Life is Truly Magical

Do you see life as something that is truly glorious, amazing, incredible and full of magic; a life that you would want to come back and live time and time again?

Waking up each morning in true appreciation of the mist in the valleys, the birds chirping, being in awe of the rays beaming through the clouds from the sun, or in the remaining glow of the last full moon. Feeling the freshness of the morning air on your skin and brushing across your nose as you open that first door or window of your home.

Do you allow yourself to feel the lightness in your body before you begin your day that allows you to feel what is needed to truly support you to continue feeling the glory that each day and each moment can bring?

Knowing that in each moment you have a choice to choose you, to make choices that lovingly support you to appreciate life, to see the roses amongst the thorns, to build a relationship with your body that allows you to live in a way that leaves you feeling vital at the end of each day.

Then to look forward to putting yourself to bed so you can get up and do it all again tomorrow. A bit far fetched you may say: well at one point in my life I would have agreed with you, arguing this was impossible and ‘airy fairy’.

I rarely was able to see the roses amongst the thorns; there were glimpses, but not for long and I certainly was not able to appreciate the full bloom from start to end. Now after many years working on my own self-appreciation, learning to love and accept myself, I can now truly appreciate life and all that comes with it, thorns and all.

My focus now is no longer on the thorns but instead on the roses; the beauty, scent, aroma, gentleness and delicateness that surround me every day – that same quality I feel around me is also within.

This beautiful quality that has taken me a long time to connect to, is one that I now choose for myself as a way of life.

A life that now has a flow and a consistency where the complication still presents itself, only now I am able to observe it, deal with what gets presented and move onto what is next.

In the past the complication used to absorb me; it would consume my day at times, even making it difficult to sleep, playing on my conscience for as long as I would allow it to.

By making the choice to stop my mind from running my body, and by not allowing my thoughts to take over what I was feeling, I began to feel differently.

Observing how with the simplest of choices life began to shift, the complication became less, and the magic of God began to take over: with every thorn came a rose, and after a while the roses overtook the thorns, a beautiful reminder of how life could be if I continued to choose me, to choose love.

Knowing there will always be thorns but also that there is so much more… by appreciating me and everything around me, the beauty began to outweigh the darkness I had once felt and lived with.

After many years and the support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, I have learnt to take responsibility for my choices, the way I live and to appreciate myself, to love the woman I am, to know I am not perfect and nor do I need to be, that life is not meant to be hard, that it is not meant to be complicated, that life is truly amazing, beautiful and full of magic.

By Nicole Serafin, 44yrs, Woman, Wife, Mother, Hairdresser, Tintenbar, NSW

Further Reading:
The Magic of God in Everyday Livingness
Appreciation, Appreciation, Appreciation
Appreciation of Life and Ourselves

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