Self-Love & Mothering: Stopping to Take Responsibility

by Denise Cavanough, aged 56, Brisbane

Over the years that I have been seeing Serge Benhayon and attending Universal Medicine presentations and talks, I can say that nothing he has said has made me feel uncomfortable, squirm in my seat or want to run away. Not until recently have I felt like I was confronted, stopped in my tracks, cut to the bone; felt like I wanted to throw a tantrum and run away kicking and screaming like a child (I think you will be getting the picture).

This all came about when my daughter Shannon sent me a text in reply to mine, saying that it was ok to stay the night, but to have organised it before, not just as an afterthought, and not without consideration for her plans. This called a stop to a behavior that I had been doing and, I now recognise, that my mother had also done to me.

I can now feel how I had (as a mother) this thread of a feeling that my now adult children owed me. That because I had more life experience I knew better, and I could fix things for them my way, instead of letting them come to things in their own time, or waiting to be asked. I felt how in some ways I had taken our relationship for granted, thinking just because they are my children, I had the right to tell them what I thought they should do. I thought this was loving, but now I felt how controlling it could be. I remembered how I had felt when my mum gave me unwarranted advice, and would not leave me to come to things in my own way.

This triggered a chain of events in me that was far bigger than I could have ever realised.

How had I allowed this to go on between mum and me and never put a stop to it?

I felt so angry. I had no idea what I was feeling at the time, but I knew it was HUGE. I had not felt anything like this before, only that I wanted to run away.

My body was screaming and I could feel that I didn’t want to face it. But there was no way I was running away from whatever it was. So I stopped.

From that short text, I had got to feel how I had never truly honoured and loved myself. By my daughter Shannon, also a mother, showing me the love she held for herself, I got to feel how I had never chosen true self-love for me. How I had always put my children first – I would do anything for them, in total disregard for me, never considering how it felt for me. No wonder I was kicking and screaming so much, it was H U GE.

I had spent a lifetime mastering this, thinking that this was what mothering was about. I loved being a mother, but I was mothering at the expense of me, and could see how mum had done the same all her life.

By Shannon saying truthfully what she felt, she reflected to me all the choices I had made that were not loving for me. It hurt me deeply to see what I had been choosing for myself. Since then I have had a great unfolding, allowing me to discover more of myself.

I have been seeing the same patterns running through my relationship with my mum, habits that I had taken on that mum had done. I’m seeing a stop to these patterns, a break in generations of this behavior. The buck stops here. By calling it out for what it is, it has stopped – it has run its course with me.

It is amazing to have felt all the changes I have made since that day. I had never allowed myself to stop and feel how the choices I was making were affecting my life, my children’s and grandchildren’s. They are now seeing the way I am making different choices, and becoming more loving to myself and others.

By holding on to mothering in that way, I was not allowing myself to claim time to nurture me, the lovely me, the beauty-full me, the gentle me, to treat myself tenderly, to speak to myself in a loving way, to adore me and cherish the amazing woman I have become.

I feel that through having attended presentations by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I am seeing things in my life through different eyes. By taking responsibility for my choices, this has changed my life. I wanted to get to truth, no matter what. I can no longer blame anything that comes into my life on others – it has been my choice.

Self-love can only be where there is truth.

That’s my miracle for today.

255 thoughts on “Self-Love & Mothering: Stopping to Take Responsibility

  1. ‘I wanted to get to truth, no matter what’. A quote that sets a challenge, a beautiful challenge, for me to see the behaviours and areas in my life that I compromised truth for plain sailing, comfort, keeping things smooth.

  2. The greatest gift is when we reflect to another the love that we are. Love alone has the power to expose all that is not love. When all that is not love is exposed, we can then make the choice to bring Love in its place. Without the reflection as a form of reminder, we are lost.

  3. There are so many ways that true mothering has been bastardised – and so a controling and stifling version can take over rather than a version that is free of all constraints but holds the other as an equal and with equal warmth and wisdom.

    1. To hold everyone, and in this case particularly our children, as equals, calls us to see ourselves with worth too. This is a remarkable simple life changing way to be in relationship.

  4. It is not easy to allow ourselves to feel the discomfort of being exposed for a behaviour or choice that one has made – it can feel so awful, but that awful feeling is a short term feeling especially once we connect to how freeing it is not not be governed any more by the choice that we were making. Once free, we are free to then express more love.

  5. It requires great honesty to review, recognize and rectify the patterns we are repeating from our parents. Addressing them because that is not loving with us and others, is a great service to offer no matter how challenging it could be at some times.

    1. Yes I agree absolutely. And knowing that, whilst challenging, the feeling out the other side and the changes that naturally unfold are beyond any fear of the challenge.

  6. It is great that you became aware of this, so can now make new choices, ‘I was not allowing myself to claim time to nurture me, the lovely me, the beauty-full me, the gentle me, to treat myself tenderly, to speak to myself in a loving way, to adore me and cherish the amazing woman I have become.’

  7. “and I could fix things for them my way, instead of letting them come to things in their own time, or waiting to be asked.” I can see this pattern in myself without being a parent, the false form of parenting or relating to others is common. I’m learning that love is about space and acknowledging a deeper equality. As a woman the hook for me was being needed, which is disempowering for the other person if I’m stepping in with the wrong intention.

  8. Bringing our children up so that they can speak freely and express themselves with the confidence that their feelings matter, is one of the greatest gifts we can give them.

    1. Spot on Julie – a confirmation of who they are and supports them to blossom.

  9. Absolutely Elizabeth, True mothering and fathering consider the deeper True aspects of energy at play so it can be understood and thus we can all reconnect to our essences, and it is never to late to mother or father our-selves in the most Loving ways when it comes to energy!

  10. Thank you Denise, their is a great take home message in so much that Serge Benhayon presents and thus we can all learn to deepen our connection to our essences, which brings an understand of our responsibility to be “self-love” so others get that reflection as our reflection is our greatest form of communication.

  11. It’s anazing how when we put love first in our relationship with ourselves, even the things we thought we were doing out of goodwill or being responsible get exposed for what they really are. It’s actually perfect timing for me to feel into this right now.

    1. So True Fumiyo, each blog has it’s perfect timing in our lives as they let us explore our own issues so we can heal them, wow! what a blessing is held within these pages.

  12. I had a similar issue recently with regard to a relative I stay with when in London. They called me out that I only seem to go there when an event is on, so it feels I’m using them as a hotel. I remember feeling this a bit years ago when I used to put them up at a drop of a hat. So karma returns! It feels good to be expressing so openly about things, whereas previously I would always shy away from what I perceived to be the slightest confrontation.

  13. Denise what I felt reading was the beauty-full woman you are, and the honesty and openness you have which allowed the text from your daughter to become the healing it was. “By holding on to mothering in that way, I was not allowing myself to claim time to nurture me, the lovely me, the beauty-full me, the gentle me, to treat myself tenderly, to speak to myself in a loving way, to adore me and cherish the amazing woman I have become.” Although I don’t have children I can relate to this as the way we are as women in the world is very focused on others, or tasks outside of ourselves, instead of treating ourselves with love and tenderness and cherishing who we are. An amazing read, keep writing!

  14. This is how to me the world will change when we break the patterns of generations in how we perceive ourselves to be and all others around us. We have absorbed the ideals, beliefs, from our parents as they have from theirs and so nothing in truth changes. But by being so much more aware and bringing a stop to the patterns we all have we give ourselves an opportunity to change lifetimes of habit.

  15. In the absence of love our behaviours reflect our desperate need to fulfill the emptiness and such lovelessness becomes an imposition on others rather the beholding quality of presence we naturally hold when we live in connection to the love we are.

  16. It is a miracle when we have a wake-up call which can change the trajectory of our behaviours and get us to realise the truth behind those behaviours. That’s when a true healing can take place.

  17. Putting the others first permits to come up with a great alibi for not making it about you (in the good sense of the word) while making about you you you (in the worst sense of the word)

  18. Society’s version of being a mother and what it means seem to leave who we are behind.

  19. Self-love leads to true love, the place where our true self is found. This self is a ‘self’ but has no self in the sense that from this space, we do what best serves all equally and not what just suits our self.

    1. The self-full self is discovered as opposed to the selfish self!

  20. “I have been seeing the same patterns running through my relationship with my mum, habits that I had taken on that mum had done.” It is interesting to see how these behaviors ‘run in the family’ just like an illness or disease can run in the family. When we think this is just how we are because of our family we are stuck but when we see it is our own choices to take over the behavior from our family, there is a huge opportunity for change.

  21. What you share here Denise is enormous. If we were all so open in our relationships and honest with ourselves then the world would be quite a different place.

  22. Ther are moments in life we can remember are a magnificent STOP! Moments where patterns of entrenched behaviour have an opportunity to not be our normal any more. What an opportunity you were offered and grabbed with both hands.

  23. Amazing how you were able to embrace the situation Denise and not just stay in the reaction and the hurt of what was being exposed for you. I can relate to the feeling of having a tantrum on the inside – this happens when I too encounter another area where I am actually ready to grow in, but a part of me wants to fight the next step in growth! Growth is not always smooth, but it is still growth and to be celebrated!

  24. A beautiful sharing and understanding that comes from reflection and all that life offers us to see.A great learning that can heal so much and allow us to expand and live more honestly and simply from there.

  25. So powerful to be able to stop a pattern of abuse that has been running for generations Denise. Also, there is an irony here in that within all those ‘self-less acts’, putting others needs before one’s own, there is actually a lot of ‘self’ and need for recognition for these acts.

  26. There is so much potential when we take a moment and observe rather than react to things we don’t like. From experience, when I can make space to see if there is anything for me to learn in the exchange it is much easier to move through.

  27. I love this wonderful example of how we could respond in confronting situations. Face to face with a reflection that made you feel like running kicking and screaming…… yet, you stopped, reflected, felt everything the revelations brought up, deepened your awareness, chose a different way and expanded. What a gorgeous inspiration you have provided Denise. Thank you.

  28. I have squirmed in my seat when I have heard something’s that are hard to look at, but the truth and love can be felt in what Serge Benhayon delivers and that is why I have stayed to hear more, I want to expose that which is not true in my life and not be run by my habits and hurts.

  29. The beauty what you share here is that all the people in our life are never there to simply annoy us but hold a reflection for us that offer us to see and understand and to grow.

    1. Such a great point Esther, an opportunity to see, understand and grow. Thank you for the reminder of the opportunity in every moment.

  30. When we mother at the expense of ourselves the cost to our own state of health and well-being can put us into serious overdraft.

  31. I am not a mother myself, but your sharing supports me to see my mother also as a daughter to her mother, and this is showing me how I get stuck with a role and how that makes it very difficult to not take things personal. Thank you, Denise.

  32. This shows how speaking the truth is not just for us but something another needs to hear that offers an opportunity to stop a unloving pattern and reveal more of who they truly are.

  33. Life is always offering us opportunities to learn and grow from. Each day there is a new learning to be embraced even if we do feel like we want to kick and scream and run the other way! In fact the greater the tension the more necessary the learning is.

    1. Yes, it is a blessing to even be able to feel the tension and the urge to kick and scream and run away because it shows there is an awareness that what you are feeling is something to pay attention to. How many years did we just run!

      1. Yes Lucy, great point! And yes there were many years on the run blaming everything and everyone else.
        When we take blame out of the equation there is no place to look other than to oneself.

  34. This is such a great blog on the power of true reflection. When we live our truth, which comes with self love, we offer others the chance to feel where expansion for this same truth and love could come in their life.

  35. “Self-love can only be where there is truth.” Spot on. If we are not truthful with ourselves, how can we be true to another?

  36. A powerful reminder that truth always is where loves resides and that our way of being with one another influences like the water movements in the sea. We can only truly care for another if we care for ourselves — this starts with taking our responsibility and letting others be and do whatever they feel, need or want to do in their time and space.

  37. This is a beautiful example of how our reactions are actually never really because of another but because of our own choices. It is simply the reflection of another that triggers or rather reminds us that there is another way that we haven’t chosen yet.

  38. Where does the ideal actually come from that to be a good mother it has to be at the expense of the woman? It does make a lot of sense that if we love and honour ourselves in the neighbourhood of our children we share with them without words what we love them to do for themselves in their life.

  39. ‘I loved being a mother, but I was mothering at the expense of me, and could see how mum had done the same all her life.’ It is interesting how we automatically follow the same patterns of our parents, it is not until we understand that we have to take responsibility of our choices that we are able to change our patterns too.

  40. Children need to be reflected the truth of them that they can feel within themselves from us in our own divine presence. If they feel this solidness, they also feel the space this provides them to just be themselves.

  41. This is always so powerful to read Denise. Although I did not have kids I still mothered, and I did so with total disregard to myself and was overly involved in the lives of others. It wasn’t until I found the work of Serge Benhayon that I started to put me first, to nurture and cherish me and focus more on my own life and needs. This actually turned out to be such a blessing for those around me – a woman who loves herself is a very powerful presence and reflection.

  42. When we are willing and open to embrace the truth, to being honest with ourselves about the degree of loving choices we are making, we will discover the great liberation that unfolds for us to live more of who we really are.

  43. The beauty of self-love is that the bi-product is an equal and beholding love being expressed to others. That’s the thing… it’s all pro’s with self-love.. no con’s.

  44. How great it is when we are able to see our own patterns so clearly, and own them for what they are.

    1. Yes Victoria – an in owning them we can take responsibility for them and know that they are and never were who we are.

  45. Mothering is such a huge topic because it doesn’t end with our children, I feel how we can put this controlling way of living with the idea we are ‘doing good in every relationship. With our husband, our friends and also in work. I see it a lot in nursing too, we don’t value ourselves first before anything else and use this pattern to keep the system going.

  46. All the tantrums and blaming we throw out towards others is a great big distraction from facing the relationship we have with ourselves. Thank you for this reminder.

  47. It’s great to truly listen to others no matter where they may be perceived as standing in society. If we are open to it everyone we see has a reflection for us, one part maybe louder at the time as this article presents. This ‘louder’ reflection is there for us to deal with and we only need bring simple awareness to whatever the part is for it to change. So often we think we need to do something with something when in fact a huge part of this process is simply just allowing yourself to feel and see what is being presented to you. We are naturally intelligence and some may say bodily intelligence and so in that way we only need give our body permission to do it’s thing.

  48. This is a great example of how very possible it is to break through patterns that have been continued through generations. And as you show it just takes one person to do so, to reflect that there is another way, which then allows for inspiration.

    1. Yes, and it also blows the belief out of the water that because things have been the way they have been they are normal and thus the way they are.

  49. Denise your honesty here is inspirational and when we can be honest with ourselves and each other, it opens up a lot a whole deeper level of awareness of what is going on in our lives. Sometimes I know it can be painful and even excruciating to really feel and face the rawness and honesty of what is going on and what our part in it is, but from my experience it is worth doing for it frees us from what would otherwise be a prison of the same patterns and behaviours playing out over and over again which deep down we know we do not like. If we are not honest we cannot heal or end these patterns we can only subvert or cover up or distract from the uneasiness or emptiness that we feel when caught in this merry go round of illusion.

  50. Truly honouring and respecting ourselves then reflects in our relationships with others and everything we do…

    1. So true Jenny, as such we naturally inspire each other to live the truth of who we are. And the beautiful thing is that we can be inspired by anyone of any age, if we are open to it.

  51. If we do anything in disregard of ourselves whether it is with family, friends, colleagues, strangers or when we are alone we are in disregard and, in that, causing harm to ourselves and by extension to everyone else. only by taking responsibility of this fact can we begin to turn things around. It is likely to be a rocky road at the beginning for we are starting anew on a well worn track taking us in a direction we no longer are choosing. There can feel like a force wanting us to go back to doing what we have always done but like tacking in sailing we have to stay very attentive and keep on top of the barrage of thoughts that might want to take us off course and stay true to our intention and steer our own ship, not with force to counter the force but with a strength of focus, deliberateness, power and love.

  52. What a beautiful story of graciously accepting the reflection on offer, taking it and running with it. What a healing from a simple text.

  53. So many mothers mother at huge expense of themselves, ‘I had always put my children first – I would do anything for them, in total disregard for me, never considering how it felt for me.’ A great realisation and opportunity to heal this false pattern.

  54. It is so common for parents to give advice thinking they are helping, but it actually feels horrible, I always hated it when my parents gave me advice, ‘I had felt when my mum gave me unwarranted advice, and would not leave me to come to things in my own way.’

  55. Beautifully expressed Denise. I always find that the things that make me react the most hold the key to the biggest healing and your story demonstrates this so well.

  56. When I took responsibility for my choices the veil that I had been hiding behind just dropped away which gave me so much understanding of my past choices and at the same time, I knew all I had to do was make new choices to self-care and self-nurture and it began with baby steps, with one new step leading to another. Today my life has transformed, all the drama and emotions I once bought into and controlled me are no longer there. My life has become simpler and uncomplicated, and I am being constantly confirmed of the sweet, gorgeous and wise woman that I am, and that we all are when we so choose it.

  57. The role of parenting is so thick with illusion and so tightly bound and held by the many ideals, belief and pictures that breaking can be attempted many times before it truly happens. Today I too, celebrate the honesty and calling out of old patterns by my adult children for it is their honest reflection that allows me to see the unhealthy attachment I hold to them. This blog has been so supportive Denise – Thank you.

  58. It is beautiful to read Denise that you were so open and willing to look at this deep held pattern and to take responsibility for your part in letting it go. Too often many parents feel a sense of ownership over their children and don’t treat them with respect or as an equal, the choice you made to stop and review your behaviour has bought many including yourself a deep healing.

  59. Self love can only be where there is truth; what a responsibility we have to know and feel the truth. I love what you have expressed in this blog Denise, it is loving, nurturing and very inspiring, thank you.

  60. This blog blows me away. I have such appreciation for ‘The way of the Livingness’ when I hear and read stories such as yours Denise. It offers a way to be with another that is based on truth and not emotions, and in this true love can be lived.

  61. I love the true relationship that was allowed to establish by you taking what Shannon said and living through your initial reaction. It’s very confronting when our comfortable Ways are exposed and our way of life needs to adjust, but wow look at the growth you both had from so doing, well worth it!

  62. It’s a pretty amazing moment when you realise that the buck stops with you. In my case there has been a cycle of self-abuse that has continued unchecked throughout my family. I have now seen this clearly, felt how it is playing out in my life and my relationship with abuse. It will not continue past me. It stops here.

  63. Self-love can only be where there is truth. This is such an awesome truth Denise, one that I have come to know the value of in so many ways.

  64. To demand anything energetically from another is to not be in true relationship, full stop.
    That said, we have been bombarded from day one, with expectations and demands, roles that ‘should’ be played and the rest – and so every step we take in recognising what is not true, and releasing others from the hold of our own demands, expectations and needs, is deeply important and powerful for all concerned. Offering the opportunity to set the relationship at a whole other level, in a whole other playing field – where we may actually grow, rather than perpetuate the ‘same old’ that has gone for perhaps generations before, that truly we must ask, hasn’t really got humanity anywhere…

  65. Although taking responsibility for everything that occurs in my life makes absolute sense to me I have not found it easy. It is a step by step process uncovering more about myself through the reflections in my life. Those closest to me are my biggest reflections hence they have triggered the most intense reactions in me but recently I got to feel and become more aware of my ill-behaviours which I found to be quite revealing.

  66. ‘mothering at the expense of me’ is a great realisation. What else do we do ‘at the expense of ourselves’? This exposes in me and age old energy of self-negation and putting others first – anything but self-loving. It also makes me aware of an energetic dynamic in my relationship with my mother I had not seen before. Thank you for sharing your miracle here Denise.

  67. It is very beautiful to feel that we are all teachers and that when we have an ideal or image that teaching can only be one sided, we miss out on some very important and life changing lessons.

  68. The image of mothering and its whereabouts is a killer for mothers. Mothering (like fathering) is an expression through which old hurts, beliefs, concepts, emotions make their way into the present. We have to be aware of it.

  69. I love how you describe with honesty the reaction you felt and how you stayed with it and didn’t run away but allowed it to be and sat with it and looked at it. So often when something comes up that rocks our comfort we can react, try to blame, play victim or push it away. So great that you allowed the learning and the evolution that came from that to then give you a greater platform for a more loving relationship.

  70. To have and hold the self love to speak up no matter to whom it is, is so honouring of oneself. I have found myself in Shannon’s shoes on several occasions having to speaking up and then carrying it out what I have said which I have found to be the most difficult part. People respect me and do not have expectations like they did before that I will drop everything to fit in with their plans.

  71. When we allow ourselves to see things as an offering to learn and grow, we enter a evolutionary relationship. The way all our relationship should be. Very beautiful Denise.

  72. The awarenesses you have come to about mothering and some of the behaviours around this are truly profound. Many don’t usually stop to contemplate them let alone commit to changing long held patterns regardless of the harm they cause. I can’t but be inspired by you choosing the love you have… and the benefits of this are a testament to the enormity of what you have chosen.

  73. What a profound revelation Denise. Thank you for sharing this deeply healing unfolding, one we can all learn from. I too have lived in a way that was not self-honoring or self-loving, putting what was important for others or what others needed first, which led me to impose this expectation on others also.Through disregarding myself and what was true for me, I then held the expectation for others to do the same for me. In separation to our truth we live a lie, perpetuating behaviours and patterns that do not reflect who we are or offer the opportunity for another to be themselves either. Through being honest with ourselves we live in connection to our truth and we then express and share with a quality that embraces and honors the love we all are in essence.

  74. Many parents feel that they have rights over their children and I have felt this in the past also. Like you, Denise, I am deeply grateful to my children for calling out this behaviour which has allowed me to peel off another layer of the deep disregard i held myself in.

  75. When we are kids, we find tricks that get us what we want and cover up the painful bits. We learn to play up and out to manipulate life to protect us from the bits we don’t like. As adults, we like to think the problems we have are complex and deep, but really all we are doing is playing out the same games we have always done, just in a different shape and form. If only we could stop and see that like the youngest sweetest child we all deserve someone to say ‘hey that is not ok, but tell me dear whats going on? How do you feel my son?’. How amazing that it is not too late for this healing to happen, no matter what your age, and for the repeating pattern to be brought to an end. How sweet that in your case Denise it was your daughter who brought this game to light.

  76. Denise, this is an amazing account of your willingness to look at what is in the way between you and LOVE and to actually take the steps and the responsibility to remove these self-created obstacles, which is as you share not always done without resistance and some kicking and screaming but certainly liberates us to express more of who we are.

  77. Thank you for sharing this, Denise. I can see in the way we are in my family how we hold on and keep playing the patterns through generations as if we have no other options. It is very beautiful and inspiring to read how a drop of honesty can make a ripple of true change into the way we have carried on life times. This may or may not happen in my family, but your sharing has inspired me to commit more to bringing the whole of me in any interaction, just in case it might inspire others.

  78. Mothering is such a big issue that is often deeply ingrained in everything we do. What I have come to realise is that even when I think I am not mothering I am.

  79. A very real and relatable blog Denise. There is such a magic when a parent and son/daughter and a ‘best friend’ relationship, as opposed to a mother/father – son/daughter one.

  80. Denise , this has also been such a huge topic for me, and no doubt for so many mothers and how they have mothered. I had realized how controlling and imposing i have been in my behaviour towards my own daughters, but never known how to overcome this. As i now know and continue to learn and practise that by focussing on myself first, taking care of me, how i feel, what i need, appreciating and accepting what i feel and know, I can carry myself in wisdom and love. There is now more space in me and my relationships with others, as i accept myself more and more as i am. I recognize that I do not need to make ‘things’ right in the world , or ‘right wrongs’ with my children or others to get a sense of satisfaction that i am ‘mothering’ right. Just being there to listen, (without needing to fix anything) is all that is needed often.

  81. I can relate to believing that telling others what to do, how to do things, or giving advice is helpful when it actually can be quite imposing. What I have learned now is that the true way is actually to live something ourselves and reflect it to others, allowing another the space to make whatever choices they need to without imposition. For me, when I’m invested in an outcome (another being or doing what I want or need) then in comes the interfering way of imposing advice etc. Its a great learning you have shared Denise.

  82. Thank you Denise I loved what you have shared i can so relate to what you have said, I too loved being a mother and thought by advising my children that was a loving thing to do all the while with no love for myself and no true love for my children. I have learnt to gradually cut the ties and allow both myself and my children to be responsible for our own choices, my choice to self love and and self caring can reflect to them a different way of being with no more telling them what to do.

    1. Jill, i love this … ‘my choice to self love and and self caring can reflect to them a different way of being with no more telling them what to do’.

  83. Wow Denise I love your honesty! What you have shared can change the way of being a mother: “I loved being a mother, but I was mothering at the expense of me, and could see how mum had done the same all her life.” With this kind of change our children will never live at the expense of themselves – how powerful is it to be a true mother!

  84. Reading your blog again Denise made me realise why I used to throw these horrendous tantrums around my children, I did exactly the same thing, I disregarded myself and often put others first. The sadness of these disregarding choices came out as pent up anger. It was really exposing to realise this and also very supportive as I now understand how harmful it is to not honour and love myself first. So, now I am learning to not impose or fall back into disregarding myself but to truly love and care for me first so I can be that to others.

  85. Denise,
    Realising where we are living that is in some way controlling or over powering of another hurts us deeply for we know innately that this is not how we want to be. We like to think that we are not being this way and when it is exposed to us by another it is this inner knowing that we have disregarded ourselves, our love our tenderness that we then want to not feel how much it hurts. But hurt it does and like you share Denise it is only when it is exposed that we then reflect on the choices we have made and begin to make different choices.

  86. “I was mothering at the expense of me, and could see how mum had done the same all her life.”. These words could have been easily written by me and I am sure the majority of mothers in the world. Our mothers are such pivotal teachers in this world and so it follows that we as children take on board so many of our beliefs from them; what they do simply becomes what we do, without question. How amazing Denise that when you were offered this wonderful lesson from Shannon, instead of staying stuck in the belief that you have lived by for so long, you chose to learn and grow from it.

  87. What a great line Denise, “Self-love can only be where there is truth.” and how true this is. We cannot make changes until we feel the honesty and truth about whether choices are truly working for us (and others) or not. So simple.

  88. Great to read this… gives me pause to consider what I take for granted with my kids, the expectations I have of them.. rather than just seeing them for who they truly are, stripped of all the things I have put on them.. the gorgeous human beings that they have always been.

  89. Denise with your amazing blog your are not only changing your life you are offering every mother the opportunity to change as well. To reveal what you have revealed is gold. “That because I had more life experience I knew better, and I could fix things for them my way, instead of letting them come to things in their own time, or waiting to be asked.”

  90. What you’ve shared here Denise reveals the beauty of what we offer one another by way of reflection.

  91. “By holding on to mothering in that way, I was not allowing myself to claim time to nurture me, the lovely me, the beauty-full me, the gentle me, to treat myself tenderly, to speak to myself in a loving way, to adore me and cherish the amazing woman I have become.” I can so relate Denise. As a mother I gave myself over to my children, also to the detriment of my relationship with my husband. But now – as a grandmother – I claim my time – to go to bed often before my young grand-children for example, because I now value myself first.

  92. Like the saying goes ‘you sound like your mother’ or ‘you sound like your father’… well yes we can but it’s more that we are repeating a pattern that we have chosen to repeat and keep alive by saying, doing, moving and living in the same way. Until, as you did Denise, you see it for what it is and put a stop to it. I’ve found stepping back and observing myself and what is pouring out of my mouth to my children, really helps to arrest all the rubbish that is not me or anyone really. It’s a learning everyday… especially when it comes to choosing to be distracted or getting overly involved as a parent just so I don’t have to deal with what is needed.

  93. A beautiful lesson in cutting the apron strings of being a mother and allowing our children to show us how to be the woman we are.

  94. Mothering has been the biggest learning. How to carry through with what I feel is true, against the wiliest of consciousnesses, and the moment self-doubt comes in – all is lost. And then everything turns into the most amazing celebration of connection. I have learnt and am still learning so much.

  95. True responsibility is to live equally with everybody else and not stay attached to roles and behaviors we have accumulated during our life. Our choices to be true have to reflect the all and cannot be based on individual identification. A great blog on how to let go of one of the biggest consciousnesses we have on earth, which is the role of the mother.

  96. Self responsibility is the most empowering choice we can make. We get to feel that the level of love, care and acceptance in our life is completely a reflection of our choices and not because of how anyone else is or anyone else’s actions towards us or themselves. It’s easy for a mother to ride her success and happiness off the back of her children’s success and happiness but in truth there is an emptiness that remains unable to be filled until we fill it ourselves.

  97. Although I am not a parent, I can see one of the greatest gifts any parent could give their child is the space and grace to grow and foster who they truly are.

  98. Knowing that true self-love and responsibility go hand in hand is the easy part. Accepting and putting it into action takes commitment and your willingness to make that commitment to honour and cherish yourself is inspiring. Really love what you have expressed here Denise that “Self-love can only be where there is truth”.

  99. Denise it is great to expose living an ideal that hides under the auspice of being unselfish but is actually selfish and affecting many close to us – this is a great reading and understanding of taking on the mothering role and what may be felt to be owed through taking it on and how coming back to oneself as a woman first offers so much for oneself and others through self love.

  100. A revisit to your sharing Denise has been needed, for me to re-assess where I am at in the Motherhood stakes! I can see that I need to step back every now and then to do this and take more tender care of me again. It is true we need to allow our children to make their own decisions and mistakes along the way as we did, they are more than capable adults and if they need support they know they can ask. Thank you Denise, a truly inspiring sharing.

  101. This is a huge miracle. I know when we break a long held pattern it feels massive. So many of our ideals and beliefs are tied up in mothering and the way we see our relationship with our children. I know I can consider it easy going to just take them for granted but it is so worthwhile to respect our children and mothers and all our family as people and consider that we respect ourselves in the same way too.

  102. A great blog that highlights the power of a simple reflection to expose a lifelong pattern and shatter the casing it’s been held in so that we can’t help but start to make different choices.

  103. I just happened to revisit your blog Denise and enjoyed reading through it again. The pattern you dared looking at and take responsibility for is (as I am sure you have been able to observe) quite a common one for mothers, so it is fantastic and very valuable that you are exposing it so clearly and honestly. By taking responsibility for our choices yes we change our life.

  104. We are all driven by the hurts accumulated in our lives, many people talk about what to do, but Universal Medicine presents a way to live that is innately healing and then we can have true and responsible relationships.

  105. Wow Denise – I (and I’m confident many others) can very much relate to your experiences of mothering in a way that disregards yourself. It’s a web I am working on unravelling. There is such strong cultural norms around mothering that I can totally see where I, my mother, grandmother etc have all fallen into line with common thinking and behaviours of the times. How controlling and imposing is this behaviour on others, let alone loveless towards everyone, especially myself! Definitely time to make different choices!

  106. As we are in the midst of the Christmas season, an issue that has arisen for me is the power that I have given away to family in the past. So I can totally relate to what you have written Denise, Thank you

  107. Your blog is such a brilliant example of the power of speaking up and out when something is not right – and not allowing it to fester. That your daughter expressed to you what was true for her allowed you to completely re-evaluate your behaviour, come to a deeper realisation about what was truly at play, heal some old hurts and move on gracefully, for the good of you all. A win:win in anyone’s books! The key ingredients? Feedback that is lovingly given, with understanding of the other and not an ounce of judgment.

  108. The fact that our choices bring us all our situations, good, bad and ugly has been presented by Serge Benhayon constantly and consistently. I can feel in myself a hesitation towards feeling my choices at various times but in those moments it’s like I completely forget that I have a whole collection previous choices to feel the results of my choices. And the choice always remains the same, to be love and then I get to feel that love and also the part which is not love that has been allowed and accepted and created. The choice remains the same, only the depth becomes grander, both good and bad and what this blog has reminded me of was the fact that with grander love gets exposed equally the not love, but that lack of love is not greater. Thank you Denise.

  109. I recognise living just as a mother without honoring the beautiful tender and wise woman I am. It is such a painful exercise and your blog is a great inspiration to deepen the relationship with myself and adore and cherish my gorgeousness.

  110. Thank you for sharing this moment of revelation, Denise. And being a mother, I have learned that mothering at the expense of myself and therefore the children also is not worth it – it is a no win situation for anyone and no one grows.

  111. What a great gift for you from Shannon and wonderful that you embraced the learning and wanted only truth. Much appreciation for you both.

  112. ‘From that short text, I had got to feel how I had never truly honoured and loved myself.’ Thank you so much for your honesty Denise, I have found it uncomfortable to recognise the same patterns in me which I have worked on but can feel that there is a deeper level to address now. I can really relate to losing myself in the mothering role and not taking care of myself and even though I have made changes how I still have an investment in my daughter being OK and wanting to fix her so as not to feel her hurt and what that reflects to me. This feels HUGE and I feel deeply inspired by your taking responsibility for your choices and getting to truth.

  113. Denise, this is amazing to realise ‘I have been seeing the same patterns running through my relationship with my mum, habits that I had taken on that mum had done. I’m seeing a stop to these patterns, a break in generations of this behavior. The buck stops here. By calling it out for what it is, it has stopped – it has run its course with me.’ This has to be appreciatied big time because of it has no longer a hold on you and Shannon and this is felt by all. Thank you for your honesty and openess.

  114. Denise this a precious sharing because it is so easy to fall into patterns of inappropriate over-mothering if this has been the family norm. I valued my children far more than I valued myself, but recently one of my daughters shared how much she just wanted a mum to have fun with, and not the self-sacrificing kind. The tendency to be interfering comes from too much identification with the mothering role. The more I love and honour myself the less I fall into this trap.

  115. It would appear so easy to blame the other or go into the wrongness of our ill choice/behaviour etc when it gets exposed. But what this blog confirmed to me was that stopping in that moment is far healthier than reacting.

  116. Wow, we are not to know what an amazing gift we share by simply speaking the truth from our hearts. By accepting Shannon’s offering Denise, you were able to break out of the mould that had been encasing and limiting the full expression of the amazing woman within. You being you is a gift of gold that everyone can celebrate, open no strings attached, with many happy returns.

  117. The line, ‘mothering at the expense of me’ was a real attention-grabber. It highlights the level of self-disregard mothers can get to in expending themselves to be there for their children, with little or no acknowledgement or appreciation of the true woman they are within. It’s a sad fact but ‘mothering at the expense of me’ only ever achieves ‘mothering at the expense of them’.

  118. There is an enormous amount of hurt that is hidden and covered up and buried in the average person’s life as they strive to be good whether as a parent, lover or employee…. Universal Medicine always presents a life changing opportunity to heal these deep hurts, to know ourselves, and then to bring the beauty of who we truly are to all our relationships.

  119. Lovely to read this honest account of what mothering is and what it is not. Being a mother myself I know how we can be driven with ideals and beliefs of what it means to be a mother and having a picture of what that looks like. I used to have this idea that I couldn’t learn from my daughters, but time and time again I am proven wrong, as there is so much to learn from each other.

  120. Thank you for writing this. What a great pattern to finally choose to break, and yes how huge! Mothering is so deeply ingrained in us that we carry that heavy energy without even being aware of it. But what a beautiful and healing reflection we give others when we choose love first.

  121. So many of us have that expectation of our families, that they will just be there for us no matter what. It really does seem quite liberating to see them as people with lives of their own and to enquire about staying instead of just expecting it.

  122. Isn’t it interesting that when a profound moment like this shakes-us, we often feel so caught-out. It’s wonderful to read that in this case, the truth of the matter was arrived at eventually, rather than dismissed.

  123. Beautifully said Denise. Loosening the ties and cutting the tendrils is bringing more love.

  124. Clearly it is not only genetic information that is passed on between family members! From generation to generation the choice of taking on your parents’ habits, issues and patterns of behaviours and then passing them onto your own children is in fact a reality.

    1. It is also interesting that often those ‘things’ that annoy us most about others is exactly what we sometimes do to others….

  125. The old parenting roles can be quite suffocating if not called out, for both the parent and the child, even when the child is an adult with children of their own. Nothing is better than ending these old beliefs that have been around for a long long time. Great blog Denise.

  126. Thank you Denise for sharing this grand insight into an age old pattern of holding back in an arrangement between parents and children. Why and when did we think it was ok to treat our children or parents any differently to any other person. Love is all encompassing not exclusive . Claim it for your whole family and all parents and children, it is a miracle to break through such an entrenched consciousness and live in the freedom without such a burden.

    1. ‘Love is all encompassing not exclusive’ Thank you Paul the dismantling of these old belief patterns is well overdue and this blog has put me on notice of patterns I need to address within my family to free them from my imposition.

  127. ‘Self-love can only be where there is truth’. Denise reading your blog has exposed a pattern of mine that slips at times, and made an appearance this week. Thank you so much for this timely reminder.

  128. Stunning. You have brought incredible insight into my life and an opportunity to reflect on how I mother and also the relationship with my own mother. My life will also change from this point, having been made all more the wiser from your amazing revelations. Thank you Denise.

  129. Thank you, Denise. This is a great sharing exposing how in the midst of trying to be whatever/however we think we are, and acting from that role, love gets left behind.

  130. This is huge Denise, I can totally relate to this. The realisation that this was a pattern from generations is awesome. It’s so interesting to identify our patterns and change them and it’s very courageous to tackle this instead of running away. I have also learnt great lessons from my children when they have refused to play the game of accepting behaviour just because it is the polite thing to do, and chose the more loving way instead. It may ruffle a few feathers but the feeling inside your body, and that’s what we live with, is awesome.

  131. Denise, I am inspired by your honesty, your willingness to feel what is going on and your commitment to making changes and to self-love. If we don’t deal with those ‘squirmy’ moments, they just come around again to give us another opportunity to deal with them, sometimes a little ‘squirmier’ than before – so great that you nipped it in the bud.

  132. What a precious self-awareness to discover Denise; and what a blessing that your body spoke so loudly to you and that our daughter presented an opportunity to evolve.
    I can so relate to the mothering energy you describe.

  133. ‘I’m seeing a stop to these patterns, a break in generations of this behavior. The buck stops here. By calling it out for what it is, it has stopped – it has run its course with me.’ Wow Denise this is powerful stuff, we are changing the world by becoming a woman first and to allow self love and nurturing in to our lives as a reflection for every girl, woman in the world. Mothering comes with so much ideals and believfs and we can let them go one by one and stop imposing on our daughters. Great that you were willing to see what Shannon was offering you with having self love in her life.

  134. A beautifully honest sharing Denise – Shannon’s reflection gave you an opportunity to heal old patterns that were holding you back and now your relationships are becoming more true and loving – very inspiring thank you.

  135. Hiding in a mother role and making it fill my emptiness is familiar for me. I used to only be a mother before being a woman. Now I am a woman first who is also a mother and I am letting go of the controlling parts of mothering more and more.

    1. To live with such obligation, is living a forced reality, rather than a natural and harmonious one. Well said Monika – hiding in a mother role fills an emptiness of sorts.

  136. I love your honest sharing Denise and how your blog highlights that there is no need for judgement and criticism when we become aware of choices we have made that were not loving. Yes sometimes it is a rather very painful “ouch” moment, but better to allow ourselves to fully feel those unloving/unhealthy patterns & choices, and lovingly, responsibly move on, rather than deny or bury all those ill choices because we do not want to feel them. Very inspiring.

  137. This takes things right to the core of the issue for me… for you its mothering, while for me it is the doing, the fixing, the competently sorting it out. But underneath all of that where is the time and care for me? And if that is not there then what is really being received at the other end…

  138. I really appreciated the responsibility that you have taken concerning your choices in life. It is wonderful to read of a woman doing so, it is courageous and powerful. Life can only be lived with love, if it comes from a place of truth, as you say. Thank you.

  139. I love what you have captured here Denise – that moment when someone says “No” can start a change in behaviours that have been held for generations. When that No comes with truth it is saying I love you and me too much to keep repeating this pattern.

  140. Mothering is such a heavy topic, it’s so refreshing to read from someone who is prepared to let all that ownership go and acknowledge that they do not have any rights or ownership over their children – it’s definitely music to my ears!

  141. Denise I love the honesty in you post. There is so much to let go of in mothering and how amazing you were willing to stop kicking and screaming to embrace you.

  142. When we have been making not-so-loving choices for a while it seems like it becomes harder to stop and be honest. Yet when we do we give others the opportunity to stop and make a new choice too. Thank you for sharing Denise.

  143. Your honesty enabled the truth to be felt and lived “Since then I have had a great unfolding, allowing me to discover more of myself.” This is a precious and deeply supportive choice to make
    in life, it offers the opportunity heal old patterns and hurts that can if not resolved be debilitating.

  144. What Shannon expressed to her mother in a text was awesome and the fact that Denise her mother listened and was open and willing to go there was simply awesome too! A beautiful story – thank you Denise for sharing.

  145. Thank you for sharing so honestly Denise , I can so relate to the mothering issues. I realised sometime ago with sadness how I was always telling my sons what to do, thinking that this was helpful and loving. I had a son visit sometime ago expecting me to do something for him, which back then I would have jump at the opportunity to be there for him, but, this time it was different or should I say I was different . What he wanted did not work in with my plans, so I gently declined his request, I was at the time feeling a little uncomfortable at doing this. He was surprised but was ok with my decision. I realised at that moment I am not mum (like I used to be) I am me and I now have a life. This experience gave me a sense of equaliness between us and a respect that had not been there before.

  146. Mothering has been wrapped in so many layers and oozes expectations. Mothering has been seen as a ‘Doing’ thing and getting it right is top of the list or whatever unfolds with your children reflects directly on you. Society can be harsh and we have allowed that. Reading your blog Denise has me reflecting on ‘Mothering’ as a quality, a deeply honouring and loving quality of self first which then will hold your children in that love and honouring. Mothering feels like another word for nurturing deeply with a constancy that holds strong. Thank you for bringing an opportunity to reflect more deeply on Mothering and expanding my awareness of the power in how this can be lived in relationships closet to me.

  147. Denise thank you so much for exposing this mother’s life so truthfully and simply . . . For me this is so much needed – now all women in the world could chose the same way that you chose if they like it. Women need role model like you because this mother’s life is so entrenched – wunderbar.

  148. I too have been learning how to parent children and love myself with equal regard. What has been coming from this is how much less needs to be done than I had originally thought. For example, I see that my child learns so much from watching me brush my teeth than if I were to do theirs for them. The way I am gentle with the tooth brush, the way I hold my body in respect for the height of the basin and what tension I hold in my arm as I carry out the brushing action, this all gives an education in how to be with ones body. A reflection in fact for a possible way to live. But none of this is coming from a need for them to get it, or for me to portray an ideal standard, it is just how I am coming to learn to live with myself in loving ways, and they pick on this with out much if any need for discussion. It’s amazing really and I wish I had known this from the start.

  149. 100% agree with you Densie. Self-love can be the only way to live Truth. We cannot live truth if we are not honouring ourselves (and others) in the process!

  150. Also what your blog has confirmed for me by Shannon expressing openly and truthfully to you and the awesome effect this had on you, is how important it is to speak our truth, show another way and never hold back.

  151. what a beautifully honest blog Densie as this is how it sometimes is, the things we have invested in the most are the ones that take a lot of commitment and truth to face. Well done.

  152. “I can no longer blame anything that comes into my life on others – it has been my choice” great revelation Denise, thanks for sharing. What is so great about that is that I always have a choice in how I express myself from here on now, to how life presents itself to me.

  153. Denise, thank you for sharing this powerful reflection on how we can bring more truth and love to a relationship, when we are connected to our love first and honor this for ourselves. A beautiful foundation for a truly loving relationship. Very inspiring.

    1. True Carola, and honouring ourselves first is not exclusive to mothering but applies to any relationship… Whether this be work, family, friends, etc.

  154. ”How I had always put my children first – I would do anything for them, in total disregard for me, never considering how it felt.” This is rife in our society and I would be bringing up my children in the same way thinking it was a loving thing to do. It is imposing and abusive and I feel so blessed to have met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine offering me another way.

  155. How beautiful Shannon expressed how she felt to her mother and how wonderful Denise listened. We can learn so much from our children if we are open and willing. I have 3 children and very often I take my relationship with them for granted. It is great to have this opportunity to feel this and also feel the detachment when I simply choose to let go of them and to truly appreciate them for the beautiful children they are – thank you for sharing.

  156. A great experience re-told, I can feel your commitment to truth concerning how the lack of self care has impacted on yourself and your relationships. It is also lovely to read of you opening to feeling the truth that your daughter shared with you, it is wonderful to be open to what there is to learn.

    1. And its being willing to see that truth that opens us up to learning. Even a little dishonesty and we stay stuck in what we think is a half truth but is in fact a lie. Evolution, as in the case of this blog, comes from when we are really willing to look at how we live.

    1. This is the power of modelling self care without judgement. Allowing you to feel the levels of care you can go to.

  157. Thank you Denise for this great sharing. The ‘mother’ identity and all the “rights” that go with it is massive, and what is often done under the banner of loving motherhood can be basically imposing, abusive and very emotionally loaded selfish acts to constantly confirm the children’s dependency on the mother and, with this, giving the mother her main identification. It is great that you name the actual abusive energy that is behind it and how it is the responsibility of us as mothers to not impose on our children.

  158. Motherhood and what we have been led to believe it is all about is a huge thing to crack and can seem so difficult at times to be able to be really honest about. Thanks Denise for sharing so honestly what you have come to see for yourself and by doing so offer an opportunity for others to do the same.

  159. This is a huge awareness to come to and what a blessing to you both. A relationship without imposition is deeply beautiful and I admire you for the inspirational path you have chosen. Gorgeous.

  160. I love your blog Denise, there is a huge lesson for me to learn here. My parents had that same thread of a feeling that their now adult children (me and my wife) owed them, but my family was young and my wife and I chose to move away from our parents’ influence to the other side of the world in Australia where our parents had no effect on us, and we liked it that way.

    Many years later and now single, I have realised that I am doing to my own grown up daughter and granddaughter what my parents did to me. I have to call this out for what it is and put a stop to it. Thank you for that.

  161. In my next life Denise I am going to parent in a very different way!
    I will remember the very wise words and messages you have presented in the blog.

  162. Denise you sound so absolute at stopping the mothering behaviour from continuing, which is great. It is so easy to make similar choices to our parents. I have only just woken up to the fact that I was choosing comfort in exactly the same way as my parents have. That comfort brings with it a huge cushioning effect that mummifies. I am committed to not passing on the same choices of cushioning to my son.

  163. The feeling that people owes us is familiar and very insidious. I gave you (something) so you owe me (something). Life is lived as quid pro quo. This way of living is based on measuring. It is not just that you owe me, but there is a clear notion of how much you owe me. This way of living life requires massive control. And this taxes the body big time and creates massive conflicts along the way.

  164. Wow Denise, beautiful that you have shared this, showing how definitely you have chosen self love over continuing on with the Mum pattern that you had made your way of connecting with your children. I can only begin to imagine the many layers that you have faced as you have cleared this from your body. I too am a Mum and I so know the energy of knowing better, and how harmful it is to do and feel. Through self love and a deep love for my children, I too have been clearing aspects of the very same and am constantly gob smacked at how this way of living is offering to my children true love. Not a love based on what I need to prove to them I am a worthy Mum.

  165. Self love and truth as one. This is exactly spot on Denise. I have been reflecting this morning just how far I have come with this. There is so much for us all to learn from what you have realised here about the roles we play out and the generational things we just do without checking if they even feel ok.

  166. Denise I can feel my heart opening and the Love that is there to be let out, all thanks to your wonderful sharing! I feel I can start the day with an open heart and a joyful step. There is much for me to Look at in my life regarding family and learning to honour and nurture myself first , still learning this one. With much love I thank you!

  167. Denise, what you write about is HUGE. That you write about it with this much love and truth is GINORMOUS!

  168. Wow Denise, there is so much power and truth in what you write and such learning for me as a young mum. Already I am finding I have set things up not to nurture myself, but slowly am seeing the truth to live me as the woman first. I have found so much support offered by Universal Medicine particularly with what Natalie Benhayon has shared through her presentations. Through these and attending regular sessions with esoteric practitioners and going to the sacred women’s movement I am learning to allow the amazing woman I am to come out for the world to see.

  169. And what a great miracle this is Denise. Your words “…but I was mothering at the expense of me”, is applicable to all other ‘roles’ we like to hold like wife, daughter, sister, partner, husband, employee etc. Amazing how our want for some sort of admiration, or acknowledgement in and of our role, means we’re prepared to dishonour, discredit and compromise on ourselves.. and end up feeling resentful and always with expectation. Wonderful example of love shown by your daughter and even more so, or deeper love, that you chose to embrace and heal this ‘default assumption’ and action you held as ‘mothering’. True mothering is not solely about having a child (or not), but everything to do with the relationship and its quality that we have with ourselves – first.

  170. I’m continually amazed at the huge effect ‘apparently’ small things have on us. Thank you Denise for offering a deeper understanding of the patterns we can carry through the generations and that the possibility of altering these patterns can come from anyone.

  171. It’s fabulous what you have shared here, the mothering ‘ideal’ of putting our children first before us is so deeply ingrained in society – that if you don’t do that others look on as though you are selfish. From my own experience, I know that my son benefits most from when I am caring for myself, claiming and living the woman I am, before I am his mother – I am steady and capable, warm and nurturing… yet if I am putting others before me I feel scattered and behind the 8 ball, frustrated and wanting to retreat.

    1. Brooke, this is so true and the children feel the love
      and power in us when we choose ourselves first.

  172. Being identified with the roles we take on is very draining. Before I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I was always tired, busy, trying to control and protect my children without feeling the consequences of my behaviour. Now I see how damaging this has been for all of us , I am letting go of the ideals and beliefs one by one. In this process I have discovered the beautiful woman I am first and foremost, just like you say “I am a beautiful tender and loving woman before I am a mother” and when I remember this ….then everything falls into place quite naturally.

  173. “I am a beautiful tender and loving woman before I am a mother” and when I remember this ….then everything falls into place quite naturally.
    My relationships with my children become more equal and the advising seems to fall away. The way we connect then feels very intimate and deeply joyful. 💞

  174. It is so easy to be caught up by the ideals of being this or that role and totally convinced that it is a good thing to be/do. Although we sacrifice ourselves it is the ultimate selfishness that runs such emotional behaviour as it is us who seeks recognition and identification and thereby abusing not only oneself but others as well, and all in the assumption of being loving and caring. It takes quite some honesty and willingness to challenge these ingrained behaviours and ways of thinking and eventually become truly loving with oneself and others.

    1. So true Alex, when we let go of Ideals and beliefs and choose an absolute self loving unfolding path.

  175. “I would do anything for them, in total disregard for me, never considering how it felt for me. No wonder I was kicking and screaming so much, it was H U G E.” I can very much relate to what you wrote here Denise. I have done the same in many relationships in my life. It’s great to be aware of this now.

  176. I have found that sacrificing myself for the benefit of a role I play, be that a good worker, brother etc., it is oneself that is firstly and easily forgotten. And the irony is that by trying to be a ‘good’ whatever, it is the self that is looking to be found, met and appreciated. It’s a crazy vicious cycle.

    1. “And the irony is that by trying to be a ‘good’ whatever, it is the self that is looking to be found”, well said Jinya, this is definitely my own experience also. We leave our truth, to be a good person that isn’t even truly good – crazy!

  177. Awesome to re-read Denise and what so many mothers go through – “thinking just because they are my children, I had the right to tell them what I thought they should do. I thought this was loving, but now I felt how controlling it could be”. Any time we try to help someone or tell them what to do when they have not asked for it we are imposing on them, imposing the way we ‘think’ it should be for them, and not allowing or giving them the space to learn whatever lesson they need to. After all, we are here to learn, so we can return back to the Love that we are naturally from. We are not designed to be perfect and so mistakes are inevitable.

    1. James this is so true:”not allowing them the space
      to learn the lesson that they need to learn.” In their
      own time and way. My lesson is my lesson, their lessons are their lessons.

  178. It’s great that your daughter felt able to express honestly to you, and that you felt to renounce the old patterns that were brought up for you.

  179. A great honest sharing and what a ripple effect that one comment from your daughter had. Attending presentations by Serge Benhayon has also allowed me to see life through different eyes as this blog does too, being a mother. As my children grow older and are learning to call out unloving behaviours I am learning there are behaviours I have that come from me as a mother rather than me as a woman which I am first. Thank you Denise.

  180. Denise this is very powerful what you have shared here, and something every mother can benefit from. I can relate in many ways and although my children are only still young, now is the time to break free of this same pattern, bringing the focus back to my own choices, and allowing them the freedom to also choose. We are here as parents to guide and support, not to s-mother!

    1. I love that Anna, “not to s-mother”. Been there, done that!
      Now through breaking some of those smothering behaviours, I leave my children much more free to be themselves and they will now also lovingly pull me up if I behave in ways that don’t support us all. In the past I would cringe and want to run away, hurt, but now I can see the power and love in such honesty, and welcome it.

      1. Thank you for sharing Jeanette, as I too am experiencing this at present whilst breaking the old pattern. What I have come to realise for myself is that s’mothering is just a way of avoiding myself. It comes from my identifying in being a mother rather then the woman first. Either way it is a distraction away from me. I too have my children pulling me up when needed. Sometimes this is directly through words and other times it is communicated in their behaviour, and I am starting to receive this as a blessing rather then react and go into hurt.

    2. Anna, I have had so many healing moments from my grandchildren, who know they can speak honestly to me.
      Because I took responsibility for my behaviour that day, and cut this pattern. I feel that love is coming back to me from the next generation. A true reflection of the choices that I am making.

  181. So great for you to share something that triggered you so deeply. To be able to look in the face of how you’ve lived and take responsibility for making it different is truly wonderful. To understand how to then make those changes for yourself is really beautiful.

  182. Thank you for sharing your story. It is humbling to read how you allowed the truth of what your daughter said, to go beyond the reaction to expose and unlock the patterns there set up between you and your mum. What a gift.

  183. Gosh, that wanting to run away, I know it very well, and yet not only did you not run, but you chose to share your experience with us, and to show us that it is worth staying put, not having the tantrum, and through that, starting to see the truth of, and therefore be able to let go of, whatever it is that we are trying to hide or protect when we want to run.

  184. Thank you for this sharing Denise, it is an extremely relatable topic. What great gifts are there to be had when we actually allow ourselves to stop and feel in that moment when all we might want to do is run a million miles away. Awesome reflection, thank you.

  185. An inspiration to read, thank you for sharing your honesty with yourself and the unlocking of this pattern that has kept you away from feeling and enjoying you and who you are.

  186. Family relationships can be a minefield of behaviours. It is wonderful that your daughter was able to be honest, and you were able to listen and accept what it brought you. Awesome reflection for us Denise.

  187. True words, Amina. So often what looks like mothering is actually controlling behaviour. I can certainly put both hands up for having done that in the past. And as you say, if the loving and nurturing is not there for ourselves, what are we offering another?

  188. How often do we not speak our mind with family? it is a real blessing that your daughter is honest enough to call you out for your behaviour and great that you have chosen to look at what patterns you were running that made this necessary. Thanks for sharing Denise.

    1. Great call Stephen – so often in the family a status quo is reached. An agreement to either leave each other’s most tender hurts alone, or for one generation to learn the bad habits of the previous one. If this happens, family becomes a thing that holds us back rather than supporting us as it can.

  189. Thank you, Denise. I can relate to many of the things you have shared, and I appreciate your honesty about the old patterns and your commitment to renouncing them – “I wanted to get to truth, no matter what. I can no longer blame anything that comes into my life on others – it has been my choice.”

  190. By just going along with what others have said, from their own experiences and path in life I have just assumed that I can find ‘my way’ using ‘another’s way’. In my experience this hasn’t worked. Finding ‘my way’ requires me to take responsibility for my choices and feel for myself what works in ‘my way’.

  191. Hi Denise, I too have fallen for that trick of thinking I’m helping people or that I know what or the way they should do something, but actually I’m just trying to control them or a situation. And, of course what a great distraction this is from me. I’m working on allowing others to be themselves and to allow me to be myself. When I can be natural and allow others to be their natural self, it is a lot less stressful, fun and supportive.

  192. I just love your sharing Denise, I don’t have children but I can feel many of the behaviours you describe in how I’ve been with family, friends and even work colleagues, and I’ve been noticing recently it’s a distraction from truly taking care of and looking after myself. So thank you for your lovely blog to remind me.

  193. Thank you Denise for the sharing. A few ouches were felt as I read through, but lovingly brought an awareness and understanding to similar ways I have mothered and am mothered! Inspirational!

  194. Amazing Denise. As the daughter I have behaved in exactly the same way you describe. At 36 I’m being shown that the arrogant and better than attitude I have been holding of “I know best” has been ruining my relationships with people, especially with women. What I have come to feel is that a lot of the time I speak with myself in a harsh, critical and berating way – so of course this will impart on others. Now I am choosing to acknowledge that this behaviour hurts others, it’s a loving responsibility to no longer treat myself in this way. Work in progress…

    1. I can so relate to what you share here, Shevon. Thank you so much for putting into words what I recognise as how I have been with others – this really helps me to understand what that really was.

  195. This is a very honest and consequently inspiring blog, Denise. How loving to see that letting family and friends “come to things in their own time, or waiting to be asked” gives everyone the grace to just be themselves and eliminates any personal need as well as any hidden agendas.

  196. Denise, what an insightful sharing and one that I have been learning re: advice giving to my children thinking I have their best interest at heart. Thank you for your reminder.

  197. Wow, Denise, your blog really pushed some buttons for me, thank you.

    I particularly liked the following passage: “By holding on to mothering in that way, I was not allowing myself to claim time to nurture me, the lovely me, the beauty-full me, the gentle me, to treat myself tenderly, to speak to myself in a loving way, to adore me and cherish the amazing woman I have become”.

  198. Thanks to Universal Medicine self love comes first when being a mother, not mothering. Because of the loving and honest family I live with I get stopped often and then have an opportunity to take responsibility of my choices. I love this about my family.

    1. Thanks Sally, I also have beautiful reminders from my family to keep taking responsibility for anything that makes me feel less than the love they know I am – a constant blessing that I am just beginning to fully appreciate. I love how open Denise is to learning and growing from her daughter’s reflections.

  199. Amazing blog. While reading this, I was listening to Chris James’ new song release ‘I Am That I Am‘. Together made me realise how much I’ve previously given up on me. I am now re-learning to love and appreciate how important it is for me to deepen this love and care for myself. Thank you. A beautiful reminder.

  200. Beautifully expressed. I particularly love how you have claimed that part of self love is a willingness to be honest and truthful with yourself. I have been witness to the changes in you and the unlocking of old patterns and behaviors that have passed down from generations of women before you that have never truly served any of us… it’s inspirational.

    1. Beautiful, Shannon. It feels so healing that your mum was open to being ‘parented’ by you her daughter in this instance, by receiving a reflection of true love. The potential for mothers and daughters to support each other equally in this way, once the ‘should’s and ‘must be’s are out of the way, is very powerful.

      1. I agree Janet. Once the expectations are moved, then the quality of the relationship moves from mother to daughter to two women developing a honest relationship that supports one another.

  201. So beautifully and simply expressed, Denise. This really speaks to me so thank you for writing this. I, too, am starting to bring more self-love to me, and to feel into – and break! – this pattern of wanting to control. My daughter is 4 and she has her own beautiful expression that she is not afraid to share. I know that it’s important to allow her to find her own way, especially as she starts school next year, while still lovingly being there to support and guide her.

  202. Wow what strength you have Denise, it feels very beautiful the steps you are taking to support you – if this is a miracle achieved in one day, imagine 10 days of your new found self-love. I also wanted to say thank you for the parenting reflection – I feel I can never have too many of these, so much is shown to me in this area of my life.

    1. Toni, I absolutely agree. There is so much shown to me too in this area of my life and it isn’t always clear to see things easily living with this constant reflection while I raise my children. It is when I read blogs like this on parenting that I am offered a greater awareness as to what there is to be looked at within me.

  203. Denise, I don’t have children however I could feel strongly what you have described here and it relates to all of us making assumptions and taking situations for granted because we are family or close friends. We can assume an entitlement that is disregarding for ourselves and the other person. A great reminder. Thank you.

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