“Can I Have That Guy’s (Serge Benhayon’s) Phone Number ?”

It was late 1999. My life had undergone major changes in the previous two years. My husband had died. Following his death, I had sold the business that we had started and run together for a decade. The business had been on the main street of town, making us very much a part of a small community. I just had to get up and go to work, and the world came through my front door. It was a wonderful segment in my life. And it was over. I was feeling displaced. I was menopausal. I was depressed. But I figured I had good reason to be so I wasn’t looking to fix it. I was just dragging myself around.

My daughter told me that she thought I should go see this guy who had come into her workplace. I don’t follow everyone’s suggestions, I assure you, but I do most often follow my daughter’s. And so I went. I arrived at his home sceptical, determined to keep my secrets close to my vest so as not to give this guy anything to work with – (he wouldn’t pull one over on me), and I was more than slightly irritated that I had to go through the motions of acting like I wanted to be “fixed” when I really didn’t care if I was or not.

An hour later, I walked out amazed – amazed that I could feel so totally different. My whole being was lighter, my body, my mind and my heart. What had happened? We had exchanged a few words, my contribution being that I was depressed, his contribution, almost entirely, a gentle laying on of hands. It was nothing short of a miracle. A couple of hours later, I was walking down the street in Byron Bay when a friend came up to me and said: “Wow! What’s happened to you? You look totally different”. My response, at that point, may have been, “I don’t know. I went and saw this guy named Serge (Benhayon) in Alstonville”. This scenario was to repeat itself many times over the next few weeks, usually resulting in my friends asking me for his phone number.

Eventually I started getting calls from people I didn’t actually know, but they were friends of a friend and had heard, “could I give them his phone number?” It was after a woman from Sydney called (who I had never met) and asked for his number that I called Serge to find out if it was ok to keep giving out his number. After all, he was running a tennis school, did he really have time for all these people? He said the lady from Sydney had already called him for an appointment. He seemed almost as surprised as I was about everyone asking for his number but he graciously said yes, to give out his number if it was asked for.

Over the next year or so, I would periodically go and see Serge for a ‘tune-up’. I doubt that I ever ‘recommended’ that anyone go to see Serge. I didn’t have to. They were clamouring to get his number. During this time, I didn’t really understand what was happening. I just knew an appointment with Serge Benhayon was life-changing in a very positive way.

Eventually, Serge started offering courses. The first one was called ‘Ki Energy’ and was held at the Ballina RSL. My daughter and I attended; there were maybe 20 participants. I still didn’t feel like I really ‘understood’ what was happening –  it defied logic, as I knew it – meaning something I could understand with my mind. And I didn’t have the confidence to think this was something I could do outside of the supervision of Serge Benhayon’s weekend workshop demonstrations. Contrary to what he was teaching, I was sure he was an extraordinary healer and that only he could perform these miracle healings. I never tried practising what I learned in a workshop – I only went because I was trying to figure out what Serge was doing.

Fast forward to 2003. There was a most unfortunate ‘incident’ in my life that left me deeply traumatised. I’m not trying to be secretive but what happened isn’t really relevant to the point of this sharing; the point is that I was suffering from post-traumatic stress. I was so distressed that it took me a couple of months to finally get myself to an appointment with Serge – again, it was at my daughter’s insistence that I went. That’s how messed up I was, I didn’t even think to go to Serge. Or maybe I was embarrassed to be such a mess after all he had done for me?

As anyone who knows Serge Benhayon would guess, I had another miracle healing. Well, almost. I definitely walked out of his clinic rooms a totally different person than when I walked in, but within a couple of weeks I was back. I told him that while I was greatly, enormously improved, I wasn’t back to the old me. I wasn’t the person I was before the incident. He gave me another esoteric healing. Again, I was greatly improved – but two weeks later I was back. (This was when you could still see Serge regularly, on fairly short notice – those days are long gone.)  When I went for the third session, I said, “I’m still not the old me. It is like there is scar tissue in me from the incident and I just can’t quite get on with things. I know you can fix this. Why aren’t you fixing it?”.

Serge said to me, “If I fix you completely, you will be forever running back here to get fixed up. And if not to me, you will be running off to some healer to try and make it better. It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” Whoa! This was devastating news! What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.

Hard as it was to believe that this was true, Serge Benhayon had never lied to me. He had told me many things about myself that I didn’t think I knew at the time, yet when he told me, I knew instantly that it was true. He had never shown me anything but love and compassion; he always met me with understanding and with care. I had never felt judged no matter how many times I went or what my complaint was. So, I had to take on board what he was telling me. It was my responsibility to get well and stay well.

Thus began a deep relationship with myself that I had never had. I was 52 years old. I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply. I had a lot of beliefs and ideals that I had accumulated over a lifetime – I started to work with these first. I didn’t even consider dietary changes or any changes to my body. Being a very cerebral person, I wanted to start with what was going on in my head… listening to my body would come some years later.

I only saw Serge on rare occasions after these sessions in 2003. Even though I now accepted my responsibility, I still fell off the tracks once in a while. I last saw Serge, for a private session, in early 2009. That was one of those sessions that was as revelatory as the 2003 session, and a matter for another blog. I have attended almost all talks and lectures given by Serge and the majority of the Australian workshops and courses.

I have never felt as healthy as I do today. So why do I keep attending? Because, I learn something new, every time. I learn about why the world is so chaotic. I learn that I’m not the only one who thinks the world is wacky. I learn about how to deepen the relationship with myself. I learn how to live me in a world that wants me to conform to mass consciousness.

I will be forever giving thanks for the privilege of knowing Serge Benhayon and his family, and for the good fortune of living in Northern NSW where I can have sessions from practitioners who have trained at Universal Medicine, and where I can participate in courses and workshops offered by Universal Medicine. And, if for some unforeseen reason, any of that changes, well, I will still be giving thanks because I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church.  It took Serge to teach me that.

by Gayle Cue, Bangalow NSW Australia

343 thoughts on ““Can I Have That Guy’s (Serge Benhayon’s) Phone Number ?”

  1. Gayle, I loved reading this blog, I loved how the responsibility had to kick in at some point. It felt as though you took the responsibility but there was still a point you got to where more responsibility was needed to be bought in. It kind of feels that it gets refined and refined, so everything in your life cannot be left with irresponsibility attached to it.

    There is much for humanity to ponder over with responsibility then….

  2. What you are sharing here Gayle is very important
    “Serge said to me, “If I fix you completely, you will be forever running back here to get fixed up. And if not to me, you will be running off to some healer to try and make it better. It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” Whoa! This was devastating news! What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.”
    Because this is what the majority of us want someone to fix the problem so that we can carry on as before without having to take any responsibility. And there are from my own experience practitioners out there that do not say this but are quite happy to take the repeat business. It can become a cycle based on need. The need of the patient to get ‘fixed’ and the need of the practitioner for repeat business this is not a healthy relationship by any means.

    1. There’s a lot of fixing going on in the world and it just isn’t about our health either. Its in everything and anything, machinery, projects, IT and the list could go on. I’m currently involved in a project and it was already set up to fail and break, as the foundations weren’t built with integrity. In the meantime the people involved are thrown around like rag dolls. So in this scenario we are responsible to maintain our integrity and responsibility to ourselves first and fore most, then the rest will either follow or not…

  3. I feel the same as that last red paragraph. I keep coming back because I am constantly learning something new, even if it’s been presented multiple times there is always deeper levels to understand in life.

  4. The amazing thing about Serge Benhayon’s workshops is that they are all different and present new aspects or layers of understanding, so no matter how many times you go there is always a deeper learning that is available for all.

  5. Word of mouth is one of the best forms of advertising for any business – but what you have shared here Gayle is word of ‘body’ – your body spoke so loud that people saw and felt this and hence wanted to know more! So cool!

  6. Amazing sharing Gayle, and one that shows that when we truly seek a healing from deep within, we do have access to those who can truly support us with the process.

  7. Esoteric healing is absolutely incredible, I have experienced deep, deep healing from these modalities.

    If the world wanted to know the real truth then they would understand the great gift of healing that comes from Esoteric Modalities.

  8. Thanks Gayle for sharing your story, I always enjoy reading it. It’s highlighted to me how we all need support, but the greatest support is that which empowers us to support ourselves – Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine deliver this beautifully.

  9. Great to hear that you are feeling super healthy, and are choosing to live in a way that honours your body, ‘Thus began a deep relationship with myself that I had never had. I was 52 years old. I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply.’

  10. This blog gave me goosebumps wow the power of Serge is immense, and all the time he is reflecting to us that we too are that power.

    1. Spot on Sam – Serge never sees himself as greater than another, but he does know that we are all equally powerful and hence knows his role is to remind us of this and to know we can live it.

  11. Thank you, Gayle. Your sharing made me really appreciate the fact that I encountered Universal Medicine and met Serge Benhayon, too, even if I don’t even live in the same country. It is really pretty cool that I came upon this whole thing.

    1. I agree Fumiyo, I would really enjoy a blog from you about it!

  12. What a gift to learn how to love yourself and to have someone love you so much they remind you can do it for yourself, the ultimate loving ‘parent’.

  13. First you learn that there is healing, that you can get healing, then you learn the harder how to heal yourself. It sounds pretty perfect.

    1. No more being a victim, we are responsible for our choices, and our life,’ ‘It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” Whoa! This was devastating news! What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.’

      1. Absolutely Lorraine, as we appreciate we are more than just this human body we start to understand the energy that we can connect to and we are responsible for that connection and our healing from not being connected to our divine essences.

  14. We are not that good at taking responsibility for ourselves it is seemingly always easier to blame other people and play the victim. Taking back responsibility for all our actions is the life jacket that is offered as we get tossed around in the stormy sea of life.

  15. No excuses we are responsible for our own wellbeing and engaging in our own healing with the support of traditional and complementary medicine.

  16. ‘I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge to teach me that.’ True Gayle. Serge Benhayon reflects what Love truly is.

  17. Serge Benhayon offers us a reflection of what it is to live as a universal man. No wonder you wanted his phone number Gayle.

  18. Awesome to hear your journey Gayle and it was Serge that taught me also how to love myself, to be open to listen and feel what is being communicated and discern what feels true and what doesn’t. To live a life that has so much value, richness, vitality and joy in it comes back to the fact that Serge shares the lived expression of love to its absolute maximum, which is deeply inspiring.

  19. ‘I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply.’ So beautifully said Gayle. There is nothing more precious than the gift we have been given by Serge Benhayon who has shown us how we can choose to live our lives, so that we can bring all of who we are to all of what we do that is for everyone and not just ourselves.

  20. This has been such a gorgeous read, Gayle, as I am at the stage now where I am feeling in myself the fundamentally awesome changes others saw in you. My body feels filled with beauty, awe and grace as the healing and clearing that I have been allowing to take place make space for the unbridled love that I had kept stifled and suppressed to flourish.

  21. I had reacquainted with a friend I had not seen for years and he looked fantastic. He was not fazed by the chaos going on around him; he was very settled within himself. So alive and full of vitality and caring for people. The difference between when I had seen him last and this time was astounding, I had to ask what have you been doing? What have you been eating and where can I get some? I kept pestering him with questions and it slowly became clear that If we are willing to take responsibility for our actions tremendous healing is there. That was 2006 and my friend and I have both continued to grow and heal and expand with the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  22. Thank you for sharing Gayle.
    Serge Benhayon is without a shadow of a doubt the world’s healer. What he teaches us about self-responsibility is really taking it to a whole new level.
    We don’t like to feel the consequences of our choices; we want to shy away from them, blame someone else, and numb our bodies from feeling the truth. When we do this of course nothing changes and we go on to repeat the same thing usually more extreme and more ridiculous. The only way to break out of the pattern is to feel the consequences in full and with absolute honesty, to not blame others but to look at our own actions and understand why we chose them. You have to really love yourself through this process because being honest is very exposing but it is also very healing and liberating – it is the best medicine.

  23. Thanks for sharing your experiences Gayle. I had the same experiences where people really noticed how different I was after being at a course lighter, happier. I remember one time meeting a friend I saw almost annually for birthdays and she said you look younger than you did last year what are you doing so I passed on the Esoteric practitioner in London I was seeing. It’s undeniable the change to your particles after healing sessions or courses it is amazing.

    1. Interestingly I found that people stop commenting once you feel sustainably better. Is it mainly temporary improvements that are being commented on?

  24. This sharing highlights the integrity of Serge Benhayon and how his honesty has benefited you much more than a few sessions could have provided. Like you I attend the courses and workshops because I learn so much. Its life education at its best.

    1. Nailed it Jennifer – it is life education at its best! And Serge’s integrity is also accompanied by his consistency in how he is – no matter when or where you always get him as who he is and nothing less – this builds trust and allows you to feel what is indeed possibly consistently so.

  25. The best advertisement for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is us just being ourselves as we walk around. We don’t have to promote him or actively suggest others to go and do a course when everyone can see and feel the difference in us.

  26. How refreshing it is to read that it is our responsibility to heal ourselves and to keep ourselves well. This is unheard of in this day and age where we want the doctor or healer to fix us.

    1. Yes to do yourself out of work! To not want the security of regular clientele is unheard of. It does show the deepth of integrity and love Serge is all about.

  27. What a gorgeous story of your journey Gayle returning to healing yourself with the support of Serge Benhayon. It is really inspiring how he taught you to be responsible for your own future.

  28. ‘Whoa! This was devastating news! What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.’ I guess Gayle that you now have a completely different view and we would say ‘the great news is I can make choices for my own health and wellbeing and love to pay for the inspiration I get from Serge Benhayon and other practitioners of Universal Medicine through sessions, workshops, courses, books and retreats.

  29. At times it is in the simplicity what Serge Benhayon is presenting that is causing the great disturbance in us as we are so used the creation of complexity in our lives as a way to deal with it. How can something simple being presented by Serge being the answer to all the ‘problems’ in life we are facing is often we run away with. But at the end, when we can be truly honest, we all come to the conclusion that with this complexity we have created all the issues in our lives, be it on relationship level or in the physical, the way we live is always at its foundation.

  30. It is big news when we are told or become aware that we are our own healers and responsible for our own well-being, but as you say Gayle, it also comes with a responsibility, a responsibly we have long, long ran away from.

  31. Gayle, I am deeply moved reading your story. Not only hearing your experience with Serge Benhayon, which may I add is very similar to most others I know who have met or know Serge well, but of your own unfolding journey. You are a gorgeous woman with an enormous heart and so much wisdom, always open to seeing what’s next. That is deeply inspiring….keep leading the way.

  32. “I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend”. Now isn’t this the best and most valuable lesson ever? A lesson that has changed my life too. It took a while to accept being totally responsible for my life, but now I do in every single way, and it’s not a burden to do so but incredibly joyful and very empowering.

  33. I just spent the weekend at Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 and can relate to the amazement that such simple and short healing sessions can leave you feeling so light, open and joyful – feeling like the real you minus the wears of life. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have transformed so many people’s lives, empowering them with healing modalities that free the body to let out who we really are. For that (and many other things) I am in eternal appreciation.

    1. ‘For that I am in eternal appreciation.’ What an offering, to be able to live life with such grace and awareness. In a world where life seems to be intensifying on a regular basis, to come across a man whose teachings are so extraordinary that they bring the ordinary back to us is miraculous indeed.

  34. When we find someone who is trustworthy and great at what they do it is easy to recommend them to others, who then have to discern for themselves whether that person is right for them or not. This applies in all aspects of life, be it the butcher, the mechanic, the hairdresser etc. Serge Benhayon is an exceptional healing practitioner so it is no wonder what you felt seeing him Gayle.

  35. The basis of the Universal Medicine therapies, is that we are the masters of our own healing through our connection to the inner heart. They are empowering and effective modalities.

  36. I absolutely love these revelations “I had never felt judged no matter how many times I went or what my complaint was. So, I had to take on board what he was telling me. It was my responsibility to get well and stay well.” This is inspiring. To experience not being judged alone is a very healing experience. You naturally respond with an openness. I am still learning to not judge others and allow them the space to feel for themselves what is true and not true. Thank God for Serge Benhayon, and I also thank you Serge for being here this time round.

  37. Gayle I always enjoy reading this, it’s such an honest story. One of the things that stood out was Serge’s humility, even though he is bringing through such great support for so many people he was still surprised to find out so many people wanted his number. I can also relate to the idea that others fix us, it’s prolific in the spiritual healing domain and also medical patients believe our bodies are for others to take responsibility for. It’s a better way to be responsible for ourselves but also receive all the medical and complementary to medicine support on offer in full – a team effort.

  38. I love how you write Gayle, I was totally engaged reading your story. And moved to tears a couple of times, especially on this part – “thus began a deep relationship with myself that I had never had”. I love how Serge Benhayon is inspiring people all around the world to do this. I know he has for me and it has been life-changing and most importantly life-sustaining. And I mean that it becomes a life-long sustainable change and also that living this way sustains you, it supports you to be steady like nothing else I have ever experienced.

  39. ‘It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.’ An important message for us all.

    1. Could it be as in the old-adage Ill is the physician who first does not consider possession! And are we not all healers of our own ills!!

    2. Absolutely, Rachel. Who else in the world of ‘healing’ before Serge Benhahon (and since) would be so loving and truthful with a client knowing those very words have the potential to empower a client to take responsibility for their own healing thus leaving their services virtually obsolete? These words alone reflect the all Serge lives and presents on a daily basis.

  40. “I learn how to live me in a world that wants me to conform to mass consciousness.” That and so much more I have learned from presentations by Serge Benhayon as well without getting one healing session from him personally. It was not needed as his presentations are so full on – you get always everything from him – so that you can heal yourself if you want through changing some of your wonderful and comfortable life style choices . . .

  41. I love the innocence and joy in seeing someone do well and then rather than going into any comparison about it to actually ask people what they are doing that is supporting them. There is a real beauty in that.

  42. Being fixed is something many of us look for from a practitioner, but in truth it is taking our own power away to not understand that we have a huge part to play in our own healing. Learning how to heal with support is the key to true long term, sustainable healing and health.

  43. I was so grateful when my Sister told me about Serge Benhayon, it was without question that I wanted to meet this man, she didn’t tell me that much at all about what or who he was, just simple a man that was worth checking out. There was so many obstacle on the day trying to get there, tubes delayed then suddenly stopped working… got there in the end with a black cab and it was worth every second getting there.

  44. Thank you Gayle for this beautiful account of the sincere support you have received from Serge Benhayon, inspiring how you have deepened the relationship that you have with yourself and all of life.

  45. Every person who takes responsibility for themselves is deepening the love for them and others. Being far from UM and Serge, I wanted to be close to get all these services too, but without needing him to say it directly to me I got the message that my life it is up to me.

  46. When we see someone’s life transform for the better then it makes sense that we find out what they are doing. It is no wonder then Gayle that you asked for Serge Benhayon’s phone number.

  47. The gift that Serge Benhayon offers is the gift of reflection because what can be seen in him is a man deeply connected with his soul. The inspiration then is that he is no different than anyone else so we all can have that same level of connection with our soul.

  48. When we finally come to the place where we absolutely know that it is us who is responsible for our own healing life can’t help but change. And like yours changed Gayle, so did mine, and every day I deeply appreciate this simple but powerful lesson presented by Serge Benhayon, one of many he has offered selflessly to humanity since 1999.

  49. ‘ It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” Only when we take on board this empowering responsibility can we truly heal from within.

  50. I love reading this Gayle as your honesty comes through very clearly with the way you write. Over the years I have seen the attendees of the courses here in the UK grow and without any advertising from Serge or Universal Medicine.

  51. It is no wonder Serge Benhayon’s client list grew exponentially through word of mouth alone. As this blog shows, you don’t even need to talk about it, as people can see and feel the difference.

  52. Gayle I adore the way you write and express, it’s a real treat reading your blogs especially about your transformation over the years: “… because I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge to teach me that” – it’s the same for me too, I did not know what real love was until coming to Universal Medicine. Over the past ten years, learning to love, to be my own counsel and draw from my innate well of wisdom, is learning to live and to really truly enjoy life. I would not have it any other way. Why would I? Love is everything.

  53. Thank you Gayle, it’s always great to read your story. I’ve met quite a few new age and spiritual healers in my time and they always believe they do the healing for the client. It’s a definite dynamic that the client goes for help and to be fixed, feels the healer has knowledge or gifts they don’t, and the healer fixes the client. Such a healing can never be true though unless it supports the client to reconnect to their essence and soul and begin to live from that place. The new age and spiritual healing dynamic also highlights the lack of equality, that one is considered to have a kind of power and the other is not. Serge’s sessions are always about a reconnection to our essence and soul and the equality we each hold, and the healing we can bring to ourselves. It’s very empowering, practical, and it is not mysterious.

  54. Not only we have to take responsibility for our wellbeing. We also can. It is something we can do. We can take control over our wellbeing and not just our illbeing.

  55. Yes, responsible for healing ourselves, I Love the empowerment of understanding that we can choose this path, to heal all that is in the way of us being all we are. Great to have awesome support, but it us that chooses it and us that live it ourselves.

  56. Great blog Gayle, I loved the part where you wrote ‘Thus began a deep relationship with myself that I had never had.’ It is when we start this relationship that we realise that we have a responsibility to ourselves.

  57. I like this part with Serge Benhayon talking about you re-discovering your own healing potential. How gracious to be so upfront and honest with you, to not need to fix you, to allow you the space to feel your own power. There is a great lesson in this for everyone in all situations.

  58. Serge Benhayon is always supporting us to be who we are and empowering us making sure we do not give our power away to him. His biggest gift is not the healing of an issue or illness his biggest gift is the healing of the separation of our divine selves.

  59. Brilliant Gayle, you illustrate beautifully how healing is our job, via the choices we make and how we move. There is no actual end to this process of returning. There’s always a deeper point of Love we can go to when we say yes to truth.

  60. We can all feel when we meet someone or hear about someone who can genuinely support us. The question then become do we listen to our body and follow up on what we feel and know.

  61. What an awesome gift of healing in itself – to be given the keys to your own healing process and empowered in this way is revelatory and in my opinion sets Serge Benhayon apart from many other healers I have known.

  62. An amazing sharing Gayle, I love your straightforward and down to earth way in how you approach it all, to find a way that works for you, starting with your head and then your body, and to have met someone who showed that you heal yourself and to have taken that on board, is very inspiring. And I was struck by what you said, how we’re constantly being asked in the world to be part of a mass consciousness, so very true, and not something we discuss or consider enough.

  63. I have heard so many amazing things of seeing Serge Benhayon for a session, I have never had one but feel I am still very held in his presence while committing to learn through living my life.

    1. That is the biggest truth for us to learn right now Rachel, for we have always made our wellbeing and health about outside factors. It is deeply empowering to take on this ultimate responsibility.

  64. ““If I fix you completely, you will be forever running back here to get fixed up” So true, Serge Benhayon knows that healing has to come from within, no-one can heal us as such it has to be our own choice.

    1. I loved that line and it just highlights Serge Benhayon’s integrity. He would have also seen that this would have been of no benefit to Gayle whatsoever. Nothing but love in action.

  65. Gayle, I have a far greater understanding of myself since knowing Serge Benhayon all my life it has been suggested that I’m the one that is out of kilter with the rest of the world, the ‘Back sheep’ of the family. I am at last starting to develop a relationship with myself and this has helped me to understand the ideals and beliefs that I have absorbed without discerning the truth of them come from this mass consciousness you write about that keeps us all living a lesser life.

  66. I will never forget the first time meeting Serge Benhayon, like we were old friends that we catching up since along time, that familiarity was so strong. The moment he started talking it was like I knew it, my body was saying yes and I found myself nodding along.

  67. ‘I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself…’ Very beautiful Gayle.

  68. Thank you for sharing your story Gayle it was really interesting and touching to read.

  69. It is wonderful to be reminded that I too wanted to be fixed at some point in my life. It helps me to have understanding and patience for where another is at and not be judgemental of them.

  70. The quality of a practitioner that supports you to know who you really are, and take responsibility for yourself is something extremely rare and special in this world. Serge Benhayon is such a man.

  71. Your sentence that ‘I started to believe that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply’ rings so true Gayle. Knowing that we can choose to make a difference to our health and well-being is so empowering.

  72. It asks for a huge amount of humbleness to not fix someone but share with them that they are able to heal themselves and that is what is important to (re)learn. This shows the ultimate integrity Serge Benhayon holds and works with, because he could easily have made a lot of money out of fixing everyone.

  73. It is so empowering to take responsibility and ownership for our own well-being. It literally brings the power we so often give away to others, back to us, so we can make choices in life that are not only for us but for the all.

  74. Very awesome Gayle. I can’t say that when I first met Serge Benhayon that I consciously knew how much my life was going to change. Not one single aspect of my life has remained the same and it’s amazing how I now choose to live compared to how I used to.

  75. We certainly are our own healers Gayle and Serge Benhayon inspires many to live a life from responsibility, love and truth and that is the best medicine anyone can truly offer.

  76. The proof is in the pudding so a saying goes, and this is a fine example of word of mouth from people that know you, saw a difference and then wanted a piece of it too. In the whole time I have known Serge Benhayon he has never self-promoted or advertised. Every person that I have met has come to him from being inspired by someone they have met and where they could see some changes.

  77. A rare thing that a practitioner not only recommends that we become our own teacher and healer, in other words take responsibility, and rarer still that they actually deeply and intimately know what they are talking about and can give the practical assistance to follow through with such a suggestion.

  78. Gayle I love your sharing and agree totally with you words when you say Serge
    Benhayon does not profess to fix us but he leaves it up to us. We are our own healers.

  79. The beginning of a relationship with ourselves, no matter how long it has taken us, how patient we have to be, is always a deep joy.

    1. Yes there is nothing more joyful than reconnecting to our true selves for in that connection we meet everyone else.

  80. I love this Gayle! Your healing trajectory is familiar I’m sure to most of us who have worked with Serge Benhayon. Yep, the guy’s amazing, there’s no doubt about that – but ultimately, it’s up to us. I love the way he waited for you to ask the pivotal question.

  81. ‘I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply.’ Beautiful Gayle and true, we can only heal ourselves and this is always our own responsibility. And I am very very grateful Serge is coming to England twice a year to bring his powerful workshops, courses and retreat to the people in Europe.

    1. Yes Annelies, it is great to have Serge Benhayon so ‘close’, not only in physical distance as travelling to the UK is easy for us, but to having Serge close in our hearts is one of the most precious gifts I have received in this life.

    2. We can only heal ourselves because true healing is found in changing the way that we move and no one can do that for us. Our movements include the way that we speak and the content of our speech, our thoughts and the way that we move our bodies. We harm ourselves by moving in a certain way and we heal ourselves by moving in a certain way. If we don’t fundamentally change the way that we move then we will continue to self-harm and therefore continue to require healing and so true healing comes from choosing to move in a different way.

  82. It is wonderful how Serge shows us the road to self-healing and sustainable and evolutionary living – it is what we choose to align with that counts.

  83. This is a beautiful testimonial to Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and to you Gayle. I also will be eternally grateful for the teachings and presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine as they have taught me to love myself in a way I had never imagined possible. These teachings are now available to everyone as we have a fabulous website http://www.unimedliving.com/ put up by 250 volunteers who are all students of this work..

  84. This is true empowerment to be told that we heal ourselves and that no-one else can do it for us.

    1. It’s us that got ourselves into this mess and it’s only us that can get ourselves out but I know I would have been floundering around for many more lifetimes trying to work out how to heal if I hadn’t come across Serge Benhayon and The Ageless Wisdom.

    2. Basically we have to resurrect ourselves out of the illusion. Return our bodies back to the united Oneness that they are a natural part of, no one can shoe horn us back in, we have to choose our way back.

  85. “What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.” A neat reflection of the consumer society where it is always someone else’s job to fix it.

  86. I feel very inspired by reading your blog today Gayle. Now of course Serge Benhayon has treated thousands of people and there must be thousands doing his courses too. The courses are not only for professional therapists, doctors, nurses or health practitioners they are for everyone and they allow us all to begin to take a deeper responsibility for our own health and well being and then to support others to do the same.

  87. Living taking responsibility for my own healing doesn’t mean I am walking alone. What it does mean is that I live my life, I love myself and I access any support that I need. Part of my taking responsibility has meant that over the last couple of years I have had many tests to learn where my body is at physically, and have begun to support it in ways I would never have done previously. Some of what I have discovered, if left unattended to, would have caused physical problems before long. I am grateful that I have taken the initiative and implemented the care that was needed.

  88. The fact that we are responsible for our own healing is the massive bombshell many avoid facing. Personally though, accepting this and living in loving support of my body to the very best of my ability feels so very different than how I had previously lived. Not only do I now say I enjoy my life, I do.

  89. I love how you were shown and inspired Gayle, to take responsibility for your own healing and to learn to love yourself. That is the power of true healing – knowing and feeling that no one can ‘fix’ us – and actually there is no fixing to be done, just a letting go of everything that doesn’t truly belong in and with us. Healing is about getting the support to enable that to happen – a choice that only we can make for ourselves.

  90. Love this call to self-responsibility and the self-empowerment that comes with it. Learning that we are the result of every choice we have made in each moment, brings a whole new light to the moment we are in right now.

  91. Being responsible for one’s own wellbeing is the only way to live truly health and joyful life. Support from medical practitioners’s is essential, but this is within the framework of self responsibility first and foremost.

  92. Taking responsibility for our own wellbeing can at first seem like the last choice we want to make especially when getting someone else to make us feel better is so widely punted.

  93. Yes Gayle, it took Serge Benhayon to teach me, and many more people too, ‘ I will still be giving thanks because I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge to teach me that.’

  94. What a blessing that you went to see Serge Benhayon all those years ago, with just one session you were inspiring many.

  95. Wow and what a Teacher he is Gayle! I also wanted someone to fix me and make me better and didn’t believe I could ever do it for myself… until I met and heard Serge Benhayon talk about responsibility and that we are the only ones who can heal ourselves.

  96. It is amazing that the image of I want to be fixed may get in the way when you take a session with an amazing healing practitioner to the point that the image does not allow to appreciate the package we have just received.

  97. It is such an extraordinary gift to be met by a practitioner, like Serge Benhayon who doesn’t try to fix you. Not because they don’t care but because they know who you are in your entirety, knowing that you are already amazing and just moving and living in way that doesn’t support that all to be let out. It is also a rare gift to be reminded that our healing is in our hands, that we are responsible and no one but ourselves can ‘fix’ anything. This puts a stop to looking outside for help or for blame and brings our focus back where it belongs – with ourselves.

  98. Gayle, I cannot believe that I have not come across this blog before! I love how you have shared your story, your experiences. So simple and straight forwards, so beautiful. And when you said “I doubt that I ever ‘recommended’ that anyone go to see Serge. I didn’t have to.” – you sure did not have to as just you walking as you was the reminder and reflection of Heaven that we all are blessed with and that Serge has very gently and gradually been the one to share with us all as we have been ready for it.

    1. Like a game of ‘reverse’ dominoes only the little bricks are made of Truth and we are here not to knock each other down, but to pick each other up!

  99. I love how you took the step to take care of yourself. There is so much we can bring when we truly start to care about and love ourselves. It is so very simple an something the world so very much needs.

    1. And what’s truly beautiful about caring and loving ourselves is that there is nobody in any situation in life that is not able to bring more self-care and more self-love into their lives.

  100. Yes, it was Serge Benhayon that gave me the keys to myself and how to live life to its fullest. It has taken me 11 dedicated years since coming to Universal Medicine on working on myself to heal my withdrawal and contraction to life. Now, it’s all about living me in full to the plan and fulfill my purpose in life. As Serge advised Gayle – “It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.”

  101. I loved reading this Gayle. It just goes to show how unimposing and non-judgemental Serge Benhayon is that you continued for several years to avoid responsibility, but also how deeply inspiring he is that when the penny dropped, you were able to turn this around and begin to truly love and care for yourself, and will continue to do so no matter what. “And, if for some unforeseen reason, any of that changes, well, I will still be giving thanks because I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge to teach me that.”

  102. To learn to love yourself, what a gift Gayle to receive and to allow. Like you I and many others have received this gift with the teaching of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It’s been quite a journey but one I would not forego for anything, I’ve come to a depth of appreciation and love in myself which has utterly changed my life. I am forever grateful for having met Serge and thankful for my own good sense to listen and understand that there is another way to live and how I live is the best medicine of all, for as you say Gayle without this we are forever at the mercy of the world that wants us to conform at the expense of the love we all are. That is true freedom.

  103. Thankyou Gayle, I never cease to enjoy reading this blog – I look forward to more of your writing. My first workshop with Serge came at a time when I felt I had already searched high and low for the truth and was willing to give up – he was my last ditch effort before throwing in the towel. Not only was he speaking the truth but his modalities also worked (I had tried everything with no long term healing or change). He is an extraordinary, yet ordinary person – there must be 1000’s of us now like you Gayle who have received immense life changing benefits from Serge’s support.

  104. I love reading about the times when Serge Benhayon first started, even though I did not know him, I know just how precious that time was. I have known Serge for over 10 years and it is a complete blessing to know him. What you shared here ‘Serge said to me, “If I fix you completely, you will be forever running back here to get fixed up. And if not to me, you will be running off to some healer to try and make it better. It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.’ is a testimony of the integrity that Serge has; in that it is not to do with him ‘fixing’ people as many other people in the field of ‘healing’ may like to believe but ultimately our own health and well-being is our responsibility and in our own hands. This is something we all need to learn and truly be aware of, Serge was being extremely responsible and loving in saying this to you.

  105. As a practitioner, I can really relate to this, it is not about the fixing…people come to me saying this hurts, I want it gone…and many times practitioners will try and receive the pain….now it is awesome to offer some support through body work concerning pain, but the pain is there for a reason, something to look at, a sign to go deeper, fixing is not a long term shift, looking at the root of why these things occur, that is healing.

  106. Responsibility is such a key foundation in our lives. Learning that this has nothing to do with being responsible for others and everything to do with taking responsibility for our selves is life changing.

  107. Beautifully said Gayle, a session with Serge Benhayon is life-changing I agree, it certainly was for me, profoundly so. Understanding that self-responsibility is essential if we are to truly heal, and not give our power away to another thinking they can do it for us, is key. An amazing example here you’ve shared thank you.

  108. This story goes back to 1999 and while for me in 2017 is seems a distant memory the message is the same, “I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply.” Serge Benhayon from an early point supported people to stand on their own two feet when it came to what was going on around them. Some years later the depth of support has continued and evolved if you like but the dedication is still the same, we are all part of any healing. It’s not someone doing it for you but more your hand that’s important in any true healing and in fact that’s a healing in itself. The more we can continue to see our part the smoother things become. It doesn’t get to a hands off approach but always hands on and when you live a true quality in this way it begins to give the same back. In other words have you ever noticed how things spiral at times out of control. The depth and speed of the spiral is set from how you have lived prior, so it simple change how you live in each moment and this is what will be there when you need it. Don’t live with any care and you can expect that level of care back.

  109. Having a session with Serge Benhayon has changed many people’s lives and I know that your story is just one of many. It is as though this knowingness in us that there is another and true way gets rekindled – and that is only the beginning.

  110. Brilliant Gayle. Blind Freddy can see that the world is a mess, but Serge is the first person I have met who doesn’t hold back in speaking the whole truth of the mess we are in, and that we hold the absolute power of how to be in this world without contributing to the mess but rather live the truth of who we are… herein the responsibility we all hold, but may not wish to see completely.

  111. The world is certainly wacky, so much craziness that could be simply avoided. I too now have a deeper understanding as to why it is so, I have learnt so much attending talks by Serge Benhayon.

  112. Why (like you Gayle), do I keep attending presentations by Serge Benhayon, in person when I can, but these days mainly via webcast? – because also like you “I learn something new, every time”, and many times I am also presented with something that deep down inside me I feel that I always have known. This unimposing man has helped me to make sense of a world that for most of my life hadn’t made sense, and introduced me to a way of living that I never thought was possible. Every day I celebrate the fact that this amazing man’s name made it all the way from Alstonville to Auckland nearly 12 years ago.

  113. I love that although we are not usually taught growing up the importance of developing a loving relationship with ourselves or how to go about this, there is no doubt that it is incredibly powerful and life changing once embraced. The world and everyone in it would be vastly different if we were taught this from young, but as you have shown, it is never too late.

  114. The fact that we are responsible for how we are is the great wall that stop people from keep receiving healing sessions. Only those really committed to heal go for it.

  115. Gayle great to hear about your background and the changes to you and your life since meeting Serge Benhayon. By learning to take responsibility and learning to love yourself you have turned your life around and now are a living walking inspiration of how life can be.

  116. Thank you Gayle for a very beautiful sharing, the miracles that Serge and Esoteric modalities bring to us are just amazing and life changing as your blog describes, the point is that we heal ourselves when we take responsibility for our choices and learn to self love.

  117. Gayle thank you so much for your honest sharing. You wrote: “What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing?” That question alone should be printed in big letters and should hang in every medical practice or hospital just to let everybody know that they can play a big role in their true healing.

  118. The absolutely beautiful thing about Serge Benhayon is that he is fully aware that we heal ourselves and that it is impossible for another to heal us. It is liberating to know that we have the power within ourselves to heal and that while we can get the support of others we have to do it for ourselves.

  119. I love this blog Gayle! So real, so inspiring, so accessible. It shows us that all is energy and as Serge Benhayon has said . . .all is because of energy. What a Godsend Serge and all the modalities he has brought through are! An Esoteric Healing can correct the energy but it is up to us to maintain the correction through our own day to day moment to moment choices.

  120. This blog is pure gold, so real, so revealing and so honest. When you think about someone you know saying how different you look after one session with Serge Benhayon, makes you realise the power of Esoteric Healing.

  121. There are so many miracle stories about the support Serge Benhayon has offered to thousands of people. The greatest miricle is that we are all inspired to re-claim our ability to heal and evolve ourselves, and that we don’t need anyone else to fix us. This is deeply empowering.

  122. Thank you for sharing the process of your healing Gayle. You’ve offered beautiful details that could inspire anyone who reads to know that at any point in life we can change the way we are with ourselves and our relationship with who we truly are within.

  123. Wanting or needing others to do the work for us is really selling ourselves short. Sure responsibility gets a bad wrap as the word has been used for menial tasks, but to take responsibility for our health and wellbeing really means that we learn and get to know ourselves on a whole new and much deeper level. Who’d want to miss out on that?! It’s so amazing and supportive to have practitioners to go to for the fine tuning when needed – but most of the work is in our day to day lives, like you discovered Gayle.

  124. Serge Benhayon is definitely an extraordinary person. I have also found what feels like miraculous results from the healing modalities he has developed and offered in workshops, and as practised in his clinic. Previously, I feel like I had tried every modality known to man, but I always eventually ended up exactly where I was before treatments. The combination of modalities based on true energetic science, and Universal Medicine’s philosophy of self love and self care (i.e. personal responsibility) is working beautifully for me.

  125. Thank you Gayle this is such a real piece of writing and felt ‘with you’ every line of the way!

  126. Beautifully said Gayle – ‘I have attended almost all talks and lectures given by Serge and the majority of the Australian workshops and courses….I have never felt as healthy as I do today. So why do I keep attending? Because, I learn something new, every time. I learn about why the world is so chaotic. I learn that I’m not the only one who thinks the world is wacky. I learn about how to deepen the relationship with myself. I learn how to live me in a world that wants me to conform to mass consciousness.’

  127. Well said Gayle – ‘I have attended almost all talks and lectures given by Serge and the majority of the Australian workshops and courses….I have never felt as healthy as I do today. So why do I keep attending? Because, I learn something new, every time. I learn about why the world is so chaotic. I learn that I’m not the only one who thinks the world is wacky. I learn about how to deepen the relationship with myself. I learn how to live me in a world that wants me to conform to mass consciousness.’

  128. This is a beautiful sharing Gayle of the steps you took to look at your life and the responsibility we all play in how we move forward or get stuck in old patterns and beliefs we hold. Loving who we are and caring for ourselves with such tenderness and honesty really does open up a whole new world of learning and exploring . Making the choice to be responsible for ourselves is like opening a door to a new world, one that is full of glorious connections, joy and truth, sounds pretty cool to me.

  129. It takes so long to get an appointment with Serge and people attend his workshops from all over the world, and this has happened all from word of mouth. This occurs because what he presents is true and very effective

  130. A very inspiring read Gail, particularly I love what you have written here;
    “I will still be giving thanks because I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge to teach me that”.

  131. I love that Gail, “I learned how to love myself”. What an amazing journey commenced when you began to take back responsibility for yourself.

  132. It certainly is a defining moment when we come into full awareness that we save/heal ourselves and that no-one can do that for us, when the wall is right there before us beckoning us to dismantle it – the absolute knowing that we actually can do this for ourselves can have varying effects but the truth remains that we absolutely can make the changes to being love. Thank you Gayle.

  133. Gayle this is such an inspirational sharing, and one that many of us can learn from. “I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge Benhayon to teach me that.” To be able to fully understand that we all have the tools we need within us in order to know what our bodies need to look after ourselves responsibly, is one of the greatest gifts we can receive, and it is thanks to Serge and his unrelenting commitment to himself and all of humanity that so many have realised that this is possible.

  134. I feel the same regarding Serge like you Mary – I’m very grateful that I have met Serge, because he is such a great role model for living love, integrity and trust. He has remembered myself on a lot of things I had forgotten about.

  135. I like your words “we are our own best healer”. I love the fact, that we can empower ourselves, we “just” have to make better choices. Every choice counts.

  136. I loved reading your sharing Gayle. What stands out for me is, that we can only heal ourselves and when I remember how often I have given my power to somebody, in the hope he or she can heal me, unbelievable. We can empower ourselves by making more self-loving choices and life will change accordingly – how we live is medicine.

  137. I love how you have so clearly named the responsibility we have, and need to choose to truly bring our own healing. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine can support anyone and everyone, but the support is in holding you in the knowing that you are absolutely capable and empowered to make the choices that are required.

  138. A great article on the amazingness of Serge Benhayon and the great love and power he holds within

  139. “You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing?” This is a fundamental difference within Esoteric Healing as presented and practiced by Serge Benhayon from all other healing modalities and is why true miracles occur.

  140. Thank you for this Gayle, it is so true – a beautiful revelation to realise that we are the ones responsible for our healing, for a life of self-harm, and therefore harm to others, or for a life committing to evolving back to the light we hold deep within awaiting for us to return.

    1. and for a life committed to holding steady that same light, so that others too may know their own light by its reflection. This is true service.

  141. I like the matter of fact way you re-count your experiences Gayle, how you felt at the time and the effect of the healing sessions you had with Serge Benhayon. Serge Benhayon could be said to be ahead of his times especially when it comes to the future of medicine and healing. How rarely does a health practitioner hand back the responsibility to the patient after doing their part and say “the rest is up to you” with love and confidence? With no investment in wanting you to return and spend more money and with the understanding that ultimately we heal ourselves.

    1. This is a great lesson Deanne, learning that healing is about allowing another person the space to become aware and make the choice to heal themselves, not trying to fix anything for them, nor being in any way invested in them making the choice to heal themselves. Simply it is about offering the reflection and the space such that they have free will (unhindered by their own ill-momentum) to choose for themselves what they will, and what they will not be in that moment.

  142. Thank you for sharing the following “Serge said to me, “If I fix you completely, you will be forever running back here to get fixed up. And if not to me, you will be running off to some healer to try and make it better. It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” Whoa! This was devastating news! What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me”. Most of the world thinks that it is someone else’s responsibility to fix them. Lucky for you Serge Benhayon didn’t.

  143. A beautiful sharing – thankyou Gayle. “I have never felt as healthy as I do today. So why do I keep attending? Because, I learn something new, every time. I learn about why the world is so chaotic. I learn that I’m not the only one who thinks the world is wacky. I learn about how to deepen the relationship with myself. I learn how to live me in a world that wants me to conform to mass consciousness.” I agree with you totally. Taking back responsibility for our health and lives is so important. Knowing that by making new choices we can affect not only ourselves but those around us is so powerful. Huge appreciation to Serge Benhayon for showing us there is another way…..

  144. Lovely testament to the work that Serge Benhayon does Gayle, thank you. The message that we are all responsible for ourselves is a key one and one we have to accept at some point. What a blessing to be shown the love that is within, rather than pursue it endlessly and fruitlessly outside of us.

  145. Gayle this is a lovely blog to read ‘I will be forever giving thanks for the privilege of knowing Serge Benhayon and his family,’ We all have a responsibility to make our own changes to support ourselves, learning how to love ourselves is a great healing in itself.

  146. Love it Gayle – “What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.” I had to laugh at your reaction here, I had this too… but what a joy to take our power back and begin the return to self-love and nurturing of ourselves.

  147. So inspiring, Gayle, to read about your life-story and these two remarkable points of deep changes in your life. The first one, when starting to re-connect to yourself and your soul, supported from the first session and then when you started to get truly responsible for your wellbeing through making self-loving choices. Serge Benhayon leads the way to heal and reawaken for ourselves and each other in an incredibly loving manner.

  148. We are the ones responsible for healing ourselves. This is true to its core and as Serge Benhayon so lovingly presented to you Gayle, once we start to take responsibility for how we are living, we understand that nothing outside of us is the answer and that we hold the keys to making choices that are loving. Universal Medicine has been the first and only organisation that has made me aware of this whilst at the same time never telling me what to do but rather presenting the possibility of a different way. To know I hold the power of healing myself, is to appreciate the quality of who I really am – and everyone else equally.

  149. Beautifully expressed Gayle, this part really stood out for me – ‘Thus began a deep relationship with myself that I had never had. I was 52 years old. I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply.’ – Serge Benhayon lives in a way that is deeply inspiring for us all and through Universal Medicine presentations we experience a way to truly heal and live the love we naturally are.

  150. This is beautiful Gayle. How brilliant to find self responsibility so lovingly. We have such amazing power within us to heal and to change and to learn to love.

  151. Serge Benhayon draws from an endless well, such that there is no end to the wisdom that he offers to those of us who are willing to accept it. He lives in such a way that his finger is on the pulse of all humanity, so every course is entirely fresh, current and relevant to us all.
    How can one man do this? How can one man be such an exemplar of love, truth and consistency?
    Simply it is in the way he lives. He offers us the living example of what is possible when we dedicate ourselves to true life.

    1. I absolutely agree Rachel. I have seen him constantly making adjustments – in fact he openly shares the adjustments and why he has put them in place which offers us the opportunity to learn. My sense of the possibilities open to humanity has expanded from experiencing his dedicated way of life.

    2. So True Rachel, I am amazed that he has been saying ‘love yourself’ since 1999 in so many different ways, each deeply insightful relevant and revelatory.

  152. Yep, Serge is one man who knows how to love you more than you love yourself. And when you feel that absolute love in its purity and truth often enough, you cant help but realise, that you too are that grand and forever love. It’s just a given.

  153. Gayle, this blog is so awesome. I so related to the part where you wrote “I was embarrassed to be such a mess after all he had done for me?” as recently I have felt this too. I had collapsed in a heap, and couldn’t understand why I was the way I was after all this time and all the workshops that I had attended. But within ten minutes in our session I was back to feeling me, in fact, feeling a me that was more me than I had felt before. I didn’t hold this feeling, as within a week I was back to feeling messy but not so much as before. It was time to ‘heal’ myself … there was much more detail that I needed to consider, on how I was living my life. This is still unfolding.

    1. Yes Mas it’s amazing how we feel we are a mess and going backwards, but in fact the inner strength has become a foundation that is easy to come back to with a bit more attention to detail in the way we live.

  154. Wow!, I find it so fascinating to read these accounts of Serges consistency from way back when.
    I too am learning to love myself thanks to this man.

  155. I hate/love this quote “It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” I can feel that up to now I have been relying on someone else to fix me!! and yes it is good to get help from a practitioner, but I must say that I wasn’t trying too hard with food and would jump from one addiction to another. Also it is also good to appreciate all the way I have come from but also to realise that there is still a fair way to go.

  156. I absolutely love what you have written Gayle and it resonated deeply with me. I have also been touched by the humbleness and love of Serge Benhayon and he has taught me (and thousands of other equal sons of god) also how to be in the world and to be ‘my own best friend’. Your appreciation of him is deeply felt.

  157. ‘Serge said to me, “If I fix you completely, you will be forever running back here to get fixed up. And if not to me, you will be running off to some healer to try and make it better. It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” Whoa! This was devastating news! What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.’
    Gale when I read this part it has been a timely reminder that a part of me just wants someone else to fix me on somedays. These days are not often but when they swing into place I get a reminder that my way of living needs refining and scrutiny so that my way of being has a loving impact on the world not me draining it. I am responsible for me.

  158. I loved reading this history Gayle of how you came to be with Universal Medicine and got to know Serge. It really is amazing how his ‘career’ as practitioner started off – and has continued. No advertising is ever necessary for the services Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon provide. Those associated are living and loving proof of what is possible when living from our innermost is chosen, and consistently so. I cannot thank Serge enough for the commitment he has had. His lifetime is one that is marked in history – not just for the man he is, but for everything that has come forth has a result. Humanity is in for a change.

    1. I agree Amelia, one day history will recognise the gift that humanity has been offered in Serge Benhayon. He is the inspiration for many thousands now in his absolute dedication and non-stop service and commitment to mankind, to all people, every minute of the day, holding steady the light of truth in a world that has denied it for too long.

  159. Gayle- I enjoyed reading your blog and share your deep appreciation for Serge Benhayon and all that Universal Medicine offers. Taking responsibility for your self and your own healing is something I have learnt in recent years too – at first I found it all a bit confronting but with time, building that trust within myself, is the greatest gift in the world.

  160. Thank you Gayle,
    Very inspiring to hear your story, It is amazing what happens when we take responsibility for our lives you are a glorious living example of what happens when we start listening to our truth and get our minds out of the way to follow the wisdom of the inner heart.

  161. I love this blog Gayle, thank you for sharing your amazing return to you. Its almost incomprehensible that one ordinary person can make such an extraordinary impact on so many of whom he comes into contact with, (that is of course unless you are one of those people). To be inspired to take responsibility for each choice we make to live in harmony, is felt far and wide, and brings with it a love unparalleled.

  162. I love the sharing Gayle…especially this part…

    “I still didn’t feel like I really ‘understood’ what was happening – it defied logic, as I knew it”

    It captures so well the reality of what is it like to study with Universal Medicine and to receive esoteric healing sessions. There is part of you that is so sure you had it worked out, until what you feel from this work is so true and begins to make so much sense, even though at times it is back to front to how you saw life beforehand.

    1. Joel that was and is my experience too. At first my mind was completely unable to grapple with what was presented but my heart totally understood that for the first time the world was making sense in a very logical, natural way.

  163. I loved reading about the early days of Serge Benhayon and how you met him Gayle. I have known Serge Benhayon now for around 5 years and what he has presented to me about life has been very supportive at least. To truly take responsibility for the fact that everything I do has an effect on myself but also on everyone around me — that is a huge responsibility but very self empowering as well as it goes both ways. Responsibility seems a dirty word as it most often is associated with a negative effect but it is also about the fact that we ourselves have the power to change in the other way, bring more love and care into our lives which has a healing effect on ourselves and everyone around.

  164. This is a lovely article read, very playful and a celebration of Serge Benhayon and also your experience getting to know and love yourself. “I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply.” There came a point in my life when I found that I wanted to look after myself more, I found this to be deeply supportive to my well being ‘the best medicine’. Through caring for myself more, there is so much to enjoy and celebrate because fundamentally it is something that is built by ourselves, no one can take it away or build it for us. It has felt very empowering to learn to care for myself.

  165. It’s so true there’s an expectation/belief that a practitioner is the one that fixes a problem and that’s what they are paid for, not realising how disempowering that is. As you say, Gayle, what Serge Benhayon offers is a polar opposite – to start considering self-responsibility and learn to become my own teacher has been the greatest gift in bringing true healing for me.

    1. So very true Fumiyo, I know I used to think that paying to go and see a practitioner meant I was paying for them to effectively take away my problems with no consideration or thought to how I was living. Taking responsibility is key to beginning to truly heal. It is also empowering knowing that we can and do heal ourselves.

    2. I have never met a therapist outside Universal medicine where they say,’Its no good for me to keep fixing you, you can fix yourself now. Most are just happy to keep taking the money!

  166. Gail I loved reading your blog. I too have had the enormous privilege of healing sessions with Serge Benhayon; he was recommended to me by a friend when they realised I’d moved into the same neighbourhood. The meeting was life changing in the best possible way as I too have learned that I am responsible for my own life and have within me all that is needed to do so.

  167. This is beautiful Gayle. A gorgeous story of meeting a beautiful man who inspired you to truly meet you. I can certainly add my name to what is probably a huge list of people who have been inspired in a very similar way by Serge Benhayon, and who as a result, live lives with so much joy today.

    1. I agree Katerina, my name is on that list too. The inspiration that Serge Benhayon and my fellow students are continuously giving, supports me to take full and true responsibility of my life in which I now can find the joy I live in every day.

  168. It was wonderful to read your blog and appreciate again the early days of when I first started having sessions with Serge Benhayon. I too experienced the session where I discovered that I was responsible for my own healing. Although scary at the time as I didn’t feel equipped to do this, I also felt how much love and trust there was from Serge that I could do it and it would be all the more powerful if I claimed this myself. How empowering it is to be treated with equality.

  169. Thankyou Gayle for sharing so honestly how our lives can be transformed from feeling the overwhelm and struggle, to continually evolving in so many different and amazing ways simply because we open our hearts to the truth that we all are responsible for healing ourselves. Great blog.

  170. Thank you for sharing your amazing story Gayle. It is inspirational. I am responsible for my own wellbeing and I am blessed to have found my way to northern NSW, the heart of Universal Medicine Land where Serge Benhayon events and Universal Medicine Practitioners are so easy to access.

  171. Thank you for sharing your discovery of Serge Benhayon, Gayle. I, too, am very grateful for all the changes that have occurred in my life since my involvement with Universal Medicine. To keep evolving as we are meant to be is the best way of saying thank you to him.

  172. Love this blog Gail! It captures so well your defining moments, moods and changes! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful text!

  173. This is a beautiful piece of writing Gayle, I particularly liked how you stated you were feeling displaced, menopausal and depressed but figured you had good reason to be that. That statement alone sums up nearly all of us as we all tend to have a justification for our behaviour. And not trying to be harsh but sometimes the bigger the tragedy = the bigger reason not to live a true life.

    1. Crazy isn’t it that many of us use the ‘bad things’ that have happened to us as excuses for not living fully, descending into the poor me pit and expecting others to haul us out. We climbed the ladder down, its still there so we can climb it up too. That ladder is self responsibility.

      1. Great comment Catherine. Self responsibility is key to how our lives will be. We can either choose it and live an amazingly full and vital life, in which we can inspire and support others in a miriad of ways, or we can not choose it and stay in a pit of misery and self loathing, dependant on others to take pity on us and/or to make us ‘happy’. Having been in that place myself once before, I now know which one I am choosing, thanks to the inspirational work of Serge Benhayon.

  174. A beautiful deep appreciation to Serge Benhayon. A truly great man who continues to inspire many with his dedication to humanity and his love and steadiness to living life from the divine depths of who we are. I now know the truth of who I am.

  175. I feel deeply moved reading your words Gayle. There is a nodding deep in my body as I too know what a blessing and how life-changing it is to have met Serge Benhayon.

  176. Gayle your story of love is inspiring, so simple when one discovers the crucial importance of looking after oneself, or to self-love. I have also learned, through the benefit of attending Universal Medicine courses/presentations etc. over the years, that when there is ownership or command, i.e. of oneself (as opposed to being owned or commanded by the outside world), then there is value: that we value and cherish more what we own, and compromise less on this the more this value is developed. The more we love, the less we compromise on this love.

    1. Very well said Zofia, it is so hugely empowering to take responsibility and ownership for our own well-being. It literally brings the power we so often give away to others, back to us.

    2. Beautifully said Zofia. What Gayle has shared here is gold. When we learn that we are responsible for our own choices and what happens in our lives is a consequence of those choices, we start to consider how we live our lives in a completley different way. And as you say, the more we take responsibility for how we live, the more care we take to look after ourselves which in turn deepens how much we value who we are. I too have learned this from attending Universal medicine workshops and courses, and from having sessions from practitioners of the Universal medicine modalities. Without the support that I have received from Serge Benhayon and these practitioners, I can’t imagine where I would be today.

  177. Thank you Gayle for such a beautiful blog, I too feel privileged and blessed to have come to know this man of truth, light, and amazing love, knowing that this also lies within me, and in the inner heart of every person on the planet.

  178. Gayle I have also learned to love myself from Serge Benhayon and years of Universal Medicine healings, presentations and courses. The fact that we don’t generally learn this from our parents, at school, or at church is something to deeply consider. It makes me ponder about why aren’t we? How different would our lives have been if we were? How amazing the world would be if all children learned to love and adore and honour themselves just for being themselves right from then start.

  179. Your writing speaks reams Gayle, about the integrity of Serge Benhayon, which I also found from first meeting him in 2001 (not quite as early as yourself, but definitely ‘back there’ a way!).
    I had rarely trusted, or allowed many ‘healers’ to give me sessions, and having been around the new age industry for some time, I had been offered plenty… Yet when I met Serge, I met something and someone who seemed totally different from any ‘healer’ I had known – in fact, he turned my notion of what healing was, completely on its head.
    I felt the deepest sense of connection to something so profound, yet simple and absolutely clear. Today I could describe this as love (the real thing), or fire… a deeper presence and closeness with God. Then, although I didn’t have the words to describe what I felt, it was deeply familiar, as though I’d walked back into something I’d known with deep affinity for lifetimes. What I came to confirm and discover in myself, was that that ‘something’ was me – the depth and amazing presence of me that had been long masked by the pain of life, by struggle, by hurt… Yet there ‘I’ was, and so much more.
    What a journey of rediscovery began that day.

  180. Such is Serge Benhayon’s integrity that he empowers people to take responsbility for their own lives and learn to help or heal themselves when he could so easily just allow people to become reliant or dependant on him. This is the difference between true healing and just providing some kind of relief from symptoms.

  181. Beautiful, beautiful testimony of the amazing awareness that Serge Benhayon brings to anyone who is ready and open to hear. He is the most consistent, loving and amazing presenter who walks his talk and presents all with the opportunity of living this way (by reconnecting to their true way) too. It is truly life changing if you choose to live what is presented, by living what is in your heart and living the true you.

  182. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story Gayle. It so empowering to realize that through developing a loving relationship with yourself and taking responsibility for your choices, we are able to heal ourselves.

  183. Thanks Gayle. Reflecting on your sharing l am wondering how many people have a relationship with themselves. What is a true relationship with self? Living deeply and lovIngly requires attention to detail in every moment, to the breath our own breath. This can be chosen by anyone anytime and practiced daily- taking responsibility for our own wellness – I like that.

  184. Gayle what a blessing to have made contact with Serge Benhayon and coming to understand that you are your own healer. Now that is life changing!

  185. As presented, taking responsibility in our own choices is a big “ouch” to start with, but once you start, there is no other way. Everything is up to us individually, yet, we are the parts of the whole collectively. I, too, have learnt from Serge Benhayon how to love myself, be my own teacher and be my own best friend. Thank you very much Gayle for writing this.

  186. Thanks for sharing this blog Gayle, I really enjoyed reading it. Taking responsibility for my own healing is the greatest teaching I have learned from Serge Benhayon. It has changed how I am and how I view life enormously – and is so very empowering.

  187. Gayle this was such a pleasure to read and to hear your story. I will be forever grateful to the person who gave me Serge Benhayon’s number, for in the moment I walked in the door he pinpointed exactly what was going on in my life, defying all logic it left me speechless and I have never doubted him ever since. There are just no words for the enormity of what he has since taught me about the world and myself – only deep appreciation.

  188. Thank you so much for sharing your story in such an interesting and open way. I greatly enjoyed reading it and as you were one of the earlier people to start having sessions with Serge Benhayon your sharing is something of a historical document!

  189. Great blog Gayle, I could not but smile when reading “you are responsible for your own healing… it seemed so much easier to pay someone to do it”
    Responsibility at its finest.

  190. Very clear, you were the living example, like proof of health and vitality, for your friends and many others to ask for ‘that guy’s phonenumber’. It shows me again how important our livingness is on a daily basis and that requires personal responsibility.

  191. That’s awesome, I love reading your experience, and hearing more about the sessions Serge Benhayon was offering closer to the beginning of Universal Medicine. I was not around at the time and have not had a one on one session with Serge so it’s cool to hear about. I also love his response to you when you were asking – why wont he fix you. He is awesome!

  192. This is such a great sharing Gayle – thanks. I love how you say “What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.” This is exactly how it had been for me up to when I met Serge Benhayon. In fact it was because I realised my health and life where deteriorating no matter what I seemed to do that I finally chose to participate in Universal Medicine presentations. I use the word chose because I’d been putting off taking responsibility and I knew deep inside that once I started taking responsibility I’d never go back to trying to get another to fix me.
    As you share Serge Benhayon doesn’t fix anyone, he presents what is true with more love and wisdom than most humans are prepared to feel. However if I allow I can feel it with-in me, with-in Serge, with-in everyone. We all have it equally and just have to get mind-full selves out the way and let in and out ‘our hearts’ full of love.

  193. I loved reading your blog Gayle. It is so awesome to learn about self responsibility and what you have shared highlights that so well. Self responsibility is huge and with honesty we can deepen our relationship with ourselves and with others. The part you shared: ‘I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend.’ What I have realised is that we all hold the answers to life but sometimes we just need a gentle reminder to find our way again.

  194. Hi Gayle, where would we be without Serge Benhayon? I can only speak for myself of course but I shudder to think. Being shown over the years in a very patient and loving way how to take responsibility for myself has been the best thing that has happened to me in my life.

  195. As I read your blog, Gayle, the theme that jumps out to me is self-responsibility. May be because this is a theme in my life at the moment. I am realising there is never an end to being responsible for myself, it just gets deeper and deeper.

  196. Thank you Gayle. This was immensely inspirational to read. The first session I ever had with Serge Benhayon he just put his hands on my kidneys. I did not think much of it at the time, but looking back he was dealing with one of the root causes of the mild depression I had been living with for so long – exhaustion. I felt immediately better after the session, but it did not last long. So began the path of my own healing as I started to understand that I had my part to play, and so I began to look at why I was living in a way that was permanently exhausting me. It has taken me 7 years, but finally I am living in a way that is not exhausting me. Yet, ironically, I am now working harder than ever before, sleeping less, and taking less time off. Serge helped me to understand that healing is not about just managing our symptoms (although this is part of it). It is about getting to the root cause of things, and leaving no stone unturned in looking at how the way you live affects the way you are. For so many of us, life is about managing our way through things. But there is a much deeper way to live that helps us connect to our our innate wisdom – a way of living that I would not swap for the world.

  197. Absolutely beautiful Gayle, I loved reading how you came to know that you are responsible for your own healing. I too am deeply appreciative of Serge Benhayon and the truth he brings.

  198. Hi Gayle. There is an honesty in your blog which stood out for me, no hiding or pretending. Serge Benhayon’s work has been so valuable to the many who have chosen to stop and listen. Taking responsibility is an ‘ouch’ moment as most of us want someone else to do the fixing but how amazing when you take that step and begin the walk of true health.

  199. This is gorgeous Gayle. I love how you so candidly and openly walk us through your initial approaches towards Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and back to yourself. Even though you didn’t ‘know’ what it was that was actually happening, it sounds like you truly did know but your head was perhaps at a loss how to explain what your body was feeling! Sometimes truth is bigger than the words we use to describe it but for me, this line says it all;’ ‘I learn how to live me in a world that wants me to conform to mass consciousness.’ Yes – that’s the truth I know and love. Thankyou.

  200. Gayle, I’m so glad I stumbled upon this blog again to read of the wonderful life changing choices you began to make for yourself because of Serge. Your last lines say it all “I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge to teach me that.” This is my experience of Serge Benhayon also, and I am deeply appreciative of him also for those same reasons. It was gorgeous to revisit your blog.

  201. Thank you Gayle I loved reading your story and how you were gently and lovingly supported to “embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply.”
    I laughed when I read “What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own well-being? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me”, because I spent years going to so many different practitioners to fix my bad back but it is only since attending Universal Medicine presentations that I have looked at how I have contributed to my own lack of well-being and this has been life changing.

  202. Gayle, what really stood out for me in this fantastic blog is your comment ‘I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply.’. It took me quite a while to grasp this concept and to stop handing responsibility over to others for my well being. Such a revelation!

  203. This is so lovely to read Gayle, and I can so relate to your introduction and early visits with Serge – My own experience was similar and I saved my visits to him for the times when things ‘hit the fan’ so badly I knew there was no-one else to help – I did not understand what he was doing but every visit was lifechanging and so profound I felt I had found someone who not only confirmed the me that was not ‘in sync’ with society, but also he kept surprising me with what he did know and I knew he was real and true – I could not believe it – and it took me years to realize I could actually come and learn for myself what he knew and would lovingly share.

  204. What a beautiful story Gail and I loved the line “What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me”. This is the life changer I also have encountered in my relation with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. In the beginning I too was going for the fix, but this neediness has never found any ground by Serge or any of the associated Unimed practitioners. At a certain moment I too finally could make the change of thought that I myself am in control of my own wellbeing and that this is fully under my responsibility and not of someone else.

  205. How awesome to read your story, Gayle, of how you met Serge. I feel a deep gratitude to you for being so integral in helping others to also connect with him and the work he offers – especially because it was not something you were trying to ‘do’ – it just was from others seeing the change in you and asking for his number. And now look what has unfolded from that! An amazing international community of people studying, and more importantly, living Universal Medicine.

  206. A great article Gayle thank you. I too have learned to love my self from Serge Benhayon’s presentations and that the way I live is my best medicine, I am responsible for my own healing. It is profoundly life changing. Thank you Serge.

  207. I loved your sharing Gayle and had a giggle about your comment on ‘wanting to be fixed’!
    A beautiful and articulate blog. Thank you.

  208. Such an awesome story Gayle… I also heard about Serge Benhayon from a friend – her cousin had been and she recounted her experience to me over lunch one day. Despite living 2.5 hours drive away, I have never felt so determined to get a phone number in my life and called immediately. This was in the days when Serge took his own bookings and I spoke with him for 10 minutes. My first session was so profound as a healing experience that I can say now, 13 years later, that l’ve never been the same since that day. It woke me up in a way I could never have imagined, and l’ve stayed awake (and alive) ever since. Thanks for your amazing account… I enjoyed every word!

  209. I hope you still get asked by people for Serge’s number Gayle, I loved hearing about this.

  210. Thanks Gayle for sharing your awesome story. I’ve also been asked by various friends: “Wow, what are you doing? I want some too.” And they end up with Serge Benhayon’s business card in their wallets. Some of them have become regular students, some dip in and out with the ups and downs of life. They are at different stages of development of their own responsibility, awareness and willingness to change, as are we all. Gayle your story encompasses the whole gamut!

  211. That everyone around you could see the changes so clearly turned you into a walking bill board for Esoteric Healing, that simply could not be ignored others! That in itself is affirming, but to then present back that’s ultimately up to us to heal ourselves, shows the level of integrity that Serge Benhayon is working at as well as the fact that what he is doing is for humanity (and not for himself).

  212. I love your story and to hear that the healing in you was so profound that it inspired others to look for the same without you advertising it.

  213. Thank you Gayle, I enjoyed reading your blog. It highlights the power we have when we choose self-responsibility in our lives as it offers us the opportunity to forever deepen the relationship with ourselves and that is a priceless gift.

  214. Wow Gayle – this blog is a great reminder that we can have the support of practitioners and others for our healing, but ultimately it is up to us to play our part if we want to truly heal.

  215. Thanks Gayle for sharing your wonderful story. I didn’t realise the power of my every choice until I came to Universal Medicine and worked with its many wonderfully trained practitioners. For me life was something that happened to you and you did the best you could within it all, for me the answer was ‘out there’, and that another person had more power to heal me and fix my life than I did. I can really relate to your story and to the many positive changes that come with empowered self-responsibility.

  216. Wow Gayle – reading your words I get the sense that the greatest healing we can offer to another is to remind them that their healing is in their own hands. This way of being is a huge difference between Universal Medicine and all other modalities and processes I have come across. It’s lovely to feel how this has changed your life and those of many others.

    1. I love your comment Joseph.

      “The greatest healing we can offer to another is to remind them that their healing is in their own hands”.

  217. Thanks Gayle, that was a beautiful story you shared. I love that you felt the truth so much that all who you came across wanted to feel it to.

  218. Wow Gayle, thank you for sharing your story, it was all great and very real. Your ending was perfect “I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge to teach me that.”

  219. It is super empowering to feel that we are actually our own healer even though it is deeply exposing. It is us that is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens to us.

    1. I totally agree Josh: that knowing that we are “responsible for EVERYTHING that happens to us” is an amazing and life changing lesson.

  220. I absolutely love this blog Gayle and this one simple sentence “What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? ” – is GOLD! It just says it all.

    1. Eva that is the key, but how many of us truly want to take responsibility of our wellbeing, we often blame everything outside us than take responsibilty.

  221. What an extraordinary account of how you were very steadily and gently introduced to taking responsibility for yourself and how you lived, all in the course of a few healing sessions from Serge Benhayon and your own openness and development..

  222. I loved reading this account of the “early days” Gayle, before Serge Benhayon was booked months in advance. I can well understand why you got so many requests for his number, because the healing offered by Serge makes such obvious shifts in our bodies.
    I also appreciate this quote: “If I fix you completely, you will be forever running back here to get fixed up. And if not to me, you will be running off to some healer to try and make it better. It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.”
    Yes we are responsible, and this has always been the central tenet of Serge’s teachings…even if it takes a few of us (hands up) a while to get it.
    Serge has always held the door open to true self healing, not dependance upon his services and need.

  223. I have actually never been the type to run off to practitioners to ‘get fixed’, more so acutely aware from a young age that I was the maker of my own destiny and own illness. However this led me to stay away from seeking help -perhaps through fear of being disappointed, perhaps through stubbornness or laziness or just plain arrogance. Even though based on a truth, I had turned around the notion of being my own healer, to one of bearing my own cross (and suffering). So having approached Serge Benhayon’s work from a different point of view, it took a while to open up to sessions and receive help. In fact, if it wasn’t for my wife’s support, I probably never would have opened up at all!

  224. Wow Gayle what a life skill worth learning ‘ I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church. It took Serge to teach me that.’

  225. In each workshop or talk or session I attend – something new comes out of it – even if it is the same thing that is presented. So is it possible that as I change and grow, so does my understanding of what is being presented? For me – taking more responsibility for myself and my own healing also means I take more responsibility to hear something new in each talk. It is something that will never stop as long as I choose to keep going deeper.

  226. I enjoyed reading your story Gayle. It seems that we are such a “fix-it” society and expect a solution can be brought for everything- thus abdicating us of responsibility for ourselves! I love the way that Serge presents things to us but there is no imposition- we have to make our own choices on how we live our life but he is there with support and guidance if we want and need it. We are responsible for how we live in the world.

  227. I like the idea that we can be our own best friend. I have taken on the beliefs where it is encouraged to give a lot to others and where giving to yourself is considered selfish. I’d like to be my best friend.

  228. I love this line “I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend”.
    Until I saw Serge Benhayon I was struggling with feeling lonely and at a loss as to what the point was to life, in fact I was very close to giving up on myself. During my first session with Serge it was like being unlocked and for the first time in years I allowed myself to be vulnerable, feel what was happening in my body and actually cry. It was such a relief that I didn’t have to hide how sensitive and tender I was and how much love I have inside.
    That session changed my life, it opened my eyes to admitting what I already knew – that I (we) are so much more and so much grander than the flesh and blood bodies we live in and that there is more to life than is revealed in our formal education.
    Through sessions with Serge and being willing to be open to what I feel and sense I have learnt so much about myself and life and actually like myself a great deal. The feeling of loneliness is a distant memory because even if I am alone or in a crowd I am always with myself and that is what I had been missing and searching for.

  229. What a wonderful sharing, I can relate to so much of what you express, the passage below from your blog could have been written by me, and I’m sure many, many others over the years.
    “What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.
    Hard as it was to believe that this was true, Serge Benhayon had never lied to me. He had told me many things about myself that I didn’t think I knew at the time, yet when he told me, I knew instantly that it was true. He had never shown me anything but love and compassion; he always met me with understanding and with care. I had never felt judged no matter how many times I went or what my complaint was. So, I had to take on board what he was telling me. It was my responsibility to get well and stay well.”
    I am a totally different person to who I was 8years ago when I first met Serge Benhayon. Taking responsibility for my health and wellbeing has changed my life completely and I will forever deeply appreciate Serge for showing how.

  230. Wow Gayle, how wonderful that you have made your way back to the wonderful amazing you. Even though my story is different, I can relate to your experience of having been so caught up in ideals and beliefs, disconnected from myself to such a degree that I wasn’t able to see straight. Through the love of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I have seen there is a different way of living and boy what a difference it makes, thank you so much for sharing.

  231. We have become so cynical and jaded that when we hear about a miracle, it seems part of us turns off because of the many lies that we hear about the subject. BUT what you describe are real miracles, and I am glad that you shared them with us. Thanks Gayle. I have experienced similar when having seen Serge Benhayon or attended one of the Universal Medicine courses or retreats. There is definitely a reconnecting to an inner essence that is our true nature and is deeply healing, and that can be seen from the outside by people to be very different. I also love how you talk about self responsibility for this!

  232. Gayle, I really enjoyed reading your blog. You very simply expose how much we have wanted all of our problems to be fixed, and how totally irresponsible this way of thinking is. It was not until I began my journey with Universal Medicine that I began to see just how irresponsibly I was living. This is an awareness that for me is deepening daily. Now as I choose to feel my body and live my life in honour of this, the many choices that I thought were ok are being exposed as not being ok. Yes sometimes it is annoying. For me I find this feeling comes up especially around food. As I feel in my body that certain foods are affecting me I begin to eliminate this food from my diet. What often comes up for me as I do this is how much I have used that food to comfort me or to stimulate me. And yes at times I struggle with this, knowing deeply what this food does in my body, I still finding myself wanting it! Sometimes I give in and eat the food, but every time that I do this I find, especially if I KNOW that it affects my body, that my body has an even quicker and more intense reaction than the last time I ate the food. I am getting better at discerning why I want to eat what affects me, and giving myself the space to accept this understanding and simply let it be. As I explore this more and more I am finding that it is much easier to accept responsibility for my choices and to support my body by choosing not to eat what harms me.

  233. Wonderful story, Gayle, and I can remember my very first Heart Chakra Workshop in England. I went out with similar results. From there on another understanding of responsibility for me had begun.

  234. Thank you Gayle, that was really interesting. I have had many instances with other practitioners where I walked out after the session feeling better but there was never anything beyond that. The best that happened was that I felt better, then got worse and went back for the same relief and such a cycle could last for years.

    Serge is the only one bar people who are working with Serge Benhayon who was able to show me how to heal myself. I found the best of all worlds is to do both – heal myself and get supported by practitioners in that healing process – things can then move very fast.

    1. Yes Christoph, I had the same experiences with practitioners, teachers, even an odd guru or two (on occasions) – relief for a short while at best, only to have the same feelings or condition return. I thought this was normal and the cycle of visits to these people was to be expected. All that began to change after my first session with Serge Benhayon… 13 years later life has never been the same since, and after a short while, I experienced none of those debilitating emotions or health complaints again, to this very day. Extraordinary, but now my everyday normal!

  235. So beautifully expressed Gayle. I too had no way of knowing how to be ‘me’ in this world that was so foreign to what I felt from within. The only way for me to survive or exist was to completely numb myself with marijuana daily, and this ‘daily existence’ went for 25 years until I met Serge Benhayon.
    I am so grateful and appreciative for knowing Serge Benhayon for the way I am now is nothing short of a miracle. Universal Medicine has taught me; Self responsibility, self-love and living a loving way of being. All I ever wanted was simply just to be me. There is now no more ‘want’ as I now bring the beauty-full me to this amazing life that we are all connected and part of.

  236. I loved this blog. super easy to read and funny about the numbers part. Its great what you shared about being your own healer and teacher and that Serge helped show you that. It is unusual for a practitioner to do that… not just getting you to return again and again for business but instead take reigns of your own life and be responsible for it. That’s a true practitioner.

  237. I love the way you write Gayle, thank you. And I can very much relate to how you said you have learned to become your own teacher and best friend.

  238. I really love the humour in your writing Gayle. From going to see Serge Benhayon for the first time with “I arrived at his home sceptical, determined to keep my secrets close to my vest so as not to give this guy anything to work with – (he wouldn’t pull one over on me), and I was more than slightly irritated that I had to go through the motions of acting like I wanted to be “fixed” when I really didn’t care if I was or not”, to taking responsibility for your own well being. A pretty awesome journey.

    1. Haha……thanks for putting together the Reader’s Digest version of this blog, Judy – as you’ve cleverly pointed out the whole journey is revealed in the way you’ve recaptured it.

  239. Wow, this is a super inspiring blog Gayle – thank you. I can totally agree that what Serge Benhayon has presented all these years is how to ‘take back the reins’ of our own lives so to speak, and, as you say, become our own best friend – you have written this beautifully.

    1. I admit, I do get a little pleasure buzz when an article/blog I’ve written is meaningful for another. Thank you Jessica & Meg for reading and commenting. Meg, I love your comment “which I suspect I knew all along.” Yes, we do.

    2. Yes totally agree Jessica, this is a beautifully written account that illustrates what Serge Benhayon has been presenting for years… that we heal ourselves, hence the need to ‘take back the reins’ as you say. Developing a relationship with ourselves and learning to be true to ourselves are GOLD in this world… taught nowhere else in this way that l’ve ever been.

      1. That’s true Jenny – from my experience and from what others have told me, it isn’t really taught anywhere else!

  240. I love your candid honesty here Gayle, especially when you explain your reaction to Serge Benhayon explaining you needed to take an active part in your own healing and recovery. This is a huge lesson I have also learnt from Serge: that I am the one responsible for my health. Armed with this wisdom, which I suspect I knew all along, I have a very different approach to my health.

  241. This is a fabulous description Gayle, of the journey to gaining self-responsibility. I practised as a kinesiologist for 15 years and thought myself very good at ‘fixing’ people. When I met Serge Benhayon in 2006 and over a period of time, I came to fully realise for myself that I had not in truth been fixing anything or anyone – I had just been able to make others feel better for a period of time.
    Like you, “It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” this was a huge wake up call for me and changed my life. It resulted in me giving up kinesiology, for to continue would have meant I was lying to myself under false pretences that I was ‘healing/fixing others’. Making that change was the best and greatest thing I have ever done in my life, and so I wrote about the impact that I felt in an article called: ‘A pictures worth a thousand words with a few of the words‘ and I have shared my experience and understanding of why Universal Medicine rather than other complementary therapies.

    1. Thank you Jonathan for sharing your journey too. I read the “thousand words” article some time back and have never forgotten it. Waking up to the all important fact, as an individual, that we are responsible for our own well-being is one thing. To wake up to that fact, as a practicing healer – well, that is quite another. It took a lot of insight and bravery to see the truth and nominate it for yourself and your clients. Applause!

  242. So true, Gayle, every time I listen to Serge Benhayon, although basically he is repeating the same simple truth, I hear something new and have an experience that brings me to a deeper relationship with myself and my own responsibility for myself and my healing. He never does it for us or tries to fix anything, he makes it clear it is all up to us. And in that meeting something magical happens.

  243. Rosanna & Kev, have picked up on what is likely the most important piece of well- being advice I ever received from anyone; that my well-being is my responsibility. Once we can see this, it is like “Of course, how could it be otherwise?” But before we wake up to this level of responsibility, it is so easy to see our health as something that just happens to us. And something that we get fixed by a professional. Taking responsibility for our own well-being becomes a doorway into a new way of living, one that is much more engaged in the world within us and around us.

  244. Thanks Gayle your story, it just proves Serge Benhayon is like no other. The way he presented you with the opportunity to heal and take responsibility for yourself. If he were in it for the money or recognition surly he would have wanted you back time and again.

  245. I feel this is the difference; Serge and the now many Universal Medicine trained practitioners, understand that we are all in charge so to speak of our own state of being.This is often overlooked by medical and complimentary practitioners in general. However, importantly this understanding means we don’t become reliant on anther person to keep making us feel ok but take the responsibility ourselves to live in a way that supports good health and a feeling of wellbeing. Since I’ve been making changes and ‘taking back the wheel’ after many years of depression and illness, I can say there’s no more potent medicine than our own choices. Thank you, Gayle for bringing this point here for us to discuss.

  246. I truly appreciate every comment on this blog because it reminds me that sharing our stories is a beautiful way to connect “heart to heart” with another. There is a gem in each comment. Stephen, I love the way you’ve framed such an important aspect of anyone’s healing journey with your words “we have to be willing to play our part in discarding what doesn’t belong.”

  247. This is a great sharing and what I particularly like is the truth that it is our own choices that are the greatest healing and even the greatest healer can only take you so far, we have to be willing to play our part in discarding what doesn’t belong.

  248. Thank you for a very moving blog Gayle. I never had a 1:1 session with Serge Benhayon but all the courses and presentations I have attended felt like a 1:1 as there was always plenty of things he said, that I could say were directed to me and beautiful sparks of healing happened and/or deepened my awareness. This is true magic.

    1. I know exactly what you mean Maryline. I am often in a group presentation and think how uncanny it is that what he is talking about is exactly what is going on for me at that very time!! It’s like it is a 1:1 session, just with a lot of people 😉

      1. I so agree Gayle and Maryline, and it happens every time, that feeling that what Serge is saying is just for me! There is always something that is really significant and relevant to me, and that I take away with me and then feel a change in my life.

  249. I met Serge for the first time in 2011 and everything he presented just made sense. Above all, I have learnt that no healer, no matter how miraculous they may make me feel – cannot actually heal me – they can only help me to help myself. True change comes from myself – in how I live every day. I’m still learning how to put that into practice, but I’m on my way. Thank you for sharing your experience, Gayle.

  250. Dear Gayle Cue
    I absolutely love what you have written here. I met Serge Benhayon in 2005 in the UK and I recall saying to him at the end of my first appointment “I know you are real”.
    I was deeply depressed and living with misery and anxiety everyday.
    When I started to attend presentations and courses in 2006, I was amazed that there was absolutely no advertising or any marketing. Today it is the same and I am very aware of how busy Serge is and how many people want to see him. He is the real deal and what he says makes simple sense.
    The biggest life changing thing that I learnt from him was about me being Responsible for all my choices. It applies today and I know that I can choose to live in a way that is good medicine by making choices everyday that support me.

    1. Hello Bina, So lovely to hear your story of how you found your way to Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine and ultimately back to taking responsibility for your choices. Every single person’s story is different but the thing every story has in common is that it is life changing. Once we start taking responsibility for our choices, we have so much more control over every situation we find ourselves in. From there life becomes more loving and our wellbeing improves, including our mental health, physical health, our emotional health and I guess we can even say our spiritual health. Thanks for your comment.

  251. Gayle your honesty is infectious, so humble and funny too! I found it a hard pill to swallow, that in every situation where I am reacting, or feeling unwell, I first have to look at how I have been living, what are my thoughts and take responsibility for my own health. Now this practice feels very loving and as I build my relationship with myself it affects every aspect of my life. Another Thank You to Serge Benhayon from me.

  252. Hello Mary, I’m re-reading articles too, including my own. It is great to see that something written quite some time ago, is still here in the eternal ethers for others to come across and add their own testimony too.

    1. I agree Gayle I find that when I re-visit the articles I get a greater understanding to what has been said, and there will be a depth to the words that I would not have felt before. I can also feel this when I read the comments, how the article expands and grows as people add their experiences to it.

  253. Hi Gayle, I also really enjoyed your post. Attending the Universal Medicine workshops and listening to Serge Benhayon present, has changed my life and that of the lives of my immediate family members. It is an on going process of deepening that connection to myself, which is enhanced every time I attend a workshop. It’s truly amazing how Serge does not need to advertise – that speaks for itself. Thank you.

    1. Hi Julie, When one person reconnects to themselves, it is inevitable that others will follow that shining reflection, but it doesn’t always happen straight away. How wonderful to hear that your family have made the changes with you.

      1. Yes Gayle… the ripple effect is enormous for family and friends… most of my friends followed straight away, and my whole family would agree they have benefitted hugely, even though most have not ever met Serge.

  254. Thank you Gayle, this blog is wonderful. I can feel so much love in this blog. It was you who first told me about Serge way back in 1999! It took me 10 years to begin to actually listen to what Serge was saying! And what an amazing difference it has made to my life to be able to feel me! Love Jade

  255. Hi Gayle, I really enjoyed reading your post. It’s lovely to hear how supported you were during some difficult years. Thank you.

  256. Hi Gayle. This is a tremendous account of personal responsibility and healing. Thankyou for sharing. Such an inspiration.

  257. Hi Gayle, a H U G E thank you. I bursted into tears twice. When reading “So why do I keep attending? Because, I learn something new, every time. I learn about why the world is so chaotic. I learn that I’m not the only one who thinks the world is wacky. I learn about how to deepen the relationship with myself. I learn how to live me in a world that wants me to conform to mass consciousness.”, I could let go of a loneliness – a way that I make myself little so nobody sees that I’m wanting love in the world. And the other burst was when reading “I will still be giving thanks because I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend.”. This made very clear that I’ve been taught (unconsciously) that my life is not about me. Does have something to do with the Catholic church. Thank you Gayle!

    1. Floris, I too loved this ‘ I will still be giving thanks because I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend’ This means much to me, having always looked to others for answers. What a blessing it is to know Serge Benhayon and to have been guided by his wisdom and love. Amazing blog Gayle.

  258. Hi Gayle I really enjoyed reading that.
    I too heard of Serge Benhayon by word of mouth as did everyone I know. I have never heard of Serge or Universal Medicine advertising. Now there are thousands and thousands of people all over the world (as these blogs show) who have found Serge in this way and had their lives transformed. Wow – what a great testimonial that is!

  259. Awesome article Gayle so beautifully expressed. I feel you speak for hundreds of people when you say that a simple 1 hour session with Serge is life changing in a positive way. It certainly is my experience and many, many others I have spoken to over the years. And yes, like you said, it is the responsibility we then take for our own healing that allows us to build on what we have been given. Then ultimately the best medicine is the choices we make day to day.
    Mary-Louise Myers

  260. Thanks Gayle, a story that could be repeated 1000 times by people around the world. Even more interesting is that many of us didn’t get this 1-1 time and still feel the same remarkable life changes. Maybe Serge is right when he says its not about him.

  261. Awesome Gayle, I was one of those ‘can I have that guy’s number please’ people (via a friend at the time) and remember a similar point where I realised (through Serge and UM) that I was responsible for my own healing. But since I was also a ‘healer’, it was liberating at the same time as the pressure to ‘fix’ someone is considerable in the health care professions. From the rest of what you’ve written though and what I know of you now, you wouldn’t have it any other way! And nor would many others including me.

  262. Thank you for sharing this gayle, deeply touching and from the heart. Just lovely 🙂

  263. Thank you Gayle for this beautiful clarity. I especially loved that you found the best medicine for you was the way you lived your life. What a loving and responsible world we would live in if we all looked to ourselves as to what we were choosing for us in our daily lives. If we lived with that loving responsibility then we would not need ” fixing ” from anyone .We would see a doctor or practitioner for support in our own healing and not disempower ourselves and dump on them expecting them to ” fix ” us . What a weight off the medical and complementary health system.

  264. Gayle, this is a wonderful honest account of awakening from snoozing along to the realisation that we are responsible for our own lives and health – all inspired by this wonderful man Serge who knows the art of living so that all are benefitted. Your writing describes so well what we have all been through and continue to unfold. Thanks so much Gayle for documenting it.

  265. Moved to tears.
    I too received that same gift – learning how to love myself – from none other but Serge Benhayon. Gosh, he is a super generous guy – something tells me there are many more who have received the same gift 🙂
    How could we possibly not feel enormous gratitude when as you say Gayle, no other body has ever taught us that, which is the most precious gift there is.

    1. I’ll put my hand up for that one as well – I too have received the gift of learning to love the amazing tender gorgeous being that I am and to deeply know that we are all that!

  266. Thank you Gail, you truly covered much of what I have felt and come to understand since my personal connection with Serge and Uni Med.

    It never ceases to amaze me how many people Serge has touched, deeply so.This is a miracle in its self, that I marvel at often.

    1. Yes Toni, far and wide… as my whole family has been touched, even though most of them have never met Serge. So it isn’t just those he’s actually seen, emailed or spoken to by phone… but everyone they know too. You can begin to see how one person CAN change the world.

  267. Gayle, I love what you have written and I quote…… “! What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.” oh I can so relate to that. Thank You

    1. Yes Kirsten and this has been true in many areas of my life so it was something I had become very used to. Pay someone else to fix my problems rather than start taking responsibility. I now take responsibility but also get the support I need when I need it.

    2. Me too Kirsten – too often in my life I gave my power away, terrible. I’m so glad, that this time is over. And I’m so grateful, that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine showed me a way how to take responsibility for my life.

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