The Strength and Power of Connection

All of my life I have felt moments when my connection to me was so strong that it allowed me to make choices that were significant markers in my life.

Once I was offered drugs at a party when I was about 15. I clearly remember stopping and standing there and thinking that I don’t smoke so why would I want to smoke marijuana. It felt like I was being offered a moment to stop. It wasn’t just about having a smoke or taking drugs, it was far greater… it was about making a choice that would affect the rest of my life. I was never offered drugs again.

These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.

By being aware of these moments and this connection in me, I was able to see things differently. I didn’t react to life in the usual way. There was a clarity in what I was seeing.

After my first marriage ended I remember one night having a glass of wine while watching TV and when one of my children went to the kitchen to get something I asked if they would get me another glass of wine. I distinctly remember in a flash seeing my life projected in front of me. I could choose to drink another glass of wine (drown my sorrows) or I could choose to stop. I called out to not get me another drink. This moment was so clear and I can feel the power in my choice, knowing deep down that what I felt was about far more than having another glass of wine.

Another time one of my children lied to me. At the time I knew that there was something much bigger at play here. I couldn’t express what it was that I was feeling, other then a deep knowing in me that told me I needed to be firm and so I grounded her for 6 months to stop what was going on. This was something that I would not have previously done but I knew deep down that what I was doing felt so loving.

A few weeks after the grounding I took her lunch to school as she had forgotten it. When I got there she was sitting in the lunch area on her own; I found out that she was sitting alone every day. I remember feeling upset that she was alone, but this did not make me want to change my mind. It felt like I was given another opportunity to stay committed to the choice that I had made. At the end of the 6 months I could feel a real difference in her; she was no longer following what others were choosing to do and was far more independent and had gained a strength and confidence in herself. She no longer felt driven by the opinions of others. To me this was a confirmation of choosing to trust my feelings.

One day as I was getting out of my car I had a feeling of a strength and power in my body. I looked down as I was walking – I remember looking at my shoes and what I was wearing and wondering what it was. I could feel something very different in the way I was walking, how I was stepping. Something felt very powerful, I felt a solid strength in my body, it was not anything on the outside, it was a feeling on the inside that felt different. I wondered what this feeling was and why it would come and go, and why it was not something that I felt all the time.

Years later I heard someone talking about a man called Serge Benhayon – in that moment I knew that I wanted to see him. I didn’t know why, but I knew that nothing was going to stop me.

Since then and through Serge’s teachings I have discovered that this powerful feeling that I have is my connection to me, the power-fullness that I have felt comes from stopping and reconnecting with myself. With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life. I feel this is what I have felt in the moments that I have stopped and had a clear picture of how my life could be if I made a choice that was not a loving choice.

Serge Benhayon has shared The Gentle Breath Meditation™ as a way of reconnecting. With this conscious presence we can bring a quality to everything we do in our lives. I feel it was this quality that I felt as I got out of the car and connected to my body. With this connection I have learnt to love and care for myself and not leave me until last. This choice has allowed me to strengthen my awareness and connection so that now these moments are becoming a more consistent way of living with myself each day.

As a child I remember lying in the sun on our veranda with my eyes closed and feeling this beautiful feeling – a warmth in my body as the sun was shining on me. Years later when I remembered this moment I had a feeling that this was what everything came back to. I did not understand at the time but now I know that it was about returning to a love that was deep within me.

When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.

It is an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me. That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all.

By Denise Cavanough, BW (beauty-full woman), Living Expression, Brisbane

Related Reading:
~ Living a Religious Life – Connecting with the Divine within
~ Connection, Choice & Energy: Are You the Pilot or is Autopilot Running You?
~ How a Smart Phone Brought Me Back to Connection — a Story on Selfies

628 thoughts on “The Strength and Power of Connection

  1. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander”, it feels that connection is not just about the human then. When we really look at this further, it isn’t just the physicality, it is the being part of the human that many do not understand about until you start to connect with it.

    We can and be more when we connect to ourselves. The Gentle Breath Meditation is a simple reminder of how we can connect to ourselves. If more people performed this often, the state of this world will be in a different place. We will not experience this continuum of exhaustion and unrest, because we will be with ourselves more and in that what is occurring out there does not absorb us.

  2. “Something felt very powerful, I felt a solid strength in my body, it was not anything on the outside, it was a feeling on the inside that felt different.” The body speaks volumes when we stop to tune into our inner-most being.

    1. Agree Mary, when the body speaks volume it is a different feeling, one that is of service than just working. The two differ in that the former leaves us with joy, whilst the latter can leave us with resentment if we are unobserving of its imposition.

  3. We can make certain choices that are supportive and not know really why we made them other than having a deep knowing that this is what was simply needed. And then we can make other choices that we learn fast are not the ones that support us in the long term. These latter ones cannot be called mistakes if we learn from them.

  4. Certain choices we make in life are done with such a conviction that this means this situation or experience does not need to be re-visited by us and if it does come our way again, we know how to deal with it instantly. This is the blessing of learning from life and our experiences.

  5. Thank you Denise for your sharing – I too can relate to those ‘magic moments’, moments when our knowing is so strong and we sense something beyond any doubts, and there is no choice really needed as we can feel the body has made the choice for us. This is the particles of our body speaking loudly.

  6. It feels nothing short of glorious in that connection to everything and everyone and it’s not airy fairy or new agey to be ‘connected to the universe’ when it is done through the whole body. It is very real and tangible.

    1. A very real access to the wisdom within and the connection that is age old.

    2. The Universe has so much wisdom, so it makes sense to connect with what we are a part of.

  7. Learning our lessons in life can take us to a place where we love who we are in our essence so much that there is a hate and distain for every thing that keeps us away from our inner connection to our essence.

  8. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” And what a truth that is – so grand we often don’t want to consider it or sabotage our connection. But when we go there we find ourselves at home.

    1. Absolutely the home of our essence is so power-full, and all that is needed is for anyone to simply recognise this fact, as reconnecting to that level of divinity feels amazing.

  9. The Gentle Breath Meditation is a beautiful and powerful technique that allows us to feel connected to ourselves, allowing us to make choices that are more loving and supportive.

  10. We have so much power within ourselves and when we connect to that and live from it – wow, what lives we would have.

  11. The small decisions we make can have enormous ramifications down the track. They are literally a fork in the road, and often the road taken is not one we would look back on and have chosen had we known where we would end up.

    1. So power-full we are, that lots of detours or forks are placed in our way and the most Loving way to approach these entrapments is to be open in all we do so the True energy can be felt as the lies leave us beside our-selves and in disarray.

  12. When we stop and connect we realise how vast our knowing is, yet it is not something that we are taught it is a deep wisdom we have within.

  13. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” The body speaks louder than words as it is in tune with the Universe.

  14. ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.’ As you share the connection is always there we just have to …. choose it. Great reminder.

  15. These stop moments you describe here are so precious. Sometimes it feels like I am screaming ‘Avalaaaanche!’ as it swallows me and it’ just impossible to stop, and I realise the key here is conscious presence that I have to keep coming back to for me to hear the avalanche from afar.

  16. Thank you for sharing these beautiful examples and reflecting to us all that we are all capable of connecting to the depth of ourselves and to something greater and wiser than us.

  17. Denise we all have this ability to see clearly but for many of us we chose to ignore the information that has been received. Currently for me it feels as though we are offered a glimpse of our potential a choice to be taken and it is up to us what we then chose, this is free will. I can say I chose to ignore what was on offer and took the long way home.

  18. I am in awe of your knowingness which seems to have never left you. It reminds me of the power of renunciation – no ifs or buts, just a solid foundation that doesn’t ask to be liked,approved of or is apologetic.

  19. Thank you Denise, when conscious presence comes into our lives, everything changes, and we can let go of so much and open up as well.

  20. One of the beautiful things about reading this is feeling how the truth you have expressed comes from your experiences and the way you have lived. You are not expressing ideas, hopes or wishes, but the wisdom that has come to you from personal experience. This is a powerful line for me also “With this connection I have learnt to love and care for myself and not leave me until last.” Thank you Denise a beauty-full blog from a truly beauty-full woman!

  21. I love how you say; ‘We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.’ And what we choose in these moments can and does define us. And even if we make a ‘bad’ choice we can always resurrect ourselves from it so long as we completely renounce it and see it for what it is. Otherwise we hang onto them and walk with the shame and regret of what was or what could have been. Nothing is ever taken away from us.

  22. To have these moments and acknowledge how profound they are gives us a foundation of connection that we can come back to whenever we choose. It is lovely to read these experiences and how you honoured what you felt.

  23. Life offers countless opportunities to become parts of a circuit. We go into some and do not go into others. We make choices in the momentum of lived life. Some things are out of our systems. We out other ones while we keep saying yes to some that may not even be good for us… until we learn and remove it from our systems.

  24. I feel that is is incredible what you did with your daughter as it feels it is coming from such a place of love and not punishment. You held steady when many would give in and saw the results in how your daughter was actually empowered by this. Very cool.

    1. Yes and by doing that Denise actually reflected that to her daughter what she needed to learn: stay with yourself, make your own decisions and trust yourself.

    1. And The Gentle Breath Meditation can support with connection, ‘Serge Benhayon has shared The Gentle Breath Meditation™ as a way of reconnecting. With this conscious presence we can bring a quality to everything we do in our lives.’

  25. There is enormous strength that comes from simply living true to ourselves.

    1. Living true and connected to ourselves we are powerful, ‘Since then and through Serge’s teachings I have discovered that this powerful feeling that I have is my connection to me, the power-fullness that I have felt comes from stopping and reconnecting with myself.’

  26. In life, in nature, stillness and moments of pause are built-in… even in the cycle of all of our breaths there is a moment of stillness. If we just simply tune in we will find this.

    1. Thank you Chris – a great reminder of that brief moment between the in breath and the out breath when everything stands still and the Universe is accessible to us timelessly.

  27. One of the things that stands out for me in reading this inspiring blog is how powerful it can be to make a choice that honours our bodies and just how far reaching that decision can be for ourselves and all our relationships. I couldn’t help but feel how different my life would have been if I had made a similar self-loving choice to never drink alcohol, for instance. Also, it was healing for me to read how simple it can be to make that choice and how much I have complicated these things by always feeling the need to know why I have made a non-supportive choice (such as with food, drink, or sports) and almost using this mystery and search for the reason behind the choice to stop me from simply making a decision that I know my body is telling me is the truth! This is how the human spirit can lead us astray from the simple wisdom the body is always communicating to us.

  28. There is nothing wrong with signposts to point us to where we are going, the trick is to just be sure that it is sending us in the correct direction.

  29. “returning to a love that was deep within me.” A blessing for you and all around you.

  30. Wow it’s amazing that you were so tuned into your body that it was able to give you such clear messages. And that you responded positively to the messages.

    1. It is amazing the clarity of messages our body will give us, we just have to listen and honour its’ wisdom.

  31. There is a big grandness well known inside us, the moment we connect, we come back to that absolute feeling of knowing who we are and the bigger picture around it.. that is not just going around the sun doing life, but bringing a quality forth that is not of this earth.

    1. Beautifully said Danna. This gives us an enormous strength and an intuitive way of dealing with adversity.

    2. Connection is so important, ‘With this connection I have learnt to love and care for myself and not leave me until last. This choice has allowed me to strengthen my awareness and connection so that now these moments are becoming a more consistent way of living with myself each day.’

  32. “The grandness of our connection to the all”. It really is stupendous and yet incredibly stilling to connect to the wonder we are from.

    1. And I applaud your strength and the simplicity you proceeded with – you just knew what to do, no self-help books, counsellors or therapy needed.

  33. Thank you Denise (BW), I can also remember watching others do drugs and alcohol and realise I didn’t like what I saw and made the decision to never do that, which was a moment of power, connection and common sense, and occurred at a young age. Your words about being in connection to yourself and the decisions and feelings that came to you as a result gave me the awareness of how life must be like when every decision is made from living connected to ourselves – what a loving way of life.

  34. Denise I love how all your footsteps of realisations led you further into the gait of The Ageless Wisdom Teachings as brought through by Serge Benhayon. When we look back, it shows just how much we are supported back to our truth by the hand of our soul.

  35. Gosh I wish when I was younger I took my stop moment re smoking etc as seriously and clearly as you did. However I have learnt my lesson now. I love the examples you give throughout the blog, very powerful particularly with your daughter in that it was absolute love that you kept to what you said and saw a really beautiful change within her because of this … very cool. Many of us can learn something here through what you share.

  36. I love how you connect us to that absolute knowing in ourselves and i am inspired to resurrect more of this way of being. It is very powerful when we renounce something that we know is not supportive in any way and likewise when we say yes because we know we have met truth even if we do not know what it means.

  37. There is a wisdom within that cannot be denied by anyone, and that wisdom will in anyone’s life have been listened to and made some commendable decisions. Those decisions deserve to be seen and honoured for the inner wisdom that they were.

  38. Beautiful to stay strong in what you can sense is going on around you, to not introduce self-doubt or critique, but just simply to let the situations speak for themselves, knowing that you will respond accordingly.

  39. Reading this reminded me of feeling the moment I had a choice to continue smoking and become addicted or stop right then. I chose to stop right then because I could feel that I was beginning to rely on the cigarette to comfort me when I was stressed, sad or lonely.

  40. Awesome blog Denise. Staying connected with yourself you traversed any possible attachment or hook that presented to take you off track and followed your inner wisdom. Very inspiring.

  41. We connect to something so much bigger than ourselves when we respond to the awareness that is given to us. These are great examples shared here Denise and really show that we have such an opportunity to develop this natural awareness.

  42. Where as I was offered drugs at a young age and accepted and this changed the course of my life, so yes we are always making choices that affect the rest of our life.

    1. Absolutely, taking advantage of our unpreparedness to life, as life is set full of traps to keep us from our essences, or our divine roots to keep us from the true power that is always living within and drugs are just one aspect.

  43. Ultimately we all know this connection so well, and yet we choose all sorts of things that take us away from that.

  44. The opposite is also true, I recall moments where I made decisions that took me a step further away from myself, where I didn’t trust my inner knowing. Now I do and this has changed.

  45. that is absolutely everything — our connection to the All; meaning the Universe (alignment with our Soul and Heavens), our connection to our Brothers and Sisters (humanity) and the responsibility that this connection brings for each one of us to live accordingly. In connection to this all. There is no chance we can escape that one, only temporally deny (for a certain time).

  46. So many people can remember those times possibly rare but definitely there when there was stillness grace and connection and a sense of oneness with everything… This is what is possible now.

  47. The power of connection may mean something different to each of us. Nonetheless, each of those experiences is deeply felt and deeply registered. It is something that leaves a mark that will never be forgotten.

  48. We already are amazing beings belonging to something much grander, are we able to surrender to that innate grandness, ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.
    It is an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me. That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all.’

  49. ‘It wasn’t just about having a smoke or taking drugs, it was far greater… it was about making a choice that would affect the rest of my life. I was never offered drugs again.’ I find this sentence fascinating, by clocking the absurdity of smoking marijuana you where giving yourself permission to say no to what was not true which naturally paved the way or the path your life would take from there. That’s extremely powerful. This is the type of article that should be shared in schools when bringing awareness to drug abuse is on the agenda.

  50. We always have a choice in every moment, ‘With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life. I feel this is what I have felt in the moments that I have stopped and had a clear picture of how my life could be if I made a choice that was not a loving choice.’ What we choose has consequences, and so it is a great idea to reflect on our choices, are they loving and evolving of who we truly are.

  51. “… now I know that it was about returning to a love that was deep within me. When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” When we deeply connect with ourselves we connect with everyone – and the all.

  52. Trusting in our connection, without needing to calculate and control situations, opens up the grandest pathways in life.

  53. Bringing quality, and being aware of this quality, to everything we do is so important, ‘With this conscious presence we can bring a quality to everything we do in our lives.’

  54. I have been feeling recently the grandness you speak about Denise and it is the most amazing feeling in my body. I had completely forgotten that such grandness was within me just waiting for me to reconnect back to it once again.

  55. “It is an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me. That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all.” it is the grandness of our divine love that connect us to all humanity and beyond.

  56. ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.’ This statement says so much. We forget we are part of the all, that we are all connected, and so to connect to ourselves, means we connect to the universe.

    1. Thank you Debra a gorgeous reminder. No wonder when we disconnect we are so discombobulated. We miss this profound connection, and totally unaware of it at the same time. Even though we know it like the palm of our hand.

  57. How empowering this stop moment was Denise to say no to drugs. Our life can change in a moment from the choices we make to love and support our body or not.
    “It wasn’t just about having a smoke or taking drugs, it was far greater… it was about making a choice that would affect the rest of my life. I was never offered drugs again”.

  58. Connection is always there, available to be chosen. So much clarity comes with it and any doubt is instantly dissolved

  59. You are indeed a beautiful woman (BW) Denise! I really enjoyed reading this again, it’s amazing to reflect back over my life and see the times I’ve trusted myself and what I knew to be true for me, and also reflect on why other times I did not. I also appreciated what you shared about your powerful walk, this is something I intend to feel into myself over the next few days and how walking in connection feels for me.

  60. We are already all that we are. All we need do is reconnect to this.

  61. I think these moments are more common than we think, and its a question of whether I’m clear enough in myself to recognise it or slip into the default that has taken me thus far. The more aware I am, the more I realise that everything is a choice.

  62. I agree with you the reconnection to ourselves is very powerful and I certainly hadn’t taken any notice of this other part of me that has been there waiting for me to reconnect to it until I met Serge Benhayon. With his support I have come to realise I was ignoring the best part of me.

  63. Seeing life as a series of moments and opportunities to connect to ourselves is a great joy to live.

  64. Written from the authority of your lived experience – there is not much more powerful evidence than that, and that it is not in fact about going somewhere, trying to reach for something – it is about returning back to the truth within that we have always known.

  65. It is through the appreciation of these moments of deep connection that we can make choices to finetune our way of living in order to express more of the awareness within.

    1. Yes, appreciation is key to consolidating the choices we have made and to support us to deepen our awareness.

  66. Thank you Denise for your powerful yet simple reflection of how important it is to following your feelings and listen to your heart. As a sentsitive vulnerable man today that is what I needed to read.

  67. Awesome ‘real life’ experiences and examples you give Denise. It is great and in fact essential to appreciate and acknowledge the time that we are connected and know absolutely that this is the true way.

  68. When we connect we may tap into the depth of support that is constantly available to us, for we are at one with the flow and rhythm of life and open to the expansiveness of the Universe.

  69. ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.’ Very true Denise and the more we embrace this the quality of our life expands enormously.

  70. The ultimate love is Karma – the opportunity to align to what is true this (and each) time around.

  71. Being connected and present throughout our day offers us the needed clarity to observe astutely and respond to life accordingly rather than be swept up in its torrent.

  72. And when we do bring that conscious presence to every part of our lives… Every part of us benefits, and then all around us benefit and the ripple effect goes on and on… Conscious presence, true conscious presence is actually service for humanity.

  73. In connection with our inner-most truth we have access to the whole universe.

  74. Connecting to the grandness of who we truly are is such a precious gift, a gift there for us whenever we choose to accept it. Thank you Denise for sharing your experiences and wisdom.

  75. This just shows that we unfold to who we already and truly are rather than become someone.

    1. Beautifully and simply said Jennifer – We don’t have to try and be something or someone because we are everything we will ever be already, it’s just a matter of surrendering and allowing the beauty to of this wisdom to be expressed and lived.

  76. Just like you Denise, the instant that I heard Serge Benhayon’s name mentioned I knew I had to meet him and like you I “didn’t know why, but I knew that nothing was going to stop me”. Everything did try to stop me but the deep and utter knowing that I was to meet this man was not able to be ignored and every day for the last 12 years I have celebrated the fact that I followed that huge impulse and made the choice to do so; the best choice ever!

  77. What if we lived life consistently in connection to that which is innate to our beingness? things would be very different in the way that we would live from the wisdom of our bodies first in connection to the flow of the universe and we would also understand that the true purpose in life is to return and evolve back to the love and grandness which we came from and not identify with the limitations and struggles of the mind.

  78. This is a beautiful contribution, written from the body and its lived experience. You make connection to self and the clarity and simplicity that ensue very tangibly real and relatable.

  79. We have a knowing deep within when we are offered that moment of clarity where we feel the power of our decision. There are no moments of hesitation – the doubt of past decisions is no longer with us and we can move forward and claim a truer and more loving way to live life.

  80. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” – This for me is what makes Esoteric Yoga so powerful, it brings something that is grander than human life into human life.

  81. When we choose to connect to ourselves and our body we naturally know what feels true and supportive.

  82. Thank you Denise, that is teaching us all how to be with feelings and trusting them, and especially when they are different as we would imagined them to be or look like. A powerful message to us all..

  83. “These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.” The interesting thing about these profound moments is that they can be made from the simplest of decisions in our everyday lives.

  84. Love how you shared about the simplicity of lying in the sun and feeling the beauty of life around and that warmth within. It is so true saying that we do make life about everything other than this connection, yet no matter what we have achieved in life the greatest achievement of all is the quality of connection we have within ourselves.

  85. I can relate to those many moments of clarity and offering to make a true choice – easy when it came to drugs for example, but there were also many other moments when offered the opportunity to stop an ill-behaviour, and even with the clarity and very clear communication of the harm is was doing to me and others, the choice was still defiance and resistance… so now I am learning the consequences of those choices and just how imprisoning they were as we must step back through and reimprint each of those false choices.

  86. Thanks Denise there is much wisdom in this blog, when I look back at my life I guess there have been moments like you had, like not smoking marijuana when I chose the wrong fork in the road and made a conscious decision to dull myself instead of truly feeling what is there to be felt. So all of this is a good reminder not to keep making bad decisions for myself and also to show consistency in the decisions I make concerning my daughter.

  87. We are all powerful beings, and it is only through our connection to and appreciation of what is already within that we get to embody and move in a way that reflects heaven on earth.

  88. I love the story you told of how you grounded your daughter for 6 months and that you did not back down from that decision. Consistency is so important for children and adults alike as it is a way of seeing love in action.

  89. It is amazing when we feel that inner connection – as when we connect to our essence we only need to be and the trying becomes superfluous.

  90. Your blog reminds me Denise that each choice is simple and it sets up that next choice, and if we stop and truly feel that we can take real stock of what it is we’re choosing in each given moment, and understand more clearly and deeply that everything is linked, and that everything that is done has a ripple effect whether we want to acknowledge it or not, it’s there. And best of all when we do honour those stop moments we develop and build our honesty with and in us – we develop an authority and trust in us, and it’s not just us but that we’re a part of the bigger picture, a grandness that is all around us, and that everything we do impacts on us and on that grandness, both a glory and a responsibility.

  91. That was gorgeous to read Denise. Stop moments that remind us that we have always been offered the gift of coming back to our light and love within

  92. There are moments in life which keep coming around again, giving us the opportunity to choose differently, and if we are aware enough to recognise when those moments are being presented to us, we can make the most of what is on offer, and change something that has been running us for a very long time.

  93. Every moment we are offered an opportunity to say yes or no to the love held within our bodies and the absolute simplicity found in this is amazingly beautiful to feel and be reminded of everyday. There is a lot to appreciate from our connection to our bodies and the choice to commit to the yes or no of living life from love.

  94. Years ago in a fleeting moment, I unmistakably felt the connection with all. Through my choice to be a student of The Way Of The Livingness I now feel this connection and know that it is actually the way to live life from. As I write this my heart warms, as does my body in absolute appreciation of what I have chosen.

  95. True power is so very inspiring. In that moment that it is being expressed, the whole body is imbued with a quality, an essence that is simply divine.

  96. I really enjoyed reading about all your stop moments. It has made me reflect on some of mine where I have made a decision that I know I will not go back on. Then there are the other situations that keep coming around again and again because I have not yet said a definitive ‘no’ to them.

  97. …’moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.’ We never know where these opportunities will take us, being aware, observing every moment.

  98. When we connect we are whole as the choice to align our particles (cells) to a universal order is made. The universe is all connected, so are we. So the moment we tap into the universe (simply by connecting to our essence, our beingness) we are all of it again. The strength and power of connection.

  99. I find your words are truly inspiring Denise – I have not always had that same strength of purpose and love that you describe and yet there are those moments when I have felt that deep connection within – where I have a sense of knowing of what is true. Since meeting Serge Benhayon I have gradually built a stronger sense of what is true – it’s still a work in progress but I am coming back to my true purpose more readily and steadily.

  100. For me connecting to myself, listening to the messages in my body and my feelings brings a lot of care and support not just for me but everyone. Whereas trying to work out how to be in life based on mental pictures, perfected scripts to people or assumptions is pretty miserable.

  101. Connection to our selves is paramount, the more connected we are the simpler life is.

  102. It is incredible when we connect to ourselves, we also naturally connect to people, to the world and the universe. A beautiful expansion.

  103. So true our connection gives us strength and power, it is felt as an absoluteness in our bodies. You like your examples there have been moments I did not waver but overall I chose to follow others, to please and for recognition. Learning the Gentle Breath Meditation was the start of choosing my connection more consistently and by every choice I make it becomes more natural and simple to do so and not to forget living life in such a way becomes joyful and simple too.

  104. How wonderful to be able to catch ourselves in moments like these, when we feel our own power, our own sense of connection to ourselves. Now image feeling that all the time. The question is, what’s stopping us from doing just that?

  105. “…When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander…” In a world that encourages constant motion, taking time to stop and feel a part of being connected to something far more grander is deeply healing.

  106. I love that in connection there are moments that occur that guide us through life, like never ending gifts, offering us a clarity to make a choice that is founded in love that as a result will offer a healing to ourselves or others when embraced.

  107. I also find that if I lose that inner connection with me and therefore am not truly settled and still in my body, then the choices I make are not consistent or accurate, I get indecisive and make mistakes or errors that I would not make when I am connected.

  108. The stop moments in life provide us a valuable opportunity to review the quality of our choices and if they are aligned to love or if they are taking us further way from love and therefore harming ourselves and others.

  109. This inner connection is huge and not just about what occurs inside “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.”, we have access to a universal flow and wisdom through our inner connection, the outside will not offer us the answers we seek, our own understanding and experience of the universe will offer us so much more…

  110. It is in trusting our body to make the choices that are true and serve us the opportunity to grow and evolve, our mind is in most ways based on its own creation and keeping that in shape not letting things come in that can change that, it is our decision to not listen to this and let our heart lead the way.

  111. Our mind wants to question every choice we make. We want to evaluate, judge and give reason, or try to make it right or wrong, but when we make it about love, and connect to our inner heart, there is a knowing that comes from our whole body, there is an absoluteness that just knows what is true and does not need to question or try to understand

  112. Denise this is great to read and appreciate what life can offer ourselves when we listen to the messages around us and within us. When we honour a deep knowing and it is unshakable. I have come to see how everything has a reason because there is always a message or a learning, and it is our choice on how open and responsive we are to this.

  113. What a beautiful blog to read today Denise, it has made me stop and ponder on the many defining choices that I too have made. One such choice was saying no to smoking. All my friends were smoking by 12 years old. They gave me a cigarette which I took home to try, I went to the bathroom, locked the door and took my first puff and started coughing immediately. In the very next moment that cigarette went down the toilet and I remember so clearly saying these are not for me.

  114. I can relate to what you’ve shared Denise about a deeper knowing from your body… when I first heard Serge Benhayon’s name something in me knew I HAD to see him, nothing could have stopped me, even ridicule from someone close to me at the time. I can look back and see that even his name was speaking to something in me that was engaged instantly… and has remained so ever since. Life has never been the same again after following that original impulse, and I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for what I have now in my life as a result.

  115. It reveals us that we in truth have more strength and power when we connect to our Soul, our inner-heart. And that by choosing this connection there is an openness and real fragility, that would have not appear to be felt when we are in disconnection to our Soul’s inner-heart.

    1. It’s beautiful to read your comment and to realise that we do all have a connection to our Soul and when we use the word it confirms that connection. For so long it seems as though we have all avoided that word and hence diminished our connection to our true self. It is awesome to feel the power within when we are connected to our soul as then there is no pretence just us truly being all of us – and it feels so simple and expansive as we unite with the Universe.

  116. “To me this was a confirmation of choosing to trust my feelings.” It is very powerful to trust one’s own feelings, as in the end we can only do what feels true to us, everything else is simply a calculation of the mind that gives us a thousand options and more.

  117. Being open to the world around us and in connection to ourselves is our most precious resource and greatest strength.

  118. Yes it’s with hindsight I know the choices I was offered and the direction it led me, clearly if I had a loving relationship with myself I would have not overrode the clear choices I was given that I knew to be true.

  119. Getting to know ourselves by the quality of our connection allow us to the feel the oneness where we come from, where there is no division of any kind only the connection of the love that we are.

  120. There is such a depth of connection that is possible for us all, and everyone definitely yearns for this connection, and yet it seems that humanity is hell-bent on heading in the opposite direction. It behoves anyone who knows this connection to live there life so fully that this connection is reflected to everyone.

  121. Connection makes us and our love seem bigger, and the issues or problems around that seem way small.

  122. A clear testament of how very much we know and how powerful we are. There is a knowing deep within us that when tended to and cared for grows in solidness with every breath more.

  123. So true Denise, that connection to ourselves is so solid. It is there waiting for us any time we choose to re-connect. It doesn’t walk away and feel hurt by us, ignore us as punishment – nope, it never leaves us but we seem to leave it. That was quite a humbling realisation for me.

  124. Having a rhythm that allows us to connect deeply with our bodies is super supportive as we can clearly identify whenever we get caught up in the doing, controlling and driving of life and instead choose the surrender that comes from that connection and stillness within as everything is then perfectly constellated for the good of all.

  125. Connection is everything… With ourselves, with our children, with everything around us… With connection everything unfolds… Without it life is a blur.

  126. “It felt like I was given another opportunity to stay committed to the choice that I had made.” This is such a wonderful awareness to appreciate – I feel they come up often. Whether I accept them as a confirmation or a temptation/distraction from my truth that either supports and evolves or has me going around again.

  127. There is nothing in this world more glorious than being connected with ourselves and therefore God/the universe. It is no wonder that we remember our times of deep connection. The more we join those moments of connection together to make our life just one life of connection the freer we will be.

  128. I realised I had no idea what true connection was (as much as I tried) until I started to connect to myself through my body and not go off someplace into my mind searching for it. It was there all along, connecting with my inner heart, thank you Serge Benhayon for showing us the way.

  129. I also was never tempted by drugs per say, and I remember saying to someone when they asked me why I was not attracted to drugs, that I did not like the thought of altering my state of mind, and was quite happy with the way I was.

  130. Gorgeous Denise and so needed to be written down – our choices carry a lot of power or the opposite force, which truly shows us that when we listen to our inside, our feelings, we can only truly win but at times we have to set the mind aside. And we and our enviroment truly learns. Like these example show, super super important! Thank you for sharing this.

  131. A great reminder of how throughout life, every day, every moment, we are being offered choices. And we always do choose… if we choose love, it comes back to us tenfold and more.

  132. Living life without connection to the true and Soulful quality of who we are leaves us empty for life to be run by overwhelm, stress, anxiety and control (to name a few). When we choose connection, the fullness of the Universe is with us in our everyday duties. Like you’ve described Denise, it’s a full body knowing and the mind cannot get in the way of that knowing.

  133. What a gorgeous blog, remembering us all of the moments we connect with our essence and make the choices that bring true harmony to our life. It is so beautiful to feel the divine workings of our soul, we are woken up at the moments that matter most, the moments we get offered a distraction from who we truly are. It is in deepening the connection that we are making these moments more clear.

  134. ‘As a child I remember lying in the sun on our veranda with my eyes closed and feeling this beautiful feeling – a warmth in my body as the sun was shining on me.’ I absolutely love the feeling of the sun warming my face with my eyes closed. It’s always a beautiful stop moment that reminds me of the grandness we are part of and that lays within each and everyone of us.

  135. Its incredible to reflect back on stop moments and see how we have been affected by our critical decisions at those moments in time.

  136. It is awesome how clearly you felt the option to not drink any wine, and to actually feel and face what is going on for you instead of simply ‘drowning’ your sorrows. I love how strong you were and so clearly able to see what the truth is.

  137. “it was far greater… it was about making a choice that would affect the rest of my life.” We can see choices as just a choice and that that choice is only affecting that moment, or we can see how even the simplest choices can have huge impact on our whole life and also the lives of others. Life is about energy, so what we are saying yes or no to on a daily basis is a choice of energy and the more we choose the energy that supports and honours is the more easy this choice next time will be, as well for others seeing and feeling us making a truly loving choice over the disregard that is so clearly visible in society.

    1. Beautiful comment Lieke. It takes a conscious choice to make the choice initially but the impact on our lives is often huge! It makes the next choice a little easier, as if the first choice has left a space in its wake for the next one. A valuable reminder thank you.

  138. At this point I am reflecting on a choice I made just recently that totally override my inner knowing, and that I have to feel the pain of.

    1. These moments are great learnings and at times just as important as the confirming ones in life.

  139. My greatest moment of knowing I was hearing truth was at my first presentation with Serge Benhayon. Although so much challenged what I believed, held to be true and lived my life by there was a connection that I could not deny that made me question everything. Within three months of further questioning I had no doubt what he presented was true in a way that I had previously not felt, the result of which I committed to totally change my whole way of being. It is the best decision I have ever made and have never looked back. When we have those moments of knowing and respond to them it is life enhancing.

  140. Connecting to the body and feeling the innateness of the quality that lies with in is the only way we, as a humanity, will begin to look at how we live, and how that impacts on our body. Beautiful article Denise.

  141. The moments we connect to our inner knowing are divine and such a blessing; the choice is then ours as to how we respond. Thank you Denise for the beautiful confirmation.

    1. And it’s so gorgeous that we are each communicated these stop moments in life in just the way they need to happen for each of us to offer us a true choice. The beauty is the more we recognise that feeling of our divine communication and that we can choose to allow it to be there in every moment then we are able to feel these moments of connection and expansion more regularly.

  142. At every moment I can make a choice to connect more deeply or further away, this has made itself very clear to me recently and how powerful it is.

    1. I feel the same way Ruth. It is indeed powerful to make the choice about connection rather than the outside options. Like, instead of looking at whether to eat a certain food or not, making the decision about connecting or not will then make the choice for us by virtue of the energy we have chosen to be aligned to. That’s why stop moments are so important. It’s like a stock take for what energy is running the body and a moment to re-evaluate before continuing on.

  143. What strikes me is how crystal clear and the detail of remembering of those moments when a choice is presented that can take you in one of two opposite directions… Makes me see just how 1) we are always being presented with choices to make and 2) the connection we have with our body and the knowing this brings is always there, it’s just how much of a relationship do we have with it in order to listen and take heed of its knowing.

  144. Hello Denise and a solid blog on presence and connection. I often get caught in trying to give someone the answer to what is going on or the direction they should head or what they should do next when what if all I need bring them is my presence. I don’t mean just be in front of them as another body but to bring a quality of presence that’s not trying to get them somewhere or give them an answer, all I am doing is providing or connecting to a true quality of presence. In this quality the reflection is that they know everything they need to know and I am not doing anything for them. I am simply watching there choice and not allowing my presence to waver. If I find myself giving answer or solutions or getting frustrated etc then I know my presence isn’t true. We are all equal and have access to everything all the time. If I am talking to someone in the ‘I know’ what you should do then I am not simply truly present with them and while things may go better they certainly aren’t true.

  145. The Gentle Breath Meditation is the key to reconnect and get to know the true quality of who we are, it allows us to break away form the confines of the mind and embrace the stillness from our soul.

  146. As a child I knew I was never alone as I easily felt a connection with something that was much grander than what was going on around me. As I reflect this connection never left me and although it was not as consistent as in my younger days there were profound moments especially in times of distress where I felt held and knew every thing would be ok.

  147. Many times in my life I have been presented with choices that would take me down one path or another. Because I lacked connection with my true self I repeatedly went with what was offered and did not even know I was being presented with a choice. It is different now. When I’m connected it is easier to discern between choices offered and more often than not I know from my body what to accept or reject.

  148. If we are willing to look at the signposts, there are many of them. The question is are we willing to pay attention, to read what they offer, and develop in who we are with the opportunities given to us.

  149. “With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life.” I love this. And in every moment we are presented a choice. Even if we mess up and make a mistake, a new choice is always presented.

  150. There have been so many moments in my life that I have had these same turning point moments and out of my complete disregard for myself and to my spirits delight I have chosen the wrong path, so this blog really does strongly clarify to me that it really is just a matter of choice and that is all it boils down to.

  151. My young friend, a boy of 13 years old was presented with a very similar situation the other week, where an older boy at a supposed supervised group for young men, offered him some white powder. He said no and the boy insisted, he again said no. That was a empowered point of choice for him in that moment because even though he actually didn’t know what he was being offered new it did not feel right and trusted that.

  152. When we connect to our bodies as you share Denise, we do know by the feedback we are given from our bodies what is true for us or not. This connection is the gateway into our ever expansiveness. Life can be simple when we listen and take notice.

  153. It’s really simple, everything is about connection. We can go into our heads for hours, days, weeks or even years to find or look for the answer to something, when all this does is create complication.

  154. It is so true that the moment you connect to yourself you can feel you are also connected to something much grander and that you play an equal part in that grandness.

  155. The Gentle Breath Meditation as presented by Serge Benhayon is a powerful and very simple tool that anyone can use to support them to reconnect.

  156. The moments when we connect are so very powerful, like brightly lit windows into a future that we can live now – depending on what choices we make. Your writing is very body centred and comes with utmost clarity and simplicity, a great offering for us all.

  157. As you describe so beautifully Denise, we need only to stop for a moment, connect with ourselves to feel our connection to the all.

  158. I like the term ‘signpost’ you use here Denise. If I put it into two words – sign and post – it reminds me and deepens my understanding of how we make contracts by choosing which energy we align to, what I am saying YES to, what do I sign. And of course the contracts I sign have a huge effect on life. Brings to awareness which responsibility we have.

    1. Yes Sandra Schneider the directions we choose to take will depend on the previous movement and what ideals and beliefs we choose to carry along the way. The sign posts are clear yet we choose to make them unclear and bombard ourselves with a hundred and one excuses to bring in complication when the simplicity is there to appreciate.

  159. So beautiful reading this blog again today. It’s so very confirming of something we all universally feel – our deep inner knowing. We can often feel alone in life yet all along we have this powerful support from within ourselves, an internal compass lovingly guiding us. All we need to do is listen and trust. Very powerful sharing Denise and expressed very simply.

  160. I too can remember distinctive stop moments in my life where a choice could have taken me in a very different direction to the one I chose. If we ‘stop’ and consider this, this happens all day every day in the smallest of ways to live more or less love.

  161. I have found The Gentle Breath Meditation, and the modalities presented by Serge Benhayon, supported me to begin to have those moments of clarity I would have otherwise skipped past. There’s nothing like Esoteric bodywork to provide a felt, ‘lived’ marker for another way of being.

  162. When those stop moments present it is like our soul is speaking directly to us. We then have a choice whether we want to listen or not.

  163. I feel it is the connection with ourself we often avoid to not feel the truth of what we are living in. I can see this and feel it is all a choice. Connection brings us a deep awareness, sometimes just a fleeting moment, but when we choose to listen our lives are laid out for us.

  164. Connection with ourselves is essential if we are to connect with others and the greater purpose of why we are here. Connection therefore is the gateway to truly knowing where we come from.

  165. For many years, especially my teenage years, I avoided the connection with me, turning to substances to take me away and to falsely ‘connect’ with others. Over the years I have come to realise nothing beats that true connection to ourselves.

  166. Every moment we are given the opportunity to connect to the wisdom we hold within. As you have pointed out Denise there are times when these moments are so significant, providing a deep connection with our souls and with life. Thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom.

  167. When I take a look back through my life I also see these moments where I had a clear choice to go one way or the other. A lot of the time I took the other, but looking back without self criticism, this was where I was at at that time. The opportunity to make choices comes around again and again, each one with its own learning and consequences.

    1. Yes, it is also a choice to lament our past choices, which we cannot escape, or from observing without the critic we can bring understanding and learn. Each moment offers fresh choices and how we respond now is what creates our future experiences.

  168. These moments of deep connection with ourselves support us to make wise and loving choices. The power and strength we feel from these choices are available to us constantly. What would it look like if we chose this consistently?

  169. Love what you have shared. This has opened me to feel the first time I was offered drugs and that I accepted even though I thought it was silly and not right. I got lost for many years smoking marijuana and now understand how addictive and energetically abusive drugs are.

  170. This is it for me, I have reconnected with me…my expression through the inspirational teachings of Serge Benhayon…”Since then and through Serge’s teachings I have discovered that this powerful feeling that I have is my connection to me, the power-fullness that I have felt comes from stopping and reconnecting with myself.” It powerful to reengage with our own expression, everything I have healed and regained a connection with has been through my choice to do so, empowering does not cover it, it is heaven sent…

  171. A consistent thread throughout this great blog is that we all have within us an innate knowing of what is the Truth and what our body truly needs to support it lovingly. It’s just a matter of how much we listen to this inner voice, but as Denise has shown with her examples is how we are always offered these opportunities throughout our lives and even daily, I have noticed. Each one a chance to either evolve or delay the growing of our awareness and love in our lives.

  172. How completely different life will unfold if we consistently trust ourselves rather than keep overriding and ignore what we feel.

  173. I love your conviction and strength. There are times when I know what is true for me and yet I still go ahead and do the opposite. Ultimately it comes down to how much love I have for myself as to whether I am true to myself or go against myself.

  174. ‘knowing deep down that what I felt was about far more than having another glass of wine.’ Let me not discount my choices as trivial (nor irredeemable!) but be honest about what I am choosing and the effects. So feeling what is there for me to evolve – not turning on the TV to numb out; so connecting and dealing with my reactions to the reflections that are around me I find difficult because I’ve invested in some ideal that’s being undermined in some way. letting go of these ideals gives me the space to really be myself with people and connect.

  175. Beautiful Denise, where you have come to in yourself is incredible, that you now say : “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.”
    We have the key to our Soul (connection to our heart) that we can than live from and grow in ourselves through life. To see all as learnings and all happenings to evolve, if we choose to stay open no matter what – that is our responsibility, to feel all that we are and all around us.. Every day, to the best ability we can. Everyday..

  176. It strikes me how silly it is to resist true connection with ourselves. Yet I know from personal experience just how much we can and how even the tiniest of choices in how we live can be a form of damping or dulling of this connection to ourselves. I know when I am doing this, it is not me and that I am already disconnected from myself and my body. In those moments it is always a hurt that is coming to the fore or at least being felt in the situation before me. Even if I do not want to feel the hurt, it is super crucial to stay committed to our quality of connection with ourselves, as this is what heals.

  177. I am beginning to realise and accept that the choices I have made throughout my life are determined by everything that came before that moment of choice – it’s not just one isolated incident. I am starting to realise that I don’t have to act in the present based on the past as I let go of the past and all the attachments that can hold me in the past. When we can live each day and keep our life current we won’t be hauling around baggage from the past.

  178. A true choice has loads of love and no emotion in it. So what ever it may look like – everyone actually benefits.

  179. It is interesting looking back to see that every moment was a choice and we are living the result of those prior choices and equally to realise that ever moment from here on offers further choices that by our free-will we can make with or against our inner-wisdom and knowing.

  180. Loosing the connection with ourselves and our knowing is very painful even though initially it may appear as having been subtle. But to re-find it again allows us to feel like we have come full circle, and it offers us another opportunity to embrace life again, this time feeling each step of the way. Sometimes it can be very painful to feel the decisions that have been made out of disconnection, but the blessing still lies in the fact that we get to realise this path was not a true path, and hence we can return to the true path, and re-tread these steps again with so much more love, and appreciation and respect and integrity. Denise, I love how you have shared your experience and the deep knowing in your body that a decision you have made is the right one in the sense of having come from a true source.

  181. What struck me today is the fact that you were never offered drugs again after your first claimed ‘no’ to them – how powerful then are the connection and steadiness that we have inside of us? It literally moves mountains and parts the seas.

  182. I love how connection is possible for all people. We all have to connect with each other in order to make relationships work

  183. I know and feel very clearly the difference in my body and in the practicalities of the every day when I am connected with myself. Magic happens and there is an ease to the day and I feel energised.

  184. Moments make our life what it is. I am so glad my life is unfolding in a way that supports me to value these moments for what they offer. Life is actually a whole series of moments.

    1. A whole series of moments that we mostly do not value nearly as much as we could…

  185. When I first heard about Serge Benhayon I too had that same feeling of knowing that I wanted to meet him, at the time I wasn’t sure why but there was something inside of me that called me to go and meet him and since then my life has changed dramatically. It is these internal feelings that we have in life that we know to trust.

  186. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” This is beautiful as we all have this feeling of connection within us, we all know that there is a deeper connection to the all, and when we feel that, there is a deep stillness felt within, which is so beautiful.

  187. It is great to remember no matter the turmoil around us and within us, that deeper within there is a part that is never tainted by the dross of emotions, stress, conflict and that part that is pure and untarnished is the true nature of our being. Only through connecting or rather re-connecting to that (which is within us constantly and eternally) can we see clearly what we have chosen that is not of that, and what causes all the strife and misery we experience. And only through seeing it clearly do we than have the choice to let it go and live instead the truth of who we are.

  188. I knew the experience I had in Universal Medicine workshops were true because they felt familiar to moments in my life, as Denise described, where I felt grounded and centred and a sense of completeness in my body. Yes these did diminish in frequency as I became older and to now discover I can bring these back to daily life with consistency has been priceless.

  189. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.
    It is an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me.That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all.” Now that’s a reason to reconnect!

  190. “With this conscious presence we can bring a quality to everything we do in our lives. I feel it was this quality that I felt as I got out of the car and connected to my body. With this connection I have learnt to love and care for myself and not leave me until last.” Yes with this connection you take responsibility for yourself and you carry you through your day with so much more love and light to share with others. Then life truly feels worth living and the joy of each moment of being with you is immense.

  191. ’Another time one of my children lied to me. At the time I knew that there was something much bigger at play here.’ – This is a great point, how often do we actually KNOW that people are lying to us, we can feel it in our entire body – an yet, we override it to play ball and/or to avoid discomfort.

  192. What I came to understand from reading your blog again Denise is that we actually have an amazing amount of awareness if we allow it to be there. We do know what feels loving or true and what does not.

  193. Denise, this sentence ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.’makes me stop for a moment and feel what you are saying. Even though it’s about me stopping and connecting to myself, it’s not about me, it’s about connecting to the space all around me, the Universe and the All.

  194. The grandness and true brotherhood that we all are naturally and equally so in our divine essence, is beyond anything that can be compared with existing in the separation of individualism, that only brings an ill-configuration of the physical body and compromises the true flow of our movements.
    “It is an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me. That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all”.

  195. If I’m totally honest and truthful I am not or choose not to be connected very often. This is something I am learning, it’s a choice, we can connect back to ourselves instantly in any moment. It doesn’t have to be a big head thing, as in thinking oh how do I do it, or beating ourselves up about not being connected, as this just prolongs and confirms the disconnection. It simply is a matter of choice in saying from my whole body okay I choose to connect. It’s also important to look at why we choose to disconnect – is there something we are avoiding feeling or a responsibility we are not willing to take?

  196. Hi Denise I had a very similar experience when I was a child lying on the floor inside our sliding doors with the sun warming me to my bones even though it wasn’t that hot outside, (I had a bit of a glass house effect going on) and at that moment I seemed to be connected to everything and that feeling I seemed to have always remembered.

  197. Connection is happening naturally throughout our life, it is really not anything special, we just have to clock it and appreciate it so much more.

  198. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” In these moments I feel like there is only this moment with nothing behind and nothing in front and there is no thing that can enter this space. The moment is absolute and in my connection I have no doubt that everything I bring is enough. Thank you Denise for demonstrating in your sharing that within we always know this connection even when we try to dismiss and live life in this dismissal.

  199. As a teenager I wondered why some people had more of those moments of connection, where they could be themselves and withstand the temptations of drugs and sleeping around, than others. Serge Benhayon presents the science of movements and how our movements define the quality of our connection. To me this makes sense and its a simple tool to stay connected even in difficult day-to-day situations.

  200. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” Good to realize that. I am not that single, separated, little human being at all. To reconnect to who we truly are, to reconnect to “something that is far grander” brings true and profound changes into my and our living. It has an effect on all of us because we are all connected.

  201. That’s why we should never impose sympathy on another or feel sorry for anyone – “We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.” Bringing understanding to people and situations offers another way, sympathy only offers more of the same.

  202. Remembering those moments when you can feel …”a solid strength in my body, it was not anything on the outside, it was a feeling on the inside that felt different…” are pivotal, as you then recognise that you have the capacity to deal with the difficult situations in life and do not have to give your power away.

  203. Thank you Denise, I can look back at my life and even in those times that I was lost I can still recall experiences of being connected to my soul and so this has become part of my daily living thanks to Serge Benhayon who has shown me that through connection I am the true me.

  204. When I feel connected to my body it is like having the very dearest of friends by my side – an honest, open, sensitive, caring and very patient and understanding companion who always tells me straight when something does not feel right and always has my best interests at heart.

    1. Connection cannot be contained as you say for connection is further deepening and expanding in rhythm with the Universe’s pulse.

  205. This real power in this article a joy to read…”I have discovered that this powerful feeling that I have is my connection to me, the power-fullness that I have felt comes from stopping and reconnecting with myself.” in every one of is a power and light that shines bright, no one can give us it, take it away or make us have it, it is who we truly are if we allow ourselves feel it.

  206. ‘through Serge’s teachings I have discovered that this powerful feeling that I have is my connection to me, the power-fullness that I have felt comes from stopping and reconnecting with myself. With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life.’ Beautifully said Denise. Our bodies tell us everything.

  207. When we are connected, there is a rapid flow, an impulse to bring purpose, commitment and our true quality and all that we are to the all.

  208. To be connected to my own power is the key to responsibility and to not act on this I understand is comfort. Simple to type here and yet it can trip me up many times a day. Love what you have shared here Denise.

    1. So true Bernadette, when I slip into comfort I am switching off my power and saying no to more responsibility… to have this awareness is a great step.

  209. ‘By being aware of these moments and this connection in me, I was able to see things differently. I didn’t react to life in the usual way.’ – What you are sharing here Denise, is crucial. It is my experience too that when I stay aware or take the time to stop for a moment in the situations at hand, I do not go into reaction but remain an observer, and from there the decisions I make are very different.

  210. ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.’ Beautiful Denise and your words are reminding me that it is there for us all.

  211. Lately I’ve been feeling a deeper connection with my sacredness and it feels delicious, and consequently I’ve been feeling more connected and at ease with people. Not only is the feeling so lovely for me, it is equally lovely to feel so much more connected with people and to see how much they love it too.

  212. It is so amazing to hear someone finally express the truth of all the millions of things we have felt also – all that is not true in this world but that most pretend is ok. Yet we cannot deny the unease and sense that we are very far astray – and knowing this but not knowing what to do with it. Thanks to Serge Benhayon firmly speaking up that truth, the world will finally be reminded that there is a different way, and one we all do know deep down, and one we can now return to.

  213. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.”
    This is so true Denise, and a great confirmation of where we come from and who we are in truth.

  214. Clocking those moments when we feel a sense of strength and power from being with our body is very beautiful and as you reveal … “but now I know that it was about returning to a love that was deep within me.

  215. Apart of me wants to fight what you are sharing because it seems too simple, I keep going back to this blog because of the fight I feel inside. In truth, I struggle to stop because I am afraid of the power that will come if I do, so I play a game that says, surely it can’t be as simple as reconnection? In that game, I am just avoiding the stop because if I live to my full potential I am afraid I will leave others behind, the thing I am missing is that if you live to your full potential then if others don’t come too, you wont mind because you have you in full.

  216. No matter what happens in life, if I feel connected to myself I can handle anything. I wish I had appreciated this growing up, instead of giving myself away to what I thought was important at the time. Now it is the precious thing to me, because through this connection I can commune with God and the all.

  217. the process of stopping and connecting what Denise talks about is absolutely essential for all of us to consider, because it seems that the world has therefore stuck hard to the floor with the accelerator full on, and until we do take these moments to stop and consider then there is an inevitable consequence of what is happening now all around us and everywhere

  218. It is great to appreciate the moments of true connection and the expansive awareness on offer – this is a forever marker of our natural way, in alignment with the universe and as such we forever have free Will to remain connected and access this intelligence and wisdom, so grand or to disconnect and run our own show.

  219. Thanks for sharing these stories of connection to something much greater than what meets the eye. I am so glad that we do really all know, it’s just a matter of choosing to feel the truth in every moment.

  220. There really is an absolute fullness felt when you connect to yourself, where nothing is needed and you feel in sync with the rest of the world.

  221. It is so powerful when we observe that moment to stop and make a different choice, because we realise that in this second, we are choosing the old pattern, or stopping it. Then we do know everything is a choice, not something we have always done, because this moment has been recognised. When we feel the power of connection, there is nothing to make us question the truth of who we are and where we are from.

  222. This blog is so inspiring Denise. It is a great reminder of how powerful our connection with ourselves can be. If we are connected it gives us a strength to look at choices as they come along and decide yes or no from a true place rather than simply going along with things or making choices out of need.

  223. For me when I feel true connection with another person it’s so powerful in that moment it stops any destructive behaviours, self doubt or negative thoughts. We massively underestimate the power of connection, deep connection with both ourselves and others, can literally transform your whole day.

  224. “With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life. I feel this is what I have felt in the moments that I have stopped and had a clear picture of how my life could be if I made a choice that was not a loving choice.” Thank-you Denise for showing us how this connection is always there for us to return to, Serge Benhayon provides the tools for us to be in tune with this connection and move this energetic lightness through the three dimensional density of life.

  225. I have also experienced moments of solidness and power and connection with my body and with the essence of who I am. It is an awesome feeling and one I am working on feeling more often and more consistently!

  226. What a great sharing, while reading I had an amazing realisation. While I have been forcing myself to be present, I have completely made it into a mind exercise rather than actually being present, to allow my feelings to come through. Thank you!

  227. Connection with oneself needs to be explored, it is a living forever unfolding process by feeling one´s body and presence of being; it is beyond imagination what we can re-discover in such connection as the qualities we are able to feel and give permission to express into and through the body are beyond the human frame.

  228. “It felt like I was given another opportunity to stay committed to the choice that I had made.”
    What a great confirmation to the absolute truth which you held in yourself.

  229. It is very powerful what you have shared about grounding your daughter, many of us could possibly crumble if we were seeing our child sitting alone but I can feel the love you held her in which has supported her to hold steady to herself going forward. Choices will always be presented to us and as you say some stand out as being defining moments. We all have them.

  230. The beauty of connection is when we are very connected with others we are also very connected with ourself. So if we ever go looking for it in others we miss out because it starts with ourselves first.

  231. Awesome example with the grounding of your daughter, an inspiration to all parents and carers. I am very aware if there is any pandering of behaviours (from all of us) on in our house, what I mean by that is thinking it okay to be destructive and dismissive with each other or ourselves because things get tough…I have amazing children who are a joy, and I know their foundation is so supported by me honouring what I feel is the truth (no perfection) and looking for us to developing loving and caring relationships and not just satisfying ourselves with okay.

  232. The moments of knowing in our lives come from when we are connected. Universal Medicine has presented many tools to assist in building a strong connection to ourselves, which has turned my life around.

  233. When in true connection there is a knowing. No questions asked, no explanations needed, just a knowing that comes from deep within.

  234. Your blog Denise feels like a wonderful opportunity to change all those old patterns from the past and to commit to not becoming caught up in a cycle where we are powerless and a victim of life…..a new beginning.

  235. ” It felt like I was being offered a moment to stop. It wasn’t just about having a smoke or taking drugs, it was far greater… it was about making a choice that would affect the rest of my life. I was never offered drugs again.”
    This is enormous and shows the play of energy and our choices in relation to energy. When you once firmly and with authority make a choice the issue does not come back. This is very encouraging and feels like our choices taken in truth and authority change and heal our lives forever.

  236. I remember when I finally decided to stop smoking. I had tried giving up many times before, but the final time, I knew I would never be smoking again. It was an absolute knowing.

  237. “It is an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me. That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all.” This is the beauty, we have everything within us to make the connections, nothing is outside of us. All our own true wisdom is available for us to connect to.

    1. As we learn to live life more as a whole we develop that inner knowing that we are destined to live as one, and in this our boundaries disappear and we feel that sense of unity with the all as we expand and feel the space that is forever there in the presence of God.’ All our own true wisdom is available for us to connect to’ when we are surrounded by the wisdom of the Universe that is forever pulling us back home.

  238. Making a decision to not do drugs and be so absolute in that that you are never offered drugs again just shows what happens on the outside reflects what’s within. What a great marker in life. I know I’ve been offered situations that I’ve said no to that can keep coming up. It might be as potentially common place as being in a situation where gossip arises and I’m being asked to express a different way of relating. Just being in that situation allows me to observe my confidence in expression and standing up for truth and love.

  239. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” So very true! When we connect to ourselves, we are not just connecting to us, but to a point in the vastness of the universe. From there we get to feel our place in the workings of it all.

  240. We can see that then any choice made that harms ourselves or others has been made in disconnection – and thus, the great responsibility we hold to be connected consistently.

  241. How beautiful to read your words today Denise, ” It is an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me. That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all.” Thank you, I feel it too.

  242. I had a similar experience as a child whenever we went to the beach, of going up into the sand dunes and lying down in the quiet…just me, my breath and the sun. Those moments from childhood felt magical yet everyday, when time stands still and you feel connected to everything all at once.

  243. We are given signs and symbols all the time if we are open to seeing them. It is so very joyful to re-connect to the divine in our everyday lives, and feel the support that is constantly there for us.

  244. Yes yes Denise – we are more then we can see.. And we have a strength beyond vision that is palpable in our way of living once we choose to connect – we can see the real truth, one we have might denied. Until we realize it is all inside – and we are the ones to get it out. SO cool, and Thank You Serge Benhayon indeed for living it and swinging it for all to see – that there is another way..

  245. There are many situations that life offers us stop moments. The crucial part is how we interpret these. We tend to make them a personal matter. They are stopping me, interfering with my plans, etc. We hardly see them as occasions to assess whether the movements that brought you there are true ones. In the first case, we can only hate these moments. In the second case, we can only appreciate them for the reflection they offer and the opportunity they bring.

  246. ‘By being aware of these moments and this connection in me, I was able to see things differently. I didn’t react to life in the usual way’. I have always been in reaction which was such an ingrained pattern in me. So this little nugget is priceless and a super reminder to be aware and confirm such moments in order to see the bigger picture and be clear on what exactly is playing out when situations arise with family, therefore there is no longer such a strong pull to react.

  247. “It felt like I was given another opportunity to stay committed to the choice that I had made.” What a wonderful understanding of this you had Denise. All too often these moments can be used to renege on ourselves or another and waver in our connection and power to stay clear to the true purpose.

  248. You speak of so many pivotal points in your life Denise, reading your story I was thinking wow you had so much insight in these moments but in truth we all know Truth in any given moment but at times choose to override it and numb ourselves.

  249. The trust and knowing to make choices that are in contrast to what one may think or believe or even like but nevertheless feel right to do only can come from a deep connection to something inside that is grander than what the mind or experience know. To trust that sense and the power that comes with acting on it can seem unexplainable when evaluated from common thinking but there is a higher intelligence or wisdom that knows with certainty even without explanation.

  250. Connecting to ourselves and the infinite wisdom on offer, instantly connects us to the pulse of life and to all others.

  251. Ariana, what a precious example of the rose petals and moments or opportunities in life – and yes we can treasure this as a blessing and seize the moment, or we can indeed just trample unawares over them and hence deny ourselves a beauty that we deserve.

  252. Denise, I absolutely love what you have shared here: “These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.”…it actually shows that it is as simple as allowing ourselves to tune into these moment that are constantly on offer. That simple. And then for us to choose, wisely so, and our lives do change accordingly.

  253. Connection starts with connecting all parts of my body. It is with ease that I can then connect to people as well, without the strain of wearing masks and acting in roles.

  254. At my first workshop with Serge Benhayon I re-connected with my self after 40 years of being disconnected. It was a magical moment that I had given up ever happening. I will never forget the moment, it totally changed the direction of my life.

    1. I also feel blessed by my first time I met Serge Benhayon. What Serge has given me and humanity is turning me and this world on it ear. Serge’s events are life-changing and will be appreciated one day for the absolute truth they are. These presentations are filled with joy and bring a forever deepening clarity about life and who we are. Thank you Mary-Louise, you are another true inspiration.

  255. I am learning to develop and hold my connection to myself more Denise. This is growing by listening to the messages from inside my body and relying on them more and more. There is a power that grows from the inside out, the more we do this and hold our own inner knowledge of presence as consistently as we can.

  256. Connection can help us with many things, including with to help us realise that we are cared for even when we are making choices which contradict connection to love.

  257. Denise, I can really feel the truth in this, ‘These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.’ I have felt that when these moments come along that we can either react or we can see them as an opportunity to evolve.

  258. There is such power in choice isn’t there – so much more than we realise I feel. It is like when we make a real choice there is a fundamental shift that cannot be denied.

  259. I have come to trust my body more and more and as a result when I have to give consequences to my children for something there is an absoluteness there that can hold steady in the face of their protests or my propensity to want to sympathise (sympathy I have learned is an absolute killer in terms of providing clear boundaries). I have found this to be incredibly supportive but this is the end result of staying connected to my body and listening to its signals.

  260. I had spent most of my life running… away from myself. I got to the point where I got tired of never seeing the end of my race and began to question the meaning of life. The journey took me down some interesting paths that came close to, what I was searching for but there was always something missing. Then, I and many others, came upon Serge Benhayon and found the thing that I had searched for and it was who I had spent years running from… it was me and my connection to self, this was my homecoming.

  261. I feel it’s very strengthening and confirming when we get to these points where we know and feel what we truly want in life. It has to be an already lived and established quality in our way of being with ourselves in our lived lives.

  262. ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.’ We can feel something so much more when we are truly connected to ourselves and our bodies and there is a sense of spaciousness that opens up in every cell of our bodies.

  263. ‘Being aware of these moments and this connection in me I was able to see things differently’ – absolute truth. By staying connected to my body, choosing the quality of every movement and being very present with myself allows me to not take things personally, observe energy and not get caught up in life. With this the most amazing magic happens. For example I was in a supermarket yesterday, and went to buy something to eat I knew no longer needed – low and behold here on top of the food was a packet of nuts with the word salted on them – nuts and this food were polar apart, but because I was connected it was very clear why the nuts were sitting here, it wasn’t an accident or that they were just left here, it was a clear message from God. Along with a mum telling her little boy whilst I was standing next to them, you need to have more awareness. Now if I had been in my head, anxious and racy I may have missed, or dismissed the magic of God, the amazing messages he shares and reading all this.

  264. There is much to appreciate when we make self-caring choices that come from a deep knowing and awareness… and much to learn from the choices we make that are disregarding and harmful! Either way staying open to both enables evolution of the great kind! Ignoring both keeps us very stuck!

  265. The example of just knowing and trusting what you needed to do is a confirmation that we all have what we need to know inside us, we just need to pause, stop and RECONNECT.

  266. Thank you for sharing how your commitment to the your connection also extended to the choices you made as a parent and that you lovingly carried decisions through that were a clear reflection of an opportunity to start making different choices. This is truly responsible parenting and is ever more needed in a world where there are constant pressures to conform to the current ‘norm’.

  267. It’s interesting that the example given of an early moment of remaining in connection was being offered drugs. It is often early in life when such situations as this or others come up to challenge our willingness to remain in connection and with our full awareness. Children often see things that frighten them or are scared by what they can feel in the dark so that they shut down there ability to feel and just so that drugs and others behaviours we have are used to diminish the strength of our connection. Beautifully this is not irreparable and it is easy to re-establish our connection and then our relationship to it when we bring awareness to it and choose to do so.

  268. The feeling of strength and power in connection is truly felt here. It is an absolute knowing that we all have. It is something absolute and not an idea that drives us to do something. Those strong thoughts that are pushing us to perform something that we know deep within is unhealthy actually come from somewhere else and are connecting us to something that is not us and not true.So just like a receiver of radio waves we can tune in to whichever station and although we may think we have no choice in truth we absolutely do and we know which is the ultimately beneficial to all.

  269. Reflecting over my life I can say that I knew. I knew something was going to happen to me because I seriously was not content within, I knew when I looked into my husbands eyes that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, I knew I was going to have children and I knew that when I met Serge Benhayon that he was the ‘real’ deal. We do know, so as I sit here and ponder over situations in my life that test me in my connection to myself I do know and I know on some level what the outcome is going to be.

  270. I love this part about choosing to not have another glass of wine. It shows great strength and commitment as well as an awareness of there being something more to life. I get the feeling that everyone can relate to this, to having a sense that there is deeply more to life and that we can make choices which align our bodies and thus our minds to that more, which feels like a call to come home.

  271. Our connection is a choice. We can spend our whole lives choosing disconnection but at any moment is is but a choice away to return to our connection.

  272. “With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life.” Little do we realise the power of our choices and how day-by-day they can either lead us down a path that takes us a long away from our true expression or keep us firmly connected with our vitality and purpose. Paying attention to our inner feelings and the messages from our bodies is so vital, as it is easy to over-ride our deeper feelings in favour of our emotional needs. What is so awesome though is that our inner wisdom never, ever leaves us, even when we don’t pay attention to it, it still keeps sending us the messages.

  273. So often in life our internal knowings are overridden or dismissed, and yet they are a message that there is more to us than just our physical bodies, that there is a soul each and every one of us have.

  274. There is something so amazing about considering that the clarity of your choice in that moment, aged 15, to say no to drugs meant you were never offered them again. It makes it super simple for me: if I waver, then the temptations of evil keep knocking at the door. This is a huge point of inspiration for me.

    1. Same here Matilda I also have experienced this: ‘ if I waver, then the temptations of evil keep knocking at the door’, yes they do and especially so when I am not in my bed at my normal time and am up later because of work. Between 9 and 10pm, the temptations are fierce and now I am so aware of this.

  275. If we understand that we are so powerful, in control of our own lives and what effect our lives have on others, we would be more distinct in making choices and make them from that inner connection instead out of a need or to fill an emptiness.

  276. Confirming my connection and the choices I make from this connection is the key for me because it builds a confidence within to trust what I feel no matter what. And when I don’t, there is always a valuable lesson there.

  277. The moments of clear choice we have in life – where we know which ‘way’ is either confirming and nourishing to the truth of our being, or not – are to be deeply confirmed. For we are making choices all of the time, it never stops… Our society seems to run on so many choices being made around ‘following an established norm’ or ‘fitting a mode’ – that it’s seemingly ok to have that extra drink, or puff on a joint, just because so many are doing this. We have normalised so many behaviours that are damaging to our bodies, our psyches, our wellbeing and our relationships. Indeed, I’ve heard of medical professionals (who know well the deleterious consequences of alcohol on the body) actually justify its regular consumption and in quite alarming amounts…
    Yet the inner knowing remains – as does our ability to listen to it and follow its call. In this, it’s never too late either, is it – to follow that which we know to be true. And if it happens to stand us out from the crowd, then so be it.

  278. I love the absoluteness in what you’ve shared here Denise. The absoluteness of knowing that need never be questioned. And how deeply beautiful it is, that our awareness of our innate knowing and understanding of what we may have always known within, is something that we can come to actually ‘define’ – as you have done in naming that the glorious feeling you know is your ‘connection to the all’.

  279. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” Beautiful Denise, as they say we are all made of the the same stuff: love and particles, moving as one.

  280. Some times in life we have those moments of absolute knowing about something – but why keep it to just moments? Thanks to the teachings of Serge Benhayon I have tools to build that connection up to be a consistent part of my life.

  281. “This moment was so clear and I can feel the power in my choice, knowing deep down that what I felt was about far more than having another glass of wine.” When moments such as this have such clarity, it is impossible to ignore them. Thanks to Serge Benhayon many people now know that these events are simply confirming what we know to be true, whereas in the past it is likely we would have overridden these feelings.

  282. I very much remember having the exact same thought with drugs and alcohol when I was young. Why would I want a substance that made me different to who I am? I had the same train of thought whenever kids around me used to say, I wish I was like “such and such a celebrity.” My thought was always, I would never want to be anyone but me…of course when I got older, and life got “harder” due to my own disconnection, such influences such as alcohol invariably crept into my life.

  283. “…These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way…” For these moments to be strong signposts, shows the powerful nature reconnection with the body, with stillness, brings to everything.

  284. You’ve described these moments where we’re torn between our own feelings and what our head tells us to do as ‘signposts’, which I think is a great way to describe them as our decision and everything that occurs thereon can be looked back on as a marker of what happens and in what state we end up when we trust our heads over our hearts, or vice versa.

  285. Denise it’s interesting that you say: “I was never offered drugs again.” It just goes to show how once we truly know what we are doing and make a firm choice, people get the message and circumstances change. So many of us think that life just happens to us without realizing that it is our choices that draw circumstances to us. We emanate energy all the time and people get the message even if they may not be fully aware of it.

  286. Grounding your daughter is a great example of ‘tough love’. It may be seem like a punishment to the child but if they can surrender to it as your daughter did, then there is potential for transformation and evolution. Unfortunately today there is not enough such loving discipline and children grow up without much true guidance or self-discipline which makes it hard for them to take responsibility for their lives.

  287. Our bodies register every little detail of our lives, and offer us so much wisdom when we choose to truly connect with them.

  288. Denise, your blog reminds us that we all have moments when we are connected but often we overlook them as being insignificant because we get distracted by the many things outside ourselves. Once we feel the true quality of this connection we start to value these moments more and more, and the more we confirm them, the more such moments we have. This is in fact our natural way of being and once that becomes the the norm it becomes very obvious when we are not connected and it does not feel good at all.

  289. We have conditioned ourselves to dislike making mistakes, yet, this is when we learn the most. It gives us the opportunity to look at our choices and explore how we could have done things differently. Rather than feeling a sense of failure and continuing on in that negative energy, we have the opportunity to embrace these stop moments as the gifts that they are, to pause, reflect, take full responsibility for the part we played and choose differently moving forward.

  290. ‘These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever’ …. every choice we make has a consequence, depending on our choice, we either move forward, stay still or move backwards in our evolution. Sometimes it takes us longer to learn certain lessons, but we are always being supported and invited to move forward, which we can all feel when we are connected with our selves, as we are also, therefore, connected to the Universe.

  291. I loved to read this Denise, to hear you describe the feeling of inner divine connection. It is available to every single one of us but it is cosmologically bigger than any individual. By connecting to ourselves we connect to our divine origins where we are all deeply unified.

  292. One key is to learn what are true choices, choices that are loving and supportive and that resonate through the years and other choices, choices that are done with a tension and to relieve that tension, choices that are made out of excitement or fear or other emotions. Also to quickly realise when we have made a wrong choice and to then undo it as soon as possible – that realisation may happen within seconds and often there is still time to change the choice – it can just be awkward, like not signing a contract at the last minute.

  293. Whether we stay connected or not is always going to be a choice that we each individually have to make in every moment, it is not something that can be gained in a session or via counselling and then it is ‘done’. It is simply about consistency and our everyday choices.

  294. What a great blog and a reminder of my own experiences growing up. As a teenager I was never influenced by my peers or in social circles to drink. I ‘thought’ it was because I didn’t like the taste of it and how it made me feel. Now looking back yes these factors were true but having read this blog I can feel that it was a choice that I was making and I knew what was true back then. A great confirmation to appreciate many years later.

  295. Following an impulse to share something with my mother on the phone earlier this morning, has led to the most amazing spontaneous release of old hurts in our bodies. From completely different events with an uncanny parallel in the independent stories – it has been rather like watching the same movie with different actresses performing in it. A life changing moment, arresting an old momentum in its tracks.
    “These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever”.

  296. Denise one thing that I really got to feel from reading your blog was how there is so much more going on in life than we care to admit. We tend to allow ourselves to see only the tiniest sliver of life, pretending that we’ve got everything worked out. The ironic thing is, we actually do know what’s going on underneath the massive cover up job that we’re all involved in.

  297. There is no denying the strength and power of connection after reading your examples Denise “These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.” When we give ourselves time and space by slowing down and taking the rush out of our day we stand a much better chance of seeing the signposts that pop up along the way.

  298. Denise what you have shared here ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander’ is the absolute key to life. Now, if connecting to our bodies is the absolute key to life then surely we must stop and consider why life seems purposefully geared up to permanently distort our connection to self, because to be honest, it would be hardly possible to make a life that was more distracting than our current one is, even if we set out to do so. So this begs the question, ‘how did we end up with a way of living that keeps us from the truth of who we are?’.

  299. When we have moments of such clarity and knowing, it is great to clock and take notice that this feeling of comes from the whole of our body and not just a thought from the head. This demonstrates just how much power and presence comes with reconnection to our body.

  300. The feeling of strength and power we get when we honour what our bodies are telling us is amazing. It is not power over anyone, or strength to lift something heavy, but a certainty of who we truly are and why we are here, based on a strong sense of purpose and a deep knowing.

  301. Life transforms when we trust our feelings/knowings rather than our thoughts… Thoughts can be influenced by ideals, beliefs, images and society around us if we let them be, however a knowing of what’s true or needed in a situation can only come from ourselves. It’s up to us to say no to the thoughts that aren’t ours so we can develop a relationship with ourselves where we can recognise and listen to these true knowings.

  302. We get many life changing moments and just like sliding doors we get the choice to go with truth or not. We get to say yes to love or yes to abuse and annihilation. Whilst we may think some of our choices are innocent they are not – everything we do effects everyone else whether or not we choose or want to admit it.

  303. A great testimony to the immutable fact that we are all, without exception, all-knowing, and that within us we do know what is true, and what is not.

  304. These examples show the conviction of something known within is stronger than any social norm that might be trying to knock at your door and persuade you otherwise.

  305. Denise what I can really relate to is that going it alone yet being constantly shown I am anything but alone. As you say “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” that grandness, that strength is something that is and has always been there and what I am starting to really feel is the depth of power that comes with connection.

  306. Beautiful, Denise. By not giving into the identification with the hurts, we can stay in touch with what is true for us, no matter what the situation, as your examples show here. And when we can see beyond the small self, our awareness expands out to what is true for all.

  307. When I was offered cannabis, I thought why not I was intrigued by what other people had said about it, feeling high and lightheaded. When I took it it gave me a headache and I felt nothing that anyone else was feeling. Because I took it, it appeared at certain times in my life and I would occasionally succumb. Looking back I can see how I did this with other things too, knowing that these things were not good for me but was curious to try them out. My Soul knew but the disregard I carried for my body and for my light over ruled everything. Your blog Denise has highlighted how I test my light and ultimately God by dabbling in creation and things that are harming.

  308. I had a similar stop moment to your Denise, when I found a calling card about the esoteric modalities of Universal Medicine. I had spent years searching for the truth and on the particular day I was wandering around a Healing Fayre and getting a bit bored and upon leaving I saw the card on the table. Something about it stood out for me and within 24 hours I was doing the Gentle Breath Meditation on-line, had an esoteric facial release and attended discourse (a group gathering reading Serge’s purple books). As soon as I heard Serge Benhayon’s voice on an audio I knew that I had found something so very special, I knew I had finally found the truth. I suppose you could say this was my stop moment, my moment of connection, and what I connected to on that day was a knowing within my body that Serge Benhayon was the man who would bring me back to truth and how much I felt that in my body.

  309. This is beautiful Denise and brings such truth and understanding to our life and our choices and the responsibility that comes with this. “These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.” This is just the start of another way of living in connection to who we are and the beautifulness we hold inside us all waiting to be felt and claimed in the oneness of humanity and the all.

  310. “By being aware of these moments and this connection in me, I was able to see things differently. I didn’t react to life in the usual way.” We all have this ability to take a step back, observe and look at life in a different way, but how often are we truly encouraged to do this. What I value most about the presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon is that we are constantly reminded of who we are, of our innate wisdom and encouraged to deepen our powers of observation and connection, so that we look deeper into why we have cravings or why we feel out of sorts. Consequently we become empowered to expose the motivation behind the quality of our choices and make fundamental changes that truly support us.

  311. It’s a good thing that I have finally taken a few stop moments this time around and have stopped my just going with the flow or being easily led down the wrong path. What I have learnt and keep learning over the past few years is that we always have a choice, in every second of every day.

  312. Where we are is all because of past choices, and choices are so much clearer when we have a connection to ourselves

  313. I can feel we are all One when I connect to myself for in truth it is not me I am connecting to but God.

  314. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” Essentially we meet the awesome hugeness and immense beauty of God and all of us within. I love how studying with Serge Benhayon has brought me home to God again, Me, God and Everyone, a relationship that I have always known but lay buried for a long time under a big heap of beliefs, protection and ideals.

  315. I love the way life presents its lessons to us – gently at first, then repeated, then again and again and again until we eventually get it, whether this lifetime or the next. Sometimes the reflections are less gentle, for example when our bodies bring us to a complete stop. Then we have no choice but to pay attention there and then.

  316. I love how you say Denise – “…returning to a love that was deep within me.” – this is something that I can relate to, that feeling of returning to a place of connection within that has always been there just we’ve not always chosen to live from it.

  317. A powerful blog reminding us that we always know. Deep down we have an inner knowing that is always there. We can choose to listen or ignore but ultimately any decision made outside of this awareness leads to stagnation of our evelotion.

  318. Today I became aware of my connection with my body, how much it has actually grown. And how this has affected the relationships with other people as well. I feel much more comfortable around other people, being aware that my relationship with their bodies has grown as well. Today I noticed how much tenderness and innocence I felt in the bodies of other people. Very beautiful, yet no fireworks at all. It actually felt very natural! For me a very new – yet known at the same time – feeling. I’m very grateful for the amazing healing opportunities life is supplying. Each and every day. Supporting to forever deepen the connection with me, my body and with everything and everyone around me.

  319. All my life that connection to myself has been there, but for many years I didn’t want to feel it, in fact I didn’t want to feel much at all because I was focussed on the pain and hurts. Its interesting how the hurts get so much attention, so easily we can think and wallow in it yet we can at times feel uneasy with the joy, expressing it and living it up in case it upsets someone else.

  320. How powerful to look at these stop moments in our lives and truly appreciate what we have been offered that supports us, and all those around us; to look back through our lives and appreciate we have always known truth.

  321. We are wiser than we think we are… and that wisdom comes from our bodies and not from our minds!

  322. Connection is one of the most beautiful words for me. Connection is magic, when i feel connected to me, everything is there in an instant, values of love and truth, meeting another and an equal, knowing we are the same…and its through connection which forever is deepening that we KNOW what is true and not for us at any given moment. Beautiful sharing Denise, priceless!

  323. Those moments you have described here Denise are a beautiful reminder that all along there has been a connection to that inner part of ourselves, a place where there is a known, a truth. Yes, when we listen and act upon these feelings and make choices based on this known truth, then these are our points of evolution that we are saying yes to.

  324. The ‘strength and power’ our connection is truly is far more than I have allowed my self to be aware of. I understand how I have chosen this lack of awareness because when I feel it and am reminded of it by the magic that occurs, I know, I know!

  325. True – when we connect to ourselves we create space to receive the constant communication from the whole universe.

  326. There is only strength in our connection, when we falter from that, we allow all different types of energies in, that do nothing but foster, self doubt, comparison, lack of self worth and the like. So it is super important to foster our connection, that is definitely where our true strength lies.

  327. I have noticed that this blog has has received a lot of comments over a relative short period, compared to other blogs. For me this confirms the ‘connection’ we are all aware of and possibly don’t give the time and dedication to nurturing or appreciating this known fact. It also confirms the fact that we have known this for so long, known how it supports and yet have supported a world that walks away from this connection. This blog is a great stop for us all to again look deeply at how, when and why we connect and from there grow once more. This is about a return to something we know and not a learning of something new. In fact we have always known this but just allowed other things to take centre stage, what if life was only about connection or what if you made your life only about connection? That’s where I’m heading with this.

  328. “Serge Benhayon has shared The Gentle Breath Meditation™ as a way of reconnecting. With this conscious presence we can bring a quality to everything we do in our lives.” – and in my experience, it is in the simplest and smallest of things that we do when in this quality that make such a big difference. Things like getting in and out of the car, or how I move my body when I’m doing certain tasks – it either builds more love and a feeling of flow in my body, or it makes my body feel hard and stiff.

  329. It is about one big choice, connection or not. We might be able to trick our minds with reasons why not but in our hearts and bodies we know when we are selling out or when we are staying with what is true – the most beautiful more than contented feeling there is to have.

  330. ‘This moment was so clear and I can feel the power in my choice, knowing deep down that what I felt was about far more than having another glass of wine.’ – Indeed a humbling moment, you connected to something much bigger than yourself. The knowing that we all carry within.

  331. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” I love what you have said here Denise. We are never alone and all have access to the truth.

  332. Every decision we make comes in a package, and we often choose to overlook this and make choices based on our wants or needs in the moment… You’ve given 2 great examples of this; one was the question and offer of marijuana and the other was the wine – on the surface you could have said ‘yes’ in both circumstances based on your need to ‘destress’ or ‘fit in’, but with those decisions comes the effects of putting poison into your body and so much more than just the physical item.

  333. It is a joy reading your account of those moments in life where you noticed a clear connection with a deeper knowing and awareness within yourself. We could all enormously support and empower ourselves if we likewise made note of and appreciated, and then looked to increase the likelihood of such moments in our lives.

  334. This is a great sharing Denise. I love how you give so many examples of when you felt these moments present a choice to you.

  335. I can relate to all you say here Ariana and also to Denise’s blog. Recently I have been able to also see how opportunities to present me with the same learning that perhaps o once missed, have come around again in my life. I have also been able to see the run on effects from not listening to these pause moments in life and how they actually kept running for years later until I choose to complete that particular choice.

  336. I had an experience with being offered marijuana but I did take it only to not like it at all and never really took it again even though I grew up in an area where the use of this was rife. I would still be out with everyone and like you no one would hassle me to have any. Your example shows the clarity of the choice and how that never came your way again, whereas my going along with it meant it was always around me as I hadn’t said no to the drug in full. Amazing how it all works.

    1. I too did taste marijuana and it just did not work for me. I become anxious and felt in way out of control which I did not like. Funny because I did ‘like’ to drink alcohol and here you loose control as well. I see here that I eradicated to take marijuana (and other drugs – beside alcohol) a longer time ago, in my past life. I brought this choice and the livingness of it into this life. Thats why it was more easy for me to leave this behind me. I see that more and more, that there are people who choose this or that way of destruction and others don’t, even they have similar living conditions or genes. This is to appreciate and to see that the choice I make are important and supporting me on my way over the ages.

  337. What a great example of parenting and loving discipline, we all require loving discipline to grow and learn.

  338. We live life, as if it was always written, always destined to be this way. When we are, where we are it seems to be inevitable that everything occurred, as it occurred. Yet sometimes we get these windows as you say Denise to see that there is actually an option b. But what if we stopped, stood and imagined what would have happened if we made one different choice. The impact on our path, our friends and those close to us could be quite massive. Imagine this multiplied many times over for all the choices we make every day, then you can see we truly effect everyone in the world in a huge way. The more we appreciate the power of our choices, the more we see we are not a victim at all but an architect of the future of us all.

  339. There is nothing greater than feeling in complete connection to or with oneself, and the knowingness that this brings in regards choice.

    1. I agree Zofia. This morning I did an Esoteric Yoga class and I was once again blown away by the shifts that can be felt and made when we choose to deeply connect to our body. I find Esoteric Yoga an incredible modality which supports me to reconnect and to feel the power of connection. And it all starts with a choice and that choice is to be with me.

  340. These markers can appear quite small, I know my head can say, it’s only a little thing, it’ll be fine, you can look at it tomorrow. Now I know that everything, every little thing, is connected to another thing and the tiniest thing is as important as the most ginormous thing energetically. There is NO leaving anything that jumps out at me today for tomorrow. It’s all connected.

  341. It feels as though I have been aware of stop moments – and they have been revealing and yet at the time I chose to keep running my life in the momentum of struggle. I would feel confronted by the stop moments and then choose to run away, and that continued until I came upon Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – and then everything clicked into place and I began the path of return. Thank you Denise for such a beautiful and inspiring blog.

    1. That is true. The true choices come from the body – the body feels harmonious and can feel very powerful with those choices while other choices provide relief or increase a tension that is already there.

  342. it is a very sobering thing to know that we are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever in every single moment.

  343. ‘It wasn’t just about having a smoke or taking drugs, it was far greater… it was about making a choice that would affect the rest of my life.’ Our choices no matter how small they seem have a huge momentum and impact on our life. Something I have learnt from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and am still very much learning. As you so eloquently say ‘These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.’

  344. Yes, there are those choices which change our way and so our world in a profound way. But also I am reminded that every choice I make counts. Say, the choice you
    made to not have another glass of wine, you would have done differently and gone for another glass instead – this choice would have been also important. It would have confirmed the way you were at that time. As I see it, we are made to develop and evolve and so every choice should be made in this way. When we choose to stay where we are, we hold back in evolving. These are also very important choices we should have an eye on, I would say. As I choose to not connect to my true way – what do I then connect to? What do I say ‘yes’ to? As I connect to this realization, I am wondering why I am not always making choices which change the world into a better place, which means more expression of harmony, truth and love….

  345. Just stopping for a few seconds mid sentence is sometimes al it needs to have us express in truth. That stop of reconnection is everything.

  346. Wow Denise this is beautiful and so clearly showing the amazingness of connection to ourselves and the all. I love it and the way you have shared your life’s moments and the many more consistently you now live thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, a real gift to humanity.

  347. I have also had the experience of having access to a universal kind of wisdom which has guided and supported me through life, when I have connected to my body and my inner most.

  348. i love how one choice to connect in one moment has the power to change your life forever, and not only that but to clear a long held onto ill momentum. To me that sums up what power is – a loving bulldozer that is ignited in less than a moment!

  349. I feel we all have these moments and for me I just ignored them and went in the opposite direction and there was a big part of me that knew I was going against what I was being offered but too be honest I didn’t care I did it to spite myself. My family would say that I would ‘cut off my nose to spite my face’.
    With the support of Universal Medicine I have built much more self love in my body and because of this I am much more aware of the destructive behaviour I can go into to and not allow those thoughts to enter my body.

  350. I remember as a child I would make connections about what I observed with an all knowing wisdom inside, that over the years I began to dismiss in favour of subscribing to what others thought…To know that wisdom is constant and its just a question of reconnecting to it is transforming how I feel in life as an adult.

  351. Through the business, drama and complication of our day-to-day lives its easy to get wrapped up in self – Through connecting to ourselves and something far grander – this individualism dissipates and we become aware of our oneness with everything/everyone.

  352. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” It is amazing to realise that all that we truly desire comes from first connecting with oneself rather to something or someone that outside ourselves.

  353. Denise your clarity with your stop moments confirms the natural ability to read energy, as you say its not about the next glass of wine, it’s being aware of where our momentums can lead us – its like being offered a sensory snap shot of the future that we can feel within our bodies.

  354. When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander..” I love this Denise. We are all one, so of course we are all part of something far grander than we can ever imagine.

  355. Thank you, I have had a massive sadness come up in me for time, and I keep drowning it with food, I now realise this sadness is missing my connection to myself. No food in the world can ever replace the precious and delicate feeling of being connected to myself.

  356. There are moments in life during a catastrophe, there are two choices people make; you go into action or observe. Sometimes the people that take action are called heroes for just doing what felt to be what needed to be done with self not part of the solution. When we connect to our selves, we are connected to everyone, and this makes us all heroes all of the time.

  357. Denise I too have had these moments, but for me many came years after choosing the wrong path and spending years in the wilderness before the penny dropped.

  358. “With this conscious presence we can bring a quality to everything we do in our lives.” now that’s quite incredible as its also been my experience, life is not about what you do but the quality you do what you do in. Whilst it can be easy to mentally grasp that, what I’ve also been working on is appreciating and feeling the difference that being present has on my entire life. It’s quite remarkable.

    1. Yes, grasping that mentally is straightforward but the real knowing of it does not come until we are living it and that takes practice as we unravel the ingrained patterns of many years.

  359. Beauty-Full Denise thank you for your awesome blog and all the amazing stop moments you have shared with us. I love your clear insight: “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” And this is something most of us are avoiding as to stop also means to take the full responsibility for everything we chose in our lives. Thank you for being such a great role model to show us that taking full responsibility is really something worth to do.

  360. These feelings are very interesting. When we moved our business to Byron Bay in 2002, a Telstra technician mentioned the Telstra Exchange in Goonellabah and I got a feeling that Goonellabah was very important, never having heard the name before. It was so strong I mentioned it to my wife even though I had no idea what this feeling of importance meant.

  361. What I specially love about your article, Denise, is that you describe knowing your connection to yourself before you had contact with Universal Medicine or Serge Benhayon. This is exactly how it is. This magical connection is not some pill or healing secret we get from Serge, it is and has always been with each of us. Serge’s blessing to us is more a lived confirmation of this connection.

  362. The cross roads in our lives where we make profound decisions are often these very normal everyday moments, which you have described here Denise, but the choices we make in those moments can be life-changing and it is beautiful to feel how you actually remember them in detail, which shows the impact they had, which is why they stayed with you.

  363. Wow Denise, this is amazing. For me also I had those moments but I never appreciated them like you did and do. They were more or less normal to me. Great inspiration to appreciate more.
    And in sharing this I detect there is a voice in me stating that I would not have any power, that I am weak and sensitive. As a child I was made fun of because of this sensitivity and so I felt like a stranger to the rest of the world. Today I slowly learn to appreciate that within this sensitivity is laying a power and strength which needs to be appreciated.

  364. Its feels like there is such an art and science in parenting, what you describe Denise about the choice to ground your child and stick to that principle, it seems it came from a feeling, perhaps a deep knowing that is was hard, but also true to stick with your decision. That is surely one of the benchmarks of successful parenting, making tough decisions to foster long term independence and a strong sense of self. And this like all the feelings we have is always there, we just have to connect with how we feel and allow the choices to come through.

  365. I agree Denise, ‘When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.’ this is exactly what it feels like when we choose to connect to our soul, we are connecting to the universe, to God too. This reminds me to let go of the familiarity and identification of choosing disconnection, to learn to choose more and more reconnection to me, my soul and to God.

  366. The strength we have in connection is immensely powerful. I used to believe in fate and destiny but I now know that my life is purely a result of my choices. This truth asks me to be responsible and makes me feel inclined to connect to myself as I know I need all the support I can get to make wise choices.

  367. Reading your blog has reminded me of many moments in my life too where there was an absolute knowing and power with a choice made, even if there were ‘tugs’ around me to reconsider … Just goes to show how there is a capacity within every body to be with their inner most truth and what empowerment and knowing this brings without the ‘Ra-Ra’ display of flexing one’s muscles.

  368. My connection to me contains both Power and Strength as well as warmth, tenderness, love, grace, lightness, divinity etc. My connection to me is the most precious thing in my life. And if I disconnect from me, than ‘me’ is patiently waiting for ‘me’ to make the choice to come back to ‘me’. What a science, complete free will, yet in the end only one choice makes the difference between love and not me, between being connected or separated.

  369. “With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life.” – And with power comes the responsibility to use it wisely!

  370. Denise I have never felt the absolute power of another in the same way that I felt it whilst reading your article. It is not the kind of power that over powers another but the kind of power that has the strength to lift others up The power that I can feel coming from you is glorious, it is strong and it is clear. It is a power that is full of intelligence and has the strength to support many.

  371. A brilliant reminder of the love and power we have in every moment with the choices we make , thank you Denise.

  372. It is lovely to read how you remained true to what you felt Denise. It’s about trust, simply trusting in what we know is true, listening to that inner wisdom, that place that resides within us. In those moments we have the choice to read what is really going on and that will support us to develop our awareness, to deepen our inner knowing and our connection to ourself, to everything and to everybody. We can then observe but not so easily be affected.

  373. Chosen once it is then affirmed when you choose it again, and so the strength of purpose and commitment grows with every choice. It can go either way, the choice to disregard ourselves, or the choice to respect and claim ourselves. The difference is in the connection we make within, to our spirit or our soul. That you felt this innately Denise, and chose to follow through, reveals that our Divine essence is always there to be felt and chosen, it is a reconnection to what is always there within, it does not have to be searched for and found.

    1. Beautifully said joanchristinecalder – I had an image of building a wall as I read your words. We can build a life from choices that are loving with a solid foundation of connection or we can make poor choices and leave the wall in a mess. At any time we can clear away the mess and reconnect to the loving foundation that is found in connection.

      1. Reading your comment Leonne, it just occurred to me that walls need a foundation, usually underground. What is flowing in our underground foundations from which we choose to live, Love or Not Love? Without a loving and compassionate foundation we choose to go on building walls to hide behind. With that Love and compassion all the walls can come tumbling down. It is a choice we can make to build a foundation of Love so that no more walls are built.

  374. Denise, I love how in your ‘stop’ moments, through your connection to yourself, you connected to so much more, a universal wisdom.

  375. Thank you Denise, you have shared so clearly the experience that all human beings feel of being connected to ourselves, and following (or not) our inner knowing of what to choose in life.

  376. Connection feels powerful because we are connected to everything. We are not alone and never are we really individual, our particles are the same particles in the universe. When we move in connection, we are a part of the all, just feeling into this is so beautiful. And yet, temporal life has taught us to move in a different way, where individuality is the focus and in effect we are moving in a way which is not natural and anti-evolutionary. So in re-correcting our movement back to connection, we are just moving back to where we are supposed to be from the beginning. When in connection, grandness is very natural.

  377. Connecting to ourselves tunes us into the ceaseless communication we are receiving – the Gold of wisdom that is forever pouring in.

  378. How many choices do we make when in reaction and think that it is us that is making the choice but really the choice comes for beliefs we have taken on like feeling judged, needing approval, being seen to be cool etc. Most of Humanity live in reaction and because everything is energy the reactive energy increases the push and drive this has created and to truly bring a ‘stop’ means through reconnecting to who we truly are we can choose differently. Connection to ourselves is always there and the simple act of stopping, listening and then choosing is so clear in what you have shared Denise. This ‘inner knowing’ is always there and is particularly heightened in the moments when a crossroad looms in our lives. The body knows and it is our choice as to the quality of choice we allow – we are always saying either yes or no to something.

  379. How gorgeous to have this connection, this power of love with you wherever you are, and in whatever you do… love that is equally within us all if we so choose.

  380. Such a simply ‘straight to the point’ blog Denise. The truth has a way of cutting through the BS. There is nothing in its way, no fluff, no maybes, no ‘I wonder…’ I am brought back to the ‘absolute’ moments in my own life and feel the same power. Truth is everything and I love this line, ‘It is an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me. That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all.’

  381. I find it significant that we remember these moments as pivotal, but when they occur we can choose to overlook and override as just a decision rather than feeling the body is offering an X moment to choose.

  382. Denise, I love what you have shared here about a connection and a knowing that comes at times so strongly that there is almost no choice or more precisely you already know the choice you will make because the feeling is so strong in your body there is no room left for doubts.

    1. And so it is about fostering this connection as much as possible so that we can enjoy it all of the time (without perfection of course) – for we can become Masters, not at holding it all the time, but rather Masters at returning to it as soon as we loose the connection.

  383. Some beautifiul examples of what it means to trust ourselves. I particularly love the scenario with your daughter, and that despite seeing her sitting on her own at lunch, you didn’t go into sympathy for her, because you knew she needed the time to take stock of her choices. I can imagine it would have been a bit heartbreaking, but it’s so amazing that you allowed her the space to feel what was needed next.

  384. There is an absoluteness in your sharing Denise that’s so clear and very profound: “It wasn’t just about having a smoke or taking drugs, it was far greater… it was about making a choice that would affect the rest of my life. I was never offered drugs again.” To never be offered again means that by choosing no your message back to that source of energy was such you had ‘closed the door’ so to speak with the claiming of your self. How powerful this is to feel and to appreciate this claiming of ourselves and saying a very clear no applies to any aspect of our lives. It is the un-sureness and even slightest of wavering that leaves cracks for forces to try again and needle away, sometimes in subtle ways so we don’t even realise we have let go of our selves and given in.

  385. What a gift you gave your child by holding firm to what is true and not giving into the emotional state when you saw her eating alone. In these moments, we can set people up for life to be themselves or give in and sentence them to a life of ‘fitting in’.

  386. I was considering on re-reading your blog today, how we all know what that connection feels like, even if it is a distant memory of a warmth on the veranda, or a hug from Dad after scrapping your knee, or closing your eyes and laying down in the middle of the day for a moment. If we all know this somewhere inside of us, maybe we are avoiding it is because we also know its true power, if re-connection for a moment can change the course of a day, then imagine if we fully embraced it consistently? Who would we be as people, maybe we would begin to leave the mess behind? Maybe that is what we are really avoiding, our own light… out of fear of what will come if we truly step out from the flock.

  387. I have always been fascinated with how things work, especially physically how things play out. I remember watching when I was younger how things played out between people. Watching the dynamics of when someone would share something with another and how it changed or made then act thereafter. I was aware of how the relationship with my parents roll modelled my life. I remember around that age of 14 and 15 a number of things changing with how I was. It was like I was constantly being tested in how I felt about certain things. To be honest it was always there, these tests but it was like more and more I was standing on my own feet with things with less influence from my parents. I enjoyed how you went through all of this for us Denise and detailed it out in a blog. It certainly allowed me to appreciate the quality you write of in myself. I knew I knew when something didn’t feel ‘right’ but that wasn’t the decision. The decision more came with whether I would trust what I had already felt or whether I would disregard it and go with what the offer was.

  388. I can feel that too Denise, that ‘when I connect to me I am connecting to something far grander .. to the All’, and in this moment I can sense the meaning of Oneness and separation. If we are not connected to ourself, we are separate from the All, when we are connected we are in Oneness. I feels so simple and divine.

  389. ‘It felt like I was given another opportunity to stay committed to the choice that I had made.’ – How amazing that you didn’t give in to the pressure of being a ‘good’ Mum.

  390. Our bodies hold the key no matter what and when we choose to connect there is that solid strength you are talking about Denise, this never leaves us. When we don’t feel this quality anymore we just have chosen to leave ourselves.

  391. It’s true at any moment, point or event we have a choice to evolve, get through it and move forward and up; else are we not just repeating the same ill-behaviour and essentially just following an image we have been sold. Working on our connection has everything in it we need to evolve and NOT be stuck in the mundane repetition of the week to week.

  392. It’s so important to acknowledge these moments in our lives where there was a distinct choice to go down one path or another. I have had many of these, and like you Denise, can relate to some, like the choice to not take drugs, because the feeling was so strong that if I did, that would be the end of me as I knew me to be at that time.

  393. This is beautiful to read Denise, this is such a confirmation of our connection to our soul and it is only through our commitment and consistency to reconnect that we can access the wisdom of the universe and more. Thank you.

  394. Yes Denise, these moments can mark a trajectory that is a very confirming one, even if it’s not apparent straight away. I have a couple of those very memorable moments in my life too… and many that I realise I couldn’t have taken but didn’t… the trajectory then was not so pretty 😉

  395. Our bodies are totally there for us, offering us so many opportunities for connection back to ourselves. It is our choice whether we choose to listen or to ignore what is being offered. Very beautiful sharing, Denise.

  396. “With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life. I feel this is what I have felt in the moments that I have stopped and had a clear picture of how my life could be if I made a choice that was not a loving choice.” Defining moments which are very clear when we stop and look back and take stock of our lives.

  397. This is a strong testimony to how much we actually know what is true to us and what not, what truly supports us and what not. And with a bit of practice and trust in ourselves, listening to our inner knowing becomes a day to day experience with every step more.

  398. This is really beautiful, Denise, and what a celebration of the connection you have felt throughout your life, that is there for us all whenever we so choose. There is so much more to life than what we see with our eyes, and this blog captures the joy of feeling the grandness of what we are a part of that is ever present and absolutely divine.

  399. Thank you Denise you show us how important connection is and to start learning to trust what we are feeling and making from this knowing and trust our choices in life. Which then instantly carry connection to our whole body as this is the marker where our feelings come from, from we then make choices.

  400. Why do we not feel that sense of connection all the time? Because we are not choosing to connect with ourselves in any given moment. But ah, isn’t it miraculous when we do!

  401. The strength and certainty you speak of Denise is felt in every word. That sense of connection is palpable – thank you for giving us a lived experience of it here.

  402. Yes, we do know this vast love within us as children, way before the ideals, beliefs and the educational system separates us further from our innate knowing.
    How beautiful to remember this moment of confirmation of the truth of who you are Denise.

  403. Thank you for writing this Denise, you have supported me to appreciate all of the small moments where I honour just what I feel is true for me and how this is me in my connection; what is beautiful is that such small moments are contagious and once felt for the loveliness (we are) they expand and are experienced more and more.

  404. We are faced with choices in every moment, and the way we choose can be affected by our past experiences, regardless of how much we know about good or bad, it is paying attention to our deeper feelings, not our mind, that will bring us through to a true connection.

  405. Just gorgeous Denise, it took me back in time and gave me appreciation for all those moments when I’ve known truth and followed it. If we followed this with every movement our lives would be a gorgeous flow.

  406. The gentle breath meditation has brought me back to me on so many occasions, it really is awesome for re-connecting us back to our natural and divine rhythms. Once you are re-connected, there’s just this gorgeous letting go inside and feeling what is there to be felt and known comes so easily.

  407. Wow Denise, talk about claim your power! I could relate to your sharing here and how truth is expansive clear.

  408. Those moments of connection when you just know a hundred percent and make a decision are priceless, and are far more significant than we may know at the time. Reading this has made me realise that there have been these significant moments in my own life which now stand out, and the clarity in that moment is never forgotten.

  409. I deeply love this blog!
    This morning I had a session where I did let go of some contraction in my body and was so able to surrender more. I could feel the deeper connection and my belonging to The All, my being a part of. I get reflected that I still think and mean that I have to do something to belong, to make it right, to be strong and so on. But in fact it all comes from our connection. When I am connected it all makes sense and my next step is guaranteed. In Love.

  410. Beautiful examples Denise of a known way within you that was so much a part of your foundation, that there was no falling back from it in those time when you are tested.

  411. ‘With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life’ – This is so true; we have the power in each moment to choose which path we are going to walk no matter what’s happening around us, because at the end of the day no one can walk forward for us.

  412. Denise I’ve loved reading your blog and feeling the power of connection, I’ve had moments like the ones you describe with an absolute knowing and the result that will take place. In many others however I’ve chosen the opposite, like taking drugs yet looking back I can clearly see I had a moment of connection that I overrode, ignored. Therefore for me life is now about welcoming connection and following whatever it is that feels true to me for in doing so I know the next steps will be honouring of that. All through connection.

  413. Denise this is a beautiful confirming blog and there is much I can take from it in terms of appreciating my own choices as I grew up and became a teenager, like never drinking alcohol, or taking drugs of any kind. This was so normal for me that I haven’t stopped to appreciate these markers as a sense of a deep connection with myself.

  414. Through reading this blog I have been able to read a situation in my life where my commitment to being self-loving, self-caring and putting myself first – not in an arrogant way, but in the true sense – is being challenged and resisted. To ‘ leave me until last’ is how I once lived my life but not any more. I am equally worthy of my own loving connection as anyone is and living this way presents a challenge to some people in life, who identify with ‘putting others first’ but with no care for the self in that picture. In fact I see how there are whole industries that rely on this negation of self-love and self-care. Thank you for sharing this here Denise, it is very healing to read.

  415. Although I did not stay committed to myself in other ways, I never said yes to drugs. I just knew it wasn’t my way, and I knew it would take me so far away from myself. Your blog has reminded me that I did have the conviction to do this and the strength to say no when everyone around me was saying yes. Thank you.

  416. I really enjoyed reading this blog Denise. It confirms just how powerful it is not to override what we know to be true and to appreciate those moments when we do this. As you share they are deeply significant and can be life changing.

  417. I love it how when we make choices which truly benefit us and our bodies we are supported in them. It is like when I choose love and take 1 step I get a massive extra boost which further confirms my choice. For me it shows how much support is there, we just have to choose it rather than waiting for or expecting it.

  418. Connection really is everything. It allows us to connect with the universe and the bigger picture of our lives.

  419. This blog has brought me to a stop moment of stillness and connection that is inspiringly beautiful and powerful. Your sense of knowingness of what was the most loving choice and staying with that moment allows us to feel that we too can be powerful when we do not wobble, but stay true to our innate wisdom that is always there when we take the time to be still, and allow ourselves to drop into our body.

  420. I’m just imagining the effect of students of the way of The Way of The Livingness presenting about connection in schools as part of the curriculums for every year group would have on our societies: world changing.

  421. We are always supported in making the true choice but it is our own will that governs it. We have such strength and power within us and a true knowing and it is the memory of these pivotal moments of choice in our lives that can support us to make more choices now and in the future

  422. We are always supported in making the true choice but it is our own will that governs it. We have such strength and power within us and a true knowing and it is the memory of these pivotal moments of choice in our lives that can support us to make more choices now and in the future.

  423. “These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever”. Profound and so true and we are all equal in our power to make choices that will either harm or heal our bodies.

  424. I loved to read the sharing over your daughter and how grounding her was the most loving thing to do at that time, and then to be confirmed in that choice much later in how independent and confident she had become. This is a lovely reminder to trust our feelings, because when we do, we are always confirmed.

  425. I can feel the power and your connection in reading this blog. It is inspiring to feel the power of our choices especially in ‘no’ when actually we are saying ‘yes’ to ourselves and therefore our connection with others. When I feel this connection in myself there is no doubt who I am, and the power and authority I carry cannot be not felt in my body. Thank you.

  426. I have always, always known that there is more at play than what was in front of my eyes. But for the most part of my first thirty five years of this life, I ignored myself. Meeting Serge Benhayon has inspired me to meet myself and now I no longer ignore myself.

  427. Denise, great to read your article, thank you, this stands out for me, ‘the power-fullness that I have felt comes from stopping and reconnecting with myself’, I can feel the simplicity of what you are sharing here and have experienced this, if I am over thinking, rushing or being hard with my body I have sometimes indulged in this and carried on even though I can feel how awful this is in my body and sometimes I have simply chosen to stop and walk differently or move more gently and so I reconnect and this is a simple choice.

  428. It’s fascinating to consider those key moments in our lives. When we make one choice over another. I can look at many in my life and see super clearly when I was either walking away from myself or choosing to walk directly towards a truth of some sort (without actually knowing what it was). These moments are often described a just “hunches” or “a feeling” or even brushed off as happenstance – I can feel now that there was much more at play and that actually I was much more aware of what I was doing than I would have admitted to at the time. My point being that we DO actually know exactly what we are choosing.

  429. “These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.” So true Denise. Listening to what our body is really saying is paramount. We do know, but I know I have often pretended I dont.

  430. “These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.” I love this analogy of a signpost Denise, we are given signposts all the time asking us to stop and look at what is true for us or not. Looking back in my life I can remember some signs quite clearly but chose to overrule them because it suited my life at the time or because I wanted to fit in. I now know that staying connected is the only way forward and this is what brought me to Universal Medicine, the best choice I have ever made and it has truly changed my life forever.

  431. I should add that the Gentle Breath Meditation has blown me away – it’s not what I was expecting (i.e. no sitting cross-legged and om-ing), but a simple way to connect to ourselves no matter where we are or what we’re doing. Very, very cool.

    1. Me too Nick. It was the gentle breath that I started with 9 years ago. I first felt something in Serge’s voice that resonated as true and tender even though I could not feel the words in my body at that first sitting. Yet because of the resonated feeling I decided to give the Gentle Breath Meditation a go for two weeks. I committed freely to doing it ten mins morning and evening as I wanted to feel if it supported me. And it did and now I do in my everyday. It was the beginning of me reconnecting to me and like Denise said nothing was going to stop me because I could feel the truth of it in every cell of my body. Something I am very glad I listened to as my life today feels remarkable and loving.

  432. Trusting what you know and feel when you’re connected becomes instinctive. A feeling so deep and known that the choices are made before we even think about them. Your examples are awesome and a real inspiration for me to trust what I know, as so often I’ll override what I feel with thought.

  433. Thank you Denise, this is very beautiful. I, too, had moments like this in the past but in many cases I did not have the grace to make the self-loving choices I could have made and have had to live out the consequences of those choices. Fortunately when I met Serge I made a self-loving choice in the stop moment that occurred in that meeting that changed my life’s direction. With the help, support and guidance from Serge Benhayon and all that is associated with Universal Medicine I have healed many of the results of the consequences and my life is now in alignment of making loving choices.

  434. When I know life is easier and simpler when I let go and allow life to flow through me rather than to try to control it all, why do I try to hold on to and control it? What images and expectations am I still holding onto about ‘needing to get everything done’, and needing to ‘get it right’, that get in the way of this surrendering? What I’m getting is that it’s about not having built up trust with my body: I’ve lived in my head for so long, disconnected to my body, that I’m not yet willing to surrender to the wisdom of my body. But this is slowly changing, the more I make the effort to connect to my body. When I’m in this racy momentum it feels like my body is on a rollercoaster and out of control, caught up in the endless doing of tasks. The way to stop this is by forcing myself to stop and reconnect, as many times a day as it takes. It feels endless sometimes, as the momentum is so strong, but bringing conscious presence and focus to what I’m doing gives me a space to stop and feel the exhaustion I’ve created in my body by living like this, and brings a stop to the drive and nervous tension.

  435. ‘With conscious presence we can bring a quality to everything that we do in our lives’ – life feels so much more in flow and at ease when we surrender and make life about the quality that we are in, and do everything from, rather than about the driven mission to get everything done which ends up as hardness in our body.

  436. I also have my moments of connection to myself in the past, but they have all fitted into a shoebox under the bed for there was no room in my closet full of skeletons. They are now, with your blog, brought back the vividness of them that shine in the darkness. I as many others and yourself Denise have had that pull to our first encounter with Segre Benhayon. The closet is now almost empty and the door is open and the moments of connections to myself can not be contained, within anything, including my vessel.

  437. Awesome that in that moment of being offered drugs you were able to feel a consequence that went way beyond that moment. And your choice to not engage was a choice to not only reject drugs, but that whole energy of self abuse, hence never being offered them again.

  438. Thanks Denise, your blog is a powerful testament to the feelings of absolute clarity and strength we feel in our bodies when we listen to what we know feels true, and honour it.

  439. I love what you say Denise, these moments happen it is as if we have connected to our true self and deep knowing and when they occur are so profound there is no going back, simply stepping forward and more deeply into love.

  440. My path to where I am today has been very different to yours, I had many of the same ‘stop’ moments and I can remember them clearly. The difference is I chose to override them. I chose to block out the intensity of what I was feeling, to enjoin others, so you could argue that the wisdom wasn’t there but it was. I knew. I just chose differently and dismissed what I innately knew to be true.

  441. These moments that you talk about are defined by a choice. Who is making that choice? Is it a wayward part of us that is always seeking to escape, to check out, to be comfortable, that takes no responsibility for the next moment and looks around for confirmation of what to do next? Or have we built a connection to the deep inner wisdom of our own that brings a strength and purpose to life? We all know the difference, and we all know full well the different paths they take.

  442. Denise, what you share in your experience of parenting is inspiring, your innate knowing that the most loving action was firm but hugely supportive and with this loving hand your daughter was able to express herself differently.

  443. Sometimes the most loving thing you can say to your children is ‘no.’ I can relate to the examples you give about parenting and not feeling sorry for your daughter, but holding firm in your decision.

  444. “When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” And the deeper the connection the grander and more beautiful is our awareness of the All.

  445. Thank you for sharing your stop moments Denise. As I read your blog it made me recall some of my own stop moments over my life thus far. I agree that when we connect to that inner knowing what we feel is much grander than just us as individuals.

  446. ‘These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.’ How true Denise. I woke this morning deeply aware of how in one area of my life, I am not choosing love, but instead choose to stay in an old pattern, that caps me. Your blog is a powerfull reflection that my is soul calling me and I can no longer ignore the choices I’ve been making.

  447. Reading this blog made me ponder on a lot of moments in my life where I had the choice to either numb myself or stay connected and I always choose the wrong one and always had the right or should I say wrong people around that were making those same choices. It seems like you have been making true choices for life times Denise, hence the clarity in your choices.

    1. Thank you for your comment kevmchardy that makes so much sense and confirms that like you maybe I have been making the wrong choices for many lifetimes. As we begin to understand responsibility at a deeper level we can also feel the deepening of the connection to truth.

  448. Had I made the same choice as you Denise and said no to drugs, that would have changed the course of my life enormously. Those moments absolutely define our life.

  449. Thank you, Denise. This article is for me a confirmation that we all hold this innate wisdom about everything. There are no mysteries or tricky decisions to make if we give ourselves permission to access this still and natural knowing and yes The Gentle Breath Meditation is an incredible support with this connection.

    1. Yes, the Gentle Breath Mediation is an incredible support to access our innate wisdom and when we live from that place life flows so much more effortlessly and joyfully.

  450. Thank you Denise for such a powerful blog. What has especially touched my heart is the strength that coms from this connection with the all, there is a wisdom here being expressed that is ancient and loving and which you speak of in very practical everyday terms such as when you walk and how you raise your daughter. These moments are I am sure something every single person alive can relate to, which again confirms how ancient and practical connection with the all really is.

  451. Listening to that inner voice from within is such a grace to live with and makes me feel powerful compared to listening to my mind that only brings me worries, lack of self worth, anxiousness and so on that in turn make me feel powerless and ad the mercy of the outside world to tell me what I should do and how to be to gain acceptance and reward. No difficult choice you would say and in fact it is not, it actually is about being honest with myself and to acknowledge the glory that lives within is my true origin and not that false self created way of life that makes me insecure as bing void of that inner connection.

  452. I often have moments like you have described. They become a key assets in life when we know how to identify them and appreciate all that they offer.

  453. We tend to see life a chain of events, each one interlinked to the next with coincidences and situations that ‘just happen’ to us. But what you show here so gloriously Denise is how in every moment we are always being offered a choice, each with its own distinct quality and meaning for us. I love how you illustrate that it’s not actually about getting it right but reading the true meaning of each situation.

    1. ‘I love how you illustrate that it’s not actually about getting it right but reading the true meaning of each situation’ This is important Joseph and worthy of re-stating. Only when we feel the true meaning of what is being shown or felt can be make the choice to move away from it.

  454. Very inspiring blog Denise, and so very true . . .”When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander.” . . when we connect deeply we do connect to the All and our every movement and every choice sets our future.

  455. It is gorgeous that where once you had scattered moments of connection that offered a clarity you could not ignore, you now have found the ability to hold onto that connection through the gentle breath meditation… giving you consistent access to the power that awareness and clarity brings.

  456. so refreshing to hear how you found a firm approach with loving your daughter was the correct thing to do, often when we are making decisions we rarely consider that every choice has large ripple effects, and when looking back at these things in hindsight we can appreciate what it was we were connecting to.

  457. …”When I stop to connect to me, I am connecting to something that is far grander…” There’s no need to go out of yourself to seek that something grand, amazing, or better… its right under our own nose.

  458. This has made a lot of sense to me in the last few weeks. Knowing deep inside that that there is a choice here and when you make it about trusting what will come next the confirmation is waiting patiently for you on the other side

  459. This is such a powerful blog Denise, and it’s amazing to hear and feel examples of how single choices make a huge difference. Your consistency in maintaining those choices is inspiring and reminds me of those moments I’ve faced in my life where I too have made loving choices and stayed firm, thank you.

  460. We all have an absolute knowing deep within and it is always our choice to honour that or go against our natural, innate truth. I have met those moments of choice many times and have always felt the ‘rightness’ of the outcome when I have trusted what I felt and acted accordingly, whether it is to be in a certain place at a certain time, or to say ‘no’ to something I am about to eat that I know will not be truly nourishing.

  461. This deep connection to ourselves and each other is always waiting for us. No matter what our past choices we can always choose to connect to ourselves and change everything. There is nowhere that we have gone that we can’t come back to our awesome selves.

  462. I’m blown away by your choices to not use drugs, or drink and how you stood by your daughter and what she choose for herself. Amazing what is in a choice made through connection.Very inspired.

  463. Woww Denise, LOVE this blog and your examples, it’s fresh, inspiring, and the solidness of your strength as a woman oozes out! It got me recalling some of the times when i felt that similar knowing, choice and quietness of strength in my childhood/teenage years… to years later today feeling it more and more each day as i deepen my connection; the connection to the all.

  464. It’s brilliant to read your blog Denise, as you show clearly how our connection with Soul is and has always there, as markers throughout our life. Serge Benhayon simply confirms everything that we already know but a knowing we can easily overlook.

  465. This is a very beautiful confirmation of how our choices interconnect us on a much larger scale. Denise what you share here also allows me space to reflect on some of the stop moments I have made in my life and appreciate how they have shaped the way I live, love and move today. Thank you.

  466. Thank you Denise, I am in awe of you and what you share. When you described being offered drugs, your response and the way the world responded I felt comparison and the stirrings of jealousy rise up in me as I did not make the same wise choice when faced with these circumstances and the knock on effect was horrendous. The beauty is that I can see I can choose to be true to myself right now, I’m no longer tempted by drugs or alcohol but can see the same patterns are there in my relationship with food and looking after myself. Your blog makes it clear that the challenges we are faced with are a result of the choices we have made.

  467. I loved reading how your soul ‘speaks to you’ and allows you to feel when your choices are true. Something we can all do, when we choose to connect and listen.

  468. I made a choice to express everything that I felt recently, no matter how imperfect the expression comes out, I will just express it. The freedom felt is like nothing I have felt before, with this experiment what I am also confirming is my imperfection, and that in embracing imperfection in expression, I could feel a deepening of strength and power within myself.

  469. Standing firm and committed by our choices builds authority in our body. Throughout life, gradually I am finding out what are my true and wise choices and what are not, but I could only begin to distinguish between them first with the foundation of making choices and standing firm by them.

    1. I agree, Adele, it has been an incremental reversal of habits to return to a connection with our naturally held wisdom and authority. My willingness and ability to feel and access this is building as I build an honest and respectful relationship with my body.

  470. Thank you Denise for your inspirational sharing. When we connect to ourselves we connect to God for we are all part of God. By refusing Drugs or alcohol we are saying we are worth so much more than we are being offered!

  471. Wow, an immensely powerful blog, Denise. I was very inspired by the way you stuck to your decision to ground your daughter, despite seeing her sitting alone at lunch. How easy it would have been, to have gone into sympathy and been drawn to try and ‘make things better’. Your steady connection enabled you to stand firm in your truth, with love, giving her the space to learn from her own choices.

  472. ‘These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.’ This paragraph reminds me of the significant moments that really stood out to me in my life where I was reminded that I had not chosen support choices and that something needed to change. ‘Life changing moments’ And then I have also had very confirming moments that have been there as a celebration of the loving and solid choices I have made. The truth is though – the more I become aware, the more I realise that these reminders or confirmations actually exist in every moment in life continually there to bring us back to the love we are.

  473. Thank you Denise for this powerful testimony and confirmation of the fact that our Souls are forever calling us to commune with our bodies so that we can return to live the light we have all come to live. When we chose to surrender to our Divine will, to be in connection with our love within and as such the all that this is part of, we realise that this is our greatest strength. As through the power of our connection to the oneness we are from our might is unsurpassed.

  474. Denise you show the power of staying connected and not giving in to the pressure that we can put ourselves under of doing what is right, but not necessarily what is true. It would be so easy for you to have gone into sympathy when you saw your daughter alone in the lunch break, but your willingness to see there was a much bigger picture at play that would support your daughter to grow and learn to stay connected to herself was the true way forward. This is love in action.

  475. I like the idea of looking at life as signposts, like the movie sliding doors where we take one path or another. Our ability to choose is very powerful, and when we consider it there is really nothing that holds most of us back from a great life other than our own decisions to make intelligent choices or not. Of course you could argue against that and say that sometimes stuff just happens, but could that in itself also be a choice, maybe not in every case but certainly I would say in my own.

  476. It is amazing the knock-on effects that our choices can have, there is so much going on that we don’t necessarily see…

    1. Very true Fiona. I can see now the knock on affect that some of my choices have had – some have kept me locked into a particular ideal, way of being or situation for years. Upon reflection I can see the movements and choices that lead to that final point along the unsupportive path. Just as I can see all the amazing and truly supportive choices I have made and the knock on and ripple effect they have had. Every moment is a choice for expansion and lovingly supporting or it is not, and each choice will always support the next step either lovingly forward or down a slippery track further from love.

  477. There is a part of us that lays deep within unperturbed by the seeming mess of the world. If we take a moment to pause amongst this ceaseless motion we live within, we will hear in this Stillness a voice that speaks the sound of God guiding us safely back home to the great love we had departed from. Re-learning how to re-connect to our true self – our Soul – is like reacquainting ourselves with a long lost friend. It is madness that we try to navigate our way through life without it. This is a beautiful example of such a connection Denise, that shows us we are never as far away from our innate divinity as we may sometimes tell ourselves we are.

    1. Thank you Liane. These words are a powerful reminder that we are always held in love and supported to choose what is true.

    2. Yes.Yes.Yes. It is madness that we try to navigate our way through life without love, without listening to our soul. No wonder we are in such a mess ;). We go the hard way, making it hard for us by trying to find out what is right. Thereby we miss what is guiding us in a light and truthful way out of our self-created mess. All because we are clinging to an individualism that is anyway an illusion. But here we see that there is a way to re-connect when we are aware and listen.

  478. While reading your blog I remember having my first beer in a club. I didn’t like the taste, it tasted very bitter. I overwrote it and just ‘drunk it’ as everybody else did. What I’m realising is that the communication and support of my body and the inner-voice is actually always very clear. It’s up to me to listen to me or not. The question is how precious do I found is my connection to myself?

  479. I like how the moment you asked for another drink you could feel the pattern that this would lead you too and you were able to say no to that and in that moment set the foundation and chose what you wanted going forward.

  480. Such strength in the way you write Denise and I could feel the power of connection that you write about. It shows me that we all have a deep knowing in how to live our lives and what we are needing to do but so often we don’t choose that. I love how you give us example after example of where you have lived that connection and also honoured it. Very powerful. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us all. It is the answer to so many issues – build a connection to ourselves, and from there we say yes or no to what is right for us or not.

  481. This is beautiful Denise. I have had moments in my life where my connection to myself has been so strong it has stopped me in my tracks. I remember one time where I was totally off track or about to do something that could have had major consequences. My soul stepped in with a force that was so clear in my body I made a choice that was much harder to make but was in fact true. I’ve never looked back and have been thankful that I have that connection to myself even that when I was lost, I was not lost.

    1. True. We are in fact never lost, our connection to divinity and truth (and so to love) can’t be cut. Only we can deny, avoid and not express it. But that means it is available for us all the time. So I love to read your words Nikki, “even that when I was lost, I was not lost.”

  482. Hello Denise and it’s great to appreciate the moments we have felt something that is far bigger then just us and yet you know it starts with us. As you say, “Serge Benhayon has shared The Gentle Breath Meditation™ as a way of reconnecting. With this conscious presence we can bring a quality to everything we do in our lives.” Without connecting or reconnecting we are almost at the mercy of whatever is playing out in front of us. Everything looks like it’s single dimensional and yet we don’t live in a world that is that way. How can we be fooled like this? No different to having the collective view that the world was flat. This is the same thing, if we think there is nothing more then just a question being asked in front of us and we are ignorant to the rest of what is going on. We are always being asked for more and through the building and consistency of this connection we are able to see this more.

  483. ‘With every choice that I make I have the power to choose different paths in my life’. The two examples of this were so relatable and make it clear that it is in the many choices we make that we create the life we live and the amazing power and strength that is in those choices when they are made in connection to what feels true within us. I love that you were saying ‘yes’ to love.

  484. It is fascinating to reflect on those moments of clarity and truth we have felt in our bodies at times growing up, and where they came from. There is no need to believe in God, if we can connect to and know this true source of our being, and it does not come from outside of us, but a reconnection back to oneself, to that place of knowing and of truth that never leaves us, we just have to remember how.

    1. And this is what we should be teaching at school. Not religious texts and stories and ideologies and dogmas – but a religious study and appreciation of ourselves, our bodies and what we already innately know. Every single child knows God. Most of them have lost that relationship by the time they leave school.

  485. Denise thank you so much for sharing such a brilliant understanding of how making a choice for us brings strength to our core that supports a foundation for our own inner strength and wisdom to flourish and not wilt under pressure.

  486. Yeay I love it when people express from and about this strength and power of connection which you have written about. Pretty much all of us have had these moments. How wonderful that you have been learning to build a greater consistency of these moments in your life. A real gift.

  487. What a stunner of a blog Denise. Thank you for sharing and reminding us all that a choice is not as innocent as it seems and can have huge impacts on our lives. We might think it is just a choice but it is what we are choosing with that simple choice that is important. Like having chocolate for instance, will that one piece make a difference? No, but the reason why we are having the chocolate which might be choosing to dull an emotion makes a difference on our life.

  488. Thank you for this reminder of the power that comes from connection. It shows just how clearly we know truth when we choose to allow it through our body.

  489. What a wonderful and relatable blog. I too remember many times when I became aware of choice as you have described and also many times when I overwrote those choices in the past. These days I am much more aware and embracing of these kind of choices. I now recognise that they are always there and that the more I appreciate and honour them the more aware I become of them such that it becomes a very lovely and supportive living way.

  490. Being able to feel the future and know on some level what will occur is very rarely spoken of in such a way that makes sense in the way you’ve shared Denise. It shows that searching or wanting to have the future look a certain way is a goose chase. So often I have tried to secure my future in an image and yet when following that inner connection the life that unfolds before me is far grander than any image.

  491. Thank you Denise, powerful blog. As I was reading it, I was reminded of many moments in my life where I had felt this deep connection to my body and to inner heart, very similar to what you’ve shared. I had a very similar experience too with drugs, I was offered many times to take drugs when I was a teenager. Your blog reminded me of how I felt and how my connection to my body supported me to make a very loving choice. I took a moment to consider what I was offered the very first time drugs was presented to me. I remember asking myself how my body would cope with the drugs if I said yes. I got a very clear message and a deep knowing that my body was very delicate, precious and not worth polluting it for something I was not even sure about. So, my answer was always a clear and firm ‘No’ to drugs. I also had a very similar experience with alcohol. Your blog really confirms how incredibly supportive and powerful it is to stay connected to our innate knowing and trusting what we feel.

    1. Chanly88, I feel the same applies to anything we do or eat compulsively. I love what you say: that simply connecting to your body ‘supported you to make a more a very loving choice.’ Seen another way, indulging in something, be it food, an activity, or behaviour is a marker that we have dis-connected from our body. This is powerful image for me and relates to a pattern I’m repeating and have yet to break the cycle.

  492. We always have a choice and as you experienced, Denise, our bodies support us to make the choice if we choose to listen.

  493. Denise I love your blog the strength and the power in which you share. This is beautiful I can relate to this feeling, I have often felt this power before, but now with the awareness I have now I am building on this connection to be part of my every movement. It feels so awesome to be connected in this way all the time.

  494. Wonderful confirmation that i do have the power to change my life. I did not realize that I had given up on the idea that I could change the parts of my life I did not like. I did not want to feel the fact that I had given up on myself either.
    With honesty and support from Simple-Living Global and Universal Medicine I am coming back to my power and I will never give up on myself again.

  495. Absolutely powerful Denise! As you say it is these moments that truly define what our life could be like if we continue along the same trajectory. I love how you have shared that these knowings came from something more, an aspect of us that is more than physical and has a deep wisdom.

  496. Denise this is very powerful about your experience with drugs – that every cell in your body said no and so you were not offered them again. I agree that we all have little signposts in our lives, things that happen and we have a choice – yes or no. And if we claim that choice in full then it will rarely come around again. A very inspiring way to look at things – that energy has a big part to play in our choices.

  497. Great sharing about the absolute power and beauty of our stop moments – they definitely happen and feel as though offered by grace and truth; it is up to us then to either embrace or reject them.

  498. ‘These moments that occur in our lives are like signposts along the way. We are given an opportunity to make choices that have the potential to change our lives forever.’ – Very true Denise, we are all given signposts along the way and deep down we all know that the choice we make will make all the difference. Question is, how often do we override this knowing?

  499. There is no denying that when the strength of such a true impulse is felt, life is not just about the physical. It cannot be – how can anything physical explain the accuracy and solidness of such a feeling? There is far far more to life than meets our eyes, paying attention to our choices on this level is crucial.

  500. The courage to listen to that inner voice and connection…wonderfully inspirational

  501. A powerful, relatable, inspiring and beautiful blog Denise – the choices are always there, but more often than not the tendency can be to ignore the true choice which flashes through first, in favour of following the second choice that follows equally fast :). Thus, in that nano-second moment, we choose to be and live in a state of lesser love and self-abuse.

  502. Listening to the presentations of Serge Benhayon was to hear finally one man put words to feelings and experiences that I had had all my life which nothing and no-one else in the world had ever confirmed. It is deeply confirming to hear this one voice that refuses to resign, give up, or to align to anything less than absolute truth, and equally hugely uplifting to know that we hold that same truth within, and can make the same choice to hold steady in our own truth – and thus allow the truth to be heard for all.

  503. What becomes very clear is that our every choice influences what comes thereafter, our every choice is more powerful than we think it to be and how important it is then to choose consciously and not let anything happen randomly.

  504. I had those choices that you explain so clearly in this blog, I suppose we all had them…I made very different choices to you, committing to drugs and always saying yes when I was offered them. I was sure that my way back to me was through connecting to others and the others I had around me at that time were role modeling drugs as a form of connection. Due to drugs actually doing the opposite to reconnecting you, I was left feeling more alone, disconnected and empty than when I begun my silly experiments.
    Had I not met Serge Benhayon I most probably would have been still caught on my merry go round of addiction and drug indulgence, wasting my nights and days away under the influence of what ever I was offered. Thank fully some part of me knew that an endless party was not the answer and all the presentations I attended made sense. From there, I have been blessed to come come to my power, to me.

  505. Your sharing of your personal connection with your body and with God is grand. I can already feel the ripple affect as others read this article, as it connects one deeply to themselves and triggers moments of their own where they too were connected. Clearly indicating a strong platform that many already have, when possibly they have never considered just how true, deep and strong their inner knowing has always been.

  506. Dear Denise,
    I absolutely adore your article. I too can clearly remember moments in my life where I felt my connection with myself and the all. It has been this knowing and the feeling of these experiences that has often held me, and brought me back from moments of doubting, disliking and dissing myself. The power of each of them is eternal and enduring, present even in the darkest of times in my life. Never now do I doubt the power of being connected with my body.

  507. It is great when we have that knowing and we trust it. It is very revealing when we don’t trust it and we make another choice and the learning is right before our eyes, showing us that all along, we knew.

  508. Everyone has an image of self. What is interesting is how this image informs the making of choices that are significant and what this confirms about oneself. The image, the significant choices, the confirmation evolve as we do.

    1. Wow, well said Eduardo. I know my image of self ten years ago was far from what it is today. I feel I’ve very much evolved in that sense – and so have my choices.

  509. The moment you said no to the 2nd glass of wine – we have these moments, cross-roads, opportunities over and over again in every day of our lives. The switch for me was when I started to look at it as – not what I was saying no to…but what I was saying yes to. That’s the game-changer for me.

    1. Graceful reminder Otto to see what we choose, what we say yes to. These moments, when we say YES to love, we rock the whole world – not just ours. And it is for me sometimes like in a film, that I see with what I’ve chosen just jet my world changes, it changes how the colors look like, changed my story of life, how the next picture will look like and how it will go on now. It is like there is a way lying in front of me and with my choices I change this way. This rocks the world because we are all connected in a way.
      The end of my way is guaranteed anyway, but how much curves and detours I am on is in my hand.

      1. Looking at it like a film is actually pin-point accurate. A film is made up of 24 (or 25 in the new digital age!) individual frames/images that flash past our eyes every second. Every single one of these images is in fact an opportunity and as the editor of our own films/lives, we can change the course by making an edit in between any one of these 24 frames and going a different route (or to a different shot). Beautiful analogy. And fun.

      2. ..I see a film here coming up about this theme … If we just would have a great film-maker…but wait, there is this gorgeous guy called Otto I remember … 😉

  510. As a child I used to lie in bed at night and connect to this vast, infinite grandness. It was awesome. I didn’t know exactly what it was but it felt incredible. Then for thirty years I never felt that connection again…until I attended a Universal Medicine workshop….My brain can sometimes boggle at it all, but my body knows and so do I.

  511. That steadiness and inner knowing and strength you speak of Denise we assume comes and goes with our moods and events of life. But none of that is true. The steadiness, knowing and inner strength is, but everything else we get caught in isn’t and feels nothing like that. Through consistent and loving care to ourself and development of our loving choices, we begin to see that everything is a choice, including how we feel.

  512. Learning to love and care for ourselves through our choices, and not leave oneself until last, does lead as you so beautifully put it Denise, to “an absolute connection to everyone and everything beyond me. That is the glorious feeling inside me, my connection to the all.”

  513. When I was 12 I was offered a cigarette from my friends. I took it and said I would try it at home. Got home went to the bathroom and locked the door. After a few puffs I started choking and thought this is not for me. Since then I have never been offered or drawn to smoke again . Wow, I can feel the power of that choice. Thank you Denise for writing this wonderful blog.

  514. Reading this blog gave me such a powerful confirmation of all the loving choices I am making and the amazing positive impact this is having in my life. My awareness has expanded and as such I am following and trusting my impulses and or feelings. This is a huge shift for me.

  515. Denise thank-you for sharing your experiences with that innate knowing within you that has been there all of your life. I think most of us have had at least one experience like this where there is this deep knowing that you may or may not have followed. Such is the feeling, that there is really nothing like it, and we are the ones who can make it come about, and it’s usually when you need it the most.

  516. I loved reading this and connecting to the defining moments throughout my own life.Thanks Denise, that connection is always available to us, do we make the choice to stop and connect or not?

  517. This should be shared with our younger generation. The choices we make and how they affect us as it is not talked about enough. When I was a teenager I remember getting a really clear message to not take drugs. At the time I never thought I would but later ignored this and took drugs from that point on my life went into a complete downward spiral … it was not good. Through the Sacred Esoteric Healing modalities and knowing Serge Benhayon I have been able to clear a lot from my body, including behaviours, beliefs and momentums that did not support me. My life has completely turned around and I am now starting to live more in line with what is true to me from a place of love.

  518. It is incredible just how much we have and are in our connection to ourselves and to the love we are but also that for so many years we have chosen to live in separation to this. I know that I too get caught up in the outside world and forget the connection inside my however have also felt that absolute power in it when I have chosen this. Perhaps it’s the returning to something that we have missed so much that is an issue – becoming close to something again that hurt us so much to separate from by our own choosing previously. It still brings tears to my eyes every time I feel my connection to the all, The Hierarchy and to God.

  519. What beautiful examples you share Denise, of your re-connecection and knowing from the body. I have had many similar ones too, they appear small but they are pivotal moments in our lives. And I can also look at the ones I ignored and they altered my life in a negative way for a while too. But there is no criticism from the body, we are given many opportunities when we go down a rabbit hole so we can return and have another go. When we feel the re-connection, we know we are on the right path, returning to who we truly are.

  520. Amazing… our inner most connection never leaves us and it is equally in everyone. It’s what makes us all magnificently equal in our unique and divine expression.

  521. What a glorious celebration of the power and potential depth of our connection to ourselves if we allow it. I can relate to moments in my life where my knowing of what was the true path e.g. saying No to drugs meant that my life went in a very different direction than it otherwise might have and eventually led to me re-connecting to the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom.

  522. It is so true that every event in our lives has way more significance than just random, trivial happenings. If we are connected to ourselves then we can read the energetic meaning in all things and we just know how to respond.

  523. It’s so true Denise that our true strength and power is always in connecting with ourselves first and when we do this, we naturally connect with every ‘thing’ and every ‘one’, in other words, as you say “to the all.”

    1. Beautifully said Angela, this feeling of strength and power is available to us all, it is simply a matter of choosing it or not. It resides within each and every one of us, so when we choose to reflect our strength and power, it is naturally shared with everyone by the science of reflection.

  524. Wow what a wonderful confirmation of your connection Denise, and the knowing from your body that the decisions you were making were correct for the situation at that time. I agree there are moments in our lives where we are given a choice to either go this way or that way, and these moments stay with us and feel pretty significant.

    1. They are such great markers Julie to take with us for the rest of our lives.

  525. Denise this is a blog I am sure so many people will be able to relate to, those moments in our lives where we feel our inner strength and appreciate being alive and connected, or no to a fleeting thought or image pulling us away from ourselves. I felt the surrender lying on a beach as a young child, feeling still and absolutely connected to nature, the birds, the breeze and the sun. These feelings of completeness and connection as you say are something very grand beyond our physical existence.

    1. So beautyful Simon and how these moments stay with us, these moments have left imprints in our bodies. Such a gift.

  526. Connection one billion precent changes your whole life, imagine if the whole world knew how simple the answer was to all their problems and miseries, and that it all starts with connection. Connection teaches us that we know exactly what to do and who we are.

    1. Absolutely Meg, I feel it was the allowing myself to stop in that moment that then gave me the opportunity to make a different choice. Feeling like time stood still as I stopped, and then I had such a clarity of the choice I was about to make and how it would affect the rest of my life. Every choice has the power to change the rest of our lives.

      1. Hi Denise, I just felt to offer a comment in confirmation of your last sentence above – it is quite profound really, and that is “Every choice has the power to change the rest of our lives.” I really love that!

      2. ‘Every choice has the power to change the rest of our lives.’ I absolutely love what you’re saying here, imagine how powerful this line would be for someone with depression, or struggling with life, the fact that your life can begin to change now, this moment, depending on your next choice.

  527. Beautiful Denise. I love the strength and power in this blog, and I love how you have always been so aware of your choice to stay committed to yourself or not.

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