The Absolute Truth about Serge Benhayon – There are no Lies to Sniff Out

I entered the noble profession of teaching the year man landed on the moon. The numerous primary aged students I have encountered in my 45 plus years of teaching since would more than vouch for my ability to smell a rat a mile off and sense a whiff of a lie if they ever dared to attempt to pull the wool over my eyes. I am nobody’s fool, so when I read the arrant nonsense written by newsprint journalists or watch a conglomeration of lies presented via the TV media about Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all who have chosen to be associated with this religion, I have been wondering what the world is coming to.

Headshot of Serge Benhayon standing alonside a brick paved wall
Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine

What I have recently realised is, it’s not about what the world is coming to at all. As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all. We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt. We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.

No aspect of life is free of this, ranging from the obvious political, commercial, religious convenient truths, to the less obvious aspects of our system of education and social service that do not, in truth, support each and every one equitably or with love. The quality in which human beings currently live their lives is the outfall of all of the above and more. We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.

This, then, is the background that the media has reported on Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all who, with their innate love of humanity, know there is another way to be in this world. Serge Benhayon has been presenting the tenets of The Way of The Livingness, a deeply holding religion, since 1999. Anyone seeking  to know the man and what he represents has access to all presentations, as the welcome mat is out for anyone who chooses to attend. Numerous testimonials and blogs written by students of The Way of The Livingness, plus YouTube and Soundcloud recordings etc. are available via the web. Glorious expression of the Ageless Wisdom is available in an ever-increasing number of books. All stand as testament to Serge Benhayon, Truth and the great Love for Humanity he holds.

Conversely, some in the media have chosen to align with the lies that have been written by a cabal of persons who, for some reason known only to them, have taken exception to a group of citizens who have been supported by the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom – as presented for the world this time around by Serge Benhayon – to live love and harmlessness with all, to the best of their ability.

You might well ask why I know what this small group has written is lies. As outlined above, my life experience and all that I am knows when I am in the presence of untruth. Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2005.

Because of Serge Benhayon’s living and sharing The Way of The Livingness, I have had my eyes opened to the even greater potential I held within to bring to my teaching and connection with my fellow human beings, no matter their age; to the fact that it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.

The Way of The Livingness

I now enjoy being me and appreciating all the possibilities life holds. My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.

Over the years in my experience, there’s not been a rat to smell or a whiff of a lie in what Serge Benhayon via Universal Medicine has offered. I have joyously accepted the opportunity of embracing the teachings of The Way of The Livingness, so I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within and know, to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life.

By Judith Atack

Related Reading:
What is The Way of The Livingness?
Presenting Universal Medicine
Serge Benhayon – A life changing meeting

661 thoughts on “The Absolute Truth about Serge Benhayon – There are no Lies to Sniff Out

  1. “Because of Serge Benhayon’s living and sharing The Way of The Livingness, I have had my eyes opened to the even greater potential I held within to bring to my teaching and connection with my fellow human beings, no matter their age; to the fact that it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.”
    What you are sharing Judith with humanity is the lack of love that we have for ourselves and each other, which is what Serge Benhayon reminds us of. We have long forgotten how to love ourselves in the truth sense of the word.

  2. When it comes to rats they always scurry, hide, love the dark plus foster the sneaky ways because they can reconfigure their body to fit into smaller spaces than their body. So yes Judy Serge Benhayon moves in a way that is more flowing, so that even the air around him seems undisturbed as he walks, Serge Benhayon is the most open and transparent person alive, is open about how the light that he shines is freely available to everyone and his body is forever expanding and sharing of what is needed for any student.

  3. I came back to this blog today because what you wrote Judy back in 2018 is so relevant today.
    “What I have recently realised is, it’s not about what the world is coming to at all. As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all. We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt. We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.”
    The manipulation of the Governments backed by the media has been exposed as people are waking up to the fact that the media lies and you cannot believe a word of what is printed or said. there is so much corruption being exposed as the scenery falls away and the big tech companies that pull the strings are caught in the spot lights.

  4. The lies we have accepted as a society get exposed when someone with no formal qualifications understands life in a way that leaves people with all the formal qualifications dumbfounded that this person knows so much more than all the education can give them. These people have built their lives on the fame of recognition and acceptance from peers that they surround themselves with. They can use this knowledge to arrogantly look down on others who they feel are lesser for not being so educated. When all this is exposed as I say by a person with no formal education, instead of questioning their own way of being educated and informed, people become highly incensed with jealousy and fury that all those years of study were for nothing, the degrees they have worked so hard to gain are meaningless if someone comes along and shows the world how to easily tap into universal knowledge, this means the intelligentsia of the world no longer holds dominance over us. I can understand how they would then want to shut down Serge Benhayon because he offers a freedom that we currently do not have and the intelligentsia are determined we will not have.

  5. This makes complete sense to me Judith
    ‘that it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.’
    The more we care for ourselves the more we naturally want to care for others, it’s like breathing, there is a rhythm and a flow to the quality of love we have with ourselves that flows to others. It’s quite exquisite and once felt within our bodies there is no going back, to those abusive old ways.

  6. It is up to each one of us to express, to not accept the lies and corruption, otherwise we are complicit in what goes on in the world, ‘We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.’

  7. Thank you Judy much has been exposed and there is more to come as we the willing students who share the light that will shine and illuminate us to bring more Love❤ to everything we are blessed to bring to humanity.

  8. Hear Hear Judy. You do not suffer fools, nor could anyone pull the wool over your eyes. Solid – strong willed – ultimate bs detector and namer. The notion of you being a ‘brainwashed follower’ as is stated time and again in the churned out machine of media lies would be totally laughable and shrugged off of as ridiculous if the connotation was not so demeaning and frankly so darkly sinister. I have found it very interesting recently being told that I have been ‘fooled’ by being a student of The Way of The Livingness and proudly associated with Serge Benhayon and his way beyond impeccability of integrity, equity and world changing care. The people telling me that I am a poor brainwashed cult member swallowing lies ironically are the very ones swallowing the lies- the lies that suit – the lie that there if there is a significant enough ‘sh*it storm’ in the media then it ‘must be based on something’ – the lie of wanting to believe that the media tells things how they are and that fact and truth are the tenants of their profession – and not that perhaps we have got to a stage that we call for so much drama and sensation to stimulate and distract that a story with ZERO foundation in REALITY can be turned into a spin and a concocted web of filthy nonsense – and people so brainwashed swallow those lies hook line and sinker – where as the ones seeing straight through are accused of being brainwashed. It’s nuts. Meanwhile as it all plays out in the media I will be with you and others every step of the way simply continuing “to live love and harmlessness with all, to the best of their (my) ability”.

  9. I would agree with you Judith when you say
    “As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all. We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt. We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.”
    I must have been going round in a dream like state for most of my life and now I am becoming much more aware of the corruption and degradation you speak of. Its as though the lid has been taken off everyday life and we can now see the lies we have accepted and swallowed as truth is not the truth at all. The more that is exposed the more we have a choice to ignore the exposing and in our comfort carry on sitting on the fence or getting down off the fence to realign to the truth and living it in full.

    1. Very well said Mary. This paragraph was strong for me also. The outing of corruption and degradation of decency is very clearly on offer through this extreme example of a simple living collective of people choosing to live true harmlessness to the best of their ability being cast as brainwashed followers (which is an ironic joke) – and as you say can be ignored in our comfort of maintenance of the status quo – or we could here dare to open our eyes to the proliferation of lies that circulate in this world and the mechanisms for the maintenance of this corrupt model. I’m in for the eyes open approach and no longer ‘turning a blind eye’ to and so no longer in my silent apathy endorsing such corruption.

  10. Living the Truth exposes those who do not live the truth and if they are not open and ready to embrace this then they can act with quite a lot of aggression and anger at being exposed. But this should never stop us from living the truth as that is the only way others will ever get reminded of what they too have left behind and can return to.

  11. Taking responsibility can feel like the hardest thing to do, and yet when we activate this, it opens up so much more for us and energizes us like nothing else can.

    1. Henrietta Chang I was with a small group of people and we were chatting about responsibility and I came to an understanding that actually responsibility is something I have always known and I am being asked to take this quality deeper and I got to feel that I could do this as it is something that is already within me just not being fully utilized. Then writing this comment I wondered well if I know responsibility what else do I know that I have been holding back on because currently no one seems to want to take responsibility for what’s currently happening in life. While we all sit on the fence or bury our heads in the sand life as we know it is going down the toilet.

  12. This is the hard pill to swallow: “We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.”

    1. Agreed – and hence due to the distaste of feeling we have swallowed lies and fed corruption and been a part of undermining decency – we would too often sooner choose instead to dig further into the house of lies and into the comfort of not feeling our part in the perpetuation of the corrupted model of life. A hard pill to swallow and best faced sooner than later. We literally vote with our feet in life and what we turned a blind eye to we inadvertently vote to and in our ignorance actively perpetuate. We have powerful world changing agency beyond that which we generally dare to admit.

      1. Spot on and something most do NOT want to see – ‘We literally vote with our feet in life and what we turned a blind eye to we inadvertently vote to and in our ignorance actively perpetuate.’

    2. Beautiful to read what Serge Benhayon has supported in one of many thousands of people, ‘I now enjoy being me and appreciating all the possibilities life holds. My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.’

  13. “As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all.” – so many things are coming to light at the moment, nothing can be hidden anymore – we get to see facades crumble and we get to see the rot that lies behind the scenes. This is not a pretty time, but it is a sobering time to allow oneself to see what is there to be seen. I say its better to see the ugliness than to have it hidden and not know that one is walking around something rotten.

    1. I agree with you Henrietta watching world events unfold as they are, we are being shown the corruption and vileness we have allowed and while we may be in reaction to this we are at last becoming aware of what we have allowed and maybe this time as a collective we can say enough, we do not want to be part of the corruption any more.

    2. Absolutely, it is preferable to see the rot and corruption, for it to be exposed, and for us all to say ‘no’ to any level of acceptance of this corruption and lack of love.

  14. A wonderment to be understood and lived is the presentation by Serge Benhayon and by aligning to our Soul the questions fade as our wisdom expands.

  15. My family would all agree that I was a wayward child and a very emotional disturbed young adult that sort of got through life after a nervous breakdown by having sessions with a psychiatrist for over 20 + years once a week, sometimes twice a week when things were really bad every day for short periods of time. My psychiatrist became my prop in life. Meeting Serge Benhayon was the day that things started to shift very subtle at first; it has been a slow process of return back to me as there was a lot of protection and distrust to discard. Serge Benhayon gave me the possibility of something different that made so much sense I just wish I had access to this different way of life when I was young.
    I am living proof that life can be completely turned around and my family who have watched my progress from the side lines are my champions they marvel at the turn around they have heard all the negativity that surrounds Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine but it doesn’t make any sense to them at all because they see in me the living proof of literally a before and after living experience. They can feel that there is a sense of profoundness to my life that they cannot match in theirs. Some of my family is changing because they see the benefits and some are as they always were and that is brilliant because there is no coercing from me to get them to change and no resistance from them to adopt the changes I have made.

  16. As babies we are able to also smell a lie a mile away, so how is it that by the time we get to school we have lost the plot and try every which way to pull the wool over the teachers eyes so to speak? and all with the look of a sweet innocent child? So what has happened to lose our way could it be as parents and custodians of raising a child we shut down their essences / Souls and they have learnt to conform to the lies we have all lived and not the Truth of our Soul!

    1. I would say yes Greg we have learnt to conform to the lies we have swallowed we seem to have lost our power of discernment or are so given up that we despair of ever finding our soul again or we go on a quest to find it not realizing that our soul resides within us always it is after all who we are in truth.

    2. I have always hated lies, we know when we are being lied to, ‘my life experience and all that I am knows when I am in the presence of untruth. Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2005.’ I second your statement Judith, re the integrity and love of Serge Benhayon, likewise from 2005.

  17. Thanks Judith for the sharing, I loved what you wrote about The Way of the Livingness being about a life of love and harmlessness, it’s such a beautiful way to live because its deeply considerate of every human being, animal, and nature, and places us in the context of the whole universe. Like yourself it’s brought out of me such an incredible awareness of who I am and the potential that then offers to the world. Before that I have to say I was crushed by life, living a shell of my true self, I have been resurrected and there’s more to come – life with soul is love and joy.

  18. I feel what you say is true
    ‘As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all. We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt. We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.’
    We have all had a part to play in the corruption that is now being exposed, as much as we have collectively tried through the centuries to bury the truth, the truth will always out because by the very nature that it is the truth. The truth is such a powerful energy that it cannot be corrupted.

    1. Truth is prevailing, the lies and corruption are finally starting to come out of the closet, ‘As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all.’

  19. Say what they want, but time will tell who’s truthful and who’s not. So far in my 9 years of knowing Serge Benhayon I have only seen a consistent and growing level of strength and love in him and in the students who choose to hang around, listen and apply what is shared.

  20. This is the true story the world needs to here. Serge Benhayon is beautiful soul who teachings are quite literally from heaven and beyond.

    1. For many who know the truth, like what you, SLB shared, Serge Benhayon is beautiful Soul whose teachings are from Heaven, it is amazing to see more and more lies and corruption being exposed, ‘We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.’

  21. Everything I love in this man is also within me too.
    Serge Benhayon reminds us what is true and the multidimensionality of life.

    1. I agree anonymous it is not the flesh of the man, it is what is lived within his body that resonates with us all and the truth is felt. That there is a multidimensional way of life that we are currently not living. Humanity has been given a clear choice to live within the immenseness of our soul or not.
      I have realised there is nowhere to run and nowhere to go as we are going round and round in circles around the Sun so that humanity will at some point turn around and re trace their steps back to the one soul they separated from many eons ago.

  22. ‘As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all.’ For generations many have been using that very well worn question ‘what is the world coming to?’ – well I feel that we have arrived at what it has come to and pretty it isn’t.. How much longer to we blame everyone around us for what it has come to and start to take responsibility for how we contribute to it on a daily basis?

    1. You’ve said it in a nut shell, Michelle – taking responsibility for how each of us contributes to the state of the world on a daily basis is the only way this behemoth (which everyone who has ever lived has created) can actually start its return to Love, Harmony, Joy, Stillness and Truth is by peeling away the layers of ‘corruption and degradation of decency and fair play that need to be outed’ and ultimately routed.

  23. The world will change when more and more people are inspired and respond to the call of truth as presented through the Ageless Wisdom by Serge Benhayon.

    1. Like a domino effect – only it is the willingness to embrace truth that then gets passed from one to another.

  24. Every one is in some kind of cycle, even the media is, and when we all are presented with the truth we can either embrace and go with it, or react and then withdraw, fight, or try to demolish it. The truth will keep coming back around, presenting itself over and over by virtue of cycles, it’s therefore up to us to accept it and return to the same truth within ourselves, or keep fighting ourselves and reacting to those that present the mirror.

    1. Melinda what you say feels very real Humanity has been presented with a alternative way of living and there is a quiet revolution occurring and of course the old guard will react and resists but as we are not going anywhere except round and round in the many overlapping cycles we will all come to the one truth in the end.

  25. Love this Judith, I stand by everything you say, Serge Benhayon is amazing and a total inspiration of how to live real values of love, truth and joy.

    1. Serge Benhayon is ‘amazing and a total inspiration of how to live real values of love, truth and joy’ and so much more, here on earth, and boy oh boy is that needed in our world.

  26. On the one hand we can say it is a great sadness that we have become so accustomed to lies and deviation in our societies (here yes we are talking about the media and this is simply an outer representation of well-established and accepted corruption). On the other hand it makes very clear that we have a choice: to quietly and blindly continue to collude with this framework or to firmly and clearly see and expose it for what it is and live in a way that supports the decency, integrity, collaboration and truth that is our natural way. The Way of the Livingness is this.

  27. Corruption is finally being exposed for what it is in many areas of life, the law being one of many. When you have witnessed someone living their truth over many years and know their integrity in all areas of life, to see that love of truth being questioned makes me seriously wonder where the attackers are coming from. I know who I trust.

    1. If we fought corruption with the energy we muster to fight truth there would be no corruption.

    2. I agree with you sueq2012 the pillars of our society are corrupt and this is at last being exposed as those countries that say they have the freedom of speech and movement are being exposed as being run by a dictatorship like so many other countries in the world. We are not free, we do not have the freedom to express, if there was such freedom and we had a ‘live and let live’ approach to life then surely the sickening lies that have been printed about Serge Benhayon wouldn’t have been circulated. Unfortunately, we will have to wait for history to expose that Serge Benhayon is a truth sayer like so many prophets before him.

  28. ‘…to the less obvious aspects of our system of education and social service that do not, in truth, support each and every one equitably or with love.’

    Having worked in both, despite the best of intentions of staff, I can certainly say this is my experience of both. While we refuse to see how broken they are we will continue to bring in solution after solution and look to them to save the day. I know I’ve tried to cling onto the good rather than witness it slowly grinding to a desperate break down.

    1. I know how hard this is … to want to desperately change something, a system, and try solution after solution but my understanding now is we have to let things grind down and break if they need to in order to truly heal as solutions only cover this up for a while but do not deal with the energetic root of what is really going on and that is where we need to get to .. the true energetic root of the cause.

      1. Such a good point Vicky. There is no point in trying to save something that is corrupt at its core. Allowing things to fall apart before they can be rebuilt in a different energy can be a hard one to accept.

      2. There are many examples in history of the downfall of many things – nations, systems and the like. Rot cannot remain hidden forever. It always is eventually smelt, seen and disposed of. The same goes for corruption and there are increasing numbers of people smelling a rat in many situations in life nowadays.

      3. True Vicky, we have to address the underlying energetic cause, what energy is running a government, an institution etcetera, not just remove localised identified areas of corruption or lies.

    2. I too have ‘tried to cling onto the good rather than witness it slowly grinding to a desperate break down’. I now realise that the breakdown is essential to exposing what is going on so it wakes the general population up to actually to see what is right under their noses and has been all along. Only then will changes be put into action to bring these to true and loving service for humanity.

    3. K I adore the truth of what you have written
      ‘despite the best of intentions of staff, I can certainly say this is my experience of both. While we refuse to see how broken they are we will continue to bring in solution after solution and look to them to save the day. I know I’ve tried to cling onto the good rather than witness it slowly grinding to a desperate break down.’
      Our education system is totally broken and we have used sticking plaster after sticking plaster to hold this corrupt system upright but it will eventually fall as will all institutions that are built on lies because lies have no true foundation, that’s why we have to constantly tend to them to stop them from falling down.

  29. Judith what you live can be clearly felt. It astounds me that people who choose to live lovingly with both integrity and responsibility to the best of their ability get attacked both in words and energetically and not just once but consistently so. There is no hiding for the lies now. Lets up the love.

  30. I totally agree with what you have shared with humanity Judith. We do know the truth as it is felt in our bodies we can shut it down and pretend it doesn’t exist but on a sub conscious level we do know. And I wonder if it is the person that rejects the truth the loudest actually feels the truth the strongest but lives so far from it that they have to defend the indefensible?

    1. Yes, feeling what is true from our bodies. Since I started doing this when I came to Universal Medicine, I have learned so much. The mind thinks it is the master but can lead us into a merry dance if we follow it unwisely. Listening to my body’s messages has alerted me to many areas of life that need my attention.

  31. There have been witch hunts throughout history as there have been those people who stood out against the crowd as different. I feel we haven’t really moved on from this way of living. Yes our surroundings have changed we live in centrally heated houses and drive cars but the consciousness we live under hasn’t changed.

    1. This is the kind of conversation starter that will bring about change; an exploration of our willingness to be honest about our human condition and an enquiry about our intelligence and advancement.

    2. Even when the legacy of those killed for standing out carries on, we don’t hold the great teachers as equals, and we change the message literally killing their work as well.

  32. This is something I have been feeling more over the last few days. What is my being aligned to. How important is truth to me because if I say very am I living this within every cell of my being consistently.

  33. What is really going on here? The media circus and the ramifications of it is just people avoiding truth, because the love that is on offer is too much, too close and too tender. What do you do if that starts to touch you and you feel the call of the responsibility it comes with? You crucify the one living that level of love. What a waste – for I can tell you -start to live it and it’s amazing what happens.

  34. No lies or subterfuge here, only absolute truth and love. Serge Benhayon rocks, as does anyone who is prepared to live for the all everyday 24/7.

  35. There are no lies to sniff out, but certain sectors of the media care not about such details, and why should they if the goal is to meet the demand for the lies that are sold?

    1. I agree with you Ariana there are no lies to sniff out, the media are revealing themselves in all the corruption they propagate in order to sell their newspapers, magazines and tv shows. They are being totally exposed by the current events and the lies they are trading in.

  36. People have for a long time now liked to spread lies, they enjoy the gossip and the sensationalism, and with all known world teachers there have been people so jealous they can not contain their fury and have to create lies. Thing is with Serge Benhayon and with any of us connected to our soul, we know in truth lies can not touch us.

    1. It is interesting to be open to seeing, and then honest about, our repeated pattern of behaviour when it comes to world teachers and the presentation of truth about our human condition. We are very keen to safeguard the comfort of our existence rather than be shown the truth about our collusion with a set up that is not evolutionary.

  37. Serge Benhayon is the real deal. Time will indeed oneway tell the truth in what this man brings.

  38. If you’re in the dark and you stand closer to the light you start to see what’s been allowed to grow in the dark. Learn to turn your own light on and those in the dark have less space to freely roam. Teach others how to turn on their own lights and now you upset the apple cart. Those that protect the darkness are who attack the light.

  39. The truth is so strong, lies don’t affect truth and Serge Benhayon is truth, lives it and walks it in this world.

  40. “I now enjoy being me and appreciating all the possibilities life holds. My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter” Gorgeous Judith, Serge Benhayon is an amazing man reawakening many to the love and divinity they already hold within.

  41. “Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2005.” This is the same for me too, I may not always understand fully what is being presented but, in these moments all I have to do is allow it to unfold and everything is revealed. The veil of illusion through the lies we have accepted as truth sometimes takes a little while to lift, but what I do know more than anything in this world that what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present is the absolute truth and the more I stay with this the more the lies are revealed.

    1. Alisonmoir, As you say the more we understand the presentations of Serge Benhayon the more the lies are unraveled to reveal the truth of who we are and what we are all here to do.

  42. The lies which there are plenty of to sniff out, are from those in reaction to the call for greater truth, consideration of all others, accountability and responsibility everything about Serge Benhayon reminds us of.

    I have not come across anyone with more love, integrity, transparency and honouring of people ever. These values are dear to my heart and I am forever learning more about them from this deeply loving, wise, dedicated and humble man.

    1. Golnaz I would go further to say we are drenched in the lies of our own making that’s why we do not want to accept our part in the state of the world. We have failed to look behind the physicality of life to the energy that drives us, and as long as we turn a blind eye to that energy by pretending it is not there we are hobbled to this old way of life. To me the biggest impediment is to admit we do not think, these thoughts we claim as our own are fed to us by the same energy that we do not want to see or feel, that’s how we are controlled.

  43. The way that society is set up to want to see drama rather than truth is exactly how things have played out here. It’s pretty horrific to see that the media are just playing ball with the drama and the readers are agreeing without question

      1. And gosh hasn’t the ante on drama been upped mammothly since this blog and these comments been written and exponentially so . . . .

      2. This is very true Leigh what is currently being exposed is all the lies and corruption we have allowed it is now so in our face that you would think there is no wriggle room but to admit we are all in a mess. It amazes me how we can still find excuses and justification as to why we have allowed things to be the way they are. Life has become one big drama we have heavily invested in is it possible that when someone comes along and says there is another way to live we all take offence because we have been completely undone in the exposure.

    1. What is worse HM is that society seems to think that anything circulated by the media is true, or what they read on the internet is true. What happened to our ability to discern for ourselves what is true or not irrespective of what we are told. Today more than ever before the ‘fake ‘ news is rife as the establishment tries to hide behind the lies that they spin. To me the more they spin the more they expose they are out of control and as my mother would say, ‘It will all end in tears’. Lies have a sell by date as the truth will always out them.

  44. As history has shown over and over again, when someone lives and stands for truth and makes love their every way and does not hold back, they will not be popular and they will be attacked left right and centre for what they live and present. Why is it that we can’t deal with being presented this level of love and truth? Because it shows us very clearly what we have chosen and continue to choose.

    1. And it exposes the current world model we have lived with, invested in and worked hard on is actually not serving us at.

  45. Serge Benhayon loves humanity, I have no doubt of that, the hearsay, and opinions that are spreading through the media are unfounded and abhorrent. But its says a lot about how we are as a society that a man stands up and says love and responsibility is the way home to health and wellbeing, to support ourselves and all of humanity and he is blasted as the exact opposite. It is not really about him, is about us a community a humanity stepping up choosing different. He inspires me, but I do not think he needs to for everyone, but we are in a mess in the world and different choices need to be made.

    1. Truth plain and simple as I know it – ‘love and responsibility is the way home to health and wellbeing, to support ourselves and all of humanity’

    1. Beautiful quote, one that definitely needs to go on car bumpers and fridges….etc It is simple, full of love and I know from reconnecting with my inner heart, it is the way forward.

  46. The Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon is known to us all deep within our essence, however hard it is fought and resisted – the future coming towards us is known, we have lived it before and will live again in full when we accept the divinity and multidimensional beings that we are in truth.

    1. Stephanie, you are spot on when you say the future is known by us I love the quote from King Soloman
      “What has been will be again, what has been done, will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun.”
      Serge Benhayon is a reminder of these words that were spoken and written down centuries ago.

  47. For me I am calling a ‘Halt’ on what i have dismissed as not being ok and not doing anything about it, and at worse I clock it but pretend it is not happening and carry on in my merry way. A ‘Halt’ of a totally irresponsible way of living and appreciating that we all deserve a much more honest and rich life. It starts with making those choices the say no to what does not support the Love that we are.

    1. Yes, Natalie, we either call a ‘Halt’ ourselves and re-set our way of being and the way we live or life gives us a big ‘Halt’ in the form of a personal incident or accident OR an even larger incident or accident in society that serves to expose what is really going on for us either individually or collectively.

  48. The truth is that many of us today don’t want to face reality. One way or another though our body and soul will always let us know. Bettter to sit up and listen now rather than facing facts the hard way.

    1. I agree Joseph, many of us know deep down that the current model we have is not it and once we are open to admit that what we have currently accepted of life is a lie then we are more able and willing to embrace the truth.

  49. There are those who are ready to hear the truth of The Ageless Wisdom and open to be loving toward themselves and there are those who are not.

  50. I have not come across anyone who lives such a depth of magnificent expression of all that we divinely are, and consistently relates to everyone else as also that expression regardless of what we are choosing for ourselves and how much denial we are invested in, and on top of that has such dedication in providing support, whenever and wherever anyone requests it, for each of us reclaiming and living our true expression.

    1. This is my experience as well, Golnaz. Serge Benhayon and the constancy of love and care for his fellow beings he lives with is super inspirational and unwavering – no matter what the circumstances.

  51. Every workshop and presentation is crammed full of very professional, intelligent people who can also spot a fraud a mile off. Hence the rate of return attendees in Serge Benhayon’s workshops is very high, as what is presented comes from tried and tested principles delivered with an enormous amount of integrity and wisdom that when applied to daily life really do produce the goods.

  52. There is a truth to report on, an incredible story to share with humanity and it has been there all along of who Serge Benhayon truly is, the quality of love he is committed to living and what The Way of The Livingness is all about, yet is seems that the truth is not what is of interest to the media and us as a humanity. More so what seems to be of interest is the need for stimulation to distract us from the reality we have created that is one based on lies and the circulation of lies in order for us to not to feel our irresponsibility of not living the truth of who we are.

    1. Carola you wrote back in 2018
      “what seems to be of interest is the need for stimulation to distract us from the reality we have created that is one based on lies and the circulation of lies in order for us to not to feel our irresponsibility of not living the truth of who we are.”
      And what you wrote seems even more pertinent today, where humanity has been offered even more ways to check out from life, rather than engage in life and discover the truth of who we truly are.

  53. I have been a student of the Livingness for several years now, and would not go back if you paid me to my old life of checking out and disregard. Life now has less complication and is much more simple and real.

    1. Serge Benhayon has enriched so many people’s lives as they too become more aware of who they are and what life is truly about. Going back to how I was before becoming a student of The Way of The Livingness would be abhorrent to me, so much more joyous and love-filled is my life now.

      1. That’s the key word you have used Judith the richness of daily life, there is such richness to be had and is available to everyone. when this is reconnected to the question then becomes why would anyone want to check out or live distracted when there is such rich beauty to be had, that is ours by right.

    2. Me too jacqmmcfadden04 you could not pay me enough to return to my old way of life, I was in complete misery and blaming everyone but myself for the life I was living. Meeting Serge Benhayon was the turning point I needed to pull myself out of the mire we are all neck deep in. Humanity has been given a choice and those that have chosen to reconnect back to the love that is within each and very one of us has reaped the rewards of the absolute gold that resides within us, as we climb out of the mud into the sunshine that awaits us. We are holding onto a false way of life that has no real substance.

  54. Personally, there is nothing at all that could ever discolour or prompt me away from the love, truth and integrity that I can feel about Serge Benhayon in every part of me.

    1. The absoluteness of truth is felt and known in the body, one that cannot be ignored, and once it is felt so it takes great effort and dishonouring to ignore and override it. I feel the same Zofia as when one is truly open to truth you cannot deny the ‘love, truth and integrity’ that is live by another, and with Serge Benhayon it is my experience also that these qualities are everything that he lives consistently.

  55. Fitting in and following what the world finds normal is a preference to feeling what is true in our hearts. We have said yes to corruption and not questioned it because most people are doing it.

    1. To me this is why Serge Benhayon is ruffling the feathers of society, because society doesn’t want to face up to the collective responsibility, if we did there wouldn’t be any corruption as we would not have allowed it by being responsible in the first place.

  56. My personal experience with Serge Benhayon has been nothing short of amazing. In the 13 years that I have know Serge and his family, never once have I come across anything untoward or inappropriate which is what the media is condemning him and everyone associated with him. In fact it is the complete opposite what has been delivered and lived by this amazing man – he has inspired me to be far more loving, to open up my heart and let go of hurts, to bring far more respect to myself and all those around me, to learn to look after myself with deep care, to value myself as a woman, to value myself as a beautiful member of society and be active and hold a great work ethic etc etc. The list goes on…And at the same time the lies in society go on with more and more being invented that are the complete opposite of what is really happening which is nothing short of miracles that are sorely needed by our current society.

    1. Henrietta to me what has been offered by God to humanity is an energy or light that is completely clear of corruption, abuse, basically all the crap that we have made our lives to be. Humanity has again clearly been given a choice. It’s the light that we are drawn towards that happens to be in a body of a man, called Serge Benhayon. Again, we have fallen for the physicality of the body rather than the light/ energy of God on earth. Many people do not want to be reminded of the light we all come from as it exposes the lesser more animalistic life we have instead accepted as our lot, rather than the Grandness that is constantly reflected and on offer to us.

    2. If we look at what Serge Benhayon presents from a scientific sense we can bring in Newton’s law of Motion
      Formally stated, Newton’s third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. … Forces always come in pairs – equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.
      Serge Benhayon teachings of the Ageless Wisdom is highlighting a force that doesn’t want the world to know that there is another way to live that is in harmony with the universe which believe it or not is where we all come from. This is the reaction to the fact that we are the introduced species on earth.

  57. Judith, I love what you have shared here for there are prolific lies being spread about a man who has done nothing but bring care, love, respect and a reminder of the amazing beings that we are – thank you for setting the record straight with sharing the truth about Serge Benhayon!

  58. It is not only those who are students of the Way of The Livingness that bare witness to the Ageless Wisdom as is shared by Serge Benhayon and his family but all those who have seen and witnessed the changes in those students and all those in their community they are in contact with. There is no mistaking the amazing transformations made by so many and they all have their own group of witnesses (family, friends, colleagues, partners, clients, shopkeepers etc) to this fact.

    1. Correct. Love ripples out and is felt by those around us. We each have our ‘own group of witnesses (family, friends, colleagues, partners, clients, shopkeepers etc)’ who appreciate this and know it indeed to be fact.

  59. There is only one form of real evidence here and that is the hundreds of people who have massively improved their lives in every aspect. Those who know Serge Benhayon or any of the students know what is truth and so truth will eventually prevail as more and more people will be living examples of that The Way of Livingness truly is.

  60. ” We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.” And since your blog was posted there are even more lies and corruption being exposed – re the midterm USA elections and ongoing Brexit nonsense in the UK. We are not aware of the half of it as yet…

    1. How very true Sueq. There seems to be something new everyday that is being exposed, and not before time. Thank goodness that there are some amazing role models, in the form of Serge Benhayon and his family, that know truth from deep within them, that are shining a light to show us a true way forward, out of the corruption that has led us into the mess we find ourselves in today.

      1. These comments were written in 2018, Wow in 2020 all the lies and corruption across all walks of life are being exposed, it’s in our face daily. The Media have been outed peddling lies and corruption, the man in the street is saying they cannot believe any more what the media is saying, the public are able to see through the lies that have been fed to them constantly. Just stop for a moment to imagine that the media is everywhere, pumping out lies all across the world, every second of the day, what effect is that having on people? So how amazing is it that the media has finally exposed itself to be totally corrupt and just a mouth piece for the few who control us. They are just the puppets there is a puppets master. Who hasn’t watched a James Bond film where after many adventures, James exposes the master fiend behind the plot to rule the world? Well, I would say we do not have to watch any of the films as we are all the players in the film. But we haven’t got to the part where the master fiend has been brought to justice, but we will.

  61. ‘Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2005.’
    This is also my personal experience since I met Serge in 2008. When Serge presents my whole body constantly communicates this is the truth and something I know as well. I can drop into myself and surrender to the stillness inside.

    1. Beautifully expressed Monika. I agree whole-heartedly. When I first heard Serge speak he offered such pearls of wisdom. My body said yes and also knew it from deep inside me. Serge Benhayon is just reminding us all who we truly are – and where we truly come from.

      1. Yes, and this is such a gift for us and for me it also brings purpose to our lives. If we all live our divine origin here on earth the world wouldn’t be in the state it is in now.

      2. And that’s the thing isn’t it Sue… that our bodies can actually respond to the truth when we hear it, and we allow ourselves to hear it.

  62. It’s interesting what drives our world, and how corrupt it in fact is, for the more I’ve allowed myself to truly see the work, the more I’ve had to see and acknowledge how corrupt it is, and how anything which challenges that corruption is considered a threat and therefore must be attacked and destroyed … this is where we are right now where corruption triumphs over decency, but this is not who we are and we always have the choice in what we choose.

    1. You’ve really hit the nail on there head here, Monica – ‘anything which challenges corruption is considered a threat and therefore must be attacked and destroyed … this is where we are right now where corruption triumphs over decency’.

    2. Monicag2 what you have shared in 2018 is even more relevant today as at last we are witnessing the absolute corruption in all aspects of society. For example everyday there is more exposure about Religious institutions and the level of corruption and child abuse that is constantly exposed but still we hold these religions up as the bastions of decent society how can we do this when they have shown to be so corrupted that they act above the common law. This makes no sense to me.

  63. In the end it comes back to everybody’s discernment whom one consults and not, I for one feel deeply blessed to know Serge Benhayon and be able to attend the many workshops and presentations by Universal Medicine.

  64. To me all the lies and nonsense that people spread just proves to me even more that it is all down to energy and the people that spread the lies are obviously driven by an energy that does not align to truth. The people who believe what they read without actually knowing anything about it need to start questioning why they are so gullible, as now days in the media there is so much untruth that one needs to discern every morsel of information that they spew out.

    1. Yes, Kev, the majority of people are letting themselves be fooled by the lies and nonsense that are being presented as ‘information’ by the media and have been for aeons, however, increasing more are seeing through it all and questioning just which garden path society as a whole is being led up.

  65. It makes complete sense to me too Gill. When anyone’s work is dissected and dished up in random quotes or sound bites it never makes sense, so it is easy way to ridicule people and manipulate public opinion. Those with a genuine interest in philosophy, self development and the wisdom behind life will find a wealth of understanding and answers in the work Serge Benhayon presents, as it opens our eyes to a much bigger picture that restores our true perspective.

  66. Where there is truth, there will always be lies … because truth exposes all our choices that are lies. How we respond is again our choice – we can continue the lies or we can choose truth… it is simply our choice and has nothing to do with the presenter of truth.

    1. More and more people are becoming wise to the sensationalism and lies printed by the media. Those that want to see through them will do so very clearly, those that don’t will choose not to. The more extreme and corrupt society seemingly gets the more people will have to choose which way they are going to align. At some point sitting on the fence will not be an option, which is what we do when we are not ready to speak up for truth.

  67. I agree Judy … in my experience of Serge Benhayon – over 13 years – there are no lies to sniff out … the consistency of truth, wisdom, love and integrity this man offers is second to none – and for many that is very confronting for it constantly exposes their own choices.

    1. Paula it is confronting at times and I have squirmed in my seat as I was exposed in the choices I had become addicted to by choosing them over and over again. It’s a bit like precision surgery the words of the Ageless wisdom enter my body they expose the energy behind the choices, once the energy has been exposed to the light of day it has no where to go except evaporate and I’m left feeling so much clearer in my body. There have been times when I have stubbornly resisted the offering of exposure because I didn’t want to be exposed and then I’m left in the denseness of my own choices. This has shown me that we are the master of our choices, if we are masters of our choices, we cannot be brain washed in any way as some people have suggested.

  68. What I find absolutely astounding and inspiring is in the face of the most outrageous lies, bullying and persecution Serge Benhayon stays open, never backing down from Truth and in fact, when I saw him for the first time in 6 months this week, is stronger and deeper than ever.

    1. The true mark of a man is standing for truth unwaveringly no matter what comes at him. Serge Benhayon is a definite living example of this as he has not changed his loving and understanding way of being throughout everything that has unfolded around him in the past few years.

    2. rosannabianchini I agree with you the more lies that are spread about this man and the truth he brings to humanity the more open and transparent he becomes never backing down from the truth. Serge Benhayon is unshakeable when it comes to the truth of who we are. In his transparency the lies are seen for what they are, the many of us who do not want to be exposed for giving up and selling out for a comfortable or not so comfortable life. I can put both hands up and say I sold out, what Serge Benhayon has shown me through his absolute consistency to truth over the years is that there is a way back, its a choice to be made or not.

  69. “As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all.” And there is so much more to come in all aspects of our societies and hence we will steadily and incrementally restore integrity to our communities because it is inherent in all of us. We all know what the true decency is, now is time to fully embody and express it 24/7.

  70. Serge Benhayon is bringing absolute truth and love to me the world and all humanity and this I know with my whole body too since the moment I met him and my truth was rekindled and known again.

  71. I wonder if there will come a day where the media and the journalists who write for their own self gain will be held accountable?

    1. Yes, the Law of Karma with take care of that. In fact the judicial system would be wise to take a leaf out of its book, towards the loving correction karma is.

      1. Yes, much will be outed and revealed for the world in the coming times as there is so much that is not truly loving that needs to be unpicked and returned to Truth and Love for ALL in each and every one of the systems humanity has created here on earth.

  72. Serge Benhayon and his family have been the most positively beneficial influence in my life to date. To say I have cleaned up my act because of them is a vast understatement. I could not want for a truer and more trusty worthy friend, role model, teacher and healer in my life, a life lead with integrity, commitment and vitality thanks to Serge’s relentless dedication.

    1. Exactly how it is for me too – ‘I could not want for a truer and more trustworthy friend, role model, teacher and healer in my life, a life lead with integrity, commitment and vitality’. I will be eternally grateful that I met and continue being inspired by the living example Serge Benhayon truly is.

  73. Actually, there are heaps of lies to sniff out – those about Serge Benhayon. There is an epic amount of them that are being enthusiastically repeated and often knowingly so.

  74. I often wonder why we despise ourselves so much that when someone stands in front of us in true glory and tells us that what we see is our true expression too, instead of being inspired, so many of us attack the person as being an imposter.

    1. We’ve come so far from making that level of love Serge represents our normal, and it’s very painful to be reminded where we have chosen to take ourselves, families, communities and nations, so best attack than feel or entertain the fact.

      1. And that is what is underlying the impulse of any entity or anyone who attacks Serge Benhayon and what he represents. He is in fact God’s gift to humanity, if only we’d wake up, see and feel the qualities he effortlessly lives here on earth.

  75. Serge Benhayon brings true change to all of humanity and not only to a selected few.

  76. Judith thanks for writing this blog, this is our reality and humanity does not like to be exposed because we are caught in the spotlight of all our ill choices.

  77. The world is in dire need of the endless Love, Intelligence and Wisdom that pours through Serge Benhayon. To attack this work is most definitely cutting off our nose to spite our face.

  78. “We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.” Although this is most uncomfortable it is totally necessary to expose the lies and illusion we have been living and therefore it is completely understandable for Serge Benhayon to be attacked as those who benefit from the lies do not want to be exposed. As more of the lies are exposed and truth is seen so eventually there will only be truth.

    1. What you have written, jstewart51, reminds me of a youngster kicking and screaming because they can’t get their own way. The ‘Way of the Livingness’ religion, as presented by Serge Benhayon, is in consideration for the All and no individual benefits over and above another. In a world that is rife with comparison and competition, this does not sit well with anyone who is ‘out just for themself’ and so they too, even though they are adults, are figuratively kicking and screaming to get their own way and not the way that serves all equally and with unshakeable integrity and respect.

      1. That is a great image, Judith, and perceiving those people in that light greatly diminishes their authority in one’s perception, in fact they become ludicrous, though in no way does it lessen the harm they can do as does a child having a tantrum or the responsibility we have to speak the truth.

  79. The depth of love and wisdom Serge Benhayon brings to this world clearly comes from a place beyond its 4 Dimensional limitations. Those with a vested interested in keeping Humanity in the dark about our true intelligence and glory attack his work for fear of what happens when the whole world wakes up to the truth that he relentlessly presents.

  80. There is a lot of reaction when faced with the loving way you know you have turned away from. This reaction then further blinds one to what is simply, clearly and transparently presented/lived.

  81. Hear hear Judith, not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2006.

  82. “… so I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within and know, to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life.” Me too Judith, absolutely. The truth I feel within my body, how I live my life today and the person I am today is living evidence of the power, effectiveness and simple common sense of the teachings and work of Serge Benhayon.

    1. Here, here. We and so, so many other people are the living proof and evidence, as you say Rowena, and hence it is for us to live that truth as our own to show the world this truth so they too can have the choice.

  83. I do love this blog Judy in particular the following sentences…… “Because of Serge Benhayon’s living and sharing The Way of The Livingness, I have had my eyes opened to the even greater potential I held within to bring to my teaching and connection with my fellow human beings, no matter their age; to the fact that it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.” It has been a very similar experience for myself as well through what Serge Benhayon has been living consistently and sharing through The Way of The Livingness. My connection with myself and my quality of health and life have turned around completely and continues to support my daily interactions at home, work and play in such a positive, joyful and inspiring way every day. The quality, love and joy that is revealed in every interaction and conversation with people is profound and a such a gift for us all in world that is currently receiving the complete opposite.

  84. Indeed Judy… there are no lies to sniff out – when a person lives their life and runs a business with integrity, honesty and transparency there is nothing to sniff!

  85. “Over the years in my experience, there’s not been a rat to smell or a whiff of a lie in what Serge Benhayon via Universal Medicine has offered.” In over 12 years of study and living application of Serge Benhayon’s teachings, the integrity of this work is reflected in the vastly improved quality of my health, vitality and commitment to life. Whatever it said in the media, nothing can denigrate this fact or deny the miracles that have consistently taken place over this time.

    1. And that’s it, Rowena. My body knows/feels/lives the truth as ‘the integrity of this work is reflected in the vastly improved quality of my health, vitality and commitment to life’ as well and I will be eternally and gratefully joyous that my path in life led me to meet Serge Benhayon.

  86. It is a great point that you raise here, that there is so much available for anyone who seeks to experience the teachings and presentations of Serge Benhayon and thus, the Ageless Wisdom. And the fact that these are available in such formats as youtube and sound cloud, which do not require any kind of commitment or devotion – that they are simply there in full access to view, shows how decent and respectful the Ageless Wisdom is of each person’s freedom to choose what is right for them, because if you do not like what is being presented, you can simply click the little red ‘x’ in the corner of your screen, it really is as simple as that.

    1. No fanfare, just a quiet, steady sharing of the Ageless Wisdom by Serge Benhayon – nothing secret – out in the open for all to see on YouTube, Soundcloud and the web.

  87. “We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.” Serge Benhayon is bringing the absolute honesty and integrity to the world and exposing all that is not and hence the level of attack abuse and lies that come at him in the protection and hiding of all that is not.

    1. It is a good question to ask – why are so many people lying and many deliberately so? It seems very unlikely and even preposterous that somebody could be lied about so much but there is ample documentary proof of these lies and many of those spreading them knowing that they are lies. Yet, they persist.

      1. Yes the ferocity and volume of lies that have been created just in recent years about Serge Benhayon, who has been quietly presenting the tenets of The Way of The Livingness religion since 1999, beggar belief. Meanwhile, students of the Ageless Wisdom have been quietly going about their own lives, embodying to the best of their ability what is felt to be a true and loving way of being and living in our current exceedingly troubled world. So many have been supported by Universal Medicine’s teachings and practitioners to heal the root cause of their hurts and are now enjoying more vitality and joy in their everyday lives. They are the living, breathing, walking proof of the value of embracing the tenets of The Way of the Livingness and no lies or denouncements, no matter how virulent or maleficent they are, can ever take that away from them.

      2. Christoph, ‘They’ have to persist as the lies have to be constantly fed, if they are not constantly fed, reworked, repeated and enlarged the lies will collapse like a deflated balloon. As the lies become more outrageous then we get to see how ridiculous they are in their repetitive pattern.

  88. “My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence” And hence we stride into our elder years with purpose and joy, a real hallmark of all those who study and embody the science of Universal Medicine.

  89. Throughout history there has been an energy of evil to keep all in separation from the truth of their divine essence, an energy that controls the majority of humanity to be in reaction, with a purpose honed to rise up against great Sages and Seers that offer and serve humanity from a deep inner connection with the Soul. They have been heinously vilified, seriously attacked and tortured in many forms – all for reflecting a deeper truth to the world and exposing the evil we are influenced by. How little we, humanity, have learnt from this ages-old disharmonious way of living and lethargy of comfort – nations and individual at war with themselves and each other. And even now the creation of lies and illusion continues to wreak its havoc through any empty (disconnected) vehicles of expression (bodies) it can use as a mouthpiece. Time to wake up to the fact we have a World Teacher here on this planet – an ordinary humble, family man, living from truth and love and bringing a true reflection of harmonious living, that evil wants to destroy (through using others) so as to retain its loathsome energy of false power and domination.
    The truth is – there are no lies to sniff out about Serge Benhayon. His depth of integrity, responsibility, wisdom and purpose, hold the keys for us all to close the door firmly on suffering and disconnection from true brotherhood.

    1. “‘The truth is – there are no lies to sniff out about Serge Benhayon. His depth of integrity, responsibility, wisdom and purpose, hold the keys for us all to close the door firmly on suffering and disconnection from true brotherhood.” …… Spot on Stephanie.

  90. When your only so-called crime is to present that there is another way to live that is more honouring of the innateness of the love we are thereby helping to arrest the current loveless norm we have accepted amongst us, you know the world we have created has gone more than a little pear-shaped.

    1. So true Liane… we all know deep within that this world we have created is a mess and yet when we are presented with truth and love, we run a million miles the other way – because we are confronted with our own lies and lovelessness.

      1. And do not want to admit the love, stillness and joy we have chosen to step away from.

      2. And this has been exposed even more since these words were written. It has been wondering just how low we have to go before humanity on the whole wakes up to the ‘game’ that is being played on them.

  91. ‘My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.’ – How true, when we live by the light of our soul we stop measuring ourselves and each other by age.

  92. Absolutely Judith, I look forward to being able to shed light on the further manipulations by the press and look at exactly where we are wanting to invest in the distraction and numbing of lies as preference over truth and love.

  93. I have never known an organisation or person be more open and transparent than Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, their presentations on the Ageless Wisdom are there for everyone to take it or leave it. I know what feels true within myself embracing this way of living to the best of my ability along the way.

  94. What is clear is that as there are no lies to sniff out, that lies must be fabricated from the ground up to be something that is very different to the truth. Why do a few go to so much trouble to come up with the lies that are not true.

  95. The media have become very good at putting forward a version of a story and then allowing that version to create a life of its own. Then the media step away from what they have created while the frenzy takes place and therefore take no responsibility for what has been created.

    1. The recent media circus with the reporting about Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine, have highlighted the disturbing fact of lazy journalism, with journalists assigned to cover an event just turn up for a few minutes pick up something they can make sensational whether true or not and then run with that as a summary of what actually happened!

      Furthermore I have noticed direct cutting and pasting between media sources without any care to check and verify the facts. And each one embellishes and adds its own ‘special’ twist. Hence a game of Chinese Whispers of the worst kind, where the individuals being smeared and harmed in this process are not even considered. It is Dire.

      This is a deeply significant area to reflect on since the majority of us assume what is in print in the media of our choice is true! The whole spectacle is like one of those crazy hi-fi movies where the crowd are getting seduced into a certain way of thinking without them even realising. Seriously alarming.

      1. Ah! Chinese Whispers – the game where the end sentence bears no resemblance to the initial message. Words gets changed because the initial message was not heard correctly. That seems to be playing out on numerous levels at the moment both about Serge Benhayon along with the tenets of the Way of the Livingness religion and the world is a way poorer place because this has happened . . .

  96. The media have become very good at putting forward a version of a story and then allowing that version to create a life of its own. Then the media step away from what they have created while the frenzy takes place and therefore take no responsibility for what has been created.

    1. It’s like the lies have a life of their own as they keep expanding their tentacles even further and further . . . . to who knows where. We may think we can step away from the responsibility of what we have instigated, fed, allowed happen but that is an illusion. Life will resoundingly teach us all this as fact at some point in the future.

  97. It is a great thing, to have no doubt about a person who you know. This, in my experience, is rare and therefore needs to be cherished. And the fact that Serge Benhayon has inspired this in so many people, people who are very astute and wise, is a testimony to his open way of living and of sharing what he has lived.

  98. Just because there are those who shout louder does not mean they are shouting the truth. Similarly, just because lies are repeated over and over does not make the lies the truth.

    1. Quite Julie, empty vessels, and pot, kettle & black come to mind here – Idioms manage to capture human behaviour rather well.

  99. If you teach what many people don’t want to hear, like responsibility, then some of these people may make a substantial effort to stop the message.

    1. And the more dramatic the effort, the more the media take notice … with no intention of sniffing out truth.

  100. “We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.” And squirm as we might, there is no escaping the truth that is being exposed. I deeply appreciate all that Universal Medicine has supported me to understand in this world, so I can make fundamentally different choices in my life that address the self-corruption at a root level, that has fed the corruption that has been allowed to fester in the wider world.

    1. The support to build such level of awareness, wisdom and self-responsibility is the most empowering gift anyone can offer another.

      1. Interesting that the integrity of ‘building such level of awareness, wisdom and self-responsibility’ is what people are kicking and screaming about and what that they say they most want in the world, yet are not willing to actually live this in truth themselves…

  101. The knowing of absolute truth and love presented and lived by Serge Benhayon is what I know also absolutely inside my body and the exposure of the lies and corruption of what is going on in the world is all part of this for those who choose to see or not see as we make our choices in life.

  102. “We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.” Nobody likes to feel that they are being exposed, hence the backlash when this is the case.

    1. It is crazy that in those moments when we are exposed by life or by another’s reflection, we are so good at turning the self fury that comes up into making it about the other person and many of us go into attack mode. It would be so much wiser to stop, acknowledge what is happening, and our discomfort with it, and to start to unpeel the layers and get to the bottom of what has been exposed so that we can start healing it.

    2. Life has taught me numerous times that ultimately Truth always ‘shines out’. Your comment, Sandra, brings to mind a young child stamping their foot because they have been ‘found out ‘in their lies.

  103. “Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2005.” Neither have I and I have attended Serge’s events on a twice-yearly basis for over 11 years. In all that time all I have ever experienced Serge to be is consistently loving, wise and extraordinarily ethical both on and off the stage. With immense thanks to his example, I know now the meaning of integrity, a quality sorely lacking in many very important areas of our societies and one that is in dire need of resurrecting, a task that many people who have studied Serge Benhayon’s, work self included, are taking to heart to re-establish in this world.

  104. ‘Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2005.’ Judy, I was fortunate to meet him at the same time and I have never doubted the truth and love of this man either… not once, ever. Instead I have been struck by his immense integrity, transparency and openness and have been deeply inspired to live in a way that will support me to cultivate and develop the same qualities in myself.

  105. It is refreshing to read this testament from someone who has taken responsibility for the quality and level of integrity in which they live, rather than those who take cheap shots at Serge Benhayon for lovingly exposing how we collectively do not want to be accountable for our choices, showing us that there is and always has been another way.

  106. Those who choose to deal with their discomfort of being exposed when someone highlights the ills we have all chosen to perpetuate in human life, by attacking the person, can spread all the nonsense they want about Serge Benhayon. All anyone has to do is be around him for a while, to personally witness the astounding consistency with which he lives a depth of love, integrity and transparency, makes his choices with such deliberate dedication, care and wisdom and communicates with such simplicity, truth and honouring.

    1. I’m starting to suspect that the rage engendered from having the lesser quality and integrity one has chosen to live in one’s life being exposed, is what underpins the tidal wave of antipathy that is being aimed at Serge Benhayon and anyone who has chosen to follow the loving ways of the Way of the Livingness religion. This self-rage is being turned outwards because their bodies can feel how they have let themselves down by not living life in the quality of brotherhood they in truth are from, but pride will not allow them to admit this. What an uncomfortable position to be in as it would only be by continuing to maintain the rage that they would be able to stop feeling the underlying devastation and toll this takes on the body. That sounds like having a continuous World War waging in one’s body.

  107. A lie is easily concocted and with snippets or something taken out of context this lie can be made to look as truth. For example, if someone has a special day for which they buy a lot of cans and unhealthy food I can look at this persons shopping cart and say this person is addicted to candy, may be someone who seduces children with candy, must be bulimic because they are not fat but look at what they eat etc. By taking only the shopping cart as my ‘evidence’ I can’t say my opinion is based on evidence. It may sound ridiculous but this is exactly how we do it in every day life. How often have we formed an opinion that we held as truth based on a moments impression?

    1. This is a great analogy, Carolien. It is very easy to jump to conclusions and miss the truth if we only choose to see a part and don’t look at the whole picture. History shows so many misunderstandings in life have happened because of this and shall do again. The truth and integrity of Serge Benhayon’s presentations of the Way of the Livingness religion will be universally known and the ‘Life Medicine’ it offers gratefully and graciously accepted by humanity as a whole.

  108. If everything in the media about Serge Benhayon was true, then how is it that students of Universal Medicine are doing so well in life, meaning that how is it that we are more productive and committed to the whole of our lives? How is it that our relationships are doing well?

  109. Seeing the lies that have been perpetuated about Serge Benhayon in the press and other media has been eye-opening for me too of the degree of utter corruption that runs in this industry and that is allowed to run currently.

    1. For myself, I ask the question why does it take me to really see the utter corruption that’s been under my very nose, every day my whole life long, until those close to me are affected and my comfortable bubble shaken. Many others have been a victim of lies and sheer rubbish that is printed, yet I have turned a blind eye without so much as a blink, or forethought. Ignoring something in the hope it will go away, changes naught.

    2. I have to agree Fiona. Its been quite shocking to see the way sections of the media basically give themselves license to abuse another. Serge Benhayon has not been the first and will not be the last.

      1. What has been expressed here is such an inditement of the unloving ways and abuse running unchecked in the world that humanity currently accepts. The Way of the Livingness religion shows there is another way of being based on brotherhood, love and respect for all others that is readily available to absolutely everyone to read for themselves on the web via the numerous testimonials and blogs written by students of The Way of The Livingness and YouTube and Soundcloud recordings as well as presented in the books written by Serge Benhayon. Instead of believing what is reported by the press, people can read what the tenets of this religion actually are for themselves.

  110. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear, and for many of us, me included, the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon are a breath of fresh air in this complex and difficult world.

    1. I agree Heather – and when the student is not ready they will refuse to hear what is actually on offer.

      1. Yes that is so true – ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’ and ‘when the student is not ready they will refuse to hear what is actually on offer.’

  111. I have seen again and again when someone is not ready to hear a certain level of truth, the reaction they come up with is shocking and at times quite grotesque. This is as plain as daylight around Serge Benhayon who ironically presents everything to do with love, truth and responsibility. It is a travesty of our current time that freedom to express is taken to mean a fair game and a lack of accountability for anyone who chooses to inflict this grotesqueness on another.

  112. A truly gorgeous testimony Judith. I loved this ‘My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.’ Students of Universal Medicine and The Way of the Livingness have been labelled by few as ‘socially harming’ the truth is I have never known such a vast cohort of people from all different backgrounds and countries that are actually the complete opposite and dedicated to being more love. I have always been aware of the corruption and lies in the world but for me this just shows how rife they are.

    1. Students of Universal Medicine know that living unlovingly is ‘socially harming’. That is why they are endeavouring to embody the tenets of The Way of the Livingness religion, as presented by Serge Benhayon, to the best of their ability with no perfection expected. The passage of time will reveal this religion for the absolute Truth it represents and is.

  113. Enabling many to believe a lie does not magically convert it to truth. It simply immerses people deeper into the corruption they are a part of but do not want to see.

    1. And how much bigger/greater the something will be that is required to wake them up from the depths they have allowed themselves to sink to.

  114. It is amazing, in the most bizarre sense of the word, and also very telling, the reaction that the Truth of Serge Benhayon brings up in some – because he is Truth personified. Hmmm, maybe the reflection this brings up is not so attractive and is so very,very ugly for some.

  115. It seems to be a collective resistance to taking responsibility as we all sit back and watch (accept) the ever growing corruption in every area of our society.

  116. ‘What I have recently realised is, it’s not about what the world is coming to at all. As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all.’ – Serge Benhayon has never held back on reflecting the truth of the challenging situation we as a collective humanity find ourselves in and apparently there is huge resistance to truly feel what is being offered.

    1. I couldn’t agree more Eva with what you say about Serge never holding back. His love and purpose is endless that even when there is monumental resistance he is there saying it how it is.

  117. When you meet and share conversation with Serge Benhayon, you can’t help but notice and feel his integrity, his honesty and transparency – It is as clear as day.

  118. I have been spending a few days in a Capital city and I get the sense from people watching that we actually on mass do not care about anything outside of the bubble that we have created, we are engrossed in our individuality and it will take something massive to shake us from the sleep we have collectively fallen into.

    1. Students of The Way of the Livingness religion, as presented by Serge Benhayon, have been blessed because we have already been awoken or are in the process of waking from the bubble of individuality you have mentioned, Mary, and it is life changing.

  119. Thank God for Serge Benhayon. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t been blessed to meet him.

  120. We who know the truth about Serge Benhayon will not be deterred by media and legal pronouncements, but will continue to stand by a way of living that has transformed countless lives and brought to us by Universal Medicine.

  121. It would seem institutions and structures exist to protect those who attack fellow human beings like Serge Benhayon for living a life of love and harmlessness. There’s something seriously wrong when the right to freedom of expression can be used to abuse another and considered lawful to do so.

  122. The history of the world is decorated by figures who presented the truth only for others to take and ignore it or twist it. So very few have chosen to live it. For any of us who resonate with what Serge Benhayon presents, the greatest thing we can do is integrate it into our everyday.

  123. “… I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within…” Is this not a true gift to the world – we are all equal, equally deserving of this love and we all innately know truth… every one of us.

  124. “The absolute truth about Serge Benhayon-there are no lies to sniff out” is my lived experience too. The integrity and level of honesty of this man is second to none – and for many this is confronting because the truth of their choices is exposed.

  125. What makes us so open to see truth and what makes us not? Why do we align to what we align to?

  126. “Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him via Universal Medicine in 2005.” You speak for many here Judith, and I know from my own experience of hearing Serge speak so many times that I too have never had reason to doubt or dispute anything he has said, and I know this because he has answered so many questions that I have had about life, that no one else could answer, and they have all made complete sense.

  127. We are indeed having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt for thousands of years. For those of us that are willing to see the depth of the corruption we live with, it’s like pulling off a sticking plaster to reveal that the wound has become rotten and putrid. So we have a choice we can either put a bigger sticky plaster over the rot and hope it will heal someday, or we can clean up the rot by taking all of the putrid flesh away to leave a clean wound that can heal itself easily. It seems to me that at the moment we are collectively choosing another sticky plaster.

    1. This is a grotesque yet so very accurate metaphor for state of play Mary. A sticky plaster that helps us think we have done something to resolve the situation, yet in reality it is just hiding the depth of the problem which is left to carry on rotting and festering underneath the façade that we are all okay.
      It is absurd that when we have Soul-led individuals such as Serge Benhayon shine the light on what is going on and remind us that this is not how it needs to be, there is so much outrage, defence and pride about the marvel of our current sticky plaster.

  128. Thanks Judith for sharing the truth here, it’s like a drop of pure water in a sea of lies. This is a very inspirational line and true for me also “…the fact that it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.” It turns on its head, and rightly so, the idea that placing others first or sacrificing ourselves in any way works, it doesn’t, we just end up with a depleted body. My experience is that the care and love I can live for myself is what I then take to others.

  129. ‘When I read the arrant nonsense written by newsprint journalists or watch a conglomeration of lies presented via the TV media about Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all who have chosen to be associated with this religion, I have been wondering what the world is coming to’. It is so easy to get overwhelmed by the lies and corruption but rather than give up it is so important that we become aware of how we have allowed society to be in such a mess and to simply take responsibility for our individual choices. It is clear this mess is not going to be cleared up overnight but with a steady commitment to taking that responsibility, another way is offered and it is one that many others are inspired by.

    1. I was reminded the other day that when any of us choose to reflect an example of a true and decent way of living, there may be attacks by those who find it too confronting, yet for each attack there are hundreds who are watching and the reflection is helping them slowly prepare themselves to also live what they too recognise as true. I was deeply touched by the truth, significance and the beauty of this.

      1. It is interesting sometimes to note that when we are in conversation with someone another may be listening or observing etc., and quite often the reflection hits this unexpected mark – in places we don’t expect. The key is not to hold back for fear of attack but in the understanding of what is true to keep delivering. As a teacher I will never know the full impact I will have on students, I just know that it does and this is enough.

  130. The light of our Soul does shine so bright through us when choose to live under its impulse.

  131. Yes, Judy, it would seem that living a life of true love and harmlessness these days is subject to attack and disdain, but this is only because it exposes the rot in society and calls everyone to be accountable for their choices.

    1. Exactly Janet, when we do not like the reflection we can turn away from the mirror but it would still be there when we turn back, much more efficient is to try and break the mirror so we can seemingly move freely without the reflection exposing what we deep down know is not true.

    2. I agree Janet… it is the responsibility of past and ongoing daily choices that many do not want to know about, let alone be accountable for.

    3. So true Janet – there are many who would prefer to remain comfortable in their chosen lack of awareness and do, when someone not only lives this but expresses it in all they do, it offers the choice of whether to accept it and in doing so, start to feel the changes it calls for or to deny it. Unfortunately, of those who deny it there are those who cannot but walk away and who feel the hurts of their own choices brought to the surface and rather than face them, attack the very person who has offered them the opportunity to live another way and return to a life without those hurts.

  132. We are keen to believe in walls and barriers, even if they imprison us as they let us believe that we can have different pockets of commitment and behaviour. Actually it’s all one life.

  133. Sometimes what is sniffed out is gossip and rumours and this reflects what the media really wants and is aligned to rather than seeking and broadcasting the truth of people and matters.

  134. I do not understand how the media can get away with printing and reporting lies. They may not use foul language or aggressive tones but I know the energy that the media presents in is the same as the energy coming through someone who commits cyber bullying or other forms of abuse.

  135. One would think that with everything said in the media about Serge Benhayon, if anything that was printed was true, someone would have come forward by now to state their truth. But this has not happened….why? Well if anyone (including the media) read these blogs then read the media article they will see a stark difference. They will see the truth as experienced by many people who are applying the principles of The Ageless Wisdom to their lives and documenting their observations. They will see the relationship that people who know Serge Benhayon have with Serge and his family and with the wider student body. Come to think of it they will talk about how most relationships in their lives have gone (and are going) from strength to strength. Then they will read articles in the general media who will take words and phrases out of context and sensationalise them for their own needs, to generate stories and income. They will read articles and stories that are simply not true…made up in fact. So no matter how many stories they print and how many lies they tell, they will still remain lies.

  136. Having now known Serge for over 14 years and been supported throughout that time I know there is no lies to be found with Serge as all that he offers is an incredible support for humanity, society and everyone. With that some of what he shares will confront us, why? Because we are not living the level of love and truth that we know we could and the areas we protect we hate to be exposed on.

  137. The only rat to smell is the lies that have been concocted about Serge Benhayon. Serge Benhayon and all his teachings are open and transparent and very supportive of a truth that we all sorely need in this world today.

    1. Absolutely Henrietta. Serge Benhayon and his family deeply inspire me in their dedication to exposing the lies. They do not hold back one tiny bit in expressing truth and our world is in need of more people like them who are willing to stand up for the truth no matter what.

  138. We have to look at what is being shown here and how the media will easily take a side rather than wanting to see the whole picture. But the other fact is that if we don’t walk our talk – then we are not representing the truth of the Ageless Wisdom. This is a call for us to claim the truth we know.

  139. I recently heard the terminology Sage being used for someone who is very wise The Mirriam Webster dictionary definition of Sage says
    (Entry 2 of 4)
    1 : one (such as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom
    2 : a mature or venerable man of sound judgment
    These are the words I would use to describe Serge Benhayon, he is a man of sound judgment, a modern day Philosopher, And I know that my life is the richer for knowing him and his family.

    1. Something else that would be interesting to add would be how throughout history similar sages have been at the receiving end of lies and abuses because of the level of truth brought through, that we simply don’t want to hear and how we fight against such wisdom being known.

  140. We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.’ And what a can of worms! However, our general response is to throw our hands in the air and get overwhelmed by the sheer scale of it all, rather than accept responsibility for it and simply roll up our sleeves and get on with the work that needs to be done..

  141. When we know something ‘to our bones’ it is very sure and simple. From there we have the always choice to honour that something or not. Our bodies are really amazing.

    1. Knowing something to the bone means you do not need to believe it as you know it to be the truth – with no questions asked.

  142. There seems to me to be a spectrum here, where naivety and gullibility sits at one end and cynicism and suspiciousness sits at another. Interestingly at both ends there is a person who is reacting irresponsibly in the sense of giving their power away to discern what is true and living in protection from previous hurts and rejections.

    1. Great observation, Jenny. ‘There seems to me to be a spectrum here, where naivety and gullibility sits at one end and cynicism and suspiciousness sits at another.’ There is simply the one point of Truth and everything either side of it is a deviation from that.

  143. I count my blessings every day that Serge Benhayon is opening my eyes to what is really going on in the world…sometimes I don’t want to see it, but if I am not willing to see how far we have travelled from our natural loving ways, I will not find the true purpose within myself to make different and more responsible choices.

    1. I too am deeply blessed to meet Serge Benhayon, he is a man who lives absolute truth through and through. For people who are willing to embrace the truth, they will be inspired to be more responsible in life by what Serge presents and shares with the world. But for the people who resist the truth, they may attack, defend and avoid the truth every way possible.

  144. “We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt”. Slowly I am starting to see the rot in society, the devastation of the way we raise and educate our kids and the absolute abuse of ourselves and others we allow on a daily basis. What shocks me the most is how blinded I have been to my own part in it, thinking I live a simple life doing no harm. But comfort and putting conditions on how the world needs to be are huge contributors to keeping this lie going.

  145. “We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.” – as race of beings we are certainly Masters at not wanting to take responsibility and clean up the mess we have created to begin with. But what if we did stop and take stock and be willing to roll up our sleeves and tackle it all – how amazing would it be to work together and know we had left things in a far more loving way.

    1. A simple step up of our attention, being honest about the state of the world and then working together to turn things around is the only thing that makes sense.

  146. Serge Benhayon lives a very transparent life – he hides nothing and not only that but the level of integrity that he holds with regards to care, respect and honouring of himself and those around him is set at a very high standard. He is a true role model to learn from and be inspired by.

  147. The lies that we have chosen as a society, to make selfish interest stay, to live the for the day with no responsibility for the future, all of this will reveal itself in the outplay, it is a natural part of the choices we make in life. We can not get away with anything, and actually that is remarkable awesome, because I know I have learnt a lot from being honest abut the impact I have had on life an people around me and, taking more responsibility in life, is setting a new pattern and what is going to be coming back to me, has heaps more love and truth and responsibility in it. This is a pattern we can see play out big and small scale in life. Are willing to see it and be honest about it? Great article.

  148. I have noticed that whenever we do not want to admit to a lie and would rather keep to avoiding the truth that has been hidden by that, we tend to treat the one exposing the scenario as our worst enemy.

    1. Pointing the finger so as to distract from the real culprit! Well said Golnaz!

      1. And this is how children behave when they have been ‘caught out’ in what they know to their bones is a mis-step. ‘It wasn’t me. It was them,’ they declare emphatically pointing to the other person(s).
        Seems ‘the many’ are also doing this as well to deflect attention from their way of being in the world so they don’t own up to themselves or to others exactly where they are at in life and everyone goes along with it doing their darnedest to preserve the illusion.

  149. When we speak truth with the authority you have Judith, there is no room for dismissing what is said because it comes as lived experience, from our bodies not our minds… it is felt and cannot be denied.

  150. The truth that Serge Benhayon is presenting to the world may seem new to some, but is not in anyway. These teachings have been around for as long as mankind has been. For some in the western world talking about energy, entities, reincarnation etc, seems really out there but if we look around the world and back in time we will find that it is only very recent and only a small part of the world that has let go of all kinds of sensitivity and submitted themselves to the ‘only what you see or can measure is real’ point of view. There is a great arrogance in this stance and one that has written the wisdom of the ages of as ‘primitive’ and ‘uneducated’. The latter showing the demise our current educational system has brought us. Wisdom is not found in our schools and universities, it is found within ourselves, through our bodies and our senses. And this is how Serge Benhayon brings us back to truth, through his lived way and in that reigniting it within our bodies to feel and reconnect to.

  151. In our thirst for individuality and irresponsibility we have come to a state of living and relating where a man like Serge Benhayon is deemed too good to be true. It should be impossible and therefor there must be something really wrong somewhere and if we can’t find it we will make it up, for to admit that there is a way to live that is truly loving, all encompassing, joyful and with integrity and responsibility will also expose that what we have right now, is of our own making and choice.

  152. At the age of 66, nearly 67, I feel more vital, healthy, joyful now and maintaining a greater physically demanding job than I ever did before. I put this all down to having met Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine Practitioners, The Way of The Livingness and my commitment to learn and change. If I am to think of how my life would otherwise be is to give myself a nightmare, with the likely possibility that I could have been dead by now. All this is down to the fact that there are ‘no lies to sniff out’ about Serge Benhayon.

  153. Serge Benhayon has presented that the only way to truth is to feel the energetic truth. Energy does not lie.
    This concept makes so much sense to me. Finally someone who understands truth. Thank you, Serge.

  154. A family member has been listening to the audio books of Harry Potter and there is a character in the books called Rita Skeeter who is a witch Journalist who writes poison pen articles for the newspaper called ‘The daily Prophet’. Rita has no scruples what so ever, her writing is sensational to catch the reader’s attention and downright dishonest and in most case what she writes is pure fabrication. The author of the Harry Potter books has captured the work of journalists very neatly I thought. Where does reality stop and fiction begin?

  155. The profusion and abundance of Love shown by The Students of the Livingness is a glorious wealth of wisdom that shall be abundantly available for those who stay connected to their essences in their next incarnation.

  156. Yes I agree Judith that this essence and understanding of truth and love is present in everyone equally and it is wonderful to have inspirational people around who are living their essence without reservation to support us all to reconnect with a way of life and ageless wisdom once more that we all know deep inside.

  157. ‘We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.’ Before I met Serge Benhayon I would blame others for what was happening in the world and I would wash my hands in innocence but we are all responsible for the corruption, the greed and all the lies that we have been accepting and have played our own part in.

  158. It is only time that will share with us the outplay of our movements and decisions so no more worrying about what someone else says, let’s live the truth we know and talk our walk.

  159. ‘The quality in which human beings currently live their lives is the outfall of all of the above and more’ – and as that old saying goes ‘We reap what we sow’ and yet most of the time we seem to be blind to this and want to blame someone or something outside of ourselves for all the travails we encounter.

  160. Absolutely Judith – I love what you say and for me it is undoubtedly the truth for not only me but for thousands worldwide. To live the truth that we know in our hearts is to embrace life and humanity.

  161. “We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.” The fact that we all have to do with the state of the world – we are all playing a part in what we call life today.

  162. We have made the world we live in, we have allowed the corruption, greed, abuse, war all the things we say we hate and yet we allowed them to manifest because we stood by and did nothing when we should of spoken up and said no. Our standards seem to have dropped so low I’m not sure what they are as a collective anymore. At some point I feel this mess that we have created for ourselves needs to be cleaned up and so is it time to roll up our sleeves and start the cleaning process, or are we going to yet again allow some people to disrupt the cleaning up process because they like the mess they have made?

  163. The Way of The Livingness, a way of living that brings you back to you and allows you to live it in full in every moment.

  164. What have we allowed the world to come to and continue to allow? Is there a point we will come to when we will wake up to the horror of the abuse, violence, separatism and conflict that is now normal and everyday? How bad does it have to get? These are questions for all of us to explore with the utmost care and curiosity.

    1. Is it normal or an addiction that we are scared to delve into? And when things become good is this ever enough good or does it also slip away, like a roller-coaster with all the twists and ups and downs, so could it be we are actually seeking truth and harmony with a simple path that feels like we are just coasting and full of purpose?

    2. I agree Matilda… how bad does it have to get before we wake up, open our eyes and truly see the mess we have all contributed to – and then take action to make true and lasting change?

  165. It is true I have noticed that “we don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in”. Ironic because this is the most empowered place to start to look at things.

    1. True, we have to clock that the world is as it is because we have had our eye off the ball. We cannot change the past but we can address the present and lay a foundation for the future.

  166. I agree what we see play out, comes from how we are all living as a humanity, and it is ugly and we do not want to feel it. If we do allow ourselves to start being honest, then and only then will things change.

  167. Yes, I agree – lies can’t touch lived experience – they simply bounce back on the liar.

  168. I was in a court recently and observed how the journalist would run in for a few minutes, find the most alarmist comment they could usually completely out of context and then run out again. They probably moved from court to court and didn’t even know what was going on – just grabbing sensational and negative bites to feed the insatiable appetite for lies and titillation of their publication and public.

    1. There are less and less journalists these days so not only do they run around catching out of context snippets from multiple events, but their stories (lies) get distributed and shared via multiple media outlets. We the public are the ones that provide a demand for this because if nobody read it they wouldn’t write it.

    2. This is properly awful and should have us all waking up to the devastating corruption and deceit that is rife in so many of our social frameworks. It is like we are willingly opening our mouths to be fed tit bits of toxicity and the very thing that is ongoingly poisoning our lives.

      1. We not only open our mouth but demand it, oh yes and of course we also close our eyes and ears and screw up our faces – not a pretty sight!

    3. There have always been those who can read between the lines and they have also been silenced and mocked! Maybe we should all be taught how to disarm energy at school so we can call out the lies?

      1. Energetic Truth 101 would be an awesome subject for children to be taught right from the cradle and backed up by the institutes of education whose portals they enter thereafter. May that come to pass.

    4. It is a great experience as it wakes us up to how this world is spinning and will keep on spinning, more and more out of control, from our own doing, until such time that we no longer want the lies to keep us comfortable and are willing to see the truth. It is always there to be seen when we are ready to.

      1. Yes Truth is unwavering – always there thank God (literally) just like Love.

  169. When all is said and done we are masterful creators of our own reality and yet we often do not want to expose ourselves in the responsibility of that nor accept the harm on self and others that we impose.

  170. If you are living a lie, in the midst of a world of lies, promoting lies to everyone else – how likely are you to speak the truth? Yet we let ourselves rant and call out others when we haven’t first taken care of the situation ‘at home’. It’s wise to see the truth of our own activity before focusing on others.

    1. Yes, that is what most of humanity baulks at – seeing ‘the truth of our own activity before focusing on others’.

  171. “I have joyously accepted the opportunity of embracing the teachings of The Way of The Livingness, so I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within and know, to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life.” A true claiming and way of living for so many now that changes everything and brings our real choices for us to see and a real reflection to show humanity there is another way to live with the responsibility and dedication called for and our true purpose on earth revealed.

  172. Beautiful Judith and absolute joy to read an embrace all you share about Serge Benhayon and the way of the livingness also.

  173. I have a clear knowing and feeling of my and others potential, living grand, full lives, due to being inspired by watching Serge Benhayon humbly walk around and live his life.

  174. It is an interesting discussion point to consider – is the world getting worse (ie more corrupt) or is it that the levels and depths of corruption are becoming more obvious and clear to see?

    1. Yes good question. It is certainly all coming out like really bad skin that has been hiding under the surface for way too long. It cannot hide any longer so what are we going to do about it? Wear cover-up or change our diet? Count me in for a change of diet.

    2. It is probably a bit of both, the world is getting worse and at the same time it is becoming much harder for it all to stay covert. Some has come to light but I am sure there is much more to come. For now it is the extremes but there will come a point when the truth of our creations will be plainly in our face.

      1. And the day ‘when the truth of our creations will be plainly in our face’ can’t come soon enough.

  175. “…when I read the arrant nonsense written by newsprint journalists or watch a conglomeration of lies presented via the TV media about Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all who have chosen to be associated with this religion, I have been wondering what the world is coming to…” Yes, the standard of decency and respect is low, as, when you read the newspaper reports, the tone and language used sounds very degrading and put-down, and an implied negative attitude. There appears to be no balanced, unbiased reporting. It reads like we are told what to think.

    1. I agree, I one such person who has chosen this way of life and I know how harmless it truly is and I am consistently working on healing what gets in the way of me living a full and loving life with all of humanity. The media does offer the exact opposite concerning the truth of Universal Medicine and the students of it and it is irresponsible and disrespectful.

  176. The media are known to work with sensationalism and lies at the cost of selling articles which inform people of the truth. But what role is this to play? How does this support our society and communties? It clearly does nothing to grow a community and if anything sets things up to pit brother against brother. But what we must see too is that when there is supply then there must be demand – what are we asking for as a quality of life if this is the sort of media we are chasing?

    1. Good call, Henrietta. Sensationalism absolutely abounds in the world today and most people are baying for more, hence the increasing lies and ignoring of facts that are right there out in the open for anyone to see – if they had the will to truly ponder on and feel the quality of what they are being fed.

  177. Actually it is Serge Benhayon who is sniffing out the lies, this is ruffling the feathers of the establishment that wants to keep everything under the control of the few and not give freedom back to the masses. By sniffing out the lies he is rocking the very foundations of the pillars of our own creation and eventually it will all come tumbling down. The truth will always find a way of exposing the corruption it has a purity much like a diamond can cut through anything, that is to me how truth works.

    1. Yes, by sniffing out the lies, Serge Benhayon is rocking the very foundations of the pillars of our own creation and eventually it will all come tumbling down.

  178. Thanks, Judy. I love how you have claimed The Way of The Livingness as your religion, as a natural way of being that continually deepens your relationship with God, through your every choice and the quality of your movements in everyday life.

  179. It is so true that by and large “we don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.” I have noticed throughout my life ever since I was at school, so many reactions by people to anyone asking us to consider being more responsible, at times heated conversations insisting on the right to blame and to deflect the possibility that we could be far more powerful than we have settled for.

  180. ‘We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.’ This is one of the biggest lessons I have learned from meeting Serge Benhayon, that nothing is bad luck or anyone else’s fault – we are responsible 100% for absolutely everything that has happened and will happen in our lives. Most people don’t want to know that.

    1. Same here Carmel, I now understand what responsibility means and it has changed my life. Before I used to get very stuck in the good luck and back luck thing and even blamed God for the state of the world even though I claimed I didn’t really believe in God back then.

  181. ‘We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting that we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of the world we find ourselves in’ Abuse is abuse and if we allow any sort of abuse in our lives then this is what we are feeding, it is the extremes that we react to that hurt the physical body but it is the subtle mental abuse which is accepted that we need to be honest about because it is all the same energy and coming from the same source of evil.

  182. “Because of Serge Benhayon’s living and sharing The Way of The Livingness…” – I have seen great and felt great love, and also with that, my eyes have been opened to great evil too. We cannot see one without the other for as I am learning the whole picture is revealed when it comes to the living of love.

  183. It would seem that many subscribe to where there is smoke there is fire. Yet we do not take the time to discern and ponder the energetic integrity of those that spread or broadcast lies nor the appetite of the many that consume them.

  184. It becomes so transparent that humanity is not doing well, even in the areas that we pretend we are, when once again we have someone presenting that we are so much more, that we are love in essence, that we can bring divine expression into every aspect of our life, yet most are not ready to embrace this greatness and in fact some make it their business to lie about and muddy what is being presented.
    The loving reflection offered by any of us who chooses to live it, is hugely needed in the world.

    1. It just came to me that so many have taken the lies about who they are on as ‘Gospel Truth’, that they don’t know about the awesome ‘amazingness’ that each and every person holds within; the amazingness that is never tarnished and never leaves them, no matter what they have done in their lives. Serge Benhayon has presented this amazingness/Divinity to us in the quality of the way he lives so that we too are woken up to the fact that to be able to recognise these qualities means we hold them as well, otherwise they wouldn’t register on our radar. All will wake to this fact one day.

  185. The truth and love and deep respect for everything that the universe holds of Serge Benhayon is deeply inspiring and I treasure dearly.

  186. This is the truth that needs to be shared. A voiced experience shared by many of what this man brings to so many people. A willingness to be open and honest and absolutely loving to all he meets.

  187. Serge Benhayon lives a level of transparency, integrity and truth that is absolutely inspirational and cannot be denied – no matter how many lies are created, the truth will always out.

  188. Serge Benhayon is a normal human being who can also do things that few people can do but that doesn’t at all stop him from being ordinary and the combination of the two is very inspiring. No superman needed.

  189. ‘As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed…’ the more opportunity we have to realise what we have created and make changes in the way we engage with ourselves, each other and life.

  190. Same for me Judith, since embracing The Way of The Livingness, my life has been filled with love and truth more and more each day and this flows out to everyone around me. I have lived a life of irresponsibility and know it doesn’t work. The Way of The Livingness is setting the way forth for humanity to return to love in a very deeply responsible and joyful way. Why would anyone want to stop or attack a way of life that brings love and joy to people?

  191. Well said Judy. It just shows how desperately we don’t want to see Truth – for all I have ever witnessed and experienced in the many years I have known Serge Benhayon is Truth, Absoluteness and complete service to humanity. Living in the house of lies is seen as more comfortable, for we do not have to look the way we are in our relationships and our lives.

  192. Serge Benhayon delivers truth, and many are not willing to hear it, let alone take responsibility for their own lies.

  193. The absoluteness, power and authority with which you present the truth about Serge Benhayon is so very inspiring Judith… truth that is known by many, for many have been touched by the life of Serge Benhayon.

  194. The reality is we live in a world that has no interest in truth and if truth is presented it is rejected because it does not match the life being lived. It’s just where we are at right now, I have faith that the love within us will rise and in time it will become so horrible to live void of truth that we will seek it out. And when this time comes the truth will be there waiting with no judgement just love.

    1. I don’t agree that “we live in a world that has no interest in truth”. There are many people in the world who are interested in truth and do care about truth. There are also many very vocal ones who are against truth and have a vested interest in the lies. Eventually, truth will prevail it is just a question of time and for how long people want to stay in the mud.

      1. It is also a question as to when we start stepping up and taking responsibility. Ignoring and choosing not to see the lies is as bad as, if not worse than, lying. It is only possible for people to lie and abuse because we allow it.

  195. ‘We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt’ – and in this have the fresh opportunity, every moment, to raise ourselves from being part of this collusion and stand/speak up for what we know to the bones to be true.

  196. It is your incredible, solid and resilient approach to life which makes you, Judith, such a great teacher – of The Ageless Wisdom.

  197. For those who do not relate to the vivid meaning of words like God, Soul, energy, inner knowing or similar it is easy to dismiss, ridicule, judge… what they don´t understand, believe, consider to be lies or fantasies, but how on earth can they feel entitled to do so, where does that come from and what purpose does it serve? At least we should have the decency to live and let live, to respect someone else´s views as long as they do not factually harm another; just blaming and claiming that harm is done or lies are told is not acceptable.

  198. Serge Benhayon has built a company called Universal Medicine so that humanity could have the knowledge and ability to support ourselves to heal our hurts which mainly come from our childhood where we were not cherished for the sensitive beings we truly are. I have met so many people who have cleared these childhood imprints and are leading joy-fully filled lives. The changes that have occurred in people’s lives cannot be doubted as the evidence is too great.

    1. The living ‘evidence is too great’ and it will not be long before the lives lived by students of Universal Medicine will be studied and understood as the evidence of a way of life that will support us out of the current mess we live in.

  199. “We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.” Indeed, and it is a sad fact that those that are exposing the lies are so often treated as the ones who are in the wrong even though what they are presenting is in fact the truth.

    1. Yes Sandra this has happened again and again throughout history. What an immense level of love, understanding and dedication is reflected when such Soul-led beings keep on openly, transparently, tenderly and consistently exposing the lies and reminding us of our own truth, knowing that eventually one day we will stop fighting the reflection of our own Soul.

    2. Well, they have to be treated that way. If they weren’t, then who would stand there as a liar?

  200. ‘I entered the noble profession of teaching the year man landed on the moon. The numerous primary aged students I have encountered in my 45 plus years of teaching since would more than vouch for my ability to smell a rat a mile off and sense a whiff of a lie if they ever dared to attempt to pull the wool over my eyes.’ 45 years is a long time in the teaching profession it is no wonder you are very finely tuned to anything that even remotely resembles a lie. I too have a radar to sniff out anything that is not true or sleazy and there is absolutely nothing untoward about Serge Benhayon and what he presents.

  201. ‘Numerous testimonials and blogs written by students of The Way of The Livingness, plus YouTube and Soundcloud recordings etc. are available via the web.’ If anybody took the time to truly study all the writings, recordings and sharings on the internet from students of The Way of The Livingness, they would find that the transformations in health and general well being made by so many are almost unfathomable.

    1. It is all about that, health and wellbeing being, the changes that have changed lives and the ripples that have occurred because of this choice to consider, self care and self love and to heal what gets in the way of our potential. This is Universal Medicine.

      1. It seems to me that it is the name ‘UNIVERSAL MEDICINE’ that seems to be the sticking point for many of the dissenters. Yet as you have written, Samantha, ‘health and wellbeing being, the changes that have changed lives and the ripples that have occurred because of this choice to consider, self care and self love and to heal what gets in the way of our potential’ are ‘UNIVERSALLY’ available for ALL and living this is the true ‘MEDICINE’ to eventually resolve the ails and hurts of our bodies and in our lives and relationships with our fellow humans and ultimately the entire world.
        Nothing more – nothing less than living with utmost respect for one’s body and quality of relationship enjoyed with oneself and others. It costs nothing but the choice to be as loving as you can be in each and every moment of your day. Choosing to live in this way is ‘UNIVERSAL MEDICINE’ for oneself and the world.

  202. “I now enjoy being me and appreciating all the possibilities life holds.” As I read this I also feel the same, it is like I am feeling the freedom I did as a kid but with all the responsibilities of life and very much enjoying this.

  203. Awesome blog Judith… the power of truth is felt to our bones – every cell in our body recognises and knows truth when we read it and hear it.

  204. “Serge Benhayon has been presenting the tenets of The Way of The Livingness, a deeply holding religion, since 1999.” And Universal Medicine, through which Serge presents this religion, wasn’t on the world/media radar until 2012.

    1. Serge Benhayon hasn’t changed what he has been presenting over the years so that is a very interesting point you have raised, Paula – 1999 to 2012 without the world/media uttering a word against Serge Benhayon and The Way of The Livingness and those who chose to start living to the best of their ability the tenets of this religion.

  205. Nowadays it is so easy to go/fall for the lies, the gossip, the allover corruption that is so present in this world. But what good is it if it does not change the state of the world? A world that we all in truth despite so much as it is so opposed to the truth and harmony we know of and feel deep inside. Living the truth that we deep down know is the key and with that unraveling our own corruptive ways step by step is what will truly change this world. Judging and blaming only contributes to what we have already en masse.

    1. Absolutely Esther. We all have the answers to our woes and misery, all we have to do is stop and listen to our inner-heart and let it guides us every step of the way.

  206. I see with so many students of the Way of the Livingness how there is a focus on enjoying being themselves and deeply appreciating all the possibilities life offers them. Whether that is an illness, a breakup or living together with others in a house, the soul 24/7 offers us situations to learn from.

    1. What you have shared here, Monika, raises another sticking point currently for much of humanity. It is quite challenging to see (let alone accept) the part one’s unloving choices in everyday life plays in eventually leading to reaping the illnesses and conditions we’ve created in our bodies because we’ve lived in such a way. Realising this is the biggest slap in the face one can ever be given and, as yet, not many are willing to go there. On a wider scale, realising collectively that we are the ones who cause all that ails us and the world is definitely a gigantic OUCH to feel and truly accept.

      1. Yes and as soon as we allow ourselves to feel and accept the consequences of our behavior true responsibility kicks in and these amazing opportunities to learn and heal.

  207. Being aware of the responsibility we all inescapably hold is what shapes the way the world is today, including the news the media supplies us with, is a truth many of us are not willing to embrace. Yet regardless of whether we resist it or not the fact remains that our willful ignorance of the truth is precisely why lovelessness, abuse and lies is what currently set the standards in our society. In being guided by truth that is known from within each of us, through our connection to our hearts, to our Soul, we then can bring to life a far more loving way of being, together, that arrests the harm, lies and abuse that arise from our ignorance of living led by the truth. The Way of The Livingness is a way that supports us to religiously live the love we as a humanity are born to live, through accepting the responsibility of living this way of love for ourselves first in every aspect of our lives.

  208. I love the way Serge Benhayon always invites people to ask for greater clarification or question what he presents and honours those very few people who may disagree. As a result of him I am so much more able to see the lies in life for what they are, even those that I may be telling myself

  209. One might ask why the media and some people make Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon such a big thing and lie about them because what it offers is people to care more from themselves, live with more humbleness, love and self-responsibility? Is it maybe so because some people find it too exposing of how unloving and irresponsible they live themselves and that it is easier to destroy it so the reflection goes away than to take responsibility and walk away?

  210. ‘What I have recently realised is, it’s not about what the world is coming to at all.’ – How true, it is all about what we as a collective have allowed the world to become. Do we like what we see? And if not, what do we do about it? Do we stand tall, and selflessly, like Serge Benhayon, call it out, or do we conveniently and irresponsibly look the other direction?

  211. I am all for being ‘critical’ in the sense of staying awake and discerning, not simply taking on someone else´s views, but that requires an openness as well, an openness and honesty for truth. Without a dedication to truth being critical will only seek to confirm one´s own views (protection and identification) which effectively means to reject and attack truth and or a person presenting a different possibility.

    1. This is wisely shared and this shows us how we are prepared to leave truth behind and come up with lies ; only simply to protect what we are not willing to live – who we are (our greatest love).

    2. Absolutely Alex, being discerning is something that is greatly needed in our world today but to be truly discerning one must be open to seeing more than there is to be seen with the eyes and willing to let go of the fixed ideas and images we hold. In the defense of what we already have we will never move forward and yet what we have is clearly not ‘it’. It would serve us well to look back in history and see how often we have defended ‘truths’ that we now deem as ridiculous.

  212. Academics argue over the meaning of ‘truth’, but Serge Benhayon is supporting thousands across the globe to intimately know and access truth through the relationship with our bodies and the inner wisdom of our souls. What greater gift can there possibly be than to re-connect to the truth within us all?

    1. There is a huge difference between being able to justify a position that seems to tick the boxes we ourselves have defined, to in contrast being able to sense with every cell of your being when something is from the All for the All.
      This sounds like a clever play with words, yet it is something that has been referred to through the ages by Soul-led individuals, and when you start living it is actually very down to earth and ordinary.

    2. “Serge Benhayon is supporting thousands across the globe to intimately know and access truth through the relationship with our bodies and the inner wisdom of our souls.” This is truly a gift that is worth celebrating worldwide – not vilifying in the media.

      1. Yes I agree Paula however truth can be quite threatening to those who have lived without it for so long.

  213. “My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.” I wonder how many people in their latter years are able to say this truthfully about themselves…not that many I suspect. What Serge Benhayon continues to show us all is how we can age gracefully, and grow more beautiful as we connect more to the truth of who we are.

    1. Indeed what is age when our light shines brighter and we are returning to a way of being that is ageless. The Ageless Wisdom as students of The Way of The Livingness.

  214. You can listen to any one of the recordings and hear from the persons voice the quality that they live. The vibration of the voice says so much.

  215. Beneath the crude insults and outright slander the only real gripe the media have with Serge Benhayon is that he is different. Yes, he is presenting and living something more than what you usually see in our society – but is that a crime? I don’t think so. Having the commitment to make everyday about Love ought to be 101 in primary school not something to attack or sneer at in newspapers.

  216. Given today’s all time low standards and integrity in society – all the swearing, the disrespect, the abuse and the complete lack of care that abounds etc, when you have someone with ‘old school’ values coming in and not dropping to these low standards, they will stand out and to many and they will not be popular. Why? Because this reminds people of what they have dropped to and that to come back to a basic decency of behaviour required them to realise they have made a poor choice, and then work hard at bringing back the standard and integrity. When someone does not want to change or does not want to grow or has invested in the disrespect and abuse, then it is far easier for them to mock and taunt and spread lies about the one that is there is remind them to come back. Once again Serge Benhayon is bringing this amazing reminder, being there like beacon of light, not matter what is being said or done he knows how steady he holds himself. To me this is a true role model.

  217. When you know someone well and have observed them for many years (more than 10 years) and they have consistently been respectful, caring and holding utmost integrity towards you and everyone you see around them, let alone when you know the way they treat their family – you know the complaints are false and the lies are lies especially with how outlandish and extreme they are. This is not blind faith relying on what others have said, this is a knowing that comes from having observed with open eyes the person for years and knowing them and their way of life. Serge Benhayon is one person who holds a standard and level of integrity far greater than most people in this world and this to me is a blessing we can all learn from and grow from. To attack this is to really miss the plot – and to attempt to pull down a truth that is being reflected to a humanity that is sorely in need of it in a time when most of society has let their standards and integrity drop to an all time low.

  218. A powerful blog – thank you Judith Atack, you have very eloquently spoken the truth as I know it too.

  219. “Anyone seeking to know the man and what he represents has access to all presentations, as the welcome mat is out for anyone who chooses to attend” – yes, and equally also, anyone is free to and can leave at any time too. And be re-welcomed back without anything.

  220. ‘We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.’ – it is amazing how often this is forgotten in daily life, that we are the play writes for our own scripts, we are our own actors and audience. If we do not like what we see on the stage before us, it is up to us to change it

    1. Spot on Rebecca – we are the writers of our own scripts and hence it is our responsibility to write the script in consideration of self and others equally so.

      1. I agree – all too often, supported by all we see around us, we focus only on our own bubble. But we are missing out on the amazing support of cooperation and unity

  221. I have found it is so important to truly listen to what another person is presenting before you decide if there is something there for you.
    This concept is what originally attracted me to Serge Benhayon.
    If you want the truth in life do not pass this man by.

    1. ‘If you want the truth in life do not pass this man by.’ – Ken, I couldn’t get passed this sentence because it is so true.

  222. What Serge Benhayon delivers is absolute gold – and the fact that the press can say the opposite says to me that there is work to be done – and that if there are so many of us who are deeply inspired by this man, then perhaps we can best appreciate him by living what we know in full.

  223. There is no doubt that society has taken a downward slide in many ways. However, it is not really a surprise to see the cyber bullying and lies in the media. The pattern of using any means possible to bring down anyone who speaks energetic truth and lives more love than anyone is willing to live is age old. You are right Judith that the only rat to smell is the oppressive energy of creation that will do anything to not be exposed by truth.

  224. “My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.” This is so true, and so evident from the many that are proving by the state of their overall well being and vibrancy, and generally looking more beautiful as they age, that making different and true loving choices about how they live can and does actually make a difference.

  225. I know of no one currently more dedicated to presenting and living according to truth than Serge Benhayon, there may be others now approaching that level but none more so. There is simply no space left for lies when everything is based on truth.

  226. Serge Benhayon is the light of this world and of the next; a light that lights all others. To know him and to be re-ignited by the depth of his lived truth has been my complete joy and the absolute love of my life.

  227. ‘it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day’ How true is this Judith… When we love and honour all that we are, we can’t but hold others in the same quality we choose to live our life.

  228. This is so clearly and gorgeously expressed Judy, and your lived knowing of what you offer us is very palpable. You note something of great importance for us all to consider, the world is not necessarily getting worse (although it may seem so), we are seeing the rot we have allowed for aeons and as we see it, we can recoil, but our job now is to be honest, to see it and know that how we’re been has contributed to that rot and now it’s there to see, and in the seeing and observing there’s a possibility of another way.

  229. A beautiful testimony Judy of the truth of The Way of The Livingness, the truth that Serge Benhayon lives and presents and we who have claimed this truth know it to be truth because it lives within our bodies.

  230. A lie is a weapon we use to run from the truth we are not yet willing to live. Thus it has always been the case that those who live amongst us, a life dedicated to the truth, will always be surrounded by the ammunition that seeks to thwart the reflection of what is truly being lived.

  231. ‘We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.’ – isn’t this the truth. We create dramas to deflect from feeling our responsibility for the mess we are in, we blame others, create spurious stories – again to muddy the waters and distract us from having to feel the truth and take responsibility for our choices. Until we are willing to do this, nothing can or will change.

  232. There is fact and their is fiction dressed up as fact. The media have certainly not based their writings about Serge Benhayon on facts.

  233. ‘My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.’ – Yes, when we live by the light of our soul we are all ageless.

  234. The media are showing themselves to be regurgitaters of repeated nonsensical gossip when it comes to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, a little more professional investigative journalism would uncover with ease a very different story. An organisation that is a blazing a trail concerning health & wellbeing.

  235. Judith is amazing ‘the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence’ – how many people can say that for every day that they are living. Serge Benhayon has inspired hundreds of people to do just this from his dedicated and committed relationship for himself and humanity all equally.

  236. What I have noticed is many a cut-and-paste style journalism describing Serge Benhayon with the same sensational headlines, suggestive wording – If you meet Serge, listen and hear him speak, you will know he is an extremely genuine honest, decent nobel man you have met. The media has really been exposed of their tactics because every sensational, copy and pasted ‘story’ that has been printed is as far removed from the actual truth of his man that is Serge Benhyaon.

    1. So true Johanne – for ‘journalists’ to write such salacious, baseless lies about someone very few have ever taken the time to meet, to attack someone’s integrity and character in this way is nothing short of abuse of the highest order – exposing far more about the authors than the person they are viciously attacking.

    1. Beautifully expressed, I love the space felt in this and the potential for us all to live big and not confined and reduced.

    2. Serge Benhayon doesn’t need to ‘prove’ anything, the truth is there to be felt in every single movement he makes. The question is, are we willing to know the truth. There are no words that could offer more power and divinity in terms of the truth this amazing man offers humanity, constantly, than what is being expressed from his body every moment of every day.

  237. It is ironic that any journalist writing an article accusing Serge Benhayon of any lack of integrity is actually showing him/herself to be of very questionable integrity and ethics.

    It is not always easy to be accepted and loved to the core and invited to be the grandness that is our true expression – it brings up the hurt of not living that way the rest of the time, so some people may be challenged by the depth of care and wisdom he walks and talks. Yet there is no way on Earth, other than making up a story, can he ever be accused of anything less than absolute love, transparency and honouring you to the core.

  238. What is the world coming to? It is coming to a head with all the corruption, greed, competition, jealousy, human trafficking, paedophilia at last being exposed – not quickly enough for everyone to take notice and millions more will suffer, but it feels like the tide is slowly turning. Truth will out, as they say, and that’s what is happening in pockets around the world. Slowly humanity is waking up to the chaos we have all allowed to develop unhindered. It may be many centuries before we achieve harmony but thank God for Serge Benhayon who is inspiring change this time around.

  239. I agree that the media is one obvious sign or signal of the level of corruption and lack of integrity, decency and respect we have allowed to exist in our societies.

    1. As more and more pockets of corruption are being exposed, the next step for us is to be willing to acknowledge that there is corruption everywhere because we have allowed it in to seed, grow, fester and pollute our whole way of living. The sooner we can man up and take responsibility for this, the sooner we can return to a way of living together that is based on truth, equality and transparency.

  240. Serge Benhayon is completely transparent – that is what you see is what you get. This is one of his many awesome qualities.

  241. Yo your bones and beyond 🙂 Feeling connection to the universe the level of expansion afforded us in our actual bodies is without a doubt the best feeling in the world. Totally free with no downer.

  242. ‘This, then, is the background that the media has reported on Serge Benhayon…’ It seems much easier to vilify the one who exposes the rot we live in than take a deeper look at what we have accepted and allowed; living a way that is wayward, corrupt, domineering, competitive, given-up, unwell… the list could go on. Personally, I celebrate that my eyes are now seeing life more clearly than ever before and in the knowing that there is another way to live life that is more supportive and loving.

  243. Having people live solid and healthy lives would not make a small percentage of people on this planet rich but it would enrich the lives of many who have lost the purpose to life. Waking up and seeing the lies for what they are will go a long way to seeing ourselves out of this plane of life with its heavy loaded distractions.

  244. It took many years of searching to find, but Universal Medicine and the Way of The Livingness as presented by Serge Benhayon showed me the truth . We are Love . No more searching.

  245. Since meeting Serge Benhayon and attending the workshops and presentations of the Ageless Wisdom
    I have re connected to the truth I hold within my own body. I have spent all my life trying to run away from what I know to be true, but truth will out now I have stopped running and embrace all the wisdom I have been holding out on because the world wasn’t ready to hear the truth.

  246. I was listening to a conversation recently between some friends and it was clear that no one wanted to accept responsibility for the mess they were in it was all about right and wrong. I got to feel how we don’t like to accept that we are always responsible for our actions and trying to blame the other person is very disrespectful and very hurtful. The pain that they were both in was palpable and very sad because this is not our true way of being.

  247. ‘As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all.’ It really is, like peeling back layers we are starting to be shown the absolute rot we have all been a part of.

  248. “The Absolute Truth about Serge Benhayon – There are no Lies to Sniff Out” – there is nothing to sniff out other than to sniff the scent of truth that, like a quality perfume’s base notes, the more you smell it as time goes by, the more you get to enjoy the different bases and depths of the one perfume.

  249. When I first attended a presentation by Serge and Universal Medicine I was on the lookout for any contradictions or gaps in what was presented, anything that could not be explained, that didn’t feel right or that did not make sense and there were none of these things. Several years on and I know from my own experience and within me that all that is presented is true however I have also learnt to feel what is and is not true in life from such presentations. Has anything changed? Yes, lots, the presentations are even greater and deeper in wisdom presented and there is even more on offer however the integrity, truth and love is the same, it is an unwavering constant quality that is lived.

  250. The truth about lies is that they are a house of cards that only have one view that makes them look solid. The liar must continually distract you not to look further. The fact, that house has nothing but space and thin edges supporting the structure on a razor thin line. We know this and still chose not to look further than the lies that others present to us.

  251. These people that spread the lies totally dumbfound me, have they nothing better to do with their lives? I find life busy enough without interfering in other peoples affairs. These people must know more than anyone else that there is no dirt on Serge for they would have found it if there had been.

  252. That what Serge Benhayon presents not only in his presentations but too in the way he lives is always of absolute truth and is worth to be seriously studied instead of the dismissive and distorted way the media tends to write about him in the regurgitating way the do.

  253. So many people that have bettered their life and are resurrecting themselves from the imprisonment of only being a human body because of Serge Benhayon and to me are an inspiration to live with are being put forward as followers of a cult leader by the media. A media circus you can call it because they are only out for entertainment and excitement but for what I observe are avoiding to research the truth, the task that should be their main role for society.

  254. Universal Medicine presentation of The Ageless Wisdom cuts though all the lies, presents truth and a simple way of living. What threatens those that do not know is that people can walk away from the lies, big sell, endless distractions and live steady, unencumbered, loving lives. My choice every day.

  255. Societal life is in crisis and every body knows it but chooses, for now at least, to live with eyes firmly shut and poo-poo if not viciously attack the Truth and its messenger, aka Serge Benhayon.

  256. Wow, you are one solid rock and unmovable mountain of steadiness, commitment, love and dedication. Furthermore, you are nobody’s fool and smell a rat a few and then some miles away. Hat off to your no frills practical annunciation of what the world will one day also know as the truth that it is and has always been.

  257. The selective way we pursue truth should raise alarm bells worldwide. You can’t have integrity in one spot and deception in another – as our media shows – our true state of being doesn’t stay hidden, but in every act of life it flows.

  258. Perhaps the reaction of those who choose to vilify what Serge Benhayon is offering the world is one of protection, of not wanting to know the truth as with the truth comes responsibility.

  259. Like you, Judith, I am not easily hoodwinked and have a natural curiosity to challenge when something doesn’t feel right. However, through all the presentations and workshops that I have attended with Universal Medicine, even though I have been very confronted and have resisted accepting some of what has been presented as it exposed things that I wasn’t quite ready to accept, not once did I ever question the validity of what was being shared, why, because I could feel with every cell in my body that it was true. I wouldn’t have felt the resistance had I not known that everything being shared was true. I would have just walked away. But in knowing it was true, I was then given a choice, to say yes to the truth, or not. I wholeheartedly say yes to the truth, to live in any other way is a lie.

  260. We already have everything that we need to live the glory of who we are in this life. The only question is how we choose to live, the truth of who we are, or the opposite. There is no doubt that we have lost our way …
    ‘We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt.’
    Yet, there is light at the end of the tunnel, Serge Benhayon, through the teachings of The Ageless Wisdom is reminding humanity that there is another way to live, the rest is up to us and how we choose to move forward with our lives.

  261. “We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.” This is indeed where we find ourselves as a humanity… in the mess we have allowed over eons – and so, now we have a choice to put a stop to the lies… will we take the challenge, do we truly want to go there or will we continue to indulge in our (so-called) comfortable lives?

  262. “My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence” – keep shining brightly Judith, the world needs to see that.

  263. ‘We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.’ Both on a global scale, but also in our personal lives we can’t blame anyone, it is our own creation.

  264. Every corner of life that is not true will be exposed in this era of light and love, it may take 100s of years before we are willing to see it but we will eventually and we will have to act.

  265. We can get lazy and choose not to recognise the truth, but the truth will stand and will speak for itself, it can not be corrupted. Serge Benhayon is a man with honesty, honourable intentions and a vast catalogue of work spanning writing, presentations, as a practitioner and if that is investigated even a little, it shines a light on this man and his integrity. There is nothing to uncover, it is there for all to see, if we are willing.

    1. Yes the more I have discovered about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon the more I have realised just to what degree of integrity and responsibility this man lives with every day with incredible consistency and dedication and therefore to what level of integrity this business is run with is also a business model that does need to be fully investigated.

  266. “Because of Serge Benhayon’s living and sharing The Way of The Livingness, I have had my eyes opened to the even greater potential I held within”. Serge has shown us what it looks like to live transparently, not only that nothing is hidden, but that we get to see what such relationship to one’s innermost and dedication to humanity looks like.

  267. I absolutely do not doubt your ability to sniff a rat a mile off with 45 years teaching and running schools Judy. Interacting daily with large numbers of children and adults, and being astute when it comes to intention, is a prerequisite to your profession and one that is honed all the while, your point delivered here with true authority.

  268. What Serge Benhayon (re)presents is first and foremost lived through his body and so it can be seen and sensed way before any words are spoken. It is for this reason that all that know Serge personally, whether as a student or in the community will not fall for the ridiculous lies that are being spread by certain media.

  269. Even from the most dark places a light can be recognized so if one chooses to turn their head and persist in their only being darkness this is a very personal choice. Serge Benhayon has consistently offered us the light that guides us back to who we innately and divinely are. It has always been and still is a very personal choice if we want to see it, and to what extend, or not.

  270. Thank you Judith for sharing the solid account of Universal Medicine. I can say there are so many people who also feel the deep love that is offered and the truth about what is delivered.

  271. This is such a profound statement: “My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from”. The acknowledgment at the end that this is due to the “Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present” ought to have people queueing up to find out more. ….The fact that we don’t have that, shows how given up and burnt by the false lies most of humanity is that when offered exactly what deep down we all crave there is a hesitation.

    The whole of humanity so needs the unwavering reflection provided by Soul-led individuals such as Serge Benhayon, so that people start to trust one another and their own heart once again.

  272. Age does not diminish the light of the soul… it is the choices we make on a daily basis that have an impact on the quality of love we bring in one way or another.

    1. Yes Caroline, it is painful to see and have been there myself, without awareness and through ill-choices, we diminish ourselves constantly.

  273. To live with true settlement within one’s own body is beyond anything one can buy, take, consume or be entertained by.

    1. I agree, settlement is priceless, it is the stillness of the Soul, it is coming home, it is our return.

  274. It is a very awesome thing to know someone like Serge Benhayon, a man whose integrity is second to none. We can all live like this but it requires us to be very truthful about our lives and deal with what we have accepted that is not true.

    1. To know someone like Serge Benhayon who brings the utmost integrity into each and every word he speaks in a marker of the levels of dedication and purpose he has in living truth with levels of decency and respect that words cannot encapsulate.

  275. Being open and honest in our relationships and never stopping learning helps us all to grow together, we can be such a support to each other when we don’t judge but know we are all equal on the same path and can evolve together.

  276. If something is for me, I look into it, feel it out, maybe research it. If it’s not for me, I let it go. In today’s world, people hide behind a facade to troll or bully, manipulate or blackmail all for their own agenda. It seems such a waste of energy and expense.

    1. Very true Nick, if something isn’t for you, walk away, unless of course there is any wrong doing which needs to be brought to light. However, here we have a man, Serge Benhayon, who has changed the lives of thousands of people all over the world – who are all very willing to share their experiences, and none of this appears to be of any interest to the media – why, because they’ve already decided what they want to say, which is a sensational story based on anything but the truth.

  277. Serge Benhayon is as transparent and as open as they come. Those that wish to throw stones, cast mud and dirt will not for one moment change what I know inside is true.

    1. That is just it Rachel, the way Serge Benhayon presents leads you to your own truth, deeply felt within our own bodies and he refuses anyone trying to give their power away to them, empowering them within themselves instead. And so lies and slander cannot touch it.

  278. Yes, Judith. When I am in the presence of Serge Benhayon there is not one cell in my body that feels disturbed, but on the contrary I can feel myself expand and melt with a sense of home-coming, in feeling the depth of love and absolute honouring I am held in.

  279. To me it’s a bit like that fairy story about the emperor and his news clothes, how the emperor is hoodwinked by crooks to believe he is wearing very fine magnificent clothes when he is not wearing any clothes at all, but in his pride and arrogance he goes along with the blatant lie. The emperor rides out amongst his people and the crowds gather but no one says anything at all, everyone is hushed. Then a child asks the question as they always do
    ” Why isn’t the emperor wearing any clothes?”
    The spell is broken and the emperor looks rather foolish sitting on his horse without any clothes. He realises that his arrogance and pride have led him astray.
    Serge Benhayon is that child, he is saying to the world what’s going on, wake up you have all been hoodwinked. And in our arrogance and pride we don’t want to admit we have chosen to be led astray.

  280. What I find really amazing is that pick 99.9% of the population and it would be easy to dig up lies but when we look at Serge Behayon and his life, there is nothing to hide no lies just inspiration.

  281. In these words, you speak so loudly for me Judith. “My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.” And I am sure that our souls will be shining brightly for a very long time to come.

  282. When the Truth shakes us out of our comfort, we will do anything to not feel the discomfort in our bodies; even to the point of making up outlandish lies. Anything to make that person go away and leave us alone. After all, how dare a man named Serge Benhayon reflects to the whole world that they are living less than the love they naturally are.

  283. ‘I have joyously accepted the opportunity of embracing the teachings of The Way of The Livingness, so I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within and know, to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life’. Me too, Judy. Thank you for claiming it. It is time to claim what is true and what is not. When we avoid taking responsibility we can react and blame others for exposing our unloving choices. Why do we fear being challenged to be all that we innately are? We need to raise our standards and denounce the emotional reactions, dishonesty and sensationalism that plague our society in every sphere: political, educational, religious, cultural and social. Let us feel how harmful to us all this current way of living is and choose to be truly honest about what needs to change.

  284. The expanse of what is a lie in our current way of life is hard to comprehend when our very existence of being on this planet was seeded in a lie. We are deeply loved in the fact that there is also a reflection of truth to support us to return in nature and when we do we have everything provided by our connection to our Soul.

  285. Fabulous Judith. The only scent from Serge Benhayon, is the scent of heaven, and that is also equally from where he has been sent.

  286. It is now 12 years since I first met Serge Benhayon and never once in that time have I ever experienced anything untoward from, only deep loving support, amazing wisdom and remarkable steadfastness in the face of extreme abuse from the cyber trolls and the media.

  287. The caliber of Serge Benhayon’s audience who attend the Universal Medicine events confirm the integrity of all that Serge presents. This includes CEOs of corporate companies, Surgeons, Doctors, Solicitors, Physiotherapists and many others who are gainfully employed in a range of professions. To me this confirms the integrity of the presentations that empower us to connect to our life’s purpose. Nothing that I have investigated in life prior to meeting Universal Medicine has ever had this effect on people, to commit wholeheartedly to life, people and love in full appreciation of the unique gifts and talents we bring to the world. If there were any hint of the slightest wrong doing by Serge Benhayon, it would most definitely have been noticed by now but there has never been one iota of evidence to support the lies that a minority have decided to fabricate.

  288. Our soul is our shadow. We can ignore it, refuse its existence, but we can never walk away from it. It will always patiently wait for us to return, no matter how many life’s it may take.

  289. What is the part we play in the corruption and degradation of the world? Where have politeness and manners’ gone? How many people really know the person that lives next to you? Could it be that our falseness of being nice to others is just a way of hiding from the world? What if we all lived in glass houses and respected ourselves and others openly again.

  290. It makes me wonder sometimes what sort of a person/persons have to be like or how sad their lives must be to have to create total fabrications about others and try and make their lives miserable like their own.

  291. Just to play with words here, the Ageless Wisdom is for everyone at every age as we are ageless beings as well even while we are occupying a temporal body (and then another, and another…).

  292. There are no lies to sniff out when it comes to Serge Benhayon – he is one of the most honest and transparent people that I know of. Of course you can invent lies and twist facts and take things out of context and make a sensationalist story – but what does that say about your level of integrity, respect and care for self and others?

  293. Thank you Judith for this awesome testament and how you know “to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life.” No further explanations needed – you have felt this and claimed it as you know this is the Truth, and that, this in your body offers the greatest settlement. I too can say that when I first encountered the teachings of Serge Benhayon, I knew to the deepest part of myself that this was the Truth, and I endevour to live this every day. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have shown me there is a way to be in this would of ours that supports our natural and innermost expression, and this is worth so much more than buckets of Gold.

  294. Your experience reflects my own Judith – never have I met such a man as Serge Benhayon who lives his life with nothing less than integrity, Love, Truth and Joy in every single moment and movement.

  295. ‘We are finally having the cornucopia of endless lies we have all been accepting as fact brought to light.’ – this is a hard and bitter pill to swallow as there have been too many times to remember when I have felt the corruption, the pretence of something being shown one way when you know it’s actually the complete opposite and I’ve not spoken out, I’ve been complicit in accepting that this is how things are, thereby becoming a part of the rot we are festering in. Now that the landscape is changing and the clean up is underway, there is a call for us all to deeply consider how we are choosing to live and exactly what we are choosing when we say nothing, equally, appreciating the enormous love that we are when we do speak up, when we say no to the abuse, when we only accept the truth, because anything else is a lie.

  296. It is a very salient point that we align to a ‘version’ of truth when it matches our very hurt, need or sense of emptiness that we has not been dealt with.

  297. I wholeheartedly and absolutely agree ‘Over the years in my experience, there’s not been a rat to smell or a whiff of a lie in what Serge Benhayon via Universal Medicine has offered’. However there has been very much a rat to smell with regards to the media in how they have portrayed Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine … in fact a whole heap of rats and a whole heap of lies. As others have shared in the comments here it is great you have expressed from your knowing and not from a guessing or gossiping.

  298. That which is not absolute can only doubt or attack that which is absolute for in acknowledging it for all it is everything else is exposed for the blatant lie it is.

  299. The absoluteness of your lived experience Judith is so very inspiring to feel – when we present our truth, what we know we have felt and lived in our bodies, it comes with our authority of knowing and cannot be denied.

  300. Thank you Judith. I know you and I know that you are not one to be fooled by the lies that are kept in seemingly endless circulation by the many who feed this pool of ill consciousness by their own comfort seeking ways. We have all been immersed in this pool and thus we have all played ball with such lies. Therefore, it is up to each of us to extract ourselves out of the mud so that we can more clearly see and feel the pristine well of truth that lives and breathes deep within us all.

  301. Truth has a certain quality to it – an unmistakable tone and texture that when lived, will alert you the moment something enters the equation that does not match this beauty and this warmth. It is up to each of us to fine tune our awareness and access to this quality of our Soul so that the lies we are immersed in get revealed for the poison they are.

  302. Well said Judith. When the truth is known from a lived experience in the body it is very easy to see the lies people tell. It also gives us an opportunity to decide how much we value what has brought this change to our lives. Serge Benhayon has offered so many of us a fresh start to bring more love into our lives and I will forever be honouring of that opportunity.

  303. I know you Judy to be very wise to what is going on and that Serge Benhayon and Universal medicine has been grossly mis-represented by the media.
    They cannot fault someone with such enormous integrity all they can do is omit the truth and take a few snippets out of context in an attempt at sensation.
    The love and care for humanity from the Benhayon family is astounding as is the level of dedication and integrity. The real story is the enormous amount of love that has been offered to humanity and those that have accepted it have turned their lives around and now glowing with vitality.
    Thank you Judy for setting the record straight and adding your testimony to the volume of truth we don’t find in the media at present.

  304. Judith, same for me, ‘..I have been wondering what the world is coming to.’? Here we have an incredible, amazing and deeply loving man, Serge Benhayon inspiring people worldwide to live love and truth through the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. It makes sense to see people wanting to know more and keen to find out how to live this consistently and I am seeing more and more examples of this. So, it makes absolutely no sense to me why anyone would want to ridicule or attack Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and The Way of The Livingness. To me, it is obvious that something else is at play, a force that does not want humanity to unite, return to love and truth. It is the same force/consciousness that has been attacking people throughout history who dared to live the truth.

  305. It is a sad state of humanity when we have to explain why we know people we spend time with are not lying. It’s like when there is one murderer and we don’t trust anyone anymore, here it is some people telling lies and we feel like we all have to explain and defend what we know is truth.

  306. If we have excesses, real or created by lies, we can stay comfortable in doing what we do as the excess will prevent our own behaviours to not be exposed. If we have the really bad then the less bad can be deemed as good.

    1. “If we have the really bad then the less bad can be deemed as good”, Carolien you’ve just summed up life as we know it. And if we were to put the multidimensional life that we’ve all lived before, side by side with how we’re currently choosing to live, then even the bits that we deem as being ‘good’ would turn our stomachs.

  307. We all know and can feel the truth of what is truly harmful in this world and what is not. It is just a matter of whether we are prepared to be honest enough to feel this or not.

    1. And a part of that is being willing and open enough to consider that we have been wrong, that we have made a mistake and that things aren’t as we had ‘thought’ they are, but, something else entirely.

    2. Developing clairsentience – the ability to feel and understand what one feels – is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.

    3. Yes, we choose to numb ourselves with entertainment, internet & social media, extreme sports, indulging in food, alcohol or other drugs, the list goes on… to the extent that we no longer are able to feel the truth of what is really going on.

  308. Harm and harmless, these are words that we need to really consider and take seriously, so Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine….absolutely harmless. Not one hair on my head has been harmed in any course I have attended, the exact opposite has occurred. Every day we are harmed through laziness, giving upness, anger, reluctance, blame, lack of responsibility, jealous, ourselves, because we do not love and care for each other as we could. And Universal Medicine, without doubt is harmless, there is no evidence and there will none that it has been abusive in anyway. When the hot air and smoke what will be found is a solid business doing a great job, but significantly without harming anyone.

    1. I completely agree that Universal Medicine has consistently reduced the harm that is occurring in our world and societies through its presentations and teachings and not done anyone any harm whatsoever.

    2. It is interesting and shocking how easily we can twist things in our mind and convince ourselves of a story to remain comfortable because we are not ready or do not want to say yes to love. We feel an enormous hurt as a result, in saying no to love, as we are rejecting the love that we already are, we may feel very angry. However – in truth we are very knowingly and divisively avoiding taking responsibility for the way we are living and an easy option to deflect from feeling our hurt, is to make accusations and blame the source of love for being the catalyst that prompted us to feel this way.

    3. Beautifully expressed and absolutely true ‘so Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine….absolutely harmless. Not one hair on my head has been harmed in any course I have attended, the exact opposite has occurred’. My question is why is attention being given by the media to someone who is harmless saying they are harming and all the focus is away from what IS harming! Interesting isnt it. Like the media … completely harming yet is a spotlight on them? The energy that is harming is pointing a finger at harmless energy saying that the harmless energy is harming!!!

  309. ‘I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within and know, to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life.’ – Judith, I am 100% with you – there is no better way to feel or live life. Thanks to Universal Medicine there are many of us who have turned our lives around from misery, lostness or perhaps just a feeling of indifference or confusion to one in harmony and joy.

  310. You can not feed someone who is steady and loving of themselves and others, salacious newspaper articles, the next big thing, or fast food, they may nibble and dapple, as life is not about perfection, but the more solid you grow the less you need distraction and a way of checking out. So is there big business in having solid steady people living in the world, the answer is no. The systems we have are corrupt and rely on us being needy, exhausted and desperate for entertainment of any sort. This is why an organisation that offers simple, profound support to heal ourselves from within has been targeted. The rat is not Universal Medicine, it is the organisations and so called evidence based sceptics who without conscience lie and sell stories with no factual base.

    1. There is definitely a vested interest at play here. As you share, what Universal Medicine offer is an opportunity to reclaim your truth under the marketing of life. It is a responsible and accountable way of living. This should be studied and championed not lied about and vilified – that is simply ignorance and a resistance to taking responsibility for what is contributed to the world we live in.

    2. And these organisations and sceptics are only shooting themselves in the foot for we are all very aware of the inconsistencies in which these lies and stories come, constantly changing views, tactics and opinions according to whim… whereas the defining thing about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon is the foundation of consistent solid commitment to truth – always – which cannot be shaken, denied or dismissed.

    3. I hate how we, as a society, have allowed ourselves to let go of our integrity. When we make money out of misleading each other, by presenting one face, but underneath there is a whole other storyline going on in fine print that you only fully see when something goes wrong we know that we’ve hit rock bottom. For example, insurance companies, knowingly continuing to charge fees on insurance policies after they know the policy holder has died. These aren’t admin errors, it’s a known practice that is still continuing today, even after companies have admitted that this is their practice. Or having such a specific definition of what a heart attack is, within a life insurance policy, that it excludes most people who do have heart attacks, thereby saving the company money. This is a reflection of how far we have dropped.

      1. Loud and clear it is, and that is what we all can learn from the Way Serge Benhayon presents to us how to live life naturally impulsed from our inner heart instead of to be driven by endless to do, to be and to achieve list of the mind.

    4. Absolutely Samantha, the stories are sold for sensationalism for pure entertainment, it is sickly how the media take a story and dramatise it with no care for the people reading the stories but then it is US that buy the stories, thus feeding the media or any other sensationalist organisation because we are wanting more to keep us distracted from feeling the lovelessness that we live with in our lives. With any one story we see the theatre when you follow it and discern as the regurgitated stories shift from one extreme to another with not an ounce of truth in them.

  311. Expressed with authority from a knowing, not a guessing or gossiping, no need for sensationalism, convicting or anyone even listening, but stating what you live, who you are and know to be true – that´s what it means to take a stand.

    1. Indeed Alexander… forget gossip when we can present such power, authority and truth of our lived experience that cannot be denied – as Judith has here.

  312. Judith you are well qualified to speak about Serge Benhayon and what he stands for. The media on the other hand are not. They are not interested in any truth and love propagating lies.

    1. The media is perceived as selling the truth but truth can never be sold only lived, and Serge Benhayon lives truth through and through and so does Judith, the gorgeous author of this blog.

  313. Yes Ariana for it shows us how we are capable to life versus the way we have been educated to life which has not been about living from our Soul 24/7.

  314. We are witness to this daily
    “As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all.”
    The most damming part of this is that we are all responsible for the mess we are in, what worries me is the more that gets exposed the more we distance ourselves from taking any responsibility at all. And worse there is such arrogance in our lack of responsibility.

  315. Such an excellent account Judith of why you and many, many people are taking a deeper look at their lives and the state of the world. Once we honestly stop and observe what is truly going on, most people are shocked and those who are willing to take responsibility for bringing change to their own personal lives and out to the world where it is needed, have so much to learn from Serge Benhayon and the way he lives his life and supports others to access the teachings on The Ageless Wisdom. Once applied, we are living the religion called The Way of the Livingness – which is nothing like the stories being circulated by the media.

  316. We all know when truth is presented to us… there is a feeling of almost relief in our bodies, an opening and full body response of knowing, and we move on. Compare this to when lies are presented – our bodies tense up, become disturbed in various ways and there is an unsettlement that remains.

  317. Like you Judith, and thousands more, I know what this small group of people has written about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is lies. The Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said since I met him in 2006 has left no doubt in me that it is, most definitely: Truth and Love.

  318. The power and absoluteness of your lived experience is tangible in all you present here Judith… and so very inspiring to read, thank you.

  319. Serge Benhayon often discusses how important it is for us to discern everything, by developing a whole bodied relationship with what feels true, rather than seeking the answers outside of ourselves.

  320. ‘My body may be ageing, but the light of my Soul shines out ever brighter as I live more fully the truth of my essence, who I am and where I come from, thanks to the Truth of the Ageless Wisdom Serge Benhayon continues to present.’ Yes, it’s lovely seeing people age but shining brighter as the years progress.

    1. Yes and we should be studying it! Seriously when we have the level of abuse in our country that we now need a Royal Commission to look at elder abuse we have to ask how low we have sunk? If there is another way then …. hello… let’s look at it. There are many of us who have been and can testify via our bodies not just through our mouths how it brings more care and decency to life.

  321. When you meet and spend time with Serge Benhayon within minutes you know he is the real deal. But how we have been conditioned we have the sceptical side to us and we’re always waiting for someone to stuff up. In 14 years there hasn’t been a second where I have doubted Serge or what he presents.

  322. ‘There are no lies to sniff out’ so they have to be created. Serge Benhayon is the most open transparent person I know and that is what makes it so ridiculous that people can make up lies, send abusive comments and the media love to get on the band wagon and confirm the lies rather than seeking the truth. This is the corrupt and evil world we now live in….evil does not like to be exposed so twists truth at every opportunity.

  323. We can choose to earn credit by discrediting someone. Alternatively, we can choose to earn credit by crediting someone. In the first case, the operation is meant to show that the discredited is not part of us; it does not deserve to be considered one of us. In the second case, the operation is meant to credit us all, and to reflect that we all deserve it.

  324. The Way of The Livingness and all that Serge Benhayon presents is deeply supportive to live a truer and every day more loving life.

    1. Absolutely Esther and this is what our world is crying out for and here we have the real deal of how to live a deeply loving and harmonious way of life, The Way of The Livingness, presented by Serge Benhayon. Are we going to ridicule this or fully embrace it from head to toe? It is up to each person to decide and it is never a force or demand from God to return but He is forever deeply loving us all no matter how many opportunities we try to sabotage or reject. He is constantly offering us all to evolve, in this era, it is through The Way of The Livingness that God is calling us all to return to love.

  325. Yes, Judith, I too can detect something that is not the real deal from a mile off, as I did during my many years of seeking truth in the spiritual new age. It was only when I met Serge Benhayon that I felt settled in my body and a sense of true home coming, as the truth he reflected was already known within my heart.

  326. Reading the online BBC news recently, there was an article about systematic child abuse by Roman Catholic priests in Germany and Chile and it was alleged that Pope Francis was informed of the high levels of abuse and as yet has not responded to the proof given of such vile acts on another. Then I read that the Dali Lama was visiting sexual abuse victims perpetrated by Buddhist monks. But there is not one victim that has come forward to accuse Serge Benhayon of sexual abuse … why because there is not a single person. It would be impossible for him to act in such a way because he lives in a way that is ‘harmless’ to all others. I understand this way of living because I am living this way too, there is not a bone in my body that wants to harm someone because if I do the greatest harm will be done to myself. Having not lived this way for most of my life I can say I know the difference between harm and not harming others. And it is very plain that Serge is incapable of harm.

  327. It seems that people look for something wrong, as it would be too good to be true, if there would exist a person, like Serge Benhayon that simply reflects love, decency, respect and responsibility. What if it is true? What if how Serge Benhayon lives is possible, as we all could do?!

  328. It’s like all the corruption and the state of the world has been in the dark, allowed to fester and grow. It’s not coming to this but now being exposed more like flashlights in a dark room. But enter Serge Benhayon – a great big light casting a different way to live and it highlights so much more of what we’ve accepted by living in the dark. With that light comes greater awareness and clarity and those who write the lies want to remain unaware.

  329. Instead of ‘pulling the wool over our eyes’ Serge Benhayon tears it away to reveal the stark reality of the world in which we live. For some this is too much wishing to keep their eyes closed living in a world of delusion and illusion and hence attack him.

  330. Judith as everyone says from those that have known Serge Benhayon over the past 20 years there are no lies and no wrongdoing, instead the complete opposite, someone who has supported and inspired so many people with the utmost integrity from day 1.

  331. Thank you Judith, I came to my first Universal Medicine event in 2012 during a media storm presenting Serge Benhayon very negatively but something did not add up to me. The person I knew who was studying his work was so consistently loving, plus the current affairs style TV show about Serge felt quite dodgy to be honest. I decided to travel interstate despite the media to find out for myself, and I knew within five minutes of hearing Serge talk he was presenting the truth and was a gentle and loving person. He’s been all that and more consistently in the 6 years I’ve known him, he has immense integrity, is wise and funny, and never once have I felt imposed upon at all by Serge, and definitely not sexually as a woman. That stands out for me because it’s really common to experience some imposition from men, but Serge is super clear in his integrity with all. Quite frankly he is just an amazing and adorable person and his work and service to human beings has profoundly changed my life.

  332. “Not once have I ever had cause to doubt the Truth and Love in what Serge Benhayon has written or said ” – yes me neither Judy, you cannot doubt what you feel so deeply inside. The love and truth I felt from Serge was quietly loud and distinctly clear from the word go, and remains so today 10+ years on.

  333. Serge Benhayon has for me and so many others, established a new norm of decency, respect and integrity, born of an embodied dedication to truth that today I expect nothing less of my self and other people as I learn to re-embody this inherent truth within me and live it to the best of my abilities. Those who invent baseless gossip and fake news about Serge and his work have just sold out to pointless and depressing existence.

  334. If there was anything untoward whatsoever, which there is not, there is no way that there would be the phenomenal contributions on the internet from so many hundreds of people worldwide who have been deeply touched by the love, the care and the teachings of Serge Benhayon. There are blogs and more blogs and so many comments that it simply would not be possible for this to occur unless his teachings are deeply profound and completely life changing which of course they are because let’s not forget that when I read about the lives of those who write these blogs, they often have multiple responsibilities in their lives including those with multiple businesses, voluntary work and parents of young children, so how is it possible that all of these individuals are inspired to write so much about the one gold they have at their fingertips unless it is making monumental shifts in their own lives and of the lives of the people around them.

  335. ‘What is the world coming to?’ is the usual out cry when we feel shock or dismay at something we have observed or witnessed, But, as you say, Judith it’s not what the world is coming to but, what the world has been in, what we have allowed and accepted. When we begin to break it down it’s putrid. Serge Benhayon exposes this all, but he brings with the exposure… an alternative… an alternative for greater truth, transparency and love… an alternative way of living that cleans up the stench and offers us the opportunity to live in greater health, harmony and understanding.

  336. Look at the lieblos way the media reports about Serge Benhayon and it’s horrific. Look again considering the bigger energetic picture Serge himself presents and you see a stark example of the forceful way we’ve all trained ourselves to attack truth and protect lies.

  337. Teachers like Serge throughout the ages, bringing through the Ageless Wisdom have always been attacked by those that are challenged in some way by the truth. Without knowing about the energy behind this, it makes no sense that people can be offended by what plainly makes sense out of life and is our key out of all the suffering that we choose to endure.

  338. In Serge Benhayon, we are in the presence of a true master and teacher: who’s purpose is to offer humanity, through The Way of the Livingness, another way to be in life. The hundreds of testimonies on Universal Medicine websites and u-tube videos record how people have taken responsibility for their own health, learned to love themselves unconditionally, changed their lives and in their presence others change too. We are blessed to have Serge in our lives because through him we have found our true selves.

  339. And we have to face these lies sometime as we cannot get get away with it. I say bring it on in the world and in our own lives not in reaction with hardness to the world but with love and acceptance that we are a part of it and through our livingness we make the changes that are needed to live the truth of who we are.

  340. Thank you Judith for your wonderful testimonial for Serge. I like to add that I love his consistency as I have never met a person who lived it in such a quality. For me that is very inspirational as it helped me to be more aware of the power of it and to live it to the best of my ability as well.

  341. Thank you, Judy. I agree with all you share. I can feel sometimes how hard it is to accept responsibility for contributing to an unloving world. Why? It is because I am being asked to change old comforts of beliefs, attitudes and ideals that allow me to hide behind a group consciousness that has not worked or truly supported everyone with respect, dignity and love. It is time to honour what we feel deep within and to now stand up for what is truly working for us. Remaining silent is not loving ourselves or anyone else! Through the ages mankind has continually chosen to be manipulated to destroy any person who questioned the status quo or lived life with unconditional love for all. Knowing Serge Benhayon has allowed me to feel what is equally being offered to me; to live the truth I feel in my innermost heart and to love humanity unconditionally. We get the misrepresentation and the sensationalist style of reporting in the media that we are prepared to accept. it is time to raise our standards!

  342. It is so true: “We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt” – we are all responsible for the lies and degradation we have allowed and the only way we can change that is to see the extent of it and make a different choice. So as awful as it is to see it – it is far more awful not to see for the more clearly we choose to see the lies the less they take hold of us.

    1. You could also say the more we choose to see the Truth the less the lies can take hold. It all comes down to us and knowing that is actually quite liberating because as we created the mess so too can we un-create it!

  343. Thank you Judith. Nothing new here as you say though it seems we on the whole are not yet willing to see and expose the truth of it. This is the offering Serge Benhayon continues to bring.

  344. Journalists usually sound very impressive until they write about a subject you are expert upon. After that it is impossible to still be impressed by almost all journalism.

  345. A very solid statement of facts of what works and what does not work in life – if we are willing to be honest and take responsibility for our choices. Detracting from that just means that people prefer to live life with their eyes firmly shut. Thank you, Judith.

  346. You don’t have to personally know someone to be able to discern whether what has been written about them is true or not. We all have the ability to know the truth in connection with our body – which knows nothing but the truth. When we are aligned to love we cannot be hoodwinked, if we accept the lies being perpetrated around us, we are already aligned to that energy which is the opposite to love.

  347. Totally with you Judith. There is nothing to ‘catch out’ except the agenda of sensationalism media generating activity to ensure they have a job. And unfortunately society in general prefers the lies. I feel honoured to know Serge, to be blessed by his selfless dedication to truth and healing, like no other.

  348. Lies and corruption are everywhere and they try to convince you, sell you, make you believe, and take advantage of you – and we fall for that. And someone comes along showing a level of integrity and love never seen before as a lived way – and we don’t want to believe that. We have to want truth for there not to be lies.

  349. No one is doing more than Serge Benhayon to share the truth of how things actually are, such is the depth of his love for humanity. If we are living in a false reality, having convinced ourselves that everything is great, when it so clearly isn’t, how can we hope to bring about true change unless we’re prepared to be honest about the state of play in our world today. For this consistent, loving dedication to humanity, Serge Benhayon is being vilified by the media – such is the state of play in our world today.

  350. ‘As the corruption and degradation of decency and fair play is outed, the quality of what the world has been allowed to become is incrementally being revealed to us all.’ – well said Judith – there is no one else to blame, as a society, we have allowed the endemic corruption to breed and spread and now it’s being exposed, finally. We are experiencing first hand the rot of what we have created.

  351. The media can say all they like but nothing will ever take away from the quality we live with on a daily basis.

  352. “I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within and know, to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life.” Yay! I full heartedly second that Judith.

  353. Some people have forgotten how to live in the truth of who they are and in the love available to them and are caught up in the dark veil of evil and lies that are currently being concocted by the Media. Serge Benhayon is shinning the light on this darkened way humanity has chosen to live and is offering another way and how blessed I feel to have experienced this light and make it my way of living and being in the world. I loved your comment – ‘I have joyously accepted the opportunity of embracing the teachings of The Way of The Livingness, so I now stand more solidly in the quality of Love and Truth that I and every person innately holds within and know, to my bones, there’s no better way to feel or live life’. YES, YES, YES to ‘The Way of the Livingness’ and the Love and Light Serge Benhayon is.

  354. Brilliant blog Judith, thank you for exposing the lies the media is presenting about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and where our world is at. Not much has changed and humanity hasn’t evolved very far if people are buying into lies and even worse attacking the truth. Serge Benhayon is a man who lives with absolute truth, integrity, love, and respect. He is a beautiful example of how we can live in harmony in this world and, the small group of people who attack him, Universal Medicine and what he presents are simply reacting to the truth and the love that is offered. In contrast, there are thousands and thousands of people worldwide who are super, super inspired by Serge Benhayon and always ready and keen to live and connect with the truth and love that he presents.

  355. Yes Judith, this is the same for me, I literally can not imagine my life and they way I am choosing to live with the principles of The Way of The Livingness and the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. What Serge exquisitely shares with us is how practical and everyday this is and no matter how ginormous the vibration of where we come from is it can still be lived in full without any reduction. This is what we are here to be, points of light express the all of where we come from.

  356. Yes, absolutely no lies from Serge Benhayon only pure transparency. He welcomes people having a good look because he knows the lies the world founds itself on and that people are therefore incredulous at his lived integrity and truth. Sadly there are few people presenting in the world as he does that actually live in this way, connected to the essence we all have within. I have observed him for over a decade living with absolute love and integrity which he is with himself and everyone equally.

  357. There are no lies to sniff out therefore it takes lies to be written to try to hide the truth which Serge Benhayon lives and presents in everything he does.

  358. Thank you Judith, you speak for the hundreds of us who know the truth, who know Serge Benhayon and who know with out doubt this man has absolutely nothing to hide. Serge lives his life in full transparency for all.

  359. ‘We are having our eyes opened to what humanity has allowed to flourish without calling a halt.’ – this is happening everywhere, for us all to see, in all areas of our lives from work to relationships to our wider communities and countries. Feeling our own part in allowing this and being a bystander is confronting and uncomfortable, and that is what Serge Benhayon constantly and consistently presents: no blame, no judgment, just a take-it-or-leave-it presentation of the why things are the way they are, and how we’re all a part of it.

  360. Well said Judith. It shows how far away we have stepped away from who we are when we can make up outright lies about a person and splash it all over the media for others to then believe. One can see how easily then vilification takes place without any truth. The media definitely have their part of play but so do we as consumers who consume and sometimes devour its content and then take it on as our own. The lies take on a life of there own, but are only fed by our consuming interest.

  361. As the old(ish) saying goes, “if you don’t like the song change the station”. Serge presents what he has lived consistently for 19 years – no pleading or conversion, take it or leave it.

    1. Change the station or click the close button at the top of the window on your computer rather than puffing up and taking up the sword in a misguided attempt to ‘save’ others who have not asked to be saved, least of all under such tutelage.

    2. I love the song and station Serge is singing from for it the same one that lives in my inner heart and I know to be the truth.

    3. … knowing that one day every single one of us will return to the truth and love of who we are. This fact supports me in my life to not get attached to others and allow an unfolding to take place.

    4. Exactly: Serge Benhayon does not need you to listen to his station. He offers one but you are open to join or to leave it.I have never met someone like him before being so detached from someone joining his “station” or not. What a beautiful spacious, non imposed feeling to have.

    5. I agree Michael, there is much to read and listen to about the works of Serge Benhayon and The Way of The Livingness, if it inspires you go for it if it is not to your liking leave it. Simple.

  362. As more and more of lies and corruption are being exposed as the systems increasingly crumble so people look for a distraction in order to not accept, deny the truth and reality, not take responsibility and to keep living in the illusion that everything is OK. Hence Serge Benhayon is attacked as he keeps peeling away the veils of obscuration and the truth is no longer hidden.

  363. Is this not to be celebrated that you and thousands of others are returning “to the fact that it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.” This is our future being lived right here, right now.

  364. There is a plethora of testimonies, blogs, interviews all stating a clear testimony to what Serge Benhayon has brought to this world and the difference he has made to thousands of people’s lives. Yet there is not a single speck of this to be found in the media reporting, not a hint or a mention, only the lies as presented by literally a couple of people. How much more clear can it be that the media has a strict agenda that serves only their own purpose and has no interest in presenting the truth whatsoever.

    1. Well said Carolien. The many thousands of blogs and articles shared across the internet are very easy to find and they are being ignored. There is an agenda alright. For if these were publishing based on public interest then we would see everything accessed via the media.

      1. That is a great phrasing “public interest” for what is in the interest of the public or what the public is interested in are two different things. Maybe we in general as a public are not really that interested in truly changing our ways for it would mean taking on responsibility of ourselves and the world around us in every single thing we do, think and choose.

    2. The media just loves excitement and to expose someone in a degrading, virulent way. People love to read about that more, than about true things. If the news are not filled with emotions or keeping them in their comfort they are mostly ignorantly not interested, as it would bring them back to themselves and their own unloving, disregarding choices, they would then need to look at.

  365. Judith – I agree entirely with what you have shared. Serge Benhayon has touched the lives of many and will continue to do so. The media may buy their version – the untruth – but the truth needs to be shared – I absolutely vouch for the solidness and steadiness of Universal Medicine and the gift it is.

  366. You are so right Judith we have been wilfully shutting our eyes to the level of lies and corruption that are everywhere in our society. By only exposing the extremes we have allowed for a level of dishonesty, functional lies and corruption to lie at the foundation of the world as we know it. It is about time we get to awaken to this fact.

  367. This took me back to a time when I was 16 and working in a shop for a Saturday job at break when I would go to the staff kitchen I hated the newspapers that were laid around on the table .. they just felt to trashy, sensationalism and I would wonder who gets the say in what we put in the papers and why do they write and print them the way they do .. trashy …sensationalism. But I thought I had to accept it, that we have to accept it and cannot change anything. This is so very far from the truth we do not have to accept trash, lies, sensationalism or other people’s ideals and beliefs of what THEY think everyone else should also think. It is so very imposing. I attended a forum today on webcast and during it there was a discussion that papers and the media are starting to become a thing of the past, people no longer believe they are true and more and more people get to write and express how they feel though so many other mediums. As someone so beautifully said the only thing they are possibly good for is for wrapping up vases when moving house, but even then I think we can find something better to wrap our vases in.

  368. Thank you Judith. You have nailed it. There are no lies to expose, no corruption, abuse or sleaze present in Serge Benhayon or the life changing teachings and healing modalities he delivers. In fact what is so very evident when one first encounters Universal Medicine is the complete and total lack of this routine culture we are so used to. In its place is a quality that we all recognise for the Love it is and those who are sincere about life and people feel pulled to study more. 12 years of attending events year in year out has never given me any pause for thought, everything Serge puts his name to is absolute in the degree of care, respect, integrity and purpose. Serge Benhayon is a true role model that I feel immensely blessed to know.

  369. There are absolutely no rats to sniff out with Serge Benhayon. In fact his teachings are entirely based on discernment of everything even Serge. He is the most transparent, truth-full man I know.

  370. If I would not know The Way of the livingness and its teaching than more than 10 years, I would be definitely interested to get to know it after reading your blog. Thank you for your absolute review, which I can wholeheartedly agree with. I might doubt things in life from time to time. Serge Benhayon and what he presents, I never had one ounce of reason to doubt about.

  371. In the 8+ years that I have been associated with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have had only the most incredibly positive and life-changing experiences that have helped my family and thousands of others truly evolve in their lives. Has this way of living come with challenges as we have had to deal with some of our deepest hurts and wayward tendencies in life that have stopped us from living the truly loving, caring, and joyful beings that we are…YES. And herein lies the current issue with the unfair and ridiculous attacks by certain individuals and the media on Universal Medicine. The Way of The Livingness demands one to uphold a very high level of honesty, integrity, and willingness to change the ways we are living that are not in line with this level of self-love and care for others, and the media is obviously not willing to go there right now, hence there attack on a way of living that they know is true but are feeling the guilt of not adopting for themselves.

  372. This is a startling comment Elizabeth in that is exposes how it is actually far easier and more comfortable for humanity to lie. That’s the beast that we are all feeding; maintain the ignorance, lies and abuse, so that we don’t have to pick our game up and live to even a basic level of decency.

  373. The student body is full of a huge mixture of people from all walks of life, from different countries, backgrounds, classes, creeds and of a huge variety of ages. It is a giant melting pot of all kinds of humanity and yet every single one is unified by the fact that they have heard, seen and felt the truth of the teachings of The Way of the Livingness. How? Because we are all the same and we all once came from that one unified truth. That is it. Simple. Massive. Game-changing. True.

    1. Yes, it may be difficult to fool such a heterogeneous group. Possible perhaps, but difficult.

      1. I know that you are en expert on statistics Christoph so this is a very interesting angle. As you say, the wider the sample group, the more ‘stable’ the findings. That said and whilst I certainly enjoy and am inspired by the other students, the truth for each and every one of us, is our own choice based on our own feelings and I have discovered for myself how vital it is that each and every one of us are absolutely honest with those choices and feelings. And this works both ways – not just committing to what we feel, but also not avoiding or denying.

  374. The truth settles the body, lies rattle it. The question then becomes whether you are prepared to be honest about which state your body is in and/or accept that as the barometer. Denying that your body is rattled doesn’t mean that what you are living is the truth – enter coffee, food, distractions, alcohol, emotions, drama, stress, time or anything else that we like to use or attach to in an attempt to bury what our body is showing us.

    1. Lies are there for titillation, entertainment and for the purpose of lying ie at all costs avoid the truth (and there is a big cost involved). As you so wisely say truth brings a settlement and spaciousness to the body. Lies bring an excitement, raciness and stimulation. Which do we prefer?

      1. Sometimes we prefer the lies because in the stillness of the truth all that is not of that love / truth gets revealed and there can be hurts / issues or choices there that we do not want to look at. The reality is that sooner or later we will need to face what it is we are avoiding and very often the irony is that what we are avoiding is what we have always truly wanted ie love!

      2. On paper it is easy to say that I prefer the settlement and spaciousness. But in reality I am still often choosing the alternate, and it is exactly as you say; because that spaciousness in the body then delivers me the truth of what I have and have not been living. The choice always has been and always will be ours.

    2. “The truth settles the body, lies rattle it” Your use of the word rattled Otto, perfectly describes how it is for many people, including myself, before I met Serge Benhayon and made different choices about my life. To be in the presence of someone whose body is rattled hurts because I know how it feels to be settled and not longer dependent on stimulants.

  375. Thank you Judy .. I en-joy the commitment of my fellow brothers who write here and on the internet presenting the truth how it feels from their body in respect to where they have been similar to everyone. We are all in this to the end of days.


    1. Yes, and this is important- he does not need to be appreciated now, but Serge knows, that his footprints will set a new standard and reflection for history and mankind, which will eventually be acknowledged and honoured. I am glad I can do that already now, as there is no greater joy than to live a life with The Way of the Livingness.

      1. Ditto Stefanie, so am I blessed that I came into contact with Universal Medicine and have been able to walk alongside the diverse mix that makes up the student body.

      2. We are certainly blessed to be part of this new movement, that is not truly new but reignited on the next level, and that we get to walk beside Serge Benhayon and live this life knowing truth and love from our own bodies. It is now our responsibility to share it with others in the same way he has, through our Livingness.

      3. Just imagine you would have stood next to Jesus, Mohammed, Pythagoras or any other great man or women in history. This is no different, just as they were only recognized by few during their lifetime it is now known -even though thoroughly bastardized – what they brought to humanity. It will be the same for Serge Benhayon and the religion The Way of the LIvingness. Only this time it is not one man or a handful, there are hundreds of us and we are the guardians of what has been brought through, to make sure this time, through our own lived way, it does not get bastardized beyond any truth again.

    2. This feels like a very important time in history, we have a man walking amongst us all who only speaks the truth, many of us may find this confronting as the truth asks us to consider how we are choosing to live, it disrupts our comfort. Yet, with the truth we have the opportunity to choose to return to the truth of who we are which is more magnificent than anything I could ever have imagined. To know and live the divine glory of who we are is the most exquisite gift we can offer ourselves. What we all deeply crave the most is being offered to us all, the understanding of how we return to the love that we are. Yet, the knives are out and relentless attacks are being made …… all is recorded in the sands of time and we have no one else to blame for the choices being made right now, other than ourselves.

  376. Judith, this is a powerful and true living testimony about Serge Benyon and the love he reflects and lives 24/7.

  377. We rather buy into lies and gossip than take the responsibility we have over our own life and stand up for the truth we deep down know. Have we then truly evolved if we do not accept love and truth when it is presented to us.

  378. Thank you Judith for writing it how it is and I feel that many feel as you do and I know I do. We know truth and we know when we are being lied to. There is nothing that Serge Benhayon does or says that rings any alarm bells in fact the complete opposite, he lives to the highest integrity of anyone I know. To me the attack through a small group of people and the media is a repeat of what has happened through many thousands of years when the Ageless Wisdom is presented. It rocks peoples comfort and they don’t like it so they retaliate.

    1. One aspect of the irresponsibility in the media is that whilst they give space to printing the lies about Serge Benhayon and his business Universal Medicine the truth that needs to be reported about corruption and abuse in the world is not being exposed. Perhaps if elements of the media are already corrupt themselves, to truly report corruption would be too confronting of a mirror for themselves. To instead print sensationalist lies is an example of “snouts in the trough”, that is, taking advantage of their position and the system to indulge in profit and recognition to advance themselves at the expense of others, despite the true role of the media and journalists being to serve society with integrity to expose the truth to advance us all.

  379. If people want the truth they will look past the nonsense and seek to know through experience. If people don’t want their little bubble of comfort and functional mundane life to be disturbed, they will believe anything that gives them the excuse not to know.

    1. It is the ‘bubble of comfort’ that is exposed by truth and as that is what is presented by Serge Benhayon. They attack the messenger rather than hear the message.

    2. Absolutely Rachael, I love what you shared. People are very intelligent and they will be able to sense what is true and what is not if they are open to aligning with the truth. Also, you’ve brilliantly explained so clearly why someone would align with the lies instead of the truth.

  380. This is such a solid testimonial, Judith and no amount of arguing the fact will change the strength of your knowing to the bone of what the truth is, what Serge Benhayon is representing, and the truth that is The Way of The Livingness.

  381. Very well said, Judy, and I couldn’t agree more. I also know to the bone the truth of what is bestowed upon us by the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Is it so hard to believe that someone could actually be living in absolute dedication to humanity with the highest level of integrity and love, or does it simply seem far-fetched because our standards have dropped so low?

    1. Great question Janet. I now, understand that there is a force that wants to keep humanity living in misery, filled with lies and corruption, and this force is what is predominately running the world because we have chosen it. Serge Benhayon and the amazing people at Universal Medicine are exposing what is truly going on and showing the world that we do not have to give power to the corruption and lies but to live with truth and love in our everyday life. Through our commitment to living a loving way, we will inspire more and more people to awaken and free ourselves from this force that is stunting the evolution of humanity and the entire universe.

    2. Touché Janet and so very true… we as a humanity have given up/checked out to such a degree that we no longer recognise true integrity and love when it is standing right in front of us.

  382. When I talk to people they say they hate the way we live, that there is so much corruption, abuse, misuse of drugs and alcohol. That we have become a very selfish society and that they can see how this is impacting our children as they are stressing at such young ages as young as 4 years old … How is this possible? Serge Benhayon has presented another way to live and my question to society is are we ready to live this way or do we want to carry on in our current way of living knowing in truth it is rotten to the core?

  383. Judith I have discovered over the years of knowing Serge Benhayon that he presents the truth using your example
    “it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.”
    By caring for myself and my well being it naturally flows that I do care deeply for all others, I do not want to say or do anything that could be felt as harming to another. Having been brought up in a religious family I know this way of living goes against all that certain religions teach which is that we need to take care of others first and ourselves last. In fact females are actively encouraged to do for others and I know from my own experience that this bred discontentment and resentment in me. I no longer have this in my body as by valuing myself first I naturally seem to value others, I wonder what the world would be like if we all lived valuing ourselves first.

  384. ‘Over the years in my experience, there’s not been a rat to smell or a whiff of a lie in what Serge Benhayon via Universal Medicine has offered.’ Ditto Judy. The thing is we all know the truth deep down, no matter how much we try to deny it. The thing is if we are really open to knowing it, being honest about the hurts that make us try and block it, then we know it when we come across it. When I first met Serge Benhayon and heard him express the truth, every particle in my body confirmed it; and that’s the thing about truth – it is felt from our bodies not our minds.

  385. I have been listening to Serge Benhayon for over thirteen years and I have heard him talk about almost every single subject imaginable. I have been blessed infinite times by the wisdom and truth of what he has shared for us all. However I will admit that there have been times when what he has said has been difficult for me to comprehend, to accept, to admit to – but that is 100% down to my resistance to see the world for what it truly is, to see the bigger picture (the reasons for this are plenty and not for this comment). But, the absolute and undeniable fact is that whether I have fully grasped the depth his words or not, they have never, ever, ever felt anything other than absolutely true, delivered with total love, equality and beholding and with zero imposition, judgement or expectation.

  386. I love your key message here – to allow ourselves to feel the difference between truth and lies and to trust that feeling as our guide through life rather than be swayed by opinion, false news or illusory pictures. The ageless timelessness of pure wisdom is something that is known deeply in our bones when we allow ourselves to feel it. Available to all equally, regardless of our profession. It’s what – when we let it – unites us all.

    1. We are molded into the house of lies from a very young age when we start to comply to the ill truths and hold back our expression.

  387. Judy thank you, for your love, care and wisdom, and resolute knowing that all Serge shares of himself is truth.

  388. Thank you Judith. If there are any rats to sniff out I would rather do it myself than take the media’s take on things and to make up my own mind if the man is speaking Truth or not. Thanks to the student body of The Way of The Livingness there is plenty of unbiased information out there regarding the Truth about Serge Benhayon.

    1. What you say here Julie is really important and profound; that we should be allowed to decide for ourselves. Serge Benhayon has never, ever imposed his teachings on anyone, never, ever forced anyone to stay in any of his presentations nor ever, ever judged someone any more or less favourably depending on whether they like or dislike what it is he has to say. And that is really the crux of it all; we are all at different stages of our journeys and all dealing with different stuff so comparison is futile and worthless. But what must be an absolute in our society is the freedom for each to decide on themselves and follow whatever path they so choose. This is our absolute right and any individual, organisation or media outlet that impinges on this right should be held accountable.

  389. I love your directness, Judith, your absolute 100% knowing that Serge Benhayon brings truth and exposes the way we can, in the world, twist and turn what we know and live in a total mess that we do today, very far away from how we could be living.Serge Benhayon supports us all with the Ageless Wisdom teachings he brings.

  390. No lies and nothing to sniff out. Everything is out in the open and offered to all. It all boils down to his livingness. Pure and simple!

  391. Love this Judy especially your last line that to your bones you know there is no better way to live. I concur and have lived the normal way of life to my mid thirties so know that road rather well, the road of hangovers, endless need for recognition, running on nervous energy all day, having asthma, hayfever, this is no way to live. To live and rest at night and to like how you feel in your body now that is a wonderful way to live. Can only attribute this change to Serge Benhayon no body else.

  392. The thing that struck me when I first met Serge Benhayon was that I could feel for the first time that someone was actually telling the truth and he wasn’t afraid to say what is what. What annoys the hell out of me is when people that have never met him jump on the band wagon of lies said about him. It is a good lesson to us all to not believe what we read unless we actually have first hand knowledge, as the media, social or main stream is full of it.

  393. New and improved has done nothing, but to lure us away from who we all are. The Way of The Livingness is not new or improved; it is the truth we started with!

  394. Judith, this is a great reminder; ‘ it is by only deeply caring and valuing myself and my well-being that I am able to deeply care and value all who I come in contact with during the day.’ I love this very simple truth.

  395. And I love this comment at the end – that the light of your soul shines brighter. It is not that it was ever compromised in itself, but as we remove the layers, the patterns that have kept us contracted and small, so the light that is naturally in us shines out. If the media took a moment to look up from their lies and actually look at and meet the Universal Medicine students they would have to reassess their soundbites and regurgitation.

    1. I agree Simon, but whilst they are addicted to there own lies, they will continue. So hence we will be the ones sharing our own stories.

  396. History shows that the countless world teachers who live and share the truth are rejected by many in the society in which they live. History will also show, as indeed it is already showing, that Serge Benhayon and The Way of The Livingness is offering us all truth, love and wisdom that humanity is calling out for.

  397. Judith, I love this article, thank you for sharing this is very beautiful; ‘I now enjoy being me and appreciating all the possibilities life holds.’ I feel the same and it is very beautiful to be confident in myself and to know who I am, rather than be in self-doubt and self-criticism, this makes life joyful and purposeful.

  398. For those that choose The Way of the Livingness, there is no question as to its veracity. You don’t have to think about it because you can feel it… deep in your bones, just how true it is.

  399. These blog pages would not be filled with comment after comment stating the absolute integrity of Serge Benhayon if there was even the slightest whiff of untruths. The truth is the truth and no amount of media slander can ever or will ever take away the truth as the truth will always be known.

  400. “We don’t like acknowledging, let alone accepting, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of world affairs we find ourselves living in.” That is what feeds the circulation energy that tries to dumb down the exposure of we have gotten ourselves in the state we are in.

  401. I experienced about twenty five years of spiritual searching prior to finding Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine about eleven years ago now, when I had previously wandered from course to course in search of truth. Not one teacher satisfied me, on account of the hypocrisy and double standards I encountered, so a year or two was the most time I spent in any one arena. Coming now to the consistency of seeing Serge and his family actually living what they present was like a breath of fresh air. Here was truth – and love and joy being lived – and in a family setting with all that entails. Amazing.

  402. So many Universal Medicine students have healed chronic illnesses, have more confidence and sass and now live more purposeful lives it’s good health and vitality it’s extraordinary that a handful of people have taken it on themselves to denounce this group of amazing people. However truth has never been popular ( it presses too many buttons) and World teachers have often been denounced in their own lifetime. But truth wins out in the end when these teachers have been acknowledged down the track.

  403. Your beautiful presentation about the truth of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine speaks for not just you Judith, but me and many, many others whose lives have benefited in a myriad of ways since our first moment of connection with this amazing man and his equally amazing organisation. There are ‘no lies to sniff out’ because there are no lies, only truth, for it is truth and a deep love for humanity that is at the foundation of everything Serge Benhayon shares with the world.

    1. Yes a beautiful presentation that speaks so clearly and lucidly of the truth of the heinous lies of the media concerning Serge Benhayon and all associated with him. It really is quite extraordinary that the lies still get the traction they do when there is now such a wealth of testimonials and factual evidence that completely negates them.

  404. Brilliant Judith. The way the media treats Serge Benhayon today totally exposes what so many have known for years: that it’s currently a medium for a putrid outpouring of twisted half truths and lies. The fact that we continue to read what these outlets put forth shows how we prefer entertainment and stimulation to truth.

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