Mirror, Mirror On The Street…

Recently I was on my way on the motorway with my beautiful purple Fiat Panda. I work in field service for a German natural cosmetic brand and so I am regularly on tour with my lovely car.

My car has to be appropriate for the requirements that this job involves. It needs inside enough space for the products and advertising material, but also must be small enough to fit into little parking spaces. And it has to be powerful and very trustworthy.

My car does a beautiful job here and on top of its purple colour, by my choice (and some extra money) it has a big sunroof. This is not necessary for the job, but very good for my wellbeing. It is an unusual colour and has extra design features, especially for this brand.

As I was cruising through the lanes, I suddenly saw in front of me, the same car. Same brand, same colour.


The joy that arose in me was enormous. I felt like a child – innocent full of joy and delighted. I wanted to immediately meet this counterpart, my mirror on the street.

So I did step on the gas a bit to catch up, especially as the other car was in line to drive off. I did reach the car, a bit excited and a big smile all over my face. I looked into my car-mirror and saw a beautiful woman with a lot of curly hair sitting inside.

She was looking back at me, while I held my car on her level, and realising what was going on – (same car, women in the car smiling all over) – she smiled back and I could feel the same joy rising in her, as in me. It was just a second – but such FUN!

She then drove off and I drove on my way, still smiling like a Cheshire cat. My heart was open and radiating warmth, and joy was all over. What a beautiful meeting!

And I realised that this was my choice to enjoy this meeting, after it was offered by the situation. I could have gone into comparison for example, like wondering if she had paid the same extra price as me, had the same or less horsepower and equipment or become angry that my car was not unique on the street. But I did not. I chose to be pleased as punch.

Interesting, heh? And I started to appreciate my choice, still emanating joy all over and smiling. Then, by realising how I felt, just because I met the same car, I started to wonder why I didn’t always feel like that when meeting some other human being.

Are we not all the same? I would say, “yes, we are”.

Maybe it is strongly hidden or veiled by whatever we choose to identify with – be it skin colour, culture, so-called religion, country membership, belief systems, level of intelligence or gender – but in fact WE ARE all the same.


I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us.

  • What would it be like to enjoy everyone I meet like that?
  • How would the world be if we would see the equality in each other?
  • What if we would see ‘the other’ as they are: our mirror?
  • What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?

The opportunity to grow together is there, because we could take the choices another has made as an inspiration, as the woman in my mirror car did. She joined my joy.

How would life be? We would feel the connection we all have and if someone would separate in any way we would, just by the way we live together, our equality and appreciation for each other as our foundation, feel him/her in equalness, so they could re-connect again.

Maybe we would smile like a Cheshire cat all the time, warm-hearted and full of joy, feeling safe and held by the knowing that we are surrounded by our brothers and sisters who are there for us in appreciation, reflecting what counts: our connection. As we mirror each other – on the street and everywhere.

Years ago I may have taken this situation as a moment of comparison or I may have missed it, but since I am inspired by Serge Benhayon and other Students of The Livingness I am very glad to find myself instead more and more inspired by others and joyfully connecting. Thank you Serge. Thank you Sisters and Brothers. And thanks to me, for choosing so.

By Sandra Schneider, Awesome Woman, field Servant, licensed Therapist/Counsellor & Natural Cosmetic Store Manager near Cologne, Germany

Further Reading:
Separateness or Connection
The Grandness Of Our Own Love

948 thoughts on “Mirror, Mirror On The Street…

  1. ‘to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us.’ An offering for us to share the joy and appreciation of every other vehicle making their way through life whatever the chosen colour.

  2. How would the world be if we saw the equality in everyone, ‘I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us.’

  3. Appreciating our essences brings the start of us developing an intimate relationship with another, maybe this is what your car brings to you and this is what was reflected in the other car?

  4. It’s a really great question Sandra why we can’t feel that same joy with everyone like you did with the matching car. I’ve had moments like that too with strangers and it’s delightful. Your question gave me an opportunity to reflect on people and how much more appreciation there is to have of them, not just in their humanness but in their divine soul-ness also. We are each amazing packages of grandness, even if it’s buried under protection or something else we have taken on we can still receive people in the all they are.

  5. ‘I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us.’ So love feeling the joy of this meeting in your blog and the resonance of the point you are making here.

  6. Serge Benhayon has enlightened many of us about the truth about comparison, comparison is a killer, it literally stops our evolution.

  7. And what does your life mirror tell you today…? It seems to me that looking at life in this way could be a very fast way to learn and grow and develop ourselves.

  8. This is very cute and shows that no matter what our age our childlike innocence and playfulness is always there ✨

  9. Inside every vehicle is a being aching to connect with the fun and realisation that we are all the same.

  10. The more at one we become with ourselves the easier it is to simply enjoy what is reflected back to us.

  11. It’s not often most of us adults get to feel those childlike moments of joy, so they need to be celebrated so they can become the norm!

  12. Reflection is a wonderful thing as we get the opportunity to see where we are at, either going about our day joy-fully or not.

  13. It was maybe only a second this time but it is not about time but the quality we choose moment by moment, your joy lasted longer than this second of sharing it with the other driver. The spark has its ripple effect when we choose to stay the spark.

  14. What a beautiful reflection and what an expression of joy in the face of that reflection. That seems a great way to live.

  15. “What if we would see ‘the other’ as they are: our mirror? – now thats powerful – for a start there could be no judgement only understanding.

  16. Ahh, so often I catch myself looking in the windows of shops to confirm that I look good. It’s almost as if I have to confirm that the outside looks picture perfect because there’s an emptiness on the inside that is yet not fulfilled.

  17. Life reflects back to us what we are putting out and what we need to pull us up. Our job is to do the reading on every aspect life offers us.

  18. Meeting everyone for the greatness they innately are will enrich us no end as we get to appreciate and marvel at the variances in expression and the breadth of what we represent, all of us as one.

  19. Meeting all people with the same joy as meeting one who appears the same as us would eliminate discrimination, comparison etc. With this openness we would realise we are all the same despite the outer appearances.

  20. I love your questions, Sandra, it places responsibility back onto my end when I experience friction and tension in meeting another, as it is all about how I receive another, and not about them.

  21. Beautifully playful and light – a reminder to allow space for this in our every day.

  22. When we are content within ourselves the simplest of things bring us much joy, like seeing a similar car to our on the road.

  23. Our external differences can bely the fact that we are actually all equal in our essence, and from the inner are one light.

  24. Beautiful Elizabeth, it is like walking around with a big mirror in front of us constantly showing us who we are, easy, simple and clear. But through our lifestyles we are consistently fogging the mirror, allowing it to get dirty until such time that we do not notice it at all and can claim there is no such thing as a mirror. The beauty though is, only a tiny part of the mirror needs to be cleared again to reflect the spark of who we truly are.

  25. I have traveled much in the world and seen different cultures and ways of being but what has struck me most is the similarities. When you scratch the surface and look underneath we all are equally the same, craving love, brotherhood and harmony. And the true meaning of these words is the same for all as well.

  26. A very beautiful sharing how fun and playful life can be. There is so much to enjoy within each other, and this is not because we share commonalities in what we have or how we look or what we like but because deep down our hearts beat to the same rhythm, the rhythm of love and truth, that does not know of any judgement, hate or difference.

  27. So much joy in your blog Sandra. What are we choosing to miss out on when we let a force like jealousy and comparison rule the show?

  28. This is such a beautiful, simple and joyful example of how we can find such heart warming moments in life.

  29. Comparison gets in the way of us feeling the potential that is on offer with another, blocking the way for any true connection.

  30. The joy that arises when we stand tall from our heart and see the beauty in another is phenomenal. Then to take it further and share it by keeping an open heart and express that love is profound in its beauty.

  31. Love it Elizabeth, it is up to us to want to see and be aware… otherwise we will miss the messages and confirm the what is not….

  32. This is so beautiful Sandra. I love the immense amount of joy that is present in this blog. I love the way you felt that this kind of meeting is possible with anyone, and that we can meet other people with joy all the time if we choose to. If we go into comparison we create a block between ourselves and others. If we open our hearts with joy we give others the opportunity to rise to this too as you did. Very inspiring.

  33. That you found such joy in this interaction like you said you could easily have gone into comparison when it is so normal to do that. So cool.

  34. I’m not sitting in purple car… or maybe I am as I too am smiling all over as I read this super gorgeous blog.

  35. In essence we are all the same and we have invested deeply in hiding this with all our differences, but no matter how many differences we create we can never escape the equality of our divinity within.

    1. Yes, so true, and now we need little reminders how equal we actually are so we can return to live this in full and not let the many differences we have created fool ourselves that lets us continue on the band wagon of separatism and right and wrong.

  36. I love the title of this gorgeous blog Sandra… “Mirror, Mirror On The Street…” . . .as you say everywhere we look is another mirror that we need to embrace with the very same joy as the lady in the purple car – no matter if they are reflecting what we want to see and celebrate about ourself or what we would prefer to not see and own up about ourselves.

    1. Reflection works both ways – it can be a confirmation or a pull up for us and it is then our choice whether we go into comparison or graciously accept what has been offered.

  37. I loved what you shared Sandra, there can be so much joy in simply connecting with someone even for a fleeting moment, and in that moment so much joy is felt and shared.

  38. We are all far more the same Tran we are different and where it really counts we are one.

  39. A beautiful reflection of meeting anyone and knowing that we are all the same.

  40. When we have meetings like this we realise that no-one is a stranger, it just depends on how open we are when we meet. I always love the way dogs greet humans, they don’t hold back and they greet everyone the same way like they are meeting a long lost friend, even if its been a couple of hours since they’ve seen you.

  41. Sandra, your Light-ness of being just beams from this blog, and I could imagine myself right there with you catching up to that car to share in the joy you felt. You raised a great point about questioning why we don’t hold each other with this same appreciation all the time and this shows how much we let little things that look like differences get in the way, when in the end they are all an illusion.

  42. When we express love and we see another do the same, then it is joyful. When we express identification or exclusivity and we see another do the same, it may be a little less joyful.

  43. There is so much in this blog for us as a whole society to be deeply touched and bring understanding to. Because we focus on the outside almost solely and what is being said rather than feeling and reading what is going on for the other, we often may not allow ourselves to connect truly light to light, soul to soul. It was a full moon last night and I awoke in the morning feeling flawed, deeply tired, I clicked on my way to work that it was a full moon and a special one in that it was going to be 30% bigger than usual. I shared my experience with someone and they said yes my child was born on a full moon and the midwifes shared this is a time when many women go into labour. To which I said that of course makes sense as the moon moves the oceans with the tides, why would we think it doesn’t affect us! How removed from the reality of the fact we are truly all the same, we are made up mostly of water and energy and because we have flesh we cannot be converted into some sort of robot that is not affected by nature. It is a curious phenomenon don’t you think?…

  44. The true meaning of joy: when the light in me sees the light in you and knows that it is the one and same expressing light of Thy Father.

  45. It is amazing what is actually there for us to explore with another, the potential that our connections offer, when we are truly open to it. The beholding power of love magnifies when we unite with our hearts open.

  46. While reading this, it occurred to me that often we do not see past the disabilities people present and often treat them differently than we would a non-disabled person. In the past, I would have also been anxious about how I am to be with someone with a disability, but now I spend a lot of time with many people who have a disability of some sort and find that I see and meet them first and the disability second.

  47. It strikes me after reading this blog just how much we have all fallen for being identified by how we are on the outside and not what we feel deep within our hearts on the inside.

  48. I love how your suggesting that we could be learning so much more from each other than we realise, perhaps there is no such thing as a co-incidence and every single thing in life is there to help us learn.

  49. I love how you say what would it be like if we took care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us… So rather than reacting to the differences we see by judging or closing off to another we stay open to seeing all of who they are and never hold anyone as any more or less than who we are…

    1. Great point Fiona – there is so much more potential for us to explore, learn and evolve through appreciating our equality and what we have to share with each other.

  50. We mirror each other. Yet, it is up to everyone to choose to see what is being mirrored: what we share or what we get offered by the other one to work on ourselves.

    1. Yes that is a great point – I wonder how the experience would have been if Sandra had been an angry woman driving a tank meeting a likewise person rather than the gorgeous playful person she is driving a beautiful car she had so lovingly chosen for herself.

  51. What a great reflection to see and appreciate how amazing you are and in that also the appreciation the other person felt. I love how the magic of god works to reflect to you exactly what is needed in the moment.

  52. I love the amount of care that you took in choosing your car and the extra things, like a sunroof, that you gave yourself. We can spend a lot of time in our cars so getting one that we love and know will support us in every way makes so much sense.

  53. I love the daily connection with people in cars when I arrive at a junction and someone stops and immediately invites me in to join the queue – immediate eye contact through the windscreens of our respective cars with an appreciation shared of the brotherhood that is there..

    1. I love it when you stop at an intersection and have a moment to observe the car next door. A huge smile often melts another and who knows it might even make their day!

  54. I love the sense of fun in this blog and it reminds me that when we are connected to our soul life is fun and playful.

  55. This is a great encounter, providing a metaphor for the equalness we all really are. Makes me realise just how much our roads are places of comparison though – feelings of lesser or greater in every lane, depending on model, engine size and registration plate – when in fact it’s just a means of expressing our choices, behind which are the same human beings, each with a heart and a soul. I shall remember this blog next time I’m stuck in a motorway tailback…

  56. Beautiful reflection of joy but great to clock the question why do we not have this all the time? It is so possible so it is clear that it comes down to our choices in every moment whether to appreciate and confirm. Simple actually – just live it!

    1. I imagine us all focusing on our all equalness and equality instead of on our differences – what a different world this will be. We would connect with what we are in truth: energetic beings, a Soul. I see this coming for us all as I give it a try every day.

      1. That really made me stop Sandra, focusing on what unites us, our truth, our oneness would certainly change our perceptions of the world.

  57. I have a bit of an unusual colour for my car but have seen a few the same colour as mine and get that ‘oh look’ they have the same colour as mine feeling, it feels a bit like the innocence of a child which is cute so I can relate to what you are sharing.

  58. This is like meeting someone with the same dress on and, instead of going into shock, horror comparison!…. absolutely loving and appreciating the unique expression they bring.

  59. So gorgeous and playful Sandra!
    What you present here makes me stop and feel how every one of us is bringing a message to the rest about what’s false and what is true. But like emails in our inbox we ignore, we tend to turn a blind eye to these messagers from God. So then it’s not surprising is it that we don’t appreciate and look to avoid connecting with other people. For each one reflects exactly what we need to see and hear today. We are all here to support each other day and night and we do it even when we think everything’s not right. Amazing!

  60. I love those moments where it’s nothing that “big” that has happened but fills us with Joy 🙂

  61. What a beautiful sharing of what is possible when we connect and share our joy, and how wonderful this would be if this was our normal everyday life, connecting and sharing our joy with all.

  62. We live in a world of mirrors and reflections – in the home, at work and on the street. Our single purpose is to reflect and mirror the Light and Love of God on earth that’s it!

  63. Its a beautiful reminder how we are mirrors for each other and we can reflect so much to each other. To appreciate the joy of seeing a similar car, is a great reminder how we can connect to the same feeling when we meet another.

  64. We can appreciate each interaction or relationship that we encounter as an opportunity to see the equality in each other and to learn from the experience or we can focus on our apparent differences and spend energy building walls between us…

  65. We can choose what binds life together; in the moments where we’re in the car, getting ready for the day, eating, running errands etc. it’s up to us to determine what quality these ‘intermediates’ are… Is each car journey like the one you’ve shared Sandra? Do we choose THIS over neglect, distraction or stress as the fibres joining together our day?

    1. Very true Susie. I meet people every day and have chosen to see in them what does connect us. Sometimes it is easy to see, sometimes it is not so easy. But even the intention to become more aware of our all connection has changed something in me and my relationships.

  66. Gorgeous Sandra to appreciate these moments of reflection. When we are around people, there are many things that can appear for us to reflect, learn and grow or opposite of this is to react, go into comparison, judgement or jealousy. Ultimately the truth is, we are all here to reflect love but when we are not choosing love, we can feel the tension and hurt.

  67. We are all equal, what a beautiful moment, ‘ I drove on my way, still smiling like a Cheshire cat. My heart was open and radiating warmth, and joy was all over. What a beautiful meeting!’

  68. How very different life would be, if when offered a reflection like you were “we would take what we see in the” mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing”. Accepting the gift of the reflection would ensure that we would not go into the common reactions of jealousy and comparison which in turn would mean that no one would be harmed in the process but instead offered a beautiful healing.

  69. Imagine if we genuinely connected with everyone who passed us on the road, not by getting out and talking with them but by acknowledging them as equal brothers and sisters? The world would change instantly.

  70. What if we only had one make of car, one colour then everywhere we go we get the same reflection and thus an opportunity to be the same with everyone? So no difference in us or anyone else we are all always connected and it would always feel the same. Then everyone including the cars would evolve from simply being amazing and feeling the Joy of being our-self.

  71. I love these questions Sandra – “What would it be like to enjoy everyone I meet like that?
    How would the world be if we would see the equality in each other?” If we valued everyone as our equal and our mirror, there would be no comparison or jealousy. The world would be a very different place. Each of us is unique and has something to offer the world. Appreciating one another, as you did with the woman driving the purple car like yours – is something precious and wonderful – uplifting for both parties.

    1. I love your comment Sue, appreciating people and what they reflect opens us up to be who we are, it is allowing the love to flow when appreciation is part of our expression.

  72. Thank you, Sandra for paying attention to the smallest details count in a big way and opens up hearts – like you shared. What if we would all embrace each other at each meeting like this! A whole different world this would be.

  73. We gravitate towards people that we have things in common with, and maybe reject others who appear too different, but you make a great point here Sandra; we are all the same, despite our very minor insignificant external differences. We place so much emphasis on the outer, but inside we are one.

  74. ” warm-hearted and full of joy, feeling safe and held by the knowing that we are surrounded by our brothers and sisters who are there for us in appreciation, reflecting what counts: our connection. As we mirror each other – on the street and everywhere.”
    This day will come Sandra because of people like you, thank you.

  75. “Why I didn’t always feel like that when meeting some other human being” – this is a great question, Sandra. Throughout the history, we have actually being using the commonalities to reinforce the separativeness – as in the race, the religions, the nationality etc., so what we have been fostering is the “us and them” culture rather than evolving to recognise the absolute equalness.

  76. Brilliant Sandra – how crazy is it that we wait to see some kind of exact match in this world to feel joyful in ourselves? Isn’t it a bit odd that there’s 7 billion+ of us in this place and yet we complain about being lonely? All of this points to the fact that we perennially focus on the difference we perceive instead of the true similarity we can feel.

    1. Beautifully said Joseph! The lonely planet is lonely (and also unaware of our trillions of neighbours in space) because we have forgotten about our cardio-centric universe. If we would simply re-connect and know our brotherhood it would all be there for us.

    2. Spot on Joseph! And what great focus to check: why do we feel lonely with all these people around us? Sometimes I know for myself, I feel more lonely in company than without… I did ponder on this point and found: the idea that we are human flesh is not true, even if it is very real in the moment. But in truth we are energy/souls and through this we are all connected and – at the end – one. But we do not live this truth in flesh, we do not make the truth to our reality. Instead of living in harmony and love together, we compare and invest in our individuality. So we make real what is not true to us. And we know this deep inside. No human-level of connection can match with the true love and joy it is to be ONE.
      The moment I experienced with the other ‘Panda-Woman’ was just a reminder how it could feel always, if I connect back and truly live who I am in truth: a Soul.

  77. The beauty of reflection and the sheer openness that we surrender to, can bring about magical meetings just as you have shared here Sandra anytime. SImply gorgeous thank you.

  78. I love this possibility Sandra that everything we come across in our day, all that takes place is there to be embraced. We have a choice as you show to see the beauty and deeper reflection or go into frustration or irritation. Thank you for reflecting this to me today.

  79. I remember never wanting the reflection of others, I would shut myself away. But this was in reaction to the distortions placed on top of the mirror, I rejected and at times adopted the distorted images. Until I was met by a true reflection in Serge Benhayon and many others. I was given a way of reading the reflects to discern what is true and what is not. These days I enjoy reflections as the more I see my beauty I see and feel it in others, allowing them to do the same.

  80. I love this. A really great example of what it is like when we share our joy rather than the tension we go through if we try to keep it to ourselves.

  81. That’s so awesome Sandra! I love how excited you were. You are so right, you could have easily gone into the drama of comparison, but instead you chose to celebrate your friend on the road! I just love how much joy you had/have. It’s inspiring!

    1. Exactly Elodie. I did share this experience with a college and she said: I would have gone in anger if I would see the same car on the road like mine… and she started to ponder on her – different to mine – reaction.
      It is in fact our choice to work ourselves up, become angry, frustrated or what ever OR become joyful. One reaction confirms our oneness and the other invest into separation/individuality. And it is great to see here in this example that Individuality is related to emotions like anger and oneness/connection is related to joy. Intrinsic simple.

  82. Every moment offers us the opportunity to connect – deeply with ourselves and with all others.

  83. I’m so keenly aware of how most of us choose to see the differences in others and not that underneath all of this we are the same. I love the childlike joy you felt seeing your cars mirror image, and will take this with me back to the office where I work. Gorgeous.

  84. ‘And I started to appreciate my choice, still emanating joy all over and smiling.’ Such a simple line which belies the hugeness of that moment of appreciation. I’m am still very much a novice at this but know in my heart, and practice this so it will become my living way, that appreciation is the mortar that holds the bricks of our foundations together. From appreciating small moments we are surrounded by and supported by this appreciation so if and when something comes along that is not so great, it doesn’t throw us off, it’s just seen as an opportunity to evolve.

  85. Imagine if we woke up every day feeling that joy that you felt Sandra with our partner, children, work colleagures, general human race ? What a different that would make to our lives. Everyone is our mirror, whether they drive the same car as us or not!

  86. Brilliant – when we can celebrate others like you have here Sandra it’s a clear tell-tale sign of how deeply we celebrate ourselves. Love is not something we can contain to an exclusive few – when love is for real it is for everyone, and we cherish and celebrate the beauty of others just as we do in ourselves.

  87. It really is lovely when we allow ourselves to feel the interconnectedness of all things and that separation is an absolute illusion.

  88. It is gorgeous to feel your joy and lightness in this blog Sandra and what a great awareness you had of the greater connection we all feel when we allow ourselves to feel the equality we all share leaving no room for any comparison.

  89. To see another as a blessing and not as a challenge I have to have understanding for it is without understanding I can easily judge another. I also have to be prepared to look within even if it is just for a moment to pause and reflect on what is on offer for me to evolve. Unless I am willing to see and heal the issue/hurt within me it will just keep re-occurring in my life until I make that self-loving choice to heal.

  90. I love that we are all in this together, and that every moment offers us a reflection that we can learn from – you have described it so well.

  91. What a great and playful sharing of something so important, not to wait till someone is the same as us and confirms us to see the magnificent Son of God right in front of us.

  92. Very true. Such a situation could produce thought of…”how dare someone else have exactly the same care as me, I thought I would be the only one” etc. But the beautiful thing here is that is was viewed as a moment of confirmation and then connection. There was no greater than or lesser than in this moment. But even more beautiful was the question about why am I different with other people in different moments, why am I less open with some than with others? Why is it that we measure ourselves with others and feel like we need to protect ourselves more? Really interesting things to ponder. Also what happens when we are open with people and then more protected? Which one actually hurts us more?

  93. I love this Sandra, and what you ask is so true. Why do we not meet everyone with this same joy? A great question to ask myself as I go into my day.

  94. So much to love about this blog. I could feel your absolute joy in your meeting, and then you took it further which I love as well and explored why do you not feel that with others. And then I loved your insights about how we seek to differentiate and not bring together – that we often only look at how we are different and not look for how we are the same, and then I loved thinking about how this could look if we as brothers and sisters used our connection of all having a heart and soul and that we are there to connect, and reflect to each other what is needed and realised for that to happen, it is up to us and has to start with me, and you and all of us.

  95. Gorgeous analogy of showing how we are all the same and on reading it I feel uplifted and looking forward to whomever I meet today with a smiling open-heart.

  96. Sandra it was pure joy reading your blog. A great demonstration of the two different energies we could chose to align to. One brings joyful learning and evolution, the other brings comparison and another trip around the sun doing the same thing.

    1. Ha ha very true Kim, I know which path I would rather take as the learning and evolution on offer is a far grander experience all round.

  97. What your words remind me of Sandra, is how we are all meeting each other every day for a specific reason. We each come into our lives for a purpose and with qualities to show and messages to deliver. So when we get angry, annoyed and perturbed by events, let us stop and put the handbrake on. For these ‘terrible’ or horrible life circumstances are actually here to support and help us in the most beautiful way. There is no meeting that is unloving when you see life from this place. I am glad I met with you and your words today.

    1. When one understands and lives life with this awareness life becomes a graceful flow. Thank you, Joseph, for sharing this so clearly.

  98. The joy bursting from this blog Sandra is so delicious to feel. The world and the way we live would be a vastly different place if we all began to choose to accept the fact that we are all one and the same in essence. Our potential to learn, grow and evolve would surely accelerate with love, truth, honor and appreciation being the foundation of our connections. The responsibility is ours through every day as to what quality we bring to every opportunity we are offered to truly connect with others.

  99. I love how open and welcoming you are of others Sandra! It’s so clearly felt here. You could have easily been annoyed that you weren’t the only one with that colour and feeling dissapointed that you were no longer ‘special’. But that joy you felt is so refreshing, and something I am personally inspired by, as I have often reacted to others and situations that highlight that I am not in fact an individual. And it’s true, we are all part of something, so there isn’t actually any need to force ourselves to stand out, we just do already as we are, and when we accept this, we can make choices because we feel to and not so that it will seperate us further from the all.

  100. It is so easy to slip into comparison and jealousy. I am noticing how easily it happens. This idea of feeling less than or better than is all pervading in so many areas of our lives. Appreciation of ourselves is a habit well worth committing to and the start of something that grows and expands outwards.

  101. Your blog made me smile, I could feel your joy in the moment. What a difference it makes when we truly appreciate another instead of going into jealousy and comparison 💕

  102. I like how you’ve allowed yourself to be like a child again, just wanting to play with the other driver by showing her your car, so much lightness and joy to share, you could not escape, even if you’d tried, from this joy that was felt through your whole body, from within to the outside.

  103. It is a wonderful realisation that you had a choice of how you respond in the situation. The playful joy of seeing the sameness of another reflecting many similar choices, or comparison and entertaining thoughts that would entice you to see her as separate and different. It is huge. Our thoughts are not cast in stone, in every moment it is possible to choose the quality of thoughts we run with, how open we are with our heart and the impact this has on our lives.

  104. I love the way appreciation naturally leads to a lot more – like a link in a chain of Love. Once you are on the appreciation train it is hard to get off – this is so cool to remember here Sandra. Your sharing of cars is symbolic to me of the quality I have in my heart, my body, my eyes, when I meet anyone else in this world. When I adore other people and myself – how can there be difficulty, struggle and troubles?

  105. How gorgeous that you did not miss this magical moment that resulted in such a feeling of joy, without an ounce of comparison in sight. So many times in life when we have something reflected back to us we are in so much of a hurry to get somewhere that we miss the message and the magic that is being offered. I am sure that this beautiful moment had you smiling, inside and out, for a very long time.

    1. Every time I connect to this again I am smiling. And I remember it every time I see a just a bit similar car on the street – I am asking myself ‘why I am not joyful all of the time?’. Not to make me feel bad or to slag myself, but to be inspired again to connect to our all connection more deeply.

  106. So we now have the key to have joy in our lives and in the world: connecting us all through connection and equalities. This is so interesting as I did observe that we ‘normally’ close down more or less when we do feel no joy. We try to protect ourselves by distancing us – but this is the opposite of what would serve us!

  107. When we look at our world – we see loss – loss of connection in the many parts we serve (walk, life, work, breath etc). But is that the the source we should choose to serve from? Hence it is obvious with source we can choose and are able to walk, talk, work, breath, live from and serve humanity forth. Which one are you choosing?

    1. This is so true Danna, we can choose (have to!) from where we look and what we connect to – our seemingly differences (which we did create) or our equalities and what we connect to. I found it very interesting to observe myself hereby. I say I love to connect and to see our equality but so often I found myself choosing to see our separation and get frustrated or angry. And still it is my responsibility what I see. Why do I choose so? And I have to confess that I choose individuality over oneness – even I get frustrated and ‘unhappy’ with it. This is to see and from my honesty I can feel what my choice does to me and the world. When i take my responsibility here and be honest I support my next step in more joy.

  108. Ah yes Sandra – it seems the more we accept the fact that each of us is here to teach and show us all, something important we need to grow, the more we see our equalness and so it flows. For there is no coincidence to any situation, person or car passing accross our path. When we understand this we get that we are all equally and divinely supported.

    1. You raise a great point here Joseph. Nothing happens in coincidence – everything what is happening to us makes sense. In this truth we have to accept our worth and how much we and our choices, our way of living count. Let’s really let this in. It is huge. We are all part of a bigger picture, which we also co-design.

  109. It brings a great evenness and steadiness when we treat everyone and every situation the same. When I do this I feel able to deal with any situation, as I know the steady feeling in me will be the same. When I treat situations as different, either better or worse, I feel like I am on a roller coaster and the way I am with people is not the same. This equalness in all parts of my life is something I am developing with the support of Universal Medicine, without whom I would still constantly be on the roller coaster of life that is accepted as being the norm.

  110. Such simple answer to our One unified truth that is – we are all connected, we all are the One, and we all come from love, light and joy! Time to see it in us, time to see it everywere.

  111. So beautiful when we just allow to appreciate and in the enjoy the moments of joy that present themselves, connecting to the gifts that life presents and not going into comparison.

  112. The more aware we are of our choices, how we choose and where that choice is coming from the more empowered we are to know the responsibility we hold in making choices… and… that every choice affects our thoughts and perspective of life.

  113. What I love about this blog is just how the little things in life give us so much joy when we are connected with ourselves. Connection is so vital for our wellbeing.

  114. It is beautiful to imagine a world where we see our equality instead of focusing on what seemingly separates us for the later has resulted in the disharmonious world we live in today and the plethora or relationship issues that have forgotten this simple and beautifully unifying fact

  115. Comparison is rooted in unworthiness and separation, appreciation is an expression of abundance, inspiration and oneness.

  116. I enjoyed reading this blog Sandra with the playful joyfulness you express and the beautiful message you shared.

  117. When we make life about people and connection it really does expose how petty and trivial our reactions and dramas we can go into in protection of our hurts really are. I have felt hurt, reacted and expressed my reaction but as I learn to make life about people my response is different. I may react but I feel the reaction within my body and I accept the reaction within my body. In most situations usually later I will create space to reflect and read what the reflection was showing me. This way of being is supporting me in my relationships when I feel there is a hurt in my body to be healed.

    1. Great sharing Caroline. I had just recently a sharing with a young woman who was always angry and frustrated about her mother. Than the mother nearly died last November and that changed their relationship. The young woman realized how much she would miss her mom if she would die and that the most things she is frustrated or angry about are not worth it to bring it between them. She focus now on the relationship and the honor of it. – But why wait till somebody nearly dies to focus on our relationships and the beauty of it?

  118. Your Joy is contagious Sandra, what a beautiful reflection we can bring to each other. Each day we have these opportunities to remind each other that truth, love harmony and joy are our natural expressions.

  119. If we spent our days considering others a mirror for us not to challenge or compare ourselves to but to look at their reflection through the eyes of appreciation to both bless and inspire each other how much more would we learn? And more importantly, how much more would we grow together.

  120. Its the openness and light that you exude Sandra that just warms my heart. Thank you for sharing your mirror on the street with us. So awesome.

  121. Beautiful Sandra, to be appreciative and joyfully generous is not a thinking choice when we come from our heart . . it just naturally bursts out.

    1. Love that point Jenny! So we do not have to change any way or train or so. Just connect to our innermost and true heart and all will come naturally. What a job! 🙂

  122. And thankyou Sandra – your joy is contagious, as all true joy naturally is. We are designed to respond to each other in this way. To pull each other back to Truth, Love, Harmony, Stillness and Joy – for these are our true qualities. Connection is what eliminates comparison so that jealousy cannot annihilate the warmth of our love shared with all, with no barriers in place. Our greatest service is reflecting all that we are and in being willing to receive the reflection of all that another is also, for this is the one-unifying light that is Thy Father’s love.

  123. “I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us” Great point Sandra, there is so much more that unites us than separates us and it is our choice to appreciate and celebrate the equalness of all.

    1. Yeah. It is time to open up our eyes for our connection an equality. This needs some dedication and willingness to express our essence and bring what is needed in society and in every relationship we have. As I see it with my partner. When he says something that could hurt me (a separating reflection) it is so easy to go with it, feel hurt and join the separation. But what is needed is to see what has happened (he did go into separation – why ever) and call him back, support him on his way back to connection by offering it.

  124. Wow with all the problems going on in the world today and in so many of our lives it would seem almost impossible to think that such joy is possible for us all to live together as one. Well I must say if anything, reading this blog and all the joy it offers sure does leave a smile on your face! More blogs like this and more people living their truth is indeed where to start

  125. Yes—we would smile like Cheshire cats all the time as we would feel that warmth and connection within ourselves and gradually see it reflected back to us around.

  126. “My heart was open and radiating warmth, and joy was all over. What a beautiful meeting!”
    What a divine blessing for you both. Awesome sharing Sandra, thank you.

  127. Brilliant Sandra. What i really got reading your article this time around was how when we deeply appreciate our choices, we are given more inspiration to deepen our awareness and bring even more joy to our lives.

    1. Ah yes – When I meet ‘the same’ it is like a confirmation when I firstly appreciate what I have/bring. And I have to know/be aware about ‘what I bring’ is not my own creation, but I am the one who let it come through.

  128. This is our natural expression to be this way with others and express our joy but often we let go of this and let life get to us. I was watching children on a playground recently and the way they embraced each other was much the same as this- it is cool what we can learn from kids.

    1. Yes, I never tire from observing children’s natural joy and connection with others, it beautifully reminds us of our own. I was in a line the other day and in front of me was a 5 month old baby who was so amazingly joyful in the way she was playing with me, it was a pure delight that brought a connection with all those around.

  129. It is interesting how we pick and choose who and when we want to meet people or not. I know that I can be quite dismissive if I am not totally focussed on meeting someone. If I am in a hurry I can be aware they are there but thinking about something else and in that moment not fully with them. “The opportunity to grow together is there, because we could take the choices another has made as an inspiration, as the woman in my mirror car did. She joined my joy.” A great reminder when I feel myself being dismissive, that we have so much to offer to each other in the way of inspiration and joy but this can only happen when we take a moment to fully connect and meet someone in full

  130. Sandra your joy emanated from that blog, I so enjoyed it. What a great revelation on how we stop ourselves from feeling joy and sharing it with another.

  131. “The opportunity to grow together is there, because we could take the choices another has made as an inspiration…” – Love how you say this Sandra, it can apply to all and every person we meet, turning comparison and jealousy on its head and replacing it with true appreciation and inspiration instead…

  132. I know that feeling Sandra of being full of joy, warmth in your whole body and wondering why I am not always like that, feeling the connection with myself and everyone I meet. Life does not have to be a constant struggle it can be pure joy just as in the example you have described because we love people.

  133. I often do feel joy in meeting each person, and I feel appreciation for their presence in my life – just for being there. Each person is so unique and brings something beautiful to the world. The thing about joy is that it’s very, very simple. It requires no similarities, differences or other conditions. Sandra you have inspired me to go deeper in this joy and connection to myself and others. And, also to be more appreciative and joyful of myself and what I bring to the world – and in my sparkly white car!

  134. This is brilliant Sally and Sandra. For me this is the great revelation of this blog, that ‘I started to wonder why I didn’t always feel like that when meeting some other human being’. This is a magnificent wondering that says much about our habitual ways of living as human beings. The love and joy available in our hearts is limitless and it only takes a smile to bring on the joy between two or three or many.

  135. I love the way you connected with the woman in the car. As women we can be quite hostile towards each other, blinded by comparison and jealously. Your story Sandra illustrates how beautiful it would be if we were to meet each other with nothing but mutual adoration.

    1. You are right Victoria, specially we women can learn to support each other in our gorgeousness and glory. To meet each other in ‘mutual adoration’ is a good start ;).

  136. Wouldn’t it be great if we all recognised ourselves and each other as the adorable Fiat Pandas we all in truth are? Seeing past colour and creed, knowing we are all the same? It’s a helpful analogy and I hope to recall it whenever I am tempted to see another as different (be they ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than I). We are all purple Fiat Pandas inside!

  137. Sandra I loved this part ‘And I started to appreciate my choice, still emanating joy all over and smiling. Then, by realising how I felt, just because I met the same car, I started to wonder why I didn’t always feel like that when meeting some other human being.’ It made me realise that we never know what we might be missing when we meet someone, even a smile can light up a moment which lasts much longer than the time it takes to truly smile.

    1. It is in fact very great to start to choose to become aware what/who we are meeting by meeting someone. Are we focusing on our differences or on our essence and so equality? Do we go for separation or connection? This makes our choice like day or night. In fact it guarantees the quality of our life and the effect we have on earth.

  138. “I am inspired by Serge Benhayon and other Students of the Livingness I am very glad to find myself instead more and more inspired by others and joyfully connecting.” I equally am inspired, not just by Serge Benhayon, but your delightful encounter on the motorway, expressing how deeply cherishing it is to be inspired by others and not allow comparison to come in.

  139. We mirror each other. We are special kind of mirrors though. Some reflect the future that will come, others the raw present and yet other ones the past that was but is not anymore. Some reflect nice things and others nasty ones. Some invite us to be more, others to be less. At the end of the day, it is up to each of us to choose what reflections of those that we come across inspire as to evolve and what reflections show us the stones in the path that have to be cleared in order to evolve.

  140. a brilliant example Sandra, Life is full of joy-full surprises and its when we aren’t projecting ahead and controlling life that it reveals itself in all of its glory.

  141. I can feel the joy and excitement that is there when we find another who we can share a moment with, in this case a very obvious similarity. Life can be filled with such moments and it is there as our choice to do so if we so feel, to share what is the same feels much better than to compare what is different.

  142. It’s so true Sandra, we are all the same so why bother wasting energy comparing ourselves to each other.

  143. I love this: take the matching car away and you still have the potential to share joy with another person – we do not need to find the comfort of similarities in each other to simply allow joy to be there – what a gorgeous teaching this is Sandra and reminds me that underneath what meets the eye, we are all the same.

  144. The simple joy of life is found in meeting someone’s eyes. It is like having a conversation with their soul in one single moment. Sounds like a pretty amazing way to be to me.

  145. Comparison is very silly. What joy has comparison ever brought us when compared to the simple joy of connection and brotherhood?

  146. How many people can say they have fun every day. The simple, just put a smile on your face at the cost to no one type of fun? There was a song that I don’t remember who sang or its name, that had a line: ‘if you should see me today with an illegal smile, it don’t cost very much, and it lasts a long while’ – this came back to me after reading this blog.

  147. Gorgeous blog Sandra, staying separate from each other is hurting us, all of humanity. The more we connect with each other so openly and joyfully, the better!

  148. The pillars that keep us apart, our religion, our race, our culture and so on, none of them are real as much as we all want to think they are. We are all fundamentally the same, we eat, we breathe, we go to the toilet, and we bleed when we are cut.

  149. I love reading this, feels so joyful and fun. The playfulness we can have with anyone is awesome. Because we all have a heart and a soul encounters like this can be with everyone. I love it when I am open hearted as connections, no matter how fleeting, are so joyful my heart radiates the most loveliest warmth.

  150. How completely joyful, to read your blog and feel the joy coming through from your mirror experience. SO awesome that you drove up to initiate this meeting, as brief and non verbal as it was, how delightful and a wondrous encounter.

    1. That is also my experience Adam. We have the tendency to close down when we meet some ‘resistance’ like displeasure, anger, frustration, distance or so but then we miss not just the connection to the other person but also the connection to ourselves. I found the joy in staying with me and my openness, because I then still have ‘me’…and then: this ‘me’ is so sweet that mostly the other likes to join and let go of the other stuff. 🙂

  151. I like how you have been able to go deeper with a simple chance meeting on the road

  152. This is a really inspiring blog and I feel inspired today to meet people with such an openness and to focus on our equality and not what separates us. Thank you.

  153. Thank you Sandra for such a beautiful reflection of who we are in joyful appreciation. so many opportunities for us to feel the loving equalises within us all.

  154. A beautiful example of the power of appreciation and it playfully reminds us that we are indeed all equals. I agree, everyone we meet is a blessing, because there is always an opportunity for us to connect, learn and deepen our appreciation and love for ourselves and each other.

  155. I found this story of how you saw the other car looking as gorgeous as yours to be very lovely, and how you both simply appreciated each other, rather than competitive or disliking or frustrated by anything.
    I am well aware of how easily we can choose to go either way.

  156. How many times do we miss the opportunity to play like this because we are in our heads, or perhaps so focussed on an issue that we miss seeing the other purple car completely!

  157. This reminds me of the absolute delight and awe we feel as children when meeting each other for the first time. It is the greatest thing to meet a new friend; and a complete opposite approach to the measurement, judgement and comparison we go into as adults.

  158. What fun Sandra! To live like this with all others around us and actually enjoy our joy, to be here and be engaging with live and other people is where it’s at! We need to walk (and drive) this so much more.

  159. ‘How would the world be if we would see the equality in each other?’ When asked this question we naturally say that the world would be amazing and yet we continue to compete and compare over the tiniest details. Equality is not only a feeling, it’s a fact, and the more we check in with ourselves the more we can feel the sameness in others.

  160. Each time someone does not go in to comparison when the opportunity is there to do so, then this needs to be celebrated, because not only are they breaking the mould of what is the norm, they are giving way for more love and truth to be here on earth.

  161. This is a lovely blog and sharing Sandra, ‘She was looking back at me, while I held my car on her level, and realising what was going on – (same car, women in the car smiling all over) – she smiled back and I could feel the same joy rising in her, as in me. It was just a second – but such FUN!’ I love it, and your sense of fun.

  162. It is so important to start realizing that we live in a world – were we all want the same, whether we are unaware of aware of it.. And that by virtue of seeing everyone as our mirror we accept the equalness we are, and stop fighting (resisting unity). It is a surrender we have to attempt to to ourselves and each other that makes us humble and feel the love that we all are. For then we would have no war, fight or contemplation, just a simply marker of truth and working towards in together, not the reverse that is playing out now.

  163. Another aspect of this blog that I appreciated was my choices. When we take responsibility for our choices we are free to keep making the next ones more and more supportive and confirming. Our choices never stop!

  164. ‘Are we not all the same?’ This truth is being revealed to me everyday in my work and every time I catch someone’s eye and exchange a smile. We put up such a protection to deny it!

  165. Sandra reading your blog again I still found myself smiling from ear to ear at what you shared… such a beautiful example of the simplest things in life being the most profound but the most important ingredient was your ever-ready joy. Comparison doesn’t get a look in when that is right there and waiting to express.

  166. A great example of what life offers and the choices we make. Clearly there were so many ways of experiencing this situation and as I feel in my body what going into comparison would feel like it feels full of agitation and anxiety, and when I go into the joy and celebration of the situation, i feel light, loving and open. There is much to take from this sharing as it confirms that we choose our reality, we either create or co-create the life we live – it is as simple as that. Thanks Sandra.

    1. Yes Christine it is all about our choices. As you say, this blog “confirms that we choose our reality” – I wrote a blog about ‘our reality’ which is in fact an expansion from what is presented here. truthaboutsergebenhayon.com/2016/05/26/reality-truth-and-serge-benhayon/

  167. Seeing others for what they truly are, equal beautiful human beings is supporting us in living our love in full. Living without the comparison, in connection to the inner knowing of equality. It will be a different place when we all show this to each other, continually confirming the beauty that we are.

  168. I am smiling like a cheshire cat as I reread your blog Sandra; full of fun and joy.
    “She then drove off and I drove on my way, still smiling like a Cheshire cat. My heart was open and radiating warmth, and joy was all over. What a beautiful meeting!”
    Indeed what a very beautiful meeting, inspiring us to build these meetings into our everyday life.

  169. If another chooses to react to me for whatever reason I am learning not to react to their reaction but to hold them as an equal and to have understanding. They have chosen to react and I know it is not who they are. Knowing who they truly are is supporting me immensely not to react.

  170. An inspired perspective that suggests we don’t have to be peas from the same pod to feel that joy of connection you describe with your purple Panda counterpart. It is available with everyone we meet, particularly when it is not our differences but those things that unite us in equality that we focus on.

  171. I love the fun and joy I can feel in your blog Sandra, another person smiling.

  172. Sandra, it is so joyful to read your article. ‘What would it be like to enjoy everyone I meet like that?’ – this is a great question. I realised recently that I’m more open and my smile is more full and loving when I see someone I know really well; if I don’t know them so well then my smile is less full and I can feel I’m less open – and so not equally loving with everyone I meet. This article is really supportive in bringing more awareness of this.

  173. The light, playfulness and honesty in this article is superb, very heartfelt and wonderful to share in thank you. It really highlights how we can either slip in or not slip in to comparison in every day encounters. this is why being aware of our thoughts is so super supportive, we can get lost in the next story of better or worse that floats in…if we are not consciously present.

  174. We are absolutely the same equal parts of the divine whole “Maybe it is strongly hidden or veiled by whatever we choose to identify with – be it skin colour, culture, so-called religion, country membership, belief systems, level of intelligence or gender – but in fact WE ARE all the same.” Differences and comparisons come in really young, I have heard preschool children referring to who has the bigger toy, better lunch etc, how can we endorse this as parents and adults. We support our children to become the next generation, and at the moment there is far too much comparison and competition within adult relationships, and this is the role model that all those little eyes and big hearts are watching. We could change competition, lack of understanding and compassion in a generation if we All made the choice to stop measuring ourselves against others decided whether we are either more or less than them, it is a harming and distracting endeavour.

  175. Great reflection Sandra, This is how I was as a child when my friends came to visit. I was so excited and loved every second with them. The shear joy! Thank you, your story reminded me of this long forgotten time. It would be incredible to live like this again with everyone.

  176. Comparison and Jealousy is so embedded in our way of living. In fact we champion them and even claim a little bit is ‘healthy’. Yet what you show us here Sandra is how evil it truly is to compare even in the slightest as even the smallest amount can stop us from fully living in brotherhood

  177. Why is it that we love what is seemingly apart of us? I was singing a song that my Dad wrote ages ago and I was feeling him my fav line, he told me that I had actually wrote that line, I had long forgotten but some part of me must of known, it made me laugh and made me think of this blog.

  178. Hello Sandra, the title to this blog caught me this morning. Even though I had read it before I saw the title and realised I had never actually read it. It is so true and everything you are saying in the blog has been captured in the title thank you.

  179. Thank you Sandra, the inner smile never leaves me, with much appreciation to the presentations of Serge Benhayon, which have shared so much of how to live within!

  180. It is us that initiate these types of meeting and this is such an uplifting blog, How can anyone resist your joy, love and effervescence.

  181. When we compare ourselves against another, we are all losing out on the joy that is available to us all, because we stop anyone from seeing us as we truly are. When we choose to enjoy the moment and share it with another they get to feel the true essence we are from.

  182. This is so true Sandra, connection is everything and when we can appreciate what our sisters and brothers offer, comparison doesn’t exist. Letting ourselves see our own amazingness and appreciating this simple yet magnificent fact then we start to see it in all those around us. This has been a massive learning for me and I continue to go deeper in allowing all of this to be for myself and everyone.

  183. “I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us.” How wonderful a world we would live in if we could all focus on the equality of all of us, rather than what we think separates us. How differently we would all be living if we truly knew we are all equal, then eventually, all the comparison, judgment etc. in the world would gradually disappear, how much enjoyment we could all have when we meet each other. I so look forward to the day that the world begins to truly realise and live this. It is our choice to live this way.

  184. Yes, Sandra, it would be amazing if we connected because of our differences and not just because of our similarities. We are often drawn to people because they feel similar in some way to us and that makes us feel comfortable- we avoid feeling uncomfortable!

  185. When we make a joyful choice our first impulse when we see another having made the same choice, our first impulse is joy. When our first impulse is something else, that may be an interesting mirror of our choice…

  186. Thank you Sandra, for a lovely reminder of how easily we can open our hearts and ignite joy and love with others around us, it is that simple and yet profound.

  187. Letting others in is the most healing experience as the more we get to feel their essence the more we can appreciate and accept the power of our reflection.

  188. “We all have a heart, we all have a soul”. Because of this very fact – we are all the same. We have different expressions but ultimately when we break down to the core of things, we all come from the same source. Sharing joy and feeling appreciation of ourselves and others are key in supporting us to connect and feel this. This certainly can be felt in your blog Sandra. Thanks for sharing.

  189. What I love about this blog is that you didn’t hold back and just had a bit of fun and let that be shown with someone you didn’t know.

  190. What I love about this blog Sandra is that shows that the more we love and appreciate ourselves, the easier it is to love and appreciate others for they come from the same love.

    1. Which gives me the idea Matilda that we don’t actually have to be in a car to do this experiment – we can also do it on foot too wherever we are and with whoever we are with.

  191. Sandra this is one serious Love Bomb of a blog, appreciation is a massive one that I too am learning and once we start to see our glorious beauty and appreciate this we start to see this in others. It always comes back to ourselves first and fore most then the magnification of this echoes in all the reflections around us. Awesome.

  192. ‘And I realised that this was my choice to enjoy this meeting, after it was offered by the situation.’ How often do we have such a choice in our lifes and how much do our choices bring our lifes into joy or into desperation. This is such a great example, Sandra.

  193. When we are open to other people, then we share something special… about ourselves and in opening up an opportunity to the other person to connect and feel everything we are. Its quite simply magnetic.

  194. It is moments like these where we realise that we have the choice to limit our expression and love or take it to a whole new level. The mirror you were shown on the road was a mirror for every single one of us.

  195. I love this Sandra, so innocent and full of the wise and knowing wonder what as children and can have as adults, not labelling or lacing each other but being open and joyful that there’s anther brother and sister right before us and this can only but be a joy.

  196. Sandra this shows to me how we really do divide the world based on face value. You ask some really key questions here about ‘what if we saw everyone as equal’ – and I don’t think we really stop and consider how comfortable or physically relatable we’ve set things up to be to accept them, rather than being open to equality at our core.

  197. I did it yesterday…! Inspired by this blog… a matching car ‘love moment’ on the road! A full face grin with a lady in the same car as mine and then we were on our way. I was then quite naturally with the ‘power of the purple panda’ for the rest of the day!

  198. “Maybe it is strongly hidden or veiled by whatever we choose to identify with – be it skin color, culture, so-called religion, country membership, belief systems, level of intelligence or gender – but in fact WE ARE all the same.”

    This is very revealing Sandra, we identify with the external things and try to make that who we are, placing great importance on our occupation, nationality Etc. But is this because we are missing a true connection to the tender loving child we once were, and deep down all yearning to have that loving tender connection to others and ourselves?

  199. “I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focusing on what seemingly separates us.”

    When we connect deeply to our bodies and the tenderness that we all intrinsically are, we start to see all others have that same quality of love, it’s very beautiful to connect in this way.

  200. I liked what you said about our meeting with others as a blessing and not a challenge, we may get challenged by another’s un-loving or disregarding behavior, or simply that they are showing us another way of being, that we have yet to embrace in our life’s.

  201. What’s interesting Sandra, about your story of seeing the other car, is that you choose to celebrate the other person and their car, and chose not to go into comparison or jealousy? We always have a choice in life to do this in all situations we encounter, to celebrate others success and beauty, and meet people in an open hearted way.

  202. The joy of connecting with others is truly infectious. A celebration we can enjoy everyday. Its like light beams reflecting from one mirror to the next.

  203. Connection even for a moment remains with us forever and returns us to brotherhood.

  204. A great reminder of the unending reflection on offer – never are we not reflected or reflecting to others.
    What a joy this is – we may as well ensure we are a shiny mirror.

  205. I love the point that you make here Sandra, indeed why is it that we do not feel like that with everyone? When I am very present in my body and therefore with myself and everything is flowing I do feel that joy with everyone I meet. I have been working in a very busy cafe and seeing people from all walks of life and of all ages. When I Iook deeply into any of their eyes I am always blown away by the beauty that they are. I have noticed that I am shyer than many of them to look so deeply for very long. . . but I am working on letting that go once and for all.

  206. I love what you have shared – your choice to react a certain way – either joyfully as you did, or with comparison or anger. As you say, is not every situation like this, where ultimately we have a choice in how we choose to react – to either get caught in the situation and become angry or sad or hurt, or to continue to see the person as who they are – perhaps someone you know and love, or someone you don’t know but who might be going though things you don’t know about, and still deserves love and respect. If that purple car had started cutting you up or was driving really slow, that behaviour doesn’t detract from the fact that the car is the same as yours – equal and beautiful, with one just choosing not to express that – like you say, a great metaphor for life.

  207. When we pander to others this keeps us in a position where our natural love and joy is stifled. A livingness of joy exudes from our every-being from our walk to the way we get out of bed and is felt by all those who we connect to.

  208. Living the truth of who we are applies to everyone on this planet. And we can appreciate eachother for the similarities that we have because this reminds us of how unified we actually are in our shared global experience of life on earth.

  209. I love what you have shared about holding others in equality and love, so if someone does disconnect from themselves and there love, we can continue to hold them and reflect to them this love, not judging or condemning them, so they have a mirror or point of reflection to return to. It’s much easier to come back to oneself and return to love and tenderness when we are held in this way and not in judgment.

  210. When we compare ourselves to another we are separating from them, judging them to be better or worse than us, but not meeting them as an equal. In separation we feel disconnected and isolated from the world and other people, we then choose things that separate us further so not to feel this lonely way of living, and so the cycle goes around and around, until we allow ourselves to connect deeply to our bodies and hearts and let other people in, feeling the equality and realizing that we can let go of the false notion that others will hurt us.

  211. To meet another in equality feeling they are the same, they are love and joy, no matter if they are choosing this expression or something different gives them the reflection to feel the love and joy in themselves, holding another without judgment, suspicion and really letting them see you is very powerful and deeply healing as we all yearn to be met in this way. Serge Benhayon does exactly this and has shown many others the way to do this, and the ripple effect is huge and far- reaching, bring harmony and restoring brotherhood on earth.

  212. I enjoyed your story Sandra, and the deep insight you shared about how we as humanity are one and the same, although we try our best to be separate and closed off from one another. It feels that much of this separation from firstly the essence of who we are, and the disconnection from our bodies, cause’s much harm, in terms of conflict, from arguing with another to big organized wars. If we felt that we are one humanity and all the same tender sensitive beings then it wouldn’t be possible to harm or kill one another.

  213. It is amazing what awareness can bring, just this, “And I realised that this was my choice to enjoy this meeting, after it was offered by the situation.” To truly see that in each moment we have a choice, either appreciate all that is there and enjoy how this feels or the other choice to compare. be jealous, ignorant etc. Both lead to different but the same place. In other words you will go down a different road but in the end it will always return to you, so it’s great to look at what you are actually putting out into the world because at some point no matter what it will return to you.

  214. Reading your blog I could feel that we all have the opportunity to make a change in the world by expressing what is true. When we express what is true others have the ability to join and start to live this truth also – this is how we can change the things we do not like in the world.

  215. “What would it be like to enjoy everyone I meet like that?” This is lovely to ponder on – what would it be like to be in joy with everyone we meet? Further to this is, why are we not in joy with everyone we meet? It is as simple as a choice, so why do we not choose this? Is it due to protection, comparison, jealousy or any number of issues or combinations of these? If so, then when we address these a simple joyful life awaits.

  216. ‘The opportunity to grow together is there, because we could take the choices another has made as an inspiration’ ~ when we allow this rather than contraction and comparison, we do indeed have countless opportunities to grow and evolve together.

  217. What a gorgeous reflection and awareness gained Sandra. Don’t you love how we are offered it!

  218. I cannot help but be filled with delight and joy each time I read this blog. The joy, delight and fun you embodied lives in your written expression Sandra, and it is no less powerful than the last time I read it….. the energy we put into something stays with it and is deeply felt by the recipient…..showing just how much power our expression holds…… and I say thank you Sandra, as I receive much joy, lightness and sense of fun from you through your writing.

  219. “She then drove off and I drove on my way, still smiling like a Cheshire cat. My heart was open and radiating warmth, and joy was all over. What a beautiful meeting!” The joy of appreciating loving reflections.

  220. What fun! I bet the other lady will smile to herself as she remembers the moment you both shared! Connections with others when we don’t fall into the comparison trap are just heavenly moments.

  221. It is quite a STOP moment to realise we can become excited about passing a car and yet pass another human being as if they did not exist!

  222. I could just imagine you driving along in your purple panda Sandra ! I bet if you drove alongside any car and smiled that beautifully they would have had a burst of joy and smiled back – you have such a joyful glow about you and perhaps you have just not realized how awesome and light others find you.
    Currently I am experiencing people from all walks of life responding to me so beautifully, even if I have not smiled, they offer one first and it is amazing. My parcel delivery man enjoyed his five minute chat with me so much he felt impulsed to give me a hug goodbye! And my gas delivery man was so sweet, complimenting me about my shiny hair and beautiful earrings!! I’m loving it because although I live alone I am feeling love all around me.

  223. Reading your blog Sandra, I could feel the symbolism of you in your body, (your car) meeting another in an equally gorgeous body, (their car,) and celebrating this in full. this is a real marker for what is possible in our interactions with others. To meet others in joy with the fullness of ourselves.

  224. It is indeed a choice Sandra. You have turned comparison upside down here. I know that sometimes I go into comparison with others but if I choose to look at the reflection as a blessing then it totally changes my view on the situation.

  225. This is so true – “And I realised that this was my choice to enjoy this meeting, after it was offered by the situation. I could have gone into comparison for example, like wondering if she had paid the same extra price as me, had the same or less horsepower and equipment or become angry that my car was not unique on the street. But I did not. I chose to be pleased as punch.” We have the choice all the time how we will feel in any situation. I love your choice of enjoying just a simple moment – awesome.

  226. I wish there was a ‘love’ button for this blog because ‘like’ just doesn’t cut it. I’m still smiling Sandra. I so love what you have shared. So much fun, and you are entirely right – how gorgeously joyful it would be if we approached each other with the same curiosity, spark, appreciation and wonderment, as opposed to the judgement, protection, jealousy, comparison and disconnection we tend to live with.

  227. I love that you were pleased as punch with the connection shared with the beautiful lady in the matching car and I am pleased as punch to read this joy filled blog. Thank you Sandra.

  228. Sandra I loved this blog, and cannot erase the gorgeous image of you zipping along in your purple car smiling like a cheshire cat after seeing your ‘mirror’. Your ponderings about ‘what if’ we were to respond to everyone with the same measure of joy has me contemplating living in a world of cheshire cat type smiles – I can feel the joyful possibility of it and that in itself is enough to make me smile.

  229. The ability to love everybody is enormous – even to able to do it for a short time has such a big effect on us and pulls the rug from any disputes we have with others.

    1. Yes Christoph, when we open up to the love we can have for everybody the love we feel from our own bodies is enormous. We are made to be loving, to share ourselves openly with others and when we don’t hold this the joy and vitality we feel is immense. It is the greatest medicine.

  230. I love your choice to be joyful in this situation. We do have a choice in how we respond to life, and this is a great example of how powerful our choices can be.

  231. Once again Sandra I loved reading this as it always makes me smile. Meeting people in our day to day no matter what the circumstances can be joyful depending on how we approach any given situation, and like you have stated with an open heart you experienced the joy from only a few moments – what if all of our meetings were like this, how differently would our communication be with each other.

  232. I love your sharing, it reflects the lightness of you… and your little purple fiat panda! Life mirrors everything, whether we choose to see it or not. I had an interesting experience recently with my car too. I was driving in London in heavy traffic with a friend and I realised I had a flat tyre (due to bumping the kerb earlier doing a U-turn), rather than panic I pulled over and began to ring my insurance company. There was a little tap on the window and there stood my guardian angel, a young man who had offered to put on my spare tyre, ah ha I thought, all is well until I discovered there was no spare tyre. Two things came to mind here, as my car represents my body firstly, the fact that I had a flat tyre shows me how I still disregard my body, and secondly it exposed my lack of responsibility for not checking I had a spare! Yes it was a bit of an ouch, but what it shows me is that the Universe will ALWAYS present us with circumstances that reflect where we are, and secondly the support is always there if we need it and start taking responsibility, and support ourselves with our everyday choices. Needless to say, we arrive home late but joyful with another life lesson learnt.

  233. “What if we would see ‘the other’ as they are: our mirror?”- How beautiful would that be?- Living where there is no judgement, comparison or jealousy only inspiration from others reminding us that we all share the same one heart and soul, and therefore our essence is the same but expressed differently.

  234. I love that you are asking us to consider the way we compare ourselves to others and use that as a reason not to just enjoy the connection on our most fundamental level of connection….our innate love.

  235. I was contemplating judgment and feeling separate from people yesterday. I was with someone and was pondering on my absolute connection to God but then felt how God was in this person in front of me. I could feel how I had made God and people separate. I felt my whole body ease as the separation dissolved instantly.

  236. What I loved about the first part of this blog was the level of detail you had taken in choosing your car. So often we have a ‘that will do’ attitude, especially with cars, which can just be seen as something to get us from A to B. I loved the way you had taken everything into consideration and chosen all the features rather than taking what was standard. I can feel a sunroof coming in my next car!

  237. We have the potential to meet everyone in the same joy, as you say Sandra we are all “WE ALL HAVE A HEART, WE ALL HAVE A SOUL” How awesome is that.

  238. In the moment that I was reading about your reaction to seeing exactly the same car my first thought was not about the price or the extras but that you would react because your car was not unique. This is great for me to reflect on, as the need to be unique, although sometimes kept well disguised, can be so strong. I loved your joyful response and I feel it comes from your deep appreciation of yourself as a beautiful woman and the things you have so carefully chosen to support you (like your car). This feels like the lesson for me, to keep building that deep self appreciation to then appreciate all around me.

  239. I loved the way this blog explored how much joy there is in recognising that another person is the same as us. This is so natural for us, yet we get distracted by the outer differences that appear to separate us. In truth nothing can separate us as we are all one. Only our choice to feel separate gives us the illusion of not being one.

  240. Sometimes when I’m joyful I walk around or drive around smiling on my inside, and I don’t even realise that sometimes I’m smiling on the outside also. When I’m like this people will smile back at me, even if the smile is not necessarily on the outside, but it’s because they can feel the joy that I’m walking with in my movements, and what I am holding on the inside. It’s great to consider that our whole life can be like this, instead of only moments of it that I feel are something special. Every day can be that special.

  241. What a beautiful connection you made, Sandra, even if it was only momentary. I feel that the other lady also was experiencing much joy from driving her beautiful car as you have described you feel about yours. It sounds a beautiful car, especially chosen for you, and so very supporting for you and your job, and possibly she also chose hers for similar reasons. Such a beautiful colour, and so ‘you’. What a loving decision you made here. And I loved to read of your great joy in seeing someone driving a car exactly the same as yours, with no distracting thoughts coming in, no feeling of competition, comparison etc. to mar your joy. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  242. This is a great way to approach life and any ‘meeting’. I wonder how much fuller and lighter our life would be if we kept going with this dedicated approach to appreciating in place of all the other things we can so often choose. I love Sandra your response when you saw the other car like yours, it made me laugh. If you wonder why you find yourself walking down the same road and getting to the same end it maybe time to make a different choice at every step, appreciation marks a different step.

  243. I do know how often I have done a similar type of thing…found a commonality that I have shared with someone and then thought “oh a reason to connect” But what your sharing is so true, are those supposed commonalities we look for a diversional tactic to stop us from connecting to everyone and realising that we all share the same commonalities – an inner heart and soul and that we are all from love. Everything else is just surface layer.

  244. Comparison and jealousy are amongst the most contributing factors to crippling and damaging relationships, – and yet we often either don’t admit this is happening, or strive to be better at it (ie we compete with each other to be the best, have the best etc). Equality and appreciation are to me, the way to go!

  245. Reading this blog bought a smile to my face Sandra, I felt as if I was in the car with you and enjoying your experience of the connection made with another because you shared the same cute car. How amazing life becomes if we choose to connect and be open to everyone and feel the joy and power this brings to our lives.

  246. When I choose to live in the knowing that we are all the same, that we all have a unified beingness and the very same light shines in me as in everyone else, there is a beautiful feeling of release – a release of tension that seems to have been there for a very long time. It feels like my body reflecting back to me that there is truth in what I am seeing and it comes with a deeply joy-full sigh of appreciation. It isn’t hard to accept our equalness in my experience for it is part of our innateness – but we do have to overcome our ‘training’ that has taught us to perceive otherwise.

  247. This is lovely Sandra Schneider thank you. Yes, we can choose to perceive differences in each other and live in comparison or we can choose that sameness, the innate equalness we all know within us if we care to look…and feel. It makes a whole world of difference to our experience of life one way or another.

  248. I love the details you describe of your car and how details are important in making a difference in how supported and honored we feel.

  249. Great question. How come we allow ourselves to feel more joy when we see specific people or certain situations as we cannot love one person more than another?

  250. It is so confirming when we see our choices reflected back to us, and absolutely worth appreciating. I had a similar experience with a pair of shoes that I have had for a number of years they are extremely versatile, comfortable and gorgeous, I was wondering if they were near their end and then at the shops I saw someone wearing a pair and she looked fabulous – I was just as excited, but did I really need this to confirm my choice it is a bit like not trusting my own opinion.

  251. I just love coming back to your blog Sandra as I feel the lightness, joy and absolute playfulness expressed through your writing, and when I ask myself the question that you pose “What would it be like to enjoy everyone I meet like that?” I am inspired by you and your beautiful expression to open myself to the joy, innocence and playfulness that resides within me, and all of us equally, and is just waiting for me/us to choose to express it.

  252. If we open our awareness we can see that we are given constant opportunities to connect in this world, by rejecting these offerings we are rejecting an opportunity to evolve.

  253. How can we be jealous of what we already are? We cannot, the jealousy only comes from the fact that we can feel all that we have not chosen in the reflection of another, and that we have lived feeling justified in not choosing that for whatever reason, but at the end of the day one is holding back what is glorious and amazing in this world – who we truly are.

  254. By living from the knowingness that we are all one, you can feel and live within that oneness free of the need to compete or be ‘better than’.

  255. Hi Sandra, I loved reading your story and found myself smiling as I imagined you driving up alongside the other car, it felt so natural and real. Great question, what stops us from being this way with each other? It is the illusion that we are somehow different or separate and therefore in some kind of weird opposition. But this is all just that, illusion. We are all the same deep down and if we approached each other from this knowingness the world would feel very different.

  256. ‘I chose to be pleased as punch’ and there we have it. In a nutshell, Sandra has shared the ultimate wisdom and responsibility that we all have… we always have a choice and the willingness to embrace this fact, to practice it and to appreciate the impact it has, is totally in our hands.

  257. This is a wonderful example of the power we open up to when we choose awareness and follow through with connection. We might go into reaction or comparison as Sandra poses, because we have an image of being special or different, yet how much does this affect our experience? Instead we can enjoy brotherhood and the power that can never be owned and is full of joy and appreciation.

  258. I love you stepping on the gas to meet your mirror image on the road. More so I love your point that there are mirrors everywhere. We cannot let our eyes deceive us with a specific image. Underneath what we see is a vast reservoir that holds all that we have in common…mirrors reflecting this vastness are everywhere.

  259. Allowing ourselves to feel the equality in each other is a great deterrent for comparison.

  260. I started to appreciate my choice, still emanating joy all over and smiling. Then, by realising how I felt, just because I met the same car, I started to wonder why I didn’t always feel like that when meeting some other human being. …. the more we choose love and allow ourselves to appreciate the choices we are making, the stronger the pull for us to make more loving choices.

  261. ‘What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?’ … we would start appreciating more everything ‘that is’, and build on this, pushing out everything that is not with our love.

  262. ‘How would the world be if we would see the equality in each other?’ …. it would be amazing, it would encourage us to drop our guard, to throw away our armour and open up to each other, to connect and feel the truth in each other. We would appreciate all that we are, both in ourselves and each other, we would evolve …. this is not a pipe dream, I know this will happen, we can make it happen just by choosing to do so.

  263. I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us. Yes Sandra, it’s so true isn’t it, that when we truly see the other equally, there is no reason why we can’t get on wonderfully with everyone because at that moment, you are really seeing/feeling yourself, and what’s not to like about that?

  264. Looking in the mirror that other people bring to me with their presence, I can see myself. Not only I can see what I know, but also what I don’t know, by being enriched by it through the others expression, as a confirmation of myself.

  265. This is gorgeous to read Sandra – full of joy and playfulness. What a huge step you have made away from previously living in comparison of women to truly enjoying, appreciating and celebrating them.

  266. A beautiful and joyful blog Sandra, like you say it’s a choice we choose. Choosing to be that joy in every moment with everyone, allows us to stay connected in equal-ness with appreciation of others, seeing others as a mirror of us, then there is no space for comparison just an opportunity for us to go deeper with the self to evolve in each moment.

  267. I have felt a similar joy Sandra when I have met someone at a party wearing the same clothes as me. Others may go into reaction like it’s an insult to us both, for me it has made me smile that we have made a great decision to choose the same lovely clothes. We can celebrate how gorgeous we both look and connect with each other.

  268. Love your questions in this article Sandra, what would it be like if… “How would the world be if we would see the equality in each other?” To see the equality we will be connecting at our most essential level, to connect from our essence with each other we can only relate from that love.. it would change every. single. tiny. part. of life, and every tiny particle of us.

  269. I just love the way the joy and delight bubbles from your blog Sandra. You had me there, sitting in the car next to you watching the beautiful woman in the other car, and smiling at her gorgeous reflection. And yes, how amazing would it be if we were to take this joyful connection out into the world and to everyone we meet; how the world would change.

  270. I love this Sandra, I can feel the absolute joy you have in driving your car and how this joy and wonderment was shared in your “mirror” car. Beautiful.

  271. Gorgeous to re read this blog, Communicating like this on the road beats the usual agro, beeping horns or road rage that does happen. I’m sure the sight and presence of your purple panda car on the road deconstructs much tension as you drive by in joy!

  272. Joy has nothing to do with excitement or special situations, but is a lived quality that holds everybody equal. True appreciation is giving back what we have been offered and by living this we feel the joy of true brotherhood.

  273. I absolutely love what you have shared here sandra. I joined you smiling like a cheshire cat inside of me as I read your words. A lovely reminder that we are all the same and the power of meeting others in their essence.

  274. Beautiful reflection of your own awesomeness, a mirror for the beauty and joy you so freely and unreservedly shared.

  275. Re-reading your beautiful blog Sandra a line stood out to me:’ What if we would see ‘the other’ as they are: our mirror?’ What you have said can play out in such a multi-dimensional way! This way there is no judgment, only ‘what is’. And there is a huge expansion on what joy can be!

  276. It show us its all in our attitude to the world and life when you put it like you have in your blog Sandra. How we view a situation makes the world a wonderful place full of love and joy or just the opposite! Thank you for sharing Sandra!

  277. What a gorgeous constellation Sandra and a deepening awareness that, in essence, we are all the same.
    Sounds and feels like so much joy and fun as you connected with your fellow purple Fiat panda driver.
    A very beautiful and expanding blog to read, thank you.

  278. What stands out in your description Sandra of this meeting of two souls is the absolute equality in this moment despite some differences of expression or choice in the details of the car. What is also felt is how we have the opportunity to express our own unique qualities in the choices we make regarding how our bodies move through life.

  279. What you offer here Sandra is so important yet playful and fun, every day we are meeting others and there is an opportunity to connect with how we are all the same and gorgeous in our essence or to go into comparison and make ourselves better or less than another.

  280. There is a great deal of identification in society, ie, which university you studied at, what car you drive or where you live. We are split into categories and then subjected to a range of thoughts that box and package up our fellow human beings, there is no love in this at all.

    1. Yes Matthew, there is no Love in separation. the more we see past these man-made blocks we put in place to keep us from living the Love we are, the more we are able to move in line with a way of being that allows true Brotherhood to be lived by all.

  281. It seems a very precious thing when we have that moment with a stranger where they smile at us, and we return the smile or vice versa. Some cities are known for their friendly smiling people, whereas others are heads down and not connecting. The fact that we can connect easily with a so called stranger should we choose to shows us we are indeed equal.

  282. Thank you Sandra, you have shared so much and what came up for me was nothing like “cruising” and enjoying the journey which is a great way to be in life but how often I would lose control. How often do we drive like a run away express train our light are literally flashing telling everyone to get out of the way I am coming through. Well this was me before the presentation by Serge Benhayon, Serge has shared that to reconnect to our inner-most makes the space so we can be at ease with all we do with absolutely no need to rush around!

  283. An awesome reminder than it is so easy to fall victim to that which seemingly separates rather than that which mirrors how connected and similar we truly are. Life is full of beautiful opportunities like this that are a joy to embrace should we just choose to let go of our protections and look at life as if through the eyes of a child once again.

  284. I was talking to a woman on the street and she was saying how she was afraid of taking her kids to Sydney as they were young and one was super friendly and talked to just about anyone. I could feel her fear and anxiety and to me it all starts from that stranger danger concept that so many are taught when young. What I was then able to share with her is that kids are super sensitive and can always sense danger and they actually are really good at feeling into who is or is not safe to talk to.
    On reflecting back on this scenario, I wonder how many kids are asked to shut down their openness and to get stuck in the stranger danger concept and therefore keep themselves separate from so many opportunities to connect with people, not just as children but as adults as it would just be a pattern that becomes more familiar as one gets older.

  285. I love this story, and your sweet innocense in chasing down the car. Thanks for sharing and it is a good point that you are talking about. One of the things that I have loved about travelling is that I have met lots of people from all walks of life but I can’t say I have met them all equally, as I know I have often judged instead of just accepting and appreciating them for who they are and not needing them to fill any image I may have of how they should be.

  286. Hello Sandra, great to see a description of your car and sounds like one I would love pass by. It’s great what you bring to this and how we often ‘leave’ the moment of what can be there for us and go somewhere else. As you are saying and appreciating the joy and feeling of seeing a car the same as yours but yet often we can ‘drive’ this another way. I love how you have bought this to people and it is something I will take into my day.

  287. Beautiful Sandra , Love the warm and palpable appreciation in this blog.

  288. No matter what our colouring or shade or the means in which we express ourselves, we are equally of God and a reflection for each other. There is great joy in the detail of life, in every moment presented to us and our ongoing learning.

  289. A great reminder that we are all equal and to connect to this fact is a pure joy.

  290. So much joy, fun and love in your blog Sandra. I love coming back to it as it reminds me to keep it light and make life about people.

  291. What struck me about this beautiful blog is that it is so rare to hear someone talk about their car with this much appreciation and detail, its infectious as the driver of the other purple Fiat Panda could feel!

  292. What a beautiful sharing Sandra, the joy you exude through your writing and obviously in your life is truly inspiring…. your simple childlike joy and innocence was deeply felt, stirring the sleeping child within me to awaken and express freely the love and joy that is there to be shared in such beautiful ways, as you did, with everyone.

  293. To me the whole blog speaks of appreciation, of ourselves and of what other people bring. And if we were to practice this in every interaction by being open to what another has to offer the world in their own unique and equally powerful way, we support a continued expansion of what is already there simply by confirming it.

  294. Thank you Sandra for this lively and beautiful blog. Your wrote: “The opportunity to grow together is there, because we could take the choices another has made as an inspiration . . . ” yes that would be wonderful as it would make our lives full in a very good way instead of feeling jealousy all over in our bodies. It is good to know that we always have a choice . . . I have to admit I love it if I chose to be inspired.

  295. Love your sheer joy of Love Sandra and your openness to sharing with all. It is about connection first and foremost.

  296. Whoever said cars are just a mode of transport, the purple panda is a machine of evolution.

  297. “She joined my joy”. That is it Sandra, if we wait for joy to come into our lives, it may take a while because there is little true ‘joy’ in society, so best let it burst from inside of ourselves first then we know it’s here and then let others come along for the ride.

    1. And while Joy is a confirmation of truth, imagine us seeing in the other our equal and confirming this.
      We are all connected – we can confirm this by an open heart and live connection = Joy.
      We are all precious – we can confirm this by treating each other with respect, appreciation and honoring = Joy.
      We are designed to live in brotherhood – we can confirm this by working together, put ‘self’ to the side and bring into the group what is needed to evolve = Joy.
      So I agree Matthew – we are the ones who chose if joy is in our life or not.

  298. “it has a big sunroof. This is not necessary for the job, but very good for my wellbeing.” How often do we make choices from practicality or frugality – rather than what will support us beyond simply the measure of the job at hand, or despite the additional investment? Having been brought up by post WW2 parents these aspects of wellbeing were easily overlooked…yet putting wellbeing first is now a norm… choosing heated seats as an extra in my new car was a definite must for chilly England..even in May!

    1. Very true Rosanna, I used to always put price and function over the feeling of quality of the product or my wellbeing. Im learning more and more how when I choose quality and what feels true, the amazing effect that this has on my wellbeing.

  299. Absolutely love what you’re sharing here, Sandra …. ‘if someone would separate in any way we would, just by the way we live together, our equality and appreciation for each other as our foundation, feel him/her in equalness, so they could re-connect again.’ …. This offers the key to how we will support each other to evolve together.

    1. Thank you for your appreciation Alison. It is so great to realize that how we live can be healing, can be supportive for others. What I love is that this is not ‘just’ an image or vision I have, but an experience. Inspired by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine this truth did become a reality in my life and also in the life of many others. Thats a blessing and I agree: “This offers the key to how we will support each other to evolve together.”

  300. As I was reading your gorgeous blog, Sandra, feeling your joy at seeing a twin purple panda, I was also feeling that this is how we could choose to feel with every encounter we have with each other, taking care to ‘see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us. Beautiful, thank you.

  301. I’m feeling the ripple effect of your joy, Sandra and your connection with the other purple Fiat Panda driver, how beautiful for you both and all those drivers around you.

  302. Thank you Katie for appreciating my choices here! To honor who I am, what I bring and offer is key to choose a car (and other things in my life) that supports me and the love that I bring. I am great and so the things in my life have also to be great to support me. Instead they would dull me and what I bring – this would be a dishonoring of me and others, who deserve (and need) my true reflection.

    1. Beautifully said, Sandra: ‘I am great and so the things in my life have also to be great to support me.’ Such an amazing way to support our selves, but a support that can so easily be overlooked by playing small and not wanting to shine too bright!

    2. Lately Sandra I’ve been looking for a new house to live in, so I’m really hearing what you are saying here as in the search for our new home we will not accept less than what will truly support us in all that we need. To live the glory we are we need to have a space that will really hold our light.

  303. It was great to read how your car supports you in both your job and well-being. I love the colour purple too! Our car had a flat tyre on Friday morning. Luckily we noticed it before setting off. Luckily there is a tyre shop on our road and my husband was able to get it fixed after work that day and ended up replacing all the tyres because the tread on them had worn. It felt lovely to drive it yesterday, knowing that the car was going to be safer and more fuel-efficient.

    1. Looks like the one flat tyre did gave you a note about checking all your tires…and, as the car stands for our body, in the figurative sense the question: what in you ran out of fullness and fuel-efficiency?

  304. I had to Google what a purple fiat panda looks like. Cute car, and I could picture you driving it Sandra. A joyful blog with a playful yet serious message. Why don’t we feel the same joy when we meet another human being? There is indeed a lot of comparison and jealousy that stems from the competitive way we have been brought up, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

    1. Wow what a great idea Debra. I’ve just googled the purple panda now too. The colour is far more powerful and profound than I had imagined. The combination of the joy of sunshine and the power of purple is really something.

  305. The joy in this blog shines out and it’s understandable why this other lady would be beaming too! Thank you Sandra 🙂

    1. Yes jsnelgrove! And the other beautiful curly-haired lady in her purple panda is equal joy, an equal son of God. She had her part to play which she did and was as much the ’cause’ of the joy.

  306. What a great blog Sandra, what you experienced seeing your car mirrored to you, feeling how wonderful that was seeing the lady in the car, then wondering how to take that to all. That is a great question, when we feel that joy with someone, why do we not bring that to all our interactions. We diminish what is in truth there to be shared with all, yet we keep that joy for select people in our lives. This is something I am still working on, being able to bring all of me in equalness to all.

    1. Yes, Raegan, if we are different with some people or in certain situations, we need to ask ourselves why, what has changed for us? This level of awareness brings a greater sense of responsibility for the immense love and joy we are here to share with the world, as Sandra so playfully describes in this blog.

  307. Absolutely Sandra; and imagine the simplicity and naturalness of that expression in all of our interactions – no holding back in sharing all of who we are.

  308. I find Sandra that when I share a smile from my joy deep within me, with someone at work, someone I pass in the shopping mall, on the street – they instantaneously light up themselves. I just love it and it is always a major part of my day.

    1. I know this Gina! By holding the eye-contact with an open heart with strangers or whoever – we end up smiling or at last I can feel the opening in the other too. This feels like ‘the world did become a bit more shining’ with these two people who did connect. And one lovely thing with connection is: it is infectious!

      1. Crazy that this should be such a rare thing in teh world, but great to know that you and others are out there living with this kind of commitment and dedication. People are starved of love, but are too scared to be the ones to open up to it.. you are lighting the way and so now others will be inspired to light up too.

      2. I had an interesting experience a few weeks ago, a lady came up to me in the supermarket and asked if she could share something, she told me that I have beautiful skin and a lovely smile …. in the past I would have completely contracted, not knowing how to receive her heartfelt compliment, maybe even made a joke of it afterwards by saying she was crazy. In truth, I was momentarily a little shocked then I felt myself just completely open up and I allowed myself to accept and appreciate that I do have lovely skin and a gorgeous smile. I thanked her and we both went on our way. Something that in the past would have felt very awkward and abnormal for me somehow felt very natural.

    2. Same Gina – it shows an openness which people find irresistible, as well as confirming that you are actually present with them rather than thinking or worrying about something else. Such a simple thing to share and yet it has an enormous power to change the scene, inspire another and of course there are many personal benefits (like we all look gorgeous with a big grin on our faces!).

  309. What an awesome analogy Sandra – this should be the normal in all our interactions – the joy we can express on seeing the reflection of our amazingness in all around us.

  310. Reflections are everywhere we just need to be willing to see them .. even the ones that aren’t as lovely as what you have shared; as in that honesty a deeper level of understanding and healing can happen.

    1. Agree Vicky – and like to add that every reflection contains love. I can learn to see the love in what I would call ‘not so lovely situations’ – which are not so much confirming our current expression, but an offer to learn, an offer to evolve from here. Thats love too.

    2. So true Vicky. The things that we are presented with in our lives and our reactions to them are springing from the ground we have fertilised with our own choices. Change our choices and we change our world.

  311. The joy of innocent joy, there is nothing so lovely than to witness another in joy and join then in it! And the lady with the curly hair, took that opportunity.

    1. Yes rosannabianchini that is true it is the best ever to in joy and join the joy with others – it opens the heart immediately and expand the whole body. It is a bit sad not to live like this in every moment of our lives.

  312. Your beautiful purple car is your unique expression rather than something that differentiates you from others – as you say, inside we all have a heart and a soul. What joy and confirmation in receiving the reflection of a similar expression.

    1. Good to see the difference between confirmation and recognition here – it lies in the choice underneath.
      To the first it is choice in accordance to who I truly am and so, express divinity and the other is the trying of fulfill the gap which is left behind when not living who I am with what I do. The later left a stale aftertaste and is always not enough. The former carry the joy.

      1. Beautiful Sandra, confirmation is confirming the fullness of what and what you already are, recognition is sought when we have lost connection to that fullness and are seeking to fill up with something else. and you are right, we will never be satisfied with however much we do or achieve, because deep down we are missing the essential element – our true self – and so the sooner we stop striving to fulfill from the outer, and return and surrender to what we truly are, the sooner we remember that joy. and feeling the joy that you live, confirms the joy I too hold within. thank you.

    2. Well said Carmin, your ‘purple heart’ is a true confirmation of who you are Sandra, as opposed to a car that just confirms an ideal. It only takes one person to step outside the box for others to know that it’s safe to do so, that they too can choose differently.

  313. I love that you have a purple car Sandra, I couldn’t see you with any other colour and I love that you made a connection with your fellow purple fiat panda driver. It’s moments like that when nothing is said and everything is felt that feel so incredible especially when it is with someone you have never met.

    1. You know I call my car ‘purple heart’ … 🙂 it is in truth the color of connection – but misused hundreds of years. Time to claim this color back!

  314. What a great story and what a great reminder! Thank you Sandra, for mirroring the joy that is within me!

    1. Exactly, Naren … what a great reminder indeed, of the glorious joy that is within all of us, waiting to be shared with everyone, equally so.

  315. Beneath our chosen and varied facades, lives a love that connects us all by virtue of the fact that we are in essence one and the same Heavenly light deep within. It is our deepest joy to live this love and express the truth of who we truly are – the many Sons of God gathered here on Earth. Your words are testament to this Sandra, I could not stop my heart smiling when I read them.

      1. Connecting with each other in this way inspires us all to bring more love, then more love, we are like a giant ball of love, there is a tremendously powerful pull for others to join in, we collect more and more love as we take our spherical path, one rotation after another.

    1. I love how you put it Liane,” beneath our chosen and varied facades , lives a love that connects us.” How powerful if we truly accept this.

    2. Very well said Liane.’ It is our deepest joy to live this love and express the truth of who we truly are – the many Sons of God gathered here on Earth. ‘

    3. Liane yes I full hearted agree: ” It is our deepest joy to live this love and express the truth of who we truly are – the many Sons of God gathered here on Earth.” So therefore my heart was full of joy while I was reading your precious comment.

  316. Sandra you really show by example how it is possible to light up others through your own reflection of joy. This is shown by the meeting of you and your panda twin, but also by the joy expressed through the comments on this thread. I know reading this my heart opened wide and I lit up in a nano second.

    1. Yes Rachel, this was a joyful blog to read and all the comments are reflecting that joy. I am still smiling as I type, and have the image in my head of Sandra and the joy she experienced meeting her panda twin.

  317. And another thank-you for sharing this experience and the awesome questions to ask ourselves Sandra! This is a great reminder to beam from inside when we meet anyone. I had an experience this week where I made an assumption of an elderly lady walking her dog, when I realised what I had done, I crossed the road to meet her. We had a lovely conversation and walked the rest of our way home together, and she has since come over to visit. There is so much wisdom, love and joy to be shared when we truly see another.

    1. what a great moment to share Aimee, every person we meet is an opportunity to connect and truly meet them – free of assumption, bias, prejudice, or misperception… the trick is to be in connection with ourselves first and meet them openly, free of all those things… then what can happen is completely open and can be magic..!

    2. I so agree Aimee, ‘There is so much wisdom, love and joy to be shared when we truly see another.’
      … when we truly allow ourselves to meet each other, seeing the love, the truth, rather than judging and getting it wrong. How beautiful that this new relationship was formed from you pausing, feeling how you’d made an assumption and in that moment choosing differently and meeting this lady with all the love that you are.

      1. Being in comparison keeps us closed off to the world and love. When we can get past the comparison we can make true connections and open up to Love available to us all.

  318. Sandra so much joy in your words it was bursting out of the page, I could feel how much you love your car and the joy you felt when you saw one the same colour. No comparison or resentment that the person had the same car as you, just a recognition and joyful celebration of two people making the same choice.

    1. It is the question of why I do choose something – is it with the intent behind it to confirm who we are or does it go against it. I realize that I did choose my car (and also the job I use my car for) in accordance to who I am and what I am here for. So my choice was a confirmation of who I am (love) and so – the meeting of someone similar is a confirmation for love.

  319. A beautiful and joyful blog Sandra, I too found myself smiling reading about your encounter on the motorway, great connection made with another and insightful questions that came from this interaction.

    1. Absolutely johannebrown17 I couldn’t help but smile and feel the absolute joy of Sandra finding a mirror amongst the traffic.

  320. So lovely what you have offered here Sandra, to approach another with the openness and equalness and allow them to feel the same. There is often so much comparison and competition between each other that the wall can be up before anyone has even opened their mouth – it is so great to break that one down and to begin each interaction with openness.

  321. It’s beautiful how you connected with a reflection of yourself Sandra, with the simple joy and innocence of a child. I love my blue mini and always smile at other mini drivers coming towards me confirming our choices of car. This is a great example how we can connect to complete strangers in so many ways with an absolute openness.

  322. As long as we want to be special or unique we will not really be able to appreciate and enjoy someone else´s qualities, glory, beauty etc. Equality is not been sought or seen only comparison and separation when we champion individuality.

    1. So individuality is our road trip to hell – and we already live in it, created it here on earth, did we not? To turn around here we have to give up on individuality/identification and our life will become richer than imaginable.

  323. Life is so much better when we accept equality, not being in equalness feels off and not good in the body. Great Sandra that you felt such joy in the experience in your car, a reflection of the quality in your life.

    1. I find this incredibly liberating Luke; to know that we are all the same by essence, and yet unique in how we each express – blows comparison out of the water.

      1. Agree it’s like going to a jeweller and asking which necklace is worth more. One with oval links and the other with triangular links yet both being made of 24 carrot gold and identical weight.

        Of course this isn’t the most sound analogy however it does the job.

  324. The subject of this blog is profound – our perceptions of the reflections offered to us through daily life and the possibility of accepting these in the grace with which they are presented.

  325. I felt so much joy and playfulness in this article, a real appreciation of life and living and experiencing it deeply. I felt your appreciation for your choices, self nurturing, awareness of colours, details, feelings, the environment, the messages that you receive and more. Lovely.

  326. An Illusion exposed, we often do choose to recognise and appreciate what we ‘know’ and think is familiar to us, but in truth we are all equally amazing and worth celebrating. It is however great to have that confirmation and appreciation from those we call friends/ family/ connections and ‘purple cars’ moments, it can build and support a knowing and love in ourselves and for others, as we grow and develop this love and opennsss for All.

  327. I did a lot of driving yesterday and was on the look out for purple pandas! The point being that reading this article made me more aware of all the opportunities there are every day to appreciate being part of humanity.

    1. Reading your comment Matilda – I stopped and acknowledged I don’t know what a “panda’ is, but until now didn’t consider looking it up. This is very worth doing simply to support the expansion of understanding and appreciating more fully the joy Sandra shares in her loving expression of what she and her mirror have chosen that lovingly supports their movements in life. We are all unique in our expression and appreciating and understanding this is what brings us together and unites as One.

  328. I love your JOY Sandra. There is so much joy in your words. It’s just bursting out of the page! So lovely that you chose the joy in this situation instead of comparison.

  329. The possibility to choose equality instead of comparison is something, many people don’t feel the freedom to choose. For many comparison just rises in an instant as an emotional reaction. And it’s a joyful step by step process to feel that freedom again. For me it’s through self-appreciation that I nourish my self and become present to feel that I am in charge.

  330. What I love about your car Sandra how it represents you and your expression — your essence. Devoting yourself to all that you are through your expression, just like the detail and accessories of your car, opens you up to connect to that in another. This reflection is a beautiful sharing for all.

  331. It is great when we make a loving, confirming choice and the see another who has made that same choice. It is also a great mirror – if we made the choice in truth for identification or relief or comparison our initial response may not be joy when we see others making the same choice.

  332. A really gorgeous blog, Sandra, it just emanates such joy and love, what a beautiful start to my day. Anyone who was feeling a little ‘down’ could not help but be uplifted by it. How beautiful it is that you feel such joy about what to some people may seem such a trivlal thing. But it is not trivial, for you it was quite a celebration, such a joy for you to see another beautiful lady driving a car exactly as your own gorgeous purple Fiat. Such a beautiful reflection for you, how powerful is that. It is up to us to live this way consistently. Such joy and love like this is truly infectious, let’s spread it through the world.

  333. Sandra I love your encounter with another purple car and that you choose to view ‘others’ as a mirror image of yourself.

  334. This is so gorgeous Sandra! The omnipresent law of brotherhood is so humorously and quirkily highlighted by the meeting of the purple pandas. Life in all its fun, truth and joy – a message via the magic of God.

  335. Super cute Sandra. I love sunroofs 🙂 the meeting sounds super cute in the way that there was no comparison, just joy. Yet I see what you mean about how are we’re not as joyful to meet another human being. I’ve noticed this when walking down the street. I found that greeting/ looking at the dog was a lot easier then greeting/ looking at the person they were with. We all carry hurt that gets in the way of being gorgeously open with another. From this life or previous lives. The way you describe being with another other though Sandra, makes beautiful sense to be this way.

    1. This highlights the fact that we crave the true connection, with a dog or an infant, rather than meet the adult directly. We go to the source but will not put ourselves in a position to open up and express from within without holding ourselves in protection.

  336. It is true that we are all one. When we stop and appreciate another and appreciate ourselves deeply, comparison is nowhere in sight.

  337. How apt Sandra that life is one big mirror. We are presented with ceaseless reflections in each moment if we choose to see them and take note and such life is deeply rich with learning of ourselves, life and each other.

    1. And all it takes is being open to learn – a willingness to see ourselves as always evolving and growing, rather than there being some final point to accomplish. This makes every day an adventure rather than a struggle.

      1. Very true Matilda – takes the pressure off to be something or somewhere. We need only be who we truly are. The outcome of this will write itself and is more far reaching than we could ever fathom.

  338. “What a beautiful meeting!” exactly Sandra! how beautiful to meet knowing you were the same. To meet one another on that equal level is very joyful.

  339. Sandra, I can feel your awesomeness and joy in this sharing. You are sharing about true equality -connecting from our innermost. So gorgeous- thank you.

  340. a very sweet and joyful story Sandra thank you for sharing. Your great appreciation for your car and the connection with yourself is what made the difference to what it would have been years ago.

  341. How simple can life be? Choose connection and Joy or separation, comparison and hardness… Allready in the first sentences I could feel the Joy, not knowing where the story would go to. It’s lovely to feel and I made the choice to continue reading and join the Joy. How amazing if we would all connect to each other in this Way. Our world would be a completely different place. At the same time, I can’t change the world, but what I can do is shine my light so others have the choice to align to it or not. The Power of reflection.

    1. Yes Floris van der Schot, we hold the power to shine as bright as we choose and that is what will change the world, as when we live a life of love, people cant help but want to be a apart of it.

      1. And how incredible is it Sarah to realise that even when I try to not be part of the whole, I am still part of the whole. I am Love and can not be not part of the Love that is all around us. I’ve tried hard all my life to tell myself that I’m not Love, not fit in, be different, where in Truth it’s the opposite. There’s a lot of surrendering in all those moments that I accept this. And it’s actually very natural. I am learning to have a foundation where I can Truly feel how Loving I am. Which then gives me my own strength to call myself for a stop moment when I lost myself. Simply because there’s a knowingness within me. More and more I choose to feel how dear I am to me. And that it is up to me to connect to me and re-connect whenever I lost the connection.

    2. Agreed, I felt the joy as soon as I began to read and I said Yes to it and felt it in my body. An amazing example of how we can connect with everyone equally with joy, love and appreciation. What an amazing experience would be had by All if this was the ‘norm’. And can be, I am also feeling this quality in my everyday life and it feels awesome.

      1. For the Joy to be a constant I can see how I am to give myself permission to feel that Joy all of the time – which requires the choice to connect all day, every day. The word permission is very crucial for me here. I am still in the process of letting go that I don’t need permission from somebody else to surrender to the Love, Beauty and Joy inside me. That this has been a perfect set-up for me to not having to choose Responsibility for my own connection. A set-up that made me believe that I was dependent on others if I was to express lovingly or not. Fact is that I miss myself and Heaven every minute that I’m not connected. And when I’m in that state, I’m actually at war with myself. Whether I want to admit or not. Outer fights, frustrations, etc. only occur when there’s this war going on inside.

      2. This is powerful, honest, vulnerable and aware Floris van der Schot, thank you for sharing.

  342. So much playfulness in your blog Sandra. It was a beautiful example of how without judgment joy and true reflection can be seen and felt.

  343. Joy, Joy, Joy, your blog has joy written all over it. I love it and am filled with joy. Thank you for sharing.

      1. Absolutely Matilda, it’s the flour that is the foundation for the delicious cake of life we live in. With out it the sweetness of life couldn’t be tasted.

  344. Such a joy to read this blog and to feel how we all inspire each other. We are all a spark of inspiration. When we meet people like this, there is no room for comparison nor jealousy because my spark is different from your spark. Why would I want to be you when I am this gorgeous spark myself?

    1. Yes I can truly feel that too Mariette. “How we all inspire each other” I can feel an inner joy and an impulse to naturally want to join in and share – with no jealousy or comparison. There is no my car is bigger than your car going on here! 🙂

      1. I know, I share your joy. Then every morning when you wake up, it can only be a YES, it is a brand new day, let’s inspire and be inspired!

  345. I loved reading about your joy-full, and fun experience meeting another from your identical cars.
    And what would it be like if we allowed this spontaneous loving connection to just happen with everyone we met, wouldn’t this have an amazing ripple effect on everyone?

  346. Sandra this ‘encounter’ of yours reminds me there are no coincidences and the reflection for you was to bring the same reflection to all, which you have now done. It is wonderful to feel God’s magic at work.

  347. To regard others not as a challenge but a blessing, that is gold. And not just people but situations and our issues as well, something to learn from and evolve with.

  348. Who could resist your joy Sandra? When a smile comes with love others can feel the source of that smile – an open heart that embraces and welcomes everyone in.

    1. So true Susan. I’m always amazed at how many people respond when greeted with an open heart.

  349. A great blog Sandra – to see that we have really invested in identification within ourselves and others – but this caps how we are with people. In this case we identify with people who look similar to us in some way, a direct way to relate to them, rather than seeing everyone as equal first and foremost. A very clever game we play to shut out the world when there is no need.

  350. This is a beautiful blog. I could see you Sandra with your smiling, beautiful expressive face enjoying the situation and realising what you realised. Thank you!

  351. I love this Sandra. It reminds me of the time when I had a Citroen 2CV. It was an unusual shape, bright green and white, had a soft top and had the word DOLLY written on the front. It was a friendly car that made people smile. When I used to see other 2CV’s on the road we always used to toot and wave with big smiles. Your point is a good one. Why do we need something like a car to make us connect with fellow human beings? The car obviously helps! But it is actually possible to be this open with everyone, like a big bouncing labrador full of joy.

  352. There are two mirror situations here: on the one hand, meeting people who make identical choices that we do. When this happens, we are delightedly confirmed and we walk like a happy dog. On the other hand, recognising the equal-ness in everyone independent of their choices and meeting them in that equalness yet accepting that the reflection they provide for us may not be so comfortable. Both are part of life. Both help us to evolve.. yet in a different way.

    1. So clearly delineated Eduardo. The ‘snap’ of the identical image does have us walking like a happy dog, because we know the Universe is fun and delightful. And yes there is also that deep recognition of equal-ness with all, no matter whether the image coincides or not.

  353. “She smiled back and I could feel the same joy rising in her, as in me”. Would it not be so awesome to feel this reflection to all we meet on the roads today. The joy of that feeling of really wanting to meet and share a moment with another, smile and acknowledge – no words required – just a deep knowing that we are here sharing together. This would certainly create a more fun experience whilst driving bumper to bumper on the busy highways/byways as drivers are so focused on getting from A to B.

  354. The infectious joy felt and shared here by yourself Sandra and everyone in the following comments only goes to confirm how much this connection and expression with another is what we truly want and are here for.

  355. “The opportunity to grow together is there, because we could take the choices another has made as an inspiration, as the woman in my mirror car did” What a beautiful, heartfelt blog showing how choosing to see other people’s choices as inspirations rather than with jealousy is so enriching not just for oneself but also for others.

    1. Choosing to see other people’s choices as inspirations rather than with jealousy is so enriching not just for oneself but also for others. So true Jonathan, when you see another in joy over another’s experience, not only do you get to feel the absolute joy within you from them, but also get to feel the depth of true connection and brotherhood and how it holds everyone equally. Very beautiful.

  356. I remember when I was in my teens wanting a purple car and feeling the JOY inside of me with the thought of this actually coming true, so it is very confirming to hear about your experience Sandra as it presents to me that what I felt was spot on.

  357. “Then, by realising how I felt, just because I met the same car, I started to wonder why I didn’t always feel like that when meeting some other human being.” Your question reminds me of how I actually feel always super joyful to meet people, be it friends, family or people I have not met yet there is something that I just love about being with fellow human beings. And why not… it is really lovely to be together. I am inspired to feel this joy and express it more in my days.

  358. I love your blog Sandra and can feel you smiling all the way through. What a beautiful thing appreciation is and how different it feels to live this with everything and everyone you meet.

  359. That meeting of two Pandas and the women inside them is still rippling out all over the world. Enhanced by, but not because of, this article, simply because when two people allow this quality of connection, everyone is offered that opportunity by reflection. Thank you purple pandas, Sandra and the willing to grin back lady with curly hair.

  360. How glorious to consider that we do not need to wait for strong signs of familiarity before we connect, just to know how equal and wonderful we all are and connect in this love. It’s so true Sandra. Those moments are really fun and we could have them as often as we like.

  361. I am smiling with you Sandra, such a beautiful joyous story;
    “I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us”. A very pertinent reflection for us all Sandra, thank you.

  362. “The opportunity to grow together is there, because we could take the choices another has made as an inspiration, as the woman in my mirror car did. She joined my joy.” Inspiration, Joy and Connection my three favourite words. Thank you Sandra for sharing this playful blog.

  363. What an awesome picture that you paint Sandra of us all in the world, reflecting truth to one another – just like walking, talking mirrors. Not only are we all connected but perfectly and absolutely designed to appear in just that specific place, on that specific day. So is it not time we took off our shades and saw clearly that there is nothing that is here by accident but that everything is a gift to help us grow and blossom?

  364. “The joy that arose in me was enormous. I felt like a child – innocent full of joy and delighted. I wanted to immediately meet this counterpart, my mirror on the street.”
    This is so tangible and real, I remember this feeling.. And now when I reconnect to who I am , I realize that everyone is the same, and that when I see people there are a mirror to myself, and when I open up, there is this huge joy ofnletting them in:) and see me and seeing them!

  365. Utterly gorgeous Sandra! I love how you met your similarly-vehicled other and shared the joy. I must say I too feel a little upswell of delight whenever I’ve seen another car like mine on the road. There’s a kind of kinship there. But the question you then pose is equally pertinent. Why don’t I feel the same with everyone we meet? Do we feel more comforted by others who might be ‘just like me’?

  366. How simple it is Sandra to spread the joy instead of the misery. Just allow ourselves to be love and love spreads as connection and a smile of recognition of a fellow and equal being.

  367. What a great reflection you have offered to us all Sandra, by the example with your car you were inspired to feel how amazing it can be to be willing see the equality between us all and to connect with everyone in this joyful way.

  368. The joy shared here Sandra is gorgeous and this reflection is what the whole world is looking for. Life is pure joy, there are lots to be present to but there are actually no issues, the reflection of this light is what life is truly about.

  369. The choice to live equality with people I have found is a movement that is naturally impulsed and the more this movement is being walked, the more it becomes natural. Naturally within our hearts we feel closeness with everyone, not that we have to physically be in close proximity or hug or even chat, although sometimes those gestures can be lovely, but we still feel the joy of connection and that is just not possible to be held back (on my part). In any circumstance when we feel challenged with people whom we don’t feel this joy, it is a reminder for me to come back to seeing the true value of that person by moving differently with them when they are around, which this exercise actually always begin with observing how I am being asked to first move deeper in intimacy with myself.

  370. “What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?” – i think Sandra that this would lead to a responsible world with appreciation being at the core. Equally, seeing other people as our reflection can also be (in addition to a challenge, and blessing) a positive confirmation of how we currently are or our quality of being, in your car case – your joy in unity with another….confirming this in your body and in how you continue to drive your car, meet your clients, do your job. So wonderful!

  371. Your words Sandra “I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us” – yes, feeling equal within ourselves allows feeling equal with another.

  372. I can relate to how I could have reacted to the situation in the past Sandra, with comparison and or jealousy. If another was wearing clothes similar to be I would feel quite outraged instead of welcoming the reflection and sharing Joy. It is so cool how we are able to change the way we understand what life presents and how we respond the the opportunities to connect.

    1. interesting is it not Rachael, I feel the difference between the two reaction is the understanding and livingness of the fact that we are all one. When we do not wish that we need to stand out, be different and when we are not it triggers our reactions, whereas when we are in this connection with all it becomes a celebration such as Sandra has shared with us.

  373. Sandra, I was touched by your blog and your delight in opening to another human being.

  374. Sandra your blog confirmed to me that we have a choice in every moment to “see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us” by going into comparison, jealousy or protection. And thank you for your dot point questions which are great to ponder.

  375. I love the perspective you’ve given us all through this blog Sandra. Yes, we are all the same in that we are all human being’s (sometimes human doings). It’s like we look for a similarity or commonality to connect with another, something obvious, and the car is a great example of this. The real and very obvious commonality is the fact that we are breathing! All of us, together, no need for an excuse to connect, just by breathing we already are.

    1. Beautifully said Rachel. ‘The real and very obvious commonality is the fact that we are breathing! All of us, together, no need for an excuse to connect, just by breathing we already are.’

  376. Wow Sandra, what joy there is in this blog, i love it.. and can feel the immense joy in greeting people/everyone as if we were seeing members of our family… we have joy when we see family, so why not others. It just goes to show how much ‘family by blood lines or surname’ has caused us division, closed-ness and separation between each other – i.e to only feel joy when seeing family/friends, as opposed ‘strangers’.

  377. Very cute little car blog, I have my doppelganger car round town and have often been curious about who might be driving it but alas the windows are tinted! The concept of meeting everyone in this joy is actually a proven living way, have a look next time you are at the park, the way kids meet each other, they fully become best friends in a few minutes, its a great motto to live by, remembering the spark in our hello.

    1. ‘remembering the spark in our hello’ that is a great expression Sarah and one to start the day with. If we can see the spark in ourselves it is so much more joyful to meet another and let the spark light up together.

      1. Yes, this ‘spark in our hello’ – thank you for the reminder to appreciate how much we can already contribute to life just by the way we say ‘hello’!

      2. You can play little games with yourself wth this little saying. I work in customer service/hospitality. When I am serving on the till all day greeting customers I will often see how many times I can stay totally connected to my joy and another persons joy before I loose my focus. It sounds funny but until you bring attention to it, you will be surprised by how easy it is to let the quality and spark of the hello drift away.

  378. I love what you are sharing here Sandra about learning to live in co-operation rather than competition and comparison. A simple thing like seeing another car just like our own can bring so much joy and appreciation when we are not trying to prove anything to anyone or wanting to be the special one with a special car/house/object/talent etc. Just being ourselves makes us special, not in the sense that we are “better than another” but in the sense that we are all divine beings.

  379. Such a simple statement… That we are all the same… And of course it is true … And yet If you were looking down on our planet you would see humanity choosing separation on the most bizarre and complex and detailed levels rather than feeling that intense sense of union and oneness.

    1. That we choose so manifold separation shows how smart we are and that we know connection and our oneness exactly – so we ‘just’ have to take our power back from the ‘dark side of the force’. We are powerful, every choice counts. My next choice has an effect on the whole planet. Is my next choice in appreciation and confirming who we are, or …not, and so attack who we are? Do I choose to suffer under my past choices/hurts/wasted time, or do I choose now different? Will I furthermore avoid my responsibility to offer joy, or take my chance now and see and live the truth of our connection and equalness?

  380. Thank you Sandra, such a joyful and uplifting experience that brings sunshine into the deepest corner, such is the delight and joy within you. How gorgeous to be met by such joy in the day, whether it be in your purple panda or not, being embraced with such innocence and equality can only lift everyone’s heart and spread a ripple of appreciation far and wide.

  381. This blog is like music to my heart, thank you Sandra singing the tunes of joy and brotherhood so simply and it is that simple. To open our hearts to the warmth inside and sharing that with each other is how we can live and yes why don’t we make every connection like that with everyone we meet….in contrast we can get so serious in our comparisons, jealousy, competition all this silly stuff to make ourselves feel better about ourselves. But when we share our warmth that is the best feeling ever because its about being together, connected!

  382. ‘WE ALL HAVE A HEART, WE ALL HAVE A SOUL’, says it all! Who knows where your joyful connection with the other woman would have taken her on that day and the beautiful connections she would have made, it has such a ripple effect in our lives and so simple to do. There is so much joy in your article, thank you.

    1. Agreed, Susan, we have no idea how our being naturally joyful can ripple out and who is affected except that we can certainly feel it when someone is angry so it makes sense that we can definitely feel joy when it is being expressed by another.

  383. Sandra Schneider AWESOME WOMAN indeed! Thank you… your blog brought a big smile to my face too, and what you say about feeling this way when meeting every person is spot on. When we meet someone and there is no ‘other’, it is magical… and that is how it ought to be.

    1. Yes, Jenny, there can be magic in every moment when we open up to letting another in by dropping the protection and comparison. Sandra beautifully reminds us of the joy and playfulness in embracing others and life.

      1. Yes and you have just captured the essence of the Lennox Head Retreat Janet… drop protection, let another in, and magic happens 🙂 Pretty simple huh!

    2. Beautifully said Jenny, ‘When we meet someone and there is no ‘other’, it is magical’. Oneness is felt.

      1. Yes and so simply too… when I think about the convoluted and lengthy ‘enlightenment’ process some religious and new-age practices promote, and yet to feel ‘oneness’ just requires meeting one another in complete openness.

      2. It almost seems humorous when looked at like that, so much time and energy put into finding something so simple.

      3. Yes Jenny, the illusion exposed that it takes time or effort to connect when we can feel our ‘oneness’ in a moment when drop any layers of protection.

  384. Ooooh Sandra the joy in your blog comes bursting through. The love and playfulness of you, your car and the meeting of another is gorgeous. It makes sense to ask the question why not meet all human beings the way you met your mirror, mirror on the street. Why don’t we?

  385. This story reminds me of when I was recently on the campaign trail and was door knocking hundreds of houses. When I door knocked, inevitably if there were children and/or dogs…they were like BANG at the door, mostly tails wagging (literally and figuratively), going whose there? can we play? can’t wait to see you/meet you…..but when the adults came to the door, it was often much slower and much more reserved. Over time we could settle in and the joy could come from our interatctions but it was rare for it to be straight up. We have a lot to see and learn from children as we were all once like that and can re-connect to that joy as Sandra has just shown.

    1. This is gorgeous Sarah and kind of confirms that as we get older the barriers go up and we become more cautious or just do not want to interact with others and be less playfull! However, all is not lost! As in my life I have gone from loving people and being this gorgeous joyfull and playfull child to as an adult feeling very alone, hurt, sad, miserable and depressed. But now once again, I have let my guard permanently down, opened my heart (which is forever deepening) and am loving, joyfull and playfull with people again. So as adults we can change this it is just a case of healing our hurts and Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are just the people to TRULY help and support us with this.

    2. I totally agree, at some point or another it seems adults become jaded and suspicious of people. I am not sure if it’s when we have been hurt enough that we think we need to put our guard up or some form of protection?
      Protecting ourselves doesn’t work, as our natural state of being is love, in protection the body hardens and so this actually hurts us and pulls us from our natural state.
      Children are just so open and ready to love, truly inspiring.

  386. So much fun and joy and reality in what you share Sandra. Bringing this to everyone is a wonderful way to move through our day. I meet a 4-month-old baby yesterday. I just had to say hello, her little face was a beacon of priceless preciousness. She greeted me with smiles and was totally open to a stranger that simply wanted to be in her presence for a few moments. Yes a joy to behold and know that this is available with everyone.

  387. “WE ALL HAVE A HEART, WE ALL HAVE A SOUL” What a great line to remind us of where we come from and that we are all brothers.

    1. Agreed Donna, no matter how different we may appear, how our lives may vary the fact remains we are innately all connected and all practically have a heart and soul.

  388. I love this Sandra. When you were first describing the uniqueness of your car and then seeing the same car, I went into comparison. I realised how much Identification i have with being unique and being an individual. But by holing on to this I miss out on the joy you described of you and the woman smiling back at each other. The joy was palpable. What good does holding on the self serve? Not much I’m realising.

    1. Holding onto self does no good really, it’s the glasses that keep the beauty of reflection out.

      1. “The glasses that keep the beauty of reflection out” – that is not only an incredibly beautiful way to describe it, but spot one. A very powerful comment.

  389. Simply making the effort to connect with another opens up others, be it in the supermarket, sidewalk or anywhere for that matter, it is this effort to extend ourselves that ignites the fire in another, it is almost infectious.

    1. It is indeed infectious, no two ways about it. Connecting with people really works and delivers pure magic.

  390. Sandra I love what you’ve shared – I too am grinning! Yes, we have the choice to connect and enjoy this divine connection with another. Or we can go the dark road of comparison, envy …. Yes, I can feel this grin throughout my body and this joy is who I am – the other stuff is just sludge I can choose if I want to.

  391. It sounded like you got reminded by this beautiful purple ‘mirror’ something you perhaps had forgotten for a second or two that, as you share, we are all the same and that we have no excuse for not being abundantly joyful all of the time : )

    1. Yes Matts – we are all the same, thats our truth – but sadly not our lived reality. Good to remember. And a good point to see the moment I am not in joy – there is something missing (connection) what is there, but I do not choose. Taking responsibility about ‘being in joy’ is our (lovely) job. As well like ‘bring truth into reality’, let truth become reality.

  392. I have seen the joy you write about here expressed by young children. They seem to be magnets in any gathering homing in on one another, without holding back. It is a delight to witness. This blog shows that us adults could do it too, we could really enjoy what life presents, just takes a choice.

    1. I felt this too Golnaz. There is a childhood innocence in this blog that we can veil as we grow older until that gorgeous spontaneity and simple joy in life is so masked that it is hardly felt at all. Beautiful to feel it here and be inspired to live it, choose it and live it.

  393. Absolutely gorgeous blog Sandra as are you who has written it! Life is amazing when we start to deeply care for ourselves. There then is a joy in moments like you shared with your car, which we probably would have missed if we were feeling unwell or depressed. Self-care, Self-love and keeping things light have opened my eyes too to these simple joys of life and I would too jump with joy in such a moment! Thank you for sharing.

  394. Beautiful Sandra, there is such joy felt in reading this from the joy you clearly felt and feel in your everyday connections. I too feel similarly. I drive an old white jeep and when my boys or I see another we always joyfully wave at the driver, my youngest exclaiming the match. It’s such fun. I love how you’ve taken this one stage further to open us up to the truth that every encounter is a blessing to meet more of our 8 billion family, it makes life so much more fun.

  395. I was bursting with joy as I read your beautiful blog Sandra….I couldn’t, nor did I want to, wipe the smile from my face. A big thank you for sharing!!

    1. Yes Rosemary it is wonderful when we share experiences of pure joy and insight with one another. It confirms and inspires everyone including our self.

  396. Sandra, your blog generated a massive smile on my face and in my heart when I read it the first time. There is so much joy in what you’ve shared about seeing another as a mirror and feeling the joy in that, rather than seeing another as a competitor and trying to look/be the best.

  397. I love the question you ask Sandra. the seemingly natural response is to like people we think are like us, but in truth we can connect and choose to appreciate everyone

    1. I think we are prone to this behaviour because we want a sense of connection – you can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. There is a part of us that sees that car that is the same as ours and that car reminds us that we are indeed connected, or the same. I love that Sandra suggests that this does not have to be a limited feeling, if we are open to it, a genuine appreciation for the whole of humanity is possible.

      1. The limiting factor I notice is the degree to which I am willing to see another reflected in me…not in my choice of clothes but at the level of essence.

      2. Yes, when we strip back all our layers of protection, the ideals and beliefs we have subscribed to and truly allow ourselves to connect to others it becomes so clear that we are all the same in essence. We may hang on to our individuality but that just keeps under the illusion of separation.

  398. Great Marika – and we can equally greet the one who sits next to us on the bus, the person at the till – basically everyone we come across.

  399. Sandra the joy of this experience is tangible and reminds me of similar moments I have experienced.

  400. Sandra, your blog is such a delight and reading it I had my own moment of mirror, mirror, feeling your delight in your car, meeting another on the street, and it’s infectious as now I sit here at my computer smiling with joy at your delight and loving that you are playing out in the world. Thank you.

  401. That the joy when felt, can simply not be contained, it is there to be shared. Love how you shared it with the other woman and how joyfully you share it here too.

    1. Its true Rosanna, joy cannot be confined to just one person, by its very nature it is a quality that quadruples when we connect to other people and spills out into the world touching everyone in the vicinity and far into the universe. I love the innocent joy that Sandra shares here, the picture of her smiling with a loving open pride of sharing the same taste and qualities with another person, confirming and appreciating the choices both have made for themselves so lightheartedly, one of those fleeting moments that brings a magical richness to our everyday lives.

    2. This too is my experience – hence the joy of reading this blog and connecting to the joy on offer.

  402. A lovely example Sandra with a deeper understanding too. You connected with the person in the car because you saw on the outside that she was a reflection of you. When we understand that we are all absolutely the same on the inside, we all come from Love, ( despite looking different on the outside,) we can connect with everyone we meet in the same way.

  403. Reading your blog after I just had this lovely moment with the postman at work, I can so relate to what you share Sandra. This man gave me such a big smile on my face and I told him that yes, he brings the mail, but this is just the outside, because what he does is bringing love. I told him how lovely it felt to see him and to connect with him and after he left, I could so feel again what life is about…PEOPLE and CONNECTION.

    1. It is so simple, connection to ourselves and others. What is important to acknowledge is that we are connected when we are alone in private, that what we emanate is felt by everyone, it can be hard to fathom but we are either sending out a vibe that is love or not and that is connected to to confirm someone with love or to collude with what is not love. We have such a great responsibility for how we live our every moment.

    2. I love to connect with people – in the shop I am working in, in the supermarket, on the street or where ever – and see that we leave each other with a smile. Gosh – people are so great if we are connecting.

      1. I agree Sandra, it is amazing the different way we are with others when we allow ourselves to connect with them. After all we are all deeply loving sensitive beings just often have set up our lives to protect us from hurts rather than living the love we are.

    3. That is a great confirmation of how simply life truly is and how we are naturally meant to be open, interactive and joyful all of the time.

  404. I love your blog Sandra, I feel a deep appreciation from reading your beautiful expression. To appreciate the gorgeous reflections we receive from people leads to a life full of joy. What you share Sandra is an awesome reminder of how we can be with others and when we meet someone new, is to be our natural joyful self as much as possible. I can feel you live that and it’s very inspiring.

  405. I could feel your Joy reading this and it’s contagious 😆 Yep ‘WE ALL HAVE A HEART, WE ALL HAVE A SOUL.’ How beautiful is it when we do not have, or let comparison and jealousy in, we then get to feel all that you have just shared.

    1. I love the quote “you are a soul, you have a body” we get everything so back to front and cause ourselves umpteen misery along the way living in the opposite way that is true for ourselves. It is deeply sad how we have found ourselves in 2016 so far from what Sandra is describing as a way of living instead of the joy we live separated, suspicious, protected lives.

      1. I agree Vanessa. We claim to be a ‘super intelligent’ species but cannot seem to let go of our ideals, beliefs and comparisons, thus our interactions with one another are often cold, separative or protective in some way.

      2. Exactly Susie – no other species take their own lives (well not that I’m aware of) nor act without a purpose.

  406. I will take your Purple Fiat Panda metaphor with me in the day. In essence we are all the same, a joy to meet and to confirm that to others ánd myself. Just a simple smile confirms that. But there is more to it, as your blog shows, the smile started when you choose to recognize this fact of equalness. So Panda or other cars on the road, soon we will all be smiling to all car drivers and beyond 🙂

    1. I love it when you connect with someone when driving, when your eyes meet and there is the openness to connect and it is felt, it is only fleeting but it is very important and confirms the connection to brotherhood we all know so well inside.

      1. Oh I love this too Vanessa, meeting another driver while driving is such a gorgeous experience and you can instantly feel the connection… with absolutely no words spoken! This is true science and such a practical and easy way to see we are all connected and deep down every one of us feel this.

      2. Letting someone out in front of you, appreciating with a nod or a wave when they have waited for you to pass, or simply eye contact at the lights. Its a wonderful feeling because it costs nothing and yet it enriches a moment – its a universal feeling and very achievable when we have a bit of time and space about us.

  407. Reading this made me smile from the start to the finish. In your words Sandra I could feel the appreciation you have for your car and what a great point you make about meeting people and being joyful for having met them, and having an opportunity to be open hearted.

  408. Sandra best of all i love your description of your car, for i can feel how every feature confirms YOU, its no wonder that you cruise in this car, in truth you and your car work in service for the greatest confirmation, LOVE.

    1. Lucinda, I loved this too, ‘ I love your description of your car, for I can feel how every feature confirms YOU, its no wonder that you cruise in this car’, it has made me aware of how I feel about my car and why I chose it and this article it has made me appreciate how easy to drive, solid, smooth and reliable my car is, it has inspired me to take more care of my car and enjoy cruising in it too.

      1. Love the way you (and Sandra) really appreciate your car Mary. I feel the same about mine. The ease of driving is out of this world, and getting into my car after work or shopping feel likes I am being held and embraced by love.

      1. I agree, I recently changed my car to a newer car which has far better security and more gadgets, not because I particularly like gadgets but because I knew these features would be excellent tools to support me with my work.

      2. It is a giant joy to have a car we love! When my car is dirty, or there is any stuff left lying around in it, I know I need to apply the same level of care to the car as I do to myself, so as I care for my car, it reflects how I care for myself.

    2. I loved feeling this too – there is such a joy in the way Sandra has spoken about her car and all the ways in which it supports her. More magic!

  409. Sandra love it, what fun. Great reminder to enjoy life and magic that happens every day.

    1. True – magic is forever present in every moment if we choose to connect and accept this fact.

    2. Yes David, this is a reminder that magic happens in our everyday interactions. We just need to be open to seeing them, and then celebrating them.

  410. I really felt the joy in your blog Sandra. Who needs a wall (as in mirror mirror on the wall…etc.)when the mirror of life is all around us if we but choose to feel and see the all that is in all that is sharing our particles. How glorious to feel such fun and playfullness while the occupant of the other purple car was the recipient of your reflection.

    1. I agree completely Roberta. Who needs the ‘mirror mirror on the wall’ to tell us the things that life reflects to us already, and that we can already see, feel and read. Everything is a mirror, as how we are constantly affects the quality of the environment surrounding us and the people we’re with, which bounces back to affect us and our day in a yo-yo motion.

      1. Yes,the mirrors are all around us and we are also the mirrors, so imagine the sparkle that would light up the world if we all kept our mirrors clean so that our reflections were clear.

      2. Seeing all that is in our life as a opportunity to reflect what is there to be acknowledged and appreciated, or perhaps a point of evolution provides much purpose and meaning to life, as well as opening the door to see how much more is going on energetically than we typically think.

      3. Absolutely Heather, this focus on constant evolution and appreciation brings a great focus to our lives, and if we follow this it means that nothing can ever get built up or stuck as we are evaluating and looking at life all the time.

      4. Totally Susie. The truth is all around us if only we read the reflections that constantly present as a gift for evolution. Truth Actually.

    2. ‘The mirror of life is all around us’ – its a great sentence and it reminds me that we have a responsibility to reflect what is true to other people in the world all the time. This extends well beyond a smile, but delves deep into questioning how people are living, what we accept as normal. Joy and Harmony are a natural state, and anything less is to be observed closely and not simply accepted.

    3. Your comment Roberta got me thinking as to the magic of Sandra’s encounter with the other driver and the many blessings for all (including each and everyone of us reading and commenting on her inspiring blog) that arose from Sandra’s openness to be the joy and love that she is, imagine if we were all so open to expressing this joy in our day to day life.

  411. It is always a joy to feel the joy in another, it is contagious. It is so confirming of who we truly are, and life has many of these beautiful experiences for us to appreciate.:)

      1. I also agree here, and this can totally pull you out of an unresolved issues. Being joyfully content in oneself is a powerful way to live.

    1. I love that Victoria, I have never felt how confirming Joy is. It’s totally confirming of the love we all are. Beautiful to feel.

    2. This is so true Victoria. It is absolutely infectious to feel joy in another. You cannot but be touched by it and feel the pull to feel the same joy for yourself. As you say, life is full of these beautiful experiences everyday if we choose to see and feel them, in our relationships, in nature and when we are simply out and about, meeting other people in our everyday interactions.

    3. And there is SO SO SO much JOY JOY JOY just waiting to be unfolded, like it is bursting from the seams but we hold hold hold it back so much. Let out the JOY I say!

    4. Yes, Victoria, the joy that is felt in Sandra’s blog is extremely contagious, so uplifting to anyone who is feeling a little down. There are so many times in our lives that we have beautiful experiences, let’s appreciate them and spread the word as Sandra has done, let’s spread this love and joy wherever we go and let the world feel this joy and love. The world certainly needs this true joy, no need for artificial replacements.

    5. Joy is infectious and oh so playful. When you feel joy it is a whole body experience and when reflected it lights everyone up.

    6. I agree Victoria, the joy in others lights the spark within ourselves of we allow it too. I was left feeling super chummed about myself and connecting to others after reading Sandra’s blog. A great example of inspiration truly is.

      1. When reading Sandra’s truly inspiring blog one cannot help but be filled with the joy and lightness she has so beautifully shared…… showing the power of expression and the written word to inspire, lift and heal.

      2. And in your comment Rosemary I can feel how deeply confirming appreciation is. IN your appreciation of Sandra’s blog you have confirmed the joy and lightness of being.

    7. Joy in another gives us permission, so to speak, to also be joyful. It really is contagious.

    8. What we often accept as joy, such as an excitement, elation or stimulation is a poor substitute. Joy is a livingness of truth, it is God’s truth lived and expressed. It is in our movements in respect love and truth that joy confirms us.

    9. Joy is a confirmation of the energy we have expressed, coming back to us. In essence it is one of the five qualities of the Soul and therefore it is very natural and normal for us to express when we stay connected to our truth. Furthermore, there is not an ounce of elation in true Joy, for the Soul does not plunge to depths that it needs to arise from because it lives in a permanent state of joy – the endless confirmation of God’s undying love. Read more about the true meaning of joy here: http://www.unimedliving.com/unimedpedia/word-index/unimedpedia-joy.html

      1. Liane thank you very much for this great link. I was curious to read more about joy after reading your revealing comment. I have to admit that I was astonished how different my knowing about joy was and I have to say that I love the deeper understanding I have now. I am wondering why this is not a common knowing.

    10. Joy is most definitely contagious, I have always loved the way you can so easily get the giggles when someone else’s laughing. It makes me wonder how contagious stress and anger are if we allow it?

      1. Interesting question fionacochran01. I easily find myself laughing if I see someone else laughing, even if I don’t know what made them laugh. Equally if someone gives me a genuine smile, I naturally smile back and that momentary connection feels great. In my opinion we can let the stress and anger of others affect us in a negative way. It brings home the responsibility we have in how we are, because we all have a huge effect on each other.

  412. “I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us.” Beautiful Sandra, this is such a great example of the boundless appreciation and support we can bring to ourselves and indeed how this in turn can be reflected in every mirror on the street.

  413. Sandra this is such a fun story – and when you write about seeing someone in the same car – I know exactly how you feel. Even when I see a car the same colour and model as mine it is as if I wan’t to meet the person. But it also shows to me that we wait for aesthetic similarities to accept and acknowledge that we are all the same – when truly – we are equal no matter what. As you share – what if we were to see everyone as the same and be open to all? What an absolutely joyful experience we would have simply by letting go of ‘difference means separation’

    1. I’ve got the same realization hvmorden when I once saw that I am shocked by bullying against people I know, who are dear to my heart – and than have to realize that I did reduce my connection to a few I know. But in fact we are all brothers and so everyone is dear to my heart and so worth to rise for him/her. In fact it is not just that they are worth it but that I have the responsibility to stand up for every brother and sister because we are one and because I have this responsibility with me. To honor me, a being which is connected, I have to honor all.

      1. Sandra I love what you say here ‘To honor me, a being which is connected, I have to honor all.’ – that is just spot on and is said in absolute responsibility. I think it is absolutely amazing how connected we all are, how similar we all are. And to live with this knowing makes me appreciate that life and people and relationships can be very simple.

  414. Gorgeous Sandra. You’ve sweetly exposed how when we go into comparison with each other, which happens all the time in society today, we miss out on moments like these… We get caught up in who’s more successful, what the other person has that we don’t, what the other person COULD have that we don’t (e.g. have paid a lower price) etc., and miss the joy that’s there to be had simply from connecting and communicating with someone without any beliefs, judgements or jealousy.

    1. True, we always have the choice – to focus on what separates us or on our connection and equality. Only one of these ways offers joy. – Life is full of simple choices…

  415. Thank you for sharing the infectiousness of your joy and being an inspiration for how that can be the living way for us all.

  416. That is so cool Sandra, not only were you appreciating yourself but also the other women. ps. I love your description of yourself ‘Awesome women…’!!!

  417. As I was reading this blog Sandra I knew it was from you, it has your joy, lightness and love of others all through it. I love your line reminding us to take care to see our equality instead of focusing on what seemingly separates us. We ARE all the same.

  418. Sandra it is gorgeous to feel the joy in this blog, especially at the moment of connecting together with your mirror-car-woman on the street.
    The definition of Joy on Unimedpedia, totally confirms your shared experience together
    “Joy is a confirmation. And what are we confirming? Very simply, in the understanding that we are all love, equally so, at our deepest core, when this love is then expressed and met with the love of another equally expressed, our essence (Divinity) is confirmed and deeply felt as JOY. To be ‘met’ or confirmed at the level that is the most true you”.
    See more at: http://www.unimedliving.com/unimedpedia/word-index/unimedpedia-joy.html#sthash.yWhJ5ReQ.dpuf

  419. Sandra reading this brought a smile to my face and a warmth to my body. I could feel your joy, and then the ladies joy too. How beautiful. And as you say, how silly we don’t connect to this all the time!

    1. It is great isn’t it to realize how much opportunities we miss out to enjoy each other. There is whole world of joy waiting for us to get undiscovered….

  420. Thank you, Sandra, for sharing your joy, your cheekiness and how you naturally embrace life and others. I could really feel in that moment that there was no separation, no comparison, no ‘other’.

    1. Yes Janet, the joyfulness and lightness of play that is evidently felt in this blog is a great reminder that separation with others is only breeded when we first separate from ourselves. Joy is felt between people and offers love and connection.

  421. You’ve made a really good point here Sandra, we are all the same in essence and yet this is not how we respond and relate to one another. What I have found inspiring from Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon is that even if we may not have the situation where everyone is relating to each other from our essence that doesn’t mean we can’t for we always have the choice of connection available to us. And if one person starts it off then those ripples go out to affect many others, as from example of Serge, to the student body, the lady in the other purple car and who knows where those ripples continue to spread.

  422. This is glorious to read, and feel the immense joy of in truth being all the same, and we can choose this all the time.

  423. Sandra, I love this article, it so playful and uplifting to read, and you ask some great questions, ‘What would it be like to enjoy everyone I meet like that?’ I can feel how if I think someone is similar to me or if i know them then i am much warmer and more open and friendly with them, as you say why not be like this with everyone, why sometimes hold back, we are all sisters and brothers.

  424. What a lovely blog Sandra I could feel your joy it was bubbling over and gorgeously infectious. A great choice you made to connect and enjoy rather than go into comparison, and in sharing we all got to enjoy your Mirror Mirror on the Street.

  425. Comparison makes so much complication in life – through our choice to be this way. Whereas the simplicity, love, joy and immense feeling of openness/expansiveness and equality with the ‘world’ is there for all to tap into, as you so beautifully share with us Sandra. If we look at the bigger picture that is being presented to us. There is joy in abundance around every corner.

    1. Yes Marion, it is so easy to go into comparison rather than go with the opportunity to connect from pure joy… and in truth this opportunity exists every time we meet someone, as they are grand beyond comprehension, and yet we rarely see them for this. We let in the comparison, judgement, expectations, conditions and all the noise that gets in the way of the potential for a pure joyful moment of connection.

    2. Beautiful Marion ‘There is joy in abundance around every corner’ and we miss out on this if were entrapped in making it about ourselves only – then we go into complication –

    3. How lovely it is to go out and be curious about life and its reflections, knowing about how much we have to share and bring. Coming from our richness instead of focusing on our self created ‘lessness’ (which is an illusion).

  426. Mmmm! reading this Sandra left me feeling all warm inside. All it takes is a fleeting glimpse, a smile and a silent acknowledgement to see another and recognise that reflection shining right back. With no comparison just pure inner joy as we do have a choice to enjoin with our fellow brothers not allowing anything else (the what is not) to get in the way of this deep connection that we naturally have.

  427. Yesterday on the way home from work, I may have been driving a little slow and maybe I was being a little too courteous and I stopped behind a bus to let the traffic coming the other way through, then I was just about to cautiously pass the bus just incase someone would step out from behind the bus when the cab driver behind me sped past and threw the finger up on me and I could see how angry he was as he yelled some obscenity. I certainly had to wonder what that was reflecting to me and it certainly wasn’t brotherhood. The thing was I had a choice here I could have smiled and brought joy to the situation and a bit of understanding that he may have been having a rough day, but I didn’t I got very angry at the situation and could have throttled him if I could have got my hands on him. I suddenly realised that maybe I had been a little impatient driving earlier in the day and this was a magnification of me driving earlier. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blog Sandra I am going out today to spread joy instead of impatience.

    1. Beautiful kevmchardy, people indeed show us how we’ve been living in the day – good and not so good. I had a similar situation at work yesterday where the levels of frustration and un-transparency amongst clients was unusually enormous and drove me nuts and feeling very agitated which ruined my quality and self-connection, though the agitation was already there living inside me.. they didn’t create it, i did.. they just reflected something that was calling me to deal with…and what may be at the root of my agitation and own un-transparency. What a great lesson for work.

  428. The joy of seeing the reflection of another sharing the choices you have made, meet and greet each other and take the connection with you to light your way and open your heart. It could catch on – there may be purple Fiat Pandas all over the place.

    1. Yes Mary, Sandra may have just put purple Panda’s on the map in the same way James Bond did for the Mini Minor! Bring on the joy I say…

    1. I love it Jacq, ‘just full of childlike innocence’ that is what many of us have lost but not really its there waiting to play again in its simplicity and love.

  429. I love the way you write Sandra. The natural joy you share with that is the same joy you write about in meeting that other similar car, as it is the same joy we actually can have in meeting one another if we are open to it and not blinded by our unresolved hurts. It is so true that in every meeting we have with one another, there is the opportunity to grow and evolve. And as we realise that we actually only can grow through these meetings and the relationships we have, it is wise to build these and see them for what they truly offer.

    1. That is a key point Nico, it is important to deal with our hurts, because otherwise we are blinded by them with the walls of protection we put in place not to be hurt further, but actually we keep people at a safe distance, ( was my experience anyway). As you say, it is being open to others and letting them in is how we grow and develop ourselves.

    2. Great comment Nico. “We actually can only grow through these meeting and the relationships we have”. Each encounter is an opportunity for us to evolve. In the case of Sandra’s example, we could go into comparison that we are not the only one’s with a gorgeous purple Fiat Panda and then we stay stuck in the same cycles. Or we can celebrate with joy, as Sandra did, and open ourselves up to the expansiveness life offers.

      1. When i am completely honest with myself I can only feel joy in meeting another human being as in fact I am meeting a reflection of myself as we are all from the same source. But I must also be honest that I am not always allowing myself to feel this joy as I lace myself with images and beliefs of how the other should be and behave compared to me before I am satisfied with their appearance. Therefore the beauty and joy that Sandra is sharing should be our normal in which we celebrate the grandness that we are, compared to going into comparison and judgement as that only makes and keeps us small and in contraction instead

  430. Sandra, your blog has left me with a huge smile too. Thank you for sharing your experience. Joy is contagious. And this is a great realization revealing the layers of how we stop ourselves recognising and appreciating others in the absolute equalness – how we use and hold onto the outer image or feature as what determine our commonality, or use as the cause for comparison and competition.

  431. Sandra I totally love you, your expression, your comments, your blogs – whatever you do or say and just your very presence and existence leaves me with a huge all over body smile and warm feeling.

    1. I agree totally with your comment Nicola and as I felt the love you so beautifully expressed I was left ‘with a hug all over body smile and warm feeling’……must be contagious.

    2. It is such a joy to have you in my life Nicola! You feel like the love that is always there, beside me ready to serve, be playful, celebrating and enjoy each other, which is in fact enjoying humanity. I can count on you – and so I do, with joy.

  432. A lovely sharing Sandra. The truth is that we are all as you said brother and sister so why wouldn’t one of us connect with the same idea, model, make , design and colour as we have chosen too, but for some reason we are surprised by this and sometimes disappointed too! It is so lovely to have that ” special or unique ” attitude going and brotherhood taking its place with love and equality for all.

    1. I am a very special expression of God – like every one of us 🙂 . What a joy to know our connection (where we are equal) and celebrate the different expressions of it. We are not clones of God, but we are all God suns (or sons? 😉 ) and have to see that we have different shining skills & expressions of the same essence and if we learn to see this not as a separation but a treasure box and work together…we will reach the sky = coming home again.

      1. Sandra I love your expression that we in our essence are a ‘treasure box’ we can work together with. I can feel this so strongly, how so often another brings some wisdom that I know but is just right for that moment, and suddenly we are whole – especially feel this in team work. It is divine.

  433. It is moments like these Sandra that catapult us into a deeper awareness of life. Awesome that your first feeling was joy and not comparison, but then connecting with the other person in your joy brings such confirmation to you that it infuses your whole body, how lovely is that. The other thing is you ignited joy in another, very beautiful indeed.

    1. Yes Mathew – IGNITION of joy when shared is beyond words but the place we all know and could be living this way so much more!

  434. We focus so much on difference, or measuring our ‘own standing’ – how magnificent it would truly be to look around and see our similarity. Sandra, you bring this topic just like the morning sun, peeping through the car roof light. Imagine we may also be able to cherish the differences and uniqueness, the different flavours we all bring when we deeply know and see that underneath we are one.

    1. Wow, brilliant comment Joseph. I love what you’ve shared here, by appreciating the different flavours we all brings we can begin to see and understand the magic of what we each bring.

    2. I love what you have brought to this Joseph, an appreciation of both the similarities and the richness of the differences, all held in unity and for joy.

  435. So simple and so powerful Sandra… The appreciation we can have for each other coming from the equallness we choose to see and celebrate.

  436. Love the light and playful way in which you share here Sandra, it offers us all a true gift to appreciate what is reflected to us in everyday interactions and connections with others. When we let go of comparison and begin to see what connects us we are able to absolutely see the qualities we all share and the fact that we are all underneath the same. Such a joyful blog to read!

  437. This is simply beautiful Sandra! Your experience in the car is something I can relate to, and how joyous to transfer that to every meeting, where each person is held as a blessing, and in appreciation and equality. I really connected to the joy we can feel in simply meeting and welcoming one another, and the playfulness that brotherhood can be.

    1. So often our interactions and meetings with others are far from the joy Sandra describes. To realise that every interaction has the potential to be like the smiling woman in the matching Fiat Panda is quite exposing as for me this is far from how I am living. As a society we are all moving around with unresolved hurts and protections firmly in place and we are all missing out on each other!

      1. Hi Nikki! It is such an interesting experience to open up to each other – most challenging especially when we feel a hurt. Yesterday my husband said something and I felt hurt. I was sure we would not talk, look in each others eyes, move or sleep in one bed together as long he does not see what he did (to me and us) and ‘take it back’,  undo it or ‘learned’ out of it and promise he will never do it again. My whole body was in tension against him, protected. Then I realized that I am in a Drama-Film I created and made the decision to step away from the hurt, like leave it by the side for a moment and speak to him from there. I moved my body differently and see: I felt our connection again. Here I know we want the same, no matter what just happened. And so we can now have a look back to the situation and analyze it and grow on it together. The bigger picture of our relationship helped me to not hold on strong to the hurt, which was separating us. To see, feel, accept, appreciate our connection first and then have a look (and a healing) at the created separation is key for evolving together.

  438. I knew I was in for a joyful ride from the moment I read the title of your blog.

  439. Realising that I have always been identified by my individual choices in the clothes I wear or in my job which was in buying for a retail shop, I have had many years of looking for confirmation of those choices, and it’s clear in a shop it sells or it doesn’t. So I have celebrated my abilities to read what will sell, and yes I appreciate my unique gift to be able to do this, but at the same time I have also got caught in the ‘individual’ tag but have been aware of the separation this brings, you have offered me a beautiful reflection Sandra to make it all an opportunity to connect in equalness.

    1. Well said Merrilee, the focus on being an individual holds us in separation. We are not designed to be in separation yet we pride ourselves so much on our individuality.

  440. ‘What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?’ what we see in the mirror is always a blessing your light hearted example was such a lovely moment for both you and the other driver. For me even when I see something that brings up discomfort in my body the blessing is the opportunity for me to call it out let it go and re-connect with the truth underneath the discomfort. This process frees and opens me to express more of me as I connect on a more open deeper level with everyone.

  441. When we realise in our body that we are not separate from others we feel drawn to others and we can even experience that we love everybody.

  442. This is such a light hearted story, life can be so simple if we just allow it to be by you just simply seeing another car like yours on the road and connecting with the drive with a smile you were both able to appreciate a moment of playful interaction with a stranger.

    1. Yes it was and I can feel Sandra’s joy emanating out towards everyone by her sharing this amazing experience and inspiring us to see the bigger picture of how we could all appreciate each other instead of going into comparison and jealousy. To share our joyfulness with everyone.

  443. Love, love, love this burst of joy. . . .this ray of sunshine. . . thank you gorgeous Sandra for gracing my day.

  444. So well seen Sandra! Thank you for your refreshing blog. I had a realisation that is identical to this, though the scenario slightly different. I was at a five day Retreat and was left at lunch time facing a ‘stranger’. I nearly decided to leave as it felt in the too-hard basket. But I was observing all my thoughts and reactions and decided to shift position on the chair and begin a conversation. It was a simple, basic start but in minutes it felt as if we were living and conversing in this precious love, united in God. I too wondered Sandra – why don’t I relate to everyone this way all the time. Why do I sometimes feel ordinary and not this full of love?

  445. This is so gorgeous Sandra, I was smiling broadly as I read your blog. What was very powerful was how this blog exposed the moment where judgement and comparison can slip in – has she copied me? how dare she has the same? etc as you have shared. The world is offering reflection all of the time and the choice is ours regarding how we feel this in our body. You have presented the simplify of choice and how it allows for the quality of presence and love we hold every moment. Thanks again Sandra, this blog has expanded my awareness greatly.

  446. Beautiful Sandra, loved your blog! I love how you said that this situation came to you and it was very cool but also expanded on that and said, it was a choice to respond with joy, and each and every situation could be like that if we read the beauty and magnificence in that.

    1. And that is what is so light hearted about this blog, Sandra shows us that in each moment we have a choice to either see the beauty in a situation, like she did, or go into comparison, jealousy etc..

  447. What fabulous sharing Sandra. I loved how you opened up with more questions about us all being equal and how the world would be if we each met each other in the way you did with the woman in the car. Very awesome blog. Thank you

  448. “What if we would see ‘the other’ as they are: our mirror?” Yes looking into another person’s eyes reveals so much and I love the true innocence and childlike way we all have. Its allowing that quality to shine that is infectious and so much fun to feel.

  449. ‘feeling safe and held by the knowing that we are surrounded by our brothers and sisters….’
    I love this line Sandra. The womb which is our universe holds us all equally. We are here to learn and grow together.

  450. It is a great piont made here and I recognise I do focus too much sometimes on the things that separate us instead of being with acknowledging and appreciating that which connects us – so simple and very powerful – thanks Sandra

  451. How gorgeous and funny – it tickled me pink to read this Sandra and I chose to connect and be inspired and felt everything you have shared – what a Joy and thank you for sharing xox

  452. ‘What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?’
    Whoa, that’s a big one, and such an awesome question. I can feel that when I choose to react to someone, that the reaction engages my nervous system and charges me up. This takes me away from my connection with myself, and so I’m not then able to truly see, feel or hear the other person. The other option in these moments is to make a choice to engage/connect with my heart. Without the distraction of the ‘charge’ I’m able to simply receive what they present with open-ness and without attachment. I’m learning to experiment with this, and you’re right Sandra, this way of interacting is a blessing. When I allow myself to fully receive the other person, my understanding deepens, of me, of them, of humanity. A three-fold blessing, and so much more.

    1. This is what has been coming to me a lot more recently too Stevie, realising those situations that I am perceiving as challenges are also blessings and to feel the truth in that and to live from that place.

  453. Love it Sandra! Because you were very deliberate in your choice of colour and features, I actually thought you were going to be disappointed that someone else had made those same decisisons, making your car less ‘special’. What a pleasant surprise that you were instead overjoyed by the experience. I have been caught many times, disappointed by someone else making a similar choice to me, and like you, that is starting to change, for I realise now that there is absolutely no need to identify with something other than simply who I am and further to that, there is no reason we can’t all be sharing in our choices and enjoying them all together.

    1. I thought the same thing Elodie – not the usual response of “Oh no, someone has copied MY idea!” How refreshingly delightful it was to read Sandra’s open-hearted response of sheer joy and playfulness.

    2. Thank you for this reflection Elodie. Yes I embrace to see that others make the same decisions like I did when they (the decisions) are made in love. Than it is love confirmed – how could we be disappointed by that? … So, our reactions give us an indication to our first intention/choice. – That is a brilliant realization! Thank you again.

      1. So completely true Sandra. She confirmed back to you your original designed choice of love, for you to reflect back to her, her very own – which she clearly equally loved. Timing – is everything. The joy that must have been in this lady’s day too as yours, will have been shared with her friends and family… more joy.

    3. I love your honesty Elodie, it is so true how we can be identified with being unique. How this separates us and feeds comparison and jealousy. It is awesome to be aware of this and appreciate who we are.

  454. ‘take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us.’ What a great quote for the day – to remind us to check ourselves when we’re looking at our mirror.

    1. Isn’t it Cathy? I have two friends – a couple and they had once chosen to just appreciate each other for 3 days, no criticism, no different stance – just acceptance and appreciation. And I thought, gosh 3 days – how to manage that? And is it really worth to do so, is not to critic also needed? – But ha! what a trick this is from my mind As long as I am living (and therefore reflecting) truth I do not support anything what goes against it. To appreciate each other is the foundation to grow together.
      ..and by the way: those two made it to three months!!! … So I join you in ‘Lets try one day.’ and then share the experiences.

  455. Beautiful story and blog, thank you Sandra! I love how you say – “I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people, like I enjoyed meeting that similar car on the road, if I take care to see our equality instead of focusing on what seemingly separates us.” – So simple but what a difference it makes to not focus on our apparent differences, and in doing so reinforce our individuality, but instead to appreciate the potential connection we can have with everyone.

  456. ‘We all have a heart, we all have a soul’. We all breathe the same air, we all have blood that flows through our veins in the same way….. Our similarities are limitless, and yet we appear to be hard-wired to focus on the perceived differences. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. There is so much to be learned from one another, and boundless amounts of joy to be shared.

  457. Walking the dog is another time when we stop and connect with others, not unlike seeing someone with the same car! More than once I have said to a dog owner whilst our dogs are sniffing each other, ‘we would not be talking to each other if it weren’t for our dogs. How crazy that we need the dogs to legitimate our having a chat!’

    1. You are right Bernadette, it is our responsibility to connect with each other – and hey lets be playful and easy with that and take a dog, a car, the weather or whatever as a starter, but than go deeper and share about humanity and what is going on for us, see our connection (we natural have and can not deny), accept, appreciate and live it.

    2. Yes, when I was at my mums the other day we stopped and chatted to a few different people while walking the dog and it was really lovely to feel how naturally open we were with each because there was a shared experience and purpose. Why wait, I agree Bernadette.

  458. Great sharing Sandra. This reminds me of the ease at which we respond to people who have a new baby or a toddler that is really cute. We easily stop and smile, engage with the parents, ask about the child. And yet we would most likely walk past the person with a smile, or not, if they were unaccompanied! Yes we are all the same! I love it!

  459. What a joyful sharing Sandra. This is huge, there are so many opportunities in life where we have a choice to either go into comparison or celebrate each other in joy. The reflections we offer and the opportunity to amplify this in celebration is amazing. The alternative of comparison and competition to win some made up game is such a diminishing of who we truly are and adds nothing to humanity.

    1. Ah great Lee – the moment we ‘win’ a competition we are happy, but if what we live is not serving humanity it is worthless, because it just confirms our disconnection to each other.

  460. Thank you Sandra, for such a joyful sharing, I am left with a smile on my face and a joy in my heart just reading about your experience.

    1. That’s a quote to go on the fridge Carola and also on the back of our cars. As mighty we are when we embrace the glorious equallness that we all are.

    2. Nicely said Carola. All our actions and movements can either make lightness or denseness, the choice is all ours.

  461. It is so important to live the equalness and connection we feel within, in our every moment, every interaction so that we remember who we really are. It is not a philosophical or spiritual idea but rather a reality available to us to live, right now. I love your concluding remarks about how would be for us living like this. This is the brotherhood that is our true way of being.

  462. I love how every moment of our lives can be equally simple and yet at the same time deliver a powerful message. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous, joyful experience that is bouncing off the page in your expression Sandra. It is testament to the true healing offered by the work of Serge Benhayon and for doing the work yourself that you experienced this moment in this way: one of delight and confirmation rather than comparison and contraction. I love how you clearly adore the way your car expresses your style, flair and attention to detail and yet this is not owned by you but rather appreciated that someone else who had the same qualities.

  463. Love it Sandra! Thank you for sharing your joy with us all. Your situation and sharing actually reminds me of how dogs and little children greet us after work – there is an excitement and a joy in seeing us at the end of the day, which is unparalleled by most adults. And I know that children and dogs get just as joyful to see us when we have left the room for 10 minutes – when we walk back in (having been to the toilet for example) children exclaim ‘Mama’ or ‘Papa’ with a gorgeous face that is all lit up from our simple presence, and dogs might wag their tail and come up and lick you or lean against you. This is very heart warming and ‘infectious’, and allows us to appreciate all that we are and all that we bring to each other, just like your sharing in this blog Sandra. Thank you!

    1. Such a beautiful reminder Henrietta, to appreciate those precious moments that we often take for granted or, even worse, when we are so caught up in our busy-ness that we don’t even notice them.

      1. Spot on Tamara – sadly we can get so caught up in the busy-ness of life that we forget to notice the very things that feed us and nourish us back. This is the crazy thing we can fall for – no different to knowing that you need water and food to survive but then getting so busy that you forget to eat and then you wonder why you wither away and get unwell! Appreciation really does work to feed us and make us ‘plump’ and healthy. And so does self acceptance, self worth, and the list goes on….and on…with all the things that are really essential ingredients for a full life.

    2. Loveingly described Henrietta. The dullness we so often express to each other as adults is a lack of appreciation, not just of the other, but firstly of ourselves! And what a joy is it to experience and to express the appreciation of us – it is confirming and a ‘caring for’ our divine unity.

      1. Yes, our appreciation for each other can come from the warmth in our eyes. It does not mean we have to be all over each other or lick each other like dogs do! There is a great joy in a meeting when both allow the warmth that lies within to spill out to the other.

      2. I just met a women on the street and when our eyes did met I did not look away and in less than one second she realized that I will not shy away to I meet her and I felt her opening up and saw her smiling. I could see a whole life of not being met, sadness and giving up in this super short meeting on the street, where she experienced something else.
        We go through life and how we meet others count, will change their life – for a second or forever is their choice…. One day we all will live in connection – the seeds are sown.

      3. Love it Sandra- one look, not out of need nor out of seeking anything, simply a look to share the joy of who we are and the joy of connecting with another. How powerful is that!

    3. Absolutely Henrietta and for me this reveals the way that I often measure my response to people which does not serve anyone because it melts hearts when we express our joy in an unbounded way.

      1. Awesome Helen! What I have also experienced is that I get a little teary when I express certain things to someone, especially when I am sharing with them how much I appreciate them – Over time I have learnt that the more I express appreciation, the less teary I get. To me this shows how much I have in the past held back in expression and how important it is to not keep those things locked in my body but to share them with the other person. The teariness is like a sadness of having held back so much of my love and appreciation and hidden it inside me instead of letting it all out for all to see and hear.

  464. Thank you Sandra for this powerful sharing of what is possible when we choose to connect to another rather than compare ourselves. As when we choose to connect to the essence of another we are choosing to open up, honor, share and meet another with who we all naturally are. Who does not love being met in this way, for who they are? There is so much more to be explored when we are open to feel connection between us as when we do we discover we are not so different and the joy and greatness that we are is magnified.

    1. Yes! We all love to meet in our essence, we all want to be adored. To open up to each other is key – this is beautifully expressed by you Carola and reminds me on this two gorgeous ladies, Annette and Gabe on UnimedLiving.com, “When everyone wants to be loved and adored why do we settle for less than that?”: http://bit.ly/1NVsAte

  465. It’s so interesting when we get to see ourselves reflected in another. It opens our hearts to a moment of appreciation of self. If we felt more and stayed open we would feel it with every living soul. This would take living with others to a whole deeper level. Cherishing each other in every glance.

    1. Yes Kathryn, through the reflection of another when we let them truly see us, we see ourselves, deeper and deeper we can forever go. It is the home-coming we all yearn for, the holding embrace we all long for. The walls we put up towards each other is what hurts deeply hurts us and herewith is the answer to humanity’s searching and woes… The deep missing of our brothers and sisters who are our own kin, a union of souls waiting to come together again.

  466. I love the cheeky playfulness of this encounter and why can’t we meet everyone like that? We tend to take life so seriously with our judgements and criticism and we forget to play with all those beautiful reflections that we encounter every day.

    1. So true Carmel I also love the cheeky playfulness of this encounter it is beautiful to read and feel the joy in it. We are so used to reading about road rage and car accidents on the roads. This is such a lovely story for all to read and be enlightened – it is so inspiring.

      1. I agree – the road, which is our way, holds and offers reflections of all sorts. But I would say all of these reflections are a blessing, even the ‘accidents’.

      2. Absolutely Sandra there are no accidents, flukes or coincidences. Everything happens for a reason – presenting us with an opportunity to grow through our choice to be open to what is being reflected to us. This is a beautiful example of Sandra reflecting to us how simply joyful something often seen as the mundane chore of driving to work can be the joy and connection she shared with another driver as she drove to work.

  467. The reflection of another is essential for our evolution. Our growth comes through and in brotherhood not alone therefore whatever appears in the mirror of reflection from other people is indeed a blessing.

    1. Hear hear Donna, and something to truly appreciate. Reflections are essential for our evolution, they can mirror all that we are and may not be living as yet, and equally they can confirm us in all that we are.

    2. Yes, the reflection from other people is something to deeply appreciate instead of turning it against them and ourselves.

  468. ‘How would the world be if we would see the equality in each other?’ We would work together not compete and everything we did would support one another not separate us. We all have ‘purple cars’ if only we remembered. Thank you Sandra for sharing your joy.

    1. Ha ha Kathryn, yes ‘we all have (or are) ‘purple cars’ if only we remembered’. The car is like our body: we live in and though it for a while. And yes, the color and other equipment can be different but what is living in it, our essence, is the same.

  469. Comparison indeed is a joy killer. Appreciation of ourselves and another is the antidote.

    1. “Comparison indeed is a joy killer. Appreciation of ourselves and another is the antidote.”
      great comment Donna beautifully said.

    2. I know what you mean Donna and appreciate this but would say that in fact comparison is the created antidote to attack appreciation, which is our natural state of being we return back to. Just to take the responsibility here that we act against a natural way of being (appreciation) and do not have to learn something new but just to let go of the creation (comparison) we did put against it.

      1. Great point Sandra and thank you for exploring this further. Indeed you are correct and a good reminder that there is no where we need to get to, appreciation is our natural state of being.

  470. What absolute joy that oozes through you in this blog, what a delight to read first thing this morning.

  471. Your joy and sparkle simply flows out everywhere in your blog Sandra! You raise an excellent point when you query what it would be like if we met all others with the sense of equality and sharing, that you did with this woman. Why do we have to wait until either the other person makes the first move or we feel like sharing ourselves joyfully because we are having a good day etc? The reality is that we can choose to be open and willing to reflect appreciation and acceptance of ourselves, others and life generally whenever we choose.

    1. Love the way you bring it to the point here Helen – to accept and appreciate ourselves is a responsibility we all have, for ourselves and on behalf of humanity.

  472. Beautiful Sandra – it is amazing what is there for us to learn and understand in our day to day living when we are open to evolution.

  473. A fun and light blog that actually says a lot. It just shows how we are naturally very interested in each other and if we were to deal with our hurts so that we did not need to protect ourselves so much then we would, in fact, have a lot of fun with each other.

    1. Exactly Elizabeth – we need to reconnect to the child within and live in a way that embraces our natural wonderment and joy.

    2. I agree Elizabeth dealing with our hurts is key to freeing us from the baggage we carry that impairs our ability to be our authentic selves. It is such a strain on our bodies when we hold ourselves in protection letting go of our hurts releases the innocence of the soul allowing us to appreciate and enjoy expressing all of who we truly are as we open our hearts and connect with humanity.

  474. Thanks so much for sharing this, I felt your absolute joy too and that of the other woman. Yes, why not connect to each and every one we meet in the same way, how awesome would be the world then!

  475. You have presented a wonderful revelation here Sandra for all to consider and deeply ponder on. The joy of meeting another with the same car as you and having that reflection imparts the fact that this was possible because there was no comparison or jealously between you both. It is a moment of true equality. Yet how often does comparison and jealousy come up in our other interactions on a day to day basis. Even subtle it still stops the true embrace of unity and brotherhood

  476. Sandra, thank you, I very much enjoy the way you express, it is a delight to read – joy jumping off the page.

  477. I love this image of your car meeting another too, Sandra. The beauty of connection and the infinite possibilities of how we can see and feel one another as equals regardless of our looks, our nationalities, our occupations, or our wealth. Soul to soul connection!

  478. Beautiful blog Sandra, very well said and questions are asked beautifully. What is the key is to see and feel and be with yourself whilst being and enjoying the company of others. I had a situation in the car today, were I was fully singing on the music of Michael Benhayon, and then the car in front of me saw me singing and moving my arms, and he was looking in his back mirror and moved with me, even though he could not hear the music. It was a beautiful moment of absolute joy and connection.. Simply by meeting this men who I did not know. Just like you share Sandra.

  479. Haha Sandra, I love the image of you in your purple car meeting the same car, meeting the same joy. You’ve definitely given us something to ponder on, why not always meeting each other in equality and en-joy what we get to see in the mirror. It is so simple when we connect to the truth.

    1. Yes Annelies, and our heart knows. As a a good friend says in her song (Love is who we are, from Heaven’s Joy): “Such magic light comes from within, You just have to begin, to follow your heart – God’s vibration (reflection) is never apart”

  480. So true Sandra, we are all equal and can meet each other in that joy if we choose so. I appreciate that I have the ability to love people, wether I know them or not, and that I am breaking down the walls that I have build over the years in order to feel save. Living and meeting others with an open heart is the most solid foundation I can have.

    1. Very beautiful sharing Katinka. When we bring our hearts to all we meet we re-build the trust that we all want to feel, that it is safe to open our hearts to each other, and so re-claim the way we were born to live, with our Love leading our way.

  481. What a great thing to expose. We are so heavily conditioned to look for similarities as an excuse to connect but in reality the opportunity to connect is there all the time, by virtue that they are another human.

    1. In a way it feels safe to connect when there are similarities but more and more I come to the understanding we are all alike and there is something to take with me from every person I meet. I just love people.

      1. Aren’t people gorgeous Annelies, and I love this story that Sandra shares with us, showing us that there are no distinctions when we are just coming from ourselves, our hearts in connection with each other.

      2. Annelies you gave me a stop moment then…. ‘I just love people’ I haven’t really thought how much I appreciate and love my interactions with all I meet and the reflections are evolutionary, and the connection such a joy. Yes I can say I Love people.

    2. Nicole we are conditioned to look for similarities. It is often said that selectors recruiting people for jobs are more likely to choose people who are ‘ similar’ to themselves. This often discriminates against those who may be ‘different’ but have more to offer and capable to do the job.. As you say, the opportunity is always there for selectors to connect to all candidates equally and not based on whether or not they are their mirror image.

    3. Very true Nicole. We truly don’t ever need a reason to connect to another, or not. It is always a choice, and the choice is always available as is the opportunity to explore the greatness we are and are together. We need not look for similarities as the greatest similarity we innately share is that we all are Souls moving though our bodies, and when we connect in this way what we are capable of expands.

      1. Amazing how we like to make this so complicated and the harmful role that comparison plays to get in the way of connection with another.

    4. Physically we are just chunks of flesh powered by electrical impulses powered by energy. It is the quality of that energy that is there to connect to.

    5. Marika, what you say here is so true “. . .there is always a connection…” We speak about connecting with someone but in reality we are never dis-connected, we just think we are. This is what separates us and we easily reconnect once we let go of any idea or concept that causes us to think we are separate.

  482. I love this blog! Thank you Sandra. I too was smiling like a cheshire cat reading it. 🙂 As I considered that this option of choosing to be just as joyful meeting another human being, I recalled how delightful it is in isolated places, or just very early in the morning when there are not many people awake and about, when I come face to face with another person. If we catch each other’s eyes there is such a joy and warm welcome. Yet when I am surrounded with such delightful beings it seems so easy to forget that connection. Thank you for the reminder. I can easily choose to look forward to my travel home in the busy squash of the rush hour – seeing how many gorgeous mirrors lock eyes with me.

      1. … billions of mirrors out there. What if the whole life, the whole universe is one big mirror of reflection? Your blog changed my day and so my life. Big.

      2. Wow, I am so inspired Sandra. Your joy of humanity is palpable and deeply touching.

  483. This is real magic at work. Approaching others with the wide-eyed innocence and unrestrained joy of a child, instantly heals a whole plethora of hurts we carry around with us which we use as a shield to try to protect ourselves from being hurt again. Crazy thing is that us trying to protect ourselves is the greatest hurt of them all!

    1. Spot on Lucy, and yet we love to refuse to see this. Interesting how much we’d prefer to sit in the jail cell of our hurts than be freed by them.

    2. Why do we try to take the magic and make it complicated and attempt to fix and make better something that cannot be broken? I agree with you Lucy about our greatest hurt is us trying not to be hurt!

  484. “What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?” What if indeed? This is a life-changing question. Life would then be full of appreciation, inspiration and evolution. How amazing is that!

      1. ‘You first! – I will if you will’……OK so I say this in jest but isn’t this what so many of us do? We wait for another to go first, holding back our natural impulse to simply go for it and express how we feel from the very essence of ourselves. What are we waiting for? To see if the road is a safe and worthwhile one to take? Or to wait until another takes off the mask before we risk the possibility of rejection that this self-honouring choice may bring? Whatever the reason why we hold back, it all has the same result – we deny the world our intrinsic and innate beauty and the reflection and inspiration this offers everyone else.

    1. “What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?” I love this too Lucy, seeing everything as a blessing, totally changes how we are with ourselves and others and opens it up to a much more playful and light situation that as you say, would be full of appreciation, inspiration and evolution. That would be amazing.

  485. I really like your blog Sandra – I love the idea of seeing everyone as the same (like being the same car), and sharing enthusiasm at being mirrors of eachother, as you say. My experience of jealousy means that I also understand how usually it works out that we end up comparing horsepower/extra features/etc, but I can see how by appreciating your own choices it frees you from that.

    1. Well put Jessica, so beautifully described.. As we do not need to compare, as we are enough, and once we realize this, we have no reason to compare.. As comparison is the drive of emptiness inside us. Nothing more, nothing less.

      1. Danna you have nailed the need to be identified …. as the reason behind being the emptiness inside us. These moments of comparison are an opportunity to reflect and get to the bottom of why we feel we are not enough and what image have we allowed to driving us.

      2. Absolutely Danna, I agree, comparison is not necessary, but what I take out of this blog is how we can all shine from our inner-most like a cheshire cat and everyone gets that reflection!

      3. Once we know what is inside us – a power, truth, majesty and love – then we become aware that looking elsewere is no longer needed. And that we must take everything we got inside to the outside!

      4. Very good point: “we do not need to compare, as we are enough” – if we all acted this way it would create a very different picture of society, as we would all be helping each other to grow instead of tearing one another down

    2. It is so powerful when we all leave behind jealousy and comparison, but instead choose to focus on the qualities that we bring and the joy that is shared when we feel the qualities that another brings too. Jessica, I love how you have said that when we appreciate our own choices it frees us from the binds of jealousy and comparison, and in this way we can allow ourselves to be further inspired by another.

      1. I agree Henrietta – I applied Sandra’s experience today, and can absolutely say it is better than jealousy & comparison, if there was any doubt

      2. Thank you Jessica – I just re-read the thread and am once again inspired to come back to appreciation. It really does sit as a foundation for our day and for our lives. Appreciation of self, appreciation of others all of the time.

    3. Yeah, great point Jessica. Appreciating ourselves, and our choices is a simple enough tool that allows us to let go of this need to be ‘individual’. I’ve had more than my fair share of wanting to be ‘different’ to everybody else. We are all in fact unique, but we are also all equal.

      1. Being individual or different has always been championed, and is successful in separating us usually by comparison and judgement. When we really connect to our fellow man there is no separation no matter our exterior point of difference, we all feel the same when we get to realise we are all equal. Such true energetic connections are the way forward.

    4. Yes, if you are content and appreciative within yourself then jealousy is less likely to grab hold of you. I know that when I get jealous it because someone has done something that I wanted to do but stepped away from it, so the jealousy is almost like a spiteful regret of me not doing what I had felt to.

      1. Well put Sarah: “jealousy is almost like a spiteful regret of me not doing what I had felt to”: I totally agree

  486. Sandra, I so enjoyed your experience of meeting the other car and the lovely woman driving it. My whole body radiated with the joy I know you felt in that moment. This is a gift of amazing proportions, by simply sharing what you have here you have brought true joy and fun to the lives of many. This is a testament to what Serge Benhayon teaches, that we all make a difference in the world when we enjoy our lives.

      1. ha ha Lyndy, I can see you are getting into gear here – no brakes for you!

  487. “What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?” I love this Sandra – taking whatever the reflection offers us as an opportunity for evolution.

    1. Yes Deborah, great point. This is how we evolve, embracing any situation that may appear to be challenging as an opportunity to look at how we respond and then learn and grow from it.

      1. Great point and a great reminder for me this morning to be more loving in a situation that I was finding a bit challenging.

    2. Absolutely deborahmckay and what great confirmation of the joyful and expansive nature of evolution.

    3. Indeed Deborah, how freeing it is to allow ourselves to remain open to the messages and reflections life is constantly affording us to gleam and grow from.

    4. Well said Deborah and Donna, seeing each moment as an opportunity for greater awareness, learning and refining of the quality we engage and respond with supports us all to truly evolve.

  488. “What if we would take what we see in the mirror, not as a challenge, but as a blessing?” Indeed Sandra… we each have something unique and beautiful to offer another – all that is required is to be open to receiving the precious gift that is being offered.

  489. “I realised that I could enjoy meeting other people… if I take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us.” So beautiful Sandra… we can focus so much on the negative and miss these glorious moments – great that you chose joy and inspired another – who will inspire another, and another… as you do too – by being the gorgeous woman you are!

    1. Well said Paula “we can focus so much on the negative and miss these glorious moments ” and than we all miss out on the joy we can have with another person like Sandra is describing in her blog!

  490. I love the analogy you make Sandra. In the past I used to see VW Beetle drivers flash their headlights at each other when they passed in a moment of recognition and appreciation, but to only say hello to other Beetle drivers seemed a bit limited! If we were open like this to all we met, as you say, and didn’t view each other as separate the possibilities for joyful interaction would last all day long, every day!

    1. I saw a big tough tattooed bikey looking man being incredibly joyful, loving, playful, open and gentle with a tiny little girl. It was really gorgeous watching him interact with her and I wondered why don’t we all treat each other in that open and precious way?

      1. Gorgeous Nicola! It is a real blessing when we witness loving expression. Even when it is not directed at us we get to feel it anyway as love is special and leaves no one behind. We are all indeed precious and deserve no less than to be treated as such.

      2. Such a great question Nicola – given how what you saw feels so absolutely gorgeous what is it that stops us from being with each other in this way? hurts we think are bigger than us, social norms that we think can’t be broken for fear of anarchy?! Whatever our inhibitions, our fears, our belief we have to protect ourselves no matter what, surely it’s worth just allowing ourselves to see what happens when we open our hearts with one another – even for just a wee while.

    2. Haha there was always something fun about the VW Beetle- you can’t take yourself too seriously in those cars.

      1. True Kristy and I always appreciated the fact that people wanted to connect over them – the connection being the focus for me not so much the fun car! It is fun observing people as they connect (as I said above you get the blessing of it too), just watching their faces and their body language – the same with children and dogs too, or people at an airport – when they truly connect it lights me up and I could watch it for hours!!

  491. This blog shows me that there is always a choice, and whether consciously or unconsciously, we are always making that choice – for example to be in comparison or not. But the beautiful thing is, that life will always show us the outcomes of all our choices. Sandra was met with a confirmation of the ease in which she can approach people, how she can let them in so lovingly and with great warmth. This is life coming back to us and all we have to do is see it, read it, and take notice.

    1. “This is life coming back to us and all we have to do is see it, read it, and take notice” – I love this, Shami. Yes, we are constantly making choices, consciously or unconsciously, and reading Sandra’s sharing, it was not a conscious choice for her not to be in comparison, and this tells me that our choices are not stand alone, but always affected by the previous choices. And even if there is a moment of comparison arising as a conscious option, that is not to be judged, but as you say so lovingly, it is for us to see it, read it, and take notice.

      1. Yes our choices build on each other which brings us back to the responsibility that we have in each moment for what we are choosing because it will then inform the next choice and so on.

    2. So true Shami, everything in life is a choice and we receive the consequences and reflections of our choices. What a beautiful moment Sandra has shared reflecting the joy of her choices as expressed through the mirrored car.

    3. Well said Shami – ‘Life will always show us the outcomes of all our choices” – it is as simple as this. The reflection offered to Sandra in this experience was gorgeous.

  492. Joyfully delivered Sandra, I could feel you beaming! To take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us, is a beautiful reminder – and a way back to being in true connection, where joy is found.

    1. I love these words Rosanna and just had to repeat them: ‘To take care to see our equality instead of focussing on what seemingly separates us, is a beautiful reminder – and a way back to being in true connection, where joy is found.”. To change our focus in this way has the potential to change our lives.

  493. Wow Sandra – I am grinning like a Cheshire cat just reading your blog! What a gorgeous gift you have given us all. I love being reminded of what is possible if I choose to connect to the soul of each and every person I encounter.

    1. Oh me too… I am still grinning from ear to ear. I feel very inspired from reading this blog to see the beauty and equalness of my brothers and sisters around me first and that we all have a heart and a soul and to meet that.

      1. I was already in love with the blog just on the description of Sandra’s appreciation of her car. Then to be taken on such a delightful drive in her beautiful car was some extra fun and delivered a few more kilometres of joy and truth.

      2. Absolutely Sarah, what a joy to read this blog. Feeling the inspiration and equality we share rather than the comparison.

      3. Me too Nicola, “I was already in love with the blog just on the description of Sandra’s appreciation of her car.” The joy felt through her expression symbolically reminded me how much fun it is to bring ‘light’ to everything you do.

    1. Gorgeously expressed sueq2012 Sandra’s blog shows how easily we can connect and open our hearts when we see the true joy on offer to us everyday!

    2. Agree Sue, I have done both at different times and there is only one way that supports everyone.

  494. Ha ha, there is such a lightness and celebration in the blog Sandra, thank you so much for sharing your “mirror on the street” moment. And you make such a valid point – what would it be like if we all chose to give comparison away, and instead appreciate others for the reflection they show us, as well as the opportunity to connect and be playful in our interactions.

    1. Thank you Hannah for your lovely appreciation. The moment I had the meeting and than the realization I was totally clear also about that I have to write a Blog about it – to share it with you all. Realizations are to share – that is also a possibility to connect, appreciate and lift each other.

      1. That’s a lovely point Sandra ” realisations are to share” we all get the blessing when we do and yes it is also a moment to celebrate and connect.

      2. Absolutely Sandra, what is the point of a realisation if we keep it to ourselves?!

      3. yes, I’m really appreciating this natural urge to share what’s fun and divine. I realise I’d been putting a judgement on it as childish or even irritating – perhaps because when I have shared something so lovely and confirming those who wanted to stay justified in their choice to be grumpy were challenged and reacted. I’ve been like this myself and wow how I’ve appreciated someone who’s not given up but kept on sharing until I could no longer resist the love.

        Seeing the grumpiness (or whatever heaviness they’re choosing) isn’t who that person is and communicating with who they truly are certainly gives them a clear choice to be love or continue to choose what’s not love.

      4. This is beautiful Sandra, “Realizations are to share – that is also a possibility to connect, appreciate and lift each other.” Thankyou for sharing your realisation with such lightness and joy, and lifting us all by doing so. You are deeply inspiring, thank you.

      5. Yes, and what better platform to share them than on a blog site like this. I love the way realisations are shared, then just build and build as we all read and comment and share our own insights. Brotherhood in action.

    2. Just imagine. That so called ‘healthy competition’ idea would be blown to smithereens. Instead we’d all be working in harmony and we’d actually enjoy life…because let’s face it, most of humanity is faking it.

      1. So exposing. What is healthy competition? Competition that leaves you feeling less but doesn’t quite kill you?

      2. And what they don’t realise is that they are living a complete lie. What Sandra has shared here is so gorgeous – imagine if we approached everyone and everything like this – wow, a game changer for sure.

      3. Classic, ‘healthy competition’- those two words together don’t make any sense. I know what the saying is trying to imply but we really should change it to “heathy inspiration”.
        We recently opened a cafe up in an arcade with an existing cafe in it, everyone in the community is trying to pit us against the old cafe and vice-versa but against the odds we actually get along famously.
        Yes we have inspired each other and it keeps you on your toes but I am not in competition but in appreciation for having a great neighbour in my industry to chat to.

      4. Yes Elodie, simple enjoyment of life is harder to find these days when we complicate our life so much. Humanity is “faking it” but most of us don’t know it because we get distracted by creating issues and then seeking something to make ourselves feel better which takes us further and further away from feeling our love within. It’s almost as if we are puppets for something we give our power to.

      5. ‘…most if humanity is faking it’. Elodie I love your not-pulling-any-punches approach here. You’re right, most of us are miserable. If we were to get really honest, we’d acknowledge we’re just pretending otherwise with our distractions, rewards, entertainments and indulgences.

    3. Absolutely Hannah, imagine a world without comparison where our interactions with others offered reflection and inspiration rather than comparison. We would be inspired and drawn to be all that we could rather than pushed and forced through competition.

      1. And the awesome thing is Lee, that all our interactions do offer reflection and inspiration, we just choose to override this and bring in comparison instead. So we can turn things around as quickly as we choose to.

    4. I agree Hannah such lightness in this blog and such a beautiful and simple tip for making this world a far better place, spread joy instead of going into comparison.

      1. Yes kevmchardy, we either open ourselves up to the world and the constant reflections and inspiration on offer, or we compare, shut-down and contract. The choice is always ours.

    5. Yes there is a delightful sense of joy and “such a lightness and celebration in the blog” Hannah; in fact I smiled all the way through it. Now I will be looking forward to enjoying some “mirror on the street” moments whenever they are presented to me.

      1. Beautiful Ingrid, and I just realised that we don’t have to wait for “mirror on the street moments”, we can also enjoy “mirror in the comments” moments too 😉

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