The Greatest Party Celebration on Planet Earth

by Rob Skinner, Hastings Point, NSW

Last night I attended a party celebration and what can only be described as a true celebration of the Love and Joy that we are.

The occasion was a masquerade ball organised by Natalie Benhayon, Curtis Benhayon, Michael Benhayon and Emmalee Benhayon, to celebrate the birthdays and lives of these amazing young friends, as well as ALL the guests who attended.

I have been to many functions and parties in my 48 years on this planet, and even organised some pretty flash events myself, but what I attended last night has totally re-defined for me what it is to truly celebrate.

Upon arrival I was met by hundreds of people dressed in the most amazing masquerade costumes outside of Venice, and the most beautiful faces and smiles I have ever seen and felt anywhere.

There was no alcohol, just water and a little fruit punch; none of the usual cheap or stimulating party food, but a massive spread of the most divine, carefully planned, made and presented delicious food ever brought together. Even the labels on the food were done so thoughtfully – describing the ingredients, the flavours and in some cases, the inspiration behind the delicious creation.

No tacky, stimulating or emotional party music, but rather song after song of divine tunes that have been written from the heart to celebrate the love that we ALL truly are, and performed without great productions, effects or volume – in fact many of the songs had no background music at all – to over 300 people who all felt like the songs had been written about them.

What a music concert and what a way to celebrate!! Many of the songs were written by Glorious Music to express the love and inspiration we receive from each other, and as they were sung I could feel that every word, every sentence and every song was absolutely true.

People dancing together as one, some with partners, many with friends, men with women, women with women and even men with men, all comfortably looking into each others’ eyes without reservation, and all dancing with harmony and joy, more like angels than people.

What an absolute joy to be dancing and expressing within a group where at no stage did I feel self- conscious or feel any judgement, jealousy or comparison in the whole room; rather, every time I looked around the hall, I saw play-fullness, grace and joy.

As I was driving home at 8:30pm – yes, the ball was all over at around 8pm so that young and old could be home and in bed at a self-loving time – I reflected on how I was feeling. What I felt was amazing. Five hours of partying, dancing and singing and I felt an absolute stillness and joy in me. I was not ‘buzzing’, left wanting more, feeling tired or drained, simply glowing in the love that I had been immersed in today, and reflecting on the fact that I had just attended the greatest true party celebration on planet earth.