Adding Up

Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility.

Let´s compute just for the fun of it, to get an idea how many choices we have made to arrive at this point in time, this very moment in our life right now. In my case this is Monday, 9 January, 2017 at 7.33pm.

As it is impossible for my brain to even start thinking about the time span of a moment, I will settle for seconds so let´s assume we make one choice every second. I am 50 years and 41 days old today.

  • Fifty years equal 18,250 days, plus 41 add up to 18,291 days.
  • 18,291 days total 438,984 hours, plus another 19 hours today, total up to 439,003 hours.
  • 439,003 hours are composed of 26,340,180 minutes, plus 33 minutes today comes to 26,340,213 minutes.
  • 26,340,213 minutes equals 1,580413e9 seconds.

Um well, as I am not a math wizard, I don´t even understand the number and I am seriously wondering what the ‘e’ is doing there. Nevertheless, I understand we are talking around about 1.5 billion choices that have led me to this point in my life; and I am inescapably the product of these choices, like it or not.

Applying the axiom, ‘Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility’ combined with my personal math version of the rule of three, I come to the conclusion that:

Moments = Choices

Choices = Responsibility

Responsibility = Moments

1,580413e9 moments of responsibility. That´s a lot!

We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.

When I think about it this is a bit overwhelming, my mind gets foggy in the attempt to grasp the magnitude of so much responsibility and would honestly like to escape the next moment of responsibility – but too late, tick, tick, tick… one moment of responsibility after the other ticking away and not a single gap to come up with anything to release me from it.

But wait a moment; if my life is the sum total of all these moments and I am the one who has made all the choices, and every choice comes with a certain quality, either wise or unwise, shaping my life, wouldn´t that mean I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be?

If so, responsibility would equal power. Hey, that´s not so bad after all… or is it?

Maybe the challenge is not so much in being responsible but in wielding one´s power wisely knowing that with every breath, thought, word and action we are affecting ourselves and consequently everyone and everything around us. In that sense, we are literally the creators of our own world.

Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master. And we may ask how many people actually do live lives that are deeply fulfilling, healthy, vital, abundant, harmonious, loving, purposeful and joyful etc., assuming that this is what most, if not all, people actually would like life essentially to be.

To me this seems to be a rare thing and looking at humanity worldwide we can say without doubt, something is going terribly wrong.

Okay, when we do our maths here correctly, it simply means that the predominant number of choices we make are not so wise in relation to our overall wellbeing and people in general. Considering our power and responsibility we may ask: what are we going to do about it?

Our awareness may not be capable of clocking every single moment, every single choice, but that is not necessary. There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love. Therefore, will we reassess the quality of our choices and deepen the level of love and care for us and others on a moment-to-moment basis to the best of our ability? Or will we simply continue in the momentum of the billion loveless and irresponsible choices we have made up to this point?

The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility.

Finally something is adding up – there is a simple formula to living life.

* Brain dictation in use. Please excuse arithmetical errors, typos and digits that this program is under the impression I have calculated.

By Alex Braun, Health Practitioner, Cologne, Germany

Further reading:
Taking True Responsibility For My Behaviour
‘It Was Meant to Be’ and ‘Everything Happens for a Reason’
Responsibility Redefined – It’s in the Quality and not the Action!

672 thoughts on “Adding Up

  1. We are no victims of life, are we ready to claim being a master, ‘Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.’

  2. Alex, there is much to ponder over this sharing. It just goes to show we waste so much energy, it kind of feels like that hamster who runs around in a wheel and goes no where, but exactly where they first started!

    There is a depth to this sentence, ‘every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility’. This is a huge responsibility without making it arduous either. So every choice matters as it affects everything and everyone, we do have a responsibility then.

  3. Agree Alex, it is not the number but the quality of every choice and in every moment we have the choice to align to love – or not.

  4. Thank you Alex, when we bring in the understanding that we are all responsible for the way we start our day and the enriching way we take that first step or breath when we get out of bed then we start to feel the grander purpose and responsibility for every moment that is available to us as a way of living, so we can evolve.

    1. Every moment we have a choice, what are we choosing in those moments, ‘Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility’.

  5. Only a master of masters can take the opportunities on offer and not use them for growth but in fact use them to go backwards. “In that sense, we are literally the creators of our own world. Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.”

    1. Henrietta I love reading other people’s perspective on how they receive the blog. In deed we are creators of our own lives, many have become experts of being victims. When the opportunity to evolve passes by again and again and we have to keep doing it till we finally get it.

  6. “We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it. ” – And each moment is then an opportunity presented to us – an opportunity to grow and evolve.

  7. There is a formula that just repeats itself over and over like the cycles of the sun and the moon within which we live. Time to surrender to that which is happening whether we choose to be aware of it or not.

    1. Absolutely Lucy, as we surrender we change our level of intelligence and start to understand how we speak magnetically pulls in the Universality we can all connect to.

  8. “…. so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.” Realising that in every moment we have a choice and if we choose to accept that responsibility then we are the Masters of our world.

  9. In truth there is really only one moment, the moment we are in in the moment, and therefore ever only one choice, which is to be love or not, as everything else follows from that choice. Simple, really.

    1. I love the simplicity of that. So many people talk about being in the moment but there is a further choice once we are in that moment and that is what quality are we choosing?

  10. This really adds up! Thanks Alex, it’s a great read. When we dissect life this way we see the enormity of each choice, and our responsibility not just in the outcome but to the world.

  11. I love what you have presented here, Alex, and it certainly does away with the often-heard cry of ‘I didn’t have a choice’. When I realised that in every single moment I have a choice it totally rearranged the way I looked at my life and in doing so I finally claimed the responsibility I have in every one of those moments; a huge responsibility but one that I have finally stopped running away from.

    1. Yes, in every single moment we have a choice, this really brings back the power and responsibility.

  12. “” There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love. Therefore, will we reassess the quality of our choices and deepen the level of love and care for us and others on a moment-to-moment basis to the best of our ability? Or will we simply continue in the momentum of the billion loveless and irresponsible choices we have made up to this point?”” Thank you for all that you have shared Alex, love it. Such truth in all its simplicity Thank You.

    1. Knowing that our every choice not only affects us, but also those around us, ‘knowing that with every breath, thought, word and action we are affecting ourselves and consequently everyone and everything around us.’

  13. A great blog to re-read, bringing a welcome reminder that energetically everything affects everything and the importance of the quality of our choices to deepen unto love in every moment, brings either harmony or disharmony to all.
    “Therefore, will we reassess the quality of our choices and deepen the level of love and care for us and others on a moment-to-moment basis to the best of our ability?”

  14. I had a session with a Universal Medicine practitioner last night and came to see how areas of my life are very irresponsible (despite appearances of being a very responsible person). This blog is great to read today as it reminds me that every single moment is a choice to be responsible or not, and by responsible i mean to live a moment choosing love as its foundation.

    1. That takes responsibility to a whole new level and away from the surface level right and wrong by an outside measure and standard of acceptability.

    2. Choosing love over all else, ‘ There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love.’

  15. Absolutely well said : ‘Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.’
    This could be totally different, live life as a master. How than would the world reign?

  16. I love numbers, even though I am with you Alex in not knowing what that last number really means in quantity, it says a lot in quality. It says to me that every moment I make in every second is a configuration that is within my body and the more I choose to move in that way, whether it is love or not, that configuration either gets stronger or changes. So those numbers to me are repetitions, how much we have repeated movements and how many opportunities we have had to change them.

  17. Quite overwhelming to look at those numbers as moments of responsibility/power. Even if we say ‘No thank you’ it doesn’t change the fact and we are still left with moments of choice and if we are not choosing love ourselves, we are allowing something else to take its place. We are the occupants of those moments/space and what we occupy that space with affects the whole. And I can feel the overwhelm for me comes from this knowing that there’s no break from this, that it is constant.

  18. When we really accept the fact that we are the creators of our own world (and the world in general) also a true sense of the magnitude of responsibility emerges and with it an empowerment of what we are capable of.

    1. Well said Alex – there is much beauty to behold in responsibility when we feel the hand we have in what is around us. We are not small in this, we are not small and meaningless in the Universe but we are told this, that we are far less than God and never taught that we are equal to the stars.

  19. You are right Alex – we have so many moments and each one is a choice and we are in fact the sum of our choices, so lets make sure that we are being totally aware and responsible for this.

  20. While it is a fact that every moment is a choice and thus a responsibility that is not necessarily our awareness in every moment, ie. the way we experience and live life doesn´t necessarily honour the fact. Hence there is a path of return to embrace the fact in full until we match it with our livingness, meaning that our every move (without perfection) is in alignment with the universal truth that we all are the parts that make the whole and therefore contribute to the whole in the same quality that constitutes the whole by divine design.

  21. There is no burden or heaviness about responsibility when this formula is understood and applied. A choice to be the love that we are made of. This is very simple and any resistance is futile and a choice to not be love.

    1. A beautiful choice, choosing to be love, ‘will we reassess the quality of our choices and deepen the level of love and care for us and others on a moment-to-moment basis to the best of our ability?’

  22. “And we may ask how many people actually do live lives that are deeply fulfilling, healthy, vital, abundant, harmonious, loving, purposeful and joyful etc., assuming that this is what most, if not all, people actually would like life essentially to be.” We like the idea of life just being what it is randomly and that we don’t have much say in how our lives are because otherwise we would change it, right? But the blog above shows how we actually make choices all the time and that we have to ask ourselves what we are choosing when we don’t live the fulfilling, healthy, vital, abundant and so forth life that is available to us all.

  23. When we live Truth and make this our consistent way of living we are living with responsibility not only for ourselves but for others equally too.

  24. For many years so much of life just didn’t add up, no matter how hard I tried to change the formula. But looking back I can now see that the formula was in the first instance way too complicated and in the complication, I simply lost myself, not taking responsibility for the choices I was making and blaming others for most of what went ‘wrong’. I can also see now that the formula for life is actually very simple, one based on love and a total responsibility for every single choice I make. Now this is the way I love to live.

    1. The body loves simplicity and harmony whilst the mind thrives on complication and if chosen over the body communication, creates a very disharmonious, irresponsible blaming way of being..

  25. Choices taken responsibly for the benefit of all equals power, which offers the choice to have the power to choose responsibly.

  26. Yes – even making things complicated is multiplying the choice to be irresponsible, simply because we know what to do and not to do. Complication is simply said indulging in unknowingness, knowingly so, how silly. But we all do that.

  27. What you have presented here offers so much to ponder on “We are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.” Well, for so much of this life my accountancy skills were not that great and I always seemed to be building up a debt here and there, but since coming to understand I have a choice in every moment this is gradually beginning to change. In fact, I love that in every moment I have the opportunity to make a different choice and to also know it is the energetic quality of that choice which will determine what comes next.

  28. It is scary to think about how many times we can choose – ie a choice a minute. But what is great in this sharing is that it presents the fact that with each choice we either choose love or not love. Simple as that

      1. Every moment is an opportunity to make new choices, to re-imprint our old choices with more loving choices, if we so choose.

  29. The life we create requires constant action from our side. Our constant choices have to be in sync with it. Otherwise, it just falls down. This is true even for those cases when we feel life sucks.

  30. With all those choices (no matter what our age) we have much we have experienced and are responsible for – thank you Alex for your scientific equation. It is an empowering to confirm just how powerful we are everytime we feel that choice we made towards love and how that feels in the body.

  31. I love the concept introduced here that we are accountants for our own lives and that introduces responsibility and our choices and the beautiful thing here is no-one can dictate those choices, we choose and it really comes down to whether our choices are from love or not, and it’s a forever choice for us to make … in each moment we have a choice.

  32. Every moment is a choice, every choice brings responsibility, with responsibility comes freedom. With every moment is the opportunity for freedom.

  33. Love it Alex, taking the complication out and keeping it simple. Choose love and all else will follow.

  34. Wow that’s a lot of choices to be making every moment, but I wonder how many of my choices are responsible and true? Something to ponder on there…

  35. What I learned from this blog is that though we may make choices that are not so loving we can always go back and correct that choice with a more loving one. Our so called ‘bad’ choices do not define us as they can always be corrected.

  36. Powerful message Alex, you share what is being so obviously there, but we have been so in denial. Good to come back to the reality and truth of what is there right in front of our eyes. Thank you. More for us to see and talk about (and so to live accordingly..).

  37. I love the maths Alex… You obviously have another profession waiting for you if ever you choose… And what a blessing it would be for children to be taught by you.

  38. When it’s broken down to having two choices in every moment, you can bring in the simplicity life can be lived in. Hmmm, makes you wonder why we choose such complexity.

    1. I ask myself that question often Kim, usually when I start to feel the weight of complexity beginning to drag me down. Keeping life simple is actually very easy to do once we have made the commitment to the simplicity, as no longer are we weighed down with the complexity, but feeling very light and liberated instead.

  39. It’s so true Alex that if we try to think about all the billions of moment by moment choices we are responsible for – past and to come, it blows the mind. But to focus on the next choice we make being a caring, loving one is more doable -each one laying a foundation for the next, supporting us to choose love the next moment too.

  40. It’s beautiful to feel the power in responsibility. We literally change the world with our choices.

  41. Absolutely, there is no room for complication in this equation and it makes so much sense. We are the creators of our own woe or joy, so it is just a question of stepping up and take every moment as our next conscious choice.

  42. What I love about this is that there is a fresh moment, a new opportunity, every second of every day. We can choose in an instant to arrest ill patterns of behaviour and start a path of change and, when we slip up, caught by an ingrained pattern, the next moment is waiting for us to choose again.

  43. A word so Soulfully and true : heaven. Showing us that there is only one way we can truly heal, that is by living by the knowing that we are here to not be here and stand tall and rise higher than the current level we are living in. Thank God for Serge Benhayon who has been showing us the way since 1999.

  44. I want to smile at the humour you have presented this in but there is something deeply halting about what your theory has shared. Every moment we have a choice to be aware that the choice we make has a ripple effect and we have a choice to consider the consequences of that ripple effect. Do we even stop to consider that?

  45. Responsibility often appears to be something big ahead of us like a mountain to climb or a load to carry, a seriousness and bracing for how we need to handle the situation, but actually it is just choosing the quality of the next moment, the next movement, right now – love or not love. And then the next moment and so on… And some moments later when we have developed a momentum of loving choices we may realise that love is carrying us like the wind under our wings and that responsibility in truth feels very powerful.

    1. Great point Alexander it is just one step and one moment at a time and not needing to get caught up in thinking what is ahead as this will all be taken care of by the choices we make now.

    2. What I love about this is the total redefinition of the word ‘responsibility’ from something serious and heavy, to actually something light but powerful. It is bringing our all, being completely ourselves, moment to moment, unfettered by our past choices, beliefs, judgments, protection or anything else that we might choose to put in the way of the natural connection to love that we all have, and our natural ability to emanate it.

  46. Wow, wow and wow…if this is not evidence that through our bodies the quality of life we live is determined, then we clearly are choosing to avoid the truth. From what you have shared here Alex, you bring to light the power that is available for all of us to live in every single moment, if we are willing to embrace it. The responsibility is ours as to what vibration we align to in each and every moment, as it is the vibration of love that our body and being shines the greatest with.

    1. It is our natural to to be the ‘vibration of love that our body and being shines the greatest with’ and in accepting this it is clear and simple that all we have to do is let go of the patterns of behaviour that interfere with this natural.

  47. The fact that is choice to be love or not is very confronting. Because in the love-less momentum I have wanted to believe that I can stop the acess to that choice to be love. But really I can only constantly convince or force myself to believe that I can’t just switch like a light switch. That all my efforts in unloving choices had some impact. Nope, the choice to be love and acess my power and responsibility has always remained equal to choosing everything that is not love.

    1. Very true Leigh and it is very confronting to know that essentially at every and any given moment we have the choice to be love or not and we have always had this choice. Which means accepting how often we have not chosen love when we so easily could have. But now we consciously know this we have the repsonsibility to live it in full and so can show others they also can choose love.

  48. We have a beautiful responsibility to be us; truly energetic beings with a will that ends in making certain choices. Let those choices come from honouring who we are – that is the most healthy way of living.

  49. How beautiful it is to take the opportunity to ponder that every fine detail of our lives can be an opportunity to share who we are within our every step, word spoken and expression made. How awesome life can truly be when we consider the magnitude of our life lived via the quality of our movements made in every moment. Thank you Alex.

  50. Great blog Alex thank you for sharing the moments with us. Wow what a responsibility we have in every moment; in each moment we can ask the question – is it love or is it not love, the choice is ours.

  51. Our choices add up to the sum total of our life, in every moment we care to take stock and even and especially if we don’t. There is no escaping it, not in time and not geographically, not by changing jobs or having cosmetic surgery. Taking responsibility and making different choices, if needed, is the only get out of jail card here.

  52. Great article Alex. Taking responsibility is simple when we bring our love to each moment.

  53. This blog makes a great point: although we are the creators of our life, we still have the feeling that we are victims of life (and hence of others). If we put two and two together, we get to realize that even when we get to be a victim of others, it was us placing ourselves in a path that led us there.

  54. This comment cracked me up “…but too late, tick, tick, tick….”, talking about choices slipping away. I find this notion very liberating that each second brings a whole new choice as we ALWAYS have the power to turn our life around, every moment is a fresh new opening.

  55. We are literally creators of our own world as you say Alex, ‘I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be?’ What a responsibility.

  56. Every moment is a responsibility really brings it to the point. A formula for life, very simple without any razzamatazz.

  57. Every moment is a fresh opportunity to commit in full to life and to being who we truly are, to deepen the love that we live and hold all others in, to learn and understand more about everyone and everything. Seeing responsibility like that helps blow away any cobwebs of thinking that it is a burden.

  58. No self-bashing, only an opportunity to choose again in every moment, and appreciation that we are choosing love.

  59. I used to feel the weight of having to make the ‘right’ choice all the time. Now I feel the beauty and grace in knowing any moment offers a choice meaning that at any point in time I can change my course or alignment. So simple and yet so powerful and empowering.

  60. “There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love.” And we have a choice in every moment to move with love – or not.

  61. The beauty of our movements is that we make many of them throughout our day and yet no matter the size of the movements whether it be as simple as moving a hair from our eyes or doing the laundry, each movement in itself is then vitally important. It is then an expression of quality, which brings us back to our choices and how we move and the responsibility to move in a way that not only supports who we are but also respects all others and this is a very cool way to discover and understand the world at large.

  62. This is such a piece of gold Alex you are presenting here. Knowing and taking the responsibility of every action thought and expression we are making is huge for many people, but for me also the only way to really change something in this world. What if no one starts on that? Always bringing it back to oneself in not pointing out to another and blaming the world needs to be practised as we are so used to that. It is much more uncomfortable and confronting but for me the key to a life that I choose the quality for.

  63. Knowing that every moment is not just a moment but comes with a responsibility can seem overwhelming at first, but the more we take this into the equation the more we can see that it makes total sense. We have a choice at every moment to change the way we are living, be more caring and loving towards ourselves and each other, this is a responsibility we tend to ignore or give little thought to.

  64. I have never really liked Maths, I would zone out when it was too complicated for me to understand but this Maths is awesome! Love the fun approach and I actually understand the equations. It made me sit up and think about every choice I was making, even while I was just reading, the way I was sitting, how I was breathing, so many choices, it can be a viewed as a burden or felt as the freedom it truly is, as we are always offered a fresh start, in every second of everyday.

  65. So many choices… And yet really comes down to one choice… To be who we truly are, and when we allow it, the path unfolds in front of us

  66. A billion and a half choices so far, but the next one is the important one, and the next, and the next… one by one building us the platform on which we live.

    1. Great to know the responsibility (known or unknown) we had in the choices we made until this point, and great to know that we can bring love from now on to the next ones. Nothing to repair, lots to learn and much more to grow through our choices when we are aware of the fact of responsibility in our lives.

    2. Absolutely-The great thing is, even we might have made many choices, we would choose now otherwise, we can make NOW a new one. Everyone can start now- there is not a blame you need to pay off. The soul patiently waits until we make the choice to give her its voice. So why waste any more moments?!

  67. We are getting more aware of what we choose and what this is adding up in our lives. We are responsible for the way we choose to live and the effect this has on others.

  68. I love that we always get a new moment to choose differently, even if in the last one we stuffed things up.

  69. A great reminder to start the day knowing that each moment gives us an opportunity to choose deep care for ourselves and others regardless of what our past choices have been. We can choose to delay in the uncomfortable comfort or be wise and make our choices from love moment to moment, so how will my day look today if I approach each moment and choice with responsibility and with love?

  70. My mind boggles when I read these numbers but it all adds up to a lot of sense. Thank you Alex

  71. ” interestingly enough though , so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master”
    When I read this I thought of the saying ” you have made your bed now you can lay in it ”
    As explained by Alex the important bit is ” you have made your bed ” so the opportunity is to make the bed that supports the true you to be you.

  72. Alex I love the joy you share, it has me feeling the joy. And what an incredible blog, letting us feel the the power we hold in every second. I loved it.

    1. Yes I agree Kim, what Alex shares here bought a stop moment to me, I then considered the quality choices I had made throughout my day.

  73. This morning as I read your blog Alex, I felt to observe and appreciate the choices I have made that have got me to this point, some which have not been so easy, some of which I would have liked to have chosen differently but there are so many to be appreciated. I find it so easy to focus on what I haven’t don’t or when I didn’t choose love or when I thought I was choosing love but in fact I was holding expectation of others and therefore being judgemental. Appreciation is so important even of the little things because it is this appreciation that takes us to the next moment.

  74. If I made choices that I did not like yesterday then I have a choice, I can go into self bashing and self crtitique which do not work or I can bring my focus to each moment and chose love in those moments instead. So many moments and so many opportunities – life is quite beautiful when we look at it this way.

  75. Gosh that is a lot of choices… And whatever way we work it out, we have the option again and again to make a choice that brings us closer to our inner hearts… Or not.

  76. Thank-you Alex for this playfully profound formula – what opportunity there is, moment to moment.

  77. When I’m ‘thinking’ responsibility I take it seriously, feel like there is a pressure and how? It’s all about me. When I consider the possibility that every moment of my choices also ripples out to everyone there is a totally different response from my body, the mind disengages and the heart murmurs ‘of course’ and wouldn’t have it any other way – when given the choice.

  78. Responsibility is not hard or overwhelming when I am still and present. It is however at times confronting and challenging to feel the areas in my life where I have been unwise with the power I hold, and therefore irresponsibility has been a choice, not a fore gone conclusion.

  79. “Maybe the challenge is not so much in being responsible but in wielding one´s power wisely knowing that with every breath, thought, word and action we are affecting ourselves and consequently everyone and everything around us?”
    To ponder upon this question is to face ones irresponsibility and then to begin to explore being wise with the power we hold.

  80. When we focus more on the ‘what is’ it feels easier to build on this, when we focus on the what is not it is like we put on a record called ‘the subtle self bash’ track and we leave that playing quietly in the background until the moment we clock it and come back to more caring choices.

    1. So well said Fiona, I know from experience that to self bash is to guarantee to stop understand and the responsibility that this brings.

  81. There is something so refreshing about reading this blog as it shows how many opportunities we have to choose love. It feels like we so often focus on what is not love without bringing true value to our moments that are from love.

  82. It can feel daunting when I feel my build up of loveless choices. But reacting only keeps me making more of them! I am amazed that the loving choices I make seem to wipe out the steps and choices made that are not love. In this I don’t have to go back and fix things, only go forward in love.

  83. The way you have put this Alex makes clear that we actually have the power of creating or co-creation at our fingertips and it is simply about our choices in any moment of time. Wow, that is true responsibility.

  84. I find in moments when I am not choosing love that coming back to my movements supports me to reconnect and get a more measured perspective on things.

    1. Love, Responsibility and Power all achieved in how we walk. The simplicity in this highlights how complicated we’ve made human life.

  85. The basic two options we can choose, love or anything that is not love is simple, yet hard choice at times, even though when you look at it should be a total no brainer. It is like choosing to watch Tv and check out for a while or doing some evolving reading, the reading may take a little more effort but it doesn’t suck the life out of us.

    1. Sure Kevin, the choices are actually very simple if we realise the consequences of these. If we become aware that some choices sucs the life out of us and become honest with that we have the power to make different choices from then on. That is the power we have at our fingertips.

      1. Yes, we have the opportunity to learn from all our choices or we can shut ourselves down and numb ourselves from feeling what is really going on.

  86. I re-read this today from start to finish and then found myself reading the paragraphs backwards just to be sure I got what there was to get this morning. It is as simple as 2 choices, love or not love and even though we cannot at this stage be aware of every moment, we can make the initial choice to choose love and the awareness will build. “Or will we simply continue in the momentum of the billion loveless and irresponsible choices we have made up to this point?”

  87. We complicate things an awful lot but the essence of it is that as you say here Alex – we have 2 choices – love or not love. When I look at the way I live with this filter it makes things pretty clear.

  88. It all comes back to responsibility. If I can take true responsibility for my actions then that is a huge gift to the world. But understanding that I am not perfect allows me to accept myself as I am and that responsibility is an ongoing thing. Always more to learn.

  89. It’s clear how much we have chosen the option of ignoring our choices and therefore ignoring the reasons why humanity is where it is at today. With each person that accepts they are a part of the greater whole, who chooses to be more aware about their choices, we begin to heal all the mess we’ve created. It’s not undoable, it just takes courage in accepting that perhaps we’ve got it wrong for a long time, and that perhaps there is another way.

  90. I love this axiom ; “Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility”. It is certainly our responsibility to align to the loving, truthful, inner wisdom energy that is available to each and every one of us in every moment.

  91. Every moment is a choice, and it’s not seeing the day as one big thing to go oh no – how am I going to get through today, what am I going to do today, but when you are like that, take each moment as it comes.

  92. Our movements are done in a vibration that is aligned to the Universe and God or in separation to that energy and that is before we make any choice!

  93. I like the way this blog forces us to fill in the gaps. Its not just about being on or getting it right for the big decisions in life, but to live with the same presence, focus, responsibility in all the gaps in between as well. That is those moments when we tidy up some rubbish when no one is looking, how we eat our food when we are alone, how we brush our teeth. Its all one, and each moment builds / adds to the next – and this is what absolutely supports those bigger decisions.

    1. Issues become far smaller when our intention is to approach everything with love and care. It is not about perfection or getting it right, it is about building a rhythm that supports us to stay steady so that when an issue or big decision is thrown at us we are not knocked sideways by it.

  94. Really we only have one choice each moment – which energy do we express / align to – love or not love – everything thereafter is a consequence.

  95. This is fantastic Alex. Words can hide and distort, but numbers will always be an absolute reflection.

    1. I love this too- in this case these numbers show the immensity of how many choices he could have made in his life. Sometimes the human mind needs these facts and get a little bit shocked to actually get aware of things it wants to keep in the closet.

  96. I love how you spell it out for us Alex…. gives humanity such a lot to ponder on. For instance, that we always have the choice to choose differently and the awareness that we are all equal in our given free-will.
    ‘There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love. Therefore, will we reassess the quality of our choices and deepen the level of love and care for us and others on a moment-to-moment basis to the best of our ability? Or will we simply continue in the momentum of the billion loveless and irresponsible choices we have made up to this point?’

  97. ‘so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master’ ..I have felt this too and now know the power we actually have and that nothing ‘just happens’. We have the ability to read life and from it learn which choices we have made. This empowers us to make different choices and each choice is an opportunity to change our lives.

  98. “The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility”; indeed Alex the choice is always ours and we live the sum of our choices.

    1. Yes a simplicity and a joy. The moment I go off target so to speak I bring in all sorts of complication and mess. Quite frankly it feels horrible.

  99. I find when caught up in being so busy that even a small thing like closing my eyes to check in for 10 or 20 seconds even reminds me that we constantly have that choice to do what we do in a way that doesnt allow stress to enter the body.

  100. Many times I have made choices and then thought that we move on, because our perception of time aids us to think time is lineal – but then come back to the same spot feeling the same way and thought “well if we aren’t going anywhere than life is about quality of expression and not achieving the small temporal goals we spend so much time wasting our energy on”

  101. I have never really stopped to consider how many choices I am constantly making. It actually makes me realise the power we have.

  102. I love your maths calculations Alex, I have never known them to be used so brilliantly with regard to responsibility. Your lighthearted approach to a serious topic has won my heart, and I will be calculating my countdown in moments and choices.

  103. With each choice that is more self loving and considers our connection to the all, the more we are empowered.

  104. ‘Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master’. And when we feel a victim of life and/or blame others, we do not seek truth at all, as we are choosing an energy that is not loving to oneself or others. When we seek truth, truth reveals itself, and the truth is, we are all masters returning.

  105. To know that we are the creator of our reality from the choices we are making in every second is definitely a life-changing revelation. It places responsibility firmly in our hands as there is no one else to blame for anything in our lives. And as you have shown there is certainly the potential for an endless number of choices over the course of our life, so let’s make these choices loving ones as the ones that are not bring us nothing but complication.

  106. Every moment adds up to a lot of moments in the day! That’s a lot of moments to choose something that will either be supportive or unsupportive. Hmmm… what’s the ratio balance of this during my day?

  107. I’ve had slightly less moments of responsibility, in that I’m not quite 50 yet but I look forward to the moments going forward because of knowing that everything is a choice and always has been a choice. The great thing about this is there is no blaming anyone for anything and beating ourselves up is also a choice we no longer have to make.

  108. It’s confronting to realise that every single moment there is a choice, and that for so so many of these, the choice we make it to check out! The freak-out that takes place… oh no, I don’t want to feel the magnitude of power that i have within me, that we all do, because if I make the choice to feel it in in this moment and then the next, I might just realise that this is what everyone else needs to see in me to be reminded of their own power – and so I would need to make that choice consistently, moment by moment. That would mean no more check-out moments, no more up with the fairies and tuning out to sweet old nothing. It would mean being on all the time, in the fullness of who we are.
    Something strange it is that’s running us for us to avoid the grandness that is available to us moment by moment.

  109. This brings into stark relief what happens when we check out… we think that we are taking time when we do not have to make choices or be responsible… but these moments count too. They all count. Every one of them. And they all add up to the product of who we are, what we have lived, where we find ourselves. Gorgeous, exposing and definitely adds up Alex.

  110. “The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility.” It is always supportive to be reminded and remind ourselves that no matter what down to the detail of our every movement it comes from us and they all matter and part of the whole.

  111. AN amazing adding up of our choices and all this exposes to us and I love the simplicity you got to that
    “The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility.Finally something is adding up – there is a simple formula to living life.” beautiful to feel and very empowering.

  112. When doing the maths we forget that 1 + 1 = 1 in the sense there is only Oneness (love) and then the ensuing duality we create when we drift away from this and thus create the more familiar equation that 1 + 1 = 2 (all that is love and all that is not).

  113. “If so, responsibility would equal power. Hey, that´s not so bad after all… or is it?” Its actually great to understand responsibility equals power, power that is used wisely with true responsibility. its when power is missed used with irresponsibility then it is harming.

  114. In being creators of our own world, with all the power that this brings, it is equally as important to remember the quality of the soul that lives not to make this a better or more satisfying place, but a place of learning from which we will all eventually rise from and be once again soul-full in every sense of the word.

  115. Around and around we go, how we go about that determines how that unfolds, we are ultimately responsible.

  116. ‘…wouldn´t that mean I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be? And therefore we have no excuse for life not being the way we want it to be – other than the fact that we are making choices to avoid being in our power.

  117. ‘If so, responsibility would equal power. Hey, that´s not so bad after all… or is it?’ – Alex this is brilliant talk about being Self-emPowered. When we don’t give away our power to an energy that is unwise as you say we are in complete power and we honour the responsibility at any given moment. I’m jumping on that ride for sure!

  118. This blog highlights how much we actually waste time. If we were to not waste a moment and committed to living love constantly our loves would be so very different. It’s interesting how we do not choose this.

  119. I came back to this blog because I’m attending Universal Medicine level 2 workshop and what you say here Alex is very relevant I feel to the course and what I have personally experienced.
    “We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.”
    I have come to my own understanding during the course where we are looking at childhood imprints that what you say is absolutely correct. I have discovered that actually we are all masters of energy and that actually from a very young age I manipulated my parents, siblings to get want I wanted in order to not fully participate fully in life, so I manipulated the family in order to keep myself small, run with self worth issues which I could then use to bash myself up that led to me living a life of protection separated from the divinity I knew myself to be. Universal Medicine really does have the answers to humanities malaise.

    1. So, so true Mary, level 2 Sacred Esoteric Healing is a real game changer, it turns your whole world upside down and sets one on a path of truth and unity with everyone. Serge Benhayon is the absolute master of finding the truth about how to undo those patterns we have developed to keep us from our soul connection.

  120. Thank you, Alex, for your light touch in absolutely exposing how we are indeed responsible with every breath, and are the Masters of the quality with which we choose to live together on this planet.

  121. Just completing some Sacred Esoteric Healing courses with Universal Medicine, this blog is making more sense. Every choice that is made comes from a quality we choose to move and live in… so it’s very clear that if the quality we are in is not loving then energetically how can our decisions and choices be anything but loveless.

  122. Moments or momentums? It is our responsibility to move in a way so that our movements in every way, will support our evolution. Then, the only choice comes back to the energy we align to, which is then the momentum we build through our movements. So, do we align to the wisdom of God or to the astral so-called intelligence that would want you to think that you have a choice? Do we even understand that through our ‘divine will’ we connect to God, then being in conscious presence with our movements, this supports us to be a divine reflection and thus a service to all humanity.

  123. From attending some Universal Medicine Workshops the last day Serge Benhayon has clarified the difference between choice and will. It is will whereby we align to a source of energy or consciousness via the way we move that then gives us a range of thoughts and choices we are free to make. In that sense we can say that every moment is an alignment or movement that defines the choices that follow hence, responsibility is in movement before it comes to choices. Changes the approach and dimension of taking responsibility.

    1. So it is infinitely more important to move in a way that keeps our connection to God and thus could it be that we have made over a billion movements away from God?

  124. I like how you bring it to the quality of all our choices Alex, love or not love, responsibility or not responsibility. Simple and profound in their difference.. and the impact they have on us as individuals also on us as a humanity.

  125. Once we realise the freedom that comes with responsibility and choices, we also start to realise how truly powerful we innately are and that we live a mere shadow of that power.

  126. We are certainly the creators of our own world Alex. Just having a sense of what we are bringing with us and being aware of in any moment or situation determines the consequences, and those consequences can spill onto further actions and thoughts for all around us. It would be an extraordinary world if we all chose responsibility for our every thought, word and movement to be love! It is beautiful what you have said: ‘Maybe the challenge is not so much in being responsible but in wielding one´s power wisely knowing that with every breath, thought, word and action we are affecting ourselves and consequently everyone and everything around us. In that sense, we are literally the creators of our own world.’

  127. This is so cool Alex and makes me stop and feel the fact that no matter how much we put in our own way – the obstacles and sabotage that becomes part of our life – it is to avoid and be with the power and responsibility we all innately are. This avoidance has not worked – we can see clearly the world is upside down and yet how many are actually living in a way that promotes or advocates true responsibility in a world of billions?

    1. Yes Lee, it is nothing more than avoidance of responsibility and choice. In the past I had felt that responsibility was an absolute chore and that being responsible was dull and boring. What I’m finding is that with responsibility comes a richness of life that is simply not possible when we indulge in irresponsible choices.

  128. There is a lot here for us to ponder, especially what you are calling out about responsibility, that everything that is happening to us in life is because of our own choices. Which can be a big one for us to accept.

  129. The simplicity of math brings a wisdom we cannot hide from. It certainly does all add up!

    1. Maths wasn’t something I was particularly interested in at school, but using maths in this way really does keep things simple and reveals a lot!

  130. I would absolutely love my life to be deeply fulfilling, healthy, vital, abundant, harmonious, loving, purposeful and joyful etc, and yet I still make many unloving choices that even seem to be pre-programmed into me even though I know they are not. So all it really does boil down to is the choice between what is and what is not love.

  131. I have been overwhelmed by the wave of realisation that I am responsible for the choice to live life with love or without. However, as I have accepted this responsibility more and more and seen the impact of choosing love in my life, it is more and more of a joy and no-brainer to open my arms to all that this responsibility invites of me.

  132. Describing responsibility as “..wielding one´s power wisely knowing that with every breath, thought, word and action we are affecting ourselves and consequently everyone and everything around us.” brings an appreciation of the difference each and everyone of us make, all the time, never is there a time when we are insignificant.

  133. A really powerful way at looking at how many choices (loving or not) we make during every single moment. It’s a scaringly big number, which says 2 things. We are given many moments in our life in which we can choose to make loving choices and we are also given moments in which we can choose to not make loving choices – the choice itself is up to us to make.

  134. You’ve posed a big question here Alex – why has it been designed for each day to repeat itself over, and over again? What are we here to do, or be, and why do we have thousands of minutes and hours at hand? These are important questions that we can ask ourselves all the time, particular when life seems pointless or without meaning – what’s our PURPOSE and how does that fit into the bigger picture of humanity, the world and universe?

  135. I have come back to this playful blog with a serious message. I am thinking about all the choices I can make in the next hour. It’s great to bring this awareness to the detail of the micro, because each little step adds up.

    1. Yes. And each moment lived with awareness of the constant choice we have to choose to live with love or without is a building block for a future that is founded on responsibility and the utmost care for each other.

  136. Thank you Alex – a powerful message to us that shows us that we are never not responsible and that we love escaping the fact and prefer going around it – whilst, actually responsibility equals power and so, we learn that it is a very positive thing once we start to become aware of the mess we are in.

  137. The choice is ours and so is the responsibility what an honest and very powerful knowing shared so beautifully Alex with all the adding up of our moments and the reality of our lives shown so clearly and our choices thank you . Its amazing to feel the power we all hold for ourselves and the world we live in and beyond.

  138. We can so easily be hard on ourselves for the choices we have made or we can take a moment to appreciate and then be honest about what else we need to look at.

    1. Indeed Fiona its easy to self bash over our choices, but what i love about what Alex is presenting here is in fact how giant the opportunities are to practice and master what is and what is not love.

    2. Yes Fiona and then often many many moments are spent in the self bashing over this when every moment simply offers an opportunity to then make a different choice. This has been an eye opener for me as I have wasted much time in the self bashing thinking it would somehow make me do better next time when all that is needed is to take the next moment to make a different choice. The self bashing has never done anything but delay that choice.

      1. Interesting though, knowing this how easy it is to slip into self bashing rather than accept what is done is done, learn from it and move on. I had an example of this on Saturday and it was so interesting to feel how even though I knew my ‘stuff up’ was really not a big deal, I somehow made it into a drama, to keep me away from feeling what was actually needed and going on from there.

      2. You make a big point here Fiona, you choose to make it a big drama in order to keep you from something. It is therefore a choice we wilfully make ourselves to align to the energy that will feed us those quality of thoughts. It is then wise to not look at the self bashing but rather at the point of evolution before us we are trying to avoid.

  139. It is kind of crazy to think ok so how many moments have I had the opportunity to choose love and not chosen it. What I do know is the more I choose love the more of a pull I have towards choosing love in the next moment. I also know when I have not been choosing love there is likewise a pull to not choose love the question here is how much and how willing am I going to be to choose love no matter what?

  140. Yesterday I had quite an intense day and I lost my connection to myself, I went into my head and got caught in what was going on outside of me. What’s great though is every day and in every moment of every day I have a choice to come back to my connection and feeling stillness within.

    1. I agree Fiona – no one choice to disconnect is our last chance – we have the ability to choose to come back every time, building a consistency in the choice so that we dont have to make that return connection so often.

  141. Every moment is indeed every opportunity to take stock of where we are at, the choices we have thus far made and to ever embrace the deepening responsibility on offer.

  142. ‘Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility.’ This is the mathematics of life.

  143. This is really amazing to feel – that we have the power to change our lives moment by moment and it is needed because as you say: “looking at humanity worldwide we can say without doubt, something is going terribly wrong.”. More technology is not working, more medicine is not working, actually some diseases are getting more and more intense – just to add a general lack of joy and vitality I see in the world. It makes sense to look at it from a different angle and maybe just maybe we can consider that our daily choices are not being made wisely, so and that that is adding up to how we feel and how we are living at the moment.

  144. 7 billion choice / moments of responsibility being made every second.. It makes you wonder about the potential here.

  145. Every moment can be like a single note in a song and once those notes (i.e choices) are all strung together they can create a harmonious rhythm that shares our living expression in it’s full spectrum of glorious colour. Our choices offer us a look into our lives and our path to loving evolution.

  146. I read this and was reminded of the pure simplicity of the fact that there are only two choices – Love and everything that is not love. That’s the only choice, from there you enter one corridor or the other corridor, you take the blue pill or the red pill, and from thereafter you will have a smogasboard of so-called ‘choices’ presented to you. All of which will simply be extensions from the quality chosen in the first place – either Love, or not.

  147. Many people may find fun to realize that we make soooo many choices in our lives.
    Not so many find fun the fact that choices are linked to responsibility though. This is because of the next realization: that you are responsible for the choices that you make and hence, that you are responsible for what you (can) become. This clashes frontally with the idea of victimhood. Yet, even if you make yourself the victim of something and you feel to be at its mercy, this is a sign of how powerful you are (and of the extent to which you can use your own power against you).

  148. ‘There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love.’ This is a simple but profound formula for living life.

  149. The more aware we are of each moment, the more expansive and spacious one day feels. This is quite the opposite of when we are checking out and feeling the rush and overwhelm of choosing such a state of unawareness.

  150. We can live our lives being totally unaware in life exactly how many choices we make all the time and how much these choices affect us, because we are making the choice not to be aware of the serious responsibility these choices carry.

  151. This is how math was meant to be used.. to deepen our understanding of life and confirm what we have already felt. Love it!

  152. Love the axiom…a simple formula, there is not doubt that we have choices, the potential to live with true responsibility and make every moment a choice of love and not self.

  153. “Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.”
    I spent many years feeling like the victim, identified by a childlike struggle and blaming everyone else for the isolation and ongoing sadness I felt. About 10 years ago I began to have some esoteric healing sessions and attend workshops with Serge Benhayon, no different from you blog here Alex, the writing was suddenly very clearly on the wall, I was not a child, I was an adult and my choices to indulge and be identified with struggle were all my own. So with a commitment to weave a crux ingredient – Self love into my day to day, I began to to stand taller; feel more claimed and began to appreciate myself for the fist time in years.

  154. There is another layer to this maths as well. In that what I have found to be true is that the more loving choices that I make then the simpler it becomes to make yet more loving choices. So with commitment, consistency and presence the balance of the equation shifts. So instead of it being a 50-50 choice, it becomes a 80-20, then a 90-10 and so on….Love feeds love.

  155. Huge numbers reduced to the simplicity of one choice. Love or not love. Such simple divinity can only have been designed by love, which is where we all come from…so perhaps there is in fact no choice, as there is only one answer – Love?

  156. Alex, great question; ‘we may ask how many people actually do live lives that are deeply fulfilling, healthy, vital, abundant, harmonious, loving, purposeful and joyful etc.’ From what I observe it is actually rare for us as a human race to be living vital, loving lives, it seems to be more common to be tired, even exhausted; to have relationships that are truly loving and for their to be tension and unease rater than harmony and flow.

  157. ‘Moments = Choices’ It’s easy to fill our moments with things that make us feel like we are making choices but not actually considering the quality of those choices.

  158. Every moment counts as it is a choice and a responsibility we have in the moment, when I am caught up in a rush there seems to be no moments for I am caught up in the momentum of time which take me away from my body my movements and every moment. So back to the body in that moment knowing that each choice affects all.

  159. Are we wise, do we consider ourselves wise? I would say for me wisdom lived in every day life has come from my openness to the fact that there is bigger plan, bigger picture, longer game at stake here, I know I was very caught up in the short term, selfish needs and gains…I have developed my relationship with wisdom though being in the moment more but also understanding that every moment builds what is to come.

  160. I love the way your maths pathway from moments to choices, choices to responsibility, then responsibility leads back to moments, thus completing the loop. Everything in nature follows a cycle, so it ,makes sense that this inescapable law returns to the same point and repeats over and over again.

  161. I’ve recently experienced wielding my power wisely and the effects have been beyond my belief. I have also welded it unwisely, also to great effect albeit detrimentally. I can no longer deny this power and see that I have done so by choosing it a little and then not. So imagine consistently using it wisely, what a huge difference this makes.

  162. We can never escape responsibility for it is asked of us and offered to us in every moment.

  163. Thank you Alex… An extraordinary reminder of choices, and ergo responsibility, for we are indeed the bearer of our choices and the consequences thereof.

  164. When we add it up there is not a nano second where we are not accountable for our choices. If we are that powerful then the question is if we are capable of this then why do we choose to resist such power?

  165. This shows that we are the sum of our choices. Often we can feel there is something more or a change needed but we don’t know how to get there, but is it possible that we have made 10 choices before that guarantee that by the 10th choice we don’t know where to go. It is interesting to take a few steps back and consider then whenever I feel ‘unclear’ about what do to.

  166. The numbers do add up which is why, in order to justify our errant ways (ignoring returning to the love that we are), we have mastered the art of clever subtraction – that is, reducing the vastness of the whole we are a part of (Soul) into one lonely fragment (the human spirit) that is on its own chosen trajectory (joyride) through life.

  167. Alex, I love reading your playful blog again. Life is pretty simple isn’t it? If we apply this equation that our choices equal responsibility then our world would be very different. At the moment the formula a majority of humanity is living from is, our choices equal irresponsible, hence why we are living in such a mess, full of illness and disease, plus massive conflicts in our homes and on a global scale. My feeling is that it is time we should all head back to the classroom to relearn the basics about life and this classroom can be our own homes.

    1. Absolutely Chan, If we could only grasp how children thrive on being given responsibility, how innately natural it is for us all, present them with the basics of life wrapped up in a playful maths class – they would undoubtedly be the masters leading the way….

  168. “The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility” what an amazing opportunity knowing this allows us all to realise and start to make loving choices that makes all the difference to each and every one of us by our joyful way of living and moving who we truly are.

  169. I love how you break down things to the simple fact that our choices are either loving or not loving. If we then look back at life and see that life is not how we would like it to be we can see what has been occurring and what we can do to change it.

    1. Yes, and how often is it that we don´t know how to change our life, where to start, how to overcome the seemingly overwhelming hindrances – but it just takes a small loving choice, and then another and another…. and we will experience change we were not even able to imagine.

  170. Great to have this down in detail Alex, because when will we truly get, truly understand and action, that we are responsible for every moment, and are responsible for what we create in every moment.

  171. It is not difficult to do the maths that taking responsibility supports the all while living a lesser reality ill-effects us all.

  172. The moments that we don’t account for with our full presence are moments without full responsibility that we must return to again and again until we do.

  173. It is not just the moments of responsibility. Each choice puts us on a different trajectory – 10 yes/no choices can have 1,024 different outcomes. Even 10 choices a day over a month can lead to drastically different outcomes as those of us who made major changes in a short time at least once in our while can attest to.

  174. “One moment of responsibility after the other ticking away and not a single gap to come up with anything to release me from it.” – yes Alex, there is no off switch to responsibility – it is there whether we accept and feel it or not.

  175. Ha, I like how you say we try to escape responsibility but that this is sheer impossible as there is no stop moment in our beingness. We are in every moment but in every moment we have a choice of the quality we are in.

  176. We can indulge in the magnitude of our chosen irresponsibility or we can look at these figures and see the wealth of second to second opportunity there is to grow and blossom.

  177. Alex , a cool blog ,breaking down and highlighting the importance of time as moments have in relation to our choices therefore our lives.

  178. There is a lot of discussion about responsibility at the moment which is brilliant. It is an opportunity to re-claim the truth about this word and what it looks like in our lives. It is respect, care, decency and having an all-encompassing view of the world. I am loving it.

  179. Love this Alex, statistics show us our group responsibility, your 1,580413e9 seconds brings it right to our door, numbers offer us an opportunity to take stock, to consider our current trajectory, you have playfully uncovered the ocean of opportunity we have before us on a day to day basis.

  180. It feels awesome to realise that we can change the way we live – and not become overwhelmed by numbers but use them as a marker of truth. Responsibility can be joyful when we embrace life more fully.

  181. Alex, thank you for bringing so much light to the topic of responsibility. I used to think that responsibility had a magnitude just too big, heavy and overwhelming for me and that I could just leave it for others to deal with whilst I would carry on with my irresponsible ways. What a great excuse! Recently I have been feeling the lightness and freedom that comes with responsibility. To have so many moments in my day to choose responsibility is freeing indeed.

  182. It’s easy to diminish the magnitude and consistency of our responsibility in the choices we make each and every moment – by checking out from life so it feels like the moments don’t exist and therefore there is no constant choice on offer.

  183. We seem to live life via big events or things that happen to us rather than being present in each moment or counting each moment as the same value as another no matter what happens. Given the seconds we’ve had in life (and for me it is a lot too) it brings it back to my attention of the endless possibilities we have to choose more responsibility.

  184. Thank goodness when something truly adds up in life. Responsibility is the most empowering choice in our lives. Thank goodness for responsibility.

    1. It is amazing to say this, to see it written, because it is commonplace to be artful at avoiding responsibility. Re-claiming this word and what it truly means feels very significant.

  185. Responsibility equals power makes responsibility feel less like a burden or chore and more like my choices Alex. And when you simplify it even further to.. “there feels only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love”, it could hardly be easier. Discerning the power of loving choices is all we need to do.

  186. “Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility” – and so every second counts.

  187. Every choice until now and every choice hereafter is touched by our choice in this moment.

  188. Knowing that my life is a result of my choices places the responsibility firmly with me, and not anyone else. And knowing that the big decisions I’ve made are a result of all the small, moment by moment decisions that have led up to it. There is no place for playing the victim when you can see and accept that.

  189. For a large part of my life I falsely believed I didn’t have a choice and that things just happened to me and I had this strange way of always ending up with like minded people doing the same stupid things. Now I realise that was such a cop out and that I always had the choice and I always will have the choice to either choose love on what is not love.

  190. This is such a great blog Alex, I love the fact that numbers cannot lie, in that every moment and every choice is registered as a part of the whole greater part. How you have shared your understanding has helped me to see how the choices I make each moment ‘add-up’ to the living moment or situation I may find myself in.

  191. “There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love.” Having been someone who always liked to take the middle ground, learning this was a big ouch! By choosing to stay indifferent, we are basically choosing to not make a firm commitment to something, and therefore not willing to take responsibilty for our choices.

  192. What I find fascinating is that my choices affected other people around the world, that means if I cherish myself and deeply take care of me, then this has a knock on effect and can be felt by all. This doesn’t feel like a burdensome responsibility but a magnificent opportunity to re imprint a world that has forgotten what love is.

  193. When I fluff up, stumble and trip I need to be honest with that but appreciate that there are many moments where I have chosen and continue to choose differently. This blog brings a lightness to choices as I can feel the joy that comes with each responsible choice.

  194. Yes Rebecca, every loving choice has a huge potential, and we can choose the next moment to be infused by love as well, or not. And clearly knowing our choice affects not just us that brings greater responsibility, and the understanding that even when we choose not to be in our power, we still affect everybody, with that lack of bringing all of who we are to that moment, and to those around us, and to the world at large.

  195. Free of an allusive point of attainment that I/we are trying to get to, I have been immensely inspired and transformed by the opportunity in every moment to be open to learning, practising and seeing the responsibility in my choices… it also continues to surprise me about how much fun this is.

  196. Every day of the year is under a motto, like’ world women´s day’, ‘mother´s day’ or ‘non-smoking day’ or else. If every day would be under the motto ‘make loving choices day’ all other mottos would be encompassed.

  197. Funny, light-hearted and wise Alex. I like it that we have a choice in every second of the day and night. And even when we sleep the quality of my sleep and my breath has to be a consequence of my choices during the day.

  198. If we commit to choosing loving choices in every moment possible just for one day it is enough to make a substantial difference to our lives. How would it be and where would we be if we were to choose this every day?

  199. This maths also shows us that we are forever living in cycles, and each moment we are creating the quality of the next. Moments = Choices, Choices = Responsibility, Responsibility = Moments. I have a renewed appreciation of the mathematics of life.

  200. Thank you Alex, indeed everything in life comes back to the simplicity of what we choose at any moment, do we choose to align to love or what is not love? there is no in between as we are always choosing whether we like it or not.

  201. “We are talking around about 1.5 billion choices that have led me to this point in my life; and I am inescapably the product of these choices, like it or not.” This realisation in itself brings a huge clarity about the power, responsibility and accountability we have for our lives. Everything on our planet reflects the science of cause and effect.

  202. I’m wondering… how did I spend my 86,400 seconds today? And why do we not squeeze every second out of life with everything we’ve got?

  203. Mmmmm I’m avoiding responsibility – it’s amazing the games we all play, the stories, the excuses, the delay, the going into our head to think about things, try work things out, debate, will I do this, eat that, etc etc – when really it’s all very very simple and everything is a simple choice we make.

  204. breaking these numbers down really highlights how ridiculous it seems to ‘hold onto’ dillems etc, when we are constantly offered moments / choices away from out woes.

  205. When love is put into the equation and the math’s of any truly loving situation is looked at, then the true power of love is not able to be calculated.

  206. When you look at life this way and then look again at the funny way we are with our personal finances, it starts to make a lot of sense. No wonder we don’t like to see the irresponsible behaviours that we have, and how we borrow more on credit when things don’t add up – because as you show Alex foundationally we are hiding from the sums of our every day. The end equation is written in our bodies, illness and suicide rates. This really is a zero sum game, if we carry on this way we will continue to create a deficit that builds each day till we have a debt that will seem too much to ever pay. The great news is we can stop the rot – starting with how we are now.

  207. Alex is great eye opener in what you share, there is no perfection required, just a constant choice in what energy we choose to align too, either love or not love. Its that simple and depending on what we choose will be the experiences we have.

  208. Love it Alex, if we add up all the choices that we must revisit because they were not done in love, no wonder we have to keep going around the sun for so many more times.

  209. I love the simplicity of what you present Alex. I know when I am choosing to follow the momentum of my choices and when I am seeing this is there, and has been for a long time, but making loving choices. Once what felt like a great wall or tsunami of ill choices waiting to reign down on me, now, with a simple choice to reconnect with love, dissolves and I am not crushed. I can choose to continue to believe that I have to continue with ill choices because I’ve built them up and have chosen them for so long, or I can simply choose love knowing love is always there and more consistent than anything.

    1. “wielding one´s power wisely…with every breath…” – feeling God´s power breathing through us, in and out with ever breath, being breathed by love. It needs a choice and then a certain kind of breath to not feel and be that while the power and love are still imbuing us. What an effort we make to not be what we can not not be.

    2. What a powerful realisation Karin “I can choose to continue to believe that I have to continue with ill choices because I’ve built them up and have chosen them for so long, or I can simply choose love knowing love is always there and more consistent than anything.” This way of thinking -that it is hard or there is some kind of penance, is so outdated, and as Alex also describes here, it is right there, for us to be.

  210. This blog reminds me that time is eternal, we are eternal and there is not really anything that is left behind, we simply go around again and again and just re release what we have done before.

  211. it’s wise to remember that the choice in this moment informs the quality of the choice we make in the next.

    1. Agree – as are we the sum total of all we have lived and the choices thus far made.

  212. We may not all be aware of the many moments in life and what they offer, but we do know they exist as evident in saying such as: making life count, something doesn’t add up here, I’m two steps ahead of myself, I’m behind the 8 ball etc.

  213. Love it! Realising the power of every choice in every moment is a beautiful thing. We are the product of our choices and when we realise that, it is hugely freeing.

  214. Are our choices like a river? If we stick to the same old patterns over many lifetimes are we not cutting our own Grand Canyon? We should be the mouth of the river and forever be expanding!

  215. It is great to consider the power we hold in each moment and the effect this is having on us and everything around us. The micro that leads to the macro.

  216. Mathematics adds up to the majesty and glory of the universe in all of its divine workings.

  217. Thank you Alex for such a brilliant blog reminding us that the power is really in our hands with the choices we are making in every single moment. Many people prefer to bury there head in the sand and feel they are a victim of their life and are powerless to do anything about it but what you present here is through being responsible we can live a life of true love, joy and greater health with the quality of our choices.

  218. ‘There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love.’ – We can attempt to complicate every moment of choice in our lives – but it really is that simple, we choose love, or not.

  219. We must always remember that learning responsibility is part of our return to soul, so we are in affect re-learning how to live what is already there and not trying to fix what is broken or damaged or misplaced or misused.

  220. Alex, the maths does add up. Truly revealing to put numbers alongside choices. We’re given millions of opportunities to lovingly master our lives and we’re not even aware of this.

  221. There is a responsibility in wielding our power wisely and if we are open to it we can see the results of that in our daily lives as the power of choice is in creating our own reality. If we like this reality or not it is all a result of our individual and collective choices and that is a realisation we all have to come to which will support us in wielding our power more wisely from then on.

  222. Alex, I enjoy this kind of maths and it brings home the huge responsibility that we have every moment to be accountable for our every choice. So of these 1.5 billion moments which we are accountable for, how many are we actually fully aware of and taking full responsibility for? This is a question which I hesitate to ask because it reveals the incredible lack of responsibility we indulge in whenever we take a moment off.

  223. Great questions Alex what are we going to choose, Love or Loveless ways in our every move. As you say it is not about being perfect but it is about the dedication and commitment to what we know is true within us, honouring this and not letting the outside influences steer us way from such beauty.

    1. I love this. Dedication and commitment is so different from striving for perfection and has left me free of the imposition of what life ‘should’ look like.

  224. This in itself is a great expose Alex… “And we may ask how many people actually do live lives that are deeply fulfilling, healthy, vital, abundant, harmonious, loving, purposeful and joyful etc…” If every single person on this planet is not living this way then what does this say about us as individuals and as humanity – what are we accepting as ‘ok’ and ‘normal’ that is not true and honouring of every one of us, what choices are we making in our daily lives that does not support us to be who we truly are?!

  225. The power of choices writ large Alex thank you. Not just the big rocks, as the saying goes, but the tiny pebbles and grains of sand that each add up to the life we are living right now. It can feel overwhelming to consider changing it, but step by step, choice by choice we change it every day. the direction of that change, as you say, is our eternal responsibility.

  226. Once we have made one choice to be in one energy or the other this leads to the others following it – we can always understand where we find ourselves by looking back at what has come before.

  227. When I was presented with the fact there are only two energies, love or not love, from which to choose how one lives one’s life changed my whole way of looking at life and the way in which I assessed my choices. It was a paradigm shift that has resulted in my life being one that is far more responsible, loving and joyful.

  228. I wonder if the ‘e’ that turned up in the equation stands for ‘energy’, i.e the quality of energy we are aligning to, the wise or unwise, a quality that we have the option of choosing every second of the day.

  229. I wanted to start my day reading this again because it is a very powerful reminder that we always have a choice, love or not love. It also reminds me that the choice is not simply for me but has an outflow to anyone around me and even those I have no concept I could be affecting. If I want to indulge I will react to this. Yet I am understanding that the more I choose love, the less I react to that responsibility because it is the more natural choice – so again, simply coming back to the choice I have in every moment takes away the overwhelm of considering the choice too big and heavy.

  230. And imagine that we’re making these choices with 6 or 7 billion people together, every day again. Could it be that we’re to learn to make wiser choices? Choices that add up to be more loving and caring with ourselves, and as a result we’re able to bring more love and care into these world. How amazing would that be!

    1. That would be amazing indeed Floris, but let’s not wait until all 7 billion have this realisation, we can start with it today!

  231. “…I am inescapably the product of these choices, like it or not..” This certainly puts things into perspective… and along with it, goes a dose of responsibility.

  232. These figures are huge and completely blow my mind. We have the gift of a choice every second and in that we have responsibility and power. This is profound. We are loved so much.

    1. When you put it like that Golnaz we can see that responsibility is in fact a joyful gift and not an onerous thing.

  233. Wow- i love how you have explained responsibility and power so beautifully simply-
    in taking responsibility we have true power.
    i wish i had understood this first up in life.

  234. Sometimes we like to overlook things when they get down to the detail – in science for example, much of the laws that govern the universe on a atomic and subatomic level get thrown out of the window when scaled up to real life, because they see them as not having an effect. But what if it is all in the detail, the moment to moment choices we make, the pixels that then create the life we live and experience.

  235. “Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.” – This is a great line as so many see themselves as a victim to their life, rather than being in the driver’s seat, taking responsibility for all their choices in every moment.
    I remember the days when I was in this way of being, thinking that I was a victim in my life to everything that happened to me. And then I discovered my own self responsibility, that it was me making all my choices and therefore my body and my life was a reflection of all these choices I made, governing the next moments and choices.

    I love your expression in this blog Alex -it is so exquisite and precise. I love your numbers especially
    1,580413e9 moments of responsibility. That´s a lot!
    and then when I add each number up in this number, including the e = 5 …I get 36 = 9
    The light (3) and love (6) in every moment = 9 which can be the completion of a moment of power., or not (spirit)

  236. “We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.” This statement really made an impact on me, it is brilliant Alex. When we write an account of our lives do we ever stop to feel what had been truly going on, or is it just a repeating of old energetic choices? As we write the account we are indeed accountable for exposing these patterns and choosing in the moment of writing to be aware and choose love in each moment and each word, so that there may be movement and an evolution towards a more lovingly lived life.

  237. ‘We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.’ – Put like that it makes so much sense, how could we not be accountable for every single choice and movement that we carry forward?

  238. Gorgeous blog and one that is already inspiring me to take care of myself more consistently which has a huge knock on effect. Thank you Alex.

  239. Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility. This first line of your blog Alex is enough just to pause for a moment and what this looks like for each and everyone.

  240. Life really is a series of moments which create a momentum which shapes the way our life will be. So we have the power to choose the quality of each of these moments and thus the momentum and the quality of life we want to have.

  241. “Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility” We see responsibility as a huge burdensome task which we do not want to do but if we look at each moment as a choice to be responsible we completely change our perspective of what responsibility looks like and there is far more joy as we understand in each moment we have the opportunity to choose differently.

  242. I love that! We are accountable for each moment of every day, and when we all wake up to this fact and that death doesn’t erase it, life will change considerably.

  243. “Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility.” I love this part you share, its so simple, so true and yet something we completely ignore – most of the time. The choice really is what quality we move in, not what I thought choices were before which was do I do A or B (or even C).

  244. That’s amazing – that’s 1.5 billion choices to choose love – how cool is God that he constantly provides us the opportunity to keep choosing love no matter what, even if we stuff up and make unloving choices, he doesn’t judge, or condemn, as some like to preach and believe, he simply holds us in absolute love. And allows is our own free will to keep choosing knowing one day we will all say yes to love.

  245. Choices = Responsibility… now that is a sum that is not normally associated, responsibility being something we usually relate to our obligations in life. You have taken it’s meaning so much deeper and it is absolutely true, in each moment we have a choice to take responsibility for our affect on everyone and everything around us by the quality of that choice. A whole new approach to life, and one that is required by each of us if we are to ever change the current state of the world.

  246. What incredible struggle to negate the endless moments of responsibility we are called to.

  247. This axiom is so powerful and a tool I have been using in the past few days as I have been presented with some challenging situations. Very powerful and useful beyond words. Thank you for sharing Alex. Definitely putting this item in my tool kit!

  248. Indeed the choice is ours. So as a work colleague said the other day … lets make good choices which I would define more into lets make loving choices 💕

  249. Our every moment is – ‘The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility.’ So we are the ‘creators’ of our own lives, whether it be loving or not.

  250. Love the way you have done the sums Alex, that add up to us having the choice in every moment to choose to be energetically responsible equals the true power we hold within ourselves. Therefore we don’t have to be a victim of life. By embracing our true power we are also choosing to be love in every moment.

  251. When we look at the seconds and how many we have lived and what we are choosing it can’t help but call to stop and reflect, ponder and feel what is it that I am actually choosing – what is the energy and how is this choice working with the Universe we are connected with?

    1. Also Natalie on reading your comment I couldn’t help but reflect, and feel what it is exactly that I have actually contributed to the greater whole, by these choices.

  252. …and so in effect, as we cannot ever not-express, we are constantly offered ongoing moments to take responsibility.

    1. Great point you make here rosannabianchini that we are never not expressing something through our bodies because we need energy to walk, talk, create and even think.

  253. Which means we’re incredibly powerful. We influence a lot, the quality of the influence is actually the only choice we truly have. Do we choose our love to be the power that forever supports restoring unity within this world. Or are we choosing (by not choosing responsibility) to let the power of separation and evil run through us? It’s definitely not about being wrong or right here, but it is definitely about our responsibility to choose wisely. Observing life and being honest has a value that isn’t yet appreciated and confirmed enough in our world today.

  254. Divinely delicious and I will choose to come back to this blog regularly to remind myself of just how much choice I have over the things that happen to me in my life.

  255. Reading this today I realize that it’s very similar to keeping an eye on and being very aware of how much money I spend. I don’t always want to look but no matter what that money is still being spent. Same as, when we don’t care to know or would rather check out from being responsible for what we do in every moment, the choice is still being made.

  256. So we have lots of moments for amazing choices!….and if we slip a bit we have the opportunity in an instant to make a different choice.

    1. Exactly Jenny – there is always another opportunity to choose differently, no perfection sought.

  257. Taking a moment or two to read your blog has been a great choice Alex. Wonderful to bring it all back to the simplicity of choice and the responsibility each of us holds in each and every moment.

  258. I notice that my life is becoming considerably simpler and more joyful just by focusing on being more responsible for even my little movements and gestures, my posture and the way I express myself, knowing that this focus is bringing a more loving quality to my body and everything around me.

    1. The choice of our ‘little movements” have as much power as larger ones, in fact subtle movements could be concealed to the eye but the quality of the energy is still present.

  259. This is a way to look at life and live it that we are sorely missing in this world, life is not a straight line from a to b but a very spherical undertaking that can be experienced, observed and lived in every moment. It is playful and sparks curiosity in every moment.

  260. Its important to not be overwhelmed when we realise that every moment matters, its very powerful when we engage those moments to truely love ourselves deeply, because this in turn creates/ fosters an energy within ourselves that cab truly love others. This connection and appreciation of it is gold.

  261. Its so true that we have to be accountable for every moment of our life- I am realising that i have a lot to work on around this, but i am willing to go there.

  262. ‘In that sense, we are literally the creators of our own world.’ This is scary to me because I’ve seen that what I think I might like is not always what is in the best interests of others, or even myself. If however, as you say Alex, we are aware of the affect that everything we do has on others, then we are more likely to choose what is in line with the harmony of the universe which is not then impulsed from my self wanting its own way.

  263. “If so, responsibility would equal power.” . . . . and true power is us living as our true self in full with ‘no holds barred’.

  264. ‘Responsibility = Moments’ This brings much greater depth to the words ‘every moment counts’.

  265. Alex, I enjoyed your blog – it brings home the reality of how much time we waste. If every second has purpose and is lived to the full we would be totally responsible and in our power and how lovely it would be if we were all living lives that are ‘deeply fulfilling, healthy, vital, abundant, harmonious, loving, purposeful and joyful’.
    It starts with me and my every choice – thank you for the inspiration.

  266. Amazing Thankyou Alex, when we put it like this, the responsibility we have is enormous!Our every move affect the people around us.

  267. I love this blog because it breaks responsibility down from this big, sometimes scary and unmanageable thing, into moment to moment choices – bite size pieces I can manage.

  268. A blog worth many re-reads, thank you enormously Alex. Fun with numbers – accountability and responsibility need not be so onerous after all – yet there they are, in every moment and every choice. Perhaps this is what is meant by the expression ‘your days are numbered’!

  269. ‘Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility’ we are indeed responsible for everything that happens in our lives, and for everything that we choose to do.

  270. We get concerned about our finances being scrutinised by the tax ‘man’ or assessors, but isn’t it high time we see that there is a much bigger measurement going on? For surely it is true to say that God is the greatest accountant there is, constantly marking down every choice we make, taking in all the Love we let in and out, every step and thing we say. We can’t fiddle or fix these books, they just show everything, and it comes down to us, whether we are in the black or in the red. Stunning writing Alex.

  271. “Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility. ” I love this axiom. And it is the quality with which we make these choices that is important.

  272. I agree our days, our lives are made up of moments, we can with ease feel this, an intention, an action, a competition of one sort or another, what is the quality of our intention, this really matter, I can feel this in my life and how I feel at the end of that day when the moments have been more about purpose and love and not about self and problems.

  273. We can have many pictures or ideals and beliefs about what we think responsibility means or should look like but these aren’t necessarily true and what I’ve re-discovered through the teachings of Serge Benhayon is how it is about a quality of energy that I choose in the way that I do things and the choices that I make and this quality is known from my whole body rather than just the mind.

  274. We can focus on the negativity of the choices that disappoint us or we can see each moment as an opportunity to choose love.

  275. Humanity as a whole has lost its understanding of the situation in which it finds itself and there is a call to those who have found and reconnected with this to offer a reflection of light from the truth we all know within.

  276. For much of my life I lived with the notion that love is something that must be searched for or pursued and in that pursuit I was in fact creating separation from it. Today I am aware that love is a choice that can be made in any moment and it is constantly available. Understanding this and choosing love can lead to a very different way of being.

  277. Alex I adore your gentle humor in this blog, but with a serious undertone, which for me is the loveless choices we have made over many years which become a momentum, which is a bit like a run away train not able to be easily brought to a halt.
    For me the first step is to actually understand that we are living lives totally out of control. As an example we seem to be eating and drinking ourselves to death! I have watched this phenomena as this has occurred in my life time. When I was young I cannot remember seeing any fat children or adults and yet over the years
    this has become a life threating health issue, so what is going on that someone is making moment to moment choices to eat and drink in a way that has the potential to kill them or seriously damage their health
    It is that we have given up on ourselves and life and simply don’t care any more and so its easy to make these loveless choices?

  278. ” … wouldn´t that mean I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be?” So are we really ready to own this power and to wield it wisely? We do have a tendency to be like a child driving a racing car, ready to put our foot down on the accelerator but not be willing to take the responsibility for crashing it. I love the way you have very gently put this immutable fact back under our noses Alex, so that we can have another go at driving our lives responsively with a light footed approach.

  279. “I am inescapably the product of these choices, like it or not.” So many people do not want to acknowledge this, demonstrated by all the different forms of distraction that are called ‘normal’ activities of life i.e. watching TV, getting drunk, addictions, hobbies etc. However, not doing so one becomes a victim to life, or so one believes but in fact one has chosen to do so. Acknowledging that one’s life is the product of one’s choice is the claiming back control of one’s life. How empowering is that?

  280. Tick Tock, every second is an opportunity for us to go deeper into our own evolution, every second the universe is expanding beyond our imagination, life is full of magic and wonder, we can choose to see this or not, and even when we don’t choose to see it is always there.

  281. Wunderbarer Alex now I love math! With your amazing example of math I got a glimpse of what it mean to be responsible for my and everybody others life . . . I can choose to be a bit scary about the power I have in every second or can choose to fall in love with me – I choose to fall in love with me and my power to the best of my ability!

  282. We are all constantly adding one of only two forms of energy to life. Those forms of energy are prana and fire. Prana is a form of energy that comes from fire (because ultimately every-thing comes from fire) but prana does not lead back to fire, whereas firey energy leads to fire. Fire contains the truth of who we all are, therefore if something does not lead us back to truth then it’s of no use whatsoever.

  283. ‘…wouldn´t that mean I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be?’ – love it. Yes, so true, we are immensely powerful and this is what I can feel myself shying away from at times – the potential of my power. Yet, I know how beautiful and powerful it is to share my divinity and the importance of doing so, increasing the magnetic pull on earth towards love, inspiring others, so everyone feels the pull to re-connect and start their journey back home.

  284. Bringing it back to every moment bring a choice and every choice an opportutunity to choose responsibility makes it all very simple. We are here in every moment of our lives consciously or not making choices, so living responsibility is a choice to. This is an awesome calculation.

  285. Love how you have shared this Alex, simple and very clear. it comes down to what quality of choice are we choosing in each moment. What we choose is what we will experience, no one else to blame.

  286. The small choices we make like how late to stay up, or how much to have for dinner all add up to how we feel the next day, and so our day is set. So the small things are actually big things.

  287. Whilst we have in any given moment an opportunity to make a choice in effect we are constantly making choices – like a stream – which we can choose the quality that will become our next thought, our next action or movement.

  288. There’s a choice to fight myself or to love myself in each and every second. I’ve chosen to fight a lot in my life. As I am more and more discovering, this is indeed a choice. An inner-war that I allow to keep going. Choosing the connection with my precious body is the medicine to this war. How beautiful is it that our own love and choices are the greatest medicine we can ever give ourselves. And the love forever deepens, eternally!

    1. “How beautiful is it that our own love and choices are the greatest medicine we can ever give ourselves.” This is so inspiring to read Floris… it is simply our choice to connect to love that changes everything.

  289. Reading all the comments that confirm, expand, share, inspire, elaborate, add… makes me aware of the responsibility that goes with expression, in this instance writing a blog and receiving a reflection of how that expression is affecting or causing responses by other people. Usually we don´t receive such a broad reflection by so many people and somehow the number of comments similar to the billions of moments or choices calculated in the blog highlight the fact of responsibility. How much do I honour what I wrote by the way I am living and therefore the readers and recipients of it? Expression is responsibility. And fact is we cannot but express all of the time, ie every moment.

    1. That is true, blogs can feel very differently from each other, not just by the text but how the author lives. This one feels really nice.

    2. Yes, I strongly felt the ripple effect of your words Alex and the power it holds to shake up and wake up those that are sleeping into responsibility. Am I though doing my part to take responsibility for the choices I am making in each and every moment to live the love that I know and express that in all that I do?

  290. I love what you are essentially saying, that it is our choice and therefore our responsibility to make life about love and there is no excuse and no one else to blame if it is not.

    1. We love to blame another for our choices, it’s something that I’ve clocked I still do rather than accepting and embracing responsibility in full.

  291. The starkness of those number is amazing Alex and also how many choices we are actually making it shows that we are not just simply arriving at a point either, this builds over time and each choice opens out more. Scary, maybe, but there’s huge power and responsibility here so for me reading this my question to myself is what will my next choice, knowing that I always choose and I always have a choice?

  292. When we consider all you present here Alex, how can we continue to believe that we are the recipients of life or the victim of circumstance? Wen in fact we are by of the power of choice, hugely powerful… and with power comes responsibility. What a beautiful and poignant reminder for the start of a new day.

  293. ‘I am inescapably the product of these choices, like it or not.’ – It is very sobering when we come to understand that we are all a product of our own choices.

    1. Yes Eva and today I am not feeling so great as the result of the choices I made yesterday, it doesn’t feel great yet I have no one else to blame except for myself for the choices I have been making.

  294. The amount of moments that we have had to choose to live in truth is scary. It really highlights our delay. What if we were to turn this ratio around and express truth in most of our moments. The whole world would be entirely different. We have so much potential.

  295. Life definitely gets better when we see we are the captains steering the ship and that life and the consequences we live with are of our own making, whether slow in the happening or short term results, it is always from the choices we make. You don’t need an accountancy degree to see all this adds up to the way we feel about ourselves and about life. And it is motivating to know that we control what comes next.

  296. As long as this is not a box “ticking” exercise, because once the choice is made of being with ourselves every moment then it is the choice to be connected and expand the awareness that is aligned to through the upmost of our ability.

  297. The truth of what you are sharing here, Alex, is indeed inescapable. It reflects to us all how arrogant in thinking that we can avoid being responsible and keep choosing to prolong the agony of living a life that is so much less than who we truly are.

  298. Responsibility can seem daunting sometimes but when you understand that it is incredibly self-empowering it completely turns this around!

  299. Thank you Alex. There can at times be the wish for life to be full of joy and vitality and for this to be the desired goal or end result of our choices, so we may feel good about our selves and have self-worth because everything is going well. But I am learning about the value of letting things be just as they are and how this can be a part of life’s great healings and in this I am discovering that true joy does not always come with a smile and it can in fact just be a state of living that is very profound and connected with the soul, which does not need things on earth to be perfect because it knows that no matter what, we are moving back towards it, the soul.

  300. If there are what we might label ‘evil’ forces at play in our world then it might be in their interests to mis-inform us about the truth. We have ‘fake news’ these days – and in fact propaganda has been used for a very long time. So maybe responsibility has ‘got a bad name’ through mis-information because it is actually through responsibility that we reconnect to the innate power we all have. The more I accept responsibility the more I feel empowered – so I would say in my own experience that our general sense of resistance to being responsible might be a misnomer.

  301. Alex what you have written here is such a powerful sentence to me
    “tick, tick, tick… one moment of responsibility after the other ticking away and not a single gap to come up with anything to release me from it.”
    For me this is huge, as what you are saying is that there are no checking out or slack moments, everything counts. So then the energy we align to matters every single second now I understand true responsibility, I may not be able to live it but at least I understand that there can be no private Idaho’s because then we are adding to those moments when we say it’s alright to check out and do your own thing and then check back in again, actually everything counts.

  302. Alex, what you are sharing is really powerful and empowering, ‘we are talking around about 1.5 billion choices that have led me to this point in my life; and I am inescapably the product of these choices’. This makes life simple, we can choose to live lovingly or not and every moment is a choice; from how I care for myself to how I speak and how I am with others; how I move; what I choose to eat, so many choices and so much potential.

  303. Every moment is a choice. It is a simple revelation that can easily be dismissed, but every moment builds on the last and all contribute to our future. How often have we regretted a decision made in just one moment that has dramatically changed the course of our lives? Bringing our focus home to this moment now in time and the quality we choose to express ourselves in has immense power, building the energetic and qualitative foundations that underpin absolutely everything in our lives. If we feel upset with the world and our lot, nurturing the quality of our moment-by-moment choices is a very successful way to transmute the mess we have created.

  304. Since reading this for the first time, I feel that I have made a lot more loving choices because of the fact that I read it. So it was a loving choice for me to read it and also a loving choice that you didn’t keep it to yourself and decided to write about it.

    1. Well said! I too feel that even now I am more aware of my choices in every moment – where that leads who knows…but I have an idea it will be a ‘more actively engaged in life’ and ‘taking responsibility for my choices’ outcome. Bring it on I say.

  305. I had an accident in my life where I could clearly feel I have the power to choose and create or cocreate. I have chosen creation without listening to my body and soul and this was ending in an accident which easily could have stopped my life. The power is ours to choose an energy which keeps us and others out or to choose energetic integrity which includes everybody and ourselves.

    1. Yes, things start to change when our choices are no longer about ourselves but include everybody and ourselves.

  306. My adding skills aren’t that great…but I am liking the formula that if in every moment there is a choice, then in every moment we have an opportunity to make a wiser choice. The sum total of that is powerful.

  307. With what you present Alex on choices we make in life “we are literally the creators of our own world” and that is a power we have and can use in two ways. We can make choices based on the love we are from or based on not love and this is, as you said, the actual choice we have to make that ultimately defines the quality of the billions of choices thereafter and makes the equation so much simpler.

  308. Absolutely Ariana, and this is so simple, yet oh so magnificent once we truly embrace and live its wisdom.

  309. Wow Alex, your first line stops me in my tracks, ‘Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility.’ Very powerful words you have delivered here and reminds me that everything comes back to responsibility, integrity of our movements and choices.

  310. “Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility” – and every choice is a moment to choose love, or not love.

  311. What you have shared Alex is that we are responsible for everything accountable in our life and how amazing is that to know we create everything and choose everything that is happening and is to happen with us. Sometimes we are not aware of why we choose certain things but that is also a momentum built up from choices in the past now affecting the present and if allowed to perpetuate, will be our future, the truth is, we are allowed to feel how immensely powerful we are to be able to change and direct our own lives, no one is ever a victim or puppet if we consciously choose whether it is love that we would like.

  312. The simplicity of this equation is far from the way we have been left to believe that life can be about choices. We just have to look at the myriad of choices that leave us feeling far from the true quality we leave yet it is as simple as saying YES or NO to that moment. Thank you for sharing the excuses we make time and time again and the complications we seek to put a simple equation out of whack!

  313. It is a really interesting question: We have free will yet most of us cannot consistently choose love. What kind of free will is this?

    1. Absolutely Christoph. When we are not choosing love we are far from free.

  314. I love the way you put it so simply Alex, maths or no maths. Whatever we do and think is either from love or it is not. We ride along on a wave of life not really truly discerning whether we are love or not. And this leads to us giving away our power and feeling impotent in the face of life. But this is our choice.

  315. I can relate so well to “my mind gets foggy in the attempt to grasp the magnitude of so much responsibility”, however in truth, surely there is only one moment? The moment that is happening in the moment and in this moment there is only two choices to choose from, love or not love. If I remember that then it does not feel overwhelming.

    1. Yes, and our choices are cumulative – both ways and we can choose the way.

  316. I loved this Alex, humorous and full of the exquisiteness of responsibility and all it offers in every moment.

  317. So responsibility is after all not a heavy burden but simply a blessing to live life lovingly and everything will unfold from there.

  318. ‘Responsibility would equal power’. Yes, and a true power at that, coming from a source of our own love and the love of humanity.

  319. Great point you offer Alex: that most feel the recipients of life and many may not actually like the powerlessness they experience. Simply starting to be aware that we have choices available every moment then at any moment we can choose again and claim the true mastery over our lives and not settle for being a receiver of whatever else we choose by default. A moment is still always a choice, it is the quality we have authority over.

    1. Yes, we have free will yet we are not aware we have choices. That is true but doesn’t it sound contradictory?

  320. As a society, we have become accustomed to be the recipients of life avoiding responsibility of the choices we make for it is only until we choose a certain quality of energy to express from that comes from our beingness that we can be in charge of our future and live in the awe of how amazing life truly is.

  321. We have one big choice in every moment and that is what energy we align to, spirit or soul – after that everything flows.

  322. With some things that are sequentially you can follow the equation in both directions – not just are we empowered when we accept responsibility but also we are responsible when it is in our power to take influence on something for a true difference. In the end it is actually just one and the same but at times it comes around this way or the other way and both ways we need to be aware of.

  323. Everyone likes the idea of being powerful, many study, train, compete, and even bully and cheat others to gain what they imagine is power. Yet as stated here “with every breath, thought, word and action we are affecting ourselves and consequently everyone and everything around us”, so it is clear are already powerful beyond measure to start with. What most of us need to work on is to recognize this and chose the source of our power wisely.

  324. Are you sharing with us Alex that we’re actually shying away from our power by not making responsible choices?

    This does resonate within me, yet I also feel resistance. It makes sense, that all our choices carry the possibility of either love and power or the opposite. Could it be that if I’m still battling (after years) to be with my power or not, that the state of the world reflects that many along us have made the choice to not be in their power (and glory). As a result we’re dealing with a world that is far from a loving and caring place to lie in. Are we the change?

  325. “…‘Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility’ …” A wise and insightful statement that beholds the whole universe.

  326. There is a consciousness we choose to align to to then outplay what we have chosen. The choice is love or not love. That is our responsibility what we choose – we can have simplicity, or we can have a complexity way of being.

  327. ‘Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.’ – When we start to realise that life is a consequence of all the choices we have made/are making, it is a truly self-empovering process to know that it in our hands to change it.

  328. This fun you have with this with the numbers exposes the responsibility of being accountable for our every moment and it feels like we are not living like this at the moment. I have difficulty with the sums but i can relate to your personal maths version of the rule of three that Moments = Choices, Choices = Responsibility and Responsibility = Moments. This is worth working with, thank you Alex.

  329. One of the choices I notice in the conglomerate of seemingly smaller moments through the day is how I am holding myself & my posture.

    1. It is a great tool to check in with the body and feel our posture and alignment. The quality of our chosen movements is very significant, as we are magnifying this quality through our bodies.

  330. And this is only one life under the microscope – the fact that we have had many, many lives to date takes us deeper into the responsibility that every choice is shaping our next – that every day is creating our next – that every life is breathing forth our next.

  331. When our think of choices and especially that number of choices we get totally frazzled. Most of us consider that when making a choice there may be 3,4,10 options. Thus that number gets even bigger!! But this is if those choices are being made from our mind and the intellect – which in truth can hatch an infinite number of choices to keep us as its slave. However, engage the body as the master and it all becomes incredibly simple. Love or not love. When I look at it like that, then making a choice every single second of every single day, becomes a very do-able proposition. And the real joy in it all is that the body naturally chooses love. So if we nurture the body, support it back to its true vitality and intelligence then we won’t even be having to make choices – as our bodies will be doing it for us. Now that sounds a lot simpler than the mind option!!

    1. Yes, in the end it is an alignment to love via the body and not a choice process as such.

  332. I never really liked maths at school but what you share here Alex is one maths equation I absolutely love. Life is brought back to such simplicity when we make it about moments rather than time, there is more clarity and flow to life and how we then choose to live it. Life becomes more expansive and our responsibility to be and connect with the world is on a much grander scale and we can appreciate who we are and what we are all here to bring.

  333. We can go into our heads as I often do to think about things and try and work out what to do, which prolongs and takes us away further from our body and from truth – when everything is a simple choice – love or not love – you can’t argue, debate or go off into your head about that – if you do you know it’s not love that you have chosen.

  334. That’s an interesting analogy Alex, that we are accountants of our own lives: not only must we take account for what we choose, but we can also observe the ledger – of what we put into life (our choices) and what we receive back (the quality).

  335. well when you put it like that! Wow how great to show the truth of time here and how many moments we’ve actually have in our lives to be responsible. As you share – every second is a choice – so the question really becomes what is our next movement and in that, what is our next choice and is that choice harming or healing. So simple. So powerful. Everything counts.

  336. I find it very interesting to consider things over the accumulation of time or cycles – in this case revealing just how many opportunities we have had to choose to return to a way of living that is guided by our hearts rather than minds and yet in the face of so many clear signs that our current way of living is not working we have still not, on mass, made this decision.

  337. Brilliant blog Alex, when reading your blog it feels to me there is no time for ‘checking out’ of life because that means in the time spent checking out we are being irresponsible because being in that energy allows others to choose that energy too. So we need to be constantly checked in with life and fully engaged so that the world can have a different reflection to what is currently being experienced.

  338. It’s true that there is something seriously wrong about society and the way we live/work together at the moment, but what an amazing opportunity to have so many seconds, minutes and hours making up the day where we can potentially create change or raise the standard of love, respect and care in our relationships, workplace, community and so forth..

  339. Such a great blog that shows us the true power of who we are. Our choices have gotten us to where we are today so if we do not like where we are at within ourselves then we have a choice to change it. This is super inspiring.

  340. Life adds up when we are in the flow of life but never when we are at the mercy of the outplay of many disconnected moments.

  341. A great exposure Alex. Nothing is random – every moment is a choice to ‘be’ love /responsibility or ‘do’ lovelessness / irresponsibility .
    “I am inescapably the product of these choices, like it or not”.

  342. “… so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.” And hence we hold up what we think is the biggest excuse to avoid responsibility and continue living in arrogant ignorance of our power. When we bring our awareness to the quality of every choice, ‘wise or unwise’ we will be able to see the crocodile of unwise choices that lead us to being a victim in the first. If we are willing to go there, we afford ourselves the greatest opportunity to turn some very unpleasant situations on their heads and resume the power and responsibility to make wise, loving and very healthy choices.

  343. We are given infinite opportunities to be more and bring love into our lives. This not about a single moment when we wait for love to come into our lives. Love can be lived fully every second and every move we make. A simple choice.

    1. Absolutely kehinde2012 – a simple choice yet one that is not often made with consistency and commitment in the face of all the distractions and separation we have created on earth. However, living in love is the thing we so desperately seek – perhaps we think that it is a process and not just a simple choice.

  344. As it is a modern thing to make quotas for everything, maybe this should be the only one quota to be made and that on a global scale.

  345. What if our choices were linked to our bank accounts and every time we chose what is not love we lost a Pound, Euro, Dollar – or whatever unit of currency – from our account? How soon would we become beggars or billionaires?

    1. Hmmm, that is a very sobering thought Richard. We would no doubt consider it foolish to not look at our choices differently if this were the case. But then why would/do we consider our bodies less important than money?

      1. I guess it shows where we put our values and thus energy into. When we invest and thus expect that money provides us with what we want or need it it is no wonder that we give it more attention than our bodies.

    2. And/or – how soon would we start to take responsibility? Or another example – if those that smoked had to pay if they got lung cancer, how many people would carry on smoking?

    3. How many years have there been swearing tins that you had to pay for everything you chose to speak an unsuitable offensive word, say at work? Swearing is just another choice and as the empty tin shows, it costs nothing to choose not to swear!

  346. What if you take you as an average person and their choices at the age of 50. If, you take the number of individuals currently on the planet and average out the young and old to make you the norm. That is 1.25e18 a Quintillion choices! How can we say, we are not affected, by the choices of others?

  347. Alex, great article, I love how you make it so clear that we have the choice how we live our lives and we have so many choices, I can feel how we do not need to get stuck and think that this is our lot and nothing will change, we can make a different, more loving choice in every moment, every second.

  348. This blog has changed how I look at life, there is noting mundane when this is how you are living.

  349. Moments, responsibility, power and our choices what a great way of highlighting this to us all Alex, I love it and I love the power and quality of our choices you share here so clearly with the numbers and their totals shaping the world as it currently is and the choices we can make to change this starting this very moment onwards.

  350. Every choice is an investment and provides us with a return. It either confirms us or it leaves us drained.

    1. yes, and in that it either confirms us all, or is a drain on the all. This blog offers light on the power of our future investments, as we know what return we will collectively meet.

      1. Beautifully said Victoria. Taking it to the bigger perspective asks us to always consider that we are part of something much larger, and therefore everything matters.

  351. I don’t need to do the Maths to know how many bad choices I have made in my life, I guess they outweigh the good ones so far but going forward it is only a matter of choice.

  352. Alex I love coming back to this, to appreciating the fact that we always have a choice and have been making many choices all our life but more importantly “There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love.” So its quite simply if we allow it. It then comes to what are we allowing if we don’t seem to be able to make loving choices consistently.

  353. This is fascinating… breaking our choices down so simply to the numbers that depict such a clear picture and we start to get a sense of the billions of choices we are making, every single moment of our lives. Multiply that by the current 7billion work population makes it even more staggering when we remember that every single choice we make has an impact on everything else – and not just our own individual sphere of influence.

    We avoid accepting our power, because we do not want to grapple with that level of responsibility, but of course this doesn’t change things. The sorry state of today’s world speaks for itself, a world filled with unfathomable suffering fed by our loveless choices.

    There is a legacy here, a hard one to swallow, but a huge opportunity as well – each loving choice counters a loveless one, and ripples throughout the universe. There is love to be celebrated and expressed – and it is this that the world so sorely needs today.

  354. I giggled a bit when you talked about resisting the moments of responsibility and the tick tick tick as whilst you are resisting, more moments of choosing and responsibility are still there, passing through us. And really, one of the things I really love (and took me a bit to get my head around) is that we can always choose. And in fact are always choosing as even when we don’t choose, we are choosing. So when something is not going to plan, I have the power to make a different choice. It is worth thinking about.

  355. Love your math Alex. And the point that, the quality of our lives is up to us – what will we choose? And what DO we choose every day, every hour, every ‘moment’…?
    Reading your blog I feel a part of me ‘switching on’ to another level in regards to the responsibility I and we all hold to live the real deal of love to the best of our ability, for every single one of these choices (the billions of them…) impacts upon the all, inescapably so.

  356. Wow – have we brought true responsibility, love and integrity to every one of these moments? and if we haven’t then what have we been bringing to them?

  357. I love the play with the role of an accountant and willingly accept this if it means being accountable for my choices in every moment. I am learning as much from mistakes I make as I am from the ‘successes’ and the more open and honest I am, the more I learn.

  358. With all of our choices, I am pondering on how many ‘unnecessary – indulgent’ unloving choices I have made from berating myself after one unloving choice. Rather than observing it without reacting, I’ve played the ‘I’m such a bad person’ and allowed myself to make one choice 10 times worse than it needed to be, with many more after it. Life is not about perfection, we all make mistakes, which is how we learn. I so appreciate now understanding that beating myself up after a bad choice magnifies the lack of love even further, dulling me and who I am. Instead, I can choose to learn from the situation and explore what led to my making that choice, making it far less likely to re-occur.

  359. Alex, I love how you have presented this in such a spherical way – Moments = Choices, Choices = Responsibility, Responsibility = Moments. With each moment we are making a choice and with that choice comes responsibility which, in turn, feeds into our next moment. So, with each loving choice we are magnifying the love that we bring to our next moment, and the next … creating an ever expanding sphere of love. However, with free will, we equally have the choice to deflate our love and dull our next moment and so on. Your example presents a very tangible way of appreciating the ‘responsibility’ we all have to ourselves and equally, everyone else, to choose wisely, with love.

    1. Yes I agree. Alex’s writing has deepened my relationship with responsibility; opening up my awareness of the possibilities and choices in every moment.

  360. Love it Alex and that had me wondering too. It seems that every moment is a precious opportunity. Something to joyfully and responsibly embrace and live.

    1. As much as we feel defined by our past (moments) we actually are completely free the next moment to not be our past – indeed a precious opportunity and testimony to God´s graceful design of life.

      1. This is so crucial to remember and something that I have just recently really embraced. Every moment is a brand new opportunity to walk toward our future rather than trying to repair or improve our past.

  361. It is always deeply empowering to know that we are the masters of our lives for we are the ones who choose in each moment either love or not love…. after that it is out of our hands.

  362. 1.5 billion choices and that is in this one lifetime alone – what if we were to take into account our potentially thousands of other lives – a lot of choices to create who we are today. the wonderfully simple part of it is, we only need to wisely honour the choice of the moment we are in right now, and the rest is taken care of.

    1. The choice made in this moment is the one with the power to define the next moment.

  363. Wow – well this put things into perspective. From what you have highlighted here Alex, how can we even consider blaming anything or anyone else for the quality of life we live, and the state of our world today. We are clearly given every opportunity to embrace the power we are here to live, equally and freely so, and to bring to life the qualities of our Divinity – our true and loving way of being.

  364. The depth of love and care this ‘math’ is asking of us is very inspiring. When ever we may think we are too small to make a difference in this world, remember it all adds up and = what we will collectively experience.

  365. This blog highlights that responsibility is not burdensome it is actually empowering… love it Alex. Every moment is an opportunity….we are in each moment creating the world we all live in.

    1. From seeing it as irksome tasks and duties to attend to, responsibility has become one of my greatest allies and tools in life – it has awakened a sense of being part of humanity that I have never felt before.

      1. I like this comment a lot. For whilst there are still times when I fight responsibility, walk away from it, deny it…I do, without doubt, now see it as my friend, ally, mentor and support.

      2. I feel this too Matilda, it reminds me that we are all intrinsically connected and nothing is done without having an effect on the greater whole. Responsibility becomes not so much about what we do but how we are; living in respect to who we are in our one-ness.

  366. The way you speak about love, and that it is a fundamental foundation for our choices, takes it out of the idea that love is a romantic interlude, and instead offers that love is a way of being.

  367. How can we dispute what you have shared – with numbers like that, it is such an eye opener – we are powerful masters of our life in the making. We are always responsible for our choices whether we like it or not, it just depends on the quality of the choice – love or lovelessness that determines the quality of our lives.

  368. some awesome accounting Alex – “if my life is the sum total of all these moments and I am the one who has made all the choices, and every choice comes with a certain quality, either wise or unwise, shaping my life, wouldn´t that mean I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be?” we shy away from the responsibility and renounce our power and then choose to feel disempowered in a world that we have thus created. priceless.

  369. “Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.” – and yet we can often look back at what we have chosen and see how we’ve ended up where we have.

  370. This to me sounds like true mathemetics – being used in a purposeful way to become aware of the responsibility we have. Hence we can learn and observe from this blog and see that we got a big role to play here – our part , our quality of choice, it is that that matches up to the whole. Accountability.

  371. Moments, choices, and responsibility, Alex great points you raise here, particularly for me it brings home how many moments I have chosen to be unaware of, and how many times I have stepped away from responsibility when in truth that is exactly what we are here to be.

    1. Yes and also how many moments you have chosen to be aware and responsible 😉

      1. It is very important to confirm those moments where we are aware and responsible as well as be aware of and observe when we are not.

  372. ‘We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.’ This is a truth, although we like to avoid and deny it.

  373. To accept the awesomeness of responsibility and the fact that we are making choices every moment is an invitation back into our own driving seats, navigating alongside others with care, respect and awareness.

  374. I wonder if our momentum of irresponsible choices is the reason that we have become so blind to the power we actually have. It is like telling oneself the same story over and over again until you don´t know anything else anymore. Indeed a self-created and that means very much intended self-deception; and when most are doing it the same way it becomes a collective norm or so-called truth that in fact is a lie.

  375. With what you have presented here we can’t in truth be a victim of our circumstances or where we find our life to be. Yes things can happen to us that are horrible and awful but we have a choice in every moment before and after by how we honour and deal with what we are feeling.

  376. I love the accounting analogy – to be a true accountant is to look after our numbers and make sure that every minute that passes (every number added to a page OR our lifetime) is used responsibly but also for the purpose of enriching life and the lives of those around us.

  377. So it makes complete sense how important Self-Love is, this is the stepping stone, the bridge and the solid rock that supports us by these actions and choices towards ourself to then be this all of the time with whom ever, where ever we maybe.

  378. Love this Alex, indeed we are our own accountants, needing to reconcile the multiple investments we make with our choice or energy in every moment

    1. Love it, we are not just accountants but also investment brokers of choices.

  379. Just tapping into the potential of what can be put forth in those 1.5 billion moments is immense!

  380. There is no blame game here as the formula is pretty much a reflection of the simplicity and responsibility that we all have the potential to live. The choice is there!

  381. I have heard a saying that Mathematics is the language of the Universe, yes its very cool but more accurately I would say the language of the Universe is light.

  382. “… if my life is the sum total of all these moments and I am the one who has made all the choices, and every choice comes with a certain quality, either wise or unwise, shaping my life, wouldn´t that mean I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be?” A VERY astute and wise question indeed Alex, and proof to me that we are 100% responsible for all that we find ourselves faced with in life.

  383. Hilarious.. with a simple take home message. Life is full of moments, and each moment present us with a choice to choose the quality of the next..

  384. When you look at it like this, it is quite sobering in that each second equals a choice and there is no such thing as wasted time. It is either time spent from love or not.

  385. Love this – break it down so it is super simple and you can see that we are in charge of our experience of life, how we either choose to respond or react in each moment, our every choice constructs the life we have led and will lead.

  386. Well said Alex:’ Interestingly enough though, so often we feel the recipient of life or a victim to it rather than its master.’ It is magnificent to find that we are in fact the masters of our life. Just as I am writing this comment a beautiful new CD (by Tina Copa and Catherine Wood) I have playing is singing ‘Cut the picture, cut the drama, Who’s the master of this show?’ So much of this comes down to the fact of the power we have when we begin to observe life and understand deeply what is happening.

    1. Reading energy is a language in itself and can offer a transparency which allows for us to truly see and observe what is playing out or up around us. It is like reading words on a page and gives us a deeper understanding of life.

  387. I get the feeling that I could read this article every day for a year, and each day it would drop to a deeper level inside my being, unlocking the mass of irresponsible choices I have made. In so doing, resetting how I now choose with the innate responsibility that has always been and will ever more remain within.

  388. ‘But wait a moment; if my life is the sum total of all these moments and I am the one who has made all the choices, and every choice comes with a certain quality, either wise or unwise, shaping my life, wouldn´t that mean I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be?’ – Indeed we are – this is something to deeply appreciate and claim, as opposed to seeing life as something that happens to us randomly.

  389. It’s true we are accountants of our own life. We are also auditors, constantly reviewing the quality and integrity of each and every moment.

  390. Wow Alex, when you break it all down, that’s a ginormous amount of moments that we have to choose to be fully responsible and choose love. So who said, there’s never enough time in the day? Now we have no excuses.

  391. It is great to realise our choices add up and that that is what shapes our life, no faith, no bad luck or anything else. If we consider that every second we make choices and that for instance how we breath, how we move and how we do things does define our lives it is better to become aware of this and take head.

  392. It is so powerful to consider that we can be a master of our own lives, by simply choosing to be present and aware of our inherent capacity to bring love in every moment.

  393. Super blog Alex. Clear and simple, it’s down to us wise or unwise choices, love or not love, our responsibility.. every moment.

  394. ‘We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.’ I am very inspired by this blog Alex as I find that it encourages me to step up more to those moments taking into account the power of my choices. Thank you.

  395. ‘Responsibility would equal power’, yes it would so when we are choosing irresponsibility we are avoiding our power and when we do this, it becomes so easy to blame others and feel a victim of life.

  396. We are the masters of our own lives because irrespective of what occurs we have a choice as to how to deal with it. This is truly empowering and means that we can live true to ourselves no matter what.

  397. Great point Alex that we have the choice to stop and re-assess in every moment: do we continue with the loveless momentum we are in, or actively make a choice to say no to that, and yes to living with love, living in tune with and aware of ourselves and everything around us? The moment we feel like we’ve plateaued or aren’t learning is the moment there is a call to deepen the quality of everything we do.

  398. Thank you, Alex, for sharing with us this simple formula to life, that holds us responsible and respectful of the choice in every moment to either heal or harm.

  399. I wondered when my number is up, and according to your calculations Alex there is always a choice and our number is always coming up, so making a loving choice takes away any possibility of chance being introduced into the calculation as love is always available. As we always have the choice to choose love, which means no luck is involved just a simple loving choice to be love.

  400. “We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.” This is a great way to look at our life Alex and tally the moments where we are responsible and where we check out and loose ourselves and become irresponsible ……a totally different currency and a whole new way of seeing accountancy, but a necessary one if we are to make sure we become fully accountable for everything we do in life

  401. Something clicked when I was reading this that I had been aware of but never did the maths.
    Moments = choices
    Moments = actions and/or situations
    The idea of being responsible in every moment from a point of view of having to do something or be a certain way would have me throw up my arms and give up before even trying. And it is all one big lie.
    A moment can be everything and anything and nothing specific in human life, a moment is made of our choice of energy.

    1. Yes yes – great click
      Moments =choices
      It’s so easy for us to translate such simple wisdom into a doing. I can so relate.
      Perhaps this is how much truth on earth has been bastardised. Someone comes and says life is about love , about care, about quality and somehow we turn that into many organised doing forms of religion. (Perhaps a little off topic but also very on topic.)

      1. This makes so much sense and has clicked something into place for me too about ‘doing’ rather than ‘being’. Thank you Leigh and Johanna 🙂
        Moments = choices

  402. Love the ongoing and forever cyclical nature of your equation Alex, every moment ongoing is a choice to embrace responsibility or not… Moments = Choices, Choices = Responsibility, Responsibility = Moments…

  403. Our responsibility is to choose to be loving in every moment. Over time this love builds and then we have a life full of love. Anything else is a wayward choice that is destructive. This is our responsibility.

  404. Those numbers make me realise that we make heck of a lot of choices in one lifetime. When we are aware of that, and the knock on effect of these choices, we can feel the impact and the responsibility they carry for the future roll on decision of the next choice.

    1. A huge amount it is so much to compute. It just makes me realise how we are actually designed to be purposeful and expanding in life with having so many repeating moments and opportunities offered to us over and over round and round every day.

  405. Wow – 1,580413e9 moments of responsibility, when you break it down like this, you can’t help but wonder how many of these moments were truly actualised, or were unnecessarily wasted. Imagine the biggest problem in your life and knowing you’ve had 1,580413e9 times to change it….

    1. Whow that’s a great point Meg, it just goes to show how many issues and problems need not be as we have umpteen moments within even just a single day to change them.

      1. Exactly, even in a single day there are thousands of moments to change things. It really makes me sit up and ask myself what we’ve been doing.

  406. So our choices adding up to a certain way of living. That we than call ‘our life’. As if this is ‘how it is’. If it is permanent, forever static and kind of ignorantly accepting that it only will (or might) get worse. It’s not that way. I’ve seen many, many, many people around me (both private and in work) changing. From the inside out. Stop making the choices that are so far from naturally such as drinking any drinks that don’t support us to be with us (coffee, dairy drinks, alcoholic products, drugs, soft drinks, fruit juices etc), going to bed late, thinking about others first, checking out in a hobby, playing or watching sports, in front of the TV etc. We’re to deeply appreciate already all the seconds that we make loving choices as well as to be honest about all the seconds that we don’t choose so. Thank you Alex for making this so simple and tangible! We’re worth love and loving choices!

  407. I really love the focus you have brought to the mind boggling number of choices that we are all making in our lives, which in turn highlights our ‘irresponsibility’ if we find ourselves stuck in certain areas of our lives, as we certainly aren’t where we are through lack of opportunity to choose differently.

    1. And it’s only from the complication that we bring in to life that we can view responsibility in every moment as a big effort when in fact it is quite simple – just be you, with yourself and honour that in every moment. Why? because you, me and all of us deserve it.

  408. Glad I’m not the only one that doesn’t understand the ‘e’ amongst the numbers!
    ‘We can literally say we are accountants of our own life’ …. yes, and our bodies keep us honest as they are literally a marker of all the choices we have ever made …. no escaping or fudging the figures, the absolute truth is there for us to feel.

    1. I love this quote and it’s so true. We are our own accountants – I think I’ll be an accountant without e’s. A lot of people seem confused with it, including me.

  409. I love the way you have broken this down Alex, this totally blows out of the water any thoughts of being a victim or being hard done by – after all how can that be if we are responsible for the quality of our breath, and hence the quality of our life.

    1. Responsibility of the quality of our every breath and every movement – it’s huge yet all so natural. Even as I scroll down my phone to type this comment and press the letters I can be asking in what quality am I breathing, how tender and presence is my touch, do I scroll with delicateness or a race to get to the comment section. Everything matters and has an affect. As in the quality I scroll in has an affect on how my body feels which has an affect on the quality of thought I get when I reply to this comment which has an affect on the way I type which is all then received by you the readers. So yes responsibility is huge and an area that is needing to be talked about to be brought into society’s everyday awareness.

      1. Johanna I love how you have broken down the responsibility held in such an everyday ‘doing’, such as using your phone, by doing so you have supported me to feel that we are so very easily bamboozled by the notion of ‘doing good’. What I mean by that is that we erroneously believe that being responsible is about ‘doing good deeds’ but that’s a massive red herring because true responsibility is energetic and therefore the question that is of true significance is ‘what energetic quality are we in when we do what we do?’ and that question is one that has to be asked regardless of the activity or inactivity that we are engaged in.

  410. When broken down into moments like you have done here Alex, it is clear to see how our lives can so easily take a different path. If moments were a symbol of our footsteps and each one had the option of going one way or another, we can very quickly end up somewhere we may not want to be but in truth we made the choice to be there. There is much to reflect on here – a great blog that we can implement at any moment, if we choose!

  411. Love it Alex – thank you for bringing light to what is commonly thought of as a very serious word – responsibility. It is of course important that we know we are making choices all the time and for us to know what we are choosing between. I feel the power of accepting responsibility as you share it here and welcome the understanding that we are not purely victims of life but complicit in its creation too.

  412. Super Alex, you put it so well… every moment is a choice of love or not love, and so depending on our own age we have had billions of choices to be either one…something quite unfathomable to imagine and yet true… imagine if we chose the quality of love as the majority choice in our every day from now on, and then imagine if this was multiplied by the number of people [7billion of us] on the planet…we’d have the reverse world of that which we are currently living.

  413. Put this plainly Alex there is no escaping from any of our choices or trying to blame others for where we are at. Imagine if we as a race could wise up to this fact and start choosing love over what is not.

  414. There is something about the way you have written this Alex that brings a lightness and joy to seeing the moments within the moments that are constant and in each moment we have a choice to choose love or not. It is not a reason to bash ourselves for not choosing in a moment but to appreciate every moment that we do have a choice and when choose to be withourselves, in our bodies we are changing the patterns of all our loveless past choices.

    1. What a grace that we are presented with a divine design (the world we live in) offering free will and instant love the moment we choose it.

  415. Looking at the number of seconds that have passed per year like this I found myself instantly thinking how many I have left – not because I have any concern about how long I will live but instead how many moments will I have to make a choice purely in Love. It occurs to me then that this is also a reason that we have a fear of dying – deep down we know that life is about choosing Love in all we do but we do not and therefore fear death and what we have perceived to be the end of this opportunity, lest we forget that we are coming back to do it all again.

  416. I agree – most, if not all of us want a life that is deeply fulfilling, healthy, vital, abundant, harmonious, loving, purposeful and joyful etc. – but the thing is we are being taught to chase the image of that. By chasing after an image outside of ourselves, we think we are making choices. A life with these qualities is simply a by-product of choosing love more often than not, and we are that love already.

    1. Quite a bewildering thought that we need to choose love to be the love that we are.

  417. Lovely stuff, Alex. Light and playful but meaningful, thought provoking and really interesting. When things are broken down in this way, into seconds, it gives real perspective on my decision making. I can often look at my day as a few big choices or decisions, but there are clearly far more being made.

    1. I guess where we are heading is making the one and same choice simply over and over again until the moment we don´t and immediately feel irritated and thus choose love again.

  418. It really comes back to the binary choice of choosing love – or to not choose love. All the time. Spend just one minute focusing on this – then ten, an hour, two. I can look at my life in days where I could really break it down and consider it in seconds.

  419. Could it be that for most of us we have given up on life and in doing this we then don’t care?
    And so we can become a victim of life and it is then a downward spiral of just doing enough to get by which then allows the misery to set in and so the hamster wheel of life keeps turning.

    1. … and we know the numbers we end up with, the debit of irresponsibility and misery.

  420. ‘Moments = Choices

    Choices = Responsibility

    Responsibility = Moments’ and around and around we go! So clearly presented and it is amazing to feel the power of this simplicity, there is no great mystery our lives are what we choose, of course there are events that are unexpected but even these we chose how to deal with them.

  421. So true Alex, it is simply mind boggling the number of choices we make in our lives and so many without any real connection as to their true implications. It is evident by the state of our current world that the sum total of our choices are very definitely not wise ones, considering the state of our politics, the many war torn countries around the planet and the steadily increasing rates of illness. Every choice we make is extremely powerful, so bringing our awareness as to the quality of each moment is proving that we can turn around the direst of situations with miraculous results when we make each and every one of them about Love.

  422. To understand that we are the creators of our own life not just the recipients is a game changer as far as the quality of life lived.

  423. I love your mathematical approach to life Alex, simple and straightforward. And indeed how powerful we are, it is just that we need to be nudged to see it and as you say suddenly things do make sense and life as such, and we realise we are the masters of our own creation and thus can step forward from here with purpose and the knowing that every moment’s choice of ours counts and contributes to the quality we have in the world.

  424. Adding up all these moments and choices its no wonder why we can get furious when we see other people have made more loving and supportive choices and are in a position of far greater awareness than we are. Yet it also shows how many choices we have to change our life, to evolve and to bring a depth of love and nurturing to ourselves in this moment that was not there before.

  425. I realize more and more that I sometimes feel driven by something which seems to make my choices. For example I choose to go into stessfull moments or put myself under pressure. I could now ask why, my answer is I do not want to take responsibility and go into my power. Stress seems to be easier to handle for me than my power. So how about to take the choice to go into my power and choose this every moment I am aware to the best of my abilities without perfection.

  426. If you love mathematics or not, what you present here Alex is that there is a very simple formula to life, a formula we all understand and know actually so well but sometimes comfortably try to ignore.

    1. Oh yes, the maths of comfort has its own very sophisticated formula we are all very familiar and often at ease with.

  427. “The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility” and the most powerful and responsible choice I ever made was to choose to listen to the words of wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon.

  428. ‘Life is maths, you get out what you put in.’ That sentence is not said in the way that it is commonly used, as in ‘work hard and get the benefits”, it is said to convey the fact that life acts like a big, glorious mirror, it reflects our choices back to us in the minutest of details. It lovingly shows us the results of our choices so that we can then choose something different should we wish to. If we were not able to receive our choices back then what would be the incentive to change and how would we know who we were?

    1. Thank you for this fundamental understanding – without reflection we wouldn´t know who we are and where to go. It also shifts how we experience life – less reaction, more learning and wise response.

  429. I love figures Alex so this blog caught my eye. How playful, yet you hit the nail on the head. I really like the thought of wielding my power wisely. A great way to look at responsibility.

  430. What I find lovely about what you have shared Alex is that there is always a choice to be more.

  431. Alex thankyou, we are our own accountants and the bank is the body – are we emanating love or did our choices take us away from love and the body is now in disharmony and misery? A very sobering wake up call to the power we exercise in every moment, never are we a victim but we are always powerfully making choices and they are endlessly presented to us.

  432. Throughout life we have added some moments of expressing the responsibility of love and other moments without this responsibility and with the deepening and unfolding of more love in life, we come to a point of choice: it is all about love. As even one moment of what is not love can escalate into such a deep devastation that ultimately it is never worth it to even try.

  433. One small but important clarification. Our power comes not from our ability to create, but our ability to align energetically to that which gives us energy to create. The truth is, nothing is original. It is given to us. No thought, no idea, no artistic creation. For every individual artist, who gets the “original thought” to carve a tree out of wood and turn it into a chair, there are a thousand aspiring artists somewhere in the woods on the other side of the world with the exact same “original” thought. And so, equally, no choice that we make is truly original either. Sure, you think you can choose chocolate or vanilla ice-cream, and that such a choice defines who you are. But that is the illusion of life. This teaching goes to the core of the esoteric understanding of life – that in truth there is only one choice you can make, and all other choices follow. And that is the choice to either align to the energy of fire, or that of prana. Neither is a “bad” choice. But the latter, which is the energy that gives life physicality, is severely limiting in its outplay, and a reductionism of our original being, which is the light of the Soul, or fire. Interestingly, the astrally imposed energy of prana will give you a seeming multitude of choices to choose from , never revealing that it is all in fact the one choice, and never revealing to you that you have been fooled. Fire, on the other hand, will never impose upon you, but will allow you to realise that you have two choices – that of fire, or that of prana – and that you have the true power and free will to choose which one you will align to.

  434. A masterful way of describing choices, our quality and responsibility Alex, I love it! …”every choice comes with a certain quality, either wise or unwise, shaping my life, wouldn´t that mean I am a truly powerful being who can create my life the way I like it to be?…”

  435. When you frame it that way, Alex, that every single moment counts, the maths is inescapable – we are 100% responsible all of the time. And in terms of what we put out to humanity, everything we choose resonates around the planet and if we choose self-criticism, that’s what everyone receives, so it makes more sense to choose self love.

  436. Thank you for this article Alex. I love the power, simplicity and playfulness ot it. What it brought home for me was the enormous number of moments that I have ‘lived’ (I can hardly call it living) either completely unaware, not present, or more truthfully totally checked out. And even in recent years with more awareness of the responsibility of my choices, I can still ignore, override and disconnect from making loving choices, being completely irresponsible to myself and the all. I’ve done a rough calculation based on your figures and my age….and for me it comes to about 2 billion moments. Beyond comprehension really, but what an amazing wake-up call to this moment and every single one from here on. The tally tells me that to date I have been seriously in the red in relation to responsibility and loving choices. Time to balance the books in favour of true loving responsible choices.

  437. It is astounding to consider how often we are presented with the opportunity to choose differently – the ongoing choice of aligning to all that is true or false.

    1. I agree, Deborah …. and how many times we go around and around in the exact same circle!

  438. Holy cow, Alex, that’s some maths you’ve got going on there! And you’re absolutely correct – it add up to a whole lot of responsibility, and power, as you so aptly point out. No wonder we run a million miles from wanting to understand this – the accountability we now have to hold ourselves in is immense. If we create our own lives, moment to moment, that’s a lot of blame to retract, and a lot of reconsidering of our next steps to undertake. The ultimate in ac-‘count’-ability, that’s for sure.

  439. Alex, your personal math version of the rule of three, ‘Moments = Choices, Choices = Responsibility, Responsibility = Moments’, shows that life is a cycle, and everything comes back to these three points:-Our choices, responsibility and our movements based on the energy is either to love or not love. We repeat this over and over again until we consistently express love and truth.

  440. I was wondering what the ‘e’ was doing there as well! So glad you mentioned it. Mmm lots to ponder on here and I feel this is something I will come back to again and again to read. I love what you shared here ‘We can literally say we are accountants of our own life, i.e. we are accountable for every single moment of it.’ Very cool.

  441. Love it Alex – the numbers do add up. We are the One who holds the power as to whether we live a life full of truth or whether we live a lie.

  442. It’s pretty amazing to see the amount of opportunities we have to make a different choice, as I know quite often I am feeling hard on myself because the choice I made wasn’t that supportive, but all that dose is waisting precious moments in which we can make a different choice, our responsibility rests in taking these moments and choose that which supports the all.

  443. What I love mostly about what you have shared Alex is that we consistently and continuously have the choices to make a more loving choice. So what that means is that no matter the choice we make, lets say an unloving one or a series of unloving choices over a period of time, we always be presented with the choice to make a more loving choice. Which means there is no pass or fail just lots of opportunities.

  444. Beautiful Alex and so much fun, a child-like playfullness unveiling the power that we are, the power responsibility and love.

  445. The revelation of where our world is at…”Okay, when we do our maths here correctly, it simply means that the predominant number of choices we make are not so wise in relation to our overall wellbeing and people in general.”

  446. Often we can think it is the big moments that define our lives, but it is all the little moments within our day that determine the choices that are available to us in those ‘bigger’ moments.

    1. Very true Kristy – it serves us well to be equally aware of the little moments, all the details, in our lives.

  447. Really awesome Alex – if you see it like that you can’t but notice we are immensely powerful.

    1. Yes, so true Lieke. We are certainly all very powerful but we have fallen for the illusion that we are not. This blog exposes this illusion and shows us how simple it is to live in our power every day.

    2. Indeed Lieke, we have the tools available to us to give shape to our lives and it is our responsibility to use these wisely.

  448. I have never really liked adding up or numbers for that matter… and I did wonder what the ‘e’ in between all the numbers was about.. but what I do like is that these days, I do live a healthy, vital, abundant, harmonious, loving, purposeful and joyful life, thanks to the choices I have been making.. of course I am not perfect and who wants to be perfect anyway…

  449. ‘The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility. Finally something is adding up – there is a simple formula to living life.’ – Love this Alex, can’t be said more clearly than this.

    1. Agreed – we are the masters of all that we live and are recipients of… it adds and adds up.

  450. A great read Alex… love the fun and humour brought to numbers here. There are no coincideneces… we have ended up wherever we are today all due to our choices, and in this, there can be no blame – just an observation of truth, and an opportunity to make a different choice.

  451. “The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility.” What will be our next choice, and are we willing to be responsible with the power that comes with every loving choice?

  452. The numbers really hold us to account. It’s quite a gulp, accepting just how many choices we make even in a single hour. It would be an interesting experiment to see 1 single days worth of choices written down. We’d certainly become aware of all the choices we pretend we didn’t make.

  453. What a fantastic way to understand the meaning of life Alex, offering a lightness how we can choose responsibility for ourselves. I love the ‘no gaps’ reference, a gap would be not to breath or exist for a moment and we all know that’s not possible until it is permanent. So no gaps, no time out, so we are either choosing responsibly or irresponsibly, and we get to do this a lot of times!

  454. I agree infinite power in responsibility, which is governed by our choices…I have pretty much left the victimhood in life way behind now. I govern my ship , so to speak…yes there are waves big and small, but I know I can steady the ship through observation of life and why it is presenting in such a way. A joy to come in to contact with the potential of our choices.

  455. There is an incredible richness of life waiting to be lived when we start to pay attention to the detail and look at what type of quality we are living our lives in – is it love or is it not? We can learn so much.

  456. Wow, this has really grounded something Alex – choices are not just the big ones e.g. to move house but are the billions of little ones e.g. do I feel the first moment in movement in my breath and it’s quality. If choosing responsibility then the quality of all choices is the essence of pure love in every second.

  457. Thank you Alex Braun, this blog is super inteligent, highly clear to understand – very responsibile. I love it. Yet so right in our face and simple. But at the same time so beholding (understanding) of people and the wise and unwise choices we have made so far.
    I love how we are being asked to step up another level to come out of the illusion /lack of awareness that we indeed choose every second in our life – either to be wise or unwise!

  458. “The choice is ours and so is the power and responsibility. Finally something is adding up – there is a simple formula to living life.” – it is simple but it does take effort and willingness to stay present and in a quality that makes each moment what it is.

  459. Wow that is a lot of moments! Not something we really want to acknowledge it. But it is really a factual way of looking at it, we are totally responsible for where we find ourselves.

  460. Way to break it down or way to add it up. I often look at parts of life and often hear from others about parts of life or life itself being a struggle, out of control, a concern etc and we think there has been no part played by us. We can explain the many ways of how things have just happened and how the environment, others, life etc have made an impact for it to be a certain way. When you break it down to the seconds we can see that for our part we have had and have plenty of opportunities to make things another way. There is a saying similar to, ‘make every second count’ and here we have why. It makes you consider just what we can simply turn around in a week given just how much time there actually is or more accurately how many moments we have available to us to make a difference.

  461. I like it Alex. There are indeed so many moments when we can make a choice that will lead to our life changing, either in a good way or a bad way. If we looked at it like this we would not want to waste a second.

  462. “Maybe the challenge is not so much in being responsible but in wielding one´s power wisely knowing that with every breath, thought, word and action we are affecting ourselves and consequently everyone and everything around us” what a great reminder that responsibility is nothing to do with being burdened as I have thought of most of my life. It calls for us to consider the power we have and so is actually immensely freeing and empowering.

  463. I agree Alex we are the creators of our own life, most of us live like life just happens to us or we are a victim to it therefore not having to take responsibility for our choices. This is a brilliant blog presenting the possibility that we could take responsibility for every choice we make.

  464. I would need to add another 11 years to the numbers you have provided Alex. No wonder children are so much wiser than adults, they have not had so many billions of moments of being irresponsible in the choices they make.

  465. Some month and several thousands of choices later reading this blog again is quite a reflection of the quality I have filled this period of time/space with. We sometimes do this, looking back in hindsight and seeing things clearer for what they are; right now this is a kind of taking stock and checking the book of lived responsibility. Overall the balance sheet shows some credit but nevertheless, the wasted moments feel actually quite painful. Even more reason to choose the next moment wisely and joyfully.

  466. ‘but too late, tick, tick, tick… one moment of responsibility after the other ticking away and not a single gap to come up with anything to release me from it.’ or not love, or not love, tick…love or not love. Simple and true, thank you Alex to let us know every complication we create in life comes back to a choice or choices we have made and the other way around for simplicity.

    1. Obviously all complexity, indecisiveness, delay etc can be broken down to the “tick…love or not love”.

      1. Indecision is so exhausting and now it makes sense because we are choosing to disconnect from ourselves and reject the love that we are. I love this as it’s a very simple, just come back to your body to feel what is going on.

    2. Thank you Annelies and Alex, there is a truly beautiful simplicity communicated here.

  467. It’s an important link to make that we are responsible because we do in fact wield great power in the sense that each and every one of us has an impact on everyone and everything with each of our choices; we either add a drop of true love and care or a drop of all that it is not love to the ocean we all live in.

    1. We seem to often assume that what we choose or don’t choose is indifferent – this could not be further from truth, all it does is help us to avoid responsibility.

  468. That is amazing Alex! Every moment we get to choose, and we go around and around again until we choose correctly, just to think of all of the amazing amount of choices we have made in just this life time, and think of all the ones in between… that’s a lot of choices.

    1. Love that you focus on the loving choices made, which is another loving and appreciative choice to build further on the momentum of responsibility.

  469. I have baulked at responsibility my whole life- tried to make it hard, fearful and complicated. I have denied and feared my power my whole life too – playing the victim so well I believed the hurts I created and lived by them so as to stop me from seeing my true power. But what if returning to responsibility and power is as simple as choosing the quality of love in the next moment? The past doesn’t have to be this back log of irredeemable misdemeanours or greater omissions of love, just what has passed.

  470. I love it Alex . . . we are indeed the sum total of all our choices . . . scary really, no one and nothing to blame, as we, through a simple choice at any given moment, are able to flip our world onto its head.

  471. Thank you Alex for adding up the sum of our choices! I found these figures to be incredibly inspiring. How many opportunities are there therefore for making those loving choices? And because those numbers are so huge it supports with understanding the enormity of the value that we hold when we make those choices…

  472. This is pretty amazing to consider Alex, and what occurs to me is that we can think that in the face of the billion or so choices we’ve each made, the majority maybe not such great choices, that we are helpless to change the momentum we are in. But what’s amazing is that each loving choice we make wipes out hundreds, if not thousands of unloving ones, so before long the old momentum rides itself out and is superseded by a new loving one that supports every moment’s choice. There is untold power in one moment of love – perhaps that’s where momentous comes from!

    1. Love is so much more powerful than lovelessness, although sometimes it may not be that obvious. But the moment we start to walk on the path of love we experience the grace and unlimited support we are offered.

  473. A perfect equation for life indeed Alex and one that we can explore and move with from one moment to the next. It’s all in our choice and the quality of movements we then make from these choices to bring responsibility back in vogue. Thank you this is brilliant.

  474. The potential of taking responsibility and living a true life is endless and the flow on effect to all others, unfathomable

  475. I became very aware this morning on the impact of changes in my breath and the quality I breath in, and the small choices that can change this quality – evidenced in it’s speed, depth, relationship to heart beat etc. The choices that alter the breath are felt very physiologically within ourselves but also by those around us (and beyond), who receive the ripple effect of them. Great responsibility indeed.

    1. Tough pill – brilliant medicine. Let´s swallow the pill and get it going.

      1. The pill goes down very simply if taken with full does of loving appreciation and understanding for choosing the responsibility of our creations.

  476. Love the maths here Alex! A real relatable blog that brings what are sometimes diffict to grasp words right back down to earth.

  477. I was pondering on exactly this a few days ago so thanks for doing the maths for me Alex; I will just have to add another 17 years of choices to the result. Whoa that number is massive but simply serves to point out that in every moment we have a choice and the consequence of that choice is ours and ours alone so therefore is the quality of our life, or as you put it so succinctly “we are literally the creators of our own world”. So it then follows that if we don’t like our lives all we have to do is talk to ourselves – the creator!.

  478. The lovelessness that we show ourselves is taken out to all those that we meet and the love that we show ourselves is taken out to all we meet, it really is very simple maths, we can’t create some-thing out of no-thing and no-thing does not come out of some-thing.

  479. What you have shared here so well Alex, highlights the fact that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives as we are the ones making the choices. So we hold the power in every moment, and can make it one of truth or not, love or not, responsibility or not. We really are amazing super humans, capable of so much.

  480. The idea of balancing the accounts of our life is certainly something very beautiful to consider. Love this clarity and simplicity and absoluteness as to what we are choosing in every moment. Especially because so many of us choose things we do not want others to know about. Transparency is so so important here.

  481. Wow thanks for sharing Alex, I love the humour you have brought to it it can seem like an overwhelming number of choiced but as you say shows how we are fully responsible for all of our choices and everything that happens to us. We have not just ended up here randomly. So we have the choice to literally choose our future by living it now – pretty awesome really!

  482. Thank you Alex for sharing your “adding up” with us. The outcome being ” We ” are responsible for choosing Love or not. Fire or Prana the choice as always is ours.

  483. There were so many gems in this blog. I recently was talking with a friend about auditing, and we realised that life was very much like a balance sheet. The choices we make that are loving and evolving are the credits and the choices that are unloving or stagnating are the debits. The balance sheet is what we end up with in life and the effects of this positive or negative balance often show up in our body. I also loved the simple equation that responsibility is power, and all we need to do to live that power is make responsible choices.

  484. This is such fun Alex, I can’t work out the numbers at all, maths was never my thing, but you are right, one thing we know for sure ..” There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love.”

  485. After counting all those endless numbers of the amount of choices we can make in our lives… I love the simplicity of this, ‘There are basically only two options for us to choose from – love or anything that is not love’ perfect!

  486. “I am inescapably the product of these choices, like it or not.” Very true Alex, thus we need to start taking responsibility for all our choices – there is no getting away with it – however much we may resist or protest. As you say, do we choose love or not love, i.e. healing or harming, in our every moment interactions?

  487. There is something in the way you have presented this Alex that makes the next choice I make rather easier to make with a clear head. Perhaps that is all we need, to make more and more of our choices in a state of elucidation, being aware of how we live impacting everyone and taking care with that responsibility.

  488. Well, that sums it all up: ‘Every moment is a choice. Every choice is a responsibility.’ – So would be good to be in the moment, he?! When I am in the moment and choose the quality I am in right now, it will guarantee my next moment and so on – like every choice lay the ground and leads me to my next choice. Life – and taking responsibility – can be so simple. If we let it be.

    1. The saying ‘live for the moment’ or the spiritual dogma of ‘living in the moment’ may need to revisited and the true meaning of time and thus moments be understood.

    2. So simple. Just shows how complicated we have made life when we bring it back to the simplicity of making sure we are in each moment in our true quality then the next moment is guaranteed.

  489. Wow! Alex, I love this blog – it is amazing and totally ‘mind-boggling’ to see the sum total of our choices in a mathematical type formula like this. What a wake-up call for true responsibility.

  490. Thank you Alex for putting in very simple terms that we are 100% responsible for every second and every choice we make, even though at times we tell ourselves that random things happen to us.

    1. I loved when he referred to us all as being accountants of our own lives and accountable for every moment in our life. There is nowhere else to venture but to accept that we are 100% responsible for our lives.

  491. Thank you Alex this is perfect for me to read this morning when I am feeling the effects of my past choices which mean I am off to see the doctor shortly for the third time in as many weeks. In the past I have not been responsible in the way I looked after my body and now I am living with the consequences but it is also empowering to know that how I live from now on will have a big impact on the future outcome of my health.

  492. So amazing Alex – this puts things into a very practical and real sense – the fact that we are the walking sum of all our choices – the fact that in each second we have a responsibility to be love or not love. Wow – how simple does this make how we live!

    1. It is indeed the simplicity that reveals the seeming complexity of life to be just a smoke screen to avoid making truly better, loving choices.

  493. It is interesting that if we consider just any day, and we ask ourselves how many choices we have made, by and large, we would not come up with the real number of choices (from small to big ones) we have made but rather with the big ones. And, yet we make choices all the time and they all count in the shaping of our life. As this blog masterfully states it, what is behind this difficulty to even acknowledge that this is the case is how powerful we really are. And yet, this is key to walk such truth.

  494. That’s indeed a lot of choices Alex. What I am pondering on now is why we don’t want to know this to be true. Would life not be much more joyful when we would simply accept that we’re indeed loving, joyful and responsible being by nature. When my life flows everything goes naturally. No thought processes, no lists, no doubts, no arguments needed, just simply flow. Commitment to choose love is for me personally a big one. A choice that I’ve avoided for a long time. That I am to commit to me first and foremost. If not, all the choices that I make don’t come with me in the first place. Thank you Alex for shining your light on this super important subject: choices!

  495. I love this, Alex. With such humour do you confront us with the power we have in every moment, a truth that is inescapable. If the whole of humanity committed to being responsible for even just one second every day, we would be living in a different world.

  496. What’s interesting about choices and responsibility is that a lot of us don’t pay attention to how our choices have ripple effects on the environment and people around us, and instead see what we do in our spare time – eating, being with friends etc. as ‘off time’ when we have the luxury to switch off, but it doesn’t matter whether we look to see or not these choices will always be affecting many more people than just ourselves as you’ve presented here Alex.

  497. Looking at all the moments that make up every single life, yields a lot of choices and consequently, a lot of responsibility. And the thing is, even not making a choice is still a choice. That certainly looks like we cannot ever escape choice and responsibility, no matter how hard we might try. And who would want to, seeing it actually means having true power?

    1. Very true. To not make a choice is a choice. A choice to be complacent or vacant or not responsible. And when we choose to not make choices there is always someone or something there to choose for us – not making a choice is us also giving our power away.

  498. Alex, I love your playfulness. You certainly know how to make Responsibility sound fun, light, powerful and playful and I absolutely I agree with you.

    1. Very true – for how can that which empowers us not be a joy? Yet amongst us ‘responsibility’ has become a bad word. For the most part when mouthed, it makes us groan and lurch as if we are being asked to do a vile chore that we loathe. Does this not point to the fact that we have carved a life where acting irresponsibly is the norm’ and that we have sought great comfort to relieve us of the fact that we are not living true to the essence of who we are and that it is this comfort we are not so willing to relinquish?

  499. It’s amazing to appreciate how many choices we make and the number of opportunities we have to choose love every day.

  500. Alex I love how you bring responsibility and power together and when you present the 1.5billion moments and choices it also shows how powerful we are to be able to make different choices and the ripple effect this has to then wipe out all the past choices. It also shows just how many choices we do make and the importance of supporting our children to know and be able to make true choices from young.

    1. Educating about choices from young is one of many great gifts we can give our children, our next generation.

  501. Wow Alex, those numbers are boggling but boy, so soberingly confronting. The enormous time wasted making ‘billions’ of choices that we then complain about and rally against in what life delivers us as a result.
    A simple formula to life indeed… thank you for this very sage advice.

    1. I agree Jenny. Very wow and playfully presented. Thank you Alex
      ‘Moments = Choices

      Choices = Responsibility

      Responsibility = Moments’

    2. And this simple formula shows that amongst everything we experience in life and everyone we have been with, no-one has been with us in every moment over our lifetime like we have. If something has happened that we are hurt by, then the moments after that we can either choose to heal the hurt or magnify it.

      1. So true Aimee, rather than what we normally do after we feel hurt by someone… to shut down and protect ourselves from everyone, as though they are all going to do the same thing to us.

  502. Something is very very wrong. I was speaking with a refuse worker in the street yesterday about lots of things, and they shared there was a house they had to go to where the occupant lay dead for 6 weeks and his dogs died of starvation before anyone noticed. It’s deeply deeply saddening that we live like this, where we don’t even know, care for or, for some speak to our neighbours – In truth it can be said of people full stop.

    1. It has been very, very wrong for years! A woman in London was discovered in 2011 in her bedsit in front on a TV that was on, she had been dead for over two years. How have we gotten to this point?

    2. You are absolutely correct Gyl. I live in an apartment where it is common for everyone to just do their own thing and often what is going on for others around, most would have no clue about. It is quite ridiculous as it also is saddening to see that help or support is often just next door, sometimes literally and we are not embracing it. Or at least it is not common for people to embrace it. Living in our own worlds and our own issues/dramas/tensions seems to be the goer these days

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