“Serge Benhayon Said…”

How often in life have we used what another person said to validate our expression because we didn’t feel we were enough? We do it with anyone we perceive to be an authority because they have chosen to walk further than we have on some path of experience or other.

For example, a school child may say “the teacher said so”, or likewise invoke parental authority to convince another child of something they want another to accept. As adults we may say that such-and-such a scientist or doctor said something about health, or business expert said something about investment, or sporting hero said something about the physics of baseballs spinning, or priest said something about our ‘souls’, etc, etc.

We can come up with as many examples as there are realms of activity in life. In each case we validate ourselves by using the words or ways of someone we perceive as more credible than ourselves.

It may be true that in a purely worldly sense we don’t have expertise in those various fields because we haven’t put the same effort and focus into them that another person has; and that is the only difference. And so, in my view, to fly those people like a flag instead of using our own authority, propping up our lack of self-worth and filling in for our fearful reluctance to express what we do actually know, is not a true approach.

It’s fine to put forth the possibility that what someone else said is worth looking at and may be gobsmackingly, world-changingly true, as long as we are the ‘marker of truth’ ourselves – we are speaking from the fullness of our self-love and confidence and what feels true to us regardless of who said what.

When it comes to what Serge Benhayon shares (undeniably very shareable!) with the students of Universal Medicine and The Way of The Livingness, I’ve seen people come out with “Serge Benhayon said” spoken with reverence of the truth but not yet of their own deeply felt and known truth.

Serge Benhayon
Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine

And I have seen quite the opposite, in a couple of different flavours. One is avoiding quoting Serge in order to avoid being perceived as someone lacking confidence who uses their ‘authority figure’ to prop up their power in an interaction. Another is criticising and rejecting what Serge has said because of the discomfort of having to accept the possibility that it might be true, and not wanting to show that this truth and discomfort are being recognised.

In each of these situations, Serge is being used as a football in a game of personal issues, even being “shot as the messenger.” It is pretty abusive to do that to another human. Serge Benhayon is a great person, offering his own wisdom and experience for us to take up or leave as suits us, and does not deserve the role of a football or bullet-riddled messenger!

I confess to having suffered ‘cringe factor’ sometimes when I heard someone say: “Serge Benhayon said….,” and I had to go deeply into what was going on there. I realised the cringe was in response to the energy behind why the person was saying it – the energy behind what I described earlier about not expressing from the truth within oneself but vicariously from another’s.

Once upon a time some of Serge’s words stuck in the craw of my ‘outer reductionist scientist’ self. But at the same time I could feel those words resonating with the inner-me that knows science in a much more expansive way.

Reductionist science, if done truthfully and for the right reasons (instead of propagating scientific belief and excluding everything else), has some usefulness in the modern world. Something like: “If I don’t understand a system, test it, cut it up and see what it’s made of, then imagine it back together, calculate what should happen, observe what does happen in intact, examples of it, and see if our ideas about it still hold true.” I say “imagine it back together because it’s hard to actually re-construct a functional rat brain once you’ve serial-sectioned it or an atom once you’ve blown it to bits! You can see the limitation… and that’s where our innermost, expansive scientific selves come in.

Once upon a time the part of me that had not let go of the ‘belief’ aspect of reductionist science was a bit rattled by some of the things Serge Benhayon said. But over the years as my own inner wisdom and sense of truth have grown, the things Serge says have gone from ‘rattling’ to ‘hypothesis’ to “darn, that guy’s right again!”

I have come to the point of listening carefully to everything he has to say, and anything that doesn’t jump into my yes-zone immediately gets filed under “good possibility to check out, probably will turn out true if so far is any indication.” Then I test it in my own life. So far, the results have been: “Darn, that guy’s right about everything!” Or at least 99.9% – gotta allow some margin for imperfection in human life!

So if you ever hear me say “Serge Benhayon said…”, it won’t be from a belief just because Serge said it, and it won’t be from needing an authority to fill a lack of self-worth or gain power in an interaction. It will be from a scientific understanding that when a presented truth continues to prove true with time and testing, you can use it as a good foundation upon which to conduct your experiments and your life affairs. It certainly saves a lot of time and failures!

Dianne Trussell
Dianne Trussell

However, I fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within, not just making assumptions and going along in momentum. And when I say truly, I mean truly, because we do tend to go through life with a lot of habits of knowing and feeling that are not from truth when deeply examined.

It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.

Then when we quote another person who inspires us like Serge Benhayon, it is a confirmation of a shared truth for all.

Inspired by the blog: Relationships: It’s Now About What I Feel, Not What Serge Benhayon Says

By Dianne Trussell | Bachelor of Science, Honours – majors: Biological Sciences, Earth Sciences, Chemistry & Psychology | 17 years experience in medical and biological university research (primarily neuroscience and cell biology) | co-author of 12 peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals

Further Reading:
About Serge Benhayon
Meeting Serge Benhayon – A Meeting on the Edge of Eternity

702 thoughts on ““Serge Benhayon Said…”

  1. Gosh I have such a greater understanding of myself and how life is the way it is since knowing Serge Benhayon and this understanding deepens as I become more aware of life not just at the surface level but actually what is taking place underneath the surface. There is such a rich quality to life it’s as though I haven’t really lived up to this point I have just been sleep walking.

  2. I can honestly say that when I first started out on my road of self discovery I often said
    ‘Serge said’ because what he said made sense to me. Now I have my own understanding of life and the universe and the part we all have to play in it. I have my own confidence to say this is what I feel to be true and if someone disagrees that is their prerogative. I do not have to convince anyone of anything. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have supported me and thousands of others to trust in themselves again and not rely on other people’s ideals, beliefs and pictures of how they want life to be.

  3. This is fundamentally about our relationship with a reflection, and there is something very different about it from the one we are used to in this world. There is no imposition but an invitation – not because of an intent but because of the simple truth of the matter that there is an absolute equalness at its core, on both sides. Tension is there only because there is a movement that does not want to allow that truth to come out to the foreground and claim its own expression that ultimately belongs to, and comes from, the One that is the All, so really actually no one has said anything.

  4. Whenever we hear someone speaking it is our responsibility to be aware of if it feels true for us.

  5. When we express from our lived experiences instead of knowledge from our head, what we offer another is far more valuable and inspiring than empty words.

    1. I agree, expressing from what is truly lived by ourself has a bigger impact than empty words.

    2. Anna I am now able to tell the difference between someone who speaks from knowledge and someone who speaks from their lived experience. I can feel the regurgitation of information it is cold and meaningless. When someone lives and expresses from their lived experience there is a richness and a capacity to understand what they are experiencing my body resonates with the truth of what they are sharing.

  6. What you have presented here, Dianne, is so true. Thank you for so lucidly showing the pitfalls of quoting someone to support one’s lack of self-confidence and self-worth, as to do so is to quote from knowledge, which is baseless until it becomes a lived truth for then knowledge becomes wisdom.

  7. When I hear myself or someone else quoting someone else it can remind me of when a child is trying to be good, to fit in and add weight to what they say by saying, so and so said. Like tale telling. Such a great communication to stop and feel what is the depth of truth being connected to? Is there a lot more I can connect to that I’m not?

  8. When quoting another we don’t have the space to share our own relationship, experience and authority on a subject. Which can reflect our relationship with ourselves, do we value what we can share from our own life?

  9. If we come from lack of self worth, invoking an ‘authority’ may help us to make a point, but does not help us to deal with our lack of self worth, which is what really matters.

  10. I have found myself cringing at times when people have said “Serge said’ or ‘Natalie said’, as if to to make what they are saying right or true or to make a point. It is in the energy in which we speak not what we speak that counts and as we become more aware and able to discern the quality of our energy whether we be speaker or listener we are able to recognise the truth. It is also our responsibility to call each other out in the most loving way we know how.

  11. “So and so said…” is such a crafty position. We can use it to hide behind and shield ourselves from possible attack while our connection to the truth is untapped, only to pop our head out when we feel safer to hold up the statement as our belief. Yep, I have used it too and it leaves me feel powerless and disconnected.

  12. It is a bit absurd in the case of Serge to say “Serge said” because I have observed that Serge almost never says the same thing twice. In any event if he shares something and someone asks him to repeat it, he will share it again differently the second time, therefore Serge himself never says what he said!!!

  13. Two people can say EXACTLY the same words and they will have a very different meaning. It is not just about the words but the energy they are expressed in. We all know people who smile and say nice things but really they are seething with anger. Therefore you simply can’t repeat what someone says in the way they said it unless you are vibrating in exactly the energy with which they said it, and that is not possible because by the time you repeat it the universe has moved on.

    1. Furthermore, the chances are that most people when repeating even get the words wrong so when someone says Serge said you can almost guarantee it does not convey what Serge may or may not have expressed but says more about them. What you can do as you say Dianne, is share your own experience including your experience of inspiration from Serge if that is the case.

      1. Yes, there is frequently a re-interpretation of what people thought was said, a bit like Chinese whispers.

    2. What you are sharing here with us all Nicola is the truth and it can be felt the universe is constantly expanding however we have reduced ourselves to just thinking we wake up, go to work, come home and go to sleep when actually there is so much more to life that we are missing out on. So whether we repeat something or not is such an insignificant speck when we talk about the expanding universe.

  14. Ah Dianne, what an amazing blog. Many people would not feel comfortable to admit what you have shared here – the fact that we use an authority to back up our claims because of a lack of trust in what we’re saying.

    1. Well identified Viktoria ‘that we use an authority to back up our claims because of a lack of trust in what we’re saying’ as that is very exposing.

      1. It exposes the lack of trust we have in ourselves, that we have sold out to the picture of what intelligence is as defined by universities, schools and nurseries. We all have suffered the suppression of these institutions of educations, yet we remain compliant with what they say society should be like.

    2. Yes, great to expose this Viktoria, how we can use an authority to back up our claims because of a lack of complete understanding of what we are saying.

  15. When we live and claim the authority we hold within our own bodies we are more honouring of the wisdom we bring.

  16. It’s interesting what you present here Dianne and I can feel a level of restraint comes into the equation in that sometimes we tend to quote others or repeat what others have said so we don’t actually have to take responsibility for and be in the authority of what is being said ourselves.

  17. I cannot understand why it is that Serge Benhayon is being so misrepresented, I have been to many workshops and presentations over the years I have known about him and I agree with you Dianne in that he is offering his own wisdom for us all to take or leave as we please. It’s as simple as that.

  18. Darn it! What you say makes sense Dianne. When we merely parrot the words of another we are not expressing our truth.

  19. I love what you have presented here. When I hear myself quoting someone else, I know that I have not embodied or lived that practice or concept enough to express it from my body. I am glad that now I notice when I do this and it doesn’t carry my own lived quality, as it alerts me to something I can develop in my life.

  20. Over the years, I learnt that we sometimes quote Serge Benhayon when we go into right and wrong kind of games. We go there because we have not yet established a relationship with what Serge has delivered in our body in the first place.

    1. Yes, it is so important to develop a relationship with our body, ‘ I fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within, not just making assumptions and going along in momentum. And when I say truly, I mean truly, because we do tend to go through life with a lot of habits of knowing and feeling that are not from truth when deeply examined.’

  21. Brilliant sharing Dianne. My first reaction was to go “I will never say ‘Serge said’ again” Ha and then I read that this is the same energy different expression. The only way to avoid giving our power away is to live responsibly, honouring the body and connecting to the one true source of wisdom that is available to all.

  22. I love this Dianne, and hadn’t really considered how much we dismiss our own knowing in so many situations in life, and how in fact it’s a form of irresponsibility as in that dismissal we can ignore the part we have to play, and the fact that that part involves us living the knowing we have so that we can show all others how it can be. We all have a part to play, do we play ours to the fullness we can?

    1. Great comment Monica. I feel we don’t value our truth and the expression of this truth. I can see that from early on we’ve been told it’s other people’s voices that matter, that we can only quote them in essays etc. I’m discovering we all have our own expressions and angles in which to bring truth to the world, each unique and invaluable. I have seen how the world is transformed when just one person speaks truth; now how amazing when we all value and develop our connection to truth and our expression. How powerful this is.

      1. I like what you say about our own expression and the angles that bring truth to the world I have just discovered for myself the power of group work, when everyone is contributing their own expression into a group and there is equality then there is no one individual but a wholeness which has shown me that being an individual doesn’t work being in a group and moving and expressing as a whole is so incredibly powerful I don’t understand why humanity hasn’t adopted this way of being.

  23. “Then when we quote another person who inspires us like Serge Benhayon, it is a confirmation of a shared truth for all.” And when we quote in this way with authority it is because we have discerned and embodied the truth for ourselves.

  24. We can say we ‘know’ something from having learnt the knowledge of it. However, until we have ’embodied’ that knowledge as our own knowing do we actually ‘know’ it?

  25. I’m not a scientist in the ordinary sense so my way has been to feel what is true. And yes, it has led at times to me adopting ‘what Serge said’ holus bolus, without knowing it and living it for myself. It’s sometimes hard to avoid doing that when you can feel the truth of what’s of offer, but I sure appreciate the need to know it for myself.

  26. This is something that has always stuck out to me in life and now in this article, “I fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within, not just making assumptions and going along in momentum.” We see a lot in this world us as people just going along with what was before and not really or truly standing up in each moment to be aware of what is true, no matter how long or who has said it before. Each moment flows to the next and so you can make a whole life based around assumptions or you can choose to feel each moment truly and from there take that awareness to the next moment and so on. Assumptions leave you to be surprised, shocked and at times blind sided and truly feeling each moment leads to none of this but more an ever expanding awareness of the feeling which flows beautifully into all moments there after. There is a flow to things and holding perceptions or judgements towards things breaks this flow, whereas if you move, truly move with respect to this flow then the world is revealed to you from there.

  27. Expressing from our body and our livingness, inspires others in a simple and beautiful way.

  28. Rather than stating someone else’s truth and trying to stand behind it, it’s perfectly ok to simply say “I don’t know”. Dianne I like your way of testing things out, because then at the end of the process it’s now your own truth.

    1. I love it when someone I am looking for an answer from says ‘I don’t know’, as this asks me to go deeper instead of searching outside of myself for the answer.

  29. Absolutely, ‘I fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within’.

  30. We feel more validated when we can quote another person who we feel has more clout than us. I know I have done it. What you raise in this blog is worth pondering on. It brings up the question of our own self value.

    1. That’s a good way to put it Debra, when we waver on our own authority up comes someone for us to reference for more “clout”.

  31. And it’s amazing just how much more open we are to hearing something when we can feel the other person is talking from their experience/their truth. We might not always be aware of why something rings true to us, but we are often very aware when we can feel someone is simply trying to impress with words or when someone is talking absolute rubbish. We are so much more discerning that we realise.

  32. Great blog Dianne and a very pertinent subject. We often defer to authority, in many places and ways and what I’m coming to understand is at times this is my way of not living and expressing the truth I know, and that is an avoidance of the responsibility of what I know but do not fully live, so when I find myself looking for a quote or expert as backup it’s a great sign for me to stop and feel how I’m expressing and what exactly I might be avoiding … and could it be that I’m the one to deliver what is needed right here right now and not the someone else I’m attempting to defer to? We all have a part to play… are we playing it?

  33. It makes complete sense to me to never take anyone’s word for anything as the absolute truth but to always test things out for ourselves in a scientific own experiment kinda way which then means we discover our own truth from a lived experience not from a memory of something that someone said.

  34. I always enjoy reading your blogs Dianne, and I learn so much from them. I agree it is easy to quote someone as a backup for support of our view but I do see we need to be in the livingness of what we quote and therefore it is our own way.

  35. In that confirmation of a shared truth for all there can be no one authority to look up to or hang on another’s every word. The shared truth is the confirmation of equal authority.

  36. You make a very valid point here – hiding behind another’s authority and what they have said or written is an indication that we haven’t tested and lived what is being propagated; nevertheless, we put it forward, at times like a battle cry to rally ourselves into action. It is, as you describe, a form of abuse – as demonstrated by your example of Serge Benhayon.

  37. The more I experiment and feel for myself the truth of ‘what Serge says’ the less I need to quote him for it is lived and known within me and my body. This is true quotation!

  38. There is nothing more powerful when we express from our bodies, a truth that is lived within and not just an image that keeps us in the illusion of time.

  39. We can use what another said, including Serge, to support our justification. But no matter who said what, if we use if to justify what we ourselves are saying or doing, it is still justification. Truth needs no justification.

  40. Is it possible that when people criticize and reject what Serge Benhayon presents and it is only a presentation, a what if that they don’t actually understand or want to understand what is being presented because it is uncomfortable to feel in our bodies and so we reject what we hear. And that’s fine as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. For me when people then get on their soap box and try to shout down what is being presented then I get annoyed because those people are then trying to dictate to the rest of us what we can and cannot have. And this smacks of control, in much the same way that Religion has been used to control the masses for thousands of years.

  41. Relying on somebody else’s words or deeds offers no evolution at all, as it is our own relationship with ourselves and lived experience that determines the quality of expression and the way we relate with the all.

  42. A timely article to read. As I am coming to know that the authority I hold is ignored and or disregarded when it is not delivered in connection to my essence, my life and my experiences, which is where my authority originates. No amount of study or scientific experiment can bring about this science, only connection to and living from my being as a whole can.

  43. Opening with those words is a dead give away what is about to be shared comes from the head and not from a lived way.

  44. The truth and authority Serge presents with comes from how he lives and it is this that he encourages us to choose as well:

    To find the truth within myself by living in a way that is reconnecting and in doing this re-claim who I am and align directly with the same wealth of universal knowledge that is available to us all.

    I know that when I speak from the knowing that I feel and hold in my body there is a much better chance others will understand what I’m saying because they have a chance to feel it too from me directly.

  45. Well said Dianne and this article makes a lot of sense. Like you I have heard this at the beginning of many conversations “Serge said…” My usual thing is ‘Oh here we go, whats coming..’

    The thing is I have in the past caught myself also wanting or needing to quote Serge Benhayon as if what I had to say did not hold strong without his name being in the words. This is crazy when I look at it now as I have come to realise that the authority in which I choose to express be it in person or in writing does not require any persons name to give me the ok sign and justify what is being said.
    Walk the walk and talk the talk seems to work and that means I have made a strong commitment to LIVE the teachings of Serge Benhayon and then with my unwavering consistency I can communicate with authority and there is no need to slip in the name of someone. We used to call that name dropping as we want to be associated with that person. What a load of twaddle and how inauthentic is that eh?
    Funny thing is most people feel when we are doing this stuff as it is empty and pointless if you ask me.

  46. The more I live from truth myself the more I am able to reflect that truth back to others from the way I live, and I am beginning to notice how many people pick up on the way we live, and start conversations from that point and the answers have to come from our own experience.

  47. I’ve had many of cringe moments and I’ve also been on the other side when I’ve used another’s word instead of my own authority. The more authority I claim in my own inner truth, the more I speak from my own lived truth.

  48. An interesting article…. I love what you shared about how ‘when a presented truth continues to prove true with time and testing, you can use it as a good foundation upon which to conduct your experiments and your life affairs’…. for this is what many have found when it comes to what Serge has presented and as this becomes a lived reality and known in the body, it is no longer about what another says but rather what you live and know and can therefore express as such with no ‘Serge said…’ required.

  49. “In each case we validate ourselves by using the words or ways of someone we perceive as more credible than ourselves.”I have done this many times – but if Serge Benhayon has presented something that feels true in my body – as it always seems to – I have no hesitation in quoting him, as the world teacher of our time.

  50. Invoking an authority over a matter not only helps to settle an issue but also to confirm the reasons behind our not invoking of our own authority in the first place.

  51. This is true of anyone Dianne. I have been part of countless conversations where I have ‘believed’ what they have said in lieu of feeling whether what they were saying felt like the truth or not and then accepting that as truth before I felt it or lived it myself. Observing is a true art and science itself and not jumping to any conclusions just because someone has said this, is part of observation. Serge has presented many important and incredible things, things that I would have never learned anywhere. But I am never asked to believe what he says, but to try it out, test drive it and feel for myself. This is so important because I am re-learning to trust myself without any doubt and stand on my own 2 feet.

  52. With what you have shared here Dianne it makes me wonder when we repeat or regurgitate what someone else has said it can sometimes be a way of absolving ourselves from taking responsibility for our own feelings and truth of the matter.

  53. People doing academic work are very much accustomed to resort to authoritative quotes and authors to make a point. We borrow from others all the time to construct arguments that may sound good and that outdo others and give any matter a new twist. What I find interesting from my years of experience in the academic world, is how this capacity helps to feel that this is it, that nothing beyond it is needed or possible and that this is the most interesting aspect of life altogether. What it does is to stop you from going deeper with life that is at the tip of your hands, if you just stop and read what it is that you bring to this world and the truth behind it.

  54. To quote Serge Benhayon inappropriately, as you delineate Dianne, is not only abusive of him but also so misrepresentative of him as he has, and always does, say that one must discern the truth for oneself and not take what anyone, including himself, says for granted.

  55. The truth that Serge Benhayon has said is for us all to feel, live and then share in our own words no different in integrity and responsibility as his own.

  56. Thank you Dianne for exposing what has clearly been a way to avoid repsonsibility for some and to avoid being in the authority of their livingness, we all have the tools to access such wisdom as Serge Benahyon as it is available to all of us and all that is required is our commitment to learn to consistently connect to the right source of energy from our soul.

  57. Thank you Dianne for so clearly exposing how abusive and denigrating to oneself and the person quoted when we say ‘So and so said …’, if we have not discerned for ourselves the truth of what is being expressed.

  58. ‘I fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within, not just making assumptions and going along in momentum.’ Thank you for the reminder to be ever discerning because I can feel how I can get caught up in a momentum, as I did yesterday, and stubbornly persist whilst wasting energy trying to avoid the point of evolution that I am being offered.

  59. Thank you Dianne for lovingly exposing that when we quote someone without discerning whether we are reflecting that truth in our bodies the effect is harming for all.

  60. I have to say that in the past and I have caught myself using a term like ‘someone said..’ in order to give some important notice to what I was saying. Instantly I could feel how I was giving my power away to another as I was saying it from the feeling of not being enough myself by saying that, but wanting to try and prove my point which I thought would be more believed if I it came from authorized persons. Interesting learning and for me to observe all areas where I still hold myself back and create situations to give my power away. Time to claim all of my power and not give it away! Thank you Dianne, an absolute confirmation this is to hold my absolute love in every way.

  61. Yes, if you are quoting someone else then you are not taking true responsibility for what you are saying.

  62. It is a real “cop out” when we use quotes from Serge Benhayon when speaking to another if that truth is not part of our own livingness and the person we are sharing with will certainly feel that it is not our truth and that we are just preaching. There is no evolution for anyone in this form of communication.

  63. So true Dianne, all that is presented by Serge Benhayon just makes sense and when we scientifically examine it it reveals the truth.

  64. Dianne love how you shared what you have shared, it is so easy to go into he said, she said game, but you are correct in saying that is hiding behind someone else due to our own lack of confidence. It is definitely best to do our own experiment and get our own answers of what is true.

  65. I absolutely love your writing style Dianne – Super powerful but playfully and humorously so. I look forward to meeting you some day in the not too distant future

  66. It’s so true we seem to have this habit of ‘borrowing’ others’ authority to offset our lack of confidence/responsibility. And this often leads to an ugly game of finger-pointing.

  67. I know from my own experience how damaging it is to use or better say misuse the words from someone else and not feel the truth of these words in your own body only to cover up a lack of self worth or to control other one’s behaviour. Like Victoria shared it is abuse and has its effect on everyone involved. Power in words comes from speaking or writing from your own wisdom then love is felt all over.

  68. This is so true, coming from our own experience and love for ourself is much stronger than trying to cover up our self loathing by getting others to speak for us in a sense. We are an authority in life, and when we choose to live something others have proposed we can indeed quote this with our own lived authority.

  69. You have nailed it on the head here Dianne. If we don’t trust in our own authority and lived experience than what rules is the majority or the authority figure. When you gave the examples about at school saying “The teacher said so” is a classic example, from a young age we are bombarded and confronted with what is right and wrong.

  70. ‘when a presented truth continues to prove true with time and testing, you can use it as a good foundation upon which to conduct your experiments and your life affairs’. The Dalai Lama said a long time ago that we should observe how a teacher lives fro 5 – 10 years before committing to what they present… Serge passed that mark some time ago, and as Diane says – he now provides a marker for me in this endless experiment called life.

  71. I find the times I have grasped for “so and so said’ line, is when I am without my true essence and quality. When I lean on others to back up what I am saying, it feels lazy, a way of trying to avoid the details and patience that is required for the situation.

  72. Using another’s words to validate what we already know ourselves can be both very disempowering and completely disregard our own authority on the matter.

  73. “Then I test it in my own life.” This is so powerful to read Dianne. It has inspired me to really put into practice what I hear in the presentations and books by Serge Benhayon. That is where it becomes magical and also where you can know if it is true or not what is been said. And from there I can as you said share it with the world as a lived truth and not just knowledge.

  74. You are spot on Dianne, speaking from what we know ourselves is essential is we want to offer anything to another that is actually useful in supporting their evolution. Otherwise it is just knowledge without the lived truth of it from our own experience. That just adds to the realms of supposed ‘help’ out there that has not actually helped humanity at all.

  75. Such truth in what you write here Dianne especially in this line today – “And so, in my view, to fly those people like a flag instead of using our own authority, propping up our lack of self-worth and filling in for our fearful reluctance to express what we do actually know, is not a true approach.” You can feel such a difference in our body when you talk from your own authority and then when you use someone else’s authority. It’s like chalk and cheese. As one is true and one is not.

  76. In my experience of attending presentations by Serge Benhayon, never have I heard Serge force information or knowledge on anyone. There is always a choices for who ever is listening to actually accept the teachings or to challenge and rebut them – Serge welcomes it all as it is an opportunity for evolution for all involved and something to work through together.

  77. Personal authority is such an interesting concept – but it’s more then just a concept – it’s actually a reality. Through doing a few Expression Workshops with Serge Benhayon I’ve learnt that we all have an authority on life no matter the subject. The beauty of the lived authority is that there is no right or wrong, just a lived way that accumulates experience that offers us a unique perspective on life. Hearing someone or feeling myself speak from this place, without the need to be right, fit in or having an investment for the other person to agree, leaves such a gorgeous and confirming feeling within.

  78. As with any great philosopher in history, it is invariably inevitable that there are those who will turn their teachings into dogmatic rules to be followed, much to the detriment of what was taught. Thus why the teachings of christianity for example are often a far cry from what Jesus truly taught. I am sure for example he never presented that God would favour one football team over another, and that his favoritism would be based on who prayed the most fervently. Thus Dianne, what you observe happen occasionally here with people within the community that makes up what is affectionately known as the student body is no different to what happens in any other part of society. People are comfortable with dogma because it gives them a semblance of something they can control. Thus how religion gets bastardised. Thus why skepticism is equally as popular. The true teaching that Serge Benhayon presents has not such tenets. He simply presents a way of living life that actually calls for one to discern more acutely for themselves what is true in this world and what is not. And yes, because invariably people tend to find through their own observations that what he presents actually works if lived, there can be a tendency to take whatever else he says on faith. But that is the fault not of the teacher, but the human being, who is too lazy to determine for themselves via their own lived experience whether that which is presented is true or not. An unfortunately typical human trait. Unfortunatetly, critics do not see it this way, and instead seek to shoot the source based on what the messenger has delivered ,without first seeking to understand whether the messenger actually had the message right in the first place.

  79. Serge Benhayon, and his family are showing us that there is a way to live that is staying true to what we deeply know to be truth, and inspiring many of us to reconnect back to the truth we innately know.

  80. We cannot rely on what others know and share if we don’t live it by ourselves and with this everything becomes “a confirmation of a shared truth for all.” The Livingness is exactly this the consistent and constant confirmation of a shared truth for the all.

  81. “It will be from a scientific understanding that when a presented truth continues to prove true with time and testing, you can use it as a good foundation upon which to conduct your experiments and your life affairs.” This is a great point Dianne, that puts science back to the people and don’t make it about some abstract scientific tests, but about what it truly is – the proof of truth through experience.

  82. It would be amazing if schools were to teach the importance of holding on to our truth, our essence, and particularly how not to sell ourselves out to the world, or become hostage to ideals and beliefs.

  83. Living life from truth is something that the majority of us have to re-imprint within ourselves, because as we attend school and begin to explore life in a wider form we start to develop and become dependent on ideals and beliefs to bring us some form of satisfaction to the way we live.

  84. It’s amazing how we try to borrow another’s authority to prove our points. We have lived for whatever long, yet interestingly we often don’t feel confident that we are in a position to express with authority.

  85. Amazing Dianne, so real and true! This blog empowers everybody to step up their own inner-knowing to a higher volume and open their arms for truth. As you say: there is no need for ‘someone said..’ any longer because this truth is confirmed within. It would not make sense to then say it in the name somebody else, unless like you shared it is used to show something to the world and simply call its source.

  86. “When we quote another person who inspires us like Serge Benhayon, it is a confirmation of a shared truth for all.” Very well said Dianne and it is the responsibility of the person who shares a quote to only quote what they themselves are living and therefore experiencing in their own body. Anything else is just recall of a truth that has not been lived yet.

  87. “How often in life have we used what another person said to validate our expression because we didn’t feel we were enough?” And when we do this even if what we’re sharing is truth when it’s not coming from our own livingness others feels this.

  88. Although I never knew why, I knew right from the first meeting that Serge was a man who spoke the truth and it was from this knowing that I kept coming back for more even though my head was telling me that some things didn’t make sense. Thanks for writing this Dianne learning to discern for ourselves is very important over just going with the flow of what someone said.

  89. Hi Dianne – you have exposed many, including myself in regard to not holding our selves and claiming the truth of who we are. Using another to verify or back up what we are saying feels lazy and a bit of a cop-out. Every time this is done we are shifting responsibility in our lives. This has been a great reminder to claim the truth within ourselves and to live that truth and then when asked we will speak from our own livingness and not hold back how amazing we are.

    1. Well said Dianne, Christine I was just about to make a similar response. When we quote others as authority we diminish ours and there is a lack of responsibility or be excused for not living this truth at some level.

  90. A great reminder of how important it is to use ourselves as barometers of truth when it comes to all that we see, hear and feel.

  91. It is indeed a stepping into one’s own authority and power to not rely on what someone else has said but to simply speak from one’s own lived truth which indeed may confirm true wisdom expressed through another.

  92. It’s gorgeous that you describe both sides of the medal: giving power away through citing and through not citing Serge Benhayon. It cracks my lineal thinking mind and the prison of right-wrong-thinking. How freeing it is to start observing the quality and intention in which I choose to act.

  93. I have learnt to speak from my own livingness and not from others words of wisdom to back me up. It is tempting on occasion to reinforce with others words but first we need to be truthful about where we obtained this information!

  94. For a while now I’ve realised that when I want to share an experience with someone I’ve reverted to say ‘I feel’ this sharing coming from an inner lived quality and feels so much more of taking responsibility for what I am offering to another. Where as before attending the many presentations with Serge Benhayon I’d constantly say ‘so and so’ said this or that – very much a shrinking back of my responsibility to express from my lived truth/ experiences and self doubt was huge. (still a work in progress) Amazing blog Dianne and all the following comments are inspirational. Thank you.

  95. Thank you Dianne. I loved reading this again. I have been noticing that I often use what ‘other people said’ as a defense lately. It is very subtle but laced with a communication that I do not trust myself enough to claim what is true for me. When I do this I am giving my power away and it impacts on my relationship with myself and others.

  96. Yes, Dianne, I feel to only quote a truth if it has become my truth otherwise I am an imposter imposing on another.

  97. I couldn’t agree more Dianne, we need to be coming from our own known truth and acknowledge where we received this knowledge before we claim it as our own. With thanks for the reminder.

  98. It is important to feel and discern truth for ourselves and then we can share from this place what it feels to us. Serge shares his truth and asks us to feel into this in order to express our truth. Regurgitating things in parrot fashion is not his way and does Serge and humanity as a whole, a huge disservice.

  99. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves”.
    Check our deepest innermost instead of Serge said; what you have expressed here Dianne is so very wise, thank you.

  100. Relying upon someone else’s authority is a resource we can all resort to. Often times it works if the people involved have the source of the authority in high esteem. Yet, to claim something on your own authority, expressing from your whole body and holding no reservation, has no parallel.

  101. Thank you Dianne Trussell, this what you had written is very true. And I have to admit that I have used ‘someone said’ to uphigh the situation, myself or other person, but in fact I never claimed my own truth in life. It is important for me now to actually go for the truth I know within myself and stand for that, I also feel that I then do not need any form of ‘someone said’ at all.

  102. Serge Benhayon would never want anyone to say what he said without first discovering for themselves if it is true or not.

    1. Correct Natalie, the first thing that Serge Benhayon taught was how to discern, next it was to connect to truth, not just talk about what he shares in workshops.

  103. When I first read ‘The Way It Is’ by Serge Benhayon I frequently said “What?” as it brought me up against my absorbed beliefs. On my second reading of the book I found myself saying “Possibly” as I questioned where my beliefs came from. On the third reading of the book I could feel the truth of the words as I read them without the smoke screen of my prejudiced beliefs that I had absorbed from others telling me how things were. Serge Benhayon has shown me how to feel for myself what is true and what is not.

    1. I love what you have said here Mary; the progression from “What” to “Possibly”, to finally feeling the truth. I had a similar experience when I read the book, and every time I had a what moment I would simply put it to one side and somewhere down the track I would pick it up again and without fail say – yes, that makes sense. This journey with Serge Benhayon has been one of such learning, such joy and lots of fun, with not one moment of being told what to do or believe, but many moments encouraging me to feel and know it for myself.

  104. It is not the spoken words but the quality of livingness in my body that truly inspires others to feel the light within themselves regardless of their situation.

    1. I agree Francisco. I use less words now and let my livingness speak for itself and I know that others are feeling this.

  105. I love hearing Serge Benhayon present. Sure I might not understand completely what is being said from time to time, the beauty of it is that because it’s not coming from a text book and something that is being lived from Serge day in day out we do all actually understand, our minds just get in the way of allowing us to fully accept the not so new sciences that are being reawakened.

  106. I have not come across any teacher or philosophy that so deeply asks you to connect to your own truth – there is nothing I have come across that asks for that level of responsibility. Serge Benhayon is someone who has dedicated his life to feeling his inner-heart and Soul and expressing from there. And with each presentation he always says to feel this for yourself – the thing that I have come to understand is that great teachers live in a way that connects them to universal truths which relate to us all – and in this age of individualism and relativism it can be a hard pill to swallow that someone else has such access to truth and love when we are sold the picture that if we get a good job, fall in love, have children – then our lives will be fulfilling. Thing is, that emptiness feeling grows and grows and if we are not stuffing our face with food or other substances (including media) to numb ourselves, we can feel that yearning for something more in life.. Serge doesn’t make the pill hard to swallow at all – he expresses with such grace, understanding and equality – and at the same time with such power and authority. It is when we feel this quality from Serge and the fact that we have not claimed this for ourselves which is the biggest ouch – but he talks about this.. and anything else that is there to expose and support people through. This guy is the real deal by the very fact that he calls us all back to the same qualities of God which live in us and he can do this because he lives them everyday…

    1. A beautiful testimonial Sarah – I absolutely agree that Serge Benhayon is dedicated to life and has inspired so many people even to ask the question of ‘is there more to how I am living than this’ To even start to see the world in this way and perhaps consider taking responsibility for our choices, is the start to a huge shift in the state of the world today – riddled with preventable illness and disease.

    2. Serge is the real deal, I love what you truthfully share here about Serge Benhayon.

  107. Wonderful wise Dianne I love what your share in your powerful and clear blog. I can say from myself that I am not an intellectual person and I always thought that I was less because of this. To allow myself to find my own wisdom that is inside of me is an ongoing thing and my inner knowing is growing every day. While I was making myself small in terms of intellectuality I could sometimes feel that something what was said in name of it was not true. Therefore I love what you wrote: “And when I say truly, I mean truly, because we do tend to go through life with a lot of habits of knowing and feeling that are not from truth when deeply examined.” This is important because only if it is truly lived on a daily basis than for me it is truly and deeply examined.

  108. Thank you Dianne for a great article, and foe these wise words, ” It’s fine to put forth the possibility that what someone else said is worth looking at and may be gobsmackingly, world-changingly true, as long as we are the ‘marker of truth’ ourselves – we are speaking from the fullness of our self-love and confidence and what feels true to us regardless of who said what.” it is trusting that we know, that deep within our body it knows what is truth and what is not.

  109. When we quote Serge or someone else we know is credible it is something that then becomes impossible for another to feel as their own truth because it is not presented as a truth from us as a living way in our bodies but as a fact from our minds. Without the livingness the presentation of truth in this way is a bit like ramming it down someone else’s throat!

  110. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.” This is an awesome statement Dianne. The only truth I can ever truly deeply confirm is that of my own true innermost heart, everything else is open to speculation. Our world is living proof of where, hearsay, blind acceptance and quoting others from the mind without true self confirmation in our body, can lead us…….the perpetuation of gross, blatant and widely countenanced lies from generation to generation.

  111. Getting carried away with others momentums I know this one well, feeling that perhaps its an easier route to take and agreeing what another shares (he said, she said) to feel deep inside to what is our truth and taking responsibility for that is more of us expressing and living our truth not that of another. A very inspired sharing Dianne thank you.

    1. Yes I’ve felt this too, those moments it has been easier to just go along with what another wants or says even though you might be shaking your head questioning whats happening. There is that deep sense of responsibility for us to claim our own lived truths and share from there. Like it Marion. Thank you

  112. Reading this blog is the greatest breath of fresh air Dianne, thank-you.
    You’ve nailed the abuse in such behaviour – abuse both to person and to truth here – when one flies “those people [i.e. what another has said] like a flag instead of using our own authority”. I’ve seen this a-plenty and know myself what it is to use others’ words when I am hurt and don’t want to take the responsibility of communicating truly from me. Such behaviour serves no-one.
    With deep appreciation for the deft way in which you have exposed what can go on and our responsibility in this picture, and also the sharing of your own claimed way of expressing truth from what you have thoroughly discerned and felt for yourself. We simply needn’t ever be more than that to make a point.
    Ah… what an absolutely joyful read for today, thank-you!

    1. Great point Victoria here in that speaking without the authority of our own livingness but that of another, is not only harming to ourselves but to the other. Whenever we try and make something up to fit a picture I can feel we open ourselves to this harm, but whenever we speak from the wisdom and knowing of our bodies, this is our true authority. To me, our bodies are always the key.

      1. Agreed Angela. And there is always an honesty available to us, from how we are truly feeling, that can be expressed – that needn’t ever lean on another’s authority in order to be shared. What Dianne has brilliantly exposed is just how strongly we have withheld our own expression – to this extreme point it has got to, that we feel the desperate need to ride on another’s words, rather than claim the truth that is actually already living within us.
        No wonder human relations have become so endemically complicated!

    2. I had never really given this much consideration but when I read this blog and your comment Victoria I was like, absolutely this makes sense. I have used the words of others when I lacked my own authority on the subject (and not as a support to what I am saying) and I can see that it is another form of irresponsibility when we dont want to take full responsibility for what we are saying. I can hide behind other people’s words or use them to test the waters because if the receiver does not like it, well it was not my words. Sneaky and it is as you say, abuse to both the person and to truth. Ouch.

      1. All forms of protection, for sure Sarah. It’s empowering to be so honest about how we can play things out in this way. The key is, are we willing to step from behind such tactics and admit when we use them to manipulate, stay ‘safe’, get our way, dominate or for whatever end…
        In the end, we are holding ourselves and our own voices as less than who we are, and everyone loses out as a result.

    3. Absolutely agree Victoria, we needn’t be more than our natural selves to make a point!

    4. Yes, I totally agree Victoria that Dianne has nailed the abuse clearly and succinctly. It is an abuse that most often is not acknowledged.

  113. It is great to return to this blog Dianne, it is so easy to hide behind someone’s words or expertise not having to stand in my own truth and be seen and heard and sometimes not liked for it or maybe even attacked for it.

    1. I agree Judith – It feels to me like we sometimes let someone else do the hard work in making choices based on their innate knowing whilst we hide behind them in using quotes. The most freeing feeling I have ever had is simply being able to express what I feel from deep within without hesitation or outside influence. When we do this we do not need anyone else’s words or actions for we are speaking from the same place they are.

  114. I am definitely guilty for repeating informations presented by Serge Benhayon to friends, colleagues or family without necessarily gauging if any of them were ready to hear the message I was sharing with them. Sometimes I say something and then think “god damn it, I should not have said what I have just said!”

  115. Great blog thanks Dianne,Yes I have found myself coming from my head and using anothers name to reinforce what I express, it leaves me feeling rather less… you can’t beat the feeling of expressing from your body with that whole knowingness and truth and the lovely completeness that this leaves one in.

  116. It’s taken a while for me to get to feeling something from my truly lived experienced of it. It happens when what I know to be true is coming from my whole body, feeling that I’ve walked it somewhere along the way. It’s like a piece of me, making a part of the whole of me and it comes from the minutest part of me. My cells breath it and it has no boundary. It’s expansive and it’s the same truth for everyone. I know I have said plenty of times in the past ‘Serge says’ but I can now feel how empty those words were. Even though they were true words they weren’t truth as truth is only spoken from the body and being. When I said them they came to me, not from me.

  117. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.”- great and very important point you make Dianne. Instead of taking on what another says because they appear to have more knowledge on the subject.

  118. Dianne, I love your blog, and it does make a lot of sense. It’s to the point, written with humour and understanding and clarity. It is not fair on anybody to use them for what they said at some point. Just feeling into this it feels to me that I often haven’t said what I truly felt right there and then, because of fearing that somebody will then take it out of context and come back at me with it, judging it. Time to let that one go. I also wish to acknowledge, that I love every word Serge says, even if I sometimes may have not been ‘ready’ to truly hear it. But it’s for me to really embody the wisdom I receive from him and then share with others, from living and embodying that wisdom to the best of my ability, not just leaving it as ‘great words Serge’. What Serge shares is all about living it, not about lip service.

  119. I can relate to times when I’ve used the ‘so and so said’ but then notice that the rest of the information can’t be accessed because it is not my experience. I find that I’ll get questioned more aggressively, or the other person shuts down and there is a sense of getting lost. When I am able to express something in my own words as it has been lived or experienced by me, there is a sense of steadiness and also a no need for anyone to get it. I can refer to the original source as part of the conversation but not as the sole basis for what I am sharing.

  120. When we speak from our experiences another can truly hear. Otherwise it is just noise and knowledge coming at you and you switch off. So many presenters in all fields speak like this and wonder why the participants are not getting the results. It must be lived and then the wisdom can be expressed.

    1. Wise words Gail. When we speak from our experiences it really does let the other person receive the support of what we are sharing. If I share from my head the words can feel a bit empty even if what I am saying is true.

    2. Great point Gail, if the presenter is not living what he presents, the participants walk away empty, thinking there is something wrong with them.

    3. Beautifully encapsulated Gail. “just noise” – yep, bang on…
      Brings back memories of thinking I ‘should’ be ‘getting more’ from the noise being spoken, and makes me appreciate all the more, how I have never for one moment felt this way when Serge Benhayon speaks – he speaks from lived truth and his voice resonates more deeply with all that is true within me, more than any other I have ever heard. Fact.

  121. Anything you write Dianne is profound and this post is to the point and says a lot – I really appreciate you sharing this wisdom.
    ‘needing an authority to fill a lack of self-worth or gain power in an interaction’ – this stuck out as this is something I am very aware of now but in the past I have used it to get one up on the interaction. Ugly but true and its awful but nevertheless coming from a lack of self-worth. I so get it.
    I have learnt a lot reading this and plan to re-read as it sure is a cringe factor and something I no longer want to do as it is not a “true approach”.
    Using Serge Benhayon or anyone that we see in authority and flying them like a flag is not needed and confirms how we don’t claim and express what we are feeling in that moment.
    What comes to mind is that we each have a responsibility to be honest and express where we are at and thats a starting point for me – get real, get honest and that way you are building your self-worth.

  122. Only walking with what WE feel to be true will stop us from getting lost. A way that we have walked out of our own knowing is a way we will forever be able to remember and walk again and we will become able to explore new terrains from there step by step.

  123. “How often in life have we used what another person said to validate our expression because we didn’t feel we were enough?”. I keep coming back to this sentence, I’ve probably read it around 4 or 5 times now. What is fascinating to me is the fact that by using what somebody else said, we’re are actually allready buying into a belief or an ideal. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it certainly isn’t empowering. It’s actually giving our Power away. The effect is that we’re confirming our lack of self-worth. And as the whole world does this on a daily basis, we’re actually telling each other that there’s not a lot of value to us. What if we started sharing whatever we feel, that would be incredible empowering and would change the world forever. As I look to young children they are so affraid to speak up and when they do, often they are not listened to. No wonder, we’ve ended up with a world that’s lacking Love and Warmth. The world’s full of copies rather than authentic Loving beings. Thank you.

    1. Powerful words Floris well written, generally curriculums in schools and universities world wide are unvarying and almost monotonous, our role models are chosen from the media. We live in a world full of copies. What we desperately need is more diversity.

  124. A really powerful sharing with us Diane, one that I sat with for a while to feel the consequence of my past actions. At different times in my life when situations got difficult or I felt pushed into a corner – even from childhood at times I would blame another for that said predicament. ‘Passing the buck’ to not having to deal with the outcome! Since listening to Serge Benhayon presenting and, with time, taking back responsibility for my actions, words and thoughts and my way of living to what I feel is my truth the blame game has stopped. Not putting another on a higher pedestal and allowing myself to feel less able to contribute to life.

  125. A great and revealing read Dianne. I got to considering more what its like when we go into speaking from the head, from knowledge, and maybe from quoting another (particularly someone as amazing as Serge Benhayon) to ‘try’ and ‘prove’ something. What I realised was how forceful, judgemental and arrogant this can be. It’s like we turn something that with an iota of equality and application could be a very simple everyday known and experienced truth (as you describe by checking things out for yourself, and only if there is lived ‘evidence’, claiming them as your own) – but without the application to our own life, it is not yet our lived experience, and cannot be shared from our body, only the words of another, which no matter how true, revelationary and amazing, when not delivered from our body, do not contain truth at all – but is empty words.
    The arrogance is that we try and ‘own’ the knowledge, from a place of making ourselves less than it, but identifying with having access to it, and quote it in a way that says others don’t have access, so there is also judgement. The forcefulness is felt in someone being identified with the knowledge and having a need or attachment to proving something.
    Unfortunately I speak from experience with this, and it feels equally as awful to ‘dish out’ as it does to receive. I love the way you pretty much describe your daily life as a science experiment – and become more aware, and free, from all you discover – and when you speak from the understandings you come to Dianne, the lived authority and open curiosity to discover more is very gorgeous – and super inspiring.

  126. Dianne, I love your article! It contains so much truth and it`s such an important topic to ponder on. How often I hear people start their sentences with “But Serge said…” “Natalie said…” and I also have done this in the past. But what we share then is hardly ever the truth, one of the Benhayons spoke. It`s their words mixed with what we let in, eg seeking to be heard and seen, justifying our own words, avoiding feelings of insecurity and low self worth and many more, often without even realizing it.
    It`s important for us to honestly feel into it, when these words are used. Our body tells us immediately if what is shared is really true and if it`s not, it would be great if we would express that in a loving way to express our own truth.

  127. What great blog Dianne, the old “Serge said “doesn’t work as we can only speak with authority from the mastery of what is lived .Its like the the smoking doctor telling his patients to stop smoking , doesn’t come with true authority. In my opinion thats why people are so disinterested and disillusioned with politicians for they don’t deliver what they are saying with lived truth a lot of the time i.e. just empty words.

  128. ‘It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.’ This speaks volumes to me Dianne. The ultimate responsibility is with checking in with that deepest part of us – if we commit to that and perpetually feel what is happening in and around us we truly evolve.

  129. This is a great examination Dianne of how we perceive science today and have perceived it in the past. Back in the sixties when I was at school, it was acknowledged universally that science held all the answers to pretty much everything! When someone’s reasoning sounded a bit suspect, you could say, “that doesn’t sound very scientific to me” i.e. not very believable.
    In advertising this was very evident where a person in a white lab coat, had to be present on screen, to ‘verify and confirm’ the claims made by the product producers, rather like a priest or bishop might be expected to add authority to a religious argument. In fact it seemed at times that people were turning to science as the ‘new religion’. I love your paragraph when you say…………….”I have come to the point of listening carefully to everything he has to say, and anything that doesn’t jump into my yes-zone immediately gets filed under “good possibility to check out, probably will turn out true if so far is any indication.” Then I test it in my own life. So far, the results have been: “Darn, that guy’s right about everything!” Or at least 99.9% – gotta allow some margin for imperfection in human life! ” ……………To me it expresses wonderfully the real value and strength of what Serge is teaching, and how misguided we have been to fall back on these old belief systems and their rather lazy assumptions.

    1. Well said Jonathan. Wearing a lab coat or priest’s robes can be seen as no different to leaning on another’s words to gain some traction or authority – if the truth presented and spoken is not from what is lived and known by the person delivering it.
      We have surely seen enough of this to know it as fact.

  130. What I get from what you are presenting here Diane, is that your authority is not from a science based on a triple blind process, but rather a science based on putting your body and beliefs on the line to test what is presented. This means ‘serge said’…can come from a repeated ‘factoid’ or something you are living right now…the two are very different.

    1. Absolutely – this is Living Science.
      Inspiration aligned to and applied to our own lives to live for our ourselves. We cannot be the authority on another’s choices or living way for we have not walked in their shoes nor lived their choices.

  131. Fantastic article Dianne, what you have presented is so very true and I am sure many of us are guilty of. I know I can certainly say I have ‘talked the talk’ at people at times, not having yet made them my truth, or imposing on others when I know and feel the truth, but may not be the right time or moment to share things. I loved the line here “Serge Benhayon is a great person, offering his own wisdom and experience for us to take up or leave as suits us” this is it in a nut shell, but the other thing is the truth does make people uncomfortable, so that can also cause reaction. But I know for me, it is important to not hold back, but do so by being discerning as well.

    1. What I got from reading your comment is actually that it is not The Truth that is creating reactions, but our resistance, pride and arrogance that is being exposed when presenting The Truth. I’ve always wanted to be ‘perfect’ and whenever I was told something I took it very personally. I am now slowly coming out of this strong pattern and feel the amazing support there is available. It has always been there, just being ignored by myself. As a constant running away of denying what is on offer all of the time. The Spaciousness and Love are now a lot of the times too big, that I’m shutting the door towards more Love. To me that’s actually quite remarkable. That I fight what I can’t fight, Love.

  132. Dianne, this is such a powerful blog. It supports everyone reading it to feel for ourselves where we are still “using” another person to validate our expression because we do not feel that we were enough and where we speak from confirming through our own experiences the truth of what has been said. How powerful to brake this pattern and live from our lived truth.

  133. I suppose the fact is that we can all feel it when words spoken are not true, even in writing there is always a very real sense of what is coming from a persons lived experience or what is regurgitated knowledge. Being aware of this is not unique to any one person or group of people, it is a basic fundamental of life. Only that there is a difference when a person who can feel what is actually going on does not say anything. This is then a question of responsibility ~ something I am learning about today.

    1. Well said Shami, it really is a question about being willing to take full responsibility, and I feel there is always more depth to go with that for me.

  134. It is interesting that we often feel someone else’s voice will come with a greater authority than our own and that we have been brought up to believe this or that person is who we should listen to when all along the greatest authority is inside each of us. I also find it somewhat comical that we dismiss the voice of children when often they are the wisest and most loving in the room. Never have I met a child who has not been considerate of the all, yet I have met plenty an adult who is all about themselves.

    1. Great point you make here Caroline. I hear wisdom coming form the mouths of the young people around me daily. My newest teacher is my 5-year-old grandson, and its true his words come without an ounce of meanness.

  135. To feel the truth that is delivered by Serge Benhayon is one thing (and this is huge in itself) but to allow ourselves to feel the same truth within us is so very powerful. Speaking from this truth within has so much more credibility over sharing a truth that has been spoken by someone else. This I am in complete agreeance with you, Dianne. I have certainly done both but now feel that I no longer need to prop myself up in this way so I claim what I feel within as truth and share from there (most of the time :)). This is in fact restoring my confidence in my ability to express truth and I now realise that the other way only diminishes our confidence as we are placing more importance on someone else’s words of truth rather than our own.

    1. Beautifully said Robyn, “to feel the same truth within us is so very powerful” and it is the lived experience of the truth as it is with love, that is the greatest form of refection to others.

  136. Great article, Dianne, and yes, ~ am guilty too. I can, however, feel how disempowering it is to say ‘Serge said’, instead of investigating it for myself first, and then share from my own livingness.

  137. I have really enjoyed opening up Serge Benhayon’s book, “Esoteric Teachings and Revelations”, at any page and seeing what is there to be offered for the moment. It can work like that, bringing a point of reflection to my life. This is a great way to access the Ageless Wisdom and is so personal yet not self orientated, as it always expands out one’s viewpoint towards life. Each saying is such a great point of ongoing reflection, sometimes as it unfolded for me I have felt to share it with others. I have noticed when I do this from what has unfolded in a very personal way, it always comes across very truthfully, whereas times where I have used it as a quote, it has always left a bit of an empty feeling in the interaction or I have tried to go into explaining it or how it relates to me and it doesn’t flow.

  138. It’s fascinating how us as a society on a whole do not believe that what we have to say can make a difference or be powerful without adding a quote or ‘reference’ into it. I think it comes down to our growing lack of self worth, and the fact we don’t actually appreciate what we can bring to the people around us and the community each and every day… Would we still feel the need to use ‘so and so said’ if we actually connected to and celebrated our own individual expression and power in full?

    1. Love what you say here Susie. What is need is less focus on our perceived lack of self worth and more awareness given to appreciating how much we have to bring to others. If we appreciated and “celebrated our own individual expression and power in full” we would never need to say “so and so said” so!

      1. Absolutely Anne. I know for me I can spend a lot of time dwelling in lack of self worth even when I’m NOT making necessarily ‘bad’ choices, but the trick is is that in the moment I let the thought in that says ‘you’ll never get it’ or ‘you’re ugly because ……..’ I’m making a disregarding choice. We should be spending less time doing this and living victim to our thoughts, and more time appreciating what we can bring.

    2. Awesomely said Susie. And how freeing for EVERYONE – when we no longer need to try or pretend to be ‘more’ (more ‘knowledgeable’, more ‘authoritative’, more ‘aware’…), and we let ourselves be ourselves.
      Phew… world communications just took on a whole different tone. Thank-you.

  139. I love what this blog inspires. I can feel how valuable it would be to pause when I am reaching out for dropping a name and saying eg “Serge Benhayon said”. This pause could provide an opportunity for me to feel what there is for me to say, to accept that I am enough in my expression and to say it in my own words claimed in my power. Or it could be that if I find I cannot find the words because I have not really built a lived understanding of the subject, then this provides clear evidence that there is room for me to deepen my understanding by applying it into my life. Thank you. A great insight.

    1. Yes, Golnaz, a pause can be such a valuable moment for us – and thus for anyone we are communicating with… In that pause, we may also get in touch with any hurt we may be feeling that is making us feel like we want to use someone else’s words to gain some traction or authority. What an opportunity this offers, to be more honest with ourselves and others, and responsibly deal with the hurt first within ourselves that can lead us to want to speak in such a way.

  140. There is a game that’s being played when we hide behind someone else. A game that I have played for far too long and one that is futile, as all it does is delay us living our truth. In the end we ALL know what feels true for us. There may be things that get in the way of us living that e.g. Feeling reserved or not being used to standing out or fear of ridicule BUT there is such an empowerment when we live what is true for us. I find I fall in Love with myself more and more when I do and life feels much much easier and is enjoyable.

  141. So true Dianne, whenever I have used ‘Serge said…’, or anyone else for that matter, my words either fall flat, or at best are ‘impressive’ because they might sound wise or appropriate. But truth is, they offer nothing of inspiration to the listener because they don’t come from my own lived experience… and hence are heard as just words. True change comes from true inspiration… where the listener can feel that you have lived what you say, and by virtue of us both being the same in our essence…if you can, so can they.

  142. “How often in life have we used what another person said to validate our expression because we didn’t feel we were enough? …” Isn’t this what we see hundreds of times a day through advertising? It seems people need to see a professional cricketer drinking a beer to know it will taste right; or soapie actor using a cleaning product before we trust that product on ourselves. This is ridiculous and yet it works – more profits rise when celebrities are used to endorse products. Why is this so? We have lost sight of our inner knowing. We do not trust that we DO know what to do in any given situation and so open the door to the outside to manipulate us all the way.
    Serge Benhayon could easily step into those celebrities’ shoes and tell people what to do, and yet he doesn’t and never has. Because Serge knows that we DO know; we don’t need him to tell us what to do or say, we just need to be taught that we know in the first instance. We often use the phrase ‘out of the mouths of babes’, which means a young person has said something profound and wise that we weren’t expecting. We think it’s because they have learned it or copied it from an adult, but I don’t think so. I think the wisdom is innate in them already, it’s jsut been tapped in to. Never will we need another to validate our choices because we are already to be trusted.

  143. To suspend disbelief, if needs be, and considering Serge Benhayon’s track record on sharing truth, always gives me space to review my beliefs, letting whatever has been presented filter through my various resistances to the place where I KNOW that “darn, that guy’s right again!” From there I have laid a course to make the choices and changes that have been inspired.

    I love this article, Dianne, as a brilliant warning of the pitfalls of skidding about on the surface using other people’s names as collateral in our lack of responsibility.

    1. “…a brilliant warning of the pitfalls of skidding about on the surface using other people’s names as collateral in our lack of responsibility.” Wow! Love this, Matilda. I completely agree with you.

  144. Thank you for sharing Dianne, Yes I agree “it’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest inner most truth for ourselves”.

  145. I can remember that quoting somebody else, some authority figure used to come from a need to gain some traction and even enforce my own view in an interaction, a bit like changing the ammunition to a bigger calibre. It feels very dishonest and manipulative now, and thanks for bringing your light to what is going on here.

    1. It is interesting that we often feel someone else’s voice will come with a greater authority than our own and that we have been brought up to believe this or that person is who we should listen to when all along the greatest authority is inside each of us. I also find it somewhat comical that we dismiss the voice of children when often they are the wisest and most loving in the room. Never have I met a child who has not been considerate of the all, yet I have met plenty an adult who is all about themselves.

  146. The difference between reverence of the truth and ones own deeply felt (embodied) truth is a huge distinction to make. The former may appear to be honourable while the latter is honouring of another’s expression, a confirmation that the truth can be shared and never owned.

  147. i realised recently that I have often used the ‘ so and so said ……..’ To back up what I was saying as I didn’t feel that they would believe it from me. this is changing and as much as it is sometimes challenging, it feels true to express from me without concern what the reaction or judgement may be.

    1. I feel there is an element of distrust that we feel in these circumstances, but rather than commit to building consistency in our own expression which allows others to trust us, we defer to someone else’s expression to ‘back us up’ in order for people to trust what we are saying. But doesn’t this just serve to deepen the distrust that is already there? It is really up to us to be as consistent in our expression of truth as possible, therefore the need to bring in another’s expression is not there anymore.

      1. Yes I agree Robyn. Sometimes there is self-doubt for me, so to get another’s “back up” let’s me feel “I’m ok” or “I’m right”. It’s not about being right though, but connecting to the truth within.

  148. Words are so very easy to use, but when they are not known through having lived what the words represent, they can’t represent the person speaking. If I say “we fly to the moon” as a representative of the human race this may be a true statement, but it has no truth for me as I don’t fly to the moon, I have no involvement in flying to the moon, and I personally feel it to be a waste of money. If I say “I enjoy walking outdoors and feeling the fresh air on my face”, it is my lived experience and the truth of that statement can be felt in a committed and absolute way.

  149. Great question you ask Dianne “How often in life have we used what another person said to validate our expression because we didn’t feel we were enough?” Far too often is my reply and I’m sure it would be the same for most of us. Gosh I still cringe sometimes when I think of how, in my early days at Unimed, I would enthusiastically share what little I could remember of what Serge had spoken about with family and friends with a huge dose of ‘Serge said’ peppered throughout. Fortunately, I heard myself (and noticed ‘that look’ on the face opposite me) and became aware of the fact that I was not actually living what I was speaking about so, despite my enthusiasm, I felt an emptiness afterwards.

    1. Me too, Tamara. Thank goodness we stopped ourselves before we alienated our friends and family too much! Now that is exactly the opposite of what “Serge says”!!

  150. Dianne, I love the way you listen to Serge Benyahon but do not repeat what he says until you can feel it as an absolute truth within you and therefore can express it in your own way. A true scientific experiment!

  151. It’s a point well made Dianne that we need to always be discerning of the truth, or not as the case may be, in any written or spoken word or expression. And to not rely on any another to do this for us.

  152. We can use what other people have said as a weapon and avoidance tactic – blaming them for when things aren’t right instead of looking at the possibility that what they have said is simply exposing how we are living and it is our own past choices that have caused our current problems.

  153. I remembering Serge said once: “Please, don’t say ‘Serge said…’ “….
    I personally can feel how much ‘giving up on responsibility’ can sit in this ‘too’ word. Ouch.

    1. Yes, and it is also disempowering to refer to say what someone else has said, instead of connecting to what you know as being true and speaking. There is a natural authority that comes with speaking with what you know as being true.

  154. I lately was able to observe and expose in me how I tend to reinterpret certain words Serge Benhayon is saying and I realize that when I carry a hurt that even if the quote is said with the same words it can carry the energy of my the hurt and as such is a reinterpretation of the truth and the words of Serge Benhayon. Thank you for bringing this topic up Dianne, in order to be able to take more responsibility for this.

  155. Serge Benhayon and all the practitioners of Universal Medicine are great sources of wisdom and can enlighten any conversation or group discussion and what they say, we could quote in their absence. But there are two things to consider – are we quoting correctly and are we delivering the quote with the same lived wisdom? It is the belief that they are needed to lead us or their words mean more than ours that stop us from actually taking the responsibility and expressing what needs to be expressed. Their bountifully glorious light is equal in us all, if we choose to live by it.

    1. “It is the belief that they are needed to lead us or their words mean more than ours that stop us from actually taking the responsibility and expressing what needs to be expressed.” I like this a lot. It encapsulates a lot of beliefs that we hold, and exposes the reality of our choices. In holding ourselves as less, it somehow gives us an ‘out’ and allows us an excuse to carry on without responsibility, still holding back the truth of what we feel for ourselves.

    2. Yes Jinya it is that lack of self appreciation and self worth that makes us feel less and that what we have to say isn’t worth very much. However the more I have worked on my quality and dealt with my lack of self worth issues the more confident and natural I feel to express in my own way.

    3. As soon as we put ourselves as less (or more) important than another we have set up the imbalance that is the source of all division and inequality in life. I feel the service of asking for advice from someone (be that a doctor, plumber, teacher, child) as an equal. Knowing our authority and wisdom and appreciating the work this other has done to arrive at a place where they have specialist information at their fingertips honours us all and establishes a sustainable, unifying foundation for humanity.

      1. Well said Matilda, completely agree. I have noticed for myself how much more connected I can feel to everyone when I am completely open and ask for advice or support from another. Asking them as an equal feels completely different to when asking them in arrogance that they have nothing to say, or asking them and dis-empowering myself, both of which creates a complete an utter separation both from myself and from them.

    4. When we are truly inspired by them, we see their light and ours as equal and make the necessary changes to be be able to live that light in it’s full expression.

  156. Dianne, from reading this, I’ve been inspired to ask myself, where in my life do I/have I deferred to another’s viewpoint so that I can spot opportunities where I can refer to my own wisdom too.

    I’ve had a habit of bestowing others with an expertise I think I’ve not got because I had less experience in some way; deferring to others in this way meant I buried my own authority. This began when I was young and realised I understood the world in a very different way to that which was being presented to me at school and home. I found out at school my understanding didn’t have currency so took it upon myself to learn the world’s ways because I wanted to survive.

    Always looking outside of myself, to others for answers has meant I walked further and further from my true wisdom which lies within. It wasn’t until I heard Serge Benhayon present on the audience discerning for themselves what he presents as being of truth or not that I started to check in with myself. I was very lost until I started choosing to check in more than check out. Connecting with and trusting I have a wisdom to express is a wonderful work in progress.

    1. Karin, it’s so easy as you say to defer to another and ignore our own wisdom, and your comment has stopped me a little. I would say I don’t outwardly defer to another but the truth I realise is not so much what I say but how I live, so often while I would categorically say that I don’t defer to someone’s view, if I’m living in a way that doesn’t honour me then I am ignoring my own wisdom – definitely one for me to look at.

      1. Monica you have highlighted here that deferring to another doesn’t just have to be a verbal so and so said. Anytime we don’t truly listen to our own inner wisdom we are denying ourselves of the opportunity to confirm how much we know. The deferral is a cover-up, a way of not wanting to feel the doubt and denial that has just been chosen.

    2. Karin, I felt truth in your expression above in response to Dianne’s blog – and I could feel myself nodding my head in some instances in recognition of my own past behaviour
      and having to accept also some present behaviour that comes from old patterns and belief systems of self doubt that still surface spasmodically. What a wondrous and glorious thing it is that we are remembering that we all have that well of ageless wisdom within if we but choose to align and speak from that place that offers such with the authority of True Love.

    3. Isn’t it funny that Serge presents that we all have the same access to wisdom and we still use him and what he said as our access to wisdom. Looks like we trust more in him than in ourselves.
      I once was saying to Serge that I now can feel the love in him – I was so happy and proud about it, expected that he will celebrate me for it – and he said: “Thats ok, you have to start with someone”.

      1. Haha… very true, Sandra. By feeling the love in Serge Benhayon we are reminded that we are this same love. It is then for us to allow ourselves to feel this rather than just defer to Serge, as it seems the majority (if not almost all) of us who know him have done at one point or another. When we do embrace this love within we are then a person that another can feel love in, and so the reflection of love continues.

      2. Yes Robyn, Serge is a role model – and we are not following him – Students of the livingness get a reflection and are a reflection of what we truly are: Love. Serge is just a bit ahead with living it in all dimensions and areas of life. By this inspiration we can claim what we are in truth back as well and inspire then others to do so. So, as you say, ‘the reflection of love continues’ and grows.

      3. Inspiring someone by how we live is so different to ‘following’ someone. My experience is that when I am inspired I am taking responsibility for myself and making changes in my life that can support me to live like the person I am inspired by but in my own way. Whereas when we ‘follow’ someone there is no responsibility being taken at all for ourselves therefore no lasting change can occur. The distinction is very clear to me and what Serge Benhayon offers is only ever by way of inspiration.

      4. Love this example Sandra and I agree we tend to give our responsibility to someone else in this case Serge. I have been preaching with words of Serge without having lived what I was telling someone else to do. Giving my power away was so easy. To trust my inner feelings is a process and will deepen the more I live what I know is true.

      5. Ah Annelies – “Giving my power away was so easy” – and it is so familiar! Like ‘normal’. The funny thing is (even it is in truth a very very sad thing) that we have to re-learn to take and express our power again. Self-empowerment is for me one of the biggest and loveliest aspects of what Serge Benhayon/Universal Medicine presents and supports.

    4. I can very much relate Karin, before meeting Serge Benhayon, I was also very lost and checked out most of my life and had no trust whatsoever in my own expression, and so I developed the habit of holding back my truth from a very young age. Reconnecting with my body and deeply caring for my body has been key in building trust with my expression, and as my trust deepens, I notice how easy it is to express myself in all areas of my life.

    5. Karin I can see similar patterns that I have had in deferring to others, because I lacked confidence or felt I did not have enough expertise. What I am realising is that simply expressing what I feel on a topic is enough, even if I’m not an expert. As you say we all have an inner wisdom and we should not negate that in ourselves or in others.

    6. Karin I can really relate to what you are saying about walking away from out true wisdom in preference to the accepted hierarchy of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom we get taught in schools. Those with a degree know more and are to be deferred to. I’m only coming to fully know the sensitivity I have to what is going on around me and that is true wisdom but I have successfully suppressed the awareness and hence expression of this for too many years. I’m looking forward to learning to trust my inner wisdom again.

  157. What you say Diane is true, most students, myself included, have used Serge Benhayon as a crutch during their development, without living it for themselves first.The point that sits with me still, is about the necessity to tweak our livingness as we evolve, I can feel how I resist making changes and it only serves to hold me back as I am not supporting or appreciating the changes I have made. I felt to quote Serge here, but nothing suitable came to mind..

    1. Well said Mark. I was once taught in school that the way to true success was to ‘stand on the shoulders of giants’, and be inspired by those before me who have built their own foundation and have done something great, which I could then build upon in my own way. I think people have bastardised this to mean stand on the shoulders of giants, with a cup of coffee in hand, the TV on and enjoy the view before you – no work required. The key to the quote is that you can only stand if you are willing to put the effort in yourself; inspiration is very different to laziness and relying on someone else’s hard earned, lived experiences and work.

      1. Also with telling us to stand on the shoulders of Giants is basically telling us to not do anything new but to work in a already corrupt system.

      2. Great point Ben. It was always interesting to see who the teachers thought were these ‘Giants’… Sometimes they were politicians, writers, poets, artists etc., and as you say this is telling us not to do anything new, but to continue with the corruption in society and follow in the footsteps of those who have been successful, not necessarily those who have lived a joyful and fulfilled life.

      3. I love this Susie, the world is constantly looking at ways to get to the next level with out the required work. I have used this way of doing (not doing) in my own life and the results have been dismal. The shortcuts don’t truly exist but in the mind of those not prepared to deeply look at that which wants them to avoid the work in the first place.

      4. True inspiration is offered when someone has breathed their own breath, walked their own path in such a way that others want to follow their example and live like them with the same commitment and dedication and love, because they can feel how true this person is.

    2. And it is disempowering for us to speak from another’s lived foundation rather than developing our own base and speaking from our body’s wisdom.

  158. Expressing from my body and all my lived experiences is far more powerful and evolutionary than when I express from my head using other’s words to try and prove a point.

    1. Same here Fransisco, when I express from my lived experience and from my body, I too find it is way more powerful and evolutionary than when I express from my head.

    2. And what exactly are we trying to prove? Truth? Truth doesn’t need to be proven. It just is!

      1. Great pick up Robyn and Francisco. Both the ‘trying’ and the ‘proving’ both feel so imposing, (loaded or forceful), possibly judgemental, and even somewhat arrogant, and more like wanting someone to see whats ‘right’ than just a simple natural truth from our own everyday experience that is delivered without need or attachment for someone to ‘get it’, or as Dianne highlights, our own identity or worth being tied up in any particular response. There is quite a lot offered in these two comments.

      2. Great point Robynjones. I can now feel clearly in my body if I’ve slipped into a familiar pattern of trying to prove something or get someone to come around to a certain point of view and it is now deeply uncomfortable. I know it’s my mind driving the conversation and not surprisingly it doesn’t flow whereas the truth expressed just resonates in my whole body.

      3. There is such a push in trying to prove – great point Robynjones. Truth just is and it can be expressed in so many ways.

    3. Yes absolutely Francisco. I found now that when I am not expressing something from my body but from a mental construct, I lose people in the conversation. When I express from my body, they are there with me.

    4. Yes, i agree. We are the authority of our lived experiences and we all have great wisdom to share.

  159. ‘Then when we quote another person who inspires us like Serge Benhayon, it is a confirmation of a shared truth for all.’ This is a lovely sentence, Dianne, as it reminds me that truth is there for all to know – it’s not someone’s intellectual property. By expressing truth we confirm what already exists within each of us.

  160. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.”
    Such an important point Dianne. When connected to our innermost wisdom is known, unlike taking for granted what people in authority say, without feeling if energetically it feels true.

    1. Yes, Lorettarapp. And conversely, when we quote another when we are disconnected to our innermost we are open for misinformation and untrue statements to be spread.

  161. To say, so and so said something, rather than expressing one’s truth allows for interpretation. This can lead to misunderstanding and the bastardisation of the truth which results in a false truth. The consequence of this leads to argument and eventually conflict as to who are the actual representatives. How many wars have been fought with each claiming to be the upholders of truth?

    1. For sure, Jonathan. We have seen how even the greatest teachings of the past, eg. of Jesus, were and still are bastardized by people mouthing the words and not living the truth of them.

  162. Dianne, what you address here is very true. I caught myself sometimes in the past, that I said “Serge said” to prove what I say. That is terrible. Much better is to connect to ourselves and the wisdom we have all inside us.

  163. What you share is great Dianne. Any expression that comes from such a concept is not authentic and has no authority, can be smelt a mile away and feels awful in our own body. When we repeat words that we have not truly felt for ourselves, that don’t come as a natural response from our knowing body, we are not coming from the intelligence of the heart, the intelligence that we all hold.

  164. As I have learnt, there is such a huge difference between living and expressing what we know to be True because it has come from us and using other people’s words to back ourselves up. It is very disempowering to do this for ourselves and I have found it is very disrespectful to the person we are refering to as they are not there to speak for themselves, giving rise for those words to be misquoted or misinterpreted. It is using another for our own gain.

  165. When I am in my authority what I know from my lived experience flows freely from my body and I can also express that ‘I do not know something exactly and will need to feel into it, or research it’ with the same authority. This is beautifully liberating compared to needing to be right or know everything or shifting my authority to another person.

  166. Thank you Dianne, your expression here is important because nothing is sustainable if it comes from another’s experience that we attempt to transplant into our own. It becomes like a foreign body that is fought against. We must make true connection with what is presented and your sharing is a pertinent reminder of that. I always find it difficult to remain on track if something is not true and I can at times take some time to assess for myself what Serge Benhayon presents. At other times it is like a light bulb moment of confirmation of what I already deeply recognise and know.

  167. This is a brilliant blog Dianne, thank you. I can only truly speak with authority if I have come to know the truth of something through my own lived experience. If it is known and lived through the body the foundation is unshakeable.
    Serge Benhayon and all he presents continually inspire me.

  168. Feeling the truth of words for ourselves, and living what we preach is part of the Way of the Livingness. Living our truth is the pull to God that others feel from one who is living their inner most.

  169. This is a dearly important subject matter to me as I can see that for much of my life I have struggled to validate my own feelings and either turned to the point of view of another or shrunken in a discussion. I can feel this happen with my explanations of how much common sense Serge Benhayon makes for me of the world and what goes on, but I know it is my responsibility and a beautiful one at that to work on expressing that in my words from what I live and what I feel.

    1. There is nothing more powerful than an individual claimed expression of a truth. A regurgitated truth from the mouth of one who has not accepted, claimed or lived that truth has zero power, no matter what the words are.

    2. Simple words in down-to-earth language mean so much more to people than any quote because they can relate to your experience and it connects them back to the way they live and they may be inspired to try out something different from seeing what has happened to you as a result of your choices. Stephen, it’s lovely how you see that it is a ‘responsibility and a beautiful one at that’.

  170. Dianne, this is such a powerfull blog. It supports everyone reading it to feel for our selves where we are still “using” another person to validate our expression because we do not feel that we are enough and where we speak from confirming through our own lived experience the truth of what has been said. How powerful to brake this pattern and express from our own lived truth.

  171. Listening to any words in the head keeps them there, bouncing around the head, that was how I used to take in most of my information, by hearing it with my ears. When we feel something within the body, it has a resonance, a vibration, a sense that causes a physical change to us. It’s a totally different experience to embody it and live it.

    1. Like you Gilrandall, I used to take in information by listening from my head. How different is it now to feel words first from the body – this not only brings a greater clarity about what is being said, but feeling in the body first allows a discernment as to whether the words come from truth and hence whether it is something we feel to embody or discard.

    2. Well said gillrandall – this is how most people are taught to deal with anything that is being expressed, to analyse it with the head and as you say the words keep ‘bouncing around’ until we find the ‘correct’ solution or response – as opposed to feeling the words from the body before we respond/express to them.

  172. I appreciate that you have pulled us up to a greater responsibility and accountability Dianne, not to use others quotes (such as Serge Benhayon or others) to prop ourselves up, and to actually test things out for ourselves. Otherwise we are simply repeating regurgitated information with no lived experience in our lives. I have found when I do this people feel my insincerity and generally react (rightly so) to the peals of wisdom (borrowed knowledge) I am spouting.

    1. Yes, Thomas, even though the original quote may have resonated with many, when we speak it as ‘borrowed knowledge ‘ it no longer carries the ring of truth. I have experienced people’s reactions when I parrot information and by contrast the profound stillness in a room when the truth speaks through me. It stops people and can touch them deeply if they let it in.

  173. You have raised and brought light to a most important point Dianne, we cannot afford to be quoting Serge Benhayon if we are only talking the talk and not walking the walk. In other words if we are not living and embodying what Serge is teaching then we are simply parroting what he says, which does great harm to the truths he is sharing with us. If we are living and embodying the teachings then is it really necessary to quote Serge as we have now made the teaching our lived experience?

  174. Thank you Dianne for your great observations, I would expect nothing less from the amazing scientist that you are. I too have observed how we can tend to look for “back up” when we express something difficult or challenging, we feel we are not enough on our own to deliver with authority what is there to be said, so instead we look around for another to support and confirm. I too have been deeply inspired by Serge Benhayon and his ability to express truth no matter what. In a world that is out of control with so much abuse, thank God for someone who is prepared to speak up no matter what, inspiring others to know it is safe to do the same.

  175. To add to that, it felt degrading in regards to myself AND the practitioner!

  176. Well presented, Diane. I usually quote Serge, and other presenters, like yourself, with the full joy of having felt the truth of what was said. But I remember, once I used a practitioner’s words to prop myself up because I felt the other person didn’t want to believe me or take me seriously, and it felt sooo degrading!

  177. Thank you Diane for this very informative blog bringing a deeper awareness to all we say an feel and how we express in this.The responsibility we all hold is enormous to connect to our innermost and express from our hearts clearly and simply with no emotions or reactions only from our lived truth. This is Beautiful and confirming.

  178. What I have come to discover is that when I learn something through an experience, and then share from this experience, it always feels good in my body, whereas if I share something I have not experienced the difference is noticed in my body and normally because I have an investment, and as soon as I have an investment, my expression changes and no longer is my true expression.

    1. That’s true, as soon as we want someone to ‘get it’ we impose something on another and they are likely to close up and not be able to receive what we are trying to convey. It doesn’t feel good in the body – it’s like we have tried to give someone something and we’re left holding it because they haven’t taken it, but we didn’t look first to see if it was something they needed.

  179. Nearly always I have been able to connect with what Serge Benhayon has spoken of even though at times it has stirred up things that I have chosen to not do or deal with and this can leave me squirming in my seat. There are a lot of aha moments for me in what he presents and if there are times when at first I don’t understand it, when I am honest with myself there is always a reflection for me to feel not long after, that leaves me seeing for myself the truth in what he has spoken of. But of profound confirmation of everything that Serge Benhayon has presented, has been the Science course I have been attending being run by the College of Universal Medicine. It has proven beyond doubt that the universe works by everything working together. The order and harmony in which the universe is forever evolving is reflecting to us true brotherhood. Everything and everyone has there own individual and equal responsible role to play no matter how much we may deny it. As we are all part of this glorious universe, is there any wonder that to go against this amazing and beautiful magnetic pull, causes so much stress and anxiety in our bodies leading to exhaustion, illness and disease amongst us humans on this planet earth.

    1. Beautifully said Deidre.
      I too am a student of ‘Modern Science Meets the Ancient Wisdom’, brilliantly presented by Dianne Trussell for COUM and I have also been astonished at the revelations of the nature of the universe, most if not all of which correlate perfectly with the presentations of the Ancient Wisdom by Serge Benhayon, a man with no scientific background whatsoever but clearly living a connection so profound that he is able to transcend academic learning by intimately connecting to the very source of the perceptible creation.
      Your reading of the consequences of resisting/opposing this stupendous rhythmic flow that forms ourselves, our world and beyond is to me, spot on.

    2. Great comment Deirdre, I can vouch for the science course also and am learning just how impersonal energy is. I love this “It has proven beyond doubt that the universe works by everything working together. The order and harmony in which the universe is forever evolving is reflecting to us true brotherhood. Everything and everyone has there own individual and equal responsible role to play no matter how much we may deny it.” It is when we fight this and take things personally that we end up in the mess you described so beautifully in your closing sentence that is so worth repeating here.,” As we are all part of this glorious universe, is there any wonder that to go against this amazing and beautiful magnetic pull, causes so much stress and anxiety in our bodies leading to exhaustion, illness and disease amongst us humans on this planet earth.” Well said.

  180. “It’s fine to put forth the possibility that what someone else said is worth looking at and may be gobsmackingly, world-changingly true, as long as we are the ‘marker of truth’ ourselves – we are speaking from the fullness of our self-love and confidence and what feels true to us regardless of who said what.” – This is exactly it Dianne, and how obvious is it when people do repeat what they have heard yet have not embraced as their own truth and live it in daily life, one can feel this in both accounts.

  181. Using others to validate ourselves has been going on for a long time and it is really great to read a blog about how it cannot and does not work. What I have noticed is that it usually causes a massive reaction in whoever is on the other end of it. It is a deeply dishonest way of relating.
    From the first time I met Serge Benhayon I saw how he encouraged people to put his teachings to the test, to try them out for themselves and see and feel if they worked or not. This was new to me as in my life and especially my university training you could barely write a sentence without having to quote someone else that thought like you did! I certainly was never taught to re-connect to my own knowing. So it was refreshing to have someone like Serge Benhayon encourage me to not believe him but to simply try it out for myself and then have it as my own truth whatever I found. This is the way of the future, the true education of the future.

    1. Very well said, Elizabeth. To honour the inner knowing we all have and support us to re-connect to it is definitely the way forward. Universal Medicine presents a true educational model for the future, as you so rightly say.

    2. Wow super powerful Elizabeth. So true that we have been taught to give our power away to look for others to tell us what to think, in science today if you try and introduce a new concept/idea you are shot down and asked for “evidence” and “proof” imagine if science was always like that, I wonder where we would be today – the great philosophers would definitely not stand a chance.

  182. Meeting Serge Benhayon has allowed me the opportunity to develop an intimate relationship with myself and what feels true for me, I no longer live my life being complacent to others but have learnt and continue to learn to honour the wisdom within me.

    1. Me too Francisco, and learning how to honour the wisdom within has been an incredible gift in regards to boosting my confidence, self-esteem, authenticity, humility, health, wellbeing and lifestyle. What a gift.

  183. We also give our power away when others bully or say terrible things about us and we take it on as a truth. I know I’ve done that in the sense that I’ve taken on a negative thing that someone has said and given the authority for the truth about me over to them. What a game we play when we give our power away instead of trusting the truth we know within.

    1. Absolutely Melinda – to give our power away definitely is a game, one that I have have played a lot in my life.

  184. This is a great point of reflection you make here Dianne, about flying another’s flag to push a point or with lack of authority and claiming of your own lived experiences. I know from the past that when I did want someone else to get what I was saying from my arrogance, they never got the message because they were too busy trying to deflect the energy coming at them with no lived truth in it. Not very nice to feel.

    1. So true Julie, I’ve had the same experience when trying to prove a point from my arrogance. There is a major difference when the words are spoken from a known truth. Instead of having to deflect energy those listening can align to it.

  185. This was a most needed expose of ‘Serge Benhayon said…’ and ‘whoever said’…you honestly reveal the underlying play that is going on when we use another’s name to give weight to, or ‘back up’ what we are saying, as if what we are sharing from us ‘is not enough’ and so forth. But the danger here in particular to Serge Benhayon is that is can be misquoted, misinterpreted, misrepresented, not necessarily that being our intention but nevertheless can be the case. I know I’ve done it – ‘Serge said’ and more than once.

    BUT as you state Dianne
    ‘Then when we quote another person who inspires us like Serge Benhayon, it is a confirmation of a shared truth for all.’ and its from our place of our own lived experience and then it becomes a truth…

    1. Yes I agree Karoline, one real danger in using another’s name to prop up, back up our own ‘story’ is it doesn’t fully represent or honour the truth it has been originally delivered in and leaves an opening for it to be misinterpreted, this is deeply disrespectful of the person… as in “Serge said”.

      1. So true, it will never fully represent the truth it has been originally delivered in – something to truly be conscious of.

  186. “I fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within,” – how differently we experience life when we trust our own knowing, and this is what Serge Benhayon encourages us to do, to be empowered. Thank you Dianne for your enlightening blog.

  187. So many times in the past have I used what authoritative figures including Serge have said to get across a point when I am not actually in the livingness of what I was trying to put across. This can often sound thin in substance, unbelievable and easy to put up an argument and disagree.

    1. Love your honesty kevmchardy. What’s more, by doing this we (I have often done it) are actually pushing the listener away from the truth. Because, even if what we are saying is true, they will feel the lack of livingness of what we are saying, and it won’t feel like a truth to them. This is a big responsibility that we need to accept.

      1. I agree kevmchardy and ottobathurst – it doesn’t matter how ‘true’ the words are, if they are not coming from a lived experience they won’t be received. This is certainly a big responsibility for everyone to acknowledge and to the best of our ability apply in our daily lives.

    2. Well said Kevmchardy, and also when we speak like that it feels like an imposition on the other person which makes them react or fight it as it is simply not coming from our lived experience.

      1. Yes! Agree Francisco. How often have I said something to someone..they haven’t heard it or haven’t changed their behaviour or opinion…but then when someone else expresses exactly the same thing…boom! they hear it. That has happened to me often! Exact proof that they way I was expressing it was loaded in some way, thus even though the words themselves may have been true, the expression of it was not the truth. Fascinating.

  188. Thanks Dianne for writing about this. It feels really important to express this, particularly with the media criticising students of The Way of The Livingness as being brainwashed and unable to think for ourselves. I too have had moments of wanting to ignore what Serge has said – or feeling completely furious about it! – only later to have felt in my body that what he actually presented was true. And I’ve had many moments where what he has presented has been so welcomed, a breath of fresh air, what I’d been waiting my whole life to hear – where every part of my body said ‘yes, this is truth’. I have also been known to quote Serge when I haven’t felt able to stand in my own authority – so it was beautiful to read this blog to remind myself that I don’t need to quote anyone, if I feel it – that is enough.

  189. So well said Dianne, I know I myself have been someone to say Serge said in order to justify or prove myself to others and it’s so obvious… People don’t feel the authority when that is said, they don’t feel a confidence so of course they are not going to strive to be like me in that moment or have a pull to really listen deeply. What you have exposed is massive and definitely something I am going to sit with some more. Thank you

  190. That makes me go truly deep in the truth that I live in my life, and that only I can qualify the truth I live and say to another; from living it from my own heart first.
    Thanks Dianne.

  191. When someone speaks something that is registered as truth the world stops. We may like it or not, but when truth is spoken there is no margin to keep going. So truth is not about who said it. It is about what is true.Yet, we can still manage to play games with truth by turning into right and wrong: e.g., Serge said this so what you are doing, saying, thinking is wrong. This is a way to bastardise truth and to avoid what is really crucial, that is to build your own authority on a matter.

    1. Eduardo I love how clearly and simply you have encapsulated what Dianne has stated in your own words from your own truth. It really comes down to the energy behind the words and the intention from that, which is either to advance the truth with ones own unique expression, or to cover it or redefine it from one’s own sense of self protection. I particularly appreciate how Dianne has not made it a blatant should or shouldn’t quote another person, but to be accountable to ones own true expression first.

    2. Yes, I love this Eduardo. Right and wrong will never bring us closer to truth – only delay us in taking responsibility and making life about the things that truly evolve us – truth and love.

  192. So may times I have heard Serge Benhayon say something along the lines of – ‘ Don’t take my word for it, you have test it out for yourself and make it something you know from your own lived experience…’ That has always struck me as something integral to my own learning and understanding – and that fact that it is offered but Serge has always blown me away. For the most part – from a very young age we simply get told ‘ this is how you do this – and that’s just the way it is. I know for me at school we were certainly told that this is the way it is – learn it and that’s it. In the past 6 years with the support and wonderful unfolding that occurs with Universal Medicine events, workshops, courses and the incredible understanding of life offered by Serge Benhayon, I can say without hesitation that I know more about myself, the world, my relationships, life, love, expression, what supports my health, my wellbeing and the meaning of being ‘successful’ and so many other things than I could have ever been taught. Serge has taught me to know myself – and therefore know truth from myself – never from another’s (not even his) point of view.

    Now that is education.

    1. Thank you Simplesimon888, you’ve highlighted for me the role education has played in my life to give my power away, to accept that “this is the way it is”, and not test things out for myself. In school anyone who didn’t fit and accept the prescribed “mould” was called a rebel, a bad seed, or a disruption. There was a negative connotation to anyone who refused to swallow and live the prescribed “truth”. In fact, even questioning things got students in trouble. Even being labelled a “free thinker” suggested a person was either somehow dangerous to society or living on the fringes and not to be taken seriously. My education was a breeding ground for apathy, complacency and disempowerment instead of encouraging me to become a kind of scientist of life testing things out for myself. Serge Benhayon is definitely the first person I’ve met that says “don’t take my word for it, you feel for yourself” etc.

      1. I agree Melinda and Simon, I remember in school how confusing it was that my body knew it wasn’t truth, yet was being told it was. It’s this type of education that seeded a lot of self doubt in me. Serge Benhayon is an educator that comes from his truth and allows the student to feel the power they hold in their own body to know the truth. For many students of Universal Medicine in this life it’s the first taste of true education.

    2. Education in truth, for sure Simon! The best teachers empower the students, and Serge is the most empowering teacher I know and a role model for how true education can be.

    3. Great share simplesimon888, that truly is education, and all that you describe is the same education I too have received through workshops, presentations, courses etc from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

    4. Imagine if teachers opened the lesson with “I’m going to present something to you today, but don’t take my word for it…..” Imagine how that would empower the pupils to be themselves and to claim their own truths. Imagine also the relationship of trust that it would build between pupil and teacher.

      1. Ottobathurst considering that phrase coming from a teacher is music to my heart “I’m going to present something to you today, but don’t take my word for it…..” I could never understand why people kept saying school days are the best years of your life, because although I love learning everything about school felt heavy and imprisoning. That invitation of “don’t take my word for it” which invites you to join in as an equal and build your own relationship with the information presented, just like Serge Benhayon has been inviting when he presents, would make school be so much more fun, interesting and empowering.

      2. What a different footing that would give to a child’s lessons Otto, great question. I can see that many teachers might find that really threatening because so much is invested in the teacher being the person who knows and uses this position to control the class. If a lesson were approached in this way, the teacher and pupil become equal, even though there is a huge age gap. What is clear from my own experience is that we elicit much more from children and people when we are on an equal footing, it supports us to engage and share what we feel because it is being regarded as important and essential. Communicating in this way definitely builds trust and confidence both within ourselves and between each other, surely the most essential ingredient for strong healthy relationships.

      3. Rowenakstewart – what you say about teachers finding it threatening is very true. I would add that there is another factor at play here. Teachers are under such enormous pressure from the government curriculums and external pressures of grades – so much so that now I believe that teachers pay in some schools is related to the performance of the children!! This is so insane and creates such a pressurised environment and IMMENSE tension for the teachers. A hideous way to have to work – and the very last way to encourage any kind of open, flexible debate or nurtured equality between teacher and pupil. It becomes all about forcing the facts in to the childrens’ heads so that they can be reproduced on some exam and boxes can be ticked, protocols adhered to and benchmarks achieved. All at the total abandonment of the individual child and the innate wisdom that they already have. It’s crazy what we are doing to the next generation.

      4. “Children and adults are equal”. “Hurray! Something I learnt from a french school program for children between the ages of 11 and 15 a long time ago, I always wanted to believe it because of the integrity of the person who told me. It’s great to get some confirmation.

    5. As I drove home from work one day last week I realised that I have always struggled with understanding anything that I cannot feel in my body. At school it meant I questioned my level of intelligence as others seemed to be able to get things I couldn’t. I now know that when someone tried to tell me something from their head, with no lived experience in their body it was just empty to me and this is true to this day. I fully agree with what you express here Simon – that true education is education that supports us to know ourselves and in this there is true authority. What a glorious thing education will become in the the future, when this knowing is embraced by humanity.

  193. Your blog has reflected exactly how I can give my power away. Allowing another to be better than me when in actual fact we are all equal. We can elevate others at the same time as put ourselves down, creating a greater divide in an already separated world. There is enough that is designed to try and pull us away from ourselves and then we make it even easier by doing it to ourselves as well.

    1. Yes, by using others authority instead of our innate wisdom, we are in fact reducing ourselves, ‘We can elevate others at the same time as put ourselves down’.

  194. William your comment brings to mind an experience of 18 years ago when I was visiting a guru’s ashram in India. The guru (dead) was known to often say to not just believe things because he said them, but find the truth for yourself. Now here’s the thing: they were the right words, BUT….. For one thing, I observed many people just taking them on as their truth because the guru said them but without feeling the truth of it in their own bodies. For another thing, I could feel the energy of that guru and knew that he was confident (smugly so) that people would do just that – accept all his ‘right’ words with their minds not their whole bodies, and promote him without first feeling the energy beneath them. Sprung, by energy! And the big difference with Serge Benhayon is that I can feel the truth of the energy beneath his words, and that he means what he says, with unmatchable integrity. Confirmed, by energy! I say with no reservation that Serge Benhayon is the greatest teacher I have had in this life, and I will go on learning from him for as long as I draw breath…..

    1. Agreed Dianne, ‘I say with no reservation that Serge Benhayon is the greatest teacher I have had in this life, and I will go on learning from him for as long as I draw breath…..’, what he says resonates and makes sense at a very deep level.

  195. Great observation Dianne, I can get that.. It’s like when someone wants someone else to believe or see something as right they will bring in a ‘higher’ person with an authority whom they see as indisputable. That way the person is bound to accept what they are saying…Rather then just saying what needs to be said with their authority and being unattached to the other person accepting it or not.

  196. When I express something that I have truly lived and comes from that livingness in me I can feel it in my body as I express. I then express with a confidence and a knowing and no questioning.

    1. Absolutely Denise and then there is no need (need being the operative word) to quote anyone said…

    2. I agree Denise, when spoken from my body as my own lived experience the words flow easily, there is a knowing behind what is said, and there is no hesitation in replying to questions asked, as all the answers are already within me. Being my own experience is what gives authority and truth to what I say, and a true confidence in expressing it.

    3. Absolutely Denise – to express from what is truly lived is simply to confirm what we already know, this does indeed come with a confidence.

    4. I agree Denise and Karoline, it feels so different to express from your own lived truth. Because even when it is true what you repeat from someone else’s livingness, it is empty when you express this through a body that is not living this truth and just repeats this from your mind. Thank you Dianne for this huge and important wake-up call.

  197. Quoting for confirmation of a truth that is for all, and known within us all, is certainly a new concept for our world, Diane. Having ridden the academic merry go round a couple of times, I have had the experience of becoming frustrated at having to quote multiple experts. However, this nevertheless had an effect since I, at times, observe within myself a need to have my feelings / observations validated by another, rather than relying on my own truth.
    What I love about Serge Benhayon is that, if I try pull that one on him, he does not engage with it, and encourages me to trust my own feelings – a hugely far cry from the academic world’s battle cry of, “Where is your expert backing?”
    I find it abhorrent that in the real world ( like in my profession of teaching) we are not supposed to make any pedagogical moves without reference to an expert. 20 year experience of teaching? That’s seen as nothing – your practice has to be based on what has been studied, in a reductionist fashion, as you say, by someone who may never have actually been inside a classroom or engaged with children!
    That is way beyond madness: that is disrespectfully absurd and is based on mental constructs having dominance over living, breathing human beings and what they experience daily.
    Hmmmm…can of worms opened here, Diane….

    1. So true Coleen. The true evidence is within and can be connected to in stillness, some times we are the stumbling block as we hesitate to to believe in what comes to us.

    2. Beautifully expressed Coleen. I’ve been teaching adults for over ten years now and I know there is no substitute for speaking from lived experience. Quoting the research of others does not convince anybody of anything but listening to someone who has experienced what they are sharing reaches deep into the awareness of the audience. Serge Benhayon is a case in point here as a man who lives and breathes what he presents. Your ‘That is way beyond madness…’ statement is spot on. Worms everywhere!!

  198. What a gorgeous blog Dianne.

    ‘And so, in my view, to fly those people like a flag instead of using our own authority, propping up our lack of self-worth and filling in for our fearful reluctance to express what we do actually know, is not a true approach.’

    When we ‘flag fly’ others not only is this abusive but we seem to give our power away. Rather then connecting with the truth, feeling the authority of THAT in our bodies and then simply expressing this in our OWN words, we quote someone else.

    As the listener it’s much easier to hear someone speak from their own lived experience than it is to hear us quoting another.

    1. Yes, I agree Kathryn and I love this Dianne. If we deeply feel something to be true, we have the authority to speak it so from our own lived experience. It goes to show just how far we have gone from living and expressing the enormity of what we know within in our daily interactions – and instead have resorted to a life of intellectual recall of knowledge.

    2. The part you’ve highlighted Kathrynfortuna is great. I have certainly done this in the past. I find when I share from my lived experience, it’s real and it’s relatable but when I am quoting from someone else’s words it’s because I have not yet understood it or lived what I am trying to express. It’s like I am scrambling for information as back up to prove a point. This blog is awesome, it exposes what I have been doing which I have not given much attention to. It also inspires me to be super aware to not giving my power away and to connect to my body to discern for myself what is truth.

  199. Thanks, Dianne. You’ve given me a great wake-up call in claiming my own authority. As I was reading, I realised I had ever so subtly introduced the name of someone whose opinion on any subject would be naturally accepted into a difficult conversation I had to have earlier today, just to make the message more credible and palatable. Time to start speaking ‘from the fullness of our self-love and confidence and what feels true to us’ rather than disregarding my own power by propping it up with someone else’s. A great learning – thanks again.

    1. Me too, I can see very clearly where I don’t claim my own authority and know what is true for myself. I also have this pattern of wanting others to join me in my truth so to speak, so that I am not alone. I am looking for support, but this does not show true authority either, as I don’t trust myself and what I feel in full.

    2. A great wakeup call indeed, I agree. I tend to quote and use other’s names in conversation when I feel I’m ‘losing the argument’.. If I think what I’m saying doesn’t have enough ‘cred’ to win my point across, then I’ll throw in ‘but so and so said this!’ – it’s a total abuse of power, and I definitely need to claim my own authority too.

      1. Yes Susie I have done a similar thing where I bring in a person of “importance” so to speak to back up what I am saying when I feel I am losing ground in a conversation. For me this is happening because I am lacking confidence. And it is true what you have said Susie “a total abuse of power” instead of claiming the power within.

      2. Absolutely Anne. Isn’t it funny how we quote others thinking they are people of ‘importance’, when they probably are doing the same thing with us. Really we are all equally ‘important’, and equally have the right to claim our point, express and have an opinion.

      3. I need to claim my own authority too Susie. When I think about it the times I feel my authority ‘en force’ I am always in conscious presence, my mind and body is in the same place at the same time, therefore conscious presence is something to develop consistency with in order to claim our authority.

    3. Great line Cathy Hackett: ” …disregarding my own power by propping it up with someone else’s”, how often do we use another as a prop to leverage our own currency, credibility, or sense of importance, particularly in the workspace, in other words ‘name drop’. ‘Importance by association’ being totally dishonouring of a person’s own self-value.

    4. Oh yes Cathy this blog is indeed a great wake up call. I have been a prolific name user in the past to give weight to or prove a point. So many of us feel and know the power of the conviction and the knowingness from within and yet because of choosing to go under the flag of someone else whom we have decided is ‘superior’ in expression, we end up not expressing with ‘the fullness of our self-love and confidence’ and instead we deliver something that has the right words but as far as the energy behind it is concerned it is empty and missing any true reflection.

    5. Cathy thats made me consider deeper on the fact that in my understanding of science you have to quote and reference others to bring credibility to what you say. So not only does this happen in day-to-day conversations where if challenged on a topic I find that I can use the name or reference of another to re-buff the challenge or get my point across but its promoted throughout education. Time to re-claim my truth and confidence in that.

  200. There is a definite difference between knowing something as your truth or a shared truth and being content with that, or bypassing the possibility that you also know equally to another and have an equal connection to the truth and then standing behind another using the words ” Someone says…” because we are too shaky to trust ourselves. It’s a great blog examining our relationship to the truth, I look forward to reading this again.

    1. I agree Melinda, if we do not know something to be true within our bodies we cannot really go anywhere with it because it is not lived. I can now see, feel and recognise this from what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present, as well as students of the Livingness, because they live what they know to be true within. Hence the importance of re-connecting to the wisdom and love within for ourselves that resides in us all.

      1. Yes. It feels ok to me to share what someone else says in the form of a point to ponder. As long as it’s not claimed as my own knowing if it is not so.

      1. Yes, spot on Anne McRitchie and Melinda Knights, When we share from our lived experience, it is spoken with natural authority, no push and with no need for another to ‘get it’ . It is confirming to hear yourself share what you know as true, and has no expectation or outcome attached.

  201. This is very needed – thank you Diane for your deep wisdom and allowing to fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within, not just making assumptions and going along in momentum.

  202. Thank you Dianne, there are some great points you have raised here, Serge Benhayon has always encouraged others to develop a relationship with their bodies so they can live life knowing what their truth is and not from a mental perspective which might sound good but only creates confusion and complication.

    1. Absolutely Francisco. Serge even teaches how damaging it is for our own development to ride off the lived truth of others, without daring to discover it from within. How deeply brotherly of him.

    2. Yes Francisco that is one of the very integral qualities of Serge Benhayon ‘…..has always encouraged others to develop a relationship with their bodies so they can live life knowing what their truth is…’ and that is why Dianne is able to write such an expose.

      If this was not true about Serge Benhayon this blog could not have been written.

    3. Yes, he has Francisco. Although we are taught from an early age how to remember and regurgitate sayings, facts and figures, what Serge specifically has said time and time again is that this is not living the truth, only saying words that might be true in themselves, but have no power to them unless the truth behind them is lived. And if the truth is lived the words come out differently than how they were first delivered, because they are your words and your truth. Not someone else’s.

  203. Diana, thank you for unfolding all these in relation to our expression, specially after having met Serge Benhayon and his teachings.
    Everything that you have mentioned here, I have experienced in different measures, and not just from others, but from myself, quite shameful. But nothing is best clearly see and nominate what is going on, so those of us who are willing to be honest and pull back from any of these behaviours that come from “personal issues, emptyness and lack of self worth” will prove amazingly healing and even empowering, because we get to identify when we slip into any of these and then go back to self-respect and self-love, from which we can truthfully express and with the authority of our hearts again.
    I really love how you have exposed many things in relation to knowledge, corroboration, referencing, authority, in relation to Serge`s great teachings.
    For anyone like me, who has been struggling to organize, understand and unfold more about my own experience with expression, and have had to face huge mistakes while learning to express between the impulses that come from my heart, and those that come from the need to be validated, acknowledge and so on, this blog is such a huge, huge support.Thank you. I will come back to it again and again, until my stubborn spirit gets it. 😉

  204. “I’ve seen people come out with “Serge Benhayon said” spoken with reverence of the truth but not yet of their own deeply felt and known truth”. This hits home as I have definitely used Serge or other practitioner´s comments to empower my talk in the eyes of other people. I did have reverence for the truth but did not claim it as my own, needed that little bit extra support. I even said to a friend who was anxious the other day: “they do a walk that can help you”. I now reading your blog, can´t wait to see her and say: “I do a walk that can help you, do you want me to show you”

    1. I too have quoted Serge and others usually because I haven’t fully connected to the truth of what I’m trying to express and therefore can’t quite put it into words. So then a quote can just be empty words to the listener and they will not grasp the depth of what was originally said if it is not being spoken with the energy that it was originally delivered in. Also it often does not come with the same authority as when we speak the truth from a knowing within ourselves. Yet were we to share from our lived experience, like you juliamanbos with your walk, then it can inspire others if they are open to it.

  205. A brilliant blog Dianne, what you have said here is pure gold ‘It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.’ Serge Benhayon always emphasizes that he does not want ‘yes’-students, on the contrary he wants us to challenge his teachings and to take away what he presents and only ever apply or share what is felt to be true to us.

    1. Eva what you have shared is true and that really shows the integrity Serge Benhayon holds and commitment for the students to connect to their own power of who they are as you stated Serge Benahyon ‘…….always emphasises that he does not want ‘yes’-students, on the contrary he wants us to challenge his teachings and to take away what he presents and only ever apply or share what is felt to be true to us.

  206. I love what you have presented here, whilst reading I could feel in my body where I have either in the past given my power away to others thinking they know better than me or been lazy and not been bothered to test and feel the truth for myself as you have done. What you have presented is really important.

    1. Hear, hear Vicky I know this one too and more and more am deepening my awareness and appreciation of being open to discern, feel and claim what is true for me. Serge Benhayon just keeps bringing it, do my checks and yep hes right again!

    2. Thank you Vicky – I too have often, through laziness, not bothered to ‘feel the truth for myself’. I have wanted a short term fix and not surprisingly these short term fixes cannot be sustained. As my self esteem and self love grow I am becoming more willing to give myself the time to explore life for myself, and I am learning that this path is sustaining and filling me with wonderment and amazement as I realise and begin to understand all the great wonders of our universe. This way of life is truly living life and not existing on the periphery as I have done for so long. I now have a sense of feeling life as it happens and embracing life fully and joy-fully.

    3. I agree Vicky, I have done the same thing in the past. I have been so shut off that I don’t even bother to ponder upon information that I received as being truth or not. I was living in a way that I wasn’t even hearing what I was receiving, I was just zoning out to a lot of things. I was not willing to see what was actually going on or take responsibility. Now, I am starting to open my eyes as well as my senses to learn to feel for myself what is truth or not. Dianne’s blog is an awesome reminder for me to not give my power away but to know that I have the ability to discern truth and to express it.

  207. We are all living life, so we do have the authority to speak on may subjects, although knowledge may be lacking in some areas – e.g. the intricate workings of nerve synapses or the endocrine system. The authority stems from living life and knowing, perhaps even by the smallest margin, that our reality is not congruent with the truth that dwells within, and anyone can do this whether they do the esoteric work or not.

    1. Well said Jinya, it is not only the people who attend Universal Medicine events that have access to greater wisdom. Anyone can choose to feel that we have a greater capacity for love and that we are currently not living anywhere near this capacity. It is quite easy to fall into thinking that the esoteric community has all the answers, when actually the answers are available to anyone should they choose to connect to their inner heart.

      1. So true Rebecca, this is a great point, ‘ It is quite easy to fall into thinking that the esoteric community has all the answers, when actually the answers are available to anyone should they choose to connect to their inner heart.’ This is lovely, I do fall into this trap and it is very arrogant, we are all equal, esoteric student or not and we can all access the greater wisdom if we so choose.

    2. This is so true Jinya Mizuno!, no member of humanity is excluded from the truth that dwells within.

  208. Dianne Trussell said…………….”Once upon a time the part of me that had not let go of the ‘belief’ aspect of reductionist science was a bit rattled by some of the things Serge Benhayon said. But over the years as my own inner wisdom and sense of truth have grown, the things Serge says have gone from ‘rattling’ to ‘hypothesis’ to “darn, that guy’s right again!”………….and I must say that I personally can very easily fall into the very trap that is being exposed here, of blindly following ‘authority figures’ and accepting their pronouncements by virtue of the fact that they have done a fair bit more research than the man on the Clapham omnibus! However, the reason for that must be that I, like almost everybody else, have developed a protective carapace, after years of exposure to a variety of self-styled ‘gurus’ and con-men and the general vagaries of everyday life as we know it! The massive portal that has opened in our understanding, as a result of the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, has resulted in a slowly developing ability to ‘bypass’ the head and thinking process that we have become so used to falling-back upon, and an embracing of our inner-selves and its massive store of ancient wisdom. When I now say….”Serge Benhayon said so and so”…. the energy behind the statement is not of the self-validating insecure variety but on the contrary, it is driven by a powerful inner force that has been ‘awakened’ by a new-found self-love.

    1. Beautifully said, Jonathan. Re-establishing a relationship with ourselves and re-connecting to the vast source of inner knowing that we have shut down for too long, is a powerful process of awakening, and Serge Benhayon is simply an amazing reflection of who we are and the grandness of what we are a part of.

    2. Great comment Jonathan, the truth as spoken by Serge Benhayon has eaten away at that protective (?) carapace. I felt the truth of his words with every bone in my body the first time I heard him, and now have a bench mark for all that I hear. And most of what I hear makes me question ‘what is really going on here?’ because it doesn’t feel like that truth, and with that awakened self love, I am able to say so.

    3. Beautifully put Jonathan and a comment that clearly demonstrates the immense power of by-passing the head and all we have been taught to believe and allowing ourselves to feel the truth resonating in our bodies. We (us and our bodies) are our own universities of wisdom, Serge Benhayon has just been studying in his for a little longer than most of us, (by a few thousand years) so when he imparts information and wisdoms they come from a source that is common to all of us, our physical bodies and their connection with immense and awesome knowing of nature and the universe we live in. By passing the head and feeling the body does allow us to access a tremendous power, which can never be matched by the intellect however much we invest in it.

    4. This is beautiful Jonathan, ‘When I now say….”Serge Benhayon said so and so”…. the energy behind the statement is not of the self-validating insecure variety but on the contrary, it is driven by a powerful inner force that has been ‘awakened’ by a new-found self-love.’ I absolutely concur.

  209. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves” – this is pure gold, Dianne. If we settle for less than the truth of what we feel inside and become complacent in our lives, we are not honouring the all-knowing source that we come from, as Serge does and fully embraces every day.

    1. Beautifully said Janet. The connection to this ‘all knowing source that we come from’ is constantly ‘live’. Complacency is not, it is resting the laurels of a connection that’s aready complete, gone. By simply staying connected to this source we can choose to evolve with it.

  210. Dianne, your article just comes in the right moment, when it is about selfworth. To use the ‘Serge said ‘ quote is sometimes wrongly used to confirm selfworth, in truth it is to confirm once attitude to be right versus being wrong and as such it shows there is no selfworth if it is used in the wrong sense.

  211. Dianne – what an amazing blog presented from love with a scientific perspective to read and feel the truth of your words regarding the use of “….. said”.
    You are so inspiring to see and listen to on stage – I am ‘glued to my seat’ wanting to hear more about science and physics from you as you make it is so accessible, real and fun and more importantly it makes total sense, which when felt as a resonance in my body (my own very personal science laboratory) I know is true in my own experience and to be further tested in my life to live from it.
    a post script – Dianne the changes in you are so apparent and more profound every time I see you. To me, You are total proof of how science explored from Love (as presented by Serge Benhayon) bring mind, body and Soul together in harmonic resonance. You look absolutely gorgeous, emanating such deep grace and your inner beauty shining out for all to enjoy. Thank you – with love and appreciation for all that you bring to the world.

  212. Yes why do we need to quote another to make weight of what we are saying. I have been calling out the Serge said for a while now. If you cannot claim it yourself then maybe it is not worth saying.

  213. Dianne this it a great correction and revelation about using another’s truth to validate our own, when we have not in truth lived it yet. I have been guilty of this and as the days pass so too does my authority evolve back to what it once was. Thank you Dianne and you are looking gorgeous in you photo. A testament to the authority of truth and love that you are living.

  214. What you have expressed here Dianne is so true and wise.
    Thank you for your analysis from a true scientific and energetic perspective.
    “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves”.
    What an awesome purpose for life you have highlighted in this quote.

  215. A lot of people who have their rigid mind made up by protecting some hurt or fear can always find some authority to justify their stance in an effort to shut down anybody who wants to look deeper into it.
    The more I observe life, my own behavior, and that of others I have come to realize What Serge says is true, not just because he says so but because there is no better explanation for what I see, so that is how I understand the world.

  216. Yeah I totally agree Kristy. Serge has a way of bringing science and other topics to life – relating it all back to our everyday living so that its not just dead and boring theory and knowledge but something that is alive… Living science.

  217. This article is awesome, and something that needs to be talked about. I totally agree that it is abusive to use another’s name this way if our intent is to be seen to know more or be right on any given matter. A beautiful reminder to feel for ourselves and claim and live that as opposed to being hitched up by another’s wisdom.

    1. I agree, Vanessa, using someone’s name to dominate another or to cover up one’s perceived inadequacy, is like using the Bible to justify one’s “rightness.” Given the number of religious wars that have occurred based on this stance of quoting to justify one’s position, I deem it unwise to use what Serge Benhayon has said in the same manner. Otherwise, we are set to travel the same path as did the Bible and its followers……

  218. Great analysis of the “Serge said….” syndrome. We hear this happening frequently – not just with “Serge said” but with other authority figures, as you’ve pointed out in your article. You’ve given me new understanding about why people say this. Thanks for sharing your analytical brain.

  219. Beautifully said, Dianne and from a true and truth-full scientist; quoting other people, hiding behind their perceived authority to bolster one’s self-worth doesn’t work and I absolutely love your dissection of reductionism, it is spot on!

  220. Dear Dianne,
    As always, I love what you have shared here, your way of writting is so clear, practical and real and this certainly gels well with me. As you bring to awareness, we all hold within a wealth of knowledge, when connected to our inner most, that is unique to each of us. To hold back on sharing this equally with others is a huge disservice to ourselves, our friends and family and the world. For to share from the depths of love we hold within can only shine more loving understanding for the world to consider.

    1. Yes, the expert mentality does take away the possibility of an equal level of knowingness within us all, Leigh. Is this why it, the expert consciousness, is perpetuated? To allow for an elitism of knowledge, intuition, or access to God?

  221. Quoting someone to ‘back ourselves’ is not ok. I know in the past I have used this in situations – to back a claim, or discussion. It can be used as a means to be right or control a situation. I now know it is actually abusive because it is using another for one’s own gain.

  222. Everything that is said comes not from us, but through us. When we respect and allow the body, the vehicle of expression, to bring through what is given to us all the time and equally, every person without exception has their lived truth to express. The more we live the knowing that this body is solely to bring through what is from the divine, the more comes through this body to be expressed, as everything expressed for all.

  223. A really interesting blog Dianne and one that has ruffled my feathers and caused a pause moment to reflect on how I use Serge Benhayon’s name. When I quote Serge to someone and not present it in the energy that Serge does with full understanding in body and in absolute love for all, then it falls dreadfully short of what was being presented in the first place and tarnishes the wisdom on offer. I guess this is how God’s teachings become bastardised.

  224. So well expressed Dianne – avoiding our own authority by hiding behind another’s is actually a form of irresponsibility we slip into when not living our own truth. Knowing and living our own truth is one of the foundational teachings offered by Serge Benhayon, one that is easily warped until it comes time that the shallowness and emptiness not being in your own fullness makes for deeper changes within. I really appreciate your notion of putting things back together and observing the whole once again too.

  225. Dianne you look so radiant and gorgeous in your photograph. You are emanating what you share. We cannot really talk about wisdom unless we have lived and experienced it ourselves. In my experience, I hear what Serge Benhayon presents, it makes sense to my mind and feels true in my body. But it is not mine until I clearly see how it relates to my experience and then I can action the necessary change. This process can take more than a year and then wow, I can live it and keep allowing it to settle and deepen. It makes sense that if I am consistently honest with myself that when I quote someone else it will be received as a truth.

    1. I agree Emma often when Serge presents it takes me some time to embody this, and make the choice to live the next level or deepening that is being offered. I know when it is being presented as my whole body feels it and I love the expansion.

    2. Emma when you say: “it makes sense to my mind and feels true in my body. But it is not mine until I clearly see how it relates to my experience…” – it’s like that for me too. I have come to trust that what Serge says is very likely to be true even if it hasn’t come from my own body yet. Then I love it when I have a: ‘so that’s what he was talking about!’ moment, and I know that the knowing is in my body now, fully claimed and part of me.

      1. Yes, I love those ‘so that’s what he’s talking about!’ moments! Then it feels like it is my knowledge and feels so different when I share it with someone.

  226. Amazing blog Dianne. “Serge Benhayon is a great person, offering his own wisdom and experience for us to take up or leave as suits us, and does not deserve the role of a football or bullet-riddled messenger!” This line stopped me in my tracks as I began to feel the energy behind the way I have used Serge’s name. Often I have been resentful of the fact that Serge has presented a truth that I find uncomfortable to face. I can feel how abusive and cowardly it is to use ‘XXXX says’ when in actual fact I am just running from the truth and underhandedly attempting to gain support for living in a way that is not true.

  227. ‘… Serge is being used as a football in a game of personal issues, … ‘ so sad but true. The wisdom and truth he lives by himself and shares, is used a lot to be right or to defend oneself and also in a lot of cases it is misinterpreted and even bastardised.

  228. ‘Serge said…’ or even ‘But Serge said…’ Is a term which I have heard a lot and also used by myself. As Diane pointed out it is often misused to validate our own expression which would not be necessary if we just would express what we truly feel and know in our bodies.

  229. I also file those words I don´t can immediately identify as true as “good possibility to check out, probably will turn out true if so far is any indication.” Then I test it in my own life.
    And I do that as long as it takes to figure it out and come to my own understanding and truth. When participating in one of Serge´s workshops the first time he strongly asked us to not BELIEVE anything he says. To me that felt very liberating and encouraging and does so till today. Especially when I realized how many things people had said or written I adopted because they suited me in one way or another but haven´t ever checked if they were actually true as such and especially true for me. Since then I am very discerning with everything Serge or anyone else is presenting and only when I can say it is true for me from every experience, feeling and understanding possible I adopt it as then it is not anyone else´s truth but mine and it is my knowing and not something I believe in.

  230. Thank you Dianne for so eloquently highlighting what goes on when we quote other people. I had often noticed how this showed a laziness within myself and others to take the time to feel our own connection with the subject and offer our own understanding and lived expression, and how in those situations ‘impressive’ yet ’empty’ quoting another person sounded. However I had not fully appreciated the level of abuse towards the person who is being quoted when it is used to prop ourself up, or mask our issues – and of course it makes total sense. I agree there is a world of difference between this and quoting someone as a confirmation of what we already feel and are aware of and as a celebration of what that quote adds to the awareness. Thank you for this clarification and for calling it out.

  231. A great test Dianne, that as long as we are the ‘marker of truth’ ourselves and can feel or experience it for ourselves from our body, “the possibility that what someone else said is worth looking at”…… “and may be gobsmackingly, world-changingly true” (love that bit). Serge’s experience and wisdom is vast and most definitely worth listening to, over the years I have known him there have been many truths that I’ve come to share, with him and many others also.

  232. Hi Dianne, Thank you for sharing your journey through ‘testing’ to ‘knowing’ something to be a truth. I enjoyed reading how you did so. I have not ever sat and felt the energy underneath ‘he said’ or ‘she said’ and so its interesting to hear what you have felt in this and will be something I will ‘test’ for myself the next time I hear such a comment. Thanks

  233. Well described Dianne. I can definitely feel the difference when someones quotes another and it is based on the sharing of a truth vs when it is shared from the head based on knowledge and that the quoted person knows-more-so-they’re-right. It explains why at times I cringe and my body rejects it and when I am open to what is being shared.

  234. Wonderful blog Dianne. In the past I have often used the authority of somebody else to justify a particular point of view, but it feels so much more empowering to claim my truth and to speak “..from the fullness of our self love and confidence.”

    1. Yes so true Peter, I have also used in the past some words or lines from books or other people, to make clever statements. Now I know the real authority of my own livingness makes the words filled with life. I have so much to share and I don’t need to use someone’s point of view – I have my own mind and experiences that is so much more than empty words.

  235. A super read Dianne. I have experienced this, another person saying, “Serge said…” and although I did not feedback this to the person at the time, I could feel it was because this person was not coming from their own authority, so the “Serge said…” did not in fact add the authority this person thought it would.

  236. What I appreciate about Serge Benhayon is that he doesn’t need anyone to believe what he says as truth, he just presents it, always encouraging others to discern what is true from a place of connection. He brings authority to his words from his lived experience without lording this authority over others, and encourages others to equally offer their wisdom and knowledge too.

  237. Awesome blog Dianne, we are all scientists of life and yes anything presented by any one has to make sense in life. To experiment with how we move, eat, sleep, relate to people and so on and feel the results is a science of life, which is a wisdom we can share not just regurgitate.

  238. The other thing I feel to highlight from your blog is the importance of feeling and applying whatever wisdom we feel is shared with us. Simply adopting it and not bringing it into a living way reduces it to nothing more then ‘good dinner conversation’. Serge Benhayon has always encouraged us to not take anything he says for granted but to feel and apply it for ourselves first and foremost. Then knowledge becomes wisdom

  239. I used to get inspired by quotes in the past because they sounded good, seemed to make sense or offered something I was longing for. Not until developing my awareness thanks to Serge Benhayon did I realise the vast difference between ‘mental energy’ and ‘lived from the body energy’. If truly felt, one will just bring knowledge, while the latter brings true inspiration.

  240. What great medicine this is Dianne – curiosity and openly applying wisdom to our own life to live for ourselves. Whether we test, deny or consider the possibility, there remains a potential waiting for us to say yes to it. The beautiful thing about Truth is a whole-hearted yes to it creates space for more of the same.

  241. I agree Dianne that there is a process here that is very scientific in a way. Firstly when we hear or read anything we need to discern without any bias (including whoever said it) if it feels true or not using our intuitive awareness and not. Then if we feel it is of some value we can test it out further with our own experience. If we have not done these first two steps thoroughly it occurs to me that the information we have received is not lived but just remembered. Then when we decide to share this information with someone else it comes out as just a remembered quote or reference empty of any love or full understanding or even authenticity!

  242. The ‘marker of truth’ that we have will depend on the degree of truth that we are willing to live. And while it may be tempting to piggyback on another, we can never fool those who live and thus know the true truth that resides within us all.

  243. Beautifully written Dianne – too often in life we can fall back on ‘they said’ when we don’t feel confident enough to stand for ourself and our own choice. However, often we don’t consider how disrespectful it is to the person we citing when we use them as a safety net. If something feels right to you, claim it as your truth, not the words of another.

  244. True, to use another’s words to bolster our own opinions is not a strong foundation, it does feel like words -experiences require understanding and living to have authenticity. It is something for us all to reflect on and for us to offer ourselves and others understanding as there are going to be times when we feel the truth within but we are still learning to express it.

    1. Beautifully said Samantha – ‘It is something for us all to reflect on and for us to offer ourselves and others understanding as there are going to be times when we feel the truth within but we are still learning to express it.’ We are learning to express the one and only truth.

  245. This paragraph really struck me Dianne ‘It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.’ It’s easy for me to become complacent and comfortable, and therefore stuck, but I never realize I am stuck until something happens and I get a reminder that actually things have moved on and I haven’t. I love the idea of us all being part of a whole system that evolves. It makes a lot of sense to me.

    1. I’ve been finding this lesson recently, too, Debra, that former routines and rhythms that worked for a period of time, no longer work when everything else moves on…..it’s like, “Whoa…where did everybody go?” Hence, we do need to maintain a constant awareness of how things change, that we can feel our own part in that continuing evolution….

  246. There is an irony here. I have never met another person who is right as often as Serge so I could just rely on him but what is one of the most common things he presents? To paraphrase, find out for yourself, you yourself know just as well. So Serge is really just a bridge to ourselves and once I found a reliable, quote-worthy source (Serge) that source says that we are just as able.

    1. This demonstrates to me Christophschnelle, just how unselfish Serge is, in that he represents the true meaning and sense of brotherhood.

  247. An absolute awesome blog Dianne, as always. Today I really felt when you said :’..when a presented truth continues to prove true with time and testing, you can use it as a good foundation upon which to conduct your experiments and your life affairs.” – This is a great marker to set and practice this daily. Thank you, a blog i will come back to as it offers such great insights.

  248. Everything Serge Benhayon says is a confirmation of everything we know already. It simply is whether we have chosen to live it yet or not – when we have, we can claim it by quoting this most awesome man, teacher and life-long friend.

    1. I agree, ginadunlop, “everything Serge Benhayon says is a confirmation of everything we know already”. No wonder it so makes so much sense when I hear what he says, my body already knows it. I don’t have to believe it, it just is.

      1. Absolutely Beverly, it makes so much sense what Serge is sharing from his livingness and wisdom, and I can rely to the feeling of I already know this, I have this memory in my body, and can understand from a level that is not of knowing but a confirmation within my heart that knows this, too.

      2. Yes Gina, what Serge Benhayon says is felt deeply as a confirmation of something we already know, because he shares from the truth of his living experience, and being a truth we feel it deeply within us, but to truly make it our own, as Serge continually suggests, we must try it out, feel it and experience it as our own truth to be able to claim it, and share it with knowing, so that others will feel it deeply.

    2. Great point Gina, learning to let go of everything I wasn’t meaning all the beliefs, ideals and values I had taken on from my experiences growing up, so I could feel who I truly was the key to understanding myself more deeply. It is amazing when I am talking to people I often here share you not saying anything I don’t know, but I know that is not what i am doing. This incongruency or disconnect is so common and the healing comes through conversations where we are exploring why we aren’t living it.

    3. Totally spot of Gina.. We do already know what he knows but when we speak from our head recalling what he has said and not speaking from our natural expression then people can feel what we are speaking isn’t yet being lived to the degree it would need to be in order to access such information.

  249. A brilliant blog, Dianne. It is a great point – when we quote someone it could be a confirmation of a shared truth, or it could just be a feeble Chinese whisper. Serge Benhayon presents the truth he knows through his own livingness and has no investment in whether people get it or not, knowing that the very same truth is equally accessible to ALL of us, and honouring our choices. It is entirely up to us whether to take the full, measured, or no advantage of what has so generously been shared consistently.

  250. Thanks for sharing your understanding of what is really going on when someone quotes another.. there is always a reading to be made on any situation and a discernment to honour upon whether something feels right or true for us, what else matters?..

  251. Loving this blog and your expression Dianne. Sometimes I find myself saying something to my children, or someone else, and it feels empty, it’s not a nice feeling but my body is letting me know that I haven’t embodied the truth of the words that i’m speaking, ouch! Not recently but a few year’s ago I would say “well the esoteric says” lol I was not confident at all about speaking about it – as i’m connecting more to my innermost i’m finding that I don’t need to say much because I can see it’s being felt anyway.

    1. I can relate shelleyjones44 in that if I am speaking from my head and not my body, relaying information that I have heard at a course or read from a book it feels awful and I have to pull myself up on it – stop, reconnect with my body and then continue speaking. Even worse is when I disconnect from myself, people feel that what I am sharing comes from knowledge and then I go into more trying to convince them to understand what I am saying. None of this works or is useful to anyone. The key is to stay with the body and share from our lived experiences.

    2. I know what you mean Shelley as in previous years not being confident in sharing the esoteric. Knowing deep down the absolute gold of what the esoteric offers, yet holding back on claiming this in my life, made it impossible to talk about it clearly and lovingly. As I have claimed it within and am embracing living from my inner heart on a daily basis it is now a pleasure to share with others.

  252. Awesome blog Dianne and great reminder to always check the energy of where we are speaking from.

    1. So true Helen – where are we coming from when we speak to another. Is it a need from them to be a certain way or an investment to be right? Or are we speaking from an absolute knowing that we in fact are all knowing and so is everyone else? How gorgeous! I endeavour to speak from this place and in this energy more often. This blog has brought great awareness.

    2. Yes well pointed out Helen, this is a personal check of how we speak to people and what energy we choose to speak in.

  253. When we are presented with the absolute truth it can be a very confronting and uncomfortable, why? Because deep down we know we are not living our truth, and that we have bought into a way of being that is far removed from our natural way of being. No wonder Serge Benhayon ruffles so many feathers!

  254. I was just having the very same flashback, Samantha, to when I first started attending Universal Medicine workshops. I, unfortunately for the recipient, was very keen to share a lot of what I’d learnt afterwards ….. but, because I wasn’t living it, it wasn’t my truth to share and the experience for the listener was to hear some pretty confronting words and nothing more. Unlike for me, I’d had the opportunity to feel what was being said to me by Serge Benhayon, from his livingness, which allowed me to connect to what he was sharing on a very different level. Now, years later, I can share with others from my own lived experience. Not surprisingly I find I get a lot more questions now that I did back then.

  255. Thanks Dianne for a great blog. There is nothing like trusting oneself and knowing from personal experience that what one says and feels is the truth even when it goes counter to the general wisdom. However it is not enough to feel and know the truth one must also express it in full. Thank you to Universal Medicine for showing me the way.

    1. Crucial point: ‘we need to express it in full’. What is otherwise happening with the truth when not expressed? It is held back, suppressed, devitalized and finally corrupted. We know a truth in full by living it, living is expressing, expressing is sharing with everyone else.

      1. Yes Alex, ‘We know a truth in full by living it, living is expressing, expressing is sharing with everyone else’ and as we express in this way we become more and more stronger in sharing from our wisdom and without the need to ‘use someone’ as a name to back us up.

      2. To use someone else to back us up becomes definitely absurd at this point as it actually means we would hide and hold back the truth we already live. It would be giving away one´s power and actually a form of lying – indeed very harming for oneself and all others.

  256. Great to read your revealing article and feeling your authority, truth and humbleness at the same time. I feel caught and sitting with what you are sharing and offering here.
    I realize, that I am not used to speak from my authority and lived knowing – because I gave it away to knowledge and hiding behind well accepted opinions long ago. And how important it is, to claim it back, because placing pure knowledge over inner-knowing, makes every conversation a competition. I can feel, what you have exposed here. It is abusive to Serge or the person who we quote, if we hide to feel less, or want to hook the other person with a recognized authority – and it is in the same way abusive to ourselves, accepting us to be less and it is abusive to the conversational partner, as we also see him or her as less and as someone who has to be convinced… what is just following a neediness to be right… and it is also about giving away my responsibility to walk MY talk… wow. A deep issue to ponder on and going further with self-responsibility. Thank you Diane.

    1. Dear Stefanie,
      Thank you for your sharing here, everything you say rings very true for me. Especially how judgemental it is of us when we hold ourselves back in conversation. For in doing so we have not let ourselves feel the truth (the inner most) of the people we are with. Instead we are only seeing the way they are living, that may not be in line with their inner most. We then reduce ourselves to communicate with them as their lesser selves, instead of connecting directly to their inner most and then communicating.

      1. Leigh this is perhaps the greatest truth we can share, who we all truly are from our innermost and connecting to others knowing this is who they are too. Simply being present in that is an enormous truth.

    2. Discerning and coming to our own truth-full conclusions, without reaction and defence but with a willing openness, is indeed the way of responsibility and valour that is here needed. Thank you for making this so clear.

      1. So true Gabrielle, I know I’ve spent a lot of time being defensive, arguing, bringing in other peoples opinions all the avoid actually expressing the truth and living responsibility. It did not get me anywhere, now I am picking myself up from that and working hard at finding my truth in situations and observing situations instead of trying to have it my way and bring in others opinions.

    3. I agree Stefanie, Diannes blog raises an awareness about looking more closely at our self responsibility.

      1. You have summed this up beautifully Eva. It is always about our self-responsibility.

    4. Thank you Stefanie, this kind of use of knowledge is like sparring with swords, it’s all based on insecurities and getting one over the other. When we drop out of our own equality with all, we immediately want traction over another in the game of playing less or more. We are not content with who we are and then need to prove ourselves, often as better. The desperation and scrambling for position that goes on with “Someone says…” games are very dismissive of ourselves and others. If it wasn’t so harmful it could be comedic. Knowing our equality in truth is a beautiful and content way to live. Sure, our truth may vary in depth as we unfold to reconnecting to it, yet it’s a fun and equal playing field where we can share and learn so much from one another with our body letting us know what is the truth. There is no need to compete because truth actually unifies us. Knowledge is often just used for self and self promotion.

    5. Agreed it is very abusive if we want to, ‘ hook the other person with a recognized authority – and it is in the same way abusive to ourselves, accepting us to be less and it is abusive to the conversational partner, as we also see him or her as less and as someone who has to be convinced’. In effect by behaving this way, we are contributing to our own contraction and staying small, this is harming all and this is anti evolution.

      1. Well said Lorraine,
        Thinking we have to convince others is so very judging. Definitely limiting the conversation, keeping it in a vein that has one person smaller than the other.
        Where it is truly possible to say what is to be said and leave the other person to have their own connection to what is said, or not.

  257. Thank you Dianne for such an evolving blog. When Serge Benhayon says something every part of me knows this is true ,real and there is an absolute knowing of this. This is something rarely experienced in life outside Universal Medicine and is to be celebrated for the knowing Serge brings and the livingness of this is what counts and then it becomes our lived experience and knowing also. Thank you for your wise words on what Serge says …Brilliant sharing.

    1. Yes Tricia, brilliant. I love the way Dianne cuts through any scientific mumbo jumbo she could have used ( and many do, just to let us know how clever they are!), and says it exactly like it is. When you feel it, you know its true.

  258. Yes it’s interesting how common that is in education and schools Shirley-Ann.. I’ve been told hundreds of times that an essay, project or presentation is not valid without evidence, so I must find ‘relevant quotes’ to back up what I’m saying in all instances. In other words – my own expression as a ‘child’ is not valid, so please include a different, more reliable source of information.

  259. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.” You state here Dianne a universal truth and philosophy of how to live life but how many people actually do? For so many, if not the majority, instead align themselves to an individual or organisation for truth and follow whatever that is presented. When things do not turn out as they want they blame the person or organisation and look somewhere else for answers to only repeat the cycle again instead of taking responsibility to checking for themselves from their own innermost truth as to what is true.

    1. Excellent point Jonathan, and I feel what you are showing here is the basis for many people’s endless spiritual seeking (including my own in the past), always looking to the ‘guru’ or ‘expert’ to answer their deepest questions. This searching will always lead to exhaustion, and in the end the thing that they are really looking for was simply themselves. When we give our power away to someone else without checking in with our own natural intuition, we can really be pulled in any direction, almost like a puppet.

    2. So true Jonathan! Putting people onto pedestals is just a form of Laziness!

    3. I so agree Jonathan, that statement equally stood out for me. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.” To me it is to corner stone of our evolution. To feel what is right for us, where we are at, be inspired by those around us, yet connect to our own deepest innermost truth.

    4. So true! Your sharing has exposed for me the reason why at times parts of me have felt resentful of the presentations of UM…😁 …and I have wanted to run away!
      I can now feel is that when a Truth is expressed and I feel pressure it simply reveals that I am holding onto something that is ‘not-truth!’ Hence why the expressed Truth meets a wall instead of freely connecting with the Truth that lives equally in me xX

    5. So well said Jonathon.. People find it much easier to just blame and play victim rather then take responsibility for themselves and their own lives. It’s sad that they are not realising to blame an organisation is hurting others as well as themselves.

    6. Great point Jonathan, it seems to me that most live in a way that takes away responsibility and self worth by handing power away to another. And in most cases the power they give away is happily accepted, unlike Serge Benhayon who teaches self-empowerment, responsibility and handing the power back into our hands.

  260. It’s very easy to fall into the ‘Serge said’ habit, especially when one first comes across Universal Medicine. What I was hearing and could feel was so life changing that I used this phrase all the time to friends and family who hadn’t yet heard it for themselves. Over time however it has become obvious that ‘what Serge says’ needs to be lived not talked about, and then when we express it is from this Livingness of our own truth, not simply an empty repetition. This is what is worth repeating!

    1. Could the use of ‘Serge said’ be a cover – a smoke screen of false authority for those who do not live the Truth themselves?

      Whilst we may appear to be all knowing, this may be a charade of name dropping to justify our chosen position and view when it suits us to do so. Reinterpreting love and measuring of truth will never hide a lack of commitment to ourselves for this will be made clear by the choices we leave in our wake.

    2. Yes Rebecca, and what is also worth repeating is as you said, “‘what Serge says’ needs to be lived not talked about,”. Like you it took a little while for me to embody this but once felt there is no turning back!

    3. Over time there is less and less to say and more and more to be. Unless we are being asked and then it depends on the occasion.

  261. Beautiful Dianne, I love how your thought process has evolved and I too now have a very simple filing system for the information Serge Benhayon presents. One is the “Yes I know that too” file and the other is the “Lets check it out for myself” file. And as you say, when we work our way through the second file, we invariably come to the same conclusion as Serge and end saying “yep, he was right, again!”.

  262. Great points, really well made Dianne T! I’m sure we all like to ‘cut and paste’ the quotes of those we perceive as authorities within their spheres, and frequently even plagiarize them! However, in the case of Serge, one feels that he is the messenger or mouthpiece of something immensely powerful and is the propagator not the originator. The fact that he lives and practices everything that he teaches cements his authority and credibility. I really like your paragraph which says……..”It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves………. I am not a scientist, but I believe that it is our duty to always question everything that is presented to us. I think you make a very good point when you say …………..’I have come to the point of listening carefully to everything he has to say, and anything that doesn’t jump into my yes-zone immediately gets filed under “good possibility to check out, probably will turn out true if so far is any indication.” Then I test it in my own life. So far, the results have been: “Darn, that guy’s right about everything!” Or at least 99.9% – gotta allow some margin for imperfection in human life!’

  263. What Serge Benhayon embody and present is absolute worth to quote. The question is: am I living in a way that I can hold this quote in its truth and so present it – or do I live less and abuse the quote by repeating it without the background of living it. When I do not live what I talk about, I use the words to set me up. But words should be expressions of truth.

    1. Well said Sandra. Even when I know what Serge has presented is the truth, if I am not living it, it feels awkward to quote.

      1. Hmm. Do we not all get inspired by what Serge says, or what other students of Universal Medicine say? Yes we do – If the words/expressions are made to pull each other up, to offer the next step. I am wondering if I can hold and express a quote in love and truth, as I know it as my next step – like a leading light?

      2. Very true. That leading light is there to pull us up. If I cannot quote something Serge has said because I feel the tension of it in my body, then I know that is what is being asked of me. The leading light guiding me as to what is next.

  264. I love this blog Dianne. One of the many things that struck me was what you wrote about the way in which we avoid repeating what another may have said that is pure gold just because we don’t want to be seem as if we lack intelligence because we have not come up with it ourselves. Serge Benhayon has a way of making things so simple that you can be left wondering how on earth what he is saying was not obvious to you before that moment. It took me a while to understand that when a person can clearly feel and read energy that they are able to present what they are talking about very simply and free from any complexity.

  265. Dianne I have, many times, felt the limpness of quoting another’s words. More often than not It feels that the words hang momentarily in the air like soggy tissues before falling flat on the ground. I have learnt through my own experience not to do it !

    1. I love that analogy Alexis. I share quotes in the past because they sounded good, seemed to make sense or offered something I was longing for. Not until developing my awareness thanks to Serge Benhayon did I realize the vast difference between ‘mental energy’ and ‘lived from the body energy’ If truly felt, both in ourselves and if the the sharing is needed at that moment – there will be no wet tissues dropping from the air 🙂

  266. ‘How often in life have we used what another person said to validate our expression because we didn’t feel we were enough?’ For me, this opening sentence says it all. And it’s true, when we do this we often reduce ourselves and hope that we are heard.

  267. This blog Dianne is a beauty and shows that there really isn’t any excuse for not walking the walk if you are going to use the talk.

  268. it is of such a great value what you write Dianne and I can completely agree with you that it is so important to nourish and appreciate our own authority in what we know from our own lived perspective. Just quoting something that Serge Benhayon has said without feeling your own truth of it is a) not honouring to ourselves and b) we are harming the one we quote. This is really huge Dianne, I had never realised that before that by doing so that much harm is being done.

  269. When we live without trusting our inner knowing, its understandable that we go searching for this outside. What you’ve shared Dianne makes me consider how most of our systems for learning feed from this idea that we are born ignorant. How completely different it is to comprehend the world from the basis that we have equal access to truth and are born masters of the universe. I loved reading what you said.

    1. Your comment stirred in me how it used to feel when I didn’t trust my inner knowing. I was constantly searching for an authority other than myself to back me up. And I cringe at how much I used to preach and impose on others. Now, with myself as my authority there is an ease in my day and I always know what I need to know (not perfectly and sometimes I let doubt creep in). And I have no need to preach to others, I’m not trying to prove myself. The proof is not in the pudding, it’s in me!

  270. Increasingly aware of how I validate what I share, or cover my lack of expression by quoting another I have come to realise that when I stand in my own authority, supported by my daily choices my expression is full of what is needed.
    Great blog thanks Diane.

  271. Dianne says:
    “It’s fine to put forth the possibility that what someone else said is worth looking at and may be gobsmackingly, world-changingly true, as long as we are the ‘marker of truth’ ourselves – we are speaking from the fullness of our self-love and confidence and what feels true to us regardless of who said what”.
    Hahah Couldn’t resist doing the Dianne says. Enjoyed reading every word of this blog.

  272. And one more “Serge Benhayon is a great person, offering his own wisdom and experience for us to take up or leave as suits us, and does not deserve the role of a football or bullet-riddled messenger!” – Thank you Dianne, this is so important to realise…and to simply appreciate and respect Serge, and what he lives and brings. He/and no-one else deserves to be a football.

  273. Thank you Dianne, what a gorgeous and glorious photo of you, with your eyes shining bright. Thank you for bringing the authority back to the body, and that it is for us to express our truth, never that of another. It is amazing how far we are away from this simplicity, when we/I notice how I change what I will say, or think I should say something that is acceptable, validated, and what the other wants to hear, – rather than just expressing my truth.

  274. This is an insightful blog in many ways Dianne. It is an offer to deeply explore our own truth and what resonates with us without referring to information that we have ingested that may be true, but we have not yet lived or experienced. It is also a call to responsibility, not only to ourselves, but also to the person or persons that we may be quoting at any given time to confirm what we are sharing with others.

    1. Absolutely exposing of our reluctance if not refusal to stand in our own authority and power – to live the teachings and to express this living Truth.

  275. It’s funny to think back when I first met Serge Benhayon and started attending Universal Medicine courses the countless amount of times I would say ‘Serge says…’ this or that. I had no true knowing of what was said as being true other than a strong feeling of it being that way. Having lived and experienced what was presented over the years, I am now my own evidence and so can speak from the authority of being living proof of many of those things…. so ‘Serge said’ is indeed a rarity now and if used, time has shown me, one day I will have my own proof of that too.

    1. I love what you say here Samantha – “I am now my own evidence and so can speak from the authority of being living proof….” no longer any need to say ‘so and so said such and such’.

  276. I know I have used the “someone said” quotation when I haven’t felt that what I have to say is enough and aren’t feeling self confident, especially in the face of criticism. But this is total illusion because all of it is based on a need to justify. If a choice is true and works, then why do we need to justify it?

    1. This is one thing that I always fall back to ask myself…”why do I feel the need to justify what I am doing or saying?” Countless times, when I have caught myself mid justification, for it shrinks my body, my words come out quicker, I now stop, take note, and realise this is nonsense. Upon doing so, my body expands, my voice comes back to me, and even the people who I was mid justifying to are left free, free from the nonsense I was trying to impose on them or trying to make them get and understand. I am learning it’s a win win situation for all.

  277. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors” well said Dianne. This is very empowering to an individual and does explain the fact that sometimes we are making choices which we think are ‘right’ but end up being in error to our true evolution (development). Thanks for such a detailed article. Science, philosophy and religion need to be thought of as one. Being relatable to common sense will be the biggest factor that will enable them to be tools for everyones evolution and a more loving way of being as humanity.

  278. Even if two people say EXACTLY the same words or even if two people write exactly the same words one can be speaking the truth and one can be lying – whether they are aware of it or not. This is where the Serge says or Dianne says or whoever says starts to get even more iffy. If we understand the energetic component then it is not just about the words but the energy that is expressing those words. For example if someone screams at you “I am not angry” you know that the energy is not matching the words!

    1. Great example of how the energy behind the words can be very different to the meaning of the words themselves.

    2. Absolutely Nicola. It’s important to feel the energy behind words, spoken or written and not just take them at ‘face value’.

    3. Nicola, thank you for raising a great point as it is not just the spoken words but the way we are choosing to express, are we expressing our own truth or are we calibrating in order to impress, be liked or make a point?

  279. What Serge Benhayon has said is an amazing marker for us all to reflect on whether what we have spoken is from absolute Truth as well as the level and quality of Truth expressed. What a blessing to have this reflection in the world, have we appreciated this in the fullest depth?

  280. Love this Dianne as it reflects back to us all, that our expression ultimately is our own and to take on the words of another without truly feeling, living and knowing it for ourselves can come across as hollow statement. I find the more I speak from my own experience and awareness the more I truly connect to others and the wisdom that is universal flows through me. It is the felt truth of what we speak that others connect to. Awesome article!

  281. When I say “Serge Benhayon said” it is because every cell in my body knows what he says to be absolutely true. It is a sharing of a common knowing and a deep appreciation of a reflection of expression that I am inspired to deepen into. The deep beauty of this mutual recogntion of Truth, is then we can also speak from Truth.
    Dianne, this is such an evolving blog, thank you.

  282. Dianne, you have such a practical and simple way of presenting life and truth, which is always profound – everytime – thank you.

  283. Great blog Dianne. Your sentence :’Reductionist science, if done truthfully and for the right reasons (instead of propagating scientific belief and excluding everything else), has some usefulness in the modern world’ has been very confirming. I have been recently engaged in an exchange on a health and wellbeing site in which a ‘double-blind wishbone test’ scientist has been rathe brutally going for me because I mention energy and am not a qualified scientist but a complementary therapist. I realised that he was using his ‘scientific method’ stance not as a vehicle to be useful in our discoveries about well-being, but as being the only bench-mark with any validity at all. It was interesting to see how this stance was used emotionally, employed as a protective fortress that was held to so tightly that he was skeptical about anything but his own view. No real communication was possible.

  284. When I am struggling with what I have heard Serge Benhayon present I know that sometimes I have gone into reaction and at other times I am simply not understanding but feeling OK to leave it as present, knowing that it will become clearer over time. I have learnt over the years that if it is the former it is merely something my mind is wrestling with but that the body has registered it as a truth. Now I am able to welcome it as it indicates an area I need to work on.

  285. Thanks to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I have for the first time in my life explored the notion of just not taking on board something someone authoritarian says just because they are in a position of power, but instead to deeply feel for myself if it is true. This also goes for what Serge Benhayon presents, but like you Dianne, I have found that from my own trial and tests what Serge presents has always been true.

  286. Dianne I love what you have shared and your authority and lived wisdom is so inspiring. I have discovered and am still developing that when we share and express from our knowing, from what we live, we bring through the truth and love that is in essence universally known by all, offering a point of reflection of the absolute truth of love. This for me is inspiration, when this truth is felt, recognised and known within, as it invites an expansion of what is true, disintegrating the walls of what is not true. Thank you Dianne for all that you bring so gracefully and so powerfully from all that you know is true.

  287. A true formula for life. ” I fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within.” I love your lived wisdom. Thank you Dianne

  288. Oh! bother Dianne!! I have been enjoying your science course so much that I have started saying ” Dianne Trussell said. .”. I guess that I will have to stop that now and get down to completing my homework! All joking aside, what you say is so true and for those lessons where I have done the homework, the lesson topic e.g. Oneness, As Above So Below and Vibrations have become a living truth in my body so I can now say “ Anne said. . .. .” as my own innermost truth!

    1. I really enjoyed your injection of humour here Anne, possibly because I was a bit stuck contemplating how much I have said ‘ Serge said’.

  289. I have learned, with Serge Benhayon as an example, that when you walk your talk, and what you walk is the whole truth, others will take parts of that and re-interpret it to fit with what is comfortable for them (and regurgitate that version). Very similar to reductionist science when done for the purpose of fitting with a pre-conceived outcome. Thanks Dianne loads to explore in your blog!

  290. Rather well said here Dianne: “It’s fine to put forth the possibility that what someone else said is worth looking at and may be gobsmackingly, world-changingly true, as long as we are the ‘marker of truth’ ourselves – we are speaking from the fullness of our self-love and confidence and what feels true to us regardless of who said what.”

  291. Thanks Dianne, I absolutely loved this bit ‘…anything that doesn’t jump into my yes-zone immediately gets filed under “good possibility to check out, probably will turn out true if so far is any indication.” Then I test it in my own life…’ This feels like exactly what I do, and have done…although what I notice when I experiement with something, is that, yes, the outcome is often true of what has been said, but I often choose to leave it as an experiment for some time before actually embodying it. I think this resistance is due to not wanting to feel the truth in the choice I’m making which might stop me from hiding.

  292. Ooh that old chestnut – quoting another to add weight to your individual point of view (whether it be using them in a for or against stance) – who hasn’t done that, I know I have. I love your point about getting to the truth, the whole truth and not having a version that is “my” truth.

  293. This really made me stop and reflect how often we use the words of another to stand on or behind, such as science says, the latest research shows, I’m not sure where I read this but or in this case Serge Benhayon says, rather than speaking from our own understanding of life that comes via our own lived experience. When we use another’s words without having the energy of it lived or held in our body those words become empty or reinterpreted with our flavour which lessens the expression for both the person regurgitating them and the person receiving them.
    I am the expert of my own life and my own body and when I speak form this it comes with an authority, a lived knowingness that is my own observed experience and thus I do not need to stand behind someone else said when it is something I know for sure.

  294. It is an easy trap to fall into using the “Serge said” line because we can sense and feel the truth of what he presents, however as you have described, without our understanding and proof of the lived experience in our own bodies it does not come with the authority of that lived truth and another will hear it as just words that we are parroting from another. We can also distort or reinterpret words to suit or manipulate a situation in an attempt to control an outcome, then truth is always the first casualty in this event, and we do incredible damage, in that others may correctly reject the falseness that we have delivered, but in the process reject the truth of original message and with it the true messenger.

    1. Annie, great explanation of the harm that we do when we speak what we do not know from our own lived experience. Ironically, I can from my own lived experience of speaking in this way, confirm the harm that you describe. The harm can occur irrespective of one’s intentions.

    2. I was speaking with someone yesterday and was very inspired with what he was sharing – which was many things Serge had said. The person himself said that he was only able to share them as they were part of his lived experience. He heard these things years ago, has lived them and so is able to share them with an authority of his own.

    3. Energetically, i.e. on a feeling level, presenting a truth without living and therefore embodying and hence emanating it, comes close to a lie when misused for self-gain in any way. When presented and shared as a possibility that we are in the process of discerning and testing out for ourselves it can be a great inspiration and invitation to ponder on, hence already making it part of one´s walk through life.

  295. This is a great topic and something very important to consider Dianne…how we don’t trust our own inner knowing and authority and hand that over to someone else who is “an authority” or who apparently “knows more”. As a health professional of over 20years experience I am supposed to base my practice on the available evidence. (the evidence says…) The thing with this approach is that it rates lowly the experience I have had with people over that time and what I have learned myself through observing myself and others and our interactions. There is a lot of observations over this time and this is exactly the same for any other health professional. As an example recently I was assisting in caring for a person with a possible shoulder tear. They were in bed, in a lot of pain and had received already a lot of strong pain relief. Common sense and experience kicked in , as well as knowing the patient, as my colleague and I decided to get this person out of bed so the arm could rest and let go in a sling. It worked, instant pain relief. This was a science experiment in action based on 20 years plus experience and I just knew and to me that is as valuable as any evidence and is the evidence.

  296. Dianne what you have shared is really important. It’s only when we truly embrace our own authority and what we feel to be true from our own bodies can it ever be taken as heard or even considered by another.

  297. Its funny the moment a topic is expressed without ones own deepest knowing of it, the query of the source of such findings arrises for the listener, when the what then is received is a pass on to another’s authority more often than not its immediately disqualified. As against someone speaking from the authority of their own knowing the truth is immediately felt and no question need arise.

    1. Indeed, as the truth spoken from a body living it resonates in the listener´s body and immediately is recognised as being true. It is the body that knows truth before the mind does.

  298. I smiled when I read the title of this blog. Many students of the Livingness including myself, have used this phrase at some time. Even when it is not spoken out loud, it can sometimes be there in an attempt to prop up empty words that I am yet to live. I too have found over the years that everything I doubted, has eventually proven to be true. However, when I speak form my own experience, my words feel clear and strong as I speak only what I have discovered for myself. Then I don’t need to convince anyone, as I know it to be true in my body.

  299. Thank you for exposing how easily we can give our power away and be played by the mental “know it all” brain. I can definitely relate to having done this throughout life, making some comment here or there, just feeding something along rather than actually living it and claiming it to be true from lived experience. It certainly has a very different feel to it when I have (or felt it in others) committed to sharing information based on my own lived knowing (experience) of it, literally feeling cells go pop in my body and feeling the aliveness of the information as opposed to the dry flat dull feeling of the former, so and so said so, passing on info. Great responsibility for all of us to put this into practice – and super lovely too be able to bring back some truth in our day to day communications, by living it!

    1. aphraskye, I love how you describe the aliveness in our bodies, literally our cells popping when we share from our body’s lived truth. This is so true and is the most amazing thing to feel.
      I sometimes trick myself in thinking I am unsure if what I am delivering is from my inner most. Silly huh, when it can be felt beyond measure if I am or if I am not.

  300. Thank you Dianne for sharing this and exposing the need that we often feel to use someone else to justify what we are saying. I have appreciated much that I have heard Serge Benhayon present but he always says to test it for ourselves to see if it is true for us to come to our own understanding or truth on the matter. I love this about Serge Benhayon, there is no preaching, just an offering with the option to take it or leave it.

  301. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.” Georgeous Dianne, and so true.

  302. Great blog, Dianne. Truth can be felt and then lived, rather than just regurgitated as someone else’s words. As Serge Benhayon said, “the body is the marker of all truth” (sorry, I couldn’t resist that).

    1. Ha, have heard that before and what can I say, it is true. How do I know it? MY BODY TELLS ME SO. But would I have figured that out without the inspiration to do so by Serge presenting and explaining it? Don´t think so. But I had to figure that out for myself anyway.
      Even the truest of words ain´t true when not lived first.

  303. Captured very truly Diane: “…not expressing from the truth within oneself but vicariously from another’s” – what i got when i read this was a picture of a talking head, disconnected from its body and looking smart, to appear smart though behind the spoken words – whoever/wherever they’re from – all is revealed when it comes to energy.

  304. “How often in life have we used what another person said to validate our expression because we didn’t feel we were enough?”

    Dianne, what an awesome question and a great topic to expose. I am so pleased you have unpicked this detail, to give us the chance to each step up into our own authority.

    You have exposed a society belief that authority comes from writing a book, being an academic or having studied at University, being a figure of authority or position of power or even someone well liked or popular for their sporting, music, film, fame or other high achievements.

    So what happens to those who have not achieved in this way? The everyday person is just as capable of tapping into the pool of wisdom. Look at the blogs written and comments made here – so incredibly powerful and full of truth.

    Your blog sets us free from this mindset, allowing us to live with a deeper appreciation for our own knowing.

    1. I have for sure expressed things that did not come from my own livingness nor from my own authority, from a feeling of not being enough. I have given my power away thinking that I don’t know for myself but we all do, we all have the truth and the wisdom inside.

    2. I agree Maree,
      Dianne’s blog certainly does set us free, to honestly and lovingly share from our livingness. It also tugs us to take responsibility for how we share this wealth of wisdom. For to share it in anything less than who we are in full is us reducing ourselves, then others don’t get to feel the fullness of what it is we are offering. This is something that each day I find myself challenged with, for reducing myself, making myself less has been a pattern in my life. Now though, I have begun to stay fully with myself in the knowing that all others are just as beautiful and as unique as me and by doing so I can feel the beauty of who they really are. Conversing in this way brings each of us up a notch, in our choice to live the truth of who we are inside.

  305. I agree Dianne. To quote someone else is to ‘not’ take responsibility for what you are saying. It is like including a clause which says ‘I have an out if it gets too hot in the kitchen’, shifting the heat on to someone else and away from myself. Once something is lived and felt in the body first, then shared, the difference in delivery and energetic knowingness is profoundly different. Opening discussion and awareness around this is great.

    1. ‘Once something is lived and felt in the body first, then shared, the difference in delivery and energetic knowingness is profoundly different.’ Very true ch1956. Although I feel truth is being expressed around this subject I feel to add that I also quote because someone has expressed something very beautiful and I want to share that it touched me.

  306. Thank you, Dianne, for clarifying this. I know now why sometimes it feels ok to quote Serge Benhayon and sometimes not. It is not about right or wrong, it’s about connecting to me and then knowing if it is needed to quote someone or not.

  307. Dianne this is such a powerful blog – your truth here will have valuable ripples through our community, thankyou for the insights and for your continued confirmation of science in Ancient Wisdom – I love and value so much what you bring to this arena. I agree with Rik, I hope to read more of your blogs and I hope they reach the rest of the world too.

  308. We have all been in the Serge says philosophy.
    Serge even says “In philosophy we don’t have to take everything as known, we just have to be open to that it may be known”.
    The Livingness is an example. You can read Serge Benhayon’s books and listen to his audio but it won’t make you a student of the livingness. To do that you have to live it and put it in to practice and feel the effects until you know it well and trust it.

  309. This is great Dianne. I love your first sentence ‘How often in life have we used what another person said to validate our expression because we didn’t feel we were enough?’ I certainly have found myself doing this at times. In these moments without the lived authority our words can feel empty and hollow. By contrast, when we speak from our own livingness, there is a richness and a depth from what we know to be true which comes through our expression.

  310. I love what you have shared Diane – and I must admit that I too have been guilty of the ‘Serge said’ in a way that counts on his authority rather than my own authority. But what you share here makes sense, so much so that I am tempted to say ‘Diane said…’ …just kidding!

  311. I loved reading your blog Dianne Trussell, “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.”
    I am finding more and more how true this is. I am enjoying (mostly, aside from a few ‘fails’) being my own science experiment in this regard. Checking, testing and evolving, so that I can truly say “I know this” from my own authority, rather than “Serge said”.

  312. Diane, very much needed blog you have written here! And you are absolutely right, I agree to 100% and I am looking forward to statements from people and myself truly coming from my authority and not only because Serge said so.

  313. “darn, that guy’s right again!” this made me smile as it has been just like that for me too. There is the information that Serge presents which ‘I switch off from because I am not ready to hear it’, or I’ need longer to digest that’ but there is nothing, to date, that Serge has said that has not proven true after being put to the test.

  314. What a richness I found in your article Diane.You’re basicly blowing up the system of any ideal or belief. And you do it with strength, courage, openness and humbleness. That’s beautiful and inspirational to read. And I love how you write that whenever you’re sceptic or don’t know it for yourself yet, that you’ll take the time to test it. From an openness, to be open to the expansion of what you allready knew. That’s beautiful and inspiring for me to feel that it is not about copying anybody, but stay with your own Truths, for as long as they are True to you, with an openness that there might be more… Thank you.

  315. Diane thank you for opening up the awareness of being our own scientific testing. I agree that whatever and however I choose to live comes from what is true in and for my body. How I feel in my body is proof if something is true for me or not. Not because someone told me so. However the wisdom of how to choose this for myself has been very inspired by the truth Serge Benhayon lives.

  316. Thank you Dianne, I love what you have shared here for all; in truth expressing from what is lived and felt in our bodies comes with more power and authority than expressing from our heads where we need to fill in gaps of need and recognition. Great blog

  317. I love what you are suggesting here Dianne, that before we share someone else’s truth and or understanding, we first feel if it’s also true for ourselves. I have been doing this for my adult life for the most part, particularly when it comes to my health, my mothering and my relationships. I continue to champion my own wisdom in favour of another’s, of course notwithstanding that another could and often does have a tremendous amount of wisdom too that is given out.

  318. What a fantastic blog Dianne. The wisdom and truth in your words is a great confirmation that you are living what you’re expressing. There is a lot to ponder on in this blog and an empowering message.

  319. “Then I test it in my own life. So far, the results have been: “Darn, that guy’s right about everything!” ” I love this Dianne. To make the teachings and presentations a real life science experiment is something I am for going to implement in my life. This will be my first science experiment!

  320. I like what you are saying here Dianne. It always comes back to whether we really live what we are talking about or as you say rather use it as a disguise, defense or distraction.

  321. Dianne, such a thought and feeling provoking sharing. I am sure I will be reading this several times as it is very full and powerful from a woman who is truly knowing. Thank you.

  322. Dianne, what you are exposing here is massive and I still use quoting someone, Serge or other in the attempt to give my words more authority and back them up. I never really stopped and deeply considered how dishonouring of myself this is. Thank you for this amazing blog, it highlights so many aspects of this subject, which is certainly worth exploring in detail and bringing awareness to.

  323. We are giving our power away when we choose to say “Serge Benhayon said” and not backing it up from a truth lived within our own bodies. It feels like we can make what someone says ritualistic, a bit like a following of a truth they have lived and perhaps we can see that very openly and without a doubt. It is disempowering to not live from the truth we know within us first.

  324. You write and present with such authority we can start using you: Dianne said…… I absolutely love what you share here. The vast difference between hiding behind another’s words and honoring and speaking from your own wisdom. The sentence that stood our for me:
    “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.”
    For me this can be one of my downfalls. If someone has said something amazing, the truth, I presume he will do that again. So keep feeling and discerning if what I hear is my truth is a great reminder.

    1. Yes Monika – having the benefit of attending a Modern Science meets the Ageless Wisdom course presented by Dianne, I find myself coming home at the end of each amazing lesson telling my family what Dianne said – because it is both hugely inspiring and absolute sense at the same time. I can’t help but share it. Oh, and they love it, by the way.

  325. What an amazing blog to read Dianne Trussell. I love how you write and how real it is when you describe things — It’s living proof. You are a true scientist of our times and evolving with cyclical movements of this period. A master of truth with your testing and propagation- did I word that right? Here’s one of many quotes that stood out for me “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.” I’m all for ‘checking’ and ‘evolving’, and always ‘testing’ — I Love getting to TRUTH like you Dianne !!
    Write some more journals or articles Dianne Trussell – amazing to read!

  326. This is a great blog, Dianne, which exposes the energy of our expression, either coming from a place of needyness or from a place of confirmation. Thank you.

  327. What a great topic – It has taken me well into my forties to be able to really give myself the space and back myself and take the care to really express how I feel without rely on other’s opinions. I am learning to be inspired by others but share from my real lived experience.

  328. “…because we do tend to go through life with a lot of habits of knowing and feeling that are not from truth when deeply examined”. This is very true for me. I have had many habits of knowing and feeling that have not been from truth, also many choices that have not been from truth. I like to say: If you want to know how the water is, jump in it and feel for yourself. Truth resided in all of us and it is important that we connect to this, and not just do or say things because somebody else says so.

  329. Brilliant blog Dianne – when I hear people say ‘so and so said’, it can sometimes feel like a cop-out, like they don’t value what they think/feel themselves, so they have to back it up with evidence. It’s like in school – we were never taught to be confident in our own opinions, you ALWAYS have to back it up with a study/quote/statistic/etc.

    1. So true Jessica. I know I can do this as well and it does feel like a cop-out and it is abusive towards the other person because we are using them to prop ourselves up. We are not taught to trust and be confident in our own expression and feel like we need something outside of us to validate that or to back it up.

      1. That’s true Sarah – I hadn’t considered before that it might be abusive to the other person to use their name to prop yourself up, but you’re right.

    2. I agree, saying “so and so said” is just a massive cop out in responsibility. The responsibility of standing up yourself instead of using someone’s name to avoid standing up for yourself.

      1. You make an interesting point here Ben – that it is not a matter of just choosing to take responsibility or not, it is that we actually avoid taking responsibility. Why?

    3. Yes I found that at university too – that everything you said had to be referenced to something someone else had written or published. Crazy how as a society we have it set up that our own lived experience doesn’t seem to have any worth when it comes to academics.

    4. I so agree with your point Jessica. When I was at school it made no sense to me to have to quote someone else for a point that I was making in an essay or something.

    5. Gosh, That’s true Jessica! We are trained in education that our opinions are not valid unless we can back them up with an established academic, scholar or authority figure. If we don’t reference our ideas, or comments work is not validated. What if education did support students and pupils to back themselves and their personal experiences, what then?

      1. I have a feeling it would look very different – as each person would feel valued based on their own thoughts, feelings and opinions, instead of being valued only if you could remember the most complex argument from some random psychologist, or find the perfect quote in a book to support your side of the discussion.

    6. Yes, having to provide ‘evidence’ as proof that what you said can be validated is rife in educational establishments – also when discussing with science-minded friends, I find. We are our own authority – if we connect to truth. My own lived experience is fact – solid – why isn’t this enough?

      1. Not being able to provide evidence of proof has been used by Europeans since Columbus discovered the Indies and put down indigenous people who had no written language.
        It is only since the majority have been taught to read and write and the invention of the technology to develop the World Wide Web that the unlearned poor have the same opportunity as the learned rich to publish whatever they want in print. What we are discovering though is that so much of what has been published by rich and poor alike is “A Whole Load Of Rubbish”! In other words, discern your own truth in all written work, however impressive.

      2. Couldn’t agree more Sue: “My own lived experience is fact – solid – why isn’t this enough?”

  330. I love that this blog is written in the same authority as the topic you have written about Dianne. The truth you know and have experienced – the knowingness of your lived experiences. This is so much more powerful that any he or she said. Thank you for your sharing.

  331. Application of what is seen/heard until the point that it is felt for oneself is vital in our return back to a truer way of being and living with each an every other.

  332. I cannot express truth that I have not lived and know in every cell of my body and being. Serge shows me time and time again that truth comes from my living way, not his or anyone else’s. I am either living and expressing love or not, it’s that simple!

  333. This is great and a blog that needs to get out to many… I love what you said. “It’s important to always ensure that we feel and check the deepest innermost truth for ourselves to avoid complacency and propagation of errors, and to keep up with energetic shifts as each of us, and the whole system we’re part of, evolves.

    Then when we quote another person who inspires us like Serge Benhayon, it is a confirmation of a shared truth for all.”

    I realise that I have never truly known anything unless I could feel it in my body first. I remember years ago I was pressured into doing a presentation on something that was not sitting very well with me. There was not one ounce of my being that wanted to speak about this particular topic and I could not resonate with the Reiki modality. It was the most anal and coldest presentation I have ever done and learnt my lesson very quickly. That day I made a promise to myself that I would never do that again. If I could not feel it within me, then there was nothing to say! After many years listening to the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I understand how vital it is to embody what it is you are presenting, otherwise the audience cannot relate, understand or feel what it is that is being shared. True integrity is living first what you are going to share with others.

  334. Thank you Dianne for presenting this. There have been many times when I’ve used the “and so and so said” because I have felt that I would otherwise not have been heard but can now see from what you’re saying here just how important it is to speak truth from my body with no attachment to any outcome.

  335. We can only speak from a lived experience. If we are just quoting words they will be empty and hold no substance. Thank you Dianne, such an insightful blog.

    1. ‘We can only speak from a lived experience.’ This is what I am learning, that it is my experiences that are true and not what i have heard someone else say or someone else’s experiences, i can only speak for myself, when I do speak from my experiences it feels very different, it is a knowing and a fact and i know this in my body and so when I speak what I have felt it comes out very clearly and very relaxed, whereas if i’m saying what ‘Serge said’ or someone else said it feels like i’m trying to convince or persuade someone or give what i’m saying more substance.

  336. When I cringe at something then in my experience there has usually been something important to learn. Everybody makes mistakes but why does this particular mistake make us cringe? Why does this particular configuration of words and energy make us cringe?

  337. It is good to be clear that Serge Benhayon would never want anyone out there sprouting off ‘Serge says’, in fact this is highly not encouraged by Serge himself. Serge Benhayon speaks of a way of living that can only be presented and then as you say Dianne, becomes your own little since experiment on yourself. Does this really improve my health and well being – the yes or no comes from you and your body alone, never from a command, book or doctrine that must be followed. The deepest of wisdom in philosophy comes with Serge Benhayon, he is a man to behold. An incredible world teacher. A man who does not hold himself as above anyone else – nor below, and does not require a following, rather Serge Benhayon is a man who stands for the truth and for an absolute love of people. Serge Benhayon and the absolute common sense truth he brings about life generally are very dear to me.

    1. That is really beautifully written Katerobson and expresses exactly what I feel about Serge and his way of sharing his lived experience are very dear to me too.

  338. I love it Dianne! It is worth making ourselves and our own life into a science project. If we start to observe ourselves, our bodies, our emotional states, our capacity to deal with stuff, our joy… and relate that back to our choices – what we ate, when we went to bed, if we had an argument, etc. – we will be able to find out a lot about ourselves. This for me has been inspired by Serge Benhayon and it has served me very, very well.

  339. it is indeed valuable to realise why we are quoting people when doing so. I have always deeply appreciated how Serge Bengayon never holds back in sharing, presenting what he knows is true, in a non manipulative nor imposing way. Take it, test it or leave it – everyone is free to choose for themselves.

  340. Firstly Dianne I want to say – how emanating and bright your blue yes are as well as your gorgeous smile to accompany them.
    Now I want to say- Brilliant and very needed blog. Serge is an authority of all he speaks of and shares. He is a true inspiration to me and I know that if I dedicate and commit to ‘fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within’, I too have access to the same wisdom. Serge is a reflection of who we all are and what is possible.

  341. Dianne, what you say makes so much sense and is spoken by someone who is speaking from her experience, which I love; there is always a richness and power when anyone speaks from their lived experience.

    1. Totally a richness from someone speaking from their direct experience in life, regardless of how philosophical or what is concluded from it.

  342. I love hearing a scientist talk like this, with the experience and appreciation of good modern science but also with the wisdom and knowing of our inner-evidence or the inner-knowing, that we all have access to. Many people who say “so and so said….” from a lack of self worth or lack of self confidence are exposing the fact that the lack of confidence and worth is there because they are not connecting to their inner-knowing, to feel that we each have the authority to talk on many topics from the knowing in our body.

    1. This is something that you rarely hear and I too am refreshed by the incorporated view of true science. It’s very interesting to hear and to read about.

  343. Dianne, I love your scientific approach – I’ve also found over the years through ‘testing out’ the things Serge Benhayon has presented that he’s been right about everything I’ve tried so far! And then through ‘testing’ it and living it, then I can also share with others from my own lived experience and not from a “Serge says”. Awesome blog, thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. I agree Melissa. If we test and experiment what has been presented it then becomes lived and known by us and held in our bodies as a living truth and reflection to others. This is much more real than any “he said” type regurgitation.

    2. I agree, Melissa. I have found that I can’t just do things because someone else suggests that my life may be better if I do. I’ve learnt that if I do, there’s a constant battle going on internally and I suddenly want to do whatever I’m trying not to do more than anything in the whole world! Instead, I become quite analytical, like when I gave up alcohol. I observed how I felt before I drank a glass of wine, how I felt after the first sip and after the first glass …… I gave myself the time and space to feel into my choice. This made the decision easy, in fact it didn’t even feel like there was a decision to make.

  344. I absolutely agree with what you share here Dianne. It is easy to back up what we want someone else to agree with us on, if we have another more knowledgeable person to bring into the argument, but this doesn’t make it about what we truly know but shows our own lack of self confidence.

  345. Letting the science of my own body and experiences guide me has been a godsend thanks to Universal Medicine!

    1. For me too Heather, I love what Dianne has lived and shared here. That anything is only a truth for us if it comes from our body and we have lived it and know it from our body not because someone else has said it is a truth.

    2. It is so liberating to actually realise that we can trust what we know and feel within our body. We do have a wisdom and knowing in our bodies that supports us.

    3. I totally agree with what you’re saying here Heather, allowing the science of my own body and feeling the experiences is a great guide for me.

  346. Very pragmatic representation of what true philosophy is about. Reductionism, as you said, has its place, but when it becomes the only means by which we seek to understand the world, we can quickly lose track of the bigger picture. When I was young, my grandfather was teaching me to drive our boat down the majestic Clarence River. At first, so determined was I to maintain a straight line, that I kept my focus just ahead of where I was to ensure the bow did not falter in its line. Of course, I quickly veered off course without me registering the fact. Very quickly I learnt to keep my eyes on the horizon, and I learnt that the boat took care of its own in regards to line. Of course, I still needed to glance down occasionally, to ensure that the stream of water that was billowing out the back and indicated that the water pump was in good working order was in fact functioning, and I had of course to keep an occasional eye just in front of me for the occasional log that may rise its ugly head.

    And I share this, because the life of a true philosopher is very much lived in this regard, with eyes focussed on the whole, with one eye on the detail. Today we live in a society where there is a clear divide between the two ways of seeing life, and science, religion an and philosophy have come to be seen as very different beasts. Yet this need not be so, and indeed is is paramount that we return to a position where all become intertwined again in the symbiotic relationship of their origins. Otherwise we risk forever being caught running aground every time we sacrifice one for the other two.

    1. Beautiful comment Adam.We do live in a society where science, religion and philosophy have been divided into very different compartments and wearing very different garb.The robed priest is rarely to be seen wandering down the corridors of white-coated lab scientists. As you have indicated there is a place deep within everyone of us where these three are a one-unified emanation of truth, but if we live, bouncing around on the external and outer-reaches of ‘life’, using one of these three stances as an emotional crutch to identify with or hide behind, or to protect ourselves and our hurts as in a fortress, then the three will appear to be different and at odds with each other. We will be caught running aground every time.

    2. A profound piece of writing, “Very quickly I learnt to keep my eyes on the horizon, and I learnt that the boat took care of its own in regards to line.” I know deep inside this is true – “With one eye on the detail” we may sail smoothly, but I am yet to take my eyes off the forefront, and trust, as I focus on the horizon.

    3. This is music to my heart. Philosophy, religion and science all part of the same whole way of experiencing life – heaven!
      I think I was terribly confused for quite some time (longer than you might think!) that one followed one of these paths in life and that they did not good bedfellows make.
      Not true I discover, with full appreciation for the presentations, sermons, lectures and healing offered Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Any one without the other two is a cold and empty place to reside. Thank you Adam

  347. Dianne what you’ve said here, echoes what I have often felt upon hearing ‘Serge said…’ spoken to prop up a comment not backed by the fullness of the speaker’s authority.

    Masterfully exposed while depicting a truer way of expressing what we feel.

  348. Awesome awesome blog Dianne, I have felt the same thing – it’s pointless shooting the messenger – much wiser to listen to the message and honestly consider whether there is something in it for us to look at, whether we feel it is right, or whether it makes us uncomfortable, and why .. or just discard as we choose. Here is a man who presents his truth, as we all have a right to do, without abusing or hurting others. Serge holds all equally, with absolute respect and with Love, and this for most is a new experience. His presentations bring to the world so clearly and precisely something that I have not heard anywhere else, and if it weren’t for Serge being prepared to be this, the world would be losing out. Now there is a bigger picture to consider and a whole picture in which to understand the greater life we live in. Not just reductionist science, but the wonders of all of science and its relation to the cosmos.

  349. When I was in school and writing essays I struggled a lot with the whole quoting people as evidence to prove my point. There was a very strong resistance to conforming to this, but I did to pass the exams etc. I remember thinking at the time that my word should be enough but it is not. It actually didn’t make sense to me to quote another when I was expressing my views. My feeling at the time was – is my opinion not enough? Does I what feel and think not count?

    1. I can relate to what you share here Jinya – On some level I probably felt this, but I had so much investment in doing well that I eventually subscribed to this way of presenting my thoughts academically and conformed to win results and approval. Writing in this way felt very mental and empty – a total shell of myself. When honestly looked at our whole set up is to make us feel less and not worthy of consideration ensuring that we give our power away, which is certainly what I did. Learning to re-claim it is an on going journey as I develop and deepen the awareness of how much wisdom I carry within me already. All that’s needed is the continued development of the livingness and expression of it.

  350. Brilliant blog Dianne! As I had a tendency to put people I thought were wiser than me on pedestals I was very wary of doing exactly that when on meeting Serge Benhayon I heard him share so much wisdom that resonated deeply in my body. I used to feel so excited at hearing so much truth being presented that I was just bubbling over with joy and wanted to share it with the world, and therefore more than a few “Serge said’s’ came out of my mouth. But once I realised that until I was able to know this wisdom deep within me, quoting Serge was actually just using recall as I was not feeling the truth for myself. These days sharing the wisdom of Serge comes from a place of careful consideration and with the clearest feeling that the time is right to share whatever pearl is ready to be shared – and there are many of those waiting to be shared, for as you say: “Darn, that guy’s right about everything!”

  351. There has been a great deal of reaction amongst certain quarters to the use (abuse?) of “Serge said”. It is to be noted as you have described that for some people it is the “doctor said” as in the “doctor said it is OK for me to smoke/drink alcohol/run marathons with a bad back”. But here is the rub. At work I often get told by patients “…but you said…” followed by something so twisted out of shape that it has no bearing on anything I have ever said…ever. And I am a very clear communicator.
    So what is going on with the “…….said”? The first question might be “Did they actually say that?”
    The second thing might be to ask “have you confirmed that for yourself, in your life?”
    A gentle reminder that the greatest authority in our lives is….us.
    Thank you Dianne.

  352. A few lines into this blog and I was like, who is this person!? Strong, sure and awesome powerhouse were the words that kept coming to me. I just couldn’t wait to get far enough into the blog to figure out whom was responsible for such brilliance, when you started talking science it was a dead give away that it was you Dianne! I loved this blog, its up there with my favourites, thank you for being who you are and sharing this with us, it was a pleasure to read.

  353. Dianne, I love how you have expressed this blog. You have brought up an important aspect of how we communicate without fully claiming what we feel and need others expressions to back us up. Claiming the authority within ourselves and really feeling what is true for us can help break this pattern.

  354. Dianne, thank you for this very pertinant blog – and to agree with Susie above, I also feel this is a hugely needed article of fact for us to become more aware of. I love your humour and the way you presented the topic of “Serge says” – I know we all have heard these words (and uttered them ourselves) on more than one occasion and sometimes have felt that there was a tinge of lack of responsibility with what led to the statement or what then ensued. I know I have felt the lack of responsibility myself when I have found the words falling out of my mouth, but with a little more awareness I may learn to be a little more discerning and accept that I don’t need to necessarily say “Serge says..” to add credability to what it is that I would like to express from my own truth and experience.

  355. Today, there seems to be a growing obsession with evidence-based everything. While evidence, and research, can definitely be useful, it’s ridiculous to suggest anything for which there is no so-called ‘evidence’ is not worthy of consideration or does not exist. This is illogical in the extreme, and one would think unscientific. I wonder how scientists, and anyone else for that matter who propagates the evidence-base rationale, explain or find evidence to support the fact they love their child, for example? If they have no proof of this, does this mean they do not love their child or that love does not exist?

  356. “I fully embrace the importance of living every moment in the awareness of what we feel and know truly within”. I love what you share here Dianne. To live with a greater awareness of what feels true or not, brings a much deeper quality to life. It’s what I choose nowadays without perfections but with deep appreciation.

  357. This is a very relevant discussion. How many times have we leaned on another’s authority to justify our own?… my observation is too often.

    Even though what you verbally say may be correct it doesn’t come with the backing of your livingness. Therefore the words are empty and offer no inspiration but rather hollow judgement. If any of us have every used “……. said” then we should endeavour to become so solid in our own expression to the point we can say “because I said, and this is how it is for me”.

    We are living inspirations, experiences and wisdoms.

    Live, Share, Play and Love

  358. Dianne I love how you applied your scientific mind in order to test the Serge Benhayon ‘hypothesis’ for yourself. This feels like it was an important step for you to be sure of what you were hearing and seeing. It’s also important in terms of helping to break the perception that scientists, supposedly by definition, should not concern themselves with phenomenon for which there is no proof or ‘evidence’. With your obvious intelligence and open and enquiring mind you are a true scientist.

  359. I confess I have used ‘Serge said’ to back me up in the past, especially in my early, enthusiastic days, when I’d finally discovered a platform of knowledge that made sense on every level and wanted everyone to benefit from it too! It’s true also I have used the authority of Serge’s words in situations where I lacked my own; and have equally avoided quoting him when it would have been actually spot on to do so. Thank you Dianne for bringing these particular phenomena to our attention, encouraging us to locate and become fluent with our own authority and expression.

  360. Great blog Dianne. I have found myself quoting Serge Benhayon too a number of times and then cringing at myself for doing so. I have never had any doubt about what Serge has presented, I just know it to be true and I feel it with all of my body. So therefore, because I have this inner knowing, it must be true that I know it myself, but at this moment, I am choosing NOT to live it. I know, that one day we will ALL be where Serge Benhayon is, as like you say Dianne, we are all evolving and it is accepting the next step along the path and realising that we DO all know and to not give that power away to others.

  361. A friend and I were just discussing today how the notion of medical certificates has become ridiculous in this day and age. Certainly there is a time and a place for them, but by and large they are being requested by employers to certify that an employee is sick. In these instances, more often than not, it is not a complaint that the person would need to see a doctor for. However, the person simply stating they are/were sick is not enough and they need someone else to confirm this for the business to accept it. It’s a bit of a ridiculous roundabout that costs the government a lot of money. If we just allowed and trusted what people said about their bodies, and were all truly responsible about how we live, then this would not be an issue! Thank you Dianne for this really cool blog, I shall definitely be coming back to it!

  362. Thanks for a great post Dianne. When I have listened to Serge, I feel deep inside me, ‘yes, this is true, and I know it too’. But hadn’t realised it until that moment. When I first came to the work I too quoted ‘Serge said,,,,,,’ in order to bolster what I was – yes – imposing, on others (ouch). I alienated quite a few people that way….. – the reverse of what I had intended. When I speak from my own truth nowadays – my authority – people may disagree with me, which is fine, but they can feel my sincerity; whereas before they could sniff out the inauthenticity of my words, as they were not then my own truth, but just a quote.

  363. You address a very important point and uncover what the root cause is behind quoting others. I have done that in my life a lot. Always referring to a book, a newspaper article, a person; any authority but me. Reading your blog, I realize that it was because of huge lack of a self worth e.g. my authority / what I think or feel is not important, does not matter at all and therefore is not worth it to share. So….seek other sources of authority. I am more in my self worth now, so less quoting others, but…..there is another ‘outside’ authority that still is dominant here: my recall authority, what I think is right. This buddy shows up quicker than my body can express. The big overrider. So create stopmoments to feel my body, use that as my marker of truth and authority, and express from there is daily practice.

  364. Perfect timing Dianne asking me to accept my own power and to speak from that place. Not ride along the coat tails of another in the so and so said.

  365. Dianne, such a great blog, thank you. In the past, early on in my study with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, I often used to return home from a course or an event and say “Serge said…”, wanting to share (in my enthusiasm) what I had learned. I soon stopped doing this as I could feel (and see) the person I was talking to switch off (“here she goes again…”)!
    A great revelation too that, by quoting another, it shows a lack of self-worth, for we are putting another on a pedestal, higher than us, when in fact we are all equal.

  366. It also makes me think about how harming it is to use the ‘…. said’, as you are right, it’s like using that person as a football, but even more so we can use them as an excuse to not taking responsibility for our lives, our choices then using the ‘said’ card as almost a get out clause if this brings up any issues in relationships, families etc, instead of addressing how we are really living, interacting and communicating with one another. Then this person can often be used/ blamed for the ills or woes, when in truth it has absolutely nothing to do with them.

  367. What you say Dianne is very relevant and important to acknowledge. Do we speak from our own insecurities by stating – ” Serge says”… Or do we allow ourselves to feel the truth of what is expressed within our own body first, and make it our lived experience of truth before sharing information to others.

  368. Thank You Dianne what a great blog bringing a real depth of understanding to the ……. says scenario . You say it all from your own knowing and sharing this feels beautiful and real and is something to feel into for ourselves and how we say things and where it comes from. Everything Serge Benhayon says has always resonated deeply with in me as a knowing and this is beautiful and in contrast to most of what is said in the world. It is with a deep appreciation of the livingness and knowing of the truth that makes Serge Benhayon a wisdom for us all to embody for ourselves.

  369. Spot on Dianne and so well said. Are we denying ourselves, our truth and our bodies when we choose someone said … without deeply discerning is this true for me, how does it make me feel? I know I have caught myself at time doing / saying or eating things because of what someone else has said, or misinterpreted them to be something else – rather that stopping and feeling, well wait a minute, in this moment is this true for me?

  370. Dianne, what you’ve shared here about quoting other people makes me reflect on how often I’ve done that. I completely agree and recognise how whenever I felt un-confident about something it would be simple to bring in another person to justify what I was trying to say – as if my thought or feeling on the topic is not enough. I’ve used this in many ways in the past yet whats really gold about your post is how to consider deeper how we feel about topics, allow ourself to connect and have the confidence to share what we feel. To simply take words and repeat them has resulted in much harm through the ages as in many cases the people repeated are not actually speaking truth. And when they are speaking truth, such as what I’ve experienced with Serge Benhayon, I can now understand the importance and growth of claiming the truth for me first and speaking from that. Much to consider, thank you.

  371. Thank you Dianne for this incredible blog. What you shared, has to be said and it is very well expressed. When I heard Serge for the first time I knew that al least 90 % of what he said was Truth. Then, when I started practicing what I needed to introduce in my life to evolve, is when I sometimes had doubts, struggle and moments of blindness, specially when I felt resistance to go out of the comfort zone. In those moments it is easy to adopt any of the behaviors that you describe beautifully. If I allow myself to feel what is going on within me, checking what is there to check, trusting me and what I feel and the struggle is over, I celebrate my clarity of the first moment confirming my choice of having Serge as the inspiration and the confirmation of what I feel within me as the truth.
    More than once I heard from Serge the invitation to be aware and scientific with all he shares with us and this I can not forget. But above this is my soul that guides me and from it I know immediately.

  372. What you share with us Dianne is awesome and really resonates with me big time! Many times in the past I have shared with another ‘so and so said this’ or ‘that’ not for one minute (until recently) realising that, I was using an ‘opt out’ clause as you say ‘propping up my lack of self worth’ someone else to blame for my own lack of commitment to express from that deep inner part of me that does know truth when I feel it – just holding back. No more as I now express from that place of ‘feeling truth’ for myself – my lived, shared experiences but leaving my choices open to what is being offered by another expressing theirs.

  373. This is a hugely needed blog, thank you Dianne. As you say, there are many reasons people play the ‘…….. said’ card, they could be feeling insecure, like others won’t believe them but they’ll believe whomever their quoting, trying to show off knowledge etc., and it’s important for us – on the receiving end of this – to read why the other person is saying it, and have understanding that every single one of us has done it! I love what you write about making a point of listening and pondering on everything that is presented to you; most people will only listen to certain things, but on ‘touchy’ topics like how their alcohol or smoking habit affects their body they cringe and contract… By being open and actually listening we could truly benefit our health, even if we don’t take on board every single thing that is said or suggested by others.

    1. Very well said Susie – it’s so important to not have ‘selective hearing’, and listen to the parts that you want to hear, instead as Dianne has shared, it is vital to listen to everything and then decide your opinion/check the facts against your own life afterwards. Just because it sounds different to the norm, we can’t discount it

      1. Selective hearing, selective sharing and selective examining …. all aspects of keeping a firm hold on the “I” in things, and to create “my truth”. Knowing whether we are creating our own version of things requires us to be open to reading ourselves, as does truly listening. No wonder we are hesitant to share what we know.

      2. Absolutely Helen – well said. This is also true for organisations doing research – with regard to selectively choosing what data to use/publish based on the outcome that they want.

    2. Great point Susie. It is very revealing in my experience when someone presses one of those buttons that makes what they are saying personal to me. It’s like my whole body shifts its perspective into a readiness to defend. I nearly always find there is something to learn at this point because when I go into defending what I am doing then I have to ask myself why it needs defending. Surely if I am totally ok with what it is then there is no need to be defensive – hence the defensiveness reveals that just perhaps I’m not quite so ok with it after all!

  374. Dianne, thank you. I recognise this and in the past have been a ‘Serge sayer’. It drives people away. I feel the difference between the times when I’ve quoted Serge without having the lived experience and more usually when I use a quote of Serge’s, it’s from a lived or known experience of that truth myself. In the first, I lacked confidence, tried to prove something or influence another. In the second it is offered from a place of certainty with no intention behind it. For me also, there have been times when I’ve been the sceptic, doubted, or questioned what Serge has said, only to find that he was right all along.

  375. Reading this blog reminded me that over the last few years the phrase “[Name] Said..” has brought that cringe factor and turned into a swear word at times. The more I apply myself to what is presented the less it becomes another’s words and my own experience with my own words just in another way. If I go on the word of another there is no input or application in my life and it doesn’t support my situations as it is just riding on the back of another’s life that supported them.

  376. Absolutely beautiful Dianne. I love the science you have incorporated with all that you feel. They are now tried and tested scientific experiments that hold true. This cannot be argued with and what a great premise for all out there. You will not know until you give it a try, and better to have tried and lost than never to have tried at all. But as you say, so far, “darn he’s right again” seems like the winning outcome.

  377. Thank you Dianne – this is delivered with such authority.
    Its a great point you make how we use other people to validate something we say that we have not truly claimed within ourselves. To me it is another game we play, keeping small, not truly accepting our wisdom and trying to justify something.
    I too have felt and been part of the ‘Serge said’ movement – just as I have done when quoting other leaders because they are more experienced at something than me. But there is a huge difference when I refer to something I have not lived; ie ‘a sportsman said only eating green and protein is the best diet ever’ vs. when I have listened to something Serge has presented which challenges me initially, and then discovered for myself that is absolutely true to me in every cell of my body, and then claim it in full from how it is now lived.

  378. This is such an important point you make, Dianne, when you say that when someone holds up another as a ‘flag’ it is to hide their lack of self-worth. Not only are they hiding their self-worth, they are dis-empowering themselves. Also I know I have done that out of laziness, of not wanting to take responsibility for my choices and wanting an ‘easy life’. However, your article really makes me realise how dis-honouring of myself that is and that dis-honouring is coming from my lack of self-worth.

    1. Agree absolutely with you Anita Stanfield, we are so so used to use others and give our own power away and the acknowledgement we have of truth inside of us. We don’t need ‘someone’s says’ if we know this true power fully ourselves and stand for it!

    2. Very True Anita, we can no longer hide behind “someone says”. Dianne has exposed so brilliantly how we use this to back up our own insecurities and uncertainties as a way of trying to prove a point that we have not yet felt or lived from, it is like sprouting words from a text book without really knowing their meaning and hoping everyone will agree.

  379. Just yesterday I was driving home from work with the emerging realisation that I have never truly understood something unless I have embodied it. To a degree I found school difficult because there were some things I simply couldn’t feel in my body – and to be honest I judged myself for being like this. I have no doubt that my body has a ‘yes zone’ as you put it Dianne and that it is only when I have felt the truth in my own body that I can then express it to others in a way that will convey my own beingness and therefore present it with any integrity. To say ‘this is my truth’ is very different from quoting another to try to convince, which is truth often feels like we are trying to convince ourselves as much as anything else!

    1. Awesome Richard – I found that at school, when I understood something in full it meant that I got how something worked/a concept if I could explain it myself – I could never grasp a topic if the teacher just told me to accept it as a fact, I had to be able to understand it from different aspects and when relevant be able to relate it to my own life/experience, before it could go into the ‘yes zone’, which is why I often asked a lot of questions (a nickname throughout my childhood was ‘Mrs Questions’). I find that with Serge Benhayon’s presentations, thus far pretty much everything that he has shared makes sense to my life and my experiences, which is why it is mostly in the ‘yes zone’ as Dianne has called it. Serge also presents on this topic on a whole as well – as everything he presents relates back to life and ‘the way of the livingness’, it is never intended to be used as just knowledge, but as an application to our normal lives.

  380. I agree with what you are presenting here Dianne. Speaking truth that you also live is vastly different to speaking truth that you have neglected to live, but someone else has and so you borrow their words because in them you feel the truth that you know but chose to leave behind. Thus, when you speak the words of truth lived by another and not yourself, they will sound out hollow, as there is no lived experience to anchor them to your body, so to speak. When we embody truth, we do not need to recall words for they are all there in an instant, given when needed in perfect accordance to the whole. For the quality of the words we speak are the end product of the quality of truth we choose to live or not.

    1. “For the quality of the words we speak are the end product of the quality of truth we choose to live or not.” you’ve said it all.

    2. Lianne, I love how you clearly distinguish that we can borrow truth from another that we feel is true, but we’ve not lived and so indeed it feels hollow when we say it. It raises a question for me, if we know this is true, why do we not experiment with it ourselves to validate as Dianne is showing here? We are so stuck in beliefs and our mind that we fail to take the body into account, so do not enact many of the truths we hear and know. We neglect the one thing that would truly anchor the truth, our bodies.

    3. Yes Liane this cannot be denied “For the quality of the words we speak are the end product of the quality of truth we choose to live or not.” This says it all to me and explains why the spouting knowledge does not resonate as truth unless it is coming from what we live.

    4. Everyone can feel the difference between a hollow knowledge based on theory, and the deep wisdom from speaking with experience. It reminds me to simply present what I know, and not try and build something false with no foundation.

  381. This is great Dianne, thank you, I know that I have quoted people through a lack of self-worth and from not trusting that what I say is enough so I have used someone else to validate what I say, it’s great to have this exposed as it has never felt great when I do this, ‘propping up our lack of self-worth and filling in for our fearful reluctance to express what we do actually know’.

    1. Me too Rebecca- I have done this in the past and also felt the cringe of when others have done it.
      It is far truer to embody the truth for ourselves and then speak from that authority.

    2. I have definitely done this too – as I’m sure most people have. It is an easy way to duck responsibility as if someone then turns around and doesn’t agree, you can say, ‘oh yeah, I don’t agree with it in full either but it’s an interesting idea from (someone else)’.

    3. Yes Rebecca powerful and empowering quote ‘propping up our lack of self-worth and filling in for our fearful reluctance to express what we do actually know’. it’s the same when we do it for ourselves and go into justification. I catch myself before I justify because I know I have already felt something in me react so it’s a marker to stop and connect first, and I take my time responding.

  382. The truth which he feels and lives is what we are presented with by Serge Benhayon, and is what he inspires in those who are willing to listen. I went through a phase of doing the “Serge says…” thing when I first came upon him. It was a symptom of wanting to use what was being presented only at a surface level in my life, mainly that was as an intellectual level, where I thought that repeating what had been said was equal to living the truth that was actually being presented by Serge by the way he lives.
    The truth that Serge presents is not “live like this” to have a better life. It is “find the truth by living your life”. The betterment of our lives may be a happy side-effect of this, but it is not the goal. From my own experience I have found that by learning to be simply aware of how I live, how I react to certain situations, how my body responds to this or that has made, and continues to make, incredible revelations in my life and brings continuous opportunities for change in the most profound ways. This has not come from applying a set of rules set down by Serge Benhayon because he said to do things such and such a way. It has come from being open to seeing my life through the lens of awareness of myself.

    1. I had a good laugh reading this blog because I did a fair bit of the “Serge said’s” myself. Now there is no excuse for preaching, or expounding or pontificating what we do not live…however there is an initial phase when, like a toddler taking those first shaky steps, we do not know how to live truth. We stretch our arms up, demanding to be carried, sometimes frustrated with our as yet unawakened capacity.
      But boy do we know truth when we hear it! Would I go back and change it if I could? Erase the Serge saids? Liquid paper them away? In some respects I would like to. But more than that I would choose to live an empowered life, one that is built on true confidence, presence and great love for myself.
      Then it would be a matter of “Rachel said”, with nothing less than absolute authority.

      1. I am laughing with you here Rachel – I love your honesty and the way you express as I can certainly relate to what you say here about “Serge said….”. In the early years of attending Serge Benhayon’s presentations I was so bowled over by what was presented that for the first time in my life made sense and rang true but was unable to claim it as my own until the accumulated emotional baggage was exposed and cleared away. Many things have changed (and continue to do so) through making different choices – true confidence and my own expression (“Stephanie said” with nothing less than absolute authority) continues to re-develop and deepen.
        “I would choose to live an empowered life, one that is built on true confidence, presence and great love for myself”.

      2. Rachel Mascord, you are extremely quotable and will be for an eternity. The absolute authority in which you deliver comes from your ability to live what is true and we can’t get enough of that. So it is for all of us when we make love our living way. We become divine carriers for the voice of truth owned by all who choose to speak/live it once again.

      3. I like that Rachel. Bringing the authority that we live with wherever we are at in life and speaking from there has as much weight as anything anyone says.

    2. Naren whilst reading through the reply comments to this profound article – the truth of this sentence ‘leapt off the page’. Thank you!
      “The truth that Serge presents is not “live like this” to have a better life. It is “find the truth by living your life”. The betterment of our lives may be a happy side-effect of this, but it is not the goal.

  383. Great blog Dianne. I love what you have shared. It is very easy to quote another especially someone like Serge Benhayon to make a point. It is as if by quoting another person then you have a oneupmanship over the other person, ie. it is not just me saying that so I must be right. Using anyone as a pawn in this way is extremely disrespectful.

  384. Dianne, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Serge Benhayon say one thing that didn’t make sense to me, though I’ve heard him say many things I know are true, but may not be my actual experience yet. I like how you approach these things as an experiment in your life, it sounds like a great way to learn and explore things more deeply. I like the idea of taking an active part in speeding up my understanding!

    1. ” I know are true, but may not be my actual experience yet. ” this is great as it does not deny the truth but allows us to know we may not be living it yet.

  385. Thanks Dianne for stating what is true for you. Like you there was a time when all I heard was ‘Serge said……..’, ad nauseum. He was quoted often for someone to prove themselves right. My reply was ‘ok, and what do you say’? Lately there feels to be less reliance on what ‘Serge says….’ and an ownership of what is truth which is a delight.

    1. I agree Janne – there is more ownership and responsibility being taken with students than ever before. The realisation that we all have the answers within us – but to also feel what is being said and understand it from our own hearts, without the distortions.

  386. I can totally understand what you are getting at here Dianne. I have plenty of experience of letting my own stuff get in the way, deliberately ignoring or worse doing the opposite of what an authority figure (for me someone who has travelled further along a path) says or does – parental advice immediately springs to mind! But then I have found with Serge that I am more open to his teaching, maybe not following it exactly while I try to get my head round it, but it remains open as a possibility and that is a product of his own living example, coupled with the deep respect that has built up over the many years I have been studying with this amazing man.

    1. I agree Simon, parenting came to my mind as well when I thought about how many times I have been told to do something and wanted to do the exact opposit! I have found the difference with Serge is that he is not telling, he is presenting, and it leaves space for the listener to just contemplate if they are open to what is being said. I can remember things he said to me many years ago that I am only now either understanding or agreeing with! Clearly a little slow on the uptake, but to be honest, now it is in my body as something I have experienced to be true not just sprouting out of my mouth!

    1. That’s spot on Laura! I agree, Diane has made such sense out of something that can get so complex. I love how you explain things Diane and make science so accessible and simple to understand for everyone. This is a beautiful example. Thankyou for sharing your deep wisdom.

    2. Yes Ariana – and I found that it is because Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon are offering no solutions, no “do it like that and then you will be happy”-bids at all. What they offer is a sharing of lived truth, we all know deep inside and we can re-connect to again. The techniques and methods of Universal Medicine brings no solutions but a change into life so the field of ‘problem/solution’ and ‘wrong/right’ does dissolve and exposed by what it is: an illusion.

  387. What counts is always the intent behind our action, the force or energy which is given us the go – isn’t it? I can mis-use a quote of “Serge said” as a shield I can hide behind or I can use it as an inspiration to evolve for a relationship, meeting, conversation. Is the intent to support my protection or to be open and evolve together? Do I want to control or do I express freely, surrendered to the truth?

    1. So true Sandra, it is the intend that makes the difference. Anything apart from expressing freely, surrendered to truth will, take the credibility out of what we say as this will never fully be what we really could express and thereby share in this world.

    2. ‘Is the intent to support my protection or to be open and evolve together?’ This is a great question Sandra, thanks for the inspiration.

  388. Wow Dianne, you have scientifically proven with in 99.9% that truth presented can be validated and we have proven by replicating it as our solid foundation to live from. Your research into the presentation of truth and living it embodies what is possible for everyone…you could use all kinds of ven diagrams but they would always result in the same answer… true.

  389. Thank you Dianne. I love what has ben shared here and how easy it is to go through life just ‘believing’ (or disbelieving in some cases when it could be true) so our lives are filled in this way rather than go with what is felt, lived for ourself and confirmed then as our own truth. I can see this has happened in many areas in what I have heard as well as what I have seen and then acted out but not felt if this is the right way for me first. I have now come to see my body and relationship with anything on the outside as a scientific experiment and it can be fun testing out different ‘ways’ if there is a possibility it may be for my life especially if it is what ‘Serge said…’ as usually this is worth investigating and confirming.

  390. Great blog, when expressing I can feel how important it is to have lived and experienced what you say, not that I always do it, but when done I can feel how much more powerful it is than just telling something from what I heard Serge Benhayon say.

    1. Benkt I agree, when I hear and see someone expressing and living a life from their truth it is far more powerful and real.

    2. I agree with your words Benkt “…how important it is to have lived and experienced what you say….” – and I find that to be true for me, as I have also found that speaking from actual experience of what is being shared or expressed is very power-full indeed – coming from the truth of ones own lived opportunities for discovery and unfolding in this life – and sometimes I may even add “I once heard a very wise man/Serge Benhayon say….”

    3. Benkt, this is so true, there is a solidity in what I say when it is presented from a lived experience that is not there when I recall from my memory.

  391. A clear analysis Dianne. It is not an unquestioning acceptance of what Serge Benhayon, or anyone else, says but to feel within yourself to assess whether what is said or presented is a truth for you. When 99.9% of what I have heard said by Serge Benhayon makes sense, even though it may challenge long held ideas and beliefs, I know I am listening to words that come from truth.

    1. And having built that level of trust and respect, we are more likely to consider that there might be an alternative to our strongly help ideals and beliefs – to be more, to live more and to love more.

  392. A great blog Dianne (!) on inviting us all to connect to our own authority and our own bodies, and not that of someone else’s, – which when it comes to “Serge Benhayon said…”, it is not about copying Serge’s words or believing them blindly, but simply about having the opportunity to connect to the same truth, knowingness and love that Serge connects to and reflects, and that is available to us all, – and from which we can then express in the authority of our own livingness.

    1. I love your comment Angela inviting us all to connect to our own authority and bodies.

    2. Yes Angela – a powerful call asking us to connect to what we know as the truth and to step up to that in our expression of it. As I have committed more and more to life and to expression there is an increasingly solid platform from which to express from. Dianne is so right when she says that we quote others from a feeling of being less, which I can certainly relate to. However the key to express from your own inner knowing is that loving relationship with self – once this has developed we can start expressing in this way, which confirms that awesomeness. From here we go from strength to strength.

    3. That’s beautifully said Angela, “the authority of our own livingness”.

    4. Yes Angela. Truth is the LIVINGNESS of knowledge that you hear from another source; and act on through your body consistently with the responsibility and respect to the source to which it came from – a soul-full-way-of-being.

  393. Oh Dianne, what a gem. I love how you illustrate the many ways we can do ourselves and Serge a disservice. Of the many options… we can be unwilling to contemplate there might be another way or we have a habit of giving our power away. To be my own experiment, to engage with the conversation and the debate and be open to whatever outcome is the way I would like to approach life and the people and conversations I have.

  394. Thanks Dianne, I love how you express from your inner most truth – and not to go by anyone else’s words due to lack of self worth or lack of confidence. I never thought of it like that, but there is so much here to consider. Thank you

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