Serge Benhayon Who?

by Mary-Lou Reed, Australia

It was through spending time with a new found friend here in country Victoria where I live that I felt a clarity and love that I had not felt before. I knew something was different.

I attended Gentle Breath Meditation for some months (never hearing the words Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine), and started to feel ME in a new way, a real way. When I was ready, I found my own way to some interviews with Serge on the website and started to understand the effects ‘energy’ has in our lives, ALL our lives.

I started to listen to my body, and made a lot of changes to my lifestyle choices. I was ready and felt the inner joy that is ‘ALL of US’ instantly, as I was making the changes from what I felt to be true NOT what I BELIEVED or was TOLD to be RIGHT (as I had done for many years in the past). I started to observe rather than absorb the energy of life around me and found that in time and with some practice, I could do this more and more and could HOLD myself differently than ever before, and this feels good.

I am gently unfolding in my own way, and in my own time. I have attended a Universal Medicine Healing Workshop, Retreat and some other presentations offered by Universal Medicine that I have lovingly paid to attend and have found them to be a loving support for me in my everyday life at home with my family. Simply, the truth resonates in our hearts, and to live in Joy each day (on the most part) and truly connected to the Love that I am and We ALL are, is no comparison to the exhausted, stressed, sad, emotional, sometimes angry person that I was.

For me, this work is about everyday self-loving choices, so simple. I feel lighter, clearer and live with a consistency that I have not experienced quite like this before. I enjoy time spent alone and I am able to be more and more honest with myself, as I can now feel in body when something is not true for me anymore.

I am very grateful for the true reflection, consistently presented by Serge Benhayon and the Esoteric Student body, as now I am open to the Love of all whom I meet, because they get more of the TRUE me.