Communicating with, and Talking to People – No longer Calibrating my Expression

I am becoming aware that when I am talking to people I adjust the way I express and communicate according to how I feel the listener will receive my words.

When I’m talking, I often hold back and don’t fully express what I want to say because I am afraid of the person’s response, or how they may feel, or what they will think of me – this last one in particular is a big one for me.

It feels as though there is something else within me that I want to express when I connect with other people, some part of me that wants to reach out in a way that truly honours what I feel inside – not a set of superficial words that will gain attention but do not communicate any sense of who I am. I would like to change the way I communicate with people – not judging their expectations and the possible outcome.

It feels as though I have three main ways of expressing when I’m talking to people…

  • One to my family
  • One to friends
  • And another truer way of expressing when I am connecting deeply to myself.

This last way is a way that has recently developed since being introduced to the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I am not being told what to do, but I have been inspired and it feels as though I have begun to open up to new ways and to making different choices.

The ‘old ways’ of talking and communicating with people no longer work for me and somehow don’t truly reflect who I am. I am beginning to have more awareness of the deeper effect of how my words impact on both myself and others.

In the past I always believed that no one would find out when I was grumpy – in fact, I would not have admitted this fact to myself, let alone anyone else. I can now see that it is so apparent as I can feel the tenseness in my body and face, and that tenseness is clear for anyone else to see and feel. Also, if I can pick this up from someone else, which I can, then it makes sense that they will also be able to see and feel it in me.

I was under the impression that the only part of my communication that anyone felt was from the words I spoke when I was talking to people: now I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another and that my words are a reflection of how my body is – so if my body is tender so will my words be, and if my body is in anger, what and how I express will be tainted by that anger…

There are so many little giveaway signs with talking, communication and expression such as the tone of my voice, the speed at which I speak, and the way I put the sentences together. There is also my body language.

Why would I develop different ways of expressing and communicating with people? – It feels as though I have made life very complicated…

Looking back to when I was about three, I have realised that being totally myself did not feel safe. When I was truly myself – that tender, loving, precious little girl – I was made to feel and was told that I was too sensitive. It feels even at that age I felt isolated and rather than choosing to stay true to myself I abandoned my gorgeous, loving and playful little girl and enjoined others. There was an inner conflict in this that I felt inside: why was it that something that felt so true to me was rejected, even by those close to me?

The hurt and realisation of this is something that I have allowed to affect my behaviour throughout my life.

It feels at this point that I allowed others to decide how I was to talk, express and behave in the world: instead of trusting my own feelings and what I felt deeply inside, I handed my power over to what was outside of me. This feels like a betrayal of who I really am.

When I express to my family there is a familiarity to it that can be quite abusive. As a defence from what felt like a very unsafe world I learned to calibrate what I said in order to not be bombarded with this barrage of weapons. The words often felt like arrows going through my heart.

For the greater part of my life I have been holding back talking to people and expressing who I really am. As I grow older it feels as though there is an urgency to let go of all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world.

It is time to reach out and communicate with people how I feel, and to express from my heart in a new and beautiful way how I feel about the world: to begin to honour not only myself but also humanity, not allowing expectations to hinder the process. I feel truly blessed to have found a way that is loving and supportive through the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.

By Susan Lee, Hadleigh, England

Related Reading:
Expressing Myself and Being True

789 thoughts on “Communicating with, and Talking to People – No longer Calibrating my Expression

  1. Susan I can truly connect to this blog, as expression has been the forefront of all my issues in this lifetime and no doubt many others. This calibrating of expression still outplays however not to the extent as it used to, by ruling or controlling my life exacerbated as the years passed by.

    Expression is everything and in everything, and when we don’t express, some where along the body, something will become affected due to the lack of this and in my case, it was the thyroid.

    How we express for those who haven’t expressed to their fullest potential, is a working progress and it doesn’t have to look or be perfect in anyway. And if anything, appreciate that to make the choice to express from our true self is much to appreciate than not expressing at all.

    Thank you for bringing this awareness for myself, I have much to appreciate, I have come so far a head with my expression then ever before.

    1. That’s beautiful Shushila – the more we are willing to be open the more we can offer the world in the way of clear expression. We can maybe offer people their first opportunity to feel the truth delivered in a way that is holding and without judgement.

  2. There are many layers to expressing ourselves. Often just when you think you’ve got it life shows you there’s always more. Or when avoiding that more life nudges you. We can only delay for so long.

  3. So much happens in the communication process, not just the expressed words, but our whole body expression that goes along at the same time. If we can so easily read a person who is speaking to us, picking up the truth of their feelings, how easily they can also read us when we are not expressing in our fullness of our being. And yes this can change as we develop a deeper understanding and awareness of the love that resides within us all. Thank you Susan for your expression.

  4. Someone was talking over a situation that happened recently and to me they were fluffing around not getting to the point, I suggested that they just tell it like it is. And interestingly they said you cannot say that you’re too blunt. But yes you can say things that directly open up a situation so that everyone has an opportunity to look at what is going on. When you wrap something up in nice no one gets to learn from the experience and nice can let in all sorts of other complications such as blame, lack of responsibility, victimhood and dumping reactions onto others.

    1. There’s another form of communication, they appear to mean well or, look at me see what I am doing and yet underneath there is a hidden agenda and it is for themselves. I can smell that a mile away.

  5. What a great understanding and awareness to have come to, ‘I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another and that my words are a reflection of how my body is’.

  6. “The ‘old ways’ of talking and communicating with people no longer work for me and somehow don’t truly reflect who I am.” I have really been feeling this lately and pondering on how many changes I am feeling within myself, which are happening quite regularly, and assessing whether I am allowing myself to truly express from this ever changing new place within me. I still feel like the same me, there’s just more of me now present and deeper expressions of my inner qualities. It’s a really important area to look at – are we expressing (and enjoying) the fullness of ourselves?

  7. Being scared of how another person may view us is so deabiliting it stunts us from being the magnificence we are designed to be.

    1. I wonder if that is what is happening energetically, at some level we are being stunted, or allowing ourselves to be stunted so we do not have to emanate our glorious selves.

  8. Thank you Susan, great topic that I Love working with as the power of understanding and feeling the true vibration of words so the energetic meaning is not lost and a glaring example is our Soul and the reinterpretations that we all have had and one more simple example other than the obvious Love equation is the value we place on frugal as in its origins it is to lessen the spirit so we can re-connect to our Soul and being Truly Loving in that connection as we all equally can. And finally when we respond it is our Soul in connection and if we are in reaction we have not been frugal enough with our spirit.

    1. Dear Greg – ‘frugal’ is not a word I have ever considered in great depth. However, from what you have shared I am feeling that it is about the value of simplicity – and I will ponder this some more today. Thank you.

      1. Dearest Susan, frugal from the Latin meaning, worthy/honest/deserving; thrifty/frugal/simple; temperate/sober, so as you have shared it has a simple component and also greater values towards being connected to our Soul.

      2. Thank you Greg – so beautiful when we connect and explore the true beauty that comes through words. We are supported to go deeper when we drop into the true meaning.

  9. Amazing sharing Susan, and one that many can relate to, I am sure. I certainly can relate to this too and the frustrations that arise when I hold back that which I really want to say and taylor what comes out to suit the other person instead of saying it as it is and letting the other deal with it. This of course refers to a conversation shared in openness, respect and always with holding the other as an equal.

    1. When we share from our innermost we are offering the other person a moment to connect to a deeper point of connection. All we need to do is hold them in love.

    2. Thank you Henrietta, and I take it you were being playful with words when us “taylor to suit” as we can stitch up our conversations and thus make the seemingly perfect suite where every seam counts but a true vibration in expression lays it all to rest and undoes the seemingly impossible.

  10. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” It is wonderfully liberating to just be and share who you naturally are.

    1. Ageing can be a time of simplicity and appreciation and offering a way of settlement to a world that is feeling very unsettled.

  11. “When I express to my family there is a familiarity to it that can be quite abusive.” This line really stopped me in my tracks, because it’s so true. I can see how there can be patterns of communicating that are not truly respectful, honest, loving or caring in families, which we tend to think of as the place where this would not happen. There is something about the lowering of standards in families (and other familiar relationships) that we see as love, or as OK, when it’s really not. If we consider that love holds everyone equally so much is exposed here with how we communicate.

    1. Love would never allow such abuse – learning that it’s safe to be honest is so freeing and empowering – and takes the pressure off everyone. This way we can all learn to be ourselves.

    2. Having begun a relationship with space it feels like one of the most beautiful relationships that we can embrace and nurture in ourselves. Having been living with contraction where any space had been totally squeezed out I am now aware of the blessing that space offers us. It is a resource that allows me to feel my own delicacy and sensitivity and thereby connect to that same quality in others. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to explore further your awesome blog.

  12. Expressing from our heads is a very contracted form of expression, whereas expressing from our bodies is a very expanded way of expressing and as God is expansion then expressing from the body is a very religious form of expression.

  13. The way that we express verbally is quite literally the ‘mouth piece’ for the body and so whatever the body is feeling our verbal expression will reflect that, even if our well chosen words say the opposite.

    1. Ooh, I can feel the ouch when you say ‘well chosen words’ – I spent many an hour rehearsing how to approach a difficult situation little realising that I was compounding the difficulty – and all I needed to do was to connect to my body and live the truth I found within.

  14. “The ‘old ways’ of talking and communicating with people no longer work for me and somehow don’t truly reflect who I am”. If we are not living the truth of who we are then our words and the way we speak will reflect that. It’s not possible to speak the truth without living it first.

  15. How amazing it is to be able to truly feel that it is ok to simply be ourselves after life times of role playing.

    1. I agree Fumiyo – What a relief too to take away that imposition of having to play a role or be something one is not! It is certainly very liberating, though can be testing us in terms of standing steady with our connection with self.

      1. Playing roles is so complicated and is very wearing whereas a simple life expands and evolves us back to a being that emanates love.

  16. “I was under the impression that the only part of my communication that anyone felt was from the words I spoke when I was talking to people: now I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another” – I agree. Funny how we settle for this mutual unspoken agreement when every one of us can actually feel everything, and keep the pretense and ignore the multidimensionality that is always being communicated.

    1. And what I am feeling from your comment that as we become more honest with ourselves we realise that this has been the whole purpose of our lives thus far – to block ourselves from the ‘multi dimensional’ beings that we truly are. Perverse, but true is what I am finding as I peel back the layers of illusion that I have been living in which may sound harsh and yet the result is that I can begin to free myself and surrender to the magnificence and joy that is our heritage.

  17. Hi Susan, I enjoyed reading your blog again, for your honesty and the sheer loveliness of feeling the true you come through. I have arrived home from a day out in the world and noticed on some occasions I wasn’t really able to be me fully, which got me pondering on why. The awareness alone will allow me to feel where I am at when I’m with people, and in those moments support myself to come back to me and express in full. It seems like protecting or changing ourselves is the right thing to do but the truth of it is we miss ourselves deeply in those moments. We are taught to look outside of ourselves for what we need, but there’s nothing like the joy of being in connection to ourselves and sharing that with others.

    1. When we begin to feel the truth of what you say Melinda – that ‘we miss ourselves deeply in those moments.’ we have an opportunity to go deeper – to allow these feelings to free themselves from the constant imposition that we have placed on them. I ponder on how far we have roamed from feeling ‘joy of being in connection to ourselves and sharing that with others’.

      1. Reading your comment again Melinda I can feel that the deepening is something far more than the way I originally felt it to be – it’s a constant and forever unfolding that gradually strips us bare of the countless impositions that we have laid upon the original fiery spark that lays deeply buried within – and yet slowly will be exposed………

  18. Last week someone asked, ‘why don’t you allow the endless love you feel for people to come out without any restriction?’ And since then I am giving this a go and it changes the way I move, what I say and most of all how I look at people. I realized how much control and protection was in my eyes. Now I don’t reserve this tender, love filled look for a selected group or for when I hold a wedding ceremony everybody gets it. And boy does it feel amazing.

      1. Yes, Melinda – it will allow me to go deeper – and to change the way I move. Movement is key to us shifting all those patterns once and for all out of our bodies.

  19. “….my words are a reflection of how my body is – so if my body is tender so will my words be, and if my body is in anger, what and how I express will be tainted by that anger…” – so true Susan , the nature or way we hold our own selves really sets the foundation for how we will be, how our nature is with others too and from this develop every kind of relationship.

  20. When we are simply ourselves, life is uncomplicated and clear. I look back at the many different ways I felt I had to present myself, depending on the situation, location and/or company, and how enmeshed and chaotic it was as I tried to manage which version I was meant to be at any given time. The steadier I become as me, knowing who I am and what my qualities are, the simpler and more fun life is.

    1. It feels like madness in retrospect when I realise how chaotic I have made life when I am constantly having to check which version of myself I am presenting. And yet this is how it is until we begin to understand that life can be different if we so choose.

  21. Thank you Susan, I’ve just read a blog about relationships, love, and letting people in and it’s dawned on me that changing our expression is just another form of protection, and quite exhausting always being on guard and changing who we are. It makes sense doesn’t it to just be ourselves across the board. Our one true self across all of life, not many people by changing ourselves and accommodating others, etc. Thank you for this blog and the awareness and inspiration its given me to look at this.

    1. Reading your comment Melinda I am pondering on why we would want to be anything but our true selves and the same with everyone we meet – particularly as they know the game we are playing. We have wandered so far from our innate essence that we have found a way of surviving but always compromising. Why not lets start offering our all – the all that we innately are?

  22. When we allow our unresolved hurts to govern how we live our expression and beingness is calibrated in order to seek a desired outcome of playing safe to stay in protection. The more we connect to who we naturally are and deepen our appreciation of all that we are the more we feel that the joy of our innate beingness is too joyful to contain and keep to ourselves.

    1. We do indeed ‘feel that the joy of our innate beingness is too joyful to contain and keep to ourselves’ when we express all that we are from our inner heart.

  23. ‘As I grow older it feels as though there is an urgency to let go of all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world.’ Beautiful Susan, it is a powerful step when we stop holding back and begin to express who we truly are – the best medicine on offer.

  24. In learning more about abuse and corruption lately I realised the moment I calibrate and adjust my communication to what I think people can handle from me, the truth and thus the love are gone. And how abusive is that for myself and the other(s).

    1. Yes, and I have noticed recently that sometimes when I am doing this I am judging from an arrogance that they will not have the same perceptions of life that I do.

      1. Beautiful to observe our judgements and let go of them. I didn’t realize I have so many. This morning I could feel if people don’t see me and respond to the love I offer I want to withdraw and it was a beautiful exercise to stay and love them even more.

  25. I have recently reached a point where my communication has changed. I used to just speak what it was there to express but now I take my time and observe my usual ‘reactional’ thought process and take my time. It gives me a more honest approach to deepen my feelings.

  26. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” This is amazing Susan, it really reminds me that it doesn’t matter when we start, it just matters that we start – and re-learning to express who we are is an amazing process of rediscovery.

      1. We are expansion on top of expansion on top of expansion, we’re not young people getting old and dying, that’s just part of the illusion to keep us stuck in creation.

      2. And each time we repeat the cycle we have the opportunity to clear away the debris that may block us from being free from a cycle that may no longer serve our purpose on this plain of life.

      3. I agree Susan, life is a constant opportunity to choose something different and free ourselves of the self-entrapment that comes with repeating behaviours but most of us are trapped by choice into choosing to repeat our behaviours and in doing so embed ourselves deeper and deeper into the illusion of creation.

  27. “There was an inner conflict in this that I felt inside: why was it that something that felt so true to me was rejected, even by those close to me?” I know this feeling and it is great to talk about it with each other because it can feel most stunting when people subtly or outwardly let us know we are not interesting and our expression is not how it ‘should’ be. And the thing is the people often don’t do it intentionally but because we generally don’t have the foundation of decency and respect in our relationships to just allow others to be how they are this often ‘just’ flips out.

    1. And yet in truth words don’t just slip out – there is an intention and the energy that can be felt – and I know this caused me to be in reaction before I was aware of the truth of what was taking place. It feels so different when we can stand back and observe and begin to understand the energetic play out.

      1. Yes thank you, that is true. When we know about energy this changes our way of looking at life at what is going on.

  28. When we adjust how we communicate, it is not really about the other one, but about self. It is about producing certain kinds of situations and avoiding others. It is a management strategy. Control really.

  29. It’s kind of bonkers – we start off with a very simple way of being that is consistent, then we learn to play different roles.. that takes time, and concentration and moves us one step, two steps etc away from that initial true way. We then have a lifetime ahead of ourselves of trying to maintain these different personae, and all the while it stops people from seeing who we truly are.

    1. Yes, Simon – it is ‘bonkers’ that we are not living the divine being that we truly are but have rather chosen to live a way that is anything less.

  30. With the support of Serge Benhayon and his work, I have learned how to express in full, regardless of the situation I am in. I no longer doubt myself, or my abilities, but offer my insights and learnings with confidence.

    1. Mine is still very much a work in progress, but I can feel more of it, and equally speak more of it. It’s a weird setup when caught in between because I feel the difference so keenly too when I play nice as opposed to staying true.

      1. Yes, for me too – and that feels so amazing – that we are always open to learning and expanding our understanding of ourselves and life – and being open to possibilities.

    2. Expressing in full, no matter what is a gorgeous way to be, ‘The ‘old ways’ of talking and communicating with people no longer work for me and somehow don’t truly reflect who I am. I am beginning to have more awareness of the deeper effect of how my words impact on both myself and others.’

  31. It is a learning for us all that the moment we hold back the love, truth and wisdom that lives deep within us, is the moment we allow ourselves to be filled instead with all that seeks to uproot this exquisite beauty.

    1. And to deny our own preciousness and unique expression as a integral part of the all.

      1. And we think it is other people denying our preciousness, ‘When I was truly myself – that tender, loving, precious little girl – I was made to feel and was told that I was too sensitive. It feels even at that age I felt isolated and rather than choosing to stay true to myself I abandoned my gorgeous, loving and playful little girl and enjoined others.’

  32. This is beautiful Susan. You show us that it is never too late to express from the depth of who we truly are. All is not lost and indeed much is regained from allowing this process to unfold.

    1. It’s interesting how often we can feel that it’s too late but age is never a barrier to participating in life and appreciating that each age has it’s own unique beauty and offering.

  33. These days I’m realizing that being in withdrawn energy affects me more than I can imagine. It feels like being imprisoned in my own body. Not allowing my natural flow being expressed is a dishonoring choice that has an impact, a message behind every measured action like ‘it doesn’t matter what you say or do, you are not going to be never good enough’. Now as I’m writting it I can start to really feel how awful it is as push me to be in a certain way all the time. Serge Benhayon and now you Susan, inspire me to come back to my own love which is never imposing and greater than anything in this world. Thank you

    1. You have offered something so exquisite with your expression Inma – that feeling of imprisonment so precisely describes what I too can feel in my body when I hold back – it’s as though my body wants to expand with the expression and I am denying my body this expansion by contracting and withholding something that is not meant for me alone. We can bring a depth and quality to the most seemingly ordinary moments when we express together the wisdom of the Universe that is in all the space around us for us to ignite.

  34. The way you have changed these old ways of expression by working with Universal Medicine and supporting yourself to bring the real you is amazing Susan. Love what you said about how you are finding a new beginning in your life as you grow older. Never is too late to let your beauty out, all Humanity is blessed by your loving presence.

  35. I feel this is true for so many Richard – we hold back to the point of becoming invisible and I feel so very blessed to have begun to turn this around with the love and support of Universal Medicine.

  36. Compromise is never a true option – when we recognise the truth within our body this is not something that we can adjust to the moment – the choice is either truth – or betrayal.

  37. I am coming-out of hiding and learning to express myself, my wisdom and my joy, I know as a young child I was very open and expressive, but that was shut down from an early age, to now, be free to express and share myself with others, is an immense blessing, in the beautiful connections this sharing brings.

    1. It’s interesting to see how we share similar experiences regardless of the place we live, age, gender…is like we all were the same gorgeous, open, all knowing, extremely sensitive child and we made the same choice to not be seen as this didn’t fit very well in our environment. How wonderful revelation! now by knowing we are all the same we can support each other to bring all our preciousness out again. Let’s do that, I can’t find a greater plan.

      1. Your joy and enthusiasm is irresistible and very beautiful. It is a moment of great magic when we connect and realise that within we are innately the same and come from a place where we were once all as one in vibration.

  38. Our bodies have a whole language of its own and it expresses it through feelings, when we open up to be honest with our feelings and express this out lovingly, a whole new world of communication opens up for us to explore and enjoy.

    1. Opening up to the wisdom of our bodies allows us to read life – and to understand others. When I choose to do this in life it is not so incomprehensible and nothing happens ‘to me’ and I am no longer powerless – consequently I am then more able to be in command of my life and my movements.

  39. Yes, I agree Linda – the more I embrace transparency in my life the more that the whole world opens up – and welcomes me to be who I truly am.

  40. I found I had to actually learn how to express. Communication was easy but expression needed to be learnt.

    1. Yes, it’s great to be aware of the difference between expression and communication Christoph.

  41. “I allowed others to decide how I was to talk, express and behave in the world” – and it is our own hurt that we project onto others to apply judgment therefore the calibration of our expression. We had stepped away from love.

  42. Even when we think we are hiding how we feel by speaking softly or speaking slowly and being very articulate, we can’t. As you say Susan, everything is felt and everything is known… even those times when we think we don’t know but our body is showing us with a feeling of nervousness or anxiousness of what is really going on energetically before us.

  43. I love what you’re saying here, that we don’t just speak with our mouths and our voices but our whole bodies, and if we hold back verbally we’re almost definitely holding back with our bodies too. I feel like the 2 are inseparable, if our bodies are feeling tight or out of sorts this is going to reflect in the things we say, or if our body feels amazing and strong then this is also going to reflect in how we communicate.

  44. Thank you Susan, I have been calibrating my expression very much, with many of the same reasons as your blog describes.. It is the freedom of truth that I started feeling when I first started to speak my truth — leading me up now to exploring everyday the more deeper I can go and recognize my resistance also. As it asks constantly to step up and let go of the comforts that I had manifested.

  45. A great reminder that the tone and speed that we deliver our words in is sometimes even more powerfully or forcefully felt than the actual words said.

  46. I too thought that I could hide my anger from others by remaining calm and choosing not to feel what I didn’t want to feel, but to be sure it was felt by others, as our bodies are expressing all the time not just in talking. We are blessed to know that at any age we change the way we are living and learn to live with true love and purpose.

  47. I have seen many people come to a much greater vitality and commitment to life in their elder years through the inspiration offered by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. What he presents resonates deeply with people and it awakens in them a purpose, love and truth that has always been there and when they connect back to this, their life is full again.

    1. And this resonation brings a stirring within – and the ripple affects of this ‘stirring’ opens us up to the possibility of taking command of our lives, and living life with purpose and obedience.

    1. That is true – we make the ‘convenient’ excuse for our dishonesty and do anything rather than admit that we have made life wholly about ourselves, when in accepting responsibility we could be living in a way that brings harmony and love to all.

  48. There is something about retirement that we loose purpose of what is actually true to do.. like an instant switch that we choose as a majority to turn off once we get to a certain age.. whilst actually, we need to keep expanding and sharing the wisdom we have and the qualities we have brought to our community till our last breath.. I am not sure about retirement 🙂

    1. So true Richard and Danna – our sense of purpose so often disappears once the lure of retirement is sold to us as Nirvana. If the truth were to be told it can become the dismal end to a very full life where the only fruit of success is the indulgences that are offered by our pursuit of comfort as an end gaol. And yes, also the beginning of mental health issues as we give up on ourselves and allow our bodies to go into a gradual decline.

  49. It makes perfect sense that you are now starting to feel like you’re living YOUR life, despite whatever age you are and what society says you should be doing at that age. It’s inspiring to read about how freeing it is when we give up trying to be everything to everyone else.

  50. It is never only words we communicate, the whole body is our vehicle of expression (as Serge Benhayon is sharing already for years) and we all feel all of the time of words come from the truth that resides in our body or are given to us from the thoughts in our head and are in contrast of what our whole body is communicating.

  51. I can relate to feeling like my life has just started too, Susan, so much of my long life I have been shut down, keeping myself hidden, tied up in a box of ideals and beliefs that controlled how I lived and expressed. I am feeling more and more that it is okay to express me, it is not a matter of getting it right or wrong but expressing truth, when i connect to my body truth is there to express.

    1. Very beautiful what you have expressed Jill – I know that at times I doubt my body and revert to knowledge which limits and shortchanges humanity and the expansion of the Universe. When I trust my inner knowing I know that the wisdom I am expressing comes from an energy that is evolving. It feels magnificent when I feel the expansion in my body as I connect with a source much greater than I have up until recently felt possible as I surrender control and allow.

  52. It’s funny how we assume that we only communicate with words and yet our whole body communicates all the time, how can it not, and yet we live in a way that acts that way, and yet if we fully embrace whole body communication it frees us up to be and express all of who we are.

    1. And when ‘we fully embrace the whole body communication’ we offer a depth of who we are and consequently no longer using the outer superficiality to ‘get us through life’. We have so underestimated the power of expression and communication and what it can offer us as a humanity – a possibility that we no longer have to live compartmentalised in our own little world as we allow ourselves the freedom to become part of the greater expanse of the Universe.

  53. An inspirational sharing Susan. We have been blessed with the teachings of Serge Benhayon and the Ancient Wisdom. How we use that knowledge in our lives is the important thing.

  54. Yes, absolutely been there and done that, modifying myself to a particular set of circumstances. Its a pretty exhausting past time trying to keep up with the many faces I can wear, and so much better if I find the one true face and express that in all aspects of life.

  55. A beautiful blog about coming back to people and enjoying how enriching it is to deeply communicate and express with them. Yes it is never too late, life has just begun…

    1. Yes, and still continues. I have just re-read this blog the first time in quite a while and it is interesting to reflect how life continually opens and expands as long as we don’t give up. Expression opens the way to a deeper knowing within and this supports our body in preparation for our return as this life draws to an end.

  56. I absolutely loved reading this Susan, how you’ve been inspired to just be who you are, and make changes to live more of that. Change is always possible, we just sometimes need a bit of inspiration to see that it is possible – and the amazing thing is, it’s not necessarily difficult. Just a choice, to express what we can feel in any given moment, and to let go of the ‘what will others think’ that keeps us all in the dark and all acting from behind facades.

  57. There is something so deeply poignant in what you share Susan that strikes a deep chord as I feel how I and you and many others have learned to not communicate how we feel and put on a facade. And I laughed as I considered that it’s so obvious to others when we are tense or angry and yes they notice, yet somehow we try and fool ourselves that we can put false words and they will not notice, but they do and more to the point so do we … we notice the betrayal of what we truly feel and it hurts us, and all around us. And then there’s all that complication, when if we simply express how we feel, life opens out and expands, and we become who we are or rather we allow who we are … us.

    1. Thank you Monica – I have not ever considered that ‘we notice the betrayal of what we truly feel and it hurts us, and all around us’ – these words so beautifully express what we feel in our body and to recognise this is a healing in itself.

  58. Thank you Susan, “As a defence from what felt like a very unsafe world I learned to calibrate what I said in order to not be bombarded with this barrage of weapons.” Imagine if we all feel unsafe and therefore we are all calibrating, some are quiet, some our loud but neither are true? We would all be sensing and calibrating and, it seems to me we would all be incredibly confused!!!!

    1. And as well as confusion reigning there is a deep negating of who we are innately, and no small wonder we don’t know where we are or who we are. Just think how glorious we would all be if we became honest and open – that is certainly worth contemplating – and much more than that embracing in full.

    2. Lucy we are all calibrating constantly because if we weren’t then we would all know that we are the united consciousness of God. We have to put a lot of effort into our calibration to be able to kid ourselves that we are separate human beings living in disconnection from one another because the moment we stop calibrating then we’re back to the knowing that collectively we make up God’s living body.

      1. Complication is part of the illusion that we’ve created. What a great excuse eh, to say that we ‘just don’t understand’, whilst we pretend to stand there and scratch our heads.

      2. Fooling ourselves is one of our greatest past times – we waste time occupied by somethings that we will ultimately become humble enough to accept and know is a complete waste of time – and space.

  59. How do we truly break things down if we all hold out in the ‘I can’t say that’ line. It’s not about telling people what you really think either, it’s about checking in and feeling what there is truly to say. This part means we need to develop a relationship with our body to know feelings and to move in a way that supports us to truly feel. This way there is no stage or big event, just many little moments of truly feeling that then allow us to express all that is needed no matter what is happening in front of our eyes.

  60. It seems to me that we begin to learn at a very early age that to speak the truth is often not greeted well by the adults around us; that they struggle with the truth that this ‘little person’ is sharing. From the negative reactions to our expression we eventually learn that to hold back what we are feeling is actually much safer and we may even feel that we are loved more for doing so. Slowly the calibration becomes ingrained and continues on into our adult life if it is not addressed. But it doesn’t have to stay this way forever as you have discovered Sue and that to me is so very inspirational. It goes to show that it is never too late to make a change in our lives and no longer calibrating our expression is one hugely important change.

  61. By allowing others to influence how you would be and how you would express is as you say a betrayal of yourself, great awareness, ‘ instead of trusting my own feelings and what I felt deeply inside, I handed my power over to what was outside of me. This feels like a betrayal of who I really am.’

    1. Very lovely Lorraine – I have never seen this in quite this light before and the use of the word ‘betrayal’ allows one to feel how very detrimental it is when we do not remain true to ourselves.

  62. Very true Susan – a sharing of honesty that explains us why we might hold back – but how that it now becomes an illness in one’s body and equally a lack of support to another.

  63. “I am becoming aware that when I am talking to people I adjust the way I express and communicate according to how I feel the listener will receive my words.” It takes a lot of honesty to bring this to your awareness and it is this kind of honesty that allows for great change.

  64. At first it might be a bit of a shock when we realise something about ourselves, but it is actually the beginning of something new or more so the opportunity of change that we are willing to make.

  65. Absolutely Susan, the responsibility we have is huge, ‘I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another and that my words are a reflection of how my body is – so if my body is tender so will my words be, and if my body is in anger, what and how I express will be tainted by that anger’.

  66. We like to think we can get away with stuff – not being ourselves being one of the main ones. But everything is recorded and our body is one big filing cabinet of everything we have lived, intentionally and physically.

  67. Life becomes very complicated when we calibrate our expression to what we think others want to hear. When we give our power away, what comes out of our mouth is not inline with our body and one way or the other the body suffer the consequences. Your writing shows me, we can always make a start with opening up, no matter what age, we can choose to be ourselves and to enjoy life as it is.

    1. I so agree Annelies ‘ When we give our power away, what comes out of our mouth is not inline with our body and one way or the other the body suffer the consequences’ – and it feels as though as we age we are offered an opportunity and great healing to at long last change this. I know that for me it felt that my body was no longer willing to accept the lifelong contraction that was building up, and it felt that if I continued one day the hardness may have surfaced as a cancer. It is a slow process to change these deeply entrenched patterns but the joy that our body feels as we let go is something truly glorious as we become more fully our genuine and natural selves.

  68. Thank you Doug for raising the topic of responsibility here. It’s so true that what we say or hold back from saying has an impact on others.

    1. I agree Debra – we only need to stop for a moment and feel whether we have responded or reacted – whether we have contracted or allowed more space.

    2. Absolutely everything that we say, think and do has an impact on others because we are all part of the everything and so whatever we choose to contribute to the everything gets felt by the everything. It’s not possible to be outside the everything because everything is the everything.

      1. And even when we understand this intellectually it may take a little longer to fully embody these words as we have been living in arrogance for way too long.

      2. There is a vast difference between understanding something intellectually and knowing something from the body. For eons people have tried desperately to know God from their heads when in truth He can only be felt through the body. There is no other way to know Him.

      3. And when we feel this bodily connection all doubt dissipates and the expansion felt in our body makes space for an even greater volume of his everlasting love.

  69. I loved reading that you feel you are just starting to live Susan. It’s never to late to make a change and get stuck in with life. I can relate to much of what you have shared on holding back your true expression. I am having fun with expressing what I feel instead of calibrating.

  70. When I worry about what others may think of me or what I have said, or how they might react etc., the chances are I know somewhere – even though I may try very hard being unaware – that I was not being love in full, that there was an opening for something else to be expressed. As well, by going into worry, I am already not being love so I am already holding back what could otherwise be in truth. This is a constant learning for me.

  71. Yes, it feels as though we have been conditioned to not allow ourselves to feel our true potential, and that what we are feeling at this moment may be awesome – and yet this does not exclude that the next moment may be even grander. I have often felt myself hesitate and withdraw when something has reached what feels like a culminating moment, and yet I do not allow that with further deepening this is just a step towards becoming divine.

  72. Contracted communication (calibrating) does not honour the other person, nor the truth what we feel and know. It only helps to keep life at some level, a level we would like to believe it is it.

  73. Susan your words resonated with me too ‘When I’m talking, I often hold back and don’t fully express what I want to say because I am afraid of the person’s response, or how they may feel, or what they will think of me – this last one in particular is a big one for me.’ I too was caught in this measured way of being, how much and what to say, it holds back who we are and at the same time it holds back the person we are conversing with too, so much easier and simpler just to express from who we are.

    1. Yes, Sally, although I was unsure of who I was because I only paid attention to everything that was outside of me – the whole of my focus was on needing approval and identification. As I build a more intimate relationship with myself I can express who I am with more ease and less trying – from a place with more connection and flow and realising that I do not need to pretend – and as you say we all are then more able to ‘ just to express from who we are’.

  74. I used to think that I held back by not sharing how I felt, how irritated that I was, how frustrated things had become for me. It’s true being able to say this openly without trying to be anything was an important step. But now reading your words here Susan I get the sense that true communication only comes when I understand that every noun, every word is a vehicle for energy and it’s the vibration I put out that I am really sharing. So when I speak and arrange my life, am I communicating care? Am I communicating Love? Am I sharing in a way that understands we are all masters placed here, from above? When I do, I say what truly needs to be said. Even if it’s just ‘please pass the bread’.

    1. I agree Joseph there is so much more to expression than we may initially understand – the deeper we delve into how we truly are the more of the ‘what is not truly us’ we can let go of. As you say every part of our expression can be loaded or not and I know that I can still use the tone of my voice to imply what is an ingrained view or opinion I may have held on to, to control and protect. There is always opportunities to gain a greater and more loving understanding of how we can all relate to one another that is more embracing and harmonious as we learn to let go of judgement.

    2. Yes, there is so much that comes across in the tone, the timing, the movement. Words are the end result of all the thoughts we have had and the experiences we have lived and our ‘normal’ might be someone elses’ abuse.

  75. When we don’t grow up being supported to live our truth, we simply spend years in the misery of living who we are not, and eventually give up thinking that it can be any other way. Its wonderful to find out, that the real person we are is never lost or buried too deeply that it cant be rediscovered by our choice to return to who we truly are, step by step.

    1. I agree Felicity – it is joy to be coming back to my innate essence – as we all are at some point going to do. It feels so wonderful to feel the support we offer one another as we gain deeper understanding of our true purpose on this planet.

  76. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” And what a blessing for all concerned – that you are able to learn it at all. I am sure the last ‘phase’ of life for you will be awesome and joyful and you let go of all that never was you and learn to live the true you again. its crazy that in our early years, who we truly are is suppressed and knocked back time after time.

    1. It does feel awesome during the last phase of my life to be letting go of some of these deeply ingrained patterns. I am also aware that each time I come back to a particular lesson I am gaining greater insight into what there is to work on and let go of. As this process takes place I can feel that I am beginning to deepen my appreciation for myself and not fall back into beating myself up for having slips.

  77. It takes a very steady dedication to the essence in side to be able to share ourselves with others, without inhibitions. A dedication that is worth everything when we can speak from ourselves and not in protection from our hurts.

    1. What you have shared Leigh is beautiful as it takes us deeper within to be at one with our truth. The truth has been so mystified and glamourised as something we attain but as we form a deeper connection to our truth we realise that there it is within our essence, something to be explored and understand. And as you say it supports us to speak freely without all the deceptions of protection and to be integrated and at one with ourselves and the Universe.

  78. It is interesting the extent to which we communicate in fear (of reactions), masking the fear through self-control (holding back). Although this way allows us to sail seemingly smoothly, what kind of movements are we generating? Are the really smooth and fluid? Do they truly carry us forward?

    1. Although at one time in my life I would have felt I was fooling everyone I now realise that the only person I was fooling was myself. We are all innately clairsentient and we do not value this sufficiently – we can read everything that’s taking place but often self doubt allows us to be fooled by outward appearances. It feels beautiful to realise that as we connect more deeply we can be truly ourselves and join the flow of the Universe as we let go of harmful patterns that only impede our relationships.

  79. I too have been feeling how very ‘debilitating’ it is when I hold back and the impact this has both on my body and then how I express onwards from this point. When my body feels contracted this affects the flow and connection to my heart – how can I express heart-fully when my chest feels as though it is a cage around my heart – holding it back from expressing the true love that I hold in my essence.

  80. “…I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another…” – a great point, that we are communicating with one another all the time whether we are speaking or not and when we are speaking there is an energy that comes with the words we say from the energy we have chosen in our body first.

    1. So true Fiona – and it feels so all encompassing as we embrace the responsibility that comes with the knowing of the power we hold and the effect we are having on the Universe. As I retrace my steps back to a way of being that is a form of communication that far surpasses anything we are experiencing at present, I am realising that our irresponsibility is exposing just how far away from our true essence we are now living.

  81. Truly expressing what we can feel is truly living. It’s when we suppress what we can feel, pretend to ourselves that we can’t feel it – or use other emotions and dramas to not feel what’s truly going on – that leads to that feeling of having given up on ourselves. The shut down and withdrawal. As I find my way back to truly expressing again, I can feel how much I’ve held back, and still hold back.. it’s like I’m still waiting for permission to express myself instead of going for it, no matter what the consequences, reactions – the biggest of which are usually my own, to ‘not getting it right’. The more I accept and appreciate my expression, the less fear there is around it and the less need for it to be accepted by others.

    1. Dear Bryony it was so beautiful to read your words this morning as they really opened up a space for me when I was feeling stuck. As you say ‘we suppress what we can feel – and pretend to ourselves that we can’t feel it’ and that is when I know I am holding back and pretending that I can divert my attention away from what I am being offered. When I feel stuck I am being offered an opportunity to go deeper and connect to that place within where stillness dwells and the wisdom of the Universe unfolds.

      1. Yes… any feeling that doesn’t equate to feeling light and expansive in our bodies is perhaps only a resistance to going deeper, to allowing ourselves to stay open and feel more. Great to see these feelings and moments as simply another opportunity for more depth and connection, to ourselves, the wider world and the universe.

      2. I find I have the intention to go deeper – and then do not allow myself ‘to stay open and feel more’ – in other words I resist the opportunity. As I become more aware of my re-actio I then have the option before me as a possibility to change or not.

  82. You have offered so much to reflect on through what you have shared. I too now realised that our expressing is not only about to what we are saying to another, but what is more revealing of the truth is the quality of our movements in that moment. For if we are with ourselves we are with love and as such our movements are then an extension of that love. If we are not with ourselves and instead in separation to our love our movements and behaviours then reflect whatever emotional quality we have engaged in. Thank you Susan for there is much to explore here in bringing awareness to how we speak and listen to each other so that our expression is one the represents the truth of who we all are.

    1. It is awesome to read your beautiful comment Carola – as expression is forever expanding and bringing more joy into our lives as we are deepening our understanding of what is truly taking place when we live our human life. When I first wrote the blog three years ago I never dreamt that I would still be in a position of just putting my toe in the water, as I can feel that the deeper I go then the greater the understanding and wisdom. From where I am at today I feel that there are still so many layers to unfold as we let go of our need to be in human form as we one day vibrate from this plane of life – and still continue to express……..

  83. Consistency in being who we are is simplicity and reliability in communication and connection.

    1. I love what you offer here Alex – so simple and so to the point allowing us to go deeper.

  84. Expressing in different ways to different people is an exhausting and draining way to live, as is holding back and not saying all that we can feel is naturally there to be said. When we let go, and just allow ourselves to be, the expression naturally follows – and so do our energy levels, and harmony in the body.

  85. Our communication is honest or even true the moment we honor ourselves and thus naturally another, everything else is a limitation of who we are for the sake of avoiding the tension we expect from allowing ourselves to be seen in our fullness.

  86. It’s one thing truly feeling what to say and another entirely to calibrate what we feel in order to try and control how another responds to us! It’s something I keep developing awareness of in all my interactions too. And I love how you say you are coming more alive now than ever before Susan – beautiful to hear!

  87. Susan this is very inspiring to be aware of my communication, and to develop a consistency in just being me and speaking from who I am across all facets of life.

  88. I love the realizations you have come to and how when you speak, your words are a reflection and hold the quality of how your body is in any moment. The responsibility we then hold is immense… for we are able to either taint or bless another through our expression even through just one word.

    1. That’s so beautiful Samantha as it brings into perspective the enormous responsibility we hold to express our essence and all that we are – and to not take any short cuts. When we accept responsibility at this level it is a joy and not a burden as we begin to truly feel how interconnected we all are.

  89. We forgot to realise that our whole body is communicating all the time and not just the words we speak. So I am learning is to be true and honour my own feelings, as this supports the true expression from my body. If I bottle it up inside of me, it is felt and express through my body through my movements, whether it be anger, sadness, joy or laughter.

  90. We are kidding ourselves if we think another does not feel our anger (or any other emotion for that matter) in the way we speak, move or write – for our body is pretty much a microphone that expresses to everyone exactly what we are feeling.

  91. The last lines of your blog filled me with great joy Susan, to get to retirement and feel as though you are just starting to live is an inspiring path to walk. A walk many will be blessed to witness.

  92. What an amazing moment it is when we realise that life is not about ourselves and we begin to let go of irresponsibility. It feels as though we have been struggling with this concept for far too long without realising how self harming and abusive it is. This may sound harsh but once we are able to begin the process of letting go of self we find that there is a richness and expansiveness that is way beyond anything we would have imagined. A natural flow enters our lives and we are able to live in harmony and joy with others – this is very much an ongoing process for me as I learn to not react to life and I now know that it is something that will continue to unfold as I become more responsible in the way that I treat myself and others. Life is all about how we communicate either with words or body language and when we can sense the energy behind this we embody a greater understanding of life.

  93. How we hold back and not express ourselves is very important to be honest about. Since I am more connected with my body I am aware of how, when I measure, please etc. it feels in my body and the opposite expressing what is there to express how it feels when I choose my own way. My body feels completely different, free and open, warm. And I agree Susan it is just a start.

  94. Recently, I saw a short video of a ballet dancer doing a visually beautiful series of movements. Could feel the level of self-abuse the dancer was inflicting upon herself. I was tempted to comment on what I felt and I finally did it. I knew that this was not going to sit well with the person who posted it, who I know. I could feel how much investmet comes in the way of true in communication and how much we have to say no to it to really say honour what and how you felt. Yet, once said it is said. You are free to keep walking.

  95. Susan the fact that you are now seeing this as your life just starting is very powerful. I work with a a lot of elderly people and there is a strong sense of giving up and waiting to die. This waiting can also go on for some time and is painful to watch, especially by families. I love seeing elderly people who participate in life and are interested in people and the world. I have always felt very inspired by this. From your sharing too it is never too late to make this change.

  96. Yes indeed there is in a way an urgency to let go of all the control and complications of our expression because it is vital that everyone of us returns to the essence of communication for mankind’s evolution, and every little bit counts

  97. It is an encompassing feeling being able to express freely to people, and this is an experiment I commit to everyday starting with strangers. It is not strange to start communicating so intimately with people that I do not know, as when this picture of not being able to communicate with strangers is dropped, it actually opens up a deeper depth of intimacy and communication with those close to me.

  98. Very true Katie, it does feel very capping when we hold back from speaking truth. The feeling festers in my body unless I make a commitment to let it go and realise that the opportunity will come round again!

  99. It is a false way of being to think that we can get away with how we are feeling from another yet this was how I too used to live. To be open with no holding back and allow everyone to see me as to where I am at is the way to be for me.

  100. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” Love this Susan – same with me – Through the grace of attending presentations by Serge Benhayon and making different lifestyle choices and ways of expression, I have more vitality than even fifteen years ago.

  101. That feels so true Chris and not something I had felt into – but as you say it I can see how true this is. It feels like the whole of humanity is conspiring to disconnect us from our essence and our innate connection to God and the Universe – the very life blood of our life and what ‘makes us tick’.

  102. Calibration of expression is endemic throughout the world, not just in our society but in every country of the world… in some cultures it is deeply embedded in the social mores, in some firmly embedded in the social stratas… whatever form it takes it is pernicious.

  103. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.”
    I have seen this happen to many people that become involved with Universal Medicine and there was a part in me that whilst I was only 35 when I met Serge Benhayon where I had withdrawn from society and kind of retired already myself and it was only then that I realised I had not truly lived and committed to life at all and I was missing the joy that this brings.

    1. From what you are saying Judith I can feel that the word Retirement, as in not working is also a ‘retirement’ from life for many people as they approach the last stage of their life, and yet I can also relate how I had withdrawn or retired from life at a similar age to you. Meeting Serge Benhayon has also supported me back into the real world again where I feel a part of modern life at a time when so many feel left behind by the present age.

  104. I always feel that holding back in how I communicate has been a form of protection for me and I too have been calibrating my communications depending on who I am talking to. I am so much more aware of this now and find that when I have an awareness of my body posture and my breath my communication is more open and honest.

    1. I agree Anne – it’s wonderful to feel the expansiveness when I support my body with small adjustments to my posture. I instantly allow for more space in my body and the need to protect falls away as I claim myself fully.

  105. Excellent Blog Susan. A comprehensive expose on how we are always calibrating our expression and how by doing this we miss out on our most deep and connected selves. I know myself I have changed and calibrated my expression a lot based on what I think a person needs, where as If I took myself back I was avoiding just allowing who I am to be there, regardless of what or how the other person perceives me or how they are.

    1. And that feels like the key Harry – not to allow other people’s perceptions or expectations to cloud or divert us from expressing fully what we are feeling. I know I can still slip back at times – but the more I build a more intimate relationship with myself the more I want to shine my light. I have hidden it for far too long allowing ‘if’s’ and ‘maybe’s to get in the way. The amazing expansiveness that we feel when we trust ourselves that we are enough is more than encouraging – it’s awesome.

  106. If love and truth are the qualities we choose in life, and thereby the qualities expressed when we open our mouths, not perfectly of course, then no matter what the words are, it is the quality that is being conveyed. How another receives this is a choice that they have made to either accept or reject love, and that is their own love.

  107. I always remind myself that I am not here to be nice, that is not the purpose of being in this world and being with people, I am here to simply express and in choosing to live in a quality of love in my day to day life, never in perfection but always in deepening awareness , and by virtue of such a choice, the quality chosen will come through my expression, and therefore, there is no thinking of what to say or how to say anything, it is simply allowing myself to express.

    1. And in expressing in this quality we bring a healing that is felt by the Universe – it vibrates and enjoins the great union we all belong to.

  108. I have found that how and what I want to communicate is so much dictated by the way I move my body throughout the day. If I move in appreciation of the tender and sensitive man I am I give expression to that quality of being in all that I am and then, when I speak to someone, I will also do that from that deep and appreciative connection I can feel I do not only have with myself, but also with that other person I meet and communicate with.

  109. “I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another and that my words are a reflection of how my body is”. This is one huge lesson that when finally understood can make such a difference as to how we speak to others, for when we speak everything that we are in that moment comes with the words; to me it is as if the words are encased in the feelings or emotions we are carrying in our bodies and therefore have an impact, in a healing or harming way, on the person we are expressing to. So it all comes back to responsibility for every word that we utter.

    1. That’s very revealing what you say here – that ‘it is as if the words are encased in the feelings or emotions we are carrying in our bodies and therefore have an impact, in a healing or harming way, on the person we are expressing to’ – and your words allow us to feel the full implication of living so very irresponsibly. We have found so many deviant ways to avoid these ‘feelings’ although as we begin to feel the impact we then allow ourselves to observe and make decisions to change our expression in a way that is so much freer – and we can think ‘outside the box’ we have created.

  110. “my words are a reflection of how my body is – so if my body is tender so will my words be,” Beautiful Susan. When we speak from the body we, and everyone else, feel the truth of what we are communicating.

    1. Yes, Mary I agree and what the body communicates speaks louder than words. We are subtly communicating our every thought and bringing to the world a volume and quality of love and wisdom. As we learn that our every movement is felt by everyone all around the world as the energy reverberates across space. Once we begin to sense and feel the power of the slightest move we begin to feel the responsibility that we hold in how we express.

  111. Yes, Katie it’s insidious the way that when we choose to believe that we are fooling the world by holding back when what we are doing is abusive and self harming. Only in the past few years have I been willing to see these long entrenched and held patterns. It is such a freedom when we realise that letting go is really quite simple – and acceptable. When we speak our truth without any need to control, our words are clear and powerful and can be heard by the world to be true.

  112. Dear Susan, I am only part way through reading your article today and have connected to the responsibility that is there for us all when it comes to not only reading how we and others are, but in offering to all the grace of understanding. This leaves us all the space to simply be ourselves where the pressures of how to be and how we should be are not present in that moment. We can all let go and be much more honest and tender with what we say.

    1. That is so true Leigh – we have an inordinate amount of responsibility to begin to change the way we interact with others in each and every moment. I love the way you so beautifully phrase the following way we can interact by ‘not only reading how we and others are, but in offering to all the grace of understanding. It feels so amazingly expansive to have the opportunity to offer this to someone – it’s a divine gift that has a huge influence in a world that is so full of misunderstandings. Even though at first this may seem impossible, it is a connection that grows and this is indeed something to appreciate when we catch ourselves becoming lost in the miasma of distractions that are there to divert us. With your words you are offering space and grace and this is something that is tangible and beautiful to feel – thank you.

  113. This is such a beautiful honest sharing Susan thank you, Communicating from the depth of who we are comes from the depth of our connection with ourselves first and this is a very growing and increasing awareness and practice as you share. This can begin at any age it is never to late and becomes a consistency of deepening forever evolving.

  114. If we hold back who we are, not only are we delaying our own evolution, we’re potentially delaying the evolution of others as well.

    1. I feel that knowing this supports us to change old patterns and realise that as long as we speak our truth we are not alone, and will be supported as we step forward to claim our truth.

  115. Gosh Doug, when you use the expression of being bottled up it so exactly described the way I have lived life – a bottle of fizzy water that was about to explode after being well shaken. When everyone is living life ‘bottled up’ it’s no wonder that there are earthquakes and tsunami as the planet can no longer sustain the pressure. As you say we have a deep responsibility both to one another and to the whole Universe, and this is awesome as we realise that expression is everything. As I allow myself to let go I can feel a sense of oneness building within and all my feelings emanate outwards and expand the space around me.

    1. It’s beautiful that what we speak of here Doug makes such sense of life and all that we feel is happening around us. For so long I knew there was an answer to the conundrum and only now I am realising that if I reach out in anger it has an impact not only on those around me but the harmony of everyone and everything that feels the vibration as the shock waves ripple out.

  116. Beautiful Susan, it is true, we are never too old to develop our expression, especially not that which comes from our innermost being. Someone said to me recently in feedback after a presentation I had given that I was the same no matter where she saw me… at work, as a friend or presenting to a group. I took that as a confirmation that I am at least becoming more consistent at expressing from the same part of me… and as I deepen the connection with myself, so will the depth of quality of expression deepen with me.

    1. The steadiness of your expression Jenny is palpable – no wonder people are recognising your consistency, It feels so beautiful as we build a ‘depth of quality of expression’ as this allows us to let go of any preconceptions and the need for forward planning becomes obsolete. This feels like we are beginning to live life fully in the present and more embracing of the future that is forever coming towards us, as we let go of the past.

      1. Yes exactly Susan, it is much more freeing to begin trusting ourselves in the moment, knowing what’s there to be expressed will be. It is a great marker I find for how connected I am and to what extent I have nourished that connection or not.

      2. You speak of nourishing our connection Jenny, and that feels like a beautiful way to deepen our connection. Nurturing and nourishing are something that have been missing from our lives but once we begin to realise that this is a natural and loving way to look after our body, we begin the process of healing and expanding our experience of appreciation and self loving. We make space for that natural tenderness and grace to emerge and blossom.

  117. You are so right – to express fully is not only honouring of ourselves but everyone else we meet and everyone else on the planet – everyone deserves the truth.

  118. Thank you Susan that you did not hold back and wrote this beautiful and honest blog. I have to admit that I was also a calibrating queen and I only can agree that allowing myself to speak out everything what is inside of me is a liberation and I have promised myself to never stop this again.

    1. I feel I know what you mean when you say you were a calibrating queen – it’s amazing how we become so adept at something that is abusive both to our body and soul and making life so complicated. When we decide to express more freely we find that the world is far more open to our beauty and joy as we are expressing our very truth and vitality.

  119. It is so important what you point out in this blog Susan. How true is our expression if we consider how the original expression we had as a child has been deflected to a way that was acceptable to the people we lived with. How far have we strayed away from our original expression when we are an adult is an important thing to look at, as to me the way we give expression to ourselves does either supports us in expanding who we are or it keeps us small and contracted based on the level of connection we have with that what lives within, and needs to be expressed to serve not only myself but also all people I am living and interacting with.

  120. Thank you Susan for a great blog, one that I could relate to. I was under the delusion that I could hide what I was really feeling, thinking that others could not feel it, anger was something I really disliked and would deny any anger I even fooled myself into thinking it was not there, I have since come to know differently. These words are true for me also. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” Amen.

  121. Susan this is an awesome blog with so many gems in it, I especially liked this one ‘ As I grow older it feels as though there is an urgency to let go of all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world.’ This has been my experience as well, learning to express and not hold back has been a game changer for me as well, I love how much lighter and spacious I feel when I express in full and how this supports another to express as well – a win/win for all.

  122. a great article… really what this is talking about is something that affects everyone of us , because the way we speak, and how Susan has pointed out, how we manipulate the way we express, has a very deep and long-lasting effect upon our bodies, our central nervous system, our health in general… Expression is really important and articles like this help to bring this awareness to the fore

      1. It feels as though what we are expressing is the layers of deception that we have built up over aeons until the moment that we are willing to honestly expose the way we have been living.

  123. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live” – wow, you are amazing. Such an inspiring woman you are, Susan. For anyone of any age to start looking at life with honesty and genuine willingness to change the way we are is challenging to say the least, and what you share here – I just want to tell my mother about it.

    1. As we let go of our inhibitions and secrecy and share our experience of life it feels amazing how we can all come together and share how change has expanded our lives. And, yes, I can feel what you mean – I can remember sharing things with my mother that allowed her to have a greater perspective of who she really was and to not close the door on evolving however old she became. We all have such wisdom to share with one another.

  124. I love how you said Susan about honouring not only yourself but also humanity, by not letting expectations get in the way and calibrating your expression. When we truly honour ourselves we are also honouring humanity because truth is all-encompassing.

    1. ‘When we truly honour ourselves we are also honouring humanity because truth is all-encompassing’ your words feel very expansive and honouring for as you say truth is all-encompassing, and this is what we as a humanity has neglected to realise as we have become more detached from one another and have only centred on self. I am forever appreciating that I have found true inspiration in the words of Serge Benhayon.

  125. ‘my words are a reflection of how my body is – so if my body is tender so will my words be, and if my body is in anger, what and how I express will be tainted by that anger…’A simple equation that provides a recipe for learning to express in honour of ourselves.

    1. It is amazingly simple when we let go and apply the ‘simple equation that provides a recipe for learning to express in honour of ourselves’. We are dishonouring ourselves – and everyone else when we choose to express anything less than who we truly are.

  126. Thank you Susan, many will related and learn from your sharing. The liberation felt when we express from deep within and knowing is truly magnificent.

    1. I love what you say Kehinde – there is truly magnificence when we express with a freeness and openness that allows our true essence to shine out and is a beacon for others to connect to. We should not underestimate how powerful and potent is our expression – it can open doors and allow the world into our hearts to expand and generate a glow that is there for all to feel and see.

  127. Susan, great honesty in your sharing. I can so relate, calibrating what I said depending on who I was talking to and how I was persevered. This probably explained why I felt it a struggle and hard work talking to people at times.
    Universal Medicine gatherings allowed a platform with others to truly feel able to share what I felt to say fully. This has been a blessing to re engage back with people and with life.

  128. Sometimes I feel that our hesitation to express not only is about us being anxious putting ourselves out there but also that we might feel that what we are to deliver will change the energy of the conversation or perhaps the whole room and that leads automatically to us being expected to deliver more, which means us having to take responsibility for ourselves and what we are here to bring.

  129. I truly like that what you say as the closing lines of you blog Susan “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” And this is important to feel and to express to the world and in that not allow yourself to be guided by the ‘normal’ way of life in which retirement is the end of your life in service of society and that you can distract yourself form your responsibilities in that. Life is a continual flow, although has different stages in our growing older and which have to be honoured, but we shall never stop living life in full. To me it feels that allowing ourselves to express in full that which so lovingly lives equally in each of us, will be the medicine to keep ourselves alive and and not let us sink away at the end of our lives in the belief that life has already ended for us while stil being in a living body.

  130. I felt that I was reading about myself Susan! I am in my late 60’s and have always felt I couldn’t speak the whole truth for fear of upsetting someone, so softly, softly around the periphery of a subject never feeling at ease ! Through the work of Serge Benhayon and his presentations I have learnt it is OK to be me to share without filtering, but with Love. Still learning to do this too. I have wondered if I am not giving people credit for being able to handle what I have to say, and therefore my not sharing could mean we both miss an opportunity to share something that is needed.

  131. It’s so interesting to consider that we often fool ourselves into thinking that our words and the energy in which we express them are aligned (ie. we deny feeling angry when everything about our body tells otherwise!). I can feel in my own experience that deep down I have always felt this to be true and have known this (both when I’ve expressed and another has) but that I haven’t always been willing to accept responsibility for this fact (which would by default mean I would need to take responsibly for the way I express and the way I respond to another’s expression)!

  132. Having been an ace calibrator of the way I express for as long as I can remember I have only recently realised that what I was really communicating was that I was not prepared to really express at all so no wonder I felt disconnected from other people because I never allowed them to see the real me. I am enjoying exploring what it feels like to not calibrate what comes out of my mouth.

    1. That’s great Helen – we put so much effort into calibrating how we express, and the more I am willing to let go the more I realise that it’s not only what I say but how I move my body, the warmth and tone of my voice and much more. As I let go I realise that I spent so much time and wasted so much effort in not being who I was that it was no small wonder that I didn’t who I was and neither did anyone else. Life feels so much freer and lighter when we express and enjoy being ourselves.

  133. It feels at this point that I allowed others to decide how I was to talk, express and behave in the world: instead of trusting my own feelings and what I felt deeply inside, I handed my power over to what was outside of me. This feels like a betrayal of who I really am. I could have wrote this Susan, this is exactly what I had done….. Thank you for sharing all your insights and wisdom.

  134. This is a great blog Susan, I relate very well to what you have shared. Calibrating to people when I have spoken and more so not expressing , communicating at all, being told I was too sensitive, but inspired by Serge Benhayon and the Ancient Wisdom Teachings I am learning to express and communicate my truth, from my body, and not for what’s outside of me. Doing this I feel more of who I truly am, more open and lighter.

    1. Yes Ruth, connection to our body is key to expression, without this I know I get lost in the story and end up speaking knowledge from my mind and not from my lived experiences.

      1. This is a beautiful exposure of the insidious nature of ‘the story’ which traps us into feeling we are offering a contribution when the body would offer no such hook.

  135. What you have exposed here Susan is something I have observed in myself and in others around me – we calibrate what we have to say according to the relationship with the person rather all words expressed coming from what is true. Now in my later years I am practicing being more honest and true in my interactions no matter who they are with and feel so much lighter and so much joy as a result of this.

  136. I can so relate to this Susan. Thank you for bringing up the control and manipulation that is taking place when we hold back our expression. We might like to think it is because of how someone else may take it, but if I am honest it is because I have to step out of my comfort zone. The choice to not express is my own re-action as immediately it exposes how much I have been holding back and the irresponsibility of this.

  137. I can relate to so much of what you share here Susan, and I’m sure that many others would as well, which leads me to ask why we would do this? I feel it is not just about not ruffling someone else’s feathers but that we also do this as it can be convenient and comfortable not to speak up and express how we are truly feeling. I have always admired others who don’t hold back which has inspired me to do the same.

    1. What I feel Melissa is that more than being concerned about ruffling the feathers of another I am protecting myself. It’s about making me small and feeling that if I am truly myself the world will reject me – and as we know deep down this is not the case. Everyone respects honesty and can feel the love that you are expressing when you are true to yourself and once we let go of self and comfort we are able to expand and support everyone else to do the same. Once we let go of protection we become transparent and in this way we express all that we are.

  138. I used to be ignorant (if not arrogant) of the fact that I spoke and behaved differently with different people. This later came with an arrogance and righteousness in noting and pointing out that others would behave differently depending on whom they were with, and yet I often didn’t want to admit that I was doing exactly the same thing! It’s taken honesty as well as some humility, to focus on my own expression and how consistent I am with others – and with this, to be more in a position to observe others in theirs without judgement.

  139. This has been so true of my own life experience, only just recently this occurred yet again. I was upset and everyone around me could easily feel it. I was shocked that I hadn’t been able to hide it even ever so slightly. As you say here… “I can now see that it is so apparent as I can feel the tenseness in my body and face, and that tenseness is clear for anyone else to see and feel. Also, if I can pick this up from someone else, which I can, then it makes sense that they will also be able to see and feel it in me.” It makes me realise the very real responsibility I have to clear what is going on for me as best as possible so that I do not bring it into the world.

  140. I can relate to what you have shared Susan. I too have hidden myself away, and only wanted to communicate in the good and the nice , squashing down anything that did not fall into that category. I too thought that only my words were communicating but now know that what we communicate from our bodies is far greater that our words. I have been able to open up so much more to myself and to people and enjoy sharing the real me, in communicating with others, I now have started to truly live.

  141. “I was under the impression that the only part of my communication that anyone felt was from the words I spoke when I was talking to people: now I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another” – me too, or rather I was aware of this and sought a way to disguise and hide by adopting a certain way of moving my body. What I am learning now is that the quality has to be within me first to be expressed outwardly, and I cannot fake or borrow the appearance from elsewhere.

  142. “When I’m talking, I often hold back and don’t fully express what I want to say because I am afraid of the person’s response, or how they may feel, or what they will think of me – this last one in particular is a big one for me.” I can relate to this one but I’m coming to understand that whenever a person reacts negatively to what we say or do it truly is their issue. We are here to provide a reflection to one another that reveals to us the things which we haven’t truly dealt with and so if we trigger something in another it’s simply providing an opportunity for them to go deeper with and heal it if they so choose.

    1. That feels beautiful Deborah and an inspiration to expressing the truth more fully. I find it amazing that as I am beginning to express more fully what I am feeling this reveals more to me in that there are always opportunities to deepen and expand wherever we may be in our evolution, and this counters any inclination to feel self satisfied, while at the same time appreciating the changes we are making.

  143. We certainly delude ourselves when we believe that others can’t see, hear and feel how we really are. Because ‘all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world’ form a part of the quality of our expression and get communicated along with the words and the sound. When we express, we communicate everything about ourselves, whether we like it or not. We might do that in a measured way depending on the particular audience, but we’re still expressing from that same quality each time – and that’s what people can read. We cannot hide others from our own quality, from the truth of our expression but we can certainly try to hide it from ourselves…

    1. Ah yes, Cathy we do most certainly delude ourselves – but not, as you say anyone else. We appear to have a great investment in hiding our light from the world and playing small when we are truly great and magnificent. We have an aptitude for making life complicated when our true way of being is simple – just be who we are and express our truth from our inner heart and allow the world to see that it is OK to be yourself 100%. This way does not require approval – or in fact anything from anyone else and it allows a freedom that brings us closer and able to live in true brotherhood.

  144. Susan your words that stood out for me today were ‘It feels at this point that I allowed others to decide how I was to talk, express and behave in the world: instead of trusting my own feelings and what I felt deeply inside, I handed my power over to what was outside of me.’ It made me look back at how often I have said what I thought was what needed to be said, and not felt into what I truly wanted to say, the two are miles apart, one controlling and devoid of any feeling, the other loving and freeing.

    1. Your comment feels most appropriate for me at this time for I find I am always revisiting these experiences, even if I am now going deeper. I can see that I can still have an investment in outcomes and how much this can control my life – when in truth if I connect to my essence I will be free to express more succinctly and maybe with less words what it is I truly want to say. I can feel this to be true deep within and I feel I need to invest more care in connecting more deeply to my essence before I begin to express. As someone I know and dearly love says – ‘I am a forever student’ of life – and may it forever be that way as we all learn together in brotherhood and unity. It is an amazing world we live in with so much wisdom at our finger tips.

  145. Timely blog thankyou Susan as his week I have been more aware of the word respect in my daily life and how this lack of respect plays out like a ripple effect to us all regardless of the originating source. Whether I disrespect myself or others, or others disrespect themselves or others when we hold back from being honest and calling out this disrespect it erodes and undermines something precious within us and this is not ultimately healthy for anyone. Now to actually start speaking up and calling this disrespect out is the next loving step for me….as is holding myself in the strength of my truth regardless of the reaction that comes back at me. We are all definitely students of life who are constantly learning and evolving.

    1. Yes, and you have offered a beautiful learning for me to ponder on and to question whether I respect myself, and consequently this will have an effect on those I meet. For years I didn’t feel myself worthy of respect and now I am finding that as I am more respectful of myself and others there is ultimately more of a flow in my life as I no longer need to impose my ways on others and can respect their choices.

  146. This weekend I was sharing with somebody and at some point I wanted to use the word ‘god’ but I noticed I was holding back. I did use the word God and shared with her that initially I wanted to hold back and then we had this lovely talk about God and she was absolutely fine with the word. So holding back is really about me, about self, and not about what is needed for all.

    1. That is beautiful Mariette – I have moments of self doubt about what I ‘should’ and ‘should not say’ – and then find it’s only my head playing tricks with me. In my heart I know what is true – and usually when I speak the truth it opens up an opportunity to expand and enhance a relationship in a way that allows both people the freedom to express from their truth. In this way we find harmony both with ourselves and with others.

      1. Yes, our head is constantly playing tricks with us. Every time it thinks Oh I cannot say this or that, I am having this fun program with myself where I do say what comes up and this gives wonderful conversations. We tend to hold back in difficult situations but also when we want to share our love and appreciations. It feels so liberating to just share, without thinking for the other.

      2. Gorgeous Mariette – spontaneity is a great gift when we are truly connected and allow ourselves the true beauty of naturally expressing our truth. When we see the moments when we need to express as feeling difficult is it only because we do not understand what true love means – things are only difficult when we block our connection to what has been divinely sent to express.

  147. Susan – you share here how you have come to understand that your whole body is communicating all of the time, and I find this very fascinating. I have always been told by those around me that I am easy to ‘read’ in terms of body language – the face, my eyes, my body is always responding even though I might not be saying something. In sitting with this, I can see how our bodies naturally respond, and are such a massive part of how we communicate. And no matter what tone I use with people or how much I change what I say depending on who I am around, my body has always offered a consistent reflection of how I communicate with people all of the time.

    1. It is very fascinating hvmorden and even though I have made great changes in the way I communicate with people I am realising that I still can hold onto anything I need to say but feel will be unwelcome to the listener. The harder I hold on the more my body is communicating that all is not well – the very nature of holding on means that I am building a barrier of protection that will eventually destroy me – the protection is an illusion. What will really heal will be when I can communicate my truth – and see the simplicity and ease that comes back into my body when I do this. To be open and honest feels like the key to unlock our hearts and to breath freely.

      1. Susan it is spot on when you share ‘ the very nature of holding on means that I am building a barrier of protection that will eventually destroy me’ – What I have found to be true is that speaking the truth, starting with honesty for ourselves, is very healing – and with it comes a lack of uncertainly or resistance in the body and an offering for the recipient. To get ourselves out the way is to actually say no to holding onto tension and protection.

  148. I agree Linda – it is a huge responsibility and yet it also brings us an opportunity to re-imprint how we express and in observing this connection we can feel a new level of connection that is so delicate and tender – and is a total Wow! There is no greater blessing for humanity to be surrounded by such expression.

  149. Thank you Susan for an inspiring blog, one that I can relate to, for most of my life I have kept myself hidden away the way I did this was by being a helper and being a listener, this I thought kept me safe, I really felt then that I had nothing of value to offer, nothing important to say. But this has been changing since I met Serge. I am slowly opening myself up to me, loving me and valuing me and what I bring in my communication with people, and as you say, ” At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” this too, is happening for me also.

  150. I love this blog, and I can very well relate to what you share, it is so constricting to choose the outside over what we feel inside. I can feel how my expression changes from one person to the other. And I can feel how important it is to free up this expression, as it is such an important part of our lives.

  151. ‘I am beginning to have more awareness of the deeper effect of how my words impact on both myself and others.’ Words carry so much energy from the way that we use them and deliver them. We have a responsibility to express words in their true meaning, and not lace them with the mood that we are in, but from the truth that we feel.

    1. Yes, Sally, we do have a great responsibility and as we understand more and more the impact of words and the tone and the energy in which they are expressed we learn to become more sensitive and this allows us to feel the power of words either when they are expressed truly or with disregard.

  152. ‘It feels as though I have three main ways of expressing when I’m talking to people… One to my family One to friends And another truer way of expressing when I am connecting deeply to myself.’ As we become more connected to truth there is only one way to express.

    1. I agree Sally and can feel the truth and sense of what you say – and yet it has been interesting how it can still be revealed to me that when I am feeling under pressure I can still drop back into this old behaviour. It feels we are forever learning and evolving and with that comes a more openness and humility to see the true truth of how we live life in all the detail of each moment.

  153. For so long our expression was taught to keep everyone in comfort, comfort for others as we agree or say something in a roundabout way so as not to offend and comfort for us as we are not confronted with reactions. How does this lack of expression feel in a body? It feels tense and unsettling and the truth spins around and around, being thought of in so many ways and still remaining within. This feels awful. How awesome it is to be inspired to truly express without fear and in the wonder that you are Susan.

    1. I feel what you say is so true Amanda – we were very much taught to keep everyone in comfort – ‘anything to keep the peace’ as the saying goes. It was as though peace was treated with a reverence far above the way we looked at truth – that truth was secondary to everyone being kept in comfort which as you say ‘feels awful’. I will always be grateful that the scales began to drop from my eyes as I attended Universal Medicine courses, although having said that expression is still very much a work in progress as I find out daily.

      1. I can relate to this as well Susan – to growing up with it being so important to not upset anyone and I still carry this. And of course people can feel when we’re holding back and it causes so much harm than if we were to express straight from our body without calibrating.

      2. While I totally agree with what you say Deborah I still find there are times when I hang on to the comfort and hold back. Gradually I am letting go of the comfort – which in truth is so uncomfortable – more just a familiarity from choosing this way for so long. If we, as you say express straight from our body without calibrating we feel the freedom and joy from owning our truth and the consequent expansion.

  154. It is great that I have been given an awareness of the importance of true expression in the later years of my life. As a child I was often made to feel different from others and I learnt slowly but surely that it was ‘safer’ to enjoin with the crowd than it was to be your real self and express accordingly. This caused my expression to become stilted and contrived and the whole process lacked truth. When talking to people I became more interested in impressing them with my ‘smartness’ than in communicating my true feelings. It’s wonderful to feel free again and to be the real me in my conversations.

  155. “Why would I develop different ways of expressing and communicating with people? – It feels as though I have made life very complicated…” Well said Susan, it is like playing different roles and that costs a lot of energy. And it stops us from truly connecting on a deeper level with people.

  156. In calibrating ourselves to suit our environment and the people who inhabit it we can totally loose the sense of who we are. It feel confusing as I reflect onto years of doing this and needing to keep track of who I was with all these different people. Most of the time I was excited and bubbly, even when feeling terrible the nerves I felt hyped me up to a level where I looked happy. But everyone, including myself, was missing out on feeling me.
    That feels great to reflect on and understand more.

  157. ‘At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.’ WOW you are absolutely right, most people close down towards the end of their lives, to live in a way that is opening up more and more and to feel like you are just beginning your life is amazing – a true change in direction, and an amazing inspiration for everyone.

    1. “….to feel like you are just beginning your life is amazing – a true change in direction, and an amazing inspiration for everyone.” Well said Meg. And it goes against the trend in society with the increasing rate of dementia.

      1. It definitely goes against every trend in society, especially where almost every one seems to get age related illnesses like dementia. I was talking to my mum the other day and she was saying – wait till you get older and you have to go to the bathroom a few times a night, it’s just a given from so many people that our bodies will deteriorate into such a state we no longer have control over them – I find it pretty sad, and stories like this prove our choices DO count.

    2. Yes, Meg we are so blessed when we are able to not see retirement and the last stage of our lives as an ending but more of a continuation of unfoldment that will continue until our last breath. It sometimes can challenge us as we get older and our body that has undergone immense pressure from the way we have so often lived, is beginning to let us know in no uncertain ways that enough is enough. However, even this can be seen as a blessing if we allow the wisdom within to speak to us and allow us to evolve rather than giving up on ourselves and life.

      1. Thank you Meg – I feel greatly blessed to have found friends, both young and old, who are supportive of this way of life and who allow me to see that life does not have to be a downward spiral as we age. When we truly reach out there is always the love and support that we need – we just need to be willing to make the first move and not allow ourselves to give up and abandon our true purpose in life.

  158. ‘As I grow older it feels as though there is an urgency to let go of all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world.’ This is also great Susan, I have also found that this habit of hiding from the world is actually quite insidious, infiltrating all aspects of life, and doing harm.

  159. ‘Why would I develop different ways of expressing and communicating with people? – It feels as though I have made life very complicated…’ this is a great realisation, one we can all ponder on.

  160. When we want to control the outcome we have to control the way we express; the moment we are open the end result to be whatever it will be the way I express no longer is determined by the need to manipulate but free to bring forth what feels true and authentic. That way we guarantee the quality we contribute to every conversation or event and at the same time are accepting of the choices and contributions of those involved, i.e. giving them the space to be themselves as well.

  161. You feel like you have just started to truly live, such beautiful words. What I experience is that when I don’t truly express what I feel and the words that are there to be said, then this is in fact not truly living, Expression is such a big part of life as we are constantly expressing. So it’s true, we start to truly live when we start to truly express.

  162. Your blog shows that it is never too late to begin connecting to the love and truth within and expressing this to the world and enjoying every minute of it.

    1. Gorgeous Tracy, I love it, I am totally inspired to connect to the love and truth within me, express it to the world and enjoy every minute of it… awesome…

  163. I agree Katie, holding back is very harmful. If we don’t express who we truly are then we are saying it’s ok for others to not express this vibration as well. This has a ripple effect and before you know it humanity has dropped their level of service, and their level of love.

    1. Yes, I agree Lindell the impact is far greater than just being about ourselves – and once we begin to realise this we open up to the realisation that ‘humanity has dropped their level of service, and their level of love’ and we become aware of our responsibility, and that responsibility is not a chore but a level of love that we can joyfully express in the world together.

  164. I love your last sentence Susan about how retirement is perceived and how you are living the opposite . It doesn’t matter what your age is you are still capable of connecting to your body and living a loving, joyful, vital life.

  165. Yes, Katie this is what I have been feeling in my body – the hurt of holding back for what feels like many lifetimes. The ridiculous thing is that when we let go we are far more able to express and to feel who we are, and in the process this deepens our expression and our understanding of ourselves while allowing the world in to our lives and creating space for us all to be who we naturally are deep down inside. This way we can create a world that is more united, equal and harmonious and one that is truly evolving from the inside out.

  166. we learnt very very young to calibrate our expression, to allow the buildup of mechanisms of analyzing our expression in accordance with response, to process what we say before saying it, this becomes second nature and becomes embedded in our bodies… And it is extremely liberating to understand this and the start to let go of this… And to feel the beauty and grace of true and free expression

    1. Thank you Chris for your beautiful comment. In it’s expansiveness it offers a deeper understanding of how contrived and manipulated we were when so very young – that at even so young an age we were vulnerable to the forces that strive to divide us and separate us from our innate and innocent selves to become carbon copies of the adults in our lives, and perpetuate the abusive behaviour that has separated mankind for many thousands of years. As you say ‘we learnt very very young to calibrate our expression’ and this is something that we all need to be aware of and to realise how vulnerable and impressionable little children are. However, as you have expressed ‘to feel the beauty and grace of true and free expression’ is a profound and powerful feeling as we again come back to our true essence and feel once again the unity of a brotherhood truly lived as a sustainable and life enhancing way.

  167. This is very fitting to how I lived, calibrating what I say, constantly constricting my body in a certain way to just not let out the amazingness that I am, holding it back because of the fear of that some don’t like to see what I bring.

    1. And yet when we let go, we find out that the reverse is true – people respond to what we bring when we bring love. Maybe not always in a positive way – but now at last they have had a taste of true love, and this is a blessing which they will have felt even though they may yet be unaware.

  168. Wonderful for many of us to honour and be aware that we often have this as a ‘habit’ or behaviour “For the greater part of my life I have been holding back talking to people and expressing who I really am.” I am realising the layers of this ‘recalibrating’ or ‘hiding’ I have been doing for years. I have felt so expansive and expressive for the last few years and yet there is so much more to express and not hold back with. It is a forever learning process that allows a freedom and joy like no other.

    1. Yes Samantha – I am with you there – it is stupendous to feel the expansion and expression that is pouring forth as we let go of our control and surrender to the greater wisdom that is becoming more apparent as allow ourselves the freedom to be who we are without any calibration whatsoever. As you say there is so much more to express – and that is truly something to celebrate, as we connect to our soul and allow ourselves the freedom of being at one with the world and the Universe.

  169. Re-reading your blog Susan made me aware of the fact that I am sometimes missing the synchronity between how I feel to express and what my body is capable off. I can say from my head that I feel amazing, as I at that moment I belief I am, but that my body does not show any of this and my words are becoming empty. As my body cannot lie, I have learned to listen to how my body is and feels and to express from there instead. I have learned that it is about filling my body with love by self caring acts and by appreciating any part of it for its delicateness and commitment to life, and by doing so I do feel amazing and emanate that without even having to say that I am, as my body is radiating that amazingness it holds inside.

    1. Wow, Nico – I appreciate what you say about synchronicity between ‘ how I feel to express and what my body is capable off’. Expression is not just about the words we speak but about the way we move our body, and for me at this time it’s about allowing these two aspects to speak to the world in way that is consistent. I can feel the magnificence of all that I am, but am I moving with that in every moment of the day? I know that this is possible but it requires my dedication to truth and self love and to surrender to these aspects of myself for these words to be embodied. I find your closing words most inspiring ‘I have learned that it is about filling my body with love by self caring acts and by appreciating any part of it for its delicateness and commitment to life, and by doing so I do feel amazing and emanate that without even having to say that I am, as my body is radiating that amazingness it holds inside’.

      1. Thank you Susan, and as this sounds so simple, and it actually is, why is it then so difficult to live this constantly and why have we choosen for a life that makes things complex and hard to do? To me it feels like I am trying to escape the responsibility that comes with being dedicated to life as in a way I say I like the creation of life that we have created here on earth because of all its distractions and entertainment it brings to me, but at the same time I know that this is not true, that something is completely wrong, that something is missing. I have found that our created world is in absence of love. While we think we are evolving – by the marvels all the technical developments do bring us but in truth they are not and are only keeping us away from connecting to our true source we originate from – the source that is an abundance of love can simply and only be connected to by dedication to the true way of living, by taking the responsibility to connect to this source in everything that we do and to make it the one and only purpose in our lives.

      2. To realise such a purpose is indeed truly living life. As we engage more with life we are offered so many opportunities to change from the irresponsibility of the past, and to grasp our future firmly in both hands as we allow ourselves to feel the full amazingness of living life in a way that is integrated and serving of all humanity.
        I can feel how exposing it is to realise how much we like the creation of life and the distractions that this offers, but in retrospect this is only a momentary stop before we fully understand the game we have been playing with comfort as we realise our own truth. At this point we can choose to connect to a greater knowing that will allow us to invest in a life that is forever sustainable and forever evolving . As you say so beautifully we begin a connection with life that is ‘the source that is an abundance of love can simply and only be connected to by dedication to the true way of living, by taking the responsibility to connect to this source in everything that we do and to make it the one and only purpose in our lives’.

  170. Your words of wisdom, Rachel are truly inspiring and confirming, and as you say Leonne has exposed a ‘very powerful truth in this statement’ – as it is very destabilising when we allow confusion and unsureness to wobble our perceptions of life and how we communicate – or in your words ‘Could it be that every time we don’t express that we feel this we destabilise ourselves a little more and little more – we become “confused and unsure” about what we are feeling’. I know this feels true for me and once we are in the clutches of confusion and unsureness we are in the hands of a power that will easily subvert us and lead us astray from our false allusion of confidence.
    It feels like we have built our confidence on the foundation of sand that can be easily destabilised at the slightest whim. We have used an outside force – intelligence – to convince us that we are confident and the ‘bees knees’ when in truth it is just an outside job with no true depth. ‘It is taking that which is deep inside us and bringing it forth into the world. That is the power of expressing our feelings – we take that which is found in the depth of us and by expressing it we bring it forth into the world. Our whole being receives a washing of truth and the world is simultaneously blessed’
    Now, that does feel like the truth that we find within and resonates with that deeper inner knowing that is forever expanding and forever present, and always refining. When we connect to that infinite wisdom that is evolving and deepening our experience of life until eternity is accepted and known as a truth.

  171. Gosh Susan, your opening line was absolutely how I lived life. “I am becoming aware that when I am talking to people I adjust the way I express and communicate according to how I feel the listener will receive my words.” I was always calibrating out ‘first’ to see and feel what the response might be before I said anything. This meant that I was absolutely curbing my expression, not saying what was truly needed. It wasn’t until I really deeply felt the impact of that, not only on myself, but on others. The fact that in me holding back, I could actually be harming others. This concept had alluded me for most of my life, until it was presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It took some time for me to really own it and take responsibility for what he shared and what that really meant, which was to not hold back what may need to be said. Still to feel and discern in any given moment, it wasn’t the licence to just say whatever I wanted no matter the consequences, but to read people, the situation, feel what truth was there to share or energy that needed to be cut. But to express in full, no holding back, this is an ongoing unfolding, but one I am now fully accepting and taking responsibility for.

    1. When we realise how much we have curbed our expression we begin to connect to all the holding, and the effect that has had on our body in the way of hardness and contraction. No wonder our bodies are full of aches and pains!
      As you say Raegan we still need to ‘to feel and discern in any given moment, it wasn’t the licence to just say whatever I wanted no matter the consequences, but to read people, the situation, feel what truth was there to share or energy that needed to be cut’. When we do this we give ourselves a moment to stop and feel what we are truly offering – a new way to respond to the world, a way that opens up endless opportunities to deepen and expand our relationships, as we all learn the true meaning of love and understanding.

  172. The chameleon communicator – there’s a lot of us about, shifting and changing depending on who’s in front of us, what our perceived needs are from different people and the value they can or can’t bring us. So we lose ourselves in the process, acting like performing seals rather than expressing in a way that truly honours what we feel inside – essentially, who we really are. Great then, that your passion for addressing this for yourself is bringing such rejuvenation as it has the potential to act as a great source of inspiration for others.

    1. I love the perception of a chameleon communicator Cathy – it perfectly expresses how adept we are at maintaining our control over others so that they will not get to know the truth of who we are, and as you say we lose ourselves in the process. As we learn to honour what is within, rather than handing over our power to the outer shield we create to keep the world at bay, we begin to know ourselves more deeply and expansively and begin the process of returning to our natural and innate essence.

  173. Susan, you have exposed a way of being in relationship with others that has governed much of my relationships through out my life. Depending on whether someone is a family member, friend, acquaintance or stranger – the way I have interacted with them has all differed. I am now learning also to re-connect to me and to speak from there. Reflecting on your words has me enquiring deeply about the truth of who I am and what it is about the words I choose or the degree to which I wrongly assume my energetic presence can be hidden and not felt by others. Thanks for opening this up for further exploration.

    1. So beautiful what you say ch1956 – as we connect back to the truth of who we are and allow all the imposed behaviours to fall away, we discover the wisdom of the universe that has been there all along to support us to further unfold.

  174. Calibrating life instead of reading it does create complication that is for sure. I am now learning that our natural ease and ability to read people and situations is key to receiving clear and precise messages that take away the need to personalise every reaction whether it be mine or another’s and get caught up in the emotion and hurt of it all. What a great manipulation to keep us from simply feeling the truth and allowing life to be as it presents to us constantly offering blessings and revelations a plenty.

    1. It is beautiful to feel the truth in what you say Suzanne, and to engage with people in a way that is honouring both our ability to read and to gain a greater understanding of humanity. As you say we are constantly offered blessings to return to a more unified way of being with one another.

  175. Our expression is the catalyst of our life and thus the importance of expressing from truth, thanks for the blog Susan

  176. Thank you for your honest blog Susan. I too have become aware that the way I communicate with people has been influenced by many processes going on inside me, what they might think of me, what they are feeling and the biggest one, fear of rejection. These days I make sure that I truly honour what I am feeling instead of holding back or opening my mouth accommodating what I think other people expect from me.

    1. That’s beautiful Iljakleintjes. it is amazing when we can feel all the many different influences going on inside of us – there are many old ideals and beliefs to let go of and also the new and more expansive way that so many are now choosing, as they see that there are choices that can change the old patterns and allow us to evolve. To let go of our own and other people’s expectations about us gives us an opportunity to feel our true essence and to connect to this when meeting others.

  177. “It is time to reach out and communicate with people how I feel, and to express from my heart in a new and beautiful way how I feel about the world: to begin to honour not only myself but also humanity, not allowing expectations to hinder the process. I feel truly blessed to have found a way that is loving and supportive through the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine”
    What you have written here Susan is very inspiring; I can relate to what you have presented it encapsulates so much of what life is truly about.

    1. As is your comment inspiring Shirl, for as we all expand our expression reflecting where we are at and being open and honest in that expression we are moving out of the comfort of holding back and just repeating old behaviours. The way of life that I am slowly embracing leaves no room for comfort any more and in this we can all support one another.

  178. Yes I nearly held back today when considering visiting someone I hadn’t seen for a long time. I was at the crossroads allowing doubt to slow me down but I chose to go on and had a very fruitful and enjoyable couple of hours catching up and discovering more about myself and the world. As I left a rainbow lit up the sky and it felt like a confirmation of my former choice.

  179. Its crazy that we hold back what is here naturally for us to do. It is us that puts the hold on not others.

    1. This is so true – it is us that places judgement on another to measure what we can say according to what we anticipate from them, thus preventing the opportunity for true communication and each of us to evolve.

      1. Yes, I agree Michael, to be judgemental is a very harmful and alienating way to be and never serves or evolves anyone and is the root of separation.

      2. You’ve made a great point here Michael – very true and there is no equality in this.

  180. I had a similar experience too in being told I was too sensitive. I’m glad I was never able to shut it down and can now appreciate it for the wonderful quality that it is after listening to Serge Benhayon explain just how valuable our clairsentience is (our ability to clearly feel the truth of what’s really going on).

  181. I have always been told that I can’t hide my true feelings, that they are so obvious to see just by looking at me. I always considered this a bad thing. What is ‘bad’ is saying one thing, to be ‘nice’ but feeling the total opposite. When we don’t express the truth, we feel awful inside, but so does the other person who has received less.

    1. Yes Carmin it is amazingly naive to believe that we fool others with our words while our body and face are telling quite a different story – and then we wonder why people do not believe us. ‘Expression is everything’ as a certain and very beautiful man would say! I can remember hearing Serge Benhayon say these words and repeating them without fully realising the full truth until I began to experience it for myself.

  182. Allowing ourselves to express fully from our bodies is a loving choice and as we let go of our hurts we also let go of the need to calibrate and express from our heads in order to be accepted or liked.

    1. Yes, Francisco the body is masterful when we honour it and listen to it’s wisdom that brings us back to our selves and our rightful place in evolution.

  183. Also, a great point has been made to not under estimate the ability for others to also read. I kid myself sometimes that I am the only one who can see what is happening and read what is below the surface of someone’s smile, hug or chit-chat. We cannot hide how we are really feeling, everyone can see it and more to the point, feel it. Like you said Susan, we are communicating all the time with every part of us.

  184. The calibration and measuring of ‘how much we can be ourselves’ is an illness amongst mankind. We are forever monitoring situations, putting the feelers out to see how ‘safe’ it is only to protect the so called hurts that we hold onto. Your blog is honest and refreshing Susan, thank you for letting go.

  185. Susan, how beautiful for you have come to a new way of expression and a new way of living at time of life when most are looking forward to retiring and putting their feet up. I suppose in a way you are retiring; retiring from the life you had lived for so long and now you are embracing a new and most wonderful way of living. How very inspiring.

  186. Lovely Susan I love your last sentences very much – you wrote: “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” Wow Susan we have to change this old believe that the retirement years are signals to closing of real live. How boring and old fashion is that – thank you so much for reminding us that we can truly start to live our lives when ever we want – we will never be too old to do so!

    1. I agree Esteralmiks, our life is forever unfolding and evolving until our last breath and as we honour ourselves and our bodies until the last moment, we are building ourselves a world that will be able to return to it’s natural rhythm and stillness.

  187. Susan,
    “When I express to my family there is a familiarity to it that can be quite abusive.” I too have felt this. It is really quite revealing just how much we feel we need to defend ourselves from those that love us deeply and that we love equally. For myself I feel that I used to talk this way with my family, because all those years ago, they were the first to not accept the gorgeousness that I was. I then held onto that hurt for a long time, some of which still rises from time to time for me to heal. Loving myself deeply and expressing from this space when with them is something that I am doing more and the tension in our relationships is melting right before my eyes.

  188. I notice in how in expressing myself I can be to cautious, afraid of judgements etc. Did does not work anymore, I feel the pain it causes in my own body but also what others are missing when I do not express in full. Your blog is a great inspiration Susan to just practice and appreciate our expressions in full.

  189. I am feeling this happen in my own life..”I am beginning to have more awareness of the deeper effect of how my words impact on both myself and others.” Words can be so amazingly powerful and so terribly hurtful. It’s all a choice every moment.

  190. A world where you as a child stop trusting what you feel and stop expressing accordingly but instead take on how the others want you to be – can be called as abusive. And this is serious. And a lot do not even see this abuse.

  191. It is a bit crazy to think that we can hide our emotions from each other when literally they are written all over our body. A lot is ‘spoken’ and ‘heard’ energetically with each other even before we open our mouths to say something. I have experienced this for myself and the more I understand it and pay attention to it and not shut down to it or shy away from it, the easier it is to stay connected to my heart and express love either with my body, or when needed, the true words and wisdom that can come from that place to others.

    1. That is a beautiful sharing Andrew. I love following sentences: “A lot is ‘spoken’ and ‘heard’ energetically with each other even before we open our mouths to say something.” How revealing is that – we all know in every moment everything because we feel instant what is going on even before we say a word. With that knowing we have to re-think our way of living . . . we can not hide anymore with words like – I did not know it.

      1. It’s beautiful to feel how we are able to expand our expression all the time and it is, as you say Ester, apparent in every moment that we do know the truth of each and every one of us in this expression. We are able to read so much from what is etched on a persons face, from how they move their body and gesticulate as they speak. In truth we are masters of expression who have forgotten how in our essence we know all and that ‘With that knowing we have to re-think our way of living . . . we can not hide anymore with words like – I did not know it’.

    2. We either have truth and love pouring through us or lies and deceit and this has nothing whatsoever with living what we call a ‘good’ life. Well it does in some ways because the illusion of ‘good’ is a lie.

      1. Nothing will change until we are willing to see life from our sixth sense – there is so much more to life that will enrich our understanding. Our sixth sense has laid dormant for far too long and once it has been connected to it bring us a wealth of wisdom that is constantly flowing into our lives – God is bounteous and never holds back his love.

      2. “God is bounteous and never holds back his love”. it’s not possible for Him to hold back that which He is. He is the every-thing of everything.

  192. It is true there can be no compartmentalisation of life, “I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time…” When ever I have stomped down the stairs in frustration or thrown myself on the sofa in disregard or angrily throw the washing in the basket this is communication and I know I haven’t said a word, and I know this does have an impact on other people and myself. We do have a choice and responsibility how we communicate, our expression when it comes from deep within, from our true selves can’t help but have a quality of love and care for all.

    1. So lovely to read Samantha. No word said yet our body says ALL. We know this. The anger in a colleague can be felt in their walk and in their gestures. So too can their love and care be felt in every cell of us.
      We play quite a game when we reduce communication and expression to that which comes out of our mouth and nothing more.

      1. Yes, our body speaks volumes – in fact there is no way we cannot express – even when we are expressing that we do not wish to! As you say Rachel we are reducing ourselves by limited thinking that words are the only expression that we emanate – as the saying goes ‘action speaks louder than words’ in that our body is expressing the truth of what we feel and cannot hide.

  193. Beautifully expressed Susan, I have also held back my true expression for most of my life wanting to be accepted by others. I am learning to express more everyday without any attachment to what others think, in accepting and appreciating me and what I have to say I know this supports everyone around me to also express in a more true way.

  194. I love to reread your blog Susan because you are an living example, what is possible, when somebody starts to take responsibility of his or her choices. You are leading the way – thank you.

    1. And boy do we need leading alexander1207. The rates of dementia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis to name but a few of the many conditions that afflict us are all showing that our relationship to ageing is askew.

  195. I was a master of calibrating, so I know exactly what you are talking about Susan. And I love your last sentence “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” It is always just the beginning, no matter how old we are and we can always grow and grow and grow.

    1. Yes, indeed every day then feels just like the beginning of the so much more that we are that wants to be lived and expressed and expand. No limits here…… !

      1. Haha, so true – a biological truth and true by the definition of living – that the body never seeks to retire from life while it lives.

  196. I do, so much know, what you are saying Susan, for I closed down at quite a young age, because I felt it wasn’t safe, so to be safe I became every bodies helper, shutting myself down. I too handed power over to everything outside of me. But Now I know differently, at the age of 72, I too, am starting to live. Thanks to the teaching of Serge and Universal Medicine.

  197. I agree. Trusting ourselves is key in expression. I sometimes hold back, and don’t accept the bigness of what it feels like to express my truth. But I’ve been finding that the more and more I express myself the easier it gets.

  198. This is superb Susan and I can relate so much of it to myself. I can remember being told I was far too sensitive, like it was some sort of affliction, leading me to contract and change the way I expressed or not express as was the case. I did a fine job of burying that expression which has been a hard thing to recover and dig up.

    1. But kevmchardy, your comments show that you have dug inside yourself and uncovered gold. And this gold was always there, a precious treasure buried by silly things like believing you were “too sensitive”.
      Is that not the greatest lie? And no blame to the person who said it. Likely they were told the same and were seeking to help you in life. Yet our sensitivity is our greatest asset by far.

  199. Gorgeous Susan, feeling yourself come alive as you begin to express all of you! I am also re-learning and claiming my true expression, after so long of holding back and hiding, it is time to step out of the shell and shine.

      1. Knowing the difference in age between Susan Lee and you two ‘youngsters’ it is remarkable that you can say just in the same way like Susan “after so long of holding back and hiding…”. It shows that it is not just a matter of lived years but beyond, in the sense that we feel the enormous effect holding back has on us. We all know the falseness of keeping ourselves small and long for “stepping out of the shell and shine”.

      2. What a beautiful observation Alex. There is a timeless quality to the way we choose to live.
        2 years in the falsity of a shell is the same as forty, fifty or sixty years of falsity.
        2 years of living truth is the same as forty, fifty or sixty years of truth.
        It is all about the quality we choose.

  200. Susan I was drawn back to read your blog today, there is a message there not to delay, and I feel the urgency every day now, as I am finding how much bigger communication is than just the words we use. It is with every part of our body, and the energy in which we deliver our communication.

  201. The way you share your experience is very inspiring Susan. As I read this I felt the many ways I have held back from expressing what I feel. I have been so good at doing this I have been left confused and unsure of my feelings. It is beautiful to feel how simple it is to connect to the truth and express.

    1. I can share with Susan that feeling of ‘ if I can pick this (limited expression) up from someone, which I can, then it makes sense that they will also be able to see and feel it in me’. When I pick this up, its like a physical pain, for two reasons, 1)it hurts that I don’t feel trusted, 2) it hurts that I may have presented to the other person as not being open. The thought of hurting another in that way is a constant reminder to me to express fully. I wish I could say I always do, but its work in progress, but that hurt feeling always reminds me of the opportunity I just missed.

    2. Leonne, you have exposed a very powerful truth in this statement. So many people suffer form a lack of confidence. Even people who seem very assured in life are often lacking in deep confidence in themselves. “Scratching” their polished surface with a dilemma of some sort will reveal how deep that confidence goes, or more to the point, does not go.
      What then is the source of this widespread, yet unacknowledged disease?
      Could be as simple as feeling something then not saying it? Could it be that every time we don’t express that we feel this we destabilise ourselves a little more and little more – we become “confused and unsure” about what we are feeling.
      Confidence is not something we learn in a course, to be pumped up like a hot air balloon! It is taking that which is deep inside us and bringing it forth into the world. That is the power of expressing our feelings – we take that which is found in the depth of us and by expressing it we bring it forth into the world. Our whole being receives a washing of truth and the world is simultaneously blessed.

      1. Just as I feel blessed by this comment of yours Rachel in response to Leonne, exquisitely expressed.Thank you.

      2. Reading some of the beautiful comments on this blog it feels as though we are all inspiring and supporting one another in the most powerful and beautiful way. Where else would I have found such love and such support if I had not been initially inspired by Serge Benhayon and his whole family.

  202. I have been feeling recently how just how limiting and capping the built up false ways of expressing ourselves can be. It is almost like an invisible cage around what we say and how we say it. In-truth in each moment when this cage is there and I feel constrained, listening and expressing more deeply from within is the only way to ‘unlock’ the cage around us.

      1. And thank God some one like Serge Benhayon is forever ready to support us all to break free, when most are in it for themselves he stands strong as a light to serve all

      2. This is so beautifully expressed Rachel. Serge Benhayon offers us so much support but in the end we have to make the choice about how we express and how much we let others in-self responsibility.

      3. I agree Anne – I just love the idea of Serge Benhayon being a ‘master locksmith’ who allows us to find the lock for ourselves. This is what is so beautiful about the work of Universal Medicine – it is empowering us to take responsibility for our own lives while offering us so much love and support, and in this way we learn the power of expression.

      4. I agree Rachel – there is not only immense power but also an amazing unfolding of our innate essence. As you have stated it would be’ a breach of our autonomy and our right to freedom of expression’ if anyone but ourselves were able to unlock the key, as only we have walked the path of our many lives and only we have that indelible imprint..

      5. And it builds an unshakeable confidence. What I am reminded of is a baby taking their first steps alone and the smile that lights up their whole being with the absolute joy that they did it. They may fall, but having stood up for themselves once they can and will do it again.

      6. That feels wonderful – I will recall your words next time I fall – and just get up and start all over again remembering the joy a baby feels as they experiment with life. As you say it is possible to build an unshakeable confidence if we let go and allow the world to see us just as we are with no self criticism.

      7. Yes, Katie I Whole-Heartedly agree – it is beautiful to honour God in this way as by so doing we claim and acknowledge the power of God in all his munificence and grandness. Without servants such as Serge Benhayon we would all be deeply lost as he inspires us by his own way of livingness to maintain and sustain a way of life that honours our equal place as Sons of God.

  203. Susan, thank you for your expression. I too have found sometimes that I wait to express and the opportunity has gone, or I open my mouth and none of it comes out in the right order. Now I understand how important expression is, there is no time to waste, and that’s why I feel the urgency too.

  204. Hi Susan, I could relate so much to this blog in particular about the way you would communicate differently with one group to another and hold back based on what you felt they could accept/what the reaction might be. Love the way you have transformed your expression and in your words ‘ I feel as though I have just started to truly live.’

    1. Yes, me too Judy. It feels I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time as in the past I have put off facing the truth of the way that I lived. It feels so freeing to let go of this endless trap that I have allowed to control my life and inhibit who I am.

  205. Its such an expansive experience being able to express from your inner self without calibrating or modifying what you say just to fit in with the people around you. Its something Im trying very hard to achieve

  206. This is so true Susan. It is such a heavy protection to calibrate how we are with each person. We don’t let anyone truly see us and you can’t turn that on and off so no one gets to know us really. What a blessing for the world when we are honestly ourselves.

    1. Amanda your words are so true. Yes the protection we end up with feels like a freezing crystal castle. It’s like living in a jail but having the key in our pocket. I’ve been protecting myself all life long and I ended lost among so many different personalities, so many faces that I used to avoid expressing what I truly felt. So it is that now it seems difficult to know what I’m really look like from inside but every time I allow full conection with my body there’s no doubt at all as words just flow like a river, the true me then reveals itself.

  207. Lots of love is there to be explored when I allow myself to speak without calibration to whatever is outside of me. Calibration to what is inside is the journey as presented by Serge Benhayon. It is the most exquisite adventure of all.

  208. How glorious “to begin to honour not only myself but also humanity, not allowing expectations to hinder the process..” of communicating with others. This seems so commonsensical when stated like this, but the fact is that most of us have multiple personas for communicating in different situations. How crazy: to waste a life expressing stuff that is not what you are actually feeling. I agree we are truly blessed to be have shown another way, a true way, via Universal Medicine.

    1. What I find so amazing is that even with the awareness and the loving example of Serge I still find myself holding back – it feels as though this is something that has been going on for so long that the patterns are entrenched deeply. However, when I connect to others in a way that is true to me I find the beauty of the interaction inspires me to continue to keep expressing as fully as I am able and coming back to the basics of commitment and consistency.

  209. Thank you for this blog Susan, I can relate to what you have written in so many ways. I also recognize how I have chosen what I could and could not say to avoid a reaction and how I have these different ways of speaking to family, friends or work colleagues. For me the presentations of Serge Benhayon about expression has really helped me to see my patterns and where I hold back in my expression. It is still a work in progress but it feels like true freedom to express from within me and not hold back.

  210. The word that spoke most loudly here was ‘urgency’. There does feel to be an urgency in honouring our true expression. Holding it back now only holds ourselves and all others back.

    1. Urgency makes sense to me, too, Vicky. When you have spent years, maybe decades, expressing in a way that is not you, but a socially constructed, acceptable persona, there is indeed an urgency to return to your own genuine self expression: Why wait? Why waste more time?

      1. Of course your last questions are rhetorical, nevertheless there is a pain to be faced when admitting to the waste of time and the heaps of choices that only served to keep us stuck in exactly that pain by building walls and walls of protection. These walls need to be taken down; at times quite an uncomfortable job but so worth it. Life behind walls is imprisonment in misery !

      2. Definitely imprisonment in misery, Alex, so worth the pain of deconstruction and the commitment to them remaining down also.

      3. So true Rachel. The empowerment of making choices without the need to please of comply is indeed a freedom that knows no boundaries and offers evolution.

    2. Very true Vicky, and if we can appreciate someone else expressing something that we haven’t seen (or haven’t wanted to see?), why would we want to hold back that expression from another also?

      1. What you say Melissa is so lovely – it feels like we are all connecting to that sense of urgency and feeling a sense of joy at finding our true expression.

  211. Susan, this is a beautiful blog in so many ways, but the kicker for me was the last sentence about the fact that your life has started now. What a thing to say, when so many people have simply given up on life and themselves, and this is at all ages. You are an inspiration in expression and in the beauty and magic of life when we become the forever student.

    1. I agree, Rachel: it is deeply inspiring to read of a retiree who is re starting their life in its true expression: an inspiring role model, for sure.

      1. We can all learn so much from this blog Coleen. It shows that when we connect to the love and truth of life, no matter our age, we can bring this forth into our life and blossom.

    2. I am with you on this one Rachel. It feels like the true quality of our life is directly related to how we express and communicate.

      1. Well said Rachel, it shows we are all equal in wisdom, it is all there in every single one of us from day one

    3. Thank you Rachel for your comment. I am surprised at times myself when I realise how stubbornly I have held on to doing things ‘my way’ – and this is very much a work in progress. However, with awareness and understanding – and the love I have found since being inspired by Serge Benhayon, I now know that there is a different way for me to choose – a way that encompasses ‘the beauty and magic of life when we become the forever student’.

      1. How gorgeous, Rachel – I did laugh to myself when I recalled all the times I would in the past have denied my stubbornness! As you say it’s such a liberation when we let go of always being right, and all the effort and energy that consumes. It consumes not only us but those around us as we all become swept into the miasma of emotion when there is no one around to question our way of being. It can be challenging at times to let go of pride but with love and truth as offered by Serge Benhayon it felt that there was no other option, no other way. And as you say letting go of our stubbornness is ‘A liberation too for everyone we have made “wrong”. It feels so simple in retrospect and so freeing, and that is after all what it is.

      2. A lovely commentary on the pride that rises up in all of its defensive, righteous rage when we start to sense that we got it wrong. A miasma indeed although it feels as thick as pea soup when we are in the middle of it. But bit by bit we let go and on its other side is nothing short of pure delight of who we are . Yes, from that freedom we can look back and see that all of the “right”, we were wearing prison garb and locked behind bars that we could not see.

      3. Yes, Rachel, defence is a cunning reaction that catches us in it’s grip and has it’s wicked way with us. We become entrenched as our pride takes over and leads us further away from any sense of truth or love, as we become enmeshed in our own self righteousness indignation. The joy of life that comes when we don’t invest in our pride is so simple and life enhancing and we can bring a lightness and playfulness that we can then share with everyone. Pride and stubbornness are shallow and diminishing, whereas humility is allowing and expansive and brings an all embracing way that supports unity and love. Humility makes way for a being-ness that is still and powerful.

    4. Such a great point – choices made at any point in our lives, irrespective of age, can be life changing. Choosing to express in this way brings about effects which are far reaching.

      1. So true Michael, we are never too old to learn something new…..and the beauty of this is that the ripple effect of what we learn regardless of our age inspires and provides the opportunity for all others to learn equally.

      2. Absolutely Suse and that learning stays with us for as long as we stay aligned to it therefore offering that reflection through many lives.

    5. Perhaps that is because those timeless qualities are part of that aspect of us that is itself timeless, Tracy?

    6. What struck me when I read your response Rachel was that your words ‘the fact that your life has started now’ and without denigrating this in any way I am also prompted to ponder on why have I waited so long……..and yet I do fully appreciate all that I can offer the world when I do connect and truly express from within – from a resource that is eternally available for everyone of us. This sense of expansiveness and development is a wonder that we have ignored for so long – and now we are being offered a way to break the cycle and truly live life to the full and explore every aspect of the magic that God offers us all day after day without any reserve or restraint. Wow, what an amazing world we live in!

      1. My question in return to this Susan is what in this world invites us to ever start truly living life?
        I will be so bold as to say not very much. This is based on my experience as a practitioner having seen children from when they were very young until they grow up to have children of their own. All too often I have seen the light go out of them as they hit their later years of primary school, seen them stop living their life in response to the outer demands from parents, schools and their peers. This is more prevalent at high school, and University or any further occupational training.
        This problem – the one of not living who we are – is so very widespread throughout our world. So far from asking “why wait so long?” why celebrate in full that you have started to live and live in full.
        For you are inspiration.

      2. As ever Rachel you go straight to the heart of the truth – although not working with children I was observant at how their light went out at a certain age – around seven or eight and was puzzled by my feelings of not being able to reach out to them any more. There was a definite feeling of heaviness and a lack of feeling of delight in their world that seem to block true communication, and your comment prompted my awareness of this. We have this amazing ability to comprehend what life is all about – and yet we do not want to make waves and find ourselves fitting in with what is considered normal. So, yes, Rachel I say with humility and grace that I am an inspiration as we all are – and with inspiration we can all rise and claim our innate ability to become greater and grander. No one is exempt from being a part of the greater whole of God and the Universe as we express our full magnificence.

      3. Susan, this is the delicious antidote to the ageism that is such a huge problem in the world. People reach a certain age and they are put on a shelf as though they have passed their “use by” date. Such a deep pool of wisdom ignored and neglected and the shame being that people come to their elder years feeling useless and discarded. We are all losing from this and in ways we cannot imagine.
        To reclaim your worth, and precious it is indeed, inspires us all.

    7. That sentence really got me too Rachel, Susan shows that it is never too late and that we always have a choice in how we can be in life. How inspiring and how awesome to be truly living as though from the beginning again.

      1. We are all so blessed by the beauty of people who simply will not allow prejudice to reign supreme…who say “no” to a world that tries to push aside their wisdom , and brings it to us all – in its grandeur, clarity and strength.

  212. To not calibrate our expression is one of the most liberating and life changing processes that we can go through, because what it leads to is the experience of speaking without filters, and by that I mean without filtering everything that we are going to say through a mental process of what is acceptable or not, i.e. calibrating. Through this process, you can also really connect with your body and feel your body as the instrument of expression… This is also really empowering.

    1. Indeed cjames2012, I so often find that my voice can change depending on who I am with and how confident I feel expressing what I feel to. When I am feeling unsure of myself, even a little bit, my voice softens and the words do not come out as I intended them to. As you say it is really empowering to “connect with your body and feel your body as the instrument of expression” rather then simply a voice box giving voice to thoughts!

      1. James I can really relate to “my voice softens and the words do not come out as I intended them to”. So when this happens I am clearly not speaking from my body. Connection to the beautiful instrument of expression, the body, is the first and most important part of any expression.

      2. Aah, yes Mary Lou, I too am realising how powerfully our voices reflect our true expression. I know that when I am feeling small my voice is quiet and squeaky whereas when I am feeling full of myself it is deeper and more fully rounded and resonates through my body. We have so many markers in our body that disclose our true expression.

      3. We speak far more from our body than even the words we express. The way we move already communicates well before we open our mouths. And then when we open our mouths it is simply an expression of the energy we have chosen to move in.

      4. Your beautiful comment James explores the real truth behind the Laws of Expression and allows us to connect to the detail and the intricacy of our livingness and from here we can connect to our true purpose and explore the wisdom that is available and a palpable support to us. It also allows us to let go of the need to act from our head and feel that the body is the centre of our intelligence.

      5. The body is the centre of our intelligence, in fact if we listened to our bodies we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today! Our bodies are like the canaries in the mines, they are super sensitive and give us multitudes of signs. However it is up to us whether we choose to listen to the subtle ones or override them until they are so glaringly obvious in our faces! The great thing is the more we listen to our body the more aware we become of what it is communicating to us.

      6. Yes, James it feels like the more open we are to listening to our body the greater the expansion that is offered. As we let go of our old stubborn ways we can feel the lightness and vitality begin to return as we realise that our body is the centre that opens us up to the wisdom and grace of the Universe.

      7. I still find it fascinating how much I try to think myself out of situations or problems only to make them worse and get frustrated! Knowing that the way I move directly affects my thoughts is a real game changer. The more I focus on the quality of my movements the more everything else including my thoughts are taken care of. Yet somehow my mind wants to make it more complicated.

      8. I can truly relate to what you mean James when you say ‘I still find it fascinating how much I try to think myself out of situations’ as for so long this is the only way I knew how to function in the world – always trying to be one step ahead. As I learn to trust my own innate knowingness I am beginning to realise that if I maintain a consistent connection I have no need to prepare, as my whole body will always support me. This is very much a new experience for me to feel – that I do not always need to be on alert but to truly be present with myself as I go through my day. It is amazingly powerful as we learn to feel that our movements have an amazing effect on changing the direction of where we are going – I find when my body calls me to move even slightly it allows me a moment to stop and assess where I am at with myself. Thank you for your lovely comment.

      9. Thank you Susan. It is interesting how simply making a slight movement can change our thoughts. I used to think I was intelligent but now I know there is so much more at play than purely what the eyes can see.

      10. By something as simple as shifting our weight to stand equally balanced on both feet can change so much more than we would at first perceive. Our body’s intelligence allows us to feel how best to support ourselves and connect to a deeper connection and suddenly we have shifted so much more by just this little adjustment – we have allowed our body to open up and allow a flow of energy that is in harmony with it’s surroundings and opens up lines of communication that reverberate far beyond the space that we occupy.

      11. It is amazing how much the way we move affects all our thoughts and pretty much everything else. If we walk downtrodden, shoulders hunched etc.. then no wonder we are going to be depressed! Our body knows how to move, we just need to let go of any pictures of how we think we should be and then hey presto – like magic! It seems far too simple for the mind to understand but that is part of the whole game to keep us trapped thinking our reality is only what our body can see/perceive when in fact there is far more going on energetically then we can even imagine.

      12. So true James – our body does know how to move and it feels like our mind over rides this and takes us off on a merry-go-round that keeps us stuck in patterns that do not support. To re-imprint these ancient patterns we need to build consistency back into our way of livingness and allow more supportive rhythms to be our natural response, whereby we can feel the natural flow of our whole body working in unison and joy. As our body expands we can feel the change of the energy that fuels our movements.

      13. Well said Susan – at 1st when we start to re-imprint our movements it can feel like we have a lot to work against but slowly our movements and past choices then support us to continue to move forward. As you said consistency is the key and this is what not only supports us to be more but also helps others to see and rebuild trust in humanity once more.

      14. So lovely to read your words and to recognise the truth of what we feel in our body – that we can begin to build a greater sense of who we are as we release old patterns from the past. As you say this ‘helps others to see and rebuild trust in humanity once more’ as we allow ourselves to be seen fully by others and to inspire a sense of oneness and trust with everyone. This is a real turn around for so many who have come to live life in fear and continual anxiety.

      15. I agree Susan, ultimately we see that life is not about ourselves and our struggles or issues. We are here to inspire others to reclaim the love they are, just like we are. So if there is no one doing the inspiring then who do people have to turn to. And thats where responsibility comes in. Once we know the truth of who we are to not live it is completely irresponsible because everyone misses out as a result.

      16. So beautifully expressed James – and when we express from a deep inner knowing of what true responsibility is we let go of the need to avoid it and fully embrace every part of life as a whole.

      17. It is fascinating how we all run away from what we think responsibility is – we have so many ideas and pictures about what it may look like it completely puts most of us off it. But what if responsibility was simply being aware of the energy we are choosing in every moment.

      18. The more I ponder on what ‘responsibility’ truly is the greater the understanding. It feels as though we tend to consider responsibility as a burden – rather than as a joy. Sometimes the whole of our world feels upside down because we have allowed irresponsibility to run riot and overtake us. What truly supports us is a world where life flows and is integrated and this does not happen without each of us taking full responsibility for our part in every moment. When life flows we feel energised as we can feel the space and expansiveness this affords and consequently this supports us to live life more harmoniously.

      19. Well said Susan, if we do not see our part that we are playing in this world then we will never take responsibility for our actions. We all integral pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and so each have a big responsibility to play and it does not mean being hard or tough on ourselves, rather simply being all that we are.

      20. I am finding that the more I am becoming willing to take responsibility, then the deeper I go and the more I allow to unfold, then the greater becomes my understanding. I was listening to a recording the other day – one which I had listened to many times before, and was amazed at how my understanding had grown and how another level had been revealed – it was such a beautiful moment to appreciate how far I had come – and to see that these revelations will keep repeating and expanding into infinity.

      21. The awesome thing about appreciation is that it offers a deeper and deeper and more expansive sense of who we are – it feels very simple and yet the impact is huge. It supports us to let go of all the negativity in a way that is not contrived or driven but is allowing and accepting of the possibility of our own innate divineness.

      22. And that is one of the real joys of appreciation, the fact that we are divine – so when we say appreciation we are talking about far more than the physical human body – we are appreciating what we can bring through and the magnificence we are from.

      23. Aah, James that is so beautiful as it takes appreciation to a deeper level and allows us to feel these words in our body and not just on a superficial level. We can easily say we appreciate and yet not feel the sense of the words deeply within. Appreciation is something that I am learning to deepen and expand – and yes it did begin with the words rather like when we learn to walk, we put one foot in front of the other and build from there as we expand our experience and confidence and gradually feel our whole body moving in unison.

      24. Thank you Susan. Something I am also starting to appreciate more and more is that we already have everything is could ever want or ask for within us. So the more I appreciate this fact the desire there is to go out and try to attain something or get something. Ultimately I know the feeling when I deeply connect with myself and nothing else comes close to this feeling.

      25. Like you ‘I know the feeling when I deeply connect with myself and nothing else comes close to this feeling’ and yet why would I, or more to the point do I choose to disconnect? It feels like I have chosen the route of disconnection for a very, very long time and the more I am opening up, the more I realise that it was a choice that was fuelled by a desire to be individual and to move away from an already divine state of being. I have allowed my spirit to lead me ‘up the garden path’ to a place where I can truly feel the full pressure that comes with not being connected and my full self shining in the world. It now feels as though I am on the path of return – home again to where the soul resides and at one with the Universe.

      26. That is great to read Susan. I find it fascinating how many moments throughout the day I find myself seeking some form of distraction – like checking my phone, facebook, etc.. it is as if I have a desire to take myself away from the moment. Say when I am walking and I get my phone out of my pocket how present am I then with every step and those around me? What message am I sending out? The more I embrace myself and the love that I am, the less desire, need or want I have to take myself away from what I am doing and thus the more connected I feel to everyone around me.

      27. Like you James I often find myself becoming distracted and this in itself is awesome as for so much of my life, and I am feeling many before this one, I have seemingly only lived in the distraction of needing to connect outside as the block to go within has been compounded over the many lifetimes that I have lived. It’s as though I am slowly chipping away at a dam – which is after all a wall built to stop the flow. It is beautiful to feel the flow slowly – but decidedly begin to return as I appreciate each time I return. As you say the more we embrace ourselves the more we allow our natural flow of true connection to everyone around us and all that is emanating to us from heaven. We begin to feel at one with ourselves and with God.

      28. I love how everything falls into place when we simply connect and be our amazing selves. Sure everything may not look or turn out as you may have held the picture of it to be but something I do know for sure is that everything happens for a reason and the most important thing is we learn from what happens. Sure it may not always be pretty but often we need things to go to an extreme to appreciate quite what we have, the more we say yes to love and do not accept anything less the less these extremes are.

      29. Inspiring to read your words this morning James as I have lost sight of the bigger picture as I allow my spirit to pull me this way and that by seemingly important events in my life – and a picture of what felt was going to serve me has slipped and I realise that all I need to do is allow things to unfold and take their course, whilst taking responsibility for my part – as you say ‘everything happens for a reason and the most important thing is we learn from what happens’ and then ‘everything falls into place when we simply connect and be our amazing selves’.

      30. Thank you Susan – I know it can be tricky to let go of the pictures about how we want things to look like or be like. But this really is just a form of control and does not allow for the magic of the Universe. And when we allow the Universe to work with us then literally anything is possible.

      31. So beautiful to feel the magic of your words James – when we claim the truth and it is our lived truth, the whole world benefits. I have today returned home and found that because I have let go of a situation I have allowed for the space for everything to fall into place and for the flow to resume. While I was trying to ‘control’ I was not allowing the natural expansion that comes when we step out of the way.

      32. It is amazing how we can so often delay completing something because we do not want to stop and appreciate the magnificence of it and what is next to come is going to be even greater. As you say the moment we do then everything falls into place.

    2. Beautifully written. What unfolds within our life and our body when we don’t use filers is so incredibly powerful and builds upon the next moment and slowly but surely we find ourselves a vehicle of expressing love and truth so naturally.

    3. To not calibrate our expression to others and adjust what we share according to what you think others want to hear can be challenging because when you present the truth people either love and accept it, or react to it….and it is the later behavior that we cower from. But when you stop and really think about it though, why would we ever cower from the truth?

    4. That’s beautiful Cjames2012, I feel that so often I still alter my expression to the people I am with, it is incredible when I am truly observing it in how many different ways I communicate, and indeed filter that what I feel to say to a mental maze, thinking I can’t say one thing there but there I can and so fort. It is actually very tiring, to say the least. It is great to read this, and feel this deeply how beautiful it is to express freely, which I in moments can.

      1. Yes, Benkt I can relate to that mental maze we become ‘involved’ with when we search for reassurance and recognition from the outside – and all that before we even begin to open our mouth – which as you say is very tiring to say the least. As Cjames12 has commented, to be free of the filters allows us to express from our fullness and be expansive which is true freedom from the imposition of the world. We suddenly feel alive and vital and life begins to change.

      2. Good point Benkt, it really is tiring to keep adjusting our expression depending on who we are with, and one situation that I often struggled with was in large groups – how do you calibrate with so many people?! Expressing without holding back is indeed very freeing.

      3. It’s amazing and very revealing that we have made communication and our expression so complicated and manipulative. It’s as though we will go to the ends of the earth rather than expose our true selves to the world when that is what the world needs most. As you say Melissa how do we communicate with large groups without further damaging our connection to our soul when we are only allowing ourselves to express in parts – and not ever the whole. When we can express from the soul it is indeed freeing as our body expands and allows.

    5. Even as you express the words I can feel how liberating it is to connect to the body and to feel the body as ‘the instrument of expression’ and at moments like this we feel whole and at one with ourselves – even our particles are singing!

  213. I can relate to that feeling of wanting and knowing that i can express far more than I am, and often have a feeling of frustration with myself over this. I am realising from your blog that it doesn’t always have to be through words, which is the way in which I think I should be expressing and that the way I am and my actions can hold so much more than words. Thank you for sharing.

  214. Susan you express so clearly how we often do change our expression to fit the occasion rather than just being ourselves and expressing from that true place within. Nothing is more beautiful than when I feel someone speaking from themselves – the voice and the body and the tone all convey the same message, and there is no reaction or imposition, even if what is said is challenging.

  215. It is inspiring that you are opening up more to the world Susan, and not doing the usual ‘learnt it all, know it all’ routine I see so often.

  216. “When I’m talking, I often hold back and don’t fully express what I want to say because I am afraid of the person’s response, or how they may feel, or what they will think of me” – that is the big one for me… holding back how I feel, and so holding myself back from everything that I am. It’s a truly disastrous strategy!

  217. What an amazing blog, thank you Susan. I felt I was reading about my own life, I too held back and calibrated my expression for most of my life – needing to be liked. It feels very empowering when we let go and drop all that gets in the way of true expression.

  218. The ‘old ways’ of talking and communicating with other people don’t work any longer for me. I can relate to that line. I am exploring my ways of communicating. What I am observing so far, that in conversations I am going away from myself and focus on what others have to say. I am forgetting to stay connected to myself and feel what there is to feel in my body and, if needed, express from there. Although I am a great listener and the other one often keeps on talking, there is a disregard to me: I am not part of the conversation whilst my whole body ís there. So what is going on? I am not bringing me in full the conversation, although I am listening. Even listening can be an ‘old way’. So for the coming time I going to observe myself in conversations and, when I speak, talk from my body.

  219. To know that when I hold back my expression I actually say to the other person, I donot give you all of me because you are not worth all of me, has started in myself the process of acknowledging how arrogant holding back really is and that I hurt myself and everyone else. To step out of this comfortable position is now something I am choosing on a daily basis and the joy I experience both with myself and others is worth a party!

  220. This was just gorgeous to read – I especially love the concept of a tender body bringing forth tender words – responsibility made beautiful.

  221. Talking about calibration in communication and expression is very needed. To me there are two streams to work on here. Us in relation to the others (the usual one), and us in relation to our own body. I found the second to be not less important than the first one. When we talk to the body and the body talks to us and reveals more of itself (that is of us as beings) to us, is an amazing experience too.

    1. And this second stream that you talk of emfeldman is the one that determines the depth of communication and expression we can have with others. They are both so very intertwined and constantly dancing with each other.

  222. What a gift to stay ever flexible and willing to learn and develop, no matter the age – I find this very inspiring and your article shows that it is not only possible but simple and enjoyable at the same time.

  223. Great blog. I can fully relate to everything you wrote about. It is beautiful to begin expressing in full, not hiding and holding back.

  224. Susan, I love your blog. Reading it again something new comes up: “It feels at this point that I allowed others to decide how I was to talk, express and behave … I handed my power over to what was outside of me.” That resonates deeply and I can sense the protection that’s been causing this. I don’t want to get hurt anymore and therefore manipulate myself to fit in. But the most pain stays on my side: I am leaving me behind and playing other people’s games. That is abuse at it’s worst: self-abuse. Every turn on the outside is a step away from my innermost.

  225. Susan, it is so true how our whole body speaks when we use words. We can’t escape the truth of the body and nice words can’t hide what is felt inside. It is really refreshing how you have presented this, even though it is something I have known. I too have experienced how changing my expression, either to be liked or to not offend, is a control strategy on my part, for my own desired outcome or need. Your blog reminds me that coming back to myself and just being me is the key.

  226. Thank you Susan. It is beautiful and insightful what you share here and I relate to changing my expression around strangers, friends and family to be accepted or to ‘protect’ myself from being hurt. You provide a great reminder that our body is communicating all the time. I am seeing more how by changing or holding back our natural expression, we are actually controlling how we will be received.

  227. Beautiful sharing, our body expressing and communicating all the time – that is speaking truth!

  228. There are so many gems in this blog. Today I am taking away not to let expectations hinder me expressing all of who I am. Thank you Susan.

  229. Hi Susan, I could really identify with the little kid who gets shut down from some form of disapproval, and how scary it is because it comes from family. Our families may even think they are doing the right thing by protecting us from a harsh world by toughening us up early. I really enjoyed the openness of your blog. The acceptance you had with yourself supported me to allow myself to feel where I am at with my own journey of self expression. I didn’t realise how much fear I still carry to show the world ME.

  230. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.”
    – gosh, this bit says so much Susan.

    I recognise so much of this.. It could have been words of my own, as I change and mould to suit others as well and relate to so much of this… The words like arrows through the heart, and the feeling like I want to change the way I communicate so that I actually feel I’m communicating with me. I have always thought that no-one really knows who I am. Yet how can they when I don’t talk and express with them from me but hold it back instead?

    Slowly but surely.. Thanks for showing a different way.

  231. I love the details you mention Susan and the connection you draw between what we say and the body that says it. Its so simple, but something in my experience we sometimes prefer to ignore. What you have expressed reminds me to the consider the complete energetic conversation we are always having, not just to focus on the words.

  232. What another super blog Sue. I love your honesty and what I get from reading this article is the fact that we cannot hide anything. Like Sue, I used to think that if I got angry and spoke softly nobody would know but how wrong was I. I have a responsibility in the quality of my energy and I too am learning what I say comes from all of me and not just from my mouth.

  233. A great blog Susan. I too have been redeveloping my true expression. One that comes from me connected to how I am feeling in each moment. When I express from myself I not only allow truth to be expressed but also allow another that same opportunity for themselves.

  234. In the moments that I have presented before me someone such as Serge Benhayon who can, does and doesn’t hold back expressing who they truly are it is inspiring and at times confronting. But what I am learning and as you shared Susan is that that part of ‘me’ that is confronted, offended, reactive or avoiding etc I am understanding more how that is not me. Giving energy to that reaction, avoiding and unsettling doesn’t lead to anything but more reaction, avoiding and unsettling feelings – only when I have accepted more of the what is me and entertained the possibilities of what communicating ‘me’ feels like has life started to change.

  235. Thank you Susan Lee for communicating so well, I love your expression!
    “For the greater part of my life I have been holding back talking to people and expressing who I really am. As I grow older it feels as though there is an urgency to let go of all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world.”You speak here also for me too, no longer can I hide anymore after many years holding back the truth of who I am and what I feel.

  236. Susan I can really relate to this. After reading this I am struck by the question, do I communicate to others a ‘sense of who I am’? Do I give myself away or do i hide?

    Reading this is lovely. It makes plain the chance I have to connect to the beauty that is me and communicate this with others. I’ll get to feel who they are too because I’m not shut off.

  237. I have been guilty of ‘keeping people out’ for most of my life. I will engage to a point and then I retreat. I am now so enjoying pushing myself out of my comfort zone and letting everyone in. Feeling so much more spacious in my body, no more compartments, just one fluid space of yummy me.

  238. Re- reading your post it is touching me even deeper. I know these mechanism you are describing here and I am focussing on not calibrating my love towards others. It is hard, because it means, I don´t have control anymore, which is an illusion anyway but in fact it is giving a form of security. Leaving the security and going for love is a strong impulse in me, but because of the shutting down of the real openness from it for so long, patterns that I am often not really aware of are kicking in. But I am enjoying every step towards showing myself in full to everyone I meet.

  239. Wow Susan! Thank you for pointing that out. That way of self manipulated talk we run trough to get trough. It feels hard to say “I’ll go and express myself in full” when coming from the opposite corner of the boxing ring. But the phenomenon is that when truly expressing from the inner heart and the all of my – there is 100% vulnerability without any chance to get hurt. Cause there’s no expectations, no protections, no fulfilling, no pleasing, no fear, no doubt. And that flow of love usually makes the listener feel and simply get what was just expressed. It’s amazing! And even there can be reactions – they may even hurt here and there – but they will always make me feel better with myself by having expressed my truth instead of holding back and feel the unexpressed love rotting my insides.

  240. I love what you have shared with us all here Susan. I recognise in myself how in the past I would water down what I truly wanted to say just in case it offended the other person or, say too much after getting the attention i’d wanted. It feels so amazing to express from the heart – communication at its best.

  241. Great blog Susan, Expression is everything as Serge Benhayon says. And I can feel more and more the truth in these words. There is no need to calibrate what I say and express. I feel often a need of recognition or that someone has to agree with what I say, but I feel more and more that I am more than enough and have this respect and recognition for myself.

  242. This says it all “I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another” . We don’t get taught this in school science.!!

  243. A great article Susan. It made me smile because I always knew I could feel in others when their words did not reflect what their body was saying but fooled myself that the same was not true for me!
    I so agree with you that since deepening my understanding of expression and responsibility in everything I say and the way I live that with my increasing numerical age I too feel I am starting to truly live.

  244. This is extraordinary Susan, to feel like in your retirement years that life has just begun and there is so much to learn and explore.

  245. ‘At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.’ That’s awesome, Susan, it’s never too late to be all of who we are and share that with everyone we meet. Enjoy not holding back and sharing all that there is to say in each moment.

  246. Susan, this is a beautiful and powerful blog. I loved the line where you said – ‘and to express from my heart in a new and beautiful way how I feel about the world: to begin to honour not only myself but also humanity’. This really struck me as I could feel how people really do want to express from their heart, and so by virtue of you expressing from your inner heart (and anyone else equally so) they can feel what that is and feel the freedom to do that for themselves. How beautiful and truly liberating.

  247. It’s such a gorgeous way to be, to express from the depths of your body in how you are with others. Often, for me particularly, I let my own issues and hurts get in the way.

  248. I love how you have shared that the whole body is communicating at all times – there is definitely more to communication than just the words that come out of our mouths.

    1. Yes, that is what I love too, and it is so true and we actually all know it.

  249. Calibrating our expression is a sneaky trap where we lose ourselves. We lose touch with that truth deep inside as we begin to align more with the calibrated self rather than who we really are. We all miss out, both ourselves and the receiver and digest something seemingly more palatable but in truth just an empty filler that does little for anyone’s evolution.

  250. Amazing Susan Lee I enjoyed reading your Blog — there is a science to how we express with not just the words. Its the energy from our bodies that really communicate. My focus these days since being a student of Universal Medicine is to focus on what energy I am choosing that then will be my expression and words. To move in a way that is purpose-full to how I feel where I am at whether it be in the shower, nurturing myself or at work in full commitment to the team and the service I am delivering. The energy is there when I make it about that choice.

  251. I love how you have totally blown apart and exposed how you have calibrated your expressions but now claim you wish to speak only from the truth of who you – something you have held back for so many years. I too have allowed this complication in my life – so simple, to speak truth from who we are – so complicated to calibrate to a myriad of outer influences. I too like you, am enjoying developing expressing from who I truly am – honouring as you say ourselves and all of humanity.

    1. It is incredible that we have allowed multiple personalities to become our “normal”. We have our work communication, our family communication, our friend communication, our person at the shop counter communication…but nowhere do we have our expression of ourselves until we make the choice to push aside that exhausting scale of “who am I today?” and just be who we are.

      1. Well said Rachel, it is exhausting living a life with so many different personas. The more I am the same wherever I am and who ever I am with the more stable and content I am becoming with myself. I am also learning more about who I really am!

  252. ‘Why would I develop different ways of expressing and communicating with people? – It feels as though I have made life very complicated…’ – so true. Also, by not expressing in full we are holding back the truth and, therefore, not sharing all that is there to be shared in that moment, leaving the other person lesser as a result. Knowing this makes it so much easier for me to now speak up, always.

  253. It is so true Susan Lee that we think that nobody will see the mood we are in if we try to disguise it e.g. our grumpiness with a nice face. Everything we are is constantly expressed either through our voice or through our posture and the energy we are in. There is no way to hide, and if we believe we can than we are in the illusion that we can hide secrets of ourselves and that they will not been seen nor affect other people. So as you say Suzan, “there is an urgency to let go of all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world” in order to bring decency and honesty back into our human relations.

  254. You described in detail as a 3 year old your gorgeousness rejected by those close to you and you were told you were too sensitive. This shutting down of children is so devastating, and as you have described here Susan, has ramifications in adult life. Treating children this way is like a crime being committed and repeated in every home and our communities are all the worse because of it. Thank god for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for showing us another way.

    1. Well said Bernard. What a harming cycle this is, where we shut the door on our own and then others feeling. It is so powerful then when we reclaim and start to bring again the true words we have to say. This game of pretending and making ourselves numb is one I no longer choose to play.

    2. I agree Bernard, Thank God for Serge Benhayon who has shown us that we are not our hurts and that we can choose to have all those amazing qualities we had when children at any time.

  255. Susan what as great blog! Thank you for expressing so clearly to me that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or the other. This is not something I have consciously been aware of , so to be my whole self all of the time is something I will now focus on in a conscious way. I can really feel the truth of your statement as it pertains to me: “As I grow older it feels as though there is an urgency to let go of all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world.”

  256. ‘Why would I develop different ways of expressing and communicating with people’. I love how this question exposes how we choose to complicate life every single day. I hadn’t ever looked at it that way. But there it is loud and clear, we complicate everything when we are not ourselves. So simple…

  257. I loved coming back to read this again Susan, I am learning that as soon as I am not with myself 100% there will always be a part of me that will start to calibrate, to adjust, to play it up or play it down to suit a need or a hidden agenda.

    1. Yes Alisonmoir — What is that 100%? Being with and feeling your body. Totally surrendered to feeling what is not right. Expressing then what is needed. Letting in another and let them see all of you. Confirming You in your physical movement. Being open to more always. Total commitment to purpose.

  258. It is a deal we have with our friends and our family: if you don’t express fully, I don’t have to do that too. We stay away from the taboo subjects and only speak about what is safe or in the family pattern.
    I always can see where I am at when I visit my family: how can I stay connected to me, love them and not callibrate.

    1. Yes agreed Delorme2013, with family we develop comfort in expression. We develop a connection very young that becomes familiar and develops into a “comfortable” relationship and as the family bond I will stick by you. We hide in family and dare not express in full. As I felt in my family it was encouraged to protect each other.

  259. Reacting to the reactions of others and not wanting others to feel uncomfortable because I have something to say, a real waste of energy and very exhausting.

  260. Thank you for sharing this very gorgeous blog Susan. I especially loved the way you explained how your entire body communicates with others well before you open your mouth. This perfectly demonstrates the fact that we can never really hide how we truly feel from others.

    1. So true Leonne, our bodies speak volumes to us and to others every moment of the day. How absurd is it to think that we can hide away or be silent and no-one will know what is going on for us.

    2. Thank you for your comment Leonne – what I am finding is that as I connect to myself on a deeper level and allow myself to express from the truth of who I am I no longer want to hide how I feel. I am becoming more open and honest and when we offer this to others it allows them to respond – or not. This way we are not holding back on our responsibility to humanity.

      1. Indeed Leonne, our bodies already communicates with others before we even open our mouth. Taking notice of this requires to be connected to the body and deeply feel what is there. It is so easy to be connected with others, whilst not connected with ourselves. What connection is that then, I wonder.

      2. It feels as though it is a connection coming from need rather than a true connection of two souls meeting one another. When I meet someone in this way it feels as though there is room for expansion and a deeper understanding of one another.

  261. I have always loved silence. I have loved its depth and the space it provides for me to feel. I love how it goes two ways. Firstly it allows me to feel what is there to be said and it also allows me to feel beyond the words I hear.

    1. Vicky that is music to my ears. I have also loved silence too since I was a little girl. It is so refreshing to hear the appreciation of silence and all that it brings.

    2. I totally hear you and share your love for silence Vicky for there is something truly special in the space it creates and the depth of feeling that can be sensed and understood in that space.

      1. I agree Suse, Vicky has encapsulated so precisely my feelings on silence – as she says ‘I have loved its depth and the space it provides for me to feel’. Silence offers us space that can so easily be overlooked when we fill our lives with distraction and doing-ness. Just sitting with silence gives life a depth and beauty that is incomparable as we connect to the Universe – and this is what I feel when I look up into the sky and can feel an innate sense of joy and contentment within.

  262. We have learnt to create pockets in our lives where we think we need to express differently but the fact is that expression has to be the same regardless of the situation we are in and that by holding back truth only hurts us and others alike.
    Thank you Susan Lee for expressing the love that you are.

    1. It’s true Francisco – we all too easily calibrate and adjust ourselves to what is happening around us instead of presenting ourselves in full regardless of where we are and whomever we are with.

      1. And what I am finding truly astonishing and perplexing at times, is how this is a constant refining and redefining as our truth expands as we embrace with more grace and love the being that has wondered far and wide, and continues to tread the path of return.

  263. I feel so many of us shut down our expression when we were little children because we weren’t being heard and so changed to fit what was expected from us. This leaves us all with a feeling of not knowing who we truly are. To have been blessed to have had Serge Benhayon come into your life Susan, into mine and into many others has given us all the opportunity to reflect on how we communicated in the past and how it is possible to connect to what we are feeling and express from that. It doesn’t matter what age you are it is never to late to start expressing from who we truly are. “I feel as though I have just started to truly live”. Fantastic.

  264. What a beautiful inspiration by you Susan Lee. An elder wise voice saying – you can change and start a new way any time. It’s a rise not a fall. To make the inside truth the real deal and not set the fulfilling of others expectations. Thank you***

  265. It makes me feel sad to keep allowing this calibration going on, which shows me I need to reflect on what is stopping me expressing all of me. Thank you Susan for bringing this to me today.

  266. I started to ask myself during a conversation ” Am I showing myself”? For me this is a big step to truly show my sensitive, vulnerable side, because like you, I wasn´t honoured in that, when I was a child. Honouring this myself now changes everything and I am glad that after many years I am brave to go for a different way- and it feels so much better in the body than the hardness in holding back me.

    1. Great point Steffi, when I read your words I know that I’m keeping myself guarded and protected when I’m interacting with people and it sure is a tension I feel in my body. Expressing how I feel helps a lot, and it feels like an honest and honouring way to acknowledge the love that is actually there between people.

  267. I love how you mention the urgency to change our expression to be from who we are. It’s so true, why wait any longer when we can start the process now. I feel like through the way all the people in the world have been living there is a huge re-correction we need to make so may as well start re-correcting now so in the future we will have a much stronger foundation to express from the essence that we are inside.

  268. Susan, you have busted the communication calibration trap beautifully and very honestly. This is a very important thing for us all to learn. Recently a close friend and I explored how we settle into a habitual comfort with ‘safe’ friends, dropping down from how we are ‘at our best’. This actually amounts to being very disrespectful of them and not seeing them for who they truly are, as well as not being fully present in sensing what is there to be sensed. Once we cleared that and gave ourselves and each other our top quality presence, we had an awesome experience of seeing this great, loving, equal person meeting us in full. Who would not want that with everyone in every moment?!

    1. Hi Dianne, you have raised great point here, how we can hold back another and disrespect/ disregard another by holding back our expression and playing it safe. It is actually very harming for all.

  269. There’s something in the word ‘rules’ in your comment that stood out for me, I can feel how we have been bound and confined, deliberately by rules for so long. Rules as much as they are needed in certain places or situations can be a great thing, but they can also be a way to control and keep us tied down.

  270. This article highlights so many things for me at this moment. Expression for me is a process of peeling back the old layers that are not needed and not being fearful of what others will think, react etc from what I share. It also highlights that yes what I have to share is important and worthy. Expressing truth and whatever is there to be expressed with no judgement.

  271. Thankyou for this invaluable blog Susan – your choice to express ripples out for all of us! I so relate to everything you have shared here, this is also my story to a tee, and “For the greater part of my life I have been holding back talking to people and expressing who I really am. As I grow older it feels as though there is an urgency to let go of all the control, manipulation and complications that have been involved with hiding from the world” – this is so true and so valuable to see – under this rock here is control, manipulation and complication – wow! I so appreciate that you shared these insights – it has joined the dots for me – peeling back the amnesia again! Express! Otherwise it is so easy to forget the truth. And I find the lessons are coming harder and faster when we don’t express our truth.

  272. The world would be a very different place if we all collectively did not hold back expressing what we feel within our hearts. There for one would no longer be any body that would stand for any abuse on any level let alone all the atrocities we have accepted are part of human life.

  273. I, like you Marika, have also always been able to feel “the incongruence of when someone spoke” as if “2 different sentences being expressed at once”. I find it confusing at times but now understand it so much more clearly when I hear someone say something, but feel what they are actually saying is often completely different. The more I embrace and have embraced my feelings and what I am sensing, the clearer what I am reading from the other person becomes.

  274. I fully agree Brendan “it is extremely exhausting” trying to keep up and ‘fit in’ with people and groups – I did this throughout school – trying to be accepted by everyone. Now when I am simply myself it is so much simpler, there is no need to constantly be a chameleon and I do not get exhausted!

  275. Beautifully written Susan, To express without the manipulation that is engrained in us from so young is totally liberating. To feel our bodies and express our truth… Yay!

  276. “I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another.” Yes I agree, I often find that we may use certain words that sound good but our bodies may be saying something completely different. As you say if we are angry and cover that up with niceness – the anger can still be felt regardless of what we say.

  277. Wow, what a big statement to make – you are actually starting to ‘live’ when others are seeing it as their final years of life. It makes me wonder how many people exist in this world and never truly live?

  278. Thank you Susan. I am also beginning to learn that my whole body communicates all the time too. It is inspiring that even at the typical retirement age when many of your peers are winding down in their lives, you feel like you are expanding and starting to truly live. Your vitality and zest for life can be clearly felt. Awesome!

  279. I never felt that I made my life complicated by developing different ways of expressing and communicating with people but it is true Susan, constantly adjusting my self to each situation and person makes life very complex. When we decide to no longer play this game we can feel the power of expression, the unique expression every person has and how life becomes more simple and joyful.

  280. I can totally relate Susan. I have for so long not been expressing myself to – playing nice to the outer world and letting myself down in the process. I am now relearning to express myself from my heart and to not hold back and I find when I hold back myself life get’s a bit boring too!

  281. I can also see how I first shut down my true expression as a small child and then physically shut down my expression as a teenager. How wonderful it is to discover our true expression again, that it is so much more than just words, that is our whole being. Reading your blog has been very healing for me Susan. Thank you.

  282. Your blog is so true, I also have calibrated what I express to fit in to different environments and situations and you have raised a very important point of always expressing from your inner truth all of the time irrespective of who you are speaking with, thank you Susan for your insight

  283. It is huge to expose this sense of the “many versions we have of ourselves”. I too have been very caught up in that, thinking I could change how I was around people and with myself so that I met everyones needs.
    Now I see it is a game to keep me small, to hold me back and to not allow me to know who I truly am.
    So I’ve started to change that and really got to know me first, so that other people can know who I am too – no holding back.

  284. I loved your blog Susan. I learned to hold back and calculate my expression at a very young age, thus living a life of anxiousness and tears. But now through the teachings of Serge Benhayon I am learning to express from my body what I feel. In my retirement years I too am just starting to live me.

  285. Such a lovely blog Susan, and very relatable for me also. Lately I have been noticing the times where I have been able to speak my truth and the times where I definitely am not and the difference in my body is undeniable. When I speak from my body and not from my mind, it’s like nourishing my body from the inside out and I feel so expanded as I have given myself the gift of space, but when I speak from my head, I feel a hardness and my voice changes and I talk much faster like there is a time limit and I have to get all the words out quickly. It is starting to feel quite uncomfortable when I choose to enjoin another or not be the real me in that way, and I notice others reflecting my choice to not speak my truth through their expression. It’s like when I speak from my truth, it invites others to do likewise.

  286. Expressing truth leaves a fullness and completeness in your body, expressing less than that leaves you feeling wanting more. Now THAT’S a marker for expressing who we are! We are the full and complete being that expresses the truth!

  287. Susan such a beautifully honest blog. It’s great that you feel to express and communicate on a deeper level of truth. I loved this “so if my body is tender so will my words be, and if my body is in anger, what and how I express will be tainted by that.” Such a simple and expansive way to express ourselves in full.

  288. Dear Susan, I can relate to much of what you have written. Like you I have spent much of my life expressing for others and very little from my heart. I have always felt great anxiousness around communicating with people, friend, relative or stranger. In my life there have been very few moments where I felt truly comfortable with what I have been saying. This is now beginning to change. I am feeling much more solid with who I am and in this solidness I am finding that I am beginning to feel very comfortable in my skin. This is beginning to transpire to feeling very comfortable with saying what I feel to say.

  289. This is beautiful Susan and it has allowed me to see that before there can be words, there is a feeling that is felt deep within the body. From this point, if we honour what is felt then the words allow us to shape what is true. If we do not honour this feeling, then they are shaped by everything that is not.

  290. I love what you say about hiding your grumpiness. Isn’t it funny how we believe that if we simply pretend it’s not there then it is not there? And even though we may see others doing this, we somehow exclude ourselves from being in that club. We are absolutely amazing at fooling ourselves. This is actually the foundation of a lot of mental illnesses I feel, especially when the two realities begin to wrestle for our attention.

  291. Thank you Susan, I can totally relate to ‘holding back’ on expression. “Why would I develop different ways of expressing and communicating with people? – It feels as though I have made life very complicated…” I have been in your shoes here. It’s totally exhausting and the crazy thing is, no one gets to feel who we truly are. We are like a chameleon, constantly changing, but never being true. All that is changing now, I’m learning to express how I feel all of the time which is so liberating and quite fun!

  292. Our words communicate one thing and our can bodies communicate another. When they are in sync, and communicating the same thing, we are expressing truth and it is powerful. I too have held back my expression for the same reasons, all based on the other person. Now I’m beginning to consider how I am affected when I do not speak the truth or when I hold back as my body is affected. Plus, we all go nowhere.

  293. Susan, reading your blog has led me to ponder on my own expression and where I hold back. I can relate to the list you wrote on how you change how you express according to the group of people, which has led me to realise I communicate accordingly to if I feel I will be accepted (where I feel truly safe) or not (not feeling safe). Not only does my voice change, but my body language. How would I be if I was able to just truly be me, all of the time? Perhaps it is time to trial this one out.

    1. Yes, I loved this part of the blog too. Time for me to be me all of the time regardless of who I am with or where I am.

  294. Thanks again for this important blog Susan, “When I’m talking, I often hold back and don’t fully express what I want to say because I am afraid of the person’s response, or how they may feel, or what they will think of me” – this is such an ingrained pattern for a lot of people. I only know that for me, expression is a forever learning process and there is a world of difference in my body when I allow truth to be expressed as opposed to holding back bits and pieces just to stay in my own comfort and not rock the boat.

    1. Yes, expressing and communicating is a forever learning process and what I recently found and am most joyful about is not to worry so much about what I am going to say but instead to enjoy the people I am talking with and then that what needs to be communicated, said or expressed is quite naturally there.

  295. It is fascinating and empowering to observe how our expression and communication is a reflection of our quality or state of being, and how we can use this awareness as a confirmation of the fact that either we are “off”, disconnected, or in reaction (being anxiousness, angry, sad etc) and need to come back to a place of centeredness or a confirmation (and enjoyment) of the fact that we are solid in ourselves, claimed and connected. I am learning from experience a little bit more everyday how “expression is everything” as presented by Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine.
    Lastly what a beautiful reminder and offering for us all to take more responsibility of the fact that our bodies communicate all of the time and that this has an effect not only on ourself but on others too.

  296. I love the title of your blog Susan “Communicating with, and Talking to People – No longer Calibrating my Expression”. This is so relevant and inspiring for the majority of us all.

  297. That’s great Susan, that you feel so lively and ready for change. I can feel that it so much easier to share and speak openly about what is truly going on with people like you. Your openness and willingness to communicate and express encourages others-including myself-to communicate from who we truly are, without measuring. Thank you.

  298. To express in full is also something I am practicing now. I also had my ways of callibrating, and still have, but now I can feel when I do it. It is just too painful to keep on going. I tend to stop now and feel. And then continue speaking from a deeper connection with me. Other words come out, more truthful ones, more me.

    1. So True Caroline. Once I feel myself drop into my body, immediately my thoughts begin to still and in this stillness I can feel very different words to be spoken. As I connect to this way of communicating more and more I am feeling my body becoming so much more tender. In feeling this tenderness, I am finding that I am moving my body differently too. To move harshly, now physicaly hurts my body.

  299. Thanks for a great sharing Susan. So many of us have felt the same way and shut down from an early age to not be able to truly express the joy of life and where we were at in any given moment. We are now given the opportunity to reimprint and express which is so awesome, we just need to give the hurt inner child the permission to do so, and through these article and blogs this open and true expression is all beginning to unfold so beautifully for many.

  300. Susan I loved your blog and enjoyed the fact that you feel inspired to express who you are more than ever.
    You have said ‘if my body is tender so will my words be, and if my body is in anger, what and how I express will be tainted by that anger…’ This is so simple and makes sense. The body really is the ‘marker of truth’.

  301. Such wonderful awareness and wisdom in your blog Susan, thank you
    Keep on expressing all of you, no matter what the situation or to whom, as beautifully as you have here.

  302. Dear Susan, I so agree with your last (beautiful line) “I feel as though I have just started to truly live”. I too have started tor realise how MUCH i calibrate my expression to suit others/me/the world. The more solid I start to feel about myself, the more I realise how much I have to say and how much I then hold back. Through becoming aware of this and what my gorgeous expression is, I am also starting to feel that I have just started to truly live. Because expression really is everything as Serge Benhayon says – and when we hold back that – we become less and so does our lives. Thank you for sharing you.

  303. Your mention of body language Sue reminded me of all the workshops I attended and subsequently ran on the subject. So many ‘techniques’ to read others and control self….but no-body ever mentioned the quality of energy and feeling

    1. So true Kathie, it feels as though it is easy to become lost in the techniques and in my case avoid the feelings. I am changing my life in a way that makes it more simple – but the ‘easy’ somehow doesn’t seem to work – it feels as though it ends up as a short term fix rather than feeling what is truly going on.

    2. Well said Kathie our freedom of expression is definitely all about quality and integrity which is the absolute opposite of control.

  304. Like you Susan, as a child I did not feel safe to express my beauty and innocence, so I shut or closed off to this part of me, which made my life super complicated and filled with struggle, but had not linked the complication my life was to not expressing. Having a deeper trust and love in myself and knowing that my expression does count in this world, and giving myself the space to explore and be playful with my expression, I feel like a bird who has been set free from his cage. A great blog Susan, thank you.

    1. A great reply as well, Jacqueline, it is lovely to feel the joy of your expression when you speak about feeling like ‘a bird who has been set free from his cage’. I am still in the process of building a ‘deeper trust and love in myself’ and it feels like an ongoing process as I become more willing to let go of old patterns.

  305. Thank you, Susan, for such a honest blog. This is a big one for me, and reading your blog I feel like I had left it at the cultural background I grew up in and my own choice to play along with it was somehow discounted, and I hadn’t quite claimed myself back from that.

  306. Susan it makes complete sense what you say – that our communication/words come from the ease or tension our body is in. This ease or tension is from the way we live life. And the way we live life is from the choices we make. So it’s our choices that give us our communication and words to express and what others get to feel. Beautiful.

  307. Thank you Susan. I too calibrated how I spoke with people for fear of the reaction I might receive. What is so beautiful is that I have found when I am speaking with love I can see that what I am saying is being received quite differently. Even if the other person does not agree with me, I have been heard.

  308. If we all innately want love and have interactions that are respectful and loving it makes total sense to communicate in this way to all, as this ‘wholistic’ communication will come back to you, freeing and undoing past experiences of constrained and abusive communication. As Susan so beautifully writes communication comes with all that we hold in our body, and the inner tenderness and love we have is always there to be uncovered.

  309. I love your article Susan, why indeed would we express differently depending on who we communicate with?

  310. Beautifully said Susan. I have been holding back for a very long time and only just learning to truly express. It hurts to realise this and also not easy to let go of old habits but working on it everyday will slowly chip away the outer crust.

  311. Lovely blog Susan. A big learning for me has be with not holding back from expressing my truth but doing so in a loving way. Holding back for fear of how others may react, only serves to give ones power away.

  312. Susan, I found your blog very supportive for me. I have begun to realise just how many ways I hold back in expression and whether or not I let people in. I find I hold back more with family, friends and anyone who does get closer to me because I am scared of disappointing them if I am too outspoken. I often get tongue tied and withdraw if I feel they don’t agree with my view or else go to the other end of the spectrum and become defensive. I often get the feeling that they will think I am ‘too much’ or just plain weird if I say something against the norm. So it has been a game of seeking recognition and acceptance and keeping a tight reign on what I will allow in or out, even though I know deep down at times I am imposing on others with my chosen form of expression at a particular given time. It is so different when I just express from my heart – but even then, I can later get caught up in then trying to replicate what has just happened, rather than continue to simply just ‘be’ all of me. Certainly a steep learning process for me but as you say: ‘I feel truly blessed to have found a way that is loving and supportive through the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine’.

  313. Like you as a sensitive child I became masterful at calibrating how I needed to be and what I needed to say to stay safe and avoid creating even more ‘loud voices’ at home. There is much to undo and it is never too late. I also share your deep appreciation for the wisdom and teachings of Serge Benhayon through Universal Medicine. Feeling myself through feeling my body and the love that is within me has been absolutely pivotal in returning to who I truly am and expressing from this place in my daily life. Where this is a work in progress, across my relationships and my role in customer service, where pleasing and niceness still sneak in, knowing there is a ‘true me’ to be in the world gets stronger everyday. Thank you.

  314. The power of your honesty shines through every word of this blog Susan, thank-you. You have eloquently described ways of relating that all can no doubt relate to, and also the choice that is available to us – to be our whole and full selves, and not hold back all that is within us to express.
    I can relate to shutting down sharing the full truth I always knew (from very very young), because basically it (interpreted then as ‘I’) was reacted to. I was told ‘I’ was ‘too much’, you don’t say those things, etc, and though the truth I knew was clear, uncompromised and strong, eventually my sense of worth became eroded. I wanted to be loved – instead, I said yes to being ‘accepted’, and took on something of a ‘fight’ at times, in the wanting to be heard and understood.

    My studies with Universal Medicine, and the complete and full expression that I have seen Serge Benhayon unreservedly bring to everything in his life, have inspired me beyond measure, to return to the strength of all that I always knew, and thus to heal both my body and being from the countless ways I had found to hide myself and hold back – all of which was not only hurting me, but as I came to understand, actually not serving others.
    I trust that there are many more blogs on expression for you to write Susan, from all that has unfolded for you in the commitment to backing your own full and true expression that you have shared with us here. I will most definitely be keeping my eye out.

  315. Thanks Susan for a great blog , I too at 57yrs feel as I have only just started to live thanks to Universal medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  316. It’s a really interesting thing how we express differently to different groups of people. But what you share is amazing – the only true way of expressing is when we are truly connected with ourselves, and that having a relationship with ourselves is so important in our expression to others.

  317. A truly amazing blog Susan for you have described with perfect clarity the way I am in this world and it is so imprisoning to express in a calibrated way.

  318. This is great, expressing our truth is what is really beautiful about expression. It comes from inside our bodies and there is no greater truth than what our body is feeling.

  319. “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.” So true Susan, claiming ourselves back and expressing from what we feel is a fresh and joyful start of truly living who we truly are.

  320. Thank you Susan there is so much about this blog that I love and relate to. I love it when we realise that we communicate with our whole body. I think verbal communication is something like only 10% of the communication we do, the remainder comes from our body – which is incredible really, but not surprising at the same time. I can relate to the holding back and the effect that this is having on my body and on my relationships. It is significant. It is time for me to truly communicate too, with as much loving honesty as I can, deepen the relationships I have and be open for what is around the corner.

    1. Thank you Jennifer for your comment. I find it truly amazing that there is so much for me to understand about how we communicate with one another and I often feel like a baby that needs to learn all over again – to go back to the beginning. When I can keep communication simple I can connect more fully with myself and hence communicate more clearly to others. It feels so beautiful when we communicate with clarity and can feel the joy of connecting truly to another.

  321. I was reading this and realised I could have written it myself. These words are so true for me also. Well, all but the last sentence as I’m 33!

    1. I felt this too Nikki, Susan your words resonated deeply with me as I have lived my life this way. I am only now starting to realise the power of communication and how everything we do communicates to others. I love how you expressed that you feel life is just starting to open up for you, what an inspiration you are!

  322. Susan I can completely relate to you when you say “I handed my power over to what was outside of me. This feels like a betrayal of who I really am.”. Now as I have claimed my power back, I am able to express more openly. How amazing it makes me feel.

  323. I know I spent a lifetime of attempting to second guess whoever I was talking to so that I would not offend them and be open to their anger or criticism, but since becoming a student of Universal Medicine I have been able to change that from within and mostly able to express how I feel without being scared of any possible potential reaction. As you say, Sue, it feels like starting to live at last in my later years, and I do feel much more alive and present.

  324. I love when you say that our whole bodies are communicating all of the time and that the words are a reflection of how our body is. This deeply resonates within me, thank you Susan.

  325. Calibrating your expression depending on who you are talking to; very true and a habit that doesn’t help anyone. Only hides what you can truly bring to the table.

  326. I totally relate to thinking in the past that communication was mainly vocal. I really didn’t consider how sensitive others could be to my mood and my actions. But at the same time I was sensitive to those around me in that way. It’s great to actually factor in me as a whole when I communicate now. Knowing that so much can change when you use your whole body. In the past I would say one thing but act a different way – as if expecting the person to get the hidden message- of course it never worked and it was all a game and I would use it against that person to say ‘they don’t understand me’ – but Now to be more aware and commit my whole body to what I am saying feels so simple!!! What a relief

  327. ‘I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another’ Gosh this reminded me of all the body language courses and books, attempting to read others’ language and ‘control’ my own to portray the image I wanted.

    Light years away from trusting my own feelings and taking responsibility for connecting to the love that I know is deep within me.

  328. So lovely that you can see the ‘roles’ played when expressing to different people Susan. I recognise this in myself too – and like you – I am understanding the role my whole body has to play in the way of expression. If we are consistent with how we express to others, no matter who they are, then is it possible we can be more consistent in ourselves too? Something I am currently exploring…

  329. I too, have noticed there are times when I hold back my expression in case of offending another, when I know what I have to share is important and relevant. So for me, it is about staying truly connected with myself and just speaking the truth, not hold back. I know when I have done this in the past, I have given others a greater opportunity to also connect and speak the truth.

    1. Anita. I agree with all you have said. Universal Medicine has shown us how to be open and have true communication with other people, giving them the chance to truly connect with us.

  330. Thank you, Susan. This blog is yet another incredible testimony of how the Universal Medicine teachings have inspired countless people to change their lives and, in this case, find true joy in expressing in a way they never thought possible. Susan, your celebration of life as a mature woman is very powerful to feel.

  331. I find it’s interesting to note how we can change for others – even our tone and our mannerisms depending on who we are talking to. I still notice I can do this at times.

  332. This is very timely for me to read, Susan. Thank you as it brings up many issues for me around feeling safe to express from my innermost self and I will be pondering deeply upon this: “Why would I develop different ways of expressing and communicating with people?” It feels like there may be some expectations and arrogance here for me to look at, too.

  333. There is so much in this blog Susan, to contemplate and mull over and I can relate to so much. In particular, the not feeling safe in my family when I was a small child, made me very anxious and I withdrew into myself wanting to hide and not be seen. The best way to do that was to stop expressing on all levels. Ouch, because by holding back my expression I cut myself off from people including family, thus I have always found relationships, all relationships difficult. Later in life, when I saw women enjoying each other’s company, I felt an ache inside, because I wanted to have this, too but had no clue how to receive this. Today my relationships with both men and women have changed enormously, as I am no longer hiding from the world, and now feel a lot safer to express all of me. This comes and goes and it is not perfected, and it was through attending courses with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that has supported to make the changes. Thank you, Susan for your awesome expression in this blog.

  334. “Expression is everything” – this is so true. Knowing now that I am always expressing even if I am silent in speech ( as my body speaks it’s own language and is always communicating) was a big awareness made conscious to me, although I did know it deep inside. Learning to be the natural me with everyone I meet and not be the adaptable chameleon is now making headway. Thankyou Serge Benhayon for all you bring.

  335. Hi Sue, the more I express how I truly feel the lighter my body feels – it’s like it is at ease and there is no tension being held on to. I find truly expressing also frees up another and creates a spaciousness between people.

  336. Hi Susan Lee – I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your blog and the responses – and how it has inspired me this morning to not succumb to the energy that would prefer you to be silent, or to enjoin in meaning-less ‘small-talk’. How truly beauty-full it is to now know we do have a choice in how we express/communicate and to be developing the awareness of the impact we may have on all and everything around us when we do express.

    1. Thank you Roberta, I certainly can feel how false the small talk can be – as I start to engage in that way the conversation feels without purpose or without care, missing out on the opportunity to have a real, connected and inspiring conversation. I am also inspired not to go into the “normal” way of talking and can see what a real difference it makes to open up instead of hide behind the weather!

    2. I never liked small talk and so I would stay quiet. People would feel I was just a shy person, but that was not the cause – in not expressing truth, I was holding back. Now as I just allow myself to speak the truth, it allows others to get away from small talk and also start to speak the truth. It creates space for a beautiful conversation.

  337. Part of the change that helps me in communicating with others differently, is mainly because of the changes for myself that I have chosen. The changes have caused the talking points of my past conversations with people to have changed to the point we have nothing we used to talk about in common any more. What we did talk about was almost always superficial and did not support anyone in a meaningful way. I now speak to everyone the same way, without judgment. I now find it easier to talk to strangers and start the conversation as I spent a life time being a clam. It turns out I am an oyster and the pearl is my voice.

    1. How gorgeous sjmatsonuk – I love the analogy of changing from a clam into an oyster, and the pearl being your voice. I also find it amazing how our voices change as our expression becomes deeper – my voice would often be high, and now it is lower and more connected to that depth within. Before everything would be squeezed in tight at the top of my head where everything was busy, and now as I relax there is more room for it to drop down to my heart.

    2. Very beautiful analogy sjmatsonuk about the oyster and the pearl. I have discovered that our voices hold a lot of magic in them and are an expression and a healing for others. My voice has certainly deepened as my awareness grows.

  338. I had a gorgeous morning yesterday simply because, as I am developing and growing, my openness to fellow humans has gone to a whole new level and I met and talked to lots of people in town yesterday as I was running errands. It was sweet, simple and totally life enhancing. What’s not to like?!

    1. Thank you Matilda for reminding me of the joy to connect with people in the street – it is so simple and so life enhancing for everyone – to feel that joy is so expansive.

      1. Sue I know how you feel, the joy is definitely expansive, I meet so many people daily in my job and as I connect to them even with a simple smile or a few words, I can feel they felt that expression in my body.

    2. I too Matilda love to engage with people in shops or in the street. These simple, straight to the point exchanges (chats, eye contact or smiles) are very precious to me. I particularly like the way some people spontaneously talk to me or I do the same to them. Life becomes all of a sudden very simple.

  339. Really inspiring blog Susan, I too am am increasing my “awareness of the deeper effect of how my words impact on both myself and others”. This has come from the reflection of my new dog who cowers and becomes quite frightened if your tone of voice changes just a little bit, which for me was amazing to see as it opened me up to the idea that every word I let out has to be expressed from me; from love, nothing else.

    1. That’s really interesting Oliver, how you have picked up on how the way you express affects everything.

    2. I also find your comment interesting Oliver, and supportive. The image of your new dog cowering from the tone of your voice is a powerful one and shows the importance of checking the quality we express from, in each and every moment.

  340. Amazing Susan, indeed it seems that everything is communication and expression : the way we are talking, the words we use, the tone of our voice, the way we hold our bodies, the way we do every movement and we have all these tools in our toolbox to use and be who we really are.

  341. A very inspiring blog Susan thank you. I can relate to every word you have written and since attending presentations with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I am at last ‘finding my voice’ to express what I am really feeling. It is still a work in progress and my body lets me know very quickly these days when I am holding back.

  342. Susan, I feel that your closing line, re: retirement is very important. “I feel I have
    just started to truly live”.
    Amen to that Susan.
    Since retiring and discovering Universal Medcine, my life has changed so much for the better!

    1. Yes Jonathan – and for me what is even more wonderful is that the ‘better’ just keeps expanding and knows no limits.

  343. When we open ourselves up to others, life opens up to us. I love the picture of you emerging fully into yourself and the world, Sue, just at a time when many of your contemporaries are withdrawing into retirement. Thank you.

    1. ​Yes, it certainly does Matilda – my experience has been one of waiting for others to first open up to me and wondering why that wasn’t happening. As I began to evolve and take more responsibility in life, I found that as I opened up from within, the world seemed to become a far more open and friendly place. Once I took the focus off me and allowed the world into my heart, I began to realise that many of us are experiencing the same feelings and allowing ourselves to be cut off by these internalised thoughts, rather than reaching out and connecting to others.

  344. I too Susan have held back and or changed the way I express with people and not said the truth.. all to be accepted and liked. Ridiculous when you see it like that, why would you change for anyone and monitor/sensor what you want to say. Time for truth to be expressed and I Love it.

    1. Thank you Natalie for your comment – it is great to express my truth but there are times when I need to discern what impulses this truth. Sometimes I can get caught up with my own agenda and find that I am expressing a form of truth from a place that doesn’t even know the truth! I then need to re-connect to my inner heart to know the truth before I express.

  345. I would say I have been measured a lot in how I express and can definitely feel the harm in not expressing fully what is there to be said. Speaking without any hint of emotion is a very powerful thing indeed.

    1. This is so true Stephen – holding back on expression harms not only us but those around us. We are missing out on the most beautiful part of being a human being – sharing ourselves with others and allowing them to do the same. What a joy that is!

  346. This is so true Susan. It exposes our sophisticated ways of calibrating how we speak,
    according to how we feel the recipient of our words will judge them.
    This, of course is a form of deception.
    How liberating, to be able to embrace a more truthful way!

  347. Before I came across Universal Medicine I too used to adapt the way I was communicating to the person I was talking to, I guess, to get recognition. This behaviour is now long gone!
    Now I express my truth straight from my heart. I don’t hold back anymore with all the people I meet in my day. I want to show 100% of me.

    1. How gorgeous Maryline, when we can feel and want to show ourselves to the world 100%. I can still find myself slipping into the need for recognition from time to time and having that awareness allows me to continue to expand my expression in ever-expanding and evolving ways that are supporting me to build more love, consistency and commitment in my life.

    1. That is so true Amita – as we express more, the more of our inner beauty we let out to the world. One smile exchanged in the street can begin a day of love and warmth to be exchanged by many. How wonderful it will be when the whole world is expressing from their inner hearts.

  348. This is a beautiful sharing Susan, thank you. I relate to what you are expressing here and have recently been taking my attention to how I express with different people and observing if there is consistency or not. The endeavour being to express to all equally so. Very much a work in progress but great to observe. All unfolding to a truer way of living.

    “At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.”
    Awesome Susan.

    1. Thank you Beverley for your comment – it is so beautiful once we begin to connect to that inner essence where our expression is more encompassing of all as others as equals. As you say it is ‘ All unfolding to a truer way of living’. As we work with ourselves we gain a clearer understanding of the process and can thereby develop a deeper connection to not only ourselves but to all others.

  349. That is so true Ariana – it can be very uncomfortable to feel what can come back. We have a choice – to continue feeling ‘comfortable’ and putting down another layer of hardening in our body or to express and stay with ourselves. I find that when I do express fully there is a sense of release within and my body expands or alternatively when I hold back there is a feeling of heaviness and dullness within – which is far more uncomfortable and then it becomes harder to release this feeling from my body. This is when my head can take over and take me away from feeling the essence of who I am. The idea of others reactions have kept me away from feeling this essence for far too long and it now feels imperative to change this old way of relating. It is truly amazing to begin the process of changing, with the support of the work of Universal Medicine and all the amazing practitioners – and of course, Serge Benhayon.

  350. I love this blog and can relate to everything you have expressed with regards to holding back and not expressing my feelings. I am slowly learning that it is safe to say what I feel and that what I have to say is worth listening too. Thank you Susan.

    1. Not only does it feel safe Julie it feels liberating, what I have found is when I just say something with out thinking but from what I am feeling, it never offends as the other person can feel it isn’t an attack or judgement its just an expression of what I have felt.

      1. As you say Vanessa, it does feel ‘liberating’ – it does set us free from the bondage that has been the way of the world for far too long. Feeling this now I can feel the restraint in my body and how it has affected the way that I have lived my life. The feeling of freedom when we are no longer confined by these restraints is awesome.

    2. Hi Julie – i feel that’s a point so many of us will share, at some point in our lives – that what we have to say is so worth listening too. I know I for one have held back so often because a thought that comes in telling me what I have to say isn’t important and not worth listening too – and how untrue this is, for us all. Often these beliefs come from our childhood or other areas in life that we then carry around with us – it is amazing, healing and so freeing – for all – to express our truth and share what we really are feeling. When we do this, it often opens up a whole new platform for expressing and a level of being – not only for ourselves but those we are sharing with – ultimately we are saying to all that it is okay to feel and it is way more than okay to express our feelings – that we do not have to hold back or play it safe anymore – for some this offers a huge release and relief as you can feel they have been holding onto to something they really want to share, maybe as they are worried how it might be taken, that it’s not what people want to hear etc etc, and all it takes is this reflection of another being honest and saying how they really feel. The change in their bodies, their face, their expression when they do express is amazing – it is as if they grow and expand right before your eyes. I know I have felt this myself – the tension, tightness and contraction in my body from not sharing, then when I do express, my whole body feels so grand, so open, so spacious and amazing – I feel me again.
      And it’s with thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for sharing and presenting that “Expression is Everything” … so very true, and so very inspiring.

    3. I agree with what you say, Julie – it is truly beautiful to appreciate ourselves and value what we are and how this plays out in all that we do. What we say is worth listening to and sometimes I find that it is I who needs to listen!

  351. This is a great blog which I will read again as it rings so true for me. The more I express the better I feel, for too long I have been worried what people may think of me.

    1. So true Kevin, I lived my whole life up until now worrying about what people thought/think of me – I realise now that I have wasted so much energy this way. For me this is just the beginning of what I know will continue to unfold. Like you I will read this again as I find there are always new depths to continue the unfoldment.

  352. Amazing blog Susan, so so true! I’m with you every step of the way with this, every word rings true for me also. This sentence really hit home for me: It feels at this point that I allowed others to decide how I was to talk, express and behave in the world: instead of trusting my own feelings and what I felt deeply inside, I handed my power over to what was outside of me. This feels like a betrayal of who I really am. Here’s to feeling our feelings and going forth and expressing ALL of who we are!

    1. It is sooo lovely how we reflect back to one another when we connect to our true essence! That is how it felt when I wrote the words that you quote – as though I was reflecting back to myself the truth of what I felt deep down inside – and it feels so powerful once we can begin the process of putting this into words. And then it expands even further once we reflect outside and that has an impact as well. All shining our lights to contribute to the greater and grander light that we all are in the world.

    2. Same here Rachael, to me it’s a different way of looking at how I am when I speak or talk differently to different people instead of from me. No wonder I felt something was missing in so many conversations!

      1. That’s a great point, David, I can relate to feeling that ‘something was missing in many conversations’. I can recall conversations that felt flat and lifeless – and now I can see that it was because I was not expressing all of me in that moment, dishonouring both the other person and myself.

    3. So many of us play the ‘give our power away game’ and are different depending on who we speak too. There are actually workplace courses that ‘teach’ you how to act, what level of eye contact, to sit or stand, the body language you should use to come across as dominant. people can easily play what they think is the power game but they are actually giving their power away. I’ve become more and more aware of how I am with different people and to stop ‘hiding’ behind a mask of how I should act. It’s amazing to actually be looking at that and brining more of the real me to everyone I speak too.

      1. And how much more are we all blessed when we bring all that we are into our relationships – that will truly enrich the world.

  353. Thank you Susan for another beautifully written blog. (I just read your awesome blog, “My Reincarnation through the Menopause“). I can so relate to what you have written and to many of the comments, so inspiring and true.
    Every word you have written is a treasure, but I particularly like ‘I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another and that my words are a reflection of how my body is – so if my body is tender so will my words be, and if my body is in anger, what and how I express will be tainted by that anger…’, we all can so feel this, and always have.

    1. Thank you Lorraine for your beautiful response. When I realised that I was not hiding anything from anybody I was struck by the ridiculousness of the way we feel we are deceiving people when we put a smile on our face and think we are fooling the world. It is such arrogance to even attempt to do this.

      How much more honouring it is when we can begin the process of connecting to our true selves and express in a way that expands and supports all those we meet. Our words are then a true reflection of who we are, deep down inside and the incongruity and inconsistency are no longer confusing the listener.

  354. I have just experienced and observed a situation with some friends, where tension came up because one person was reacting to the truth that the other one brought and how this developed into a bit of a blow up. Subsequently everyone else and myself reacted to the discomfort of the tension between the two. A real lesson in holding myself and letting the discomfort be there between the two concerned, and also learning to express what needs to be said. Either way a lot of expression was happening even if it didn’t feel to good! On pondering we try so hard to protect ourselves from these difficult moments, but they are amazing because stuff comes up for exposure.

  355. This is an inspiring read Susan, one we can all relate to. I love this ‘At a time in my life when so many people are seeing the retirement years as a time that signals the closing years of their lives, I feel as though I have just started to truly live.’ Beautiful, thank you.

  356. Thanks for making that connection Susan, about how the body is and then what will come from it as a result. As Serge Benhayon always says ‘everything is energy’ and your blog makes that even more crystal clear.

  357. What you’ve said here is so huge Susan, thank you. That our whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another, even when we aren’t speaking, and that everyone feels this!

  358. Thank you Susan for writing and expressing everything that I also feel and agree with. I espcially love the ending, that life is just beginning in the sense of just beginning to truly live life form a place of truth, love and expressing honestly. The joy of coming to Universal Medicine and knowing Serge Benhayon and his whole Family, who reflect and highlight this way of living for us all is simply amazing.
    A beautiful writing simply put, shared and expanded on that is felt by others is also a joy to read.
    It feels so lovely to start to express and be able to say what has always been there to say from my knowing, but was once held onto.
    A very freeing way of being. Thank you.

  359. Yes yes yes! I loved this – I completely agree. So many of us have different expressions for different people, and different measures of truth, love and wisdom with different people, we show some people one side of us, and others another, in accordance to what we feel is safe and what we need and they need…
    Where is the commitment to be true to who we really are in every moment and with every person? I can feel that when there is a commitment to stand and speak truth there is this ginormous strength and solidness… Without doubt, the truth needs to be spoken.

  360. Thank you Susan Lee for your article. I love how simply and clearly you write “I am beginning to understand that my whole body is communicating all of the time in one way or another and that my words are a reflection of how my body is – so if my body is tender so will my words be, and if my body is in anger, what and how I express will be tainted by that anger…”.
    This makes complete sense to me but I hadn’t related the two until reading this, it makes me feel how important it is for my body to be relaxed and open when I’m talking with people, I’m aware that I can tense up and this explains why what I then say dose not come out feeling natural and tender.

  361. This article clearly sets out how we, certainly I have, calculate and assess how and what we say according to how we perceive another will hear us. We can be so busy worrying about what we say that it is not our words that are heard but our anxiousness and indecision that is felt by the listener. Thank you for the inspiration to practice just being who I am and expressing what I have to say from there.

  362. This blog captures so simply just how we go into ‘performing seal’ mode for the outside world. So that we can fit in, gain acceptance and maintain an identity, rather than being true to how we feel and expressing who we really are. Thanks Susan.

  363. I have spent so long hiding behind words, this is truly inspirational. Thank you.

  364. For me, I have begun to let go of worrying how people respond to me, and now enjoy just saying what I feel with abandon, but in a way that is understanding. It was not always that easy, and I’m still working on it with the help of Universal Medicine courses and a key role model for me, Bina Pattel, who is the master at straight talk and not holding back.

    What I have come to realize is that by holding back what I have to share due to a worry of how it will be perceived or judged, is really holding everyone back. If we were all just more open and honest with each other, we could advance in a more positive way sooner than if we just play games, act like everything is always OK, and be “nice” to each other at the expense of speaking our truth.

  365. Yes this all rings true for me – another example of how I performed as a person to get what I thought I needed.
    I love that just being myself around other people is the truest way of communicating, and I don’t have to say anything! If I just be myself, that is all that I need! Ken Elmer

  366. Susan, I love how you describe your experience communicating and how it has changed as your awareness has grown. I too am feeling a more urgent discomfort within me when I’m not myself talking with others. I realize it is anytime I feel uncomfortable just being myself because I “think” I’m being judged so I loose connection with me!
    I am noticing just how much I do change myself to be around people and that is not what is truly needed nor wanted! When this happens I feel incomplete and poorly about the exchange but when I do stay with me and express honestly from my heart, I feel a loving satisfaction. I know that I offered something real and am also left feeling energized! This could explain my long term exhaustion.

  367. Isn’t it lovely when we choose to express how we really feel, without judgement, protection or the need to be right or say another is wrong, just simply expressing from our heart what is there to be shared and allowing people in.

    1. Hi Ariana, I just love the idea of ‘younger-ising’ – it sounds such fun and really play-full. As you say, ‘all our relationships are based on the relationship we have with ourselves’ and that is what is so beautiful when we begin the process of taking responsibility and begin to explore all that we are – so full of life and love. We begin the process of appreciating ourselves and the connections that we can feel when we go out into the world to express without holding back.

  368. Thank you Mary for your comment – and for the smiley face – I am now smiling back at you! Communication is great!

  369. This is a beautiful, open and honest read. I am realising in each conversation / interaction I have with another how a million questions and workings out have happened before I speak, even before I get to the point of opening my mouth! Whereas I have felt the difference when I express from within in connection to myself and how freeing, open, loving and true this feels. Which highlights how maintaing a connection with self and the natural love we are is absolutely so important in being able to communicate with no need of a certain response, recognition, confirmation or being ‘right or wrong’ etc… Thank You Susan.

    1. Thank you Julie for your comment – and in the beautiful way that you have expanded the blog. As you say when we connect to the head and try to work out our responses we are misusing the mind and wasting energy. Whereas when we make that inner connection our response is effortless, open and loving – and Wow, does this feel beautiful in our body, and this impact is felt by everyone, everywhere, and that is real inspiration!

  370. What a beautiful blog, Susan. I totally resonate with your words, especially that our body is communicating all of the time in one way or another. Our words can’t mask what our body is showing. We are always expressing even if we are not aware that we are!

    1. Hi Rachel, it was lovely to receive your comment – it is so great once we begin the process of re-connection to our bodies and to feel our within, rather than relying on what our heads are telling us. It feels like a much truer and fuller form of communication that has a real depth to it rather than grabbing at what the mind is trying to dictate – that is my experience.

  371. Thank you Susan for your inspiring blog. What I feel and felt whilst reading your words as Janet says, is that by holding back our expression we are holding back ourselves and humanity. If expression is everything as we know it is, true expression is the key to our evolution. This is something I am truly beginning to grasp and feel. Your beautiful and insightful expression has assisted me in feeling a deeper level of this. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Annemarie for bringing back my attention to Janet’s comment ‘that by holding back our expression we are holding back ourselves and humanity’. Like you, I am ‘truly beginning to grasp’ and feel the full impact of what this means and of how power-full we can be when we connect to our true essence and let go of all that the outside world offers. Every moment of every day we are being offered moments to expand and contribute to the evolution of the world – or to hold back and to withhold all that each and everyone of us has to offer.

    2. Thank you Ryan for mentioning ‘measuring’ – it is amazing how each word that we express has it’s own power and by ‘measuring’ ourselves we are immediately judging, and then going into comparison and separating ourselves from one another. No wonder we find it so challenging to connect when we have been educated and informed that to be measured is something to be admired. As you so succinctly say ‘most don’t even acknowledge their awareness that to express anything but our truth is harm-ful’.

    3. I really like your point Ryan that by not expressing the fullness of who we are that we are all colluding with each other, living life behind our own individual smoke screens, choosing distance in place of connection and the deep harm that this has caused and continues to cause humanity.

  372. Wow, very inspiring Susan. Thank you. I used to pride myself on being a chameleon in that I could change my expression to exactly what I felt the other person needed me to be. It meant I was liked and needed which is what I needed. Needing to be needed and liked – what a trap! I still feel this old way of being sometimes, but thanks to the reflection and inspiration from Serge Benhayon and many other Universal Medicine practitioners and students, I am expressing the true me more and more.

    1. I too used to pride myself on being able to adapt to people. How wrong was that! Beautiful blog Susan – thank you. I am learning every day now how to stay true to me and to meet people from that place, not because I want them to like or approve of me – a very old pattern that is slowly on its way out. As you say, our bodies are communicating all the time, regardless of the words that come out of the mouth.

      1. It is amazing when I look back to a time before meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, when I chose to not see how I was so unfaithful to who I truly was and was using the world to fulfil my needs. If anyone had suggested that I was using my friends to ‘fulfil my needs’ I would have been insulted but I can see now that that is exactly what I was doing and that is a big Ouch! Thank you, Sue for your comment, as I can now feel another aspect of how ‘expression is everything’ and how easily I can deceive myself.

    2. Thank you Lucy, as you say we have so much to be grateful for, thanks to the ‘inspiration from Serge Benhayon and many other Universal Medicine practitioners and students’. I know how much fuller and vibrant my life feels now since having my first session with an Esoteric Practitioner six years ago.

  373. Thank you for sharing this. I can relate to saying and doing what I thought was needed and that changed in every situation so no one got the real me and I felt frustrated. Very grateful to read and reflect on the real importance of truly expressing.

    1. Thank you David for pointing out that each person received a different reflection of me – I have often pondered on the fact that different friends seemed to reflect different aspects of me, but I had yet to connect this to the fact that this was dependent on how much and which part of me I was expressing at any one time. Again it seems that I have made life so complicated.

  374. What I get from this is that we cannot hide behind our words, because our bodies tell the truth in every moment – great reminder, thank you!

    1. Thank you Carmel for your comment – it is amazing how we have learned to ignore our bodies and along with our bodies we seem to have lost ‘common sense’ not realizing that we are not fooling anyone, least of all ourselves.

  375. Absolutely agree, from young, I too learnt to express myself in a way that was expected of me, thank you for sharing Susan.

    1. Thank you Jacky for your comment – our own and other people’s expectations are really dangerous ammunition that we use against ourselves and others. We become ‘involved’ with the blaming game which is an ever repeating trap to lure us away from ourselves.

  376. Thank you Susan, I am coming to realise quite how controlling and manipulative it is to measure what I am willing to express, and by holding back from humanity they are not getting to feel me in my essence, and I am not open to feeling them – everybody loses out. It is therefore very important as you have written to be responsible for what we still hold onto that keeps us from being in our fullness.

    1. Wow, Janet that really exposes our true motives beautifully. What an ouch when we starting taking responsibility for when we pretend to be small on the world stage, when we deny all the grandness and greatness that we truly are when we are connected to our divine essence. It is also quite paradoxical when we realise that by acting small it feels as though we are not ‘rocking the boat’ when in fact what we are doing is far more impact-full than rocking the boat – we are causing a tidal wave.

  377. Thank you for sharing Susan. I too have always struggled with saying what I really wanted to say with people, I would often say what I felt the other person wanted to hear so it would not rattle their feathers. What I observed was that I would then always walk away with thoughts – I should have said this or that, what about this, I meant to say this etc. so I could not leave the interaction as I had not completed and expressed what was there to be said – effectively I was left with the unexpressed energy in my body now affecting my next moment with myself. When I started to fully express and say everything that I felt to / wanted to in that moment, then I can walk away with no head chatter and the next moment is then free and not laced with the energy of the unexpressed words. The moment completes and I can move on – it is a lot less tiring as well. And yes it is only possible when you let go of them needing to like you, otherwise like you, the words always change and are never really what you truly want to and feel to express.

    1. Hi James, I loved what you have shared about walking away with thoughts as in I should have said this or that etc and how this unexpressed energy in your body then affected the next moment with yourself. I too have had this experience on many occasions, whether by email, text or in conversation whereby I have not expressed what was so clearly there to be shared, be it calibrating my expression, for many reasons be it to not rock the boat with another, because I worry what would come back in return, that they would not like me for what I had to say, that they could not handle it or I knew that it might mean that they would walk away – but the angst and tension and unease that is left in my body and the constant chatter in my head of replaying the situation, or worrying what will come back from not completing and honouring my expression and what is there so clearly to be shared, is far worse than whether another does not like what I have to say.

      And I absolutely agree, when we express all that is there to be shared, the next moment is clear, without taking the energy of those unexpressed words with you. There is a freedom and a feeling of much more space in and around our bodies which is not laced with need for it to be a certain way.

    2. Thank you James, and Gyl for your comments – there is so much clarity in what you both say in your expanded comments and the impact of holding back on what we say. By hanging on to all the unexpressed words we are perpetuating the initial imprint and confirming that rather than making a true contribution to the world by being the glory that we truly are and shining our light in the world. As I write this I am fully appreciating that none of this connection that we are currently making would have happened without us meeting Serge Benhayon and finding the work of Universal Medicine.

    3. I also share with Gyl the appreciation of your comment about feeling laced with unexpressed words and when we express all that needs to be said we can complete the moment and move on.

      1. So true, Rachel, unexpressed words have a way of blocking our connection and then this is compounded as we move on to express with someone new. As you say it feels so beautiful when we can complete each moment and move on unhindered expressing freely all that we are.

  378. Thankyou Susan – I can so relate. I used to be like a chameleon, changing how I expressed according to what I thought people would want to hear and wanting to fit in. Learning to let go and express from my body has been truly freeing – allowing others their response, without my needing them to like me etc – a work in progress.

    1. Thank you Sue. It feels so lovely to read ‘allowing others their response without my needing them to like me’, as you say Gyl this line feels so freeing. By fully expressing all that we are we are freeing up not only ourselves but those around us, and this feels like a much truer connection than all those connections I was attempting to make when looking to the outside.

    1. Thank you Jonathan, I have found it is amazing how inspirational we all are when we allow ourselves to be and connect to ourselves and others rather than constantly seeking outside of ourselves for approval and identification.

  379. Hi Susan, thank you for sharing this blog. When I first came to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, was the time I realised I was just starting to ‘truly live’.

    1. Yes, Tim, that was my experience of meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine -it feels like a beautiful coming home and that is just what it is – us coming back to who we truly are and not being the other stuff that we have layered on top to obscure all our natural and divine inner preciousness. How lovely it is to feel and connect to all that we are.

  380. What I have also have come to realise, feel and be very aware of is how important the words are which we use when choosing to express ourselves in our fullness. There are times when I write or speak that I can feel there needs to be a certain word or words used or others taken out that don’t feel right or capture in truth what is there to be shared for all, and at times this does not tie in with how we are taught to write and structure our sentences and or spoken communication, but I know in my body it feels absolutely true.

    1. Yes Gyl, I feel that words are so much a part of who we are and reflect a depth of us that has yet to be explored. When I am writing, a word will come to me – one that I have not used before and yes, I know that is my soul speaking through me. I will often look up the word in the dictionary and it will always be spot on and that feels beautiful. As you say ‘I know in my body it feels absolutely true’.

      1. Absolutely Susan, I too have felt that, there will be a word that comes to me that I have never used before, I do not know what it means but I just know it feels true, and is the right word to use, and I too look up the meaning of the word, and what an awesome confirmation of what we know to be true – I love when our soul simply speaks through us.

  381. Susan, I can so relate to what you write. I love the clarity and simplicity with which you express. I can relate to having different ways of communicating – how crazy is that, and slowly I’m learning to allow and be more me in expression and the more I express, the more I feel and can express. And so true we express with our body and our words come with that and yet for years I played the pretend game and did the words and it didn’t work (not really, although I did try and fool myself it did) – what an exhausting way to live, and crazy! So loving and learning moment by moment to speak to all without expectation or need and I’m feeling the relief of not trying, and the joy of connecting and expressing more and more.

    1. Thank you for your comment Monica, it was lovely to be reminded of ‘the joy of connecting and expressing more and more’ as I too feel this in my body when I am going about my daily life. Each and every time we exchange words with someone on the street on in a more intimate conversation we have that opportunity to connect with another and maybe that is what ‘making love’ is all about.. for it has that feeling of lightness and joy in my body that feels irrepressible.

  382. Thank you Susan, expression is everything, and I can so relate to what you share, especially “When I’m talking, I often hold back and don’t fully express what I want to say because I am afraid of the person’s response, or how they may feel, or what they will think of me.” I too have found I calibrate my expression depending on where and with whom I am communicating, not only through my spoken word, it may be in my openness, joy, love or playfulness – with the realisation at times that I have already gone into gauging where, when and how open I can be with people, instead of being all of me, equally so with everyone.

    1. Thank you Gyl – it feels so healing to be able to expose the subtle ways in which I have fooled myself into believing that I am open and honest with everyone. Now that I am beginning to realise how much contraction I am causing in my body by constantly holding back, I am also aware that by manipulating situations so that they feel ‘safe’ for me I am also causing the other person to hold back, as they are unsure of me when they feel I am not being all of myself.
      We set up a situation where there is no trust on either side. How much more loving to be all that we truly are and allow that out into the world so that we can all expand and enjoy life more fully and vibrantly.

      1. Hi Susan, Yes I so get that how we can manipulate situations to be safe for us, staying in the comfort of not being all of we we are, definitely then allows or even confirms to another that it is also okay to do this – how harming for all and what a tiring and exhausting cycle of ‘simply’ not being us, the crazy games we play to avoid just being who we are. And yes trust is a huge issue for many, the trust of knowing what they feel is true, the trust of being able to express themselves freely and not feel they are going to be judged, the trust of knowing there are people out there that they can trust, and the trust in simply knowing that we are all, already enough.

    1. Thank you Rebecca – it is a privilege to have the opportunity to reach and connect with you.

  383. Beautiful Susan. What a joy to hear you say that towards the end of your life rather than simply sliding into a comfortable retirement built upon entrenched habits, you are seizing the moment to shed everything that has not been true in your life in order to live from your true and tender essence and taking down some major habits in the process. You show us that life is about perpetual self evolution and true expression. Thank you.

    1. How beautifully succinctly you have written about what we are now able to experience as elder citizens of the world – a full and vibrant life that just expands. Thank you Rowena.

  384. Thank you Susan – great points you make about how you alter how and what you express depending on who you are talking to and I can definitely relate to that. How much more freeing must it be to just be you/be ourselves and express from there – without holding back? Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. Thank you Eunice for your comment – when I am connected I seem to flow with the world and now I realise why that happens. For all my life I have known that on certain days I was able to be myself fully and did not understand why. Since meeting Serge Benhayon and the work of Universal Medicine so many things have begun to make sense. It is so lovely to know that I can expand these days more and more until one day they become a way of Living – Living-ness.

  385. Hi Susan, ‘Why would I develop different ways of expressing and communicating with people? – It feels as though I have made life very complicated…” I loved this line haven’t we just! So very complicated all in an immense effort to protect ourselves from each other and remain the status quo. I have been pondering recently – what’s so good about the status quo? Very little apart from I know what is going to happen – so control wins the game. Like you I am committing to expressing as me as it comes, no barriers, no adjustments just allow myself to express, and allow what comes next — it sounds so much more alive and loving. What I have noticed is when I do just say without measuring it is always received as such, there is little reaction – maybe the intent is felt by the other and that is what they then respond to…. HOW LESS COMPLICATED AND MUCH MORE LOVING!

    1. I highlighted the same sentence as Vanessa when I was reading through the blog… ‘complicated’ and exhausting. I’ve measured the way I communicate all my life: it wears me out and only causes confusion.
      The other thing that really struck me from the blog was how what we feel, and the energy that we are in is so clearly felt by others no matter how we pretty it up. Thanks for the reminder Sue.

      1. Hi Simon, so true – it is absolutely complicated and exhausting, even just thinking about it I can feel the effort and exhaustion it takes to express in this way, holding back, constantly draining. You are so right about how the energy we are in is felt by and affects all others – I had an amazing experience with this yesterday, I felt so clear and bright, then let something come in which pulled in complications, then came the indecision, and then an unease and anxiousness.
        The person I was with clearly felt it, picked up on it and called it, good on them! But not all chose to be so aware, thats why it is so important we take responsibility for how we are, what we choose and the energy we are in. We had a great sharing later in the day, where he shared how my stress / indecision made him feel, what he felt in his body etc.
        There was no blame or judgement just a really lovely and honest sharing from us both, it was a great call for me to find my own stop when I clearly know that how I am feeling is not me, nor true, and to take responsibility as it affects all others.

      2. Thank you Simon for your comment – like you I am realising how tiring it is to try and keep all those balls in the air. How much more loving and natural to just be ourselves and all that we are.

        Once I realised that every one else could feel that I was hiding my truth, it made the way we live life even more ridiculous. How great it is to have found a different way to express and have more fun and lightness in our lives.

    2. Hi Vanessa – how gorgeously you have expanded my blog. I too love those lines that you quote – for me it somehow just clarified the ridiculous way that we have distorted and manipulated the magic of God. Why do we do this when expressing and communicating is what life is all about. It feels it has something to do with pride and arrogance – it’s like saying to God ‘I have a better way to do this thing called life’.

      As you say, when we allow ourselves to express freely it feels so amazing and full rather than all bottled up and tight inside. What a blessing to have met Serge Benyhayon and found Universal Medicine.

  386. Thank you Susan, I could relate to what you have written, it is amazing how much our childhood affects how we are as adults. I could feel when you wrote, that you did not feel safe being you at 3 and that I had also done the same and had changed how I was to fit in with everyone else rather than staying true to me. I even used to think that that was what you were meant to do and would almost pride myself on being a chameleon that changed to suit its environment. Thank you for an inspiring blog.

    1. Thank you Alison for your comment. It is so beautiful when we can connect with our childhood and have an opportunity to re-imprint some of these childhood experiences. As adults we can begin the process of healing these hurts and acknowledging the whole experience rather than burying it and denying it. It was only as an adult that I was able to see that I did have choices as a child, but that I did not have the support to commit to what I felt was my truth. How blessed we are with the work of Universal Medicine to be given a chance to make different choices and have new beginnings.

  387. Thank you for this amazing blog Susan! I too find that I change the way I talk and how I communicate to please/match my audience or environment, when really I should express my truth all the time, therefore giving everyone around me a blessing.

    1. Thank you Susie, I have just read my blog and realised how much I still hold back on communicating openly and honestly when I am confronted (that is how it feels) with a new relationship. The beautiful openness that I know is truly me at times feels elusive, and this is when I am not connecting to who I truly am and I go into my head. As you say when we express our truth we are giving everyone a blessing.

      1. I love this it is so true “we express our truth we are giving everyone a blessing.” I know this when I express my truth and have felt that many a time when another expresses their truth, it is an absolutely beauty-full blessing and reflection to receive.

  388. It’s amazing what we hold back from different people – judging what they can hear or how they might react. Again each and every one of them misses out on the whole divine truth and love from within us all if we do not express in full.

    1. Thank you Jenny for that reflection – as you say when we hold back on fully expressing ourselves we are holding back from the whole of humanity. It certainly brings into focus where our responsibilities are – we can either reach out and support the world with all that we truly are when we connect with ourselves and express; or we can withhold and block the process of expression and expansion.

  389. Our expression is everything and it is an immense reflection to read about communication in this way, how we interact with others and how much we measure what we offer depending on who it is. What an awesome thing to be able to let go of control and open ourselves for others to see and feel. Thank you Susan.

    1. Thank you Stephen for your comment. It is such an honour to be able to reach so many people and make connection. It often amazes me when I recall first hearing Serge Benhayon saying that ‘expression is everything’ – at the time I understood what he said on a mental level and didn’t anticipate at the time how beautiful it would be when I connected with my body and expression became my reality.
      Letting go of control is an ongoing process for me, as I am sure it is for most others. I come from an era where being in control was valued highly so I feel I have a few lifetimes work on that particular area of my life!

    1. Thank you for your comment – it is beautiful when we start to connect and have the realisation that deep down we are all the same.

    1. Until I started to connect to the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I had a very shallow idea of what truth and honesty meant. It is only now that I am slowly starting to see how easily I can fool myself into feeling I am being honest, when if I really connect to myself I can see that I am being deceitful and manipulative. Once I have reached the point where I am able to accept my deceit, I am then able to look more deeply into what it is that I am seeking and how I actually go about seeking things. Are they to support me or humanity?

  390. I love the fact that we cannot really hide anywhere when the energetic part is considered, even though we might find it somewhat exposing at times. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has been presenting for a long time that “Everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy” and what you share with us Susan is a clear presentation of that fact.

    What I also love is the natural pull that is at work between people asking us to come back to an honest and truthful way to be and express with each other.

    1. It is beautiful to be reminded of the words of Serge Benhayon and to begin to truly live and expand from these words. It is only now that I am starting to truly connect to the power of words and expression and to feel the full impact of having lived in the world without this awareness.

      I love the way you talk about the ‘natural pull that is at work between people asking us to come back’ and this is what we are all feeling whether we decide to go with the ‘pull’ or ignore it and go on resisting it. As we start to connect to the ‘pull’ we begin to connect to our divine essence and all that we innately are – the Sons of God.

  391. Thank you, Gill for your lovely comment. I love the way you say “it’s incredible to start to feel in the WHOLE body” – somehow the word WHOLE takes on a very all encompassing and complete feeling which I have not been aware of in the past. Words are quite amazing. It is lovely to have your reflection which expands the original – I am finding that it is quite awesome once we truly appreciate.

  392. Thank you Ariana for your comment. It is so amazing when I start to take responsibility for my part in relationships and am open to learn to choose differently.

    It was such an ‘aha’ moment when I realised that all that ‘stuff’ that I kept so guarded and controlled was actually ‘out’ there anyway? Who did I think I was fooling – no one as it turns out. It feels so much simpler and loving to communicate with the truth of who I am and what I feel. As I expand the love grows and expands and that feels so much more supportive to those I love, myself and those around me in this world.

    1. Beautifully said Sue. You made me laugh with – ‘who did I think I was fooling – no one as it turns out.’

  393. Wow Susan, I loved reading each word you expressed, you are such an inspiration.

    1. Thank you, Priscila. As I said in my previous reply we all have the opportunities to inspire one another. I am finding as I open up that I am more and more aware that the inspiration is there – it is just for me to have that awareness of how beautiful life can be.

  394. Truly amazing and very insightful, Susan – and obviously no retirement in sight for you, how great is that? Knowing that we can always build and develop, no matter our age or where in our lives we are at is a true blessing.

    1. Thank you Gabriele, and yes it is quite wonderful to have realised that life is living right to the very end. I visit an elderly gentleman who is a great inspiration for me as he is still living life to the full at the age of 97. Yes, life is very much slower and less active but he still engages in full and I sometimes sit and just listen to his wisdom.

    1. It has been the most amazing privilege to be able to let go of all that has been holding me back for so long. It feels as though it is just the beginning of an ever deeper and unfolding process that will last until the end of my life and beyond. Having the opportunity to see how all these patterns and momentums have built up in my body is for me very profound as I have felt for a long time that our thoughts have an impact on our bodies. However, it wasn’t until I found Universal Medicine that the pieces began to fall into place.

  395. Every word / expression counts. It’s a beautiful reminder that we communicate not only with our mouths, but as well with our bodies. The depth of this never ends :).

    1. How true, Floris, the depth is never ending and infinite and way beyond anything else I have experienced.

  396. So beautiful and inspiring Susan. The way you express this is a gem. It helps me also understand me more too, as I can relate to much of what you say in the beautiful way you express it. You remind me again that it’s never too late to start truly living. The sense of celebration in that last line is tangible and a joy to share. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Kate for your beautiful comment. It was an amazing experience to write the blog and expand along the way with it as it developed. As you comment, it is never too late to start living a life that is a celebration of who we are and to share this possibility with others. The inspiration I receive from Serge Benhayon is all encompassing and feels like a blessing every time I hear him or read one of his books. So, thank you Serge.

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