Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon: Love and Integrity Underpin It All

As a registered nurse and long-time therapist in many fields of Complementary Medicine, and as a practitioner who works with the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Esoteric Practitioners Association (EPA)* established by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, I can truly say that all the allegations that Universal Medicine is a cult and Serge Benhayon is a ‘cult leader’ or a ‘guru’, are not true.

Universal Medicine is a fully accredited and insured organisation, and is recognised and acknowledged in many medical and other areas. Furthermore, after working for 37 years all over the world, I can say that I have never come across an institution with such truth and loving integrity.

The level of professional care and love I have received from Universal Medicine and their excellent esoteric modalities – be it via their seminars or healing sessions – have changed my life in a way that goes far beyond anything I have ever experienced.

These experiences have inspired me in every way; in the way I live my life, and how I work in my own clinic.

As a well-known and respected therapist who is interested in understanding the root cause of illness and disease, I feel so fortunate in this life to have as travelling companions beside me Universal Medicine, the Universal Medicine team and Serge Benhayon – someone who is fully committed to humanity, life, God and a loving, healthy lifestyle.

I’m very much pro conventional medicine, as are Serge and Universal Medicine, but with the current statistics showing such a rise in illness and disease, are we not all talking of the need to change our lifestyles and our eating habits? Are we not also seeing that many of us continuously live with loveless and self-destructive behaviours?

Universal Medicine gives us a brilliant approach to the field of complementary medicine. It is an approach from which so many people, all over the world, have already benefited, including myself and my clients.

For more than ten years Serge has been a consistent loving presence and support in my life – as a practitioner, friend, teacher and fellow traveller.

I have gone down many paths in my search for truth, but only Universal Medicine left me free, and didn’t interfere or impose on me. Rather, it opened my vision to be able to live a healthy, loving life.

Thank you Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine team for enriching my private and work life in a way which no words can describe, and for showing me and my clients and many others a way that is truly loving and caring.

by Susanne Kaiser

* The EPA (Esoteric Practitioners Association) is the internal accreditation arm of Universal Medicine. It was instigated by Universal Medicine to monitor and accredit the modalities that were founded by Universal Medicine.