Getting Over Struggle

It is most people’s experience that we struggle with something or other at some point of our lives. We look around and accept that that’s how life is, because for many seeing is believing. We also tend to glamourise struggle as being part of the growth, taking on the belief that we can’t achieve anything without working hard.

Have we in fact allowed ‘struggle’ to become normalised as ‘life’?

There is a common phrase to ‘Work smarter, not harder’. This puts many people into the spin of the ‘not being very smart’ wheel, until ‘smart’ people show them how to work smarter. Continue reading “Getting Over Struggle”

My Return to Truth

In spite of what most would call a normal, even relatively uneventful, just ‘cruising through’ sort of life, at the age of 35 I found I didn’t know who the true me was and so I wanted to explore this. I knew I had to heal and let go of things that were holding me back from deepening my own connection with myself. At the time, I had no interest in anything spiritual or religious, but I did know that life was missing ‘something’. I would describe my experience as an awakening.

Something shifted inside of me which set me on the path of wanting to know God, and the truth of not only who I was, but why we were here. I’d also convinced myself that I knew what love was but was equally realising that perhaps this wasn’t the case. Continue reading “My Return to Truth”

Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. Simple.

Growing up I was taught that my main purpose was to be happy, to make life about me and what I wanted. This was exemplified, for instance, by having a boyfriend, earning some money, getting good school and college results and carving out a life where I was comfortable. There was an emptiness in this. It lacked true purpose and I didn’t enjoy the idea of my life being all about satisfying my needs.

I felt during these times that there was a constant striving to attain things and academic qualifications to ‘get on in life’. Life seemed to be about what grades I got in school which would determine which college I could go to, which would then determine whether I would be recognised and successful at my work. Continue reading “Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. Simple.”

Fitting In or Standing Out?

When we feel the words ‘fitting in’, we may feel that they suggest that we are slotting into something … fitting ourselves into something … something that is already prepared: a pre-constructed mould. For you cannot fit something into nothing – it simply would not be ‘fitting in’ to anything then.

If we are not fitting in then we may be standing out and much like the words ‘fitting in’, ‘standing out’ suggests that we are standing out or outside of something. Continue reading “Fitting In or Standing Out?”

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse  

As a young girl I was sexually abused by older boys in the back street. At the time I knew what was happening was indecent and intrusive but felt powerless to speak out about what was going on. The trauma or scarring imprint from this abuse was then an overlay through which I experienced life. I acutely felt disgraced, disregarded, disconnected and appalled by the lovelessness in the world. The experience of abuse led me to behave in loveless ways. I had little regard for myself and others. I turned to drugs and alcohol to soothe the pain. I abused myself through food, sex, and had completely dysfunctional relationships with those around me and with myself. Continue reading “Breaking the Cycle of Abuse  “

The Grace of True Healing

Healing usually comes with the notion of fixing something that needs to be fixed. And in some sense, this is true – that healing can be brought to something that needs fixing. But how often do we look deeper than simply fixing the external layer and consider what is happening behind the issue that is needing to be resolved? How often do we consider the steps that were taken that lead to that issue in the first place? Continue reading “The Grace of True Healing”