Feeling Our Way Through the Static Fog of Life

Our current norm as a global society is one where we are virtually saturated with a kind of static haze of ideals, beliefs and distractions that cloud our ability to see the underlying truth of any given situation that we encounter. Now, this is not a new phenomenon, as for thousands of years we have had various institutions, from religious, scientific to educational and even the current entertainment industry, telling us what the nature of our reality is here on Earth, what we should believe in and why, and lulling us into a false sense of contentment by the myriad of entertaining allurements that are literally available by the touch of a button. All adding to the ‘fog’ that keeps us from the Truth, albeit a cloud that all of humanity must take responsibility for creating and contributing to on a continual basis.

The best image I get to describe this current state of affairs is that of the old-school TV set from my youth, that many times would only show a partially visible image behind a screen filled with what looked like pixelated static or ‘snow’ when I was trying to tune into a station that was out of range of the TV transmitter. Either this visual or that of a similar situation with a radio station should suffice to allow one to see what I am attempting to portray here: when we only rely on our normal five senses, we will inevitably be ironically ‘blinded’ by the static ‘snow’ that is enveloping us on a daily basis, the same way Eskimos can sometimes experience this snow blindness in the Arctic regions of our planet.

But what if we all had a simple method of filtering out these ‘static’ signals and tuning into what can only be described as a natural ‘Truth-o-meter’ that no ideal about the way things should or shouldn’t be, and dogma or belief of right and wrong, could sway in its accuracy. A device that cuts through the seemingly endless array of diversions and desires that sell us a life full of indulgence and relief from the deep separation to our inner essence that we all feel deep down to some degree. This then feeds the need for more ‘static’, thus creating a vicious cycle that we all have to take responsibility for creating in the first place.

What I am referring to here is simply our natural, innate ability to feel from our inner-heart, which once connected to via techniques to move our awareness from our heads into our bodies, like the Gentle Breath MeditationTM or Esoteric Yoga, bring about a profound shift in not only how we view the world, but how we move through it without getting lost in the constant barrage of stimulation that is all around us and seemingly increasing on a daily basis.

My experience with this way of approaching life has been an ongoing process of refinement, making it now a practice throughout the day to check in with myself and sense that beautiful inner essence in my heart by a method of feeling my eyes delicately close and open while breathing gently through my nose and relaxing the muscles around my eyes and face, as I re-align and feel a growing warmth in my spine. The results of this simple exercise have been an almost instantaneous sensation of calming and settling in my body, which not only stops any movement towards stress, but also takes only a few seconds to accomplish. It’s like a coming home… to my true self!

Sometimes it has been almost alarming to see just how lost in the ‘static of life’ I have gotten when I made the choice to listen to and be driven by some ideal or belief about how I should be working, talking or walking and began to move my body in a way that was not harmonious with its natural rhythm, but was instead being manipulated almost like a puppet by this energy. Because that’s what we are talking about here, a form of energy that is fed to us and which we choose to align to, that keeps us in a constant state of motion, rather than the stillness that can easily be attained, which can then move us from that established settled state of being.

Even though there may exist a barrage of energetic distractions in the world, there is nothing stronger than the magnetic pull back to our Soul when we make that choice to reconnect to our essence. We have given up on the inborn knowingness that this natural resonance with our True Self is always there, but have instead bought into a notion that indulging in all those forms of entertainment are what will bring us happiness. When in fact, by doing so, we are actually aligning to something that is pulling us further away from the love, joy and harmony that we all deep down are craving and which naturally and innately is found within each and every one of us. This also can explain why using ‘willpower’ to stop addictions never seems to work long-term. Because by focusing so much on what we don’t want in our lives, we are actually resonating on an energetic level with that issue, thus ironically attracting it to us once again; and before you know it we find ourselves in the same rut of self-destructive behaviour we were trying to avoid!

We are literally saturated with this ‘white noise’ kind of energy via the various media outlets, advertising and entertainment industries that can pull us out of that precious connection and make us go a bit ‘mental’ and blind us from feeling the Truth our bodies are always communicating. Even detaching from staying present with our body and what we are doing in any given moment can generate a sense of fuzziness in our heads that seems to come from nowhere, but is in fact literally called into our consciousness from a pool of energy that is lacking love and harmony, making it difficult to focus when we choose stimulation over stillness. This then leads to the unsupportive behaviours in our life we tend to later regret.

All we have to do to cut through the miasma of life to the Truth and Love that we all are truly looking for is to take a brief moment to return to our body, and feel that gorgeous glow that is always emanating from our inner hearts and waiting patiently for us to re-connect to. For if we are willing to spend hours surfing the internet, we are surely worth that extra time to stop, feel and connect to our bodies, sensing the space that can expand within us when we do so. The Love that is there inside us will always burn brighter than any ‘fog’ that may surround us, providing that beacon of Light that will guide us all Home.

By Michael Goodhart, Aircraft Technician, B.A. Psychology, Lover of Nature and being playful with life, North Carolina, USA

Further Reading:
Stillness: a return to being
Connection to self through conscious presence
Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in