When I feel Great and Things are Great…

I feel great and things are great – I feel a lot of joy, which does not need a trigger from something outside of myself, but naturally resides within, and shows itself through laughter, joking, self-made-up dance moves and songs and having fun.

I am in a very loving and supportive relationship with my partner, deepening every day, and I live in a wonderful house in a quiet neighbourhood which is big enough so I can have my own practice at home. I feel great and things are great.

I have money to buy food that supports my body, I have clothes to wear, I am healthy and I feel vital. I don’t need coffee or sugar to get me through the day and I feel great that I can have a great time with people without drinking alcohol. I love spending time with myself and I can celebrate birthdays without the need to eat a cake.

I feel great and things are great – I don’t have kids of my own, but I feel a parent to many others, and we have great sleepovers in our house with the kids of close friends. I have a big loving and supportive group of people around me, a great bathtub to lie in, neighbours that will help me if needed and the tram stop which takes me into the city is just around the corner.

I love working, whether it is in a café/restaurant serving coffee or now starting up my own business. Things are great and I am learning everyday something new about life and myself; I love going to bed when my body feels tired (also on a Friday night) and I don’t need social events to fulfill my life. I love watching the series ‘Modern Family’ because it makes me laugh and I love the fact that I am not perfect.

I love people, young and old; I love to hang out with them and I love to ‘whatsapp’ my friends.

I go swimming every week and I love how sexy I look with my goggles and bath cap on. I can still get excited, hold back, feel anxious, get irritated or go into reaction about something, but that’s ok, I just nominate it and move on. So yes, life is great, I feel great and things are great. So what’s the issue, one could ask?

Well, the issue is, there isn’t any.

And that’s the issue.

It seems to me that when I feel great and when things are great in life, or even amazing, I have the tendency to look for something that is not going well, that needs change or adjusting, or that might be or become an issue in the near future. I make things and myself less amazing. In other words, my mind LOVES creating issues. It’s almost like I cannot accept that things are great and that life indeed is great and most of all, that I am feeling great. No, wait, that I AM GREAT. Ok, let’s not hold back here Mariette (and create an issue), that I AM AMAZING.

The only thing that really helps me in not creating issues, is being present and in my body. And this is an ongoing process. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can accept myself and others. The more present and in my body I am, the more I can be of true service to the world. And with presence, there are no issues… so I stop worrying about the small stuff and focus on the big… and when my mind kicks in and tries to ‘issue’ me around, I just go back to my fingertips which helps me to feel my tenderness, I go back to my feet which helps me to come back to my body and I observe my breath, gently in and out.

Quite simple, but then, why shouldn’t life be… simple… when I feel great and things are great.

Deeply inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all the people around me.

by Mariette Reineke, Holland