Humanity is Not in Great Shape

by Matilda Clark

Pondering our current situation it is not hard to see that humanity is not in great shape… disease, corruption, war and social dysfunction are ever present all over the world. Looking back at history the cycles go on repeating and we do not learn or choose to change. There is no sense of unity: whilst we talk about caring for all mankind, we keep ourselves separate and distant from one another with adherence to one or another particular religion, a passion for upholding nationality or retaining some culture over and above another, whether it serves everyone well or not. We have a habit of placing one group of people in a position of higher importance than another, whether that is family, old school friends, club members, church goers, neighbours as opposed to foreigners, people with different beliefs, young people, old people etc etc.

For me it is clear that something needs to change. For starters we simply need to be honest enough to admit that current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them. Sometimes stepping out of the crowd can be uncomfortable but in truth less so than perpetually repeating ill ways.

Without being blindly wedded to Universal Medicine (as some would suggest with reference to cults), in the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom there is a framework that allows another way… gently breaking old patterns and ill behaviours. For me the proof is in the pudding … approaching life with fresh eyes, unhampered by tired emotions or inherited ideals and beliefs, it is possible to create a life that is simple, full and connected to a sense of us all being one, regardless of location in the world, social status or skin colour. I enjoy taking responsibility for the way I live and its impact on those around me, near and far, and I enjoy knowing that I am forever learning, never shutting off to the opportunities that every day presents.

98 thoughts on “Humanity is Not in Great Shape

  1. Matilda I totally agree, it does not matter where in the world we are, colour, creed, religion etc, we are from the one source, and that is God. Ageless Wisdom is all about presenting that there is another way, and it is unto the individual whether it feels right for them and, at that time in their life too.

    I found with the years of searching, I found I got no where until I came across Universal Medicine and life is definitely different to how I used to live. I realised the conditions and the complications I lived around and realistically, I don’t need them in my life anymore, as life was more complicated and in disarray and got me no where.

    With simplicity and a status of being responsible more than ever in my life, it is possible that we can live from this moment. With consistency we can build a foundation that is truly supportive and being a reflecting point for others, if they so chose do so.

  2. Matilda, once again l love the words you have shared here at the end of your blog, for it shows us there is another way to be and plenty of opportunities to do so and that we can rejoice in it because of how it supports us all: “I enjoy taking responsibility for the way I live and its impact on those around me, near and far, and I enjoy knowing that I am forever learning, never shutting off to the opportunities that every day presents.”

    1. I agree, we are given opportunities to grow everyday. The question is, do we see it this way or do we see it from another way that resists and fights back. Majority of time, we live from the latter and it was a position I once lived from, and realising the implications of it all was not really worth it.

      ‘Forever learning’ is the way to go certainly for me now more then ever. Some times great, sometimes not so great but always open that this is the way for me now.

  3. We have repeated many ill ways and will continue to do so until such time that we say enough is enough and choose to end these cycles of repeated disasters and finally choose to clean up the mess we have created ourselves. No one else can clean it up for us, and no one else knows to clean it up better than ourselves, this is a fact that just simply is and is our blessing and salvation in disguise.

  4. Matilda, these are wise words: “current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them”.

  5. Honesty is definitely the best policy. Even better when practiced and lived. Getting over ourselves and admitting what doesn’t work (even though we already knew that but repeated it anyway) is much needed in order to change the human experience we have thus far had.

  6. We see responsibility as something that should be avoided and burdensome but by taking responsibility for our actions and being honest life takes on a whole new meaning.

    1. I enjoy being responsible for my life, knowing how I live has an impact on those around me, ‘ I enjoy taking responsibility for the way I live and its impact on those around me, near and far’.

  7. I love the clarity of your expression, Matilda. Truth is always the best point to start with and change what is not it.

  8. The society owes me and therefore I can do as I please attitude is so prevalent now, but actually the ‘do as I please’ behaviour is not so great because our lives are showing a trend of disfunction and dissatisfaction not joy and harmony – so who is losing out in this unwillingness to take a step back?

    1. Well said Lucy – this sense of entitlement in our society is strong but serves no one in the short nor long run. It is about letting this go and working with unity, which may take a while for us all to come around to.

  9. I agree “For starters we simply need to be honest enough to admit that current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them.” Without that honesty we cannot move forward with any semblance of lasting change.

  10. There is something very deep and powerful about knowing that you are learning everyday. Because this affects one’s view of life and, in my experience, helps you to see that everyone else is learning too.

  11. “For starters we simply need to be honest enough to admit that current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them.” And that is a hard nut to crack, as we would say in German, as we are so much invested in the ideals and beliefs we have and the many ideas we come up with. But it is a simple truth and fact that we cannot solve our problems with what has brought us here. We all yearn for being loved and truly met, so we can start by simple steps of bringing more love and care to our everyday life and the people we are with.

  12. And we need some fresh eyes, as the normal that we have accepted and that is ‘sold’ to us at school, at work, and at home is not working. As a race we are not healthy or happy, and that situation is getting worse. We need people like Serge Benhayon to step up and offer a very real alternative which engages us with life and brings us back to our true essence.

    1. Our true normal is not what we live with and see in society on a day to day basis. Serge Benhayon does reflect to us our true normal and inspires in us coming back to choose this true normal yet again in our lives for ourselves but also equally for all.

  13. Humanity and society as a whole will only begin to change when they see and trust that there is another way to live, something different that is all inclusive rather than exclusive, with no judgment, no ideals or beliefs, and as we start to live that, more people will be inspired to change their way of living too.

  14. Its like we are addicted to finding solutions to all of our problems, only to later realise that those solutions no longer work or never worked in the first instance. Solutions bring a temporary relief from what we are feeling and approaching our problems with the same energy that resulted in that very problem. This has never worked, history shows us that constantly.

  15. There is always a tension between a private problem and a public one. We know that throughout history, several problems ceased to be private ones and turn into public ones. The shift of private into public has helped many in many ways. Yet, it has created another problem: irresponsibility. Shifting problems around and trying that they are solved by someone else has helped to create a culture of ‘society owes me, therefore I have the right to do as please’.

    1. Oh I hadn’t really considered the transferral of tensions from public to private and its connection to irresponsibility, even though it is quite obvious and could be transferred to many areas.

  16. By ‘approaching life with fresh eyes, unhampered by tired emotions or inherited ideals and beliefs, it is possible to create a life that is simple, full and connected to a sense of us all being one, regardless of location in the world, social status or skin colour’. And in a world that is founded on our differences more than our similarities and potential for unity fresh eyes are indeed desperately needed.

  17. Yes we have a long way to go as a humanity to consistently live lovingly with each other. We cannot champion our way of living as a whole because clearly it is not working and has never worked, only in pockets throughout the world at different times.

  18. So true, the step is needed to leave the circle of comfort and what we have become so used to as normal in this world but that has deprived us of any true loving connection and togetherness, a step to say no to what we know and can so clearly see is not working and a remembering of the values we feel deep inside and start to live them once again.

  19. I agree that humanity is not in the great shape. Some argue that we are hearing and seeing more because of the Internet and maybe that’s how it has always been and that’s what we are – corruptive, dysfunctional, dishonouring etc. but that does not make it ok.

  20. ” it is possible to create a life that is simple, full and connected to a sense of us all being one,”
    It takes at the very least a willingness to let go of our individual desires, wants and needs to integrate the feeling, the sense, of us all being one, into our lives. The release of tension from the body when this is embraced and lovingly lived is relief beyond measure to our bodies.

  21. Simple connection to our feelings and each other not a throw away line of small talk, existing or doing, keeping the same circle going around and around. Change is within via connection before it is everything on the outside. .

  22. Yes! we have been offered a great gift by having Universal Medicine in our lives. We are given a moment to consider another, simpler way. No more no less, it is an offer we can walk away from, we are not obligated or forced to stay and listen, but the offering is there if anyone is interested. That is real grace and freedom. For my part, I am enormously appreciative of the fact that they came across my radar and I was awake enough to notice because I lead a MUCH more responsible and engaged life as a result.

    1. Likewise, I am enormously appreciative that Universal Medicine came across my radar and that I was awake enough to notice, and so started living a much more purposeful and responsible life.

  23. And 5 years on we are seeing that the humanity is still not in great shape. All of which we have pointed out is continuing, to worsen, as is our avoidance to address and be honest with how we truly feel about that state of our affairs and what it is we are passing on to our future generations. It seems to me that the greatest problem is that we are refusing to face the truth and admit that we are the ones that are responsible for this situation we are in, this society that we are existing in. We have shaped this culture of lovelessness through our everyday choices and our unwillingness to be honesty about what we feel. True change will only occur when we are willing to get honest with ourselves and each other, stand for truth and love, and begin to take responsibility for the quality in which we are choosing live our lives.

  24. This is a very powerful and simple piece of writing – one that could change the face of how we ‘deal with’ or ‘manage’ our current societal dilemma. It is true, we cannot continue to make solutions with and from the same energy that created them – we need answers and those answers can only come from our connection to our inner hearts and thus to God and the Universe.

  25. I love this blog Matilda as it really says it all. It is so true that we need a new approach to life as you so clearly state here”… with fresh eyes, unhampered by tired emotions or inherited ideals and beliefs”. If we look at humanity as one body we could safely say this body is riddled with cancer, illness and disease. Something clearly has to change and all change starts with us. The Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presents just that – how by taking responsibility for our self can change our impact on the world and inspire other to do the same.

  26. “…in the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom there is a framework that allows another way… gently breaking old patterns and ill behaviours.” I love your description of the Ageless Wisdom here.

  27. I agree Matilda that there is no sense of unity and it’s something we all miss. Society gets more and more fragmented by the day and we all suffer the consequences. As you say there is much talk about caring for humanity, but what about our own self-care and how we look after one another in our immediate families and communities? This is a great place to start.

    1. Very true Debra that our sense of unity is greatly lacking in our society today, and is continuing to weaken. The only way for this to change through our willingness to face the truth, that we are the ones responsible for quality in how we live, that how it is this unavoidably contributes to shaping our society.

  28. We are being presented – yet again – with a different way to live with ourselves and with each other to bring harmony to humanity in the realisation that we are all the same and all sharing space on one planet. The Ageless Wisdom is calling us all to The Way of The Livingness so that we can reclaim our place in the wonder of the Universe and no longer choose separation and an individual existence in this material world.

  29. “Sometimes stepping out of the crowd can be uncomfortable but in truth less so than perpetually repeating ill ways” – I totally agree with this. The comfort of not stepping out of the crowd and repeating ill ways is actually a very slow suicide – there is no purpose, we would just be waiting for the time to end, or our heart to stop beating. But there’s no end of time, we would just come back to repeat the same again, and again, and again… That feels like the worst nightmare to me – being trapped in a never-ending cycle of Groundhog Day.

  30. For me too things need to change but no matter how much I speak up the change has to be made through the loving choices I make in my daily living first and this understanding is becoming more apparent as I develop the relationship with self.

  31. Yes, we do seem as if we have been going round in circles and not really changing the way we live and are, so no surprise that humanity is still in a deep mess. Bringing in responsibility and honesty is an important step as you share in this blog.

  32. “we simply need to be honest enough to admit that current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them.” Well said Matilda. We are in a mess so it makes no sense to turn to the ways we have taken to get into it, in order to try to get out. Changing our way of being might seem like a huge task, but in truth it is simply, practical and makes absolute sense.

  33. We are not speaking up. We are not holding onto what is innately true inside us. This is not to fight for what we feel is true but to say no to what is not. To observe it and continually know inside you what is you. To understand how deeply entrenched our beliefs and ideals are. To mark it by applying ‘is that equal for all?’ There is some things we cannot change for now and while this goes we can be busy changing us and not hold back what we know and feel. A good place to start is at home. “… it is possible to create a life that is simple, full and connected to a sense of us all being one, regardless of location in the world, social status or skin colour.”

    1. I feel we know deep down we come from one, so this separation, this me and others creates a tension that we live with and constantly try to numb.

  34. What you share is very true Matilda. Our ‘current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them’ for if we look at everything in the same way we will never appreciate anything through the wisdom of fresh new eyes and see the opportunity for change.

  35. I know for a long time I was going round and round, finding myself at the same junction, wondering why things had not changed, but just the fact I was ageing and getting more tired. The truth was I was not standing up to truth, not willing to make choices that were loving to me, I was caught up in ideals and beliefs, not realising this way of living was causing me harm. When I came across Universal Medicine and they presented , we have a choice there is another way, The Way of the Livingness, I decided to start taking responsibility of my own life. I have been able to evolve from old cycles and patterns and feel my life is returning to more truth, I feel amazing in my body and I look a lot younger than my age.

  36. It is rare to find people who consider the impact of their actions on those around them… and yet profoundly inspirational when you do… for it is these people who show the world that there is another way… one that allows for endless possibilities and wonder through stopping the repetition of avoidable mistakes and ill ways.

    1. And what is doubly beautiful is that the reflection is expressed in full, offering an opportunity, inspiring us to be more of ourselves. What could be more genuine?

  37. History is repeating itself as we go around and around the sun, and that is an interesting aspect, or the aspect that we have seemed to have missed all the time, that we are actually going in circles thus we always come back to the point we have been before and if we do not change the quality in how we are doing things we simply repeat what is there (same quality as before but maybe a different face on the outside). By thinking that we are going somewhere, like forward, we think that we can leave things behind, but by the simple fact that we go in circles around the sun we are made to come back to where we have been before, and this is actually a vast opportunity, to learn to take different steps than before. To not repeat what has been repeated over many centuries and has not brought us closer as one humanity.

  38. As years go by you realise that every day is there as an opportunity to make changes that are true. It’s so easy to just go with the flow even though that flow is not truly flowing in the true sense. It’s great to speak up, to stick out, to make people aware of what is truly going on. Takes a bit of courage one might say but also and perhaps more so true self love.

  39. When I read the title of your blog Matilda I had to remember my shape when I came to Universal Medicine…also not so good. I had 40kg overweight – which I ‘lost’ now – and was bloated by protection and emotions. If humanity is in a similar shape as I was, what I assume, it needs what I did: become more aware by choosing less numbing food and actions; step back from the fear and do not be lead by this anymore, go for the connection we all have and open up inwards for people and see that we are not separated but one. Universal Medicine is a great partner here to inspire and support on the way – I can say from own experiences! So, humanity – let’s go for a journey and change our choices and so…our shape and view. I’ve done it – so you can do it too.

  40. When we say that humanity is not in great shape we are inclined to think this refers to everyone else but we are each and every one of us part of humanity. As we take responsibility to live in harmony with ourselves and all those around us we can play our part in the healing process of the lovelessness that humanity has repeatedly chosen.

    1. Absolutely Luke, I agree, and as Matilda states approaching life with “fresh eyes,” unhampered by tired emotions or inherited ideals and beliefs, has definitely benefited the students of The Livingness!

  41. Beautifully put Matilda, with “…the Ageless Wisdom there is a framework that allows another way… gently breaking old patterns and ill behaviours…” The way life is now is not working for billions of people. The question that needs to be asked is why not. Let us all take our blinkers off and see what happens.

  42. I agree Matilda; the world needs to look outside of the current ways of how we view and treat others. It can be overwhelming when we look at the breath and scope of the problems worldwide but I keep reminding myself that how I live my life has an impact. This supports me to renew my commitment to keep developing my natural rhythm and to live that in the presence of others.

  43. It just takes a willingness to hold everyone as equal, then we cannot hold onto ideals, beliefs, hurts or righteousness that justifies any dishonouring or even harming behaviour towards another. Very simple, we just need to start and then continue…

  44. Really well expressed Matilda as it reflects the many sets of beliefs, attitudes and ideals society seems to live by. I can feel that through Universal medicine your eyes have been opened to the potential of life, knowing that it is each one of us that can choose to bring change beginning with ourselves.

  45. Very well said Matilda and I totally agree with you, ‘current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them’. Fresh eyes are indeed what the world needs to seed a way forth that is based on true equality and true unity of all.

  46. This is gorgeous Matilda, I can see the process in what you have written that by beginning with being very honest about our situation allows for understanding and seeing a way forth that truly considers everyone.

    1. True Laura. Seeing what is really going, in other words taking our head out of the sand is step 1 to things being able to change. So often I see people toughening up and instead of asking What’s going on?, they are putting on a ‘stiff upper lip’ and soldiering on. We can’t fix things if we won’t admit we’re in a pickle.

      1. Ah yes, ‘soldiering’ on – it makes it sound like we’re being a hero by pushing on through, but actually it’s pretty much ignoring the issue and carrying on. We really need to change that perception of celebrating when someone toughens up and ploughs through difficult situations with out admitting that actually we are delicate divine human beings that leave our preciousness behind in this behaviour.

  47. Well written Matilda!
    Indeed ‘we simply need to be honest enough to admit that current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them.’

  48. Wow. Matilda. I really love how you have expressed here. It feels to me that the equality has been absent from the main framework of our society, including culture, politics, religions etc. and the way we humanity relate to each other on a personal level for a very long time, and a sense of volatility and disharmony is ever so present. I will no longer hold back from living another way that I know I belong to.

  49. Enjoy is such a beautiful word, and enjoying being me , the true me, and sharing myself with others is in itself a true joy. In my younger days say some 60 years ago you were told not to be too joyful because it could end at any time, joyful was often looked upon as being frivolous you need to be serious, life was a serious matter. Thank you to Universal Medicine for putting the joy, back into life.

  50. I have allowed myself to add to the misery of humanity for many years. Nothing is more fulfilling than being joyful every day now and thus adding something simple and different to the equation. It was not until I met Serge Benhayon, an angel he is, that I was able to make consistent changes back to love again.

  51. So very true Matilda. Changes begin with people taking responsibility for their choices and being prepared to step out of the crowd.

  52. How many people can connect to the truth that we are all equal? We can think ourselves above some people and, at the same time, look up to others. Whether these are individuals, religions, cultures or countries, makes no difference. Although we may all make different choices in life, we all have the same essence within – love. How can you go to war with someone, knowing that?

  53. This was just beautiful to read Matilda. I loved what you wrote about current problems not being able to be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them – absolutely. I wholeheartedly agree that a new framework that allows another way is most definitely needed and the Ageless Wisdom teachings have provided that for anyone that has chosen to listen.

    1. Absolutely Sam, I agree, as the teachings present we are all equally the ‘Sons of God’. If we have ” chosen to listen” then it is our free will to reconnect to the fact of this Son-ship!

  54. Well said Matilda!! I totally agree and love the following phrase “For starters we simply need to be honest enough to admit that current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them.” It is even bigger, I feel: there are problems that are not recognised as problems by the same set of values and thought processes that created them in the first place.

  55. So true Matilda, humanity is not in good shape but there is a true way of being and we all know it deep within but for most we are hesitant to live from that knowing. Serge Benhayon presents to us, the way of the livingness, which enables us to bring forth and live that which we know to be true but have not been able to do.

  56. I feel exactly the same. I love the feeling of responsibility and knowing I am always learning – a far cry from the celebrated irresponsibility I indulged in several years ago before I was introduced to Universal Medicine.

  57. This blog is pure common sense – it is true humanity is not in great shape, we only need to take one of your examples above – such as disease – to see that what we are doing is not working. Disease is more prevalent and varied than ever before, and instead of looking at why and what’s really going on we are accepting it as normal. Surely it’s time to really look at the way we’re living?

  58. Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is insanity. One only needs to look back through history to see nothing has changed and that we as humanity have not advanced. Sure we have better technology but we still have war, corruption, greed, illness and disease, crime, abuse etc etc. It is only by healing our ways and living in a way that is based on the fact that we are all equally love that we can arise out of the mess we are in. The Teachings of The Ageless Wisdom offer this way of life.

  59. Humanity is by far not in a great shape and it seems it is just getting worse. Sometimes I wonder: haven’t we learned anything from the past? There is so much hatred, disrespect and separation at the moment, when you read the news or watch it on TV, there is no improvement. It is sad to see that so many people are not getting along and we are in so many wars with each other, globally, within countries, religions but also among people, within homes and families. It all brings me to the question: what is the relationship we have with ourselves?

  60. Humanity is not in great shape – this is more than evident when we watch the news and read the health statistics. I was caught in the awareness of feeling the state of the world and the state of my life, with no clear idea of how to change it – how to break the cycle. Universal Medicine and the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom have shown me a different way and helped me to turn my life around.

  61. That simple honesty to pause and accept what is truly going on would be such a massive first step for humanity to take, and clear the way for a fresh approach that is so needed to stop the rot.

  62. Yes, our talk about ‘caring about the world’ and about everybody in it is often contrasted by our actions, which tend towards creating a bubble of comfort around us and our families.

    The Way of the Livingness – as lived by Serge Benhayon, and countless others, now and through history – provides a way of living in which we truly live for everyone, and never for ourselves at the expense of any/all others. A way of Universal Living, which takes the understanding and practice of the principle of interconnectedness right to its very energetic core.

  63. How true Matilda, humanity is not in great shape, and it is up to all of us to begin to change this, as you say by ‘approaching life with fresh eyes’. If we simply began by treating each other equally with the love care and respect that we all want, we are well on the way to building unity. I am continually deepening this love for myself, as I have come to realize I can only truly share this with another if the love and respect is well established within me first. Thank you for sharing your insights.

  64. “Sometimes stepping out of the crowd can be uncomfortable but in truth less so than perpetually repeating ill ways” – I absolutely agree with you here Matilda. For myself I can say that I’ve also experienced how I can make something out to be bigger and or harder to do in my head than it actually is.

  65. I agree with Alison that what you have said is as valid today if not more so in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris. It is time for us to begin to look differently at how we do things.

  66. I realise I am not in great shape when I start to compare myself with others, which means putting them either above or below me. This feels arrogant to me and feeling lesser than others is a form of defence for me. I find, when I am being arrogant, I feel separated from others, which in turn can make me feel quite lonely. When I feel lonely I find myself seeking answers from outside of myself, instead of knowing the true answers from inside me -just as children innately know the answers are there inside them (as you so beautifully describe, Matilda).

  67. As your writing shows humanity is certainly not in great shape, and we can not rely on the same solutions that we have again and again reached for through millennia to save the day. Your finale in the article is inspiring : “I enjoy taking responsibility for the way I live and its impact on those around me, near and far, and I enjoy knowing that I am forever learning, never shutting off to the opportunities that every day presents.” Can you imagine everyone choosing to live in that way? It certainly sounds like a recipe for a society that could get into great shape from foundation up.

  68. Words of wisdom do not age or become less as shown here Matilda, this was posted over 2 years ago and what you have written here is still as powerful today as it was when you first wrote them, if not more so.

    1. So true Alison. Truth stands compete in itself, and is untouched by the days and events that pass.

    2. Very true Alison, when we speak truth is stands out throughout the ages as a beacon for us to navigate through our lives with. There is so much we can change if we are prepared to take full responsibility for our choices, nothing is beyond our capabilities.

  69. Beautiful Matilda and so refreshing to read. Attempting to solve our problems with the same attitudes that created them is clearly not working. There is a gentle way to break the old and well worn habits that we live by. Change does not have to be radical, it can be quite and subtle and the effects over time very far reaching. I too love taking responsibility for my life in a way I never knew how to before, inspired by the Ageless Wisdom and supported by Universal Medicine. We can discover significant resolutions if we want to and they all reside within us, we do have amazing powers to change if we truly desire it.

  70. Matilda. Very true in what you say,humanity has definitely lost it way. All we need to look at is the latest atrocities that have occurred, and the loss of so many lives.
    Until people can come back to love, take responsibility for the hurt they are causing,pain and heartache, nothing will change.

  71. We will certainly never solve the current problems we have by repeating the same things we have for a long time been doing. I would say the framework for a way of living provided by the Ageless Wisdom, is for this reason alone worthy of consideration.

  72. Really wonderful wisdom here Matilda. I feel you’ve truly captured what is offered through the Ageless Wisdom – a ‘framework’ no rules or dogma, just a framework to support us to connect to the wisdom within that is our guide.

  73. This blog and the many others like it show in many different angles and aspects how the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom can be applied to all as it is designed to be for all. A call to humanity to just stop and look at where it is at and what has occurred all around and within it is not a pleasant experience. But it is well worth the choice to do so and continue to do.

  74. “to be honest enough to admit that current problems will not be solved with the same set of values and thought processes that created them. Sometimes stepping out of the crowd can be uncomfortable but in truth less so than perpetually repeating ill ways.” Absolutely. Very wise words we need to adhere to.

  75. Beautiful to read the wisdom you have shared with us Matilda, taking responsibility for our lives is paramount to redressing and rebalancing our current wayward way of life.

  76. Ms Clark, thank you for your words of wisdom, for “Wisdom is the daughter of experience”, and it sure sounds that you are not short of practical knowledge. Thank you for this eloquent piece of Esoteric Philosophy.

  77. Yes exactly! The absence of responsibility has led to the (societal) inequalities and imbalances and also the lack of love experienced as a result and the hurt, upset, anger or frustration that is felt / held about that (division or inequality). So if love and unity is what we want, then as you say, (self) responsibility is truly the way for humanity to get back into shape. Thank you for the simplicity Matilda.

  78. I love that – we can’t change anything by trying to fix it with the same mentality that got us in the mess in the first place. It’s like going around in circles and thinking you’ve gone somewhere, when in reality you’re right back where you started.

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