The Benefits of Esoteric Breast Massage

by Lucy Dahill

I have received many Esoteric Breast Massages (EBMs) in the last few years. At first I went because I had been educated in the benefits of breast massage from a physiological point of view, though what I came to feel was so much bigger than that. The support I have received from the EBMs, the practitioners and subsequently the Esoteric Women’s Presentations has been incredible.

When I came to feel a connection with my breasts, emotional issues that I had forgotten or thought were past and finished with started to come into my thoughts during the sessions. The practitioner kept everything very simple and supported me to understand my own body, in that the emotion I was experiencing was simply energy moving in the body.  My breasts have fed three children and they were quite ’empty’ physically but also they felt drained… It took a long while to reconnect with them, to not feel let down by their size, to not feel ashamed of their emptiness. After each EBM I would feel the size they truly were, they did not physically grow but I could get a sense of their true size. I had been having quite a few issues with cysts, the doctor had said there was nothing I could do, he said it was something I would have to live with for the rest of my fertile life and I would have to take great care during menopause. The woman who did my ultrasound said one of the earlier clients that day had chosen to keep her cyst because it gave her a larger cup size. I was not ok with this being ‘normal’ and if I had been distracted by size I would be denying what my body was sharing with me in the first place. It isn’t normal to have a lump in your breast. It is your body’s way of saying – hey, I am having trouble keeping the flow going.

For me it was my early warning sign and I felt to approach my healing plan no differently to if I had a cancerous tumour. I decided to massage myself as well as have regular Esoteric Breast Massages and to introduce more gentle and nurturing routines for myself. To be open to seeing if there were perhaps things that I did that were not as nurturing to myself as they could be. I found that there were and as I chose to make more nurturing choices part of my day to day living, each month the lumps reduced in size. I continue to have regular scans and was told I could now go to annual checks again. I still have a few lumps and I feel them as a communication from my body that something is out of balance, rather than something to avoid or be scared of. I love that my body is always talking to me.

I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.

152 thoughts on “The Benefits of Esoteric Breast Massage

  1. “I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.” For some women nurturing is going to get your hair or nails done, or buying clothes, but I love what is shared here as nurturing being something that the body leads in. In the past I would often turn to the internet or outer sources of information to support my health, and in some cases I would stubbornly continue to feed myself certain things called “superfoods” when my body was giving me symptoms saying it’s not right for me. I learnt to tune into my body and begin to honour its signals and authority – after all the body doesn’t need to refer to the internet! I have found that my body is a very strong communicator, it shares subtly and not so subtly all the pressures I place it under, and equally thrives under my love and care. Dropping beliefs about how life or I am supposed to be to actually honestly listen to the truth of what my body is sharing is a bit of a tug of war at times, but I’m learning to surrender more.

  2. Lucy what you have shared here is to me a revelation that should be shared with every woman worldwide.
    “To be open to seeing if there were perhaps things that I did that were not as nurturing to myself as they could be. I found that there were and as I chose to make more nurturing choices part of my day to day living, each month the lumps reduced in size.”
    So there is a possibility that if women were to take more care of themselves by nurturing themselves rather than always in the doing of the many roles that they take on this may have a huge effect on their overall wellbeing. Surely this is worth investigating as we know that illness and disease is dominating everyone’s lives, where it is now unusual that someone doesn’t have an illness or disease.

  3. How beautiful to accept that our body is communicating to us, and telling us if something is out of balance, so we can make new choices, that honour, nurture and care deeply for ourselves, ‘as I chose to make more nurturing choices part of my day to day living, each month the lumps reduced in size.’

  4. To start to understand what self nurturing is and start to live it is a gift for us all because by truly nurturing ourselves we bring the same quality to everybody else.

  5. I have found the Esoteric Breast Massage modality a true gift, it’s supported me to reconnect to and care for my breasts, to be more aware of my whole body and treat it with tenderness, and to feel the essence of myself as a woman and cherish this. It is an extraordinary experience to have an Esoteric Breast Massage, for me it’s been life changing.

  6. This is very empowering Lucy. It shows that we can deal with what we have been avoiding feeling in our breasts and the positive effect of being nurturing with ourselves. It sounds so simple but it is something that is missing from most women’s lives these days as they rush around being everything for everyone.

    1. I agree, it sounds so simple so we have to start asking ourselves why we find it so hard to prioritise that care and attention for ourselves. In my experience it lays a foundation for everything else.

  7. “I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me” – this is just beautiful. I love this. This wanting to know, wanting to own, is what turns anything into a subject of judgment/frustration and ultimately sabotage what potentially could unfold. I so need to remember that.

    1. Me too Fumiyo, we want to grasp something before it’s arrived, instead of being open and allowing of it without knowing, and simply receiving.

  8. When dealing/observing breasts, we can choose the physical side of the equation or the energetic. If we go for the former, we look at size, shape, etc. If we go for the latter, we feel emanation. Two different criteria for beauty that is in the eye of the beholder.

  9. I really had no clue what self-nurturing was and what effect the way I lived had on my breasts until I started having Esoteric Breast Massages. I feel so different and so much more respectful of my own body that I wonder how I must have abused myself without even recognising I was. What a gift this modality is.

  10. Lucy at first I was skeptical about the benefits of Esoteric Breast massage (EBM) till I had a few sessions myself. It came to my awareness that they were just there, no different to testicles hanging for a man. They were cold in places and didn’t belong to me, they belonged to the world’s commodity.

    Once I had a few EBM I started to reconnect to them, they were becoming warmer than before and I started to notice them but most of all they started to take shape to their natural size.

    I spent years working out and my breasts had reduced in size so they never had the opportunity to be their normal self or size. Since I stopped working out (for health reasons), over the years my breast changed too.

    EBM has connected me to my breasts.

  11. The Esoteric Breast Massage stands alone as a modality that supports a woman in being all that she is, through her own dedication to self. It is an enormously supportive experience.

    1. Yes and until we embrace the simplicity of that understanding we will continue to impose the grubby presumptions that steer us away from nurturing and embracing our breasts.

  12. There is a great deal we can learn from our body when we listen to it, the problem is we choose to override what is being communicated, the Esoteric Breast Massage has allowed me to connect more with myself and accept how fragility is actually a strength.

  13. Breast care is something that seems to be almost wholly ignored our society. We care for our hair, grooming, colouring, cutting, we care for our nails, and of course enormous time on our face, but what about our breasts? It is like they don’t exist. Yet breast cancer rates are enormously high, so perhaps care of our whole self including our breasts is a wise step forward.

    1. Well said, such a large part of our body, completely neglected unless they are needed for sex or breastfeeding. The Esoteric Breast Massage has really brought the conversation back to the importance of breast care in health care.

  14. “so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.” It is this simple Lucy, isn’t it? And to do this, it does require being more loving, more caring with your body and more open with it so we can hear the loving messages our body communicates with us. It absolutely adores us 24/7 – no matter what we throw at it! it wants the best for us, it keeps us alive! And our bodies are super honest, they cannot lie, they only know truth. No judgements on how much you ate for example, it will lovingly bloat, or be gassy to let you know it was too much and there is disharmony in your body.

  15. We do tend to bury our hurts as deeply as we can, which is what inevitably we are living from, hindering us to freely appreciate, nurture and live our preciousness. It is very empowering to have a modality such as EBM’s available to us so we can feel for ourselves where we are holding pockets of ill-energy that are keeping us from freely being who we are, and instead embrace a deeper relationship with nurturing and cherishing our body so our sacredness is naturally lived.

  16. I have always had a very remote relationship with my body – not taking the time to stop and feel and listen. It feels as though as we age the body can no longer cope with this level of disregard and begins to talk in a very loud and unavoidable way. I still find if challenging at times to not over ride my body but I am now more willingly to stop and realise that enough is enough and that my soul is calling me back home to be at one with my body and honour the love it offers.

  17. I was also surprised by the emotional issues that had been buried in my body, that resurfaced when I started to have EBMs. I had been having Esoteric Healing for some years so my body was much lighter and clearer, yet there are specific issues around being a woman that came up with the EBM. Although it was challenging at the time, I would much rather know what is there than be ignorant and have these emotional issues causing disharmony and potentially disease in my body.

    1. Yes, that is the same for me – I would much rather know what is being held in my body than have it influence my decisions and my relationships without seemingly knowing why.

  18. Like you Lucy I love that my body talks to me and informs me of what is going on within me and around me. Sometimes it may have to shout to get my attention but I am becoming more and more aware of how important it is to listen to the wisdom of it and to trust that wisdom.

  19. Thank you – ignoring is not working.. As our body will reveal its truth always and make the illness come out in whatever way it needs to do so – as it wants to keep the flow going of the natural state of harmony of the body.

  20. Coming back to ourselves as women is key and hence we must find our way back to living from this. This to me is The Way of The Livingness. A livingness available to us all..

    1. Well said Danna – as re-discovering who we innately are through developing a loving relationship with our body, we are able to discern and feel who we are not, as such heal and make the adjustments needed to bring all that we are, our Soul-fullness, to life. Yes indeed, The Way of The Livingness offers a way to resurrect ourselves to live the graceful power of who we all are in essence.

  21. Thank you, Lucy. It was great to read your blog this morning – it made me realise how I have got used to having lumps in my breasts. I do have regular scans, but I can feel how I have normalized them being there. My initial reaction to finding them was one of fear and I had a few biopsy to be told they were benign but as you say the fact that they are there are telling me something is off – whether how I used to live or how I am living, there are things that don’t have to be there – “I am having trouble keeping the flow going” – I love how you have said this, and how this has pulled me out of my complacency.

  22. I had a breast screening yesterday and although the woman I saw was doing her best to be gentle and clear I came away feeling that I had been treated less than the amazing precious woman that I know myself to be. As everything is a reflection it caused me to question the care that I had been taking in my life generally and how I had been nurturing myself and I could see that I could be so much more tender and delicate with myself than I am currently being. It also made me appreciate the levels of care and respect that I have come to thus far. The biggest thing was for me to realise how tense I had become as the machine was about to squash my breast. I had already decided it was going to be awful before anything happened. This guardedness I have been carrying around with me in life. This morning I decided to do a 10 minute Gentle Breath Meditation and I could feel the tension melting and my body surrendering.

  23. I love what you share Lucy about simply being open to what the body has to share. If we stay open in a way that marvels at the wonder of this information and innate intelligence rather than caught in the mind about worrying, so much more is revealed as to the original step that might have prompted the requirement of a sign. Appreciating our part of our well-being coupled with great medical advice and support we are able to approach healing responsibly.

  24. The power behind words when we correctly use them is very great, and to then use them in a way that empowers people is grand. As we can use them equally to take people down. It is time to show the world – where words can truly be used for.

  25. The Esoteric Breast Massage is a true blessing for women to not only support on a physiological level but to bring old hurts and buried issues to the surface so that they can be healed.

  26. How lovely to develop this nurturing and caring relationship with the body and honour its innate wisdom.

  27. This is a modality that helped me understand how beautiful it is to look after and deeply nurture myself and how my body is so very worth it. It is beautiful to become alive in ones body again from the inside out and to feel truly content in my own body.

  28. Self-nurturing is something we do not talk about. Often if we do we think it is about holidays, shopping trips, chocolate and spa days….this is not it, it is free, totally supportive and very sustainable, it just takes a different approach to how we treat our body. I am learning this myself, I used to give myself treats, this is not sustainable and not very supportive, I am changing and offering myself great care everyday and being very loving with myself, this is a nurturing way that really reconnects us and brings a quality of contentment in life like no other.

  29. I can only relate to the specifics of that this article is saying. I have seen in my own body, ‘things’ happening as a message, guide or warning of something needing to change. Even down to the smallest pain or ache there is something for us to read in what is going on. I love the openness and light way this article presents what is a serious and possibly scary experience. It’s not playing it down but more saying that like everything, read the message, make the change and be open to what is next.

  30. We need to register how so much in the world seems intentionally designed to remove us from the true connection to our bodies and to our essence, and how much we have played along with this and allowed the world to be so. Once we choose to reconnect and live the sacredness we are all naturally from, we can restore that naturally within the world and with each other.

  31. I love the way you write Lucy and I also the appreciate the approach you have taken to deal with what your body letting you know it needs. I know for myself that I have overlooked and therefore abuse my body in so many ways for such long periods of time in the past that it is necessary to slowly rebuild the trust and the relationship I have with myself and my body . . . as you have so clearly demonstrated that you are doing here. I often say to the young take care of your body as every choice to override what your body is telling you now comes back to bite you as you age.

  32. Our bodies are so divine in every way and are working 24/7 to keep us functioning so beautifully, so the least we could do is nurture and care for them like we would a very small child, or something truly precious. Either way our bodies are truly worth every moment spend lovingly with them.

  33. Lucy I appreciated your attitude to nurturing, that just as you did at the beginning learning to self nurture, now when it comes to finding a way to deepen your nurturing you rely on your body – nurturing cannot be prescribed to us. I must say my mouth was agape at the woman’s comment to keep her cyst because it added to her bra cup size – wow, we place the image we want of ourselves and how we look as more important than our health.

  34. In the hustle and bustle of today’s world we women have got so lost that true nurturing is like a foreign land to far too many of us – and this is something we all need to collectively correct together by supporting and inspiring each other to bring back to life both true care and then, true nurturing.

  35. i love the gentleness of this blog Lucy and the lovely way you reminded yourself that the place to begin made itself known and so the next step will also arise as needed in the choices to continue to loving yourself.

  36. Esoteric Breast Massages are a support for me to begin to accept myself & my body as that of a woman, and to help treat myself in a way that is loving, nurturing & supportive of who I truly am.

  37. So many women have lost connection to their bodies and can miss the divinity and sacredness that we all hold, the Esoteric Breast Massage is a deeply healing and honouring of women in every way and allow the space for us to re-connect and to embrace this quality again.

    1. Thank you Anna for your comment, you have described exactly my experience of the Esoteric Breast Massage, the beautiful thing is there are always more levels of our divinity and sacredness to be deepened into and lived from.

  38. Having Esoteric Breast Massage is a gift to myself as a way of deeply honouring myself as a woman.

  39. “I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.” This is gorgeous. To let go of the need to be in control and to know what is next is such a blessing – one I am learning to give myself.

  40. The EBM brings light into a reality that is hidden to most people. Breasts store unhealed emotions, hurts, and even traumas. This is what they radiate and communicate. A technique that is able to help to remove those issues that diminish the capacity of the breasts to do their nurturing job is something that ought to be celebrated.

  41. ‘I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.’ How lovely it is to have this kind of relationship with our bodies, trusting implicitly that the answers will come when we feel our way.

  42. “I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.” Simply put .. this is the next step.

  43. Thank you Lucy for sharing you experience of having Esoteric Breast Massages and the self nurturing you have put into place in your life. Our bodies are amazing in the wisdom that they will impart to us if we just feel to listen.

  44. You are living proof of the incredible healing that can be chosen through the Esoteric Breast Massages and from committing to deepening our connection with ourselves and listening to what our body is telling us. After reading of your experience, it is clear the power of self-nurturing in conjunction with EMBs is undeniable.

  45. My experience of Esoteric Breast massages has been that through the tender and unimposing touch of my practitioner I have been able to reconnect with myself as a woman on a much deeper level, let go of a lot of negative beliefs I had about myself as a woman and learn to love and nurture myself and my body with tenderness in the joy of re-connecting with warmth of the truly gentle sensitive woman that I truly am. The tenderness I now care for myself in is forever deepening as I continually let go of my protective wall and embrace the woman in the true power and strength of my vulnerability and fragility.

  46. I have loved reading all the comments and how we can all deepen our experience by sharing with each other. I have just been working with the Foundational Breast Care website and doing the Self Breast Massage. That is an incredible experience. Something my body has responded to very strongly so no doubt there will be more for us to share as we deepen the relationship with our breasts and our bodies beyond the skin level.

  47. Lucy, I couldn’t agree more on the deep support offered by the Esoteric Breast Massage. This modality holds an essential key for women to reacquaint ourselves with our own bodies and develop a relationship with our own breasts that can let go the stereotypical views on their ‘function’, and restore us to truly feeling how precious, sensitive and tender we actually are.

  48. How deeply poignant, to read of a woman sharing about deepening her own relationship with her body. Anything that truly supports this relationship deserves to be deeply acknowledged and appreciated, for surely it is our own prevalence of being ‘divorced’ from our bodies that is contributing to the endemic ailments we see impacting upon so very many today…

  49. I have also found the Esoteric Breast Massage an amazing tool to help me reconnect with my body and my breasts. After each session I have had I always feel very still and very graceful as I can feel more of the gorgeous woman I am.

  50. I love how you bring appreciation in Lucy around your choices to nurture yourself, in that you didn’t know not that long ago how to do that and now your body is showing you and you are further developing it. This is the beauty of the EBM as it supports us to begin to truly value and appreciate ourselves as women.

  51. “I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.”

    This is so true. When we try to ‘think things through’ we end up imposing a control over our bodies in the form of an ideal or belief that we allow to dictate our next move. What we end up with is a mind/body division in that the mind is given permission to run rampant at the expense of the body that is left behind. Yet it is the body in which the true well of wisdom is found.

  52. I can relate to what you share Lucy about living disconnected to our breasts, particularly after raising children. Esoteric Breast Massage has been a fundamental support in helping to restore a strong sense of nurturing to my body. Prior to this I was constantly trying to give to others what I had not truly nurtured within myself, hence the ensuing exhaustion and depletion I felt as a mother to two young children. Thanks to this modality, I am beginning to feel that there is a certain quality of stillness that we as women naturally emanate when not imposed upon by outer dictates of who we should and shouldn’t be. It is a deep joy to feel the loveliness of this in my body once again.

  53. At my first Esoteric Breast Massage I felt quite anxious of what to expect, the practitioner could sense this and was super honouring of my feelings. Since then I have had a couple of sessions with different practitioners and I have to say I am always with out exception treated with the utmost respect. The integrity the practitioners hold in this healing treatment is outstanding.

  54. Lucy I have recurring lumps in my breast and I only can agree that: “To be open to seeing if there were perhaps things that I did that were not as nurturing to myself as they could be.” This is really the best why to support myself to heal.

  55. This is a very inspiring blog Lucy one that has inspired me to go deeper with my own breast care as initially I was very enthusiastic and have had many revelations and cleared a lot of old emotional stuff but reading your blog I get the feeling that I could go even deeper if I committed to a program as you have done. Thank you

  56. Lucy, it is so inspiring to read how you see the lumps in your breasts as your bodies communication. Like you say, it takes the fear out of it and allows true choices to be made in response the those messages. For me, the idea of illness or irregularity freaks me out a bit so I really appreciate feeling the grace you went into, not to fix yourself but to take heed of what is being communicated as our of balance.

  57. It does not surprise me reading that after Esoteric Breast Massage treatments and bringing more nurturing into your life Lucy, that the breast cysts reduced in size but are still there as a reminder to continue in your self-love program. It is beautiful and outstanding proof of the power in our choices and how we can preform miracles just by living responsibility and care.

  58. “I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.” isn’t this the most beautiful, simple and profound way of coming to know our bodies and our entire being? – “choosing to be open to feeling”. Thank you Lucy.

  59. Thankyou Lucy for all you have shared here. Self nurturing is something I am continually learning. I appreciated your words that although you may not know the next step, “I know my body will find a way to show me.”

  60. This is beautiful Lucy, like you I am finally able to appreciate my breasts instead of ignoring and knocking them as I did for many years. They were painful, hard and lumpy for much of my life until I started having Esoteric Breast Massages. Since then they gradually began to change and so did I. My attitude towards my breasts and myself as a woman is so much more loving and accepting careful and gentle, more nurturing, much healing has taken place because of this beautiful modality and for this I am very thankful.

  61. Thank you Lucy for sharing your experience with EBM, and the healing you received by being tender with your breasts, I have only been a couple of times for these sessions, but after reading your blog, I feel to have them on a regular basis.

  62. How beautiful that you were able to completely turn around how you viewed and felt about your breasts. Truly amazing. To take the time to massage your breasts, developing a new way to be with them, having regular EBM’s, which are truly transformational.

  63. This is a beautiful sharing Lucy. The EBM modality is ground-breaking in it’s essence of expressing the truth of the body to the woman. Our openness and the choices that follow can lead to healing of deep hurts that we have stored, many of them buried so deep we didn’t know of their negative effects to our femaleness.

  64. A beautiful sharing Lucy on the healing quality the Esoteric Breast Massage offers all women. I have also felt my breasts to be empty and I was quite disconnected to them before I went along to an EBM. Having experienced many EBM’s the way I feel about my breasts has totally changed, I am now far more accepting and appreciative of breasts and have allowed a deeper level of nurturing and tenderness towards myself.

  65. Thank you Lucy. The awareness that cysts in the breasts is our body letting us know that the way we are living is not self-nurturing and we have a choice to take responsibility for our own self-care is something all women should understand – and perhaps members of the medical profession as well. Cysts are not something that women should ‘just put up with’.

  66. I love your blog Lucy – the way you observed what was happening in your body and then choosing to make different choices and learning to nurture yourself more feels very simple and light – all done without any shame or giving yourself a hard time. It’s great for me to feel when reading this because I have a tendency to be quite hard on myself and this enables me to see that it’s not helpful for me to be that way.

  67. I found it quite alarming that one would choose to keep a breast lump in order to have larger breasts. This shows not only huge disregard but also pressure that society has placed on what is beautiful and what classes us as women.

  68. Thank you, Lucy. I have been having regular ultrasound for my breasts for the past year and find your sharing very inspiring as I was beginning to grow my appreciation for my body that what had been buried for so long has started to come up to the surface, ready to be released.

  69. Thanks for such an honest open blog Lucy. Its very powerful and I am sure there are many women out there that would be grateful for someone to open up the conversation about such a topic when they might be unsure about how to.

    This was written 3 years ago now! I’d love to know more about how things have evolved for you in this time?

  70. “I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.” This awesome trust you have developed with yourself Lucy is key to the extraordinary relationship you now have with your body. Not accepting the norm’ but being open to listen to what the body says is so confirming to read. Your honesty shares an openness and vulnerability to not knowing what the next step is which in turn is the strength and power you express as a woman. Awesome to read, thank you Lucy.

  71. This is such an inspiration to read. There is so much angst and fear about breast disease that some women experiencing it may even prefer getting rid of their breast as soon as possible, just in case it gets worse. And this fear can even overtake us (so to speak). What you are sharing here is incredibly valuable. We are not made to be afraid of our body, instead we can embrace our body when we are sick and start to notice our body speaking to us (signs, pains etc.). We could see illness and disease as our body trying to send out a signal that there is something not right. Let’s not be afraid to feel this, let our body speak.

  72. Similar to you Lucy, not so long ago I had no understanding of the concept of self-nurturing, and was something I had to relearn, and to be very patient with myself. And as you mention, as you take the first step to self-nurture and self-nourish, the next steps just seem to unfold if we stay open and listen to what our bodies are communicating with us.

  73. I like what you have expressed about feeling your breasts as their true size after an EBM. Recently I’ve been noticing that the more I claim myself as a woman, the more I step up and do not hold back, the fuller my breasts feel. They have not changed in size, but it is like I am now allowing myself to inhabit the space, rather than shut down from it.

  74. ” It took a long while to reconnect with them, to not feel let down by their size, to not feel ashamed of their emptiness. After each EBM I would feel the size they truly were, they did not physically grow but I could get a sense of their true size.” I can relate to this Lucy. It has taken me a long time to truly connect to my breasts again. Thanks to the support of the EBM practitioners I am beginning to be more aware on an every day basis of how my breasts feel. Now to feel and keep – consistently – the awareness and warmth that I feel just after an EBM.

  75. I didn’t know what the next step in my self-nurturing was until I discovered the Esoteric Breast Massage. I had come to accept that my breasts got unbearably sore often for two full weeks before my period and I would just struggle through it. Through EBM’s I became very aware that this is not normal, and actually it was my body’s way of telling me that how I was living was not nurturing to the woman I am. There has been a big turn around for me, and i rarely get tender breasts now, but if I do, I know immediately that there is attention needed for me to deepen my connection to myself and to look at areas where I have not been honouring myself in my day to day living.

  76. What a beautiful blog. I too have recently started having EBM’s and they are very supportive. It’s amazing how much a woman’s worth, self esteem and how she feels about herself as a woman are linked to the breasts. Form me I also had a lump which luckily was non cancerous, however it prompted me to understand my body was experiencing stress and not functioning as well as it should be. Having EBM’s is a God send, another way for me to take care of my body and my wellbeing. That is something to celebrate.

  77. What you have shared here Lucy is so important. Cysts are not normal as you say, and if we normalise them and consider them as something we just have to live with then we miss the vital and urgent message our body is giving us. Through Esoteric Breast Massage you have been able to connect more deeply with yourself and therefore with what message your breast cysts are giving you and in turn take the necessary steps to turn this around. An inspiration to many and a very important sharing. Thank you.

  78. A great blog Lucy. I relate to the feelings of ’empty’ breasts. The more I have connected to myself as a woman and the more I nurture myself, the more ‘full’ my breasts feel – whole.

  79. Lucy, a truly eye opening piece in sharing that you now see any conditions in your breasts as a sign of your body letting you know that there is something in your life you need to address. This is a concept that has the potential to completely change how we view illness and disease as no longer just bad luck; instead just a sign our bodies are out of balance.

    1. Very well said Sharon, Lucy is sharing how we all can view illness and disease in a new light. That illness isn’t done ‘to us’, but a culmination of our choices and Lucy seeing the signs in her body, her breasts and addressing it as something that needed to change in her life is truly amazing.

  80. I really enjoyed what you shared here Lucy, as I felt you opened my eyes to a deeper level of nurturing and communication we can have with our bodies. As a woman truly feeling and getting to know my body in this way is something prior to Universal Medicine I had not known. I too have found the Esoteric breast massages to be deeply supportive in allowing me to get to what’s really going on, to feel my hurts and see how I have carried these in my body. It has brought a lot of awareness and a deep desire to what to establish a more true and loving relationship with myself.

  81. Thank you Lucy,your blog reconnected me to feeling the loving, nurturing care we can sometimes forget to give ourselves, and we so deserve it.

    1. I agree Victoria, it is always beautiful to get a reminder to deepen the loving nurturing care we can give to ourselves. And yes we so deserve it.

  82. The Esoteric Breast Massage for women practised only by women is the first of its kind. The integrity and lengthy training required to become a practitioner is not easy and therefore I give it my full endorsement.
    As the modality has evolved from the original time when it started, if needed women are offered an arm massage to open up before the actual breast tissue is approached. I received this treatment and was amazed at how I felt during and after the treatment. I booked a program and without any doubt it was life changing and I have never looked back. I am now committed to looking after my breasts and have no hesitation in saying that if I could feel anything was even slightly wrong, I would go to my doctor.

  83. Lucy I have just started to massage my breasts for a couple of minutes after my shower and am amazed at how this has already started to change the way I feel about them ! I too have had up until now a bit of a unloving relationship with my rather small flat breasts and yet what you wrote about the size feeling different even though the size has not changed is so incredibly true. They do feel fuller but I am getting to underdstand that that fullness has nothing to do with size but to do with their energetic quality.

  84. I love the simplicity of what you express Lucy. Start by listening to your body, feel what is needed to nurture and give yourself permission to be nurturing with yourself, and do not ignore your body as we all can easily tend to do. And then this process deepens as our willingness to re-connect and listen develops.

  85. Your words brought me to a beautiful awareness, Lucy: I am committed to my body’s health. My body can actually celebrate to have me in it! And I celebrate that I have my body talking to me and letting me know immediately when I am not loving with myself or others. True companions.

  86. I agree that the Esoteric Breast Massage, while very supportive in allowing a space to feel what is going on for the breasts in terms of tensions and pains that there is so much more to it. Namely the respect that is shown to a woman’s body that naturally deserves to be treated tenderly, something that I had not experienced myself to have given to myself prior to my first EBM. Thank you Lucy for this reminder that that respect given to ourselves and as shown and given by others such as the all-female EBM practitioners can be in our daily lives should we so choose to implement it into our lives. And that it all comes from learning to be in touch with how the body feels and respecting those feelings, for me now that looks like: if cold – get another layer on, feel tense with someone – are but a few examples.

  87. Thank you Lucy… I love the honesty with what you are sharing and the openness you have in terms of exploring a deeper nurturing within you. There is much to appreciate with Esoteric Breast Massage we do get to feel so much about how we are living, but at the same time who we are. The nurturing we receive through the Esoteric Breast Massage then helps support us to live who we are.

  88. Beautiful Lucy. I can totally relate to your sharing that introducing ‘more gentle and nurturing routines for myself’ is an ever deepening process. An ongoing process that I just cannot deny my body and how I live my each and every day. A process that brings profound change to how you feel about yourself and others and how you interact with the same.

  89. I agree: ‘I love that my body is always talking to me.’ It took me sometime to not think I did something wrong when my body got sick or didn’t work harmoniously. But diseases and other ways of our body talking to us are not the enemy, they are our body way of clearing, healing and letting us that another choice is needed.

  90. It is so awesome to have the awareness that when things come up in our body whether illness, disease, lumps, bruises etc that it in fact is our body clearly communicating with us. What you have shared here Lucy is so supportive for so many women as it says that we have a role in healing our bodies and we don’t have to sit idly by. With the support of both Esoteric Breast Massage and conventional medicine we can be empowered to begin to develop a true and loving relationship with ourselves.

  91. This is a great inspiration Lucy, to hear that you took the lumps as a sign from your breasts that they needed some support and decided for your self to bring self care to them even though you didn’t have cancer. And, even more impressive that in the face of being told by a professional there was nothing you could do, you still chose responsibility rather than a get out clause.

    1. I agree Laura, I too found this very inspiring, that Lucy did not just accept what was told to her by a professional, she did take responsibility and true healing did occur as a result of this.

  92. Thank you Lucy, I love the way you are working with your body feedback. I too have found the Esoteric Breast Massages to be deeply nurturing and profound in their effects. Although I did not have the physical symptoms you describe, there was numbness and a profound sense of self-loathing that was felt, and that now has lifted as I have felt the truth, beauty and preciousness that is truly me that is deeper than any beliefs and attitudes I have taken on. Having felt that natural beauty it is so much easier and even natural to want to love and care for myself in the way I live my life. And this care extends to others – it hurts when I see women overriding the precious nurturing beauty that they hold.

  93. Thank You Lucy, for me having lumps in my breasts was just normal and it was only after having the Esoteric Breast Massage treatments that I began to deal with buried stuff that was directly related to what I was holding in my breasts.
    Interesting that I no longer have lumps or painful breasts and I rarely have the Esoteric Breast Massage now. However, during my hysterectomy and after, this modality was life changing and much needed. There was a correlation between my downstairs department and my breasts and I guess it’s all because I am a woman, and at the time the thought of embracing myself or even thinking I was a woman was so out there and not for me.
    The Esoteric Breast Massage is not just about having lumps cleared or dealing with painful breasts. It is so much more and for me it was a form of ‘counselling’ which is hard to put into words, but it freed me of some of my deepest pain that I had buried.

    1. Beautiful Bina and I agree completely. It opens a conversation that is hard to get to in other ways because the connection is very specifically our relationship with being a woman. Thank you for sharing.

  94. “I love that my body is always talking to me”…me too. And I love now that i am starting to really listen. It’s tremendous isn’t it! God bless Serge Benhayon and all at Universal Medicine for showing us another way to be with ourselves. I have loved getting out of my head and into my body. It is most awesome.

  95. This is a lovely introduction to what it is like to have Esoteric Breast Massages and the impact on the body. I have found esoteric women’s health modalities to be nothing short of miraculous in how they support my connection to my body.

  96. Lucy, I love the simplicity of this blog and your openness to seeing areas in your life that you could be more nurturing. It is incredible to read that by making more nurturing choices the lumps in your breasts reduced in size, it just goes to show that the way we live can have a huge impact on our health and well being.

  97. Esoteric Breast Massage unlocks the door to a deeper understanding and connection to my body and my past choices. This modality is so simple and profound. Thank you Lucy for your inspirational blog.

    1. Thank you Lucy and Kathryn, the Esoteric Breast Massage is such an integral part of women’s health that the medical profession could look into the benefits.

  98. When I read a testimony like this I cannot but think, this is a miracle! For all the testimonies on the Esoteric Breast Massage I have read, this has to be a very very powerful and beautiful technique that brings massive healing. Thank you for sharing Lucy. As for the next step, it will come to you no problem.

  99. Esoteric Breast Massage gives a woman an opportunity to feel and take responsibility for the way she is living. We are able to choose to listen to our body and what it is showing us, or give our power away and believe that illness and disease is imposed on us and there is nothing that we can do to change it.

  100. This seems like an awesome compliment to conventional medicine that could benefit knowing what can support women. Sometimes it seems that we put up with things just because we don’t know how to otherwise tackle them but this compliment for women seems to be a great support.

  101. The breast massage is a gorgeous treatment that has benefited hundreds of women to reconnect to, and express, themselves as the amazing women they are. Thank you for your beautiful sharing Lucy. The deep care and nurturing you choose for yourself is deeply felt and genuinely inspiring.

  102. Your words are so simple and true, Lucy. I am inspired by how you surrender to the present step and don’t think ahead of what will come after that. Like dancing Love.

  103. Wunderbare Lucy it is very inspiring to read: “I love that my body is always talking to me”. I had the same experience that my body also “talks” to me – but did I listen to what the body tries to tell me all the time – no!!!! What if the body of every human being is talking to them, and they as well have not stopped to listen all the time???? Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the rates in illness and deceases are raising. You mean that’s to easy and to crazy – but what if it is so????

  104. Hi Lucy, I love the simplicity with which you present the Esoteric Breast Massage. When I make the commitment to self-massage my breasts I feel that lovely fullness within that confirms that part of me that I have denied for so long. It is so beautiful and honouring of my body when I connect in this way, and I have found that as I become more open my body welcomes this as an invitation to tell me more. Our bodies are truly amazing when we begin the process of connection and self-nurturing.

  105. A beautiful sharing of your experience of the Esoteric Breast Massage, Lucy, which I too have found to be a very valuable modality in healing so many issues that I was carrying, both around what I thought my breasts were about and about my relationship with me as a woman. Introducing self-nurturing was a whole new concept for me but I have to say a very worthy area of development as it has offered such huge support on so many levels.

  106. Your sharing of the unfoldment that takes place step by step when we start listening to the body and care for it feels beautiful. We don´t need to know what the tenth next step is, only what is the one ahead.

  107. Thank you Lucy, dealing with or rather looking at dis-ease and illness in our body becomes so very simple when we allow ourselves to truly get to know our body by observing and taking deep care of ourselves and treating our body with the respect and deeply nurturing care it deserves, it being the vehicle we go through our entire life with.

  108. It is so healing to understand the body instead of judging it and from there to introduce a more loving and caring way to be with oneself.

  109. So beautiful Lucy. I have also experienced the amazing Esoteric Breast Massage and felt how truly wonderful it is to connect deeply with myself and my breasts. It is an ongoing unfolding, one that is forever changing.

  110. Thank you Lucy for sharing the importance of listening to the body’s unique way of communicating that there is an imbalance of harmony within.

  111. Lucy, this is something for me to remember ‘I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.’ What a gem, thank you

  112. The Esoteric Breast Massage is such a valuable modality. I remember not being so sure when I first heard about it but the practitioner was so gentle and understanding, I found it a great support.

  113. Thank you for presenting the truth behind one very simple fact when you say, ‘the emotion I was experiencing was simply energy moving in the body’. Imagine if we were taught this from a very early age? How different our approach to emotion and reaction would be and how different our outcomes.

  114. What a lovely blog to read Lucy the day before I have my first ever Esoteric Breast Massage! I have heard wonderful testimonials from lots of friends and family about the amazing new depth of connection you can feel with your gentleness as a woman from engaging in an EBM program and after many months of hearing and seeing the gentle nudges, I decided to book one in. I am nervous about what could potentially come up for me in the sessions as I feel I have a lot there to shift and a lot of reconnecting to do but it is through hearing lovely stories like yours and many others that I can also feel a sense of excitement that a new truer way of being with myself and others is just around the corner.

  115. Lucy I love this sharing about the Esoteric Breast Massage and I too have experienced lumps in my breast and realised with the Esoteric Breast Massage that these are not normal, neither is the swelling of my breasts when that comes up. I also have created a daily ritual of massaging my own breasts and connecting with them on a daily basis which supports me to feel and connect to the precious, tender woman that I am. Trusting our bodies and what they have to tell us is truly amazing.

  116. Thank you Lucy for reminding me that it is OK to not know what the next step is in self-nurturing but being open to feeling and trusting that you will be guided by your body is just beautiful.

  117. I loved reading this Lucy – because I can feel that you are the one in the driving seat, making your own choices based on how your body feels. All too often in these situations people abandon hope and then look to fixes and solutions offered outside in a panic. Those tools offered by western medicine are an incredible support, but its important not to forget that it is our bodies and they do communicate to us what is needed if we give them the chance.

  118. It’s amazing how powerful esoteric breast massages can be. I have let go of some strongly held beliefs and opened up to much more loving, accepting and appreciating of myself in, and through, these sessions.

  119. Lucy I love your article and particularly the last line – ‘I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.’ This is exactly how I felt it to be for me also. Feeling that I don’t always know but remaining open and ready to listening to my body, any sign what so ever and from there I know what I need to do. The Esoteric Breast Massage is a profound modality that is very special, a must for all women.

    1. I agree Meg for we cannot heal anything if we do not understand what is first going on and at play.

  120. Great article Lucy – “I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me.” Great reminder to honour the steps we’ve already taken and appreciate this in ourselves. And keep listening to our bodies for the next steps to unfold.

  121. Great sharing Lucy, and your ending, ‘we may not know the next step, but we didn’t know the first one either and here we are’ I love that, to honour the steps I’ve taken and know that I found my way to them and I will find my way to the next ones. Our bodies really do speak to us always.

  122. I can so relate to this, ‘I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me’. Exactly, so true and I love too, ‘that my body is always talking to me’. We simply have to listen and honour what our body lovingly says to us.

  123. Thank you Lucy for sharing your experience of receiving Esoteric Breast Massages and how they have supported you to introduce more self-nurturing routines into your daily life. For me, the opportunity to connect to my breasts and start to feel what they are communicating with me, has been so awesome and is ever-unfolding as long as I have the willingness to listen.

  124. Beautiful and open blog Lucy. I love your honesty. Not knowing what’s next but open to feeling what the next step will bring. Lovely, thank you.

  125. This is a beautiful blog Lucy, I love this sentence ‘I may not know what the next step in self-nurturing is, but I didn’t know what the first step was not so long ago, so I just choose to be open to feeling, and I know my body will find a way to show me’. It is amazing how if we allow it our bodies will guide us every step of the way.

  126. Lucy, I love the wisdom you share, when you say how you now, see that your breast lumps are communicating to you that something is out of balance ,rather than something to avoid or be scared of. This wisdom could be applied to all illness and disease. A great reminder thank you.

  127. I had my first Esoteric Breast Massage 6 years ago & at first, I must say I did not know at all what to expect so I decided not to expect anything. Rather just to go along & see what it was all about.

    I was able to feel in my body how it was that I had been living. It presented to me in every fibre of my body the hardness that I had been living in & how I had no gentleness or awareness of the choices that I had been making on a day to day basis.

    I had been living my days to get things done, without actually feeling the energy in which those things were being done in.

    I am now able to make the choice to be gentle & nurturing with myself & my body & be able to feel when I am pushing myself too far.

    Never have I found these massages to be anything other than a reflection of how it is that I have been & a support for me to begin to accept myself & my body as that of a woman.

    To treat myself in a way that is loving, nurturing & supportive of who I truly am.

  128. My experiences with Esoteric Breast Massages have been very gentle and very profound. Since having the first one a couple of years ago – and a number of them since then – I can only say how I have become so much more aware and in tune with my breasts, and a have a much deeper sense of connection to my whole body.

    Prior to having EBMs, I wasn’t aware of how disconnected I had become from my breasts, or of how much emotion and fear I held in them. I had walked around in life always feeling like I had to cover them up, or protect them from the world without even knowing it.

    During my EBM sessions I was able to feel for myself what emotions and old ‘stuff’ I had stored in that area. Previous to that I had only ever thought tension was held in my back and shoulders. I was surprised – amazed at how much via the gentle massaging of the lymphatic areas around (the outer part of the breasts) how much tension I had stored – just waiting to be released.

    Through the EBMs I have been able to self identify (nominate) for myself with the caring support of a female practitioner – what energy (thoughts, beliefs, emotions) I’m holding in my body – and I can gently release it. Over time, I feel the change in my body, and in the level of self love for myself, and naturally for others.

    1. I agree Mary, every women should have the opportunity to read this blog and experience the Esoteric Breast Massage modality – if not attend one of the many Women in Livingness presentations. It is quite phenomenal the changes I have seen in women attending these presentations, taking the opportunity to truly heal and make, quite literally, life-changing choices.

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