The Interview Process and the Power of Everyday Living

by Johanna Fredericks, Bachelor of Education, Perth WA

In preparation for next year, I have recently been going through the interview process to apply for teaching positions and am being interviewed for the advertised appointment pools. In the last couple of weeks I have experienced how powerful my everyday living, and the quality that I bring to the classroom consistently each day, actually is.

I have not only learnt about the power of my everyday living but I have been able to claim another level of love for myself, and the future class that I will work in. I have been completely trusting during this process and open to where I could potentially be employed. During the whole interview process I have had a strong understanding of what I bring to the school environment, teaching and the classroom in general, knowing without a doubt that any school would be lucky to have my presence in their environment. I also have a deep knowing and understanding of who I am – that I am Me – and I can bring Me to any class, to any school, in any suburb.

In the past when writing a letter for a job, I would tailor that letter to completely meet what I could see the position was asking of me. Now my cover letter not only outlines the desired criteria that the job is asking for, but it is filled with relevant examples that are all based on…

  1. The quality that I bring to the classroom,
  2. How love, people and relationships are my foundation, and
  3. The importance of the children feeling supported by how the space in the classroom feels.

It has been during the actual face-to-face interviews with a panel of ‘head’ people that I have felt the greatest power of my everyday living. Commonly, in the past, the interview process has been nerve-wracking for me, as I am sure they are for a lot of people. In the past I have bought into the ‘what ifs’.

What if…

  • I don’t get offered a job
  • I can’t remember all the notes I revised over and over
  • I don’t say everything they need me to say
  • I stumble on my words, my hands shake or I get a dry mouth
  • They don’t like me
  • I don’t have a clue what they are asking me
  • I look like an idiot
  • I am not experienced enough or don’t know enough, especially ‘teacher talk’, etc, etc, etc?

…and the list could go on, but you get the picture!


I have found that because I go into the interview process with All of Me:

  • I feel completely relaxed, calm, confident and with my body,
  • I go in knowing the beautiful effect that I have on those I interact with and teach,
  • I know that my ‘everyday living’ and the way that I am in the classroom considers all of the students – their whole being,
  • I know that I have the solidness of my ‘everyday living’, the way I am and how I educate in the classroom, behind me.

So this is what I have been able to speak from… which is awesome because there is no preparation needed, except a quick review of the advertisement and what their school is about.

So not only do I have this amazing support behind me, but I have found that I have also been going in completely detached from what those on the panel think of me, and detached as to whether I get offered a job or not. This has been quite refreshing to feel because I have been able to approach the interview process not only knowing what I bring, but I am also able to say what conditions I would prefer in an employment contract. I am willing to go wherever I am needed and I am even willing to move to a new area, should I get a position with permanency.

The beautiful thing is, I have been completely enjoying the interview process. I have enjoyed sharing my everyday living, that I know to be true in my classroom, with others. I have been able to express this joyfully and clearly without any inhibitions because I have had no attachment to the outcome.

Whether I get offered a job or not, the people on the panel get to experience a joyful interaction with someone who has a passion for people, children, relationships and teaching. A blessing for them if you ask me! My interviews have been so great that I have walked out saying;

  1. I would hire me.
  2. If they don’t hire me, then that’s crazy!

So let’s just wait and see what happens…

Inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine

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