Self Acceptance: No Need to Push, No Need to Try

by Rosie Bason, Mullumbimby, NSW

When I do things such as speak, sing or paint with a need to get it to be a certain way, with a push or a need to try, I actually make it less. It is less because at that moment I am not accepting myself or realising that I am already enough. For example, the sound when I try to sing comes out hard, yet when there is no push and no need to try, it comes out naturally beautiful.

What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be. In the past, I have never accepted myself to be enough. There has always been a strive to be more.

When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.

However, when I come from the drive to make it a certain way, to sound good, to look good, to be seen… all of the expectation causes an awful feeling in my body. 

In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger; we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are. We are all divine in our own special way.

When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.

I have come to this realisation after attending talks by Serge Benhayon and workshops by Chris James.

446 thoughts on “Self Acceptance: No Need to Push, No Need to Try

  1. I understand this push and drive so well and I’m sure others do too. It’s a thing that displaces us, and in that we become exhausted with many disappointments that follow it.

    I loved this statement, ‘when I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world goes to feel all of me’ and how true is this. It also gives them the permission to be themselves too, just by your mere reflection. Some will be inspired, some not so and that’s okay too. Everyone has the opportunity to be themselves, it’s a matter of letting go of that which identifies us with too. Are you ready to accept who you truly are?…

  2. “However, when I come from the drive to make it a certain way, to sound good, to look good, to be seen… all of the expectation causes an awful feeling in my body.’ Wow, I’ve really been living this through the week preparing for a presentation. I hadn’t quite seen it how you’ve described here but that’s exactly it. Thank you Rosie, a short blog but total gold, much appreciated.

    1. I totally understand this feeling Melinda when I presented to some of my work colleagues. Pushing to do more or trying to get it right put me in a tiss. Soon as I let go of it needing to be a certain way, well there was no apprehension, no tension, it came out in a flow. Once the presentation was delivered, I wasn’t left with feeling I used to have in the past, such as ‘should have said this’ or ‘should have said that’. It felt there was no more to be said and it was complete, what needed to be presented was presented, no more or no less.

  3. “the sound when I try to sing comes out hard, yet when there is no push and no need to try, it comes out naturally beautiful.” Thank you Rosie, perfect timing to read this today, a beautiful reminder of the simplicity of being ourselves and knowing that is enough, and letting go of the need to try or be something other than ourselves. I can see where I do that I’m lacking appreciation of myself and negating who I am.

  4. Rosie so glad I read your blog as it has supported me to realise that actually I am far more self accepting than I ever used to be. I recognised myself in what you wrote
    ‘When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.’
    When I give myself permission to just be me it feels as though the sun is shining in and through my body. And when I shut myself down for whatever reason then the sun has gone and the grey cloud sits above my head. I live surrounded by people who have the sun shining through them in this way humanity as a whole has a huge reflection that we can all live this way too.

  5. “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” – Do you want to present the true you to the world or play a game and present a facade? This is a very exposing question that gets one to ponder deeply on how we live and all we are trying hard to ‘do’.

  6. In life there are so many expectations placed upon us – from the expectations of a baby needing to sit or walk or be a certain weight by a certain age, expectations for a child to read or sit still, expectations of a teenager to be a certain way, expectations of adults achieving certain things etc etc. We have our own personal expectations we have taken on board, our families have certain expectations of us and society has expectations placed upon us. No wonder some people rebel or give up and withdraw – for how can anyone comply with all the expectations when it is impossible to do so? Rosie’s blog is a great way to realise that expectations are impositions and it is not for us to take these on board, however, what is our responsibility is to live all that we are and not hold back – something which is certainly a challenge in our world where this is not encouraged nor celebrated.

  7. “There has always been a strive to be more.” – this is such a common theme in our society and something that is encouraged in schools and homes and all accross the world. Very rarely if ever are we told we are already enough and that the things we do are just a means to express the all that we are.

  8. “When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.” It’s so simple isn’t it, just be yourself. Acceptance is not that commonly talked about but it is such an important part of having a supportive foundation in life by accepting ourselves and others. At times we also have to accept life as it is which can help us to reach understanding, even though what we are seeing or experiencing is not loving or harmonious.

  9. Drive gives a clue to our state of being and over-drive I am definitely over, and being in drive becomes like being in automatic rather than being focused on what ever we are doing, which is being consciously present so we stay with our essence eliminating drive and trying. This is because in our essence we feel the connection to being ‘divine in our own special way.’

  10. Thank you Rosie, it’s such a supportive blog, a topic that touches all of us. I can really relate to this line “all of the expectation causes an awful feeling in my body.” We are so rarely confirmed in life that we have no idea of the wealth inside in the person that we are.

  11. “What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be. In the past, I have never accepted myself to be enough. There has always been a strive to be more.” This is such a great blog and a very relevant topic. Pushing or striving to be more, and trying, are so common we may not even realise they are there, they become a normal part of life instead of being in self acceptance and enjoying and appreciating who we are.

    1. This is so common, this feeling of not being enough, and pushing ourselves to be more, instead of accepting we are already everything, ‘When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’

  12. ‘What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be.” This is a very powerful place to come to in life, for what can knock or reduce you if we know who we are is enough?

  13. When we try to be something that we are not, how do we know what that looks like for us to even try? And it is interesting how we even know how to define what the ‘better’ looks like. And we often have not even given ourselves a proper chance to feel and know how stupendously amazing we really are already, just as everyone else is.

  14. What does it mean to accept ourselves? I have a feeling that this word is thrown around so much that the truth of it is lost.

    1. I have been in the presence of people who have accepted themselves for the grandness they are and to me there is a quality of humbleness a deep stillness and contentment in their bodies that is so real and feels so easily obtainable that I naturally want that for myself too.

    2. I can understand that self acceptance can be a struggle especially when we have lived so far away from ourselves, we have lost all recollection of who we truly are and the purpose of why we are here.

      1. It’s only a struggle if we have lived in disconnection, because when we have that solid, tangible connection, self-acceptance is not even a question.

      2. So True Mary, and may I add that it is only when understand or re-connect to our inner-most or esoteric that we start to glimpse the Truth of ‘who we truly are!

  15. At a presentation on the weekend, someone talked about having a life long love affair with yourself and I really liked that. Accepting that you are more than enough just simply being yourself and living and loving that.

    1. How amazing does that sound?! And it doesn’t sound difficult at all. Yet, we have created lives and societies which make that sound like a dream of the future.

    2. Just being who we innately are, loving and living this, ‘ we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are. We are all divine in our own special way.’

  16. I had spent my whole life trying and it doesn’t get the required results. Accepting ourselves and where we are at allows for a deeper unfolding. No trying required. Beautiful post Rosie.

  17. I felt myself going into trying yesterday and it felt a bit yuck in my body, I felt like I was not me and I was trying to be something else. You are right Rosie, these transactions are reduced by trying because I am reducing me to try and be something/someone other than who I truly am.

    1. Thank you Sarah – ‘trying’ certainly is something that knots us up and takes us away from our natural expression and natural ease and joy of doing things.

  18. When we “try” and do something we take ourselves out of a natural rhythm and this brings a strain.

  19. We are not taught or honoured to be just who we are, this gets crushed in many of us as a child. I find it especially difficult watching how we as a society crush our children by not appreciating that they are complete just as they are. They don’t need to try to be bigger, better, more forward, more intelligent, they are so very beautiful just as they are.

    1. The education system currently is so divisive, getting young children to compete against each other. As you observe Mary, it is sad to watch the crushing of young ones.

  20. It’s the same with anything – if there’s any part of us that is trying to get it right, be it a conversation with a friend, writing an essay or cooking a meal, there’s instantly a pressure that we put onto and in the situation that doesn’t need to be there at all – and then it becomes much more likely that things won’t go according to plan, because of this extra measure of control which stifles the natural flow and potential for expansion of whatever it is that we’re doing.

  21. Very few learn this or are reminded of this when they’re young, “we are already enough, just as we are”. If we did, there wouldn’t be the emptiness from trying and believing we need to be better or be fixed. There would also not be the comparison and competition because if we knew we were enough as we are then we would know that everyone else are also.

  22. This Rosie I have felt for myself to be true when I let go of the drive to achieve or have an outcome, something magical happens and there is so much more space to play in and with it is quite beautiful. I have also discovered that to try and hold on to the magic stops the flow and that is for me the key to stay in the flow and just allow everything to unfold as required this naturally eliminates any trying or drive.

  23. What you are describing here Rosie is contentment and that is a beautiful thing for the body and the being.

  24. We live to many pictures and expectations of how we should be, learning to let them go I experience life differently and enjoy each moment as it comes instead of pushing myself and feeling I am not enough.

  25. ‘When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.’

    ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’

    I’ve not appreciated myself for being enough ‘just’ for being me. Sure this wasn’t encouraged growing up to -those in charge didn’t know what it was to appreciate themselves, they were caught up in trying and struggle – but who we are never goes away so we can always return in an instant.

    I’ve been locked into struggle and trying so much that trusting myself is a process. I’m discovering being me brings through all the goods and reading these sentences is so supportive as I can feel the livingness of each. Dropping all the self-loathing and feeling the beauty of the quality of who I am is wonderful. As this appreciation grows and I can feel the beauty of what can come through me, then I am feeling the magic of bringing me first in all that I do.

  26. I can totally resonate with not feeling enough. But the thing about when we push or try to be something more or better than who we are right now the quest is endless – and incredibly unfulfilling. We never find what we’re looking for unless we stop and realise that everything we are is enough, and not only that there is an amazing grandness inside us that needs to be discovered and unfolded. It makes life incredibly simple and like an adventure, rather than a never-ending search that can ultimately only end in us discovering we are amazing.

  27. If we imagine the vastness of the universe, trying to direct our being, our energy to a specific point and not miss it is a pretty daunting task. That is not freedom.

  28. There is great wisdom is this. In not pushing or trying, even though this is what much of the society tells us to do – to push and to try as hard as we can. But when a child is doing their thing, it is so simple, and they bring playfulness and joy to each task, which I find amazing. It seems to be only when we are adults that the world has to become very difficult and strenuous to the point where pushing and trying is seen as the only way through – even though we have these beautiful and delicate role models living all around us all of time, reflecting that life can in fact still be full of joy, even when we have responsibilities and challenging tasks. We can look to our children and see the greatest wisdom, because they still know how to have fun.

  29. I hadn’t allowed myself to feel the extent of the hardness in my body until recently when I stopped and felt the the affects from pushing and driving myself. It exposed very clearly the hardness in my body. We can harden our body in many ways and certainly one way is by trying, striving to get things done and in any moment where we place the doing before our being.

  30. Reading this is a great reminder for me that in trying to be more I can actually make what I’m expressing lesser! As opposed to coming from a deeper place of acceptance and commitment to bringing all that I already am, and that we all are too, in essence.

  31. ‘When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.’ There is a gift here expressed. If we are ourselves, present in each moment, there is nothing that can harm us, the insidous self critical thoughts has no space to affect us. When we are ourselves there is an ease to just be in life, enjoying and bringing the joy and pure love that we are in each moment. This is not possible just for the ‘special ones’ but available for all. It’s a matter of choice.

  32. Since very recently I started to sing. At the beggining it was difficult for me to express in this way, I found myself with the ideas about how its supposed that I had to sing but one in particular prevented to freely express, the one that says that I’m not good enough for music or that my voice is not beautiful. Going deeper I realized that this feeling of not good enough didn’t apply just for music but for any area of my life actually! I could see how influenced I was by the famous singers that I previously knew before in my teenage years like Whitney Houston. I’ve asked myself: yes, her voice may sounded great but, did she was truly happy in her life? The old role model started to fall down…I realized that what matters in singing is Me, first of all and how I feel while I sing. Do I feel tense because I want to be like everyone else? Or Do I’m feeling beautiful from within just singing in acceptance of my voice and all what I am? regardless if it fit in the ideals of what good music is or not. I feel inspired by Chris James and Serge Benhayon and some people around me who is starting to find their true voice, a deeply beautiful one that comes from within and never ever will be able to be boxed or labeled because is very unique and precious.

    1. How lovely Inma, I really enjoyed reading your comment, thank you. “…to find their true voice, a deeply beautiful one that comes from within and never ever will be able to be boxed or labeled because is very unique and precious.” We do feel very beautiful when we allow ourselves to just be and feel all that we are, simply letting it come out.

  33. ‘What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be. In the past, I have never accepted myself to be enough. There has always been a strive to be more’. I could have written these words, as I have always strived to be better and to improve my life…. plus I had a lot of investments of how things should look or be, which only ever created struggle because I blocked the natural flow of abundance with my investments!

    1. I can relate, we block the natural flow of ourselves and also try to control life. We are trying to create ourselves and life a certain way instead of accepting and appreciating everything exactly as it is. It’s exhausting!

  34. ‘When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me’. Wise and profound.

  35. “we are already enough, just as we are” – What if we appreciated this fact and then made efforts to express who we are and feel vital in our body, with imperfections and learnings along the way, rather than treating ourselves like a permanently dirtied or used item of clothing.

  36. Trying to be someone feels completely different to just surrendering to who you already are.

  37. The message from young is to try harder, be more, give more and do more and yet in truth the opposite is our natural way of being. When we accept that we are enough and have no attachments to the outcome, then the magic happens.

    1. The volume of work then increases beyond what we ‘think’ is capable as there is no limit to what we can offer when we say stay committed to purpose.

  38. All that trying and striving.. I have spent much of my life in that state and it’s totally exhausting and draining. When we’re so busy trying to strive to be a better version of ourselves then we miss out on the magic of the moment that we’re in, and the depth of beauty, and potential to expand and connect right then and there. We are already enough: no need to go anywhere or do anything to prove it. It’s a simple surrender to this basic fact, yet we so often like to make it more complicated than it needs to be.

  39. I hate the way we have lost our innate divinity and that we have allowed this to happen and because of this we have the world in the mess that it is in. I want God to snap his fingers and make it all go away but came to the understanding that actually it’s our mess that we have collectively contributed to so we have to clear it up. I cannot ask God to sort out the woes of humanity, it is up to each and every one of us to clear our mess up. We can actually snap our fingers and change everything so how rotten does life have to get before we realise the mess we are in and do something about it?

  40. Someone shared with me recently that we are so much more than we think we are. That we all have our place and a part to live in life, that we all need each other to reflect the whole that we all come from. When life is put like this there is no room for jealousy, comparison, competition or any of the other negatives we view each other with. If we could understand that we all have something to bring to the world that we are in our own way very special, if we treated ourselves with a deeper level of decency and respect then just maybe we would treat others with these same qualities to.

    1. It’s so insidious and self harming to think we are not enough, when actually we are divine and there is a vastness to us and an amazingness that we could be reconnecting to, exploring, and enjoying everyday.

  41. There is a close call, by our Soul, that asks us to connect. Connect to the deeper part of us that is divine. Connect to ourselves in our every day life, and so with each other from there. There is no need to push or try, as connection is there and does not impose on you or another.

  42. Trying to be more is exhausting my body and it only shows how I have certain pictures about myself how I should be, look like or act or how I think that others would like me to be. A measuring of who I truly am instead of being all of me.

  43. “When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am.” – and what a robbery of gold that is!

  44. When we accept and are connected to our love within, who we are, everything that we do is a blessing, inspiration and confirmation of who we all are. All of which is a natural emanation born from being and honoring ourselves. Such is the power of reflection and the responsibility we all hold as to what it is that we are sharing with the world.

  45. A very simple blog that makes perfect sense. We try an push to be something else or live up to a picture of what we think we should look like and all along miss out on the untainted beautiful expression that we are naturally.

  46. If there is any hint of push or drive in what we do it is done from contraction and as a result we can often feel an emptiness even if we achieve the highest goal or mark.

  47. ” In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger; we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are. We are all divine in our own special way. ”
    This is so very true one has only to look at a baby and know this is true.

  48. This is gorgeous to read and feel our own expression is inside us and is exactly what needs to be felt and seen from us. And this is so easy.. because it is who we are.. all already there.

  49. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me. There is such an ease when there is acceptance whether it is of ourselves and the situation we are in of acceptance of others, it makes life simple when we surrender to the love that we are.

  50. When I try to be more than I am then I am not expressing me as that something ‘more’ is not me.

  51. By living less than our full self, we reflect to everyone else that this is ok. This is how we as a society end up accepting far less than the grandness we are. Hence why our innate divinity has been shelved and function has taken over.

  52. The worst part of this drive behaviour is how it perpetuates itself. The more you push the worse things get, getting you to burrow in and keep digging furiously. The only thing you make in the end, is a grave for yourself. It’s time to say a clear no to going into this push no matter what scenario life presents – it’s all just a test to see what it will take for you to sell your sacredness out. Thank you for this awesome blog Rosie.

  53. I love this Rosie ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’ And what a gift it is when we offer our true selves to everyone, others are also inspired to choose this as well.

  54. This is beautiful, Rosie. That having a picture thing, that’s endless. I even had one about how I should be more of me. And I can really feel the lack of appreciation in that outwards movement. Appreciation allows me to drop back in and it feels very different from the forward propelling I am so used to.

      1. So true Carola, our body naturally moves in a way that as Rosie has shared we have “no need to try” and this then becomes our lived expression.

  55. Well said Rosie, we are here to bring all of us in order to reflect the grace, beauty and love we all are. In ‘trying’ to be something or some one else we sign off on all we agreed to bring to this world.

  56. Such a solid and powerful realisation to come to Rosie – I love what you have discovered or reconnected too – that we do not need to try. That who we are is enough.

  57. It then shares with us too that we can hide who we are behind the lack of acceptance of who we are and where we are at, as judgement takes away the love in that moment!

  58. Great realisations Rosie this is a continual learning for me. The engrained need for recognition is very strong and relentless but it is definitely lessening its hold.

  59. When we express from self-acceptance we move from our foundations, The overall kind of movement that this represents is very different compared to when we lack self-acceptance.

  60. Self acceptance is also the foundation of us appreciating ourselves, which in turn supports us to know that we are enough.

    1. Yes, a great reminder Suse, appreciation has been a game changer for me, the relationship with myself has deepened and this has supported all my relationships to deepen as well.

  61. If we are not accepting ourselves then in our expression the world gets our doubts, uncertainties, etc. “When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.” This is beautifully expressed and can feel you in it, Rosie.

  62. Please delete previous comment and replace for:
    We got no excuse to lessen ourselves, no matter how strong the ideals, lies or doubts are. As we are reminded of the fact that we are amazing just the way we are, by this blog. Stating the following quote: ”When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.”
    Thank you, Rosie.

  63. Acceptance is powerful, it is also keeps life very simple in that just accepting who we are and where we are at and that there is nothing that we cannot deal with.

  64. Acceptance and appreciation of oneself is key in being steady and at ease in whatever situation you will be.

  65. “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” This is beautiful Rosie and a great reminder for us all to just let ourselves be.

  66. Accepting our imperfections is also important and accepting when we get it wrong, when we accept it prevents you from going into any form of self-bashing but instead learn from it and move on.

  67. What a gorgeous, simple and clear blog with a powerful message; Acceptance is key, accepting where we are in life and accepting we come from love, we are love and always have been; ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me’.

  68. “When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am.” This line today made me to ponder what would that more, in trying to be more, then look like. If we are already everything that we are there is no more as being more only comes from the human thinking and does not exist in the being that lives in this body of expression I tend to call me.

  69. “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” And the ‘all’ is so much grander than what we ‘think’ we need to try to be.

  70. We are all looking for self-acceptance and until we get out of the drive and push and accept with deep appreciation, without any “trying”, just our “divine” connection, we are lost.

    1. Yes Greg, to me you hit the nail on the head. We as human species are lost because we have walked away from our divine origin and with that are in the constant turmoil of the deep hurt that, if we are honest and deeply connected, can feel into our bones. That hurt of the los of this divine connection does make us to look for the answers in trying and doing as we belief that will give any relief of the pain we do not want to feel but actually does not bring us any further than going around and around in the same cycle again.

  71. What I’m finding is that the key to self-acceptance is to not go into the indulgence of thoughts that hold me back. In other words, to simply go for it – whatever the impulse is, and to let myself express all of me in my interactions with others. The more I do this, the more I see me and go whoa! What a cool and funky lady… how can I not accept the essence of who I am..

  72. We have been feeding ourselves a great lie for eons that we need to be better, more, bigger, smaller, thinner, etc etc. It is relentless, exhausting and the perfect way to diminish our most natural connection and knowing – to who we truly are.

  73. Perhaps self-acceptance is the greatest key we can have to understanding who we are and for embracing the love that comes thereafter.

  74. When we know we are enough, all we do sounds, looks and feels amazing, because all we do is done with all of us.

  75. Acceptance is a massive thing, what i associate it with is when I just let go of trying or showing the world that I am something and just go – this is me. I also think a big part of acceptance is knowing that we are not perfect and that we are here to learn, it takes away the need to not make mistakes, and you know that you are brilliant regardless, and mistakes are a brilliant way to learn and evolve and move forward.

  76. Being outcome based is unnatural, we can see this clearly in babies and young children who live life and do not focus on what they are achieving or not achieving. However we have been rewarded to achieve in life and hence our focus becomes about what we can do, whilst robbing us of our quality of life in the process.

  77. A couple of years ago had I read “I am enough” I wouldn’t of believed it. Reading it today I settled into myself more and a feeling of contentment came to me. This feels far more sustainable and less draining than pushing and trying and the subsequent feeling of not trying/pushing enough because all my efforts feed a bottomless pit. So then I would try harder. Even writing all of this it feels far simpler to accept that I am enough.

  78. Beautiful Rosie, I love what you’ve shared. Accepting and appreciating ourselves is deeply confirming and natural, yet if we look around this is going against the norm. The choice is always present, to go with the flow of the universe and what feels natural or not.

  79. Whilst this understanding is basic it is very powerful because of its simplicity. There is definitely a massive difference between be-ing and trying to be. You can’t try to be something you already are, otherwise you are still forcing yourself to be something you are truly not!

  80. There is a lack of appreciation for the being we are within that is endemic in our world. It is something we all need to learn.

  81. Trying or pushing, never feeling enough…these are all things I recognise and have felt the denseness, the hardness, the control, the compression and congestion they create in my body. It’s as though I’m being squashed from the outside in. In contrast I now practice acceptance of myself, and with acceptance comes a release of the control which allows space in my body. My cells feel as though they have more room and there is a graceful ease as I move with and from this space. This then supports appreciation which brings with it further alchemy, turning denseness and hardness into delicate space into which I can surrender more deeply. The magic of acceptance and appreciation – a true science.

  82. When I accept myself there is no need to try, it doesn’t even come as a tiny blip on the radar.

  83. Whilst you may be living life in a big way are you radiating you in life? This was a question I was asked the other day and it takes the meaning of expressing yourself to a whole new level.

  84. Today I have had a day of not feeling enough, feeling criticised and rejected by what others do. But this blog has helped me cut through and see that there’s nothing I need to do, nothing I have to say or a way I should perform, I am awesome before all of this occurs. Nothing needs to be proved in order for me to give myself the grace of understanding and love, and perhaps if I have this I might find how other people do not seem so unkind. Thank you Rosie for this great reminder to know I can let go of the struggle.

  85. “In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger; we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are.” that is so true, the more I stop to appreciate this fact, to appreciate me for me the greater everything is in my life and the more support i am for others.

  86. A true promise to you is : accepting you, in your full special own way.
    What this piece brought alive is how striving to be more is an excellent way of hiding away all that you are and all that you are here to bring.. Inspired awareness brought by Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and the whole Benhayon family, and chosen by myself… I would never ever be in a place to see and observe what I am observing and seeing now. Thank you.

  87. When we don’t accept and appreciate ourselves for the divine beings we are, all of humanity miss out, as the lack of appreciation shields our essence from emanating for all to feel.

    1. Absolutely kimweston2, and I would add to this that we have no right to hide ourselves from others. It’s our responsibility to bring as much of ourselves to life as we can.

      1. Totally Lucy, once we accept and live the fact that we are vehicles of energy, we then know that what we are and what what comes through us is no ours to hold onto, but belongs to the all and for the all.

    1. Beautifully said Nikki, we use much complication to avoid the simplicity of being our true selves.

  88. I can so easily relate to how awful expectation feels in the body. It is like you are not with you as you are propelling yourself into the scenario that you have focused all your energy and thoughts on. Leaving our body at any time is never a wise choice as it is our body that is our biggest supporter in life and life flows much more smoothly when we are fully connected to it.

  89. Just being who we naturally are takes no effort. I ask myself why I have spent a lifetime of trying – trying to be who or what – someone other than myself?! Crackers!

  90. For me lately I have noticed an attachment to trying. This trying makes me less than the all I already am, which is already enough, whole and complete without trying. It’s like theres a belief that my glory cannot be a natural state but worked hard for. But loving myself in a world of disregard IS the work I have put in and it’s not hard.

  91. Trying is the antithesis of acceptance and destroys self-value, as we can never be enough when we are trying.

  92. When we accept ourselves as we are, life has a natural flow, it is when we push through life we come across obstacles that hold us back from being who we are.

  93. Pushing and trying is exhausting yet it’s what I do all the time. I’m starting to wonder what it would be like to go for a day simply allowing and being.

  94. “For example, the sound when I try to sing comes out hard, yet when there is no push and no need to try, it comes out naturally beautiful.” This is a very beautiful example I feel we all can relate to. We all know how it feels when we just do what we do without trying but just being in the flow of things. Something to make our every day living.

  95. What a great sharing, it is so true that we are enough and don’t need to try. It is easy to understand why we are so set up to try with everything as that is how we are raised. It’s actually like a virus on the planet.

  96. True Rosie, expectations are causing an awful feeling in the body. For me it is an anxiousness I allow to come in from the feeling that it will never be enough. Lot of the expectations are coming from outside myself but I am the one deciding to take them on instead of appreciating myself just for who I am.

  97. This blog reminds us, including myself, to accept ourselves for who and where we are, not try to be more, or less, ‘ when I come from the drive to make it a certain way, to sound good, to look good, to be seen… all of the expectation causes an awful feeling in my body.’ We simply have to present all of us in our fullness.

  98. I love this short and simple blog with many profound messages and reminders. We are more than enough, and taking time to appreciate ourselves is key, ‘We are all divine in our own special way.’

  99. Well interesting I happen upon this blog ‘randomly’ in just a matter of days, so rereading it with particular attention to the message that I am enough.

  100. I totally know what you mean by the pushing and hardness that causes in the body and tone of voice, I know for me it is so tied to wanting to be seen and recognised for being something useful, important, worthwhile, good, etc it is so insidious that it can be sickening, literally make me sick! As my body is in tension when I am in drive for recognition rather than in the acceptance and flow physiologically of knowing I am enough.

  101. I love the way acceptance feels in my body. It’s a surrender into myself which comes with an ease that is simply gorgeous.

    1. I agree Lucy. I was reflecting on this just this morning as I woke up and felt the warmth and sweetness of the breath in my lungs – confirming back to me what I have already accepted to simply be – the real me.

  102. Self acceptance is key to healing. In turn it leads to surrender, and the dropping of the fight and struggle. In that it then allows the return of a flow that is harmonious within itself, and with all else around it.

  103. I can relate to what you have written here Rosie. When I accept I am enough, there is a real settlement in my body and I feel confident and steady.

  104. I loved reading this Rosie, because we always are thinking that we need to try, try to be better, thiner, happier, more confident and if we have all those things ‘then’ we can accept ourselves. But in fact as you say, when we are just ourselves, the world gets us just as we are.

  105. This is pure gold: ‘When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’ Just what I needed to read this evening 🙂

  106. In the late 80’s/early 90’s I had bought this series of ‘how to be a better sales person’ (or some title like that) talks (that were on cassette!!!!) and one of the pieces of advice was before a sales meeting, to ‘gee yourself up’ was to say ‘i feel terrific, i feel terrific, i feel terrific’, and then the you would enter the sales meeting ‘feeling terrific’ and ‘land the sale’.

    There are trillion of examples like this where we are told to be better, bolder, bigger, slimmer, fatter, louder, quieter, happier, more smarter etc… and they all stem from the subliminal message that you are not enough as you are. All of this erodes a person’s self-worth.

    This is why the work of Serge Benhayon is so remarkable because it starts with the premise that you are already enough, more than that actually. And that we just need to let go of the stuff that stops us living the power-houses that we are. And then present practical ways of being able to do that. No pre-sales mantra’s involved at all!

  107. Rosie, I can feel how common this pushing ourselves and trying to be more is, ‘In the past, I have never accepted myself to be enough. There has always been a strive to be more.’ I have noticed that in our schooling that there is this push with children, always trying to get them to do more and be more and I have observed how often children do not feel enough and don’t feel accepted for who they are and how they are, there are always targets to meet and the idea that children need to ‘better themselves’, this feels damaging, we could accept and encourage children rather than push them.

  108. Allowing ourselves to be simply who we are is an essential step to living a life of joy and true purpose. There is such a beauty in just being ourselves but for a lot of us we do not find this easy. We have to come back to knowing our true nature and accepting it in full. We are not who the world has told us we were. We are in fact divine beings who are grand beyond measure and connecting to this fact is our first step towards true healing.

  109. “When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.” Spot on Rosie, we spend so much time trying to get things ‘right’ based on what we think others want, or on our own measure of what is needed. Self-acceptance is a key part of being able to let all this go and settle back into ourselves to feel the true value and worth we are in our being, before we even lift a finger to do anything. This is a key life lesson in fact…

  110. It was great to reflect on this blog today. I had an accident on the weekend, then went into completing a number of tasks I had to do. In the afternoon though my chest began to get sore, telling me I had gone too far. I could feel how I had looked to the things I was doing to pick me up and lift my ‘spirits’. So it’s a true support to come back to your words Rosie, and remember – it doesn’t matter what occurs, I am beautiful and always deserving of care and is no need to be anything extra, but all I am here to do is embrace the Love that is always there.

  111. I love this blog, And today just reading its title was enough to almost bring me to tears. What an important message this is and how sadly lacking this true acceptance and self love is in our world today. It’s beautiful to know, that no matter what has happened, what you have done or said, you still deserve to be cared for, nurtured and valued. Thank you Rosie.

  112. “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” This is what I have learnt over the years when I just allow and let things flow and I don’t try, everyone gets to feel all of me and my fullness.

  113. I have lived most of my life with that sense of drive and push Rosie as well, I have also found the importance of learning to accept and appreciate ourselves and how this is key to deepening the relationship with ourselves and in letting go of any need for another’s approval or acceptance.

  114. “What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be”, these words are so simple yet so profound and wise Rosie, thank you. This morning these words really struck me as I ponder and appreciate my own ‘enoughness’.

  115. If I engineer what I’m saying or expressing to try and get a certain response or recognition then it does feel like there is an unnatural strain or push in what is being said or done, in opposition to the sense of harmony and openness that is there when I express truly from my essence and what I feel without needs or attachments to how it is received.

  116. The acceptance of ourselves is so powerful as it is in appreciation of and is connecting us to that inner source we all have in common, the inner heart where a wisdom resides that is equally in all of us. It is only our unique expression that brings that special flavor and is so needed in our everyday’s lives and to copy someone else or try to be all the same in expression will not serve us in any way shape or form. It will keep us bereft of all the uniqueness that when freely shared with one another will make us one.

  117. Very profound Rosie, if we are not equal in all we do then that doing is less, since it lacks us, the foundation of who we are. Makes perfect sense, and life is learning to allow this, to get out of our own way so to speak and allow what is in us innately to come out.

  118. I used to make postcards. My initial sketches were simple and capture what I wanted to communicate in a nutshell. But if I wanted to impress, I would go into trying and would add something. Ironically almost always the added bit seemed to disturb the balance so I would have to add more. And then more and some more yet again. Often the whole thing would turn into a complicated mess long way from the original simplicity which I wished I could return to.

    Reading this blog I realise this way of complicating life is far more widespread.

  119. I find that if I go into a sense of drive or need for recognition or agreement from another than what I’m expressing is coming with a need or attachment, something that is essentially about me as an individual rather than something that is truly loving!

  120. I know this need for recognition all too well and to be honest it makes everything hard work and sucks the joy out of life. When I let myself simply be I get to express who I truly am.

    1. And I suppose brings back that joy we all know so well of you Leonny. It is the conundrum that although we do all want to have joy in life, we sometimes are willing to suppress that joy for getting recognition instead.

    2. Yes we can make things so complicated, and get totally caught up in it all… but what for? Like you say, it sucks out all the joy!

    3. I remember that my own insecurity is that I used to seek the recognition and it felt like constant strain and hard work, life was a big struggle. Now life is full of joy and there is a flow, no need for recognition.

  121. There is so much investment in the drive. Our movements say it all. The fast paced determined, multi-tasked ‘go getter’ sells us the image that this is the way to live and taking on every opportunity that comes our way. How often do we stop to notice the quality of the life lived, the balance between self care and purpose and what is driving the activities in the first place. In our current climate the more one does, is seen to be doing or is championing their success for recognition is held as a role model for others. Yet the quality in which this is done is never taken into account. Why is this so?

  122. It’s simple this blog, but then so is life. For you show Rosie how we are given it all, supported to the nth degree only for us to turn around and say we are underprepared. Like being perfectly ready for a big trip away, then insisting on taking a massive detour to the shops to buy a TV, electric blankets and a months supply of bananas – it is just not needed and derails what is naturally easy.

    1. Hahaha this made me laugh and think of how people would ask my parents about sailing around the world and did they have to save lots of money to do it… no they didn’t, they just did it. We can always delay, or need this, more money, more comfort, more safety and yet sometimes we just have to do what we feel at the time even if another doesn’t think it is the best choice.

  123. We are vehicles of expression, a very much needed innate part of what is, the Divinity. In trying, we interfere with and taint what comes through us. We are already enough just for being.

  124. Self acceptance is super important, bringing the understanding of that we are always enough is deeply healing. And gives us a foundation to build on, it is in every step of the way back to who we are from, appreciation and acceptance are huge building blocks on this path.

  125. Self-acceptance where ever we are at is huge. Even reading this blog I can feel the pictures I have on how I have to be – for instance the fact I feel like I am not accepting myself at the moment feels like a picture I am not meeting and thus not accepting.

  126. ‘When I do things such as speak, sing or paint with a need to get it to be a certain way, with a push or a need to try, I actually make it less’ I agree because we come form our heads, it’s actually an exhausting way to live, constantly separate from God.

  127. Self acceptance is the first step in appreciation of myself. Without it I am always moving to the beat of another’s drum as the saying goes. I am learning that self acceptance and appreciation are like to sides to the one coin; one does not exist without the other.

    1. Yes Bernadette when we begin to appreciate ourselves that’s when the real expansion starts. It’s as if acceptance opens the door to appreciation which opens the door to us living in our glory, unfettered and free and in the joy that this responsibility brings.

  128. I accept all of me—all the wise and unwise choices I have made, no matter how I am, I am holding myself in my next choice and all the subsequent choices I will make.

  129. ‘When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am’ – love this. The strive to be more is almost epidemic and in that we all deny each other the true beauty of who we really are.

  130. This is gorgeous Rosie and a great call to cherish the joy of being ourselves. When we ‘try’ to be, act, express or move with a need to be seen in a certain way we are actually sharing so much less that all that we in-truth are, we are not being ourselves. We all have a unique way of expressing the love we all are within, we have so much to offer and through appreciating ourselves and our unique expression we can reflect love, inspire us all to celebrate all that we already are within and lighten up the world we are in.

    1. As I read your comment I started to really appreciate you Carola, and your amazing voice and thought wouldn’t we all miss out if you were to try and sing and or sound like someone else instead of, as you do… Which is, you embrace you and share you with us. You voice melts me every time.

  131. Rosie this would make such a great cartoon or kids book, it’s true that when we try, things don’t turn out so good, but when we are simply ourselves things turn out amazingly – what could be easier?

  132. “In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger; we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are. We are all divine in our own special way.” Beautifully said Rosie and so very true.

  133. ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’ A simple truth, trying is exhausting and will never bring what we expect it will. Accepting is the start of being content with yourself and appreciating of who you are, a foundation where pushing and a driven way of being has no place.

  134. when we start to understand as Rosie has , where the push is in our lives, where we are driving ourselves, it can be the start of an extraordinary unraveling, and the doorway to a very different relationship with ourselves, our lives, our relationships… In fact everything benefits from letting go of… the Push!

  135. In surrendering to a deeper level of acceptance I find I am returning to a solid and simple foundation, that delivers a lot of appreciation and joy naturally. It feels like I have two feet firmly planted in awareness, connected to the earth below, the sky above and the reflections of nature all around me, which allows the beauty, the divine spark to be seen and felt.

  136. ”When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.’ I can’t fault this divine logic. If we are innately beautiful – which we are – then it stands to reason that whatever we offer to the world from that place of natural beauty will already be beauty-full. Beauty offering beauty.

  137. This is all so very true Rosie. Everything we need to be we already are, perhaps just not yet living it in full. If we do not pause to appreciate the true wealth we each hold deep within, we will become lost in the endless search to be ‘more’, to compensate for the ‘lack’ that we feel, hence why we go into drive. Where we currently stand as a society today is that we are each sitting on a goldmine but searching for riches on the horizon! It is this self perpetuating blindness that needs our urgent attention.

    1. I love that analogy Liane, that we are each sitting on a goldmine but searching for riches on the horizon. We have it all within, the search is over.

  138. It’s such a crazy concept that we try to be something. We are already everything and we are sparks of divinity – what more is there than that?!

  139. We are never giving all of us if we are coming from a place of need. When we come from a place of need, we are asking another to fill a space within that can only be fill from the love we offer ourselves.

    1. And we all know how draining it is to have someone who is needy around us, who is looking outside themselves and not realising that they have all that they need within.

  140. This is HUGE: When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.
    And it makes ABSOLUTELY sense that the moment we try we fail.

  141. It is true what you say Rosie, when we push or act in a certain way to please or get attention it takes away from the true quality that can come from our bodies, and it feels unnatural – in those moments we are lessening ourselves and short changing others.

    1. We also know how false it feels when those around us are trying rather than just being. I do at times react to this, knowing and feeling that they are in a sense, lying and faking it.

  142. Rosie I love this point about trying “It is less because at that moment I am not accepting myself or realising that I am already enough.” because I grew up with the “try harder” mentality from school to home, in fact “try harder” was something used to drive us forward that it was the way. However I also built a big non acceptance of myself issue that has been one of the most hardest things to heal, knowing that I am enough no matter what. Of course I now also have the knowing that anything is possible and not trying does not mean doing nothing!

  143. “When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.” I love that Rosie because I know for sure that everything I do where I am a part of is blessed as I am completing the puzzle with what I bring to it.

  144. Awesome Rosie, I have been singing in the car lately and can so realise the difference from when I am pushing and striving coming from a drive to when I am connected and singing for pure joy. Why should we push and strive to be better when in truth we are all already enough.

  145. I love this statement – “What I am is enough! ” Imagine if we were all told this at birth and every day thereafter? We would have no exhaustion, no stress, no trying to prove ourselves. We would have harmony amongst each other and actually be able to get on with evolution.

    1. Competition would not exist if we were raised knowing that what I am is enough. Imagine that!

  146. When we accept who we are and let go of the push and drive, magic happens, everything we do then comes with ease, a flow and joy. It is so simple, accept who we are, accept our power and life just flows.

    1. Sure does and what is so incredible is the support you receive from the body to bring more in the flow that amazes others in the quality and quantity of your output!

  147. “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” Beautiful Rosie. Striving to be ‘good enough’ and constant ‘trying’ predicates not being good enough, Yet when did we ever see babies and very young children trying to be more than they naturally are? It is society that imposes conditions on us to be more and if we take this in it can lead to a life of trying, rather than accepting and appreciating who we truly are.

    1. Hi Sue, I don’t just think that it is society that imposes conditions on us, I think that I am very good at imposing conditions on myself and in fact have done so for so long that I don’t even realise at times.

  148. Pushing and trying in life is so exhausting! Stemming from a feeling of not being enough there is a drive to prove self-worth to others and to myself that I am in fact enough… working with self-acceptance and self- appreciation is the perfect antidote to this, allowing for a more surrendered way of being with life.

    1. By appreciating who we truly are, we know in full exactly who we are not and therefore will not fall for trying to be something or someone else and in this way we learn to live true to our essence, which is love.

  149. Thank you Rosie, I could feel another layer of self acceptance emerge as I read your words here. These beliefs of not being enough can run so deep that they affect many of our choices. Waking up to this and allowing these deeper feeling to come up to clear and getting support in the healing of this brings us to a potentially fuller and more joyful life.

  150. ‘When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’ A super-simple equation for living a life of surrender to and acceptance of who we are in essence and truth.

  151. Beautiful Rosie, it just goes to show it is all in the way we move. We either move in a push and a driven force or we move in the grace of who we are in our own rhythm, which is aligned to the beat of our own heart.

  152. Whenever I do anything with a push, a drive, a trying and or for recognition it feels awful in my body too, so I can totally relate to what you’ve shared. When we express from feeling the fullness of who we are first, then what follows is true beauty, ease and flow.

  153. So true Rosie, when we strive and push to be more it makes us less of who we truly are. When we appreciate the love that we already are there is space to be more.

  154. Rosie what a powerful blog. You wrote: “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” That is so true and I like to add that accepting oneself is also not so exhausting because you don’t need all this trying.

  155. True self-acceptance and acceptance of others is very powerful, it’s like it unlocks us and allows us to truly express, with all of us and no attachments to anyone agreeing, just delivered with love.

  156. Absolutely Marika, when I read Rosie’s words and what you have added here I just go ‘Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh….’ like my body can finally relax. What a game that we are played to think that we have to fight to prove our worth when we are the most precious thing on earth.

  157. Love the simplicity and the clarity of the message. All the trying we can spend energy on will never allow ourselves to deeply appreciate who we simply are.

  158. Self-acceptance removes all need or desire to push. A wonderful reminder of that we are more than enough simply being our natural selves.

  159. I love your blog Rosie. It is so true that whatever we do, if it comes from a push, trying and recognition it feels awful. But why do we repeat these choices again and again? For me it comes from not feeling good enough, not appreciating and valuing myself and what I naturally bring to the world. The key to cutting these ill choices that seek a false sense success that is actually harming us and others is to appreciate, appreciate and appreciate. It’s also empowering to understand that our choices not only affect us but everyone, even the people we may not even meet because energetically we are either contributing to what is healing or harming in our world.

  160. To self accept who we are and our unique way we express it. From here whatever we choose to say or do is right.

  161. Well said Rosie, and the qualities of our voice are indeed a microcosm of the macrocosm of our life… Any pushing straining, hesitation fear, manipulation or bullying, grief, worry and anxiety, frustration and resentment that we hold within our body will surely manifest in our voice… What an extraordinary built in barometer we have.

  162. I needed to read this today as lately I’ve often been pushing myself in order to complete certain things – and so I find myself overriding the fact that I feel tired and end up going to bed an hour or 2 later than I planned. It’s a reminder for me to look at “what is it about not feeling enough” that I am doing this…

  163. You raise a really great point Rosie about the importance to stop and appreciate and accept ourselves often, I know the more I choose this life becomes more simple and there is a lovely flow leaving no room to drive or push myself.

  164. Acceptance of ourselves or a situation offers us the freedom to read and see it for what it truly is, for it assists us to let go our our investment, and thus our perception on how we want things to be – a perception that often blinds us to the truth of things.

  165. I am heading out to a workshop with Chris James too Rosie, and can feel a million things I think I need to do, and yet as you’ve shown me here – it is not true. Wow, what simplicity lives in totally accepting life and yourself. And there is no moment or activity to which this does not apply or ring true. So simple so beautiful. Thank you.

  166. “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” Before meeting Serge Benhayon my whole life was about trying to be this or that which was exhausting and all in the illusion that that is who I am. It has been life changing to discover that by accepting myself as I am means life can be so much more simple. Thank you Rosie for the simplicity of what you share in this blog.

  167. The list of things we think we need to do is really endless, yet what you show so beautifully Michelle is that there is a significant difference between launching out on these tasks to find ‘happiness’ ‘contentment’ and ‘success’ and starting out from the knowing that we are already beautiful and complete. That we are Love naturally.

  168. Self-acceptance feels amazing. To allow ourselves to be who we are supports others to be themselves too. Self-acceptance simply takes the pressure off everything, no need to push, put on a show or pretend to be someone we are not. We feel light, fluid and gentle when we choose to simply accept and appreciate ourselves.

  169. It’s true Rosie ‘we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are’ and surely this must affect not only our everyday but our long term general health and wellbeing.

  170. Thank you Rosie for sharing, I can relate to what you have said the trying and the pushing to be something i am not, gets me no where only leaves me with frustration and tension, it is so beautiful to know that none of this is necessary for when I am with myself, I am enough, just as i am.

  171. “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” Such a great line, and what this simply means is getting out of our own way to just be ourselves. Self acceptance is very powerful for the world, but we have to give that to ourselves first.

  172. “However, when I come from the drive to make it a certain way, to sound good, to look good, to be seen… all of the expectation causes an awful feeling in my body. ” I can relate to this, the expectation feeling one is really uncomfortable.

  173. Your blog highlights the downfall of aligning to ideals and beliefs – which are just that. Adopted views, pictures, stories and aspirations of how life should be. No wonder we falter and are lesser when we try to copy or act out, because we’re not being our natural selves. Conversely, as you so eloquently put it, ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’ What could be better than expressing our true uniqueness in all its glory rather than presenting a one-dimensional cardboard cut-out version? The world is a richer place when our expression is true and authentic.

  174. We can settle in life, for the 50 shades of grey, the many varieties of drive and seeking. We can settle for life being just a bit less abusive. But do we ever stop and consider that every moment, every day is there for us to go deeper with Love? So from the self-acceptance you describe Rosie, we can make everything about expanding and growing.

  175. So beautifully and simply said. When we connect with what is truly within us, then there is no need to try and prove anything, or achieve anything on the outside because the expression of what is within makes something on the outside truly worthwhile and grand in its quality.

  176. Thank you Rosie for this simple but profound reminder ‘What I am is enough! ‘ It would be so awesome if children grew up with this knowing and acceptance of themselves and the rocketing levels of exhaustion would immediately start dropping.

    1. Absolutely Helen! A lot of children already know this but it is not confirmed, or cherished as they grow up. It would certainly make for an awesome change if children were celebrated for who they are, not always just what they do.

  177. “In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger; we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are.” This is true Rosie. When we’re secure within ourselves and know who we are already enough we realise that there’s nothing to prove.

    1. “When we’re secure within ourselves and know who we are already enough we realise that there’s nothing to prove..” Thank you Rosie and Deborah, this is exactly the confirmation I needed today as I keep going with appreciating that I am enough and complete in myself and in every moment. It sounds so obvious when it is spelled out like this, clearly I can see how I have been living the opposite of this for so long and not feeling enough! Reading these words and blog this sounds wonderful and is revelatory for me.
      What a blessing and a relief to stop feeling I have to try so hard all the time and with everyone always!

      1. Hi Michelle. That’s the beauty of everyone’s individual expression and why we can’t hold back what’s there to be said as the same message can be conveyed in many different ways but often we need to hear it over and over again or said in a specific way for it to make sense to us.

  178. “What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be. In the past, I have never accepted myself to be enough. There has always been a strive to be more.” I can completely relate to this for most of my life I always felt I was not enough, so I would constantly push myself, it wasn’t until a few months ago that I realised I was getting exhausted with this behaviour. When I started to let go and accept that I am enough then this exhaustion shifted, I felt lighter and my face looked so different, like something just lifted. Friends said the tiredness look in my face was gone and I looked more alive.

  179. The more I have come to feel that I am enough, the more I have gained a sense of completeness. I can see my various parts – some of which are still needing refining – but regardless, all these parts make up a whole and overall that whole person is worth truly deeply caring about.

    1. So true Helen the more we accept that we are enough then there is a sense of completeness. If we live our lives constantly striving to be more then we can never feel complete in anything we do and this is exhausting.

  180. ‘ We are all divine in our own special way.’ – gorgeous words of wisdom Rosie, we all have our own unique expression that is worth embracing and sharing with the world.

  181. Thank you for sharing so simply and from the heart Rosie. Your words allow me to feel that ‘trying’ is so exhausting and I can see it sets me up for failure as I give myself a ‘get out of jail free card’ and do not fully commit and simply be.

  182. I’ve read this blog before Rosie, but somehow today your opening words stop me in my tracks. “When I do things such as speak, sing or paint with a need to get it to be a certain way, with a push or a need to try, I actually make it less.” Wow this need infiltrates so much of our life. How full and amazing would it be to live need free?

    1. I have often noticed that I can sing beautifully when I am on my own, playfully enjoying my own company. A few times I have tried to record myself in these moments, however, ‘trying’ always seems to get in the way and my voice loses its sweetness. When I expand this experience to the way I live my life in each moment I can feel the potential of living without trying and it is absolutely full and amazing. I can see how trying is attached to outcomes and eliminating this exhausting pattern can be as simple as letting go of control and the need for things to be a certain way.

  183. I know this awful feeling in my body too, it’s a tension caused by an imposed falseness in behaviour created by my mind and beliefs, urgh. However when I self-appreciate, the falseness isn’t even a speck on the horizon, it gets no look-in. To support this I text a self-appreciation to a ‘buddy’ each day who reciprocates and it is amazing me what a difference this simple technique is making to my self-regard and self-acceptance 🙂

  184. More time celebrating who we are in this moment would put paid to all the doubt and need to be bigger than Ben Hur! In the words of Heaven’s Joy – ‘Only love can confirm us.

  185. We are all divine, thank you Rosie for the gentle reminder.
    “What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be”; these are very powerful and wise words, simple yet enough!

  186. With trying to be something we deny our true nature and so much energy is put into this exercise. Trying is exhausting our system which will be running on anxiety instead on running on acceptance and allowing ourselves to come out with everything that is inside. With trying we are not able to feel the beautiful stillness that is within us all.

  187. When we am trying to get it right, I am coming from shoulds, from a belief that this is the right way to do it, then right and wrong come in with judgment and comparison, all the nasties enter, that then, take us completely away from our divine loving self of just being the love we are, and allowing all we do come from our connection to the inner love.

  188. Rosie this has been a huge barrier in finding any true meaning and enjoyment in life, doing almost everything from a point of trying to feel enough – either through acceptance of others, getting good marks at Uni, or sticking in a relationship or work environment that was just not honouring of myself. With the support of Universal Medicine, I have been able to break this horrible barrier by seeing what keeps me from seeing the truly loving nature within and how through accepting this, everything in life can fall into place.

  189. What we do is reflected in the movement that we do it in. If our particles reflect spaciousness in the movement, this movment reflects more of God’s light. Anything we do can be a reflection of this One Light, and that is determined by how we do everything in the way we move. And the way we move can either come from the acceptance and livingness that we are all the Sons of God, or not.

  190. I love this – a beautiful reminder for everyone. I feel that this is super important for children to understand and should be part of schooling for life.

  191. yes indeed… That terrible need to “ get it right” is in so many of us… I used to have an absolute horror of making mistakes, and it was there from such an early age… It really was agonizing, getting it wrong in class, not getting it right in sport, even when I started teaching making mistakes on stage, underneath everything was this terrible need to get it right, and why of course because underneath it all if I didn’t get it right, I wouldn’t be loved… So life was very fraught, scratch that. And I know for many musicians this is a scourge. Imagine the liberation of understanding that through making mistakes we can actually learn and to be really relaxed with that, and to know that this world is imperfect, and we do not have to spend a whole life trying to lift ourselves up to match a surreal ideal.

  192. It is so true Rosie. When we do accept that who we are, the Divine Love within, is already naturally beautiful and amazing, all that we do is then simply an expression of this Love in our own way. No need to try to make it something else, as we then make it less than everything it already IS – note to self. Thank you Rosie for the reminder.

  193. It so great to point out that when we try to be more we are actually not being ourselves at all.

  194. A wonderfully simple but deeply profound blog, packed full of truisms. I particularly liked these two lines: ‘When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’ Great pick-me-ups for those times when our self-worth is flagging and we’re about to sell out. We are more than enough already. We just forget the fact too readily.

  195. Sometimes – like today – I go into comparing how well others are able to manage things. Especially on the days that I feel overwhelmed by all the things I have to organize. Then I am confronted with the lack of structure and discipline in my life. Those days I forget that the way I am present is more important than getting everything done (perfectly) and that when I focus on my presence things will just fall into place.

  196. ‘When I do things such as speak, sing or paint with a need to get it to be a certain way, with a push or a need to try, I actually make it less.’ I can very much relate to this and it absolutely proves that everything is already there. We are at our very best when we just surrender to ourselves.

    ‘When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’ Beautiful and so true Rosie. We can use a reminder of this every single day.

  197. With the acceptance of ourselves, I have found in the past that I always wanted to better myself, there was always another goal to strive for, and then I realised through the help of Universal Medicine that actually all I really needed I already had, inside myself. It has taken some time for me to accept myself in my fullness, and I am now embracing that acceptance of me.

  198. I have spent most of my life with my nose to the grindstone and my head low to stay out of sight. There was a 3 year period in my past while working mid-shift 2330 to 0700 and then doing college from 0800 to 1400 then sleeping. People on the day shift at work thought I had left because no one had seen me forever. Was this my lack of self-acceptance? Or was this my way of not facing the slings and arrows of rejection and hurts, imagined or real. I feel the latter was the safer bet. The way I live now is expressed in your words: ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me’.

  199. Rosie I can relate to what you share. I use to get caught in the pushing and doing to try and be like someone else, I never use to self appreciate and accept. But as I now know I am enough, I am able to accept and appreciate myself.

  200. Self Acceptance; reality is when you have spent a lifetime of abusing and rejecting yourself, self acceptance does not happen overnight, and begins with a process of getting honest with yourself. Self- honesty in how I had been living, and from their building a consistent rhythm of self-care and self-nourish which has spread into all areas of my life, so much so, that I can now deeply appreciate how far I have come, and my self worth and self acceptance has evolved ten fold and still unfolding….

    1. Beautiful jacqmcfadden04. I remember the times when I could not think of a single thing to appreciate about myself. Sometimes when I have a row with one of my children I can slip into not appreciating myself afterwards. It has become easier for me now to connect back to the tenderness I felt before I started to take someone’s behaviour personally and reacted with anger and frustration. Since we were small we learned that we are not what we do but I still need to remind myself regularly.

    2. ” … self acceptance does not happen overnight, and begins with a process of getting honest with yourself.”
      Thank you, Jacqueline, for this synopsis of ‘how to do it’, how to deepen self-acceptance, and also the acceptance (!) that it takes time. The outline of your ‘process’ is very inspiring 🙂

      1. From the honesty, comes a ‘surrendering’ and from the surrendering grace can enter which is followed by great understanding of all your past choices without any self-bashing.. acceptance naturally follows which leads to more honesty and more surrendering and more space for support and grace…. it is indeed a wonderful process!

  201. I enjoy finding my way back to this blog as it is so simple and clear in it’s message – Be you. I went shopping yesterday, it was super challenging as I was not shopping for me or with acceptance of who I am. I wanted to change my look and style and be someone else! This didn’t work at all and I have enjoyed reflecting on the thoughts of the day and coming to a place seeing the patterns I was held in. I didn’t buy any clothes but I got to feel what holds me back from being all of me.

  202. Trying to be something we are not is EXHAUSTING, it should literally be a medical condition, because it’s like a sickness to our body. The more we accept who we are the more life literally transforms around us.

    1. Yes Meg, it is like the best pill ever, the more we accept who we truly are the more of the magic of life we can experience and life does literally transform around us.

  203. “In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger [yet] … we are all divine in our own special way.” Imagine if what we were taught, and what was appreciated in the world was finding ‘our way’, our unique expression… and not trying to keep on trying to be something we are not.

  204. Beautiful and simply expressed Rosie. Acceptance and appreciation “what I am is enough. I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be”.

  205. This is a great realisation Rosie and something I have to constantly reassure myself of. It definitely makes life so much easier.

  206. Beautifully said Rosie, when we try to be more, through not accepting the quality we already are in our essence, we actually end up expressing less and with an emptiness.

  207. Absolutely spot on Rosie. “What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be.” When we push we are trying to control an outcome and we leave ourselves. When we let go and surrender, we are accepting and appreciating who we are already and that is glorious.

  208. Have you every noticed that when you try hard not to make a mistake or to not to forget something… the mistake is bigger and what you forget is the one thing that was crucial. By being yourself things just drop in place.

    1. I have noticed that exact thing Steve, trying makes everything so complicated! If I choose to just be me its simple.

    2. I have definitely noticed that too – the harder you try, the more likely you are to make a mistake. I also notice that when I am true to myself things just drop into place and there is an ease and flow to life.

      1. I agree, the tension in the body really ratchets up when one is caught up in beliefs and trying to be the best or good or better than or whatever … and this tension in the muscles and hands and body can cause mistakes and bumps and drops, not to mention mis-takes in perception or counting money/items or when viewing the computer screen or taking a message … it just flows into every task, unfortunately. Or perhaps that should be ‘fortunately’ because when these mistakes happen, we can immediately say, “Uh-oh, I’m in tension, let’s have a ‘stop’ here and choose the ease.”

  209. Rosie, I was pondering yesterday about the word ‘try’. How do you ‘try harder’ for example? Is it something you do, or is it rather an energy you go into where you disconnect from all that you are, harden your body and push? So I love what you share here, thank you.

  210. So clearly and beautifully expressed Rosie. Such clarity in what you share with us. Yes “To stop and appreciate how we are already enough”. It took me a very long while to actually ‘STOP’ my body did that for me as I was constantly overruling all the signals being constantly given to me. Now I am at a point in my life where I truly appreciate that I am already enough. What a transformation, with self acceptance that is in itself, it just opens up a whole new way of being. A very inspired sharing with us all thank you.

  211. Rosie, it feels as though you have let go of perfectionism and come to a true point of acceptance with yourself – a beautiful place to be. When we let go of the need to be something other than who we are in that moment, everyone gets the blessing of the real you. I feel this is a strong place to be with a resounding YES to evolution ringing clear.

  212. This is divine to read Rosie. This pushing is crazy to me, like getting up in the morning and saying “I’m going to make the sky blue”. It really isn’t down to us to try to do, and is a very tiring pursuit. Now I accept and understand that there really is an awesome plan in place, when I live aligned to this I get to feel real harmony.

    1. But the sky is blue, and there is nothing we can do about it, no matter how hard we try to paint it pink, purple, green or any other imposition of ours. We are naturally ourselves and that is effortless (once we appreciate that, we can enjoy the rest of the scenery!)

  213. “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to fee all of me.”
    Such beautiful words. Thanks Rosie

  214. I felt a sense of letting go and relief reading your blog Rosie, the need to be something or somebody is a very strong part of all our conditioning as children and adults growing up. This role playing creates a false way of being that constantly needs upholding and uses a lot of energy and over the years becomes exhausting

  215. It really is so simple isn’t it… Our voice is a reflection of who we are, and everything that is in us, and if we connect to ourselves, with all that we are, and then express, the world is getting that simple true expression that needs no push, no embellishment, it just is.

  216. Thank you Rosie, I have felt less all through my life, than I truly am, because I didn’t know me. Now I have come, thanks to the teaching of Serge and Universal Medicine, to know and accept who I truly am, which is love, and allow that to just be.

  217. Rosie I had so much joy to read your awesome blog. Thank you for this great reminder: “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.”

  218. I spend most of my life trying and how tiring it was and when I am honest still is now and then. And the truth is as you describe Rosie it always makes us less because we are already enough. It is a beautiful work in progress to discover all who we are and to reflect the truth.

  219. Being at ease and content within myself allows me to enjoy and be tickled by the all of me.

  220. Rosie, this was perfect for me to stop and read right now. So very healing, so thank you for your wise words. I realised that I have been in some drive today and I wondered why. The key as you have said is ‘ we are already enough’, and this makes so much sense.

  221. Rosie I love the simplicity of this. I can relate to making self-acceptance one of my greatest challenges when in truth it doesn’t need to be this way as all I need to do is just be my amazing self. No push or trying. When I do this it feels really easy and I get to share me with the world, letting love in and expressing it forth.

  222. I just love this blog Rosie! I have recently deepened my understanding of all you have shared. I have been simply allowing me to be me – and the reflection and confirmation back from others has been amazing as they explain it gives them permission to be themselves. Knowing I am enough has been ground breaking.

  223. ‘We are all divine I our own special way’ – beautiful point Rosie. And you are a beautiful reflection of this in the way you shine and share all of you. When we do accept that who we are is enough, that we are truly beautiful when we are simply being ourselves, we can begin to appreciate that there is so much to share and celebrate together.

  224. I love this quote Rosie:

    “In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger; we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are. We are all divine in our own special way.”

    What a gorgeous blog, the simple things you have written really are needed as a conversation around the world. Why aren’t we all asking these questions in a world that is about pushing so hard? We know it’s not working but we’re not questioning it. We accept all the rubbish the world pushes our way but we do not accept our simple selves.

  225. So often we try to be more than we are and not appreciate that we are already enough.
    “When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.” Thanks Rosie.

  226. Rosie, what a short, simple and powerful statement of truth you have presented. Any time we attempt to be more than we are already really, does make us less and denies the world of who we truly are.

  227. This is something I have to come to terms with, as we can be seen to be the ‘makers of our own destinies’, as the popular saying goes. However this puts an enormous pressure on ourselves as the more we ‘put in’, the more effort we give, the better the end of the path will look (our destiny). However what if the end of the path was already predetermined (because we are naturally equal and amazing) and every time we turned to make the path ‘better’ we were making it less?

    How can you make something better which is already perfect or better yet, how can you make something better from a want to be better because the name of the game is to not hurt anymore.

    Thereby the intention to be better will always be laced with wanting to be better, thereby never providing you to be truly better but a way to not get hurt anymore.

    I agree Rosie 100% our way be to amazing doesn’t come from a trying but rather a naturally adhering to what is within.

    1. Thats a good point you bring up Luke. If we are already everything then how can we believe that there is something to improve? Trying for me has only led to frustration and a sense of lacking, so why not give accepting myself in what I do? While the phrase ‘easier said than done’ may crop up I have found that using my body for feedback of my choices, change is possible and much easier supported and maintained as I build a marker of what feels true.

      1. Good point Leigh…There is no right or wrong, but the what is and the what is not and the body is excellent at detecting and feeling this.

  228. I was at a Universal Medicine Course in the UK today. I looked up and I saw a tiny delicate white feather gently meandering its way down from above. In that moment I had been deeply appreciating myself and the feather was a confirmation of me. Magic happens when we appreciate ourselves, and we have a lot to appreciate about ourselves.

  229. I love your sharing! Because it reminds me on whenever I bring my all in however I express: I sparkle! And when I don’t: I sparkle less. Why should I?

  230. I know these moments, where expectations are not fullfilled. It indeed feels horrible in the body.
    If I am connected to my self worth I don’t put any force on others to get me what I need.
    Everyone around me is blossoming aswell, not only me. Thank you for reminding me, to just be me and appreciating that deeply.

    1. I like this comment Steffi, it reminds me of just what a gorgeous effect it has on other people when we are simply ourselves. It gives them permission to blossom as well.

  231. “We are all divine in our own special way” this so true and is very important to deeply appreciate ourselves for who we are and what we bring for all, this I have found has helped me accept myself more for the awesomeness that I am.

    1. Acceptance is it, isn’t it. I know it is still something I have to work on, and learn to live with how awesome I am, and it is always changing, as there is never an end point or destination that you get to and then that’s it.
      The more people that I have in my life that are not afraid to live in that awesomeness, not afraid to show who they truly are, the more inspired I am to do that too.

    2. When i connect to this and live it i feel so free – no comparison, no expectations, just a beautiful stillness and conscious presence, ready for whatever is needed next.

  232. I don’t feel to add a comment, but to simply re-state your point…we are all Divine in our own special way.

  233. Rosie its so ironic that “When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am.” as this is how I had constructed my entire life – always trying to be more than I am and in that no one actually getting the real me. Not only does that rob everyone of the tender and deeply caring man that I am but it also meant I went through life in complete discontentment and frustration. I appreciate how you bring it back to self acceptance and from there what changes can occur when you cut out the trying.

    1. Yes, beautifully said David. “Not only does that rob everyone of the tender and deeply caring man that I am but it also meant I went through life in complete discontentment and frustration.” I am sure many of us can relate to this.

    2. Absolutely David – I can relate to the frustration of constantly loosing the battle to trying – as no matter what we do we seem to never fulfil the need to be more, it is a never ending pit of despair. It is relieving to now be aware of the truth – like Rosie has so clearly written, that all we need to do is be ourselves and that we are enough. The fullness of claiming that fills every part of us as it is coming from the inside out and not a measure of changing ourselves to better the outside in.

    3. I am totally with you, David. My life has also been about trying all the time.. trying to be good at school, at work, in relationships etc. etc. I always looked at my goals instead of accepting and appreciating the amazing woman I am and was never satisfied. It feels so relieving to stop this pattern!

  234. So simple, just as life can be, without all the trying, striving and pushing which is so exhausting.

    1. That it is Natalie! And in a world that seems to be becoming increasingly complicated and intense simplicity is the key to us not only surviving but thriving amongst it all.

  235. There has to be something to the fact that everyone feels not enough, that they have to try harder, do more, be more. We seem to start out fine as kids, knowing how awesome our every move is. But by the time we are adults (or younger) we all have trouble accepting ourselves even the ones who appear confident). This is one of the many gifts that Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon bring. We are able to understand the forces that have lead to this loss of self-acceptance and start our way back to the fullness we are.

  236. Beautifully expressed Rosie, I can relate to so much you have shared in this blog, never feeling enough and pushing to be more. Through the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I am learning to fully appreciate and accept myself – To truly know we are enough is such a lovely, warm feeling.

    1. Yes it seems absurd that we have allowed anything less that accepting, appreciating and loving who we are.

  237. So simple and true Rosie; I nearly said I’m working on this….but that’s exactly it – trying : ). So coming back to allowing myself to just be me, knowing that I am enough, being me. It has taken a while, knowing how deeply intrenched the thoughts of “I’m never enough” are. How damaging is it to ourselves and those around us to hold ourselves as not enough? How can that be true anyway? What would be the point of our being if all we were was not enough? It just doesn’t make any sense.

    1. I like your questions, Esther. We really hurt and damage ourselves constantly by holding ourselves as not enough and there is no way that this can be true in any way. We are designed as divine and equal sons of God, but we don`t live that and seem to forget it all the time. Overtime I remember it – like in this moment – I feel so mich lighter and my heart is full of joy!

      1. I agree Esther and evamariafoertsch. Once we stop and question what would be the benefit in playing ourselves down and not allowing ourselves to feel we are enough, the whole situation can be seen as a set up. It’s a way of life I acknowledge I am still learning not to participate in but the more I pull myself up when I fall into this ditch, the stronger I feel in not letting it get a grip in the first place.

  238. Just beautiful Rosie. I used to try & push to be some standard/ideal or like someone else which is just ridiculous as you can’t be someone else; maybe you can match an ideal but it will just leave you exhausted. Everyday I’m deepening my connection in being just me and then doing, in this manner I really don’t have to try or push, its so freeing & fun 🙂
    For me too this way of living is inspired from presentations by Serge Benhayon.

  239. This is so true Rosie. I have spent much of my life desperately trying to be enough. This is a great reminder for me to accept the fact that I am already more than enough if I simply allow myself to be.

  240. The pushing, drive and trying attitudes are so laced with competition and comparison. When we understand that we are each a part of the whole puzzle there is no need to be anything else but who we are, just as we are. Are your listening Rachael ;)?

  241. This is so powerful Rosie, as we are indeed taught the opposite to this in life. We are constantly set to strive for things and ‘better’ ourselves and rarely shown that who we are – simply by being – is enough. This concept of needing to do and try has pervaded my life right up to this point. It is so freeing to start to feel that I don’t actually need to do anything to feel complete, or to tick a box. My fullness lies right within me, and is just waiting to be allowed out to express and communicate all the love that I am. Thank you Rosie for expanding this hugely important topic.

  242. “we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are.” Yes that is so true Rosie, how often do we take the time to appreciate all that we, in our very special way, are bringing to this world? It is a great habit to get into, and allows everyone else to do the same.

    1. Yes how true Victoria and how important it is to take these moments for ourselves to stop and truly appreciate who we are and all that we bring.

  243. I am too very inspired by the teachings and work of Serge Benhayon made available also by Universal Medicine.

  244. Wow wow , the part that really stood out for me was: ”When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” THIS IS IT! It is actually very true, and wouldn’t this be the answer to all our needs? Yes! Gorgeous article, and even though it is short and simple, it makes absolute sense. I have been living my life striving to be perfect, to be more, thinking that I am improving myself… While in fact I was not discerning what I was truly leaving behind -me – looking for me, without me, and so leaving myself behind…a never ending story… which I had never found in the way I was looking for. It was never to find somewhere outside of me.. I have it all in me! Love it! Thank you and what a joy to feel this in my heart.

  245. Rose, I was struck by your words ‘We are all divine in our own special way’. I do find that I can tend to lose sight of this and get caught in the ‘doing’, ‘trying’ and ‘busyness’ etc. Time to let go of the struggle and come back to more consistently appreciating all of me and the unique qualities I bring to the world! Thank you.

  246. I love what you have expressed here Rosie – so simply. In truth this is how we are supposed to be through our life. For me all the trying, effort, pushing to get somewhere or achieve something has just left me feeling empty and exhausted, but still needing to push on through as there was always something else to achieve. What I realised with all of this was that I hadn’t accepted who I was (and am) in full. In accepting me I no longer have to resort to any of those behaviours or ways. It doesn’t mean that I sit around and contemplate my navel either, but I have a greater acceptance of who I am in all that I do and that feels super lovely.

  247. I started to really connect to the feeling of being enough in what I do and who I am and it instantly relaxed my body. I was always looking for more ease in my body, and having understood and allowed the feeling of, ‘you don´t have to prove anything to anyone’, finally allowed my body to drop deeper. There is not much drive anymore in fulfilling a goal in my life, especially in work life. It feels beautiful- and if I step into my old drive I stop, feel, and appreciate how amazing my work is and that I don´t have to worry at all.

    1. yes Steffi I find this also, my body lets me know if I have gone into a drive of any sort as it loses the natural harmony. It feels beautiful to surrender to simply being me.

  248. Each day I feel more the true appreciation of living with my body and moving my body with tenderness. Every time I do this it feels exquisite and in this energy I can only hold others with the same level of tenderness with which I hold and move myself.

  249. It seems that by fully accepting myself as I am and NOT pushing or trying to be something else, I naturally expand and evolve. So yes I completely agree with what you say AND there is always more, but that more is a returning to the Divinity we already are and come from and not a striving or going out.

  250. Lack of self acceptance is a life lived as a struggle. It is to live in that anxiousness of not being enough as we are. It is playing ball with the fact that we are not enough. It is to see life through the lenses of what we miss out, not of what we bring to this world. It is daily misery in droplets.

  251. Since childhood we are told to ‘try hard’ ‘do your best’ and ‘you can do better’. The push to be something other than who we are is very strong.
    Taking a moment to feel that ‘yes I am enough’.. is indeed very powerful. Then the pushing and trying is released and I am left with feeling the loveliness of being all of me.

  252. Gorgeous Rosie and so true. Great to be reminded of this every now and then as everyday life has a tendency to make us forget that we are already all that we need or want to be…and then some.

  253. Such a beautiful reminder this morning to allow myself to enjoy everything there is to do and not just get on with it, leaving myself behind. Thank you Rosie.

  254. I love reading this article Rosie, so simple and sweet, I can really relate to these two very different feelings, the first being the drive and the push and the awful feeling in my body and then the second being the naturalness of knowing that I am enough and appreciating myself and noticing how simple and flowing and easy life feels, so I’m learning to trust and appreciate myself and let go of trying to be better and do better.

  255. I love the simplicity of this Rosie, as what the world gets is the true expression of who we are, not what we think we ought to be.

  256. I love the simplicity of what you have said, it’s true that when we TRY to be more, we are actually being less… because if we were to be WHO WE ARE then the world would get that… instead of a lesser version of ourselves trying to be something else.

  257. This is lovely to re-read Rosie, so simple and heartfelt, ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’ I am really starting to feel this, I can feel how tiring it is when i’m trying hard to be or do something and how well I feel when i’m just naturally being myself and not putting expectations on myself to be more and to do more.

  258. I agree Rosie – no need to try, no effort required, I am enough and that is beautiful to ‘Claim’.

  259. Love it Rosie, simple and true. I am learning this too- just being myself has many layers to uncover. I have tried so hard to fit into what I ‘should be’ and to appear perfect. Letting that go is worth it though, it’s just a trick that we need to be anything but who we (innately) are.

  260. “What I am is enough! I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be. In the past, I have never accepted myself to be enough. There has always been a strive to be more.” A powerful statement that resonates with me Rosie. There are still times when this is so. Acceptance and appreciation are the ways I am finding to overcome my ‘not good enough’ stuff.

  261. This is so true Rosie: ‘When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am.’ I also feel that this is so draining.

  262. Bringing all of you to the day, loving and accepting yourself is what it is all about. The world has set it up in such a way that the old belief is that we have to be more, yet we already are all that is. I am looking at my momentum and am observing that this changes. Sometimes I choose to just be and allow myself to experience a beautiful momentum to my day and at other times I choose a hard and driven momentum where everything is a push. Yes, it is all up to our choices

  263. It is easy to go into a puff and bluff mentality to try to get to self acceptance, or self love or another term we sometimes get stuck on using. However this blog does beautifully disarm such behaviour or such an ideal. It speaks simply and clearly and conveys what it feels like when we truly just meet ourselves and come to acceptance of who we are in the moment. I have begun to understand that whenever I go into trying, it comes from a buried hurt and needing to defend it. When instead I feel me, I see the hurt as something there but not who I am, and I can express from me and it is healing or clearing of the hurt.

  264. Telling myself ‘I am enough as I am’ many times over hasn’t really worked for me, sometimes it even feels like another layer on top of everything else, because my body didn’t really believe that. But if I simply connect with my own breath, and then the body, it just feels so lovely that there’s no need to tell myself to accept myself, it’s done. Keeping that consistently – it’ll come, and I am working on it.

  265. Accepting who I am, being seemingly such a challenge, is the exact quandary that keeps me from being me in full. Seems a bit like a dog chasing its tail, till it stops, simplifies its activity (by sitting/lying down) and realises its tail is easily in reach.

  266. yes, that is a big deal – to not try. I have realised that this was something I was always doing previously, I wanted to be liked by everyone and I was unsure just being me would give me that. Now I am working on really feeling how I feel, observing the behaviours I use and just being a friend to myself so that it’s easier to choose to be me, instead of choosing to try to be someone else or ‘more’.

  267. This is beautiful Rosie, ‘In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger; we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are. We are all divine in our own special way.’ Thank you for the reminder.

  268. I have recently come to a deeper understanding of how much I still push and try in doing it all “right” in my job and it is such a big relief to decide to stop that.
    It is so liberating to allow myself to feel that what I bring is enough and that I don’t have to try to be more than that. I can learn some extra skills that allow me to express more of what I bring in a certain area of expertise – but I don’t have to try and be someone I am not.

    1. I too am realising this Judith and discovering the joy of my own quality and presence as I attend to activities and tasks at work.

  269. I never realized that I had not accepted myself the way I was. I have always done things with drive and push, with the concept that I needed to change who I was. Thank you Serge Benhayon for supporting me in understanding how unloving that felt, when all I need to do is be me, just the way I am right now and let my life unfold.

  270. Super powerful Rosie – “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me”. ‘Trying’ is such a dis-ease in today’s society – as it brings us un-ease with ourselves, as we are saying that we don’t accept ourselves, and that we are not enough. Thank you for exposing this in your blog

      1. Well said Carolien – it is like a self judgement. To say ‘I need to improve/do more/do better’, we are in effect saying ‘I’m not good enough as I am’

  271. ‘What I am is enough. I don’t need to be more, or push, or need to try to be’, reading this article Rosie, I can feel how I used to think I was not enough as I was, that I wasn’t chatty enough, funny enough or clever enough, but recently I have felt how I am enough and that my qualities may be different to another’s but they are me and they are beautiful and that I am just as amazing as everyone else, no less. Thank you for the reminder.

  272. A timely reminder for me Rosie, I realised I was doing the striving thing, and having realised, I can now make another choice and I can choose to just be.

  273. Rosie when you say “with a need to get it to be a certain way, with a push or a need to try, I actually make it less” – it’,s a great thing to reflect on, as it is so easy to think it makes things More but as you say, in that there is no self acceptance. I’ve been thinking about that quite a bit recently.

    1. Yes, that is a great reflection David – this idea to give it more than who we are, which actually means we are giving less of who we are.

  274. Simply beautiful, Rosie and so true. Ideals make us strive for a certain outcome, a picture that we have to match. The drive to match this ideal leaves no place for the divine being we are, this gets squashed in the push. I have also found it to be extremely tiring to keep wanting myself to be somewhere or someone else than where I am and who I am. I am constantly experimenting with allowing myself to be just me, with self-acceptance and without push to be a certain way.

  275. This is just beautiful thank you. I’ll take this into my interview with me tomorrow – just being me takes all the pressure to perform out of it. They’ll either say yes or not – which is cool because then I’ll not lace the job with ‘I’ve got to be more than I am’ when I am enough!

  276. Often I find myself stuck in the thought of disbelief ”Surely it can’t be as simple as that!” – avoiding the chance to actually stop and possibility feel if it is true or not. So I will give it a go and find out.

  277. So true. The subtle but powerful difference between doing things from the inside out, and doing things from the outside, leaving myself and trying to be or do in a way that others will accept and approve, from the outside looking at me and what I do means that I no longer am in touch with me. When I am connected to me there is no judgement, no criticism, no outward approval needed. Just me enjoying my expression.

  278. Just reading this – I got that if we don’t let ourselves just be then no one else has the permission to just be themselves either. So it is a real blessing to just be ourselves and accept who and where we are.

  279. Simply said Rosie – but a profound discovery that I have also found to be true.
    There is a certain ease in not trying – and a benefit of being able to offer all of ourselves at that very moment.

  280. The huge pressure we put on ourselves when ‘trying’ squashes the natural joy of everything, when we let go and just enjoy being ourselves what ever we do, it is such a different experience, and so much simpler.

    1. Yes Laura, in the trying we miss ourselves because we are a-head of ourselves.

  281. Just the title of this blog keeps cropping up in everyday life – the other day I was squeezing a lemon – an exercise that requires muscles in the forearm and hands – but I noticed that my jaw was clamped shut, my shoulders were up by my ears and my back was tense . . . for just squeezing the juice out of a lemon? It makes me aware of other times when I waste energy tensing muscles for no reason other than habit, and going hard when I do anything. It felt very different when I allow my body to be gentle.

    1. Loved that Carmel, life is so much easier when I am gentle with myself, and present in what I am doing… But sometimes, it’s a constant work in progress.

    2. I laughed – with recognition, Carmel – as only this morning I was squeezing a lemon and found my face squeezing into strange contortions too! A great reminder to be gentle when doing such simple and everyday tasks .

    3. I have done the same thing – haven’t noticed it with a lemon, but even just standing or sitting, I often find that I have muscles tensed up, that definitely do not need to be!

  282. I have spent most of my life trying to fit into my picture of how I thought I should look, sound and behave and rarely matching up. Learning to accept myself for who I am I am delighted to find that I so much more than I ever imagined. Serge Benhayon has inspired me to feel the love within me and find true self-acceptance.

    1. Mary I have been the same, it is really ridiculous to stop and think how much of my life I have been trying to change me to feel better about myself when the real change has come from accepting, loving and appreciating all that I am already. I was so busy trying to be something or someone else.

  283. All we have to do is be who we are, but it seems we get caught up in what the world thinks we should be and how it judges us. One thing that I have found very empowering is that underneath all of that there is a core of un-defeatable love and it is worth making life about.

  284. Hi Rosie I loved this blog – simple but profound. I am still working on just being and not pushing, especially when at work and there always seems too much to do. When I am pushing and rushing myself it feels awful and at times painful but when I allow myself to be and feel me, without needing to push, everything flows and feels wonderful – now at least I know the difference, which is a big step forward.

  285. I have also spent my life trying to be more because I never accepted myself to be enough. We do try to be more, It has always been the norm to work your way to the top. But it doesn’t have to be that way as you have said; ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’

  286. Always — less push, less trying, less achieving an end, — equals more connection and more acceptance of ourselves, more quality, greater awareness, and is so beautifully simple. A simple message to begin every day. Thank you Rosie.

  287. Hi Rosie, I must admit, I am still struggling with this one. I have spent all my life ‘trying to be better’ and not even knowing that I am enough just as I am because everything outside of me told me I could be better. It’s as if I have developed this image of how I think I should be and I am constantly failing to match up to it. It comes across in my work where I am unable to get the things done that I feel I should. I am slow because I get distracted, I try to do too much and end up getting nothing done well and then beat myself up for the failure. That sense of failure then laces everything I do and it keeps me feeling less. To even consider that ‘I am enough’ brings a lightness to my day, to consider the possibility that I am amazing just as I am makes me smile, and I know that by being tender with myself, including how I think about myself, I am accepting who I truly am.

  288. I love this, Rosie, especially – “When I try to be more than who I am, the world does not get to feel me just the way I am. When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” Thank you for sharing a fundamental truth in this gorgeous way.

  289. Rosie this is so powerful. Imagine if this was taught in every education system, knowing and accepting that we are enough as we are and we don’t need to push and try. It would make such a difference not only to our education system but how we go on to live our lives.

  290. Hi Rosie. I can so relate to what you say about accepting myself as I am without trying, As I sit here I can feel that I am enough, and funny that you mention Chris James’ workshops as I am listening to Chris’ new album.

  291. You have touched upon something powerful here Rosie. When I try too hard to write, for example, nothing much comes. When I just relax, the words fall out of me.

  292. When we come from self acceptance, it feels completely different.
    Yet there are so many situations and stuff that gets in the way of us choosing that.
    What you write here Rosie is a gentle reminder of the power behind self acceptance and how it can support other people too.

    A beautiful lesson for us all.

  293. Beautifully expressed Rosie. It has made me realise how exhausted I get when I go into all that trying and pushing and how complicated I can make everything. The simplicity of your blog exposes this with great love – thank you.

  294. “However, when I come from the drive to make it a certain way, to sound good, to look good, to be seen… all of the expectation causes an awful feeling in my body. ” How true this is Rosie and to come to the realisation of “When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.” Awesome, thank you for sharing.

  295. A beautiful blog that I can relate to Rosie, thank you, stop trying and just be all that I am. Self acceptance and the world feels all of me is so simple and clear.

  296. Thank you Rosie, as I read your blog I could feel myself letting go and appreciating what you are sharing: ‘We are all divine in our own special way.’

  297. For the first two 3rds of my life I thought everyone but me knew what they were doing…

    …but then I started noticing that the many outwardly “successful people” I knew were showing all the signs of feeling empty and unfulfilled…I kept observing this inside-outness everywhere, even in my travels around the world.

    Perhaps one only strives (tries) to “make something of themselves” when one doesn’t accept one’s self to start with and so everything they do comes with a hardness and effort from that cold (no self love) empty need…not from their own true fullness.

    Perhaps when we can accept our essence, our unique amazingness, we can then build our lives around ‘that’ and then all we do would have “us” in it and so be warm and loving from the inside out.

    Same house but with a feeling as different as night and day.

  298. “When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.”

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone suddenly felt the truth of this? How different our world would be…

  299. When i push to do something, my body immediately tells me ‘no’… i get anxious or exhausted, then i just want to get the thing done and move on. with support from Universal Medicine i am learning to slow down and be very present with everything that i do. when i can do this, no more anxiety, and more enjoyment of what i am doing.

  300. This again made me realise how hard I make things for myself by having that drive to succeed and the pressure to be better or more than, more than what? It feels like if we don’t put that pressure on ourselves to achieve more then we allow for our potential to shine through.

  301. Pushing and trying – that’s why most people are exhausted, including myself at times when I do not choose to listen to my body and do not accept me. Being me is enough and yes then you get all of me, how wonderful is that! Thank you Rosie for being you!

  302. Beautifully said – learning we are enough as we are literally changes everything. It is definitely exhausting putting so much effort in, trying to be good enough to match up to what is around us, when the truth is that deep down we are all human beings, and we all bring something that is unique and to be treasured.

  303. “When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it.” Yes, all too often we forget ourselves and are ‘out there’ in automatic mode. Including ourself as an equal is key.

  304. So simply and beautifully expressed. I know this well, the awful feeling in the body and the expectation that accompanies the trying and drive to be accepted. A beautiful reminder to just be. Thank you.

    1. Indeed Anne Marie, the expectation is an awful feeling and makes us be in constant ‘seeking’.

  305. Thank you Rosie for your amazing example on how simple it is, ‘When I accept myself and when there is no need to try, the world gets to feel all of me.’

  306. Thank you for sharing Rosie – the insidiousness of ‘trying’ – it’s extremely exhausting! I love your sentence: “In society it is often about being better, bolder, bigger; we don’t seem to stop to appreciate how we are already enough, just as we are. We are all divine in our own special way.”

  307. Rosie you have hit the nail in the head! This has been a major pattern of mine – after attending Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presentations and practitioners I have totally come to terms with the simple and glorious fact, I AM EVERYTHING. As much as life has told me in many many ways that I am not, whilst I played ball with these as my belief, then you will never ever will be enough when looking outside of yourself for acceptance and recognition. Stand strong in my knowing that I AM EVERYTHING debases all those insidious thoughts. All I need to do is accept and be Me!

  308. Thank you Rosie, I have been ‘trying’ to understand the concept – not trying, just being. The idea that if you are trying you are not accepting who or where you are makes sense. It is wonderful realising I don’t have to try any more, just be me!

  309. Hi Rosie, thank you for such a lovely message. I feel I want to share this with others it is so simple but oh so important.

  310. Rosie, A beautiful reminder for me today and everyday. I feel more and more that I am not offering what I came to offer when I’m “trying” because “trying” means I’m not just being my natural self. The more I accept myself, as I am and where I am, the more I feel the magic of being here as ME…and I feel fulfilled because it turns out, that’s enough. I’m enough!

  311. Hi Rosie, I am only just beginning to realise the enormity of the impact of trying to be something other than you, this is massive. It’s such an inbuilt momentum to push through and try harder and harder to gain acceptance from others due to you not accepting yourself. It takes so much energy to be anything other than love but then to add to that is the desperate struggle to get others to give you that love that you won’t give yourself. Awareness to this is key and reading your blog has added to mine at just the right time, thank you.

  312. Simply amazing blog. I can relate to this as I feel that everything seems to ‘go wrong’ when I try to come across a certain way rather than just being me and accepting that whatever I do or say is enough because I am enough without effort.

  313. Thank you Rosie for this beautiful reminder. Just the thing I needed to read starting my day.

    No need to push, no need to try – I am enough and I am all that is needed today.

    1. You just pressed it Rosie! Thank you for stating it plain and simple. It is this awareness that can turn the world around.

      P.S. Am ‘with you’ in letting go the striving and trying – oh that we were taught what you’ve shared when we were young!

  314. What an awesome blog showing how society has got it so wrong telling us getting better, bigger, bolder is the way to go, – rather than seeing and accepting we are enough, just as we are.

    1. I agree Judith, society has got it wrong. I can see how this is starting to change, in starting to appreciate ourselves and others by our quality of being rather than our doing or output.

    2. Great Judith, we are constantly bombarded by a constructed ‘need’ to have more. Time to stop. I don’t want more, I don’t need more, because as Rosie says ‘I am enough’. What a relief that has been, to come back to myself and let go of trying to fit in with others.

    3. So true Judith, that external craving to be constantly better bigger and bolder is not only exhausting but insatiable.

  315. Hi Rosie, thank you, this is both timely and inspiring – your words are a great reminder to stop trying and just be all of who we are. For me, I’ve been attending the workshops of Chris James for over 20 years, and I KNOW I can sing, but there’s still a little part of me that’s anxious about singing out of tune and spoiling the whole song. The silly thing is, it’s the anxiety itself which causes me to sing ‘off’, because in that moment I’m focused on what other people think of me, instead of letting go and just being me. When I let got of all that and sing with my heart, with all of me, my voice feels truly beautiful.

  316. Rosie, how beautiful. “When I come from a place of self acceptance, what comes from me is beautiful because it has me as part of it”… that says it all.

  317. Great blog Rosie! Thank you. Your sharing is very true and powerful. How awesome for the world when we are all of us in it – without the push or the try. I notice that when I am with my body, I feel deeply content with myself, am able to connect with others, and everything I do gets done in a beautiful flow and I feel amazing.

  318. Agreed Rosie, what you write is so very true. I have found the same personal experience as you.

    1. I agree Gayle, a short blog with a powerful message – Be the real me, nothing more nothing less…..simple.

  319. Wow Rosie, this post is so simply and beautifully written and so, so powerful… must have come from the divinity that is in you! Thank you for the blessing and the sharing of this important realisation.

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