Love can only Love Me Back

by Adele Leung, Hong Kong

I thought I would not be loved because I share different views on God with my blood family. My view on God does not have a Bible to back it up, only my heart. For a long time, I dared not open my mouth to speak about any of it, for the feeling of – who would listen? I knew I was not alone in this when I met with the reflection from Serge Benhayon’s books. I knew that my heart had not lied to me, that: God is Love and Only Love.

I thought I would not be loved because however subtle, frequently I have experienced on–going power struggles in relationships. I was ‘loved’ when I was weak. And whenever I began living who I truly am, the questioning and resistance, especially from those close to me grew. In turn, I reacted. I could and have continuously tried to justify these power struggles. Thus, I have done everything, except for truly loving.

I thought I would not be loved, if I spoke what I was truly feeling especially in relation to abuse I could feel. I was feeling and accepting everything about another, before honouring my feelings first, and not standing up to say no to what is not okay, I was actually not loving – neither to myself or to another. What I thought to be love, was actually condoning and perpetuating separation, first and foremost, to myself.

I thought I would not be loved because I do not ever ‘do’ coffee, alcohol, drugs or a big meal to have a ‘good time’ anymore. I even go to sleep at the time when most people are just ready to begin their nights. I feel bored watching telly and most of the time fall asleep in the middle of movies. Thus, I am not great in ‘socialising’ as how the world understands this word to be, but I am quite awesome in socialising with myself. When I meet friends, to me, it is unimportant what we do or where we go, for none of that is necessary for a true connection to happen.

I thought I would not be loved because I do not belong to any community or tribe, sect or pact that provides the cushiony support of like-mindedness. On the contrary, I stick out like a sore thumb in my home country – most think I am joking when I tell them I belong to the brotherhood of humanity. I have tried to do many things to not appear different, but how can not living who I am really confirm who I truly am. So what do I choose: do I know or don’t I know who I am? It comes down to an issue of honesty to and for myself.

I thought I would not be loved because I do not work for riches or identity. Although I do have a job or two, and I provide for myself and my son, I can’t help but share with a wink that my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life. Sadly, most don’t share my play-fullness when I tell them that.

I thought I would not be loved because I truly do not know how to convey what is in my heart if it is not heard from another’s heart. There were nights when I pondered what it would be like to make up my own language or perhaps to just stop speaking. I realised that neither are the solutions for my deep desire to express, or just simply, to communicate.

I thought I would not be loved because most of the time I do not need to be needed and do not ‘do’ love. But I am expected to anyway. We cannot really be ‘doing’ love – we can only be it – so to me it is not about proving love by showing niceties… This doesn’t mean I would not buy gifts or send cards or tell someone they are beautiful, but it is not done out of being nice or because it is a ‘proper’ thing to do – it is because of my impulse to share love in such way.

I thought I would not be loved, because the world understands love differently. I only know this because I am the same as everyone else – in that I had accepted the ‘love’ we are taught from young for so long, even though it did not feel truly loving to me. I searched for love everywhere outside of myself. I went to many places and have done many things in the name of ‘love’, however, that which I thought was ‘love’, still hurts many people including myself. I felt I had lost the one thing that guided my whole life – True Love. I felt betrayed, misled and lost.

When I ran out of options, I decided to give loving myself a try. This began as a discipline that introduced more and more gentleness towards myself, and rather than holding on to right or wrong, I began to feel from my body and listened to it. Until one day, this love that I have been practising and opening myself to, has allowed me to feel so truly loved, and this love is no different from the love I share every time I love someone else deeply.

At that moment, I smiled, and thought: How could I ever feel scared or sad or lonely and not loved?

It is absurd and impossible for me now.

Love can only love me back.

535 thoughts on “Love can only Love Me Back

  1. We think we need to conform, please fit in and abandon ourselves to be ‘loved’ but what kind of love would ask us to do this? certainly not a true kind of love, a holding and non judgemental love. This is a great way to see how we can get sucked into needing someone to approve of us or recognise us in some way and this acts as the closest replica to love that we can possibly get and hence we take it hook line and sinker, rather than holding steady with what we know is true whether another takes it or leaves it.

  2. “that which I thought was ‘love’, still hurts many people including myself”. It’s a great comment about the false love we have created that hurts so many, as you say Adele, love, the true and real love, can only love us back. It’s very absolute, that’s all it is – love.

  3. Even in the complications we make about love, even when it seems that love is far away from us, we keep being held by it. It’s just us who sometimes don’t allow ourselves to feel it enough, but the truth is that Love is always there.

  4. Any religion that does not have love as their corner stone or the building blocks of their foundation is lying to everyone pure and simple. So then we have to ask what is it then that they are peddling to us?

  5. Right and wrong is such a reduction of what Love is. To understand Love is to consider it energetically and from that space there is no doing, or judgement, there is stillness, joy, harmony, truth and ‘kapow’ power! yet with no need for any of the attention that goes with the power we have come to associate with that word. Love simply is who we are, what we are made of and where we are from.

  6. Beautiful to read how you have now built a love for self, ‘Until one day, this love that I have been practising and opening myself to, has allowed me to feel so truly loved, and this love is no different from the love I share every time I love someone else deeply’

  7. Love reading this. I know I can think of so many reasons I won’t be loved, so many differences – like thinking that any difference makes me incompatible with another. But when I love myself and express from being love I know yes, we are all different but we are all connected, we all come from love and are love. How can I not be love and loved?

  8. We are not presented what love truly is as we grow up, and we start behaving in ways that disregard ourselves, ‘I thought I would not be loved, if I spoke what I was truly feeling especially in relation to abuse I could feel. I was feeling and accepting everything about another, before honouring my feelings first, and not standing up to say no to what is not okay, I was actually not loving – neither to myself or to another.’

    1. As adults, we have to re-parent ourselves and give ourselves permission to honour what we are feeling. We do not need to be held by our upbringing if we move in a way that re-imprints the experience.

      1. Great point Lucy – we can at any point re-parent ourselves and turn things completely around. This is taking true responsibility on all counts.

  9. “To me, it is unimportant what we do or where we go, for none of that is necessary for a true connection to happen’. Adele I feel the same way when I am with people, that the absolute jewel is in the true meeting of another. The knitting together of two or more people, despite their differences. And it is because we are not truly meeting others when we are with them that we need to constantly entertain and distract ourselves with entertainment, food and drink. We are looking for the bright lights all around us when the truth is we can be absolutely blinded by what’s inside.

  10. Crazy how many of us can fight our own love and the love that is on offer from others,
    The sprit loves to be complicated where as the soul just says I am love you too, lets go.

  11. While ever we hold onto the old ways and idealised versions of love it is like being stuck in the mud it is difficult to extricate ourselves out but with the divine reflection of another we move in a different way and the seemingly impossible becomes our lessons in True ways of living that make it simple to return to our most divine Loving essences as you have so play-fully shared Adele.

  12. Adele, this is really supportive to read; ‘When I meet friends, to me, it is unimportant what we do or where we go, for none of that is necessary for a true connection to happen.’ Where I met used to be really important and I would spend much time and money searching for the best places to go. What I find now is that I can feel content wherever I go and that having a cup of tea with friends or family is just as lovely as being somewhere ‘exciting’ and beautiful.

  13. We seek love, yet we don’t give that a real go, it’s like we are almost already given up in trying. Being loving with ourselves, truly, should have been the obvious choice, but many of us don’t see that as obvious, as if we are so obviously undeserving, let alone accepting that we are love. I love the title – ‘Love can only love me back’.

  14. Looking back on my childhood I could not be loved truly loved that is by my family because I upheld a different understanding of God to them. I shut down because I felt crushed by their version of God that was totally opposite of what I knew and felt in my body to be true. Meeting Serge Benhayon has given me at last a safe space to bring out and unpack my understanding of God which is for ever deepening and expanding as I give my self permission to go deeper with what I know to be true.

  15. If we ‘love’ people because they are doing things that make us feel ‘comfortable’ eg drinking, is that not just highlighting our insecurities? Loving another should never be based on what we do and how we live but who we are and starting with ourselves, truly loving ourselves, is the only way to go ❤️

  16. “I thought I would not be loved because”…I felt so different from everyone else and often felt that I didn’t belong in this world. But once I began to love myself I knew that yes, I did belong and the difference I felt was simply my uniqueness, my way of expressing in this world, and that in truth, I am an equal member of our global family; humanity.

    1. Yes we are, we are from the same body of Love and yet we have been led to believe that our race, creed, country of birth and gender all define who we are.

      1. All the same on the inside and also with the same red blood running through our veins and yet bringing our unique qualities as the unique piece in the whole mix.

  17. Your heart hasn’t lied Adele, we as a race of human beings have allowed the lie that God only loves a certain race, or that he is an ogre, angry, punishes those people who do not obey the rules that he has supposedly set down for us to follow. These same people say they know and follow the will of God. We have forgotten that God is Love and Only Love and in that forgetfulness we have fallen far from the truth.

      1. May be it will take a long time for those who are religious to let go of the false lies we have upheld to be true. Many religions are used as a way to subjugate and control people, there is much power, greed and corruption within certain religions and this will be very hard to give up. But this is where we can see that it is the spirit that is in control and ruling here and not the love of God, and so the truth is known

      2. Religion is still caught up in the dirty deals and behind the scene tricks as is portrayed in the latest Robin Hood movie produced by Otto Bathurst.
        What ‪#RobinHoodMovie‬‬‬‬‪ ‬ shares is exposing of much corruption.

    1. This is very true Mary, ‘We have forgotten that God is Love and Only Love and in that forgetfulness we have fallen far from the truth.’

  18. ‘my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life’ Yep, got that, all the rest is just creating a lot of fuss, unless we go in with living the love that we are.

  19. True beauty is immediately recognised in anyone who moves and expresses in full all that they innately are.

  20. “Love can only love me back.” If love was a machine it would be the true perpetual motion machine as it is self-generating and is forever deepening and expanding.

  21. I would back my heart as my foundation anyway over a book. A book can present or carry the wisdom of inner heart or it may not.

  22. ‘At that moment, I smiled, and thought: How could I ever feel scared or sad or lonely and not loved?’ Incredibly beautiful to feel this as I know I am not loving myself (or others) unconditionally but seeing glimpses like driving to the sea and spotting it sometimes on the horizon.

  23. I love the title of this blog. So much is been expected of the word and actions of LOVE. Yet when we simplify that quality -there is nothing less but love and love for all of us to enjoy.

  24. Beautiful to read of how you’ve reconnected with the love inside of you, something that you’ve felt from your body rather than chasing an image in the minds eye.

  25. While we may ascribe all sorts of ideals, beliefs and conditions onto love, none of these exist in love. They are simply the many various devices we use to keep true love at arm’s length, conveniently so.

  26. This blog seems simple, yet it’s words reverberate in my life and keep coming back to show like a boomerang, the truth of love. It’s in nothing you or anyone else can do. That’s huge and truly life changing if lived.

  27. This is a great reminder how saying no to what does not support or confirm the Love that we are is really important and that we have to bring Self-Love in to our relationship with ourselves first before we can have it with another.

    1. And all those ‘avenues’ are fed to us from the outside, from the array of ideals and beliefs which swirl around us in every moment in the attempt to keep us away from the true source of love which resides within us, a source which never leaves us, but loves us eternally.

  28. Belonging and love can be sold to us as the ideal package. One not existing without the other and so much on offer with ideals and images that bombard our screens and are generated with conversations. Where does the truth lie? Or are we fed a lie as another package?

  29. Using and following a book to guide us in life (aka the Bible) keeps us in separation from ourselves. We then rely on what is presented there dishonouring all the wisdom we have within.

  30. “My view on God does not have a Bible to back it up, only my heart.” This sentence alone is so very beautiful to read. What if we all let our hearts speak instead of relying on the many scriptures. Our inner heart can not be tainted, we simply have to uncover it from the many beliefs we have placed on top.

  31. We dedicate hours to pet projects, set aside days for studies but we seldom make space for being more Love in our day. And yet this is what life is all about.

    1. I love that Joseph, simple and true, and just a case of priority. What do we really want in life? If we want more love then let us live it more every day.

      1. We can’t begin to fathom how deeply embedded in love we all already are, it’s just that we choose to behave in ways that constantly interfere with our ability to know this as a living fact.

    2. But life is amazing that way in that all the projects we initiate are opportunities to live love whenever, wherever, we never have to just close the doors and learn about love. Love is in our every bit of Livingness, how intelligent this is?

    3. We may say some things we want more than love in life such as money or status and we work hard for them. But honestly there is nothing more we want more than love, any substitute is to not want to face the fact that we have not chosen love as our priority or we think we do not deserve it, we have lost trust and touch, because we have not consistently made this choice. To cover up this grief we find a zillion of other distractions rather than just choosing love again.

  32. Our whole being and our whole heart beats to love, we simply have to reignite it when we realise the most amazing, most deep, most profound love you can have for someone you can also share with yourself every day.

  33. The list of ideas we can have about Love is infinite it can seem – ironic as the depth of beauty and simplicity True Love presents is absolutely endless. There are no conditions that need to be met, just a quality lived and continually presented.

  34. “My view on God does not have a Bible to back it up, only my heart.” We can ask ourselves, where can God be found? In our hearts or in a book?

    1. I love your comment Nikki – and what would you trust more, what would you define your life on, even navigate your life from – a book or your heart?

      1. It’s almost comical – I have the view of someone navigating territory trying to follow their guidebook and working out where they are based on the book. Or someone who has their head up, walking and seeing what is around them.

  35. “My view on God does not have a Bible to back it up, only my heart.” I wonder, were people’s view on God supported by their heart as well, before the bible was written?

  36. It is super instant and super simple, it is us who complicate it all. God express in simplicity and reflects to us the same.

  37. Totally gorgeous Adele, your blog took me through all the turmoil my quest for true love has brought me, to a moment of immense love and appreciation for the true love I now Know that is forever growing, expanding and loving me back.

    1. This pool of love is endless and the more we can confirm and appreciate the volume that awaits when we ask for more and more there is nothing else but a deeper understanding of what is on offer for ALL.

  38. Amazing sharing Adele and because of our ingrained patterns and behaviours of what we think Love is to start to break this down and connect to our true Love has to come with us being Loving towards ourselves, which at times we can find difficult. Each day being gentle and caring towards ourselves we start to feel the Love that is available and that it has been there all along we are simply choosing to have it in our lives.

  39. It is we who put a condition on love and not love that puts a condition on us, for it is the beholding light of Thy Father and it knows no other way to shine.

    1. And with the conditions we put on love, we can’t see past them nor feel the truth of love. We only feel our misinterpreted version.

  40. Love loves to loves so the more we love the more we want to love and the more love we get back.

    1. So much love in your comment Elizabeth, you can feel how much love loves to expand as you read it.

    2. There is no limit to what is on offer just the thoughts that come it to not allow the full strength that lies within us all.

  41. The mind conjures a million fears and theories, the heart feels the universe as one in a sec. The simplicity of this is what leads us to feel truly free in ourselves. Thank you Adele for your Love story.

  42. The seeming way of love we learn is in no way love and does not allow love to flourish either. All that guarantees is a body devoid of love waiting to be loved to start feeling alive.

  43. Love is a quality we can choose. No one else can deliver this, but just inspire by way of example. So let’s quit all this trying to be liked and impress, admired or adored – the responsibility is all ours, why continue to pretend it’s any other way? Thank you Adele.

  44. It is the gate we have placed there in order to be less vibrant to receive love, but in fact we can not stopped being loved, we can only stop ourselves from feeling it.. So beautiful how you have described this example, and how much truth comes alive in us when we open up to love, to being loved and being yourself — feeling yourself in your truth and sensitivity.

  45. When we are open to the integrity and depth of true love we can see and feel its support everywhere both within and around us.

  46. It is absurd how we cast conditions upon ourselves when it comes to love when in truth that is who we are by nature and there is nothing to do but just be, and nowhere to go.

  47. It is one of the ugliest beliefs that love comes from anywhere before it comes from with-in. Some people spend eons running around in circles looking for this illusive glimpse of love coming from outside to fill them up. Sometimes if we stop for long enough we may get a glimpse of another’s loving reflection, which activates our inner knowing that love actually comes from us first. Simple and true, this is the reflection Serge Benhayon offers humanity.

  48. When we express love we want something back from the outside thereby not seeing that when we truly express love it comes back by the quality in our body when we express love.

    1. We should express love with no expectation, it should be our daily movement. It is this true love we get back from others reflection, as long as our every movements is with love.

  49. “Although I do have a job or two, and I provide for myself and my son, I can’t help but share with a wink that my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life” . . . I love this playfulness Adele. And I love this blog and it is so very true . . . “Love can only love me back” and the only way we can truly ever feel loved is to embrace the love that we are.

  50. I thought we all should be loving and that if someone was not they should be ready to apologise. I thought it was their job to come clean and make peace with teary eyes. But what I have come to learn is that if we see and feel something that’s not right it’s our job to process this, to raise it with our friends or just nominate that this harming energy is not them. To continue on holding them to task for these things that happened in the past is how evil starts. Thank you Adele for sharing here.

  51. Adele beautiful to reread your blog today, and a great reminder to love each other for who we are, to be accepting of others’ choices and never to judge.

  52. This is so beautiful to come back to Adele; I could feel myself bathed in love as I read. And in this moment in time these words felt so profound to read and to feel – “My view on God does not have a Bible to back it up, only my heart”. I wonder if those who use the Bible to back up their beliefs have allowed themselves to feel the truth of what they are reading, as I have today?

    1. Yes, I have also found this beautiful and confirming to return to and “My view on God does not have a Bible to back it up, only my heart” speaks volumes for the foundation of The Way of The Livingness that has no ‘bible’, just life.

  53. Knowing that by natural law it is guaranteed that what we put out necessarily comes back would make us much more aware and deliberate in our attitude, intention and action.

  54. It is as if we once outsourced love to then find us forever looking outside of us to get it back again. Love is only within, shared from within and received from within. Love outside of us is not love but a mere surrogate.

    1. I grew up thinking I had to look for love outside of me, so off I went to find it, later to find out that it is not outside but within. How lucky I have been to have got to this understanding.

  55. Breaking the definitions around love and the beliefs that hold it to be a certain way or doing a certain thing and not simply just you truly being. I have chased love around the place and never thought I would find it truly with me and not in any chase. Building this love, which is not truly a build but more of a reawakening is one of the single most important keys to setting ourselves free. It makes sense to first know what love truly is in our own bodies and from there naturally it will be in every other part of our life. Everything and everyone you touch or interact with will be an extension of the love you already hold. It turns the world that is saying you are needing to look into the world to find love when all along the look was needing to consistently turn within.

  56. The cat is out of the bag and shown to us in such a clear way – thinking, on its own will ruin any day. Moving in connection with our heart, our breath and our body builds a Love we’ll never doubt or worry about. It’s always there if we just take care. Thank you Adele for the reminder of what Love truly means.

  57. You sum up beautifully Adele how we can pursue endless options for fulfilling ourselves – God knows the world has a big menu of these – but none of them work. Whichever way you look at it, it’s clear to me we’ve had things upside down and back to front – it is we who are here to be and illustrate Love – it’s not something we are to demand from someone else. So let’s get on with living this way.

    1. Mary the being love is the simplicity, but we get caught in trying to be something and do something, this is when we loose it.

  58. Simple title yet powerful words. Keep searching for love from another and sooner or later we all discover it has been waiting patiently for us to return from within.

  59. When we come to know the quality of true love it is then we understand how love can never discriminate, measure, judge, hold expectations, be bought, sold or owned. Love is a beholding quality the emanates from the light of who we are, always embracing and calling us to be more love as such is the great equaliser representing the truth of us all. As in essence we are all love, as such we are all inherently equal.

  60. This is beautiful..touching all the areas I am feeling within myself. Feeling that old way which I have lived which is partly of what I live today, feeling the actual loss of me investing in everything that I was not.. At the same time feeling indeed that love is true and can only love you back – its a given, so time to give that all the way to myself and discard all the unloving ways.

  61. Thank you for this beautiful blog Adele. The ‘things we do for love’ are not love at all and it’s easy to see that the struggle for recognition and acceptance is one that will only end when we choose to be the love that we are.

  62. Your blog summarises so beautifully the apparent conundrum of human life. We feel we cannot be open raw and real with everyone but only to a select few we truly trust and feel connection with. But this is simply not true because it is all coming from seeking love outside of us instead of being the love we truly are first which does not need Love back from anyone.

    1. Yes as well as that we all hold back our love because an ideal collectively creating the loveless ways of society in this way. One has to start.

  63. ‘We cannot really be ‘doing’ love – we can only be it’ Our body innately knows love, and so when we are love we are in complete harmony.

    1. Jenny I love this, it’s about being love as when we try and do love we loose the being of that love.

  64. Love is a collective condition. Love is plural and never singular. The love status of a city, a country, a family, a community, the whole world is the collective expression of love. Reflect the possibilities of love unreservedly and allow this to be felt, allow choices to be made as love is always patient and wise.

      1. Is it that ‘Love is a vibration that represents the oneness we all borne from’ or is it that ‘Love IS the vibration of the Oneness that we are all born from?

    1. There is nothing else that needs to be done but the reflection that is a natural movement, it is not personal and there is no recognition possible, but either the choice to align or react and the steadiness or withdrawal to keep moving.

  65. All these thoughts you describe Adele are like all the conditions I seem to have in my head ‘if person a is like this I will Love them but if they do x, well, I will not’. These conditions, like bad maths formulas run on and on in my life. But all they are in the end is obstacles to the truth – Love is something we choose to be, to embody – it’s a quality of energy not a commodity that can be given to me.

  66. Love is purely an emanating of being-ness of a particular type of quality. It is best described as feeling of warmth in a beholding sort of way, expansive, and completely non-imposing.

    1. Imposition is often mistaken as love. Neediness also. To not place nice or dumb in these misinterpretations but to live our truth is necessary. What is most inspiring is then we get to truly walk our talk, and observe if we are confirming ourselves in our own love.

  67. We can have so many thoughts about what Love is, the beliefs and ideals, they pile up. So much of it usually revolves around ‘me’, myself and I. True Love works with the universe, the all and every last cell. Thank you Adele for this chance to remember I am here to cherish myself but Love and life is not just about me.

  68. It’s crazy how we seek protection from the world when Love is not what we feel in it and in doing so we are not able to be loved back. For what we put out is what comes back. Put out Love, let Love back in. Put out lovelessness and expect everything that is not Love back.

  69. Love is within us all, we are all naturally love, so why not embrace this for all the world to see. It is our choice to embody this love, each and every one of us, ‘one day, this love that I have been practising and opening myself to, has allowed me to feel so truly loved, and this love is no different from the love I share every time I love someone else deeply.’

  70. So what we are taught from young about love is not true love, that makes sense, ‘I went to many places and have done many things in the name of ‘love’, however, that which I thought was ‘love’, still hurts many people including myself.’

  71. It is interesting what you pose here the endless excuses of why we cannot be love in the way we know to be true, but as you share in your last sentence it is actually absurd. The fact it is absurd doesn’t seem to help in activating the love to be expressed to all, rather it is the surrendering back into love and then expressing from there. It is awesome to observe more and and more people living this.

  72. Most of us live our days with a gaping hole inside that we try and fill – with relationships looking for love, entertainment looking for love – a love outside to satiate the hole within. But one day, all of us return to looking inside that bit deeper beyond that hole, and we feel the warmth of the love we have always yearned for – the love that we actually are. And when that realisation comes it changes everything. Life becomes about this love, deepening it always because it is always expanding, and reflecting it to all others to remember also – that love is never outside of us. It is within, a roaring warm fire to embrace you to the depths of your being.

  73. Beautiful Adele, it was very liberating for me too when I realised that I AM love, so how can I not ever be loved. Now I live with love, no matter what is going on around me…

  74. Having a genuine honesty with ourself is key in helping us to see what we are choosing in life and in our relationships – are we being who we truly are or are we changing the front we put out in order to meet what we think is wanted of us?

  75. Love that you expose about how many of us get caught in the idea of doing love and not being it, it is true we think we can give something, or take an action and that proves love, but love is in the quality we hold ourselves and others in.

    1. No judgment but this way is normal if we disconnect with our body, but if we are connected, what we feel does not allow us to do love, it is completely a different quality and it feels nothing like love.

    2. Love is completely borderless, the fact that we think that we can parcel it up and give it or transfer it from person to person is a direct reflection of just how far from truth we have allowed ourselves to stray.

  76. You beautifully articulate Adele the millions of roads we go down looking for Love, only to find they are dark dead ends. It seems to be so tempting to think there is someone else out there who can give you this care. My experience is they just don’t exist, this Love is a gift only you can give. So save yourself some serious energy, and stop looking outside of the warmth of your heart for someone to hug, cherish and adore you. This is your main job, in the first place.

  77. Awesome, giving ourselves go, and offering ourselves the love we seek from others. Revolution, a way of living that will change the world, because we build a foundation that offers true love and care to everyone around us, when we know love from within.

  78. Adele, I ‘love’ your point about what hurts most and it is not feeling the truth of love but all the interpretations of it.

  79. It’s a great reflection to witness to let yourself know if you are truly loving yourself or not by what comes back through your own movements if they feel absolutely Glorious in the body or not (hard, not flowing, jarred) “Love can only love me back.” So “.. how can not living who I am really confirm who I truly am.” And “.. my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life.”

  80. The powerful reflection of truth is on every page of the ‘Purple Books’ scribed by Serge Benhayon, leaving no doubt as to the truth of the love that we all are, equally-so, within our essence.
    “I knew I was not alone in this when I met with the reflection from Serge Benhayon’s books. I knew that my heart had not lied to me, that: God is Love and Only Love”.

    1. The joy felt in reading the purple books every time is superb as it constantly reconfirms what I do know within me, they put into words what I have not yet verbalized or embodied, so that this process can be now lived.

  81. It is only when we feel the love within us that we can really love another, it is actually that simple. When we hold ourselves in ‘any’ sort of critique, judgement, lack of understanding or not in our fullness, we cannot hold another in the same light. That is becoming more and more crystal clear to me, how I live and then how that impacts on my feelings towards anyone around me.

    1. When we do not hold ourselves we would by default be harsh on another without being aware, but once we start to truly care for ourselves, any little harshness stands out so much, for we are truly made of this thing equally so, called love.

  82. Adele, returning to this beautiful blog has supported me claim the true love I am and to hold this first above all else. It can appear easy to get caught up in the ‘Love’ that come from outside of us, that doing for everyone else, having a good time partying, or living by the rules someone else rewards are what is loving, but in truth this is harmful to self and to others for we are not being honest. Thank you again for the reminder that it is ‘Love that Loves you back’.

    1. Love is not to bar us from life. It is to live life in the greatest awareness we have and observe where we are not loving. In the process to accept we have pockets of lovelessness and to still hold ourselves through it all, to reinstate this process of love again and again and again without end.

  83. This is so beautiful to feel the truth of this as I read what you’ve written. I have my own version of why I wouldn’t be loved and have tried hard to be loved. But when I re-connect with what I know to be love, love loves and I am not separate from it. So thank you for this reminder.

  84. This is a beautiful understanding of true love Adele and how much we miss out on the grandness and glory of this deep love if we accept a lesser version of love.

  85. What do I say, how do I move, what is the quality that I choose? It might seem like we are paying attention to minuscule things, but my experience is they absolutely add up. Without the love for myself in all of these, the sums and equations will always equal disharmony, difficulty and complication. Love brings such simplicity to the maths of our life. Thank you Adele for the clear reminder.

  86. God is love and only lover; we are sons of God and only love. Thus it is our responsibility to let our innate and natural love shine. True understanding and acceptance of this fact is my challenge.

  87. We seek love but what we need to understand is that we are love and thus it comes back to choosing love.

  88. Adele this is a powerful and moving blog to read.I love how you no longer need to seek outside yourself and came back to love through being in re-connection within your body. Totally inspiring, thank you.
    “When I ran out of options, I decided to give loving myself a try. This began as a discipline that introduced more and more gentleness towards myself, and rather than holding on to right or wrong, I began to feel from my body and listened to it. Until one day, this love that I have been practising and opening myself to, has allowed me to feel so truly loved, and this love is no different from the love I share every time I love someone else deeply”.

  89. Adele, all that you have shared and all the offerings you have added have been a true support in deepening my understanding of love and of grounding me in feeling and holding that love. This has been a truly beautiful exercise and it is with deep appreciation I express a ‘humble’ thank you.

  90. We need only begin with the restoration of the true meaning of love, to come back home to ourselves once again. A beautiful exposition on this fact Adele, thank-you for sharing.

      1. Both words – resurrection and restoration – reflect the fact that we are returning to the true meaning of the word love, done only through the way and quality in which we live our lives.
        What a blessing, to have the awareness that the true quality is actually known within, and that we need not seek outside of ourselves for it. Through recognising and saying no to what is not true, the shining gem of universal truth is revealed once more.

  91. We have all heard the sonorous tones of religious teachers saying God is love… Said until it totally lost its meaning… I know this was the case for me. It really is like a miracle when a connection is made within to who we truly are, to that divine love that rests within, so that we can start the unfolding journey of realizing the living this of this statement

  92. “When I ran out of options, I decided to give loving myself a try.” isn’t it funny how we can leave loving ourselves to being the last option. When really it should be our very first.

  93. Your simple and honest words make me realise once more Adele, that any moment I am seeking support from people or situations outside of me, I am already lost and far away from the true facts of life: I am Love, I am warmth, tenderness and understanding. And if this is awol or absent with leave, inside of me is where I will always re-find it.

  94. Even though i keep trying to turn my back on the amount of love that is within is overwhelming. Ten years ago it was not something i understood and then it was something i held in knowledge it wasn’t until i lived it practically making small changes as they unfolded that i began to feel how endless this love is.

  95. A lovely examination of the intricacies of love, thank you Adele. The stand-out phrase for me on this reading was ‘I was ‘loved’ when I was weak.’ I’m thinking of all the ways this had played out in my own life, and how it’s far more comfortable to play to that weakness than stand tall and empowered. Staying small we guarantee love in the form of being liked and acceptable, an emotional-based love… which has nothing to do with love in truth. Well done for not being willing to compromise the love that you are, and finding support for that by turning to the love within.

  96. ‘This began as a discipline that introduced more and more gentleness towards myself, and rather than holding on to right or wrong, I began to feel from my body and listened to it.’ It is amazing how responsive our body and life becomes when we honour our natural flow and rhythm. When I started making simple changes with how I was with myself and in my life I was truly surprised with how quickly I seemed to undo my past choices by connecting to myself and moving forward in life from that connection, making choices from my heart and listening to my body. Our body and our being is ready to surrender to all the love we are if we just et go of the patterns and behaviours that don’t honour our innermost. The love we are.

  97. This is a deeply delicious blog Adele. Thank you for sharing and I love love love how you have exposed all the trappings and things we can fall for in society as being love, when in fact they are not. ‘how can not living who I am really confirm who I truly am.’ This is true – if we live what we are not then that is what we are confirmed in but if we live who we are in our heart we will confirm everything of who we truly are even though this may make us stand out a lot because the majority in society do not do this. There are so many gems in this blog and I will enjoy commenting on them.

  98. There is a certain irony that when we know who we truly are, the depth of this knowing unifies us with every single person that lives and breathes on planet Earth in the sense that we feel the truth of our origins, the absolute majesty and divinity we are ALL born from. We feel the depth of this connection to our bones and beyond. However, due to our current predicament here, most of us do not walk around knowing we are each an equal Son of God and so when someone does move in and with this knowing they stand out because it is not what the majority of people are at this stage choosing for themselves. So on the one hand, knowing God brings us closer together because it honours the fact that we are all One, unified by this eternal love, but it also makes us stand out from the crowd. This can be quite unsettling initially as we innately know we are no different to each other in essence but until we all express what is within us out into the world, we will keep living in this seeming divide. Perhaps this is why many of us shy away from claiming the truth of who we really are – we fear the reaction of others along with the greater responsibility we carry for holding this reflection.

    1. Liane, I melt when I read your comments – they are irrefutable, absolute and speak to every cell in me and I can feel the one unified love we all belong to. ‘knowing God brings us closer together because it honours the fact that we are all One, unified by this eternal love,’ it is this depth of relationship with ourself and God that makes us all know we are equal and is proof that love can never be a doing but is simply a being all that we naturally and truly are.

    2. I have come to realize truth is unifying always and therefore whether anyone chooses to realize they are a Son of God yet or not, they are still a Son of God, and when a Son of God simply claims this truth, standing out will not be the issue, the seeming “issue” only arises when we choose not to claim what is inherently true, a truth true for ourselves and everyone equally.

  99. No time for ‘holding’ any more, that feels like flatlining. The expression of Love s always in expansion.

  100. I also love how you share your way back to loving yourself – by being gentle in your every movement, thought and action, and letting go of right and wrong. When we judge ourselves as being right or wrong, or hold ourselves up against an image of who we think we need to be, it’s a kind of prison that we put ourselves in – one entirely of our own making and one that feels suffocating, draining, and stifling.

  101. This blog is just exactly what I needed to read today Adele, thank you. It seems that loving ourselves comes bottom of our list of things we’re prepared to give a go – after searching high and low outside of ourselves for answers, at some point, turning inwards and re-connecting with what’s there, is the only option left. And what an awesome option it is, too, as we begin to re-discover who we truly are, underneath all the layers of ‘stuff’.

  102. Super revealing and powerful blog. Showing us that there is only one way to love. That is re-connect to our within and accept all there is. Enormously so. Thank you Adele for sharing such simply truthfullness.

  103. True, we can never feel lonely when we open up to the love that is within us, yes love ourselves, and through this we are accessing something so deep and grand, and knowing of our universality and a foundation of love that is within us all.

  104. Beautifully expressed. Looking outside for Love is not the way, I have also done this and realised that it does not happen, there are always hoops to jump through to fit the criteria for recognition and attention, for it is to really Love anyway. Love is within us and it can be reflected out and shared through this manner, not through giving it or taking it, or having to fit in….An inspiring article.

  105. I just Love this blog Adele. The teachings of Ancient Wisdom through Serge Benhayon have allowed me to realise that enormous Love I am and that we all naturally are. You put it so beautifully,… ‘ How could I ever feel scared or sad or lonely and not loved?
    It is absurd and impossible for me now.
    Love can only love me back.’

    1. Recently I have been given another opportunity to express the enormous love that I am/we are and although I still feel the lingering of a past pattern of wanting to dim down this expression, I did not, and that set another marker for more evolution. Every day what we have expressed in words allow us to live that deeper—Love can only love me back.

  106. So very true so very simple and yet we get caught up in the game of love that is no love at all. We have made love something that is a million miles away from what love truly is, while it is being with us all the time, within, and we simply need to choose it and make it our everyday being.

  107. I can fully relate to everything Adele has shared here, I lived too with all those thoughts and the emptiness of believing them. That was until I too started to self love. This is an ongoing, continually deepening way of being in the world that has allowed me to feel the love I hold inside, that is actually constantly wanting to be expressed in loving others.

  108. When I was willing to give love back to myself it was clear that who would not want to hear what I have to say, who would not want to see the reflection of love? Some may choose to resist it, but it was clear that, the answer was a clear resounding and light-hearted, “who wouldn’t?”

  109. As I become ever more aware of how this life works, it is clear that it is what we express that we experience just as much as, if not more so than what anyone else expresses. When we express love, we experience love. We are not dependent upon anyone else for this – it is ours to choose. Our expression includes our choice to accept or otherwise the things others present to us. If we accept what others say, then this becomes our expression too and we feel this too. Expression is more than I thought it was and working with Serge Benhayon has made this abundantly clear. What a most valuable message to receive.

  110. When we give up trying to ‘do’ love we discover that just perhaps, love is a beingness and something that is already innate within us and not something we have to earn, deserve or seek. It is given to us all equally – for that’s the kind of father God is, and that’s the kind of essence love is.

  111. Adele, ‘this love that I have been practising and opening myself to, has allowed me to feel so truly loved, and this love is no different from the love I share every time I love someone else deeply,’ is gorgeous. From someone who is realising how little I’ve truly loved myself and is coming back, this is gorgeous to read. Thank you.

  112. Yes Adele, It’s those thoughts we have that are truly mad. For our particles and cells never want to be apart, we are naturally made to know and enjoy Love. Its just the thoughts that are not us that get in the way of the bodies wisdom leading the way.

  113. …I can’t help but share with a wink that my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life.’ Knowing oneself is connecting with the love we are made of and this is certainly our purpose in life! What a joy to know this!

  114. I love this Adele –” When I ran out of options, I decided to give loving myself a try.” This is how it is for most people; we try everything else and eventually get to the point that if we start with ourselves we might actually get somewhere. Humanity-Us: we just have to laugh sometimes with how ridiculous we are and how little we can see the absolute obvious!

  115. Every moment of life is about deepening the love that we know within ourselves and expressed in more fullness outwardly. This allows me to see in what areas I could deepen self-love and hence the love for others, and it is exactly that in these areas that life is asking me to not hold back my love and evolution.

  116. Truly expressing love and living from love within ourselves can bring nothing other than love back. What I am constantly learning is that no investment of what is outside of that love helps me to see clearly what is going on in relationships, and in the world around me.

  117. A beautiful connection to have that everything that counts is the love that we live as this love will equally come back to us and thus we can deepen it with every step more.

  118. How gorgeous that after a lifetime of looking for true love and being hurt by the love we have created and settled for, you have found a way to be everything for yourself, no longer betrayed, misled or lost but rather embraced forever from within.

  119. Thank you, great contribution – love is not an emotion (thank you, Serge Benhayon) and once we realise it, there is no going back and love does indeed, love us back.

  120. ‘ real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life.’ So true Adele, when I feel the truth of who I am, I become one with all of humanity and my real job is definitely reflecting that in every part of my life. How simply beautiful. I will never be out of work!

  121. “What I thought to be love, was actually condoning and perpetuating separation, first and foremost, to myself.” A standout line in a blog radiant with wisdom and true love. Lately I have begun to feel how I have chased love while refusing to be it. Certainly not a fruitful or fulfilling way to operate.

    1. This is a common way to demand love but we don’t see if we are loving ourselves. We learn this from young. What we don’t get we demand from others and we never learn to take responsibility ourselves. The definition of love becomes pandering.

  122. Yes Adele, once this is realized, we can understand also why we have been walking around needing love, as we did not give it to ourselves. So we must walk our love and letting come to us in a natural way.

  123. Picture a river, it does not flow one stone and then stop and consider whether it is welcome on the next. You do not see a bird fly for a moment then cease and wait for the support from the sky. I’ve never seen a tree stop growing and wait to be reasurred that there are other like-minded trees out here too. So why is it we seem to need to have our Love confirmed too? What you help me see Adele is that this neediness or insecurity really isn’t Love or me. Let us know the Love that flows through us is greater than trust and warmer than a summer’s day – and holds our heart and the world in a truly special way.

    1. Joseph, I love the examples you use to expose how ridiculous it is to keep wanting our love confirmed, when it simply is, just is who we are, innately so.

  124. Love has always been presented as an outward expression, a giving, a doing for others, but it was Universal Medicine that introduced the concept to me of self love first, then the picture started to change. I built the love within that could be felt by myself and others and it became a foundation for deep connection and relationships flourished from there. Love is my guiding light, which holds me and all I meet in equality and paves the way with support, protection as love only reflects Love

  125. “I thought I would not be loved, because the world understands love differently” – what you touch on here is that humanity needs to be re-educated on what Love actually is rather than what we have comfortably/ignorantly chosen it to mean for us

  126. I heard for most of my formative years… ( I was an Altar boy in the Anglican Church until I was 15 ☺) that God is love… It never made any sense at all and was just words until I attended presentations by Universal Medicine

  127. I have found that in taking care for myself is bringing me back to my body from where I rejoined my connection with God, that inner spark that lives in all of us and in making us equal and the same. it feels like coming home when reconnecting to that inner spark, as I felt it all my life like a string that always pulled me back to question myself and my relationship with the purpose of life, that there must be more to it that I could grasp at that moment but now, by connection with the love that resides in my body, is easily understood and no question for me anymore.

  128. So beautiful to read and feel the love that loves us back, thank you Adele for sharing your experience.

  129. Adele I felt such a joy while reading what you have so beautiful shared: “Love can only love me back.” What else can love do – love is so simple – I only have to chose to open myself up to it.

  130. The other day when something came to hurt me, I thought “an open heart cannot be hurt.” This is true for when I stopped and let go of protection and just felt love, I was fine. We can react and bring in other thoughts and justifications but if we bring in love then understanding comes. Love is our greatest moment, our best protection, our constant friend.

  131. Religion in itself is actually by definition a personal relationship, and not a communal one. Unfortunately, the word itself has become bastardised to represent the latter,and so we think of religion as being “organised religion”, or a system of dogma based on faith and hope and adherence to rules, rather than a forever unfoldment of understanding of our true origins, which is its true nature.

  132. “What I thought to be love, was actually condoning and perpetuating separation, first and foremost, to myself.” I would still be stuck in this way of thinking if I had not had the good fortune to be introduced to the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I still have my ‘L’ plates on in relation to my understanding of true love but am loving the journey and loving life, myself and others more and more each day.

  133. There is no quota of how much love is on offer. It builds from our willingness to let it out. One step at at time and the change is felt.

  134. ‘I have tried to do many things to not appear different, but how can not living who I am really confirm who I truly am?’ Simply awesome question and to which there is only one answer – it can’t!

  135. “I have tried to do many things to not appear different, but how can not living who I am really confirm who I truly am.” While reading this line the question came up who is here the different in truth?

  136. How many times did I hear those words… God is love, in my childhood, going to church, having the words droned at me… The words themselves dry as the outback… And yet if one follows the ancient path of reconnection to one’s inner self, the words come alive like the desert after the rain.

  137. Everyone deserves to feel loved, the same as everyone deserves to love who they are – it takes some work and some commitment but it’s completely worth it.

  138. And a beautiful account of the steps to choose true love again… the effect of which is abundantly clear in the pure joy with which you write.

  139. Simply stunning Adele, what a beautiful account of what love is and is not for starters, with all the misconceptions we buy into throughout life that actually lead to nothing but misery.

  140. Love is, and has always been, the essential nature of all that surrounds us, is within and without of us, it is in our breath, and in every cell, it is the nature of our true being.

    1. Absolutely Chris, what an absurd game it is to think of it as in short supply or conditional to some behaviour when it is as natural for us to live, as the air we breathe.

  141. The deepest and most unwavering support we can ever receive in life, is from our own love. Absolutely Adele, our own love can only love us back.

  142. What if the world understands love differently and has defined love to be something love is truly not? We just have to live what is love in truth, yes we will stand out, yes we will appear different, yes we may not be accepted, but choosing anything else is like saying a human being is made of plastic, it just does not make sense to perpetuate such a lie any further.
    So why not be seen, be different, be the leader, rock this truth in all the divine style and natural coolness that we are but have held back.

  143. It can feel overwhelming with the awareness that true love can only be comprehended by another when it is also lived. Does that mean we could never be understood when we express what is true love? It only feels overwhelming when our thoughts think ahead of our body. For when we simply feel the love within us, gradually more each day in consistency, this is the love that we will start to naturally emanate, express and share. We are sharing what true love is with everyone we meet. And it is our responsibility to. This process takes patience, and it is not easy but the love within us and the reflections that slowly grow will continue to support us, and it is in surrender—deeply so, that we will feel the most held by love.

  144. Without building a rhythm with ourselves—i.e. Knowing ourselves, how can we truly work in the world? The rhythm our world currently runs in is one which is not only very hard on the body, it takes us away from the connection with ourselves, therefore, when we succumb to this rhythm which is not natural and not our own, we are always working against the harmony that we know. How many of us when we work this way have chosen to ignore the body’s messages because the world pays us back in recognition and all physical riches? We are being sedated in comfort to ignore what is true until our bodies can no longer accept the abuse we have chosen.

    1. So true – when our bodies start communicating loudly with us that aligning to external rhythms and not the rhythms of our own body isn’t working, it’s a call to go deeper within, to look at why we are working in the way we’re working: if our body is not getting anything out of an abusive way of working, then what are we getting out of it? Recognition, the need to feel ‘safe’ and in control – which are really just illusions, since we don’t actually control anything at all.

  145. What is a community? What is the purpose of having a community? Mostly communities exist for support, they represent a common thread that we have accepted and together in unity (not in perfection) this commonality is being expressed. The most crucial in communities though is what we have chosen to align with, and we can only align with what is truth or what is not truth.

  146. Let go of the picture of what socialising is—hanging out with friends in bars and late nights etc, and redefine what socialising is to me, truly being with myself, holding true conversations, feeling how every part of my body is communicating to me, choosing what to eat, when to sleep, how tender I am with myself, this is building a foundation of true communication with myself which is also the foundation for communicating with others.

  147. Feeling another before myself is a momentum that is slowly losing its hold for the love that is felt inside guides me back to myself and from there what is value is deeply understood and treasured.

  148. Women being loved and accepted as who we are when coming into our power is not yet a normal in our world. How many women because of wanting to fit into relationships, hold back expressing the truth of themselves? But what if, everything that we have ever wanted, the love that we know and that we have sought high and low for, would not be a possibility when we hold back expressing the truth of ourselves, for how would truth be reflected back to us if we do not first live it?

  149. ‘My view on God does not have a Bible to back it up, only my heart.’ Learning the Bible back to front, trying to understand its nuances is a life time’s work, and difficult not to fall into our own interpretations here there and everywhere. Yet knowing our heart is simple – we are already experts, and have a body that is finely tuned to reading its every nuance. Therein lies a deeply rewarding study, no PhD required!

  150. I deeply appreciate your honesty in your expression as you explore your experience of what love is Adele. It all comes back to understanding that we are love and can only know it within ourselves first. Beautiful.

  151. These words spoke so strongly to me today as they summed up how I existed for so many years, putting everyone else first in the futile pursuit of what I thought was love. “I was feeling and accepting everything about another, before honouring my feelings first, and not standing up to say no to what is not okay, I was actually not loving – neither to myself or to another”. To understand that not only was I hurting myself in this process, but also others, was quite shocking to acknowledge, but when I did it felt so very liberating. To finally understand what love truly is was the catalyst for change in a life that was crying out, not only to know true love, but for change.

  152. I am constantly being offered a deeper connection to loving myself and there is a waywardness in me that wants to distract me with outer things and the thoughts that perhaps I should give more weight to the outer voice, the value of what others think because there is more interest and drama in that. These outer things pale into insignificance when I feel the exquisite love I have within me. There is no competition and no need for the drama and entertainment of that wayward voice.

  153. Even though I wrote this blog, I refer back to it often as the words that have come through are here to support every time when my foundation is asking to go deeper, I have found that the greatest support we can ever receive in life comes from the confirmation and connection from our bodies. The deepest and most unwavering support we can ever receive in life, is from our own love. And it is in every challenging situation that we can return to this support, and it is in every vulnerable situation that we are offered the opportunity to deepen our love with ourselves.

    1. Thank you Adele, for pointing this out, it is very soothing and empowering, knowing that the choice is always ours to simply turn even more deeply towards ourselves.

  154. “When I ran out of options, I decided to give loving myself a try.” It is so interesting that we are not taught to love ourselves as we grow up. yet if we don’t, how can we love another truly?

  155. This is so true Adele, so powerfully true… love can only love us back. So we are never alone when we love, and for sure we are held in the love we hold ourselves. This is the best revelation ever, gosh it is so good to return. Again this love was shown to me at first again by Serge Benhayon and Curtis Benhayon, so thank God for their embracing of love.

  156. For a long time I have looked for a man or woman that lived God’s love. When I first met Serge Benhayon, I knew I had met that person. What I did not realise at first, but would eventually become my greatest revelation was that I equally could embody that love. It was mine for the choosing, as it is for us all.

  157. What we ‘think’ is love is not a connection to the true love that we can, if we choose, feel in our inner-heart and from this connection to our own inner-heart feel the love in another.

  158. It’s a glorious day the day that anyone first recognizes “How could I ever feel scared or sad or lonely and not loved?” Because they feel the deep love they are and have for themselves and a know that with this everything will be fine.

  159. It is so clear in your words Adele, the way these thoughts get us to walk away. They make it seem so reasonable to consider what could happen and the potential downsides that await, to be fearful or apprehensive about what will transpire. Yet in its own strange way these thoughts show us the truth. For when we do the opposite of what they suggest – commit and get closer together, open up and bring more honesty to the table, Love transforms the situation we see, so the problem is no longer a difficulty. Life and everybody suddenly sings beautifully. So one simple choice to disregard thoughts and honour Love, opens the door and the way to a whole heap more in our day.

    1. Joseph any thought that takes us away from the fullness of love has come from a movement that is less than love. Return to look at our movements and start again.

  160. ‘What I thought to be love, was actually condoning and perpetuating separation, first and foremost, to myself.’ Thank you Adele, our thinking mind is lost without our heart and still we can betray ourselves, at least I can by thinking what I am expressing comes from love but underneath there is a frustration that I need to call out for myself for being totally honest with myself and let go of what is hurting me and others and like you say is perpetuating separation.

  161. Your heading says it all Adele, ‘love can only love me back’, a beautiful divine two way street. Love is always there waiting for us to enjoin by firstly loving ourselves.

  162. Why is it we need to ‘do’ things when we catch up with people? I’ve had a very recent experience of this and ended up hurting myself in the process of doing a strenuous exercise class in the hope to hang out with a loved one. I learnt my lesson big time, as I totally dishonoured and overrode what my body was telling me in favour of fitting in and wanting to be loved. A recipe for disaster really. It’s beautiful to connect to the truth of what I was feeling in that we didn’t need to DO anything – just be with each other.

  163. You’ve covered so many areas where we hold ourselves back from expressing who we are out of fear of not being loved. I can certainly relate to many of them! What’s this searching for love thing anyway..? How can we search for something that we are, or need something from someone else that we already are? If we are fearful that others won’t love us, are we just saying that we are missing our own presence of love?

  164. It is true, there is a great fear we developed that we won’t be loved. Which is only holding us back to not love ourselves in full, while I can see and feel that when I do love myself, there is nothing else I need.

  165. When we are looking for love outside ourselves we can only ever be disappointed but not so when we nurture and cherish the love that we already are.

  166. Compared to truly connecting and meeting and being met by others, socialising feels so empty and pointless – simply filling in time pretending to be happy and not being willing to open up to the joy that life truly holds.

  167. We created a way of love that is based on attention, so when we don’t get that we don’t feel loved. But in truth we can’t not feel loved because what we originate from is love, and that is always there, so we can choose in every moment to be that.

  168. A great point about connection Adele. It does not matter where you go and what you do, connection is in itself, complete, even if another person is fixated on what the doing.

  169. How many thoughts we can have about this and that. They can seem reasonable and even kind and ‘loving’. Yet as you show Adele. these things that think we are without, that we need to strive or seek, that we never can live without all come from a place that simply isn’t true or actually us at all. Becuase before all that we are deeply exquisite, intelligent and wise, we are warm and loving open and complete. We are Love me and you at the beginning of the day.

    1. And on that note, neither should one be ashamed to call themselves religious simply by virtue of all the evil that has been done over time in the name of religion. Nor should one seem to think that they should therefore not embrace science, or see themselves as unable to live a normal – very normal – life. Unfortunately, there is pressure these days to think otherwise – that to be religious you need to put aside critical thinking, or common sense, as though somehow you immediately forsake your right to contribute to the voice of reason in the world.

      1. Beautifully expressed Adam. Living and expressing in a reduced version of ourselves will never ever be enough. It is simply not normal.

  170. This is a little gem of a blog Adele and feeling your playfulness as you share “with a wink that my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life”. Amazing, in reflection I was on the ‘search’ for something, for so many years just knowing there was much more to life than what I was actually ‘trying’ to live. All the time love was staring right back at me but, until Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine came into my life did I realise that ‘love’ was within all the while – just a few layers and some that had been selectively built by choice that limited the flow of expansive love – just waiting to connect and reflect.

  171. Interesting that you wrote ‘I thought… Adele”. How often do we let our thoughts over ride what we feel and hence questions what love truly is?

  172. In my experience, I didn’t feel that I was loved because there was a time when I didn’t love myself. So the person closest to me – me – didn’t love me so I didn’t believe anyone else when they said they did. Also, I had a list, a criteria that had to be met to prove love and it was secret and unattainable, further proving that love was not there. Now everything has changed, I love me and I can feel the love so strongly that I have trouble believing that it was ever otherwise.

  173. Beautiful blog Adele, ‘Love can only love me back.’ Absolutely brilliant. This reminds me that we often crave to be loved by others but I realise that love first has to come from connecting to it from within ourselves.

  174. Adele I love your honesty, we so often get caught looking outside ourselves for love, when we truly know that all the love that we need comes from within ourselves first and can be equally and joyfully shared.

  175. Revisiting this blog this line popped out for me today “my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life” and i can feel the truth of that to the bones. It is just my job to know myself in all that I am, and very important, to give expression to that without any holding back.

  176. To love, we need to know love, to know love, we need to know ourselves, to know ourselves we need reflections of love truth and light… This is what Serge Benhayon brings to the world.

    1. Beautiful cjames2012. No thought required just to know ourselves with a reflection of love, truth and light so that we too become that reflection.

  177. A truthful and insightful blog Adele. With love comes honesty and truth and sadly sometimes this is more than people (at the present time) are prepared to deal with. But it is important as you are doing Adele to stay true to ourselves and not accept anything that is less than love.

  178. So many of us have chosen something else other than love and settled for the love we feel we need rather than the love we deserve – I love your line only love can love you back.

  179. God is love and only love; very beautiful thank you Adele
    It is true that we can’t truly love another until we love ourselves first; thus our primary responsibility is to deepen our self-love.

  180. Sounds like you have found your Soul Adele, that Love within you that is greater than any of the riches of this world

  181. You reveal one of the root causes of abuse, Adele. We can not ever not accept. The question is: Do we accept love or do we accept abuse? To accept abuse I first have to disconnect to myself. Whenever I am faced with abuse I check in with myself whether I am connected to my body or not. This keeps me conscious, responsible and in power.

    1. Indeed Felix, we can only accept abuse if we are not with ourselves in the first place, otherwise it would be impossible as in essence we are love to the bone that will not ever allow any ounce of abuse to enter.

  182. ‘When I ran out of options, I decided to give loving myself a try. This began as a discipline that introduced more and more gentleness towards myself,…’ So powerful Adele and so very simple. LOVE ones self = LOVE One an-other 🙂 🙂

  183. Adele your blog is so beautiful and touched me deeply. I too spent most of my life believing that pleasing another and not creating disturbance was what love was about. Your words ‘What I thought to be love, was actually condoning and perpetuating separation, first and foremost, to myself.’ speak to that behaviour which I’m gradually weeding out from repertoire now that I sit more deeply within myself.

  184. Your words lay out Adele the simple fact that the love most of us live with in everyday life, is just an idea, based on many long held beliefs. The Love I know inside myself and see in what you wrote is honest simple and needs nothing from someone else. What comes across strongly too, is its not about words or deeds, but energetically giving yourself the most gentle understanding hug you could ever receive.

  185. It’s funny how we think, if I express true love I wont fit in, yet true love is what everyone is looking for.

    1. I know right? And yet true love is a quality emanating from us not a doing. When we emanate the steadiness of true love how can we not fit in? WE ARE IN. 🙂

      1. Even if the whole world doesn’t let us in, we can still let ourselves in. When we connect with our own love, we are always IN, Love is always IN.

      2. Even if the whole world doesn’t let us in, we can still let ourselves in. When we connect with our own love, we are always IN, Love is always IN (pun intended).

  186. This is gorgeous to read Adele, and this line is a beautiful reminder to take into my day -‘Love can only love me back.’

  187. What a beautiful love letter, Adele.
    I could feel real joy in every word you wrote here.
    Thank you.

  188. Thank you Adele for a great blog, so many things that are not love, when love is all we are, and ” love can only love us back” beautiful words.

  189. A very exposing but fantastic blog Adele about how love is perceived in our world, the way many people are searching for love and coming up empty handed and the actual meaning of love. I think many readers could relate to your search and the coming to a realisation that love is inside us all and can’t be created by meeting an image through words or actions towards others. Very powerful and a blog I’m confident I will enjoy re-reading – thank you.

  190. This line stood out for me “my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life” and I was like woah yes, so true. That is our real job and then any other job is about bringing this (us) to whatever job is at hand.

    1. Great comment Sarah. This line stood out for me as well. If our real job is about knowing me and reflecting this in life, why is it so hard? Or why do we make it so hard for ourselves? We are with us 24/7 so should we not know ourselves by now?

  191. As you so well express Adele we cannot do love we can only be love. So much in life is done in the name of love but is only done through obligation, through social conventions that dictate the time, place and manner of showing love to certain people. There is no time, place, manner or particular people deserving of love. We all are love and expressing it should be the one constant in our life.

    1. So much has been done in the false name of love, which is obligation, social conventions, cultural practices, emotional attachment, and that is what they are but not love. But that is all changing now from our natural innate design to express Truth. What is changing may not be seen outwardly and collectively for a while, but when Truth is not held back in expression, even by one person, it has already been felt by the whole world. Consistency, Commitment and Patience partnering with Love, the support is all there within us to now build a new momentum back to Truth.

  192. This love that begins as a discipline and becomes so much more as gentleness and care are embodied is exquisite, delicate, strong and unshakeable. This love that loves you back, has no need attached to it. I love the vulnerability of this blog Adele. Thank you so much.

  193. It opens the lid on a host of ideals that we carry around with us of what it is to be loved, it is not something to do or get – we are love.

  194. The authority with which you speak on the grand subject of love is felt from the connection you have made to it. To feel this is deeply appreciated, thank you Adele.

  195. Clock and confirm all moments of joy—this builds into a foundation that supports us in all of life, so much so that, even when no one and nothing reflects true love back to us, we have the foundation of love deeply felt and confirmed within us.

    1. I have felt the joy you are talking about and know the truth of your words. Thank you for making me aware of the importance of clocking and confirming these precious moments to be able to build a supporting foundation of love.

  196. Every time I am with me, there is joy. This joy is so deep that there is no void to feel a lack in anything—then it is clear, if I ever feel lonely or if I need love, these are not thoughts that come from me. Our love is truly this grand, it fills all the voids, and the moments we have felt that build us back into the grandness that was once natural.

  197. “Love can only love me back” – I adore these words Adele, and your blog too, showing how lost and lonely we can feel when we are looking for love outside ourselves, and how gorgeous it feels to learn to love ourselves and others without any of the false beliefs.

  198. I might be wrong but I don’t think you can be too much love for somebody else, yes they might react but at least they have felt love. If you hold back love nobody feels it so nobody gets to choose it.

    1. If they are reacting they have felt your love and to be able to feel your love they must know what love feels like in their own body. So no you can’t be too much love for somebody as there is no limit to our love.

  199. I am so moved by the humanity in this blog Adele. It seems the whole world wants us to be everything but love all the time knowing it is what everyone craves the most. I was so moved when I read, “I knew my heart had not lied to me” this tells me we all know love deeply, even if we just play along and pretend we don’t.

  200. I didn’t really understand what Love meant and people’s version of it never made sense to me. Since coming across Universal Medicine I now understand and have felt in my body what Love is. It is a love that is felt for everything and everyone.

  201. What I feel deeply now is that what actually keeps me from being love and feeling loved in every single minute and connection to the deep wisdom of my innermost is my mind. My mind is just always busy and sometimes it seems like I am not able to stay in and with my body for just one minute and the mind is somewhere else again, thinking about the past, the future, problems, other people and uncountable other things. What I feel more and more is how huge this game of being caught in our brain is because it seems nearly impossible to step out of our mind-prison.

    1. I agree evamariafoetsch, and in the mind prison there are so many established pathways that I am in the habit of walking. To bypass the mind and connect to the heart first, is a constant discipline. What I am finding in my heart is beautiful and loving – it is me, love! As Adele says, Love can only love me back. A work in progress for me but nonetheless it is true and a way out of the mind prison. Thank you

      1. Great said, Bernadette! We are so amazingly beautiful in our heart. I often ask myself why we choose to be in our mind prison at all?! I actually don`t want to be there, but I am there again and again and again…

      2. Our habits are lifetimes old Eva Maria. We left our bodies and sold out to the mind. Learning to trust our bodies can only come when we learn to inhabit them more and more. This is one of the most challenging aspects of my life and I am beginning to feel the devastation of leaving it behind… and the joy of returning to the truth it holds!

    2. Our minds are like the radio air waves that transmit music. We pick up anything and everything, and the best radio station is far far away and you can only tune into it on really clear, still days. Just like us and our bodies. When we are clear and still in our body our mind transmits from our heart.

  202. I also did not feel loved all my life and I blamed others for that, especially my parents. Thanks to Serge Benhayon I came to deeply embody that it is all about loving myself and not making others responsible for the big lack of self love, self care and self appreciation in me and that really changed my life!

  203. ‘My view on God does not have a Bible to back it up, only my heart.’ I love this, so simple, so clear, no complications, God is with us all the time.

  204. Absolutely beautiful Adele, I always love reading your blogs and feeling your un-moveable commitment to truth and love, so clear is your commitment that one cannot help but feel how deep and ancient your love is. Thank you for sharing this.

  205. Beautifully written Adele, when we are open to our own love, we offer another the space and opportunity to connect to their love too. Although not always expressed back, it is truly felt by the other, giving them a reflection of another way to be.

    1. Yes Sally it is beautifully written and I love what you have added – ” when we are open to our own love”…..we look so much for love outside of us and layer it with SO SO SO much stuff. But there is an option to simply love ourselves or actually, just be the love we already are and let it out.

  206. This is such a lovely blog Adele and it’s great how you deconstruct how many rationalisations we have for the way we act in order to try and fit in with the norms of society and how this harms us until we get to the point that we make the choice to start loving ourselves first. So many pertinent points but I particularly loved your playful but profound response: ‘my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life.’ So true but how often do we make choices that take us away from this knowing?

  207. One needs to look no further for a living definition of love then Serge Benhayon… Imagine being loved unconditionally… Knowing that someone knows you more than you know yourself, into every secret crevice and nook inside you, with all the little mental secrets and peccadilloes, imagine then, with all of this still being loved… This is what is possible, and this is my personal experience of what Serge Benhayon is bringing again to the world, and that is unconditional love, so that we can feel that is really divine quality of our own being, and the deep and abiding love of God.

    1. What a stunning comment cjames2012 and one so true. That is what Serge Benhayon brings and offers the world – the trick is to be able to let the love in.

    2. I love that. Serge Benhayon is showing us what it is to love unconditionally so that we can feel that really divine quality of our own being, and the deep and abiding love of God.

  208. Your blog is like stumbling upon a treasure chest, Adele. Every paragraph shines out true riches of wisdom and truth. What really got my attention was, ‘how can not living who I am really confirm who I truly am. So what do I choose: do I know or don’t I know who I am? It comes down to an issue of honesty to and for myself.’ A real game-changing profundity because this is what’s at the heart of the choices we grapple with in every moment of every day.

  209. Adele your sharing touched my Heart, it is so spot on and beautifully written and I feel inspired by your deep love of self, to open up to the same deep Love in me.

  210. Beautiful blog Adele. ‘I knew that my heart had not lied to me, that: God is Love and Only Love’. I know just what you mean. I could not explain what I felt in my heart and I could not really relate to any religion until I came across The Way of the Livingness.

  211. I was just reading your blog again. This paragraph stood out:
    “I thought I would not be loved because I do not work for riches or identity. Although I do have a job or two, and I provide for myself and my son, I can’t help but share with a wink that my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life. Sadly, most don’t share my play-fullness when I tell them that”.
    I love your play-fullness Adele.

  212. Just gorgeous Adele, I love the way you express and share yourself with us. Love just loves – yes! and anything other than that is not love no matter how much we convince ourselves in may be otherwise.

  213. There can be no greater gift than ‘true’ love and the absolute beauty in that is that the more we give to ourselves the more everyone else receives.

  214. I love what you have shared here Adele and all the amazing comments it has inspired. I feel so confirmed here and somehow even more committed to being love. Thank you

  215. Beautiful, Adele! Serge Benhayon teaches that we can’t truly love another until we love ourselves first – wisdom I wish I had learned much earlier in my life.

  216. We may take some time to re-familiarize this body to truly Loving, and every day is a practice, without perfection sought. But simply and consistently, a commitment to expressing this Love for ourselves and others is a daily developing and deepening project that I feel inspired by.

  217. This is so deeply beautiful and I’ve loved rereading your experience of reconnecting to the great love that was always there within you Adele. Very inspiring, thank you

  218. Funny how it is often the last thing we think of trying, to give loving ourselves a go! Same for me and I have never looked back but rather, into the eyes of others to be met by the love that has always been there in each and every one. A beautiful blog Adele.

  219. You hold a very deep love for humanity Adele; it is palpable and powerfully felt in this article. Your journey to let go of the ‘pictures’ and ideals of how to express love is incredibly inspiring. Your journey to come back to claim what you knew all along and were bursting to express is beautiful and one I can so resonate with. I now am connecting to the true meaning of true love and claim it everywhere I go, to the best of my ability. And now people are noticing it and sharing that although they might not be able to go there and express in this way too, they wish for me to continue to express as it truly supports them. This is because when we speak with and from true love we speak in a universal language. Inspiring you overcame what came up for you and are prepared to stand out. As someone once shared with me, we have to be prepared to lose everything – once I really understood this it gave me permission to express and live only from true love. With much love to you. x

    1. Gina, as I read your comment, what came to me is there is definitely and absolutely no comfort in true Love. There is a deep urgency felt to Love deeper, and in more fullness, with Love gently but consistently saying, “What are we waiting for, let’s go.”

  220. Thank you Adele. I have pondered many of the things you say here about reasons I can’t be loved. But I also know it’s ridiculous. I know the more I step in to being the real me, the less I even worry about being loved or not being loved, because that worry is more about meeting peoples expectations. When I’m being love, I naturally feel loved and it becomes a non issue because it just is.

  221. Now I understand I do not have to make up a whole new language to communicate, it is with speaking in a quality that any language then becomes universal. This quality is love and it can be expressed from words, feelings, manner of expression, tone of voice, volume, speed and clarity. Communication is an art and love is what opens all communications, including the willingness to let people in and to not take reaction personally.

  222. Each paragraph describes another layer of what society imposes on us, or rather what we ‘think’ we should be doing to fit in. And so we can spend lifetimes trying to understand the rules, playing the games and filling ourselves with these distractions. Yet we never truly win because no matter how well you play, ultimately there is an emptiness deep within that cannot be filled by playing these games. Or we can flip it round… start with building a loving relationship with ourselves and then, as if by magic, we have an abundance to share in all sorts of different situations.. but always from ourselves.

  223. Adele, it is very wise to seek you own truth, and trust what you feel. I don’t feel that you are joking when you say you belong to the brotherhood of humanity, it feels true to me, it may be a little foreign to others, but a bit familiar as well.

  224. Re-connecting to the love within and the feeling of being held by God´s love is a process of casting off heaps of layers upon layers that are not love, held onto as identification, ideals and beliefs, hurts and protections, mistrust, giving up etc etc., only to discover that love never left me or got lost, but that I couldn´t truly feel and claim it anymore as my innermost essence and true nature under all the clobber of what-is-not-love. Hence self-love is crucial to plod through the clutter of lovelessness to be once again what we naturally are – love.

  225. Adele, reading your blog, I felt the strength and ubiquity of true love and that it always guides us, also, if we are lost in what we have learned and lost in seeking for love on the outside. But there is always a guidance, I felt it from the very beginning through my life like a divine compass, in spite of everything I did, what was absolutely not loving. Now I remember this feeling of being guided and going deeper into it, feeling this is beautifully strong and imperturbable – the compass lets me feel the way back to true love. (Now I am struggling with: “can I write this?” – but I will : ))
    I like the way you write so playful, delicate and wise. Would love to meet you sometime.

  226. ‘We cannot really be ‘doing’ love – we can only be it’, well said Adele, I totally agree.

  227. Choosing to love ourselves in a way that is truly honouring, not selfish at all, is the evolutionary step we can all make, thank you Adele for writing so clearly. There is no looking back with this choice.

  228. Sometimes just taking a chance and seeing what it could possibly be to be love with ourselves and others is the only way forward.

    For as we justify to take it one step at a time we are subtly calculating to never take that final leap.

    1. A great way to put it Luke. We just have to take the chance. Even if it means we will lose everything—which we won’t, but it may feel that way. But we simply cannot not Love. We can no longer not be the Love that we are.
      Knowing this and confirming it with ourselves in every living circumstance, starts to build what being Love means. Honestly, I have never thought Love to be this, it is certainly not what I was taught or shown anywhere while growing up. But it is never too late to start re-learning the true way.

      1. That is a very good point 1heart1love1earth. What if we were too timid to go to love because our definition was actually wrong? Because, as we know, once love is felt we don’t want to go back.

  229. Thank you Adele. Just reading the title of your blog inspired me this morning. I know this is true for even putting a spoon back in a drawer when I am full of love when I reach for that spoon again it feels good. A great reminder to stay with me and stay in love.

  230. The need to be loved, which is not love at all, has kept me imprisoned in arrangements but not relationships. Arrangements were always laced with investment, expectation and imposition. This is not love and not truth, and we know we deserve so much more. Therefore, no matter what may happen, it is not worth it to compromise any part of our loveliness to arrangements.
    Sometimes thoughts such as “what if expressing truth I may not be liked or would even be ostracized?” , enters. But what ostracizes me, is not from expressing truth, it is from the protection I have set up for myself from not wanting to feel my past irresponsible choices. So these thoughts are not to be entertained or indulged in–as they are not from truth.

  231. You have hit so many nails on so many heads here Adele about what Love is thought to be and what Love truly is. It is beautiful to feel how you have claimed the truth about Love and embrace it now in full.

  232. Adele, I can very much relate to what you have written, looking for love only to realise that we all have it inside of ourselves.

    1. Thank you Adele and Lisa, I agree, ‘love can only love you back’, so can we come to the conclusion, love is only true love! Anything else is not truly love.

  233. Great piece of writing. I’m with you all the way, love yourself first, then it is possible to truly love others.

  234. A gorgeous blog Adele, describing your search for love and the beliefs that we have held about how to get it. It feels very joyful to share the love you write about, and to know that it is our true nature.

  235. Thank you Adele. I love this line “When I ran out of options, I decided to give loving myself a try”. It is so utterly absurd that loving ourselves is not our first option. It took me the first half of my life to give it a try and it changed my life completely. Not only does it support me, it supports everyone.

    1. Yes it is absurd that loving ourselves is not our first option, great call, Elizabeth. I’m only just starting to really ‘get’ this loving oneself option and I’m loving it all the way! The spaciousness, steadiness and freedom from the old emotions and reactions is priceless.

    2. Elizabeth I appreciate all that is constellated in life. Having lived the process of not knowing self-love, I have the authority in expressing how one can simply make the choice to love again in understanding and support of so many others who are making this choice, and the body is simply the testimonial to how life changing this choice can be. Having the contrast of not choosing self-love to choosing it also gives me the irrefutable lived truth of what wisdom means.

  236. Even though the world we now know is far from the world we know it could be, and we know to step closer back to love and truth there are still many steps to take. One realization in how we can focus on our own commitment back to responsibility is understanding. The understanding of the choices of ourselves as well as everyone else. Many times, focusing on how uncomfortable things are in the world, the reaction to this tension takes me away from my commitment.
    Constantly understanding that expressing truth and love every day is my choice, while others however close or far away from us, also have their choices, yet not holding back this love and truth to every person who may have a different choice, without expectation for them to make any other choices, is only the beginning to letting the world in the deep love that we are. What I have realized is how beautiful this world can be, is how deep we are willing to go to our own love, that has endless depth.

  237. Your questioning – ‘I thought I would not be loved if…..” are words that rule the way many people live, the choices they make, the emptiness they keep perpetuating within. You discovered that Love is available and pulsating from within waiting only to be discovered. The world feeds beliefs and ideals which separate people from the love they are all of the time. If I am able to stay connected to the love I am, then the reflection this brings to the world will always be that subtle reminder to others that they are love too, they are love first before all other. Thank you Adele for confirming who we all are and that this is enough.

  238. I had no idea what love truly was until I came to Universal Medicine and like you Adele I had to let go of stacks of ideals and beliefs I had around what I thought love was for me to come to know that love was not something you do but a beingness.

    1. Yes for me the same Mary Louise, and still there are bit’s and pieces to unpick where beliefs and ideals have been hiding in corners and crevices, but the basic feeling of true love that is within me is always there and no matter what I encounter in life, this is something I can always come back to and know I am absolutely fine.

    2. That is true for me too marylouisemyers, and yet the knowing of connection and hence of love has never left me, no matter how far we have wandered from truth for all the reasons in the world, we never lose the call to return as love is always there within us. In fact, being honest that we do not know what true love is, is the first step back to this truth.

  239. We can live mostly in reaction to the world around us, and find it hard to relate. At least for me, I thought that to change that, and those around me, it would be ‘better’. It did not work of course. Only through loving myself could I change this belief.

  240. I love the honesty, wisdom and playfulness in how you express Adele. What a beautiful inspiration you are in being your true self everywhere and with everyone, and showing what true love is, starting with self love.

  241. What a gorgeous blog! My whole body smiled at this one! I can really relate to not finding any reflection of someone who understood or felt what I did. Growing up I always stood out as different, and taught myself to be quiet instead of sharing my unique understanding and perspective of the world. I did not realise there were others out there like me. I love your openness in sharing your story, thank you Adele.

  242. This is a great blog Adele. I think you summed it up in your first paragraph, “God is Love and Only Love.” Thats all we need to know.

  243. Thank you Adele – such beauty in your writing. And so many doubts I can relate to. I really enjoy when you say, ‘self love is no different from the love I share every time I love someone else deeply’ – How amazing and equal is this. xxx

    1. The deeper I appreciate myself, the deeper I can express the equality that I know between us all, in appreciation, I move different and then I see differently from a deeper awareness. It is truly beautiful hvmorden.

      1. Thank you Adele for this expansion. You really do shine with appreciation and you are a bright reflection to many woman of someone who lives the delicacy and tenderness that is absolute.

  244. I so enjoy your articles Adele, and this one is beautiful. I don’t need to be needed either and felt for years that others saw me as a bit hard and remote because of it. I know better now.

  245. Adele your commitment to being and expressing love is infectious. Thank you for sharing in such a playful and joyous way. You made me smile from the inside out.

  246. I have found it incredible to discover love for myself and how that is what I have been looking for all along. There is no person or thing that could give me this love, I always felt a bit lonely, even though I had people around me who loved me. Similar for me as is for you, this love for myself comes from listening to and knowing myself inside out.

  247. Beautiful Adele, Love is something much bigger than most people think it to be, it is always there – it is not something to do or get – we are love.

    1. Discovering that in fact I am love deep within myself and that I only have to accept it, honor it and let it be seen has been a massive step, that turned my world upside down.

      1. The acceptance and appreciation of myself also turned my world around Michael, the fact that we are all deep love and allowing myself to feel that, to feel it so deeply that no matter what the world reflects back, this is a fact unrefutable that keeps on supporting me back.

  248. Such a treasure chest of a blog Adele Leung with so many gems in it! I especially liked the bit where you say that your main job is discovering who you really are and reflecting that to others. That is cute but so true and imagine if we all lived life based on this rather than career, prestige, wealth, position, authority and recognition which are usually the motivations linked to work and our jobs.

    1. This way to work is inspiring as it is freeing and there is no feeling of being owned. It is joyful and enjoyable every time. Can’t recommend it more andrewmooney26!

    2. It certainly opens the lid on a host of ideals that we carry around with us of what it is to be loved. And there is certainly something very free that dances across the blog.. obviously coming from the way Adele writes… and ultimately that comes from how she is living.

    3. Thank you for highlighting this Andrewmooney26, to me it means we have lost our focus or direction and forgetting the most important ingredient in life, our connection to ourselves.

      1. Connection with ourselves is the most precious gift of all, from not knowing what this means to feeling it as an unending support much like a very trusted friend, is the most beautiful discovery I have experienced. I have come to realize Chan that connection is a choice and a responsibility.

  249. Adele, I love the way you playfully express and explore what true Love is.
    Love is who we innately are, it is not a doing. By connecting deep within, we connect to God’s love. This is huge for me as I grew up constantly searching for love outside of myself.

    1. I was the same Lorettarapp, and what I realised from searching for love outside of myself for many years is that the love I found never seemed to last, it’s a bit like a mirage. It’s never sustainable or lasting but fades away quite quickly so the search for love starts over again and again until we receive a reflection of true love, the love that is from within, love that emanates out from ones essence. I have recently started to experience this and it is extremely empowering knowing that I too can connect to true love from within myself.

  250. When nothing else worked you gave loving yourself a try. – I totally relate to this one Adele. Only to find it was there all along, just waiting for me to take the steps.

    1. I agree Vicky, loving oneself is a very good place to start, even though when you start out it may seem impossible. But the attempt and the intention will eventually lead to finding that “… it was there all along, just waiting for me to take the steps.”

  251. Beautiful blog Adele, I love your expression and exploration on Love, and I love your conclusion that it’s up to us to live the love we are. But we can only truly connect to that when we start treating ourselves truly gently and lovingly. This blog is a great reminder of how it truly is.

  252. Our fears of not being love come from a place that is not love. Love is too busy loving to worry about being anything less than the all that it is. I love what you have shared here Adele – honest, simple and true.

    1. ‘Our fears of not being love come from a place that is not love.’ What a fantastic quote Liane – definitely a keeper.

    2. I agree Liane very well said. It seems that when we have lost sense of what love is or where it comes from ,we search for it endlessly. Seeking love from outside of us isn’t true love but emotional love.

    3. Yes me too – what a wonderful expression of love. I felt held too when I read this. And I know this line to be true as I have been lucky enough to be in Adele’s company – “When I meet friends, to me, it is unimportant what we do or where we go, for none of that is necessary for a true connection to happen.”. It took a bit of getting used to as it is a different way to be but I loved it.

  253. Dear Adele this an awsome sharing there is so much strength. I love the way you expressed all of this in words. Thank You so much for sharing this and for living the truth. With love Nadine

  254. Gorgeous blog Adele. It’s amazing how we impose on ourselves to be a certain way because we think we will be more loved…which is so far from the truth of what love is. All we need is a bit of that loving way to ourselves and we begin to realise that love is not something we receive from others, it is something we very naturally are, just like God. I have always known that God is love – I just got very confused with a lot of the other things said about God, I understand this so much more now.

  255. I enjoyed how you illustrate how these thoughts just get in the way. As you say so beautifully Adele “we cannot really be ‘doing’ love – we can only be it”. Crazy how it takes us to run out of options before we stop entertaining these thoughts and feel the truth of what love is.

  256. The way we search for love outside of ourselves seems ridiculous now that I have taken responsibility to build my connection to it inside

  257. Adele this is a gorgeous and inspiring post. It is so true what you have shared. As soon as we have an idea about what love is or should look like we are in separation to what true Love is and truly feels like. And yes, this hurts everyone as the presence of true Love is absent, in comparison to the blessing we all receive when we, firstly, are with our Love. Thank you for reflecting that true Love is the Love that we all are within our hearts.

  258. Thank you Adele for such a beautiful blog, as I am writing this I am smiling, in the knowingness that love can only love me back.

  259. A beautiful blog Adele. There is a lot to ponder, but an aspect that resonates with me is ‘Love can only Love me back’, and the more we love ourselves the more love is reflected back to us.

  260. Isn’t is strange Adele how when we run out of options we give love a try? We dodge and weave the one simple ingredient that will change everything. A beautiful blog thank you ✨

  261. Love can only Love me back – I loved reading this, Adele. It’s funny how we can get hung up on what people will and won’t accept if we develop love for ourselves and the notions that we won’t fit in or stand out. I’m actually just starting to get that it doesn’t matter what others have to say, as long as I know who I am and continue to develop a relationship with myself, all those worries disappear and seem quite silly now.

  262. It is fascinating how so many people will stand and defend something as being love and yet similar to what you were feeling – the love they speak of and ‘do’ is abusive or hurts another. It is like they have lost the true connection to love from being fooled into believing, like we all have been, that it something that is outside of ourselves. It is beautiful that you have found the truth of what love is within yourself and from the deep love you feel there, share this with others.

  263. Beautifully expressed Adele, ‘love can only love me back’ – what an awesome reminder that everything begins with our connection and love to ourselves first, then love is reflected back to us. What an inspiring blog and a great way to start my day – thank you.

  264. You are the love of my heart Adele, your beautiful expression emanates so much love and your vunerability makes you so strong. Amazing!

  265. I smiled to Adele, thank you for sharing your beautiful and inspirational story.
    The message you present is very wise and insightful.

  266. We can find many reasons why we might fear not being loved by others. In that mindset, when we act out of that fear, we never connect to love -we feel lucky when it happens but there is no real surrender to it. The mistrust never goes away.

  267. Adele,
    There seriously are not the words to say about how I feel in reading this truly beautiful article. I to have a list much the same as yours, a list that drops its horrible untruths right at pivotal moments, a list that I have allowed to have its say. Now I can see and feel how this list has separated me from others and how harming it is. Of late this list has had quite a shake up, I am super diligent though of being aware of when anything from it is again influencing my living way.
    Loving myself, there is nothing on earth that I have felt previously that in any way comes close to how super natural this is and how beautiful a way it is to live. I am now heading for living gloriously each and every day.

  268. There is so much ease in giving yourself what you ” need”, instead of searching on the outside and with no chance of being ever satisfied. Loving myself first is the key for everything for me…

  269. Beautiful Adele. For so long I’ve thought this way too- that I won’t be loved and accepted because how I am is pretty different to how everyone else is. What I have come to realise is that I love this way, and the more I love it and love myself, the more other people love it too. There is nothing easier or simpler then being around someone who lives love.

  270. I love the way you write Adele, and I love how your blog shows all the interpretations that we think or are taught to be love. I know I have been tricked into thinking certain words or actions meant love, but now that I am learning to truly love myself I can feel what is love and what is not. Still a work in progress and there is always more to learn!

  271. Simply gorgeous and exactly what I needed to hear today. We are all deeply loving beings but we can’t feel the truth of that if we don’t love ourselves first.

  272. Thank you Adele for this sharing ,love can only love me back, love meets love in love or love always returns to love- love it.

  273. “Love can only love me back” is everything in a nutshell except its bigger than a nutshell because it’s everything! Thank you Adele – so simple.

  274. Loved reading your blog Adele. I also felt like you that I would not be loved if I would simply be me in the world yet that is the biggest lie. If I am me and love and care for myself I can see how love is always there to start in my own heart.

  275. Adele, I so enjoyed reading your blog and appreciated the depth of caring that I felt in the commencement of each of your paragraphs “I thought I would not be loved because…….”.
    How awesome and beautiful you are – I could feel the sensitivity of your being love while trying to fit into a world that chose not to reflect that. How glorious it is to have been shown that we do not need to prove that we are love – but rather just to be that. I thank Serge Benhayon and the presentations of Universal Medicine for showing us that there is another way by just being the love that we truly are.

  276. Thank you Adele, this moved me deeply. Love can only love us back, if we choose to embrace it. I really love your play-fullness about your ‘real job’ – “I can’t help but share with a wink that my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life”. What a reflection that must be.

  277. This is a great blog to ponder on Adele, I love how you have made it so clear as it naturally should be.
    “God is Love and Only Love” – this is a truth which exposes the lie of those religions that propose that you can fight and kill others in the name of God. That is not love and thus not true religion.
    We are the sons of God and so we too are Love. When we know we are Love we cannot hurt, or harm or kill another.

  278. Thank you Adele, what a joy to read your blog. I am learning about love every day and the great thing is that every day I feel more love for myself. This is where it starts, this is where I return to every day, this is me. I am love and from there, I can share this love with others.

  279. Adele thank you for sharing: deepening your connection and loving yourself first from the inside out. You pinpoint some great areas that come up regarding who we feel we should or need to be in life to be loved. It’s so un-true and as you say the more we comply to these beliefs the further we take ourselves away from our own true love.

    1. Well said Sandra; the more we comply with the commonly held beliefs of how we ‘should’ be in life to be loved, the further away we get from true love; just loving ourselves for being who we are; no perfection needed anywhere.

  280. I can see how important it is then to live like this, to inspire others. As child we can get lost between what we feel is true from inside, and what we feel from the outer world.. we often have no reflection of true love. Lets be a mirror of true love!

  281. What an amazing blog, Adele, it shows to what degree the world is totally upside-down. Thank you for inspiring everybody to turn it around and understand love from within for everyone to feel. Much needed in society.

    1. The world is upside down, as love is sought from the outside in, we have made what is simple, complex. But we can now just start again from simplicity, from the naturalness of the heart, it is amazing to come back to this realization. Thanks Natalie.

  282. Thank you Adele, ” love can only love me back” – so true, as the more I learn, and commit, to care for myself in a more gentle and loving way, the more the same comes back to me in the same quality, no matter what. It just is!

  283. This is beautiful to read, Adele, I felt the definiteness of your love towards yourself in this. There’s such harmony in not requiring or needing anything from others – to just be full and self -content.

  284. I remember at my 10 year high school reunion mostly people felt more open to talk about how they felt in high school. A lot of appreciation was expressed towards one another and people opened up about insecurities they were faced with at school. In this, and also your blog, I feel we all have unique qualities that we bring to relationships and situations; yet we can be so reserved about standing out or how this may be taken by others. The result of this is we all miss out on enjoying our uniqueness, and appreciating this in others.

  285. Such a beautiful article Adele – when you say “My real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life” – a beautiful unfolding of who we truly are, and allowing others to feel that too.

  286. Adele I love your blog and how it echoes the loneliness we can feel until we realise we are the very love we are seeking, and begin to honour and nurture that love and wisdom within us.

  287. I am inspired by your blog Adele. You had the answers about love with you the whole time. When you looked within, instead of expecting to get it from outside yourself. Awesome!

  288. That was a very cool blog! Self love is really really important, aswell as just that simple time for yourself.

  289. Thank you Adele. Yes, it is truly a glorious moment when we realise that there is no greater love, ‘out there’, that is more than the love you have towards yourself. It’s such a golden life lesson to feel.

  290. Thank you for this beautiful blog, the way you share how you and a lot of people expected love to be, and how we expect to be loved or not be loved. It is just a beautiful thing, love, its something we don’t need to be asking or waiting for until anyone gives it to us but it is something that always will be there and will never leave us.

  291. Adele your life “God is Love and Only Love” puts a stop to so much in the world that is not true. It puts a stop to all the guilt and all the shame. It lets me reflect on what if that was true – then if I am a son of God, which I am, I am also love. Thank you.

    1. Beautifully expressed David. ‘ It puts a stop to all the guilt and all the shame. It lets me reflect on what if that was true – then if I am a son of God, which I am, I am also love’ the simple and powerful truth of who we are. Sweeping away any doubts and fears that we entertain.

  292. Beautiful Adele, this is an inspiration to read for so many who are caught in an imprisoning construct of what we need to ‘do’ to ‘win’ or ‘earn’ love. Cultures and nations have been built on this false belief. As I was reading your blog I felt you like an incredibly strong yet delicate flower amidst a barren land that has disconnected from the grace and beauty it naturally comes from, just like you and me. In standing firm in your beauty, strength and grace you offer that constant reflection that true love can only be found within.

    1. It is almost expected and accepted that in Hong Kong we have to go into any job feeling frantic, stressed out, running around like a Duracell bunny and finding and focusing on complexities; and to prove that we are an authority on anything, we are expected to play the game of inequality, making everyone else feel less. None of these choices feel lovely to the body; we are constantly stressed.

      To survive and build a name for ourselves, we have agreed to not loving ourselves from birth, for this is how as a city/culture we have constructed ourselves to be.

      Katerina, it is inspiring to be living in Hong Kong and its culture, as there are so many layers to de-construct and express what is not loving in every moment, through our daily living. Never a dull moment; every moment is calling for a deepening moment to commit back to true love.

  293. Thank you Adele, you have inspired me to ponder why I feel I will not be loved as I can feel that this belief does still sit inside me somewhere. How awesome to know that I do not have to accept such thoughts.

  294. I love the way you have pondered on love and how you have made it something you feel for yourself first – and really, where else should it be coming from? Isn’t it rather irresponsible to expect that the outside world is going to provide it for us?

    1. Well said Gabriele, this is a beautiful blog, and yes, I do feel how irresponsible it is when we expect the world to provide love for us. It’s up to us to give it to ourselves, and then share it with others who choose to do the same.

    2. So true Gabriele, irresponsible and somewhat arrogant. We have it ALL and yet we demand it from the world. Thank you Adele. Love can most definitely only love us back.

  295. Your blog made me smile Adele, as it is true that loving ourselves is too often a last resort, when it could be a first choice. Thank you for your honesty, and thank you to Serge Benhayon for showing us a way that is true love.

  296. Awesome blog Adele, I loved this:

    “So what do I choose: Do I know or don’t I know who I am? It comes down to an issue of honesty to and for myself”.

    Thank you for your glorious reflection of living love 🙂

  297. Lovely realisation to come to – that love can only love you back.

    That also means that in your conversations, if you are expressing from a place of love you will feel the love back in your body regardless of how people respond, it’s likely they will also appreciate it.

  298. All my life deep inside I felt that without love nothing means anything but I haven´t known how to live this until, just as you say Adele, I started to love myself. What begins with self love is a forever deepening journey back to love – living that is an inspiration for everyone else to come back to themselves. You are a such a light in HongKong.

    1. alexbraun01, I too remember the deep tension of knowing love yet constantly living the opposite. The key to unlocking this love that we all know is self love. To come to the acceptance and allowance of myself that loving myself is even imaginable, took a while and a lot of re-structuring, and of course it did, for self-love as you say alexbraun01 is a forever deepening journey back to Love–it is a questioning and exposing in the world of everything we thought we knew about love, but which has never been true.

  299. Brilliant blog which is packed full of things to ponder. For today it has left me contemplating how, as with what we are taught about God, the version of love we are sold almost guarantees that we will give up on it, for it will inevitably fall short of itself, and cause us hurt at some stage, how can it not, because as Adele shows us, there is no real love in the version of love that we are all fed.

  300. Wow this is so lovely to read Adele, ‘At that moment, I smiled, and thought: How could I ever feel scared or sad or lonely and not loved?’ Very beautiful and inspiring, thank you.

  301. Beautiful Adele how love is not something we have to get from another, but how we can be it ourselves and share from there. What wealth, richness and amazing connection ‘being love’ brings.

  302. Thank you for sharing this Adele. i can relate to so much. “Love can only love me back” So true.

  303. This is beautiful Adel. Yes we stand out like a sore thumb when we do not ‘fit in’ to the way others conduct their lives. We know our own truth within us and can Love ourselves deeply, and therefore not be reliant on what others do or think. This can seem odd in a world where people do not honour themselves in this way. Thank you for sharing and giving us a lovely example.

  304. Thank you Adele. This article shows how we search everywhere around us for love and are constantly disappointed. When we allow ourselves to feel our love, God’s love, within us we discover love is everywhere around us just waiting for us to feel it.

  305. Thank you, Adele. I can really feel the power of the moment when you turned your life around – “I decided to give loving myself a try”. This is really inspiring, and a story very worth sharing.

  306. So much wisdom here, Adele – and an honest account of what I’ve experienced too. Thinking I wouldn’t be loved because of all these different factors outside myself, living in a way that wasn’t supportive and then blaming everything else for this feeling of emptiness. When all the while, turning to love myself and take care of myself was what I had been missing.

  307. Adele I love re-reading your blog, there is always something more to be aware of from it.
    With experiencing some resistance within myself recently, your final paragraph is a great reminder to come back to basics and be open to love again. Thank you.
    “When I ran out of options, I decided to give loving myself a try. This began as a discipline that introduced more and more gentleness towards myself, and rather than holding on to right or wrong, I began to feel from my body and listened to it. Until one day, this love that I have been practising and opening myself to, has allowed me to feel so truly loved, and this love is no different from the love I share every time I love someone else deeply.”

  308. It is amazing that as soon as you take out the thinking and remove the head all that is left is the heart… it has always been there waiting for us to just be. Great blog Adele.

  309. It is amazing that as soon as you take out the thinking and remove the head all that is left is the heart… it has always been there waiting for us to just be. great blog

  310. Thank you Adele for your wonderfully comprehensive review of your social situation resulting from your espousal of Universal Medicine’s teachings. You clearly identify many areas where you appear to be ‘swimming against the tide’, but you illustrate beautifully the shallow and transient nature of your family’s behaviour, and how your refusal to ‘follow the herd’ results in you being regarded as something of a social ‘pariah’. Your journey of discovery to find love, seems to have reached a true development however, which must put all your previous worries truly into perspective!

  311. Adele, by you standing strong in your commitment to what you knew was true love among a culture around you that was in direct opposition to this, I feel that you must be making a huge difference to everyone you’re in contact with. Even if there are no obvious changes in those people you have relationships with, your constant reflection of love to them offers a choice for them to accept the same in themselves, and that is huge.

  312. Thank you for an amazing blog, Adele. It resonates in me deeply as I live in a part of the world where I could feel a bit of an alien, I could feel not fitting in and I could feel lonely because of the way I choose to live my life. But I don’t. Once you reconnect to who you are, choose a deeply self-caring, self-loving and self-appreciating rhythm, it doesn’t matter. We are a reflection for all to see that life can be lived differently.

  313. Top blog Adele. I loved how you said you were loved when you were weak but when you started to live who you truly were there was resistance. Isn’t it strange we live in a world where if we start to express our true selves other people freak out and can’t deal with it. Its great that you have had the strength to honour your commitment to yourself, thank you for sharing.

  314. Wow Adele this is so beautiful. The love that pours forth from your expression in all of your posts and pictures illustrates that love is indeed loving you back. Exquisite.

  315. Wow Adele what a beautiful blog. I love how you have come to know and love yourself and share that with the world.

  316. I thought this stuck out to me in particular. So often I have thought of ‘being love’ rather than coming out from my head to actually BE love. I can think how to be love and all that entails but without actually feeling that love within me everything I try do to be that love I am expecting will always fall short of the mark. ‘Being love’ is not a thought, it is a feeling. And as you said brilliantly ”how can not living who I am really confirm who I truly am.”

    1. Thanks Leigh, I really get what you’re saying, so often I try to think I’m being love, instead of just being love.

  317. Your commitment to yourself and love shines through here, Adele, and I can feel what an amazing reflection you bring to everyone you meet each day. Thank you for sharing.

  318. Adele, thank you for giving us a sense of your world in Hong Kong growing up. It is inspiring to feel how you kept harking back to truth and did not conform to the social norms, and over the years developed a deep love and honouring of yourself.

  319. Thank you Adele this is exactly what I needed to read right now. There are many gems for me to reflect on.

  320. Hi Adele, I love this blog, so playful, I have always felt a bit of an alien, and tried to fit in by being what I felt other people were most comfortable with. But as I am learning now, I can only ever be myself, so now my ‘job’ is being all of me in everything I do, no matter what i’m doing.

  321. Adele, what you have shared is so amazing. You expressed it so clearly and perfectly. Thank you! I could particularly relate to “I can’t help but share with a wink that my real job is knowing myself and reflecting that in every part of my life. Sadly, most don’t share my play-fullness when I tell them that.” I feel like that is my real job now. It just makes so much sense what you have shared. I often wonder what people would say if, when they ask what I have been up to, I replied “Just practicing being with myself”. It is so awesome you have the courage to be open and fun with your expression. Very inspiring. Thanks again.

  322. This is beautifully expressed Adele – I also had a very wide smile when reading it. Thank you.

  323. Your words are deeply touching. I love the last paragraph, it is amazing that if we are open to it, the answers we previously searched high and low for are already within us and have always been there waiting. Thank you Adele…

  324. Adele, this was so beautiful to read. I am so deeply touched by your sharing. How courageous you are to be you in a place where to be you must be so alien. How inspiring you are!

  325. Superbly expressed – thank you Adele. I love feeling that it is no different for you in Hong Kong than it was for me growing up in Switzerland or now living in Australia – all of humanity feels the same deep inside – we do know what true love is and all we have to do is reconnect.

    1. Beautiful point Desiree, We are all dealing with and feeling the same things, all of us…and it’s about love in the end, for all of us.

  326. Adobe, this is a beautiful post… So many reasons NOT to be love and so simple when it is all we choose. Thank you.

  327. Thank you Adele, I always love reading your posts. This paragraph particularly resonates with me: “I thought I would not be loved, if I spoke what I was truly feeling especially in relation to abuse I could feel. I was feeling and accepting everything about another, before honouring my feelings first, and not standing up to say no to what is not okay, I was actually not loving – neither to myself or to another.”

    In the past I used to think I was being loving or at least being ‘nice’ when I made excuses for another and in those days I never even considered honouring myself. I now understand that by not saying “no” to what is not ok, I am actually saying “yes” to the harm. This sort of ‘reasonable’ and ‘nice’ ingrained behaviour is very strong in me, but as I become more aware of the insidious harm it causes to everyone concerned, I am freeing myself from it.

  328. Beautifully expressed Adele – wow… I love this quote: “I was ‘loved’ when I was weak. And whenever I began living who I truly am, the questioning and resistance, especially from those close to me grew.” I can absolutely relate to this.

    To realise that we truly love (ourselves & others), ONLY when we live true to who we are – is so powerful. I thank you deeply for your sharing on so many facets of this, in the face of what is ‘accepted’ by others, and what is not.

    The essence of you feels so strong in love. It is an absolute blessing.

    1. Yes, Victoria, ‘ that we truly love (ourselves & others), ONLY when we live true to who we are’ is a powerful understanding.

  329. The story told here is real. When considering the cultural aspects it becomes not only real but truly amazing. In just one aspect – for example to say you want to go to bed early anywhere in Asia is almost blasphemy. Thank you for sharing your awesome commitment to what you feel is true (in spite of society all around you saying it is not).

  330. You have given me so much to deeply ponder here Adele. Thank you for your beautiful and simple expression and reflection.

  331. I admire your courage and how you have forged a new path in your home country where love is not lived in the same way… for now.

    You will give so many a refection for them to consider, perhaps there is another way?

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