When I feel Great and Things are Great…

I feel great and things are great – I feel a lot of joy, which does not need a trigger from something outside of myself, but naturally resides within, and shows itself through laughter, joking, self-made-up dance moves and songs and having fun.

I am in a very loving and supportive relationship with my partner, deepening every day, and I live in a wonderful house in a quiet neighbourhood which is big enough so I can have my own practice at home. I feel great and things are great.

I have money to buy food that supports my body, I have clothes to wear, I am healthy and I feel vital. I don’t need coffee or sugar to get me through the day and I feel great that I can have a great time with people without drinking alcohol. I love spending time with myself and I can celebrate birthdays without the need to eat a cake.

I feel great and things are great – I don’t have kids of my own, but I feel a parent to many others, and we have great sleepovers in our house with the kids of close friends. I have a big loving and supportive group of people around me, a great bathtub to lie in, neighbours that will help me if needed and the tram stop which takes me into the city is just around the corner.

I love working, whether it is in a café/restaurant serving coffee or now starting up my own business. Things are great and I am learning everyday something new about life and myself; I love going to bed when my body feels tired (also on a Friday night) and I don’t need social events to fulfill my life. I love watching the series ‘Modern Family’ because it makes me laugh and I love the fact that I am not perfect.

I love people, young and old; I love to hang out with them and I love to ‘whatsapp’ my friends.

I go swimming every week and I love how sexy I look with my goggles and bath cap on. I can still get excited, hold back, feel anxious, get irritated or go into reaction about something, but that’s ok, I just nominate it and move on. So yes, life is great, I feel great and things are great. So what’s the issue, one could ask?

Well, the issue is, there isn’t any.

And that’s the issue.

It seems to me that when I feel great and when things are great in life, or even amazing, I have the tendency to look for something that is not going well, that needs change or adjusting, or that might be or become an issue in the near future. I make things and myself less amazing. In other words, my mind LOVES creating issues. It’s almost like I cannot accept that things are great and that life indeed is great and most of all, that I am feeling great. No, wait, that I AM GREAT. Ok, let’s not hold back here Mariette (and create an issue), that I AM AMAZING.

The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body. And this is an ongoing process. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can accept myself and others. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can be of true service to the world. And with presence, there are no issues… so I stop worrying about the small stuff and focus on the big… and when my mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around, I just go back to my fingertips which helps me to feel my tenderness, I go back to my feet which helps me to come back to my body and I observe my breath, gently in and out.

Quite simple, but then, why shouldn’t life be… simple… when I feel great and things are great.

Deeply inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all the people around me.

by Mariette Reineke, Holland

332 thoughts on “When I feel Great and Things are Great…

  1. Your writing makes me smile from the inside out Mariette. I love how playfully you shared about this insidious pattern of looking for the issue when in fact there are no issues if we are fully present with ourselves. Such a gorgeous reflection to bring to the world by choosing the simplicity of our being instead of the always worried busy minds…

  2. Mariette I totally agree how the “mind LOVES creating issues”, so avoiding the magnificence that’s always on offer. I’m pondering on an “issue” thats currently playing out and following reading this blog, it kind of feels, this condition sickness I’m experiencing is the default, as its got nothing else to go to. So in reality there really is no issue – simple!…

  3. Mariette the simplicity of this blog makes me realise how our mind can create so many issues, when in reality there are none. Life has so much to offer, so many opportunities, so many teachings, and in everything whether we perceive it as ‘good’ or whether we perceive it as ’bad’, there is a learning for growth. Life is amazing and so are WE, make life and living about the body and not the mind.

    1. Leigh such a simple yet powerful statement. The body is the marker of truth and will continually communicate its truth back to you…

  4. Just walking along feeling how amazing we are is such a joy to feel. How joy bubbliness up in my body and to know that everyone else has the same access as me and that one day we will all be allowing this innate joy to be expressed as we go about our day is the magic to life.

  5. Being present in our body is key as Mariette shares, ‘The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body. And this is an ongoing process. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can accept myself and others. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can be of true service to the world.’

    1. Lorraine how true, ‘the more present we are in our bodies, the more we can be of true service to the world’. The world will be a different place if we all had this way of living.

  6. Life can actually be very simple when we allow it to be so. But often we have a part of us that seems to want to complicate things and I have found that it is about nipping this behaviour in the bud before it gets out of hand, and that part of us that wants to make things complicated is like a misbehaving child that just wants to have its way, and that is when the boundaries come in very handy – boundaries with self and keeping things simple.

  7. We can be very good at creating issues when in fact there are none.

  8. it seems so ludicrous doesn’t it to create an issue to not feel how amazing we are, yet it’s what happens. If it wasn’t happening we would all be expressing our amazingness together, and if we were that would be true brotherhood on Earth.

  9. True, our mind loves creating issues. But even without us creating an issue of our own, the world is full of it. That does not have to affect how we feel as we go about our day, but if any one out there is not feeling as great, then there’s work to be done.

  10. That is interesting.. We seem to look for succes, greatness.. But when we are feeling great, we seem to distract ourselves with God knows what ?! Something does not make sense here.. But hèh, we can do something about that. It starts with staying with feeling that which you are feeling: great, uncomfortable, mundane etc. because from here we can start to accept how we feel and discover that underneath the “problems”, there is so much more – expansion, greatness inside.

    1. It’s key isn’t it Danna, staying with ourselves and being open and accepting to how we feel, and accepting and embracing our essence.

  11. Accepting how awesome or great our life is is one of the first steps to not constantly trying to sabotage it.

  12. I know people who actively create issues even when they don’t really have any, it seems they cannot accept how amazing and powerful they are.

  13. Accepting where we are, truly accepting where we are is huge and I love what you’re offered us here that the key to that acceptance is being present in our bodies, otherwise we allow our minds to go off in tangents and trips and take us away from the truth of who and where we are.

  14. Yes, it’s the problem of not having a problem. Problems are like cluttering up the space that is there to simply be filled with our own amazing selves.

    1. Love what you have shared here Melinda and very relevant analogy to making a mess and creating clutter just so things don’t look so great as we are not comfortable with things looking so lovely.

  15. Paying attention to something that is not well in our life may be us creating an issue or simply focusing in what we feel stands out and does not fit with an otherwise pretty much issue free life.

  16. This is so gorgeous Mariette. I have been feeling tired upon waking for many weeks now and I have been on and off sick. I realised a big part of feeling tired is that when I go to bed I’m going through things that I haven’t done or think I should be doing more and go to sleep in that energy. Last night, again I could feel my mind ‘issuing’ me around and I was getting quite tense so tried something. I said to my self just surrender, it was that simple! My whole body relaxed and dropped and I couldn’t even think of what I was worrying about, it just wasn’t there. I fell asleep and it was the first morning in a while where I woke up with a smile on my face and ready to get into my day.

    1. How wonderful to read Aimee, love it. Yes, we do get caught in that energy of going over the day and looking at what we did not do or what should have been better. Today I got this great inspiration and reminder again how important it is to confirm. Confirm and appreciate, so before going to sleep, why not focus on that and then go to sleep in that energy? It is so much more supporting and like you say, that is the energy you then wake up in/with.

  17. How often do we bring all our focus to that which is not ‘great’ and in doing so ignore all that is? Quite a bit I would say if I go to my experiences. It is almost as if I don’t deserve the joy that comes with the fact all is going well. But the truth is I do and by coming to appreciate every little thing in my life, both big and small, great and even not so great, I am slowly letting go of the patterns of old; and that feels really great!

  18. Funny how we are the ones that actually put the trip wire in place, precisely so we can fall over it. We know this landscape like the backs of our hands, and have been masters of the trip hazard for lifetimes. What would it be like to just keep feeling great?

  19. When the floodgates open, through our respect to our divine connective-ness the great-nesses that we magnetically pull are life changing in the most amazing ways.

  20. The problem with not having any problems and having a problem with being amazing all comes from my head…which is brilliant in a way because it’s another way to tell if I am disconnected from my body. Cool.

  21. Yes it sounds ironic that all our life we pursue feeling better but that when we feel great we actually don’t know what to do with ourselves and need to learn to be with that all of the time, but it is how it is.

  22. So true, our minds are very keen to come up with ‘Yes, but’ while our body knows and communicates a simple ‘Yes’ that is universal. An issue is like a name tag, and identifying an issue makes us think like we know ourselves with/through it, while we refuse to know ourselves in our true essence.

  23. A heart warming blog, and great to feel all the joy when life is great… as we humans can get weighed down with all kinds of toxic emotions… it is our emotions that bring complication. I have no issues either, only the ones my head creates, which means I have left my body.

    1. You make it even more simple, love your comment. Leaving your body equals going into your head which equals creating issues. Great one liner for on the fridge!

  24. I used to feel a bit dull when I had no issues, it’s like I looked for an issue to distract myself with, I now embrace my life without issues and can feel the beautiful simplicity and flow this offers me.

    1. Haha I can relate to that, I also look for issues when there is actually no issue. It’s like my mind has this top 3 list of ‘No issues? How about his one?’. We are not taught that life can indeed be simple. It actually gets more simple, if we get ourselves out of the way.

      1. It is funny but also so silly the things we can grab just so we aren’t feeling amazing or life is running smoothly. My go to is ‘well there is that…..’ or looking back at the past is a great little off the track distraction technique as well. We only know these techniques so well because we can’t help but feel and know we are so much more than what is most of the time being reflected in the world.

      2. “We are not taught that life can indeed be simple. It actually gets more simple, if we get ourselves out of the way.” Thanks Mariette for your comment, what came to me to add to this was that it’s simple when we just allow ourselves to be all we are.

  25. When we appreciate that we are imperfect it allows us the humbleness to learn from those imperfections – as you say Mariette ‘nominate what comes up and move on’.

    1. The power of nomination is enormous. It stops me from going into a drama or make things bigger than they are. When a certain situation feels big it is me that has made it big. The moment I nominate and say how I feel, what my reaction is or what is going on for me and just be honest, then there is little room for my mind to wander off and turn something into a soap opera.

    2. Don’t stop or let ourselves get dragged down. Like kids we just get back up and give it another go until we do learn… and don’t be hard on ourselves during the learning.

  26. It really is an issue that we create issues when there need not be an issue, the mind loves to have something to work on when if we are connected to our essence, life itself will unfold what is needed for us and this is ok.

  27. It is a game of the mind to solve something after its creator-the mind- created it.
    It keeps you in the belief of achievment, although it is an illusion. Yes, you did move, because you resolved something, but regarding the bigger movement of your evolution you stayed on the same spot

  28. Great to read this again Mariette, its true that life for me is great until the cloud of “issues and problems” descends which can then prevent me from feeling and appreciating how amazing I am and my life is. It’s like listening to lies and believing them to be the truth. Back to the body and reconnect to my innermost heart and express love again!

  29. Beautiful appreciation of the simplicity of knowing who we are and that we create our own issues to complicate and distract us from truth.

  30. A wise friend of mine often says that the biggest issue is learning to deal with having no issues.

    1. So true Nikki – it is amazing how we can bend over backwards to sabotage ourselves. How beautiful it is to understand, honour and celebrate ourselves and our true value.

    2. I have thrown a (few) tantrum(s) in the past not wanting life to be so simple and amazing. Which sounds completely crazy, but if everyone is drowning in problems and sufferings, it does make me stand out the more I take responsibility for my own steps that walk me into our situations. Blaming everything outside ourselves is very mainstream and I am still learning to be ok with not fitting in.

  31. The awareness of how the body is like a compass for our own “true north” in life provides an important part of our daily way of being, which includes the body and its messages as central.

  32. It is an absurd phenomenon although we tend to fight success much more than we do our issues. I can totally relate to resisting more when my life actually becomes even more amazing and having difficulty accepting the new simplicity and love on offer.

  33. I have often wondered why so many of us struggle to accept that life can actually be great all the time, but instead start to prepare for something to go wrong. I can’t imagine that it is an expectation we carry as a young child when the world is full of delights so maybe somewhere along the track of growing up we have taken on the ideals and beliefs of those around us and are living our lives through their life experiences, not ours. So, let’s make the choice to return to the freedom of childhood; a much more simple and joyful way to be.

  34. A very sweet article that delivers a meaningful message. As people we don’t seem to appreciate and hold steady in the greatness of what is around us. We may for a part but it’s quickly followed by a ‘what if’. We tend to be critiques of life and are always trying to be better or more or faster or stronger etc etc. What if there is a part of all this missing? What if that part makes the whole thing and without that part it will never be whole? What if that part was truly you, a living breathing whole of you that truly looks at everything and not just focuses on a part. There are many parts to this world and if you are only living in some of them or focused on a few then what comes back to you will reflect this. If we were all to live from the whole we truly are then the world would never be the same.

  35. Thankyou Mariette, I enjoyed reading your focus on everything that is truly great, and it truly does sound wonderful! I catch myself at times too going into smallness or misery and then I have to remember my life is now actually amazing, and as you say to recognise and stop it when the “mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around”! Very cute and very true!

  36. The practice of appreciation for the being we are within, and all that brings to our life builds a foundation of joy that is our daily accompaniment.

  37. This is a testimony that shows that naturally there is an inner tension for more than just the comforts of a supportive human life. We are here to be and to bring so much more. And we are not here just for ourselves, but for us all. This tension should never be overlooked and never be overridden however uncomfortable it is to feel. In fact, thankfully it is there for without it there is no impulse to seek the truth of what life truly is about.

  38. Great celebration of being great and great exposé of how our mind ‘kicks in’ to find an issue. Learning to live in our greatness is a great joy and as you share, Mariette, the great support to do this is being present with one’s body.

  39. When we are aware of feeling Great, Joy-full, etc. and then we move in a way that supports our feelings we can then appreciate what we have, so that rather than drop we stay in appreciation so it fills any gap to our next moment of lets say Joy-Full-ness. Then that cycle repeats from Joy to appreciation to feeling Great to appreciation to feeling Harmonious to appreciation etc. etc. So we appreciate every aspect of our lives that brings Love and those times that are not so loving we still appreciate them for the lesson to be more Loving.

  40. Great blog. It feels great to read your blog. I feel great after building myself consistently for some time. I totally focus with my energy and make sure my alignment is moving towards greatness – feel great -> look great.

  41. Quite simply presence seems to be the answer, ‘The more present and in my body I am, the more I can be of true service to the world. And with presence, there are no issues…’ Being present with ourselves has everything to offer ourselves and humanity.

  42. Life is about the quality I bring, and I can only be aware of that if I am present, being present in every moment is essential as you share, ‘The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body. And this is an ongoing process. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can accept myself and others.’

  43. The world will present difficult challenges every day, and it is the foundation we have built in the relationship with ourselves that will determine how we approach those challenges.

    1. Indeed, there are never issues, but challenges, that constantly ask us to expand. Not going for expansion = creating an issue that circulates around and around to then come back to the same spot, by us not having moved or expanded.

  44. I know I have been used to the struggle, so can relate to feeling uneasy when things are going great. And yes, looking back I remember creating complication and issues when there was really no need. Slowly I am seeing that life does not have to be hard and that joy and simplicity are natural.

    1. Thank you Debra for your honest and real comment, I have also found that what I am familiar with can feel safe even though it’s an uncomfortable aspect of life, such as struggle or holding back. It can also feel safe because we know we are left alone if we don’t shine.

  45. Beautiful question Mariette, we really do not have an excuse to not be all the greatness we are.. But we seem to have an element inside us that seems to like and endure complication over this simplicity of our greatness. It is therefor our job to feel and connect with our whole being (Soul) and therefore let our behaviors, habits, attitudes all go – by connecting to the simplicity inside – key to our truth is all in there.

  46. What a ‘great’ day to come back to this wonderful blog again. I obviously needed the loving reminder that “my mind LOVES creating issues”, issues that if I am not with myself, as in consciously present in my body, will begin to take me even further away from the amazing person I am and into complication. Coming back to me is ever only a choice away, so why wouldn’t I make that choice as life in complication is definitely not enjoyable in the least whereas a life lived in simplicity is full of joy.

  47. My feeling of happiness used to be very conditional. I had to have things and people be in certain ways for me to feel good. It is very liberating to be able to feel great without any of that. Yet, there are times that I don’t feel great, and I have learnt that that simply means I am disconnected, and I have a very simple choice to reconnect back to my inner-most.

    1. Fumiyo I can relate, happiness or it’s opposite unhappiness seem to relate to life meeting a picture, when all along we have our inner most heart waiting to be reconnected to which is full of joy – a joy that is unconditional, everlasting, and innately part of our essence.

  48. I have found that complication leads to drama, and the more I have come to know myself from within, the simpler life has become, it is steady, drama free and feels great.

  49. How often do we feel guilty for feeling good or try to sabotage feeling good because it is less familiar than having an issue? Thank you for making me smile through your blog and inspiring me to keep deepening my relationship with me and the way I live every day.

  50. A very beautiful blog Mariette, thank you for sharing this.. this is very powerfull insight that you share by your living words. Hence. We are so used to feel not good about ourselves and often if we feel great we tempt to hide it just incase someone else sees it.. A very interesting discovery that only nature will reveal to us. But always in a dose that we can truly handle. Never too much, never less.

  51. AMAZING! I love everything about this and I can relate so much. this need to have to have something wrong, to have an issue just so we don’t have to feel just how great we really are, and more importantly we get to avoid any jealousy that might be coming our way from others when we create issues for ourselves.

    1. I agree Elodie, it’s a form of control, controlling the greatness within by focusing on an issue instead of letting our full selves out and learning to handle whatever comes our way – reactions, jealousy, etc. When we feel the magnitude of our essence we know an issue can never truly be who we are, maybe more like a tool we have used to keep ourselves hidden and small. When we meet a tiny baby we feel their purity of essence, no issue exists inside them, they are just pure being.

  52. Our bodies and our hearts just LOVE simplicity… the mind however, does rather like things to be complicated… the more so the better, because then there is much less possibility of actually feeling what is going on.

    1. Thank you CJames2012 I appreciate your comment. All that time spent trying to work out an issue is often a distraction away from what we are feeling and learning how to handle it. We are very sensitive and aware beings, and the mind can be like an escape valve from this aspect of our being.

  53. From a young age we are encouraged to look outside of ourselves to seek fulfilment, for we have come to exist in a way where we believe that who we are is not enough. For when we truly embrace who we are within we realise that we already are it ALL, our greatness is magnificent. Through this connection to our essence, to our Soul we move in a way that reflects our presence in all we do, as such every moment offers the opportunity to evolve, deepen our connection to love, and be more of the greatness we are.

  54. I love this blog – it portrays in such a fun and light-hearted way the self-imposed complications we create when life is humming along beautifully and we let even just a pinch of doubt to creep in.

  55. If we appreciated more what we have we would not constantly look for more and would be able to see more clearly where true change and what is needed. Thank you Mariette for this letter of appreciation.

  56. Sometimes it is so common to have disorder or disharmony in our life that when that isn’t there and life is harmonious or joyful, there is an unease… like there is a comfort in what we know and live even when it’s unpleasant. I love that you have exposed this and also shown that we can learn to find settlement with things going well through being more present and accepting. Great advice.

  57. When I allow myself to be present and feel the grandness of the All, my issues disappear – not because they are small and insignificant compared to the bigger picture we belong to, but because the issues are the end products of the lies I have chosen to live and they have no place in the Truth and cannot stick.

    1. I concur Fumiyo, the truth will always bring a revelation that can serve us, which allows us to serve to a deeper level and I feel this is simply the grandness we innately have within when we so choose.

  58. It is so true Mariette. There is nothing greater than being in connection with ourselves. As with this connection wherever it is that we may turn or go, we are with the greatness and fullness of our presence through which we meet life with the joy of who we are.

  59. Concious presence as a way to stop ourselves creating issues, or having doubts or anything like that – I love it. I agree feeling strong and steady and present in our bodies enables us to handle life so much better.

  60. When my mind kicks in I am gone, the quality I bring is disappeared and life gets serious and then it is very easy to create issues. Actually life is about the quality I bring in every moment and is not about the past or future. This is not yet something I have mastered but I know it in my body as an absolute truth.

    1. ‘When my mind kicks in I am gone’ – yes I hear you Annelies. Coupled with the tension in my body it is a sure sign that I have disconnected from me and am being driven by my mind. This is why I cherish my developing relationship with my body, as more and more I appreciate the truth is offers me of how simple, natural and joyful it feels when I choose the be me, to be love.

  61. Before Universal Medicine my life went from one emotional drama to the next. After Universal Medicine is a constant development of self love and understanding, and the dramas are pretty much a thing of the past.

  62. Very true Marietta. That creation of issues is a huge self-destructor, as when we see things with simplicity and as they truly are, we can deal with them with ease.

  63. Nothing is more joyful than accepting where we are at and feel okay being ourselves, with no ‘buts’.

    1. Great point Harry. I am great, but…. – hmm I know that one oh so well. The but is the individualisation. It is the issue. We don’t need issues when we let go of needing to be someone and instead just be who we naturally already are.

  64. Mariette your whole amazing blog is full of joy and very infectious as I can feel my joy as well! I have to admit that I also have this following disease – I call it disease as for me it feels like that: “In other words, my mind LOVES creating issues.” I love what you have shared how you stopp it and I like to add I love it not to take myself so serious – as being too serious is stopping the joy and the playfulness.

  65. Being present with the body certainly helps, but more importantly it is the quality of presence that one brings. After all, you can be present with a body that is still wracked with anxiousness. What needs to be deeply considered is that it is movement or quality of movement that actually dictates our moods and how we think, and that is not something generally considered. Indeed, the opposite is often thought to be the case. But if you consider that it is the quality of movement that dictates our quality of being, then you start to realise the importance of presence with the body and its relevance to the esoteric way.

  66. “The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body.” Listening to my body. not my mind is an ongoing process for me – but when I do the wisdom offered is profound. My body knows what is right for me. I just have to pay attention and honour what it tells me. And so true what you say Mariette, when I feel great life is great – it flows.

  67. Re-connecting to our bodies is the simplest way to bring us back to the flow of life where big issues become insignificant and we have the ability to see life for the simplicity and magic that it truly is.

  68. Mariette, I love how you bring everything back to the body. I know for myself when I am in my body there is a solidness and holding which lies forever under the many things I feel in my body. Of which there are no issues. Simply a constant guidance on how to best care for and support my body.

  69. It is great when we feel great and perhaps the issue we are feeling is from our body saying that from this foundation of greatness there is always a call for us to share more of ourselves and The Way of The Livingness with others.

  70. Super honest blog – Love it , and the playfulness of it too – as such , we are amazing and seemingly we are seeing everything to destabilise this feeling and make things complicated.. Really absurd actually, but understood when there is looked beyond and faced what it is we are actually having trouble accepting after all those thousands lives of denying it. Absolute truth that is shown in this blog – and that is for the reader the unravel. Thank you Mariette, wonderful news this is, I am glad you came this way.

  71. I love this Mariette, I can relate to creating issues at a time when things are going beautifully, it is an old pattern of mine and it’s like I am saying – can life really be this amazing? Yes it can and it is endless the amount of amazingness we can feel in life – embracing this in my life is a game changer and a work in progress but a worthwhile one that is powerful and joyful when we claim this in our life. Your line ‘ The more present and in my body I am, the more I can be of true service to the world’, very true and a beautiful reminder of what we offer the world by our reflection when we choose the greatness that we are.

  72. I can absolutely relate to the self sabotage that kicks in when everything feels like it’s running smoothly. It’s amazing how it switches on like clock work. But as you say, it’s all just a distraction. We have no issues, we create them.

  73. LOVE IT!!! Thank you Mariette for this inspiring piece. It’s perfect – as perfect as perfect can be.
    It is such a joy to read about someone appreciating themselves and then also keeping it very real by explaining how to actually sustaining that, because let’s face it, the world with where it’s at is not super supportive of self appreciation right now.

  74. Great Mariette, This is absolutely Great! It is more like a MIRACLE! This is a phenomenon that is unheard of in today’s world. You are to share this and help others to get ….GREAT! The world is desperate for this. Well Done Mariette. Keep on being.

  75. This is so true Mariette, I can so relate to your blog. Issues are not real, but we create them to avoid feeling and accepting how amazing we are and life truly is. Crazy as it sounds this is what I do too, but I now know I have the choice to not choose issues but choose appreciation instead. The question is why would I choose to sabotage feeling amazing? I realise it was because I was afraid of feeling the expansiveness of where this amazing feeling can take me if I choose more of it, so fear is what caps my amazingness. This is a choice to not deepen my connection to myself, to others and to God, and this allows me to stay stuck in my comfort zone of not having to take responsibility to be who I am. By choosing appreciation and embrace trust allows me to let go of fear, this creates space for me to choose to be more of who I am and it allows me to feel absolutely amazing.

  76. I have found it very interesting how when things are great I try to find something to sabotage myself with, because I know I don’t really want to take on that extra responsibility that I am being asked to step up to. The funny thing is that it’s really me who is asking myself to step up, so I am really only fighting myself.

  77. Great blog playfully exposing how we sabotage ourselves rather than accepting and appreciating how amazing we are. Having spent a lifetime digging around in my mind to find an issue and not stand out as different I am catching myself more and more in this activity and choosing to return to being present in my body and refusing to let my mind ‘issue’ me around. Thank you for the great reminder of how simple it can be and that we always have a choice – today I choose to appreciate the greatness of my life and me.

  78. Love it, Mariette. You’ve nailed the human condition. Why can’t we just appreciate all that’s great about our lives, ourselves and our bodies – and just accept that there are no issues apart from those that we’ve chosen to create and weigh ourselves down with?

  79. Wow Mariette you have just simply and wisely highlighted the importance of being present, at every moment, in our bodies; forever connecting to the wisdom, love and joy that is continually there. Beautiful to read, thank you.

  80. Thank you Mariette, I loved reading your blog, I had to smile at the words “and when my mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around, I just go back to my fingertips which helps me to feel my tenderness, I go back to my feet which helps me to come back to my body and I observe my breath, gently in and out.” so simply put how to respond to the “issuing mind”

  81. ‘When I feel Great and Things are Great…’ why on earth would we ever want to sabotage those feelings of greatness?

  82. When we allow our mind to create issues when there are none we waste much energy inducing a roller coaster of drama and emotional responses that only serves to complicate what simply does not need to be complicated and simultaneously disconnect us from our truly amazing greatness.

  83. “It seems to me that when I feel great and when things are great in life, or even amazing, I have the tendency to look for something that is not going well, that needs change or adjusting, or that might be or become an issue in the near future.” Oh yep I can do this too – feeling that it’s too good to be true and looking ahead for unforeseen hidden dangers so that I can nip them in the bud. I’m learning to stop this and appreciate and accept when things are flowing smoothly.

  84. Beautifully expressed Mariette. Life can be beautifully simple when we don’t allow the complication of the mind to creep in. I have found the Gentle Breath Meditation a great way to silence my chattering head.

  85. This blog is exposing for all those who have been perfectionists like me in the past, constantly seeking to make things perfect as if life itself cannot be ‘perfect’ as it is. There is never actually any perfection, it is an illusion to think there is and will never satisfy. It is just a way of not surrendering and allowing ourselves to enjoy what amazingness is already with us waiting for us to claim and live.

    1. Yes Joshua, it is like we cannot accept that everything is already here and that there is nothing to long for, need or want. It is like you share up to us to claim and live it. From one moment to the next.

      1. Absolutely Mariette, how can we ever need or want something to fill us when we already have all that love inside us? Shows how important it is to claim and live it then

  86. Simplicity is amazing itself. It is a true mastery to live a simple life and appreciate it.
    Thank you, Mariette, for being amazing and expressing it.

  87. Life is truly amazing when we choose to be with ourself, and take the responsibility to live a way that supports that connection.

  88. it is so simple isn’t it… What…! Just by staying in my body my life will become simpler? Is if complexity has been running us then this would seem so simplistic… But it’s true, and it’s recognized in psychology and in the medical world again and again that this is what is needed.

  89. “The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body.” A simple act to bring one back to feel and appreciate all that we are.

  90. In creating issues we are avoiding feeling how incredible we are. This blows my mind that we take great effort to advert ourselves from feeling such glory. It’s like we believe that we are not worthy of having such a gorgeous issue free life that we keep it just under the fullness that it truly is by creating issues, another crazy tactic to hold ourselves back.

  91. Love it Mariette, you just nominated half the world’s issues, the issue being there is no issue. It’s a great pattern to see and call out, leaving more space to stop and enjoy no issues.

    1. Absolutely Kim and to know that this can be our normal way of living – if we so choose.

  92. This is a tour de force of how simple life can be, how it can be great with no complications, no perfection, just living everything that you are. I was convinced… but also know that judgement that kicks in and says ‘surely not’, and starts searching for something to worry over. And then you deliver the ‘coup de grace’, that even here a simple tool like bringing your attention back to the fingertips grounds back into our bodies and the simplicity.

  93. What strikes me reading this is that we create all of our own issues in order to not allow ourselves to feel the truth – This feels particularly poignant for me as it relates to acceptance and appreciation of who I am.

  94. So great to read this great blog this morning Mariette, so, so familiar. I was not feeling so great and realised as I read this that I had almost tricked myself into an issue which isn’t even real. Awesome reminder and the fun way you address it is lovely too. So keeping it simple today.

  95. Fantastic blog. It stopped me in my tracks and got me to reflect on the fact that actually, yes, my life is truly great and yet I do have more than a tendency to develop issues on the basis of ‘what ifs’ and worst case scenarios or from a desire to change, enhance or upgrade something. So, note to self – be careful what you wish for! Without all the accompanying distractions, life most definitely can be simple when I accept I feel great and appreciate that all I have around me and in support of me is pretty amazing too.

    1. Great note to self! I love what you write about the fact that all that is around us and in support of us is pretty amazing too. This shows how everything is a reflection and there for us to evolve and grow.

    2. It is so insidious getting caught in the trap of trying to make things better or worrying that if we voice how amazing we are there will be jealousy and ‘schadenfreude’ from others and that if we keep ourselves small we will somehow be protected from this?! Today I refuse to be distracted from the greatness and simplicity of life and the ongoing support in celebrating this with others.

  96. Mariette your blog made me smile. I recognise myself there. When everything and I feel great there is sometimes this nagging doubt that surely it cannot last. Life is not meant to be easy. Instead of celebrating how great and complete I am my mind starts popping up with reasons why I should not celebrate life. The only way to quieten the mind is to reconnect to my body and this I am learning to do more and more often.

  97. Agree what issues do we actually have?

    I say this in respect of people who have troubling lives that is very real for them.

    However I can say I experience a greatness with life when I am great also. Our lives can often be tainted by our perception of the world and can leave us debilitated. However when we stop and consider a situation without our perception goggles on our lives can be easily changed by a choice.

    Therefore the glass in also half full because I have the choice to grab the water jug and fill the glass to the brim.

    1. Great point you are sharing here Luke about perception. When we relate to life through images and on how things should be and look like, then there is always something that we would like differently. I notice that the more I let go of these images, life can just be and within that, there is already so much magic and greatness. Like you say, the glass can be filled to the brim!

      1. Agree Mariette the perception comes from a past hurt which acts as a condition. If the world isn’t a certain way, “well I will definitely not open up because you hurt me last time”. The problem with this is that it is impossible to control how life will play out as we go with the flow of life and don’t create it. Thereby we will always have an excuse not to come out and will be free to stay in the misery of what that entails.

    2. Love it Luke – especially this comment that it is up to us to grab the water jug. Its there right beside us all of the time in plentiful supply, all we have to do is look up from our past hurts and see the opportunity that is available to us each and every day.

      1. And that is the beauty of life, that we have that choice every day, to look beyond our hurts and to open up to everything and everybody that comes our way. The hurts is not who we are.

  98. “…..and when my mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around, I just go back to my fingertips which helps me to feel my tenderness, I go back to my feet which helps me to come back to my body and I observe my breath, gently in and out.” Mariette thank you. We all have minds that try to ‘issue’ us around, its actually incredible how far the mind will go to create fantastically complicated scenarios and fictitious dramas to hold our attention and divert us away from the exquisite beauty and simplicity of feeling the living truth and wisdom of our body. When the mind and body are united in the awareness of the moment love and appreciation are our natural state, no issue.

  99. I sometimes wonder if we do not allow ourselves to appreciate our amazingness because it makes us stand out as most people would not own or feel their amazingness. There is a false togetherness in sharing woes, hardships and “bad” things with others.
    Marietta what a joy to feel your amazingness!

  100. I was feeling into the beginning of your blog Mariette, about joy. Joy for me has all to do with being present, being in my body, it’s an inside thing. It is the feeling of being connected to me, my body and everyone and everything at the same time. A lovely flow which lights up my day and it all starts with knowing me under my skin. It’s not always coming with laughter etc. but the emanation of someone in joy is contagious.

  101. “The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body.” Yes I know this one too Mariette, tempted to create an issue when I am feeling great, it’s so crazy! Thank you for writing about staying present and presenting the simple ways we can do that. I do love simplicity.

  102. Mariette, I found myself smiling throughout your blog – I go ‘there’ too, life is great and I am great. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have some fun and laugh at myself. So simple really 🙂

  103. Beautiful and joyful, Mariette. I know this one. When feeling great and things are going great I start pinching myself (not literally), or I am eating something I wouldn’t normally eat. It’s amazing how I look for comfort in being less. And it’s so true when the ‘I’ gets out of the way, it feels so much more natural and normal to claim the awesomeness that ‘I’ feel and express.

  104. Mariette I know well this reaction of looking for something that can possibly go wrong when everything is going well and I feel good about myself. I tell myself it is too good to be true, it cannot last, perhaps I’m deceiving myself…. It is sabotage on a grand scale. Why can’t I accept that life is great and that there exist moments of pure joy? It can be as simple as reconnecting with myself.

    1. It is indeed a sabotage on a grand scale! We sabotage ourselves in thinking that life has to be complex. But also the belief that we constantly have to better ourselves, that there is something wrong with us, that we are not good enough and that we have to reach a certain point where everything will be fine. Why not enjoy this very moment and appreciate who we are right now?

  105. Say no to sweating the small stuff and just come back to your fingertips, back to yourself and the here and now. Great Mariette.

  106. Oh Mariette- I so relate to what you have shared here – sometimes I even take my ‘issue’ as far as self sabotage – and undo some of the greatness in order to re-build it so I still have something to ‘work on’ to appear ‘normal’ and relatable to others. I do this at my own expense for acceptance and to gain what I perceive as love. The only reason I can see all of this now is because I know the love within me -that is great and feels great when I live it as my everyday norm.

  107. I have just recently really been able to stop the non supportive thoughts to get a hold of me. I am in no way perfect and now that i have accepted that i don’t need to be, I am reminding myself when self doubt or criticism comes in, that I am, always and forever amazing and divine.

  108. I love this Mariette. I can relate to what you are sharing here about how we allow the mind to search for things that are wrong, or not good enough to keep us small, which keeps us from expanding. As you have shared I have also found that when we are present, connected to our ourselves we are then essentially in our greatness and with this we are ready and open to knowing what is needed next to expand this greatness that we have returned to and are living so far.

  109. I had my photos taken yesterday and just when we started, I noticed I got a bit nervous. I expressed this and I was asked why, what is going on. I started to say some things but nothing made sense. Then I realized: I am creating an issue here, I am actually feeling great. I shared that and after that the photo-shoot was awesome. The issue maker in me is quite cunning….

  110. Marietta the joy and warmth shared here is infectious. When we are connected to our bodies our mind has less chance to get in our own way and that is great. Thank you.

  111. My life is great too, this blog has really called me to take a good look at this and see the futile nature in creating issues in it. No matter what I do my life is great, I am great, and this is building everyday. As you say there is always things to learn, things to move on from, but this is all a part of it… none of us are perfect and I love your little tack on the end that you aren’t perfect.. no biggie, it just is what it is. Very inspiring blog to just say go deeper and deeper and deeper with yourself and do not let your mind take you over. Very real and very supportive Mariette.

  112. Ooooh, can so relate to this blog. I am going to read it every day for a little while. Creating issues because there are none is something I am ready to let go of.

  113. Oh gosh Mariette Reineke – I love this, and I can feel my love and appreciation for you! Thank you, for allowing me to connect back to myself, my joy and what there is to appreciate in my life, and that the only issue I have is creating issues. This is invaluable.

    1. Love your comment, thank you Arianne. What helps me lately when my mind starts to issue me around again is to just say: no, I am not going there and it may sound too simple, but it does work. I just make the choice to not go into some story into my mind and move on with what I am doing.

  114. I love the playfulness in your blog Mariette, and the joy you feel is very much felt in your words. It is so true when we are present in our body everything in life is great there is no room for issues because they are not given the space to fester. I love this line “Quite simple, but then, why shouldn’t life be… simple… when I feel great and things are great.” Simple and clear when I read your blog why would I want to be any other way than feeling great.

  115. This blog is so fun and lighthearted Mariette, and I loved the message. How true it is that the mind loves complication. Things are lovely so let’s sabotage for something interesting to happen that we can talk about. I will be watching for those self sabotage signs and I’ll be fending them off so that there is no power in them.

    1. Yes, my mind loves it when things happen and or people come to me with problems, so I can think and/or talk about it. Even when nothing interesting happens, my mind tries to come up with something. Crazy….

  116. I can relate to what you share Mariette, everything is going along beautifully and in comes an old pattern of sabotage to make me feel I have an issue. I am learning as well that staying present in the body is key to observing these patterns and accepting and deepening the greatness we are.

    1. Yes, that pattern of sabotage, which shows itself in many ways. For me it can be through thoughts, like I said, creating an issue, but I also sabotage myself with food or looking for some sort of distraction that I know will take me away from feeling great. I also sabotage myself by putting a limit on how great I am ‘allowed’ to feel, finding myself something ‘to work on’.

      1. Wow this is all so evolving. The opportunity to express all the ways we self-sabotage ourselves, and to truly accept that life is Simply – great. I can really relate to what you are saying and the invaluable importance of presence. Presence is it.

  117. Dear Mariette what an amazing blog. “The more present and in my body I am, the more I can accept myself and others.” That is so true and as you so wisely wrote if we are present there is no time for “issue around”. By the way that is my new slogan now – be present and don’t issue around – wunderbar.

  118. Great blog Mariette Reineke, and as you say we are great and the biggest issue I have with that is as with you, accepting and appreciating that greatness in me every moment in my life. In a way I too have the tendency to look for issues that make me feel miserable instead. How weird is that? Thank you for the reminder that I am amazing all the time and that it is only a matter of choice if I allow myself to feel so or not.

  119. It is great to read your words Mariette. I realize also that when someons asks me how are you, my mind has this very walked path of trying to find the wrong, the difficult, the little details that are not perfect. On the other hand, it is the body that can testify how great things are, how fortunate I am and how many things there are in my life to celebrate. By you taking stock of all the things that are amazing in you and your life, I also make a list of all the things that I can celebrate, and there are lots. Wonderful feeling you leave me with.

    1. Yes, I can relate to this. When somebody asks us so how are you, there is this tendency to answer with that things could be better, what we think needs improvement, what is not going well and/or what should be different. In this way, the focus is never on what there is in this moment and what we appreciate.

  120. Thank you Mariette for a very timely blog, as my mind is great at finding reasons from the past to cap me from feeling the greatness and grandness of who I am. My mind has told me it’s too good to be true, don’t feel too great, because the other shoe might drop , need to be serious, this is being responsible, must have something to work on. I agree that my mind finds simplicity very uncomfortable. It can be a struggle when the mind gets on it’s merry go round, but coming back to my body and feeling my gentle breath brings me back and quietens my mind, then life becomes simple. I love the words ” issue me around” I will remember this.

  121. So simple, and I love what you’ve shared “in presence there are no issues”. I find this as well, when I am present and expressing myself, it seems like I have no issues a all, but when I give power to something that does not feel right, It is hard to stop thinking about it. Even amongst all of the noise that can be present in my own mind sometime, I usually make a choice to feel me, the real me. I become completely still, even my mind and the way I breathe in changes, it becomes a full in breath and I feel held and supported once again.

    1. When I find myself thinking a lot about a certain thing, I know that I haven’t expressed in full and/or that I am bringing in complexity. Sometimes it feels that my mind cannot handle the simplicity of life and the belief is there that ‘there must be something, come on!’. But life is simple, we as human being just love complexity. I guess life without complexity is too boring….

  122. I so much enjoy reading and feeling the appreciation and love you have for yourself and others Mariette, you are a shining example and inspiration for us all.
    There is no doubt we forge our own destiny and path in this life, thank you for your beautiful expression.

  123. That sounds familiar Felix, I feel amazing, no issue in sight, not even around the corner, and all of the sudden I have allowed myself to get caught up in somebody elses issue….Why do we love issues so much? Is life too boring without them?

  124. I notice that sometimes, when I feel really amazing and don’t create an issue myself, somebody else comes and presents an issue. It takes lots of presence to cut through this interference and stay clear, that there is no issue!

  125. Beautiful and very timely – I am feeling a lot that if I stopped interfering in my own life, it would be amazing, but this idea that there has to be issues, or I have to be doing badly or perhaps a fear of actually being okay, drives me to create issues where there are none and stubbornly refuse to lie to the full potential I know is there.

    1. Yes it is very timely indeed as when I re-read my blog, so much had changed in my outside world but what does not change is my enormous joy inside of me. Sometimes I can have this thought that oh now something must go wrong because I can not feel so great for more than a week but that is just creating another issue….

      1. You raise a great point – that just because our life changes in the way it looks or perhaps doesn’t look the way you had imagined it would, doesn’t mean it cannot be equal full of joy and love, if we allow it.

      2. Absolutely Rebecca, no matter what changes we go through in our life with work, relationships, the place we live and our financial situation, whatever it is, joy comes from inside out and should not be depending on what is going on outside of yourself.

  126. The lovely simple rituals of reconnecting that Mariette mentions are just that, so simple, but are laying a foundation of conscious presence that is the essence of reconnecting with who we truly are.

    1. It is indeed very simple, sometimes it feels so simple that the mind can not handle that. It can’t be that simple?! Yes, it can be.

  127. Feeling the celebration Mariette, I am with you, life is a joy and simply is that when we honour all we are, stay connected with our bodies and accept and appreciate it can be so simple… yet so grand.

  128. This blog is great in how it expresses acceptance and appreciation in a lovely and lighthearted way, with there being no room for issues. “and when my mind kicks in and tries to issue me around, I just go back to my fingertips which helps me to feel my tenderness, I go back to my feet which helps me to come back to my body and I observe my breath, gently in and out”.

  129. Beautifully expressed Mariette, I can relate to trying to create an issue when everything is going great. Like you I am exploring being more present and staying more connected with me and how this truly supports me to not sabotage myself and to keep things simple.

  130. ‘The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body.’ Beautiful – a great way to be free of these crazy creations. I totally agree.

  131. Thanks Mariette for your light-hearted yet deep sharing. I can relate to the creating of issues in my head when things in my life are actually so great. This is a great reminder of the power of presence and letting myself be in or come back to my body. It really is the way to be of true service in the world.

    1. Being present is the biggest gift you can give to the world and yes, it is only then that we can be of true service.

  132. Super post Mariette, your expression so playful, light and full of truth. Your life feels great, and it prompts an automatic review of life in which to appreciate this same greatness for oneself. Awesome, I’m looking forward to doing this!

  133. Very gorgeous blog Mariette .. “When my mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around” … Very cute … Made me chuckle. Feeling great! Joy-full in fact!!

  134. Loved this Mariette and I could feel your amazingness bursting out of the page. You have certainly identified something that I have done many times in the past, and that has been to allow my mind to wander off in a most un-loving direction, which sabotages the joyful place I had been in. These days, I am choosing to be more and more present in all that I do, and the moments of self sabotage are finally becoming fewer. And, like you, I am claiming my amazingness – and that feels great!

    1. My moments of self-sabotage and creating issues are also getting fewer Ingrid and it feels great. My mind still loves to wander off but with the support of Universal Medicine I have come to understand what it truly means to be present and in connection with our body.

  135. An inspiring article of how great life can be without issues and a simple guide of how to not create them. Thank you for such a gorgeous sharing.

  136. I could feel the flow through how you write that blog, and how inspirational it is to put effort into your life in order to feel super amazing in each moment.

  137. It is beautiful to claim and really feel how great life is and how amazing we are in the knowing that the issues are only creations of our own to ‘condiment’ life. I really love what you write about being present in the body as the only way forward to appreciate who you are and what you have and to avoid going into issue creation.

    1. Love the ‘condiment’ bit there emfeldman, salting our wounds and peppering our lives with complication.

  138. What a wonderful blog Marietta. When life is great and the tendrils of doubt from someplace try to creep in, they are the ivy of the mind. If left unchecked they can take over everything in a short time, but we now have the tools to stop their growth before they take root.

    1. Love the gardening analogy – it is so apt because the mind provides fertile ground for self-doubt to take root and spread rapidly unless we choose the simplicity of being present in our bodies and appreciation -the weedkiller of self doubt.

  139. Love it Mariette this blog is the sparkling joy and amazingness that you are. You are such an inspiration and absolutely gorgeous!!!!

  140. Ha ha Mariette, yes you are amazing! And I will definitely be using your tip the next time my mind tries to “issue me around”! Really enjoyed your blog – thank you!

  141. Mariette how the mind loves to sabotage the truth. It feels often that our thoughts are our main obstacles, obsessively worrying, thinking, planning, complaining, criticizing, the list is endless. But as you described, when we can come back to the simplicity of the moment through our connection with our bodies or our breath then this helps to break the cycle of negative thoughts.

    1. Yes, I can so relate to that, our thoughts are our main obstacles, it just loves to create something that is not going well or it just makes up a story. I also notice how tiring this is. There is so much exhaustion in the world but that is because we so much live from our mind instead of being in our body.

  142. Yes, how often do we look for something to be wrong even when things feel and are going so well, it’s like we look for something to trip us up and then we have a reason not to feel so great.

  143. Ah yes the guilt of being well! Trying to fit in often means feeling guilty for being well. Yet being well, physically and emotionally, taking responsibility and committing to life should all be things we encourage in each other. Young people can often reflect ‘no issues’ back to adults and I wonder if adults sometimes react to that reflection teaching from young that you shouldn’t shine too brightly or you will make someone else feel bad. Just an ‘I wonder’ moment when we consider why we create issues where there are none. Thanks for starting the conversation in me!

    1. This is brilliant Lucy. Its like young people have no pre-conditioning that life is complicated and so they see things more clearly. As we get older, we have experiences of being hurt and getting it wrong and we then hold onto these as ‘the way it is’ putting obstacles in the way of just being ourselves. Consider that darn TV remote… when we were young you would just keep pressing buttons till it worked. As we get older it seems to get more complicated until you get to the point that you no longer want to pick it up as you ‘can’t’ get it to work!

  144. When we feel great and life is great, there is something inside that sabotages by trying to find an issue. We have been conditioned to feel guilty about feeling great when others do not, as if we are irresponsible or not taking life seriously enough. I remember once at a dinner party being told not to be happy because it was making other people feel miserable! And perhaps there lies a clue to it: if someone doesn’t have any issues and feels great, it is just too much of a reflection and a contrast that makes others have to look at why they are miserable. Actually, if we feel great, we have a responsibility to stay in our bodies and continue to be amazing and joyful, thus others may see what is possible.

    1. I love what you share here diannetrussell – the point about adjusting how we feel either to how others feel or how we or they think we should feel. Whenever we are dropping from being ourselves so another doesn’t feel uncomfortable, we lessen ourselves and in fact, also lessen others, because in this instance we deny another the opportunity that they have to feel this greatness inside them also.

    2. I can so relate to the sabotage…..I use food to sabotage myself when I feel absolutely great. And yes, creating an issue and going into a story in my mind is another one that I use. But I have to say, the more I am aware of this, the less and less this happens. And then yet, it is possible to feel great for several days in a row….or even longer..

  145. This is awesome Mariette, it’s funny how we can choose not to see all the amazingness that we are, and instead focus on the little things and make them seem huge. Thank you for reminding me of this – time to stop and appreciate!

  146. It is great and it feels great to simply know and claim that your life is amazing and so are you. No issues required, just to get on with deepening how great things are. Love it Mariette.

  147. I love the simplicity with which you have presented something so age old. The tendency to look for or create ‘issues’ when everything is great rather than accepting and appreciating that it is possible for things to be great even if they are not perfect.

    1. Beautiful Penny what you share about ‘perfect’, because the moment we want things to be perfect, we are already creating another issue…

      1. It’s true Mariette. The drive for perfection is a surefire way to keep us caught up in another issue, something to confirm things are not perfect, which ensures that we miss the opportunity to truly appreciate and even celebrate all that is actually wonderful in our lives.

      2. Great sharing, we are so focussed and almost obsessed with what is not going well in life that we completely forget to cherish and celebrate all things that are there, right in this very moment. This moment, the only moment there is.

    2. Beautiful Penny. ‘Accepting and appreciating that it is possible for things to be great even if they are not perfect’. Our mind will have us believe that we can’t but our heart understands the perfection of imperfection.

    3. So true Penny for all too often we create issues instead of simply learning from our imperfections.

  148. Our mind sure does like to get in the way of a good/great time. Loved hearing Mariette how you use your fingertips, feet and breath to come back into your body and give that issue nowhere to go.

  149. Groovy blog Mariette (Groovy is a way of saying cool). I love the fact that you’re in a great rhythm of shrugging off the ‘oopsies’ and loving the rest of day in a conscious, bodily feeling style of way, for the bulk of the time. Rick James once said “enjoy yourself” and I get the feeling you are! Awesome.

  150. Haha what a fun and beautiful blog. It’s amazing how simply coming back to the body feels amazing and the mind has no power to find an issue.

  151. It’s awesome the way you are living and I love that you have put all of this into a blog. Even the more practical things like having a bath to lie in, money to buy food, nice clothes to wear etc. People have a choice here; they can appreciate that life really can be great when you honour how you feel and feel great or they can compare and be jealous of the simplicity of your life and that your life is great. I say, keep sharing that your life is great, if it is, why should anyone hold that back?

    1. I love it areiljoymuntelwit; “People have a choice here; they can appreciate that life really can be great when you honour how you feel and feel great or they can compare and be jealous of the simplicity of your life and that your life is great”.
      I have found jealousy from others to be one of the hardest emotions to deal with. When I am doing really well, saying yes to love in all areas of my life, people can feel the choices I am making and so get to feel the choices they have been making. It is here when I can feel jealousy from them creep in. Most of my life I have then reacted to this jealousy and deliberately undermined myself and cut myself down to not feel it, so they then have nothing to be jealous of. Now I am starting to see it for what it truly is and not see it as a direct attack on me as I used to. I know how easy it is when I have not been making loving choices to compare myself to someone who is and then be jealous but it serves no one and holds us all back living this way. Now more and more I am allowing myself to appreciate the choices other people are making towards love and this leaves no room for jealousy to creep in.

  152. Divinely written Mariette, this is gold. You have nailed to a ‘T’ just what we tend to do with Greatness, which I agree, is simple and our natural way. We seem to have set ourselves up aeons ago with decisions we’ve made, and contracts even, to limit its scope… ‘yes I can be amazing all week, but I can’t let this go on/it won’t continue’… ‘yes I can be fabulous in my job, but boy I need to keep SOME inner turmoil going, so I’ll create an ‘issue’ with my partner’… It goes on and on.
    And yet, step off that seemingly ‘demonically possessed’ hamster wheel (!) and what are we left with but the simplicity and purity of our Greatness, that has always been there and no matter what, is ever-awaiting for us to get our (small) selves completely out of the way and just embrace it.
    I’m with you on this ride dear Mariette. Greatness is my natural way too.

  153. Very refreshing read Mariette – the ‘feeling great’ jumps out from in between the lines. Joy is so contagious! And it is always there right at our fingertips, a simple choice not to allow the mind to kick in and try “to ‘issue’ me around” – love that phrase.

  154. An awesome account and reminder of the joy and fun we can have in our lives !! So amazing is the possibility of letting it all go and having fun with life ~ I all to often getting caught up in the seriousness of it all thank you for bringing lightheartedness to the table.

  155. Great Mariette, I know this very well: when everything is great, creating something that doesn’t work. This is one thing that holds us back from who we are.

  156. A great Article Marietta , its so true how we like to create or blow up and enlarge small things to become bigger issues , instead of appreciating and claiming our glory and where we are at when things are going well for us.

    1. I agree Greg, when we claim ourselves and walk this through life we offer a powerful reflection for others to be inspired by.

  157. What an awesome blog Mariette. You have defined here what true appreciation is and it feels like a breath of fresh air in a stale and stuffy room. Much for me to learn and ponder and put into practice so thank you.

  158. It’s true, it’s like we don’t know how to accept just being great, like there is an inner nervousness or anxiousness that gets in and stops us from allowing the ‘great’ feeling to permeate our being and be there consistently.

  159. Fantastic blog Marietta and very much what I have observed in my life – that old belief system that says ‘too good to be true’ comes in and pushes us around. No more, I am inspired by what you have written.

  160. There is no issue, that is the issue…I love it Mariette, only the mind could do this, only the mind..

  161. Very inspired blog which reflects how simply we can choose to either be with ourselves or go into sabotage when feeling great. I felt a lot of joy and lightness in reading this and it is true feeling great and staying with yourself requires presence, being with yourself in the moment and choosing the quality in which you do everything – then life can flow with greater joy.

  162. Simply reading your blog Mariette made me reflect how I feel how great and amazing I am and how wonder-full my life is. Thank you for your awesome and amazing reflection.

  163. This is such a joy-full blog to read and an awesome tribute to ourselves and the amazingness we are – we are simply to choose it.

    For me, I have been shown through the presentations of Universal Medicine that I am Great/Amazing that if I do not feel this for any reason or in any aspect of my life – then it is simply not the me that I am in those moments, but a far lesser version…

  164. Thanks for this confirmation of your greatness, Mariette. I specially love your ‘going to bed early also on Friday nights’! Regularly my partner and I find ourselves laughing and giggling in bed around 9pm on Friday nights – still a bit astonished about the fact, that we just love to be in bed early, after a day, which feels fully completed and the body is warm and tired.

  165. This is so Beautiful Mariette. I love your playful comment “when my mind tries to ‘issue’ me around”. I can so relate to this Jedi trick that I’m learning more and more not to give any power to. Your blog also reminds me of the beauty of feeling great just for being. Every Monday at work we have a meeting where we share our ‘weekend highlights’. Colleagues go into great detail about all the activities they do to have a great weekend and they always seem amused to hear what a great weekend I’ve had for doing very little!

  166. A beautiful article Mariette. That trick of looking for what is wrong is very familiar to me. Learning to appreciate everything I am and the connection to everyone I meet is to deeply appreciate the truth of the Ancient Wisdom that I have heard and felt from Serge Benhayon.

  167. So much fun to read Mariette, so much you, the amazing and gorgeous you living a simple and joyful life every second!!

  168. Thanks Mariette for sharing your blog, yes life is great being in my body and sharing that warm tenderness with others not in a needy way but because it is there to share. Why would I choose otherwise?

  169. Really love your blog Mariette. And it is so exposing that when I feel great and life is great I look for something that is not right and create an issue. This I only do to have an excuse to not take responsibility in being out in the world with all of me.

  170. “The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body. ” Wow – what a corker of a statement. I was reading this blog going… I want this great feeling – how do I get it – then boom pow – it was right there letting me know what step to take next. Thank you Mariette – I loved reading this.

  171. A totally gorgeous blog Mariette. I remember being in high school, I think I was about 14/15 and very concerned that I didn’t have the teenage concerns of my peers. I was pretty happy and loved my family and everything was great. But that didn’t do. I basically made up issues so that I would feel like I was fitting in and was the same as everyone else. But why should we? and why can’t we claim we are great and life is great as you have so beautifully written?

  172. Wow, I can relate to this very well, Mariette! Thanks for pointing this issue out – I immediately feel better, now that I can nominate another issue, that I also have… just kidding.
    I noticed also as a pattern, that I tend to take on other people’s issues, if there is none in my own life. So if anybody out there is looking for issues: this latter pattern is a guaranteed and longlasting issue-creator as well. 😉

    1. Hilarious Felix, I can be great as well in getting involved in others people issues or take on some lovely emotions from others and lay them on my own shoulders. The mind cannot handle ‘no issue’ so it just starts to creat anything at hand.

  173. It is crazy, but to genuinely say that ‘life is great and so am I’ is practically a revolutionary act these days. I can relate to falling into having issues and things to despair of as you say. This way of being is like a fashion fad. But I have found there is always a choice I can make, to come back to the greatness I naturally am. This blog feels GREAT and so do you Mariette. I had a great time reading it.

  174. This is so honest and feels very affirming, Mariette. We make things so complicated and lose the joy in how we live each day.

  175. It is lovely to feel your appreciation and confirmation of yourself Mariette. Staying connected with our body is key to feeling and appreciating the greatness we naturally are in essence. I love your words, “In presence there are no issues”. It is an interesting reflection to consider why we may choose to be less than this.

    1. I love that Marika, “it is a real ‘GAME’ changer of life”… isn’t that the truth. We have the choice in every moment to live the love we are or choose to pretend we are less than this and play that game.

  176. This is so true, when you make loving choices for yourself, you do feel great and that radiates out into everything that you do, people you meet and interact with. Great reminder that it is our responsibility that what comes back to us, is what we put out. Everything is energy.

  177. I love this Mariette, this is very infectious and why not, when life is so simple and things are great because we simply are feeling great. Thank you.

  178. The lightness and joy in your blog made it a delight to read again Thank you Mariette.

  179. A joy to read Marietta. I love how you love how sexy you look with your swimming cap and goggles…so gorgeous!

  180. I loved reading this Mariette as it is a great example of how to focus on the things that are going really well in your life and accepting that there are going to be moments when you slip up and that’s ok also.

  181. Mariette, this IS great. I can relate wholeheartedly with what you are saying here. And even when the world appears to give us situations to upset the apple cart, so to speak, it is still up to us as to whether we choose to turn them into big issues or not. I am feeling this so much more deeply now, thank you for the reflection.

  182. This is an awesome blog about appreciation. I can really relate to what you have shared Mariette. You have said;
    ‘The more present and in my body I am, the more I can be of true service to the world.’
    This is what I come back to when I notice myself looking for the ‘issues’.
    Sure there is always something to unfold and this is an ongoing choice… but truly appreciating all that I am and staying connected my body is vital in the process.

  183. This is awesome Mariette. I laughed when I read this part, “It seems to me that when I feel great and when things are great in life, or even amazing, I have the tendency to look for something that is not going well, that needs change or adjusting, or that might be or become an issue in the near future.” – as I’ve also gone ‘wait a minute’ everything is fine and great, where is the issue… oh there it is! And I can go back to, not appreciating and seeing I’m amazing and my life is amazing. A bit crazy yes, but with blogs like this and also, nipping this incessant issue spotting in the bud… it is becoming less and less. I can then get on with enjoying the simplicity life can naturally be! Thanks again

  184. I just absolutely love love love what you have shared here Mariette, it is so simple and reflecting so beautifully to appreciate ‘all’ that is in one’s life. I have always had a tendency to focus on the 5, 2 or 1% of life that is not going well and not all the wonderful things that are. Plus forget to come back to my body, that one marker that does know who I truly am, as you said…..AMAZING!! Thank you I deeply loved what you have shared.

  185. It is ludicrous that the thing we really want is a really simple and truly joy-filled life yet when we have it and experience such amazing-ness it is something we resist. Acceptance is a very useful skill to live when we realise every day how glorious we truly are.

  186. This was a great blog to read Mariette — and it reveals the power and wisdom that is right there in our bodies, versus relying on what is in our heads! I can very much relate — if I go into my mind I have a gazillion things to sort out, and problem upon problem. I can frown and frown away with all the issues I have created for myself. But when I connect to my body, I feel the truth of who I am, I feel the tenderness and vastness of my body which holds me and walks with me day to day and I appreciate everything I have in my life that supports me to be all of who I am, wherever I am. I drop into my body and feel how simple and carefree my life actually is (which wasn’t always this way but it certainly is now). I drop into my body and I feel exquisite and amazing, and any issue I thought I had simply melts away and can be easily dealt with from me being in connection with the real amazing me, first.

  187. Ha!!! Such a lovely, light and simple blog Mariette! My favourite line is ‘I love how sexy I look with my goggles and bath cap on’.

  188. Such a joyful blog. It truly is so simple, to come back to the body and to presence and the issues just fall away. As you state “And with presence there are no issues…..so I stop worrying about the small stuff and focus on the big.” Thank you for sharing so beautifully Mariette.

  189. So joyful and full of life – awareness of that niggling little voice that keeps wanting to sneak in a ‘but” is easily outed by coming but to the body and breath – so simple and so empowering. Great Joyful Blog.

  190. Awesome sharing, thank you Mariette! Reading this blog is a reminder to me that I am in fact, amazing! And, while I don’t know you personally, I can feel from your blog, that so are you!

  191. This is awesome! Just what I needed to read, I seem to always be looking for something that is wrong in my life and when there isn’t i can relate stresses about everyday things just so that I feel there is an issue.. The big thing for me is to love and appreciate where I am at. And not think I need to be anywhere else, or doing anything more. I am all that I need to be right here and now..

  192. Mariette, I found your story really sums up a dilemma I catch myself in – my mind loves to create issues when things are going well. If I manage to dismiss one and return to myself, my mind sends an even seemingly bigger drama for me to cope with. I am finding it quite a transition process as I learn to stay more present with myself. It helps to read the journey others have been on in similar circumstances. Thank you all.

  193. I remember some years ago after a life time of having issues suddenly being faced with the issue of not having issues anymore – it takes some adjustment! Now I feel greater than great and that awesomeness never stops expanding. What I have discovered is that we are forever evolving and there is no end point. That evolvement is not an onward or forward thing but actually a RETURN to the divinity that naturally resides within each of us. There is a constant pull that calls us back to ourselves that can be experienced as a tension and translated into being an issue. When I see it that way instead of it being a bad thing like an issue, it is something very gorgeous and supportive.

  194. Simple reminder that being and feeling connected to our bodies is key to not creating issues and just accepting and allowing the greatness that is us. Thank Mariette for reminding us all over again.

  195. Your blog was a joy to read, it was so light and lovely to feel your appreciation and enthusiasm for life. I also like the simplicity and practicality you offer with the following ‘when my mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around, I just go back to my fingertips which helps me to feel my tenderness, I go back to my feet which helps me to come back to my body and I observe my breath, gently in and out.’

  196. Amazing blog, Mariette. I love your honest sharing and very accessible writing. It makes it so easy for me to relate to:
    ‘it seems to me that when I feel great and when things are great in life, or even amazing, I have the tendency to look for something that is not going well, that needs change or adjusting, or that might be or become an issue in the near future.’
    Boy oh boy do I know that one, having an issue with not having an issue and creating something to worry about because just like Bina wrote: if not it would mean taking responsibility for myself to stay amazing consistently. To allow myself to feel how amazing and powerful I actually am?

    1. I can very much relate to what you are expressing here, Monika and this is something I see as being a worldwide issue, keeping our focus on the simplicity of just being ourselves and how grand and amazing we are is a necessary part of our day.

  197. Beautiful blog, Mariette. The appreciation in your words shine through and are very inspiring to read. And I agree, why shouldn’t life be simple? And to be honest, life really is simple, it’s just that we are so good at making things complicated. Being present with ourselves at all times is a good start to un-complicating our lives.

  198. I really love your top blog Mariette ! Life is indeed simple and I too have no real issues and I appreciate what I have and what has unfolded for me since I came across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Each day is for me a beautiful day where I can deepen my relationship with me and it is an ongoing process.

  199. This is an amazing super simple blog. I love the way you bring yourself back to the body with your fingertips, feet and breath. I was recently reflecting on all the times in my life I have lived with issues that were purely there as a distraction to the fact that nothing was actually wrong and there actually were no real issues.

  200. I love this blog Mariette. I know so well this feeling of sabotage but recognise it more and more when it comes up. I love how you bring it back to the body and stillness and then being able to connect to what’s real again. Awesome. Thank you.

  201. Hi Mariette, thank you for this inspiring piece of writing. I felt particularly inspired by all the seemingly little things in your everyday life that you love. It made me realise I have a lot in my life that is worth appreciating, and I am very blessed. I can also really relate to the self-sabotage and creating issues out of lack of acceptance of all those amazing little things.

  202. I absolutely love your blog Mariette it was so much fun to read. I loved the way you said…”When my mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around,” it is so true, that is exactly what the mind tries to do, create an issue where there is none.

  203. Your title Mariette says to me (having just re-read your amazing blog) why do we not remain great? The real question is why do we not continue everyday to feel great? What gets in the way? and What sabotages this amazing feeling?

    Could it be possible that we don’t want the spotlight? Could it be possible that others may feel even more uncomfortable around us? Or could it be that we know deep down we are great and to accept that means we have to take even more responsibility for ourselves, to keep up that consistent way of being?

    1. Bina,
      Thank you for bringing out the question “Why do we not remain great?”…and illuminating it with your experience.

      I have been feeling more aware of my resistance to accepting my fullness…it feels very scary. I am SO familiar with smallness and self doubt…and when I start to shine I do feel people get uncomfortable and even try to squash me down again…theirs may be rooted in the same discomfort I have around ‘starting to face the responsibility that comes with being amazing’…and I can look back and see how much I have disregarded this while identifying with my suffering and this is painful.

      Getting honest about these forces at play and allowing myself to feel the true harm of not being all of me is leading me to take more steps toward accepting my responsibility to be the love that I am here to be…and the more I feel ME the more beautiful feelings I have…and can share.

  204. How true this is. When life is simple I often bring things in, through thoughts that stem from a belief or an ideal of some kind, and make it complicated. I love what you say here, it is certainly true for me.”The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can accept myself and others. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can be of true service to the world.” I have found that practising Esoteric Yoga is a great support for us in this.

  205. I love the simplicity in which you write Mariette and it makes sense to me. Yes I love my life and it is not perfect but I know what to do if things get a bit hairy and I know what to Not do next time. Like you I am learning everyday and the only issue I have is I look for issues when there isn’t any. Crazy.
    Why I no longer have issues is because I have been inspired by the life and work of Serge Benhayon which has shown me another way to live that is real and makes sense.

  206. I love this blog and so timely to read again today. It is so so inspiring as a reminder to the greatness we all naturally are and when or if the issues arise they are mere specks. Thank you Mariette.

  207. I love reading your blog Mariette, I can relate to feeling great and thinking this is so easy and then going back into an old pattern and loosing it – choosing complication. It is also my experience that when I am fully present any issues I may have seem to be at arms length and then if I loose my presence the mind takes over.

  208. I love how you write, I didn’t want to stop reading and the “look sexy in my goggles” made me laugh … I am sure it is true as well : )

    I could also really relate to this because when things are going well in my life I tend to get a bit shocked and think ‘wow, really, but surely this won’t last for long!’. So what you wrote here, especially “The more present and in my body I am, the more I can be of true service to the world. And with presence, there are no issues… so I stop worrying about the small stuff and focus on the big… and when my mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around, I just go back to my fingertips which helps me to feel my tenderness, I go back to my feet which helps me to come back to my body and I observe my breath, gently in and out.” really helped. Thank you for sharing … and write more : )

  209. Mariette, I absolutely loved this blog. It is something I have experienced many times, (creating issues after feeling amazing) and quite a silly game we play with ourselves. A simple equation you’ve given to keep feeling that amazingness too- feel fingertips, a gentle breath, and our feet on the ground. The only thing I would add is accepting that it IS possible to feel great ALL the time.

  210. Awesome blog Mariette, crazy how we can’t accept that in simply feeling great you don’t need to have issues. Why do we tend to make things so complicated? Love is simple, clear and easy.

  211. It sounds “almost too good to be true”, but I know it is not, because I have met you and have felt that amazingness and beauty and simplicity in you, and watched it growing from year to year. Thanks for the reminder about issues, a big lesson for me.

  212. Mariette, I love your article and your Joy. We are tought from a young age to put the mind in the center of our lives (particularly at school) and that’s the problem. Life is simple when we are present in our bodies and make each movement loving and tender.

  213. Spot on, Mariette! I, too, can fall into making life less so that I can avoid my amazingness. Creating a problem where there isn’t any at all and my mind over-analysing issues that could be understood better by observation and just allowing them to be. When I stop and feel into these situations and realise what I am actually doing, I soon return to my natural flow and harmony. How amazing I must be to put up this incredible resistance within myself? I am nodding knowingly….thank-you for your directness, humour and the simple methods of returning to what is lying in wait for us all. Being present in our own bodies is not that hard once you know how – we’ve just got to keep choosing it until it is such a natural response, we don’t have to anymore.

    1. Peta, I appreciate your encouraging statement about being present.
      I have come to realize how very key it is to be in my body AND how much I have perfected NOT being with me in my body…and so this is very challenging work at times! …I do feel it getting more doable and natural as I stick to it…I know what life is like without my presence and so I know it’s worth it!!

      “Being present in our own bodies is not that hard once you know how – we’ve just got to keep choosing it until it is such a natural response, we don’t have to anymore.”

  214. I love the way that you have delayed the revelation until about two thirds of the way through! ” Well the issue is, that there isn’t any”. It always seems to be the mind that
    puts massive barriers in the way and creates problems. This is so true!
    Great blog Mariette!

  215. I am so glad I am re-reading your blog today Mariette. I love how you start with the appreciation of all the great and amazing things you have in your life. It was a beautiful reminder for me to stop and appreciate my own life and not focus on the issues.

  216. Thank you Mariette for sharing this! It is a great reminder that life is quite simple but we make it so complicated!

  217. You are great Mariette and this is a great article. It is amazing how we have to create issues to feel life is important and it is great when we can just be all the things you say.

  218. Thank you for sharing how great you and your life is and the way in which you keep your issues at bay – a great reminder. It seems we are so used to having dramas, problems to solve, that we forget that these things do not matter and that life feels great when we appreciate everything we do have.

  219. Quite simple, but then, why shouldn’t life be… simple… when I feel great and things are great.
    This is fantastic Marieete I can feel the joy and love in which you write. I am inspired!

  220. Absolutely beautiful Mariette, this is the second time I have read your article and it feels even more inspiring and exquisite second time round. ‘Quite simple, but then, why shouldn’t life be… simple…’ I love this, I have found the more present I am the more simple life is and that I can also then ‘stop worrying about the small stuff and focus on the big’.

  221. This is beautiful Mariette. Yes we are so used to having problems that it feels quite strange without them! Here’s to a new reality and a new normal of feeling great and the allowing of that.

    1. What you share is so true Rebecca, actually allowing ourselves to enjoy the simplicity and amazingness of our daily life should be our ever evolving new norm.

  222. Awesome Mariette, and I can relate to a lot that has been shared. This is a great reminder to focus on the ‘what I Am- Love’ instead of ‘what I am not- the issue’ and I am learning the more I appreciate the greatness the less reason I have to create an issue as this doesn’t fit anymore. Thank you.

  223. A timely read for me, one I can relate to extremely well. Rather than appreciating all the amazing, supportive and loving people and situations in my life I look for the hard route or the issues. When actually it is as simple as choosing to pay attention to my fingertips, to acknowledge the fact that right in this moment my life overall IS amazing! So amazing in fact that the issues I do have are tiny little specks on the surface of the sun. Taking the time to actually just stop those nonsense thoughts, sit back and appreciate, then claim fully that my life is awesome, is what I understand and am inspired by this blog. Thank you.

  224. So beautiful Mariette, and so true – how often do we have that “it won’t last” attitude when things are great and we are great, and we then look for the fault to materialise in our lives and prove us right. Our lives can be simple and fun, we can feel well and glorious and appreciate the simple things we have, our bath tubs and clothes, food and friends and all the while nurture ourselves with early nights and nourishing food and relationships. What a gift and as you say, all inspired by the teachings of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  225. A beautiful, vital blog that so reflects who you are. You inspire me to not get so caught up in the ‘what is not’ and just be.

  226. Inspirational Mariette. Isn’t it downright weird how our mind searches for the old default of issues… or ‘let’s create one if none exists’. You provide us with a simple reboot to bring ourselves back to our body. Thanks for sharing your amazingness!

    1. Rod so true, it is crazy how our mind looks for issues or tries to creat one when there isn’t one. It’s great to have the awareness to bring things back to simplicity and stay present.

  227. Great blog Mariette – I love how you have nailed the mind creating the issues and when you are present in your body there are none! Very inspiring to read and feel the joy within you.

  228. Ooh just absolutely exquisite, had me smiling and laughing and feeling the joy of how simple life can be and how awesome I can be without any perfection and no matter what’s going on. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Me too, smiling, laughing, feeling the joy, and also seeing appreciating things that I had perhaps overlooked a little in my life.

  229. Hi Mariette, Thank you for your blog. You have nailed it. If it wasn’t for the mind, there would be no issues. You have expressed this beautifully and I thank you very much for reminding me that it is as simple as returning to the finger tips. Leigh

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