Beliefs V Truths

Recently I have been pondering a lot on the subject of beliefs. I have come to the startling realisation that for most of my life I have held beliefs in most categories of life, and that those beliefs have governed the way that I have lived.

I know that I have not recalled all of my beliefs because there are hundreds of them, many are obvious but many are very subtle and more hidden: they have all influenced my life in some way.

Here is a tiny snippet of some of the beliefs that I have held:

  • The more you do as a woman the stronger you are.
  • Putting others before yourself is a positive thing.
  • Being ‘nice’ is good.
  • Being ‘good’ is good.
  • Exercise is more effective if you go as hard as you can.
  • Doing yoga postures leads to enlightenment.
  • The more fruit and veg that you eat the better.
  • Everyone should eat 3 meals a day and protein in at least 2 of them.
  • Evolution is like a ladder, you climb up it as you evolve.

The list is endless…

Even though there are many things on my list that may not be shared by others, what I have come to realise is that we are all walking around with our own set of beliefs. These beliefs influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk, what we do, the way that we do what we do, the relationships that we have, the relationships that we don’t have, the jobs that we do, and the jobs that we don’t do etc…

The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment, and like a puppeteer pulling on invisible strings we are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life, falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs, our minds coerced into thinking and our mouths manipulated to say certain things.

And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?

When I first attended Universal Medicine I heard Serge Benhayon present the fact that the thoughts we pull in are governed by the way that we move. Without imposing at all, he presented that although people generally believe that they are free thinking individuals, science is now waking up to the fact that we pull in thoughts from one of two energetic sources and that the source that we pull thoughts in from is pre-determined by the way that we move. Serge added that the type of thought that we pull in then ensures that we move in a certain way, which guarantees that we will then get a similar thought that will then guarantee the same quality of movement, and so it continues….

So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!

This, for me, makes sense when I look back on the mad rush that I did everything in. Because of my belief that the more that I got done the stronger I was, I packed my days full of ‘doing’, which caused me to rush frantically through everything in order to pack even more in. The way that I hurled myself through life ensured that I continued to pull in the thought that the more I did, the stronger I was and so the cycle just kept repeating.

Similarly with my belief that hard, punishing exercise was good for me, kept me exercising in this way even when my body was in a lot of pain. I clung to the belief or rather the belief clung to me and I continued to exercise even when my body was screaming for me to stop. How strong must the hold be when something is so obviously not working yet we still keep following in the same rigid tracks? Imagine for a moment a world full of people all following their own pre governed tracks, unable to deviate because the very movements that they repeat, feed them the beliefs that keep them in those well-worn tracks.

What on earth is going on?

How much choice did I really have? If my thoughts were dictating my every move and my every move was dictating my thoughts then what was I choosing? I always thought that I was a free thinking, open minded, spiritually aware, loving, funky kind of a girl but now I understand that I was a puppet and that the so called qualities that I thought I had were interchangeable traits that could be changed as easily as the clothes on a doll.

So where do these beliefs come from?

They come from many, many places. Our parents of course, family members, teachers, books, films, influential friends, historical figures, the newspaper, TV, radio, organisations, in fact it feels like the air is thick with beliefs. For most of us, many of our beliefs are passed on by our parents.

What parent can say that they have not passed on a single belief to their kids? Here are a few examples:

  • It’s good to play sport
  • It’s good to play an instrument
  • It’s good to be creative
  • It’s good to try as hard as you can
  • It’s crucial to get high marks
  • It’s important to have manners
  • Being good gets you recognised
  • Cross country running builds character
  • Boarding school will be good for you
  • Going to University is essential to get on in life

In many countries in the world, parents have also passed on their beliefs that certain nationalities are bad, that certain pieces of land need to be fought for and that revenge is all that matters.

Are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children?

What would the world be like if we allowed our children to grow up free of beliefs? Over the last 4 years my beliefs have started to crumble. I am at a point now where I am naturally suspicious of any remaining beliefs that I have. What I have come to realise is that:

My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.

Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.

The pain in my body was telling me very clearly that the way I was exercising was not good. My bloated stomach told me that eating copious amounts of vegetables was not what my body wanted. My exhaustion was a clear indicator that cramming so much into my day was not making me stronger but my beliefs around these things denied me access to the truth.

One of the divine functions of the body is to consistently show us the truth with no attachment as to whether or not we listen.

To me beliefs seem to originate from the mind and feel:

  • Limiting
  • Hard
  • Binding
  • Immoveable
  • Stubborn
  • Blinding
  • Rigid
  • Historical
  • Suffocating
  • Confining
  • Dead
  • A trap
  • Individual

A truth comes from the body and feels very different:

  • Expansive
  • Freeing
  • Limitless
  • Alive
  • Known
  • Joyous
  • Universal

Some truths that have come from my body are:

  • Strength as a woman comes from her fragility.
  • Putting yourself first is the best way to care for others.
  • Being ‘nice’ is not a true way of being.
  • Being good is an illusion – just be yourself.
  • Exercise is important and is best done in a way that honours the whole body.
  • It’s best to listen to the body when exercising and to adjust according to what you feel.
  • There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.
  • There are no ‘shoulds’ when it comes to what to eat.
  • Eat what and when the body genuinely guides you to eat.
  • Evolution is not an up it is a back towards. It is a U-turn.

When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.

I am eternally grateful to Serge Benhayon, the Benhayon Family, the Student Body and every single aspect of God that has ever dedicated itself to reminding those of us who have forgotten that we too are equal parts of the One God.

By Alexis Stewart, Care worker with the intellectually disabled, Yoga Teacher, Mum, Student of the Livingness. Sydney Australia

Further Reading:
From Ideals and Beliefs to Making Loving Work Choices
Oneness – A Confirmation From Within

1,383 thoughts on “Beliefs V Truths

  1. Alexis what was presented at the workshops you attended was earth shattering!
    “When I first attended Universal Medicine I heard Serge Benhayon present the fact that the thoughts we pull in are governed by the way that we move. Without imposing at all, he presented that although people generally believe that they are free thinking individuals, science is now waking up to the fact that we pull in thoughts from one of two energetic sources and that the source that we pull thoughts in from is pre-determined by the way that we move. Serge added that the type of thought that we pull in then ensures that we move in a certain way, which guarantees that we will then get a similar thought that will then guarantee the same quality of movement, and so it continues…”
    If we were to have a complete understanding of the science of this, would we have ill mental Health?

    1. Mary ‘if we were to have a complete understanding of the science of this’ not only would it change our understanding of ill mental health but it would change our understanding of life as we know it.

      1. Alexis I agree with you, because by attending the workshops and presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I have completely changed my ill mental health conditions. By applying the science I am leading a very simple but gorgeous life, one that I never thought was possible 15 years ago.
        25 years of psychotherapy did not change anything; the underlying cause was still there. The workshops and presentations of Serge Benhayon got to the core issue and by exposing the core I was able to make the changes so that today I live a very full and beautiful life. There are thousands like me with a similar tale to tell that speaks volumes about Universal Medicine and everything Serge Benhayon presents.
        Ill mental health is becoming such a huge topic of conversation as so many people are experiencing this condition exacerbated by the current world lock down and isolation that people have been forced into. Serge Benhayon has the answers to mental health and many other current world conditions if we are willing to pay attention.

      2. Serge Benhayon actually has the answer to every single problem that we’re currently facing and indeed that we have ever faced because he is able to see and understand the world using a source of energy that is impulsed by truth whereas most people are trying to work things out using the exact same energy that created the problem in the first place, which is about as useful as trying to clean a dirty wall with a muddy sponge.

  2. There is a massive difference between beliefs and truths. The former leaves us restricted but also imposing onto others, whilst the latter is just allowing of space for the other to ponder over.

    Beliefs are more harming than we realise and I had so many and now when I hear it coming from my family in particularly, my body can tell that they are not real, they are make beliefs.

    When truth is delivered, there isn’t an ounce of imposition, expectations, it is delivered and often completed, there is no need to carry on and on, we have moved onto other things too. I much prefer life living from truth any day, than working, living, breathing in a system of beliefs…

  3. Alexis there’s a lot to ponder over this sharing. Many of the beliefs you have listed resonated with me. The exercising, the foods we eat etc, and I realised the harm it was doing to my body too. It was a no wonder I was experiencing exhaustion, frequent illnesses etc. it certainly screamed at me.

    Those beliefs that are passed on from generations to generations are harming, and yet deep down within, the truth is still there, gently knocking to say that this isn’t it, there is another way.

    When we allow the truths to come through, our bodies respond so much differently, and if anything, it is amazing what it’s capable of doing, without going into the doing as such.

    There is a different way to live, from the past of continually doing to our bodies, to being in our bodies.

    1. As we become exposed more and more to beliefs, we discover the subtle ones too that have been ruling and running our lives too. We become more and more sensitive to them. The first step is to accept that we have been lied to, from the day we were birthed…

      1. Shushila you have just answered one of the questions I have been asking myself, I have these last few days come to a deeper understanding about Energy based on a recent presentation of Serge Benhayon I have been wondering why after 20 plus years of hearing Serge Benhayon present on energy have I come to this deeper awareness and it is because I have allowed myself to become more sensitive this has allowed the loosening of some of the bricks in the wall I have built around me as a false protection from the energy I have been pretending isn’t there when it’s in plain sight every moment of the day. We have been lied to on so many different levels of life that I can understand why we give up as human-beings and just accept and do as we are told, because it feels such a mammoth task to see through the lies and let them be. Maybe the answer is to put the sword down to not fight but to surrender because is it possible that in the surrender everything is given to us.

      2. The truth is that none of us have to ‘loosen the bricks’ we could all just tear the wall down in one go but because it’s us that are the liars then we’re more comfortable with the story that we’re working on our stuff gradually because it means that we’re not exposed as the culprits behind the grand set up known as ‘life’.

    1. The body is the boss of you, in a loving way it will never let you down…

  4. This blog is a little like myth busters – an example is the myth (or the ideal and belief) of ‘no pain no gain’….this is still something so many prescribe to and yet time and time again we have been shown it is not true. Why then do we hold on to things that serve us not? Perhaps out of habit, perhaps out of comfort, or perhaps because we are not ready to see a different way of living and being? Either way the opportunities to explore and expose all the myths (or ideals and beliefs) that we carry, abound, but it is about us being ready to embrace the truth in our own time.

    1. or perhaps because the the range of options that are being fed to us don’t include the option of examining the validity of our beliefs. I know from my own experience that being given the option of being able to examine the beliefs that I hold has come about as a result of gradually, over time making different choices about how I move my body, the thoughts that I choose to entertain and the quality and content of my speech.

    2. the more life times we are not ready to see the truth the harder it is to get back to the truth as the body is so bound by the lies it willingly accepts to have a non confrontational comfortable life. No one can force you to do anything but what we haven’t taken into consideration is the pay back that the astral energy wants in order for us to have a comfortable life. Most of the time we don’t read the small print of these deals we commit to until it’s too late.

      1. ‘The more life times we are not ready to see the truth the harder it is to get back to the truth as the body is so bound by the lies it willingly accepts to have a non confrontational comfortable life’, Mary is that a truth or a myth?

  5. Thank you Alexis, ideals and beliefs certainly abound…and I love the practical lists that you have offered here for us all to ponder on and feel what areas in our life are governed by such ideals and beliefs.

  6. To me the beliefs we carry in our body cap us from actually being all that we are. To me they feel like wearing a straight-jacket. We start accepting them from young and they build up to completely distort who we are.

    1. I agree Mary, quite simply beliefs are energetic lies and so when we hold them in our bodies then we have the activity of deceit in our bodies which interferes with the energetic truth of who we all are. How can we feel the truth of who we are when we’re chockers with who we are not?

  7. “Imagine for a moment a world full of people all following their own pre governed tracks, unable to deviate because the very movements that they repeat, feed them the beliefs that keep them in those well-worn tracks.” This sentence is a horror movie! We would hate to consider we don’t have a choice because we often have so much more choice than others. In truth, the comparison stops us from seeing how little choice we actually have when we don’t question our beliefs and what moves us!

    1. Exactly Lucy and it is us who think that we’re free to choose what we’re going to eat for dinner, what film we’re going to see, what country we’re going to go to on holiday, what TV program we’re going to watch etc that feel like we have the most freedom but that’s all part of the illusion; purposefully set up to give us the impression that we’re ‘lucky, free and privileged’, when really we’re none of those things. We are puppets whose arms and legs are being moved by the pranic puppeteer, our speech is pre-governed and our thoughts are given to us from a specific bandwidth. Yes Lucy I agree, it is very much like a horror movie.

      1. Totally agree, and most people are unaware of this, ‘We are puppets whose arms and legs are being moved by the pranic puppeteer, our speech is pre-governed and our thoughts are given to us from a specific bandwidth.’

  8. Absolutely Alexis, as we deepen our understanding of who we are we learn that appreciation is nothing more than to live in the wisdom of who we are, and that is living in a way that shares we are more than this physical vessel as we are sons of God.

  9. This is another great sharing and a conversation starter about the ideals and beliefs we all carry most of them are buried deep in our bodies and are an automatic go to when we find life stressful we call on these beliefs and ideals to support us but do they actually support us or do they stop us from truly understanding ourselves and what we are here on this plane of life to do.

    1. The ridiculous thing is Mary that so many of life’s stresses are a direct result of our ideals and beliefs, So for us to go to them when life becomes stressful actually ensures that life remains stressful.

  10. Beliefs weigh the body down and make it lumber. By discarding beliefs we lighten the body up which allows it to be able to skip again. It’s impossible to skip when we’re weighed down by beliefs.

  11. I am currently waiting to have a medical procedure and I am very clear that here I am because I have refused to listen to my body and accept the depth of awareness within me for a long time, perhaps life times. And in a way it is blessing that the issue has made me stop and reflect. The thing is that a few years ago I would have even ignored this and pushed myself to return to the same rail-tracks I have been moving on. But thank goodness for Serge Benhayon and conversations such as this that I know far better now.

    1. What Serge knows and presents through the Ageless Wisdom is what we should all be taught from the day we are born. The Ageless wisdom is presented in such a way that it is left up to the individual whether they take the presentations on board or not and then if it is accepted, what we do with the teachings is again up to the individual. I know this as a fact because I have been listening to the presentations of Serge Benhayon for many years and it is only these last few days that I have allowed myself to touch the surface of one of his fundamental teachings on the science of energy.

  12. I’ve never thought of our beliefs preventing us from seeing the truth but it makes sense how our views of life are coloured by our beliefs and then we are less likely to question anything. We often find like-minded people who fit in with our beliefs which then confirms the way we live is the only way, and the illusion continues.

    1. Absolutely, it is a cycle that is self perpetuating. We choose not to question, therefore we choose not to see, therefore we choose not to change.

      1. But what is quite sinister is that there are many people that believe that they are free to question when all along they’re not. The pranic consciousness is very happy to give people the impression (feed them the belief) that they are a free thinking individual and maybe even a radical thinker but what it won’t do is give them access to the thought that maybe they’ve been set up and that all of their thoughts are doctored in such a way that they won’t ever realise the fact that it is their movements that have lead to the lie that they’re being fed of having the freedom and capacity to think for themselves. It’s such a cunning ploy, it really is.

      2. It is a very cunning and evil ploy. People say what is happening to the Muslims in China when they are taken away to ‘re-education schools’ and held until their beliefs are those of the Chinese authority is evil, and it is, equally, many people in our world are totally unaware of how much we are not free to think.

  13. This is super interesting and makes me realise how important our movements are. Moving gently and lovingly allows us to be open and loving, if I move in a hard, stressed way I have noticed that my thoughts are judgemental, harsh and not loving – this is great to observe.

    1. The only way out of the colossal mess we’re in is to move our way out, there’s no other way. And by ‘moving our way out’, I don’t mean deciding to simply up and go, I mean we have to change all and every movement we make (limbs, speech and thoughts), so that they all come into line with God. Again.

  14. What a great question; ‘And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?’ Reading this it makes sense that we are held by our beliefs and that this often stops us living our truth and being who we truly are.

      1. My understanding Alex is that even our beliefs are not ours they are given to us by the astral plane. This goes back to we think, we think, when in actual fact all our thoughts are given to us again by the astral plane. It may take humanity a while to understand that we are moved like pieces on a chess board. To me it is such a relief to know my thoughts are not mine but are given to me because I am moving in a set pattern that allows those thoughts to enter my body. Change the movement and our thoughts change.

      2. Mary the truth is no thought, no speech and no movement is ours because there is no ‘us’ to generate any of these things. We are empty vessels propped up and propelled by energy. If you’ve ever see anyone pass over then you’ll agree with what the energy that is coming through me is saying.

  15. We are born into a world governed by a huge plethora of beliefs, and as they permeate every part of our existence, starting with our family’s beliefs, we simply come to believe they actually represent the truth of life, whereas in fact, there is no truth in them at all. A belief is simply something passed on down from one person to another, one generation to another, without any questioning, but usually fiercely guarded as being how life is if by some chance someone decides to challenge them. I can see now that beliefs keep us ‘confined’ in a way of living that doesn’t allow us to grow into the natural amazing beings we are, whereas the truth offers us the space to be all that we are, and live it to the fullest.

  16. Alexis I agree with you when you say
    “I have come to the startling realisation that for most of my life I have held beliefs in most categories of life, and that those beliefs have governed the way that I have lived.”
    We are fed ideals and beliefs from day dot and we soak them up like a sponge from parents, family, friends, school, workplace, everywhere. To me it’s like they are a scaffold around our hips that keep us up right and as we walk from our hips they are compounded into our bodies every time we walk.

  17. A belief has to be created externally before it can be adopted, whereas truth lives already deep within us and only needs reconnecting to.

    1. How simple is that?! We may choose to equip ourselves for the work we need to do, but to consider it makes us better means it simply owns and drains us because we stop questioning.

      1. Nothing outside of us can ever make us truly ‘better’ because the intelligence of God comes through us. Even ‘temporal knowledge’ about how to do something or go about something can be gleaned from within because what does the intelligence of God not know how to do? He’s a dab hand at DIY, maths, banking and relationships. Sure there are things that are helpful to learn outside of us but most of the time we cut out the real vibrancy of information by learning by rote from outside of us.

    2. This is Gold Liane, for truth does live deep withiin us and simply needs to be connected to, felt and then expressed.

  18. The whole world is built upon false beliefs and ideals. It is our responsibility to see through them and start to live from a true foundation and build upon the love that we naturally are.

  19. I took on a belief many years ago that if I stopped eating meat, I would become more enlightened. All I became was more tired and almost iron deficient. This is not to say that choosing not to eat meat is a bad thing, but it was not correct for me at that time. When we base our decisions in life on a belief rather than listening to our bodies our bodies will communicate this back to us very loudly. I still eat meat, but I have changed other aspects of what I eat, but the difference now is that I check in with my body and I am more honest with what I feel. I have noticed a huge difference in this approach for me.

    1. I wandered down that very same path Jennifer, and I too didn’t find the wonderful health I had believed I would. Like you my health actually suffered, as well as putting on a whole lot of weight, probably from eating more of other things to make up for what I didn’t realise my body was missing. And these days, also like you, I listen more intently to what my body is saying it wants and as a result my health has improved immeasurably.

  20. Beliefs encapsulate us into what I call the ‘straight jacket’ of life, once this is worn it is quite difficult to take off as many of us do not realise just how many ideals and beliefs we have absorbed from others and now believe them to be our own coupled with the ones we come back with from previous lives, that is quite a lot to contend/ cope with.

  21. I loved reading about your u-turn Alexis and your movement from beliefs back to truth. There are quite a pile to shed- testament to how much we need to try to deny this truth- which in the end we take everywhere with us in our bodies, as it patiently waits for us to allow ourselves to feel.

  22. Alexis thank you for such a powerful article exposing the true harm of beliefs, they reduce us and limit us in many ways. How freeing it is to let go of any beliefs or pictures that imprision us and to live and express who we truly are.

    1. Beliefs do harm and imprison us, it is so freeing to let them go, ‘These beliefs influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk, what we do, the way that we do what we do, the relationships that we have, the relationships that we don’t have, the jobs that we do, and the jobs that we don’t do etc…’

  23. There certainly are a lot of beliefs flying around and they are easy traps for us to fall into. But it’s also a call for us to discern what is just a followed behavior vs what is true.

    1. and that’s the tricky part. When we’re fueled by a belief, we are fueled by what’s not true and when we’re up to our eyeballs in what’s not true, it’s almost impossible to be able to discern what’s true and what’s not.

      1. I totally agree with you Alexis, it’s only when you meet someone or hear someone talk in such a way that they are free of any ideals and beliefs they can expose the lies we are all living. That someone is Serge Benhayon and he is able to call out the ideals and beliefs that we are born into and expose them in a non judgemental way so that we can feel there is a choice to choose differently, whereas before the exposure we were not aware that there could be a different choice to make as when you are in the mud all you see is mud.

      2. The trouble is Mary that we’re all in the mud, surrounded by mud, eating mud, drinking mud and breathing the stuff in but none of us recognise that it’s mud, we all think it’s ‘life’.

  24. “Are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children?” Very true I feel it does. And if children question a belief they are either not listened to or told that that is the way it is and have to accept it. The more we question our own beliefs the less likely we are to impose them onto our children.

  25. Serge Benhayon has presented that their is only one truth in any situation. This cleared much of my confusion when I look at human history and nothing makes sense. I could see how our natural world worked. It relies on basic truths that do not change.That feels right. So when I looked at human history and saw that it did not make sense, I realized it is because humans have the ability to create their own truths that suit them. It helped me understand that human history does not make sense because choices were made that did not come from truth!

  26. If you bring focus to just one part of your life, and then explore the beliefs you hold around that, you will be amazed at how many you have and what a hold they have on you. It is a worthwhile exercise.

  27. Truth requires no belief in order to be known, just a simple, solid Livingness that reveals its abundant beauty.

  28. ‘…or rather the belief clung to me…’ this is really powerful and I have the image of beliefs (lies) clinging to us until such time as we wake up to the imposters and move in a way that means they have to release their grip (or more accurately have nothing to grip onto).

  29. The crazy thing about beliefs is that we are taking them on from those around us from young, bringing them into our lives and living them without any questioning. Children are amazing sponges when it comes to taking on beliefs as they have an implicit trust in their elders and, in the main, believe what they are being told and from what they observe going on around them and if by chance they begin to question they are often told ‘this is the way we’ve always done it and that’s that’!

    1. I remember coming up against that brick wall Ingrid, where it was impossible to question an adult. As a child you are expected to accept what they say with out question even when you know they are lying through their teeth but do not want to be exposed in the lie. The worst part was expecting a child to tell the truth but not telling the truth themselves, it leaves a child in a state of complexity and nervous tension because if you cannot trust an adult who can you trust.

      1. The trouble is even the adults that believe they’re telling the truth are lying because basically the entire world is built on lies but the lies run so deep and so extensively that none of us are consciously aware of them and so hardly anyone’s calling them out. Serge Benhayon is one of the few people that consistently call them out.

  30. It is more than we walk around with our own sets of beliefs. The set of beliefs we have walks us in a specific way as well. And we call this us walking.

  31. Beliefs are a veritable straightjacket that stops us from living who we truly are.

  32. It is amazing quite how many ideals and beliefs we run with without even thinking about them. Say someone walks past you and is abrupt or ignores you and you take it personally because of having the belief everyone should be open and friendly, but what if they are going through something and did not see you or are too distracted with what they are doing or simply do not have enough time to stop? So it actually has nothing to do with you yet we can so often take it personally.

  33. Serge Benhayon has presented and taught that movement is what gets us out of that train track of beliefs, breathing gently as a start of derailing ourselves and from there moving gently that is more in line with the bodies truth than the hard, rigid and set ways of the minds beliefs.

    1. That is a great point Leigh so often I have thought I can think myself out of a situation for nothing to change. It has been only when I have changed my movements and the way I am doing things that I have felt a shift and things have actually started to change.

  34. A huge belief, one that perhaps lays like a dark shadow over us all, is the thinking that we are alone on this planet, that we are the only ones here, spinning endlessly with no purpose other than to get through the day. When in fact, there is a multidimensional aspect to life that cannot be denied, and in fact when it is embraced, there are no beliefs – just a simple knowing that who you are is the purpose for living.

    1. That is a huge belief Shami and one which divides us so much, just like thinking what we do behind closed doors does not affect anyone else. The more we see that everything we do matters and effects everything and everyone else the more we will see the responsibility we carry in each and every moment to be the love we are.

  35. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless” – this is so well captured. Looking back on my own life, I can see how I kept swapping my set of beliefs thinking each time that that is the truth, and what I am getting to realise is how whole-encompassing truth is and it does not come in a set.

  36. I think in general there’s a great lack of value put on being in connection with or aware of our body and listening to what it is feeding back to us (24/7) in response to our choices or the way that we’re doing things as having that connection helps us to see through beliefs or ideals we may be holding onto or can see in the world around us rather than taking them on as a goal or ‘truth’.

  37. “Are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children?”

    Great point raised amongst many here Alexis. It certainly does keep us on those train tracks for generations.

  38. Alexis this is a great conversation to be having with each other as I don’t believe we really appreciate just how much these beliefs influence our lives mostly in a negative way. And if we were to look deeper these beliefs we have come with an energy and it is this negative energy that runs our bodies. So I agree with you when you say we are like puppets and it is the energy that pulls the strings not us.

    1. Beliefs stop us from being who we really are and they are, by their very nature, an imposition on ourselves, on our expression and all movements.

  39. Just take one belief – only one – such as, going to university is essential in life and that can shape your whole life, your school days, your career, the direction your life goes in – your life could end up in a totally different place just from one belief. I definitely don’t claim to be free of beliefs but I have at moments experiences what it feels like to just live with no expectations, it’s a bit like life is a fresh blank piece of paper and rather than feeling like the future is already written you feel like anything is possible.

    1. What you share Meg is very true, one single belief can shape our entire life and in doing so can drastically limit the possibilities that we will get presented with. Therefore, as you share, to live without preset beliefs, opens life up exponentially.

      1. Yeh spot on, I guess the difference is living life as if every day is fresh and brand new, or living life with today being loaded from tomorrow and yesterday.

      2. It’s a tricky one because ‘living life as if every day is fresh and brand new’ can be a belief and living life with an awareness of yesterday and tomorrow can be living life from truth.

      3. Yeah I see what you mean, but I do feel that everyone deserves to start every day as fresh, in that we do not need to be defined or judged for what we did yesterday, but if this is not approached with an actual openness to see our mistakes and to learn from them and move on then beginning every day with a fresh slate could simply be an ideal and not an actual reality.

    2. I agree and the more we live everyday like a brand new fresh piece of paper the more we get to see and learn from everything that is before us rather than tainting it with past hurts or beliefs from the past. So often we can get caught up so much in the past and our mistakes that we do not see the beauty and what is on offer right in front of our very eyes. After all nothing is ever taken away and we are always given opportunities non-stop to be the love we are and so it is only when we choose to delay that we get caught up and for me this usually stems from ideals and beliefs – whether it be wanting things to be a certain way or thinking I am not good enough etc.. essentially making me feel I am less than the love I am. For love has no limits and so what is on offer is far greater than we can humanely think is possible.

      1. Each day we get to start a fresh, every interaction every step the more we see it as something new the more we can fully embrace the love that is on offer. Lace it or anythign we past hurts, pictures or ideals and we are limiting what we are seeing and limiting the access to the love we all are.

  40. I observe that the lists of all ideals and beliefs are like ticking boxes that we fit ourselves into and feel like an imposition from outside, but that the list of truths have a space and looseness about them and are about coming back to the very centre of our being to feel and know how our bodies respond to outside influences. Here, in this place, we have the choice.

  41. Thank you Alexis, this is a really comprehensive look at beliefs, and what a great line here “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” Based on this I can still see there are many areas in my life where beliefs must be dominating because of the confined restrictive feeling it gives me, what a great way to uncover that which has been hidden but still imposes its falseness.

  42. A beautiful blog and sharing exposing the truth about beliefs and the joy and amazingness of truth that is life changing when seen for what is really going on gets rid of right and wrong and allows the love in our lives and the world.

  43. Im sure many of us have examples simiar to yours Alexis where we have been told something that another believes is true, but which does not feel true to us. The more we learn to coonect to and then listen to our bodies, the easier it becomes to know what is true and what is not simply by listening to how our body feels.

  44. A most beautiful blog Alexis, thank you, you so well describe how we are puppets that move according to the beliefs they have subscribed to all the while believing we are our own master. It is so crucial that we break through this way of living and recognise that there is so much more to life than we allow ourselves to see.

    1. Esther I now know we are like puppets. We are born into a way of life that does not resemble who and what we are, as we grow up we believe we are our own masters of life. Surely this has to be one of the biggest lies of all. What Serge Benhayon has done is to walk and talk in such a way that it has allowed humanity as a whole to stop and reconsider. Are we really the master or are we being led by the nose?

  45. The train on the track is a powerful image and one that reminds me how limiting it is to be goal oriented. When we have a picture about the finish line we limit ourselves. Why travel on a track when the universe is a part of you.

    1. Well said Leonne and what your comment has supported me to see is that the ‘universe is indeed a part of us’ as we are equally a part of the universe but that our ability to feel the grandness of this immutable fact is totally squandered by having our eyes ‘on the horizon’. As long as we are doggedly tracking our way towards an image, a goal, a belief, an outcome, a need, an expectation, a hope, a desire etc then we completely miss the immediacy of the Universe in all her magnificent glory and therein lies the trap, keep humanities eyes on what’s ‘ahead’ of them and get them to miss the fact that they are actually everything already.

      1. Yes, we constantly distract ourselves with things that need to be done, things we want to do, by wanting off time etc. and all the while we are missing out on the beauty that surrounds us and lives within us. It is like we are living on half throttle, if at all, giving our power away to a way of living that is far away from the grandness that we are.

      2. Great point – it’s like we have tunnel vision and we are completely focused at getting to a particular point, when the train tracks are going in the wrong direction!

    1. I agree, beliefs project something over the truth that is there for us to observe in life. Beliefs are a set of blinkers shadowing the otherwise clarity we could have. How complicated life feels with beliefs when we could instead live the simplicity and truth of experiencing life (including people and ourselves) exactly as it is.

      1. But by avoiding the responsibility that comes with truth, we incarcerate ourselves in the cycle of repetition. Truth is the key that sets us free.

  46. We can be pretty driven by our beliefs all too often at the expense of living what we know in our hearts is true.

      1. How loaded are our beliefs when they have been passed down from generation to generation as the way we do things?

  47. To live in a world free of ideals and beliefs would be beautiful, we would be living and moving in alignment to our Soul and experiencing a depth and quality of love that would be exquisite.

    1. And we would be out of here before you know it …
      But what is interesting with this comment Anna, is that it does show us that on some level we do know the truth and how things would be without ideals and beliefs – it is all there for us when we are ready to embrace the truth. Thank you!

  48. Beliefs are tricky because we grow up with them and the whole world is made of them that they become pretty much a normal way of thinking – who questions eating 3 meals a day – until you start experimenting and see that there might be a different way of approaching food that leaves you feeling stronger or more alert. This is where our ability to question life is so important.

    1. Unfortunately our ability to question life is only an option that is presented to us when we move in a particular way. I say ‘unfortunate’ because when we are riddled with beliefs, this in itself sets up a particular way of moving that acts as a barrier to questioning beliefs. It’s kind of a gridlock really. Questioning beliefs only becomes an option that is presented to us as a result of slowly, slowly changing the way that we move our physical bodies, the content of our speech and the quality of our thoughts.

      1. True – to have a new perspective on life we need to refresh everything – our movements, our choices, our thoughts so we can see what is really imprisoning us.

  49. We can be riddled by beliefs in every moment but when we choose to expose the truth that lies behind them we are offered the gold that is so often masked with here say and ideals of ourselves and others.

  50. Imagine being contained and constructed by a straight jacket, then picture their being another on top of that, and another following this. Then you start to see the true effect beliefs and ideals have on our body. We think just because we can move our arms and legs we are free but we totally overlook the quality in which we move. To return to living from our heart free from these rigid beliefs is huge. Thank you Alexis for reminding me.

  51. Ideals and beliefs are woven into our very existence and govern how we will react to life as it happens. They are so insidious that often we do not realise we are being run by a belief and carry on believing we are right about something without questioning if there is a belief at play clouding us from the truth and evolution. One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to question the things we automatically say is right which are usually there without question.

    1. The trouble being that when we fervently believe ourselves to be right then it means that there’s almost zero chance of us questioning the belief!

    2. True – we even champion our beliefs and celebrate them – but what good do they truly do us? I agree being able to question what we automatically assume is right is an amazing tool in life, it’s the beginning of exploring what’s really true.

      1. There is a hardness to being right, a non negotiable militancy that digs its heels in and refuses to see that there could possibly be another way.

      2. Absolutely – when we think we are right about something it’s like having tunnel vision and only seeing the tunnel when there is the whole world and the whole universe above and around it.

  52. How exposing is it to realize that what you “believed” in was anything but true, whilst at the same time throughout that process always thinking it was true. Yet how freeing is it when we are honest with the fact our truth was anything but the truth. Suddenly life makes sense again.

    1. The crazy thing is, we use beliefs to try and make sense of the world but it’s the very beliefs themselves that are distorting the truth and making life both complicated and confusing.

  53. What a great description of how we are manipulated by holding on to beliefs and belief systems, we are so easy to predict and control when we don’t claim the truth in our bodies. Exposing the lies that are held as truths frees us up for everything to change.

  54. As I read your blog Alexis I could really feel how much my beliefs move me like I am a puppet, complete with strings attached.

  55. ‘And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our bodies that hold us?’ An interesting question to ponder on. From experience and in having been aware of and let go of a number of beliefs, I can state that I took them on in reaction to hurts which then got cemented in my body triggering similar responses that were not true. Thus imprisoned by the beliefs I took on in my body, there they stayed until I honestly nominated them, why they were there so that I could let them go.

      1. If we were to dismantle the temporary scaffolding that is currently made up of ideals, pictures and beliefs, then there would be very little, if anything at all left of what we currently call ‘the world as we know it to be’.

      2. Very true Alexis, it is a scary thought yet also a very liberating one as it says we can and have to start again from scratch and not try to fit in with the world rather live the love and truth we know and the world then has to fit in with us.

      3. Structurally we would be starting from scratch but we as a race of beings wouldn’t be because we are already super intelligent and advanced, it’s just that we have dumbed ourselves down immeasurably and created a world that reflects our self-imposed diminished existence.

      4. I agree, we only have to look back at the Pyramids as an example of how far we as a race of beings have moved away from the all knowing Gods and multidimensional access that we can so easily have and did have.

  56. I remember the first time I heard Serge Benhayon present about thoughts not being from us. I found it very difficult to accept. I feel for most of us it is difficult to accept how far we live from truth.

    1. I felt the opposite When Serge Benhayon first presented that the thoughts that we have are not our thoughts but come from a pool of consciousness that we tap into. I felt such a relief because the thoughts I had been having were so dark and depressing, it was a relief to be able to say thank heavens they are not mine. I now understand that the way we move has everything to do with what thoughts will infiltrate into our bodies so that now if I have a negative thought I stop to check if I’m slouching, or rushing ahead of myself so that my mind is ahead of my body. When our mind is ahead of our bodies energetically it leaves a gap, I feel it’s the gap that lets the negative thoughts into our bodies.

      1. When our mind is with our body then there is no gap for unfavourable energy to rush into and then basically have it’s way with us, which is why Universal Medicine teaches the importance of ‘conscious presence’, which is basically having the mind with the body in whatever it is that we’re doing. Mind with body seals the gap.

  57. When life feels small, difficult, complicated and exhausting I know that I’m being run by beliefs. When I feel connected, expansive and inspired I am free to feel me.

  58. A belief has no true energy source of its own and thus needs constant energy to sustain it. That is, we need to pull it in from outside of us and then keep solidifying it/feeding it so that it sticks around. Whereas a truth lives and breathes within us and is the very substance we are born from.

    1. “a truth lives and breathes within us and is the very substance we are born from”, that description explains why we know truth, and how we can register both truth and lies in our body.

  59. Alexis I would say it is the beliefs that hold us in a way that it is very difficult I feel to break free of them because just as you break a belief another takes its place as we are riddled with them. These beliefs constrain us and hold us back from being and expressing who we truly are. I also feel from my own experience that these beliefs that I hold are not just from this life time but from past life’s too.

  60. Perhaps the greatest lie we live under is the belief of what we think to be ‘true’, over the absolute knowing of what is true that needs no belief to sustain it.

  61. Ideals of what our lives should look like and the beliefs that go with them are like the blinders put on a horse so that he can only look and move straight ahead and thus misses all the other perspectives that are there see all along and move with in truth, rather than staying in a rut that is created by the narrow belief that ‘this is the way it is or should be’.

  62. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth” The particles of our body know truth but we can override the truth with beliefs that come into our mind.

  63. The fact that our body’s health and state of being so evidently show us the lie of beliefs and ideals and the fact that humanity is so ill and so sick in general shows the enormity of just how many lies and false beliefs there are out there.

    1. We as humanity have been so lost in lies and beliefs, that is is hard to come out off, due to the comfort and lack of responsibility.

      1. Well said Amita, it is hard initially to start to come out of the lies and beliefs that have had a stranglehold on us, however once we start to take responsibility for our choices then it gets easier and easier to recognise and call out the lies for what they are. And the more we take responsibility for our lives the more uncomfortable comfort begins to feel, until eventually we simply can’t bear the feeling of comfort in our bodies as we can feel how it shuts down our awareness.

    2. Ah but here’s the problem, humanity has constructed so many lies and beliefs around why we’re so sick and unwell that we have totally wriggled out of seeing the gift of truth that illness brings. How convenient is it to believe that it’s ‘the change in weather’ or ‘pollution’ that is responsible for our sickness rather than the choices that we’re making. We are absolute masters at creating more beliefs to continually keep covering up the truth.

  64. Beliefs keep us in a box that can be all but impossible to see out of. We think life within the box is good, right and simply the way it is without realising we’re in a tiny box in a grand grand world.

    1. and the truth is that the moment we think that something is either ‘good’ or ‘right’, then that is in itself an indication that we’ve climbed into a box of beliefs!

    2. Ah but we like the box because there is a certain degree of comfort and security on offer within the box for it affords us the corners in which to hide. You cannot hide upon a sphere, it requires complete transparency. Therefore, our box-like behaviours come from our desire to remain hidden and our fear of being truly seen.

      1. You sure can’t find a corner on a sphere. If we seek to hide then we’ll need to create a box on a sphere.

  65. All the ideals and beliefs in our world (and our whole society is built on them), keep us in constant motion and trying to get to a certain goal or outcome. It doesn’t allow us to surrender to the stillness and the wisdom inside and prevents us to connect to our universality.

    1. The whole notion of ‘goals’ in themselves is a hugely misguiding belief and as you say Monika, prevent us from simply surrendering to our true nature within.

  66. Alexis, this is a great one for me to read as I can feel that this belief is still there for me – that I need to busy and not say no to work, this results in me getting overwhelmed at times and tired, rather than putting myself first and making sure that I rest and look after myself – beliefs can be really strong and drive us through life.

    1. “Beliefs can be really strong and drive us through life” exactly Rebecca, beliefs are energetic bullies, determined that we go their way, which is always away from the truth.

  67. The only way to reveal and renounce beliefs is by reconnecting to which we hold deep within ourselves, a wisdom that is pure and divine and will offer us the grace of truth and observation.

  68. If we look at it from the perspective of this blog we will find that culture, religion in it’s current known forms, nationalism, gender issues, race issues and the very foundation of our society (education) is all built from beliefs and ideals.

    1. Well said Carolien and if what you say is true (which it is), in ‘that culture, religion in it’s current known forms, nationalism, gender issues, race issues and the very foundation of our society (education) is all built from beliefs and ideals’, then what that means is that the foundations of our society are rotten.

  69. Amazing blog exposing how we are essentially run like puppets due to the beliefs we have subscribed to, many of which we may not be aware of. Worth truly assessing the beliefs we cling to and determining whether they are in fact true or not, given the huge impact they have in particular on our quality of life.

    1. Having just extricated myself from yet another belief, I was reminded of how blind sided we all are to examining our own beliefs. It’s as if there is something contained within beliefs that prevents us from being able to stand back from them and view them with any kind of clarity. I was ‘in’ the belief until my physical circumstances changed dramatically, forcing me to realise that once again what I had taken to be a truth was in fact nothing other than a flimsy belief, with no foundation in truth whatsoever.

    2. What if we reincarnate with beliefs from former lives, which is an energy in our bodies. How do we dismantle that energy when we are not aware it is there? Is it possible that this is the illness and dis-ease we then get because the body has to clear the stagnating energy somehow, so the body sees it as a discarding and we say it is an illness and wonder how we got it or where it came from.

  70. “There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.”
    “There are no ‘shoulds’ when it comes to what to eat.”
    “Eat what and when the body genuinely guides you to eat.”
    These three points stand out for me today. We can be so hard on ourselves with expectations of what we have to ‘do’ to evolve. In truth we just need to leave ourselves alone and lovingly listen to what our own bodies have to say. No-one else can or should impose this on us. It is for us to feel the truth for ourselves through our own bodies.

  71. Truth needs nothing and yet it encompasses everything. Reading this blog Alexis brings awareness to the many beliefs we can adopt through life, trading old ones for new ones as we journey onward, while all the while truth stands in and of itself as a beacon of light that exposes everything other than Truth. How blessed we are.

    1. Even the idea that we are ‘journeying onward’ belongs to the belief that our salvation exists somewhere ‘outside of us’, as opposed to the truth, which is that the answers to everything in life are found through an inwards movement.

      1. The concept of time is largely responsible for keeping us in the illusion of forwards movement, which will always be an ‘away from’ movement if we are already everything we are meant to be.

  72. Quite interesting to feel how many ideals and beliefs we might be living by and not even realise it. Hence why we are offered the opportunity to ‘think outside our box’ when we see others do things in a different way or be in a different way. This can initially be disturbing, especially if we have invested in a particular way of being, but if we allow ourselves the grace to just have a peek outside the box, we then get to see that we can let go of those things that do not serve us any longer. This is the beginning of a truer relationship with ourselves and those around us, as the beliefs and essentially impositions fall away as we embrace our natural way of being guided by the inner heart rather than continue to be controlled by the imposing beliefs.

    1. The trouble with beliefs is that they are often so convincing in how real they feel that there’s no incentive to look outside of our boxes because what we believe, we believe to be true.

  73. Beliefs can be so rigid and they can lock us into seeing things a certain way and then behaving in a certain way that does not permit growth or evolution.

  74. If my beliefs are only based on what I have lived and experienced I am living a much smaller reductionist form of life than if I was to live the truth of who I am in essence which encompasses all things.

  75. Yes this belief thing is very insidious. We may give up a belief only to be fed another. We justify this new belief because we want it to be true and then find ourselves invested in it! We build pictures around what we think is true. Thank God for Serge Benhayon who shows us the quality of the different energies and lets us find our own way.

  76. I loved reading a list of the beliefs and the truths that you have come to Alexis, because I could feel the relief in me and the lack of imposition and simplicity between the two. Often our beliefs can involve complicated rules and ways of doing things versus the simplicity and ease of what has been truly felt as the way forward for us in some situation or interaction.

    1. Jenny your use of the word ‘imposition’ is such a good one because ‘our’ beliefs often feel imposing for others even when they are supposedly ‘ours’. I know very well that when I have shared my beliefs with others, even though I would have said that I was simply ‘sharing information’, that there was something very imposing about the way that I was sharing the information, an undisclosed force that was trying to put my belief on another. In contrast the beautiful thing about sharing the truth is, that it always leaves the other person alone, free to do or not do what they choose with whatever is being presented. I suppose what it boils down to, is that truth never comes with any investment as it knows it’s own origins, whereas beliefs know that they need us to be invested in them and so are always looking to recruit people to believe in them.

  77. I still find this a very difficult thing to accept in full, that my thoughts are not my own. It is the opposite of everything we have ever been told and I still hold onto the ‘my’ thoughts. Though I have had enough examples of my thoughts coming through and definitely set to cause difficulty and once caught out I could see the thought had not come from me. I am slowly turning this old ship around it takes a bit of time but once I turn I will turn in full.

    1. Thinking that our thoughts are our own is a prime example of a common belief, and it goes hand in hand with the mother of all beliefs and that is the belief that we are individuals, when in truth there is no ‘me’ there’s only the collective us, aka ‘the body of God’.

  78. It can be quite sobering at first when you come realise you are just a program, a creation of a myriad of ideals and beliefs, yet is also so freeing. A willingness to be honest paves the way for the truth to be known.

  79. Hmm it is quite a mind field when we start to look at our held beliefs, ideals and pictures. There can be an endless stream of these running through all of our life/s. With truth though it is simple and absolute. Truth is unifying, it confirms our oneness. Great blog Alexis.

    1. ‘Truth is unifying, it confirms our oneness.’ Spot on Victoria, a powerful reminder for us all.

  80. Beliefs exist because the energy behind beliefs knows that we are seeking the truth and so have manufactured beliefs to mascarade as truth in order to ensnare us for a few more (hundred) lifetimes.

  81. Alexis, reading this I can feel how much we are governed by our beliefs, I could make my own long list of beliefs and can feel how these have a big influence on my life, from the way I eat, where I live, to the way I relate to others – our beliefs can effect everything.

  82. ‘It’s good to try as hard as you can’. This belief of trying hard is so ingrained that it has taken years to unravel, I can clearly remember the moment that I realised ‘trying’ just doesn’t work, the harder I try the more I disconnect from what I feel myself, everything and everyone around me. Trying is exhausting, draining and asks us to be hard on ourselves for not getting it right or doing it well enough all of which is not true.

      1. Totally a game to keep us perpetually in the future or past rather than knowing you are everything right now, if you’re willing to say yes and then move that yes in all you do!

  83. I totally agree with you that we are governed by the beliefs that we absorb from life in general. To be honest I had no conscious knowing that I was totally governed by the ideals and beliefs that I absorbed from my family as a child. It wasn’t until I came across Serge Benhayons presentations that I started to question life and my part in it. Serge Benhayon has a way of presenting that is always asking us to consider, to reflect and in the reflection I have realised just how dominated I have been by other people’s beliefs of how I should be or not be in life rather than just going with what feels right to me. If I have a regret it is that I didn’t have anyone in my life as a child to the caliber and integrity of Serge Benhayon. That’s not to blame anyone but just to say that to meet someone that has a living quality that can be felt as an absoluteness to bring truth and break the molds of ideals and beliefs and to see them as a false way of living is what is missing in our lives and why we have allowed ourselves to stray so far from what we do know to be true.

    1. The reason why the world is flooded with so many ideals and beliefs is because so few people are living from truth but as more and more of us choose to live from truth then everything that is not of truth will start to be called out and this process will gain a natural momentum until it reaches a tipping point and then this whole illusion will come crashing down like a deck of cards.

  84. “A truth comes from the body and feels very different” – yes, and the lived knowingness that comes from that truth is restoration of the soul.

  85. This is a great expose of what we have been led to ‘believe is true’, whereas in truth, no beliefs are true as they are just that, beliefs! A truth on the other hand is simply someones first hand experience of what they have felt for themselves, and therefore cannot be denied by them, even though others may do their best to disbelieve it.

    1. ‘A truth on the other hand is simply someones first hand experience of what they have felt for themselves’, the trouble is that so many people’s beliefs are backed up by their ‘ first hand experience of what they have felt for themselves’, my belief that being a vegetarian was backed up by what I believed was my first hand experience of good health, my beliefs about parenting were backed up by what I believed was my first hand experience of what it was to be a ‘good’ parent, my belief that I was a great partner was backed up (or so I thought) by what I believed was a fantastic relationship BUT none of that was true, that’s what’s so tricky about beliefs, people are convinced that they are true because they feel that they are backed up by their their first hand experiences, some are so convinced that they are prepared to die for them.

      1. Any ‘truth’ that is personal or has identification in it is in fact an ideal or belief. Perhaps that is why the truth in its absoluteness is not every ones piece of ‘cake’.

      2. The truth will be everyone’s piece of cake when we have all returned to our absoluteness but you’re right Victoria, until then, the truth for many will remain a very unsavoury affair.

  86. Alexis; I love this article, reading this I can feel that this is a belief that I too have that has seen me get ill from all the busyness and trying to fit in as much as possible rather than making what I do about quality and being present with myself – moving in a loving and gentle way; ‘The way that I hurled myself through life ensured that I continued to pull in the thought that the more I did, the stronger I was and so the cycle just kept repeating.’

  87. There is so much in this blog that I want to come back and read it every day and continue to unpeel beliefs that I may be unaware of but are coming from the way I move. It really is a game-changer for us all if we let ourselves consider this as a possibility.

  88. When I started as an Esoteric Student I was certain I would let go of all the beliefs that were there, only to find myself along the way having swapped them for how a good Esoteric student has to be. What car you can or can’t drive, how to be and act ect. ect. So only from living in connection to my body and the rhythm of the universe the truth can come out and how spacious does that feel!

    1. Monika the beliefs that abound within the Esoteric way of life about what a ‘good esoteric student is’ are just as damaging as any other belief and just as hard to detect. I can put my hand up to falling for them and having just extricated myself from yet another one, can also attest to the fact that they are not easy to identify. The fact that they aren’t easy to identify, is actually one of the common traits of all beliefs, otherwise we wouldn’t walk straight into them of our own free will, only to have the door swing shut once we’re in. And although the door isn’t locked behind us, we are sometimes in those self imposed prisons for lifetime after lifetime.

    2. I know this one well too. It is as if when we are willing to let go of certain beliefs we need to replace them with others as it is very difficult to go through life and not be affected by the many ranges and flavours of ideals and beliefs and to only be guided by what we feel deep within. And so we switch from one set of beliefs to another but in that never being truly free from creation.

      1. Absolutely true, in swapping beliefs we are never free from creation, but in fact are adding to creation by being in the illusion that we have ‘gone’ somewhere and are ‘better’ now that we have let go of the first set of beliefs.

  89. One of the things that I have observed with beliefs, especially those with whom we identify strongly with is that we are convinced that they are true. Perhaps this is why that our range of beliefs have been the source of much disharmony and unrest.

    1. Jennifer what you share is so true. Despite the fact that I consider myself to be fairly good at identifying beliefs, I have only just realised that the way that I was eating (as in the amount and the actual foods) was coming almost entirely from beliefs. I had a couple of friends question my eating habits but I was convinced that my food choices were coming from my body, therefore as you say I was ‘convinced that they were true’ and there was no telling me otherwise. It took a recent trip to India and having to pretty much eat what I was given to realise that so many of the beliefs that I had previously held about how certain foods would affect me, simply weren’t true. Beliefs really are very cunning forces that wreak absolute havoc with the natural order and flow of life.

  90. Thank you Alexis, I can relate to this line “Eat what and when the body genuinely guides you to eat.” There is such a huge consciousness thick with beliefs around food, when to eat, how often to eat, what to eat, why to eat… the list goes on and on. However there is that one simple authority that we can always listen to and learn from, it tends to do its own thing totally belief free – the body! I’m still letting go of so much around food and eating, thanks for the clarity and reminders here around how beliefs block the truth.

  91. I sometime get mixed up in the world off ideals, beliefs, pictures and investments and try to figure out if there is a difference and if so what is the difference? I feel a there is a strong correlation between an investment and a belief. Both force me to move in a certain way, are set ups, not the truth and come from the same source of energy. The investment is what keeps me going for a certain belief, why I don’t want to give up or let go.

  92. I have found beliefs keep me in the forever wanting to be right and not wrong, always looking over my shoulder. Whereas truth leaves me free to be irrespective of what anyone else says or does.

    1. Beliefs feel very trussed up by parameters and bound by borders, whereas even though truth is always clearly defined, there is something about it that feels very unlimited.

      1. I know what you mean Alexis – truth is very unlimited and all encompassing it never leaves anyone out or feeling lesser whereas beliefs usually have a better or a worse than element to them.

  93. This a cracker of an article Alexis. Totally exposes the insidious nature of beliefs and how they absolutely keep us on ‘train tracks’ moving in one direction or another, and occasionally changing tracks but always on the straight and narrow. And yes some beliefs are quite large and obvious, but others are quite hidden and small and often surprising when you did not realise that you were holding it until something triggers you.

    I too am learning to challenge and let go of my beliefs and return to what feels true. It is a loving work in progress as some days I totally rock it and other times I don’t but it is a process highly worth doing.

  94. My body confirms truth with an expansive and immediate ‘yes’ – unlike my mental thoughts that juxtapose one thought or belief against another until a justified answer is settled on.

  95. Sometimes when I see people walking down the street it is clear that everyone has a distinct way of walking and I wonder what ideals and beliefs are they running with that has resulted in that way of walking, and how differently would they be walking if the ideals and beliefs were never there.

  96. ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed’ As the beliefs get eroded by the lived truth we get to feel our way although, just like Pinocchio, there are many tricky situations for us to learn from on this journey back to soul.

    1. Elaine I agree with you, the journey back to soul is indeed tricky and at times treacherous, which is why it is absolutely invaluable that there are people like Serge Benhayon who have made it back to their soul and have mapped the way, marking all of the land mines along the way.

  97. I love this blog Alexis; you expose a way of being that we have lived in for many lives. It’s a prison we lock ourselves in and as you perfectly described moves us around on a train track thinking we are making the moves. If we looked at every belief as energy, and that energy is what makes us move we could see what energy is moving the train and that we chose the driver and track.

    1. Kim what’s really fascinating for me to feel is that I have recently realised that the way that I have been eating was coming from static beliefs that I held in my head, rather than from the living wisdom that comes from my body. I was convinced that I was making choices from my body and yet all along my choices had already been made for me. Something that I have since identified as being a characteristic of a belief is the rigidity that comes with it, an almost non negotiable stance that feels like its guarding itself constantly from being exposed.

      1. Well said Alexis, our beliefs do guard themselves for they come from the spirit that is so identified and invested in it’s own creation.

      2. Thank you Alexis, I feel that same regimented feeling around beliefs, keeping me locked into a way of doing things even though I can feel like this is the ‘right’ thing for me. I appreciated your term “living wisdom” as it highlights the difference between the static and recirculating energy of beliefs.

  98. Without our luggage of ideals and beliefs we carry around with us, we would be different people. These ideals and beliefs affect every aspect of our lives, and the tricky part is most do not know they have them.

    1. True Julie, we swear blind that our beliefs are ‘ours’ and that we have inspected them thoroughly before choosing to ‘take them on’. But that in itself is just another belief. The truth of the matter is that the way that we move, the way that we speak and the way that we think attracts certain beliefs. These beliefs then, in turn compound the configuration that we are already in and so it continues to repeat itself. The only way out is to consciously move our way into a different configuration.

  99. Beliefs are not ‘out there’. They sit in the body and taint our movements because we have said yes to them and make them ‘ours’. They walk with us (or they walk us). The problem with them, though, is that they do not help us to walk in the direction of truth and that we learn that walking there is not necessary either since we feel the tools we use to navigate through life are good enough.

  100. Alexis, I love this revelation of your – “there is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.”. Embrace all that we already are and then evolution occurs.

  101. Great blog on the lies we are feed from the very beginning. A truth is known by the body a lie is governed by the head.

  102. I went to see a children’s nativity play yesterday, ages 3-5 and as you can imagine these little ones were super super cute, most of them free of beliefs just happy to express what ever it was they were feeling, unfortunately you can see as we grow older we fall for how we ‘should’ be and in dong so we lose the magic and sparkle that is designed to be there all along.

  103. Evolution is not a stepladder but a U-turn, to quote you. That is very true and imagining or thinking about it as getting somewhere keeps us going around in circles, forever small, meek and devoid of what is available to us all.

    1. Ironic isn’t it that the ladder analogy gives us the impression that we are getting out of here by going up in a straight line, when all along we are going around in cirlces.

  104. So here is a different exercise for New Year’s Day… Write down all the beliefs that we hold, all things that we allowed to run our lives, and to just start to observe, with the clarity of reconnection what is truly going on in our lives 🙂

    1. Excellent idea, especially because it is December 2017 and only a couple of weeks away from January 1 2018. Listing the beliefs we hold on to would be a great way to take stock and use as a guide as we continue to shed them; at times one by one and other times in bucket loads.

  105. Thank you Alexis, I really enjoyed reading your blog today and appreciated the wisdom you have shared. In particular it’s really stood out for me to understand how movements affect how we think and how we think consolidates the next movement – a perpetual cycle. This line really sums it up, “the thoughts we pull in are governed by the way that we move.”

  106. The worst thing is when these beliefs have a big dollop of truth in them but they are not true because of the energy and consciousness that is behind them. Beliefs that are clearly off are much easier to identify but the tricky ones can fool us and also when we see them as not true tempt us to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    1. Even some of the things you have listed as truths can become beliefs or not truly true when we start to believe them or hold them as something we know.

      1. When we follow or do something because we think it is a truth, it can be a belief. Truth has no foreplanning, it simply is.

  107. Brilliant the way you unpack this topic Alexis – thank you. The bit that interests me is how exactly these beliefs come along in the first place. Yes, they are reasonable concepts on the surface but the more I examine them the more I feel they all have convenient side effects to do with our awareness. What if this topic, what we feel that is the missing component from understanding all the crazy things we take on? For each belief it seems to me has the effect of limiting and numbing what we feel. So perhaps no coincidence in these ideals we take on, but that each one is directly targeted to block out something we sense.

    1. Joseph I would suggest the ‘side effects’ that you describe are actually not ‘side effects’ at all but the specifically targeted effect of the energy that sets ideals and beliefs in motion.

  108. Equal parts of the one God. Beautiful Alexis. Ever patiently waiting for us to wake up from our trance of ideals and beliefs. A far cry from the life that can be lived when not stuck to the train tracks!

  109. The world is awash with gazillions of beliefs, beliefs created by faceless individuals, passed on down the generations and very rarely really ever questioned. For many it is as if they become an anchor in life and any thoughts that they may be an utter lie will be met with huge resistance. But all we have to so is to bring some common sense into the equation and the majority of these destructive beliefs will shrivel up in the face of truth

    1. Well said Ingrid and because truth is the fabric of who we all are, then it is something that we all know deep down inside and what we will all eventually return to.

  110. oh Alexis this is a great expose on all those beliefs we can let control us. The more we let go of these ideals and beliefs the lighter and more joyful we feel – let go of the beliefs and we can just watch as the magic of God happens effortlessly before our very eyes.

  111. “Evolution is like a ladder, you climb up it as you evolve.”- I reckon a lot of people have bought into that myth. Evolution is not something that we climb to get to but something that we surrender to and allow.

  112. Thank you for sharing Alexis ” to reminding those of us who have forgotten that we too are equal parts of the One God.” this is very beautiful and a great reminder that we all come from the same source no matter what we believe.

  113. ‘How strong must the hold be when something is so obviously not working yet we still keep following in the same rigid tracks?’ Very strong Alexis, as your whole blog shows us.
    I remember doing yoga for years with pushing myself to get the ‘asana’s’ perfect and stretched my body to the point that I had headache or migraine the morning after the yoga classes. The conclusion was my body was clearing, detoxing and how fabulous this was but in truth it was my body saying how I frustrated myself time after time in doing my best in being perfect and how the ‘asana’s (positions) were not true and affecting me in my movements during the day.

  114. Beliefs confine, control, and limit who we are in truth, great to have them exposed in this blog, ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.’

  115. There are people in the world who are willing to walk a different path, and having met them throughout my life I can see there is a common thread that they are willing to listen to an inner truth.

  116. ‘Being good is an illusion – just be yourself.’ This has really stood out for me today and it’s because I’ve been held for so long by the belief that just being myself is not enough. I can remember feeling lovely as a child and not understanding why many of those around me were just plain miserable. I wanted them to be joyful too but I came to the conclusion I was invisible and wasn’t enough because they didn’t seem to acknowledge their or my loveliness. So I started doing things like being helpful or being angry or being awkward and that’s when I seemed to get attention so I carried on. But I was missing out on my loveliness and I withheld it from the world as I was angry a lot. I hadn’t seen that they didn’t want to not be miserable and the many reasons they kept on choosing it. I was never not enough.

  117. Beliefs are hugely limiting yet they hook us into to thinking they serve us in some way. They can be motivational or seem supportive, good, nice or right. But truth comes first and when it comes to truth there are no beliefs.

  118. “Putting yourself first is the best way to care for others”- this particular truth can take a while to integrate because it was so ingrained in us to put others first. However once we do it our life changes enormously and for the better, for example, we are no longer exhausted from putting others first.

  119. This is a really great blog Alexis, you share many truths, these beliefs have such a huge impact on our lives, they ‘influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk, what we do, the way that we do what we do, the relationships that we have, etc ‘ really quite sinister. ‘The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment, and like a puppeteer pulling on invisible strings we are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life, falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs, our minds coerced into thinking and our mouths manipulated to say certain things. ‘Wow, these beliefs can have such a hold on us if we allow them to… or our connection with our body can help us discern what is true.

  120. Beliefs, ideals and pictures are a form of control that hold us back from being our true self, and so hold back the love we are.

  121. What we believe is true is not necessarily true until such a time that it can be lived as the truth with no belief in the way.

  122. Beliefs are surrounded by images and or identities that we ourselves have not felt first true in our bodies showing the shaky ground they stand on, whereas a truth is lived, experienced and felt from the body and then expressed from our movements allowing us to feel the clarity and tangible difference between the two characteristics.

  123. I love this Alexis, you have made it so tangible for one to feel the difference between a belief and truth.

  124. And whilst we fight it and at times abhorrently resist and detest it our body is the only navigator we have through the fog of these absurd and deeply harm-full beliefs. Loving ourselves is the only way back to truth.

  125. We have negated our body at our (and humanities) great expense. It is time to return to the body and to heed its infinite living wisdom and to honour the purpose of true quality and true expression.

  126. What a revelatory key we have been provided thanks to the teachings presented by Universal Medicine – that the quality of our movements will dictate the quality of our thoughts, actions and every expression thereafter. Thank God we have been directed back to the wisdom and true knowing of our own body which lives our way and movements every moment.

  127. These beliefs and pictures can control who we are, how we are, etcetera as you point out in this blog, pretty scary if we allow them to run our lives, we become like a puppet. Our movements are alive and can assist in allowing us to be true to ourselves.

    1. Lorraine I feel that you have really hit on something there. Our movements certainly can be ‘alive’ and that is the key because when they are dead and repetitive it’s a sure sign that they’re not ours.

  128. This certainly changes how we live, if how we live dictates our thoughts. As the article is saying we believe currently that how we think dictates our lives but where does the thought first come from? and do we check in on the quality of the thought or do we just follow it because after all it’s ‘our’ thought. Something was reinforced in this article for me and that is how we move, our quality dictates our quality of thought. I have seen this in action and have heard this and now it’s time to return to it again with a true deeper quality. Beliefs are waiting for us to pick them up at every turn and the only way to see them is to take regard of how you move.

  129. Beliefs exist due to the pictures we take in around how life should be… the pictures get in when we don’t claim who we are in full and live it. A simple equation that occurs regardless of our choice to be aware of it and one only we can undo. Responsibility for what we each live every moment of the day is ours alone.

  130. Re reading your blog Alexis I feel how many of the beliefs I had about myself and about life were there to stay in control, a control I can feel in my whole body, to avoid the natural flow in life and stay stuck instead of saying, ‘what’s next, let’s get on with living the truth of being and evolve to the next level.’

  131. A belief is something that we don’t know in our body as true – and although some beliefs will not ever be true. others, once lived in the body, can be true.

  132. This has been a year of looking at all the beliefs I have been holding onto that have me thinking less of myself, and they are varied in variety as they are in quantity. One I clocked recently that went like this ‘I am no good at maths’ or ‘I can’t do maths’, when actually this is not true at all. As I re-descover the world of math it has become clear to me that I can enjoy it, I can do it (just have to find the way I understand it), and the beliefs I held about being stupid are all lies, it’s purely that the pictures I chose to hold onto were holding me back in so many areas of my life. What is also becoming clearer are the opportunities in life that I have let slip by because I held a belief that I could not do math.

    1. Julie what you have touched on here is absolutely huge. If we consider for even the briefest of moments the impact of all of the almost throw away comments by teachers or parents to children about either something that they couldn’t do or the fact that they are stupid or have wonky teeth etc. Comments that that child has then dragged through life like a ball and chain, never doubting it’s validity but allowing that one comment to taint everything that they then do, say and believe. It’s actually pretty devastating if you consider what a different world we would live in if people weren’t shackled by beliefs.

      1. I totally agree with you Alexis, it is devastating to think that every single person is walking around with numerous beliefs that they are no good at something, or whatever the belief is, and all the time holding themselves back on the basis of these false beliefs. The sad part is that there is absolutely no realisation how retarding these beliefs are, let alone that they can be challenged – they just add to the giving up of oneself pile.

  133. Alexis, this is a great blog to read. I continue to uncover ideals that I hold. We are on holiday and only yesterday I was feeling uneasy because my belief system said we should go out and do something every day otherwise we are not making the most of our opportunity in another country. My body was clearly saying it needed to rest. Luckily my body won and we had a relaxing day indoors but went out later for a walk.

    1. Debra fascinating that you have clearly identified a belief about what many people think they should be doing on holiday. Holidays themselves are often based on beliefs, a common one is the belief that we should work hard and then reward ourselves with a holiday. The holiday itself is then jam packed with beliefs e.g. the belief that we should drink more alcohol than usual, have more sex with strangers than we usually do, lie in the sun every day, take risks that we wouldn’t ordinarily take…………

  134. Talking to a woman in her twenties yesterday she was advocating that women should do more because they can. It is important that we don’t hold back. To push our bodies to achieve more is not necessarily holding back. It may be curbing the desires or dictates of the brain or mind but what about asking the body? What about looking at what is more natural for us to do and let go of this competitive streak for a while?

  135. If we were to describe the quality of a belief it would have to be something like cold and hard. Truth on the other hand is warm/fiery and deeply enriching.

  136. The only reason why we have allowed ourselves to be fooled by our beliefs is because we have not allowed ourselves to listen to the wisdom of our body.

  137. When I think of truth I know it and my whole body knows it but when I think of a belief is feels like a doing, a trying to be or hold a certain way or thing.

  138. A belief has a dead end – there is no place to grow of evolve .. just stuck-ness. Whereas truth is always lifting us higher and taking us deeper within.

  139. We have subscribed to such a plethora of beliefs about ourselves and about life that unravelling them can be a lifelong exercise. Having a marker for what truth feels like in the body, the openness and ease in which the body can be when truth is connected to, can support this process of identifying and discarding beliefs hugely.

    1. Our bodies are never in any doubt as to whether something is a belief or not. The fact that we fall for beliefs is a pure reflection of our lack of connection to our bodies.

      1. Yes very true… it is inevitable that we heal, even though it might not seem that way as we subscribe to life being linear. That way we think we can leave things behind us. But life is circular, and we are coming back to the same point over and again, so whatever is not healed will present itself again, eventually, until we do.

      2. What’s in front of us is what we’re attempting to leave behind, until we get to the point that we have left nothing behind us that is undealt with and then the only thing that will be in front of us is will be God.

      3. Jenny the belief that life is linear and that we can fast track our way out of things is perhaps one of the biggest and most damaging lies known to man. What it sets up is a world full of people who are motoring away from the very situations and people that are in actual fact their true way forward, which is also the way back to soul.

      4. So true Alexis, I was going to say ‘if only we knew that we were running away from something we can’t actually run away from, as it’s coming back around’ but that is not strictly true. We do know, we just prefer to delay the inevitable, rallying against our misfortunes or repeating patterns as though life does them to us, and not that life presents them repeatedly because it has no option. Our return is inevitable.

  140. When our value is defined by beliefs, it feels like there are many red tapes, life becomes conditional and I have less chance of appreciating what I am being offered.

  141. We had to have separated in the first place in order to take on the beliefs because had we been connected to our bodies then we wouldn’t have had a bar of it.

  142. It makes so much sense that we are moved by our beliefs for if I believe that say the world is flat, my every movement will be influenced and constrained by this belief. The way I see myself in relation to the world will be with a picture that it is flat which also reveals to me that the pictures and images we hold in our minds about how life looks or should look are also strong beliefs that influence our every move.

  143. I lived for so long, as the majority of humanity appear to have been doing as well, governed by beliefs; beliefs that I took on from others that I never questioned, but then wondered why life was continually seemingly out of my control. It now makes sense that living my life according to these beliefs would have been at odds with what I was feeling within me; my own inner wisdom, my truth.

  144. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.” This statement is deeply significant. Through our held beliefs, we in effect keeping our own internal set of diversions and blocks to our expansion and evolution.

  145. The popular movie ‘The Matrix’ is a brilliant metaphor for what you describe Alexis. If we choose to wake up – as does the protagonist in the film – and consider the possibility that we are living in illusion; if we choose to unpack the many and various beliefs we’ve taken on – only then we can start to live of life free of imposition.

  146. I find it extraordinary how much I am governed by images especially of what things ‘should’ be doing etc in life. Rather the allowing, surrendering and the activity of stillness that counts.

    1. Having pictures of anything is like standing on the riverbank of Life, superimposing our ideas about how the river should flow. Pointless. Futile in fact but it’s what we all do.

  147. “The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment, and like a puppeteer pulling on invisible strings we are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life, falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs, our minds coerced into thinking and our mouths manipulated to say certain things.” And for the most part we are totally unconscious that this is what is happening, until we start to wake up and let go of our ideals and beliefs, that have manipulated us for so long.

  148. Its amazing to see how many different beliefs and or pictures we carry and how we have identified these as being who we are over our lives. Letting go of these beliefs and or pictures can give us a greater understanding of our behaviours and allow the truth of our bodies and our experiences to speak. The feeling’s felt when we move in this way is so very honest and tangible, that you can feel the truth so very clearly, because it is lived and then shared from the experiences expressed in the movements made.

  149. I have found that it is quite easy to become aware of the beliefs I am holding, let them go and then turn a truth into a belief so it then becomes a diminished version of it’s expansive whole based on knowledge and not lived experience. A trap to watch out for!

  150. Great to re-read your post Alexis. Beliefs come from the mind and are limiting, as you say. “The body is the marker of all truth” – Serge Benhayon, and honouring my body’s messages – its truths – has been far more edifying and freeing.

  151. When we are dominated by beliefs our bodies become denser as we are constantly resisting our own truth which has no form but is a constant movement impulsed from within our hearts.

  152. Beliefs put me in mind of those hunting traps with metal teeth that snap shut and crush the animals underneath. It’s like we live our lives with a number of these beliefs attached to us, ripping in to us. We think the difficulties we experience are due to events and situations but we don’t see the damage that comes from these beliefs we bring in. Even having a belief that having beliefs is ok is a thing. Really we should see there is nothing extra needed in life that just what we feel. The rest is just a distraction we indulge in to get a false sense of safety or protection. What a complicated game. Thank you Alexis for sharing this.

  153. I love the awareness you have brought through here – how a belief affects us versus how a truth expands us. What I love is uncovering a belief and exposing it so I can let it go. Recently a friend questioned something I said – a belief I had held. What amazed me was that if I had been told what I based the belief on today I would not have come to holding belief but seen through it. But I still held onto the belief because it was something I had considered correct at the time and hadn’t challenged it with my greater awareness that I have today. I started to wonder what other beliefs I was allowing to lay low that were influencing my movements still all because I made them when I did not question them. Reevaluating what I hold ‘true’ is a way of bringing greater understanding and awareness to my past and therefore to my present.

    1. Karin when I read ‘Re-evaluating what I hold ‘true’ is a way of bringing greater understanding and awareness to my past and therefore to my present’, I got to feel that our ‘supposed past’ is actually not somewhere way behind us but in fact with us in our bodies if, that is, we have not cleared the pattern or healed the hurt or basically sorted out whatever it is that is holding us back. Try as we might (and we do), we can not leave anything behind, neither can we geographically walk away from anything.

  154. Listening to Serge Benhayon’s presentations it’s gotten me to question how I move in life. This then opens up that cycle we lock into where our movements feed our limiting thoughts. Changing how we move allows us to feel and think differently.

  155. The truth feels completely different when it’s expressed or heard, to any other expression that is not truth. Something might be ‘right’ as in correct, but if it’s delivered in harshness in reaction, then the truth of the message is lost, and all the other person hears is the reaction – which then gives them an easy excuse not to listen. That doesn’t let the other off the hook, but means that they also have a responsibility to call out what they’ve heard as not being the truth, instead of allowing it to remain presented as ‘the truth’ when in fact it is not.

  156. It is very difficult at first to challenge and unravel the many beliefs one subscribes to. The easiest way of course is connect to the highest truth you recognise, and then use that as the bar by which all else is compared to.

    1. Beliefs hold us tight and don’t want to let us go. But they don’t stand a chance when we connect to truth.

  157. There is so much scope for people to have disagreements and differences of opinions when beliefs are at play, whereas with a truth, that feels more definitive, more clear and doesn’t leave space for there to be so much angst.

  158. This is so well put! “So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!”
    In this, we cannot but contemplate, just how strongly we may actually WANT to traverse the ruts of the train track – for they are pathways that are known, familiar, and dare I say ‘comfortable’… Even when such ways offer no true joy or liberation whatsoever, they are at least ‘a known’ factor that we may well cling to in order to feel some sense of security and apparent ‘safety’ in the known…
    And yet, by staying there we are in truth ever-imprisoned – actively saying ‘yes’ to yet harbouring the hurts we are endeavouring to protect in and by such ways in the first place.

    1. Your comment exposes comfort in its tracks! So how we protect hurts is also how we create them and then keep them fed. And to get out of the rut we have made and keep on digging deeper is to listen to the body first.

      1. Hurts themselves are beliefs, a completely fabricated concept designed purely by the Astral fog of illusion to keep us trapped in the belief that we are only human.

      2. Agreed. Very well said Karin Barea. Funny that… that even though the tracks we traverse may have formed chasms in the earth, our body is made of the divine, and if we are open, it will call us up and out of the ruts we have so deeply institutionalised… even if by our own form of cataclysm, be it a serious illness, an injury or symptoms we cannot ignore.

  159. I will take ‘spacious and limitless’ any day Alexis. Thank-you for so pointedly outlining the confine of any belief we may align to, and how it prevents us from accessing the true and expansive beings that we are.

  160. A beautiful sharing Alexis – i came to the realisation only yesterday of how strongly I have been holding onto a belief system that family is first and that it comes before truth. And because of this I did not truly speak up when it was needed. But what i can see and feel in my body is that I have a deep responsibility to put truth first, to change an age old pattern and not get caught up in a belief system that just says it is OK to not have truth.

    1. HM the belief that you have shared ( placing emphasis on family above all else) is a global belief that has had a stranglehold on humanity since the beginning of time. I am only just beginning to understand it’s far reaching effects on my life and life in general. It is a massive red herring of enormous proportions and keeps people slaves to a belief system that is devoid of truth.

    2. So many of us have been a slave to that one and I too have realised over the years how much I have held back speaking up in situations that called for it and as a result we all suffered. I have encouraged my children to speak up, sometimes it is very hard to hear what they have to say but at least it is out and it is said and we can then agree or disagree with respect and decency at the core.

      1. “we can then agree or disagree with respect and decency at the core”, ah two small words Lucy, ‘respect’ and ‘decency’ but my oh my they make all the difference when disagreeing or expressing the truth for that matter. The way that another hears and responds to something depends largely on how it’s delivered. Anything delivered with love, stands a much better chance at being heard.

  161. The truth is we have all been imposed upon by beliefs about how the world should be, and many of them are so ingrained we do not even to seek to question them, nor would be see them as ‘beliefs” were they challenged, instead accepting in full that they are indicative of the way it is. Thus, in order to unravel ourselves from the illusion that life often presents itself to be, it takes tremendous honesty and self reflection in order to do so.

  162. Letting go of the beliefs and images that I have collected over years, and particularly the ones gained in childhood, is like take a pair of blinkers off and realising the world is far greater, more beautiful and fun than I had previously appreciated.

  163. Thanks Alexis, your exposé on beliefs highlighted to me the rigidity of living from the mind, it’s a set of rules that excludes every other part of the body and life, and careers along set to those train tracks. The body could be screaming to stop but the belief is what we give our power to in those circumstances. This really exposes the harm of beliefs as they have nothing to do with what the body is communicating.

    1. I agree Melinda, in fact not only do ‘beliefs have nothing to do with what the body is communicating’ but they actively coerce us into looking the other way.

  164. This morning I woke up after a barrage of beliefs being bombarded at me yesterday. To wake and understand with the simplest of my being that ‘beliefs are not truths’ was the best way to start my day.

  165. Great to release the puppet strings of multiple beliefs and feel the expansiveness of living from the true impulses of the body.

  166. Interesting that we talk about holding beliefs and I can feel how I have been held to ransom by the many beliefs that I have lived my life by for so many years. It is only when I became willing to start to examine them that their hold over me started to loosen. The threads that have been interwoven in my everyday life by them are insidious and there is constantly more to uncover but it feels like this is a journey that there is no turning back from as I continue to let go of more and more damaging beliefs that have kept me trapped in a life of ‘doing’ rather than embracing the truth that being the true me is all that is required.

  167. The fact that we don’t think but are subjects of energy brings a whole new level of responsibility to what energy we are allowing into our bodies. When this is more widely understood the whole world is set to change in a big way! No longer will the intellect rule society as the body will finally be seen and honoured for the universal intelligence it can and continuously does connect to.

  168. Boy this is a big area of life that can pretty much cloud every decision we make. As children we would have overridden our feelings, as the beliefs were that an adult was older and wiser, as an adult we would have been fed the belief that you could not be disrespectful in questioning the elderly. There is so much social conditioning that still plays a big part in hiding the truth and encouraging a norm of beliefs, that may be felt as not always true but continues to be accepted by the masses.

    1. And the blessing is by clearing the clouds of belief that hazes what we see we get to feel and see the sun shine. Well said Natalliya.

  169. So awesome to keep on uncovering layer upon layer of beliefs, and sometimes the same one just dressed up differently. Their hold on us or our hold on them can be very tight sometimes and take a lot of undoing but with dedication and support we let them go.

  170. Wow Alexis – what an eye opener. Now I too will be on the lookout for the limiting beliefs I have chosen. Just recently I discovered a belief that I shouldn’t sing because I am not particularly good at it – out with that one! Much better to feel the truth that all types of expression are needed and my energetic quality matters far more than the way I sound.

  171. For so long, considered Truth to be what we read in a book, to be knowledge we have often been told or heard. We talk about statistics and facts but no-one seems to talk about what the core source of these are? Science? Medicine? is that it? But we see weekly reports that disprove what we thought the previous week was the truth. More than ever before my life is showing me, that what I think in my head and believe to be ‘right’ just isn’t close. The way I can tell you this, is when I follow these thoughts, my body is upset, painful and tense. I have pushed and driven so much of my life to make my life ‘right’, but reading your words here today Alexis I hear like never before, that my body actually knows what to do and what is true, all I have to do, is literally stop putting words in its mouth.

  172. This is still something I fight and resist as a truth even though I have ample evidence to the fact we do not think for ourselves. The pull to be an individual with MY own thoughts is very strong and one I am working on letting go of. Surrender and acceptance and appreciation are the only ways forward to be able to live and know impulse.

    1. Surrender, acceptance and appreciation are the only ways BACK to be able to live and know impulse, because the belief that we are moving forward is simply that, a belief.

  173. I love the question about where our thoughts come from because some of them are completely illogical and yet they are there. I have realised for myself that there are two pools of thought we can access and how I am in and with my body will guide me towards one pool or the other. I am learning to choose the one that has love, truth, harmony, joy and stillness more consistently, and allow myself to feel what I feel without expectation – it is quite a revelation.

  174. When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless. Truth certainly does set us free and having an understanding around why we choose what we choose, helps us to detach and be able to see and feel truth.

  175. Beliefs, beliefs and more beliefs. Just when you “think’ you’ve got a handle on things the next belief comes knocking on your door. I’ve now stopped to appreciate that the responsibility lies in living to the best of my ability and to sit and observe when the beliefs are clouding what is truly needed at that moment. Definitely a work in progress.

  176. ‘How strong must the hold be when something is so obviously not working yet we still keep following in the same rigid tracks?’ Yes Alexis isn’t it crazy we keep on repeating the same behaviours although we feel and see that is not beneficial for ourselves and others until we stop and start to consider there is a way out by changing our movements and start to be honest to what we are doing to ourselves.

  177. Doesn’t every mother have the belief that putting others (her children) before herself is honourable? The beliefs seem so real, but what if it was completely false? What if self-care and self-love were paramount in building a body of love that could thence offer a well of reflected love and care for a child.

  178. A great question Alexis – is it us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us? We may like to think we think, but as I come to more understanding and accepting of the fact that we are just a mere vehicle through which energy expresses, I agree with you that once we are owned by an energy the choices we think we are making are pre-determined. We let our beliefs identify who we are, but truth doesn’t need to be believed in, it just is.

  179. I am understanding that so many of the beliefs we unquestioningly adhere to are part of a smokescreen of lies and deception that keep us from developing honest, open, transparent, real relationships with one another.

  180. Beliefs are an imprisonment that keeps us in the illusion that we are never enough and therefore, must strive in life to be something that offers us a sense of recognition, this is far from the truth- as when are free of these we realise there is nothing for us to do or chase as our very own beingness is the reflection of the divine.

  181. When we take life down to the smallest particle it makes absolute sense that our bodies are a part of the universe. And therefore it is no surprise, but to be eternally appreciated, that it is a divine function of the body to consistently show us truth, to bring us back towards living that truth.

  182. When you look at the stunning innocence of a young child, just playing uninhibited with the joy of life, you can really see the difference that these beliefs make. The saddest part is in accumulating them as we grow, we think we are getting ‘cleverer’ somehow. This couldn’t be further from the truth. For as you show Alexis, these beliefs bind us tight, make us feel secure at night but ultimately chain and tie us in to a limited version of life.

  183. “Are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children?” this is a really good question, the answer being yes, we do pass on our beliefs to our children. Those beliefs can be cultural, family, political, sport related, about being a man, or woman about anything really. This is how the cycles just get recycled and ill fitting beliefs just keep being regurgitated.

  184. A truth is a truth, beliefs can be based on our own perception of reality and be swayed by so many factors. A truth being something that is for example, universal laws the way energy operates, even if we can’t see it. These don’t change, yet when we attach our perception of what the ‘think’ reality is all about, that is when complication comes in and a whole world of different opinions circle and unfold, not in the good way.

    1. So true, we argue till the cows come home, defending our picture. Truth always comes to the surface in the end, it is consistent and has no pull or persuasion, it simply is.

  185. Questioning our beliefs and gaining understanding by feeling if they are true or not, and where did they come from, gives us the opportunity to see how limiting they are, and how they are designed to keep us separate from each other having us run with the belief that we are right about something or someone without truly feeling into the energy underneath the belief.

  186. I was in a meeting today with a reasonably large group of people, where everyone had lots of experience in this particular subject and because of that had fairly strong opinions and beliefs, including myself. What I realised as a result was that our beliefs get in the way of us understanding a person, group of people, each other or a situation. They keep us cemented those experiences and limits how we learn form them or even prevents us healing them.

  187. So inspiring to re-read your blog Alexis. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.” The question is what energy is leading us to go down the alleyway of belief systems? Connecting and coming back to our true selves – our body – offers us truth and we know the way forward – no ideals – no faith required, no beliefs.

  188. ‘…,falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs, our minds coerced into thinking and our mouths manipulated to say certain things.’ We walk our beliefs or walk in the truth of who we are and what a difference, we are not present in our body and definitely not honest as your example about food and exercise makes very clear when we walk our beliefs while when we walk in the truth of who we are there is a loving presence which makes us feel spacious and makes our movements light.

  189. A gorgeous blog on Beliefs V Truths, showing us that there is a difference. A real catcher I found was this quote: “And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” Hence, we can go deeper and ask ourselves these questions? And be curious to find what is truly going on. Love it. We only have to be open to receive the truth and drop the beliefs. Awareness is our everything.

  190. “The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment…” This is so true Alexis, and makes me realise that if not for these beliefs that we ‘create’ life from, we might actually get to live with the level of joy we are actually capable of.

  191. That’s so true Linda, beliefs drive the pushing and hardening of our body. This is such a great warning sign that can help these beliefs be seen for what they are – LIES.

  192. As I read this again I can really feel how much we are just puppets of our thoughts as human beings when we do not discern where they are coming from. It is the greatest prison in this world to be under the illusion that your thoughts are your own purely because you think them.

  193. I love what you shared about beliefs influencing our lives leaving us like puppets on a string, as such they absolutely deny us from the truth keeping us confined within their constructions designed to keep us from ourselves and our natural expression at great cost.

  194. I thank you for such a clear expression of beliefs and truths and just what the difference is between the two. As you mention “One of the divine functions of the body is to consistently show us the truth with no attachment as to whether or not we listen”. What you are saying here makes so much sense, and hands the responsibility back to each of us to listen and take notice of the amazing truths our bodies reveal to us .Thank you Alexis.

  195. Alexis this is a ground breaking blog. If only a small percentage of humanity understood what you have presented, and started to live this as truth, our whole society would change. Every belief is worth questioning and every movement is worth honoring.

  196. There have been moments in my life when I was aware that life felt like everyone was a puppet and being moved around as if on a chess board, but I could not come up with why I had these thoughts. After reading this blog it seems that the more ideals and beliefs we have the less we know ourselves and the easier it is for us to be living and moving in such a way that is not true.

  197. A Belief is something that you either have faith is true, or, and what is rarely considered, when you hold something as fact because you read it and it made sense, but do not take the time to find out if it is true for yourself. And so, even if what you read or researched is true, it is still only a belief if you do not put it to the test by way of your own livingness. And so whilst one can say I know that gravity is true because Newton said so and proved it to be so, it is more so true because your everyday experience of life confirms the fact.

    Truth by comparison can only be claimed when it is lived, and thus understood intimately because it has been experienced. Even this, however, if not enough. For what of the man who lives his life in anger? Would he not be right to say that his truth is that the world is out to get him? For that is what he has experienced, has he not? And so, in order to arise to the truth of things, one must be willing to not only live, but discern what they live, truly observe their own life and that of others, and be aware of one’s own biases and limited perceptions. One must question, and to a certain extent be skeptical in so far as not taking anything for granted, but equally be open of not just mind, but open of heart – the latter being of the most importance. For the mind in itself can only discern based on its own limited experience, and so it can be terribly misleading. The true heart, and by that I mean not what most mistakenly refer to as the emotional heart, will always feel by way of energy the underlying nature of all things, and thus give a true indication as to what is true or not.

  198. ‘I always thought that I was a free thinking, open minded, spiritually aware, loving, funky kind of a girl but now I understand that I was a puppet…’ Brilliant Alexis, that made me smile! I used to think exactly that too but I was no more unique than what I was being fed or had willfully adopted. Our true uniqueness lies in connecting with our soul, our essence. This allows us to be both unique – in our expression, for no two are the same; and universal – unique yes, but soulfully so, living in harmony with others and the all.

  199. It is great to expose the difference between beliefs and truths as they are often boxed together. It is interesting when someone speaks the truth it resonants through our body and is so clear. Beliefs can often come loaded with pictures and leads us questioning more and bringing in more doubt.

  200. Alex you raise a great point here with your words “Are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our-beliefs to our children? If we don’t start standing up for truth, and living the truth we feel, the world will continue to go around in the same old circle with beliefs and ideals being handed down from one generation to the next.

  201. You’re so right when you say that many of our beliefs are subtle and even completely buried. I’m shocked by how many we carry and how much we live from those beliefs first. I too am starting to break those down, particularly the ones around what it means to be a woman and even a daughter and a friend. These beliefs are huge and we really hold ourselves to ransom by living up to the ideal that actually isn’t even real.

  202. Nothing wrong with being “nice” or “good”, only if it is done to create a false pretence, or equally if it is seen as our highest virtue, when it is not even close to the true love we are capable of expressing.

  203. Alexis I just love what you have shared about our beliefs and how they are constantly pulling on their invisible strings to influence the way we move, communicate and express, it is so true. Great blog.

  204. I would much rather have someone tell me the truth over something than dress it up in order to be kind, under their illusion of them being a good person, by not hurting my feelings.

  205. This image of a belief working away in the background, influencing our every move and thought is profound. It is a science that gives us access to the greater workings of life, let’s us ‘look behind the curtains’ and see not only what is really going on, but also to come to bear the fact that with the power to see the truth also comes the power to change what is happening; to remove such beliefs and to not be controlled or manipulated any more.

  206. Yes the list is definitely endless to our ideals and beliefs, we want to be identified by all of what these ideals and beliefs that we buy into. It is a choice to let go of these and it is in the letting go, a surrender, that we are able to unfold back to who we truly are.

  207. I have found that holding onto our beliefs keeps us locked in a forever holding pattern that in truth doesn’t allow for expansion due to the images that are packaged into the belief. The abuse and tension these beliefs have on our bodies don’t allow for the spaciousness and freedom our bodies naturally move in. Once we see where our patterns, images and beliefs stem from when can unravel what’s holding us and evolve unto our next movement. Pretty cool.

  208. Thank you Alexis for highlighting how our beliefs are entrenching in every aspect of our lives, and it is true as parents we do pass on things knowingly with the belief that we are helping our children, and then there are the beliefs we silently pass on which speak even louder to our children because they are insidious and as the children observe us often they can take on what they have felt.
    Recently I have been looking at some of the beliefs taken on from my own parents, and when looked at, it makes perfect sense where it came from and how it has been playing out in my own body.

  209. ‘And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?’ – I can feel the truth is what you have written as every day I continue to uncover beliefs that block my getting to truth first. Thanks Alexis.

  210. Alexis there was a phrase you used that is so very apt at describing the way so many of us live or have lived. You wrote “the way that I hurled myself through life”. Just the word hurled speaks so loudly at how much we can be governed by certain beliefs that make us think it is even okay to treat ourselves like this.

  211. There is a whole lot of comfort in beliefs. They help us, in our own way make sense of the world, but without bringing any understanding for it remains about our own perspective, and only about others if they have the same or similar beliefs. No wonder we keep going round in circles.

  212. The fact that beliefs are so instructional shows how much we have given our power away. We’ve put value in mental intelligence and not into knowing, feeling, and the intelligence that comes from the whole body and inner heart.

  213. I could totally relate to those last two lists of how beliefs in the mind and truth from the body feel. So often a belief can be a mental picture that repeats itself over and over again with no change, again repetitively resulting in frustration for not working how the belief has invested in a certain result. A truth from the body can also repeat but it expands and doesn’t feel limiting and often occurs with the end result having not been planned beforehand visually.

  214. Great blog Alexis. Beliefs can run so deep in our blood it is always worth questioning what is going on if we don’t feel absolutely at one with someone or something.

  215. I love the way you have expressed this Alexis. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.” So true.

  216. So many of us have fought and died for what we have BELIEVED to be true. We have never fought for what is true, as truth by its very essence has not an ounce of fight in it. It is simply an equally arrived at point that unifies us all and frees us from the illusion that we are separate to each other.

  217. ‘the thoughts we pull in are governed by the way that we move.” this says it all – we spend so much time, effort mental energy and money trying to find the answers to change out negative thoughts or patterns / ways of thinking. There are books and whole new age movements out there dictated to it, miles of meditations, courses, workshops etc – but in all truth, and in simple truth the answer, as always, (“as always” I am saying this more a realisation) Lies in our bodies. We don’t need to spend hours, days, years or months in our head trying to work out the answers to everything , it’s there – in our body.

  218. There are many levels of belief that can be ingrained into our bodies over the years. When we seek to expose the truth there is often other layers waiting to surface. When we make this part of our healing the true wisdom is offered in abundance.

  219. I loved how simply you explained the differences between a belief and truth, something so tangible that I only have been able to relate to through connecting to my body and my feelings. This method of connecting and gauging life from the body and my senses has never led me astray, only following mental pictures of how life should be has done that.

  220. Exposing how we can be so controlled by the beliefs we subscribe to, allow for the space for the truth to be felt. Having a conversation with a close friend recently we were surprised to see how subtly these can play out and the expectation and control that can impose.

  221. The body has to wear the imposition of our beliefs and this can take its toll, yet our body reflects the truth, which can be felt very tangibly when we listen.

  222. Beliefs seem to come flooding in at times when we go into auto pilot, it’s a time I am more likely to respond from the top of my head, and it can be a moment to stop and really listen to myself, as even a word can be easily dismissed, it shows a depth of disconnection that is not me. For example if I am asked ‘how I am’ and I reply ‘good’ I immediately know I am giving an automatic response with no connection to myself. It is great to catch these ‘ auto pilot’ moments as they can reveal a pattern, belief or disconnection.

  223. “And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” this is definitely a question to ask as many times if we are honest we hold onto beliefs in order to avoid responsibility and being asked to be more, we prefer to identify with the struggle or victim mentality instead of claim the glory that we are.

  224. Recently I found myself making a comment that sounded very much like ‘foot in mouth ‘disease. Reflecting on this later I was shocked at the many levels of beliefs and pictures I held behind making the comment I did. This was one moment but has taken my awareness of what we think we are living and what we are really accepting as truth in our lives to a deeper understanding. There are many layers of untruths to be challenged and cleared away and blogs like this constantly offer opportunities to go deeper into every ‘reaction’ and manipulative choice we make. Thanks Alexis.

  225. “like a puppeteer pulling on invisible strings we are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life, falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs” this is a really interesting point to consider, just how much of our lives is already moved for us by the beliefs we are wrapped up in? The more we let go of “how a man or woman” should act the more we can be our true self.

    1. MA what you have raised about letting go of how we believe men and women should behave is colossal. I have held such rigid ideas about how I perceived men and women to be and perhaps the most damaging aspect of those beliefs is that I thought that men and woman are completely different to one another. The deeper I go into The Ageless Wisdom the more that I get to feel that we are really very similar indeed, it’s just that our beliefs have prevented us from living our natural way of being.

  226. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” this is beautiful what you share, life feels spacious and limitless when impulsed by truth. It is so easy to get caught into the moment of ideals and beliefs, and therefore it is a continuous work in progress to discard them.

  227. We are certainly bombarded with beliefs from all directions from young – from our family, school, peers and society in general. Adopting such beliefs against our true knowing can colour the way we live our whole life, our perception of others, of events and how we see ourselves when all the while they are false packets of energy that seek to take us off the truth earth of awareness, connection and Love.
    It is wise to consider what beliefs we have adopted and we may still be carrying with us, or being carried away by?

    1. Deborah, I completely agree with you, however one of the main problems that prevent people from reviewing their beliefs is that beliefs masquerade themselves as truths and people never re-visit what they consider as being true.

  228. Thank you for revealing the falsity of beliefs and the truth of where they come from Alexis. The belief, followed by movement that reinforces that belief cycle of motion is one way to guarantee that we don’t look at the energy that underlies the belief. Beliefs place a constraint on our understanding and ability to listen to the feedback and realise the impact these beliefs are having on our bodies.

  229. My understanding is that energetically we hold ideals and beliefs in our hips. Reading your sharing about beliefs affecting our movements makes complete sense with them being stored in our hips as we constantly walk and reinforce them. It also gives an insight into the ginormous amount of worn out hips we are seeing that need replacing.

  230. The more I study the energy behind being ‘nice’ the more I can see the lie we have been led to beLIEve. Being nice is no different to being rude, obnoxious or dismissive. In effect it is no different, just a dressed up version of the same.

      1. I have been both nasty and nice and feel that in some ways it was worse for others when I was being nice because at least when I was being nasty they could duck the blows, as they could see them coming.

  231. “And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” This is a beautiful question to ask ourselves and is an indication that we understand we live from believes in the first place. To me the truth is that we hold our beliefs and do that for a reason and that is because I choose to retract form the body into my mind, a mind that is void of a true connection with god and all of the universe and therefore can create a world that does not belong to the whole but is built on ideals and beliefs.

  232. We create our own trap and we propagate it by passing it on the next generations, thus beliefs feed and lock us into a way of being, we stuck on tracks that are not going anywhere really. Truth is another thing it breaks all this, and allows us to live our natural sense.

  233. I love the distinction you’ve made between mind driven beliefs and body infused truths

  234. Attachment to beliefs keeps us running in the same spot. Without conscious awareness we don’t even know they’re running the show. Stopping to expose the many harmful beliefs we hold, as you have done Liane, is the beginning of doing something about it.

    1. Great sharing Liane Mandalis. When we doubt or bring in a belief to give our actions validation it truly reflects what is lived or not being lived.

  235. Thank you Alexis – this is a great reminder to identify what beliefs I am using (and why) when my world becomes small and suffocating.

  236. In holding a belief, it feels to me that we do know somewhere that there is a gap, that there is a missing piece, but it is incessant in its reinforcement – like we keep telling ourselves that it is true, and we need to do that as long as we hold onto it. And our body knows it all along.

  237. Absolutely Alexis, most of us pride ourselves on the luxury of free will, yet truly if we pick it apart as Serge Benhayon has presented are we really choosing how we live? Even thinking we are free to decide is a belief in itself!

  238. ‘And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?’ – this is such an eye opener and has brought a ‘Yes’ to the answer. I had never considered the understanding that my beliefs might be holding me but it feels true, particularly in times of stress when I feel under pressure, it is the old patterns that I fall back on and these old patterns are based on the beliefs I hold. Our power in these situations is handed over to our beliefs with us always believing that they are right and that they have always looked after us – I realize now that this is false and that falling back on our beliefs is all about staying in our comfort zone and not choosing what is true first.

  239. it is quite extraordinary to see these really comprehensive lists of belief systems that Alexis has written about… And we could all start ticking these boxes and recognizing what has actually been running us… And then to possibly experience the freedom that can come from recognizing what truth actually is.

  240. Beliefs are things that can bind us into behaviours that are just not us. We think that they are but they really are not. There is so much that we align to from such an early age that then becomes our normal, us living a whole bunch of should’s, could’s or would’s, to support others, but in the process, do not honour ourselves. This can then be detrimental on our health, when we are not self honouring in each moment.

  241. When we hold a belief, we seem to get an immovable picture of a fixed outcome, we invest in the picture and we move accordingly, cementing it in place, and it becomes a mantra. This we then impose on our bodies and live through them. But when exposed we are free to respond to the bodies true communications which are not fixed but always responding to our true requirements that support our evolution.

  242. Alexis, I love your lists and can so relate. Just recently I realised I had been carrying beliefs about certain vitamins which I felt I ‘should’ take everyday, when finally I questioned this and listened to my body I realised that at this time these vitamins where not supporting me, this may change but wether I take them again or not will come from me listening to my body as apposed to following blindly through on a belief.

    1. Samantha the fascinating thing is that I have held the opposite belief to you (that vitamins don’t really do much good). Like you, I held my belief without feeling from my body whether or not it was true or not. I simply held firm to the belief and never questioned it, up until very recently that is and as a consequence of feeling the truth in my body I decided to start taking some supplements, which have felt very supportive indeed.

      1. Interesting that Samantha and Alexis your beliefs guided you to choose opposite to one another, one continue taking vitamins and one to avoid them. And each of you came to a moment when more closely listening to your body you found the belief was contrary to what your body actually required at that stage. This shows how by going along with beliefs we tend to squeeze life into that picture which then feeds us back the belief. Stopping and feeling what is actually required in the moment allows us to respond much more appropriately in a world that is constantly changing.

  243. Love it Alexis. Lots of food for thought. It’s a great thing to do look at our endless list of beliefs and see how limiting that they are, in terms of our own growth and evolution. We really only need to look at the world to see the effects of beliefs and how they stop us from truly coming together as one humanity. They tend to compartmentalise everyone. It’s interesting too to really consider where they come from. Yes the world we see and hear influences us but something must come before we make the choice to believe a belief? Perhaps it the way we move that you spoke of that is whether we take on a belief or not.

  244. Truth is known in our body. To uphold a belief, we need an image to subscribe to, to keep investing into – for it does not belong to who we are, what we come from.

  245. This is a powerful statement Alexis – to become aware of the possibility that we are actually puppets and fed our thoughts and thus our movements align according to this, is highly shocking and revealing of the consciousness we have been ‘worked and fooled by’ for so long.
    “The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment, and like a puppeteer pulling on invisible strings we are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life, falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs, our minds coerced into thinking and our mouths manipulated to say certain things”.

  246. Yes, there is an amazing feeling of freedom when the internal space has become spacious through our particles expanding when we align to the truth and wisdom of the body.
    “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless”.

  247. I am amazed at how many beliefs there are held within my consciousness that I have felt to be true. From the reflections offered by Serge Benhayon I continue to uncover how many lies I have fallen for.

  248. Thank you Alexis, for outlining the way beliefs or truths play out in our lives. I have recently unravelled a belief I have held for many years throughout this life, possibly longer, and can see how it is woven into many of my important life choices. It feels quite shocking once this is clearly seen but as a previous comment says could it be that going along with the belief at the time is a way of holding back as really we know the truth?

  249. You say: “I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” – maybe we hold our beliefs in order to hold ourselves, back because at essence we know the truth, and with truth there are no beliefs just knowing. If this is the case, then another question could be why do we choose to believe what we know is not true and hold ourselves back!?

  250. Thank you Alexis, love what you have shared. It is true, revelatory and fun to read – the full package!

  251. Our disconnection to our bodies and the quality of our movements has resulted in a society that is based on beliefs and ideals that are just being fed from generation to generation and so nothing changes only the high increase of disease and mental health illness as a result from living in way that is far from the true gentle and delicate nature that we all are.

  252. You expose brilliantly Alexis the ‘belief jungle’ that wrap us up and make us feel cocooned and safe. It bears repeating that there is no substitute or clearer indicator than feeling our body. The rest is just weeds overgrown in our path. I for one am inspired by the way you have cleaned these out.

  253. ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.’ When we observe our thoughts and know there are two types of energy where we can tap into there is a clear way out to truth but even then it can be quite challenging as our mind can fool us in so many ways, feeling our body is our true marker and connect us back to who we are.

  254. ‘When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless’. Absolutely true Alexis, beautifully said.

  255. Yes, when we follow our beliefs, we obey external dictations. When we follow what we feel from our body, we connect and experience real truth.

  256. Wow, what I love Alexis is your list of what a belief feels like and what the truth does – what a contrast.

  257. It really is wonderful to be simply talking about beliefs, to be just quietly opening up to the possibility that we are actually run by the myriad of things we have picked up in our lives, and actually taken on, so that we embody, and that means that these things are actually in our body, these ideas from other people.

  258. Sometimes we can identify so much with a belief that we would claim it to be the truth but our body shows us the reality of the energy we’ve chosen..

  259. “So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!” This line exposes the ridiculousness of the intellectual arrogance so many of us walk around with.

  260. Every bit of pain and anguish I have experienced in my life I can attribute to beliefs I have held about the way things should be, that somehow did not get lived up to. The more I discard of these outer imposters, the more at ease, accepting and content I feel, and the less easily I find myself feeling hurt about anything.

  261. How we have come not to trust the truth in our body, but instead let the mind override what out body is communicating is just amazing, and explains how we are a subject of energy, and by not making a conscious choice, we are choosing otherwise.

  262. “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.” this is super important, through everything and every choice our body is literally telling us what is true and what is harming us.

  263. Beliefs always impose a restricted way on our body, where as living from truth always dress the body, and allows us to be enormously light and wise.

  264. Learning to surrender into our bodies and connecting to our quality within our movements is such a powerful healing as we can feel God’s love in us and how much all of our experiences in life are a choice governed by this way of living.

  265. Beliefs are always at the expense of our bodies and wellbeing, it takes honesty for a man to know that the many things we do are not it and that the body is always the marker of truth.

  266. Beliefs never lead to an expansion but to a very narrow, focussed movement in a specific direction. Truth is spherical, hence when you tap into it, you expand.

  267. People make a point out of ‘their’ beliefs like in “I believe…” This is the case because they identify themselves with the beliefs they adhere to. One thing is to have a belief. Another one is to know something to be true. Both words are ways to nominate two different movements. We do not identify with as true but surrender to it.

  268. Alexis an amazing blog. That beliefs cling to us turns everything on it’s head and of course to take it back further we access and bring in those beliefs in how we move – our movements dictate the energy we access which then provides us with a myriad of beliefs. What I feel going down the centuries is how we’ve maintained this with how we pass our beliefs onto our kids, but it’s more it’s the movements we pass on and that they incorporate and those movements lead to so called ‘hereditary’ conditions which go down the generations until someone moves differently, and aligns to truth and drops those beliefs.

  269. Your blog clearly shows how full of beliefs we are. I can relate to many of the examples you gave. What strikes me most is that the beliefs create movements, so that we engrain them in our bodies. That is the true explanation of ‘engrained behaviours’. Clocking the beliefs ánd changing the movements are prerequisite. That starts with awareness and choice. Beautiful start of the day to choose to clock my movements and check the underlying beliefs!

  270. The truth is deep within our bodies, it is there for us to start listening to, without an investment of what it is. We are only shown by pains and other health problems that we are not living the truth and when we are living our beliefs.

  271. Alexis I know exactly what you have describe in your revealing blog. It was such a realization for me to feel that my ideals and believes are living me instead of me living me – that changed my whole way of being.

  272. It’s amazing how we continue with the adherence to our beliefs even when in some cases they’re clearly not working for us or causing us actual harm.

  273. Wow, we talk about living without sugar, alcohol, drugs or caffeine but how would it be to live belief free? When you consider addiction, it is actually clear it is not the substance of choice that is the issue at all, but the belief that we carry that lives underneath all the time thinking it is ‘normal’. From all you share Alexis here it’s clear that it’s not a matter of one belief or two but hundreds that are interfering with me and you. No wonder people’s bodies are not at ease living with this belief disease.

  274. This is a brilliant exposé of the influence of beliefs that has been presented by Serge Benhayon. To appreciate this is completely life transforming. It turns the notion of what it means to be ‘a free thinker’ on its head.

  275. Thank you Alex for a great sharing, When we hold beliefs, by us believing them, they then hold us, until we believe in them no more. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless. “

  276. “So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!” I love the way you write Alexis, you present truth in such an accessible way.

  277. Alexis, I’ve been exploring my beliefs and how I’ve been constrained by them and until reading today had not considered the wider generational aspect of them, how we pass them onto our children or those around us, how we ensure that the world stays locked in, by doing so, how we perpetrate it with our beliefs which are not us and not even true. We absolutely create our own trap away from the truth of who we are.

  278. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.”
    Our beliefs keep us locked in a certain mindset that drives our thoughts, behaviours and movements. Letting go of beliefs frees us to connect with truth.

  279. To me it is only when we live in disconnection with the truth in us we do need beliefs to justify ourselves for living the way of life we live. That means to me that it is about connection, to connect to the truth that we are, “equal parts of the One God” and when we do so there is no need for any belief or whatsoever as we know what is true for us and for everybody we live with here on planet earth.

  280. Alexis thank you, so beautifully presented. Your writing has completely unraveling the concepts of ideals and beliefs. Yes, there are only two choices that is available and through our movements the choice is made. It is either from limiting ideals and beliefs or expansiveness of the truth. Either way we are then left with a body of those consequences.

  281. Beliefs are experienced in the body, we can understand them and renounce them, it is through moving free of the belief that we truly let go of beliefs, when they are stopping us from moving forward with grace, dignity and freedom.

    1. Harry my experience has been that the beliefs that I have held have come from what feels like my head rather than my body. The belief that yoga was good for me seemed like it was a thought rather than a feeling and other beliefs that I have held,have felt very much like they have been held in my head as ‘ideas, images and pictures’, rather than feelings registered in my body.

      1. Yes indeed Alexis. What I was referring to was the restriction that beliefs have on the body, and it is through moving free of a belief which dissolves it from being.

  282. The restrictions that beliefs can place on us can have us feeling imprisoned. The force and expectations that come with beliefs have us trapped into the idea of how we should be, act or feel in stark contrast to what we truly feel.

  283. It is really revealing to stop and consider where and why we hold onto certain beliefs and ideals. We are not born with them. Beliefs are like our comfortable resting place that cloud the truth and limit our true vision.

    1. Victoria when I first wrote this article I actually included the line ‘ a baby is born free of all beliefs’ but took it out as I began to wonder if this is actually true. In discussing this it was gently pointed out to me that babies are actually born with the beliefs that they subscribed to in previous lives, which really makes sense when you consider that life is simply an ongoing process and not the stop-start lineal affair that most believe it to be.

      1. Yes true, given life is a continuum it makes sense that we carry over life after life what has been either left unresolved in the past or what has been mastered in truth. This would also explain how it is that some babies and young children come in with certain conditions or traits that seem unexplained or why some are so much wiser than their years.

  284. This is also my experience Alexis, “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.”
    Our bodies when listened to keep us very honest, this is where our true intelligence lies.

  285. Alexis – what you share here is gold – you have shown how although we think the choices we are making are our own, this is not the case. And if everything is energy then it is energy that in fact governs how we are in our bodies and the choices we make. As you share – we fill up the space we have with beliefs – with thinking we are in control and things have to be a certain way. But there is much to be said for the energy first and what it truly means to accept that all we need to be aware of is the choice of energy – be it healing or harming.

  286. Thank you Alexis for clarifying beliefs v truth. It is so easy to get caught up in confusion around these two ways of being and thinking. To trust that our bodies know the truth and to trust and listen to them is a new concept for mankind and therefor we just need to keep bringing ourselves back to this truth.

    1. Roslyn even though it may feel like ‘to trust and listen to our bodies is a new concept for mankind’, I get the feeling that our natural way of being is to know on a much deeper level than our current bodies knowing.

  287. I love the list making in this blog. A great reminder to read daily when we feel heavy and burdened and recognise that this is definitely not the truth I am seeing or feeling.

  288. A real deep dive on what lies beneath and is a consequence of the beliefs that have us in their grasp. The biggest reveal is that they are most definitely driving the bus and simply hold us back from knowing the truth – that our body is the primary marker of our true knowing, not the adopted or inherited belief system that we’ve engaged with from outside ourselves.

  289. I was actually raised with the notion that because not all can be known, we do have to believe in things and therefore beliefs are a good thing and part of life. Boy oh boy was this completely not true! Your blog confirms that to me Alexis. The bottom line is is that we do in fact have the ability to know a lot more about life than we have been educated that we can know. So there is no need to believe in something when it is being lived

  290. Beliefs are given to us over time and come from the mind. It is the truth felt from the body and the movements which expand this truth that will inevitably re-configure how we live and express in the world today. Its like shaking off the beliefs to allow our bodies to speak and move from their truth, which they eagerly want to share.

  291. As you say Alexis, the list of beliefs is endless and vast and ever- depositing a further belief about this belief or that giving us the false notion that we are progressing and advancing and moving forward, again all beliefs.
    Living from our inner-most and choosing Love is key to navigating the thickly-laden belief smog that we otherwise breath in every day. It is our choice to breath in the Love we are and in breathing our own breath the smog lifts and moves away.

  292. It is interesting that we even denote beliefs as in competition or combat with Truth when we consider Belief V Truth when there is no such competition with Truth- Truth is all-encompassing, expansive and whole, it does not verse another, compete or lessen it’s expression and never does it hold another expression as less.
    Beliefs expose themselves easily in the light of Truth.

  293. Belief and Truth are polar opposites in energy and therefore how they play out in life.
    We are fed beliefs from all directions from a young age, yet it is us who swallow them whole, adopt them and choose their lesser way when all the while our true marker – Truth lives within our every cell calling us home.

  294. Reading your blog Alexis it really does seem that we have gotten everything upside down and inside out! So many beliefs that we hold so dear are just lies, for example, the belief that a lot of people used to subscribe to that the world was flat! The only way to know that we are not being tricked is to listen to our body and let it determine whether something is true or not. The body does know because its particles come from God.

  295. Absolutely Alexis, it is like beliefs are a map we lay on top of life, that tell us which street is where, what route to take. Everything about them can seem so concrete and like there is no other way. Yet this map is not actually true or even really there. What would it be like to live today just from the feeling we get from our body? This possibility you raise reminds me of people with limited eyesight who find their other senses give a different kind of sight. So it seems to me by relying so heavily on beliefs, and denying our feeling sense we are effectively making ourselves blind.

  296. The process of untangling truths and beliefs is ongoing, and the most amazing marker we have is the body – if we listen it tells us everything.

    1. Agreed Jenny, our bodies are an amazing marker of truth and it is through the power of our movements that we can dissipate that which is not true.

      1. Francisco when the truth of what you have shared becomes widely known then we will revolutionize society but until it does we will lumber along repeating the same old behaviours, which result in the widespread havoc that we see in the world today.

  297. ‘One of the divine functions of the body is to consistently show us the truth with no attachment as to whether or not we listen.’ Well said Alexis

  298. Constantly we are greeted in the world by the beliefs a person holds and not by the essence of the person themselves – what would it be like to be constantly meeting the beautiful essence of another and for us to be constant reflecting our essence and living this?

  299. I too “have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” and I am coming to an understanding that our beliefs hold us and in doing so almost suffocate us, squeezing out our life force as we allow ourselves to be run by something that isn’t true. Conversely to let go of these beliefs and to feel into the truth of each situation feels so different in the body; it’s a feeling of expansiveness and lightness that then allows our lives to flow with ease.

  300. Great blog Alexis, beliefs are indeed debilitating and certainly hold us back from feeling the truth and from the wisdom and love that we so innately know.

  301. Beliefs are like coats or cloaks we put on, that we think keep us snug and warm, safe and sound from the ‘unpredictability’ of life’s weather. Like a rope and an anchor we think they keep us moored in life’s bay. But what your words show today Alexis is that they are in fact a super heavy ball and chain, a straight jacket that stops us from feeling life’s breeze on our skin. The safety is not safety at all but a collection of layers, numbing us all. What a relief to shed this layer of ideals, and the weight we carry around. How beautiful to stretch our wings and see that life is not unpredictable, but supportive and full of a Love that constantly holds us all.

  302. Thank you Alexis for a really great article , when I look back on my life and some of the beliefs that have controlled it, I just shake my head at the abuse I allowed, or as Danielle said choose to accept.
    “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.”

  303. I love the simplicity of exposing the train tracks that we have all been stuck on, thinking that we are free to choose how we live, but the whole time being stuck because of our movements. However the truth is that we have chosen to be on these rigid tracks and chosen these beliefs and ideals by the movements that we have chosen, and we do have free will in any moment to change our movements, and if we don’t it’s because we are resisting the evolution and expansion that we are truly capable of living in every moment.

    1. Danielle you have bought a really crucial element into the conversation and one that I have only really come to in full after writing the article and that is the fact that the choice to choose a different way is always available to us. When writing the article I had not yet fully taken on board that in each and every moment we are free to choose something else. Thinking about it now, if we were not free to choose then none of us would ever be able to choose our way out of this mess. Again thank you for bringing in the clarity.

  304. ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed’. I know this powerful truth all too well. We cling to the belief in order to avoid the evolution that is on offer.

  305. You are an absolute expression powerhouse Alexis! This blog packs a punch in the best possible way. Thank you for making the distinction between beliefs and truth so simple and easy to comprehend.

  306. Culture is one type of belief system a group of many agree on and follow. It is a big package that comes with a strong consciousness. You are born into and brought up in one, and it is hard to beat it because often that is all you know, and that forms what ‘normal’ is for you, hence what is ‘true’. It is very easy to be identified with it and become proud of it, or go into reaction and run as far as you can. I have done both – until I finally found a way back to the true truth.

    1. Fumiyo what you have shared about ‘culture’ being a belief system is colossal, literally colossal, especially as ingrained within so many cultures is the belief that we should be proud of our culture and fight hard to pass it on and keep it going in the same way that it always has, with as little deviation as possible. Now there are some aspects of certain cultures that are connected to truth and there is value in maintaining them e.g.respect for the land but I would suggest that very little actually comes from truth.

  307. A fantastic expose on the difference between living from truths and living from beliefs. I am constantly astonished by just how many beliefs and ideals I live with and how much they restrict me from truly being myself. Beliefs and ideals imprison us whilst the truth frees us to be ourselves.

    1. I’m too constantly astonished Elizabeth, about the many lies I have lived under, thinking they were my truths. The whole time they’ve been a game to play as a way to avoid the truth of who we truly are. What a waste of energy.

      1. Its exposing to feel the way we have lived hasn’t been with truth. When I really connect to my body there is no mistake as a belief feels like a falseness.

  308. ‘And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?’ i love this presentation on beliefs Alexis – this powerful reflection has grounded in me again today, in the knowing of the profound loving wisdom of the body and how if we choose to lovingly support and live through the body first we bring Love no matter what we go on to after that – Thank you Alexis

  309. This blog is revealing as it exposes the patterns that we inprison ourselves with, by our beliefs

  310. Alexis, it is very useful that you have explored this subject with such depth and insight. Comments such as:
    “Evolution is not an up it is a back towards. It is a U-turn” is a corker.
    For all of us who were seduced by the Spiritual life, seeking to elevate ourselves in enlightenment and bliss, this statement encapsulates the true return to soul that awaits us all.

  311. “Eat what and when the body genuinely guides you to eat.”

    This is huge! I have been so governed by what is considered healthy and a healthy way to eat for so many years, seduced by all the new variations available in health food stores. I have finally come to realize that what my body needs is very simple and I am now able to only need to eat when I am actually hungry, rather than use food for gratification.

  312. I have felt exactly like a puppet. In fact, not only did I feel like a puppet but like the image from the first Matrix film, connected by the back of my neck to a grand controller, not free to choose how I will move. I felt it then play out as rigidity in my hips, knees, ankles and shoulders. I still feel the tightness of these areas as I continue to release the beliefs, but nothing near like what I felt some years ago when I first felt what was like a grip at the back of my neck and the strings of the puppet playing me, tightening these areas of my body without any conscious control of my own and finding it hard to release them.

  313. Alexis, you have written an extremely power-full blog here. I have only just come to it, all in perfect timing, because I am so ready to receive what you have shared.

    In my experience, it is extremely difficult to identify the beliefs we hold when we are governed by them. We are held in their grip, the fog that surrounds us prevents us from seeing clearly. All we can do is continually adjust and align the body by all means available to us as students of the Livingness until we become aware of them and can break down the concrete structure that keeps us locked away in its cage. And then, aaaah we break through to feeling the joy, the lightness of living the truth!

  314. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed”.
    So exposing and oh so true Alexis; allowing these beliefs to be revealed and healed that is the key.

  315. ‘There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.’ Accepting that we are already everything, and letting go of the binding, blinding beliefs that are getting in the way of that be-ing.

  316. It’s so great and once again another thing to thank Serge Benhayon for and your great blog Alexis to even know there is a difference between the two: truth and beliefs. Once we know, it’s very easy to discern the difference, once it’s pointed out that there is a difference – although I expect I still have deep beliefs that haven’t been dealt with.

  317. Another golden nugget from Alexis and expanded by your Judith. I am slowly understanding the extent to which our movements ARE our expression and how much choice we have over their quality.

    1. Bernadette I love how you have emphasised that ‘our movements ARE our expression’ because they are indeed and they lead, in turn, to the quality of our continued expression.

      1. That this truth is not at the forefront of our education from early in our lives reflects how we have tragically abandoned the body and it’s natural wisdom for the illusion and glamour that is fed to us. Such abandonment is perilous and our only true safety is within our own bodies where truth is felt and known.

  318. If we allow beliefs to enter our lives, we allow an outside force to run us and as you say Alexis “These beliefs influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk, what we do,…” in short they run our lives.

  319. Brilliant article Alexis! Thank you. Beliefs ..’stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth…’ This sums up how strong our beliefs are. They have been protected by all sorts of guards in my life – fear, compliance, insecurity and on the list goes. Guard-less, the truth can be embraced and the …’equal parts of the One God’ can fully shine as she is meant to!

    1. I love this line too Bernadette: “They (the beliefs) stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.” Beliefs are formed the moment we hold onto something and want to make it permanent, whilst the truth is something that forever needs to be revealed.

      1. YES Judith, your expression here entered fully in recognition of the truth. Making beliefs permanent are an effort to control a situation and use it as protection so more of ‘the truth’ remains hidden, in fear of being called to greater responsibility. This is gold to reveal for me. Thank you Judith.

  320. The only way to free ourselves from the strangle hold of these insidious belief systems is to see life from the body and to be real with life. It is interesting to think that the beliefs are imposed on to us yet it is only us that can free us from it.

  321. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” also when we live with beliefs it is easier to abuse and disregard our bodies as truth will allow us more awareness and harmony to live the love that we are.

  322. It gets so clear to me that all the beliefs I have taken on give me the opportunity to stay in the comfort of not seeing that what is true, and take responsibility for it. I feel all that is there is to be rediscovered and felt, and to be examined if it is a belief or a truth. Which is easy, as a belief confines and a truth is expansive, connected to the whole.

    1. This is an interesting point you are offering here Benkt

      “that all the beliefs I have taken on give me the opportunity to stay in the comfort of not seeing that what is true, and take responsibility for it.”

      So what you are saying is that beliefs are a strategy we use to not move forward and that allow us to conveniently hide with our head in the sand. Brilliant nomination!

      1. Great point Judith, the beliefs we have hold us back. I can nominate one that I can see right now as I am writing this comment. I have the choice to play along with the belief and live less or see it for what it is, just a belief, and make a choice to live from my inner heart where ideals and beliefs don’t exist.

  323. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.”, I can completely relate to this, when I was young I could not relate to beliefs and things my parents use today, but as I started getting older I got caught up in their beliefs and the beliefs around school and so on. When I came across Universal Medicine and started to understand about beliefs, I could see how many I had got caught into. Slowly over the years I have been letting them all go, and are now working on the subtle hidden ones that are still to come up.

  324. Beliefs vs Truth – there is so much here in what you have written Alexis. You have captured so much, it is really great. Beliefs are limiting and confine you to thoughts, that can be related to you as an individual. Truths are felt in the body, can connect you to the universal mind, where we are all connected and there isn’t individuality. That is the distinct difference.

  325. Yes Brendan, when I am presented with truth, there’s an absoluteness felt in my body that is undeniable. I do not need to believe in Reincarnation… I simply know it is true because it is felt in my body.

  326. This line stood out for me “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.” I have come to realise that my body is my marker of truth no matter what and that listening to my body and how I am feeling is of the utmost importance. It isn’t always easy as some of the behaviours acted out from beliefs have been with me for a very long time but with love and patience I am letting them go.

    1. I can always remember getting into a conversation with a woman who was also doing the course about the mind. It was at the time when I was beginning to be aware of Serge Benhayon and making the transition to put an end to all the courses I had been attending up until that point. During a break on the course (that was nothing to do with Universal Medicine) the woman spoke about the mind and that it was about listening to the mind. I instantly felt that this was not true and expressed how I felt saying that for me it was about listening to my inner heart. For me this is a belief that listening to the mind is more powerful than following my heart and although there is absolutely no doubt in me knowing this truth I am learning big time to accept and observe others in their choices to stand by what I know today are beliefs.

    2. Caroline your dedication to the blog is a reflection of your dedication to uncovering the truth about beliefs for yourself. Your commitment to both is gorgeous to feel.

  327. When I feel a truth I feel it in all my body when I have a belief about something it comes from mind. The mind, I have come to realise can be very tricksy and misleading, the body however says it how it is.

    1. I agree smanthaengland the mind is a monster that can be totally out of control if we let it. Coming back to my body I’ve had to develop a quality in the way I hold myself and move, bit by bit, because the mind has had it’s way for so long it has the strength to still kick and scream for control. I’ve found it important to be honest about this, that I have my own detractor inside me fighting me to not go to my body and the truth that can be found there.

      1. Danielle it is becoming more and more apparent to me that our bodies are ‘home base’ and that the world is set up to keep us from reaching home base for as long as possible.

  328. Alexis, I have loved reading your blog. It made me stop to ponder on the enormous impact our beliefs have on us as we go about our day. “These beliefs influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk, what we do, the way that we do what we do, the relationships that we have, the relationships that we don’t have, the jobs that we do, and the jobs that we don’t do etc… .” This is huge! Thank you for sharing.

  329. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.” Yes many times I have held firm, governed by a belief, thinking I was ‘right’ as I hardened my body to protect a hurt and to not feel the truth. This leads me to question do we take on beliefs because of our hurts, because we don’t want to feel what is there to be felt?

    1. That is exactly what I am feeling Caroline, we take on beliefs so we do not have to see and feel what is truly going on inside and out. The moment we let go of the beliefs that are used as a protection from the truth, the truth just reveals itself.

      1. This reveals another point to me, how we are in the illusion that we forever are seeking and striving for truth, but quite the opposite is the case all our efforts are to not see the truth, the moment the effort is stopped truth is just there.

  330. I too have packed my days full of ‘doing’, rushing from one thing to the next without pausing, to end up feeling exhausted. ‘Work can do no harm’ was a big belief I took on but I found out later on in my life that this was so not true. I also felt useless and not worthy unless I worked hard. There have been so many beliefs I have taken on, some I have let go of, some I am working on and some that are so subtle I am not yet aware of at this moment but the more I am willing to surrender and connect more deeply to my body, the more I can see the beliefs that are holding me back from stepping into claiming a greater responsibility.

    1. I know this well too Caroline, I used work as something to define who I was, and the harder I worked the more worthy I saw myself to be. When I started to feel that the way I was working was harming my body I made adjustments so that my body is supported with the work I am doing.

    2. What I am really starting to appreciate is when I get into the do do do motion and rush I totally lose my commitment to quality.

  331. ‘Walk Tall’ programme, I like the sound of this Ariana. When I go for a walk I feel my body which I am fairly consistent with and I focus on my posture while walking but not as consistent as feeling my body. This is a great reminder to be more aware of lengthening my body and walking taller.

  332. What I am discovering right now is how my belief has governed the way I move and use my body, and just because it feels familiar doesn’t mean it’s true.

    1. That’s interesting as I am also finding my movements have changed as I have let go beliefs and started to live in a different way.

    2. I too am discovering that the thoughts I pull in are governed by the way I move. What I get from this sentence is, how present am I in my day every time I move knowing that I either align to fire (connection to my soul) or prana (separation from my soul). There is much to ponder on here.

  333. Brendan there is now no doubt in my mind, beliefs are barriers to the truth, they are wild goose chases that often set up the feeling of bringing value to our lives when in truth they bring none.

  334. Thank you Alex for sharing so clearly , The beliefs from the mind, as you layed them out and the truths, from the body, are clearly worlds apart.

    1. Yes they are absolutely worlds or even universes apart Jill and it is so worth the ongoing commitment that is required to come back to living from the body.

  335. One of the saddest beliefs I grew up with was if you were a boy, you had to be tough and rough and not cry, play hard and pretty much not be gentle and tender as this would be seen as soft. Such a crazy way of being looking back on it and one that has to change on a global scale if we are to evolve.

  336. This is such a great subject that needs to be taught to everyone from a young age so we are no longer puppets to our beliefs. Feeling what is true is the key as although from a very young age I conformed to the many beliefs laid upon me, many of them just never felt right even though I went along with them until an age where I could reject them and form some of my own which were just as off the mark.

  337. For so long I had lived a life believing “Being ‘nice’ is good”, I was brought up in a culture that said we always had to be nice to everyone and does matter how they are to you. There were times when I wondered this could not be true, but was caught up in the belief system. Now I understand it’s not about being nice, but being truthful and honest.

  338. ‘Are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children?’ – I feel this is the case because this way we are keeping ourselves in a state of comfort that proves that we are right. In our arrogance we cannot see that we are not only holding our children to ransom but stifling the whole of humanity in a cycle of existence. It is time to let go of our beliefs and begin to trust our own perceptions of what is exactly going on and return to our truth and to living life in fullness and beauty.

  339. beautifully written Axelis , ideals and beliefs are so draining on our body and not many people want to live by the beliefs ……. but do it to please others …. yuk

  340. “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.” This is my experience also. Actually at this moment I feel how tired I am because of all these beliefs I have of how things should be. The belief that stands out at the moment is that when you are tired you cannot feel vital again without a good nights sleep, though I feel in my body that it just needs some self honouring and nurturing.

    1. Lieke reading your belief that a good nights sleep is the only thing that will resurrect a tired body reminded me of a similar belief that I recently let go off and that is that food is what’s needed to pep up a tired body (hence in the past me always eating when I was tired). Whilst in the middle of the Boxing day sales this morning I felt my legs becoming weary and felt to make my stride much shorter, which had the effect of rejuvenating my legs ! No food or sleep needed just a gentle question to my body as to what would support it at that moment.

    2. This morning I woke up earlier than I would normally. I felt ready to get up but because the clock didn’t say the time I would normally wake up, I instantly decided to go back to sleep! When I did wake I felt much worse and wished I had listened to my body and got up the first time. On reflecting, thinking that I need ‘x’ amount of sleep every night to function is an illusion as what I am becoming more aware of is that it is not about the number of hours but the quality of sleep and that is determined by the quality of my energy in the day.

  341. ‘the source that we pull thoughts in from is pre-determined by the way that we move’ This really spoke to me this morning. I used to do at least a half hour of gentle movement every morning before I got up and I know that it set me up for the day. I have let this drop and I am realising that it would be very supportive to return to this way of starting the day, especially now when there seems so much going on. It may be different now, coming back but I know how the quality of my movements can determine my interaction in the day and it feels very cool to honour this fact by creating a strong foundation every morning.

  342. Life constantly presents us with how things should be – and they may appear to be ‘good’ therefore to be complied, and they can be true for many, but the chances are that they may not be for all, not at the same time. It needs to be felt and considered individually. It may not be true for some right now, but it may become so later, or they could just be an ideal/belief supported by many. The highest point of truth is the one to be upheld, and never to be compromised for the sake of keeping toes in the line with the lesser. Truth doesn’t give up on us, and we must not give up on truth.

  343. Your list of beliefs rang many bells for me also Alexis many of which I’d been raised to believe. I followed examples that became traditional and familiar, comfortable ways amongst our family of several generations. However, since resuming responsibility and bringing self loving choices into my life I recognise clearly how those beliefs kept me further and further away from feeling truth – in all its glory.

  344. This is a really important blog offering the differences between truth and beliefs so clearly. I know the moment I first met Serge Benhayon I found and knew truth and before that everything in my life i felt was beliefs. This was a epic moment in my life is for many others.

  345. “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.” The first time I was consciously aware of my mind and body telling me 2 different things was when I felt from my body that I falsely ‘believed’ that a man holds more importance than a woman. If someone had asked me what I believed I would have told them we were equal but in fact it was my body that confirmed to me I did not actually live this in truth. My mind had totally overridden what my body held in it as a deep seated belief. It was at this point that I realised my mind could trick me into thinking whatever it wanted me to think. The belief related to much of how I actually felt as a woman in a relationship with a man and so I started my journey of understanding this more.

    1. Elizabeth thanks for sharing that huge belief ‘ that a man holds more importance than a woman’. It is a belief that permeates through societies world wide. I know that I have had flavours of it running through my life, for example believing that male doctors are more knowledgeable than midwives, that certain topics within my relationship with my partner should be decided by him because he is the man, and I know that I have a general perception that men are ‘authority figures’. Of course there are many countries in the world that still kill their female babies due to the belief that men are more valuable than women.

  346. We are all entangled in a web of conflicting beliefs in which we are struggling against Oneness to maintain. Free thinking is the disentangling from this web and the energies that are maintaining it and the liberation to align with Soul.

  347. Thank you Alexis – the bullet points in which you highlight beliefs and truths are clear, powerful and simple – for example –
    ‘beliefs that I have held, Parents passing on beliefs to their kids,
    Some truths that have come from my body’

  348. At times it does seem as though we defend these ideals and beliefs, and then get disgruntled when someone disagrees with us, as if that person is disagreeing just to get at us. Why is it so important that we have others on board and feel more settled when others agree, and are disturbed when they don’t? It is easy to see how strong the hold is on people defending their beliefs and the lengths they will go.

  349. It is amazing to contemplate that we are a complex mishmash of beliefs walking around and that for me for a large part of my life I spent reacting to them rather than understanding and taking responsibility for them.

  350. Running with ideals and beliefs sure does have a different effect on the body than expressing our truth! Ideals and beliefs such as , ” being nice is good” and “being good is good” are ones I fell for. I learned that after a while these don’t truly work because one is always left with a void of truly expressing themselves. The most natural way to express is simply from what the body is feeling, and not complicate with what we think what we have said before.

  351. It is crazy looking back on my life and to see and know that it was all built up of beliefs that I decided were mine. To now live a life where I am letting go of these beliefs and only seek the truth is a life that I had long forgotten but very familiar with. Today and everyday to come I seek the truth and nothing but the truth, and it feels incredible. Exposing what is not is an interesting process but one that is very necessary to be All of who I AM.

  352. ‘There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.’ And that being said Alexis you have completely turned all our beliefs on their head. ✨

  353. This is huge Alexis, as most of us live by ideals that are imposed on us to control us like the ‘train on a track.’ These beliefs care naught for us and do not know what we may need at any particular time. The truth of the body is known instantly and is in complete respect of where you are at Moment to moment.

  354. What a list – I keep coming back to it! The ‘hurling’ myself through life because that way I feel I am doing good, being strong, leading the way for women’s rights – oh dear. I think I might have set womens’ rights back somewhat as I tried to be so strong that I forgot to allow the most gorgeous men to have a place in my life and a value. I always felt like I was battling and justifying – most often without that being the case. To simply trust that you are enough just as you are, that you have a value and a purpose, to connect to all that through feeling the fragility and the strength in that fragility – that is one big blast underneath ideals and beliefs for me.

  355. We live life with such pretensions. Being nice, being kind, being polite, whilst underneath we rot in our own misery. It would be better if we were honest about what consumes us, and how we really feel. At least then we would have a platform of awareness with which we could work. As it is, the world is enamoured with creating the illusion that all is OK, when in truth, all is as far from being OK as one could imagine. Does this mean that we should give up? No, it just means we need to be humble enough to surrender to the fact that all the ideals and beliefs we subscribe to about life simply do not work.

    1. “Being nice, being kind, being polite,” These are possibly some of the most insidious of all beliefs and behaviours in the world today because often they are the cover ups for how we really feel.

  356. Beliefs and ideals are so ingrained in our lives, some of what you have presented here are just the tip of the iceberg. Most of my life I was so ‘in’ the beliefs and ideals, I didn’t even know I was in them. This would keep me stuck a lot in behaviours that were less than loving. Just reading through this blog has helped immensely to continue to look, realise and bring awareness to how I am living and to continue to question, which i have loved.

  357. Brendan we have taken on our beliefs as if it’s normal to be that way, and we don’t even realise that’s what’s going on. No wonder these beliefs keep us caught in old patterns that eventually drive our ill behaviours. It’s really about us taking a stop moment and seeing if patterns are repeating over and over and causing our ill behaviours. We need to have a close look at which beliefs are we caught in.

  358. This is stunning piece of writing thank you Alexis, I was spell-bound reading it. It is incredible to start to look at what ideals & beliefs we are holding onto and how much they inform our daily lives. This line struck me today – “but my beliefs around these things denied me access to the truth”. It is so strong out there that a persons beliefs are their truth but what your blog (and Serge Benhayon’s presentations) are offering is that this may not be the case. The truth could be beyond what you originally think. I know that in my case this is the case.

  359. So true Alexis “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited” – and very hard work! …”but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.”

  360. One of the defining factors in beliefs is that there is an element of doubt. If there were not it would not be a belief but a knowing. Beliefs keep us in limbo, with one foot in and one foot out, separating us from any sense of absoluteness and certainty. It seems to me that we often feel more comfortable in our beliefs because they allow us to live in irresponsibility. If we admit that we know, there is no room for manoeuvre.

    1. You’ve explained beautifully Richard the difference between a belief and a knowing and their relationship with responsibility.

  361. “Evolution is like a ladder, you climb up it as you evolve.”
    Ooh this one ‘pinged’, it’s been a belief carried in my body without feeling it till reading this … it brings up the belief that as I ‘progress’ that I will be better than others and be ‘doing well’ … it feels like hard work and a narrow focus and a pushing-others-out-of-the-way mentality – not a pleasant approach to life! Evolving means spaciousness in and around, equalness & support in and around, none of this lineal up and on top of others approach – ditch that one and instead allow the spaciousness, I say.

    1. Well said Marian. Evolution is not a linear, push-others-out-of-the-way, get-to-the-top-by-stepping-on-others kinda deal; to truly evolve we mustn’t shut people out, but rather let more people in and support everyone equally. Evolving is in no way about leaving others behind, but building a more solid foundation so we can reflect a true way of living in even more clarity.

      1. I love what you address here Marian and Susie! This Darwinistic approach of survival of the fittest or the way you put it: “push-others-out-of-the-way and get-to-the-top-by-stepping-on-others” is really outdated. There is a true way to life and to evolution and Universal Medicine is setting the standard for it.

  362. Alexis, a very beautiful blog; how amazing to have this much awareness. This is true freedom. Living by our ideals and beliefs is very limiting and stifling.

  363. What you have shared here Brendan is so true to the mark. The drive behind beliefs is so strong in not allowing us to stop and realise that we are on a mad merry go round that truly gets us no where closer to feeling and living what is true.

  364. I understand when you say that our beliefs can keep us from truth. The head can fool us so much with beliefs, thinking we have a correct answer and thus we can feel better than others. But as we see through and drop those beliefs we can open up and connect to truth. Truth is universal, the same for ALL.

  365. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.”
    When I started learning the difference and understood more about truth and beliefs, that’s how it felt in my body.

  366. There are definitely two different energies that we can choose from and your two different columns reflected this when I read them ,Truth, a sense of freedom and Beliefs , confining, feeling trapped. Thank you Alexis for showing clearly the difference.

  367. Two simple words, or so it would seem. And somehow they seem to have become interchangeable in the way that we use them as concepts in the world. And this blog simply blows that out of the water to reveal how totally different they are – and the world is less because of the fact that we do not pay attention to it.

  368. Beliefs and truth are worlds apart literally, beliefs hold us in reaction and truth sets us free to be who we truly are.

  369. Beliefs versus truth – what a great blog exposing how trapped we become by our beliefs, so much so that we often don’t realise they are there. Truth by contrast feels so freeing and expansive.

    1. Truth also holds all equally and is inclusive whilst beliefs makes us want to be right and another wrong and can be terribly excluding.

  370. In a world riddled and run by beliefs this blog says something crucial about breaking down the strong hold that beliefs have on individuals, groups and people everywhere. It is the felt difference in our bodies between a belief and truth, without this connection to our bodies even the truth is turned into belief. It highlights to me how important it is to emphasise being in connection with our bodies for truth to prevail.

  371. ‘There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.’ What I like about this sentence Alexis is the reminder it offers that it is HOW we do what we do that counts not what we do.

    1. Me too Deanne. This in itself is one massive belief that totally dominates people everywhere. It feels like it is constantly there, which means it is up to us to choose otherwise.

    2. Despite being told it’s not about what we do, the fact remains that we’ve set up society to work particularly with and on this premise. It’s all about what we do, how fast we do it, when we do it, how long we do it for. Nowhere, apart from Universal Medicine, have I heard anyone ask what energy are we doing this in? For this determines everything.

  372. The cycle of how we move determining our thoughts and how we think feeding back how we move is a great one to ponder. You could almost think we are doomed to be stuck in this cycle and for many years of my life I was a prisoner to many beliefs that were not in accord to the hints and messages I was being given from my body too- mostly my beliefs trumped the wisdom of my body. This changed a lot when I met Serge Benhayon because he re-introduced me to many different ways to re-connect with my body so that beliefs were a little less likely to run the show. This is one of the great things about what Serge Benhayon presents, he does not leave the listener in a pickle, in his 15 plus years of presenting he has presented many priceless (and mostly free to employ) ways to re-connect with our bodies and to honour the innate wisdom available through them. I also find I move more freely and my thoughts are clearer after receiving many of the Universal Medicine healing modalities, in particular Esoteric Massage and Esoteric Yoga.

  373. Slowly the penny is dropping for me in understanding that the body is in fact our key back to truth. Do i live in a way that offers truth a vessel to express through? Or are my movements, expression and food choices limiting me to investing in the images of beliefs and ideals? Our strongest ally is the body, which makes sense as to why there is so much self-abuse going on in the world. We are essentially running away from the responsibility we have to serve in Heaven’s light on earth and instead invest in images of how we want and think we create life to be.

    1. Right on Rachael, I too am starting to understand how my choices from how I hold myself, walk, eat and express myself can allow my body to communicate truth or alternatively dull myself so I cannot feel and hear the truth that the body holds.

  374. I’ve spent too long being nice, something that I started to shed when I came across Universal Medicine. I was too accommodating and put others before myself. The incredible workshops of Universal medicine have supported the discarding of many other beliefs and help to work through others when they come along.

  375. “They ( beliefs) stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.” What a truly glorious expression of truth, Alexis: thank you for sharing the absolute truth of the physical body.

    1. Indeed it seems odd initially to imagine that we hold beliefs in our body, but it makes sense if you consider the idea that our movements might cement further ill held beliefs.

      1. It does seem difficult to imagine this, I agree, jennym. However, bodywork, especially esoteric bodywork, reveals the enormity of what has been layered onto our physical body since birth – there is so much of it and, once this is felt, there is no doubt about the absolute accuracy of this truth. The feeling of it , which I’ve found very yeuk!, also inspires one to commit to remove those offenders and allowing the body to breathe, live and move in its natural flow – which feels so very different to the feeling of an imposed belief. The body definitely experiences such things differently to the mind that finds this notion odd or difficult – the body has lived with the difficulty for so long whilst the mind has been overriding the body’s extreme discomfort.

    2. Yes, the ‘fight to be right’ is a a struggle and the greatest illusion as it keeps us from being the very Love that we are.

      1. And yet, collectively, we so often view this as a noble aim, don’t we, Jenny? It’s a huge illusion as it perpetuates, as you say, our separation from Love.

  376. “I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” That is one awesome question to have posed, Alexis. As you share, feeling these beliefs and their effects in the physical body leaves one in no doubt that they are a quality of energy that literally holds us in a hard, rigid and stubborn manner. Quite different, as you say, to the energy of the inner heart,so beautifully described here.

    1. I agree Coleen, such a great question to ponder. I feel it is our beliefs as you say that hold us in that hardness, stubbornness and rigidity. Whereas the inner heart is expansive, accepting and loving. When I feel myself wanting to be right, or my hurts or protections are playing out, living from many of the things Alexis has mentioned, then the hardness comes in, the tone in my voice and the energy of imposing on people comes in too, which is awful. Bringing awareness to this, so to make other choices is key.

      1. Yes, Raegankcairney, – as soon as I become a ‘right fighter,’ I know I have removed myself from my heart – it’s a great time to exercise both awareness and choice 🙂

    2. “do we hold beliefs or do they hold us?” that is indeed a great question Coleen and like Heather has contributed they hold us so firmly that we are not even aware that we have adopted them. It seems like we have adopted or aligned to these beliefs and by saying ‘yes’ to them we have entered a sort of binding contract and signed our power and authority over to the belief.

      1. Bernard you are so right when you say ‘It seems like we have adopted or aligned to these beliefs and by saying ‘yes’ to them we have entered a sort of binding contract and signed our power and authority over to the belief’ I would add that the contracts are not only binding but blinding as well.

  377. Our beliefs hold us so firmly, we are not even aware they are beliefs we have adopted.

    1. ‘Our beliefs hold us so firmly, we are not even aware they are beliefs we have adopted’ and that Heather is a huge part of the problem. It seems that beliefs come laced with an invisible gas, that when breathed in has the effect of causing us to absorb the belief into our lives and then it’s as if the edges to the belief disappear and the belief becomes one with who we think we are. And so we are incarcerated lifetime after lifetime.

  378. Alexis I really loved this blog.
    The 2 different lists between living from beliefs compared to living from a truth from our body are super practical and a great marker for people to check in to feel what we are aligned to.

  379. Wow Alexis, what a wonderful blog to read. We are so set up with many ideals and beliefs, particularly from our parents and from school, and yet I definitely thought I had been making my own choices, until I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and I realised that my choices were based on beliefs rather than truth.

  380. Ideals and beliefs are powerful things if we allow them to be by taking them on in the first place they control our lives. They serve to keep us less and disconnected from our authentic selves therefor living a life of elusion. When we choose to let go of ideals and beliefs and the pictures we have construct based on them about how life should be and feel the pain of the hurts they create only then can feel the true impact of them and allow the ideals and beliefs dissolve and claim the freedom to express and emanated truth.

    1. Super well said Margaret and clearly explained – how very trapping and illusionary ideals and beliefs are. In their creation they control the game and allow us only to see so much, like tunnel vision we are focused in on and invested in an outcome, fed reactions that keep us locked into these ideas at the expense of truth. Ideals and beliefs only serve to keep us blind from truth, yet Truth offers us the bigger picture, the whole story and not the fabricated parts.

  381. The beliefs I had held were very fixed to the way I thought life would or should be…one such belief I had was that I would marry and have children. I had this picture from a young age and it was reinforced by everything around me, and so I held onto it, looked for it and if a situation looked like it wasn’t leading to this, I would move on. I had an image of how my life should be instead of being with life as it was.

    1. Yes, speaking from experience, Sandra, one can spend a lifetime, or more, chasing those images, feeling unfulfilled in their absence, and even feeling unfulfilled when the images materialise as reality for us: it is a futile and empty way to exist in this life, to be fuelled by the search for an image like, for example, perfection or the perfect marriage.

  382. As I let go of the beliefs, I change as a person, it is impossible to remain the same. I say to myself, “accept the difference, it’s ok to change and let the old me go”. It feels great to give myself the space to change and embrace what the difference will be since I don’t know how I will be because of it. It is if I’m parenting myself through the changes.

  383. Whether we choose to listen to the mind or the body, the body is constantly speaking to us. The body will let us know if we have listened to it and made a choice that honours it with a feeling that confirms our choice. The body will also let us know if we have made a choice to harm it – sometimes very loudly. Appreciating these messages and the lessons they offer allows us the opportunity to learn more about ourselves .

  384. I realise I am still holding on to a belief that tells me that if I eat something I will feel better. Ths comes as a thought and if I follow it I can actually feel worse,especially if I don’t think or feel while I continue to reach for that food. If instead I start off focusing on what I feel and stay with how my body feels in each moment then I know what to do to stay with the truth of that moment and then I actually do feel ‘better’.

  385. What is great about this blog is that it actually is questioning our way of living that we have for a long time just accepted as life to be. Thanks to Serge Benhayon and the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom the clarity that it offers gives you an opportunity to see things for what they really are. I have come to realise over the 11 years attending the workshops, presentations and courses that I am riddled with beliefs and ideals that I have taken on that have hindered me from living to my full open and beautiful self. It is incredibly interesting that from the day you are born you are presented with thousands of choices and ones that are either confirming the amazingness that you are or beliefs that change who you are.

  386. A very powerful topic Alexis – we are living daily governed by beliefs and we will often defend those beliefs if challenged…yet beliefs are packages that direct us to live a certain way and often very limiting. It is important to challenge our beliefs but not with other beliefs otherwise in truth we are not getting to truth just another belief system which hovers above the depth and wisdom of truth! In short we have used beliefs as a replacement for truth.

  387. It is so much more powerful when you say ” I feel” rather then “I think”. Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for supporting me to trust what i am feeling again.

    1. How many times in our lives do we have a feeling about something or someone, but we let our mind override what our feelings tell us? I have many times, and now revel in reawakening my ability to feel, and see beyond what is in front of my eyes.

      1. Accepting that and what I feel comes with an unavoidable booty: Responsibility. So I found that I do not really avoid what I feel, I am avoiding taking my responsibility. Ouch.

      2. Great question Heather…. I dread to think how many times I have overridden my body to listen to my mind or to another’s! As I learn to feel and trust my body it feels so natural, empowering and such a relief to have the support from Universal Medicine in helping me to make choices based on feeling what is true; a path I have always known which for most of my life I lived in ignorance.

    2. I only can agree Kenneth and on top of it for me – when I say “I feel” rather then “I think” – I have to take more responsibility as the feeling is something what is in my body and so it has to to do something with me – whereas thinking for me is not so close hence it is much easier not to be responsible.

  388. ​Revealing blog. The title says it all “Beliefs V Truths”. Another blog offering an awareness boost. Truth offers you more awareness where as a belief offers you same stagnant thinking. Just knowing there is a difference can offer a significant change in your life.

  389. I also find life to feel very restrictive when ideals and beliefs are running the show. Guilt becomes a major player and the feeling that I should do things becomes quite strong. Life becomes quite arduous and getting through the day feels like a task. As I let go of my belief systems I too have found life becomes easier and flows. It can feel hard to let go of some beliefs as I have seen them to be part of who I am so letting go of them left a gap, at first this unsettled me but with time I have noticed this is what creates the spacious feeling.

  390. As you so truly pointed out Alexis beliefs are so debilitating;
    “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed”.
    The way you have expressed this sends a shiver down my spine; I am really feeling the silent guards!!

  391. My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed. I love the accuracy with which you describe reality Alexis – you nail it 100% for me!

  392. These two beliefs –
    Being ‘nice’ is good.
    Being ‘good’ is good.
    Are so ingrained in me that I feel like I am peeling an onion – the layers of nice and good keep surfacing for me to look at and then let go of.

    1. Yes I agree Sally, there seems to be a million beliefs of being good and being nice just in the area of parenting let alone the many other aspects of life. One of the first parenting beliefs I let go of was, it is my job as a parent to make my children happy and I should make them happy any way possible. Now I know no-one has the power to make another feel happy, sad or any emotion, this is only created by the individual themselves. And I have discovered happiness is not the answer.

    2. yes, there is a lot of peeling to do on those beliefs, I can relate to that. It is so deeply engrained from a very young age that being nice is good, while there is no truth in it whatsoever. Being nice is an imprisonment, for yourself and others.

    3. Yes Sally, I know those two beliefs very well….very sugary, but squashing so much power that is innately within us….our beliefs are there that give us something such as being nice, a manipulation so people won’t hurt us, but what does hurt us is that we hurt ourselves, because in truth, we are so much more.

      1. Karoline I completely agree with you that being nice is a way of being that is used for protection. Protection because who attacks a nice person? Before I was nice, I was nasty and I was nasty for exactly the same reason, protection, because if a person is attacked first then often they won’t retaliate because they are wounded. It took me a really long time to understand that being nice and being nasty are two sides of the same coin.

      2. Yes Karoline I agree we do hurt ourselves every time we are not being true to ourselves and I am finding that being ‘good’ and ‘nice’ is such a false way of being. It is great to be reminded of what fuels these two beliefs, no other than a clever manipulation to protect myself in not getting hurt. Accepting and appreciating myself are key.

  393. One of the beliefs that springs up is that you need a good education to be successful. How many people these days leave school or university exhausted before they even join the workforce due to striving to get that education. What beliefs are they then bringing into the workforce around needing to strive and push to be successful. We end up with a workforce surviving on stimulants to keep them going feeling disenchanted with life. This for me is an example of starting out on a train track from a belief we’ve taken on as a child.

  394. I love how you say your beliefs stood like silent guards while the truth waited patiently. This is the nature of truth, completely non-imposing, always steady and always available…it is there for the choosing when we are ready.

    1. The beliefs don’t seem very silent to me… they are standing there with loud voices and swords ready to attack loving thoughts! Time to choose to no longer give them that power, and disarm them for good.

      1. Yep, you’re right Heather. Not silent at all! And we do give them far too much power. When we choose love we instantly diminish their noise and realise their power is a false one that we have allowed to run us for far too long.

  395. Alexis, the image of the train tracks is so vivid, it is so rigid…that’s how we are in our bodies when we are held in beliefs. It is impossible to get off the tracks and yet we actually think we are right, on track (pun intended) and champion the thoughts we get about being on this track. And yet the arrogance and force that comes with holding these beliefs is so strong. Truth on the other hand just is and needs nothing to back it up – it can be felt and accepted with grace, or it can be denied and fought against, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is a truth.

    1. I found the allegory of the train track highly apposite, too, Sandra: with train tracks, the route and the destination are predetermined – same as with beliefs: but who determines the outcome and who set that outcome in the first place?

  396. “How strong must the hold be when something is so obviously not working yet we still keep following in the same rigid tracks?” – how true this is Alexis. Individually and globally we see evidence of this. From personal relationships where we repeat the same patterns because we believe things should be a certain way to countries at war because of some long held belief about religion or who owns which land.

  397. ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.’ So very well said Alexis.

  398. I took on many beliefs growing up to fit in somewhere, wanting people to like me, feeling as though if I didn’t believe certain things then I wasn’t the true part that people would admire or think was ‘good’. There was no true love or friendship as what was built was built on false ground, never fulfilling the empty void that I so wanted. What I have now in terms of friendship is solid and filled with a love that is forever expanding. Our beliefs are but another illusion we fall for keeping us separate, and forever searching for what is already awaiting within.

  399. Great marker as a check if it is a belief or truth running through the body. Check how it feels! Is it a spacious and expansive feeling? Truth. Does it make me feel contracted, pain in my stomach? Belief. So simple, yet it requires a constant connection to the body and an honesty in feeling the body each moment.

  400. Like expectations, beliefs serve to stop us seeing the potential in things, in people, in scenarios. They keep us locked up in my mind, living in a way that is stiff, keeping me behaving in a way that I’m familiar with, doesn’t at all mean it’s a true way of behaving.

    1. The expectations also have us holding people in where they once were, not meeting them as they are now, and expecting them to be that way. It is quite the trap.

      1. Definitely, It is a big trap, ‘holding people in where they once were, not meeting them as they are now,’ because of our expectations and beliefs.

  401. Wow Alexis, you nailed this one. It’s massive what you have so clearly unveiled. Reading I could feel how I had let go of so many of my beliefs and have allowed others to still stand guard in front of the truth unquestioned. This has altered my movements already. Thank you Alexis.

  402. The beliefs are as you have said ‘limiting and from the mind’. The only thing that should be passed down to our children is that we are all enough… by living this way ourselves.

  403. Alexis what an amazing article you have shared with us all! It is so revealing of the trap most of us are in and don’t even realise, but some have, and these ‘some’ such as yourself, play an important role in breaking the illusion so that others may once again listen intently to their inner most feelings and open to the truth that has always been available to every single one of us.

    1. Most importantly this article has exposed the falsity and corruption of ideals and beliefs, the fact that they exist and that we have the ability to weed out all the beliefs and ideals we carry.

      1. Tonisteenson I love what you say about weeding. Once we do weed out all the ideals and beliefs that have grown… making our garden burdened and restricting the flowers of truth from growing… We will feel it blossom and return to it’s true beauty.

  404. Living life as free as a train on a track! I like that! And when it comes to beliefs, it is very apt to say so. Beliefs are what create the tracks we follow; signing up to a certain belief leads one along that particular track, further away from the truth perhaps, or at best paralleling truth’s track. As I find my own set of beliefs crumbling with the greater philosophical awareness I glean from listening to presentations by Serge Benhayon, I find the tracks that are still there stand out way more than they used to and with a bit of chipping away, I can rid myself of them, leaving me to walk alongside people, no tracks in site, just a group of people, like a swarm of ants working together.

    1. So we create our own train tracks based on the beliefs we have and then all our choices are in line with that belief guaranteeing we stay on that train track. Wow. Great to see all of this in this way.

      1. And if we add in our hurts to that train track of beliefs, we can jump to another train track where a whole bunch of new beliefs about who a person is, and what they did to us can form! An ugly cycle that can be undone by firstly knowing we have beliefs, and we do have the power to reconnect to who we are, and let our own knowing be our way.

  405. “Evolution is not an up it is a back towards. It is a U-turn.”
    Love this Alexis, for as the fog created by all these beliefs clears we can once again hear the wisdom from our innermost – a return to soul.

  406. One of the most damaging beliefs I took on from school days is that you’re “up yourself” – a rather derogatory term and meaning that it was a negative thing to actually express any love for self and purely designed to keep you in separation from yourself.

    1. Oh I remember that one “being up yourself”. It’s interesting that you have mentioned this because I can now see one of the reasons I have found it difficult to share with the world how amazing I am because I have been afraid of being seen as “up myself”.

    2. Yes well said deborahmckay – just the same as ‘oh look at him he loves himself’. As you say, purely designed to maintain separation from self and therefore others.

  407. Alexis you have made the difference between beliefs and the truth of the body unmistakable. Beliefs come from the outside world in and could not care less about you. To be free to live your life from feeling what is true is freedom from imposed beliefs. I love the saying you have coined “the air is thick with beliefs.”

    1. I like what you said here Bernard, “Beliefs come from the outside world in and could not care less about you”. Quite a twist, when what we ‘believe’ we care about and often hold up so high, has not an ounce of care at all.

    2. I agree Bernard, ‘Beliefs come from the outside world in and could not care less about you.’

  408. So much to ponder on here Alexis! Its great.
    If I wrote a list of the beliefs I have had, many of which could be quite different to yours, and those I still get caught by, it would likely end up being encyclopaedic in size as I am forever finding a new (old) one that no longer makes sense in a life I now keep as simple, light and loving as possible. Deeply thankful for being able to see through them now and appreciate the truth my body shares with me everyday.

  409. Alexis what a stunning piece of writing that has so clearly exposed how we are prisoners of our beliefs. We move around in an unconscious state of absence from our body and hence we have no idea of what energy we are allowing to enter our body of expression nor how our movements are the key to this. You have made it so simple to understand the difference between living in a state of belief versus a state of truth. In my experience too it is as simple as bringing conscious presence to the body, to our movements, our thoughts and letting ourselves feel the difference between a belief and a truth. .

  410. There can be no vacuum in any place. Even within us, if there is an emptiness, we have to look for something to fill it. In this sense, we use beliefs to conjure up a reality that justifies our lack of living truth. We are very proud of our creation and this pride resists truth like water resists oil.

    1. Indeed Jinya Mizuno, we are so invested in creation being it, like Plato’s cave, the shadows have become our reality.

    2. We fill the emptiness with anything that isn’t the truth and then call it ‘our’ truth and own it like a badge of honour.

      1. But really it might be more accurate to say completely irresponsible because we are knowingly playing this ridiculous game.

      2. We try to create, try to make a better world than the original, try to be like God by denying that we are from God. We suffer from our separation and self decided loneliness or become comfortable in being uncomfortable. We create a big story about life – all to not take this one responsibility: that we did separated from union, that all our suffering is on our own single copyright.
        Yes, it is ‘completely irresponsible’ – and Crazy.
        We are lost in our own entanglements, not aware of our choices or aware of what we support by giving our power away to glamour. Time to become aware again and to claim our power back to serve mankind.

  411. Awesome blog and I love what you have shared about ‘is it us that hold the beliefs or the beliefs that hold us’ …. or have a hold over us! Beliefs and what we ‘hold’ is not something I was really consciously aware of until hearing something Serge Benhayon presented. And it makes sense, I love the idea of sitting down to write out the beliefs we have to see just want is really there and how debilitating and false they can be. I reckon this should be taught in schools before maths or history as this is how we are living now and affects our day to day life.

    1. Absolutely Vicky! Gosh if I got really honest and wrote down all my beliefs I’m afraid of what I would come up with! It is such a great exercise in evolution to really question them from the point of being with our innermost looking out, this way they can easily be revealed as the insidious lies they always were.

      1. Suzanne, on the face of it, writing down our beliefs sounds like quite a simple exercise but in truth it’s as easy as trying to hold mist. Take for example the simple belief that there is such a thing as time, for most this would not appear on their ‘belief busting list’ and yet it plays such a major role in perpetuating the illusion that we all live in.

  412. There are so many things that we believe to be true, and are fed as truths but are a long long way from the truth. I like how you describe the difference between the truth and a belief in your body that’s such a great way to differentiate between them. The truth feels amazing, but beliefs feel so old and heavy and weigh you down.

    1. Meg I like her description about the difference between the truth and a belief in the body as well and so I like to add to your wonderful comment – for me truth is easy, playful & expanding and a belief is complicate, mindful and narrow.

      1. Esteraltmiks your comment ‘for me truth is easy, playful & expanding and a belief is complicated, mindful and narrow’ feels clear and strong, a sure sign that it has come from your body.

      2. The truth definitely feels expansive and empowering and there’s an ease to it, and beliefs are complicated and confining. These are great descriptions 🙂 it makes it so obvious which one to choose!

  413. It’s so true that our beliefs control our lives. And many of them do not even come from us, they are beliefs that other people give to us and we take on. It is so easy to be influenced by the world and forget to check in with ourselves to discover what is actually true for us. When we do get a glimmer of truth and then honour it it feels so refreshing and is a very different experience from living by beliefs.

    1. I agree Rebecca, it’s so easy to be influenced when we are not taught to trust our inner light. It’s like we grip at what ever we can to create ourselves because we are not confirmed in what truth we already know.

    2. Very true Rebecca. I see this a lot with young people, and have felt it myself – we look at the people around us and often copy their behaviours, actions and also their beliefs! It is so vital that children and young people are shown that there is another way, as growing up it is so easy to ‘chameleon’ with the environment you grow up in, and I have to say the things I’ve seen just on TV or in the music industry recently are horrendous.

      1. Very true Susie. TV and the music industry often do not help young people to find a true sense of themselves. The images provided only encourage them to aspire to being something they are not. No wonder so many young people feel lost. Yes it is so important that children growing up are shown that there is another way that honours their true nature.

      2. Well said Rebecca. The TV and music industry create images that young people look up to that are totally unachievable…. Just look at celebrities – many of them have plastic surgery, lots of money, a ‘glamorous’ and happy life, ‘great bodies’ etc. etc., but a lot of this has been manoeuvred for the camera! And underneath is a totally different story.

    3. There’s a definition of real refreshment here – bringing truth into our lives. It feels like a wave that cleanses us of that which is false or illusory.

    4. Our beliefs do not control our lives and are not even real. It is simply us choosing to be less than who we truly are. In truth we know everything and do not have a single belief other than those we create or choose to believe!

  414. Beliefs are mean and sneaky and they hold on tightly. I even found a few out of the Middle Ages and from Church by cleaning myself up more thorough from the inside…and even I was not consciousness aware of them – they did have an effect. UGH!
    But – The worst is: I did get them by myself…ugh

  415. “Are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children?” , this has been the case for many lifetimes, but now the change is taking place as we are all beginning to understand we are no longer caught in our beliefs, we have a choice to break that cycle and make different choices. There is so much more love and support available to eliminate these beliefs by just making different choices and living these choices.

  416. Sometimes it’s frightening to see how much or what different beliefs we’ve bought into. It has designed and created so many different pictures of what we think life should be and we condemn others for not thinking or being the same, which has purposely divided people. Pretty narly tactic if you want to keep people from realizing their true potential.

  417. I have recently been sitting with this idea of free thought. From basic observations of life it is impossible to be a free thinker but rather re-expresser of what already exists.

    By the very fact we live in this world we are connected to everything.
    We are effected by
    – language
    – social class
    – culture
    – family
    – money
    – government
    to name but a few very tangible examples.

    In very basic terms there is always something affecting us thereby we are always responding and never the original source. If it were possible to be a free thinker we would have to live in a void and be the only individual in existence. This means no Earth because we can be reflected and inspired by nature which in turn affects our thoughts.

    So… it is ridiculous to think that we are free to think, whereby it is so clearly evident that we are connected to everything. Thereby our greatest choice is what we choose to align to and express from.

    1. Yes and how many times do we believe we are the only one thinking something only to discover that others are thinking the same thing? I have no doubt we will realise sooner or later that our thoughts originate from a consciousness common to us all and not from ourselves. Then as you rightly allude to here Luke, our expression is about our choice of consciousness and what we align to.

  418. I am of the belief (hahaha) that when the “I” in what I believe to be true is strong it most certainly is only a fragment of what is actually true. What I’m not yet sure about is whether this is the case consistently ….. My aim is toward developing awareness and steering away from the treacherous waters of my beliefs.

  419. Why do we need beliefs? They hold us in an immovable place. Why do we hold onto them? If something is true, it is true, we don’t need to grasp hold of it, the truth will always stand, connected to us. When I look around the world I see beliefs clashing and causing massive disharmony so I have to consider that any beliefs I hold unquestioningly need the light of truth shone on them to see whether they are true or whether they add to the disharmony of the world.
    Alexia, you have presented how held we are by our beliefs and how manipulated we can be if we don’t deeply feel the truth within our bodies.

    1. Holding onto our beliefs gives rise to right and wrong and leads to judgement and criticism. I know when I’ve been on that train track with a belief, I would swear I am right which leads to disharmony, conflict and complication.

  420. My God, where do we start with these long lists of crazy ideals. It seems the whole of life is full of them.
    I had a medical test the other day and the doctor reviewed the results before she actually had a chance to meet me. SO when she met me she assumed that I was a marathon runner (or someone very fit) who was doing a lot of the things you mention above Alexis. Regular sport, 3 meals a day, lots of fruit, etc… But I actually don’t do any of these things. Thanks to my diligent studies with Universal Medicine through I have become aware of the harm these ideals have on the person and their body.
    Now my body is living medical proof that we are way better off without them.

    1. Awesome example Dean, love in action evidenced. I laughed out loud at your story – priceless! Oh, and by the way, you are super-fit in the true sense – fit for life!

      1. Yes I agree Helen, what Dean has presented here is a new definition of health “fit for life” is inclusive of everything and everyone around us, it’s just priceless!

    2. Wow Dean great sharing and also a hefty reminder to the weight of the ideals we all hold, some on our cuffs and others hidden behind our ears.

    3. Love that Dean. Everyone has their own definition of ‘healthy’, and often as you say this is seen as someone who exercises a lot and eats regular meals with balanced carbohydrates, protein, veg and fruit. I’d say this is a huge belief and ideal that a lot of people are under that isn’t actually true – eating 3 meals a day every day doesn’t leave space for you to feel what your body actually needs instead of just consuming what’s ‘correct’ by the book, and nor does exercising lots or doing marathons necessarily take into account how your body feels and where it’s true limits are.

      1. This is a great reminder Susie, that feeding ourselves so regularly doesn’t give our body the chance to communicate. Young kids are very good at only eating when and what they feel to, they haven’t yet been persuaded to ‘believe’ otherwise.

      2. Absolutely Suzanne, I’ve observed this in children too; they’ll eat when they are hungry, not at ‘breakfast’ or ‘lunchtime’; names others have given to mandatory allocated eating times.

      3. Great point Susie about the belief that we need to do things by the book. Our bodies are our best guide and can get confused when we make books or others experts of our own bodies.

      4. Annie, equally good point ‘Our bodies are our best guide and can get confused when we make books or others experts of our own bodies’. Because where do most books and experts’ advice come from ? Their own beliefs !!! Talk about keep the illusion going !

      5. No criticism to the nurse who helped me out when I went to visit the doctor for a medical, she was most gracious and supportive… but her comments reminded me of just how ingrained ideals about health are in society… she said ‘well you seem pretty healthy so you’re obviously having 3 meals a day, plenty of carbs and playing regular sport’.
        Now I certainly did used to live that way about 20 years ago, but since I have stopped that lifestyle I actually feel more vital, alive and aware than I ever did even at the peak of my triathlon days.

      6. Amazing Dean. Isn’t it interesting how even though we put triathletes and other athletes on a huge, towering pedestal of being the ‘healthiest of them all’, you can actually testify that your body feels better now (just through making loving choices and actually listening to whats needed for you) than you did at the peak of your sporting lifestyle.

      7. One of the healthiest people I ever met was completely riddled with cancer and a few weeks away from dying. Her light, joy and clarity was awesome and everyone who met her in those last days got a great healing.

    4. What a perfect example Dean of the ideals we hold – in this case in relation to health and fitness. It is from these ideals and beliefs that all the public health and health promotion initiatives are born and yet we know they don’t work for most people. I’m wondering if she asked how you were choosing to look after yourself?

      1. Great that you have brought forwards the relationship between ideals and beliefs and public health and health promotion Michelle. Most governments of developed nations are having to look very closely at their health care systems as costs are increasing along the rate of illness and disease. While preventative health measures are being mentioned surprisingly we are not even at the stage that this is at the centre of discussions on health care. Eventually we will have to have a really good look at prevention when there is ‘no more money’ so to speak and this is where the fun and games begin. The emphasis on data, analytics and evidence based medicine that are often based on ideals and beliefs could lead us in circles as the solutions will not address the root cause when in short Serge Benhayon has already given us all of the answers (and more). Dean is living proof of what can happen when you make your life about love, he is also just one of many that are choosing love and are taking responsibility for their health – they are a governments dream come true…….

    5. That’s incredible Dean. Your results speak for themselves despite the fact that you’re not doing any extreme sport or following any ‘rules’ around health and fitness. The body speaks for itself.

    6. Dean I love how you were a walking talking belief buster at that medical centre. Whether or not they knew it you were presenting a way of living that was breaking down what they knew as health. Another miracle to appreciate.

      1. It takes time to really appreciate the enormous changes that the Way of the Livingness has brought.

      2. Isn’t it beautiful Dean when we start to accept just how much affect our light and love is having. We have so much to appreciate!

      3. Yes Vicky, though it may sound like a bit of a cliche, accepting who we are and every single thing about ourselves has a very healthy impact on our health and disposition.

  421. These are great questions Alexis which, if truly considered, can open our eyes to expose the illusion that we are living under. “How much choice did I really have? If my thoughts were dictating my every move and my every move was dictating my thoughts then what was I choosing? I always thought that I was a free thinking, open minded, spiritually aware, loving, funky kind of a girl but now I understand that I was a puppet and that the so called qualities that I thought I had were interchangeable traits that could be changed as easily as the clothes on a doll.”

    1. Absolutely Tamara… it is fascinating to look around and see the various ‘groups’ that form in teenage years… what will you ‘fit in to’, to which group will you look for acceptance and a ‘place in life’. This so-called choice is one, however at a whole other level, the choice is made long before to NOT be ourselves in full, and from there, it’s from which range of possibilities we can choose, which in truth, is not a choice at all.

  422. I love the wholeness, the bigger picture you offer here Alexis “…every single aspect of God that has ever dedicated itself to reminding those of us who have forgotten that we too are equal parts of the One God” and that we all are indeed equal parts in every way.

  423. I used to think that I was such a free thinker until I came to the dawning realization that all I was doing was pouring forth my beliefs, whether they came from my childhood, popular media or an image that I wanted to project about myself. It has been so liberating getting to know my own essence and knowing what is true and what isn’t. Beliefs seem to me to be like sandcastles, build on shaky ground, whereas connecting to our essence and living from there is solid, steady and real.

    1. I agree Elizabeth. It is truly, truly embarrassing when we become aware of our beliefs and, later on, when we become aware of our ongoing choices which may not even be based on a belief.

  424. I used to think that I was such a free thinker until I came to the dawning realization that all I was doing was pouring forth my beliefs, whether they came from my childhood, popular media or an image that I wanted to project about myself. It has been so liberating getting to know my own essence and knowing what is true and what isn’t. Beliefs seem to me to be like sandcastles, built on shaky ground, whereas connecting to our essence and living from there is solid, steady and real.

    1. I have struggled with the truth that perhaps I am not the free thinker I once believed I was. I wanted so much to be an individual who could come up with the newest, cleverest idea and be applauded for it. But Elizabeth your realisation is spot on. I have never come up with an original thought. I may have been able to pick holes in others’ arguments but nothing original came forth, just mild cynicism!

      Each occasion I don’t try taking refuge in trying to be cleverer, funnier, something or otherer than others I get to feel the beauty of another’s essence and my own. I get to feel who I am more and can drop judgement of myself and others. I’m just starting to feel how liberating being myself is when I don’t live from my beliefs including the belief that people will only like me if I am more something (entertaining, witty etc) than another person.

      As I am living from my essence more and letting go of my investment in people liking me, I am discovering there are those who enjoy my company. I don’t have to perform.

      1. So true Karin, so much pressure is taken of ourselves when we let go of all the expectations that we have held onto – thinking that this is what makes us who we are. It most definitely liberating Elizabeth to let go of all of this and connect to who we naturally are. I know this has tipped my world upside down and shaken it all about. That fact that we do not think and that their is an energy entering us all of the time is a total revelation. One that Serge Benhayon has so clearly presented time and time again. Choosing to connect to our Soul and this consciousness is starting to become my new normal and I LOVE IT.

    2. Good analogy Elizabeth Dolan. Yes, a belief is generally something we are uncertain of until it is proven one way or another. Our essence though is entirely different and not a build on belief at all but on a feeling of absoluteness in our bodies and as you say, ‘solid, steady and real’.

    3. So true Elizabeth, and thinking we are living free from those constructs of our family and society only to realise we have simply subscribed to a different set of ideals and beliefs that we play out in reaction to the ones that were first imposed upon us. Returning to the awareness of our own essence and connecting to that brings the knowing of what is true allows us to drop all of the impositions, reactions, stories, pictures and beliefs that configure us and that we perpetuate every day – and instead allows us to live truly free and ever more honouring of who we truly are.

  425. ‘Putting yourself first is the best way to care for others’. At first this can be misunderstood but in fact it is absolute truth. If we don’t care for ourselves first, everything after that point is laced with the lack of care.

    1. Plenty of my family members would be horrified – the very idea of being self-serving would go against the deeply ingrained sense of altruistic martyrdom (all for the greater good of course …).
      It’s a familiar refrain, that you can only love others as much as you love yourself, but I wonder sometimes how deeply we are prepared to contemplate what this truly means?

      1. I agree, Helen …. ‘you can only love others as much as you love yourself’. Whilst I feel many are able to acknowledge that they don’t love themselves very much, it’s a lot harder to consider that that also means we do not in fact love anyone else very much either. I can feel for myself that as I have learnt to love myself more, the love that I feel for and from others has also grown immeasurably. The absolute joy that I feel throughout my whole body as a consequence is exquisite.

      2. I agree Helen, the phrase you can only love another if you love yourself first is openly spoken about, but rarely lived. “Altruistic martyrdom”, I love that expression, it sums up a lot of what I have seen and experienced growing up and traits I have taken on. It is remarkably difficult to put oneself first after years of believing it is selfish, yet selfish is actually when we don’t care for ourselves first, as what we then offer is of lesser value.

      3. This concept is rife with women everywhere, the concept of altruistic martyrdom Helen. The moment a woman leaves hospital with her first new born it seems to be ingrained in her that she is to go to every possible length possible to give her child the world, no matter the expense to her own health and wellbeing. What a powerful and ultimately useless belief this one is, the world’s women (and subsequently men) suffer terribly as this belief is lived over and over again.

      4. The effects of the beliefs that surround women worldwide can not be underestimated. Beliefs that are so entrenched that they are simply not questioned. There are literally millions of beliefs surrounding the role of a woman in every society the world over. There are tribes who don’t allow their women to mix with other people when they have their period. What about the beliefs that women must be covered up, or the beliefs that result in female circumcision , or the beliefs that result in female fetuses being aborted without question as well as the millions of female babies that have been killed purely based on the belief that women are inferior ?

      5. Yes Helen, we – as a society – have to reimprint the actual meaning of the saying “You can only love others as much as you love yourself”. We are not only to contemplate what this means, but also start preparing being honest that we do not love ourselves in full as a society. This acknowledgement would be a great starting point. It would take the enormous pressure off from society to act like we’re okay. Where as every sign is actually red! There’s enormous rates of illness and disease, lots and lots of wars, a possible world war 3 approaching. This is absolutely crazy! And all because we’re not prepared to admit that we are not okay. Please, let us start being humble again and start sharing about the depth of our dishonesty. Are we continuously putting enormous amount of force into these (false) beliefs and, or ideals or are we going to start the path of truth? Which lies – of course – within.

      6. Floris, your call on behalf of humanity is very moving and exactly what is needed. Being humble is the first and most important step in learning to truly love again. Why wait till we are reduced in desperation and either on our knees with illness and disease or defeated in war. Being humble is not to be mistaken for being meek – true humility contains great power!

    2. So true Matthew and the lack of self care brings in a poison that infects people in ways we have yet to truly understand. Self care brings a very defined quality into the equation, it is a quality that can be both seen and felt. People are always watching other people, quietly noticing, absorbing one another’s habits and choices, whether we like it or not we are influenced by the crowd. One person deciding to bring in the quality of self care can go a long way. We support one another to feel and restore true self worth, to regain our true worth and power within ourselves once more and from there make completely different choices in life.

      1. Absolutely Rowena, we all are watching and observing, copying and being inspired or brought unstuck as the case may be. Only today a colleague told me they had stopped drinking coffee after 38 years, a bit of an experiment to see if it made any difference in how they felt. I’m sure quietly watching another person (me) being able to live quite comfortably without coffee has made a difference. Another belief shot, that coffee is needed to be happy and vital.

      2. Yes Rowena, the power and reflection of one person living more love is hard to quantify – but far greater than we currently understand for sure.

      3. Absolutely Rowenakstewart, ‘People are always watching other people, quietly noticing, absorbing one another’s habits and choices, whether we like it or not we are influenced by the crowd.’ So how important for us to live a life that is loving and caring, so people see and feel there is a different way to live.

      4. This is so true Rowena – “Self care brings a very defined quality into the equation, it is a quality that can be both seen and felt”.
        I was walking through a corridor recently and someone surprised me later when she commented on how her walk changed from enjoying feeling the way I was walking with such ease with myself.

    3. How joyful are the words ‘putting yourself first is the best way to care for others’. I could feel that I just now let them in and how it took an enormous amount of pressure of my shoulders. I’ve so bought into the ideal that I am here for others. I am wondering what has been the benefit of taking this on…

    4. yes Matthew, not only misunderstood but often turned around and used against people as being selfish or self-serving, but the truth of it makes itself clearly known eventually. Coming to understand this simple but powerful realisation has highlighted the many ways of putting self down or helping others at the expense of my own well-being, that has proven not to really be helping others, but playing out another destructive pattern for everyone.

    5. How great to reflect to one’s own children true self-love and self-care so they know what this looks and feels like…. and gives them the opportunity to choose this way for themselves. Children can then feel and confirm their own value and grow in their own confidence and knowing of themselves in a way that stands them in good stead against the onslaught of the crazy teenage years and beyond.

    6. I agree Mathew, it is absolute truth that “Putting yourself first is the best way to care for others.” When we deny ourselves of the love we so naturally deserve it destroys us and then how can we care for another. Mothering is riddled with the belief that I must put my children before myself but this is not love. This is a big one for me and one to ponder on more deeply.

  426. What you have presented Alexis is pure gold. Illustrating and exposing so very much. Beliefs do run us, how we walk, talk, interact, argue a point, want to be right, all because of beliefs we hold within. But also as you are sharing, these beliefs are held because of how we move, then that encourages the thoughts that come in, which determines how we move and around the merry go round we go. This is truly revelatory as we do think we think. There are so many beliefs to myth bust and you have started the conversation and brought to light many in my life to look at and continue to let go of.

    1. The difference between a belief and a knowing is interesting. People will do a lot to defend a belief and convince others that what they believe is right, but when we know something beyond doubt it is felt in our bodies and there is less if any desire to persuade others to our way of thinking. Proof to me of the very wise man who taught me that ‘he who seeks to convince, is not himself convinced’.

      1. Richardmills363, I feel that Serge Benhayon epitomizes what you have shared ‘when we know something beyond doubt it is felt in our bodies and there is less if any desire to persuade others to our way of thinking’. Thank you.

      2. Great comment richardmills363. When you just know something is true, it feels different somehow than when you believe something to be true. It’s not semantics, there is actually a different feeling. And you’re right, there isn’t a need to persuade another to come round to ‘your way’. I’ve been busting beliefs of my own through using this technique, feeling if I’m imposing my way on another, then chances are its a belief and not the truth.

      3. This is beautiful Richard, ‘he who seeks to convince, is not himself convinced’. I could feel how I also had a view on my life. That my trying to convince people is definitely a lot less then ever before, but that I still am learning on this subject. I am realising that whenever I am choosing to express a belief or ideal, that in fact I am trying to convince, even though my intention might not be that. Hence the importancy of energetic integrity in using words – whether that being verbal or written.

      4. Floris I too have spent a long time trying to convince people of certain things and in truth it’s something that I still do. I am aware more than ever however that when I do try and convince someone of something it causes them to brace and yet when I pass on a truth it appears to permeate right through them, even if they reject it.

      5. Thank you Alexis, I could feel your honesty through your comment. It made me aware that this is not something to hide. It’s just something to be honest about, accept and eventually let go. I recognise your experience with sharing truths. People can not but accept, with their bodies, allthough they often try hard with their heads to not connect to the truth(s). Whereas if I share ‘a truth’ wrapped in a belief, it has the opposite effect. I find that people often start debating the belief, rather then hearing what it is about. ‘Everything is energy’ is here clearly highlighted as being incredibly important. Crucial in fact.

      6. I love what you so simple explained richardmills363 – I always did not like it if people are trying to convince me but I was always very much open if someone lived what he knows without doubt was true. This truth was palpable in very gesture and movement this person did and so my whole body was responding to it. And therefore I agree: “he who seeks to convince, is not himself convinced”

      7. Agreed Richard, there is no doubt our bodies have the ability to discern a belief from a knowing and all that is required is the constant appreciation and confirmation of it within us so we trust what is felt in the first place .

    2. That is a great observation Raegan, we staunchly defend and protect from scrutiny of the loveless beliefs we have invested in and given power to. They make it hard for other people to relate to because they make us dogged and irrational.

    3. What you share here raegankcairney, is very familiar to me. I remember how my walk was very hard in the past with all the anger I buried and was not allowed to express in the family I grew up in. I thought this helped me to deal with the anger; in truth I was only burying it and hardening. How different it is to deal with the anger, express it and start to develop more gentle movement patterns.

      1. and what you two ladies have helped me to remember is that when I used to go for a power walk I prided myself in walking with incredible intensity and I had a phase for the way that I walked and that was ‘tearing up the pavement’. I prided myself in walking in this way because of my firmly held belief that strenuous exercise was good for me and so if I could make every step count by clawing back the concrete then I felt like I was doing really well. I now know that every step that I took ensured that I would be back out again two days later ‘clawing up the pavement’.

  427. I was raised to believe that all the ideals and beliefs that I’d been given during my childhood contributed to me as a person. If I chose not to embrace them, I was somehow ‘lesser’ as a person, not quite hitting the mark in terms of what was expected of me. I can feel how dreadfully restrictive my life has been a result and sad that I wasn’t more connected to the awesome woman that I know I am and always have been. For in truth, these ideals and beliefs only served to keep me separated from myself and from everyone around me.

    1. Alison reading your line ‘For in truth, these ideals and beliefs only served to keep me separated from myself and from everyone around me’ I actually think that you’ve defined the purpose of a belief !

      1. True, Alexis – the only purpose of beliefs is to keep us separated from who we truly are and separated from each other.

      2. I agree because when we are connected to our true Divine essence we KNOW and belief does not even come into it. It would be like saying I believe I have three legs – ridiculous, I know I have two legs!

    2. Me too Alison, nobody I knew knew any different. I was raised to be tolerant of others’ beliefs, that is I don’t have to like them, but I’m not allowed to say so. It took listening to Serge Benhayon’s presentations for me to understand why beliefs are harmful – harmful in that a belief is not the truth, rather a thought that then allows a person to behave in a certain way, that could be very harmful to themselves as well as others. Beliefs do separate people, keeping people living comfortable in their own worlds, never challenging the status quo of life, or rather the truth of life and evolution.

    3. And that separation is really all that they would ever do, Alison. The beliefs that are imposed upon us throughout our lives are terribly constricting upon the expression of the truth of who we are. Letting them go, and embracing that truth allows for that expression to flow freely into our lives and to others in the world.

      1. I agree Naren, ‘The beliefs that are imposed upon us throughout our lives are terribly constricting upon the expression of the truth of who we are.’ Letting them go is a freeing and expansion of our true selves.

    4. I agree Alison, no one I grew up with for the last 45 years was talking about ideals and beliefs, no one ever questioned them – we just did what our parents did and their parents before them. There is a feeling of being ‘lesser’ if we choose not to follow the crowd and do what we feel is right for us. Breaking away from those beliefs is challenging at first but the freedom that is felt in the body is well worth it.

      1. Julie I was hit with a couple of things whilst reading your comment, particularly the line ‘There is a feeling of being ‘lesser’ if we choose not to follow the crowd’. Not only are people seen as being less when they don’t follow commonly held beliefs but they are often seen as being wrong, anti-social and trouble makers. History is made up of literally millions of examples of people that have chosen not to follow commonly held beliefs and have incurred the wrath of entire societys. There are so many examples, both big and small. In the sixties if a man wore his hair to his collar then it was believed that he was a misfit and likewise if a woman chose not to wear stockings then she was seen as being a loose woman!

      2. Julie the other thing that jumped out at me was the fact that we, as parents often pride ourselves in the beliefs that we instill in our kids. It is a belief that we have that the passing on of our beliefs contributes to good parenting. We share with pride how we have raised children that are good and helpful and that try hard at everything they do. I am not sure when I wrote this blog that I truly knew the extent of the problem, even now I feel like I am only just glimpsing the effect that beliefs have had and continue to have on life on Earth.

      3. I agree Alexis history is riddled with people being tortured and ridiculed for not agreeing with a belief – an obvious example is Copernicus challenging the belief that the earth is flat. This is still continuing today across the board when people speak the truth which invariably challenges the many beliefs people have investments in.

    5. Yes Alison, I too have come to realise that the ideals and beliefs that I have taken on or create only serve to keep me separated from myself and from every one around me. It’s crazy when I stop to reflect on my life as all along I knew who I was but hid under the illusion that the beliefs and ideals were who I was. Waking up to this truth as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has changed my life.

  428. This is a real exposure of how beliefs can govern us Alexis, and the list is horrendous. I can feel how I have ticked those boxes and more through my life. Realising and releasing ourselves from these restraints and feeling what is truth in the body feels very different from what the head has dictated, now I can understand the quantum difference of belief and truths.

  429. I love the awareness here that beliefs are ultimately circular in their nature. At one time in my life I used to smoke cigarettes in the belief that they helped me relax. What I eventually became aware of was that every time I picked up a cigarette what I was actually doing was confirming how anxious I was – the action simply confirmed the underlying belief in my anxiousness. Belief systems in my experience are mostly self-fulfilling rather than truth confirming.

    1. Great observation Richard. Beliefs cover and support our self-delusion and self-harm and because this type of energy is not natural it has to feed itself again and again.

  430. These beliefs are not only false but really tricky. Yesterday I unearthed a belief held in my body that has been having a huge effect on my whole life. When looked at, it seemed completely ridiculous that I could be living as if this was true, it is not who I know myself to be. These beliefs are there to hold us back from love, it is crazy and they are not real, but they do have a very real effect on us. Thank you for writing about this in such a great way.

  431. “One of the divine functions of the body is to consistently show us the truth with no attachment as to whether or not we listen.” Absolutely! No matter how hard we try to ignore it – the body speaks the truth loud and clear. All we have to do is simply stop and listen to it.

  432. ‘We are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life’ It’s interesting how we can see life no different to a game because in a way there is a game being played, the game of energy and we can be aware of this or choose to not be, by putting all sorts of beliefs in the way of feeling the truth.

  433. I love the analogy of our beliefs being the puppeteer governing our movements…the more I unravel the beliefs that have a hold on my body, the more I understand what that means, and it is so true.

  434. This is super powerful analogy Alexis which loud and clearly shows us that we only think we think. “So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!”

  435. Alexis there are so many gems in this blog! “The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment, and like a puppeteer pulling on invisible strings we are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life, falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs, our minds coerced into thinking and our mouths manipulated to say certain things.” This is the same game humanity has been playing from day dot not realising that we are being controlled if not connected to oneself.

  436. Brilliantly written and very expansive blog Alexis. Love all of your lists and can relate to so much of what you have shared. This paragraph really stood out for me “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.”

  437. The more I discard beliefs the simpler life is! Letting go of the imposing, constraining and limiting barriers has given me a spaciousness within that allows me to feel my natural essence which leaves me free to choose.

    1. Yes – and living through beliefs opens us up to a life where we constantly need to prove ourselves, that what we believe is true. How exhausting. As you say merrileepettinato, discarding beliefs brings simplicity to life.

  438. What you share is great Alexis: “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” I also find if I choose the beliefs I feel tension in my body and things become complicated, the thoughts in my head do, that’s for sure. Impulses and responding to truth is simple and clear and as you say spaciousness opens up.

  439. I’ve found that a majority of my reactions to people and life are a result of imprisoning beliefs. This blog has helped me to nominate “that’s just a belief I’ve held” and then let go of the reaction.

  440. What a great exposure Alexis, so thoroughly made. I love the way you have linked beliefs to movements and movements to beliefs. Who would have thought that the way we walk down the street seals the beliefs we have about ourselves and the world! And we can observe that this is so watching the way others move. The key is though that we must observe ourselves first and foremost.
    The train analogy is perfect for the impact of beliefs upon us. I imagine that the train in its flurry of movement would consider itself to be free, but when it stops and looks down it sees the tracks that confine it to a very limited journey through life. All it sees are the views and the stations that the tracks allow – a tiny picture that is but a fragment of the richness of life.

  441. It is a powerful thing to consider Alexis … Do we hold beliefs or do beliefs hold us? This contemplation opens up a deeper understanding of what we choose to not feel and read energy.

  442. When I read your words Alexis I get a picture of each of these beliefs like binding straps tied around us tight, so much so that they restrict and cut into our skin. In this bound up state we perceive we are safe. Yet in reality we are more like zombies mummified by the beliefs. You’ve inspired me deeply to keep stripping them off to feel the simplicity that lies underneath.

  443. ‘Strength as a woman comes from her fragility’. This stayed with me this morning when I re-read this blog. After so many years of holding on to false beliefs, time to let this one in for real.

  444. Why is it that when I read or hear or someone telling me something I am ready to believe it, without any questioning? Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for helping me understand how my beliefs and ideals limit me. I now am questioning everything, and open to everything.

    1. I can relate to what you say Kenneth and it feels to me that it’s like we are clinging to our sense of innocence, an ideal and belief that we should be protected from all harm, which, of course, is a total illusion and very disempowering. Being open and honest with ourselves first will then naturally flow into our being open and honest with everyone and everything.

  445. When we believe in something really strongly, we often call it ‘my’ or ‘our’ truth. It becomes such a defined part of our identity that it blurrs the boundaries of the two. As a result we get different so-called truths that are not true. We need to claim back the true meaning of truth. If truth, by the true definition of the word, has to be true for everyone for it to qualify as a truth, it makes it much simpler to discern. Truth is a lighthouse beaming its light to bring us home.

  446. Beautifully expressed and so True! Beliefs does feel limiting and like a guard that keeps us away from the truth. I am grateful to Serge Benhayon for presenting the movement associated with truth. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Haresh, reading your comment has reinforced my appreciation of this undeniable truth.

  447. Just knowing that beliefs spawn stubbornness and rigidity exposes so many belief systems I have held onto (in the most stubborn and rigid way).

    1. A great point you make Leonne about beliefs spawning stubborness. This is a great point that I will remember when I am become stubborn. Am I defending a belief that I have? My feeling is that the answer will clearly be yes.

    2. Oh yes Leonne, I can see that stubborness and rigidity have played their game with me and many others around me for such a long time. It feels hard and limiting – keeping us small which, of course, serves the intended purpose of preventing us from seeing the BIG picture!

    3. ‘Just knowing that beliefs spawn stubbornness and rigidity exposes so many belief systems I have held onto’ – what a gem, Leonne.
      I feel that when our belief is challenged and exposed, we can choose to go into reaction, to defend what we have held to be true and the stubbornness is not wanting to admit and accept that we have been fooled.

  448. I also was on the fast moving train which was run by my beliefs. Meeting Serge Benhayon was the much needed train stop which offered me the opportunity to step off and look at what energy had been fuelling me up to that point. Then I could see just how beliefs had held me back and distorted my life. Exposing these long held beliefs is an ongoing process of evolution and as each drops away I feel a lightness of being and a spaciousness within.

  449. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” Absolutely this is so true, there is so much spaciousness in life when you are impulsed by truth, it is joyous moments. The body is alive and expanding all the time In true expression, there is no tiredness or exhaustion.

  450. ‘The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment, and like a puppeteer pulling on invisible strings we are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life, falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs, our minds coerced into thinking and our mouths manipulated to say certain things.’ There is such wisdom in these words… beliefs moving us like puppeteer…. when we stop, we can feel that this is true.

    1. This shows the subtle insidiousness of beliefs so well. I can relate to every single point mentioned here. Pretty much at every point where I have been stuck in my development I have ended up unearthing at least one belief that was masquerading as the truth and I was unconsciously recreating the same pattern again and again.

      1. The first beliefs to go are the big obvious ones. Then they become more subtle and more refined as we clear more and more from our system.
        The more tender we become with ourselves and the more we give ourselves a break from thinking to live in our bodies, the more these beliefs stand out – rather like the the pea in the princesses bed.

    2. As you so beautifully express in you blog Alexis if we listen to our bodies then our beliefs stand out like a sore thumb for what they are –beliefs. ‘Our bodies are the marker of truth’ – Serge Benhayon

      1. I love how Alexis has described when we come from the understanding and wisdom of our bodies versus being fed beliefs like puppets. Its very beautiful and expansive just to read it as described from our bodies, far less live it. It also confirming to feel the truth in our bodies and to make choices from that – a much more harmonious way to live and be with our brothers.

      2. That one teaching alone from Serge Benhayon has made such a huge difference to my life and supported me immensely!

  451. There is such a different feeling between a belief and a truth. A belief limits us and creates a feeling of contraction and tightness in the body. A truth simply rings true and makes our body expand and feel lighter. If we choose to we can always know the difference by simply feeling the body and how it responds.

  452. Its remarkable that the thoughts we allow in and the beliefs that we hold affect how we move, and that we can move in ways that cement the thoughts we are going to have or we can move in a way that frees us from the beliefs that otherwise govern us. It is quite humbling to accept that we gain our thoughts from a source outside of us, it takes away that arrogance and belief that we are what we do, when in fact we act in what we are aligned to.

  453. Beliefs I hold on to have a strong impact on how I go through life, how I meet people and be in relationships. They feel like crutches for me and I ask myself how would it be to let go all of them? Would I fall… or fly?

      1. We and our body are there to express love. If we do not so we misuse our body and this has consequences. Energy is coming through us all of the time – if it is not love, it is something else, an energy that is not love and so, this ‘not love’ energy will use our body to express itself, but will not nourish us naturally as love would – this is exhausting. So we need more Coffee, Sugar and what ever to hold us upright. Beliefs are one more tool in the box of ‘try to replace love (with no chance of success here) and cover that I do so’ – they try to hold us upright but in fact it is like you are squeezed between two very close walls – they give you support to stand but your life is narrow and your uprightness is an illusion. Take the walls away and you will fall down – but then…also get some space again. Now you have to learn to walk again with your own feet. Time to take responsibility for our walk through life and not use crunches to come through life anymore.

    1. It’s incredible to consider how deeply and insidiously beliefs actually change who we are and how we are in the world, they are the basis of our personality and to question our beliefs is to really question everything which can be a scary prospect when we have invested so much in what we thought was true.

      1. Kate I understand absolutely that relinquishing beliefs can feel like a scary prospect but it is also an exhilarating one as we take a step closer to Home.

  454. Being ‘good’ and being ‘nice’ were an integral part of my whole life, constantly seeking recognition and acceptance from others. They came from an insidious neediness that totally imposed on everyone around me. The deep joy of simply being myself in whatever I am doing feels more relaxing to be around, and the laughter and smiles that bubble up feel true.

  455. Quite simply …”When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless”… love your blog Alexis, I shall read and re-read it when I feel myself dropping into those old paradigms I have imposed on myself, and unravel them and allow myself to feel the spaciousness within me… beautiful 🙂

  456. How great would it be to raise our children with truths and no beliefs? Today the world, as you’ve shared and has been my experience, is filled with belief after belief yet the truth is not mentioned or embraced. By the time we start adult hood we are so laded up with beliefs of the world that we have all but forgotten what our innate truth actually is. Suffice to say, no one can tell us what our truth is, they can simply remind us to connect to it.

  457. I realise more and more how my whole life was run by beliefs before and this caused a constant turmoil inside from what I lived by and the truths inside me. This created a false way of living with a hardness and dishonouring of my body. It was only on meeting Serge Benhayon that i was presented with truth which i knew and this was inspirational and conformational of everything i deeply knew and am forever constantly expanding with this i.e. off the train tracks and it is a very beautiful way of being with connection, purpose and responsibility. Thank you for sharing this so simply and clearly a great realisation.

  458. Yes, I have had the same experience with beliefs, especially the awareness of how subtle they can be. I thought I was Living without beliefs, I used to say, “I dont believe in ‘belief'”, but since connecting to ‘me’ in a true way, I have realised how I too was a puppet to beliefs that I did not even realise were beliefs. I am still letting go of beliefs.
    I feel expanded just writing this.
    I especially love the truth that being in our fragility makes us stronger.

  459. So beautifully expressed and a real wake up call “So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!” I can feel the restriction of the train tracks and I can feel how I am breaking free of them. I can feel when I get caught in the train tracks, it feel narrow and reducing of my experience of life. It is a fundamental truth that we have a choice, our will can determine which direction we head.

  460. When I’ve let go of beliefs or at least prevented myself from falling for the acceptance of what is expected of me, it has caused a tension in others because I am acting differently. Some beliefs have had an impact on others and relationships, but the fact is, unless I do something about the way I am, nothing will ever change and the world continues on its path of accepting what we have all been sold as a good or ‘happy life. Someone has to make the first move.

  461. Wow, Alexis- on pondering about the beliefs that I have taken on, the list too is endless. Like yourself ” I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.” And it definitely now makes sense that this comes about because of two different choices of energy that we can allow to pass through our body which then determines our very next movement or choice.

    1. It is so simple when it is explained in this way. The energy controls us, it is either love or it is not. What results and the outplays of this energy is everything we are taught to look at, rather than look at the determining factor – the energy.

      1. Well said Jenny, if everything is energy how is it we can live in a world that knows so little about basic energetic law. Energy should be the number one thing studied by scientists around the world. If everything is energy then everything is because of energy – now there’s a start!

  462. This rings very true for me today Alexis. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” Beliefs can keep us small and limited but truth sets us free to be amazing.

  463. Beautiful Alexis! I love what you’ve written here. I’ve recently become aware that I’ve got certain beliefs that seems to be immovable. Which of course isn’t truth but they are so strongly held in my body that I experience that I find it hard to let them go. It’s amazing the difference between moving from feeling my divine connection or to move stubborn stuff. The end result differs as night and day, black or white. Thank you for writing such a clear article on this very important topic. This blog could turn our whole way of seeing life upside down. If we dare to really look into the consequences.

  464. Alexis, this article is a real humdinger – I love the image you introduce of a train on it’s tracks locked until we change the points and move it elsewhere – this is so how our beliefs run us and indeed there are many, and I recognise many that you share, in particular doing and being strong as a woman when to be tender is our truth strength. I’m unpicking more and more of my beliefs and like you say they’re blockages which stop us seeing truth so I will continue this as the more of them I let go, the freer, the more real and the more me I become.

    1. I agree Monica we are riddled with beliefs and we need to expose very one of them other wise they are controlling what think are the free choices we are making.

      1. Yes they all need to go Mary-Louise, otherwise we are held and not free in how we can move and be.

      2. So true marylouisemyers, I have a bucket load of beliefs I’m slowly exposing about being a parent. In this bucket also resides exhaustion, pressure and lots of emotions.

      3. I feel like exposing my beliefs is a bit like mowing the lawn …. as I expose them, more just keep popping up, which is great as they need to be chopped away.

  465. There are so many great points you have offered to reflect on Alexis that I felt to read this a few times over. I feel the first thing most people associate beliefs with is religion, when as you have said they can govern everything we do and think. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed”. I can feel how I still have allowed some of the less obvious beliefs to continue to have a hold on me, but as I become more honest and willing to shed these beliefs there is an allowing to simply be me and I agree “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless”.

  466. You write that “These beliefs influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk, what we do” and it makes perfect sense – exposing them for how they restrain and mould us clearly shows how much they change us and in a way that is not who we truly are. We are not our beliefs, they actually feel like crutches and control mechanisms.

    1. So true Gabriele, its as if we use beliefs to prop up parts of ourselves that we have lost connection with. These days I can identify some of the postures, stances and physical attitudes that I impose on my body in relation to the identities and beliefs I have had and continue to chose. I can see how I use beliefs to hide behind when I have lost touch with my own inner knowing and wisdom. It requires much honesty and willingness to be able to own our beliefs and dissemble them, a very important aspect of our evolution because holding onto beliefs undermines our true expression and are a huge source of conflict in the world.

  467. It may sound strange to say but I can feel the energy of investment in beliefs, like something in me gets pulled or pushed in thinking certain things – an attachment which actually aligns me to a force that is outside of me, in which I lose my feeling. In contrast, truth leaves me free, with my body, feeling a resonance that is in harmony inside and out.

    1. Simon I can relate to what you share, how you can get caught in the energy of the investment of ideas and beliefs, when this happens it can really pull you out as you are attached to a force outside you. But when we are connected to truth there is no such force, but instead the body is free and there is a feeling of harmony.

  468. This is such a big one the beliefs and ideals of what we should be doing in life. I’m exactly like you Alexis, being inspired by Serge Benhayon, the Benhayon family and Universal Medicine practitioners, to look at all of these ideals and beliefs and how they have been running my life. There are ones that still come up that aren’t too obvious to pick up but the more and more I am willing to see them all the more and more life becomes freeing, joyful and spacious. No pressures simply being who I am. Aaaaaahhh a big sigh of relief as that all comes rolling of the shoulders!

  469. I love your list of how beliefs feel versus truths. I use my body and those feelings as markers in my every day life for whether something feels true or not, whether I am connected to me or not. My mind can often try to ‘trick’ me or override certain feelings, run by certain beliefs of course, but my body cannot lie. As Serge Benhayon has presented “The body is the marker of all truth”.

  470. Reading this blog today Alexis, a small snippet stands out strongly – ‘The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment ….’ . This has been felt truly in life and the power of realising the ‘untruths’ of a belief is monumental in opening one up to the love and opportunity of true connection. Thank you to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for showing us there is another way, also to the Student body and the support and sharing they bring everyday.

  471. I love coming back to the body being the marker of all truth. With the body as our guide, and in true connection with it, we can make decisions that nourish and support it that are not purely driven by the mind. Allowing our bodies the space to communicate with us is so important, and something I am appreciating more every day.

    1. Yes Amelia my body agrees with every word expressed here. “Allowing our bodies the space to communicate with us is so important, and something I am appreciating more every day.” Our bodies are the marker of truth and have so much wisdom to share all the time. That’s the beauty of life, living and learning from it’s teachings.

    2. Yes, this is the simple exercise I always do if I become confused or don’t seem to know what to do. Just stop, breathe and feel, the knowing is always there, deep down.

  472. Such a list of beliefs exposed here and I have to tick them all! So glad to read that in fact they are complete nonsense and serve no-one. Learning to care for myself shows others that it is ok to do so, no its not selfish and the mask on the aeroplane comes to mind – if I don’t fit mine first I can’t help anyone else with theirs.

  473. Since first reading you blog here Alexis I have had many opportunities to examine the times when a belief has had me stuck in the tram track, even for a second. They appear everywhere and it is revealing and freeing to become more and more aware of them!

  474. Beliefs are very harmful as they steer us away from the truth. My favourite belief was ‘that which doesn’t kill you makes you all the tougher’ – it was a joke but it sill influenced me.

    1. That is an interesting belief Christoph, for me it says abuse yourself to almost tipping point and you will be better equipped to deal with life. I had this one and used to go to all lengths of extremes someone thinking I needed to prove to myself that I was in destructible and worth loving. The more extreme I would go the more attention I would get, but it certainly was not love.

    2. I once believed in this same belief Christoph. After I was beaten up I remember thinking this and feeling so tough and strong, however by believing I was stronger because of my experience didn’t allow me to feel, process and heal the immense trauma held in my body from being hurt by someone close to me.

    3. Yes they are no joke as they steer us away from truth if we choose to buy into them.

      I recall ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder,’ as one I bought into. If you liked someone don’t spend time with them because if you did, the less they’d like you or you’d them. I thought I saw this in the relationships I saw around me. What I was actually seeing was people not addressing their issues within themselves and reacting to their issues being reflected back to them by their partners/friends.

      I chose to buy into it because it was very convenient: it supported me to not invest in the relationship I have with myself but instead fantasize about a guy who, in real life was reflecting all the things about myself I was hoping he’d fix. Time together challenged my fantasy. Whereas time apart was great as I could continue the fantasy of having my needs met. So much to keep us from truth in just six words.

    4. Christoph, this is also a chorus of a Kelly Clarkson song: What Doesn’t Kill you Makes you Stronger,’ and an example of how the music industry incessantly promotes false beliefs to millions of people around the world, especially women This particular belief is dangerous because of the deeply self abusive message it carries that could lead women to accept and stay in abusive relationships far longer that they need to and only leave when they feel their life is threatened. We need different song lyrics, to show that true strength is an inner quality that comes from loving and honouring ourselves and knowing that each one of us is the same and equal to all. With these truths as our guide we can never accept any form of abuse. Thankfully, the recordings of Michael Benhayon and Glorious Music have brought through truly beautiful music to the world to inspire and support us to be ever more grand and tender at the same time.

    5. Oh god, how often that has been said to me too Christoph – mostly in some kind of commiseration for ‘putting up with what is going on or to encourage stoicism. Poison!

    6. Ouch Christoph, I know that one well and it can still play out in very subtle ways and have me going into struggle when it’s not required. What I feel with this belief is an identification with being that tough one, with soldering through and it’s very prevalent in our societies and lauded even.

  475. Thank you, I really relate to everything that you have shared, this blog has changed my day and that will lead into changing my life. What you have written is a special thing to share with others Alexis. I have let go of many beliefs but there are always more to discover and each time you call one out and it looses its power over you, it is a freeing feeling. Thank again, its time to shake up the fish bowl again and yes what I can find on the bottom.

    1. Love the fish bowl analogy Sarahraynebaldwin. I may think i’m swimming in clear water, but when I look down (inside myself) I see all those belief dregs lying there in wait to catch me out. Time indeed to shake it up.

      1. Well said catherine bower, we need the grace of having moments of clear water to gain the strength for the next shake up. Its is okay to let go of theses beliefs gradually, after all that is the way we collected them, gradually over time It would be a great feat if you let go of every belief you ever had over night but usually not the case for us.

    2. Yes me too Sarah, well said. Exposing the beliefs we have is very freeing – immediately calling them out means they lose their power and tight grip over us, and we then have the choice to behave/live in a different way where we are not measuring ourselves against them. I too could do with shaking my fish bowl around a bit – although there are many ideals I have called out that I used to live so measuredly against, there are many more to go.

    3. I thought I had let go of most of my beliefs only to see that there were a whole lot more subtle ones waiting to control me if I allow them. This is why it is so important to be aware of how you are moving, what energy we are aligning to, moment to moment choosing to be in our body, listening to the true impulse. We are asked to be responsible their is no room for irresponsibility. Most people do not want this level of responsibility so are happy to be locked into a train track that takes them on a certain route they do not have any choice in.

      1. I can see the temptation in getting back on the train on a track, there is no responsibility required, you can sit back and ‘enjoy’ the ride. The problem is you think you make small decisions, like, which stop you stop at, and how fast or slow you go, but in truth the tracks are already laid out by the energy that made the train in the first place, all the stops and speed are determine by this energy, the energy wants you to think you have freedom of choice but really the game is rigged.

      2. So true Marylouisemyers, they travel down into a very being influencing everything we do. From a young age we have been taught to ‘think’ rather than feel so it is learning to operate in the world in a very different way but through this practice of listening to our impulses deep within the truth shall be revealed and the belief can dissolve like the illusion it always was.

    4. Yes Katie, it is this simple but what can be difficult is recognising the belief as a belief and not mistaking it for ‘who you are’.
      The best way to do this as Mary-Louise points out below, is to be very conscious about our movement, if we bring awareness to each, the state of our body becomes the marker for recognising and knowing the difference between’us’ and a belief.

  476. Great topic indeed. “Evolution is not an up it is a back towards. It is a U-turn”. I know that the beliefs I harbour have governed my life for a long time. I can see how they kept me on the rails while I mistakenly thought I was in charge. How many injuries have I done to myself and others because of entrenched beliefs?

  477. When I read through all the possible beliefs we may be holding, I feel very bound by life if I choose to stay unaware of them. Whereas what is true just is and feels forever expanding. Thank you raising awareness on this.

  478. A life governed by beliefs feels quite dense and limiting, also heavy. In effect it is a restriction that we place on ourselves. When we let go of the belief, by energetic law something has to rebalance and re-align, which is often the body. When we truly let go of the restrictions, it really does feel like being freed, unshackled and alive.

  479. The difference and feeling between the two lists (beliefs and truths) is powerful, tangible and palpable. It’s incredible by how much we let beliefs govern our lives compared to being in truth.

  480. A brilliant description of how binding our beliefs can be Alexis, summoned up with ‘And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?’ As I continued reading what particularly came to mind was how we eat and how belief ridden our diets can be at times eating something I don’t like because it is ‘good for me’. What I eat is continually shifting and the key has been to keep listening to my body, this is an area I find a little easier than others to notice how beliefs can interfere.

  481. I realize when I urge my children to do better in school there is much invested in it for me. I then make it about me because I am afraid the outside world might think I am not doing enough as a mother.

    1. Ijakleintjes I understand entirely your beliefs around our children’s schooling, however the truth of the matter is that their marks at school do not change the fact that they are already stunning beyond belief. Yes we currently live in a world where marks make a difference to what our children end up doing but their marks fade in comparison to the difference that being a claimed Son of God can do on Earth and that is what we need to be telling our children.

  482. Thank you Alexis. It is great to be aware that our beliefs influence everything we do and say and that we are in fact not in charge of our decisions most of the time. Another valuable learning is to recognize the places we have picked up these beliefs, feel how they subtly influence us and where we pass them on to our children. ‘There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.’

  483. It is great to be aware that our beliefs influence everything we do and say and that we are in fact not in charge of our decisions most of the time. Another valuable learning is to recognize the places we have picked up these beliefs, feel how they subtly influence us and where we pass them on to our children. ‘There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.’

  484. Thank you Alexis , you have share an amazing awareness about how we live in our beliefs and are really pushed into living these beliefs, at home, school work, at the shops, on TV its in our every day. There is a big difference between beliefs and truths, if we all lived in truth we will definitely be living in a different world.

  485. Wow Alexis – I am so blown away by what you have shared. Knowing that truth is simple and expansive and beliefs are limiting means that many beliefs are actually lies that we choose. This is an absolute game changer.

    1. Belief systems are introduced to deceive us and this will easily be exposed as such in the light of Truth.

  486. I love your list of truths from the body, Alexis. I can very much relate to them and they are confirmed by my own body.

  487. I love it: “I clung to the belief or rather the belief clung to me…”. believes have such a hold on us, it takes a lot of love, dedication and committing to connecting to the body to free ourselves from them.

  488. This is a great statement –”When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless”. This is exactly my experience of how it is in life. For me now life is about looking at all the beliefs that I have taken on and letting them go so that I can be free to be myself and to live true to myself.

  489. Yes, I agree Alexis ‘What on earth is going on?’ when we go about our life thinking that we have the freedom to choose when the fact is that all the choices we feel we are making have already been made for us. It feels that we are not quite as intelligent as we think we are as we stubbornly cling to the ideals and beliefs that have kept us paralysed for so long. Your blog makes such sense and brings great clarity to these ‘ideals and beliefs’ that have kept us held in a rigid corset that is laced so tightly that we are hardly able to breath God’s breath. Your blog on the other hand is expansive and life giving as it allows us to feel the true depth of love and joy when we let go of the rigidity and let our lives flow in alignment with God and the Universe.

  490. A ‘Belief’ is the opposite of truth, what is ‘Knowing’.
    In truth we all know if we choose to be connected. If not connected we feel lost and need something to hold on to – so we create a belief.
    It is like I am a part of a big tree, connected by the flow through it to the roots, growth rings, limbs and every leaf – connected from the ground to the sky. And then I cut myself from this connection and on my own; lost in time. No ground no sky.
    So I create a false context to bring stability into my life – say like an automata-tree. It looks similar but it is not alive. It is not a part of the universe and so is not nurtured naturally. I have to feed it all of the time, and if I ever stop it will break down. So I feed it – even it makes me not fulfilled at all. I may have some happy times with it but at the end it cost so much energy to hold it functional that I become exhausted and also by time I become aware of that all the fun I may have with my illusion is no compensation to my connection to the whole.

    Beliefs are supporting the false idea of we could bring our automata-tree alive. Thereby we are just too haughty and arrogant to let go of our creation and come back to the union.

  491. The image of school and gym class appeared when I read the title Beliefs V Truths. When we played team sports we had skins and shirts to delineate the sides, this was just the boys class. Beliefs would be the shirts that we ware for the world to see and skins are the truths of who we all really are.

  492. There are so many beliefs and the only way I have been able to discern a belief from my truth is by feeling the impact my behaviours have on my body.

  493. Alexis, this is a great article, I can very much relate to a lot of what you have written, it makes me realise how many beliefs I have taken on, I also had the belief that ‘Exercise is more effective if you go as hard as you can and Doing yoga postures leads to enlightenment.’ Living out these beliefs did not feel good in my body though, I remember when i was pushing myself with exercise that i would have to mentally encourage myself and say to myself that the pain was all part of it and to keep pushing through and it would be worth it etc. how awful for my tender, precious body, I now listen to my body much more and so do not exercise in a hard way and know from what i have seen and felt that yoga positions will not lead to enlightenment.

  494. Many beliefs that come to conscious awareness can be challenged and cleared. Others, more subtle and engrained are followed almost without our knowing. These are often the ones that create a movement that finds us repeating old patterns again and again. Thank you Alexis for exploring with simplicity beliefs and how, if we let them, they take control of our lives and choices. I love your list of truths that come from your body. They all resonate with me and this one in particular: ‘Looking after self is the best way to care for others’. Since embodying this truth from the depths of my being I am able care for others in the most loving and exquisitely tender way, without rush, strain or overwhelm.

  495. Beliefs are transient and to keep them going we have to invest a lot of energy through justification. Truth just stands there and says, ‘Yeah of course I’m truth. I don’t care if you align to me or not, but I will always be true.’

    1. A good point Jinya. Beliefs simply cannot exist if we do not invest in them and give energy to them – Truth on the other hand is complete – it endures in full. It requires no investment, no giving your power away to it, no need to be right, correct or greater and it exposes all that is false and serving of self.

  496. “A truth comes from the body and feels very different:


    Imagine if we were taught this from an early age…how different our lives could be?
    The simplicity of this, the known feelings to truth felt in our body, are very strong and clear. I know how easy it is to become clouded by your head, so bringing it back to your body has to be the only way.

    1. This is a great point Jenny – looking at our schools currently they tend to do the opposite. It would be great to have lessons to support young people to stay with the feelings they have and make these the basis of what they learn.

  497. Mary I too picked up ideals and beliefs that where ingrained in me as a child, it wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon, that I was able to understand they where not mine and that I could let them go. What a relief to have them go and just be me.

  498. The nature of beliefs is such that they seem completely real. The first time I travelled from Australia to the UK, and saw how people dressed differently there, it became starkly obvious that my beliefs on “how people were supposed to dress”, were just that – beliefs. They were products of my upbringing, and my community. Fantastic blog that I thoroughly enjoyed thank you Alexis.

    1. And such beliefs keep us perpetually trapped in a prison of our own making, they keep us at odds with ourselves and disconnected from humanity.

    2. I have found this Heather that when I do or go somewhere different I then realise I was holding beliefs about the people, place or situation. And had no awareness they are laying there dormant. I am learning to feel the healing and expansion when I see this and can let go of the beliefs.

  499. There are so many beliefs we are caught in, some are easy to spot, others are subtle and difficult, as most of them have been ingrained from when we are young and have become part of our lives. It’s crazy how we have just accepted beliefs without truly questioning how they impact us and what harm they may cause.

    1. This is true – how readily we have grown accustomed to this way or that, to a notion, picture, belief system, way of life, to bettering, a crusade, an answer, a fix, a problem, an expert, an education, to ill health and wellness – we could essentially pick any subject or word in use by Humanity and there will be beliefs that go hand in hand if not a hand that puppeteers or rules over them dictating the beliefs we are to adopt en mass.
      In such a climate, think with the smog of beliefs, it becomes important to navigate with ones light’s on, full beam with absolute presence.

    2. This is true, Amita, we so often just accept the beliefs that we are taught as children. But quite often we are not told that there is an option, which to me is the most devious part of the beliefs that we end up with. It is not like we are given a choice to believe something or not, and if we are given a choice of beliefs they tend to all come from a narrow range which are all from the same place.
      What comes to mind is religion. If you are someone who feels that there is more to life than this and that there is a God, you essentially are presented with a small handful of choices as to how you can express that: one of the 3-4 major religions, or one of the offshoots of those religions. Never mind whether you feel that these religions are expressing the truth of the love that God is, you only have these to choose from and everything that then goes with them.
      If you don’t choose one of these, you are often considered deviant, or a heretic (and in the past, much worse), or at the very least flakey. It is as if the way we have set up beliefs is to ensure that all others buy into what we believe, or risk being ostracised.

  500. Beliefs are a huge part of the New Age spirituality movement and of some of the New Age modalities. It’s about shifting out some beliefs/constrictions to align to other beliefs that perhaps are said to attract or bring more money or peace etc into your life. But this blog exposes that this philosophy of beliefs being healing completely bypasses that there is a living truth in the body that no belief could ever come close to. The New Age philosophy of the power of beliefs also comes from foundation of the power of the mind and thought, and not that the whole body is a mind – and part of the body of God at that! Connecting with the whole body to feel the truth is an immensely different foundation to live life from. Tremendous blog Alexis.

  501. Beautiful Alexis, the first half of the blog examining beliefs does feel constricting, or rather, I can feel how constricting beliefs are! As you moved along to truth I could also feel the freedom and expansion. I love all you have presented here, it’s very simple (though in depth) and practical and relatable. Very supportive, thankyou.

  502. ‘Strength as a woman comes from her fragility’, this is so very beautiful. The truth in what is being shared so very powerful and so lacking in our world today. I realise that the more this truth is a part of my own livingness, I am spreading the message, just not through words. That is also immensely powerful.

  503. Awesome blog Alexis – ““So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!” – I love this – lets go de-rail a bit and start flying more – with the expanse of space all around us 🙂

  504. ‘I have come to the startling realisation that for most of my life I have held beliefs in most categories of life, and that those beliefs have governed the way that I have lived.’
    I can say the same for myself and the scary thing about it for me is that those beliefs have generally come to me from other people, parents, teachers, friends ….. I have taken them on as a truth, without always discerning for myself as to whether what is being shared is a truth for me. Given these beliefs govern the way I live every moment of every day, if they are not true, for me, they do not belong in my body, colouring the way I live.

    1. Alison I am wondering if when we come to re write the dictionary, if indeed we are actually still using the word ‘belief’, that we might define it as ‘a mechanical imposition that is laid over the top of life to disrupt it’s natural order’.

  505. I love how this blog describes the limitations and harm of beliefs from a very personal level to consider the broader ramifications on a global level.

    1. jennym yes that has really struck me also, and brings my attention to the responsibility I hold as a member on this planet. It really highlights that ideals and beliefs are leading us on a path of destruction and it appears we are willingly going along. It’s time to question the status quo in every aspect of our lives.

  506. You have conducted an ‘autopsy on beliefs’ here Alexis – such an honest and thorough examination of how we choose not to be aware of the harm they bring first to ourselves! Very powerful and revealing and perhaps for me the most significant statement is, ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth’.

  507. Alexis there are so many good points within this blog. It is such gold. We are controlled by our beliefs as this is the rigid frame of mind we give ourselves and often can’t think outside this as it is the ‘way it should be’. Then we pass these onto our children- and so our world stays one dimensional with each of us having our own beliefs.

  508. Alexis I loved this so much. “And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” For me it definitely can be that belief’s hold us if we let them. For many many years I have held myself small and felt very comfortable in that. Even just this one belief has capped me from being the real me, I know there have been many more over time that have built up too. It really is just another beautiful choice to either stay within the confines of our beliefs or pull the cap off and let the love in. Thank you.

  509. I also have been discarding many beliefs over the past few years. I am constantly amazed when I am looking at patterns etc that are holding me back to find that there are still so many beliefs that are driving what has been happening. It seems that I have a never ending supply!! Over the years I had grown to highly regard my mind as the prized centre for decision making but have now come to the realisation that the mind isn’t at the peak of the intelligent pyramid after all. What I do find enormously helpful is knowing that it’s my choice regarding how I connect to my body and the more I work on deepening the connection with my body, the more I know I have access to truth and any lurking beliefs will get exposed.

  510. This is so true, once I choose to walk in my awareness for my body, I do feel my whole body aligning. This is a feeling of being full with myself and nothing is more important than just walking and moving with my body at that moment. This creates space where I can just be with me and my body and god.

  511. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.”
    This line stood out to me beliefs come from hurts be whether the hurts are ours and we developed the belief or our parents or grand parent past them on could be societal belief/cultural we cling to beliefs to protect ourselves from hurts, hurts that often aren’t even ours. Our beliefs hold us to ransom by dealing with your hurt and claiming our true self we free ourselves from beliefs.

  512. This is one for the ages, Alexis.
    Reading this blog gave me the image of my beliefs being a long line of burly bouncers blocking the door to myself, and only allowing certain bits of information to get by and seen by me. Our beliefs are so very limiting to ourselves and we can take them on as being all that we are to the point where if they are threatened we can go into some seriously damaging reactions.
    Is this much effort to maintain a false image of who we are truly worth it?

    1. No! In reading this I can feel the huge amount of effort it takes to keep these beliefs in place and the maintenance they require. How exhausting.

      1. Exhausting indeed, nikkimckee! Yet, so many of us see it as absolutely normal to fight for what they believe in, whether it is a religion, a country, a sports team, or a point of view. It is not something that we are born with, this is something that we are taught and encouraged to do.
        It is something different from fighting for the truth, for in fighting for the truth all others are held in the same truth, not ‘my truth’ vs. ‘your truth’. With a belief it is as if all others are held as wrong or lesser, and must be convinced of their errant ways.

      2. Well said Naren. When fighting for a religion, or sport, or country, there is so much identification in it. It is as thought such a fight is put up out of fear of losing an identity and then not knowing who you are. But when we stand for truth, it is not a fight. It is simply stating what is. It is absolute and needs no fight. We may need courage to do so, but it is not actually a struggle.

      3. Wonderfully, put nikkimckee. I love this: “We may need courage to do so, but it is not actually a struggle.”

  513. So what kind of world are we passing on to the next generation when we are passing on our old believes to our children? What I see and observe is increasing illness and diseases, more stressed people and mental health problems are rising, the diabetes is growing uncontrollable numbers, the food chain gets less nutritious, fast food and empty food is every where, and coffee keeps the world going. There is something so wrong and it is so obvious that everyone is contributing to this mess in ignoring it all.
    It needs people like you and all of us who are taking responsibility to look at the old believes who we allow to run our lives. I am so graceful to Universal Medicine where I had an amazing reflection with Serge and his family. The level of responsibility that they live is so high and lets me look at my choices and the way I live. There is always a next level of hidden believes that keep us locked away from our own true amazing being. With our choice we can turn it around and start a new cycle.

  514. I love that you have highlighted the endless array of beliefs that we harbour, from wherever they come from and in relation to whatever, they form our every way of being, living and moving all of the time. Until such time that we begin to break them down and ask the questions around them, exposing their limitations and confinement. Great, simple blog. Thank you.

    1. Yeah me too Cherise. The more I look at my life the more I find – always unfolding deeper buried ways of behaving and thinking. It is so liberating to keep letting them go.

      1. To wake each day and to live it freely really sounds amazing. I can feel the hold beliefs have on each move of the day, how limiting they are and how they keep me with a boundary. Reading this blog and the comments has really highlighted that I have this going on.

      2. Thanks Simon yes it is true, letting go of beliefs is forever deepening. The more I accept my innate knowing, the more I can let go of beliefs and the more free I feel.

  515. Beliefs are there to define us in a world that has been created to define us all by what we believe and do. They separate us from the truth of the fact that without them we are bigger, grander and more magnificent than we can possibly imagine.

  516. When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless. Absolutely, this is my experience also Alexis. As I start to unravel all of those beliefs that hold me back, it is extremely limiting as your confined within the walls of that belief literally. Truth on the other hand, opens it up exponentially in all directions and brings great wisdom.

  517. Wow, this is amazing. Thank you so much for shining a torch on the shackles that our beliefs are in truth – a veritable prison of our own making, a bulwark against the world and its demand, a straight jacket of our own choosing.

    1. Beliefs certainly keep us small –how readily we give our power away to this belief or that and in doing so we give such belief systems more power, strengthening our ready made prison and enabling the imprisonment of others.

  518. A brilliant blog, highlighting just to what extent we firmly believe in our beliefs when in fact they’re illusory. Our varying belief systems the world over continue to prove that beliefs do not unify, but divide, separate and even destroy.

    1. Here, here Cathy, well said. When we look at things like religion and culture they are simply beliefs about ourselves and each other and only may divide us, not unite us.

    2. Cathy Hackett I like your use of the word ‘illusory’ – the more I discard beliefs and then observe what constrains my fellow man, the more we are destroyed at an individual level, firstly, we lose our sense of self and our natural innate trust in ourselves. We then cement this mistrust of ourselves in our everyday actions, so we take on trusting others’ ideals and beliefs. Which now has me wonder why we allow this to happen as the results on the board are not what we really choose for our lives and our planet …. as you have said Cathy our beliefs do not unify, but divide, separate and even destroy.

  519. Of all the beliefs you’ve name here Alexis, one that jumped out was “Putting others before yourself is a positive thing.” countered by the truth you share which is “Putting yourself first is the best way to care for others.” – this makes complete sense to me now, but once upon a time I too was held by the belief that others come first. My capacity to care for others now is far greater now I take more loving care of myself first.

    1. It is a very common and ingrained belief. I find it Impossible as well to truly care for others when I have not cared for myself first, it actually hurts.

  520. It’s great to open up this conversation – that there could be a difference between our beliefs and our truth. So often they are considered one and the same, such as in our beliefs are what make us who we are. I know for myself that I can say that having beliefs is not what makes me who I am, and they are just as you have described them Alexis.

  521. Reading this blog is a great stop moment. One of the lines that stuck out for me was ‘there is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being’.
    A timely reminder as the year ends and its very busy that its not about pushing through but deepening and bringing more presence and greater quality to all that I do.

  522. Dear Alexis this is a masterpiece…this is absolutely awsome and so clear. Thank You for this blog. With love Nadine

  523. Alexis, what you have so clearly presented is invaluable to everyone on this planet. It is a true call to bring power back into the way we live and choose. For in truth, we are choosing an energy first before we are choosing thoughts or movements. This is a game changer and one that is extremely exposing of the illusion that we are free thinkers when in fact we are vessels of energy.

  524. Great article Alexis, it makes me appreciate the connection with my body and to know the more I focus on the quality of my movement the more I have a say on the quality of thoughts that come in, thank you.

  525. ‘How much choice did I really have? If my thoughts were dictating my every move and my every move was dictating my thoughts then what was I choosing?’
    Knowing and understanding this is our golden key to self-salvation. The importance of our movements makes sense here, like gentleness or tenderness in the way we do things, it’s all training and making way for thoughts that are from the energy that we are from and not from the energy that separated itself from the Almighty. Love, God, Divinity and Fire.

  526. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” this sums it up for me, the more I choose to feel and honour my body the more space and flow I create in my life. Thank you for sharing Alexis.

  527. Alexis I like your list of beliefs vs truth. The differences are stark and can be felt clearly in the body.

  528. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth.” Such power, clarity and simplicity in this statement!
    Thank you for writing this blog Alexis, through contrasting and comparing belief and truth you bring much clarification and inspiration.

  529. Isn’t it amazing when we realise that our beliefs actually govern how we move and the quality of our movements and then as we walk, we walk these beliefs, we walk these behaviours. No wonder we think that we are our beliefs and it can take some absolute honesty to realise that these beliefs are what we have taken on both in our thought patterns and also in our bodies.

  530. Very revealing Alexis of just how run and controlled we are by our beliefs and how endless a list would be if we sat down to write it all out. This highlights how, with just about everything we do, there is a belief attached. I love what you say here – ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.’ – this is such a powerful truth delivered. As living from our beliefs indeed limits our growth and development, our knowing and the depth that we can live the true quality of who we are in our lives from living in connection to our truth.

  531. Alexis the distinction between beliefs and heart-felt truth has never been made clearer. Now I understand that a belief is a way of looking at the world that has been imposed on us or we have absorbed and adopted it just because it was dominant, it was a choice but an unconscious one.

  532. What a great expose on how much our lives are governed by beliefs and what I felt from reading this today is how heavy this makes us when we carry them and are surrounded by them – the air is so thick with them, as you so rightly said.

  533. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed”
    Beliefs prevent us from feeling in general I would say. They let us switch into our minds in nanoseconds, so fast, that we often can´t recognizing that it is already our belief that is guiding us before the feeling. It needs such an awareness and connection to reveal beliefs…Work in progress for me.

    1. Yes Steffi – and for me too. And it is beautifully expressed by Alexis when she says ‘“My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed” It is amazing when we realise how patient our body has been and is ‘ever ready’ for us to realise and unfold the love that has been held within for aeons. This is very much my experience at the moment as I feel the depth of anxiety and restlessness that pervades my body as I go around daily – and I now feel so much more supported to feel these feelings, and not feel the shame that has kept me trapped for many lifetimes. Yes, it feels extremely uncomfortable – but so is denial that has allowed me to hide these feelings and compound them. To be able to feel is a wonderful and life enhancing way as it supports me to let go of the hurt and to heal my body and to return back to who I truly am – and that is truly a blessing.

      1. Beautiful Susan! It is crazy how our mind keeps us in the separation from feeling although it might take one moment, where it feels probably unpleasant if you allow yourself to feel the hurt and then everything is fine. Next! 🙂 The mind keeps us in this belief; it would hurt too much, although the whole separation and not wanting to feel hurts us far more than going there for once.

      2. Yes Susan & Steffi, as I allow myself to become more aware of my feelings it can be hugely uncomfortable and in these moments I can feel how I am looking for a way out, a distraction, some food, but if we begin to catch ourselves, even when the switch between body & mind is lightening fast, the learning is truly humbling.

  534. “One of the divine functions of the body is to consistently show us the truth with no attachment as to whether or not we listen”. A powerful true statement confirming how amazing is our body. It is there consistently, never holding back what it feels and communicating truth always.

    1. A very powerful statement indeed.. supporting us all to know that we always have the wisdom inside us and the capability to know that our access of this wisdom is but a mere choice of movement away.

    2. This is true Marcia, and completely polar from the beliefs we are raised with about our bodies.

  535. This is hilarious when you ‘think’ about it, “…when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!”
    Here we are going forever in circles, keeping ourselves in the illusion that we are getting somewhere. Thanks Alexis, for sharing your great revelations.

    1. Yes Judith the train track image reveals how much in illusion we are – only going in a predetermined direction until we choose to jump the tracks!

  536. In gaining a greater understanding of beliefs and ideals I can feel how insidious they are and just how much of our lives have previously shaped around and comprised of them. It feels amazing to start nominating them and letting them fall away.

    1. Yes, I agree Michael, with a deeper understanding and examination of ideals and beliefs we can come to the truth that they are not us, just something we have chosen to live by so as to be able to sit in the background and not shine our light.

  537. Thank you Alexis for lifting the lid on such a great subject. It’s a real crime that ideals and beliefs are drummed into us, especially being nice, good and polite at the expense of being true.

    1. I agree Kev McHardy, these are especially insidious, because who would question them? Isn’t nice, good and polite what a lot of us strive for their whole lives? Thinking they are our highest good, leaving truth altogether out of the equation.

    2. Yes that one is tricky because everyone is okay with it and so your getting away with it as no one thinks anything is wrong. Even though your body might be telling you different.

  538. Alexis you have exposed something big here, your blog very clearly explains how we are ruled by our beliefs and how they are magnified by our movements which in their turn then confirm our beliefs back to us. It is a hard cycle to break through but as you say the beliefs come from our mind so the way back to truth is through our body.

    1. Beautifully summed up Carolien. Our bodies are our marker of truth, always communicating to us and reflecting how we are living. And so it makes sense that we listen and be guided by the truth shared from our bodies. As you say – ‘the way back to truth is through our body.’ – again, beautifully said.

    2. This revelation is huge – since Serge Benhayon was presenting the fact that we do not think and our movements are magnifying the energy we allow to rule us, it makes so much sense to me to take responsibility for choosing the energy that is from within who we are and not the energy that wants us to be more, faster, smarter, more successful, hunting for recognition.

    3. The cycle makes those beliefs seem so real, and so by changing the way we move, the way we sit, walk, our facial expressions, we have an opportunity to see more of the beliefs that actually aren’t supporting us, and bring those out of the closet for closer inspection.

      1. I like that Heather, the words closer inspection is for me what makes someone a student of themselves. From this point of view we cannot be critical or harsh, and we are not aiming to replace one belief by a ‘better version’ but we can simply observe what it is we have taken on and what is actually underneath it.

    4. I would say so too, beliefs are our biggest enemy therefor it is very much important to unravel the smallest hidden beliefs in our daily lives.

  539. This is golden Alexis :”a world full of people all following their own pre governed tracks, unable to deviate because the very movements that they repeat, feed them the beliefs that keep them in those well-worn tracks” as it shows how we are able to ignore our body and what it tells us and keep choosing things that are clearly not supporting us in our health and wellbeing. Our beliefs can override even the strongest of messages both from our body as from the reflections of the world around us.

  540. I can appreciate the analogy you provided Alexis about how our beliefs and way we move in life gets us stuck as if on a train track. There have been many times where I have felt that way (getting reactive about a situation based on a belief of the way my life ‘should look like’ and then staying in the same rut when I moved my body in a frustrated way afterwards). The thing that really helped me to get out of that pattern the most was to simply focus on feeling my body in everything I do, focusing my mind on only the one thing I was doing at that time. Of course, we all need to call out all the personal beliefs that we have and denounce them, as you have done so well here Alexis. They can be so limiting and constricting, and many times I have noticed how they came from other people and I adopted them out of my own feeling of lack or need in the first place. Building presence through staying with my body has helped bring back a self-confidence that leads to not adopting these beliefs as I had in the past.

  541. Beautiful Alexis, the way you desribe ideals and how you have lived based on them is incredible. I have to say that it was only that I met Serge Benhayon that I became aware of what ideals were and so could I make a difference in energy; being it an ideal or not. What really struck me was: that everything is energy, and that the choice of which energy we let come through us depends the quality and certain movements. So is it not something we can control actually!! That is mindblowing. Again, this feels actually hugely important for all people to realize and experiment this for themselves, I can so much better understand life now and my choices and results.

    1. Prior to my association with Universal Medicine, I recall having thoughts around the way I was thinking. Wondering where thoughts were coming from, why I was repeating cycles and having glimpsing thoughts around the possibility of their being another way. After then listening to Serge Benhayon and his presentations I felt a true shift and an unlocking of many of the beliefs that I was in and I am so appreciative.
      This is what supported me to further question my many other beliefs that came to the fore and uncover that what I have often thought is actually the ‘complete opposite’ in nature to what I truly feel and this being the same for the many actions that I want make in life.

      1. This is a great sharing Cherise, I like your curiousity that brought you to truth and wisdom yourself, which seemed to not be far away from you.. in fact, in You! When I read this I am reminded of the fact that we are being fed ideas, thoughts, beliefs etc. that confirm us a certain captured and limited way of being (life), which only allows us that way and not see anything else.. this is what I feel you have described, and this is what I personally have experienced by coming in contact with Universal Medicine. I found it interesting how I am not the one who comes up with thoughts, new ideas or believes – but actually the energy I have chosen to come through me. The key difference is: limited thoughts that come from the lower vibration (feels heavy and limited) comes in and make you see only that which it is, the higher vibration of energy (feels real, open) and makes you see that which is really going on and makes sure you are left open and clear to see and feel more. To me this is absolute a blessing to be aware that I can choose two types of energy that makes me have thoughts, instead of having always being convinced that I had only one option, I was the one who made thoughts – no way I can say that now anymore – I only choose the energy which then gives me type of thoughts that it belongs to.

      2. Danna when you said ‘the higher vibration of energy (feels real, open) and makes you see that which is really going on and makes sure you are left open and clear to see and feel more’ I love how you have emphasized that a truth leaves us ‘open and clear to see and feel more’, whereas beliefs blinker us from seeing anything other than the belief itself and other beliefs from the same belief group.

  542. ‘Everyone should eat 3 meals a day and protein in at least 2 of them’, I had forgotten that I grew up with this belief, it was instilled in me as a child that I had to have some protein with my meal and I feel that I still hang on to this belief now, not truly feeling what my body needs but living by this ideal instead.

  543. I love how you’ve identified the detail of how these beliefs have coordinated your movements and further cemented themselves. At any time I can look at what I’m doing and ask myself what is the source that is driving or impulsing me as a way of identifying any beliefs.

  544. From what I have read here and from, my own experiences, I think it would be fair to say that beliefs are the destroyer of true joy.

    1. I would agree with you Michelle, that there is no true joy in beliefs because they have us living less than who we truly are, filling pockets of life with a mechanical way of moving and ‘thinking’ how we should be with consistent moulding of ourselves to fit in. Doesn’t sound joyful at all to me…

      1. No, my own experience of living with beliefs I have taken on has been like a prison. When they are dropped, I feel amazing, free in my body, light, and that anything is possible.

  545. Alexis I thank you for sharing . I know what you say here is the truth, we do allow our belief system to rule us . I love your comment “Are we guaranteeing that the world stay a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children”. I agree that only with us listening to our bodies will the truth be told. This is a truly inspirational blog that we can all learn so much from. Thanks also to Serge Benhayon and the Ancient Wisdom teachings that he Presents.

    1. This blog is inspiring me to further uncover how many beliefs I have about life and who I am, and take them out to be inspected, see if they are loving, if they are kind, if they are supportive…and if not that is a clue they are not for me.

  546. There is no confusing the truth that comes from within (even if it is awakened by the reflection of another) with a belief that is imposed upon us from outside. It’s very true Alexis, we expand from within and are squeezed from without.

  547. This is a brilliant blog Alexis, one I have personally found very enlightening to read.

    If ideals and beliefs are not our truth but only a paradigm we pick up along the way in life then why do we choose this subscription? Why do we take on a belief that is inherently false when we already know the truth?

  548. Absolutely awesome blog Alexis. Whilst studying ‘Stress and Health Management’ some years ago, beliefs and the power of belief systems was one of the modules. The message was that our beliefs do run our behaviours yes, but the solution was to change them for better, more empowering beliefs – which in fact is not a difficult thing to do. Today though, I am fully in agreement with your assertion that we do not need beliefs at all, but rather the truth that is present in our bodies and in our beingness. We are party to an innate knowingness that transcends belief – everyone of us equally so, which is something not so much to be attained but rediscovered. Thank you for your very perceptive writing on this topic.

    1. This is awesome RichardMills, your comment really rocks that belief that we need beliefs – haha. It is a shift of paradigm from the mind to the body and we start to perceive the world in a different light.

  549. After yet another read Alexis- I am loving this blog. It is jam packed with exposing beliefs and the result they have in society. The big one for me is the perpetual treadmill humanity seem to be on to guaranteeing the same ills to be passed on generation after generation. Infact they seem to intensify.
    I can second that movement changes everything – by bringing presence and quality to my movement I know I automatically change my thoughts and patterns.

  550. “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.” This is a great line, thank you Alexis. I had never really considered the fact that beliefs are something that have been created to get in the way of the communication of the divine truth coming from the body. But it is so true! For example, a discussion came up recently about religion, and I said I believed in God, but in fact it doesn’t feel right to say I ‘believe’ in God, because I simple ‘know’ God and feel the truth of God’s light that is in and around us in every moment of our lives. The knowing is far stronger than the believing.

  551. This is great timing for me to read your amazing blog Alexis. I have already created a list of doing for today and hadn’t yet gently brought my awareness and attention to the list of being. My friend asked me earlier about what I was going to be doing today and I listed all the things. It’s a great opportunity to look at the beliefs behind the drive to do. My answer to that question now would be that today I am going to ‘be.’

  552. When we are holding onto beliefs, it is exactly like being driven by something outside of ourselves and we are certainly not the ones in the drivers seat. Are we even in the vehicle at all?

    1. ‘When we are holding onto beliefs, it is exactly like being driven by something outside of ourselves and we are certainly not the ones in the drivers seat. Are we even in the vehicle at all?’ Simone you made me smile first and then ponder deeply.

  553. Until quite recently if you had asked me how much beliefs effect how I am with myself and others, my answer would have been that I don’t hold that many beliefs. It has been such a revelation to see the impact of beliefs on how we behave and interact with the world. This sentence stoof out for me “falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs” Our purpose can then be to gently look at these beliefs and expose them for being a belief and nothing to do with who we are. When I have seen a belief for what it is, I have felt a deep understanding of who I am and how the belief is simply not me and picture that I have taken on as true. Feeling the truth rather than the belief has been so freeing.

  554. Brilliant Alexis. Your point blank analysis of confirms to me that beliefs are like sugar. They offer an immediate rush of comfort, being safe and knowing what will occur, but after this false high has worn off, you’re left drained and absolutely not yourself.

  555. This is a great read Alexis. “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.” I have really got myself into some undesirable situations because I have not honoured the feelings from my body and instead allowed those loving messages to be ignored in favour of beliefs that sometimes caused me a great deal of pain. It’s really amazing how awesome I can feel after I have honoured a message from my body – in truth it’s only communication is love.

  556. You raise here so many crucial points and question Alexis. ” Imagine for a moment a world full of people all following their own pre governed tracks, unable to deviate because the very movements that they repeat, feed them the beliefs that keep them in those well-worn tracks.” We just keep on repeating what we know even knowing that it doesn’t serve us and that it actually harms, that sounds familiar to me. Thanks to Universal Medicine i was able feel that there is a different track/way of living we can choose.

  557. It is such a paradox but so true, the more I connect with my fragility as a woman, there is no need to harden and protect myself and there is great strength in this as well as a vulnerability.

  558. I was so struck by your list of beliefs and how the one’s I have held are almost identical. It seems to reflect to me a similarity of how our society is constantly telling us how we should be in order to get recognition, acceptance and approval or be happy. For as long as I look for these things from outside of myself however, I need be in a constant drive and that has been very depleting and exhausting.

  559. All that happens when we build a life and identity based on beliefs is that we set ourselves up for failure, because no matter how much we try we can never live up to them. All a belief does is take us further away from connecting to who we truly are. Coming back to connect with our inherent stillness, always present no matter how much we try to bury or ignore it, brings us back to who we truly are, no drama and no fuss.

  560. This is awesome Alexis, thanks for stepping through how and why we have been so led astray, ending up leading lives dictated by the beliefs we take on, rather than impulsed from a true place within… I particularly love your line…’but my beliefs around these things denied me access to the truth.’ This is so true, and explains so much around how we can continue to live by these false beliefs for a lifetime (often lifetimes) and never see the harm it causes not only ourselves but everyone around us too.

  561. It is not until we start exploring what beliefs are underling our actions does one come to understand and appreciate the insidious nature of beliefs and how they pre-determine what we believe is ‘free thinking’. Thank you for exposing this, Alexis, and sharing how by listening to our body through acknowledging what we are physically feeling we can liberate ourselves from their tyranny

    1. Beautifully expressed Jonathan! Insidious absolutely, to the point that if we don’t connect with our bodies and sound evidence too, beliefs can be defended as truth and have been for eons! Didn’t we once ‘believe’ that the world was flat?

    2. Energetically we are always aligned to either fire or prana, our beliefs blind us from being aware of the fire.

    3. I like that what you saying Jonathan, we can liberate ourselves out of the tyranny of this force what we are not, but the mind does try to ‘think’ us that way we should be like – and this will be never enough. What a silly game, I don’t want to play any more and finding more ways that I still allow it, when I am not aware of what is going on, and when I am on autopilot, meaning giving my control away to this game.

  562. “How strong must the hold be when something is so obviously not working … ”
    Indeed, Alexis, the (emotional?) comfortableness and perceived protection from fear that we get from holding onto something that is so obviously not working must outweigh the physical discomfort of the not working behaviour … it seems incredible that we would continue with unsupportive behaviour/s yet we do so, as the ‘payoff’ of maintaining that behaviour/s serves to keep us ‘safe’, ie, held back in some way.

  563. As I read this Alexis, I could feel the many beliefs I have had and am still holding and I can feel the lovelessness in them. I can feel how they block the truth and keep me comfortable but are not evolutionary in any way. There is so much in here for me to ponder.

    1. It is so true Anne that beliefs are loveless in nature, as they indulgently disregard the immeasurable magnificence of love that we in truth, naturally are.

    2. Yes true Anne. The blog was the same for me- It brought on a lot of thinking about my own beliefs and sussing out – what’s true and what’s not true. I find that my beliefs just come from my head part and i can literally recognise them from just coming from here. True ways of living I can feel within and have awareness of my whole body.

  564. I had to realize that beliefs are very clinging – I thought I did get rid of it but then found it dressed in another way on my other side…to exorcize them is a very deep and aware clearing needed.

    1. Absolutely Sandra! I know this too- they sneak in, in a different dress, although you thought you solved why you had the belief. It needs a lot of honesty and a great awareness to truth to ” exorcise” them- I like this word 🙂 Lets exorcise our beliefs 🙂

    2. Yes indeed Sandra, and these beliefs have many facets and are showing in every day things, until we have nominated them and chosen the other way of being loving and respectful with ourselves. I also have thought I got rid of them but there are still some in refiner versions, very tricky.

  565. Alexis, I can feel the truth of what you have written here, ‘These beliefs influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk, what we do, the way that we do what we do, the relationships that we have, the relationships that we don’t have, the jobs that we do, and the jobs that we don’t do etc…’ I can feel how as a young woman I held the belief that I was not as lovely as other women, that I did not deserve to be with someone who was really gorgeous, and so my choice of friends and partners was always based on a lack of self worth, I would avoid having friends or having relationships with people that I felt were just too amazing for me. This has changed now as I have much more love for myself and much more confidence and so I do not have this measuring of who I can be in relationship like I used to.

  566. The beauty of truths is highlighted here brilliantly as being spacious , from our body and a beautiful way to live from and be . Beliefs on the other hand are suffocating and disempowering and come form our mind and are purely about function and misinterpretations. This is such a great article clearly claiming the truths of it all. Thank you.

  567. “And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” This is a brilliant reflection on beliefs Alexis, for the more we build awareness and relationship with our bodies we see that this is, has been and always will be our marker of truth and yet humanity struggles onwards flogging a life created from our heads, dominated by a an ever increasing stock pile of beliefs.

    1. Yea true Lucinda. By having a relationship with your body it’s quite easy to tell that the beliefs we hold are not working for us.

      1. ‘By having a relationship with your body it’s quite easy to tell that the beliefs we hold are not working for us’ which is why Emily life is set up to keep us from having a relationship with our bodies.

    2. These beliefs seem to be our foundations, they let us know who we are (or so we thought). They are actually keeping us from knowing who we are – the wonderful aspects of ourselves that are so uniquely us.

      1. Believes are perfectly designed for keeping control in life. What would we do, if we don’t follow an ideal or belief we would need to trust in the flow of life and build our own way and explore what it would bring and how it would look like. Acceptance and allowance are playing a big role here. Letting go of creation and instead being a human expression for the divinity we all come from.

  568. Interesting what you write about the circle of the energy which is flowing through us, movements & beliefs – that one is feeding/supporting the other. So to bring a stop into our beliefs or movements can make space to become more aware of which energy we choose. Stepping out of the autopilot-modus and checking in again will bring some massive changing into our whole life.

  569. Your question Alexis is profound – ‘And as sinister as it may sound I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us? This invites much honesty in exposing the power of our beliefs and where it is in our lives that we are choosing to hold on to what holds us back. Thank you for bringing it up for discussion.

    1. I agree, ch1956, the beliefs we hold form a web like structure in which we live, to go outside this structure would require us to go against the belief that is holding us there …. but we are not the only ones affected. Given that everything is energy, we are all affecting each other all of the time ….. accepting that I behave in a certain way, coloured by my beliefs, this is felt by everyone I come into contact with. If I am hanging onto beliefs that aren’t even true for me, such as ‘Being ‘nice’ is good’, I am a perpetrator of this false belief by nature of the fact that I haven’t discerned it’s falseness and discarded it. There is a huge responsibility here for us to deeply connect and reveal all those beliefs that we may not even realise we have and be clear about what is true and what is not.

    2. You have to constantly pull in energy to keep a belief alive. If you truly connect to this fact, you might know at the end of a day, why you are feeling tired 😉

  570. The belief about enlightenment, well, I have had many. Yes, doing yoga and standing on your head, but the whole belief that one day, I would be enlightened and everything would be roses and moonlight, no more issues and I would be without thoughts. It just shows how beliefs can keep you checked out, not committed to life and just being focused on yourself.

    1. Very good point Mariette, a belief can be something that makes us believe that life should be easy and that challenges are something we can rid ourselves of by reaching a utopia, yet life is always going to have challenges, it is just how much we can rid ourselves of the beliefs and ideals that make life a struggle.

  571. “when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!” This is one of the great truisms. Especially the use of the word ‘freely’, which is in itself a belief; a belief that we are free – in fact, could that be the mother/father of all beliefs? This is a ginormous blog for me to read. Thank you Alexis.

    1. Ah huh, well said ottobathurst – for we are kept in an illusion that we are free thinkers so as to not come to the awareness that there is more at play energetically…’in fact, could that be the mother/father of all beliefs?’ YES. I feel that this free-thinking belief that most of us are somewhat owned by keeps us identifying as individuals, separated by the thought that we can choose what ever we want without regard for each other.

    2. Otto such a great question ‘Especially the use of the word ‘freely’, which is in itself a belief; a belief that we are free – in fact, could that be the mother/father of all beliefs?

  572. Wow Alexis, you have captured every detrimental aspect having beliefs are to ourselves and everyone around us. Over the years of attending Universal Medicine and becoming more aware, I’ve come to see how much beliefs shape our very existence. Recently with the support of Esoteric Relationship counseling I was able to clearly see how beliefs I have held on to about what is expected of me as a mother, wife, woman, colleague, daughter etc had created many hurts that affected my relationships with those closest to me. Seeing them for what they are and letting them go has been life changing, this isn’t a fly away comment but it has literally opened up space for me to feel what else is there, and also to move forward without these beliefs twisting and distorting how I move. Thank you Alexis, I will be returning to this blog again!

  573. Wow what a blog, love this for highlighting so clearly the difference between a belief from the mind and a knowing in the body. Many of us in society are walking around with so many beliefs we have forgotten who we really are. By letting go of these beliefs we again start to be free. It is funny and disturbing how many many of us are not aware of this self made prison we have created for ourselves.

  574. Interesting Alexis to consider that we are actually puppets on strings of which the strings are pulled by the beliefs we have aligned to and have taken on board. But as you say, we are not born like this, we are born free of ideals or beliefs and take these on because we are told that when we comply to these that we will be loved and taken care for. How different it should be if we where taught differently and not being fed with all these do’s, don’ts and ways we have to behave and be. Therefore as parents we play a very important part in this and when we are aware, we do have the responsibility to parent our young in such a way that we do not impose any of these ideals and beliefs that are held in our societies on them, but instead that we empower them to live from their inner most, from their connection with God that is still so pure like a silver thread, and that we support them to live that in all phases of their up-growing they will go through.

  575. I love Alexis your list of what beliefs feel like in the body and what truth feels like. I can very much relate to what you have described. It is another great reminder that everything is there in our body should we choose to feel it. Our bodies can tell us what are beliefs and what are not. The more we listen to our body, feel what it is showing us, we can work on seeing what is true and what is something that we have picked up and have been carrying around with us.

  576. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” To feel the difference between these two is incredible. Spaciousness is amazing for it supports everyone equally, there is no imposition and there is room for love, true love.

  577. My experience has been that my core beliefs held me to ransom, a puppet to the evil they come from they drove me to live in a certain way and control me by developing pictures of who I was and how I needed to be in life to be survive and be accepted. I chose to abandon my authentic self for these beliefs as a result I was hard, emotionless and empty. My core beliefs were formed from my childhood experiences, the parents I chose to come through gifted me the family experiences I needed to expose and work through to issues I brought with me into this life this has been an opportunity to grow and return to who we truly are underneath all of the hurts that formed the ideals and beliefs that drive the way we live. By taking responsibility for my evolution I chose to drop my walls of protection, my guard and the different masks I hid behind on a daily basis and re-connecting to who I truly am has exposed the raw pain of my hurts and freed the truly beautiful vulnerable woman I am to express the wisdom and strength I have carried for lifetimes.

  578. Amazing Alexis. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth.” This is so revealing. I felt like my beliefs supported me and like they helped to define who I was – which they did to a degree – but they defined who I had become not who I truly was. These beliefs had become an absolute trap and prevented me from seeing the truth. Once the truth is known it is easy to see through the beliefs for what they are: limiting, controlling and reducing.

    1. Isn’t it interesting that we limit ourselves on so many levels to feel safe but at the same time become more and more anxious? We appear to be in a coping mechanism, a behavioural pattern what does not work but we hold on to it…. We have to wake up here!

    2. I really love everything that has been said here in this comment. Our choice to disregard our truth for the story beliefs make is one of our own doing.

    3. I agree Lee. On reading your comment it came to me that this brings a whole new meaning to putting our ‘thinking caps’ on… As when we do we certainly are capping the grandness of all that we are and know when we are connected to our truth. So instead if we take our ‘thinking caps’ off and feel the truth that is there our knowing will support and guide us to be and live who we truly are.

  579. “There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being” –
    this is something that I held onto believing- that I had to do so many courses, and only when I had achieved the recognition of having completed them that I was someone worth knowing or seeing as a practitioner. Only now do I feel the enormity, yet freedom of knowing that it is the deepening of our beingness that allows for our own unfoldment and evolution.

  580. I am in the midst of questioning my many beliefs and seeing how my whole life and relationships are shaped by them. I have shed a few beliefs already. How liberating and both curious this feels. It is quite a revelation to find that we have not been free to choose how we live our lives. Puppets indeed! with invisible strings.. that is until you see the strings which you can follow to very obvious sources once you notice them! And so many!

    1. Yes Michelle it is a very apt description that we are puppets of our beliefs, and they control our thoughts and our choices. It is not easy to admit but Alexis has made it very clear and easy for us to identify and cut the strings manipulating us and reclaim our freedom and power to choose responsibly.

  581. I love your phrase, ‘ it feels like the air is thick with beliefs.’ It’s like they are a fog that covers up the truth. But awareness of how they mask truth and not buying into them is great, as is paying attention to ones body to feel the truth.

  582. “If all children are born free of beliefs, are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children?”- that’s a scary point you make Alexis. Thank you for writing this revolutionary blog and clearly highlighting the difference between the 2 energies we can choose to pass through us and hold on to as either being a belief or truth. The outcomes are so diverse. This then brings us to responsibility.

  583. It’s astonishing how we ended up choosing imposed beliefs over the truth we know in our body – to the degree we identify with them, think they are the truth, and pass them on generation after generation as such? Reading your list of beliefs made me realise how conditional they all are – they are always asking us to be in a certain way in order for us to feel safe and earn a place in the world. What Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are bringing back into our awareness is absolutely massive, and this is the only thing that could bring a true change, and as a forever student I am feeling the responsibility of not holding back from living that awareness.

  584. Beautiful blog Alexis, full of so many golden gems. One of my favorites, “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” So simply yet powerfully expressed, thank you.

  585. This is a golden line Alexis, “we are all walking around with our own set of beliefs” and explains why we are all walking around in so much separation, to be held by our own many and varied sets of beliefs holds us as different to another and guarantees we do not live as one.

    1. Yes and we are meeting with people (friends) which have similar belief-packets and become unsettled if confronted with different ones… we learn to see the world (our world) through our beliefs – even they are not real or truth at all…strange!

    2. Yes I loved this sentence also. I can feel that I’ve held/hold onto beliefs to protect me from feeling my hurts, which explains why we hold onto them so tightly and defend them so much and then end up walking around in separation. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be always looking at beliefs as a way to open to people and begin to live as one.

    3. Absolutely- it is like someone planted different seeds in everybody, so no one will ever be close- I have a picture of magnets in my mind that are not fitting correctly. These seeds are like fences that keep everyone out.

    4. This is a great point and I felt this line was gold also (and there are many in this blog). As it does reveal much as to why we live in such separation to others. As when we are consumed by our beliefs we are not open to the oneness that is already naturally there to be lived. And we then exist in comparison to another’s belief. Yet truth is unifying and universal, a quality that we all know and genuinely appreciate regardless of culture, race or gender. And it is only through our connection to truth that we can live who we truly are, together as One humanity.

    5. Laura your comment has confirmed for me what has become apparent since reading everyone’s comments and that is that the purpose of a belief is to keep the people of the world in separation from themselves, which in turn keep us in separation from each other.

  586. Beautiful, Alexis. It’s a truly humbling realisation that we do not actually think our thoughts and we are subjects of one energy or the other, and we are not as free as we like to think we are. And knowing that we do have a choice makes it our responsibility and our power to uphold the quality of beingness we bring into the world.

  587. When we are too busy, too pre-occupied with motions, it’s really hard to realise we are under an illusion governed by a belief system, and if things aren’t working, instead of stopping, we keep pushing even harder. “The thoughts we pull in are governed by the way that we move” – this is so true. Gentle breath meditation has been very supportive for me to choose and develop a quality of movement which made a big difference in how I am with myself which then has opened me up for more expansiveness.

  588. Alexis there are so many layers to what you share and I find myself already through reading others comments seeing how my beliefs have stopped me from truly living me in the world. The number of beliefs we can accumulate in life and never really question is phenomenal, yet what you have shared has begun to make me crack into them and see the true power we each hold. We do not have to be prisoners in life, stuck on a never ending train ride, the choice is ours to get off at any time. Thank you for reminding me of this fact and beginning my journey into delving more deeply into the beliefs I have used as excuses not to claim the all that I am.

    1. Jade my experience has been that once I identified the feeling of a belief then they all started to stand out in relief. There are millions of beliefs in the world but they all have the same stench.

  589. Being nice we are actually never truly connecting with ourselves or with each other, there is no depth and no relationship in being nice, we are a fake version of ourselves donning the perfection mask, there is no warmth and no connection. Whereas to get to being true, we start with honesty and realness, commiting to expressing ourselves this way, we start to feel how harmful being nice is to ourselves first and foremost, it is an abuse to our bodies. What is nice on the surface is a lot of anger being repressed underneath. Being nice is so ingrained in me too Alexis, that when the choice is now to be true, the force that comes back at me with being nice in the past is felt strongly. When doubts come in while I now choose to be true, I know they are not from me and checking in with the body is the way to stay steady. If I do allow doubts to enter, they attack the heart right away, this is how harmful all beliefs are to us.

  590. Change the thoughts by changing the body with the understanding that it is subject to two sources of energy for ‘fuel’ (fire or prana) – is the very best advice one could ever know – whenever I get funny/odd thoughts I know I’ve aligned with an energy through my body because when I change the physical movement of myself/my body those thoughts disappear. Change the body; change the thoughts – works. And its the quality in which we change the body that produces the same quality of thought, action, then experience. If the quality is love, then so be everything else.

  591. Alexis your words here: “These beliefs influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk, what we do, the way that we do what we do, the relationships that we have, the relationships that we don’t have, the jobs that we do, and the jobs that we don’t do etc…” – are super because they really make us consider the essential importance of ‘movement’, i.e. that we are being walked by a type of energy that eats ideals and beliefs as its hungry source in which to create movement of a body, and its experience. I see this when interviewing candidates for a job, that the way they move, sit in the body, or speak is infused by sets of ideals/attitudes about their certain experience (being fired, lost job, conflict at work, nostalgia, salary package, and so on), which affects their chances of securing the job.

    1. Amazing Zofia, it seems that as we observe & begin to clear the stockpile of beliefs held within our bodies, we become lighter, freer and more able to read the entrenched movements that hold another.

  592. Really enjoyed what you shared here Alexis it really did have me stopping and feeling how much we allow beliefs to bind us in life. I recall hearing what you shared that “Serge added that the type of thought that we pull in then ensures that we move in a certain way, which guarantees that we will then get a similar thought that will then guarantee the same quality of movement, and so it continues….” it really makes you question what it is that is feeding our thoughts and the true power of movement. “How much choice did I really have? If my thoughts were dictating my every move and my every move was dictating my thoughts then what was I choosing?” really powerful questions. So much to ponder on.

  593. Alexis, one complete round.. your blog is complete to me. Mind only = beliefs / Body = truth. Both together, first body then mind = divine expression.

  594. I am sure I will continue to reread this blog again as I have done today. There are so many wonderful points you make Alexis. Evolution most definitely is a U turn that brings us back to a spherical way of living instead of forging ahead as if the world is flat, a belief also once held by many!

  595. I really deeply appreciate your words Alexis that unravel what the difference is between a belief and a truth. We are in fact governed by our beliefs and live our lives as if they are true. A truth is something that can be lived by all and is unimposing to the body, everyone’s body.

    1. Great point Suzanne… ‘A truth is something that can be lived by all and is unimposing to the body, everyone’s body’. To understand that our choices affect everyone, and if I am living to a belief, then not only am I being imposed upon in doing so, but my actions and expression in service of that belief, will be equally imposing on others around me, if not the world.

  596. I so relate to all the beliefs you shared, Alexis and love all the truths you feel in your body, particularly; ‘Strength as a woman comes from her fragility and Putting yourself first is the best way to care for others.’ Deeply felt. Thank you.

  597. Thank you Alexis, you have exposed how we are run in our world by beliefs and there are many beliefs that you mentioned that I too have been a puppet to. It is indeed freeing to realise that we do not have to be governed by such things, but it also is sometimes hard to free ourselves of these beliefs when many around us are still buying into them – this is when we have to be firm with ourselves that we are not being rebellious, that we are not ‘wrong’ and not allow the doubts to creep in. Rather it is about knowing that where we stand and what we choose is simply that which feels right to us regardless of what another might say or judge us for. It is a gradual process in letting go of beliefs – like an opportunity that is there to experiment with what we ‘should’ do or ‘should not do’ versus what actually feels more freeing and expansive in the body. Just as the examples you have given, I ‘should’ exercise daily, but what if my body calls for something else one day? And then there is the conditioning of what counts as ‘exercise’…anything and everything can be explored and assessed again to see if it is from a belief or from a truth. A belief is imposing and stops you from being you, where as a truth is freeing and supports you in being you.

    1. Henrietta I remember feeling a real struggle with voicing how I felt with my family about my son’s sporting and academic ability. I had some of the old belief still in me that a mother should be proud of a child who does well. I felt the reaction in others when I expressed that competitive sport is reducing my son and all that play it become a minimised version of themselves. That we are grand beyond measure and here to lift others up to that same grandness. Having expressed the truth about how I feel, it freed me up to be able to tell my boy that if he never saved another goal or got a good grade again that it makes no difference whatsoever to the love that I have for him or to the fact that he is an amazing boy at heart regardless of what he does.

  598. Awesome blog Alexis, I loved reading it and had a good laugh along the way.
    Especially love this line:
    So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!

  599. Great topic to write on and clarity that you present here Alexis, thank you. The truth that our body communicates is the way out of the confines of any belief. Beliefs can seem so ‘right’ but our body tells us the truth!

  600. It is very exposing Alexis to discover how our beliefs are governing us, our movements, and therefore our next thoughts. We can get so ‘stuck’ in our beliefs, especially when ingrained in many years of moving in a particular way. True Movement has been revolutionary for me in this sense, in that I have become much more aware of the way I hold myself and move, and am aware that this affects all that I am able to do, and most importantly the quality of what I do. A few life-changing revelations have happened as a result, that is for sure!

    1. This is revelatory Amelia! Beliefs are in the way we move and not necessarily how we think. Truly amazing. I also love true movement and have let go of a LOT of beliefs as a result!

  601. Alexis the way you have listed many common beliefs and highlighted that we can live a totally different way to being run by them, is very powerful and very supportive.

  602. Magnificent Alexis, thank you so much for setting the record straight on the distinct contrast between a life governed by beliefs to that of Truth. It would appear to me the exercise of stripping back every belief that may be running my every move is a well worthy one to put into practise, to re correct any current flow of moves not in line with what is true.

  603. I’ve been pondering on all that you’ve shared here, Alexis, and realise that, if we choose to, we can feel in our bodies when we are the train on the train track, repeating a well worn pattern versus allowing ourselves to feel into what’s needed in that moment and speaking our truth. As you have shared, it feels completely different in the body and our bodies never lie. I feel the key for me is to develop more conscious presence.

  604. As a parent, I have been very aware of saying things, then stopping and feeling into what’s coming out of my mouth, realising it’s something I was told as a child and allowing myself to question if it’s a truth for me. Often it’s not. This allows a gorgeous stop moment, an opportunity for me to break the cycle and empower my children to be themselves, to be true to themselves.

    1. I can relate to this Alison – repeating (parrot like) what I have had drummed into me to my children, and others, and as soon as its out of my mouth wondering where it came from. Its always so obvious when I speak from my absorbed experiences rather than can flow through my lived truth.

  605. Truly awesome blog, Alexis, thank you. I love how you have exposed the vice that we are well and truly held in through our beliefs. It would be comical, if it weren’t so debilitating, understanding that we are not actually as free thinking as we think we are, rather, ‘we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!’
    I too have recognised ‘beliefs’ that I have held since childhood, when discarded I have allowed myself to feel how very ugly they were and have felt quite ashamed that they had allowed me to be so judgmental. However, I realise it’s not about the blame game, it’s about allowing myself to connect to who I am and discard what I am not. As you share, it is beautifully spacious in the body to feel the truth, when there is a rigidity, a tightness, a sense of confinement, that’s a sure sign that it’s a belief rather than a truth.

    1. Beautiful Felixsuchmacher8! And this brings truth to what Holy actually means… certainly not that one is ‘ordained’ by a religious order, as is the common association.

  606. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless”. As Serge Benhayon said, “The body is the marker of truth”. A beautiful blog Alexis, and it showed me how I still have a belief about eating lots of vegetables that comes from following a Fit for Life Diet long ago! I can feel the circular train track I have been following. How many more are there still hiding? But as each one is named my body becomes lighter and freer and so too does my way of living.

  607. Beautiful list of truths that came from your body you have presented. I can relate to them all.
    “There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being” stood out for me. It changes the whole way of acting and gives so much space and energy.

    1. I love what you say Monika, “It changes the whole way of acting and gives so much space and energy”, the space that was restricted and the energy that was consumed by maintaining the beliefs in our lives.

      1. Yes, Nico, exactly. I sure wasted a lot of energy on maintaining beliefs in my life and felt the restriction of them in my body. This is still work in progress as I keep unravelling new, or perhaps correct old, beliefs.

      2. And in the knowing that the letting go of the beliefs we are holding is giving us access to an energetic way of life, free of all the restrictions that the held beliefs have put on our bodies, which opens a window to the knowledge and wisdom we separated from, working on this becomes fun to do.

  608. How important is this one ? ‘Eat what and when the body genuinely guides you to eat.’ So many believe that eating a lot of vegetables and fruit for example is a good thing, simply because they are far better than the sugary, fatty and caffeinated foods out there. However, our bodies all respond differently. If a lot of vegetables and fruit cause gas then isn’t that the wisdom of our body speaking? Perhaps some veggies or fruits are ok for a particular body while others are not, and then it’s about feeling the amount of food we put in. Listening to our body is the key, not solely and blindly relying in text books.

    1. This is such a huge one johanna08smith, and one that I am still working with. The beliefs around food – what to eat, what not to eat, etc are huge. And we fall for them! Just the other day a conversation started in my office around honey being better than sugar, and when I shared that honey may well have benefits, the body still treats it as sugar. It was met with but, but, but, but. And so, we hold onto beliefs for convenience, for comfort and to not evolve.

  609. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” This is simply put and something I will remember for today.

  610. Hmm, much to ponder here Alexis. Thank you. I have often looked at babies and the fact that they have popped in without any encumbrances and how we then begin to place those that we have adopted on them. What a weight to bear for tiny bodies and how cruel it is that we mold and shape them with our beliefs. It gets even more complicated when both parents (let alone the extended family and then school, life etc) may have slightly or very different beliefs. What does the little boy or girl do? The little boy or girl are constantly being asked to adapt, adapt, adapt until one day the innocence is gone they are absorbed into the confusing and not true array of beliefs they have been forced to adopt in order to fit in and ‘toe the line’. It is easy to see how ‘not ourselves’ we all become. Immense thanks to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon who have inspired many, including me, to look at and unravel those encumbrances, the vast array of beliefs we/I have accumulated, and connect again to the truth of who we are. It is an ongoing process, so very freeing and one I am dedicated to continuing.

  611. Great article Alexis – thank you. Reading your analogy “moving round like a train on a track under the illusion we are deciding with freedom” is a good one. When looking around at people living their daily lives, understanding how they are feeling about their health, well-being, and relationships, then considering what is happening to humanity on a global scale… I ask myself wow would we really choose to live like this for ourselves and ‘think we are living our own free way’? I’d say not, something else is doing a lot of thinking on our behalf, we are choosing it but we aren’t initiating it. Why would we initiate such painful experiences and ill health? What would have us believe that the current world situation is the way it’s meant to be?

    1. This is a brilliant comment thank you for sharing Sandra. Once we have made the choice to be something we are not, we are therefore all that we are not and are not aware of what we possibly are, until we question the tension that this brings and all that doesn’t make sense.

  612. Wow, Alexis, you have certainly exposed much here. How insidious the beliefs we all hold are, and what awful damage they to us and all we have to interact with. I can relate to having held so many of these beliefs that you list (as well as many others) in the past. Thankfully, I have now let go of most of them (I think and hope), but there still those subtle ones, and those other ones that still creep in little where I can still at times compare myself as being less than another. That one certainly can hold me back from expressing who I really am when I let it interfere with me. You say, “What would the world be like if we allowed our children to grow up free of all beliefs?” Oh Alexis, what a wonderful world this would be. How free and loving it could be. I can admit that I did not bring up my children that way, it was a long way back, before I met Serge Benhayon and came to realise just how limiting these beliefs are. But I now live my life in such a way they can see a different way to be living. It is then everones choice from there on.

  613. This is a great belief buster Alexis “Evolution is not an up it is a back towards.” I know before I met Serge Benhayon I certainly saw evolution, or the path to enlightenment, as an movement upwards that felt quite frankly, unattainable and only for the few. This belief would have ensured that I never revealed to myself the truth: that it is a movement inwards towards the Divine we already are.

  614. Alexis this is a great conversation. I love these words: ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.’ I am finding that there are layers of beliefs, apparently insignificant, that are coming to light all the time. Like the people in Plato’s cave we are blind to them until we expand into truth and bingo, out they come to the surface for us to see.

  615. Wow Alexis, thank you for this brilliant blog. It really highlights how so many of our beliefs block us from discerning truth. Learning to listen to our body is proving to be extremely important and our body is the best guide to knowing what is true and what is not.

  616. That’s an awesome revelation of the truth of how we are running ourselves and how we are running the world from our beliefs, a vicious circle of not living the truth. Constantly overwriting, how the body is talking to us – maybe until we get seriously ill or even then continue to live the lie of our believes further on. I realized, that one basic ingredient of this vicious circle is the believe “I am not good enough”. This is always the argument of the mind, when the body gives clear signals. For example I am not good enough, because I believe in exercising hard is good but I have pain, so I must be not good enough and even try harder. I have to stand the pain to better myself. This is just an example of the principle that works so well and operates so harmful. To get to the root cause of the belief to not be (good) enough and to develop a deeply honoring relationship with oneself as also to listen to the body, are keys to open up the door to a truthful life and feeling “expansive, free, limitless, alive, known, joyous and universal” – how amazing and expanding is that?

  617. Woa what an amazing blog Alexis, it explains beautifully how we can live in a way that is not true without realising it: “the type of thought that we pull in then ensures that we move in a certain way, which guarantees that we will then get a similar thought that will then guarantee the same quality of movement, and so it continues….” And if we do this with many enough it becomes a reality, but never will it become true, no matter how real it may seem.

    1. True, Lieke, we have bought into beliefs and made them our reality without them being the truth. Simply the fact that beliefs bring separation and ‘right and wrong’ and not love shows they are not truth. For we are love, we come from it and will return to it.

    2. ‘ And if we do this with many, enough times, it becomes a reality, but never will it become true, no matter how real it may seem’ – beautifully said Lieke.

  618. Alexis thank you for this awesome blog. This is such a huge subject. I love the sentence ” is it us that holds the beliefs or do the beliefs hold us” for in truth we are being led by our beliefs and ideals much much more then most of us (including me until I met Serge Benhayon) care to admit to. In fact who we believe (pun intended) ourselves to be and what we identify with is mostly a conglomeration of beliefs, ideals and hurts we have taken on.

  619. Alexis, such a great article on a super important topic. What you say is very true for the vast majority including myself. I have found that some beliefs are far easier to see and to question where others are much more deeply held. The more than we tend, nurture and deeply care for ourselves, the more they rise up for us to see and let go of, if we so choose. A belief is so different from simply knowing. There is attachment with beliefs as we hold onto to them for meaning and identification and keeps us in situations or circumstances that deep within we know we could change. It also keeps us not together as a humanity. A truth is for all equally, we may not like it necessarily, but a truth does not separate one over another.

  620. From my own experience I can say that beliefs and truths do feel different in the body and thank god for our bodies, really, for without the wisdom of our bodies we would be completely ruled by our beliefs and unable to even see or feel that this was the case or choose differently.

  621. This blog is huge and has so much in it. I particularly liked the part where the question is posed – are we really in control of what we believe or are our beliefs running us?! It completely breaks down the myth that we are free to think and believe and do whatever we want. If energy enters the body first before any thought or action then it pays to be aware of which energy we are choosing in any moment.

  622. .Thank you Alexis for this amazing article. Pulling in our thoughts is predetermined by the way we move and the way we move is predetermined by the way we think. Wow this is profound and yet makes so much sense. So it seems that it all comes back to our choices and that we have more power than we ever realised.

  623. Sitting here now I realise the enormity of just how ‘beliefs’ have ruled my thought processing and my physical body – for so many decades. How I was prepared to overrule my body’s clear guidance as to what actions or not to take at any given moment, eating, sleeping, exercise etc yes the list is endless. This sentence really sums it up for me – In your words “When life is governed by beliefs it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth it feels spacious and limitless”. Awesome sharing Alexis thank you.

  624. The enormity of what you have shared here Alexis is still sitting with me and feels as vast as the poles of the Earth are apart. The ability to hold a belief or an ideal and actually think you are free to move and think differently is a complete illusion if we are still held by such an ideal or belief. This exposes the fact that nearly all of what we have been told about how life works is a complete lie or at least not the whole truth of what truly goes on.

    1.  Bingo Joshua ! ‘This exposes the fact that nearly all of what we have been told about how life works is a complete lie or at least not the whole truth of what truly goes on’

  625. I can feel that beliefs hold us back from being aware of the truth. The irrationality that can often be observed through people carrying out actions because of certain beliefs is shocking and nonsensical. We can see it in the awful atrocities that take place in war, politics and the in global corporate situations and we can also see it at home, when some one will ‘fight’ to be right rather than understanding how another person feels or having the clarity to observe rather than take on emotions that are around them. I know I have been in this situation where I have thought I was right because I was caught in a ‘belief’, which was not the truth and did not support myself or others. This to me is getting caught up in the ‘belief’ rather than feeling the quality of the situation or encounter with another person.

  626. Yes there are so very many beliefs that hold us in a certain way, steering us through life making us belief we are living according to our wish and doing, all the while we are held in that way, restricted in our expression played by a force we choose not to be aware of. Thank you Alexis for laying it out so clearly here.

    1. After reading your comment I realized how much control there is in (holding on to) beliefs. We are often in an illusion that beliefs offer a certainty and a way so we don’t get hurt. And yet beliefs do hurt us by the force we have chosen and the constriction they keep us in. We can’t connect to the love we are and come from and cannot get back to in if we hold on to beliefs.

  627. Thank you Alexis. What a great summary of the difference between living with beliefs and living with truth. As you say truth is freeing and beliefs keep us tightly bound to keep repeating the same thing over and over again. I am visiting my family at present and it is fascinating to feel how people who grew up in the same house can have such hugely different feelings about many different things through having made different choices in their life.

  628. How much choice did I really have? Good question, Alexis. We think we have choice when, for example, a parent gives us options e.g. ‘do you want the red one or the blue one? We think we have choice because we are given options to choose from but we overlook the fact that they are being given to us and that we could also choose not to choose from any of the options offered by that source. Really the only choice is whether to be a puppet or not. If we choose not to then we choose a different energy that will not pull our strings but will allow us to be fully in charge of our life, and yet it’s this responsibility and accountability that often makes this seem a less attractive choice.

  629. Your blog captures so many of the beliefs that I have clung to as well. They have quite literally had me stuck and going around in circles for many years. Taking time to stop and uncover them has lead to many changes and a sense of freedom.

  630. Beliefs are indeed very confining leaving all that doesn’t fit out of the equation. While truth is all encompassing.

    1. Great way to identify beliefs Benkt – anything that leaves out what doesn’t suit the conditions it imposes.

  631. The way you talk about space at the end reminded me of how much space we are surrounded by. We believe that we are confined by the walls of a room, of a building, the boarder of a city, a country and the atmosphere of the planet. But nobody actually knows where exactly space ends. As you say, it may very well be limitless. In all this space that we are surrounded by, it shows how much power we give to the beliefs in our heads that make us feel small and trapped in our gender, our nationality, culture, behaviour and the huge spectrum of identities we can adopt as humans. Perhaps that is all that a belief is – a foundation onto which we can build an identity. But a baby is already born full of themselves not needing any identity, and this fullness is still within us.

  632. “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.”
    This is a lovely reminder of the fact that we can all access truth if we connect to the wisdom in our body – it’s already there, not something we need to strive for or look up to others for. In the light of this, beliefs cannot be sustained once we choose not to allow them to be fed to us.

  633. Beautifully written Alexis, with great clarity. Your blog so clearly exposes the insidiousness of beliefs which become ‘truths’ for us but are not the Truth. It has inspired me to sharpen my discernment as I know there are beliefs covering me which I have not yet seen. The difficulty is that we think they are us and they get so intertwined with our way of life that it is hard to see these false truths until someone points it out. So thank you for your detailed lists and your clarity and truth.

  634. What a vast cacophony of beliefs there are that abound the earth and silently imprison us to their way.

  635. Alexis the list you have put together of what it feels like when we’re constrained by beliefs versus truth I can so relate to. A belief configures our body in such a way that we become less than who we are. That belief runs us and owns us, we become its puppet. When we connect to truth our body expands and frees itself to be a vessel that allows truth to be expressed in its movements and expressions. It’s an amazing science because that is what it is– all we have to do is observe our own bodies and what happens to them when we choose to take on beliefs OR connect to truth. The difference is absolutely huge.

  636. Hi Alexis, you have certainly opened people’s eyes to the mass belief systems that often govern how we live our lives, what we see, how we perceive the world around us and how we relate to others. The world that you describe as possible which is free of such beliefs and role playing to live up to an ideal or picture we may hold will naturally be a world of true connection, natural beauty and in flow with the natural order of life.

  637. Alexis, awesome blog. Love your explanation of how a belief and a truth feel – too true.

  638. I can certainly relate to being fed and living to a range of rigid and suffocating beliefs, many of which still have a hold on me to this day. I enjoyed reading your list Alexia of how a truth feels, I could feel the limitless potential within that list and how that has to be a better way to live. I find the more I can accept that I am not a free thinker but that my thoughts are governed by my choice of movements, the greater I can stay aware of where my thoughts come from and what is really going on.

  639. ‘We are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs”. Alexis this part of the sentence stood out for me. It is huge. We are moved by our beliefs, what a trick we have fallen for when all the while we ‘think’ it is free choice.

  640. Wow Alexis Stewart, what a powerful blog this is! I love how you have exposed the limiting way beliefs are governing us through our minds along with what we have copied from significant others and the awareness of the true difference when coming from our body. How different our expression, movement and the food choices are when we begin to appreciate ‘the body is the wise boss’ ( rather our every thought, word and deed being played out by the mind.

  641. I love the analogy of beliefs influencing us like a puppeteer moving us on invisible strings around the chess board of life… for the power they have over us is beyond our awareness but the damage they can cause if blindly followed can be immense. It is beautiful to consider however that they can be addressed and therefore removed from blocking the way to the truth our bodies can reveal… allowing for the spaciousness and limitless that the truth inspires in us that a belief never could.

  642. Alexis, such a great blog showing us the difference between a belief and a truth and I wholeheartedly agree with both examples, they are spot on.

    1. This is an interesting point Julie, we can be so righteous around what we believe to be true rather than feeling into the energetic truth of a situation.

  643. Wow Alexis, seriously WOW! Your blog is spot on. I love how you list what differentiates a belief originated from the mind and a truth which comes from the body – the awesome thing about truths that originate from the body is that they are so easy to connect to – solid, tangible and universal.

  644. Thank you Alexis.
    What an exposé – I love it!
    Only now can we realise that all the “normal” beliefs and pictures and ideas that we have held and passed on to further generations has all been a lie to keep us all ingrained in the “same” way of life…the “comfortable” way of life…and all that we have “known”. Oh how the tables will turn when the Esoteric is nurtured as our birthright, and it is this to foster – not our intelligence.
    Thank you for sharing the difference between beliefs and truths.

  645. Alexis your revealing tally of beliefs must surely wake we readers up to what has been running us all our lives. I have my own ‘belief-busting’ process, and find there are always more to ferret out of hiding places. The subtlety of them knows no bounds. Some of them are even geared to make it hard to identify beliefs! Once I got right into it, I realized that virtually every moment of modern life was a puppet-like re-hash of a multitude of beliefs. How difficult it is to see the Truth through all that ‘string’ – I sure agree with you there.

  646. To live in the moment and from the body brings only truth and bypasses the controlling mind which is playing out the continually repeating messages from forces outside of self. As you have commented Alexis – ‘A life impulsed by truth is truly spacious and limitless’ – and full of miracles and joy. Thank you Alexis for sharing.

  647. The fact that we know that children are born free of beliefs shows us how damaging we are to our young by imposing our beliefs onto them – this is something that we really need to consider.

    1. I agree Michelle, it is up to us to make the change and break this ill cycle once and for all or at least inspire others, to move more in the favour of truth over the untrue beliefs.

    2. I agree Michelle, recalling the openness and innocence of young children and observing them change as they became moulded by the ideals and beliefs of the family and then school. I have seen the innocence lost and the ‘management’ strategies kick in as they try to cope in a world that doesn’t seem to relate to what they felt inside.

  648. Beautiful blog on your awareness around the beliefs You have & how our every movement determines our thoughts. This is so powerful!

    I too have been recently noticing all my ideals I have had & carried around with me.

    Thank you for confirming so much in this blog,

  649. ‘These beliefs influence the way that we move, the way that we think, the way that we talk,…’ I fully concur with this. I have noticed when walking that if I am holding onto a belief it influences the way that I walk. When I let go of it, my gait instantly changes and I walk with much more freedom and joy.

  650. Awesome blog Alexis, only when we start to connect to and feel the truth inside, can we then start to unravel the myriad beliefs that hold us incarcerated and subject to the whims of a crazy, dysfunctional world… and believing we are in control of it usually means we are more deeply lost in it. Beginning to know the truth that we feel inside, is beginning the first steps to true freedom.

  651. Beliefs are like a prison, they hold you really tight and there is no space for growth, truth and true evolution. In my experience it is quite amazing how many beliefs I hold and once I let go of them, it feels like life can live through me again and I can really we do what is needed.

  652. “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” Such a beautifully simple description of the difference between living by beliefs or by truth.

  653. Superb article thank you Alexis. We rarely stop to consider how we allow our beliefs to govern every aspect of our lives, we are raised to accept them, create them and embellish them without question. We think life is all about Belief, we are what we believe in. This sentence says so much “How strong must the hold be when something is so obviously not working yet we still keep following in the same rigid tracks?”. I know that I have stubbornly resisted all the messages that my body and God have consistently sent me, a stubbornness that arises from feeling that I don’t know a different way to live life, so I have to carry on with this one, don’t I?. Enter Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine holding up another Way, a way devoid of all Belief but rich in honesty, truth and awareness, a way that encourages us to stop, listen, read and respond to what our bodies are telling us and how to dissemble the beliefs that keep us imprisoned in a diminished life. Re-discovering who we really are underneath all these beliefs is truly freeing, an opportunity to re-claim our innocence that we began life with, a way to live that keeps us open, responsive and vital to each moment of our lives and connect once more to the natural joy within everyone, including ourselves.

  654. Beliefs are like chameleons. They blend in with the truth to make it hard for us to see what is a belief and what is a truth.

  655. Alexis, I totally agree with you when you say “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless”.
    With the help of the Gentle breathe meditation by Serge Benhayon and doing esoteric yoga we can deepen our connection to our inner heart where truth is felt and known.

  656. Thank you for bringing awareness to this Alexis – it’s only when we become aware there are such things as ideals and beliefs that we can begin to question our resulting behaviours to then have an opportunity to get off the railway track.

  657. There is a simple exercise that can confirm that the way we move creates our thoughts and vice versa. Take a walk, walk normally. Then walk as a man, or a woman, or a mother, or a father, or a wife, or a husband, depending on which one you are. Watch how your walk changes, and if you are observant you will feel your posture change. All the time I observe how my walk changes when I am not present at work, and when I go into “work mode”. My shoulders often roll in, my hips lock up, i get staunch in my stance etc. And when I am like that, it is more difficult for me to remain open. I become more authoritative, more “foreman like”. At work, if I catch myself like this, I can actually change how I relate to people by changing my walk, being more present, more delicate with my stance, and my demeanour around people immediately changes. Our walk can tell us so much about what we believe we need to be in this world, and what we identify with.

    1. I can confirm that Adam, that I can feel in my stance and the way I walk if I am with me or have stept in one of the roles I thought I have to play in this world. Changing my stance by going for a conscious walk with me is always bringing me back to the delicateness and tenderness I am and this has its immediate response on how I relate to whoever I meet or come across.

    2. Awesome Adam, reading your comment I am aware of my posture and how I am sitting, I can feel when I am moving with purpose and with myself everything flows like wise when I am sitting in a role I have created for myself it feels heavy and contracted. How awesome it is to know that it is through our movements we are either choosing love or not.

    3. Thank you, Adam, for the reminder of this great exercise which I’ll put into practice on my daily walks and whilst at work and even when doing a food shop, for example. I really appreciate having a readily available tool to raise awareness whilst going about my everyday life.

    4. A great reminder Adam and such a simple and practical way to feel it for ourselves. I shall use this at work this week and see how my walk and body feels and whether I’m walking around work in my role or just as me. Thank you.

      1. simple, and yet very, very powerful. I watch people walk all the time at work, and can generally tell how they are, especially if I know them well. When we go into role playing, it has a huge effect on the way we hold our body.

      2. I actually tested this out yesterday Adam. I walked as me then I walked as my role at work. Wow, what a difference in my body! Everything changed – pace, stance and I actually stiffened up when I walked as my role. It just shows what happens when we take on things that are not really part of us.

      3. Thats really cool to here Sandra. I notice how my hips tighten up mostly, but I also notice other things. Like my chest will harden up when I approach my boss etc, and I can feel how I am guarded before I get there – and sure enough, I then find myself unable to stop myself reacting to something he might say, even though I am telling myself not to react. But if I keep my body open, I find I am able to remain open in conversation with him. Our body is so much more powerful than the mind.

      4. This blows all the positive thinking and mindfulness teachings out of the water Adam. I know too, I can tell myself to not do something and I’m doing it the very next moment…straight from the mind. But when I feel it from my body…that has more power. A great example is with coffee, I don’t need to tell myself not to drink it, my body would scream at me with a racing heart and palpatations if I were to have it and so it’s easy to say ‘no thanks’.

    5. Spot on, Adam. I love your simple exercise and can get trapped in walking ‘a certain role’ whether that being a trainer, advisor, mum or woman. It feels like walking with the brakes on and constraining my openness and the love I am.

  658. Thank you for this blog Alexis, there are so many gold nuggets in this blog. Living from and learning from the body provides us with our best gauge in life as the mind can be very limiting and restrictive and repetitive as I have found! It’s like the mind has to repeat the belief in the exact same way over and over again but the body has never repeated a truth in the exact same way, it expands and builds on what was accepted and expanded on previously. If things are repeating I am getting more aware of clocking and questioning these now and often they come up as a belief and a lie about whatever the situation is.

    1. Leigh, I love the detail of what you have shared ‘ It’s like the mind has to repeat the belief in the exact same way over and over again but the body has never repeated a truth in the exact same way, it expands and builds on what was accepted and expanded on previously.’

  659. What a lot about ideals and beliefs and how they can affect us, exposed in this blog! Until I started being more honest and aware of many of these for myself, I was totally unaware how much they were controlling my life and how I behaved and what I did etc. I realise now it was actually exhausting – with a constant push to fit into or meet an expectation, which I somehow never managed to do (there was always ‘more’ to live up to!). Learning to live according to the truth of my own body has shown me there is a different way to live and slowly I am learning to discard the imposition of the many ideals and beliefs that I had previously lived by.

  660. An awesome blog Alexis, one that has given me much to ponder on, especially as to whether I am still carrying beliefs that are driving me in a direction that is not true. When I read these words I could so easily relate to them; “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth”. This was how I lived for so much of my life and I can remember observing myself many times doing or saying something, and then wondering why, as it didn’t feel like what I was doing or saying was coming from me; it was like there was another programme running in the background – and sometimes the foreground – that was at odds with what I knew deep down to be true. Now I know that was because I was being run by a set of beliefs that I had taken on from a very early age and had allowed them to override what I innately knew to be true.

  661. A very relatable article Alexis. Man oh Man am I run by a million beliefs. Some of which I can’t even blame on my parents!! I’ve made up some of my own, as well as taking on others that sounded good at the time….It’s been never ending. It feels much like a tabloid to be honest. Very funny when I think about it like that – but from the beliefs come the dramas I create for myself. How exhausting!

  662. Ha, “is it us that holds the beliefs or the beliefs that hold us? ” That’s a very thought provoking question, our beliefs can be very engrained and limit our thoughts to a huge extent. It feels a quantum leap when we live our lives not constrained by beliefs but impulsed by truth.

  663. Alexis, it’s incredible that we go through life governed by all these beliefs. Once we start uncovering them we find that there are so many. They are indeed very limiting. It’s very liberating and freeing to start to live in a way that is not governed by them.

    1. This is true, Rebecca that “Once we start uncovering them (beliefs) we find that there are so many.” And I find that when I experience new situations or a different group of people I realise I have beliefs there that I hadn’t been aware of previously. When this happens it feels freeing to see.

  664. “If all children are born free of beliefs, are we therefore guaranteeing that the world stays a certain way by passing on our beliefs to our children?” Wow now this is a wake up call. A sure way to keep us from evolving, to just keep playing out the same beliefs generation after generation. It is not until we question our beliefs as you have Alexis does it become possible to see that perhaps we have been living a lie, not living who we truly are.

    1. Donna I feel it’s important for all to know that the line that you quoted ‘If all children are born free of beliefs’ was in the original blog but it has been amended as I have since learnt that children are not actually born free of beliefs, which is even more sinister when you consider that we carry beliefs from life to life. Interestingly what you say ‘ A sure way to keep us from evolving, to just keep playing out the same beliefs generation after generation’ still stands true and we can now add ‘lifetime after lifetime’. BELIEFS ARE SHACKLES BEWARE !

  665. Alexis, what an awesome blog, with so much food for thought (haha)! We are governed by so much that just is not us and the thing about all these beliefs the ones you describe and the ones I have is that feeling that there’s a crushing of us in there, we are held to account against a measure we can never possibly meet – beliefs keeps us on the merry-go-round of endless trying, endless motion and they do not allow us to rest, to stop and to truly feel what is going on. Truths on the other hand are open, freeing and absolutely honouring of who we are – I love especially the one you’ve flagged about evolution, it’s about going back, returning to who we truly are, and I can feel the truth of that, the absolute simplicity.

  666. Fabulous blog Alexis – “My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.” I love this and so agree with you, having been chock full of beliefs that I am now in the process of removing – to reveal the truth that has been there all along.

  667. You unpack a lot here in this blog Alexis. I find it interesting that when we hold on to our beliefs there is a pride or arrogance around them, but what in fact we are doing with them is protecting our hurts and have brainwashed ourselves in our conviction because we don’t want to feel the pain of what is underneath. The biggest pain that we are love and that we haven’t been expressing it, or are in separation from it is the one I have found I tried to protect the most.

  668. You are correct, the difference between a belief and a truth is worlds apart. We are born without beliefs, but deeply knowing the truth, and slowly this truth is smothered by layers of beliefs, none of which are true to us, just what we have been told. Yet under all these layers the truth still remains completely untouched and waiting for us to remind it.

    1. Absolutely true Meg! The tricky bit is that we have become too wishy washy regarding recognising truth through a stature of tolerance by which we choose to believe that there are many different truths. But in fact if there cannot be many truths about the same issue – the many can only be perspectives, as Alexis says. For truth is truth is truth – one-unified and immutable.

      1. Yeah that’s a great point, as a society we’ve become very ‘tolerant’ of having loads of different versions of what people believe to be the truth. When the truth is the truth, there is only one truth, we either choose to stand with the truth, or make up our own version of it.

  669. This is such a great Blog Alexis and so close to my heart and everything I have felt and i love your sharing that “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.”It was from the first moment that I met Serge Benhayon and listened to him that i realised that everything he said i knew and that everything before that moment was what i had been lead to believe . What a freedom and joy i felt with the truth being offered and knowing it was always there inside me. Thank you

  670. A phenomenal blog Alexis, this is such an important topic to raise. ‘How much choice did I really have? If my thoughts were dictating my every move and my every move was dictating my thoughts then what was I choosing?’, it takes a lot of honesty and willingness to truly evaluate your life in order to ask this question; it totally exposes and lays bare on the table the illusion and trap almost all of humanity have found themselves in… I move a certain way, which guarantees the thoughts I will then have, which guarantees the moves I will then make because I am aligning to a particular source – SO HOW DO WE END THE CYCLE? For a growing number of people their bodies have to offer them a ‘STOP’ moment; when they reach a certain (high) level of poison in their lives they are faced with an illness, injury or disease, which then gives them the opportunity to CHANGE the way they move, and potentially change the whole cycle. This to me is why illness is actually a blessing rather than a curse – all the money in the world couldn’t buy such a valuable ‘STOP’ moment, with the potential to turn around your life.

    1. Such deep wisdom. I had a very big stop this week. I can choose to freak out about it. Or I can choose to see it as the immense blessing that it was – a powerful opportunity to end the cycle that you have so eloquently described Susie. And – as you again so rightly say – the way forward is in our movements – change those and we change the cycle. You are all over it Susie – fabulous to have your wisdom on this thread.

    2. Susie you are so spot on with what you have shared. I had 2 full on beliefs rampaging my body, strenuous exercise was good and the more that I did as a woman the stronger I was. Because of totally ignoring my body’s very loud and seemingly obvious shouts that both of these were lies it had no choice other than to break down, which it did. So whilst I sat in a body that felt like it had been literally run over I had no choice but to question my beliefs.

  671. So many of our beliefs are not ours, but ones that are imposed onto us from young, we then accept them as being ours and take them into adult life.The more I unravel the beliefs I have taken on the easier my life becomes, as I am no longer held and suppressed by them. It is amazing how freeing letting go of a belief system can be.

  672. Great blog Alexis and I agree that we are riddled with beliefs. The one I held onto for years was that ‘I was not complete with out a man’. This belief is common for a lot of women and leads us to have relationships with men that are arrangements and not true evolutionary relationships just for the sake of having a man.

    1. Oh yes Mary-Louise there are a lot of beliefs, women hold in regards of men. This is just one you mentioned.

    2. Right with you Marylouisemyers – exactly the same for us men – nothing without a woman. Which, as you so rightly point out, leads so many men into arrangements rather than true relationships. This is so huge. And for so many of those arrangements, both the man and the woman would be so much better off working through their own stuff first, before hiding in the comfort of being with a partner.

    3. … and when we do begin to have a deeper loving relationship with ourselves the ‘need’ for a man or woman is not there, it then becomes a clear choice and the possibility for a true evolutionary relationship is there.

  673. The way we move affecting our thoughts and vice versa has taken some getting my head around, however I have to agree it is true Alexis. I have noticed that if I am stuck in some rambling, repetitive negative thoughts all I have to do is adjust my posture and the thoughts stop. They loose control of my head space. This is HUGE when you think about it. Movement can be like taking a pair of scissors to the puppeteers strings. What a powerful modality movement is.

    1. Great you emphasize this Jeannette, as I think that most of the world is not aware what it is really about the movement and how it affects our state of being and vice versa. Our body is like a memory stick, everything we imprint on it – stays until we clear it. So if I feel sad and depressed for example, my body structure changes in a way that I shrink together in my chest, with my shoulders and my head. The whole body contracts. When I walk like this for a certain time it gets memorized strongly in my body and this kind of movement then supports me in feeling sad and depressed in turn.

      1. I know what you mean exactly, and when we stand up straight it is harder for the sadness to control us.

      2. Exactly, every mood, every emotion, every feeling creates a certain body configuration which we can either adapt to or consciously let go of, if we just become aware of what it is actually doing to us.

    2. Jeanette Gold, I really appreciate your analogy of “Movement can be like taking a pair of scissors to the puppeteers strings.” It’s so simple to get up and walk or change one’s posture to dismiss those untrue thoughts that might be happening … I find this empowering and a very helpful tool, thank you for the clarity and the reminder.

      1. Yes so simple and so effective. There really is no need to opt for more complicated and painful routes once you know this simple technique.

  674. A belief can be the defining factor that determines who we all are as individuals. however, it would not be unwise to have a look and see how many hurts lay hidden beneath many movements and beliefs.

  675. Wow Alexis. What a blog!
    I love how clearly you have outlined beliefs and truths and how each feels in the body.
    Realising and letting go of beliefs is a very evolving and unfolding prosesss. Just as is claiming and living truths! I know how truth feels in my body.

    1. Great comment johanna08smith. I am also doing the same, letting go of my many old beliefs to allow myself to feel more in my body and listen to it with more and more awareness. Our body is absolutely amazing, I am appreciating it more and more.

  676. Beliefs bring us to walk in life in a certain way. The movement we produce is governed by them. And “the thoughts we pull in are governed by the way that we move.” So beliefs are huge! Yet, they are only what they are and offer what they offer. Their offer is always limited at best. Truth brings an expansiveness feeling with it. It feels very different in the body. It is not a certainty that helps. It is a deep knowing that creates space within us.

  677. Thank you for sharing this Alexis, it comes so perfectly timed, so another gift from God. I feel we are never left behind, the fact that I had the dream I did last night which reminded me of how beliefs can cloud and control and then to read this first thing is quite in my face. However, I do still have the choice to listen or not, to be aware or not and that is the grace of the system we live under. I will re-read your blog and just support myself over the next few days by choosing to be aware of where these beliefs are coming from so I can give them the boot and choose to connect to the freedom of truth.

  678. ‘One of the divine functions of the body is to consistently show us the truth with no attachment as to whether or not we listen.’ I have allowed myself to be governed by a myriad of beliefs that I have only started to question since attending Universal Medicine presentations and accepting the wisdom of my body to give me any answers I need to enable me to live in a more self-loving and responsible way. Thank you Alexis for exposing some of your beliefs, many of which I can relate to, and for your willingness to address this issue and keep questioning any new beliefs that emerge.

  679. This really shines a light on the imprisonment we live in, an invisible cloak that we wear without realising but that pre-determines so much of our thoughts and actions. I have absolutely been a succour for this, a puppet for the many beliefs – I had a particularly strong realisation only very recently about a lifelong belief I have had that has kept me bound and I have felt powerless to change. And then one day, when I had taken the heavy cloak off and was seeing clearly, I recognised what was happening, and it was so simple to change.

    1. Reading about what you have written Simon, I wondering whether, for me, it has been as un-realising as you say. Have I really not realised what I have been doing by living a life aligned to so many ideals and beliefs? Or have I actually been actively choosing them? To protect, to control and to absolve myself of my responsibility. I am beginning to see it as a more pro-active process – which in itself is empowering. Because if I chose to align to these belief systems then I can also choose not to. What I am finding though is that the choice is not enough – it has to be supported and embodied through movement.

      1. Yes Otto ‘What I am finding though is that the choice is not enough – it has to be supported and embodied through movement’ and that is because beliefs are drawn to us by the ways in which we move, so if we don’t change the way that we move then we will draw in the same belief.

  680. Alexis, this is a very interesting question, ‘I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?’, I can feel how limiting beliefs that i have held or that have held me are, how there are so many beliefs that I have taken on and how these have kept me small and stopped me from expressing the true me, the beliefs have told me that being a tomboy is cool and different and that being girly and womanly is not cool, but in fact weak. Just this one belief affected me so much growing up and it is only now that I realise how false it is.

    1. Rebecca thanks for highlighting the powerful effect that one single belief can have. Consider how single beliefs throughout history have shaped and continue to shape life as we know it. ‘Black people are not as smart as white people, women are not as valuable as men, people with blond hair and blue eyes are superior, people with disabilities have less right to life,………………

  681. I am with you 100 % Alex, our bodies are truly awe-some in all they communicate 24/7 – “Looking back I realise now that my body continually showed me the truth of every situation. It was my beliefs that came from my mind that overrode the messages from my body.”

  682. Wow, Alexis reading through this blows the lid on life and what and how we are living by “The beliefs that we hold are influencing our lives moment by moment, and like a puppeteer pulling on invisible strings we are moved and positioned around the chessboard of life, falsely ‘believing’ that we are moving ourselves when in truth we are being moved by our beliefs, our minds coerced into thinking and our mouths manipulated to say certain things.” The list of beliefs we can hold in life is endless and there are many that we as human beings subscribe to as a group which then makes them less likely to be questioned as they seem normal. Thank you for this blog as it invites me to look and consider EVERYTHING more deeply.

    1. jsnel that’s a great point that you make about the fact that when we subscribe to beliefs as a group then they are less likely to be questioned. How many times has that happened throughout history !

  683. Thank you Alexis, you open up a very relevant topic here in the case of belief systems. It is sad to say that the world is full of them, and like you, I had very similar beliefs that I lived by which stopped me from feeling the truth. I too am starting to let go of the beliefs and am realising they have been very good at keeping me away from knowing who I truly am.

  684. Thank you Alexis, I really enjoyed reading this and can relate to all on the list of beliefs, and if this is just a common list it makes me wonder about all the hidden ones that have yet to surface. I have always had this sense that we were pawns in a game but we just didn’t know it, so it wasn’t a surprise to me when Serge Benhayon explained that there are two energies and depending on which one we choose will govern how we think, talk and walk.

  685. A super awesome blog Alexis, so much exposed, so much truth revealed and written with crystal clear clarity… thankyou. After finishing reading I got to feel how much I have lived in irresponsibility (without self-bashing) through comfort and ignorance… but now I can feel a deeper commitment to taking responsibility to a deeper level so that I do not pass on my beliefs to all the children of this world, but instead I leave this world with an imprint of how truth can be lived with ourselves and each other – to live soulfully, and how when we move soulfully, this is the imprint, the footprints we leave behind here on earth for others to discover and walk the path of return. Thankyou Alexis.

  686. Truth stands in its absoluteness, it just is… and exposes everything that it is not. When this exposure is not to our liking we invite beliefs in, our self made fabrications as an excuse not to live with such responsibility with ourselves and others.
    Thank you Alex, so much is said here and it invites a deeper level of lived responsibility, something I am finding is ever deepening.

    1. So true Victoria, we employ beliefs to keep us comfy cosy in whatever it is that serves to keep us just exactly where we are.

  687. I really love what you have mentioned here ” Do we hold onto beliefs or do beliefs hold onto us?” that is brilliant.

  688. Some would say, that without beliefs and guidelines that are passed on about how to live our lives, wouldn’t we be chaotic? this comes from the thinking that we are nothing when we are born and need to be filled up in order to function properly. Has this type of thinking truly got us anywhere? When I look at a baby I see a being that is not ruled by beliefs, it is open, it is tender and it is delicate. It would make a lot more sense to nurture these qualities as one grows up and adjust life accordingly. Life wouldn’t be a mess because there would be a lot of care for self and others by the very fact that our body is impulsing our sensitive way of being. Thank you for writing this article!

    1. Love what you share Harryjwhite, so true to be nurturing a baby/child’s innate qualities over beliefs handed down. Open sensitivity is our way in life; protected closed off with ideals and beliefs is not and certainly has created the dysfunctional world we have today.

  689. Alexis fantastic reading your post this morning and seeing the depth of beliefs we hold, I know there are many that I hold onto for every one that I look at their are 10 more, woven into the very way I “think” I am. Truth cuts through this – it simply is. I love how you’ve shared the truths that just are. For me two felt realizations were; Being ‘nice’ is not a true way of being. Being good is an illusion – just be yourself.

  690. I liked your analogy of our life on a train track. It made me see a child’s train set that is a circle and it just go’s nowhere. It brings a new look at life coming off the rails which may mean you are on the right track?

    1. I would say in this picture We are not the train but more the station. By choosing the manner of the incoming track I guarantee the out coming one. Which track I choose will carry the corresponding train, which reflects my expressions. One manner of track does carry beliefs and others coming with the truth. What I choose to let come in will come out.

  691. For me it feels like that beliefs are holding me, keeping my life together, makes me feel safe in a strange way. Like, beliefs are my key to the world. But I limit my world with those beliefs – I guess that’s the impulse behind it anyway, to make the world more easily handled for me, so I have a feeling of ‘I know how it goes and what to do’. It is in fact a form of control – the only question is: who is controlling what? If we look at our world, the wars, conflicts, increasing rate of diseases, disharmony, depression, separation – to name just the obvious – really: who is controlling what? When we look at our world we have to question our systems and beliefs that brought us to here!

    1. Or is that we can’t handle the responsibility of a life without beliefs? Do beliefs dissolve us of our responsibility? Is it easier to say “that is the way it is” rather than accept that we are cementing an untruth? I see this everywhere. I see this in myself. Beliefs are convenient excuses. A life without them is true freedom but with that freedom comes immense responsibility.

    2. Sandra what a huge belief to uncover ! A belief that says ‘it is our beliefs that are holding everything together’ ! Holy schmolly a belief that ensures we keep invested in believing ! Man it’s cunning stuff !

      1. Yes, good to discover that “beliefs ensure we keep investing in believing” – but also tricky, because it is not the belief itself that make sure it stays alive, it is us choosing to hold on to beliefs. To replace one belief with another and think we changed is keeping us under the illusion from bettering our life – but there is no real change as we stay in the same energy, the same basis – the only thing what changes is the packaging. It is not done with giving up on beliefs, it is changing the source which flows through us and with that…giving up on our own creations/control and surrender to the divine plan again.

  692. Thanks Alexis. Since listening to the words of wisdom from Serge Benhayon for nearly 10 years I have taken a look at many, many beliefs that I held and confined who I thought I was and feel the freedom of recognising them as imposed beliefs and not the truth. That railway track can be very deceptive as one belief gets off the train another one can so easily get on.

  693. It’s such a liberating thing to get your head around and realise we can have a clean slate, wipe the black board clean of beliefs and fill it up with truths that come directly from our bodies.

    1. Well said, kevmchardy. To hold onto our beliefs, keeps us in the past. To allow ourselves to ‘let go’ and instead choose to feel our own truths brings understanding and acceptance, acceptance that we are all made from the same cloth. This a true step forward for humanity.

    2. Such a powerful way of looking at it. I love the notion of wiping the slate clean. I’ve got a kinda movie image of it; of two countries at war with each other, then suddenly this immense electro magnetic shock wave explodes across the battle field (or do you remember the memory wiper in Men in Black) that wipes the slate clean. Then all these people are left standing, looking at each other, no idea why they are pointing guns at each other, no idea why they were screaming hatred at each other, no idea what the whole ridiculous and meaningless conflict was about in the first place….worth pondering. Thanks Kev McHardy.

      1. Yes brilliant, to know we can actually choose to wipe the slate clean is empowering. I love this visual ottobathurst it clearly exposes the craziness of our ill choices.

      2. Indeed it does Victoria. But today I return to this comment of mine and ponder the smaller scale. Sure if you take the example of a war then it’s obvious to see the craziness. But what about at the other end. What about the tiny details and subtle little crooks and crannies where our lives and choices are being run by the ideals we align to. What about the way we parent, the way we treat our partners, the way we eat….I know that if that same electo-magnetic-belief-busting pulse exploded over my house, there would be much exposed. I may not be pointing a gun at anyone, but an untruth is an untruth.

      3. Otto the ‘electro magnetic shock wave’ that you describe that could wipe the slate clean in the midst of war is something that actually happened on Christmas day during the 1914 war. Of course there was no electro magnetic shock but simply the power of a globally celebrated day. Soldiers came out from the trenches and walked across enemy lines to say ‘Merry Christmas’ to each other and exchange basic presents. There are reports that there was even a game of football. Incredible isn’t it that men who are shooting at one another one moment can put down their weapons and sing carols together the next.

      4. Wow. Alexis I had heard about this but had totally forgotten. Thank you for reminding. Amazing. Even more amazing is that after that connection, they can then return to killing each other. What I can feel is that the devastation that must have caused the men (on both sides) would then be even more total. How horrendous is it that humanity can do that to each other. And how horrendous is it that we seem to have learnt nothing from this.

  694. Wow Alexis, you really blow this subject wide open, it’s frightening how we are ruled by our beliefs, before Serge Benhayon I had no idea about this subject. It seems the older people get the more stubborn these beliefs can get,hence the old saying, ‘stuck in his ways’. This subject, if fully understood could bring so much harmony to the world. People could realise that they don’t have to hate the people living in a neighbouring county because of a war that happened 500 years ago and that those people are just like them.

    1. Gosh when said like that how ridiculous, holding onto something a neighboring country did 500 years ago. What is it about the human conditioning that we are prepared to hold grudges for so long, is it really about the person who made the mistake or is it the fact that we refuse to deal with things in our lives and it is easy to hold onto blame than deal with what is going on for us? Blame is easy, taking responsibility takes courage, but is well worth it.

  695. A belief busting blog Alexis! It is amazing how so many little things that have been said to us have affected our lives. It is great to expose any belief or ideal we have as it, in my experience, caps what we are doing and makes things into I should do this or that, and/or if I don’t then we beat ourselves up for being bad. Seeing everything in life as an opportunity to learn and grow from, rather than thinking is this right or wrong, is a much more freer way to live.

    1. Ah James the good old belief of ‘right and wrong’, these two pals have buddied up and infiltrated the lives of kids world wide. It seems to me that once they have their hooks in us as kids they continue to disrupt our lives right up until death. And, as Universal Medicine present, we carry beliefs into our next lives and so the enormity of the problem can be easily felt knowing that not even death thwarts their stranglehold.

      1. Ah James the good old belief of ‘right and wrong’, these two pals have buddied up and infiltrated the lives of kids world wide. It seems to me that once they have their hooks in us as kids they continue to disrupt our lives right up until death. And, as Universal Medicine present, we carry beliefs into our next lives and so the enormity of the problem can be easily felt knowing that not even death thwarts their stranglehold.

  696. ‘My beliefs prevented me from feeling the truth. They stood like silent guards blocking the way to the truth that lay patiently in my body, ever ready to be revealed.’ Becoming aware of all the beliefs that are in our way is life changing and you, Alexis have made this very clear in a simple way. This truth you have come to stood out for me today ‘There is not an ounce of ‘doing’ in evolution, evolution is the state of our being.’ This is huge as our whole society is built on ‘doing’, we are fooled to believe it is about lots of effort, hardness and to keep on going. I love how you have stopped and started listening to your body instead of your head.

  697. “So here we all are, living our lives under the illusion that we are deciding what happens to us in life when all along we are moving around our lives as freely as a train on a train track!”. I can feel the humor and in the same time the sadness of this analogy that the way we believe we have control over our lives is actually controlled by an outer force that we, although we say unconsciously, but to me it feels consciously, have taken as a way to shape and arrange our lives, an outer force that comes to us as ideals and beliefs about how life should be lived in all its aspects on the physical plane. But as you say Alexis, we can make other choices when we start to choose to connect to our bodies first, as our bodies are connected with the truth of the universe because they belong and are part of it. When we are able to do so we become part of a grander whole and escape form the restrictions and limitations that are there in the physical three dimensions world.

  698. It is the movement and not the doing that determines in what quality everything is done. And it is the quality of our movement that determines the outcome, if it heals and serves or harms and is for self gain. Not being aware that movement is key to our expression is the biggest ignorance we as human beings have come to. How intelligent can we call us as human beings if we ignore the fact that movement determines who we serve? With this goes the strong belief that we think we are free when in fact we are the servants of the energy we are aligned to.

  699. That evolution is something we have to achieve is one of the biggest traps ever. It relates life to doing and deviates us from the knowing that we are vessels of energy that act according to the source we have chosen. There is no need for doing as everything is done already. We just have to express, express from the one true source, the divine.

    1. I totally agree Rachel Andras, once we have reinterpreted any way of being that once evolved us, this can then become a belief that we can run that foolishly keeps us in an illusionary spin that we are moving forward or evolving. Such is the mastery of energy and what you align to is a constant choice supported in knowing how the cycles of the universe work and the temporal understandings of how the body needs to be moved and honored in those cycles through the reflections on earth.

  700. “Evolution is not an up it is a back towards. It is a U-turn.” This is huge. I like how you have slipped it in at the end of your list, when truly this is the most confronting one of your examples. The others seem quite tangible, things you can change as you get your head around them. This however asks us to question and challenge our very being. Very beautiful and deeply inspiring.

  701. “…I have come to wonder if it is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?”

    We hold the beliefs that in turn hold us in their vice-like grip. They have no power if we choose to let go, but the choice needs to be true and not simply a wanting to do so, but not really doing so, because some part of that belief still serves us in the way of life we have created. We are owned by that which we choose to be owned by. Thus, we are moved by that which we choose to move by. That is, we are but puppets that hand over their strings to one of two sources – that which is love OR, all that is not.

  702. This is stunningly explained Alexis. The analogy of us moving around as ‘freely’ as a train confined to its tracks is very apt. It is our insistence to walk a straight line on a sphere that keeps us so boxed in. We are glorious, spacious, spherical and intelligent beings, yet we use and cling to our rigid belief systems in order to not feel the truth that lives within every cell of our body. Your words are a glorious dissection of the evil we allow to be when we choose to be run by the deluge of thoughts that assume reign over our minds, when we lay bare the Kingdom of Love within our hearts. Thankyou.

  703. Thanks for sharing this Alexis – I know that I’ve also been influenced by beliefs and that this has kept me from feeling what is true. It feels like an ongoing process to uncover the layers of beliefs as they get more and more subtle as I expose them.

  704. “is us that holds our beliefs or is it our beliefs that hold us?” this is a corker of a statement Alexis, we make the choice to follow a certain belief all the while, and not very long afterward, we are the ones left without a choice, driven by the beliefs.

    1. This is such a telling quote about the horror of beliefs. They hold us trapped within the belief that we have created yet we cannot see it once we are trapped.

      1. Lee what you have shared, ‘They hold us trapped within the belief that we have created yet we cannot see it once we are trapped’ needed repeating because you are absolutely right. Whist the belief owns us, part of that ownership is that we will never know that it’s not us.

    2. Wise words Joel, so who is responsible here – the false belief systems that have caused an irresponsible mess on earth or us for choosing to separate and let the beliefs run us?

      1. Rik your question got me pondering ‘so who is responsible here – the false belief systems that have caused an irresponsible mess on earth or us for choosing to separate and let the beliefs run us?’. Hmmm we are the ones that create the beliefs in the first place, are we not? Surely we are responsible for the whole entire mess and it is only when we see clearly that it is us who have created this catastrophic way of being that we shall be able to address every-thing that has to be addressed to rectify the mess we’re in.

  705. What a great blog, Alexis – food for thought – I shall check out my beliefs – they are similar to many on your list. And I love the list of Truths, especially: ‘Strength as a woman comes from her fragility.’

    1. I love the list of truths as well Carmel. There is so much here to digest and I will be re-reading the blog for sure.

    2. I feel the same way Carmel, such a brilliant blog that has me realising the level to which I have sold out to my beliefs! The truths that Alexis shares though shows how freeing, spacious and connecting we can choose to be. I will definitely be revisiting this blog time and again.

    3. I love that too Carmel because it is EXACTLY the same for us men. And we have been similarly imprisoned by such a belief. Even though I have become so much more fragile and sensitive and am definitely embracing that, I clearly still carry the old belief because the other day someone asked how I was….my reply was a slightly apologetic “I feel pretty fragile.” My friend was quickly on to me “what’s wrong with that?” Well, the answer is NOTHING – it’s actually beautiful and perfect and exactly true to how my body was feeling. But fascinating that I was still carrying the belief that fragile was in some way a lesser expression. It was a great revelation for me. On to the next!

  706. WOW – this is awesome and I so appreciate being able to read the blog and take a long look at the beliefs I am still carrying and thus are influencing my every move. I loved this sentence – When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless. This sentence will be going on my bedroom mirror.

    1. Agree Sally, we have to live in a way that offers spaciousness and with this awareness that life is not about your personal interest and projects, but about the energy we choose to move in.

    2. Yes Sally, this is a great quote from an awesome blog which exposes the illusion in which we are living.

    3. The restriction of beliefs versus the spaciousness of truth – one of them holds you encased in its limited thinking, narrow judgement and outlook and imposes upon another through the lens of the said belief system while the other leaves you free to walk your own walk, breathe your own breath and to do so in total harmony with the all and the Universe.

    4. I agree Sally, that sentence says so much. Yes, I have to look at the beliefs that I am still carrying in my body, many have now gone thank goodness, that often leaves the more subtle ones, the insidious ones, especially about my self worth, it can still raise its head every so often. That of course comes from comparison, another very insidious thing that of course comes into a belief that I am not good enough.Which comes first, I wonder, the need to compare, or the belief?

    5. Yes Sally, I agree – this blog offers us an opportunity to have a real long look at any beliefs that we carry, live by and are governed by. I too found that sentence very significant: “When life is governed by beliefs, it feels confined and limited but when life is impulsed by truth then it feels spacious and limitless.” This answers it all.

    6. Sally – I’m so grateful to you for your comment because I hadn’t fully appreciated this sentence when I read the blog. In fact it needs reading and re-reading – especially when the body reading it still carries beliefs!!! For me this goes hand in hand with deep appreciation and acceptance that we are already everything. After that, beliefs can be seen for what they are – viruses that erode and eat away at that absoluteness.

    7. Yes Sally, and you can feel the truth in this statement. When it is put down in black and white like this it is easy to see just how constricting our beliefs are. The next step is then identifying our beliefs and debasing them.

  707. Awesome Alexis to read your blog and ponder on the many beliefs that I have bought into and how they have governed who I thought I was. As you say, we are mere puppets attached to a string being pulled. Which direction we are pulled is up to us and the choices that we make by the quality of movement that we choose – it is either towards God or away from Him. Our beliefs keep our hands tied, they keep us contained, they keep us in the same ongoing patterns over and over again which keep repeating themselves until we realise that there is something more, that there is a way of living where we are not bound, where we are not limited but where we express soulfully which can only come through our connection and our choice in the quality of how we move our body.

      1. Agreed simonwilliams8 – we get to choose which energy is pulling our strings so which energy are we choosing?

    1. This is an important key isn’t it Donna, that even if it takes a while to understand what is happening and why it is happening, there is an experiment to be had by ourselves, with ourselves, which can look at how we move and if, my moving in a more aware and connected way, it affects our thoughts. I know for me it is clear as day yet slowly I can slip into a harsher way to move and my thoughts get familiarly distracted and less than focused. This affects everything I do and everyone around me. From that body I am far more likely to be imposing on others.

    2. Yes Donna living as puppets to an energy is such an interesting thought. And knowing that the energy is determined by the way we move… it’s a game changer isn’t it? I know for me… I want to move with the grace of God. Everything else just feels out of line.
      It reminds me of the story about Pinocchio. He was created as a wooden puppet but dreamed of becoming a real boy. That’s it. The discovery that we can ALL be that ‘Boy’ is very liberating. 🙂

    3. So does believing in God bring us towards God or away from Him? My feeling here is that it always keeps us at arms length from being held in the love that is consistently and always available to all of us. A belief will create a picture on how we should be, so that we can be with God. But all we need to be is our natural selves.

    4. Beautiful comment, Donna, the quality we move in determines weather we move towards God or away from him. Every time I think I have let all my beliefs go I find new ones to discard and my body is very helpful in that process. We are love, we come from love and will return to it. This is the truth and our beliefs can delay this process, but no belief will be able stop our returning to divinity in the end.

      1. Yes to you Donna and everyone after you. For years I have ‘believed’ (there’s that word again!) that dealing with my beliefs was an intellectual exercise – a mental journey. Only recently have I begun to fully grasp that true freedom from beliefs comes from the body, from movement. I’m still not entirely there and can still be drawn back into the churning stuff over in the mind – but that is all false, all creation of fog – so the commitment is in returning to the body. As I sit with that now, I feel joyful that I have such an amazingly simple tool (my body) and that Universal Medicine have shown me how to use it. I’m still learning. But it is the way.

    5. It shows how much responsibility and awareness comes with the way we choose to move. I know when I connect to myself and bring that connection to my movement and interactions powerful shifts are possible, but it is when I choose to disconnect through choosing comfort (in it’s many forms) that I then allow something else to drive me, and that as Alexis has shown is the power we give our beliefs. It makes you see that the true responsibility lays with us all, to stay connected to ourselves and the quality of our movements.

    6. This blog is a great study in human behaviour. Imagine if we were all encouraged at school, or better yet this was part of the curriculum, to sit down and expose all our beliefs and ideals and expose how they hold us in separation from each other. What a different world we would live in if we were free of ideals and beliefs and left unimposed to know we are all equally one.

      1. Oh wow, Laura B, I love to imagine sitting down at school and exposing my/our beliefs and ideals … to be met and honoured as young-almost-adults who are exploring their place in the world would have been amazing. As a matter of fact, I’m going to take the time to pretend I’m back at high school and am in that very class/course, as a fun way to expose more beliefs! Thank you for the inspiration.

    7. ” … the quality of how we move our body.”
      Great that this has been put into words, Donna, I still feel like I’m only just beginning to realise the depth of this truth but that it supports us in every moment to keep re-turning to our soul.

    8. Yes Donna Gianniotis “Which direction we are pulled is up to us and the choices that we make by the quality of movement that we choose – it is either towards God or away from Him”. So we have a truth that is significant – we can choose to move towards God or not. We do not have to follow beliefs system of a religion to take us closer to God as it is the belief system we are align too, instead we can choose to align and move towards God through our body’s inner essence that is within us all.

  708. Thank you Alexis … and then I do wonder where do our parents get the beliefs from that they pass onto their children, as they were also children once? Where did this all start?

    1. What a great question Shevonsimon, where did this all start? As I see it we are returning to what we have walked away from, a life of great divinity living as Sons of God in a multi dimensional world. As we have chosen to create our own sphere of life in the form we have descended to a lesser three dimensional form of life also has brought us the limitations of that dimension, which made us denser and less aware of our true origins. This in turn made us vulnerable to being controlled from the outer world instead of from our innermost connection with the grandness we walked away from.

      1. Nico your description of what we have reduced life to is spot on, but that in itself wouldn’t be as heavily binding as it is if the majority of the worlds population knew the truth in what you have shared. But because most people are under the belief that life is only what they can see with their eyes, then it is this belief that perpetuates the illusion.

      2. That is true Alexis, when we descended into the three dimensional life we also stopped using our sixth sense and started only to rely on our awareness of the interactions with the physicality’s of life, and these do not give us the full picture. We do not belong to this realm of life, as we are part of another evolutionary path, and with that we have blocked ourselves from the knowing that we are that and have introduced ideals and beliefs to cover up that we are in fact grander than we allow ourselves to be.

      3. I accept that explanation Nico. So do belief systems belong to this 3rd dimensional world that we only physically see. If we aligned to the 5th dimension as you say because our body belongs to the universe not the earth we have an intelligence to connect to where we are from the universe. So why are we on earth? And why did we separate from this amazing intelligence and way of being?

    2. Great question Shevonsimon, where did it all start? And then where does it all end? What comes up is the responsibility we all have to come out of living in our comfort and ignorance and see how our choices affect everyone, everywhere….and whether being a parent or not, we pass all our beliefs onto all the children of this world by the way in which we move….

      1. Brilliant point jacqmcfadden04 it shows that beliefs begin and end with us choosing to live with responsibility and the fact all choices affect the all.

      2. Yes jacqmcfadden04 time to take full responsibility for our choices with the realisation that everything we do, including the beliefs we have, affect all those around us.

    3. That’s a great question Shevon. We’ve been passing down these beliefs for generations…at what point did we separate from ourselves and start letting these ideas dictate our lives? Awesome that there are people out there willing to put a stop to the cycle that’s keeping us all in separation. The U turn is much needed.

    4. Beliefs are passed from parent to child generation after generation until we choose differently and wise up to the fact they encumber and retard us. Essentially we are bombarded by beliefs from all angles from everywhere in life. All that we align to that is not of truth will readily deliver its man-made beliefs of this or that and readily pit one belief system against another. How easily we can identify with one belief system and hold that as greater than another when such thinking robs us of the true brotherhood and love that we are and know.
      In my experience, the true arrest from the bombardment of beliefs of every colour size and description is to breathe our own breath (as taught by Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine) and to live a true life.

    5. It’s a great question Shevon, where did beliefs start and how do they cement themselves in? I was just pondering on the term ‘black sheep of the family’ and wondering if the so called ‘black sheep’ was actually someone who questioned the predominating beliefs within a family and chose to live in a way where they are not confirmed or governed by them? and because of this were considered to be on the outer?

    6. Good question shevonsimon, and I am pondering also about the questions when and why I was willing to leave the truth to live my life in harmful tracks? why was I “buyable”? Is every life a micro version of the fact that we have left god?

  709. This is a lovely blog Alexis, I’ve been pondering on belief systems as well and not knowing how i’ve got to where I am today as an adult, where I have so many beliefs that I run with all the time. Thanks for your blog that further details and outlines the intricacies of it all.

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