What Foods Should I Eat?

I have never been able to digest milk or eat gluten without bloating – this has been true my whole life.

We were forced to drink milk as children because it was believed at the time that we needed it for growing. It always made me gag and I felt sick. Likewise, my stomach always blew up into a big hard bloated ball whenever I ate gluten. I did this over and over just ignoring my body and how I felt and the whole time feeling horrible for many years, until I couldn’t keep doing this to myself any longer – I stopped eating the gluten and stopped drinking the milk, again common sense from listening to my own body.

The point is that I began listening to my own body as a direct result of my association with Serge Benhayon. I became more aware of how my body felt after I ate certain foods. Listening to my body made a lot more sense to me than the food pyramid, which tells us cheese is ok everyday, as is milk and certain glutinous grains. If they are so good for us, then why do I feel heavy, bloated, lethargic and sick after I eat them?… Yet, when I stopped eating them I felt lighter, brighter, more energised and balanced.

It became clearer and clearer what I could and couldn’t eat the more that I listened to my body. I realised that what I need to eat may be different to another person – even within my own family. If I fall asleep or I don’t feel well for example after I eat something – is it not common sense that the food may not be agreeing with me? This is no different to having fish and breaking out in a rash – we know this to be an allergy or an intolerance to the food because it is something we can clearly see.

I have never felt healthier than I do today since honouring my body and choosing not to eat the foods that I have discovered don’t agree with me including eliminating dairy, gluten, yeast, caffeine and alcohol from my diet. As a result I have more energy, I feel more balanced, clear headed and my body feels alive!

by Deborah