David Millikan: The Greatest Story Ever… Missed

by Matthew Brown, Subiaco, Perth, WA

David Millikan, your approach was so very wrong.

Most people have the ability of self-reflection or self-analysis to determine whether what they are doing has a sense of being right or wrong.

It seems that to gatecrash a Universal Medicine evening, lie to the host (Serge Benhayon) and attempt to incite reactions from those in attendance for a story, displays a complete lack of self-analysis. Such behaviour should be illegal!

If the only thing you have done is listen to the 0.003% of anonymous people that have complained about Universal Medicine, then that is a biased view and what I consider as professional misconduct.

What about the 99.997% of people who have attended presentations and workshops who talk positively about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon?

Is that percentage not worth a look at?

It may be because your vision is so tunneled it’s impossible to see beyond the story you chase and the recognition you are trying to achieve?

What you have missed is the greatest story you will ever come across and the greatest story you will ever write. Just consider that… the GREATEST story anyone can bring to the world and you threw it away.

There will be someone who will document the true work of Universal Medicine through telling the truth and through the media. They will talk to the 99.997% who you missed out on, they will listen, interview, talk to EVERYONE and honestly determine why almost all people love this work and why a few react to it.

Your chance, David Millikan, came… and went.