Burnout in the Workplace: A Call for Connection

by Bernadette Glass

I have been working in the health and human services (family, disability, housing etc.) industry for a combined 30 years. I have always known that what makes the difference in people’s lives is the connection that is made with another human being to then reflect to them the essence of themselves which is love. We don’t readily use this word in our industry because it ‘blurs the boundaries’, gets us ‘emotionally involved’. We silently all know that what is missing in most of our clients’ lives is an experience of true connection with another, true love. Not emotional love, but a connection that the heart of humanity is calling out to be declared, be truly SEEN and individuals to be ‘met’ and known as ‘enough’ just for who they are.

A pivotal point in my career was a true story told by Narrative Therapy founder, Michael White. When supporting a woman with severe depression who was an inpatient in a psychiatric hospital, Michael asked her, “who is it that has seen you for who you truly are?”. The woman in her mid 30’s replied without hesitation, “my grade two teacher”.  The story eventuated with a reconnection with the now well retired ‘grade two teacher’ and that was the beginning of the woman’s healing.

Since my connection with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I have seen and felt the true way in which others have been ‘met’ for who they truly are, connected with their ‘enough-ness’ and begun to express themselves and their lives in true service to humanity, without the word ‘love’ being silenced!

Serge has an extraordinary understanding of the human condition and the effects on the individual and the collective when both are disregarded. This is reflected in the service demands for health, housing, social supports to name a few.

This is not rocket science!

I now present workshops myself in the human service field and what I am finding all over Australia is that many workers in this sector are exhausted, burnt out, pushed to the limits with the ever increasing demands for evidence of social advancement for clients to justify the dollars being spent!

What works as I present to workers across the sector is the reminder that we are ‘enough’ as human beings long before the expectations to achieve. A reminder of the first and foremost task of a worker, is to know this of themselves so that they can present and reflect this to their colleagues and clients. The response to such claims is always met with nods and relief that this topic is being discussed.

The essence of what Serge Benhayon presents is that we are all made to express love and to be connected. It is what everyone craves and feels to express. Why do we not say this? I have been inspired by the only person I know who truly is not afraid to say it to the world in a way that deeply challenges each individual to take responsibility for their lives in every aspect, bar none. We can make a difference. What are we afraid of?