My Life Now – a Very Different Picture

By Irene Sheard

I have recently observed the false and shocking allegations made towards Serge Benhayon, his family and Universal Medicine in various press articles and also on television, and would like to share my experience and appreciation of Serge and the Universal Medicine team.

I came to live in Goonellabah, N.S.W. three years ago, and not long after heard an interview with Serge on the radio and I felt that what he was saying made so much sense. I then started to attend sessions with one of the practitioners at the Universal Medicine Clinic, and also presentations by Serge Benhayon.

I have a history of anxiety, dysfunction, alcohol abuse and utter exhaustion, including being diagnosed with depression and chronic fatigue. Added into this mix came a state of poverty and many problems passed on to my children and grandchildren including drug abuse, self harm, and alcohol and gambling addictions.

I had tried for many years to remedy some of this by pursuing various alternate modalities and it did seem that my life improved, at least on a functioning level.

After attending Serge’s talks I started to realise that although things looked better on the outside, I was actually still feeling all the old feelings of low self-worth and anxiety on the inside. I kept myself safe from feeling all this by cocooning myself from the world and living on Centrelink payments for many years, and not participating in anything that I felt threatened by.

After attending Universal Medicine I started to live in a more gentle way with myself, and also allowed those feelings to surface in a gentle way. Previously I had done a lot of psychotherapy, but this mostly consisted of just reliving the pain of the past – I could still feel it in my body. I tried many diets and ways of eating but had only followed them because I read or heard that they were good. At the same time I would gorge on chocolates, ice-cream and the like, trying to fill the empty hole I could feel inside.

Now, two and a half years after attending Universal Medicine sessions and presentations, my life is a very different picture. I have lost 16 kilos and feel very loving towards my body. I sleep very well and feel I have the energy to do whatever I need to during the day. I was constantly getting colds and hayfever but now am clear of these. I now have work in the community as an aged-care worker, and I am also studying in aged care. This has been my biggest change as I could not function in the workforce before. I now take the gentleness I have in my body to my work and am able to work a full, busy day and not feel tired at the end of it. This has led to my finances being more manageable and I am slowly getting out of debt.

Another big change has been in my relationships. I am now able to be with others and not become exhausted because I was trying so hard to please or to impress or just guard who I really was. The true friendships that I have are awesome – we are both coming from that place of self love – and it is the first time in my life that I can feel what is truly love. I am more loving as a mother and grandmother but only by being myself, and not trying to rescue my family from their own choices.

Another change has been my attitude towards mainstream medicine. I was on my high horse about various issues such as vaccination, chemotherapy or anything in fact that doctors prescribed. It was a big awakening to feel the arrogance I had towards the medical profession and how I was avoiding taking responsibility. I now have an appreciation of what medicine has to offer. I have recently had blood tests and my first pap smear for 20 years.

In conclusion, I would just like to say that I have never heard Serge tell anyone what to do, or what to eat or drink. Serge just presents and shares the energetic truth, and it is totally up to us to discern and feel into what is true for us. Serge has always stated that he is pro-medicine, and that gave me an opportunity to consider why I was so opposed to it.  

Serge Benhayon is not a cult leader or a guru.  He is another human being who lovingly shares the truth about humanity and where we are at, and how we can make the choice to live in stillness and harmony and not accept all the pain and suffering as normal.

Thank you Serge.