“Can I Have That Guy’s (Serge Benhayon’s) Phone Number ?”

It was late 1999. My life had undergone major changes in the previous two years. My husband had died. Following his death, I had sold the business that we had started and run together for a decade. The business had been on the main street of town, making us very much a part of a small community. I just had to get up and go to work, and the world came through my front door. It was a wonderful segment in my life. And it was over. I was feeling displaced. I was menopausal. I was depressed. But I figured I had good reason to be so I wasn’t looking to fix it. I was just dragging myself around.

My daughter told me that she thought I should go see this guy who had come into her workplace. I don’t follow everyone’s suggestions, I assure you, but I do most often follow my daughter’s. And so I went. I arrived at his home sceptical, determined to keep my secrets close to my vest so as not to give this guy anything to work with – (he wouldn’t pull one over on me), and I was more than slightly irritated that I had to go through the motions of acting like I wanted to be “fixed” when I really didn’t care if I was or not.

An hour later, I walked out amazed – amazed that I could feel so totally different. My whole being was lighter, my body, my mind and my heart. What had happened? We had exchanged a few words, my contribution being that I was depressed, his contribution, almost entirely, a gentle laying on of hands. It was nothing short of a miracle. A couple of hours later, I was walking down the street in Byron Bay when a friend came up to me and said: “Wow! What’s happened to you? You look totally different”. My response, at that point, may have been, “I don’t know. I went and saw this guy named Serge (Benhayon) in Alstonville”. This scenario was to repeat itself many times over the next few weeks, usually resulting in my friends asking me for his phone number.

Eventually I started getting calls from people I didn’t actually know, but they were friends of a friend and had heard, “could I give them his phone number?” It was after a woman from Sydney called (who I had never met) and asked for his number that I called Serge to find out if it was ok to keep giving out his number. After all, he was running a tennis school, did he really have time for all these people? He said the lady from Sydney had already called him for an appointment. He seemed almost as surprised as I was about everyone asking for his number but he graciously said yes, to give out his number if it was asked for.

Over the next year or so, I would periodically go and see Serge for a ‘tune-up’. I doubt that I ever ‘recommended’ that anyone go to see Serge. I didn’t have to. They were clamouring to get his number. During this time, I didn’t really understand what was happening. I just knew an appointment with Serge Benhayon was life-changing in a very positive way.

Eventually, Serge started offering courses. The first one was called ‘Ki Energy’ and was held at the Ballina RSL. My daughter and I attended; there were maybe 20 participants. I still didn’t feel like I really ‘understood’ what was happening –  it defied logic, as I knew it – meaning something I could understand with my mind. And I didn’t have the confidence to think this was something I could do outside of the supervision of Serge Benhayon’s weekend workshop demonstrations. Contrary to what he was teaching, I was sure he was an extraordinary healer and that only he could perform these miracle healings. I never tried practising what I learned in a workshop – I only went because I was trying to figure out what Serge was doing.

Fast forward to 2003. There was a most unfortunate ‘incident’ in my life that left me deeply traumatised. I’m not trying to be secretive but what happened isn’t really relevant to the point of this sharing; the point is that I was suffering from post-traumatic stress. I was so distressed that it took me a couple of months to finally get myself to an appointment with Serge – again, it was at my daughter’s insistence that I went. That’s how messed up I was, I didn’t even think to go to Serge. Or maybe I was embarrassed to be such a mess after all he had done for me?

As anyone who knows Serge Benhayon would guess, I had another miracle healing. Well, almost. I definitely walked out of his clinic rooms a totally different person than when I walked in, but within a couple of weeks I was back. I told him that while I was greatly, enormously improved, I wasn’t back to the old me. I wasn’t the person I was before the incident. He gave me another esoteric healing. Again, I was greatly improved – but two weeks later I was back. (This was when you could still see Serge regularly, on fairly short notice – those days are long gone.)  When I went for the third session, I said, “I’m still not the old me. It is like there is scar tissue in me from the incident and I just can’t quite get on with things. I know you can fix this. Why aren’t you fixing it?”.

Serge said to me, “If I fix you completely, you will be forever running back here to get fixed up. And if not to me, you will be running off to some healer to try and make it better. It’s time for you to ‘get’ that you are the one who is responsible for healing yourself.” Whoa! This was devastating news! What? You mean I have to take responsibility for my own wellbeing? It was so much easier to just pay someone to do it for me.

Hard as it was to believe that this was true, Serge Benhayon had never lied to me. He had told me many things about myself that I didn’t think I knew at the time, yet when he told me, I knew instantly that it was true. He had never shown me anything but love and compassion; he always met me with understanding and with care. I had never felt judged no matter how many times I went or what my complaint was. So, I had to take on board what he was telling me. It was my responsibility to get well and stay well.

Thus began a deep relationship with myself that I had never had. I was 52 years old. I started to embrace the fact that the way I lived my life was the best medicine I could apply. I had a lot of beliefs and ideals that I had accumulated over a lifetime – I started to work with these first. I didn’t even consider dietary changes or any changes to my body. Being a very cerebral person, I wanted to start with what was going on in my head… listening to my body would come some years later.

I only saw Serge on rare occasions after these sessions in 2003. Even though I now accepted my responsibility, I still fell off the tracks once in a while. I last saw Serge, for a private session, in early 2009. That was one of those sessions that was as revelatory as the 2003 session, and a matter for another blog. I have attended almost all talks and lectures given by Serge and the majority of the Australian workshops and courses.

I have never felt as healthy as I do today. So why do I keep attending? Because, I learn something new, every time. I learn about why the world is so chaotic. I learn that I’m not the only one who thinks the world is wacky. I learn about how to deepen the relationship with myself. I learn how to live me in a world that wants me to conform to mass consciousness.

I will be forever giving thanks for the privilege of knowing Serge Benhayon and his family, and for the good fortune of living in Northern NSW where I can have sessions from practitioners who have trained at Universal Medicine, and where I can participate in courses and workshops offered by Universal Medicine. And, if for some unforeseen reason, any of that changes, well, I will still be giving thanks because I have learned how to be my own teacher, my own best friend. I have learned how to love myself and that’s something I didn’t learn from my parents or at school, or at church.  It took Serge to teach me that.

by Gayle Cue, Bangalow NSW Australia

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