The Power of Caitlyn’s Song

Not so long ago I arrived at my work in the A&E Department of the Hospital when the Ward Manager asked who could volunteer to work for the day in the paediatric ward instead of A&E – to lend a hand as they were short of staff. Although normally I don’t like to move to another department because I don’t like to risk my comfort, that day my disposition was so open and full that I agreed. I went there to find that I had to look after a 14-month-old girl who had been physically abused: she was alone in her cot.

No family members were allowed to visit and the staff were asked to be with her all the time. We had to take her to the X-Ray Department for scans that were required to determine the extent of the damage to her bones and organs. She was bruised in different places and seemed very withdrawn, not wanting to make eye contact or have any other communication with us.

I could have dropped into sympathy, and started absorbing her drama: it would have been easy for me to say “poor girl”. Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences, so I decided to treat her with special gentleness and tenderness, just as I have seen demonstrated by Universal Medicine practitioners. I very deliberately placed the blanket around her with extra care and delicateness, focussing on those gestures with my fingers. And, at the same time saying in silence, with my body: “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.”

We then went to get her scans and had to stay in the waiting area for a while, so I had the idea of playing the song by Michael Benhayon‘Caitlyn´s Song’ – that I had in my phone. If you have not heard it, it is the most beautiful, clear and luminous music and words for any baby in the world. I was singing along with the words “You shine so bright so just keep your light on” and saying to her – you have never had this kind of love, but you deserve this beauty, your essence is the same as me, as Caitlyn, as everyone.

It was such an experience of light that the whole X-Ray waiting area was shining and I could see that a couple of people felt the love, saw what was happening and were smiling at us two. She then fell asleep.

After having nearly 18 different X-Rays we went back to the ward. She had her food and spent all afternoon talking (not proper words yet, but singing and chatting along) to the nurses, reaching for us, for contact, joyful and playful like any little girl.

The change was almost unbelievable – but not for me, because I knew! She was communicating with us and the paediatrician confirmed, “She now trusts us.” She was pulling my shirt and my trousers; she was a different girl to the one I first met laying in the cot alone and withdrawn.

I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her. I also knew it was not only me, but that heavenly helpers were there with us – the healing that had occurred was so obvious.

My heart expanded and I felt that this baby girl now had the chance to not shut down completely, to keep her heart open and to keep shining her light. When she grows up no matter how long it takes her to fully heal from her past, she now has a marker in her body that will stay forever, one that she can come back to. She has felt the depth of the support (that is available to us all) from above; she has felt true love.

This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.

I give thanks to Serge Benhayon, his whole family, and the practitioners of Universal Medicine Therapies, who, because of their daily commitment to living in this way, are a constant inspiration for me.

Thank you, Michael Benhayon, for your selfless commitment in bringing this very healing, powerful music to the world.

By JM, Nurse, Surrey, UK

Further reading:

1,087 thoughts on “The Power of Caitlyn’s Song

  1. This has been beautiful to read again today. I was thinking of this blog a few days ago and it then turned up in my internet browser options when I was searching for something else today! It always makes me cry reading his, it holds such a universal truth that we are all love, and through brotherhood we can nurture that return to our innermost love and support those around us to overcome even the biggest ‘mountains’ of life experiences. “My heart expanded and I felt that this baby girl now had the chance to not shut down completely, to keep her heart open and to keep shining her light.” – an incredible message for us all in this line alone. Huge thanks to the author for sharing this precious experience!

  2. This is one of those stories that stays with you, it touches something so deep, which is our ability to be love and hold steady whilst another person, child or adult, regains their trust, experiences healing, and then comes back to their own love. I’ve been reflecting recently on how big that loving essence is within ourselves, even though life’s situations can seem quite big, like experiencing violence, abuse, etc, and I’ve been in many hurtful situations myself, but the love within us is untouched and it’s enormous. It’s taken me years to realise this as I felt so buried under how much life hurt, yet now here I am experiencing the huge love within me and it’s steadiness and light, and learning to hold it for myself and others even when everything around me feels disturbing and unsettling.

  3. I love reading stories like this one, to see and know that a change can happen regardless of the circumstances. That the way we are with people we can make a difference in their lives and when we truly open up to love and let that shine out people feel met, they learn that there is something in this world living for and that can change lives.

  4. “I was singing along with the words “You shine so bright so just keep your light on” and saying to her – you have never had this kind of love, but you deserve this beauty, your essence is the same as me, as Caitlyn, as everyone.” This is such a great reminder to us all, and of how hard we can be on ourselves when what’s needed is simply love.

    1. That’s a great and timely reminder thank you Melinda, ‘ of how hard we can be on ourselves when what’s needed is simply love.’

  5. This is such a beautiful blog. I felt the reminder for myself and others of how we have all experienced periods where there was no love, for some particularly in childhood, and that we can still recover and bring that love to ourselves and to others. We can come out of the withdrawal and reactions, and know that the love we bring to others, even in the smallest of moments, is absolute gold.

  6. “she has felt true love” The love that is shared in this article is felt by all who read it.

  7. While the story here is on the back of a horrific incident, the same story is happening throughout the world – a general lack of love we live with, abuse that we put up with (whether inflicted by another, or by ourselves)… but always an opportunity to be touched by love, reminded of it, and so start the path back to that original source.

    1. “…but always an opportunity to be touched by love, reminded of it, and so start the path back to that original source.” Thanks Simon, I love the words ‘original source’, such a gorgeous reminder we all come from this love.

  8. This is a beautiful reminder of how powerful it is when we offer love and true care to others, miracles can easily occur.

  9. When we allow ourselves to connect with our essence we immediately can connect with other people’s essence.

  10. I love those moments where in theory you should have no idea what to do but have an impulse that turns out to be exactly what is needed. It just shows we are capable of anything.

  11. When we don’t let our lives be ruled by sympathy true love can come through and heal. Reading your blog this time makes me even more aware about the illusion we fall for when we go in sympathy..

  12. I loved re-reading this blog about miracles. It really shows me that we are never really strangers, and it makes me wonder what could actually be possible if we don’t give up on anyone?

  13. So inspiring to read and such an inspiration to not hold back from expressing love and tenderness.

  14. This has left me pondering on what true care, true healing is. How there’s no sympathy, no little self getting in its way, reminding and confirming with our whole body who we truly are no matter what has happened. Deeply humbling.

  15. Such a simple choice but deeply powerful when we stop ourselves from going into sympathy for anyone, we can then hold another in love and acceptance, offering another an opportunity to truly heal.

  16. Trust is a foundational component to our healing process – I am wondering if this is because it allows us to feel the reliability and consistency of both truth and love.

  17. The music of Michael Benhayon is not your average everyday music. It is music that has a reason for being, and is not only delightful to listen to, but purposefully represents the heaven within that we all are.

  18. “I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her.” So gorgeous to read thank you JM for sharing the divine touch of heavenly love given to this young child by you, an experience that will forever remain with her.

  19. Such a testament to the power of true love which beats sympathy hands down. I don’t feel that I or the world can fully comprehend what the heavens have sent down to support us to find our way back.

  20. This is a very beautiful sharing and it shows how even though we don’t think about energy it is still very much happening and it is where the difference is made. Just words can be said with the energy of love and holding or just from our head. It is a world of a difference.

  21. This is a super beautiful story and it shows how much we can heal when we are reminded of the beauty that we are.

  22. When someone is deeply down, we cannot be of any help if we also go where they are. Doing so, is only saying yes to the energy this person is held in to come and invade us. It is not a gesture to the other person but to the energy the person holds in the body.

    1. This is so aptly said, Eduardo, if we go down if someone is down, of how much a help are we truly if we are sitting in the same pit.

  23. No matter what happens to us, it is always our choice how we respond to it. The little girl made a choice to be open to the support around her, and then to remain open to the healing and the love. Divinely supported by you and the Masters above.

  24. Michael Benhayon’s music is deeply healing. His work is amazing, leading the way for others to bring forth music that offers all of us the reflection of love and truth that is innate.

  25. That fact there is music like this on the planet now, is attributable to one person…Serge Benhayon, who could be said to be the father of music that truly heals and makes a difference on this planet.

  26. This blog shows how there is so much more to healing that can be integrated into today’s medicine. Having that depth of care from another who’s body is cared for and holds love is hugely supportive of deeper healing.

  27. What I love about this blog is that I can read that everything was constellated in a divine order to bring healing to the jong girl. Only when we put ourselves aside, like you did JM, we are able to align and become part of the constellation that is needed to make this happen.

  28. Love in its true sense can support with miracles happening as you showed in this blog.

  29. This is such a beautiful testament to the power of love that when expressed in whatever shape or form has the power to heal and dispel that which is not from truth.

  30. Surely one of the most beautiful stories ever written. Today read through again I also could feel all the times in my life I felt treated roughly, it may not have been necessarily physically, however the roughness was felt and it was quite painful. We do innately know the delicate and loving treatment we deserve because it’s who we all are in essence. You have also inspired me to connect more deeply to the light we all are despite what experiences we have each had with this beautiful line “Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences.”

    1. Indeed Melinda, we are all the same in essence, only our physical appearance and expression differs. Because we are in essence the same, we all equally suffer from the abuse that life sometimes brings. So too in that we are all one and the same and therefore have the ability to support one another in our healing on our way back to Soul.

  31. As humans we live through and survive immensely difficult situations, and at times what can only be termed trauma. Any support we can receive at those times, and in dealing with them as we move on is greatly valuable.

  32. A great reminder of not allowing sympathy in, just staying being love, ‘I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her. I also knew it was not only me, but that heavenly helpers were there with us – the healing that had occurred was so obvious.’

    1. I agree Lorraine, it’s a remarkable line “I could have dropped into sympathy, and started absorbing her drama” as it communicates so clearly how we join the damaging energy, instead of connecting to the essence of the person from our own, and confirming we are greater than what we are going through and offering a true energetic healing – just as this little toddler experienced. The baby girl was able to return to who she truly is, her essence, despite the significant trauma. This is true brotherhood in action.

  33. There is so much more that we ingest into our bodies through the music that we listen to than the food that we eat, for everything is energy and unless we learn to discern it correctly we will either be the recipients of that which is harming tor deeply healing for all.

  34. This is very touching, the power of love, ‘This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.’

  35. How very beautiful and inspiring. It shows that each one of us knows love and when it is offered to us , as you offered it to this little girl, the feeling that came from you, unconditionally so, resonated deeply within her little body opening up a heart that was possibly on its way to being shut down through her painful experiences. Love, the gift that keeps on giving.

  36. How wonderful to really see and feel the experience of your true love and care for this girl and the fact that she felt it, all of it, very beautiful.

  37. This is beautiful JM. I can imagine how cared for that little girl must have felt.

  38. Miracles are real, true and so very practical. This is a heart-melting example of one.

  39. Miracles do happen everyday, and reading this blog is a timely reminder of this and also for me to be more aware to clock them and not let them go by unnoticed, for the more we see the more the more we can trust in the beauty and the magic all around us.

  40. Wow, this is one of my favourite things I’ve ever read – I am so inspired. How powerful and how important is every moment we spend with someone, and every time we touch another person, what if we have the potential the whole time to help another person open up and feel love again no matter what they’ve been through? If this is possible then we have to take every single moment so seriously, because there’s literally not a moment to be wasted.

  41. “I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her. I also knew it was not only me, but that heavenly helpers were there with us – the healing that had occurred was so obvious..” This is very beautiful JM. When we open our hearts unimaginable healing can happen.. What a beautiful constellation that you agreed to go to the paediatric ward that day.

  42. “I could have dropped into sympathy, and started absorbing her drama: it would have been easy for me to say “poor girl”. Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences, so I decided to treat her with special gentleness and tenderness…”. The power of love. Imagine if we chose to view each other this way, what an amazing world it would become, where we offered understanding, equality, and importantly love to each other.

  43. Truly beautiful. Imagine if each moment in life where something happened to us where we had the choice either to carry that hurt with us for years if not lifetimes to come, or to drop it and come back to love, we chose the latter.

  44. Such a gorgeous blog to re-visit JM and be reminded of the power of true love and the miracles and healing this can bring.

  45. Thank you for sharing this amazing example of the healing power of true music and the transformations that can occur. Your loving care and the gift of Michael Benhayon’s music are undoubtedly a winning combination.

  46. What a beautiful constellation for you to be asked to care for this little girl at such a crucial time and how by staying open and not going into sympathy you supported her to open up and trust again.

  47. So lovely to come back to this blog, a true love story, a beautiful testimonial of the power we have when we choose to be with ourselves and connect to love, she got no sympathy from you but a reflection of what love is in human form.

  48. I often consider what difference it would make if I didn’t get pulled into sympathy and this blog is testament to the power of trusting. It is knowing you are walking beside someone, not there to fix their problems in a few hours but to remind someone who hasn’t experienced love in this world that there is love and we can be it because we are from it.

  49. As of late I became more aware of the healing power we have by simply staying with us, holding another person in absolute equalness and giving space to them to just be where they are. What is beautiful is to feel the silent dialogue between bodies that takes place while we may be talking and how the other body says yes to what is on offer to them and how they shift almost immediately. It is beautiful to feel.

  50. A very powerful testament of how whenever our Souls are met with a quality of energy that is of Soul, the wonders of who we are are inspired to be, to heal and to come to life once again. This is the true power of music when impulsed from the Soul that it is the embrace of God through sound reminding us of who we are in essence, all equally His children. What a blessing for this baby girl to have met you, to have been met with true love, a marker of love of who she truly is for all time. Thank you Cherise for this deeply beautiful sharing of what is possible when we choose to align to the magic of love.

  51. This is such a beautiful story of healing, and what stands out are the changes that occurred during the time she was with you JM, and it shows that it is not necessary to approach these types of situations with sympathy.

  52. I love coming back to your blog JM, such a beautiful story of love, care and deep connection, I very much appreciate what you have shared;
    “I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her. I also knew it was not only me, but that heavenly helpers were there with us”.

  53. Thank you so much for sharing this story. The power of love, tenderness and true care without an ounce of sympathy is so powerful. It reminds us that we are not our life events or hurts. We are that light that needs to keep shining brightly.

    1. Great point Fiona. When we give in to sympathy, we give away the opportunity for true healing to unfold, so that the great light we are from and equally are in essence is rightly embraced.

  54. JM, this is a mega healing for the world to see and read. As it is showing us that we are forever capable of healing when we open up our hearts and share that openness with each other, as this example has delicately shown.. What a gorgeous learning of life, that in no way sympathy could have brought (or I should say, what sympathy would not allow – to simply be me).

  55. This is a blog that in one sense truly needs no words for sometimes words as you have shown just aren’t needed… on the other hand the power of love expressed like this can’t but be deeply appreciated for the incredible healing it can offer.

  56. Wow, remarkable. To hold yourself and to not go into emotion or sympathy is absolutely amazing – I feel like I would’ve been a mess being in that situation! It’s inspiring to read your story and know that by holding ourselves we can hold another. Simply being Love.

  57. It is not time but love that heals all wounds – true love. All wounds are caused because we have compromised the love we are hence love restores us back to our true making.

  58. We are all longing for this – someone who says: “you deserve this beauty”, because we are coming from this beauty. It is our right to feel it, therefore we have to live it. To reflect this truth into this world is so precious for all of us! Lets look into the mirror every day and say: you deserve this beauty, you are this beauty! And than reflect the beauty while our day unfolds and let others feel it to. This is our power.

  59. Coming back to your beautifully heart warming blog today was such a joy. To read again of this little girl who was offered the gift of true love by you at a moment in time when she would have felt lost and confused was so inspiring; an example of the healing power of true music, in this case Glorious Music from Michael Benhayon.

  60. There are incidents and hurts we may think one can not ever be free of and that they will dominate our whole life, but there is nothing that can not be healed; not in an instant and it may require some work but nevertheless it will be healed one day, this is guaranteed, when we choose to open up to the healing.

    1. “it will be healed one day, this is guaranteed, when we choose to open up to the healing” – I love the ‘this is guaranteed’ line. It is all so solid when I choose to reconnect to responsibility and open up for true healing. Truth is very solid…I miss that in daily life. Good reflection for me. Note to myself: I am longing for solidness – lets become it, by reconnecting to truth.

  61. It’s stunning to read about true healing, offered without any attachment or investment.

  62. I love this story, the level of love that was given to that little girl is so beautiful, and what is so lovely is we can bring that level of love to everyone we meet, regardless of age, treating one another with tenderness and thoughtful care.

  63. Thank you JM, I am always so deeply moved by this blog. It’s truly such a loving gift we can give to ourselves and all around us to know we are all love, that we are Sons of God, divine, a soul – however it’s worded the truth is the same and felt the same.

  64. The experiences many people have in life can cause them to distrust not only those that have hurt them but all others too. This is an understandable reaction but ultimately not healthy in the long term – for when you shut out everyone you also shut out the potential of them supporting you to heal too.

  65. Sympathy confirms someone in their issue. Observing allows you to see the issue and beyond, which confirms who they truly are and not their choice or circumstance.

  66. When I first read this blog I cried as I remember experiencing that same feeling of deep love and care when first being introduced to Universal Medicine and listening to the music of Michael Benhayon which is full of confirming the light within us all. Today I cried as I could feel that deep love and care within me and how I have lived not expressing it in full/completely denying myself and everyone this tenderness. We do have it in us to be deeply loving and caring, in fact it IS us and yet as you shared JM when we give our focus to ourselves and nothing more we miss out on such grandness and this is what hurts us most.

  67. What a beautiful story you share JM. Michael Benhayon’s music is indeed powerful and Glorious Music ( is supportive and healing for the body.
    “I was singing along with the words “You shine so bright so just keep your light on” and saying to her – you have never had this kind of love, but you deserve this beauty, your essence is the same as me, as Caitlyn, as everyone”.

  68. Indeed JM miracles do happen; what a beautiful inspiring story, thank you.
    “I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her.” What a gorgeous miracle and blessing for her and for you.

  69. Michael Benhayon’s music offers us a moment of initiation – an ability other artists have not yet re-awakened into.

  70. Beautiful JM, well shared with us, these examples must always be shared; they are magnificent and by sharing the healing gets multiplied. As all others will feel it too when they read it. And at the same time it inspires how to take true stock when we are not absorbing into emotions we can present in intense/extreme situations.. and that we can give just by not going in it, but actually stay in our light (being ourselves).

  71. ‘My heart expanded and I felt that this baby girl now had the chance to not shut down completely, to keep her heart open and to keep shining her light.’ So beautiful JL your dedication to the love that we all are has given her life a new beginning.

  72. It’s such a cute song! You can’t help but feel all warm and cuddly when you listen to it

  73. Absolutely JL, what an incredible moment of healing for both of you and all that read.. It is amazing to feel your dedication to not go into this sympathy but absolute strength and care which supported her to not further dwell in emotions or trauma but recognized her for who she is.. Very profound and lets broaden this example, lets all establish a foundation so we can offer this healing to eachother.

  74. This is beautiful JM. This the power of music that is clear, without emotion it can heal. Recently I went to watch a friend who is a music teacher at a school perform two of Michaels songs with some students at the school. This was performed in front of about 300 people, and that night the whole audience received a healing . During the whole first song tears flowed over my face for I could feel the healing that was taking place all around me.

  75. True care can work seeming miracles, and stems from the commitment to care for ourselves as the precious beings we are.

  76. A stunning experience, gave me goosebumps at certain parts. What’s amazing to read is that there were no expectations from you of how she would react to the song or anything else, just being yourself and being that reflection for her.

  77. There really is so much tragedy and violence in the world that it behoves us now to know ourselves to such a depth that we don’t just react in horror, but we can forge forward bringing our love to where it is most needed, and that is , everywhere.

  78. This is so beautiful, the gift this child felt, by you just being open, not judging, not absorbing, just allowing and sharing your love. Miracles like this are possible all the times.

  79. Thank you for sharing this very intimate and revealing story from your workplace; working with children who have been abused in this way can be very challenging and the turnaround you describe is like a miracle.

  80. What an amazing blog showing us what love can do, it is magical and sometimes when we are so withdrawn and hurt having someone non-imposingly reflect true love is extremely powerful beyond words. When we connect to who we are and that knowingness that we are all love, it is truly powerful. Your blog JM demonstrates this so beautifully and deeply heart-warming to read.

  81. I just love coming back to this blog JM, it is such a beautiful testimony to the power of love, your steadiness and your ability to not let sympathy in; so much to appreciate. Your love and light is such a blessing to this little girl, as is Michael’s divine song.

  82. Going into sympathy would have further entrenched the victimhood in this little girl but from you meeting her so beautifully in her essence you’ve shown her who she truly is and that she deserves to be met in her exquisite tenderness.

  83. My favourite song on the album, there is something exquisite about it that reminds me of the tenderness I have (and we all have) inside… it always has a profound effect.

  84. Founding a world where we all lovingly cared for each other in a way that said “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve” would literally transform all of our lives.

  85. This just blows me away J.M as it demonstrates the true power we all possess by simply allowing ourselves to be open and tender with all. Thank you for sharing such an inspiring moment.

  86. So beautiful and touching to read JM, of the power of your healing touch through love acceptance and an equal holding of this childs light. Powerful are the words in Michaels song to bring true healing.

  87. Reading this blog again I could feel myself allowing sympathy for the baby to drop in – until I reached the line, ‘I could have dropped into sympathy, and started absorbing her drama: it would have been easy for me to say “poor girl”.’ This snapped me straight out of it and I was able to then keep reading and allow greater understanding for what was going on. Could that be why we go to sympathy? So we then do not have the responsibility of reading a situation for what it is? In my opinion, there is no way any healing would have happened if sympathy was the driving force of the care.

  88. This is such a touching experience and still inspires me even after reading it several times! The inspiration is in the power we all have to hold each other as equals, be totally open and move with love no matter who is around. We never know who we may be healing just by walking in the Glory of our Love.

  89. How beautiful that the true possible healing power of music was demonstrated in such a place, and indeed it actually is possible to feel the magic in these moments… And everyone can feel it…. That is the wonderful thing

  90. This is such a gorgeous and powerful blog to read.. the powerful message being we are so much more than our ‘ hurts’, and that when we open up (our hearts) love and grace just flows like a gentle wave flowing in and then flowing out, and that our bodies are simply instruments of love.

  91. This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen. Yes they do, I am also a walking miracle if I ponder and reflect on how closed down I was, had absolutely no trust in anyone and for the most part did not want to be ‘ here’. I have changed so much, by making many different choices and the catalyst for my healing choices was when I attended courses by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

    1. Jacqmcfadden04 thankyou for your profound comment, it’s true for me too as before Universal Medicine workshops I was so shut down and given up on life and of ever really feeling joy or any form of wellbeing again. At each course I have felt so deeply held in love – no judgment, no sympathy, just understanding, and the most loving and tender treatment in the form of the Universal Medicine therapies. I was offered exactly what was offered to the little girl and the healing I experienced has been profound.

  92. I love coming back to your story JM, it is so simple yet oh so powerful. What a divine blessing for that little girl and for you, what a beautiful, loving and caring nurse you are. My eyes welled when I read this;
    “I very deliberately placed the blanket around her with extra care and delicateness, focussing on those gestures with my fingers. And, at the same time saying in silence, with my body: “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.”

  93. You’ve given this little girl a wonderful marker in her body of how life can be and of how she truly deserves to be honoured.

  94. I love, love this story. Send chills up and down my spine. The magnificence that we as individuals are able to have in this world is phenomenal.

  95. “I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her.” This is huge JC. When we get ourselves out of the way and let the power of love do its thing we allow for true healing. Thank you JC for a deeply inspiring blog.

  96. Excellent blog, I am blown away by the HUGE effect this livingness by you YM had on another person who actually needed love and healing so much at that moment. Incredible that you had put yourself out of the way and actually helped this young child to heal part of her past, before she could possible withdraw from life.. This is huge. Lets see what this livingness truly for effects have on people. I am blown away, stunned and absolutely 100% appreciate every work that has been done from this living way : love & connection.

  97. What is so wonderful is that on that particular day you were open to responding to what was needed. God continually cares for and keeps an eye on humanity offering opportunities like this for us to respond to. And because you are living and developing this loving way of life you have Caitlyn’s song on your phone, and there it is ready for that little one to bathe her in healing love. What a beautiful constellation!

  98. This sharing is so powerful as when we open our hearts to another as you did we offer them a connection. With this little girl she was able to feel your love then connect to her own, these types of miracles can happen everyday when we live in an open loving way.

  99. Miracles do happen and it goes to show that when we are willing to be open and connect others will also do the same, no matter how traumatised they may be.

  100. Reading this blog again I could feel myself dip into sympathy and then some anger; how is it possible that a 14 month girl can be abused. By reading on I was quickly brought back to the truth of the situation and to your absolutely loving and tender connection with this little girl. Stepping outside your comfort zone JM was a divine blessing for you both.

  101. Such an inspiring blog to come back to; the power of that beautiful song and your divine presence JM is incalculable.

  102. This article also shows the magic that can happen when we remove ourselves from comfort and take on what is there to be done. JM, you could have said no to the ward change and stayed where you were, but you didn’t and what an experience you were given instead.

  103. Beautiful JM, that this little girl was given an opportunity by you to feel love after being so abused. She will have no doubt what is not love in future as she will forever have that experience as a marker in her body. It just goes to show the enormous healing power of love.

  104. Beautiful to re read your blog JM, how amazingly powerful, is the love and light we bring to the world, when we live from our essence.

  105. “It was such an experience of light that the whole X-Ray waiting area was shining and I could see that a couple of people felt the love, saw what was happening and were smiling at us two.” It only needs one person to light up an area and it touches so many. This is yet another reminder of the grandness of our light and the impact it has is indeed profound. Thank you JM for sharing such a beautiful story.

  106. Saying ‘yes’ to the impulse from your Soul to work on a different ward that day, negating your usual want of comfort to stay in known surroundings brought about such a healing that may not otherwise have occurred – this is our responsibility, to get self out of the way and move from the impulse. A beautiful testimony to the power of love in action, inspiring and beautiful to read thank you very much for writing about this.

  107. What a beautiful experience of love you shared with this child, what struck me was how willing she was to open up again when offered the love you hold and the song holds. It is a miracle that after suffering such abuse she was ready to open back up so quickly when offered the love she is within, thank you for sharing this inspirational story.

  108. Thank you JM for a beautifully inspiring blog, to have this hurt little child feel and respond to the love and tender care you offered, as you said a marker that she can come back to in her life, Miracles, indeed do happen, also with the power of Michael’s song.

  109. This is powerful JM and reminds us all that when we are truly connected miracles are possible. “This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.” – Beautifully said thank you.

  110. “This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen”.
    I love coming back to your blog JM, it touches me deeply as I feel the love you shared with the little girl, very powerful indeed.

  111. How beautiful that you have the presence and the clarity to play this song… And what a blessing it is to have music like this on the planet now.

  112. I again read your blog JM and it inspires me to remember what kind of power we have, when we are connected to ourselves.

    1. We have such great power when connected to and coming from our love, it is sad we can dismiss it so easily in everyday living unless we see the chain reactions of the love playing out like it did with this young child. There are miracles happening all the time that we may not see as they happen after we leave.

  113. JM, the love that you brought to this little girl touches me deeply every time I read it. It is superb.

  114. Powerful and true, Caitlyns song has healing power and you have used it wisely, JM.

    1. So simple. So Powerful. We are deliberately enticed into complication to lessen and water down our immense power. We shall no longer be seduced, but surrender to deep meeting.

    2. Very true Adam “We have yet to comprehend, let alone understand the incredible healing power of simply meeting another for who they truly are.” I know for me I often felt like I had to do something to support another but the reality is in the doing I would often loose myself. By just being present with myself I can support another to be with themselves and connect to the their essence and find their own stillness.

  115. Our deep understanding of the situations others are in, along with our ability to observe the situation and not absorb the emotions of others or go into our own hurts that might be triggered by the situation, allows the power of our love to emanate and hold another in the love that they truly are underneath their hurts, and allows true healing to take place.

    1. This story really shows the power we have when we simply observe rather than impose by absorbing another’s pain.

  116. What a blessing. This little girl has the opportunity to let go of the drama of the event even though she is so young. This will have a massive impact – for every moment in the agony of that drama can cement it further into her little body. Having the light of her soul shine through and feeling the beauty of it is an amazing imprint that is worth living as often as possible.

  117. I love what you share here JM, a truly miraculous experience, the power of being ourselves in our tenderness and following our impulses.

  118. This is such a powerful and beautiful story JM of bringing true healing to a small child without an ounce of sympathy – a great reminder for us all thank you.

  119. Reading this blog again JM brings tears to my eyes and heart, what an absolutely beautiful story of true love, tenderness and understanding.

  120. JM I’m appreciating the power of what you share in my life. I connect to your shared livingness knowing it is the same in all of us. We are All the same at our essence no matter what is presented. I am developing a deepening understanding for staying with feeling our sameness and not let anything else distract from this feeling and knowing. A hugely powerful difference in being with someone.

  121. What I read in this sharing this time was not just the loving care you brought to the child, but how easily it was that the child responded. Despite being abused this child was willing to trust another adult because it felt safe and loved in a caring environment that you created. That shows to me the immense responsibility we can all take to care for children without sympathy or emotional neediness but with real appreciation and tender care.

    1. Yes, Stephen, it is beautiful that the child responded so easily. It just goes to show that we all know love and when we are reminded of it we can easily return to it once we open up to trust.

  122. “After having nearly 18 different X-Rays we went back to the ward. She had her food and spent all afternoon talking (not proper words yet, but singing and chatting along) to the nurses, reaching for us, for contact, joyful and playful like any little girl.” – This shows how much power lies in true love and the re-connection to it. If we let go of our hurts – joy is waiting for us to be expressed.

  123. What a blessing you have offered this little girl, everyone in the hospital and all of us in sharing this inspiring experience. I love that you honoured what you felt was needed and played Caitlyn’s song, it is indeed very beautiful and loving. I can also get a sense of what would have happened if you’d gone into sympathy – this little girl would have been denied the gift of knowing the love she is and deserves. This is a powerful testament to not go into sympathy, but to hold ourselves in the love we know we are, and hold others in the love we know they are.

  124. JM- thank you for sharing such an amazing, tender, love-filled miracle that happened to a little abused toddler. It shows the true power of love.

  125. What a beautiful tender blog JM. I could feel how the love you brought through your connection with the little girl filled the hospital that day.Thank you for such a gorgeous sharing.

    1. So true Jane, once love is felt and shared it grows and it grows until it fills the space around and passing from person to person as they all feel it and are lit up by its light

  126. Thank you JM for all you have offered, it is truly inspirational and supportive. I work in “HighCare Nursing Homes” and yesterday I connected to what you shared, stayed with myself and the other person as an equal in our essence. I could feel how much grace and lightness was with us.

  127. Wow JM what a blessing your presence was to this little lady that day. Life affirming and changing hers forever. A beautiful constellation straight from heaven that would have also blessed all those that observed and felt what was taking place, as well as the knock on effect on the whole ward and hospital! There is such a sweet delicateness in what you write that reflects what you shared together. It is wondrous and truly amazing what can occur when we are open to it, staying with ourselves and what we feel to do.

  128. I still come back to this blog and feel absolute divinity in action. JM you certainly were acting upon your innate wisdom and connection to love, making the choices you did, to agree to go along to the paediatric ward, to play Caitlyn’s song to that little girl and just be there with her. Deeply touching and wonderful to read.

    1. Yes I love this “divinity in action”. And yet it occurs so simply and naturally with no effort at all but has lifelong effects.

  129. There is such a deep beauty in the way that you were with that little girl JM. It shows how tender and compassionate you are and this is what we need when we are sick or have been abused. I am very thankful that there are nurses like you in the world.

  130. This is so beautiful to read, and confirms to me the power of connection to love, and that what is coming from love only, the music of Michael Benhayon.

  131. Music is such a powerful medium. Simple and powerful as this article shows. Connection through music, feeling joy through music, allowing others to feel joy though music and come back to feeling love. Thank you Michael Benhayon for leading the way with music.

    1. I am 100% with you Daniel. Enormous thanks to Michael Benhayon for leading the way in music.

  132. JM, If all nurses could hold this state of being with their patients it would assist and support people hugely in the recovery of accidents, illness and disease.

    1. I agree Matthew. The world needs nurses who, by their very presence and way of living can assist and support people’s healing on so many different levels.

  133. Thank you, JM, for sharing your beautiful, powerful experience. How amazing that in this seemingly small gesture of getting yourself out of the way, you were able to be the vehicle for such healing, and to facilitate leaving a heavenly marker for this young child to come back to when and if she so chooses. It is a reminder for me that we have a choice in every situation to be the love that we are, or not, and the impact such a choice does have, each and every time.

  134. “After having nearly 18 different X-Rays we went back to the ward. She had her food and spent all afternoon talking (not proper words yet, but singing and chatting along) to the nurses, reaching for us, for contact, joyful and playful like any little girl.”
    The little girl you write about JM, is in many aspects no different to us all as adults. We have on one level or another felt deeply hurt and shut down our trust for ourselves and our trust and love for others. We go through life operating from this shut down protected state, we might even look like we are doing very well in life and our relationships. It’s not until we meet a man like Serge Benhayon, who doesn’t sympathize with our hurts but respects them and honors and see’s the love and light that is in us, however protected we are and holds us in that equality that we start to open up and trust another fully. From then onward we have a marker that demonstrates to us, that if we can trust one other then we have a choice to start to trust more and more people and let the love in. This certainly has been my experience and I am very grateful to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for showing me how to trust again.

  135. “I very deliberately placed the blanket around her with extra care and delicateness, focusing on those gestures with my fingers. And, at the same time saying in silence, with my body: ‘This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.'”
    The power of our movements our gestures, when put together with intention and purpose are super power-full, mix that with our connection to God as his love and we have a sure-fire recipe for so called miracles or more rightly put true healing, this is a deeply inspiring story JM showing that it is possible for us all to bring this level of healing to others

    1. Yes Thomas, I am becoming more aware of the power of my movements and the impact they have on my body, in my home, environment and beyond. It is a responsibility that truly makes a difference in the world when connected to the divine essence within.

  136. Its very powerful what you have shared with us all JM, whilst reading about the abuse the little girl had suffered, I felt myself outraged, how far have we strayed from our true nature of love that we can do such harm to a baby? The answer came clearly to me, it’s because it is no different to the abuse and harm we do to ourselves, to whatever level, for example: whether it’s at the level of eating the wrong or too much food, or a full blown drug addict, when we are not connected to our bodies and selves we are living in self abuse, and from that it is possible to abuse another fellow human being, we are therefore all responsible for the abuse that happens in the world, not only the actual person that carried out the hideous act.

  137. “This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.” Even the way you say: ”Let our little selves out of the way”, is gentle and has a high level of care in it JM. So many time I have heard: we need to get ourselves out of the way, which feels much harder and less allowing and surrendered in its words and intention.

  138. Reading your article JM, made me slow down and take lots of care to read it, allow myself to cry a couple of times and feel the depth and true message of what you are presenting, thank you for this opportunity.

  139. JM this was beautiful to read, not only did you show her how tender and gentle love truly is, you also rebuilt her trust in humanity, a reflection of you keeping your light on!

  140. Miracles only happen when we let our little selves out of the way JM, and the heavenly helpers you mentioned can only be there with us if we are like that. As life is not about living our little lives, but about living the heavenly love on earth.This love cannot being held by a person on its own but is there to be shared with all naturally so. Caitlin’s Song is also from heaven, the love we all are and is the same as when we are connected with that love that resides in our inner most. It brings the love, joy, stillness, harmony and truth to us, that we are more than the misery we are in and are facing in life. When we dare to go there, to reconnect to that love within, with the help of a loving person or through a song like Caitlin’s Song, we will find that that misery we believe we are in is nothing compared to the love that we actually are. And this blog is a beautiful proof of this , the power of heavenly love.

  141. “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.” It is so beautiful to read JM, the tenderness and care that radiates form the words is so profound and I know that these qualities do come form our innermost and when connected with that inner quality, we say this in everything we do and to everybody we meet. To become consciously aware of this fact makes life a more joy-full place to be and to live in, as I know that that power of tenderness and care is always with me and does not only bless me but everybody I meet.

  142. JM a very inspiring blog, it is so important to remain open as you did. You had a choice and your choice was to share Caitlyn’s song, adding to the powerful healing of the way you cared for her, another miracle simply done.

  143. Being open and being love and keeping our little selves out of the way, responding to impulses from the heart, extending a tender, nurturing touch, there is so much for us here and yet it all feels so simple and so natural. A beautifully inspiring story, thank you JM.

  144. And JM I am inspired by your humbleness in how you share this story as it was a miracle and yet there is no self in it. Just great joy, appreciation and celebration of the great gift we have received through Universal Medicine and that which we have chosen.

    1. It’s feeling that total absence of self and identification in what JM shares that humbles me so much and lovingly reminds me that this is essential for miracles to happen.

  145. Healing can happen in so many ways and through so many different avenues. There is absolute magic in the notes that are played come by Glorious Music. I too have found this music deeply healing on many occasions.

    1. I too have found the music by Glorious Music to be truly healing touching me deeply. I feel very blessed to have come across Michael Benhayon and Glorious Music in my life.

  146. Well said Mary it has to start somewhere and we are all equally responsible to be this Love we are with everyone around us. As you say it is not possible to be anything other than this Gorgeous Love with everyone when we feel how exquisite it is and yes indeed miracles to happen. Bring it on I say!

  147. JM, I love the fact that you did not go into sympathy with the little girl but instead offered her something far grander, supportive and loving in showing her that she deserved to be loved. This is so very beautiful.

    1. Great Elizabeth Dolan, sympathy would not have offered anything to the little girl or the opportunity to be pulled up and out of what was beginning to cloud her beautiful essence.

    2. I agree Elizabeth. I have come to realise that going into sympathy does not support anyone and when I do catch myself going into sympathy I lovingly bring myself back to me and my body for I know now that true healing occurs only when I am connected to within.

    3. When ever I go into sympathy I am actually imposing on another and taking their power away from them because I have invested in a need for something. They have all the resources with in them and it is down to me to trust knowing there is a far bigger picture at play.

  148. You are right, JM, we are always supported from above and the healing it always available but the physical touch of human being with love is tangible and so needed.
    You’ve been a God send Angel to this baby girl and to all the patients and staff in the hospital.

    1. It is touching how you, JM, are caring for this little baby in a way which is absolutely nonemotional and nonimposing, with no expectations. And as you share Elena, JM brings so much healing to the baby and to everybody else in the hospital.

  149. What a true treasure this blog is! It is truly about the power of love we have inside and all around us. It’s also a great reminder to share our love and tenderness everyday with everyone, as we all are carrying hurts. Even a loving smile at a stranger can be a healing experience. It can be easy to shut down to adults as they often have walls of protection up and can be quite gruff or dismissive for example, yet we all need that same love and tenderness.

    1. Agree Melinda, we do all need love and tenderness, and yes, it is a great reminder that we all have our hurts and what I am learning is that when I feel hurt by some-ones behaviour, not to close myself down in protection, but to remain open and loving and thus aware….

  150. It is amazing how children can be so open, so responsive to being loved – a truly heartwarming story.

    1. It is amazing Rebecca how children can let go and move on very quickly no matter what they have been through and this is what I love about this blog. JM met the little girl in the equal light that she is and she responded immediately. So powerful and a wonderful reminder of the immense power that lies within us all yet to be claimed by me but working on it.

      1. I agree – i have been doing a lot of traveling recently and see children’s ability to light up the room and the people around them just by being unabashedly their gorgeous selves.

  151. No such thing as coincidence that on that day JM your normal role at work was amazingly changed to a different department. The call came and you responded. Miracles do happen all the time.

    1. Love your comment Marion as it takes me deeper into the responsibility I have with being present with myself and the power in this for it is in the connection JM had with themselves that led to the miracle.

  152. I would love every child in the world to be played Caitlyn’s song. When a child is loved for who they are they are more likely to keep their natural, innocent, joyful essence unfortunately in today’s society this can be lost very quickly as a child grows up and instead learns how to ‘perform’ and ‘conform’. Caitlyn’s song has an awesome message to give to all children…. “You shine so bright so just keep your light on”

  153. Thanks JM what a grand experience you have had with your little one. No sympathy just love and supported by you and Catlin’s song.

  154. This blog brought something up in me that made me cry and cry. It is not sympathy but the deep knowing of how precious we all are, and that there is nothing more than this. It was a healing for me too thank you JM.

    1. I am coming to know/feel this too Amber; of how very sensitive and precious we all are, and to feel this for myself first, that, I am this precious divine being, makes all the difference in how I relate to all others…

    2. Yes, we are precious and worth it. We count. Every single one of us in our expression in every second.
      In fact it is our responsibility to take care for our preciousness and to not give ourselves anything less.

  155. This is such a beautiful and powerful real life experience of how true loving connection to ourselves, humanity and God offers miracles in true healing. It is a choice to truly connect to the love we all come from then we can share miracles in simple yet extraordinary ways. A wonderful reminder to get self out of the way.

  156. It would be awesome to hearing from people working with traumatic stations, what their experience is, if any, working with Glorious Music as a tool to work with those that hold a trauma.

      1. It sure does hold us back Sandra and also the person who buys it. To have sympathy for someone we confirm they are a victim instead of seeing them as equal human beings with the responsibility to make their own choices – even if they are only 14 months old. Offering sympathy may encourage them to become addicted to drama instead of choosing love.

      2. Yes, by going into sympathy we confirm that the other is powerless – which is an illusion. Taking responsibility about our state of being is key to self empowerment. And to encourage us and others to claim our power back is and brings such a joy!

  157. Music that is truly from the soul like Chris James and Glorious Music by Michael and Miranda Benhayon is truly healing on so many different levels.
    I have played this music to service users with dementia and other mental and physical abilities and I have noticed a significant change. To increase the chance of true healing this music should be used in health care settings.

  158. Wow I am moved to tears, this is beautiful JM showing the awesome power of love! That little girl received a true miracle. The song and your loving energy all allowed for great healing to take place.

  159. Very touching JM, and no coincidence that you were sent to the paediatric ward that day. How beautiful for that little girl to feel true love and know that she is supported.

  160. The fact that JM did not go into sympathy meant that the reading was clear, sympathy clouds our ability to correctly read any situation, very inspiring story, pure love applied to this child.

    1. Absolutely sarahraynebaldwin – sympathy feels like it creates a haze of emotion, which doesn’t support the person to know that they are more than there circumstances.

      1. Exactly and we choose to use sympathy in order to avoid evolutionary moments, if we treat whom ever is in front of us as an equal and not as any less, then they will bring more refections a lesson back to us.

  161. This healing came from your willingness to be open to working on a different ward and come out of your comfort. The openness was already there, even before you knew what awaited you. It is a beautiful story and a great example of what is possible when we allow ourselves to be open.

  162. “The dignity of men is unimpeachable”, the first sentence of the German constitution (Basic Law) came into my mind by reading your blog JM and I wondered how someone lying in their own excretions should be able to feel their own dignity. So our dignity is vulnerable and get attacked – sometimes more, sometimes less. The beauty I see in your story is that the love is always there and though the awaked love we can build and reclaim our dignity again. The first sentence of the German Basic Law did come through history and makes sense in that way, but I see us someday changing it into: ‘We are all Love and everyone has the responsibility to treat and be treated like that’.

  163. It is the most amazing powerful tender loving feeling to have someone in their gentleness placing a blanket around you with extra care and delicateness. So much can be expressed with no words but purely with the way the body moves. Thank you JM. Miracles do happen all the time.

    1. Yes and I am hugely grateful for Universal Medicine for showing us the way, the simple way of placing the blanket with such tenderness, the practical way of love. Not a mindful, psychological way of loving, but a very physical re-connection to our essence, the simple gestures that show what we all are. Through the body. When I felt the Benhayons and all the Esoteric Healing practitioners have those gestures and how it felt in my body, I knew I wanted that in my life and for everyone.

    2. I agree Marion – ” So much can be expressed with no words but purely with the way the body moves.” Everybody knew this deep inside and it is sad that most of us have forgotten about this gift.

  164. JM this is a great example of The Way of The Livingness, taking our love in the foundation of our daily lives into action – the simplest action of a look, a gesture, prayer and spoken word, but from a true foundation that naturally says no to the usual reactions – sympathy, sadness, pity or blame. From this place all we offer can be so healing, even in the most dire and dramatic of circumstances as you have so wonderfully shared.

    1. Isn’t it wonderful how much support there is when we open up to The Livingness, such as the music by Michael Benhayon, there to be shared exactly as JM has, not limited to entertainment, but for actual healing?

  165. Glorious Music is incredibly powerful and the reason for this is that absolutely everyone that is involved in making the music are living in connection with their Soul. There is no recognition that is desired and no need for any kind of acceptance. They have healed all their hurts so there is no emotion expressed. Glorious Music is based on Love and connection with the Hierarchy so there is no imposing only the true expression of where we come from. This is why Glorious Music is so powerful and there is nothing like it, they are setting a marker of what is truly possible and for me I absolutely love listening and dancing to their music. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone at Glorious Music for changing the way of sound and all that it brings.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with you Natalie Hawthorne. Glorious Music is simply delivered with no imposition on the body from the use of emotion or charisma etc. No being taken ‘out of the body awareness’ to numb out with music.

  166. I often feel bombarded by a lot of music that is around, even music from children’s films, but have never felt this from Michael Benhayon’s music. It is truly supportive.

    1. Hi Annie, yes I totally agree in most music I hear there is an emotion, a energy which feels like it is pummelling my body whereas with Glorious music from Michael Benhayon I feel pure love, deep tenderness and never does it bombard me.

    1. This is true ruthkentor and it is expressed more through touch and our movement than anything else… i love how this blog shows that love doesn’t need any grand gestures to be healing

  167. Such a beautiful story JM, and I hope you appreciate the difference you are making each day in your nursing role- you are being you in that role and your patients will feel that. I feel inspired (I am nurse also) to be all of me at work- thank you.

    1. Yes Anne, this is what nurses, when they are aligned to truth and love, can do and can bring to the world. Sometimes they may not see the effect so clearly, sometimes people go home and might suddenly have better relationships, speak with more love to their partners, suddenly choose to eat something that is more healthy, lots of little changes that nurses do not always see or are a witness to. After what happened with this girl, I know that people will feel it and the changes that afterwards occurred. The opening in the girl seemed huge. So yes, I am beginning to appreciate what we can bring. And I am also appreciating where it comes from: HEAVEN.

  168. Wow, I’m almost speechless – the power of love can move mountains. Thanks for sharing this beautiful example, how love can change the world and the people in it. We are not victims, we can always change everything by starting to make loving choices and your example shows the power of reflection. You offered love and the child was able to reconnect to her own love. Wonderful.

  169. The power of love moves mountains. What an incredible example JM of your choices and what this allowed for.

    1. ‘The power of love moves mountains.’ – hear hear!
      We all have the ability to move mountains and heal with our presence and embodying the love we all are. What a powerful and heartfelt blog that calls all of our miracle making to account.

      1. Beautifully said Rachael. Doesn’t this remind us to appreciate our light and its immense power and grace.

  170. Hear hear in your appreciation for what the Benhayons and Universal Medicine bring to this world JM, beautifully said and felt. Thank you for sharing this as simply as you have, an extraordinary reminder of what is possible and the size-less miracles that need not go unnoticed, that can be also of our everyday.

  171. JM what you share here are the wonders of life, lived with love. The light you bring which shows humanity that there is always a choice no matter what the circumstances are. And no coincidence you where there.

    1. Yes Donna, it is real Soul Music in the truest meaning of those words. When I listen to Michael Benhayon’s music I can feel the many differing layers of healing that it is offering me. For too long we have only had music that is emotional, imposing and designed to stimulate you in one way or another. True Soul music is blessing to humanity.

    1. Me too sarahraynebaldwin, I was sitting in the doctors surgery when I read this blog and I immediately shared the story with the nurse that saw me. She was touched by what I was sharing and a beautiful exchange followed.

  172. Oh my gosh this is beautiful, sweet, life changing, inspiring and the way you write about it, JM, makes it so everyday, so within our reach, if we simply accept the transformative possibilities in every moment when we are open to each other.

    1. Yes Matilda, this gorgeous sharing ‘makes it so everyday, so within our reach’, and all we have to do is honour ourselves and as we do we honour all others and in this we know exactly and precisely what any given moment needs…..on any given day.

    2. I agree, Matilda. What JM has written has laid a foundation of normality in bringing tenderness to what was a horrendous situation. No pity, just meeting a child with the gentle tenderness that they deserve. It is life-changing indeed.

    3. Yes I loved that too Matilda the very easy no big deal way that JM went about sharing what s/he knows to be love and tenderness and how transformative this was, it is in fact verging on the miraculous, with the level of trauma the child had been through.

    4. I loved that too Matilda the very easy way JM shared what she knows to be true tender love and the results are verging on the miraculous considering the level of trauma the child had been through.

      1. Absolutely Vanessa, these cellular, vibrational reorganisations are the unseen miracles that truly bring change.

    5. Wonderfully expressed Matilda. There are transformative possibilities in every moment and JM was able to reflect the truth and support this little girl like no amount of sympathy could ever do.

    6. Indeed Matilda what glorious responsibility is the potential to bring healing in our everyday.

    1. And great that you were open to following the impulse that you had to play Caitlyn’s song. So often we get impulses like that and deny them, causing everyone to miss out on an opportunity for healing.

      1. Such a good point Elizabeth. To follow up on a true impulse and not deny it it or say ‘it doesn’t matter’ shows real strength of heart.

      2. I’m learning to listen and trust these ‘little’ impulses and feelings… even if I do ignore them, just noting when I realise a while later, ‘oh -I knew that’, or that’s why I wanted to do or not do that -not in a beating up way, just to build trust in myself.

      3. This is true Elizabeth – expressing or doing what we feel to do on impulse often brings so much more than we can fathom. If we try to contain or cap this for our own agenda or belief then everyone else really does miss out. I have been learning this more and more.

  173. This is beautiful JM. How amazing is it that the little girl you saw had you at her side, and her with you. The intentional tenderness and delicateness you brought, with the understanding of her situation is more healing than I think most of us can fathom. There is so much power in tenderness, and it is definitely there to be embraced more.

    1. I agree – at that age children are taking everything in and getting an understanding of the world, and for a child to have been taken from abuse and placed in your love and care must have been amazing.

    2. Yes Amelia, we tend to underestimate the power of touch and for that little girl to feel such tenderness after the way she had been treated would have been life-changing. So much can be conveyed in a single touch and it would have allowed her to let go and open up to healing.

    3. Yes it is beautiful JM, and shows how we make such a difference simply by bringing our love and tenderness to a situation.

  174. JM, what a confirmation to read this… “I could have dropped into sympathy, and started absorbing her drama: it would have been easy for me to say “poor girl”. Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences…” The true power was not to go into sympathy but to hold yourself with such great love, understanding and tenderness that she could see the truth and come back to her divine self. A very beautiful and REAL blog to read on miracles.

  175. This is a clear example of the healing power of Love and that truly connecting with others and holding them as equal with absolute acceptance is key to a harmonious way of living that we all know and will return to.

    1. Yes Deborah, it is so important we keep our ‘lights’ on as then we can reflect that it is indeed possible, and support those that have forgotten or have not been able to connect to this fact. Such healing this brings.

  176. The reciprocation of love shared is awesome to feel and appreciate “My heart expanded and I felt that this baby girl now had the chance to not shut down completely,” These moments of exchange and connection, of feeling the quality of love that is available does change lives. Michael Benhayon’s songs being played to heal, they are truly healing, I have felt it for myself, and beautiful to share in.

  177. This article is one that stops you and gets you to pause and appreciate beautifully, and really feel the quality of what is being shared it is very touching. It also is a great example of why going into sympathy does not work, I feel, ‘”I could have dropped into sympathy, and started absorbing her drama: it would have been easy for me to say “poor girl”.” Absorbing the story and sadness that is around us does not enable us to truly support another person. I used to do this in work and life and I was more exhausted and less able to feel clarity in a situation. Not getting drawn into the emotions and some times obvious pain and trauma of a situation has enabled me to offer real support and hold the person as a true equal.

    1. I agree davidsonsamantha, this is not an article to skim through, it is one to read with the same delicateness that was shown to the 14 month old fact I’ve got Caitlyn’s song on now playing as I read and write.

    2. I agree, how often do we go into the sympathy and the drama, thinking it is the best way of helping someone else but if they are caught in it, then the last thing they need is people to join them, but for people to stand away from the drama or emotional turmoil and give them the hand out should they chose it.

      1. To most people going into sympathy is the considered norm for helping and supporting another person. It is probably a shock or surprise to most that this very behaviour is causing great harm than the good it so seemingly offers

      2. I agree Joshua, when I talk to people about things, I often find I gravitate to those that I know wont give me sympathy but will actually help me work through the problem

    3. “Absorbing the story and sadness that is around us does not enable us to truly support another person.” What is interesting is that for sympathisers, sympathising comes natural. Yet, this reveals the extent to which reading the situation is still not as natural as moving as a sympathiser.

      1. Could it be ‘to sympathize’ is a bastardized version of brotherhood? We are all truly natural connected with each other, coming from the one same source, but live so much in opposite to this truth and created separation, that we are longing for our natural state of being – the connection – and in the separation we are living in, we choose something similar. So in sympathy it seems like we are ‘with the other’ – by in fact supporting the separation even more. I had to realize that by going into sympathy I am in fact avoiding my responsibility of expressing true love and avoiding to feel how far I did let this world -my world- come down.
        JM is sharing a beautiful example here from offering true connection again instead of joining in emotional drama. That is true love for me and in fact true brotherhood. JM offers not emotional ‘love’ and ‘give’ what the child does need and so deprive of power, but offer a re-connection to the own source of being love by reflecting love. This is self-empowering for all.

    4. It sure is a stopper Samantha and as I read it I feel I am there with them and seeing this beautiful 14 month old girl return to the delicate, beautiful, alive and light being that she is. Simply connecting to the Love that JM was shown by Serge Benhayon and the Benhayon Family is exactly what we all need. Stop walking around in our defence from all our hurts and be open with the Love that resides so deeply strong within us. Here is how the world starts to change, connecting to our powerful essence within and sharing it with all.

    5. So true Samantha, indeed i had no idea what true support looked like until i became aware of energetic responsibility & integrity through the presentations of Universal Medicine. As JM has expressed true service lies in bringing everything we are to our expression whether it be nursing or music.

    6. Samantha your comment makes me appreciate even more how unique this article is, amid the array of caring that goes on in hospitals and within families, how much of that care is laced with sympathy and emotions. As a society we are hooked on the ideal that being emotional is good, that it shows we care and love others, yet emotions make us unbalanced and actually less truly loving. True love is much steadier and equalising as this blog so effectively demonstrates.

    7. I agree davidsonsamantha sympathy does not work, in fact it feels horrible to be on the receiving end of it. It feels fake and heavy and doesn’t support anyone to step up and out of anything! If I am down, I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me or I get stuck there and feel it was ok for me to choose that way of being in the first place rather than simply feeling the hurt, letting it go and accepting I am something far greater than that.

    8. I agree Samantha, going into sympathy is nothing but exhausting. Being able to observe, understand and therefore truly support another is what is truly needed.

    9. We are sold the picture of care as being going into sympathy with someone who is hurt or struggling as being the best way to support them. But as you have said, this does not actually offer true support, it only magnifies the pain and for young people it can teach them that the way to get attention is to have more drama in their life. True support in these situations is to hold them with love and in their divine selves, reminding them of who they are and where they come from with absolute grace.

    10. Yes, sympathy is one of those energies that is so tempting and so not true, it requires discernment to do what you are saying Samantha, to not get drawn into the drama and magically then give all you have to support that person. That support feels non emotional and very strong.

      1. Sympathy is something I used to do, I would end up absorbing so much rubbish, ‘Absorbing the story and sadness that is around us does not enable us to truly support another person. I used to do this in work and life and I was more exhausted and less able to feel clarity in a situation’. What a great example of true support.

  178. I so loved reading your blog JM, what a beautiful gift you have given to that girl, thanks to you knowing and choosing love, and knowing the beauty and power in Michael Benhayon’s music, a true gift from heaven.

    1. The healing power of music written and expressed from a deep connection with true love supports us all to re-connect and feel the same deep love we all know deep within us.

  179. Beautiful blog JM. So confirming that underneath all our hurts and experiences, there is always a love that we can come back to and shine; a truth that is never further away than a reflection and a choice. Being in your profession, there is a great potential to reflect that love to people who are ill in some way. You don’t have to be a nurse to do this, but you are in an ideal position to share the love you are. Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. This is what I deeply appreciate about JM’s story here also Jinya, and the child’s response. We may ‘think’ we’re a zillion miles away from truly coming back to ourselves, feeling love and loved, and joyful even… but is there truly such a ‘distance’, or do we seek to hold ourselves back from letting go of what’s hurt us and closed us down…

  180. JM your blog points out something hugely important and that is the difference between sympathy and love. By not going into sympathy and seeing her for all that she is you were able to offer her a very true and steady reflection of love.

  181. How awesome is the power of a young child to return to themselves and become that pure joy and love, despite all that may have occurred in days, weeks and their life before, if they are just given the attention that they deserve – the love that they are reflected back?

    1. That is inspiring in itself and a point of understanding for us all, that when we stop holding onto (hiding behind) our hurts, there is nothing in the way of feeling and knowing the joy of life…we are only ever a hair’s breadth away from love.

      1. By reading your words Matilda I realized that by going into sympathy I would hold onto the hurt, support the hurt (here: the hurt of the child), but by offering just love, expressing love, we offer healing and a developing away from the hurt.

  182. To read this blog is such a blessing to me as it shows that clearly that love is the aspect that connects us all. When we call on love and do not go into sympathy or the drama then this assists us all to reconnect to the essence we naturally are, and this reconnection in fact does brings the true healing, to not only our bodies but to our whole being as well.

  183. JM I am so inspired by your blog. I love how you responded “I very deliberately placed the blanket around her with extra care and delicateness, focussing on those gestures with my fingers. And, at the same time saying in silence, with my body: “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.” Very beautiful, and a reminder of the power we hold in our bodies without the need for a word to be spoken.

  184. So beautiful and powerful that this little girl made the choice to accept the reflection & true love on offer and allow herself to be open to the healing.

  185. Many a time when I have heard Michael Benhayon’s finger tips make contact with the piano keys it touches a place deep within my heart and brings it to the surface. His music provides true healing.

  186. Thank you JM, what you have shared is deeply moving and shows that true love is so simple yet so powerful at the same time.

    1. Isn’t it mad that we resist this?! It is so simple. JM was just open to support where she was needed that day and open to getting herself out the the way and doing what she does best. True nursing.

      I find this particularly inspiring because I know I expend a lot of energy complicating what does not need to be complicated and tying knots around the simplest of situations. So JM’s story feels like a flag and reminder for me to keep letting the complication drop away.

  187. What a beautiful experience JM- a true miracle. Such an inspiring story showing us all what is possible when we come from true love, and not get caught up in sympathy of the situation.

  188. When we are met by true love the choice is always ours, and only ours, as to whether we accept it and let love in, or turn our back and shut down. It is so inspiring how this hurt little girl chose to trust love again. With our loving reflections and our Livingness we inspire one another to remember who we are and where we are from. Your story JM is a beautiful confirmation of this.

  189. Thank you JM. I found this to be a very powerful blog to read that offers us all a deep healing from any past hurts we may have had. The line where I was brought to an absolute stop was, “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.” In this one line so much is shared. It doesn’t matter what experiences we have had, we all deserve Love, every single one of us. What a humbling moment this realisation has brought.

  190. What you were able to offer the little girl is immeasurable. So loving and tender, such a divine blessing for you both. Very inspirational JM and deeply felt.

  191. Just beautiful JM💜

    I started to go into sympathy as I read but you pulled me back, a very true reminder of the world we live in, but at the same time reminding me of the love we all are from is so much grander..

  192. This blog is a beautiful inspiration for what true love can do and the miracles that happen everyday. Being with oneself in connection to God allows us the gifts of all we are to be brought to the world in true healing and harmony . Thank you JM for your true sharing and love.

  193. “And, at the same time saying in silence, with my body: “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.”” Beautiful JM, you have given this 14 month old girl permission to feel what it is to be wrapped in the movements and sounds of love.

  194. “I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her. I also knew it was not only me, but that heavenly helpers were there with us – the healing that had occurred was so obvious.” JM, that is so beautiful, what you were able to do for this little girl has likely changed her life. It is beautiful to read how you felt that there was heavenly help for her and obviously this was particularly available to her through your actions in looking after her so lovingly and gently, and playing that amazing song, Caitlyn’s song, by Michael Benhayon. You were so obviously deeply connected to your innermost in all that you felt to do at the time for what was a very beautiful little soul who had previously been so terribly abused. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful experience.

  195. As a nurse, this has been very humbling to read JM, but also very confirming of the potential we each have to bring true healing to another.

    1. I agree Paula. We have all the same ability in every moment with everyone. I love how beautifully LM and the little girls connection shares the power of how this evolved through the day. But even if it’s just a moment with someone it all matters. We leave a lasting impression whether we like it or not. I too am very humbled at the magnitude of this awareness and responsibility.

  196. This blog is confirming of all that UnIversal Medicine has been presenting for many years. When another is met in equalness and observed in a situation rather than being sympathised with there is the possibility for healing for everyone. This is truly inspiring and deserves to be shared afar. Thank you JM

  197. You made such a beautiful connection with the child JM. Your blog is inspirational and shows what we are all capable of when we connect to, and express from, our essence,rather than getting caught up in the emotion of such situations.

  198. So moved I am, seeing in this article the power that true love has to overcome the kind of harm we have in the world and the overwhelm that tends to go with it.

    I got chills and my nose began to run; I felt as if I were being offered this same tender loving care that JM offered the young child; instead of having my suffering confirmed by sympathy and therefore magnified…

    In this story I am shown a different way I can handle lifes hurts; a truly effective and healing choice can be made. I am deeply motivated to stop my sympathy; I know that it only perpetuates pain and offers no true healing.

    I feel the truth of what happened as a result of JM choosing to be truly loving instead of giving in to sympathy in the face of the harm violence had done; she chose to feel and see and therefore confirm the love that is still and always there waiting to be nurtured out again.

    In this, I see a beautiful message of how important it is that we share love in this way.

    This is so inspiring.

  199. JM I loved re-reading this article; this really stood out for me this time “it would have been easy for me to say “poor girl”. Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences, so I decided to treat her with special gentleness and tenderness” This is very beautiful and it is so lovely that you saw her as an equal and not as ‘a victim’ to feel sorry for, and so she could feel her lightness and loveliness and be herself.

    1. A brilliant expose of sympathy as another layer of fog and complication. JM choosing not to go there set the opportunity for unhampered connection and the knowing for that little girl that we are all equal. Super cool.

  200. JM, your blog has touched me deeply. In everyday life we can offer love and true care to those who are in need of healing. I can’t think of anything more beautiful than that.

  201. I was again struck by awe today when I recalled this blog JM. I was observing three little boys playing,the oldest 18 months, the youngest about the age of the little girl you described. The innocence, sweetness and lovableness of their bodies made the thought of abuse abhorrent, and again I acknowledged how clear you had been to bring the love you did to the abused child without reacting emotionally in any way.

    1. It is our reaction to abuse that allows us to go into sympathy, I have just realised, as I read your comment Josephine. We do this so we don’t need to feel the absolute awfulness of what has essentially occurred. But by allowing ourselves to feel the extent of this awfulness we are then clear to support in whatever way is needed, as there is nothing unresolved in us that gets triggered in the moment as JM has shared so beautifully in this blog. I wonder if this is the way to not get caught up in sympathy again, to allow ourselves to feel all the things we have decided not to feel, that lay in wait to be triggered by one thing or another?

      1. What you say makes sense Robyn and I feel that there is a link between sympathy and responsibility too. My insight has been that when I stand in full responsibility for everything in my life, every tiny piece of it and all that has happened, then I can no longer feel sympathy for another – because just as equally they are responsible for everything in their life too and it feels like a union with them – as I stand at the centre of my life and claim it, the good, the bad, the ugly, the magnificent then I stand at the centre of all other lives too.

      2. I agree there is a link between sympathy and responsibility as there is also between going into a reaction and responsibility. I love what you have shared here about taking full responsibility for ourselves, our choices, our way of living, all of it. This feels very powerful and healing for all of us, as we allow ourselves to feel everything that is there to be felt at any given moment. This to me is true responsibility rather than pushing something aside or allowing ourselves to be arrogant enough to think we can get away with not feeling whenever we so choose.

    2. Absolutely agreed Josephine. It is a credit to JM that she held herself so naturally and the child in such true love without emotional reaction. This is deeply inspiring. I don’t know if I’d be able to do that in the same situation.

  202. I babysit a little girl who is coming up to 14 months, and to hear how you cared for that little girl and loved her how she should have been loved from the beginning and how she came out of herself and was able to trust those around her, is beautiful and something every child deserves.

  203. This is such a heart warming sharing JM and I can see that the Little girl was totally blessed that day that she had the good fortune to meet you! For her to be open to Love and tenderness , Michaels soul and touching music is a great blessing and healing for her Soul too.

  204. This is god’s magic; the little girl was re-connecting to love and trusting again. There is nothing that can be more awesome than to observe somebody returning back to their love. It touches very deeply. Thanks so much for sharing this episode of your life, I am sure you bring lots of light to your working place in singing and being all of you – detached from all the dramas and stories the clients are in.

  205. “This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.” completely agree amazing things can happen when we allow ourselves to be open

  206. The energy available in music by Michael Benhayon is truly amazing. Every now and then I go for a short period without listening to music, but when I play it once more I cannot believe that I have not always got it playing – it offers so much support, connection and healing through the loving impress it comes from.

  207. It just goes to show that anything that has the impress of love in it can allow the space for another person to feel and connect to, no matter the circumstances. Through soul-fully connected music and your loving presence and care this child was able to feel the love that is possible in this world. An amazing story, thank you for sharing.

  208. This blog is an amazing lesson in that if we treat ourselves and others as the hurts and abuse, that is what we will become. Treat ourselves with and as the love that we are then so too we have a chance to be that. Thank you JM.

    1. Thank you Leigh, indeed this blog is an amazing lesson on the fact that we are all interconnected through love and when its called upon it can do, in our eyes, magical work as so beautifully described in this blog.

  209. I have found listening to the music of Micheal Benhayon when driving really chills me out and can totally take the edge off a good traffic jam.

  210. Wow this has brought tears to my eyes JM to know how you being open and sharing the Love that we are and what you have experience with Universal Medicine and the power this has. What and incredible opportunity for this baby and an absolute blessing Glorious Music is in our lives. Thank you so much for sharing, deeply touched.

  211. The healing power of Michael Benhayons music doesn’t surprise me. He is extraordinary in the purity of music he brings to life. What a blessing for the young girl to have heard such love and felt it so powerfully too.

  212. I often ‘prescribe’ songs by Michael Benhayon to clients and people I know – including myself (true). Caitlyn’s song is one I’ve often shared and recommended in this way, for the true beauty and preciousness it offers the opportunity for us all to connect (or re-connect) to.
    I played this daily for myself for a period of about 4 weeks a while back, and just kept feeling the connection ‘back to me’ that it offered, as I dropped some layers of having hardened to the world and allowed more of my own preciousness to simply be again – something I’d lost touch with from early childhood and difficulties I experienced…
    We’ve all experienced harshness and incidents in life that close us down. To have music such as this to listen to that offers true re-connection to ourselves once again, is an absolute blessing.

    1. Well said Victoria, there is definitely more going on when we listen to Michael Benhayons’ songs on a deeper level than just listening music with our ears, and this blog is a testimony to the deep healing which can occur.

      1. Julie, I agree, it is deeply healing to be able to meet another in its wholeness not being distracted by what we see with our eyes but to see that we are all equal in our essence. The songs of Glorious Music are powerful in their love they emanate. No wonder of the healing effect it has on the girl equal to the nonimposing way you treated the child, JM.

      2. We have been so inundated with music that is laced with emotion, with craving for recognition/being placed on a pedestal… that we’ve lost what music can truly be about: the truth of who we are, and our connection to this. Michael Benhayon’s music sets the absolute standard for music that touches us on so many levels as you say Julie – in a way that does not impose on you one iota, and, if we choose to be open to it, offers an opportunity for much healing indeed.

    2. Is this not the way music should be inspired and produced by – to support healing and development?! Common music is so much the opposite this days, indulging in emotions of loneliness, suffering, bliss, sexism or what ever. This example from JM shows how much opportunity lies in true music – time to claim it back, our natural expression, power and love through music. I feel beautiful supported here by the Glorious Music of Michael Benhayon as well as from the Music and Workshops from Chris James (Sounds Wonderful) and Andrea Leonhardi (Heaven’s Joy).
      (Read more about:

      1. Your comment reminds me of a documentary I once saw about a Mongolian violinist who played to help animals heal. Music is energy and holds a vibration that our body responds to. It will either force our body to contract and flow in a way that is not natural (i.e. the emotions) or it will support the body to return to it’s natural flow and discard the energies we are not. How amazingly powerful and healing is music therefore and only one whose living from their soul, as Michael Benhayon is, can make music like this.

      2. Absolutely Sandra. Your words speak of an entire paradigm shift with music that is just beginning – with Michael Benhayon very much leading the way. The whole way we see music, and its place in our lives deserves to be transformed, for it is one of the most powerful tools and agents of true connection, inspiration and evolution (supporting our reconnection and return the the amazing fullness of who we are) that there is.

      3. Yes! The way we are and see music deservers to be transformed. Transformed back to truth. This reminds me as well to another transformation which is needed: the transformation of the way we see and use our body. We are more than human creations and our body is designed to express who we are – our divinity, the true love and light that we are coming from and returning to. To honor our bodies and prepare them, so it is possible to feel, experience and express the divine love that we are and connected to, is a responsibility which we denied and tried to avoid for so long now. But it is time to re-claim the innocence of our body and transform it to a vehicle of expression for heaven. And through bodies of love will come then Music from Heaven to support our all transformation even further.

    3. This is very powerful Victoria – and something I have found myself working with too – yet you have taken it even deeper and I love this. The Heavenly music is truly supportive – there is space – joy, stillness, harmony and Love in each and every movement and instrument played. There in lies the magic of God – any medium, any place, any time.

      1. Hear, hear Lee. Today we have a rich resource already (and more to come) of music that is produced with such absolute energetic integrity and intent to offer true service to all (with no self-aggrandisement in sight). Yet are we truly embracing what is on offer here? Or do we listen to it for a ‘nice listen’, or ‘bit of fun & inspiration’ here and there..
        This music is so worth allowing into our lives in a deeper way.

      2. Great point Victoria and so inspiring. your questions ask us all to go deeper here with this amazing medium, and are also something I am aware of and checking in on. Why do I want to hear this song or that ? Where was the impulse coming from? Is it (even though there is absolute energetic integrity in the song) a distraction from what is truly going on? Does it comfort me in some way? Not to be hard but to be truthful about my intention with the grandness that is here to deeply and truly support if I (we) so allow.

      3. I see your point Lee – that we can can abuse anything that we have at our disposal that can offer an opportunity for true connection and healing, if our intent is not true.
        And yet, for me, it also must be said that I allow this to be a very simple process. My head is out of the way, and I just feel what’s appropriate and appreciate every little thing it brings and awakens within me.
        The power of Caitlyn’s Song is that it returns us to such a natural knowing we had as a child, that yes, ‘the birds are singing just for us’ – we know it, and can let it all back into our lives.

      4. Cool now I can see that I can hold onto a way of being that actually creates – a held way of being. This is what creates a tension of give me something, make this happen etc. Cementing the false rather than using the truth to be the trampoline back to love. What you are presenting Victoria is simply beholding the love and beauty that is in each and every moment, with you allowing each and every moment to be a blessing and an opportunity to deeply honour and appreciate You. Thank you deeply for your support here.

      5. The knowing that we are held in love, no matter what, is something we’ve all resisted (and can still resist) connecting to, isn’t it… and yet this love – our love, God’s love – is ever there.
        The beauty of Michael Benhayon’s music and lyrics are that they belong to us all. The truth sung and played is our own truth – and what a divinely beautiful and inspiring way of reconnecting to it, this depth of love, if we but get ourselves out of the way and surrender to it.
        Everyone is so worthy.

    4. Victoria, this is really inspiring. I can feel from your words how this song helped and supported you over this four week period. I find that you prescribing this song for yourself is beautiful in itself, taking the time to truly nurture oneself is key.

      1. Absolutely true Jenny. Listening to and truly feeling all that Caitlyn’s Song holds was (and is) true nurturing – at that time, the perfect support, confirmation and tool for true healing.

      2. Yes that’s it Jenny. Something I’ve learnt from Natalie Benhayon, is that true nurturing is in the application of just what is needed at a particular time. Music can most certainly be an option, chosen with energetic awareness. And yet this music goes far deeper than nurturing alone, it inspires one to continue to deepen and evolve in the love we live and hold.
        Absolutely golden, and valuable beyond measure.

    5. I agree Victoria; the music that Michael Benhayon offers does support true connection back to us. I too will play a piece over a period to accept and feel the support it offers. There is wisdom, love and truth in every track.

      1. Beautifully said Sandra: “wisdom, love and truth in every track”. I find each track of Michael Benhayon’s a powerful energetic package that encompasses far, far more than any ‘surface value’. Taking time to truly stop and feel his songs is so worth it.

    6. I too have recommended certain songs of Michael Benhayon’s to people. The one I seem to recommend the most is the one he wrote for his mum, Smile From Who You Are. There is such a deep healing offered in this song for so many, young and old, male or female, as there is with all the songs he has recorded.

      1. A beautiful description of the power music can hold Robyn. When written, played and recorded from the deep level of commitment to life, living love (the ‘real deal’ of it), and serving humanity that Michael Benhayon exemplifies, music can offer the deepest healing… connecting us to parts of ourselves we may have long closed down, protected and/or held back – those parts of us that are pristinely true and godly.
        To say that Michael Benhayon’s music has been inspiring and life-changing is a complete understatement. He leads the way in what is possible for us all, in all of our expression. (Particularly appreciated from this person with a long history of ‘musical background’, I must say…)

      2. Yes, Michael Benhayon’s music speaks to the deepest parts of us. This is not so common in the world we live in today, so to recommend his work or even a particular song to someone is a blessing, and comes with an enormous opportunity for healing if allowed. This really turns the way music has been structured in our world today on its head, and this is so needed.

      3. Agreed Robyn. If one is truly willing to see, Michael Benhayon’s music offers a complete paradigm shift which can be stated simply from its foundation: it’s not ‘about him’, but is music that is genuinely for all, and he gives it his all.

      1. Absolutely Rebecca. Powerful medicine that can touch us in more ways than we can imagine…

  213. A deeply beautiful and poignant blog JM, on the power of our own love, our ability to hold another in the love of who they are (no matter what), and the true healing power of music that is written from a depth of connection to love and the truth of who we are.
    I can’t help but reflect on how we can connect with all others in such a way, in every interaction of our day – seeing their pain, their truth… understanding it deeply, and yet meeting all for the true ‘light’ that never need be dimmed. And never forgetting to hold ourselves in such tenderness also. This is most definitely what we all ‘deserve’.
    What a light you are to people, JM. Thank-you so much for sharing this story.

  214. The power of Michael Benhayon’s music is that no matter the situation or the place, there is always a piece of music, a lyric or a song that suits in a very non-imposing way.

  215. What you have shared with us JM is nothing short of what we often refer too as ‘miracles’ they happen all the time. It could have been so easy to have gone into sympathy mode on seeing this little girl and hearing of her situation. Instead you remained in your gentleness bringing about such a natural way of being that flowed with this healing. How profound those simple acts of love.

  216. Wow the power of Love, miracles are happening all around us all of the time. When we choose to connect and appreciate and trust miracles of God we can feel we are all from heaven and there is no separation

    1. Beautifully expressed Marg. It is amazing that this child was able to let go of her awful situation and to connect to the love within the music and from the nurse. It is tiny acts of love like this that are really so huge and amazing that will eventually turn our world around from one of separation to one of brotherhood.

      1. Love what you are sharing here Tracy Aisbett, It is true these ‘tiny acts’, yet huge acts in terms of possibility, accumulate and build and the more that this occurs the more love will be felt. Every moment matters, change can be be felt from a reflection of love in any situation and with any one. We will not always get the ‘acknowledgment’ for it, but this is not the point. Even if some one does not show obvious outward signs of appreciation it is in the eyes. The world can change through a constant, committed practice of love and making it about the whole first and not the self. Looking into the eyes of another, any other and knowing them for the divinity that they are, and that includes ourselves in the mirror!

      2. As a school teacher I often hear students telling me about the ‘tiny acts’ someone did that made their day. Tiny acts most certainly are acts of love and they are truly felt and as you say, accumulate and build.

      3. Yes Tracy with the support and love the child felt expressed by the nurse and the music the child trusted what she felt enough to be open to trusting someone else again and re-connecting to love. This experience has offered this child a marker of true love in her body to come back to whenever she feels safe to or chooses to

      4. Markers of love have played a huge role in my unfolding path and what is great is there is no end or depth they can go to.

      5. Yes Tracy these tiny acts are actually huge blessings and can be seen and felt all around us every day. Our appreciation and celebration of brotherhood supports our evolution.

      1. We are all from heaven and there are miracles all around us confirming that. We have a responsibility to live in a way that allows us to be a clear and connected conduit for these miracles to come through.

    2. A true miracle, absolutely Margaret. Our societal ‘take’ on what constitutes a miracle has been so misrepresented. We have miracles occurring every day, and they deserve celebrating and sharing openly, as here on this beautiful blog.

      1. So true Victoria. Our view of true miracles has become so distorted, diverted far away from the simple and powerful beauty that they are. A divine song, a pair of tender hands and a loving heart, can turn life around in a moment.

  217. Susan I too am amazed at how powerful we are when we let love out and let love in – love does it all and it seems so crazy that we have forgotten about the power of love. This is one example of what love can bring to others if we live it ourselves first and foremost.

    1. So lets cry and feel the love we did hold back for so long, the love we did cover with sympathy, emotional indulges, drama, hardness, empty knowledge and whatever. Lets feel the true love again and the healing, power, magic and connection it brings. It is there for us every second to connect back to. In fact it is waiting for us – as long as it takes, till we choose again to connect and express true love again. The magic turn around of that little girl shows us all where our responsibility lies – to reflect true love.
      I often have to cry when I listen to true Music, because I feel the truth again, true love, true relationships, true inspiring, true service and true brotherhood and… that I chose something else for a while. But also that truth is still there for me, simply accessible by the next true lovingly choice.

      1. “So lets cry and feel the love we did hold back for so long, the love we did cover with sympathy, emotional indulges, drama, hardness, empty knowledge and whatever. Lets feel the true love again and the healing, power, magic and connection it brings. It is there for us every second to connect back to. In fact it is waiting for us – as long as it takes, till we choose again to connect and express true love again. The magic turn around of that little girl shows us all where our responsibility lies – to reflect true love.” Sandra, these sound like the lyrics to a song – just beautiful.

    2. No need to stop the flow of tears… I found this blog deeply touching too as it is a reminder that no matter what, we all deserve Love… because this is what we are essentially made of. Therefore, no one can ever be left out of receiving this gloriousness. One of the things I particularly loved about this blog is how quickly the child opened back up. It shows how we all know the Truth of who we are and when reminded of this we can choose to accept it instantly, dropping the defenses and letting people in again.

      1. That is certainly a big consequence, Giselle. One that I have felt. Because to not allow ourselves to feel our gloriousness we are left with feeling emptiness instead.

  218. Thank you so much for this very timely reminder to treat everyone as the expression of divinity that they are first and foremost and not come and load them up with any labels, judgments and expectations that are only in place to keep us seemingly safe and undisturbed.

    1. Well said Gabriele, spot on! In remaining true to who we innately and divinely are we can not but be that for and with all.

  219. Because you had no sympathy for the child you were able to give a clear reading and know exactly what she needed. She felt how you met her and WOW look at the outcome.
    Big key here is no sympathy and loads of love. Very, very inspirational.

    1. This is the power of this story marylouisemyers, I agree. An inspiration for how we can all hold others in such a depth of wisdom and understanding, not losing ourselves to sympathy – a bruised and abused child would be a trigger for many of us…
      The offering of true connection with another gives them the opportunity to heal and come back to themselves (if they so choose – it’s always the other’s call).
      The readiness of the child to do this is also inspirational. For how strongly we can hold onto what’s hurt us particularly as adults, and refuse to come back to the joy of our own preciousness and ability to shine and play… Our trust in others and letting ourselves open right back up is what we are all restoring so deeply.

      1. One of the many outstanding truths of this story is the child’s readiness to let go of the past and live in the moment. As adults we can learn a huge amount from this tiny girl with an open heart.

    2. Very true marylouisemyers, many caretakers come from sympathy and are because of that not able read what is truly needed for the person involved. When we are clear, and with that I mean we don’t let our own hurts get in the way, we can offer Heaven’s love to those in need.

  220. This is profound and beautiful to feel the difference we can make in the world by simply being ourselves and offering unconditional love. The gentleness and tenderness you offered is something deeply felt and very healing for everyone and so missing in the world as we know it. Michael Benhayon’s music and songs offer this same deep love and holding which we cannot help but hear. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. True Tricia, Unconditional love – so missing in the world as we know it. To bring a change here – we have to bring this change. Like Michael Benhayon does via music, everyone of us can bring this change through our particular skills. If we chose so.

  221. Extraordinary JM! What a powerful demonstration of how our openness to love and healing can be passed onto others and have such a profound impact.

  222. JM, this is a story that I will never forget. It is powerful on so many levels. It shows the power of connection, it shows the power of staying steady in the face of abuse, it shows the healing power of Michael Benhayon’s music and it shows the power of a nurse who is valuing herself and the love that she brings. It is a blessing to have read such a story.

    1. Beautifully said, Elizabeth. To have a nurse who values herself for the gorgeousness that she is is enormously healing. We can all bring this gift to others when we also value ourselves. It gives people permission to feel this within themselves again.

    2. I agree Elizabeth – it shows how no matter what we should never give up on anybody. It shows how we are often just hiding because of our hurts and that we can easily return to our loving, playful selves when we are given the opportunity.

  223. Beautiful and miraculous JM. I have had similar experiences. I spent a whole day recently, it was a marker for me too, where my purpose was to fully connect to people for the day. It was life changing! I can still feel every interaction. Their eyes reflected a spark from God and some had tears to their eyes – this was a service station attendant I saw every month and the other was an old friend from school that I knew very well. It did not matter if I knew them or not.
    When I left my old friends home after meeting for the first time his 2 year old child, who did not seem to want to come close to me while I was there, I received a hug before I left, and most amazingly and very deeply touching, as I drove off I saw in my rear vision mirror that he was running up the road after me. He kept running and running and I kept waving. Amazing how it deeply touches when you truly meet and connect with another. It’s worth living this every day !

    1. Gosh Rik that is so gorgeous, true love is what we all want so dearly, no wonder that child ran after you!

  224. Each time I read this I am in awe. Of the ‘coincedences’ you speak of, but JM your awareness to act on all that you did with this little girl, with such love and tenderness. Playing Caitlyn’s song, what an impulse you then chose to follow. Then to witness the response show’s the power of true love.

  225. There has been no doubt for me, that every song I listened to by Michael is a gift of healing on offer if one allows it so.

  226. JM incredible story to show how one who lives their light can help another see theirs even in the darkest of times.

  227. No matter who we are and/or where we have been we all deserve deep tenderness, love and care.

    1. Yes I totally agree Andrew we all deserve deep tenderness, love and care. Many of us do not know what this looks like so it is great to have it reflected in this blog. When it is offered to us by another it can take us a while to fully let it in. Many of us have to learn to trust in love again.

    2. Absolutely Andrew. And it is beautiful and inspiring to read JM’s account here, of what true love, and the holding of another in love, can be. We needn’t lose ourselves, or drain ourselves through sympathy – yet it takes a greatness of heart, and a reconnection to our own inner-hearts to truly hold another and confirm who they are and the love they deserve, no matter what has happened to or for them.
      What if every nurse, every doctor, ever teacher, every parent, every storekeeper…. knew this in themselves… How greatly we are all restored to ourselves and able to truly heal, when we are held in such love.
      I am deeply inspired by this blog, by JM, Michael Benhayon, Serge Benhayon and so many more amazing people I know today who have such a capacity to truly love, and lead the way in reminding all others that we are all, in essence, equally this love and the same.

    3. Such a fabulous foundation Andrew. A rock on which all of society should be built. Every country, government, organisation, company, school, relationship, family, individual should have this written above their doors.

  228. Well said Doug. It shouldn’t be so extra-ordinary to meet a child who is joyful and bright; it should be the normal. Caring and loving kids to the level that JM did has unfortunately become unusual in our society, but small acts like this can inspire and reflect to others that this level of love is achievable, and has gorgeous effects on everyone.

  229. JM, I found myself crying while reading this blog because of how it shows we can not only heal each other through love and tenderness, but also how contagious this way can be to others. Likewise, if you were to get into sympathy with the child and feel bad yourself, then not only the child but all the other people around you would not have the market to pull them up and you would have been left in the same withdrawn, sad state as the abused child.

    1. Many of the blogs on this site offer us an opportunity to connect with ourselves, as is shown by your comment michaelgoodhart36. Such is the power of the Ageless Wisdom teachings from Serge Benhayon.

  230. I love how you shared your awareness of the choice you made not to go into sympathy, but instead to show what you know to be truly supportive and loving. I can feel that by not getting emotional about the situation and for another, how you are not only supporting them, but supporting yourself not to get drained or exhausted. By you choosing to work in this way, your patients get to feel the quality of love you give yourself and hold this as a marker and a point of inspiration too.

  231. We are called to serve in all sorts of ways and the beauty is when we heed the call and say Yes, as you did JM. Everything was constellated for you to truly meet this little girl, but you did more. What a miracle she got to experience all of you, your delicate loving touch and Michael Benhayon’s glorious music. We can indeed change the world.

  232. This blog is such a treasure JM and it shows what happens when we are open and take true care – miracles and how it’s as simple as our touch, how we place a blanket, how we move, our presence. There is so much love there for us ready and waiting, all we have to do is allow it to move in and through our bodies; living with absolute care and delicacy for us and once we do, we are that everywhere we go with ourselves and everyone, just like you were in that x-ray ward, ready and waiting to show another that they too deserve true care.

  233. I have felt deeply touched by this story of both the little girl and how you have supported her.

  234. JM, you have a gorgeous way of telling a story, painting pictures when you write. It would be a treat to read more about your hospital experiences of you just being yourself, your everyday remarkable true self.

    1. A gorgeous idea Deanne, or JM to write more of her experiences. What would be amazing is a book with chapters by all our nurses sharing such experiences with everyone. I would love to read that book.

  235. JM, I am touched by the presence and grace you brought, especially the moment you chose to put aside any sympathy and offer a true reflection of love to this child. Michael Benhayon’s music can only be described as heaven sent, its healing power resides largely in the fact this music and the lyrics remind us all of who we are and where we come from.

    1. This is a gorgeous example of how when we don’t go into sympathy we can offer another so much – a point of light so they can find their way out of what they are in. The fact that this little child, so precious, was reminded of this by JM is a modern day miracle, as sympathy is rife in our world. Imagine where we would be if we simply stopped going into sympathy and instead offered someone the hand of Love.

  236. Such a powerful blog, “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.” That sentence really stuck out, and what I considered from it is that we can take this level of care into every interaction, so it is not just the extreme obvious cases of abuse or disregard we see and respond to but everyone, every interaction. Because virtually everyone is walking around carrying hurts, protecting themselves from further attack. Being open and expressing love is how we change the world, how we build the trust, it is almost an unseen, unspoken love that is much more powerful than I know I have given credit to up until now.

    1. This love is what we deserve, and is our key to live our life with joy. Since I have changed my life from searching this love in men, art, music, attraction, sex and sport, but now in beholding that love and celebrating that I have found it back again, within me, where it was all the time. Yes I deserve to be loved and cared for because I am that and you are that too, everyone is the same love in equalness.

      1. Beautifully said Monika. We searched for love and magic in all those other things when here it was deep inside our inner heart, waiting, waiting for us to open the door.

  237. By not reacting to a situation but by simply responding with all the love that we are powerfully changes everything. Thank you for this beautiful sharing JM.

  238. Imagine we all would do that for ourselves – place the blanket around us with extra care and delicateness, focussing on the gestures of our fingers, saying with our bodies: “I am precious, this is what I deserve.” And then, share this delicateness and love we hold and nurture with the world, knowing everyone is precious and deserved to be treated in love.

    1. True Sandra, this is a beautiful example of how JM was completely constellated to be in the right place at the right time for this child, and received a true healing, but we also can be this precious with ourselves, holding ourselves in nurturing and connected to the greatness of our love inside every day. Why not?

    2. Yes Sandra, imagine if we all did. I remember sitting in the bath with my knees up, and most tenderly I held my knees and kissed them. Never before had I been so tender with myself. This tenderness is quite often reserved only for intimate moments between lovers. Not any more!

    3. Like a king or queen, we can treasure our body and connection to the divine with tenderness, love and delicateness because we are from heaven where nothing is less than these qualities.

      1. We all know how to treasure our body, we do it any time we hold a baby, holding them with care, and tenderness, and appreciating their tiniest moves!

      2. This is so true Heather. Why do we cease to hold others preciously and tenderly simply because their bodies get bigger as they grow from childhood to adulthood? We are the same precious being.

    4. I love what you have shared here Sandra and feel that the two are absolutely inter-dependant. The delicate care of ourselves must precede the delicate care of others and without the expression of the delicate care of others we do not appreciate, and thus commit to, the delicate care of ourselves.

    5. People that want to go to third world countries and do charity work should read this, as it is the most important thing we can do. The self care you speak of Sandra is the only thing that can truly change the world, it’s the only thing that will help anyone, it always starts with us first and then naturally is there for all.

    1. This is so true Michael, ‘Not falling into sympathy, but just staying open and holding another in love, regardless of what has happened: what a beautiful way to truly care.’ One of my jobs is working as a carer, I can feel how it would be easy to get pulled into the stories and hardships of the people i care for and go into sympathy but I do not do this as I can feel how this would not support myself or them, so I stay in my love and my lightness and playfulness and hold them in love and as equals and often find that this inspires and brightens them.

      1. Sympathy gives permission for us to wallow in all the what is not, there is no learning; no evolution in this. Yet presenting a mirror of absoluteness, of love allows the space for true healing.

    2. Great point Michael. Sympathy is a slippery path that panders to people and situations that are aligned with our own ideals, beliefs and agendas. It does not inspire equality, responsibility or awareness in anyone concerned. On the other hand expressing compassion, ie: understanding and acceptance of what is, can be loving, nurturing and evolutionary. It is by far the higher ground as JM so clearly depicts in her story, and very different to sympathy.

    3. “Not falling into sympathy, but just staying open and holding another in love, regardless of what has happened: what a beautiful way to truly care.” So true Michael that is a beautiful way to truly care.

    4. Yes and what an offer to truly heal the wounds of the hurts from abuse. Sympathy does not allow any healing – it buries the hurt even further deeper, so it has to come out even worse the next time round. With niceness and sympathy we only take on the emotional pain from others by feeding it with our hook of need. Allowing another to see what they choose and holding them with the love that we have for us is the best support we can give to someone.

    5. I agree Michael…JM’s story is true care. Imagine the everyday miracles that can happen if we consistently live this loving way and share it with others.

  239. This is huge JM, and left me in tears. To feel the power of love, in spite of the awful situation and its ability to reconnect the little girl to people. And also to feel your steadiness, not getting sucked into the drama, but to hold yourself in love so that she has an immediate opportunity to reconnect to that, and Michael’s glorious music. Wow.

  240. The power of love and being treated in a way that we deserve, is a quality that we all could bring to our lives no matter what the job or role we play in life.

  241. JM your story highlights so much. I, like everyone else who has read it was deeply touched at reading what feels like a miracle and yet what has also become apparent to me is how did we let ourselves get so far from love that babies are being abused? It’s appallingly shocking that we, as the divine beings that we all are have chosen to let the world get so far from the truth. We all have to take responsibility for that baby because it happened on our watch. It is only because we have all turned a blind eye that these despicable things go on. I am love and yet until now I have slept through lifetime after lifetime allowing the atrocities to go on without stepping out of my comfortable life to speak up. No more, I have woken up now and I’m taking responsibility for the mess that we call life.

  242. “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.” This is so profound JM, as we human beings do deserve to be taken care of simply because we are precious and pristine, of Divine origin. And if that is not confirmed to us we are completely lost and will withdraw from life, a life that we actually deserve to live, a life in connection with this precious and pristine quality that we all equally are from.

  243. This account leaves me humbled by the power we each have to change another’s life, and also by the blessing of Michael Benhayon and Glorious Music, reminding us with every note of our heavenly home.

    1. I felt this too Janet, forever humbled by the power we have to bring love and change to someones life by holding steady in our own love, and what a heaven sent gift is Michael’s music, delicate notes to take us home should we choose to listen once again.

    2. I agree with you Janet that this story is a wonderful reminder that in every moment everyone of us has the power “to change another’s life”, therefore a reminder as to our responsibility as to every step we take, every movement we make and every word we speak.

      1. So true Ingrid, we have a huge responsibility with every movement and spoken word. I am learning a lot with this as I allow myself to be seen as I am – fragile and not perfect, but open and loving with myself; I forgive myself and have found a freedom within. There is no need to prove anymore that I have the answer, because I AM THE ANSWER – WE ALL HERE ARE THE ANSWERS!

    3. I agree Janet…this is indeed very humbling to feel “the power we each have to change another’s life” and it brings a far greater level of responsibility in that we all have this power to change another’s life every moment of every day. It is our choice to live the love we are that offers miracles like JM’s story, or if we choose everything that is not love then we only confirm another in their negative choices too…it is up to us.

  244. The character of anyone who works as a nurse is really to be honoured and appreciated. What nurses see every day is never going to be easy, and what is great about this story is that you show you were open to how to support that particular child. No sympathy, but no “closing the door and hardening” to make it easier for you either. A miracle right there.

    1. So true Heather, I have not had much to do with the medical word but the words of disassociating, not getting to involved/close, keeping a wall/distance – are associations that you can hear about the medical staff/patient relationship. This just blows this out of the water when you don’t ‘close the door and harden’ – and what can be possible. JM did not harden, or keep her distance but equally did not take anything on – she stayed open and in being all that she is, knew what was needed and did it.

    2. This is a really important point Heather, supporting Nurses, doctors, Counsellor in fact all of us to stay open in the face of what we see in life is super important and the first point of healing for anyone we come into contact with.

    3. I love what you have shared hear Heather and Sarah and feel that this is super important and needs to be discussed wider. Whilst many in these comments have agreed that sympathy is of zero service to anyone, what you have highlighted is the equal importance of not going into a disconnected hardness. The true skill and grace of JM has done here is keep herself 100% open to the everything. That is the gift that she has given this child and the other nurses on the ward. And yes, so totally the opposite of the ‘disassociation’ that nurses and doctors are taught.

    4. Well said Heather – so true. What nurses see can be horrific at the best of times, but to see it through the eyes of love, tenderness and equality, is where we will find the miracles.

  245. Wow JM, I am deeply touched, this is a true miracle! Michael’s music is indeed profound as is the power of what you brought in the presence and equality you met this young child with. To say what Universal Medicine presents and teaches is life changing is an understatement, and to read something like this is deeply confirming that it is the livingness of love that will change the world.

    1. So beautiful to read your comment Jenny confirming the “livingness of love that will change the world” – now that is truly inspiring, as is this blog – thank you JM.

  246. The power and grace of true music offers a true reflection that confirms the Divinity that we are, and celebrates the way we live our Divinity in the world and with each other. With eternal appreciation for and deepest heartfelt gratitude to Michael Benhayon and Glorious Music for returning to us all the healing power of true music. It is a blessing to have the Heavenly support that is offered through true music as we continue to deepen our connection to our Divinity and celebrate the joy that we can and do live together.

  247. I just loved re-reading this article JM. What you share about the choice to not go into sympathy is a huge lesson for all of humanity. Had you gone into sympathy and made it all about how terrible this is, this little girl would’ve felt only that and not the love and beauty she actually is. Sympathy serves no one. Love knows we are all equal and that we no amout of suffering or hurt can change who we are innately — love.

    1. “Sympathy serves no one” I agree Katerina, I find that sometimes I can go into sympathy in a very subtle way and start catering for people to make them feel better, this is insidious as it caps everyone from evolving to our true selves.

    2. “Sympathy serves no one.”. So true Katerina, as neither the one expressing the sympathy or the one that it is expressed towards receive any healing at all from this exchange; it is the love that JM so beautifully expressed that heals.

    3. ‘Had you gone into sympathy and made it all about how terrible this is, this little girl would’ve felt only that and not the love and beauty she actually is.’ This is so true Katerina, I love how you have pointed this out. We can choose what we focus on and what we share with others, and that is what is shared between us. Hence the importance of knowing what we are choosing and what we want to share with others.

  248. ‘This tender warmth and touch is everything, a reminder of what we all deserve.’ …… and a gorgeous reminder that it’s the quality of ourselves that we bring that matters, not the ‘doing’.

      1. I agree Lisa, I could really feel the complete trust that JM had when she connected with herself and sang/played “Caitlin’s song”. I can feel the complete surrender while also knowing she was a child of God like any of us and equal to all.

  249. ‘I could have dropped into sympathy, and started absorbing her drama: it would have been easy for me to say “poor girl”. Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences’ – what a blessing you gave this little girl JM. Meeting her, in equalness, with all that you are, acknowledging and appreciating all that she is.

    1. Yes Simon. The music of her choices, her commitment and her movements. I find this story deeply inspiring. In that it is one thing to know love, quite another be love in such absoluteness.

  250. It is beautiful to feel JM that when we are connected to ourselves that love can truly be felt by all. Your words moved me to tears JM. Thank you for sharing with such care and tenderness.

  251. In seeing the effects of trauma and abuse in another, it can often trigger our own hurts. When we can support someone without getting our own issues in the way, it allows them the space to know themselves beyond their experience of abuse or being a victim.

    1. This is the key to being with another without sympathy, Annie. And offering a true way of connection that does not impose, but rather allows another the space to heal themselves.

    2. Annie, such wise words. I know for sure that it has only been when people have consistently seen me as more than my issues and treated me as such, that it gave me the space in my own time to grow out of what was troubling me into the beautiful woman I now am.

    3. I agree Annie. It just shows how important it is that we deal with our hurts because if we do we can then be a true support for others.

      1. Yes Elizabeth. And that is our absolute responsibility.This is something that I am committing to more and more. If I truly accept my place in the bigger picture then that responsibility becomes an absolute rather than a variable that I can turn on and off depending on my own selfish will.

    4. What an awesome contribution – it is so easy too get caught in the victim mentality. I have defiantly struggled with this and the thing is, when people treat you like a victim you start to believe that you are one, and you begin to believe that you are more damaged or generally less than others around you. The best thing you can do is what JM has done, which is to meet the other as an equal and with complete love, not with pity.

  252. ‘Caitlyns Song’ is so exquisite. It is no surprises the chain of events it set off and shows us what true music, music that comes from love and with purpose, can do. Also JM, the power of your touch and nurturing, equally as exquisite and healing for this child. Thank you.

    1. A beautiful and heart felt sharing demonstrating love in action in the ordinariness of everyday life yet brings extraordinary miracles. I loved reading every bit of this blog JM – thank you.

  253. This article shows the power of meeting a person for the richness of who they are, not limited them to their label, trauma or experiences.

    1. Yes absolutely Annie, two very different ways of connecting with someone. One holds them in the trauma and identifies them with it and the other gracefully supports them to re-connect with the love inside themselves and to feel deeply supported in that. Sympathy can actually be like a dead weight, not a helping hand.

      1. “Sympathy can actually be like a dead weight, not a helping hand.”
        Awesomely put Fiona! Sympathy feels just awful, there is no support in it.

      2. Sympathy is not just a dead weight, it can be like a wet heavy blanket which we try to define the world and other people by lest our little comfort zone gets rocked or be disturbed.

      3. Well said Fiona. There is no true ‘helping hand’ when it is offered from a place of seeing and identifying someone as their ‘trauma or situation’, rather than the truth of who they are. We can all be tested at times (great learning), but I know from my own experiences, that sympathising is founded on seeing another as less than I am, thus offering no true help to anyone.

      4. ‘gracefully supports them to re-connect with the love inside themselves and to feel deeply supported in that.’ what beautiful words, Fiona, and a reminder that we can hold everyone we meet in that way regardless of age or situation.

      5. Yes Fiona, sympathy does not let the other feel the power of themselves, and can also be patronising.

      6. Yes Fiona, sympathy is a false weight, it drains you and lets you feel empty and looking for another person to hook with. This niceness is pure evil and not of any true support at all. I can see it when people fall for this illusion to feel a better person when they help someone with this sympathy.

      7. I agree Fiona. If the world could accept that sympathy is actually an imprisonment, then millions would be freer to evolve from their plight so much faster.

      8. I also love what you share here about sympathy. When we go into it we are really indulging in our own hurts and not giving someone the grace to feel where they are at or the space for the learning that the situation is offering. When something devastating happens whilst it is utterly important to offer loving support it is counter productive to confirm another in their hurts as it gets us nowhere.

      9. Well said Fiona, we often think we need to join someone in tears but staying with our light and love is really what the other person needs so they can come back rather than us getting sucked into what they are going through.

    2. Yes Annie and the power we have when we honour that richness within ourselves to offer another.

    3. Beautifully expressed Annie. When we connect with everyone as equally precious beings the richness and inspiration from everyone’s essence is truly magical indeed.

    4. Absolutely Annie, we must see beyond the physical experience and not get caught in the illusion, the trauma, or experience. But see what we can offer in that moment which would be felt and supportive to their healing, and that is simply the reflection of true love and light

    5. Wise words Annie and something that we can apply to every situation wherever we are. Much would be healed if we meet each other for who we truly are.

  254. What s beautiful blog, it was heart felt. What you offered to the girl was true love through your gentleness and tenderness which she felt and allowed the healing to take place. That is love to help support children or any one who has gone through such an experience of abuse or violence. Like you say it gives her a great start to her healing journey as she grows up. What you experienced was no short from a miracle.

    1. You remind me on the power of reflection. This example shows what is possible and imagine, if we would reflect the love we are on a daily basis to other people, how many “miracles” will happen every day. I feel very inspired.

  255. Beautiful JM. 🙂 ‘I could have dropped into sympathy, and started absorbing her drama: it would have been easy for me to say “poor girl”. Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences, so I decided to treat her with special gentleness and tenderness,’
    The moment we absorb another’s drama we are gone. Connecting in equalness is powerful because we are all the same regardless of our story. Then the tenderness in our touch in untainted, clear and loving.

    1. So well said kathrynfortuna, ‘The moment we absorb another’s drama we are gone’. It actually feels awful when someone pours sympathy on us, as it’s actually implying that we are less than them. When we hold someone it equalises without any judgement, we support them to come up to where they truly are, and to remember that they are not the suffering that’s been imposed on them.

      1. This is still challenging me sometimes when I am with my mother. She is 89 years old and not feeling well at the moment and she has to surrender to her body. She takes it as a burden and this is the reason why she is unhappy, because she can’t work as much as she used to. Her body wants rest. My role here is not wanting her to feel better and giving her as many sessions I can during my visit, but to hold her in love and not in sympathy.

    2. Beautifully said Kathryn. As is the same in the way the music of Michael Benhayon is delivered and shared – from a place of true equalness, holding all in this, knowing our truth… And thus this is music that is truly soulful – it carries no emotional imposition, need for self-aggrandisement, and is 100% ‘untainted, clear and loving’.
      An absolute inspiration, for how we can be in all of our expression in life, just as JM’s beautiful story inspires the same.

      1. For sure Victoria, Michael Benhayon’s music is an absolute inspiration, just like JM’s presence, because it carries no emotional imposition but instead is 100% unconditional love.

      2. 100% love – with no taint of sympathy – is something to be treasured, isn’t it Fiona… For it takes a great inner commitment and development to truly hold another in such a way, whether in daily interaction, as a carer, health professional and/or in the delivery of music.
        I recall Serge Benhayon sharing years ago, that there were times in our history where one did not even pick up a musical instrument until you had attained a certain level of self-mastery. With the enormity of what can be ‘wielded’ via music, I can well appreciate this. Especially in light of ‘everything being energy’ – just what energy is delivered and communicated through any musical expression is something worth feeling and pondering deeply.

    3. Kathryn, “the moment we absorb another’s drama we are gone” that is a powerful statement and so true. We can never be of help to another if we indulge in their drama. If people are struggling then it is only through staying steadfast and offering steady love that we can be of real support. Being tender, gentle and expressing love is the way forth and the more we enact this way of living the less drama is allowed to take hold, and we can then profoundly touch peoples lives.

    4. A great point you make here, kathrynfortunata, “The moment we absorb another’s drama we are gone”. It was so beautiful to read JM’s story of her experience with this little girl, wonderful that she did not go into sympathy, but treated her with “special gentleness and tenderness”. What a beautiful thing to do, playing her Caitlyn’s song, and what a wonderful turn around in the child’s day after being put to sleep with that beautiful love-filled song from heaven, brought through by Michael Benhayon.

      1. I agree Beverley. This is very inspiring and we all receive the blessing of this moment when it happens and is then shared here again. Expressions of love are deeply healing.

    5. That equalness also allows us to drop the judgements that we may be holding onto, and drop into the truth that we are all the same.

    6. Beautifully said kathrynfortuna, as JM shared it is so easy to go into someone elses drama but when we stay with ourselves and meet the situation from our essence then the drama is dissolved and everyone is left with the space for them to be who they are not the drama that has been created. This is crucial and to this day is something that I am working on. It feels incredible when we are in our own power and strength of our natural essence.

  256. Caitlyn’s song was so perfect for that situation, for all children but for all of us too, to reconnect to the point in our lives where we turned out our light and to choose again, choose to leave it on and shine brightly, even if others react to the brightness and try to extinguish it, with tenderness for ourselves to leave it on, steadily burning brightly in our lives.

    1. Yes Emma, Cailyn’s song is really gold. In this song – Caitlyn – a child in love – reminds another child, that it is also made of love. And in the moment the abused child connects to her own love, it experiences the world completely different. I love that.

  257. Your story was very moving, I cried reading it. Feeling the way that little girl was able to receive your love that day and as you say, it’s not that it took the pain away but it gave her a marker of love that she can return to or choose for herself. This is the true power of angels walking on earth, not in the fixing or getting a particular outcome.

    1. That is such a key point Emma, that we can only ever offer another person a true marker of love, we cannot eradicate their pain or change their choices, but we can show them what true love is by the way we move, the quality with which we conduct ourselves and the steady, consistent love in our eyes. What a gift JM gave this little girl in the midst of her crisis, a true light to support her to shine once more and show her that she is worthy of love and always will be.

    2. I agree and I cried too as I read through as it shows how such a simple act can make a huge difference and how we must never underestimate what we can bring when in true love and connection.

    3. Well said, emmadanchin, as you said, JM gave this little girl “a marker of love that she can return to or choose for herself”. Very powerful reading, this blog, I loved it.

    4. Beautifully said emmadachin. Too often we get caught up in ‘fix it’ mode or wanting to take someone’s pain away which only interferes with their path and the true healing and power is in providing a marker of love for someone to then have the opportunity to choose also. This blog is very touching as it so sweetly illustrates the joy of true love and the heavenly power of true music such as Glorious Music

  258. Thank you JM, a beautiful sharing of a true connection. As you have shared in this blog, we are all the same, we all have a natural lightness and love regardless of our situation and life experiences. Connecting to this essence we can feel the truth of who people are.

    1. So true Lee, the joy of connecting cannot possibly be contained, it emanates for all to see, and a reflection to be.

    2. well said Lee, we are all looking to be met from and in this love and if we allow ourselves to be in our essence the power of love is unleashed and will offer miracles on a daily basis.

  259. Miracles are happening all around us, this is such an example of the power we hold within if we trust that we are from heaven. No separation from this all encompassing Love that we consider a miracle but in truth this is loves natural way.

    1. Yes merrileepettinato, miracles are indeed happneing all around us all of the time, every day. It is a case of how much awareness we are paying to them when they happen. The example that JM has written about here is a truly wonderful one, confirming the power that we all have and can connect to when we choose.

    2. So beautifully said Merrilee Pettinato, we all hold within us such love, power and tenderness, yes we are all from heaven. There isn’t anything that separates us and this blog is such a majestic example of that.

    3. How beautiful to consider miracles are love’s natural way. That they are not random or without science or order or magic.

  260. The power of Love! We should not be surprised, this is exactly what this little girl was wanting to feel. What better way that by your tender loving practical care and ‘heavens words’

    1. Exactly Merrilee, the body of the little girl is naturally love and aligned to the particles that are connected to the divine. The natural pull was still heard from the little girl, and so she decided to choose love instead of the drama hurt. How amazing when miracles like this are happening. I am sure it happens all the time when we do not hold back our love from within emanating out to the world.

    2. And it’s showing the absolute Divine way / reflection that we are meant to work together! How JM and Michael Benhayon with lots of unseen help are working together to support this child that has just experienced this horrible behaviour. Which could also support the perpetrator in his / her healing process – if they so choose. Thank you for sharing such a miracle / healing story.

    3. We all know love and when in the presence of love, met in love and held in love, free from attachment to outcome and desire – Miracles happen

  261. This is truly inspirational. To see such an immediate response to being held in love, as an equal, shows the true power we all have within us. Not only to help another but to help ourselves out of the dark mess we can find ourselves in sometimes.

    1. Yes, Jenny, who knows the extent of the power that we all have within us? We just have to trust our innermost to guide us through the darkest of times, and it is there within for us whenever we choose to look for that guidance. Trust is the big word for us, what a shame we are not brought up to know that help is always there. I have so much to thank Serge Benhayon for in helping us all to know just how grand we actually are, and shown us how to connect to our innermost, our own divine essence.

    2. Jenny I love your comment. Yes, what an immediate response to being held in love. The power we have to help others and ourselves should we find ourselves without the light on.

    3. So true Jenny, it is living proof that when we choose to we can allow the love deep within us to triumph and cut through the mess and agony we create for ourselves. Making love the foundation of our lives takes practice, but it is a subject well worth the study and application, as JM shows us, how we choose to move and connect to one another can work miracles in a very short space of time.

    4. Jenny I love your comment. Yes, what an immediate response to being held in love. The power we have to help others and ourselves should we find ourselves without the light on

    5. So true Jenny, this is deeply inspirational, yes for JM to see such an immediate response is really confirming all that which she is living, to hold that little girl in such love means she is bringing with her immense love in what she was doing. Very beautiful.

    6. Absolutely Jenny, we can often underestimate the impact we can have…. but the power of love is enormous and all we need to do is get ourselves out of the way, not doubt ourselves and simply be in the love we are. Alchemy takes place all around us.

  262. JM this is such a powerful story. It reminds me to never give up on another or oneself- our essense will always shine through when we trust enough to re-connect to it.

  263. I love how the hospital staff asked for a nurse to be with this child all day so that she would not be left alone, that is very caring……then this child gets a nurse who lives loving and you brought that healing to the child…when we are loving with each other, we are always bringing healing – that is a true angel!

    1. Beautifully said Karoline and what an amazing and very inspiring story that JM has presented. It is a confirmation of our purpose and what we are here to do and also how simple it can be. Truly amazing sharing.

  264. Absolutely Doug, a heart expanding blog. More occurrences like this should be the norm – miracles would be happening every day!

  265. Thank you JM, this is very deeply felt what you have shared here, I feel the beauty and holding of love…when i first read it, i deeply felt a deep moment of sadness, which comes from how we can treat each other, it is sad, as it is destructive. But that is because we are not living love, but from hurts…Love is deeply healing, it is within us all…and when we live from that love with another – yes miracles and healing happens. Caitlyn’s song is exactly that, made in love and when we listen to it, it is a showering of love, as are our gestures, our words, our choices…love can become a way of life. This child has been blessed for ever, where she has experienced being truly loved, a healing in itself, and that opened her to the love within her.

    1. “Love can become a way of life” and this blog shows us how. Beautiful Karoline…a blessing for everyone, every day.

    2. I feel that too, Karoline, this little girl as you say, “has been blessed for ever, where she has experienced being truly loved, a healing in itself, and that opened her to the love within her”. What an amazing change in her after all that was done for her, she was laughing and playing with the hospital staff, so happy, even after all that had been happening to her earlier with all the abuse that she had suffered. It was beautiful that JM was able to bring about such a huge change for her. Probably life changing.

    3. this is beautiful Karoline ‘love can become a way of life’ Love can only be a way of life, a state of being that then is shared with all around us. The blog is a testimony to the enormous power Love has and how it in it’s true form expressed can overcome the greatest and deepest of hurts.

    4. I felt that too Karoline a moment of not sadness but the lovelessness that is in the world and this was just one little girl but how many more are living within the world, babies, children, young people, adults and elderly that have been abused in some form or another. Michael Benhayon brings a great healing with and in his music and the beautifull thing is, as JM has shared, this can be played anywhere at anytime to anyone.

      1. I became acutely aware of God holding all abused children (and everyone of course) in his atma of divine love. There is no one who is not held. And it is wonderful that there people like JM in the world who are bringing healing to these little ones and bringing that to life on earth.

    5. Beautiful Karoline and so true… we’re accustomed to treating each other in a way that is not loving and yet love is our most natural innate way, which is why when we are met with love, we remember this in ourselves and it forever stays.

  266. Miracles happen, yes they do, as this sharing clearly demonstrates, and a powerful reminder that when we are connected with ourselves and live in a way that supports this connection, all we have to do is turn up and the plan can just unfold.

  267. “Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences”. The equality you bring to the situation feels extremely essential for what unfolded. With complete awareness, acceptance and understanding of who you both truly were at that moment, from your true essence and not just the current topical awfulness, supported a healing that is priceless beyond the physical but so much more deeply powerful to support a true foundation of healing.

  268. What an incredible experience of what can happen when we connect with and offer love, instead of going into sympathy for another’s predicament. How blessed is that little girl by the tenderness you offered and by the healing and reconnection to her Light she experienced. To go from an inevitably withdrawn state after abuse to the fullness of life you describe here is truly a heavenly miracle. Thank you for sharing this beautiful event and all power to the little girl and her Light – wherever she is.

  269. What a powerful and deeply beautiful blog JM. It is clear that you have chosen a loving and honoring way to live and as such was open to be guided to where you were needed, to where your Love was needed. To be who you are was natural and so as you have shared naturally healing. When we are connected to Love we are it all, and know what is called for at that time. As you have felt the power of true Love and healing yourself through Michael Benhayon’s music it was only natural for you to also share this Love with this little girl. This highlights the power of our Livingness through which we naturally bring, without hesitation, much Light and Love to the world. Thank you for sharing how much of a blessing you are in this world, and we all are when we connect to and live the preciousness and power of our Love.

  270. Michael Benhayon’s music is always reminding us of who we truly are and where we are from and inspiring us to keep our light on in a world where there can be much darkness and by choosing to keep our light on we are healing ourselves and others just by our very being.

    1. Absolutely Deborah. The most important thing on earth is to remember our purpose which is to bring the Light of God in all that we are . . and Michael’s music is a great inspiration with this – Heaven sent!

    2. I love Glorious Music. Michael Benhayon’s music always moves and heals me. I never felt the healing power of sound before in any other ‘vibrational sound healers’, in fact I usually felt nothing or sick after sessions with them and I did not give it much credence. Michael Benhayon has shown me what true healing sounds can do and I want more and more and more. He is a genius and his music divine.

  271. JM, what you have presented for all of us in this blog is ground breaking on so many levels. You have presented the power of love and how it affects the individual (the little girl), the nursing and medical profession and society as a whole. Thanks to you the little girl experienced the healing power of love through connection, the nursing profession got to see what it has always known and that is if they are allowed to just be real with people and connect with them then there is a healing to be had, the medical profession got to experience that true medicine is how we live that then impacts another. Everyone in this situation wins because that is how love works.

  272. What a blessing for not only this little girl but for those around you both who got to experience the level of love and care you were offering JM.

  273. Thank you JM. I love the simplicity and yet enormous power in the way that you placed the blanket. This tender warmth and touch is everything, a reminder of what we all deserve.

    1. I feel the same Sara, this struck me profoundly and the way JM offered this in the full knowing that the little girl utterly deserved to have this absolute tenderness that she had not yet brought to herself. So precious.

  274. ‘connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.’ So true JM. Miracles do happen.

  275. Dear JM this is really felt in the heart and so amazing and so beautiful. Thank You for being You and therefore love and give this huge gift of this marker to the Little Girl. With love Nadine

  276. To understand the imposing nature of sympathy is something awesome to become aware of. When one offers sympathy, the other looks to the outside for the support, love and tenderness. It robs another of the opportunity to learn to support and bring tenderness and love to themselves. This goes against everything society often teaches us.

    1. I agree Gina, so often sympathy poses as love but in truth is most disempowering, as it says to another, ‘you are not responsible for your choices’. The way JM offered love without a skerrick of sympathy is profound.

  277. JM, what more do we need to show us that to step out of our comfort zones can bring opportunity, change and healing. It’s beautiful that your intention with the little girl, to bring the love you are, is inspirational for any interaction.

    1. Definitely stepping out of our comfort zone does bring us opportunities of a miracle. That girl was so fortunate to have you for those few hours and being open to your loving connection allowed her to open up and for healing to take place. Those moments she experienced will be a loving marker for her to come back too.

      1. What I love about JM’s day, is that the little girl (her soul) had chosen to be there that morning so that healing could happen. If JM had chosen to not put her discomfort aside, this beautiful exchange and healing could not have taken place. It really puts into perspective the question, who are we to get in the way of this.

  278. This is such a deeply touching sharing JM, thank you. I felt to my core that instead of sympathy, you brought true love and utmost delicateness to the little girl, and the healing that occurred for her will forever stay with her. It brought tears to my eyes when I read how with your deliberate gestures, you silently affirmed to the girl , “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.”
    All this is possible now in this time, our time, because of the love of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine practitioners and the teachings now present in this world. Now we are many, many students who are able, like you, to consciously bring this unifying, deeply embodied, loving presence to the world, to people wherever we are ‘called’ and in whatever we do. As you say, ‘This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.’

  279. This would make a beautiful christmas story, because that is what christmas is about, isn’t it, the power of love and connecting to people.

    1. Absolutely Mariette, you’ve inspired me to share this with more people I am close with because it is exactly that — and amazing gift of inspiration 🙂

      1. And the beauty is, we all have these stories and we are all these amazing gifts of inspiration.

  280. And your miracle in the making just kept pouring forth with the sharing of Caitlyn’s song . . .’“You shine so bright so just keep your light on” and saying to her – you have never had this kind of love, but you deserve this beauty, your essence is the same as me, as Caitlyn, as everyone.’ What a healing for all.

  281. Thank you, JM for sharing this healing experience. It touched me deeply how tender and gentle you are with no expectation at all and how healing and freeing this is.

    1. It is freeing. Our sympathy is such an imposition on others, pressing them down into a lesser state. But to love, and love with no expectation, is to allow others the expand into their fullness…and allowing is the key.
      I know how I feel when another is tender with me, and spacious. I discover grandness I never believed possible.

  282. True Elizabeth. And the beauty of this is when this level of love is brought, felt and surrendered to, it is forever a marker of the truth and an honouring of the grand love we are and from.

  283. Jm, this is an amazing blog and sharing if the power of true healing through touch, stillness, heavenly knowing and of course clear and loving music by those living with energetic integrity and love.

    1. Beautifully summed up Johanna. It is empowering to know and inspiring to feel that we all equally have the opportunity to live and share our lives in this way.

  284. What an exquisitely beautiful story and experience JM. When we remain open throughout our day the occurrences that come our way can be extraordinary and this is a shining example of this.

    1. Also to observe that after a simple act of care such a change can occur. It would be easy not to see the miracle that was unveiled.

    2. It seems like that all we need to do is to stay open and say yes to what is offered in daily life that is the equal to the grandeur that we are and the support is always there.

  285. What a tender and touching blog which reveals the might of true love. JM my heart expanded to read how you held the little girl in equalness and the quality of her essence rather than buying into the drama and the sympathy scenario. Your love, stillness and detachment allowed a miracle to occur through you.

    1. This is what struck me too Josephine, being love without going into sympathy. This is obviously what this little girl needed to support her healing. This is a beautiful lesson for all about the truth of love and the harm of sympathy.

    2. Yes agreed Josephine, what JM has shown is how to be truly detached… which is what compassion ought to mean. We have such a dichotomy within our societies currently that sees us either in full sympathy, so-called-detached empathy (which is not at all truly detached) or detached in a way that is cut-off and un-caring. What JM has illustrated is true compassion, which is true detachment… still able to meet the so-called-victim in complete equalness, not seeing them as broken, or less but rather just like everyone of us… first and foremost a divine being with an essence that’s intact and present.

      1. Yes Jenny, what I found so powerful in this blog is that it is easy to have ideals about living love without sympathy, or with or without empathy or even what it is to be detached whereas I felt the livingness of JM’s experience with the little girl and her living of the truth as you describe right in the nitty-gritty and not so pretty aspect of life where it would have been easy to get swayed by the externals and yet she held to the divine truth of essence.

  286. JM, your blog brought tears to my eyes. The love was so palpable and I felt so much joy over another human being that took the opportunity to connect back to their essence. Brotherhood grew that day.

    1. Gorgeous Monika. To feel the equalness of true love on offer to all, to connect us back to our essence is our main purpose in life. Brotherhood indeed did grow that day.

    2. Beautifully express Monika. I too was in tears and felt the love and tenderness JM was emanating and sharing with the little girl. Brotherhood certainly grew that day and it was exquisite to feel.

  287. Love is all powerful, there is nothing greater and it can even ignite the love in others as this story so clearly shows.

  288. Miracles are possible, more than possible…and we allow them when we do not fall into the emotions and despair that this world can offer in such abundance. When we see, feel and respond to the light and beauty in all situations we open the door to the miraculous – Michaels’s music, your tenderness and honouring of her essence were the call Heaven’s helpers whose existence I no longer question.
    I also love your statement that whatever happens from this point on that child has a marker – she has been seen, she has been known by her light and beauty. Forever is that with her.

    1. “…she has been seen, she has been known by her light and beauty. Forever is that with her” ~ this is greatest gift anyone could ever have.

      1. Absolutely Sara, well said… there is no greater gift as is perfectly illustrated by this story and the amazing comments of every person deeply touched by what took place. I can only imagine what the ripple effect is for those who were in the waiting room watching the transformation, and those nurses and staff who witnessed the change. I will never listen to Caitlyn’s Song now without thinking of that young child and of the potential offered by such an experience.

      2. Oh yes Sara. This is the greatest gift! “…she has been seen, she has been known by her light and beauty. Forever is that with her” .

      3. It is certainly precious gift but I can’t help feeling that to be loving should just be normal.

      4. Love certainly will be normal one day Jeanette when we all fully get the message that the Master Jesus brought for mankind. I am finding it myself a gradual process of deepening my understanding of others and not identifying with my own view or taking anything personally. What a road, but well worth taking!

    2. I really love your comment Rachel. Just an absolutely exquisite blog and exquisite comment. Thank you!

    3. I love that last part you mentioned too Rachel. There is no attachment in this in any way, which is a true gift. When we sympathise or empathise we become enmeshed in a possible outcome for another, by wishing that there life was another way, rather than deeply respecting the wisdom of the journey that each of us must take to learn that the great cycle of life is about love and that we are that love.

      1. So beautifully said Jennifer and the truth of it is delicious.
        Sympathy is an indictment really. It says to the person that they have got to the place where they do not have the wisdom and wherewithal to leave.
        Compassionate observation is based on the knowing that they do.

    4. Beautiful Rachel, a testament to fact of heaven and Earth indeed. “When we see, feel and respond to the light and beauty in all situations we open the door to the miraculous – ” what a beautiful statement, so life therefore is about responding to the light and naught can we really control what happens.

    5. Unfortunately emotions, drama and despair are seen as unavoidable parts of life by most, but there is a way of living that melts away the drama, and opens the door to life where consistency in demeanour is normal.

      1. Do you know what Heather, as I read your comment I had the feeling of being in a supermarket. I can choose from the abundance of chocolates, biscuits, cakes, packet macaroni with cheese, cheese and bacon balls, chocolate centred croissants….(need I say more? :-))… Unavoidable and as tempting as they are non nourishing….
        I can buy some baby cucumbers, lettuce, some lemon, and fresh herbs and make a very simple meal for my lunch. That is a miracle to choose that which is not so prominent, but deeply nourishing to the being.

      2. Yes there absolutely is Heather. The steadiness in having a foundation of love requires no emotional engagement…the reflection that one needs most in times of turmoil and suffering.

    6. Daily Miracles – this is what the world needs, and can have to heal the hurts we have poured on it over the ages. One connection at a time, it is very possible.

      1. Absolutely simonwilliams. I have a feeling there are daily miracles happening everyday but we don’t give press to them. I feel there are many stories like JM’s showing that true love does change peoples lives. The little girl felt love, that can never be taken away from her, what ever happens in her life from now on she has had that opportunity to know that what happened to her was not greater than the love she felt and the love she is, what a true blessing that is.

    7. To be known and met for our light, love and beauty can put an end for the need for approval, recognition and acceptance. This reflection so beautifully offered by JM allowed this young girl to connect with who she truly is.

  289. This is such a beautiful sharing that shows there is so much more to the songs by glorious music than just being music to listen to, they also bring about expansion and healing. Another important part of this story to take note of is the fact that you didn’t go into sympathy, which for so many would be a very difficult thing to do. I used to be sympathetic about so many things and thought it was a caring thing to do, but in actual fact the sympathy drained my energy and just made me feels worse. Now I know that Im can not be support to people by giving my power away to sympathy. The true support comes from the love that you hold for yourself and the people around you.

    1. Well said, Eleanor – sympathy is like cement to our Light – it buries it. It is that Love expands us.

  290. Children have yet the time to build up that mistrust and those walls to prevent more hurt as you saw had started when you first met the little girl. If left in that hurt and abuse of what had happened to her it would be no different to what many others (if not most of the world) has experienced at a young age, becoming hurt, closing down and living closed down throughout life and then believing that the closed down version is the truth of who a person is. It was really beautiful to read how you treated her not as the abuse that was done but the lightness that she is and those forming barriers crumbled away. Thank you JM.

    1. Yes – so many children shut down from this age onwards, Leigh, yet look at how simply this was turned around here in this event – truly miraculous and instant re connection – truly awesome.

    2. So true Leigh. I can feel how going into sympathy with a child in this situation can cement them in a victim construct where they are only ever seen as the abuse that has occurred to them. This could be devastating if they are never seen for who they truly are.

  291. JM- Thank you for sharing such a miraculous story of the power of love. It brought tears to my eyes and joy in my heart as I felt the power of love in your tender care ,and the presence of God, with this 14 month old toddler girl.

    1. Yes Loretttrapp it is the story about the ‘power of love’….we forever look for solutions yet there is something that is available to all of us, within us, and if it is shared and becomes our way of love, it is the most powerful healing quality and connects us to each other…it can become a way of life as you have shared JM.

  292. This is such a beautiful sharing JM, being the amazing person you are – shining your light. Very inspiring. “It was such an experience of light that the whole X-Ray waiting area was shining and I could see that a couple of people felt the love, saw what was happening and were smiling at us two. She then fell asleep.” Gorgeous. The power of love.

  293. Absolutely gorgeous JM we can never underestimate the power of love and how instant the magic is. All we have to do as you say is get ourselves out of the way and not go into sympathy or a need to help, but offer a love that she would probably not have felt before. It just shows we all know what love is regardless of what has happened to us in our life.

    1. So true Alisonmoir. Love is universal and a language we all know…we just need to be given the opportunity to remember it and to recognise it as our own.

    2. Beautiful to feel the love in your comment Alison! Real Love without an iota of sympathy is truly powerful.

    3. It also shows love is not about a list of actions, and circumstances that must happen first. Love is in a moment present, even with someone who may be a complete stranger.

      1. Yes Heather, love is not select, it is not for those only that are our ‘loved ones’, this love is for all, it is the quality of humanity. We all hold this love within and when we share it, it is profound, and if lived by us it becomes our natural way of life.

    4. Yes thats it alisonmoir, to not go into any sympathy but rather show and remind the little girl true love instead allowed a deep healing to take place. Just beautiful.

  294. What a privilege to share your day with this baby JM – and to feel the tenderness and love as you approached in a way that was inspired by your soul – and your ‘heavenly helpers’. This feeling of tenderness that is so often felt around babies is a healing moment and reminds us that it is beautiful to offer the same tenderness to ourselves. Tenderness in our touch and in the way we are with ourselves allows us to feel our natural way of being and when nurtured allows a deeper unfolding from within.

  295. A beautiful story JM, thank you. A powerful example of the healing power of touch, love, tenderness, and music played with love. What a gift you brought to that little girl..

  296. Thank you for sharing, Michael Benhayon’s Music is beyond this world, and the love can be felt so clearly when his music is playing.

    1. Michael Benhayon’s music is beyond this world, the notes of the piano, the serenade of the guitar bring a clarity of space that let’s the listener be who they are. No small feat, and yet Michael makes it look so easy!

  297. Thank you for sharing this, JM. It was deeply healing to read. We are bombarded with reason upon reason to think that humanity is sinking into a dark pit of abuse and despair, but this shows that there is actually a shining light of love that is right there with us always. It never imposes itself upon us, instead it is always there waiting for us to recognise that it is us that makes the choice to live as that light. Once we do, the effect that it has on others, who are given the opportunity to make that choice as well, is nothing short of a miracle.

  298. Absolutely Beautiful JM! A true miracle, and an inspiration for me as I am training to become a nurse!

  299. “This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.” Miracles can definitely happen but only if we get ourselves ‘out of the way’. Your sharing illustrates this so well because in what you have shared there is no hint of self gain – just pure loving service.

  300. Beautiful blog to read JM, It is so expanding to be in service on a day like this knowing how much healing that little girl got from you. I love Caitlyn’s song too. Thank you for sharing.🌺

  301. This was a sweet story that I enjoyed reading and a reminder of how the only way we bring true change to others and the world is through the power of love.

  302. Your experience here shows the strength of true care and love and exposes how sympathy does nothing to truly support a person. By getting ourselves out of the way and being love with another, we invite them to let go and be the love they are too.

  303. JM, I have felt the power of Caitlyn’s song. Since my son was young we have been listening to this song in the car. He loves it and especially loves it when Caitlyn comes on and gurgles. He asks me and my partner to be quiet, has a smile on his face and say’s ‘how cute’. It is one of his favourite songs.

    1. So love what you have said here Rebecca! I love it that Caityn’s song is your son’s favourite and he asks you to be quite while he hears the gurgles!

  304. JM this story is a true example of how there is no such thing as coincidences and the fact that you were in the right place at the right time was no accident, and like you have written you don’t usually go out of your comfort zone – something made you say yes on this occasion.

  305. A quite beautiful sharing JL that makes me consider why we don’t all live with this tender care for one another all the time. The openness that being loving like this can bring is so rewarding. It really is our responsibility to be this loving, open and trusting of others to allow them the space to be that also. As you say the abuse may take time to heal but there is a marked point of true care and love imprinted in the little girl’s life and that will always be there, a truth of the love she deserves.

  306. If this is the power that every person has, which it is, then why are not all of our hospitals filled with the beautiful light of us helping each other to heal in this way? The transformative affects are clear to see and well deserved by each person, so having role models like JM is vital.

  307. A beautiful and tender sharing JM of how in the darkest corners of life that, the light and love will always come shining through and fill that space. An amazing example of the power of love and how our heavenly helpers are always so close by.

  308. Awesome JM that you chose to step out of your comfort zone and make yourself available to nurse this traumatised little girl, not going into sympathy instead conveying such love and tenderness with your care and choosing to share the healing power of music with her. Thank you for sharing this miracle.

  309. This sharing brought tears to my eyes JM. Not because of sorrow but of joy that you could touch her soul in such a beautiful way not only with a lovely Michael Benhayon song, but also your tenderness and love offered to her through touch and stillness. So inspiring, thank you.

  310. This is a true love story. You listened to your heart and answered the call and a little girl felt the tender touch and being met with unconditional love, sharing a delicate love song with a little girl to leave her light on and she knew and felt her own love more powerful than the hurts. Heaven.

  311. Wow thank you for such a beautiful sharing and showing how simple changing the world really is. I too am inspired by you, thank you.

  312. Thank you JM for sharing your powerful miracle. The capacity for everyone to bring this level of love and tenderness into our work and homes is enormous and absolutely natural.

    1. I love your point Marcia… ‘ The capacity for everyone to bring this level of love and tenderness into our work and homes is enormous and absolutely natural.
      Beautifully said!

  313. Yep, totally blown away by this blog, by the sounds of it could have taken this child years to reconnect with people but wasn’t necessary because of the music that is Glorious and of course you JM for having the insight to play it.

  314. I love how the sequence of events played out, from you being asked to go from A&E to the paediatric ward to playing Caityn’s and then the child’s reconnection to life through your gentleness and the song. It was so meant to be.

  315. I had a similar experience recently when I spent a night in hospital with my young daughter. In the cot next to us was a girl about 18 months old who had both her legs up in traction, her bones broken by abuse and her parents not allowed to visit her. What struck me was how joyful this little girl was, smiling and grinning and giggling to herself and to the nurses who cared for her and to myself and the other parents that said hello. I spent 24 hours in the same room with her and not once did she sound upset. It really confirmed for me that even though we may suffer horrendous harm it can never go deeper than the love held within our hearts – a love that connects us with All the moment we connect with it. In truth we are connected to All always, we just have shut down our receptors to it. This little girl showed me that this connection can never be lost no matter the abuse we may have to endure.

    1. Very beautiful Liane ~ ‘even though we may suffer horrendous harm it can never go deeper than the love held within our hearts’. Children are so precious in the way they remind us of these things.

  316. Thank you JM for sharing this little piece of Heaven with us. It just goes to show that no gesture is too small and no amount of time too brief when we live the fullness of our love and share it with each other. I felt like I got a healing reading this for I felt the quality of God’s love that we are forever held no matter what happens to us. This love never leaves us although we may leave it and even if we do, in one breath it can be restored so that it is felt once more in every pore of our being.

  317. Oh JM the magnitude of what you have shared here is colossal. I feel like I have just read about the future. You have brought the future into the present and lived it right now. This is extraordinary. When I read that the child had been abused I went into sympathy but you knew not to do that, you knew what she needed was to connect to the part of life that is beyond our personal dramas and it is because of how you chose to deal with the situation that you have changed the course of her life and lives to come. This is the true work of an angel on Earth.

  318. This blog show to me once again that we are so much more when we get our little selves out of the way and instead allow the grandness we are to emerge. Thank you JM for writing this blog, it brought tears in my eyes of the grace that emanates from love being at work.

  319. How clearly you note the difference between going into sympathy with the little girl’s ‘poor’ situation and how you instead chose to behave. And that the latter way of behaving is also how you have seen Universal Medicine practitioners being. This difference is profound and being on the receiving end of the gentleness and tenderness of a Universal Practitioner is so delicious, it is no wonder the little girl responded so easily too.

  320. Awesome JM. This highlights the magnetic pull of the soul. The energy in Michael’s songs and your quality brought much love to many that day. It arrested the sympathy that could have otherwise flooded the ward from the terrible story of abuse, but instead they felt the light of the little girl, that is healing in itself.

    1. Sympathy is really a big trap. In the past I thought when I show sympathy it is love, but now I know, that these 2 things are completely different. With sympathy I allow the other person to stay in their comfort, with love I reflect who we truly are – love.

  321. an amazing blog. JM you are showing how simple it can be when we open our heart, without making it complicated, contrived or special. love it

  322. Each time I listen to Michael Benhayon’s music it is heaven to my ears. I can feel the power of healing that is offered with each and every song. Michael’s music is true music, music that is made with love which can be felt by the listener.

  323. JM it was so beautiful to feel the equality and honouring way you were with this little girl, that would have been such a true support for her. Allowing her to be seen for who she is, and not by what has happened to her.

    1. And that is the key element we need to hold for ourselves and for one another Aimee, a beautiful comment. Learning to see past all the accumulated clobber that we carry around and perceive the real person underneath it all is the truest gift we can give one another. We are all worthy of love and all divinely gorgeous and I truly mean the whole of humanity. Meeting Serge Benhayon has enabled me to see the realness in myself and in others, because of how Serge chose to see the real me and although aware of all my choices and actions, never allowed those choices to cloud his perception. When we can offer this to ourselves and others, it affords us a golden opportunity to find our true essence again and make new choices that support and nurture our re-discovered worthiness.

    2. I agree Jane and Aimee. There is so much we can offer humanity just by being all of who we are, and without ‘doing’ anything. This can sometimes seem incomprehensible, but when miralces like this happen we can start to really appreciate how powerful and all encompassing we are. Thankyou JM for sharing your beautiful experience.

  324. Wow JM, this story is deeply touching and a reminder of the power of love. When we hold ourselves in love, we can then hold another in love and as evident from your story love heals.

  325. Wow. Thank you, JM. This is so beautiful. “What we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen” – so true. Everything is already exquisitely constellated, and all we need to do is just be open and get our selves out of the way so that the light can flow through.

  326. What a beautiful sharing, JM, it was so moving to read how you were able to, in effect, change the life of this little girl who had been so terribly abused. By truly meeting her, with such a gentle, loving approach, and share Michael’s beautiful song with her you showed her that she could still trust, and that she was really important. The fact that she responded as she did, was so completely changed and trusting of others showed just how deep the healing that you offered was for her. I can feel that there was great extra help there that helped her reach the depth of understanding that she received. What a blessing this was for you and for the child, what a confirmation of the power that we hold when we truly connect within.

  327. This wonderful sharing brought tears to my eyes, the love and tenderness that you shared with us opens our hearts to I feel I have had a healing just reading your words JM, thank you.

  328. Humanity is very blessed to have Michael Benhayon’s music, and the healing that comes with it, music that truly does feed the soul. As you share, JM, we are all deserving of love and tenderness, thank you for bringing it to this little girl. It must have been very beautiful to witness such a change in her in the short time that you were with her and to feel her trusting you enough to meet you. Very precious.

  329. Thank you, JM, for sharing your very beautiful experience. You were constellated to be with this precious little girl and she will now forever have a marker of true love in her body. Your blog is a gorgeous reminder of the enormous power we all hold in allowing ourselves to be our glorious selves, no holding back. Very inspirational.

  330. Music is such a powerful tool, look at the difference it has made, to this beautiful little girl. Reading this story, also makes me wonder…look at all the music that is out there, in this world, that does not come from true love, it would be causing a lot of damage, to people and they don’t even realize it….affecting their behaviours and how they feel in their body etc…

  331. The power of true love…beautiful. That gorgeous little baby, will always have that marker now. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  332. Thank you for sharing your deeply touching blog JM, and thank you for being open and connected enough to know to play Caitlin’s Song. Such a seemingly simple, yet profound thing to do. with a truly beautiful outcome.

  333. What a beautiful and incredible blog, showing the massive difference and healing one person can make to another, not going into sympathy but simply being with love.

  334. Such a beautiful sharing JM. A little sad but also inspiring in how the little girl was able to reconnect with her true light once love, tenderness and sensitivity was offered so she could feel again her own divine light and offer this herself once again. What a beautiful lesson in love for humanity. Thank you. And of course Michael’s music is stunning and what I use myself to support me to reconnect – the sound, words and messages are powerful. Deep appreciation all round from me.

  335. What a delightful story, JM, beautifully presented. How strong and clear you were to not go into sympathy with this little girl, but did everything you could in order to bring the light to her to establish a marker of love in her body which she can develop as a healing of her sad and difficult early years.

    1. Indeed what a powerful role model JM plays in this situation, holding the young girl in tender care and love and not being drawn into drama and emotionality of the situation.

  336. Wow does this not prove love is what is needed in all we do, as another song by Michael say – ‘Love is who we are.’

    1. Yes Abby ‘Love is who we are’ and we respond naturally when we are met with the same love that is innate in us. Superb.

  337. So beautiful to read JM. I love how you did not treat her with pity but with true love, tenderness and delicateness. In doing this I feel she has gotten a huge blessing to feel who she is, what she deserves and that what has happened to her does not define her or was to do with her. Pity would have put too much focus on what happened to her and with that making that more important than who she is. Thank you very much for sharing.

  338. The power of love at work; what a gorgeous blog JM so beautifully expressed.
    That you allowed the love to flow, providing such a healing for that little girl, was a divine gift to her. A true blessing for you both.

    1. Very true Shirl, and I love the way JM knew immediately how to respond with the love she felt and the love she knew was the truth of the child. We cant resist being truly loved…it is who we are and it is like magnets finding each other. It’s not a choice!

  339. It was beautiful to read how this very young girl was supported to recognise herself in the gentleness and love she felt in JM’s touch and the profound message held in the words and sound of ‘Caitlyn’s Song’… how she was supported to recognise she was the same herself, despite the ordeal her body had experienced… how she felt her sweetness and worth confirmed and, as a result, embraced that and opened up to start trusting people again. As many have shared – a true miracle!

  340. What a beautiful bog JM and sharing of this amazing experience and healing , purely magical events showing what is possible by being our loving selves and through the inspiration of Serge Benhayon his family and Universal Medicine bringing the gentleness honouring and knowing that we are all love and this shows the power and livingness of this and how it touches everyone.

  341. How the constellation occurred for you to be with the child on that day is heaven at work. I am learning to appreciate those moments that in the past I would have passed of as ‘coincidences’. The hand of God is holding us always.

    1. ‘The hand of God is holding us always’ This is a beautiful quote bernadetteglass to add to this exquisitely touching and healing blog.

    2. Absolutely bernadetteglass…. that line is straight from heaven and so very true…. ‘The hand of God is holding us always’. We are so held and looked after from something enormous we are a part of, we simply have to accept and let this love in.

      1. Yes Katerina, surrendering to this truth and letting the love in is like a homecoming really..

  342. And i completely adore the Caitlyn song too, the words, the whole feel, the power of immense light coming to the world again so palpably felt, it is inspiring and always brings tears to my eyes whenever i listen to it. Pure magic, and to play it out loud in the hospital as you did JM, is just like hearing a call direct from Heaven. Absolute.

  343. AWESOME and truly beautiful post and story JM, I am completely touched by the healing miracle that happened, your open disposition and the absolute effect of love on a human being that is so grand, and so needed. Wow. And indeed what a marker you left on this beautiful little girl, JM you are a messenger of light, to another’s great light. Another second job for you in Paediatrics?!!

  344. What is healing? Healing is always three way, between two people (parties) on earth and with God. In medicine today, most healing is seen to be one way from the doctor to the patient. It would be an even deeper healing if a doctor recognizes the equality and responsibility of the patient and hold the patient in deep tenderness for that to be expressed, which some doctors and medical professionasl like yourself JM (although no where near the majority) are living; as these medical professionals are already first living this inspiration themselves. The scope of what healing can be would be much more magnified when this three way relationship is lived as normal one day.

  345. Caitlyn’s song brings a grace and confirmation for us all. How gorgeous that this little girl, even through all that had happened, was able to feel that love. I am so inspired by this. Thank you JM.

  346. The deep tenderness that we are able to show another is the tenderness that we have shown ourselves. The responsibility that we do not hold another less in, is the responsibility we have lived. The ability to hold another in equality is the unity within known and expressed. Relationships with anyone reflect the relationship we are in with ourselves and with God, and it is always an opportunity for our own deeper healing too.

  347. This touched me so deeply, to feel what you brought to this moment, to this little persons life. I am sure you are an inspiration to all around you.

  348. JM this is so amazing to feel. Your absoluteness to stay with yourself and who this little girl really is and to not buy into the sympathy which is the obvious course of action for most of us on the planet to fall into. This was so simple and so powerful. What an incredible experience to behold. Thank you.

  349. I feel touched deeply by your blog JM, the level of love, care and compassion you express brought tears to my eyes. It’s beautiful to feel that when we allow ourselves to be open we can respond to the call to be wherever we are needed.

    1. Those of us that have felt the love and tenderness of a session from a Universal Medicine practitioner all have the opportunity to share that level of love and care with another. The way you describe just the simple act of tucking the blanket in… on the one hand a simple act, but because I have that marker myself having received a similar quality in sessions, I know how powerful a call it is. And now the little girl has experienced it too.

      1. So true Simon and for that little girl, a huge contrast to the way she had been treated that led to her hospitalisation. It is a very defining moment when a person choses to be fully present and focused, taking great care to ensure that their every movement is tender and gentle towards us. The contrast to our usual brashness is very pronounced and establishes a whole new bench mark for us. It is something that this little girl’s body will never forget, even if it gets buried again, somewhere and at sometime in her life it is going to re-surface and remind her that she is always worthy of great love and tenderness.

    2. Yes Michael I find this simply amazing as well. If we let go, allow ourselves to be open we are always receiving the call. I am truly inspired by this story and the simple power of living the impulse of love.

  350. To hold yourself and not go into sympathy is incredible and then to be so tender and precious with the child you were nursing so that they could open up from the withdrawn state they were in is a miracle.

  351. Whatever we experience in life, it is a deeper re-visit to responsibility. We are shown support from heaven all the time, whether we get out of our own way and accept it or not is our choice. The little girl accepted heaven’s love through you and Michael Benhayon’s song, and each and every time heaven is reflected and received, it is a celebration for the whole world. In fact, every time we do not reflect less than who we are, we inspire—heaven knows even if man is yet to accept.

    1. Absolutely Adele. Heaven is always there and ready to communicate to us and through us, getting ourselves out of the way is all that is needed, so a healing can be delivered.

    2. Yes, there are constant and unwavering reflections around us at all times, even in our darkest moments. It is up to us to accept them, so true healing is always self healing.

  352. Knowing the ill effects of sympathy, a common reaction towards not being sympathetic is to be hard or aloof. But we are naturally caring and we feel all the horror in the world. If we hold another person equal as ourselves, we know that no matter what they have been through we are all in essence the same. It is inspiring that Universal Medicine practitioners demonstrate this in their healing modalities, experiencing this deep gentleness and tenderness ourselves, it reminds us to live this truth and responsibility with others, and allow them the opportunity to do so as well.

  353. JM, this is the kind of story that deserves HUGE media coverage. This is true healing and what is so desperately needed worldwide. Absolutely steady and gorgeous, the whole world was lifted by this one seemingly small act of truth and love.

    1. Indeed to meet this young girl not just as an abuse victim but appreciate and cherish what she truly brings and deserves is a very powerful act of healing.

  354. Thank you for pointing out JM that sympathy can be very harmful. To me, when sympathy is expressed it feels horrible, the person expressing sympathy – it is felt in their voice and felt in their movements – is expressing “please stay as you are”. In sympathy, we can absorb the ill emotions of each other and this is like poison in our bodies. Sympathy is an evil in the world disguised as care and kindness.

  355. How lovely it was to share you very tender, healing and open moment together. My heart feels the enormity of this, it is very humbling.

    1. Absolutely Vicky JM’s gift of love and the way the little girl said ‘yes’ to love, is tender, helping, touching and truly humbling. There is so little that we have to ‘do’. The tiniest act in true love is vast beyond all comprehension.

    2. Yes it is Vicky, I felt humbled by this blog also, how such a simple thing can change everything, and how sharing and being love in a moment is all that’s needed.

    3. It is humbling indeed, and when we truly love, allow it, it is for all and it is natural way of being.

    4. Absolutely, Vicky it is very touching what was offered to this little girl and how precious is the touch and care of JM 🙂

  356. It’s so easy to view people based on outer circumstances and judge their predicament as good or bad, but miss seeing and connecting to the powerful divine beings we all are. Yes, terrible things happen in life, but perhaps the most tragic part of this is losing our connection to ourselves. I know of many cases where circumstances of life, events now long passed, still dominate a person and they remain withdrawn just as this baby initially was. If through our love and tenderness to one another we can assist in the restoration of another’s reconnection to self, then that makes the movement through the crisis and back into life much easier. This is true brotherhood, the support of our love expressed in all we do and to all we know.

    1. Beautifully said Melinda – I love your words “back into life”. I was also once so withdrawn, that I didn’t want to commit to life any more. I needed people who reflect Me, what I really am – love, and how to reconnect to my love again. Without the reflections I would be still totally lost. Thanks to all Unimed practitioners, Serge and his family.

  357. The tenderness you are is expressed through your words JM beautifully. ” I knew that she had received a true healing through my openness and true care for her.” When we show true care and tenderness to ourselves it is reflected back to all. This is where our own responsibility comes into play in all its glory. That is what service is really about.

  358. Along with the love you so openly offered JM, I could also feel the joy especially when you were playing and singing Caitlyn’s song in Xray. How awesome for the staff there to see and feel the love and joy that can be expressed even though someone has suffered, rather than sympathy. A fabulous marker for all the staff in the hospital of the power of true connection to another.

  359. This is so incredibly beautiful JM, it just goes to show without any shadow of a doubt that when you reflect love, gentleness and tenderness to another, especially a child, they can feel it with every ounce of their being. So delightful and amazing that it was through a song, that amazing song by Michael Benhayon, Caitlyn’s song, the words are exquisite, that little girl felt it and knew immediately she was that. Amazing.

    1. Yes Raegan I agree. Reflecting the Love we are through the way we are is a quality that is felt and known by the heart of another. And as you say they too can sense a naturalness, that they are of the same Love.

  360. This is such a confirming blog JM…that no matter our suffering, love is always within us and around us to re-connect to; that everything is energy – the little girl wasnt able to verbalise in words but she felt all the love, and after sleeping/healing, she expressed it for all to see and feel…beautiful confirmation for everyone.

  361. I really enjoyed reading this blog and that the care and love that you expressed towards this little girl was 1) a healing miracle for her, and 2) a miracle for the whole workplace ~ visibly noting how miracles and change happen when we connect with love. It truly would have been a different experience if you had approached the situation with sympathy and rushing to just ‘do your job’, as I have often noticed in workplaces, where we can miss true human interaction. This is true nursing JM! Also, Michael Benhayon’s song is super lovely, it is one of my favourites.

  362. What an amazing marker for us all. We so easily go into the sadness of the story, but to be treated with equalness, respect and love is so healing and the most beautiful, profound return to the brilliant light she is takes place. Thank you JM for the gift and reminder to meet each person I see with this equalness.

  363. Such a beautiful blog JM. Coming with an open heart and allowing there to be change brought you into contact with this damaged little girl, and your gentleness, and the inspiration to play Caitlyn’s Song brought about her healing. That is so magical, in the correct sense of the term, that Love is always there to be felt and lived, and if we connect with that powerful energy then such opportunities happen, and just shows that when we allow our own light to shine then others can respond and heal themselves.

  364. Wow JM what a very powerful and gorgeous experience you shared with this child.
    It also shows that no matter what happens to us, we will always trust what feels true and loving, and for you to offer that in such beauty to this little girl is indeed a marker she will carry for life.
    It is for her to feel this difference, this holding of true love, that could very well be her foundations of letting love in as she grows. How amazing.

  365. I know when I hear this song I melt… Love how you said she has a marker to come back to in her own time, a seed has been planted ready to bloom when she is.

  366. This is one powerful story of how lifetimes of abuse can be healed in one single moment. This little girl clearly was open and asked for this. The healing she and her whole family received that day will be life changing. Thank you for a truly beautiful sharing JM.

  367. This is the most beautiful story JM! Thank you very much for sharing. That healing you facilitated for the little girl will never ever be forgotten. Amazing!

  368. JM how deeply inspiring to read this, the difference we can all make to everyone we meet each day is amazing. And with this the magic of what we do when we are connected to our true essence. In the case of the music this is one example of something that can touch everyone across the world and still holds the same quality. Given we can do this it shows what a great responsibility we each have to be open each day and the blessing that brings as we never know who we will meet.

  369. Wow, this is just stunning. The power of love is undeniable….and what an absolute blessing for her to experience being embraced by it in such a beautiful way.

  370. We all heal ourselves by simply being our true selves. However how do we connect to our true selves in a world that reflects everything but truth? One great way is by seeing the reflection of someone else who is simply emanating their true self it reminds us of that same quality within us.

  371. What a beautiful and heart warming story. I’ve often felt that if we could support and show young children what love truly is then that could make such a wonderful difference to humanity, and your incredible connection at this moment is a living example. Really, really beautiful.

  372. What a beautiful and heart warming story. I’ve often felt that if we could support and show young children what love truly is then that could make such a wonderful difference to humanity, and your incredible connection at this moment is a living example. Really, really beautiful.

  373. WOW! That is such a powerful shift to witness in such a short space of time, JM thank you for sharing your experience. It is quite incredible that a young child who has suffered such awful abuse is shown that she does not have to identify with being a victim, that she can be and is worthy of being treated with the utmost respect, tenderness and love. What a gift of healing you gave her JM, showing her that love can be in the simplest of things, how we tuck a blanket in, in our eye contact and our refusal to see another as less. And then offering her the amazing opportunity to listen to Glorious Music and connect with the quality of this immensely healing and uplifting music. She definitely left hospital with a new marker of what real love is, one that will accompany her throughout her life, even if her intellectual memory may fade, the cells in her body will always remember the love you presented to her during her stay in hospital.

  374. Wow Jm, this is so beautiful to read, how amazing for this little girl to be held and touched so lovingly, delicately and tenderly, it indeed shows the power that we all have if we stay open, stay connected to our bodies and bring our amazing qualities to people.

  375. One of the many things I love reading this is the reminder of how very, very simple it is to connect to the love that is always within and all around us. Just the way we move a blanket is more than enough. Curtis Benhayon is the Master of tender movements. The huge love, tenderness and respect that is present in how he simply arranges a blanket is already an exquisite healing in itself.

    1. Michael Benhayon is another master of tender movements. It is fascinating watching Michael on stage. Sometimes he plays with a whole band of awesome people who are dancing, singing and moving beautifully and yet my eyes are riveted to Michael when he may at that moment hardly appear to be moving. His very presence and stillness in itself is a huge and healing movement. This blogs conveys the incredible healing power of true love and presence.

      1. Love your observations Nicola, and I agree with every word. Michael Benhayon offers amazing healing by his very presence, not to mention the music and spectacular sound and movement that consistently flows through him.

      2. Absolutely Nicola, so much is being communicated and expressed by our loving presence. Beautifully expressed and deeply felt in this blog and your examples. It inspires us to feel our own tenderness… which is very healing.

    2. So true Nicola, one tender movement alone, such as the placing of the blanket, offers so much healing. And this piece of writing of a miracle in the making clearly demonstrating the power of true love is indeed a healing for us all.

    3. I could not agree more Nicola – Curtis Benhayon is no doubt the Master of tender movements in all that he does, from the way his feet are touching the floor (as if he is walking on air) to every touch and every move he makes. Having a session with him makes me feel I am being treated like the most precious person in the world, yet I know this is how Curtis treats everyone.

  376. Thank you JM not only did that little girl, the x-ray department and the hospital receive a healing but now all of us reading this.

  377. Just think, you could have chosen to go into sympathy instead and it is so clear to see that from sympathy nowhere near the same powerful healing would have occurred. In fact, sympathy could have led to a stagnation of emotional energy, in continuing to feeling victimised or hurt; but what you presented to this beautiful young girl was the opportunity and the choice to come back to the lightness and delicateness she always truly is. This is a miraculous and truly lovely story.

  378. JM this was so beautiful and powerful, your tenderness, love and ability to be and express as you did with that little girl is so truly inspiring to me. It shows that when we take the time to connect true magic and healing can happen!!

  379. Absolutely gorgeous JM, this beautiful story is further evidence to support that miracles do happen every day, so long as we stay open to what life presents us with then the possibilities are endless – Our love is the most valuable resource we have. And no surprises at all that Michael’s music also had a profound effect on this little girl, every note and every word a true blessing and healing, she felt it, she got it.

  380. This is profound JM – but should be very normal. Look what happens when we step out of comfort and let the world unfold with no expectations or conditions, just pure openness to serve. We can do this everyday and need not be in a hospital to be witness to miracles. A gorgeous sharing and wake up call thank you JM.

  381. Thank you JM for getting yourself out of the way and allowing the love to flow to this young girl. The power of the tenderness you expressed, the loving space you held the child in and Michael’s music did work a miracle, and it shows us what can happen when we treat everyone as an equal and don’t go into sympathy. Reading this account truly demonstrates how we can heal each other and not shutdown from life because of the blows that have been received.

  382. What a blessing you have given this little girl, thank you for sharing this with us all. You have also made us see how simple life can be – we are called to life by love and when we are that love miracles of everyday moments abound – the magic of God.

  383. The Power of Love in action, this is beautiful JM and extraordinary. Gosh we all respond to loving care so much and this blog just confirms that fact. What a healing for this little girl; the very opposite to the abuse she experienced.

    1. Yes shevonsimon, this article clearly demonstrates of ‘The Power of Love in action’!!!

  384. The love and care that you held this baby in was so much more powerful and healing than sympathy could ever have been. Thank you for sharing such an inspirational story.

  385. The 2nd read of this JM is just as powerful as it was the 1st…if not more so. This little girl at 14 months old has had a life changing moment with you. The healing you offered her through your open heart, your touch and with Michael’s music is deep and long lasting, and she now has had a taste of what true love is.

  386. JM thank you for the true healing you have offered me as well. The tears of love and appreciation flow when reading the experience you both shared. Such a powerful miracle yet so simple, you reflect to us all how to live divinity.

  387. Great how you stopped yourself going into sympathy and instead were able to just meet your tiny patient on a level and give her what she needed most – unconditional love.

  388. I love how simple you make it to take care of this child. A quality of presence and care. That is so simple and small – and yet so grand and so much of what we need as children and Adults.

    Very beautiful

    1. Beautifully said, simplesimon888, JM has brought a ‘normality’ to her care for this precious little girl. It was such a natural way for JM to be, in the care that she offered, very simply, with so much tenderness and love. In a world where it is certainly not the way humanity is currently choosing to live, it was extraordinary, yet because it flowed from the way JM naturally lives, it is even more powerful in the message being delivered, that this IS our natural way of being with each other.

  389. Thank you JM for stepping out of your comfort and allowing the love and tenderness to serve through you in it’s truest sense bringing everything that is needed at any given moment-Michael’s music, Caitlyn’s song, your touch as heaven on earth shines a light and healing to a child as a marker of love and care which will never be forgotten.

  390. Love this JM – ‘This showed me what we are all capable of when we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.’ This is very true.

  391. When we register love and true care in our bodies it stays with us forever and even though we may leave our connection to it at times, it is inevitable we will return to it as love is our very nature. How long it takes is up to us.

    1. So true Victoria, in a science class I recently attended we learned that each and every particle in the universe no matter how chaotic a state they are in are all working themselves back to a harmonious state.

  392. This shows how very powerful we all are when we come from love and that there is always a way back to who we truly are. Thank you JM for sharing this. it is something the world needs to see and hear.

    1. Indeed Esther, this is something the world needs to see and hear, that true healing is always possible when we choose to reconnect to our true origins – the love of our soul that resides in all of us equally. Living from there will bring the ‘miracles’ that society is so desperately waiting for.

    2. That’s so true Esther, the power we hold is immense when we re-connect to our innate essence of love. Simply being the love that we so naturally are (no trying, no doing and no judgements) affects everything and everyone around us on the grandest of scales!
      This blog beautifully demonstrates the depth to which love can heal, along with the far reaching effects of bringing tenderness and love to every moment. I’m very gratefully reminded of the responsibility I have to live this in the world.

    3. Thank you Nurse JM for sharing a miracle in the making. It was a privilege to read and it is a privilege to comment on your lived experience of it. And this is how miracles happen. . . “I very deliberately placed the blanket around her with extra care and delicateness, focussing on those gestures with my fingers. And, at the same time saying in silence, with my body: “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.” So simple and yet so very powerful!

  393. I had tears spring to my eyes as I read of the tenderness with which you placed the little girls blankets around her, a gesture she may never have felt before. I love how you didn’t fall into sympathy, as if you had the beauty that unfolded further with Caitlyn’s song would have had no chance to be there. How awesome is acceptance of ‘what is’. How awesome are you, shining your light so brightly too. Thankyou JM

    1. Jeanette I was just pondering on something you said, the acceptance of the “what is”, in this case that JM has shared it’s the fact that this young child had been abused. Allowing someone to be where they are at, without needing them to change in any way, I have realised is really powerful for that person, no matter there age. For they are not feeling that someone is wanting to save them, pity them or try and make ‘things better’. It allows that person to feel that they are not being judged in any way or be a certain way to please another and that if they choose to remain as they are, then that is their choice.

  394. This is beautiful and I just love that on that day, you were asked to be somewhere else and you went with it. For the little girl, it must have been so lovely to feel connected to and loved and she will always have that moment to remember and connect back to. Awesome!

  395. What a touching testament JM to the power of the music Michael Benhayon makes, but also the ability we all have to choose healing. Just like the way you brought tenderness to this young baby we can offer this care to ourselves and then it flows as with Michael and you back out into all we do.

  396. What a beautiful gift of deep caring and compassion you were willing to share with this young child that allowed her to open up and trust she could be her playful loving self. Thank-you for sharing this wonderful story JM. A confirmation of the effect of the power of true love.

  397. Thank you for sharing your experience JM it is very touching. I loved how you were able to communicate with your body language every gesture and movement saying, “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.” we can communicate so much with our bodies and in this circumstance it was what was needed.

    1. And knowing this is in fact what we all deserve. Pure love, tenderness and honouring of our fragility in life.

  398. There are so many things that I love about this blog. However the one that stands out for me today is the fact that you knew that this little girl was not a poor victim that needed to be pitied but a great light in the world that needed that fact confirmed. This is what made the difference for her and what a huge difference that was.

    1. That was the thing that resonated for me too Elizabeth. Sympathy would have said (although without words), you are a victim and that is all you are. This way of being with her looked through that without dismissing and let her know that there is a beauty and grandness in her that shines as bright as the Sun.
      I love the healing and medicine as one.

    2. Yes Elizabeth, no sympathy only a confirmation that the little girl deserves to be met and deeply cared for as she too is a great light in the world. What an awesome marker for this little girl to have felt.

    3. Exactly Elizabeth. Giving her the opportunity to bring herself out rather then being confirmed in her experiences so she thinks that is who she is. It is such a massive lesson for us all to not go into sympathy for another…but rather love and honour them for who they are.

    4. I agree, Elizabeth – confirming of the child’s light was the key here – anything less would not have served as healing.

    5. Yes Elizabeth, just to think this is all it takes for a miracle of healing to occur. . . to hold someone in equality, without pity or judgment, as the great light that they already are. Now this is really meeting someone in the true sense! This blogs is a healing to read.

  399. Deeply touching JM,how beautiful to read what is possible when we hold another in love, it is transforming. We all know this divine language and your blog confirms it was also felt in Michael Benhayon’s healing music. What a blessing for all.

    1. I agree Victoria – being love and holding another in the love they are is transformational.

  400. What a beautiful blog JM to read as I prepare for my day working at my local hospital. The potential for healing just by us being open and tender with people is enormous. More and more I am realising that it is not what I do at the hospital but the quality I bring that touches people, and this is something that involves no doing at all.

    1. Absolutely true Fiona, it is the quality that we bring that makes such a difference, this is what either connects or disconnects. So beautiful to feel what JM brought to the whole ward, a true healing and blessing for all and shows what our true potential truly is.

    2. Right before my day working in hospital too Fiona! The fact that this example has occurred with a small child, not yet speaking or understanding of words is absolute proof that we feel energy and this is our intelligence far before we know words and talking. This young girl knows the energy of abuse and the energy of love, very clearly and will always have these markers with her forever.

    3. Agree Fiona, it is incredible how much our body ‘speaks’ in silence the love lived (our quality) to touch or inspire another …. and to make a change back towards their own love they felt in us.

    4. Yes Fiona, it is in the presence and quality that I bring, first to myself, and then understanding that this quality is never truly resisted by others because we are made of tenderness and love. It is natural that we respond to it.

    5. I was feeling just the same Fiona and JM this morning, realising at a deeper level that alchemy takes place all around not because of what I do, but by the quality of my being. When I let my love out it is felt in how I speak, how I look at another, how I move to my desk, pick up the phone and so on. When we move and express with love, it goes everywhere. So simple yet so powerful — that is who we are and what we all have within to bring.

    6. A good reminder of how it is not about what we do but how we do it and what quality we bring to the doing. More like a sequence of states of being that amount to a seeming doing in the end.

    7. Absolutely true, Fiona, it is always our quality that heals – not at all what we do, although most of us have fallen for the ‘doing trap’ many times remains false.

  401. Thank you JM for sharing this powerful story. I appreciate that you didn’t go into sympathy with this girl – this so often happens with cases like this which are unfortunately all too common. Until recently I worked in an ED and was often asked how I coped with all the sad stories, For me, one of the keys is not going into sympathy. Sympathy feels terrible and it does not help the patient or me – an acceptance of the situation and then support to deal with it is all that is required. You have shared how you were able to support this girl with tenderness, love and an amazing song that we can all relate to.

    1. So true Lee. There is a lot of sympathy in the medical system and it does not serve anyone. I remember caring for an abused child years ago and the staff, including me all went into sympathy, judgment of the family and wanted to protect her. I would love to have my time again, to be able to offer true love to the child and the family equally.

      1. In some way, each day we are having our time again as each day presents another opportunity for us to bring more. When we look back at how we were previously, I feel it’s important to bring the love and understanding we offer to others, to ourselves also and not judge how we behaved. We were in a different space and had not connected to the knowingness we are feeling in our bodies today. In another few weeks, months, years, we will be in a different place again. Looking back on how we ‘used to be’ is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the changes we have made and how much more we are already bringing to the world, which is pretty awesome.

    2. Yes Lee, it goes to show that what truly heals is to honour everyone for who they are and observe the situation they are in and what they truly need in that moment, but without going into sympathy.

    3. I totally agree with you Lee re sympathy, and the way JM diffused it was brilliant: “Instead I felt she was just like me – with her suffering, her light, and her lived experiences” – absolutely, whether a tiny body or adult one, we are all the same ‘size’ since we are all the same light within. The knowing equalness of this allows true healing to take place, which is a great reminder in any job or situation that we find ourselves in.

    4. I love what you express here Lee about not going into sympathy. When I do so any further engagement is void of true connection and equality. It becomes about self and in reality I am reworking my own emotions and cannot be present to provide the love and support that JM was able to give the child she had charge of. Perhaps the term sympathy should be replaces with ‘sabotage’.

    5. Same for me Lee. I was often asked about the sadness with working with women who are homeless, but sympathy had no place in our relationship. The women weren’t asking for sympathy anyway, they asked for support, understanding, and learning. If I had given sympathy, that would have been more about what I needed, not them.

    6. I agree with you Lee. Not going into sympathy was key in the example JM shared and is crucial in every situation to stay in equality and offer true love and true healing.

      1. observation allows us to detach from situations and not take things on form others or go into sympathy whilst we can still be rfelecting and holding others with love and understanding for where they are at.

  402. It is an immense joy to feel another, child or adult, who has shut down, to open up again and to come back to a more natural way of being. Physical abuse can be such a trauma that it can shut a person down for a long time, just like you have shared here JM – and how gorgeous to feel the little girl return so quickly to her natural state of trust and openness. Interestingly, you don’t need a major trauma for children and adults alike though to shut down these days – I see this with people all around me and on certain days at school and work I can see incidents happen that can also have a traumatic impact despite not being outwardly classified as being abusive. Often just taking the time to talk to them and connect with them and what is going on is enough to help to ‘bring them back’. Bullying at school is an experience that can shut children down for a while and they can lose trust with going to school. Thankfully, if this happens we can support them with this situation and, like you JM, help bring back their joy of life again.

  403. Thank you JM, what you have shared clears any confusion one may feel about expressing Love. Some times the true understanding of what expression is, what being totally present is, what moving and making choices from your heart is – are all answered in this blog. The one sentence that touches me deeply was – ‘And, at the same time saying in silence, with my body: “This is what you have not had, this is what you deserve.” It is simple really. This blog is Beautiful and the truth of what is expressed – profound.

  404. Thank you JM, what a wonderful story about the work you can do when you do not see what has happened to someone as defining them. I love that you showed the baby, this is what you should have had and this is what you deserve…this is how precious you are. As you say, it is a marker that on some level will stay with her forevermore. Thank you for the inspiration of how we can be, I will take this into my work every day.

    1. ‘ I love that you showed the baby, this is what you should have had and this is what you deserve…this is how precious you are.’
      Me too, Lucy. So confirming for the little girl to have all that she is, her absolute preciousness, validated and truly met by another.

  405. Absolutely stunning blog, i know the song and i know this song goes beyond depth and is incredible healing and strong. How beautiful that you and this song made such a huge effect on that little child, as she was offered by you a possibility to not continue in trauma but experience real harmless love. This proves to us how important it is that we express, care and reflect that love – also in cases of abuse – especially. Abuse is not stronger than love, love absolutely wins big time!

    1. Danna, i love how you have used the words ‘real harmless love’. It exposes how the love we ‘ show’ or express, often in cases like this ‘ with sympathy’, would keep one locked in the trauma. True love is forever healing, an open door to knowing ourselves as we truly are – playful, light, equal, deserving, precious. Thank you, a healing in itself to be reminded of.

      1. Absolutely right Michelle, our real love is light, fun and superduper lovely to receive and give. I must say that I did not have that before.. Until I found Universal Medicine and found my way to love by being connected to myself , simply by some supportive re-connection tools (such as The Gentle Breath Mediation), I found out that I got this huge bomb of love within myself – that I was not able to express before – but now that I found my opening, my shine again – I was able to release the pain that was sitting there for so long – while letting loose and feel my radiant shine – ”love is inside me”, now I know and have deeply felt this – I know I got no where to go except being my love again that is me once and for all.

  406. Wow JM, thankyou. What a blessing to read and experience the tenderness, love and care you share. What you did was a healing for us, for humanity and I felt it all. The ripple affect of the love you live is absolutely incredible. A massive thankyou and a deep appreciation for what you bring and for shining your loving light to us all.

    1. Well said Chan Ly, I echo every word you have expressed this blog is a massive healing for anyone who has the privilege of reading it.

      1. I love that you say ‘have the privilege of reading’ Jm’s blog, Kathleen. It is a privilege to be given a window into a day in a hospital where such delicate and powerful miracles are occurring.

      2. As are all of the comments deeply healing to read…so many people have been deeply touched by this blog and every comments is a deep appreciation of what JM has shared here.

  407. This shows us all what we are capable of when we stop making it all about our selves and put Love first. Thank you for this very powerful yet very simple reminder of what is possible in all areas of life when we let our Love be expressed and not held back.

  408. I love the fact that you have shared about playing ‘Caitlyn’s Song’ JM and the amazing healing it brought about. I am not surprised because Michael Benhayon’s music is so much more than great sound, I find that it deeply connects me to my heart and my awareness of the love, power and wisdom within myself, and all of us. This music is indeed a blessing for humanity- a gift from Heaven.

    1. Yes I now find it difficult to listen to anything other than Michaels music with Miranda singing it just supports my whole being so much that anything else does not do this and then there feels no point to listening to it!

    2. Michael’s music transcends all that we know music to be. There is no emotional hooking through the lyrics or melodies…it simply allows you to just be. Every song is deeply healing.

  409. Oh Super awesome demonstration that love is not emotional but a oneness for all. Thanks for writing this blog, very inspiring.

    1. “Love is not emotional” – as their is no need but just a simple offering and sharing of being, a presence that can be related to in the way one chooses to do so in their own time.

  410. Thank you JM. I am deeply touched by your sharing your experience and choosing to support this beautiful child of God with a very needed healing. I can’t help but think of what else is possible if such a healing is possible after such gross violence, abuse. Thank you for your humbleness and love to share your love and Glorious Music with this child.

  411. Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with us, it is confirming that the love within us all has great effects, and is not for us to hold back but to share with the world.

    1. So true Benkt, ‘the love within us all has great effects, and is not for us to hold back but to share with the world.’ Living the love that we are, allowing our bright light to emanate around us, is offering a constant reflection to others that they too can re-connect and live this love from their own hearts. It’s not something to turn on and off, rather, to remain a constant, like the lighthouse guiding ships to a safer passage. We never know who we are affecting and that’s not the point, we will know that we are being all that we can, with love.

  412. This is the most gorgeous blog thank you JM. What a gift that you chose to not go into sympathy which would have confirmed and ingrained where this little girl was in life, and instead you saw the equalness in us all and that we all deserve love and tenderness. And I was touched with the many simple yet profound loving ways your heart impulsed you to be with her. What a gift to be able to witness the change in someone, but even a greater gift knowing that “she now has a marker in her body that will stay forever, one that she can come back to”. Truly beautiful and inspiring. Thank you.

  413. Reading this now this article sounds like a Christmas fairy-tale. It is the most precious lullaby. Pondering on this I realize that life with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon is Christmas – celebration of love – every day.

  414. JM, this is so beautiful and heartfelt by many. I could feel your tenderness towards this little girl and her loving response. A miracle of healing which can occur when we are truly open to the universe and all that is there.

  415. You opened the gateway to healing for the girl with your openness and presence (…so is below) and so heaven (as above) responded – true alchemy.

  416. JM, you also touched a theme which maybe most won’t believe immediately: The heavenly song, which you played for the girl and sung to her. This song is written by Michael Benhayon for his daughter Caitlyn, but equally so for every child on this earth, even for the grown up ones. Only those who have seen the love a father can hold his child in, can understand how this can be transported through words and music to everyone. Feeling this love is enough to heal any hurt one may hold. This is a miracle.

  417. Caitlyn’s Song is indeed remarkable and I love how you have shared with us how music can inspire and reconnect. Thank you for saying yes and being there for that little girl as I have been on the receiving end of practitioners who held a little space open for me to feel that there was a choice and it is all that is needed.

  418. JM, the biggest miracles seem to be those that are not seen by the world. What you have shared is a miracle and true blessing for that girl. Offering her love and the possibility to connect back to herself and to all of you; to trust again, even after such harm she has experienced.

    1. I agree Sonja – these miracles are happening all around us all the time whenever we are being who we naturally are and from there truly meeting another.

      1. Yes Deborah, and this is very powerful. Being just ourselves is magic in a world which comes apart at the seams.

  419. One thing which struck me while reading, was that you did not go ‘in sympathy’ with the little girl, which means you have not been pitiful with her, but valued and appreciated who she is, as equal as you are and with all. And that she may have experienced abuse, but that she deserves true affection and love which is what you then offered her.

  420. I got goose bumps JM, while reading you blog. Indeed nothing is so powerful as love, nothing holds you equal as love and nothing is so healing as love.

  421. What a truly beautiful blog JM. No accident that it was you who was called into paediatrics that day. I can feel the expansion of the experience and that there is one more person healed from trauma -a healing for us all. Inspiring to say the least.

    1. Michelle this is the magic, when we are connected and full in ourselves we are naturally taken to where we are needed. Not for us, but as this case has shown, to support another whatever that may look like.

  422. Yes, when we get our little selves out of the way so much is possible, it is beyond words, our body, our eyes, our imaginations, thoughts and beliefs. When we take ourselves out of the way, true healing and change are possible.

  423. JM thank you for sharing what you have experienced, it brought tears to my eyes, the power of love for all to feel and experience when we get ourselves out of the way – like you have shared JM ,‘ we let our little selves out of the way and instead connect to the greatness of the love that is inside and all around us… Miracles happen.’ I could not agree more.

  424. Wow, what a difference being in love makes, and it can be so simple like touch or a song. I love how you stopped and didn’t go into sympathy but went straight to presenting love, showing that there is another way and most importantly showing this little girl that she is love too and that she deserves it. We can get so locked in on what we need to do in work and reading this today reminded me that it’s about light, and love and showing people that without any need to fix them. As you say no matter what this girl now chooses she has experienced this love and felt it in her body and she knows now there is another way. Beautiful sharing JM, thank you.

  425. I love how you chose to approach this situation and how powerful it was for you, her and other staff. I am delighted that she also benefited so deeply from the song you chose to play with her. What a godsend literally.

  426. You brought tears to my eyes with your blog JM. It is so simple to make a difference in the world, stories like this need to be published more widely so we can all be inspired and empowered to share our light.

  427. Music has always been important to me and I have always had a deep knowing that it could be profoundly healing but it wasn’t until I discovered Universal Medicine that I began to see and hear this in action. Michael Benhayon’s music has had a profound affect on my life and this story is miraculous yet not surprising to me in the slightest.

    1. I agree Leonne, I too have found Michael Benhayon’s Glorious Music deeply healing and this blog confirms this.

    2. Yes, Michael Benhayon’s music has an amazing effect on lots of people, I have seen this with my own eyes and felt it within my own body over and over again.

      1. Me too Rosie. I now can no longer listen to anything that feels unclear, imposing or laced with some sort of emotion. With Michael’s music my body deepens and surrenders as it is an honouring of who we all are.

    3. I agree Leonne, Michael Benhayon’s music is profoundly healing. Every time I hear it I have to stop and appreciate it, so I am not surprised to hear how Caitlyn’s song filled the waiting area with light and opened up a little girl who had suffered severe trauma.

    4. And not surprising to me in the slightest either Leonne. Everybody knows music has a power, although not everybody is aware of the ways in which music is able to affect a person. JM has shown here that Michael and Miranda Benhayon’s music has affected a ward of people in the most healing, positive of ways, no different to how I have been affected by the same music. There is a magic, something universal, a grandness to the music, the energy of the sounds, that ask nothing of the listener, but give everything.

    5. Well said Leonne, Michael Benhayon’s music has allowed me to be in touch with the love and tenderness within me, a total surrender to the beauty that we all are.

    1. Absolutely, Exquisite is the word. This is the most exquisitely beautiful blog of what is possible for us in every moment. Our choice to be loving is life changing – in the cases we see, and even more so in those unseen.

      1. Yes so agreed Desiree and Kylie. The opportunity to deepen our connection to our Love is endless as is the richness of Love we can live and share in our lives, whenever we choose to make Love our way.

  428. This is a really beautiful story showing the power of being ourselves and letting people completely in. The key which was mentioned in the very beginning was the holding of equality with not an ounce of sympathy or judgement. It’s the sympathy and then going into trying to help another that actually disempowers them and prevents them from feeling that they actually have the answers and the power within.

    1. Well said Danielle – when we fall into sympathy with another, we do hinder their growth and we hinder their learning. On the other hand, standing with another offering true support by shining our own light is so powerful it has the capacity to help another far more than we could ever have imagined, and they will forever carry that as a reminder and imprint to come back to and be re-inspired by.

      1. Gorgeous Henrietta – very well said. Having sympathy for someone does indeed hinder their growth/learning; we are in essence pitying their situation and confirming that they have an excuse to not be absolutely themselves or living to their full potential in that moment. Further this teaches them that the outside world should have a say in how they feel, and that they should lessen when other people tell them so.

      2. The crazy part to this is that in society sympathy is seen as a good thing or a thing to do to be caring and understanding with people, but it’s not if we are disempowering them. Holding firm in love and inspiring another to feel their way out of the situation they themselves have created by their choices is deeply healing for all. It’s not about saying to people “well you created this” not at all, it’s just about holding this understanding when we meet them with love and true care.

    2. Great comment Danielle, when we go into sympathy it does not truly support another. It is natural to feel the injustice in a situation such as this, but to bring in any emotion muddies the clarity that we can hold another in. Holding another in love and true care is deeply empowering and allows the space for another to connect to their own inner wisdom.

      1. We all actually have a responsibility to not get emotionally entangled in other people’s drama’s, giving them the opportunity to feel their strength and gain a deeper insight in what is going on.

    3. That is so true Danielle the feeling of equality has a profound depth to it that is pure because there is no sympathy or judgment, which are barriers to equality and understanding. equality knows that sympathy is disempowering and instead encourages others to reclaim themselves, this is true love, sympathy is selfish.

    4. This is so true Danielle, the sympathy doesn’t help anyone, in fact it confirms them to stay in that state that they are in, where as if you just be you and hold them in the love that you are they can be inspired by you and can clearly see that there is another way.

      1. What just became crystal clear to me from reading everyone’s comments is that sympathy is what most charities are based on, which is why they keep people where they are.

      2. The sad part is that many people use sympathy as a reason to stay in their drama’s because they are getting attention for it, so the sympathy confirms their situation and give’s them something to identify themselves with.

    5. Well said Danielle and a powerful point – ‘It’s the sympathy and then going into trying to help another that actually disempowers them and prevents them from feeling that they actually have the answers and the power within.’ I had not been aware of this before but it makes sense that sympathy holds others as less, as a victim of life when in fact we are all equal in this and creating our lives through the choices we make. We all have equal opportunity to heal or not and have equal power in choice.

      1. I love this Rachael, we do in fact all have an equal opportunity to heal, even if what we are healing is very different. This is the beauty of equality of life and evolution.

    6. Yes Danielle, sympathy and judgement for sure will not allow love to flow through us and be expressed in full. They both create tension in our body and we contract away from the love that can bring healing to a situation.

      1. Great point Elizabeth, the judgement is actually what come’s first, and sympathy follow’s because we have judged another to be helpless and in need to feeling sorry for or requiring help. When we can instead see everyone as equally working on evolving, no matter where we are at and what pace we are evolving at.

    7. Very true Danielle. By playing ‘rescuer’ we immediately make the other person a ‘victim’. If instead we live our light, by virtue of our reflection the other is called into the fullness of their own light and in the warmth of this glow true healing can occur. For me this highlights the incredible responsibility we each have to ourselves and with each other to live the love that we are so that Heaven can be restored on Earth. As JM has shown here, this is so simple yet the resistance we call on to not ‘go there’ is huge.

    8. Agreed Danielle, sympathy is more harming than we can imagine, sympathy offers nothing but a reflection that you are powerless and have no choice. It is easy to go into sympathy when it is an issue we have not healed in ourselves and hence find it difficult to comprehend that another could be different in that situation. Truth is there is nothing we cannot handle, everything is an opportunity to learn from. To go into sympathy and make another feel helpless is not only dis-empowering it is irresponsible.

    9. Sympathy is not talked about anywhere near enough. It’s thought of as something that is harmless and as a teacher in health said to me recently “it’s more of a social thing”. It’s toxicity in any kind of relationship is never considered. It’s not always easy to recognise either, often being quite subtle.

      1. You’re right Jennifer sympathy is actually often very hard to recognise because it is so accepted as normal. Until very recently I thought I was absolutely not the sympathetic type, because I was often quite unemotional and even abrupt when it came to people complaining or winging about their situations. But I’ve only just realised how I treat people slightly different when I feel they’ve got something major going on, thinking that I was doing the right thing to care or even protect them, but the whole time totally going into sympathy and letting them get away with not being responsible with what was going on for them. Very very difficult to see if we’ve been doing it for some time.

    10. I agree Danielle, sympathy caps us from the love and tenderness that can be expressed as we then go into the” doing and trying ” to save or make another feel better.

      1. This is true, there’s no real intimacy and connection with another if we have gone into sympathy for them. So the interaction become’s one based on one broken or hurt person, with no equality and openness to truly supporting the other. Only if we were taught more about this in primary school!

  429. That’s a beautiful sharing that shows that we don’t have to do anything, to just be ourselves and be with the people around us in our absoluteness. This really challenges the belief of ‘doing’ that our world is set up on. Light/energy does it all, no need to do anything.

    1. Yes a great example of just being rather than going into the doing and trying to make it better for someone.

    2. This has been a theme for me in the last couple of weeks, and what a beautiful reminder to read it here again, thank you rachelandras!

  430. Wow JM that’s gorgeous. It’s amazing to observe the difference in children when they are given the opportunity to be themselves, and ‘leave their light on’. Connecting with children in the way you did in the hospital confirms for them that it’s okay not to shut down, and that it’s okay to be a bright light in a world where there is a lot of darkness. Thank you for sharing.

    1. It is amazing how much adults do squash kids light, despite our best intentions. So many of us have shut down our light, then react to a child who hasn’t chosen to shut their light down. I observed this in myself as a parent, loving the joyfulness of my child but reacting when I was unable to feel that joy in myself that I had known as a child. This is where we need to parent ourselves back to our fullness and naturalness so we can support kids to stay open.

      1. Love what you’re sharing here, Fiona. I have felt in myself how ideals and beliefs have affected how I’ve dealt with certain situations as a parent. My saving grace was being open and my children have often helped me chip away at the road blocks I’d allowed myself to create. Very humbling.

      2. what an amazing comment Fiona. It’s true that when we have shut down our own light, we react to others who are shining theirs. I loved how you describe “This is where we need to parent ourselves back to our fullness and naturalness so we can support kids to stay open” this is so true because it is by showing that we won’t react and accepting our light as well, kids will naturally be themselves and show us the way also.

      3. I love that Fiona, “parent ourselves back to our fullness and naturalness so we can support our kids to stay open”. I can admit to having squashed my own kids too, it is not intentional, we just dont realise how much we react. The beauty is that it is never too late, no matter how old ones children are, it is us parenting ourselves back to our own fullness that gives them the permission to open up again and do the same.

    2. Yes Susie, that’s what I got so strongly from reading this stunning blog. That no matter what happens to you, its OK to leave your light on, and to shine it brightly even when surrounded in darkness. Of course, there is the physical and emotional healing that will need to take place after such abuse, but your light still shines underneath and can support this healing to no end. And it showed me that when you meet with sympathy, you support the burying of the light and keep them in the abuse. This miracle shows that when you hold someone in their true light first and foremost, then you can support them to heal the abuse.

    3. So true what you share here Susie…and it is very inspiring and gorgeous when anyone, child or adult, leaves ‘their light on’ – it can be felt to our very core and is something we never forget.

      1. Well said Paula. It is very inspiring too – the light is contagious, and has the power to spread through other people when they start claiming themselves back too.

    4. This is gold Susie – “Connecting with children in the way you did in the hospital confirms for them that it’s okay not to shut down, and that it’s okay to be a bright light in a world where there is a lot of darkness.” This can be applied everywhere! If we fall into sympathy we are confirming that the other person is less.

    5. If every child had this experience and opportunity, the world would be amazing and such a different place.

  431. Wow JM — thank you! This is stunning, amazing — I cried as I read it with so much joy, because what you share here is absolute inspiration and truth. True healing in full. This little girl as you say now has a marker in her body of what it is to feel and be truly loved, and she will always have in her her heart the sweetness and absolute heavenly sound of Caitlyn’s song.

    1. Beautifully said Katerina. The heavenly sound of Caitlyn’s song and the love and care from JM is a blessing to this little girl. It warms my heart to know this level of love and care is available and is being lived by many, many people worldwide thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for leading the way. A blessing to humanity.

  432. Wow, that is a truly amazing story, for a little girl to open up and trust after what she has been though is amazing, and just shows the power that being open and meeting someone with the love they deserve can have.

    1. Spot on Rebecca – we do all deserve an absolute care and love and respect but so many of us have forgotten what this is like because this is not the norm in our society and communities any more. But it begins with us giving this to ourselves first and foremost. Many people walk around feeling worthless or feeling like they don’t deserve absolute love care and respect – and this is what we need to look at first for no matter how much love you offer another, if they feel unworthy of it they will not be open and accepting of it for themselves. There is an epidemic of worthlessness out there in the world – and I feel this is what allows for the abuse and the disrespect to escalate to such lengths as seen in this blog with the little girl being abused. But just as you have said Rebecca and as JM has written – the power of meeting someone with the love that they deserve can indeed have huge repercussions.

      1. I agree, there is an epidemic of people seeking for love out side of themselves not being able to find something that fills them. We need to bring our children up to understand the importance of loving themselves and having a level of respect and care for themselves that will automatically be for others as well.

      2. Spot on Rebecca – and this begins with ourselves. I see it like us cultivating the microcosm so that we can bring it out to the macrocosm. Changing the world by changing ourselves first. Love it!

      3. Absolutely, its like the saying that says you should be the change you want to see in the world – be more loving, more giving, less greedy or selfish, more considerate of others, and other people will see that and they may be inspired.

      4. “be the change you want to see in this world” – thank you Rebecca I had forgotten about this quote. It is beautiful and spot on!

    2. It goes to show that a simple gesture can actually mean a lot like wrapping her blankets tenderly supports to heal the trauma sustained.

      1. It would have been so different and such a contrast to what she had previously experienced. She would’ve loved it…I know when I am wrapped in love (blankets put on lovingly) when with practitioners it feels amazing as the support just from that helps realise there’s a more tender way to be.

    1. Well said Joost. Keep our lights on and to be willing to let it out for others to see and feel. Had JM stuck with his/her normal pattern that day (of not changing departments), none of this would have happened. At so many points along the way could the path have been stepped off. Staying with our light allows for such magic to unfold.

      1. Yes, Nikki. Though JM’s blog its easy to see that we can’t afford those ‘off’ moments, or today ‘I can’t be bothered’ for what opportunities are being denied to others and ourselves if we do this?

    2. Just like the words in Michael Benhayon’s song “Just keep your light on” Imagine the magic we could co-create with others if our light was constantly on. Our days would be as magical as JM’s day. This would be an awesome way to live. I’m inspired.

    3. As confronting as it can be, well certainly for me, I agree Joost….it’s so important to keep our light on…as it’s not just for us.

    4. Yes, Joost, I was feeling that as well. It is very important for me to leave my light on so that healing can happen wherever I go. What a responsibility we have and hold so that others can choose to leave their light on.

    5. I agree with you Joost…what an awesome reminder to keep our light on and shining for all of humanity.

    6. A great point that you share Joost, and a great reminder as you say, for me to keep my light on – there for everyone I come in contact with. It is amazing how powerful our light is, light and love, and they say that love can move mountains – this story was a great example of just that. That little girl was transformed.

    7. We won’t always know the effect that we are having on those around us, but what is a certainty is that we are always affecting everyone around us. Therefore, our choice in what we are bringing starts with ourselves and our commitment to being the love that we are, that we all are. In a world where so many are choosing otherwise, the call for love and tenderness is loud and clear.

    8. It is a great reminder and also a great reminder to be open to the day and to go with what is presented for you to do in this blog the choice to step out of her comfort zone and work in another department, saying yes to the perceived challenge of something new is part of being open to what is next.

    9. Yes Joost, we never know there might always be someone who needs a little love to be warmed by or a little light to come out of the darkness, so shining and emanating our love and light is the way to go.

    10. Absolutely Joost – by keeping our light on it allows others to feel theirs and know that that’s within them also.

  433. What a powerful blog post and incredible story
    This is so amazing to read as it is so often that we can go into sympthay
    Your true care and compassion and love is remarkable and as you say that which we all come from and all are and have equally too.

    1. Absolutely Natasha, I agree, we do not need sympathy. The love that is poured into a situation like this from JM, Michael Benhayon’s Music, the Universe and the other staff members all happened as one-person showed true love!

    2. So true Natasha. This blog is reminder of the true healing power of love and treating all beings with equality, and the healing opportunity missed when we go into sympathy.

  434. JM – this is such a precious and inspiring blog to read. This beautiful little girl has moved from being so withdrawn to openly trusting you simply from the love and tender care you shared with her and Michael Benhayon’s music being played and sung with her. Utterly beautiful and glorious – the power of being met in full.

    1. How many people do we meet each day that are also carrying the hurts of abuse in one form or another. They may not be bruised, but carry the same hurt of not being held in tenderness and love. Simply meeting each other in this fullness as you have shown JM is all that’s required and is profound beyond words.

    2. Being met in full makes all the difference. For the baby girl to be seen past the bruises to the gorgeousness she is would have made all the difference.

  435. What a beautiful story! How every coincidence makes sense, that you changed that day, although you normally want to stick to your department, that this song came to your mind. The magic in everything you described is felt and a proof that heaven is always there. And everything has its divine order.

    1. I love your comment Steffi Henn. It proposes how, what we call coincidence, is in fact more of a constellation, magically arranged for us – it is a display of heavens might, which we are all part of and no matter what happens to us heaven is always there for us, when we ask for it and are open for true support.

    2. Yes Steffihenn I felt this too. God is constantly with us and when we listen healing will take place. This blog is so powerful, by reading it we are all getting a healing too.

    3. I was also really struck by the amazing ‘coincidence’ that on that particular day JM was open to going to another ward. When we are open to any possibilities the magic of being guided to the right place at the right time can come into play, offering us those perfect opportunities to grow.

    4. It was all constellated for JM and the little girl to meet and tenderly and lovingly unfold the day together. What a blessing for all.

    5. I didn’t see it as deeply as that, right down to the smallest detail, no coincidences. All love.

    6. What this gorgeous story really shows is how when we get ourselves out of the way and make it about love, love comes back to us a billion fold. Pure magic.

    7. True, no coincidences here – another everyday miracle in the many and demonstrating how everything is perfectly ordered, no matter what it looks like at first.

    8. Well said, steffihenn, there are no coincidences, just opportunities for more learning, expansion and evolution. I feel JM was ‘heaven sent’ that day and I’m allowing myself to feel how profound one choice, to go help in another department, ended up being. Another validation of how very important each and every choice we make is, it’s always another opportunity to grow, or not.

    9. I agree Steffi, divinity is just jumping out at every turn. There is such a wonderment and awe about how this little girl responded as she did. That amazing song, your tenderness and love was deeply felt, how amazing.

    10. There is something quite profound in the sentence ‘how every coincidence makes sense’. This is because there is an order to the Universe, that is guided by energy… and while we may not be able to see all the linking points, there is always a reason why things happen.

  436. JM your blog is so beautiful and tender just like you were to this small child. The love, support and tenderness we show one another allows us to trust and accept the love we feel within.

    1. Beautiful and so confirming Lindell, what a beautiful marker of truth JM has offered this child, herself, those at the hospital and all those who have read this blog.

      1. I almost had word for word what you have written Jade but deleted them from my comment as I doubted myself and withdrew my words. Thank you for confirming that what I was going to write was worth expressing.

    2. It’s true Lindell Parlour – it’s a confirmation of what we know is already within us.

  437. JM tears came as I read your blog. Not from feeling sorry for the abused little girl but for the profound healing opportunity she was offered and embraced. Thank you for being willing to share your love and light with her and the world.

    1. I felt the same Sharon, it was deeply healing to read. This blog confirms the power of love is forever serving and healing. My appreciation for Universal Medicine, Glorious Music and everyone for reflecting and consistently sharing love and truth to humanity.

      1. Yes it is very healing to read this and a reminder to be this gentle and tender with ourselves and everyone around us as when we do this magic happens, that is our responsibility as we know this to be true from stories like this and from our own life.

      2. This is a great reminder to bring this level of care and love to everything and everybody so as to leave small (or in some cases large) imprints that are felt by all.

    2. Same here Sharon – the depth of healing that was offered and from JM’s account seems to have been accepted is stupendous, and the most natural thing in the world to offer when we are in connection with our own feelings.

    3. Yes Sharon, There are tears of joy when we witness the beauty of how true love works its wonders and magic reconnecting us to our gorgeous light, and we all have the power of this within to bring to each other. JM is a testimony to this power.

    4. Me too Sharon I cried tears of joy knowing such love and care exists in the world. Shame stories like these don’t make the afternoon news, now that would set the scene for a far different world.

    5. It’s is simply the best when a new imprint can be offered to people in such a dire situation. My heart is full of joy when I consider what she has been offered and so obviously felt.

    1. I felt blessed too Sandra; imagine this as front page news, that a little girl got to experience true love, tenderness and delicateness, not that she has been abused. Yes that has happened, but it doesn’t have to be the sympathetic drawcard by the media that it is often used as. This kindness that JM has shown is a way of being that is possible for every single human being on earth, therefore this is what people need to hear and read about; for them to choose to apply it in their own lives.

      1. And all the sympathy in the world doesn’t change anything when someone has suffered abuse at the hands of another…only love can make a difference, and as JM has shown us in this case, it was very simple but with the utmost care and tenderness.

      2. So so true Sandra. Only love can make the difference. No amount of sympathy can do anything but drag everyone down and drown them.

    2. Agreed and stories like these should be made into movies and books. Very few movies and books today offer much other than to keep us striving to want to be more. Stories like these remind us that we are more.

    3. So true, Sandra and thank you for using these words: “the power of love at work.” For this example of JM certainly shows how love works and it clearly demonstrates the power of true love.

    4. Its a simple story but its a necessary story that we need to hear. The world has strayed far from this level of care and when we read stories like this it reminds us of a truer way to be with each other.

  438. Oh JM! This is the most beautiful blog! What a miracle that Michael’s music spoke directly to this little girl and struck a healing chord. And how utterly healing for you to nurture her with how you tenderly tucked her up with blankets letting her know that she deserves this love and care, and not the abuse she has sustained. You are so right – she now has a marker of love and care in her body which she will never forget..

    1. Even though this toddler has been abused and is being treated for this medically, what she also needed alongside this care is the love she received, and to be connected to as a being that also in essence is love as well. The love she has inside herself, is untouched and able to still be expressed. Love connects us to ourselves and to each other. Abuse disconnects us. It’s truly love that sustains us, and love that brings us back when we are lost to ourselves.

    2. I agree, Lyndy, it is wonderful that this little girl now has a marker of love and care in her body, that will be there within her for the rest of her life. She knows deep within that she deserves that. This was such a beautiful story that JM has shared, very moving.

    3. I agree Lyndy ,this blog describes a miracle in the making as this child now has a marker of love in her body which she will never forget..

    4. There is a deep knowing inside all of us about what love is and when greeted with the harshness in the world this is buried deeply so. Everything about your interaction with this little one, JM, allowed the layers to release and as a ‘sleep’ took her for that short time, truth nursed her back. A Beautiful sharing and confirmation that no matter what the circumstance, Love expressed through holding self or another in the preciousness they are, moving with absolute tenderness, allows the miracles of the Devine to come through. This Blog is bringing healing to us all.

    5. I agree Lyndy, this is the most beautiful blog showing the depth of healing that can occur for both when tenderness and love are expressed, and the responsibility we all have to support another in experiencing and feeling true love deeply in their body.

  439. Thank you for sharing your experience of being with this little girl JM. It brought a big smile to my face. We cannot rescue people from their plights, but we can show love and care to everyone we come into contact with. You feeling open and full on that day indicates to me you had been loving and caring with yourself and so were able to give that to the little girl.

    1. Well said Debra Douglas, we cannot rescue anyone but showing love and care to everyone inspires more change than we care to admit.

      1. Great point Judith, it has taken me some time to learn this. When we go into sympathy with someone we go down into the situation with them, when we bring understanding and offer love we let them know they are more than the situation and that there is another way.

      2. This is such an important point – by not going into sympathy we offer the other a chance to receive the blessing of being able to bring the tenderness to themselves. But it has to be shown as an inspiration and reflection, as JM provided. One inspires the next and next.

    2. So true Debra, we cannot rescue others, we can simply be love and offer love in our dealings with others and from our reflection. As you say, this starts with being loving with ourselves first.

      1. Thanks Lee and Debra for saying it so clearly in your comments; that our ability to be tender and gentle with another starts with our ability to be that tender with ourselves. The more consistent I am with treating myself beautifully, tenderly, the more I can then be equally as tender with another.

    3. ‘ We cannot rescue people from their plights, but we can show love and care to everyone we come into contact with’ Thank you for these words Debra they are very timely as this is what is coming up for me at the moment. I try to rescue, help or save people thinking I’m doing the right thing and it ends up with the other person reacting as I have not expressed love and support in my body which doesn’t allow them to feel their love in their own body.

    4. Spot on Debra a great reminder that it is not about rescuing others but always about showing love and care to others which begins with being loving towards ourself.

    5. That’s a great observation Debra. JM had clearly been taking such precious care for herself that it was impossible to keep it for only her.

      1. Love what you say Elodie, how can you keep it to yourself when love is designed to be expressed through you to another. It makes sense to know what that love is and to feel it in your body first.
        Universal Medicine teaches who you are and what you are not. ‘The Livingness’ of love is to discard what is not you to allow your innate love to come out. As JM and others have commented when you are connected to yourself, and others, you know what is needed it comes so naturally.

    6. Great reminder that it is not about rescueing people but about being love ourselves and reflecting that to others. I had a wonderful experience the other day. I was walking in the street and an older man smelly and in rags (we would label ‘a bum’) stopped me with his arms wide open and said ‘you can’t pass, there is no hope for you.’ With a smile I connected to him and started talking. He then walked towards me and put his arms around me and I just hugged him back. With joy he smiled and said ‘now this is your pass to walk on’. He continued his way still very much absorbed in himself but now laughing. I could feel he was met by me and I realized that could only happen because I was so full of me myself.

    7. Great point Debra – we cannot rescue others – and giving sympathy doesn’t help anyone either. Awesome that you were able to stay with yourself JM and be tender with the blanket. I could really feel the way you honoured that little girl – and her transformation was truly remarkable. Another everyday miracle!

      1. Yes Sueq2012, this is for sure a miracle and like you said an ‘everyday miracle. We are truly blessed to have people like JM in this world to inspire us, to remind us that regardless of the abuse we witness we can still be loving and tender towards each other, showing us that love is the only way.

      2. It’s so true Sue that sympathy never serves anyone – it’s like telling someone that they’re not capable of dealing with whatever it is they’re facing and very disempowering.

    8. Excellent point, we see suffering in the world often and we are in a much better position to respond sensitively if we are feeling amazingly loving with ourself first. It’s a fabulous foundation with which to bring forth more love for others, and ourselves at the same time.

    9. We are so powerful when we are totally open to others in every moment- the most powerful healing tool we have.

    10. Rescuing has this image of someone who rides down into the abyss, and fights the demon that is waiting. All very noble, hard working etc but it also requires a reduction in some way to the evil’s level. How much more powerful to stay in one’s light and glory, and shine for others so they can be inspired and touched with love?

      1. Well said, Simon. And what struck me is that age doesn’t matter here. I was hung up on age being a ‘thing’ – there’s no excuse not to shine, regardless of age.

    11. Great point Debra, it is a true indication that JM has been living that some love and tenderness in her own life to be able to see, feel and act on all that she did whilst caring for this little girl.

  440. Thank you JM, your story of tenderness brought tears to my eyes. We all deserve this tender touch and, where we have not experienced it from our parents as children, we can be tender with ourselves as adults. And having the Glorious Music of Michael Benhayon supporting us along the way is simply beautiful.

    1. Where JM writes of the way the blanket was tucked in around the child, I remembered when an Esoteric practitioner first did the same to me. The love that can be expressed through such a gesture is incredible.

      1. I remember my very first session with a Universal Medicine Practitioner and the way that she placed the blanket over me, I felt like a baby being tucked in. I told a friend about it afterwards and remember highly recommending this practitioner because of the way I was treated. It took me another year before I returned after three initial sessions. What I see now is that I returned at a time when I was in deep distress. The loving impression and the way that I was treated in that first session clearly was the reason why I chose to return to this practitioner. This was someone that I could trust and even though I hadn’t clocked it at the time, my body clearly had the marker that this was someone harmless, that I could trust.

      2. I agree nikkimckee, while reading of JM’s tenderness and loving way I was reminded of the powerful healing I have received through the absolute tender love and gentleness of an Esoteric practitioner…… love and gentleness is the basis of all true healing.

      3. I have received such tender loving care during esoteric healing sessions, that my knowingness of tenderness and gentleness, over time, has deepened in my own body, giving me the opportunity to then share this in my interactions with others. This again is true healing in practise.

      4. Experiencing this incredible love has been part of the journey of returning to myself. To be loved with such tenderness and care is excruciatingly beautiful, and awakens such a deep call to be to be equally as tender in expressing to others.

    2. This is a beautiful point that you raise here Carmel – that we can be tender with ourselves. This is something that can catch me out at times, I want others to treat me with love and tenderness yet I can often treat myself without tenderness. If I am not treating myself with tenderness it becomes difficult to treat others with tenderness. If I am not treating myself with tenderness then it is also easier to allow others to not treat me with the tenderness I need. Tenderness starts with the way I am with myself first.

      1. So powerful Carmel and Lee, tenderness begins with self, thank you both for reminding me of this fact.

      2. This is very beautiful and well said Lee. It all comes back to us! haha. Our number 1 responsibility would then be how we treat ourselves, is how we truly treat everyone else. I have also wanted it to come from others in the past (and am learning to bring it more consistently to myself in the present). From experience the ultimate form of love and tenderness is when it comes from us, for when we need it to come from another it can always ‘leave’ us, so we need ‘more’, and can get the ‘up and down’ effect in life, but you have put the power back into our own hands.

      3. Beautifully expressed Lee. Thank you because I often need the reminder, it’s more than ok to be tender with myself because then I can be this true way with others. x

      4. Beautiful comment, Lee – “Tenderness starts with the way I am with myself first”. This is something we are just not taught in the world, yet it changes everything. The wonderful thing is that it’s never too late to start giving ourselves the tender loving care that we so naturally deserve. What a transformation it would be if we all lived this way!

      5. True, Carmel and Lee, the level of tenderness we bring to another depends on what we live ourselves. I noticed a while ago how I would treat every client with the most profound delicacy in how I touched them, tucked them in or put an eye-pillow on their eyes but didn’t tuck myself in as precise and as tender as I did with them. That was a great observation to start to give this to myself too always as the foundation to share it with others.

      6. Dear Carmel & Lee,
        We may have lived most of our lives without feeling tenderness, but now that we do and bring this to ourselves and others, as adults, we know without a doubt that it is love and tenderness we have always wanted, we just never knew that it was, and always has been deep inside ourselves.

      7. Such a great point you make Lee, thanks for drawing my attention to this, it’s a great reminder. So often what hurts us most is what we demand from the world, the void we feel when we didn’t get it from the world, but the fact we could be giving it to ourselves and don’t- this is the greatest harm of all.

      8. Very good point Lee: “If I am not treating myself with tenderness then it is also easier to allow others to not treat me with the tenderness I need.” – By accepting a lack of tenderness by me and others, I not just allow abuse, I support and create lovelessness.

      9. So beautifully expressed Lee, and a great reminder that to be truly loving and tender to others requires us to deeply love and care for ourselves first and foremost.

      10. I agree Lee it is fast moving ‘only the tough survive’ world. You just have to look and note the lack of tenderness and loveless void that has and continuously been created. As you say Lee, start with me by treating myself with the absolute care, delicateness, and tenderness that I am.

    3. I agree Carmel. Michael’s Glorious Music has an amazing ability to crack through some of my most hung onto protection, and touches the most tender and precious part of me. Everyone deserves to feel and know this again within themselves.

      1. I have had the same experience with another of Michael Benhayon’s songs and a couple of children in foster care who just absolutely loved his music; it gave them the feeling for another way to be and live, free of what they were going through at the time when they had just been removed from their birth family and everything was not just very confusing but also threatening.

      2. I agree, Carmel and Fiona, the music Michael Benhayon brings through Glorious Music, comes directly from heaven and goes straight to my heart without any protection that comes in between. The purity and the depth of love in the music are simply irresistible and always healing. For it connects me back to the divine being I am and it also allows different movements to come up in and with my body.

      3. Gorgeous Fiona, I agree with that, this music touches a very precious part of you and reminds you of the tenderness with which we need to treat each other.

    4. It moved me to tears too Carmel. What is also beautiful about your story JM is the lack of sympathy you have for the little girl and yet your love and compassion is boundless. Thank you for your inspiration.

      1. I agree Lucy, I loved how JM had the understanding I am just like you, hurt in some way, but under that has an essence of gold. There is nothing more beautiful in this world then to connect to another and feel the joy from heaven!

    5. I agree Carmel…and there is always a choice – we can choose to be a victim of our circumstances with a story, or we can choose to give ourselves what we crave the most: Love… and this can start in the form of being tender and gentle with ourselves. It is a stepping stone towards being the love we naturally are, and magnifies the more we treat ourselves this way…it is a gorgeous way of living – no need for any story.

    6. Yes I agree Carmel simply beautiful, we can hold ourselves with this love that we know is true, especially our ‘little one’ within who feels the hurts.

    7. Yes Carmel, we do deserve this tenderness, especially with ourselves first as Lee has expressed. The other night I was feeling quite vulnerable and sensitive to what had unfolded during my day and through the evening I was being very delicate and tender with myself, supporting myself lovingly as I would with a tiny child. This is the quality I put myself to bed in and I had the most beautiful, deeply restoring sleep to wake feeling exquisitely beautiful and still with no tension in my body from the day before. I was then able to move into my day with this delicateness and stillness knowing this is who I am.

    8. Beautiful, Carmel, I love all you say here. First, I too was extremely moved by JM’s story, quite glorious. A really great point that you make here, “we all deserve this tender touch and, where we have not experienced it from our parents as children, we can be tender with ourselves as adults.” Yes, no matter how we have been treated in the past, we can be tender with ourselves, how healing is that! Thank you.

    9. So true Carmel, just because we haven’t been touched by love growing up does not mean all is lost. Having those around showing us that their is another way is inspiring enough for us to make the choice to change or not. We never know just how much of an effect that loving smile or touch on a complete stranger is having. Without knowing it we may have just changed the course of anothers life.

    10. So true Carmel, to be reminded that this level of tenderness is still there in the world today is very touching.

      1. When I read this part I was also deeply touched and I felt a beautiful healing from it. We can bring so much love and tenderness to this world, holding it back is what has hurt the most.

    11. ‘We all deserve this tender touch and, where we have not experienced it from our parents as children, we can be tender with ourselves as adults.’ Yes, Carmel, imagine the deep healing we bring ourselves and others, when we are tender and bring utmost delicateness to all our moments for, by and with ourselves. I bring this reminder with me into my day, thank you!

    12. These are great points you raise Lee and Carmel…how we are with people is often what is returned to ourselves from others, perfect reflections to learn more about ourselves from. What I have found interesting is how I can back away from feeling love and adored by others, which in the past has been quite overwhelming. This to me says much about acceptance. Acceptance of the reflection being returned, that this is what I have offered others and how much people appreciate and love who I am. By accepting this I am not only letting them in, but confirming to them who they are….the same tenderness and love.

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