The Space in Silence

I have recently been experiencing quite a free-flowing expression with my writing: without any effort, the words just seem to come out of me when I sit still and allow it. So, it was with a bit of surprise that I found myself sitting here with nothing really coming through me to share.

With a healthy dose of irony, I then began to really appreciate just how beautiful it was to simply sit here and enjoy the silence and spacious potential of the moment, without knowing what was coming next or holding onto any picture or expectation of what I should or should not be doing. This then led to what you now are reading.

All too often in my life I have put so much pressure on myself to constantly be doing something to prove my worth to others and especially to myself, whether that be through sporting achievements, pushing myself at work, needing to get involved in other people’s problems, and even feeling like I need to always say something to offer something more during gaps of silence in a conversation. In essence, I was saying to myself, “You are not enough, you need to do more, more, more.”

But living under that belief actually contracts us and leads to so much exhaustion and unsettlement in our bodies when we are like a dog chasing its tail in an attempt to fill our days with activities that we feel we need to do in order to feel good about ourselves. Looking for relief by the tactic of ‘checking off the boxes’ on my to-do list has never resulted in any true sense of completion or contentment at the end of the day, but on the contrary has usually resulted in an attempt to fit in and add more things to do, well after my body was telling me it needed to go to bed.

Only after coming to the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon – and especially his book ‘Space’ in the trilogy of ‘Time, Space and all of us’ –have I come to a deep appreciation for all that these teachings offer.

It has helped me realise that there exists an endless reservoir of wisdom that we are literally surrounded by and passes through us. That ‘space’ has nothing to do with emptiness but is in fact the energy and essence of God that is in between and within all the particles that make up our bodies and the body of the Universe. It is in these moments of stillness that we can feel and connect to that Divine energy and take into our consciousness what it has to offer.

But when we stay in a state of constant motion (both in our minds and through our bodies) and try to pack as many things into our day as possible out of a lack of self-worth, it compresses the particles in our body and does not allow us to tap into the space that could otherwise have given us the understanding or realisations that we needed to live our day with true purpose and in service without any need to do more to feel enough.

This teaching has also allowed me to see how I can have a positive effect on the world in a really simple way by just being me in every situation I am in, and that sometimes the most powerful thing to say… is nothing!

Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself over-reacting to what someone said or you felt like you needed to jump in and ‘add your two cents’ to the conversation out of a fear that others might perceive you as not being competent or knowledgeable enough? I know I have! But I have recently noticed how when I just hold everyone with a sense of understanding and compassion, and instead sit quietly if nothing is coming to me anyways to express, this is all that is needed and in fact says a lot by offering a reflection of stillness to other people, especially if they are behaving in a way that is not in line with their true nature.

As I previously mentioned, in the past, if there were any gaps of silence in a conversation I was having with someone, out of a feeling of anxiousness I would want to fill these gaps with more talking. In retrospect, what I had to say in those instances was really not needed and just random filler or ‘small talk,’ which never helps anyone gain a greater understanding or connection with each other. And another thing I have noticed is how being with someone in silence sometimes allows the space that is needed for one or a group to come to a deeper realisation or feeling to share, by talking in a way that you are truly listening to the other person instead of merely waiting for them to be finished so you can say what you wanted to say.

Even the cadence of our speech, where we allow ourselves to communicate patiently without rushing, can be felt as a deeper settlement and easiness in our bodies that is then passed on to the recipient of our words. I would say this can also be sensed in people’s writing, as evidenced by the frenetic way many people text each other. You can sometimes palpably feel the anxiousness and tension coming through the text in these situations, when people are scrambling to type a mile a minute and are not connecting to what their body wants to express, but only communicating through various mental ideals or beliefs.

In essence, when I have come to a place of greater appreciation of all the unique qualities that I have to offer other people and the world, it has allowed me to let go of the need to stay in constant motion in order to avoid that nagging feeling of not being enough, and instead opened up the transformational potential and power of simply being, which offers the same feeling of expansion in our bodies that is the foundation of the eternal expansion of our Universe.

By Michael Goodhart, Aircraft Technician, B.A. Psychology, Lover of Nature and being playful with life, North Carolina, USA

Further Reading:
Anxiousness, Stillness, God and Me
Space, God, Purpose and human existence
Am I Allowed to be this? Finding a Balance in True Expression

137 thoughts on “The Space in Silence

  1. “Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself over-reacting to what someone said or you felt like you needed to jump in and ‘add your two cents’ to the conversation out of a fear that others might perceive you as not being competent or knowledgeable enough?”
    the answer to this question is yes, I have spent most of my life justifying my existence. However recently there was a situation where I went into the justification and then had a stop moment that was so clear that I was being goaded to react. I was able to laugh at the set up stop reacting and say no to the honey trap that had been set. To read life and the games being played is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves because by reading life we cannot be fooled. Life is totally different when we are on the front foot rather than trying to play catch up.

  2. A beautiful sharing and acceptance, ‘ I have come to a place of greater appreciation of all the unique qualities that I have to offer other people and the world’.

  3. Thank you Michael, your sharing brings me to appreciate how my body instantly knows Love, when it’s held and supported free of expectations and impositions around. Surrendering to space and its beauty free us of the need to do or say something to feel complete. Everything is given and said from the presence of God we can embody.

  4. No words can describe what is felt when we sit, listen and feel the stillness within.

  5. ‘to simply sit here and enjoy the silence and spacious potential of the moment…’ this is a drop of gold at a time when we are called to ‘stay at home’ and I can really sense the enormity of learning to enjoy the space and stillness in a moment and to build my awareness of the potential in this space and my relationship with it. It is very beautifully beyond my human understanding but as I read this quote this morning and sit with my computer on my lap, my body is keen to go deeper with this.

  6. Sometimes ‘Silence is golden’, it’s ok to have moments without noise. It gives us a chance to feel what else is in the moment with us.

    1. One of the deeply still moments is in the early hours of the morning, there seems to be a hush in the world to me it’s the same silence you can hear when the snow is falling. As you say Leigh there is an offering to feel what else is in the moment with us, as we are never alone.

  7. The longer we spend time in space, the great observation we have of the world around us that is in constant monition that is running on nervous energy. Plato said; Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. What energies are driving the two?

  8. Martin that ‘my-self’ often gets in the way of us and others. And if we realise that this is occurring to billions of people on the planet, then it is a no wonder we are going around in circles. It only requires one to break that chain and that one affects another and if we all got out of the way, then true harmony will be revealed to the all.

  9. Michael I resonated with adding the ‘two cents,’ although in the past I would have said 10 pence worth, it’s all the same same. This is still within me to a degree, and this silence actually speaks so much louder than the words itself. I’ve experimented with this and at one point I was sitting on the fence, and contemplating should I say something or should I not. It is now at a place where, the silence is occurring more and more, people are feeling the awkwardness of this. It is a reflection of the busyness we all are in, and space is taken up by the activity of the doing.

    I haven’t fully mastered the silence and be in space, however I know one thing, my body is wanting it. So like a muscle it will need strengthening, to the point where the muscle will no longer need the strengthening, it will already be there.

    We have more to go with the way we live, and how the way life lives with us…

  10. We just need to get ourselves out of the way and let the love flow ✨ Great practical example of how to do this #nopictures

  11. “This teaching has also allowed me to see how I can have a positive effect on the world in a really simple way by just being me in every situation I am in, and that sometimes the most powerful thing to say… is nothing!” Pure gold and perfect for me to read tonight after being in a meeting bringing everything but saying nothing – love it.

  12. If we are constantly talking and trying to do things, how are we meant to hear what’s next? The space and moments of stillness are that opportunity to appreciate where we are and feel what’s next.

  13. In an online meeting yesterday there was a long moment of stillness – when no-one spoke just for the sake of it. The silence and stillness felt was really beautiful.

  14. I so often think I need to come up with the right words but the more I just allow someone the space to be themselves the quicker they come back and say how great it was I just let them be. I have found that to behold someone by giving them space is one of the greatest gifts we can give another.

  15. Having silence with a friend for example can often be sign of growing openess and closeness between myself and that person. It shows a growing ease in myself and that other person, and I definitely agree that there is more going on that just the sound of silence. what is offered through our bodies in that space when we allow them to settle and not be under the demands of needing to perform or behave a certain way.

  16. What you have shared Michael feels true because many of us fill any gaps of silence in a conversation with mindless chatter and the awkwardness of this we can feel in our bodies.
    Now you have brought this way of being to everyone’s attention it is then easy to see where we fill the gaps. It has certainly supported me to understand that it is okay just to be myself without the need to feel it is necessary to speak when it is clearly not appropriate to do so. I would have over ridden this feeling but your blog has made a huge difference, thank you.

  17. How many hide in the silence of space and treat it like Plato’s cave, as a safe place to hide? When we live in the world and connect to life in full, space allows, as you have stated, the stillness to expand.

  18. ““You are not enough, you need to do more, more, more.”” So many of us know this one. It has run me all my life. I even recall a school report saying ‘Susan could do more if she tried….’. That set me up for a life of trying. And it got me nowhere. Connecting, then allowing rather than trying is the way to go for me now.

    1. Trying and pleasing I have found is a real killer for true expression. Just like a chameleon I learnt to change my tone, my words all to fit in and not rock the boat. However, this just led me to be seen as super nice yet running with a massive undercurrent of frustration feeling like I could explode as was not saying what was there to be said. I find even having spent a long time working on it I still find the holding back energy can be very destructive in my life.

    2. The world is full of people who feel they have to do more, a habit I have been relinquishing, ‘I have put so much pressure on myself to constantly be doing something to prove my worth to others and especially to myself’.

  19. “I then began to really appreciate just how beautiful it was to simply sit here and enjoy the silence and spacious potential of the moment, without knowing what was coming next or holding onto any picture or expectation of what I should or should not be doing” I love this. When we are in silence – in space – words then then come through us, be they spoken or written. We are but vessels…..

  20. Often in a group people are quick to jump in and there is this feeling that it’s all about being heard from the self perspective. There’s nothing more I love than a group of people giving each other the space for everyone to contribute equally. We shouldn’t have to fight each other for the space to be heard.

    1. Agreed. Wholeheartedly. And more often than not when I really listen, as in give other people space to talk without the internal interjecting going on in my head, I am super inspired and touched by what I hear.

    2. I agree, giving one another space to share if they feel to, or equally, not to share knowing it is okay to be ourselves without feeling it is necessary to speak for the sake of it.

  21. Is our day like a bucket? We can try as much as we want to fill it, but it is what is and will only hold a set amount. What is the quality of things we stack in the bucket that exceeds what fits in the bucket and can you then lift it? Overfilling requires more energy. Purpose allows us to fill our vessel with what is needed, and it is ok to leave it empty at times rather than filling it with something to stay busy.

    1. What is the quality we fill our day up with, ‘try to pack as many things into our day as possible out of a lack of self-worth, it compresses the particles in our body and does not allow us to tap into the space that could otherwise have given us the understanding or realisations that we needed to live our day with true purpose’.

  22. To be at ease with silence in any situation, alone or with others, is to be at ease with stillness and is the beginning of a remarkable relationship with ourselves and our place in the universe. It is no surprise that the world we have created is so dead set on undermining and avoiding silence.

    1. It is as if we are constantly being asked to be doing something, even on our own on our phones, thoughts racing in our heads, thinking of whats next, the past the future etc.. all to keep us away from deepening and developing a truly loving relationship with ourselves.

  23. In moments of quiet we have access to the sounds of the Universe, But when we keep ourselves too busy we drown out the messages and murmurs of divinity.

  24. We reduce who we are and what we bring to this world when we make it all about doing. Opening up to space and what it offers is an experiment in feeling what drives us and why.

  25. If we don’t hold the same level of stillness inside, it can make us feel like we have an agitation, compared to the true stillness felt on the outside.

    1. Henrietta I totally understand what you have written, I can remember years ago feeling agitated while waiting for a Universal Medicine healing session and I mentioned feeling agitated to the practitioner they explained that I wasn’t in the stillness that was on offer while sitting in the waiting room which is why I felt the agitation in my body. We have lost the science of understanding the profound and beneficial effect stillness has on our bodies.

  26. I absolutely adore stillness – it is rich and deep and beyond inspiring. I also know that I do not maximise it and get caught in all that life offers us to side line stillness. The more I acknowledge how much I adore stillness the more I can ignore the temptations that dismiss it.

    1. I love stillness, it offers us so much, ‘It is in these moments of stillness that we can feel and connect to that Divine energy and take into our consciousness what it has to offer.’

  27. Silence can be as congested as a rubbish dump when people are not comfortable in their own skins e.g.being in a lift in silence. You can feel the tension and then the absolute relief when the doors open and people spill out, grateful to be amongst the noise again.

    1. I have observed this scenario many a time. It’s true that an intense discomfort can be felt when silence and expansion are offered; the tension this can bring up is an invite to jump in and say anything.

  28. “I have come to a place of greater appreciation of all the unique qualities that I have to offer other people and the world, it has allowed me to let go of the need to stay in constant motion…” This is such a gem of wisdom, so many of us feel compelled to be constantly on the move and doing something to justify our existence, instead of feeling the contentment and settlement in knowing and being ourselves and what we bring.

  29. There’s a vitality and aliveness to this blog that is incredibly rare to read. Whilst I took in what you wrote Michael I got a picture of person attempting to open, fill and shut a hallway full of school lockers, only to frantically pull the lockers down on top of themselves. To me this is how fulfilling check boxes feels. A lot to consider in what you have shared, not least that the key to life may not be in doing more but being more.

  30. I have noticed the pace I or others speak is a dead give-away for me for the level of nervous energy in the body. My hearing has tuned to it more as I have built the relationship with my own expression and heard how much pace there is when I am more anxious and how it changes when I am more at ease. It is an ever deepening relationship that leaves no space for judgment.

    1. I have noticed this particularly in myself. My tone of voice, speed at which I speak and whether the resonance is coming from my body or in my head is a dead give-away as to the quality I am expressing in any given moment.

  31. “if there were any gaps of silence in a conversation I was having with someone, out of a feeling of anxiousness I would want to fill these gaps with more talking.” This is so common and is highlighted when we find ourselves at a classic party where it feels like there is more pressure to get to know lots of people you don’t know and much less space to just be with each other.

  32. This article and the comments that have followed have touched me very deeply and are becoming a living part of my life. To really feel and accept the ‘spacious potential’ of every moment and the expansion that can be experienced in silence is properly spectacular and is something that is in every moment – as in an everyday normal thing. Spectacularly, awesomely ordinary.

    1. Unless you have felt it, the space in your body, it can be difficult to comprehend the exquisiteness of the feeling. It brings a deep, deep settlement.

      1. I love that question Steve. In the silence I know I feel expansion through my whole body. I love the stillness of silence too… the stillness and expansion go hand in hand.

      2. This is a brilliant and beautiful question. One that I have come back to frequently since reading it the other day. An invitation to explore silence and build a relationship with its expansive qualities. Thank you Steve.

  33. I have also learnt through experience to value and appreciate silence in conversations and relationships and to not jump in with anything when there is nothing to say at that moment.

  34. This is one of my favorite blogs you’ve written, Michael. I really love the tenderness and understanding you express here. It shows a true love for all others and for humanity.

  35. In a world where it seems like everyone wants to have their say, often interrupting someone else, I have learnt that “sometimes the most powerful thing to say… is nothing!”. But I still have times where I can feel the words I want to share trying to burst out of me, scared that I am going to forget what I want to say. But these days the accompanying feeling in my body is such an uncomfortable one that it quickly brings me back to the silence that is being called for in that moment.

    1. ha ha I can so relate to this and find that if I don’t ‘jump in’ then if what was there to be said is still relevant I will remember it, and if it is not then it will be gone! Sometimes they are simply observations for us, not necessarily to share. I am sure this is tied to that pesky ‘need to be the one with all the answers’ pattern!!

      1. Yes that is one ‘pesky pattern’ that really has no place in my life, and it sounds like yours too. Maybe it simply comes back to an old need to be heard, formed as a child when we often weren’t heard, as well as the need for recognition for being a good girl for knowing the answer! Lots to ponder on here.

  36. When we connect to stillness, we are connecting to a quality in the universe that is simply beholding, which is timeless. In this space we get to feel the exquisiteness of infinite love – no stimulation, nothing we can eat or do, nothing – can ever beat it.

  37. Why is it that we are not taught about the true meaning of space as part of our education, perhaps if it was taught we would have a greater respect for space as we move through it how utterly beholding to know we are moving in the energy and essence of God that we are all held by him in his atma just as all the planets and stars are held too. How can we say we have been deserted by God when he envelops us all in his loving body? What lies have we been fed and accepted without discerning the truth?

  38. “Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself over-reacting to what someone said or you felt like you needed to jump in and ‘add your two cents’ “ er yes, yes, yes and yes and often to only regret it later.

  39. I was one who really used to hate silent spaces in a conversation. It made me feel very uncomfortable and sure enough it wouldn’t be long before I was speaking, filling in the silence simply to ease my discomfort. But I have come to learn how precious this silence is and how in it so much can be expressed without words. As the saying goes – Silence is Golden – and I am slowly but surely coming to truly understand and appreciate that yes it absolutely is.

    1. Perhaps we avoid the silence and the space that it provides because in those moments we can feel what we have left behind and distracted ourselves from for so long, that connection to God and the power that it brings, which has been laying there waiting for us to reconnect to.

    2. Yes, what a gift to be able to re-connect to silence and the enormous communication that goes with that. It is indeed Golden and has immense value.

  40. Giving credence to what you have shared Michael is super important just as when we go to sleep and feeling our day is complete and full of space, and not just dropping into to bed because it is that time, makes all the difference to our sleeping rhythm.

  41. We all know space inside out and yet we hem ourselves in to such an extent that our experience of life is one of feeling constant pressure from all angles and as a result we all feel incredibly weighed down and the concept of space isn’t even on the radar.

    1. Sadly true Alexis. It is so crackers the way we push ourselves, allowing no pauses, no space, no silences. Our mind wants us to be continually filled with chatter, hence the inevitability of small talk, which I’ve always found difficult.

  42. Where does this pressure come from that we feel we have to do more and more that we are not good enough, this lack of self worth is hideous because it is so damaging to our bodies. It keeps us in the contraction of life when we should be full of life and vitality. I saw this lack in a young child where the natural joy has been squashed and they seemed timid and afraid and so seemed to have withdrawn from life already. Is it possible to consider reincarnation? Did they bring this withdrawnness with them from another or other lives? When we start to ask such questions then all sorts of possibilities open up and our awareness becomes open and expanded and we have more understanding for the child and the lessons they are here to learn this time round.

  43. Michael several times recently when there was a silence that could have been filled up with conversation, I chose to connect to my body and to offer the group or person my stillness and it felt so expansive. Your blog has captured the magic of space in such a practical way it is really something to celebrate! Thank you.

  44. ‘But living under that belief actually contracts us and leads to so much exhaustion and unsettlement in our bodies when we are like a dog chasing its tail in an attempt to fill our days with activities that we feel we need to do in order to feel good about ourselves’. My neighbours dog chases it’s tail, it really is a very exhausting and never ending behaviour and one that never completes.

    1. Wow, Alexis, it seems that you have captured the symbolic movement of humanity with the way your neighbour’s dog chases its tail. One could say the same for planet Earth, as we are just going in circles until we realise that there is nothing to really chase, because inside us is…space!

      1. The chasing is, in itself a movement away from God, whereas surrendering is a movement towards Him. A yielding, a letting go, a return to Him that we all already are.

      2. I can really feel the exhaustion in the dog chasing it’s tail and planet Earth going round and round in circles until humanity finally realises that chasing our tails so to speak is not it. Our bodies live in the tension of the doing rather than the fullness of just being and then moving from that space we have given ourselves.

  45. Wise words Mr Michael – very wise words. We do so much to prove to the world that we are worthy, only to one day find out that the only person who needs to know we are worthy is ourselves.

    1. I echo that Viktoria. When we can claim ourselves in the full knowing of our value with every cell in our bodies, there is absolutely to need to go elsewhere to find recognition.

    2. Even the word ‘worthy’ implies the need for something to be done in order to achieve some kind of desired or justifiable state but nothing whatsoever needs doing, our natural beingness is it all already.

      1. Ah Alexis, I adore your comments – the wisdom brought through always takes the conversation to a whole new level. In our strive to prove we are “worthy” we are in complete ignorance of the fact that we are already everything. Good point, very good point. Therefore, the antidote is not to prove that we are worthy, but to live knowing we are everything. Because if we live trying to prove we are worthy, we or even thinking we are worthy, we are just cementing the belief that we may not be.

  46. ‘This teaching has also allowed me to see how I can have a positive effect on the world in a really simple way by just being me in every situation I am in, and that sometimes the most powerful thing to say… is nothing!’ If we all made it about the way we live and holding this with the upmost integrity, importance and respect rather than what we do, then the world would be a very different place. Loving your writing and expression (and way of living) Michael it is very inspiring.

    1. …. “just being me in every situation I am in” This is so lovely Vicky – and so important. You’d think it would be taught in schools. But no, instead we are fostered to imitate and want to be like others ‘more brainy, more sporty, more beautiful’, rather than just being our natural gorgeous unique selves.

  47. If we fill ourselves with thoughts and activity there is no room for anything else including a true connection to ourselves. When we allow Space so much is there to be appreciated. The first step though is to build awareness of the choices we are making.

  48. ‘But when we stay in a state of constant motion (both in our minds and through our bodies) and try to pack as many things into our day as possible out of a lack of self-worth, it compresses the particles in our body and does not allow us to tap into the space that could otherwise have given us the understanding or realisations that we needed to live our day with true purpose and in service without any need to do more to feel enough.’ I have experienced both of these, in being busy/stressed and how this feels compressed in the body and pretty horrible and the other way giving myself time to be take each moment by moment living from my body (where a lot can still get done and I don’t have to move slowly!) and how everything feels more open, connected, flowing and just really lovely. So yep know which way I choose to live ✨

  49. What you have shared here Michael is so beautiful
    “That ‘space’ has nothing to do with emptiness but is in fact the energy and essence of God that is in between and within all the particles that make up our bodies and the body of the Universe.”
    If only we were to learn this at school how different would our lives be. This is true religion and science together as one as it should be, when you take apart the whole it is no longer whole and reinterpretation enters in.

    1. Mary, what came to me while reading your intuitive sharing on how reinterpretation enters when we dismantle the ‘whole’ is that deep down we all know exactly what the true nature of space is…because we literally come from it! So perhaps there is a tendency to dissect things in an attempt to not feel just how much we have deviated from living in a way that is in constant connection with the Grandness we originate from.

      1. Michael I too believe we do know the true nature of space, and from my own experience I raced my body so as not to feel by doing this I kept myself as an individual not part of the whole. What has supported me to reconnect back to space is esoteric yoga. I can feel the delicacy of space and how I am deepening my relationship back to the stillness of space. I cannot always hold it as I find that the world we all live in is set up in a way that constantly wants to pull us out of space into the raciness of life and when we are racy I would say it’s impossible to feel the stillness that space offers. I am learning to move in and with the stillness of space and this is possible, it is a different way of living.

      2. I too – like Mary – find Esoteric Yoga a great way to reconnect with the deeper sense of me – and with space – or to reconfirm where i already am.

  50. Michael I have just read your article for the second time and for the second time I have felt more connected to myself and a greater sense of space as a direct result of reading it.. Brilliant stuff. Truly.

  51. I write knowing that inner distractions also play a huge part – when we walk or carry out an activity with self, but not with self because our mind is elsewhere. When we’re constantly having ‘small talk’ and chatter with ourselves, we’ve lost the way of simply being with ourselves and in space.

    1. Knocking out self and/or the need for recognition is one of the keys to finding settlement and space within the body. It takes some work as we are conditioned from birth to compete, to use recognition as a substitute for love and thus live with an inner tension that demands distraction. It can be done though as has been demonstrated by many, through commitment to being self nurturing, honesty and an openness to being aware.

  52. Silence is discomforting for many and is the reason why endless distractions are used to block it out. In the inner-city where I live, I’ve observed the number of people who routinely walk wearing headphones, either listening to music, radio, or in conversation with another. We deny ourselves the offering of simply being with ourselves and connecting fully to our bodies as we walk. We also miss the invitation to simply be with and enjoy the beholding space around us.

    1. I think that the reason why so many people find silence unsettling is because without a distraction we are left to feel ourselves and the discomfort we are living with, which is why so many people find the few minutes it takes to travel in a lift so incredibly uncomfortable. Not only are we exposed but we’re in close proximity to others and this for many of us reveals just how uncomfortable we already are.

    2. So true Kehinde. Many don’t feel comfortable just being with themselves, so want distraction constantly. Staying present with oneself is a choice – that many don’t wish to make. I know this one only too well as would do anything in the past to not allow myself to feel.

  53. So many of us feel alone in silence or awkward as we are left to feel all of the stuff we have that has contributed to where we are at. But if we were to truly allow ourselves to be and to connect we would find such an abundance in silence that we couldn’t possibly ever imagine that we are alone.

  54. I’m wowed! I love what you are expressing in this blog – and your other recent blogs as well. You have clearly tapped into that space of “endless reservoir of wisdom.”

  55. Dear Michael, something profound has been earthed in your blog – the space talker! 🙂 It’s actually very beautiful all you have shared, that in our being so much can be communicated that offers people both a holding quality and space to come to their own realisations. Sometimes verbal expression is supportive, and at other times just being and allowing space for others is what’s needed.

    1. In a world that feels like there is so little space, ‘holding the space’ for another is a true gift as it literally allows them to be with Heaven because even though Heaven is all around us and through us all of the time we act in such a way that completely obscures it from view.

  56. Michael you have conveyed space through the space that you are, which is another way of saying that you have allowed God to come through the God that you are. Take a moment to appreciate just how incredible that is.

    1. Wow Alexis, this is truly a profound truth that you have shared here so eloquently and one that should never be taken for granted as we allow that conveyance of space to come through when we move in a way that builds a body of love to accept it through us. I appreciate how you have offered a moment to stop and deeply appreciate how we can all feel that we truly are Gods and thus it makes perfect sense for that wisdom to be shared from our bodies.

  57. Reblogged this on and commented:
    In essence, when I have come to a place of greater appreciation of all the unique qualities that I have to offer other people and the world, it has allowed me to let go of the need to stay in constant motion in order to avoid that nagging feeling of not being enough……..

  58. Writing, talking, moving, walking…all this is a form of expression but what source does it come from? Does it come from the busy-ness and the constant flux and motion that is held by the spirit seeking distractions or does it come from our natural and innermost expression of the Soul that allows for what is truly needed and nothing more nor nothing less?

  59. Being still and allowing a connection to space is one of the greatest gifts I have ever given myself, and yet I struggle to do this consistently so.

  60. Keeping busy certainly works to stop us from being aware of the space that we have access to, and it equally prevents us from connecting to this and embracing it as the foundation of our rhythm.

    1. Space is spreading out all around us constantly but we can’t feel it because we are holding ourselves in a state of constant contraction, even in our sleep.

    2. Very true Henrietta. I used to keep so busy – to prevent feelings I didn’t want to feel from coming up. These days i relish the opportunity just to be – in space – and I feel the support that is all around us.

  61. As others have shared I too am really loving and enjoying your expression Michael, so lovely to feel in many ways and this blog confirms just that. I also really love this “‘space’ has nothing to do with emptiness but is in fact the energy and essence of God that is in between and within all the particles that make up our bodies and the body of the Universe. It is in these moments of stillness that we can feel and connect to that Divine energy and take into our consciousness what it has to offer.” #inspiration #keepitflowing #raisingthebaraskingalltobemore #whowetrulyare ✨

  62. ‘But I have recently noticed how when I just hold everyone with a sense of understanding and compassion, and instead sit quietly if nothing is coming to me anyways to express, this is all that is needed.’ When others have done this for me I have been able to feel what I am in more clearly and the learning is more profound than if they had verbally suggested something.

  63. This is a beautiful blog and so well desribed:” It has helped me realise that there exists an endless reservoir of wisdom that we are literally surrounded by and passes through us….”, I can very much relate to that, especially early in the morning, to feel the space and there is always something to receive.

    1. I love that time of day too, Claudia. It also reminds me of how when I was a kid (and older) I would love the feeling outside right before it was about to snow and when the first flakes started to drift so gently to the ground. Living in the noise-less countryside surrounded by woods and farm fields, the stillness in those moments was so palpable. All the animals were bunkered down and quiet and it felt like the air had a different quality to it. Perhaps it was the space I was feeling in those serene moments. I can feel it now as if I was there again.

  64. Silence and stillness is foundational for wisdom and true impulses to be received. Sometimes in the early hours of the morning, it’s possible to receive deeper understanding of situations and people considered to be ‘problemmatic’ or perhaps reacted against. Without words, we are shown a way through issues that are not really issues, just creations of the mind.

    1. Beautifully shared Kehinde – for when we allow the space to be, it feels like magic happens for in space and in being, we hold no pictures, no agendas, no solutions etc to cloud the truth of what is needed truly in the situation at hand.

      1. “for in space and in being, we hold no pictures, no agendas, no solutions etc to cloud the truth of what is needed truly in the situation at hand”. Thank you Henrietta, this deepens our understanding of what is offered by space.

  65. Thank you Michael, this is very timely. We can bring too many words to conversation and when words are shot from our mouths to fill rather than receive from space, we become drained. I’ve become aware of the quality of my communication affects my body when I stop speaking. If I feel any anxiety or drain at all, I know, I’ve not expressed with purpose or from Soul, but communicated at, rather than with someone.

  66. “That ‘space’ has nothing to do with emptiness” A stillness and settlement in the body offers the opportunity to be aware of the constant communication that is flowing through us from the Atma of the Universe.

  67. Yes, when you see life in its true perspective and make it about evolution, filling gaps and silent moments with small talk that is not going to evolve anyone is actually avoiding our power, avoiding to expose other people in possibly a state of reaction and to not offer the space to come back to ourselves. When the moment is there we can say much more by being in stillness than by just trying to say it all in words.

  68. Trying to be more than we are, trying to better ourselves can only end in exhaustion and disappointment because in approaching what we do in that way says to ourselves that we are not enough in the first place. We place a value on ourselves and that value comes from achieving things and approval from others therefore, it is no wonder we strive for activity and perfection to ease that tension.

    1. Trying to do ‘better’ has a striving to it- it feels exhausting and is never-ending. So many count their worth by what they do, their achievements and jobs done. As the saying goes, on ones death bed that’s not what people recall, but relationships and connections being the most valued aspects of life. Tasks done are all very well but……

  69. Goodness me, how I am loving your expression, it has such flow to it that I can understand what you say about it coming through you not from you. There is not the headiness of trying to do a good blog which I only notice now I feel what not writing in that way feels like to read.

    1. Spot on Lucy – a gift to get out of the way and have our true expression flow through us. The freedom of true expression.

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