Soul Train

For many years I had frequent dreams about trains. In fact, they were more like nightmares. I would often dream of catching the wrong train and going in the wrong direction, or missing the train and watching it pull out of the station, or I would be standing on the wrong platform and see my train on a different platform. Often I would be trying to get through the ticket barrier with no success while watching the train disappear. If I ever had a dream that I was actually on the train, I would often be on it without a ticket, or without a seat, or facing backwards and feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere.

These dreams were obviously showing me something and were communicating a powerful message. I had them consistently in the years leading up to 2007, which is when I came across the teachings and presentations of Universal Medicine. In the years prior to 2007, I was doing a great deal of searching. From the year 2000 I could feel that something was wrong and amiss. In those seven years I dropped a great deal of things that I used to participate in, and I embarked on what I thought was an inner journey. This took me into a plethora of new age and psychotherapeutic practices that I thought were the answer.

However, my life remained the same and the train dreams continued. They were telling me clearly that I was not getting anywhere and that I was on the wrong track.

However, everything started to change when, through Universal Medicine, I learned the Gentle Breath Meditation™ and discovered how to connect to the true me, my innermost essence, my Soul. I could feel that I had come home – not home to Universal Medicine, but home to myself. I began to make changes to the way that I lived, using my new understanding to connect to myself before moving, speaking and making decisions.

It started to become obvious that I had not been living the true me, and that at last I was beginning to find out who that was. The joy that came with this was incredible. Soon after the joy, came all of the old stuff that I then had to clear – anything that was not from the true me. Anything that I had taken on from the outside, such as ideals, practices, beliefs, plans, ideas, projects, and emotional baggage. It all had to surface in order for me to clear it and then discard it. What I understood was that I had embarked on a journey back to my Soul. It wasn’t necessary to search anywhere anymore but just re-connect to my inner heart and the healing would occur.

Around this time, my dreams began to change. In my dreams, suddenly I was on the right train! Going in the right direction! With a ticket! And with a seat! It was so obvious to me that I was now on the right track in my life.

My train dreams are not so frequent now, but have continued to guide me over the last 10 years. If I start walking away from my Soul, I have a dream that I’m on the wrong train. If I ignore this warning, these dreams stop altogether. Once I come back to what I know and listen to my inner wisdom and act on it, I have a dream that I am on the right train again. It really is remarkable.

For the last few months I have noticed a lack of meaningful dreams. No train dreams at all and no dreams that seemed to have any messages of confirmation or warning. It felt like I was coasting.

Last night though, I had a train dream. I was waiting for the train. There was some anxiousness about if it would actually arrive, and if it would take me where I needed to go to get home. The third train that arrived was my train. Myself and the other passengers on the platform tried to get into the train, but the doors were locked. The train continued to sit in the station with locked doors. It was obvious that the female guard was keeping them locked intentionally. We all pondered on what to do. Someone said that sometimes the guard didn’t let people on the train at all. I had no doubt that I would eventually get on the train; it was just a matter of how and when.

We then realised simultaneously that before we were to be allowed on the train, we had an opportunity to deeply thank and appreciate the train and its operators. We felt we had to acknowledge the value of the train and the fact that we could board it and it would take us home.

What a message from this dream! What I realised when I woke up was that I had not been appreciating all that I have been given, and that I was not on track unless I did this. I had been reminded of the power of appreciation, and how I cannot grow or evolve without this. It was a confirmation that I had been coasting and it was time to get back on track!

In the dream, after we had all got the message and felt appreciation for the guard and the train, the doors were opened and we all got on board. In the dream, I logged on to the Internet and posted a blog that all passengers on the train would be able to read…. So here it is!

The message of this blog is the importance and power of appreciation. Appreciation for everything I have been given, appreciation for myself for waking up and recognising the truth, and appreciation for my Soul for delivering dreams that keep me on the right track.

So, I can’t end this blog without expressing my deepest love, appreciation and gratitude to Serge Benhayon, his family and everyone associated with Universal Medicine. Without them I would still be searching in the wrong direction. The tireless and endless love that is lived, displayed, walked, given and expressed is phenomenal. The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are delivered and presented with so much integrity, and not one ounce of trying to convince or receive recognition. The truth is presented. We can take it or leave it.

I’m choosing to take it, and I’m choosing to take the Soul train!

By Rebecca Turner, London UK

Related Reading:
Appreciation of Us All
The Kingly Body – Building a Relationship with Your Soul
Peeling Back the Layers of Appreciation

582 thoughts on “Soul Train

  1. Wow Rebecca, I’ve had dreams but not this consistent. What an offering from your Soul and in every dream its a reflection for you to go deeper in how you live.

    I don’t get dreams like I used to, having said that. This morning I woke up after a dream, where I lose my iPhone, and I’m searching for it frantically. I come to realise that it doesn’t matter, its only a phone with stuff that isn’t essential anyway. It’s amazing how for me, it was to say, don’t worry about the minute things, they are just memories.

    I love the way our Soul communicates to us, it just loves us. It is that simple.

  2. A gorgeous sharing of the power and importance of appreciation, and how your dreams supported you to be on the true track, ‘Appreciation for everything I have been given, appreciation for myself for waking up and recognising the truth, and appreciation for my Soul for delivering dreams that keep me on the right track.’

    1. The Soul simply presents the truth, it is that simple. It’s how we interrupt it that matters. We either see it as an offering or an hinderance. It’s never the latter…

  3. We embrace the truth when we are ready, not because it is something new for us to be ready for, but simply as we are ready to live again that which we have lived before only forgotten over eons.

  4. Super powerful sharing Rebecca in your whole blog but in particular this sentence: “The message of this blog is the importance and power of appreciation. Appreciation for everything I have been given, appreciation for myself for waking up and recognising the truth, and appreciation for my Soul for delivering dreams that keep me on the right track.”

  5. Dreams can be so powerful in supporting us to understand what we are having to deal with in real life. The subtleties of day to day living can go seemingly un-noticed by us during the day time, but when it comes to night time, our dreams let us know those things we clocked but perhaps did not realise it consciously at the time.

  6. Being Soul-full takes us a return journey that enlightens the way, in every direction that we choose to travel either by train, car, walk or fly we can stay connected as it is our True movements that adds to the journey.

  7. “I had embarked on a journey back to my Soul.” Appreciation for the magnificence of The Soul knows no bounds.

  8. I absolutely love how the soul communicates and that it knows exactly how to communicate and when to communicate it. Thanks for sharing your experience of your dreams Rebecca. I never tire of hearing how we are so lovingly supported to evolve.

  9. Rebecca I love this, it’s so beautiful to read. The stop moment in the dream to appreciate everything is the soul waking us up to enjoy the magic, to feel the riches we are showered with and are returning to.

  10. Beautiful to read this again and be reminded to never forget to appreciate Serge Benhayon and all that he lives – and also myself for having been open to hear what he presented and to choose Truth.

  11. I can only mirror many of the comments already made – its a great blog and beautiful to appreciate the messages that we have in life if only we are willing to see them, and also take a moment to read into what they might be trying to communicate.

  12. Rebecca I loved re reading your blog. It reminds me of all the changes that have gone on in my life since first meeting Serge, the dreams are especially potent in the power they offer me in understanding life.

    1. Being reminded of all the changes that have gone on in my life too, I have appreciated every single one and every single one has felt like a miracle!

  13. Re-occurring dreams are so powerful. I’ve had the same dream over and over for years and then only just night did I clock that not only do they point me in the right direction but they are also used to confirm something that I have clocked myself.

  14. Recurring dreams have a powerful message and the more we connect to them and learn to read and then heed their messages, the more they can support us on the way, the only way.

    1. Spot on Gabriele, repeated gentle and powerful messages are important to heed even if it takes us a while to fully understand the message itself. But always such messages are there to support us.

  15. Our dreams can really have the feeling of our day – either an intensity or some other feeling we have or did not really notice – and noticing this can really be supportive in becoming aware of what is going on in our days which we might not have been aware of at that time.

  16. I love how we are communicated to in our sleep. Some mornings I awake with such clarity and an amazing truth of expression that just comes tumbling out. I feel it is important to honour this expression too for it is not necessarily just for us on an individual level. It can be something that will support us all.

  17. I too have learned the power of appreciation and how it creates a beautiful foundation on which to continue to expand my life. But if somehow, I overlook appreciating what I have, my ‘train will stay stationary at the station with all doors locked’, just like yours. And one of the most wonderful understandings from taking the time to appreciate where I am and what I have, is that I then naturally begin to appreciate those around me; this is the power of the ripples of appreciation.

  18. I left the house this morning greatly appreciating myself in what I was able to deliver to two friends which gave them a different perspective. One of my colleagues was having a rant and trying to make me part of it, but because I was in so much appreciation of self, nothing could enter, nor did I take it personally – wow, I can honestly say I am only beginning to fully understand the power of appreciation.

  19. Thank you for sharing this, Rebecca. I love that the train is already here, and waiting. And it feels like appreciation is not just being thankful but it comes with deep surrender, trust and embracing of what is here, a bit like allowing the gravity to hold my body completely with no apprehension or resistance.

  20. There is an unspoken dialogue that happens within us between the part of us that has never left God (our soul) and the part of us that has (our spirit). As much as the spirit may want to fight its return to Soul, it is forever at a loss without it because it is the ‘lonely fragment’ that wandered away from such love and such light.

    1. And to not not feel that self created loss the spirit does everything to stay in motion and drive. Because if once surrendered to the soul it will feel its abusive choices and for how long he lived in and with illusion.

  21. What a beautiful story and absolute magnificent how your soul talks to you through your dreams. It shows, that you are very much connected to your soul! Question that comes up, do you listen in the same dedication to your soul, during the day?

    1. Our soul offers us the understanding that there are many train stops to choose from but our choice to be guided by the soul train heals our hurts and leads us on the path of true understanding and brotherhood.

      1. It is true, we choose if we hop on the train of evolution and a true moving forward – the soul- or if we hop on the train of the Spirit that loves circulation that never really moves us forward and instead indulge in whatever it identifies.

  22. To know that you’re on track on the path of return to your soul is huge, and I know for me this began when I found Universal Medicine who inspired me to reconnect to my inner most and thus begin my journey back to soul. And the soul is always there ready and waiting for us to pay heed.

    1. I am living proof, everyday I look into the mirror and see myself that I am on the right track . What a huge change I underwent… And I feel more vibrant, loving, vital, open, tender and powerful every day. Nothing I ever tried out before I met Universal Medicine was supporting me in this way. The real deal for me!

  23. What an amazing blog to re read and to feel how your Soul, our Soul is always guiding us to return back to our origin, our divine nature. And I absolutely share what you have expressed at the end, the deep love and appreciation for Serge Benhayon, his family and those who are associated with Universal Medicine and what Serge has brought through and keeps bringing through, there are not enough words to describe the love he lives and brings on this earth concistently day in day out.

    1. Those that deride, criticise and judge Serge Benhayon and his family do so having no idea of the level of love he lives and inspires in others.

  24. It is amazing and a blessing how thigns keep coming back up for us to look at which we have not fully dealt with. Whether it is during our waking day or when we are a sleep. The more we embrace what we are being shown the more we can let go of what is not true to us so as to allow more space for what is true.

      1. We sure are massively held in such an abundance of love it can almost at times seem too much and questions of do I deserve it come up but of course we do because we are by nature and essence from love and so we are simply returning to that which we already are.

  25. “I had been reminded of the power of appreciation, and how I cannot grow or evolve without this. ” The power of appreciation is huge and very much underestimated – for ourselves and for others too.

    1. Great reminder Sue, appreciation is like the cement as the foundation and alos between all the bricks without it the hosue can easily tumble down. With it the hosue becomes super strong and nothing can get in and sway it.

    2. Appreciation is essential to our lives if we wish to keep evolving, I love how Rebecca was reminded of this in her dream, ‘What I realised when I woke up was that I had not been appreciating all that I have been given, and that I was not on track unless I did this. I had been reminded of the power of appreciation, and how I cannot grow or evolve without this.’

  26. The way we lead life today is like someone who constantly gets on and off trains panicking because they are late then getting stressed that they are not ‘getting there’. If we just focused on staying connected to true purpose we may find the journey can be smooth.

    1. Great analogy – the headless chicken that flaps hither and tither, on and off trains and going nowhere other than creating a lot of commotion with its erratic behaviour.

  27. Dreams are always very accurate and of great assistance if we know how to relate with them.

  28. The soul train is always there on the same track, at any time of the day and will bring us back to where we belong. But there is also the spirit train, that is never on time, always on the wrong platform, always goes in the opposite direction and does brings us nowhere. A great start would be to acknowledge that this is a fact and come back to the understanding that it is simply a matter of choice what train to take.

    1. Indeed Nico. A great reminder that we have a choice in every moment as to which train we are going to board, and consequently where we will end up.

      1. The spirit train will keep us in this merry go round and if we like it we will keep taking that train, constantly ignoring that Soul train on the other platform which, when we are ready is always there to be catched in time.

  29. The power of our sleep time dreams and then what we can understand from them, the messaging, the evolution, is confirming of the power that already is within us and what our bodies do feel in every moment to be able to generate the particular dream we require. Dreams are amazing tools, because our body is one too.

  30. Prior to meeting Universal Medicine I was on a train going nowhere. I now have most definitely jumped tracks and on the train that is taking me ever deeper to my Soul.

  31. I am enjoying coming back to the ‘soul train’ blog, it tells the story of our return to who we are by the threefold aspects that make the one journey what it is: Appreciation for everything been given to us constantly by God, appreciation for oneself for waking up and recognising the truth – our commitment and activation, and appreciation for our Soul to keep us always on the right track by whatever messages or means necessary whereby honouring free will.

  32. What an amazing revelation. Imagine this being the way in life. Not being allowed to enter the train unless we really appreciated it and everyone involved making the journey happen. It would make us more respectful, hopefully, and we would experience a grander purpose as a community.

    1. Appreciation is key – without it, we have no foundation to stand on. We might as well try to do life balancing on one leg only. Through appreciation we fathom more depth and purpose.

  33. What a beautiful tool reading the meaning of dreams can be to access our next steps concerning our evolution back to soul. All has meaning in life.

  34. To be able to appreciate what you felt and what you chose and how you are now living a life full of love and the truth of who you are and the enormity of what we are connected to life sure is worth appreciating.

  35. Thank you you Rebecca for sharing your dreams and for the reminder to deeply appreciate and confirm who we are and how listening to our soul brings the most momentous opportunities and healing. We are so held in our lives by God with everything available to us to live the love that we are. Symbolism is around us everywhere offering a response to us about the choices we are making, enriching our life and offering more. I feel much love and appreciation for Serge Benhayon, his family, the wisdom he is unfolding every day to support Humanity to board the ‘express’ train home.

    1. Absolutely Christina, where would many of us be without the love and support of Serge Benhayon and his family, ‘I feel much love and appreciation for Serge Benhayon, his family, the wisdom he is unfolding every day to support Humanity to board the ‘express’ train home.’

  36. There are only two tracks that we can follow in life, both which lead us back to God. One will be the direct express route that will get us there faster (Soul) and the other will be an all stops one (spirit) that meanders and delays as it twists and turns throughout our various lives, taking us further away from our true self until ultimately we make the journey back in.

  37. When we listen to our soul we know we are on the right track, it is the times when we don’t that we end up going down a rabbit hole, or on a track that leads us to a dead end, and our dreams often alert us to situations that need our attention.

  38. Thank you Rebecca it is such a lovely read, it even feels soulful and I feel very still reading through. The communication in dreams can be very powerful, it’s so much greater than words, it’s more like a whole body experience that is deeply felt and understood through the body. The soul is certainly amazing with what it can deliver.

  39. Reading someone’s experience with the humour and directness their Soul is very unifying – as we can all relate to those thoughts, those dreams and those feelings of being guided and supported by more than the ‘functional’ life that we can see.

  40. The Soul has to communicate to us in a way we can understand the message. We associate trains with schedules and destinations. The Soul train does propose to us a very different approach to movement.

  41. Wow that is super cool Rebecca how clear and spot on the dreams were. What’s even super cooler is that you stopped and listened to what they were showing you and you could feel that something wasn’t on track. Such a healing for you in that moment.

  42. ‘I’m choosing to take it, and I’m choosing to take the Soul train!’ A beautiful and powerful claiming that is being reflected by your dreams, Rebecca. I’m on board with you!

  43. I find often things I am not fully clear about or undealt with come to me in my dreams as an opportunity to learn from them and observe the choices I am making. Often things are presented to me and I can then observe the choice(s) I am making and then can either go yes or hang on why have I chosen that and then make different choices.

  44. “….appreciation for my Soul for delivering dreams that keep me on the right track” – dreams are one of our biggest indicators into waking life, and its quality because they message the energetic interplay and truth of what is going on. And for me personally, when I don’t remember my dreams i know that that in itself is also an indicator into the way I am choosing to live my waking life at that moment in time to not recall a message that is for evolution.

  45. Our dreams are so powerful and healing, it is beautiful that we receive dreams from our Soul to support us to evolve.

  46. This is an awesome point that you make, about how after even just a moment of true joy there comes the reality of all that you have lived without this quality. Personally, I find this experience always to be very humbling and inspires me to want to clear away more and more of my issues so that there may be more space for true joy to come out again and again and to stay for longer and longer.

  47. Our dreams can tell us so much when we are discerning and honest with how we read them.

  48. I think it’s important to appreciate that we’ve never entirely missed the Soul train so to speak – as in even if we realise we’ve been making unloving choices for a long time we can still make a change and make our next move in a different quality…

  49. This blog is so cool; we are so amazing. If we would wake up and read what our soul is communicating we would see we have been given it all. Which is a great realisation to see and start the journey back to living this truth daily.

  50. It is beautifull how the Soul gives us messages through dreams. I haven’t had anything as clear as you have but maybe I just need to up my awareness and listen more!

  51. Hopping on board the train and obviously making choices to rearrange the seating always leads us back to the understanding that the direction we choose may not always be the one that serves the all.

  52. I love the fact that the Soul never ever gives up on us, we think we may simply be sleeping, but in this period of rest, the Soul is always right there ready to drop in a symbol and message via a dream.

  53. Clocking how we respond to our dreams is just as significant as the dreams themselves. The more I make an effort to remember what I dream about, the deeper the reading and the healing. When I’m not dreaming about anything it’s usually a sign that I haven’t been choosing to read and be aware of everything that has taken place during the day. Our dreams are tools that support us to build a stronger and deeper connection with what we’re feeling, reading and sensing during our day.

  54. I amazed how often how I know what is next and if I’m not taking the time to feel and appreciate what is on offer I can feel at the opposite end of what just was offered. We have the opportunity to be empty of joy and be part of unstable return or we can have the feeling of enormity of a new adventure being completed with an abundance of joy to be felt in the body.

  55. I love the simple message of your dream, Rebecca. It’s priceless! I love how the soul can communicate through dreams, supporting us in daily life to become more aware of our choices and actions.

  56. The fact that we have access to our multi-dimensionality through our dreams is absolutely beautiful and to be treasured.

  57. Before Universal Medicine and when I was living in Perth, I used to have recurring dreams of needing to move to the east coast of Australia, as soon as possible and without delay. There was quite an air of desperation in those dreams and I finally did. It took a while longer to then meet Serge Benhayon and have my first session with him – and the rest, as they say, is history.

  58. When our day to day movements through life are founded on appreciation every step we take can be one of growth as we learn to let go of what we no longer supports us and live our potential.

  59. For a while now I’ve been having dreams of rapidly shifting and mutating cartoons from one picture to another. They only come as I am going to bed however (in the first 10/15 minutes before I nod off completely) they feel very disturbing and I’ve yet to read them further. Opening up to talk about the meanings behind the dreams I always find there’s a learning to be had.

  60. I’v been having some strange dreams recently, but understanding it is symbology and reading this I am able to look at them for what they are representing to me gaining a deeper understanding of myself and life rather than seeing them as a weird dream.

  61. We make the Soul train real when we listen to and honour how we feel. It’s not about never making a mistake but honestly reflecting and learning along the way. In fact the Soul train seems to like to pull in to stops along the way that show us what’s not true in what we do, so we can make different choices. What a ride! Thank you Rebecca for choosing the fire inside.

  62. The mind can be easily tricked but the body knows, hence the only true solidness we can have in life is through connection with our body. Our bodies are like an anchor that prevents us from getting hooked into things that are tantalising or appealing to the mind.

  63. ” Soul Train ”
    I just love reading this writings. There is a seat for everyone on the Soul Train.

  64. Everything in life is telling us the truth, if we are just willing to let go of our stubbornness and favourite lies, we’ll get to see. We are supported way beyond, and in our dreams. Thank you Rebecca.

  65. An amazing appreciation of a life lived from the body and how we can unfold so much more in the process. I love how our dreams support us to deepen our relationship with self and grow forevermore.

  66. I love reading this. It is such a strong confirmation that I am on the Soul Train and how important it is to keep deepening my appreciation – appreciation is the ticket to stay on the train.

  67. I dreamed last night I was throwing all my old cushions away. Fabulous! Time to get rid of some of those old comfortable patterns! I love the symbolism of the soul.

  68. Go Rebecca, it is amazing quite how much can be shown to us in our dreams especially when we are ready, willing and open to see what is before us for us to learn and move on from. Like with most things we can use them to evolve, and learn from or we can repeat the same patterns we are doing in the day in our dreams with seemingly little or no consequences. But knowing everything is energy means what happens in our dreams still has an effect on our body.

  69. I love the way dreams show us things that deep down we know but perhaps we aren’t ready to know or deal with. They show me a deeper side to life and that everything in life has meaning.

    1. On many occasions in my dreams, I am talking to someone and giving them some very wise advice. Then when I wake I know that the advice was for myself from my soul. What this tells me is that we already know the answers to our questions but at times we just need a little assistance to bring it all out into our every day.

  70. ” I’m choosing to take it, and I’m choosing to take the Soul train! ‘
    I will be taking the Soul train as well and I look forward to meeting everyone on it , thank you for sharing Rebecca .

  71. Also your point about not having significant dreams is fascinating. I’ve beeb having dreams in the last few days that are very blurry and non-descript – perhaps a great reflection of the energy I’m choosing in the day. Could our dreams be great indicators of the energy we choose in the day?

    1. I would have to say yes that our dreams definitely reflect the quality of the energy we choose in the day. And often I find I get to see things in my dreams that I have not been wanting to or willing to see during the day as I am more detached and so given another opportunity to see situations more clearly.

  72. I had another train dream recently. It was the right train and it was absolutely packed with people. So much so that there were no seats available apart from shared seating on the floor in one carriage. I joined the masses on the floor. Very humbling and very accepting of my part in humanity and that we are all one. These dreams never cease to amaze me.

    1. Thank you for sharing and keeping us up-to-date with your dreams, Rebecca. I fell this to be a powerful reminder to let go of individuality.

    2. I love Soul-led dreams. Mine or any one else’s. They bring such depth, quality and understanding to life.
      Gorgeous reminder here that whatever it looks like we are connected, equal, united and unfolding as one.

      1. Well said Golnaz – and so true that one person’s dream is a message equally so for us all for there is really only One Soul.

    3. Thank you fro the update Rebecca, I love how the theme is unfolding more and more for you and how much you are learning from your dreams. Appreciating quite how much support we have on offer we simply just have to say YES to it!

  73. It is so beautiful that we are receiving communication and opportunities for healing even in our sleep.

  74. Love how something that at first seems so perplexing and confusing turns into such an asset when its understood. The fact the dreams continue to inform you of whether you are on the right train or not is such an asset in helping you check how things are going and if you are heading to the right destination.

  75. Our dreams are a brilliant insight into what’s going on in our lives, I often get a fresh new perspective that allows me to have a revelation about myself or my life or see things in a new light from my dreams.

  76. Dreams do not happen by chance, they mean something, and so clearly as is expressed in your article, when we are open to that meaning, we learn something.

  77. “I had been reminded of the power of appreciation, and how I cannot grow or evolve without this.” So true Rebecca. Re-reading your post is a great reminder for me to appreciate – even – or rather especially – the small things.

  78. Such is the power of honouring and responding to our inner essence, our Soul. I’m sure for you Rebecca it must of been a confirmation and realisation that what had been in your life simply wasn’t it. I remember meeting you years ago and you hadn’t been introduced just then to Universal Medicine and I have watched the most beautiful transformation of you returning to who you truly are, it has been very inspiring.

  79. I love how our body takes every opportunity to communicate to us, even if it means telling us something in our sleep when we’re not distracted by the usual activities in our day!

  80. I have been having a lot of dreams these past few nights, mostly involving family members. But last night I had a dream that I was walking along side Elvis. He was all appropriately dressed for the weather, dressed all in black, boats, gloves and and extra rain covering. He was well kitted out. Perhaps the message is being prepare for life for all kinds of weather… and perhaps more insight may come later.

  81. What a remarkable experience you share here Rebecca – our dreams can really be a direct communication from our soul guiding us all the way back to who we are. I am amazed at the accuracy and detail in your dreams and the meanings you have learned from them.

  82. It never ceases to amaze me how my dreams are consistently there as a support to show me what is going on in my life or to give me a greater understanding of something that happened in the past, especially if it is affecting the way I live now. I have found that the more I am open and allow this support (recording my dreams on paper helps this process out a lot) the more I remember my dreams and trust that I know the symbolism they are portraying (which, by the way, can not be found in a book). Also, the way in which I wind down at night and put myself to sleep, as well as every other movement during the day has a direct effect on our dreams, which are an endless source of learning about ourselves and others.

  83. The beauty that you present here is that everything in our life is reflecting us something and can be read.

  84. I love the simplicity of the message of this blog and the symbolism of these dreams – that appreciation of who we truly are opens us up the greater dimensions of intelligence that are the norm for us when we live connected to our true self. In-truth, our only purpose in life is to get back on the right ‘track’ and this means allowing the ‘spirit train’ we have been running with to merge back with the ‘Soul train’ it/we originally departed from.

  85. Beautiful dream and sharing Rebecca. What would happen if we actually did appreciate the track our Soul has taken us? My hunch is we’d see our everyday in a much kinder light.

  86. Awesome to have such clarity in the detail of your dream Rebecca and to feel this being a clear communication from your Soul.

  87. A beautiful sharing on the gift of our soul ,our dreams and all we are offered to support us in life .”The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are delivered and presented with so much integrity, and not one ounce of trying to convince or receive recognition. ” The truth is presented. We can take it or leave it.”

  88. Let us forever take stock of where we have come, the journey, the learnings and the track taken and celebrate with every particle of our being the true choices we have made and are making.

  89. I complete agree with “expressing my deepest love, appreciation and gratitude to Serge Benhayon, his family and everyone associated with Universal Medicine. Without them I would still be searching in the wrong direction.” it is with their love and sharing that I am now on the true direction of my life journey.

  90. Your clarity and understanding are inspiring to anyone who wants to make sense of their dreams Rebecca, you knew your body was speaking to you in a way for you to change your behaviours. It is very lovely that you recognised it as your journey back to Soul, and then made the changes. The change of dreams confirms you are on track to the correct destination now.

  91. My feeling is that there is so much we can learn from our dreams and like everything the more we pay attention to them the more we are offered. I too have had re-occurring dreams about my suitcase which after reading this blog am inspired to go deeper in what is truly being offered to support me in my day if I so happen to dream about my suitcase again!

  92. Yes, I so appreciate the dreams my Soul gives me to let me know exactly where I’m at so I can be wiser with what I am choosing.

  93. Toot. Toot. Totally on the Soul train with you sister. And totally agree that without the Benhayon’s, I would totally still be searching in the wrong direction as well. Best conductors around 🙂

  94. I love the messages you received from your soul in the dreams, ‘I had been reminded of the power of appreciation, and how I cannot grow or evolve without this.’ So true.

  95. Rebecca I love how you say that when you first began to connect to your soul you could feel that you returned home to you, not to anyone or anything else. What Universal Medicine presents is the vehicle so we can to return to the exquisiteness of what is within, untouched.

  96. Great dreams Rebecca – and a great reminder that staying open and listening to the wisdom that is constantly showered us by our Soul helps us to stay on track.

  97. Super cool to be prompted to introduce appreciation into our lives, to practise it and to observe the impact… and super cool time of the year to be doing it… starting a new year with this support and inspiration.

  98. Missing an opportunity or a train isn’t the be all and end all, because the next train will no doubt come and we will be presented with the same choice down the line. If we can clock, realise and take the opportunity when it does arise then we will arrive at our destination sooner, but by beating ourselves up we delay the arrival even more!

  99. I love feel the holding from your Soul, showing the fact that you are not on your own and everything you could ever need is already with you.

  100. We are always given messages and confirmations of whether our choices are supporting ourselves or not, even the slightest of whether we are feeling joy each and every moment is one such reminder, which we may have ignored with the belief that joy is not a constant and has to be achieved somehow, how amazingly ignorant we have chosen to be.

    1. Thanks for highlighting joy as a confirmation, joy is a sense of connection to the divine and without this confirmation everyday moments feel to me they are missing true purpose for All.

  101. Waking up from last nights dreams I knew exactly what it was all about and what to do about it. It was a whole night process and the dreams were unfolding the theme to be completed in the morning – the Soul at work.

    1. Our soul’s communication is constant and never ending, guiding us throughout the whole of our life.

  102. The presentation of truth Serge Benhayon offers the world is there for us all to take it or leave it but ultimately it is there for us all and the love we truly are to embody and appreciate for ourselves.

  103. Communication isn’t always about talking and listening to spoken word, it is about building the awareness to read life and all that is placed before you.

    1. I have just been appreciating the impact of communicating openly and honesty with others and then read this comment which offers another angle and deepening… love it.

  104. I loved reading about your recurring dreams, Rebecca, as the soul is so amazing in its use of symbolism to communicate a thousand words in simple packages of truth.

  105. Re-connecting to our inner essence is indeed a coming home, a disconnection from which we are devastated but over ride with the search for something outside of ourselves to fill the void.

  106. There are so many messages and signs for us to follow when we choose to listen to them. I used to try and work out in my head what my dreams meant, but have found it is much better to feel into them to get a deeper understanding.

  107. Our life journey really is about the choices we make every moment of every day… we can make life simple or we can complicate it, we can join the soul train or we can take many journeys in different directions but in the end we all come back to soul – so very simple.

    1. We can make life simple or we can complicate it…. that simple, yet I can feel I am allowing a little complication in at the moment over a certain area of my life, time to reel it back in and keep it super simple.

  108. It really does come back to our relationship with ourselves, how willing we are to deepen from within and not look outside of ourselves in search of the answers to our woes.

    1. So true Thomas – all the answers we ever need come from inside us and in our bodies – we have but to listen.

  109. The thing with a Soul is that we have to stay on track so we can evolve and then to stop at every station on the way because we can learn how to deepen our connection before we move on, which would be moving ahead of ourselves.

      1. So true Johanne, the more stations we align to so when we get to move to a higher platform because we have developed a True foundation we are on a evolution path/track.

  110. “The truth is presented. We can take it or leave it.” spot on, if only this was the way we all were in life things would be much simpler.

  111. “Soon after the joy, came all of the old stuff that I then had to clear – anything that was not from the true me. Anything that I had taken on from the outside, such as ideals, practices, beliefs, plans, ideas, projects, and emotional baggage. It all had to surface in order for me to clear it and then discard it.” It is much more usual to feel that when we are going through tough times we are ‘suffering’, and often we will blame it on another rather than be willing to look at our own part in them. But to be able to be open and accepting that these times are in fact very positive and deeply healing experiences, has to be deeply appreciated.

  112. Our body can communicate to us with incredible precision through aches, pains, illness, bloating, exhaustion, strains and so forth, as can our dreams.

  113. “I’m choosing to take it, and I’m choosing to take the Soul train!” .. today i shall be taking a super high speed train in Asia, and re-reading your post again feels like I’m taking the high-speed train of the soul with you too Rebecca!!! There is definitely something about trains, i adore them in their ability to give land access to parts of the world, now in super flash time.

  114. I’ve had the same dream over a couple of nights involving big hairy growths that were found inside someone’s body. In my dream they were quite repulsive and reading this blog today, I realised that the yuck stuff we do to our body (overeating, emotions, drive, being hard on yourself etc…) get stored in our bodies and the message to me is that you can’t actually get away with anything. I have been mucking around with food, not putting on weight so seemingly ‘getting away with it’ but in truth I am not. Check. Thanks Soul.

  115. Appreciation for who we truly are can never be underestimated in its power to deepen, grow and expand us; for what we value and hold dear cannot help but blossom.

  116. “I could feel that I had come home – not home to Universal Medicine, but home to myself”. This is one of the many blessings that Universal Medicine offers humanity, a way to finding your way home, of getting on the ‘right train to you’. From home base, it is yours, not Universal Medicine and if Universal Medicine does not exist anymore, you do. This is quite a different model from many modalities and businesses for when they cease, quite often does the activity of the person around it.

  117. This is such a great distinction to make, that you have come home to you and not to Universal Medicine because as stupendous as Universal Medicine is, it is a vehicle for expression, to support as we all find our way back home again – it is not the home we are looking for, for that can only truly be found deep within our inner-most-hearts.

  118. Going very present to bed does give you the most beautiful messages from your soul through dreams. Why miss it by being checked out by Tv or numbing in any shape or form…

  119. I woke early this morning and remembered my dream. I was in a workshop ( the workshop of life), when a few others started to run very fast. I followed this and started to run fast too. But very quickly I found my own movement and expressed this and next thing I took off – literally, my feet took off the ground. Put very simply, when we move in a way that is true to ourselves, there are no limits!

  120. There are so many messages of truth available to support us, if only we are willing to listen.

  121. How often do we let our dreams and the feeling they invoke pass without any further consideration? This blog exposes just how much we may be missing and that the messages can be persistent though repetitious until we take notice.

    1. Absolutely – it is also interesting to tune in, what kind of dream was given to you. If the dream was coming from your soul or not, because both ways need a deeper look and consideration.

  122. The appreciation of our dreams and the messages they give us in connection to our soul is very beautiful and offers a great foundation and support. What a beautiful sharing of your dreams and the understanding you feel from them.

  123. What a beautiful and strong way for your soul to communicate with you. I love how you also listen and respond to your dreams and take it as feedback into your living way. This is a treat to read and also sit with as a reflection of what dreams can say to us and how important and significant symbolism is.

  124. I love these playful yet significant messages we keep getting, even in wake moment. Today very early in the morning I witnessed a scenario on the bus. Although my body had already felt and registered the irresponsibility I was witnessing, I chose sympathy and giving the person the benefit of the doubt, so a moment later I was doubting what I had felt and reversing my thoughts. About half hour later on another bus I witnessed what was so clearly the exact same dynamic! This time it was more severe. I was stunned, and also wanted to laugh. The message was definitely there for me to see. Life is so playful and supportive when we open our eyes and heart to it.

  125. Having been practising appreciation recently, as in considering the quality of appreciation, how much there is to appreciate and incorporating it into my days, I am blown away by the impact it has, supporting me to see beyond day to day challenges to the incredible opportunities on offer, to learn, be in relationship with others, heal…

  126. Very inspiring, I love how our dreams can teach or confirm so much if we are open to the messages.

  127. I love the metaphor of a train you share here Rebecca. When we follow impulses that we receive and make choices, it’s like we get on a train that pulls us forward, in a momentum that makes it hard to get off. Without us seeming to need to do much it takes us forward on the predetermined tracks, often attracting others to get on to. The question is where are the impulses coming from and what’s the destination we’re headed to?

  128. I dreamt about two yellow cabs during the night, and then on the way to work one of the first cars on the road that I saw was a yellow cab which reminded me of the dream, I won’t go into the whole dream but it was important enough for the magic of God to put a real one in my path so the whole message of the dream would unfold.

    1. Wow, kevmchardy, the magic of God unfolding right before your very eyes! Impossible to miss a yellow cab (unless you are in New York of course), and the gentle, loving reminder it carries with it. Magic.

  129. It is truly incredible when you meet the truth and there a someone like Serge Benhayon that offers nothing but the truth and Love. When I came to this I knew it to my core I was in the right place.

  130. Yes, this is pretty cool! Evolution represented within a series of recurring dreams. And a big and powerful message that appreciation is key for this evolution to continue.

  131. I love how you describe the Gentle Breath Meditation, as a ‘coming home’ to yourself. its not a membership to something outside of oneself, but an empowering and knowing connection to one’s Soul.

  132. Dreams are another way the soul can access us and allow us to understand the truth of what we feel. So often when we want or think life is a certain way we are unable to see the truth of how we are living. Dreams can help to point out the obvious that we are blind to.

  133. There is only one train to get us home. The Soul is the Sole train. The train is waiting for us patiently, watching us, helping us and constantly reminding us that there is a limit to how far you can get from it in case you decide to run away from that train.

  134. My dreams have been very vivid recently… I love how they confirm something, or show something that needs looking into. Interpreting them can be a challenge at times, but when I really sit with it I usually get to the point.

  135. There is such joy in knowing that we are on our path back to soul because we know this is where we come from.

  136. How very different our world would be if we all learned the true value of appreciation from birth. Living in and with appreciation is a beautiful way of being. It isn’t just about being grateful for what we have in life – but truly honouring in a deep way, who we truly are and the beingness that is in us all. It is also appreciating that we are all part of a much bigger whole and that who we are is integral to that whole. Thank you Rebecca for providing another platform for this understanding.

  137. That is awesome how resilient and consistent your Soul was, gently reminding you to come back to your truth. But at the same time not judging or demanding anything from you, giving you space to choose to be all that you are.

  138. ‘connect to myself before moving, speaking and making decisions.’ It is so easy to leap into action without thinking, but when we connect to ourselves first then everything we do is likely to be in accordance to what is truly needed.

  139. I never used to remember my dreams, but I love to recall and understand them now. They can give us so much insight into our patterns and how we behave.

  140. Not being on track unless we are living with appreciation is huge. Appreciation was something I rarely if ever did. If I wasn’t enough then l couldn’t possibly appreciate all that was around me, not people, not life itself. Appreciation is a way of being, it has a certain quality that I now know life can be lived by so I’m not caught short with just seeing all that isn’t love in the world-class which is a lot at present. It was an essential quality I wasn’t connected with and so life seemed very dark. But appreciation shines the light, not a false light but a true one from which to see life in greater depth.

  141. Interesting that the dreams over the years were “more like nightmares” yet you have found a profound revelation and insight in them. It tends to be the same in life with many situations that we label ‘nightmare’. With greater reflection and understanding of cycles of energy we often find out how perfectly constellated and significant they were on a bigger picture – that of our returning to Soul.

  142. What I love about being on the Soul train is that although it may make many stops and travel through challenging weather and rough terrain, it can never be derailed. It can never go off-course, we can only choose to hop on or off.

  143. Appreciation is key on our path back to who we are, as without appreciation we are ignorant of the fact hat we are so much more and too, live in a world that is so much more than that what we see with the eye.

  144. This just goes to show how we can get involved in so many different things, keeping ourselves busy or thinking that we are healing parts of our lives when in truth absolute nothing is changing! It is quite sobering. Until we are willing to truly feel and see what is going on and at play with an understanding of the truth in energy this will not change.

  145. Appreciation can be appreciating the big and or the little things in life… and I find it is often the littlest details that have the most profound effect.

  146. We really are given so much grace… we re-connect to our Soul and then there is all the old baggage that our Soul sends to the surface for us to clear – all those millions of past choices are given the grace to be released and cleared.

  147. The message to simply appreciate ourselves for ‘waking up to truth’ is very worth consistent appreciation.

  148. I had stopped appreciating all I had been given, and then I get a bit lost to say the least. As soon as I observe and appreciate all the support there is for me, everything flows….

    1. Exactly Steve and we can get so easily swayed by other people into doing something because we over-ride our first feeling and we over-ride because we were not appreciating or trusting, which happened to me this week!

      1. It only takes that one little nudge sometimes to put us one degree off course, that if not noticed can make you miss a continent as we sail life’s sea.

      2. This is a great truth you present here Steve, very tangible, it makes it so clear how very important it is to stay with what we know is true in every moment.

  149. I love how within a dream we can have realisations. It shows that we never stop being aware and conscious even when we sleep.

  150. I am realising that i have looked over appreciation and all its power for way to long, appreciating yourself and others is key to undoing all the ill in this world, great dreams, great message and great blog, thank you!

  151. I was telling your story to someone the other day who has been having disturbing repetitive dreams. It is really supportive for anyone to learn how we are getting messages all the time from our body to show us a different way to live. When we change our choices, the message changes as we align to our soul.

  152. Universal Medicine has been the exit from the maze that we have created for ourselves to get lost in. The maze has kept us searching for something in the centre that has always been within us.

  153. What a confirming sharing. How the soul is working with us can be through dreams or other impulses or symbols throughout the day. But certainly the soul is working with us constantly. If we listen to it is our choice.

  154. Since reading this incredible blog and the comments I became more detailed in the way I appreciate some of the things that can be taken for granted in life. In very simple things such as having hot water at home!

  155. The power of appreciation has become a long neglected part of our lives – how can we expand unless we let go of contraction and allow appreciation to support us in coming back to full acceptance of who we truly are.

  156. What a clear message your dream offers, and with it comes exponential healing and growth in everyday life. This shows just how much support we have from our Soul’s communication with us.

  157. How amazing is it that there is so many avenues through which we can be guided, reminded or communicated with to make sure we remain on track

  158. So many years I was on the track searching for truth outside of myself and all the time the track was a path of return to the inner-heart.

  159. Such a super clear and gorgeous message for you Rebecca, consistently bringing you back to you, and confirming that when we are aligned to soul, the way is shown.

  160. I love how our dreams are so very specific for exactly what we need at that particular time… just like all the other messages we are constantly offered – like the butterfly passing by or someone calling just as you think of them.

  161. Our Soul is so inspiring, sharing gold with us all the time… if we so choose to listen.

    1. Paula, our Soul is really magical indeed. This morning when pondering on the dreams I had during the night I became aware of a possible way to deal with a situation. For me this was mind blowing as I could not get to that realisation on my own, without the dreams nor the willingness to understand them. I was thinking later during the day how much we are all supported every where, every moment, in every possible angle. Love.

      1. I totally appreciate my dreams too. The messages come in very simple form and sometimes in ways I can find quite surprising. They always confirm what is known deep down and can really help steer choices made, especially when we bring understanding and a deeper awareness of their communication.

      1. And the beauty is that we are shown in the very exact way that we need to see or feel a dream – super wise soul.

  162. I find dreams fascinating, and that they can be read as a communication from our soul gives much depth to them and what they are offering us in our awareness and evolution.

  163. It is a wonder that we have access to healing and communication in our dreams at night, we only have to listen and feel what is being communicated.

  164. A recurring dream holds such a powerful message for us, that it is hard to ignore. But a wilingness to understand what the message is is the real key here. What a beautiful and honouring lesson this would be for children, to be able to understand and read their own dreams from a young age. How much would this benefit them and everyone else if they were encouraged to share their experience of their connection to such divine wisdom.

  165. ‘These dreams were obviously showing me something and were communicating a powerful message.’ – If we teach children from a young age that their dreams are important messages in their day to day living, it would be very natural for the child to see this as a powerful tool in life rather than treating it as a random and perhaps entertaining experience.

    1. Because dreams are so felt in the body it is important to share this discussion with children drawing out of the how they felt, what they noticed, who was there etc,and this goes for all types of dreams as it supports us to feel energy and be discerning.

      1. Great idea to ask children to draw what they feel be it a dream or something else that they have experienced. It is great to be asking children to express how they feel about situations and not keep them to themselves or put them aside.

  166. What I love about this is that with out fail our body and soul were communicating together to show you what was true for you and what was not. To me this goes to show that we have to be connected to something bigger. How there is in fact energy and one was taking you away from your path of truth and the other brought you back to your truth. How cool is that!

    1. I agree Natalie, that it communicates in a way that we at first don’t understand shows that the soul is using dreams to bridge the gap between what we choose to be aware of, and the bigger consciousness that is available to us all.

  167. Our soul is in constant communication with us through our dreams; everything that is needed is presented to us in order to keep moving forward in our evolution back to the love that we are from.

  168. This is beautiful Rebecca, dreams are so powerful and it is the feel of them that reveals the most. I have often had dreams where one or two words will come into my awareness and I will wake up with them and the feeling of them which is a super guide. For many years from a young age I had dreams where I was helping people escape from prison camps and leading them to safety.

  169. Just some nights ago I had a dream where in just one picture, one short sentence I got revealed in utter simplicity and clarity everything necessary for me to know where I am at and how to proceed onwards – it was an instant knowing no thinking process would have been able to make me aware of.

  170. Rebecca, thank you far sharing and reminding us all as we choose to board and journey with our own ‘soul train’ that the energy source of the movement is directly connected to appreciation from the heart and not mental energy. I know mental energy locks me out of connecting and moving with my soul.

  171. The Gentle Breath Meditation, Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon offer us the knowing and understanding of who we are and what we all know and feel inside with a simplicity of lived reflection and love. Life our dreams and the responsibility and purpose we all hold becomes clear to us and here begins a true way to live and evolve lovingly.

  172. Thank you Rebecca. I’ve read this blog while waiting for a train that has been delayed for hours at peak hour (I’m actually awake). As soon as I began to appreciate the train and what I’ve chosen in my life the train arrived.

  173. ‘I began to make changes to the way that I lived, using my new understanding to connect to myself before moving, speaking and making decisions.’ – You have very beautifully described the process of how your transformation took place.

  174. An inspiring article to read Rebecca thank you for sharing, dreams can be so powerful in the guidance they offer to us , now I am on my soul train I will pay more attention to the amazing place appreciation has in my life to open the doors of grandness for me.

  175. I had a very clear dream last night and that was that my front tooth was wobbly and ready to fall out. My feeling or reading was around my foundations, and to make sure that I maintain the solid foundations I have built and not let anything or anyone rock the solid platform that I stand on!

  176. Thank you Rebecca, this was so cute to read again. I can now always feel when the dream I have had is from my soul, there is a different quality and feel to it.

  177. I constantly marvel at the precision in timing and detail of dreams from the soul. What amazing communication and confirmation of the all-knowing plane of life we all have access to.

  178. As a child I was very open and dreams entered my consciousness in volumes, vivid and detailed. The most powerful was the one that foretold of the time contact with my mother would end abruptly. Too graphic to share here. In these recurring dreams I was shown, the route I would be taken on to reach what was to be my new home, castle like walls, countryside, village, even a bench and crossroad at the top of our street I would live on for twelve years. As we were driven to our new home for the first time aged 7, route and landmarks were already familiar to me.

  179. Knowing that our dreams are things to learn from and always reflect how we have been living our life is vital and something that is at the moment missing in our education system and understanding of life. Some things are just as simple as we think they can be.

  180. I just love the symbolism in our dreams and what they can convey to help us in our daily life. I feel as though they not only comber an image of how we should be. It is a complete impress of a way of being which first starts with a quality in the body.

  181. In any given moment we can either align with all that is true or, all that is not. Therefore it is our movements alone and no one else’s that determine which train will look more appealing to us by virtue of the track we have walking on.

  182. ‘I could feel that I had come home – not home to Universal Medicine, but home to myself’ this is the most amazing feeling – being supported lovingly to reconnect and learn to live from our own essence.

  183. Your blog clearly states the importance of not dismissing the signals that we are constantly being offered, it being via dreams or any other message that comes our way. Our responsibility is to read that which is shown to us.

  184. I used to have a reoccurring nightmare as well that I was in an exam and as I looked through the exam paper I could not answer even one question! It used to wake me up feeling super stressed. This dream also stopped when I started connecting to me and my qualities and really appreciating them rather than being attached to what I do or performing for others and I have not had this dream for years now.

  185. Its very cool how the soul finds just the right way to communicate, some with train dreams even. For me I get songs sometimes in the mornings, and the lyric of that song always has a message. The soul is very expressive!

    1. Very expressive, playful and never dull – what ever it takes to get our attention. Our soul is with us 24/7 working away behind the scenes if that’s all we will allow.

  186. Dreams are beautiful way for our soul to communicate with us. Rebecca you have so beautifully showed us this in this blog. Thank you.

  187. We can all be receiving simple but profound messages all along from our dreams, but not understand them sometimes, until suddenly they become clear when we change platforms. Lovely that you found the soul train now Rebecca with your inner wisdom.

  188. The symbolism of dreams brings simplicity and great understanding. They say a ‘picture speaks a thousand words’ and in a sense, dreams do this… honest, clear, insight, learning and understanding about something.

  189. I share your appreciation Rebecca, I am so inspired and appreciative of the consistent communication that the soul offers. In dreams and in symbols and in many ways reminding us of our multidimensionality…very confirming.

  190. Spirituality is a dilapidated old bridge that leads into the distance, as far as the eye can see and the Gentle Breath Meditation is a short and secure walkway that leads straight back to self.

  191. I too embarked on what I thought was the ‘inner journey’ of spirituality, erroneously believing that I was going deeper and deeper into myself, only to discover that I had been going absolutely no where, I had simply been thrashing around for many years, many miles from me.

  192. “It wasn’t necessary to search anywhere anymore but just re-connect to my inner heart . .” I can feel the truth of this as I read, this is so simple and so life supporting it’s hard to imagine why I would ever try anything else.

  193. I concur – without Serge Benhayon and his family I’d still be meandering aimlessly along some wayward side path.

  194. Your “soul train” dreams reveal
    how you have always been connected to your essence even if your life went other ways Rebecca. The consistency of this symbol shows your commitment to returning to who you really are. My dreams followed a very erratic path — when I was doing Reichian therapy they Reichian dreams, when I was partaking in Jungian workshops they were Jungian dreams, showing I was heavily influenced by the consciousness of those therapies and depending on them for support. Since meeting Serge Benhayon and working with Universal Medicine my dreams changed as I realised I was walking a way that would bring me home to my essence, not to anything outside me. The dreams have no consciousness imposing on them, only the unfolding of my own.

  195. This morning, when I read the title of your blog Rebecca, I smiled in appreciation of knowing that I have chosen to board the soul train.

  196. I appreciate the clarity of your understanding Rebecca as it offers an awareness that we do truly know what each dream is bringing us as a way for us to heal patterns that are not supportive.

  197. The Soul train – on the right track, with the occasional dark tunnel and junction delay stop – but all on the way to the Return home.

  198. Awesome and powerful blog, how our soul is always communicating with us, we need to listen to what it is saying and respond / act accordingly. It is beautiful when we are in sink with our Soul and on the true track and train

  199. I love this blog Rebecca – revealing that a dream which seems strange at first can in fact be revealing something far more profound.

  200. This offers the profound power of appreciation – truly, deeply and honestly appreciating is transformational and inspirational.

  201. I’ve had some patterns and situations that have repeated through waking life – relationships are one of the areas that repeats occurred. With the wisdom, insights and presentations by Serge Benhayon I have made choices based on re-connecting back to my true essence and what I’m discovering the need to repeat situations is much less as my willingness to learn and let go of old stuff grows.

  202. When someone responds ‘same old, same old” when asked how they are, they have stepped out of the magic of life and cannot appreciate the beauty of each moment.

  203. Great to have shared in this way Rebecca. You’ve inspired others to be more aware of dreams and the symbolism that surrounds all life. Like looking up at the sky and seeing a rainbow or feeling a soft breeze gently caress your skin or sensing something just before it presents itself. So much to appreciate in each moment.

  204. I have found my dreams to be immensely valuable in showing me where I am in my life, and as you say Rebecca, and are showing me some truth I am not paying attention to. This helps me not to stagnate but move out of the cul de sac onto the road I know will take me to my destination of coming home to myself. As you will see my dreams have always been about cars and roads — not trains!

  205. Is this not what we all want? To get the right train – Going in the right direction – With a ticket and with a seat?! Good to know (or to discover), that it is in our hands and movements if we get what we want and deserve. And what an amazing love it is, to get some support here on our way.

  206. Our dreams can communicate so much with us. I remember as a child I would have some occuring dream which was a huge part of how I processed and accepted everything that I was feeling in my home.

  207. The powerful symbolic messages we get are so very supportive and it pays to be more attentive to them.

    At times I may have dreams that I find disturbing, or at times I can tell something is not quite right in them and they can not possibly be from my Soul. Even then the message that I am getting is super useful. This time it becomes a message letting me know that the way I had been living up to my sleep was opposite to being on a ‘Soul Train’, because the quality I go to sleep in carries on into the quality of my dreams.

  208. I love the way the soul communities with us through our dreams, and how this is a universal fact for each and every person, that regardless of and no matter the activities of the day that are engaged with to numb or hide and move away from it, the soul will continue to speak with the language of symbols that we all know so well.

  209. I love the clarity you bring to understanding your dream – and how we are always presented with the truth when we are on the true path returning back to soul. The more we explore our understanding of life and are open to all the inspiration that is constantly offered the simpler life becomes.

  210. Appreciation is powerful, I have felt the immediate expansion when I appreciate all I have chosen and all I have been given. Although sometimes I am not consistent with appreciating, but now I can feel the difference when I do not appreciate, for example life does not have the same flow. Appreciation keeps us in the flow or receiving what is next.

  211. Reading your blog reminded me that I myself had many similar dreams. And they often stressed me out as things never occurred in a flow and I missed the train so many times. You bring a great awareness to the meaning and message of dreams and how our soul communicates to us through them.

  212. I love how you point out Rebecca that even when there is an absence of dreams, there is still a message from our soul. Our soul is forever communicating to us, forever having our back. It’s what we choose to do with these messages that are constantly being poured into us.

  213. Rebecca, I’m totally with you – ‘The tireless and endless love that is lived, displayed, walked, given and expressed is phenomenal.’ This is what we live, this is what we walk and this is what we have chosen. It is nothing less than amazing and it just keeps getting more amazing by the day.

  214. Like the cycle of life trains always end up at the same place and at the same time. Are we prepared to jump track and re-connect to evolution so we understand where we are going!

  215. What a beautiful message for us all Rebecca, thank you so much – I appreciate you sharing your journey back to soul with us all! I so loved reading this blog, and thank you for the timely reminder – how much appreciation is needed for us to actually embrace all that we are given. And we have been offered everything worth having in our lives.

  216. Our dreams are very powerful educational tools of our souls and I love the re-occurring ones as they enable me to see (sometimes quite slowly) where I am advancing and where I am choosing to procrastinate. So much is communicated to us in symbolism, sense and colour, it is a very magical inner science to study.

  217. I often remember my dreams but don’t take much notice of them, but you are inspiring me to pay more attention. Thanks.

  218. Beautiful Rebecca – I love the way our Soul communicates via dreams, and it is so true that if we focus on issues and what is out of place nothing is transformed or changed. But when we appreciate and understand how God placed each part of our life in front of us to arrive at Love Central Station we start to get the true purpose and power of our life – it’s universal and immense.

    1. to arrive at Love Central Station, love this Joseph, because it is the stop to check in, refuel if needed, (tank up on love) and then get back out there, sleeves rolled up – doing what is needed.

  219. Thank you Rebecca, this was the perfect blog for me to read this morning having had a dream last night about catching a train, and like you, over the years I have had many train and airplane dreams that have given me great insights. Gorgeous blog.

  220. A lovely sharing about the symbolism of a Train, your Soul and being ‘on tack’. Its so true that with appreciation of where we have come to – we evolve and receive the wonders of what we can be as human beings.

  221. Thank you ,Rebecca, for sharing this very important dream. It is important as this message is for everyone. There is no end to appreciation as it is that which we appreciate that grows in value.

  222. Recurring dreams especially are a very powerful message, either a confirmation or a call for a correction.

  223. Thank you for appreciating your Soul dreams and for honouring them by sharing this inspirational blog Rebecca.

  224. It is only today by the approach to dreams by Universal Medicine that dreams of the past especially those in childhood reveal themselves to me as so much more than I could fathom before – not only are there the communication of the soul but as well the communication of the other forces that like to interfere with one´s soul connection.

    1. Great to make this distinction Alex – I find that if I dream during those moments of having a snooze after my alarm clock has gone off are often there to throw my off track. This during the main part of sleep are more Soulful. They both feel distinctly different with more symbolism in those from my Soul.

  225. Everything is a communication and every communication has a purpose, heeding that message does wonders for our lives.

  226. It’s great how our soul communicates with us, forever giving us signs and pointers. It is up to us to continue to allow our awareness to build so we can understand what is being communicated. This makes me realise how important it is to deepen the care and honouring of my body, renouncing those things that no longer allow for greater awareness.

  227. Amazing Rebecca – what a powerful reflection your soul has been and still is consistently offering you.

  228. I used to keep a dream diary and had fun with people in other countries interpreting each other’s dreams. Looking back I’m not sure how accurate our readings were but it showed me the importance of symbolism in our lives. Now I can see symbolism everywhere – I don’t always know what it means but I know I can feel it and I give myself time for the meaning to become clear. It is an awesome resource.

    1. The language of symbolism is an awesome resource Carmel, well said. When we choose to engage with symbolism in daily life and in our dreams we open our selves up to reading life on many dimensions. Rather than just sticking to the 3d versions, we begin to join in a much greater conversation taking place around us all the time.

  229. It is amazing how the things we dont want to look at or see can manifest in our dreams, which can leave a powerful impression on us even if we don’t know exactly when the message is that we are being shown.

    1. I agree Rebecca, and the great thing is our dreams can find different and very personal ways of showing us – just like our bodies give us the physical signs, our dreams inform us through symbolism.

      1. Exactly – sometimes even though the images don’t always make a lot of sense, the feeling that they give or leave with us tells us everything we need.

  230. ‘I began to make changes to the way that I lived, using my new understanding to connect to myself before moving, speaking and making decisions.’ Being aware like this means that we have space to respond to life in a way which means that we are not affected by it or are aware of how we may be when we may not have been before.

  231. Your story is excellent Rebecca; it is confirmation for others the power of our dreams. Most delivery people only try three times and then stop trying, but our soul is a bit more persistent in delivering messages.

  232. Fascinating for you to read the message of not having meaningful dreams, or no train dreams.. Without diligence we can drift and begin to coast. Invited to work on a project recently, at first it felt like a stretch only because previous to that, I’d stepped back and was coasting.

  233. We are all already soul-full, we know the truth within, it’s just up to us to choose to listen.

  234. Your dream is so beautiful Rebecca, leaving you with no doubt as to its meaning, I love it, wise soul.

  235. Whatever language or culture, the symbolism of dreams speak the one language… the language that we all equally understand. This crosses all divides between one another and confirms how we are meant to be and live in brotherhood.

  236. ‘The truth is presented. We can take it or leave it.’ ….. so true, Rebecca. Our struggle in life isn’t that we don’t know what to do, it’s our resistance to taking full responsibility for how we are living and always honouring what we know to be true.

    1. Hear hear, we can attempt to dismiss or avoid what we know to be true, but the responsibility for our own choices always remains ours.

  237. Isn’t it incredible how your Soul was communicating with you the whole time and deep down you did know what it was telling you because you could feel something wasn’t right as you keep searching. I love how you came to a halt and a deep appreciation of the wisdom the Soul offers you.

  238. Wow, beautiful just how clear the communication can be from our Soul to support us to bring awarenes to what is not truly serving us and to see the other way to get back on track.

  239. Appreciation helps us to expand or grow on what we have recognised as being of truth or of true value for us all; it’s fuel for the train and helps keep us on track! Thank you for sharing this Rebecca.

  240. Love it – as a fellow passanger, thanks for sharing your experience with how we can be so clearly shown when we are on or off track if only we listen.

  241. Beautiful Rebecca; ‘I began to make changes to the way that I lived, using my new understanding to connect to myself before moving, speaking and making decisions.’

  242. The power of our dreams is untapped and not appreciated by the majority … how awesome would it be to be encouraged to read our dreams from a young age.

  243. Dreams are super important communications to us from our Soul and from our spirit. The key is in knowing and understanding them so that we heed the message that aligns us with the Soul and not the spirit (which can be very distracting from our true purpose), and hence with the alignment with the Soul we get the healing. I have had a similar experience to Rebecca here, except it was not so much as a dream but rather as a strong feeling that I needed to be somewhere – it began about 15 years ago when I had this incessant feeling that I had to be somewhere. I would be sitting and studying or reading or perhaps and suddenly I would stand up in an urgency ready to grab my handbag and go, and yet I would have no where to go to. This feeling used to drive me crazy – I felt like I was in anguish as I knew I was needed somewhere, that I was meant to be somewhere but it was like a generalised amnesia about where I had to be and go! This feeling only subsided when I came across the work of Serge Benhayon several years later and especially when I learned about the gentle breath meditation. And now I know this was a communication from my soul, that there is a purpose to why we are here, and what we are here to do.

  244. Rebecca, awesome blog with so much symbolism but I also love how you have made it super practical too!

  245. “It all had to surface in order for me to clear it and then discard it.” We think we can just carry on with no consequences to our decisions and actions but there is an energetic clearing that needs to happen in our own bodies and, as I am learning, in other peoples bodies too. There does not need to be drama attached to it, in fact, the less drama the better – it just needs to surface in order to clear and discard.

  246. Rebecca I love how much our dreams are there to help us see what is going on in life, how supportive they can be and how they change when we change our patterns of behaviours during the day.

    1. I find this blog so inspirational too… it is fabulous confirmation of the universality and grandness we all are and come from.

  247. The Soul Train sits in every one of our stations; engine purring, wheels greased, seat warmed and reserved…waiting patiently for us to step off the platform of creation and get on board.

  248. Thanks to Serge Benhayon and Natalie Benhayon over the last few years I have become conscious of, and attentive to, the numerous message we constantly receive from life and am paying far more attention.
    It is worthwhile noting that we live in a Universe that has specific cycles and order, nothing is random and by chance, and we are forever supported and guided to return to our true essence and expand.

  249. Though we may think we’re on the right train it’s wonderful how our Soul communicates to us when we are not and confirms when we are. We are never alone or abandoned in our journey.

  250. “All aboard!” tickets at the ready! Love the analogy your dream shared with you Rebecca.

  251. Thanks, Rebecca. I love sharing the joy of your more recent dreams, confirming you were on the right train with a ticket!

  252. However much we think we can ignore something in our lives, it can be guaranteed that we will be reminded or clearly shown in someway the truth of what is there to be dealt with. Our dreams are such a wonderful example of this and yours is no exception Rebecca. Thank you.

    1. That is true, we can’t escape the truth which ever way it makes it clear what track or train we are on!

    2. I so appreciate this Sandra. Really without all this support (most of us are not aware of it as support), I dread to contemplate the even bigger mess we would find ourselves in!

      1. Yes Michelle. We may not always be aware that this is support, but in truth, true love does not always give us what we want to see or feel. What we do with it is then up to us.

    3. Absolutely Sandra. I am in awe to be for the first time in a long time a very curious and open student – one that is asking to see what is there to learn. This week I had a mock exam and that’s how approached it: I placed the subject of the exam aside and asked ‘what is there for me to learn’? The feedback I received from the tutor, although related to the subject of the exam, was spot on for other areas of my life. I appreciated so much the feedback and my awareness to this fact.

  253. I love this story Rebecca and very much appreciate the guidance we get from our dreams. They bring us such wisdom of support, when we listen to them. And if we aren’t listening, they repeat and repeat until we do.

    1. They absolutely do Gill, and without an iota of impatience or frustration – the Soul’s love is just that. Forever open, holding of us, and waiting until we finally do take heed of the message it is offering us.

  254. This is such a beautiful example of our Soul can show us all the different ways we can travel through life, traveling backwards, going the wrong way, free loading or avoiding responsibility for our direction in life. My Soul always talks to me through the symbolism of houses, but the end result is the same, allowing me to feel how my choices restrict my growth or expand my awareness. What a simple gift that empowers us to look deeper at our daily choices to ensure that we are on the right track and going the right way not only in regards to the quality of our lives, but everyone else’s too.

  255. It is fascinating with what a precision your dreams have reflected you the path you were on. This should be the norm for everyone, a language we all need to learn and listen too.

    1. Well said Alex – for we all have the capacity to develop this relationship with our dreams and with our soul. What an opportunity we have given to us – but how many of us are actually using this? I know I certainly do not take advantage of this enough in my life…a great inspiration to pay more attention and learn and grow more.

    2. Indeed Alexander, our dreams point to an awareness that is often much grander than we are prepared to see.

      1. And when we delve deeper and become more honest with how we are living the dreams bring us a true wake up call that there is always the opportunity for change if we are willing to go there!

    3. I agree Alex, I had a similar dream two nights running and although I have read the dreams, there is still guessing involved in their meaning, so it’s still a language I am learning to read and listen to.

      1. Sometimes when I wake up from a dream, I connect to how I feel in my body and often this leads me to read its meaning.

  256. Yesterday morning, I replaced a flicker of self doubt with appreciation related to work I was involved with and when I did, everything flowed.

    1. This is great Kehinde, it changed in a moment from a flicker of self doubt to a flow from appreciation, no effort, no trying.. appreciation is very powerful.

  257. To be confirmed in this way through your dreams Rebecca is stunning. Love the way the message of ‘appreciation’ came through, and that you read it.

  258. Our dreams are powerful and I love trying to remember often find I don’t. I’m going to try putting a pencil and paper by my bed to see if by writing them down straight away that helps.

  259. We are presented with massages all of the time, symbology is everywhere, even when we are asleep. They are like the sign that says ‘bridge out ahead’ we can decide to ignore them at our own peril.

  260. Appreciation in this moment of time is the way for us to go, as in not appreciating who we in truth are and what we have been given all of the time in support for us to come back on our track back to soul we actually are in denial of the divine Souls we are, and with that are fighting ourselves with all the detrimental results we see so much in our societies nowadays and our own lives too.

  261. Wow Rebecca thank you so much for reminding me/us that appreciation is such a powerful tool. And I have to admit that I would love to have such wonderful train dreams as well – what a wonderful and loving way to help you to understand when you are not on the way back to your soul.

  262. I have found recurring dreams to be important – they either should me something important I needed to do or something important to let go of.

  263. Love what you have shared Rebecca. If we don’t appreciate what we have been given we are unable to make use of it. Lack of appreciation is a refusal acccpt what is offerred and what is offerred is truly grand.

  264. ‘However, everything started to change when, through Universal Medicine, I learned the Gentle Breath Meditation™ and discovered how to connect to the true me, my innermost essence, my Soul.’ It is amazing how things begin to unfold when we do this – it does not take any push or effort, just a little focus and space to connect.

  265. I find it fascinating, and so very inspiring, how our Soul knows exactly what to present to us in our dreams, and in life in general.

    1. I think all of humanity would love to be in the ‘Soul Train’, we only do not appreciate this fact enough.

    1. Perhaps only when we get a forceful reminder – if we don’t explain that reminder away.

  266. I always find it so fascinating when people have such vivid dreams, and especially when they are recurring. It’s so clear when there is a message being sent, but I feel like we’ve been brought up to dismiss any real meaning behind what our dreams present, as if they were just another thing that just happens in life. It’s that lack of appreciation you’re talking about, just taking for granted all that we’re given.

  267. ‘I was waiting for the train. There was some anxiousness about if it would actually arrive, and if it would take me where I needed to go to get home.’ …. I love the level of detail your dream shared with you, exposing how we can feel a tension when faced with the unknown, however, it’s in the surrender, allowing the space for things to unfold before us, that we get to appreciate the absolute magic in life.

  268. This blog Rebecca just shows how everything is connected, your dream to how you live and how much is given to support us to be on the ‘true track’. How loved we are, yet many of us can miss this as we get on with our lives. The way not to miss is to as you beautifully shared is to ‘appreciate’, appreciation opens us up to the beauty of life, and it can be in the smallest details. Our Soul’s offerings is everywhere, in every hour of the day and night. This in itself is an appreciation.

  269. Today I truly appreciated the work I had been involved in and gave an internal nod to the alignment that allowed me to be in the right places at the right time.

  270. I agree Rebecca, I too would still be searching if I had not found Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.. and deeply appreciate them and all that is shared.

  271. It is so beautiful the way we are supported to evolve: the language of symbolism is there for all of us in our body, in nature, through our relationships and from our dreams once we are open to receiving the information and willing to take its meaning in full.

  272. Dreams are very similar to waking life and are a great indicator of how we are actually feeling beneath our coping mechanisms. You can keep having the same ‘nightmare’ in life, such as bullying at work or issues in your intimate relationships and wonder why it’s happening. It’s not until we learn from the dream or situation that it clears and allows us to get on the right train.

  273. I’ve always looked to my dreams to understand more, though it wasn’t until the presentations on dream symbolism by Natalie Benhayon that I learned to read my dreams more easily and use their symbolism to confirm me, or give me a reminder or a stark reality check.

  274. I have a very similar thing, only for me it is a fear of not remembering to lock a door – typically the door where ever I work. Sometimes this manifests in a dream but often as I am driving away or randomly in my day I am struck with this fearful feeling that I didn’t lock the door. While I have never actually not locked the door, for me it is a sign both of a general lack of being present enough when I lock up to 100% be able to say with certainty that I remember locking the door and therefor set this fear to rest, but also my relationship with doors and the responsibility of locking behind me in respect of the building. It is amazing how much something seemingly as annoying as a fear or dream can tell us about how we are living

  275. Wow. What an amazingly clear communication, and it makes me wonder how much of effort I must be making in order not to be aware of it at all times. Also I can really feel how my not appreciating allows complacency and the eventual inertia to seep through. We are being given so much.

  276. Our dreams when truly read can offer such a depth of support. As with everything in life discerning is key. Was the dream from your soul and designed to bring you back or deeper on track? Or was it designed to distract or relieve you?

  277. I can relate to having dreams that are there to give you a message that supports you to stop and reflect on a situation in your life.

  278. “I could feel that I had come home – not home to Universal Medicine, but home to myself.”
    Indeed Universal Medicine offers an all encompassing resource of tools, which when integrated into our daily lives establishes a fast track to the deeply nourishing light of our soul.

  279. Dreams can really pack a punch and bring home a very strong message as I found out a few years ago when I was asked, why was I choosing to hold myself back by this young man who kept popping up everywhere in my dream. The impact of that question brought me to tears and I woke up sobbing and feeling the depth of that question deep to my core.

  280. I always marvel at what dreams can bring to us, and it is definitely worth making the commitment to wind down and prepare for this night-time communication with our soul.

    1. Yes it’s an intricate part of the rhythm of the day, a part I need to pay more attention to and reverence.

  281. Soul full dreams are so powerful and are much to be appreciated on our journey home and back to our soul. A beautiful reflection of the love and appreciation of all we are and the loving support and reclaiming of our truth and universal wisdom brought to us by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and the beauty and support our dreams can bring us so simply and clearly.Thank you Rebecca.

  282. Year in, year out Serge Benhayon consistently presents the truth to us with ever deepening ways of understanding and appreciating who we are and how to live this in full. The support and guidance of his entire family is a God send and deserves immense appreciation for the tireless work offered so openly and generously by all, the healing, evolution and love they have empowered so many to achieve is absolutely astounding.

    1. Very true, Rowena, and just as we have been offered this amazing gift, it’s our choice to embody and share this truth with everyone else through the power of reflection, as the expression of our divinity continues to expand.

  283. It is super cool how our Soul’s are constantly showing us and reminding us where we come from and as you say we can either take or leave it. I know when I go for it and embrace my Soul and express from here life is incredible, simple and powerful.

  284. The power of a truly soulful dream is the gateway to our own and also collective expansion as a race of beings. Such dreams dream the evolution of truth and of our future.

  285. This blog shows that regardless of where we are at in our lives, whether we are on the right track or the wrong track, we are constantly supported to unfold in our own time.

  286. Nothing like a metaphor to bring home a message. Loved it. Looking forward to reading more train dream interpretations direct from your Soul as inspiration. This one served as a reminder that appreciation is the cement in the foundations we build, ensuring they’re fixed and steady every step of the way as we continue on our evolutionary advance.

  287. Thank you Rebecca for the beautiful message that for the doors of heaven to open we need to express our appreciation, for the truth we have been given and the love we have been shown, and also for our willingness to travel home.

  288. It’s incredible how dead accurate our dreams can be, and often are. Even the abstract ones if you look beyond the strangeness can be extremely pertinent to what’s happening in our life at that point in time or what we need to be aware of.

  289. Even when we’re on the Soul train we can get distracted by the views and what we see going on outside the window… but we keep moving on, focused on the journey not the destination.

  290. This blog is so inspiring to read because it reminds us of how magical life can be if we choose to receive all the messages… that we are constantly being supported to learn, understand and evolve.

  291. I love the clarity and awareness dreams can bring once we decode them! No film director or writer could come up with such transformative scenarios. I find that my dreams have to be bizarre to capture my attention, otherwise I won’t remember them.

  292. This is an amazing blog Rebecca – and I put my hat out to you and your soul for these brilliant and lucid dreams. You’re reminding us all how we are always being held and always being guided without any pressure, just an offering, by the most loving embrace we could ever long for, and the wisest gaze holding us – the gaze and embrace of our Soul.

  293. The power and depth of your dreams and the profound symbolism speak for themselves; this is beyond just simple messages from a chaotic subconscious psyche or similar but much more the wise guidance of one´s Soul.

  294. I love how clear the body can be, even in our dreams we don’t escape from the ability life has to communicate back to us what is really going on. Sometimes, if we get to focused on the scenery looking the way we want or expect, we lose sight of the fact we are not on a true track for us.

  295. I love the way my dreams have a knack of showing me the way things ARE, even if (or should I say, especially if) I’ve conveniently ignored something!

  296. I had to read this blog again Rebecca cause I too are on the Soul train, and I’m not getting off! I agree, my life is phenomenal compared to what it was .. I have miraculously healed much on this return back to ‘home’. There is so much to say.. and I will deliver my truth one day on how I lived a life opposite to appreciation. It feels like I was seeded with the worst kind of vile self-abusive thoughts. If I was complimented with the greatest of love I instantly reacted to that is not true, convince myself it was not true, and not acknowledge it in my body. I was running away from being responsble. I since have learnt that appreciation is a part of being responsible.
    I now live a more fulfilling very appreciated life these days knowing I’m setting this for my future self and many lives and trains I will be on.. the love train express to Heaven, and it must have everyone else on it.

  297. It is such a relief to let go of the search for truth outside of ourselves and return to the track of the inner heart in all its wisdom.

  298. If we stay with our Soul we will stay on track to be dreaming of things that will evolve us. Or is it if we stay on track our Soul will guide us to the Truth?

  299. This really does expose just how much constant support and guidance is available to us every moment of every day – not just in dreams but in reflections from others and in nature too… all symbols for us to be aware of if we so choose.

  300. Such a great blog Rebecca. It is quite beatuiful how our dreams relay such profound and important messages to us through our soul when we are open to reading and seeing the truth of what is being offered to us.

  301. I too appreciate my dreams Rebecca and all those that include a train too! I used to also have many dreams where I was in an elevator that was dropping fast or going down when I knew I was meant to be going up. I learn a lot from my dreams and really love having them because the messages feel so clear and precisely what is needed next for me to be aware of in my everyday life.

  302. It is gorgeous Rebecca how your dreams have actually shown you the right track for your way of living. They have been confirming this your whole life, and because of your awareness of your dreams they showed you when you were off track. No-one can dismiss how powerful this is, we have so much to thank the amazing body for.

  303. Reading and understanding our dreams can be such a support with our evolution. They may not always be how they seem at first, but read understood great wisdom is offered.

  304. It is amazing that something as simple as the Gentle Breath Meditation is so powerful and has changed so many people’s lives by helping us to connect to our essence so things like dreams can now make sense.

  305. Good on you Rebecca, what an enjoyable and heartfelt read. I have recently also been feeling how much has been given to me through the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and with each deepening realisation and appreciation comes the purpose to truly live it, and to make the most of each wisdom offered to me for the benefit of the all.

  306. A great reminder for all to be aware and discerning of whether we are truly ‘on track’ or under the illusion of running along a parallel track that can look good but is of lesser quality and leading us away from our true purpose of re-connecting with our Soul.

  307. Thank you for reminding us all the power of appreciation and that we cannot grow or evolve without it. When I appreciate, I feel the expansion, and in the expansion, more can be given. I am truly beginning to understand just how much support there is for us all, when we are saying YES to life and all it presents.

  308. Thank you Rebecca, your blog makes me deepen the appreciation of all the support we get from every detail in life, from the numbers or our day of birth, our house or our car, to the symbology of nature and all the ‘accidental’ things that happen.

  309. Appreciation is a concept that can seem a bit abstract and so it can often get undervalued, but this is a fantastic message, Rebecca, about the importance of appreciating everything along the way, otherwise we cannot continue to evolve.

    1. Appreciating everything along the way….this is super important because when we do this, we can read all that is presented or given to us and see the bigger picture and we know what is needed and when. We are never alone – we are always being held, supported and guided.

  310. Rebecca, this is so simple but changes everything; ‘using my new understanding to connect to myself before moving, speaking and making decisions.’

  311. This blog has reminded me just how much we are supported to return to love. If we are open to the fact that existence is not just on this 3 dimensional plane of life but that we are in truth multidimensional and that we are a part of something much, much grander it makes sense that we would be getting this support. The inspiring content of this blog (if we are open to anecdotes as evidence) demonstrates this beautifully.

  312. Love this Rebecca and can so relate to what you have shared. Coming to deeply understand the ways my Soul is forever ready to support me with has changed the way I live. The messages are no longer ignored and the joy that unfolds with the knowing that my Soul is only ever a choice away is immense. I’m buying a lifetime/s pass to the Soul Train.

  313. I hop on and off different trains which is exhausting, the journey is so much easier when you stay on the one train, so long as it’s the right train.

  314. It is such a gift how our soul can get messages to us through our dreams, showing us the real effect of our choices and emotions through very precise imagery and feelings. I can remember having a train dream at a very poignant time in my life, having a choice of two to embark on and the one I climbed on board felt absolutely right, confirming a very painful but very true choice I had made at that time.

  315. How potent are your dreams for all the sayings about how we have lost our way in this life and possibly past lives about; being off the rails, on a train to nowhere and life is a just a train wreck!

  316. Thank you Rebecca, a beautiful blog to read. We can take so much of life for granted which makes us coasting through life, actually going nowhere while when we bring appreciation to it we connect to that grander whole we are part of and with that on our way back to Soul.

  317. Just love how you posted a blog in your dream and here we are reading your actual heaven sent blog in real life, how blessed are we.

  318. ‘I had no doubt that I would eventually get on the train; it was just a matter of how and when.’ – I love this re-assurance from your soul, that you knew the answer, it was just a case of figuring it out, which you did, so beautifully.

  319. Rebecca what a marvellous post, I am appreciating you writing it!!! And I am with a huge smile on my face reading it all.. and an even bigger one with this line here : “In my dreams, suddenly I was on the right train! Going in the right direction! With a ticket! And with a seat!” ha ha AWESOME!

  320. Great reminder Rebecca! Appreciation is such a key element in life and I know for myself that the more I truly allow myself to feel how I appreciate something authentic and genuine the more I align with that quality in my life… And I can say that all that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have presented over the years to date have enriched my life beyond measure.

  321. Great sharing Rebecca. In order to fully embrace and live what we have been given we need to appreciate it, of course. And how awesome is it that no matter what we keep getting indications of what is going on and whether we’re on track.

  322. What an awesome message this is – our dreams are fantastic insights to how we are living and what our soul is communicating with us, and this is a great example of how we are in our days impacts how we are at night. Everything is everything.

  323. The power of this writing is that we are constantly being pulled up by our Soul and that we are shown by the teachings of Serge Benhayon that this has been the case all along, and that we simply have some tools to get out of the patterns we are in that actually keep us away from our Soul. This requires our free willing spirit to render forth and surrender to the love instead of the ownership of creation.

  324. This is absolutely brilliant Rebecca. The relationship you have with your dreams is inspiring and has changed the way I see my own dreams.

  325. Sometimes life can definitely seem like a train journey. We buy our ticket and sit in the carriage wondering if we ‘are there yet’ or have reached the end of the line. Yet my experience is this particular journey is more of a loop continually cycling around and around. The true purpose is for us to remember who we are and enjoy this train ride. We can derail and delay as much as we like but in its own way the Soul Train is taking us home.

  326. The power of appreciation is not something we commonly apply but it is natural and available to us all. The fact that I have to relearn how to appreciate indicates how far I have moved away from living in true appreciation. Like any tool, if I haven’t used it for a very long time, I can forget how to even hold it in my hands.

  327. It sure is Doug, appreciation supports us in every area of our life. Why would we not use it more? It is free, a never ending source that keeps expanding and deepening the more we apply to our everyday life.

  328. ‘It all had to surface in order for me to clear it and then discard it.’ such a beautiful process to appreciate that we need to retrace each step back to who we are – and I’ve experienced that it needn’t be arduous as we are supported so much with each step we take back to ourselves. I am learning it’s a matter of observing our choices and knowing we are now choosing a different way and that it’s good to appreciate the harm our previous choices brought but that’s it. No need to add to the baggage by being hard on ourselves.

  329. Love it Rebecca, what an amazing story of how supported we are, revealing the greatest medicine we all have within- appreciation.

  330. Such a cool sharing Rebecca – how awesome not just to have the dreams but to understand them in terms of the confirmation you are getting. I loved reading this blog!

  331. A very delightfully beautiful blog Rebecca. Sharing not only the profoundness of your dreams over the years, your reading of them and also the importance and power of appreciation. I feel that I can never be reminded enough about this. Like your dream on the train, I can feel the doors are shut and I remain on the platform not moving when I am not in appreciation. Life literally opens up when I am.

    1. I feel the same way Jennifer every time I read someone’s experience or sharing of appreciation and its importance. It’s like a love letter saying ‘there is so much to appreciate!’ and to feel and allow myself to see it. When I’m not appreciating that is when judgement and criticism are about.

  332. There is so much more to appreciate than we realise. I have found in some of the tougher moments that simply appreciating that I can feel the tension is important. In your example with the train, it might have started with appreciating that you got yourself to the station, you waited for the train, you were even aware that there was a train to get! We will appreciate different aspects at different stages of awareness and this is how there is no space or need for comparison it is entirely personal.

    1. Great point Lucy, to simply appreciate that I can feel the tension, which I have been in the past week and in which I have wobbled….but to appreciate my awareness of this brings in a new perspective.

      1. I had this experience yesterday and just sat with it, I didn’t try to numb it and found it eased as I stayed with it. What I did find mind you, is that I have a lot of relationships with numbing mechanisms! eek is all I can say :-))) I will appreciate the fact that I can now see them for what they are 🙂

  333. Appreciation is very powerful. It stops us focusing on all that is not working or all that is happening to us and instead brings the focus to a more responsible appreciation of what we have brought to what we have been offered.

  334. Thank you Rebecca for the reminder of how essential it is to appreciate our connection to our soul and it’s origin of the co-creation we are from. What I can feel from what your sharing is that coasting starts to put me in the ‘mind’ that I’m doing ok and therefore because I can’t be in two places at the same time I’m actually not connected to my heart and appreciating the partnership I have with my soul to co-create what is called for for all. Coasting allows me to get by, but this doesn’t allow for evolution.

  335. Love your awareness and reflections Rebecca in seeing that you were coasting when not having very clear dreams.

  336. ‘I had been reminded of the power of appreciation, and how I cannot grow or evolve without this.’ Knowing absolutely that we are everything that we ever need and allowing the universe to come to us.

  337. What Serge Benhayon endlessly and tirelessly shares with us and offers us is remarkable. He keeps pulling up in the train seeing if we want to get on board. No matter how many times we don’t get on, or even if we get on for a short moment then get off again, he’s still there reminding us of the way to our Soul.

  338. Two great things I get from this blog: one is a reminder of the power of dreams and the other is to appreciate everything. I used to have recurring anxious dreams about being chased and although I was never caught I always felt I couldn’t quite run fast enough to escape. Sometimes I could fly and that was great. Perhaps it was my Spirit running away from my Soul.

    1. Indeed Carmel, living with and reading of our dreams is a loving thing to do. Everything we experience in life matters so also our dreams. We may tend to do them off as just dreams but to me that is doing dreams far to short. I have found that they always do tell me something and I found that I have to learn to read the symbology of it. Slowly I am learning to read them more consciously and to take them with me through the day which most of the time gives me the answers..

      1. I no longer dismiss my dreams but understand that they are a powerful tool for support. As Rebecca has shown they can either be confirming or they can reveal what is needed to work on. Even if I don’t fully get the meaning of a dream I know that I have been offered a healing and that on some level I have registered what it is communicating.

  339. I love this Rebecca, not only have you given a whole new meaning to the expression soul train but your blog shows the immense support that is there for us at all times. The Universe, God, our Soul, it is constantly communicating with us. The key is to re-learn to listen.

  340. Sublime blog of immense power. I loved reading it and just wanted to hear more and more detail! How stunning that our soul communicates so directly when we are open to it and thank you Rebecca for allowing us all to feel this power and be inspired by your soul.

  341. Thanks for your blog Rebecca and the beautiful reminder of the learning offered to us through dreams.

  342. I love how clear and poignant and dreams can be if we are willing to be honest about what they are showing us

  343. How consistent is our Soul, it will never cease to give us clear messages in one way or another. And I am with you in deeply appreciating all what has been given by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  344. Today I was looking at an advert for a product to help numb sore throats. I started considering how many ads on the underground train alone are marketed with such promise in one form or another, because that is what people seek – numbness from what life is showing us. So we can go for years having periodic bouts of sore throat, back ache, recurring dreams or some other message from our Soul and we treat it as just one of those quirky things, an inconvenience to get over by drowning it out.

    This blog shows a refreshing alternative – actually observing at the reflections we receive in life and reflecting on what insights they offer us.

  345. I am choosing to take it too and I have never felt more cared, loved, ME and empowered in my life. Universal medicine offers, you take it or leave it. I would always choose it again!

  346. The science of appreciation – acknowledging what is given to us because we have chosen to be open to receive it to then realize it always was ours to begin with.

    1. The truest and best teacher is someone that exactly reveals this fact to its students. Serge Benhayon is the only one I have ever met, who lives and teaches this way.

  347. It is well worth sticking with our Soul and taking the well worn track back to all that we are.

  348. Thank you – there is so much being offered through your train dreams Rebecca which we can all learn from! What stands out to me is that you have taken the opportunities to explore the meaning of your train dreams from ever deepening perspectives and this has led to new understandings each step of the way. Simply priceless!

  349. Wow incredible blog Rebecca. Our bodies and our souls do know when we are on track or not and are constantly communicating with us which one it is. All we have to do is be open to hearing the messages which you have beautifully shown us all how to do.

  350. When truth is presented we do have a choice and can ignore or avoid it, but our soul just keeps on consistently holding us and herding us in the right direction when we go off.

  351. I feel the immediate expansion when I put attention on all that I have been given – I immediately feel the humbleness and a real sense of how much I am loved and am being held…. and my heart opens to fully appreciate the unlimited support around me, and not forgetting to appreciate how amazing I am to have turned around my life by updating trains and how I travel – eg I once travelled on the protection train (me staying in hardness, in hiding and in contraction), to choosing my Soul train – which is a first class journey all the way where love flows in and love flows out…

  352. Love this blog and its simple message! Love the holding feeling and the absolute and utter nonjudgmental approach of our soul. It is forever with us as it is who we truly are.

  353. I love, love, love this blog Rebecca and the powerful and clear message that is presented and delivered. Especially powerful for me to read today as I can see I was not appreciating all I had been given and instead focusing on ( and moaning if I be honest) what I didn’t have – yet knew deep down, it was all there and just around the corner and it was myself who was blocking the flow and it coming… wow, thankyou for sharing all you have shared Rebecca.

  354. Absolutely fabulous Rebecca, thank you. Before I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I thought I was on the ‘the right track’ – how wrong I could be! Serge did not argue or try to convince me that I was wrong, he just presented the Truth and with such clarity and simplicity that fortunately I was able to hear it, get off the train I was on and onto the ‘true One’. Thank you Serge from my deepest depths of my heart.

      1. Yes, I absolutely agree, when our soul(s) speak(s) it is always for all and never just for one even if it might have been addressed to just one.

  355. I love your sharing Rebecca. What an amazing guide your train dreams have been. I feel the appreciation of Serge Benhayon, The Ageless Wisdom and Universal Medicine to my bone and all the cells in-between. Without their guiding influence and deepest of inspirations, my life too would not be as it is… I was also on the wrong track, fast asleep and in deep denial of truth… now I am definitely on the right track, learning, growing in life, becoming more of me, with stronger and more true relationships.

  356. No dream is ‘just a dream’; if we’re open to it, then there is always something to learn even just from the quality of what happens in the dream and how we feel when we wake up.

  357. It is quite amazing that you have had so many dreams about trains and have such a deep understanding of what they mean to you. The presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are so needed in a world that has completely lost its way. Universal Medicine is like a beacon of light shinning out to humanity so that they are left in no doubt that there is another way to live if they so chose. And you have chosen the right train and on the right track.

  358. I join you in deep love and appreciation for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and the integrity they present with… ‘The truth is presented. We can take it or leave it.’

  359. I love how our soul is always sending messages whether we are awake or asleep. Dreams are very powerful in their guidance if we take note of what is being offered. Brilliant blog Rebecca.

  360. Rebecca how beautiful that your awareness offers you this reoccurring dream, an analogy from which you can constantly explore, read and refine how you are living.

  361. A great post Rebecca. “I had been reminded of the power of appreciation, and how I cannot grow or evolve without this. ” So true as I bring more appreciation into my life it cuts out the negative thoughts and comparisons.

  362. Your train dreams are very remarkable Rebecca, and what an amazing insight you have gained from them. It shows how much support we are given but the soul knows the direction, and you have the confirmation that you are right on track. Pretty amazing really.

  363. Thank you Rebecca. I completely understand the power of your train dreams, what a gift from your Soul. What a revelation the Gentle Breath Meditation has been in bringing you back to connect with your own train, your body, and realize that there is such a simple way to get back on board “I began to make changes to the way that I lived, using my new understanding to connect to myself before moving, speaking and making decisions.” And then once embodied, to appreciate all that is offered so graciously from the Benhayon family who live it absolutely 24/7, perpetually guiding us on our journey so we stay on board and on track!

  364. Talking about appreciation:
    ‘So, I can’t end this blog without expressing my deepest love, appreciation and gratitude to Serge Benhayon, his family and everyone associated with Universal Medicine.’
    I am completely with you, Rebecca. What is offered by them is absolute truth, wisdom and divinity for us all to connect to.

    1. Here, here Monika. If I think about how my life could have been without meeting Serge it is like thinking of a nightmare.

  365. Sometimes I get dreams of constantly shifting images that get more and more disturbing. They only occur now and then but when they do I have to stop and ask myself where have I been to receive such? To me they don’t feel like Soul dreams so who is supplying them and how am I living to let them in?

  366. Appreciation can be a way of living, as we traverse the ‘tracks’ of life if we choose it. It is a powerful and evolutionary way to express and to fuel our lives in every moment.

  367. It’s amazing the precision that our dreams can offer to us when we are open to receive their messages

  368. Rebecca, I loved reading this article, I too used to have dreams about getting the train in the wrong direction, it’s great to have some awareness now of what these dreams were telling me and also to be aware that there are messages and learning in everything.

  369. Thank you for sharing this very relevant message to us all to appreciate the loving and playful messages from our Soul to bring us back on track to take us back to our Divine destination.

  370. The soul train, I love it and I am deeply appreciating that I was standing on the right platform for long enough to get on it as the train on the other platform was heading for an almighty crash.

  371. Great to read about someone else’s dreams and how much they have on offer if we are able to remember them and be able to read them for what they are all about. For years I discarded them thinking that they were only dreams, thats it all no more than that but when they keep reoccurring they are pretty hard to ignore.

  372. What a powerful message to receive from your soul Rebecca. I also have a recurring dream where I buy a house and then decide what goes and what stays – this is an opportunity for me to review my life so that I can discard the things that are not working.

    1. The soul train is the ultimate train service. Never gets booked up and there is always a train waiting for us. 24/7 availability. Just depends on our choices.

  373. “I began to make changes to the way that I lived, using my new understanding to connect to myself before moving, speaking and making decisions.” That is as simple as it gets and yet the profound change this makes is life-changing. It wasn’t until I too learned this at Universal Medicine that I could begin to bring more to my life and I began to feel like I was truly living and not constantly searching for me, on the endless, ‘Spiritual journey’, merry-go-round that you talk about here.

  374. There is so much appreciation for making the choice to return to Soul. In this process there is so much to appreciate—every step we have taken and every choice made, every pattern and momentum allow me to feel a deep appreciation of my own incarnation. The foundation of appreciation in life is so deeply precious and powerful, it gives me the clarity to face all that Life offers and appreciate even more.

  375. Rebecca this is beautiful and stunning because it relates to life in that there is always a movement to be made and this can be either with or without the soul, but regardless of what that movement is, there will always be a guiding hand or a light there to show the way back home again because we are all so deeply loved.

  376. Appreciation is the game changer and cannot be underestimated, it literally unlocks doors.

  377. Rebecca, I love your blog and I love the love of the soul that gives you and us such clarity and direction through our dreams. Reading this blog has touched me so deeply today that I could not help but burst into tears at the glory of the Soul.

  378. Wow Rebecca, thank you for sharing your awesome blog. I have had very similar dreams about trains and catching airplanes and both of these types of dreams have the same feelings and messages. The trains and planes are taking me home but I arrive too late and miss getting because I haven’t been paying attention to time or I miss getting on because I don’t have my passport. These dreams seem to appear when I am delaying my evolution, delaying my return home, to my soul and to God. They are very clear messages that I am learning to understand and supports me to reflect on my choices and how I am choosing to live. Isn’t it amazing how our Soul and God communicates to us during our day and through our dreams?

  379. Dreams like life reflect something precious, offering us a deeper insight and understanding of where we are at in life and our potential next can be.

  380. Great to feel you appreciation not just for all you have been given but also for yourself and the choices that you have made. I am recognising more and more how key appreciation is and how when we forget this we are often reminded in playful ways.

  381. This is super cool to read Rebecca and appreciation can be so easily overlooked. There is no words that can truly share how much I am appreciative of Serge Benhayon, the Benhayon family, Universal Medicine and the absolute integrity that the Ageless Wisdom is presented in. How everything that they are living and experiencing is shared no matter what, which then allows a platform the best train ride ever possible. I’m so on that train too Rebecca.

  382. A beautiful blog that shows us how much we do know, when we pay attention to reading our dreams, and things that are reflected back to us. Thanks for sharing Rebecca.

  383. Rebecca I also love dreams, as others have shared, and for me what has been most amazing as well has been seeing the types of dreams change, seeing them transform from one way of repetitive struggle into something where I respond, adjust my life and my dreams change. They unfold and if they repeat I know something is not moving on.

  384. The power of appreciation at its best Rebecca and how when following the footprints and or symbolism within our dreams or that we see around us, show us a snapshot of our lives and how our soul is always guiding us home on the right train.

  385. ‘… I learned the Gentle Breath Meditation™ and discovered how to connect to the true me, my innermost essence, my Soul. I could feel that I had come home – not home to Universal Medicine, but home to myself.’
    This is the great search that we are all on, until we re-connect with our soul, we know something is not right, that something is missing and that something is our divine self.

  386. What a very beautiful blog, thank you Rebecca. I absolutely love dreams, there is always so much learning from the wisdom being offered to us through our dreams. Sometimes they can seem quite bizarre, yet once we work them out, so very simple.

  387. I loved reading this blog Rebecca. It was a joy to share the unfolding of your journey and I could so relate to it. By the end of the blog I was smiling from ear to ear with the joy of appreciation for what you brought to us in your blog, appreciation for all that Universal Medicine has brought to my life and appreciation for the soul journey I too have embraced.

  388. Some articles you read and you love them from the first point. I love trains and so reading the first part I found it all very funny while amazing at the same time for someone to have such clear dreams. I love the detail and the whole message in this article as well. I hear loud and clear appreciation and all the power that comes from what seems to be something so so simple. It’s great to also literally share other peoples dreams.

  389. There is absolutely so much to appreciate about ourselves, our Soul, our lives and each other.

  390. I love this so much. It’s such a brilliant example of one of the myriad of ways our Soul communicates with us through our body.

  391. Wow… what an amazing read Rebecca. How accurate and detailed are our dreams and the messages our Soul offers us…very, very inspiring… thank you for sharing.

  392. I used to have re-curring dreams of returning to school, other places of learning, or of sitting exams, being tested and living in fear of failing. These dreams stalked me until I deeply re-connected with that inner part of me, my true essence and knew my worth from inside out, and with this the dreams ended.

  393. Wow, what a an amazing sequence of dreams. The language of the Soul is just purely profound.

  394. I loved this blog Rebecca. Thank you for sharing this with myself and everyone else who reads it – the passengers on the train. You have a way of writing that is straightforward and made me want to keep reading – more please!

  395. Awesome, thank you Rebecca for sharing your ‘dreams’… that in truth reflected the reality of life. I always love to read dreams and the wisdom in symbolism that is there, and very much appreciate what is being offered. It is the language of the Soul.

  396. I love this blog Rebecca it is beautiful how the Soul communicates with us. Reading this two things came to me .. that I do not have a lot of dreams or cannot remember them and their messages and how easy I let appreciation slip. So thank you for sharing this and I also love the cycle of completion in that you activated the impulse you felt to actually write the blog.

  397. A beautifully expressed article about how, if we are open to it, our soul sends the messages we need to hear through symbols. Amazing Rebecca, that your theme has been a train throughout. There is so much information to be accessed from a dream, and it encourages us to sense the energy and feel what is going on without us being told in words, so it enters us in a different way and with a deeper knowing and understanding.

  398. The timing of this blog is an absolute confirmation that the messages we need arrive at precisely the time that they are needed – what is done with this offering is up to me. I can really appreciate through this message that our soul is always ready to offer what’s next for our evolution but never makes us do anything. This is exactly how it is being a student of the livingness with Universal Medicine, the soul presenting what the student is or is not willing to re-connect with – just like the trains they turn up but where are we?

  399. I love dreams, I have always enjoyed reading their meanings. Now I am blessed with not only my dreams but my five children’s dreams, it is amazing to watch their development, it keeps getting clearer and clearer and my husband and I love being the support to help the kids read and understand them.

  400. I have found that the more I appreciate, the more there is available to me. And if I don’t, well then life just isn’t quite as grand as it can be and sometimes I chose the lesser version because I am not so used to living it up and loving life but that is all changing the more and more aware I become of the flow and how sweet it can be when I do let go and surrender and enjoy.

  401. We can grumpily stand at the train station and have a mini-freak-out about why we are not getting on, or we can take a moment and connect and see what the situation is offering us. In this case, appreciation was what was being offered. This analogy can be applied to much of life – how often can we get frustrated at a situation, and hold these pictures about how this situation should be panning out? When it could actually be a message from our Soul, offering us something much more beyond what is being presented. I find it a loving working in progress, to look beyond the obvious to see what is being offered.

  402. I have had dreams in the past about trains or airplanes too, the feeling of missing them or being stuck in the check in line while the plane sets off are the worst ones! I can relate to your reading on them and it feels very true for me too. I often have dreams about forgetting my luggage or loosing it on the way which I can now see has to do with preparing myself and taking deep care of myself consistently in my day.

  403. Amazing how every night our Soul offers us all a clearing. Dreams can add a very clear message to support us and bring awareness in a different way. Be open to it and willing to ‘listen’.

    1. We receive thousands and thousands of messages from our Soul but how often do we stop to appreciate and listen? I am starting to listen to these deeply loving messages and sometimes they do not feel very comfortable but the fact I am feeling this way, it is also showing me something too.

  404. I love the message about appreciation. It’s a long lost action. Lack of and no appreciation created a huge void in my life. That void became my life – self-feeding itself through recognition from the outside and not a true acceptance of what I had always had that I knew within.

    1. “It’s a long lost action.” Sad but true Rik. Until Serge Benhayon reintroduced me to appreciation I really had no clue what it truly was. Now I know through feeling it in my body how it is an incredible science that offers us all the space in the universe to surrender into, within our bodies.

  405. I have experienced similarly recurring dreams Rebecca that only stopped when I began to reconnect to my true self after finding the teachings of Universal Medicine. One of them involved me going to school and finding out I had a big test I never studied for which cause serious anxiety in the dream. Only after I dealt with an ongoing self-worth issue that made me feel like I was never enough (always needing to prove myself via ‘tests’ in life or through recognition for ‘making the grade’ in various jobs, school, etc) did these recurrent dreams finally come to an end.

    Our dreams can really be a constant source of understanding ourselves and others more deeply.

  406. A beautiful blog filled with glorious appreciation. I wholeheartedly agree with you Rebecca – Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have inspired thousands of people to be on the true track and returning to the truth of who we are, rather than searching in the wrong direction – externally to ourselves.
    “Without them I would still be searching in the wrong direction. The tireless and endless love that is lived, displayed, walked, given and expressed is phenomenal”.

  407. What an amazing dream to share with us all. The power of appreciation indeed and such a clear message – we go nowhere without appreciation which is the opposite of what we’re taught in school as I remember being criticised and then going full hog on the internal criticism of myself. But am discovering appreciation and how lovely it is to feel and nourish myself with, especially if I feel rocked by outside forces – mean words etc.

  408. Wow, I love this Rebecca, when the soul speaks it’s loud and lovingly clear, and your soul made sure you got on track. Very powerful and beautiful.

  409. I find the Soul is absolutely hilarious in how it utilises different symbols to relays messages through our dreams. How playful and funny is it that the Soul uses a train that will not open it’s door and a conductor that will not assist in the doors being open…… at a public station. The Soul has a great sense of humour….. Now that’s worth appreciating.

  410. What a beautiful blog Rebecca – and what an amazing series of dreams given directly by you your soul to help you be on the true path. I love how you point out when that when there was a time with a lull of meaningful dreams of any sort, that in itself is a sign to bear also. We are always meant to be evolving and deepening. And so importantly as you share here – appreciating everything we have already said yes to and everything that we already are.

    1. Hi Katerina, yes the absence of meaningful dreams is very telling. I know then that I am coasting and not applying myself in the way that I could. As soon as I commit fully to my path I receive dreams that I can read easily and that help me to deepen and expand

  411. You have demonstrated and shared here Rebecca that true healing can only come with connection to our true nature. Powerful blog and reminder of this truth. Thank you.

  412. I was on the fast train in the wrong direction before encountering the stop with Serge and Universal Medicine, the stop I will always be eternally grateful for.

  413. I am forever in awe at how wondrously simple yet profound the language of the Soul is and that it speaks to us not in abstractions but through symbolism that is easily understood when the will to learn and grow is there within us. Thank you for sharing these dreams and their meaning for you Rebecca, I loved reading this and I agree with the overriding message that we cannot get to where we are going if we have not first appreciated where we are at and all that has led us to this point.

    1. I absolutely agree with you Liane and with Rebecca’s and your conclusion: ‘that we cannot get to where we are going if we have not first appreciated where we are at and all that has led us to this point.’
      There is no growth possible without appreciation of all the details that are there every day and have led to the current point.

    2. Dreams are very powerful friends! I’ve always dreamt loads and was somehow open to my dreams, although I was not aware of the detail, simplicity in which dreams can communicate to us nor the symbolism in the messages. It was not until I met Natalie Benhayon and Universal Medicine that I had the support to understand the messages of the dreams, as you mention Liane, the symbolism in which we are communicated to. I felt very supported and open to exploring what the dreams were telling me as I started to relate the dreams to things that happened to me during the day or in other periods of my life.

  414. I love it and I love the title, Rebecca. After reading this, who wouldn’t want to take the soul train.

  415. I love the way the cycles of life, our Soul and the whole of the Universe so absolutely support us to be on the right track. So many reflections in our dreams and throughout our waking lives.

  416. ” So, I can’t end this blog without expressing my deepest love, appreciation and gratitude to Serge Benhayon, his family and everyone associated with Universal Medicine. ” Thank you Rebecca I would also like to express my appreciation to Serge Benhayon and everyone associated with Universal medicine with love and thanks, John.

  417. Stunning, I love dreams and the messages that are so clearly given to us. Love the fact that you have the train dreams that are very dedicated to you and your relationship with your self and also other people. And so awesome how much you choose to learn from your dreams. Deeply inspiring.

  418. LOVED READING EACH WORD YOU WROTE REBECCA. This is one of the most beautiful blogs I have ever read.

    1. I agree and the author is a natural and obviously has a lot to offer all of us when it comes to dreams and appreciation like she has done here. From the first to the last point of this article I had a smile on my face because it felt like you were there with her the whole way. It is also like out of this I have been given more depth in understanding dreams and how they support us in life.

  419. Love it Rebecca, perfect for me to read at a point where I am definitely been caught asleep at the wheel of my evolution preferring to coast. The reality of coasting is a lack of connection to the magic all around us, it becomes a peculiar preference to say the least. Appreciation for all I have chosen to be a part of and bear witness too is without a doubt where it is at.

  420. There is no doubt that our dreams offer us insight as they have done here for you Rebecca. I have had a similar recurring dream about not being ready to get off at the right station with all my baggage. Perhaps I have some baggage to let go of! See you on the Soul Train.

  421. Brilliant Rebecca. I got married the other day and when I was describing the process I mentioned it was a bit like seeing a speeding train approaching and feeling there was nothing you could do to get out of the way. Like an old black and white movie star I felt tied to the rails as the date fast arrived. What you’ve helped me see is that if I truly understood the truth about space I would move in flow with the wedding day instead of rushing headlong into a crash or complaining I don’t have enough time.

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