Bringing Simplicity to Life

by Fiona, Mells, Somerset, UK

One of the main focuses in my life is simplicity, whilst still being fully engaged and active in the world! Sometimes, when faced with multiple things to do, time limitations or even just new or personally challenging situations, it can be easy to slip into complication or worrying ‘mode’. I’ve found that taking a moment to re-assess how I can fulfill what’s truly needed in the simplest way possible can open up avenues that I hadn’t previously seen and change the quality in the way I get things done.

I often find that even just stopping to write down a list of everything that I need or would like to get done helps. This way I find it easier to prioritise what to do first, where to begin, and what could be moved to another day. And, I stop worrying about forgetting something because I have it written down to come back to later.

Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect with and support the people around me. It’s also a much more enjoyable way to be with myself whilst I go about my day!

At a time in my life where I felt quite lost I remember my mother passing to me something that her father used to say to her – ‘to keep things simple’. It helped me a lot at the time but then gradually I let things slip back into complication! Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine team reminded me in the most loving way that it is possible to bring simplicity to life, practically and consistently (but without perfection!), for which I am deeply appreciative. It wasn’t a theory that Serge shared with me, but his way of living as a true inspiration.

282 thoughts on “Bringing Simplicity to Life

  1. ‘Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect with and support the people around me’, is a powerful yet simple comment. It allows us to connect with each other, with out that other stuff that gets in the way.

    Serge Benhayon truly inspires us and as correctly said, ‘his way of living is a true inspiration’, because in that is the simplicity of it all. He reflects that there is another way to live, with no complications, that unnecessary thing/dramas which are not essential in our lives.

    Could we bring more simplicity to our lives, and live a more simple life? The answer is yes, if we are willing to make those choices. It is down to each and everyone of us to make that choice and the rest will take care of itself.

  2. Sometimes it is important to just stop and feel what is needed – the usual way of doing things or perhaps a different way, a way that is far more simple.

    1. That’s it, Henrietta. When we don’t have those stop moments it’s easy to fall into mechanical doing. But pause to feel what is needed at each time, not only helps us to prioritise, but allows us save lot of energy and really enjoy being part of what we do.

    2. I agree Henrietta, sometimes we have to stop and feel what is needed, and the answer is often so much simpler than the question itself…

  3. Thank you Fiona for the valuable reminder of how powerful simplicity can be in life. This is much needed I find in my life and the more I too learn to simplify things the more life seems to open up to me too.

  4. Serge Benhayon shares with everyone how he lives his life in such a way that we can also live that way too. It’s as simple as that.

  5. I love simplicity in my life, and I like to write things down, then I can refer back to the list, rather than try and remember things.

  6. Love makes life very simple. Everything flows more easily when I move through my day being loving with myself and others. No love is an endless array of complications!

  7. Reading this has given me a new and deeper understanding of ‘wanting people to get it,’ as this is complicated, as we have never stepped in their shoes, so keeping it simple is to reflect who we are in essence and then they can elect to simply adjust to what they feel, if they so choose, thus eliminating judgement.

      1. When we have given ourselves the space we realise that we also used to love going into complications as it made us feel like we could solve the problem and when we see others do this it is simple to see that we used to love the same thing, but now what I hate is the energy that I was aligned to that made life about achieving through complications.

  8. I’ve been feeling complication creeping in, and in this case I realise how important it is to reach out for support to find out what’s unsettling me, as complication feels at times like a tool to both not feel, and to not accept what’s on offer in my return to my soul.

    1. This is a wise choice, if we feel complication creeping in, and are unable to bring back the simplicity, then to seek support to find out what is unsettling us, so we can then choose to return to simplicity.

  9. What I am finding is if I hold onto a need to come up with an answer, I am more prone to going into complication. Accepting that it is ok to not have an answer or be uncertain helps me keep things simple.

  10. I was recently in a meeting; I was demonstrating something on a computer which was hooked up onto the monitor so that everyone could see. And I came across a problem with the software and I was bombarded with how to sort out the issue. I stayed focused on what I was doing and while everyone was debating their version of the corrective action I sort out the problem. By not getting caught up in the complications of other people’s views and holding steady I was simply able to make a correction and everything was working again. The collective mummer in the room was oh that was easy!

  11. I agree, keeping things simple is good advice. I know for me I can tend to look for and apply simplicity when life isn’t going well, instead of making simplicity my foundation and living this way.

  12. The opposite of simplicity, complication is an alarm bell to take heed of, it let’s us know things are not truthful and harmonious, so not flowing. Ignore it and life gets exhausting and tense. Be aware and then we can steer to simplicity and stay steady, confident. Simple.

  13. We get identified by complication that is why so many of us love things to be complicated. The more complicated the better I have heard some people say.

  14. Making a list works for me too, not as in a strict ‘to do list’ but simple a list to come back to as a way of reminder, to keep it simple for my mind. My mind can make it very very complicated while it is my body that knows simplicity.

  15. I love the pearl of wisdom that your mother shared with you, and how it still continues to inspire. Your mother is a wise woman.

  16. When people share from their body things that work they stay with us as imprints to come back to when we have tried all else. Keeping things simple is one of those truths.

  17. Yes when you can feel complication coming in it is a great marker one has left the natural connection with ourselves, which is clear and simple. The body loves simplicity.

  18. Complication has a way of making a simple situation long-winded and drawn out until someone comes along and says ‘Why don’t you do it this way’ or points out how simple something is and brings everything back into perspective.

  19. Simplicity – bring back the basics. A great blog to re-read today – thankyou Fiona. It seems all to easy to go into complication these days. KISS – keep things simple sweetheart – my new mantra to myself…..

  20. I agree if it is not simple then there is a big clue that something is not supportive, out of balance and potentially exhausting on some level. This works across the board in life, and it is great to be aware of it.

  21. It has been my experience that there is no end to even more simplicity. Just when I think I’ve got keeping it simple nailed, a whole new level of simplicity is revealed. Its a never ending development.

  22. Keeping things simple goes together with not trying to push ourselves to prove our worth. It goes with saying I am enough and don’t have to complicate or do more than is needed. I really love reminding myself of this.

    1. Thank you Lieke, this was supportive for me to read as well, the simplicity of starting with ourselves and making who we are our focus in life.

  23. What great blog to remind us how we can feel the joy and vitality to life if we bring it all back to the levels of simplicity we can all live when we take the drama and need for perfection out of the way.

    1. Interesting what you share here as we sell and buy stories that to live grand, in the sense of religion or wealth we need to make things ornate and complicated, and yet in truth to make things simple enables us to access true wisdom, connection and being with the universe and our divine origins.

  24. It’s really good to be reminded of simplicity! Complication and the subsequent stress it brings can sneak in quite easily. I have found through the work of Serge Benhayon that listening to and honouring the body brings a simplicity to life, as does making choices that feel self loving.

    1. The simple truth Melinda, and simplicity really does bring us alive and allows us to drop those things that seem so difficult and burdensome and see them in a different light.

  25. The more I choose to keep and make things simple, the more I love my life.. creating complication and drama is a great distraction that drains us and takes us off track and away from our purpose. Simplicity keeps things clear, light, and flowing with ease.

  26. Simplicity is a great thing. But, we have to differentiate when we use it as a management tool and when it is something that advances/initiates us. These are not equivalent regarding the choices to be made.

    1. Yes, I can see what you’re saying, I’d also add that when used in that way it’s not truly simplicity that we’re choosing, but a way of dismissing details that need attending to or avoiding the depth of understanding about a situation that we could otherwise be open to…

  27. It’s incredible when we start seeing the complication we can chose in our lives. I know for me I was blown away by how much I was actually bringing in. Life is not complicated at all when life is lived by the soul’s impulse.

  28. I can so relate to this. Mind is so good at making things appear much more bigger and complex than they really are. I may walk into a healing session full of ‘issues’ and start talking about it in the space held by the practitioner and I often run out of things to say and go ‘Was that it?’

    1. Yes our mind is great at making things complicated. Returning to my body and honouring what its telling me makes a huge difference to my day.

      1. Sue, I love the simplicity of what you present here for the body does just ask for the simplest of things whilst the mind can step in and attempt to make mountains out of molehills.

  29. Simplicity definitely supports us to prioritize our responsibilities wisely and with far more grace than when we allow complication to drive us.

  30. What-ever ways we can bring more Loving rhythms to our life, because they will always bring a simpler approach, which we can deeply appreciate.

  31. I love the first sentence of this wonderful blog, it feels great to focus on simplicity whilst still being fully engaged with the world as we go about our day to day. Its like keeping simplicity as a marker, so that when things do not feel simple, we simply back tract and expose where we allowed complication to creep in. What a great support for ourselves as we set the dial on our compass to: keeping things simple.

    1. Yes, this is a great pick up. It is NOT about not being in and part of the world and doing all we need to physically do. It is about seeing where we bring complication and looking at why we chose complication over simplicity. From experience, there is always a moment where we deviate from simplicity into complication and there are always opportunities to consider if there was another way that junction could have been approached.

  32. Having always allowed struggle and complication in my life ( which was draining on my kidney energy or life force), I do now prefer to keep things simple because in this simplicity more space opens up and our next steps unfold….

  33. Simplicity used to be so unfamiliar as complication has been my long term friend so to be aware of this pattern and to break it is a revelation to me and now I can smell complication a mile off and I stop to give myself a moment to chuckle.

  34. For me simplicity comes when I give myself space to feel a situation rather than mentally work something out. The mental mulling over always complicates what can occur simply when I feel into the situation.

    1. Exactly Leigh, in this mental working out I was going round in circles so to speak, but when I began to share and express my situation honestly with another, I could much better feel what was needed as in what I needed to change that would better support me.

    2. That’s a great momentum to build Doug; accepting simplicity so that it becomes your normal and a more loving choice! And we all have free will, which is our power to choose differently.

  35. Simplicity is *wonderful*! I absolutely love to look at a complicated and big edifice and to see the simplicity that is underlying all that complexity.

  36. I loved to read this simple but profound blog this morning. It will help me today to even bring more simplicity in my life, as in general we are told that life should be hard and difficult and I too have taken on this false belief at some stage in my life. But that life is difficult and hard I found is only true when we live disconnected from the source we are from, our essence inside that knows the simple answers to life as it is connected with such a grandness where everything is known about life, the Universe and about God.

  37. I find supporting myself helps me to keep things simple. For me having a list so I stay focused helps, and attending to all my needs before I begin working including ensuring the temperature of the room is right and I have a hot drink. Keeping things simple for me too is about feeling what is right for me to do and in what order, as my day is often a mix of physical chores and office work. Caring for myself first and as I work helps keep life very simple.

  38. Keeping things simple is plain sailing with our waters allowing us to be magnetically pulled to a point of service. And could it be when we are in complications or ruff waters we do not have space to look at our True issues?

  39. Life began to change dramatically when I finally realised that I was the master of complication. The next realisation was that life didn’t actually have to be so complicated, it was my choices that made it that way. It was like a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders and I was able to breathe easily again. It has taken a while to bring simplicity into how I live but when I am taking a detour back into complication it sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb.

    1. That is beautiful and so empowering as we then have the time and opportunity to be much more of ourselves.

  40. Keeping things simple always works and it is the answer to so many things in life. One step at a time is all we can do anyway.

  41. Very simple blog!!! Pun intended! Love the stop moment to map out what needs to be done and what to prioritise.

  42. The more I deepen my relationship with myself the more staggered I am by the shear amount complexity that we all tend to make life run by. Complexity offers us nothing more than identification and stuggle especially when viewed in light of the otherwise simple ways that can be taken.

    1. Simplicity is like a confirmation of all we are and allows us the space to just be and express our true soulful nature. Complication fills up that space and can often be very mentally focussed, a way to keep our minds engaged and perhaps even be emotionally reactive. Complication is certainly a way to keep ourselves busy and away from our true selves and our awareness.

  43. When I feel I am bringing complication that cause anxiety and stress I go for a walk with me and the next step and the next brings simplicity back into the choices I make.

  44. Great blog Fiona, simplicity is definitely key, because as soon as something is no longer simple and straightforward we bring in complication and that’s when we start to get anxious because we don’t know where to start.

  45. The thing about simplicity is that it’s just so darn… simple. It’s our addiction to complication that skews our understanding of simplicity, which we think of as ‘basic’ or unsophisticated. What a great disservice we are doing to the wisdom that is to be found in simplicity, and to ourselves in the process.

    1. It’s a great point Victoria, we can hold complexity and the mental activities that come with complexity as somehow clever, and see the wisdom of the body and the simplicity we can live from the body as lesser, if not dumb. How foolish cleverness is compared to the simplicity of living from the body and it’s truth.

  46. I find a complicated life is one that lends itself to living from the mind and is often exhausting not to mention stressful and bound to make you anxious. It is not so enjoyable. A simple life whilst it may seem “boring” is certainly not so as it lends itself to living from the body and hence is not so focused on distraction and drama but rather on the simple truths of life.

  47. I have found that simplicity is whatever supports me to honor my connection to my essence, allowing the space for me to bring my presence to wherever I am and whatever I am doing. And I am loving exploring how there is a flow to life already which intrinsically supports our connection, to love, we simply need to allow it to guide us.

  48. In order to bring more simplicity back into our lives we first have to renounce the drama and complexity we have invited our way in order to not live the absolute magnificence we are.

  49. It’s amazing what we have as ‘sayings’ in the world but we don’t apply them physically to ourselves. Like the saying, ‘keep it simple’, growing up it was like a mantra and yet I didn’t call on it when it was needed and in other words I didn’t live it strong enough for it to be there when it was needed. We react or reinterpret what these things mean as well and so some may say ‘I can’t do simple because I have so many things to do’. Seeing simple as meaning to do nothing and yet we can use simple everywhere. Like the article is saying simple could be just writing down what you need to do in a day or keeping a diary so you can see what is coming up and have reminders. As life gets more complicated it’s then time for us to move deeper into simplicity otherwise you will find yourself being washed away.

  50. For years others have often described me as laid back. I have just chosen not to get involved or sucked into another’s complications of poor or over planned actions. Simple allows us the freedom to make changes as needed. We are the ones that are at the helm of our ship, so why do insist on sailing into the storm?

  51. Simplicity is the language of the body when it is guiding our choices in life – complication arises in the mind from not being in flow with the body and it’s movements.

    1. Really well and very simply (!) said Rachael. The simplicity of the body is stunning.

  52. I like to write thing down as you describe, in order of their importance for the day, helping me prioritise what order is needed for that day, then I can focus on what I am doing.

  53. Taking a moment to feel and check in with my body is the simplest way to approach absolutely everything. Without this choice before the next step can default to a thought from the mind, and time and time again this turns out to lead down the path of complication – making something bigger etc. than what is truly called for. The body only offers what is simply true and needed

  54. I love simplicity and my intention is to bring more into my life, so love what you share here, ‘I’ve found that taking a moment to re-assess how I can fulfill what’s truly needed in the simplest way possible can open up avenues that I hadn’t previously seen and change the quality in the way I get things done.’

  55. Keeping things simple has a lot to do with completion for me, things get complicated when I delay working at tasks that ask for completion and start new things instead.

  56. I too am loving simplicity Fiona. Each day I’m enjoying finding ways to make things simpler. One thing I have recently embarked on is a house de-clutter, which is another way of living simply. It feels great to get rid of the excess, unused possessions that have been taking up space in our home.

  57. “I’ve found that taking a moment to re-assess how I can fulfill what’s truly needed in the simplest way possible can open up avenues that I hadn’t previously seen and change the quality in the way I get things done.” Beautiful wise words.

  58. When things get complicated I know that I have gone off track – it is a simple as that.

  59. It is so easy to go into over thinking something or building a story around what ever is happening and this just complicates everything – This is a very ‘simple’ reminder to keep things simple and by keeping things simple we have more love in our day.

  60. Reading this blog I can see that when life gets complicated it is with while stopping and considering the elements that need attention so that the whole returns to simplicity and a flow that supports everyone equally. Thank you for the inspiration.

  61. The simplest way to return to simplicity when we have slipped is to say oops, stop and change our course of movement. The complicated way is to ignore, to judge, to react to our choice to slip. Love is always very simple.

  62. In a world that seems to be getting more and more complicated simplicity is like a breath of fresh air.

    1. We could say that simplicity creates space and complexity shrinks it by way of filling it with a whole heap of stuff (ideals, beliefs and images etc.) that is not true to the love that we are.

  63. I totally agree Fiona, after creating complication for most of my life it has been refreshing to let go of this destructive pattern and to allow the space for simplicity to flow.

  64. I love coming back to your blog Fiona as it is such a simple, succinct and true reminder to keep life and living simple, in a complex pressured world.

  65. When someone offers such wisdom – true wisdom due to the fact that it is actually lived – we are blessed (if we so choose) with the deepest inspiration possible. Simplicity is something I am yet to bring to every quarter of my life, but the process of restoring its grace has already changed my life enormously.
    We are the makers of our own complication, and it is great mastery to actually undo and unravel all of that which has held us back from living in the true light of simplicity – thus allowing our light to shine in all of its magnificent capacity.

  66. “Worry mode” is definitely complication, I wonder if simplicity is actually a quality that leads to a way of doing things, rather than just a way of doing things. If I ask myself how can I make today as simple as possible, first I choose the quality I want my day to be in, then everything else becomes a natural part of the rhythm of the day.

  67. Its true isn’t it! Our bodies really love the simplicity… Our minds love the complexity… And we know what truly serves us… The answer is all around us

  68. At the end of each day at work I write a list of to dos and share it out during the week. I’ve learnt to not be attached to doing things as they are written because things come up and I’ve let go of putting strict times allocations as this stressed me out if I didn’t keep to them or saw they took so much time. But it helps me know that what needs to be done is there and not floating around in my head to possibly get forgotten.

    I’ve also noticed how I can complicate things by doing 4 things at once so now it’s no, not now, that email can be put to one side while I finish this write up or whatever. This one job gets completed and onto the next one, not 4 things half done and more things coming which my body immediately reacts to and stresses.It’s a work in progress but worth choosing simplicity.

  69. ‘I’ve found that taking a moment to re-assess how I can fulfill what’s truly needed in the simplest way possible can open up avenues that I hadn’t previously seen and change the quality in the way I get things done.’ I’m so going to be putting this into far more focused practice in life. The world thrives on the drama of complication. I could ask myself what purpose does complication serve? why is it that I create complication where there needn’t be any? This includes any reactions – especially reacting to other’s complications. Complications distract me from the fact that I’ve created my hurts and I don’t want to take responsibility for this or the harm I’ve caused. Complications show my individualism – ‘hey look at me and how much mess I can create!’ Complications can be used to prove life is a mess and God isn’t powerful and doesn’t love me – but this is rubbish. God observes all my goings on knowing what is created will only create suffering and at some point I will accept this and choose to return to love.

  70. Life is simple – we make it difficult and complex by choosing struggle, creating problems and choosing not to be who we truly are.

  71. A beautiful and simple blog, bringing a great reminder that to simplify and live life from simplicity is far preferable to the stress caused living with complexity. Thank you Fiona.

  72. Simplicity feels true. Every time when I feel there is a challenge, I would first stop whatever thoughts and actions I am in, gently sit myself down, be aware of my breathing and my feelings, make choices to even care for myself more and then just allow myself to move with all of this.

  73. Simplicity does create space…that I can attest to. Sometimes though, like in this very moment…I’m doing so much rushing that I then become a magnet for complication. It’s frustrating knowing this…and then continuing with the rushing anyway. Boy, sometimes we are weird, aren’t we!

  74. Simplicity allows for space to be, and in that unnecessary complication naturally unravels. There is an endless depth within space, a fullness that we can connect to and access all that is within.

  75. It is often simplicity that brings us back, back to us, what we first felt and or what we know is true. Often when we come back to simplicity we can feel that: life is so simple, maybe too simple? There is something about complication that we like, something that drives us than forth.. something that catches us and makes us look hard working and individual. Hence, when we come back to simplicity we often feel more One again, more at true ease with the whole and so less individual.. Things automatically go smoother.. But do we like that, or have we conformed to a norm where struggle is championend. We know, we know well, it is a matter of coming back to our simple normal – our Wholeness.

  76. It we want to remember what simplicity feels like in the body we only need to observe a child. Life is a joy and flows with ease and delight when we keep things simple. When we let the mind run amok life becomes complicated.

  77. We are multidimensional beings with access to a far greater intelligence than our human mind can fathom. Yet here we are, down here on Earth, moving is a way that ensures that we cannot access such wisdom even though it lives deep within us all, no exceptions. Reduced to this lesser intelligence that we champion as superior over all other life forms here, we parade about as if the mess we have created on this planet is something to be proud about. We as a humanity have brought upon ourselves unfathomable degrees of abuse, misery, indulgence and general recklessness.

    Here in the 21st century we are fatter, thinner, sicker, more miserable, greedier and more grief stricken than ever before yet still we keep choosing the mess and all the complication and confusion that it comes with when all the while there lives within us a living truth that speaks to us of our origins, our God and of the Universe in which we are held. This truth is in essence very simple to live but first we have to be willing to let go of all we have called into place to not live such majesty through our physical form.

    1. Simplicity = returning to and living who we truly are as amazing, divine beings.

  78. I agree and like to add from my point of view: simplicity brings so much enjoyable space into life. Space in which I can be more easily aware of my glory and sacredness.

  79. Living simpler and wise takes constant moments of appreciation for what we already have and how to develop that quality in our lives.

  80. Keeping it simple and allowing the space to be with choices and what is to be done is very loving and feels naturally inclusive of all.

  81. Yep, I like to keep things simple, then what happens is everything seems to flow, and what needs done gets done….. with no trying or pushing or with no drive. Now that is what I all simple living and being in the flow of life.

  82. I find that when I connected to my body, I feel a flow and everything around feels simpler, there is a gentle flow. When I am caught in my head, complicity kicks in, everything feels a chore, there is no flow more like obstacles in the way.

  83. To live simply requires a different rhythm, it requires a steadiness in yourself to observe life and not be drawn into the momentum of it but to find your own rhythm and then participate in life in full holding your rhythm.

  84. Perhaps the ultimate form of simplicity is to be present with your body, free from the distraction of crazy thoughts or fear or hestitation, just knowing and deeply enjoying the movements and actions that you make. What I have found is then, life’s events tend to get simple too. A stark contrast with the way of ‘thinking hard’ to solve the day’s dilemmas. Thank you Fiona, for this fittingly simple tribute to this way of living.

  85. It’s amazing how much we can indulge in complication and deny ourselves the space that simplicity offers us. When we choose the latter, there is just no comparison.

  86. We have a tendency as a society to complicate things, we like to worry and think things over and over of what can go wrong in different circumstances and this is the trap, as living this way keeps us away and disconnected from the simplicity of what life truly is and all that is needed is for us to take responsibility to reconnect to the quality within us and build a solid relationship with it through our movements. It is only then that we will get to experience that living connected to our hearts voids any complexity and creates spaciousness and a settlement in our body making simplicity a normal way of living.

  87. And what a gorgeous focus to have. I have discovered when simplicity is at hand so too is our love, through which our wisdom is known and we are effortlessly moved by the impulses of our Soul.

  88. Keep Things Simple – a great motto to start the day with thank you, there’s definitely an art both to complexity and simplicity and the two leave you feeling very different at the end of the day. I like your link between simplicity and spaciousness, the more simple the day is the more space there is in it, and the more you can actually get done.

  89. Thank you Fiona. There is no doubt about it simplicity allows space and the more space, the more clarity.

  90. Your blog is to the point and shows how simple it can be to live our lives without the complexity our mind wants us to live with which causes the stress and anxiousness. Making things and life simple is our natural way of being.

  91. It is funny how we often acquaint simplicity with ‘not having much to do’ when really it is the art of doing many things but without the stress and overwhelm that normally accompanies them. Complication is the tool we use to offset the natural wisdom we are otherwise filled with when we approach life through our hearts and not just with our heads.

  92. I know I was very invested in complication as I used solving complicated matters to get acceptance and recognition. The more I bring love into my life and deeply accept and care for myself, consequently my need for outside recognition is reducing and the more I keep things really simple and am surprised how easy life can be.

  93. When I look for simplicity in my life, I need to be honest with myself, and others. I love how you have nominated worrying as a ‘mode’ – that is so true, we can pretend as if we are a victim of a situation, but really, it is a choice.

  94. Your blog is a perfect example of simplicity Fiona – it clearly shows that you ‘practise what you preach’.

  95. I love simplicity it gives me a feeling of openness and easefullness with more clarity, where as complication does my head in with anxiety and the trying to get it right.

  96. The word simplicity to me brings a sense of 360 degree awareness of the All, rather than the complications that occur in the separation of only looking at self

  97. I love simplicity. Simplicity brings spaciousness and rhythm and allows me to settle deep within me.

  98. Simplicity is a joyful expansion of our soul’s natural living way. Awesome thanks Fiona.

  99. There is no question Fiona that simplicity brings with it a lightness and joy into life. Enter complication, and these essential ingredients for life evaporate faster than we can blink.

  100. what an awesome and simple blog. yes it is so helpful to stop for a moment when we get into worrying mode – when there is a lot on our plate. Simplicity helps us to remember that we are amazing and what we do can have our qualities , creating a feeling of space in what we do.

  101. I love simplicity, it allows a flow in time and space with an ease fullness in life. Complication on the other hand creates drama anxiety and anxiousness.

  102. For me everything makes sense when bringing simplicity to it… what is needed next is so clear and what needs to be let go of is obvious.

  103. Today I felt just how simple life truly can be. I feel that to keep things simple the most needed quality is that of presence and trust. Being present and responding in every moment and trusting myself in the response.

  104. I know when I start to feel overwhelm that I am making things complicated. Coming back to my body – which I have left by that point – helps hugely. I like the mnemonic KISS – keep it simple sweetheart.

  105. I know when things feel simple I am in connection with inner self, when complexity creeps in thats a warning that I have lost connection. When everything is simple there is a beautiful flow and space expands.

  106. Keep it simple is a golden rule for me. It creates a space and a flow and order.

  107. If life does not feel simple and flow, then the first thing I know immediately is that I have lost a connection to my innermost self… it’s that simple!

  108. Simplicity does allow for more space, and that is a quality that is very much needed in the rather complex world we live in. The body loves simplicity.

  109. When we keep things simple we are able to be aware of so much more without getting caught up in the busyness of the doing.

  110. Such a great early morning reminder to keep things simple. I find that when life is simple and there is an order to it and when you remove all the complications and clutter it’s like you can see the whole universe and when there are no complications to hide it, suddenly you can see the whole bigger picture.

  111. I love this simple blog Fiona. Complication versus simplicity, give me simplicity every time. I also sometimes find it very beneficial to make myself a list as long as I don’t let it rule me.

  112. Simplicity is our greatest weapon against complexity. It creates a wonderful sense of spaciousness just by being in it. That’s why it’s the thing to go to when we need an answer to a problem. Spaciousness in simplicity – nothing quite like it.

  113. Thank you Fiona for a simply beautiful blog, when I feel the word simplicity my whole body gives a sigh of relief, a letting go, away from the anxiety of trying to get it right.

  114. Such a beautifully simple, yet powerful poignant, message Fiona; I appreciate the reminder, thank you.

  115. Complication and overwhelm are two of life’s biggest energy depleters, so the idea of making things simple is entirely sensible when we acknowledge that nervous exhaustion has reached epidemic proportions in the world. Simple is also quite tough to master, because it doesn’t work well with anxiety and tends to get engulfed by it. So, crucial for me is to remain in the moment and not look so far ahead that I feel I have Everest to climb before bed. If I remain focused on that moment, what I’ve planned to do, then I do it fully, to my best, rather than expending energy on what could be, might be, ought to be and why can’t it be.

  116. Let’s keep it simple… The mind loves complexity… The body and the heart love simplicity, and it is the simple connection that opens up the inner wisdom and truth that truly sustains us.

  117. I really appreciate what you have shared Fiona and can easily relate to your story. I have found it useful to remind myself that if I am really grappling with a problem then it means that I have already allowed in complication and so I need to pause and return to simplicity and work from there. It makes a huge difference to the outcome.

  118. It is like there’s never a moment we cannot bring simplicity to. Thank you Fiona for this elegant reminder that no matter the trouble or difficulty we face simplicity always brings space and ease.

    1. Definitely true Joseph. The reality is that sometimes we like to add the drama of ‘complication’ into situations but that says more about where we are at than it does about the complexity of the actual situation at hand.

  119. The simplicity of the size and spaciousness of your blog says it all, just as much as your words. Thank you for this Fiona.

  120. I think there is an intelligence in simplicity, I’m pretty sure thats how the Soul likes things.

  121. Simplicity has a true power to it. It disentangles,clears, clarifies and expands. Living in a way that embraces simplicity brings a steadiness and strength of foundation that supports you when one of life’s knocks comes your way. It’s like a low level, gentle vibration rather than loud, beat-ridden music. You can hear yourself think and feel yourself breathe. Yes, our bodies as well as our minds love simplicity. So it’s a win:win all round.

  122. Reading this blog again Fiona I love being reminded that we have the power to chose simplicity each and every day.

  123. I loved reading this blog again, thank you Fiona, even saying the word simple or simplicity gives me a feeling of letting go, no more trying, just simply be.

  124. Wisely said Fiona.
    If it’s not simple it’s not worth doing.
    However if it’s difficulty it doesn’t determine whether it is worth doing or not.

    We have seemed to have interlaced complexcity with difficulty, however true in many cases, they should not carry the same meaning.

  125. Such a beautiful reminder to K.I.S; thank you Fiona.
    I love what you have so simply yet powerfully and wisely expressed here ;
    “Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect with and support the people around me. It’s also a much more enjoyable way to be with myself whilst I go about my day”

  126. Thank you Fiona for your beautifully expressed blog which reflects your dedication to simplicity. In the past I have hidden in complication but thanks to the inspiration of the practicality that Serge so lovingly shares I am finding the joy in keeping things simple which has transformed the quality of my life.

  127. ‘Simplicity’ can’t be over rated in my books. The less I get caught in emotional dramas, the greater the simplicity in my life and the more life flows relatively effortlessly.

  128. Complication is frown/wrinkle inducing – Simplicity is a joy and an inner smile.

  129. Fiona thank you, I reread your article today, and it makes so much more sense to keep things simple, when I do it stops me from becoming overwhelmed.

  130. “Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space”. Love how simple you put this Fiona, and it’s so true. And the space then offers more clarity, it’s more energising and less stressful.

    1. I totally agree Elizabeth – “And the space then offers more clarity, it’s more energising and less stressful.” And also in that sense of greater space I actually feel more truly connected with everyone.

  131. Simply great. I know choosing simplicity certainly makes things a lot more awesome and fun. “I’ve found that taking a moment to re-assess how I can fulfill what’s truly needed in the simplest way possible can open up avenues that I hadn’t previously seen and change the quality in the way I get things done” When I choose the simple way to do something, there is no argument in me, it is about doing it in the simple way and having fun a long the way.

    1. Love this Harry – It is much more fun and joyful to keep things ‘simple’. While working there is a lightness about the jobs at hand and as you share the ‘quality’ of the end result changes.

  132. When keeping things simple, there is a flow and an ease with the jobs at hand, energy levels keep at a constant to maintain that flow. Where as in complication thoughts become (frazzled) complex, my body becomes heavier and there is no movement forward and the job list just keeps piling up then so does the stress of it all. I so enjoyed the simplicity of your sharing Fiona and a great reminder to take a moment to reassess what is presented to us in our every day. Thank you.

  133. Thanks Fiona, being present with doing what you are doing at the time brings greats simplicity of me and offers one way to hold a lovely rhythm to the day.

  134. Great simple blog on simplicity, it is such an important thing in my life, to keep it simple and don’t complicate for the sake of it, because that actually never really improves the quality of what I am doing.

  135. It is really essential for me to remember what you say. Making things simple. When I let the excesses of life get at me I am at risk of feeling overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once, I can then stop and breathe and as you say, choose which things I can leave for tomorrow and prioritize.

  136. Great sharing on simplicity Fiona. I am finding keeping everything simple is of great support. I used to really complicate things and end up being stressed and exhausted. But as I have started to work on making things simpler, there is a natural flow. When I feel any stress coming up, that’s a sign that I have brought in some complexity so I refocus on simplicity.

  137. Great article Fiona, it is interesting how we are able to make simplicity complicated when all we really need to do is keep it simple.

  138. Our natural way of being is simple – living from our hearts. When we live from the influence of our mind only, things start to get tangled in complication. I’m finding that uniting my mind and body in what I am doing at any time is allowing the language of simplicity to run through my body again. It’s about being moment to moment – living away from ourselves and constantly thinking about what we need to do etc creates the unnecessary complexities.

    1. Absolutely Rachael, the exquisite beauty that can be found in the simplest of movements and tasks when our mind and body are aligned in the moment is nothing short of astounding. Even more so is the feeling that space has been expanded very specifically to allow for the magnification of the simplicity. In the complication created by a mind running ahead of itself we are lost, precious moments are lost and spaciousness is squeezed out by a future that hasn’t happened. A simple life is a simple choice.

    2. Absolutely Rachael! “is allowing the language of simplicity to run through my body again” this is Gold! I too have felt that it is a language or form of communication that is running through my body. The flow of simplicity running through ones body is a basis for expressing lovingly in the world, whether that be doing a job or any activity.

  139. The opposite to simplicity is complication – and complication not only creates a mess, it can drive you nuts!

  140. Its been so simple set speak to build complexity in our lives into complicated even the most simplest of of relationships until it feels like we are seeking in the middle of a web woven by a demented spider. And then to start to understand about simplicity, and start to feel those strands struck off us, is an extraordinary relief, and the beauty of simplicity really starts to be apparent and welcome.

  141. I agree Marcia, the word simplicity re-minds me and brings me into the awareness of, the moment, my body and what is actually at hand rather than, the perceived tension and complexity of a future that doesn’t exist. Its like opening a window and letting in the fresh air and sunshine.

    1. Simplicity does indeed literally ‘re-mind’ us and is ‘like opening a window and letting in the fresh air and sunshine’ – this is an awesome revelation for me Barbara – love it!

  142. Such a lovely reminder for me to keep things ‘simple’ and to not allow ‘perfection’ to take over. Which is a great signal for me to take a ‘stop moment’ and to be honest with how easily I’ve slipped into a familiar old pattern of pushing myself too hard. Simplicity does seem to bring an openness and more space into my day and keep complication at bay. A great sharing Fiona thank you.

    1. Well said Marion for ‘perfection’ is always an insatiable yet impossible feat that never allows us to feel complete and enough just as we are, imperfections and all.

  143. Just the word simplicity gives my body permission to expand and to be at ease within myself.

  144. Choosing simplicity over complexity has been a gradual process for me, but a most enjoyable one that I will continue to unfold. I will allow unnecessary obstacles that I place in my way to simply fall away.

  145. Leonardo da Vinci wrote ‘simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’. I must say its certainly not something I have mastered as I have a habit of making things more complicated than they need to be. It actually requires effort and intention – to keep choosing the simple way forward (no matter how attractive the complicated one may look!), and again, and again. I’m working on it at the moment and slowly but surely tidying up all those loose ends that can become a complicated knot if I’m not careful.

    1. A great quote by a very great man.
      I agree simonwilliams8 – having not mastered simplicity I can still get caught in complication with problem solving or resisting the natural flow of what is on offer. I feel complication blocks this universal flow as we let the self get carried away with ideals of the future. It’s really about bringing myself back to the body with simple moves and awarenesses – feeling my feet on the ground and the breath through my nose.

    2. True Simon sometimes you have to complete the messy complicated things to get back to the simplicity you need.

  146. Your words remind me Fiona, that simplicity is always there in my life. All I have to do is choose it too. The beautiful thing is there seems to be no end to how simple life can be.

  147. Thank you Fiona this is a gift you reflect and bring everyday – simplicity – and it is lovely to read your expression of simplicity in such a simple way! 🙂

  148. When I bring in complications I am not accepting myself and not accepting my life can be simple. As you say Fiona. ‘Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect with and support the people around me. It’s also a much more enjoyable way to be with myself whilst I go about my day!’ Is it allowed to enjoy myself every single day? I know it is but the worrying is easy to find. I know it has all to do with me making the choice to keep it simple, to choose the quality I want to live in.

  149. Simplicity is what makes life flow. So many of the systems and processes in the world and that we take into our homes are complex – unnecessarily so. Complexity is active on such a large scale throughout the world that when we are presented with simplicity, we are often unable to accept it.

    1. I can feel the truth in what you have presented here, Kate. Complication seems to be inherent in our society and we easily accept this as being normal even though it is not supporting us in how we are living. It does not need to be this way and when we choose simplicity life flows.

  150. Hi Fiona I love this approach you share. I am more and more finding the value in keeping things simple, and I am very much appreciating this method. Not being perfect is a huge factor of this and allows me to let go of a lot of control I previously brought into the situation. I find that as I keep each little task simple, it adds up to a much clearer picture overall.

    1. For sure I can relate to how being attached to an image of how I think things should be or striving for perfection always makes things complicated. And I love how you said that looking after the seemingly small tasks adds up to a greater clarity overall.

  151. I loved the simplicity in your blog Fiona, simplicity has a beautiful easefullness to it, and a joy in doing.

  152. I used to complicate my life most of the time making my days stressful and exhausting. These days as I commit more to life, simplicity is becoming part of it and I am loving it… I am always looking to how I can make things more simple especially within the home.

  153. Great article thank you Fiona. My question is why is simplicity so difficult? Its like we, as humans love to complicate things and then having to deal with the impacts of this added drama and stress later on?

  154. ‘Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect with and support the people around me. It’s also a much more enjoyable way to be with myself whilst I go about my day!’
    Simply Divine Fiona. Thank YOU. 🙂

  155. Whenever complication comes at me – I am learning not to go into reaction but have those stop moments and really feel into what my next ‘movement’ is to be. Absolutely ‘keeping it simple’ great words of wisdom. A great sharing Fiona thank you.

  156. Thanks Fiona for your blog. I have heard of the saying ‘keep it simple’ and it is so true. The depth of it’s meaning never became clear until Serge Benhayon talked about how we complicate our lives. We can choose how we want to live and the quality we live in. It’s simple really 🙂

  157. Totally agree with you Fiona. After recognising a few years ago that I have lived most of my life in a state of anxiousness, I started to see the benefit of stepping back, taking a breath and looking at how I can simply everyday tasks without getting overwhelmed and running around like a headless chook. It’s an easy momentum to get sucked into, and I catch myself often. But over time, my awareness has become greater and I can no longer stand the ‘rushing’ feeling and so I’m much better these days at organising myself, writing lists and allowing more time to get what needs to be done done. The most surprising thing I have found, is that when I am not attached to getting every single thing on the list done, all of a sudden there is more room, more time, because my energy is not being wasted on worry and stress, which sucks more time that you can imagine.

  158. Keeping it simple, makes so much sense. I am a person who is logical and if conversations, jobs, and tasks start to get complicated, I have to bring it back to simplicity. It helps me re-align and get flow. I say this saying “keep it simple” often to my husband and colleagues at work.

  159. I have been a queen of complication Fiona, so reading this blog supports me to understand the power of bringing simplicity into our lives. Thank you.

  160. Fiona I love simplicity too because it makes life easier. For me simplicity gave me more time – if things are complicate they always need a lot of time. Isn’t it funny that most of the time life seems to be complicate – why is this so???? Perhaps we are simply used to all these complications – so thank you for reminding us that simplicity is valuable.

  161. So true Fiona, about how simplicity opens up more space in the day – what a great reminder to look at what complications have snuck in when the day starts feeling crowded and difficult.

  162. I have always wanted the simple life, but would wonder “how do you do it without isolating yourself from what can be a very complex world?” I am astounded at what is possible and where I am at in my life … It really is possible to walk through the masses and the complex layers of stuff and bring simplicity in every moment … Thanks Serge Benhayon for being a living example of this way of being and the inspiration you have brought to many who now know they can live this way (without perfection) also. It is a joy to feel the equality … I am that I am.

  163. Thank you Fiona for sharing your wisdom through your lived experience of the graceful flow that comes with simplicity when we choose to stop and connect to our inner-heart. Where we allow ourselves to have the space to feel what is truly needed.

  164. “One of the main focuses in my life is simplicity, whilst still being fully engaged and active in the world”
    Simplicity is such a blessing and I am committed to making it the focus of my life also Fiona. thank you.

  165. I loved what you have shared here Fiona, especially this line –
    “Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect with and support the people around me. It’s also a much more enjoyable way to be with myself whilst I go about my day!” – what a great reminder, thank you.

  166. I love simplicity yet it’s one of the hardest things to apply, at least for me. I’m yet to discover the secrets to simplicity, even though I’m making progress. I have a clue where to go from here but I have to implement it in my life first, then I’ll get back to you on how it all went.

  167. I love the simplicity of this blog and also the Wisdom that Fiona shares with us on the art of keeping things simple.

    1. I too love the simplicity with which this blog is written and I can also relate to Fiona in making a shopping list as it supports me to not go into the anxiousness and then further complicate things.

  168. Thanks Fiona for your sharing. Its a great reminder that when we keep things simple and uncomplicated, there seems to be an expansion with more space to do things and connect with those around us.

  169. Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect with and support the people around me. It’s also a much more enjoyable way to be with myself whilst I go about my day!

    1. I could not agree more Anne, it is amazing how much things get in the way of my relationships with other people when I let things get complicated. I find everything takes longer and I tend to get quite frustrated!!

  170. With it being so easy to get lost in complication, this is a beautiful reminder of the power of simplicity, simply said. Thank you.

    1. Agree Samantha, yet sometimes when I try to bring simplicity my mind goes bonkers. Breathing works pretty well then and I cannot help promoting the Gentle Breath Meditations which are an awesome support.

  171. Beautiful and simple and love what you say here “It wasn’t a theory that Serge shared with me, but his way of living as a true inspiration.” Very true – thank you Fiona.

  172. Living with simplicity is such a beautiful way to live. I am also adding all the things I need to do in my calendar so I am constantly thinking of EVERYTHING I need to do in one day but bringing my full attention to the project I am working on the time I have allocated. It feels awesome and I have a realistic idea of how long everything will take, hence how much of the day is taken up by it, instead of getting to the end of the day disappointed that all I needed to do took so much longer then I desired.

  173. Thank you Fiona for sharing your wisdom on simplicity. I used to love complexity and complication. I used to reject people because were simple. I smelled trouble and went for it. It had to be challenging. Otherwise, it just was not it. Because I deeply know this, I have moved away from it (to a really great extent). What I have discovered in the way is how natural is to keep it simple and how spacious it is.

  174. I love simplicity: by being connected to my inner heart I have noticed that things are becoming more simple. Things that would once upon a time have stressed me to the max are not affecting me any more. Instead, as things arise I feel them coming and I can feel how to proceed through them. Of course I still drop the ball sometimes, and I am no longer striving to do things perfectly. Instead my focus is the simplicity of loving myself deeply, living this love, holding myself tenderly, and in so doing I find that I enjoy the tasks that I set out to do. This is a true miracle.

  175. I love your supportive, simplicity based approach to list making. Really gorgeous.

  176. Not letting the world rule me is super important to me. Everything should be done in a hurry and there is a demand to always be available. To set limits and really stop and feel into what is right in this moment is super important. I still struggle every now and then, but I get better in caring for me in the situations necessary.

    1. What I am still learning to live with is that small word ‘No’ which needs to be used from time to time to keep things simple, no matter how exciting, or enticing the extra thing, or the added complexity. As someone else observed – so often simple is easy…

      1. “That small word ‘No’ which needs to be used from time to time to keep things simple” – this is so true. Gosh, how many times I had to be inventive with excuses and justification to convince myself.

  177. Fiona thank you – I really understand about making things complicated -its so tiring and I used to feel that I had the world on my shoulders. My list is very short now – its to go for a walk. This simple act reconnects me then I can focus on the present and on my return I feel ready for what lies ahead.

  178. I used to live with complication everyday – since attending Universal Medicine presentations I have learnt as well to let go of complications and to simplify my life. “Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect with and support the people around me.” – Very true, thank you Fiona.

  179. I love the simplicity of what you present here Fiona, to ease the complications we bring to life by keeping it simple. I find the more I live in the moment, the more life just naturally flows and as you say the space opens up for more to be done without the complication and stress. It is lovely to feel the difference.

  180. Hi Fiona. You have explained here in an accessible way how it is possible to keep things simple and not get caught up in the complications of everyday situations we are faced with in life.

  181. Beautiful Fiona, ‘I’ve found that taking a moment to re-assess how I can fulfill what’s truly needed in the simplest way possible’. I love this, to keep things simple, it’s a brilliant reminder.

  182. Once I heard the term “easy is right” and somehow it felt ambiguous, as ‘easy’ can also mean to avoid doing things that need some effort or persistency. But changing it to “simple is right” is refreshing, light and joy-full.

  183. Thanks, Fiona, for this great piece on simplicity. I’m inspired to write lists to keep things simple.

    1. I love a good list too Natalie. Out of the head and onto the paper. Priorities are made and things don’t get complicated.
      I find that keeping things simple allows more space in the day.

  184. I worked with a great Chef once, who once said that the best food in the world is ‘simple and elegant’. This blog very much resonates with me, across the board, not just in the kitchen :).

  185. The power of stopping in that moment is truly underestimated. Stopping allows us to no longer be in the push or drive to achieve something. I have certainly found that taking those moments to stop has brought about a simplicity to my days. In that simplicity I am able to see clearer what is ahead of me without the complications.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with you Mick – taking a moment to stop and reconnect within is priceless. And Serge Benhayon has showed me how it doesn’t have to take a long time or be a big deal – no need to retreat to a cave or perform convoluted rituals!

  186. I recognise what you describe in the power of keeping life simple. I have been putting that into practice as well. The lovely thing is that as soon as I start feeling complication, I just stop. I ask myself, how can I make it simple again? I can feel my body relaxing just by that question and then answer pops up. So yes, let’s keep it simple.

  187. Thank you Fiona for the timely reminder to not make life complicated, for that just entertains my head and keeps it busy – and to keep everything simple which allows all of my body to feel unburdened and expanded.

  188. Just re-reading your blog Fiona reminds me to keep things simple and focus on what I am doing rather than trying to do everything at once. I find easily that I can go into overwhelm especially at work with everything which needs to be done. I have started to write lists of bits I need to do and then I can focus on each one of them at the time, they then get done and I do not have the stress that would have built up if I had not written the list. Amazingly by writing the list it is as if I am creating space for what needs to be done to be done – quite extraordinary when I see how much I can then do when the stress or anxiety is not present.

  189. Thank you for the reminder to keep things simple and that complication only brings stress and anxiety. For me to keep things simple, stopping does help as does feeling my body. My body feels what it feels and no more, whereas my head can come up with millions of topics all at once – not simple. This isn’t perfect but I know I can build on this as I have already started, and appreciating having started means I am less willing to slip back into the complication spiral and stay there.

  190. Bring on simplicity! I find that it is often me, or how I am looking at things that makes them seem hard, or overwhelming, and if I return to the same situation, or say work task, but in a different frame of mind, or more correctly put, state of being, it isn’t in fact so hard or complex , and I can move through it quite quickly.

    1. Yes indeed Catherine bring on simplicity!
      Thank you Fiona for presented simply yet so powerfully.

  191. Thank you Fiona, and I often feel inspired by the simplicity you bring. I know when I create and allow simplicity in my life there is a natural flow through the day and it changes my relationship with time as my relationship with myself feels more spacious.

  192. Simplicity for me brings clarity of thought. It brings me focus, which is what helps me to do what I’m doing quicker than if I’m thinking about what’s going on next week or yesterday at the same time. I get more done in a short amount of time when I make things simple, which is simply awesome 🙂

  193. Thank you, yes, a great reminder to keep it simple. Complication does not lead anywhere, but to delay. Simplicity can bring a lovely flow and rhythm to life which I am only just learning to fully appreciate.

    1. I can relate to that lovely feeling flow and rhythm that you say Samantha – it’s a great marker for me when I don’t feel this to be more aware of how I’m doing things.

  194. Love this part too Jane, and how powerful is the moment to re-asses a situation. We often just go and get things done, but when I take this moment to stop my decisions have more clarity and complicated things no longer feel complicated.

    1. I agree Priscilla how powerful a moment is, and can be when you reassess a situation. It takes the complication out of that moment and provides more opportunities and possibilities.

  195. Thank you for sharing so simply Fiona, as Leonardo da Vinci said ‘Simplicity is the the Ultimate Sophistication’. When I find I have too much to do I get overwhelmed but then when I simply focus on one thing at a time, I create space and then I can do whatever is needed without going into the anxiousness or panic I used to and still do when I forget this simple teaching.
    Serge Benhayon has been an inspiration on this subject for me too, I see a man living extremely dedicated to humanity, with people wanting his time from all angles and yet he does not get overwhelmed by it all. He simply stays fully present in each moment and gives his full attention and then moves to the next – Serge truly lives what he presents.

    1. Beautiful words James, thank you. I’ve noticed how sometimes simplicity can be looked down on or be dismissed as it is seen as not being ‘intelligent’ enough – like things need to always be a struggle.. Or from an attitude that it’s too good to be true!

      1. Its funny Fiona how sometimes at work when something is really simple, or easy and a manager comes along I have tried to make it look like I am extra busy doing something! The same happened when I was at school I would always find the quickest way to do something but then would have to try to make it look like I was finding it hard otherwise I felt others reacting to how easily I could do it. Instead of allowing them to feel wow maybe there is another way, we don’t have to be rushed or panicked! For me the attitude it’s ‘too good to be true’ has come in quite a lot, and it is something I am learning to accept – that life can be simple whilst living in a world full of struggle.

      2. Fiona and James, I loved reading your comments and I can so much relate to pretending somethings are more difficult than they actually are to avoid the simplicity of them, to dismiss the simplicity of them. I agree Fiona, it’s too good to be true but complication as you mentioned above, is not fun at all!

      3. That nails it for me – that we attach worth to the idea of struggle, while simplicity is easy and therefore, somehow, gets assessed as cheaper. Yet for me, simplicity is priceless… when I have it, and choose it, space opens up around me and I expand…

      4. Thank you Fiona and James for the reminder that ‘life can be simple whilst living in a world full of struggle’. I have certainly fallen into the trap of feeling I needed to appear to be struggling more than I was in order to avoid others’ reactions. As Simon says ‘simplicity is priceless’ and allows for expansion and in this there is no struggle.

  196. Beautiful Fiona, so true and as always comes with that gentle, solid loving energy so easily recognisable as you. Thank you for sharing your way and I love the last sentence – “It wasn’t a theory that Serge shared with me, but his way of living as a true inspiration” – an inspiration that has fired so many to bring simplicity into their lives too.

    1. Thank you Rowena. I agree Serge Benhayon has inspired many people to honour what they know in their hearts is true and that it can be practically lived.

  197. Lovely Fiona. I love your line “Simplicity allows me to open up and have more space to connect”… I know that as soon as I allow complications into my life, they become all-consuming and I no longer allow the space to see the bigger picture or allow others into my life as I try to fix, or solve the complication.

    1. I love what you’ve said about the bigger picture Alison, it reminds me of how we can get blinkered in a situation and overwhelmed by it and how different it can be when we open back up to feel the whole and be fully present with what we’re doing.

    2. I agree Alison, ‘as soon as I allow complications into my life they become all consuming and I no longer allow the space to see the bigger picture’.

  198. Fiona, I have also realised the joy of simplicity. When I let life get complicated I get myself into a spin and cannot see through a situation clearly, so I agree it is worth taking 5 minutes to reassess how to allow this simplicity to blossom in the situation.

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