A Personal Perspective – Serge Benhayon the Man I Know

My family and I have been personal friends of Serge Benhayon and his family for several years, I was shocked that the papers were writing about the same man I know, in such derogatory and defamatory ways; it is utterly absurd.

I remember the first time I walked into the Benhayon household, I was overwhelmed with the simplicity in which the family lived. I knew if Serge chose he could live a very vast and expansive lifestyle materially and yet what I was confronted with was the complete opposite. I walked into a small three-bedroom home that served the six members of the family that lived there at that time. Over the years I have been astonished at the harmony in which the family operate from on a daily basis, in such a small space with so many people, it is truly amazing to experience. Serge had transformed his garage downstairs to serve as a clinic for Universal Medicine and in later years added onto the house a study, which was also purpose built for Universal Medicine.

From every angle the way the family lived was and still is very modest. Serge has a very successful business, but in spite the obvious allures, the simplicity remains. Behind the scenes he supports chemo patients during their therapy at the hospital – free of charge, whilst sponsoring/assisting many others with services and courses they may otherwise not be able to afford. And the list goes on and on.

We all know we can eventually see the cracks in the armour of our friends when they try to present something to be more than it actually is; well, I have known the Benhayons for a long time and there are no cracks showing. Why? Because what you see is what you get, there are no misleading shiny appearances put on to fool you, rather you feel warmly held by a family who is very down to earth and full of fun.

This takes me to my next point. Over the years I have watched the family go about their daily lives, with such a high level of both consistency and dedication that it has brought myself, several times, to look at the way in which I live, which has inspired many welcome changes in my own personal life.

Lastly I wanted to rebuff the none-sense allegations that Serge Benhayon is a manipulator of women. Serge was the first man I met who I did not feel less than in the presence of and who did not see me as a potential woman who could service his needs, rather he saw me for who I truly am and the genuine-ness of this could deeply be felt right to the core of my being. Of his marriage I can say thatif all relationships in the world had even a smidgen of the love, support, dedication and truth that their relationship has, we would live in a very different world. Miranda, Serge Benhayon’s wife, is not a woman who could be taken advantage of as she knows herself fully. Now there is a woman we ought to look to and feel inspired by. Serge is 100% committed to Miranda and their relationship; actually it was their relationship that inspired my partner and I to marry, as before we could see how true this commitment could be between two people, we did not see the point in marriage.

All that I have stated above is consistently confirmed with every occasion I spend time with the family or its individual members, they are truly a joy to have in my life.

by T.S.