Acceptance – A Choice Present in Every Moment

When it comes to the nitty-gritty of daily life, I’ve been discovering that acceptance is a choice we have that is present in every moment and with even the smallest awareness of this choice, the grandest love opens up.

I used to think of acceptance as something reserved for obvious things like accepting invitations, offers or requests, but presentations by Universal Medicine (UniMed) and Serge Benhayon inspired me to pull back the curtains on acceptance and I began to see that there was much more at play.

For example, when…

  • I complete a task at work and it has gone so smoothly and effortlessly that I feel like I have not ‘worked’ on it all.

I can accept this and say: YES how great am I, if that was simple, what more could I do?

Or I can reject it with a dose of doubt or self loathing: you’re obviously not working hard enough, you better check it, something must be wrong, things are never that easy. You’re nothing special, a monkey could do that.

  • I have a moment where I feel I am enough, it matters that I am here, there is something I bring, equal but different to everyone else’s something and just being me is all that is needed.

I can accept this and say, YES – let’s go for it.

Or I can reject it by recounting my shortfalls, mistakes, all the not-good-enough, shameful, guilty things that prove I’m not that good yet and I need to try harder to make myself better and more… acceptable.

This is how
I accept or reject the love I am,
every moment, every day.

It’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection – each choice I make turns on one of these taps and I end up swimming in the awfulness of doubt and abuse OR the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am ­­– and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom.

As I allow myself to become more acquainted with acceptance, I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not.

The more I accept the love within
the more love within there is to accept.

Like in the examples above, present in every moment – no matter how it might be disguised – is the same singular invitation, presented over and over again: to accept or reject the love I innately and incorruptibly am – and that we all are, equally. To accept this love, to say YES – that is me, is to allow the ever-unfolding, ever expanding, mighty, without end or diminishment, Way of Love to be.

Inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

By Adrienne Ryan, Brisbane, Australia

209 thoughts on “Acceptance – A Choice Present in Every Moment

  1. In a moment in my life where I am in another job, I am continually battling with this acceptance and rejection. And even with the mere writing of this comment, I was placing rejection at the forefront and acceptance at the back. Just goes to show how I’m tapping or ’swimming in the awfulness of doubt and abuse’ more often then not during these uncharted times. When we connect to this imperfection, there is no perfection in anything if we stay with what is within.

    When I read, ‘it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am’ bought it home to me, how hard I am and have been on myself.

    Thank you – today is going to be a different day.

  2. Adrienne, I also love how you have said that we either accept something or if we do not accept something then automatically we must reject it. And in and with rejection comes all kinds of complications. However, each situation is an opportunity for us to explore why we may not have accepted something as there might be a hurt to be healed underlying – and this is the blessing to discover and work with so that we may then accept and grow.

    1. Henrietta, I can freak out seeing an email with terminology and structure I’m unfamiliar with, or re-read it and make the space to understand it. What I’ve observed is the set up of someone vomiting through a simple email communication, to have the ramification on another. For the another, is to sift through the vomit unscathed and respond with an absoluteness and simplicity.

      Thank you, another realisation…

  3. Acceptance is not a ‘must have’ in life but it sure makes life so much more beautiful to live when you have it and can embrace life and all it brings.

  4. Love it Adrienne – it is so true that acceptance is a key ingredient in life – and it is certainly about deepening this constantly – in other words it does not ever really stop so we might as well learn to be good at it 😉

  5. It is always our choice, to accept ourselves, or not; I love this example, ‘It’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection – each choice I make turns on one of these taps and I end up swimming in the awfulness of doubt and abuse OR the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am – and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom.’

  6. Absolutely Adrienne, accept, appreciation and alignment is a responsibility accountable to no one but our-selves as we turn it on or off depending on the energy we are aligning to.

  7. “Or I can reject it by recounting my shortfalls, mistakes, all the not-good-enough, shameful, guilty things that prove I’m not that good yet.” How much do we apologise for ourselves? The ideals of perfection so impose onto the beauty we are, the continual learning we are in, and the enjoyment of just being with ourselves as we return to our soul.

  8. When we can’t accept something, it prompts us into a motion, like we have to do something about whatever is deemed not acceptable, and even an itchiness in the mid-back can drive us crazy if we start fighting it. And it feels like there’s a bit more than a conscious choice there that is woven into our response/reaction as I can feel the denseness that refuses to give way to simple allowing of what is.

  9. Wow this is gold Adrienne
    “As I allow myself to become more acquainted with acceptance, I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not.”
    So we cannot be a victim of life and so we take responsibility for our own inappropriate choices.

  10. Sometimes takes honesty to accept Love because it presents Truth which is not always comfortable to see. But the more I surrender to the fact that I’m part of something greater the less difficult I find in accept it. Love never imposes, but simply presents to me an insight, a revelation that supports me to learn, grow and evolve.

  11. When I am not accepting myself my stomach twists into a tight knot. At feeling this I used to just eat to cover it up but today I sat with it. I realised a part of myself that I have been rejecting for a long time kept coming up over and over again and today I made that choice to accept myself. It felt great to honour what I felt and soon as I did the stomach pain subsided.

  12. This is profoundly shared Adrienne – thank you. In my experience in exploring this I also have found that acceptance is about love and our choice to accept the power of love that is who we are or resist honoring it. As you have shared in every moment we have the opportunity to honor who we are and create space for more love to be lived or we resist it and shut down to the power that we naturally are.

  13. “As I allow myself to become more acquainted with acceptance, I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not.” A beautiful realisation which shows how very powerful we are and how simple life can be.

  14. It is a beautiful process you have described Adrienne, to be aware of whether we are being rejecting or loving and appreciative with ourselves, and that once we begin to nurture the essence of love we are within there is always more and more love to discover, “The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept.”

    1. Acceptance is huge, and what Adrienne shares here is a beautiful understanding, ‘As I allow myself to become more acquainted with acceptance, I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not.’

  15. ‘I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not.’ Beautiful Adrienne, so simple yet powerful if we live this everyday. Living with pictures and expectations we easily get disappointed or let down, living with acceptance we surrender to life and don’t react we only respond to what is in front of us.

    1. Well shared Anna and Adrienne – acceptance of what lies in front of us and what presents to us allows us to simply be with the situation and know how to handle things, but it certainly does require us to drop all expectations and pictures. To do this is very freeing indeed. I personally find it easy to say but not always easy to do as it is very exposing to have expectations revealed or a need to control the outcomes shown to us. And yet this is what is needed for us all to learn, let go and evolve.

  16. I was having a similar conversation with someone today where they were talking about taps but sharing rather then acceptance or rejection it being either prana or fire ‘It’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection – each choice’. It is just a choice. I am seeing more and more in the last few days just how much I currently do not accept or appreciate what i bring even in the smallest of things.

  17. Adrienne, your simplicity of expressing acceptance, have given me the opportunity to review how I have been understanding acceptance in such a narrow view. It is a reminder that it is a moment to moment acceptance of what life presents to us on a daily basis.

  18. That is so true also of how we are with others, our criticism is there when we do not appreciate those around us.

  19. Thank you Adrienne, this is such simple but powerful wisdom to live by, and it places the power back into our own hands for how we feel in life by observing whether we accept or reject ourselves.

    1. What more lovely to accept and expand than our love, ‘The more I accept the love within
      the more love within there is to accept.’

    2. Spot on Eduardo – in acceptance we grow and expand, as it is a part of ourselves we are embracing deeper. And this is the gift.

  20. ‘to accept or reject the love I innately and incorruptibly am – and that we all are, equally’ Thank you Adrienne, for reminding us that the invitation is never not there, but is constant. We either accept the invitations or we reject them. I enjoyed reading your description of the ways that we can see the completion of a task and the choice in that moment to accept or reject. I could really relate and really see the simplicity of that choice.

  21. “The more I accept the love within
    the more love within there is to accept.”
    Acceptance is precious and wise indeed, and so powerful in its ability to wipe away our self-loathing.

  22. We are held by such great care when we accept that love not always comes in the way we expect it to come. We are always supported to choose from the tap of our own knowing and live from our innate wisdom inside.

  23. I can so relate to that ‘even a monkey can do’ thinking. Those thoughts are so poisonous. It feels like accepting myself first as the love that I am, the magnificence of it, needs to be founded before I can accept the peripherals of whatever happens as the result of my actions.

  24. Yes, this is something to be conscious about, thank you Adrienne, as it is like you describe so easy in every moment to to fall for the doubt and complication.

  25. Such beauty and wisdom in this blog Adrienne, this line is gold and something I will enjoy taking into my day with me ‘The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept.’

  26. ‘Or I can reject it by recounting my shortfalls, mistakes, all the not-good-enough, shameful, guilty things that prove I’m not that good yet and I need to try harder to make myself better and more… acceptable….This is how I accept or reject the love I am, every moment, every day.’ The power of accepting ourselves in every moment is that we accept the love that we are, everyone’s divinity. This shows that acceptance is no small, lightweight player, but a power filled tool/ modality.

  27. ‘I have a moment where I feel I am enough, it matters that I am here, there is something I bring, equal but different to everyone else’s something and just being me is all that is needed.’ I was listening to my friend talking about being pulled on a sleigh in the snow by 12 husky dogs. His sleigh was going slower and the guide knew how to even up the speeds of the sleighs just by changing one of the dogs in the pack. Bringing a different dog into that pack changed the whole thing. He said that each dog brought something different to the pack – whether it was steadiness, leadership, team work, speed etc. We can find ourselves in so many situations where we feel so different to everyone – and that is just what is needed – our equality and the uniqueness of what we can offer in quality at that moment.

    1. Simone that was really beautiful to read, thank you for sharing, it expressed so clearly to me what we each bring and how different it may be, but that is why the group can work so well together, so there is much in each of us to appreciate in ourselves and each other.

  28. ‘I have a moment where I feel I am enough, it matters that I am here, there is something I bring, equal but different to everyone else’s something and just being me is all that is needed.’ When I read this it made me feel how much what we bring is the very thing that is needed in every situation, and I feel I understand the importance of us being ourselves more and more. It’s not just to ease the tension of not being ourselves that we hold in our bodies (which is huge in itself) but it is because we bring something that no one else can and that is why being ourselves is so needed.

  29. Berating ourselves for our imperfections instead of appreciating and learning from them is one of the greatest tricks in human life to master. But once we are aware of and can accept this fact we can make huge shifts in how we understand and care for ourselves and others.

    1. Thanks for your comment Suse, it’s so true. I’m not fantastic with numbers but I’m great with words, sometimes I feel embarrassed about my numbers thing but I’ve just realised I’m not here to be perfect or have all the bases covered – just be me and love what I bring. I often ask my partner to step in when there are lots of complicated figures to work through, and he does the same thing with me for sorting out documents that need to be written as he is not that strong with words. If we were all “perfect” we’d be like islands not needing to reach out and work together in the beauty of brotherhood.

      1. The beauty in this is that every day we learn so much from both our own and others imperfections … but within this is also the knowing that we each have strengths and weakness unique to ourselves and this removes the need for us to compare.

  30. Acceptance is a double edge sword. On the one hand, there is the most conscious act of acceptance which may open up space. On the other hand, there is the acceptance of energy grabbing us and bringing us down in the name of whatever. There is a lot in this word.

  31. When I accepted a certain situation recently ( which I had created), this allowed me to respond and not react which is a deeply ingrained and very old pattern of mine – going into reaction. Now I have a new marker and more awareness. When I react, I give my power away, when I respond, I am claiming my power and my knowing that I am more than enough to deal with whatever life presents to me! And that feels amazing.

    1. I had not consciously been linking acceptance to truth. No wonder we have been avoiding acceptance- it is very powerful.

    2. Thank you Jacqueline, what a great comment, just the inspiration I need at the moment to bring acceptance into my life when I’m reactive. This is a beautiful line also and what a reminder – “When I react, I give my power away, when I respond, I am claiming my power and my knowing that I am more than enough to deal with whatever life presents to me!”

  32. Acceptance brings me back to simplicity every time, as accepting allows me to surrender and to stay gentle with myself which always supports me to know my next steps.

  33. That self doubt absolutely loves to rear it’s head on the daily. More and more I’m noticing how effortless life can be, whether at work or anywhere and yet there is still an ingrained belief system that if it’s not hard, it’s not working, or if there is no struggle, then you mustn’t be doing it right. It’s a very big thing to crack, but I’m slowly chipping away at it.

    1. After reading your comment Elodie, I got the awareness of just how effortless life can be and is… but having chosen struggle and complication all my life, now and then this still creeps in, which really throws me out, and is a great sign that I am out, so then it is back to keeping things simple, and all becomes clear again. Like you I am also craving out a new way of being and living.

      1. Love reading a conversation like this because feels very close to me. I also have chosen complication, drama and not feeling good enough over simplicity in the past. Today I’m appreciating the fact of being aware and responsible of what I choose in my day to day. I’m learning and observing how easy is falling in to the doubts…sometimes the more ease and lightness I feel the more ready is my mind to send a ‘yes but…’ or ‘perhaps you are not doing it right…’ A key for me is keep connecting with my body and to feel what’s true and what’s not. Discarding what no longer supports me feels very empowering, it’s a choice that really honours the beauty that is inside me, and all of us.

  34. ‘I allow myself to become more acquainted with acceptance, I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not’. Now that’s called talking plain and simple, taking responsibility.

  35. I have a moment where I feel I am enough, it matters that I am here, there is something I bring, equal but different to everyone else’s something and just being me is all that is needed. Very wise, we all matter and everyone equally has the power to return and walk the path back to Soul – what differs is our journey and the pace we choose to travel.

  36. “knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it” and the more we accept the love that we are the more we come to appreciate an equal love in others.

  37. I love the simplicity you present here, there is a choice in very moment, to stay with truth and simplicity or to go into the many stories of creation and complication.

  38. “The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept.” This is the exquisite truth. I know because I have discovered and felt it to be true myself.

  39. Thankyou for this piece of writing. It is always lovely to read about the blossoming of love and acceptance.

  40. In accepting the love we are in every moment, we say ‘yes’ to shining the light God, of who we all are in essence, in this world. We say ‘yes’ to living the joy our true purpose.

  41. In the rejection we also have to take notice that complete silence can be rejection as well. The ingoring or dismissal of whats occured or of our feelings or others. Acknowledging and accepting ourselves can also be silent in words but like rejection it is still ‘speaking’ with movement. Looking into anothers or my own eyes and connecting, releasing tension in the body, smiling, walking on the balls of my feet with a bounce are just some ways of accepting the love I am.

    1. Thank you Leigh, I hadn’t looked at those moments where I shut off from dealing with some part of myself as rejecting but it is, as love is always waiting there arms open with no judgement, just acceptance, complete understanding, and the wisdom to help me through whatever is coming up

  42. We do have a choice in every moment to accept our selves, our innate love, and what we bring to life, or put ourselves down; by accepting our love within the more we give permission for this love to expand, ‘To accept this love, to say YES – that is me, is to allow the ever-unfolding, ever expanding, mighty, without end or diminishment, Way of Love to be.’

  43. I love the simplicity you bring to everyday living. No fuss, no complication back straight to the way it is.

  44. Yes, it is that simple, we either accept love or we reject love in all our moments throughout the day, and each will have very different outcomes.

  45. This is beautiful Adrienne, and makes so much sense “It’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection…” This is a choice we make in every moment. I can honestly say that in the past my response time used to be a split second to reject myself and others, and there was hardly any acceptance. Before Universal Medicine I thought acceptance was like accepting things you don’t have any control over, like it was always negative or bad. Now I have a completely different awareness and knowing of acceptance, not always saying I choose it, I feel more steady and a settlement in my body when I accept and the opposite when I reject.

  46. How lovely to share your experience of the fuller meaning of ‘acceptance’ and how it can play out in your life, ‘it’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection – each choice I make turns on one of these taps and I end up swimming in the awfulness of doubt and abuse OR the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am – and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom.’

  47. Acceptance of ourselves is definitely a choice presented to us at every moment, when we choose to accept ourselves for who we are we build a foundation of self worth, and when we choose not to accept and berate ourselves we slowly destroy our own foundation.

  48. Adrienne thanks for expanding my view of what acceptance is, and the appreciation that can then naturally follow.

  49. Having read this blog again, I am feeling the power of acceptance and to bring a deeper awareness to so much more I can accept and appreciate like in this simple example: ‘I can accept this and say: YES how great am I, if that was simple, what more could I do?’

  50. Such a profound and wise blog… To bring it back to the nitty, gritty of everyday life, to see how we either accept all the love and the huge and amazing support that comes with accepting love or we reject love and invite more struggle and complication…. It’s a no brainer but then those old ingrained habits die hard and don’t want to let go so easily…. That is why I keep going back to the courses and presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, which have been an amazing support to clear and heal my loveless choices, which has created space for me to make different choices….

  51. Very powerful words Adrienne, thank-you: “It’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection…”
    Do we really want to sit in a bath – i.e. a regular, habitual, daily way – of self-condemnation and judgement? Never seeing the totality of who we are, and ever-looking for our shortfalls – as a means to keep ourselves diminished and small?
    As women in particular, these traits can be so very strong, and oftentimes subtly influencing our every move… This is such a powerful analogy to bring, to wake us up out of the self-abuse we may have well yet been allowing. Thank-you.

  52. ‘The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept.’ This is gold Adrienne and a beautiful reminder to take into my day as acceptance is key to deepening the relationship with ourselves and with others.

  53. What I can also feel is that accepting is about being okay with what we can feel – even if it doesn’t match the pictures of how we want or need things to be. Indecision comes from not wanting to feel the truth of something because then we’ll have to act on it. When we accept what we can feel, we free ourselves from indecision and are able to move forward.

  54. Thank you Adrienne.. reading this I can see how even the slightest doubt or question about whether something that went well is complete, ready or okay is a rejection. When we accept ourselves and all of our choices, without needing it to be perfect or to ‘get it right’, there’s an understanding, a movement forward, and an evolution. When we’re doubting our choices then we’re on the fence, wavering, and it’s an exhausting place to be.

  55. It is our every right to accept the love we are, it is who we are, and being ourselves is what brings the richness, magic, and the power of brotherhood to this world we currently live in together.

  56. “The more I accept the love within, the more love within there is to accept.” How perfectly simple, wonderful and beautiful it is when we accept and appreciate that we are love.

  57. It is deeply empowering to know that what we choose to fill ourselves with – acceptance of the love we innately are, or resistance/rejection of that truth, it is always and forever our choice to make. For whatever we embrace we then walk and our life is then the quality of our choosing.

  58. If I shy away from accepting the amazingness I feel and saying ‘Yes, that’s me’, I am instead saying ‘Yes’ to something else to fill myself with, I don’t just stand there empty handed.

  59. A very timely read as I have just finished a work function that opened up new ground and was quite amazing and afterwards in different moments I had some thoughts of appreciation and then some thoughts of how do I improve this, what next but these thoughts came with no appreciation of what was.

  60. “there is something I bring, equal but different to everyone else’s something”. What a beautiful reminder that as humans we are all equal to each other, but yet we all have our own uniqueness to bring to this world”. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this world was ready to accept and honour our uniqueness, that “something” that is quintessentially ours, and ours alone.

  61. Adrienne I really love to swim in “the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect” rather swimming in “the awfulness of doubt and abuse.” This simple example gave me the possibility to let me feel what I do if I chose not to accept the love I am. It feels like accepting me is in the long run so much healthier and joyfuller for me.

  62. I have been practicing accepting myself for a while, with more focus and consistency in the past 6-7 weeks or so, and I can honestly say, it is changing my life in amazing ways. I am enjoying life so much more, I am expressing more fully and with greater depth and consistency, I am saying ‘yes’, when before I would reluctantly or half-heartedly agree to something, or flat out say ‘nope, not doing that”. In short I am living in a more responsible way. And all because I have been accepting the many wonderful, amazing and powerful things about me instead of dismissing them out of hand. Great for me and equally great for everyone else too!

  63. “The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept.” Love this Adrienne. We do have choice in every moment, tho it doesn’t always feel like it. The more I accept and then appreciate me the more I come to love myself and can thus love others to the same degree.

  64. It is such a powerful and liberating knowing that in every moment I have a choice, and that choice, which is totally mine, is to either “accept or reject the love I am, every moment, every day.” And then this knowing expands to the deeper understanding that therefore there is no one to blame for what is going on in my life; the responsibility for the quality of my life and how much love I allow into it, is mine, and mine alone.

  65. This is truly gorgeous Adrienne. Acceptance and appreciation seem to go hand in hand. When I think of acceptance I know I see it as being about accepting my imperfections and foibles but you remind me that it is equally important to accept my grandness. Thank you.

  66. Acceptance and appreciation of who we truly are brings us the responsibility to say ‘yes’ to all that we are. However, this also brings the responsibility for truth and to speak up and not accept it when we are aware of all that is not love in ourselves, others and the world.

  67. Thank you Arianne, this is true how we tend to reject that which will allow us to connect more to the love that we are and I feel we do this to avoid the responsibility to keep evolving as once we say yes to love we are always being asked to be more.

  68. Thank you Adrienne your gorgeous wisdom is always a joy to read. It’s a simple choice is the tap we turned on one of acceptance or rejection today? I know which one I would rather say ‘yes’ too, for when we accept the love we are it continues to expand and grow more each day as you so beautifully remind us.

  69. It is a simple blog Adrienne but it gives so many tips for life, in each moment we can choose to accept or reject things and this then leads to the next steps. This has and continues to be a great learning for me.

  70. Dear Adrienne, I love the exquisite simplicity of the wisdom you bring. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. I cannot help but accept the love that you are and the love that you write with, this in turn allows me to accept and love myself. Thank you, you are the master of observational writing.

  71. So truly beautiful Adrienne to read your article on acceptance and I like the simplicity of it all to either accept the love I am or reject it.

  72. I really appreciate the simplicity that this blog communicates, and how acceptance rests with us “to accept or reject the love I innately and incorruptibly am.” It’s a new foundation of what acceptance can be.

  73. I have come to love the word ‘acceptance.’ When I say it, hear it, or read it, my body goes ‘ahh’ and its as if I’ve been reminded to allow myself and others to simply be.

  74. I drive to and from work. One of the things I do on my way home is say out loud to myself all the things I appreciated about myself in the day. Yes there may have been things that didn’t go so well, but when I’m in a positive frame of mind (from appreciating myself), I can see them in perspective, and they tend to be very minor in the big picture.

  75. I like the analogy of the two taps you can choose to fill your bath with. Its fascinating to observe how good we are at turning on the rejection tap and how automatic it can become. I have been learning to appreciate myself more and it does have a very beneficial effect on the way I think. This has flowed into appreciating others which is a lovely thing to do.

  76. Beautiful Adrienne. ‘The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept.’
    The key to acceptance is to surrender to the flow.

  77. I really enjoyed reading your blog Adrienne as it supported me to reflect on my day and appreciate how I was within my day. It made me realise the many moments where I can critique myself and tonight it supported me not to go into that.

  78. Adrienne, this is one of the most beautiful quotes ever for me “The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept.” So simple, yet so profound.

  79. Dear Adrienne,
    Your blog here is so succinct in its delivery of the clear choice we have moment by moment to accept the love we are and can choose to live from. As I re read it this morning I became aware of the reality of how disregarding it is to not accept the love that is there for us, constantly. What hit home the most, is by not accepting us, the world misses out. So could it be that accepting self is not necessarily for ourselves alone, but in doing so everyone gets to feel our grace as we interact with them.

  80. Having chosen to live in self doubt for so much of my life I absolutely love your inspiration to fill my bath/life with ‘the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am – and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom.’ Letting go of perfection and appreciating what I can offer when connected to the vastness of Love is so beautiful and as you say ever expanding.

  81. Thank you Adrienne for a beautiful blog on acceptance, something that a lot of us find hard to do. But as you show, there is a choice, acceptance of the love we are or a rejection of it . Acceptance opens the door to the love we truly are and invites evolution in.

  82. Thank you Adrienne for such a wonderful blog. I love how it boils down simply to a moment, every moment of either Acceptance or Rejection of Self. I feel life has been a huge obstacle course I have struggled with. Of course it has felt that way because of my constantly rejecting all around me and negating myself so much. This is perfect for me to read your blog that confirms the simple choice each moment . As “I allow myself to become more acquainted with acceptance, I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not.”
    I will be revisiting your words!

  83. I feel that it is very ingrained into our society today they way we reject compliments and confirmations of the love we are. For example, if you tell someone they look pretty in a dress they are wearing, how often do you hear comments such as ‘oh it was really cheap’ or ‘this old thing’? Its like an automatic downsizing of the compliment. And I think there is a general feeling that if you accept it, it could come across as being a bit arrogant or not polite. Such a reflection of how much we need to learn about what we truly are and come from.

  84. Thank you Adrienne. This is beautiful blog to read. It simplifies something that can often feel quite challenging in my mind. I am forever switching between these two taps that you describe, and find it so easy to get stuck on the non loving, self doubtful one. But from your writing I can see that it is a simple choice to make between self acceptance, which goes on to expand the love I am, or rejecting that love. Why would I want to reject love? 🙂

  85. You offer an amazing revelation to the approach and acceptance we have of life. We choose what we swim in. For a long time I have always seen doubt as a necessity of life. It allowed us to double check things and make sure they are right.

    But more I am seeing that this is merely a form of control and restriction I place upon myself.

    1. I find doubt to be in my life, only when I have not been present in and with my body. If I am, I know clearly how I was and am and I remember, everything I do. When I choose this, doubt doesn’t even come close to entering my body.

      1. Dear Luke I am very aware today of just how true this statement is. I found myself getting taken by my day today and feeling a little overwhelmed and self critical at times during the day. However the moment I choose to make it again about being with my body, I felt amazing. Even though I had let the challenges of the day affect me, this did not dampen the beauty, stillness and surrender I felt as soon as I choose, clearly to come back to my body. The power in doing this needs to be studied, as the extent that it can support with self worth is beyond words.

      2. Agree and when we self abuse it also shows our unhealthy relationship with time. As when we can say another day doesn’t matter what belief are we tying this statement to?

  86. “To accept this love, to say YES – that is me, is to allow the ever-unfolding, ever expanding, mighty, without end or diminishment, Way of Love to be.” ‘To accept this love to say YES that is me’…., this feels so empowering Adrienne, when I say this to myself I can feel I am confirming all that I am and I can feel the expansion that you mention here.

  87. It’s so easy to be dismissive of things that we find easy to do and not appreciate and accept this about ourselves but only feel able to do this when we’ve “slogged” it out. Perhaps those things we find easy are that way because we’ve mastered them – that’s definitely something to accept and appreciate. Much lovelier to accept the love within and magnify that for the benefit of ourselves and those around us.

  88. I love what you share here Adrienne so simply and beautifully expressed. This line is gold and a gorgeous reminder to say YES to this in my own life – ‘OR the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am ­­– and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom.’ –

  89. “Each choice I make turns on one of these taps and I end up swimming in the awfulness of doubt and abuse OR the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it” This is a great line. Letting self-doubt run the show is a choice, and a choice that I know I have been making for a long time. Why do we choose things like self doubt over the amazing feeling of the joy we are inside? Maybe the fear of responsibility, or the comfort of seeming small. Either way, it keeps us separated from the love that we equally have within us, something which when accepted, is never ending.

  90. Thank you for this Adrienne. When presented with the love that we are, we can choose to say Yes to all of it. We make choices all the time, non-stop, we don’t even need to consciously construct or think about it, we just do it.

  91. This metaphor of the taps filling our lives, and our choice as to which tap to turn on is very powerful. We create, moment by moment, what we choose to live in, and the acceptance of ourselves and everything we are is such a powerful force if we just let it in.

  92. “Acceptance is a choice” – I am really chewing on this one. I can feel how not accepting myself actually means running away from responsibility, and how that has made impact in the past and will do so in future, if I do not make a different choice.

  93. In every moment we have a opportunity to remind ourselves and feel the love within us OR entertain the ‘not good enough thoughts’ and struggle to meet the demands of such thoughts that will never allow us to feel that never ending moving goal post of ‘enough’. One leaves us constantly lacking but another which I love how you shared it Adrienne allows us to feel the love that we are in that moment and that love is enough and in the next moment can be built on top of this.

  94. Great to talk about acceptance in daily life. It starts with small choices in every moment and can lead to an overall non-acceptance of oneself and everything around us.
    Acceptance is the biggest issue in my life. I sit in the wheelchair because I was not able to accept myself, others and this world, which led to a big accident when I was 16. Then I could not accept sitting in a wheelchair for many years and everything was even much worse than before. I lied to myself to believe that I had accepted the accident but in truth I just found a way to not feel the hurt anymore. Since I came to Universal Medicine I started to truly accept me, my hurts and my past and I still find it often difficult to accept certain things nearly every day, but true acceptance feels amazing and absolutely freeing…

  95. Thank you for highlighting Brendan, the broader responsibility factor we have in accepting who we truly are and what is there to be brought to human life. By not accepting we are allowing all the issues we complain about to exist.

  96. Hi Adrienne – I loved the simplicity of what you are sharing in this blog, especially the symbology of the bath tub. We do make choices in every moment which affect every other moment – making the choice regarding which tap to turn on is true and something we control. Thank you for this ‘healing’ moment, I will bring this into my day with others and all activity I am involved in.

  97. “I have a moment where I feel I am enough, it matters that I am here, there is something I bring, equal but different to everyone else’s something and just being me is all that is needed.” What a beautiful way to describe appreciation. I absolutely agree we can only choose that or choose rejection. I have come to realize how I cannot grow without appreciation. And from there it keeps deepening, just like you wrote:
    “The more I accept the love within
    the more love within there is to accept.”

  98. Most of us were not taught to appreciate ourselves when growing up. We may have been celebrated for our achievements, but told not to boast or be big headed. Choosing to appreciate ourselves and what we bring with our unique expression allows others to do the same. It is not about our achievements, but how we are with everything we do in every moment – no detail is too small or not worth appreciating.

  99. Through the awareness of my body and how life feels I totally agree with your blog and the bath analogy here Adrienne. When I accept my life, my feelings and the situations I find myself in it’s like a warmth supportive bath. I feel more supported to be in life and with others in this state of warmth. Going into the non acceptance feels like I have turned off the boiler – leaving me in the icy cold bath. Thoughts of mistrust and avoidance and putting on an independent persona then ensues. How many relationship issues, with self and others have acceptance as one of its roots?

    1. Leigh Matson this sentence, for me sums up many relationship issues. “Thoughts of mistrust and avoidance and putting on an independent persona then ensues.” Once we make ourselves individual in an issue we have taken the issue personally and no clear way forward presents. What does happen is instead a reality where one person has to give up and another take the battle as being theirs. What if instead we looked at a relationship as a partnership to support and grow each other in, would we then continue with this way of resolving issues, or would we look deeper into why the issue is there and work through what needs to be addressed to make the issue null and void?

  100. ‘The more I accept the love within, the more love within there is to accept.’ – beautifully said and expressed Adrienne. I love that the love that we are within is immense and endless and though appreciation of ourselves we can forever deepen our connection to and bring forth All this Divinity that we all equally are in essence.

  101. Accepting the love that I am, sounds simple, indeed it should be. Then why do I complicate it? It is a glorious thing to accept love. I’m keeping it simple from now on.

    1. Well said, Amanda! I want to do the same, I just feel to express that we don`t just make it complicated, it is really a very big issue in our life to work on. To accept the love we are, we have to connect deeply with ourselves and God and throw out all our self judgement and criticism which means it`s about healing some of our deepest hurts.

      1. Very true Evamariafoertsch,
        The hurts we hold deep with in are revealed, bit by bit as the acceptance of our love and God becomes a choice we make. The challenges are great as we come face to face with them, but the joy of doing so and letting them go is immense. Once this is felt, the support is there to heal the next hidden hurt. This process is truly amazing and is the livingness of acceptance.

  102. Wow Adrienne this is awesome and very power-full, there are so many gems here to reflect upon I feel inspired to print it and put in on my fridge as a daily reminder. I love the image of the bath water and depending on our choices one tap further pollutes us or the other tap will evolve us – a moment-by-moment choice – a beautiful reminder!

  103. For me the rejection thing is like an awful disease or, even better, like a plague. Therefore I like your awesome blog Adrienne because you nailed it and showed us that we can choose how we want to live – awful or wunderbar.

    1. Esteraltmiks, I found myself with this very choice today, over a moment of missing family and friends. The choice was to drop into the sadness, or to surrender to the sadness, in the surrender, which I choose. I felt deep love in my body and for those I was working with today. Amazing it is to simply accept why we are feeling.

      1. Thank you Leigh for you honest sharing this is really such a good example of how we can choose about how we feel and I like to add it is also very inspiring.

  104. Thank you for another great blog Adrienne. I agree, acceptance opens the door to immense love. If we fill our bath with love and acceptance we become one with its warmth. We choose to criticise, to feel lacking, and the water turns cold and drains down the plug hole very quickly, leaving our tub cold and empty.

  105. So simply and beautifully written Adrienne, I loved the image of the bath and the two taps, a choice to be made in any moment of acceptance or rejection. To be present with me, and feel the love within, is an ever unfolding.

  106. Adrienne, this is a powerful and amazing piece of writing. “The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept”. The choice to accept the love we are and the grandness we come from is always there. For me, the self-doubt and critique seem like such a default behaviours. With awareness and practice, these are on a slow decline and I know I can catch myself as I go into those deeply ingrained patterns. How awesome that time allows us the repeated opportunities to choose the love we come from.

    1. “The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept” if we follow that logic, our potential is absolutely magnificent…. and well worth the daily attention to keep choosing love.

    2. Helen, this sentence is very powerful, and very telling.
      “How awesome that time allows us the repeated opportunities to choose the love we come from.”
      Awesome we have the grace of time, telling, that I may choose, in a moment to do what is not the greatest support for my body. Mm time to ponder, accept and tenderly make the choices that do.

  107. Dear Adrienne,
    The simpleness of your writing and the strength that it holds is beautiful to read and feel. Acceptance is something that I choose to keep to the fore front of my mind these days. I have lived many days where rejection has won the day, so to now be living where acceptance has the upper hand is truly miraculous and beautiful. I do notice that it is easy to accept my grandness when I am fully with my body, because I simply feel me and there is nothing that I don’t want to accept about that. When I allow my mind to wonder away from my body though it is not so easy. So my learning is to the very best of my ability simply be present with what my body is doing.

    1. Absolutely leighstrack connecting to my body gives me a solid foundation to support acceptance but so often in the past I have got lost in my mind and then the self-doubting thoughts are quick to take over. Another great reason to stay present with what I am doing in any moment and appreciate my presence and what I have to offer.

  108. To accept ourselves – comes with an amazing and wonderful responsibility, whereas with rejection comes comfort (not necessarily comfortable, but familiar). Why do we choose rejection, could it be because we don’t want to feel the power in our own individual glory and what we can then bring to the world and the responsibility that that entails?

  109. How we manage to keep ourselves small, is by constantly rejecting ourselves, the world just seems to open up each time we accept ourselves, even during those times we get it wrong, there is time for reflection and learning.

    1. We offer others a powerful reflection when we are truly accepting of ourselves, it invites others to also choose this too.

  110. Adrienne just LOVE the analogy of the tap – the tap of acceptance, or rejection, great visual to have. Acceptance, like love is limitless, purely because love is infinite in its supply.
    Your words here so warming with tender understanding: “As I allow myself to become more acquainted with acceptance, I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not” , and in every moment too.

  111. ‘ I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not’. Do I accept the love I am or not? It can be that simple – super to re-read this moring and will take this into my day Adrienne.

  112. Knowing each choice made is either with acceptance or rejection of the love you innately are, is an empowering and inspiring way to live each moment.

  113. It is exactly as you describe it Adrienne, you can go ahead and accept it as it is and for what it is or you can go into the ‘yes but’ and let the ‘you are not enough’ wind in. Recently I had one such experience. I was doing a workshop run by Serge Benhayon and it was an exercise about why are you amazing. As I go speaking, there was a voice inside commenting after every statement in the ‘yes but’ mood. At some point my dialogue with the voice went prior to my statement so my statement was in contraction until I realised what was going on and chose accepting. Since that moment, the expression turned out just beautifully.

  114. “I have a moment where I feel I am enough, it matters that I am here, there is something I bring, equal but different to everyone else’s something and just being me is all that is needed”.
    A lovely reminder Adrienne that each and every one of us matters and counts in this world. and all we have to do is be ourselves.

  115. great point Brendan, this is a worldwide issue and Adrienne what a great simple explanation of acceptance and how to accept more of who you are. Which bath are we going to choose to bath in.

  116. Acceptance is something I have been feeling to work on – and I found your blog Adrienne. I love how you describe our choices like taps, it is very clear and simple. This beautiful piece I’m going to take with me in to my day “….the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am ¬¬“. Thank you.

  117. Thank you Adrienne a great reminder to accept more whom I truly am – which is love.

  118. The hard part for me is to accept the moments where I had not been love. And that it was actually a choice to keep me down – which I do not like to accept either. And knowing that it is all created and not coming from my true essence – which is love – makes me even more mad – again something I have to work on accepting. OMG! It’s truly an every moment choice.

  119. I like the two ways you are so simply presenting here- either accepting or rejecting. Thanks for the inspiration to stop in those moments and simple decide new.

  120. This is such an expansive presentation on acceptance Adrienne. The way you use analogies is so powerful as it always leaves me with a clear picture that comes back to me when I need it. I will certainly be checking in with myself to see what tap I am filling the bath with after reading this.

  121. I have just read this blog for the first time and already know I want to come back to it again. So simple but with so much clarity of what acceptance really is about.

  122. This is brilliant Adrienne… how simple the choice really is. Your words “… or the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it’ really struck me as the needing to be perfect really does lead to rejecting my self. ­­

  123. Thank you for sharing this simple but self empowering blog Adrienne, to simply allow our self to be present with our self is to accept and surrender to that natural all encompassing love we are or when we choose not to be present with ourselves, this is what holds us back from the truth.

  124. I love the simple examples you give where we can either choose to accept or not to accept and that we have the choice to do so in every moment.

  125. I Love this blog Adrienne, I remember reading it when it was first published and being super inspired. I felt to re-read it today and can I say the inspiration continues. The clarity and simplicity in which you express is beautiful. I love how you described acceptance and rejection as being two different taps to fill your bath with and that when we choose acceptance we can live with “the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am ­­– and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom.”

  126. I love this Adrienne. You put it so simply and I too love the taps analogy — it’s like, which thought will I choose? They’re both there for the picking, and it’s up to me which one I go for.

  127. So awesome Adrienne. The ‘two taps’ analogy is wonderful. I wish to read this beautiful piece of expression regularly.

  128. Thank you Adrienne for sharing the simple truth of acceptance. It reminds me of the Shakespeare quote “To be or not to be” which is expanded by your quote “The more I accept the love within the more love within there is to accept”.

  129. Thank you, Adrienne. I love your analogies of having two taps. So simple. I am realising how my acceptance has often allowed a space for ‘yes, but…’ to come in, therefore mixing two taps to get lukewarm water – oh, yes that’s comfortable 😉

    1. Well said Fumiyo, for when we allow the ‘yes but’ to come in we immediately undermine ourselves and erode our potential.

  130. So beautifully expressed…acceptance or rejection. It all comes back to choices every moment of every day.

  131. Acceptance for self can be challenging at times for us all. Yet we accept unnecessarily a lot in life that we should not. Through true acceptance of self we learn to not accept what does not feel right and what does not honour us for who we are.
    Acceptance brings a much deeper appreciation for what we do each day as you illustrated when things become so easy and steady at work.

  132. I have just re-read your blog Adrienne and really enjoyed reading it again because “Acceptance” was there in the title – and for me on this day I have ‘accepted’ a revelation that was brought to me along the lines of bringing me to my awareness that I was not really accepting the fact that just being Love truly, is enough. I love the analogy of the taps on the bath – ‘acceptance or rejection’ – and I can see now, that accepting the love that I am, and not rejecting it while trying to improve on it is definitely more harmonious on the body physically. We neither have to strive nor try – just be Love.

    1. And so, we re-visit this beautiful blog again over two years later and the article and all the beautiful comments add a brightness to the fiery flame felt. I ask myself, have I continued to develop and foster that loving attribute of acceptance, and have I expanded my awareness to include another gift called ‘self-appreciation’. There seems to be an endless volume of loving being poured our way for us to re-connect with on this unfolding experience we call life – what an amazing incarnation we have chosen to participate in, what an awesome responsibility we all have to love ourselves enough to be in a state of acceptance, appreciation and wonderment.

  133. Thank you Adrienne. I love this paragraph- it is divine . . .
    ‘It’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection – each choice I make turns on one of these taps and I end up swimming in the awfulness of doubt and abuse OR the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am ­­– and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom.’

  134. I am starting to feel how starkly different those two taps are. One leaves me feeling doubt-full and the other leaves me feeling joy-full. Even just reading this blog again I can feel the truth in your words when you write that once one acceptance has been made there is more to accept. I even said to myself this morning “what if every day was full of moments to accept that I am -ALREADY- love?” it blows the trying, striving and performing out of the water and I feel more steady, more of a sense of “I can do this” because there is no expectation for me to “be love” as a perceived place I need to reach. I am already at the finish line so to speak.

    1. Love this Leighmatson, “what if every day was full of moments to accept that I am -ALREADY- love?” To do this immediately changes so much, for me my body relaxes and drops and I feel still, light and joyful. I just want to meet people, talk, share and enjoy life.

    2. Beautifully expressed leighmatson, accepting that we are already love and that it is not a goal to aim for means that we can appreciate where we are and open up to the vastness of love that is there to be tapped into when we make that choice.

  135. Thank you Adrienne,
    for putting it so simply, and with such strength. The choice is so clear.

  136. Thank you Adrienne, for the very timely reminder of the importance of turning my acceptance tap on.

  137. Thank you Adrienne for this wonderful article. It reminds me to accept myself every day, to say yes to me, hug me, as naturally as my daily brushing my teeth! I say yes to my full fullness, Full Glory !!

  138. Back again for more 🙂 And today for me it’s seeing that those little things matter, it’s not about being perfect but gracefully accepting there can be another way, something I have struggled with recently and yet now as I read this here I am considering once again – there is another way; acceptance.

  139. Thank you for the reminder that these invitations are always there for me to choose. And that it is solely my choice to accept or reject what I am presented with. What a great way to consider how I want my life to be:
    What do I want to accept in this moment? The fact that my love is within me always or reject that and accept the momentary (Never consistent) woes and drama’s of situations as being something more real than the constant, solid fact that I am forever love.

  140. Hi Adrienne, this is beautiful, thank you. I can feel that every moment matters and that it is a simple choice – do I go down the old, exhausting path and turn on the rejection tap or do I simply connect to the love I am and turn on the acceptance tap?

  141. Today I wanted to read about acceptance and found this again. Adrienne, I love it all over again. This time I have this great image of taps and that I can choose which one to turn on, self doubt and rejection or love and acceptance. And at any stage I can turn off the tap that is self doubt and choose more love – thank you, for so beautifully presenting it.

  142. Thank you Adrienne, for your illuminating blog. The example you give….”I complete a task at work and it has gone so smoothly and effortlessly that I feel like I have not ‘worked’ on it all”, is something that has happened to me, and like you I have had to resist the urge to say to myself that it was too easy or not challenging enough. Now, I try to to pat myself on the back more often.

  143. Hello again Adrienne – this morning I became aware of where I had chosen to get into my head rather than be present with myself – almost immediately I had a sense of the ‘two types of taps’ (acceptance of rejection) you mentioned in your blog and saw very clearly which tap I was choosing to run, that required a different choice – I am still smiling about the analogy and how supportive it is! Thank you.

  144. A deeply inspiring writing Adrienne that will be reread several times – there is so much in it to enjoy. I can feel the power of your choices and the love that you are beaming out because of them.
    The analogy to the bath taps has really brought it home to me, both taps are in use and turning one of them off (rejection) is the most loving and supportive thing I can nurture myself with.
    “It’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection – each choice I make turns on one of these taps and I end up swimming in the awfulness of doubt and abuse OR the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am ­­– and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom”.

  145. Fantastic blog, I had an ‘Oh my God’ moment reading it, as I realised that I can choose to accept or continue to reject in each and every moment. And as I sit here accepting that I’ve felt this, I can feel how in an instance I can connect to the love I am. Thank you for a simple and deeply profound blog.

    1. I feel I’m just starting to appreciate how profound acceptance is too. My ‘ah ha’ moment; Acceptance deconstructs the pitfall of doing never being enough, and in us mistakenly believing doing can somehow be enough, we are actually rejecting the Truth of our essence being Love.

  146. Thank you for a this great perspective on acceptance. Rejection would have it appear that we have to jump through hoops, do this or that to ‘become acceptable’ where as acceptance is as simple as a choice to accept.

  147. Adrienne, I had to read your words a second day in a row. So essential! So profound! I feel you have made this “work” of self acceptance much more tangible for me… now I can SEE it in every moment. I can choose the ‘accepting the love I am’ tap and STOP using the rejection tap, NOW.

  148. Adrienne, What a beauty this is! You describe what acceptance really means in such a way that it is nothing short of pristine. I feel that anyone who reads this could have a huge start on healing themselves…if they only consider that living love is as simple as you have presented!

  149. Thanks Adrienne, the clarity of your expression has inspired me to turn on my acceptance tap today.

  150. Dear Adrienne, You have a beautiful way of expressing with the written word that always resonates deeply within… this piece on acceptance is nothing short of exquisite.

  151. Thanks for deepening my understanding of acceptance, yes I can see how I have filled my bath with both kinds of water at times and it’s been easy to overlook the impact of each choice. From now on, when I know and feel how amazing I am, I will notice very clearly if a voice of doubt emerges to cut me down… And I know what I will choose in response!

  152. This is beautiful, Adrienne. So true. Thank you for so clearly bringing the attention to the myriad of opportunities offered each day to accept (and expand) or reject the love we are.

  153. Adrienne – I find the way you have expressed the ‘science/art’ of acceptance to be simply extraordinary – as in extraordinarily simple – and beautifully expressed. Your clarity is divine.

  154. Thanks Adrienne, what an amazing blog to start my day with!

    This is what I want to hear on the radio in the morning – everybody would be strutting to work, joyful to start the day – who would need any coffee if we had the acceptance of our own love our: “ever-unfolding, ever expanding, mighty, without end or diminishment, Way of Love to be”.

  155. Absolutely exquisite Adrienne – and put so simply. Thank you for the precious inspiration to keep turning on the tap of acceptance – who would want muddy, murky self-loathing water anyway? Bleugh… It really is a choice we all have every single moment. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

  156. Thank you Adrienne. I can feel the enormity of your love… it is an absolutely gorgeous confirmation of this ever expanding love I feel in me, and a reminder to keep allowing and accepting its forever expanding way in mine and everybody else’s lives.

  157. How awesome to now know that living the Way of Love is through accepting this love, saying YES – that is me and allowing the “ever-unfolding, ever expanding, mighty, without end or diminishment” Love we all are, to be expressed. What a joyous and powerful way to be with oneself and with others.

    1. I love that too Rod. It feels like when you turn the tap on to acceptance that it never really goes off again. We can turn it back, but never off, it just keeps running, and more and more love fills the body, making it easier next time the doubts drop by to see them and turn them fully off.

  158. This is beautiful Adrienne, such a simple explanation of how we can simply accept ourselves. I love the analogy with the bath. We are so used to turning on the Rejection Tap and having cold baths. It’s time to realise that we do deserve warm baths of Acceptance on a daily basis, and learn to witness how far reaching the effect of these warm baths go. If I learn to accept how beautiful and amazing I am just being Me, I can do the same for everyone else in my life, and I can spread the warmth around. It brings warmth and love to everyone’s day.

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