The Freedom – Responsibility Connection

It is ironic that responsibility and freedom are both so intrinsically connected and yet we have never stopped and paid attention to this.


Question – Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom?

Answer – Because it scares the living daylights out of us. It scares us to feel that we are so very much deeper than just ordinary beings living our lives mostly on auto-pilot and numbed and conditioned to our own follies; thinking all the time that we are a superior and intelligent race.

Where is the intelligence in letting our true selves go?

We are far more powerful than what we have reduced ourselves to, and this awakening to the fact can only come when we become responsible. This freedom of choice is free – ready – waiting for us to come back to! But how willing are we to take this path?

As I dived deeper into myself with my commitment to evolving and unshackling the barriers to true freedom, what I realised big time was that with responsibility came lessons and learnings. Some very hard lessons. When I was able to take a clear view into my past I could see that I had only been repeating these very lessons without actually taking the responsibility to learn and implement them. One of the biggest lessons of course will always be about ‘responsible choices’ in everything we do.

For me this lesson has been Epic!

How do I think? What thoughts do I have? What words do I utter?

This is huge just to feel how conditioned I had been to allow myself to think in a way that only made me live 50% of who I am. At times even less than that.

So imagine a super race car without the right kind of tyres going around the track – making pit stops that keep on lowering its capacity to stay ahead in the game. That’s how I was going around and around in life… repeating the same lessons without learning much; and yet I always knew there was a divinity in me that was wanting to burst forth in all its power, just like a supercharged turbo engine that sparks up when you turn it ON and goes the distance.

We – all of us – have not even scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who or what is responsible for the thoughts that pervade us, rule us, imprison us day and night. We are all Supercars waiting for the spark to come alive and fire us up… and yet some of us, knowing this to be true, deliberately crank it down – a paradox truly!

When I started upon this path I could easily sense and feel that surely there was something that existed that knew how to manipulate me into thinking in a manner that made me irresponsible. This ‘something’ – which I have now come to understand as the ‘spirit’ – is clever, insidious and is a master manipulator. This not only bullies but has bullied us all, individually and collectively, for thousands of years in the truest sense.

This spirit is a part of me, has always been a part of me and yet has done everything possible in its power to sabotage my true essence from playing out. This might sound like some sci-fi story but it’s true and it does not absolve me from being responsible at any single moment in time. When Serge Benhayon, through the teachings of The Ancient Wisdom, finally shed light on what exactly is the spirit and how different it is from our very Soul, I knew then the moment had come to take on my ‘spirit’ in a way that I had not ever done in my recent few lifetimes.

Once this was shown to me, or rather I chose to see it, I could now fathom the level of irresponsible behaviour that I had allowed in myself for so long.

Initially this was not just an eye-opener but also a great lesson in humility and was necessary to break down my arrogance. I could now see that everything that I thought – those thoughts that I believed only I was privy to, that no one else would ever know, what I think and how I think – was all so irresponsible.

I have seen so many times in my past that I ended up saying/doing things (actions, patterns, behaviours, speech) because of those thoughts, and then regretted having said or done things that so obviously harm and hurt people around me, and most importantly hurt me more than anything. And to now be aware of my thoughts, to catch them when they come, and to feel where they come from . . . do they come from my fears, needs, selfishness, individuality or do they come from One-ness? Doing this has made me far more responsible than I had ever been.

There is no Private Idaho!

We can’t escape into a world of thoughts and entertain them, as that does and will affect the quality of our lives and also our relationship with the world around us.

Do I hold back the Truth? Do I express Truth in reaction to any hardness or hurt, whether it’s mine or not?

This has been one of the most beautiful parts of the lesson. To know and understand that holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.

I found that I had over time developed a deeply insidious and harming pattern of expressing what I thought was truth from reaction to my hurts, or in judgement to the person/group that I was expressing to. This is equally harmful when any truth is laced with an emotion that reduces us or the other. I never had any problem with being truthful as I always deep down knew I was a Guardian of Light and Truth, but over time I had allowed my behaviours and hurts to dull the luminescence of it.

It took a lot of humbling down on my knees to be able to not only see this but also break through each layer by ill-fed layer to now come to a place where I express Truth no holds barred, but in a way that is loving and evolving even if the other does not choose to feel it. Detachment whilst delivering the truth is the re-mastering process that I am enjoying with each word delivered.

Reductionism is a game I have chosen to not play ball with anymore.

It has been a revelation for me to now deeply revere and honour the truth of the All, and in this the Love that every Truth comes from. An undoing of all my past errors is a journey that keeps freeing me each time I go deeper into respecting this Truth and accepting more and more of the responsibility that I carry as a divine being on this planet.

Since then it’s been challenging no doubt to watch myself and observe and feel how I express the truth in my daily life. And I certainly do not hold back. But I am loving this, for it delivers me to my true self, each time I take responsibility in expressing/presenting truth.

It makes me highly aware of all those negative thoughts that kept me under and away from my own ‘preciousness’!

Serge Benhayon has been a super-cool mentor in showing me All of this. An elder brother who is walking this path with an integrity that shines for all those who walk it with him. With him and all the masters by my side and my deep innate connection to my Soul, I know this time around I am wisely, humbly and lovingly choosing to be Fiery and Free with each breath.

Thus the Freedom connection deepens and deepens and deepens… as does the Responsibility…

By Chetan Jha, London (UK)

Further reading:
Energetic Integrity and Energetic Responsibility
Energetic Responsibility – How Responsible Are We Willing to Be?
Responding with Responsibility

537 thoughts on “The Freedom – Responsibility Connection

  1. Something for all of us to not play ball with anymore, ‘Reductionism is a game I have chosen to not play ball with anymore.’

  2. Chetan those thoughts meet you from the time you wake up. If they are destructive then I know they are not the Soul speaking. Yet once upon a time I thought the spirit was the thing that would make me go forward, the thing that will provide the freedom of that something that was keeping me a prisoner. And yet it was THE thing that kept me more away from myself. A conundrum I know.

    Responsibility not only is big word but a responsible word, with a level of integrity that goes with it.

    We have much to learn about this word and over time as we walk this path and reflect, somewhere along the way, others will be inspired by this and will eventually follow. In the meantime, we continue along that path till the others join us and the One-ness becomes One.

  3. Freedom is not what we ‘thought’ it to be, true freedom is to be obedient to love and truth.

    1. Mary, totally agree, freedom is about obedience. It has nothing to do with being released and feeling all emotional about it. One satisfies the spirit, the other nurtures the Soul.

  4. I can’t really remember anyone telling me straight up that daydreaming was a way to avoid responsibility. However those around me just did it and I followed suit. We learn so much from each other without words being spoken. So addressing our thoughts, while it may appear like nothing is going on, is a huge role model for others.

  5. This level of responsibility in awareness of our thoughts is indeed a big step up that begins the clear out that which does not truly belong. When we do not claim who we are, then something else claims us and hence gives us the thoughts – but should we simply claim back ourselves we can say no to the thoughts that are not supportive and loving to us at all. This in itself is a very simple process and easy to understand, however to put this into practice and live this on a day to day basis is indeed another ball game but hence is the true marker of responsiblity. Only living what we understand to be true makes it a true Truth, otherwise it is just words. “And to now be aware of my thoughts, to catch them when they come, and to feel where they come from . . . do they come from my fears, needs, selfishness, individuality or do they come from One-ness?”

  6. Repeating lessons is an effective way of learning – for how can we truly move on to the next learning if we have not lived the truth that we have just learned in full. This is the blessing of life and God.

  7. It takes a lot to come from such divinity and power and to deny it. You really have to have super powers that are extra strong to deny the super power that you are.

    1. Why do we keep denying that we are powerful beings, ‘We are far more powerful than what we have reduced ourselves to.’

  8. “Reductionism is a game,” and we are the willing players. Responsibility is stepping away from the game and seeing what else is at play, making choices in our lives to live a different way, and we all can do so, noe are more special than another.

    1. Reductionism is indeed a game and one we have mastered and maximised well. But to do so, we must also be masters of the opposite and this is what we need to realise so that we can break the cycle we have chosen to indulge in.

  9. We often think we are the only ones having certain thoughts. It is very humbling to realise there are many others having the same thoughts and that it is not us making the thoughts per se but actually more about what we align to in how we move and live each day.

  10. Some days it seems as though the thoughts are relentless but a great opportunity to keep saying ‘No that’s not true’ or ‘That’s not love’.

    1. And a great reminder too that those private thoughts that we think are private are in fact not even ours but fed to us…Each thought that does not support can be ‘grabbed’ just like you have said Julie and after stating that ‘that is not love’ it is great to then claim who we are by saying ‘I am love’ knowing the source that we can choose to be a vessel for is one from our true essence that will always care for us equally so.

      1. Absolutely, saying no to all that is not love, and claiming that we are love, ‘Each thought that does not support can be ‘grabbed’ just like you have said Julie and after stating that ‘that is not love’ it is great to then claim who we are by saying ‘I am love’’.

  11. It is great to see responsibility as freedom, and it is also important to qualify what freedom is – because freedom is not ever an excuse to be abusive, even if it is put under a mask of social responsibility.

  12. I was raised as a Roman Catholic by my family and I do not ever remember being taught the difference between spirit and soul in the way that clearly separates them. It makes complete sense to me that the spirit within me is wayward as I spent most of my life being wayward. Learning how to reign my spirit in is a continuous daily practice, It feels a bit like taming a wild horse too be honest.

  13. We humans are far more powerful than we allow ourselves to feel, there is so much love, wisdom and intelligence we have still to access. How to break out of our old conditioned ways of thinking and behaving, that prevents us from knowing our grandness, is to get honest with all that does not work in our lives, all that is false, then from this space we can choose differently, and are able to take responsibility which is the life changer.

  14. A lot of the time the English language fails us in terms of expressing the depth and beauty we are – but in this case I like the word responsibility as it sort of spells out what it’s all about… to me, it’s as simple as our Ability to Respond to the greater and much bigger picture we are part of that we can’t always see or sense with our human-ness.

    1. Yes Rachael the ability to respond to the call to me more… and as soon as we say yes, we are shown our next steps. We are given everything we need to let go of what needs letting go of, and with more awareness we have so much more understanding and so many more choices become available.

  15. The Ageless Wisdom brought through and represented by Serge Benhayon changes everything about what we perceive and experience as a human life. Thank you for reminding us that when we step away from responsibility, we step away from true freedom.

  16. Usually we relate responsibility to having less freedom because we feel bound or even burdened by a duty or obligation, but that is not what energetic responsibility and energetic freedom actually mean. The only true freedom is in the energy we align to that then makes us everything we are thereafter and so is our responsibility, to align to the one source that sets us free from any imposition that keeps us from being who we are in truth, divine sons of God.

    1. Yes, what we align to brings in being responsible with our choice, ‘The only true freedom is in the energy we align to that then makes us everything we are thereafter and so is our responsibility, to align to the one source that sets us free from any imposition that keeps us from being who we are in truth, divine sons of God.’

  17. ‘…truth from reaction to one´s hurts, or in judgement to the person/group…’ always comes from righteousness and thus is not truth anymore no matter how true the words used may be as such, but the energy no longer is true – that is part of the learning, that truth is in energy first and foremost and not in words; something that for the mind (without soul connection) or aka the spirit is a tough nut (pride) to crack.

  18. What percentage of our true selves do we live every day? How much are we reduced and constricted by beliefs and habits? Without an ounce of arrogance how about we live full of ourselves, from the inside out expressing our true relationship with, and love for, life and all it offers.

  19. Where do our thoughts come from and do we go with them or not, a very simple an practical consideration for us, for we do not have to be at the mercy of them but to consider how we have moved and what we have allowed that have fed us those thoughts … and then the question becomes how we do move now?

    1. It is important to be aware of our thoughts, and, ‘be aware of my thoughts, to catch them when they come, and to feel where they come from .’

  20. We free ourselves when we realise that responsibility is a game changer in many ways, as responsibility brings us the freedom to know Truth on a far deeper level.

  21. Taking loving responsibility for every move we make offers the freedom to constantly deepen our connection to who we are.

  22. The ultimate freedom is to live the Divine being that you already are.

  23. Every body adores freedom, so it seems. But in truth, this is not the case. Everybody adores versions of freedom that guarantee you are not truly free while you pretend to be. Most people have an issue with freedom because of what it truly means to embrace it.

  24. Who would have thought that ‘freedom’ actually comes from embracing true responsibility? This seems like the two most opposite things, and yet in truth they are twins, connected no matter where you find them.

  25. Spiderman always says that “with great power comes great responsibility” – and this explains perhaps why we shy away from the very things that grow us as we are fearful of both responsibility and power. …something we obviously need to get over in order to see true change in this world.

  26. Being guardians of the Truth that lies within all of us by choosing to be present in our body. This should be our number one job here on Earth.

  27. We are super powerful, so divine and there are forces that seems to be not agree with this fact. Our presence can be life-changing for those who are open to see the reflection. It can be life-changing for ourselves as we stop to feed the energy of lies that have fooled for eons to the whole of Humanity. When we make our mind stops to run the show we can re-ignite our natural way of living, which is amazing, very freeing and truly joyful. This responsible choice liberates us and benefits all.

  28. Feeling deeply held by all what you expresed here Chetan. These days I’m becoming more aware about how my thoughts can affect how I feel and the more aware I am, the stronger they are. This makes me feel vulnerable, tense at times, but after reading your sharing I come to understand that is not about fighting with my mind nor a hard discipline but a loving commitment that supports me to see with clarity what’s the quality of my thoughts and to discern if they are coming from love or not. It’s my job here to surrender and to claim my power back again. Playing less makes no sense anymore. Thank you.

  29. It is truly liberating to make the link between responsibility and freedom a sure fire way of cutting through the illusion that surrounds everything and everyone

  30. Responsibility and freedom, not two words that would normally be put together; but it is true, more responsibility brings more freedom, not being shackled by victimhood and the limitations of the physical body and this plane of life.

  31. Playing small than who we truly are brings us misery and a feeling of emptiness, becoming more responsible in our life we allow for a deeper awareness and understanding about ourselves and life – yes that is certainly very freeing and evolving.

  32. I love this analogy that repeating the same lessons over and over is like going around racetrack – and it’s important to note that when we use our pit stop only to fill up on the same ideals and beliefs that had us speeding around in the first place it feeds the merry-go-round all the more.

    1. “– and it’s important to note that when we use our pit stop only to fill up on the same ideals and beliefs that had us speeding around in the first place it feeds the merry-go-round all the more.” I love this, so simple to understand and observe. It shows how very simple life is. Life is not difficult but we simply do not want to take the responsibility we have with every breath we take and every move we make.

  33. I love how you bring responsibility and freedom into one. We have somehow made responsibility something to not like but it is simply living with the awareness we have and not shy away from all the engagement that comes with it.

    1. Part of responsibility is to express truth, and to not hold back in expressing, ‘holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.’

  34. Responsibility is taking a step back and observing what we bring to life and how we engage. Do we live life for what we can get out of it, regardless of the consequences? Or do we take responsibility for the ripple effect of what we do, say and even think as you have illustrated here? The more we consider this ripple effect, the more responsibility we step into, the less we make life about what we can get out of it.

  35. Each man/woman is his/her own salvation, in that we free ourselves from our self created shackles and we do this by being honest with ourselves and taking responsibility for all our past unloving choices and healing our hurts. The only way is to face ourselves, to look inward, find the gold there, and express from our natural and divine essence.

  36. From all Serge Benhayon presents, this teaching of the two different energies we can align to; either spirit or Soul, has brought me so much understanding of my past loveless and irresponsible behaviours and words that hurt others and myself being aligned to the wayward way of my spirit which was all about self, self and self! I am deeply thankful that I re-found these teachings that has enabled me to make changes to the way I live that brings me more awareness to be and take responsibility and how loving and freeing that is for us all. I am still learning as I go, and still can wobble, but not for long these days, as I have built such a steadiness of holding myself and have built a momentum of trusting in all I am feeling.

  37. How do I think? What thoughts do I have? What words do I utter? This sentence has brought me to a stop, and a great reminder this morning of how everything counts, even those unseen thoughts inside my head!

    1. Yes, our thoughts are indicative of what energy we are aligned to, ‘We can’t escape into a world of thoughts and entertain them, as that does and will affect the quality of our lives and also our relationship with the world around us.’

  38. ‘for it delivers me to my true self, each time I take responsibility in expressing/presenting truth.’ I find this too, and can bring about shifts in relationships with people that are totally different to what I had had a picture of it to be.

  39. Where is the intelligence in letting our true selves go – ? awesome question. And one that deeply asks of us to consider that there could actually be a true-self.

  40. “And to now be aware of my thoughts, to catch them when they come, and to feel where they come from . . . do they come from my fears, needs, selfishness, individuality or do they come from One-ness?” our thoughts come from one of the only two energies that flow through our bodies, the energy that is all about us protecting our hurts and unloving behaviours which come from our spirit, it is the energy of separation, the energy from our souls brings with it a loving responsibility in the knowing that we are all one and that what we do affects the all that we are a part of.

  41. Responsibility invites us to deepen, to revise, to discard, to unfold. And, yet, all of that is not necessarily lived as something joyful because it only brings freedom our way, freedom from all we are holding on and is not true. The option for many is to hold the breath, try to make sure that things remain in their place. It is something like making sure that there a threshold you do not go beyond, and there doors you’d rather not open because if you do, you have to start walking towards something that requires you to see what is in your backpack; what have you been carrying for so long, something that is so heavy and so familiar.

  42. There certainly are many lessons and learnings when we commit to evolve, ‘my commitment to evolving and unshackling the barriers to true freedom, what I realised big time was that with responsibility came lessons and learnings.’

  43. There is no question responsibility is a most avoided posture to take and much less embrace in ones life. It feels like a complete illusion though to see responsibility as some sort of burden and hardship when it truly is something naturally there for us all to embrace and in many ways the key to true health is responsibility so living it so cannot in anyway be a bad thing!

  44. Yes, I recognise what you share here, as I am sure we all do, responsibility is lacking in the spirit, ‘This spirit is a part of me, has always been a part of me and yet has done everything possible in its power to sabotage my true essence from playing out.’

  45. “This has been one of the most beautiful parts of the lesson. To know and understand that holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.” Something I need to fully embrace – great to re-read your post Chetan.

    1. Expressing truth with love, and detaching from the outcome is a wise choice, ‘I express Truth no holds barred, but in a way that is loving and evolving even if the other does not choose to feel it. Detachment whilst delivering the truth is the re-mastering process that I am enjoying with each word delivered.’

  46. For most people responsibility is the antithesis of freedom… And yet the essence of responsibility in truth is true freedom and this leap of awareness is the step that we can all take if we choose.

  47. We know where we’re from and what we’re about truly but there is this part of us, our spirit which wants it to be just about us, and not the all we are from and so the games we play. Until one day we meet someone or are reminded that in fact this thing we’ve deemed us is not it at all, we’re living the micro version and not the true expansion and joy we are, and so we turn and unpick our ways and come back to who we are. This is the path of return and it’s a joy and responsibility to be on it.

    1. Yes indeed, what a pleasure it is to come home, although, just as in sewing, there are moments where you wonder why you didn’t notice earlier that you were going on a massive detour!

  48. Freedom is only found when we embrace the responsibility that it is at our hands. Otherwise it’s not freedom, but escape.

  49. Responsibility is freedom although many interpret freedom as the ability to do what they like without any regard for others or themselves.

  50. ‘This spirit is a part of me, has always been a part of me and yet has done everything possible in its power to sabotage my true essence from playing out.’ How acceptable is the notion of ‘essence’? It may be considered in Religious terms, but is it seen as a Universal quality of being a human being? That’s how powerful we allow spirit to be – which is about being all about me, the individual where the essence brings something else, it brings its ‘not just about me, but all of us’. This is what spirit wants to sabotage, so we are run into the ground head first.

    1. What a great way to explain essence Karoline .. that it’s about the all. Thank you.

    2. A big difference between essence and spirit, ‘That’s how powerful we allow spirit to be – which is about being all about me, the individual where the essence brings something else, it brings its ‘not just about me, but all of us’.’

  51. ‘Once this [the truth about the spirit] was shown to me, or rather I chose to see it, I could now fathom the level of irresponsible behaviour that I had allowed in myself for so long.’ Totally Chetan. It is extraordinary how before meeting Serge, one can be so aware of the irresponsible, petulant child behaviour of the spirit and also of the deeper truer aspect of oneself and yet not be fully conscious of the implications of this. I used to think when I was young, ‘How can these older people be acting so much like children as if they have never responsibly grown up?’ Then I heard Serge Benhayon speak about the different between spirit and Soul and it all made sense.

  52. Indeed Ariana, for responsibility is the key that brings our world to a place of equal unity.

  53. Having been born into a New Age era where i had heard time and time again, the spirit being heralded by so many alternative practices, I was stunned when i came to see how wayward the spirit truly is through the inspiration of what Serge Benhayon presented about Spirit & Soul.

  54. There is no Private Idaho! Everyone can feel what is happening around them all the time, and we are watching each other’s movements equally so. The best way forward is to lead with all of you, naked, unashamed, transparent – and then the world responds. It reflects truth so that we may heal, love so that we may be heartfelt, joy so we may shine, and God so we may connect to the Universe. So so simple.

  55. And to now be aware of my thoughts, to catch them when they come, and to feel where they come from. This line Chetan is very pertinent for me at the moment as I just went into a self judgement around an email that I received and I immediately got a hot flush. This is huge for me because in the past I had been unable to catch myself in a judgement and then had a hot flush come on and focussed on the hot flush and not on what preceded it. Super awesome, thank-you.

  56. Playing small is so not worth it, and yet I still can get back onto the court, but no different to an outside ball court it feels like a cage to me now. Learning about the freedom of responsibility makes living solely by my five senses and excluding my ability to feel and read energy makes life very boring. Initially yes the idea of it scared me but it was the idea that was saying responsibility is to be feared, not the actual experience of it.

  57. Responding to the call of evolution allows one a greater level of awareness, where we once were blind to the traps of the illusion we can now shed light and see through the lies we have said yes to in the past, all this comes with a new level of responsibility to live in a way that allows us to hold this new level of awareness so we support others to break free from the shackles of life.

  58. Freedom and responsibility… what a beautiful relationship that you have brought to our attention with your superb writing Chetan

  59. The ” freedom ” that people get enchanted by is the freedom of no responsibility . But once one falls for this enchantment, then they also relinquish personal responsibility , and therefore have no true command over their decisions.

  60. “Detachment whilst delivering the truth is the re-mastering process that I am enjoying with each word delivered.” It is true it is a re-matering and one I am learning too. Any frustration and it can be felt so I am learning to say what needs to be said and let any detachment to an outcome go. I can still get caught in frustration but I can also feel how my body hardens, so I am learning to let this go. I am also enjoying the mastery of each word that is delivered and not letting anything slip by that I would have done before, just incase there was any confrontation.

  61. something that is not accepted by the world at large, or even pondered upon is energetic responsibility – i.e. the fact that by the way you live, you either feed the same energy that creates the thought that leads to the type of actions we all despise, or whether you feed and contribute to the energy that creates the harmony we all supposedly seek.

  62. “I have seen so many times in my past that I ended up saying/doing things (actions, patterns, behaviours, speech) because of those thoughts, and then regretted having said or done things that so obviously harm and hurt people around me, and most importantly hurt me more than anything.” I see this when people start speaking up for the first time after a long time of holding back. It comes as a spew, everything comes tumbling out laced with hurt, resentment, bitterness and not a huge amount of understanding or personal responsibility. It takes understanding from others to hold the space for people who are learning to speak up and honour what they feel, to not react back.

  63. That’s the thing we say we learn but do we truly, and if we do why would we repeat ourselves, some thing to consider and observe. The question is indeed about our willingness to be responsible and the fact that once we do there is a freedom, we let go the ideas that bind us and we’re willing to be more raw in ourselves and with others.

  64. Having notched up a few years under my belt, I’ve felt the truth in this piece… when we avoid taking responsibility for something we simply park the lesson and generally it starts to magnify. Either we take the small lesson then and there and grow from it, or we wait a few years (or a lifetime) and it becomes a massive ouch when we come back to it having affected things and people all that time.

  65. I find that when I do not take responsibility for something it comes back at me, just like I am going around in a circle repeating myself until I choose to deal with what is before me. When I feel this I am now starting to see how many times I have chosen not to deal with rather than simply ignoring it yet again. And these cycles are given to us as an opportunity to learn from not a punishment in any way.

  66. These days it is becoming clearer to what extent the spirit manipulates situations well in advance in order for us to take a fall when we decide to step up and take responsibility, it never misses a trick or an opportunity, and in fact knows us better than we know ourselves. It is like playing a game where only one side knows the rules.

  67. So beautiful Chetan, i could really relate to a lot of what you have shared, indulging in thoughts and ultimately a lot of irresponsibility.

  68. “To know and understand that holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.” This is so true Chetan, holding back truth is not only harmful and painful but can affect the whole body, our whole skeletal being can be altered. I have held back for most of my life and my body is now showing the consequences of my long term choices to hold back in being the full and glorious me.

  69. “Detachment whilst delivering the truth is the re-mastering process that I am enjoying with each word delivered.” I love this sentence, it defines the difference in a true delivery of truth and that which is offered in reaction. My learning is continual in this area, but any moment I speak truth, with no need or agenda, there is an innate feeling of absolute knowing that leaves no room for attachment to what is said, or the responses my words generate. What it does leave is a feeling of fullness and warmth and the readiness for the next moment.

  70. We have the responsibility of knowing who we truly are, that is freedom.

  71. Do I really learn from my mistakes or is that just something I tell myself to ‘feel better’? An important question to ask myself.

  72. Awesome to expose here the spirit and the manipulation it can have over the being. I certainly have done and still sometimes do things and really think ‘why on earth would I do that’ – it makes absolutely no sense in line with how I am living . But to understand that our spirit can convince us to make choices that are not loving, if we are living in a way that allows this, is very powerful and puts a much deeper emphasis on the responsibility I have to live in a way where I don’t have to give my power away to my spirit.

  73. Love the car analogy Chetan – the engine is guaranteed but we make so many choices about how we care for it, what wheels we fit, how we drive, and most important of all what fuel we put into it. Given the right choices we get to feel the thoroughbred we naturally are.

  74. Stopping to read this and appreciate my relationship with my thoughts. To know that I do not own them but by my choice they can own me and my life. My thoughts are first governed by how I move my body and this is powerful in considering that I am the one that chooses the quality within my body that goes out into the space around me.

    1. Beautifully said Leigh. Many people believe that thoughts cause no harm if they are not acted on but thoughts are an act in themselves. When we understand that thoughts are not from us but through us we begin to move in a whole new way.

  75. What do I think and what words do I utter. It is shocking to realize the hardness of my thoughts filled with false expectations and to understand that this has nothing to do with taking responsibility. To take responsibility is to appreciate every step taking forward.

  76. “Detachment whilst delivering the truth” took my attention today in reading this blog one more time. I started pondering on what this actually means to me. What came to me is that while I have any attachment or investment in anything in life I am involved and am not able to deliver the full truth on it, while when I am detached from any outcome in life, I know I am not part of it and that I am divine and from that place the truth will flow unrestricted.

  77. ‘We are far more powerful than what we have reduced ourselves to, and this awakening to the fact can only come when we become responsible. This freedom of choice is free – ready – waiting for us to come back to! But how willing are we to take this path?’ That is the key thing Chetan – How willing are we? Is there are part that is willing and a part that isn’t? It is beautiful to establish along The Way a saying ‘no’ to those reductions that we used to do to ourselves that nothing on earth would make us do now, such as drink alcohol. We need to keep on establishing each new marker beyond which we cannot now drop and part of this process involves appreciation, appreciation, appreciation. As we do this our power exponentially increases.

  78. I once heard Serge Benhayon ask- if a ship sailed the same path and kept travelling into problems eventually you would learn to sail a different route- yet how often in life do we just continue to carry out the same patterns even when we know they lead to the same problem every time.

  79. “Question – Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom?

    Answer – Because it scares the living daylights out of us. It scares us to feel that we are so very much deeper than just ordinary beings living our lives mostly on auto-pilot and numbed and conditioned to our own follies; thinking all the time that we are a superior and intelligent race.”

    I can absolutely confirm this. Some moments when I feel a deeper depth of what is going on it scares me, like you share here Chetan. It is like I feel the truth about in what kind of state our world is but in the same time I feel a total different dimension.

  80. My spirit must have been a little out of sorts lately as I have upped my level of responsibility quite markedly and in response over the last few days it has responded by bringing up some really old and horrible stuff in an attempt to wobble me away from this new found responsibility. And I yes it has succeeded at times but it has only taken a moment or two of wobbling to realise that I am being conned once again so in the next moment I have a choice to return to love and to being responsible for not only me but for all; and that is the choice I make.

  81. In truth we are all committed to something. Whether it is a positive or negative movement. Once we are on the chosen path, every move thereafter will mirror the first. It is only when we stop, allow ourselves to feel and appreciate our connection to our bodies that we can change the momentum to one of ill choices to amazing choices which can re-calibrate our movements and solidify a new relationship with responsibility and the commitment changes too.

  82. ‘This is huge just to feel how conditioned I had been to allow myself to think in a way that only made me live 50% of who I am.’ It is very confronting to realise that who we thought we were is not who we are – and we have settled for far less that what is actually available.

    1. I agree Kylie, time we begin to live the richness of who we truly are – that’s a responsibility that inspires and ignites other to also choose this too.

  83. “This spirit is a part of me, has always been a part of me and yet has done everything possible in its power to sabotage my true essence from playing out.” – Once we realise this we are definitely on the road back to Soul as the spirit does not want us to know this, yet through all the teachings and presentations of Serge Benhayon we have been offered many tools now of reconnection and reflection, of observation and discernment – to get on and stay on our truth path which is to return home to our Soul.

  84. Ah another good point to consider – giving up our individuality is not such an easy thing to do as we as humanity have invested to much in just that. A challenge however totally achievable with the love and connection to our divinity and God and the Universe and the All.

  85. Oh and this is so true Chetan – ‘It makes me highly aware of all those negative thoughts that kept me under and away from my own ‘preciousness’!” – Why on earth would we choose to stay away from our precious and divine self? Why do we entertain that what does this to us? Herein lies the responsibiilty – that we allow it in the first place.

  86. And when I am truly connected to the truth of that my thoughts come from an energy that I have allowed to access me then I know that I have to take responsibility for the fact that I have allowed this energy to enter. The good news is that by taking responsibility for that I also have the freedom to make a different choice any moment, choosing to not align with that what does not serve.

  87. Awesome title to an awesome blog Chetan – “The Freedom – Responsibility Connection” – going to the depth that you written about here in all the areas we can and absolutely must take responsibility for which then allows us to live with a freedom never known before – that is quite a bit of work that needs doing, and thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine we are well on the way.

  88. Responsibility brings freedom. True. The problem is that most do not even fathom that they are not free. They will fight responsibility because they will fight first and foremost that they are not free and that they are responsible for not being free.

  89. It is the package in which responsibility and freedom is sold to us that has humanity running a mile. Choosing the ideals of freedom = no responsibility, as it is driven by a self – agenda when deep down inside we are all craving and looking for a common understand and truth – that always comes in package without self but for the ALL.

  90. Freedom has been a much maligned word, as you so well point out Chetan. A part of the world calls themselves the ‘free world’ because in comparison to certain other parts of the world it appears ‘free’. But the way this part of the world largely lives is not in equality of true freedom but in slavery which is why there are more slaves in the world than ever before. We live by a pattern of enslavement to a force that is not true Love.

    1. Yes Lyndy- Free world, free love and so on. We have even bastardised the meaning of ‘free’..haha!

  91. Detachment is a re-mastering for me when sharing what I feel is true. There are quite a few thoughts that will run interference to my expression so I might start to calculate how much to say. This isn’t bring the true light through that is there to be shared.

  92. ‘We are far more powerful than what we have reduced ourselves to, and this awakening to the fact can only come when we become responsible. ‘ – Nailed it! Ouch this really does expose all the moments when I choose to be less than the responsibility I know in my body. And it is true that the more I choose to see things, the more I am responsible – the more I see what it is I bring.

  93. Freedom is something we have long assosciated with as being a way out, to do what we please and when we feel like doing it. But true freedom is fully responsible, allowing no room for indulgent or selfish behaviour, and does come with enormous power which most of us have, until meeting Serge Benhayon, been totally unaware of.

  94. Regardless of what is happening around us and on the outside, as you’ve shared what really matters is whether we can feel the spark inside us or feel its absence, because this both determines the quality of everything else AND can bring light from the inside out.

    1. Absolutely Susie- And in this lies true responsibility. It’s never about being 100% perfect.

  95. It is true we do seem to be going around in circles and not learning very much, but when we really start to pay attention to the things we react to, there become times when you can feel that you have come full circle and have come across the same situation again, and are given the opportunity to deal with it differently.

  96. It is a great point you raise that our mind is no private idaho! Our thoughts come from a source of energy that is running through our body and having an effect on how we will move into and approach the next moment and is affecting all those around us by the ripples we are emitting. We cannot stop making ripples in the ocean of life but we can choose the Quality of what kind of energy those ripples come with.

  97. I have attended quite a few of Serge Benhayon’s presentations, but I can recall one moment in one of them when I had this profound feeling in my body of the power and freedom in responsibility, I literally felt freed from the cage of irresponsibility and understood that I steer my own ship….incredible and something I have gone back to, yes I am not prefect but that is not the point, I know the difference now and so I make different choices.

  98. “I never had any problem with being truthful as I always deep down knew I was a Guardian of Light and Truth, but over time I had allowed my behaviours and hurts to dull the luminescence of it.”
    knowing the truth and watering it down so as to be respected and accepted in my life is a way of living that to this day I am capturing and halting. It is through accepting my worth and responsibly bringing this into each interaction that I have that is supporting me to hold everyone in the same worth, from this a new way of speaking and relating is developing, one that is full of truth, though offered with the humbleness of delivering what is there to deliver. No more pre thinking and organising what is to be said, instead a tender, yet solid offering, one that I totally respect and responsibly relay.

  99. It is interesting what you bring to the fore Chetan, that taking responsibility brings freedom. I have never thought about it in this way but can sense the truth of it as when we live corresponding the true nature of our being we then will only tell the truth everywhere we go and with that also make space to have the freedom to do so, not only for ourselves but for everybody equally.

  100. Freedom, we often consider this to be an escape and in a sense it is, from the grind of the 1 dimensional life that we offer ourselves, but true freedom is not from ‘escapism’ it can only come from responsibility. Responsibility is empowering, escapism reduces who we are.

  101. The moment when we realize that what was considered to be freedom actually was an illusion in the sense of the limitations, consequences and irresponsibility that were caused by it, we begin to understand that freedom and responsibility always need to be considered as two aspects of the thing.

  102. Detachment whilst delivering the truth is the re-mastering process that I am enjoying with each word delivered….A great statement Chetan, thank you… And of course whenever we do deliver truth we literally tune our bodies up with the resonance of our own words, and change the vibration of all around us.

    1. Thanks Chris for expanding on this point – the ripple effect happens energetically to support all equally.

      1. Love your expansion too on Chris’ expression Sandra – the ripple effect cannot be stopped once it has been started and all will be served by it if they choose to go ripple with it 😉

  103. ‘How do I think? What thoughts do I have? What words do I utter?’ When someone starts asking these questions the things have definitely turned around – awareness has shed its light. And this is awareness that is needed in every moment. What a gift!

    1. Sure Lyndy, it is a great gift, the gift of freedom we not only can give to ourselves, but in accepting this gift we also give others the opportunity to do the same from the reflection we present us with.

  104. What a beautiful understanding of the freedom of true responsibility and how this plays out and the support needed of us all to take this responsibility connect to it and live it every moment. ‘ Detachment whilst delivering the truth is the re-mastering process that I am enjoying with each word delivered.’ Amazing and how powerful this feels.

  105. Indeed when we escape into thoughts we are not living from our whole being and we separate from the intelligence of the whole body.

  106. ‘there is no private Idaho’ We think we can get away with things , we fool ourselves that just this time, just this little bit will be ok . We make so many excuses and justifications for our behaviour, but for what? So we can kid ourselves that we are what? It is such a silly game and gets us nowhere except having to pay for our shortcomings. What goes round comes round we all know that so why not shape up and take responsibility and allow the freedom it brings, the spaciousness and ultimate joy.

  107. “We – all of us – have not even scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who or what is responsible for the thoughts that pervade us, rule us, imprison us day and night” So true, even if you just take a tiny section of our lives, such as our thoughts, we do not take responsibility for them and as you so rightly say, they govern us and we actively allow it.

  108. The spirit is utterly irresponsible and it hides so that it is sometimes difficult to grasp it. But bringing more awareness and love into life the spirit gets exposed step by step. This is a great and inspiring sharing and there is a lot to observe in my life as well.

  109. Your question is something to ponder for us all – how willing are we to take true responsibility, i.e. energetic responsibility? How do we feel about the fact that every move we make is being recorded and that there is no ‘off moment’?

  110. I am currently unashamedly having a full on love affair with responsibility! It is amazing to consider the preciousness of what we hold in our hands in life and then to step up to doing all we can to cherish, nurture, develop and care for this.

    1. This is a love affair for lifetimes to come Matilda- enjoy the rides..:)

    2. It is a joy to witness your love affair with responsibility Matilda. There is such a joy and sweetness in you when you talk about it.

  111. Freedom and responsibility are not usually two words that are uttered in the same breath. But the more I learn responsibility the more I learn that it is the road to true freedom. A paradox perhaps for the mind, but a truth in reality.

  112. ‘…do they come from my fears, needs, selfishness, individuality or do they come from One-ness? Doing this has made me far more responsible than I had ever been.’ Great observation and thoughts can be so tricky and subtle. It is inspiring to dig deeper concerning the root of our thoughts.

  113. The spirit is the epitome of the bully. The spirit is a part of us. I accept that I have chosen to bully myself to not shine the brightness that I am. I accept that I will not continue to choose this harming pattern. I accept the spirit but I also accept my Soul.

  114. Yes, after the initial euphoria or relief it is quite scary to realise how amazing and big we are and then… to live, appreciate and accept this expansion. It is quite wonderful, too.

  115. We think we are free when we are being irresponsible, reckless, doing what ‘we want’ or rebelling in some way – and yet in these moments are completely slaves to our reactions in life and not truly free at all.

    1. Yes, it is amazing how reactive and, actually, out-of-control we are in these moments. Kylie, you are completely right.

  116. There really is no such thing as ‘private’. Responsibility teaches us that everything we think, do and say is affecting everyone.

  117. Are we freelance in what we do? Do we get out of control because we have not been responsible in life but let our life run on and on thinking we are getting everything right? This goes equally for those of us who have chosen to be in a struggle this life, and exactly the same for those who feel they are doing well. All of us have a true responsibility to understand what freedom looks like and then be part of that freedom, which unifies all humanity with true love.

  118. My relationship with responsibility has changed hugely over the years I have been working with Universal Medicine – it is amazing to embrace the fact that my choices have an impact on others and the world around me.

  119. Does it really scare us to feel the depth and truth of our power or is it that we simply delay stomaching that we are universally magnificent and yet have been consistently playing a greatly constricted less?

  120. It is so beautiful to read this blog, and feel the true strength and presence taking responsibility brings. It is a great experience to feel the truth of our own devices which is very special to behold.

  121. We, humans, are creatures that like comfort and will do anything to feel safe and secure. So when evolution comes knocking at our door we resist and dig our heels in thinking it is going to be hard work, but it is only until we are open and embracing of what is presented that we can appreciate the amazing opportunities that are constellated for us to be so much more than what we ever imagined.

  122. ‘I have seen so many times in my past that I ended up saying/doing things (actions, patterns, behaviours, speech) because of those thoughts, and then regretted having said or done things that so obviously harm and hurt people around me, and most importantly hurt me more than anything.’ Gosh, how true this is and unfortunately how true this continues to be as so often even with this awareness words slip from my mouth which I later regret. No need for self critique here or self bashing as I’m feeling like the toddler learning to walk only this time I adjusting the patterns of the way I speak bringing more awareness of how connected I am to my body and my movements in each and every moment.

  123. It is very exposing to realise that there never is a private moment to be had, where the quality in which we live is not felt and have to be accounted for. It only becomes a game of delay, in putting off the moment where we must retrace the path and offered another opportunity to make a different energetic choice in truth.

  124. I agree that holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said. Holding back the truth has been the root cause of my anxiety, stress and ultimately physical illness. Learning how to express again after lifetimes of holding back has been an eye opening experience.

  125. This blog deepens our understanding of true responsibility and exposes the emptiness of the illusion that it is about being good, doing your job, being the big brother or sister, looking after others. True responsibility is being with the whole of your body and every movement as it happens and picking up every moment that is not about love. The strength that this level of honesty brings is beautiful in its challenges and in its holding. Thanks Chetan.

  126. Chetan, as a young man who sometimes slips into the illusion of “burdened responsibility”, your commitment to the Ageless Wisdom is very inspiring to see, read and be around.

    1. Awesome Michael! that’s the name of the game isn’t deconstruct the illusion of ‘fake responsibility’ isn’t it?

  127. If we allow ourselves to be aware of how much of an impact we all have on each other and the world around us then it naturally brings up the “R” word – responsibility! With great power comes great responsibility, but this doesn’t mean it has to be a burden; what if responsibility is being absolutely true to who we are in essence?

      1. It is when we consider the amount of freedom it offers us when we have truly understood its meaning in truth.

  128. ‘Reductionism is a game I have chosen to not play ball with anymore.’ What an awesome choice to make Chetan and to live this everyday. Your blog beautifully exposes how so many are choosing to live in a reduced and lesser version of our true selves making life more complicated and harder than it needs to be, a key choice in beginning to unravel this is with the awareness and quality of the thoughts we are allowing at any given time – thank you for the inspiration and reminder of the greater responsibility we all share with this.

  129. This feels to be so true Chetan..”We – all of us – have not even scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who or what is responsible for the thoughts that pervade us, rule us, imprison us day and night. “ The responsibility of where our thoughts come from is necessary to pursue, because our thoughts can have so much impact on us. It feels like we are being played by unseen forces having a good game at our expense and we can be totally unaware of this, like puppets on a string.

  130. Prior to Universal Medicine, I don’t think I had ever heard freedom and responsibility linked together. In fact I would say it was quite the opposite, where freedom implied you could do whatever you want. Responsibility actually frees you from making the same mistakes over again, and being moved like a puppet on strings through life. Responsibility puts you back in the drivers seat, no longer the recipient of life.

  131. One of the first true esoteric lessons in life is to be honest about the fact that every person on earth has a spirit and a soul and that each one can be chosen at will and that each one will determine the outcome of any given situation and that this applies to all situations throughout the world for every human being on earth. The first step therefore for global responsibility is in our education and our parenting systems that allows for children to grow up knowing these facts and having the ability to wisely choose their source of energy for each and every expression that they make.

  132. I love what you shared here Chetan about your practice of feeling into where your thoughts come from…either individuality (Spirit) or One-ness (Soul). When I have focused on this myself I was surprised to see just how much of my expression had come from my Spirit. But this is the necessary process of beginning to make more loving choices through this awareness to then build towards a greater soulful expression that is in consideration of the whole rather than coming from past hurts, emotions, and a neediness for recognition.

  133. Realising that my thoughts require responsibility as well was a real eye opener. In effect, there is no hiding, either behind closed doors or in one’s head.

    1. It’s an awesome realisation isn’t it? It opens the door to so much more, especially to those energies we choose to align to and we can perceive where they are coming from by the thoughts they let us have…

  134. What you are sharing here about private thoughts I realize more and more how thoughts are not private but coming from a pool of energy and as such I have similar thoughts as others. So no responsibility is taken there if I am not aware concerning the huge amount of thoughts flooding my head and body every day, but leaving me empty and loveless. I love coming back to this article as it clearly shows to me, I am not my thoughts but an amazing person living in a body which shows me the truth.

  135. The fact that we all are divine beings and so much more than we present ourselves to be and in that are withholding so much divine power that has the capacity to turn around the way our societies currently are into a way that is prosperous and evolving for all.

    1. I know for me it has made a massive difference and I have seen the ripple effects with others. The fact that we are so much more than purely physical beings brings a renewed sense and purpose to life and so the more people life this way the more harmonious we will truly be with each other. The reason for this is the more I sense the divine being I am live it the less I make life all about me but rather make it about everyone.

      1. It feels that there is a key in what you say James, a key to open up that prosperous and evolving life I mentioned. We have to let go the self and understand that we are all one and need, but also love, to live as one for everyone. To my own experience that brings true joy to life and makes me feel a purpose in life that is far more than only to live for my own little self.

      2. It is amazing how much more loving we are with ourselves and with everyone when we dont make life all about us. Everything is brought into perspective and discussions centre around what can be done rather than rehashing the past.

  136. I read your comments about expressing truth with interest because I am discovering how much, when another is expressing truth, I feel uncomfortable; my body can feel the untruthful way that I have been living and, instead of humbly accepting that, I attack back at the perceived source of my discomfort. Sometimes I attack myself, but I also attack others and that is not at all nice. And it is not about being nice but about being true and expressing that truth, admitting (with love) that I’m feeling uncomfortable, that I feel vulnerable, that I feel whatever. Learning to observe and express without reaction exactly what it is that I feel.

  137. ‘We – all of us – have not even scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who or what is responsible for the thoughts that pervade us, rule us, imprison us day and night.’ We are ever deepening our ability to be aware of android the energy passing through us,as we gradually remove all the obstacle sin the way– hurt, ideals, pictures, beliefs, emotions and consciousnesses or ingrained ways of thinking. Let’s get ‘scratching’ the surfaces of all these things so that the rays of glorious light from the universe have a chance to shed light on it all.

  138. What you present here is very important and I can feel in my body that there is yet another layer of honesty to be brought to my awareness of the relationship between responsibility and freedom. It is so much easier to be irresponsible and blame others for the situation we find ourselves in, but when we look at the sum of choices that have led to that situation, there is often a great deal that can be learnt from each and every one of them.

  139. ‘We are all Supercars waiting for the spark to come alive and fire us up’ – Love this Chetan; our varying shapes, sizes, professions and attributes don’t change the fact that we can have a huge reach and massive spark, and it’s actually these differences that make the big picture work in terms of how we work together and all contribute uniquely to the whole.

    1. Sure Susie, and in this each and everyone is needed because all together we are one in our contribution to the whole.

      1. Indeed, only as a whole, as a ONE can we be the ALL that we all are from …

  140. ‘how willing are we to take this path?’ Our willingness to continually step forward is a surrender to Soul as we let go of the path of control. And then life absolutely comes alive with the Magic of God.

  141. It’s so true what you say, Chetan, about negative thoughts keeping us away from a connection to our innate preciousness. Once we can feel beyond these false beliefs about ourselves we become reacquainted with the divinity we truly are and have always been.

  142. ‘An undoing of all my past errors is a journey that keeps freeing me each time I go deeper into respecting this Truth and accepting more and more of the responsibility that I carry as a divine being on this planet.’ – Love this, Chetan – the more responsibility we take on the free-er we become and the greater the pull to take on even more responsibility as our divine emanation deepens and intensifies for all to feel.

  143. Only a few years ago if I had read these words; “responsibility and freedom are both so intrinsically connected” I would have struggled to see the connection as to me responsibility was a burden so how on earth could it also be a freedom? Enter the amazing Serge Benhayon and his Ageless Wisdom presentations and eventually the light bulb moment when I finally realised that responsibility is not the onerous burden that I and the majority of humanity perceive it to be, but a joy that offers us the space to live in a way that we acknowledge that it is our choices and our acceptance of the consequences of them that shapes our lives. The quality of our life is our choice; now how wonderfully freeing that seems to me.

  144. ‘There is no Private Idaho!’ – indeed, Chetan. All the more reason for us to be more transparent and share openly with each other as if we are struggling with something there will be thousands, millions even, of other people with the same or similar struggles. If we are feeling ourselves going ‘off track’ rather than escaping into the abyss, how gorgeous it is to have people around to offer their love and support, without judgment, this is brotherhood, this is how we used to be with each other and we will return to this way of living together in years to come – how quickly is down to us and how responsible we choose to be.

  145. ‘When I was able to take a clear view into my past I could see that I had only been repeating these very lessons without actually taking the responsibility to learn and implement them’ …. herein lies the irony – we think we are ‘getting away with something’ by choosing not to take responsibility and dumbing down our divine magnificence, yet we are truly not getting away with anything, we are just retarding our journey home and impacting on everyone else’s journey home too. We still get the same lessons presented to us over and over and they become louder and stronger the more we ignore them. We are, in fact, making life so much harder for ourselves and for everyone else.

  146. Realising the insidiousness of negative thoughts has been a big nut to crack for me too Chetan, a great game we can play to only live 50% of who we truly are. I can also now understand the game played by the unseen bully, the spirit, which we can ignore, but it then it keeps us away from connecting to our Soul.

  147. Now what you share here “I have seen so many times in my past that I ended up saying/doing things (actions, patterns, behaviours, speech) because of those thoughts, and then regretted having said or done things that so obviously harm and hurt people around me, and most importantly hurt me more than anything.” is something that we can all take notice of, be aware of and realise as its a critical point to consider. Those thoughts are not from us but through us, so what is giving us those thoughts. I have to keep pondering this because as you say a thought comes in and we act on it, but what if that was not a loving thought then what damage and hurt does it cause.

  148. It such a great to have insight into why we make some of the choices we make, for me it’s literally like having a little devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, the devil does his level best to persuade me to destroy myself whereas the angel just silently waits with unwavering love, with undying support and love.

  149. As we are so powerful form our origin we have to bring in a lot of effort to dull this down and we do this a lot by letting in thoughts that keep us feel small, doubtful, insecure, lacking of self worth, separated and so on and through this thinking many of the atrocities we daily experience in our world come forth. In this knowing we have the answer to all the problems we experience in the world and that is to return to that original being we all are as that will free a power that will heal all of us including the harm we have done to nature and the world through this irresponsible behaviour.

  150. I remember as a child growing up how there was always an air of freshness and excitement when I looked out at the world. I would not be carrying a past experience that controlled how I am but always an air of if I was looking at something for the first time, like I was always learning. When I became an adult this changed but it didn’t change over night but more it was a step by step choice as I grew up. It was like when you were smaller there was no expectation of you to be or do something and so you were free to explore but as you grew the expectations grew which created a pressure that didn’t necessary allow you the freedom to explore. Well the freedom was still there but ‘we’ just were no longer choosing it and then life was no longer about the freedom to explore, it was more about making things perfect.

    1. Beautifully expressed Ray i can totally concur, how steadily as we grow we amass a collective of external pictures of who and what we want to be, and the more we strive towards this, the greater the disappointments & pressures, the more lineal our path becomes and in this the relinquishing of those truly supportive impulses and senses that have out best interest at their heart.

      1. It becomes a pressure from outside that we go with and don’t hold what we truly know. It’s a perception that you will be on your own physically if you don’t ‘make friends’ or ‘keep the peace’. What if things went back to our child like experiences where you just kept returning to the same point until you learnt. I am not advocating a bash your head against the wall approach but more highlighting the feeling of forever learning. Not carrying a pressure of having to know, expecting to know or being perfect but having the freedom to see something is not working and in place of ignoring or soldiering on, you open up to unfold a part and understand the situation, relationship or yourself more. Knowing at some point you will return to unfold the next part. It seems we have a picture we always just have one shot at something and if we don’t get it then don’t show that and don’t speak about it, just pretend you did and hold that pretence any time you feel the same thing come up again. Take the pressure off, we are always learning, there are no mistakes, only steps for more learning and that way you can see yourself as being always a student of what you are seeing.

  151. Your journey is very inspiring Chetan, and sharing it as you have, lights the way for another to feel their choices and know self responsibility is choosing absolute love.

  152. When I consider that my thoughts come not from me, but through me from an energy that I have chosen to align to i realise the responsibility I have in the choice to bring healing from the connection to my Soul.

  153. We would all love to think that freedom means closing the door at night when we get home and from there we can do anything we want in the privacy of our own home. But because we are all connected, because there is an energetic quality to each of us that is affected by what we choose to do, then there is a responsibility to both ourselves and everyone else that say what we do in any moment affects the next day, affects us, and affects everyone we are with.

    1. Wow Heather, that is very true and a whole different level of responsibility to choose to live to. We don’t live for our own private pleasure but understand that all we choose affects everyone equally. That is a responsibility but also what a potential power for good – we can all choose to be more loving and that will equally have a ripple effect.

    2. Because we are all connected, we’re never alone and time with ourselves behind closed doors should be no different to how we are with others generally. The closed door is also our internal world; the energetic quality of our thoughts and beliefs also affects ourselves and others. Our responsibility is to live in a way at all times that considers the impact of what we do on others.

    3. That’s true energetic responsibility – considering the all and not just what impacts us or our immediate family. Like a rippling wave, every single choices carries out to the world.

  154. When Serge Benhayon presents the difference between spirit and soul it feels like all the pieces of the puzzle that is life start to line up. It is whether I then choose these pieces responsibly to bring the true purpose of life together.

  155. ‘It makes me highly aware of all those negative thoughts that kept me under and away from my own ‘preciousness’!’ There is much we can create to ignore the fact that we are naturally precious, and are designed to live with this quality everyday, at home, at work, at school etc.

    1. When I keep coming back to the truth that my thoughts are not mine, it is very easy to see what I am choosing to align to.

      1. Yes Vicky- true that! I keep asking myself most of the times- Who pulls my strings and in that I have my answer even if i choose to not acknowledge it..

      2. That’s the key isn’t it Chetan, our willingness to truly listen and feel the difference. We do know.

  156. ‘Reductionism is a game I have chosen to not play ball with anymore.’ – Well said – the game of playing small and holding back is straight out harmful and affecting all of us equally.

  157. ‘We can’t escape into a world of thoughts and entertain them, as that does and will affect the quality of our lives’ – True Chetan, everything is everything and presenting to an audience on stage, completing a work project or writing an article should be in the same quality as how we put ourselves to bed, cook, get dressed and ponder on things because this consistency keeps our lives gap-free, with no openings for disregard, aloofness or laziness that can seep into our relationships and ‘public’ life.

    1. Hear Hear Susie! There is no such thing as a ‘private moment’.

  158. “How do I think? What thoughts do I have?” now this is really important, when we come to understand that all our thoughts are not ours but they are fed to us by two sources of energy it turns upside down how we are in life and the way we treat, support and understand each other. It is one of the most important understandings we can have in life yet it is then only the start of then each looking at what that would mean for our life and how we live like that.

  159. “We can’t escape into a world of thoughts and entertain them, as that does and will affect the quality of our lives and also our relationship with the world around us.”
    This is huge as most of my life my thoughts have dominated my days , how I move and behave. I never paid attention to that the quality of my movements are creating my thoughts. And so to get more and more aware of my thinking I realize I have to change my movements and the quality of it first.

  160. This morning in a frenzy I had zero time to think and respond to a situation which was charged by choice with the other party and in no thinking what was expressed was true but I would say slightly affected by the charge felt. There is no perfect situation in life to greet us so we can express back always in a situation where we can be still, so what I am saying is we cannot rely on the outer circumstances to allow us in being who we are. In fact, we have to first take this responsibility to nurture this stillness and steadiness with ourselves every moment, we have to read and respond to every occasion as if it was crucial. This is not something to worry about though, it is simply to respond as true to ourselves in that moment as possible, and then from that moment deepen our awareness to move onto the next moment, until the next time comes around for us, we can express what has deepened within us. The key to all of life is awareness and choice of our movement.

  161. Another eye-opener for me was how much freedom commitment brings. It is the opposite of what the mind is led to believe as the more we commit to something the more free we actually feel – free of the constraints, control, doubts etc.

    1. The spaciousness and aliveness that opens up in my body when free of the constraints etc. is very worth understanding true commitment and responsibility.

    2. Yes Vicky so true. Its the absolute commitment to ‘being responsible’ that brings the freedom each moment.

  162. The more we break through those old patterns and behaviours which are not us the more we get to embrace the truth of who we are and the responsibility that we hold to emanate our light for others to find their way back to soul.

    1. And the more we commit to this the easier it is for everyone to do the same. Well said Francisco.

  163. Responsibility and the freedom it brings are intertwined and enrich each other every step of the way.

  164. To understand that we have choices even if it is the quality of the breathe we choose to breath, means we must make a decision and with that comes responsibility but the very fact that we have a choice is freedom.

  165. Returning to this article tonight, the honesty, and clarity it offers is is palpable. It is not until one feels and accepts responsibility, that true freedom is experienced.
    The beauty I am experiencing is that the more responsibility we accept and live, the more free I feel. But this freedom is not to “do as I please”, it is to be who I am.

  166. Nothing has ever explained why humans have a tendency for being so selfish and self-abusive when it so evidently has never ever worked, other than the understanding of a spirit that wants to sabotage us from being who we truly are. A big pill to swallow and certainly not one most want to accept.

  167. Powerful Chetan and so true a real document of our responsibility and love and ” It makes me highly aware of all those negative thoughts that kept me under and away from my own ‘preciousness’!”

  168. I have recently connected to the fact that responsibility is not just giving 100% at work or in a certain area or project, but to commit to giving 100% of myself equally everywhere.

  169. ‘This is huge just to feel how conditioned I had been to allow myself to think in a way that only made me live 50% of who I am. At times even less than that.’ Once we acknowledge that, we cannot return to that way of being, but we do. Why? Why do we so consistently keep ourselves small? What configuration of fear and comfort keeps us playing with our lives in this way?

  170. This article is for me a love letter to responsibility and I really enjoyed the deeper understanding on offer about the freedom that responsibility offers… thank you.

    1. I like the way you put that Matilda. It is infact my love for responsibility that has made me free..and this is a love letter!

  171. ‘holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.’ – How true – we are not doing each other any favour by holding back truth. Playing nice comes with a higher price than most of us are aware of.

  172. ‘This spirit is a part of me, has always been a part of me and yet has done everything possible in its power to sabotage my true essence from playing out.’ Very true Chetan. It wasn’t until I heard the presentations of Serge Benhayon on the Ageless Wisdom that I was able to really put a name to and isolate the antics of the spirit – I had been aware of it at some level – used to call it my racy, wild side. But the teachings of Universal Medicine really nailed this whole aspect of ourselves which will do anything to keep us an individual and not operating for the benefit of all.

  173. Recent experiences have shown me how irresponsible it is to hold back and not express. When I hold back what is there to be said, choosing not to feel what is going on and stay protected, it hurts everyone and leads to disastrous situations.

  174. Responsibility is a lot like public speaking! I have known people, that even mentioning speaking in public makes them physically ill. Do we have the same reaction to responsibility? The more we speak our truth, the easier it gets, whether it be one person or a large crowd, is this not the reason we are here, to come back to brotherhood?

    1. Yes Steve- Being responsible is very advancing for all of humanity.

  175. I agree Chetan, thoughts are like an underlying energy which is flooding us day and night and I do not talk of the superficial,thoughts laying on the suface but the more hidden thoughts which are played in the background like a never ending radiostation receiving and sending thoughts all the tiime and mostly those thoughts are destructive and loveless, critisising and judging, overridden by politeness and polite behaviour and often we are even not aware.

  176. Taking charge of my thoughts is a very powerful choice that I didn’t really consider I could make until recently.

  177. Yes I agree Chetan, when truth is delivered with love, it gets heard. If it’s delivered with any judgement the person often takes the opportunity to react to the judgment and sidestep what’s really on offer.

    1. Truth with love – an opportunity to support and grow alongside one another – unafraid to expose our ill choices, but never judgemental.

  178. For many years I have avoided to being in certain situations because I know my unaware patterns would start to surface and many times due to my unawareness I have allowed myself to choose devastation. I wanted to not learn this lesson and therefore I protect myself from it. But what I did not want to learn will always crop up for me to deal with, just in other areas. I have chosen to commit to facing these patterns now, it is true that the devastation of express truth without love or in reaction is enormous, and I appreciate that you have shared this blog and its livingness for more people to be inspired.

  179. True responsibility can only ever be understood by embracing and coming to the realisation one’s own magnificence. One then realises in turn the equal potential of all others to live by the light of such magnificence. In turn one realises the absolute tragedy of human existence that we are not aware of this fact. This realisation in turn leads to the awareness that one has a responsibility to live and reflect that magnificence in full, not out of a false sense of service or sense of duty to bring about change to the world, but rather and simply, because it has become your lived way.

    It is natural at first to want the world to wake up, but what you realise in the end is that free will is the greatest gift of all that must be treasured at all costs, and so one begins to realise that what the world is robbed of most of all is not necessarily that humanity does not live according to their highest light, or that humanity is caught in a struggle it does not need to play out, but that it is simply robbed of the awareness that they in fact have a choice to begin with. And that choice is not offered whilst ever those that live by the unending light of stars that shine from above do not in turn allow themselves to shine for all to see. That is what true responsibility is all about.

    1. So true Adam, it is like getting a hot air balloon off the ground with cold air you are never going to get lift off; the balloon will fill and for all intents and purposes looks the goods, but it is impossible to raise the balloon. The truth is we are full of the light of God and “to live by the light of such magnificence” is our true responsibility! Lift off your/our choice?

  180. ‘…holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.’ This has been my experience too Chetan, feeling the pain and hurt of not expressing truth. I realised all the things that stops me from expressing truth and I am working on dismantling and discarding them.

  181. it truly is crazy that we spend so much effort on ensuring we keep ourselves in a diminished disempowered state when our true nature is absolute Divinity and power. a good question to ask why!?

  182. This is a great blog to read, we think we are free, yet we are held back by endless choices where we have not taken true responsibility and the cycle continues until we choose to stop, acknowledge and change the depth of responsibility we truly have.

  183. The world is as it is because we have let our spirit run the show, many of us have forgotten our soul connection, our true divinity and instead we are run by the selfish emotions of the spirit.
    Learning to reconnect to the oneness and evolving back to God love is something we all will do, no one can avoid it, around and around we go for many lives until choosing love in our every moment becomes our way.

  184. With each thought if we could ask our self ,is this from love or not ,and if not, then not entertain it for one moment.

  185. “…to take on my ‘spirit’ in a way that I had not ever done…” – facing the spirit with the grandness that we are and come from puts everything he does in perspective and exposes the falseness as clearly like oil and water do not mix. But without the grandness, love, harmony, truth as reference point we are at the mercy of the spirits capriciousness.

    1. beautifully expressed Alex. Taking on the spirit with the grandness of who we are is very freeing indeed

  186. There is only ever the choice we are left with by our will to align to all that we are and say yes to Love or rather, to deny, delay or resist the Love on offer.

  187. “Holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said”. I have found this to be true within myself too. The horrible feeling that results from not expressing truth, like a dam that is about to erupt, can be blamed onto other people or situations. But this doesn’t make the tension go away as really it is your own frustration or disappointment with yourself that causes the tension and pain.

  188. It really struck me to read that we are living 50% of who we are. It feels horrible to waste all that joy, purpose and love, yet almost all of us do this to a greater or lesser extent. Instead of taking responsibility, we accept a life as a 2D cutout of ourselves and miss out on the full dimensions of who we really are. It seems like a huge cost just so we can be irresponsible.

    1. I also find it really inspiring to consider the unloved/unaware depths that we all are and for every ‘discovery’ I make, I am touched by the sense of the ‘so much more’.

  189. I have not heard anyone explain the spirit that is part of me explained in a way that Serge Benhayon presents on it. I have heard the word used in a religious connotation when I was a child but that was it.
    Understanding just how destructive the human spirit can be and how it will go to unspeakable lengths to control the body makes complete sense to me as I can now understand a lot of my past behaviours, by bringing understanding I am then able to make changes so that I listen to my body far more than to the ranting’s of my mind. When I have allowed my mind to take control as I have done in the past I have ended up an emotional wreck. By reining in the mind and listening to my body instead has been a literal life changer, my body actually knows far more than my mind will ever know and it gives me proof of this in every move I make.

  190. ‘An undoing of all my past errors is a journey that keeps freeing me each time I go deeper into respecting this Truth and accepting more and more of the responsibility that I carry as a divine being on this planet.’ As we undo our errors and deal with our hurts we are capable to being more ‘responsible’ i.e. able to respond to life with integrity, instead of reacting from hurt. I will respond and not react, I will call all my particles inline with my Soul.

  191. To understand that even our thoughts effect the world around us is a big lesson in responsibility.

  192. I know that I was in chains in so many ways before I learned what true responsibility is. Much like Gulliver, the giant who was pinned to the ground by many ropes. I see these ropes as the ideals and beliefs we develop and adopt throughout life which keep us unaware that we are imprisoned. It takes a while to disentangle ourselves from these once we wake up but bit by bit they come untied and there is room to stretch and move and breath, freedom from the shackles which bind and blind.

  193. With knowing about spirit and soul and starting to understand what that means a door was opened to a world that I hadn’t clearly seen before. With every step more that we accept that we live in a world of energies the clearer we are able to see how there is so much more to life than we have previously thought.

  194. ‘Once this was shown to me, or rather I chose to see it, I could now fathom the level of irresponsible behaviour that I had allowed in myself for so long’ A true blessing when awareness expands to the extent we see and feel how we’ve been living and with it comes an understanding of the games spirit plays with us. When we are willing and observant of our thoughts, we steadily learn to discern what is true and what is not.

  195. Your honesty Chetan is beautiful. There are many layers to clear before truly connect to truth and the journey ever evolving.

    1. constant unfolding with responsible choices is the name of the game Kehinde..isnt it?
      Layers upon layers as you say.

  196. I love to reread this blog today as it reminds me that there is this spirit that is constantly working to keep me unaware of who I truly am and holds me from the power that comes with that. Why do I have these self abusive thoughts that make me feel less or insecure while I am so much more. To understand and feel that there is this part in me that is manipulating my mind and feeding those thoughts is actually a call to me to stand up and resurrect myself from the shadows I once have accepted to go into in accepting the offering to choose to go into these shadows that the the life of creation brings I and now am reawakening from.

  197. ‘It makes me highly aware of all those negative thoughts that kept me under and away from my own ‘preciousness’!’ – loving this observation and reflection you’re feeling now that you’re speaking your truth, Chetan – beautiful confirmation of the path you are now on, one that is all about love, no holding back.

  198. ‘Because it scares the living daylights out of us.’ …. I have been pondering on why responsibility scares us so much, why we are so afraid to acknowledge that we are SO much more than we could ever imagine … what is so frightening about that. Maybe because we equally can’t imagine where the responsibility will end. We have allowed ourselves to fall into a measured life, where we know what to expect and we like the comfortable feeling this brings – but at what cost, that is what we are conveniently ignoring. Whilst letting ourselves go may seem frightening, to prevent ourselves from being and bringing the divinity that we are is way more frightening as the consequences of doing so are not only affecting us, but the rest of society also – the results of which we are now suffering.

  199. ‘Where is the intelligence in letting our true selves go?’ This is a ripper question. The answer is there is no true intelligence in it. There is no intelligence in living a dull life, overeating, drinking substances that are poison, having disfunctional relationships, being in greed or driven success, crushing other people, using force to get what you want, being individual and only about filling self needs and so on. There is much effect from the life of when we let our true selves go which is not pleasant or pretty. However all of life can be lived in a fullness, expansion with vitality when we choose to bring our true self to life. This is true inspiration.

  200. Absolutely brilliant Chetan, your words sparkle bright across the page like stars in the sky. I definitely relate to what you describe – I’ve been seeing recently how I speak out about ‘what’s going on’ for me but in reality I just give creedence to hurts and issues and create hot air. It really is down to us to get very familiar with the true sound of our motor, so we know when there is a ghost in the machine, a clog in the oil that is getting in the way and slowing everything down.

    1. I love this phrase Joseph ‘It really is down to us to get very familiar with the true sound of our motor, ‘

    2. Love that ‘ghost in the machine’ metaphor Joseph- for if that’s how I relate it to my ‘body’ then who is that ‘ghost’ that is driving me instead of the Truth!

  201. Where is the intelligence in letting our true selves go? A great question, as it makes so much sense that if we deeply care for and tend to the bodies needs we are able to do whatever is needed when it is needed, and a healthy body feeds our natural inclination to want to be of service from a body that is more than capable of doing great things when run on absolute love.

  202. The truth I have known I used to express from a reaction especially as a child. When people felt criticised I felt hurt. But I had created the situation that took us further into hurt, defence and emotion. I then stopped expressing truth thinking it was that that was the problem when it was actually it was the judgement and lack of understanding. This isn’t to say that people, including myself, don’t react when hearing truth because it can confront what is not love and we don’t often like to admit we have been unloving. But delivered with love I know I cannot deny the truth even though I may not like to have to look at how irresponsibly I have been living. Expressing truth is what will evolve us all back to Soul.

    1. Yes truth when delivered with love can not be denied. And the response whether it be a reaction or acceptance is still a confirmation that it has been heard and felt.

  203. “with responsibility came lessons and learnings…” What I have noticed is that with more responsibility, one gets to ‘see’ a whole lot more from which deeper understanding and learnings can be revealed.

    1. Very true Jo. I have felt this too. Awareness of responsibility makes us see that there are more areas to be responsible in and also allows us to be more understanding with how things are the way they are at times. This for me has supported me to be in more observation and more detachment.

  204. There are no more excuses for the word freedom as ‘energetic freedom’ is offered to all in equalness so that we come to know our responsibility can no longer be conveniently brushed under another belief or ideal.

  205. Everyone wants freedom but we cannot truly have freedom without a true connection with our innermost essence and the responsibility we have is to live in accordance to this essence. To walk our walk, talk our talk in connection to this essence ultimately connects us to the All, The Source of all life/God. Our other alternative is to live life by and through the thoughts and images that are constantly being fed to us by the world that keep us individual sometimes to the extreme of only being ever able to be occupied with our own need to be distracted, guarded, and to pursue an insatiable appetite for all things of this world, food, drink, sex, money, possessions, position, recognition, entertainment,security and comfort without ever considering how every thought word and action is affecting the Whole.

  206. ‘An undoing of all my past errors’ this is a journey we are all on, slowly reimprinting our lives with healthy choices, and doing it without judgment, honouring the truth of who we are and the beautiful process of reflection that is offered to us each day.

    1. Yes, Carmel and we can’t underestimate the powerful reflection and support we all offer to each other as we choose this journey, to re-imprint our lives with love.

  207. Understanding the difference between the spirit and the Soul is a big one! Our spirits are master manipulators indeed. And the more we develop our relationship with the soul, the more the spirit will attempt to thwart that, and come in-between for it fears to lose its position as the one who controls just how much we allow ourselves to shine! But like a hurt child, we must also bring understanding to this spirit aspect that we all have and without pandering or going into sympathy with it, we just keep lovingly treading on with our connection to Soul, our relationship with Soul, and live Freedom as we have always known it to be eons ago.

  208. Chetan, you are spot on with putting the words Freedom & Responsibility together for they are so deeply tied in with one another even though we are lead to believe it is the complete opposite! Within true responsibility lies connection to soul – the only true freedom worth ‘fighting’ for.

  209. “Question – Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom?” – Realizing that we are free as soon as we choose and know ourselves to be free exposes the illusion we have created for the sake of creating, basically we have reduced freedom of will to freedom to create. Creation gives us individuality, true freedom (of will) makes us the divine beings we are without any individuality.

  210. To start to be aware of our own contribution, whether that is by a spoken word, a movement or even a thought, is taking responsibility, and a key for true growth and evolution.

  211. “Reductionism is a game I have chosen to not play ball with anymore.” Reductionism is what got us here in the first place and keeps us here as long as we feed it.

  212. Thank you for sharing with such honesty, that what you thought was the truth was in fact laced with your own unresolved hurts…this I can relate to very well, and now look out for when conversing with others – “I found that I had over time developed a deeply insidious and harming pattern of expressing what I thought was truth from reaction to my hurts”.

  213. “I could now see that everything that I thought – those thoughts that I believed only I was privy to, that no one else would ever know, what I think and how I think – was all so irresponsible.” And as I became more esoteric the thoughts were bringing in different words that I also had a reinterpreted version of so the closer I got to the truth the greater the lie had to become. Even though “I never had any problem with being truthful as I always deep down knew I was a Guardian of Light and Truth, but over time I had allowed my behaviours and hurts to dull the luminescence of it.” And this was a truth with a limit, which I was living so that I would never tell a straight out lie under my rules, and this never truly served humanity. So today it is time to be true with the words that you have shared Chetan, “responsibility and freedom”, and while we think we are full of freedom until we get truly energetically responsible with all our words we have a variety of interpretation and lack of the true understanding of the true energetic meanings that keep our spirit fed.

  214. How often do we have a negative thought and feed it until we believe it to be our truth.This is irresponsible. I am endeavoring to not entertain these thoughts for a second and then to trace back as to when and why the opening happened to allow these thoughts in. This is a continual commitment into not letting in other energies.

  215. Holding back expressing what is true is akin to a toxic arrow being steered through one’s skin with the poison poison spreading throughout our entire body. But it’s not just one arrow, there are millions – for each time we suppress the expression of truth, those arrows are fired and they target us all. Each moment unexpressed in its truth is a lie, targeted at our bodies, designed to keep us capped and blinded, forever searching for the truth that only we can in fact start to call out.

  216. Being irresponsible leaves a trail of unfinished business that reduces our freedom to move from then on. It makes sense that being responsible is a necessary ingredient for freedom.

  217. When I catch myself going into that world of thoughts and entertaining them, I bring myself back to my body and my movements as I know that whichever I choose – (the mind distractions, or the body), that I will be affecting the quality of my life and also those and the world around me.

  218. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand, it is impossible to have true freedom without accepting the responsibility

  219. Being false without realising that this is the case is simply too easy. Living at a small percentage of our potential and yet feeling that this is all we are is way too common. Feeling that the life we have chosen is the best thing we can offer to ourselves is lying to ourselves. Accepting pictures of what is normal that in truth it is not at all is common currency. There is a much bigger version of ourselves just waiting for us to go for it. To get there we have to free ourselves of so much we have accepted and normalised.

  220. “How do I think? What thoughts do I have? What words do I utter?”… to first consider that these thoughts our not the true ‘I’ is a revelation in itself. For eons, I bought into the fact the negative thoughts I have/had about myself were coming from me…and in a sense, yes they were because I have fed them, let them run riot and let them run the show. Now, I am learning to say ‘no’ to them as I realise just how capping they really are. I have chosen to incarcerate myself into a cage of smallness by the constant negative chatter in my head, but in truth they are not true reflection of who I am. Why have I bought into them, believed them and run my life by them?

  221. Love this blog Chetan. I agree that once we start accepting responsibility it is a direct acceptance of our grandness and universality for we start to realise that everything we do, say and think effects everything which means we must be an equal part of the universe no less than any other part.

  222. Great expose Chetan of how even when we speak the truth, if laced with any emotional hurt we harm another and the truth is no longer a truth in its energetic form, and therefore can no longer be felt, as the only thing that is felt is the energy it is delivered in.

  223. If we truly want to change our lives, if we want to evolve, the first step is becoming honest about how we are living and from there we can once again begin taking responsibility for our choices and our behaviours.

  224. “How do I think? What thoughts do I have? What words do I utter?” some very wise questions as throughout my day I will have times when I go along as if my thoughts are mine and not what is coming through me, I am still bought into those throughs being mine instead of really appreciating that not a single thought is mine but all are fed to me. Whenever I embrace that a whole deeper level of responsibility comes in.

  225. Our current world affairs are the result of us indulging in our spiritual energy and the end result of living in this way is clear to see the world over. Perpetual war, greed, corruption, exploitation and rising illness are the real achievements of living from our spirits, whatever the ‘New Age’ thinking would like us to believe. Enter Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and Responsibility and the true way forward unfolds before us that is empowering us to tackle the rot, restore true values, integrity and commitment to life that is Soulfully guided in dignified consideration of every single person on this planet, not just a few.

  226. The more responsibility to life we accept, the deeper our connection with who we naturally are and to the grandness we belong to.

  227. “When I was able to take a clear view into my past I could see that I had only been repeating these very lessons without actually taking the responsibility to learn and implement them.” This is super important although we think we deal with things we bury it deeper into our body covering it up with an ideal or belief so cleverly masqueraded as our ‘new way’ and unknowingly runs us. We are ‘much stronger’ and wouldn’t be where we are today because of it when in fact the hurt is still there shaping our thoughts holding us back through its actions to where we actually should be.

  228. The spirit is so insidious and caught in patterns and thoughts trying to hide them in order to keep emprisoned the truth and light in order to stay in its comfort. Your sharing inspires me to go deeper and expose those corners of comfort.

  229. Chetan when I read this sentence “This is huge just to feel how conditioned I had been to allow myself to think in a way that only made me live 50% of who I am” I could feel without hesitation that my way of thinking had kept me capped at about 8% of who I truly am and even that may be rather generous!

  230. This is a life-changing choice Chetan: ‘Reductionism is a game I have chosen to not play ball with anymore.’ And to know the truth of this, the love of this, the freedom of this, is all. The rest of the prison house we have built around ourselves dissolves through our awareness of every detail that obstructs the expression of the All.

  231. Freedom and Responsibility are indeed inextricably linked but what you present Chetan is that if this is true then the ultimate type of freedom is energetic freedom which requires the ultimate type of responsibility, which is energetic responsibility.

  232. ‘what I realised big time was that with responsibility came lessons and learnings. Some very hard lessons’ – yes, and this provides a great excuse for us to shy away and leave ‘responsibility’ for another day. But, the truth is, if we are not falling over, we’re not moving forward, we’re just accepting where we are and repeating the same old patterns over and over …. which is soul destroying. One of the biggest lessons for me has been to let go of control, to be able to just let things be, to allow the space for things to constellate and unfold, to accept that there is a divine order which is there to support each and every one of us on our journey. Each and every lesson is always presented with love, how we choose to receive it is up to us, which in turn probably affects how hard we find the lesson!

  233. The thing about free will is that we always have a choice to be responsible, or not. Whatever we choose, the opposite choice is also always there for us to make, therefore, it’s not surprising that we may come off the tracks from time to time. I wasn’t even on the tracks for many years as I was living in complete dis-connection and dis-regard. However, it’s important for us to remember that whilst we may suddenly find ourselves deflating our tyres, we can pump them back up just as quickly. To give in, give up, settle for less just feeds the spirit to become more over bearing to our own detriment and that of everyone else, as when our light dims, the whole world becomes a darker place.

    1. I can relate to this Alison – love the car analogy of deflating our tyres and re-inflating them just as quickly by our own choice in the moment :).

  234. ‘When I was able to take a clear view into my past I could see that I had only been repeating these very lessons without actually taking the responsibility to learn and implement them. ‘ This is very true for me also – the more I recognise the patterns in my life and what has been on offer to learn the more I realise just how old these patterns are.

  235. Accepting the responsibility that comes with understanding everything is energy, and therefore everything we do, say and even think, is affecting everyone not just around us, but everywhere…. is hard for my little mind to fathom, but science is beginning to prove the fact through quantum physics. You are right about the freedom that comes with taking responsibility for this, it’s like it kicks into gear a whole other level of operating in the world that is free from the constraints of the more me-centred approach.

  236. Chetan, this is so beautifully written, it takes one to the point of feeling the illusion we are held under. It goes past self care and into self responsibility of our every move. A deepening that allows the resurrection of the son of God.

  237. ‘We – all of us – have not even scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who or what is responsible for the thoughts that pervade us, rule us, imprison us day and night.’ I have heard Serge Benhayon present on the two types of energy and how all our thoughts are impulsed by one or the other and the fact that which energy we align to is either one or the other. It has given me a very different understanding of our thinking process, how thinking actually can stop us from knowing Truth.

  238. Responsibility can be seen as terrifying once we realise what it truly means. It means no more playing small, no more pretending to be less that we are, no more hiding, no more holding back, no more flying under the radar. Responsibility requires us to be at the forefront of life, in everybody’s line of sight claiming who we are with no apology. So, yeah it’s huge, and it doesn’t happen in a day, but it sure is the ticket to freedom.

  239. What I read in this sharing is that there is a true version of us and a character that we call ‘me’, but in fact is a reductionism of the true ‘us’. I can relate to the fact that it’s a whole journey to come back to the true me. Slowly I discover and dare to be honest about, that I am affecting people all over the world by the choices that I make. Either loving choices which gives other people the reflection and energy to also make this choice, or to make choices disconnected from the true me which adds to a pool of energy that people can also tap into and do all the things that takes them away from themselves.

  240. Responsibility needs to be redefined. Back to its original meaning: That is serving a greater whole.
    Hence, we can say we created our own world, our own space of thinking and believing that responsibility is earthy. Yes ofcourse , as since we have incarnated on this earth, we have responsibilities and surely in the mess we are in, but there is a point we are missing. That is our spherical connection and purpose to live now in a way that is not only responsible in its acts but in its living way. Is your quality of life, movement a contribution to the all or a creation we have defined as reality which is our greatest downfall (creation)?

    1. Absolutely Danna! It’s about what we are choosing at all time..

  241. This is huge to understand – that our thoughts are not our own and that in fact we have a spirit and that we are in fact a vessel which only has the choice of what passes through us. And that the spirit is here to keep us in creation – whilst the soul is what truly stands to support us.

  242. We can simply state that without responsibility there is no freedom as it is in making the responsible choice of choosing or aligning to a very definite vibrational quality and consciousness that guarantees the only freedom there is – to not be imposed and be free to make this choice.

  243. ‘There is no Private Idaho!’ – How true, there is no ‘off time’ what responsibility is concerned, though most of us live as if it is. Thank you Chetan – a truly powerful blog.

  244. Chetan it is great what you share how our spirits take us on a marry ground, making us keep repeating and repeating. It is when we are able to identify for this for our selves, we are able to control our spirits more and not take over our body, instead allow more for our Soul expressions to come through, which is more supportive and loving.

  245. Spot on… its quite incredible to recognise just how much ideals and beliefs are conditioning and containing, keeping one from expressing the truth of who they truly are.

  246. We do so often lace our responses to situations with heavy emotions that we think we ought to be having. I am aware that we can find ourselves defaulting to standard emotional responses to life events, even when such responses may not be our truth. We may have to seem sad at a funeral, or happy at a wedding for example, but what we are thinking may be far from what we politely think we have to show. There is much to let go of,in returning to truth over following conventions.

  247. Thats the thing, beautifully expressed Chetan, Once we choose to express truth, and make our life consistent with what we feel it should truly be then everything starts to come up, it is all exposed and out in the open. It can take some discipline but was you have shared it is well worth not beating ourselves up, observing and not absorbing and taking each step as it comes.

  248. This blog clearly highlights that we indeed have reduced ourselves to an intelligence that is far below what we naturally have access to when we connect the body, mind and soul.

  249. With energetic responsibility comes true freedom – the freedom to know we are vessels of energy and that our only choice is to choose which energy we express from. Without responsibility, we would not be aware of this choice.

  250. I agree Chetan that once we understand the spirit and that we are capable of doing great harm when separated from our soul. That we should shun the responsibility of being with our soul in preference for the indulgence of the spirit is truly crazy when it is so obvious we are miserable and imprisoned by this choice. Thank God for the inspiration of Serge and his children to show that you can walk with your soul and the freedom that brings.

  251. ‘in a way that only made me live 50% of who I am. ‘ this reminds me of how I never actually consciously knew I was living less of who I truly was initial I started living more of what felt true, paid attention to the way I cared for myself, what thoughts I was having, how present I was with my body and living more of who I truly am. Only then I could look back and understand the discrepancy and also the feelings of tension or sadness I felt yet couldn’t put my finger on.

  252. “This is equally harmful when any truth is laced with an emotion that reduces us or the other.” I am learning this too that whenever I express with emotion and hardness in reaction to something that happens even though what I might be saying is true it still is not serving as the energy it has come with was not true. To learn this is very very humbling to say the least.

  253. On reading this question posed; Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom? It occurs to me that in our widespread and general meaning of ‘freedom’ (the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants) and ‘responsibility’ (the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone), we have been taken to accept them as opposite – the first is a kind of ‘do as you like’ interpretation and the second is ‘duty and control’. It is a deliberate denaturing of two words that IN FACT offer us a true relationship with evolution.

  254. ‘When I was able to take a clear view into my past I could see that I had only been repeating these very lessons without actually taking the responsibility to learn and implement them.’ I can so relate to what you are sharing here Chetan. In becoming aware of this I realise I have only been playing at evolving, not really committing to it. I realise too the big gap between what I think I have been doing rather than doing what actually needs to be done. In this new awareness I am giving myself permission to make a start, learn and implement what I have been given step by step – to keep chipping away at it until I can look back and see how far I have truly travelled, and then chip away at it some more!

  255. Gorgeous blog Chetan. This line really stood out for me today “….how conditioned I had been to allow myself to think in a way that only made me live 50% of who I am. At times even less than that.”

    I have felt the sting of the truth many times. That moment where you come to the realisation that everything that pays out in life plays out because of your own choices. Ouch doesn’t even begin to cover it but once the truth is truly felt everything begins to shift and we are another step closer to living the glory that we are.

  256. We can think we are free to make choices but any choice has a consequence so there will always be an effect afterwards. Therefore, discerning what we are choosing at any time is quite important. There is no intelligence at all in letting our true selves go, this false freedom is suicide.

  257. “Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom?” its a really interesting question that you pose here, almost as if we are so much wanting to avoid responsibility that we don’t want to see that its the only way for true freedom and when we are not being responsible we are therefore trapped.

  258. “This spirit is a part of me, has always been a part of me and yet has done everything possible in its power to sabotage my true essence from playing out.” When we understand this, then we realise we are fighting ourselves to prevent us from taking responsibility to live from our true essence.

  259. The way I used to treat my million dollar race car, i.e. my body, would make anyone weep it was quite shocking. Consequently I felt rubbish most of the time, as attempting to drive it on sugar, caffeine alcohol and worse simply choked up its engine and jammed all its hypersensitive instruments, making everyday a real struggle. Our bodies suffer the direct consequence of how we choose to live and wising up to this fact, choosing to connect inwardly and begin to truly care for my body has been truly revolutionary and deeply healing. Taking responsibility has been the most fundamental life changing decision of my life.

  260. I used to believe that responsibility was a burden and restrictive, which is a belief commonly held, but through the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom I have learnt that it empowers one with freedom. By accepting responsibility one is taking charge of one’s choices and decision-making rather than that being done by others.

  261. Serge Benhayon is a super-cool mentor indeed as by his livingness he is showing us a way of living that we actually all know so well and we are either inspired by it and reconnect to our Soul, or we can choose to reject what he presents and remain on the reigns of the spirit instead.

  262. There are any false beliefs held as truth throughout society. Irresponsibility equating freedom is one of them. This is expanded to imagining that taking time off work or purposeful activity is refreshing and energising. I have found from experience that the more time off I take from purposeful activity the more foggy and lethargic I become and then I have to peel myself off the floor and build up the momentum of engaging on all cylinders again.

    Of course when I have avoided taking care of myself or my reactions I may have become so tired that I may need a recuperating time, but that has nothing to do with work itself, it is simply a reflection of my own irresponsibility. Responsibility and commitment actually enliven us and fill up our fuel in our tank, while anything less drains us.

  263. This brings responsibly back to fundamentals-our relationship with ourselves. Are we in control of our thoughts or do we let them manipulate and direct us. It takes consistency and awareness to observe where we are with our thoughts and understand, how they drive us in one direction to another. True responsibility means constant vigilance against an inner enemy determined to bring us down and prevent us from being who with truly are. Our response is to never let any thought pass by or stick that seeks to harm us in away. We can ask where it came from, challenge and ultimately let it go. Our essence is love and we must always bring ourselves back to this.

  264. Now I know what responsibility means, it feels amazing and deeply empowering to embrace it.

  265. What you write here is deeply beautiful, we are all here to learn and take all that is given to us to evolve with both hands, it is not always what we choose, but it is in allowing ourselves to see without judgement where we hold ourselves from this evolution and come back to the truth, reimprinting our lives.

  266. ‘When I started upon this path I could easily sense and feel that surely there was something that existed that knew how to manipulate me into thinking in a manner that made me irresponsible. This ‘something’ – which I have now come to understand as the ‘spirit’ – is clever, insidious and is a master manipulator.’ Exactly Chetan. I could sense the spirit too but did not know what to call it. I could always feel a really clear pure part of me that was timeless and I could feel this almost wild, thrill-seeking and careless ‘self’ that would drive the wrong way down one-way streets if I needed to get somewhere. I could feel this part vying with the true part of me and leading me astray. It was the biggest gift to finally hear Serge Benhayon name this was it is – ‘the spirit’ who wants above all else to keep us individualised.

  267. In order to truly evolve, we need to understand what true freedom is. So often we associate it with thinking it is doing whatever we like, rather than fully comprehending that it is about surrendering to our soul’s impulse and the Will of God, deconstructing our false, self obsessed ways of living in the process.

    1. True Rowena. It is only the spirit/the self individualised part of is that has an issue with responsibility. The soul part of us understands it’s about the all and the more we are responsible then the more we have true freedom and reflect to others who we truly are without any imposition.

  268. What a superb blog Chetan – you uncover the truth of how responsibility works and completely different origin of the word responsibility. It is our responsibility whether we live from truth or from reductionism, which is when we do not live from truth. It’s an automatic switch button either truth or reductionism. Each brings a different quality to our lives and it affects not only us but everyone we relate and have contact with.

    1. The word ‘reductionism’ pretty well sums up the state of the world. We have elements of something that resembles truth, in science, religion and other aspects of life – but they are watered down and reduced from the true and divine potency that could otherwise be expressed.

  269. It is a sad reflection on humanity that we have made ‘normal’ life one of reducing ourselves and living in and with all that is familiar and comfortable… when in truth life is forever expanding and forever evolving, always guided by truth – and in this we have a responsibility to present truth. All quite simple really… true freedom.

    1. And as a whole society we do not consciously know the normal we live is actually a reductionism of our true power and potential life. Thank god for those who have taken the very needed steps to be truly energetically responsible and reflect the truth of who we are.

  270. This is an awesome read Chetan… powerfully delivered, a wake-up call for us all and truly inspiring – thank you.

  271. Considering responsibility, enables us to realise we have a choice, a choice in every area of our lives – that is true freedom.

  272. Word such as truth hold so much importance, the integrity they hold should never be changed, and as with so many words truth has been reinterpreted so energetically we have been disconnected from their true meaning and this is the game of the spirit.

  273. It’s interesring that you are saying it scares us to feel we are much deeper than we realise- I feel so confirmed knowing we are here to explore and reclaim that solidness depth we have, it never ends the depth we can go to once we begin learning to enjoy exploring it.

  274. I remember when I was first presented with choice and energetic responsibility – I immediately knew there were areas in my life that would have to change,and I was very invested in holding onto all that was familiar.Not really understanding that familiar does not necessarily mean true it is just the safe and the known.

  275. Sometimes I have made a choice thinking I was free, only to look back in hindsight and see I was far from free but was controlled by the ideals and beliefs I had at the time.

  276. ‘It makes me highly aware of all those negative thoughts that kept me under and away from my own ‘preciousness’!’ We use up a great deal of energy in keeping ourselves small, and these negative thoughts are one of the many self attack weapons we use, with self-bashing, self-criticism, self-negation, all deliberately chosen to hold us back, to stop us expressing the magnificence that we are and, as you say, from appreciating our preciousness.

  277. We are all students of life, and realising that we always have the universe’s wisdom by our side and within our particles is something that makes everything make sense.

  278. I am starting to realise just how freeing being responsible and taking responsibility for all I do is although currently this is just the very beginning .. like I am on the first step of a very long ladder! And am very much aware that although I take the first few steps I do not then run with this but instead sit back in comfort … which only hurts me and delays me from being all that I truly am.

  279. Do we really think we are free when we say we are free – if we are so free, we should be able to let go of all that is not true for us – to be able to give up alcohol just like that, or smoking, or start exercising or loving people more deeply etc – and yet this is not the case because in truth we are obedient to a behaviour, a way of life that makes it look like we are choosing it but should we wish to choose differently suddenly you will find your not as in control as you would like to be

  280. Thank you Chetan, it’s been an interesting blog and one I’ll will work with over many reads. Irresponsibility can often be seen as getting away with something in a way that benefits the self, but the truth is being responsible (and truly responsible energetically) is of great benefit to ourselves in every moment because it’s a choice to be connected to our Soul and God.

  281. My entire life I’ve been choosing to be not truly in my heart. To admit this has been a big step. I had created a world that existed, but wasn’t truly living me. There was (and still is) a lot of stubbornness and protection towards the world. I’ve tried to own and read the world without having my heart fully open. How irresponsible! Now I’m choosing to come back – step by step – to allow myself (make the choice) to be more and more in my heart and with my love and power. Both from my Soul, masters and constellations (the stars). Thank you Serge Benhayon and Chetan for shining the way.

  282. Question – Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom? A super question to ask. One of my answers is that we can get so invested in an ideal that we are not able to move beyond it which keeps us locked into the configuration of behaviours we have settled for.

  283. Chetan, this is great to be aware of, ‘And to now be aware of my thoughts, to catch them when they come, and to feel where they come from . . . do they come from my fears, needs, selfishness, individuality or do they come from One-ness?’ This is really helpful, I know that sometimes I can go off into thoughts, their source is clear; such as if I am feeling jealous or frustrated then I know that these are emotional thoughts and not to go into them and it is clear when my thoughts are loving, rather than indulge in unloving thoughts its great to clock them and cut them knowing that they are not true or supportive.

  284. For the longest time I would never associate freedom with responsibility, far from it as the most free I had ever felt was when travelling, no job and each new day brought a brand new adventure. My spirit was loving it but this is not true freedom we are a slave to the spirit and all it desires unless we truly find and feel the difference between spirit and soul and start walking the path to real freedom.

  285. “I found that I had over time developed a deeply insidious and harming pattern of expressing what I thought was truth from reaction to my hurts, or in judgement to the person/group that I was expressing to.” that is so true, its very different from the fact of true expression of living in a way that we are in connection with our essence and expressing what is needed. With true expression this inspires others and pull them up, this exposes where we are and where someone is – what energy they are allowing to run them. But very few of us express in this way and as a result we stay in the same patterns as we have always been. Enter Serge Benhayon and he reminds us what true freedom is. Something that we are then free to choose or not.

  286. “We are far more powerful than what we have reduced ourselves to, and this awakening to the fact can only come when we become responsible.” When we choose to see our selves as just human, we cut ourselves off to the immensity of the Universe we live in and the multi-dimensional intelligence that guides true living.

  287. Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom? when we don’t examine everything we have identified with and convinced ourselves life is we are left to only imagine or conjure up what responsibility is, rather than admit that freedom is that close.

  288. Reductionism is the practice of accepted science but is that really true science, to narrow things down to their smallest components? By doing this are we not surely missing the glory of the inter-connectedness of the Universe? It is like walking constantly looking only at our feet ignoring the beauty of nature all around us and at night never looking at the magnificence of the stars.

  289. We can play with responsibility, acknowledge it, even pay lip service to it but, until we truly under and humbly accept what it offers us and heed those offerings we merely repeat our old games, one we and the spirit it is us know so well. Yet responsibility never lets up on us, our soul and God never let’s up on us and each time we are prepared to be more responsible and see our part and move in a way that changes this we step back towards being who we truly are, thank God for responsibility.

  290. ‘We are far more powerful than what we have reduced ourselves to…’ This alone is a powerful statement and one worth stopping to consider and ponder on. Just exactly what have we accepted by living a grand collaboration of living less that who we are? If we all live less than who we are… no one can see or connect to the vastness and grandness of who we are….its like we all live blind.

  291. Lessons are indeed repeated until we take responsibility and choose to learn from what is there and implement the lesson… so our avoidance is just a pointless delay and as you so gorgeously exposed, an indulgence in allowing our behaviours to avoid and dull the luminescence of us being the Guardians of Truth and Light… a title that at some point we need to step up to and embrace.

  292. It is only when we understand life as a whole, ie its parts in correlation and interactivity with each other that the part is seen in its true making and meaning, the same applies to words as the expression or description of a part. To explore freedom and responsibility in their connection honours that fact and as a result we get an encompassing and relevant understanding of life that enriches us all to explore in our own lives.

  293. what you are sharing here Chetan, is so true. The millions of thoughts and emotions flooding the head esch day are crashing the body. To get aware of this and take different choices can be very challenging but it is deeply freeing.

  294. It is worth considering how we have reduced ourselves and our lives to functionality or a comfortable hum… and worth considering how much potential is yet to be realised, accepted and lived.

  295. I’ve always known my ‘power’, I used to think it meant I had very strong will power and could, if I chose to, push myself to extreme limits. After meeting Serge Benhayon, I realised that my power comes when I express my truth, my divinity. What I had been feeling was the result of me giving my power away to my spirit, showing off, flexing it’s muscles to the detriment of my body which became harder and number. By avoiding connecting to the truth I was barstardising my ‘power’ and behaving incredibly irresponsibly.

  296. ‘It scares us to feel that we are so very much deeper than just ordinary beings living our lives mostly on auto-pilot and numbed and conditioned to our own follies; thinking all the time that we are a superior and intelligent race’ – absolutely, Chetan. Thank you for exposing, so clearly, the role that our spirit has in this game of avoidance that we are playing. Just as we have the freedom to connect with and be impulsed from our soul, we have an equal choice to allow our spirit to lead us on a merry dance.

  297. Freeing ourselves from the self made shackles of protection and or holding back how we feel reduces our amazingness emanating out. When we allow the space for this amazingness its lovely to feel the ease in our bodies from this movement and the opportunities to bring responsibility to the forefront grows too. A win, win on all fronts. Thank you Chetan.

  298. ‘We can’t escape into a world of thoughts and entertain them, as that does and will affect the quality of our lives and also our relationship with the world around us.’ So true Chetan – there is nowhere to hide. ‘Everything is energy, and thus everything is because of energy’ and so everything we think is felt by everyone and affects us all. The thought and it quality makes its imprint, and it will either expand the all or cast a polluting layer over it.

  299. “Do I hold back the Truth? Do I express Truth in reaction to any hardness or hurt, whether it’s mine or not?” . Learning not to holdback in how I speak the truth and not being afraid of reaction is on going learning for me and one I have yet to master.

  300. Expressing the truth in our daily lives not only enriches the lives of others it unfolds also the wisdom we have within.

  301. Getting an understanding of the aspects of us like, the physical, spirit and soul, and how we are in each one of these aspects has been huge for me to start unravelling what each of them looks like in certain situations. This is bringing so much more understanding and an ability to be more detached from the choices that are made from my physical and spirit when I bring my soul with me to observe these.

  302. The word ‘responsibility’ has been so loaded upon that it gives an image of looking like an over burdened stressed out person, but perhaps in all simplicity, the only real responsibility we actually have is having an honest and truthful relationship with ourselves and then the rest takes care of itself…. and this can even be inspiring to others.

  303. “We are far more powerful than what we have reduced ourselves to, and this awakening to the fact can only come when we become responsible.” This is a hugely important comment. The word responsibility has been reinterpreted with many meanings that have nothing to do with it such as burden, a chore, difficult, force over others, and so many things. Yet understanding that it is our most natural way of engaging with any aspect of life, without push or agenda, but with deep love and care of all puts all of those other ideas on their head.

  304. “Reductionism is a game I have chosen to not play ball with anymore.” – there is so much just in this one statement. To not reduce ourselves from the glory that we are as a being of light living in a physical body.

  305. “Reductionism is a game I have chosen to not play ball with anymore.”…I played ball with it yesterday and held back from speaking a truth at a work meeting, and you are so right, it hurt more than speaking the truth. Now it’s up to me to lovingly look at what stopped me from speaking it, so I can learn and when the opportunity comes around again (as they always do – our life lessons!), I can speak my truth. And if not, look again, and wait for the opportunity to come again.

  306. When we are going round and round the same track facing the same hurdles and not looking at why the hurdles are there, it is a painful imprisonment. As soon as we stop and take responsibility for what we find on the track, suddenly the density is lifted. Responsibility is freeing, and whilst there may be some discomfort along the way, the discomfort is far better than blind density.

  307. To come to understand the difference between spirit and Soul, and to experience how it works within my body and mind, has been the most incredible education, and given me absolute self-responsibility in my life.

  308. Being willing to recognise when we have been irresponsible is a responsible choice because once we recognise it, it allows us to grow from our irresponsible choices, and I see that nothing is really lost so long as we are open to being completely honest with ourselves. Also by being open to learning from our responsible and irresponsible choices is key to our evolution.

  309. Yes saying it the way it is can be uncomfortable in the way that people might react… but it does feel good in the body when everything that is felt is let out in a honouring way of course not a ‘I am telling the truth and now everyone listen’-way but in a way that is not letting any lies, abuse or false stories been told. Nothing is more freeing for the body.

  310. It is quite clear that being irresponsible is harmful to us and those around us. What is surprising is that responsibility still has a contracted, slightly negative connotation.

  311. Responsibility is a word worth exploring for it is not a burden, but delivers a deep joy into our lives.. as an example I am sure every parent would agree, playing a part in the lives of young ones and watching them grow is a blessing. We play a part in everyone lives we come across, the same joy can be experienced at work, in our homes and communities.

  312. To speak truth at times can be very challenging from fear of the reaction. However, to not do so is not only harmful for oneself as the energy that should have been released turns inward into the body forming the basis for future illness, and for the person not receiving truth allows the person to perpetuate their ill-way.

  313. The more care and responsibility i take for my self the more I take with others and the quality of my movements and expression comes with this and brings the joy and expansion to my whole body and this is very beautiful and i know the only way to truly be. If i lessen this care i can really feel the difference and it hurts.

  314. The questions you open with are so powerful and the rest of this article answers a lot of the questions that I had before I discovered Universal Medicine. The world we live in Only makes sense when we look at things through truly responsible eyes. This is true freedom.

  315. I remember when I first considered responsibility, I thought of duty and have to’s, a chore I would say it is the exact opposite of all of these words that we so often put with it. When we make the choice to put our hand up and say yes, that was my choice what ever the outcome we begin to become the master of ourselves, we do not collude, hide and go along with what is we do not feel is true in society. Responsibility allows us free ourselves of our past we no longer drag all of this issues we have not resolved with us, we can let go of them when we put our hand up to them…and make new choices.

  316. Thank you for raising this Chetan. I too used to think that having freedom meant not having any responsibility. As you blog so clearly explains, its in fact the exact opposite.

    1. This shows that the word freedom has also been misinterpreted and misused. Interesting to notice how most of the words we use have been distorted to mean the opposite of its truth which to me is a clear reflection of how we live collectively and how we choose to view the world. Completely upside down I’d say and it is time to turn everything back up to facing and embracing heaven again.

      1. Thank you Chetan, perfectly stated about returning to the truth of words “to turn everything back up to facing and embracing heaven again.”

    2. Yes, well put Debra – without responsibility there is no freedom in truth. Perfectly expressed.

  317. We have all been making choices throughout our past lives and all our choices have led to where we are now. There is no point regretting what we did or didn’t do but in this lifetime to re-align and express who we are in full.

  318. Understanding that there is a difference between spirit and soul was a key factor in turning my behaviours upside down and inside out, and the beginning of connecting back to who I am in truth. The spirit will deny the soul but the soul will always say you are part of me, lets come back together.

  319. It has become an interesting observation to hear someone say something to me that is cruel or unkind, it often comes from someone close to me who I have this idea loves me, yet out of their mouth comes a real lack of value. It is in these moments I now understand the teaching that we don’t think, that it is only thoughts passing through us based on a choice we make of the source, it explains clearly how we are puppets for energy and what we align to determines what comes out of our mouths.

  320. Holding back what we want to say becomes so ingrained in our behaviour, that when we then decide to take the plunge and be brave, and actually speak up the pressure to do so feels so huge, and it feels like you are going to burst. The anxiety kicks in, and thoughts of how it will come out start to take over. But what we do not realise whist in that built up state of holding back is that with a little practise of speaking up, even if you get it wrong or become too emotional, you have to start somewhere – soon what starts to happen is that you can feel the benefits on your body for speaking up, and how different it feels to holding on. Then eventually, with practice the detachment that the author speaks of can come into play, and again there is no perfection here, and at times we may slip back into our old ways, but the key point is to get back on the horse and to start speaking up again. At the end of the day holding back is just another trick of the spirit to keep us individual, and it cares not how miserable it makes us feel – that is more reason why we should take note and do the opposite.

  321. ‘This spirit is a part of me, has always been a part of me and yet has done everything possible in its power to sabotage my true essence from playing out.’ This makes it so clear as to what it is that plays with us and works so hard to stand in the way of evolution and anything that leads it to being less or only a part for it always seeks to be it.

  322. We settle for going around and around with the wrong kind of tyres, taking breaks every few laps to fix problems with our vehicles and being anxious of breakdown on the journey, but why not stop and put in the effort to purchase a new set so that we can lead the way again on the track and not drive in this tension?

  323. When I embrace more responsibility it shows me just how powerful I am and how much we all are connected to and affecting everything all the time.

  324. Responsibility and freedom are two words we do not naturally put together – funny that – responsibility has been played out as a burden – instead of something truly joyful, light and freedom.

  325. When we hold back truth or do not live what is true we harm, expressing truth in a way that is accessible for another to hear gives them the opportunity to see what they haven’t already been willing to see.

  326. ‘How do I think? What thoughts do I have? What words do I utter?’ This is responsibility but as you have uncovered Chetan, we do not stop to consider that in every moment there are choices being made that call for responsibility and if you were to ask someone – ‘What responsible choices did you make today?’ some would shake their heads to say none. Just standing from a sitting position requires a choice but the level of detail required to check-in with the quality in which we may move in this situation would never be considered. It is a choice none the less and particularly a choice where ‘responsibility’ could be claimed as a part of the movement.

  327. I have just spent two and a half incredible days listening to Serge Benhayon present on the constellations of stars and what they mean to us. I have always always known that there is more, I just didn’t know what this more was or looked like. Serge has shone light on the more and it is so much greater and grander than I ever could have imagined.

  328. We have been totally conditioned and I feel that education plays a huge part in this conditioning as the way education is set up it takes us even further away from ourselves so by the time you finish full time education you are totally lost, exhausted and completely taken by the energy that encourages us to think that with a degree we are somehow very intelligent when actually we have reduced ourselves even further away from who we truly are. We have fallen for a complete lie.

  329. Many terms we use lightly like freedom, power, responsibility only unfold their true meaning when we see how they correlate otherwise, we misinterpret them and create a picture and reality of what we want it to be that fails the innate truth and love it comes from and provides. You have beautifully described how all 3 are one package and as such the real deal in living a full life.

  330. Thanks Chetan. The expression of truth is a joy-full thing and we have it at our fingertips and on the tip of our tongue to choose every moment of every day.

  331. You have touched on a very interesting and important subject here Chetan and that is the subject of our thoughts and where do they come from. One of the many revealing revelations that Serge Benhayon has brought us is the fact that we do not think!!! If we do not think then who or what gives us the thoughts that we have? This is a huge subject but definitely one that is worth exploring.

    1. I agree Elizabeth this is a huge subject and one that needs to be discussed. I have had moments whilst having a conversation with someone and what comes out of their mouth is just not them, and what just came through them was so far removed from who I knew them to be. On these occasions it makes sense when Serge Benhayon presented that we do not think.

  332. “There is no Private Idaho!” how true Chetan when it comes to energy, always are we being observed and in this through learning, are to be the ultimate observer of this very fact.

  333. Chetan you wrote: “This is equally harmful when any truth is laced with an emotion that reduces us or the other.” I am sure that not so many people are aware of that fact so thank you for sharing this wisdom. Now more people are able to choose to stopp lacing emotions and reduce their fellow brothers.

  334. Hearing you Chetan, in your description of being brought to our knees as we recognise the arrogant ways we have thought to be ‘it’… And yet, with all of this held in His Love, this can be, and is, the most beautiful process of letting go…

  335. The wanton lust for apparent ‘freedom’, driven by self-gain, is utterly exposed when the true light of the soul is reconnected with. Such a great topic here, to look at what actually entails responsibility – energetic responsibility – on all levels of life, and how the more we take actual responsibility for reclaiming all that we truly are and surrendering to the divine laws that govern a way that is true for all, we get to know more actual ‘freedom’ than we ever thought possible…

  336. When a situation lacks space around it, when I am so close to it that my nose is pressed against the glass then I know it’s been orchestrated by my spirit and to quickly back out.

  337. The spirit loves to ensnare us, it doesn’t care how it does it but it’s sole intention is to draw us away from soul and out into the wastelands of its own domain. Once we have left us then we are easily confused and easily convinced that what we are embroiled in is true but the truth of the matter is, it’s all just smoke and mirrors.

  338. “We – all of us – have not even scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who or what is responsible for the thoughts that pervade us, rule us, imprison us day and night.” thats so true, I woke up and read a message on my phone, I immediately reacted and was filled with a million abusive and self destructive thoughts, where did they come from? I think they are mine but really who is poring those thoughts through me and how powerful must I be, must we be to have so much effort put into taking us off track?

  339. What would Love/Soul say to the spirit? You are loved–every part of you till the last ounce of you in expression, is so deeply loved.

  340. Chetan a superbly written expose of our calculating spirit and one that has supported me hugely to detangle myself once again from its evil clutches. I thank you.

  341. I love the wonderful ‘boy’ description of us as Super cars without the right tyres (or fuel!) ‘ We are all Supercars waiting for the spark to come alive and fire us up… and yet some of us, knowing this to be true, deliberately crank it down – a paradox truly!’ A healing practitioner once said to me ‘You are a Ferrari pretending to be a Holden’. I certainly did at that point feel more like a Holden than a Ferrari. Now, 7 years on I am God’s chariot of fire from Heaven!,

  342. Great article Chetan. I love how you say…’ For me this lesson has been Epic!’ Yes, that is exactly what the epic journey is about if it has any validity at all, and isn’t just a dramatic distraction to keep us imprisoned in this plane of life – a larger than life drama accompanied by clashing symbols empty of meaning. You have embarked on an Epic journey in truth and it is beautiful to see.

  343. ‘This is huge just to feel how conditioned I had been to allow myself to think in a way that only made me live 50% of who I am. At times even less than that.’… and realising that everything we ‘thought’ was ‘it’ is not ‘it’ and everything we thought we were is not in fact all that we are is a great part of our responsibility.

  344. “To know and understand that holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.” this is so powerful and allows the freedom and responsibility we are all here to live. A deeply beautiful sharing Chetan thank you.

  345. It is an ever deepening process to express the truth in a loving way, indeed saying what is there to be said but not in a imposing way.

  346. Thank you Chetan! What you express here is the truth, I don’t feel any doubt about this. I can see that I need to be more aware of when I share the truth or hold back to keep the peace.

  347. that is said simply that whenever we do not stand in full we let the YET unfilled part open to be filed with everything we are not. Not even aware of where this part (that is not full) in our Body is filled with, as all we did was simply not claiming our full space.. This is what Serge Benhayon is teaching us all, humanity. And has made way, by breaking this bubble of consciousness that once made us unable to feel what is going on beyond what our eyes can see, for that which is reality (TRUE) and our true vision. Hence your blog is a testimony of living and comprehending that which we are being offered to then further break through on in our lives (the whole/every aspect or thing in life). Serge has been showing us that everything we can deal with and is easy as long as we are open. Exactly like you have shared: NO REDUCTIONISM of what we all know and are able to live.

  348. One of the hardest things for a human being to accept is that we are actually very irresponsible. It is only when we understand energetic responsibility that we begin to understand that every thought, action, and word uttered, if not said and done in a loving way is harming.

  349. It makes me highly aware of all those negative thoughts that kept me under and away from my own ‘preciousness’! We are all so glad that you said yes to your soul and have risen above the foibles and trappings of the spirit, as you too Chetan are then showing the way for many as this feels very beautiful and inspiring.

  350. Being aware and awakening to the truth that we are the ones that create the prison we are held in, is the only way to turn the lock and open the door to freedom. The prison guard is no more than the illusion of the spirit we give our power to.

  351. I never would have guessed that responsibility would be so joyfull. In the moments when I’m moving in alignment with my soul and thus the All, it is clear that there is no other way to live. And remembering this is what I am committed to returning to.

  352. ‘Detachment whilst delivering the truth is the re-mastering process that I am enjoying with each word delivered.’ Detachment is the key, dropping any investment on outcome and allowing others the space to feel what was offered.

  353. “We – all of us – have not even scratched the surface when it comes to understanding who or what is responsible for the thoughts that pervade us, rule us, imprison us day and night.” This information is huge. It is astonishing that we spend so much money and resources in the next piece of entertainment and have not yet cared nearly as much about investigating an area that has been limiting the expression of our true glory for lifetimes, our whole world

  354. An inspiring blog Chetan. I liken this to when the spirit is allowed to run amok by our irresponsible choices, it is rather like being a passenger being driven by a mad, maniacal driver in an-out of control vehicle (body), wanting only to experience speed and thrills without any regard for anyone or anything else on the road. This is not living with responsibility.

  355. Thank you Chetan. Your blog was especially poignant for me this morning, having made another pit stop this weekend. It is of course, one I did not need to make. So I am writing this in the ramifications of not being responsible, feeling humbled, and equally feeling the call of one-ness and truth. This the only medicine that truly ignites us to live the full power and glory of who we are – beings of light in body. Need we reduce ourselves to less than that? You have made it clear, need not, and if we do so it is to our detriment.

  356. “This ‘something’ – which I have now come to understand as the ‘spirit’ – is clever, insidious and is a master manipulator. This not only bullies but has bullied us all, individually and collectively, for thousands of years in the truest sense.” Chetan, thankyou for bringing such clarity to the true meaning of the spirit. To know that there is something at play that is controlling so many of our behaviours if we choose to let, it makes so much sense.

  357. Thank you Chetan, there is much to be understood from what you have written here, it will take a second, and I suspect third read to get each layer that I am ready to hear. The starting point has to be the fact there are two energies that feed us our thoughts and recognising this in our own day to day.

  358. Whenever I speak to anyone about the quality of our thoughts, every single person gets how unruly they can be. There is not one person that disagrees. But that is where we stop, we don’t take that any further, or ask more questions of these thoughts and where they could possibly come from. Much like illness and disease there is an acceptance of ‘well that’s what happens when you get older’ – but is it? We have all heard about spirit and soul as well but no religion has actually explored, exposed and completely uncovered what this means, in fact it’s almost like they have been interchangeable. But knowing the difference and learning to understand my own choices based on this knowing has been super important. Serge Benhayon has been the only person in recent time to completely uncover this for us all to see, so that we can then take our own steps to reclaim our path to soul – our true self.

  359. Very inspiring writing here Chetan, thank you. This is a great litmus test for our thoughts – “. . do they come from my fears, needs, selfishness, individuality or do they come from One-ness?” and I loved what you discovered ” Doing this has made me far more responsible than I had ever been.”

    Because when they come from our fears, needs. selfishness etc… they only serve the one person. But when they come from one-ness, they serve the all. A great website to explore this is:

  360. “When I was able to take a clear view into my past I could see that I had only been repeating these very lessons without actually taking the responsibility to learn and implement them. “ I love this sentence as it offers so much awareness of the repetitive game we play. Yet there is no fun in this game, we become hurt, disengaged, withdraw and deepen the track of repetition making a clear view more difficult. It simply takes one moment to say stop, enough I’m not doing this again and talking the responsibility to claim there is more to our purpose in life than going round and round. Serge Benhayon is an amazing wise, insightful person to support and illuminate taking responsibility – which turns out to be as light and playful as I choose to allow. This is one of the great paradox’s of life.

  361. Our ‘private thoughts’ are like the worst kept secret on the planet. They permeate our being whether we know it or not, as our intentions, movements and words all ripple out of us with the same imprint that has had us privately engaged. If we think we can think one way and act another then we are living the biggest illusion fooling ourselves and those who choose to be fooled. If we start to take responsibility we are not so easily fooled.

  362. ‘…I could now see that everything that I thought – those thoughts that I believed only I was privy to, that no one else would ever know, what I think and how I think – was all so irresponsible.’ – This sheds a lot of light on individuality Chetan – I too have been in the same boat – thinking my thoughts are my own – that I own them! But what a trick. We are vessels of energy – and our choice is only what flows through us. So we have an enormous responsibility in the quality of how we live.

  363. I agree there is an awareness of who we are that goes well beyond anything that we currently live as a whole. Most are in the grind or the up and down of life looking for Friday and dreading Monday. What if everything was about how you are, how you lived, how you moved, how you thought? What if even you thoughts at home to yourself had a control on how you take your next step? Would you want to know where these thoughts come from? Or would you write it off as not even possible.If we look around us, truly look around us we see life is full of ups and downs, good and bad, right and wrong etc, it seems everywhere we have opposing sides and are not balanced. What if this reflects back to us, as people being on and in this life? What if we are needing to bring balance to how we are and so positive and negative thoughts come from the same place just with a different heading. We are here to balance things up, to balance ourselves up. This is not about ticking boxes but about living in a way that brings a flow, a true healing to a path we’ve already walked. To do this you would need to start at who you truly are and work back, it makes sense. The only way to know what’s needed is to first bring awareness to who we truly are and look back to where you are, then walk. It would seem like you are walking forward when in fact this is a forward return. We aren’t going to an unknown place but returning to the truth of who we already are and watching the games we have played with ourselves for so long to not be all that we are.

  364. ‘There is no Private Idaho!’ I love this sentence for it reminds me that there can be no little out moments of comfort because every single choice of thought or action has an effect on everything else.

    1. Yes Jane and what I’m coming to understand, is that having a full life free from comfort and off moments is not a burden but an absolute joy.

  365. This means Chetan, we could in effect say that we are laying down our own prison sentence, in an ultimate unescapable-until-we-live-responsibily prison cell that we choose to create. And until we make these true loving choices, freedom is only physical not seen as the energetic factor it really is.

  366. I love your blog Chetan, it is deeply inspiring. I am learning about responsibility to a depth I have not experienced before, I now understand that every intention behind every word I express matters because it affect everything and everyone due to the quality I choose to express in. I am continuously learning to take responsibility for all that I express and nominated to myself whenever I can feel myself deviating from love and from truth so I can learn from each experience and look at how I can deepen my expression and love for people.

  367. It changes everything when you realise and feel from your body how destructive our private moments can be when we indulge and check out. I can think that I’m just having off time or relaxing but I can’t deny how awful and drained I feel after, especially after watching TV.

  368. Freedom is such a reinterpreted word. True freedom is responsibility.

  369. We go around the sun endlessly, escaping, seeking, numbing ourselves in the perceived quest for freedom. Freedom is sought via career moves, holidays, the purchasing of our homes and so much more. We crave freedom. And yet we have substituted it for escape and checking out from the reality of life, not wanting to embrace the one thing that will bring us the real freedom we truly seek – and that is to live with a level of responsibility that is all-encompassing of everything we do, say, think and act on. We cower at this and don’t want a bar of it – we want life to be the way we want it, how we want it.
    And so… we don’t get the real goodies as it were, just a cheap unsustainable emulation of the real deal. For no holiday in the sun however luxurious and relaxing, can surpass the freedom of being at one with you Soul, feeling the Kingdom of Heaven reside within you – which is where it does reside. That, is the freedom that comes with responsibility – the freedom of knowing nothing from the outside world can touch you because through energetic responsibility, you are by implication in a body that has said yes to God and all His Kingdom.

  370. Freedom through responsibility. Two things that most people would not relate to each other at all. But without responsibility we are certainly not free. If we do not take responsibility for our thoughts then they govern us. That is not freedom at all.

  371. I never thought to put these two words together- I think I carried the false perception that responsibilities were a weighted thing- I didn’t associate them with a freedom. I love hearing everyone’s angle on life- all the individual sparks make up the collective life we are from.

  372. ‘do they [thoughts] come from my fears, needs, selfishness, individuality or do they come from One-ness? ‘ To observe how our body is feeling at all times helps us discern which stream of consciousness are we joining – what consciousness are we aligning to?

  373. Some will say they are free because they can choose whatever they like to do, but others will say they are free because like you Chetan have chosen to express their Soul and experience is universality.

  374. An absolutely ace of an article.
    “We can’t escape into a world of thoughts and entertain them, as that does and will affect the quality of our lives and also our relationship with the world around us.”
    This statement is so very honest, yet many of us live in this world of thoughts and never even realise how dishonest and damaging they are. It is a commitment like no other to stay still in my body, lessening the myriad of thoughts that are forever being offered to pull me away from the only place I feel truly at home.

  375. It is definitely worth speaking the truth when it is there to be expressed, in a loving and respectful way that has at its core the deepest forms of understanding.

  376. It not only harms ourselves to hold back the truth that is there to share and express but prevents another from hearing and receiving this needed truth and reflection.

  377. Speaking the absolute truth without reservation in the knowing that this is needed and serves us all is true freedom and something i will never relinquish.

  378. ‘And to now be aware of my thoughts, to catch them when they come, and to feel where they come from . . . do they come from my fears, needs, selfishness, individuality or do they come from One-ness?’

    Catching our thoughts – what a great way to exercise responsibility. For when we understand that our thoughts are the very things that lead us astray – and are fed to us by that ever-wayward spirit of ours, not to mention other etheric forms such as our collective consciousness – it becomes a responsibility to halt those that impede our evolution, and that of others.

  379. What a beautiful article, Chetan. I love the way you chart your progress… your journey of deeper understanding. It’s very inspiring to hear how you have moved from one challenge to the next, mastering each phase as you go. It shows us all what’s possible – and busts the myth that responsibility is a constraint. Thank you.

  380. This is the truth –”to know and understand that holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.” The other thing that is painful is knowing that we are doing it to ourselves as no-one makes us hold back truth, it is a decision that we make for a lot of reasons.

    1. The irony of holding back because we may be rejected or hurt, when holding back and not speaking the truth is the greater hurt! We need to take our heads out of the sand.

  381. A beautiful blog, so true that responsibility is freeing, it has been my experience, self determination, accountability, being aware of choices that we make, how can it fail to be anything but empowering and liberating.

    1. I also feel there is a difference between expressing what you want to say and what they need to hear! I would be pretty good at expressing, but recognising the difference between right and truth, between what is for me and what is for them, they are the finer details which are fundamental to true expression.

    2. So true – something can sound right because there’s an element of truth to it, but if it’s delivered in a way that is harming, abusive and totally unloving then it cannot be true. No truth without love.

  382. Deeply inspiring Chetan. Learning to express truth lovingly no matter what is something that has been a challenge for me, having been so invested in being liked. But the more I love myself, the more I realise I have no right to hold back what is there to be expressed for the thoughts are not mine to hold on to. So even though I may be quite clumsy, I am practising, and each time I do, it becomes simpler to do because every cell in my body wants to align to truth so I am wholly supported when I express it.

  383. Beautifull claiming Chetan. Its no coincidence that over the years (and there have been many!) we have thought and done the complete opposite ‘thinking’ we are free if we do not commit or are responsible for our lives. Running away from the truth of who we are and just what we can bring instead of truly embracing and living this. Hence the world being in such the mess it is. As you have shared here the way to unpack this is to do so with no judgement but instead to take a step back and clearly see what we have lived and why ‘It took a lot of humbling down on my knees to be able to not only see this but also break through each layer by ill-fed layer to now come to a place where I express Truth no holds barred’. But as you have shared is extremely worth while doing, in fact in truth that is all there is to do here … return to Soul.

  384. Yes responsibility does bring freedom but with that is the recognition of just how long I have arrogantly spent on auto-pilot believing that I was ‘speaking truth’ etc when actually I was so far from that and unpicking this has been painful and is an on-going process but there is so much support available once we choose the path of responsibility and the freedom that go along with that.

  385. It also scares us to realise just how long we have delayed our path of return for, and by that, in turn, supported the retardation of humanity’s path of return.

  386. ‘And to now be aware of my thoughts, to catch them when they come, and to feel where they come from…’ as our thoughts are not seen or necessarily played out it is easy to just let them go without doing this however they are a result of our movements and will influence the quality and choice of our next movements so are very real in affecting everyone else also.

  387. Chetan I love how you found that taking responsibility for expressing truth ‘delivers me to my true self’ which is in truth freedom.

  388. It was a huge revelation to hear about the spirit and the lengths and depths it will go to to keep itself individual, and at the expense of the body it resides in. Because it knows it can come back again into another body, the arrogance and destructive nature has no limits. So when we get a thought that has us doing things which we know are reckless and harmful to our bodies (plain old common sense will tell us this), do we ever wonder why, what makes us do these things, and why in the light of the day do we say to ourselves ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time’. Do we ever question where those thoughts come from – I know I never used to until I attended a presentation run by Universal Medicine, where Serge outs the spirit and all it’s insidious ways in order to stay in control.

  389. Are we the only species with freedom to choose and what have we done with it? Animals raise their young to survive by imparting the lessons that are required. We send our offspring to others and then try to blame them for their failings. As this blog shows that when we don’t take responsibility for all of our choices and the following actions, where do we fall on the evolutionary tree?

  390. I always used to wonder why I had such random thoughts, often about events way back in the past, even when I was not conscious of thinking about them; it really used to puzzle me as I felt like it wasn’t even me thinking them. My wondering finally had an answer the day Serge Benhayon began to present about the difference between spirit and soul; wow what an illuminating answer that was. Suddenly my life made sense and is making more sense every day.

  391. Chetan, I too have in the past lived so much less than who I truly am and so can very much relate to what you are sharing here; ‘This is huge just to feel how conditioned I had been to allow myself to think in a way that only made me live 50% of who I am. At times even less than that.’ Now that I am allowing myself to be more aware and choosing to live more openly, honestly and truthfully I can see how much I kept myself small in the past, I can feel now the enormity of what I bring and also my potential and I feel blessed to have met Serge Benhayon and to be allowing myself to grow and expand and be more responsible.

  392. Being free means being responsible for the impact of our choices on everyone else in every moment. Serge Benhayon shows what this means and looks like by the way he lives every day. I have liked to think that there is some sort of burden to this that I would not want, but my experience is exactly the opposite. Each time I accept greater responsibility, I feel more free and more connected to what it is that makes life amazing, than ever before. Keeping my life all about me and my little world has only served to keep me irresponsible to the greater impact AND keep me disconnected from the enormity of what is there to be connected with.

  393. Chetan beautifully expressed and I echo much of what you share, if not all. The very fact I thought I would be expressing my truth when what I was saying were pure lies was and can still be at times a challenge yet it is learning that all that I thought were not actually my thoughts that is both humbling but also makes sense. Like you one of the things that has taken time to appreciate is that it is with responsibility that freedom comes, I used to think it was the opposite but with no responsibility we are deeply trapped.

  394. There is enormous freedom in just being wth what you feel and expressing what you feel.

  395. We are constantly being fed thoughts with which the spirit loves to take ownership and play with, this cycle made me feel like a prisoner in my own skin, separated and individual, stuck in my own story. Universal Medicine has helped me to see that how my spirit can be my own worst enemy, however this waywardness can be abated by consistently evaluating and clocking whether these daily wonderings are truly supportive. Taking responsibility for our inner space, is a fascinating and constantly evolving process, which delivers a oneness with the world, a body no longer defined by its skin, an energetic freedom that re-confirms who we are and where we come from.

  396. The difference between spirit and soul I feel should be a fundamental teaching as soon as we are able to understand anything as a child forget Math’s and English, what you are exposing her Chetan is huge.
    That as you say we have a ‘spirit’ that is clever, insidious and is a master manipulator. This not only bullies but has bullied us all, individually and collectively, for thousands of years in the truest sense.
    The mind has the upper hand because for most of us we have no idea what we are up against and we have no true understanding of just how much we are manipulated.
    For me it is only since meeting Serge Benhayon as listening to his presentations and attending the workshops that I have been able to comprehend how manipulated we all are by the spirit and how it is so insidious to get it’s own way it really does not care a lot about the human body at all.

  397. “There is no Private Idaho!” This was one of the biggest shake up’s for me, that in truth we have no ‘private’ moments, that every little indulgence contributes to all we do, think, choose. One life, one expression, one continuous responsibility.

  398. The more responsibility I take in my care towards myself and others, and my commitment to the quality and energy I put out into the world the freer I am – it makes sense, because we are saying – this is me, this is the truth and it can’t be swayed. It’s when we don’t claim the truth that we are like a buoy in the ocean bouncing all over the place.

  399. That is indeed a moment of true responsibility when we choose to see and fully understand that everything we think – those thoughts that we believe only we are privy to, “that no one else would ever know” are coming from spirit and are not in truth from love, nor that they serve anyone other than feed the spirit itself.

  400. Responsibility is often presented in a way that seems as though it would curtail our ‘freedom’ and yet in my experience this couldn’t be further from the truth when true energetic responsibility is understood; a responsibility that asks us to let go of controlling ideals and beliefs about how we think we should be in life and instead to re-connect with our true source of wisdom and intelligence, with which we are truly free.

  401. “To know and understand that holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.” This is a powerful statement, Expressing things that need to be said with love and understanding makes all the difference. If spoken in an imposing way or with judgment then the words won’t be heard and will cause a reaction in the other..

  402. You ask “Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom?”

    Simple answer: Because we are so irresponsible!

  403. This understanding of freedom we still have to come to truly understand and accept, as we have made freedom into something where we can do as we like.

  404. Beautiful sharing, accepting we are free, is a confirmation we are equally responsible, therefore all our choices make a difference to the all.

  405. Great post Chetan. “We are far more powerful than what we have reduced ourselves to, and this awakening to the fact can only come when we become responsible.” But do we want to accept that power – and all that comes with it?

  406. The super car with the wrong tires makes so much sense because how many of us walk through life feeling a sense of freedom when we are chained up in our minds? For me a huge lesson as been about walking in my fullness whatever might be going on around or within me. To be able to stand tall with high emotions around or intense tension within myself has come with a freedom and a responsibility to show that our true strength is in how we move, not what we think.

  407. I completely agree that there is freedom in responsibility and also a great joy. To allow our spirit free reign is totally irresponsible and imprisoning. Prior to meeting Serge Benhayon many were not even aware that we had this inner detractor (spirit) pulling our strings. It is the most liberating thing ever to become aware and start cutting all those threads and return to Soul.

  408. It is a daily process for me to keep being aware how strong my spirit is and how unaware I would have been about this without the wisdom of Serge Benhayon. We think we think but as it turns out we don’t and this explains a lot. Why else would we continue to cause harm to ourselves with unloving choices using free will to our detriment and keeping ourselves small and from the grandness we are all from.

  409. ‘What I realised big time was that with responsibility came lessons and learnings. Some very hard lessons.’ Yes, Chetan I have experienced this too, but when the intention is to become more responsible these ‘hardships’ become a blessing (even though they might not feel like it!) as a support to grow and knock out the arrogance that lies within.

  410. This is so well expressed Chetan, what particularly stood out for me was “holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.” Lies have to be exposed and it feels that standing up for truth in all areas of our lives is very empowering, I can hold back no longer. Responsibility and freedom go hand in hand together.

    1. Beautifully expressed Gill. The word responsibility has been misinterpreted in society and the truth of what it means is so exquisitely expressed in this blog and your comment. I thought I knew what responsibility was but what I read on this website on the various blogs about responsibility has open my understanding and deeply inspired me to take responsibility to another level.

  411. It has been quite a revelation for me as well, learning about the difference between spirit and soul, it changed everything and life started to make much more sense.

    1. I agree Judith. Despite twenty years of attending spiritual courses etc no-one ever mentioned the difference between spirit and soul before I attended a Universal Medicine presentation. It explains so much.

  412. ‘It scares us to feel that we are so very much deeper than just ordinary beings living our lives mostly on auto-pilot and numbed and conditioned to our own follies; thinking all the time that we are a superior and intelligent race..’ In my own case I know that this fear was masking a real sadness because there was a deeply held inner knowing that I had walked away from something so amazing and consequently life held a tangible inner tension. There is a total irony that we would rather live reduced, numb and in acceptance of our choices than admit to the fact that we chose to separate from soul. The spirit is in complete denial of the fact that it is not, nor can ever be souI, or that what it has created could ever work or be on par with where we are from! In simply nominating that that was the choice made it is amazing how much support there is on offer to return should we choose to do so.

  413. “There is no private Idaho” – just about sums it up; a fact that is rock solidly true, no matter how much we rebel against it and flex our numbing, distraction and irresponsibility muscles.

  414. There is a choice to be made – to be aware, or not to be aware. Choosing to only see a minute part of what is available for us all to behold, and stomping around in our little back garden and calling that ‘freedom’ is rather comical I have to say.

  415. I used to think that being free was about being able to do whatever pleases me whenever I want to and I so chased after it. But now I understand true freedom to be about being free of the energy that makes me think that I am free while it has totally trapped me in its little confinement that basically excludes and ignores everything and everybody else.

    1. Yes, I completely agree Fumiyo. The freedom is to choose which energy we express from and align to and everything thereafter is a consequence of that. Do we express from the Soul which is absolute Truth and pure Love (not one ounce of emotion) and in connection to all and the all, or from the spirit which is all that is NOT love whilst very often masquerading as love and righteousness and pretending to be something it is not.

    2. Our spirit will gladly let us think that we are doing whatever we want, whenever we want – because then within that illusionary bubble it has us entirely trapped – furthermore, why would we ever try to escape that prison when we think we are free. It’s the perfect set up.

  416. Truth and expressing it can mean at times saying what needs to be said that may cause a disturbance in others comfortable ways of being – but if said with clarity it can be accepted or reacted to and either way is a confirmation that it has been felt. I am learning though in that expression that it is important to not lose people in the way it is said. And on the other hand truth can also be about expressing full appreciation and not just about exposing the lies. Through expressing full appreciation we are confirming others essences, their gold within and this when felt can be inspiration for change and to let go of the patterns and ways of being that do not serve.

    1. I’m reminded from your comment here, Johanna, that there is no truth without love – and so in expressing truthfully with someone, they will also be able to feel the love that you hold them in. It doesn’t guarantee any results, but it’s the least we can do in engaging with them.

  417. I agree. Serge is a super cool mentor, an elder brother who is nothing short of pure inspiration for the level of love and responsibility he holds.

  418. ‘holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.’ this is like a poison in the body. And as you say Chetan we must also be aware of the deep truth we feel is being laced with our emotions or reaction etc for if it is when we deliver it it can not be felt in another’s body. This is something I am currently working with to say directly the truth I feel with no contraction or fear of reaction yet to be able to say and express it in the way that is clear and can be then heard and felt. My responsibility here is to make sure I support myself, my body, my movements so there is a clarity that automatically ripples through from the choices and way I have been living and holding my own love in my body.

  419. Chetan this ‘Some very hard lessons. When I was able to take a clear view into my past I could see that I had only been repeating these very lessons without actually taking the responsibility to learn and implement them. ‘ is something that I have had come to me quite vividly recently. I can resonate with what you say here. For me just this morning I became aware of a delicateness and a sweetness to a level I had not felt before with this I felt all the choices and lessons that came with those choices that I kept repeating in different intensities that kept me in denial of the depth I carry within. So now that I tangibly feel this to this level comes the freedom and the responsibility to allow it to just be and to be fully confirmed in without reduction or rejection or denying.

  420. ‘Why are we afraid to see that responsibility brings freedom?’ I love this question and asking it in itself is very revelatory for anyone to consider. Your answer to this question I feel is very spot on and very true.

  421. “To know and understand that holding back truth is far more painful and harmful than saying it when it needs to be said.” I have been observing the times I hold back in expressing and the times when I share freely and yes it is quite excruciating to feel when the space is there to share what is felt. What I am greatly appreciating is that the pattern of holding back is very much evident and that there is always another opportunity to share in full when once again. Responsibility is a forever learning of what is true and what is not and I simply love that.

  422. Accepting that we are free means equally accepting that we are responsible for each and every choice made from that free will.

  423. The reality is those negative thoughts, those old patterns can be there with you in a split second, and they will never go away and all will be bliss. Truth is they can come back in any time we let our guard down are we are not aware and present with ourselves and our movements.

    1. This is exactly what I am finding Rosie, that these old patterns/thoughts that kept me small for so long still come through me… what is different is that now I know I don’t need to entertain them.

      As disappointing as this was for me to discover the reality is that true freedom is a constant responsibility to choose truth over the illusion.

      1. Yes, it sure is.. and the illusion can be quite alluring at times so it is important to stay aware in each and every moment.

  424. It’s true – our greatest responsibility is love and our whole-hearted expression of it in all that we do, think and speak. The more we express from our heart, the place where our true self – our Soul – resides, the more we bring into line that part of us – the human spirit – that otherwise seeks to veil our true expression from the world. This is so beautifully expressed Chetan.

  425. Thank you Chetan you make a very good point and that we could all listen and learn from our thoughts and where they come from “Do they come from my fears, needs, selfishness, and individuality or do they come from oneness?”

  426. Awesome Chetan. Such a big one for me too. It’s brilliant to recognise that life is in fact the reverse of what the spirit drives us to believe and how fortunate are we to now have real role-models to reflect back to us, like we can do for each other, true purpose and responsibility. It’s a moment to moment choice, to allow myself to feel deeply and hence be able to feel another when in relationship to them.

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