The Absolute Truth about Serge Benhayon – There are no Lies to Sniff Out

I entered the noble profession of teaching the year man landed on the moon. The numerous primary aged students I have encountered in my 45 plus years of teaching since would more than vouch for my ability to smell a rat a mile off and sense a whiff of a lie if they ever dared to attempt to pull the wool over my eyes. I am nobody’s fool, so when I read the arrant nonsense written by newsprint journalists or watch a conglomeration of lies presented via the TV media about Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all who have chosen to be associated with this religion, I have been wondering what the world is coming to.

Headshot of Serge Benhayon standing alonside a brick paved wall
Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine

What I have recently realised is, it’s not about what the world is coming to at all. As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all. We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt. We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.

No aspect of life is free of this, ranging from the obvious political, commercial, religious convenient truths, to the less obvious aspects of our system of education and social service that do not, in truth, support each and every one equitably or with love. The quality in which human beings currently live their lives is the outfall of all of the above and more. We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.

This, then, is the background that the media has reported on Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all who, with their innate love of humanity, know there is another way to be in this world. Serge Benhayon has been presenting the tenets of The Way of The Livingness, a deeply holding religion, since 1999. Anyone seeking  to know the man and what he represents has access to all presentations, as the welcome mat is out for anyone who chooses to attend. Numerous testimonials and blogs written by students of The Way of The Livingness, plus YouTube and Soundcloud recordings etc. are available via the web. Glorious expression of the Ageless Wisdom is available in an ever-increasing number of books. All stand as testament to Serge Benhayon, Truth and the great Love for Humanity he holds.

Conversely, some in the media have chosen to align with the lies that have been written by a cabal of persons who, for some reason known only to them, have taken exception to a group of citizens who have been supported by the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom – as presented for the world this time around by Serge Benhayon – to live love and harmlessness with all, to the best of their ability.

You might well ask why I know what this small group has written is lies. As outlined above, my life experience and all that I am knows when I am in the presence of untruth. Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2005.

Because of Serge Benhayon’s living and sharing The Way of The Livingness, I have had my eyes opened to the even greater potential I held within to bring to my teaching and connection with my fellow human beings, no matter their age; to the fact that it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.

The Way of The Livingness

I now enjoy being me and appreciating all the possibilities life holds. My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.

Over the years in my experience, there’s not been a rat to smell or a whiff of a lie in what Serge Benhayon via Universal Medicine has offered. I have joyously accepted the opportunity of embracing the teachings of The Way of The Livingness, so I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within and know, to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life.

By Judith Atack

Related Reading:
What is The Way of The Livingness?
Presenting Universal Medicine
Serge Benhayon – A life changing meeting