Serge Benhayon – Presents what he Lives, it’s just that Simple

I find it interesting and somewhat amazing that Serge Benhayon could be accused in a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald (22nd July 2012: “‘Cult’ Cures on Medicare” – Heath Aston) and the Brisbane Times (22nd July 2012: “‘Da Vinci reincarnated? ‘I agree, it sounds absurd’” – Heath Aston) of being a ‘Cult-Leader’ and that his ‘followers’ are known to call him ‘The One’. Over the last few years I have paid to attend most of Serge’s presentations and workshops and never have I heard anyone in attendance call him ‘The One’. He is just plain Serge. There is no arrogance, no bravado, just innate warmth that does not waver. What he does actually claim is that we are all ‘The One’ and are thus equally responsible and empowered to make our own life choices. Serge presents what he lives and the public can take it or leave it. It is just that simple.

As a direct result of attending Universal Medicine presentations and workshops I have slowly brought a renewed understanding and level of awareness to my daily life. My body feels lighter, I am no longer exhausted, struggling with sinus issues, using soy chai tea with honey for a caffeine and sugar fix to keep going, even to get going. My relationships are deeper, my self-awareness and self-love have grown exponentially and I don’t seek distraction or comfort food to numb down an unsatisfactory day or to give myself a reward to the degree that it was sought in the past. It is true that I am a work in progress, but thanks to the work of Universal Medicine and my openness to test the esoteric theories out for myself, I now hold a clear, simple, energetic understanding, a marker in my own body of where my choices may lead.

Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are not the first in history to be condemned for presenting energetic truth that the rest of the world has not yet caught up with, but that one day will be proven correct by science.

As many are aware, Nicolaus Copernicus was called a heretic, the Catholic Church tried to censor him for claiming that there was a strong possibility that the earth was not the centre of the Universe …in his heliocentric model it was the sun. Today the opposition to his claim seems ridiculous as the fact was later proven by science so much so that a school kid could present this truth unequivocally.

‘The greatest truths are discovered after the assumed truths are exposed as being not true at all.’ (Serge Benhayon)

What Serge and Universal Medicine present about energy is not new as he consistently mentions. There have been many, many before him. But most of us are still struggling with Einstein’s proven theory, that ‘Everything is Energy’. For instance, the Ancient Greeks claimed the same thing, that ‘Everything is Light’. That means every thought, action, word, everything physical, solid, seen and unseen on this planet and beyond is energy. This truth brings with it a responsibility. Most of us do not live life in respect of this truth and are left wondering why ‘things happen’, diseases just occur…

But somewhere within we all know that energy just doesn’t happen, it has to come from somewhere and that simple truth is the basis of what Serge Benhayon and his team at Universal Medicine present. ‘If everything is energy, then everything must come from energy’ SB. This is the basis of the so-called ‘Cult-Leader’ premise. A truth that places the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of each individual. That we are the product of all our choices. It is understandable that there are those who do not want to be responsible for each and every life choice (energetic choice) that they make because it would mean that they alone are responsible for exactly where they find themselves right now.

I have observed the integrity and consistency with which Serge Benhayon presents the energetic truth. He does not waver nor hold back, he presents in full. He presents a way of living that builds a foundation of love in the body from a re-newed awareness of what we already know ourselves to be. The team at the Universal Medicine Clinic are highly professional and supportive. And it is worth mentioning that the Esoteric Practitioners Association (EPA)*, set up by Universal Medicine, is fully insured by a globally respected mainstream company and that in fact it holds its members to the highest ethical standards in the world.

If the word ‘Cult’ defined a group of many, many people who come from all walks of life, from many different countries, all ages, but united in their knowing that every single person on the planet holds true wisdom within, that life is about re-connection first, and that the responsibility, the choice, remains theirs alone, can walk away at any time, headed by no guru, who has no disciples, no followers, no hours of meditation, no ideals or beliefs to live up to …just absolute freedom to choose what resonates within and feels true. As Serge always says, ‘Don’t listen to me, feel it for yourself’, then Universal Medicine could be considered a ‘Cult’. But the current definition is actually the opposite.

Yes, Serge’s presentation may be misinterpreted by a few students who do not want to take full responsibility for the changes they wish to make in their lives (so through their re-interpretation and not feeling it for themselves first, they present some of the teachings as rules) … but Serge Benhayon and his team of practitioners at Universal Medicine never tell anyone what to do, say or think, they just present the energetic truth, a truth that can be felt by all equally.

There is no need in me to have my family, friends, or work colleagues align to the esoteric teachings, just like there is no need in Serge Benhayon to have anyone get it. He never judges, never imposes. He merely presents what he lives. But at this time in history, Serge is presenting a way of living that goes against mainstream beliefs and what is held to be the ideal in a society, a society where illness and disease is out of control.

The fact is that what is being presented by Universal Medicine is challenging, for it questions the way that we have all been living and asks us to take responsibility for the possibility that there may be another way.

By Melinda Rowe

* The EPA (Esoteric Practitioners Association) is the internal accreditation arm of Universal Medicine. It was instigated by Universal Medicine to monitor and accredit the modalities that were founded by Universal Medicine.