Reincarnation – Taking Responsibility for the Next Time Around

by Gabriele Conrad, Goonellabah, New South Wales

A recent article by Nicole Serafin – Creating a Life to Come Back to – reminded me of how much I used to be put off by the concept of reincarnation and more specifically, by the way people talked about it – and before I go any further here, let me also state that in hindsight, I have actually always known reincarnation to be true, but I was fighting it because the way it was presented to me did not ever make sense. And because I was relying on outside information and not ever trusting of what I was feeling, did not even know what that might mean and how it could possibly be achieved, I had thrown the baby out with the bath water.

I used to get quite riled over reincarnation because the way it was presented would either be in the form of humans coming back as cockroaches, rats or poodles (the poodles are my addition) or in a very off-handed manner demonstrated in throw-away remarks such as, “well, that’s great then, get it wrong this time and just come back to have another go at it next time”. I even heard arguments defending suicide based on this casual assumption. But what was this next ‘go at it’ to be based on? And if we can’t do it now, if we can’t have this life we so want and don’t have now, what will make it possible for anybody to do it differently that imagined next time? Different parents perhaps? Or a different country of birth? Possibly more money? A better education? A different job? But where was it all going to come from?

All I knew for certain was that if indeed there was a God, and if there was a creation and not just this bad and hopeless joke of an obviously useless existence, then the whole thing better be more glorious and astute than those man-made assumptions that felt a bit like really bad science fiction, and did nothing but project human frailties, shortcomings and hopes onto an imagined deity and assumed divine order. If this God thing existed, then he, she, it better be stupendous – or I wasn’t having a bar of it! And so I didn’t.

The other thing that used to really bug me about all this reincarnation nonsense was that its proponents seemed to all have been Cleopatra, Mary Magdalene or Nefertiti; there were apparently a few reappearances of Napoleon and I had heard of people who believed they were Jesus. It just made no sense and I used to ask people to please give me one good reason, a good explanation in favour of reincarnation to convince me once and for all that it existed – if only I could meet someone who would simply and honestly say they had been Adolf Hitler I used to think, and not all those Cleopatras, nuns and monks and famous warriors!

Enter Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. The first few times Serge mentioned reincarnation, I was squirming in my seat – or falling asleep, depending on my form and food intake that day. I must have stayed awake long enough for some things to start sinking in though, because I gradually realised that Serge was doing a different take on reincarnation, one that actually made sense. Not the cockroach and poodle variety, no conventional religious take, and certainly not the shirking-all-responsibility variety that had always so repulsed me. He was talking about reincarnation as taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then and only then leads to me taking responsibility for the next round (reincarnation) and me and my life then which leads to the next round… you get the picture. He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that. What goes around comes around, quite literally!

I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet. But it is stupendous, that much I know for sure while I now willingly and very consciously partake of this opportunity to go around in daily, monthly and yearly cycles as does the earth around the Sun, and knowingly and willingly undo, redo, file, polish, buff, smooth and wipe the lesions, bumps and warts I keep running into and tripping over.

And the funny thing is of course that all the time, while I was waging my own private war against reincarnation – I was still coming back; in fact, hello – I was already back: just like the earth had never changed into a flat disc or swapped the going-around-in-circles-bit with the Sun, no matter how fervently it had otherwise been decreed.

849 thoughts on “Reincarnation – Taking Responsibility for the Next Time Around

  1. I had an experience recently where my body left me in no doubt I had experienced another life many many years ago, I knew exactly the area of Europe I had lived in. The realisation brought with it a sudden flood of tears as the sadness and disbelief that something so sacred could be so violated. This experience has shown me that we have a blueprint within us that stores every incarnation and those lives we have lived then colours the next life until we are able to live in a way that is non harming of ourselves and others. So we should be placing far more emphasis on reincarnation as it is our ticket out of the swamp of life.

    1. I would add, if I may, that reincarnation is a ticket out of the swamp of creation. The swamp that preceded us and that we have, in various ways, capitulated and contributed to – or not, as the case may be.

  2. I used to wonder about reincarnation and was a little freaked out about the idea of coming back as a cockroach or a cricket, but when I heard Serge Benhayon sharing his understanding of reincarnation, I knew that to me the version of taking responsibility for one’s life, one’s thoughts and actions etc was a version that made much more sense to me than the version of living the life of an insect.

  3. Reincarnation explained as a responsibility is a beautiful way to bring more love to be lived in every day.

  4. Gabriele, I only just now have had the joy of coming across this blog written by you, and I must say I love the way you write and express – there is an honesty and an openness and a freedom in sharing things that is inspiring for us all to feel as we read. Thank you for sharing what you have shared about re-incarnation, and in the process putting into words what so many of us have been feeling.

  5. When I connect with the fact of reincarnation, something feels complete within and makes sense. There could be arguments to explain or contradict it, but at the end I know the truth of it inside of me.

  6. As a collective we have chosen to ignore one of the fundamentals of life which is that we belong to the cycle of re-birth and so reincarnate each life time to reenact and to heal what we didn’t take responsibility for in a previous life. It’s a complete opt out from taking any sort of responsibility and we can see this from the current way we live.

  7. I love the title of this blog “Reincarnation – Taking Responsibility for the Next Time Around”. There’s absolutely no excuse for withdrawing from life when we see each and every life like that. As you say, we can resist and fight all we like, but it keeps happening.

    1. And whether we believe in it or not, know that it happens or not, reincarnation keeps doing what it does, cycle after cycle till such time that we have learned what we have learned.

  8. “… reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet.” Yes, yet some folks still try to bastardise it -and blame God, taking no responsibility for the life they are leading currently.

  9. Interesting how funerals and religious ceremony shy away from reincarnation, so could it be that this is simply a ploy to run fear through people as is depicted in the latest Robin Hood movie directed by Otto Bathurst.

    1. Yes, especially the sobering if not shocking remark that the church invented hell to assert its dominion by putting fear into people.

      1. That rang very true as the church and ‘hell’ go hand in hand along with being outed for so many lies, greed, corruption and one day will be held accountable for all its ill ways.

      2. I wonder what the true intention of the church is, what is their true intention and purpose in this world?

      3. Fear is a great weapon that is used to control and dominate people and the mainstream religions have done exactly this for centuries, put the fear of God into people which is the complete opposite to what God actually is unadulterated love.

    2. Lorraine if the Catholic Church is anything to go by part of the intent is accumulating wealth.

  10. It makes so much sense to me to live in a way that is respectful and honouring of who we truly are, treating others with decency and respect as a bare minimum. As an equal bare minimum.

    1. Respect is, in many ways, the lowest common denominator but it is a good and decent start nevertheless. From there, more can easily unfold.

  11. Seeing reincarnation as an act of divine love, in the way that Serge Benhayon presents this, has helped me to understand situations more clearly, and so to let go of what judgements I may have.

    1. Reincarnation in its truth supports us to see the bigger picture and not get stuck in judgments, opinions and pictures of how we think life and people should be.

      1. Yes as we have no idea what paths others have walked in their previous lives, let alone this one. So judgement makes no sense at all. Do we sometimes judge ourselves the harshest?

      2. In my experience, we certainly do – nobody can do the hatchet job better than us, we are the expert on ourselves.

  12. Knowing we have all been here many times before, are equally equipped to feel energy and know truth, radically changes how you interact with people young and old. We’re all masters pretending we’re novices on the job.

    1. We like to play dumb and dumber and think that we can get away with it; but whom are we kidding in truth? Just those who are equally playing dumb and dumber and also think that they will get away with it? Hush hush is definitely the flavour of the aeons here and a while longer yet, by the looks of it..

    2. It’s a good point Joseph, it’s not exactly our first time around!

    3. Joseph I get what you are saying if we have been here many times before then we carry those lives within us they are the blueprint of our DNA. So therefore it would make absolute sense that we are masters pretending we know nothing when in fact we know everything. This exposes the game of the Etheric spirit which is part of our makeup as it wants to hide the truth from our bodies so that it can continue its pursuit of being an individual in complete separation to the soul it separated from. It is only by reconnecting back to our bodies that hold the keys to our truth that we will have any chance of reconnecting back to the truth of who we are and why we are on this plane of life.

  13. Working with people prior to death, I have wondered all about what is the purpose of death and why do people die in so many different ways. People also approach there own death in many different ways, some with great ease and acceptance and others fighting against what is so clearly happening in their body. There is much more here than meets the eye. The more I observe the more questions I have.

  14. In some places around the world the is much controversy in re-incarnation but in others its an accepted part of life. In some countries its like its been weeded out altogether and in others its morphed into something that is used to control the populous. All be it removing it from what re-incarnation is…love and responsibility. If I look at my own life there are things that do not make sense from an upbringing perspective, the choices I have made, my behaviours, some of which are all too familiar, beyond that which I have learned this life. They make absolute sense when approaching life from the patterns, behaviours and momentums that simply continue from previous lives.

    1. We do know that some patterns and behaviours are much older than this lifetime; veritable monoliths that don’t budge and take all our commitment and dedication to make inroads into and eventually, by will and via a different choice of alignment, disappear out of what we take around with us.

  15. For some reason we seem to think we live in isolation from the rest of the universe that because we have not found so called ‘life’ as we know it on another planet we are it. I like the theory that we are all on this planet because we are so wayward we have been quarantined here and we cannot leave this plane of life until through the cycles of reincarnation we clear the abusive way we with live with ourselves and each other.

    1. That makes sense to me as well – we are quarantined on planet Earth until such time that the carbuncle has been healed and well and truly left behind.

  16. Like you, Gabriele, reincarnation always felt ‘right’ but the way it was presented did not make sense. Now with the understanding from the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon it makes total sense that it is the Law of Love.

    1. A Law of Love that is superbly beholding and ever-patient until everyone is ready to return to their divine origins; and no need to forgive either because God does not judge.

  17. True Gabriele, a lot of religions actually say the same thing, which is that we go “somewhere” and keep living. It is interesting to note then that when it is proposed that the “somewhere” that we go to may actually be back here on earth that people complain! Perhaps that says more about the life we are currently living than anything else.

    1. Obviously, there is a belief, even among those who don’t accept reincarnation, that ‘something’ continues, goes on – somewhere and somehow. And yes, back on earth seems to be a destination that is not all that popular. It suits us to think that we leave the mess we have created behind, never to be seen again. Little do we choose to know … if we choose to adopt that stance and misconception.

      1. To accept that ‘something’ continues after death though not to return to earth is a total opt-out of accepting and/or acknowledging the responsibility we have for our actions during life.

      2. It’s like an illusionary get-out-of-jail-free card that suits the irresponsibility and a way of thinking that denies that we are born back into what we left behind.

  18. As with the many other cycles we are a part of, such as the seasons and how we move around the sun, it makes complete sense to me that we would return again and again to human life in order to learn and deepen in our true nature.

    1. Everything happens in cycles big and small and supports us to return to where we come from; reincarnation is but one of them, the opportunity to ‘clean up our act’ and re-imprint with love what had otherwise been affected.

  19. I love how you describe re-incarnation as ‘a law of love’, Gabriele. When we stop identifying with our hurts and see how we are the masters of our own choices by the quality in which we live, life opens up to become more about love and constant learning.

    1. And a Law of Love reincarnation truly is – around and around we go or trudge until we have reimprinted every square millimeter and every unloving step we have ever taken. If that is not the chance of not just one but many life times then I don’t know what is!

  20. This is such a playful way to embrace re-incarnation, Gabriele – ‘I now willingly and very consciously partake of this opportunity to go around in daily, monthly and yearly cycles as does the earth around the Sun, and knowingly and willingly undo, redo, file, polish, buff, smooth and wipe the lesions, bumps and warts I keep running into and tripping over.’ Re-incarnation is the greatest gift of learning, and what life is actually all about.

    1. Everything in life is an opportunity, an opportunity to deepen our quality and learn to be more love, live more love and breath more love. I don’t mean this in an airy fairy way, but in a real and practical way of deepening our care and respect and authority of who we are in each moment – something I know is a work in progress for me!

      1. Henrietta if we were to have decency, care and respect towards ourselves and each other that in itself would make a huge difference. What seems to be happening is the complete opposite as we resist and deny who we are in truth which is taking us on a convoluted path back to our soul. It has been said we can either go back willingly or in resistance, but go back we all will as this is a universal law and actually reincarnation supports us on our journey of return. As you correctly say it is a work in progress not just for you but for all of us.

  21. It is interesting how easily words that indicate reincarnation slip into our daily vocabulary even though we might not believe in it. To me this shows that we know the truth of things even though we might not live them nor consciously believe they exist.

    1. It is interesting to note that even the catholic faith which says people go either to heaven, hell or purgatory acknowledges that something keeps going on – but what?

  22. ‘I have actually always known reincarnation to be true, but I was fighting it because the way it was presented to me did not ever make sense.” This is beautiful Gabrielle and shows how the bastardisation of truth in this world keeps us from trusting in what we innately know to be true.

  23. Reincarnation and the joy and responsibility it brings to our lives and the world has been hidden and taken away from many of us but is an amazing freedom to reconnect to in the truth love and care for ourselves everyone and everything when this truth of it is realised again.

  24. Reincarnation is a game changer, to understand that whatever we choose is what we are coming back to shines the light on what exactly it is we are choosing and if it is loving and considering the all or if it is purely self motivated.

    1. And being purely self-motivated it backfires of course, big time … even if it seems to take a lot of time.

  25. The truth that we come back is the truth that lives inside me. I feel it to be true so much in my body — all I can put it down to right now is I can feel the power of what my past lives have offered.

  26. Reincarnation is a wonderful science that supports us to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions to a whole new level.

  27. To consider that we will be walking back over the footprints/ energetic imprints that we are leaving in our wake can bring more awareness to the quality of the imprints that we currently make, rather than seeing them as something transient or insignificant.

    1. And thus, everything matters and nothing is insignificant or of no importance. Enter energetic responsibility and energetic integrity.

  28. We have already a relationship with our next live by virtue of what are we laying out for it in this one. The question is whether we are building to take advantage of this one? Or are we simply condemning us to business as usual?

  29. When we really consider what re-incarnation is and that we are asked to bring greater awareness and levels of responsibility to life and how we live it, re-incarnation has to be one of he greatest sciences ever and one that is only based on love. When we understand it for what it truly is, it will be life changing because everything will start to make so much sense.

  30. “And the funny thing is of course that all the time, while I was waging my own private war against reincarnation – I was still coming back; in fact, hello – I was already back: just like the earth had never changed into a flat disc or swapped the going-around-in-circles-bit with the Sun, no matter how fervently it had otherwise been decreed.” I simply love this sentence, as it shows how we are inevitably who we are despite our efforts to not be who we are.

      1. We can disguise, hide and make up many things about ourselves but the fact remains we are who we are and the universe is as it is, no effort however great will change this fact.

  31. Whether we accept reincarnation or not, we cannot avoid the truth that we are living the sum of our past choices now and this is informing our future coming toward us.

  32. Likewise Gabriele, I was always a bit confused / reticent about reincarnation until I learnt more about it from Serge Benhayon. His presentation simply made sense… its not a clean sheet and an excuse for irresponsibility, and its not the threat of turning into a bug or a cat next life. Its a simple ongoing process of taking responsibility, of there being continuity in the Universe, and understanding there is something divine and immutable in us all.

    1. I love the simplicity of your summary about reincarnation – meaning that we are lovingly given the chance to return to what we already are, to what is ‘divine and immutable’ in all of us.

  33. ‘I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it,’ That is one of the glorious things about Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the Ancient Wisdom. It is what we already felt all along but did not have confirmed by the world around us so lost the confidence to stand by and claim for ourselves.

    1. The Ageless Wisdom and its representative for the modern era, Serge Benhayon, expounds what we all innately know but have chosen and keep choosing to turn our back on in favour of a physical existence spurned by and enmeshed in creation.

  34. I love the way how you write and express the science of reincarnation here, Gabriele. We just have to allow ourselves the truth of what comes with it: responsibility and the power of our own choices by living in present.
    Thank you for explaining it so earth- conscious.

    1. Reincarnation is a very practical, down to earth and no-nonsense way of conducting life and the times in between our physical lives. Its logic is unbeatable and the love is stupendous.

  35. We often think of reincarnation as a random crab shoot as to what our next situation will be but what we fail to realise is that the same issues we have in this life are the things that we would have been dealing with in a previous or many lives. So it makes sense that if we are paying attention and choosing to be aware in this life, then we are already working on the next one and vice versa if we decide to be asleep in this one we will get much of the same in the next one.

    1. We don’t mind reincarnation as such but abhor the responsibility it stands for and asks of us; we run a mile, in other words. A non-existent mile because reincarnation is a fact of our many lives, no matter how we think about it or whether we believe in it or not.

      1. This is spot on Gabriele, why be responsible if you are going to die and all ends? But if we admit that we come back to what we left behind, and not only that keep coming back to it till it is true and in line with Universal order once again, it becomes a whole other ballgame.

      2. The truth and fact of reincarnation changes everything; is that why it’s not so popular?

  36. Serge Benhayon has given me such an understanding of past lives and reincarnation. When I look at my toddler, I cannot but see all the things she has picked up in the past and is bringing through from past lives, and also the responsibility i have in raising her to be all of who she is in preparation for her next life. It is an amazing and expansive cycle.

  37. Interestingly I have always known the fact of reincarnation even though it wasn’t spoken about in our home growing up nor was it the Roman Catholic Religion I grew up with. I knew because there were just some thing I deeply felt that couldn’t be explained any other way. As an example I knew when I was beaten during my schoolies week that this was a level of abuse returning to me that I had expressed in a previous life to others. This was the only understanding that could reconcile what had happened to me. It’s not something I necessarily spoke about, but knowing this within myself allowed me to deeply accept heal and move on from the brutality I had received.

    1. The knowing about reincarnation would have lessened the trauma somewhat, I would imagine. Still a bitter pill to swallow, but understanding leads to acceptance and the ability to let things be and move on.

  38. The truth about reincarnation is, as you say Gabriele, full of love; I feel it as the unwavering embrace of God, as we remember, learn and practise being all that we are, alongside one another with a common understanding of our unified purpose.

  39. Since meeting Serge Benhayon, reincarnation makes so much sense to me, I have always believed in it but now I have a deeper understanding of the responsibility we all hold in this life so that the next life isn’t tainted by the way we live here and now.

  40. It’s a handy way out but only in the mind – God doesn’t play ball with irresponsibility.

  41. We need to call to account the part of us that thinks we can do what we want and never be accountable for it. What utter arrogance on our part to believe we can disrupt the harmony of the universe and not have consequences.

    1. We like to live as though we can have our cake and eat it too, as the saying goes and often, quite literally too.

  42. I love how you have presented reincarnation for us here Gabriele; I was nodding in agreement all the way through what you have so delightfully shared. The return as a cockroach and the multiple Cleopatras didn’t wash with me with either as I knew from an early age that I was back to release all that I had brought with me from past lives and none of them included a life as an obnoxious little insect. But knowing this at a very tender age was a bit scary as those around me didn’t align with what I knew to be true. So, when Serge Benhayon began to present about reincarnation I was really ready to listen and absolutely loved having confirmed what I had always known to be true.

    1. We have the ability to know so much more than the confines of our little human mind.

  43. Then could it be that the modern religious dogma’s wants to hold us in ignorance so we are kept from the truth about being held responsible for every action and though?
    This is what the Ageless Wisdom teaching have always been presenting that we are either being connected to our essences and being responsible thus evolving out of the mess humanity is living in or playing the game, which is indulging then settling for the comforts of what ever era we have been in.

    Those prophets that have presented the truth have always been shut down, discredited or condemned, censored, concealed, reinterpreted and or then religions have placed them on such a high place of honour that it is seemingly impossible to obtain the same overglorified way of living, when the teachings have always shared we are all equal.

    The presentation of the Way of The Livingness has shone a light on reincarnation from day one and seeing it is part of the lineage of The Ageless Wisdom in its current form; then is it any wonder that the media are continuing the age old patterns of discrediting, condemning, censorship and reinterpretation?

  44. I don’t resist reincarnation and I don’t fuss on how long it may take, but I know if it’s not going in the direction or rhythm it should be, I will be the first to know and it will be my choice to re-correct or not.

    1. The choice is always ours and we feel in the body what is true or not true when it comes to these choices.

  45. “He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that” And ladies and gentleman, this is what it is all about.

  46. When I came to understand reincarnation as the ultimate responsibility that how I live now impacts how I go forward and that includes next lives, it does made sense; and that’s the ultimate form of love, never condemned but held to account and offered an opportunity to address any areas where we’re less than love.

    1. Reincarnation is the ultimate second chance, and third, and thousandth, and millionth etc. etc.; hand in hand with responsibility and never taken lightly or flippantly but met with the sincerity and dedication that reincarnation calls forth for us to move, everywhere we go.

  47. We reap what we sow day after day …. and so too, life after life .

  48. Reincarnation is exactly that, taking true responsibility for our life, this life and knowing that our choices will affect the next. Reincarnation was always a truth to me – I could feel this to be true in my body but as you have shared Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine gave me a deeper, and truer understanding with this. Not the flippant comments that I heard being made to do with you as well. On reading this ‘I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it’ I questioned what makes us forget if we know something to be true?

  49. Taking responsibility for what we leave behind in life is hugely important because that is the imprint that we come back to.

    1. We reap what we sow, in other words? Across the ages and the universe.

    2. And we can feel this in the shorter cycles we live in life: how we go to bed, the imprint of the day before impacts how we feel when we wake; how we get up from our desk and leave a room is what we return to later. Cycles are absolutely a part of our lives and we can ignore but not avoid them.

    3. Well said Elisabeth and this fact alone would be enough to make a big change in our collective choices. It is, in the grander scope of things, utterly ridiculous that we think we can get away with what we do to ourselves, each other and this planet and not have it come back to us. Only though blatant denial of what we innately know to be true can we continue to live in this utter irresponsibility.

      1. We are indeed like the proverbial four-year-olds and keep chucking tantrums, stomping our feet and shaking our fists in the face of universal law, in this case the science of karma and akasha.

  50. Reincarnation has always felt familiar to me, and makes total sense to live in responsibility that way…why would we not!

  51. Reincarnation brings about true responsibility – a re-balance of the ways in which we live.

    1. Jenny I totally agree, with reincarnation everything changes as we get to see that we live in a continual cycle.

  52. Denying that reincarnation exists means that we can be irresponsible with our choices in this life and making up stories of coming back as a bug is only there to fuel the disbelief and to keep the lies about reincarnation going – if feeds perfectly into our irresponsibility. If we do not want the truth, then we will settle for the lies.

  53. When I first heard the religious teachings about reincarnation that taught that you can come back as a bug, kind of left me cold. But I persevered in believing these anyway so that I could still be a part of that religion, because fitting in meant more to me than trusting what I could sense was real or even true.

  54. I have never doubted in re-incarnation, but I had never thought that there was a whole science to this, that every choice makes a difference and that every choice is our own responsibility. Responsibility is the main word that comes with re-incarnation. Perhaps this is why we either bastardise the meaning of the word or completely deny its existence because of what it means in terms of responsibility.

    1. Responsibility scares the living daylight out of us and especially energetic responsibility. We’d rather deny reincarnation than let ourselves be open to what it brings.

  55. If we consider we have been around the cycle more than a few times before then we can appreciate we carry with us all of our undone past, and all of our previous wisdom lived.

    1. It does indeed teach us that we are wiser than we could possibly know from this life time, and answers innumerable questions about why the patterns we play out are so strong… hangovers from the past that we now have a clear opportunity to work on and clear up in this lifetime.

      1. ‘Hangover’ from a past life or past lives – great analogy for what we continue to carry around with us until we choose more wisely and otherwise.

  56. I love this article Gabriele, it brings reincarnation into the moments we are living now that then pave the way for the ones we will meet. It is a continuous cycle… one grand cycle where our every step matters and leads us to the quality of our next.

  57. Absolutely loved returning to your delightful and wise words on reincarnation Gabriele, but in particular these ones: “reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am” without a “cockroach or a poodle” in sight. And thank you Serge Benhayon for clearing that one up!

  58. Whether we believe in reincarnation or not, it is very healing to take responsibility for one’s life in the knowing that wherever we find ourselves in life, we have arrived there through our choices. At any moment we can choose a more loving choice, with each choice influencing our next.

  59. The wisdom of Serge Benhayon on the topic of reincarnation (and many others) has transformed my life and my knowing of death. His insights are profound and yet at the same time simple and make total sense.

  60. We can rail against the cycles of the Universe, the rhythms of life but no matter how hard we try we are still part of them. And so it is with reincarnation, and the key in it is that energy precedes everything to unless we change the energy we’re in, we come back in that same energy to have another go, until we see and understand the choices we make and the outcomes they cause. It’s the ultimate teacher, a deeply loving one that never stops.

    1. We eventually learn about natural consequences and that our responsibility is as vast as is the universe.

  61. Reincarnation joins the dots. Far from being an excuse to be irresponsible because you get another go at it, its the ultimate responsibility as the quality of how you live and what you express is vital coding for the next incarnation… and the next. It turns up the volume on responsibility and makes it about so much more than just my self created little world.

  62. To understand reincarnation as it is shared here is to understand absolute responsibility. Our responsibility to live in a way that allows our stupendous selves to emerge, and be, in full.

  63. The main problem of reincarnation is the lack of willingness to accept that what the energy you come to incarnate and represent is not without consequences.

    1. Can you say more? Are you talking about a sequence of lives, one after the other and that each life and the energy we live in and pass over with has an impact on everything (all lives in this instance) that follow?

  64. To feel how much we are loved, that we are continually offered another opportunity to come back and live again until we express all of the love we are … with this I feel the purpose to reincarnation, that it’s not random, that we’re here to expand and be all we are and each time around we may have a different purpose or focus; it’s a great reminder that we’re part of a bigger wider circle of life and the universe and that each of us has a part to play there and we’re all held in a way that allows this.

  65. There are certain life events that make us stop and go ‘wow! What have I been doing?’ – they make all the trivial issues we focus on clear as exactly that. So imagine if we were able to zoom out and see all our lives in one go? I feel it would be confronting but inspiring too, to stay true to love and no longer indulge in those patterns. No wonder we keep ourselves so busy then – it stops us seeing we’re just going around and around in the same stuff. Thank you Gabriele.

  66. Our willingness to accept the fact of reincarnation is proportionate to what we are able to heal. For the more we understand we have done this all before the easier it is to cease. Thank you Gabriele.

  67. Responsibility is a forever commitment and we have a choice in every moment and ongoing.

  68. It makes so much sense that if we take responsibility for our current life then our future lives we take care of themselves.

  69. Life after life, day after day, we are given the opportunity to re-balance and re-imprint with no judgement or ‘time frame’, the space to simply return to ourselves. This is absolute Love.

  70. This is a stupendous love – that allows us to keep repeating and repeating until we get it, trusting and knowing more than we do so ourselves that we will eventually return. This just floors me.

    1. And with no imposition or the slightest hint of coercion ever; just an offering of two choices of consciousness. And no matter the choice, evolution, true evolution that is, continues and expands in its age-old love and stupendous offering.

  71. Reincarnation is all about responsibility and that is one thing that far too many of us in this world, that we have created, balk at.

    1. Responsibility sets us free, it undoes the shackles of victimhood, fate and chance.

  72. There is either a fear instilling or a flippancy with what we commonly think reincarnation to be. This in itself prevents us from truly understanding the purpose of re-incarnation.

  73. I love what Serge Benhayon presents on reincarnation. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in re-incarnation or not…. you’re coming back!

  74. I have always known or believed in reincarnation without needing any proof, because it did not make sense to me that we had one life and that was it – it felt so tight and restrictive.

  75. I tried to pretend reincarnation wasn’t true by saying that if it was, how come we can’t remember? But what a set up that is! Why can’t we remember? That also plays a role in our irresponsibility as perhaps if we chose to remember and lived in a way that allowed for us to remember we would!

  76. I have known people to be dead pan unbelieving in reincarnation only for some life situation to happen to them which got them thinking there could be something else, which then changed there mind. Love will always work like this, if we are blind to the laws of the universe we will be made to see them in one way or another.

  77. Awesome Gabriele, reincarnation was always something i felt to be true from a very small child and that knowing stayed within me all these years, throughout religion… though back then i looked at reincarnation not as the opportunity to be responsible in love and thus evolve, but more so of a ‘payback’, ‘thanks of previous lives’, or ‘hope for a better life’. Of course when there is the responsibility taken in the current incarnation towards being the love we naturally are, life becomes our future lives with one big appreciation and embrace and where hope, payback, wishful thinking are not in sight, only the knowingness of what is, is what shall be.

  78. Often times our path of evolution or reincarnation are presented as being somewhat of a linear progression towards becoming something ‘better’ but Serge Benhayon presents that reincarnation gives us the opportunity to return to the essence, the love, that we innately are and to bring this back to life for the benefit of all of us. It’s a game changer to realise/ remember that we are on a path of return.

    1. The Path of Return takes away all the striving and trying to achieve, getting somewhere and bettering ourselves; it then becomes a simple endeavour to shed what is not our true nature and not part of our essence.

    2. ‘…Serge Benhayon presents that reincarnation gives us the opportunity to return to the essence, the love, that we innately are and to bring this back to life for the benefit of all of us.’ The depth of absolute love in bringing back to life the love that we innately are for the benefit of all is astounding. To express it so is to glimpse into the smiling eyes of God. Thank you, Fiona.

  79. Its really beautiful to consider that reincarnation is a law based on love and even though we may think something is good, bad or indifferent it is still about love. In fact in thinking about this it doesn’t make sense because how could something ‘bad’ be about love? But we can’t approach this with our current way of thinking and through knowledge. We can however understand this more and more deeply through living who we are to the best of our ability and learning to understand life more fully through the wisdom of our bodies.

  80. ‘reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am,’ Thank you Gabriele this is gold. This makes absolute sense. It may take several lifetimes but if we heed the lessons this time round and allow our awareness to continue to expand then we can appreciate that we will have another go next life and thereafter till we are home.

  81. It would be society changing if we were raised to know from very young that everything we do impacts not only on this life but possibly on lives to come. I always knew it but gradually allowed my knowing to be dulled as I took on the tsunami of societal ideals and beliefs that I was being presented with. But knowing that I did truly know the truth of reincarnation has now offered me the opportunity to heal all the karma that is possible to heal, before I take my last breath in this life.

  82. I kinda like the idea that if I have stuffed up somewhere along the line then I have to clean up that particular mess. As surely it’s no different to tidying up after yourself as you go along say in a kitchen when cooking.
    Imagine how different the world would be if we all worked out what the consequences would be before we did something.

  83. Returning to who we are through reincarnation is a great reminder why we need to take responsibility for the choices that we make, as each reincarnation brings us things we have to deal with, and they come up again and again until we learn the correction, which brings us closer to who we truly are.

  84. And live without purpose is a sad and sordid existence, no matter how many props we manifest in the forms of what we can leave behind materially.

  85. The teachings on reincarnation by Serge Benhayon make complete sense to me. They bring an understanding of life and why things are the way they are. The teachings leave room for an acceptance of life, which simply makes getting on with life much easier.

    1. Beautifully said Rachel. With this understanding to their can be no blaming God for what life presents us, for its all of our own making. But its not their to teach us a lesson, but for us always to learn that life is to bring out what has always been within and each life guides us there.

  86. Realising reincarnation is no big deal – it just is, makes sense of all those questions of ‘Why am here?’ ‘What is the purpose of life?’

  87. If we insist on walking in a straight line along a sphere then we will keep going around and around on the same track until such a time that we notice we have arrived back to where we started. The purpose of reincarnation is as simple as this. We are not here on Earth to advance our intelligence as a species by way of adopting a way of thinking that has us expressing much less than the full magnitude of the multidimensional beings we really are, we are here to return to our former glory, the Son of God we all in-truth are when we live in connection to and not in separation from our Soul.

    1. Life gets tough and meaningless when we insist on walking a sphere as though it were a straight line – or should that be stomping?

  88. We react to so much that is not true, only because we know what truth is. But the facts and truth cannot be refuted, we are living it each day. I remember feeling the absolute heaviness of reincarnation being shared by some religions that I didn’t want any of it, because it just did not feel true, but the explanation given by Universal Medicine just makes me beam from inside out and I know this is the truth.

  89. There is so much irresponsibility sold to the world when people share their experiences of past lives. They are often shared in story form with little consideration that all our actions accumulate to how we are living today. Such a topic needs to be shared with great responsibility as this is the marker of what one returns to and any stone not unturned waits for you to cross paths time and time again.

    1. Yes, great picture – all stones left unturned stay there, often under different guises: another colour, as a rock or a pebble, pointy or smooth, etc. They patiently wait for us to inevitably return and attend to them,

  90. ‘Reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am’ – absolutely true. Why on earth do we complicate this simple fact and add poodles, frogs and cockroaches to the mix….it’s as if we cannot handle and do not want to handle the fact that we are in a constant cycle of love that keeps giving us the opportunity to unravel out of the self-created cobwebs and return again to the simplicity we so deeply know.

    1. And what we also cannot handle is the responsibility that reincarnation brings to us – until such time that we can no longer avoid it, responsibility that is.

    2. It also keeps us in the cycle of ‘doing good’ to avoid fearfully the potential consequences of doing something wrong.

  91. Reincarnation allows us to feel the responsibility, but also a huge inspiration that then can seed forth what we will come back to in the future.

  92. Considering a way of living which will guarantee the quality of our next life is a great form of resonsibility.

  93. I love this line along with what you have shared – ‘He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love…’. This brings to light just how loving it is to embrace the science of re-incarnation as part of our living way, as it is not just for ourselves and others in our current life but that we are leaving loving imprints for all to return to in the future. As such we have the opportunity to live the love of our future now in honor of all.

  94. If reincarnation was explained properly and sensibly linked to the responsibility of every day life, perhaps it would not be such a hard concept to grasp, as all our past choices and momentums are with us, we also have an opportunity to re imprint how the future will be.

    1. So true Harry. Imagine how different our world will be when we all understand and embrace the great power we hold with every moment offered to us, to live with love that represents us all. The ultimate act of love is to live with the love of all, knowing that whatever we live is what we all will return to.

  95. When reincarnation is presented as an opportunity to learn and develop towards the divine love that we are, those cycles and returns offer so much more awareness and understanding of the different choice that we have.

  96. The thing with this “responsibility” that quiet took my attention is the fact that everything is related – everything is connected to eachother.. And that my poignant mind and I have been walking on this plane of life in superiority – individuality, thinking we are a part – something on its own. Very very interesting and truly good to come around – again, to feel, see and this time around – choose more wisely and atune to our inevatable truth – we are One.

  97. Not only do we deny the possibility of re-incarnation, we also dismiss that this quality is inherent in our life. For each minute we are alive, each moment that we move, we have an opportunity to make a new choice, and so end or continue a momentum, habit or direction. Whilst we might like the idea of distinct points at the end of life’s spectrum, the reality is we are constantly dying and being reborn in a sense. It’s only our stubbornness that stops us seeing we are constantly offered moments to make new beginnings. This makes you wonder how many literal lives we have lived only to pursue the same patterns again. Thanks to your words Gabriele I can see that true rebirth truly comes from choosing a different quality of energy.

  98. I have come to feel that there is nothing more real than reincarnation and the responsibility that it engenders. We spend so much time and effort trying to live in our world as it is, yet the very fact of its many horrors is simply because of the lack of responsibility many have attributed to themselves and their behaviour, so maybe it is time to do take responsibility for myself and actually be a light, a guiding light for our world today and and to reincarnate holding that same light, in readiness to do the same in my next life.

  99. Reincarnation is simply about accepting our responsibility that we come back and go around the sun for many many many lives. And so, accepting this fact, which is actually an unchangeable act, even for those who do not believe, it stays there as a fact, how annoying we might feel it.. But so, it is much easier and simpler to admit it and work along to see and be wise of where and what we want to come back to and leave behind. As as you say it is for what your coming back to next and next and next.. We do not want to repeat all of that ill choices over and over again, do we ?

    1. We seem to be very good at repeating what does not work, individually and as a humanity. But eventually we are bound to get it, there is no other way.

  100. Indeed, neither the cockroaches nor the numerous Cleopatras or the irresponsibility make any sense at all, only The Ageless Wisdom does.

  101. So often it seems we’re complaining about the mundanity of life, looking for entertainment or a break from our everyday. If we’ve all been here for many thousands of lives, well it starts to make sense how fed up we appear. But is it truly life we are ‘fed up’ with, or the type of energy we have chosen again and again, over many incarnations? God knows repeating the same craziness time after time will start to wear you down – so is it possible the time is ripe to make a new move, and take advantage of the learnings we have refused before? Thank you Gabriele for drawing out what these cycles are for.

  102. it is interesting though to consider the fact hat reincarnation is a fact and only our unawareness or unconsciousness of this fact is feeding us a way of life that will perpetuate itself endlessly without going anywhere. Until we acknowledge and accept its existence and use the cycles of death and rebirth as a way to grow and evolve instead we are on our way back to Soul, that way of being we have stepped away from many cycles of death and rebirths.

  103. I am wondering if there is any word in our vocabulary where we haven’t changed its meaning to fit our own version and comfort of living. Reincarnation is a great example as you describe it here, us having it made into a variety of possibilities. We can create however we want the fact remains that the true meaning of words is never been lost or inactive it is only that we fool ourselves while still being pulsed forth by the universal laws that are at play.

  104. This is such an engaging and compelling read – amusing to the core and full of wisdom on what it is saying. We have always known what it is we know even if we fervently believe we do not know it. With willingness, honesty and humility we do remember – because of course, we have been around many a many times, and the wisdom and power we can tap into is timeless.

    1. Great point – we have been doing this for so long, been around so many times that there is a huge reservoir of wisdom and power available to all of us, individually and collectively. But – it requites we take responsibility for our choices.

  105. Bringing responsibility into our lives and ways of being is huge, how we move, speak, or even what we think has a ripple effect that goes out into the world, and then back to us.

  106. ‘He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that. What goes around comes around, quite literally! ‘. This is gorgeous to read and feel for I have always believed in reincarnation and when truth is delivered, it is always simple with no whistles or bells, that is why it is easy for the body to ‘feel’ truth.

    1. And once we allow ourselves to feel what the body already knows, we don’t have to believe in anything anymore and just know, plain and simple.

  107. This topic came into conversation with my neighbours child yesterday after his religious lesson at school about God and what happens when you go to heaven. I sat and listened carefully as the child waited for an answer from me. Registering that he was given the space to feel the truth himself the reply was as simple and to the point… “You keep coming back because there is so much work to do.” A timely reminder that by offering our young the opportunity to connect to the truth is the joy we experience on a topic that is often not spoken about or brushed off in our conversations.

    1. I love your answer – we keep coming back because there is so much work to do. Very simple, transparent and practical, like reincarnation itself.

  108. I always had a sense that there was more than this life, and what Serge Benhayon shared makes so much sense, ‘He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that.’

  109. Knowing that we are coming back, and that we can lay the path down now for ourselves to return is a truly wonderful power to have, because with this empowerment we have the ability to create life ahead of ourselves for everyone. So we have the choice and the opportunity to make life be about evolution and brotherhood with every cycle that happens.

  110. Reincarnation is simply asking yourself do you want to go through that again or responsible co-create something more.

  111. I love the simplicity you express the cycles in, we are all within and part of cycles that continue and we can either participate or continue anyhow…I would rather begin to participate and be aware of it. This includes how open I am to the fact that I live with karma from choices I have made in this life and in others….I can feel the truth of this in everyday. Watch a baby being born….they do not come into this life an empty vessel.

  112. Reincarnation brings balance and is also about taking responsibility right now, so that we don’t have to re-live our errors and repeat our aimless wandering around.

    1. Yes, aimlessly wandering around on the so-called “many paths to God” – best avoided and relegated to the dustbin for good.

  113. True Gabriele! Perhaps that’s the reason why we deny reincarnation and make life ever so complicated because it gives us the excuse to not get on with it? Once reincarnation is accepted in its truth, there is no hiding and no escaping our choices making it much harder to be irresponsible. The only choice left then is to get on with it as you say!

  114. Being brought up in the belief you only live once left me feeling very confused about life… it simply didn’t make sense. I began to open up to the possibility of reincarnation in my late twenties, early thirties , but never studied any particular religious views on it. I was just fascinated by TV documentaries about the topic and about people who had a sense of their previous incarnation. I remember a statement from a child who asked his mum, ‘why do I have white skin when last time my legs were brown?’ Serge Benhayon opened up the topic and my understanding of reincarnation in such an easy way that made complete sense and is exactly as you describe it, Gabriele.

    1. Yes, The Ageless Wisdom does make sense and answers all our questions – life makes sense then and all we have to do is to commit and get on with it.

  115. I always believed in reincarnation but this blog has added a whole new dimension of understanding that there is no wow factor but a steadiness in each day to build the foundation to which we can return.

  116. I loved coming back and reading your blog again Gabriele, and the craziness with which we humans view incarnation……all the time we are fighting it denying it and conjuring up outlandish stories – we are coming back to do it all again whether we believe in re-incarnation or not.

    1. Yes, that is the irony of it – whether we believe in reincarnation or not, it is what is happening all along. And those who know it to be true, live the responsibility of coming back, over and over again, in their daily lives.

  117. Yes it is because we know the truth about reincarnation that we react to false stories about reincarnation or react to life completely because the feeling of life without reincarnation and the bigger picture feels not as enough.

  118. Even though I have always believed reincarnation to be a part of our cycle of evolution, I can really feel the love within these words here Gabriele, Reincarnation is a law of love.

  119. What I love about this blog is that reincarnation is the process of returning time and time again yet the choices to get real and keep life simple is the quality that is offered on our return.

  120. Reincarnation makes sense of so much.. it is such an interesting science in its own right.

  121. I once got asked in regard to reincarnation, what about a child who is born with cancer, but perhaps if we remove the emotion from how we view illness we can see it for what it is, a removal of an energy we have allowed in our body from the life or lives we have lived.

    1. If we don’t go into reaction but stop and feel, we can easily discern what is truth or not and life becomes very simple and starts making sense.

  122. When we consider that how we live is setting a foundation for the ode we come back to – then it puts a lot into perspective. Reincarnation is now something I know in my body because I look at this life as ‘what is there to heal from before – what is being presented to me to clear from the past life and learn for the next life. Then life can be looked at as a cycle and not a lineal thing.

  123. If I consider reincarnation, and ‘one life’ then I am immediately reminded of responsibility and accountability for the life I am living, for the momentum I live now will carry into the future.

  124. The simple truth is that we do not like the simple truth and that is – we are here to do it all again, over and over until such a time that we do not need to do it at all once we have restored the level of energetic integrity and energetic responsibility we each in essence have but shelved long ago. That is to say, we are in form until we learn how to be responsible with it and only then will we be able to return to formlessness, the true Oneness we come from. If we cannot look after one simple planet of form and all of us that live upon it, why would we let ourselves loose to wreak more havoc in an entire cosmos that knows only Universal order and how to move in absolute obedience with this?

    1. Yes, in the universe we stick out like a sore thumb, like a bad smell and an atomic explosion of emotions, strife and warmongering. And it suits the many to pretend that death is the end of it, but not so.

  125. What a great line “I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet.” we don’t have to always fully understand something to actually feel the truth of it.

  126. Mmm I really get what you have shared here. No matter how hard we deny it, such as the world being anything other than flat or the reality of reincarnation, there are certain truths that will keep presenting themselves regardless – we will get with the program at some point.

  127. One of the many great points in this article is how you point out at the beginning Gabriele that you always knew reincarnation to be true but denied its existence because of the nonsensical reinterpretations that bombard us from young. This you have shared on behalf of humanity as a whole, and not solely on the topic of reincarnation but on so much more. We do all know the innate truth that there is to know, about all things, the order of life, the truth about life. The mystification and the doubt is man-made, and a deliberate ploy at that to crush our intuitive knowing and therefore our power and ability to see through the miasma of lies we currently live in.
    Which is why I will always cherish to the very end, the teachings brought forth by Serge Benhayon. Teachings that re-ignite the knowing we all have within us, so that one by one, each of us in all our natural might does away with these lies, and lives from the clarity of this inner knowing once again.

    1. Thank you for putting this into its bigger context – the miasma of lies and reinterpretations about anything of true truth to keep us small, despondent and lacking of true purpose.

  128. Hearing stories of people having been some famous person in history always confused me, especially when there were several claims for the same person, i.e. Cleopatra – hardly anyone said they were a peasant farmer. Then I heard Serge Benhayon present on reincarnation and things started slotting into place and make sense. The presentations brought our irresponsibility into the fore, and highlight that everything we do, say and think actually does have an impact, not only on ourselves but everyone else.

    1. I so know what you mean here. I used to think that if ever I met a person who said that they’d been a petty criminal, then I might give more credence to reincarnation. All that changed when I heard Serge Benhayon present on the responsibility that reincarnation presents.

  129. It is very convenient that we don’t remember our past lives, this does foster a lot of irresponsibility. This allows us to not have to be responsible for our choices in this life, that everything we do does and will impact on us and everyone around us in this life and the next. But we don’t want to feel that, myself included. I have a deep awareness about reincarnation and can feel the responsibility that we hold to ourselves and others, this is a continuing work in progress to make more responsible choices knowing it affects the whole.

  130. I can’t honestly say I have been considering my next life, and thinking about what I’m doing now which will effect then.. but I can say when I make truly loving choices and am in full commitment to This life, it feels as if the future is all there.

  131. Absolutely brilliant blog – what a joy to read and you make the point so clear and absolute Gabriele – we can deny, shirk and reinterpret the laws of love we all actually know and keep going with that for as along as we choose to. But the fact of the matter is that we’ll still be going around and around and around all over again, until such time that we choose to remember what we already know.

  132. It feels like you are describing the way from a contracted life where it is all about self to one that is all-embracing (to the best of our ability and continually learning), a much vaster and richer experience and one that answers the question “what is life all about?”

  133. Reincarnation is a bigger picture of a cycle. But a cycle could be one day, one month, one year in a more microcosmic viewpoint. This morning I was reminded of something I had expressed exactly one year ago, and when I read that again, my first reaction was–I am still on a very similar page, I have not evolved! But catching myself with that thought, I felt deeper into it all and the quality of what has been expressed and how I am expressing now has deepened, every small step counts, and it is our every moment that makes the big picture.

  134. I couldn’t agree more … the universe is no coincidence, accident or random event.

  135. One of the joys of reincarnation is that we cannot blame anyone else for anything that has happened to us. So no more blaming parents for the way we were brought up or anything like that. What it does is to put everything into perspective and gives me a much greater understanding about life. It also means a lot more things make sense like surely children would not be born disadvantaged like say with a illness or disease for no reason other than just genetics. There is so much more at play then purely what we have been told or what the eyes see and the more we choose to be aware the more everything makes sense.

  136. This is such a great article on reincarnation. I love what you say about the fact that whether we believe in it or not we are still going to reincarnate! Our beliefs are powerful but they do not change the facts! Reincarnation feels to me like a very loving universal law. It makes too much sense to be denied or dismissed.

  137. I have witnessed people vehemently deny the fact that reincarnation exists, but return to seriously question and begin to accept the possibility the closer they get to death. It is those moments where we feel like we’ve done this before that reincarnation becomes increasingly obvious.

  138. Regardless of whether we ‘believe’ in reincarnation or not, we are all coming back – as we are all subject to universal law, regardless of beliefs.

  139. The desire to be Cleopatra, Jesus or Napoleon speaks of our all-too human desire for recognition – one of the very foibles that keeps us all too busy reincarnating!

    1. Good point – we take what is true and turn it into a convenient means of recognition for self, sprinkled with a bit of titillation and a lot of guess work, make-belief and deliberately chosen ignorance.

  140. Reincarnation is a divinely loving endless loop… until (on this planet at least) we don’t need to return because we’ve all taken enough responsibility for ourselves and each other that there is no need to… and we can all take our place in the starry fields of the non-physical universe.

  141. Something that I have experienced is getting stuck in making life right or wrong it is such a strong ideal that can mean we make choices based on fear and end up judging ourselves harshly. It leads to an awful cycle helplessness. Understanding that there are choices and consequences and these last for lifetimes has helped step back and make truer choices for myself making a huge impact on all those around me.

  142. The acceptance of reincarnation is actually a very true and beautiful one. Once we accept that we are going around the sun, keep returning to our cycles, coming back in another body in life, healing and return to who we truly are, we know that we are already one step closer to home.

  143. It is definitely rather funny that we can rile against the laws of the universe and deny them and refute them but there they are all the same, being the laws we are inextricably aligned to whether we acknowledge them or not.

    1. Well said. We find it easy to use words to deny the truths we feel, could it be though that these words are delivered with a great tension in our body, a tension there because we are speaking against what we know to be truth. A tension that becomes a disease or illness?

  144. ‘I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am’ – this feels so amazingly loving Gabriele and can also be felt in my heart. There is no recognition, comparison or titles required here, nothing to be proved, just the responsibility to fold the essence we hold within.

  145. I have also heard a few different versions of reincarnation in my life. The versions seemed to change depending on what the teller was wanting from reincarnation; a good rest in heaven after a difficult life, peace and quiet as an animal, an escape from humanity, or a past life tale to justify where they are stuck in this life. Serge Benhayon has made sense of reincarnation for me. It has a grand purpose, it brings the ultimate responsibility and has the beauty of the cycles of the universe.

  146. As I read this article, I could sense myself pondering on a level of commitment that I know I am ready to live with, one I can palpably feel, yet one that old patterns are influencing the effectiveness of. This brings me to the understanding that what is shared here is about each of us noticing any patterns we live by that are dulling or stopping us from living how we know we want to. The choice is ours to make, stay dominated by our chosen patterns, or having the strength to let these patterns go for the beauty of living the life we know we can.

  147. Beautiful, simple and clear, I love this simple and truthful explanation of reincarnation from Serge Benhayon: ‘He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that’. Each life lived is an opportunity to return to the love that we are and which we separated from, and each person will return in their own time given the free will aspect of life.

  148. Ha ha yes true Gabriele, not only were you coming back, you were back already. And so we are, until the last of us gets to where we all need to go.

  149. Despite being raised in a Christian family, I have always felt that reincarnation is true – and when I have listened to Serge Benhayon speak about it, my whole being just says ‘Yes, I know this to be true’. Somehow, this awareness is simply in me and beyond question. What is more, it makes sense to me that we return to this plane of existence over and over again until we have learned what we need to learn and have accepted responsibility for our choices. There is a deeply loving equality in this responsibility – even if we don’t like to accept or admit it.

  150. Gorgeous! “reincarnation is a law of love” that it is and it also asks me to be responsible rather than blame my life on everything I was ‘given’. We can change so much when we step into our lives and see them as an opportunity to live more love, to come back to who we are.

  151. I never really took the word responsibility that seriously, I thought I was being responsible in my life, after all I didn’t take drugs was a moderate drinker of alcohol and had not gone to prison, so I thought I was doing ok. How wrong i was, the more I understood responsibility from an energetic perspective the more I found I was way off the mark in the responsibility stakes. I thought if I didn’t show my anger and frustration I was not harming, and that my thoughts were mine and if I kept them to myself no one would know. We are responsible for every move we make and every word we say which is either loving or not loving and living less than this is irresponsible. To know this makes sense as to why we come back over and over again to learn that we are here on this earth to be love and live this fully in every aspect of our lives.

  152. We are cyclic beings and nature is governed by cycles. “What goes around comes around, quite literally!” That says it all very simply; we are living our future now based on the quality of our movements in life.

  153. Growing up and even later in life reincarnation meant very little to me, I mean it had been said to me a few times but I thought it was too much and anyway I was too busy living to worry about it. Then when Serge Benhayon spoke about it I listened more out of curiosity then anything and what he said just made sense. I must admit it was the first time a lot of things truly made sense and when I see this, “He was talking about reincarnation as taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then and only then leads to me taking responsibility for the next round (reincarnation) and me and my life then which leads to the next round… ” again it makes perfect and almost common sense. How did I not see this before? and why can I see it so clearly now? Simple, I already knew it but because of past experience around it I had chosen to turn a blind eye or turn my back on it. All Serge Benhayon did was open my eye and turn me around, the rest I already knew.

    1. Great point – is it that we do know but didn’t want to know because of what it means to know and what it entails (enter responsibility)?

  154. Reincarnation has always been about responsibility – coming back to the same lessons, opportunities to release the baggage which isn’t who we truly are. I’ve resisted reincarnation, felt it to be claustrophobic in it’s asking of me to let go of my ill ways that I’ve believed made the cycles of reincarnation bearable. I’ve wanted to run away or have someone miraculously save me without any effort or evolution on my part. But what if there is no need to run at all? To discard what doesn’t belong. To feel the beauty of my essence, getting to know it more, so each incarnation is a joy and an embrace of greater responsibility?

  155. One of the reasons I avoided accepting reincarnation was that to do so meant I would have to take responsibility for my life and what I was laying down to return to. Working with Universal Medicine has completely changed my relationship with responsibility; from burden to blessing, responsibility is now something I view with love, respect and the inspiration of opportunity.

    1. I love the way you talk about responsibility here: a blessing that puts us firmly in the driver’s seat of our life and the way it unfolds.

  156. Totally enjoyed reading this this morning Gabriele, I particularly enjoyed the simplicity of this line “reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am”. Reincarnation feels so natural and we have a say in the exact quality of that ebb and flow.

  157. Something not often discussed in life is the white elephant in the room – life force, of consciousness. And where does that consciousness come from at birth, and where does it go? It is certainly not a simple question of chemistry, otherwise we would have by now I imagine been able to replicate it. And if what we know of physics is anything to go by, then we know that nothing can truly be destroyed, only transformed. So what of consciousness? Should it be any different? Where does it go? And what does it transform itself into upon our death?

    1. Very true Adam, I was talking with someone on the weekend about this – it is so clear there is something that is enhoused by the body when we are alive, that is not there after our death. Yet we turn the other way rather than take that conversation further. The more we ask the more we might realise how much more there is to us than we have chosen to live till now.

  158. ‘reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am’ beautifully said Gabriele, and we very much have a part in how we come back as how we are now dictates how we are when we come back, there really is no magic wand with this, just our willingness to be love and or our lack of it and we’re offered the chance regardless until we choose the love we naturally are.

    1. “… we are offered the chance regardless…” is a beautiful and the true way of putting it – God does not judge us for our choices and thus, there is always a choice.

    2. True, the law of cause and effect does not change, no matter our attitude to it. It just is and it serves us well.

  159. A very refreshing look at reincarnation, not a random game we play but the responsibility we take.

    1. Yes, that’s the beauty of it – nothing random about reincarnation at all, just cause and effect and the law of love.

  160. Another intriguing way to define reincarnation, and ironically so in many respects, is to refer to the concept of reincarnation as one life. In other words, the true view of reincarnation is not to see it as many lives, but rather as one ongoing life, that in itself contains numerous cycles of birth and rebirth, but in themselves are not taking us anywhere but rather providing the never-ending opportunity to return to our true essence. If we view it as one ongoing life, then we see and can see how choices in one life build up to create a momentum that will invariably affect the next. This is intriguing, and brings a new way of considering that old chestnut of an argument to explain the vagaries of human behaviour that are exhibited from birth – and why one child grows up a certain way, and another the next. For there is no doubt “nature” and nurture” both play their part, but rather than saying “nature versus nurture”, and instead considered nature AND nurture AND reincarnation, then suddenly a lot of loose ends in terms of understanding start to come together.

    1. I agree; I have never been able to buy into this “nurture vs nature” controversy, as it is both factors that influence and make us, to a degree.

  161. that something so inevitable and obvious and natural should be denied flatly… Reminds one of the flat Earth paradigm that was all the rage once upon a time.

  162. I like your last line which actually says that if we like it or not we are reincarnating and on this constant cycle of learning. Being aware of this and knowing this though can speed up this process of learning immensely so.

    1. It’s a bit like the earth which was always a sphere, no matter how flat some said it was. Truth is Truth.

  163. Reincarnation is not a draw of the luck and we don’t all of a sudden get born a prince or pauper, everything has consequences so do the choices in our life.

    1. No draw of the luck here at all and that is the beauty of reincarnation and the loving relentlessness of responsibility.

  164. The presentation of reincarnation that I’ve heard and read from Serge Benhayon is the only one that makes full and true sense to me too. This to me is beautiful and gives a much deeper meaning and purpose to life – “He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that.”

  165. I love to consider reincarnation, and as Gabriele shares this isn’t a means of shirking responsibility but in fact the complete opposite, we don’t wipe the slate clean but build on what we live, so we can live as a hopeless unkind case and reap what we sow or we can commit to purpose, love, understanding and appreciation and feel that come back to us through the karmic law of cause and effect. Every life is an outplay of the past and nothing is left to fate or chance, quite a responsibility to consider should you wish. Or we can believe that reincarnation doesn’t exist and do as we please, that is the beauty of having free will, it is respectfully all our own choice.

    1. Putting it as you have, there is a feeling of great devastation and futility in the erroneous belief that when we die,that is that and end of story. No wonder humankind struggle with the meaning of life and the question of what it is all about and why we are here.

  166. We have so many pictures of what life is like, it is very healthy to step back and philosophise on life to get a grander picture and to see how these pictures impact on how we are in life. I recently observed how I had measures in life that I wanted to achieve and I measured myself against these. When I stepped back I could see the falseness of these measures and that life was much more than this.

    1. The images we hold of how things should be keep us contained in a tight box and don’t allow for expansion or evolution; maybe we think we need these images to give us a false sense of security?

  167. Its up to us from now on to take responsibility for our return life and now with more knowledge and understanding make better choices than we have in the past. As you have mentioned Gabriele we are coming back to what we have left behind!

  168. It is so true that often times reincarnation is described or viewed as a form of punishment. But this goes against the actual love that is here for us, because to punish there must first be a judgement – an act that God never does.

    1. I am totally with you here – judgment or any other human reactions and responses are a projection onto God and have nothing to do with the love God is.

  169. I loved what you shared about reincarnation being a law of love that allows you to return to who you truly are… this is absolutely something worth taking a little bit of responsibility for.

  170. This brings a lot of understanding to reincarnation and how we have a responsibility for how we live, as this influences the next life. It also shows, as you say, that we live in cycles and this happens on a daily, weekly and lifetime basis.

  171. It is a beautiful thing, reincarnation, feeling the true purpose of life is coming from this fact. If it was just one straight line, it would indeed be useless. But reincarnation is proving to us that we live in cycles, we always come back to the same place to learn more about what is needed for us to grow back to the powerful loving beings we are.

    1. That’s great – straight lines must be an invention of the mind that is trying to avoid responsibility; only thing is, it doesn’t work and what goes around, comes around – literally so.

  172. There is so much more accountability with our choices when we begin to understand reincarnation. A big ouch of how we have lived and what potential we have said no to time and time again.

  173. Love the light and humorous way you have brought to a hot topic. I didn’t hear a lot about reincarnation growing up… most around me believed that once you died that was just it, one life and then nothing. This always felt odd to me but I didn’t question it anymore than that, until I met Serge Benhayon. What Serge presented made so much sense to me and I could finally see why many like to hold on to ‘just one life’ as this absolves us from feeling the responsibility of how we live now is what we come back to.

  174. Whether we want to hear it on not we are living in a cycle that is forever repeating itself and the choices and levels of responsibility that we choose each time are a constant source of reflection of what we will continue to either work through again and again or live with the quality we innately all come from.

  175. ‘I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet.’ -this is a beautiful understanding and also feels true for me. Today I am returning to all of who I am and sharing that return journey with all others – this brings purpose to every moment and every movement we live and each moment is very precious. I have come to realize that this has not always been the way I have lived. Thank you Gabriele.

  176. Reincarnation is a word/subject that tends to be avoided and when it is mentioned in conversation, many just brush it away, not wanting to go there and feel the truth of responsibility and of who they are. I have always had a deep knowing that we do come back because having just one life to learn and develop and master ourselves just did not make sense…. And so I loved to hear Serge talk about ‘reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that’.

  177. Completely agree, reincarnation is all about love and responsibility. The other thing is really it is all one life – we benefit and grow from our loving ways and have to clean up any mess we make!

  178. Great sharing Gabrielle, so many of life’s mysteries have been unfolded for me by the presentations of Serge Benhayon. Serge simply makes sense and his sharings are that we can all do the same thing.

  179. I always thought until this morning I was fine with reincarnation, then I read the word in another blog and something triggered in me, hence I came to this. I have been one of those people who’s been like, oh well you’ll come back to do it all again till you get it right’ which shrieks lack of responsibility. This is what I have not been wanting to feel my past lives, and the actual lack of responsibility I lived and chose to live.

  180. The knowing of reincarnation is in every body, the expression of divine love. How beautiful is that. We can live in a responsible and at the same time joyful way appreciative of being a divine being living in cycles on earth.

  181. Yes, Gabrielle, the way that Serge Benhayon presents the understanding of reincarnation exposes the falseness of the generally accepted perception of it and makes it such common sense and natural process of life.

  182. This is brilliant Gabriele. I also felt the truth of reincarnation my whole life but until I came across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I was not able to articulate what I felt as I had no theory to confirm my feelings and I was too scared to go it alone. One thing I always struggled with was letting go of the concept of heaven i.e. if we were reincarnating forever then we would be forever trapped on a planet that quite frankly didn’t feel like home. Enter the truth of evolution and our return to our divine nature. The truth is easily recognisable and truly stupendous if we allow ourselves to feel it.

    1. Well said and thank you for deepening the discussion here; when we can feel truth, we don’t need any theories or fancy footwork, it is how it is and this knowing is unshakeable.

    2. Hear! Hear! I believed in reincarnation from very young when my father died when I was 9 and there was an open family discussion about the fact we reincarnate. Like Gabrielle and you it was not until I heard the present by Serge Benhayon that it was possible for me to joint dots.

  183. I really like your playful approach to this subject and then the super beautiful clincher, “that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am”. How much longer can we keep on avoiding such order and beauty?

  184. We live the life we have chosen, in knowing this that we have a choice and a responsibility to do life differently, reincarnation gives us the opportunity to come back and evolve in the love we have developed in this current life.

    1. I feel this very strongly Jill that yes we do have a responsibility to do life differently and we are given all the support and all the knowhow and tools to do just that. Serge Benhayon and all the courses and presentations on the Ageless Wisdom have been a fantastic support for me to understand my unloving choices in the past and in this understanding, I could change many of my old patterns and behaviours that did not evolve me at all. I am learning and refining all the time and the more I do, the more awareness I gain for my next steps…. And I love learning especially learning to read all that crosses my path which supports me not to go into reaction ( an old pattern of mine), that said that old pattern of going into reaction still tries to catch me out and did just recently, but I was able to back track and understand why.

  185. Love your light hearten approach to reincarnation here Gabriele. How we live today is what we meet tomorrow. There is a relationship between responsibility and reincarnation that we cannot escape, even if we are Cleopatra. It is a “law of love” as you say.

  186. We are here to evolve, and reincarnation is the next round to embody our evolution from the past life. I am seeing it in children that come in with with so much knowing, clarity and love, deeply wise beyond their measured years.

  187. While reading your exquisite blog Gabrielle I had to laugh as I was also a person who find reincarnation as it was presented a bit weird. Since I met Serge Benhayon this changed as it made so much more sense how he presented it. Now I can feel the responsibility I have for myself and the way I live my life and honestly that is very empowering!

  188. Even though I was raised in a Christian family I always felt there were a lot of things that did not make sense and there were many unanswered questions. In my early 30’s I attended a philosophy class and from the very first moment that the concept of reincarnation was presented I thought “at long last I am hearing something that does make sense”. Of course, looking back now, it was another form of knowledge – all in the head. I did not embody a full understanding of the huge responsibility that came with it.

  189. I was amused when I read your words: “in hindsight, I have actually always known reincarnation to be true” – because it occurred to me that if we all do keep reincarnating (as we do) then at some level everyone must know it is true whether they acknowledge that to themselves or not. Denying or not believing in reincarnation does not stop us reincarnating!

  190. Reincarnation for me asks me to be responsible as it brings with it consequences. I never thought it made sense that we were here for 1 life and that was it and then if we were good we went to Heaven and bad to Hell! It just did not make sense to me The fact that we are here to learn to return to the love we are and the fact that we get many lives to do it is a real blessing and one we should use wisely. I know for me I have wasted many lives being irresponsible and have for most of this life. However, now I have a very conscious choice thanks to Universal Medicine.

  191. What an interesting topic, I have also always known, however I used to doubt it too because of the way it is presented in society.

  192. If we are keen to remain in ignorance of the Divine precision of karma and reincarnation so be it – our learning continues as do we return again and again. It certainly supports us to realise we are but students in life’s classroom rather than attending class with our fingers in our ears and our gaze out the door and even believing we are the teacher..

    1. I love your choice of words here – ‘divine precision’ describing the Law of Cause and Effect and as such, the reality and ultimate free-will of reincarnation.

  193. A superb piece of writing and wisdom – dispelling the myths and breaking up the Cleopatra brigade in one succinct sharing. Reincarnation is Absolute Love and Responsibility and should we find issue with it, we need firstly examine our relationship with both Love and Responsibility for there-in lies many answers and much learning.

  194. Cycles make so much sense and are natural. The ‘coming back’ notion of reincarnation is so unacceptable to so many because we do not understand that everything we do has an impact and a responsibility attached to it. Hearing about reincarnation from Serge Benhayon comes in this context. It then becomes part of the ever present cycles we live within. This has been a revelation to me and as stated, feels natural now.

  195. Would we live differently, make different choices and approach our end of life care differently if we embraced reincarnation as a humanity? Would we be more aware of caring for each other, loving each other? Would there be less focus on nationality and differences? I reckon there would. Why wait?

    1. Why wait indeed; it can feel as though we have an attachment to struggle and to prolonging the struggle. Time will tell.

    1. I love the way you have put this so succinctly – there is a Grand Plan that we are a part of and no matter how strongly we might have opposed or gone against it, over time we learn to consciously become part of it again because in truth, we are never not a part of it, no matter how far we stray.

    2. From believing that the world revolves around us and is there to serve us to understanding that there is a greater Truth, a Universal Order, Divine Will and Divine Plan that we are here to Serve..

  196. The fact of reincarnation makes so much sense to me. It also made a lot more sense to me when I could feel into long held patterns that did not stem from this life but were simply brought through. Until this is really a known from the body the idea of reincarnation simply remains an idea, but once felt can’t be denied.

  197. Reincarnation some people embrace, some make light of, some deny and most choose not to truly understand, possibly because they are choosing instead to avoid taking full responsibility for their lives. Doesn’t really matter for we are all coming back to go round and around again back to what we have left behind, this is karma, it’s not a pay back, it’s simply universal law – the balance of cause and effect, as you say Gabriele what comes around goes around and this in fact makes perfect sense, until we evolve back by choosing to live responsibly with love and truth as our true service to humanity shedding and discarding that which is not true and what is not love. “somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet”.

  198. A lot of people I’ve heard speak about reincarnation do so in bitterness about others, that the person “will cop it next life and hope he does” kind of thing. When we truly understand the big picture and the love we are all from, then the system of reincarnation must also come from that same love, so it’s not a punishment or a payback. With returning to the love that we are as the purpose for everything, this then changes how and why things happen to us as part of karma and reincarnation.

  199. ‘Reincarnation is a Law of Love’ – this is beautiful Gabriele and confirms the patience, allowing and holding that is God and part of our return to who we truly are. It means that we will learn to know what being responsible for all our choices means and how the outcome of these choices translate into actions in the world. Every choice we make flows out to interact with the choices and actions of others and so whilst we are not responsible for the other person’s choices we are responsible for what we contribute, the ingredient that affects the end result.

  200. What goes around comes around, this is so true. We go round in cycles/circles and it is up to us to learn from and change the momentum we live in, to heal ill beliefs, ideals, patterns and behaviours. As you so rightly say ‘And if we can’t do it now, if we can’t have this life we so want and don’t have now, what will make it possible for anybody to do it differently that imagined next time?’ … if we don’t learn, heal or change then it keeps repeating until we do. So much has been bastardised and the truth about reincarnation is one of them. Thank GOODNESS for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who live from a truth and knowing and are dedicated in living, holding and presenting this .. clearing up the mess we have all created … We all now need to take responsibility and join in doing this. And yes reincarnation is about Absolute Love.

  201. That always makes me laugh too, whether I believe it or not, I come back to do it again! It reminds me of how we can wipe a memory of trauma but the body remembers it and we can have irrational fears and behaviours that play out in this life. If we can expand our understanding to consider the cycle of sleeping and waking as similar to the cycle of death and life then we don’t see a start and an end and we might not live without considering the consequences of our choices.

    1. yes just as we breathe in and out, watch the sunrise and set, enter and leave this life, there is a continuum…our life in every aspect is governed by natures cycles. What future are we bringing towards us?

  202. In this learning playground of us called life, the fact of reincarnation confronts ourselves with our choices (past and present) all the time.

  203. Reincarnation is part of the religious views of the world and of us.
    If the religious views of the world on offer are not of our like, we will have a problem with it. The one vision proposed by The Way of The Livingness makes perfect sense to me.

  204. Our relation with the concept of reincarnation reflects how much we accept the beauty of the order created by God and how much it makes perfect sense or not.

  205. “reincarnation – taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then and only then leads to me taking responsibility for the next round (reincarnation)” and so forth. I am only now really feeling the consequences of our choices and that every choice it important- will it evolve us or hold us back; are we saying yes to our soul/ God or to something else? This life is all about laying a true foundation for us to then come back to when we pass over, so that humanity truly evolves and true brotherhood will eventually reign.

  206. Wow love your analogy Sarah of putting off things, day to day things like exercise I currently am doing that- so love the bringing back to reality!

  207. “While I was waging my own private war against reincarnation – I was still coming back … no matter how fervently it had otherwise been decreed.” So true Gabriele we can resist it, fight it ignore it, but we will always come back for another round with an even bigger backpack when not taking full responsibility.

  208. Gabriele, what an refreshing blog on reincarnation. I love how you describe the “mañana” approach to reincarnation and how irresponsibility is the main factor for either having this approach or negating reincarnation. What are we waiting for? Going around and around in circles waiting for someone to make a difference next time so we don’t have to be responsible? Reincarnation starts now, any time the present is the future.

  209. I enjoy the frankness and humour in which you express Gabriele. And I loved this question – “And if we can’t do it now, if we can’t have this life we so want and don’t have now, what will make it possible for anybody to do it differently that imagined next time?”. I know that to be true in this lifetime, for example if I put off exercise in the morning and feel very confident in that moment that I will do it on my way home from work so it will still be done but not just now, but come the end of the day, 99% of the time, the exercise in the evening does not happen because really all I wanted to do was not do it and the ‘next time’ was just an excuse. I think this applies for that approach to reincarnation – not bothered to do it now? What is really going to make you more bothered next time? Great question.

    1. “What is really going to make you more bothered next time?” Great question. How much do I care? It’s an uncomfortable answer when I am being absolutely honest with myself.

      1. You bring this to a point here – why do we court delay so much and what are we getting out of it?

  210. I love how you have described reincarnation as ‘the law of love’ – the opportunity to return and be ourselves. Like you Gabriele i did not really get reincarnation, but the way Serge Benhayon has presented it, makes so much sense and I really am drawn to certain periods in history where I know them because I’ve been part of it. And if we consider that each life is an opportunity to get closer to who we truly are, then it does make us accountable for every moment, especially when we pass over, so that the next time round we’re supported.

  211. Reincarnation is a gift, and shows us we have full responsibility for how we live our life. Nothing is coincidence we are here to learn and develop the love that we innately are, and we get endless amounts of times to learn this in full.

  212. The difference in opening up to the truth of re-incarnation rather than being closed and skeptical was partly in how Serge Benhayon presented the topic as part of a whole. We live in cycles, not straight lines. We come back around and around to be offered ongoing opportunities to evolve and that evolution is returning to the oneness we chose to separate from. There is a plan from a source of immense love allowing us the space to choose what we will, bear the consequences and choose again. Through embracing this plan it becomes clear, bit by bit, that we indeed do all know and feel the truth of reincarnation but avoid it because we do not want to feel the truth that we are creating the need in the first place to come back and do it over and over again to set things right.

  213. “I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am.” Even if one doesn’t know reincarnation to be true, why not live your life as if it were so? Reincarnation isn’t about retribution – but about us all evolving to a higher state – a law of love, as you mention Gabriele.

  214. ‘reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet.’ Accepting not knowing the destination, or even if there is one, makes us let go of the need for there to be one and focus on the present moment. The quality of this moment is the starting point for the quality of the next one and so it goes on in an ever-expanding way.

  215. It is indeed funny to consider that while we are debating on reincarnation being it this or that, or if it even exists or that we have only this life, the fact is that we are all in the cycle of reincarnation all the time as that is our way in our human form to return to who we truly are and where we belong to. Therefore it is such a blessing that we have Serge Benhayon with us who brings the truth of reincarnation back to us, something we always have known about but deliberately have bastardised because of our addiction to our self created way of living in which we tend to avoid to recognise who we truly are and truly belong to, to the divine order the whole of the universe is governed by.

  216. “reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am” and so we continue coming around and around living another life with the opportunity of claiming being the sons of God that we truly are.

    1. And the beauty is that we build on the many lives we have already lived on this planet and in every reincarnation we bring all those lives with us which means that we are never unexperienced when we are a baby but come with the knowledge and experience of many lived lives lived before.

  217. Thanks Gabriele for your insights. I loved this line so much I felt to repeat it . . . “. . reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am.” Beautiful, that just about says it all to me. We go around and around like in the movie Groundhog Day repeating the same old day with the same old patterns until we wake up to the simple truth that everything is about energy and everything is because of energy and begin to understand that we have a choice of two very different energies. One is fiery and loving and one is damp, cold and very loveless . . .and then eventually we begin to make everything about love.

  218. The truth of reincarnation is the key that has unlocked me from the imprisonment in which I was living. True responsibility. Free will. Evolution. All factors/cycles/energies that were never part of my lived way (despite the fact that they were of course still absolutely affecting my way). And now, as I slowly learn to live with these ‘elements’ in my life, the whole thing begins to make absolute sense and I am freed from the prison of it all being about this one life – a confinement which was adversely affecting every single one of my choices. Reincarnation is my key-stone.

  219. Reincarnation was a word that I hardly even knew when I was younger! Literally. It was so miles off the radar of my family, my schooling, my friends. We never even considered it. It was all about the now. All about making this life as good as we possibly could. The disdain with which my parents discussed anything like death, what happened to their bodies, funerals – anything like that – left me with the very firm belief that it was this life, and this life alone. Looking back on it know it is actually absolutely mind-blowing. Almost amusing? I went to what is considered to be one of the best schools in the whole world and they didn’t even mention the single most fundamental and important issue about the whole of life!! I say this with no reservation because, since discovering the truth of reincarnation, there isn’t one single movement of my body that isn’t affected by this fact.

  220. “He was talking about reincarnation as taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then and only then leads to me taking responsibility for the next round (reincarnation) and me and my life then which leads to the next round… you get the picture. He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love……..” I must admit that I never really looked at reincarnation in detail until Serge Benhayon presented on this subject. What Serge presented made such sense to me. Once I understood what reincarnation truly was, then so much fell into place for me in understanding why I am here on this earth, what purpose it might serve. I now understand that I am here in each incarnation to learn how to live as I was meant to be living my life. Learning to truly love myself, then take that out to loving all other humans on this earth, see that we are all equal in our essence, and to love all that exists on this earth that God provided, in the natural environment. It is amazing when we truly connect with ourselves, treat ourselves with loving care, that an amazing care for all others then develops, the beginning of knowing that we are all meant to be living in equal brotherhood. We are given the opportunity each lifetime around to learn more and more deeply all that living this way means. Now this all makes sense to me, shows me my true place in this world. I am here to be a shining light for all others to see, to be another role model for how we are to be living, so eventually we can all move on together to the next stage of our development elsewhere.

  221. I always wondered about re-incarnation. I never wrote it off as being ridiculous but also never found anyone who I felt actually knew anything about it that wasn’t hearsay or written in a book somewhere. When Serge Benhayon talks about re-incarnation you get the feeling he knows what he is talking about. It simply makes sense. Now I know that I always knew re-incarnation was true, but like you Gabriele, I just hadn’t found anyone who could communicate it with any truth until Serge.

  222. For as long as I remember I have felt reincarnation to be true, because it did not make sense to me to have one life and then it was over. What would my body say about reincarnation. The word that comes up is preparation – this life is a preparation for our next, and more precisely, every step we take in each day, month and year towards love is preparation for our next steps and next cycles and the next levels of awareness.

  223. ‘Reincarnation is a Law of Love allowing me to return to who I truly am……..’ this is beautiful Gabriele and a true Gift, an opportunity to take responsibility for the life we live – evolution.

  224. The two big “R” words: reincarnation and responsibility, intrinsically linked but continually denied by so many, for to accept responsibility for one’s actions and fact that if needed these actions will come back to be addressed in the next life, or the next, is way too scary for many to accept. So the responsibility is placed out of sight and the truth of reincarnation is denied, but the simple fact is, we are all coming back and what will greet us is all that we have spent so much time running away from! How easy would it be then to take responsibility for own our lives from this moment on – surely much less exhausting, especially once the running away is at an end?

  225. ‘He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that. What goes around comes around, quite literally!’ This makes sense to me and has also been my experience thus far. It also makes sense and feels true that we make the choice to build on the love that we express and in so doing are at the helm of our next life- in this life.

  226. It makes sense to live a life knowing that we come back, it makes us more responsible for our choices, our behaviours, our ills and woes and it makes sense to lovingly address those things that are not loving within us so that there is more love within us when we do return.

  227. Love your title Gabriele – ‘Reincarnation – Taking Responsibility for the Next Time Around’ – Says it all.

  228. This is beautiful Gabriele..”reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet. This feels so true to read.

  229. Living with Christianity most of my life, I really did not give reincarnation a thought until one night after attending a concert in Thailand I experience a very real past life happening. From this experience I had no doubt about reincarnation. A few years later I came to Serge Benhayon’s teachings, which put it all together, making perfect sense of this law of love that has been given to us.

    1. And not forgetting that there are millions of people on earth for whom reincarnation is part of life, part of their religion and part of their everyday normal.

  230. I agree, it works well in English, makes it clear that it is a passing over from one state to another, from the physical to the non-physical.

  231. Yes, the same way that we learnt (even though we had always known) that the earth wasn’t flat, we will one day, in our own time, rediscover that we live and pass over, live and pass over as many times as that is needed to evolve.

  232. Yes, the bitter irony for anyone who doesn’t consider the possibility of reincarnation carefully is that, whether you believe it or not, if it’s true, it’s true and you’ll come back to replay what you didn’t learn regardless of whether you believe you will or not. It’s not about adopting the concept as a quasi insurance policy but rather that if we don’t even contemplate the possibility of reincarnation and its ‘recycling’ component then we can conveniently overlook our responsibility for the results of our actions on subsequent generations – and so it means we can live out a life in total disregard and irresponsibility. But if we consider that we might just come back to the world we chose to create and leave behind, then suddenly the goalposts shift and our perspective widens.

    1. Great point – reincarnation in the context of responsibility, not just for ourselves but in the greater scheme of things where we come back to what we left behind, even if we thought we wouldn’t have to face it (again).

  233. As a child I was almost spoon fed on ‘What you dish out you will get back twofold’ and ‘treat others how you want to be treated’
    Yes like many I got lost along the pathway but, to now feel the truth of reincarnation it feels that taking responsibility for all our choices (everyone) at every opportunity in this life is to build more loving foundations in all aspects of our lives. In your words Gabriele ” a step by step process of discarding what we are not and getting back to the love we truly are”.

    1. I remember hearing similar things in my childhood but these admonishments came always with a veiled threat and menacing tone of voice, so even though there is of course a nucleus of truth in them, they don’t engender the awe and appreciation that the truth of reincarnation deserves.

  234. I absolutely love the fact that there is reincarnation because it feels like it is such a loving way to support everyone to evolve back to the love that they already are.

    1. Reincarnation is the only thing that makes sense in the bigger context of making sense of life and how come and why we are here.

  235. You describe it beautifully and simply –”reincarnation is a law of love.” We are given multiple chances to develop ourselves back to the loving beings we naturally all are.

  236. Your heading, Reincarnation – Taking Responsibility for the Next Time Around, says it all really Gabrielle. Personal responsibility and choice; in this life and the next if that is your belief, is indeed up to each and every one of us. Self-loving choices benefit ourselves, each other and humanity.

    1. Taking responsibility makes sense, regardless of reincarnation or not – it can either confirm the present moment and inform the next or be extended into the longer moment of another lifetime. Either way, life makes much more sense with responsibility and is far richer and more joyous to boot.

  237. “He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that. What goes around comes around, quite literally!” That is the understanding that I also have regarding reincarnation Gabriele, and I just love it. How wonderful that we have the opportunity, now that we understand it, to approach life in this beautiful loving way, being willing to work on ourselves, and build a body of increasing levels of love, taking full responsibility for every little detail of how we do and say things each day. Yes, it takes time, has its little pitfalls, but we deal with those, gradually building a consistency in our lives of love for ourselves and for all of humanity. Thank you for introducing such an important subject.

    1. It is an amazing opportunity to understand that responsibility engenders more responsibility and that each life – divided into decades, years, months, weeks and days down to each single moment – is a step by step process of discarding what we are not and getting back to the love that we truly are.

  238. By chance! (Haha?) I have spoken with a few people this week and have discussed reincarnation. They said they didn’t believe in it and weren’t coming back. I understood that this was just a complete lack of responsibility in that they don’t want to face even the remote possibility that how they live now will affect their future lives. However even if one doesn’t ‘believe’ in reincarnation, taking responsibility for our everyday feelings, words and actions seems a truer way to live to me. I know for sure that I have lived here before for many lives and that my current choices affect not only my day to day life but my future ones as well.

    1. I feel the same way – whether someone ‘believes’ in reincarnation or not is nearly beside the point when one considers that the choices I made yesterday shape my life today; and that is true in all areas of life, from food and drink to major decisions. But is that too scary for some? Is it easier to blame one’s parents, our genes or bad luck?

  239. Taking responsibility for how we live now, in the present. Regardless of whether we ‘believe’ in reincarnation or not, this makes so much sense and surely ensures a ‘better’ life for oneself and everyone around.

    1. I have found this as well – taking responsibility for my present choices leads to more responsibility and greater joy and that is regardless of whether we take future lives into consideration or not.

  240. Stupendous and fascinating, and makes so much more sense when see lives as one continuum and an endless opportunity to learn and grow.

    1. I totally agree, the alternatives just don’t make sense as do the falsified versions of reincarnation don’t make any sense.

  241. As you describe Gabriele, with reincarnation comes a very high level of responsibility. Everything what we say, do, not do – matters. We commonly accept that in a family siblings can be very different from each other even opposite ends of the spectrum in personalities. Human nature can be so complex that it is not possible that we come in as a clean slate. The science of reincarnation gives our lives true purpose and meaning.

    1. Yes, everything matters, down to the smallest detail, incident, gesture, thought – it makes me realise how stupendous is what we are a part of.

  242. My parents don’t believe in reincarnation, but they do admit that me and brother were so different as babies that there had to be some other influencing factor. Some people could argue that this is genetics, but when you understand that each of us keep coming back and have all lived countless lives it is then clear why every baby is unique in their own way. There is no such thing as a baby being a blank sheet, the only thing that is ‘new’ about it is the precious body that it has come back into.

    1. That makes sense, we do not come in as blank slates and everybody can feel that, whether they ‘believe’ in reincarnation or not.

  243. Great blog Gabrielle. Just like you I always had a strong feeling that there was some truth in reincarnation, but it wasn’t until hearing the teachings from Serge Benhayon that I fully understood it. The science of reincarnation gives our lives true purpose and meaning. When we finally get that we keep coming back, life can no longer be seen as time to be wasted, but another opportunity to evolve so that maybe we don’t have to keep coming back so much.

    1. I agree in that the true teachings about reincarnation give our lives purpose far beyond one little life with an assumed physical beginning (birth) and ultimate end (death). We are far greater than that.

  244. Reincarnation, an undeniable pill one day we will have to swallow or, as this blog says, it doesn’t matter if we don’t swallow the pill because that won’t change us coming back.

    1. Yes, that’s the beauty of it – call green blue or yellow or pink, it is still blue and like it or not, believe in it or not, we are all coming back.

  245. Reincarnation and responsibility go hand in hand, I love the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who have made us so very aware of this universal science. We have as a society got ourselves in a complete mess and one of the main reasons is because of our lack of responsibility. Reincarnation teaches us the enormous responsibility we have every second of every day to choose love. With out love nothing evolves.

  246. I really enjoyed this blog Gabriele. Reincarnation is something that I have always felt to be true but was also put off by all the fantasy and other rubbish that undermined the whole subject. It’s something that I hold as a guide post as I recognise that some of my patterns of behaviour and emotions feel very old and so it helps me to commit to sorting them out now rather than carry them with me to the next life and so on. I also feel reincarnation is supportive because it helps me to accept that perfection isn’t the aim. Building a steady awareness is something that will take time and that I won’t always get it right but there will be more opportunities for me to work on whatever needs to be unravelled.

    1. When you say that some of our “behaviours and emotions feel very old” I can only agree; there are things we do that definitely feel like concrete and as though they have been a default pattern for much longer than just this one little life.

  247. reincarnation is a truly beautiful gift of love, giving us the opportunity to learn and develop back to where we come from. And it helps greatly to heal all that is there in front of us being all that we are.

  248. Reincarnation as a subject for contemplation has to be considered in the context of our overall purpose, why we’re here and what life’s all about. Otherwise it becomes just a thing of fantasy or of enhancing our self-worth on some level. But seen from a much wider perspective, it can lead to an understanding of why integrity and responsibility are the very best choices we can ever make in any moment.

    1. So true Cathy – without its true purpose and innate wisdom, reincarnation becomes a plaything of the mind, an entertained subject without sincerity or depth. Thank God for the Ageless Wisdom.

  249. What dawns to me after reading Serge Benhayon’s book “Time” is that I am not moving or traveling from life to life, from body to body, but that body after body is given to me and I stay at the same spot. Just the space that I occupy grows with the responsibility I take.

  250. The other day I was talking to someone about children. She said to me that whilst raising her kids, she held them in the fact that they have lived hundreds of lives in the past, and therefore how can we treat a child with the ignorance of not knowing anything. In how she raised her kids, it was in appreciation of the fact they know it all, and her support was to see them for the fullness of who they are. I absolutely loved this – it showed me how real and tangible reincarnation is – and how we are simply here returning to ourselves, here to understand the depths and truth of love, of where we come from and of true responsibility.

    1. That is a great example of taking responsibility and raising children in the honouring of their past and with responsibility – a true role model.

  251. I was aware of reincarnation as a child and from that it helped me accept a lot about my life instead of running away, I took responsibility to understand and to learn. Reincarnation makes so much sense to me, like why we are here and our true purpose in life. It is indeed a very loving way for us to keep returning to learn to take responsibility, to connect to who we are and to God.

    1. Taking responsibility feels like the key factor, not only as far as reincarnation is concerned but also in regards the step by step choices of everyday life. There just isn’t a way around it, whether we like it or not, rebel against it or accept and live it.

  252. Being presented with the responsibility of reincarnation is what made the difference for me too Gabriele. It makes so much sense that the way we live this life will determine the quality of life we start off with in the next. I say start off with because every moment we have a choice to change the momentum we take forward with us – to make life about love and not survival. Thank you Serge Benhayon for opening my eyes to the truth.

    1. Exactly, what a great confirmation of the fact that we choose what we take with us as our momentum, whether that be the next few seconds or minutes or our next life/lives.

  253. To me reincarnation makes so much sense and I love the thought of coming back again and again. We are all so loved to be continually offered lessons lessons that keep going until we get it!

    1. Reincarnation explained this way means that life is one great school where we get to stay back at times, leave early other times and generally repeat what we need to repeat over and over again until we have re-imprinted everything with the love we come from and innately are.

  254. I have had a few moments where I have felt yes and absoluteness that there is reincarnation. I have become aware that for me to say yes to reincarnation meant I would naturally have to be responsible for everything that has ever occurred and all of the choices I have made. This was what was holding me back. I can feel that it is a truth and I can see the law of reincarnation occur within my own life and I observe it occurring in life. I feel like there is an increased depth in my understanding, through my openness, to the possibility that I have been here before in a different body. I am beginning to learn the responsibility that this brings.

    1. I feel you have gone to the crux of the matter and exposed why so many cannot and will not be open to the possibility of reincarnation and that is the fact that reincarnation is the ultimate responsibility; not only for ourselves but for all and the all that surrounds us.

  255. I think its awesome we are talking about something that few want to talk about and that most dont want to acknowledge will happen.

  256. What goes around comes around, quite literally, thus giving us an opportunity to take responsibility for our next time around! Wow I am feeling the depth of responsibility, thank you Gabriele.

  257. l love your description of what it truly is to you .. “reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what l truly am.”

    1. It certainly does Jo and this responsibility is not only for ourselves and our own lives but for how we contribute to the all. Ultimately, and no matter how much we don’t want to believe it, responsibility is the foundation that underpins our entire cycle of life and thus is an integral fact of life. If deep down we know this fact and that we can’t hide from our responsibilities forever why do we still fight and resist living in a fully responsible manner so much? Are we not simply making it harder and more complicated for ourselves?

  258. I too have always known the truth of reincarnation in my body but have not always understood it until I came to Universal Medicine. The level of responsibility we live in this life directly impacts on how we reincarnate in the next life and that death is a passing from one life and awaiting the next. It makes so much sense and is the purpose for our existence.

    1. Reincarnation in its truth answers the question of why we are here and what the reason for our existence is.

  259. “reincarnation is taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then and only then leads to me taking responsibility for the next round (reincarnation) and me and my life then which leads to the next round… you get the picture”.
    I get the picture Gabriele, as do I get the level of responsibility required to evolve in our next life. I loved reading and pondering on your blog, thank you.

  260. Thank you Gabriele, your blog on reincarnation is great to read, and brings understanding to me that there is a continuous thread between all the lives, which is simply truncated by periods of absence. To me, I see this continuous thread as the feeling of love and truth – it is the same consistent constant in each life, and in each life we have many opportunities or choices to reconnect with it.

    1. The simplicity of reincarnation is quite breath taking – it is the macrocosm of the daily and minute by minute microcosm and the choice is always ours.

  261. Gabriele, thank you. Reading it I clocked my own previous discomfort with reincarnation and how it was described, it put everything on that next round without any real effort or understanding that there are steps to be taken in this round if the next one is to be different. And there’s an ouch here as I can feel where I can leave things to be dealt with later and somehow expect them to be different without me making any real attempt to change my approach, this life and I can feel how this also extends out into the next and next. And what I feel as I write this is how reincarnation is really an extension of taking responsibility now, of addressing what needs to be addressed and not putting things off or putting something out there on something or somebody to rescue us or somehow change things for us. It’s the ultimate love and responsibility to be embraced right now.

    1. And that is the love I can feel in reincarnation Monica. The fact that our life as a human being is a continuum in time, although spread over different lives and times of earthly evolution. When considered as a reality we can consciously build on our return to the love we originate from and are part of, while if we are unconscious, every new cycle of life continuous in giving us the opportunity to connect back to God again, our origin we finally all have to return to.

      1. I love the word ‘continuum’ here – it emphasises that we are so much more than one small life.

      2. I love this Nico, the continuum you talk of that we are part of one big cycle with all our lives, and each one is about building back more and more to the love we are.

    2. Great point – reincarnation in this light is really just the macrocosm of the daily and minute by minute microcosm of all the choices we make, no more and no less.

    3. You put it very succinctly when you write that “there are steps to be taken in this round if the next one is to be different”. We do accept that premise when it comes to preparing to give a speech or training for a sporting event, but somehow we like to delude ourselves when it comes to the everyday step by step affairs that somehow and magically things are somehow going to change for the better, of their own accord. We choose to be the recipients of life in some instances and go out and are very pro-active in others and that somehow doesn’t make sense, it is after all, all part of this one life.

      1. As you say it doesn’t make sense, life is one, so how can we act and live activity in one area of life and ignore another or expect it to come to us as we are now. There’s responsibility at play here, could it be that we instinctively understand that we cannot meet anything as less than the love we are, and that to get something, living in the hurts without addressing those hurts and letting them go would actually confirm us in our hurts and thus be unloving for us, un-evolving for us.

    4. Yes, you describe it really well – reincarnation is just a much bigger step compared to the smaller steps we take every day, but the mechanism is the same: one thing leads to another as one life leads to another, whatever the steps we end up taking.

    5. Totally agree, great summary – and delay tactics and procrastination do stand in our way as we unravel what got us into this mess in the first place; a bit like rolling back the carpet on our past.

  262. Once we start to take responsibility for the way we are living in our current cycle the true understanding of reincarnation naturally becomes part of our ever expanding cycles.

    1. So true – reincarnation provides the bigger context and is the bigger cycle of all the smaller cycles that we continually experience, from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, night to day and on it goes.

  263. My grandmother used to talk to me about reincarnation but not in the way Serge Benhayon explains it. It make so much sense to me now and I love the way you are polishing, buffing and altogether taking great care of your life Gabrielle.

  264. Reincarnation as an expression of divine love and responsibility is glorious.

  265. The relationship between reincarnation and nature is key here, and obvious to the fact that everything in nature has a returning cyclical rhythm of life that is right there for us to see every day, month, year.

    1. And it is another reason why it doesn’t make sense that we would be the exception and not live within the bigger cycles that nature so gloriously demonstrates and reflects back to us.

  266. Since I’m aware again, that reincarnation exists, it gives me so much more space in my life. In the past I was so identified with this ONE life and with myself. It was only about myself and what I had to achieve in this life. Recently I was standing in a park and I felt the spaciousness being part of nature and of the reincarnation cycle – just awesome and liberating.

    1. I agree – knowing the truth and amazing beauty and justice of reincarnation is both very liberating and confirming of the all we are held in.

    2. Alexander I feel the beauty of what you share, it’s such a load off not to have that pressure of one life and me and my version on that ‘getting it right’. As you say when we stop and feel we are part of a larger cycle, there is such a joy, a humbleness and an absolute liberation in that – it is space, and it is grand and we are a part of it.

  267. Gabriele, I LOVED revisting this blog and could so resonate with your sentence “I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet.” Reincarnation for me is an absolutely glorious topic, especially the way it is presented by Serge Benhayon. I am always glued at every word that is said – finally life makes sense and there is purpose to all that we are doing, and of course, in the quality that we do it in! Just beautiful to read this again – thank you for sharing it Gabriele.

    1. I can relate to what you are saying here – the teachings of Serge Benhayon and The Ageless Wisdom make sense of our existence and of life in general.

    2. Thank you Donna and I couldn’t agree more – what Serge Benhayon presents makes life make sense, for the first time this time around!

  268. When everybody is made aware that reincarnation is a part of our evolution and that all our actions and choices have karmic consequences then maybe a higher level of responsibility would occur

    1. I feel to add that responsibility starts with each and every one us and that we can only be responsible for our own level of responsibility – it might just inspire another who can then see that taking responsibility is immensely rewarding and leads to some truly miraculous changes in one’s life.

  269. Great point – as we change everything around changes and there are certain situations and circumstances that are just not part of one’s life any longer.

  270. I love what you bring in your depth of understanding reincarnation Gabriele.
    I too have always felt it to be true for me within and I love the way you describe the level of responsibility as we “very consciously partake of this opportunity to go around in daily, monthly and yearly cycles as does the earth around the Sun, and knowingly and willingly undo, redo, file, polish, buff, smooth and wipe the lesions, bumps and warts I keep running into and tripping over.”
    Reminds me of Ground Hog Day. We just keep coming back until we learn to be Love!

  271. Like you Gabrielle I also have been put off reincarnation ‘by the way people talk about it’ as it has been totally romanticised, twisted and distorted so much so it appears to be totally unrealistic and untrue. To me reincarnation is the ultimate form of responsibility and a ‘law of love’- one that makes me accountable for all of my choices and their ripple effect on others and the world around me. My responsibility is to clear and bring harmony to all the ripple effects of my past and all that I do in my everyday living. Reincarnation is me clearing any mess I have created so I can lighten up and live more and more lovingly each time around to inspire others to do the same.

    1. Beautiful Suse, clearing our mess so we can be more love, and show the world love is possible and that responsibility is joy, it’s the way we come back more and more to the love we are.

    2. Brilliant Suse, I love the level of responsibility that you inspire us to connect to. We are presented with opportunities to clear our own mess – no one else can do it for us. It’s ultimately our responsibility to clear our past choices that were not loving and to make news ones that are.

      1. And responsibility being the key word here – is this why many people don’t want to know about reincarnation even though it is in our bones and in every cell of our body; is it easier to think that we have one life, muddle through as best we can and that’s it, the ultimate disappearance act and God help those who are left behind?

    1. … thanks to the Ageless Wisdom and Serge Benhayon who brings these teachings to us and has reminded us that we innately know what is true and what is not true.

  272. Gabrielle you paint a humorous picture here. I have encountered some funny suggestions about past lives too, heard of many Cleopatras and when I first heard of the concept- perhaps as a girl I remember it was presented with glamour and about having an important past life identity. Thank you Gabrielle for bringing to the fore reincarnation, what it is really about and the responsibility, blessing and opportunity available because of reincarnation. The way this is written left me to feel that responsibility and what is chosen is only ever about what is chosen right now, not what has or will be chosen.

    1. As you so rightly state, there is a morass of confusion about reincarnation, all the way from the dark and somber coming back as a cockroach to the glamour of having been Cleopatra; the problem is that none of these versions/interpretations support any true responsibility, and they certainly don’t engender the freedom and unshakeable knowingness that the Ageless Wisdom presents.

    2. When we try to glamorise reincarnation and become identified with it to seek recognition it takes away responsibility and we can easily lose sight of the true purpose of reincarnation.

  273. and so reincarnation is going to support us as a community and as a species to learn what is needed to not be so horrible to one another, to not be so violent towards one another and to stop turning on ourselves, as we are beautiful beings all deep down inside behind all the ugly behaviours. Reincarnation is actually the most beautiful creation there is because there is no escaping what we create in life and it is our responsibility alone to make choices that are as loving as possible.

    1. re-incarnation is a loving gift that is set up in a way that will not allow us to not learn from our past choices and behaviours. how beautiful is that !

    2. I agree Natasha, we have the opportunity to re-imprint our passed choices that were not love and build on the ones that are, to eventually return to who we truly are.

      1. Gorgeous Diana, and so simple. It’s a strong reality point in realising we can re-imprint our past choices and not be run by them. Life and the world and us all can all be supported to live more love than ever before, we just have to be willing to choose another way.

      2. Exactly Natasha it also helps us to understand that we are not powerless victims and that we make choices that determines the quality we live our lives in.

      3. So true, and this quality supports us to continue to deepen the level of love we have for ourselves as well as for all of humanity

      4. Yes Natasha, life after life after life, until such time that we have completed the cycle and returned to who we truly are.

  274. Reblogged this on florisvanderschot's Blog and commented:
    #Reincarnation, something ‘out there’, #mysterious, #unkown… It’s not. It’s a matter of choices. To let go to the point that we’re ready to live Our #Divine #Love here on earth. Which is to be felt by and through Our vehicle of Expression, our #Body. Reincarnation just tells us that we’ve got life after life the opportunity to choose Loving choices. Whether we choose that is up to us. Obviously, the non-loving #choices catch up with us at one point. Not as a punishment, but as a way of asking us to come back to our #Tenderness, #Fragility and #Love. To me personally, it’s a Beautiful #science.

    1. Karma not as punishment but as a consequence of unloving choices and an amazing opportunity to come back to our tenderness, fragility and love – that feels very true.

      1. Gabriele, thank you for raising many important points about reincarnation, and the consequence of it such as karma- an opportunity for humanity to re-learn from unloving behaviours, beliefs and ideals taken on, and return to who we naturally are- love, tenderness, joy and harmony.

  275. I love your style of writing Gabriele. I smiled whilst reading. I can relate to what you’re describing. So many people talk nonsense about re-incarnation. Like re-incarnation is something outside of Ourselves. As if this life doesn’t have anything to do with re-incarnation. When Serge Benhayon mentioned ‘the wheel of re-birth’ in which he describes that we get offered, lovingly so, to come back over and over again to start living Our Soul on earth = Our True Love, it completely made sense. There’s knowing now inside that Re-incarnation is True, also based on a handful of experiences. Yet, completely surrendering to the fact is still work in progress. In which I am learning that this is okay. That the only way to embody it in full and surrender to it, is by allowing myself the space to connect more and more to my own body. Thank you for this piece of writing. I simply Love it – will there be any more on this?

    1. Thank you Floris – maybe you could write the next chapter on reincarnation? About surrendering to the fact and what that means for you?

  276. ‘…reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity.. ‘. When I reread this statement Gabriele, my body released a level of ‘trying’ that I had not realised was there. It is responsibility that is key and I appreciated the support this sharing has given me – again.

    1. Good point – all the trying and striving and wanting to get somewhere: sounds pretty crazy when I look at it from what you are sharing here, thank you.

    2. I agree Bernadetteglass, it is very healing to read. I know that there are many people who do not believe in Reincarnation, but I don’t see how you can separate the two. To know there is a God is to also know that there are cycles of life that we are all a part of, choices and opportunities to grow and evolve. All of this leads us back to who we are and of course to God.

      1. Yes Donna it makes total sense to me too! And I so appreciate that whilst we are already divine in our essence, we make choices that separate us from our divinity so we must return to it because it sure is not going to leave us!

  277. Gabriele what a simple yet powerful definition/interpretation of reincarnation as “a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am”. Beauty-full.

  278. Connecting to the knowing and truth of reincarnation and the energetic laws it entails would certainly make the world a different place. I consider all of the people that fear death as if it is the ‘end’, when really it is the ‘beginning’ of something much grander.

    1. Absolutely Adam, it would be. I can imagine a lot less irresponsible behaviours and crime being committed because every choice we make we have to eventually clear and if we choose not to take responsibility in this life we will come back time and time again until we do. Reincarnation is a true blessing and opportunity for us to evolve.

      1. I have pondered a lot over the years about life and death, as I would say have most of us. Reincarnation is the only thing that has ever made any sense, and it does make a lot of sense in so many ways.

  279. Just as I have never doubted that God was real, I always knew reincarnation was real too. Nothing to do with the nonsense that the new age was presenting about it, just a clear feeling that we come back to what we have lived before. It is a very reassuring thought that our evolution does not stop with our last breath out, but continues until we all come back to knowing who we truly are.

    1. While I didn’t have this same experience or knowingness as a child, I certainly have it now… And it makes sense that we are living the lives we come back to, and much more empowering than to consider that life and our experiences are a series of random events…

      1. Life being a series of random events does not make sense, it leads to a sense of futility and an overall lack of purpose which are very debilitating, if not devastating to the human psyche.

      2. it is empowering and it is also something that we can not get away from so there is no point ‘giving up’ or ‘drowning in our sorrows’ as the day will come again where we will be asked to be more.

    2. There is a lot of nonsense about reincarnation in circulation and all it does is to stop us from being honest and taking responsibility for life and how we live on a daily and moment to moment basis.

      1. agreed Gabriele, there is actually a lot of nonsense out there about many different scriptures and doctrines and religious associations. It is only by being able to discern energy and discern the quality of energy coming though persons that I am able to adequately understand and feel if what is being said is true or if it is barstadised. It is actually quite amazing science.

  280. I also have always believed in reincarnation and felt I’d been here before. It was just something that I have always innately known. So when there is talk or challenges made about this topic, I used to go into the convincing and the trying to explain. I don’t do that anymore, I often have a giggle that they will be coming back no matter whether they believe it to be so, so I choose now to meet people where they are at.

    1. Reincarnation is a very sensitive issue for a lot of people because when we come back we have to face everything we left behind; not the exact same scenery and stage props of course but everything we didn’t attend to and resolve in ourselves and with others is still there and will be presented again. A beautiful opportunity but only when we are willing to be honest and take responsibility.

      1. Reincarnation is a sensitive issue for many, and it is often described as a ‘way out’ for those who don’t want to face death. But reincarnation is certainly not a ‘way out’, as the wheel of rebirth teaches us great responsibility for all our choices.

    2. One of the biggest obstacles to accepting reincarnation for the truth it is and offers is the matter of responsibility – how much responsibility do we want? how much of it are we willing to accept? and what does this responsibility entail?

  281. The belief that when we die that is the end of ‘it’ never made sense to me but reincarnation as was generally presented never truly made sense either, that there was piece missing. The Ageless Wisdom and the Way of the Livingness, however, presented by Serge Benhayon offers missing piece, which shows that reincarnation is really common sense.

    1. I agree, reincarnation is common sense and it makes sense; and we come back whether we believe in it or not, that is another amazing factor very much in its favour. And knowing it is even better, it changed my life.

  282. Gabrielle I love playful way you have written your blog on reincarnation and something that resinates with me and I’m aware of how it affects my life. I have read articles of the possibility of it, and the proof of our return. However how important is it that humanities evolution presented by Serge Benhayon as being the ultimate form of responsibility has been an amazing wake up for me.

  283. We were driving past a nearby cemetery and my son wanted to go in. We would drive past every now and then and he would keep asking to go. I asked him why and he said because he wanted to find himself. So we did and looked at the names on the gravestones, it gave me tingles as he was very committed and persistent to find himself. So I re-introduced the topic of reincarnation to my kids when they were still quite young. We’ve had some great conversations and jokes about this, especially from a child’s perspective and it has been great to make this normal and It is now an everyday conversation much like ‘dad what is for breakfast’. It’s been great to break the ideals or at least talk about them openly to establish that they have had other lives and will have more.

    1. I am very inspired by the normalcy you have brought into your family on the topic of reincarnations – after all, it is a normal and everyday fact for millions of people around the world.

  284. So true and so cool. Being able to lay the basis to what we come back to by simply leading a responsible and loving life and with that not only laying a basis for us but building a new level for everyone else as well.

    1. This makes me want to cry in the response to how I have chosen to live my life up to this point now. But the beautiful essence of reincarnation and of life is that you can always change within every moment and create and set a new foundation for yourself that will have remarkable differences in the future quality of how our lives will then be lived.

  285. Like you Gabriele, I too have always believed in reincarnation and just held this deep knowing that there was so much more to life than met the eye. And just because we cannot see everything with our naked eye, we can all feel the grandness of life by the very fact we breathe in and we breathe out….and the free will to either breathe the divine body gently or to breathe harshly and push and drive the body….. which provides two very different life’s lived, and the life lived is the life we return to. Love this line; ‘ reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am’.

    1. Breathing gently and breathing harshly with push and drive are, as you say, two very different energies and experiences that can demonstrate immediately that there is a choice in the way we live and that we return and will return to what we have chosen.

  286. So beautifully expressed Gabriele, you have explained in such an easy to understand manner the true cycle that is reincarnation. I too had heard differing versions in the past and none of them sat well with me, then when hearing Serge Benhayon talk about the science of reincarnation it felt so true and re-ignited something I had known for lifetimes. Reincarnation is indeed a Law of Love.

  287. Being brought up in a Christian family meant that reincarnation was a no-no. The belief is that we just get one go at this and then it’s either heaven or hell – no second chances. Despite this teaching I always had a deeper feeling that this ‘one go at life’ notion was not sound and was entirely open to the possibility and even the likelihood that we live many many lives. Like you Gabriele, being reborn as a cockroach didn’t hold sway for me but returning as a human being with purposeful evolution does. What Serge Benhayon teaches feels very congruent in my body and therefore something I am able to willingly accept as truth. For me, a truly loving God gives us as many ‘second chances’ as we need. No judgement, no punishment, just an absolute knowing that we will all ‘get the message’ one day.

    1. Yes, we will all get it one day, in our very own timing. And like you, the teachings of the catholic church never made sense to me: where are all these people who have died and are waiting for the ‘judgment day’ and will they hop back into a body for that occasion or not? And I have heard some people say that their loved ones are up in heaven having a beer and meeting old mates, etc etc. The stories are endless and they feel more like a sign of the deep grief and lostness which must stem from not realising how it really is and somehow trying to make sense of it all – whereas how it actually is is truly amazing, it is the wonderful gift of true free will, responsibility and reincarnation.

  288. ‘Reincarnation- Taking responsibility for the next time around’… the choice is ours for which time around we actually choose to be step up, be responsible and clear the ramifications of what we have created in the past.

  289. Great point here sylivianbrinkman that I had not considered before! Why is it that in this view of reincarnation, we are happy to consider that we were Cleopatra or the likes, but not someone like Hitler?! Does this not simply expose the commonly accepted view of reincarnation for what it truly is, a reason or excuse to avoid being truly responsible for the way we ‘have’ lived, the way we ‘are’ living, and the foundation we are setting for ourselves ‘to’ live in the next life?

  290. Good point – everything we don’t like in the world is then something we have either said yes to in the past or not spoken up about and that makes us all collectively responsible and also demonstrates that we need to pull together as one humanity to get it right for all.

  291. Living in a way that embraces and accepts reincarnation has probably been the biggest game-changer in my life. It brings a level of responsibility that I had never previously considered. And it brings a deeper wisdom to my understanding. An understanding that clicks, that adds up. It has been my experience that everything makes sense, when reincarnation is accepted as a universal truth.

    1. For me too ottobathurst, and I’d go so far as to say, not only does everything make sense, but reincarnation from the understanding of responsibility is the ‘only’ thing that makes sense, and the ‘only’ thing that explains everything. It’s interesting to observe the lengths we go to to explain reincarnation from many other angles, in order to avoid taking this responsibility.

      1. This is a VERY great point you make Angela. 100% with you. You are so right. Everything makes sense when looked at through the truth of reincarnation. And the more that people, doctors, scientists, conspiracists, and religious leaders flail around trying to make their versions of it all make sense, then the more the truth of reincarnation shines out in it’s simplicity, absoluteness and purity.

    2. My feelings exactly – having reincarnation presented in a truthful way was a real turnaround for me and a major contribution to beating my longstanding depression: life finally made sense and wasn’t a sick joke anymore.

      1. “Life finally made sense” – exactly how I feel about reincarnation Gabriele. When we are presented with truth it just falls into the body like a deep knowing. I really enjoyed your light-hearted account of your understanding of our natural evolutionary cycles.

    3. I have had the same experience; once reincarnation was explained in a way that finally made sense to me, everything else fell into place – very liberating indeed.

  292. I love that Gabriele – regardless of what you believe your coming around again and again. We might as well accept it and make the next round worth coming around too!

    1. There is certainly nothing lost in at least considering reincarnation as a possibility, if that is as far as one is prepared to go. Nothing wrong with looking at the next moment as a continuation and logical follow-on of the present moment and study what is thus revealed.

    2. I agree and also, what is actually truly lost when choosing to live responsibly, to the best of one’s ability? Nothing as far as I can see and the changes it has made to my life are truly amazing.

      1. Ah, what a great point Gabriele “What is actually truly lost when choosing to live responsibly…?”… Perhaps what is lost is actually being responsible! And what is to be avoided in ‘being’ and ‘living’ responsibly… except perhaps just responsibility which includes being responsible for our choices?!

      1. Great point; from what you say I can see that by taking responsibility and making different choices we can actually live that future now and keep building on that foundation; and the more we live that future now, the more expansion, vitality and joy there is – all very simple really.

  293. I grew up in a Catholic Family and going to a Catholic school. So the idea of reincarnation was not something that I came across till I was a teenager really – but I have always had a sense of universality, of knowing more deep in my self. I have always felt a strong affinity with other places and countries, and sometime people. These things are easy to dismiss under the impression of what is suggested by modern western society and Catholicism.

    But If I really consider things, reincarnation makes sense and once I was open to that idea – the feeling I have ad all along makes much more sense.

    1. The inner knowing and wisdom we all have make so much more sense than those decrees or postulated belief systems that might hold us like a stranglehold – if we let them. And that is true for reincarnation as it is for many other areas of life where rigid structures haven’t kept and can’t keep pace with what we all experience and feel on a daily basis.

  294. One thing that was not touched on here is how the awareness and understanding of reincarnation may change our relationships to everyone around us. When reincarnation is accepted in any way there can be a scramble to get ones own life sorted out to prepare and take care of the next one. A kind of pulling up of ones own socks, yet even though this is sensible and necessary I can’t help but feel that it’s still in protection of the self and based on survival. To me it’s basically a focus on self and self only. However I feel that reincarnation is also about the effects we have on everyone and everything, and that it is not just about us but what our fellow human beings are also experiencing on those cycles alongside us. If we each were to look at our fellow man through the eyes of one that understands reincarnation, would we be more compassionate, more understanding? Would we each be more supportive knowing we are all in this together and our collective purpose is to evolve? Would this bring greater dignity, unity and brotherhood since it is a commonality we all share? And how would we then view differences of religion, gender, race and so on? Would reincarnation also unify humanity again in the knowing that we ourselves had experienced and lived as other races etc? And going beyond the casings of each life, wouldn’t then reincarnation point out solidly that we are more than the body or materialism, but that there is a living essence that we have in common, that is beyond physicality, and is eternal and divine? How would that transform personal and global relations? For me it looks like reincarnation is an essential part of brotherhood, and would potentially eliminate the many issues that currently prevent us from living in a unified way, as a “one humanity”.

    1. Thank you Melinda and Gabrielle, and many others. Reading your article has truly re-connected me to what it is all about. How we can make it so much about ‘self’, yet be completely fooled, as it is about the all, and us ALL returning. Thank you for setting different eyes on ‘reincarnation’, and how it is combined with brotherhood. It was very supportive and real to read your previous hesitations and interactions with it, as well as hearing how Serge Benhayon presents on reincarnation and how for me also, it completely makes sense, and asks for a greater level of accountability, responsibility and for us to get on with it and live us truly…rather than delay for future ‘hope’ that it will be better then.

    2. You make some very valid points here – as we all reincarnate we have mainly all lived as men and women, we have been poor and we have been rich, we have spoken many different languages and been born into various races; as such, as it is about all of us and the fact that we are in it together, with all and for all.

    3. I couldn’t agree more; when you write “Would we each be more supportive knowing we are all in this together and our collective purpose is to evolve?” it opens us up to the fact that with so many lives lived, we would have all been speaking a lot of different languages, been part of different cultures and religions, been rich as well as poor and so on and so on. And thus, reincarnation also shines a different light on this so-called ‘tolerance’ and replaces it with something much deeper and more pertinent and truly evolving: understanding.

    4. You raise a number of points here, all underscoring the ridiculousness of our present state of cooperation and brotherhood on earth, i.e. the total lack of it in most instances other than when it suits us somehow.

    5. I love what you write here Melinda, we would treat each other much differently if we knew that we might be that person in our next lifetime. The world would be much different place, the rich might help the poor knowing that they might be the poor next life time, racism could slow right down if not halt if we knew we could be that colour next time. And this list of examples could go on and on and on.

  295. As a teenager I had an understanding and awareness that I had lived before and felt like I had memories of those times. I had certain phobias and fears as a child and teen which I consciously registered as coming from another time and place – I realised something had happened to me and I was in this life carrying the emotional scars still. I feel there is a knowing in all of us about reincarnation, as we are all part of those same cycles it would be impossible to not truly know unless it was more convenient to dismiss it.

    1. … “more convenient to dismiss it”, those words really struck a chord. Not just in regards reincarnation but many other areas where it seems easier to not take responsibility. Only thing is that it doesn’t work, not in the short run and not in the long run either.

  296. Thank you, Gabriele. I love the sub-title – Taking Responsibility for the Next Time Around – this makes me realise this ‘next time around’ could be the next incarnation, next year, next month, next week, tomorrow… I was getting very close to going into overwhelm because of the enormity of the whole thing, but actually, this means that if I take care of this very moment, it guarantees the quality of the next moment and it just keeps building and whether to perceive it by day/month/year/life time, what I have to do becomes just very simple.

    1. I agree – no need for overwhelm at all, just a step by little step process and continuous development of ever evolving responsibility and dedication to how we live in each moment in all aspects of life, public and private.

    2. We feel that our next incarnation is a huge and mysterious step, yet we are part of those same cycles right now that this is based on, going around past the same points and being presented with opportunities to choose differently and live more lovingly. Based on that my next incarnation is not that big of a deal if I’m taking care of each cycle/day to continually live more of the love I am.

      1. I feel the same way, reincarnation is nothing but the continuation of every daily lived moment on a bigger scale, nothing more and nothing less.

      2. That makes so much sense. There is no mysteries, just a continuation of where we left off.

      3. In this way of focusing on the quality of this life reincarnation becomes no big deal if not even something one would want to embrace. Having come across Universal Medicine in this life I can see that I have before me years to set a new foundation for the next life. However this doesn’t mean that I can sit back and rest on now having a ‘better life’ and the next one will ‘all work out’ it has to keep building.

    3. Thank you Fumiyo. If we build on the consistency of how we are currently living then reincarnation is just part of a bigger cycle and thus no need for overwhelm. I can feel how for me going into overwhelm has been an indulgence in the past and a way of not taking responsibility for my choices.

  297. I’ll take the Serge Benhayon described reincarnation any day. Gabriele I love this piece of writing on this aged old topic.

  298. Its in our choices in ‘the here and now’ that we come back to in the ‘here after’ again and again and………….

  299. Like you Gabriele, my initial interactions with reincarnation were very superficial… what was the past life of that ant, how to understand the hierarchy of the animal kingdom, as well as the ‘not to worry’ this life attitude that can come with it.
    Meeting Serge, and being educated with Universal Medicine has given me a much fuller, deeper understanding – of the opportunity, and the responsibility that comes with Reincarnation. If we take it seriously then we become much more accountable for the way we leave the world… so we had better get started living the way we want it to be for the next generation.

    1. For the next generation for sure but also for the one after that which is us coming back, after all. And thus we will be faced with all of our choices yet again!

      1. I hear you Gabriele, and it’s a sobering thought and a strong feeling to make more responsible choices, without perfection.

    2. Hear hear to that simonwilliams8. However much the truth of reincarnation may make us squirm or wriggle or hide, the wise move that can be made is to be open to living the responsibility it truly asks for now. And hey whether it is real or not, if we take such responsibility now our lives can only get better and far far richer.

      1. My thoughts exactly Joshua. Whether the way Serge Benhayon approaches reincarnation or any other subject he touches upon is the truth or not, ‘our lives can only get better and far far richer’. Everything Serge Benhayon teaches is for the good of mankind.

      2. I agree Ilja. Serge Benhayon lives this in a true way. I have come across many organisations in the past who have a will-to-good intention behind them but have not been truly serving or at least not to the level and simplicity that Serge Benhayon lives and reflects to us all. He shows that it is not just about serving others in full but also being full in oneself, the two must be in balance.

  300. It is always a topical discussion this one, in fact was having this exact conversation with some work colleagues just yesterday. We were talking about teeth and I mentioned they hold our karma, then the conversation moved quickly onto reincarnation, which I spoke a little more about. This one man did not really have a bar of it, using the phrase ‘well each unto their own’, I just replied, yes very true, we all have the free will to make our own choices in life, just leaving it at that. But what struck me was how quickly he jumped to defence and made it all about me, it was almost like he did feel something, but was wanting to make out that it was me who had these ‘beliefs’ that I was entitled to. It certainly does bring up a lot for people that’s for sure.

    1. Reincarnation certainly does bring up a lot, especially because it is the ultimate form of responsibility – no more blaming it on fate, bad luck, God or the universe, nowhere to turn but have a good look at our own personal choices and how they have shaped our life.

      1. This is what I observe with a lot of close friends, that they don’t want to take the responsibility for their own life, and rather blame others for it and standing there as a victim, what really is the choice against the own responsibility. Once taken the own life as a great way to grow within this divine order and universe, life becomes divine and joyful to be in, until the next round where we start a new life in a new body but from there where we have left in our last life.This is divine and so respectful and it comes back to our choice.

      2. I met some people who reject even the idea of us having choices let along re-incarnation. It is easier to say “Life is too short, we all die one day” and do whatever you want then to take responsibility, knowing that you are coming back to what you left. Maybe that’s why in countries with no reincarnation mentality people don’t have respect for life, planet, each other.

      3. I agree, Gabriele, reincarnation does bring up a lot for many people, and for so many, that is just too much, they no longer have the relief of blaming others for their situations, there is no more hiding from the fact that they have to take responsibility for themselves, all their choices and actions. But how freeing it is when we do begin to take responsibility. I spent years blaming my husband for much of the stress that I used to live under, but now realise just how responsible I was myself for how I was. Our life together could have been so much more joy-full if I had taken full responsibility for myself during all the years we were together. There is no point in beating myself up about this, but it is great to now understand how important it is for us to take full responsibility for ourselves and our choices. I feel that I will take that knowing with me into my next reincarnation, as well as the much more loving self that I have been building.

    2. With the amount of past lives we’ve had its no surprise it brings up so much for people. Thousands of years of not connecting to the truth is a big ouch for people and myself included.

    3. Oh yes that was a quick turn around, it seams like this responsibility thing does no one really like. Then there would be no one to blame for, than people have to see and face where they are really at within their bodies, their life, their relationships, their state of joy, and quality of life. ups.

  301. Your line, “because I was relying on outside information and not ever trusting of what I was feeling” is so true of many of the topics discussed by Serge Benhayon – reincarnation, love, religion, God, etc. In the past I looked around, read copious books, listened to talks, discussed with others, but was never satisfied with the answers to the ‘meaning of life’. I tried to form a concept in my mind of what these words meant, instead of feeling the truth in my body, because the truth was there all along.

    1. It gets quite confusing when we sort of shop around for answers and for the truth especially; everybody has an agenda and an opinion, research is frequently biased and it can be hard to tell ‘science’ from sponsored science. But once we realise that we have a sixth sense and that we can all feel what is true or not, things just start falling into place and we become our own confirmation.

      1. Very true Gabriele. It is in accepting that we can feel what is true and not true that we start to make sense of our world. Negating our sixth sense is like blindfolding ourselves and then tripping over all the obstacles in life.

      2. It is amazing how far we have run from this understanding which also connects with why we don’t take responsibility.

      3. I really like that statement Gabriele; But once we realise that we have a sixth sense and that we can all feel what is true or not, things just start falling into place and we become our own confirmation.

      4. I love this Gabriele, I would not have even known about our ‘sixth sense’ unless otherwise told by Serge Benhayon back in 2010. Since then, over time I have been doing the Sacred Esoteric Healing workshops and have come to recognise and fully accept that we do indeed have a six sense and this sixth sense is absolutely amazing. The abilities that we have when we stop connect and feel, truly surrender to our inner hear and allow ourselves to ‘be’ which means living without the motion, drive and achievement aspects of life .. we can celebrate so deeply the true qualities of our six senses.

      5. Yes, Gabriele, life becomes so much more simple when we start to feel the truth for ourselves. I used to buy every book that promised to give me the answers to why we are here on this earth. Now I buy and read very few books that are not by Serge Benhayon, I find that I have most of the answers there in his books and his presentations, and also now within my own self as I develop my sixth sense. I used to have shelves and shelves of books for most of my life. They now cover just a very few shelves now, just the growing number of Serge’s books, together with a few by aligned authors.

      6. It is crazy Richard when you put it like that ‘Negating our sixth sense is like blindfolding ourselves and then tripping over all the obstacles in life’ – that we don’t fully consider and explore this possibility of a sixth sense, means we are missing out on the truest guide and navigator we could possibily ever have, and its free for our choosing.

      7. Yes Gabriele , our innate knowing is there all the time , a constant flow of universal wisdom.

    2. It is fascinating that so many of us have overrode our own knowing and truth felt because we trusted outside sources and believed they had the answers even though we couldn’t connect with their theories. If we had all claimed it as a true knowing and not assumed others knew best we could have really shifted the consciousness of many ideals and beliefs around the topic of reincarnation.

      1. The really great thing about reincarnation is that we don’t have to believe in it, we come back regardless – ultimate love and justice.

      2. Yes it is one of those immutable universal laws that we cannot escape from even in our disbelief of such laws.

      3. Absolutely agree Tracy, and that’s true for so many things in life, not just reincarnation. It’s bizarre how it can be so easy to override “our own knowing and truth” in favour of the theories of more “authoritative” sources, even though, as you say, we cannot actually connect to the interpretation they proffer as truth.

    3. Carmin, I equally related to this line “because I was relying on outside information and not ever trusting of what I was feeling”, this has been a pattern my whole life. I would feel it, very clearly, if something was true, was it right for me etc, then would not back myself, act on what I was feeling, due to a variety of reasons. This a constant and evolving unfolding, to listen to my inner wisdom, trusting that, acting on that and not rely on outside information.

      1. I know what you mean – it can seem so easy to just cave in and go against what we truly feel, but we don’t do anybody any favours, not ourselves and not others. We might buy a bit of time or not rock the boat, but everything catches up with us in the long run.

      2. Raegan this is an over-ride pattern that I feel is very predominant in humanity.

  302. As you describe Gabriele, with reincarnation comes a very high level of responsibility. Everything what we say, do, not do – matters. The time for making excuses is over.

    1. Alexander1207 maybe this is why some people dismiss reincarnation because it allows them to continue to live without the responsibility that everything they do and say matters.

      1. I agree and would go so far as to say ‘avoid’ and outright ‘deny’ reincarnation (in the case of many institutionalised religions it would be against the church teachings to suggest reincarnation as even a possibility). I count myself as one who had been raised in the consciousness that reincarnation does not exist, and although many things didn’t make sense as a result, it was a very ingrained consciousness that I had also learnt not to question, and the traditional view of reincarnation and coming back as a cat, flower etc didn’t offer any confidence on this subject either. Serge Benhayon was the first person that talked about the responsibility of reincarnation and this is when everything started to make absolute sense and why I began to understand why so many avoid understanding reincarnation in its true form because it asks us to take responsibility for the way we are living.

      2. And I feel that this is where all the stories of coming back as a turtle or flower come from; a rejection of the deep responsibility that is a scientific fact of reincarnation. There is nothing woolly or fantastical about reincarnation.

      3. Yes they continue to live without responsibility that long until a illness or accident happens in their life, than many people start to get a other opinion and can see that there is more to life, than they had allowed to be.

      4. That is a great point Melinda, as denying reincarnation gives them the opportunity to continue and justify a life without taking responsibility.

    2. The universal laws surrounding reincarnation finally make perfect sense thanks to Universal Medicine. I never truly understood or knew the topic and blew it all off as I never connected with what was stated on the subject. Thanks to the presentations from Serge Benhayon I’ve learnt reincarmation is a law based on love and responsibility. Knowing what I now know gives me a sense of ease and purpose and helps me to understand my behaviours and patterns and why things tend to happen that don’t make sense. I love the idea of reincarnation and love feeling the truth of it in my body.

      1. It’s all very simple when we can feel the truth of something and leave the complexity of theories and mental constructs behind.

      2. The state of the world exposes that we have made things complex and mental and this has been a successful tool to disempower humanity. It’s great that people are now expressing truth and that people can feel this in their body.

      3. Totally agree Tracy! The Universal Laws surrounding reincarnation as presented by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon are to me, the only thing that have made absolute sense on this subject. I might squirm at times – simply in wanting to avoid my own responsibility (or irresponsibility as the case may be) in my various choices and experiences – but it still is the only thing that explains everyone and everything, and which I beginning to appreciate more and more is the divine nature and order of God and the Universe.

    3. ouch and there is such a truth in this ~ there is no more excuses because it is only those that make excuses that are still choosing to be irresponsible and with irresponsibility comes the inability to try and connect and be loving on a really deep and beautiful level.

      1. It is ironic Natasha because then we miss ourselves so deeply, when we don’t take responsibility and we yearn for love from the outside. Then this pattern gets repeated next time round.

    4. Absolutely agree, alexander1207, I feel such a high level of responsibility now that I understand how important it is to get my life on track during this lifetime. I am working on building a body of love, to the best of my ability before the time comes for me to pass over. As you say, everything we say, do, do not do, matters. I understand that the state that I am in when I pass over is the same as I will bring back into my next life, so who would not want to work on themselves during this life? I have had enough of living irresponsibly, it is just not worth it, it is so miserable. I have come to a point where I feel so joy-full, building a body of light, it is such fun. I want to be light and free, and be very loving in my next incarnation, able to help others to see there is another way to live.

    5. Absolutely agree with you, Katie, everything that happens to us is never by chance, yes, ‘it’s all an accumulation of choices’. I guess that is why so many of us are not willing to even consider the fact of reincarnation, once we understand it, then we have to take full responsibility for ourselves, can no longer look to others to blame for everything. That can be too much for many people unfortunately, who always blame someone or something else for their tribulations.

    6. Yes Alexander1207, hand in hand with the coming to terms with reincarnation is accepting the fact that absolutely everything matters – there is no on and off switch when it comes to responsibility, as much as we may like there to be.

    7. Yes Alexander every moment opens up a new opportunity for responsibility in our lives and it really comes down to one simple truth, our choice to choose love.

      1. That’s right Kelly, and responsibility can be felt and unfolded within and lived as a joyful thing, not a burden. Simply the responsibility to bring all of ourselves in full to every moment – to the best of our ability.

    8. How true Alexander. We are quick to make those excuses, but as you say, our time is up!

    9. that’s right Alexander, there is no room for excuses, as we begin to realise there are no excuses – as we have created everything we are now living – by our own choices.

  303. Life makes so much more sense when we consider reincarnation, especially the way it is presented by Serge Benhayon. Which is, however very challenging, as it asks us to be ultimately responsible for all our deeds and even our moves and thoughts.

    1. Challenging maybe, but ultimate responsibility for everything we do, say and think leads to the freedom we all hanker for, in one way or another.

  304. I have been interested about the topic of reincarnation for some time. My sister used to strongly believe in it and I was never sure, until I met Serge Benhayon and started attending the Universal Medicine workshops. It all makes sense the way Serge speaks about it and although it still scares me a little I am understanding the truth of it all now.

    1. I find what you say very interesting; the version where we just disappear into a sort of nothingness after death, never to be seen again, was always very scary to me and seemed like an incredible waste of any kind of progress or wisdom that might have been achieved in one life. Reincarnation as presented by the Ageless Wisdom and Universal Medicine via Serge Benhayon has been a true liberation for me and greatly contributed to getting rid of being fed up with life.

  305. Yes I too used to get frustrated with people saying its just one life and I will go screaming into my grave, and with that take no responsibility for my actions etc. How many people today live like that. Also that it is fine to go so hard on the body as they are not coming back, and impacting the world around them.
    We have an opportunity to plan our next life now so we return to a loving way of being.

  306. I always knew this all on earth couldn’t be only for this life so when Serge presented it as the law of love of God I knew this to be true. It is about living the responsibility of how we live now and it will go on, lovingly so till we get it and as you say Gabrielle no one can escape, that is really the funny thing about reincarnation. Don’t believe in it, well you will get another go to discover what it is all about.

    1. Yes I feel the same Annelies, this can’t be all there is! There has to be a point to the obstacles we are lovingly presented and the experiences we have throughout our life I now understand it makes perfect sense to be responsible in this life a loving opportunity to lay Loving foundations for the next.

  307. It defiantly undeniable to me that reincarnation is real. We all have those moments with people that you feel you could not have possible met them for the first time or the dynamics with family that expose that you may have been your brothers mother last time around rather than his sister, with the way you worry and take care of him.
    The true gem that Serge Benhayon brings on this subject is that there is no slacking off or easy way out. You can’t just take no responsibility and do whatever you like because you can just come back next life. Well you can but knowing that essentially there are no gaps between, there is no magical clean slat, what ever rubbish you create(way you live) you must then tidy up or walk through again. It makes sense, why wouldn’t we be responsible for what we create…It reminds me of when I was a kid I would make a big mess inside and I would try to argue that I didn’t want to clean it up my mother would say “Who do you think is going to clean it up?”
    It only makes sense that our choices are our responsibility.
    There is something really sobering about that concept for me, literally I went from drinking up a storm without a care to realising that I would have to come back a face this one day.

  308. I love the science of reincarnation. It is one subject that I wasted no time in accepting. It was as if I knew this so well, which of course I do, I’ve been doing this journey for quite some time!

  309. Reincarnation is the ultimate responsibility, rather than thinking oh well if we stuff it up this lifetime we get another chance, kind of attitude. Its more like, the way we live, we come back to next lifetime, so if we hold back love for example and live a measured life based on getting by and security, that’s the type of life we will come back to, to get another go at bringing more love.

  310. A lovely blog to read again Gabriele. When I just hear the word reincarnation it lights up my soul – if you can light up something that is ‘light’! Like you I had pondered on reincarnation before I met Serge. It made so much more sense than anything else I had been presented with – I could feel my life changing and if it just ended when I passed over it just didn’t make sense. What did make sense was that I would keep coming back until I had accepted that maybe the way I was living life was not one that was working – and that maybe this time it was an opportunity to choose differently. As I continue to embrace more the opportunities that I am offered – the more amazing my life becomes.

  311. I like your humour Gabrielle. It brings reality to earth. It is so solid and your writing has been the proof. Serge Benhayon indeed has introduced reincarnation from a true way this time around. He is the first one that spoke about reincarnation that did not made any ‘glamour’ out of it – just coming to responsibility. I love it, even though I could feel quiet tense… as I realised I wasn’t just living my life, this life, but I had lived many previous! Any way, since I am over those, I can feel this is my time to take responsibility and do it all over again. All the lessons are right in front of me, being presented in many many ways. I love it, even though sometimes I feel I don’t understand, then I just change my level of learning.. 🙂 True that. Thanks Gabrielle!

    1. Great summary and account of how what Serge Benhayon presents has changed and clarified your outlook on reincarnation. And we don’t even have to resort to past incarnations in order to know that what we haven’t resolved travels with us and gets presented to us again, just in a different setting – there just is no way to get away from it. And who would want to get away from it when it is presented as it truly is?

  312. I have always had a deep knowing about reincarnation and thus have never had a need to question it….. and now in my 50’s, I am increasingly aware that I am already preparing for my next life and the responsibility that comes with that really supports the choices I am making NOW – as the choices I am making now are creating the foundations of my next life; Choosing love, living love and sharing my love is a work in process…..

  313. Gabriele, I cracked up with your comment about how so many references to reincarnation are about people claiming they were Cleopatra or someone equally glamourous. I have to say, I reacted to that in my own life and, for a while, went around with a kind of inverted snobbery claiming that I had been “Irish peasantry.” Of course neither of these approaches work at all, and I agree that the Universal Medicine presentation of reincarnation being about truly rebalancing our past abuses and returning to our true state of Love, is the only way I have found that makes sense to me.

    1. I like the inverted snobbery – equally as crazy as its glamorous counterpart and definitely a new take on the normal nonsense about reincarnation for me.

  314. Reincarnation is not the punishment I used to believe it was. Not the “I can’t make a mistake or otherwise…..” It is the stupendous love from God to give us another go and to learn and grow. Serge Benhayon presentations on reincarnation make so much sense. Just like you wrote, Gabrielle, it makes you realize you already knew the truth about reincarnation inside.

    1. Yes, I feel I bought into that mental construct, too, Monika, of reincarnation being a punishment, being locked out of Heaven or similar, for some undefined reason. It turned out that the reason was my own purpose to return in my own time to Love: no one locked me out!

  315. Reincarnation makes so much sense to me. It explains an old familiar feeling that I have always had that I was here before and will be here again, that loves lives on and that death is not the end.

  316. I love that fact that whether you believe in reincarnation or not it doesn’t matter you are still coming back anyway. I always knew reincarnation was, how it is, even though I was brought up a Catholic. Like you it was more a feeling but Serge Benhayon has filled in the dots and made it all make sense.

  317. Amazing and lovely blog to read. Love Your honesty and feeling You writing it. It is so authentic and therefore so powerful. It is inspirational – reincarnation is a law of love wow. Thank You and with Love Nadine

  318. Hi Gabriele – I have always known there was something more to life than what meets the eye. It made no sense to me that you live and then die and never come back. When I met Serge and he explained reincarnation I just melted and felt how true his words were. It was as if someone had explained the key to life and given my all the smaller keys to unlock and do away with the old patterns and beliefs I was still running as a way to cope with life. Reincarnation is a return home to truth and love – something I will always commit to and something I absolutely know with no doubt at all comes to us all whether we choose to see it or not.

    1. Yes, that is one of the most startling factors – reincarnation happens whether we believe in it or not, just as the earth was always round and not flat.

  319. Reincarnation explained. It makes sense that we live in cycles and that life is also a cycle that we repeat. When you look at a newborn baby you can see a wisdom a depth in their eyes you know they have been here before, you can sometimes see the traits of the life lived before in them as well.

  320. I agree Gabirelle, the truth of reincarnation is far simpler and more profound in what we are offered than any interpretation of its role and purpose I had heard before Universal Medicine. I understand the cyclical nature of every aspect of life, so it makes sense that our lives would similarly fit this same cyclical form.

  321. Accepting the truth of reincarnation has allowed me to let go of the belief that this life is the ‘be all end all’. It has allowed me to make sense of where I am at, who I am and where I am going. It’s acceptance completes the answer to the big question: What’s the meaning of life?

    1. Yes, the truth of reincarnation is a great revelation when trying to understand the meaning of life, why we are here and why we are doing what we are doing – the good, the bad and the ugly.

  322. Gabriele what this highlights to me is the enormous lack of responsibility and an arrogant one at that we live in, myself included. I can’t help but feeling how we go around playing a game pretending we don’t know what’s going on, but if truth be told, we don’t want to see the mess we are in and our lack of responsibility – because we created it in the first place.

    1. I agree – reincarnation in its truth brings home the enormous responsibility we all have individually and as a one humanity and not everybody is willing to face that (yet).

  323. Like with God I always had an inkling that reincarnation in some form must be true because the lack of such a thing in life simply didn’t make sense, nor did the idea of no God or the types of God and reincarnation talked about. But never did I openly share this with anyone as it seemed that everyone else was only interested in their version of both topics. After hearing what Serge Benhayon has presented on reincarnation it makes the subject more enjoyable and now after reading this blog I can see how it can be used in everyday life as well. Because if I experience a moment of confirmation, feeling in my body that I am love which lately has come in the form of my body standing more solid, steady and warm. I can take that and say “great! that is now something that will be with me in the next cycle”So when situations arise like they did this morning where I felt completely off centre I reminded myself of what is already within me in this cycle. It’s like a reminder that no matter what comes up, as you say Gabriele wiping off the bumps and bruises that we have accumulated over time, we do have the experience of meeting these unloving situations with the love that we are because we have done it before.

    1. That is a great confirmation of the fact that we take everything around with us as we do cycle after cycle after cycle – the bumps and bruises but also, and quite logically, the strength, love and power that we already are.

  324. Gabriele, I love what you’ve expressed here. Just now I’ve come to understand that I’ve loved the idea of reincarnation but now truly have been living what that means. And rather than take my old pattern of dismissing it as too large or overwhelming I’ve stopped and got that how I live each day, each moment takes care of it all. I’ve recognised that God really is in the details, and taking care of them is taking care of the larger picture, my day to day rhythm is the foundation of my life now and my lives to come. What a gift.

    1. Yes, as you flesh out these details I can see that reincarnation is a bit like coming home from work in the evening – whatever I chose in the morning, whether I left my space in disarray or in a loving and supportive order, awaits me on my return. Looked at it this way, reincarnation is but the macrocosm of this and many other microcosms that repeat daily, if not from moment to moment.

      1. Yes it’s so simple Gabriele, we came back to what we left, be that our daily work or our lives, I love that image, it’s makes it so simple. And the love that says no matter what you will have an opportunity to address what you didn’t address and be presented with it constantly until you do. It’s like an ever patient parent providing the space for us to learn to walk, encouraging but always letting us fall over and find our way while knowing all along without a doubt that we will walk. That is the love we all come from and the space it’s prepared to give us to find our way back to it.

      2. I completely agree with your analogy, Gabriele, with the sole caveat that it’s not just if the house is tidy and “looking good,” but also the quality of the energy one was in when they got it to look so tidy ;).
        I’ve been finding that it is that part which is often overlooked.

  325. Growing up we never talked about reincarnation but a lot of discussions on life after death, so I could never get around how come you were born and then never came back but stayed in the after life – it just didn’t make sense to me. Serge Benhayon has taken the mystery out of reincarnation and explains it in a very practical sensible way.

  326. My whole body did a little dance when I read this line today: “He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that.”.

  327. Your blog was a joy to read Gabriele and your sharing that reincarnation, coming back is an act of love, an opportunity for us to not necessarily have a better life but to have a life that has more love.

  328. I was first introduced to reincarnation by my grand-mother. But the reason why it happened was not given, so in my mind it was just a never ending cycle devoid of meaning that I parked away in my brain. Universal Medicine teachings are so matter of fact that reincarnation, when re-introduced in my life, made complete sense because it was felt in my body rather than analysed in my head.

    1. Yes, and that makes all the difference in my experience. Once something is felt in the body, there is no going back, it is what it is and it doesn’t need analysing.

  329. I’ve always had a sense that reincarnation was a truth of life, even as a child I felt this. But it wasn’t until I heard Serge Benhayon talk about reincarnation that I fully felt the responsibility for what I do and how I live and how that not only affects my in this life, it leaves an imprint to return to next time. That is responsibility!

  330. Reincarnation is a law of love. Love that line. Somehow I always had the feeling there was more to life. It became very clear and apparent to me when I was very depressed. I wanted to step out of life. Just a cry for: I can’t take this life anymore. The woman I was seeing back then asked me, if I believed in reincarnation. I said Yes. I just knew there was more to this life, always had. By saying Yes, I connected back to my responsibility. It just didn’t want to leave stuff for the next life e.g. moment. So that’s when I decided to take responsibility of the now, the situation I was in. A turning point for me. And not so much because I believed in Reincarnation. More so because I have a responsibility for my life now. That is love.

    1. Thank you for sharing that – I also found that reconnecting to the truth of reincarnation is a great support when faced with depression and a general feeling of wanting to give up. Reincarnation just makes sense and it takes us away from the narrowness and confines of one life, one birth, one death, good bye and that was it.

  331. I simply love it Gabriele and I love coming back to it. What an awesome ride to follow your words, so much humour.

  332. Beautifully shared Gabriele- thank you. I love how you expressed your understanding of what Serge Benhayon has presented – ‘He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that.’ This feel so true. What an empowering foundation to live from. Where the awareness that being responsibility for the choices we make in the past and now has an effect on the life we live for ourselves and with others in the future. That we are in fact living our future right now though the choices we make.

  333. “Reincarnation as an expression of divine love”, it is such a great opportunity for us all to take responsibility and live in a way that is loving and respectful to ourselves and others as this definitely will come back to us and determine the quality of our next life, it is something well worth investing in.

    1. True Francisco for when we are open to reincarnation we can feel that everything we learn is an ongoing investment that builds our quality not only year after year but life after life.

  334. What I love about your blog Gabriele, is that as I read it I felt myself let go of a hard way I have been thinking about myself recently . I felt that there is a grander sweep to the patterns I face in myself as a human being, and that it is essential to be more tender and understanding with myself and consequently with others.
    What struck me was your line about learning, but not having to learn about reincarnation. The sensible approach of Serge Benhayon re-awakens a memory…not necessarily of other incarnations, but of the fact that we have been here for a long time and that the issues we have are very very familiar, and old. And so too is our true essence. Yes, Gabriele, just like we live on a sphere, that was always a sphere, the real us has always been here – just waiting for us to re-turn to it.

    1. There is great tenderness in your reply, thank you for the confirmation.

    2. Feeling the loveliness in your reply here Rachel. ” I felt that there is a grander sweep to the patterns I face in myself as a human being, and that it is essential to be more tender and understanding with myself and consequently with others.” I can feel the loving responsibility in this, thank you.

  335. Gabriele, I love your sense of humour in your writing! Coming back as a poodle – now that is crack up addition to the usual line of things to come back as! And so true that you can’t have 100 people all having been the same famous person in a past life! You have busted some beliefs with your simple words and have paved the way for a real understanding of re-incarnation! Thank you!

  336. Dear Gabriele, I too always new reincarnation to be true also. As a girl I felt ancient and older than my parents at times. The coming back as some other form of animal also didn’t sit well with me either. When I was presented the science of reincarnation by Serge Benjayon at a Universal Medicine workshop it made so much sense and I knew that every thing made sense as the divine plan it most definitely is. We return to the love that we are.

  337. Reincarnation just makes sense of that strong knowing that we have. It makes sense of that instant connection we have with some people or otherwise. It also makes sense to be responsible for our choices here and now. Reincarnation presents us with excellent reasons for responsibility.

  338. Great blog Gabriele. I can understand why you had such reservations against reincarnation and God years ago. Serge Benhayon presents a very simple and real truth about reincarnation and it being about self responsibility to learn what we need to as needed.

  339. Thanks Gabriele, your blog made me ponder on how I have perceived reincarnation throughout the years. I can say that I knew it to be true but never had connected to it in its truth as has been presented to me by Serge Benhayon. It is the level of responsibility I am astutely more aware of in my choices that will feed me back my return. It is no wonder reincarnation has been basterdised!

  340. I love the science of reincarnation. It just makes so much sense to me and it is a very loving way to approach life.

    1. Yes, I love how Gabriele brings it to an opportunity to be more and more loving with ourselves and each other.

  341. For the longest time I was not open to Reincarnation – it never made sense, but now I am definitely starting to feel that it’s true. There are certain periods in history that resonate and feel so familiar to me that it can only be because I was present at that time. There is so much more to human life than we currently see. I find it fascinating.

  342. I enjoyed reading this blog and the last paragraph made me laugh 🙂 as I can feel the truth in it (and I would have denied recognising this truth in my church going days..)
    Thanks Gabriele Conrad for saying it so;
    “And the funny thing is of course that all the time, while I was waging my own private war against reincarnation – I was still coming back; in fact, hello – I was already back: just like the earth had never changed into a flat disc or swapped the going-around-in-circles-bit with the Sun, no matter how fervently it had otherwise been decreed.”

    1. Yes, the laws of the universe don’t change just because we haven’t caught up with them yet; they stay the same, lovingly and unalterably so until we get around to claiming it for ourselves.

      1. I love this Gabriele and Joost, it’s like we rage at the sun for shining and still it shines no matter how much we might wish it otherwise or what techniques we might try to ignore it (vampires and living in caves here come to mind!) – so it is with reincarnation, we come back and each and every time we’re offered an opportunity to be more love. Only now am I truly beginning to embrace that gift.

  343. The science of reincarnation supports me in deepening my connection with the Soul. In every moment and every lifetime I get the chance to have another go… What an opportunity. What a gift. I love this honest blog. It’s all about Divine Recycling 💞

  344. Gabriele I love your dry sense of humour in the way that you write, it’s very funny ! I have no doubt what so ever that we each reincarnate in the same energetic state that we left the last life in. My goodness how life would be revolutionized if we all knew (well deep down we actually do) that we reincarnated and that nothing was left behind other than our possessions and our poodles. What great care would we take with everything knowing that everything came back to us in one way or another. We would realize that every action, every comment and even every thought was our responsibility.

    1. Yes, I agree – it is the ultimate responsibility. No more copping out, no more “I don’t know or I don’t care what happens after”, because we come back as a subsequent generation of human beings to face what we have left behind.

      1. Wow…”we come back as a subsequent generation of human beings to face what we have left behind”. That statement leaves no-where to hide does it??? No-one to ‘blame’ but ourselves really….and the trick is then not get overwhelmed by that fact and to actually go, it stops with me….right here, right now….that is quite empowering and very real and also very possible – thanks to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  345. Thanks for your blog Gabriele. It made me realize just how loving the process of reincarnation truly is, “..reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am..”

    1. I love this Peter. It’s also true for me in my every daily cycle and gives me the feeling of being held, cared for and loved in every detail of my daily life and the greater purpose it holds to return me to all that I truly am.

  346. Yes when I heard Serge present on reincarnation it totally changed my idea of what happens after we die. I was brought up a Christian so I though that when you die you go to Heaven or Hell but the way that reincarnation was so clearly explained in a way that makes absolute sense… I cannot deny that, that is the truth.

    1. It is very different when you can feel the truth of something (in this case reincarnation) rather than having to believe in something in the absence of its truth.

      1. Yes I agree Gabriele Conrad. Believing something and knowing something to be true are two very different feelings. The first we draw into us and the second we draw out. ✨

      2. This is so true Gabriele, it is something innately known and felt, as you say, I have always known it, even as a child and it makes sense to me.
        Its like if I go off to work without making my bed and leaving a pile of clothes all over it. When I come back in the evening I have to tidy the mess I left and make the bed in order to lie in it again and have a cosy and supported sleep. Its my bed and no one else can or should do it for me. It is my responsibility. Whether we come back or not, why not live in such a way now that the bed is lovingly made and the room prepared so that it is a gorgeous space to come back to.

      3. Yes Gabriele, totally and utterly different. Belief is something that we do in the absence of feeling what is true.

  347. Since attending Universal Medicine events I too have changed my relationship with reincarnation. It has given me a greater sense of responsibility for how I live now and the effect I have on a world to which I will be returning.

    So do I want to come back to the earth full of landfill sites or could I make the effort to recycle more of my rubbish this time around?

    1. This is the same for me in that my relationship with reincarnation has totally changed since attending Universal Medicine events. I had been raised in a traditional religion where reincarnation was an outright no-no. I remember wondering why we were here for one life and one life only, and could not understand why certain things happened to certain people, but at the time believed as I was taught that it was all ‘God’s will’. However everything started to make total sense when I was willing and honest enough to see and accept the part responsibility plays in our choices and how the way we live in this life establishes what we create for ourselves in the next. It wasn’t rocket science, it wasn’t conspiracy and it wasn’t hype. It was simply honest truth and makes absolute sense.

  348. I too always knew reincarnation was true, but the finer details of the concept never made sense until now. Honoring the feeling of knowing, feeling it to be true in my body I can see has been with me through my life, but just not trusting it enough as I am learning to do now – trusting this feeling, even if everything around me is telling me otherwise, is a great realisation.

  349. Yeah, the concept, or rather fact, that everything happens in cycles, like the moon and the sun orbiting, the days, the weeks, the months and years coming back around, the seasons repeating over and over. It just makes so much sense that we too will be back again to repeat life and based on how we lived it this time will be the foundation for where we take off the next time. I am still a bit confused about the ever expanding population though.

    1. Elodie, I’m not sure how the population thing works, but trust that it too has its peaks and cycles, and that there is a responsibility for humanity in there somewhere. As a child I was terrified of the eternity aspect of death, and my mum eased my fears by describing how flower bulbs bloomed, died and bloomed again the following year. As I garden, I know that if I want my flowers to be strong, healthy and beautiful each year, I have to treat them well, right soil (foundation), right food and water, and proper rest. A bit like us really.

      1. The cycle of rebirth is so simple to see and understand in nature, when you can see a cycle through from birth, death to rebirth. I’ve watched this rose here at home suffer from being moved, getting diseased and looking very weak, but with some consistent love and attention from the gardener; the roots have strengthened and this year it came back into full bloom – much like the many before and after pictures I see of people who have attended the Universal Medicine workshops!

  350. I love your humour and candour Gabriele with what has been a very misleading topic in the past. I felt reincarnation to be true but not until I too heard Serge Benhayon present on reincarnation did I feel confirmed in what I felt. I also did not like the glamour that came with conversations of who one might have been in a past life as it seemed irrelevant. This life has always seemed the most important one as this is what I am living now however understanding and feeling into lives past helps me see where I may have slipped up and lost my way and gives me a deeper understanding of patterns that I keep repeating that do not feel are from this life. There is also a quality I emanate that transcends this life and feels as if it has been lived in many lives in service which is a joy to reconnect to and know in truth that I never lost my way, I was simply delaying what in my heart I have always known to be true and allowed myself to be distracted by the bright lights of illusion.

    1. I agree, it is very liberating and confirming when the truth of reincarnation is presented so truthfully, clearly and lovingly as provided by Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom.

  351. This quote popped out at me as I felt there was something very valuable held within it: “I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it.” I have had this experience in all areas of my life, through commiting to honour how I feel more consistently in my day. Through this consistency I have become aware that ‘somehow I had already known it’, as in I have a strong awareness and connection with love that has always been there and the only reason that I suffered in the past was because I had stepped away from it. This awareness brings another quality; it brings a ‘knowing’ of the purpose of life. As you say, “reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am’. I can feel this within my life and I can see how choosing to live with love can alter the patterns and cycles that we live within. This has been my experience.

    1. Yes, choosing to live from and with love is the game changer here and everything then falls into place and – no more mysteries.

  352. Great article Gabriele. I loved what you said about reincarnation being an incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop – how gorgeous is that… and what a blessing.

  353. “reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am” – hard to imagine a more powerful sentence! The acceptance of re-incarnation has been the biggest game-changer in my life. It re-defines responsibility and purpose, whilst at the same time dissolving time.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly – reincarnation as presented by the Ageless Wisdom and Serge Benhayon changed my whole life around, it was what I had been missing without knowing it so.

  354. Loved your lightheartedness Gabriele in how you express what reincarnation means to you.
    I was very confused about it because of my catholic upbringing.
    Only until meeting Serge Benhayon did the word reincarnation feel right and make sense, from his explanation.
    To know that the quality we choose to live in this life follows onto our next life makes self responsibility very important.

  355. Loved coming back to your blog again Gabriele, and your light-heartedness around the beliefs of re-incarnation. It always seemed to me like there were so many takes on it, but no one could fully make sense of it until I met Serge Benhayon and attended Universal Medicine presentations. I knew we came back to learn things but using the word ‘responsibility” takes it to a much deeper level, there is no opportunity to blame others for the life we choose now and the life we will come back to. Everything we do and say in this life not only affects this life but our next re-incarnation. Responsibility has been the key word for me in understanding the cycle of life and death.

    1. Yes, responsibility is huge and it can’t be avoided or circumnavigated, sooner or later we all have to face it.

      1. So true Gabriele – that what we leave behind is exactly what we come back to. No different to leaving a mess behind when we leave the house. Upon our return – there it is. Conversely if we lovingly tend to things before we leave then that is there to greet us.

  356. What is the science fiction? Is it the existence of reincarnation? Or is it the lives we are living on Earth so far away from the glory of where we truly come from?

    1. The bad dream or the science fiction as you put it has to be the way we think life is to be and then live it; it is also a self-inflicted and unnatural creation that is further entrenched by the bandied about and somewhat menacing word ‘normal’.

    2. YES!! Brilliant comment. Which is the science fiction? I’m imagining the film pitch meeting with the studio executives in heaven (there are NO studio executives in heaven!!). A writer comes in to pitch their film – a science fiction film – and proceeds to describe life on earth. The meeting is cut short because it’s far too extreme, far too far away from what they know to be the truth. I can imagine one of them saying “the best science fiction must maintain some kind of relationship with the truth so that the audience can still relate – your film is a million miles from any truth.” The writer doesn’t get the backing. That said, the best science fiction (in my opinion) is when the audience or reader is taken on one, and only one, big step, after that and from that, everything else makes sense. Which is in fact exactly what has happened on earth. We have taken one big step away from ourselves, from our truth, a separation from our essence…after that everything else makes sense.

      1. Absolutely awesome – once that first step away from truth has been taken, all the ensuing madness seemingly makes sense in a wicked kind of logic, as long as this madness (the so-called normal) is tethered to that first step away only and NOT to what it was that we stepped away from.

      2. Ottobathurst I so enjoyed reading your analogy. You are so right it was just that 1 step that has brought to us all of our stuff. That step away from our essence. I wonder what those film directors in heaven would say, if we presented to them that we have finally found that love is the way to live. I can see puzzled looks on their faces, with their reply being. What do you mean you found love? You have always been love, how is it you have just found it?

  357. Thank you Gabrielle. I have always felt that reincarnation was true, but never really understood the hugeness of what it is. Conversations about the subject never felt quite right either. I love this line that you have written…”reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that” This makes so much sense as does what Serge Benhayon presents also.

  358. Gabriele I love hearing your journey with re-discovering reincarnation. I find it so interesting to hear how other people have come to their understanding of reincarnation. What I found interesting for myself is when you spoke about how you always knew reincarnation to be true. I get this feeling for myself also, as I can never think of a time where I felt it wasn’t true this life, even though I had very different ‘religious beliefs’ to what I have now. To me now, reincarnation is definitely a fact of life and I love exploring how this plays out in day to day life for both myself and everyone around me. There is so much learning to be had!

    1. Once reincarnation is presented in its simplicity and vastness, it makes perfect sense, there is no other way.

  359. I really enjoyed reading your blog Gabrielle. Throughout my life there have been many times when I have felt so OLD, ancient, and it was this feeling in my body that was telling me something that I knew at a very deep level, but I wasn’t able to understand the divine and beautiful plan of reincarnation until I heard it presented by Serge Benhayon. It just makes sense.

  360. Gabriele, I totally love your style ! It’s fun to read and makes sense. All those versions of reincarnation……. I had a time about 8 years ago where I seriously considered suicide, hoping that next time I would be better equipped to deal with life. Then Serge smashed that illusion by saying that I would come back the same and with even more to deal with. Ouch. Now I understand how it works, and I am so grateful to have woken up to the opportunity to expand in love, joy, harmony and truth in this life.

    1. Yes, I learnt that from Serge Benhayon as well, suicide does not work. We come back in the same state plus having to deal with everything we have inflicted on others by taking our own life; and this makes sense to me, why would it be any other way?

  361. I agree, the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon in its simplicity and unfathomable depth makes sense and confirms everything we have always known deep inside but have allowed to be overshadowed and clobbered by the mundane and ‘normal’.

  362. I love this blog Gabriele, had to laugh so much about all this poodle and Jesus reincarnation. I grew up with the knowing of reincarnation, but never understood how it worked and it felt like I had no say in it. So I decided to wait till death and imagined to find out by then. What a revelation was the simplicity to reincarnation I got to understand by the presentations of Serge Benhayon, even though it took me a while to fully grasp it. It is so empowering to know that we are in charge of our life and that the responsibility of our present and future lives lays within our way of living now. Very awesome.

    1. Rachel, I think what you say here is great. “I knew reincarnation…decided to wait till death and imagined to find out by then.” I think that this is so true for so many. We have a strong sense that there is something else, more, a bigger picture – but the vast majority live their lives without taking any of the responsibility that comes with the truth of reincarnation. It is like they know it deep down but aren’t prepared to step up and make the changes to their lives that they would have to, should they fully embrace everything that comes with a lived acceptance of reincarnation.

    1. It feels to me that reincarnation is the ultimate form of responsibility – it leaves no room for blame. After all, we might have been instrumental in creating situations and conditions we complain about today, thinking they happened on someone else’s watch; and even if we hadn’t been instrumental, by not speaking up we still condoned what was never right and submitted to what was never true. There really is no way out, it is the ultimate leveller and supreme justice. Justice in the sense that we get many opportunities, over and over again, to address and redress what we turned a blind eye to or even supported in the past.

      1. Agree 100%. And would add that reincarnation is also the most joyously empowering thing to accept into your livingness. If accepted, it brings you all of you into an absolute presence.

    2. Most of my life I never thought about reincarnation, I assumed you were born one day and dead another day, the end. My attitude towards life was we are only here for a short time so let’s make it a good time, but my idea of a good time was filled with self abuse. I know now as I feel it strongly that this is how I have chosen to live for many many lives. I am grateful to now know that reincarnation is a fact and how we choose to live now dictates how we are going to live later.

  363. I love the way you wrote this Gabriele, it is so funny. Indeed, everyone was Cleopatra once! I love the serious part, too. Thank you for the reminder; “He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that. What goes around comes around, quite literally!”

  364. ‘What goes around comes around, quite literally’, it can not be any other way. To take responsibility for how we are in our cycles make for the coming around to be not a complete shock or surprise.

  365. Gabrielle I was chuckling at the many ways we choose to not truly accept our own responsibility in coming back. It never made sense to me that we would come back as ants or butterflies and I definitely had a sense of coming back – for when things got rough I used to say its fine the next one will be better. Not realizing until I also heard Serge Benhayon’s presentations on re-incarnation that things don’t change unless I take responsibility for all of my choices.

  366. Reincarnation is not an escape from this life but is a way of taking true responsibility for the life we are living now. Beautiful blog.

  367. Reincarnation is indeed something very beautiful, it is the loving way of continuing building the love that we already are. An opportunity to come back to who we truly are, each live we have the responsibility to work on ourselves and make a supporting space to come back in and continue learning.

  368. Reading this blog made me reflect on what understanding I used to have of reincarnation which was similar to what you share Gabriele, and how far I have come in developing a truer understanding. I always had a sense of the interconnectedness of our lives, past and present, but the information that was around me lacked sense. What I have come to understand is that, as you share, “talking about reincarnation as taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then and only then leads to me taking responsibility for the next round (reincarnation) and me and my life then which leads to the next round”.

  369. Gabriele, your blog and the dry humour in it made me laugh – thanks a lot.

  370. Having the truth of reincarnation re-presented to me (because, yes I already knew it) by Serge Benhayon has changed my life in every single way, crook and cranny. And even though I haven’t fully understood or embodied the full depth of the truth, the absolute knowing that it is a truth is a rock on which my life is now built and it is an ever present influence on my choices, in this life.

  371. Thank you Gabriele, I also am aware now of the responsibility we take in this life will have it’s affect on a next life. And how it is important to focus on this life to live all of who you are.

    1. It makes sense, doesn’t it – responsibility and being all we are need to come from somewhere, from a foundation we have already built, and no better way than to start now and make what we know is true a lived and tangible reality .

  372. Great topic Gabriele, I was a firm believer in reincarnation before I’d ever heard of Serge and Universal Medicine but Serge made it more real so to me it’s now a fact and not a firm belief

    1. Yes, who needs beliefs when you just know? Know with every fibre of your body that something is true because it feels true in the body.

    2. Kevmchardy – love how you have differentiated between a ‘fact’ and a ‘firm belief’. Ace. It’s so fascinating reading your comment because I could actually feel how wobbly a ‘firm belief’ is – and it’s exactly the same for me when I use that exact expression. We use those words, when actually there is nothing firm about it at all. In fact the foundations on which it is built are nothing more than quick sand. But the way you claim ‘fact’ – that is totally different.

      1. Yes, I agree and great point you make here. The only firm thing about a firm belief is the fact that we firmly wish to believe in something. But there is nothing other than that to prop it up.

      2. Otto (and Kevin before you), I really love how both of you have outted a firm belief for the falseness it is, thank you. I can feel that this knowing will support me greatly. Letting the fact that what I feel from my body be the truth that it is.

      1. Me too Gabriele, you are a very amazing, funny and beautiful woman, and hold great power with the pen or, in this time round, the keypad.

  373. Reincarnatuon is something that reassonates with me and I am aware that how I live in this life will effect my next life.

  374. Thanks Gabrielle, I can very much relate to what you say here… I always knew reincarnation was true without really ever thinking about it, just somewhere in my bones (as I would have expressed it then), but whenever I heard the ‘come back as a grasshopper’ type versions, just couldn’t connect to it. Hearing Serge Benhayon speak of it many years ago was the first time it woke something up in me that finally made real sense… actually it made so much that I hadn’t before made sense about life.

  375. Gabrielle, I recognise when you say I have always known reincarnation to be true but it was surrounded by so much new age stuff that I never bothered to really feel what reincarnation is about. Serge Benhayon and his teachings have made me connect back to who I am and where I am from and in that reincarnation is a very logical part of our live(s) on Earth and our returning to the divinity we are originally from.

  376. “But it is stupendous, that much I know for sure while I now willingly and very consciously partake of this opportunity to go around in daily, monthly and yearly cycles as does the earth around the Sun, and knowingly and willingly undo, redo, file, polish, buff, smooth and wipe the lesions, bumps and warts I keep running into and tripping over.” – I love the way you put this Gabriele.

  377. I cannot but laugh out loud while reading this – so light hearted. I know what you mean about throwing the baby out with the bath water – I have reacted to a variety of things that are presented without truth – and thrown the whole thing out lock, stock and barrel. I didn’t ever quite do this with reincarnation completely – from young I would read about reincarnation and know we were coming back even though none of the descriptions felt quite right. As the years went on I too got irked by the multiple ‘Cleopatra’s’ and ones coming back as stones and similar… and it was only when Serge Benhayon first presented basically that reincarnation = responsibility for the energy I am in in this moment that it all ‘came back to me’ and made sense in full again. Holding my three new-born babies there was certainly no doubt this is not their first time here – there is a cycle that can be felt that they are coming back into – hence never treating kids as less than adults – but sharing great equalness.

    1. I love how you say Kate about never treating kids as less than adults – but sharing great equalness. Very wise words. I have often felt unsure on how to be around children, even though I had two of my own. I realised this was because I needed them to like me. To feel inside my love and innate knowing, holding me so tenderly and truly accepting of me, there is no need for this to come from an other. Leaving me free to lovingly enjoy children again.

  378. Gabriele, thank you for sharing such a joyous blog on reincarnation. I have always felt the truth in reincarnation and that it really is another cycle in our life. That sounds pretty awesome to me.

  379. I had little understanding of reincarnation before the subject was presented by Serge Benhayon. I knew it was true, and I definitely knew I had been on this Earth before, but what I didn’t have a sense of was the responsibility I have in this and every life. If I ever had thought I could wipe the slate clean for next life – I was seriously wrong! Every single thing I do matters, and affects every life I have had, am having and will have. Amazing wake-up for me.

  380. Reincarnation:like you Gabriele, I have heard about it throughout my life, but I had never felt any resonance in me because of how it was explained. I grew up in Germany with a Serbian background and had friends and school mates from varying cultural and religious backgrounds. I had a view of the different religions, and what they explained, on a daily basis. I was not pulled to any of them as a truth for me. I even did not feel really connected to the Serbian religion (Christianity), maybe because my parents told me that it is not important what religion one has but what is inside the person.
    But I knew for sure there is a God and He is the same for us all. And I knew from deep within that it does not make sense that He shall choose who can live happily and who not. So, when I heard the teaching about reincarnation presented by Serge Benhayon, I could feel the truth in it, because it resonated in me. And I was not at any mercy of any God, but actually I was the one who ‘played the game through my choices’. I learned what responsibility in its true meaning is. And it explained so much the suffering I could see and, at times, that I also went through.
    Without reincarnation life makes no sense to me, and it is easy to give up on life when it is bad and thinking, ‘oh, I am glad when it is over.’ It’s not over; it just comes in the next round again to deal with it. So for me reincarnation is not a mystery – it is my daily responsibility and the choices I make, for me and for all.

  381. I love this honest and light-hearted blog around Reincarnation. I too had similar feelings around reincarnation, I believed in it but I was often confused by people’s version of it. When I finally heard Serge Benhayon present on Reincarnation, it made so much sense to me. If we take responsibility in this life and live with a certain quality – how this all contributes to the quality in our next life. Thank you Gabriele.

  382. Absolutely Gabrielle, reincarnation makes a lot of sense when viewed as an opportunity to refine our alignment and return to love.

  383. This is gorgeously written Gabrielle, love the fun you have had with it.
    As a child I knew I had been here before so it never felt like any big deal to me, though I understand what you say about the resistance to the common interpretations of reincarnation, I had that too as I got older, as they didn’t fit with what I felt. Now I feel the beauty and the responsibility of reincarnation. It is elegant, practical, amazing and such common sense. The way it is presented by Serge Benhayon always makes complete sense. Try as we might to avoid or dodge out of knowing that we come back, we do, time and time again. Might as well attempt as best we can to do it lovingly and well this time round because what we come back to IS what we leave behind.

    1. I agree Jeanette, Serge Benhayon definitely does a ‘different take on reincarnation’ and it does make sense for it is not complicated or confused by the glamour, illusion and ideals of soul mates and that life is made of fake fairytale happy ever afters but rather that life is all about living energetically responsibly and lovingly contributing to and inspiring the whole.

  384. Gabriele I loved the playful way you have written your blog on Reincarnation! Ever since reincarnation was brought to my attention, the possibility of it, I was all for it. I read many articles over the years and felt there was some proof that we did return. I too didn’t realise how important this is to our and humanities evolution until Serge Benhayon presented on the subject.

  385. I always felt reincarnation was the real deal; but until I heard Serge Benhayon’s presentations I did not realize the full depth of its importance in our evolution and the huge role that responsibility plays.

  386. The point I missed with reincarnation was responsibility. I would get annoyed with myself for doing, making choices when others appeared to be having a much better or comfortable time. Knowing very well that it was not true but it bugged me. Others work ethic or lack of financial and personal responsibility irritated me because it appeared they had more time to do whatever they pleased.
    Knowing that all I do now and this life is leading to my next life has changed what used to annoy me to really seeing what is going on. It makes sense to me that when people think they can get away with ill choices because they have the time to get them out of the trouble they got themselves into is not true. The big picture is that this present life comes with the responsibility of the next life and this can’t be escaped. This fact creates a situation of us all being equal. Rich or poor this life we are all responsible for the way we live this life leading into the next.

  387. What a great subject Gabriele and I love your sharing of how your understanding of reincarnation has evolved. For me it always made sense that we needed to have reincarnation – looking at one single life for everybody just did not make any sense to me. But how Serge Benhayon presented on reincarnation has brought a much deeper clarity how it all works and how the quality we choose to live this life will impact on the quality we will be born with next time round. We are forever evolving and growing – to be more of who we are – heading back to where we originally have come from; going round in circles and learning how to “undo, redo, file, polish, buff, smooth and wipe the lesions, bumps and warts I keep running into and tripping over”. Thank you Gabriele.

  388. Dear Gabriele,
    I love your honesty about how you used to be with reincarnation. I too always knew that it was real, as I have had deep feelings of other lives. However I used to think that those lives were better and grander than what I was living at the moment, never once seeing that they were with me now in this life, influencing how I was actually living now. Hearing Serge Benhayon’s take on reincarnation, I now understand that those lives also held within in them many of the same way of living that I was doing this life. Through what Serge presents I have come to understand that each life is there, giving us opportunity to return to and live our love. Our next life has the quality of how we have lived this life. This makes so much sense to me. It is not about getting to our next life to escape this one. It is about living the quality of love now as doing so then guarantees this next time around. As you say the responsibility is for me to live lovingly, joyfully and honestly now.

  389. As I come from a christian background. reincarnation did not exist for me. My childhood experience however told me differently. So I constantly felt in a conflict. Serge Benhayon confirmed what I felt as child, that we have past life’s. He gave us the revelation in bringing harmony into our present life we prepare our next life being more harmonious as well. Hearing this was very healing for me.

  390. I always felt there was more than this one life but as you, did not know exactly what this meant. I felt how pointless only to have one life – why would we be here for that? Over the years, I have realised how I live my life now, will determine what I come back to in the next one and so on and so on, around and around we all go, even if we don’t believe it. The presentations by Serge Benhayon have clarified what it really means to take responsibility totally in how we live and how this will affect what we come back to in the next life. For me, it has been about deep healing through my body in ways I would not have ever imagined. This has been painful and at times I have wanted to give up when the going got so tough I did not know how I would get through. I have been supported in so many ways by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine practitioners and this has helped me see how much I can clear from this and all the lives where I have lived in total disregard of myself and others. As my body heals and releases, so too do the old patterns that have held me for so long. Amazing, is all I can say and such a blessing to be able to clear and heal so much this time around.

  391. Thank you, Gabriele. This is an honest account that I feel many could relate to. I always knew reincarnation existed but it wasn’t until I heard Serge Benhayon speak of it that I knew what the truth of it was. It makes so much sense that the quality we die in is also the quality we reincarnate in. For me, this brings about a level of responsibility that is not often spoken of and I feel it is one of the most important and essential parts of reincarnation.

  392. What a level of responsibility your writing is asking of us, in the subject of coming back again to another lifetime, thank you Gabriele for your honest reflections. You have inspired me to have a deeper look at my daily actions, and how much do I bring the amazing loving tender man I am to all these acts.

  393. Thank you Gabriele for your article on reincarnation. I must admit I always felt confused and didn’t like the idea of coming back as a bug of any description, but Serge Benhayon has given me an understanding that the life I live now will have an impact on the next life and the next.

    1. Coming back as a cockroach or some other kind of bug is just one of the many distractions and lies we are fed to keep us away from what we truly are, obscure the truth of reincarnation and make it superficially unpalatable.

  394. I really enjoyed the lightheartedness you bring to the subject of reincarnation Gabriele. I have always felt the truth in the continuum of life although I had never really considered the way we are living now is creating our future lives and we don’t actually wipe the slate clean and start again when we pass over. I have a fuller understanding now of how reincarnation works, thanks to Serge Benhayons presentations. We are continually evolving and love is our guide.

  395. Indeed Gabriele, bringing reincarnation into our lives brings with it responsibility. We can look at life like this is only our one life and therefore things that we do matter little. When there is the concept that we will be coming back, and forever so until such time as it is no longer needed, the responsibility to leave this planet in an order we would like to come back to is right there in front of our face. This can seem overwhelming given the state of our planet currently. For me it’s as simple as making loving choices every moment of every day – this is a work in progress but something I am committed to absolutely.

    1. Indeed Amelia, knowing that I will be back is a huge responsibility – I cannot just shrug my shoulders and go like “let the next generation take care of this” because eventually I will be the next generation. And I will come back to the energetic imprints I left behind. This also places the importance on the quality I lead my life in as all the worldly achievements (money, accolades, prestige) will stay behind and won’t necessarily be there next time.

      1. Even down to the nitty gritty of how i handle my waste, recycling or landfill, realising all will be there to greet me next time around brings a greater responsibility.

    2. I feel the responsibility, but also a huge inspiration that the ‘seeds’ we plant in this life will flourish for us all in the future.

    3. Spot on Amelia, it was only until I met Serge Benhayon that I understood what reincarnation is all about and how it brings that level of responsibility for us all to live in a way that will determine the quality of our next life, ouch! Not many people like to hear that as it is easier to live in comfort of existence and not taking responsibility for what’s not working.

    4. Me too Amelia, it’s a joy for me now to know that I will return to bring greater love then next time round, and the next and the next, and then next and so on. With each building on the previous cycle of life. Life then becomes a passage of Grace and Glory, instead of the misery of our loveless choices.

  396. We get a bigger picture when we look at reincarnation. We never end learning and evolving, and can take our responsibility and our opportunity there, every new day.

  397. I love the notion that reincarnation is an expression of divine love, an opportunity to be more joyous, loving and harmonious. And within this is the gentle reminder that all our choices and actions are our responsibilty. Thank-you Gabriele.

  398. I too have always felt reincarnation to be true. We know that when someone dies something leaves with them; some sort of inextinguishable essence – we certainly know the body lying there is ‘not them’. Scientists have even weighed the bodies of people just prior to and after death, and they are discernibly lighter after death. So where does this extra weight, this ‘something’, then go? It must go somewhere and it must do something, even if it is to only ‘hang out’ with other somethings. Or, might it decide to return to physical form once more? Either way, there is some sort of existence after death.

  399. I have always felt a deep knowing that reincarnation is a fact. But I gave little thought to the logistics of who becomes what in the next life. However I have definitely used the idea of reincarnation as a way out and as you described I have thought “next time will be better, easier” and also usually always thought I could choose to be a free, peaceful animal.

    After listening to Serge Benhayon I knew his words to be true words, that reincarnation is an opportunity to balance previous choices and learn to make loving choices meaning we have less karma to clear in the next life. After understanding the true purpose of reincarnation I realised my ideas of coming back as a free, peaceful animal were actually me not wanting to take responsibility for my actions and instead escape, looking for the ‘easy’ route of no responsibility, which does not exist. I now enjoy taking responsibility for my choices and I feel I have MANY past choices to re-balance in this life and future lives.

  400. Thank you Gabriele for your considerations about reincarnation. I can relate to what you wrote about the time before I met Serge Benhayon and that the reincarnation theories did not make sense to me. The way Serge presents reincarnation is making sense and I can feel the truth of it that in fact that reincarnation is a law of love that helps us to return to who we innately are. And indeed, as you describe so playful, we can deny the existence of reincarnation while we live in these cycles over and aver again. That is true love, we do not have to believe in it in order to be part of it.

  401. Gabriele, I was kind of into re-incarnation and was pretty comfy with an ‘idea’ that i was once a dolphin (I really like swimming!) and coming back as an eagle (you know coz they are cool). Enter Serge Benhayon and it just makes sense that it is about responsibility in this life – not about other creatures. I love the conclusion “And the funny thing is of course that all the time …. – I was still coming back; in fact, hello – I was already back:”
    Self responsibility and loving choices – not so tough and not left to chance. As humans we are such funny creatures.

  402. My back ground is Christian and while in this place I could never understand the shocking unfairness of the world. I used to argue with my Christian friends about those saved and those not saved because they did not turn to Christ… I would say but you have been born into Christian families it is easy for you to take this road, but what if you were born into families who were not Christian or had been persecuted by the Christians…are they all lost because they won’t believe what is so easy for you to believe? I couldn’t understand accidents and why good people and innocent children were brutalised by crazy people. Why loving women (myself being one) seemed to attract disastrous relationships. Why some people were born into beautiful families and why others were not. I remember looking at all the little babies in the nursery in the hospital when each of my children were born and thinking that this will be the only time things will look the same for them…when they leave here each of them goes on to experience a different life to the others. Life was clearly all about luck and chance, or more likely ‘bad luck’ and ‘no chance’ That is of course until I managed to put my Christian beliefs to one side and examine the idea that reincarnation might be true. Suddenly it wasn’t fate, luck or chance. It wasn’t about life being unfair but the opposite. It was a loving way back for every human being equally valued no matter what they had done, who they had been or where they were now. Suddenly no more despair but the opportunity for true equality for all regardless of their current station in life.

    1. I love your observations about the babies in the hospital nursery, going out into their different lives – some seemingly to lives of seeming ease, others to lives of cruelty. Without a sensible understanding of reincarnation none of this makes sense. It is makes life feel random, cruel and as though it is out of our hands to have any real impact on events at all. We place ourselves in a state of victimhood, pitched against life. Even when we are going well, in such a random setting there is a fear it could be stripped away at any time.
      Life becomes a constant battle against uncontrolled, unexpected events.
      Understand reincarnation and the whole emphasis of life shifts. The seeming randomness is exposed as not so random. Luck (good or bad) no longer calls the shots. Responsibility is no longer an attempt to control overwhelming circumstances that push and pull us at its whim – in fact we are equal to life, and there are consequences to our actions and our inaction.
      All of the events that take place show us that there are aspects of ourselves that we need to look at, address, heal in a sensible, gracious cycle.

  403. I never really considered how reincarnation could be used as the ultimate form of procrastination! Oh, the arrogance in that.. “oh well, better luck next time. Wait…you mean reincarnation is about NOW?! And taking responsibility?!” No wonder we have been so resistant! I love how you express it as an opportunity to “knowingly and willingly undo, redo, file, polish, buff, smooth and wipe the lesions, bumps and warts I keep running into and tripping over.” What’s to resist in that? So much Divinity on offer all coming from within, not a poodle, cockroach or vengeful God in sight. Love it! Thank you Gabriele.

  404. I had heard about re-incarnation as a child from my father and I also had a knowing of something much bigger at play than just living one life. I too had some weird concepts of re-incarnation as I explored different new age books etc. What Serge Benhayon presents on re-incarnation makes sense as does everything he presents. I had never considered that taking responsibility in this life was the key to returning with that same energy next time around. No more sitting around, wishful thinking, and waiting for it all to just happen. I now have a choice to return to who I truly am.

  405. This makes so much sense Gabriele. I was always squirmy about reincarnation for the same reasons. It sounded ridiculous to me. Serge Benhayon presented reincarnation as responsibility and cycle. That made more sense. That actually makes complete sense to me. I agree with everything you have written here!

  406. I first heard about reincarnation from my grand mother. Although it was not talked about in my family it felt right to me but I never encountered the concept again until I attended Universal Medicine workshops. I fully accept that what goes around comes around.

  407. I often wondered where what I understand actually came from … when I think of this in terms of reincarnation and revisiting past choices I consider that all the great and true things that I have lived are also coming around again and again too as a support – and not only the ‘bad karma’ that needs re-imprinting.

  408. I have always felt reincarnation was a given and was slightly puzzled that this was not the same for those I grew up with. It seemed a very logical and simple concept to me. I never had the full answer though of how it worked or why it was as it was. But through the presentations of Serge Benhayon it became very clear to me and as you say so well Gabrielle, reincarnation is an expression of divine love, giving us endless opportunities to learn and unfold back to who we truly are.

  409. Reincarnation is a bit like one day leading into the next, really enjoyed your blog Gabrielle.

  410. Thank you Gabriele. I, too, felt the quackery around reincarnation until I attended Universal presentations (someone told me I had been a snake in a past life – I did some reacting to that comment!). Serge Benhayon’s take on reincarnation made sense but gosh, did that mean I had to take responsibility for this life, the ones before and the ones after? I have to say, like you, that it had me squirming in my seat, and sometimes I still squirm specifically when I have abdicated responsibility: a process in progress!

  411. Gabriele your post is so wonderful and light hearted yet serious on the issue of reincarnation. I agree a life being carelessly lived on the proviso that we come back again to experience a ‘different or better life’ only gives licence to the abdication of responsibility of the current life. The truth as you share, is that we come back to the same quality as what we left that last life in. So all the more reason and motivation to be as responsible as we can in this current life then. And your words sum it up beautifully… “that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am”.

  412. I came to a point in my mid forties where I realised that reincarnation made sense. I was beginning to make changes in the way I lived my life and so I began to wonder where I would end up. It just seemed to follow on from there that the only thing that made sense was reincarnation. I may not have used the word but there was a knowing that this was not the end. It was so confirming when I heard Serge Benhayon speak about reincarnation – as I already knew that what he was presenting was the truth about life and all that I had pondered on for so long.

  413. I suppose it is a matter of time (however long that may be!) for everyone to realise (or feel) we all reincarnate. As written by Gabriele, the most important truth is “taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then and only then leads to me taking responsibility for the next round”. Thank you Gabriele for writing this.

  414. After hearing Serge Benhayon talk about reincarnation it just makes sense and I have known it to be true but never claimed it. I now know it to be true and it makes so much sense.

  415. Yes Gabriele I always had a sense that reincarnation was true and have met people that I don’t know – but do, or places I had not been too but felt I had. Serge Benhayons presentations made it clear to me and made absolute sense of what I had been feeling “that reincarnatioin is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am …..”

  416. Thank you Gabriele for the simple revelation that reincarnation is a very loving way for us to learn responsibility for every thought and action or activity that flows through our human frame. It’s not about having a go at playing different roles through different lives. Only in Hollywood do you get to be; Cleopatra, Jesus, Gandhi or the bad guy, Adolf and we all have an idea that the movies are a fantasy and a way of life that never asks you to be responsible for the way we live or present as a loving human being.

  417. I love your writing – most particularly your honesty, Gabriele. Serge Benhayon’s presentations on reincarnation have confirmed something I’ve always deeply known to be true, yet there has indeed also been some ‘squirming in my seat’ at times in regards to this subject. For Serge has presented the whole truth of reincarnation – that basically, via this most deeply loving process that we are all held in, we cannot escape the ramifications of our choices and our actions.
    For me, it is an ever-deepening process to accept responsibility for all that I am and all that I do… and how potent within one’s own self-exploration, and understanding of humanity, to allow the truth of reincarnation to settle into one’s being – bit by bit as we are ready to truly understand and live in a way of absolute responsibility for our thoughts, actions and words.

  418. Thank you for sharing your how you came to remember what you already knew Gabriele. Reincarnation simply makes sense to me too. It’s absurd to consider how we may have all been here before, yet we greet each other as strangers meeting for the first time. Accepting and embracing the fact that I feel re-incarnation is true has meant I’ve started to see everyone I meet as a brother or sister, from some life time or other…”Hi, it is lovely to see you again :-)”.

  419. I love the way you write Gabriele, clear and no nonsense, and I can feel everything you say. What I have learnt through Universal Medicine is that whether we believe in re-incarnation or not we are coming back, and so to me it would make sense to make this life a life I would want to come back to. From how I started this life I know I have not done this, and this is because I have not wanted to take responsibility for everything I have done and the knock-on affect this has had. This time ’round with the support of Universal Medicine I am learning that taking responsibility for me and who I am is fundamental in changing this life and the many to come.

  420. Well explained Gabriele. I haven’t really put much thought or consideration about reincarnation or religion before attending a Universal Medicine event. Reincarnation makes sense as sometimes things feel so familiar that they are older then this lifetime. It gives us a great responsibility for ourselves and something to come back to as well. Nothing feels meaningless either, as with what Serge Benhayon has presented for you and it all counts.

  421. Yes Gabriele, you’ve said it all! I too have known reincarnation to be a fact, it made sense to me that we must be accountable to our choices. For me, it was the only way of making sense of all the suffering and pain in this world; the starving people, homelessness, disability and birth defects, children dying from cancer so young – how could this all be if we only get one chance at this?! Reincarnation makes sense and Serge Benhayon is forever expanding my understanding of this.

  422. I have always known reincarnation to be true. When I first heard Serge Benhayon present on the truth behind this science it was a beautiful affirming of a truth I had always known.

    Many accounts of reincarnation make it sound so convoluted and fear inspiring. My understanding of it now is that it is actually beautifully simple and something which is very much within our control. We can choose the life we will come back to by the level of responsibility we are prepared to take in this life and the level of love with which we treat ourselves and one another.

  423. I also have felt that reincarnation was true but in the past tended to glamorise the concept. It really made sense when I heard Serge Benhayon talk about the subject at a Universal Medicine workshop I attended. It has made a big impression on me as I often stop to consider choices in terms of what I want to create for my next life.

  424. I have always felt that reincarnation is a fact. However as you have shared with us here Gabriele, Serge Benhayon has brought the deeper understanding to it for me also…. ‘reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet’
    In every moment I am blessed with this opportunity to return to my true essence.

  425. I can relate to this blog, having always had a strong sense of having lived before. It’s really great to see articles like this are being made open for all to read.

  426. It really is the ultimate form of responsibility – coming back to all that you left behind.

    1. That is so true, Ben – and also just a little disturbing when I think of what I thought I had put behind me forever and it’s actually already waiting there ahead of me!

    2. So true Ben and the fact that we come back to face what we left behind is most likely the main reason many prefer to think that reincarnation is not true.

  427. I love what you present here Gabriele, as this has indeed been my experience of reincarnation prior to meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal medicine. I too had always known deep within that reincarnation just made sense, of course we came back, there could be no other way. As you have written though, it was the introduction of us truly taking responsibility in the present, that the quality of the way we live now, will in fact impact on the next life. It feels like this addition to my understanding (while still developing) brings another quality to the way in which I choose to live.

  428. I really enjoyed reading your blog Gabriele, and I loved your playful humour that shows us how we have been held back with an incomplete understanding. I remember that I had thoughts about living former lives when I was young, but they were not confirmed as a deep knowing until I was presented with the Ageless Wisdom by Serge Benhayon.
    I no longer feel apprehensive about growing old and death, as I am living now in harmony with rhythms and cycles to prepare for the next time around, knowing how I live affects everyone else.

  429. Love to read this blog this morning Gabriele…it was easy to read and follow as reincaration is a biggie…Two words jumped out at me; ‘at present’. For example, when we talk about reincarnation, the talk is usually based around past lives, do past lives exist or not… then to read the simple explanation from Serge who speaks of responsiblity in ‘this life’, and learning to love more in this life:

    ‘Serge talks about reincarnation as taking responsibility for me and my life at present which then and only then leads to me taking responsibility for the next round (reincarnation) and me and my life then which leads to the next round… you get the picture. He talked about reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that. What goes around comes around, quite literally!’

    Makes so much sense and feels very practical too!

  430. This is so very interesting Gabriele – I recall myself growing up and wanting to get to the end of life quickly in full awareness that I was coming back – but not the awareness that I had made choices that had got me into this life in the first place! Responsibility & learning to love me for who I am is developing a different foundation for which I can move from this life into the next.

  431. I too have always felt reincarnation to be possible although it was not my religion’s teachings. All I can say is that it feels right to be responsible for how we live now, it is something you just know and from there you just trust your knowing.

  432. While I had delved into reincarnation long before I met Serge Benhayon and it always felt like a known truth in my body, I never quite got the whole picture. Although I was convinced that I would come back again, I still held a fear of death and dying. Since hearing Serge present what feels like the full picture – that reincarnation is a law of love, which allows me to return to what I truly am – I no longer fear passing over and will welcome it as a glorious opportunity to come back “to learn and develop, be more loving myself, live more fully, joyously and consciously – and build on that”. Yes indeed Gabriele, I know for certain that “What goes around comes around” – bring it on!

    1. Like you Anne, I had also delved into reincarnation well before I met Serge Benhayon, and come to accept that happened, but did not have any understanding of how that might be. I don’t think I ever thought I could come back as a cockroach, but probably did not think very deeply about it otherwise. The Way that Serge has presented reincarnation, over the past 8 years since I met him, was one that completely made sense. For many years I have had no fear of death, I have felt in my body, that there was nothing to fear there. But Serge has presented it all in a way that just completely makes sense. And the big thing is that once one realises what reincarnation is all about, there is such an amazing realisation of the huge responsibility we all have to really look at this very very deeply. It shows us that the WAY that we live is what has to be really looked at. I am here to learn how to live on this earth soulfully. We return again and again so we can learn more each time around, and hopefully put into practice what we have learned. As you say, Anne, “What goes around comes around”- bring it on!

  433. Like Rosemary, I never had a problem with reincarnation. There were ways that I felt as a little girl that seemed to be ancient as time itself. Certain people have felt deeply familiar to me, as we were old friends even on a first meeting.
    Certain belief systems about reincarnation seemed impractical and unhelpful. The silliness of coming back as a bug never made much sense. Neither did the fact that someone could have a pretty cruddy life then magically come back to something spectacular, like lives are handed out as a reward for suffering.
    The 1000’s of Nephertitis and Cleopatras were off-putting too.
    When we just come back to the simplicity of life and an understanding of cycles within cycles, why would we not return?
    This understanding brings a new appreciation to life and rich meaning to responsibility.
    Thank you Gabriele, for writing about this topic so graciously and simply.

    1. I know that feeling – where you meet someone for the first time or even just in passing and the feeling of familiarity is absolutely unmistakable, and slightly unnerving if we discount reincarnation as an explanation.

  434. I never had a problem with reincarnation, as far back as I remember it always made sense to me as I felt there had to be more than just this one life, but it wasn’t until listening to Serge Benhayon speak on reincarnation that I came to understand it’s true significance. Along with the responsibility to make loving choices moment by moment comes a joy in knowing that these choices are changing your life and the lives of those around you in the present but are also creating that which will come next, how beautifully empowering is that?

  435. Reincarnation never made sense to me as – like for you – it was presented in ways that were just ridiculous and never felt right or complete.
    The way Serge Benhayon presents reincarnation made absolute sense for me from the beginning. I was quite stunned – as with most of his presentations – because before I always used to question everything and rarely found something that felt like a possibility let alone a truth. I still check things for myself before believing them, but with Serge Benhayons presentations there is this simplicity, honesty and clarity in what is presented, which makes so much sense and causes a feeling of relaxation in my body. It is like I had always known all of this and now there is someone reminding me of it.

  436. Loved what you have written here Gabriele and I giggled & chuckled my way through. I felt like you were writing for me….as I too knew that there had to more to just 1 life. Why do some places seem so so familiar, why do some people seem so, so familiar – why do some patterns of behaviour feel ancient, and why do some kids act a certain way from a very very young age when they don’t see that modelled – the list could go on.

    And all the other presentations about Reincarnation made me want to fall asleep or leave the room…( and I’ve met a few Cleopatras in my time as well 😉 ). But Serge’s presentation of reincarnation made perfect sense – so simple and no judgement involved – do something and there will be an effect – basic laws – and to take responsibility for your life NOW not next month, next week, next year, next life. Whilst I railed against it at first (and still do some days) my life has improved immeasurably since taking responsibility. Which will feed into my next life as well.

  437. This discussion has invited me to reflect on ‘reincarnation’ in my life. The moment I heard the word I felt that this is ‘true’ and all of what I felt without calling it ‘reincarnation’ about being on earth to experience, fitted. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has brought a depth to this that I had not experienced before. It is not only about coming back to grow what I am continuing in this lifetime but every moment is being repeated, everyday, every month etc and I can make powerful choices now to live out and come back with. Thank you Gabriele for making it all more real.

  438. Reincarnation is taking responsibility now of my life, to ensure the next round is smoother – which leads to taking responsibility for my reincarnation. It is as simple as that yet, we all have heard different stories, many of which have put many people off about reincarnation.

    1. ‘Taking responsibility for my reincarnation’…. wow, Amita, this line really stood out for me for the simplicity and sheer truth of it, and reminding me, there is no such thing as it being an accident where you were born or the parents you were born too. And that we create this life and the next life with every single choice we make in every single day we have.

  439. I never bought into the heaven /hell story and one life only and always felt that reincarnation was the truth . Even though it was quite confusing with all the rumour / weirdity of coming back as a insect or animal (that didn’t make sense).
    Definitely, responsibility of our choices, or free will, and its effect on clearing or stacking up karma, makes way for learning to live life more consciously and in harmony with oneself and others.

  440. I laughed when I read about your annoyance about how reincarnation had been presented to you prior to the understanding through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, because that was my stance too. Most of what was put forward as an explanation was frankly ludicrous and did not make sense. Now as I am learning about responsibility and how my choices, thoughts and actions impact every next moment for myself and for the all, and as I accept the love which allows me the grace to make mistakes and find my way back to the love that I am part of, realities such as reincarnation hold a totally new meaning and make complete sense.

  441. Reincarnation made sense to me, (in the most simple of understandings of what it truly means). From the time I started to take responsibility for myself I felt that being born, living a life with as much comfort as possible and not dying an unhealthy death couldn’t be the reason we are here. There is a huge universe around us and being born once and then ‘that’s it’ doesn’t match the amazingness of the universe. Like you Gabriele I’ll keep taking responsibility for my contribution this and every life time to come.

  442. Through the way Serge Benhayon presents reincarnation – I lost my fear of coming back again. Instead I feel joy and I embrace the possibility of spending more lives here with brothers and sisters in a loving way – as I live now!

  443. I always had the nagging sense that reincarnation was indeed a fact – however the get out of jail free variety that you write about here, Gabriele, was indeed a smoke and mirrors distraction from the enormity of the truth about the relationship between responsibility, karma and reincarnation. Now ask me again about the meaning of life …

  444. From young I felt reincanation was a fact – and looking into the wise old eyes of my newborn children brought the undeniable fact that this is not the first time they have been here. Even with this knowing, I feel I have only just begun to scratch the surface of supporting my tomorrow with the quality I choose rignt now. Reincarnation = responsibility/accountability – and for me – what am I building towards? I saw a hilarious cartoon recently that sums it all up for me – pictured is a settee with an old chap and a young boy sitting side by side. The speach bubble coming from the young boy said – “Yeah, well, I didn’t believe in reincarnation when I was your age either”.

    1. That’s hilarious Kate! But so interesting. I think it’s the responsibility factor that some don’t like to think about when it comes to reincarnation. That what they come back to is what they left. Possibly hoping that we can start from scratch with a clean slate OR that we die and that’s the end of it.
      What I’ve noticed is that when you start to live more lovingly, reincarnation is not so scary or a mystery, it’s simply what you make for yourself by how you are living now.

      1. It’s interesting too Rebekah, that I’m somehow okay on the whole with seeing the parts of life that feel like a not so great hangover from ways I have gone about ‘coping’ over perhaps many lives, but the amazing parts of life, like my incredible insightful children and the fact they chose me to parent them in this life, I tend not to appreciate as also being a result of the ways I have lived before. Responsibility and appreciation such key ingredients to life hey.

  445. Growing up, I never understood how people felt that by going to church every Sunday, that wiped the slate clean and allowed them to behave however they wanted all week!
    It makes perfect sense that we reap what we sow. However, I hadn’t considered the enormity of how my actions and words affect all those around me all of the time, including myself, until I listened to Serge Benhayon.

  446. Lovely Gabriele, like you most of what i heard about reincarnation did not make sense so I paid no attention to it. The way Serge Benhayon explained it made perfect sense of it, and as I observe people young and old his explanation is confirmed to me.
    We return to the energy we leave behind.
    God is not punishing us, it’s the way the natural law of the universe, what we have done comes back to us like gravity.

  447. What a brilliant summary of what I too have felt about reincarnation.
    My ‘Christian’ upbringing had me thinking that reincarnation was only for ‘the Son of God’
    I now realise that we are all the equal Sons of God. Interesting how a little play on words by the church can have millions of people separated from the truth

  448. Thanks for this Gabriele. It’s also great reading what others are saying about the subject. Growing up I’ve always been told that you only have one life. If you do good in life you go to heaven and if not you go to that ‘really hot place forever’. I have always had a feeling that I have lived a life before this one so surely that couldn’t be right. I recently asked a Universal Medicine student about reincarnation, she shared her understanding of it and it made sense to me. Thank God for the opportunity to relive and take responsibility.

  449. Thank you for sharing Gabrielle, ‘reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am’. By accepting reincarnation it gives me an understanding on why I am where I am today, along with helping me to take responsibility for all my choices. It is like we are given an infinite amount of chances to make loving choices and by doing so return back to who we truly are.

  450. This is a great read Gabrielle , thank you. I have always known about reincarnation. When I started to listened to the presentations of Serge Benhayon this brought truth to it. What he said made real sense. I am responsible for every choice and decision I make, this affects this life and the next, brings me more in connection to the love that I am or further away. Every moment is an opportunity for me to choose love.

  451. Reincarnation and the knowing of it changes everything and simply makes sense of life,
    great article Gabriele thank you.

  452. This was a powerful line in your article for me – “I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet.” This shows how we all are walking around with much more wisdom than we care to admit or appreciate, and are feeling the truth of things all the time. The whacky explanations of reincarnation being a random return to another life (whether as an ant or human) without any sense of evolving or responsibility never made sense to me, and Serge Benhayon sure filled in the missing blanks for me regarding the Truth that reincarnation and the life we live next is based on how much love we live and express in this life.

  453. A great article that has got me pondering…I appreciate how you write of Serge Benhayon suggesting that it is all part of the ‘Divine Plan’ and that we have the opportunity to learn in every moment. I also appreciated the way that you communicate how you felt you knew all of this before and that you are coming back to it.

  454. I have just heard a conversation where one person was reading a newspaper article to another about how more animals will become extinct like the dodo. The other person said to them, ‘yes… and so will we humans’. What I realised when overhearing this conversation, is that the vast majority of people in the world believe this; that there is honestly no true purpose in us being here. Which then brought me to another realisation, if this is the ill-conciousness that the majority of us have, then no wonder so many drugs, drink, abuse with food and tv is used and the general numbness in life – what is the point if there is no real purpose? If we do not have an awareness of this? Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of having articles in the newspaper about animals becoming extinct we had articles about reincarnation and our true purpose from someone who knew what they were talking about. Maybe then people could start to have a different perspective on life, break ill-consciousnesses that have been holding them and see their true purpose. That would be very inspiring.

  455. I, too, had always felt reincarnation was true but all the standard arguments for or against it did not make sense. Then when I heard Serge Benhayon present on reincarnation it was and is just common sense.

  456. What an awesome clearly expressed article about reincarnation, I love what you wrote there is such an honesty; and I loved reading “reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet.” Thank you. Reading your article I could really relate to what you are saying. I have always known and felt there is more to life than what we currently see and live, but like you, the stories and comments of reincarnation I used to hear would be very flippant. There was no true responsibility taken with it. From meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, apart from bringing a greater awareness to me regarding life, how we have lived, choices we make (and so much more, the list could go on), the key word that eventually came to me throughout all this is… Responsibility. To be responsible for how we live now knowing that, yes, this will affect our future (the next time we are here) – but not solely for that reason… more as a responsibility to all; humanity. Serge Benhayon has helped me to have a greater awareness and to remember the true meaning of the word reincarnation.

  457. “I learned and yet didn’t have to learn, because somehow I had always known it, that reincarnation is a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am, even if I have no full understanding of what exactly that might be yet”. Reincarnation simply brings integrity in our living forever.
    I love all that you have shared it feels amazing and powerful – thank you Gabriele.

  458. I can see why reincarnation never really made sense for you, nor me either Gabriele, but looking at “reincarnation as an expression of divine love, the incredibly loving opportunity to learn and develop” is a lovely way to take the negative connotation of ‘Karma’ away.

  459. What a great article and it is one thing that most people don’t talk about; so a much need topic to be started. I also had a very strong knowing that this one life on earth wasn’t it – there is a universe that we are apart of and we are very key to the whole. It was Serge Benhayon’s presentations that clarified and made the whole ‘unspoken’ topic of reincarnation to start to fall into place and make complete sense to me. Yes of course everything I do, say and feel has an impact on all those around me including myself. Taking full responsibility to the best of my ability and learning along the way will have an ultimate effect on the whole. Absolutely there is karma and what goes around comes around – and sometimes sooner than you would like to think.

  460. I loved reading this Gabriele, very much and the great simplicity and reality of what you say and how things seemed to be.
    The amazing gift we all have of reincarnation to take responsibility for ourselves and by that everyone else, is really beautiful when we can see this.
    A great insight presented to us by Serge Benhayon of what is living truth and what we all know inside but keep searching for. Thank you for sharing.

  461. Thank you Gabriele, I loved reading this and enjoyed your sense of humour immensely. Yes, it makes sense that reincarnation isn’t just a random happening of repeating one’s life but a gift to all of us so we can step by step undo all the things that keep us from whom we really are.

  462. In reading this I have realised that I am only comfortable talking about reincarnation with certain people. That I perceive that by holding it as a claimed truth for myself that I will be judged by others. Thanks for the insight and something to ponder.

  463. I too have always had a sense that reincarnation was the only theory that made any sense but could not relate to the versions of it that were on offer to me in the past. It is indeed beautiful to see it as a cycle of responsibility and an opportunity to have many goes (if necessary) at learning how to be more loving with ourselves and each other.

  464. This is a great blog Gabrielle. I had always been indifferent about the subject of reincarnation with, as you say, generally stating that someone was coming back as a slug or something similar. Serge Benhayon then presented reincarnation in a way that changed my view totally. For me, I had a reason to feel that reincarnation does happen and that reason is ‘Responsibility’. I feel reincarnation is the ultimate responsibility and to know my next life will be determined by how I live this life certainly got my attention.

  465. I too had a bit of a squirm to come back as a cockroach issue with reincarnation. But the way it is presented, through Universal Medicine, makes sense not to my mind and what I’ve heard before, but to my whole body. An ever evolving cycle that there is no point delaying. Though I know there are still areas of delay in me because it’s easier to think that I’m not the creator of my own mess, reading this article, and the responses is a loving reminder of a much bigger picture than just this life.

  466. Thank you Gabriele for writing so simply on reincarnation which helps to make this subject a normal part in the cycle of life on earth rather than a mystical something that only certain people ‘believe’ in. I too grew up with a sense of past lives. I knew reincarnation to be true but what I hadn’t grasped was ‘why?’ until I heard Serge Benhayon talk about it in a very matter of fact way and that taking responsibility for my past and present choices made sense as this will have an impact on my future lives.

  467. We can never escape the laws of reincarnation whether we like it or not, so as I was reading your blog Gabrielle, I really got the message, Why wait? Why wait for a hundred more lives before we make the decision to take take full responsibility for the life we live. I can feel how I can still avoid taking responsibility, it is more subtle these days but there are still areas where I choose to stay in the comfort of ignorance and arrogance of not knowing how much a thought or action will affect everyone around me. Thank you Gabrielle your blog is truly inspirational.

  468. Thank you Gabriele Conrad for a great blog and like you I was not content with all the things I was told that re-incarnation was, because they just did not make sense.
    Serge Benhayon presented re-incarnation to me and that made sense and it is without any doubt the ultimate Responsibility whether we want to align, subscribe or believe it or not – this is true and I can feel it.
    How I choose to live today and every single choice I make does and will have an affect when I re-incarnate so this is why it feels like I never wanted to really know and understand what it was in the past. I was living a very irresponsible lifestyle and thought I was getting away with it.

  469. Gabriele, I too shared your scepticism about this subject, often mentally filing
    it under the category of “mystical mumbo-jumbo”. However, the simple logic
    behind the ideas of UM, really explain it intelligently.

  470. I feel that I am choosing to deal with things in this life that I may have avoided for several life-times. I feel this will have an impact on my next life. This is happening because I am taking more responsibility in how I look after and care for myself and love and express myself. I don’t remember hearing that “reincarnation is a law of Love” before but that just so rings true and makes total sense. Thank you Gabriele.

  471. I think Serge Benhayon’s description of reincarnation is the most logical
    and plausible that I have ever heard. If we are constantly refining ourselves
    so that we become closer to the real us each time we reincarnate, does that
    mean that we can carry over certain things from one life to another?

    1. From my understanding, everything we do affects our next life. For example, if you do not drink or stop drinking alcohol in this life and renounce it within your body truly for you, in your next life you will come back not liking alcohol… so not drinking is enabling you to evolve further to who you truly are.

  472. The way Serge Benhayon described re-incarnation is different to anything I had heard before. The way you live in this life would logically be affected by how you were in your previous life and carried on in the patterns of your next life, as has been said, this is ultimate responsibility and not a freedom to do as you please as some seem to view the idea of re-incarnation.
    Re-incarnation to me explains how our actions and reactions seem much older than from the one lifetime and could only possibly have been formed by having lived before.

  473. A beautiful and easy to understand sharing on reincarnation, and the myths that surround it. Like Gabriele I always had an awareness of reincarnation. But only saw part of the picture, which was that my past lives had an effect on my current life. It is only since attending Universal Medicine presentations that I became aware, that how I live this life will have an effect on my future lives.

  474. Thank you Gabriele. A great reminder that reincarnation brings responsibility without judgment.

  475. Gabriele, your playfull touch makes light of reincarnation, a much bandied about subject-brilliant!, thank you.

  476. This is brilliant, I so enjoyed reading what you have written Gabriele. It makes such sense, and is so humorous. I too had also always known deep down that reincarnation was true, and yet I fought it, was afraid of it, and probably laughed at it. Gradually over time and after hearing Serge Benhayon speak about reincarnation I too simply just accepted what I had always known; it wasn’t a big deal at all, there was no decision to be made, no question of ‘did I or did I not believe in it?’.

  477. Like you I had always known reincarnation was true, felt it, just knew it. And to me it makes perfect sense. Ultimate responsibility!

  478. Thank you Gabriele, I love the journey you express from being in a stubborn place in reaction to what you could see was not true, and then the beautiful opening up you had once you heard something that did feel true, and then the dedication and the self responsibility which followed.

  479. So refreshing to hear you talk of reincarnation in this way. Without doubt I know that we come back again and again. This Law of Love you have described allows us all the opportunity to learn, how awesome is that! In these recent years with Universal Medicine I have come to the understanding of the enormous love that is in karma and reincarnation. We are given so many opportunities to get it right and through the presentations of Universal Medicine I have seen how my responsibility and how I am right here and now, affects my future and gives me the opportunity to re imprint the past. Now that’s what I call love!

  480. I like to consider the fact that we are likely to return in a different race, gender, location and culture, so there’s no point judging another person as you may have been exactly like them in a previous life.

    1. Oh absolutely Carmel, we know from our Heart that reincarnation is true so judgment becomes pointless.

  481. You’re right Gabriele, there is so much responsibility we need to take not just for the life that we are living now, but for the many more to come and even for lives before this one; taking responsibility for previous choices is just as important as making loving ones in the future.

  482. There was no religion in my family but I always new that re-incarnation was true, so when Serge Benhayon talked about it it was a relief and so confirming of what I had felt. I love the way you have written this Gabrielle very lighthearted, I love this line “and knowingly and willingly undo, redo, file, polish, buff, smooth and wipe the lesions, bumps and warts I keep running into and tripping over”. It is amazing how many times we can do this before we really feel what it is we need to change.

  483. This is so simple and presents beautiful points to ponder on, Gabriele. Kind of like the notion that there is no other Life except on Earth. Since I can remember, I had felt that there was more than just this one life, but I never really bought the common image of Heaven – pearly gates, formidable man standing there, clouds and mist etc.

    What I’ve been really connecting with lately is this fact that reincarnation is True Responsibility and that this true and absolute responsibility really is True Love, and nothing but love. It’s taken me a long time to accept that true responsibility is NOT being a sinner, paying a penance, or not being worthy because of the choices we make. That it is in fact the opposite of all those things and that we are always held in love!

  484. Loved reading this, I was also brought up with also different stories about reincarnation, none of it made sense. Though in my heart I knew reincarnation is an opportunity to come back and re live, but everything else was fuzzy, until I met Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. Once Serge Benhayon started sharing about reincarnation it all made sense, because I already knew it in body.

  485. “Blinding ignorance does mislead us. Oh! wretched mortals open your eyes!” Leonardo da Vinci.

  486. Thank you for sharing Gabriele. As a young child I could never shake the feeling that I had done this all before. It makes sense to me that we get more than one chance at life and that karma isn’t a punishment but a way of correcting things that we have done that were not about love. We are here to learn to be all of who we are. How I lived yesterday affects how I am today and how I live today sets me up for tomorrow. Why should it be any different when it comes to reincarnation?

  487. Really enjoyed your post on reincarnation Gabriele. Try as one might, there is no getting away from self responsibility. (By the way, I was Cleopatra… but don’t tell anyone).

      1. Oh, dear – the cat is out of the bag now. Have you noticed how I’ve kept the same figure (size 0) after all those aeons?

        Rod you are a star – I laughed out loud on and off for good few minutes.

  488. Gabriele, you bring some sense to reincarnation when you talk about it the way you do. So many of us were taught similar mis-truths, no wonder it is a subject that is not commonly understood.

  489. This is excellent Gabriele, thank you for being so honest and matter-a-fact about how you viewed reincarnation for a very long time. Thank you as well for then simply explaining how you feel about reincarnation after hearing about it from Serge Benhayon, “a law of love which allows me to return to what I truly am”. So I have choices and I make choices every day that either allow love or not. The choices either bring me closer to who I truly am or take me away from that. Nobody else makes my choices – the responsibility is all mine.

  490. Gabriele – I love this, it is very affirming, written with graceful and gentle humour, and feels so TRUE!!! It’s something I want to read and re-read over and over again, there is so much being said here for me/us to ponder upon. Thank you!

  491. Reincarnation means taking personal responsibility for all we do and accepting there are consequences that follow on. Feels like this is why lots of people don’t want to consider the possibility that it happens.

    1. Well said, Judy. Yes, you can see why people over the years have come up with more fantastical versions of re-incarnation or simply don’t want to go there – to avoid being held accountable. But Gabriele’s article expresses beautifully the grace of God’s love in not letting us get away with being less than we truly are, and how cool it is to be able to come back until we are fully polished up and pristine again.

    2. I agree Judy, the idea that everything in life is our own responsibility can be hard to take but how glorious to know you can prepare, by living lovingly now, in order to take that way of living with you into your next reincarnation.

    3. I really love how through this blog, you get that glimpse of appreciation for the sheer scale of true divinity. How through this expression from Gabriele, that I get a “crack in the doorway” feeling about the responsibility I carry in my living of this life. I used to practice Buddhism, not too religiously but just because some of the views made a lot more sense to me than other religions. But in truth, the one view that I definitely got was about reincarnation. I had an absolute feeling that we were each responsible for this life because of what would come around the next time. What I feel Serge has presented to me in addition to the truth on that subject, is also that I am a reflection of the lives I have lived before. When you pause to consider and appreciate that, I feel I find myself having a much greater appreciation and understanding for myself, my flaws, my imperfections and boosts my love for myself…because boy oh boy, must I have been on an adventure! No wonder I feel tired sometimes, 2000 years will do that to ya.

      1. Awesome Phil, and I, like Mary, was taken by – that “I am a reflection of the lives I have lived before”. Having that as one of your truths I can feel the deep wisdom and knowing that I can offer, and that I really do have a lot to offer to the world. As you say Phil, we are not perfect and are learning all the time, which is cool. I can’t help but want to live responsibly when it is so clear that what I have lived previously will be what I bring to all my relationships and life.

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