The Lawyer in Me was Reserved and Critical…

By Klaus from Germany

When I first met Serge Benhayon a few years ago in Cologne / Germany he made a presentation about the root causes of illness and disease, but did not present himself as a great healer or redeemer. He simply indicated some tools and methods to feel the truth and become more aware of ourselves, and thereby find solutions on our own.

As a lawyer I was quite reserved and critical, constantly looking out for irrational points or untrue pretensions to pick him up on. But I just had to admit that he expressed the simple truth, and also the consequence that changing the quality of life is mostly about one’s own choices.

So as I listened carefully, I never heard Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine claim to bring about a better life –  just a better understanding of how things work, and thus to enable everybody to work on themselves.

It might have disappointed many people that there is no ‘quick-fix’ and no real escape from dealing with one’s own issues. However, those who promise quick healing and encourage people to surrender responsibility for their own lives, are in fact, not inspiring true healing at all.

In my experience, I have found all that Universal Medicine presents to be of a very high ethical standard and have never felt imposed upon. I can only encourage everybody to experience this for themselves.