Relationship Success Credited to Universal Medicine

By Annette Baker and Gabe, Australia

We would like to share the experience of our involvement with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine not only from our own perspectives, but that of us as a couple, a union and a team. To share how invaluable the work and presentations of Serge and Universal Medicine have been in our life, and to the success of our relationship.

We both met Serge some twelve years ago, what he shared then and to this day has been profound yet simple at the same time: what he presents just makes sense. We had both been in a series of relationships, and both had the same underlying dissatisfaction: in our hearts knowing there had to be more to life than this, more to love than what we were meeting. And we were both putting a lot into those relationships. In hindsight we can say that that “the lot we were putting” in, was a lot of emotion. Not necessarily the key ingredient for a truly vital and harmonious relationship. The point being, that we were both certain that a love greater and more enduring than what we had found was a possibility. We just hadn’t found the way to have that yet; the way to live that. But we did not give up, knowing that it was there to be found.

And it was in the beautiful, yet simple presentations by Serge that this truth was once again revealed, and opened up for us to live.

In a time now when accusations come claiming Serge and the work of Universal Medicine destroys relationships, we are here to say that without the presentations from Serge, the amazing tools of how to be with life, how to be with love, we would not be here together as the beautiful partnership we are. Serge is a true role model: we have felt true inspiration from him, and have enormous thanks for the love he consistently presents. This love is without judgment; it is truly supportive without pandering, encouraging – without expectation, demand or coercion.

He has always presented and never preached. In fact it is within this attitude that we are left to deal with our own challenges, as to whether we can stay with our own love or not. And this is in truth the real guts of what Serge presents: in understanding the truth of that which is love and that which is not, it begs the question: Can we accept RESPONSIBILITY for how we have lived our lives? How we are living our lives! If you cannot, it is very easy to turn away, which we are all free to do. And of course at times some of us have, but how unpleasant it is to return to a life lived without being connected to the essence of who we are, when we have had the experience of feeling that essence, a truth that is so simple and allows us to feel the fact that we are all equal in that.

In a world where common sense does not seem to prevail anymore, the teachings that Serge shares, that have aeons-long lineage in history, make more sense than anything else currently available. These teachings and the practical application of them via a lovingly disciplined approach, when committed to, make for a true and loving way to be. The suggestion that what Serge presents breaks up relationships, can, from our understanding, only suggest that this attitude comes from an unwillingness to care, an unwillingness to love, an unwillingness to change, and of course an unwillingness to take RESPONSIBILITY. Because the truth of what he presents when lived, can only bring us to a deeper connection with ourselves, and a greater understanding of others; and anyone in relationship with us will feel the quality of that.

Yes, people close may notice changes in us, but there is not a thing about how we have changed, how we are living, that they could say is harming anyone.

The esoteric philosophy of the teachings and presentations of Universal Medicine not only offer tools for a life to be well-lived, but also a true understanding of the meaning and purpose of life: which by the way, who in this world doesn’t, if not loudly, quietly wonder about? Through living these teachings we have been able to apply change in our lives which do away with harming behaviours and ways of being.

For both of us, we had experienced the highs and lows of life through the story of multiple relationships, the highs being the ‘excitement’ of life, and the lows being the ’emotion, stress and drama’ of life; and life was lived via the passion or doldrum of these experiences. So to learn of a way to live and be in relationship with ourselves which is honestly caring and nurturing, and to extend that care and the commitment of that to each other, feels like a totally expanded and limitless way of being together, which is in stark contrast to the limited and contracted way that our previous relationships were operating under.

The teachings present for us the opportunity to consider the necessity for consistent, honest, open and truthful communication, to support each other to work through things that may hold us back from being the truth of who we are. Communication that allows us to work through issues: communication that, held by love, wants only for the other to meet and be the potential of who they are. Learning and forever developing how to be this way in relationship, has revealed that yes, making love is in our expression in the moment to moment ways of being and sharing together; not a title reserved for the act of making love, which of course then is far different to the act of having sex.

A life lived without society’s norms of alcohol, drugs and other stimulants, which we had previously been very much a part of, leaves us at times having to feel our vulnerabilities, and of course this is at first challenging. However, we both would not ever turn back to the way of life we knew before.

This way of living, combined with the true understanding of life’s purpose, makes for a truly meaningful way to be with life. And for this understanding we have Serge Benhayon, his family, and Universal Medicine to thank for sharing with us all equally.