In Response to ‘The Echo’ article

In response to receiving letters of support from Universal Medicine students, such as this one below, The EchoNet Daily have shown that journalistic integrity is still alive. They have decided to research the facts and write a more balanced article [‘It’s a Smear Campaign: Health-Group Leader’, Jul 26th, 2012, EchoNet Daily].

by Carolien

A response to the article on Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine:

What a missed opportunity for you, Louis and staff reporters. I feel if you had read and not just copied the other articles from previous days’ papers, but had taken the time to read all the comments and replies to them, you may have felt to write a completely different piece. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are all about responsibility and integrity. Is it not true that it is also the media’s responsibility to offer the same level  of responsibility and integrity? I do not feel you have applied this to your reporting.

You claim to bring independent news but have obviously copied news from other newspapers (which had to retract parts of their articles because of the utter falsities). I have witnessed how Serge and Universal Medicine have been portrayed in the press and want to offer you my experience. When I started to attend Universal Medicine courses 5 years ago I myself was rather against conventional medicine and the ease with which prescriptions are handed out these days. But not once have I heard Serge Benhayon be anything other than supportive of conventional medicine and thus slowly I came to feel things differently. Not once in the past 5 years have I heard him make claims that Esoteric Breast Massage cures cancer.

I come from a background of alternative medicine, eastern medicine and healing and have in that always felt something was missing. My teachers had spoken great words of love and awareness and self care and about the fact that everything is energy and how that is now a scientific fact. But upon observing them closely, they were all talk and no walk. They spoke of love and then I observed them judging people, or taking drugs or not living in a self-nurturing manner, they were dishonest, lived lovelessly, etc. etc.

What Serge Benhayon, Natalie Benhayon, Kate Greenaway and the other practitioners at Universal Medicine provide is first of all the fact that they actually live what they share with others. They have been willing to take the fact that ‘everything is energy’ a step further and to look at what that ACTUALLY MEANS. How many of us, for example, who are willing to speak of responsibility for the environment, of the terrible state of the world or the situation in politics, are ready to discuss the fact that ‘everything is energy’ and talk about the topic responsibility, discuss it with our friends, or at the dinner table, or even with our clients in alternative medicine. How many of us actually STOP and looked at what the CONSEQUENCES are of this scientific fact? What it actually means to take responsibility? I certainly did not before I came upon Universal Medicine. Because to do that is asking us to become really, really honest about how we live, the choices we make and why we make them. Yes, there are those that do not like this level of responsibility and instead of being honest about that they retaliate and attack those who raised the question.

The way Universal Medicine works is of the highest standards I have ever come across. The practitioners are held to an exceptionally high code of ethics and their level of care, attention to detail and most of all their level of love is amazing, unprecedented and truly inspiring. The sessions I have received from all Universal Medicine practitioners have been very supportive and have helped me regain my health (and my life) to a great extent.

The Esoteric Breast Massages are only performed by female practitioners of the highest integrity. Many people react to the word ‘breasts’ and judge without allowing a moment of contemplation. Maybe we need to look at why we only take our breasts into true consideration when faced with illness and disease. Does it not make sense to treat the breasts as an integral part of the body? Not just to sexualise them or see them as a source of nourishment for the young? To me it certainly does. In a time when women’s diseases are spiralling completely out of control, does it not make absolute sense to look at all parts of the female body?

In regard to this, I have had regular sessions with Natalie Benhayon which have helped me to re-connect with my body, to become aware of what was going on at a deeper level, and feel supported in the issues as they presented. To be clear, I remain in constant contact and have regular appointments with my GP. Also, Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon do not have any ‘followers’, the student body is actually made up of all kinds of people from all walks of life, who have one thing in common: they have the courage and strength to be open to what is being presented, with the possibility that it may in fact be true. Serge does not direct, tell you what to do, or demand anything ever. He simply presents what he lives, and I can now say from my own experience, it actually works!

We are students and we stuff up at times and people can react to that, understandably so. I for instance, was so inspired that I wanted everyone else to know about what I was learning about myself and experiencing; I wanted to share it, but the way I did it wasn’t respectful or loving in regard to where they were at. My family was concerned at first, but now fully agree to the fact that I have become so much more healthy, balanced and loving. Presenting a way of living that is actually working is not Serge Benhayon wielding power over us, it is giving us our power to choose. It is not about him. It is ME: I am responsible for my life and no one else. I am the one responsible for my choices. I am the one who lives with the consequences of my choices and I am the one who chooses to live in awareness and with integrity. My attending the courses is not for Serge or for me to give my power to Serge (although at the start I tried, believe me and he simply would not have it). I go because every time I do I learn more about myself and humanity as a whole, bringing much greater understanding and acceptance of myself and others, building a life of true love. Through the years I have had a chance to observe many other students and the changes in them have been tangible and inspiring.

I think, Louis and staff reporters, that if you will allow yourself to look at this ‘story’ again with an open mind, you may be surprised by what you find.