What does it Mean – ‘Holding Onto’?

I love how the English language has words and ways of expressing things that bring so much precision and simplicity in communication.

I especially remember when the expression “hold onto” came to my awareness and opened up a new understanding of the way I was living in my body. I was superficially aware of words and experiences of ‘tension’ and ‘stress’, but I wasn’t fully aware of the fact that we can “hold onto” things both in our body and in our mind, which may lead to states of stress and illness.

This revolution came about when I started participating in Universal Medicine events and began to hear this expression and its close friends, “hardening”, “becoming hard”, “bracing” and “holding tight”.

Since 2008, I´ve been unfolding and deepening my understanding of all these terms and the extent to which I am governed by them. Thanks to many different tools presented during Universal Medicine events, and through experiencing some Esoteric Healing Therapies and modalities, I got to feel and accept that holding onto had been a very normal, consistent and debilitating way of living in my body. I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn´t truly acknowledged. I remember bringing this holding onto to my sleep, with the bracing of my arms and tightening of my jaw.

I traced it all back to an event that was outstanding in my personal history of holding tight. When I was two years old, I went with my family on a trip by boat to some islands in the Caribbean. There were nine people altogether, the boat was small and we hadn’t brought life vests or oars with us. On our way back to the continent´s coast we ran out of petrol, were nearly shipwrecked, yet managed to arrive on a desert island later in the evening and spent the night there. It might sound like an adventure, but it was actually pretty scary. I especially remember how cold the night was and the out of control feelings of desperation and despair from my parents and adults involved. Today I still have vivid feelings of the bracing and holding onto the boat, each other and to life by everybody, including me. This experience, at such a young age, marked me deeply and left a trauma in my body that I have been carrying and that has been influencing many of my responses and reactions to situations throughout my life.

This was just a one-off event that represents the beginning of a life of control, feeling unsafe and defenceless, having needy attachments to people and things, and holding tight in order to defend and protect against threats and unknown dangers, people and situations.

The mechanism of holding onto can be easily felt in our bodies in the form of pain, stiffness of muscles and body parts, tension, illness, shallow breath, weakened body systems, anxiety and so on. It not only has a visible impact on the way we live and move in our human bodies, but also is discernible in many of our behaviours and ways of being.

For instance, when we feel threatened in any way, shape or form, we react by holding onto something, whether that be a relationship, a job, a position, a role, a house, a habit, a place, a group of people, a certain food, a drug, negativity, isolation, a wish, a belief, an idea or a project. It is like an automatic reaction in our attempt to feel safe, protected, and comfortable, and to have control over the outcomes and investments of the situation in which we find ourselves.

When something bothers us or when we feel uncomfortable in a situation, encounter or conversation, we tend to close off, hold our chest up, breath more shallowly, hold tight and harden in our body so as not to go there, nor feel and deal with whatever issue or truth is surfacing.

When we fall into self-doubt, feel rejected or have trouble in relationships, we tend to hold stuff, criticism and even little resentments against others. If we get obsessed with a plan, goal or aim, we hold onto an image, expectation, method or strategy. We become fixated and easily lose perspective.

We could extend the list, but what is interesting is to see the variety of things we can hold onto, ranging from muscles, limbs, ideas, beliefs, patterns of behaviour, places, wishes, objects, people, `buts,´ issues against ourselves and others, and so on.

It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid through productions, creations, designs, dramas and struggles. All of this is lived through our bodies, which at some point become ill and die. No matter how tenacious our attempt to hold onto life is, matter gets transformed because in the end, matter is energy and follows energetic laws.

Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?

What sort of energy or what quality of energy are we using to keep our existence going? Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?

When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines.

Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty? Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?

This concept of holding onto denseness may seem challenging to our everyday concrete experience, but what if such reflections have the potential to awaken us to a greater and deeper understanding of why we are currently living on this planet and choosing to be much less than who we truly are?

Thanks to the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and amazing presentations given by Serge Benhayon in the Living Sutras of the Hierarchy, I have been awakened to another reality that can be actually lived in this plane of life, that is completely applicable to our reality and THAT is truly evolutionary.

By Luz Helena Hincapie, Bogotá, Colombia

Further reading:
Holding onto denseness
Harden Up Wuss, What Are You Made Of! Real Men & Putting On The Tough Act
Letting Go of An Old Way Of Protecting Myself
Goodbye Hardness – Hello Spaciousness

846 thoughts on “What does it Mean – ‘Holding Onto’?

  1. I can relate to the ‘holding’ on to life or bracing against life because I felt I couldn’t cope with it. Carrying the tension and hardness does have an effect on our bodies as it wears us down and we then turn to stimulants to keep us going. So is it any wonder that the sales of Coffee are through the roof it’s the craving for the caffeine which stimulates our bodies that we are seeking as a way to cope with life.

  2. ‘Holding on’ keeps us attached to whatever is causing us tension but when we let go we are free to be who we are and reconnect to the light of the Soul.

  3. The part about feeling threatened stood out to me today. As I currently understand, my Soul doesn’t feel threatened, my spirit, however, does experience feeling threatened and wanting security.

  4. Everything you have shared here Luz is so supportive so that we can hold ourselves with greater understanding. So many behaviours can come from our childhood when we felt scared or threatened and didn’t know how to deal with something traumatic, and that trauma and our reaction to the situation is still being carried within us. It’s given me a new perspective on something that is repeating in my life, thank you.

    1. Many people live this way without even being aware of it, ’I got to feel and accept that holding onto had been a very normal, consistent and debilitating way of living in my body. I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn´t truly acknowledged. ‘

  5. The easiest way to see if you ‘hold onto’ things… do you have a junk drawer in your house or many? And, when you decide to clean it out, you put it in a box and store it elsewhere so that you can start again? Is this a reflection for what we hold in our body?

  6. Holding on to things is a sure way to have the reality we expect and think we deserve. If we don’t let things go how will we ever know that there is more to life.

  7. Unfortunately life being what it is in its sometimes harsh reality makes us feel insecure and so we seek some form of control or security naturally to counter this but does this really work? And what is the real effect that this control and the tension that goes with it have on our bodies and our health?

    1. Controlling our environment in order to feel safe, is a ploy that has consequences on our health, ‘the beginning of a life of control, feeling unsafe and defenceless, having needy attachments to people and things, and holding tight in order to defend and protect against threats and unknown dangers, people and situations.’

  8. ‘When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines.’ Beautifully said Luz, to learn to let go of the control we allow space for something more… greater love and awareness.

    1. We all know stress is bad for our health and well being, ‘When something bothers us or when we feel uncomfortable in a situation, encounter or conversation, we tend to close off, hold our chest up, breath more shallowly, hold tight and harden in our body so as not to go there, nor feel and deal with whatever issue or truth is surfacing.’

  9. A great example how the body can continuously relive trauma from the past, even layers of trauma, i.e. we can become aware of and release one trauma and later realise that there is a further trauma underneath and go through a shift each time a trauma is released.

  10. It is not broadly appreciated throughout society that when we have an experience that we feel traumatised by an even that it stays within our bodies, until we clear that trauma. This has huge effects on our wellbeing, but unless we present with something like PTSD we can think that what we feel is ‘normal’. We have lost our baseline. The baseline of how our body feels without tension, holding on, protection. We have forgotten what it feels like to be truly open.

  11. Last days I feel I am holding onto something, a sadness I cannot define but that tries to rule over me. Part of it is the surrender I am asked to go in and resist. Actually being aware and nominate it helps to stop this holding onto which causes holding back in every area of my life.

  12. The more I let go, the more I see clearly how tightly I have gripped onto things – people, projects, ideas about how I think things, or I, ‘should be’- but for what? As we learn to connect more deeply to our souls, and the essence of who we are, we have less need for things to be a certain way to make us feel secure and protected in the world.

    1. Bryony I agree with you the more we can feel the connection back to our soul the more we feel held in this feeling there is then no need to hold on to anything as we can feel how we are held in heaven.

  13. Holding on to anything literally holds us back, the more we let go the freer our body feels in its movements and suddenly we are walking in a beautiful flow.

  14. When we ‘hold onto’ things and thoughts we fear losing our grip but when we let go we can be as free as star dust.

  15. I can so relate to ‘holding on’ throughout my life, for me learning to surrender has been key in learning to let this pattern go. It feels very freeing and spaciousness in my body when I allow this.

  16. Holding onto anything is always a resistance to growth and to evolution. By being addicted to a lower vibration we don’t allow more awareness and more responsibility and we think we can stay where are. The effects of our stubborn fight to control this outcome has a big impact on our bodies.

  17. In my view, ‘holding on to’ is the same as numbing oneself to the realities of life, because by holding we can create buffers against feeling and truly seeing what is going on – too distracted by the tensions that we can make in to issues.

  18. Holding on may give us a sense of control but in reality, we are the ones who are being controlled. This is evident in how rigid our bodies can feel and how stubbornly we hold to at the expense of the discomfort in the body.

    1. There is so much that people hold on to, ‘the variety of things we can hold onto, ranging from muscles, limbs, ideas, beliefs, patterns of behaviour, places, wishes, objects, people, `buts,´ issues against ourselves and others, and so on.’

  19. Letting go of control… Sometimes people just laugh at the idea that this is possible, and yet it is, and when it starts it is a true revelation.

  20. What is offered here is just so profound. To me it unlocks how creation works and what we consider self is. It always made me wonder how a strand of grey hair always grew in the same spot, and how an old scar on my knee from when I was little was still there after 40 years while our cells are constantly discarding and regenerating themselves – again, if I apply the same concept of holding onto and densification, it just makes sense.

    1. It’s a big shift from holding tightly onto something or someone, to then let go, allow ourselves to be love and to recognise others are that same equal love, to give others space, and become beholding.

  21. Bracing and holding onto anything is a strain on the body as the body is designed to flow and any denseness held has to lead to an illness or disease as it is blocking the natural flow back to harmony.

  22. When we start to feel, see, observe the seditious effects of control in everyone’s life, it becomes so obvious that just letting go of this is an extraordinary start to reconnection.

  23. When I/we do meet each moment anew and allow energy to flow freely through the body without attempting to control its expression it feels warm, expansive and full.

  24. In my experience holding onto is definitely related to control and the more I let go and let go of control, the more I see it for the illusion it is, and the effect is has on my body.

    1. Hmmmm, I can relate to this Ruth. This is exactly what I’ve experienced and it is not fun to live with this illusion and my body sings with joy every time I let go of control and allow love to flow.

  25. It dawned on me reading this that everything we hold onto is placed in the way of our expression of love, and our connection to this love is a huge letting go, surrender into, and allowing. We don’t need to hold onto anything because once we are this love it’s everything we have truly ever wanted, and it’s right there within us. When we hold onto something it is like the debris damming up the flow of the river (love).

  26. Is it also that we do not feel ‘comfortable’ in a light filled body so we choose the denseness which is something that identifies us? A false raft in the sea of the all consciousness we are a part of.

  27. In truth it is futile trying to control life as it plays out as it will. It is understandable why we might go into protection and ‘hang on’ as you express Luz yet in truth it creates more tension, hurts us and others when we do this.

    1. I know Victoria, this is so true. Why try to control what we cannot control? It is an exhausting exercise that leaves us drained, pushes people away and drives us insane.

    2. I find the pictures I hold of how I think life has to be really get in the way of receiving life as it is, and feeling what is there for me to observe and learn.

      1. Pictures, ideals, and beliefs do interfere with the simple process of observing and receiving life as it is.

  28. You are right that holding onto things creates tension and stress on the body. I now see that things are supposed to pass through our body, as a free-flowing stream would. When we hold onto things it creates a stagnant area in the flow of energy through the body, which if left undealt with leads to illness and dis-ease.

  29. There is much to ponder here about what we hold onto not only from a young age but as we age. What and how does it serve us and judging by my own personal experience and this blog, it isn’t a pleasant impact on the body.

    Letting go of that which does not belong to you is a process and I believe these opportunities are offered all the time. Without perfection I now know what I need to do is to let go of what ever I have been holding onto, otherwise it becomes too painful or burdensome on my body to carry around.

    This blog is for others to ponder on too.

  30. “It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid through productions, creations, designs, dramas and struggles” – anything used to block what is not wanting to be felt because it’s not nice, or it hurts for example, is equally an attempt by us to block the inevitable pull of evolving or expanding back to the truth of love. When there is love, there is nothing else worth holding onto except this quality.

  31. ‘When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines.’ This is a great explanation Luz, the more we bring this understanding to our lives the more our bodies will experience feeling much lighter and more expansive.

  32. Great to reflect just how much I hold onto not just objects (ongoing project to de-clutter my house) but also behaviours and attitudes that do not support me. So often in the past I have felt powerless to change behaviours etc but what I am learning is that by opening up to others there is lots of support to challenge all areas where I am currently holding on and explore letting go and freeing myself to be me, unencumbered by past baggage physical and otherwise.

  33. I hadn’t really realised it before but holding back and holding onto things both creates tension and anxiety in our bodies. That cannot be healthy for us.

    1. I agree it can’t be healthy for us and I reckon this is why our world is so sick. I can see a lot of people are sick with various illness and disease and our planet is also sick. Our oceans are heavily polluted due to the way we live and the pollution on our planet is a reflection of the pollution in our own body.

  34. Luz this is such a great honest question to ask of ourselves.
    “Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty? Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?
    This feels true to me as from my own experience I can agree with you when you say
    “at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty? ”
    This is what I have found, this emptiness and so I wonder it is possible that we seek to fill the emptiness with all the things that we have filled our lives with as a distraction from the pain of the emptiness that we all feel and yet numb ourselves so not to feel what we cannot stop feeling – our emptiness.

    1. It may be Mary that we clutter up the body with all the things we hold onto as a way to try to remedy or distract ourselves away from living disconnected to our essence, and the unease and feeling of emptiness this brings.

  35. When we let go of ‘stuff’ that we have been holding onto we feel a lightness and a weight is lifted off us.

  36. I have been observing in relationships lately a kind of tenacious happening, and this wonderful blog which takes us back to that situation you found yourself in Luz Helena at the age of 2, nearly shipwrecked and shows how the first trauma has imbued the person with that stance. This helps me to deepen my understanding of what the tenaciousness of holding on is about when someone is communicating to me in that way.

    1. It’s a fascinating process understanding it all, I know for myself at times I don’t understand my own behaviour so it can be a challenge to understand others, however being willing to understand is such a beautiful thing to bring to relationships. We have so, so much to learn.

      1. I love how you say “We have so, so much to learn”, Melinda and not because of the fact that indeed we do but because of the curiosity, zest and openness you say it in.

  37. ‘Holding on’ to anything means we are identifying ourselves with the past and refusing to let go of that which identifies us whether it be a hurt or an idea of ourself or another. When we understand this we then know that it is for us to look at what we are getting out of holding this in our body and see the futility of this if we are indeed wanting to present as a fresh page every day rather than a reactionary bundled of held onto hurts; expectations of ourself and others; and the burden of our flavour of particular ideals and beliefs.

  38. It makes sense Luz that we hold onto things in our emptiness, because the more I feel my Soul and live in the fullness of that connection the easier it is to let go.

  39. When we try to grab and hold onto anything it is not that we own it, but rather that we are owned by it! We might like to think that we are in control, but really it’s the other way around and we are now at the mercy of said object or outcome and entirely its puppet.

  40. “Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty?” I think you are onto something here Luz. As a human race we deeply miss our connection to ourselves, to each other, to the divine natural world around us. We don’t nurture this, which leaves us feeling deeply insecure and empty as you say. When leaves us open to clinging and holding onto whatever we can. But nothing can hold us like the steady foundation of knowing who you are and what you are here to do. And The Way of the Livingness is showing us the way how to do that. http://www.unimedliving.com/serge-benhayon/uni-med/experiencing-universal-medicine/the-way-of-the-livingness-presentation.html

  41. “When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines.” By building a relationship with the communication that comes from our body this sentence becomes a known science.

  42. We all get the opportunity to deepen this relationship with our bodies so we can feel the density that is chosen on a moment by moment basis when we have pictures of expectations about what is ‘to come’.

  43. I have been noticing how we hold onto old hurts and behaviours that protect that hurt, like a life raft that we cling to. In our fear we believe that this is the only safety we know. Yet deep down we know that the greatest feeling of being safe, loved and held is when we let go of hurts and come back to the warm embrace we come from.

    1. What a beautiful comment Fiona, thank you – “Yet deep down we know that the greatest feeling of being safe, loved and held is when we let go of hurts and come back to the warm embrace we come from.”

  44. The list of things we hold onto is immense and includes just about everything and anything.. when you look at it, nearly everyone is holding onto something, in some way, whether that be family, a job, a relationship.. what are we all so afraid of feeling, without these things that we think we need to anchor us and make us feel safe? Could it be that we’ve forgotten how to trust that inner knowingness of who we are, and so have made our lives all about defining ourselves through and by what we have, own and hold onto? What would life feel like, if we committed 100% to whatever was there to be done, but without any attachment to the outcome?

  45. I’m finding more and more that I hold on to what seems to be a library full of pictures, ideals and beliefs that I have taken on with no discernment at all. I am constantly building pictures of how and what life should look like or be like and then wonder why I’m disappointed because life is not matching up to the picture I am holding on to. This is a very artfully and cunning way that a part of me is using to try and get me to give up and withdraw from life again.

    1. When I open the boot of my metaphorical car, it is still full of pictures and ideals that I’m carrying around with me. But, the step forward is that I do now open the boot and there is a willingness to look at these which is a first step to being able to put them down.

  46. I like the point you make that everything is energy and that it has its own movement and so when we hold onto things they don’t stay stationary, there is a constant movement to either come up and be healed or to be buried further into the body but the will cause illness in time and thus will also come up to be healed.

  47. I remember someone telling a group of us about a book that had been written by people who were terminally ill and one of their biggest regrets seems to be that they held onto hurts and this led to tensions with family, friends and work colleagues. And that if they could have their lives over again they would not be so controlling and try to be more understanding how silly it is to bear grudges. May be we should all read this book as it may bring us to our senses. Why does it take a terminal illness for us to stop and take a look at our reactions to life?

    1. Mary it’s a great comment and addition to the conversation, we can bring that perspective to our lives without waiting for a big wake up call to awaken us to the truth we already know. We can value ourselves, others, and life without a terminal illness hanging over our head, and let go of the hurts and live the love we are in full.

  48. Anything no matter how great it is that we hold onto holds us back because energy moves on and so what is next is even grander than what was before as the Universe is constantly expanding. So trying to hang onto the past hinders and ultimately stops what is ahead of us. We can appreciate what we have, definitely, but making it the be all and end all means, at least it has for me, a compromise and a holding back being comfortable with what I have without allowing it to unfold and expand as it is naturally being called to do.

  49. Thank you Luz, every time I read this I find I experience another healing and expand my awareness of how holding onto things plays out in my life. I can feel for me how easily it can be to continually hold onto things, I might let them go and then another thing comes in to hold onto – and around it all goes. Making my way to a more consistent connection to myself in daily life means then that my essence starts to take up the space of what I would normally fill with what I hold onto.

  50. Holding onto is a pattern of movement that only feeds a familiar way of doing life. It is a constant re-creation of familiarity that makes us feel ‘safe’ because we are in a chartered territory.

  51. What I am understanding more and more about tension and or denseness is the very fact that life is never just a straight line and when we come to an event or situation in which we feel dense and or tension it is not only an opportunity to understand our behaviours but to grow and surrender to the what is and to let go of the what is not in our bodies. Without these tensions we would not have the chance to deepen our relationship with self and others and to connect in a way that aids our development.

  52. “I got to feel and accept that holding onto had been a very normal, consistent and debilitating way of living in my body”. Until Universal Medicine and especially doing Esoteric Yoga sessions, I had not realised the level of bracing and tension I felt in my body. I think most people can relate to the feeling of letting go you get when you have a massage or even sit in nature but we don’t take the next step to question why we are holding that tension in the first place or if there is a way to live that doesn’t create this holding.

  53. The only thing that we need to grab with both hands is the opportunity life constantly gives us to evolve, everything else we hold onto holds us back – what’s the point in that?

  54. Something I have found is when I am ‘holding onto’ something, I am not able to step back to view the whole situation or circumstance and whatever I am holding onto is all I can see. In that the issue becomes bigger than anything including bigger than me.

  55. Holding onto the pictures and beliefs of how a woman should be in the world, prevents me from living the depth of sacredness I naturally hold as a woman.

  56. ‘Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?’ Yes and yes and yes, and to read this right now as I’m holding onto some old habits and foods is deeply supportive. And there is an order and magic to the Universe which we are a part of, and in fact our job is to live in a way that allow us to align to that order and in doing so we evolve to be all of who we are, not a small, tightly controlled thing.

  57. Sometimes things rise up again that I thought I had let go of at the time, and I realise that I am still holding a hurt around that. This is a great opportunity for self-responsibility and to deeply surrender and let go, because when I live from my hurts it feels like I am holding the world to ransom.

  58. There is so much we hold onto, no wonder we end up feeling exhausted, ‘When something bothers us or when we feel uncomfortable in a situation, encounter or conversation, we tend to close off, hold our chest up, breath more shallowly, hold tight and harden in our body so as not to go there, nor feel and deal with whatever issue or truth is surfacing.’

    1. That’s very true Lorraine. Rather than allowing life to unfold, we hang on in the hope that nothing changes thereby resulting in high levels of exhaustion because of the tension we are ‘holding onto’ in our bodies. I can see too why we would need, as a result, the amounts of sugar and caffeine to keep out bodies going so we don’t feel the levels of exhaustion we are living with.

  59. Although this blog describes an extreme event, our bodies are almost always ‘holding’ and in the ‘brace position’, expecting something to come at us that will threaten our survival. It is quite liberating to recognise when you feel unsafe and what that feels like. We can then work with the tension and whatever beliefs or hurts are causing us to feel unsafe in the world.

  60. It is amazing to be aware of the things we hold onto, and how these behaviours, ways of being, or issues, are not loving or evolving and yet they can still be in our lives, ‘When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines.’ I am letting go of old patterns, beliefs, and ways of living that stop me being my true self.

  61. It is exactly that holding onto that gives us existence as an individual and equally gives existence to our issues and woes. I always notice when I have an issue I have to keep on thinking about it, if I stand up and do something else the issue is most often far gone and naturally let go of. We have to then do effort to ‘think’ the issue back and move in a way to feel that heaviness again. These issues give us an identity, something that defines us, without issues when we are allowing ourselves to let go, we would all be the same.

  62. I continue to be amazed at what I have held onto, not just in this life but in past lives that then have had an impact on all the subsequent lives I have lived as I did not deal with the issues at the time. When we pass over with undealt with issues we carry them with us to the next life to deal with, or in my case not. I buried the hurt and this lead to many lives of not living life to my full potential. This insight that I have gained about the way we live has come about by attending workshops and presentations by Serge Benhayon. He has a way of presenting that leaves me in no doubt that as a whole, humanity lives a lesser life than the grandness we all are. This makes sense to me because many people I talk to say they lead dull and boring lives made up of working just to make ends meet but know this isn’t the way they would want to live if given the chance to change.

  63. Today I can feel a tension in my body, thoughts of “I can’t do/say this or that” physical pain and anxiety this creates feels huge until I ask myself “what’s underneath?” Because within my body, from my essence is something that wants to come out, connecting to this helps the body let go.

  64. I am learning more and more how ‘holding onto things’ be it patterns, behaviours, beliefs, ideals, expectations is basically just staying in a really stagnant yucky place and I can feel this in my body. When we start to let go of these be in the flow and keep moving it starts to shift but from living lifetimes in this momentum it feels like it is a constant clearing and takes a while until it is truly clear from the body.

  65. I often hear people say that they are tired but not sure why as they got a ‘good sleep last night’ or ‘went to bed early’. Reading this today and also being a student of the Ageless Wisdom, I am becoming aware of how much else can effect (and drains) our bodies. The quality in energy in which we live our live, what we hold onto, the way we move can either support us or drain us.

  66. I have been an expert at holding onto things, until now where i have said enough is enough, but it is still tough for me to completely let go and surrender, even with support. I am taking one step at a time…

    1. Your deep honesty is beautiful to read Lorraine, one step at a time is all that is needed to make powerful changes in our lives.

  67. Many people are not aware of this, how great that you, and other people including myself, came to this understanding through the teachings of Universal Medicine, ‘I wasn’t fully aware of the fact that we can “hold onto” things both in our body and in our mind, which may lead to states of stress and illness.’

  68. “Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?” A great point Luz. We may think we are in control but when major illnesses and ‘accidents’ happen we find we have to surrender and not ‘hold on’,

  69. It is a great expression ‘holding on’ we can all relate to that feeling of holding on to ideas, hurts, habits that we have gotten used to. It is like the idea for example of thinking your parents did not appreciate or listen to you so spend your life trying to get what you think you missed from them in your partners, friends and work environments…we possibly all have dipped in to this habit or another like it along the way in life. We can choose to let go and heal these habits no need to hold on to the idea of who we are and what hurts us, freedom comes from the honesty to say what hurts and take responsible for choosing another way of life.

  70. It just shows the importance of expression and words and how we express or use certain words can help others feel or understand something in a completely different way and feel this in the body.

  71. Another phrase I love is highly strung. I once had a session with an esoteric practitioner and afterwards this phrase was used. I felt it in my body because the stings had been released and I could then feel how much tension had been in my body from the strings being too tight. I’ve tightened guitar strings too much before and they simply snap from the tension. I could relate!

  72. Luz it is great to read all the scenarios where we hold onto things. It does make me reflect on how often we choose to live in the past or the future but not allow the present. And yes – there is always a stagnation when we hold on – and no evolution or progression or allowing of what is to come – so what a great point to ask ourselves what could happen if we let go completely simply allowed for a lot more space.

  73. Holding onto the denseness has an agenda, the agenda being once we feel dense it re-assures us to believe that we are 3 dimensional beings and nothing else, but alas this is not true, the agenda is to live the lie for we are 5 dimensional beings and more in truth.

  74. Just yesterday morning I noticed I was clenching my stomach muscles when I sat down to do some work. This is one way that I create tension in my body, but I am becoming more aware of the ways I hold on, and as I choose to release, my body feels lighter and freer.

  75. Denseness, tension and a stance of protective holding on to put a lot of stress on our body and affect the connective tissue and via its continuity and ubiquity the whole body eventually. And it makes us feel tired, exhausted even.

  76. Indeed when we hold onto others behaving the way we want them to and they don’t we can develop resentments which only poison ourselves.

  77. There is a relationship we can have with tension, it can be our forever guiding reminder that there is more to life than what this human life has to offer, that the perfect human life, as perfect as it may be, will never match the stupendousness that awaits us beyond this earthly path.

  78. When I hold onto anything because I want to control a situation and trying to protect me, I’m reducing myself, forgetting the understanding the ‘big picture’ of what’s happening could offer to me. While holding onto contracts me, letting go expands me. This is something significant for me to remind everytime I fall in those patterns

    1. Yes I agree Amparo. I have just had my grandson stay for a week. There were many instances where I wanted him to do something, but he wanted to do it a different way, or not at all. It was interesting to feel how when I insisted on it being my way, it didn’t feel great at all, however when I chose to be open and see the bigger picture, there was no tension and much more of a flow. This didn’t mean there were no boundaries, but there was a huge difference in how things were resolved.

  79. Holding onto really relates to how we hold onto our hurts and resentments highlighting how our hurts strengthening our individuality and separation from others.

  80. One of our most favourite things to hold onto is our hurt. We have to learn to let them go so we can truly experience our glory.

    1. Yes Elizabeth, to release our hurts feels very empowering and spacious, it’s like giving our home a complete makeover and clearing out clutter, you feel instantly lighter.

  81. Recently I’ve been waking up feeling very heavy and definitely dense. Holding onto the denseness in the ways you’ve described to avoid feeling even more lightness in my body and stepping forward in a part of life I have yet to explore from an energetic understanding. This holding on has only been detrimental to my health and well-being. I feel it would be a huge leap forward in medicine if we added in what we hold onto as a causal factor to illness and disease.

  82. Tension in the body is actually great to be able to feel, because if I can feel it I can start to observe it and then I can choose to unwind it and awareness of its origin starts to become clear. This process may repeat thousands of times, but each time I feel a little lighter with more flow and clearer supporting thoughts.

  83. Thankyou for sharing. What a blessing you are sharing with us, that even the major events from our past which have bearing on how we hold ourselves thereafter can be healed in our bodies and not affect nor hinder our expression with ourselves and others. It’s a reminder that there is always a choice moment to moment to live all that we know is true or be affected by patterns of living from the past which haven’t served us.

  84. We really do make it a competitive sport, holding onto things in our lives that do not suit us. We talk about others, we replay stories with loads of emotions, so that means it stays in our bodies and poisons us, which is not great. It is the letting go and letting love in that will always be the better and truer way to live.

  85. It’s truly amazing how “letting go” of our mental pictures, our beliefs and our patterns or reactions have a very physical effect on the body, and as we deepen and become more still with our own presence we see there are many energetic layers around us that we are quite connected to it is quite exquisite.

  86. I could relate to the feeling of childhood trauma that leaves you feels insecure, unsafe and alone. I still find I can choose to believe that energy at times, making my body go hard and shut off from the world around me. Yet through Serge Benhayon’s teachings and the Universal Medicine modalities, I know that turning my body into a fortress doesn’t work and only harms me. No matter how protected we may believe we are behind our walls, energy flows through us constantly. We may as well be open to feel it and enjoy being held in oneness.

  87. Holding onto simply means sticking to what gives us a sense of security. We could say there is nothing wrong about wanting to feel safe, but we need to be honest and check what´s the price of that, what do we possibly miss out on, close off from or shut out. We need to see the whole picture to evaluate what security and holding onto is and does, then we can make wise choices about holding onto or letting go.

    1. Yes and It is a furphy that holding on to anything truly gives us security as everything is constantly changing and eventually we leave it all behind as well. Though the being that inhabits this body continues on.

  88. We hold on with the fear of losing control . But when we let go, connect and surrender to our true feelings, our innate intelligence it is very freeing and empowering, and allows life to consulate in the most beautiful way.

  89. Recently I came up with an experiment and that is to enjoy without reservation every experience in life where there is no perfection and there is not the possibility to control. In such experiments, my job was to enjoy and commit to enjoying the moment as truly as possible, it changed my life, it was absolutely awesome. I discovered that when I can let go of wanting life to be in a certain way (my way), I am allowing my body to surrender to what is, and in return, I am being supported like I have never been before. This trust that I am starting to allow my body to feel, is the foundation of support that gets reflected back from the world.

  90. Bracing in day to day life, distorts the flow that we are otherwise in and creates barriers between ourselves and others… such an incarcerating way in which to live hampers our ability to truly respond to life and to be at one with the world.

  91. Thank you Luz, this is a blog I repeatedly come back to and offers much to reflect on. It is more a study than a blog! Your discovery and understanding of yourself has reminded me of how much compassion has entered my life since attending Universal Medicine Workshops, particularly the Sacred Esoteric Healing (SEH) workshops. During these, particularly in the SEH 2 which focuses on childhood trauma stored in the body, I have also uncovered and understood many of the reasons why I had behaviours, feelings, or thoughts which were a bit confusing. As I accessed these traumas and experiences still stored in my body my behaviours etc made perfect sense after connecting them back to the childhood experiences. This understanding that I gained of myself also then flows on to understanding others, and to know there is a reason why others are like they are, regardless of how confusing as it can sometimes look on the surface.

  92. Yes holding onto things doesn’t support us at all. Why is it we learn the hard way most of the time, with our bodies needing to go through usually some kind of pain, illness or disease even before we actually listen? It seems really crazy that we do this to ourselves, but we do.

  93. There were times in my life that i lived in a constant position of brace and would freeze when i perceived threat or an inability to cope with what was before me. It is deeply freeing to have let go of such behaviours and patterns and to remain open – in the knowing that when i am connected and not in such protective behaviours, i am equipped to respond to all that is before me every time.

  94. Having recently been asked the question ‘what in life are you holding onto’, and then having a discussion about taking risks, I realised that the need for security featured strongly in my life, and that by doing the things that I hold back on will help me to release this hold I have on life.
    So where does this need for security come from, and like this blog has stated it can come from childhood incidences which occurred many moons ago. I have many of these incidences but one which has come back to me only the other day was when living in Saudi in the 1960’s, we were living with armed military presence going to and from school. We as children were not allowed to engage with the local people because se were told that the women and children were used as decoys to harm us. We were also told not to pick up anything like a cigarette packet because the enemy put bombs in them. Also I have a vivid memory of looking through binoculars with my father on the balcony at bombs that there being detonated just streets away, and during a conversation between my parents I heard my father say that he refused the military to have a machine gun on the roof because they (the enemy) would be shooting at the building. After four years in Saudi things had become too dangerous to stay, so we waited all night for the armed escort to take us to the airport only to have the transport delayed due to a bomb at the airport. I could feel the anxiousness of my parents and remember feeling very unsafe as we boarded the rear of an army truck which took us to the airport under the veil of darkness.

    1. So many of our earlier experiences in life can shape our behaviours and reactions in later life. It would seem it is justifiable to try and control as a form of protection in these circumstances though it really only keeps us trapped, feeling powerless and not being able to respond to life with all that we are. Thank you for sharing Julie.

  95. The part about feeling threatened caught me this time. Does a part of me feel threatened in exposing and possibly clearing away the denseness? So I hold on. Is there any part of me in any way still invested in and placing value in the denseness? And how much is there to appreciate and value of my light?

    1. That’s a great question Leigh and makes everything very black and white…..or is that dense and light? 🙂

  96. Its funny I have recently embarked on some study and find that when I allow myself to become serious and stressed about completing the work my natural ease and lightness disappears. Stopping to take breaks regularly, going for walks and gently stretching all allow me to re-connect back to the lightness and the work becomes seamless and fun once again.

    1. Yes. I am the same I have really noticed recently how I can stay stuck in a position, eg behind a computer screen sitting at my desk and how I get suck in my expression and can also become heady and think that I am doing ok when I am not. Allowing my body to be more open and moving more frequently, walking away from my desk or just standing up and stretching in a way my body wants to move unwinds me and I am refreshed. Sometimes just getting up and waking to get some water and being really present in my walk and bringing the joy back that way is a real tonic.

  97. ‘ If we get obsessed with a plan, goal or aim, we hold onto an image, expectation, method or strategy. We become fixated and easily lose perspective.’ I agree we hold onto denseness and when I become fixated and also anxious, I make my world, and body at the same time, very narrow. The space that is on offer when we step out of this chosen creation of ourselves is immense as we are all an equal part of the universe.

  98. “Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?” – Great question Luz and I can really see where you are coming from with this – how by holding onto and in a way continually perpetuating an issue or issues we are keeping ourselves more dense than we need to be – it’s like carrying an unnecessary weight around with us that is numbing and distracting from what we could otherwise be aware of.

    1. We literally say no to the light that can freely flow through us. Without choosing denseness we simply are that light, it is our essence to be and express.

  99. Such a brilliant blog Luz, it’s crazy to think we ‘hold onto’ the denseness because it’s familiar and we get to avoid being responsible, but learning to let go of any protection or hurts in my life has been a deeply healing experience that has allowed me to feel much more spacious and light.

  100. When we finally choose to even start to let go of control, the difference in our everyday life is extraordinary, and the feeling in our bodies is wonderful.

  101. Strangely enough the best protection we can have is to let go of our illusion of control and surrender to love. This is actually true power and not what we imagine at all. I have not managed to fully let go myself yet as I still have bits I attempt to hold onto, but I have had enough moments and glimpses to be in awe of what it is like to truly let go and know that is the Way for me.

  102. There are ever deepening layers of holding on to discover in our bodies, and it is only our bodies that will show this pattern up. The mind can convince us we are relaxed, at ease, letting go, yet our body is the marker of truth and developing that relationship is the place to start and the only way to fully understand the harm hold on to can do.

  103. On reading your blog today Luz, I am aware how ever so subtly I can hold on to issues, values and beliefs. Quite a wake up call and a timely reminder to let go; to make a conscious responsible choice to ‘Let Go’ and truly stop holding on.

  104. I am really aware that there has been so much hardness in my body, it has been amazing to feel it melt away and transform in to a lightness and gentleness. This has been with the support of Universal Medicine, Esoteric Modalities and also my commitment to be more observant of how my body is feeling so that I do not ignore the hardness, tensions and strain, but instead am able to be steady, and treat my body the way it needs to be treated and not ignore it. This long term is revolutionary.

    1. When I consider all the things I’ve held on to and am still holding onto, they all amount to the same thing: a security blanket to keep me safe and feeling secure in the world.. something to anchor my life with. But anchoring one’s life with things external to ourselves is precarious because then we rely on those things to give us a sense of security, when it can only ever, truly, come from within. In fact when we really connect we feel so strong and with ourselves that there’s no need for any kind of protection or holding on because there’s such a solidness – yet lightness – in knowing who we are.

      1. Thank you Bryony, you’ve inspired me to look more deeply at why I am holding onto things and what came to me was to keep the focus away from all that is light, my soul, and enjoying these things with appreciation. Life is not perfect and that’s what irks me, getting my head around the crazy things that happen, accepting situations and people as they are, and letting go of the pictures of what I would prefer life to be. Ironically, the freedom from the disturbances in the outer life is right there within me in my inner life via my connection to my soul.

  105. This holding onto can be very insidious, I have come to a realisation that I have been holding on to a childhood hurt for the last 50 years which has been holding me back from truly expressing all of me to the world. I have found that the more we can discard the ideals and beliefs we take on as children the more we can free ourselves of the straight jacket we put ourselves into in order to fit in with family life.

  106. This is a great blog about ‘holding onto’ both in the body and the mind and our minds are a huge storage room for all the hurts, rejection, resentments ideals and beliefs we carry around with us and we seem to nurture the negativity of life and as you say Luz loose our perspective. Someone said if we were to turn everything upside down and only concentrate and focus on the positive aspects of life we would all live a more fulfilled meaningful life, something worth considering at least.

  107. “It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid through productions, creations, designs, dramas and struggles.” So true Luz. I have been noticing last couple of days how to be in misery I have to really work hard and keep thinking about it otherwise, naturally, things pass by and flow. Tensions often resolve naturally, it is only me who is standing in the way of this natural flow and grace.

    1. Our natural way to be is surrendered to that grace and flow. We make life so hard and complicated for ourselves by identifying with the struggle and the fight, when that is so far away from who we naturally are.

    2. Its so true Leike, we do have to work hard to stay miserable as we have to keep going over and over in our mind why we are feeling that way. But it takes just one simple choice to change that and to say no to it, in order to change the flow in our bodies. Ultimately how we are and how we feel, always comes down to our individaul choices.

      1. In my experience that’s the key to start letting go- to stay connected to the body as much as possible. The mind loves to hold on to whatever it can, to keep it busy and entertained, but holding onto stuff is not the body’s natural way of being at all.

  108. Reading your experience makes me wonder just how much trauma we are all holding onto within our bodies and our not consciously aware of.

  109. Your blog Luz has got me feeling into when I do hold on and contract when I have reacted to something and have gone into protection. I really don’t feel protected at all actually, and it doesn’t ease the tension in me either. And I feel less about to deal with whatever is happening at the time. Whereas when I have stayed with myself and not reacted, that spaciousness feels so alive and full of potential and opens me up to move in a way that confirms the real me.

  110. Thanks Luz, another blog I continually come back to. In today’s read I could feel all the holding in my body and how exhausting it is. To let go means to create space and flow.

  111. ‘What sort of energy or what quality of energy are we using to keep our existence going? Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?’ Great question Luz. There is absolutely nothing to hold on to and everything to gain from aligning to truth. In that space of being aligned with truth the flow of life is available and all that is needed is the movement to choose truth. Our body quickly lets us know the quality of our truth – in the case of being in ‘the flow’ a beautiful sense of equanimity comes which carries sureness, a solidness, a joy.

  112. It is too easy to have a blanket statement that says ‘I’m holding onto things’ without going a little deeper and looking (as the author has done) at all the different ways in which this plays out. It is my understanding that holding onto the denseness only serves to keep us in individuality, and to avoid responsibility.

  113. I find it rather ironic how control brings about feels of comfort and security and is often something we seek to have yet when we let go of control in any situation and accept and allow what happens to happen without giving our power away, there is the most undeniably freeing feeling in the body and it feels so much lighter and open! It shows that control is purely a mental game that is not a truth of the body in any way.

    1. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but anything that feels unnatural to the body is a construct- something we’ve invented to control and create life how we want and need it to be, instead of surrendering to the natural order and flow of things.

      1. This is great Bryony. This brings it back to the absoluteness of it all and the fact that one is either controlling life, situations, and hence outcomes to be how they want or need it to be. Or they are not controlling at all and instead allowing, accepting and understanding life by simply going with the flow of what it brings. Both starkly different ways of being and qualities of life. One is simple and with great ease in the body, the other is always bringing about tensions from trying to manipulate life.

      2. I am choosing to let go, and surrender, and surrender some more… and allow the flow to just be there.

  114. mmmm…. it’s interesting reading this blog, as soon as I read the title I could feel i am holding onto something. I’m not sure what. Maybe something from my childhood – yes, being picked on – physically – with that I can feel a tension and hardness in my body, I would have dismissed all this before I read this blog. It’s amazing how we carry around all these events in our bodies for lifetimes or years. I definitely can relate to having a safe space or person to come to.

    1. Having a safe space – that first safe space is the one within ourselves, which is why we feel unsafe and vulnerable we feel when we leave ourselves. By leave ourselves I mean when we check out, get distracted, allow ourselves to be overrun and overwhelmed with emotions, for example. Choosing to stay more consciously present with my body has given me a stronger foundation and an openness to start to feel whatever comes up, and stay steadier in and with that.

  115. Luz, what a wonderful exploration of the various forms of ‘holding onto’ that we use in our every day because we are so used to them feeling a ‘normal’ way to be – when it is actually far away from being the open and loving beings that we are.

  116. Luz, this really makes sense to me, ‘The mechanism of holding onto can be easily felt in our bodies in the form of pain, stiffness of muscles and body parts, tension, illness, shallow breath, weakened body systems, anxiety and so on.’ I observe this in others and have felt this in myself – the stiffness and tension, I can feel this in the heavy way in which I can move when I am holding onto resentments and frustration. Lately I have been letting go and allowing things to be and not reacting so much to others, having more understanding and acceptance, I have felt in my body how this letting go and not holding onto so tightly makes me feel feel much more at ease, lighter and I feel more playful and less tense.

  117. Recently I have been asking myself ‘Why do I choose anxiety over conscious presence’ and discovered that I believed that the anxiety was far stronger and had power over me, which is so far from the truth. It just felt stronger because I have been choosing it for what seems like forever, and then I realised that by choosing it I am being abusive to myself because my body then has to deal with the pain and discomfort as a result.

    1. I always used to think that anxiety was just a part of me- it was unfathomable to me that it was actually a choice. Becoming more aware of my body and choosing to stay present has shown me that it really is a choice – I can observe the anxious thoughts as they come in and either indulge them, or say a firm no.

      1. I agree Bryony, there is a moment when we can choose to go there or stay firm and say no. And what I am finding is that there is constantly a low grade anxiety running which is subtle but now I can feel it, whereas before I would only catch the in your face type of anxiety. Observing this also highlights other things we do to stay individual.

  118. Density doesn’t offer us security, but more so it offers us a numbness to avoid feeling what there is to feel.

    1. We like to think that density offers us protection when the total opposite is true- the numbness and lack of awareness leaves us totally open to be played.

  119. I can so relate to what you have written about holding onto the hardness and tension and because I lived with this day in day out it never got acknowledge. I could justify my bone tiredness with a glass of wine at the end of the day and it’s not until I went to have sessions with Universal Medicine practitioners and started to let go of incidents, Ideals or and beliefs that I could feel a settlement in my body, my shoulders dropped and the nervous energy naturally dissipated the more I let go. I am now able to look at and be honest with myself and say that all these things are one big excuse for me to hold my self away from my personal relationship with The Way of The livingness which has brought me back to the true God not a false barstardised version of whom he is and what he represents.

  120. The reasons for holding onto ‘density’ in whatever form like safety, stress, nervous tension etc are very convincing from the point of contraction but are actually a distraction to keep ourselves blind to the lightness we avoid. But obviously, we only can avoid what we clearly know and where and how to find it.

  121. I still find it extraordinary that when I feel so light and joyful I can actually choose denseness over this feeling. The great thing is though that every moment is a moment of choice so those times when I do choose the denseness there is an opportunity to come back to the lightness of being and I feel the support in pulling me back on track. The more we clear the past and whatever we are holding on to, the less this attraction to the past and to denseness can have us sabotaging an otherwise joyful way.

    1. Letting go of all the things we’ve been holding onto over our life is a process – the more we clear, the deeper layers we see are there to be cleared, but the more we let go of, the more joy and lightness there is to feel.

    2. In addition to feeling lighter, letting go of and clearing the stuff we’ve held onto in the past raises our awareness and helps us to see where we’re still holding onto stuff. We also get to feel the contrast between this heaviness of holding onto things and the lightness we feel when we let it all go.

  122. Reading your words again today Luz, makes it clear that these tensions, contractions and beliefs don’t just come and go but add up, and compound upon one another. So unraveling one, you can feel some relief, but the process doesn’t stop – but asks you to keep going deep. We have got so used to living stiff and so far away from our true graceful state that we easily accept a momentary break instead of our true natural inheritance – the true delicacy of our divinity.

  123. I am starting to see in no uncertain terms, the way I hold onto emotional upset and use this as an excuse to erect further walls between me and others. As soon as things as starting to get more intimate, accepting, loving or understanding, it is as if a prickly subject or poisonous comment gets wheeled in to upset the situation and create more barriers again. Thanks to your words here Luz, I can see it is absolutely me who is holding on for ‘dear life’ to the blockages I experience in life. What a horrible and stressful way to be, when you could make every day about connection and openness, verve and vitality. I know which way I would like my future to be.

  124. It’s like everything is passing through us, and we let something stick and crystalise and we want to think that is us – whatever that is, the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between. Densification gives us something to hold onto, an identity, we get to know ourselves as a separate, individual unit, away from the whole. What is so great about being an individual that we would even be prepared to live with great pain and hurts? And I know I often find it very hard to let go of my limbs, there’s holding that would even fight the gravity – and it causes tension and pain. I really want to know what I have been holding onto.

    1. There’s a big difference between wanting to know things from my head, and from my body. It’s only when every cell of my body really wants to get to the truth of something that I manage to get to it: it’s a simple knowing that is deeply felt, without any trying to get there through the mind.

  125. Luz what you have written makes so much sense, especially when you ask a simple question
    “What sort of energy or what quality of energy are we using to keep our existence going? Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?”
    I feel that holding on to something is an excuse we use to stay stuck in life, the feeling that we can have of going round in circles going nowhere, and of course we are not going to go anywhere until we change the energy that we are using to sustain our life.

    1. Holding onto things as an excuse for staying stuck.. When we’re stuck, it’s an opportunity to look more closely within: what are the thoughts, movements or behaviours that we’re repeating, perpetuating and holding onto that are keeping us in the rut.

  126. There can be a subtleness to ‘holding on’ as well in the way you feel it and the way it steps into your body. One day it can be a slight change in how you express and after a week or two it can be more of a firmness in how you hold your body. What I am saying is that if it was a big change in an instance most of us we really sense or feel it and so know something is up but for me there is different levels and the one to truly see is the creeping one. The almost slide of hand holding on that you don’t think there is much of a change and yet it builds on itself and so after a week or two you have been nudged and nudged to a point where you still think nothing is up but yet there are signs around you that something isn’t right. The way you live, your routine and quality of that routine or rhythm is hugely important in feeling these subtle changes. In fact for me the quality of the way of live is the only way I see this subtleness creep in.

    1. If the density is brought about by habitually holding onto things over a period of time, then it makes sense that this can’t be undone overnight. Letting go of all that we’ve been holding on to is also a process, and it starts with awareness of what these things are, how they are hurting us, and a willingness to let them go.

  127. I have fully realised the crippling effect that holding onto hurts and traumas has on our present life and on our ability to be able to truly relate. At the first tiny feeling of a hurt I am onto it and getting back to the root cause to feel and deal with this hurt. Sometimes however we do not even know that we are carrying a hurt, and I have found that regularly going to have Esoteric Healing sessions means that any unseen hurt also has a chance of surfacing. This is the true alchemy that I was always looking for and it is life-changing.

  128. Holding onto hurts and traumas taints our experiences with others, never allowing for transparency in our relationships and voiding of our connection to the universe.

  129. There is much we hold onto well past its use by date. It is fair enough for example that we get hurt by someone’s actions towards us. But then we spend a lifetime holding the world and everyone else to ransom as a result of that one person’s actions. If you truly understand what that means, then you start to appreciate the ludicrousness of the guards we hold up to the world and others.

  130. Thank you Luz, every time I read this I’m surprised by the new depth of understanding your words give me. I feel my body reflects a lot of holding onto things, as if I believe I can drag the past around with me. It’s interesting that we hold onto the dramas, pain and struggle when the whole universe and its inherent sacredness is there on offer for us to be part of. This to me reflects how reduced human life is compared to the grandness we come from and can reconnect back to at any time.

  131. Great point Susan that what we hold onto we accumulate as poison in the body. Often I’ll feel what I’ve been holding onto with a feeling of ‘but I don’t know how to let this go’ – which is more of an excuse to hold onto it. The more I take deep care of and really appreciate myself, the more allow myself to be me, to not hold back and to express all of me, the more the stuff I’m holding onto naturally starts to fall away, without any effort. This is a slow process – it turns out that I’ve been holding onto a lot of stuff for a long time, but gradually the layers of protection and distraction are dissipating.

    1. Thank you Susan. I have noticed this too- that just by being honest and expressing what i can feel even to myself, whatever it was no longer has a hold on me. Singing out loud has been hugely supportive with this. There’s something amazing, joyful and soothing about singing out loud and reminding myself that I do have a voice and can feel and express myself with it.

  132. Letting go of any form of holding on feels like a huge relief. It can feel so scary to think of letting go of anything that has become familiar or has been acting as a support, but when we actually do it is so liberating and very freeing. The energy that has been used to hold on can then be used for other things.

  133. ‘It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid through productions, creations, designs, dramas and struggles.’

    This blog is awesome. I am inspired to consider my life differently. I notice I often feel an unease, like I’m adrift so rather than appreciate who I am and what I bring to the world as I focus on my connection with me and God, I try to alleviate this dis-ease by putting in effort to create anchors that I think will keep me in place – so like keeping my job, friends, a home to live, especially as the world seems more unpredictable than ever which is unnerving when I have dis-connected from the universal wisdom of God’s love. I’ve been using force to ensure these anchors not only stay solid but become more secure. But this has made me ill from constantly being in nervous tension and fighting, not surrendering, to God’s love. Just this morning washing my face I could feel it puffy and inflamed. But I have realised this and am letting go of outcomes and the pictures of how things should be. I’m saying yes to knowing and honouring my natural rhythms and appreciating all the gifts that God presents but I’ve been too narrow-minded to see.

    1. I love this Karin – saying yes to our natural rhythms and appreciating the amazingness that is always all around us, all of the time – if only we are open to seeing it. The more I say yes to my natural rhythm, the easier it becomes to live it, and appreciate that it brings me back to the solidity of who I am.

  134. It’s like we are such experts at holding on, to events, memories, and struggles in life, that we think we have hit the jackpot when we just loosen our grip. For so many of us, ‘getting away’ to a distant tropical beach, is the only time we start to unwind from this intensity that we live. Your words here Luz have reminded me how utterly and completely free I can feel, and that in truth these things I have held onto for so long, have nothing to do with me. I have known this for a long time, but it is like the holding on has become like a disguise I can wear. But now, I don’t want to go undercover anymore.

  135. How many of us hold onto anxiety, tension or stress within our bodies without really realising it. I was the same in that I was not fully aware of this until it was presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and then could really feel in my body how I was holding onto this or trying to control things because on some level I felt anxious and still note times when I do this. ‘I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn’t truly acknowledged.’ However, this is a complete illusion as in truth we cannot really control anything. This also highlights how we can hold traumas in our body from events that happened when we were children and how they can stay with us unless completely addressed and truly healed throughout our entire life.

  136. When a situation comes around again that reminds us of something that happened say, years ago, it gives us the opportunity to feel the hurt again and to re-imprint and to do things differently without reaction – what is astonishing is how long these things can be held in the body just waiting for an opportunity to resurface.

  137. Lately I discovered how stubbornly I hold onto a certain way to work in a computer program, although some friends had been pointing out to me that there was a much easier way, I was just digging my heels in and continued in my way. A very interesting pattern which reflects my stubbornness, my holding on to in more area’s in my life. it felt very freeing to be honest to start with the easier way and let more lightness into my life

  138. What a very relatable understanding of holding onto tenseness and bracing ourselves from life that I can really relate to. Relearning to feel our bodies and come back to the gentleness and openness we were as a baby and child is so true and a knowing way of being and allows a deep contentment and flow in our bodies of who we really are and simply is. All our choices in how we live makes such a difference in this and the real guidance and reflection of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine shows us the way.

  139. I can relate to a familiarity with denseness too. It is like I am attracted to it and yet the feeling of it, if I am honest, is heavy and debilitating. Becoming aware of what creates this denseness in my body gives me a choice and in choosing to step away from the attraction even if it is as simple as my choice of food, I am allowing my body a chance to feel the clarity that is already there and to appreciate that.

  140. “Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?” I had never considered it like that Luz but there is something familiar with denseness that we are drawn to that does not make sense. Why would we want to hold onto something that is painful and causes much suffering yet it is something we do time and time again. It has taken me a long time to unravel that somehow I enjoy the familiarity and comfort that this brings. The less i hold onto the denseness the more I enjoy the freedom in my body and the lightness with which my body moves.

  141. I know that in my day I regularly try to ‘hold on’ to everything that I know I need to get done. That becomes the most important thing, therefore I am not actually open to truly connecting with myself or with people along the way. The days when I let go of needing to complete everything are the most enjoyable and satisfying days, and my body is free to let go of tension and I am more able to be present with what I am actually doing. It’s so easy to create obstacles for ourselves in the form of expectations.

  142. It is interesting how many of us when feeling destabilized, can look to hold onto or control in an attempt to make us feel some stability… yet at the expense of the body that becomes dense to obey our disillusioned instructions. How gorgeous to come to the awareness you have so that you can nominate when you do this and allow yourself and your body to then surrender to the lightness of being in which we can all live and move from.

  143. I would add that most of us have no idea how the effect of how we live builds up over time and affects the body as we’re completely numb to how it feels until something goes really wrong with it- and then we blame it for not dealing with all we’ve subjected it to.

  144. Holding onto the denseness gives us this false sense of protection but in actual fact it hurts us so much, and is at the detriment of the body and causes great tension.

  145. Building an intimate relationship with our own body where we can feel both the areas that we are holding on but also the holding on that we create when we react to situations is a very loving step towards letting go.

  146. I am re-discovering the flow that I used to live in as a child and when I am in a flow there is no holding onto anything, there is just what is next to be done. It is a very beautiful way to live.

  147. I love what you have expressed here Luz, it is so true that we hold onto denseness;
    “When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines”.

  148. Yes Luz, you are showing us that in all ways we can either resist or allow the flow of union, universality.. That it is either a choose that we make to either fight this absolute amazingness that is in us all of the time and felt and expressed when connection to ourselves is chosen. Absolute beautiful blog about holding onto is simply a choice , one of resistance that what is already there in us.

  149. “I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn´t truly acknowledged.” When we can’t truly acknowledge there is a something going on in us that needs addressing, or there isn’t an openness and honesty about how we are living, then we can’t actually begin to change.

  150. Obviously we could say that letting go is the opposite of holding onto but what is happening or how do we behave after we have let go; it doesn´t end with letting go, instead something else must be established, a new or different choice and action needs to follow. It starts with identifying what we hold onto, then we figure out to let go and then we learn to live the new choice we make. Often it is the unknown we cannot yet see that keeps us from letting go; it requires a willingness to open up for the unknown in the knowing that by letting go of something that is not serving our true wellbeing (any longer) the direction towards more wellbeing is guaranteed.

  151. If we can hold onto denseness then we are equally able to ‘let go’ of what makes us dense. This is hugely empowering and potentially life changing.

  152. I smiled when I read your long list of things we can go hold onto – it seems we even hold onto ‘holding on’ because there is a comfort in feeling this denseness, in denying ourselves our glorious light and the responsibility we then have to bring this to the world.

  153. When we ‘let go’, you can totally feel the release and drop of tension through out your whole body.. what a difference this makes to the way we then approach life

  154. I love how you have asked us the question ‘are we holding onto denseness’? It highlights what is really going on and asks us to be atleast honest.

  155. It’s funny but after reading your blog I get the sense that the things we hold onto bring us anxiety rather than the safety we seek.

    1. That’s a great point Leonne. It’s the complete opposite of what we think we are going to get. There is never going to be any security or safety in being dependent on outer sources. Only when we are in deep love and confirmation of who we are, are we every going to feel a true sense of ‘knowing’.

  156. ‘I love how the English language has words and ways of expressing things that bring so much precision and simplicity in communication.
    I especially remember when the expression “hold onto” came to my awareness and opened up a new understanding of the way I was living in my body.’ It is so true Luz that different languages bring forth different kinds of precision or dimension to words and expression. English is a particular ‘meaty’ language and I love the way you have described your insights about ‘holding onto’. It is also so interesting to hear people whose second language is English speak – it is always such a fresh and new way of using the language which can, if used in unawareness, run on such cliched tracks. People who don’t use the language all the time have a way of bring English to life again!

    1. I don’t know exactly what you mean with a ‘meaty’ language Lindy but I do appreciate the English language for the amounts of words it has to use for one expression. Not always easy to use the ‘correct’ word but there is an openness and flow I don’t find in for instance the dutch language.

  157. Awareness of who we are through feeling has been a great gift shared with me and many others by Universal Medicine. I always knew I could sense more than the physical world presented, and now as I develop in life I am learning that not only do I innately have that ability, but so does everyone else.

  158. Luz, its great to come back to your article, I can feel how I choose to hold onto denseness and wanting to control people and situations and how freeing it would be to let this go. I have become aware lately of how I can go into frustration and that my body becomes achy and tense and anxious, it is clear to me now that this is a choice. Great to read this article and to have more awareness around this.

  159. It’s true – we hold onto denseness because if we simply ‘let go’ we are left to feel the incredible light that we are and the responsibility we have for shining this bright through the darkness in which we as a humanity are currently choose to live.

  160. Absolutely Luz… When we actually stop holding on, when we start to let go of the control, we start to experience an energetic freedom and physical release that is so tangible that our life starts to lighten up in so many ways. Thank you for this article

  161. Past hurts and experiences can effect how we react or respond when similar situations arise. If we are aware of this holding on of past hurts and let them go then we are better prepared to freely assess any new experience.

  162. We often describe someone as being rock solid and this is always viewed as a good thing but maybe it really means that a person is holding onto things too much and have created an inflexibility in their lives. For some reason we have always seen this solidness as a good thing but maybe we have just been drawn to the comfort of how that person is or maybe we like someone reliable to confirm us and to keep us in our comfort.

  163. All that’s held on to impacts all our current and future interactions, letting go would have to change our destiny for the better.

  164. The word that comes to me is ‘complication’. When we choose to stay in the ‘holding on’ to feel we are given permission to continue to make our life complicated. What if we choose to say.. ‘keep it simple’ – what would we have to hold onto then?

  165. Something I have noticed is that if I hold onto something from the past, this is then used to re-interpret situations that present themselves now. Whatever I may be holding onto becomes a filter to cloud the truth of the situation. Holding on to anything is clearly holding us back from being open to what is true.

  166. I love how you share Luz that when we are holding on we are holding onto denseness. The truth is, in our natural state we are anything but dense. This exposes beautifully that holding on just does not support us in our lives.

  167. Thank you Luz, the security of a known hurt and it’s denseness, or the lightness, freedom and joy of letting go and connecting to my essence – a great way to look at it all!

  168. Reading your blog I was remembering how many times I have held onto things for dear life that really needed to have been let go of. Eventually, the holding on caused too much tension and I had to surrender and let it go. The easier option, of course, would be to accept and let go in the first instance.

  169. “Holding onto” hurts. There is a tension and heaviness in my body when I do this and then I look to food and other distractions to take me away from feeling this feeling of ugh. Stopping and letting go feels so much more expansive. I am now learning to let go when I am on the move!

  170. Just reading this blog and comments brings attention to any held tension in the body. I always find that if I have been affected by something, and it can be anything, I always dream about a house with rooms with furniture which does not belong to me – then I know that something is lingering around for me to look at – and I can tell you I have visited quite a lot of houses in my dreams over the years.

  171. I have been a master of “holding on” in this life which has not only been hugely impactful on my precious body, but the act of holding on has also lead to me holding back the amazing person that I have finally discovered that I am. These days I am committed to letting go of all that I have used to hold me back and through this process getting to know the true me that I had buried when I chose to live in way that I now realise wasn’t truly living at all, but simply existing.

  172. I have found that even a thought about the day that involves an issue, a tension, a drive to get something done or an attachment to something can be enough to change the way I breathe, sit, move and even feel in myself. It is huge and it is fascinating to see that it is actually our choices of the quality in which we choose to hold ourselves in in such situations and hence the energy we choose to live by that is actually the governing factor in all of this

  173. What I am finding is that no amount of words in my mind can rationalise or make this tension and holding on go away. In disconnection this trauma is the only thing we have and cling on as if it’s a matter of our very existence. But when I connect to my essence within me then I don’t need to hold on to the trauma because I get to feel the extent to which it hurts compared to the loveliness within me. So at the moment for me being aware of a lot of bracing and holding behaviours the answer is to keep connecting to the body even if it doesn’t feel great in that holding, because over time that connection melts any hold.

  174. I understand what is being said in this article and agree how we have an experience and from that experience we hold onto a part of it for a reason. No matter what the flavour of the experience perhaps we are needing it for some reason, a personal reason for us. With respect to something like the experience that was described as it sounds quite scary but the reason we hold onto the trauma is our responsibility also. It’s not for the world to change but for us to be honest with why we hold onto things, specific things like we do. I remember many experiences like this in my life that I was affected both physically or emotionally but why didn’t I let them go, why did I allow them to continue to affect me. Could it be because I didn’t see or truly heal my part? It is yes from me and this is ongoing. There are many experiences we have had through life that we need to revisit, layers you could say and these keep coming back to us so we can keep unlocking our part, our responsibility.

  175. So very true what you describe here Luz, I would almost say life is associated with holding onto things. But as you explore, is this really our true state of being or are we simply holding onto something we do not need to hold onto as it in fact gives us anything else but the freedom of our true movements.

  176. If we are able to let go of all the stories we hold on to we could go a long way in freeing ourselves of our old patterns and hurts.

  177. I feel we can all relate to what you are sharing around ‘holding onto’ anything, people, situations, hurts, protections, so many things. It is in bringing awareness to how we hold onto these things, what our patterns are as to how we then move and deal with them.

  178. Having an awareness of my hands let’s me know if I am currently holding onto anything in my mind. My body is the truthful one when it comes to what it is I’m thinking.

  179. As you point out through Serge Benhayon talking about ‘holding onto’ I have become much more aware of the tension I feel in my body and the way I brace and hold tight as I go through life. I just read a blog about surrender and being like a feather- this was a great inspiration.

  180. Working through issues must be one of the easiest things to do. Our bodies curl in, we reserved what we wish to say and we can block people out. So many signs and so easy to notice.

    Issues aren’t necessarily difficult to deal with but our investment in those issues can make it feel difficult to approach them.

  181. This morning I had an amazing feeling in my body laying there I felt very clear. Then someone started to make loud noise next door and I found myself getting angry. The conversation that followed didn’t help and my body became very strained like I just had a super strong coffee. Now reading your words Luz, I unmistakably get that holding onto emotions and reactions is like an addiction to me. It’s not the event that is the thing but the familiar state emotion brings. If I just add this understanding to my life then I have the true source I need to address – holding onto being dense.

  182. On rereading your blog this morning Luz I was struck by the truth of what you have expressed here;
    “Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?”
    So much to ponder on, thank you.

  183. I used to wonder how I could ‘let things go’, because it seemed so impossible at times. It was through Universal lMedicine that I discovered that observation is the key, applying a deeper reading of situations and not taking anything personally, and truly appreciating myself was a huge part of that process.

  184. ‘Thanks to the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and amazing presentations given by Serge Benhayon in the Living Sutras of the Hierarchy, I have been awakened to another reality that can be actually lived in this plane of life, that is completely applicable to our reality and THAT is truly evolutionary.’ Luz, these words stopped me in my tracks – the truth of them a recipe for my life and that of humanity.

  185. You make a very valid point Luz. How can we hold onto something if we are vessels of energy and not it’s source? This means we constantly have energy running through us and always have an option as to the quality of that energy. We can make a different choice at any time.

  186. It’s interesting as I have never considered I can hold onto things in my mind and I do! It’s like a junk shop up there, a big old empty attic full of boxes covered in dust and cobwebs that aren’t even mine, they are ancient. Time to switch the lights on and have a big clear out. I am not sure exactly what they are, but I don’t need to know, I do knew they have been in my head for far too long, they aren’t mine, and I don’t need them anymore. I have also realised and have known this for a very long time, that I have needy attachments to people and things. Such as when I was wee I would freak out if I lost my favourite pencil sharpener, and would not settle till I found it again. I know I am still needy as an adult, and that’s okay, it’s something to work on, by looking at why I don’t choose to love myself deeply, or want to feel the emptiness inside of me, and look to other people to love me or give me what I need. Instead of deeply taking care of, cherishing, loving, and honouring my own body and feelings. Listening to how I feel, whats inside of me.

  187. It seems absolutely crazy to hold onto something when we are just going around and around in circles, day in and day out and one day we will have to let go of it eventually.

  188. Holding on does not allow our bodies to flow and move with an impulse, but instead, push, drive and control everything we can, so we can supposedly feel better. My body tells me pretty quickly now if I choose to hold onto something, better to stay open, not judge the what is not, just move yourself back to your amazing love.

    1. Yes Julie. When we hold on, we are actually holding onto a quality of energy that is not true. To continue to stay ‘fuelled’ by this energy, our movements have to be consistent to keep calling it in. I feel that’s where the hardness, control and drive comes in.

  189. This is wonderful Luz ‘Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?’ Just reading this I felt a lightness and expansiveness in my chest as if my body was saying ‘lighten up, you can let go!’

  190. Great Luz, how you expose what ‘holding on’ does in the body and how it makes us think we are secure when in actual fact we are creating a tension that gives the illusion of security but is, as you say, just making us dense. What a set up!

  191. The word that comes up big and loud for me is the word INVESTMENT! The way I need to be and what I need to keep me safe in this world. The work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has shown me that building love with understanding makes no room for investment and nothing to hold onto. Simple yet so powerful when put into practice!

  192. Holding on is about control, and in this life that is impossible to do on a daily basis. All that comes from holding on is more stress. We need to trust that we are safe and always loved, no matter what is going on around us.

  193. Holding on holds us back from moving into a more spaciousness way of being unencumbered by the past or the expectations of the future. This is a very good reason to let go and allow things to simply unfold without trying to control it all..

  194. I have been a hoarder, holding onto so much and the thing is that becomes the familiar pattern. But the body can only hold so much so there comes a point when the body says now its time to clear, and boy can that be tough because that clearing can come in so many ways. My big clearing was when I became ill and did not work for one year; I let go of so much and 6 years later, feeling tons and tons lighter!

  195. I know for me the holding on has manifested as a desire or attempt to control everything around me, and I feel successful when I’m achieving this and failed when not. Yet its not possible to control everything, its a complete illusion and makes our feeling of self worth entirely dependent on outside forces. This is the antithesis of learning to read the flow, to move with the universe rather than against it which is our true way of being.

  196. Imagine how much happens in a single day. Then consider we can absorb and choose to remain involved in the issues and situations that happen. Wow – what a build up in the body can occur. When you come to understand that our body is designed to purely live in this moment, right now, well no wonder we feel so ill at ease when we consistently choose to remain in things that are past or even happened years ago. This brings a whole new understanding to the cause of dis-ease. Thank you Luz for sharing this groundbreaking blog.

    1. Yes it does Joe I agree, holding onto stuff affects our every single movement because we are moving in denseness instead of spaceousness and lightness which is our natural essence.

  197. I have found that when I have held onto things, my body has felt heavy and very exhausted. It feels like there is no space in my body and it all feels really heavy. When I discus and let go of things my body feels lighter.

  198. When I read all the things that we can hold onto Luz, it is most of how I have lived my life! We are taught directly and indirectly that holding onto is what life is about. Not true. The density and separation that this causes as we go about protecting ourselves by ‘holding onto’ is the very cause of all our illness and disharmony. Through the presentations by Serge Benhayon, I have slowly come to understand how far from the truth I have been living. Learning to be more aware of the energetic truth has been the key for me. I now have a choice about which energy I align with – energy that expands me and includes all or one that closes around all those things I hold onto and therefore contracts me and holds the world to ransom.

  199. Yes it is truly amazing how Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has presented so much which has helped us understand our actions, communication, expression and feeling, which we are always connected to but run with a life that forbids us from releasing such open expression.

  200. Brilliant sharing Luz! I especially love how ‘holding onto’ keeps us dense when we are truthfully anything but. Holding onto is an investment in security, control and keeping life ‘pinned down’, when in fact we are made to expand, be open and allow the spaciousness to reveal our connection, equality and true potential – our oneness. I just loved reading this blog again and feel right now the expansion on my body. Thank you.

  201. What do we get from holding on? What’s the pay off and why do we sacrifice our innate lightness for something so dense? When we hold onto pictures of how life needs to be or how we should be we are causing much unrest in the body, which anyone would agree, feels terrible. So why do it? We have to get something out of it to override the feeling and effects living this way has on the body.

  202. Thank you Luz, I have found holding on can occur in many different ways, one way I have found is when I feel hurt about something and instead of seeing the bigger picture and reading why I instead can take it personally and then choose to react making it about the other person. When I let go I can read why the situation happened which allows for greater understanding and an evaluation of the situation rather then a retardation.

  203. The vast majority of what we hold onto isn’t even true nor did it occur in the way we thought it did

    1. Yes Joe and it is the ‘holding onto’ that creates the distorted view of our perceptions! We are invested in seeing things our way to supposedly keep control!

  204. Recently I was at the hair salon and I felt that I braced myself when I smelled the chemicals used very often by the stylists. I immediately felt myself closed up even though I had expressed what was bothering me. So I consciously brought my awareness back to my body and made choices to keep bringing myself back and I began feeling me again. I was still aware of the smells and how they were affecting me, as it felt abusive to the body. I made a choice to connect back to being myself, feeling again the joy and expressing what was felt with those around me. I also felt I wanted to numb myself but I decided against it. In observing, I realised that when we numb ourselves from what we feel, we harden and that can be felt in our behaviors, and thus, to remain in connection and in gentleness with ourselves working in the hair, makeup, image, fashion industry etc is not a commonality, but this experience has allowed me more understanding as to why we are the way we are in this industry.

  205. When we start to look at it, the list of things we try to hold onto is pretty extensive – ideas about how we should be, who we are, how things ‘should be done’, what we think is ‘right’, identification with careers, jobs, relationships, people, our bodies.. yet we control none of it, and to try to do so is a waste of energy that sends us further away from who we truly are.

  206. What you describe is what whole nations are doing right now, perceiving they have to protect their own and hankering down. It is not the way forward for humanity and an unfortunate learned way to live for as babies we only know how to be open and loving, to return to this state is what is required.

  207. Hi Luz Helena Hincapie, how musical is your name, I really love it! Thank you for your blog regarding holding on. So easy it is to say I have a pain in my leg, which I do have at the moment and totally miss the deeper implication of what it is all about. It is simply for me about holding on to old ways and fear of moving into the future, which your article has clearly shown.

  208. I have been working on letting go of all the past ‘holding onto’ I have been doing, there are many things we experience and as a result what we feel at the time we hold onto rather than let it go, and the more we hold onto those feelings of which many are deeply buried the more protective we become, and the harder our body becomes too.

  209. One of the interesting things that came up reading this was the things I might see as burdens or negatives in life, and not actually question that I’m holding onto them as actual tools to manage life because of how they make me feel. This is a very empowering blog because what if for all the things that hurt and bug us we simply ask ourselves “Am I holding onto this?”

  210. I have noticed lately just how much my body reacts to holding onto things which are emotional or mental patterns. These patterns of thinking become ingrained and amplified in my body through movements which seem to reinforce the thoughts that preceded them. It then becomes a chicken and egg situation where the discomfort in my body becomes the most pressing issue and the original cause becomes buried under the activity of trying to sort out my body. How much power do we give our thoughts!

  211. ‘holding onto denseness’ This is such an apt description of what we do, holding on to the misery, hurts, dramas, conflict and pain that we continue to create to keep the denseness identifying with itself, yet we have the choice in any moment to let it go and rejoin with the true light that we are from, a light that is ever expanding.

  212. Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty? Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”? Its this familiar denseness that we hold onto that is something that is deeply ingrained. When we let go of the denseness we soar, expanding with and through God.

  213. I agree Gyl it is miraculous that you re-connected to this whole area of your body through doing pelvic floor exercises and making the choice to remain in the connection through out the day. Commitment to self is what is needed.

  214. It is true that holding onto can be as subtle as a thought, belief, picture or thread of memory of some past way, thought or occurrence. Surrendering to our Love and going deeper, knowing that we are deeply held by God’s Love and at all times connected to a Universe of expansiveness and understanding supports us to let go, lighten our load and return to the simplicity of our natural flow.

  215. Holding onto pictures or an ideal of how life is supposed to look is actually buying into the same illusion we are reacting against. Learning instead to observe and from that understand what is truly going on is what restores true sight, true compassion, and allows us to remain true to who we are.

  216. What I recently start to understand in more depth is that any picture we hold onto keeps us from being open to the what is and hence creating a limitation, protection, expectation and or judgement. Holding onto pictures is blindness or at best wearing blinkers.

  217. Holding onto denseness, that is exactly what we have all been doing and holding onto whatever it takes to keep us there. I enjoyed reading all of the examples that you have given Luz, from food to relationships, beliefs to old shoes! When we hold onto things that stop us from evolving we are saying Yes to a form of disorder and disharmony within our own bodies that are otherwise saying Yes to evolution at every moment. It’s time to work together with our bodies and not pull against them, allowing the light and the lightness to be felt, walked, expressed and definitely lived in full.

  218. Without awareness nothing can be understood truly, and so our opportunity for healing is limited.. But if we choose honesty and embrace awareness, and if we move our bodies in a way that allows that awareness instead of shutting it out, then we are opening the floodgates to healing and restoring ourselves back to the truth of who we are.

  219. Thanks to the teachings of Serge Benhayon and the esoteric modalities, such as esoteric yoga, I have been coming to the awareness of the constant stress and tension I hold in my body almost every minute of the day – and so it is no wonder that I am exhausted and aching by the end of it. The greatest thing about awareness is that if you allow it and honour that point of awareness, another deeper level is there before you awaiting you to unfold.

  220. Yes holding onto things in our bodies are what can keep us held in unwanted behaviours. We can hold onto things that feel comfortable and familiar, even if they are no longer serving us. There are so many of these that can then accumulate over our life, it is super important to listen to the body, as it is always telling us a story of what our choices are and definitely what we are holding on to.

  221. Holding on to an image how life and the world should be is creating a distance between me and the world, as if I am not truly a part of it. Accepting and allowing to feel that I am an equal part of life, of the world, is living from my connection and no longer from my need to have it a certain way otherwise I won’t be in. And this has let me understand and feel I love being here, I love and care for people.

  222. Holding on to feels heavy and carries burdens that limit the levels of simplicity we have the possibility to live. Letting go feels a whole lot different!

  223. Holding on to hurts, issues, ideals or beliefs doesn’t not serve us or humanity; in fact it is exhausting and leads to illness and disease.

  224. Thank you Luz, what comes across to me reading your words today, is it is not enough to see, say and understand that we are holding on to these old ways and beliefs, but it is literally a very physical thing. Like a dog who won’t sit down or give up their bone, you just need to keep coming back with steadiness and firm loving way to say ‘hey its ok, you are safe, just connect to all your cells and now let go of what is not true, its not needed inside of you’.

  225. It was great to read this today as I experienced a trauma last year that I can feel is still strongly held in my body and situations similar to this keep repeating because I am holding onto it. When it comes around again I can feel my body harden up and go into fight mode when in truth it is about learning to let go, surrender and feel what is going on.

  226. It is the comfortableness of the familiar that we are holding onto a denseness that gives us a sense of solidness in our bodies a feeling that we have something that needs protection. This holding on hurts our bodies and brings on illness and disease.

  227. If I understand correctly then this holding on to things, the trying to control our present or our future is creating, or perhaps, exacerbating a denseness in our body. “holding tight in order to defend and protect against threats and unknown dangers, people and situations” I have seen this as being a difficulty concentrating, sleeping, a feeling of irrational depression. Interestingly I rarely see the holding on and the denseness that is the result of this preoccupation with protection from harm or hurt, stopping anything from happening, in fact it creates complication rather than stops it.

  228. Like you say Luz the list is endless and many of the holding on patterns are hidden to us, until we then became aware of what we are doing to ourselves, but sometimes this has to manifest into a health condition before we give it our full attention.

  229. I too have noticed that when something comes up that feels threatening for me, I hold my chest harder and don’t breathe gently. This is unsupportive to say the least, as it is as though we have no other choice but to brace ourselves so we can feel protected from life’s challenges. The truth is though, no amount of bracing truly protects us, and the bracing makes it harder to move through anything that arises.

  230. Holding on places a lot of stress on the body we have to work so hard to hold onto tension and dis-harmony in our bodies only to make us sick. This makes no sense at all but it is what we have all done to varying degrees at some stage in our lives.

  231. I found in certain situations in my workplace I would harden to protect myself, but now realise that by hardening it actually hurts to stay like this. The more I surrender, the less hardness can remain.

    1. I have also found this Christopher. And when I allow myself to feel and register whatever I may be feeling in the workplace, my body knows exactly how to respond.

  232. I too can relate to what you are reflecting on, early childhood experiences especially where we absorbing the reactions of adults , can have a big impact on how we handle life and what we hold onto. I am so glad i am learning to work through long standing tensions in my life, and not be owned by them

  233. I can relate with some of what you share here Luz, and know I have to regularly check my arms and jaw as they seem to be areas that it has been like autopilot for me to put tension into, ‘I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn´t truly acknowledged. I remember bringing this holding onto to my sleep, with the bracing of my arms and tightening of my jaw.’

  234. Holding onto issues, hurts, and the like, can mean different things meanings for many people, but you have described so well Luz what it means for us and our bodies. The impacts of holding onto issues in our bodies, can be very destructive and can not only impact us, but those around us.

  235. By letting go of the things we hold onto, the identification, the safety, the comfort, the hurts and all of the familiar, we become light and we reveal our true nature. How beautiful it would be, to become the being that just is, without the baggage.

  236. I am going through a process of refining and letting things go- my weight is shifting in this process too. I can feel as it drops off there is a real rawness and vulnerability there and then more space to fill this- I can feel other patterns of distraction emerging when I don’t fully address this.

  237. One of the reasons we get tired and drained and hence exhausted is because we hold onto things in life and do not let them go. I have heard it said that the key to embracing life is to observe life and not absorb it and this feels to apply far beyond just the emotional issues and tensions of life, but also to us of a material level as your blog so clearly presents.

  238. I have come back to this blog as I have found it inspired me to check in with myself and body each night to feel what I am holding onto from the day and choose to let go of what’s felt. I am finding it helps my quality of sleep and then how I wake in the morning in that I don’t feel like something is still running inside me. Thank you.

  239. If life is full of unexpected situations which can make us change, harden or defend etc, then it would be important to live in a way which is able to recognise this as soon as it happens, because the effects of ‘holding on’ can compile and build up unnaturally in the body which is devastating and withdraws us from our true sensitivity and knowing – which is joy.

  240. Holding onto takes its toll on the body. I recently visited a surgeon to talk about an issue and I discovered I have an internal tear which needs fixing which I am onto but I felt more into why it was happening on a energetic level and holding on was on the list. And you can feel it in your shoulders when you hold onto stress. Letting go and surrender is one of the most simple yet at times difficult things to do but the spaciousness when you do is quite divine.

  241. It is interesting that the trauma we experience when younger can stay in our bodies and then govern our movements from there on. Having had a similar experience myself whereby I was witnessed a violent attack on a family member and during an Esoteric Healing session it showed that my body was still holding onto the trauma and I had learnt how to brace myself against life. This really does bring it home how many people there are walking around with their own traumas and how these traumas have reconfigured their movements, and how different would our expression be if we did not hold on.

  242. “Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?”
    There is much truth in this sentence Luz, the illusion of the way we think we can hold and control, is just that, an illusion. When we do let go there is a Divine wisdom that reaches far beyond what we can fathom in the mind.

  243. We can also latch on to someone else’s holding onto which is fatal because it’s not ours in the first place…

  244. Holding on to emotions, ideas, hurts, we must have an investment in them, an identification that keeps them in our body. I used to find my frustrations very hard to let go of, they would rise up over and over again – that in itself was frustrating! It wasn’t until I truly began to appreciate myself and live the love I knew I was, that change happened, and now hurts and emotions cannot stay in my body, there is no where they can live any more.

  245. I find it really interesting that when we are holding on, it takes its toll on the body. By holding on we use a lot more energy than if we let go. We can live for many years with this tension in the body but in living in this way the body eventually says “Hey, enough is enough” and has to find a way to clear this, and does this by way of an illness. Of course it doesn’t need to get to this stage and we have many opportunities along the way to feel our choices and let go.

  246. It is so true that the hurts that I hold onto remain in my body and brain, only to be triggered over and over again as I perceive a similar threat to my sense of self to be occurring. It also means that I hold a continual tension and stress in my body as I seek to protect myself (not my true self) from further possible threats.

  247. I have found that to keep holding on to something that no longer serves is exhausting, and I not only see and feel that exhaustion in me, I see it in many others. It is if we can’t let go just in case life will then have to change, and we have become so comfortable in living with the familiarity of the denseness of holding on, that to envisage possible change becomes very scary and unsettling; the concept that this letting go may bring a longed for freedom is simply too hard to accept, so we just don’t go there, and life stays the way it always has; comfortable.

    1. How true is this! I have been feeling the exhaustion of not letting go this past week and it has been killing me. The moment I do let go, it feels like a massive brick has been lifted from my chest. It’s also amazing to realise just how easy it is to let go of things, one moment you’re completely sitting in it and the next it can be gone!

  248. Is it possible to add the word “heaviness” to the phrase “holding on to?” When you think about it … holding onto always has a tension, strain and all the signs of what is not true to how we know we can be. The struggle in not in the “holding on to” but the willingness in letting go! I often wonder whether there is a normality we have come to know in carrying this heaviness or is it our willingness to not feel what is truly offered that would leave us saying… “I should have done this a long time ago.”

  249. Holding on as a point to see and understand that there is a discomfort in us which we do not want to feel, so we go grabbing onto something as a relief, a distraction – it’s great to see this so clearly and understand life is a continual letting go of those things we want to grasp and that letting go allows us to live and be in the moment as simply us – a lifeline long learning.

  250. “…Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?…” this is a great point to raise, a bigger picture suggestion, as the ‘holding on-to’ and controlling behaviour this ensues is the complete opposite to the fact that our Universe is expanding. So here we are as humans that have a practice of ‘holding-on’, and ‘controlling’, when … if “matter is energy and follows energetic laws…” , our natural way, order, and particles within our body naturally calls us to let-go and expand and be light not dense.

  251. I am feeling by reading this blog the lengths I go to to avoid evolution. It is a choice to hold onto old thoughts and behaviours or to let them go and allow the light of god to shine though our being.

  252. The damage we do by physically and mentally holding onto so much in a vain attempt at controlling everything is beautifully exposed here, thank you for sharing.

  253. I can so relate to this denseness, and feeling how this place becomes a place of comfort. This has been something in my awareness at the moment as I move through a phase in my life that I’ve discovered I have a lot of ideals and beliefs around. Part of me felt like I was dealing with it, but in truth I was trying to control the outcome to be what my pictures were based on and my ideals and beliefs. The first sign that I was doing this was how tense my body was and the underlining anxiety that I could feel running through me. On a deeper look, I felt how there was no flow and trust in what was already laid out before me. I’m now noting how my body feels when a situation comes up, if I’m tense I know something needs to be looked at more deeply. I’ve felt how more love and trust in myself and my body needs building, in order to move in a way that knows the next move is one that is total expansion.

  254. It is very beautiful to re-visit this blog, and what I am feeling in my body right now is how hard I have made it to just surrender, and impossible at times when I see myself as separate from the All therefore everyone else and cannot feel the equalness in all. And it all comes back to how I hadn’t been confirming the love within and know the same without by the simply daily living choices.

  255. A lot of the time if not most of it as a man if I am not breathing my gentle breathe and feeling the tenderness of myself I am in state of hardening my feelings. If I’m not expressing this tenderness for myself I’m hanging onto a tension of unexpressed emotions. My feelings have now become a hurt something I have created.

  256. Learning not to ‘hold onto’ anything that has happened in the past and accept and live more simply without the need to hold onto hurts and protect myself, has given me the opportunity to be more accepting and allowing of others and as a result I am able to remain more steadily without the need to judge or compare.

  257. Over the last few years I have been letting go of many things I have held onto throughout my life, through protecting myself I have held onto hurts, or close myself off in order not to feel and as a result I closed my heart, now I have learnt to live with a more open heart.

  258. I held on to my hurts for years and used them as an excuse to indulge in drugs and alcohol, I had a “poor me, I was so hard done by’ attitude, because my parents did not acknowledge or see the beautiful child I was. So what?…. we can use this for years to stay hurt or we can bring in the understanding that they too were not seen nor met for their essence thus unable to do this for us . We need to take responsibility for our hurts, let them go and get on with supporting humanity.

  259. Funny – I was noticing in the car yesterday that I was ‘holding onto’ the steering wheel by which I mean gripping too tight. When I released my hands I could feel the circulation / flow coming back into my arms and hands, and how in fact that had been going on throughout my body.

  260. Great couple of questions, “What sort of energy or what quality of energy are we using to keep our existence going? Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?” Control or our perceived control because it is merely us holding onto a past feeling that isn’t anywhere near true for where we stand now. It’s amazing to see how our perception gives us pictures that we then follow. When in fact even these pictures aren’t true. We always need to develop our relationship with our body and how things feel, truly. The more and deeper I have done this I have found many pictures that just keep playing over and over. Life is about movement and the quality of that movement. It’s not about holding onto to things that we have perceived as being the best of the pictures presented to us.

  261. It’s such a trick to keep going over things in the mind – that in itself doesn’t allow the next moment to have the clarity to receive all that is there to be received.

  262. What you share here Luz is very powerful and confronting because we – as a human race – are holding onto so much. I am sick at the moment and it can be such a struggle to surrender to being sick and let me body do what it needs to do. I hold onto pictures of being well and not wanting to be sick, so I fight being sick instead of surrendering to being sick. I am working on it but it takes time – and commitment.

  263. Luz you have given me a deeper understanding of the reasons we like the familiarity of denseness in our bodies and the resistance to our natural divine state of spaciousness within.

  264. Holding onto…. Can give us a sense of security, which we know we can loose at any moment, house, job, relationships etc, which builds a constant underlying tension in our body, which in actual fact … there is no truth to security as it can come and go, so the tension is also a choice to indulge in or not. So ‘holding onto’ is a choice which we can clear the denseness we create, it’s also a choice not to feel we are enough when we lighten our dependency on denseness. So interesting Luz to unpack what keeps us attached to even the denseness of food, we are not used to feeling the lightness and space within.

  265. Relating holding on to as a denseness brings a whole new awareness to the words. Thank you Luz.

  266. In that moment when we are challenged there is always a choice to hold on or let go, we instinctively hold and fight for our lives defend our position. Equally important is knowing when to let go surrender, let ourselves be vulnerable and know that we are so much more.

  267. One of the things that we definitely hold onto is security. We all want to feel safe and secure but it is often an outward security that we are looking for in order to mask the insecurity we feel inwardly when we don’t know ourselves by living true to our divine nature.

  268. Thank you Luz what an experience it was on the boat for you all those many years ago thank you for sharing, I can think of so many situations where I can tense up, harden and go into protection and of course these all add up and take their tole on the body. Over the last few years I have let go of much of the hardness and protection I was carrying and have found that my physicality has changed I have become more tender and womanly.

  269. I had another revelation about what holding onto can look like in my body. It was like I had stopped breathing… obviously I was breathing… but my breath was almost imperceptible, so shallow and restricted. Not only was I struck by the tension in my chest but also how exhausted I felt as I simply was not oxygenating my body effectively.

  270. It’s something important to consider that holding onto things may be a way we avoid being the grandness that we truly are.

  271. Your blog Luz has really made me feel the polarities of words and how the same word can have a different meaning. For example, we can give the word hold a negative connotation by ‘holding’ onto our past hurts and not letting them go, but on the other hand we can also hold both ourselves and others in the love and respect that we for example hold a baby. It’s all about the quality and intention of how we express some words that makes the world of difference.

  272. What you have presented to us Luz brings a deeper understanding to the reality of ‘holding onto’ and what it really means to feel the tension and hardness in our bodies. By holding onto we miss the flow and harmony that allows us to feel and live our true divinity. A beautiful sharing thank you Luz.

  273. What you have presented to us Luz brings a deeper understanding to the reality of ‘holding on’ and what it really means to feel the tension and hardness in our bodies. By holding on we miss the the flow and harmony that allows us to feel and live our true divinity. A beautiful sharing thank you Luz.

    1. The constant fighting (in resistance) of the natural flow of life.. it is like the constant effort required to dam a river and makes sense to me about why we are so exhausted.

  274. What a great topic to discuss – the fact that we hold onto things. If I reflect on where this is the case in my life, I can say that, for instance, going to very long meetings or presentations made me sleepy. So I used to be very scared of going to presentations at work because I might fall asleep. I held that fear in my body. Until one day I went to a presentation that lasted all day and I found myself totally awake – but I had to look at what was different – and I knew in my body the way I was living was different – I had gone to bed earlier, cared more for myself, ate lighter foods – and so going to that presentation was a completely new experience. So what you share here is true – if we hold onto certain experiences in our bodies then set ourselves up for how we approach them the next time – but if we let go of expectations, and come at things based on how we have been living, then every experience will be different.

  275. Sometimes it seems very difficult to let go of a situation even though we can feel that our bodies are getting a bashing by holding onto the tension. Over thinking or trying to come up with a solution also adds to the tension as it is feeding the energy of the situation which then keeps it going longer – quite often when we detach from a situation we find that everything petters out and re-solves itself.

  276. Since attending Universal Medicine events I am more aware of feeling tension or hardness in my body. Recently, I got caught up with my mind and thinking about ‘trying to get something sorted’ and within a few seconds the impact on my body was shocking – my chest felt tight and hard and there was a feeling of wanting to zone out from feeling my body at all. Thankfully my sensitivity has changed over the years to be able to be aware of these changes
    “…. I started participating in Universal Medicine events and began to hear this expression and its close friends, “hardening”, “becoming hard”, “bracing” and “holding tight”.

  277. “We could extend the list, but what is interesting is to see the variety of things we can hold onto, ranging from muscles, limbs, ideas, beliefs, patterns of behaviour, places, wishes, objects, people, `buts,´ issues against ourselves and others, and so on.” Indeed Luz, i have discovered that the control that i am using to get by has manifested in my feet and hands, both my toes and fingers become curled in, clenched by my endeavour to control the situation, i have been working on feeling the space in between my toes and fingers which really helps to both release the physical tension but equally gives me permission to surrender to what unfolds.

  278. Yesterday I observed someone i was with become more and more agitated by the irresponsibility to others, by choosing to hold onto this, to take this on they began to elastoplast these short fallings by filling the space with white noise. “Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?” Indeed we allow ourselves to be washed around by these reactions and in this loose connection with what we are here to bring.

  279. Could we be addicted to denseness? What an interesting question and one that certainly explains the general unease and discontent that so many of us feel on a daily basis. Deep down we all know that our true way of being is very different and much lighter and more expansive than what we currently have as life on this planet and so everything is going to feel weird, unnatural and threatening. Hence the constant thirst for safety and security. That’s my explanation for it anyway.

  280. I have been surprised many times just how much a past trauma can influence our actions and thinking today and, over the last few years, that it is actually possible to completely eliminate that past influence.

  281. “Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”? Ha, this busts our illusion of security. If we allow ourselves to feel what happens to our bodies we know that any holding on creates a tension which hardens us and makes us dense. It can feel oddly ‘comfortable’ because it gives us a false sense of fixed solidity but this freezes us into a mould that keeps us locked in the past and we can no longer respond to the movements around us but instead we react to situations from that fixed position.

  282. Luz Helena Hincapie, you ask some key questions which present the fact that we are attached to an idea of existence which keeps us very locked into this plane of matter and disregards the fact that we are a minute part of a vast universe. As you say, “It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid.”

  283. Life does feel like one big holding on, and the reasons are endless. It also seems at times as though the patterns in which we hold on are entrenched within our behaviour that it takes a time to actually realise we are holding on – that’s why blogs like this are important, as it gives us a prompt to review our current situation.

  284. We can feel this denseness, it is all around us, but developing the awareness to feel that denseness in our bodies is different. There is a comfort for sure in wanting to keep hold of this denseness, why? because it dulls us from feeling what is really going on. We are in some way afraid of feeling the truth of how we are living, so we choose the denseness to numb us from that reality. It is a deep commitment to self and others to want to not feel that denseness, a responsibility there for us to choose.

  285. “Holding On’ can bring some much havoc to how we live and often holds us back from where we can go to next. I have noticed that over the years the “holding on” is set up with so much comfort and ease that is leaves me sitting in the set up even though I know that there is potential to do more and bring more to the community. The level of harm that this holds in a body is quite alarming with the current increase in auto immune-illness world wide. I often wonder whether the body is the marker to show us that there is no limit and the illness and disease that we experience our selves or read of world wide is a reminder that our choices are that of ‘holding on’ to the old and not accepting the responsibility of the “new”.

  286. In my personal learning, the physical embodiment of what letting go of control and protection means is to embody a feeling of presence and tender solidness within me. This began for me in a consistent returning to feeling safe with my own body, the most basic learning began with the support of a sleeping, eating, walking and expression rhythm that allowed me to begin to feel cared for and loved again.

  287. In a circumstance when I felt deeply vulnerable having to let go of control and simply surrender, it felt like the most insecure situation and yet the deepest feeling of safety arose to simply keep moving back to love, it felt like the world expanded and control is only what we worry about when our world is self-oriented.

  288. Control and protection is our mechanism to hold back the love that we are, it hurts us deeply—this hurt that we have held onto is acutely felt when we begin to let go of protection.

    1. Great point Adele and yet when we feel this hurt we often misinterpret it as a hurt coming from outside from the situation, therefore justifying the protection rather than understanding that it is the protection itself causing the hurt.

  289. Everything we hold onto effects our bodies and causes the disharmony that leads to illness and disease in our bodies this discomfort and disgruntlement we feel within our bodies drives us to seek relief and the relief we choose pulls us further away from ourselves. This was my life experience going around in circles in this pattern until I learnt to take responsibility for my life and choose to love and respect myself.

  290. I have been feeling how my hurts are coming from wanting things/people to be different – and it feels like I am holding onto what once has worked and it needs to be let go to make space available for it to expand further, to include what was/is not on par with it.

  291. Luz, I am very familiar with the ‘holding onto’ feeling in my body…tension, tightness and anxiety. I too am also aware through The Way of The Livingness that there is another way to be. The possibility to let go and surrender all through the gentle breath and gentle movement makes an enormous difference to day-to-day life. To know that tension, tightness and anxiety does not have to be our normal is extremely liberating.

  292. Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”? Absolutely Luz, when I dig my heels in and do not move forward as in don’t evolve I will not become lighter but make my body and the world tense and heavy, and there is the opposite when I move towards what I know is true (thanks to the inspiration of Serge Benhayon) I am in the flow of the all and my body feels light and complete, connected to the universe.

  293. This is so true Luz, (your words) where we feel the need to hang onto hurts and other issues over a period of time in our lives and it becomes a habit that is hard to break. This can develop into a physical ailment that needs to be searched out and healed.

  294. I can feel how I hold onto things so I can be in control and I am now feeling how small this holding on makes me feel. The worst part of holding on and then feeling the smallness is that I am aware of how much I put myself down because of what is happening and this is a very awful cycle to be in. Now that I can observe what is truly happening I am more aware of what i am holding onto and this can break the cycle.

  295. I’ve recently been ‘holding on to’ a great deal. Several situations in my life are demanding my attention and focus, and my response has been to leave myself in order to attend to them. The result is tension and hardness in my body and extreme tiredness from the drive I have been adopting. I realise I have been ‘holding on to’ life. My body is full of my life. Focus is needed to come back to me, put myself first in every situation, take care of the energy I am living and moving in, and relate to the world and every situation from a place of being centred in my own life and my own body. From there I can let go of the symptoms I have created.

  296. The reminds how I have thought that I can hold onto stuff, be it a photo, an emotion or a habit and think that I can control it…control. I had been holding onto a picture of control in my life. The universe is forever evolving and expanding, life can only change and evolve, it is a universal law. Holding on is a resistance and will naturally be corrected. Holding on keeps it about the self, but this is a picture and we are connected in every way with everything. This is something I still deny at times, but I feel it is a truth that reflects itself to me every day.

  297. What are we without stuff, physical or energetic…”It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid…” Do we freak out at the possibility of living lighter, and ‘letting go’ rather than ‘holding on’, I know I have, holding on has validated who I am, I have gotten used to stuff. The trick we play is that we do not appreciate that letting go allows us to surrender and deepen our true relationships with ourselves.

  298. For me, it feels like what I hold onto most is certain qualities, feelings in life that then come with the judgements, withdrawing from life, discomforts, distractions etc etc. Because if I don’t then instantly I feel amazing and it literally is instant once I let go. Our bodies are designed to constantly maintain a state of equilibrium or harmony and because we are, day by day ageing it means we are constantly changing and that harmony needs to be adjusted. And yet I live with the same feelings day in and day out like groundhog day. Coming back to this blog is getting me to wonder – what is my relationship with that ever changingness, to which then I am reminded that within Universal Medicine’s teachings and from my own experience in connection to my essence a sense of permanence, steadiness and consistent quality is already within me. And the denseness is like a twisted version of such stability that is everything but stable! I don’t have to hold on to maintain consistent connection that is truly supportive and healthy but actually let go and surrender to the consistency that is already within. Thank you Luz.

  299. Rereading this blog reminds me to check in where I am holding onto tension in my body. I find just allowing the space to observe where this is happening in my body allows for a spaciousness to develop and a letting go to occur, particularly in the jaw.

  300. This morning when I consider ‘holding on’ it is in my hands that I feel it. Like I am gripping the sides with white knuckles, definitely in survival mode, stricken and almost catatonic. The difference when I simply let go, allow my hands and arms to release and stand a little taller is palpably liberating for my body.

  301. Sometimes we are faced with another’s reaction which is just their desire to hold on, Becoming aware of this and allowing them their feelings we can let go of any potential judgements and let go of our own holding on . Going deeper we can understand why we are holding on and accept this as part of our make up but not who we are .

  302. Maybe the escalating levels of obesity that we’re experiencing in our world today are in part a result of this pattern we have of holding onto our stuff, allowing our bodies to be weighed down with all the hurts we have accumulated during our lives. Food is one of the go to choices for us to numb our awareness, so we don’t have to feel the tension and dis-ease in our bodies. However, until we choose to address the root cause and let go of these hurts, nothing will change, the tension and dis-ease will just grow, along with waistlines.

  303. We may be choosing to hold onto things for our own ‘protection’ but, in truth, we are causing more dis-ease in our bodies as we’re choosing to give space to things that are not us, that do not belong over sharing all of our glorious selves. We can’t ‘fool’ our bodies or think that we can justify being less than all of who we are.

  304. We are holding to anything and everything to stop ourselves flying back to who we truly are!

  305. Very true Luz. It is so easy to hang onto criticism or resentment of someone, especially if you still cary a hurt which has been triggered. I really watch out for how I am with everyone and can sometimes see how I am not fully letting someone in to my heart – usually I am ‘holding onto’ something! It is imperative that we clear our past hurts.

  306. What a huge revelation Luz! You have dug into the depths of ‘holding on’ and shared the hidden treasure found within. So much of what you uncover as ‘holding on’ is seen by the temporal world as normal behaviour that is supported by many old sayings such as ‘brace yourself’ etc. I have read your blog a few times now, and I feel the true healing that comes from looking at my own life and situation, and the many ways I ‘hold on’ to things. I can also go into placing the blame on others, when in reality, I am responsible for my contributions to situations that also involve others. I have a new measure of ‘holding on’ now: one that is much more true and leads to incremental healing. Thank you for your incredible sharing here Luz.

  307. It occurred to me that what we are holding on to is often seemingly intangible, say an opinion or judgment, a prejudice even; and yet, the resulting physical hardening and denseness in the body is just as marked.

  308. I enjoyed the expansive quality of this blog, taking holding as a tension to protect our selves, to a holding onto a very existence which limits us to thinking we are bound not only by our physicality, but by spiritual ideals and beliefs that together keep us bound to the huge image of creation itself.

  309. What is so amazing about this is that it is so ridiculously simple and scientific. What I mean is that I am constantly still astonished by what we do to ourselves and each other when even a modicum of common sense or awareness, even just the tiniest bit, tells us that it’s madness. Breaking this down to it’s most very simple; holding on to anything – a bottle of water for example – takes effort and energy, and after a while the hand and arm would get tired. Simple, simple fact. A tiny toddler knows this. An old-age pensioner knows this. Everyone knows this. And yet, we willingly, knowingly, consciously hold on to so much stuff all the time. That ‘stuff’ has no less of a tiring effect on our bodies than holding the bottle of water. Indeed it probably has a whole much bigger effect – but we don’t need to get in to the complications or details. The simple, undeniable fact is that we hold on and it exhausts us.

  310. What is it that we so desperately ‘hold onto’ I wonder? I have learnt a way to avoid feeling and yet feeling is the only way we will re-connect back to our soul and begin to live life rather than exist. As I learn to not over ride these feelings I am making space for an expansion of my understanding and allowing my body to surrender and unfold the fullness of the beauty that I hold within.

  311. Recently I’ve found that ‘holding onto’ things – issues, emotions, hurts or other people’s problems heavily affects my sleep. It can cause disruptive dreams or stress/anxiousness in the night, and this can leave me more tired through my days as I’m constantly trying to ‘recover’ from an uneasy or inconsistent night’s sleep.

  312. Once I understood and could feel in my body how harmful it is to me, and others, to ‘hold onto things’, it became so much easier to let them go. Just yesterday I overheard someone say something quite hurtful about me, I felt the hurt, but rather than taking it on and giving it space to stay, I chose to see it for what it was, the energy at play, and let it go. In the past I would have harboured a grudge against the person making the comment, from my hurt, which they would have felt and the whole thing would have escalated from one snippy comment …. not today.

  313. This is great to hear all the way from Colombia Luz, thank you. I have read this blog a few times and saw you name but never read where you were until today. Holding on is a massive thing in the way that there are so many little things that I tend to carry on a day to day basis, that little conversation, that look, that feeling all walk around my head at different parts of my day. When I let go to the best of my ability I find that everything is there in the next moment in front of me. I have no need to worry or concern but just bring my presence back to what’s happening next and not get caught trying to solve a past problem or avoid a possible future mistake. Just connect to my body and how I am breathing and get my head up again ready.

  314. Holding onto things is also a choice to hold back in life, to choose not to feel full of our gorgeous selves and the sheer joy from doing so. The more we hold onto things that do not belong in our bodies, we are weighing ourselves down and taking up precious space that could be filled with the love that we all innately are. It’s incredible how quickly we can shift baggage that has been sitting around for years, if we are ready and committed to doing so. It’s a simple choice, just as it’s a choice to do nothing and hold on.

    1. If holding on to something equates to a holding back in life, then I have to ask myself what am I getting out of what I’m holding onto, and holding back? The answer is feeling comfortable: there’s a certain level of comfort, of protection, in thinking we can stay the same and resist moving forward. But the more I become aware of how much I’m holding on, the more uncomfortable it feels, because it feels stagnant and opposed to the natural expansion of the universe, whose laws we are all naturally governed by. When we hold on, life becomes smaller and narrower. When we let go, it expands, and we expand and grow with it.

  315. ‘Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?’ Oh yes, indeed it could Luz! I do this literally by wanting to eat a food that makes me feel more ‘solid’ or by watching a TV show that leaves me feeling dull. I have just got honest about this behaviour recently, the avoidance of the lightness of being. I feel this blog has just popped that illusory balloon and articulated what I needed to hear.

  316. As soon as we stop holding onto something and let go, there is straight away a change a movement towards being more light, great and amazing. More who we naturally are. I see this often in my relationships how I can by holding my body in a certain position keep my partner on a distance energetically yet when I notice this and am not too stubborn to change it, let go, there is nothing of the issue there anymore – the beauty of the science of movements and our body.

  317. Thank you, Luz. I am at present holding onto a grudge against another person and can feel this in my body. It is something that has just come up for me and it is not like me to feel this way. I can feel the denseness in my body and it is truly uncomfortable.

  318. It seems to me that when I choose to hold onto something, it is like living in a life that flows like a movie, and then I decide to just freeze on one frame of the movie or a few frames here and there and try to experience life as that. Meanwhile life is still flowing and moving and expanding and so I need to try harder and harder. It is exhausting.

  319. I can certainly feel how holding on – to whatever it is we are attached to – is a contraction of our true nature. The words ‘holding on for grim death’ come to mind. Perhaps we might also say, ‘letting go for true vitality’.

  320. When we ‘hold onto’ we tighten and constrict: our muscles, thoughts, feelings, relationships, development and in fact the whole of life. Beautifully expressed and illustrated, Luz.

  321. Your words here Luz bring a very real sensation of how we tense, tighten, constrict and bunch up in our body, but yet can walk and talk and stroll around and ‘look normal’ on the surface. Imagine a world where we all stopped hanging onto these beliefs and agendas. How would it be to walk then with each other, free from these foreign objects? I feel we would be so much closer together without this extra baggage.

  322. It is simple science – holding onto, contracting, tightening are movements that obstruct and stop the flow of the divine life force through our bodies and lives – an energy which nourishes, and grows all that is love and joy.

  323. I thought I knew what ‘holding onto’ meant, but your blog has brought a much deeper understanding of the behaviours and consequences involved. It also inspires me to ‘let go’, thank you.

  324. This brings a great understanding to the reality of holding and what it really means and the tension and hardness in our bodies. The lightness and flow of our bodies in surrendering is a gradual process of learning this which makes all the difference to our movements our heath and well being and how we feel. The beauty and delicateness we really are is something lost in the ways of living today but can be reclaimed as you share so simply by loving ourselves and surrendering to this love we all innately are and not holding this back.

  325. This blog has alerted me to what may be the cause of the holding onto and the build up of many layers of protection held in my body and mind that Samantha mentions, Luz, and that those very early memories from childhood are all important, for they are often so vivid because of remembering very little else that we feel them in our bodies even as we remember them. I have three early memories from about age three, and they are all fearful. They are not dramatic, life threatening incidents like yours, but they were to me, born during World War Two, with all the anxiety and tension around me. I was afraid of the bigness of the world and the big house we lived in during the war, (a mansion in the country), strangers, and aeroplanes. For years I used to run inside if I heard an aircraft coming, and even today I realise I Iie rigid in my bed if a helicopter flies over low. You have also opened my awareness as to why I feel the denseness in my being and find it comforting. (Why did I love to escape into reading spy stories and watch detective serials on television) this gives me the answer, the familiarity felt safe viewed from outside. All the healing sessions I have experienced with Esoteric Practitioners have enabled my body to learn to surrender, and also to allow myself to let go of habitual patterns of thought and emotional reaction. Peeling back all the layers as I connect more and more with the true essence of love inside me, has brought me nearer to understanding your blog for myself. Now I can address those fears of early chldhood that no longer belong with me now.

  326. I have braced myself so much in life that it became layers and layers of hardness and protection. I am coming back to surrendering to love, no need to brace. It is a work in progress but I can feel the truth of what I am learning and practicing.

  327. I hold onto issues that make me feel dense and heavy, largely out of habit and familiarity, it does not serve me or anyone else “This concept of holding onto denseness may seem challenging to our everyday concrete experience, but what if such reflections have the potential to awaken us to a greater and deeper understanding of why we are currently living on this planet and choosing to be much less than who we truly are?” This is a beautiful quote, I feel energy, I am an energetic being, my essence is of love and truth, I feel this to be true of myself and all others. When I come to ask myself why I would choose density, it is not just familiar but it enables me to hide and not shine bright and so avoid what I think will be attack from others, and deeper still, it reflects that I have chosen to walk away, and not stay claimed with the truth I know that I am with and from God.

  328. I held onto a belief that it was ‘just’ an incident in the past that was of very little significance – but on reflection the ‘just’ was discounting the full impact of these ‘seemingly small’ situations. If they were so insignificant why did I hold onto them for so long? As I allow more awareness in my body I am realising discounting is part of the ‘holding onto’ as when I do acknowledge the power of what happened to me as a child I can begin to let go of the ‘holding onto’ and be free to live more fully in the present.

  329. Everything we hold onto, does not belong to our natural way of being. This is already a sign of a way of movement in disconnection to ourselves, disharmony and in discontent. Such state of being ‘creates’ the need for a flow that ensures us going further astray.

  330. The consequences of holding onto something in the emotional sense initially seem invisible, and we can carry on ‘as normal’ in our everyday, but over time, the body does take the wears of this ‘holding on’, and eventually the physical ailments, behaviour patterns or dis-ease can be the visible end result.

  331. “holding onto” denotes energy being deliberately put into the ‘holding’ of something, rather than the natural process of letting go. It requires much more energy to hold on, than to remain surrendered in our day to day life.

    1. i love what you have shared here Kylie as the point is there is a natural process our bodies are designed to do and that is to consume, digest, obtained nutrience and then let go/discard. Which is the same process of experiencing a situation, processing it with awareness, reading what it is about, feeling what is true and what is not and then letting it go and moving on. There is a deliberate choice to be open, aware and enlightened through our experiences or holding onto and densifying ourselves in issues. What an amazing awareness and choice this is to have.

  332. One of the greatest things I’ve ‘let go of’ is the notion that I’m ‘clever’, that I have things worked out and I know exactly what I need to do in a given situation …… this is the life of control that I lived for most of my life. To live in this way is like living life being confined to only walking on yellow roads that are 5 ft wide, I’m immediately limiting myself to such a narrow existence with very set expectations. The absolute joy and magnificence that is there for us in each and every moment is experienced when we just allow the space for things to happen naturally. When we surrender to our bodies and listen to the impulses we are given, then magic happens.

  333. Luz, great article, I can feel how I have held onto a way of living that is not supportive – living in a messy house when actually I love order and everything having its place, I can feel the pull to change many things in my life and some resistance in doing so, going for comfort over evolution and truth.

    1. Rebecca a great point, for example I can feel that if I make one thing more important than another I justify and put up with something that is not supportive. However that is deeply untrue as everything is equally important and as you say if you have the pull for order in your home but don’t allow this, then what we do at work does not hold the full quality it could.

  334. Like you Luz I have come to realise that for much of my life I have lived with stress, tension and control. That is until I developed a greater awareness of the impact of these through the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Reading your blog was a gentle reminder to keep on deepening this awareness.

  335. We hold onto way too much, I know for me the hardest thing to let go of is when you see the potential of something not actualised. But nothing is worth holding onto and weighing your body down and halting your evolution for.

    1. We really have brought a great deal of complication into life from all that we choose to hold onto because when we let it all go – what remains is simply our divine innate loveliness which has always been there.

      1. Oh what a wonderful discovery Johanna, that when we do learn to let go we are left with our natural loveliness that is there all along.

        I am just getting glimpses of this now and there is no question for me that letting go and surrendering to the beauty that is already there is what I want.

      2. So true Johanna the complication feels like a convenient way to continue a momentum of not wanting to feel the pain of our separation.

  336. ‘Holding onto’, never feels great, no matter what we are holding onto, it has a denseness, so what is it that can still make us at one level want to hold onto something?

    1. So true Lorraine. And I find the more I build, deepen my connection and appreciation the things I am holding onto stick out like a sore thumb as does the reason for why I am holding onto it – then from there in comparison to the depth and appreciation this holding onto is very dense. When I feel that denseness in full and realise what is truly going on then it is far easier for me to let go of the holding on pattern, food, behaviour etc.

  337. It is insidious how tension and stress can creep back in sneakily where our awareness drops and then, duh, I can notice the holding back again but hadn’t noticed when and how that happened. Keeping awareness as much as we can and feeling the tension build in the body and how we move are great markers to observe before the denseness and dullness sets in. It’s a great learning journey for us all Luz.

  338. My body used to feel tense even when I was lying down, fully supported, because I was totally unable to surrender and allow myself to feel that support. It is changing now and I can relax more often, but there are some areas of my life where I still hold on to that denseness – and I do that by eating foods that keep me dull and unaware. Reading your words I can see that it is me trying to control what happens next, trying not to feel what’s truly going on in my body and in the world. I’m burying my head in the sand, and digging my heels in, to use two well-known phrases, in order to avoid my own evolution, it doesn’t make sense.

  339. Reading this and then considering the act of ‘holding onto’ stuff (material or emotional) I can feel the stifling nature of it. It is like a slow, exhausting suffocation. When I doggedly hold onto something one of the ways the tension in my body manifests is as respiratory restriction.

  340. I used to hold onto memories of the past- wedding trinkets, postcards, letters written to me from close friends overseas, engagement or wedding gifts even if I didn’t like or use them, excess kitchenware- just in case it will come to good use, etc- all excess clutter. I have since thrown away most of the stuff and how good does it feel in the body- more spacious, light, and clarity of mind.

  341. “Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty? Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?- Yes I agree-I feel we do find comfort or sense of familiarity in the denseness felt in our body. However, when we have experienced the exquisite expansiveness/ spaciousness in our body, when things flow and we come from our truth, why allow anything less than feeling the love that we are in our body.

  342. Holding onto past pain really hurts us. Many relationship disagreements can be come fights because of hanging on to past hurts, hurts which are often based on a misunderstanding.

  343. I spent much of my life collecting things, accumulating stuff, having a home full of bits and pieces, clutter. I can feel now it simply represented how much I held on to things, unwilling to let got. Bit by bit as I have worked through the letting go process in myself so to has my home been reflecting the process as I divest myself of more and more ‘things’. The simple lines of my home greet me everyday with a feeling of clarity and spaciousness and anytime it gets areas of clutter or stuckness I know that there is another layer of ‘holding on’ to be looked at.

  344. We also hold on to clothes that are not our correct size just in case we put on or loose weight, such a waste of space and if our size does change, our taste has often changed as well as, the fact: the clothes often no longer suit us. I have found I am better off giving them away and buying new ones if I need to.

  345. I used to wonder how I could possibly ‘let go’ of the momentum of tension that I held in my body and the thoughts that filled my mind. But, as I cared for myself more, learned how to appreciate myself more, and built my ‘Body of Love’, everything started to fall away of its own accord.

    1. Thanks for this reminder Jenny that it really is that simple. I can feel the pockets of tension in my body, and it’s a choice in every moment whether to add to this tension and hardness by moving in the same tense and hard way, or let it go by moving gently and paying attention to how I am moving. It takes focus but is so worth it to feel the letting go and unwinding within my body.

  346. What a gift to understand that to not ‘hold onto’ I must learn how to surrender to all that is true and let go of the images and experiences that I have made into pockets of protection and untruths and held onto ‘forever’! Thank you Luz!

  347. As a man I have noticed that I hold on to certain behaviours believing that they keep me protected and safe from hurt and harm, but the truth is these behaviours are not who I am and actually hurt my body and others around me.

  348. “…The mechanism of holding onto can be easily felt in our bodies in the form of pain, stiffness of muscles and body parts, tension, illness, shallow breath, weakened body systems, anxiety and so on…” This is spot on.. The holding onto stuff really does play out physically in our bodies, and then still initiates behaviours and emotional patterns that influence our day / life. The process of letting go really is medicinal to the body, and for our future life / lives.

  349. And the opposite to holding on Luz, is surrendering to trusting ourselves, to letting go and feeling the spaciousness and lightness within and around us and thereby releasing all that tension and anxiousness felt in the body.

  350. Huge insight Luz, do we in fact hold onto denseness for its familiarity, and a form of identification – that we actually believe this is who we are, even though it can be made up of so much misery, reaction, ‘hurt’, and crippling contraction, violence and so much else. – but what if the alternative was so much grander, to discard the dense layers, and step into the seemingly unknown only to find it was known all along, just a remembering and joyful reunion with who we truly are.

  351. We say certain behaviours are instinctive, like fight or flight in danger situations, yet all the situations we may perceive as dangerous or confronting that are not in truth, means that instinct is working in a way that is not healthy and allowing us to live our full potential. To evolve means opening up, observing, acknowledging, accepting and embracing that there is a different way to be and that holding on to the belief that it is natural to be defensive or aggressive when feeling confronted, can change. So many situations can change to become rich and full of learning how to be responsible, discover new perspectives and shift out of old heavy behaviours that weigh us down and cause us to live in reaction.

  352. It happened that I spent my first night at my parent´s house since I have left it over 25 years ago. I have visited many times since but not staying there more than some hours and usually being engaged with meeting family members, not giving much attention to the house as such or my relationship with it. This time, when spending a night there and staying for about 2 days I recognised a sense of a grumpiness or passive anger kind of mood stirred, but every time I checked in with myself I was not feeling like that and not having a reason for it. Then I recognised it as the mood of my teenager years. The moment I got aware I could start the process of letting go, healing and renewing my relationship with the house, myself as a teenager and my family.

  353. Its true that we so often hold onto fears and tensions from earlier in life, from events that were scary or threatening at the time but no longer are occurring. its interesting that the body doesnt forget or let go until we consciously ask it to, we have to be willing to see the tension we have been holding onto and then it can start to unravel.

  354. Holding onto a situation only feeds the energy behind what is playing out in our daily lives and makes the situation continue longer than it needs to. What if we detach from a situation and let it go, could it be that we would no longer be feeding the situation, and that it could just petter out on it’s own.

  355. We can help ourselves let go of all the stuff we hold on to by building the quality of our natural essence within our bodies. If we focus on the latter, and focus on ‘holding’ this, then there is no need to hold on to anything else.

  356. We follow many behaviors, tastes and desires thinking we are in charge and getting for ourselves what we want, but in truth the behaviors, tastes and desires might be given to us as a form of control over our spirit. This of course can only happen if we choose not to be aware of the energetic dimensions of life.

  357. ‘ the fact that we can “hold onto” things both in our body and in our mind, which may lead to states of stress and illness’, summed up in a nutshell. Holding onto to old behaviours/patterns/comforts and old ways of living, when our bodies are asking us to let go, and make space for the new, is what leads to tension, stress an becoming sick because we then resist and delay the evolutionary pull to being more of our true selves.

  358. I realise that my holding onto bad experiences has to do with the way I view my intelligence. In the past I was fooled. I expected people to behave in a certain, honourable way and when this ideal was not met, I was very hurt. In order to not be hurt like that again, I determined to be clever, to remember the hurt and what led to it so that I would not be fooled again. Now I realise that I can read energy and this means that I have no need to hold onto these hurts for protection. What I need to do is live each moment in the truth that it is and not hold these people in what they were in at the time. Because I consciously held onto these hurts, I am slowly unravelling them from my body. I am slowly letting go of my idea of what is clever. I am letting go of expecting others to know the same values as me. There is a lot to stop holding onto.

  359. This is where awareness is such a crucial key. It is through cultivating awareness that we can feel that we are holding on, and what it is that we are holding onto.

  360. I feel I sometimes hold on to density in my body by using food to make me heavy and protected to numb myself from feeling the true power and strength of what I have to bring if I was to let go of the contraction I often choose. The habit of choosing this familiar behaviour does not serve me or anyone else by feeling this in my body and letting it go I am reimprinting this old pattern by returning to my natural state of being and sharing my expression of the love that I am with humanity.

  361. There are layers of denseness that we are constantly given the opportunity to discard and let go of. It’s quite fascinating that we get so attached to the things that are literally weighing us down.

    1. Yes very true Vicky. The holding on to the patterns and denseness actually stop us from feeling and receiving all the love and divine communication – something we all deep down crave.

  362. There are heaps of things, memories, emotions, behaviours etc that we hold onto without even being aware of until a situation activates these traits and brings them to the surface for us to recognise. These moments are a great chance to raise awareness, learn, reflect, understand and make fresh choices, ie. let go what no longer serves us being who we truly are, stop the momentum and re-imprint the quality of our next steps through life.

  363. The ‘holding onto’ is indeed happening more often than we all know – why on earth do we hold on when the natural thing would be to let go, to surrender? Does it make us feel we are in control? Or are we simply using it to keep ourselves small and contracted? Could it be that we know well what we are doing eventhough it may not be conscious?

  364. Love re reading this blog Luz. Particularly about how we chose denseness over spaciousness because we feel empty rather than reconnecting to the love available in the spaciousness.

  365. “It not only has a visible impact on the way we live and move in our human bodies, but also is discernible in many of our behaviours and ways of being.” This brings me to ponder why I need to ‘hold onto’ so much stuff in my life, so many unused objects and unworn items of clothing. What am I afraid of losing? How have they prevented me from experiencing more of my authentic self? What’s really going on here? How honest and transparent am I being with myself today?

  366. There are layers and layers and layers of this. As I let go of one aspect or issue or thing, I find another is revealed below. Amazing what I have grabbed hold of through my life and am still holding, years and years later. If one imagines that each holding uses a certain amount of energy and focus, then is it any wonder how exhausted we are, how distracted we are and how little of our innate vitality and wisdom is accessible to us? Letting go, let’s our truth come to the fore.

  367. How much trauma do we carry in our bodies from issues our parents had?
    It might not be as dramatic as a shipwreck but just as real. I can remember many situations that were still held in my body and thanks to the Way of The Livingness I can heal without judgment on any one else.
    The wisdom that is shared by Serge Benhayon has provided the techniques so I can heal my own issues once I have nominated them. After 12 years of being a Student of The Livingness I am still finding pockets of illusionary issues that need to be healed and thanks to this blog I have now released a few more underlying issues that arose in the deeper pondering of what was presented.

  368. Absolutely Mary, so many rewards it is impossible for me to keep track of them. I definitely feel blessed for having become a Student of The / My Livingness.

  369. Feeling what is going on and what energies I am holding onto from the miasma of ideals and beliefs, which I still have to deal with to feel the true joy that I connect to on a regular basis, is definitely a learning curve! As part of my evolutionary path, I have felt the depth of the so-called true things that are still held in my body. The tools to eliminate the ideals and beliefs are in my movements. I have also been holding onto replacement truths and the replacement so-called truths are there to also be dealt with. In other words I replace a lie with another lie and have to heal both! Living in a way where I am now open to true healing and am willing to search deeper to illuminate the root cause of my ill patterns is still a work in progress after 12 years.

  370. On reflection I can’t think of anything at all that truly benefits us if we hold onto it. In fact most things suffer as a direct result of our attempt to hold onto them.

  371. What if holding onto is not something we actively do, but more so is an energy that we allow to be expressed through us that actually has a hold on us?

  372. We hold onto old grudges and traumas in our bodies without even realising how much it affects our quality of living, it is through the letting go and healing of our hurts that we can come back to full harmony within ourselves.

  373. There is so much in life that we grasp onto – as though to be without it would be our downfall. And yet, there is a tremendous freedom in learning to surrender, and through that surrender, great understanding is ours to behold.

  374. Reading this I realise that holding on is something I do in so many varied ways and all of them harming. What I’ve not appreciated is there is an order to the universe that is so comprehensive, so omnipresent that holds me in love each day all day that if I were to let go of what I hold onto I would discover there is no need to hold onto anything to ensure my return to love. But in this return I have been wanting to avoid uncertainty and lessons resulting from ill choices I have, perhaps incorrectly, predicted and judged unpleasant.

    In holding on I am also exercising my free will where I am saying this is me, I get to choose, and especially relish those choices I know are irresponsible – there is a excitement in this, a drama. Like a little child rebelling. But I see the world calling out for love so it is time to grow up and let go of all I hold onto to that blocks the flow of love through me.

  375. It is incredible in our society how much we have normalised ‘holding on’ and that it is quite rare to come across a person who isn’t ‘holding on’ in some way. Until I came to the work of Universal Medicine, I had no idea just how much I was holding in my body. It is now a committed daily reflection to feel my body, reconnect and to be honest with what it is that I am feeling. Through this process I can start to release the hardening, the tightness and the tension by allowing myself to be with what it is that I feel. If I ignore my body, nothing changes, in fact the tension increases, so it is through choosing to be aware that I can let tension go.

  376. Everyday it would seem this has new meaning, “holding on”. At any point you feel something and don’t express it, whether by spoken, written word or by movement then this is ‘holding on’. I had an experience yesterday around this and it was no big deal but I didn’t ‘hold onto what I felt. It needed some encouragement but I followed through with what I felt. I didn’t do it to be right or to do anything other then open a discussion around what I was feeling. I didn’t back away from it nor did I push it through, it was just staying with a feeling until there was a change or the possibility of a different feeling. Much came from this and I am still appreciating it, so simple yet so profound.

  377. As I re-read your blog Luz, there is awareness of more little pockets of ‘stuff’ being exposed that have been well tucked away to delay dealing with them. What an amazing trigger this blog is for deeper healing to be possible.

  378. Through denseness we create wars, dramas, tensions, issues, simply because in denseness we are less aware and hence not as open and as understanding of how others truly deeply feel.

  379. The ironic thing is that holding on to anything, and especially ourselves to make us feel safe, is exactly the opposite, for in this dense protective state we can easily be attacked and hurt, emotionally, energetically and physically, whereas when we are letting ourselves be open to whatever comes, then the lightness and love we feel expands, so there is no need for fear of threat.

  380. You ask whether we find some sort of assurance in our self-created density and it certainly looks like that: we think it’s the next best and logical thing, seemingly replacing the emptiness and providing an assumed albeit momentary solidness that needs to be fed with more of the same – but it is not who and what we truly are. Living like that goes against our nature, it is more like being permanently ship-wrecked and clinging on to things rather than living from our essence which is always there and doesn’t require that kind of tenacious hold.

  381. Yes, we hold onto things because we are scared of losing everything and feeling totally empty. This could be partners, friends, houses, money, jobs, emotions, tension – anything to give us a sense of having something. Why are we so scared of letting go?

  382. I love that example of holding onto a glass of water is easy, at first, but will become very heavy the longer we hold it…what you share here Luz is much like that and can indeed drain us of so much energy.

  383. Trying to hold on, or brace ourselves will not ever truly protect us… only the freedom of the open heart and true love renders us untouchable by anything this world can ever throw at us.

  384. We used to play a game as kids. You get something in your hands like a squash ball or a ruler or whatever and you hold tight, tight, tight on to it for a minute. Then you release your fingers a tiny bit so that whatever your holding can be released. But, even if you try, you can’t open up your whole hand – not for at least twenty or thirty seconds and even then it hurts and is a slow process. Your hand is locked. After one minute of holding on. Extrapolate that out and see what we are doing with our bodies!!

  385. What does it Mean – ‘Holding Onto’? Well in a nutshell it means not allowing ourselves to be who we naturally are, if we simply let go then we would get pulled into the slip stream of God’s love.

  386. I can feel at the moment that I am holding onto situations instead of coming at them fresh each time. When I hold a person to how they were in the last interaction, it creates an imposition and encourages the same behaviour to arise. This morning I can feel that with a situation I am currently dealing with, I need to let go of what has been and treat it with the openess of a first time interaction.

  387. Living from security and protection is so far away from our natural surrendered and open state, that it causes all sorts of complication in our bodies.

  388. Luz today this part of your blog stood out – ‘Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?’ In particular the part where you talk about the astonishing order and mystery of the universe. I sometimes get so bogged down with how busy I am and juggling work, family and life, that I am oblivious to the beauty of nature or forget to appreciate myself for the little things, let alone how amazing this world is and the Universe it is part of.

  389. You make some really great points Luz such as this ‘When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines.’ Knowing this changes everything, letting go of control and hardness can feel challenging at first but once we feel how much lighter and more spacious it feels in our bodies the easier it becomes.

  390. I love Luz how you have described the many different ways in which we hold on from bodily experiences to emotionally. ‘Holding onto’ develops a denseness in our bodies, in our being, our particles contract and what we are holding onto feels very real and solid. When we let go of the control, let go of reactions and emotions, it allows for space between our particles, a lightness of being is then at play and a deeper connection that we are not in truth individuals, but within the space we come to feel that we are part of the Universe, part of the Whole. Therefore ‘holding on’ keeps us individual, through ‘letting go’ we become universal.

  391. As I read the title of this article I did a quick body scan and immediately spotted and released some holding tension in my knees and thighs… the realisation here that that holding held onto would take a lot of unseen, unnecessary effort throughout a day, week, month… is it any wonder that we are exhausted?

  392. I have come to realise since attending the Universal Medicine courses and workshops that trauma cannot be held in the body forever; that there has to come a point in time where the ill energy is dispelled from the body in one way or another.

  393. That experience sounds so terrifying for anyone let alone a child, and the realisation that we store these in our bodies and understanding how it impacts our daily living and what we can do shift these imprints form our bodies, is truly freeing.

  394. We do hold onto things Luz – situations, houses, relationships, clutter in he house, behaviours, thoughts – to remain in the safe and the ‘already known’ and familiar. Hence the phrase ‘Better the devil you know than the devil you don’ know’. Now that is a phrase designed to keep us in prison! This way of being is ironic, since the Universal Law is one of ‘expansion’ and constant upgrading. The only thing worth holding is Love.

  395. Hello Luz and it would seem this ‘holding on’ thing just keeps going and going. You can let go of the obvious things more quickly but then comes a point where the little things are still being held but not as easily seen. Just because they seem little doesn’t mean there impact is any less significant. At times the little things have more of an impact because of how they work. The more I let go, the more opens up. It’s such a great feeling of freedom, a deep breath and one that continues for longer then it seems. I love the feeling of being lighter and less burdened and the only way to this is to let go. Thank you Luz.

  396. Great how you unravel the deception we’ve woven through life in holding onto all manner of things we feel are important in order to retain what is in fact an illusory sense of control that only serves to keep us from ourselves.

  397. It’s a big concept but one defiantly worth contemplation, not too much though as we may end up ‘holding onto’ the idea that we are ‘holing on’….joking!
    Love the blog, its big picture stuff, its something that we all have the expertise to investigate, as we all have a body and the innate ability to feel what we may be unnecessarily harbouring.

  398. This is a timely reminder for me to look at the things that I am holding on to and need to let go. It actually feels like it takes more effort to hold onto these things than it does to let them go. The affect of letting go of the things that are actually holding me back is profound.

  399. It is true for my body that living tension free means not holding on to anything. Holding on is the physical aspect of mental thoughts. When feeling tightness or any symptom in the body then we have a great key to ask what is going on in my mind that my body is responding to and trying to get my attention? Yet we think the mind has it all sorted and the body is a separate part that just has random symptoms. Discovering it is all connected starts to release what we hold onto if we choose to feel what’s there. It is very possible to understand, address and choose to let it go past stuations. We aren’t designed to carry all the extra baggage that holding on to requires

  400. Yes, Luz it’s very obvious with what you’ve shared that our holding on is an exercise in futility and an extraordinary waste of energy keeping us in the illusion that we are not the glorious beings that we actually are.

  401. ‘It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid through productions, creations, designs, dramas and struggles.’ Fighting for the validation of our existence by others causes untold ‘holding onto’ troubles for us. When we understand that only when we release others from the stranglehold of our demands will, what we are looking for, reveal itself as having been with us all along!

  402. ‘What sort of energy or what quality of energy are we using to keep our existence going? Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?’ – Profound questions Luz, when fact is that majority of humanity are indifferent or even ignorant to the fact that we all run on energy, much less that there are different qualities of energy and that we ourselves choose it.

  403. This morning I had a chat with my husband, who is on a business trip, about his journey. Everything did flow not just well but magically amazing for him. And I could feel in every sharing from him about his journey so far how he was supported and hold by a higher order. No need to hold onto anything when you are held like that. And I remember a picture of footprints in the sand, first part of the way two pair of feet and than one pair and the saying:

    “God, I have noticed that during
    the most troublesome times in my life,
    there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why,
    when I needed you most, you left me.

    The God replied:
    My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.
    During your times of trial and suffering,
    when you see only one set of footprints,
    it was then that I carried you.”

    I understand more and more how much I am carried and supported and that my ‘holding onto’ things is just my choice to not take this support but go for my own and make it ‘my way’. And it is crystal clear that my separated creations can not cope at all with divinity. So no wonder that we are never truly successful, that it is never enough what we reach. Because what we reach is out of us but our truth and preciousness lies within.

  404. As I am in a state of illness where I can not work so much and also it is clear that I will not be able to work as I did before (and so I have maybe to change my job) I feel myself with coming up needs of ‘holding onto’ something like my partner, the house we live in and so on. My life does change and I do not know where it goes, I don’t have control over it. And I thought I do not want to control it, but my holding onto other parts in my life shows that I do. As one part does bring in a change – all of me will change. Only the one thing that will never change: my belonging to God and divine flow. This experience right now in my life reflects me the comforts I did related to and how I am asked to let go of them so I can surrender again to where I am belong to in truth.

    1. This is super cool, Sandra. What you share about the fact that when we are invited to make changes, either by an illness, a new level of awareness or something we learn, we get the opportunity to review across the board; one point of light shining into other corners, as it were. When I am willing to be open to these opportunities life is really inspiring.

  405. We cling to reality as though it is all we have – not realising that truth itself is not found through grasping for a truth that is “out there”, but through the process of surrender of what is already within.

  406. We do tend to hold on and contract if for example, we see a rather large injection needle coming at our body. We recoil and think that we are protecting ourselves, and at some level this does numb us, but in fact such a movement will cause more pain than it is worth. – much more practical to open up to what is coming and being fully present and expanded as possible. Holding on does not work, unless it applies to a hand rail on some steep steps!

  407. “Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?” A great question Luz, that feels right to me. Yes, by hardening ourselves and trying not to feel what is there in our bodies to be felt, it is logical that we are not letting our particles spread themselves more widely in our body as is the way that we should be allowing our particles to be if we keep ourselves open to the world. But if we harden ourselves against the world, then we stop that glorious openness that we could have lived, increasing the denseness of our bodies, which when we let ourselves feel into it, is such a horrible feeling.

  408. “I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn´t truly acknowledged.” It was interesting reading this sentence, Luz, I just realised that anxiousness was what lay behind the problems I had with my jaw for most of my life. It was questioned by a number of medical and dental physicians that I visited from time to time over many years, that I could never open my mouth up widely enough for them. It was as if it was clenched to a point that I just could not let go of. I used to think it was just because I had a very small mouth but realised as I read what you wrote that yes, anxiety was the true cause of my actually tightening up the muscles in this area. I was a very shy young girl, then woman for most of my life, very lacking in self confidence and lack of self worth, and was constantly feeling anxious about things. My reaction to life was obviously to harden myself against this, and I particularly did so in the jaw area. What a relief it is now, since attending presentations and workshops with Serge Benhayon, that I have let go most of that hard anxious way of living and now I can feel so much more freedom in my jaw area, I no longer have to clench myself against the world, but am opening up widely to the whole of humanity, with such a sense of joy and self confidence. It is quite amazing as I share that, such an amazing turnaround from my previous life.

  409. The whole topic of ‘holding onto things’ is very interesting and something that we seem to do as a means of comfort, reassurance. In that same way that holding onto things in our body deeply affects us, so does holding onto physical things that no longer support us. I have a box of things from my childhood in my attic that I have been ‘unable’ to throw away and yet I’ve not looked at it’s contents for over 20 years. This clearly shows an attachment that I have with my childhood that I am unwilling to let go of, as long as the box sits in my attic, there is an energetic attachment, a tendril, that affects me, it’s a part of my day to day living, whether I choose to acknowledge this or not. We each live with many tendrils like these and when we’re able to cut the tie and discard anything that isn’t truly supporting us it creates a beautiful spaciousness for us to feel more of our divine selves.

  410. When I let go and stop holding or rather controlling the way my body moves, I feel freer like I have shed a protective coat of armour that is just not me.

  411. Sometimes, when I am walking down the street and I see another person coming towards me, I tense up in my body. When I catch myself doing it, it seems crazy because they are just another person, probably just as tense and scared as I am and most likely not shining and being the love that they are just as much as me in that moment. So this is when I decide to let go and open my heart and to meet them as an equal. This makes walking and just being amongst people so much enjoyable, normal, and not a drain at all.

  412. Hello Luz and a few of the blogs I have read of late seem to flow into each other. Describing a childhood feeling or movement that we are no longer in touch with. It’s not that we all walk back into childhood but more that we appreciate the feeling we once had and allow this to be with us now. As you are saying here as an example, ‘holding on’ is this a natural part of how we are or have we introduced it for some reason? This one for me we have taken with us through a large chunk of our lives, using it as a way to keep from getting hurt or damaged by things. Yet this has never worked but more given the impression of it looking better. Time to get deeply honest and let go, thank you Luz.

  413. “I got to feel and accept that holding onto had been a very normal, consistent and debilitating way of living in my body. I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn´t truly acknowledged.” Luz I can so relate to this. I also had become so very used to living with hardness and I had felt so familiar with it that I didn’t notice it. It is only because I have been open to letting go and can feel what is underneath all that hardness that I can begin to let go of it. There have been many layers of it and a lot of nervous tension has accompanied it.. I still carry hardness in my body but I am aware of it and so do not identify with it like I used to. I am much more likely to observe it now and to connect to the essence beneath. All of this supports with awareness and in the letting go.

  414. “Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty? Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?” Brilliant questions you raise here Luz – much to consider and ponder.

  415. “No matter how tenacious our attempt to hold onto life is, matter gets transformed because in the end, matter is energy and follows energetic laws.”
    I love how you dissolve the holding onto of anything in life by the simple fact that at the end of our life we cannot hold onto life/our bodies anymore as we leave them. So it goes to show that life cannot be about gaining and accumulating, there must be more to us than we have made ourselves believe.

  416. ‘Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty?’ This has been true for me Luz, as at one time there felt as though there was no option. I could feel the dis-comfort of holding onto these feelings and yet was not prepared to let go for a moment for fear of life becoming worse. Fear is insidious in the way that it can hold us back until we realise that nothing could be worse than what we are feeling in that moment,and then the spell begins to lose it’s hold and we are free to begin the process of letting go.

  417. A great sharing here, Luz, and I can so relate to much of what you have written. I love how you explain “When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines”. I have lived with a need to control things around me for most of my life, and I can relate to your description of the body feeling dense and heavy. I realise that is the feeling I have actually had in my body as a result of the way that I was living. Since meeting Serge Benhayon and attending Universal Medicine workshops and presentations, I have been very slowly realising just how poisonous this has been to my body. It puts a strain on so many different parts of my body to harden myself in this way, it is no wonder that I used to have lower back problems as well as many other related issues. I have been gradually working on these issues in my life, and now about 10 years later concentrating on surrendering more and more to trusting that all will be okay without my needing to control things. As a result my back now seldom causes any problem to me, and I feel myself becoming more and more pliant and quite light in my body which now feels deliciously delicate compared to the old hardness that I lived with.

  418. A double aspect of ‘holding on’ – a holding of tension in your body but also a holding on to that childhood experience, it really highlights how much over a life time we could build up and hold onto in our bodies! It isn’t therefore surprising that our bodies begin to exhibit the evidence of this in the forms of illness, discomfort or disease. Though if we were to sit and ponder the question Luz proposed “Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?” I’m certain our bodies would evidence something different.

  419. It’s amazing once we realise how deeply and how long we ‘hold onto’ traumas from an early age and even in utero. I was in my mother’s womb at the end of the second World War and can still recall the feeling of tension and stress on my unborn body. I am now able to heal from this experience and to let go as I realise I can release myself from being captive to past events.

  420. I remember a time where I had the thought, if I let go, I may lose the plot (lose my mind). After years of choosing to let go over and over again, I now know this to be a false belief and that there is nothing more freeing than letting go and that it can be felt in the simplest of surrenders – such as in a small thing such as letting go of an opinion about a food and tasting it afresh.

  421. This is an amazing blog making sense of all the pain and tightness we feel from constantly holding oneself in protection and hardness from life and all that has or could happen to us . The freedom lightness and expansion from letting go and the energy we would have is very real and tangible if we can sustain this . Thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine we are inspired and offered healing modalities and the way of living to do just this simply letting go and being all we are.

  422. Luz this is such an awesome article bringing such awareness to something I do daily. So many examples where I hold onto things, beliefs etc. but with reading this I feel I can allow myself to really explore what is truly going on. So, for example, a family home is being sold and with it all my attachments to memories, the landscape surrounding it, the people who once met there is asking to be let go of. I can try to hang onto memories, the sadness of it all ending in an attempt to keep what I have felt was a part of me, an identity of who I am that I put a lot of effort and energy into; the trying to know who I am through each opinion I took – so each argument, each injustice, every tear, the loneliness, the glimmer of connection. All of this is false. A solid foundation I have tried to lay that is not who I am but one wanting the security of denseness as so brilliantly revealed here.

    I have been trying to feel secure by making life dense through holding on. I never realised this so now I have the choice to let go and connect with what is true and not try to make that concrete but allow myself the lightness of being that I am!

  423. ‘Holding onto denseness’ – what an eye-opening statement. What would we lose and what would we experience when we let go of denseness? Spaciousness, beingness, at-one-ment.

  424. I once supported someone to move from a very large house to a much smaller property. Sifting through and clearing thousands of mementos: photographs, toys, books, home movies, CDs, vinyls, tapes, records, journal articles, clothes, craft items amassed over eight decades was mammoth. Each item carried a vivid memory and emotion. The process of letting go became excruciating and difficult because the person strongly identified with possessions that reflected previous, but now redundant, roles and life-style. The idea of setting these aside and moving on to the new was a source of great distress. Witnessing this reaction in another brought a whole new awareness to me of how not to attach to material possessions that no longer serve me.

    1. Thank you Kehinde, this is a great practical example, which makes it very tangible what letting go or holding onto really feels like.

  425. ‘This concept of holding onto denseness may seem challenging to our everyday concrete experience, but what if such reflections have the potential to awaken us to a greater and deeper understanding of why we are currently living on this planet and choosing to be much less than who we truly are?’ I get this Luz. You have expressed something I’ve felt lately, but not fully understood until now. Thank you.

  426. “Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty?” I know this is true for me Luz, and that the more I appreciate my inner connection, the more I am able to let my body gently open up. It surprises me how easily it is to let go of some of the many things that in the past I clung to dearly for some kind of assurance. Our real security lies not in attempting to grasp onto something in the outside world, it resides within us, an innate wisdom and knowing that when we honour it perpetually keeps us safe and connected.

  427. We humans have many habits and patterns of behaviours and for sure one of them is this ‘ holding onto’ because we like to hang onto what is familiar. But change comes to us all, just like in nature you have the 4 seasons, so change is natural and a part of being human, we only have to embrace it and go with where it wants to take you which is to evolve out of the old ways (habits) to living simply and truer to our natural state of being.

  428. Luz, your sharing inspired me to ponder more on holding onto something and controlling something and how this is shown in my body through tension. I observe how I often hold my shoulders tight towards the neck area, how I hold my tummy tight, my jaw etc. There are so many areas the body shows me where I want to control and tense up as a consequense.

    1. Our bodies are truly amazing how it registers disharmony and tension and then reflects it back to us.

    2. And it is interesting that when we investigate that tension, how much we can find out about ourselves.

  429. Your explanation of ‘holding onto denseness’ helps to understand the habits of tattooing, hard sporting, craving dense foods that harm the body… and so much more of the phenomena that can be experienced amongst humans.

    1. Absolutely Felix. The quality or denseness of a body seeks the same quality or denseness be it food, entertainment etc

  430. ‘Matter gets transformed’ because it is energy and energy is in a constant flow, the question then is indeed what is the quality of the energy that causes the changes as it will reflect one to one in the quality of matter (our body), hence the body is always telling us the truth about the energy that makes us who we are.

  431. It feels like part of the difficulty in ‘letting go’ is it’s been our pattern for such a long time to ‘hold on’, it’s what feels familiar and we have a trust in doing so, albeit misguided. However, the more we can consistently choose to let go and surrender, this will, in time, allow a new foundation in which we trust and know, without any doubt, that it is THE WAY for us to be living, for it confirms and allows, so beautifully, all that we are.

  432. Our physical bodies hold such an integral key, don’t they Luz… What you’ve shared here on bringing awareness to the bracing, the tension, the clenching and hardening we may feel is absolute gold – for what if, it is actually that simple? That by listening truly to our bodies, we open the doorway to letting go of that which we may have held onto, i.e. to that which has indeed restricted, condensed and limited us?
    There is so much to be written here about ‘density’ and ‘space’ and Serge Benhayon’s many presentations on these matters. And it’s not rocket science – the true science here is ‘learnt’ in our awareness of our very own bodies, which can absolutely be experienced as being more ‘spacious’ as we let go of that which does not serve us.

  433. It wasn’t until I attended Serge Benhayon’s presentations that I became aware of what ‘holding on’ actually was. When you feel it in the body it really does feel un natural and hard work. Learning to let go and relax and not hold onto anything is an amazing place to be living life and it is a Joy.

  434. This is a powerful read Luz, thank-you. Your words: “It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid through productions, creations, designs, dramas and struggles.” You have outlined and exposed that our ‘holding onto’ things doesn’t actually serve us.
    We needn’t be in some ‘perfect state’ without feeling tension in our lives, but most certainly it is our bringing of awareness to that which we cling to that offers us the initiating stages of true energetic freedom.

  435. ‘Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?’ – This is an excellent question, and it calls for us to ask ourselves WHY we are wanting to hold on and feel dense. When we hold onto things we compromise our clarity and the lightness in our bodies, but is it the ‘protection’ we manifest worth the harm to ourselves?

  436. Seeking and holding onto denseness might provide the sense of protection and safety but this is an illusion as innately we are from light and the more we let go of hardness and choose to live in a way that is gentle and honours our delicacy and fragility the more we can surrender to the wonders of the universe to work through us with an absolute knowing we are being taken care of all the way.

  437. There are no secrets and nothing hidden if we are open in our observation of everything that is being communicated to us. If ‘Holding On’, Bracing, Hardening is what we are choosing to live the body openly communicates this whether sleeping or awake and moving. The level of this being the way can be observed in Humanity and the flow on effects of which then encourage more bracing, holding on, contracting etc, a seemingly endless cycle but for the fact that our body knows what is true and the choices we can make to break this cycle. Are we willing to change the cycle and choose love and fullness in our movements – that is the question?

  438. Holding on keeps us stuck in patterns and situations just because they are familiar. I am constantly in awe of the possibilities that open up to me when I let go of my ‘holding ons’ and surrender to what is true for me in relation to the All. This ability to let go is one of the many life-changing and evolutionary gifts I have received from Serge Benhayon’s shared wisdom.

  439. I have been thinking of your blog today as I have been driving in my car for over 6 hours today, time in the car gave me the space to really feel how I still hold on, I can feel by body tense when I think of something stressful, it is great to bring awareness as awareness is the first step in letting go.

  440. Holding onto ideals and beliefs is such a blinkered way of living yet from childhood we are brought up to believe that is virtuous to dutifully uphold and maintain ideals and beliefs.

  441. Holding onto things in life only keeps us stuck in a holding pattern. It is but a choice to change this holding pattern by our movements to bring clarity and truth to our lives and brings it back to the simplicity of our own connection. Thank you Luz.

  442. One of the most beautiful experiences I have had in the earlier Universal Medicine workshops was when we did paired exercises and I realized that with my eyes closed and my heart open my experience of every single person I paired with was that they felt exactly the same as me. There was oneness, love, simplicity that was truly amazing and this was the same experience with whoever I partnered regardless of whether I knew the person previously or not, or any other characteristics of the person. The issues that we hold onto to and allow colour the way we view life gets in the way of this most exquisite connection.

  443. ‘The mechanism of holding onto can be easily felt in our bodies in the form of pain, stiffness of muscles and body parts, tension, illness, shallow breath, weakened body systems, anxiety and so on.’ The body shows us when we are ‘off track’.

  444. What an insightful blog and breaks down a behaviour ‘holding on’ which is probably universal, something that every single person does in some form and then taking it all the way down the ‘rabbit’ hole to the root of why we hold on – ‘holding onto denseness’ the false security this brings because as you state we all die. Here we are holding onto ‘whatever’ seeking temporary relief from insecurity, when in fact within us is a wealth of essence that is love and when lived we know begin to know and feel we are so much more than the denseness of the human body. Don’t get me wrong, it is also through the human body we can get to experience we are so much more. Just connect and love and we instantly feel it, its those moments when we feel the fullness of within and no need for anything to make us feel secure.

  445. I love the clarity and lightness how you describe and question everything here.

  446. To Hold On does feel like creating a denseness in my body. Contracting from what I don’t want to be aware of reduces the spaciousness in my body – this is a fact that can be felt in the tightness of muscles and reduction in flexibility. So if there is something that occurs that needs understanding and acceptance it is a far more loving and supportive choice to flow with what ever is there to be addressed and not create a way of diverting the focus to hold it with-in.

  447. There is so much in this blog, I am sure it will actually filter through my day and most likely my week this week as I see examples of what you have written in my day-to-day. Choosing to hold on to things takes a force, just saying the words makes me picture a struggle and I can feel the density you spoke of. I find not holding on and, in act, letting go, is about trust that we are held by love, an energy far greater than anything we can rely on tangible. Love cannot be held on to or controlled, it is I simply there, always to surround and support us.

  448. Letting go of things that I have held on to, ideals, beliefs and thoughts about myself, has freed me up to feel who I truly am and to live this in the world.

  449. As I read this, I could feel the tension of holding on in my body – holding on to pictures of how I want them to be, hurts felt against another, my to do list, lots of mental activity, regret and doubt. I just let go in my body and felt these needn’t be big issues or at the forefront for me, but that I can choose another energy to be held in.

  450. This is such an interesting subject and one that reveals the different reasons for holding onto ‘stuff’ or not, whether it is material possessions or a tension in the body. I have had times when I have found it incredibly hard to let go of certain things, but as I get clearer in myself, it becomes easier and easier to let go of my belongings. I am now able to appreciate how having fewer possessions really supports me to live a simpler and more fullfilling life where I can be of more service in many different ways. Its a work in progress.

  451. That what we hold onto is actually holding onto us with just the same force or intensity we put into holding onto, energetically speaking there is an equal and opposite force to every energy. An interesting question occurs: when we let go does that we have hold onto also let go of us?

  452. What a precise study of ‘holding onto’ and plenty of its consequences. One may ask if there is anything we are not trying to hold onto and thus possess, control, keep, make part of us, force to be what we need it to be, identify ourselves by. And what would it mean to not hold onto anything? What to do and how to live instead? There must be something we don´t need to hold onto because it belongs to us naturally and cannot be taken away from us, something that is part of us and we are part of it, otherwise we couldn´t be as we are who we are. The meaning of ‘I am who I am’ suddenly may have become clearer.

  453. What a great question: “Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?” and it makes so much sense I can sometimes feel myself holding onto something and get very ‘heavy’ like for instance holding onto a reaction towards something my partner did that I did feel hurt by. I am becoming more and more aware that this reaction is not needed and just choosing to not react is an option too, an option that feels much lighter. So yes this could be very much the case in my experience too.

  454. I read this sentence for the third time just now: “I traced it all back to an event that was outstanding in my personal history of holding tight.”. I could recall that it already touched me when I read it for the first time, yet I fought it. Reading it again, I can feel how I hold onto things that happened when I was young. Hurts that I hold onto and ignore them for most of the time. But the choice not to feel, creates a fear that I’m living with everyday. It’s gorgeous and I appreciate this honest sharing as by reading and recognizing I’m becoming more honest and it supports me to go deeper within me. Which feels very delicate, tender and joyful.

  455. I used to think that holding on to things was happening in my head or in my mind so to speak. I am learning more and more that the holding onto things is actually taking place in my body. It is my body where I hold on to things and which is the place where to let go…

  456. Thank you Luz for this ‘holding on’ examination and ‘its close friends, “hardening”, “becoming hard”, “bracing” and “holding tight”.’ Nowadays I feel the effect of holding onto whatever I choose very clearly in my body and it feels horrible, it’s allowing myself no space, feeling small and very tight but also stubborn which creates frustration etc. and this to avoid feeling where I am at and who I truly am, light and joyful.

  457. Luz, you capture so clearly the futility of what we desperately try to do in life, to hold onto and it’s sister to control and ‘master’ or so we think. But our bodies are made up of particles of the universe and everything is energy and returns to that form, yet we desperately try and cling onto that denseness you speak of; and it’s not just the physical, it’s the quality of denseness we choose and we are very deliberate in this, to avoid feeling and knowing that we are actually light and energy and no amount of denseness can ultimately change that despite our best efforts. I’m also struck by how arrogant we are with this demanding that life and the universe be so and we do not want to take responsibility for how we’ve been with it. Your line ‘Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?’ And yet even as I read this my question is how much am I prepared to surrender?

  458. Luz, at the end of a busy day working, tending to a sick child and trying to work through some of life’s dilemma’s, I had the graceful pleasure of reading this article. Thankyou immensely for sharing this great wisdom, which supported me to connect with a grandness within me that is easily forgotten in the busyness of the day. We all can get stuck in the denseness of life, and forget about our innate and most stupendous of beauties – our immense and immortal Soul – an energy that stretches the entire expanse of the Universe and back, allowing us to know who we really are, and where we truly come from. Thankyou Luz, for sharing this and giving me the opportunity to comment on a beautiful truth we have all but forgotten.

  459. Thank you, Luz. I agree, we sure do hold onto a lot of very unnecessary things just to keep ourselves distracted from what we are here to do. We hold onto objects, relationships, false images of ourselves etc just to avoid knowing the difference that we make.

  460. I have been holding on to endless pictures of how I ‘should be’ – learning to let go of them one by one is immensely liberating.

  461. Its interesting that by the very act of using words such as ‘holding on’ and ‘hardness’ and ‘tightness’ that I create a much greater awareness in my body of how I am feeling. What does it mean to hold my body in hardness, why does it occur, is it a protection and if so what is it protecting me from. Does being hardened really protect or does it actually only cause harm to me. I would consider that to protect myself means I am less communicative, less open with others and less real in what I do, say and how I move. It is something I would say it pays to be aware as anything that makes us less dense and lighter in how me move and express has to be a great thing.

  462. Wow Luz – I never considered just how much we hold onto – as you say – ‘we hold onto things in our muscles, limbs, ideas, beliefs, patterns of behaviour, places, wishes, objects, people, `buts,´ issues against ourselves and others…’ I mean it is rather crazy how we’ve figured out so many ways to do this – and yet it is one of the things that causes illness and disease in our bodies. We’re sabotaging ourselves by not seeing the bigger picture of comfort and control that comes with this behaviour. If I think about it, if I’ve had a bad experience with something, then I’ll hold onto that experience so the next time it is offered I can say no I know what thats like and therefore the feeling in my body has not cleared. What if we were open, what if we let go of holding onto things – what if we learnt from experiences but considered that based on how we are, the experience could be completely different.

  463. I agree Luz we are so light, I was doing a healing on a woman the other day and I put my hands on her spine and I was blown away by her naturally light state of being. The only reason she was not living this day to day was because she was holding on to negative thoughts about herself, none of which had an ounce of truth and these thoughts were making her body dense. And she was playing out these thoughts as if there was truth to them. It was a great point of reflection for me.

  464. Holding onto thoughts we have about our self can be extremely harmful. For example “I held a thought that I had awe full legs for most of my life up until 3 years ago when a good friend of mine marvelled at what great legs I had. I remember thinking he was just placating me, but I did know this person to only speak truth. I went home that night and looked at my legs in a whole different light and actually I have fabulous legs and always did. The lesson being, I held on to this thought for over 40 years and it influenced how I dressed, how I saw my legs, how I moved and how I saw myself in general.

  465. We hold on to things thinking one day we may need them, not trusting that if a certain something is needed it will be provided for us. Trusting that we are always looked after is something that I am still working on.

  466. It makes more sense reading this why people hold onto all kinds of belongings as well as emotions, and I for one have had very little understanding of why people hold onto things just in case they may need them, but I suppose it is no different than holding on to emotions.

  467. I know I used to hold onto anxiousness when I felt unsafe based on the energy that I could feel around me- whether it was from a person, place or when I was put in a situation where the outcome was unknown- exams, needing to perform or express infront of someone or groups of people. In truth anxiousness occurred because I felt I wasn’t enough and didn’t have confidence in myself. However, I now know that if I am with myself, body and mind connected and my movements are supportive of this (i.e. not racy) then anxiousness doesn’t occur.

  468. We all know the feeling when we have made a mistake, or had an argument or been in a situation that afterwards we keep going over – what we should have said or done, or just beating ourself up about it. Physically we are not different, but inside we are holding onto something that is in the end hurting us, building resentment or self criticism and stress in the body. We put so much time and energy into holding on, for this is but one example – rather than the surrender to who we truly are.

  469. Thanks, Luz. When we experience a trauma we can hold the response in our body for the rest of our lives unless it is addressed. The Universal Medicine modalities offer true healing on every level, so that the body can let go and restore its natural harmonious flow.

  470. Luz, this is great to ponder on, ‘Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?’ I can feel that if I eat lightly, express what I feel, say yes to evolution then my body feels much lighter and more expanded and not so dense, I have used foods and ways of moving to keep myself small and dense in the past and I’m now enjoying choosing to feel my lightness and to start letting go of many of the ideals and beliefs and ways of being and moving and speaking that have kept me small.

  471. It is such an automatic reaction to stiffen up and close down when we feel out of control, but in reality when we are able to do the opposite, to accept, allow ourselves to breathe, open up our chests, we empower our selves to connect to our innate wisdom and hence make very different choices.

    1. This blog shows us how damaging and limiting it is to hold on and try to control situations – out of fear and wanting to feel safe.

  472. Very interesting Luz – it is amazing quite how much we hold onto things rather than allowing ourselves and our bodies to surrender. It is like we live with a constant fight and battle going on inside – which does not sound or feel great but also exhausts us.

  473. Luz I was reflecting on the fact that I’d only really considered holding onto things in the physical sense until a few years back when I started to appreciate that we can hold onto many “energetic things” or emotional issues such as grudges against people or hurts that we feel. In many ways we can discount these as they are not “seen”, or so I thought, however if I look back I can see that the way I walked, talked, acted, interacted, slept and moved were all affected by what I was holding onto. Therefore even though there are many seemingly not physical things we hold onto, the fact is they do directly affect our physical life.

  474. You have really nailed this subject here Luz, how absolutely futile and harming holding on to stuff is. How many of us are affected all our lives by what has happened in our childhood or early relationships.

  475. Serge Benhayon has been presenting for years now the concept of observing and not absorbing life. When we absorb the emotions of a situation or another person, we take them on or ‘hold on to them’ leading to increased tension and inevitable hardness in our bodies as we can feel the harm this causes. However it is possible to observe life and not absorb it through some very simple ways of living that I know have definitely worked for me.

  476. I know for me there is an underlying need of safety and security as a human being which cannot be denied and is probably natural in itself due to the harsh nature of the world, and for a long time I accepted this as normal and probably the best we could hope for as a human species. However I have come to know and experience through my interactions with Universal Medicine that there is a way of living that is far deeper and more expansive and very available to all of us that supersedes mere survival and actually becomes true living as the divine souls that we are.

  477. Now I understand Luz why we need so much coffee as most of us are so very good in holding onto . . . this needs a lot of energy to oppress what would be there so naturally instead – the love we are.

  478. “This was just a one-off event that represents the beginning of a life of control, feeling unsafe and defenceless, having needy attachments to people and things, and holding tight in order to defend and protect against threats and unknown dangers, people and situations.” I would hazard a guess that pretty much every one of us has a ‘one-off event’ of some kind in our childhood, I know I certainly did and it has taken some time to let go and I can feel my fingernails bending with the strain of me still stubbornly holding on in various ways. Wonderful to have the tools to address the root cause and allow surrender and spaciousness.

  479. I love this blog Luz, i really appreciate the way you have identified and highlighted how we can, and do, fall away from the love that we are and hang on to our denseness and comfort; to our detriment. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge.

    1. I just appreciated being able to read this blog so much today. It speaks of a truth that is common to all.

  480. Most of us live in a way where we are holding on for dear life and yet the irony is, if we just let go then the very life that we are so desperately clinging onto would be able to flow freely and naturally be everything that we wanted it to be.

  481. A great example you offered too of the way we can hold onto things that are long past, and that when we do, we get triggered over and over by other things that can be very minor by comparison, yet re-engage the same more traumatic experience. If we don’t heal truly, it just keeps coming back around and the body recognises the fact…

  482. Thanks Luz, considering hardening and holding on as something that holds us back from being everything we are is a bit of a game changer really. What you’ve offered is at the heart of so many of our patterns and behaviours. When we fully surrender to the enormity of who we are, all of that hardness melts away.

    1. Holding on, bracing and hardness can be subtle and almost imperceptible at times, but you are right Jenny, holding onto something is at the heart of many of our issues. we are of course so much bigger than any of these things.

  483. It is well worth letting go of control and saying yes to all that is True. When we are connected, we are forever equipped for life and we bring our spark to the fore.

  484. We like to think that what we hold onto supports us and keeps us afloat like a raft in the rough waters of the river of life. But the reality you illustrate here Luz, is these packages are more like dead weights, bags full of heavy stone dragging and pulling us down. Just because it is known to us we keep going along with these ways of being instead of seeing we are perfectly designed to flow in life, control free.

  485. What is quite revealing and confirming in your account Luz, is how young in age trauma or stress can make an imprint on the body, and this imprint can stay in the body well into adulthood and beyond, even if we are conscious or not conscious of the event. Its’ not until we begin to observe the way we are, in the reactions or responses to things and ask ‘why?’ ,or ‘how did this come about?’ that we give the opportunity for our body to tell and show us in some way.

  486. Our bodies ultimately reveal it all – where we have been holding on included. Jaws, fists, arms, toes, breath, constipation and so on… Left unchecked, these seemingly small ill-beginnings can lead to greater health challenges down the track. It might sound strange but we could say it is possible to die as a result of our holding on.

  487. ‘Thanks to the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and amazing presentations given by Serge Benhayon in the Living Sutras of the Hierarchy, I have been awakened to another reality that can be actually lived in this plane of life, that is completely applicable to our reality and THAT is truly evolutionary.’ I think about this often! I marvel that I and many others have had the great good fortune to hear Serge Benhayon present on these matters. His capacity to cut through prevailing ideals and beliefs and reveal the energetic truth of life offers an authentic way through the elaborate hall of mirrors that is life on planet Earth.

    1. The truth about Serge Benhayon is that he has shared with us the possibilities of a reality that we have forgotten, a reality that deep within we know is true. That reality is that love is what makes up the very fibres of our being and is the home that we are all on our return to. Holding onto prevailing ideals and beliefs does not support us to be who we truly are, yet hold on tight we do.

  488. ‘When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines.’ I often think about our vibratory nature. I know I resist the lightness that is just around the corner waiting for me and I feel you are on the money Luz with your observation about us finding a false comfort in the density. What is it about letting go that is so difficult? I suspect it is part of an elaborate game our spirits play with us to keep us trapped in that same density of creation, believing creation ‘is it’.

  489. ‘It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid through productions, creations, designs, dramas and struggles.’ I agree – when I step back and look at human life there is a lot of investment in all of these things, all of which are illusory in the sense they offer nothing beyond a fleeting satisfaction, and in truth not even that for at our core we are empty until we learn to reconnect with the gold inside.

  490. Maybe one of the reasons we hang on so tight is because its very hard for us to admit when we’ve got things wrong. It’s challenging to know that we’ve been living according to all these ideals and beliefs that we’ve taken to be true, only to discover, that they’re all false. There is an arrogance in the mind, it doesn’t like to be wrong, it want’s to hang on and prove that it’s right …… however, truth always wins. Far simpler to surrender to the wisdom of the body and be guided by our natural, loving impulses.

  491. Wow Luz, you have really outed the ‘holding onto’ pattern in all its detail. ‘When we fall into self-doubt, feel rejected or have trouble in relationships, we tend to hold stuff, criticism and even little resentments against others. If we get obsessed with a plan, goal or aim, we hold onto an image, expectation, method or strategy. We become fixated and easily lose perspective’. All these little/big holdings act as a barrier to stop the universal flow of light and love that is the true medicine for our bodies. There is no doubt that we cause our own illness and disease and only have to consent to becoming aware of how we live to begin to heal this disease.

  492. ‘It is like an automatic reaction in our attempt to feel safe, protected, and comfortable, and to have control over the outcomes and investments of the situation in which we find ourselves.’ – which is crazy as the only thing we have control over here is to put enormous stress on our body, withdrawing from living in the fullness of who we are. We are not controlling anything other than diminishing our glorious selves and giving our power away to whatever is making us feel threatened.

  493. It’s a very beautiful and powerful experience when we can let go and surrender in our bodies, trusting that things will constellate just as they are meant to be for our learning and development in this life. To choose to trust in ourselves and the love that we are, the divine Universal Law and to share our truth, always.

  494. Great article Luz. Until I encountered Universal Medicine I had no idea how much I was holding onto, holding back and bracing myself against the world. This was because I did not live in true connection with my own body! Once I consented to inhabit my body more fully I began to feel this holding on quite strongly. Over the last few years I have practiced being aware of this in my body, yet it was a surprise to me at a recent course to find that I had a holding pattern in my left leg that was very stubborn. As I became aware of it I realised that I didn’t have to be that way and I felt freed of this pattern that I had imposed upon my own body.

  495. Holding on to – interestingly I have recently been observing how I am far quicker to be negative about things than I am positive – and in a way, this is holding on to a perception or view of life and me in it, one that isn’t supportive but is familia – its amazing how we can choose to do this.

  496. We can weigh ourselves down so unnecessarily with all we take on, whether that be in the way of behaviors, images, beliefs or ideals. I love the mention here of the particles and the way we are affected energetically when we choose to hold on. Our vibration and true essence is lessened.
    “When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines.”

  497. ‘I love how the English language has words and ways of expressing things that bring so much precision and simplicity in communication.’ I agree, Luz, the tension and entrapment we feel as we clench our jaw and grind our teeth as every sinew and muscle in our bodies are straining to hang on when someone is trying to pull something away from us is exactly what is going on in our bodies, if in a rather more subtle way, when we hang on to anything that is not from our essence, which is pure love.

  498. It is amazing to feel when the body is very still, the areas that are more dense, where there has been ‘holding’. Simply feeling these areas, allows a space for the body to let go and the energy to flow more freely through body.

  499. “No matter how tenacious our attempt to hold onto life is, matter gets transformed because in the end, matter is energy and follows energetic laws”. This really puts things into perspective and reveals the pointlessness of trying to hang onto anything in life, as everything is impermanent. We are not the things we hang onto, we are purely energy passing through a physical body.

  500. I imagine most if not all of us have had experiences as children that have made us feel that life is unsafe or out of control. This can set us up to feel that we need to be hard and ready for what life throws at us. But lately I can feel that the way I respond has come from a very old pattern and relationship with life. I now can see we always have a choice how we respond to situations and how much we hang onto past experiences to have a known familiar feeling and to justify our behaviour and attitudes.

  501. I like to imagine the body like a wardrobe. It can store things that we have not noticed getting put in there or have forgotten about as we have shoved them up the back behind the more recent items. But they are in there, creating clutter and dragging down the overall spaciousness and openness inside. This is why it is great through awareness to have regular spring cleans so there is more space for the things we want to be kept inside, things that are current and reflect the fullness of who we are right now.

  502. I am loving the recent blogs I have read exploring the meaning of words in the English language. We take for granted words we hear and yet we can all have a slightly different take in what these words mean. The original root of the words can help bring back a one meaning and fullness to the word that can be lost in modern times. It has made me stop and look deeper at my own perceptions and where and why these have strayed from the original intent.

  503. I feel humanity has yet to understand how the energy of ‘holding on’ is damaging our body, our planet, our evolution and everything around us. The holding on to our hurts is our greatest weapon of destruction. The evidence is clearly shown throughout history and in our personal lives.

  504. It’s so important that we understand the effect that ‘holding on’ has on our individual bodies, as by using ourselves as a case study and really observing how we shut down, feel denser, more tired and so forth, we can truly appreciate how important it is to not absorb or ‘hold onto’ things and change this out of consideration for our body.

  505. Holding on to things is quite poisonous for the body. When we hold a hurt, an issue or some event, it is as though we are commanding the body to stay put. But the body is constantly in movement and is constantly evolving.

  506. Very insightful blog Luz. Perhaps we are not dense beings at all and our holding on to denseness is a way to cope with dealing with this fact.

  507. By ‘holding onto’, we cap our existence, our life and who we are and what is possible. When we live in ‘appreciation and do not ‘hold onto’, we surrender to live in the amazingness of all that possible.

  508. Can you imagine that we’re all – nearly everyone in this world – is choosing (!!) to hold onto our hurts in order to not have to take responsibility for the grandness and love that we are. And yet, this is what we choose, everyday, over and over again. Are we to hold onto this grand ignorance and arrogance or are we to choose differently. For the sake of ourselves and everyone around us?

  509. What a stunning blog, thank you Luz. I love how you bring the practical ways we change our bodies from being naturally fluid, flexible with painfree movement to tense, stiff and robotic by holding onto things we really can’t hold onto because of the bigger picture. I also love the paradox that in truth we are so much more than our physical body but it is our body ( and particles) that allow us to feel we are so much more. So it makes sense to be listening to our bodies and be gentle with ourselves and our bodies so we are not tense, we are at ease in our bodies and have that calming feeling we are from so much more.

  510. Could it be that all the ‘holding onto’ that we do leads to all the exhaustion in the world today? It certainly takes a lot of energy to maintain the tension and hardness in our bodies, and yet if we surrender to whatever our bodies are telling us we have so much more energy and vitality.

  511. The modern day Alexandrian Library will showcase this blog and for those who are ready, it will be one that reveals truth and expands the universe.

  512. Once again you have allowed the Ageless Wisdom to pour through you Luz! Your experience of being almost shipwrecked is one that I too have experienced, albeit not in a boat! The closing up and becoming dense is a brilliant example of how I have lived as I hold on to save myself from what? Understanding that everything is energy and moving constantly makes the ‘holding on’ a false protection that prevents the fullness of love flowing through my body. Brilliant reflection and true service to humanity in your expression here Luz. Thank you.

  513. If we were to surrender to our bodies, rather than hold on to our issues, then our bodies are able to move with grace and harmony… imagine if we all chose to live by the wisdom of our bodies – how different would the world be!

  514. Luz you ask a very important question here… “Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?” I know I certainly have thought that I can control myself and my life and even other people to an extent. But none of this is true and just results in me feeling unwell with pain somewhere in my body. Controlling and holding on is also not about developing or deepening relationships but about protection. Holding on and control are very important things in life to unpack and expose for they hold me back in really seeing, understanding and living the depth of love that is there in all relationships.

  515. Holding on in some form or another is detrimental to our health… and we wonder why people are so sick. How can we expect our bodies to function harmoniously when we hold our bodies in so much tension, trying to control its every movement so we feel safe?

  516. Thank you for presenting so clearly all the ways we attempt to control and ‘hold onto’ life. In truth it is all an illusion because in the end we have to let go of the body we are in and let go of life.

  517. Thinking that we can control life is one of the great illusions that we fool ourselves with. However these behaviours are deeply ingrained and often come from experiences in our early childhood, so to stop them takes a lot of dedication, willingness and awareness and seeking a quality of lightness in the body over a quality of denseness is certainly a prerequisite.

    1. Stopping in itself is huge and a great starting point that supports a great deal more to unfold and let go of. I have a lot of appreciation for just stopping and allowing myself to contently be in that stop without even having to work anything out.

  518. “No matter how tenacious our attempt to hold onto life is, matter gets transformed because in the end, matter is energy and follows energetic laws.”
    I love this matter of fact statement Luz, that we are constantly fighting the inevitable – so to struggle through life does simply not make any sense, we might as well let go, relax and enjoy it.

  519. Holding onto what is familiar feels safe, even when it is uncomfortable or even makes little sense. Letting go of the familiar gets easier with practise but in my experience it is still quite difficult every time.

    1. I agree Christoph. I have found that honesty and just being open to seeing, questioning and enquiring to what the tension feels like and be aware of that then it seems to open more doors to simplicity and truth exposing the patterns for what they are and what they are keeping us from.

  520. The stuff that I am holding on to is not me. Once I realise that I am holding on to it and the let go of it, I feel much more connected to who I am and freer to be me, clear of the stuff that is not me.

    1. And this can also work the other way for us to feel more of who we are through surrendering and that’s the inspiration for us to let go of what is keeping us from our natural divine way.

  521. “This concept of holding onto denseness may seem challenging to our everyday concrete experience, but what if such reflections have the potential to awaken us to a greater and deeper understanding of why we are currently living on this planet and choosing to be much less than who we truly are?” I really love what you present here Luz, and what I love is that everyones expression really brings a different way of sharing the same understandings and it just may be the penny dropping moment – which this was for me so thank you for expressing!

    1. It’s so important to appreciate the beautiful constellation we offer each other and how all of our expressions are needed. Great point of how sometimes one’s expression is all that is needed to make the penny drop even if something has been said in other ways by other people’s expressions. Just shows how we are all very needed to make sure we all get there together.

  522. Today I am feeling that for me the most inhibiting things to hold onto are the pictures I create of of how things will be. Maybe there is a grander plan for me that I can only know if I let go of these pictures and let myself and life unfold in tune with universal order.

  523. We hold on to things thinking one day we may need them, not trusting that if a certain something thing is needed it will be provided for us.

    1. So true Mary-Louise! It’s the not trusting that a thing will be provided when it’s really needed that I feel myself resisting. And yet when I do not resist it, and do not hold on to the things that don’t support me, everything feels so much simpler and easier.

  524. I would hold onto my hurts for years and blame the other person, so as to not have to take responsibility for the choices I had made and the life I was living. It is a game many of us play, because if we read the energy and know that nothing is personal then we cannot get hurt because we understand what is playing out around us.

  525. This is a great blog Luz and brings a simple understanding of what it means to ‘hold onto’ something. It is probably fair to say that at some time in our lives, most of us have held onto something that has made us either feel safe and/or secure, creating an attachment to it. It can be an ideal or belief, a person or pet, or something material from a piece of jewellery to a nice car. By being attached to any of the above we become very protective as this is what we have learnt from our parents and peers. But when we allow ourselves to accept that when we are open to life, and take responsibility for our choices, we will be supported in ways we could not even dream of.

  526. In feeling the denseness we are feeling the comfort and we continue to feed the denseness with food, entertainment, exercise and all sorts of other things. This is such a meaningful sharing, Luz and is so revealing!

  527. “This was just a one-off event that represents the beginning of a life of control, feeling unsafe and defenceless, having needy attachments to people and things, and holding tight in order to defend and protect against threats and unknown dangers, people and situations.” Amazing blog Luz that brilliantly captures the constant bracing physicality that has become our normal way to navigate life. This morning I was reading from Serge Benhayon’s book “Time, Space and all of us” and he suggested that we could redefine the word ‘normal’ into our dictionary as – “actions and or behaviours that the majority do irrespective of whether it is right or wrong, true, healthy or not to one’s beingness”

  528. A brilliant blog to read Luz, thank you. Your description of the ship-wreck experience, sounds traumatic, and yet it is very symbolic, of how one can live life with a feeling that something is missing, feeling lost or anxious for no obvious reason.. when in fact, it is the missing of being with your soul, which, once felt, feels like you most definitely have arrived home.

  529. Luz for the first time in my life, I have recently been experiencing constipation. Knowing that there is an energetic root cause behind every ailment I sought the true cause of the problem and found out that it was (not surprisingly) ‘holding on’. I made a mental list of all the things that I hold onto and was taken aback by just how far the effects of holding on infiltrate my everyday.

  530. Luz the depth that you have gone to in your exploration of the topic of ‘ holding on’ is quite incredible and as a result you have opened my eyes to the enormity of the problem.

  531. It’s interesting how you were able to track back your habit of ‘holding on’ to an event that happened when you were two. I have tracked back one cause of my ‘holding on’ to some traumatic events that happened when I was young and I am now more aware of how this can still play out 50 years later. Living a life without going into automatic ‘brace’ feels very possible since I have developed a relationship with my body. One great support has been having sessions with practitioners trained in the healing modalities taught by Universal Medicine.

  532. What still disturbs me is how I have gotten used to a certain level of denseness in my body. I have become so accustomed to it that its what I call normal. When I experience a less dense state of being its only then I realise how much I have been living in a state of ‘holding on.’ Its great to have this awareness and your blog has helped bring my attention inwards to how I am holding my body, even as I type this comment.

  533. I so enjoy reading your blogs Luz. This one expands on the issue of ‘holding on’ that I am only too familiar with. I love the way you extend the idea by looking at it from the level of our particles that become denser when we have this reaction in our bodies. As someone who love science I can understand, visualize and actually feel how this plays out in my body.

  534. I love what you have introduced here about ‘holding onto denseness’. Our desire to hold onto things is a desire to control things and to keep them from changing. Often this is because we feel a loss when something changes from what we found brought us some kind of respite from the hurt we so often feel. So, when it inevitably changes, we feel the hurt we are trying to avoid by holding onto that thing.

  535. I always find it interesting when reading an article on holding the body in tenseness, how aware I can become of the tension I have held my own body in. It is interesting to reflect what this is in response to, I would say the many micro traumas we may all encounter in life, and how well we handle what is there to either observe or get caught in.

  536. It is incredible that we can take on certain survival mechanisms from just one simple event that occurred early in our lives. If we do not realise this we can take this survival technique that is not truly applicable to all situations in life, to all difficult situations in life and do not know why we do it or even think it ‘is’ us. It is great to go back to the root cause of an issue instead of fixing the symptoms along the way and truly free ourselves from these hurts.

  537. Surrender is the opposite of holding on and it would appear that most people have a resistance to surrendering at some level or another. The more we learn to surrender to who we are in essence the easier it is to let go and let be.

  538. Thank you for your amazing blog, Luz, what you share here is so important. When we hold onto things we are keeping things in our body that don’t belong. There is less room for our gorgeousness whilst we give space to our hurts, expectations, ideals and beliefs, they take hold of us like a sticky web that keeps us captive, tainting every moment until we choose to release them. We are often completely unaware that we are doing this. Even when we are aware, it takes commitment and a level of responsibility to choose to live our lives from the truth in our hearts only, exposing everything else for what it truly is.

  539. ‘Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?’ – yes, it is total illusion and very harmful as we are actually giving our power away and aiding ‘energetically’ what we are trying to avoid. Control comes from fear, we are trying to control an outcome, not trusting that things will go the way we want them too. So, rather than choosing to trust in ourselves and in the divine order of the universe that things will be just the way they are meant to be, we are actually going against this natural energetic flow, which, unsurprisingly puts immense strain on our bodies.

  540. Holding on to form interestingly, is a slippery slope with nothing solid to support us – it is an illusion of being rock solid when it is anything but. Letting go on the other hand, allows us to deeply surrender to a never-ceasing source of infinite wisdom and knowing that will forever support our every expression and step.

  541. These are very important questions for reflection and discussion within society – certainly ‘holding on to’ has become an accepted way. The effect on our body and our health of doing so, is very significant and warrants further insight.

  542. It is really obvious when it’s pointed out Luz, that holding onto an old pattern doesn’t work. I have been through a period of being pretty resistant and holding onto an old way of behaving, because is was familiar and seemed an easy route to repeat. But when we feel the tension in the body, the hardness in the arms, the clamping of the jaw, or the anxiety in the body, they are all signs of what holding on does to the body. I love the way you sum this up as holding on to denseness, making the body heavy and altering all our movements. When we let go of this illusion, we open up the possibility of allowing life to flow in a rhythm and to feel what is truly happening.

  543. Recently I have become how aware I have been attached to ‘things’ as I have cleared my house ready for a tenant to move in. It has helped me to understand that it’s people who matter, not things. I am also learning to let go of the thoughts that convince me to not express what I am feeling at any time. Holding onto negative and judgemental thoughts is limiting my ability to contribute all of me all of the time.

  544. There is a subtlety of things we hold onto that are not physical things. I catch myself with an idea or picture of how something might go but then – after the event, realise that with any expectation I set myself up for reaction to the fact that things didn’t turn out how I had wanted them to. Holding on to anything really does seem to interrupt the flow, and this will be reflected in our bodies.

  545. An amazing informative sharing of what is going on by holding onto things and the tightness and hardness in our bodies to protect ourselves. All you share here Luz is so beautiful as it is known inside and brings such an awareness to change and start living, letting go and simply being in our heavenly way naturally from within. The illusion of being in control is something that brings about so much freedom when realised.

  546. Experiencing my body surrendering deeply has brought awareness of old trauma that has remained hidden in my body for a very long time. Thank you Luz, every re-read of this blog is deeply healing.

  547. Wow! This sentence has ‘leapt out’ towards me this morning and felt as a resonance in my body, which has supported a deeper level of surrender and letting go of holding onto an old way of holding back expression throughout my entire body. There is a sense of more fluidity and openness within and in every movement –even in typing this, my spine and legs feel strong with no tension, hips open and stable, all of which has flowed through into my arms, fingertips, neck and head. Everything feels it is simply hanging in its natural alignment.
    “No matter how tenacious our attempt to hold onto life is, matter gets transformed because in the end, matter is energy and follows energetic laws”.

  548. It is such a trick to believe we can control the uncontrollable. All we do really is have a say in which energy we are choosing to align to and the rest is an outplay of this choice.

    1. You are right, we can’t control it but we can have the feeling we are quite good at managing it for quite a long time.

  549. What I have noticed is that when I am trying to control life or hang on to something it means that I believe that life comes from me rather than understanding that we are vehicles of energy and therefore life comes through us not from us.

  550. This is a great example of how a trauma experienced as a child was still affecting the daily life as an adult, and that the body remembers and holds on until we choose to feel and let it go. Thank you Luz for highlighting all the different ways in which we hold on to our emotions and then how they play out in our bodies causing tension and hardness.

  551. Thank you Luz, another great insightful blog. Yes, I can feel how a feeling of emptiness or insecurity can lead to holding on to things in order to feel secure. It’s a reaction to life that is an attempt at surviving. It’s ironic that when we hold on to things what we actually do is keep ourselves away from the possibility of feeling free and settled in our bodies.

  552. I have clocked that I have a tendency to “hold on” to choices that are less than loving by judging myself for them and by then becoming controlling to try and compensate. This leaves me feeling very hard and there is a tension that runs down my arms making them tight and numb. Simply making the choice to change my focus by connecting and feeling the innate loveliness that is there supports me to let go. In allowing my body to surrender, the judgment also dissipates and so it becomes very apparent that the quality I am in is simply a matter of choice.

  553. There is so much gold in this article, thank you, Luz. For now, for me, for today I am simply going to observe the holding I do with my breath because there are certainly moments when I do not feel like I am breathing at all…

  554. Thank you for sharing your experience of literally being shipwrecked which I feel resonates for so many of us who feel set adrift in life because we have disconnected from our essence and then spend our lives looking for a safe harbour/anything that we can hold onto to feel more secure. However this never works and as the tension and denseness grow in our bodies it eventually causes illness and disease. What you are exposing has huge implications for the health and wellbeing of humanity and deserves to be widely read.

  555. We can’t really hold on to anything because life is always moving so the best we can do is hold onto the illusion that we are holding on and obstruct the natural flow, harmony and order of things.

  556. Luz, it feels so true what you say about holding onto things to validate our existence, and I can see why this is the case for the majority of humanity, because we have become disconnected from our true nature and therefore are unable to surrender and allow the all-knowing nature of our soul to guide us through life.

  557. Do we seek and find comfort in the denseness? I would say yes that is very possible because it doesn’t make sense to my body to be dense even though it is dense compared to what does feel like the real me which is a quality I can feel that works with my body and is light in that harmony between the being and body. The body may be dense but it knows that this is not the way to be for the being who is not of this world, even our own creation is saying that this density is not truly sucessful.

  558. I would like to add “create” to the list – we are so good at creating all these things. Even with your boat story your parents or others may well have created the situation by not taking care to have sufficient petrol. In all cases of trouble there is invariably some obvious or hidden creation.

    1. This event was certainly a creation marked by “loving adventures” and “checking out”, an underlying operating ignorance that later on triggered all sort of emotions especially guiltiness and blame between the adults. It is a creation that also left the family humbled and marked the end of a cycle and an outdated way of being for all. This is how I can describe this life to be for myself, which of course involves many new beginnings.

  559. I love how you expose the myriad of ways we can hold onto things both mentally and physically and the tension and denseness that creates for us as we try to be in control of our lives. Once we start letting go of the illusion that we are ever in control we can start to heal and choose to let go and go with the flow, trusting that all we need will be available to us.

  560. This is a great sharing Luz. As you say ‘holding onto’ becomes so normal that we are not aware that we doing that. However, when do and begin the process of letting go it is like a tightly held flower bud that opens up to it’s fully glory.

  561. Anything we hold on to causes tension, exhaustion and anxiety in the body. When we build enough trust and consistency with our body, through listening to it and actually taking care of its needs, then we start to trust enough to let go of what we were holding on to. With that comes a surrender to life flowing through and around us, rather than us trying to control life. A far easier and less stressful way to live.

  562. I hadn’t considered before reading this that by holding on to things, behaviours etc we are holding on to a denseness, and what this feels like in the body: protection, hardness and heaviness. Could it be that holding on to the heaviness allows us to avoid taking responsibility for connecting with ourselves and others?

  563. I can so relate to what you have written here Luz, the tension in my body from holding on to things, issues and life’s dramas and the denseness that feels all too familiar in my body. Knowing that incidents like your boat one are showing us something about life and not just being unlucky or being in the wrong place at the wrong time stops us getting stuck in the incident, and the issue at hand and supports in releasing the incident and denseness from our body.

  564. It has been the most incredible lesson in my life to discover that what I have spent so much time and energy holding on to has in fact kept me in a very improverished version of who I truly am. The more I learn to feel my self, my body and to let go of the control, tension and anxiety, the more my innate, tender qualities naturally surface and the real Me has been allowed to flourish. The Ageless Wisdom teachings presented by Serge Benhayon have without doubt empowered me to let go of deep anxieties, hurts and well worn issues that I have dragged around for years and allowed them to pollute my body, perception and enjoyment of life for too long. There is so much more to us than we realise and its only when we choose to let go of the density can we truly appreciate this.

  565. I have a feeling many of us hold onto denseness, not for fear of feeling our own emptiness but the grandness and power of our light.

  566. I’ve never really thought about being someone who is “holding tight”, but I so am. It’s almost like waking up constricted, taking a deep breath in then not breathing out again till the end of the day, with everything on heightened alert, it is an exhausting way to live. This exhausts me more than any amount of work. It’s not always like this, there are times where I am deeply surrendered, I love being in my body, with no need or rush which feels the complete opposite, a lightness, joy, playfulness, skip in my step, observing life and everything is so simple. So really it’s a great feeling and knowing of when I am myself.

  567. “I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn´t truly acknowledged. I remember bringing this holding onto to my sleep, with the bracing of my arms and tightening of my jaw.’ I can very much relate to this, this is how I have been going to sleep the past few nights, and waking up – with a tension and hardness in my jaw and arms. My feeling is there’s something underneath it all I don’t want to feel, but really, surrendering, and allowing myself to feel everything, the seethes, delicateness, cuteness, fragility, sadness and exhaustion is actually way more than okay, my body feels much more gentle, open with no pressure or list of got to get things done.

    1. Thank you Gyl, I can related to what you say. It is certainly not an experience (bracing, tightness) that can go unnoticed anymore as it did in the past. Currently I have more practical responsabilities than ever before, I step up in my commitment to life and because I´ve held back for a long time, I feel I am catching up with everything that I didn´t do in a decade! This tension and hardness in my jaw and arms have returned and funnily enough this is how I have also been waking up lately. Now this blog gets published and I am just in awe when reading all the comments! They are just amazing to feel. This is just to say that your comment made me stop and feel also what might be there that I don´t want to feel in this new cycle, including the cuteness, fragility and exhaustion…as soon as you said it, I realized that it is very important to become deeply aware of me getting caught up in the “creation/tension” of the catching up, and that it is more about accepting the responsibility of where I am at in relation to my rhythm with work, without ever, ever not feeling how sensitive and delicate I really am and have always been no matter where I happen to be.

  568. It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ – this I agree with but as many are now discovering, it doesn’t have to be because we are far grander than the life currently lived on this earth.

  569. Wow! When you realise the impact holding onto just one thing can have on our body with the fact that there is a created tension and discomfort, then imagine a whole lifetime of events. Wow! It is no wonder why we have to get illness and disease.

  570. Great sharing Luz. ‘Clutching at straws’ is an expression that shows that we hold on to things that do not support us. We tend to hold onto to things, beliefs and habits because we think they will protect us when in fact they do the complete opposite. When we let go of all this that we are not, we learn to trust in the truth of all that we are and our physical body says a big ‘thank you’.

  571. In the end we could be holding onto our innermost, onto God. Would make much more sense than to be holding onto our self made little plans how life should be…

    1. The crazy thing is that our innermost is just there, our divinity is always there waiting and it is us who put the road blocks in the way that stop us from be with who we naturally are.

    2. Agree Felix. You made me realize that when I encountered Universal Medicine, I realized that the only thing I should be holding on was to my inner-heart and God. Today, I know this has no effort, because it is us that are being held by them always, we just went astray and stopped feeling the connection.

  572. Your unfolding is like Archaeologists on a dig. It can be a long delicate process to uncover the treasures that we have been buried for a long time… but it is always a welcome re-discovery!

  573. This is a brilliant exploration of what it means to hold onto something. Thank you for showing how something seemingly small, after all these are only two words, has such an impact on us. It confirms once again that everything matters and nothing is insignificant.

    1. I am really appreciating this point that absolutely everything matters. Every moment, every choice of movement and every expression matters to either confirm and expand us or contract or delay us.

  574. Indeed trying to make or control life so it is a certain way is a set up for failure, there is so much more to consider than our beliefs, wants, desires, images, intended outcomes and hopes, for every choice affects all our brothers who we live with every day.

    1. And not to mention the harm the control does to our own body. I have recently let go of a layer of control but can feel how my body feels tender in the area I held it in as it heals.

  575. Absolutely loved reading this Luz, you have encapsulated something so grand. Everything about the universe is asking us to “let go” and holding on/densification has effects which are anti evolutionary! And make us sick.

  576. This blog has a profound teaching in it. If I am NOT holding onto something I have nothing to look back at and focus on – so that means if I have a thought about the past it is not really needed. If I invest in that thought I can now become the owner of it. So, I might have owned the action but what is the need to think about it and look back when that action has been and gone.

  577. This feeling of holding on to – whatever is at hand, an opinion or judgment, somebody out of neediness or a physical object for safety, creates enormous stress in the body. It might be justified in the kind of situation that you describe when you were shipwrecked, but as a stance in everyday life it is not only a real health hazard but doesn’t support us at all.

    1. Not only does holding on to things not support us, it keeps us stuck in a rut and feeling like we’re unable to change our patterns and behaviours. When we start to let go of the control, simply by observing these patterns and behaviours within ourselves without judgment, understanding that they are not an intrinsic part of who we are, we can start to let them go.

  578. I agree about the one-off traumatic event that can become a behaviour that is always chosen to not be you in life. I have the ridiculous behaviour from an ideal or belief of picking out something wrong with me and / or always being correct. I’m not sure what the event is, even if it is this life, but it hurts enough to cover up my natural way to life and be the true man I am to myself and others. It certainly is insidious to hold onto things.

  579. When we can let go of that ‘holding onto’ a certain way of living, a way of living that gives us a feeling of being protected and secured while at the same time it makes us dense and unaware of our true way of being, life will become a joy, a pleasure and so much more light as we then live in accordance to the natural rhythms our bodies are aligned to.

  580. Brilliant blog Luz. The ‘holding on’ feeling in our body feels awful, the denseness, tightness, strain and hardness is deeply harmful on so many levels. Our bodies are not designed to function in this way, so it takes an enormous amount of energy to harden our body and this energy doesn’t just stop affecting our body, it impacts on others too. The quality of energy we choose actually affects everything and everyone around us and contributes to what happens in our world. When we observe nature it never holds on to stuff, so why are we going against our natural way? When we choose to harden ourselves we are really choosing to live against the flow of the universe, contracting instead of expanding.

  581. Brilliant blog Luz, why are we holding onto a way of living we innately know is not bringing us any good or true health? Is it because we are heavily invested in living our hold onto way of life while we knowingly have walked away from another way of living that truly belongs to us and to continue on this question, what makes that investment to have that great value in our lives?

  582. Luz, I love how you have talked about the ‘holding on’ as a control – most of us walk around carrying some form of trauma in the body. For some it can be traced to an actual traumatic event, whilst for others it is something more evasive, elusive, perhaps a trauma from a past life, or a trauma from this life but so subtle in its delivery that it is not percieved as such by most people. It could possibly even be the self inflicted trauma of having stepped away form the divinity that we all are and hold deep within. The bottom line is that so many of us walk around with this as a conscious or unconscious memory, and so we hold a protection, a holding on so to speak which actually holds us back, does nothing to protect us, but in fact de-evolves us. The beauty as you have presented here is that it does not have to be like this – we do have a choice, a choice in letting more us out, and the more we give this a go, the easier it becomes. Traumas – however real or perceived do not have to control us, but they will if we allow them to. It is for us to see this and use these opportunities to heal and let go – just as you have shared Luz.

    1. Completely agree Henrietta. Beautiful! Yes, no matter if there are specific events and traumas in just one life or many other past lives, the real trauma that we all carry withing is this “the self inflicted trauma of having stepped away form the divinity that we all are and hold deep within”. What I loved to feel from your comment is how, by our choice of having separated, it marks a way of being and going through life, a tone and style in the way we move and interact: protection, contraction, guilt or arrogance. So all of these creations/events we have come up with, at least we can use them to become aware and return.

      1. Spot on – Luz, there is an empowerment when we use these event to support the growth of awareness and hence our re-turn! So many times we can get distracted with wanting to use a situation as an excuse to not grow, and I do not mean this in a derogatory nor disrespectful way – I mean simply to say that each and every opportunity is essentially a learning that we can use to grow, that we can use to deepen our relationship with self and others. Any situation we have experienced supports us in our understanding of what another might also have gone through, and so there is a bigger and wider picture of us being able to be aware and offer that awareness to others too. For together it is that we re-turn.

      2. Thank you Henrietta. Your comment has given me the bigger picture to connect to this morning: that whatever events happen and the ways in which we respond are all opportunities to evolve and heal, and gives others the same opportunity. When we think we have to do it all by ourselves we’re just in the illusion of the struggle. We can’t evolve by ourselves and that it’s our relationships with each other that brings life to life and a richness to life.

      3. So beautifully said Bryony: “we cannot evolve by ourselves” and that the richness in our life does come from our relationships with each other. Love it!

  583. When I hold onto things, emotions, ways of being, and all, it is like a block within my body. I feel there is a flow to the Universe and when I have a block in my body or maybe hundreds of blocks, I am unable to feel that flow. Is my control of this situation that I control whether I will be a part of the Universe or not, because that seems crazy as I am always a part of the Universe. So this must create enormous tensions if I am swimming against the flow in any way.

  584. Our very existence here is the consequence, or aftereffect of densification/holding on. It is fascinating to come to think of how we all have and allowed our childhood experience to affect our personality and bahaviour many years after the incident passed, very often well into adult life. How do we manage to keep that almost standstill in this forever expanding Universe? It must be a real hard work we are agreeing to undertake here. I imagine this energy of holding on really stands out in the whole scheme of things – oh, I get it: maybe it’s this identification that we are after.

    1. Brilliant Fumiyo. This is such a great question to ask “How do we manage to keep that almost standstill in this forever expanding Universe?” How do we manage to keep one event in standstill and influence eternally our choices and movements? Crazy. But as you say these are the sort of rules we play with in this existence. Whatever cements further “our identification” the better, so we can keep the individual valid.

  585. Luz, this is an outstanding and practical article. There are questions you present here that I feel to look into in my life, of when and how I am still holding onto feelings, experiences, old patterns, that it is time to let go of.

  586. Brilliant, Luz. “Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty?” – this is a very interesting point. We look for assurance and comfort in density, but will never find true settlement there so we keep reinforcing it continuously. Many feel lost in this feeling of insecurity and emptiness, but thanks to what Universal Medicine brings the truth of who we are is now being presented and understood and there really is another Way to live our life here on Earth.

  587. If we imagine our body is like a hand, when we move and go about our day, how is this hand placed? Is it open, surrended strectched right out, ready to receive and hold life? or is it clenched, locked, rigid and bunched right up? The words you say here Luz give me a clear picture of how my hand and body sits. I love what you highlight about the denseness – I was feeling this with body building recently how building extra muscle is like a security blanket this way. But reading your words today I wonder if even our ‘issues’ work the same way – offering us a denseness that we hold and literally fight to hold onto?

  588. Holding onto things in my life is something I am more aware of now and the affect this has on my body. Reading your sharing today brings up as light bulb moment for me. I have been suffering from a stiff for sometime that is causing much discomfort in general. What you express concerning holding on (control) I can recognize that is what I am doing. It’s time to look deeper into this and let go of my need to control.

  589. Really enjoyed reading your post Luz, and it got me thinking back to times as a child when i held on hard… like the roller coaster, waltzers or fair ground rides where the thrill of the bracing was supposedly ‘all the fun of the fair’, i remember feeling so tight, shaky after the rides feeling my body in reaction to this tensity so much that i became hooked on bracing myself ‘just in case’… always in protection, ‘just in case’ something went wrong, like it could do at the fair ground. As a result i always did everything so quickly, to compress the density further. Over the years to recent day, the more i learn to slow down, the more that compression loosens and hardness softens to create more spaciousness, openness and warmth with others.

    1. Thanks for sharing this Zofia.. how doing things really quickly compresses the density further. I hadn’t considered this before – but it’s the same as doing things from my head and in total disconnection from my body., adding to the hardness and protection. When I learned to slow down I was still disconnected from my body, so the slowing down looked pantomime-esque. What I’m now learning is how to do things at a slower pace and be in my body at the same time. This comes from simple observation and not a mind-driven obsession of completing everything. When I’m in my body there’s more space, more time, and it’s easier to focus and get the job done. Afterwards it feels complete – there’s no double-checking everything, or anxiety about something not being complete, because I was present and with myself when I was doing the task.

    2. I also really enjoyed reading your comment Zofia. I can relate so well… this invention of roller coasters, waltzers, etc…it shows how much a culture that holds tight and holds on “just in case” gets promoted, even in the name of fun.

      What is also revolutionary to feel in what you say is the relationship of “doing everything so quickly” TO COMPRESS THE DENSITY FURTHER! so the compression and hardness not only comes from “holding onto” but also by a movement of rushing, fitting everything in, ticking boxes, `to do´ lists… It is great to feel how by moving with no rush actually creates more “spaciousness, openness and WARMTH with others”. It is all connected. Beautiful!

  590. “Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty? Could it be that what we are “holding onto” is “holding onto denseness”?” – agree Luz, holding on to denseness for tangible comfort, to not feel the lightness of our true origins. Even though it feels heavy and awful to hold such weight, the weight is something easily identified with, feel important or falsely full by…because when we let go, we feel that none of that matters in light, there is no ‘us’, and if there is no us, then who are we. Similar to when we lose our job that we’ve become totally ensconced by where loss of job exposes how falsely we have held on to and identified with it as a measure of our worth and importance.

  591. Its funny how much we can hold onto in our bodies from our past experiences, images, beliefs the list is endless and yet what seems like so much extra baggage we accumulate by holding onto all of this stuff we become so comfortable in this pattern of movements we feel to continue to follow in this way because it is familiar. In truth it feels very uncomfortable and yucky to hold onto things and the greatest joy and ease we have to counteract this is to breathe our own breath and move in a way that supports us to be connected to our bodies in every moment, that is a real joy.

  592. You take the ‘safety raft’ to a whole new literal level Luz! What a traumatic thing to happen for a child (and the adults). It is interesting that in the plays of Shakespeare shipwrecks and coming to a \new land are often a symbol of someone letting go an old way or pattern of life and beginning to live anew, afresh, because they are not known by the new inhabitants, and so are in a kind of ‘tabula rasa’ situation. Usually they are then recognised and are deeply known and united with others from whom they had been torn asunder. It is as if the Ancient Wisdom that informs Shakespeare’s plays was showing us the patterns that we have adopted and then we can become re-united with our true selves.

    1. Awesome Lyndy. Another great sharing that brings insightful symbolism to an apparent accident. This life is definitely the chance to say goodbye to an old way of life that I won´t repeat anymore (after all I have been repeating it for hundreds of them!) It is the hold of our hurts, why hold onto them for so long if we have to finally let them go… why the delay? It is not worth it.
      Hello new beginning, which is actually not new, but more a great return.

  593. Boy, oh boy! You have triggered so much here Luz. I was born post war to parents who were war refugees living in a refugee camp in Germany. I have never explored the feelings I have stored in my body from that experience nor the very long and at times frightening sea voyage to Australia and then living in camps here and picking up on my parents feelings of not belonging and being less than. Much to look at and let go of!

  594. Luz, you have inspired me to look deeper at the many, many areas where I am holding on and/or holding back. I tend to gloss over things and quickly create some form of distraction or a distraction will just be there at the ‘right’ moment to hook me in.

  595. There is a lot of change happening in my workplace and I can feel myself and others “holding on” to our positions and roles-the protection is huge and I can certainly feel the denseness in my body. Recently I have been more open to the changes and I can feel the lightness there as i am more open to possibilities. Understanding what happens to our particles explains so much.

  596. Holding onto life and it’s many aspects, whatever we think we need for security, feels like a holding onto the want to be an individual. Human life offers us so many ways of being that we can identify ourselves with, looks, sports, activities, academia, language etc.. the list just goes on. So it’s like we choose from a buffet dinner table all the things we will hold onto to make us who we are. When in truth, we are already who we are without anything from the outside world telling us so or proving it. We are enough already and the more we let go and surrender to our Divine selves, the less we need to hold on to what is not us.

  597. I love how you nominate so many different ways we can ‘hold on’ in this life Luz. When I read your list it all seems so obvious, yet all of this is operating at a sub-surface level that many of us are not aware of, and we do not fully comprehend the level of operating from desiring ‘safety’ in the world. ‘ For instance, when we feel threatened in any way, shape or form, we react by holding onto something, whether that be a relationship, a job, a position, a role, a house, a habit, a place, a group of people, a certain food, a drug, negativity, isolation, a wish, a belief, an idea or a project. It is like an automatic reaction in our attempt to feel safe, protected, and comfortable, and to have control over the outcomes and investments of the situation in which we find ourselves’.

  598. The first time I heard someone talk about hardening in the body, knowing that my body felt hard to me and thinking it was a good thing as I did a lot of road riding on my bike and knew that I was pretty fit, I suddenly knew, without a shadow of doubt, that it definitely wasn’t, although I was yet to learn exactly why and what it mean to have hardness in the body.

    1. Yes Alison, this is how it unfolds: “…although I was yet to learn exactly why and what it mean to have hardness in the body”. When we start feeling into this, we don´t imagine the extent of what this all means..

  599. We can often fool ourselves into believing that we have let go of something we have been holding onto when in truth we have actually buried it.

  600. I agree Luz and also feel that denseness is a form of security – because in the denseness it feels much more difficult to respond to the call to be more of who we are (light) and thus we can remain in the irresponsibility of living less then our true potential as beings on this earth. But really, why hold onto something we are not instead of surrendering to all that we are? Why do we think responsibility is a bad thing or going to take effort? To me, it takes more effort to continually choose to move in a way that confirms dense thoughts and actions.

  601. Super awesome blog Luz – thank you. You have given me the perfect tools required to prize open the lid off my tightly held ‘safety jar’ and take a peek at what is actually in there and also look at why.

  602. Brilliant article Luz Helena and so timely. I was yesterday at a Course where we went to a really deep awareness of what patterns or configurations we are holding in our bodies. I became aware of a configuration being held in my left leg that was quite stubborn. Then suddenly during the healing practice I knew with a certainty that I didn’t have to be this way any more . . . and it all dropped away. I experienced immense freedom and spaciousness. Now I simply have to choose to move from here and not go back to my old holding pattern.

    1. Thank you Lyndy. Thank you for sharing this experience. How great it can really be: when a “holding onto” just releases with awareness, a choice and the ability to let go… the illusion of “rock-solidness” dissappears!

  603. This succinctly and beautifully describes how energy can affect our bodies, and how it plays a huge part in everyone’s lives. If we choose to ‘hold on’ to an issue, person, incident, problem, attachment, emotion, hurt and so forth on an energetic level then as you’ve described this can create a dense feeling in our bodies, and a sense of being weighed down by our own choice to ‘hold on’.

  604. Hello Luz and you have certainly hit the nail on the head here. How we, well I have and still do hold onto things is significant. It’s great to be able to trace it back to a point as you have done in your blog. I relate to this ‘holding’ as being almost automatic or at least an autopilot response we have to protect something and ourselves. It’s been very freeing over the years to let go of these holds and then awaken to the fact that they are a direct contributor to so many ills we have. This all started with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  605. To just say the words ‘holding on to” I can feel the tension in my body and the images that have been fed to me as reason to follow through with such actions. This blog is a game changer in taking another look at what is really going on.

  606. What struck me when reading this is the amount of energy that we constantly have to put into that kind of holding on or control, it’s something that constantly needs feeding to be held onto!

  607. What I have been learning and observing within myself is to continuously feel throughout my day when I go into bracing or a holding on. I then come back to feeling why I am doing this, move my body to a different position and explore bringing a gentle quality into my body. By bringing awareness to this consistently, I am slowly able to break down those things that I am holding onto.

    1. Yes Donna. Throughout the years I have been learning it is actually this simple and since practicing yoga this has gone to a whole new level. Thank you. It is the best way to deal with the “holding onto” in the eternal only moment we are in and with the intelligence of the body. Thank you for making it so tangible and for the simplicity.

  608. Being shipwrecked would have been a terrifying experience Luz and certainly explains the subsequent tension you were left to feel and how this manifested in your life as you have moved through it. Although very few of us have had this exact experience, it is something we all can relate to, as it feels deeply symbolic to our ‘human condition’ (see my previous comment above). When we live in disconnection to the love that we are – the divine aspect of ourselves (Soul) that comes from a higher plane of life – we are like a ship lost at sea in a wild storm with naught to guide us safely back home or even anchor us for that matter. This is how we have come to feel ‘marooned’, each of us a tiny island that forgets we are surrounded by a sea that unites us, not divides us.

    I know I have many times felt that I have been ‘shipwrecked’ on planet Earth but I have come to understand that this is due to me not bringing the majesty of Heaven (where we truly come from) down into my every move upon this earth. Thus, in order to not ‘hold on’ I need to first let go of the belief that living here in form means that we are separated from the Kingdom of Heaven that lives and breathes within us all. Thanks to the wisdom of the ages as taught currently by Universal Medicine I can now see that the key to ‘salvation’ is through our bodies. That is, we save ourselves by living in a way that honours the truth of who we are. We are heavenly beings in earthly form.

    1. I have never seen the symbolism of being “shipwrecked” as you put it. How could I´ve not seen it before! It is actually a great metaphor of how we humans live and feel in this “ocean” of energy that is life, when we disconnect from the sacredness of who we are, which is within the sacredness of God.

  609. Holding on and living in this protection and tension to what we think is going to happen is crazy. If we simply trust and know we are amazing, everyone else is amazing too and simply are coming from their protections, a space arises and surrounds us and we can ‘swim’ through our lives without being affected. It takes time to trust and achieve this but at the same time it is ours to claim in any single moment.

  610. I absolutely adore reading what you share Luz. The truth is, we fell from love and ever since then we have been desperately seeking to grasp onto anything that will alleviate us of the pain this has caused. For in essence we are love as we are born of the majesty of God that is the Universe that holds us. In-truth we can never ‘fall’ as we are always held by God’s love, but if we choose to walk away from this we have the sensation of ‘falling’ because we can no longer feel, that which holds us safe. This is the root of the deep insecurity we all feel and it is how we have come to live in a way that is not an expression of the love that we are. When we do not move in accordance to the love that pulses within us and in tune with all else that is true in the cosmos we belong to, we begin to move in a way that causes a deep disharmony which then eventuates into the overwhelming state of the world today; famine, wars, poverty, misery and corruption. This is the ‘denseness’ we create under the illusion that we will have something to ‘hold onto’ – a situation that is entirely our own creation as it was us who ‘fell away’ from our innate divinity and from the knowing that we are always held by great arms of love.

    1. Beautiful Liane. I so love the depth that you bring through your words and the opennens and devotion to your Soul and God. It is so touching and it makes me feel how much I am still guarded from expressing in this way, when in truth this is also the truth that I want to express.

      I agree with you about this illusion we carry of needing to “hold onto”, when in fact it was our choice to “‘fell away’ from our innate divinity and from the knowing that we are always held by great arms of love”.

  611. This is brilliant. From a very young age we are brought up with beliefs and ideals about how life should be, and how people should be towards us, in almost every situation. We brace ourselves in fear of being hurt if it is not what we expect or need to see. Universal Medicine has shown me how I can surrender and sit deep with myself, holding an openness and vulnerability and not holding hard, bracing or trying to control situations to be how I need them to be. Then no matter how life turns out or no matter what happens I can remain surrendered. In the surrender I can feel any perceived hurts from perceived expectations and feel that all of my hurts are not actually real but only there because of false expectations. When this occurs there’s a strength that is felt in my whole body knowing that no matter what I am always completely fine as long as I have my connection to the everlasting and ever-expanding love that I am I will always be and have everything I ever need.

    1. Thank you Danielle. The way you expressed it:

      “Universal Medicine has shown me how I can surrender and sit deep with myself, holding an openness and vulnerability and not holding hard, bracing or trying to control situations to be how I need them to be. Then no matter how life turns out or no matter what happens I can remain surrendered.”

      Everybody in this world should know about this teaching, way of living and ponder on these words:.

    2. Thank you Danielle. The way you expressed it:

      “Universal Medicine has shown me how I can surrender and sit deep with myself, holding an openness and vulnerability and not holding hard, bracing or trying to control situations to be how I need them to be. Then no matter how life turns out or no matter what happens I can remain surrendered.”

      Everybody in this world should know about this teaching, way of living and ponder on these words.

  612. Stunning blog Luz. Holding onto denseness – why do we do this? Is it because if we let it go, we would have to see the rot and evil that has been created in this way of living, and without it, we would have to face our part and responsibility in its creation.

  613. Absolutely Mary, so many rewards it is impossible for me to keep track of them. I definitely feel blessed for having become a Student of The / My Livingness..

  614. Recently in a session I was asked to look at situations I approach in life and how I am holding onto hurts and how these may influence my thoughts in new situations. It is interesting to bring more awareness to this and see how my past experiences are influencing my movements now.

  615. The more we let go of the more we can see how much we are still holding onto, until the time comes when we stop investing in drama and comforts and surrender to our soul.

  616. This blog really does illustrate how much we theme our lives with ‘holding on’. Whether it be resentments, ideas, beliefs, expectations…all of it is dragging us down with the heaviest of weight. I can feel it in my body and the effects of it are far from joyful and light.

  617. You have revealed a missing piece of the puzzle for me Luz, I hadn’t related denseness to trauma. I can now understand why I don’t go back and revisit events or even remember past lives, such is the trauma I still carry.

  618. The concept of holding onto something in itself exposes the energy that we are in when we attempt to do this. I know when I do this, I’m in the energy of fear of change or the unknown, doubt, lack of, losing something or other emotion that creates a hardness and a tension in my body. We don’t have control over anything except the energy we are aligned to and everything else is out of our control, and to think we do is pure illusion.

  619. I’m just feeling how I have dealt with trauma in the past, being a ‘ rescuer’ I realise I go into solution mode and don’t allow the impact of the situation to be felt. So denying myself the opportunity to nurture, and self love and heal.

  620. It is a wicked illusion to think that by ‘hardening up’ we are stronger and better equipped to ‘handle’ or ‘get through’ any situation. When the fact is whenever we are in connection to our Soul we have an open relationship with truth which allows us to observe, understand and as such access the wisdom within us to respond with Love in honor of evolution, and what is needed in that moment for all in that situation, is clearly known.

  621. Such an amazing blog Luz…. You have presented a deeper level of understanding in the bodies ability to reveal and release the layers we build to protect the vulnerable being within.

  622. I found the list of things we attempt to hold onto very interesting in exposing the extent to which we try to control our bodies and the world… it seemingly is done so in denial of, or possibly stubbornly ignoring the fact that there is an energetic flow to life within the energetic laws that calls us to let go and just be with everything rather than manipulate it for our own purposes. Life is so much more gorgeous when we live in accordance with what is on offer rather than ignore the greater design and purpose of life at play.

  623. Luz you have revealed much in this amazing blog, it has me realise the enormity of trauma in the body, and by ‘ letting go’ the denseness can be shifted, which releases the need to mask the tension and come back to our natural lightness. This makes a lot of sense as there are layers to be released and comfort in the denseness that does not serve me, which means I’m ‘ holding back’ by ‘ holding onto’.

  624. I love the point you bring to us to consider Luz, that we hold on to anything to validate our existence. And that the ‘anything’ is in fact nothing more than form as it is far lesser than who we actually are, not only for ourselves but also who we are together, when in connection to our essence. If we were to truly embrace and connect who we are within, we would naturally let go of the hold of the ‘anything’ as our need would for validation would be non-existent, as it would no longer have a place to exist or make sense, and so be exposed for the denseness that it is.

  625. I can definitely relate to this ” little resentments against others” and myself. That’s not love, it’s a form of protection to keep people out and stop me feeling love.

  626. I have found that holding on to the past is very limiting. Recently trialling some online dating I came to realise I was looking for my father, who disappeared when I was four years old. I had been holding on to the impact of this one event that happened over 50 years ago, and that this holding on was governing my relationships with men. This holding on had created a density in me that blocked the space for new experiences to flow.

  627. I can definately confirm this “the fact that we can “hold onto” things both in our body and in our mind, which may lead to states of stress and illness’, especially my mind which feels like a ten ton weight to carry around at times. For example if you react to someone, take on their stuff, or try to solve, work out their emotional drama you may as well be giving them a piggy back all day – now add onto that everyone else we react to – I’m surprised we can stand up straight! Honestly reading this I am like oh my goodness I have taken on so many other people’s things, even stuff I don’t know about – from the simplest tiniest reaction – and that can be from someone I’ve spoken to once.

  628. It is really astonishing how we brace ourselves in protection to shut out and disconnect from feeling or reading what is happening in a situation that presents. As what we are doing in essence is shutting out our connection to our Soul which is what in-truth is the greatest guide we can have to navigate us through any situation.

  629. It is considered very normal to move through life with hardness, tension and anxiousness so much so that seeking ways to relieve, distract or numb ourselves from feeling this way is perceived to be what life is about.

  630. My whole body could not take it’s eyes off this word ‘simplicity ” – even reading it I let out a big sigh. I love how out body tells us loud and clear what our life is calling for.

  631. I agree Luz all the many ways of ‘holding on’ certainly keeps at bay the absolutely amazing magical order of the universe. There is no control to be imposed on our potential and awareness, as it is a co-creation with all that is divine based on our last choice. No thoughts or pictures of how this will unfold can match the quality of our potential, our minds just can’t go there but our hearts and bodies are very willing if we don’t ‘hold on’ to the limits of our experience and thoughts.

  632. I had to laugh when I opened this blog up as it didn’t go straight to the top of the page – the first lines I read were ” I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension ‘ and thats exactly how I have been living today. It made me laugh, sigh, stop giving myself a hard time, come out of my head, into my body and let go – became gentle, and I can feel how much love, tenderness and understanding I can bring to myself and others.

  633. What is interesting to me is that, if we are holding on to something that is adversely affecting us, can we not simple let it go?

  634. Awesome blog- very relatable and something that we all do- “hold on” to something, an object e.g. money, gift, clothing, a hurt, a pattern of behaviour, a food, an emotion etc in order to feel like we are in control of life, feel safe, have security or remain in comfort all to remain individualised. But at what expense to our body?- becoming denser, and what energy are we saying ‘Yes” to?

  635. Yes, I can relate to this Luz – Until attending presentations by Serge Benhayon, I had no idea that I had accepted hardness and tension in my body as normal, as I had rarely experienced it any other way .
    “….I got to feel and accept that holding onto had been a very normal, consistent and debilitating way of living in my body.I had lived with a very tangible feeling of hardness and tension, with an unbearable anxiousness underneath, that I hadn’t truly acknowledged”.

  636. I love that our bodies reflects Science and Physics right back to us –
    “When we go into control or try to hold onto something, we make our bodies feel dense and heavy, our particles move more slowly and their vibration declines”.

  637. Luz, this is a great topic that you have explored. Since being a student of Universal Medicine, ‘holding on’ can now be felt more easily in my body than ever before – until I drop deeper into my inner awareness and find yet another layer of holding on waiting to be worked with!

  638. If we got to see that what we hold onto is like carrying an extra 5kg of rock around with us we might reconsider our choice to hold on. While we may not ‘see’ the extra weight, every step we make we are carrying it around with us. This brings a whole new perspective to ‘holding on’ and what it is creating.

  639. By holding onto anything we are creating bars in a prison that is in turn holding on to us! Thank you Luz for sharing your insights.

  640. This is a great blog, holding onto stuff is bringing a heaviness to life, a contraction, it isn’t the light way we can live when we let go of expectations, but the total opposite because by holding onto stuff everything gets effected by this tension.

  641. The awareness that there is a choice of whether we hold onto something or not is a step forward. We can choose to see things another way, and thus let go of hurts.

  642. Love your blog Luz and can really feel all the many pictures of how life should be that I have held onto. Holding on does not give you control, it just hardens your body. I was driving home last night, and thought of all the patterns and behaviours that I hold onto. I know I could easily get over them, but I realised that I hold onto them because to let them go I would have to be more responsible. I also observed in myself that in some cases I held onto them because I wasn’t aware but perhaps I was but didn’t want to get honest and I held on so that I didn’t have to be the powerful woman I am and therefore use whatever issue I had created and held onto as my excuse.

  643. It is beautiful to read the way you have explored such a simple phrase and allowed us to feel the unending impact of ‘holding onto’ anything whether it be material or simply a feeling. Realising the impact that holding onto can have not only to our own life but the reverberation that is felt when we contract and attempt to control what is uncontrollable.

  644. It just goes to show how much there is to hold onto without even realising we have gotten into the pattern of holding on or the fact that we can let things go if we choose to.

  645. I never realised myself what ‘holding onto’ really meant and how much it is (and was) effecting me on a daily basis. How much I tried to control my own joy and that of others. As if I wanted them to suffer because of my choice to suffer. Quite exposing when I realised this, but in the end a great revelation and the start of a much more joyful life, including a lot of lightness and clarity!

  646. It was great timing reading this blog as not long ago i was holding onto an idea and belief, which had started to create tension in my body. As soon as i read this and recognised what was happening the tension eased off. How quickly we can create tension and simply release it too.

  647. Beautiful blog Luz and exquisite question: ”What sort of energy or what quality of energy are we using to keep our existence going? Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?”.
    Well, after reading this blog we got the revelation that denseness is the holding onto, safety, familiarity we all know. And that by virtue of choosing this energy – we are making our lives about anything else but love. So our existence continues to be empty and full with images, pictures, comforts and illusions that are not based on love at all. So this question also answers our way out of it.

  648. Luz, I love what you are sharing here and ‘holding onto’ can apply to so many areas of our lives yet anything we ‘hold onto’ ultimately has an effect on our bodies. At the moment I am clearing out my house of things I have ‘held onto’ and even this process effects how I feel. The feeling is one of expansion in my body but I as I write this I wonder why it is that the space can get filled again slowly over time. This could be equated to maybe eating something when we prefer the familiarity of a dense body. So do we fill our homes to deny the flow and lightness we could live in. I will ponder on this one more…thank you.

  649. Luz thank you, super blog. I like how you talk of the holding onto things, experiences, traumas, hurts, in the body is holding onto denseness. I can feel how this is and having recently reached a new level of awareness around the control I have been holding in my body and just how dense this was, it felt like lead, which in releasing it I feel so much lighter, a lightness that is always there waiting to be retuned to by letting go of that denseness, those hurts that don’t belong in my body and are not me. It really does make sense as to why we are currently living on this planet.

  650. What an awesome exploration of something that is so very common in all our lives. I know that I have held onto so many things as a way of providing myself with some kind of consistency, only to be frustrated by the fact that they eventually pass on or change in some way, like all things do. The never ending attempts to hold onto things in life as a way to provide this safety net of unchangeableness in th face of the continually changing world is like trying to shore up a sand castle against the rising and falling tides.

  651. I too held onto so much for so long- its tiring and miserable. Learning how to let go of past issues/ hurts/ ill feelings has been one of the most liberating things i have done for myself as a human being. Everyone should know how to deal with stuff when it occurs so that we don’t hold onto it and let it define our lives

  652. Brilliant to see this written about in such a way, I too have held onto stuff for years after the event and felt unable to let go of what was bothering me. Sometimes I couldn’t even remember the event and yet I still did so much to my body as a direct result- all because I didn’t want to feel what I had felt from an incident.

  653. Dear Luz,
    This is an amazing read. In the past couple of months I have let go of many things that I was holding onto, both physically and energetically. Yet in all of the letting go I have done, there are constant layers of even more I am becoming aware of that I am holding on to. This is a continuous, steady reality in being human and choosing to return to live from the essence of ones soul. In this realisation I have such a much deeper understanding for the reasons why people hold on, because it is the truth we all innately know, that once we begin to let go, more is presented to be let go and of too and this can be very challenging, especially when it is felt that the way we are in life could well be changed forever.

  654. Great to feel how ‘holding on’ is a way of controlling the quality we feel and express. If I don’t ‘hold on’ and simply surrender, lightness is able to return to my body. Choosing this consistently has been my challenge because feeling heavy has been such a comfort that I often find it hard to let go of it.

  655. We presume that certain rules are concrete truths, however, the substance that holds them together is mortar and rock but rather repetition and convenient truths/misconceptions

  656. In separation to who we truly are, a part of the all, we as individuals spend most of our time trying to defend, protect and justify perceived attacks to the self. What a silly waste of time when you consider we created the individual self to begin with.

  657. There is much research and theory on how we retain and hold onto traumatic emotional memories in our brain which just get triggered over and over again in our brains as a form of a survival mechanism. It is theorised that we as humans unlike animals do not always discharge the energy associated with a traumatic event immediately, leaving it to be held within the body until it is processed or discharged in some way.

  658. Similar to this I think is the denseness we create in our bodies when we hold back from sharing who we truly are in our innermost.

  659. This blog really made me ponder all the things we try and hold onto and how much energy and control we must use to try and delay letting things go.

  660. I had been holding on to ideal and beliefs about how I think my daughters lives should look like for ever and since letting these go it has freed me and them up. They no longer feel any pressure to be a certain way and I am able accept them and love them simply for who they are.

  661. All the terms mentioned in this blog make clear that there is a huge realm of choices we make regarding our body and our being of which the majority is not aware (by choice clearly).

  662. Beautifully said… We are indeed all holding on… and what about the saying “holding on for grim death” this could really sum up the way people everywhere are so afraid of losing control… and yet as Luz says there is another plane of existence or way of living right along side which can always be accessed if we so choose.

  663. Wow Luz – this is an extraordinary blog. I have held onto countless different strategies to ‘cope’ with life and yet none of them have delivered me the freedom I am really seeking. This blog helps me to understand that ‘holding onto’ is a choice and choosing this option no longer makes any sense.

  664. I am understanding that the tension in my body is a result of me not trusting life. With support from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine i have come to the understanding that i do not trust life because i do not trust myself. With consistent self care i am building trust in myself and the tension in my body is slowly leaving. The relief that i feel is amazing,

    Let go and let God!

  665. ’This concept of holding onto denseness may seem challenging to our everyday concrete experience, but what if such reflections have the potential to awaken us to a greater and deeper understanding of why we are currently living on this planet and choosing to be much less than who we truly are?’ Indeed, are we willing to see the enormity of what we bring, when we are true to ourselves and express from our innermost? Our own unique expression, no more no less.

  666. A profound account Luz – how does the ‘holding onto’ affect the bigger picture and the divine order that we are all part of?

  667. Similar to you before Esoteric healing I didn’t consider the fact that all my experiences and actions actually have an impact on my body.. understanding this more and more naturally led to me deepening my concept of self love.

  668. Awesome blog – holding on can be all too easy to do, to hold on to old behaviours, thought patterns and beliefs – I am learning to surrender, to let it go and let myself be

  669. I love your blog – we so often can go into protection mode, to hold on to something, even when it is often not something supportive. I can very much relate to the tension in the body and its amazing how even just holding on to an event or situation in our heads can have such a physical response.

  670. This is really great to read Luz and you have come in and nailed exactly what is going on. That we are enjoying the denseness and the comfort that it brings so not to feel the emptiness from not choosing who we really are. This gives a clear understanding that we can choose to igniting the particles at their core centre and allowing them to emanate and expand – that this is our evolution whether we choose to go the long and hard way around or to go straight to this inevitable point we are all returning to.

  671. In reading the first couple of paragraphs I realised how much tension I was ‘holding onto’ in my body, so I stopped, connected to the gentle breath, let go and started again. The difference in my body from that simple choice to connect and let go was huge as I felt more clarity and purpose with what I am doing (writing this comment) and it reminded the power of stopping and connecting to the rhthym of my breath.

  672. “Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?” A great question Luz. Letting go and surrendering allows freedom, whereas ‘holding on’ contracts and freezes us into patterns that do not serve.

  673. Reading through your great blog Luz I can see very clearly how much I have held onto in this life, some things much longer than others and for a huge variety of reasons. But I have come to know that this holding on is absolutely exhausting as I am not allowing life to flow as it naturally can, not trusting that letting go instead is the most healing choice I could make. It is amazing what we hold onto just because it feels so familiar – is it because in that familiarity we feel safe?

  674. ‘It feels as if all of human life is about `holding onto´ something so we can keep our existence valid through productions, creations, designs, dramas and struggles.’ This tension and way of living has become so normal that we do not even question it. The tension and anxiety feels very real and yet I now know that life doesn’t have to be lived this way. Letting go and opening up, changes our foundation of life completely… one that I am re-learning to build.

  675. Luz this blog is stunning and you certainly do not hold back in explaining what holding-onto is and does to our body. You uncover so much here, including how traumas we have experienced can stay in the body for years, lifetimes even. I did not have a full awareness of this until meeting Serge Benhayon, in fact I would try and deny traumas or events in my life even happened, I would pretend they were not there, that I was okay, but the body cannot lie and records every experience we have had. So yep, traumas or stresses in life cause stress, tension and anxiety in our bodies which in turn can shape certain un-supporting behaviours, ideals or beliefs. For me, Sacred Esoteric Healing has been the only non imposing technique that supports my body to let go of any traumas I have experienced in life, writing this I can still feel in my body an area that I am holding on to in order not to be all that I am so this is still unfolding and a work in progress. Reading your experience on the boat I could not help but think of the thousands of refugees that have traveled this way where it has been extremely traumatic for them, and in many cases where adults and children have lost their life. You are so right with what you share here ‘What sort of energy or what quality of energy are we using to keep our existence going? Could it be that by `holding onto´ we are not controlling anything?’ Holding onto does not ‘control’ anything, in fact it is the complete opposite it ‘holds onto’ the trauma delaying us being all the love we are. So how do we not hold on? We acknowledge and feel it is there in the body and then choose to let it go.

  676. I have a tendency to want to control how dinners get cooked at home so it is made exactly how I like it, recently I have let go of this need, it creates space for me to do other things and gives another member of the household an opportunity to express the way they feel to cook..win, win all around

  677. “This revolution came about when I started participating in Universal Medicine events and began to hear this expression and its close friends, “hardening”, “becoming hard”, “bracing” and “holding tight”.” It is astonishing to me how deeply ingrained “holding on to” and all the others have been in my life.. There have been so many layers that I have worked through and continue to work through and they just keep coming!

  678. Luz this piece of writing is enormous in terms of what it delivers! “Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?” You put clearly into perspective how we fit into the bigger picture and bust through the identification we have with our hurts.

  679. Dear Luz, a compelling read, thank you. When I read this line – “Could it be that we find assurance and comfort in this density, compression and seemingly rock-solidness, because at the root of our human psyche we feel deeply insecure and empty?” I was like yep, it was what I was thinking when I was reading your blog. My feeling is that people hold on because they are scared to let go as they feel it is an abyss that they will fall in to…..a deep insecure empty place. The reality is so much different but that fear is there.

  680. Holding onto hurts and issues has been a big issue (pardon the pun) for me. I am chipping away at them and allowing myself to surrender to what I am rather than what I am not… I am loving in essence, I am not my issues.

  681. I reckon I have got used to feeling dense, I am lighter then I have ever been in lots of ways, but largely energetically, but it has been steady process and sometimes, I feel really expanded and light in my body and I get wobbly and go and eat something heavy or get in a heavy mood, this brings back denseness that I am familiar with… that is all there is to it, it is familiar. I enjoy the feeling of expansion in my particles and my self worth, over the years, the lightness I feel, feels more me and yet I still go for the heavy at times. I feel when we get stuck on the human, on the creation, on the issues and emotions, we get stuck in the holding on and heavy. However, energy is everything and when I honour that I feel energy, I feel light.

  682. Luz I love the way that you have explored the impact of ‘holding on to things’ on us as well as giving loads of examples of how we can do that. It is ironic that we tend to do this in an attempt to be more in control and more safe, yet this is just like driving whilst attempting to hold on to our mobile phones, it stops us from being fully aware and responding freely, so is actually not very safe nor very wise. Besides it is a great reminder that what we are bracing ourselves against could “have the potential to awaken us to a greater and deeper understanding of why we are currently living on this planet and choosing to be much less than who we truly are”.

  683. Awesome Luz, you so practically explain something that I have never given enough thought to. I have realised that my whole life up until quite recently I have been holding on to the idea that being a man I need to be tough and be ready for the bumps or possible fights and that being gentle and tender was for girls and lesser men. How wrong could I be and through Universal Medicine it is a lot easier to let go of old ideas and beliefs that no longer serve any purpose at all.

  684. I have done this and I do this and I now know I do this….”Is it not then an illusion to pretend we can hold onto things, have control over outcomes and keep living comfortably aloof from the astonishing order and mystery of the universe?” I am still controlling in life, or attempt to be, I can still feel the pull to be in human ‘control’ rather than be truly open to all that the universe shares without any conditions. Why this happens, I am still working on!

  685. I work as massage therapist and much of what work with, with clients in ‘holding on’, the compensations from pain, the movement patterns, they have come from a way of moving, do we move open an confident or do we move guarded and holding onto hurts and assumptions and issues. Many of us carry our stuff with us everywhere we go, I can see it in a shoulder slumped or pushed forward, a hand that is unwilling to unclench a a head pushed forward in drive and doing. Posture and the way the connective tissue is habitually used, are very clear examples of holding on.

  686. The Esoteric Breast Massage modality EBM, for me has been a great resource to support me to feel the holding I have in my body. The way the practitioner places the arms ready for the session, allows us to feel the tension and control that is held there. When I had my first EBM I was staggered because I could feel hardness, a shield across my heart area, I had no idea it was there until I felt it that day. It feel like protection and holing on to hurts, I am letting those go, but wow! I am forever grateful to myself for me being open to this modality and to the practitioners who have offered it with such care and integrity.

  687. Since being introduced to the work of Universal Medicine i have become more aware of my body and how truly sensitive it is, I can now feel levels of holding within my body that I would have overlooked before. Today I am amazingly grateful for these markers, these aches and pains that show me when i am choosing to be anxious or holding onto burdens and worries.

  688. Luz like you my understanding of “holding onto” has changed significantly, its clear though that as a society we are all educated to “hold on”, we see this as the answer, the security and what is safe for us. However its the hurts we hold onto that actually harm us, hold us back from living everything we innately are. Therefore to hold onto anything is already setting ourselves up not to evolve and not to live with the joy of the universe that is always expanding.

  689. Reading this blog brought up something from when I was eight years old that was buried in there someplace. It was the night I went to bed and was not sure the world would be there in the morning! It was the Cuban Missile Crisis, 26 October 1962. The evening news was about the US President throwing down the gauntlet to Russians to cross the line that had been drawn. This was the closest the cold war had come to full on global thermal nuclear war. The two biggest kids on the block were toe to toe saying I dare you! What has a whole generation of children including myself been holding on to from this night?

    1. I was nine years old and I remember that Crisis. I feel that it placed me on the path of peace. I always knew that I did not want to fight or go to war. I was also the biggest kid on the block, literally and I am still dealing with issues around many of the illusions life has thrown at me.
      After 12 years of being a Student of The Livingness my feeling is that the more open I am to healing, the more Issues that arise for me to heal!

  690. Thankyou Luz for an amazing read on how we hold on for dear life the things we do not wish to let go off. I certainly know this habit, we humans like to hold onto what is familiar, in other words, we like to hold onto our comfort. We just have to take a good look around our houses and see how much unnecessary stuff we hold onto that we no longer use, nevertheless, it takes up a lot of space which is simply a reflection of all the old we hang onto in our bodies. It has been an absolute blessing recently when I moved out of my flat of 14 years, as I let go and cleared so much within and without!

  691. Luz, this blog has really stopped me in my tracks as I realise how I have held on and am still holding onto some things in my daily living.. I can relate to “holding on” feeling like a denseness in the body as i know when I hold onto my expectations or control it feels heavy in my body.
    This is such a great sharing that i will need to ponder on some more.

  692. Thank you Luz Helena Hincapie for getting us to actually examine what we are grasping onto and why. Through the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon, I have been empowered to recognise all those places where I have been and still do hold tight to a form of density because I have closed down to the bigger picture and the beauty of my own light. The more I learn to let go, open up and trust God, myself and other people, the more I allow myself to evolve and that is an amazing feeling.

  693. As we are a part of the Universe which is always expanding, to ‘hold onto’ whatever goes against this/our natural flow. To be able to do so we have to call in an energy that is in contrast to our origin. Now we are so familiar and ‘holding onto’ our creations that it can look like that we lost our connection totally. But this is not truth – we never lose our connection to who we truly are and belong to and so our body reflects the tension and disharmony of our separating actions.

  694. It is fascinating that feeling light in our bodies and in our entire being is a very delicious way of being yet still we seek denseness and heaviness. It seems as though in our world today it is easier to be dense and heavy than light and aware. But awareness is far more empowering than dullness and numbness.

  695. Very well said, Luz. Holding on is indeed a common illusion that disconnects us to the harmonious flow of life in connection to God and all that lives within his body. We feel that we must hold on in order to get by, to whatever that is, and yet the act of surrender puts us in touch with something that we know so well, that is all-encompassing and ever loving. Our bodies can let go of any tension once we live in this way.

  696. Love this Luz, that we are holding onto denseness. It makes sense of the holding on so tightly often to things and behaviours we know do not support the body to be light. We are also holding onto individuality and identification with being a person rather than an energetic being. Surrendering of what we have created as a playground for the senses rather than letting ourselves be in our full glory as a Son of God.

  697. While I was reading this I was struck by both the term ‘letting go’ and also ‘letting people in’. When we stop holding onto the image of how things should be, could be, we want them to be etc… then we can participate once more in the natural flow of life and truly observe what is happening around us and inside us.

  698. I used to love roller coasters. But now, even just for couple of minutes, the deeply unnatural pressure of ‘holding on’ is a horrible feeling that lasts in my body way beyond the end of the ride.

    1. I have never liked that feeling of holding on for dear life but not until now have I realised that its because there is no control and because my body gets such a big dose of tension in it and as you say its not over when the ride is over… it stays with you for days. When I think about it like this, I think its traumatising and we pay for this in the name of fun?!

  699. This is such a great blog. So much in here. It reminds me of a game we used to play as kids. Stand in a door frame and push your arms against the edges of the door frame. Hold it for about a minute and then step out from the door frame and your arms, now free from the constraints of the frame, fly up in to the air. I know that this is different but it is the same impression. If we let go, life becomes so much lighter. What is brilliant about what you are saying is that we actually have to hold stuff in to maintain this illusion of control. We are consciously carrying extra weight. Masses of it. Could this be why most of us are so exhausted and undeniably addicted to caffeine?

    1. Otto that is so cute, I remember doing that in door frames as a kid (and let’s face it, I’ll give it another go today!). This is exactly what letting go feels like, that incredible and almost miraculous lightness. 🙂

  700. Luz this is a wonderful article. I can very much relate to this ‘holding on’ in life and I can feel how much I want to control things and am learning, slowly, to let go. When I am not controlling things life flows and feels so much more lovely, but when I’m controlling and holding onto things there is a tension and a hardness and I do not feel like me – gentle and sweet and lovely.

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