanding that we are all here not to be here and start to pay attention to the science we are all a part of.

  17. The way we perceive life to be does have a big impact on what we will call ‘reality’ and in my experience it is very worthwhile being open to consider or reflect from deep inside of ourself if there are beliefs we’re holding that may be actually clouding our clarity of what life is truly about…

    1. Fiona this is huge what you have shared – our perception of life if influenced by our beliefs, can be a very warped version of what life really is and so we are constantly offered to see this differently however, there are times we may be stuck and need an incident or something to shake us out of it and be more free to take the next steps.

    2. Fiona I totally agree with you from my own experience of life that I am full of beliefs, ideals, projections, justifications, conditions that cloud my senses. Sometimes I can see the impact so clearly of all these impositions. It’s as though the sun has come out from behind the clouds and I can see and clearly feel God. Then the sun goes behind a cloud and all I can feel are my imperfections. But now I can appreciate they are not me but thoughts that are fed to me to stop me from aligning back to the truth of God. To regain clarity of life and why we are here is gold because then no matter what we cannot be lied to any more

  18. By and large, life is not easy. We relate to life in response to that fact. We like some parts of it, we dislike others, we resent yet others. If there is only one life, there is nothing in you that is willing to change how you relate to life. After all, why bother? Yet, if you entertain the possibility that there is re-incarnation, you can see clearly how we set ourselves up by accepting that life is what it is. By doing so, you keep yourself in a specific vibration you die in and you return to, next life.

    1. Reincarnation offers us the bigger picture, that there is a purpose to human life and that we can make changes to return to love every cycle. Without the understanding of reincarnation and the difference between spirit and soul we seem to cement the same (or worse) levels of the status quo to come back to.

  19. I love the title of this blog ‘Creating a Life to come back to.” We have a responsibility to build through our movements a life that is way more loving and true, than the one we came into.

    1. When our Life is lived as you have shared Kehinde, it is a truly deepening responsibility to life, and may I add that we also prepare and share with our Brothers in Heaven a co-creative relationship that will deliver us from the evils we have lived so we can move, walk and reflect the Love of the Heavens.

      1. I know someone who is an absolute true inspiration in my life. They walk heaven on earth with such grace, beauty and absolute joy and as they walk, they reflect back to humanity the possibility that we can walk again with heaven. It’s not some fancy ‘out there’ idea or concept but very much a reality, which stands out like a beacon to say this can be your way too, come and be with me and bask in the warmth of God’s love which confirms heaven earth.

    2. Bringing responsibility and purpose into our lives brings a whole new dimension, ‘Could it be that we are able to make more of an impact on the world and the society in which we live, if only we dare to stop and consider that there may be more – that we may be more… ‘

      1. Claiming what we are innately becomes a focus and deepens the what that we become as we explore our amazing sensitivities and tenderness.

  20. The Ageless Wisdom teachings shows us that life is not about us alone, but all of us working purposefully together. When we understand this, every relationship becomes an opportunity to reflect the love we are and when we do, the quality of our lives is transformed. One life transformed offers the same possibility to others, not for this life only, but future lives also.

  21. I have had a few conversations recently about reincarnation and they have been along the lines of everyone agreeing that there is no other explanation to what we are seeing in life. Even though more people are feeling that this is true, we have yet to join the dots of how we are living now, can influence the life we return to. This will be one of the greatest sciences of our future and understanding this will change our lives and how we live them forever.

  22. Its a great question – would I want to come back and live this life again. If yes, then I must be on the right path and it is a call to expand the love, grow what I am expressing, delve deeper for more truth. If no, then time to change.

    1. Yes, and also a great question to ask to see where we stand with the rest of humanity, our fellow brothers. Is all that I live in accordance with what I deep down know to be true? In other words, would I also want to come back to a life where I am at the receiving end of my own deeds?

    2. Our foot print on this earth, is not just for one life time, if we actually took stock and considered this our behaviours would be very different. Would we want to come back and face what we have aligned with and created? Or would we live in a different way. It is interesting as well because even if you do not want to see reincarnation as real, how about the future generations and what our mark on this earth leaves for them, we have a responsibility to prepare the world for who ever comes around next, be it ourselves or others, we are all family.

    3. There is an even bigger question “would I want everyone to come back and live this life again?”

  23. I can certainly remember having many “I don’t want to come back and do this all over again…” moments in my life, especially as a teenager; life seemed way too hard and to have to do it all over again was the last thing I could imagine doing. But fast forward many years and now living life with a whole new understanding, thanks to the wise presentations of Serge Benhayon, I am actually looking forward to doing it all over again. Why, because now I know – well I’ve always known, but chose to forget – that it is the way I live in this life which will determine how my next life unfolds. That knowing places the responsibility for how my life unfolds right back where it has always belonged, in my own hands.

    1. How beautiful Ingrid to feel this level of embracing life now compared to how it once was. When we understand the bigger picture and know why it is that we are here, then life takes on a different meaning and we are far more embracing of our incarnation and our role and true purpose here.

  24. “My uncles” also “used to have a saying, and excuse some of the language…“you eat, you shit and you die”. The older that I got the more this became a reality.”

    “Or was this the reality?”

    So is it any wonder we cry when we poo our nappy as we are craving a different ‘s..t’. Our past life has so much of an effect on the next incarnation and feeling that responsibility take the ‘s..t’ out of life!!!!
    And may I add Gabrielle, where will we be when ‘s..t’ hits the fan?

  25. Spot on Elizabeth, so leaving Loving imprints feels much simpler with a deeper awareness of how that will “impact” our lives so as we understand “the fact that there was more to life, that I was here for a purpose, and that there was a bigger picture and that it was not just all about me.”

  26. “I don’t want to come back and do this all over again…” How much of our lives is set around these words and when we consider our bucket-list would we throw in there our last request and would we demand a banquet for a meal, and if we did what would that look like.

    So imagine for a second this is going to be our last-supper would we indulge to feel full but empty of our divine connection or would we eat to support our way of living to that point so we pass-over as clear as possible. Then could our last meal be a simple soup, grilled fish and salad seasoned with some pepper and olive oil, or even a slow cooked baked lamb-roast on bed of salad with a simple spinach side dish?
    A key word in the ‘Truth in words’ is “reincarnation” so from birth to death we have a “true understanding” of our true ‘responsibility’ in how we live, thus from our conception until our last breath when we pass-over is our incarnation. And that one incarnation has an effect on our next incarnation so understanding what is Truly meant effects a great deal more than when we simply look at the word because words hold an ‘energetic expression’ way beyond all the spelling rules, grammatical workings and the reinterpretations of words like “reincarnation” and ‘true-responsibility’.
    How important is it to eat every meal as if it is our last so we build a continuing momentum that we take to our next incarnation.
    As you have shared Nicole, “I don’t want to come back and do this all over again…” So we arrive as a new born not looking for our pizza etc!!!

    For more on passing-over joy-fully, until our last breath see the video at;

  27. I have always known that this is not the only life, that we come back, but I can honestly say that I wasn’t looking forward to doing it all over again. But then I came to realise that the quality of my next life will totally depend on the quality of this life so the deeper I care for me, the more issues I clear from my life the stronger and supportive will the foundation be for the next one.

  28. Serge Benhayon makes the most sense of anyone I have ever heard. My whole body nods when I hear him speak.

  29. I did always wonder what life was really about, that there must be more to it than just living and dying, but no one could ever give me any substantial answers until I met Serge Benhayon. Once I heard him talk about the ageless wisdom, that we all reincarnate time and time again to learn the truth about life and to support and inspire others to understand the same, everything made sense to me. When we come to know this, there is no disputing the truth we feel deep within our own bodies.

  30. I can recall many ‘I don’t want to come back and do this all over again’ moments in my life, especially as a teenager. That was one part of my life I definitely did not want to repeat. But thanks to the presentations of Serge Benhayon on reincarnation I can now see so clearly that the more old and unwanted patterns I release from this life the less patterns there will be in my next life to hold me back from the amazing me. This life is simply preparation for the next, and so the cycle continues.

  31. The deeper understanding that is available to us all through what Universal Medicine has given us about returning until we get to live the true responsibility that we all need to evolve has been a great enlightenment for many students.

  32. We bring all of ourselves to everything we do, and all of ourselves is the quality in which we have lived.

  33. And it is like each day that we live is a ‘little life’ – returning to the consequences of our lived way.

  34. Everything that happens to us we bring on ourselves. There is no great fist in the sky coming down to beat us and blame us when we mess-up. We simply live, love and learn and start afresh in every moment.

  35. A very fatalistic view of the world and human life, this “you eat, you shit, you die” slogan. It doesn’t seem to leave any room for joy, love and harmony and portrays nothing but a certain and inescapable functionality when we are in truth, far greater than that.

  36. Thank you a Nicole, I too could not feel that life around me was all there was, I kept feeling there had to be more to life, more than ticking the boxes of images of success, more than the prevalent misery, distress and trauma, more than the daily grind, but that there was a depth and purpose missing. I always had the question of ‘why are we here?’ I knew there was a deeper truth but I could not access it within me until I found the support of Universal Medicine and was able to reconnect back to my soul and gain an understanding of the bigger picture. Living from a connection to soul has certainly changed everything for me and life now feels rich with love, truth and joy, there is a depth of purpose which feels beautiful to live and each day is an opportunity to live even more of all my soul offers to me and through me to the world.

  37. There has to be life after life. There would be no point to life otherwise. To be it makes sense, for it doesn’t make sense that there would be no purpose to life. Otherwise why are we here? I work in palliative care and these questions are very prominent, certainly for me, but also for many that I care for. I do see a lot of people that say the same saying as your uncle and honestly that what they think that life is about. But there is more to life as there is death and there is only the death of our physical body. Our essence, our life force, our soul continues, never ending. To be honest knowing this takes the unknown and any fear our of dying for I know that this whole process is based on love and whatever I come back to is for me to learn and grow more. Not a punishment in sight.

  38. I have always had an understanding of reincarnation in this life but the understanding was lacking in many ways. So, I too often had thoughts of “I don’t want to come back and do this all over again… I could not possibly do it again!” – and adding ‘this is way too hard’. But thanks to Serge Benhayon lifting the veil of illusion around reincarnation I now have the missing pieces and I too look forward to coming back once again and so live my life in a way I am always preparing for what I know to be true.

  39. The so called “coincidences” that occur in life cannot possibly be coincidences. They tell me there is much more going on than meets the eye, and that is energy. Energy plays a giant role in life and in death.

  40. Each one of us is free to choose how to define life and live it. What you choose sets a ceiling to your awareness and of how you need (and what you need from) life to confirm your choice.

  41. We’ve given up making sense because we don’t like the answers we get. So we settle for disjointed bits of dogma and cynicism instead of simplifying it. Simplicity gives us nowhere to hide – this life or the next. Thank you Nicole for this beautiful blog.

  42. Without the greater purpose that is true for everyone equally, may they know it or not, life is like living on a flat earth where you need to fear goind of the cliff. Purpose is the spark that makes the world go round and round filled with meaning and responsibility, a circular movement back towards one´s divine self.

  43. If we all are starting to observe our ways and consider the above sharing, we would all find that there is more for us to life from and come back to. This blogs enriches us with the knowing and purpose of why we walk here on earth, and that it is for each one of us to come back to this knowing – until we no longer need to have those deja vu’s, but live in the present time.

  44. It is beautiful to realise the responsibility we have in the way we live, and how it is easier to respond to the call of responsibility, than resist it.

  45. We can look at our lives through eyes that consider us only as individuals or, we can consider us all as a collective whole in which the quality of our interactivity, regard and love for each other reflects, the quality of the world around us, it’s our choice.

  46. Reincarnation certainly brings life into sharp focus. There is no escaping ourselves, so it’s up to us to be all that we are and be love in this life.

  47. Nicole what you write here makes perfect sense, that our lives do indeed have a purpose that we are here to reflect something back to humanity and at the same time there are lessons for us all to learn too, until such time as we no longer need to repeat them.

  48. Serge Benhayon presents the purpose of life and this calls for a responsibility for every move we make to come from love.

  49. As we grow up we are currently not taught, encouraged or nurtured to feel the value of who we are, the responsibility we all hold, and how the quality of how we live and move has a great impact on the world, as such we are unaware of the power we innately hold when we move in connection to our essence, our Soul. Understanding these basic principles of life is what allows us to feel our purpose and live with greater connection and confidence to be who we innately are through which experience a life of true enrichment.

  50. We can constantly under the movement of cycles – from hours to days to months, years and life-times. We cannot escape what we have lived, and this can be a very good thing or not so pleasant for some.

  51. You put it so practically Nicole ‘so is the life I’m living one I want to come back to?’ and that’s in fact a great marker to shine a light on how we’re living now … do we live in a way that is joyful, that is about all of us and not just ourselves, and do we live with purpose, I know that is the life to live and the life to come back to, so the task now is to live each moment fully to the best of my ability and to know that everything I do has an impact beyond what I can imagine, and yet deep down I know and understand this fact. Life is magical and has a purpose, to live the love we are.

  52. I remember watching a movie once where the characters had a purpose and if they didn’t follow through it would affect many many others but they were warned not to get distracted by life’s pleasures. They went into a casino and was offered a food treat and without questioning or discerning it they ate them, they were in this checked-out state that nothing else mattered and they just kept going for more distractions, until finally one of the characters clued on to what was happening and woke everyone else up out of their slumber. Anyway, long story, but I related it to how sidetracked we can get when it comes to doing, having, owning, living just for ourselves and our families, how we can forget about the bigger picture, about connection, about our purpose and the purpose of what we are here to do.

  53. Like paper clips on a desk, we like to shuffle life’s details and find ourselves getting caught up organising the arrangement of ‘things’ – all the time missing the bigger picture of the space we are truly in. Yes everything matters, but to obsesss about which colour post-it note we use when the office is burning down is not quite right. Your words emphasise to me Nicole the beauty that comes when we see the universal picture we are part of in life.

  54. It feels very beautiful to me to know that all the love I am building in my body and in my life will be waiting for me to come back to and build upon in my next life.

  55. What a gracious blog, so real and true – showing us every single breath that we come back where we have left it in, not just for you but also so one another. So, what a beautiful responsibility we have to change things around and leave a grander, greater space for your next return – be it a place of love, warmth, holding and understanding of what needs to be unfolded next. By that said, we need an environment that holds our love brethren by birth as close as possible in connection to our hearts and the Universe. And educate our young in that Way.

  56. What if the quality of life we are living now, in this life, has an influence on the quality of life we will come back to in our next life, would that influence how you are living now – this is a question worth pondering?

  57. I had a laugh re reading this as I remember quizzing people what do you have to do to come back as a caterpillar or a cockroach. I was fully prepared to accept that we came back just wasn’t quite sure how the karma thing worked. Karma as presented in the Ageless Wisdom makes complete logical sense and doesn’t require belief as you can see it plays out before your eyes on a daily basis.

  58. It is great when we start to ponder and question life like this, ‘I began to ponder on the fact that maybe, just maybe, there was more to life and that I was here for a purpose; that there had to be more ‘ and this makes so much more sense.

  59. Reincarnation equals responsibility… something we can shirk but can never actually avoid the consequences of. Hence karma and it’s natural law of re-balance, not tit-for tat, but an infinitely loving holding energy that ensures every movement away from the divine love we are, is corrected and restored, by our own choice.

  60. Even if we take reincarnation out of the picture the very way we are with people today comes back to us. The more we see and learn to live in and with cycles the more we can maximise them and learn from them. We have soo much support and assistance if we choose to see it!

  61. I know that I am coming back after this life is complete, I know this because I can feel the quality of the person that I will be, and I know that it is my responsibility to live that quality to the best of my ability today in this life, so that when I return the foundation is not only laid , but the momentum of it will hold me until I am awakened to my remembered purpose in my coming lives.

    1. I feel such clarity in what you have expressed Leigh. Do we go to bed at night and dread waking up for the next day or do we go to bed looking forward to doing it all again the next day? Do we count down our weekdays until Friday and the weekend or do we treat everyday with the same importance? These may seem like basic questions but how we approach the microcosm of our life is how we approach the macrocosm of our existence.

  62. Yes when we look at life through the lens you are sharing here Nicole, it can create a really uncomfortable feeling within, that feeling of ‘oh my goodness’ there is so so much that we are not taking responsibility for and certainly not living in a way that fosters true love and a knowing that we will come back and retrace every step we have taken on this planet, so lets start to take more responsibility for exactly that fact.

  63. Every morning we come back to the day we left the day before. The way I am today is because of the way I was yesterday. So I have a choice to create a foundation for the day I am coming back to tomorrow. So how do I want to live today so that tomorrow is going to be another amazing day? With a bit of awareness, I can begin to make different choices.

  64. It is a responsible living way to be aware of confirming the bigger picture and all that we are – to expand further the deeper knowing of what power and stupendous love that we each hold equally. To show how simple it is to be with life and each other continually evolving to more love and service to The Plan.

  65. Wow, and how many people can say that they have a life that they would truly be happy to come back to? That’s pretty unheard of, mostly because we’re not in the habit of considering the all, considering that there is more than this life, and that there is a much greater picture. Taking on the responsibility that we are part of something bigger than our material possessions and immediate family is a huge deal, and it’s awesome to be inspired by people who say yes to that responsibility.

  66. Beautifully expressed Nicole, if I am returning then I want to make responsible choices in this life that are loving and supportive, not just to reward me but for others to be inspired to live life with a quality as well that is loving and true.

  67. To me it makes life so much more purposeful, to know that after this life there will be a new base on the foundation I have laid in this life.

  68. Yes we would all be living our lives very differently if that was the common foundation for this life. Knowing that we were coming back, I have no doubt that people’s choices would be very different. I know that I will be coming back, so my daily choices are impacted by that responsibility and love for people.

  69. I know without any doubt that I will have future lives, just as I have had past lives. It’s the only explanation that makes any sense to me as to why some people are born with terrible disabilities or illnesses. Everything we choose in life has a consequence, we never ‘get away’ with anything. There is divine Universal Law which unites us all as part of the whole, which we are all a part of, whether we realise it or not.

  70. ‘if my life was so amazing, why wouldn’t I want to come back and do it all over again?’ …. thanks to the teachings of Universal Medicine, so much of what I have felt life was about has been explained. I absolutely LOVE my life and having the opportunity to be who I truly am, at last and to know that this is exactly how we are all supposed to be living together, allowing us to once again live in harmony and brotherhood. It may take a few lifetimes, but I know we will get there and I am very thankful to be a part of the whole journey, however long it takes.

  71. it is easy to dismiss karma as a small tit for tat or payback system, but it can grace us in a most beautiful preparing us to offer more and more back to humanity as well.

    1. I agree we can see karma as something like a punishment or we can see it for the gift that it is. We all think of it is its negative sense but you can also have divine karma where things constellate from love for you and really all karma is from love because it is teaching us to return to the love we are and so anything less than love needs to be re-callibrated. For me it is a bit like learning consequences we cannot simply expect to do literally anything and not have any after effects – everything we do creates ripples and these can either be harming or healing the choice is always ours.

  72. I like considering that in life there is no start and no end. It is the one life repeating over and over. The details may change but we are still there, being the central character. This timelessness puts everything into perspective for me, and my body loses the tension of me feeling I need to be going somewhere or getting something.

  73. I don’t think many of us stop to ponder why we are really here or consider that we have a unique and important role to play in the big picture. Our habit of thinking we are just human, like ants scuttling about on earth for one life, diminishes this big picture thinking.

  74. I read a story the other day that made me feel a bit sad. An elderly couple in the UK in their 70’s committed suicide leaving a note saying ‘this world is not for us’. I understand currently there is a lot going on in the world that many many of us do not like but we are the ones that have the responsibility in changing this by living in a way that we would like it to be. I felt sad when reading about these people as they had lived their whole life and just as they were in their elder years decided to end it. If they knew the bigger picture, that they would come back again to energetically what they had left behind or not dealt with would they have done this? Probably not, if they had a conversation with someone that had a greater understanding and awareness of life who was able to speak wth them about this, things may have been different. A different choice might have been made by them and they may have seen life in a completely different way. It is at time like this (and many many other times) I deeply appreciate knowing Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and having them in my life. For those that do have a greater understanding and awareness of life have a responsibility to share this with others so they too know the truth. We have a responsibility to talk about reincarnation more, debasing myths and instead learning the truth, so thank you for starting the conversation by writing this blog.

  75. When I read your line about what your uncle used to say and then “A life where I got up and went on automatic pilot, going through the process of the day but never really bothering to stop and consider why we did what we did, and if what we were doing was actually right for us, or anyone else.” I felt a feeling of sadness, just feeling like it was all so futile and there was little purpose at all. I can see how, when things get really tough, this way of thinking leads to wanting an early exit – what is the point of staying if it is only about pain. It really has brought a deeper understanding for me about why responsibility and reincarnation resonates with me so much.

  76. Reincarnation is a thing to ponder on, to consider and to really connect to and to feel what this presents. It is our responsibility to live a life that is part of the path of return to that which we innately know we need to come back to.

  77. If one accepts reincarnation, and then further ponders on what this means, it invariably leads us to one word – that of responsibility. Karma itself can equally be described by this word.

  78. “I now have a life that I look forward to coming back to ” This is huge when we understand the bigger picture of reincarnation and the level of responsibility we have in our daily living to build a foundation that will truly support us in our next life.

  79. I would much rather believe that re-incarnation is a possibility and live a life where love is at it’s core (to the best of my ability) than think that there is nothing at all after we die and then realise I missed another opportunity to make my life about love.

  80. While life may look the same from the outside it is so different when it is lived in purpose as opposed to living in existence. There is much more beauty and richness when we know who we are and don’t just live in a way to tick the boxes and get through.

  81. It is deeply empowering to believe in and live in accordance to returning to the life you create… for the life you then choose is purely up to you depending on the responsibility you choose to take.

  82. This is inspiring to look at the life we live. Is this our foundation we would like to return and work from next time or do we feel we need to change our way to create a more steady ground to build from the next time? This even comes back to our day to day life, we are going around in circles, and retracing the foundations we lived the last time we were there.

  83. This is a great question to ask oneself, Nicole, is my life worth coming back to? If we would all live like that, the world would look very different.

  84. We can live till we die avoiding any transcendental questions or accepting false answers to them. You just accept the fact that we are here and go to there. In that life there is not much of a relationship with truth. Yet, when that starts changing and you open up to the possibility that the body can teach you a few things about what is true, life starts transforming into something different, so much worth it.

  85. I now have a life that I look forward to coming back to – I read this sentence and thought I am not feeling this at this moment in time, mmm going to sit with this as I can feel there are changes I need to make especially with regards work and the long hours I am putting in.

  86. How absolutely amazing to be given again and again a chance to get it right, we are so loved.

  87. Wauw that is amazing –
    We are blessed to have people writing blogs like these from their experience in with reincarnation from an responsible point of view – not the glamorised or victimized version. Superb and brilliant! Once we truly feel our choices and accept them we start to accept our past.

  88. Living in a way we create a foundation we want to come back to opens our eyes for the bigger picture and that we are here for a reason and not only for ourselves. It made me appreciative of how much I love people and care for them.

  89. In my earlier years I can very much relate to your comment “I don’t want to come back and do this all over again… I could not possibly do it again!” . Reconnecting to the true purpose and responsibility life offers us all has changed this completely. We are cyclic beings and are returning to the equal love we innately are.

  90. Every moment offers us an opportunity for healing, and the gift from our soul in the healing is that what we heal in this life we don’t have to come back and do it again, we can come back to our next life with a greater measure of our light and divine love to reflect out to the world.

  91. For me this part made so much sense: “. . . the fact that there was more to life, that I was here for a purpose, and that there was a bigger picture and that it was not just all about me.” That is exactly what made it so joyfully easy for me to stand up in the morning – without all of that live is boring and made no sense. This should be our new normal and not all our ideals and believes around how we should be and what we have to do.

  92. It is so empowering when we get to feel in our bodies that we are here for a purpose, we are here in this life to bring something unique when we allow ourselves to express who we truly are. We have all lived many lives before and when we choose to heal that which is not from love we allow all the wisdom from the past to flow naturally and express to others the love from our soul.

    1. Love what you share here Francisco. It is not always easy to heal that which is not from love, to face ourselves, but heal we must if we wish to learn, grow and evolve and live a life of simplicity and a life impulsed from our Soul.

  93. Nicole, to create a life we want to come back to, now that is a way to live, and actually whether you know reincarnation to be true or not, this is an amazing way to live life as you can take each day in this, so create a day we want to come back to, create a moment we want to come back to, and in that we create and build a foundation for a life we want to live. Thank you for your blog.

  94. ‘the fact that there was more to life, that I was here for a purpose, and that there was a bigger picture and that it was not just all about me.’ There is a far grander and greater picture and it is most definietly not just about us, ourselves. I was listening to something on the radio this morning about how we are all engrossed in mobile phones. People reported seeing groups of friends sitting around a table and instead of being with each other and having a conversation every one of them was on their phone .. for ages! There is even something called selfie arm disorder .. for real! Which is a pain in the arm from taking to many selfies!!! Which shows that more and more we are making it about us and not the bigger picture. Are we even really conciously aware that there is a bigger picture? Do we even want to know? I absolutely to the core of my very being know there is a bigger picture and we all have a part to play in this and there is reincarnation. Which if we really stopped to truly feel this would wake us up to the fact that right now by how we live we are paving the way for future generations (us) to come back to. If we stay silent, allow abuse, allow racism, live in disregard … all this we walk back into, so although it could be a bit of a shock (and selfish by making it about us again) in seeing this maybe then we will start to change the way we live (living more responsibly, more lovingly, more respectfully, more truthfully) that benefits not only ourselves but everyone else as well 💕

  95. Re-incarnation does make so much sense as it is apart of the forever flowing cycle of life and that death is not the end but a celebration unto which we move into another life. So every movement, expression and way of being can play a big role in our life for years to come.

  96. This is a beautiful blog to take in consideration as there are way to many people that have chosen to solely focus on life as an existence and a survival, which takes away life’s potential for an inner richness and fullness and a deep purpose that brings joy to every moment.

  97. Beautiful Nicole, to live life understanding that everything comes back, repeating over and over not only makes perfect sense of so much, but also offers the opportunity to ‘deal with things’ as they come up, knowing that if we choose not to, it will be coming around again another time. The idea that we can’t leave anything behind is new… and an outright game changer really.

  98. Living a life where “this is it” rules our thoughts would contribute to so much depression. I could feel the one dimensional perspective. When we expand our consideration to include reincarnation it gives our life purpose, a building of foundations. This is not outrageous, even movies like Groundhog Day show that, given the opportunity, we learn from our choices and consequences and rarely choose the same again.

  99. “I now have an opportunity to live in a way that at the end of the day I am not exhausted, and that I actually look forward to getting up in the mornings, without dreading what lies ahead for the day.”
    I love your conclusion here Nicole, bringing it into everyday life, because in a way each day is a repetition of the same day and the question you pose whether you want tomorrow to feel and look like today, is a great approach. When we are willing to change tomorrow with what we did not like about today then this already is progressive and we can sure apply the same to a next life with ease.

  100. The more we consider reincarnation, the more it makes sense. There are just too many things that start to add up when we bring in past lives and if really looked into the whole puzzle it reveals itself to be one piece of a divinely constellated plan and a lot of questions are answered.

  101. Seriously amazing blog – because it is true – we can not escape it , so we better know about it and become aware (which makes things so much easier). When reincarnation is being re-considered, we will understand more about our lives and our previous made choices. So thank you Nicole.

  102. ‘I began to look at how I was living, to make changes in my life, in order that ‘when’ and ‘if’ I did come back, there would be a foundation that I had created that I would want to come back to. And not one that left me thinking, “Oh, no, not again…”.’ What if? is a powerful question. It certainly makes sense to live life with ‘what if reincarnation is true?” at the forefront of our mind when making choices. It’s an inspiring way to live.

  103. Looking at life not only as this one life but many shows us the responsibility we have in every given moment. There is nothing we leave behind but everything we come back to.

  104. I can relate to what you share that there is more to life there is a purpose. I too went on a search to understand this.i am came across the truth that felt true, through meeting Serge Benhayon and his presentation, how we live is why we imprint and what we come back too. So it’s super important to live with integrity, love, honesty an truth.

  105. “the fact that there was more to life, that I was here for a purpose, and that there was a bigger picture and that it was not just all about me.” Serge Benhayon makes sense of this obvious truth. Choosing to live in a way that builds a foundation of love for us to return to to support ourselves and our fellow man to return to the love that we all come from.

  106. There is a deep sense of purpose in your sharing Nicole – a knowing that the quality of our lives and who we are now will shape and be the quality of our passing over and reincarnation. Feeling this brings a sense of appreciation as my quality of life and the light I express is so divine and so second nature that my former lives must have been ones of true service and Love.

  107. When I finished my schooling years I remember thinking that I never had to go through that again, or being a kid again, or the troubles of being a teenager again – when the truth is that I have done that already over 2000 times (but I didn’t know that I knew that at that time). With the understanding of the huge science that reincarnation is, life makes sense and I am starting to feel differently about doing it all again.

  108. Love your sharing Nicole! I have never had a problem with the thought of Reincarnation from the first I had it presented to me many years ago, and since connecting with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayons presentations this has only been confirmed for me. What would we be doing here in just one lifetime with so much to learn and remember? What of those who don’t know there is more than one lifetime to evolve?

  109. Re-turning to our lives again sure does give us an opportunity to do it all again in a deeper quality.
    But we don’t have to wait until we pass over…
    We can do this every single day and in every single way. RE-Fresh 🌈

  110. Reincarnation makes sense of life, it gives it meaning and purpose. The idea that life on earth is a school in which I am learning with every breath that I take, that I am either contributing to growing truth on earth or to maintaining or worsening the disharmony that abounds shows me the huge responsibility we each have to each other and to the Universe.

  111. “I began to ponder on the fact that maybe, just maybe, there was more to life and that I was here for a purpose; that there had to be more.” So many of us have this – and knowing there is a bigger picture – (more than just little old me and my world) – opened up so much more, thanks to Universal Medicine. Allowing and letting be, rather than trying to control everything has been life-changing. Life now has a flow to it and has become more simple.

  112. Coming back to the simplicity of life is something people dream about. The tree change and the sea change are both touted as being the answer to this. Yet we know that we bring our life with us wherever we go. Changing locations does not change the style of life we bring with us. This change comes from within. So just as we bring our life and the way we live from place to place, we bring it from life to life. It makes so much more sense then to really learn to live well, to be living the rhythm that we know makes sense in our body, the one that we love.

  113. I love to revisit this blog Nicole, and the lovely and apt reminder to see the bigger picture of life, and where I am in that bigger picture and that everything counts, there is a purpose to everything, and all I have to do is get myself out of the way and surrender to all that awaits me.

  114. ‘I began to look at how I was living, to make changes in my life, in order that ‘when’ and ‘if’ I did come back, there would be a foundation that I had created that I would want to come back to.’ It is such a beautiful way of looking at our life, what are we truly doing with it and what is this foundation of our lives on earth, I know just like you Nicole I had nothing truly valuable to come back to because I did not value myself. Making chances and being honest about how I have been living has been a great start and you know there is always more to lovingly expose and to let go so we keep on going and enjoy what is called the Way of the Livingness.

  115. When I lived without purpose, my life simply passed me by, literally, there are so many things that I don’t remember, because I was not there. Now though, I don’t forget much, I feel present and with my life and I enjoy this so much. Nicole, I too have a life I am looking forward to coming back to.

  116. When I feel the teachings that life has to offer and start to truly understand that it is the quality I am in while I grow and age and pass over… not what I do… I then see that it’s a true privilege to be a Student of The Livingness.

    1. Gorgeous Kathryn, ‘ it is the quality I am in while I grow, and age and pass over…. not what I do. I still sometimes make it about how much I have to do, but more and more I realise I get more done when I a present and connected with my body.

  117. ‘I now have a life that I look forward to coming back to -………” Thank you Nicole for this very real and true blog. I always said ‘I am not coming back’!!! That was before I re-connected to the truth of who I am. The Life I choose to live now is a joy and the love held in my body is amazing and all because I have chosen to change the way that I live and to take responsibility for the choices I make. Building a foundation in life to love and be loved and know that this is what it is all about allows for coming back to build on this love. Thanks to Serge Benhayon and the Ancient Wisdom Teachings I now understand there is no beginning and no end , that life is spherical and it is about all of us.

  118. “the fact that there was more to life, that I was here for a purpose, and that there was a bigger picture and that it was not just all about me.” With this realisation, that is the start of us looking at our lives and taking responsibility for the way we live. This life we are living now affords us an opportunity to deal with our hurts, let go of our destructive patterns, and begin living the love we truly are, thereby, bringing this love and light, into living our next life, in this world.

  119. Living life with purpose brings me so much joy and vitality. Before Universal Medicine and The Way of the Livingness I didn’t have a true purpose, and my aim in life was to be happy. I can see now in hindsight just how empty this was as what came with happiness was also a roller coaster of emotions, the ups and downs. Through reconnecting with me I have since discovered that my true purpose is to live life as the Son of God on earth. And as I walk these steps and reflect to others that we are so much more than just the physical being others too are inspired to know that they also are more. This true purpose brings me joy.

  120. To me reincarnation has always made sense, why else would we be here if not to grow, what would the point be if we only had one life? How would anyone be able to fulfil their potential as a human being? To be a true son of God equal to all others, and not everyone has access in one lifetime to the knowledge of The Way of The Livingness as Presented by Serge Benhayon and the Ancient Wisdom from past Masters. To have the knowing that we come back and connect to where we left off in our past life, means the more we put into this life the more we will grow in our future lives. Using the knowledge that we have from the past and sharing with all others the love and equality that we all are.

  121. Re-incarnation is one of the answers that have brought my aching inner pains to heal. Finishing school I had lots of these unanswered questions, life as I was taught just didn’t make sense. Serge Benhayon has not left one single of my questions unanswered. Not by theoretical knowledge, but by living in a way that emanates the wisdom of the universe.

  122. I have long believed in re-incarnation but my understanding of it years ago was that we died and then came back in another life – end of story. I never considered at that stage that we came back to where we left off in our current lives. It was a quite a game changer to find out through presentations at Universal Medicine that my choices this life will determine the quality of my next life – and that the state of the world is a reflection of humanity’s collective irresponsibility over many lifetimes. Knowing this, my life has changed considerably as I can more clearly see the need for self responsibility that goes way beyond seeking the comfortable life that I previously sought.

  123. I am really looking forward to coming back!! I love life, and I love the fact that we all have so much we can learn. Life can be (if we choose it) forever evolving.

  124. ‘I began to look at how I was living, to make changes in my life, in order that ‘when’ and ‘if’ I did come back, there would be a foundation that I had created that I would want to come back to. And not one that left me thinking, “Oh, no, not again…”.’ – I love what you share here Nicole, inviting us to consider if the way we are living now is with a deep quality and true love we want to return too.

  125. I’ve always felt that reincarnation was true from an early age. I felt that I held an elder energy and many adults would say that I was much older than my years. What Universal Medicine has shown me is that every moment of our lives is intertwined with responsibility and so the quality we bring to everything is of great value to all. This not only provides a beautiful foundation for life today but for life in the future too. That’s pretty amazing.

  126. Learning to see the joy and purpose of responsibility has meant that I am now living a life which allows me to be open and honest with myself and all those around me.

  127. The possibility of reincarnation changes everything in the world, there is such a strong focus on the here and now, expendable environment, people, lifsetsyles with no priority to prepare for the future. Considering for even a millisecond that we have been here before and that we have a responsibility for all the choices we have ever made brings in an accountability that many find confronting. I felt it to be so for myself and yet, there is also a resounding yes that I feel that I am responsibile and that I can prepare and build a quality of life that supports myself and others and that is accountable. I am preparing for the next life and living with health, joy and connection in this one.

  128. I spent years being irresponsible, I did consider how my choices impacted all of life and how what was happening in my life was firstly something to learn and secondly my own creation. The word reincarnation has alot of sticky issues attached to it, like many words it has been misintrepreted and misappropriated. I have begun to trust my feeling on words and their meaning without being swayed by what public opinion says. Through doing this I have felt what reincarnation means for me. I feel it is possible that I lived before in another body and life time. When I reflect on my life I can see a deep knowing and understanding that is part of who I am that was not picked up this lfe. I have also observed my chidlren be born and grow, what they have brought with them, even before their birth felt powerful and not restricted to this life. Looking at life this way means it is natural to care and prepare yourself, and fundamentally it brings an awareness that every choice matters.

  129. Having the awareness of reincarnation gives the incentive to resolve as many issues as possible as there would be less hardship the next time around

  130. In reincarnation we are graced with this grand opportunity to clear out the old momentums that only serve to hold us back and as you say, to see that we are part of a bigger cycle of responsibility. Here, now, we can lay the bedrock for a sound & purposeful return.

    1. I agree Lucindag, reincarnation is a grand opportunity to clear out the old and false momentums that we have created….. and another important cycle that deeply supports our clearing and letting go is menopause… Life presents us with so much to gently guide us back to who we truly are, we just have to be open, willing and ready to go there.

  131. Years ago I felt like I was on a track, we went around it so many times and then we died. I was involved in many things in the community, I made things, had a social life and all, but mostly felt empty. Meeting Serge Benhayon changed everything. I felt like I had found the key to life. Everything was answered and I no longer had any doubt of the way our lives are connected and that we all have purpose for this life and those to come.

  132. Beautifully expressed Nicole. I too always felt that there had to be more to life than just this one existence which prior to attending Universal Medicine presentations I often struggled to make sense of and frequently acted irresponsibly towards myself and others. I now have so much more clarity about my purpose and how it fits in with others and the responsibility I have to live a life that takes care of my body and soul and contributes to humanity and lays a foundation for us all to return to.

  133. ‘I now have a life that I look forward to coming back to – a life that I can continue to build and work on in a way that is supportive of everyone and everything’. Beautiful Nicole. Everyone and everything matters. Embracing our true responsibility and evolving our connections with others a life we want to come back to in an amazing foundation for us all to be inspired from and continue to evolve from.

  134. It certainly brings a greater sense of responsibility and respect for self and others and all life when you live life knowing, or at least entertaining the fact that you come back to it.

    You could liken it to going to the bathroom, and if you finish the toilet roll you either don’t bother finding a new roll to put there for the next person, or you do put a new roll there ready for the next person. In either scenario the next person might very well be you! What is there is what you left behind. What would you rather come back to?

    1. Great point Jeanette it’s the care we take with the details of life that encompass the responsibility we have to ourselves and each other.

  135. Going to a workshop with Serge Benhayon changed everything in how I perceive life. I am not afraid to die any more, I hope I will never have to retire, that “I will keep serving to my last breath” like Serge is saying. For me reincarnation feels true to me, it feels real inside me, I don’t need to question it. Going around in circle to the same spot, so we always get another chance to re imprint were we could have gone wrong in our life. Simply beautiful.

  136. ‘I began to look at how I was living, to make changes in my life, in order that ‘when’ and ‘if’ I did come back, there would be a foundation that I had created that I would want to come back to. And not one that left me thinking, “Oh, no, not again…”.’ Yes, this is important for me too and the only way to live really, to make my choices and be accountable and responsible for what I choose and to continue my development in my next life.

    1. Important for me also Annelies; making responsible choices to evolve into the next life and the next and so on and on!
      I find it interesting to ponder on what is possible if we truly accept that level of responsibility.

  137. We have been fed so many false beliefs on death and beyond and it is only because we have shut down our awareness to the truth of what happens that one may choose to believe that there is nothing else. It feels like the perfect way to avoid taking responsibility for our choices because if we knew that we come back to the quality in which we have lived, how different would we approach life! It’s really the perfect excuse to live a life of misery and distraction.

  138. Understanding that there Is more to life than the body and flesh and this one life makes so much sense and calls us into responsibility. We do come back. To me death is like a long sleep where you forget certain things and yet everything that we have lived is with us, hence we can remember, and everything we have ever done has an influence on the life lived in the moment. This is grand and absolutely stupendous.

  139. Nicole I loved rereading your blog again as its a great reminder of the responsibility I have everyday in the quality and simplicity I live in. This is because everything matters and it feels so lovely in my body when I live from a connection to myself and others.

  140. Now that I have felt the topic of reincarnation be presented with truth and understand the love and responsibility around this universal immutable law I can make sense of so many things that happen in my life and others. Knowing that we don’t ‘get away with’ our loveless choices and that we are constantly given the opportunity to choose love and to learn from this process it brings greater purpose and meaning to my life. If we all knew and understood this law of love we would begin to make different choices. It is no wonder this topic has been buried and bastardised over time. Feeling the truth of reincarnation has helped me understand so much about why things unfold the way that they do and with this I have also felt the level of responsibility I have to express with.

  141. How often have we heard the statement ‘Oh well we only live once, might as well make the most of it.’ This is generally used to justify recklessly overindulging in something we know is not good for ourselves or others. Responsibility is conveniently put aside when reincarnation is not a consideration. By making other statements like ‘Oh well, I won’t be around to see it’ and ‘Leave it for the next generation, they can sort it out’ we completely wash our hands of accountability. If the true understanding of reincarnation was more widely embraced life would look very different and for many would hold a far greater depth of purpose and meaning.

    1. Yes Barbara I agree. The ‘only live once’ philosophy has caused great harm in the world and excused very unloving choices and behaviours. If it was taught in school that you come back to the mess you left the world in, it would empower humanity to ponder deeply on our choices and to consider that our actions leave an imprint we have to come back to.

  142. Come back and do it again! I narrowly escaped death so many times I feel I have used all my 9 lives already. I should be walking on egg shells just to make it to the end of this life. Universal Medicine has shown that it is never too late to come back to who we have always been. That’s what I am working on, I want to come back to what I have started, better late then never.

  143. Yes, reincarnation just makes so much sense when you look at it like this Nicole. I have always felt there is a bigger picture and gaining more awareness from Serge Benhayon has been spectacular. I see most days some people existing with the ‘drudge’ of existence, giving up and a feeling of ‘what’s the point’. What a great way to live in an understanding that EVERYTHING is the point!

    1. Great comment Ginadunlop. Everything is the point. Everything we think, say and do is the point and when this is a truth known in ones body it really does bring an enormous amount of responsibility and purpose to being love to that everything. When we bring love to our everything we are laying the foundation to come back to a life of love. Reincarnation when understood is a beautiful process which allows us to feel and learn from our choices and to come back to love.

  144. Reincarnation introduces the fact of self responsibility. Nothing motivates me more to sort out my old patterns than the thought of having to come back and repeat them.

    1. So true Donna. I haven’t wanted to delay in working through and healing my patterns, knowing they will be simply waiting for me to fall back into next life if I don’t bring truth and love to healing them now.

  145. Living on automatic pilot and just ‘going through the process of the day but never really bothering to stop and consider why we did what we did, and if what we were doing was actually right for us, or anyone else’ is when you think about it quite a robotic mentality, a mechanical and lifeless way to live that is rather Stepford wifeish. Its certainly great to know there is another way Nicole!

  146. I have often pondered on why are we born into the families that are poor financially or ones filled with love, into sickness, emotional or physical, etc? Is it random or is it an energetic alinement? If its energetic alinement I want to live my life in a way that is loving, self nurturing and evolutionary. with a deep connection to myself and God. When I return, I will return to the same. Thank you Nicole for your inspiring blog.

    1. Reincarnation for me is an undeniable truth and as you say Nat, this is a realization to be aware of that what you leave behind in this life is what you will return to in a next life. And it is the same with our current life, I do not believe in a random pick but a follow up on what was left behind.

    2. Well said Nat. There is no coincidence that we are born into the family we are based on the laws of reincarnation and what we are here to learn and bring. As Universal Medicine has presented and is an undeniable truth for me, if we wonder why our childhood was loveless, we only need to connect to the fact that that is how we treated our children in our past life and we are here to feel the enormity and hurt of that to give us the opportunity to choose differently and not repeat the cycle. Free will is the greatest gift from God, because ultimately if we choose to repeat our behaviours, it matters not, because the opportunity will keep coming around and around until we realise that there is another way live.

  147. This is awesome, Nicole. You have made reincarnation very relatable and real. I grew up in a culture that very much believed in and fostered the idea of reincarnation – but it was just a concept, and it didn’t go further than ‘if you do something bad, you will be sent to hell and get punished and when you come back as an insect, or some horrible creature, when you come back for your next life, or born into a horrible circumstances’ and for the fear of the said punishment we were encouraged to be good; and there was fascination about who we were in the past lives – yet the majority of us lived with such recklessness and irresponsibility saying ‘we only live once’. It felt rather random how one past life led to another, and, to me, it never added up.

  148. It is true that there is a huge responsibility we hold in this world and currently there is a huge amount of irresponsibly in how we live. What you have shared Nicole is a true way of living that does hold that responsibility and a way that can bring a great amount of joy! Definitely inspiring.

  149. Thanks Nicole. “To enjoy living the simplicity of my life rather than living in the overwhelm of the life that goes on around me.” I love the way you have put that.. Life just goes on around you if you don’t stop and enjoy it. Great point about déjavu too…

  150. In the stillness of god we are.
    In the presence of our tenderness and exquisite delicateness we are.
    In connection to our bodies and inner heart we know god.
    In this connection we are in union and brotherhood with the all.
    Surely this is a life worth living and coming back to?

    1. Thomas what you have shared is very beautiful, and reminds me that we don’t have to live in the misery we see around us. Being connected with ourselves, humanity and with God makes the trip worthwhile.

    2. Beautifully written Thomas. A life with a connection to God and all is definitely a life worth coming back to.

  151. By thinking we only have one life & then we die, we allow ourselves to live irresponsibly. I love that you asked yourself what it would be like if you came back again after you had died and then took responsibility and changed your life – inspirational.

  152. A great article to ponder on Nicole. I can relate to your comment when you described the thought of having to come back and do it all again. I have felt the sadness of that too and gave me an opportunity to also consider that perhaps there are aspects of my life that are not great and make me feel sad at the thought of having to repeat it all. Such a great realisation that it is time to make those changes.

  153. It’s not just that it makes so much sense of everything, but it also feels true deep down.. and it fits in perfectly as part of the natural cycles in our world and understanding of our true evolution towards brotherhood and to God.

  154. Some great pondering here Nicole, when we see the possibility that our today will be an indication of our tomorrow, or rather that our today has been the result of the day we’ve had prior or yesterday and the logical sequencing of this ‘before and after’, then we can so too understand the sensibility and fact that this current life will follow the next life, and that our next life is based on the one before, and its quality as you say. Reincarnation is a natural and reflecting cycle that calls for responsibility in the way we live life (lives).

  155. Nicole this is a great way of looking at life it gives it great meaning and purpose but also asks for a great level of responsibility, something I used to shy away from but that was so painful, I have found being responsible is actually a joy, a way of creating a beautiful foundation to come back to.

  156. Now and again I hear people saying ‘you only live once’, in other words make the most of the time you have, but I never hear people talk about the quality of the life they want to have, maybe money, health and success but mostly to party hard seems to be the main meaning of making the most of life.
    I had a conversation the other day with a young man about how the rock stars look a lot older for having lived a life of drugs, sex and rock and roll and he said that if he could have that life style, looking really old at 60’s and 70’s would be worth it.
    The more I accept the fact that we are on a merry go round and I will eventually come back and do it all again and that it is my responsibility to live in a way which will ensure I have learned from my ‘party hard’ days and I no longer want to trash my body, the more I realise it’s not all about me, but about all of us.

  157. What you say brings me right back to responsibility. This is not a rehearsal, I cannot un-do everything at my wish, there are consequences, and as you say: will I want to come back to do this again? noooo. If I indulge in emotions, if I get stuck in drama and struggle, I create it and no one is going to magically come and undo it for me. I have to live knowing that every step is building my future, every moment comes back to itself, and the reason to self care and self love is that, not only for me but as a multidimensional ripple effect that simultaneously affects my past present future, and everything else in the universe.

  158. I find that that’s why reincarnation make so much sense ! Other wise, there’s really no purpose in living and no real responsibility for anyone to take… Yet knowing that what we come back to depends on how we live brings a tad bit more meaning to life.

    1. In reading your comment Emily – it is absurd how as a society we do not see let alone embrace this very simple yet powerful fact – there is a purpose to life and that is to evolve back to the love we are.

      1. So true , Marcia. I have felt myself pulled by the material world and all the “good” times but after having or completed each thing on offer the emptiness is still there. Now I am choosing evolution and although I am not always holding myself in a loving way consistently, I feel the true purpose in my life and the responsibility that comes with that and that feel awesome.

    2. Yes Emily reincarnation does make so much sense and brings true purpose to living life from a foundation of responsibility for our choices and the forever learning that ensues.

  159. When we really take the time to ponder on and feel into reincarnation for ourselves, the automatic follow on is just as you have described Nicole: ‘ I began to look at how I was living, to make changes in my life, in order that ‘when’ and ‘if’ I did come back, there would be a foundation that I had created that I would want to come back to. And not one that left me thinking, “Oh, no, not again…”. Awesome.

  160. It is really easy to think that we are not coming back and thus make choices with little or no foresight. When we consider reincarnation, then our choices do count.

    1. It’s easy not to consider the impact our choices will have (on ourselves or others) if we remove or avoid responsibility that we might come back to our choices, however being aware of our responsibility takes making choices to a whole new level. Instead of living life with a ‘it doesn’t matter’, ‘I can do what I like’ or just ‘hoping’ it will be better next time around, reincarnation really offers us a way not only to create a deeper richer foundation of our lives this time around, but to prepare the foundation for the next.

  161. What if……I die now and that this is the foundation of my next life? Great question to ponder upon. Mostl interesting is how does that make me feel? This question was posed to me when I was a very depressed end teens and I didn’t want to go on in this life and wanted to step out of it. The answer to this question came to me immediately. I deep down had this knowing there was more to this life, that I could not just step out of it and get away with it. I was angry, very angry, because I knew I had to take responsibility for my life now. That was not what I was going for. This was my biggest ‘stop moment’. From there on, grudgingly at the beginning (years…), I choose for life, to live. And after 30 years, if you were to ask me this question again, I would say: I love my life now, but if I have to leave this body….bye,bye, all, see you soon again.

    1. Beautiful sharing Caroline, and it is a great question to ask ourselves every now and then to honestly feel where we are at and be true about the choices we make in the life we live at the moment, “What if……I die now and that this is the foundation of my next life?”

    2. Caroline it is a great question to ask, ‘What if I die now and that this is the foundation of my next life? It brings or invites a real stop moment for me to reflect and ponder on and to feel where I am still hanging onto ‘ the old’, the familiar and the comfort which of course only holds me back……

    3. I really like that Caroline, “Bye bye, all, see you soon again.” Nothing surer.
      I have had episodes twice in my life where I could have died but something in me strongly chose life as I knew there was a purpose still and that I would just have to come back and do it all over again until I ‘got it’. This felt very clear to me both times and I am so glad I chose life and the choice to continue to evolve. Universal Medicine simply confirmed all of this that I already knew when it came along.

  162. I recall having that feeling of, “What? We have to do this again?” a couple of times in my life, too- usually when things weren’t going so well! The rest of the time, I subscribed to the “inching your way along the path of goodness” version of reincarnation i.e if you’re good, you get to be reborn higher up the chain of command; which still left the absolute responsibility of my reincarnation in someone else’s approving hands. I far prefer, and it makes way more sense to me, to subscribe to the Universal Medicine understanding of reincarnation as one where we rebalance everything we have done with true Love and leave a path of Love that all may tread, including ourselves, upon our return.

  163. You really nailed it for me- it is a whole different way of living, if you live in respect to reincarnation and supporting yourself and others in this. The world society communicates unfortunately nothing like that…

    1. Yes Steffihenn, if you look at this blog this would be our great future ahead of us.. If we all look with this honesty and respect of our future (our place we come back to and leave for short period of time). If we look at it as our cycle, would we not treat our world differently?

    2. I agree Steffihen, the words that did it for me were ‘ if my life is so amazing, why wouldn’t I want to come back and do it again’. And if it isn’t amazing, now is the time to make it so, so that when I come back I am clearer, and better equipped to serve humanity. There is work to be done, and I want to be part of it.

  164. Thank you Nicole for sharing, I was brought up a Catholic and life was all about repenting from sin and doing good so you could get to heaven. What a burden that way of being was. About 10 years ago I visited Thailand and one night found myself having a past life experience, it was so strong that I could never doubt that reincarnation was real. Some time after that, I came to Universal Medicine and learnt about the responsibility I have with every decision I make. The impact I have on all life around me and the opportunity I have to bring the fullness of who I am, not just to this life, but to my next life. I am eternally grateful to Serge Benhayon for presenting to me that I am a child of a God with a pure inner heart and not a child who is a sinner.

    1. There are many children Jill who can recount their past lives in great detail, some of which have actually been recounted and historically verified in documentaries.. it is definitely worth exploring with an open mind. Many people will not entertain reincarnation because the responsibility it brings up is too daunting – many live life trying to run fast from what they are crashing and burning behind them, the thought of having to revisit that is too much.,.. However reincarnation can be seen the other way around – an amazing opportunity to learn what is true, and learn from our past experiences, to make different choices, and to understanding more deeply what is love and who we are.

  165. Reincarnation . . . the fundamental reason for choosing responsibility.

    If this life isn’t all there is, if we are to return to this world and once again live as part of humanity, then what we do now, in this life, sows the seeds for what we will return to.

    If we as a people, don’t stand up for truth in this life then where will the ‘evils’ and ‘ill’ of the world, such as terrorism and greed, be by the time we come back again?

    On a more personal scale, if we do not raise our children to be both accountable and sensible of their own power to affect others then what impact will they have on the ‘others’ they touch throughout their lives? when we then reincarnate, how will they and those ‘others’ have shaped the world we are then reborn into?

    Everyone carries hurts from the way they have been treated by others, whether this be not being adored by their parents for their innate amazingness, or bullied at school by one who couldn’t deal with their own hurts. If we go through this life showing people that they can trust and be open with others, showing people love and that they too can express in love – what kind of world would we come back to then?

  166. What you have presented dis simply beautiful and massive. How we live today affects tomorrow and affects the life we come back too.

  167. I love what you share here, Nicole and how we can avoid feeling what we do and it’s true impact. And I see reincarnation as the big picture on this, we come back in the quality we left in, it makes perfect sense, yet we imagine somehow that things will be different even if we’ve not actually changed how we were. That’s the ultimate irresponsibility and yet many of us cling to it (in the past I’ve often jokely said I’d love a fairy godmother to do ping and things would change!) What I’ve learned over the last few years with the support of Universal Medicine is that there is so much more to life and the responsibility that comes with that says it’s always your choice, you reap what you sow, so the quality you are in determines what you will come back to, be it the next life, the next day or the next week. It applies everywhere, and there’s a great joy here to embrace as it allows us to choose anytime to change, we’re not locked in, so we can choose to be love, to bring that quality of all we do and it will change our lives, right now and next time round.

  168. I have always felt the truth of reincarnation but it was not until Universal Medicine that I started to understand the implications of what that means. It has given my life such a strong purpose (which was not there before) and introduced a level of responsibility for the way I live that I had never considered.

  169. This is an honest way to look at ones live. What if I come back…. It is an invitation to have a closer look at our lives and the choices we are making. Do they feel honouring? Honouring to ourselves, bodies and all people around us? Your blog gives an evolving perspective on how we live and can make this life about loving choices.

  170. I feel that a lot of people live in this feeling of why bother, because there is no clear sign of any grander purpose to life when we look and see how the world is like. How is it that we’ve lost the natural connection to our divine origins? Why cannot we see the constant reflection of divinity in nature when it’s all there in plain sight? Could it be that there is an intelligence in society that claims to represent the divine but in truth it doesn’t? I haven’t got all the answers but quite a few questions that to me make much sense.

  171. Coming back and doing it all again as presented by the Ageless Wisdom makes so much sense and feels true and after all, there are millions of people in the world for whom reincarnation is a fact and very much part of their sphere of life..

  172. Nicole I love your awesome blog and your thinking of coming back especially this sentences: “I don’t want to come back and do this all over again… I could not possibly do it again!” That is so true it would be so boring and exhausting. Alone with that imagination of coming back I could feel a strong commitment to not repeat my life again . . . so thank you so much for your expression – it is an invitation to not hold back anymore.

  173. Absolutely Nicole, there is more to life than just going around in circles. There is a purpose, a bigger picture, a plan and we are all part of it. The choices that we make each day offer us the opportunity to evolve, to love ourselves and others, to let go of that which no longer serves us, to reflect to humanity that there is another way and to return to the truth of who we really are – the Sons of God.

  174. I was given a special book as a young man, not as a book to read cover to cover but to pick out individual verses, to understand more the meaning of life.
    My favorites were of love, of children, of work, of houses, of self
    knowledge, of soul, of death.
    Ten years later i read this little book of knowledge from cover to cover for the first time while riding out a category four Caribbean hurricane with one hundred mile per hour plus winds for over twenty four hours duration.
    It was a trying moment in my life but this little book brought solace.
    The very last pages were of reincarnation and I thought of my father who died not five years past, so when Serge Benhayon presented on Reincarnation i was waiting eagerly wiith open ears.

  175. It is definitely worth living the fullness of each and every moment and bringing our all to life, after all if we are coming back then it is all about the quality of how we live that will make it all worth while.

  176. I love what you share here Nicole, ‘creating a life to come back to’ is something worth talking about. To live life with this level of responsibility each and everyday knowing that every choice we make supports a much bigger picture and gives us true purpose.

  177. As a believer in reincarnation it makes perfect sense that the choices we make and how we live is what we are setting up to come back to. The resolved or the unresolved, said without judgement as it is the all about the intricate web of life we weave as we evolve to become more aware and learn through many lives of lessons.

  178. This is beautiful Nicole as it reflects the immense power of responsibility that we all have to be love in all that we do. Not only so we lay solid loving foundations for ourselves to come back to when we re-incarnate, but also this paves the way forth for humanity to evolve, by being a loving reflection that there is another way. That the way we live now is laying the foundation for our future, not only in this life but also for when we return. Our lives do have a purpose – to return to living the glorious and divine love that we are in Brotherhood.

  179. Nicole it makes me shudder to consider the energetic state that I would have passed over in had I died 10 years ago ! I would have been scrambling back up the birth canal in terror ! Phew it’s a relief to feel that with the support of Universal Medicine I have made a great foundation on which to continue building in the next life. My next mother needs to be close to the hospital ‘cos I’m gonna come flying out !

    1. Love what you share here, arieljoymuntelwit ….. I used to live my life as just that, my life. Now I consider me being a part of a greater whole. This brings a different quality to the way I live my life.

  180. Thank you Nicole. This blog really brought me back to the importance of the every day ‘little’ choices that we make. It brings so much more responsibility when we feel how what we are creating this life, will actually affect how we are in our next life. Wider than that we know all of our choices affect everybody – even in some minute way so there is no end to the responsibility should we choose to accept it, and see how it really plays out.

  181. Acceptance of reincarnation means taking more responsibility for the choices we make in this life knowing that they set the foundation for what we will be returning to. This is too confronting for some, but for others it means creating a life they want to come back to.

  182. Nicole there is incredible wisdom in what you have shared. I have believed in reincarnation since my early thirties. Despite this, it has taken me until my early fifties to take responsibility for the way I was living. I am deeply grateful to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for reigniting this truth in me.

  183. Great conversation to have Nicole. I have always believed in reincarnation as it was something spoken about by my mother and seemed to make sense to me. It wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon that I came to realise the truth about reincarnation – that it is really about responsibility and that this is the biggest stumbling block for most to accept the truth of coming back again. Once I fully understood and accepted this it what easy to see that life was not just about me or being comfortable but about everyone and bringing it all back to love and what that truly is.

  184. I love this quote: “Could it be that we are able to make more of an impact on the world and the society in which we live, if only we dare to stop and consider that there may be more – that we may be more… even if it is only for a second…” Imagine if we were more honest about how reduced many of our lives are when in fact they could be expansive – there is so much ‘more’ to life available. Honesty about how we truly feel has the potential to open up an expansive experience of the world, rather than limiting ourselves to what we call ‘reality’, only what we see and hear.

  185. The fact that reincarnation is a possibility has made me want to make choices in my life in consideration of this… to also create a loving foundation that I would want to return to through living in a way that has been inspired by Serge Benhayon and the love he has for himself and others… forever deepening and unfolding….beautiful and amazing and everything worth returning for.

  186. In the past the question of why was I here did not even cross my mind. Silly as it may sound, the fact of not asking why me shows that deep inside I did not entertain the possibility of answering: because my expression is unique and the world deserve to enjoy it. The volume, so to speak, was very low. Now my way of looking at myself, at life and at the world has dramatically change, I look forward to doing it all again.

  187. It seems that many of us have felt that we have lived before, often this feeling leaves us as we grow up, but how beautiful to be given the Ageless Wisdom to guide us back to our origins. The responsibility that comes with reincarnation is the way to ensure that what you come back to will reflect all the choices we are making now.

  188. I agree Nicole, reincarnation makes so much sense of everything and our relationship with life here on earth. The teachings of Universal Medicine and the Ageless Wisdom bring an extraordinary sense of understanding of the big, big picture – and it just gets deeper, more beautiful and more all encompassing.

    1. Yes, I feel it ( reincarnation) confirms that we are in relationship with the Earth, Annie, and not simply using / abusing it as a trash can or seeing it as a thrill seekers ride at a theme park.

  189. It is amazing how our “in-sight into life” can change, if we allow to stop to consider a bigger picture and the possibility that we come back and all re-incarnate. This means that we can 🙂 and must take responsibility for what we do, think and live now and that we create our own future – wow thats big!

  190. If we stop and look at life we realize that we are going around in circles repeating the same things over and over again. We think we move on, because there are lineal aspects to life, such as being born, growing older and dying with certain events we only live once, like going to school, having children, etc. But if we look at the quality we live in we can observe that what determines life are the patterns and emotional turmoils that dominate us and that we repeat in all what we do. We thing we change because we fight around a different topic or we talk about a different topic or we travel to a different country, but the quality we are expressing with stays and this does not let us move on. So reincarnation offers us to look at our quality and this has been the most amazing revelation for me. Very beautiful blog Nicole, thank you!

  191. Nicole, such simple wisdom when you say ‘I began to look at how I was living, to make changes in my life, in order that ‘when’ and ‘if’ I did come back, there would be a foundation that I had created that I would want to come back to. And not one that left me thinking, “Oh, no, not again…”. Whether or not one accepts that reincarnation is a truth, is beside the point. Living this way, taking responsibility for one’s choices in life and making life about love ensures that the human experience is a joy-full one, whether it is a one-off experience or an experience that is repeated many times. If each moment in every day is imbued with an ever-deepening love, who would not want reincarnation?

  192. I always had the feeling that I had lived many different lives before. I just did not know why. The teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have answered my question.

  193. Beautiful Nicole. One of the biggest questions I had as a kid growing up was ‘but what came before, and before that..’ and so it went. I can understand it now to be that knowing that we have all come from somewhere and that somewhere is carried into the next and the next – it is the knowing we all come from Love, and are forever re-turning to it.

  194. Yes there came a point in my life when I began to ask myself what life was all about? I knew there had to be more, a purpose. I met Serge Benhayon and the confirmation was liberating. What I had been feeling about myself, life, people and re-incarnation simply made sense.

  195. So true Nicole but we don’t really have to wait until the next life as the next day we have to come back and face the mess we made the day before.

    1. Yes Mary, every day is very much the same day. I recently became aware of how the relationships in my life were reflections of past relationships. The people and faces were different but I am really in pretty much the same position. I now see this as new opportunities to look at what these situations are showing me about how I relate to myself and others. So yes it is the little lessons that keep on coming up until we get them

    2. Great reminder Kathleen. It’s not only making it about what we come back to in our next life for we are returning and coming back in every moment, day, week, year. It’s our every choice that affects the next moment. If we find ourselves waking wondering why we feel terrible, we simply have to ask ourselves how we lived the day before.

  196. I love this Nicole, as I can feel in it, in each day we have a choice. We can go through life in a mundane way or we can create each day anew – seeing the purpose we bring and that life can in fact be a joy. It is really confirming to read how the choices we make each day can build a foundation not only for this lifetime but the next.

  197. Such a great blog, Nicole – I know that feeling of ‘OMG, I don’t want to do it all again!’… and that not coming back at all or going anywhere – aka ‘returning to dust’, felt like (& sometimes still does feel like!) a much better option. For me it’s about responsibility. If all we had is this one life, I could be totally irresponsible, fritter away the time how I please and not have to take ownership for any of it (except in how it affects me in this life). Knowing that we do come back means that at some point, I do have to take responsibility for all of my choices and actions… it calls me to be responsible, now – to create a life I want to come back to, but also to connect to what my purpose is, and to live that.

  198. More than half the worlds population believe in reincarnation. Who are we in the west to be so ignorant or arrogant to think it couldn’t be so. I love everything you say Nicole and love the idea of coming back to continue the journey. Thanks for your article.

  199. What comes across strong to me here Nicole is how rather than ‘teaching’ anyone anything the beauty of what Serge Benhayon brings is that he just confirms what we already know. This confirmation of something you have felt is amazing and inspires you to trust and explore all else you sense inside in all areas of your life.

    1. You have nailed it Joseph. What Serge Benhayon presents is so far from what modern life is usually focussing on and yet so accessible and making so much sense. A kind of deep sense that is instantly felt deep down inside. It does need no proof or explanation as you just know that what is shared here is the truth.

  200. It is a fact that when we connect to purpose and that feeling that there is ‘more to life’ – it always takes us from a self-centred way of living to one that is in service and consideration of others and the world.. this feels like the only true way forward for humanity and a way that we can build on life after life…

    1. I so agree Sarah and it is the choices we make moment to moment that determine whether or not we are willing to connect to purpose in the first place.

    2. In your words Sarah I can really feel the state of the world today in that so many are not connected to true purpose and therefore in a state of ‘give up’ and unrecognised depression. I have myself cruised in this life and many more previously and am still establishing a foundation of true purpose and commitment and when that is connected to in full I feel the enormous responsibility but also freedom of what that offers. When we live in a self centred way and make everything about self, we really are living a life of misery but choosing to not be aware of the fact. Make life about service and the whole universe opens up before you….

    3. Absolutely Sarah, a life of brotherhood, or ‘one that is in service and consideration of others and the world’, rings so true. Responsibility to be loving and connect with no self, brings a deeper accepting about reincarnation, this understanding is now available for all, thanks to the presentations of Serge Benhayon.

  201. I can relate to having a feeling that there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing and that there was a true purpose, otherwise what was the point – so much did not make sense to me, for many years. Then I found Serge Benhayon and he explained and clarified so many things I already knew but did not see as important. I now see how important it is to make choices in my life that will support me now and in my lives to come.

  202. Thanks Nicole, this is very insightful, capturing the fact that if true, then reincarnation equals responsibility for the life you are living now and the fact that if we choose not to evolve from the same old patterns, ruts and comfortable arrangements, then it will be same same, no different, as the Vietnamese love to say. A sobering thought and one well worth pondering since if reincarnation is true, then it doesn’t matter what you believe, it’s happening regardless… said first by Serge Benhayon many years ago.

    1. Hahaha, Jenny. I love that aspect of that too …doesn’t matter if you believe in it – you’re still coming back! It certainly sets to rest any temper tanties at the prospect of this fact, as well as, I feel, exposing certain tendencies to pomposity around those who often proselytise and question this.

  203. Nicole I always held a strong knowing within of reincarnation and that it is just another beautiful part of our life cycle. We are responsible for all that we are now and forever.

  204. Nicole what you have written here is certainly worth pondering on. It highlights my attachment to this life and my reluctance to truly feel what I am coming back to and my responsibility in this process. I have always known that there is more to my being in this life than just being in this life but I really need to claim that now. Thank you.

  205. Thank you Nicole. Although born into a Catholic family, I have always recognised the truth of reincarnation as my truth. We do come back and this implies responsibility at every level and every moment.

  206. I used to have conversations with a friend some years back, where he didn’t believe there was anything past death, and to me, that didn’t make sense, as what would be the point to all of that. Since attending presentations by Serge Benhayon, what I had thought way back then was confirmed in the presentations, that reincarnation definitely is part of our cycle of life and rebirth. And to know that the way we choose to live and care for our bodies, serves us in our next reincarnation, makes absolute sense. After all, Serge and how he lives and inspires hundreds and hundreds of people, is our living proof of that very fact.

    1. I agree that all the choices we make now come back to us, every single one; it is our choices in this life that lay the foundation for our next reincarnation.

  207. Yes Nicole, it’s great to find the true purpose of reincarnation and to be able to accept the reality of it. I used to treat it as a joke, when discussing reincarnation with friends, but I think I really had a fear of it. Now that I accept Serge Benhayon’s presentations with regard to reincarnation as our way of returning to God – learning lessons in each lifetime, I can face the concept with loving acceptance.

    1. Thank you Nicole and Jo, ‘loving acceptance’ of who we are and where we come from bring absoluteness to reincarnation, which I also lacked before the presentations of Serge Benhayon.

  208. I can remember thinking “I definitely do not ever want to go through my school years again”. But these days the prospect isn’t nearly so daunting.

    1. Natalie I have often found myself saying the same thing as I disliked school so much. The great thing is knowing that I have the opportunity to do is very differently next time around!

  209. Like you Nicole, I hadn’t really considered my purpose in this life, nor the full implications of the choices I make in every moment before I met Serge Benhayon and attended Universal Medicine presentations. The concept of reincarnation then made sense to me and I am developing a much more caring relationship with myself and others as a result.

  210. Absolutely Nicole, I feel a relief that what I have felt in my life is now confirmed. A deeper meaning and responsibility to all that I do is now present in me. I too enjoy waking up in the mornings now, I feel more committed to life knowing this is one of many and this life does matter and so do the choices I make in it.

      1. Realizing my purpose in life, changed everything. My relationship, my work, my day to day choices…It feels beautiful because life has a focus now, instead before it was more about me and to come further on this lineal timeline, to end up wealthy and becoming as old as possible. What a waste of lifetime would that have been 😉

  211. Knowing that we are coming back again holds us to our responsibility. There is no escaping it. Your choices are your choices and you are the one they will impact most heavily upon.

  212. If we don’t acknowledge reincarnation as a possibility we can avoid all responsibility as does with the saying “one life, live it” many people use this as a way of punishing their body and pushing to extremes. I have always deeply felt reincarnation was the only logical explanation but at times I have thought, well I might as well live in disregard for myself and others just in case I got it wrong and I don’t have to come back and face my prior choices. Now I enjoy taking responsibility for all my actions and I try not to disregard myself or others. I feel I have spent many lives in utter disregard and it feels great to take even the smallest steps to re-balance this.

    1. Reincarnation was the only logical explanation for me too Michelle, and the wisdom passed to us by Serge Benhayon has shown me how it works. What a relief, all the pieces are falling into place, and the knowledge that in taking responsibility for this life, I am laying the foundations for the next one(s) has given me a freedon I never thought possible.

  213. Very beautiful, and so important to realise everyday that we are here with a purpose, and we have the possibility to give ourself an amazing place to come back to.

  214. This is really great and probably explains why so many of us don’t like the idea of reincarnation. Is it less ‘total rubbish’, ‘there’s no proof’ or ‘it’s not real’ and more ‘oh no, I can’t go through this again’ that people resist?

  215. It feels so expansive to live in cycles and rhythms instead of the old linear model which led to a dead end. Responsibility the way Serge Benhayon presents is liberating and playful!

  216. Thank you for presenting on such a misunderstood topic. Now there’s a good news story. Headlines anyone?

  217. Its the ultimate form of responsibility; coming back to what you left behind.
    Thank you Nicole.

  218. I never used to consider that I would or could come around again and that sort of thinking was reserved for some other religious groups of whom I had no contact with, but since attending presentations by Serge Benhayon I am looking at things very differently these days. Especially around taking responsibility for myself and my actions, so that when I do return I will be more aware of my responsibility with how I live and how I affect others.

  219. Thank you Nicole for expanding the foundation of what reincarnation could be. It makes sense to take responsibility for making better life choices and thus build a platform from which you gladly return to build upon. It makes no sense to play the role of ‘victim’ but it’s all a choice of our own choosing so may I suggest to choose lovingly or you could be muttering ‘here we go again’.

  220. Thank you Nicole.
    Coming around again makes you think more seriously about the choices you make right now doesn’t it!
    So then….
    “To allow ourselves to begin to choose those inner feelings and to choose to live a life filled with honesty, truth and love” … makes sense. And therefore every time we return, the quality of our lives deepens.
    For example; in society the choices made by politicians, communities, education and anyone in an influential position might be different if they thought that THEY would return to that situation.

  221. Once upon a time, in a not faraway land I lived a romantic notion of reincarnation and karma, I believed but only as it suited me – a kind of dreamy state that I could apply at will like a fairytale. Enter Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and a big dose of love and truth – encouraging and inspiring me into taking responsibility; the dreamy romanticism is gone and the true reality of why everything goes around and around and around (life, lives, eras, the earth, the sun the year, day, hour) is my greatest ally in living a life that I want to come back to for ever after.

  222. Thank you Nicole, I loved your blog. It is so worthwhile building a life based on loving choices so that we can reflect to humanity that it is possible to live with true joy and true harmony. It is also so beautiful to know now that coming back to what we left behind calls for greater responsibility in how we choose to live. And, that cannot be denied.

  223. Thank you Nicole, I loved your blog. It is so worthwhile building a life based on loving choices so that we can reflect to humanity that it is possible to live with true joy and true harmony. It is also so beautiful to know now that coming back to what we left behind calls for greater responsibility in how we choose to live. And, that cannot be denied.

  224. Beautiful and clear writing Nicole on the realities of life which brought up for me how we all live in either one or the other; the first and the false reality of, ‘we eat, we shit and we die’ reality or the second, we create this life to be so amazing that we look forward to coming back. I know which reality I am choosing!

  225. The thoughts were fairly constant in my life through out my teens and twenties even in to my thirties – dreading coming back to do this all again. Feeling back then that ‘this was it’ was also a catalyst into living in a way that did not support me at all. Piling more mud onto the mud so to speak. Things changed when I met and embraced Universal medicine and Serge Benhayon and I am too, building a life that will support me to come back into a life that will be of true service.

  226. Nicole, great blog. I was with you on so many sentences. I too feel greatful to have found something that answers so many questions, and validates so many feelings I have had in my life. I love my new way of living. It inspires me everyday to uncover more ways to live in truth and love, and by me living for my future self it creates a responsibility that I can’t ignore.

  227. Day after day repeating the same patterns hoping for things to be different but nothing changes because we don’t change the way we are. Now multiply that by life after life after life. Is it any wonder we like to think we live and then we die as the horror and the misery of doing it all again is too much to bear and hence why so many deny reincarnation as a truth. Then you have the version that reincarnation is a punishment, that you will come back as an ant so someone can tread on your version. So no wonder we reject the idea or find it too much to bear. But what if reincarnation was an opportunity to learn and evolve and what if we come back to the exact energy or imprint of life we left behind. If we were raised to know this would we live more lovingly with care for ourselves and all others? Naturally we would as this is the life we would want to come back to.

    1. That is a great point Rachel, “If we were raised to know this would we live more lovingly with care for ourselves and all others? Naturally we would as this is the life we would want to come back to.” They should educate this at schools!

  228. I lived most of my life thinking “oh no not again” when I opened my eyes every morning. Perhaps you can imagine my horror at the thought of reincarnation.
    I always knew that reincarnation was true, but saw myself as a passive victim of it, with no way to change or influence it…..just as I saw myself as a passive victim every day of my life.
    For me this shows that whether it is a day, or a year, or a decade, or an entire life we just come back to the same point over an over.
    Nicole, you have shown that we have a choice about the quality of the point to which we return.

  229. Nicole thank you for a really interesting article. It makes a lot of sense that we come back and even more sense that there are many things we would not want to repeat again. What this reminds me of is the importance of making changes and choices for the life we want not only for the next X number of years but for many lives to come.

  230. Great article Nicole, thank you. When I came to Universal Medicine I was really able to understand reincarnation, how I live and how this affects everyone. It has given me the opportunity to make huge changes to my life, taking responsibility in how I choose to live which I will carry with me to my next life.

  231. Reincarnation really makes sense of life and for all the mess the world is in. For if all people had the understanding that what they do in this life will determine what sort of life they will have to come back to, they would take much more responsibility for how they are living now: how they treat other people and the planet.

  232. Wow this is gorgeous Nicole, ‘I now have a life that I look forward to coming back to – a life that I can continue to build and work on in a way that is supportive of everyone and everything.’ I feel very inspired reading this, thank you.

  233. Hi Nicole, this is so familiar, it was exactly what I felt ‘Oh my goodness do I have to come back and do this all again – horror’; but that was because I was living, or more accurately, existing, and now I am building a life that I would choose to come back to. Since attending Universal Medicine presentations and understanding that is about quality of living in every moment and slowly changing how I live, the ‘horror’ has been replaced with, at first, acceptance, then commitment to life and truth and love. Unfolding love is now my life.

  234. Creating that “foundation to come back to, living in simplicity rather than overwhelm ” speaks volumes to me Nicole.
    Whether people choose to believe in reincarnation or not, what a glorious way to live our lives. It truly is greater than I could have ever imagined.

  235. This is a great blog, whether we believe in reincarnation or not, if we do not have a life we would love to come back to then something is clearly not right, and then we have a great opportunity to change the way we live to be more loving and more fulfilling, and to be of a quality we can say we would love to return to.

  236. Such wisdom in what you say here Nicole.
    When we actually consider our responsibility for what we are here – it does put things into perspective, and offers us a deep responsibility, if we choose to accept it. We’re existing at a time when so much of history repeats itself, but I am now aware that choices effect others, ourselves, and the future.
    It shows me I have a much bigger part to play than just existing.

  237. From a very young age I questioned why I was here and all the reasons I was given never made sense to me. That nothing in life confirmed what I felt, I too felt ‘what’s the point?’ and joined the game. I too am very grateful and feel very blessed to have Serge Benhayon in my life, who always, always, calls it as it is and makes so much sense.

  238. The idea of reincarnation, like the concept of God, never really brushed me the wrong way but I had a sense that some part of it must be true. Just as in my teens I used to wake up thinking ‘Oh no, not again’ every morning, dreading the idea of the next 60+ years of ‘Oh no’s’ ahead of me. However, since listening to the presentations on reincarnation by Serge Benhayon it makes sense. If the way I live on a daily basis brings me the ‘Oh no’s’ or ‘Yeah! new day!’ feelings then it is as simple as saying that all those little daily choices build and affect the greater quality that I can return to ‘next time around.’

  239. I agree Nicole, that reincarnation gives life much more purpose and makes more sense then it just being a pointless one off existence. To me it is the only theory that comes close to explaining why some kids are born with health conditions and some are not, why some people are born into wealth and privilege and others are not for example. It just does not feel random to me – but could it be based on our previous lives and our choices in those lives?

  240. Well presented, Nicole. The way that Serge Benhayon presents reincarnation, it is just common sense and answers all the questions of why we are here and what our purpose is being here.

  241. This is a very interesting blog Nicole. The idea of reincarnation certainly makes sense of several phenomena that one frequently hears about. Young children with incredible piano or language skills for example. That sense of ‘Deja vu’ that we get sometimes and can’t explain. On the positive side, if we make a complete hash of this life, we get another crack at it; but looking a bit deeper, how much better it is to evolve!
    To lay the foundation in this life of something that will benefit the next, and thus by definition, all of humanity.

  242. This is a great blog Nicole Serafin and a subject I feel should really be discussed even if we are not subscribing to the possibility that we are going to re-incarnate and do it all over again.
    As you said and it made me squirm – the auto pilot living. Gosh that was my life, get up function, keep super busy, indulge in food and other distractions and that was it. Not once did I think my trashy lifestyle was affecting me, let alone anyone else.
    The change came when I got the understanding from Serge Benhayon about our Responsibility in every choice we make. Now that is when I started to grasp what this re-incarnation business was really about. I am actually looking forward to my next life because how I am choosing to live right now and will continue to do so will be a load more responsible so thank God I will not have to repeat the ugly stuff of the past. Imagine teaching our kids in kindergarten about re-incarnation and the ultimate Responsibility that requires.

  243. Thank you Nicole for reminding us about the bigger picture. This is lovely to read, ‘I now have an opportunity to live in a way that at the end of the day I am not exhausted, and that I actually look forward to getting up in the mornings, without dreading what lies ahead for the day. To enjoy living the simplicity of my life rather than living in the overwhelm of the life that goes on around me.’

  244. I agree Mary, to me reincarnation makes sense, but Nicole has raised some very good questions, and highlighted the need for responsibility when considering what we will come back to.

  245. Thank you Nicole, there’s lots to identify with in your blog. I especially like “To enjoy living in the simplicity of my life rather that in the overwhelm that goes on around me”.

  246. Lovely blog Nicole, although I never asked myself the sort of questions you were asking and never having any consideration that I would come back do start all over again, that has changed since I started to attend the presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I now know why this topic is not openly discussed and that is because reincarnation is the ultimate responsibility. I now look forward to coming back to do it all again and maybe next time I will understand how to properly use a computer!!

  247. Hello Nicole. Thank you for a very beautiful blog. From a young age I have always felt that reincarnation was true. It was obvious to me like Spring comes after Winter and fresh bright green new leaves reappear like by magic. No need to search for them (lots of new age modalities do that sort of thing). Past lives come to us when we are ready and we expand our consciousness. Images arrive, feelings of deep knowing come to you. Like a 4 year old little cousin of mine had said to his mother : “when I was a grown up I lived in America”.

  248. Thank you Nicole an amazing blog. I had that same feeling of, Oh not again and I carried it for most of my life to the point of giving up and just accepting this was the life I had and I would do what I had to do to get through. In this giving up is a lack of responsibility that I can change things and it starts with me. Like you, through the inspiration of Serge Benhayon and his family I am learning to build a foundation to come back to, and giving up is no longer an option in life.

    1. Thanks Nicole for a great blog. I too have had the oh no not again. I’ve always embraced reincarnation as a concept but not really wanted to look at the responsibility I carry for my quality and how that impacts everything. I would wishfully think I could come back differently but know deep within that how I lived determined everything, hence my dread.

      Since undertaking courses with Universal Medicine it’s different, that give up is less and less and I’m now super committed to life. And you know what? I’m ready to come back all over again, to express and be more love and show that it’s possible for us all. A huge change and thanks to Serge Benhayon I see a living loving example of what true reincarnation can be.

  249. Thanks for the awesome blog Nicole – you raise some excellent questions that I am sure many people are also trying to ‘solve’, such as is there a bigger picture; however you answer them simply with describing how to build a loving foundation to come back to, without a taint of dread, or “oh no, not again”.

  250. Thanks Dragana for your comments and for drawing out what education actually means! It’s awesome to be a part of supporting true change in education into the future. I will also be ready to do that – no more “not again” for me!

  251. I have had those exact same thoughts Nicole: “Oh no, not this again…” and have more recently realised that if the quality of life I am living now is good, why not have it again and again and again…

    I must say I still sometimes think: “Oh no, not school again”… Although I was always a top student (in terms of academic achievements – Ms Ambitious I once was ;)) – when I see how much further away education has gone from what it’s truly meant to be, I think it would be good to skip that period – (ha ha).

    I have raised 4 boys so even though my main stream education finished almost 30 years ago, I have been ‘at school’ almost all my adult life. In fact I am still home working, revising, essay writing, parents meetings etc. because my youngest son has two more years to go till the end of secondary education. I have been playing an active part in helping my children with their school work. At times it shocks and saddens me to see how much education has been reduced to a memory test; memorising and repeating what somebody else (i.e. exam boards / education authorities / governments and who not…) decide they want/need to hear – this to such an extent that even when a student’s answer is perfectly correct, – if it does not contain the words that those marking the exam are looking for – you don’t get the marks. Come on, this is pure crazy, no?

    Education is another one of those beauty-full words that has almost completely lost it’s true meaning; from Latin EDUCO – to draw out, to draw from within! I remember when I first learnt this meaning in my Latin class (teenage years) – I fell in love with the word and my immediate response was: why is it then that everybody is putting so much emphasis on ‘pumping it all into us’ (children), rather than allowing and supporting that which is already within us, to blossom out?

    Anyway, there’ll be no skipping education for me any other time in the future… Knowing what I know now, I’ll embrace it with all my heart when the time comes. I am also thinking; somebody has to influence the change, so why not be a part of that – I am in. 🙂

    1. This is gorgeous Dragana. I have no children, but feel as though I have been in school everyday of my life anyway!
      I see young people in my work everyday, and I ask what inspires them? what do they see for themselves in the future when school is done? The vast majority look at me blankly. They have no idea. What form of education are they receiving, what is being drawn out them that they have no sense of inspiration? (note: not ambition!!) They feel caught to me in the energy of “oh no…not again”.
      Nicole’s blog makes the idea of reincarnation so simple. There is no need to believe it, just to have the possibility opens the possibility of a different relationship to life. It is an invitation to place reincarnation in the “what if ??” basket.
      And if it is true, then what could be a more wonderful way to live than to lay some foundations for the next time around.

    2. Thank you Dragana, I have just read the true latin meaning of the word EDUCO – to draw out, to draw within. Like you I love this word and is a lovely reminder just to give myself enough ‘space’ to allow what is within out, to allow the wisdom that resides in us all to ‘blossom” out, is just beautiful and again reminds me that every thing I need is inside of me.

  252. Ah, thank you Nicole – it’s beauty-full to hear you say “I now have a life that I look forward to coming back to – a life that I can continue to build and work on in a way that is supportive of everyone and everything”. It has reminded me how I feel blessed every day to know the truth that we all come back… instead of life being cruel and pointless, I now find life meaningful, purposeful and full of amazing opportunities to grow and learn.

    If we were all encouraged from an early age to feel the truth in our bodies instead of encouraged to check out and numb the body, we would know reincarnation to be true. How different would society look if every person knew this as their truth; how amazing would it be for us all to be looking at the bigger picture.

  253. This is so simple and so real – it touches a very ‘sore’ spot in me… It stars with the same feelings of ‘oh no I don’t know if I can come back and do this all over again’, which after some further pondering leads to one word – responsibility. I am responsible for the life I live and the life I come back to. That’s the sore spot – not that I have to come back, but that what I come back to I have laid out for myself. Is it possible that it’s been easier to say in my head that reincarnation is not real, than to have to feel my part in this…

    1. Yes, I too have struggled in years gone past with the idea of having to come back and do it all again – I wasn’t wanting to see or feel my responsibility for the life I was having. It’s been a true blessing to re-embrace life and to make life more and more amazing, so that the thought of coming back is becoming “yes bring it on!”.

  254. It was very similar with me… When I was first open to the prospect of reincarnation a few years ago my thoughts were – “Oh no, not again and again and again”, “No wonder I feel so heavy and exhausted with life!”. The intensity and overwhelm of life was huge and is something I am still working on. But as with you Nicole, the inspiration that UniMed has brought for all that I am, all that I have, and all that I have to offer to others, has been immeasurably more to the overwhelm I used to feel – in and of life. It is so joyful to feel the purpose in life – the bigger picture, and to know and value our part in the greater plan. There is a wonder and beauty about at being here and being here together! Bring it on!

    1. It’s true, Rachel, without true purpose and the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, why would people want to return? With purpose and the truth, we are all agreeing, “Yes – bring it on. I’m in.”

  255. You’ve nailed the sense of deep giving up I had also felt, Nicole – the “what’s the point”? And I can state that I also, through the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, have absolutely had the flame of ‘the point’ (i.e. a sense of purpose in life) re-kindled within. That this life is about so much more than I’d been willing to see, and the responsibility I now take in life, and enjoy taking, isn’t just ‘about me’. Thank you.

  256. So beautifully put Nicole – that question of “Is there a purpose to life?” or the statement “There must be more to life than this” are sentences that often run through our minds. The voice inside us that we cannot silence will not let us run away from these two important statements.

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